Uploaded by Pavan Kovuri


1. **Tesla, Inc.**:
- Problem Solved: Tesla addressed the environmental impact of traditional combustion
engines by creating electric vehicles (EVs) that are both high-performing and eco-friendly.
They also lead the way in battery technology and energy storage solutions.
- Earnings: Tesla's market capitalization reached hundreds of billions of dollars, making it
one of the most valuable automakers in the world.
2. **Amazon**:
- Problem Solved: Amazon revolutionized the way people shop by providing a convenient,
one-stop online marketplace. They also solved the issue of efficient delivery with services
like Amazon Prime and logistics innovations.
- Earnings: Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce companies globally, with revenues in
the hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
3. **Google** (Alphabet Inc.):
- Problem Solved: Google transformed how people access information online by creating a
powerful search engine. This made it easier to find relevant information on the internet.
- Earnings: Alphabet, Google's parent company, has a market capitalization in the trillions
of dollars, with Google's advertising revenue being a significant portion of this.
4. **Airbnb**:
- Problem Solved: Airbnb disrupted the traditional hotel industry by creating a platform that
allowed individuals to rent out their properties to travelers, providing more accommodation
options and often at a lower cost than traditional hotels.
- Earnings: Airbnb is valued in the tens of billions of dollars and has become one of the
largest accommodation-sharing platforms worldwide.
5. **SpaceX**:
- Problem Solved: SpaceX addressed the high costs and inefficiencies of space
exploration by developing reusable rocket technology. This made space travel more
affordable and accessible, potentially opening up new opportunities for research, industry,
and colonization.
- Earnings: While private companies don't have the same public earnings reports, SpaceX
has secured contracts with NASA and other organizations worth billions of dollars
A great pulling example is Tesla Motors. In an earnings conference call, Elon Musk implied
that his advertising expenses (in 2015) would be none. And yet Tesla has sold billions’
worth in cars. How does that happen? The pull of a productocracy. If clients are
recommending and sharing your products on social media, congratulations, your product is
pulling. Which side of the fence your company sits on is determined by one thing only: the
market’s reaction to your product
Every 100 bad ideas, you have one good one. The key is getting everything out of your mind,
and writing everything down.