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Coca-Cola Financial Analysis Report

Financial Analysis of The Coca-Cola Company
Chua Yee Ken
Department of Business, Trine University
MGT 473: Capsim Business Simulation
Professor Randi Barr
September 2, 2023
The marshmallow challenge is a team-building and problem-solving activity that main
objective is to build the tallest structure using only spaghettis, tape, string and a marshmallow
which has to be placed on top of the structure. It only has 15 to 20 minutes to build the
structure. Behind the challenge is also a learning experience. It taught people how to work as
a team, think creatively and experiment the process during the challenge.
In the Tedtalk event where Mr Wujec presented a data where the results are surprising. It
reveals that kindergarten kids and CEOs with executive admins have a more success rate than
the others. In contrast, business school students have hard time to build the marshmallow
towers. This led to an issue that business students are used to competing with each other and
always wanting to find the right plan to execute it. They are so focused on a single plan and
not having diverse skills.
Kindergarten students has the surprising overall success compare to the others. Despite their
young age and lack of experience, they best other teams in every aspect. Excluding the
architect and engineers, they tend to outperform many other groups including MBA students.
It is because that kindergarten students have a unique set of skills to the challenge that set
them up for success. Firstly, kindergarten students are naïve is young which means they are
more likely to be approachable while working together in a team. They tend to have a
collaborative mindset in their early stage. Secondly, they have a lot of imaginative thoughts
which helps them to explore various ideas and solution. Thirdly, they accept trial and error
method for problem-solving. They are not discouraged by the failure instead they take
feedback as an opportunity and adjust their method during the challenge. Kindergarten
students as mentioned is naïve which also means they have low ego. They are more open to
contribute themselves into the project without personal success.
On the other hand, CEOs and executive admins also perform well in the marshmallow
challenge. Behind their performance, it can be explained by several factors. CEOs often bring
strong leadership skills to their team. They have clear vision and able to convey the vision
effectively. Moreover, they inspire their executive admins and guide them in the correct
directions. It shows that leadership is essential in guiding team towards the goal. Executive
admins are also important in the team. They are trained on how to organize and coordinate.
This shows that they are excel at managing resources and tasks. Therefore, in the
marshmallow challenge, the teams’ efforts are well-coordinated and the tasks are executed
efficiently. Each member in the CEOs and executive admins have their role assigned. They
have experience to work with others and become an effective communicator and adept at
adapting to challenges instantly. This required specialized skills and facilitation skills to
achieve success. The synergy between leadership, resources management, role clarity,
experience and adaptability are up to the mark. They show a balance of both taskwork and
teamwork to achieve success in the marshmallow challenge.
Business school students who have the worse outcome than other groups often find
themselves at a disadvantage. There are many factors behind on why they cannot compete
with other groups in the marshmallow challenge. Firstly, in a business school environment,
students are always competing with each other’s. While this environment can be healthy and
drive individuals to become better, it can also hinder collaboration. Therefore, in the
marshmallow challenge, they have difficulties to collaborate as they have a competitive and
ego mindset to a collaborative mindset. Secondly, business school education focuses more on
achievements and grades. It drives students to compete more with other students to achieve
more and for that reason, they lack the skill to work as a team. This focus on personal success
can lead students to prioritize their own ideas and contributions over the group’s overall
success. Third factor is that business students lack the skill of diverse. This limits their
options which leave an impact on problem-solving capabilities and creativity. Business
students may learn finance-related subjects such as finance, marketing and management.
They may not cover other skill sets that the marshmallow challenge needed. It requires the
skill of design creativity and problem-solving skills. This leads the business students struggle
to come up with innovative solutions. They may also stick to a singular plan and forced to
stuck onto that one plan.
Success in the marshmallow challenge depends on the combination of two important factors
which are taskwork and teamwork. These two elements work together and can bring a
positive influence to the overall performance of a team. Taskwork is refer to the specific
technical skills, knowledge and expertise that are directly related to the task. In the context of
the marshmallow challenge, it included engineering knowledge, creative problem-solving and
technical competence. Engineering knowledge helps in designing a structure that can support
the marshmallow’s weight using geometry pattern and understanding the principle of
structural stability. Next, being creative at problem solving helps the team to devise unique
and innovative ideas to build the tallest possible structure. Technical competence is one of the
important skills sets which help the team to execute the plan effectively such as cutting and
taping. Teamwork on the other hand, apply to how the team synchronizes their cooperation,
communicate and coordinate their effort well. In a team, leadership, communication
coordination and adaptability are the four elements crucial in a team. Leadership is important
for guiding the team and ensuring they steer in the right direction. Leader also can assign the
correct roles and track progression. Next, having a clear and open communication prevents
misunderstandings and confusion within the team. This will also boost morale in a team
without conflict arise. Then, coordinating tasks and responsibilities among the team ensures
that work is distributed fair and efficiently. It also helps minimize redundancy and maximizes
productivity. Lastly, being able to adapt to unpredictable events is essential. If a team can
adjust their plan when things are not approach correctly, they are more likely to succeed in
the future. Taskwork and teamwork is a symbiotic relationship where each component is vital
to the team’s overall success. Team member with specialized skills lay the foundation for
teamwork. They understand the capabilities of the group and enhance the team ‘ability to
collaborate smoothly. Conversely, teamwork serves as the glue that binds the taskwork
together. It helps individuals with each unique skills can work seamlessly towards a common
goal while maximize their utilization of their skills. In the marshmallow challenge, it shows
that by aligning taskwork and teamwork, a team can achieve much more success than those
who do not utilize both taskwork and teamwork efficiency.
Based on the results, I would suggest teams to consider several adjustments when starting an
exercise like the marshmallow challenge. First and foremost is to embrace a collaborative
mindset. Having a collaborative mindset within a team is important is the challenge requires
teamwork. It is important to focus more on group’s achievement rather than individual’s
achievement. Secondly, create a team with diverse skill sets and background is also relevant.
Diversity can create more creative and a broader range of perspectives to problem-solving
and innovation. Thirdly, is effective leadership. A leader is important in a team to guide them
in the correct direction. A leader with a vision can set a goal for team members to contribute
their values and maintain their focus on the common goal. Fourth is open communication. An
open communication team provide feedback to enhance problem-solving by sharing ideas,
listen to others’ opinions. Fifth is learn from failure. There is no shortcut to success. Which
means viewing failure and setbacks as a chance for learning and improvement. Analyse
mistakes and use these insights to improve the strategy. Sixth is clear goal. A clear goals help
focus and help teams to stay on the right track towards the shared goals. Lastly is practice
teamwork. By providing opportunities for team members to practice teamwork in various
context such as group assignments and team-building activities can help individuals develop
teamwork skills.
All in all, the marshmallow challenge provides valuable insights into teamwork and
collaboration. It highlights the importance of it which brings several benefits such as
teamwork skills and goal orientation. These valuable lessons prepare individuals for success
by equipping them with these skills which make them valuable assets for the future.
Furr, N. (2011, August 9). Why kindergartners make better entrepreneurs than mbas: And
how to fix it. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanfurr/2011/04/27/whykindergartners-make-better-entrepreneurs-than-mbas-and-how-to-fix-it
Whybrow, L. (2023, April 28). The marshmallow challenge: What we can learn from
kindergarten students about team collaboration. eLearning Industry.
Tanveer Naseer. (2023, April 14). What the Marshmallow Challenge can teach us about
fostering team success. https://tanveernaseer.com/5-lessons-on-fostering-team-success/
Risae. (2022, September 15). What we learned from the marshmallow challenge. ECHOtape.