Uploaded by Saboora Cheema

Environmental Pollution Worksheet

1. A substance that pollute something is called ________.
2. Smog is a mixture of ______ and _________.
3. Green house effect is the _________ rise in temperature of earth’s atmosphere.
4. Flights get delayed because of _______.
5. Everything that________ you forms your environment.
6. Smog causes major health problem including ______and _______.
7. The introduction of ________ substances into the environment due to ________ is called pollution.
8. The substances that pollute the environment are called _________.
9. Burning produces _________.
10. Human activities releases ________ into the air, making it harmful for living things.
11. The __________ pollutants can remain in the air for a long time.
12. The _______ and________ carry air pollutants far away from the source of the activity.
13. Fuels such as ______ and __________ are burned in the power stations to generate______.
14. The Earth is surrounded by _________.
15. Without the __________ the Earth would be too cold for lufe to exist ,it would be a solid ball of
_____ and ______.
16. ________and other gases in the atmosphere trap_____ keeping the warm.
17. Some sunlight that hits the Earth is ________
18. CO2 is a _______ gas.
19. When you breathe in air containing pollutants, harmful substances are taken into the bodies causing
_______or __________.
20. ____________is necesssary for the existence of all living organisms.
21. Around the world, people make upto ________billion metric tons of waste Every year.
22. Fuels burn to run_______.
23. The atmosphere is made up of a mixture of _____which trap some of the Sun’s ________.
24. Sometimes,everyday sewage and even _____ from cities are ______ into the sea.
25. Pollution of the ______ kills the _____and other animals.
26. Water pollution is unfit for _______ and _________.
27. Dumping of wastes causes________.
28. Some people leaves _______ on streets and beaches
29._________ is the acidic gas released from industries.
30. __________ materials are safe for environment.
31. __________ wastes can be recycled.
32. _________waste have ugly and ______ smell.
33. Non biodegradable wastes _______________breakdown by bacteria.
34. Non biodegradable have a _________ impact on the environment.
35. Water having ________ can be fatal.
36. Waste in water can harm _______ species.
37. Animals like cows,goats can get their head stuck in _________ while _________ the food.
38. Do not use _______ bags , use ____________ bags.
39. Buy _______ and _______ water bottles instead of _____.
40. Waste recycling is a process for converting _______ into ________.