Uploaded by Shahid Khan

CIVL2150 Project: AutoCAD House Plan

Project (Part A) Fall Term (Sep – Dec 2023)
Due: Friday, 10th of November 2023, at 23:59 pm
Weight in the course 20 %
This is NOT a group project and therefore must be completed by each student individually without
any help from anybody else, including the instructor and teaching assistants.
There will be a penalty of 10% for each day of late submissions.
Common Requirements
a) AutoCAD drawings must be drawn from scratch (unless otherwise specified: i.e. for furniture you
are allowed to import blocks from the internet)
b) If any information (including dimensions) are missing, make reasonable assumptions and note in
the report.
c) Appropriate applicate of what you have learned in CIVIL 2150 is important
i. Upload AutoCAD files to eClass
ii. Create pdf file for the project drawing with a title block, scale/s and other information indicated.
iii. In a short report (maximum 2 pages), list all AutoCAD commands you used. Write a brief
explanation of how and why you chose any features such as layers, hatches, etc. for your drawing.
Include any innovative and creative ways you have used what you have learned in CIVL 2150.
Submit this as a pdf file (upload to eClass). Finally include innovative shortcuts etc. you learned
by yourself during the course.
Approximate Evaluation Criteria
Presentation and accuracy
Appropriate use of what was learned in CIVL 2150, explanation of how and why
you chose certain AutoCAD features, justification of assumptions (if applicable)
Printout with a title block and scale(s)
Submission on time
40 %
30 %
20 %
10 %
Further clarifications or information, if any, will be provided in class and through eClass
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Project (Part A) Fall Term (Sep – Dec 2023)
PART A: A client has brought you a main floor house plan sketch (not drawn to scale) below and want
you to create a more accurate drawing as a first draft. Use two lines to indicate walls and thickness of
walls (i.e., use double lines without filling inside the lines).
a) Use AutoCAD to draw the plan using the commands learnt in CIVL 2150.
b) Assume outer walls to be 9” thick and interior walls to be 6”. Justify any change.
c) Choose different floor types for kitchen, bathroom, and porch.
d) When possible, choose windows listed below (you may have to scale to fit into walls)
e) Besides the populated rooms, populate at least the great room, and one bedroom with minimum
of beds, tables, chairs etc. (You are allowed to import blocks from the internet or draw your own).
f) Show all dimensions on the drawing using dimensions not just text (as shown in the given
drawing). Grades will be deducted for missing dimensions.
g) No dimensions need to be shown for the furniture. However, block sizes should be logical
h) Assuming pricing for furniture and using AutoCAD, create a Bill of Materials for furniture and
place it on the drawing as well as in the pdf file.
Unless otherwise stated, the dimensions given in the sketch are interior dimensions. You may use the
sketch to estimate unknown dimensions.
In the report, indicate the size of the doors, including closet doors.
Use following format for drawing windows. In the report, justify any other use. The windows should
look and fit in to the walls in the example below. Scale thickness if necessary to fit to the wall.
In your drawing, text may be written outside the house plan when appropriate.
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Project (Part A) Fall Term (Sep – Dec 2023)
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