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Floor Plan Basics: Walls, Doors, and Electrical Layouts

1. identify the different parts of the floor plan;
2. describe the different parts of a floor plan;
3. represent these parts by drawing the floor plan of your house; and
4. draw separately the CO and LO electrical floor plans of your house
Floor Plan
The roof and upper portion of the walls, from the topmost part of the
windows to everything above are typically omitted
Is the top view of any building or house as directly viewed from above or in an
orthographic drawing.
Electrical Floor Plan
working drawing
This is also known as the
because it is where the
electrical work details are laid so that the foreman, lead man, and electricians are
properly guided
adds horizontal stability to the whole structure
of the house.
• Are arguably the most important part of the floor plan
because they effectively determine the size and shape of
the house, how rooms are laid out, and where the wallmounted electrical fixtures are to be placed.
• It
•It is the Entry and Exit in which
direction they’ll move/swing and on
what side the handles will be installed that
will complement the location of the light
switch in most cases.