Assignment 1: ITEC 1620 Total Marks: 24 PART A 1. What is the value of the following Java expression? 8+3*2%1-4/6*8 a. 32 b. 0 c. 16 d. 8 Marks: 1 ANS: d. 8 2. Write a Java Program that asks for an integer N as input and prints the sum of first N numbers Marks: 4 DONE Explanation: Sum of first 6 numbers: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 3. What is the output of the following Java code fragment (given that other fragments of the code are correct and so the code will run successfully)? Sample Input Samput Output 6 21 10 55 int k = 832; int m = 832 / 10; k = k % 10; k = k % 1000; k = ++k; k = k++; System.out.println(m); System.out.println(k); Marks: 2 ANS: OUTPUT: System.out.println(m) : 83 System.out.println(k) : 4 4. There are two classes given below. Write down the output of the following when you run the driver class “”. Marks: 4 public class Assignment1 { public static void main(String [] args) { public class Employee { private String name; Employee emp1 = new Employee("Smith", 2600); Employee emp2 = new Employee(); System.out.println("Salary of " + emp1.getName() + private double salary; " is: " + emp1.getSalary() + ".\n" + "Salary of " + emp2.getName() + " is: " + emp2.getSalary()); emp2.updateSalary(500); emp1 = emp2; emp1.updateSalary(100); System.out.println("Salary of " + emp1.getName() + " is: " + emp1.getSalary()); System.out.println("Salary of " + emp2.getName() + " is: " + (int) emp2.getSalary()); } } public Employee(String n, double s) { name=n; salary=s; } public Employee() { name="Alex"; salary=3500; public String getName(){ return name; public double getSalary(){ return salary; } public void updateSalary(double increase){ salary = salary + increase; }} } } ANS: The output of your code is: Salary of Smith is: 2600.0. Salary of Alex is: 3500.0 Salary of Alex is: 4100.0 Salary of Alex is: 4100 PART B 5. There are some strings given: String s1 = "asd", s2 = "Zx", s3 = "ASD", s4 = "efg"; Now write down which of the following statements return positive, negative, or 0. a) s1.compareTo(s2); b) s3.compareTo(s2); c) s3.compareTo(s1.toUpperCase()); d) s1.compareTo(s3.toLowerCase()); ANS: a) positive b) negative c) 0 d) 0 Marks: 2 Answer only Positive, Negative, or 0 for each of the above questions. As an example, for the following statement: s1.compareTo(s4), the answer will be Negative. 6. What is the output of the following Java code fragment (given that other fragments of the code are correct and so the code will run successfully)? int k = 832; int m = 832 / 10; k = k % 10; k = k % 1000; k = ++k; k = k++; k = k - 11; System.out.println(Math.pow(k, 2)); System.out.println(Math.abs(k)); Marks 2 ANS: System.out.println(Math.pow(k, 2)):49 System.out.println(Math.abs(k)):7 7. Write a complete Java Program that will ask for an integer type input and print whether the given input value is a leap year or not (Solve it using If-Else / If-Else If statements) Marks: 5 Sample Input Samput Output 2012 Leap Year 2014 Not a Leap Year DONE 8. Write a complete Java Program that will ask for a character as input and print whether the given character is an uppercase letter or a lowercase letter (Solve it using If-Else / If-Else If statements) Marks: 4 Sample Input Samput Output a lowercase D uppercase DONE