Math Game Grading Rubric

Math Game / Board Game
Some Notes:
Be as creative as possible. You may take inspiration from a current type of game but do not
copy. Your board game must include materials, a rule/direction card, and a box/type of
packaging. It must be based on one of the lessons will learned in math.
The final total grade will be based out of 20, which will then be converted to a grade out of 100.
A lot of thought into
making the game
interesting and fun to
play as shown by
creative questions,
game pieces and/or
game board.
Attractiveness Contrasting colors and
at least 3 original
graphics were used to
give the cards and game
board visual appeal.A
box/type of packaging
was also created.
Rules were written
clearly enough that all
could easily participate.
Typed and edited for
Accuracy of
All mathematics made
for the game are correct
and is based on the unit
Planning &
Some thought was put
into making the game
interesting and fun to
play but some
components are
Student tried to make
Little thought was put
the game interesting and into making the game
fun, but some of the
interesting or fun.
things made it harder to
understand/enjoy the
Contrasting colors and
at least 1 original
graphic were used to
give the cards and
game board visual
appeal. A box or type
of package was
Contrasting colors and
"borrowed" graphics
were used to give the
cards and game board
visual appeal. No
box/packaging was
Little or no color or
fewer than 3 graphics
were included.
No box/packaging was
Rules were written, but Rules were written, but The rules were not
one part of the game people had some
needed slightly more difficulty figuring out the
explanation. Typed,
game. Typed or
but some errors.
handwritten, but many
A few of the
mathematics made for
the game are not
correct but it is based
on the unit topic.
Many of the
mathematics made for
the game are not correct
and/or the mathematics
is not from the unit
Part 1 was handed in on Part 1 was handed in Part 1 was handed in on
time and included the on time and included time and included most
title, description,
the title, description, of the requirements.
directions, number of
directions, number of Most of those
players and age and
players and age and
components are also
materials. All of those materials. Most of
incorporated into the
components are also
those components are game.
incorporated into the
also incorporated into
the game.
Most of the
mathematics made for
the game are not
accurate and it is not
on the unit topic.
Part 1 was not
completed on time.
Part 1 did not include
the required
Some or all of the
required information
from Part 1 was not on
the board game.