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IGCSE Biology Class Test: Classification & Cell Biology

Unit 1 and 2 Biology IGCSE – class test(B)
Multiple choice questions (choose and circle A,B,C, D)
1The image below shows a house mouse, whose scientific name is Mus musculus. Which genus
does it belong to?
A. Mammal
B. musculus
C. Mus
D. Vertebrate
2 A yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), glucose and water are mixed in a test tube. The diagrams
show the test tube at the start and after one hour. Which process causes this change?
A. Reproduction
B. Respiration
C. Growth
3 The diagram shows part of a flowering plant.
Using the key, identify this plant.
1 three petals …………………………………… go to 2
more than three petals ………………………. go to 3
2 leaves longer than they are wide …………… A
leaves wider than they are long ..…………… B
3 leaves parallel-veined ……………………….. C
leaves not parallel-veined …………………… D
D. Sensitivity
4 The list below shows the binomial names for eight animals.
Canis lupus, Cygnus buccinator, Dasypus novemcinctus ,Dasyurus maculatus ,Equus
burchelli Eumetopias jubatus, Felis chaus ,Felis lybica
Which two animals are most closely related?
A. Dasypus novemcinctus & Dasyurus maculatus
B. Felis chaus & Felis lybica
C. Cygnus buccinator & Dasyurus maculatus
D. Equus burchelli & Eumetopias jubatus
5 Which type of living animal has a smooth, wet, skin?
A amphibian
B fish
C mammal
D reptile
6 Which of the four vertebrates in the table is a reptile?
7 Four different descriptions about plants are given below. Which statement would apply to a plant
that is a dicotyledon?
A. The veins in the leaf are reticulated(branched).
B. Each flower has six petals.
C. The flowers are all wind-pollinated.
D. The leaves have parallel veins.
8 Identify the arthropods shown using the key above.
9 The diagram shows some external features of a rat.
Which features, seen in the diagram, show that a rat is a mammal?
A tail and two eyes
B fur and whiskers
C tail and four legs
D milk and sweat production
10 The diagram shows four arthropods.
Which arthropod is an insect?
12 The diagram shows a high-power drawing of a plant cell.
The distance between X and Y on the diagram below is 80 mm.
The actual length of the cell between X and Y was 160 μm.
What is the magnification of the cell?
A ×50
B ×100
C ×500
D ×1000
Extended questions:
2. The animal in Fig. 2 is a chimpanzee.
Fig 2
(i) The chimpanzee is a vertebrate.
State the main group of vertebrates to which the chimpanzee belongs. (1)
(ii) State two features, visible in Fig. 1, which suggest that it belongs to this group of vertebrates.
(iii)The binomial system of naming species gives chimpanzees the name Pan troglodytes. Describe
what is meant by the binomial system of naming species. (1)
Total: 18