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Maritime Security Essay: US Navy & Trade Lanes

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A sea lane can be described as a shipping or maritime trade lane. They are routes which
the vessel uses when transporting bulky cargo. It facilitates international and regional trades.
Most of the world’s sea lanes are designed to exploit or take advantage of a prevailing wind in
order to decrease the time a vessel uses to transport goods. Upholding the United States maritime
security and providing safe trade highways can be achieved effectively through coordinated
efforts by different governments. It will include committing1 such resources as the navy. Also, it
can incorporate civilian agencies as well as multi-national organizations. Many people seem to
wonder whether there is any importance of having the navy control the sea and trade lanes.
The US navy must develop strategies and mechanisms to sustain credible sea and trade
lanes or routes. The navy has to be committed in providing security to seal lane of the Arabian
Gulf, western Pacific. It must do this by providing vital sea lines communication and commerce
lanes. However, much of the US navy activities have been influenced by the recent rise in
terrorism and piracy.in the course of providing maritime security, the navy also has to observe
independent international maritime environment. It should not disrupt other countries territorial
waters in any way.
The association between maritime commerce security and the navy is a historic bond.
Additionally, maintaining a maritime security by the navy while at the same time keeping sea
and trade lanes open can help mitigate other sea related crimes. Such crimes as terrorism and
weapon smuggling are countered by the navy.
A big percent of America’s trade moves by the sea keeping the sea and trade lanes safe is
vital to the United States prosperity. Therefore, the navy must keep these sea and trade lanes
open to allow a free flow of shipments across these highways and international sea lanes. Many
Fieldhouse, Richard W. 1989. Security at sea: naval forces and arms control. New York: Oxford
University Press.
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maritime security threats do not only pose a threat to the commerce industry. These issues are of
global concern. A maritime threat such as piracy is always interconnected. For example, the
weak governance of Somalia maritime environment has seen American citizens and cargo seized
by the pirates. Piracy also creates links to terrorism. Therefore, a situation similar to that in
Somalia is an indication of how maritime threat can be a global threat. Having a strong navy
control of the United States maritime, trade and sea lanes becomes crucial.
Concern over sea lane security has abated considerably since the end of the cold war.
Nevertheless, as a result of the globalization of the economy and the consistent dependency by a
larger number of states on overseas trade, the safety of the world maritime remains a critical
issue. 2However, the danger to marine chokepoints does not come from direct attack. It largely
comes from secondary threats such as collisions, regional instability, and piracy. These threats
may have significant impact on countries that border the oceans, and also to ocean trading
activities. The impact of maritime trade on the United States development cannot be
Even in the end of the 20th century, most of the countries and nations around the world
are still using the sea to transport bulky and heavy goods. Keeping the sea lanes and trade lanes
by the United States navy is, thus, a vital element in the success of sea trade. It is despite the
technological advancement that the world has witnessed. The security of maritime trade lanes
becomes an issue of concern to the world governments. It includes the nations that are served by
the sea, and those not being served. There is no country that can stand alone when it comes to
maritime security and keeping the sea or trade lanes opens. Therefore, it should 3be a shared
Fieldhouse, Richard W. 1989. Security at sea: naval forces and arms control. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Vignard, Kerstin, and Jane Linekar. 2010. Maritime security. Geneva: UNIDIR, United Nations
Institute for Disarmament Research.
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responsibility of all nations to provide maritime security. It becomes indispensable when such
trade and sea lanes fall under certain countries territorial waters.4
Most of the United States security and nationwide prosperity come from the free flow of
the maritime commerce. Therefore, protecting trade lanes and sea lanes for commerce purposes
becomes the chief role of the US navy. At the same time, to achieve all these, the navy needs to
expend all appropriate training, efforts, and resources. As long as a maritime nation carries on
trade within its borders exclusively, or if people did not go overseas for trading purposes, a navy,
in such a scenario, is not necessary. However, if a nation is not content enough to live within its
geographical boundaries, then maintaining its trade and sea lanes safe becomes paramount for
the navy.
Demand for international sea and trade lanes is increasing. Therefore, it is anticipated that
terrorism activities may also rise. Thus, it can be argued that increasing naval control to the
United States Sea and trade lanes also needs to be increased. It will provide safety to the United
States merchant ships, crew of these ships. Tightening the naval control will also be essential in
promoting the United States economic growth and security.
The U.S maritime realm has massive assets that enable secure transit of goods and
services across the world. Alike any other critical infrastructures and resources, the maritime
field can be exploited to disrupt economic stability of the world. The U.S Maritime Security
framework is essentially designed to prevent, deter and to respond to a wide range of threats and
exploitations in the world. The United States National Strategy for Maritime Security categorizes
maritime threats into national threats, piracy threat, illegal seaborne immigration, environmental
destruction and transnational criminal threat. It is evident that anyone wishing to threaten the
Hawkes, Kenneth Gale. 1989. Maritime security. Centreville, Md: Cornell Maritime Press.
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Maritime infrastructure can use explosive suicide boats to attack offshore oil platforms, or use
underwater explosive delivery vehicle to destroy a vessel or a port facility. It underscores the
need to develop and execute a layered security strategy to reduce all possible maritime threats.
Secure maritime is extremely essential to the USA and the whole world in general. The
maritime transportation system facilitates an approximately 90 per cent of the total USA
overseas trade. It consists of 2 billion tons and more than $850 billion of international and
domestic freights every year. Furthermore, the US maritime security serves as an essential
highway for the global deep sea trade highway that ensures that sea lane and trade lane is threatfree throughout the year. However, the maritime domain presents a distinctive security
challenges that include vast stretches of oceans and waterways, as well as countless potential
points of entry. 5It is crucial to point out that the Unites States has the world largest Exclusive
Economic Zone, and over 95,000 miles of coastlines. In addition, the US has approximately
10,000 miles of navigable waterway and more than 350 commercial ports, including eight of the
world largest ports by volume. It justifies the USA navy’s need to play in protection of the
maritime field, not only in the US, but also in the entire world.
The United States Navy is obliged to keep the maritime domain and the sea lane secure
throughout the world. 6It is due to its economic interests that are of immense significance and
which are spread throughout the globe. For instance, in 2009, offshore activities from different
parts of the world contributed to over $120 billion revenues and providing more than 3 million
jobs positions for the American economic prosperity. Any threat to the world maritime will
essentially impact the American economy due to its enormous economic influence over the
Fieldhouse, Richard W. 1989. Security at sea: naval forces and arms control. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Miller, Steven E., and Stephen Van Evera. 1988. Naval strategy and national security: an
International security reader. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
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world economy. The maritime security plays an essential role in ensuring that more than 141
million of the US residents who reside within 50 miles radius of the coast are protected.
The Arabian Gulf and horn of Africa is an essential trade line for the USA and the rest of
the world. This lane is usually used for oil transition, a commodity that attracts a lot of maritime
threats from pirates. 7The USA navy in coalition with the UK royal navy have to be involved in
protection of this maritime zone in Arabian trade and sea lines. Therefore, it is crucial to
guarantee supply of oil without break. Since most of oil comes from Middle East, it will be vital
for the US and the UK navy to ensure maritime security threat, especially to the oil field in the
countered area. The US and the UK navy need to step up efforts to combat maritime threats in
the region due to their massive influence in the region.
The maintenance of a safe and secure sea lanes, especially those that are linked to the
United States of America with its partner, in both Pacific and Indian ocean, need to be at the very
core of the US interests. 8The United States regarding the maritime strategy needs to establish
and sustain a credible power in Arabian Gulf, Indian Ocean, and in the western Pacific. It will be
an essential step in averting any attempt and threats that interrupt vital sea lines of commerce and
communication in those regions. The United States of America has to renew its commitment to
maintenance of maritime security in the area. It is because of the strategic capability and
imperatives of pirates and terrorist to disrupt the Indo-Pacific sea and trade lane. It is due to the
significance of the route to the global prosperity. For instance, more than 17 million barrels of oil
normally pass through the narrows between Arabian Peninsula and Iran. More than 4 million
barrels are transported through the same route to the Red Sea. In addition, approximately 500
ships transit through Hormuz, and three out of five ships are energy carriers.
Miller, Steven E., and Stephen Van Evera. 1988. Naval strategy and national security: an
International security reader. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Hawkes, Kenneth Gale. 1989. Maritime security. Centreville, Md: Cornell Maritime Press.
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Although the United State Navy has made significant adjustment and stride to its defense
position, deployment of more maritime security forces to the Indo-Pacific sea lanes is essential.
The US navy needs to strengthen its position in the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia.
Furthermore, the US has to recognize that the extensive environment of Indo-Pacific maritime
zone and heavy ship traffic in the lane presents a maritime security challenge. An obstacle will
prevent the USA and other countries from resourcing the security operations that are essential in
protection of the sea lane security.
It illustrates the need for the US to strengthen navy
cooperation with other maritime partners through expansion of trust building efforts and
strengthening of the partner’s capacity and interoperability through training, exercising, and
funding. Also, the US needs to strengthen maritime symposiums and area organizations in order
to establish maritime security architectures. It will ensure the security of Indo-Pacific sea and
trade lane.
United States is a global power in maritime security. Threat-free flow of commerce from
and within world trade and sea lanes are crucial to the wealth of the United States and the entire
world. Therefore, the US needs to establish a strong commitment to the promotion of safe and
secure sea and trade lane. Maritime posture strengthening needs to be enhanced through
deployment of more capable naval forces in Asian, African, and South-East trade and sea lanes.
Also, the US needs to recognize that no single country can provide effective maritime security
over vast sea waters. In addition, it is impractical and inefficient to rely only on the bilateral
relationship in maritime missions. Therefore, it will be vital to focus on cooperation building in
order to ensure the global maritime security.
Miller, Steven E., and Stephen Van Evera. 1988. Naval strategy and national security: an
International security reader. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Hawkes, Kenneth Gale. 1989. Maritime security. Centreville, Md: Cornell Maritime Press.
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Fieldhouse, Richard W. 1989. Security at sea: naval forces and arms control. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Hawkes, Kenneth Gale. 1989. Maritime security. Centreville, Md: Cornell Maritime Press.
Miller, Steven E., and Stephen Van Evera. 1988. Naval strategy and national security: an
International security reader. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Vignard, Kerstin, and Jane Linekar. 2010. Maritime security. Geneva: UNIDIR, United Nations
Institute for Disarmament Research.