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General Information about Israel

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General Information about Israel
Article in Israel Studies · May 2020
1 author:
Eren Seven
Yildiz Technical University
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ISRAEL: General Information
1. Introduction
Israel declared to independent on 14 May 1948. Israel constitutes southeast of
Mediterranean is a small country that half territory has fertile areas and another part has arid.
Israel's community have mentioned that Eretz Yisrael, Sion, Philistia and Ha’aretz mean
territory which used now by different states. Moreover, the total area of the state which
occupy is 22.145 km. The current area has 21.671 square kilometre even soils. While the
length of Israel’s from edge to other edge is 470 km, the strength of the state is 135km. The
population of Israel in 2020 has 6,772,000 Jews and 1,916,000 Arab communities and 4.7 per
cent of other population are various ethnic groups such as Russian coming from Soviet Russia
and the Christian minority. Israel borders on Lebanon in the north of the state, Syria in the
northeast of the state, Jordan in the east of state and Egypt in the southwest of the state. The
state of Israel is girded that always faced Arabic states due to security and ideological affairs.
West of Israel has seaside of the Mediterranean which provides commercial life, as well as
fertile areas, include topsoil. In contrast, the south of Israel is arid territory. There are
particular that comprise developed industries, topsoil, harbours and tourism there when it
compares the same various areas. Golan Heights rises to Hula Valley erectly in the northeast
of Israel. Historical perspective of Golan Heights obtains a lot of wars and USA is the only
state in the international arena that Golan Heights recognize part of Israel territory. It is a
significant factor that this area serves the purpose of a quarter of water need for keeping by
Israel in all of the states. Another important source of water is Lake of Gennesaret between
Galilee Heights and Golan Heights. Furthermore, the main agriculture area of Israel has fertile
territory is Jezreel Valley. Cooperative is named Kibutz and Mosav use there for agriculture.
In the fact that half territory is named the Negev which is a dry area have sparse population.
Finally, Climate condition is between mild and tropical. The state is rainy from November to
May in winter and dry from May to November in summer.
2. Historical Perspective
Jews History had started with fathers of founders who contain Prophet Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob before 4000 years. When Kenan appeared hungry, Prophet Jacob settled in Egypt with
12 sons and their families. They who came from relatives was forced labour and slaver. After
the slavery during the 400 years, as far as the explanation of holy writ, People in Eretz Israel
was taken away freedom for escaping from Egypt and carrying pledged Israel territory to
ancestries by Prophet Moses who was chosen by God. They walked away from the Sinai
Desert for 40 years and unified the nation there. The public took the Torah which includes 10
order and forming monotheism. Leaving from Egypt at BC 1300 was been a memorable
track and example of universal freedom. Jews celebrate Pesah, Shavuot, Sukkot for recalling
events every year.
King David disposed of kingdom major power inside managing to defeat Philistine exactly
with alliance near kingdoms and military expedition from BC 1004 to BC 965, so he was
acknowledged between Egypt and The Red Sea. Furthermore, All Jews clan unified interior in
the kingdom via David. Jerusalem was the capital of the kingdom and centre of the state.
When Prophet Solomon took over David, Kingdom has more powerful than before between
BC 965 and 930. Solomon served peaceful times alliance with a neighbour, political
marriages, so Kingdom was equal with other powerful states. He got the temple built for
showing successful times. The temple came centre of national and religious life for Jews. The
Kingdom of Israel was defeated by Assyrians. The community was exiled for forgetting under
different people. After 100 years, Babylonians exiled public in Kingdom of Jews where
conquered. They destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. Jews swore near the Babylon river to
remind homeland:
‘’Dear Jerusalem. If I forget, my right hand becomes disabled. If I do not remember you, If I
save a high position in my life, I am very thirsty.’’ It is the beginning approach for Jews
Diaspora. 50.000 Jews came from Zerubbabel is called the relation of David departed with the
order which King of Persian Keyhüsrev who conquered Empire of Babylon gives the order to
go back to the first homeland. Ezra who led to going back to the homeland got the temple
built instead of demolished the first temple and built Jerusalem walls, Knesset which has
significant affairs types of religion and juridical for Jews are beginning of the era of the
second temple.
After the occupation of Roman, their religions were banned extent of pressing Greek culture
and customs to be supplied. Jews rebelled in BC 166. After an attempt of rebellion, the
Roman Empire occupied Jerusalem and took someone out in the temple. These events
commemorate in Hannuka Festival every year. Jews live had forced too much again such as
past. It caused movements of violence by Jews. While Roman soldiers stopped the rebellion,
Jerusalem has razed something to the ground in AC 73. Laws of Halaka that passed down
were served mutual relationship between Jews. After Jerusalem and Judea retook from Roman
by rebellion, Jerusalem and Judea called Aelia Capitolina and Palaestina. When we look at the
end of the400, the state of Israel was one of the Christian countries. Lots of church and abbey
was built by Byzantine in Aelia Capitolina, Bethlehem and Galilee where is divine for
Christian. Jews were rejected except for special days accessing Jerusalem. If we examine the
end of 1100, Crusade in July 1099 continued five weeks occupied Jerusalem put to the
sword to Jews sadly. Jews people decreased in Israel territory and lose unify of Jews for
religious affairs. From Selahaddin Eyyubi to end of the domination of the Ottoman Empire,
Jews community had lived quality compare to Romans and Byzantine. In the middle of 1600,
Jerusalem was the centre of textile and aim of intensive intellectual actions. Jews public who
leave from reactionism had improved various areas during the 19th century. In 1870,
everywhere which include agriculture lands of Israel was purchased and Hebrew was started
using except rite and literature inside several areas. Jews started migration wave that obtains
Zionist missing to territory systematically between 1919 and 1939. It conducted that different
Jews groups. Migration wave comes from generally Russia between 1919 and 1923 laid a
foundation social and economic situation. They created special groups for agriculture such as
kibbutz and moshav. Before World War ll from Germany and Poland, 235.00 Jews people
migrate to Israel to save their life. Quality of education, religion, health, and services had
increased via local sources and World Jews who live in several regions of the world. Arabic
states were not pleased to Jews people migrated around Jerusalem. There are distinct types of
violence such as setting on fire and striking people during a long time in an area which lives
Jews. Britain decided to limit migrating Jews groups due to intensive Arabic rebellions. Nazi
regime slaughtered inside 1.5 million children total of 6 million people for purging from
Germany. No matter Britain decided to limit migrating, Structure of illegal migration was
found to return for getting rid of the Holocaust, so 85.000 Jews came from Europe to Israel.
The United Nation decided to accept the council recommendation which explains both Jaws
and Arabic stated. While Jaws approved the decision, Arabic rejected the creation of Israel.
Arabic organizations stroke them by forcing plugging. After they are eroded Jaws which
captured region that was allocated for Jaws. Finally, Israel declared to independent on 14 May
On 14 May 1948, with Israel manifested Israel Independent Declaration, Arabic states
attacked to Israel which had a newly created army. States waged a war which wins an Israel
led to acute crashes and die more than 6.000 Jews. Samaria and Judea came under the rule of
Jordan. Jerusalem left two different regions. East Jerusalem was in Jordan and West
Jerusalem was in Israel. When we came to the end of 1951 that Jews population redoubled,
Total 687.000 children, man and women Jews migrate to Israel including 300.000 coming
from Arabic states. Border of states was opened all Jews which live out of Israel for coming
3. Nature of the Political Regime
When Western countries separate giving alteration chance from the nation-state
multicultural civic democracy, other countries reinforce an alternative citizenship manner of a
democratic state that is identified with and receptive to an ethnic nation. The classical and
prevalent manner is liberal democracy, predominant in countries such as France and the
United States. The nation-state continues and promotes a single language, culture, identity and
public-school grid that indiscrete single population type. According to Realist philosopher,
governments executing discrimination between 'high' and 'low' politics in their policy-making
best contribute the national interest. The security of the most powerful states does not endure
allowing any one of them to empress the balance by being too powerful. Nation-states and
ruling majorities are used force to respect the desire for the variance of small native
minorities. A new alternative may be named `multicultural democracy', compounding features
of the two established cultures. Besides, Israel is a peerless example of ethnic democracy by a
new paradigm. ''Ethnic democracy is handled by an ideology or a movement of ethnic
nationalism that declares a certain public as an ethnic nation sharing a common blood tie, a
common language and a common culture.'' The ethnic nation forms the symbols, laws and
policies of the state for the benefit of the ethnic majority. Ethnic democracy meets at least and
procedural the same as the definition of democracy, but in quality, it drops except for the
major Western liberal democracies. The minority cannot exactly determine identity itself with
the state, cannot become equal to the majority and cannot deliberate full justification on the
state. Zionism is de facto the state political view. Its main purposes that make Israel Jewish in
demography, language, culture, institutions, identity and symbols, and to preserve Jewish
lives and interests all over the world. There is acceptable them for Jews who evolve during
historical development as an ethnic nation which in turn ethnicity, religion and peoplehood
are huddling. The state symbolic situation is strictly Jewish. Israel's all of the structure is
acted upon Jewish cultures such as Israel's nominal name, calendar, days and a lot of
commemoration, local heroes, flag, emblem, national anthem, names of places, ceremonies.
In foreign policy of Israel is a key role which conservation of Jewish lives and interests in the
diaspora. Hebrew is the durable factor of the progressing Israeli Jewish culture. It is
preponderant in all areas of life such as home life, media groups, economic structure,
government and science.
4. Legislative Process and Legislative Bodies
Israel's political system had affected Jews who came from Europe, so the political system in
Israel was a parliamentary system, inspired by the British model. The system is held on the
guideline of separation of powers. The government is selected process which parliament must
give a vote of confidence is guaranteed Laws by the legislative structure of Knesset. Israel has
accepted a unicameral type of parliament, but the democratic system different from other
states regimes. The model of ethnic democracy finds out to the dual character of Israel. Even
if it presumes Israel to be a democracy, it is not one of the first numbers of Western
democracies. It is a democracy in which has rights all citizens are maintained to all but not
equally. The Zionist idea about Jewish and democratic state is named ethnic democracy. It
comprises the inclusion of the Arab minority in Israel state except for the Palestinian
population which has a significant population, so Israel is not a liberal democracy, because
citizenship relates to being Jewish. It does not mention that multicultural democracy as well
as they do not want the unity of all culture in Israel. There is restricted equality between
Arabs and Jews because Israeli law banned intermarriage such as between Arab and Jews.
The nasi (president) bears the ancient title of the head of the Sanhedrin, the supreme
legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel in ancient times. The
president is the head of state, with the presidency symbolizing the nation's unity, above and
beyond party politics. President has some of the duties. The duties of the President are as
-Opening the first session of Knesset
- Giving assignment to a member of Knesset for forming a government
-signing law and agreements to be accepted by Knesset
Prime Minister and council of ministers are created giving an assignment to a member of
Knesset for forming a government. The member of Knesset must form a government with a
government program in 28 days. If the member can not form, the duty is given to another
member by the president. It is imperative which is the citizenship of Israel, living in Israel and
member of Knesset to be a minister. Some of the persons are not members of Knesset such as
the President of the State, the State Comptroller, judges and dayanim, career army officers
and senior civil servants who if they do not resign in 100 days or three years due to laws.
5. Foreign Policy
Policymaking relates to institutional context is an electoral, coalition and party politics.
Israel has never been governed without a coalition of other parties. Furthermore, they have
been divided about the future of the West Bank and Gaza with the Left defencing 'Land for
Peace' and the Right rejecting it. Israeli flows planned at trading 'land for peace' in the West
Bank and Gaza in recent times. According to this theory, the cause in Israel's turn towards
peace that occurred when the 1992 Israeli elections gave the Israeli Left a majority led to the
creation of a left-wing coalition from which prevented the formation of a right-wing
government. First, we look at the general threat which direct foreign policy to Israel for
The first threat is the physical and political challenge of Israel in the region. Israel thinks
that Syria, Iraq, Iran and other Muslim states rejected Jews in the region. Even if peace is
procured, the region will maintain insecurely. The Jewish state thinks that will have to save a
high military level and national gap to keep alive as a divided state. Palestine public is the
second threat for Israel according to Jews. If we can look at the national security for Israel
state, the Arabs are looked a remaining enemy minority and an inseparable part of the
Palestinian community and the multicultural Arab nation that are not friendly
to Israel. Unification of the Palestinian people and to a future Palestinian state is a supporter
of the menace for Jews. Peace is the only some sort of peace positive at this historic case and
is valuable as a make a start on reconciliation. It means that tension and conflicts have
maintained for years between the two peoples will continue to be decreased relations between
Arabs and Jews in Israel and to be sustained a Jewish perception of threat stopping from the
Palestinians on both sides of the pre-1967 border. The Arabs have 11 per cent of Israel's
electorate making them a direct threat to the right-wing political groups (over half of the
Jewish voters) that does not access from them its share of backing. The third threat is
mentioned hectoring about the current survival of the Jewish diaspora. A Jewish state is a
vital factor which regards as a necessary condition for the Jewish national survival challenges.
It ensures a secure shelter for burdened Jews which search full and sovereign life. The Jewish
diaspora is mission-critical for Israel as a kind of immigration, political support,
economic helping and moral cooperation.
Israel interchanged its long-term opposition to parleys with the PLO. All Israeli
governments since 1967 had strongly opposed negotiations with the PLO. Secondly, in the
Oslo Accords, Israel formally recognized the ‘legitimate and political rights of the Palestinian
people’. This phrase is important because it had developed a specific connection regarding a
right to Palestinian neighbourhood, Israeli governments that have new policy had officially
opposed previous policy was different the creation of which all. Third, the Oslo Accords were
consolidated by a new safe doctrine based on the European Community model gained Israel’s
traditional Realist doctrine with it would have been impossible without a radical shift in the
PLO way comprised in the recognition of Israel.
6. Election System
The Knesset’ elections are done once every four years, but the Knesset or the Prime
Minister may attempt to move to an earlier time the elections, through the Knesset Dissolution
Law. Knesset was elected according to one of the most commensurate systems in existence
overcame only by the Netherlands in 1956 when the Tweede Kamer was enlarged from 100 to
150 representative. Knesset has 120 deputies who include at least 10 parties. Election
threshold is %3.25. It is least than today, but when the election threshold low level, a
government which include a various view of parties can create instability. Moreover, the
Israeli public had tried to the prime minister who is chosen by Knesset directly by the
community. It has impossible factor such as while anyone party can constitute a majority;
prime minister was in minority groups. Prime Minister and their cabinet are chosen by
members of Knesset in current laws
Every at least 18 years old who is Israeli citizen can use vote. Also every at least 21 old has
abled to be chosen by an Israeli citizen. According to Election Laws, Jews who live Gaza and
West Bank in Jews settlement can use vote about Israel’s elections. Some of the persons
which are found critical position are not members of Knesset such as the President of the
State, the State Comptroller, judges and dayanim, career army officers and senior civil
servants who if they do not resign in 100 days or three years due to laws. The electoral zone is
single. The entire country of Israel contributes as one electoral region relates to Knesset seats.
Voters elect the candidate members of Knesset directly, rather than via an electoral college
such as the USA.
7. Political Parties
Political parties that are created mandating of Great Britain are an effective factor that can
strengthen various areas for Jews. Also, it would have been incorporated conflict between
Zionist and Anti-Zionist, Arab and Jews, Ashkenazi and Sephardic. Due to political elect
system, lots of parties where can be inside easy in Knesset have found sort of four types:
1- Central and Central-Left Parties,
2. Central Right and Nationalist Parties,
3. Religious Party,
4. Arab Party.
The Parties Law provides that a party have not consulted for occupying in Knesset if
involving under the articles:
1- Rejecting the existence of the State of Israel as an ethnic democratic state
2- Supporting racism or refusing to be struggled Israel army terrorist organization
against Israel State
Worker Party
Worker Party is the unification of Mapai, Ahdut HaAvoda was found 23 January 1968. The
party that is founder of Israel state had consolidated single government for a long time. It had
formed social life with army groups and relate to struggling groups in social and economic
life. Worker movements retrace Worker Party supports equality, social multiple and social
democracy. Members of Worker Party want to both free-trade economy and progressive
specialization and they believe that the state should maintain responsible for affairs such as
education, health. After the end of the 1960s, the Worker Party's votes had decreased
systematically. It is a significant reason that new immigrant and young population could not
get used to the status quo that the policy saves security of old immigrant, so the party is
middle class could not respond to needs of poor Sephardi.
Likud that has revisionist Zionism is keystone political system of Israel inside Central Right
Parties. Party was found 13 September 1973. It defences radical nationalist and economic
liberalization policies to be found Yeretz Israel which include two coasts of Jordan, East
Jerusalem and West Bank. Prime Minister had formed the government by changing power
balance from the single left party to Likud in 1977. It is the most important allegation
revisionist idea that has absolute big Israel project around Eretz Israel. Also, according to
ideal, a community in Israel and executives should be Israeli.
Kadima is between left and a right party that was found in 2005 by Ariel Sharon. Kadima is a
classic central party is advocated neo-central party which was created with changing
community of Jews or between current right and left. The secular party, Kadima aims praying
liberty for Orthodox and other religious groups. Besides, they want to ban excluding between
different groups.
Yes Atid was found in 2012 by a talk show star. Party aims to state for giving priority civil
society, the changing system of government, equality of education and military, challenging
the corruption, working to improving economy, decreasing expenses of life, rejecting national
exam system, fixing between communities, working two states two peace.
Meretz was found unification of two parties in 1992. It is a left party which is an
environmentalist, peaceful, sustainable developmental social democrat, defending human
SHAS Party was found in 1984. Party is the type of right and religionist. They want to
support accessing Jews identify to states organizations and giving budget Yesuva which
teaches Talmud and Torah to Jews.
Ta’al Party was found in 1996 for saving Arab minority rights. It aims to retrace to Israel state
from borders to June 1967. Also, It is a purpose that Palestine State which is the capital city of
Jerusalem should be found. It is the initial purpose of creation that tells to voter supporting
Arab-Jews mutual life, to be opened state’s policy-making mechanisms to Arabs, giving
rights to Islamic foundations and increasing quality Arabic education substructure.
Hadash was created in 1977 with Arab and Jews to be continued Communist Party which was
created in 1922, but vote population is generally the Arab community. The main idea of the
party has justified peace all Arab community with Israel. It aims founding Palestine state from
according to before 1967’s border and leaving settlement in West Bank.
According to given data of Israel official authorized, the community of Palestine forms an
average 20 per cent of all population. In Knesset, due to parties which do not unification of
above only structure represent to Arab people, Arab public has a suspicion for no balance
between Arab parties which give vote Israeli parties, so they may not represent one to one. I
will tell you two parties that it is most powerful between others.
Comparing with Great Britain
Before Israel was found in 1949, Britain had mandated region of the creation of Israel state,
so Israel’s political system had effected from Britain. Both Israel and Britain have a
parliamentary system, but Israel uses a unicameral system is named Knesset and Britain uses
a bicameral system named Commons and Lords. Lords’ authority is limited according to
Commons. Great Britain for The House of Commons and local councils use the first-past-thepost system. The UK is divided into zones. Voters give a vote to a candidate. The candidate
with the most votes represents the electoral district. In Israel, The electoral zone is single. The
entire country of Israel contributes as one electoral region relates to Knesset seats. Voters
elect the candidate members of Knesset directly, rather than via an electoral college such as
the USA. When Britain political parties compare to Israel’s parties, Israel has a various
opinion in different parties, but Britain has been fission by left and right. Furthermore, Israel
has an ethnic democracy which manages to struggle for the majority. Britain has a liberal
democracy which settles in the security region, but for Israel, we need to tell the area where to
migrate there. Israel is between Arab countries which see security affair, so it needs to current
security policy. Moreover, both Israel and Britain may form a government via coalition, but
Israel has never formed a government with a single party. To create a government, at least 2
parties have to ally forming a government in Israel. Moreover, both Israel and Britain may
form a government via coalition, but Israel has never formed a government with single party.
To create a government, at least 2 parties have to ally forming a government in Israel.
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