Uploaded by Quencess Desiree L. Zamora

Exercise & Homeostasis Lab Report: Biology Experiment

The Effect of Exercise on Homeostasis
Name: Quencess Desiree L. Zamora
STEM 12 –A
Date: March 13, 2022
Experimental Question:
What mechanisms does the human body use to maintain homeostasis (stable internal conditions)
in changing external environments?
Any actions that we do results in changes that our body can immediately feel, sense, or
recognize. The changes in our external environments affects our homeostasis, or the body’s
internal condition whereas these changes sends signal into our brain which later on, will conduct
processes inside our body in order maintain homeostasis. These processes are any kind of
mechanisms that occur inside the human body such as temperature regulation, muscles response,
and changing of skin which all help it to be flexible and adapt on the external environment. For I
want know, any mechanism operates with the help of the brain or nervous system which sends
message to certain body internal parts to fight stimulus, or the ones that are affected by changes of
external environment.
Prelab Questions
1. Compare the ability of single-celled organism such as prokaryotic bacteria, to multicellular eukaryotes in maintaining homeostasis.
These two different type of organisms affect their cell classification for it is
necessary for surviving. Well, the difference between the types of cell greatly affect their
way on maintaining homeostasis. In a single-celled prokaryotic cell, specifically bacteria
or algae, it is an organism that contains only one cell, which just means that this one cell
will survive just by itself. And all mechanisms to main homeostasis are carried out all by
its cell parts. On the other hand, a multi-cellular eukaryotes organism ability on maintaining
homeostasis is far different because of its composition on being multi-cellular, or an
organism consist of many cells. Consisting many cells means it have an ability to just
communicate on one another in order to react on certain stimuli whereas all cells have
different specialize task to perform its mechanism on maintaining homeostasis. This just
prove that cell types or classification affect the ability and capacity of the cell to build or
perform mechanism to react on the changes done in external environment.
2. Give an example of how cells maintain homeostasis by exchanging materials with the
blood or intracellular fluid.
Cells control the movement of substances that surround them to maintain
homeostasis. At the same time, homeostasis refer to maintaining correct level of fluid
within the cell. Thus, plasma membrane of a cell have selective permeability on substances
who can enter in and out of the cell, this is consider as the gatekeeping mechanism of cell
for protection. And through Osmosis, plasma membranes allows water, oxygen and carbon
dioxide to pass through the membrane whereas when red blood cells are placed in a solution
with a higher solute concentration, water moves out of the cell and thus, help stabilize the
internal environment of cell.
3. Give an example of how organisms maintain homeostasis during exercise.
Exercising is done to lose weight, to have fit well-being, or as a coping mechanism
that all include performing a vast amount of work and energy. Exerting energy makes
changes on our internal body which alert cells or other organ to help manage changes and
just maintain homeostasis. When a person exercise, his/her body temperature increases
because the muscles increases heat production, so this is where the mechanism of
regulating temperature to maintain homeostasis occur. It is noticeable that when our body
temperature rise, we sweat a lot and our breathing become faster. This changes are the
homeostasis response of our body in order to faster heat loss and bring the body back to its
normal temperature. These responses are detected by our nerve cells, that later create a
solution to maintain homeostasis.
4. Describe a system used to maintain homeostasis in a multi-cellular organism.
The system used to maintain hemostasis in any multi-cellular organism is the
Negative feedback loop. These feedbacks consist of giving a specialized task to any organ,
muscle or tissue to oppose the stimulus that triggers the homeostasis of an organism. Cells
in multi-cellular organisms are known to help each other whenever a stimuli occurs to
maintain homeostasis. This system is evident in the human body, which is also known to
be powered by the central nervous systems whereas the nerve cells acts as the sensor who
identifies and acknowledge any stimulus on the organism. This sensor will then pass the
information to the control center at the brain whereas it could process the changes
happening in an organism and be able to activate effectors. These effectors are the different
organ system in our body which will be the one that act on opposing stimuli to maintain
If the body perform any task or physical activity, then there will be changes in the body which
considered as the homeostasis response of body to maintain equilibrium.
Null: There is a significant relationship between performing task and changes on the human body
Alternative: There is no significant relationship between performing task and changes on the
human body
 Clock/stopwatch
 Thermometer
 Thermometer Cover
Exercise causes many factors of homeostasis to kick in to maintain internal equilibrium.
How exercise affects some of these factors can be determined by measuring and observing certain
conditions of the human body. Some of these conditions are:
 change in skin color on arms and face
 perspiration level
 external body temperature
 breathing rate
 heart rate
1. Working in groups of 2 or 3, select a family member that will be able to do jumping jacks
well and will be able to keep jumping for 8 minutes. The group member jumping will stop
just long enough for the needed measurements and observations to be collected.
2. Record the resting observations and values of the person jumping rope using the following:
skin color of hands and face (pale, pink, red) perspiration level (none, mild, medium,
external body temperature (place the thermometer under the subjects arm pit for 1
minute; the thermometer should have a probe cover on the tip and be placed directly
against the skin)
breathing rate (count the number of breaths in 1 minute)
heart rate (find the pulse at the wrist and count the number of beats in 1 minute)
3. Make observations and measurements of the person doing jumping jacks and while they
are sitting down and resting. Record your observations on the data table.
4. The student exercising should begin jumping when the person watching the clock gives the
signal. After 2 minutes quickly make observations and measurements and record them on
the data table.
5. The student will continue jumping at 2 minute intervals until the 8 minute time period has
been completed. After each 2 minute interval observations and measurements should be
6. When the 8 minutes is up, the student jumping will rest for 1 minute. After 1 minute,
observations and measurements will be taken for the final time. Don’t forget to record the
data on the data table.
7. Make a separate graph for each of the following:
 External Body Temperature at Various Intervals of Exercise
 Breathing Rate at Various Intervals of Exercise
 Heart Rate at Various Intervals of Exercise
8. Answer the questions in the conclusion section to describe and explain the results of the
Observations and Measurements During Various Intervals of Exercise
Body Color
n Level
(none, low,
2 Minutes
4 Minutes
6 Minutes
8 Minutes
1 Minute
Body Temperature at Various Intervals of Exercise
2 Minutes
4 Minutes
6 Minutes
8 Minutes
Rest after 1
This is the acquired data of body temperature at various time intervals on the activity. As
we could see, the body temperature suddenly drop, making it the lowest point among the others.
This temperature drop is due homeostatic response of organ systems such as the systems
concerning body color, breathing, heart rate and perspiration which altogether could help maintain
the normal body temperature amidst of the heat production on exercising. Eventually, the body
temperature already have learn the sudden exerting of work on the body which make it slowly goes
back to a normal point.
Breathing Rate at Various Intervals of Exercise
2 Minutes
4 Minutes
6 Minutes
8 Minutes
Rest after 1
This is the acquired data of breathing rate at various time intervals on the activity. As we could
see, the breathing rate is constantly rising as the activity time goes on. Well, this is because the
body need to acquire more oxygen as the body exerts more work to so the breathing continuously
to rise. Eventually, the breathing rate goes down when the body don’t exert any more works which
means the muscles don’t need an extra oxygen anymore.
Heart Rate at Various Intervals of Exercise
2 Minutes
4 Minutes
6 Minutes
8 Minutes
Rest after 1
This is the acquired data of heart rate at various time intervals on the activity. As we could
see, the heart rate suddenly rises just like on the breathing rate for this is also a homeostasis
response of the body to maintain equilibrium. As the breathing rate rise, there is a lot of oxygen
that gets accumulated and the heart rate needs to be proportional by its rate for it is the one
responsible to pump blood that will deliver these oxygen throughout the body.
1. What changes are your body responding to in order to maintain stable internal conditions?
While doing the activity, I encounter changes in my body, such as body color,
perspiration, temperature, breathing rate and heart rate which rises and drops as I complete
the 8-minute jumping jack activity. These changes indicates how my body response to
maintain homeostasis. On the completion of activity, my body was subject in an experiment
to observe how a body will react when it try to maintain balance on my internal conditions.
As I start to perform, my body color changes, my temperature drops, visible signs of
perspiration, and my breathing and heart suddenly rose which are all my body homeostasis
2. How do the changes help the body adjust to maintain equilibrium (homeostasis)?
In doing the activity, my body encounter and notice changes in the body since when
I start to do my said task. Well, exercise increases the circulation of heat of the body and
to maintain homeostasis, my body immediately acts upon the stimulus that triggers the
balance. As I execute more movement within a long period of time, my body color became
redder as the time goes which demonstrate that the bloods came towards my skin’s surface
which connects to the body’s perspiration level. My perspiration level also increases as
time goes, which is one of the homeostasis response whereas sweat glands release fluid
that later will evaporate and help lost heat in the body. Also, my breathing rate continuously
risen as I reach the 8-minute goal which is one of the way to release carbon dioxide which
helps on losing body heat and accumulate more oxygen. And, my heart rate escalates as
my heart needs to be pump more to deliver oxygen from my lungs through my heart and
throughout the body. All of these changes are how my body adjust in order to maintain
3. Why do you think a change in body temperature occurs?
One of the changes occur while doing the 8-minute jumping jack exercise was the
drop and rise of the body temperature. Exercising comprises of the stored energy being
converted into a heat energy due to the muscles movements whereas this heat are
distributed to our body. However, to maintain equilibrium, it has been a homeostatic
response to make the sweat glands to secrete fluid that will help in regulating the
temperature by losing heat from the body and allow the body to cool down.
4. Your body uses which mechanisms to maintain a constant body temperature?
The maintaining of constant body temperature, either the temperature rise or drop,
is a homeostatic response, specifically the temperature regulation. The channel of this
mechanism is located ate hypothalamus of the brain whereas the sensors send message on
it whenever the body’s temperature have go down or up. When our body compose of heat
above its set point, the mechanism will activate through secretion of fluids by the sweat
glands and thus, the evaporation of sweat to skin will help in cooling down. On the other
hand, when the sensors observe that body lower its temperature, it will trigger the body
into shivering making the muscles generate more heat.
5. Why does an increased breathing rate accompany exercise?
As we exercise or do any excessive work or tasks, our body muscles works harder
which requires more oxygen. It is one of the body homeostasis response mechanism
whereas it increases the demand of oxygen for the lungs to accumulate and thus, the blood
pump it to the muscles throughout the body to aid their demand. As the muscle do work, it
must be supply to continuously go on the task whereas the increased of breathing rate is
required to maintain equilibrium.
6. Why does an increased heart rate accompany exercise?
The increase of the heart rate while doing exercise or excessive work also resulted
from the body’s homeostatic response just like how our breathing escalates, release sweats,
and change of body color. Increasing of the heart on doing exercise is associated with
specific organ systems which are the body’s mechanism to the distribution of oxygen
throughout the body. Such, to deliver the need oxygen from the lungs, the heart must be
pump for it is responsible for the transport of oxygen via blood which supply the demand
of the muscles that are working. As observe the data accumulated through the activity, the
breathing and heart are directly proportional whereas it both rise so the organ could do their
system’s purpose, which supplying of oxygen.
7. Compare and contrast the ways in which cells and your body maintain homeostasis. What
conditions does your body need to maintain to stay alive? What conditions do your cells
need to stay alive? How do they maintain these conditions?
Cells and the body have a its own way on maintaining homeostasis while it is
expose to the changes of its external environment. The human body’s homeostasis are
maintained through the different organ systems inside the body, which all work together in
order to sense, assess, acknowledge and resolve the given changes that the body have been
into. Our human body have relay on its negative feedback loops which refer to the
mechanisms of the body that act upon the stimuli that triggers the changes on our internal
condition. This mechanism instruct and activate organ systems to work together in order
to supply the demand needing of the body while performing work which all help to stabilize
changes and maintain homeostasis. On the other hand a single cell stands or survive for
itself through the use of its own component. The cells’ homeostasis is maintained using its
control and exchanges of resources and energy with the environment it belongs. If the
human body consist of organ systems, the cell’s systems on maintaining equilibrium is
done through its membrane and phospholipid which control the transport of substances
going in or out to the cell. In order to stay alive, cells also requires a constant supply of
some essential components such as oxygen, sugar and minerals, along with the elimination
of waste materials. Through the presence of homeostasis, the cells attain the ability of
maintaining these components well-supplied on the cell to stay alive and prevent it from
dying. I therefore conclude that homeostasis is a vital mechanism that living organism have
because of its voluntary actions that prevent the organism to be subject on complications
that leads on dying.