p-ISSN 2722-5194 e-ISSN 2722-7790 EDUNESIA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan (Educational Research in Indonesia) Volume 4, No 3, November 2023 Doi Prefix: 10.51276/edu.v4i3 Article in Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Available at: https://edunesia.org/index.php/edu/issue/view/15 Doi: https://doi.org/10.51276/edu.v4i3 Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan is published 2020. The Journal has ISSN: 2722-7790 (Online) & 2722-5194 (Print) in accordance with SK PDII-LIPI. The journal is published three times a year in January, June and November and published articles of educational research. The journal aims to be an open-access journal platform which publishes and disseminates the ideas and researches on Education. The scopes of the published articles in the prioritized order are: 1) Educational technology, 2) Educational development, 3) Learning and teaching, 4) Curriculum, Educational Media & Technology, 5) Learning environment, 6) Social Education, 7) Educational Approaches, 8) Education Method, Education Policy And Education Development, 9) Educational Administration, 10) Educational Assessment And Evaluation, 11) Educational Leadership, 12) Educational Administration and Educational Evaluation, 13) Educational Materials, 14) Teachers' and trainers' professional development, 15) Gender and Education, 16) Theories of Education, 17) Special Education And CrossCultural Education, 18) Professional Development and Continuing Education, 19) Instructional Theory, and 20) Language and Humanities Education. Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan is under the auspices of the Natural Aceh. Natural Aceh is a research, training and philanthropy institution that participates in development process efforts and action plans for sustainable programs in Aceh and Indonesia on collaborative partnership action with all stakeholders. Natural Aceh founded in the year 2012 with the SK Kemenkumham. One of the visions is: “Participate in the efforts of the development proccess through the research, training and publications based on the values of justice, freedom, equality, humanity and peace”. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, licensed under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan indexed by Index Copernicus International, World Cat, Advanced Science Index, Doi Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, Indonesia One Search, Neliti, ROAD, BASE, Moraref, Dimensions, ISJD, Scilit, Researchbib, Directory of Research Journal Index (DRJI), Microsoft Academic Search, and Citefactor. Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan │ Copyright © 2023 Edunesia, All Right Reserved Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Educational Research in Indonesia Editor in Chief Zainal Abidin Suarja, M.Si (Sinta Id: 6644509), Natural Aceh. Indonesia. Editorial Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Supyan Hussin (Scopus Id: 36761044000), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia Prof. Dr. Yoshisuke Kumano (Scopus Id: 57220431712), Shizuoka University, Japan Prof. Tzu-Chien Liu (Scopus Id: 7405910508), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, Province of China. Arief Aulia Rahman, M.Pd (Scopus id : 57205062563); (Sinta id : 5975926), Natural Aceh, Indonesia. Editors Teddy Alfra Siagian, M.Pd (Sinta Id: 6703063), Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Buaddin Hasan, M.Pd (Sinta Id: 260137), STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, Indonesia Dazrullisa, M.Pd (Scopus Id : 57205062067);(Sinta Id : 6021812), STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh, Indonesia. Administration Siti Hadijah, M.Pd (Sinta Id: 6647969), STKIP Bumi Persada, Aceh Utara, Indonesia. i Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Educational Research in Indonesia LIST of PEER-REVIEWERS: Iskandar, M.Pd., M.Si., PhD, (Scopus Id: 57210653651); (Sinta Id: 6131570); (Google Scholar), UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi, Indonesia. Anim, M.Pd, (Scopus Id: 57205055902); (Sinta Id: 6022234), Universitas Asahan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Dian Bayu Firmansyah, M.Pd, (Scopus Id: 57200015393); (Sinta Id: 6631342); (Google Scholar), Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Eka Senjayawati, M.Pd, (Scopus Id: 57211277082); (Sinta Id : 6007386); (Google Scholar), IKIP Siliwangi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Oris Krianto Sulaiman, S.T., M.Kom, (Scopus Id: 57202255486); (Sinta Id: 5974793); (Google Scholar), Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Swasti Maharani, M.Pd, (Scopus Id: 57201352923); (Sinta Id: 257322); (Google Scholar), Universitas PGRI Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. 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(Scopus Id: 57189369010); (Sinta Id: 6689437); (Google Scholar), Universitas Iqra Buru, Indonesia. Hari Kusmanto, M.Pd. (Scopus Id: 57214682498); (Google Scholar), Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia. Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan, M.A., M.Pd. (Sinta Id: 6692381); (Google Scholar), Institut Ilmu Al Qur'an An Nur Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Taufik, S.Pd., M.Hum. (Scopus Id: 57202102418); (Sinta Id: 6195756); (Google Scholar), Universitas Iqra Buru, Indonesia. EDITORIAL OFFICE: Street Alue Peunyareng No. 27B, Kp. Ranto Panyang Timur, Meulaboh City 23615, Aceh, Indonesia Email: info@edunesia.org Website: https://edunesia.org/index.php/edu iv Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol 4, No 3, November 2023 p-ISSN 2722-5194 e-ISSN 2722-7790 List of Contents Suprima, Akmal Rizki Gunawan Hasibuan & Fadhilah Qurratu ‘Ayuni Implementation of “Kampus Mengajar" Programs to Improve Learning Motivation Page 952-966 Ilmiatul Hidayanti & Fitria Wulandari The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Based Ethnoscience on Science Literacy Ability of Elementary School Page 967-982 Muhammad Rusdan & Djem Bangun Mulya The Effect of Using Live Worksheet-Based Electronic Worksheets to Measure Cognitive Learning Outcomes Page 983-998 Wahyuddin Adaptation of Field Experience Practice Teachers in a School Impacted by the Earthquake and the Covid-19 Pandemic Page 999-1016 Abel Wulandari Kusuma Putri & Katharina Rustipa Using Songs to Teach English Vocabulary to Young Learners in Kindergarten Page 1017-1030 Wijaya Heru Santosa & Anselmus Sudirman Factors Influencing the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in the Elementary School Teacher Education Department: Students’ Perspectives Page 1031-1048 Renata Kartikasari, Muhlasin Amrullah & Khizanatul Hikmah Strengthening Students' Religious Character through Extracurricular Activities at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Page 1049-1065 Yudela Arina, Yuni Revita, Nurhizrah Gistituati & Rusdinal The Influence of Principal's Participative Leadership Style and Work Climate on Public Middle School Teacher Performance Page 1066-1081 Irika Widiasanti, Dea Astriani, Asyifa Eka Rahayanti, Bagus Septianto & Linda Widianingsih Analysis of E-Learning Activities as School Learning Media in the Era of Society 5.0 Using Big Data Page 1082-1096 Aini Wira Dharma Putri & Enik Setiyawati The Effect of Picture and Picture Interactive Model to Increase Student’s Learning Motivation in Elementary Science Learning Page 1097-1108 v Rizki Ananda, Alta Feros, Velerisa Febyola & Citra Wulandari Policy Analysis of Principals' Competency in Primary Schools Page 1109-1121 Dewi Nur Irma Lailatul Safitri & Enik Setiyawati The Effect of the Problem-Based Learning Model on Student Activeness in Science Learning Page 1122-1135 Ikromatus Sakdiyeh, Ruski & Subandy Widjaya The Effect of Part-Time Work on Learning Activities and Academic Achievement Page 1136-1149 Trisna Aulia & Vevy Liansari The Effect of Digital Picture Series Media on Simple Essay Writing Skills in Elementary Schools Page 1150-1163 Dwi Agustina & Rahmad Hidayat Wattpad’s Role in Motivating Secondary School Students to Write a Narrative Text: A Case Study Page 1164-1178 Syafira Amini, Iis Nurasiah & Arsyi Rizqia Amalia Application of Couple Card Media to Improve Students Activeness in Elementary School Page 1179-1188 Ulfatul Khoiriyah & Masduki Ahmad Policy Implementation of the Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI) Program by the Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi (Kemdikbudristek) Page 1189-1202 Bella Pertiwi, Pradana Chairy Azhar & Zulham Siregar Development of Scramble Learning Media to Improve the Character of Love for the Motherland in PKN Pancasila Material Page 1203-1221 Fadhilah Nur Lailatus Sa’adah & Fitria Nur Hasanah Development of Science Learning Media Klanimal Android-Based for Elementary School Students Page 1222-1240 Ria Milawati, Azri Ranuwaldy Sugma & Zulham Siregar Development of Smart Tree Learning Media for Ethnic Diversity Material to Increase Learning Motivation in Students Page 1241-1258 Meri, Sofyan & Yanto Evaluation of the School Literacy Movement in Primary Schools Page 1259-1274 Yuli Nurhayati, Lina Siti Nurwahidah & Jamilah The Effectiveness of the Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning Technique Aided by Word Cards Media in Improving Sentence Writing Ability Page 1275-1283 Nabila Veronika, Muhammad Sadri & Zulham Siregar Application of Talking Stick-Based Learning Media to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Page 1284-1300 vi Lamina Amalia Putri, Diana Shanty, Oom Sitti Homdijah, Rizki Ramadhan & Rahardian Sakti Application-Based Development of Alternative and Augmentative Communication System for Children with Cerebral Palsy Page 1301-1315 Nadya Khairani Afiefa & Masduki Ahmad Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Scholarship: Target Reached or Missed? Page 1316-1331 Sherly Vermita Warlenda & Hastuti Marlina Implementation of Job Shadowing Learning Model Towards Task Skill Practice of Normal Delivery Care for Students of Midwifery Page 1332-1343 Malkhah Tyas Labaika & Sugeng Purwanto Teaching English to Young Learners: Evidence from Kampus Mengajar Practice Page 1344-1356 Isna Fauziyah Nurroini, Mohammad Faizal Amir & Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana Analogy-Based Selective Problem-Solving Learning on the Skill to Solve Word Problems Page 1357-1371 Jihan Syafira Rustanto, Bambang Sigit Widodo & Amrozi Khamidi Management of Elementary and Regular Classes for Elementary School Students from the Implementation and Planning of Idea Page 1372-1383 Intan Maurissa & Masduki Ahmad Decentralization of Financing Management and Corruption Conflict in the Education Budget Page 1384-1398 Mia Komariah, Mohamad Yasin As’ary, Citra Bahadur Hanum & Bunyamin Maftuh IPAS Implementation in Elementary Schools: How Teachers Build Student Understanding Page 1399-1412 Azzahrah Istira Oktiva Pradini, Maman Abdurahman & Mia Nurmala The Effect of Quantum Teaching Method on Motivation and Arabic Language Learning Outcomes (Literature Study) Page 1413-1430 Frita Noviandari & Katharina Rustipa Implementation of the Total Physical Response (TPR) Method with the Help of Flashcards to Teach English Vocabulary Page 1431-1446 Diah Ayu Kristianingsih, Akhmad Haqiqi Ma’mun & Zuhad Ahmad A Syntactic Analysis of the Sentence Structure in Motivational Quotes using Tree Diagram for English Learning Page 1447-1458 Kosilah, Suarti, Manan & Fani Aljaber Teachers' Efforts in Overcoming Difficulties Learning to Read in Elementary School Students Page 1459-1472 vii Dela Tri Rahayu & Fitria Wulandari Implementation of Problem-Based Learning: What is the Influence on Students' Reasoning Ability in Elementary Schools? Page 1473-1487 Islahiyah, Ika Lis Mariatun & Yusrianto Sholeh Teacher Efforts to Instill Character Values in Learning Page 1488-1500 Khaerunnisa Nurdin, Sulfasyah & Rosmini Madeamin The Effect of Applying Blended Learning Using Interactive Writing on Learning Interest and Indonesian Writing Skills in Writing Page 1501-1514 Kiki Melyani Putri & Dwi Dasalinda The Role of the Class Teacher in the Development of Character Value in the National Education Perspective Page 1515-1530 Rahmi Fadila, Mawardi & Okta Suryani Development of Teaching Material to Support Merdeka Curriculum on the Acid-Base of Phase F Page 1531-1547 viii