HISTORY HISTORY OF OF RWANDA RWANDA FROM FROM THE THE BEGINNING BEGINNING TOTO THE THE END END OF OF THE THETWENTIETH TWENTIETH CENTURY CENTURY National NationalUnity Unity and and Reconciliation Reconciliation Commission Commission Under Under the thesupervision supervision of of Déo Déo BYANAFASHE BYANAFASHE Paul Paul RUTAYISIRE RUTAYISIRE COVER ILLUSTRATION Cohabitation among Rwandan People (Paint of NURU Abraham) © 2016, National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) All rights of translation, reproduction and adaptation reserved for all countries. ISBN 978-99977-709-6-7 HISTORY OF RWANDA FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Kigali, 2016 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.A. A.G. A.G. ABAKI ABAKI ABESC ABESC :: :: :: :: Archives Archives Africaines Africaines Assemblée Assemblée Générale Générale Alliance des Alliance des Bakiga Bakiga Association des Association des Bahutu Bahutu Evoluant Evoluant pour pour la la Suppression des Castes Suppression des Castes ACR :: Association ACR Association des des Cultivateurs Cultivateurs du du Rwanda Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR :: Alliance ADR Alliance pour pour la la Démocratie Démocratie et et la la Réconciliation Nationale Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Extra-Coutumières AFDL :: Alliance AFDL Alliance des des Forces Forces Démocratiques Démocratiques pour pour la la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African AGOA : African Growth Growth and and Opportunity Opportunity Act Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO :: Affaires AIMO Affaires Indigènes Indigènes et et Main-d’oeuvre Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROCOMIN: Associationpour des la Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association Promotion Sociale de la APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Masse Alliance pour le Renforcement de la ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Démocratie Rwandaise pour la Défense des ARDHO : Association ARDHO : Droits Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des de l’Homme de l’Homme AREDETWA : Droits Association pour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement Démocratique desleBatwa Démocratique des Batwa v v v ARENA :ACRONYMS Alliance pour la Renaissance de la Nation AND ABBREVIATIONS ARSOM :___________________________________ Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer ARUCO : Alliance du Ruanda-Urundi et du Congo A.A. Archivesdu Africaines ARUCO : Alliance Ruanda-Urundi et du Congo A.G. : Assemblée Générale ARV Anti-rétroviraux ABAKI : Alliance des des Bakiga ASSADA Association Anciens d’Astrida ASSERU EleveursEvoluant du Rwanda ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la AVEGA : Suppression Association des Veuves du Génocide des Castes Agahozo ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda BACAR : Banque au Rwanda ADP Alliance Continentale DémocratiqueAfricaine des Peuples %$1&25 %DQTXHjOD&RQÀDQFHG·2U ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation Réconciliation Nationale BC : Agglomeration Before Christ Extra-Coutumières AEC BCDI : Banque dudes Commerce, Développementpour et de la AFDL Alliance Forces du Démocratiques Libération l’Industrie du Congo-Zaïre BCR : Banque Commerciale du RwandaAct AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity BEM : Brevet d’Etat Major délivré par l’Ecole de $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Bruxelles,et devenu l’Institut royal guerre de AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre supérieur dede défense) AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine BK : Banque de Kigali Rwandaise BNR Nationale du Rwanda (Central Bank of ALIR :: Banque Armée de Libération du Rwanda : Rwanda) AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel %258 %XOOHWLQ2IÀFLHOGX5ZDQGD8UXQGL AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda BRD Banque Rwandaise de Développement AMUR :: Association des Musulmans au Rwanda CAC Caisses de Nationale Chefferies de Transition ANT :: Assemblée d’AchatNational des Médicaments Essentiels du CAMERWA : Centrale (Transitional Assembly) Rwanda APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien CC :: Comité Central APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise CDP : Caisse du Pays APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes CDR : Coalition Rwandaispour la Défense de la République CDR : Coalition pour la Défense de la République APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes CEA : Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la CEA : Colonies d’Etats d’Africains Masse CEEAC : Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Centrale Démocratie CEPGL : Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Lacs Droits de l’Homme CERAI : Centre d’Enseignement Rural et Artisanal AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Intégré Démocratique des Batwa vi vi v CESTRAR :ACRONYMS Centrale syndicale des travailleurs rwandais AND ABBREVIATIONS CFJ :___________________________________ Centre de Formation des Jeunes CHU : Centre Hospitalier Universitaire A.A. ArchivesInternational Africaines de la Croix Rouge CICR : Comité A.G. Assemblée Générale de la Croix Rouge CICR : Comité International ABAKI Alliance desdu Bakiga CIZA : Cimenterie Zaïre des Ligues et Associations des Droits CLADHO : Collectif ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourde la l’Homme Suppression des Castes CMS Church Missionary Society du Rwanda ACR : Association des Cultivateurs CND National de Développement (Parlement Rwandais) ADP : Conseil Alliance Démocratique des Peuples CNDH : Commission des Droits ADR Alliance pourNationale la Démocratie et la de l’Homme CNDP : Conseil National du Développement des Programmes Réconciliation Nationale National de Résistance pour la Démocratie CNRD : Conseil AEC Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières CNS Commission Nationale de Synthèse pour la AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques CNTS : Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine Libération du Congo-Zaïre CNUR : Commission Nationale l’Unité et la Act Réconciliation AGOA : African Growth andpour Opportunity COGEAR :$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Compagnie Générale d’Assurances et de Réassurances $,'6 COGEBANQUE :: Compagnie Générale de Banque AIMO Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre COGER Congrès Général des Rwandais AJER :: Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine COMESA : Common Market of Eastern and Southern Rwandaise Africa de Libération du Rwanda ALIR : Armée CORAR :: Compagnie Rwandaise d’Assurances et de Réassurances AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel CPM Commissiondes Permanente AMR :: Association Moniteursdes duMandats Rwanda CPODR : Concertation Permanente de l’Opposition AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Rwandaise ANT : Démocratique Assemblée Nationale de Transition TPIR : Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (Transitional National Assembly) CPOR :: Concertation de l’Opposition APADEC AssociationPermanente du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Démocratique APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise CRID : Centre de Recherches d’Information pour APROBAMI : Association des Partis et Monarchistes le Développement Rwandais CRISP : Centre de Recherche et l’Information SocioAPROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Politiques APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la CS : Centre de Santé Masse CSP : Conseil Supérieur du Pays (Higher National ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Council) Démocratie DMZ : Zone démilitarisée ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Ed. : Edition Droits de l’Homme EDPRS : Economic Development and Poverty Reduction AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Strategy Démocratique des Batwa vii v vii EEC EIC :ACRONYMS European Economic Community AND ABBREVIATIONS :___________________________________ Etat Indépendant du Congo (Congo Free State) A.A. ArchivesNon Africaines ENA : Enfants Accompagnes A.G. Assemblée Générale au Rwanda EPR : Eglise Presbytérienne ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga EUNR : Editions de l’Université Nationale du ABESC : Rwanda Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la EUR : Editions Universitaires Suppression des Castesdu Rwanda FAR : Forces Armées ACR Association desRwandaises Cultivateurs du Rwanda FARG : Fonds d’Assistance auxdes Rescapés ADP Alliance Démocratique Peuplesdu Génocidepour la Démocratie et la ADR : Alliance FASR : Facilite d’Ajustement Structurel Renforcé Réconciliation Nationale FAZ : Forces Armées Extra-Coutumières Zaïroises AEC Agglomeration FDC : Forces pour le Changement AFDL AllianceDémocratiques des Forces Démocratiques pour la FDD : Forces de Défense de la Démocratie Libération du Congo-Zaïre FDLR : Forces Démocratiques de Libération AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act u Rwanda $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP FED :: Fonds AIMO AffairesEuropéen IndigènesdeetDéveloppement Main-d’oeuvre FLR : Front de Libération Rwandaise AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine FP : Force Publique Rwandaise FPR :: Front Rwandais ALIR ArméePatriotique de Libération du Rwanda FRD : Forces de Résistance pourprésidentiel la Démocratie AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté FRODEBU Front pour la Démocratie AMR :: Association des Moniteursau duBurundi Rwanda FRONASA : Front for National Salvation AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda FRPC :: Facilité pour Nationale la Réductionde deTransition la Pauvreté et la ANT Assemblée Croissance (Transitional National Assembly) Frw : Rwanda francs APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien GIEP : International d’Eminentes APR : Groupe Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Personnalités Association des Partis Monarchistes GN : Genèse Rwandais GOMN : Groupe d’Observateurs Militaires Neutres APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes GOMN : Groupe d’observateurs militaires neutres de APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la l’OUA (Rwanda) Masse GP : Garde Présidentielle ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la GTBE : Gouvernement de Transition à Base Elargie Démocratie GUN : Gouvernement d’Union Nationale ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des (Government of National Unity) Droits de l’Homme GUNT. : Gouvernement d’Union nationale de AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Transition Démocratique des Batwa viii viii v HAV HIMO +,9 A.A. HRW A.G. IBUKA ABAKI ICAR ABESC Africa ICRC ACR ICTR ADP IDA ADR IDC IEC AEC IMF AFDL INRS AGOA INSR $,'6 AIMO IPN AJER IRDP Paix ALIR IRDP AM/AP :ACRONYMS Homme Adulte ANDValide ABBREVIATIONS :___________________________________ Haute Intensité de Main d’Oeuvre +XPDQ,PPXQRGpÀFLHQF\9LUXV ArchivesRights Africaines : Human Watch Assemblée Générale : Association des Rescapés du Génocide : (Association Alliance des Bakiga of genocide Survivors) : International Conference on Refugees Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourinla Suppression des Castes : International Committee of the Cross Association des Cultivateurs duRed Rwanda : International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Alliance Démocratique des Peuples : International Alliance pour Development la DémocratieAssociation et la : Internationale Démocrate Chrétienne Réconciliation Nationale : Information, Education et Communication Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières : International Monetary Fund Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la : Institut National de la Recherche Libération du Congo-Zaïre 6FLHQWLÀTXH : African Growth and Opportunity Act :$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Institut National de la Statistique du : Rwanda Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre :: Association Institut Pédagogique National de la Jeunesse Estudiantine : Institut de Recherche et de Dialogue pour la Rwandaise : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Institute de Recherche et de Dialogue pour la :: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Paix Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda IRSAC : ,QVWLWXWGH5HFKHUFKH6FLHQWLÀTXHHQ$IULTXH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Centrale Assemblée Nationale de Transition ISAE : Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (Transitional National Assembly)et d’Elevage ISFP :: Institut Supérieur des Finances Chrétien Publiques APADEC Association du Parti Démocrate ISPG : Institut Supérieur de Pédagogie de Gitwe APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise JC Chrétienne APROBAMI :: Jeunesse Association des Partis Monarchistes JENAKI : Jeunesse RwandaisNationaliste Kigeli V JEUNAR : Jeunesse de l’UNAR APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes -25 -RXUQDO2IÀFLHOGX5ZDQGD APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la JPR : Jeunesse Patriotique Rwandaise Masse KHI : Kigali Health Institute ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la KIE : Kigali Institute of Education Démocratie KIST : Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des KM : Kikosi Maalum Droits de l’Homme LABOPHAR : Laboratoire Pharmaceutique du Rwanda AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement LDGL : Ligue pour la Défense des Droits de Démocratique des Batwa ix v ix l’Homme pour la ABBREVIATIONS Région des Grands Lacs ACRONYMS AND LIPRODHOR:Ligue pour la Promotion et la Défense des ___________________________________ Droits de l’Homme au Rwanda A.A. : Archives MAGRIVI Mutuelle Africaines des Agriculteurs des Virunga A.G. Assemblée Générale MCC : Millennium Challenge Corporation ABAKI Alliance desforBakiga MDC : Movement Democratic Change MDR : Mouvement Démocratique Républicain ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la MFBP : Suppression Mouvement des Femmes et du Bas-Peuple des Castes MGR Monseigneurdes Cultivateurs du Rwanda ACR : Association MIB Mission Immigration Banyarwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples MIB Mission Immigration Banyarwanda ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la MIGEPROF : Minsitère des Genres et de la Promotion des Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Femmes Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières MIJESPOC de la Jeunesse, des Sports etpour de lala AFDL : Ministère Alliance des Forces Démocratiques Culture Libération du Congo-Zaïre MINAGRI : Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act MINALOC : Ministère de l’Administration Locale $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP (Ministry of Adminstration) AIMO :Local Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre MINECOFIN : 0LQLVWqUHGHV)LQDQFHVHWGHOD3ODQLÀFDWLRQ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Economique Rwandaise MINIJUST : Ministère la Justice ALIR : Armée de de Libération du(Minsistry Rwanda of Justice) MINISANTE Ministère de la Santé (Ministry of Health) AM/AP :: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel MINUAR des Nations Unies pour l’Assistance au Rwanda AMR :: Mission Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda MOMOR : Mouvement Monarchiste Rwandais AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda MONUOR d’observation des Nations Unies Ouganda/Rwanda ANT :: Mission Assemblée Nationale de Transition MPL : Mouvement Libération (TransitionalPopulaire National de Assembly) MRAC :: Musée Royaldu deParti l’Afrique Centrale APADEC Association Démocrate Chrétien MRLZ : Mouvement Révolutionnaire pour la Libération du Zaïre APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise MRND : Révolutionnaire National pour le APROBAMI : Mouvement Association des Partis Monarchistes Développement Rwandais MUR : Mouvement pour l’Union Rwandaise APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Nº : Numéro APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ND : Non déterminé Masse NRA : National Resistance Army ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la NRM : National Resistance Movement 746 Démocratie NUR : National University of Rwanda ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des NURC : National Unity and Reconciliation Droits de l’Homme Commission AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement OAU : Organisation of African Unity Démocratique des Batwa x x v OBK :ACRONYMS Organisation du Bassin de la Kagera AND ABBREVIATIONS 2&,58 2IÀFHGXFDIpLQGLJqQHGX5XDQGD8UXQGL ___________________________________ OMD : Objectifs du Millénaire pour le A.A. : Développement Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ONATRACOM:2IÀFH1DWLRQDOHGH7UDQVSRUWHWGH ABAKI : Communication Alliance des Bakiga ONG : Organisation non Gouvernementale ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ONU : Organisation des Nation Suppression des Castes Unies Op.Cit : Opere Citatodes ( dans l’ouvrage du cité) ACR Association Cultivateurs Rwanda 25,1)25 2IÀFH5ZDQGDLVGHO·,QIRUPDWLRQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples OUA Organisation l’Unité Africaine ADR : Alliance pour de la Démocratie et la P. : Page Réconciliation Nationale PADER : Parti Démocratique Rwandais AEC Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières PALIR Parti de Libération Rwanda AFDL : Alliance des Forcesdu Démocratiques pour la PAM : Libération Programmedu Alimentaire Mondial Congo-Zaïre PAMOPRO : Parti Monarchiste Progressiste AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act PARERWA : Parti Républicain du Rwanda $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP PARMEHUTU du Indigènes Mouvement de l’Emancipation AIMO ::Parti Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre Hutu AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine PAS : Programme Rwandaise d’Ajustement Structurel PAWA :: Faction extrémiste ALIR Armée de Libérationdite du autrement Rwanda « Power » PDC Parti Démocratique Chrétien AM/AP :: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel PDI : Parti pour la Démocratie Islamique AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda PECO : Ecologiste AMUR : Parti Association des Musulmans au Rwanda PED Pacte Européen de Développement ANT :: Assemblée Nationale de Transition PEV : Programme Elargi de (Transitional NationalVaccination Assembly) PIB : Produit Intérieur Brut APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien PL : APR : Parti ArméeLibéral Patriotique Rwandaise PNAS : Programme Sociales APROBAMI : Association National des Partisd’Actions Monarchistes PNB : Produit National Brut Rwandais PNLP : Programme National de Lutte contre le APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Paludisme APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la PNLS : Programme National de Lutte contre le SIDA Masse PNUD : Programme des Nations Unies pour le ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Développement Démocratie PP. : Pages ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des PPJR : Parti Progressiste de la Jeunesse Rwandaise Droits de l’Homme PPTE : Pays Pauvres Très Endettés AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement PRD : Parti pour le Renouveau Démocratique Démocratique des Batwa xi v xi PRI :ACRONYMS Penal Reform International AND ABBREVIATIONS 35,0$785(3UHPLHU0LQLVWqUH 2IÀFHRIWKH3ULPH ___________________________________ Minister) A.A. :: Archives Africaines PROFEMMES Collectif des Associations de Promotion de la A.G. : Femme Assemblée Générale ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga Populaire PRP : Parti de la Révolution PRSP : Poverty Reduction Strategy Program ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la PRSP : Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Suppression des Castes PSCR : Parti Social Chrétien du Rwanda ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda PSD : Parti Socialiste Démocrate ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples PSR : Parti Socialiste ADR Alliance pour laRwandais Démocratie et la RADER : Rassemblement Démocratique Rwandais Réconciliation Nationale RAMA : Rwandaise d’Assurance Maladie (Rwanda AEC Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Medical Alliance Insurance) des Forces Démocratiques pour la RANU : Libération Rwandan Alliance for National Unity du Congo-Zaïre RDC : République Démocratique Du Congo AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act RDR : Rassemblement pour la Démocratie au $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Rwanda Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre RIF : Rural Infrastructure Financing Facility AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine RIPA : Rwandais Pour La Promotion Des Rwandaise Investissements ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda RISD Rwanda Institute ofArrêté Sustainable AM/AP :: Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel Development AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda RITA : and Technology AMUR : Rwandese AssociationInformation des Musulmans au Rwanda Agency ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition RPA : Rwanda Patriotic ArmyAssembly) (Transitional National RPF :: Rwanda Patriotic Front APADEC Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien RTD : Rassemblement Travailliste pour la APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI Démocratie : Association des Partis Monarchistes RTLM : Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines Rwandais RU : Rwanda-Urundi APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes SADC : Southern African Development Community APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la SAP : Structural Adjustment Program Masse SBMP : Société Belge des Missions Protestantes ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la SDN : Société des Nations Démocratie 6,'$ 6\QGURPHGHO·,PPXQRGpÀFLHQFH$FTXLVH ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des SIDIM : Société des Ingangurarugo de Mushiha Droits de l’Homme SNJG : Service National Des Juridictions Gacaca AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement SONARWA : Société Nationale d’Assurances du Rwanda Démocratique des Batwa xii xii v SORAS :ACRONYMS Société Rwandaise d’Assurances AND ABBREVIATIONS TANU :___________________________________ Tanganyika National Union TANU : Tanganyika National Union A.A. : Technologie Archives Africaines TIC de l’Information et de la A.G. : Communication Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga TPDF Tanzaniades People’s Defence Forces TPIR : Tribunal Pénal pour pour le Rwanda ABESC Association desInternational Bahutu Evoluant la TRAC : Treatment and Research AIDS Centre Suppression des Castes TRAFIPRO Travail-Fidélité-Progrès ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda UAAC Université Adventiste de l’Afrique Centrale ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples UAARU : Union des Aborozi Africains du ADR Alliance pour la Démocratie et laRwanda UCK : Université Catholique de Kabgayi Réconciliation Nationale UDPR : Union Démocratique du Peuple AEC Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Rwandais748 Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la UE : Union Européenne Libération du Congo-Zaïre UEBR : Union des Églises baptistes au Rwanda AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act UFDR : Union des Forces Démocratiques $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Rwandaises Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre UJR : Union des Journalistes duEstudiantine Rwanda AJER : Association de la Jeunesse ULK : Université Libre de Kigali Rwandaise UMAR : Union Masses Rwandaises ALIR : Armée des de Libération du Rwanda UMHK : Union Minière du Haut Katanga AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel UNAFREUROP: Union Afro-Européenne AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda UNAR Union Nationale Rwandaise au Rwanda AMUR :: Association des Musulmans UNATEK Université d’Agriculture, de Technologie et ANT :: Assemblée Nationale de Transition d’Education Kibungo (Transitionalde National Assembly) UNHCR : United Nations High Commission for APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Refugees APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise UNICEF : Nations Fund APROBAMI : United Association des Children Partis Monarchistes UNILAC : Université Rwandais Laïque de Kigali UNINTERCOKI : Union des Intérêts Communs du Kinyaga APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes UNLA : Uganda National Liberation Army APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la UNLF : Uganda National Liberation Front Masse UNR : Université Nationale du Rwanda ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la UPC : Uganda People’s Congress Démocratie UPM : Uganda Patriotic Movement ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des UPRONA : Union pour le Progrès National Droits de l’Homme URSS : Union des Républiques Socialistes AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Soviétiques Démocratique des Batwa xiii v xiii USA :ACRONYMS Etats-Unis d’Amérique (United States of AND ABBREVIATIONS America) ___________________________________ USAID : United States Agency for International A.A. : Archives Africaines Development A.G. Assemblée VAR : Vaccin AntiGénérale Rougeoleux ABAKI AllianceAntitétanique des Bakiga VAT : Vaccin VOA : Voix de l’Amérique ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la VPO : Vaccin Polio Suppression Oral des Castes YPO : Young Presidents’ Organisation ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZEP :: Zone d’Echanges Préférentiels ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xiv xiv v ACRONYMS AND LIST OFABBREVIATIONS TABLES ___________________________________ Table 1: A.A. Table 2: A.G. Table 3: ABAKI Table 4: ABESC Prehistoric ageAfricaines in Rwanda................................ : Archives Chronological list of Ibimanuka in Rwanda....... : Assemblée Générale The:kings of Rwanda and Busigi..................... Alliance des Bakiga German troops indes Ruanda-Urundi during WWI.... : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la ......................................................................2 Suppression des Castes Table 5: List of circles for the “enlightened or évolués” in ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Rwanda in 1954.............................................341 ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Table 6: Growth of GDP components............................425 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Table 7: Trend of production output of manufactured Réconciliation Nationale products...............................................................425 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Table 8: Agricultural production between 1964 and 1967 AFDL in thousands : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la of metric tons............................426 Libération dufor Congo-Zaïre Table 9: Allocation of land food crops (unit: hectare) LIST OF TABLES AGOA ........................................................................426 : African Growth and Opportunity Act Table 10: Yields of major food crops (Unit: metric ton/ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP hectare)................................................................427 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Table11: 1: Prehistoric age enrolment in Rwanda................................ Table Trend of student admitted to primary AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Table 2: Chronological list of Ibimanuka in Rwanda....... school...........................................................................431 Rwandaise kings of to Rwanda and Busigi..................... Table 3: 12:The Admission government secondary schools ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Table 4: German troops in Ruanda-Urundi during WWI.... according to provinces in Sept. 1989............448 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Table 13:......................................................................2 Trend of balance of trade from 1980 to 1991...... AMR :of Association Moniteurs duorRwanda Table 5: List circles for des the “enlightened évolués” in ....................................................................451 AMUR Rwanda : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda in 1954.............................................341 Table 6: Growth of GDP components............................425 ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition xv Table 7: Trend(Transitional of productionNational output ofAssembly) manufactured APADEC products...............................................................425 : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Table 8: Agricultural productionRwandaise between 1964 and 1967 APR : Armée Patriotique in thousands of metric tons............................426 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Table 9: Allocation of land for food crops (unit: hectare) Rwandais ........................................................................426 APROCOMIN: des Commerçants Table 10: YieldsAssociation of major food crops (Unit: metricIndigènes ton/ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la hectare)................................................................427 Table 11: TrendMasse of student enrolment admitted to primary ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la school...........................................................................431 Démocratie Table 12: Admission to government secondary schools to provinces in Sept. ARDHO according : Association Rwandaise pour1989............448 la Défense des Table 13: Trend of balance of trade from 1980 to 1991...... Droits de l’Homme ....................................................................451 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xv v xv Table 14: Changes in income expenditure for ACRONYMS ANDand ABBREVIATIONS budgetsbetween 1980-1992..........................453 ___________________________________ Table 15: Budgetary estimates as from 1st January to 31st December 1990............................................454 A.A. : Archives Africaines Table 16: Creation and approval of political parties in A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI Rwanda...............................................................76 : Alliance des Bakiga Table 17: Areas under demilitarized buffer zone...........496 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Table 18: The state of the judicial personnel between 1994 and Suppression des Castes 2002.................................................................................588 ACR : Association desbetween Cultivateurs Rwanda Table 19: Rwanda’s refugees 1993du and 1999........ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ....................................................................631 ADR 20: Key : Alliance pour la Démocratie la Table indicators of VISION 2020 inetRwanda....638 Réconciliation Nationale Table 21: Percentage of households below the poverty line AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières from 1985 to 1999....................................640 Table from Rwanda’s taxes from 1996 to 2001 AFDL22 : Income : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la st in du millions of RwF..........................651 (1 Semester) Libération Congo-Zaïre Tables 23 and 24 : UN aid to Rwanda from 1994 to Act 2003....652 AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Table of jobs per sector in 2003................653 $,'6 25: Number $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Table 26: Employment status andet economic activities in AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre 2003......................................................................653 AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Table 27: Enrolment in tertiary government institutions fromRwandaise 1994/1995 to 2001/2002....................659 ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Table 28: Enrolment in tertiary private institutions AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel from 1994/1995 to 2001/2002....................659 AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Table 29: Funding the healthdes sector from the source: AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda 1997-2003...............................................................668 ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xvi xvi v /IST OF ABBREVIATIONS FIGURES ACRONYMS AND ___________________________________ Figure 1: Fossil bones found at Masangano: otter (Natural A.A. : Archives Africaines History Museum in Kigali)................................. A.G. : Assemblée Générale Figure 2: Stone tools conserved ABAKI : Alliance des Bakigaat the Institute of National Museums of Rwanda in Huye.......... ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Figure 3: Kagitumba sharpened stone tools (Akagera National park) Suppression des Castes ............................................................................................ ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Figure 4: Bricks found at Muyunzwe (seventh century)...... ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ...................................................................... ADR Alliance pour la Démocratie of et Urewe la Figure 5: Pot: with patterns characteristic pottery Réconciliation Nationale ...................................................................... AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Figure 6: Urewe dimple-based pottery ........................... AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la .. Figure 7: Cow tooth found at Remera (Gisagara District) ...................................................................... Libération du Congo-Zaïre Figure 8: Pots decorated with circular rings on the surface AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act /IST OF FIGURES and around the space between the pot’s base, $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP neck and: shoulder....................................................... AIMO Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Figure 9: Political and administrative hierarchy from King AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Figure 1: Fossil bones found at Masangano: otter (Natural Cyirima Rujugira..........................................1 Rwandaise History production Museum intrends Kigali)................................. Figure 10: Calories per person per day and ALIR : Armée de Libération du Figure 2: disparity Stone tools conserved at theRwanda Institute of indicators of revenues in rural areas AM/AP (1982-1993)...................................................452 : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel National Museums of Rwanda in Huye.......... AMR : Association desstone Moniteurs du Rwanda Figure 3: Kagitumba sharpened tools (Akagera National park) AMUR ............................................................................................ : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda xvii Figure 4: Bricks found atNationale Muyunzwe century)...... ANT : Assemblée de(seventh Transition ...................................................................... (Transitional National Assembly) Figure 5: Pot with patterns of Urewe pottery APADEC : Association ducharacteristic Parti Démocrate Chrétien ...................................................................... APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Figure 6: Urewe dimple-based pottery ........................... APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Figure 7: Cow tooth found at Remera (Gisagara District) .. Rwandais ...................................................................... APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Figure 8: Pots decorated with circular rings on Indigènes the surface APROSOMA pour la Promotion Sociale de la and: Association around the space between the pot’s base, neck Masse and shoulder....................................................... ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de la Figure 9: Political and pour administrative hierarchy from King Démocratie Cyirima Rujugira..........................................1 Figure 10: Calories production trends perpour person day and ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la per Défense des disparity indicators of revenues in rural areas Droits de l’Homme (1982-1993)...................................................452 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xvii v xvii ACRONYMS AND LIST OFABBREVIATIONS MAPS ___________________________________ A.A. : Archives Africaines Map 1: Localization of Middle and Late Stone Ages in A.G. Rwanda................................................................. : Assemblée Générale Map 2: Location of sites during the Early Iron Age ........ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Map 3: Home and migration routes of the Bantu and thepour semi-la ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant Bantu.................................................................. Suppression des Castes Map of Bantu languages: stages and ACR 4 Expansion : Association des Cultivateurs dudispersion Rwanda points................................................................................... ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Map 5: Location of linguistic groups in the Great Lake ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Region from 1000 BC to 500 BC........................ Réconciliation Nationale Map 6: Original map of Rwanda (Gasabo AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and the neighboring “countries” (14t Century).. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 0DS5ZDQGDDIWHUILYHFHQWXULHVRIH[SDQVLRQ Libération du Congo-Zaïre 0DS7KHILUVW(XURSHDQH[SORUHUV AGOA : African Growth andbyOpportunity Map 9: The historic regions retained the colonial Act $,'6 administration.................................................................. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Map 10: Rwanda Urundi (1884-1919).......................... AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre LIST OF MAPS Map 11: Establishment of Catholic and Estudiantine AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Protestant missions in Rwanda (1900-1916).2 Rwandaise Map 12: Ethnic and de political violence from 1059-1962.392 ALIR : Armée Libération du Rwanda Map 1: Localization of Middle and Late Stone Ages in AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Map 13: Administrative map of Rwanda (2001).............606 Rwanda................................................................. AMR 2: Location : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda Map of sites during the Earlydu Iron Age ........ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au the Rwanda Map 3: Home and migration routes of the Bantu and semiANT Bantu.................................................................. : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Map 4 Expansion of Bantu languages: and dispersion (Transitional Nationalstages Assembly) points................................................................................... APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Map 5: Location of linguistic groups in the Great Lake APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Region from 1000 BC to 500 BC........................ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Map 6: Original map of Rwanda (Gasabo Rwandais and the neighboring “countries” (14t Century).. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 0DS5ZDQGDDIWHUILYHFHQWXULHVRIH[SDQVLRQ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 0DS7KHILUVW(XURSHDQH[SORUHUV Masse Map 9: The historic regions retained by the colonial ARD administration.................................................................. : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Map 10: Rwanda Urundi (1884-1919).......................... Map 11: Establishment Catholic and ARDHO : AssociationofRwandaise pour la Défense des Protestant missions in Rwanda (1900-1916).2 Droits de l’Homme Map 12: Ethnic and political violence from 1059-1962.392 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique Batwa (2001).............606 Map 13: Administrative mapdes of Rwanda xviii v TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ Acronyms and:abbreviations ................................................................... v A.A. Archives Africaines List of tables .......................................................................................... ͘xvv Acronyms and A.G. :abbreviations Assemblée................................................................... Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga figures.......................................................................................... ........................................................................................ xvii List of tables ͘xv ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ǀŝŝŝ List of maps figures.........................................................................................x ........................................................................................xvii Suppression des Castes TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................xŝx List of maps .........................................................................................x ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwandaǀŝŝŝ PREFACE ͘xxiii TABLE OF............................................................................................. CONTENTS .......................................................................xŝx ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples FOREWORD ........................................................................................... xxǀ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la PREFACE ............................................................................................. ͘xxiii Réconciliation Nationale ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... xxǀii FOREWORD ........................................................................................... xxǀ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières GENERAL INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... xxǀii AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la I. SOURCES OF RWANDA’S........................................................................ HISTORY .................................................. 15 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Libération du Congo-Zaïre 1.1.ϭ͘Material sources 6 I. SOURCES OF: RWANDA’S HISTORY and .................................................. 5 AGOA African..................................................................... Growth Opportunity Act 1.1.Ϯ.Oral sources ................................................................................... $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 1.1.ϭ͘Material sources ..................................................................... 68 AIMO :sources Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 1.1.ϯ.Written ............................................................................. 13 1.1.Ϯ.Oral sources ................................................................................... 8 AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 1.1.ϰ.Audiovisual sources ...................................................................... 113ϲ 1.1.ϯ.Written sources ............................................................................. Rwandaise 1.2.Overview of Rwanda’s historiography ....................................... 117ϲ 1.1.ϰ.Audiovisual sourcesde ...................................................................... ALIR : Armée Libération du Rwanda 1.2.1. Pre-colonial period ....................................................................... 1.2.Overview :ofArrêté Rwanda’s historiography ....................................... AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 117ϳ 1.2.2. Colonial ............................................................................. AMR :period Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 118ϳ 1.2.1. Pre-colonial period ....................................................................... AMUR :period Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 19 1.2.3. colonial period ..................................................................... 1.2.2. Post Colonial ............................................................................. 18 ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 1.2.4. Post-genocide period..................................................................... ................................................................... 2ϭ 1.2.3. Post colonial period 19 (Transitional National Assembly) II. PREHISTORY AND period SETTLEMENTS IN RWANDA 1.2.4. Post-genocide ................................................................... APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien2ϭ (1000 BC – 700/800 ................................................................... 23 II. PREHISTORY ANDBC) SETTLEMENTS IN RWANDA APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 2.1. Prehistory 23 APROBAMI : ................................................................................ Association des Partis Monarchistes (1000 BC – 700/800 BC)................................................................... 23 Rwandais 2.1.1. Environmental framework ........................................................... 23 2.1. Prehistory ................................................................................ 23 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 2.1.2. Environmental Current state offramework archaeological research .....................................23 24 2.1.1. ........................................................... APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 2.1.3. of climatic and landscape changes .............................. 26 2.1.2. Evolution Current state of archaeological research ..................................... 24 Masse 2.1.4. Prehistoric in Rwanda ............................................................ 3Ϭ 2.1.3. Evolution ofage climatic and landscape changes .............................. 26 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 2.2. Settlement in Rwanda .............................................................. 4ϴ 2.1.4. PrehistoricDémocratie age in Rwanda............................................................ 3Ϭ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense 2.2.1.Settlement Local traditions on settlements: myths and narratives ...............des 5Ϭ 2.2. in Rwanda .............................................................. 4ϴ Droits de l’Homme 2.2.2. Modern theoriesononsettlements: the settlements inand Rwanda: content and 5Ϭ 2.2.1. Local traditions narratives ............... AREDETWA : Association pour myths le Relèvement 2.2.2. Modern theories on the settlements in Rwanda: content and xŝx Démocratique des Batwa xŝxv xix application.............................................................................................. ϱϵ III. THE KINGDOM OF RWANDA FROM THE BEGINNING TO 1900 ......7ϯ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3.1. Rwanda of___________________________________ Gasabo and the neighboring “countries” ................. 7ϯ 3.1.1. Original Rwanda in Buganza......................................................... 7ϯ A.A. : Archives Africaines 3.2. Expansion of Rwanda ............................................................... 8ϭ A.G. : Assemblée Générale 3.2.1. Rwanda versus Gisaka: Ruganzu Bwimba and Robwa ................. 8ϭ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 3.2.2. Conquest and occupationdes of Bahutu Nduga: a new center power ABESC : Association Evoluant pour inla Rwanda’s expansion ............................................................................... 8ϯ Suppression des Castes 3.2.3. Major political crisis: Yuhides Gahima and Ndahiro Cyamatare ....... ϴϲ ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 3.2.4. Restoration and consolidation of the monarchy ......................... ϴϴ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et 3.2.5. The great expansion: from King Cyirima Rujugira tolaKing Kigeri Réconciliation Nationale Rwabugiri ............................................................................................... 9ϭ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 3.3. Organization of the kingdom .................................................. ͘͘ϵϴ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 3.3.1. Political Organization ................................................................͘͘͘ϵϵ Libération du Congo-Zaïre 3.3.2. Military :organization .................................................................. 11Ϭ AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 1ϭϯ 3.3.ϯ. dĞƌƌŝƚŽƌŝĂůKƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘......... AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 3.3.ϰ. Social and Economic Organization ............................................. 1ϭϳ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 3.3.ϱ. Cultural and social organization ................................................. 1ϯϳ Rwandaise IV. RWANDA UNDER GERMAN AND BELGIAN ........ 1ϲϱ ALIR : Armée de Libération du COLONIZATION Rwanda 4.1. Rwanda during German colonizationArrêté ...................................... AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel 1ϲϱ AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 1ϲϱ 4.1.1. Period of explorers ..................................................................... AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda1ϳϴ 4.1.2. Territorial organization and arrival of Germans ........................ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 4.1.3. The Protectorate regime (1897) ................................................ 18Ϯ (Transitional National Assembly) 4.1.4. Presence of missionaries............................................................ 20Ϯ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 4.1.5. Resistance movements and opposition ..................................... 2Ϭϴ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI Association des Partis Monarchistes 4.1.ϲ. The First: World War ................................................................... 2Ϯϰ Rwandais 4.2. Belgian colonization (1916 - 1962) .......................................... 2Ϯϳ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 4.2.1. Regime of occupation 1916 - 1926 ............................................ 2Ϯϳ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 4.2.2. Belgian Mandate Masse (1926 - 1948).................................................. 2ϯϲ 4.2.3. The Trusteeship (1946-1962) 317 ARD : Alliance pour le..................................................... Renforcement de la Démocratie V. RWANDA UNDER THE FIRST AND SECOND REPUBLICS (1962-1994) ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense 411 des .................................................................................................... Droits(1962-1973) de l’Homme 5.1. The First Republic ................................................ 411 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement xx Démocratique des Batwa xx v 5.1.1. The new political and institutional framework .......................... 411 5.1.2. Eliminating the Opposition ........................................................ 415 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5.1.3. Armed opposition of the Inyenzi (1961-1968) ........................... 417 ___________________________________ 5.1.4. Development efforts and economic dependence ..................... 422 A.A. : Archives Africaines 5.1.5. Social and cultural politics.......................................................... 451 A.G. : Assemblée Générale 5.1.6. End of the First Republic ............................................................ 437 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 5.2. The Second Republic (1973-1994) ........................................... 442 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes 5.2.1. Creation and institutionalization of MRND ................................ 443 ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda447 5.2.2. Worsening of the crises ............................................................. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 5.2.3. Problem of Rwandan Refugees .................................................. 457 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 5.2.4. Armed intervention of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (1st October, Réconciliation Nationale 1990)……………………………………………………………………………………………..͘͘460 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 5.2.5. Short-circuit for multipartism .................................................... AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour475 la 5.2.6. Violence and insecurity du as political strategies ........................... ϰ82 Libération Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Act ...... 490 5.2.7. The crisis of 8th - 9thGrowth February and 1993 Opportunity and its consequences $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 5.2.8. Maneuvers to block the Arusha Accords ................................... 497 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre VI.THE GENOCIDE PERPETRATED AGAINST THE TUTSI (APRIL-JULY AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 1994)............................................................................................ 503 Rwandaise 6.1. Definition of terms and key concepts ...................................... 505 ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 6.2. Beginning: and execution of the genocide against the Tutsis.... 509 AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 6.2.1. Attack against the presidential plane and execution of the genocide …………………………………………………………………………………………509 AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationaleofde Transition 6.2.2. Generalization and systematization Tutsi massacres. ........... 514 (Transitional National Assembly) 6.2.3. Organization of the genocide perpetrated the Tutsis ...............519 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 6.3. Mobilization as a tool to exterminate the Tutsi............................ 537 APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 6.3.1. Presentation of the 1990 des war as a threat to the existence of the APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes Hutu………………………………………………………………………………………………͘͘537 Rwandais 6.3.2. Mobilization against the Arusha Peace Accord.......................... 542 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association Sociale de la 6.3.3. Mobilization done in the pour murderlaofPromotion President Ndadaye ........... 546 Masse 6.3.4. Manipulating of fear and resentment........................................ 550 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 6.4. Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) stops the genocide .................... 554 Démocratie 6.4.1. Military :operations ..................................................................... ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour la Défense 554 des 6.4.2. DiplomaticDroits Action ....................................................................... 556 de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement xxi Démocratique des Batwa v xxi 6.5. Denial and Revisionism .......................................................... 560 6.5.1. Denial mechanism of the genocide perpetrated against the ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Tutsis………………………………………………………………………………………………͘561 ___________________________________ 6.5.2. Forms of Genocide denial against the Tutsis ............................. 563 A.A. Archives VII. RWANDA :DURING THE Africaines TRANSITIONAL PERIOD A.G. : Assemblée Générale (July 1994-September 2003)͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘......... 571 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 7.1 Political evolution ................................................................... 572 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la 7.1.1 Political Program of the Government of National Unity............. 572 Suppression des Castes 7.1.2. Restoration of state structures .................................................. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda577 ADP : Alliance des and Peuples 7.1.3. Restoration of peaceDémocratique and security for people property ..... ϱ79 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 7.1.4. Challenges of unity and reconciliation ....................................... ϱ82 Réconciliation Nationale 7.1.5. Justice in the post-genocide context ......................................... 587 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 7.1.6. Differences of opinion on political ........................... AFDL : Alliance des Forcesleadership Démocratiques pour596 la 7.1.7. Democratization and good ..................................... 598 Libération dugovernance Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7.1.8. Constitutional and Judicial Commission .................................... 600 $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7.1.9. Decentralization ......................................................................... 604 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7.1.10. Foreign policy ........................................................................... 607 AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7.1.11. RegionalRwandaise conflicts ..................................................................... 611 ALIR Armée Libération du Rwanda 7.2. Economic:and socialde evolution ................................................ 626 AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel 627 7.2.1. Emergency period ministériel/ (1994-1999) ................................................. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 7.2.2. Phases of development from 1999 ............................................ 637 AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 7.2.3. Economic and social sectors ...................................................... 641 ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 7.2.4. Promotion(Transitional of women and youth ................................................ 672 National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien676 GENERAL CONCLUSION ................................................................. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................. 680 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes I. WRITTEN SOURCES .................................................................... ϲ80 Rwandais I.1. Edited sources ........................................................................ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènesϲ80 I.2. Archive sources ....................................................................... 717 APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse II. AUDIO-VISUAL SOURCES ........................................................... 719 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la III. ORAL SOURCES ........................................................................ 721 Démocratie List of contributors ....................................................................... 724 ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des APPENDICES ................................................................................. 725 Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement xxii Démocratique des Batwa xxii v ACRONYMSPREFACE AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga o people can existdes without a history. Likewise, ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour lathere PREFACE can be no history without a people. Since the end of the Suppression des Castes genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994, many ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Rwandans have been asking and waiting eagerly for a written ADP : Alliance dessociety Peuples account of their history.Démocratique Current Rwandan has not been ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la spared from this fundamental desire -- namely, the wish to be Réconciliation Nationale correctly informed about Rwanda’s past in order to confront the o of people can exist a history. Likewise, there AEC :the Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières challenges present andwithout the future. The social demand for no history a Démocratiques people. thepour end oflathe history iscan particularly high in a country likeSince Rwanda where AFDL :beAlliance deswithout Forces perpetrated againstthe theTutsi Tutsioccured. in 1994, many tragedies genocide of war and genocide against Libération du Congo-Zaïre Rwandans have been asking and waiting eagerly for a written AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act accountdemand of their history. Current Rwandan society has not been People to know their history for several reasons. Among $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP sparedthings, from this fundamental desirehappened; -- namely,itthe wish to be other history explains what gives proof of AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre correctly informedthat about Rwanda’s past in orderof to manipulated confront the the catastrophe occurred with examples AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine challenges of the present and the ends future. Thepropaganda social demand for facts -- invented for ideological and -- and Rwandaise history iscontext particularly high action in a country like Rwanda where provides to inspire and behavior with the aimthe of ALIR : Armée de Libération Rwanda tragedies of war and genocide againstdu the Tutsi reconstructing post-genocide Rwanda. This bookoccured. neither claims AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté nor présidentiel to meet all the expectations of its readers claims to answer AMR :asked. Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda People demand to know history several reasons. all questions Thetheir authors arefor conscious of theseAmong limits otherdeserve things,to explains what happened; givestheir proof of AMUR :history Association desfor Musulmans auit Rwanda and be commended having transcended own the catastrophe that occurred of manipulated ANT : Assemblée Nationale demade Transition partialities and emotions. Theywith haveexamples this contribution facts invented for ideological endsinAssembly) and propaganda way -- and to the--national memory of Rwanda a professional by (Transitional National provides context to inspire action and behavior with the aim gathering, analyzing and reconciling diverse ideas. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien of reconstructing post-genocide Rwanda. This book neither claims APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise to meetall allelse, the expectations of its readersisnor claimsbyto and answer Above this history of Rwanda written for APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes all questions asked. Theaauthors are conscious of these limits Rwandans. It constitutes Rwandais vital step in the current reconstruction and deserve to be transcended their own of this nation. Wecommended know that for the having manipulation of history was APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes partialities and emotions. They have made this contribution one of the tools of extremist propaganda disseminated before APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale deway la by to the national memory ofpour Rwanda in a professional Masseand reconciling diverse ideas. gathering, analyzing xxLLL ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Above all else,Démocratie this history of Rwanda is written by and for Rwandans. It :constitutes a vital step in thepour current reconstruction ARDHO Association Rwandaise la Défense des of this nation. Droits We know that the manipulation of history was de l’Homme one of the tools of extremist propaganda disseminated before AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa N N xxLLL v xxiii and during the genocide of AND 1994.ABBREVIATIONS Rather than grounding itself ACRONYMS LQ WKH SUHMXGLFHV DQG DQG XQYHULÀHG WKHRULHV RI WKH SDVW WKLV ___________________________________ comprehensive work aims at establishing the truth of the past and the critical mind of the future. This framework is A.A.promoting : Archives Africaines especially important in educating our youth, who can now claim A.G. : Assemblée Générale improved tools for accessing knowledge of their national history. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga This work gives a balanced account of events but certainly does ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la not provide an exhaustive account of everything that took place. Suppression des Castes Its objective is to provide basic, objective information about the ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda essential aspects of the evolution of Rwanda, some of which are ADP controversial. : Alliance des Peuples deeply TheDémocratique major themes handled are: the problem ADR : Alliance la Démocratie et la of Rwanda, of information sources, pour the prehistory and people Nationale the Kingdom ofRéconciliation Rwanda from its beginning through the end of the century, European colonisation, post-colonial AECnineteenth : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières regimes, genocide against the Tutsi, and AFDL and : the Alliance des perpetrated Forces Démocratiques pour la the transitionalLibération period from up to 2003. Throughout their du1994 Congo-Zaïre writings on these periods, the authors have attempted AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actto address economic, political, social and cultural factors in addition to $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP addressing Rwanda’s relations with states in the sub-region and AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre beyond. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise The National University of Rwanda, to which the authors of this ALIR belong or : Armée de Libération du grateful Rwandato the National book belonged, is particularly AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), which afforded the AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda QHFHVVDU\IXQGVIRUWKHUHDOLVDWLRQRIWKLVZRUN7KHFRQÀGHQFH the NURC has shown in our lecturers has only enhanced the AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda longstanding of collaboration between our institutions. ANT :spirit Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Finally, we offer our sinceredu thanks the authors of this book APADEC : Association PartitoDémocrate Chrétien for well done. They have distinguished themselves APRtheir work: Armée Patriotique Rwandaise from some of our predecessors who supported the bloody drift of APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the post-colonial regime -- namely those who played a negative Rwandais role before, during, and after the genocide committed against APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants the Tutsi. By publishing this des work, the authors of Indigènes this book have APROSOMA Association pourresearch la Promotion Sociale de ought la opened a new:chapter for future in Rwanda. They Masse to be thanked for that endeavour. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Prof. Silas LWAKABAMBA Rector, University of Rwanda ARDHONational : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xxiY xxiv v FOREWORD ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP he National : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples FOREWORD Unity and Reconciliation Commission ADR (NURC) : Alliance pour la Démocratie et laof the history is pleased to present an appraisal Réconciliation Nationale of Rwanda, the objective of which is to disseminate a AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières better researched and more objective national history than AFDL available. : Alliance des Forces and Démocratiques pour la formerly Several readings disorted interpretations Libération Congo-Zaïre of the history have always du nourished the political behavior that AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act has undermined Rwanda’s unity, leading to the destruction of $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the concept of citizenship in Rwanda. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Associationin de la Jeunesse Estudiantine On several forums, the wish to revisit he occasions National and Unity several and Reconciliation Commission Rwandaise this history hasisbeen expressed with an theappraisal intention of of the facilitating (NURC) pleased to present history ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the process of unity and reconciliation. This commitment falls of Rwanda, the objective of which is to disseminate a AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel within the context of some primary objectives of NURC, namely better researched and more objective national history than AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda research conducting and publishing. formerly available. Several readings and disorted interpretations AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda of the history have always nourished the political behavior that ANT Assemblée Nationale de Transition The scope of :this work covers the leading essential of Rwanda has undermined Rwanda’s unity, to history the destruction of (Transitional National Assembly) from its beginning up to 2003, the year that marked the end of the concept of citizenship in Rwanda. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien a political transition which started in July 1994 and marked the APR : Arméeperiod Patriotique Rwandaise beginning another the Third Republic. On severalofoccasions and inofseveral forums, the wish to revisit APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes this history has been expressed with the intention of facilitating the process of Rwandais unity and reconciliation. This commitment xxY falls APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes within the context of some primary objectives of NURC, namely APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la research conducting and publishing. Masse ARDscope of :this Alliance Renforcement de laof Rwanda The work pour coverslethe essential history Démocratie from its beginning up to 2003, the year that marked the end of ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour laand Défense des a political transition which started in July 1994 marked the Droits de l’Homme beginning of another period of the Third Republic. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa T T xxY v xxv Sponsored byACRONYMS NURC, this work coordinated and produced ANDwas ABBREVIATIONS by historians___________________________________ and researchers from the National University RI 5ZDQGD ZKR ZHUH QRW RQO\ DEOH WR SUHVHQW WKHLU ÀQGLQJV based artAfricaines research methodologies, but who also A.A. on state-of-the : Archives succeeded in clarifying controversial A.G. : Assemblée Généralepoints and even illuminating previously unknown facts of Bakiga Rwanda’s history. The authors are ABAKI : Alliance des HQWLUHO\ IRU WKLV LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ RI KLVWRULFDO IDFWV ABESC UHVSRQVLEOH : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la WKHLULQWHUSUHWDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLVDQGWKHLUÀQDOSUHVHQWDWLRQLQ Suppression des Castes this ACRwork. : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples May be useful pour to ourlareaders and may it contribute to ADRthis work: Alliance Démocratie et la stimulating future research initiatives and debate. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières NURC thank those contributed to the realization AFDL wishes :toAlliance des who Forces Démocratiques pour la of this book, especially the NUR its research and the European Libération du for Congo-Zaïre 8QLRQIRULWVÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Dr. Jean Baptiste HABYALIMANA AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Executive secretary AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine National UnityRwandaise and Reconciliation Commission ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa xxYL xxvi v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDLhis synthesis : Alliance Démocratiques pour la of des the Forces ‘History of Rwanda’ would not Libération duwithout Congo-Zaïre have been produced a combined effort of the AGOANational : African Growth and Opportunity ActNational University of Rwanda (NUR), the Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) as well as $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the Ministry :ofAffaires Education (MINEDUC). AIMO Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Special thanks go to the National University of Rwanda which was theRwandaise cradle for the authors of this piece of work. ALIR : Armée Libération dusupported Rwanda to write a These authors were de requested and AM/AP of Rwanda : Arrêtéthat ministériel/ history is devoid Arrêté of any présidentiel manipulation. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda We are grateful to the National Unity and Reconciliation AMUR : 185& Association des Musulmans au Rwanda &RPPLVVLRQ ZKLFKZDVFKDUJHGZLWKÀQDQFLQJWKH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition this work processes of writing, printing and disseminating (Transitional National WRRO Assembly) ZKLFK LV FRQVLGHUHG DQ HVVHQWLDO LQ WKH IXOÀOOPHQW NURC’s APADECmission. : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Finally, we are indebted todes thePartis Ministry of Education which APROBAMI : Association Monarchistes FRQFHLYHG IURP WKH RXWVHW WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI D VFLHQWLÀF study of the Rwandais history of Rwanda and its impact on the APROCOMIN: Association of desthe Commerçants sustainable development country. In Indigènes addition, the APROSOMA : Association Promotion Sociale de la of above ministry outlined pour the la philosophical framework this study. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la The authors of this study therefore wish to wholeheartedly express their Démocratie deep and sincere gratitude to the above ARDHO : Association Rwandaise support. pour la Défense des institutions for their determined May these LQVWLWXWLRQVÀQGVDWLVIDFWLRQLQWKLVZRUN Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Deo BYANAFASHE and Paul RUTAYISIRE Démocratique des Batwa T xxYLL v xxvii GENERALAND INTRODUCTION ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act ince the perpetration of the genocide against the Tutsi $,'6 in 1994, $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP many sectors of the Rwandan population – AIMO public: and Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre private – have et solicited a written account AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine RI WKHLU KLVWRU\ 7KLV GHPDQG DOVR PRWLYDWHG E\ VFLHQWLÀF necessity, is certainly informed by the tragic experiences of Rwandaise recent The Rwandese want todu know their history so as ALIR history. : Armée de Libération Rwanda to provide answers to numerous unanswered questions. Upon AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel realizing the manipulation of history was at the very center of AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda the propaganda which preceded and accompanied the genocide AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda in 1994, Rwandans want to be exposed to an objective and true ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition version of history that is based on in-depth research and that is 1 (Transitional National Assembly) written in an unbiased manner . APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien An opinion which is commonly expressed by Rwandans of all APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ages is that the history taught and disseminated APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistesin schools is distorted2. This manipulated history emerged as a tool for Rwandais political gains during and after colonization and is accused of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes having attached undue importance to ethnic differences. It is APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la also accused of creating tensions between Hutus and Tutsis by Masse falsely portraying both the monarchy and the Tutsi as oppressers ARD Alliance pour le Renforcement de la of the Hutu :while before the emergence of propaganda, all Démocratie Rwandans regarded one another as members of broader inclusive institutions such as clans. Rwandaise pour la Défense des ARDHO : Association Droits de l’Homme 1 IRDP, Enquête dans le Budaha, 5 janvier 2005. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 2 IRDP, Enquête Démocratique à Butare, 5 janvierdes 2005. Batwa S 1 v 1 Additionally, ACRONYMS the history taught in schools was written with AND ABBREVIATIONS the aim of pleasing the leaders in power. It only reproduced ___________________________________ slogans of former leaders instead of seeking historical facts and objective truths. For example, under colonization it was said by A.A. : Archives Africaines the colonizers that the Tutsi were the only ones who could rule. A.G. : Assemblée Générale Conversely, during the First and Second Republics, the ancient ABAKI.LQJGRPV : Alliance des Bakiga +XWX ZHUH JORULÀHG \ VRPH VFKRODUV DQG WKH SRZHU ABESC : Association des la was in place at the expense of the Bahutu NyiginyaEvoluant Kingdom,pour which 3 discredited . Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda History taught and disseminated in schools was interested in ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples neither the peasant masses nor their daily lives. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la It was even less concerned Réconciliation with the relationships existing between different Nationale social groups in the interior of the community and between AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières inhabitants of the same region . The discipline did not attempt to AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la illuminate the socio-cultural and economic factors which shaped du Congo-Zaïre these people .ofLibération regions AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act This being said, it is unlikely that all the problems regarding $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the manipulation of history emanated exlusively from history AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre textbooks. Recent researchde has that divisive discourses AJER : Association la shown Jeunesse Estudiantine were also prevalent in day-to-day conversations, behaviors, Rwandaise attitudes, and even civic education. These attitudes were often ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda imparted and reinforced by teachers who propagated lessons on AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ the ‘long exploitation of the Hutu Arrêté by the présidentiel Tutsi Monarch’, the AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda strange character of Tutsi and the Hutu Revolution of 1959, etc.’ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Many teachers admit to having publicly asked their students ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition about their ethnic background andAssembly) having treated them (Transitional National discriminately based on such grounds. Not onlyChrétien did teachers APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate enforce ethnic segregation at schools, but they also employed APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise divisive language and stereotypes which imparted on their APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes students strong ethnic consciences. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des manipulations Commerçants of Indigènes Conscious of the widespread the history APROSOMA Association la Promotion SocialeUnity de la has discipline in :Rwanda, the pour government of National for some time prohibited the teaching of history in the primary Masse school curriculums throughout At the secondary level, ARD : Alliance pour le Rwanda. Renforcement de la however, teachers may choose to teach history, though they Démocratie often face pressure from outside organizations to include history ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des in their curriculums4. Droits de l’Homme 3 IRDP, Enquête à Butare, 5 janvier 2005. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 4 On this topic, see the recommendations of the International Colloquium organized Démocratique des Batwa 2 2 v :HVKRXOGKRSHWKDWDQRIÀFLDODQGREMHFWLYHWHDFKLQJRIKLVWRU\ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS be introduced___________________________________ throughout our schools. The status quo is one in ZKLFK 5ZDQGDQ \RXWK DUH VXEMHFW WR XQYHULÀHG DQG SROLWLFDOO\ manipulated of history. Our youth have a right to A.A. :renditions Archives Africaines know their origins, the creation of the state of Rwanda, and the A.G. : Assemblée Générale causes of ethnic tensions that recently plagued our country. ABAKI :we Alliance Bakiga that our future generations Alternatively, risk thedes possibility ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la hold a partial: and clouded understanding of the past, informed Suppression Castes by emotional partialities and des learned on the streets. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda We to haveDémocratique a national history is not stained ADPhope instead : Alliance deswhich Peuples with any partiality; we hope for a history that ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la corrects the distortions of the past, that enables students to discover, live, Réconciliation Nationale and enjoy in the tradition of Rwanda’s past civilization, and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières that does not hide facts or take sides. The team of historians to AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques la whom the task Alliance of establishing our national history waspour assigned Libération du Congo-Zaïre knows fully well the consequences of distortion given their own AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act life experiences. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KH WDVN RI ZKDW KDVetEHHQ GLVWRUWHG LV GLIÀFXOW AIMO :FRUUHFWLQJ Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre because degree to which have been inherited AJER of the : Association de la distortions Jeunesse Estudiantine from generation to generation. The discipline of history is largely Rwandaise blamed, however justly, for having divided Rwandans and for ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda having sowed the seeds of hatred up to the catastrophic genocide AM/AP against : Arrêté présidentiel committed theministériel/ Tutsi betweenArrêté April and July 1994. Being AMR of the past : Association des of Moniteurs Rwanda aware manipulation Rwanda’sdu history should not AMUR : Association des Musulmans lead to paralyzation, but rather should teachau us Rwanda to learn from the how bitter, so as todebuild for the future. ANTpast, no matter : Assemblée Nationale Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Historians can take up this challenge by establishing the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien necessary critical distance with the past, distorted interpretations APR : Armée Patriotique of our history. They can resort toRwandaise recent research tools and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes methodologies to effect the desired change of transitioning from Rwandais an ideology-based history to a history that awakens a critical mind. History can only be a des useful science whenIndigènes that which it APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants reports is in conformity with reality. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse There are those who are doubtful of Rwandans’ capacity to write ARD RZQ KLVWRU\ : Alliance le Renforcement la 5. They WKHLU LQ D pour VFLHQWLÀF DQG REMHFWLYHde PDQQHU Démocratie from 4th to 6th April 2010 in Kigali by the National Commission against Genocide. The ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pourthelateaching Défense des participants spent a long time on the necessity of introducing of Rwanda’s Droits de schools l’Homme history in primary and secondary as soon as possible. 5 African Rights, The heart of education ; assessing human rights in Rwanda’s schools, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement University of Michigan, June 2001, p. 27 Démocratique des Batwa 3 v 3 fear the perpetuation of distortions, though the new fear is that ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS history will be___________________________________ biased towards a ‘Tutsi perspective’6. Of course, it is impossible to be perfectly objective, and as such we must be aware of the continuedAfricaines dangers of distortion. We must do our A.A. : Archives best to foster objectivity by adopting a critical approach to history A.G. : Assemblée Générale and by adopting appropriate research methodologies. We also ABAKI : Alliance must be humble enoughdes to Bakiga recognize that any initiative in the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la KLVWRULFDOÀHOGLVOLPLWHGDQGRXUZRUNVKRXOGEHFRQWLQXRXVO\ Suppression desinformation Castes reviewed and updated as new and data becomes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda available. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples This appraisal seeks topour respond to questions in seven ADR : Alliance la Démocratie et raised la papers and critical analyses, presented Réconciliation Nationaleas follows: the sources of history, pre-historic Rwanda, pre-colonial Rwanda, colonial AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Rwanda, Rwanda under the First and Second Republics, the AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la genocide committed against the Tutsi, and the post-genocide Libération du Congo-Zaïre WUDQVLWLRQ ,Q WKLV ÀQDO DQDO\VLV WKH V\QWKHVLV RI WKH JHQHUDO AGOA : African Growththe andspace Opportunity Act teaching history of Rwanda provides for various materials to emerge (history atlases, educative DVDs, etc.), which $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP will be of invaluable use in the teaching of history in primary AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre and secondary schools. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise Déo BYANAFASHE and 3DXO587$<,6,5( ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 6 Masse This was the objective of a study conducted by Penal Reform International (PRI), an NGO specializing in the monitoring of Renforcement Gacaca courts (a form ARD : Alliance pour le deoflapopular courts founded on the traditional model of local administration of contentious issues between Démocratie neighbors). The study focused on history lessons and talks on history pronounced ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense in the solidarity camps of freed prisoners. The tool ofpour reference was made ofdes notes de l’Homme written by prisonersDroits and interviews conducted with them. The views of those who taught these lessons are not reported pour (PRI, Du à la colline, la réintegration des AREDETWA : Association lecamp Relèvement libérés, Rapport, VI, Kigali, mai 2004). Démocratique des Batwa 4 4 v I ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ___________________________________ SOURCES OF RWANDA’S HISTORY A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines %\'pR%<$1$)$6+( Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre sources of history, Rwanda shares AGOA egarding : African Growth and Opportunity Act the fate of countries in Central Africa whose historiography is $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP by the absenceetofMain-d’oeuvre written texts before the AIMO challenged : Affaires Indigènes ÀIWHHQWKFHQWXU\ DWWKHFRDVWDOVWULS DQGEHIRUHWKHQLQHWHHQWK AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine century (in the hinterland of the sub-region). Up to the 1960s, Rwandaise WKLVSUREOHPPDGHLWGLIÀFXOWIRU5ZDQGD·VKLVWRULRJUDSK\WREH ALIR : Armée de Libération Rwanda recognized. Generally, it was argued du that before the twentieth AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel century, Rwanda was a society without a history given the AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda absence of written texts. des However, sources of information cannot be limited to written sources, as history a discipline AMUR : Association des Musulmans au as Rwanda is conceived as simply “a science of man within society.”7 ANT : Assemblée Nationale de living Transition (Transitional National Assembly) It was in the spirit of suggesting solutions to this problem of APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien historical sources that, in 1916, the London International African APR : Armée Patriotique RwandaiseAfrican Seminar” Institute organized “the Fourth International APROBAMI : Association des PartisinMonarchistes on African pre-colonial ethno-history general and the history Rwandais of pre-colonial Africa in particular. Pre-colonial African history APROCOMIN: Association des Indigènes was acknowledged at that time forCommerçants relying on sources other than written histories.The seminar concluded by showing APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Socialethat de lanonwritten sourcesMasse of history needed to be accorded the importance they ARDdeserve. : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie In cultures without a written tradition such as those of subARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense Saharan pre-colonial Africa, sources pour are restricted todes oral Droits dedata, l’Homme traditions, archeological and material evidence from ancient AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 7 Nouschi., Initiations aux sciences historiques, Paris, Nathan, 1993, p. 19. Démocratique des Batwa R 5 v 5 times. Since ACRONYMS the end of theAND nineteenth century, Rwanda has ABBREVIATIONS enjoyed a diversity of historic sources. Given the revolutionary ___________________________________ nature of writing and the audiovisual cultures, four types of sources can be discerned, namely: material sources, oral A.A. : Archives Africaines sources, written sources, and audiovisual sources. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKIfour types : Alliance des constitute Bakiga “the sources of Rwanda’s These of sources ABESC Processing : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la history”. themdes requires both creating a critical Suppression des Castes inventory because of their invaluable importance to historians ACR examining : Association du Rwanda and how they des haveCultivateurs been formerly analyzed by exploring Rwanda’s historiography. This ADP : Alliance Démocratique desinventory Peuples deals with material records of oral and written sources as ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie well et laas audiovisual sources. We aim to address theNationale major challenges confronted by Réconciliation Rwandan historiographers in the use of these sources. We hope AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières to write a history in the context of post-genocide dynamics – AFDL : Forces Démocratiques pour la a dynamics thatAlliance call for des reconstruction, reconciliation, and du Congo-Zaïre national historyLibération that transcends manipulation and partiality. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act &ULWLFDOLQYHQWRU\RI5ZDQGD·VKLVWRULRJUDSK\VRXUFHV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Although they do not all de carry equal weight, the sources of AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwanda’s history are abundant and varied. Each contains Rwandaise sub-categories, tones, and characteristics which can make the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda compiliation of a critical inventory rather complex. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 0DWHULDOVRXUFHV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The was introduced during the last ANTculture of: writing Assemblée Nationale to deRwanda Transition quarter of the nineteenth century. Consequently, prior history can (Transitional National Assembly) only be discerned through oral tradition, archeological vestiges, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien sites and historical monuments, and traditional industries and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise technologies. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais D $UFKHRORJLFDOYHVWLJHV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA :vestiges Association pour la proof Promotion Sociale activities de la Archeological are material of traditional performed by Rwandans, namely objects and other material Masse evidence that provide information on modes de oflaliving and ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement thinking, methods of social, political and economic organization, Démocratie methods of knowledge acquisition, production, consumption, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des and exchange. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association Relèvement It is important to know howpour to le extract meaning from these Démocratique des Batwa 6 6 v objects andACRONYMS material vestiges so as to extrapolate the AND ABBREVIATIONS information ___________________________________ they contain. For example, different types of traditional hoes provide clues not only about the methods of how manufactured, but also about the nature of soils A.A. they were: Archives Africaines for which they were manufactured. This same analytic process A.G. : Assemblée Générale can be applied to utensils of herdsmen and bee-keepers, objects ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga XVHGLQWUDQVSRUWWRROVXVHGLQÀVKLQJDQGKXQWLQJDQGREMHFWV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la used in dressing. Suppression des Castes ACR objects :provide Association desto Cultivateurs duand Rwanda These testimony modes of living settlement of people -- :their socialDémocratique and economicdes organization, ADP Alliance Peuples cultural practice, and beliefs. The expansion of Rwanda’s historiography ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la has much potential; there is much matieral yet to be tapped from Réconciliation Nationale archeological sites. The Institute of Rwanda’s National Museums AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and the National University of Rwanda should focus their efforts AFDL : on these sites. Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act E 0RQXPHQWVDQGKLVWRULFVLWHV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Monuments historic sites et are among the principal AIMO :and Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre respositories Rwanda’s depre-colonial and material AJER : of Association la Jeunesse culture Estudiantine heritage. However, most of the archeological sites in Rwanda Rwandaise KDYHQHLWKHUEHHQLGHQWLÀHGQRUSURSHUO\VDIHJXDUGHG7KHUHLV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda need for a systematic and exhaustive census to identify and save AM/AP historical : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel famous sitesministériel/ from falling into oblivion, including royal AMR : Association desescarpments, Moniteurs duand Rwanda palaces, salt pits, ruins, caves, sculptures. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda To the Institute of the Museums of ANTthis effect, : Assemblée Nationale deNational Transition Rwanda has recently opened branches in four rural provinces (Transitional National Assembly) of Rwanda. It is through these branches that theChrétien institute has APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate mobilized its efforts in identifying, rehabilitating and conserving APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise important cultural heritage to supplement interpretations of oral APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes tradition and to provide for cultural tourism and for posterity. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes F ,QGXVWU\DQGWUDGLWLRQDOPHWKRGV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The methods used by Rwandan traditional societies offer ample Masse information on the ingenuity societies, especially those ARD : Alliance pour of le these Renforcement de la of the two lastDémocratie centuries. The technological collections of the Institute of the National Museums of Rwanda demonstrate ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des WKHOHYHORIWHFKQRORJ\DFKLHYHGIURPWKHLQYHQWLRQRIÀUHLQ de l’Homme of silver-made tools to the 50,000 BC to Droits the manufacturing AREDETWA Associationand pouranimal le Relèvement apparition of : agriculture husbandry and metallic Démocratique des Batwa 7 v 7 and ceramic ACRONYMS tools and objects the seventh century BC. AND in ABBREVIATIONS Material sources have the advantage of portraying a direct ___________________________________ image of Rwandan society in its long cultural trajectory beginning before colonialism. During colonialism, society A.A. : Archives Africaines was rendered stagnant and its technological know how were A.G. : Assemblée Générale marginalized. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la 2UDOVRXUFHV Suppression des Castes ACRhistory of: ancient Association deshas Cultivateurs du Rwanda The Rwanda been essentially transmitted to us thanks: Alliance to the oral tradition. Oral histories, or oral ADP Démocratique des Peuples WUDGLWLRQV DUH FRQYH\HG E\ TXDOLÀHG H[SHUWV ZLWK D FHUWDLQ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la degree of accuracy from generation to generation. Oral traditions Réconciliation Nationale vary from region to region and from narrator to narrator. In most AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières cases, the variations mostly concern form rather than content. AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la Researchers have developed a habitDémocratiques of classifying oral sources Libération duRIÀFLDO Congo-Zaïre LQWR RQH RI WZR FDWHJRULHV RUDOWUDGLWLRQ DQG SRSXODU AGOA : each African Growth and Opportunity Act oral-tradition, of which umbrella has several variations. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP D2IÀFLDORUDOWUDGLWLRQV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 2IÀFLDO RUDOWUDGLWLRQV DUH VRXUFHV QDUUDWHG E\ SHRSOH ZKR Rwandaise systematically learnt them from their parents or neighbors. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KH\HQMR\DFODVVLÀFDWLRQRI´RIÀFLDOµEHFDXVHWKH\PDWFKXS AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ZLWKIDFWVFRQVHUYHGE\RIÀFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVRQFODVVLÀHGHYHQWV AMR transmission : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda whose is subject to censorship and eventually AMUR : Association des Musulmans au$.DODPDDQG Rwanda VXEMHFWWRPRGLÀFDWLRQVE\WKHUR\DOFRXUW A. Pagès). ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) 2IÀFLDO RUDO WUDGLWLRQV FRQVLVW RIVL[ EURDG W\SHVKLVWRULF QDUUDWLYHV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien (ibitekerezo and amakuru), dynastic genealogy (ubucurabwenge), APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise dynastic esoteric code (ubwiru), dynastic poetry (ibisigo), war APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes poetry (ibyivugo) and pastoral poetry (amazina y’inka). Many Rwandais of these narratives have been collected by A. Kagame, A. Pagès, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes J.N. Nkulikiyimfura, A. Coupez, and Th. Kamanzi, J. Vansina, APROSOMA pour la to Promotion Sociale de la among others,: Association and we should look expand these collections. Masse ¾+LVWRULFQDUUDWLYHV and amakuru ARD : Alliance pouribitekerezo le Renforcement de la Démocratie Historic narratives constitute an important source of ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des historiography. The category refers to a literary genre which l’Homme not only dealsDroits with de events pertaining to different regimes AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement RI NLQJV EXW DOVR WR KLVWRULFle HYHQWV VSHFLÀF WR IDPRXV Démocratique des Batwa 8 8 v people or national heroes. AND Therefore, royal historic narratives ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS (ibitekerezo by’abami) generally consist of the history of military ___________________________________ H[SHGLWLRQVDQGFRQTXHVWVWKDWWRRNSODFHXQGHUDVSHFLÀF king against :aArchives certain country to conquer or even to subdue A.A. Africaines and defeat a certain rebellious character (umugome, umuhinza). A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakigaworks of heralds designed Historic narratives aredes primarily ABESC : Association dessecondly, Bahutu works Evoluant pour la by every head of militia and of memorialists Suppression des Castes (abatekereza b’ibwami) who listened to these herald narratives ACR : Association du Rwandathem within a short span of des timeCultivateurs and then rearranged according to the wishes of the king. They never ceased ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 8 to embrace the criterion of propaganda” . These ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lahistoric royal narratives wereRéconciliation recited by theNationale best narrators and the exact wording was carefully preserved. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Forces Démocratiques pour la Lastly, family Alliance historic des narratives (ibitekerezo by’imiryango) Libération du Congo-Zaïre recounted military achievements of characters from powerful AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity families. These narratives were generally more Act liberal and provided space for fantastic and marvelous tales that stressed $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP K\SHUEROHDQGEHDXW\LQRWKHUZRUGVWKH\ZHUHEHDXWLÀHGDQG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre perfected beyond any element of Jeunesse scruple9. Estudiantine AJER : Association de la Rwandaise ¾'\QDVWLFJHQHDORJ\ ubucurabwenge ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté Developed in: the sixteenth century by J.présidentiel Vansina, dynastic AMR : Association Rwanda genealogy originated from des the Moniteurs monarch indu power who would AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda cite all his ascendants by des their ruling names, coupled with the of a complete genealogy queen-mothers up ANT recitation: Assemblée Nationale de of Transition to Gihanga and Ibimanuka National (i.e . “those who descended and (Transitional Assembly) fell from heaven”) as well as the ancestors of theChrétien founders of APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate some clans. This geneology was recited by approved specialists APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise who had sworn an oath; they were called abacurabwenge (i.e. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes custodians of intelligence). Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes '\QDVWLFJHQHDORJ\GLGQRWRQO\FRQVLVWRIDQRIÀFLDOGRFXPHQW APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la LWZDVDOVRWKHOHJDOMXVWLÀFDWLRQRIWKHG\QDVW\LQSRZHU,W provided legal proof Masseof the right of succession to the throne and DOVRSURYLGHGWKHSURRIRIOLQHDJHIURPWKHÀUVW5ZDQGHVHNLQJ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la “King Gihanga”.Démocratie As an instrument of legitimacy, the dynastic genealogy ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 8 Droits de l’Homme Vansina, J. L’évolution du royaume Rwanda des origines à 1900, Bruxelles, ARSOM, 1962, P.23 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 9 Ibid Démocratique des Batwa 9 v 9 XQGHUZHQWVHYHUDOPRGLÀFDWLRQVDQGWUDQVIRUPDWLRQVZKHQHYHU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS WKH ODZ RI VXFFHVVLRQ ZDV WKUHDWHQHG 7KH DIÀOLDWLRQ EHWZHHQ ___________________________________ successive monarchs was of the utmost importance. A.A. : Archives Africaines ,Q VSLWH RI WKH ULVN RI IDOVLÀFDWLRQ G\QDVWLF JHQHDORJ\ KDV A.G. : Assemblée Générale remained an important source of information in establishing the ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga chronology of:Rwanda’s history. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes It should be noted that A. Kagame published an entire set of ACRgenealogy: Association desnot Cultivateurs Rwanda this even if he did include a du critical analysis. It was later that J. Vansina and thereafter Nkulikiyimfura, ADP : Alliance Démocratique desJ.N. Peuples beginning in 1960, developed a critical approach to complement ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the research onRéconciliation Rwanda’s dynastic genealogy. Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ¾'\QDVWLFHVRWHULFFRGH ubwiru AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du most Congo-Zaïre The royal dynastic code, the ancient genre of Rwanda’s AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act RUDOOLWHUDWXUHLVDQRIÀFLDOGRFXPHQWZKLFKZDVSUHVHUYHGLQ the form of a$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP poem by specialists called “abiru” (preservers of $,'6 the esoteric code). These trustees were special advisers to the AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre king regarding the rules de andlaregulations of power retention AJER : Association Jeunesse Estudiantine and the behavior of the king. These trustees kept conserved Rwandaise DQG QDUUDWHG LQYDOXDEOH FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKLFK ZDV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda transferred from father to son within their families. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda We know from different authors that the esoteric code was a separate integral text of its own, composed of 18 pieces AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwandacalled “inzira z’ubwiru,” or tracks, and another text consisting of ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition the history and commentary of this code. Together, they were (Transitional National Assembly) called “intekerezo z’ubwiru”. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 10 APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise According to A. Kagame , the esoteric code was subdivided into four parts: : Association des Partis Monarchistes APROBAMI Irage ry’Umwami - the personal will of every king; Rwandais UmurageAssociation w’Ingoma - the of successionIndigènes to the throne; APROCOMIN: deswill Commerçants APROSOMA : Association pour FRQVWLWXWLQJ la Promotion WKH Sociale de la WH[W Inziraz’ubwiru SRHPV RIÀFLDO memorized by heart by the Abiru who would show Masse would pour proceed to ensure that ARD how one : Alliance le Renforcement de the la country enjoyed happiness; Démocratie Intekerezo z’ubwiru - a history of commentaries of the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des three titles cited above. Droits de l’Homme 7KHÀUVWWZRSDUWVRIWKHFRGH Irage ry’umwami and Umurage AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 10 1947 Démocratique des Batwa 10 10 v w’ingoma) willACRONYMS perhaps never be known because they were not AND ABBREVIATIONS recorded in the poems (Inzira). In addition, only trustees of these ___________________________________ testaments, such as A. Kagame, knew them and he died without publishing any of them. Africaines A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale Several commentators including R. Hermans, J. Vansina, M. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga D’Hertefelt and A. Coupez contend that the esoteric code (Ubwiru) ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourdid la not lacks objectivity because it often distorted facts which Suppression Castes agree with the expected rulesdes of the trustees of the “Abiru” code. ACR trustees : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda These were often accused, as interpreters of history, of having distorted history by projecting situation of the ADP : Alliance Démocratique desthe Peuples moment as having occurred in the past by using ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et laold-fashioned language or by Réconciliation interpreting history according to the ideologies of Nationale the royal powers of that time. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la ¾'\QDVWLF SRHWU\des Ibisigo ZDU SRHWU\ Ibyivugo DQG Libération du Congo-Zaïre SDVWRUDOSRHWU\ Amazina y’inka AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Dynastic poetry (Ibisigo LVDQRIÀFLDOVRXUFHZKLFKUHODWHVWR $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP historic kings of Rwanda, beginning with Ruganzu II Ndori. It AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre traces the events that marked successive reigns from AJER : Association de ladifferent Jeunesse Estudiantine the literary point of view. The dynastic poem adheres to a very Rwandaise rigorous standard. It is especially challenging to understand ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda and interpret because it makes reference to events which have AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel already fallen :into oblivion. In addition, the narrator of this poem AMR Association duToRwanda (Umusizi) is a :true specialist des and Moniteurs professional. this effect, this AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda professional has at his disposal a tool (poem) au that enables him to glorify the royal (Nyiginya lineage) by that every king ANT : Assemblée Nationale deshowing Transition had continued (Transitional the work of hisNational ancestors. The Umusizi’s role was Assembly) to praise the king. As such, we of course are skeptical of the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien objective capabilities of the narrator. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes War poetry (Ibyivugo) enjoys a pronounced eulogistic nature, Rwandais especially because it is addressed to the very person who composes APROCOMIN: Association desbravery Commerçants Indigènes the poem chant and praises his during war. The historic APROSOMA : Association pourislarestricted Promotion de la value of a war poem (icyivugo) to Sociale indicating some details of military organization and of the Rwandan image of the Masse ideal warrior and of the patriotism Rwandans used ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de to la cherish. Démocratie Pastoral poetry (Amazina y’inka), like war poetry, is of a lyric ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des genre and consequently is work of imagination inspired by the Droits de l’Homme history of the cow where cows used to face each other, in the AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement same manner as social armies. Pastoral poems praise the value Démocratique des Batwa 11 v 11 of war and the beauty of aAND special original type of Rwandan ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS endemic cow (Inyambo). It should be noted that herds and their ___________________________________ herdsmen used to come regularly to parade past the royal court, and from different residences of the king also paraded A.A.other cows : Archives Africaines from time to time. Hence, the attention of the public was turned A.G. : Assemblée Générale towards successive events which took place in various parts of ABAKI : Alliance desherds Bakiga the country where different were kept. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes The shortcomings involved in the adequate processing of oral ACR Association des aCultivateurs duhistoriography Rwanda tradition, in all: its forms, remains challenge in the of pre-colonial: Alliance Rwanda. Démocratique On the whole, des the three poetic genres ADP Peuples which have been discussed present biased historic ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la perspectives. Nonetheless, their value should be appreciated and reconciled Réconciliation Nationale against other regional poetry. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la D 3RSXODURUDOWUDGLWLRQV Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 3RSXODURUDOWUDGLWLRQLVRIDOPRVWWKHVDPHIRUPDVWKHRIÀFLDO RUDOWUDGLWLRQ LW HQFRPSDVVHV WZR PDMRU VXEW\SHV À[HG $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP popular oral-tradition free popular oral-tradition. These are AIMO : Affairesand Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre narratives which give a lot of toEstudiantine the spectacular. AJER : Association deimportance la Jeunesse Rwandaise ¾)L[HGSRSXODURUDOWUDGLWLRQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/APpopular: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté Fixed oral tradition consists of présidentiel family genealogies, AMR : Association des Moniteurs duImigani Rwanda popular songs, popular poetry, and lessons: miremire AMUR : Association des Musulmans au(riddles) Rwandavows, (folktales) ,PLJDQL PLJXÀ (proverbs), Ibisakuzo oaths, to express anger. ANT and discourses : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) ¾)UHHSRSXODURUDOWUDGLWLRQ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Free popular oral tradition is a popular form of historical APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes narrative which includes the following types and sub-types: Rwandais (Ibitekerezo) ecological narrative (Imigani ivuga ku muco, ku APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes muryango kur kamere y’isi, kamere y’abantu, uko batareshya, APROSOMA :yabo), Association la Promotion Sociale la n’amaherezo mysticpour narratives (Imigani), and de esthetic narratives. They are intended to please and amuse the audience. Masse War songs (Indirimbo z’ingabo, musicaldepieces played ARD : Alliance pour lez’ibitero), Renforcement la on a traditionalDémocratie violin (Inanga), and artistic compositions, which sometimes conveyed historical information, could fall under the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des category of oral tradition or popular oral tradition. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le cannot Relèvement The importance of oral sources be overlooked. In Démocratique des Batwa 12 12 v situations where material and written sources are unable to give ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS necessary information, oral sources can be analyzed to extract ___________________________________ reliable historic data. However, this analysis must be prudent as orally transmitted narratives were often changed from the A.A. : Archives Africaines LQLWLDO WHVWLPRQ\ SURWRWHVWLPRQ\ WR WKH ÀQDO WUDGLWLRQ JLYHQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale the multiple aural witnesses along the chain of transmission. ABAKI : Alliance Bakigato the narratives are likely Accidental additions or des omissions ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la quite common, resulting in different narrative implications. Suppression des Castes ACR :sometimes Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda Additionally, thedes nature of relationships between people astrology. For instance, many personal ADP were attributed : AlliancetoDémocratique des Peuples or relationship characteristics were attributed ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to the King Ruganzu NdoriRéconciliation even while these people lived much later than Nationale Ruganzu. A critical look at the broad categories of the oral AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières WUDGLWLRQ UHYHDOV VHYHUDO LQVWDQFHV RI VLPSOLÀFDWLRQ FRQIXVLRQ AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la of and hyberbole,Alliance which poses a challenge in the reconstitution Libération du Congo-Zaïre Rwanda’s history AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 :ULWWHQVRXUFHV $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Written documents occupydean importantEstudiantine place in Rwanda’s AJER : Association la Jeunesse historical memory. Written sources enjoy a relatively secure Rwandaise status in Rwandan historiography for their preservation of the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda exactitudes of their authors. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association Moniteurs du In Rwanda, written historicaldes documentation onlyRwanda began with the AMUR occupation : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda colonial in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Documentation emanated from explorers, missionaries, colonial ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition RIÀFHUVFLYLOVHUYDQWVDQGDVEXVLQHVVPHQ6LQFHWKHQZULWWHQ (Transitional National Assembly) inventory has only increaseddu and canDémocrate be divided into one of two APADEC : Association Parti Chrétien categories: edited sources and archive sources. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes D (GLWHGVRXUFHV Rwandais APROCOMIN: deswritten Commerçants Indigènes Edited sources Association are published documents which are APROSOMA : Association pour public. la Promotion la be therefore available to a wider These Sociale sourcesdecan categorized intoMasse two different generations: the pioneer generation and the recent generation which de generally date ARD : Alliance pourpublications, le Renforcement la from 1940. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des The pioneer generation consists of written accounts that were Droits in de Rwanda. l’HommeThese include narratives of originally published AREDETWA : Association pourÀUVW le Relèvement H[SORUHUV SXEOLFDWLRQV RI WKH FRORQLDO RIÀFHUV DQG FLYLO Démocratique des Batwa 13 v 13 VHUYDQWVDFFRXQWVRIEXVLQHVVPHQDQGSXEOLFDWLRQVE\WKHÀUVW ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS missionaries. ___________________________________ However, the publications from this generation are not exhaustive, and at times they are not of the utmost relevance to understanding the history of Rwanda and they raise the A.A. : Archives Africaines problem of information quality and the relevance of this to the A.G. : Assemblée Générale historical contribution. The texts of the nineteenth century of ABAKI are extremely : Alliancetendentious des Bakigasince they contain unproved Rwanda ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la assertions, fables and narratives that are Evoluant reproduced on similar Suppression des Castes topics. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The belonging to the des recent generation are ADP publications : Alliance Démocratique Peuples composed of written documents that date from 1940-1945. These ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la documents wereRéconciliation written by the colonial administration, churches, Nationale educated individuals, and the postcolonial administration. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières These publications are subject to inconsistencies, and should AFDL : Alliance dessources Forcesfor Démocratiques pour la be compared against other critical analysis. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA sources : African Growth and Opportunity Written do not necessarily convey true Act information. Further, sources are not easily or locally accessed for $,'6 written $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP consultation given thatIndigènes in Rwanda, the National Library only AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre exists Among written documents, ethnographic and AJER nominally. : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine linguistic sources deserve to be given special mention for their Rwandaise historical contribution. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : sources Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Ethnographic can be considered as written accounts AMR Moniteurs Rwanda of Rwandan: Association traditional des activities. Theyduare sources of AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda explanation of material sources whose historical importance is revealed immediately their de conservation. ANT : Assemblée upon Nationale Transition Linguistic sources constitute a preciousNational tool for understanding (Transitional Assembly) history as Kinyarwanda is a social phenomenon that envelopes Rwandan APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien culture. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes As we know, language is a tool of communication between members of a Rwandais given society and deals with several aspects of APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants society. Lexicology enables des us to reconstitute Indigènes the history of APROSOMA : Association pourand la Promotion Sociale de laIt is the tools, cultures, migrations, institutions of people. built on the analysis Masseof words and their meaning and evolution. Lexicology also makes it possible to determinedethe ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la closeness of relationships between languages, and consequently the Démocratie relationships between peoples. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme $ORQJVLGHOH[LFRORJ\OLQJXLVWLFVRXUFHVEHQHÀWIURPWKHV\VWHP AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement of onomastics. Onomasticspour deals with the study of names Démocratique des Batwa 14 14 v of places (toponymy); zoonymy the study of the names of ACRONYMS AND is ABBREVIATIONS animals, hydronimy is the study of the names of lakes and rivers ___________________________________ and anthroponymy is the study of the names of persons. These names historical Africaines messages and are key clues provided A.A. convey: Archives by languages to detect contacts between peoples, historical A.G. : Assemblée Générale FRQYHUJHQFHV DQG LQÁXHQFHV 6WXG\LQJ WKH RQRPDVWLFV RI ABAKI society : Alliance Bakiga the Rwandese themselves Rwandan is akindes to studying ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la and their history. Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 7KHÀHOGRIRQRPDVWLFVKDVQRW\HWEHHQWKRURXJKO\H[SORUHGLQ Rwanda even :though theDémocratique country is extremely rich in toponymy. ADP Alliance des Peuples An organized inventory of the names and places ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la of Rwanda would facilitateRéconciliation the examinationNationale of its spatial organization. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières In short, language is like a bank where each generation has AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la of deposited, century after century, all mental and material tools Libération Congo-Zaïre imagination, memory, anddu resources that have been conceived AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act and reconstructed. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP E $UFKLYHVRXUFHV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Contrary to the edited sources which are found in libraries, Rwandaise archive sources are written documents which have not been ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda published and remain in archives. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMRarchive documents : Association du Rwanda The on des the Moniteurs history of Rwanda range from AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda the the oldest: ones, dating from the colonial period, to the most recent contemporary They are deeply ANT ones, including : Assemblée Nationaledocuments. de Transition valued because(Transitional they address National the social,Assembly) political and economic evolution of Rwanda. However, the use of archival sources is APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien confronted with three major obstacles: conservation, dispersion, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and accessibility. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais ¾&RQVHUYDWLRQ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA la Promotion de la of The Rwandan: Association department pour charged with the Sociale maintainence national archives has been very weak for almost thirty years. Masse The department has pour neither adequate infrastructure nor ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de la TXDOLÀHG SHUVRQQHO 7KLV VFHQDULR LV H[DFHUEDWHG E\ WKH ODFN Démocratie of an inventory of the enormous quantity of written documents ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des originating from all periods. Without such an inventory, it is Droits de l’Hommethese archives; some archives practically impossible to conserve AREDETWA : Association pourhave le Relèvement have disappeared while others been destroyed. However Démocratique des Batwa 15 v 15 archives in the former colonial powers remain in ACRONYMS ANDmetropolitan ABBREVIATIONS good condition. ___________________________________ A.A.¾'LVSHUVLRQ : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale A substantial number of archives on Rwanda, particularly the ABAKI archives, : Alliance des Bakiga colonial are located abroad. They are principally located ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la in the former colonial metropolitan powers. Rwanda’s archives Suppression des in Castes from German rule are conserved Brussels, Potsdam and Dar ACR : Association des Cultivateurs es Salaam. Archives of the Belgian Trusteeshipdu areRwanda conserved in the in Brussels (Harroy)des in Namur. ADPAfrican Archives : Alliance Démocratique PeuplesRome hosts the archives of Catholic Missions, while Protestant missions’ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la archives are located in Belgium, Sweden, England and the Réconciliation Nationale United States. Lastly, the archives of the League of Nations and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières the United Nations on Rwanda are located in Geneva and New AFDL : Alliance Démocratiques pour la York. Prior to the adventdes of Forces the internet, Rwandan researchers Libération du Congo-Zaïre were condemned to travel long distances to access these archival AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act sources. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ¾$FFHVVLELOLW\ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine (YHQLIWKHGLIÀFXOWLHVSHUWDLQLQJWRORQJGLVWDQFHVDUHPLWLJDWHG Rwandaise other obstacles related to archival accessibility endure due to ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda archive depots’ regulations of access. For instance, there are often AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel VHWKROGVRQUHFHQWÀOHVDQGFRQÀGHQWLDOÀOHVXQWLODGHWHUPLQHG AMR of time: has Association des Moniteurs dudepots Rwanda period passed because the archive have their AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda rules and regulations of access. Thus, for example, all the most UHFHQWÀOHVDVZHOODVDOOWRSVHFUHWÀOHVFDQEHDFFHVVHGDIWHUD ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition VSHFLÀHGSHULRG (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien It should be noted that certain works that could be of considerable APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise interest to our national history are neither preserved in nor valued APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes by these archival depots. These include theses, dissertations, and Rwandais other works that mark the end of university studies in Rwanda APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènesthese or abroad. The challenge of accounting for and accessing APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion documents has yet to be thoroughly addressed.Sociale de la Masse $XGLRYLVXDOVRXUFHV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie The audiovisual sources which complement the written ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des documentation of Rwanda’s history are principally composed Droits de l’Homme RIÀOPHGGRFXPHQWDULHVWKDWGDWHEDFNWRWKHFRORQLDODQG AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement post-colonial period. Beyond its role of entertainment, cinema Démocratique des Batwa 16 16 v embodies a relationship between and history, “provides ACRONYMS AND memory ABBREVIATIONS space for identity construction,” and can even serve as “a tool for ___________________________________ propaganda”. A.A. : Archives Africaines ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine :ULWWHQFRORQLDODUFKLYHVDQGWKHÀOPDUFKLYHVRQ5ZDQGDDUH A.G. : Assemblée Générale primarily conserved in the rear of Western archive depots, ABAKI at :Kadoc Alliance des Bakiga notably (Louvain), the Cinématècheque Royale ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la (Brussels), and the Musée Royale d’Afrique Centralepour (Tervuren). Suppression des Castes ,Q %HOJLXP WKH YDULRXV DUFKLYDO GHSRWV RI ÀOP VRXUFHV KDYH ACR a commitment : Association des Cultivateurs made to digitizing them so asdu to Rwanda ensure their durability over time. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples In Rwanda, people are hardlyNationale informed about these facilities, Réconciliation HVSHFLDOO\ FRQVLGHULQJ WKDW WKHVH ÀOPHG DUFKLYHV DUH QRW AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières yet known properly. It is therefore high time that we got to AFDL : Alliancesources des Forces pour know these distant andDémocratiques learned how to use la and du these Congo-Zaïre interpret them.Libération Nonetheless, are sources that are tinted AGOA African and Opportunity Act ability to with cultural :biases of Growth their authors, known for their UHFRQVWUXFWDQGLQÁXHQFHHYHQWVLQVWHDGRIUHFRQVWLWXWLQJWKHP $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP It is therefore to know how to make use of them. AIMO :important Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Some authors make false reconstitutions of the past without Rwandaise resorting to any source. “Others rely on cinematography to ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda shape ideologies which have everlasting, pragmatic and useful AM/AP 11 : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel intentions”. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 2YHUYLHZRI5ZDQGD·VKLVWRULRJUDSK\ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition A look at Rwanda’s historiography from its beginning up to (Transitional National Assembly) today exposes salient features of historiographical knowledge APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien DFURVV LWV WKUHH PRVW VLJQLÀFDQW SHULRGV WKH SUHFRORQLDO APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise colonial, and post colonial periods. These periods are covered APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes by a historiography that is deeply controversial and that Rwandais encompasses many unanswered questions. The division of three APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes periods on the basis of the colonial factor is in itself a perplexing APROSOMA :! Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la phenomenon Masse 3UHFRORQLDOSHULRG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Pre-colonial historiography is exclusively characterized by ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des oral history. Oral histories consist of the works of traditional de l’Homme witnesses andDroits specialists who narrated ancient narratives AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 11 p. 9-10. Démocratique des Batwa 17 v 17 (Abatekereza),ACRONYMS custodians of AND the esoteric code (Abiru), genealogists ABBREVIATIONS (abacurabwenge), war-poets, and pastoral poets (abasizi). This ___________________________________ pre-colonial historiography was heavily laden with facts and ZDVEDVHGRQRIÀFLDODQGSRSXODURUDOWUDGLWLRQWKDWIRFXVHGRQ A.A. : Archives Africaines justifying the existence of the royal court and its ideology. With A.G. : Assemblée Générale such priorities, family histories as well as local histories were ABAKI overlooked. : Alliance des Bakiga largely ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression desprotest Castes the fact that these Many contemporary authors ACR : Association des du Rwanda narratives were manipulated byCultivateurs those who were supposed to strictly them. Among others responsible, ADP conserve : Alliance Démocratique des Peupleswe can cite the great ritual Chief Kayijuka, Rwanyange, Karera ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etSezibera, la and, Sekarama. The censorship of these narratives by their Réconciliation Nationale trustees was done for purposes of interpolation, suppression, or AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières reimagination. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Congo-Zaïre The history of Libération pre-colonialdu Rwanda was transmitted to us by AGOAwho were : African Opportunity those on the Growth pay roll and of the royal court. Act This history therefore myths, ideologies, and stereotypes of all sorts. $,'6 conveys $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP +RZHYHULWDOVRJLYHVREMHFWLYHLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLVRIWHQRIÀFLDO AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre which helps to shape the de historic mind and consciousness of AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandan identity during that period -- an identity that was Rwandaise thoroughly manipulated by the whims of the colonizers. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel &RORQLDOSHULRG AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR historiography : Association des Musulmans Rwanda Colonial marked the advent ofau a written history with of theNationale memorizedde oral-tradition. ANT the transcription : Assemblée Transition Missionary priests including Loupias (1907), A. Pages (1933), P. Schumacher (Transitional National Assembly) (1943), L. Delmas (1950), and L. Canon Lacger (1930) listened to APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien traditional informers and considered these traditions as if they APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise were written sources. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais The missionaries introduced their colonial perception of the APROCOMIN: Association Indigènes conquered Rwandan people.des All Commerçants was changed in favor of the APROSOMA : Association pour Promotionto Sociale la “Bantu-Hamitic” myth, which waslainterpreted justifyde colonial presence, indirect rule and Christianity. The works of the colonial Masse missionaries and administrators were not informed ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laby existing oral traditions;Démocratie indeed, traditional oral narrators are not even mentioned in their accounts as sources of information. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits dehistory l’Homme Concerning Rwandan between 1910 and 1936, the AREDETWA : Association pour most important point to note le is Relèvement that Rwanda’s traditions Démocratique des Batwa 18 18 v were sanctioned in writing AND and this work was pursued by an ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS unauthorized ___________________________________ specialist – A. Kagame (1912 – 1981)12. While recognizing that A. Kagame is “an uncontested authority” and a role model : in Rwanda’s history13. There exists still fervent A.A. Archives Africaines criticism leveled against him by J.Vansina toward the end of the A.G. : Assemblée Générale colonial period. A. Kagame, and his precursors, i.e. the White ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga )DWKHUVZHUHDFFXVHGRIWRZLQJWKHOLQHRIRIÀFLDOUR\DOWUDGLWLRQ ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la and A. Kagame is also accused ofdes sharing nationalist sentiments 14 des Castes being very closeSuppression to administrative circles . ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 3RVWFRORQLDOSHULRG ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Just before Rwanda’s rise to independence, there was strong Réconciliation Nationale pushback against colonial achievements, including Rwanda’s AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières colonial historiography. This criticism targeted both the faulty AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la historical methods used, and also was based on A. pour Kagame’s Libération du Congo-Zaïre LQWHUSUHWDWLRQVDQGWKHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQGFRUUHFWLRQRIGLVWRUWLRQV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act DQGIDOVLÀFDWLRQVLQWURGXFHGGXULQJWKHFRORQLDODQGSRVWFRORQLDO periods. Such$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP critical studies, to which J. Vansina subscribed $,'6 fervently from 1961- 1962, primarily attacked the works of A. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Kagame by stigmatizing the ideological manipulations of AJER : Association dethree la Jeunesse Estudiantine the royal court. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda D 0DQLSXODWLRQVWKURXJKWKHLGHRORJ\RIWKHUR\DOFRXUW AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 0RUHWKDQRIÀFLDOKLVWRULFDOQDUUDWLYHVKDYHEHHQUHFRXQWHG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda by people who learned them systematically from their fathers ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition and neighbors. The events they recall were censored even before (Transitional National Assembly) their transmission. This censorship rendered them chronicles APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien that were adapted to the needs of the monarchical institution APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise or the ruling dynasty. Conversely, popular historical narratives APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes were beyond censorship and beyond the propagandist nature Rwandais RIRIÀFLDOQDUUDWLYHV+RZHYHUWKHVHSRSXODUKLVWRULFQDUUDWLYHV APROCOMIN: des Commerçants are not valued Association given their liberal transmissions Indigènes over time and APROSOMA pourand la Promotion de la 15 their tendency: Association toward grandeur hyperbole.Sociale Masse ARD : Alliance pour lefree Renforcement de la Dynastic Dynastic genealogy was also not from manipulation. Démocratie 12 5XWD\LVLUH 3 ³/HV Gp¿V GH O¶KLVWRULRJUDSKLH UZDQGDLVHª LQ Cahiers Lumière et ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Société, 1997 pp. 13. 13 Droits l’Homme Vansina, J., 1962, op. cit.,de p. 12 14 Rutayisire, P., 1997, art cit. pp. 15 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 15 Vansina, J.,1962, op cit p. 23. Démocratique des Batwa 19 v 19 JHQHRORJLHV ZHUH RIÀFLDO GRFXPHQWV WKDW SURYLGHG WKH OHJDO ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS framework for___________________________________ the dynasties in power. As such, it was subject to adjustments whenever the right of sucession was at stake. Despite its vulnerability to manipulation, dynastic geneology A.A. : Archives Africaines remains an important source in establishing the chronology of A.G. : Assemblée Générale Rwanda’s ABAKI history. : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la A. Kagame published the entire of this genealogy. However, Suppression des set Castes according to other authors (J.des Vansina, M. D’Hertefelt, A. Coupez, ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda T. Kamanzi, C. Rugamba, J. N.Nkurikiyimufura), he did not offer ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples any works. J. Vansina and J. N.etNkurikiyimufura ADRcritique of: these Alliance pour la Démocratie la thus produced Réconciliation other chronologies. In Rwanda’s historiography, Nationale chronology constitutes a big subject of controversy. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Despite its ultra-secret nature, the esoteric code of the dynasty Libération du Congo-Zaïre did not escape ideological manipulations and was also threatened AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act with into obscurity. Consequently, R. Hermans, J. $,'6falling $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 9DQVLQD '·+HUWHIHOW $ &RXSH] ÀUPO\ DIÀUP WKDW WKH AIMO : AffairesDQG Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre dynastic code lacked objectivity its trustees and AJER esoteric : Association de la Jeunessesince Estudiantine interpreters (Abiru ritualists) always sought to conform facts Rwandaise to existing rules. Further, by virtue du of the nature of dynastic ALIR : Armée de Libération Rwanda QDPHVHVRWHULFFRGHÀ[HGWKHOLIHSODQVRIWKHIRXUVXFFHVVLYH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel reigns in advance. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Finally, to A. Kagame, the esoteric code does not reveal ANT according : Assemblée Nationale de Transition the sections where the text was distorted by King Rudahigwa’s court (Transitional National Assembly) in Nyanza. These missing sections were the “Irage ry’abami” -- the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien last desire of the kings -- and a section of “Umurage w’ingoma,” the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise evidence of succession to the throne. A. Kagame, the trustee for APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes these testaments, died before publishing them; they have become Rwandais the secrets of ritual trustees who have never been found. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la E 6RPH(XURFHQWHUHGLGHRORJLFDOPDQLSXODWLRQV Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la )ROORZLQJ WKH IRRWVWHSV RI KLV ÀUVW PDVWHUV 3DJHV / 'HOPDV Démocratie and L. de Lacger, A. Kagame was targeted by critical studies ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des for his interpretation of Rwanda’s oral-tradition. A. Kagame Droits de l’Homme VXIIHUHGIRUEHLQJLQÁXHQFHGE\WKHDUJXPHQWVRIKLVPLVVLRQDU\ AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement predecessors. A. Kagame was an advocate of the Hamite-Bantu Démocratique des Batwa 20 20 v myth and of ACRONYMS the evolutionist-disseminationist theories of the AND ABBREVIATIONS nineteenth century. However, this myth had been developed ___________________________________ along the lines of “the exogeneity of the Tutsi” and “racial ethnic 16 ,: Archives which were blatant inventions of explorers in differences” A.A. Africaines the and of European missionaries who A.G.colonial administration : Assemblée Générale wanted their presence and their actions in Rwanda. ABAKI to justify : Alliance des Bakiga As is known,: Association the Hamite-Bantu myth has haunted Rwanda’s ABESC des Bahutu Evoluant pour la historiography Suppression up to very recently. des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda F 6RPHPDQLSXODWLRQVRIWKHQDWLRQDOLVPLGHRORJ\ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Post-colonial Rwandan historiography Réconciliation Nationale up to the genocide principally carries the accusation that A. Kagame was deeply AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières subjective while handling oral tradition. It attributes this AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la weakness to his nationalistic zeal and to his proximity to Libération du Congo-Zaïre Rwanda’s ruling circles. Vansina wanted toAct prove that AGOA : African Growth andthus Opportunity Kagame conduct a historian’s task, but rather conducted $,'6 did not $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 17 . A.Indigènes Kagame’s extreme Euro-centricity likely a “politician’s:task” AIMO Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre inspired this vitriol. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise It is indisputable, however, that A. Kagame had a centralized ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda vision of power. He nurtured an elitist in his works AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtéproject présidentiel on the history: Association of Rwanda, which sometimesdu ledRwanda him to distort AMR des Moniteurs history even as the Rwandese accommodated him. The new AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda post-genocide: Assemblée historiography of Rwanda should therefore ANT Nationale de Transition consider oral sources as victims of manipulation by the colonial (Transitional National Assembly) or nationalistic administrations. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 3RVWJHQRFLGHSHULRG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais With the advent of the genocide committed against the Tutsi in APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 1994, the arguments of the authors and defenders of the HamiteAPROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Bantu myth fell apart. This is because the myth suffered from Masse lack of reason and critique which would distance it from colonial ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la manipulation and the neo-colonial ideology of “divide and rule”. Démocratie Recent studies18 have revolutionized the writing of Rwanda’s ARDHO : Association 16 Rutayisire, P. 1997, art. cit, p.19. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 17 Droits de l’Homme Ibid p. 15 18 Chrétien, J.P., (under supervision), Rwanda : Les médias du génocide, Paris , AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Karthala, 1995.; Chrétien J. P., /HGp¿GHO¶HWKQLVPHDX5ZDQGDHWDX%XUXQGL Démocratique des Batwa 21 v 21 history by showing that genocide rationale was the mastermind ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS of the colonial___________________________________ regime, with its stereotypes and founding myths. This cleared the history of Rwanda from the interpretations LQÁXHQFHG E\ Hamite-Bantu myth -- a product of colonial A.A. : WKH Archives Africaines racism and Euro-centric mentality. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga From these diverse considerations, it isEvoluant clear that Rwanda’s ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la historiography Suppression remains a fertile ground of controversy, steeped des Castes in the various: Association ideologies which shaped Rwanda’s political ACR des have Cultivateurs du Rwanda space since time immemorial. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la This situation poses a problem for history -- to resist former Réconciliation Nationale ideological manipulations so as to remain objective while AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières analyzing the sources of Rwandan history. A lack of objectivity AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la KDVIRUPHUFRPSURPLVHGWKHVFLHQWLÀFFUHGHQWLDOVRIKLVWRULDQV Libération du Congo-Zaïre who should exercise critical minds that lead to interpretations AGOA : African Growth andfor Opportunity Act devoid of sentiment. Time has come Rwanda’s historiography $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP to part from its false semblance of truth. It should embark on its AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre true objective -- the search for and dissemination of social reality, AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine with zero-tolerance for the manipulation of historiographic Rwandaise sources. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 1996, Paris, Karthala; Braecman C., 5ZDQGDKLVWRLUHG¶XQJpQRFLGH, Paris, Fayard, de l’Homme 1994 ;. Rutembesa Droits F., « Ruptures culturels et génocide au Rwanda”, in Cahiers du &HQWUHGH*HVWLRQGHV&RQÀLWV, n° 2, 2001, pp. 93-123; Revue d’Histoire AREDETWA : Association Butare, pour April le Relèvement de la Shoah, n° 190, Janvier- Juin 2009. Démocratique des Batwa 22 22 v II ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ___________________________________ PREHISTORY AND SETTLEMENTS IN RWANDA A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : Archives (1000Africaines BC – 700/800 BC) : Assemblée Générale By: Alliance Célestin KANIMBA MISAGO (R.I.P)1 = des Bakiga : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre SUHKLVWRU\ DQG RULJLQDO VHWWOHPHQWV ÀUVW EHJDQ AGOA ZDQGD·V : African Growth and Opportunity Act in 1000 B.C... Prehistory and settlements in Rwanda $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP form the foundation of our national memory, without AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre ZKLFK KLVWRULFDO HYHQWV WKDW KDYH RFFXUUHG VLQFH FDQQRW EH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine XQGHUVWRRG 7KLV KLVWRU\ KDV EHHQ LQIRUPHG E\ HQYLURQPHQWDO Rwandaise change, archeology, anthropology, linguistics, and oral tradition. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 2.1. Prehistory AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMRSHULRG ZKLFK : Association Moniteurs duORQJHU Rwanda 7KH SUHFHGHGdes DQWLTXLW\ FDQ QR EH GHÀQHG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda DVH[FOXVLYHO\RQHSHULRGJLYHQWKHDEVHQFHRIZULWWHQVRXUFHV However, other sources of history shed de light on prehistoric events ANT : Assemblée Nationale Transition throughout the(Transitional period’s trajectory. National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 2.1.1. Environmental framework APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Covering a total surface area of 26,338 km², Rwanda is located APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes EHWZHHQORQJLWXGHV·DQG·1RUWK6RXWKDQGODWLWXGHV Rwandais · DQG · (DVW:HVW ,W IRUPV DQ DV\PPHWULFDO EORFN APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes of highlands resulting from transformations which were created APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la E\WKHJUHDWWHFWRQLFGULIWWKDWH[WHQGVIURPWKH5HG6HDXSWR Masse the southern part of Lake Malawi, crossing Lakes Rwicanzige, ARD Kivu and : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Rweru, Tanganyika. Démocratie Lake Kivu was formed in the depression and the straight fold ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense that separates the watersheds of the Nile pour and Congo Rivers.des This Droits de l’Homme 1 =Professor Celestin Kanimba Misago passed in 2010, and death deprived us AREDETWA : Association pour leaway Relèvement of his invaluable knowledge on this theme. Démocratique des Batwa R 23 v 23 fold, the CrestACRONYMS of Congo-Nile,AND is a mountainous range that covers ABBREVIATIONS 20 to 40 km; it is located at an altitude of around 2,000 m with ___________________________________ DKLJKHVWSHDNRIP,WLVERUGHUHGWRWKHQRUWKE\YROFDQLF PRXQWDLQVZKRVHSHDN.DULVLPELLVPKLJK A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Between the Congo-Nile crest and the Akagera-Bugesera ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga depressions, there is a central plateau that reaches an altitude ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la RIP7KLVUHJLRQLVFRYHUHGE\KLOOVVHSDUDWHGE\PDUVK\ Suppression des Castes YDOOH\VZLWKÁDWERWWRPVULFKLQDOOXYLXP7RWKHHDVWDORQJWKH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ERUGHUZLWK7DQ]DQLDWKH$NDJHUD5LYHUFURVVHVODUJHVZDPSV ORFDWHGDWDQDOWLWXGHEHWZHHQDQGP ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 2.1.2. CurrentRéconciliation state of archaeological Nationaleresearch Archaeological and linguistic sources provide important AFDL : Alliance des Forces of Démocratiques la information in the reconstruction the history ofpour Rwanda. Libération du Congo-Zaïre 1HYHUWKHOHVVVWXGLHVLQDUFKHRORJ\KDYHEHHQDQGVWLOODUHYHU\ AGOA Although : African Growth andofOpportunity Act remains, limited. Rwanda is full archaeological systematic archaeological studies were only initiated in the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP second half of the twentieth century. to 1968, studies in this AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Up Main-d’oeuvre ÀHOGZHUHQRWV\VWHPDWLF AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise 7KH ÀUVW YHVWLJH IRXQG ZDV DQ D[H PDGH RI TXDUW] VWRQH RI ALIR de Libération du Rwanda achulean type:2;Armée it was discovered around 1921-1922 in Kavumu AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel -- located in the former Territory of Gitarama. In 1936, I. 3 AMR : Association des duWKDW Rwanda Boutakoff PDGH H[FDYDWLRQV LQMoniteurs VRPH PLQHV GDWH EDFN WR the Stone Age. These excavations were particularly focused AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda in Ruhimandyarya cave inNationale Rusizi District, former Cyangugu ANT : Assemblée de Transition Province, where(Transitional quartz and quartzite tools of the Stone Age were National Assembly) unearthed. These tools were used in the early Iron Age. During APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien WKHVDPHSHULRGDGRXEOHHGJHGEODGHPDGHRITXDUW]VWRQHRI APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise VRSKLVWLFDWHGDFKXOHDQW\SHZDVIRXQGLQ.DWXPEDLQWKHIRUPHU APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WHUULWRU\RI*LVHQ\L%HWZHHQDQG0DXULFH%HTXDHUW Rwandais DUHVHDUFKHUDWWKH5R\DO0XVHXPRI&HQWUDO$IULFDSXEOLVKHGD APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants series of works on some outstanding stone tools4.Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la $IWHUHVWDEOLVKLQJWKH,QVWLWXWHIRU6FLHQWLÀF5HVHDUFKLQ&HQWUDO Masse $IULFD ,56$& LQ DQG XSRQ HVWDEOLVKLQJ WKH &HQWUH IRU ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Nenquin, J., Contributions to the study of the prehistoric cultures of Rwanda and Démocratie Urundi, Annales- Série in 8, Sciences humaines, No 59, Tervuren, M.R.A.C., 1069, p.9. : Association 3ARDHO Boutakoff, I., Première exploration Rwandaise méthodique des pour gisementladeDéfense l’âge de lades pierre l’Homme au Ruanda-Urundi. Droits Abris sousde roche, atelier et station de plein air, Bruxelles, 1937. 4 Bequaert, M., La: position actuelle de la préhistoire au Congo belge et au RuandaAREDETWA Association pour le Relèvement Urundi, Berlin, Hambourg, Bericht, V. Internat. Kongress, 1958, 1961, pp. 84-88. 2 24 24 Démocratique des Batwa v 5HVHDUFKLQ+XPDQLWLHVLQLQ%XWDUH H[$VWULGD VWXGLHV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS RQ WKH ,URQ $JH ZHUH LQLWLDWHG E\ -HDQ +LHUQDX[ DQG 0DTXHW ___________________________________ (PPD UHVHDUFKHUV DW ,56$& LQ 7KH\ XQFRYHUHG PDQ\ sites and furnaces of iron ore. Their research helped A.A. of ceramics : Archives Africaines WRLGHQWLI\VLWHVWKDWKDYHSURGXFHGWKHVHLWHPVFRQWULEXWLQJWR A.G. : Assemblée Générale WKHÀHOGRIDUFKDHRORJ\LQWKH*UHDW/DNHV5HJLRQ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC it was : Association des systematic Bahutu Evoluant pour la However, in the 1960s that studies were initiated Suppression des Castes E\DUFKDHRORJLVWV'XULQJWKDWWLPH-DFTXHV1HQTXLQPDGH WZR ACR Association dessite Cultivateurs duCampion” Rwanda near excavations - : one was on the called “Pit of Butare; was in Rutonde near Kigali. In 1967, Nenquin ADP the second : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples SXEOLVKHGWKHÀQGLQJVKHFRQGXFWHGLQGLIIHUHQWUHJLRQVRIWKH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la country6. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 7KHVH VWXGLHV ZHUH IROORZHG E\ SURJUDPV LQLWLDWHG LQ E\ AFDL : Alliance desstudies Forcesprimarily Démocratiques la 7 . His focusedpour on royal Francis Van Noten Libération du Congo-Zaïre WRPEV VR DV WR KDUPRQL]H RUDO WUDGLWLRQ DQG DUFKHRORJ\ DQG AGOA African Growth ActIron Age. they focused :secondly on sites and thatOpportunity dated from the Further were later undertaken in various regions of the $,'6 studies $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP FRXQWU\ LH LQ WKH UHJLRQV RI /DNHV %XOHUD DQG 5XKRQGR E\ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 8 9 Phillipe DW5\DPXUDULLQ1GRUZDE\7VKLOHPD7VKLOXND AJER Simon: Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine DQGLQWKH$NDJHUD3DUNE\%HUQDUG/XJDQ7KHODWWHUH[FDYDWHG Rwandaise six sites, among which four had shelters, it was mainly in the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda southern regions. Particularly in the region of Butare, those AM/AP Arrêté présidentiel excavations of: Arrêté variousministériel/ sites of ancient metallurgy were carried AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda RXWE\)UDQFLV9DQ1RWHQ(PLOH5RFKHDQG0DULH&ODXGLQH9DQ 10 AMUR : .Association des Musulmans au Rwanda *UXQGHUEHHN ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition A dozen years (Transitional later, after some archaeological materials were National Assembly) IRXQG E\ FKDQFH QHDU %XWDUH ) 9DQ 1RWHQ GLG D V\VWHPDWLF APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien excavation during which he found several furnaces used for APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise LURQ H[WUDFWLRQ LQ .DEX\H *LVDJDUD DQG LWV YLFLQLW\ ,Q APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 5 Hiernaux, J., and Maquet, E., Culture préhistorique de l’âge des métaux au RuandaRwandais Urundi et au Kivu (Congo Belge). 1ère partie, Bruxelles, 1956. 6APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Nenquin, J., ‘Contribution to the study of the prehistoric cultures of Rwanda and APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion Sociale de1967. la Burundi’, Annales,: Série in 8 Sciences humaines no 59 Tervuren, M.R.A.C. 7 Masse Van Noten F., Histoire archéologique du Rwanda, Tervuren, M.R.A.C., 1983. 8 Simon, Ph., « La région du lac Bulera » Annexe 9, In Van Noten, Histoire ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laarchéologique du Rwanda, Tervuren, Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, 1983, pp. 137-148. Démocratie 9 Tshilema T., « Ryamurari, capitale de l’ancien royaume de Ndorwa », Annexe 10, In Van ARDHO Association Rwandaise la Défense des Van Noten, Histoire: archéologique du Rwanda, Tervuren,pour M.R.A.C., 1983, pp. 149-153. 10 de l’Homme Van Grunderbek, Droits MC., Roche E., et Doutrelepont H., « L’âge du fer ancien au Rwanda et au Burundi. Archéologie environnement », in Journal des africanistes, AREDETWA : Association etpour le Relèvement 532 (1-2), 1982, pp 5-58. Démocratique des Batwa v 25 DQG 0& 9DQ *UXQGHUEHHN FRQWLQXHG WKLV UHVHDUFK ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS toward east, west and north Butare. She also discovered several ___________________________________ iron extraction furnaces, which were largely exposed due to agricultural activities or soil erosion. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la )URPRQZDUGV%HUQDUG/XJDQEHJDQWRFDUU\RXWVXUYH\V ABAKI AlliancePark des and Bakiga in the Akagera: National excavated four sites. The results ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour of his excavations indicate that human occupation in thelaarea Suppression Castes stretched several thousands des of years. The oldest population at ACR sites used : Association destools, Cultivateurs du who Rwanda these Wiltonian type while those appeared 11 later tools andDémocratique pottery . ADP used iron : Alliance des Peuples 3KLOLSSH6LPRQFRQGXFWHGDVWXG\DURXQG/DNH%XOHUDEHWZHHQ Réconciliation Nationale 1980 and 1981. There, he collected artifacts representing various AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières types of stone tools. These included the Sangoan type of tools on AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WKHVLWHRI1GDJRDQGWKH:LOWRQLDQW\SHQHDU%XJDUDPD7KLV Libération du fragments, Congo-Zaïre site also produced some pot and the oldest among AGOA : African Opportunity Actin present them were similar to theGrowth pottery and found at Masangano 12 day Ruhango$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP District 9DQ 1RWHQ·V ERRN SXEOLVKHG LQ $,'6 gives an outline of studies conducted in different parts of the AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre country up to: 1982. AJER Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise From 1986 on, the Museum of Natural History in Mainz ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda conducted regular geological studies on the Masangano site. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel This site produced fossils of Pleistocene animals, stone tools and AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda ancient pottery. The Nationaldes Museum of Rwanda also discovered AMUR : Association au Rwanda similar remains at the samedes siteMusulmans during the survey carried out from 1999 to :2004. In 2006, the survey excavation of Iron ANT Assemblée Nationale de and Transition $JHVLWHVZHUHUHYLYHGE\UHVHDUFKHUVIURP8QLYHUVLW\&ROOHJHRI (Transitional National Assembly) /RQGRQ LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK IURP WKH ,QVWLWXWH RI APADEC : Association duUHVHDUFKHUV Parti Démocrate Chrétien National Museums of Rwanda and students from the National APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise University of Rwanda. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais 2.1.3. Evolution of climatic and landscape changes APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la a. Paleo-climatic changes Masse During the Quaternary period, to other de parts ARD : Alliance pour le similar Renforcement la of Africa, the African Great Lakes region including Rwanda experienced Démocratie ARDHO Association Rwandaise Défense des 11 Lugan, B., « Le :Rwanda oriental » Annexe 8, In Vanpour Noten, la Histoire archéologique Droits de l’Homme du Rwanda, 1983, pp. 130-136. 12 Simon, Ph., “ La région du lac Bulera”, Annexe 9, in Van Noten, Histoire AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement archéologique du Rwanda, 1983, pp. 137-148. Démocratique des Batwa 26 26 v FOLPDWLFFKDQJHVWKDWDIIHFWHGWKHÁRUDDQGIDXQD6WXGLHVGRQH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS through today___________________________________ in geology, geomorphology and palynology do not provide ample information on ancient climate changes. However, UHFHQWDQDO\VHVRIIDXQDDQGERWDQLFUHPDLQVKDYHEHHQXVHIXOLQ A.A. : Archives Africaines reconstructing the environment, particularly the paleo-climatic A.G. : Assemblée Générale changes that marked the end of the Pleistocene and Holocene ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga SHULRGVLQ&HQWUDO(DVW$IULFD:HWSHULRGVIDYRUHGIRUHVWJURZWK ABESC Association Bahutu Evoluant pour raised la and provided :limited erosiondes of calm waters; heavy rains Suppression Castes the levels of lakes and rivers. des However, drought decimated many ACR DQG LQFUHDVHG : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda IRUHVWV WKH des HURVLRQ DQG WXUEXOHQFH RI ULYHUV Consequently, water levels of lakes and rivers fell. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KHUH LV D GHDUWK RI DYDLODEOH GDWD KRZHYHU WKH GDWD WKDW Réconciliation Nationale does exist provides an idea of climate change since the late AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 3OHLVWRFHQHSHULRG7KH0DVDQJDQRVLWHORFDWHGDWWKHFRQÁXHQFH AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la RI RI 1\DEDURQJRAlliance DQG 0XNXQJZD ULYHUV IDOOV LQ WKLV FDWHJRU\ du Congo-Zaïre DYDLODEOH GDWDLibération DQG HQFRPSDVVHV WKH KLVWRU\ RI FKDQJHV WKDW AGOA in this : African Growth and Opportunity Actsite yields occurred area for thousands of years. This SLHFHV ÀHOGV VXFK DV K\GURJUDSK\ JHRORJ\ $,'6 RI LQIRUPDWLRQ $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP paleontology, archeology and history. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Although the studies initiated so far are scarce and incomplete, Rwandaise WKH\DUHVFLHQWLÀFDOO\LQWHUHVWLQJ7KHDYDLODEOHGDWDVKRZVWKDW ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda WKHIRUPDWLRQSURFHVVRIWKHODQGVFDSHRIWKHUHJLRQJRHVEDFN AM/AP years. : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 100,000 AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda $Q DQDO\VLV RI JHRORJLFDO VWUDWD UHYHDOV WKDW 5LYHU 1\DEDURQJR LQLWLDOO\ ÁRZHG QRUWKZDUGV ,W DSSHDUV WKDW ODWHU YROFDQLF ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition HUXSWLRQVLQWKH1RUWKHMHFWHGODYDWKDWRYHUÁRZHGVRXWKZDUGV (Transitional National Assembly) DORQJWKH1\DEDURQJRYDOOH\DQGIRUPHGDVRUWRIGDPIRUFLQJ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the river to deviate from its normal course. Thus, the waters of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 1\DEDURQJRFROOHFWHGWRIRUP´a lake or delta dam” that was rather APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes GHHS7KLVSURFHVVOHGWRWKHIRUPDWLRQRIÀQHVDQGPL[HGZLWK Rwandais clay and silt, which were deposited in the delta. Consequently, APROCOMIN: Association des formed. Commerçants Indigènes several pelagic microfossils were APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la *UDGXDOO\ 5LYHU 1\DEDURQJR WRRN D GLIIHUHQW FRXUVH WRZDUGV Masse WKH VRXWKHDVW 7KH GHOWD EHJDQ WR GU\ XS DV Dde QHZ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la ULYHU EHG IRUPHG/DWHUWKHZDWHUOHYHOGHFUHDVHGPDNLQJLWSRVVLEOHIRU Démocratie hippopotamuses to live there. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme :KLOHKLSSRSRWDPXVHVXVHGWREDWKHLQWKHZDWHUVRIWKHGHOWD AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement EXIIDORHVDQGHOHSKDQWVXVHGWRIUHTXHQWULYHUEDQNVWRGULQNRU Démocratique des Batwa 27 v 27 JUD]H,QFLGHQWDOO\WKLVSHULRGZDVZKHQWKHÀUVWYROFDQLFDVK ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS reached Masangano. ___________________________________ $VWKHULYHUJRWHQWUHQFKHGLQLWVQHZEHGWKHGHOWDEHFDPHDOPRVW A.A. : Archives Africaines GU\7KLVLVZKHQKXPDQVHWWOHPHQWVEHJDQWRDSSHDULQWKHGU\ A.G. : Assemblée Générale areas of the delta, where hot springs deposited travertine. The ABAKI human : Alliance earliest activitiesdes tookBakiga place contemporary to deposits of ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la WUDYHUWLQHDQGYHUWHEUDWHIRVVLOVZKLFKZHUHORFDWHGLQWKHOD\HUV Suppression des Castes IRUPHGE\YROFDQLFURFNIUDJPHQWVDQGÀQHDQGURXJKVDQG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Numerous fossils were found from a depth of two meters. An ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples examination of the fossils which were collected ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lafrom different layers reveals the remains of various animals that lived on the Réconciliation Nationale site at the time of geological deposit formation. The layers of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières URXJK VDQG DQG WUDYHUWLQH DIIRUG QRW RQO\ LQYHUWHEUDWH IRVVLOV AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la LQFOXGLQJPROOXVNVEXWDOVRERQHVRIHOHSKDQWVKLSSRSRWDPXVHV Libération du Congo-Zaïre EXIIDORVsitatungaDQGRWWHUV VHH)LJXUHEHORZ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 1: Fossil $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Figure bones found at Masangano: otter (Natural AIMO Museum : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre History in Kigali) AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes +XPDQUHPDLQVZHUHIRXQGRQWKHEDQNVRI5LYHU1\DEDURQJR Rwandais DORQJWKHVXUIDFHRIDTXDVLGU\GHOWDZKLFKZDVIUHTXHQWHGE\ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KLSSRSRWDPXVHV HOHSKDQWV EXIIDORHV DQG RWKHU DQLPDOV WKDW APROSOMA : Association pour lasettlements Promotion Sociale de found la early man likely fed on. Human were also Masse DORQJ ODYD ÀHOGV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WUDFHV RI KXPDQ DFWLYLW\ ZHUH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la IRXQGLQWKHWUDYHUWLQHOD\HURUWKHÀUVWPHWHUVRIURXJKVDQG Démocratie Between and 40,000Rwandaise B.C., the climate ARDHO 70,000 : Association pour lachanged Défensefrom des a very dry state Droits to a humid one. During that period, the forest de l’Homme GHFOLQHG FRQVLGHUDEO\ DV WKH VDYDQQDK DGYDQFHG )URP AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement %& RQZDUG WKH FOLPDWH EHFDPH KXPLG DJDLQ DQG WKH IRUHVW Démocratique des Batwa 28 28 v UHFODLPHGODUJHDUHDV7KHIRUHVWHGDUHDZDVVLJQLÀFDQWO\ODUJHU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 13 than it is today___________________________________ . Around 30,000 B.C., the arid climate was marked E\DGHFOLQHRIWKHIRUHVWDQGLWVUHSODFHPHQWE\WKHH[SDQGLQJ VDYDQQDKH[FHSWLQDUHDVZKHUHUDLQIDOOZDVVWLOOVXIÀFLHQW A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale %HJLQQLQJ DURXQG %& WKH ZHDWKHU EHFDPH FRRO DQGGU\7KHIRUHVWVKUDQN%\FRQWUDVWWRZDUGWKHEHJLQQLQJ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga RIWKHHDUO\+RORFHQHSHULRGDURXQG%&DZDUPDQG ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la KXPLG SKDVH FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ KHDY\ UDLQV EHJDQ 7KH IRUHVW Suppression des Castes DWWDLQHG RSWLPXP H[WHQVLRQ EHWZHHQ DQG %& ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda $URXQG %& ODNH OHYHOV URVH WR DERXW WKH FXUUHQW OHYHO ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples +RZHYHUEHWZHHQDQG%&WKHUHZDVGURXJKWZKLFK ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la VLJQLÀFDQWO\GHFUHDVHGWKHOHYHORI/DNH.LYX%\%&WKH Réconciliation Nationale FOLPDWHEHFDPHZDUPHUDQGPRUHKXPLGEXWGLGQRWUHDFKWKH 14 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières LQWHQVLW\NQRZQEHIRUH%& AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growthfrom and Opportunity Act Landscape changes occurred 1000 BC. Indicators that $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP characterize our understanding of the landscape were animals, plants, terrain, such as relief, rock vegetation, and AIMO and physical : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre water. of pollen and fossils, inEstudiantine addition to dating the AJER An analysis : Association dewood la Jeunesse coal and the wildlife that lived in these regions, helps to reconstitute Rwandaise WKHYHJHWDWLRQLQWKHZD\LWDSSHDUHGEHIRUH\HDUV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel 7ZR WKRXVDQG \HDUVministériel/ DJR KXPDQArrêté DFWLYLWLHV EHJDQ WR GHHSO\ LPSDFWWKHHQYLURQPHQW)LVKLQJKXQWLQJZLWKWKHXVHRIÀUH AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda RQEXVKHVDJULFXOWXUDODQGSDVWRUDODFWLYLWLHVGHJUDGHGDQG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda GHVWUR\HGWKHHQYLURQPHQW(QYLURQPHQWDOGHJUDGDWLRQEHFDPH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition LQWHQVLÀHG GXULQJ WKH ,URQ $JH ZKHQ LURQ WRROV ZHUH XVHG WR (Transitional National Assembly) clear the forest. Stone tools, which were used for more than a APADEC Parti Démocrate million years,: Association had a much du more limited impact.Chrétien Fire caused APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise damage to the savannah while dense forests were not so prone APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes to such destruction. Rwandais 0DQ·V HIIHFWV RQ WKH HQYLURQPHQW ZHUH LQWHQVLÀHG ZLWK WKH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes acquisition of food production techniques and metallurgy. Land APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la formations from that time reveal that the west and northwest were Masse types of vegetation. The mesophilic forest covered with different ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement demountainous la extended towards the eastern shore of Lake Kivu, Démocratie 13 Servant, M., et Servant-vildary, S., « Nouvelles données pour une interprétation ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la (Pléistocène Défense des paléoclimatque de séries continentale du Bassin Tchadien récent, Holocène) », in VanDroits Inderen Bakker, E. M., Palaeocology of Africa, VI, pp. 87-92. de l’Homme 14 Robertshaw, W. :P.,Association “Climate changepour and thelerise of political complexity in western AREDETWA Relèvement Uganda”, in Journal of History, 41, 2000, pp. 1-28) Démocratique des Batwa b. Vegetation changes 29 v 29 UDLQIRUHVWV DQG VXEPRXQWDLQRXV IRUHVWV FRYHUHG WKH DUHDV RI ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5XNLJD%XEHUXNDDQGDOOWKHKLJKODQGVIRUPLQJWKH&RQJR1LOH ___________________________________ crest and the current Nyungwe forests, i.e. most of the regions in WKHZHVWRI0XNXQJZDDQG8SSHU1\DEDURQJR A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale In the north of the country, the valleys of Rugezi, east of Lake Bulera, to the existence of mountainous vegetation. The ABAKI testify: Alliance des Bakiga western shore of Lake Ruhondo proves theEvoluant existence of savannah ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la ZRRGODQGVDQGJDOOHU\IRUHVWVLQWKHODYDSODLQVDWWKHEDVHRI Suppression des Castes BirungaYROFDQRHV$QDQDO\VLVRIWKHYDOOH\VORFDWHGDWWKHEDVH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda RI 5ZD]D +LOO GDWLQJ IURP WKH ÀUVW FHQWXU\ $' UHYHDOV WKDW ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples WKHUH ZDV D IRUHVW VXUURXQGHG E\ ZRRGHQ VDYDQQDK )XUWKHU ADR DW WKH : Alliance pour Démocratie la 1\DEDURQJR VRXWK FRQÁXHQFH RI la WKH 0XNXQJZDetDQG Réconciliation Nationalethat joined a lava plain rivers, there was a mountain rainforest AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières FRYHUHGZLWKZRRGODQG7RZDUGSUHVHQWGD\.LJDOLDW5ZDQNXED IRUHVW GRPLQDWHG 6RXWKZDUG LQ WKH DUHD EHWZHHQ AFDL YHJHWDWLRQ : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 1JRPD DQG $NDQ\DUX EHWZHHQ 1JRPD DQG *LVDJDUD LibérationDQG du Congo-Zaïre VDYDQQDK ZRRGODQGV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ VRPH IRUHVW AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act JURZWK ZHUHGRPLQDQWE\$'SDUWLFXODUO\LQ.LJHPEH7KLV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP area also contained entire gallery forests along the river galley. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre $URXQG%&GURXJKWOHGWRWKHGLVDSSHDUDQFHRIIRUHVWV AJER Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Around 2000 :B.C., the wet climate would have favored the return Rwandaise of the forest had man not encroached on the vegetation. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 'XULQJWKH,URQ$JHHDUO\PDQVHWWOHGRQODQGWKDWZDVVXLWDEOH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel IRU DJULFXOWXUH OLYHVWRFN DQG LURQ PHWDOOXUJ\ )URP WKH ÀUVW AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda FHQWXU\$'LURQRUHH[WUDFWLRQE\LURQWRROVEHJDQWRLQWHQVLI\ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda These activities reduced the size of the forests as they were ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition UHSODFHGE\VDYDQQDK'XULQJWKH6HFRQG0LOOHQQLXP$'WKH (Transitional National Assembly) EXVKIDOORZLQJSHULRGJUDGXDOO\UHGXFHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH pace of population growth.du New technological APADEC : Association Parti Démocrate advancements Chrétien VWHPPLQJ IURP PRGLÀFDWLRQV RI OLIHVW\OHV DQG DFFHOHUDWHG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise SRSXODWLRQJURZWKFRQWULEXWHGWRHQYLURQPHQWDOGHJUDGDWLRQ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais 2.1.4. Prehistoric age in Rwanda APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes According to: Association recent studies Rwanda APROSOMA pour laconducted Promotionin Sociale de la the LQWHUODFXVWULQH UHJLRQ 5ZDQGD·V SUHKLVWRU\ FDQ EH FDWHJRUL]HG Masse LQWRWZRPDMRUVXEGLYLVLRQVWKH6WRQH$JHDQG,URQ$JH16. The ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 15 Van Grunderbeek,Démocratie M. C., Roche et Doutrelepont, H., « L’âge du fer ancien au Rwanda et au Burundi. Archéologie et environnement », in Journal des Africanistes , ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 52 (1-2), 1982, 33-41. 16 Droits ofde l’Homme Van Noten, The Archeology Central Africa, Akademische Druck-und Verlagsansalt, Graz, 1982; Sutton J. E.G., “The aquatic civilization of middle Africa”, in Journal of AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement African history, 15 1974: 527-546. Démocratique des Batwa 30 30 v WDEOHEHORZVKRZVGLIIHUHQWDJHVDQGWKHDUFKDHRORJLFDOREMHFWV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS XVHGDFURVVDJHV ___________________________________ Table 1: Prehistoric age in Rwanda A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale Late Iron Age Urewe traditional cultural potteries ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : AssociationUrewe des Bahutu (DUO\,URQ$JH pottery Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes Neolithic Age: Association'LYHUVLÀHGSRWWHU\WUDGLWLRQV ACR des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Late Stone Age (LSA) Tshitolian :LOWRQLDQ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la /XSHPEDQ Réconciliation Nationale Middle Stone Age (MSA) Magosian Sangoan AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières (DUO\6WRQH$JH (6$ desAchulian AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques Pre-Achulian or Oldowan pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre a. Stone :Ages AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ¾Early Stone Age AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7KH (DUO\ 6WRQH $JH LV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ WZR GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine LQGXVWU\WKHOldowan and Acheulian industries. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Oldowan industries AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 7KHROGHVWWRROVZHUHIRXQGLQWKH2PRYDOOH\LQ(WKLRSLDDQG AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHLURULJLQLVWUDFHDEOHWRPLOOLRQ\HDUVDJR7KH\ZHUHIRXQG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda on the edges of ancient lakes or marshes near the Rift Valley in ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition northern Tanzania and at Olduvai George on the shores of Lake (Transitional National Assembly) Turkana in Kenya. The Oldowan WRROV EHORQJ WR WZR GLIIHUHQW APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien SHULRGV DQG WKH\ DUH GDWHG EHWZHHQ DQG PLOOLRQ \HDUV APR The early: Armée Patriotique old. Oldowan industry isRwandaise composed of grattoires and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes FKRSSLQJERDUGVZKLFKDUHNQRZQDVSHEEOHWRROVDQGVSOLQWHUV Rwandais 7KHVHWRROVZHUHJHQHUDOO\ODUJH6LPSOHSHEEOHWRROVDQGVSOLQWHUV ZHUH XVHG RQ ERWK SODQWV DQG RQ DQLPDOV WKH\ ZHUH APROCOMIN: Association desDQLPDOV Commerçants Indigènes XVHGWREUHDNERQHVLQRUGHUWRH[WUDFWERQHPDUURZ7KH\ZHUH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la DOVRXVHGDVEXWFKHULQJWRROVWRFXWFDUFDVVHVRIDQLPDOVDQGWR Masse kill small animals like frogs, lizards and tortoises. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie The late OldowanLQGXVWU\ZDVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\VLPSOHGRXEOH HGJHG VWRQH WRROV SKRWR QXPEHU 6WRQH IURP WKH WZR ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pourWRROV la Défense des OldowanLQGXVWULHVKDYHQRW\HWEHHQORFDWHGLQ5ZDQGD7KH Droits de l’Homme people who used Oldowan tools related to Homo Habilis, AREDETWA : Association pour were le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 31 v 31 and they livedACRONYMS on hunting and gathering. Apart from stone tools, AND ABBREVIATIONS WKH\PD\KDYHDOVRXVHGWRROVPDGHRISHULVKDEOHPDWHULDOVVXFK ___________________________________ DVZRRGVNLQERQHDQGWUHHEDUN A.A. : Archives Africaines Achulian industry A.G. : Assemblée Générale There that des the Bakiga Achulian LQGXVWU\ HYROYHG LQ (DVW ABAKIis evidence : Alliance Africa at a site called Olduvai Bed II. This ABESC : Association des George BahutuinEvoluant pourtype la of industry was different from the Oldowan type given the large Suppression des Castes VL]HRILWVREMHFWVDQGWKHWHFKQLTXHVXVHGWRPDQXIDFWXUHWKHP ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The new technique required more energy and skill. These tools ADP IRXQG RQ : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ZHUH WKH ROG FRQWLQHQWV RI $IULFD $VLD DQG (XURSH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et (southern and western). The Achulian LQGXVWU\laEHJDQ DURXQG Réconciliation Nationale PLOOLRQ\HDUVDJR7KLVLQGXVWU\H[LVWHGFRQFXUHQWO\ZLWKWKH Aldowan industry for hundredsExtra-Coutumières of thousands of years.17 AEC : Agglomeration AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la The African Achulian LQGXVWU\ ZDV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ GRXEOH Libération du Congo-Zaïre edges and hand-axes with several pounding heads. These tools AGOAPDQXIDFWXUHG : African and Opportunity Act Achulian ZHUH E\Growth KHDY\ SRXQGLQJ 7KH $IULFDQ $,'6 was associated $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP industry with Homo Erectus, who lived on hunting AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre DQGJDWKHULQJLQDUHDVFRYHUHGE\VDYDQQDJUDVVODQGDQGSODQWV RU DUHDV VSDUVHO\ FRYHUHGdeE\ Homo Erectus migrated AJER : Association la WUHHV Jeunesse Estudiantine DFFRUGLQJWRWKHDYDLODELOLW\RIDQLPDOUHVRXUFHV7KLVKHOSVWR Rwandaise explain the increase mine deposits du in Africa as a general sign ALIR : Arméeofde Libération Rwanda RILQFUHDVHGQXPEHUVDQGVL]HVRIKXPDQVSHFLHV AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 7KHUHDUHWKUHHVWDJHVLQWKHHYROXWLRQRIWKH$FKHXOLDQLQGXVWU\ AMUR0LGGOH:DQG Association des Musulmans au Rwanda (DUO\ /DWH $FKXOLDQ LQGXVWU\ ,Q WKH ODVW VWDJH WKH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition technology of shaping the size of stones depended on the diversity National and shape of the(Transitional type of tools involved. TheAssembly) consumers of these tools ZHUHLQWHUHVWHGLQVPDOOWRROVWKDWUHÁHFWHGWKHLUPRGHRIOLYLQJDQG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien hunting. The progressive improvement of these tools resulted from APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKHLQYHQWLRQRIÀUH%H\RQGLPSURYLQJKLVDELOLW\WRPDNHWRROV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ÀUHHQDEOHGPDQWRÀJKWDJDLQVWWKHFROGDQGZLOGDQLPDOV Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes $FKXOLDQWRROVKDYHQRW\HWEHHQH[FDYDWHGRQ5ZDQGDQVLWHV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la +RZHYHUVRPHVXUIDFHFROOHFWLRQVKDYHEHHQPDGHDWVLWHVOLNH Masse .DWXPED*DWDUHDQG5HPHUDLQ1RUWKHUQ3URYLQFHDQGLQWKH 5LYHU5ZDJDWRYXYDOOH\LQWKHGLVWULFWRI+X\H,WLVSRVVLEOHWKDW ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la in Rwanda, the Démocratie lack of mines related to the Achulian industry is partly due to the scarcity of Rwandaise sediments that were from ARDHO : Association pour la preserved Défense des WKDWSHULRG 6HHÀJXUH Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 17 Daniel, J.Y., Science de la terre et de l’univers, Paris, Vuibert, 1999, p. 595. Démocratique des Batwa 32 32 v Figure 2. Curved stone tools at the Institute of ACRONYMS AND conserved ABBREVIATIONS National Museums of Rwanda in Huye. ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération dudouble-edged Congo-Zaïrestone tool, pick axe. From left to the right: Bola, AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 ¾Middle$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Stone Age AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The term “Middle Stone Ageµ XVHG LQEstudiantine 6XE6DKDUDQ $IULFD AJER : Association de laLVJeunesse WR GHVFULEH WKH SUHKLVWRULF SHULRG FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH 0LGGOH Rwandaise Paleolithic period and a large part of the Paleolithic period. This ALIR started: Armée de Libération du Rwanda period immediately after the Acheulian industry. It was AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel FKDUDFWHUL]HGE\GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQRILQGXVWULHVZKLFKZHUHDGDSWHG to different environments well as manufactured stone tools AMR : Associationasdes Moniteurs du Rwanda that were much smaller and more precise. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 7KH SRSXODWLRQ RI WKH 0LGGOH 6WRQH $JH EHORQJHG WR WKH Homo National Assembly) Sapien species.(Transitional At the technological level, the Middle Stone Age APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien ZDV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ D FRQVLGHUDEOH UHGXFWLRQ LQ WKH VL]H RI APR tools used. : Armée stone The Patriotique techniques Rwandaise used involved removing the VSOLQWHUDQGUHSODFLQJLWE\À[LQJDQXFOHXVLQWKHFHQWUHVRDV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WRÀWLQVSOLQWHUVRISUHGHWHUPLQHGVKDSHVDQGVL]HV Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 7KHVH WHFKQLFDO LQQRYDWLRQV HQDEOHG WKH SURGXFWLRQ RI VPDOO APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la WRROVGHVLJQHGWREHÀWWHGZLWKKDQGOHVPDGHRIZRRGRUERQHV Masse 7KH SURFHVV RI ÀWWLQJ VWRQH WRROV LQYROYHG WKH SUHSDUDWLRQ RI ARD resin and : Alliance le Renforcement de process la gum shaping pour and trimming stones; this was IDFLOLWDWHGE\WKHXVHRIÀUH Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des The second innovation involved regional specialization, allowing Droits de l’Homme man to adapt to various environmental conditions. Industries AREDETWA le Relèvement evolved which: Association were adaptedpour to different environments. In the Démocratique des Batwa 33 v 33 IRUHVWHQYLURQPHQWWKHUHZHUHWZRW\SHVRILQGXVWULHV6DQJRDQ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS DQG/XSHPEDQLQGXVWULHV,QWKHVDYDQQDKHQYLURQPHQWWKHUH ___________________________________ was micro-lithic industry. A.A. Sangoan: industry Archiveslocated Africaines The in Sango Bay on the shores of A.G. : Assemblée Générale Lake Victoria in Uganda consisted of lithic industries which IROORZHGWKHÀQDOAcheulian ABAKI : Alliance des industry Bakiga in Central Africa. The tools produced included massive pick-axes, core-axes, ABESC : Association des Bahutu heavy-duty Evoluant pour la and various grattoir. Suppression des Castes ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda Sangoan implements were des associated with dense vegetation ADP : Alliance Peuples V\VWHPV ,W LV WKHUHIRUHDémocratique DVVXPHG WKDWdes WKH\ ÀUVW DSSHDUHG LQ WKHVHUHJLRQVGXULQJWKHÀQDOSKDVHRIWKHAcheulian period in ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the savannah Réconciliation grasslands. However, these tools never existed Nationale LQ H[WHQVLYH RSHQ SODLQV 7KHUH LV D FRUUHODWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières presence of these tools and the heavy rainfall which created AFDL : Alliance dense vegetation zones. des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre In most of the equatorial rainforests, Sangoan tools AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act seem to SURYLGH HYLGHQFH RI KXPDQ VHWWOHPHQWV +RZHYHU $,'6 ÀUVWKDQG $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP these tools also represent an adaptation to drought when rain AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre IRUHVWVZHUHFRQVLGHUDEO\UHGXFHG,WVKRXOGWKHUHIRUHEHDVVXPHG AJER : Association de la Jeunesse that these heavy tools are closer correlatedEstudiantine with ecological data Rwandaise WKDQVSHFLÀFSHULRGVUHODWHGWRWKHHYROXWLRQRIVWRQHWRROV7KH WHFKQLTXHVDQGW\SHVRIWRROVXVHGWUDQVFHQGDUELWUDU\ERUGHUV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel The age of the Sangoan industry is unknown, though it is estimated AMR : Association des Moniteurs to have occurred around 100000 - 80 000 du B.C.Rwanda Sangoan tools AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda KDYHEHHQVLJKWHGLQPDQ\DUHDVDURXQGWKHFRXQWU\ODUJHO\LQ WKH 6HYHQ RI WKHVH FDQ EH LGHQWLÀHG ANT6RXWKHUQ: 3URYLQFH Assemblée Nationale deVLWHV Transition 1\DQJH VLWH RQ(Transitional WKH VKRUHV RINational .DERJRERJR EHWZHHQ 0XJRPEZD Assembly) DQG.DQVL&DPSLRQ5XKDVK\D5XERQD%ZH\D0X\DJDDQG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien .DYXPXVLWHORFDWHGHDVWRI.DEJD\LLQWKHYLFLQLW\RI.DUXUXPD APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise valley. At all these sites, tools with Sangoan characteristics were APROBAMI : Association des Partisand Monarchistes found, including cleavers, pick-axes grattoirs. At Sablière Rwandais Campion site /XSHPEDQ WRROV ZHUH GLVFRYHUHG EXULHG EHORZ layers of Sangoan tools. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la In central Rwanda, a study was conducted in Rutongo at the Masse FRQÁXHQFHRI1\DEXJRJRDQG6KHQJDPEXOHULYHUVQHDUWKH.LJDOL² ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la %\XPEDKLJKZD\,WHVWDEOLVKHGWKHSUHVHQFHRI6DQJRDQWRROV Démocratie LQFOXGLQJDEHDXWLIXOVSHDUDQGMagosian tools. These consisted RIVLQJOHDQGGRXEOHHGJHGVSHDUVWKDWZHUHUXGLPHQWDU\ZHGJHG ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des VKDSHGEODGHVZLWKIROGHGHGJHV$W1\DEZDULWKHVDPHW\SHVRI Droits de l’Homme tools were found. These tools were manufactured from dark-grey AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement VKDOHRUEURZQTXDUW]LWHPDWHULDO 34 34 Démocratique des Batwa v The Sangoan ACRONYMS industry was AND widespread and varied according to ABBREVIATIONS the set of tools___________________________________ and their evolution. This proved great adaptation WR HQYLURQPHQWDO FKDQJH +RZHYHU PRVW REMHFWV NQRZQ IURP that period were surface collections (found on the surface). They A.A. : Archives Africaines FDQEHFRPSDUHGDFURVVVSDFHDQGWLPHZLWKREMHFWVIRXQGLQ A.G. Africa: and Assemblée Générale Central the in Great Lakes region. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association Bahutufound Evoluant pour Africa, la The Lupemban industry was des an industry in Central SUHGRPLQDQWO\LQDUHDVRQFHFRYHUHGE\IRUHVWV,WZDVFKDUDFWHUL]HG Suppression des Castes E\ D FRPELQDWLRQ RI KHDY\ WRROV OLNH SLFND[HVdu DQG FKLVHOV DQG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda VSDUHSDUWVFRPSOHWHGZLWKPHWLFXORXVÀQLVKLQJ7KHVHWRROVZHUH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ÀQHWXQHGDQGEHDXWLIXOO\FXUYHGDQGGDWHEHWZHHQDQG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la %&,QWKH(DVWHUQ3URYLQFHPDQ\VLWHVZHUHLGHQWLÀHG Réconciliation Nationale LQ$NDJHUD1DWLRQDO3DUNDQGWKHREMHFWVIRXQGWKHUHFRQÀUPWKH SUHVHQFHRI/XSHPEDQWRROVLQWKHUHJLRQ VHHSLFWXUH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Figure 3: Kagitumba sharpened stone tools (Akagera Libération du Congo-Zaïre National park); National Museum in Huye AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) 7KHVLWHVRI.DQGDOR1\DEZDUL0XKRURURDQGWKH+LSSRSRWDPXV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien “Beach” provide hachets, pick-axes and grattoirs. The tools APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise IURPWKH/XSHPEDQLQGXVWU\DW1HPEDFRQVLVWRIVLQJOHHGJHG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes KDWFKHWVDQGDFHQWUDOQXFOHXVZLWKVKDUSEODGHV$QHORQJDWHG Rwandais spearhead made of quartzite material was found on the surface at APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes /LEDRSSRVLWH.DQVLDORQJWKH+X\H².DQ\DUXKLJKZD\6LPLODU APROSOMA Association pour la 5XVL]L Promotion Sociale de la REMHFWV ZHUH :FROOHFWHG LQ 0LELUL]L 'LVWULFW .DMXPEXUD Masse and Ngulenge in Akagera National Park, south of Lake Mihindi 5ZDPXUXPED DQG %XJHVHUD WKH .LJDOL²0XKLQJD PDLQ ARD : Alliance pour leQHDU Renforcement de la road18. At these sites, stones tools made of quartz, quartzite, Démocratie and schist Acheulean type materials were found the surface. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la on Défense des 18 Droits de l’Homme Nenquin, J., « Contribution to the study of the prehistoric cultures of Rwanda and Burundi » in Annales, série 8, sciences humaines, No 59, Terevuren, MRAC, 1967; AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Van Noten, F., Histoire archéologique du Rwanda, Tervuren, MRAC, 1983. Démocratique des Batwa v 35 Map 1: Localization of Middle and Late Stone Ages in Rwanda ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse Key: ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Source: Van Noten, F., Histoire archéologique du Rwanda, Démocratie Tervuren, Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, 1983 ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 36 36 : : : : v ¾Late Stone Age (LSA) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ 7KH WHUP ´/DWH 6WRQH $JHµ LV XVHG LQ VXE6DKDUDQ $IULFD WR GHVFULEHWKHSUHKLVWRULFSHULRGWKDWFRUUHVSRQGVZLWKWKH8SSHU A.A. : Archives Africaines Paleolithic age. It covers a period of around 40,000 years. The A.G. : Assemblée Générale GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ RI OLWKLF LQGXVWULHV VWDUWHG LQ WKH 0LGGOH 6WRQH ABAKI : Alliance des 6WRQH Bakiga$JH 'LYHUVLÀFDWLRQ UHVXOWHG $JH FRQWLQXHG WR WKH /DWH ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant la and from adaptation to different des environments, includingpour forest Suppression des Castes savannah regions. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 7KH WKLV DJH ZKLFK VWDUWHG ADPÀUVW KDOI: RI Alliance Démocratique desEHWZHHQ Peuples DQG %& ZDV PDUNHG E\ WKH SUHVHQFH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et RI la LQWHUPHGLDWH industries of large and small-sized tools. The large tools included Réconciliation Nationale sickles, stone axes, grinders and mills. Small tools, which were AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières VRPHWLPHVÀWWHGLQVHULHVZHUHXVHGDVNQLYHVVDZVDUURZKHDGV AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la for spears, andAlliance small drills. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $WWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHHDUO\+RORFHQHSHULRGZKLFKRFFXUUHGLQ %&WKHQXPEHURIVLWHVRIWKH/DWH6WRQH$JHLQFUHDVHG $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Caves and rock shelters multiplied. Local resources were used AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre PRUHLQWHQVLYHO\WKDQHYHUEHIRUH7KHUHPDLQVRIIDXQDIRXQGRQ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine human settlements showed the increased prevalence of hunting Rwandaise VSHFLÀFDQLPDOV+RZHYHUWKHLQGXVWULHVRIWKH/DWH6WRQH$JH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda are not yet well documented in Rwanda. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR industries : Association des Moniteurs duFirstly, Rwanda Three are represented in this period. there was AMUR Association Musulmans au Rwanda the Magosian :industry whosedes tools are found mainly at Rutonde, 5ZDQNXEDDORQJVLGHWKH.LJDOL0XVDQ]HURDG5XWRQGHVLWHRIIHUV ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition different phases(Transitional of Magosian industry. Magosian sites are National Other Assembly) IRXQGDW%XJDPELUD+LOOORFDWHGEHWZHHQ5LYHU*LWLQJDDQG5LYHU APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 8UXIXQ]R$NDJHUD DQG 5LYHU 5XJDPDPD ZHVW RI 1\DUXEX\H APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise DQG 1\DQJD EHWZHHQ /DNH %XOHUD DQG /DNH 5XKRQGR RQ WKH APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 5XKHQJHUL²1WDUXND PDLQ URDG 7KH 0DJRVLDQ LQGXVWU\ VKRZV Rwandais how tools evolved from large to small. It marked a transition and APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes SUHFHGHGWKH7VKLWROLDQDQG:LOWRQLDQLQGXVWULHV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The Tshitolian Masse industry, named after the Tshitolo site located in WKHSODWHDXRI:HVWHUQ.DVDLLVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\KXJHLPSRVLQJ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la WRROVZLWKUHÀQHGGRXEOHHGJHGIROLDWHGIHDWXUHV,WDOVRFRQVLVWV Démocratie RIJHRPHWULFPLFUROLWKWRROV:LOWRQLDQWRROVZHUHIRXQGLQDURFN ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des VKHOWHUDW:LOWRQ·VIDUPORFDWHGLQ3URYLQFHRI:HVWHUQ&DSHLQ South Africa. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 37 v 37 $PLFUROLWKLFLQGXVWU\GDWHVEDFNWR%&,WLVFKDUDFWHUL]HG ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS E\ PLFUROLWK LPSOHPHQWV ZLWK VHJPHQWV LQ WKH IRUP RI FLUFOHV ___________________________________ triangles, trapeziums, drills, and pieces with edges of saw-like teeth. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale 7KH H[DFW GDWHV KDYH EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKHVH LQGXVWULHV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 0LFUROLWKLF WRROV ZHUH ORFDWHG LQ PLQH GHSRVLWV RI (DVW $IULFD ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour la In Uganda, they were found inBahutu Munyama cave and Buwuma Suppression des Castes Island in 14,480 B.C. ± 130 years. In Kenya, they were located ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda LQ1DNXUX1DLYDVKDULIWRUWKH3URORQJHG'ULIWLQ%& ± 220 years. :InAlliance central Tanzania, the Kiesese rock shelter was ADP Démocratique des Peuples HVWDEOLVKHGLQ%&\HDUV ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Nevertheless, in Rwanda those industries were located at the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières IROORZLQJVLWHV AFDL : Alliance desVKHOWHU ForcesZKLFK Démocratiques pourE\ la - 7KH .LQDQLUD URFN ZDV H[FDYDWHG Libération du Congo-Zaïre Hiernaux. It contained a layer of artifacts dating from AGOA the Stone : African Growth andlayer, Opportunity Actmaterials Age. Near the top it contained $,'6 GDWLQJIURPWKH(DUO\,URQ$JH $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KH 5ZDEXJLUL ORFDWHG $NDJHUD 1DWLRQDO 3DUN AIMO : AffairesFDYH Indigènes et LQ Main-d’oeuvre microlithsde that date fromEstudiantine the Late Stone Age AJER produced : Association la Jeunesse and pottery decorated with circular designs. Rwandaise Shelters of Mucucu, Muhororo and Kandaro. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KH +LSSRSRWDPXV EHDFK VLWH FRQWDLQV /DWH 6WRQH $JH AM/APREMHFWV: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des LQ Musulmans auERQH Rwanda 0LFUROLWKLF WRROV ZHUH ÀWWHG ZRRGHQ RU KDQGOHV Unfortunately, this organicNationale material is preserved. From ANT : Assemblée derarely Transition WKHVH WHFKQRORJLFDO LQQRYDWLRQV D QXPEHU RI FXOWXUDO DQG (Transitional National Assembly) HFRQRPLFLQQRYDWLRQVFDQEHGHGXFHG,WLVSUREDEO\GXULQJWKLV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien SHULRGWKDWERZVDQGDUURZVZHUHXVHGIRUKXQWLQJ6LFNOHVZHUH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise XVHGWRKDUYHVWHGLEOHSODQWV*ULQGHUVDQGPLOOVZHUHXVHGWR APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes crush grain. In addition, poison was created for arrows, stone Rwandais DQG ERQH QHHGOHOLNH LQVWUXPHQWV ZHUH XVHG WR PDNH FORWKHV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes SDUWLFXODUO\LQVHZLQJVNLQVDQGVKHOOEHDGVVSLNHVDQGERQH APROSOMA : Association harpoons were developed. pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ¾Neolithic Age ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Originally, this term was referred to as the “New Stone Age”. The ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 1HROLWKLF$JHZDVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKH(DUO\6WRQH$JHRQSXUHO\ Droits de l’Homme WHFKQRORJLFDOJURXQGV,WZDVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\SROLVKLQJREMHFWV AREDETWA le Relèvement 7KH PHDQLQJ: Association RI WKH WHUPpour ´1HROLWKLF $JHµ KDV FRQVLGHUDEO\ Démocratique des Batwa 38 38 v FKDQJHG ,Q UHFHQW GHFDGHV LW KDV FRPH WR UHIHU WR D JOREDO ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS transformation in food acquisition techniques. Man stopped ___________________________________ living on only hunting and gathering and shifted to an economy EDVHGRQSURGXFWLRQ7KLVVOXJJLVKFKDQJHZDVDFFRPSDQLHGE\ A.A. : Archives Africaines the introduction of new techniques such as product polishing A.G. : Assemblée Générale and the use of ceramics. This new, agricultural lifestyle was ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga DFFRPSDQLHGE\QHZPRGHVRIOLYLQJVXFKDVEXLOGLQJKRXVHV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la and living in communities. Suppression des Castes ACR FKDQJHV : Association des Cultivateurs duRUJDQL]DWLRQ Rwanda RI 7KHVH QR GRXEW LPSDFWHG WKH LQWHUQDO communities their perspectives of the These visions ADP :and Alliance Démocratique desworld. Peuples were expressed through rock paintings and through customs ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la showing respect for the dead.Nationale The “neo-lithisation” processes Réconciliation differed from one region to another. In some areas, these AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières innovations were acquired gradually through development that AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la was in harmony with existing cultural groups. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growthindustry and Opportunity Act In other regions, Neolithic was introduced in a comprehensive and coherent manner. The origin of Neolithic $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP LQGXVWU\ LQ &HQWUDO(DVW $IULFD DQG LV VWLOO VXEMHFW WR AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et 5ZDQGD Main-d’oeuvre controversy. Generally, it isde associated withEstudiantine foreign origins from AJER : Association la Jeunesse WKH VRXWKHUQ 6DKDUD WR WKH 1LOH9DOOH\ DFURVV WKH (WKLRSLDQ Rwandaise KLJKODQGV +RZHYHU H[FDYDWLRQV RQ WKH EDQNV RI WKH ODNHV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda in the region of great lakes have revealed continuous human AM/AP ministériel/ occupation for: Arrêté thousands of years. Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR Association des Musulmans Rwanda ,W LV WKRXJKW:WKDW JURXSV RI ÀVKHUPHQ OLYLQJau DURXQG WKH JUHDW lakes in central-eastern Africa had made settlements ANT and rivers : Assemblée Nationale de Transition in the region for(Transitional over ten thousand years. At the periphery of the National Assembly) LQWHUODFXVWULQH UHJLRQ WKHUH DUH EHWWHU NQRZQ LQFOXGLQJ APADEC : Association du Parti DémocrateVLWHV Chrétien Ishango located on the shores of Lake Rwicanzige and Turkana APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise DQG *DPEO FDYHV ORFDWHG RQ WKH VKRUHV RI /DNH 1DNXUX ,Q APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes DGGLWLRQ WKLV UHJLRQ LV NQRZQ IRU UHPDUNDEOH FRQVLVWHQF\ Rwandais of human settlement since the Holocean age. The region also APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes GHYHORSHGERQHLQGXVWU\DQGUHOLHGRQWKHXVHRIKDUSRRQV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la According to one hypothesis, from the early Third Millennium, Masse the populations that enjoyed of pottery, de agriculture and ARD : Alliance pourmastery le Renforcement la DQLPDO KXVEDQGU\ WUDQVPLWWHG WKLV WHFKQRORJ\ ZKHQ WKH\ ÁHG Démocratie GHVHUWLÀFDWLRQ RI WKH 6DKDUD WRZDUGV WKH VRXWK $V SUHYLRXVO\ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des mentioned, during the 8th-6th Millenniums, the climate was very Droits de l’Homme KXPLG7KHODNHVEHFDPHODUJHUDQGPRUHQXPHURXVDQGULYHUV AREDETWA : Association grew longer and more rapid.pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 39 v 39 7KHOLIHVW\OHRIÀVKLQJFRPPXQLWLHVZDVFORVHO\WLHGWRWKHZDWHU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS VKRUHOLQHIRRGVXSSO\DQGDGYDQFHGWHFKQLTXHVRIÀVKLQJDQG ___________________________________ ERDWFRQVWUXFWLRQ7KHUHZHUHPDQ\VLWHVLQWKHKLJKODQGVRIWKH Sahara southern fringes of the desert from the Upper A.A. and in: the Archives Africaines 1LJHUWR(DVW$IULFDWKURXJKWKH&KDGEDVLQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI Alliancehypothesis, des Bakigapastoralism and agriculture According to :another ABESC : Association des Evoluant la ZHUH LQWURGXFHG IURP (J\SW WRBahutu (WKLRSLD 1HROLWKLFpour WHFKQRORJ\ Suppression des Castes UHDFKHG WKH (WKLRSLDQ KLJKODQGV DQG WKHQ VSUHDG VRXWKZDUGV ACR Association des du Rwanda as a result of :the movements of Cultivateurs Cushitic-speaking populations. ,Q (WKLRSLD :DORQJ WKHDémocratique *REUD VKHOWHU des QHDU $[XP JHRPHWULF ADP Alliance Peuples PLFUROLWKLF DQG SRWWHU\ WRROV ZHUH LGHQWLÀHG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et LQ la DUHDV ZKHUH (OHXVLQH coracana was grown inNationale the Third Millennium. Réconciliation AEC : Agglomeration In Kenya, there is a missing link Extra-Coutumières regarding data on the existence of AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la DJULFXOWXUH(YLGHQFHRISDVWRUDOLVPLVZLGHO\IRXQGWKURXJKRXW du Congo-Zaïre the Rift Valley Libération up to Tanzania and in the highlands. There is OLWWOH HYLGHQFH WKDW DJULFXOWXUH EHIRUH AGOA : African Growth ZDV and GHYHORSHG Opportunity ActWKH 7KLUG Millennium, however the the rearing of sheep, goats, and cattle $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP was developed: from the Indigènes Third Millennium. Bones of sheep, goats AIMO Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre and cattle were found in the fauna remains collected. Closer to AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwanda, in the Lake Victoria Basin, remains of sheep, goats and cows were also Rwandaise found. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/APis no : conclusive Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel There evidence Arrêté of Neolithic technology in AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Rwanda. There is some evidence of the transition from the Late Stone Age to the Old Iron Age. Layers containing artifacts AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda from the Age mixed with pot fragments were found. This ANTLate Stone : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ÀQGLQJLVVXEMHFWWRWZRLQWHUSUHWDWLRQV (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Partior Démocrate One hypothesis is that of coexistence commercialChrétien transactions APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise EHWZHHQWZRFRPPXQLWLHVRQHFRPPXQLW\XVHGVWRQHWRROVZKLOH APROBAMI Associationand des Partis Monarchistes the other used: agricultural metallurgical techniques. Another hypothesis is that of migration theories; local indigenous people Rwandais who lived in theAssociation Stone Age received pottery fromIndigènes communities APROCOMIN: des Commerçants who lived in the Iron Age and who had newly arrived inlatheir APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de DUHD$FFRUGLQJWROLQJXLVWLFGDWDEHIRUHWKH&KULVWLDQHUDFDWWOH Masse NHHSHUVIURPWKH1RUWK(DVWEURXJKWFDWWOHRI$VLDQRULJLQ19 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 19 Epstein, H., “The origin of the most domestic animals of Africa”, Vol. I and II, in Démocratie Africana, New York- London- Munich, Publi. Corp., 1971; Ehret, C., “Cattle keeping ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour laevidence”, Défense des and milking in Eastern and South African history : the linguistic In Journal Droits of African history, 8(1) 1967,de ppl’Homme 1-17; Ehret, C., “ Patterns of Bantu and Sudanic settlements in Central and Southern journal of Africa, 3(1), AREDETWA : AssociationAfrica”, pour In le Trans-African Relèvement S(KUHW&³7KH¿UVWVSUHDGRIIRRGSURGXFWLRQWR6RXWKHUQ$IULFD´LQ Démocratique des Batwa 40 40 v b. Iron Age ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ ¾Early Iron Age A.A. SUHVHQFH: Archives AfricainesLV SURYHG E\ WKH SUHVHQFH 7KH RI LURQ PHWDOOXUJ\ A.G. Générale of numerous: Assemblée furnaces and characteristic ceramics of the 20 interlacustrine region, des including ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga the remains of iron-ore H[WUDFWLRQVXFKDVEULFNVQR]]OHVDQGVODJV1LQHVLWHVSURGXFHG ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la EULFNV WKDW ZHUH XVHG WR EXLOG Suppression des IXUQDFHV Castes RI YDU\LQJ VL]HV DQG forms according to the region. The oldest site among them dates ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda WR WKH VHYHQWK FHQWXU\ +RZHYHU LW ZDV IURP WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples WKLVHUDHUDWKDWLURQSURGXFWLRQDFWLYLW\EHFDPHVLJQLÀFDQW ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Nationale It seems that theRéconciliation extraction of iron ore was not done on a large scale. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières $OWKRXJKWKHUDZPDWHULDOVXVHGVXFKDVUHGEURZQKHPDWLWHRU OLPRQLWHZHUHDEXQGDQWLURQSURGXFWLRQUHPDLQHGDKDQGFUDIW AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Studies were mainly Butare, a region AGOA : Africanconcentrated Growth and in Opportunity Act where LURQH[WUDFWLRQDFWLYLW\ZDVLQWHQVLYHEHWZHHQWKHWKLUGDQGWKH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP VHYHQWKFHQWXU\7KLVLVSUREDEO\GXHWRWKHLQWHJUDWLRQRIWKH AIMO : Affaires et Rwanda Main-d’oeuvre interlacustrine region inIndigènes general, and in particular, with AJER : Association de la&RQWDFW Jeunesse Estudiantine WKH (DVW &RDVW WKURXJK WUDGH ZLWK WKH (DVW &RDVW LV Rwandaise PXFKROGHUWKDQLVFXUUHQWO\SRUWUD\HGLQKLVWRU\ERRNV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda )RXUWHHQ RIministériel/ WKH VDPH W\SH KDYH EHHQ H[FDYDWHG VR AM/AP IXUQDFHV : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel IDU VLPLODU EXW IRU GLIIHUHQFHV LQ GLPHQVLRQ FRQVLVW RI D AMR : Association des Moniteurs du7KH\ Rwanda generally deep excavation of 20 to 60 cm in the ground. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Their diameters range from 80 to 90 cm. Some of these depressions ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition attain larger dimensions at Nyaruhengeri and Cyamakuza sites. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien $OOWKHVHH[FDYDWLRQVZHUHÀOOHGZLWKGHEULVIURPDQRYHUKDQJLQJ APR : Armée Rwandaise instrument, which wasPatriotique used to concentrate heat on the iron-ore LQRUGHUWRLQFUHDVHWKHHIÀFLHQF\RIH[WUDFWLRQ7KHLQVWUXPHQW APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ZKRVH GLDPHWHU GHFUHDVHG IURP WRS WR ERWWRP ZDV PDGH RI Rwandais rollers of superposed clay, forming a conical shape. The layers APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZHUHNQHDGHGE\KDQGVRPHWLPHVWKHUHZHUHÀQJHUSULQWVRQWKH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la external surface, while the interior was decorated with crescent Masse designs or s-formations. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Ehret, C., and Posnansky, M. (Eds), The archeological and linguistic construction of ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la des African history, 1982, pp. 158-181; Bender, M.L.; “Livestock andDéfense linguistics in north Droits deinl’Homme and east African ethno-history”, current anthropology, 23 (3), 1982, pp. 316-317. 20 Schmidt, P., Historical archeology: pour a structural approach in an African culture, AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement Westpot, Greenwood Press, 1978. Démocratique des Batwa 41 v 41 0DQ\EULFNVLWHVZHUHIRXQGRQWKHWRSRI.DEX\H*DKRQGRDQG ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5HPHUDKLOOV$W.DEX\HKLOOVLWHVSURGXFHGIXUQDFHUHPDLQV ___________________________________ 7KH GHSUHVVLRQV FUHDWHG LQ WKH EULFN VLWHV FRQWDLQHG QR]]OHV LURQVODJVFKDUFRDODQGVRPHSRWWHU\ A.A. : Archives Africaines VHH)LJXUHEHORZ A.G. ABAKI ABESC : Assemblée Générale : Alliance des Bakiga : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise 2Q*DKRQGRKLOOÀYHVLWHVSURGXFHGDYDULHW\RIREMHFWV7KHVH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda LQFOXGHEULFNVQR]]OHIUDJPHQWVFKDUFRDODQGSRWVZLWKGLPSOH AM/AP EDVHV : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel GHFRUDWHG WKHLU HGJHV DUH HPERVVHG ZLWK GHFRUDWLRQV AMRWKUHH JURRYHG : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda DQG HGJHV 5HPHUD +LOO SURGXFHG EULFN DQG SRW AMUR Association deswith Musulmans fragments as: well as nozzles edges of au 3- Rwanda 4 facets with HPERVVPHQWVDQGLQFLVLRQV VHH)LJXUHQREHORZ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa Figure No. 4. Bricks found at Muyunzwe (seventh century) 42 42 v Figure 5: PotACRONYMS with patterns characteristic of Urewe pottery AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre 7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOVLWHVZLWKSRWWHU\WKDWGDWHIURPWKH(DUO\,URQ AGOA : African Growth with and Opportunity Act Age. This pottery is associated metal work activities. It is FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ PDUNHG HGJHV ZLWK GLPSOHGHFRUDWHG EDVHV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KHPRVWFRPPRQGHFRUDWLRQVDUHREOLTXHLQFLVLRQVÀVKERQH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre shaped lines, decorations, horizontal lines, overlapping AJER :v-shaped Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine WULDQJOHV ÀQH LQFLVLRQV DQG FRQFHQWULF FLUFOHV VHH )LJXUH Rwandaise EHORZ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP6: Urewe : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Figure dimple-based pottery AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits SRWWHU\ de l’Homme 8UHZH GLPSOHEDVHG DOVR IHDWXUHV FRQFHQWULF FLUFOHV AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement or triangular. parallel lines, and petals that arele semi-circular Démocratique des Batwa 43 v 43 7KHVH SRWV· EDVHV DUH URXQG DQGABBREVIATIONS ÁDW ZLWK GLPSOH GHFRUDWLRQV ACRONYMS AND A closer examination of the inner surface of the pot reveals ___________________________________ WKDWWKHEDVHDQGWKHOLQLQJZHUHDFKLHYHGXVLQJWKHcolumbine WHFKQLTXH ZKLFK VXSHULPSRVHG VSLUDO UROOV RI FOD\ :KLOH WKH A.A. : Archives Africaines inner surfaces were thick, the external A.G. : Assemblée Générale ones were thin. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga The paste used in the pottery industry contained natural greaseABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la removing material such as small grains of quartz and limonite. Suppression des Castes The containers manufactured were usually small in size and ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZHUHRIWZRW\SHV ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples &ORVHGFRQWDLQHUVZLWKDQHFNVKDSHDQGDQ6VKDSHGSURÀOH ADR : Alliance with pourno laneck Démocratie et la Open containers Réconciliation Nationale 2SHQFHUDPLFFRQWDLQHUVZHUHLGHQWLÀHGDWVHYHUDOVLWHVLQFOXGLQJ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières %XWDUH*LVKXEL0DVDQJDQR5XJREDJRED5XWDUHDQG6KROL AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Further north along theGrowth shores of Lake Ruhondo inAct the Kiguhu AGOA : African and Opportunity SHDWERJ SRWWHU\ ZLWK VWUDLJKW QHFNV ÁDW EDVHV REOLTXH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP decorated incisions, and V-shaped decorations covered with AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WULDQJXODU OLQHV KDYH EHHQ GLVFRYHUHG 7KHVH GHFRUDWLRQV DUH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine FRPSDUDEOHWRWKRVHRIWKHSRWWHU\IRXQGLQ5XKLPDQG\DU\DLQ Rwandaise the former Cyangugu Province. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/APVLWHV SURYLGH : ArrêtéEDYHOHGJHG ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 7KHVH SRWWHU\ ZLWK WZR WR VL[ IDFHWV AMR : Association Rwanda 'HFRUDWLRQV RULJLQDWH IURPdes WKHMoniteurs HGJHV ZLWKdu OLQHV LQ ÀVK ERQH SDWWHUQV ,Q :DGGLWLRQ WKH\des IHDWXUH KRUL]RQWDO AMUR Association Musulmans au HPERVVPHQWV Rwanda overlapping triangles, and Nationale small incisions. The most common ANT : Assemblée de Transition SDWWHUQVDUHHPERVVPHQWVREOLTXHLQFLVLRQVDQJOHIRUPHGOLQHV (Transitional National Assembly) V-shaped lines, and small parallel incisions. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 7KHSRWWHU\IRXQGLQWKHSHDWERJRI.LJXKXQHDU/DNH5XKRQGR APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes is varied. Pottery was found in layers. Some pottery features Rwandais VWUDLJKW QHFNV ZKLOH RWKHUV KDYH ÁDW EDVHV DQG DUH GHFRUDWHG APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants21.Indigènes ZLWKREOLTXHLQFLVLRQVRU9VKDSHGGHFRUDWLRQV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Most of the pottery Massesites were discovered in regions that were originally open savannah; pottery was not commonly ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la found in former forests. Démocratie In open areas, the climate was mild with regular WHPSHUDWXUHV WKDW IDYRUHG VXIÀFLHQW UDLQIDOO 5LFK VRLO IDYRUHG ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des agro-pastoral activities and metal works, especially in Butare Droits de l’Homme 21 Simon, Ph. Annexe 9 : La région du lac Bulera, Van Noten, Histoire archéologique AREDETWA : Association pour le in Relèvement du Rwanda, Tervuren, MRAC 1983 p. 146 Démocratique des Batwa 44 44 v region. The average altitude favored the growth of millet and ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS sorghum, which were staple food crops at the time. Large-scale ___________________________________ FDWWOHNHHSLQJZDVSRVVLEOHEHFDXVHKLJKDOWLWXGHUHJLRQVZHUH GHYRLGRIWVHWVHÁLHV A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale (YLGHQFH RI DJULFXOWXUDO DQG DQLPDONHHSLQJ DFWLYLWLHV ZDV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga found in Rwanda dating from the third century. Cattle-keeping ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la was more commonly practiced than agriculture. In Southern Suppression des Castes %XWDUH KLOOV ZHUH GHQVHO\ FRYHUHG ZLWK VDYDQQDK VKUXEV DQG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 22 . In this JUDVVZKLFKZHUHHDV\WRFXWDQGIDYRUDEOHIRUJUD]LQJ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples region, cattle teeth were found in a furnace structure at Remera ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et that la of cow and dating from 220 A.D. This date coincides with Réconciliation Nationale VKHHSERQHVIRXQGLQ7RQJRQRUWKRI*RPDLQWKH'HPRFUDWLF 23 (see FigureExtra-Coutumières 7 and Map 2). 5HSXEOLFRI&RQJR AEC : Agglomeration AFDL Figure AGOA $,'6 AIMO AJER : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 7: Cow tooth found Remera (Gisagara District) Libération du at Congo-Zaïre : African Growth and Opportunity Act $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 22 Van Grunderbeek et al., 1982, op. cit. p. 32.le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association pour 23 Kanimba and Shumbusho, 1992: 66-71 Démocratique des Batwa v 45 Map 2: Location of sites during the Early Iron Age ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ¾Modern(Transitional Iron Age National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien The Modern Iron Age started towards the eighth century A.D. APR : Armée E\ Patriotique Rwandaise ,W ZDV FKDUDFWHUL]HG SRWWHU\ GHFRUDWHG ZLWK ULQJHG FLUFOHV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes DQGREMHFWVPDGHRIPHWDO,QVRPHVLWHVOLNH.LJXKXSRWVZLWK GHFRUDWLRQV RIRwandais ULQJHG FLUFOHV ZHUH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ SRWV ZLWK VDZOLNHWHHWK 6HHÀJXUH1REHORZ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 46 46 : : : : v Figure 8: PotsACRONYMS decorated with circular rings on the surface and AND ABBREVIATIONS around the space between the pot’s base, neck and shoulder ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre At Kiguhu site, pot fragments with the Act use of cords AGOA : African Growthdecorated and Opportunity 24 were found in addition to fragments with saw-like teeth $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP. These pots are similar to fragments found in Bugarama. The pots from AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre .LJXKX DQG %XJDUDPD DUH OLNHO\ WR KDYH EHHQ FUHDWHG DW WKH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine VDPH WLPH EXW YHU\ IHZ VWXGLHV KDYH EHHQ FRQGXFWHG RQ WKLV period. Some ofRwandaise the sites that have revealed these pots date from ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the eighth to the tenth century A.D. The Mucucu and Cyamakuza AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel VLWHV GDWH EDFN WR WKH HLJKWK FHQWXU\ ZKLOH WKH $NDPHUX DQG Cyinkomane sites date to the ninth and tenth AMR : Association des Moniteurs ducenturies. Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda At Ruamurari site, which dates to the seventeenth century, a ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition NH\ FROOHFWLRQ RI ERQHV KDV EHHQ GLVFRYHUHG ([DPLQDWLRQV (Transitional National Assembly) DVVRFLDWHWKHERQHVWRERWKVPDOODQGODUJHDQLPDOV7KHERQHV APADEC du Parti Démocrate Chrétien RI ODUJHVL]HG: Association DQLPDOV EHORQJHG WR Bos primigenius f. Taurus APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise EXOO 7ZRVNXOOVZKLFKZHUHQHDUO\LQWDFWDQGUHPDLQVRIYHU\ long, u-shaped horns were des found. These remains indicate that APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes the cows were of the Ankole-type, a type which was widespread Rwandais in the Great Lakes Region267KHERQHIUDJPHQWVRIVPDOOVL]HG APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes DQLPDOV OLNHO\ EHORQJHG WR JRDWV DQG VKHHS 7KH 5XDPXUDUL APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la site also afforded grinding stones and mills made of stone that Masse UHVHPEOH WKRVH ZKLFK DUH VWLOO LQ XVH LQ 5ZDQGD WRGD\ 7KH\ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la were used for grinding sorghum and millet grains. Démocratie ARDHO : Association 24 Simon, Ph., 1983, op. cit, p. 145. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 25 Droits de l’Homme Van Noten, Histoire archéologique du Rwanda, Butare, INRS, 1983, p. 62. 26 Tshilema, T., Annex 10 : Ryamurari, capital ancient kingdom of Ndorwa, in Van AREDETWA : Association pourofletheRelèvement Noten, Histoire archéologique du Rwanda, Tervuren, M.R.A.C., 1983, pp. 150-151. Démocratique des Batwa 47 v 47 7KHVHDUWLIDFWVDQGDQLPDOERQHUHPDLQVVKRZWKDWLQKDELWDQWV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SUDFWLFHG D VXEVLVWHQFH HFRQRP\ EDVHG RQ DJULFXOWXUH DQG ___________________________________ cattle-keeping. During this period, hunting and fruit-gathering VXEVLGHGWRDVHFRQGDU\UROH0HDWIURPZLOGDQLPDOVDQGÀVK A.A. : Archives Africaines was rarely consumed, and a large percentage of the Rwandese A.G. : Assemblée Générale SRSXODWLRQZDVSURKLELWHGIURPHDWLQJVXFKPHDW ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC Association des Iron Bahutu Evoluant pour la was The evolution: from the Ancient Age to the Modern Age QRW DEUXSW +RZHYHU WKHUH DUH ODUJH GLIIHUHQFHV LQ WKH IRUPV Suppression des Castes RI FHUDPLF DQG PHWDOOLF REMHFWV PDGH EHWZHHQ SHULRGV ACR : Association des Cultivateurs duWKHVH Rwanda 0HWDOOLFDQGFHUDPLFREMHFWVRIWKH0RGHUQ,URQ$JHDUHELJJHULQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples size and cruder in nature. The decorations added to the outside ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la VXUIDFHVRIWKHVHREMHFWVZHUHFUXGH Réconciliation Nationale These lead us to ask who introduced this new form of AEC changes : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières SRWWHU\ WKH LQÁXHQFH RI D QHZ JURXS RU ZDV LW D ORFDO AFDL :DV:LWAlliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la GHYHORSPHQW":HVKRXOGFRQVLGHUWKHFKDQJHVLQPDQXIDFWXULQJ Libération du Congo-Zaïre VW\OH QRW RQO\ E\ WKH WHFKQRORJ\ XVHG EXW DOVR E\ WKH REMHFWV· AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act deterioration rates resulting from anthropogenic action. Both $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP DJULFXOWXUDO DQG SDVWRUDO DFWLYLWLHV OLNHO\ FRQWULEXWHG WR WKH AIMO Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre increase in :population. Some historians have associated AJER innovations : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine these with thede Barenge (Hiernaux at al., Kagame, Rwandaise .DQ\DPDFXPEL 7KH %DUHQJH EHORQJHG WR WKH $EDVLQJD FODQ DQGDUHVDLGWRKDYHHVWDEOLVKHGDNLQJGRPWKDWH[WHQGHGIURP ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda WKH (DVW RI 0DVLVL WKH 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLF RI WKH &RQJR AM/AP : ArrêtéLQministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel to Akanyaru. :The region of des Butare was partdu of Rwanda this kingdom27. AMR Association Moniteurs 2UDOWUDGLWLRQDVVRFLDWHVWKH%DUHQJHSHRSOHZLWKREMHFWVPDGH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda of metal and with water wells dug in rocks28. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 2.2. Settlement in Rwanda National Assembly) (Transitional APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien $WWKHHQGRIWKHQLQHWHHQWKFHQWXU\DQGEHJLQQLQJRIWKHWZHQWLHWK APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise FHQWXU\DOPRVWDOOWKHRULHVRQVHWWOHPHQWVLQ$IULFDDWWULEXWHG APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes migration waves from Asia,des a continent that was considered Rwandais the cradle of mankind and the origin of change in Africa. The SKHQRPHQRQRIPLJUDWLRQKDVWKHUHIRUHEHHQFRQVLGHUHGDVWKH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes EDVLFFRQFHSWXDOWKHRU\WKDWJLYHVH[SODQDWLRQWRVHWWOHPHQWDQG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la the spread of civilization in Rwanda. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la It was from this perspective that colonial historiography was Démocratie ODWHU GHYHORSHG E\ SROLWLFLDQV WR DFKLHYH WKHLU SROLWLFDO HQGV $FFRUGLQJ FRORQLDO KLVWRULRJUDSK\ WKHlaÀUVW LQKDELWDQWV ARDHO WR:WKLV Association Rwandaise pour Défense des 27 Droits l’Homme Kanyamacumbi, P., Société,de culture et pouvoir politique en Afrique interlacustre, Kinshasa, Ed. Select, 2001, p.232. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 28 Kagame, A., Un abrégé de l’ethnohistoire du Rwanda, Butare, EUNR, 1972, p. 27. Démocratique des Batwa 48 48 v RI 5ZDQGD ZHUH WKH %DWZD ZKR EHORQJ WR WKH S\JPLHV 7KH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS %DWZDZHUHUHJDUGHGWREHWKHRULJLQDOQDWLYHVRI$IULFDOLYLQJ ___________________________________ E\KXQWLQJDQGJDWKHULQJ7KH%DKXWXDUHVDLGWRKDYHSXVKHG the forest. Africaines A.A.Batwa to the : Archives A.G. are several : Assemblée There theories Générale on the origins of the Bahutu. These ABAKI are :confused Alliance des theories withBakiga theories on the Bantu. Several ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la DUHDV RI RULJLQ KDYH EHHQ SURSRVHG WKHEvoluant FHQWUDO DQG VRXWKHUQ 3DFLÀFQRUWKZHVWRIWKHLQWHUODFXVWULQHNLQJGRPLQ&KDGDQG Suppression des Castes WKH 7KHLU H[LVWHQFH GDWHG WR WKH ACR1LJHULDQ&DPHURRQLDQ : Association EHOW des Cultivateurs duLVRwanda First Millennium A.D. It was thought that the Bahutu ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples practiced agriculture, kept small animals, and practiced iron metalwork ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la EHIRUHRUDIWHUVHWWOLQJLQ5ZDQGD Réconciliation Nationale 7KHÀUVWWKHRU\RIWKH(WKLRSLDQRULJLQRIWKH%DWXWVLJRHVEDFN AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières to the nineteenth century. Tutsi Démocratiques and Hima sharedpour a similar AFDL : Alliance desThe Forces la origin with the Galla, who were half-Semitic, half-Hamitic. Libération du Congo-Zaïre $IWHUEUHDNLQJDZD\IURPWKHLU(WKLRSLDQKHULWDJHWKHVHSHRSOH AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act are said to have founded the Kitara Kingdom, which was later $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP VXEGLYLGHGLQWRVHYHUDORWKHUVWDWHV7KH7XWVLZHUHFRQVLGHUHG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WREHKHUGVPHQDQGWKHLUDQLPDOVZHUHLGHQWLFDOWRWKRVHRIWKH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine *DOOD7XWVLZHUHWKXVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH=HEXFRZIURP,QGLD Rwandaise 7KH+DPLWHVDUHWKRXJKWWREHRI$VLDQRULJLQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda The Hamitic theory goes hand in hand with race-inequality AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel LGHRORJ\ 7KH QRWHV DQG ÀHOG UHSRUWV DYDLODEOH LQ DGGLWLRQ WR AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda SXEOLFDWLRQVPDGHLQDQGRYHUVLPSOLI\WKH+DPLWLF AMUR E\ VWUHVVLQJ : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda WKHRU\ WKH LQYDVLRQ RI WKH +DPLWH FDWWOHNHHSHUV ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition and their conquest and domination over masses of the Bahutu Assembly) agriculturalists.(Transitional These false National theories were the main cause of recurrent in Rwanda, the Rwandan APADEC violence : Association duwhich Particulminated DémocrateinChrétien genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994. The divisive APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise theory of the Hutu as the native settlers of Rwanda and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the Tutsi DV IRUHLJQ VHWWOHUV ZDV VWUHVVHG E\ 3UHVLGHQW .D\LEDQGD DQG Rwandais ODWHUE\/pRQ0XJHVHUDLQWKHLUVSHFKHHV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes The origin question seems pour to have preoccupied all societies APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale de la of 29 the world. However, it is in the myths and legends of Rwandan Masse society that truth might emerge. societyde created myths ARD : Alliance pour le Rwandan Renforcement la DQG FRQVHUYHGDémocratie WKHP E\ WUDQVPLWWLQJ WKHP IURP JHQHUDWLRQ WR generation. It is important to refer to these traditional histories ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 29 de l’Homme Bishikwabo, C.,Droits « Mythes d’origine et croyances religieuses. Base d’une communauté », in Centre de civilisation La civilisation ancienne des AREDETWA : Association pourburundaise, le Relèvement peuples des Lacs, Colloque de Bujumbura (4-10 septembre 1979) 1981, pp. 64-80). Démocratique des Batwa 49 v 49 LQ ORRNLQJ IRU DQVZHUV DERXW LQ 5ZDQGD EHIRUH ACRONYMS ANDVHWWOHPHQWV ABBREVIATIONS DQDO\]LQJWKHWKHRULHVH[SRXQGHGE\FRORQL]HUVWRZDUGVWKHHQG ___________________________________ of the nineteenth century. A.A. : Archives Africaines )DUIURPEHLQJDFRQWLQHQWRILPPLJUDQWV$IULFDLVFRQVLGHUHGWREH A.G. : Assemblée Générale WKHFUDGOHRIPDQNLQG,WLVLQ(DVW$IULFDWKDWPRVWKXPDQIRVVLOV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga KDYHEHHQGLVFRYHUHG6LQFHWKHWZHQWLHWKFHQWXU\WKHVHGLVFRYHULHV have inspired theories des on settlements, the development ABESC : new Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la of agriculture andSuppression animal keeping, and the advent of metal use. des Castes ACR Local traditions : Association des Cultivateurs duand Rwanda 2.2.1. on settlements: myths narratives ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples )URPERWKPLVVLRQDU\DQGFRORQLDOWKHRULHVRQWKHRULJLQRIWKH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 5ZDQGHVH LW EHFRPHV FOHDU WKDW WUDGLWLRQDO 5ZDQGDQ VRFLHW\ Réconciliation Nationale KHOG DQ RSSRVLWH YLHZ IURP WKDW RI (XURSHDQV ,Q UHIHUULQJ WR AEC : Agglomeration Rwandan myths and legends, Extra-Coutumières handed over from generation to AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la generation, the Rwandese claim a common ancestry. The analysis Libération du interest Congo-Zaïre of these myths is of particular to the study of settlements in Rwanda. The mythsGrowth and legends of Rwandan Act origin are of AGOA : African and Opportunity YDULRXVQDWXUHVEXWWKH\VKDUHRQHFRPPRQGHQRPLQDWRUWKH\ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP URWDWHDURXQGWZRSHUVRQDOLWLHV.LJZDDQG*LKDQJD AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJERstarting :point Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine The of the de myth of Kigwa, or the Ibimanuka Rwandaise (those who dropped from heaven), is that the ancestors of the Banyarwanda also referred to in some narratives as Sherezo ALIR : -Armée de Libération du Rwanda HQG DQGDOVRFDOOHG6HEDQWXOLYHGLQKHDYHQZLWKWKHIDWKHU AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel RI PDQNLQG KHDYHQO\ des IDWKHU KDG WZRdu ZLYHV *DVDQL DQG AMR :7KH Association Moniteurs Rwanda 1\DEXQ\DQD,QRWKHUQDUUDWLYHVWKH\ZHUHDOVRUHIHUUHGWRDV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 1\DEXKRUR DQG 1\DPSLQJD *DVDQL ZDV WKH IDYRULWH GDXJKWHU ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition RI 6K\HUH]R EXW VKH ZDV EDUUHQ 1\DPSLQJD KDG D VRQ FDOOHG National Assembly) 30 Mututsi and a(Transitional daughter called Nyampundu . On the advice APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien RI KHU VHUYDQW *DVDQL KLG WKH KHDUW RI D EXOO LQ D MDU ZKHUH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise PLONUHJXODUO\ÁRZHGXQWLOQLQHPRQWKVSDVVHGDQGDEDE\ER\ ZDVERUQIURPWKLVPLUDFXORXVRSHUDWLRQ7KHFKLOGZDVQDPHG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 6DEL]H]HRU0DQDLQVRPHQDUUDWLYHVIURPWKHQDPHRI5ZDQGD·V Rwandais supreme power known as Imana. Thanks to Mutwa’s curiosity, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 6K\HUH]ROHDUQWDERXWWKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVXQGHUZKLFK6DEL]H]H APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ZDVERUQ+HZDVYHU\DQJU\DQGWKUHDWHQHGWRNLOOWKHFKLOGEXW Masse the child escaped from heaven through an opening. After this, ARD Alliance pour le Renforcement dedropped la he was given :the name of Kigwa, or the one who from 31 Démocratie heaven . ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour2000, la Défense des Sebasoni, S., Les: origines du Rwanda , Paris, L’Harmattan, p. 13. ; Kayishema, Droitsaude l’Homme J.M., « Mythes et croyances cœur du génocide au Rwanda », in Etudes Rwandaises, no. 9, septembre 2005, p. 45. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 31 Kayishema, J. M., 2005, art. cit. p. 46. Démocratique des Batwa 30 50 v )URPWKLVQDUUDWLYHWKHIROORZLQJVFHQDULRVHQIROG ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ .LJZD DQG KLV FRPSDQLRQV GHVFHQGHG RQ (DUWK DV WKH Bimanuka :KHQ WKH\ GHVFHQGHG WR (DUWK 6HEL]H]H A.A. EHFDPH.LJZD+HDUULYHGLQWKHHDVWHUQSDUWRIPRGHUQ : Archives Africaines A.G. 5ZDQGD : Assemblée DW D SODFHGénérale FDOOHG 0XEDUL 0XEDUL ZDV UXOHG ABAKIE\ .LQJ : Alliance des Bakiga .DEHMD RI WKH %D]LJDED FODQ 8SRQ KLV DUULYDO ABESC Association des Bahutu pour la .LJZD :ZDV DFFRPSDQLHG E\ KLVEvoluant KDOIEURWKHU 0XWXWVL and his Suppression half-sister Nyampundu. They also arrived with des Castes called Mutwa, Mutwa’s sister, and a series ACR a pot-maker : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda RI DQLPDOV LQ FRXSOHV RI WZRV D EXOO FDOOHG ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples5XJLUD DQG a cow called Ingizi, a ram called Rugeyo and a sheep ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la called Mudende, a he-dog called Ruzunguzungu and a Réconciliation Nationale VKHGRJFDOOHG5XNHQGHDQGDFRFNFDOOHG5XELNDDQGD AEC KHQFDOOHG0XJDPELUD7KH%LPDQXNDEURXJKWZLWKWKHP : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL JUDLQVRIFXOWLYDWDEOHSODQWVÀUHDQGIRXUSULQFLSDOMREV : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la EODFNVPLWKLQJZRRGZRUNWDQQHU\DQGKXQWLQJ Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KHUHZHUHLQWHUPDUULDJHVEHWZHHQ.LJZDDQGKLVJURXS $,'6 leading$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP to the origins of several clans. The reproduction AIMO of the Bimanuka : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre group tooketthree directions. One mode AJER ZDV LQFHVW : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine .LJZD PDUULHG KLV KDOIVLVWHU 1\DPSXQGX Rwandaise who produced at least two children, one of whom was daughter. ALIR Sukiranya : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Fearing incest, Mututsi settled far way across River AMR Akagera. : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Upon his return, he married his niece Sukiranya, AMURZKR JDYH : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ELUWK WR WKUHH FKLOGUHQ 6HUZHJD 0XKD DQG ANT Mukono, : Assemblée Nationale de Transition the ancestors of the Bega clan, the Baha, and (Transitional National the Bakono. Another version of Assembly) this myth speaks to an DOOLDQFHRILQWUXGHUVZLWKQDWLYHV.DEHMD·VJUDQGGDXJKWHU APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien was married Kigwa, or his descendant of the sixth APR : ArméetoPatriotique Rwandaise JHQHUDWLRQ FDOOHG .D]L 7KH ER\ IURP WKLV XQLRQ ZDV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes *LKDQJDWKHRIÀFLDOIRXQGHURIWKH%DQ\LJLQ\DG\QDVW\ Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 7KH ELUWK DQG DGYHQWXURXV OLIH RI *LKDQJD WKH IRXQGHU of the :Kingdom. During youth, Gihanga spent some APROSOMA Association pourhis la Promotion Sociale de la RI KLV WLPH LQ 0XEDUL LQ WKH (DVW DQG VRPH LQ %XJR\L Masse QHDU5ZHUHUH*LKDQJDKDGVHYHUDOWDOHQWV+HWRRNRYHU ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la from his Démocratie father, or Kigwa’s ancestors, who was a civilizing KHUR DQG WKH VRQ RI D EODFNVPLWK +H ZDV KLPVHOI D ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des EODFNVPLWK DQG ZDV DOVR VNLOOHG LQ ZRRGZRUN DQG tannery.Droits He wasde anl’Homme adventurer who was ready to conquer AREDETWA : Association pour le 5ZDQGD Relèvement WKH UR\DO SRZHUV LQ PRGHUQ DQG LWV SHULSKHU\ Démocratique des Batwa v 51 %XUXQGL1GXJD%XNXQ]LDQG%XQ\DEXQJR+HIRXQGHG ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS his royal authority in Buhanga (former Ruhengeri) after ___________________________________ PDUU\LQJ WKH GDXJKWHU RI -HQL RQH RI WKH ODVW NLQJV RI dynasty of the Basinga clan. He imposed the A.A. the Barenge : Archives Africaines Rwoga drum, the forerunner of the Karinga drum. He is A.G. : Assemblée Générale FRQVLGHUHGWKHIDWKHURIDOOWKHQHLJKERULQJNLQJGRPVLQ ABAKIWKHUHJLRQ%XUXQGL%XQ\DEXQJR1GRUZD%XVKXELDQG : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Karagwe. Suppression des Castes 7KH GLVFRYHU\ RI FRZV DQG WKH XVH RI FRZV IRU PLON LQ ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda his escape to the forest after quarreling with Queen ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 1\LUDPSLUDQJZH RU 1\LUDQWLEDQJZD 1\LUDUXXF\DED ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la daughter of Gihanga and Nyamususa, met a hunter Réconciliation Nationale FDOOHG .DJHVHUD RU .D]LJDED DQG WKH\ JRW PDUULHG AEC 2QHGD\VKHEURXJKWDFDOIDQGLWVPRWKHUWKLVLVKRZ : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL 1\LUDUXF\DED : Alliance des KRZ Forces Démocratiques OHDUQW WR WUHDW DQG FKXUQpour PLONla 6KH administered milk later to her father, Gihanga, who was Libération du Congo-Zaïre IURP G\VHQWHU\ EXWOpportunity WKHQ UHFRYHUHG AGOA VXIIHULQJ : African Growth and Act :LWK WKH help of a soothsayer called Gakara, Gihanga discovered $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP DYDVWQXPEHURIFRZVLQ5XJH]LYDOOH\7KHEXOOOHDGLQJ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WKHÁRFNHVFDSHG AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KH GLVWULEXWLRQ RwandaiseRI DQLPDOV DQG SRZHU LQ *LKDQJD·V ALIR OLQHDJH*LKDQJDUHXQLWHGDOORIKLVRIIVSULQJLQ0XWDUD : Armée de Libération du Rwanda +XPXUH DQG GLVWULEXWHG FRZV DPRQJ KLV VRQV WKH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel IRXQGHUVRIWKHG\QDVWLHVLQ5ZDQGDDQGLQQHLJKERULQJ AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda countries32. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda &RQWUDU\ WR ZKDW ZDV ODWHU ZULWWHQ E\ DXWKRUV VXFK DV ANT : Assemblée Nationale deVRPH Transition 33 Pagès and Delmas , the mythNational of the Ibimanuka never mentions (Transitional Assembly) GRPLQDWLRQ RU LQYDVLRQ RI RQH JURXS RI 5ZDQGDQ SHRSOH E\ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien another. It is only mentiones that a couple of Twa accompanied APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 6DEL]H]H DQG D 7ZD UHYHDOHG WKH VHFUHW RI WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes E\ZKLFK6DEL]H]HZDVERUQ7KHQDPH0XWXWVLLVQRWDVXVHG Rwandais DQHWKQLFJURXSLQWKHP\WKEXWUDWKHUUHIHUVWRWKHIDWKHURI APROCOMIN: des Commerçants Indigènes Serwega, Muha,Association and Mukono. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The narratives on Rwandese origins speak of clans while Masse identifying groups that were living in classical Rwanda. These ARD played a: Alliance pour Renforcement de la clans central role. Forleexample, narratives speak of the Démocratie 32 IRDP, +LVWRLUH HW FRQÀLWV DX 5ZDQGD, Kigali, 2006, p. 7-8. ; Kagame, A., Inganji ARDHO Association Rwandaise pourS.,la Défense Karinga, Kabgayi ,:1959 (2ème Ed.), pp. 21-23. ; SEBASONI 2000, op. cit. pp.des 14-17. 33 Droits de l’Homme Pages, A., Un royaume hamite au centre de l’Afrique, Bruxelles, Marcel Hayez, 1933 , p. 107. ; Delmas, L., Généalogie de lale noblesse du Rwanda, Kabgayi, Vicariat AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement Apostolique du Ruanda, 1950. Démocratique des Batwa 52 v ULWXDOOHDGHURIWKH%D]LJDEDGXULQJWKH1\LJLQ\DVHWWOHPHQWRQ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS the new land. ___________________________________ These clan identities also determined preferential matrimonial alliances. Half of these clan entities are represented in this mother-legend, which clearly demonstrates mothers’ A.A. : Archives Africaines position in our historical society. Three groups are clearly A.G. : Assemblée Générale LGHQWLÀHG G\QDVWLF FODQV HPDQDWLQJ IURP *LKDQJD WKDW LV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 1\JLQ\D6KDPER+RQGRJRDQG7VREHFODQVRI4XHHQ0RWKHUV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la RULJLQDWLQJIURP0XWWXWVLWKDWLV+D.RQRDQG(JDDQGWKH Suppression des Castes %DVDQJDEXWDNDFODQRUQDWLYHVZKRDUHRIWHQFRQVLGHUHG+XWX ACR Association desSURYH Cultivateurs Rwanda DOWKRXJK QR :VRXUFH H[LVWV WR LW WKDW LVdu =LJDED *HVHUD 34 Singa ADP . : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance Démocratie et la The ritual role of thosepour last la groups welcomed ceremonies for Réconciliation Nationale settling on new land is similar to what is outlined in the original AEC Agglomeration legends. The :three great Biru, Extra-Coutumières or ritual kings, came from each RI WKH WKUHH JURXSV 7VREH .RQR DQG 6LQJD +DYLQJpour VDLG WKLV AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la WKHUHLVDOLQNEHWZHHQWKHOHJHQGVRI*LKDQJDDQG.LJZDDQG Libération du Congo-Zaïre WKH8EZLUXLQVWLWXWLRQ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP The clan identities evoked in the original myths only acquired AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre divisive ethnic meanings in the twentieth century, especially AJER : Association la Jeunesse during the Belgian colonialdeperiod. Prior, Estudiantine the Rwandese were DOZD\VLGHQWLÀHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUFODQVQRWWKHLUHWKQLFJURXSV Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 6DEL]H]H·V ODQGLQJ SRLQW IURP KHDYHQ WRRN SODFH LQ 0XEDUL AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Some researchers, especially those who defend the Hamitic AMR : Association Moniteurs Rwanda theory, have interpreted thisdes as the location du where the Nyiginya AMUR : Association des Musulmans au 1\LJLQ\D Rwanda WKH\ DUULYHG LQ 5ZDQGD IURP WKH (DVW %\ WKH WHUP ANT : Assemblée Nationale defact Transition meant the Tutsi; they neglected that the there were no clans LQ5ZDQGDOLPLWHGWRDVLQJOHVRFLDOJURXS²WKDWLVWKHUHZHUH (Transitional National Assembly) no ethnic groups. Moreover,du theParti oral tradition on settlements APADEC : Association Démocrate Chrétien is VLOHQW RQ WKH:TXHVWLRQ RI WKH HWKQLF RULJLQV RI WKH =XJDED WKH APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise *HVHUD RU LQGHHG DQ\ RWKHU ORFDO JURXSV EHIRUH WKH FRQTXHVW APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes RI WKH 1\LJLQ\D 5HVHDUFKHUV LQFOXGLQJ 0 G·+HUWHIHOW DQG -3 Rwandais Chrétien insist on the multi-ethnic composition of the eighteen APROCOMIN: Rwandan clans.Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 6RPHQDUUDWLYHVJREDFNWRDGLVWDQWKLVWRULFDOSDVWWRH[SODLQ Masse the origin of the Rwandese. is the chronological list of ARD : Alliance pour Below le Renforcement de la DQFHVWRUVDFFRUGLQJWRGLIIHUHQWVRXUFHV Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 34 Droits IRDP, 2006, op. cit, p. 8 andde seel’Homme also Nyagahene, A., 1997. 35 D’Hertfelt, M., Les clans du Rwanda ancien,leTervuren, MRAC, 1971, Chrétien, J .P., AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement L’Afrique des Grands Lacs. Deux milles ans d’histoire, Paris, Aubier, 2000. Démocratique des Batwa v 53 Table 2: Chronological listAND of Ibimanuka in Rwanda36 ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ Report of the Kagame P a g è s Government during (1943; (1933) : Archives Africaines the year 1926, p. 54 1959) A.A. A.G. 1 1NXED ABAKI ABESC 2 Kigwa Delmas (1950) : Assemblée Générale Randa 1NXED 6K\HUH]R : Alliance des Bakiga : Association des Bahutu pour la Muntu Evoluant 6DEL]H]H .LJZD Suppression des Castes Muntu (Son of Mututsi 3 6DEL]H]HDQG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Nyampundu (sic) Nyampundu) ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 4 Kimanuka Kazi Kimanuka ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Kijuru 1NXED Kijuru AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 6 .RER Kigwa .RER AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 7 Merano Kimanuka Merano Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth andKijuru Opportunity Act 8 Randa Randa $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 9 Muntu .RER Gisa AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 10 Kazi Kizira Kizira AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine I RwandaiseGihanga 11 Gisa Gihanga Kazi Ngomijana ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Gihanga, father to AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ZLWK ZLIH AMR : Association des Moniteurs du1)Rwanda Nyamususa AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda -HQL·VGDXJKWHU - 6HEXJDER ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition $EDVKDPER (Transitional National Assembly) - Mugondo APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate $EDKRQGRJR Chrétien Kanya- Kanyarwanda 0XVLQGL $EHQHQJZH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise $EDQ\LJLQ\D 12 rwanda I family) APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes - 1\LUDUXF\DED Gihanga $EDF\DED Rwandais 2) Nyirampingiye APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants - Indigènes 5XVWREH·V0RWKHU $EDWVREH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 3) Nyirampirangwe Masse - Gafomo (or ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la *DVKXEL 4) 1\DQJREHUR Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 36 de l’Homme Nkurikiyimfura, J.Droits N., Un modèle d’exploitation de la généalogie accompagnée de UpÀH[LRQVXUOHVFKURQRORJLHVpWDEOLHVjSDUWLUGHODJpQpDORJLHG\QDVWLTXHGX5ZDQGD, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Mémoire de D.E.A, Université de Paris I, 1982-1983, p.7. Démocratique des Batwa 54 v 13 ACRONYMS AND IABBREVIATIONS Kasila Nyamigezi Yuhi K a n y a ___________________________________ $ED]LJDEDIDPLO\ Musindi rwanda Gihanga (+ A.A. Nyamususa) : Archives Africaines A.G. - Kanyarwanda : Assemblée Générale 14 Mugondo Rumeza ABAKI : Alliance des BakigaMusindi - Kanyandorwa (+ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Nyilampingiye) Suppression des Castes - 5XWVREH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Kanyarwanda Nyarume Rumeza ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 16 Musindi Rukuge Nyarume Réconciliation Nationale AEC Extra-Coutumières 17 Rumeza : Agglomeration 5XEDQGD Rukuge AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Ndahiro I 18 Nyarume Libération du Congo-Zaïre 5XEDQGD Ruyange AGOA : African Growth and1GRED Opportunity Act 19 Lukuge 1GRED VLF $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO Main-d’oeuvre 20 5XEDQGD : Affaires Indigènes 6DPHPEH et 6DPHPEH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Nsoro I Rwandaise 21 1GRED S a m u - Nsoro ALIR : Armée de kondo Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ,QWKHWDEOHDERYHWKHDQFHVWRUVRIWKH5ZDQGHVHDUHSUHVHQWHG AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda in a chronological order, though cleary the chronology varies AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda IURP DXWKRU WR DQRWKHU 7KLV LV EHFDXVH DOO RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ ANT : Assemblée Nationale which de Transition originates from popular narratives, contain additions, National Assembly) omissions, and(Transitional regional variants. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Origin legends supplyPatriotique temporal and spatial landmarks where APR : Armée Rwandaise creation took place in Rwanda. They serve as supporting evidence APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes in strategies of power retention. Kigwa and Gihanga are presented Rwandais as the ancestors of a long lineage of Nyiginya kings. This lineage APROCOMIN: des GHVSLWH Commerçants LV VXSSRVHG WRAssociation EH FRQWLQXRXV VHYHUDO Indigènes EUHDNV LQ WKH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de as la the dynastic list. In the legends, Gihanga is always presented Masse VRQRIDEODFNVPLWKFDOOHG.D]LZKRZDVQRWRQO\DEODFNVPLWK H[SHUW EXW DOVR DQ H[SHUW LQleZRRGZRUN DQG WDQQHU\ ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement de la +H ZDV endowed with qualities of a hero, a creator, and the head of the Démocratie civilizing mission in the empire. As he moved across Rwanda and ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des RWKHUNLQJGRPVLQWKHUHJLRQ*LKDQJDEHFDPHDJUHDWWUDYHOHU Droits de l’Homme +HEURXJKWPDQ\UHJLRQVXQGHUKLVDXWKRULW\DQGKDQGHGWKLV AREDETWA le Relèvement territory to his: Association sons. He wentpour to Nduga to visit Mashira, he went Démocratique des Batwa v 55 to Bukunzi the future ritual kingdom of rainmaker kings, he ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ZHQW WR %XUXQGL WR VHH 5ZDPED LQ %XQ\DEXQJR ___________________________________KH ZHQW WR %XKDQJDEHIRUHWKHNLQJRIWKH%DVLQJDDQGKHYLVLWHG-HQLRI Rurenge and :married hisAfricaines daughter Nyamususa. A.A. Archives A.G. according : Assemblée Générale Still, to this legend, under the reign of Gihanga the ABAKI H[SDQGHG : Alliance NLQJGRP DW des WKHBakiga H[SHQVH RI QHLJKERULQJ SROLWLFDO ABESC :)URP Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la LQVWLWXWLRQV 0XEDULdes ZKLFK ZDV FRQVLGHUHG WKH FUDGOH RI 5ZDQGD KHSuppression RUJDQL]HG QHLJKERULQJ UHJLRQV +H PDGH PDQ\ des Castes alliances through intermarriage, such as the alliance he made ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZLWK .LQJ 6LQJD -HQL ZKR LQLWLDWHG KLP WR WKH PRQDUFKLFDO ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ULWXDO DQG KDQGHG WKH 5ZRJD GUXP WR KLP DV D UR\DO HPEOHP ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la since he did not have a male heir. Gihanga founded Rwanda and Réconciliation Nationale EHTXHDWKHGLWWRKLVVRQV*DKXWX*DWZDDQG*DWXWVL,QVRPH AEC Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières QDUUDWLYHV LW:LV VDLG WKDW *LKDQJH JDYH ELUWK WR .QD\DUZDQGD AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WRZKRPKHKDQGHG5ZDQGD,QWXUQ.DQ\DUZDQGDJDYHELUWK WRWKHWKUHHVRQVPHQWLRQHGDERYH3RSXODUQDUUDWLYHVSUHVHQW Libération du Congo-Zaïre WZRPDMRUV\PEROVWRMXVWLI\WKHFUHDWLRQRI5ZDQGDE\*LKDQJD AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KHVHV\PEROVZHUHWKHUR\DOGUXPDQGWKHFRZ+HQFHLQWKH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP narratives, it is said that the hero is Gihanga cyahanze inka AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre n’ingoma, or “Gihanga is the origin of royal cows.” He was AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine nicknamed Ngomijana37. Rwandaise ,Q DQ DWWHPSW WR HVWDEOLVK WKH UHOLDELOLW\ RI QDUUDWLYHV RQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda settlements, legends shed light on the life of Gihanga, especially AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel E\ SRLQWLQJ RXW KLV IRUPHUdes UHVLGHQFHV ZKLFK ZHUH ORFDWHG LQ AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda Buhanga, a few kilometers from the former Ruhengeri prefecture, AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda DQG DORQJ WKH IHUWLOH EDQNV RI 5LYHU 0XNXQJZD LQ WKH IRUPHU ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition FKLHIWDLQF\RI.LEDULLQ.DQJRPD7KHIRUPHUPLVVLRQRI5XOLQGR (Transitional National Assembly) LVDOVRWKRXJKWWRKDYHEHHQDUHVLGHQFHRI*LKDQJDRQWRSRI APADEC PRXQWDLQ : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 5XKDQJD DV LV 1\DPLUHPEH ORFDWHG LQ +XPXUH LQ APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Mutara. The :Rwandan tradition even mentions his wives and FKLOGUHQDVHQXPHUDWHGEHORZ APROBAMI : Association des38Partis Monarchistes Rwandais - 1\DPXVXVDZDVWKHGDXJKWHURI-HQLRI5XUHQJHWKHNLQJ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes RIWKH%DVLQJD6KHZDVWKHPRWKHURINLQJV6DEXJDERZDV APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion de la WKH RQH RI WKHVH NLQJV +H ZDVlaWKH IDWKHU RISociale 0XVKDPER Masse IRXQGHURI%XVKDPERG\QDVW\ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la - 1\LUDPSLJL\H ZDV 5XWVREH·V PRWKHU WKH DQFHVWRU RI WKH Démocratie %DWVREHFODQ6KHZDVDOVRFRQVLGHUHGWREH1\DPXVXVD·V ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 37 Kayishema, J. M.,Droits 2005, art.de cit.,l’Homme p. 49. 38 Delmas, L., « Généalogie de la noblesse du Rwanda », Kabgayi, Vicariat Apostolique AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement du Ruanda, 1950, p. 11. Démocratique des Batwa 56 v VLVWHU DFFRUGLQJ WR VRPH VRXUFHV DQG D VHUYDQW E\ RWKHU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS sources. ___________________________________ - Nyirampirangwe was the mother of Gafomo; she was A.A. QLFNQDPHG : Archives Africaines *DVKXEL $FFRUGLQJ WR WKLV OHJHQG KH LV WKH A.G. RQHZKRVFDUHG5XWHQGHULEXOO : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Mugondo the father of Gahondogo, kingpour of Bugesera. ABESC : was Association des Bahutu former Evoluant la Suppression des Castes - Gahima was the youngest son of Gihanga and successor to ACR the throne : Association des Cultivateurs du of Rwanda. He was the ancestor of Rwanda the lineage of ADP the Basindi; : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples his dynastic name was Banyiginya39. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Finally, oral traditions give some clues as to where Gihanga was Réconciliation Nationale EXULHG,WLVVDLGWKDWKLVEXULDOWRRNSODFHLQ1\DPLOHPEH*LVKXEL AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières in the former Territory of Nyanza. All these oral narratives and AFDL : Alliance des Forces KDYH Démocratiques pour la OHJHQGV RQ VHWWOHPHQWV LQ 5ZDQGD QRW EHHQ WUDQVFULEHG Libération du Congo-Zaïre EXW WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH D OHJLWLPDWH ZD\ RI XQGHUVWDQGLQJ VRFLDO AGOA African Opportunity Act and political : order in Growth ancient and Rwanda. Unfortunately, some historians and politicians have manipulated these narratives to $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP suit their political ends.Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AIMO : Affaires AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KH VWULNLQJ H[DPSOH LV SURYLGHG E\ 0DQLUDJDED %DULEXWVD40 Rwandaise ZKRDPRQJRWKHUWKLQJVGHQRXQFHGWKHKLVWRU\RIEURWKHUKRRG ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda ZKLFKDOZD\VH[LVWHGEHWZHHQWKUHH5ZDQGDQEURWKHUVLHWKH AM/APTutsi and : Arrêté Arrêté Hutu, Twa.ministériel/ The premises of hisprésidentiel thinking are found LQ WKH P\WK RI *LKDQJD·V VRQ ZKLFK ZDV QDUUDWHG E\ %LVKRS AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Bigirumwami. The narrativedes states that Gihanga did not know AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda the appropriate dates for planting seasons. As a result, people ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition FXOWLYDWHG KDSKD]DUGO\ DQG WKH KDUYHVWV ZHUH VRPHWLPHV EDG (Transitional National Assembly) One morning, Gihanga sent his sons Gahutu and Gatutsi to APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien VHH.LEDULURWKHZLVHPDQLQRUGHUWRÀQGRXWWKHDSSURSULDWH APR for planting : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise season each crop. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 7KHWZREURWKHUVZHQWWRVHH.LEDULUR:KHQWKH\DUULYHG*DKXWX Rwandais WROG .LEDULUR WKDW WKH\ KDG D PHVVDJH IURP *LKDQJD .LEDULUR APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes WROGKLPWRUHSRUWVOLJKWO\EHIRUHGDZQIRUWKHDQVZHU7KH\ZHQW APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la to sleep. Gahutu vomited, and when Gatutsi saw this, he stood Masse DQG ZHQW WR VOHHS LQ WKH KXW DGMDFHQW WR .LEDULUR·V UHVLGHQFH ARD .LEDULUR : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la GLGQ·W WKH :KHQ ZRNH KH GHFODUHG WR KLV ZLIH ´:K\ Démocratie 39 Delmas, L., 1950, op. cit, p. 11. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 40 0DQLUDJDED%DULELWVD©/HP\WKHGHV¿OVGH*LKDQJDRXO¶KLVWRLUHG¶XQHIUDWHUQLWp de l’Homme toujours manquée Droits », in Bangamwabo F. X., et al, Les relations interethniques DX 5ZDQGD j OD OXPLqUH GH O¶DJUHVVLRQ G¶RFWREUH *HQqVH VRXEDVVHPHQWV HW AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement perspectives, Ruhengeri, EUR, 1991, pp. 61-119. Démocratique des Batwa v 57 VRQVRI*LKDQJDFRPHWRDVNPHDERXWWKHSODQWLQJVHDVRQV",I ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS they come late, I will not tell them anything or I will lie to them. ___________________________________ .LEDULUR WKHQ VWDUWHG FRQYHUVLQJ ZLWK KLV ZLIH DQG UHYHDOHG WR her seasons.Africaines A.A.the planting : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale *DWXWVLZKRZDVVOHHSLQJLQDQHDUE\KXWRYHUKHDUGWKHWDONRI ABAKI : Alliance deseavesdropping Bakiga the planting seasons. After on this conversation, ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour la up he returned to his residence. In Bahutu the morning, Gahutu woke DQGZHQWWRVHH.LEDULUREXW.LEDULURRQO\WROGKLPOLHV:KHQ Suppression des Castes *DKXWX WULHG:WR DVN IRU H[SODQDWLRQV .LEDULULR ´, RQO\ ACR Association des Cultivateurs duUHSOLHG Rwanda speak to intelligent people.” ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie lavery happy to Gahutu and Gatutsi returned home. Gihanga et was Réconciliation Nationale VHHWKHP:KHQKHDVNHGWKHPIRUWKHDQVZHU*DKXWXDQVZHUHG WKDW.LEDULURKDGJLYHQKLPZURQJDQVZHUVDQGWKDWKHVSRNH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières so loudly that: he could not anything. Gihanga was AFDL Alliance des understand Forces Démocratiques pour la DQQR\HGEHFDXVH*DKXWXWKHHOGHUEURWKHUFRXOGQRWJLYHKLP Libération du Congo-Zaïre a correct answer. Gatutsi took his father aside and informed him AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act RIWKHSODQWLQJVHDVRQV+HHYHQWROGKLPDERXW*DKXWX·VVWUDQJH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP EHKDYLRU DQG VLFNQHVV GXULQJ WKH MRXUQH\ *LKDQJD RUGHUHG AIMO WR NLOO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre *DWXWVL *DKXWX EXW *DWXVL GHFOLQHG WR GR VR 7KHQ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine *LKDQJDWROG*DKXWX´<RXZLOOQRWEHWKHPDVWHUDVRULJLQDOO\ FRQFHLYHG EXWRwandaise LQVWHDG *DWXWVL ZLOO EH \RXU PDVWHUµ )URP that Gahutu never slept. ALIRtime onward, : Armée de Libération du Gihanga Rwanda declared that *DKXWX ZRXOG EHFRPH *DWXWVL·V QLJKW ZDWFKPDQ DQG VHUYDQW AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel and milk in return. He added du thatRwanda Gatutsi would AMRwould receive : Association des Moniteurs ORVHKLVFRZVEXWPDQ\RWKHUVZRXOGEHSURGXFHGEHFDXVHKH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda had inherited them legitimately. As for Gatwa, Gihanga said that ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition KHZRXOGEHFRPH*DWXWVL·VSRUWHU (Transitional National Assembly) /LNH PDQ\ RWKHU QDUUDWLYHV %DULEXWVD DQDO\]HG APADEC : Association du0DQLUDJDED Parti Démocrate Chrétien this tale from a purely ethnic perspective. According to him, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the narrative suggests the superiority of the Tutsi over the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes +XWX E\ YLUWXH RI WKHLU KHDYHQO\ RULJLQ WKHLU LQWHOOLJHQFH DQG Rwandais other qualities. The Hutu or Twa, conversely, display a lot of APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes weaknesses, thus meriting des an inferior social status. In this APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la UHVSHFW%DULEXWVDMRLQV'HOPDVZKRUHIXWHGWKHKHDYHQO\RULJLQ Masse of the Ibimanuka. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la According to Delmas, the Bimanuka were contemporaries of the Démocratie %DVLWDZKRZHUHWKHÀUVW+DPLWHNLQJVZKRUXOHG%XQ\RURD ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des chieftaincy of the former kingdom of Kitara. He stresses that Droits de l’Homme WKH\ZHUHQRWUHODWHGWRWKH%DVLWDEXWZHUH+DPLWHVOLNHWKHP AREDETWA Association le Relèvement He traces the: itinerary that pour the Bimanuka followed to arrive in Démocratique des Batwa 58 v 5ZDQGD´:KLOHVRPH%DVLWDVHWWOHGLQ%XQ\RURRWKHUVFRQWLQXHG ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS their journey towards the south and across Nkore and Mpororo; ___________________________________ WKH\ÀQDOO\DUULYHGLQ5ZDQGDLQWKHUHJLRQRI0XWDUD$OWKRXJK WKHOHJHQGQDPHVWKUHHSHRSOHLH6HEL]H]H0XWXWVLDQGWKHLU A.A. : Archives Africaines VLVWHU0SXQGXWKHVHZHUHQRWWKHRQO\PHPEHUVRIWKHLUFODQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale They certainly also had Bahutu servants who helped them keep ABAKI Alliance des and look after: their herds of Bakiga cattle41”. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la %DULEXWVD DQGSuppression 'HOPDV UHIXWH WKH KHDYHQO\ RULJLQ RI 5ZDQGDQ des Castes ancestors. According to them, these myths were invented to ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda VKRZWKDWWKH5ZDQGHVHKDGDVLPLODURULJLQ7KLVFDQQRWEHWUXH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples EHFDXVHP\WKVRIDVLPLODUQDWXUHDUHIRXQGHYHU\ZKHUHHOVHLQ ADRtraditions: of Alliance pouroflathe Démocratie la oral other people world. Theyet represent a social Réconciliation Nationale and political charter, and indeed, a non-written constitution of AEC These traditions : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières sorts. are foundations of a social order whose OHJLWLPDF\LVDVVHUWHGE\QDUUDWLYHV AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre 7KH QDUUDWLYHV RQ RULJLQV DUH VXSSRVHG WR EH WKH IRXQGDWLRQ RI AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 5ZDQGD·VKLVWRU\7KH\UHYHDOWKDWSROLWLFDOXQLW\LVDERYHUHJLRQDO $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP FODQDQGVRFLDOGLYHUVLW\7KH\KDYHEHHQDQDO\]HGWRVKRZWKH AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre heterogeneous nature ofIndigènes the Rwandese. They were narrated in VHYHUDO VWDJHV UHYLVHG UHLQWHUSUHWHG UHFWLÀHG VHYHUDO AJER : Association de la JeunesseDQG Estudiantine WLPHV 7KH\ KDYH EHHQ PDQLSXODWHG E\ IRUHLJQ VFKRODUV DQG Rwandaise ORFDOSROLWLFLDQV:KDWLVREYLRXVLVWKDWWKHWUDGLWLRQDO5ZDQGDQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda VRFLHW\ LJQRUHG WKH PLJUDWLRQ WKHRULHV GHYHORSHG E\ (XURSHDQV AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ZKHQWKH\DUULYHGLQ$IULFDIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHWKRXJKVRPHRIWKHVH AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHRULHVZHUHLPELEHGDQGLPSOHPHQWHGE\VRPH$IULFDQV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 2.2.2. theories Nationale on the settlements in Rwanda: ANT Modern : Assemblée de Transition content and application (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association duUDFLDO PartiJURXSV Démocrate Chrétien (VWDEOLVKLQJ WKH H[LVWHQFH RI SUHVHQWV D SROLWLFDO APRideological : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and challenge of exceptional importance to Rwanda. 7KHDQDO\VHVSURSRVHGE\PLVVLRQDU\DQGFRORQLDOKLVWRULRJUDSK\ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes were conceivedRwandais within the context of a racial ideology. They resulted in a “disseminationist” theory that was developed APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes WRZDUGV WKH HQG RI WKH QLQHWHHQWK FHQWXU\ DQG WKH EHJLQQLQJ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, the racial and divisive Masse FRQFHSWV ZHUH ZLGHO\ GLVVHPLQDWHG E\ LQIRUPDWLRQ RUJDQV DQG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la leaders43. 42 ZHUHLPSOHPHQWHGE\VRPHLQWHOOHFWXDOV and political Démocratie Delmas, L., Généalogie de la noblesse du Rwanda , Kabgayi, Vicariat apostolique ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des du Ruanda, 1950, p. 8. 42 de19-33. l’Homme Kagame, A., 1972,Droits op. cit. pp 43 Kabwete Mulinda C., « La généalogie du peuplement du Rwanda : AREDETWA : Association pour de le l’idée Relèvement considérations sur l’autochtonie ou allochtonie de Rwandais » , in Cahiers du centre Démocratique des Batwa 41 v 59 7KHVHYLHZVZHUHSURSDJDWHGE\HWKQRORJLVWVDQGPLVVLRQDULHV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS who excelled ___________________________________ in classifying and categorizing hierarchies of SHRSOHVZKLFKZHUHEDSWL]HGDV´UDFHVµIURPGLIIHUHQWUHJLRQV the andAfricaines Nilotics. From this perspective, the A.A.Bantu, Hamites : Archives original settlements of Rwanda were associated with migration A.G. : Assemblée Générale waves. The entire history of Rwanda was reduced to the migration ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga RIFRQTXHULQJUDFHV,WLVEHOLHYHGWKDWWKH+XWXFDPHÀUVWDQG ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la SXVKHGWKH7ZDEDFNWRZDUGWKHIRUHVWHGDUHDV/DWHUWKH7XWVL des Castes are said to haveSuppression dominated the two groups. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda :KDWLVXQIRUWXQDWHLVWKDWPDQ\SROLWLFDOOHDGHUVIRXQGLQWKHVH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples theories arguments that supported their ideology of division, ADR : Alliance pour la Further, Démocratie la exclusion, and even genocide. thisetinterpretation of Réconciliation Nationale 5ZDQGDQ VRFLHW\ KDV EHHQ DQG VWLOO LV HQWHUWDLQHG E\ VRPH AEC : media. Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières international Other theories attempting to explain WKH RULJLQDO VHWWOHPHQWV RIForces 5ZDQGD DUH EDVHG RQ pour OLQJXLVWLF AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques la archeology, andLibération anthropology. du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act a. Linguistic theories $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP $W WKH HQG RI QLQHWHHQWK FHQWXU\ DQG WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH AIMO : WKH Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre twentieth century, linguists found a community speaking a AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine SURWRW\SH%DQWXODQJXDJH7KLVZDVDQDUWLÀFLDOODQJXDJHIRUPHG Rwandaise IURP WHUPV ERUURZHG IURP PRGHUQ ODQJXDJH 7KLV ODQJXDJH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda permeated through a well-organized society practicing agriculture, AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté DQLPDO KXVEDQGU\ DQG PHWDO ZRUNV 7KLV présidentiel %DQWX ODQJXDJH ZDV AMRWR KDYH GHYHORSHG : Association desDQG Moniteurs Rwanda VDLG LQ $VLD WR KDYHdu EHHQ LQWURGXFHG LQ 6XE6DKDUDQ $IULFD E\ JURXSV RI +DPLWHV $FFRUGLQJ WR WKLV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda WKHRU\ DUH FRQVLGHUHG WR EHde EODFNV RI D VXSHULRU UDFH ANT +DPLWHV : Assemblée Nationale Transition ZKRZHUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUEULQJLQJFLYLOL]DWLRQWRWKLVSDUWRI$IULFD (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien In the second: half of the twentieth century, the Hamite ideology APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ZDVUHSODFHGE\RQHRIWKH%DQWX7KH%DQWXEHFDPHWKHFHQWUH of all ideological and historical conceptions. In an attempt to APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes SURYLGH VFLHQWLÀF DUJXPHQWV WR WKHVH YLHZV PDQ\ OLQJXLVWV Rwandais EHOLHYHG LQ WKH SURWRW\SH%DQWX ODQJXDJH WKHUH ZHUH WHUPV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes which designated activities related to agriculture, animal APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la KXVEDQGU\DQGPHWDOZRUNV,QWKHSURFHVVWKH\ZHUHVLOHQWRQ Masse the presence and the importance of other linguistic groups that ARD Alliance le Renforcement la preceded the : arrival of pour Bantus speakers, thusde denying these Démocratie JURXSVDQ\FRQWULEXWLRQWRFLYLOL]DWLRQ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des ,WIROORZVWKDWIRUHLJQFRQWULEXWLRQVRIWKHRU\ZHUHSULYLOHJHGDQG Droits de l’Homme that interest was focused on the origins and migrations of groups AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement GHJHVWLRQGHVFRQÀLWV, No. 5, 2002, pp. 49-70. Démocratique des Batwa 60 60 v RISHRSOH7KHFRQWLQXRXVKXPDQSUHVHQFHPHQWLRQHGLQWKHÀUVW ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS part of this chapter was not amply taken into consideration44. It ___________________________________ is necessary to take a multidisciplinary approach to interprete and the history of settlements in Rwanda. It is also A.A.understand : Archives Africaines important to recognize the presence of cultural factors which A.G. : Assemblée Générale prove the existence of these settlements. As such, we call for ABAKI Alliance destheory Bakigaon settlements in Rwanda a review of :the existing ABESC : Association Bahutu pour la particularly and in the Greatdes Lakes regionEvoluant more generally. Suppression des Castes During the last century, several theories were advanced on ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda WKH WKHPHV RI RULJLQ PLJUDWLRQ DQG VHWWOHPHQW 7KH\ FDQ EH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples VXPPDUL]HGLQWRWKHIRXUPDMRUVWDJHVRIWKHLUHYROXWLRQ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 7KHÀUVWVWDJHRFFXUHGDURXQGWKHHQGRIWKHQLQHWHHQWKFHQWXU\ Réconciliation Nationale DQGWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHWZHQWLHWKFHQWXU\²EHWZHHQDQG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ,WLVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\WKHRULHVWKDWOLQNWKHRULJLQRI$IULFDQ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la people to Asia . The Pygmies and Bushmen, or San, were the Libération du Congo-Zaïre ÀUVWVHWWOHUVLQ$IULFD7KH\VHWWOHGLQWKHIRUHVWDQGVDYDQQDK AGOA :These African Growth Act waves, respectively. theories dealand withOpportunity two last migratory $,'6 RI WKH +DPLWHV $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP WKRVH DQG WKH %DQWX 7KH GLVWLQFWLRQ EHWZHHQ AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre the Hamites and BantuIndigènes was not clear during this period. The +DPLWHVZHUHDWÀUVWLGHQWLÀHGZLWKWKH%DQWXE\-RKQ6SHNH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 46 DVRSSRVHGWREHLQJUHODWHGWRWKHEODFNVDQG3\JPLHV . Later, Rwandaise KRZHYHUZKHQ6SHNHDUULYHGLQ(WKLRSLDKHGHHPHGWKDW7XWVL ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda and Galla pastoralists were related. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR FRQVLGHUHG : Association desWR Moniteurs du Rwanda 6RPH WKH %DQWX EH D JURXS UHVXOWLQJ IURP LQWHUPDUULDJHVEHWZHHQ1HJURLGVDQG+DPLWHV2WKHUVFRQFHLYHG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda WKHP JURXSNationale GLIIHUHQW IURP WKH +DPLWHV47. Von ANT WR EH D: UDFLDO Assemblée de Transition *RW]HQ FRQVLGHUHG WKH %DWXWVL WR EH +DPLWHV ZKR GRPLQDWHG (Transitional National Assembly) the Bahutu. This idea of domination was linked to the Hamitic APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien P\WKHPDQDWLQJIURPDQHUURQHRXVLQWHUSUHWDWLRQRIWKH%LEOH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise according to which difference in race resulted from a curse to APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 1RDK·VVRQ&DLQ7KHEODFNVZHUHWKRXJKWWRRULJLQDWHIURPWKLV Rwandais VRQDQGZHUHFRQGHPQHGWREHFRPHVODYHVRIKLVEURWKHUV6HP APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes DQG-DSKHWK7KH*UHDW/DNHV5HJLRQSOD\HGDQLPSRUWDQWUROH in the spread :ofAssociation Bantu-speakers 6HH0DSEHORZ de la APROSOMA pour48la Promotion Sociale 44 Masse ancien du Rwanda : à la lumière de récentes recherches », Kanimba, M., « Peuplement in &DKLHUVGX&HQWUHGH*HVWLRQGHVFRQÀLWV, no. 7, 2003, pp. 47-81 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 45 Lepsius, R., Nubische Grammatik. Einleitung uber die Volker und spachen Afrika’s, Démocratie Berlin, 1880; Van Oordt J. F., Origin of the Bantu, Cape Town, 1907, p. 5; Muller, F., ARDHO Ethnographie, : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Allgemeine Vienne, Alfred Holder, 1879. 46 Droits de l’Homme Cornevin, R., Histoire de l’Afrique, Tome II, Paris, OPayot, 1966, p. 152. 47 Johnston, H. H., The origin of the Bantu”, Journal African Society, 6, 1907, p. 335. AREDETWA : Association pourinle Relèvement 48 Johnston, H. H., A comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi Bantu languages, Démocratique des Batwa 61 v 61 Map 3: HomesACRONYMS and migrationAND routes of the Bantu and semi-Bantu ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Source: Johnston 1919, pp. 22-28 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR expansion : Armée Rwandaise The of the Patriotique Bantu-speakers is said to have started LQ WKH VHFRQG FHQWXU\ %& :HOODUPHG DQG OHG E\ +DPLWLF APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes aristocracy, theRwandais Bantu are said to have conquered the natives of WKH*UHDN/DNH5HJLRQ -RKQVWRQ Indigènes APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants APROSOMA : Association pour la WKH Promotion la 7KH VHFRQG VWDJH VWUHWFKHG IURP HQG RI Sociale WKH ÀUVWde TXDUWHU Masse RI WKH WZHQWLHWK FHQWXU\ WR WKH HQG RI WKH 6HFRQG :RUOG :DU DQG E\ TXHVWLRQLQJ WKH QDWXUH ARD ZDV FKDUDFWHUL]HG : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laRI RXWVLGH migrations. The Australopithecus discoveries in eastern and Démocratie 49 southern Africa LQ WKH V FRQWULEXWHG WR VNHSWLFLVP WKDW ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Africans had foreign Droitsorigins. de l’Homme Oxford, 1919-22, p. 28. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 49 Cole, S. M., The Prehistory of East Africa, New York, MC Million, 1963. Démocratique des Batwa 62 62 : : : : v However, the ACRONYMS concept of migration continues to preoccupy the AND ABBREVIATIONS YLHZV RI KLVWRU\ WKH GHEDWH RQ SRSXODWLRQ PRYHPHQWV DQG ___________________________________ concepts of migration within the continent. From this perspective, the in the Great Lakes Region is presented A.A.history of :settlement Archives Africaines LQWKUHHSKDVHVWKH6DQ %XVKPHQDQG+RWWHQWRWV SKDVHWKH A.G. : Assemblée Générale Caucasoid phase, those who imposed themselves on the San, ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga and the Bantu phase, which arrived during the Old Stone Age. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la During this second period of theory, the Hamitic hypothesis Suppression des Castes was in Burundian and Rwandan du schools, where it ACRwidely taught : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda fell on fertile ground for two reasons. Firstly, the colonial power ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples drew capital from the theory it in order to justify its policy of ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la H[FOXVLRQ6HFRQGO\LWZDVXVHGE\WKH7XWVLDQGODWHUE\+XWX Réconciliation leaders, who were advised and Nationale supported in the propagation of AECP\WK E\: WKH Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières WKLV &DWKROLF &KXUFK DQG WKH FRORQLDO SRZHUV LQ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Rwanda. The latter used these theories to justify divisive policies so as to safeguard their interests and ensure the future of their Libération du Congo-Zaïre political Rwanda. AGOA stay in : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KH+DPLWHWKHRU\UHLQIRUFHGWKHELDVHVDQGFOHDYDJHVEHWZHHQ AIMO during : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre groups the colonial period. Coupled with the Bantu AJER the Hamite : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine theory, theory also served to institutionalize ethnicity DIWHULQGHSHQGHQFH7KHJDSEHWZHHQJURXSVZDVUHLQIRUFHGE\ Rwandaise LPSRUWHG ELDVHV VWHUHRW\SHV DQG HWKQRJUDSKLF ALIR : Armée de Libération du RwandaOLWHUDWXUH 7KH divisive reports of Belgian administrators missionaries were AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtéand présidentiel DOVRZLGHO\GLVVHPLQDWHGE\PLVVLRQDU\VFKRROV AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMURFXOWXUDO: DXWKRULWLHV Association des Musulmans au WKHRU\ Rwanda 7XWVL ZHOFRPHG WKH +DPLWLF EHFDXVH LW VHUYHG WR MXVWLI\ WKH SULYLOHJHV WKH\ ZHUH HQGRZHG ZLWK E\ WKH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition FRORQLDOJRYHUQPHQW7KHVHSULYLOHJHVZHUHDOVRVWUHQJWKHQHGE\WKH (Transitional National Assembly) HVWDEOLVKPHQWRILQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDOVHFXULW\RUJDQV$QDZDUHQHVV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien of these reforms provoked sentiments of inferiority and exclusion APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise among the masses vis-à-vis the privileged class of the Tutsi. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 7KH WKLUG VWDJH ZDV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ WKH TXHVWLRQLQJ RI WKH Rwandais Hamitic theory Association and controversy regarding the origin of Bantu APROCOMIN: des Commerçants Indigènes languages . The location of Bantu origins and the means APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale delaused to arrive at a theory of origins were also questioned . The Masse 50 Chrétien J. P., 2000, op. cit., pp. 163-164. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 51 Murdock, G. P., Africa: its people and their culture History, New York, McGraw Hill, 1959. Démocratie 52 Greenberg, J., Languages of Africa, La Haye, Mouton, 1963, p. 38; Murdock, G. P., ARDHO : Association Rwandaise des op. cit., pp. 279-291; Guthrie, M., “Bantu Origins”, in pour Journalla of Défense African Languages, Droits de“Zur l’Homme 1 (1), 1962, pp. 9-21; Heine B., genetischen Gliederung der Bantu-Sprachen”, in Afrika und Ubersee, 56, 1973, pp. 164-185; B., Hoff H., et Vosen R., “Neuere AREDETWA : Association pour Heine, le Relèvement Erbgbnissezur Territorialgesschichte und Ethnohistoirie”, in Afrika Neue Beitrage Démocratique des Batwa 63 v 63 Hamite myth ACRONYMS conceived at the end of the nineteenth century to AND ABBREVIATIONS H[SODLQFLYLOL]DWLRQDOWUHQGVLQ$IULFDZDVRSSRVHGE\DQG ___________________________________ GLVPDQWOHGE\,WEHFDPHFOHDUWKDWLWZDVLPSRVVLEOHWR GLVWLQJXLVK D: +DPLWH EDVHG RQ SK\VLFDO FKDUDFWHULVWLFV The A.A. Archives Africaines theory of Bantu expansion came to dominate views of settlement A.G. : Assemblée Générale in central, eastern and southern Africa. Many anthropologists, ABAKI :and Alliance desstrived Bakiga archeologists linguists to look for arguments in favor Bahutu Evoluant pour la ABESC : Association des of this Bantu-expansion theory . Suppression des Castes 7KHIRXUWKVWDJHZDVGRPLQDWHGE\WKH*UHHQEHUJWKHRU\ZKLFK ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda located the home of the Bantu in the northwest of the current ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples %DQWXWHUULWRU\7KLVWKHRU\LVDFFHSWHGE\PDQ\OLQJXLVWV7KH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la H[SDQVLRQRI%DQWXVSHDNHUVLVLOOXVWUDWHGE\WKHPDSSURSRVHG Réconciliation Nationale E\WKUHHOLQJXLVWVIURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI&RORJQHLH%+HLQH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières H. Hoff and R. Vossen. The map indicates the routes followed and the stages of expansion. The expansion of the pour prototypeAFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la %DQWXODQJXDJHLVVDLGWRKDYHEHJXQDURXQG%& Libération du Congo-Zaïre ZKLOHWKHRULHQWDOJURXSEHJDQDURXQG%& AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity. This Act timeline ZDVDFFHSWHGE\PDQ\DUFKHRORJLVWVZKRDWWHPSWHGWRDGGQHZ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP GDWDHVSHFLDOO\WKHGDWHVRIWHFKQLFDOLQQRYDWLRQVDWWULEXWHGWR AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WKH%DQWX 6HH0DSDQGEHORZ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien afrivanistischer Forschungen, Berlin, Reimer, 1977. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 53 Greenberg, J., « Linguistic Evidence regarding Bantu Origins”, in Journal of African APROBAMI : Association History, 13(2), 1972, pp. 180-216. des Partis Monarchistes 54 “It would be well-nigh impossible to point to an individual and recognize in him a Rwandais +DPLWHDFFRUGLQJWRUDFLDOOLQJXLVWLFDQGFXOWXUDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVWR¿WWKHLPDJHWKDW APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes has been presented to us for so long. Such an individual does not exist” (Sanders, E. R., APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la “The Hamitic hypothesis: its origin and functions in time theories”). 55 Masse Murdock, G. P., 1959, op. cit, pp. 279-291;Hernaux J., “Bantu expansion; the evidence from physical anthropology confronted linguistic and archeological ARD : Alliance pour with le Renforcement de la evidence”, in Journal of African History, IX, 4, 1968, pp. 505-515.; Posnansky M., “Bantu genesis. Démocratie $UFKHRORJLFDOUHÀHFWLRQ´LQJournal of African History, 9 (1), 1968. ARDHO : Association 56 Heine et al., 1977, op. cit., p. 71. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 57 Droits Ehret, C., “The First Spreadde of l’Homme Food Production to Southern Africa”, in Ehret C., Posnansky M., (ed.), The Archaeological Reconstruction of African AREDETWA : Association pourand le linguistic Relèvement History, 1982, pp. 158-181. Démocratique des Batwa 64 64 v Map 4: Expansion of BantuAND languages: stages and dispersion ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS points ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Source: Heine et al. 1977 ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 7KHVHFRQGPRGHOVXJJHVWVDVHSDUDWHGHYHORSPHQWRI(DVWHUQ Droits de l’Homme DQG:HVWHUQ%DQWXODQJXDJHV7KHVSHDNHUVRI(DVWHUQ%DQWX AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement ODQJXDJHV DUH VDLG WR KDYH WKHLU RULJLQDO KRPH LQ WKH ERUGHU Démocratique des Batwa v 65 DUHDVEHWZHHQ1LJHULDDQG&DPHURRQFLUFXPYHQWLQJWKHWURSLFDO ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS forest in the north. They are said to have spread from here to ___________________________________ WKH LQWHUODFXVWULQH UHJLRQ 7KH\ ODWHU VSUHDG WRZDUGV (DVWHUQ DQG &RXSH] HW DO %DVWLQ HW DO A.A. VRXWKHUQ: $IULFD Archives Africaines Vansina, 1984). A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Map 5: Location of linguistic groups in the Great lake Region ABESC : Association from 1000 BC to 500 BC des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Source: Schoenbrun, 1998 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes $UFKDHORJLFDOFRQWULEXWLRQVKDYHLQVWLJDWHGDUHYLHZRIKLVWRULFDO APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la LQWHUSUHWDWLRQV HVSHFLDOO\ WKH FKURQRORJLFDO WLPHWDEOH. The Masse explanations that dominated the second half of the twentieth ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la FHQWXU\ZHUHLQFUHDVLQJO\TXHVWLRQHGDQGQHHGHGTXDOLÀFDWLRQ Démocratie 58 Phillipson, D. W., « L’expansion bantoue en Afrique orientale et méridionale : ARDHO : Association pour DéfenseL.,des les témoignages de l’archéologie et Rwandaise de la linguistique », inlaBouquiaux (ed.), Droits L’expansion bantoue, Société de des l’Homme études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France, Paris, 1980, pp. 649-684. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 59 Lugan, B., 1997, op. cit. ; Chrétien J. P.; 2000, op. cit. Démocratique des Batwa 66 66 v to say the least. An examination the theories on the expansion ACRONYMS ANDofABBREVIATIONS of Bantu linguistic groups shows that if the theory of their ___________________________________ H[SDQVLRQ IURP WKH :HVW RI WKH LQWHUODFXVWULQH UHJLRQ HQMR\V credence, there still exist some uncertainties on the origins, A.A. : Archives Africaines causes, dates, extent, and direction of their migration movements. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga b. Anthropological interpretations ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la 8QWLOWKHODVWIHZGHFDGHVWKHKXPDQIRVVLOVGLVFRYHUHGLQ6XE Suppression desLQWR Castes 6DKDUDQ $IULFD ZHUH FODVVLÀHG IRXU FDWHJRULHV GLVWULEXWHG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda RYHUWKUHHJHRJUDSKLFORFDWLRQVWKH1HJURLGLQ:HVW$IULFDWKH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples (XURSRLGDQG.KRLVDQRLGLQ(DVWHUQDQG6RXWKHUQ$IULFDDQG ADRPygmies in : Alliance pour Démocratie et laThe history of the the dense andlawet forest areas. VHWWOHPHQWVLQ(DVWHUQ$IULFDWKDWHPDQDWHVIURPWKLVSHUFHSWLRQ Réconciliation Nationale is presented as follows. The Bushmanoid and Khoisanoid groups AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières formed an ancient stratum, to which the Caucasoid group AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour from la 1RUWK$IULFDZDVFRPELQHG7KHOLWKLFRU&DVSHDQLQGXVWU\DQG Libération du Congo-Zaïre Neolithic innovations were associated with this group. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KH DGYHQW RI WKH 1HJURLGV LQ &HQWUDO (DVWHUQ DQG 6RXWKHUQ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Africa to the Indigènes expansion et of Main-d’oeuvre Bantu language speakers. AIMO was linked : Affaires This theory won a lot of support until skeletons were analyzed AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine LQWKHLQWHUODFXVWULQHUHJLRQDQGLQ(DVWHUQ$IULFD60. The fossils Rwandaise from different sites in this part of the continent point to three ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda major conclusions on the history of settlements in the centre of AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel (DVWHUQ$IULFD AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 1) 7KH1HJURLGJURXSPHWLQWKHFHQWUHRI(DVWHUQ$IULFD AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda in the Pleistocene period. In the valley of Kenya, a ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition specimen was found on Lukenya-Hill. It dates to (Transitional National Assembly) 17600 years B.C.61 It appeared at the same time as APADEC fossils : Association du Parti Chrétien found in the UpperDémocrate Semiliki valley. In this APR : Armée valley, manyPatriotique sites yieldedRwandaise human skeletons. In Isahgo APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes DVLWHORFDWHGRQWKHOHIWEDQNRI/DNH5ZLFDQ]LJH PRUHRwandais WKDQ WZHQW\ ERQH IUDJPHQWV ZHUH H[KXPHG LQ the principal fossildes level, dating to 20,000 years B.C., APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes DQG WZR ERQHV ZHUH GLVFRYHUHG LQ WKH SRVWHPHUVLRQ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ]RQHORFDWHGDURXQG%&$WDGLVWDQFHRI Masse NLORPHWHUVRXWKRI,VKDQJRDQRWKHUVLWHLGHQWLÀHG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 60 Brauer, G., « TheDémocratie morphological differentiation of anatomically Modern man in Africa”, in Zeit. Mporph., Anthrop., 69 (3), 1978, pp. 266-292. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense des in 61 Rightmire; G. P., “ Problems in the study of laterpour Pleistocene main Africa”, Droits l’Homme American Anthropologist, 77, de 1975, pp. 28-51; Gramly, R. M.. et Rightmire G. P., “A fragmentary cranium ad dated Late Stone Age le assemblage from Lukenya Hill, Kenya“, AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement in Man (N. S.), 8 (4), 1973, pp. 57-79. Démocratique des Batwa 67 v 67 as Ishango 14 yielded a specimen at a level located ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EHWZHHQ WKH IRVVLO OHYHO DQG WKH SRVWHPHUVLRQ ]RQH ___________________________________ Its date is estimated at more than 20000 years B.C. The: site of Katanda 2 also yielded a specimen dating Archives Africaines to more than 18,000 years B.C.62 A.A. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI2) 0DQ\ : Alliance Bakiga RI WKH des ERQHV LGHQWLÀHG ZLWK WKH .KRLVDQRLG ABESC RU (XURSRLG : Association des DUH Bahutu Evoluant pour1HJURLG la JURXSV FDWHJRUL]HG LQ WKH group. The specimen from Ishango 11 presents Suppression des Castes many morphological similarities with the current ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda populations that speak Nilotic or Bantu ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples languages. 7KH PRUH DQFLHQW VNXOOV IURP OHYHOV EHWZHHQ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la years B.C. and 6890 B.C. are categorized among the Réconciliation Nationale Negroid fossils discovered in west and north Africa63. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières diversity des of phenotypical groups in the AFDL 3) The: Alliance Forces Démocratiques pourregion la GDWHV EDFN WR D GLVWDQW SDVW ,W LV QRW VFLHQWLÀFDOO\ Libération du Congo-Zaïre valid to resort to the phenomenon of migration to AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act explain the diversity of current groups. However, the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP anthropological heterogeneity of modern groups is AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre SUREDEO\QRWLGHQWLFDOZLWKWKRVHRISUHKLVWRULFJURXSV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Communities were dynamic and regularly received Rwandaise new knowledge through assimilation and intermixing. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Archeological proof of early settlements consists of structural AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel REMHFWVRUKXPDQYHVWLJHVDVGLVFXVVHGLQWKHÀUVWSDUDJUDSK AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda on the current state of knowledge. There are many knowledge AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda JDSVEHFDXVHDUFKHRORJLFDOUHVHDUFKLVVWLOOLQFRPSOHWH7KHODVW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de were Transition studies were conducted in the 1980s and conducted at very 64 (Transitional National Assembly) few sites . APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien $ V\QWKHVLV RI WKH GDWD H[DPLQHG DERYH DOORZV XV WR PDNH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise REVHUYDWLRQVZKLFKFRXOGIRUPWKHEDVLVIRUZULWLQJWKHKLVWRU\ APROBAMI Association desofPartis Monarchistes of the region: in general and Rwanda in particular. A reRwandais 62 Brooks A. S., Smith C. C., 1987, “Ishango revised: New Age Indigènes Determination and APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants cultural interpretations”, in African Archaeological Review, 5, pp. 72-75; Boaz N. T., APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Pavlakis, PP. and Brooks, A. S., “Late Pleistocene- Holocene human remains”, in Boaz Masse N. T., (ed), Evolution of environments and Hominadae in the African Western Rift valley, Martinsville, Virginia Museum History, 1990, pp. ARD : Alliance pouroflenatural Renforcement de291-298. la 63 Brooks A. S., “Late Pleistocene-Holocene human remains”, in Boaz N. T., (ed.), Démocratie Evolution of environments and Hominidae in the African Western Rift Valley, ARDHO Virginia : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Martinsville, Museum of National History, 1990, pp. 291-298. 64 Droits de l’Homme Nenquin J., “Contributions to the study of the prehistoric cultures of Rwanda and Burundi”, in Annales, Series 8, Sciences humaines, no. 59, Tervuren, Musée Royal de AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement l’Afrique Centrale, 1967, pp. 17-19. Démocratique des Batwa 68 68 v examination ACRONYMS of history taking account relatively recent ANDinto ABBREVIATIONS VHWWOHPHQWVLPSOLHVDFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIGDWDREWDLQHGIURPGLYHUVH ___________________________________ ÀHOGV7KHHYROXWLRQRIWKHHQYLURQPHQWIURPWKH+RORFHQHSHULRG is considered :from the standpoints A.A. Archives Africainesof archeology, anthropology, linguistics, and oral tradition. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 7KRXJKVWLOOVLJQLÀFDQWO\OLPLWHGDUFKHRORJLFDOGLVFRYHULHVVKRZ ABESC des Bahutu Evoluant pour to la the that Rwandan: Association settlements and historiography extended First Millennium A.D. Thanks to its good climate, the Great Lakes Suppression des Castes 5HJLRQ WR Ddes ORQJCultivateurs SHULRG RI KXPDQ RFFXSDWLRQ ACR ZDV VXEMHFWHG : Association du Rwanda 7KLV RFFXSDWLRQ LV HYLGHQFHG E\ WKH SUHVHQFH RI ADP : Alliance Démocratique des PeuplesOLWKLF WRROV representing the prehistoric period. These tools were made of ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la ERQHV RI DQLPDOV DQG KXPDQ YHVWLJHV 7KHVH WRROV VRPHWLPHV Réconciliation Nationale HQULFKHG E\ DUWLVWLF HOHPHQWV OLNH MHZHOV VWDWXHV HQJUDYLQJV AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières paintings, and rocks. They provide clues as to the material and AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la DUWLVWLFFXOWXUHVRIWKHSHRSOHWRZKRPWKH\EHORQJHG Libération du Congo-Zaïre +XPDQSUHVHQFHZKLFKGDWHVEDFNWKRXVDQGVRI\HDUVVKRXOG AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act QRWEHFRQIXVHGZLWKWKHVHWWOHPHQWVRIRXU5ZDQGDQDQFHVWRUV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ZKROLYHGLQWKHWZRÀUVWPLOOHQQLXPVEHIRUHRXUHUD+XPDQ AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre VHWWOHPHQW VKRXOG DOVRIndigènes QRW EH UHGXFHG WR PLJUDWLRQ WUHQGV RI AJER QRWDEO\ : Association de la RI Jeunesse Estudiantine JURXSV WKH H[SDQVLRQ WKH %DQWX ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH Rwandaise KLVWRU\RIVHWWOHPHQWVVKRXOGQRWEHFRQIXVHGZLWKWKHP\WKRQ RULJLQVZKLFKRYHUVLPSOLÀHVKLVWRULFDOSURFHVVHVE\FRQFHLYLQJ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda RIWKHEHJLQQLQJRIKLVWRU\DVWKHIRUPDWLRQRINLQJGRPV AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Towards the end of the Pleistocene period, riverside residents, AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ZKR EHFDPH: VHGHQWDU\ \HDUV DJR OLYHG RQ KXQWLQJ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ÀVKLQJ DQG JDWKHULQJ 7KH DEXQGDQFH RI QDWXUDO UHVRXUFHV (Transitional National Assembly) QRWDEO\WKHSUHVHQFHRIDTXDWLFDQLPDOVDQGIDYRUDEOHFOLPDWLF FRQGLWLRQV PRUH WR RFFXS\ EDQNV RI ODNHV APADEC HQFRXUDJHG : Association duSHRSOH Parti Démocrate Chrétien DQG ULYHUV 7HFKQRORJ\ LQ WKH ÀHOG RI KXQWLQJ DQG ÀVKLQJ ZDV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise PRGLÀHGWRVXLWWKHHQYLURQPHQW'XULQJWKLVSHULRGWKHUHZDV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes VSHFLDOL]DWLRQ RI LQGXVWU\ ,Q WKH IRUHVW UHJLRQ ELIDFLDO WRROV Rwandais were introduced, while in the Savannah, microlithic industries APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes EHFDPHGRPLQDQW APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la )LVKHUPHQ OLYLQJ DORQJ ULYHU DQG ODNH EDQNV GHYHORSHG D ERQH Masse LQGXVWU\FKDUDFWHUL]HGE\EHDXWLIXOERQHKDUSRRQV'XULQJWKH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Holocene period, this industry was mostly found in the Semiliki Démocratie valley. It spread towards the Sahara across the Nile valley until it ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des UHDFKHG(DVW$IULFD. This region was therefore at the crossroads Droits de l’Homme 65 Heinelin, J., Les fouilles d’Ishango , Bruxelles, Institut des Parcs Nationaux du AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Congo Belge, 1957. Démocratique des Batwa 69 v 69 of trade and atACRONYMS the center of enlightenment for thousands of years. AND ABBREVIATIONS 'XULQJWKLVWLPHVHWWOHPHQWVZHUHFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\UHPDUNDEOH ___________________________________ FRPSOH[LW\EXWZHUHYXOQHUDEOHWRKDUVKFOLPDWLFFKDQJHV0DQ\ groups different areas. Those who lived near one another A.A. lived in : Archives Africaines experienced similar ecological changes and had similar modes of A.G. : Assemblée Générale life and similar economies. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la E\ 8S WR DSSUR[LPDWHO\ des %& WKH UHJLRQ ZDV RFFXSLHG hunter-agriculturalists possessing a purely lithic technology. Suppression des Castes Toward the end of the First B.C., keepers ACR : Association desMillennium Cultivateurs ducattle Rwanda who spoke Nilo-Saharan languages, i.e. central Sudanic, protoADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Nilotic, and Cushites, who came from the northern and eastern ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la regions respectively, lived a nomadic life in this region66. The Réconciliation Nilo-Saharan groups settled Nationale from current Uganda to Lake AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Tanganyika. The Cushite groups south and west of Lake Victoria AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la settled in the eastern part of present-day Rwanda andpour Burundi. Libération du Congo-Zaïre In addition to keeping cattle, these new groups cultivated cereals, AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act sorghum, and millet. These plants were domesticated in the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP DUHDVORFDWHGEHWZHHQ&KDGDQG(WKLRSLD,QWKHVDPHSHULRG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre DQRWKHUJURXSRI%DQWXODQJXDJHVSHDNLQJSHRSOHIURPWKH:HVW AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine VHWWOHG LQ WKLV UHJLRQ H[WHQGLQJ EHWZHHQ /DNH 5ZLFDQ]LJH DQG Rwandaise .LYX XS WR WKH ZHVWHUQ SDUW RI /DNH 9LFWRULD FI PDS 7KH\ FXOWLYDWHGWXEHUVDQGYHJHWDEOHVHVSHFLDOO\\DPVDQGYLJQDW\SH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 67 EHDQV . AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda In the First Millennium B.C., pottery and iron metal works were AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda DOVR LQWURGXFHG DQG VSUHDGdes ZLGHO\ ,W LV GLIÀFXOW WR VD\ ZKLFK ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition JURXS ZDV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKHVH LQQRYDWLRQV 'XULQJ WKH )LUVW (Transitional Assembly) Millennium B.C., three events National characterized the economic, social DQGSROLWLFDOGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHUHJLRQ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise - :The immigration of groups from different regions APROBAMI Association Partis Monarchistes - :The advent of des ceramic and metal works - The spread of agriculture and cattle-keeping Rwandais New linguistic groups from des the north and west Indigènes migrated into APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants the interlacustrine region. Between the seventh third APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Socialeand de la centuries B.C., techniques of treating iron minerals were spread, Masse DVHYLGHQFHGE\YHVWLJHVRIFKLPQH\VPDGHRIEULFNVDQGKDUG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 66 Lugan, B., +LVWRLUHGX5ZDQGD'HODSUpKLVWRLUHjQRVMRXUV, Paris, Bartillat, 1997. ; Démocratie Chrétien J. P., 2000, op. cit., pp. 48-49. ARDHO Association Rwandaise la Défense 67 Schoenbrun, D.:L., “We are what we eat: an ancientpour agriculture between thedes Great de l’Homme lakes”, in Journal ofDroits African History, 34; 1993, pp. 1-31; Schoenbrun D. L.,”A green place, a good place. Agrarian Change,pour Genderleand Social Identity in the Great Lakes AREDETWA : Association Relèvement Region to the 15th Century”, in Social History of Africa, Heinemann, 1998, pp. 41-43. Démocratique des Batwa 70 70 v lumps of iron.ACRONYMS Traces of metal works are associated with quasiAND ABBREVIATIONS identical ceramic products in the entire Great Lakes Region. ___________________________________ 'XULQJ WKLV SHULRG DQG HYHQ XS WR WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI RXU HUD there of groups with different modes of life. A.A. was a coexistence : Archives Africaines Some groups still lived on hunting and gathering and used stone A.G. : Assemblée Générale tools, while others devoted themselves to cattle-keeping and ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga agriculture, using metal des tools. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ,WVKRXOGEHQRWHGWKDWWKHSUDFWLFHVRIDJULFXOWXUHDQGFDWWOH Suppression des Castes NHHSLQJ EHIRUH WKH WLPH RI -HVXV &KULVW DUH QRW VXSSRUWHG E\ ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda VFLHQWLÀFHYLGHQFH+RZHYHULQQRUWKHUQDQGHDVWHUQ5ZDQGD ADPin Sudan:and Alliance Démocratique Peuplescereals and and Kenya, the activities ofdes cultivating ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la FDWWOHNHHSLQJDUHVXSSRUWHGE\DPSOHHYLGHQFHIURPWKH7KLUG 68 Réconciliation Nationale Millennium B.C. Because Rwanda was located in the corridor where population movements toward the south were taking AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières place, we can thereforedes conclude Rwanda received food AFDL : Alliance Forces that Démocratiques pour la SURGXFWLRQWHFKQLTXHVEHIRUHRWKHUUHJLRQVLQVRXWKHUQ$IULFD Libération du Congo-Zaïre 6KHHS UHDULQJ ZDV SUDFWLFHG DORQJ WKH &DSH &RDVW LQ WKH ÀUVW AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act century B.C.69 $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO the First : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre During Millennium, groups of settlers from different regions exchanged agricultural and pastoral techniques, plants AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine DQG DQLPDOV Rwandaise 7KH DELOLW\ WR KDUQHVV GLYHUVH WHFKQRORJLFDO LQQRYDWLRQVLQLURQZRUNVHQDEOHGJURXSVWRDGDSWWRGLIIHUHQW ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda HQYLURQPHQWV,QWKHWKLUGFHQWXU\$'LURQSURGXFWLRQEHFDPH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel LQFUHDVLQJO\ LPSRUWDQW DQG ZDV HQKDQFHG E\ WUDGH ZLWK WKH AMR coast.: Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda eastern AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Towards the :seventh and Nationale eighth centuries AD, a new type of ANT Assemblée de Transition FHUDPLFDSSHDUHGZKLFKZDVOHVVGHFRUDWHGDQGSRRUO\ÀQLVKHG (Transitional National Assembly) But the size of the pots produced was imposing and there were APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien many varieties of clay containers. These changes made at the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise OHYHORIPDWHULDOFXOWXUHDQGWHFKQLFDOLQQRYDWLRQVZHUHSUREDEO\ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes VLJQLÀFDQWLQWKHVRFLDOHFRQRPLFDQGSROLWLFDOÀHOGV7KHORQJ Rwandais period of coexistence among different groups resulted in a fusion APROCOMIN: Commerçants Indigènes of cultural and Association intermarriagedes factors. Lastly, different linguistic JURXSVZHUHDVVLPLODWHGE\WKH%DQWXZKLFKEHJDQZKHQÀUVW APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la FRQWDFWKDGEHHQHVWDEOLVKHG Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 68 Robertshaw, P., “The Elmenteita: an early Food-producing Culture in East Africa”, Démocratie in World Archaeology, 20 (1): 1988:59-69; Sutton J.E.G., “Prehistoire de l’Afrique ARDHO in Ki-zerbo : Association Rwandaise la Défense des et orientale”, J., (dir.), Histoire générale depour l’Afrique I. Méthodologie Droits de l’Homme Préhistopire, Paris, Stock, UNESCO;, Jeune Afrique, 1980, pp. 489-527. 69 $YHU\ * ³'LVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH DJH DQG XVH RI WLGDO ¿VK WUDSV´ LQ 6RXWK$IULFD AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Archaeological Bull., 30, 1975, pp. 105 -113. Démocratique des Batwa 71 v 71 The overly simplistic dichotomy that contrasts Tutsi cattle ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS keepers to Hutu agriculturalists falls under racist and divisive ___________________________________ ideology. The exclusive practice of one of these activities provides WKH WKH FRPSOHPHQWDU\ A.A. QHHG IRU: Archives Africaines DFWLYLW\ OHDGLQJ WR EHWWHU DGDSWDWLRQWRDGLYHUVHHQYLURQPHQW+XPDQDFWLYLWLHVPRGLÀHG A.G. : Assemblée Générale WKH HQYLURQPHQW DV WLPH ZHQW E\ ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR QRWH WKDW ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga WKHSURFHVVRIPRGLÀFDWLRQQHLWKHUIROORZHGVLPLODUUK\WKPVQRU ABESCof development : Association des Evoluant scopes across allBahutu Rwandan regions. pour la Suppression des Castes The of settlements for the current groups we ACR chronology : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda UHDG DERXW LQ KLVWRU\ WH[WERRNV ODFNV VFLHQWLÀF MXVWLÀFDWLRQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Archeological and anthropological documents prove that some ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la JURXSV H[LVWHG ZKRVH ODQJXDJHV KDYH EHHQ LJQRUHG ZKLFK ZH Réconciliation Nationale should now consider in our reconstruction of history. If such AEC ZHUH WR : Agglomeration IDFWRUV EH FRQVLGHUHGExtra-Coutumières ZH FRXOG LQWHJUDWH DOO WKLV GDWD AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la LQWRWKHWDEOHRIVHWWOHPHQWV Libération du Congo-Zaïre The dating and analysis of the settlements of the people of AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 5ZDQGD DUH WKHUHIRUH VXEMHFW WR XQFHUWDQWLHV 0XFK RI WKH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP origins of Rwanda still remain mythical. AIMO AJER : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 72 72 v III ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ___________________________________ THE KINGDOM OF RWANDA FROM THE BEGINNING TO 1900 A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale By Gamaliel MBONIMANA Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre rom the end of Growth the nineteenth century, theAct kingdom of AGOA : African and Opportunity progressively formed from its original nucleus $,'6 Rwanda $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP on Gasabo Hill. Gasabo Hill was administered by a chief AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre belonging to the Abanyiginya clan. Rwanda expanded over the AJER of centuries : Association de laon Jeunesse Estudiantine course by embarking a political, military, economic, Rwandaise social, and cultural organization, attracting the admiration of ALIR : Arméeadministrators, de Libération and du Rwanda European explorers, missionaries. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 3.1. of Gasabo and neighboring “countries” AMR Rwanda : Association desthe Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Originally, Rwanda expanded from the nucleus of Gasabo Hill. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Other hills were later conquered and annexed from neighboring (Transitional Assembly) localities of Buganza, namelyNational Bwanacyambwe, Buriza, Busigi, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien and Burasi. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 3.1.1. Original Rwanda in Buganza APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais The original country of Rwanda, referred to as “the Rwanda of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Gasabo” (u Rwanda rwa Gasabo), was a small territorial entity APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la of located in the present district of Gasabo, along the valley Masse Nyabugogo. When the period of historical Lake Muhazi, namely kings unfolded (“abami b’ibitekerezo”), Rwanda came ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la under the UHLJQRI.LQJ5XJDQ]X%ZLPED²WKHÀUVWNLQJDPRQJDVHULHVRI Démocratie historical who ruled from the fourteenth the twentieth ARDHO 1 kings : Association Rwandaise pour latoDéfense des centuries . The kingdom of Rwanda was governed by kings (abami) Droits de l’Homme 1 The text on the beginning and expansion of Rwanda draws from several contributions AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement such as: Kagame, A., Inganji Kalinga, Kabgayi, 1943; Kagame, A., Un abrégé de l’histoire Démocratique des Batwa F 73 v 73 who belongedACRONYMS to the Abanyiginya clan. This clan later founded AND ABBREVIATIONS the Kingdom ___________________________________ of Rwanda. Other clans, including the Abasinga, Abega, Abaha, Abakono, Abazigaba and Abatsobe clans, were intimately associated the Abanyiginya clan when the A.A. : Archiveswith Africaines NLQJGRPZDVIRXQGHG(DFKRIWKHVHFODQVKDGVSHFLÀFUROHVWR A.G. : Assemblée Générale play. As a family or lineage chief of the relatively important clan ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga of Nyiginya, King Ruganzu Bwimba managed to declare himself ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la a king with the royal symbol of a drum called Rwoga. It was Castes from this area Suppression that farming, des cattlekeeping and hunting were ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda practiced. Rwanda expanded under King Kigeri IV Rwabugiri ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples toward the western part of River Nyabarongo, becoming a vast ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la kingdom. Réconciliation Nationale $FFRUGLQJWRRIÀFLDOWUDGLWLRQWKHRULJLQDO.LQJRI5ZDQGDGRP AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières peacefully coexisted with political entities, with AFDL : Alliance desneighboring Forces Démocratiques pour la which she formed a “confederation” of sorts. At that time, Libération du Congo-Zaïre these were small-sized chieftaincies, referred to at Act that time as AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity “countries” (Ibihugu). These chieftaincies were those of Buganza, $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Bwanancyambwe, Buriza, Busigi and Busarasi. AIMO AJER : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Association de laofJeunesse Estudiantine a. :Mythical origins the Abanyiginya Rwandaise ALIRorigins of : Armée de Libération Rwanda The the Nyiginya dynastydu were transmitted in the 2 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel . This narrative form of an epic narrative called “Ibirari” (traces) AMR in a mythical : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda speaks way about Sabizeze, du or Kigwa, who was born from the sky in a jar of milk. Unhappy with the mysterious AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda birth Shyerezo provoked hisde son’s departure. Sabizeze ANT of his son, : Assemblée Nationale Transition descended to the earthly world and landed in Mubari, which was (Transitional National Assembly) inhabited Abazigaba with theirDémocrate king called Kabeja. Kigwa APADEC by the : Association du Parti Chrétien was with his brother, Mututsi (ancestor of the Abega, Abaha and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Abakono), their sister, Nyampundu, and a number of domestic APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes animals. According to the myths of their origins, Kigwa was Rwandais intimately related to Gihanga (the creator), the mythic founder of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes the kingdom. A social tradition narrates that Gatutsi, Gahutu and APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de which la Gatwa were sons of Kanyarwanda, whereas another myth, Masse notes that Kanyandorwa, Kanyabuha, is politically motivated, ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la du Rwanda Butare, EUNR, 1972; Anonyme, Historique et chronologie du Rwanda, s;l;; Démocratie J. Vansina, L’évolution du royaume Rwanda : des origines à 1900, Bruxelles, 1992; J. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la 2001. Défense des Vansina, Le Rwanda ancien. Le royaume Nyinginya, Parispour Karthala, 2 Droits l’Homme Delmas, L., Généalogie de lade noblesse (les Batutsi) du Ruanda, Kabgayi 1950, p.6 ; Coupez, A. and Kamanzi, Th., Récits historiques Rwanda, Tervuren, MRAC, 1962, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement pp. 18-25 ; P. Smith, Le récit populaire au Rwanda, Paris, Armand Colin, 1975, p. 71. Démocratique des Batwa 74 74 v Kanyabungo, ACRONYMS and Kanyaburundi sons of Gihanga. Gihanga AND were ABBREVIATIONS had wives from the clans of the Abasinga, Abatsobe, Abashambo, ___________________________________ etc. He travelled across Rwanda and Burundi up to Rutshuru, in present day eastern DRC.Africaines A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale b. What do you think about this narrative? ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESClanguage : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour Mythic is not a language of historic narrative asla some Suppression des Castes the origins of only some people have been led to believe. It stresses ACR : Association Cultivateurs dulinked Rwanda Rwandan clans – those thatdes were more or less directly to the Abanyiginya, andDémocratique consequently, to royal family. The ADP : Alliance desthe Peuples following narratives prove thisla point: ADR : Alliance pour Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Of the clans of the descendants from the heavens above AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières (Ibimanuka), namely the Abanyiginya, Abega,pour Abakono AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la and the Abaha, the last three constitute the clans of Libération du Congo-Zaïre the Ibibanda, or the matri-dynastic clans. These clans AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act are destined to provide Queen Mothers, such as the $,'6 case$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP of the sole Queen Mother of the Abagesera clan, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Mother of Kigeri III Ndabarasa, who is an example of AJER : Association de lawho Jeunesse those exclusive ones are fullEstudiantine of luck; Rwandaise clans de of Libération the Abasangwabutaka ALIR - The: Armée du Rwanda (those who found ministériel/ on Planet Earth), namely the Abazigaba, AM/AP were : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel Abagesera and Abasinga, had members who belonged AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WROLQHDJHVRULJLQDWLQJIURPFODQVWKDWHQMR\HGVSHFLÀF AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ritualistic privileges as of old. These privileges included ANT Assemblée Transition the :choice of the Nationale location of de residence for other clans, (Transitional National Assembly) especially for kings, the right to conduct mourning APADEC ceremony : Association Parti Chrétien the rituals,du and theDémocrate right of conducting APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise rituals of enthroning a new king. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Heavenly and earthly origins do not correlate to the North or Rwandais South, as someAssociation ethnographers and ethnologists – especially APROCOMIN: des Commerçants Indigènes missionaries – have imagined. Instead these origins refer APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la to several locations, i.e. “on the right, on the left, behind, in front, Masse the forest, marsh land, plain, and mountain,” which describe ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la diverse spatial units of the Rwandese universe. Origins cannot Démocratie be interpreted to mean a distant origin of the Ibimanuka, as some ARDHO : Association pour it. la Interpretations Défense des explorers and missionaries Rwandaise have transcribed de l’Homme regarding how Droits people originally settled in Rwanda, as expressed AREDETWA : Association pour by these authors, is not premisedleonRelèvement any data originating from Démocratique des Batwa 75 v 75 tradition. Further, the places mentioned in the myth show that ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS they were adjusted, because they coincide with the expansion of ___________________________________ Rwanda at the end of the nineteenth century. Let us now look at Rwanda’s neighboring countries and their respective roles. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ¾Bwanacyambwe3 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la At its inception, Bwanacyambwe linked Rwanda to Southern Suppression des Castes Buriza in the Kabuye mountain region, Jabana, Bweramvura). ACR : des du Rwanda This is the areaAssociation that belonged to Cultivateurs the Abongera clan dynasty. The ADP : Alliance was Démocratique des king of Bwanacyambwe called Nkuba, sonPeuples of Nyabakonjo. He ADR Allianceofpour la drum Démocratie et la ruled with the: symbol a royal known as Kamuhagama4. With part of Réconciliation BwanacyambweNationale under their possession, the descendants of Bwimba sought Extra-Coutumières to create an important kingdom. AEC : Agglomeration The increase : in the number of healthy animals inpour Rwanda AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la prompted prosperous herdsmen to expand in search of pastures. Libération du Congo-Zaïre After Ruganzu Bwimba, the Abanyiginya KingdomAct changed its AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity capital. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre ¾Buriza AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise The name of the country “Uburiza” (“bwa gasabo”) means the “elder brother: Armée of Gasabo”. Buriza enjoyed a privileged position ALIR de Libération du Rwanda both politically and culturally. It isArrêté here that the royal tombs AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel of Butangampundu were located. At that time, was part AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Buriza Rwanda of the dynasty which was represented by a king called Migina AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda who had a royal drum called Bushizimbeho. He was ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition killed by King Kigeri I Mukobanya. Buriza was among the political clan (Transitional National Assembly) entities of original Rwanda. Rwanda was principally inhabited APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien by the Abasinga clan, consisting of the Barenge, Abacyaba, and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Abongera. The Abongera were a dominant clan in the entire APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes region, i.e. a territory that comprised not only the whole of Buriza, but also part ofRwandais Bumbogo and Bwanacyambwe5. The Abongera APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes are considered to be one of the oldest clans in Rwanda. 3APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Many areas in Rwanda have names that begin with the phrase « bwana » which has a Masse relationship with « bene », that is the ‘descendants of…’ 4 Nyiligira, Th., Monographie du Renforcement Bwanacyambwe des origines ARD : Alliancehistorique pour le de la à 1930, B.A. dissertation in History, Ruhengeri , NUR, 1988 Démocratie 5 We can talk of Northern Ubwongera to oppose it to Southern Ubwongera bringing ARDHO : Association pourextending la Défense des together the region of Southern UburwiRwandaise of present-day Rwanda up to Busanza. DroitsIIde l’Homme During the time of Ruganzu Ndori, Southern Ubwongera was governed by Nyaruzi, son of Haramanga. Its capital was located at a place called “Mu mukindo wa Makwaza” AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement near the marshland valley of Akanyaru, south of the present district of Gisagara. Démocratique des Batwa 76 76 v ¾BusigiACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ Busigi6 was the area of the Abavubyi (rain makers). It comprised a small part of Rukiga. Apart from the mountainous area of A.A. : Archives Africaines Buhembe where the town of Byumba is located (present district A.G. : Assemblée Générale of Gicumbi), the rest of Rukiga was part of the “RwandaABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga neighboring countries”. Many works on the history of Rwanda ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la the mention the existence of a dynasty of ‘rain makers’pour called Abasigi – thoseSuppression who inhabiteddes theCastes area called Ubusigi. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Oral narrates Démocratique that it was King ADP tradition: Alliance desRuganzu PeuplesII Ndori of 5ZDQGDZKREHVWRZHGWKHÀUVWUDLQPDNHULQ5XNLJDWKHSRZHU ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la WRLQYRNHUDLQ7KHLQKDELWDQWVRI5XNLJDZHUHJUDWLÀHGE\WKLV Réconciliation Nationale honor. This contributed to the exceptional hospitality they AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières extended to the king. Often, the Abasigi declare that they belong AFDL : Forces that Démocratiques la to the AbasindiAlliance clan. It des is probable Nyamikenke,pour the most du Congo-Zaïre renowned of allLibération these clansmen, was given magical and religious AGOA : African Growth and Act powers to rule over the inhabitants ofOpportunity Busigi. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP x The powers of the Abasigi rain makers AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER de who la Jeunesse Estudiantine The Abavubyi: Association (rain makers) originated from the Abasigi Rwandaise family comprised a lineage of chiefs. The authority of the chief ALIR Armée dea Libération du Rwanda of the Abasigi: included moral obligation to defend the people AM/APhis jurisdiction : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté under and to ensure theirprésidentiel security. This was necessary because, for example, the act of grabbing cows from AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda a weak family was considered as an act of bravery. Raiders AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda were respected because, hitherto, personal de vendetta was an accepted ANT : Assemblée Nationale Transition practice. In this situation of permanent insecurity, isolateds (Transitional National Assembly) individual was easily stripped of their rights and deprived of APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien their herds and land by more powerful families. To avoid falling APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise victim to such acts, the parties involved would form blood pacts APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes with the strongest chief(s). Rwandais The Abanyaruko belonged des to Commerçants the lineage ofIndigènes Minyaruko’s APROCOMIN: Association descendants, of Nyamikenke Nyamikenke). APROSOMA :son Association pour la(Munyaruko Promotion ya Sociale de la This constituted the most powerful lineage in Busigi. Not all Masse Abasindi wielded magical andlereligious powers.deThis ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement la role was played by this particular lineage. The Busigi rain-makers did Démocratie not have an administrative body charged with respecting codes ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des and rules of government like those found in almost all other Droits de l’Homme 6 KAGBALI J. P.., L’évolution socio-politique du Rukiga de 1985 à 1945, B.A. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement dissertation in history. Ruhengeri NUR, 1988. Démocratique des Batwa 77 v 77 chieftaincies ACRONYMS in the Great AND LakesABBREVIATIONS Region. This is why Busigi was not a true kingdom, even if its chief refused to take ___________________________________ orders from .LQJ Nyinginya of Rwanda. In addition, Busigi citizens were :not obligedAfricaines to give gifts to the Abavubyi. Owing A.A. Archives to their religious and magical powers, the Abavubyi rainA.G. : Assemblée Générale makers were feared because they could put curses on crop ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga harvests. This fear prompted lineage chiefs to voluntarily give ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la parts of their crop harvests to the rain-makers. In cases of Suppression des Castes calamity, citizens from other regions converged to Busigi to ACR : des Cultivateurs du Rwanda seek blessings Association from the Abavubyi. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples x Critical thinkingpour la Démocratie et la ADR : Alliance Réconciliation Nationale Busigi was not a political entity of original Rwanda. Strictly AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières speaking, it was not a kingdom like Nduga, Gisaka or Ndorwa. A AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la OLQHDJHRIUDLQPDNHUVH[HUFLVHGUHOLJLRXVDQGPDJLFDOLQÁXHQFH Libération Congo-Zaïre on these people for a longdu time. This practice did not disturb AGOA : African Growth and the Nyiginya court. However, there isOpportunity no evidence Act to prove the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP existence of known rain-makers in original Rwanda. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre In effect, the deep genealogical structure of Busigi leaders was AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine considerably shorter in comparison with that of King of Rwandas. Rwandaise This has posed a serious problem insofar as some authors only ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda mention two Basigi chiefs from the time of King Ruganzu II Ndori. AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel In the following table,ministériel/ a comparison of genealogies of kings of AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda two territorial entities is given, i.e. Rwanda and Busigi. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 78 78 v Table 3: The ACRONYMS kings of Rwanda Busigi ANDand ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ Abami (kings) Nyiginya Abavubyi of Busigi A.A. : Archives Africaines History According to J. P. A. Pagès According to A.:Kagame A.G. Assemblée Générale and Kagubali A. Kagame ABAKI : Alliance1. des Bakiga1.chronology Nyagasongo I 1.Nyamikenke Nyamikenke Nyamikenke 1. Ruganzu Ndori Nyamikennke I 2. Nzarubara 2. Minyaruko ABESC des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Minyaruko (1510-1543) : Association 2. Minyaruko Mudahimurwa 3.Minyaruko 3. Mudahimurwa 2. Mutara Semugeshi Suppression des Castes Gacoco Nyamikenke II (1543-1576) : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ACR Nzarubara Nyagasongo II 3. K i g e r i ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Mpungirehe Nyamuheshera ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la (1576-1609) Réconciliation Nationale 4. Mibambwe Gisanura AEC (1609-1642) : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 5. Yuhi Muzimpaka AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la (1642-1675) Libération du Congo-Zaïre 6. Cyirima Rujugira AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act (1675-1708) $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7. Kigeri Ndabarasa AIMO (1708-1741) : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 8. Mibambwe Sentabyo (1741-1746) Rwandaise 9. Yuhi Gahindiro ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda (1746-?) AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 10.Mutara Rwogera AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ((?- 1853) AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 11.Kigeri Rwabugiri ANT (1853-1895) : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 12.Yuhi Musinga(Transitional National Assembly) (1897-1931) : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APADEC 13.Mutara Rudahigwa APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise (1931-1959) APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Source: Data compiled Rwandaisby the authors indicated in the table APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Different versions of Rwandan tradition relate that King APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Nyamikenke I was a contemporary of King Ruganzu II Ndori. In addition, King Masse Nyagasongo II Mpungirehe lived under the reign ARD : Alliance pour le Therefore, Renforcement de la of King Mutara III Rudahigwa. Nyiginya kings ruled Démocratie for almost twelve generations whereas the Abasigi rain-makers RQO\ UXOHG IRU ÀYH JHQHUDWLRQV 7KLV GLVFUHSDQF\ LV GXH WR WKH ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des fact that King Droits Ruganzu II Ndori was certainly a historic king de l’Homme whose deeds were weaved in pour legends. He was one of the reference AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement people responsible for the creation of several institutions. The Démocratique des Batwa 79 v 79 inevitable conclusion is that AND the traditions of the Abasigi consider ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS their ancestors to have been contemporaries of the famous King ___________________________________ Ruganzu II Ndori. The mere association of a person with King Ruganzu II Ndori would Africaines confer upon that person some kind of A.A. : Archives extraordinary character, associated with Imandwa spirits whose A.G. : Assemblée Générale chief was called Lyangombe. In this tradition, Lyangombe is ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga presented as a contemporary of King Ruganzu II Ndori. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ¾Busarasi ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Busarasi was: Alliance governedDémocratique by Sambwe, son Cyabugimbu. It ADP des of Peuples covered many hills which crossed the former ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lacommunes of Tare and Shyongi. Whereas the region covering the former Réconciliation Nationale communes of Musasa and Rushashi was known under the name AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières of Gitindagasani, Busarasi is the former name for Bumbogo. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 'LIIHUHQWVRXUFHVRI5ZDQGHVHWUDGLWLRQDIÀUPWKDW%XPERJRZDV Congo-Zaïre not of the sameLibération size as the du province with the same name during AGOA : African Growth the Belgian colonial rule, whichand was Opportunity conquered byAct Mukobanya ZKR EHFDPH$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP .LJHUL , ´+H ÀQDOO\ DWWDFNHG 6DPEZH VRQ RI $,'6 Cyabugimbu, whose territory, U Busarasi, probably extended AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre to the boundaries of the former ProvinceEstudiantine of Bumbogo minus AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Mountain Nyamweru (which was later added to it by the colonial Rwandaise administration) and less the localities of Shyorongi Kanyinya, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda which surely belonged to Mugina dynasty, since his descendants AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel lived in Shyorongi, which was theirArrêté capital. They later became AMR as the: Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda known ancient dynasty that commanded the esoteric AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda FRGH6DPEZHSHULVKHGGXULQJWKLVFRQÁLFWDQGKLVVXFFHVVRU Prince was the half brother ofde Prince Mukobanya” ANT Karimbi, : Assemblée Nationale Transition (Transitional National Assembly) It is not currently possible to know exactly when the name Bumbogo7 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien came into use. The fact remains that, before the conquest of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Nyinginya, this region was dominated by the Abega, hailing from APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the Abaswere lineage. It seems that they did not resist the advance Rwandais of the Abanyiginya. However, they retained their traditional role APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènesroyal of organizing the harvest feast (umuganura), an important APROSOMA Association pourThere la Promotion de plants la ceremony for :the Nyinga clan. were fourSociale principal (imbuto nkuru) Masse used during this ceremony at the Rwandan royal court: sorghum, isogi, pumpkin and millet.de Alllathese foods ARD : Alliance pour le(inzuzi), Renforcement were produced Démocratie in Bumbogo. Apparently, it was at the beginning of the nineteenth century that Bumbogo got dominated by the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Abatsobe who, together with Abega Baswere, used to help kings Droitsofde with the organization thel’Homme national harvest ceremony. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 7 Kagame, A. 1972, op cit pp. 65-66. Démocratique des Batwa 80 80 v The capital of ACRONYMS the Abega–Baswere was Huro and these exercised AND ABBREVIATIONS the function of___________________________________ king “Abami b’I Bumbogo or abami b’ umuganura”. Huro was a stable capital made of several huts, especially made for The Africaines king collaborated closely with family A.A.royal courtiers. : Archives chiefs, who paid dues to the king from their harvests. The A.G. : Assemblée Générale dynastic drum of the Abega from Bumbogo was called ABAKI Alliance Bakiga Karihejuru. It: had three des dynastic names: Nyamurasa, Musana, 8 Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ABESC : and Mumbogo . The king of Bumbogo used to announce the Suppression des Castes name of his successor to secret custodians of his kingdom (Abiru); succession was always secret. The king was ACR : Association des kept Cultivateurs dunew Rwanda enthroned with his mother during nighttime festivities. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 3.2. ExpansionRéconciliation of Rwanda Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières According to tradition, Rwanda was an immense country whose AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques la to borders were limited only byForces the sky. This shows thepour extent Libération Congo-Zaïre which the idea of expansiondu was conceived in Rwandan tradition. AGOA : African Growth andaggrandizement Opportunity Act It was under the spirit of territorial that several territorial gains were made. The annexed territory included: $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Gisaka, Nduga, Bukunzi Busozo, Bunyambiriri, Bwanamukari, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Burwi, Bugoyi, Bufumbira, Mubali, Bugesera, Ndurwa, Bwishya, AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Busigi, Bufundu, and Buyenzi. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 3.2.1. Rwanda versus Gisaka: Ruganzu Bwimba and Robwa AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda When the reign of King des Ruganzu I Bwimba began, Rwanda AMUR : Association au Rwanda had its capital at Gasabo des Hill,Musulmans located at the southwestern point Muhazi. AtNationale this time, de theTransition king was still young. ANT of Lake : Assemblée He therefore governed Rwanda underAssembly) the system of regency (Transitional National whereby his mother, Nyiraruganzu Nyakanga, who belonged to APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the Abasinga clan, made all decisions. In discharging her duties, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the Queen Mother was helped by her cousin Nkurukumbi, son of APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Nyebunga. Among other important personalities in court service were the greatRwandais trustees of the esoteric code (Abiru), such as APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Nyaruhungura (from the Abatsobe clan), CyengeIndigènes (Abanyiginya APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de laand clan of Abakobwa lineage), Gitandura (Abasindi clan), 9 Mukubu (Abaha clan) . Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la King Bwimba had a younger brother, and he had a sister who Démocratie had attained the age of marriage. Her name was Robwa. His ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 8 l’Homme The last Mwami ofDroits Bumbogode Nyamurasa IV Kabano. He was enthroned in 1925 and deported to Kinyaga in 1928 by the Belgian administration. AREDETWA : Association pourcolonial le Relèvement 9 Kagame, A., 1972, op. cit. , p. 57. Démocratique des Batwa 81 v 81 young wife was called Nyakiyaga. She hailed from the Abega ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS clan. The Rwandese tradition relates the heroic death of King ___________________________________ Ruganzu I Bwimba and his sister Robwa who were regarded as liberators of the kingdom.Africaines A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale At that time, two powerful kingdoms were rising next to the ABAKI of Rwanda. : Alliance dessouth Bakiga Kingdom In the was Bugesera Kingdom, which ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la was ruled by Nsoro Bihembe. In the eastEvoluant was Gisaka Kingdom des Castes under the reignSuppression of Kimenyi I Musaya. The Monarchy of Bugesera ACR : Association desthe Cultivateurs du Rwanda enjoyed friendly relations with Rwandan royal court. On the other Musaya wanteddes to annex the territory ADP hand, : Kimenyi AllianceI Démocratique Peuples of the Abanyiginya, and, to this effect, he asked ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Rubwa for marriage because the diviners had predicted that this marriage Réconciliation Nationale would produce Rwanda’s future conqueror. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Démocratiques pour la of When RuganzuAlliance Bwimbades andForces his advisors heard the plans Libération du Congo-Zaïre the king of Gisaka, they opposed this marriage. However, the AGOA Mother : African Opportunity Queen and theGrowth her sonand Nkurukumbi wereAct in favor of this hoping that it would establish a useful alliance $,'6marriage, $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP to the country. Their Indigènes idea prevailed, and Kimenyi I Musaya AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre married Nonetheless, concluding the marriage AJER Robwa. : Association de labefore Jeunesse Estudiantine pact, King Ruganzu Bwimba informed his sister about the Rwandaise situation and Rubwa promised that she would not let Kimenyi ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda produce for her an evil son. Sometime later, she announced to AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel her brother that she was pregnantArrêté and that she was going to AMR suicide : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda commit before givingdes birth to the child. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The court decided to identify another person to be ANTRwandan:royal Assemblée Nationale de Transition VDFULÀFHGZLWK5REZD7KHRUDFOHVSRLQWHGWR1NXUXNXPELZKR (Transitional National Assembly) ZDVWREHVDFULÀFHGLQWKHEDWWOHÀHOG+RZHYHUKHUHIXVHGWREH APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien VDFULÀFHG7KHQWKHRUDFOHLGHQWLÀHGWKHNLQJKLPVHOI%XWEHIRUH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKHNLQJPDGHWKHGHFLVLRQWREHVDFULÀFHGKHPDGHDGHFUHHWKDW APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes from that time onwards, the Abasinga clan should never produce Queen MothersRwandais as punishment for Nkurukumbi’s refusal to spill APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes blood for the sake of the kingdom. In the meantime, Nyakiyaga, APROSOMA pour Sociale la the wife of the: Association king, gave birth tola a Promotion son who was nameddeRugwe. Gitandura transmitted Masse this news to the king. Because of this, Gitandura and his descendants were accorded de thelaprivilege of ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement naming royal children before the monarch did so. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Since Rugwe was still young, the king could not back out of Droits l’Homme his decision. He askedde Cyenge to be in charge of the court until AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement such a time when his son Rugwe would be in a position to Démocratique des Batwa 82 82 v rule. After making these arrangements, Ruganzu declared war ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS with Gisaka and was killed during the battle of Nkungu near ___________________________________ Munyaga. A messenger announced the sad news to princess Robwa. Kimenyi I Musaya handed the Rukurura Royal Drum to A.A. : Archives Africaines Robwa, declaring her the future Queen Mother in consolation A.G. : Assemblée Générale for losing her brother. But Robwa hastened towards the drum ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga and committed suicide with the child she was carrying. Due ABESC : Association des Bahutuher Evoluant pour la and to this act, Rwandan tradition regards as a great hero liberator of theSuppression kingdom like des her Castes brother Ruganzu Bwimba. Up ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda WRQRZWKHUHLVQRLQIRUPDWLRQWRFRQÀUPWKLVQDUUDWLYHZKLFK praises demonstrated in Nyiginya kingdom. ADP the bravery : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 3.2.2. Conquest and occupation of Nduga: a new center Réconciliation Nationale power in Rwanda’s expansion AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour lathe This section will be presented under four major phases: Libération Congo-Zaïre expansion under Cyirima du Rugwe’s regime, the invasion of the AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Abanyoro during the reign of and Kigeri Mukobanya,Act the second invasion Abanyoro and their panic under Mibambwe $,'6 of the $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Sekarongoro Mutabazi, the occupation of Nduga by Rwanda. AIMO : Affaires and Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine a. Expansion under Cyirima Rugwe Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda The original kingdom of Rwanda was composed of Mageragere AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel Nyamweru mountains, which, up Arrêté to that time, formed the AMR of Bugesera, : Association Moniteurs du Nsoro Rwanda enclave ceded des “willingly by King Bihembe, 10 AMUR desRugwe, Musulmans au Rwanda of Bugesera.”: Association King Cyilima seconded by his son Mukobanya, put an end toNationale Rwanda’sde “ confederation ANT : Assemblée Transition system,” composed of the entities maintioned above. He replaced the (Transitional National Assembly) kings of the entities with dismissible chiefs. Chrétien However, an APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate exception was made when it came to the area of the Busigi APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise rain-makers. Lastly, it is said that with the assistance of APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Mukobanya, King Cyirima Rugwe crossed River Nyabarongo and undertookRwandais to conquer territories located to north of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Nduga Kingdom, i.e. Bushegeshi (which later became Uruyenzi APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale(known de la as in the current District of pour Kamonyi), Bunyagitunda Gishubi and Masse later as Rukoma during the Belgian colonial rule), and Bunyatwa (which later Burembo ARD : Alliance pour became le Renforcement de laas well as the surrounding areas constituting the entire Ndiza during the Démocratie Belgian colonial rule). At that time, Ngoga son of Mashira led a ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des number of expeditions against Rwanda, to the east of Nyabarngo. Droits occupied de l’Homme The King of Nduga Nyakabanda for some time, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 10 Kagame A. 1972 op. cit. p. 257. Démocratique des Batwa 83 v 83 which is located in the current district of Nyarugenge, and ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 11 he took his cows to drink in Mihima. ___________________________________ of the Abanyoro and Kigeri A.A.b. First invasion : Archives Africaines A.G. Générale WKH ÀUVW LQYDVLRQ RI WKH $FFRUGLQJ WR: Assemblée 5ZDQGHVH WUDGLWLRQ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Abanyoro took place under the rule of Kigeri Mukobanya; ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour 12la. The these invaders were descendants of Cwa, Evoluant king of Bunyoro invasion of theSuppression Abanyoro wasdes terrible, scaring, and disastrous. Castes This event was always narrated by several such as ACR : Association des Cultivateurssources, du Rwanda dynastic poetry and historical narratives. There were magical ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ceremonies intended to ward off disaster. A memorial tree called ADR : Alliance pour la et la was planted Umuganzacyaro (the triumph on Démocratie a foreign country) Réconciliation on the site of victory during theNationale counter-attack mounted along AECRunda mountains : Agglomeration the in the Extra-Coutumières present district of Kamonyi. The invasion Abanyorodes is an uncontestable reality because AFDL of the: Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour lathe Abanyoro lineages have of recent been noticed in Indara, not far Libération du Congo-Zaïre from Butare, and Buringa, in the current district of Muhanga. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 c. Second$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP invasion of the Abanyoro under Mibambwe AIMO Sekarongoro : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Mutabazi AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine To the west of Nyabarongo, Rwandaise Mibambwe Sekarongoro Mutabazi is said to have conquered part of the kingdom of Nduga, ruled at ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda that time by Mashira, son of Nkuba, son of Sabugabo, hailing AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ from the Ababanda dynasty. But Arrêté Nduga présidentiel quickly regained her AMR : Association Moniteurs independence. During the des second invasionduofRwanda the Abanyoro, Mibambwe Mutabazi was forced to escape. But, while Mibambwe AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Mutabazi was: on the run toNationale Kinyaga, Kimenyi Shumbusho, king ANT Assemblée de Transition of Gisaka, likely(Transitional annexed Buganza and Bwanacyambwe. National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien d. Actual occupation of Nduga APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise The actual occupation was achieved when Mibambwe Mutabazi APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes returned from exile. Using his troops and allies (especially the Rwandais Abasinga), he assassinated Mashira and exterminated many APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes of his family members. The event took place in Nyanza, in the APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de present district of Nyanza. Several families of the Ababandalawere forced to leaveMasse Nduga to seek refuge in Burundi. Those who remained organized a ferocious which de lasted ARD : Alliance pour leresistance Renforcement la for three 11 Démocratie ,ELGS7KHRI¿FLDOWUDGLWLRQGLVPLVVHGWKLVIDFWWRZKLFK.DJDPH$PDNHVDUHIHUHQFH as follows : “on her :part, Ndunga sent without any doubt expeditions Rwanda.des Those ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour laagainst Défense which have been conserved went very far to the extent of reaching the eastern part of Droits decommand l’Homme Nyabarongo which was under the of Prince Ngiga son of Mashira” (ibid.p.76). 12 “Abenecwa “: A:term designating thepour Abanyoro (cf. poèmes dynastiques / Collection AREDETWA Association le Relèvement de Jan Vansina, not edited). Démocratique des Batwa 84 84 v centuries. Meanwhile King AND Yuhi ABBREVIATIONS Mazimpaka incorporated the ACRONYMS resisters in what came to be known as the ‘war training’ of the ___________________________________ 13 Ababanda (“Umutwe w’ Ababanda”), under the responsibility of his son Prince Nyarwaya Karuretwa. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. King Mibambwe : Assemblée Générale Mutabazi was nicknamed Hence, Sekarongoro ABAKI :owing Alliance des Bakiga “Nkovimbere” to his facial scar that was caused by arrows ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la shot by the Abanyoro during the battle of Musave.pour Ultimately, King Mibambwe annexed Nduga, where several Nyiginya kings Suppression des Castes established their residences. From that point, most war conquests ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda and expeditions started from Nduga. The loss of Buganza and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Bwanacyambwe, as well as the uncontested power of Gisaka ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie la Abanyiginya to the east and Ndorwa to the north, forcedetthe Réconciliation Nationale dynasty to establish its political capital west of Nyabarongo (current Southern Province), in Extra-Coutumières the current district of Kamonyi AEC : Agglomeration and See Map des 6 below: AFDLRuhango. : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Map 6: Original map of Rwanda (Gasabo) and neighboring AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act “countries” (14th Century) $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie Source : LUGAN B., Histoire du Rwanda : De la préhistoire ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des à nos jours, Paris, Bartillat, 1997, p.84. Droits de l’Homme 13 A person called Rubuguza member pour of the Ababanda militia. Under Cyirima AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement Rujugira, he was considered as “liberator”of Rwanda from Gisaka. Démocratique des Batwa 85 v 85 3.2.3. Major ACRONYMS political crisis: Yuhi Gahima and Ndahiro AND ABBREVIATIONS Cyamatare ___________________________________ a Yuhi GahimaAfricaines A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale King Mibambwe Sekarongoro Mutabazi was succeeded by King ABAKI Bakiga Yuhi Gahima.: Alliance When thedes latter died, he was buried in Kayenzi, ABESC : Association des poura la located in the present Northern Bahutu Province.Evoluant Kayenzi was place des Castes for royal tombsSuppression of monarchs bearing the name of Yuhi. The royal ACR was known : Association desII.Cultivateurs Rwanda drum as Kibanza Among his du many sons was Juru, hailing from the family title of Abenejuru ADP an ancestor : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples and Bamara, the father of Byinshi. This was ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etthe la ancestry title for the large family of the Abanyabyinshi, Réconciliation Nationale which was the most illustrious family among the Banyamulenge. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la a. Death of Yuhi Gahima andDémocratiques war of succession Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KHRIÀFLDO5ZDQGDVHWUDGLWLRQDIÀUPVWKDWZKHQ.LQJ<XKL $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Gahima died, an opposition party against his successor AIMO Cyamatare : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre Ndahiro wasIndigènes formed14. Among the principal members AJER de laBamara, Jeunesseboth Estudiantine of this party: Association were Juru and of whom were Rwandaise sons of Yuhi Gahima. However, their brothers Binama, Gacu, and remained faithful to du Ndahiro Cyamatare, who ALIRKarangana : Armée de Libération Rwanda was considered by the opposition as the one who had usurped AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel power. took up des arms in a battle saw Juru AMR Cyamatare : Association Moniteurs duwhich Rwanda killed.15 Bamara made claims to succeed his brother Juru. He AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ruled East of Nyabarongo16. When he died, he was succeeded by ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition his son Byinshi. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien b. Death Ndahiro Cyamatare APR : of Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes During the internecine wars and struggles, Nsibura Nyebunga, Rwandais the Petty King of Idjwi Island, collaborated with Nzira, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes son of Muramira and king of Bugara, to attack Ndahiro APROSOMA Association pourformer la Promotion de la (in Cyamatare at: Gitarama in the region Sociale of Cyingogo Masse Province ). Ndahiro was hurt in the valley. the present Western ARD : Alliance pourtolebe Renforcement de la (place of Henceforth, the valley came known as Irasaniro combat). He crossed Kibilira stream and mixed his blood with Démocratie ARDHO : Association 14 Kagame, A. , 1972, op. cit., p.87. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 15 Droits dename l’Homme Juru is the ancestor of the title of Abenejuru . They were not many in number but were well known. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 16 Kagame, A.1972, op. cit., p.88. Démocratique des Batwa 86 86 v the waters of ACRONYMS that stream. In commemoration of this event, no AND ABBREVIATIONS Rwandan monarch could cross Kibilira; they were supposed to ___________________________________ go upstream to bypass its source. This tradition was especially observed by Kigeri Rwabugiri, Mibambwe Rutarindwa, and even A.A. : Archives Africaines by Yuhi Musinga in 1929 during the visit of Prince Léopord A.G. : Assemblée Générale of Belgium to Rwanda. The Rugarama mountainous region ABAKICyamatare : Alliance des Bakiga where was massacred by the warriors of Bugara was ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant henceforth called “Rubi rw’i Nyundo” (Nyundo sad pour news).laThis Suppression desthe Castes tragic event was associated with following events: ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The killing of Queen Mother Nyirandahiro Nyirangabo and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples of the Cyamatare women. These events took ADR the death : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la place at the same location. The place was since named Réconciliation Nationale Mu Miko y’abakobwa (Erythrins of noble ladies); AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des of Forces Démocratiques pour la at - The commemoration this calamity, which occurred 17 the beginning of a du newCongo-Zaïre moon in June, was marked by Libération organizing a national mourning event (Icyunamo) AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act of two in the lunar months of April and May (Gicurasi) $,'6 weeks $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP before the celebration of the feast of new rains ( AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Umuganura); AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine - The lossRwandaise of the Rwoga drum, a symbol of royal power and The drum was stolen du by Nsibura; ALIR prestige. : Armée de Libération Rwanda18 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel - The recovery of the Cyimumugizi Royal Drum by Gitandura. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda It was found in a cave located at “mu Rutaka,” in the AMURcurrent: Association des Musulmans au Rwanda district of Muhanga. Gitandura is the ancestral ANT title of :Abasindi Assemblée Nationale de Transition Abatandura, which was given to Bihubi. (Transitional National Assembly) According to this tradition, Abasindi Abatandura imposed APADEC : Association du Parti Chrétien his names on the children of Démocrate Yuhi Musinga; APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise - The unprecedented calamities which took place after the APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes disaster of Rubi rw’ I des Nyundo: famine, epidemics, animal Rwandais diseases, hatred, and frequent murders. Due to these tragic events, there was for a savior Indigènes – a king who APROCOMIN: Association desneed Commerçants ZRXOG XVKHU LQ D QHZ HUD .LQJ 5XJDQ]X 1GRUL IXOÀOOHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la this duty. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 17 Kagame, A. op. cit. p. 91. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 18 Ibid. Démocratique des Batwa 87 v 87 3.2.4. Restoration and consolidation of the monarchy ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ a. Ruganzu Ndori A.A. : Archives Africaines ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Undeniably, King Ruganzu Ndori was the most famous king in A.G. : Assemblée Générale the lineage of the Abanyiginya. His popularity gave him a status ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga that was legendary in character. At the same time, he was a true ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pouramong la creator and organizer of institutions, qualities which, Suppression des Castes other things, deeply characterized the history of Rwanda under ACRregime. The : Association des Cultivateurs his literary narratives dedicated todu hisRwanda rule recount 19 his achievementsdes . Peuples ADPnumerous: marvels Allianceand Démocratique ¾Who was Ndori? Réconciliation Nationale According to tradition, Ndori was the son of King Ndahiro AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pour lathe Cyamatare. Cyamatare wasForces preoccupied with ensuring Libération dufuture Congo-Zaïre security of his son Ndori, his successor. He therefore took AGOAto his paternal : Africanaunt Growth and Opportunity Ndori Nyabunyana, the wife Act of Karemera Ndagara Karagwe. After the king’s death, Nsibura Nyebunga $,'6 king of $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP sent a messenger by the Indigènes name of Kavuna. The announcer crossed AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre the country and invited major who were supporting AJER : Association depersonalities, la Jeunesse Estudiantine Ndori, to organize for his return. The slogan used for the return Rwandaise of the prince was, “Sindushye ndashonje , mumnfungurire njye ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda kubandura Ndori ya Ndahiro” (I am not tired but I am hungry, AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel give me something to ministériel/ eat and drinkArrêté so that I can remove Ndori AMR : Association des place). Moniteurs du Rwanda son of Ndahiro from his hiding The messenger set out for AMUR where : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Karagwe, he alerted Ndori about the disastrous situation prevailing in :Rwanda.. ThisNationale is how Ndori returned to Rwanda, ANT Assemblée de Transition escorted under (Transitional utmost secrecy. National Assembly) Karemera Ndagara, the King of Karagwe, requested Ndori as a APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise souvenir in exchange for his protection. Karemera’s dynastic APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes name was henceforth adopted in Rwanda in the lineage of Rwandais Banyiginya. This name was given to Rwaka, the son and APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes successor of Yuhi Mazimpaka.des Owing to this protection, Rwandan APROSOMA : Association pourKaragwe la Promotion Sociale de la 20. monarchs avoided war against as much as possible However, the promise Masse that Rwanda would never attack Karagwe was short-lived; there was warlebetween Karagwe ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement deand la Rwanda 21 during the reign of Gahindiro . Démocratie ARDHO : Association Kagame, A. 1972, op. cit. p. 93. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 20 de l’Homme Kagame, A. 1972 Droits op. cit., p.94-99 21 Katoke, J. K., The Karagwe Kingdom: a history of Abanyambo of North western AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Tanzania. C.1400- 1915, Nairobi, 1975 Démocratique des Batwa 19 88 88 v ¾Ruganzu Ndori’s achievements ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ Ndori is remembered in Rwandan tradition for having restored the monarchy. He is said to have come from the northeastern A.A. : Archives Africaines part of Rwanda. He spent some time at Gatsibo and Busigi A.G. he is said : Assemblée Générale the Karinga dynastic drum where to have inaugurated ABAKI : Alliance“Mukiga”. des Bakiga frequently nicknamed In the dynastic poetry (ibisigo), ABESC Association desfrom Bahutu Evoluant pour la on it is said that:this drum came Rukiga. Ndori embarked a broad set of activities: Suppression des Castes ACRx After the : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda acquisition of the Karinga dynastic drum, King ADP Ruganzu : Alliance Démocratique Peuples Ndori defeated Byinshi des son of Bamara;22 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la x He conquered Nduga,Nationale including Rukoma, Muyaga, Réconciliation Kabagari, and Marangara. King Ruganzu Ndori made AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières several conquests in Nyundo, Bunyogombe at lathe AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour periphery of Ruhango town; Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act x He organized the army by creating a shock battalion made $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP of Ibisumuzi Militia under et theMain-d’oeuvre command of Muvunyi, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes son of Karema; AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise x He introduced a new drum emblem called Nangamadumbu ALIR (I have: rebellions). Armée de Libération du Rwanda It was sounded in Rwoga but was later AM/APstolen :by Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Nsiburanye Nyebunga. Ndori is remembered for AMR having: introduced Associationtwo desroyal Moniteurs Rwanda drums, du namely Karihejuru and Bariba. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition In addition to the above achievements, Ruganzu Ndori also: (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien x Attacked Bunyabungo (Bushi) as an act of revenge APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise against Nsibura. He occupied the eastern bank of Lake APROBAMI : Association des conquered Partis Monarchistes Kivu up to Rusizi and Ijwi Island. Tradition has Rwandais it that under King Ruganzu Ndori, Bunyabungo was Association attacked anddes ravaged on several Indigènes occasions; APROCOMIN: Commerçants APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la x Attacked Bugara under Nzira, son of Muramira, who had Masse succeeded Nsibura after the death of Ndahiro ARD : Alliance Cyamatare; pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie x Undertook military expeditions of la conquest the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour Défenseatdes expense of the neighboring native provinces. Thus, he Droits de l’Homme annexed Bunyambiriri, petty-king GisurereAREDETWA : Association pour lewhose Relèvement 22 Vansina, J., 2001, op. cit., p. 67. Démocratique des Batwa 89 v 89 A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Suti (Suti ya Banega) living in Kaduha, was killed. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS He ___________________________________ subdued Bwanamukari by killing his notables who included: Nyakarashi (residing in Zivu in the current districtAfricaines of Gisagara), Mpandahande who lived : Archives in Ruhande (present district of Huye), Nyaruzi, son : Assemblée Générale of Haramanga, and petty-king Burwi. Nyaruzi was des Bakiga the: Alliance last chief representing the Abarenge clan; his : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la territory was annexed by Rwanda; Suppression des Castes x Conquered the regions of Bugoyi, Byahi, Bwishya and : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda then Bufumbira – the territory near volcanoes and : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples beyond. : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Ruganzu enjoyed friendly relations with Rwagitare, king of Réconciliation Nationale Bugesera. This kingdom extended west, up to the neighborhood AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières of Ngozi. Tradition also narrates that the southern border was AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la it partly demarcated by Rubyironza. InDémocratiques the south-eastern part, Libération duIt Congo-Zaïre was demarcated by Ruvubu. should be noted that the kingdom of Burundi progressively changed the posts of Act this border, AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity extending it towards the north. Rwagitare, once at war with $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Ntare of Burundi, called et on Main-d’oeuvre Ruganzu for support and AIMO Kibogora : Affaires Indigènes help. The Ibisumizi dashed to Burundi to Estudiantine make war. Ntare II’s AJER : Association de la Jeunesse warriors were beaten and defeated by this coalition. Later, two Rwandaise institutions were put in place to act as pillars of his authority ALIR : Armée de Libération du and Rwanda in King Ruganzu’s kingdom: the Itorero Ubuhake23. ACR ADP ADR AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des IMoniteurs du(1648) Rwanda b. Rwanda under King Mutara Semugeshi AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda According to :the esoteric code, Mutara was a single child of ANT Assemblée Nationale de ITransition King Ruganzu (Transitional II Ndori. As prince, his name was Bicuba. It is National Assembly) not well known how this king acceded to the throne, but he is APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien remembered for annexing the state of Abenengwe to Rwanda. At APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise that time, the annexed territory comprised Bungwe, Bufundu, APROBAMI : Association and some parts of Busanza.des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants(1672) Indigènes c. Rwanda under King Kigeri des II Nyamuheshera APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la King Kigeri II Nyamuheshera was known to be a great warrior Masse who professional army called “Inkingi” or ARD fought alongside : Allianceapour le Renforcement de la “the pillars”. He used this army to annex Bukunzi, Busozo and Démocratie Kinyanga. When Ndorwa was defeated, Bwanacyambwe was ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des ceded back to Rwanda. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 23 Vansina, J., 2001 op. cit., p. 66. Démocratique des Batwa 90 90 v d. Rwanda ACRONYMS under KingAND Mibambwe II Sekarongoro ABBREVIATIONS Gisanura (1696) ___________________________________ II King Gisanura never annexed any territory. A.A. Mibambwe : Archives Africaines However, he is famous for his generosity; he was nicknamed A.G. : Assemblée Générale “Rugabishabirenge” (one who makes donation even with his feet). ABAKI Bakiga He donated to: Alliance the poor, des the under-privileged, and the deprived. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourrock la or He was an upright man (cf. a history of the Kamegeri Suppression Urutare rwa Kamegeri and des the Castes saying that “justice done at ACR : Association des Cultivateurs dujudgment”). Rwanda Mutakara,” his residence, which meant “perfect ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 3.2.5. expansion: King Cyirima ADR The great : Alliance pour lafrom Démocratie et la Rujugira to King Kigeri Rwabugiri Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières a. King Cyirima Rujugira AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre King Cyirima Rujugira dominated the eighteenth century. This AGOA African Growth Opportunity was a result : of his ritual andand military reforms, Act his wars of conquest, and$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP his longevity. However, he proved to be “a rather $,'6 24 dull administrator.” $FFRUGLQJ WUDGLWLRQ 5XMXJLUD AIMO : Affaires IndigènesWR etRIÀFLDO Main-d’oeuvre was son of Yuhi Mazimpaka. is reported to have escaped AJER : Association de laHe Jeunesse Estudiantine towards Gisaka to evade death; his father wanted to kill him Rwandaise following bouts of insanity, and he killed many people. On his ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda return, he succeeded his half brother, Karemera Rwaka, with the AM/AP title :ofArrêté Arrêté présidentiel ancestry Abakaministériel/ lineage. Rujugira imposed his legitimacy AMR to the :ideologues Association Moniteurs thanks whodes supported him.du HeRwanda defeated Abaka AMUR : Association des Musulmans au to Rwanda and discredited them, although they continued assert their LQÁXHQFH²PRVWQRWDEO\GXULQJ5ZDQGD·VZDUVRIFRQTXHVW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) King Cyirima Rujugira was du a famous military king. His reign, APADEC : Association Parti Démocrate Chrétien like that of his son Ndabarasa, was characterized by long APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise PLOLWDU\ FDPSDLJQV 7KH ÀUVW SDUW RI .LQJ 5XMXJLUD·V UXOH VDZ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes a prolonged war between Burundi and Rwanda. It was during Rwandaisson, Gihana, died. In Rwanda, Rujugira this war that Rujugura’s APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes came to be known as “Umutabazi,” meaning ‘liberator’. During APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la the fourth campaign against Burundi, King Mutaga of de Burundi 25 died at NkandaMasse in Buyenzi . ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Rujugira’s army, which conducted the fourth campaign against Démocratie Burundi, was composed of a group of renegade soldiers from ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Gisaka. King Cyirima Rujugira acceded to the Nyiginya throne Droits de l’Homme 24 Ibid p.129. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 25 Vansina, J., 2001 op. cit. p.150- 151. Démocratique des Batwa 91 v 91 with fatal poisoned arrows AND known as “Ubusherwe”. He created ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS marching camps (ingerero) as an innovation in strategic military ___________________________________ planning. This helped to protect and expand the kingdom of Rwanda. It was at this time that King Rujugira decided to equip A.A. : Archives Africaines the border territory with military administration and training. He A.G. : Assemblée Générale divided the region into several units and put military regiments ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga in charge of :these regions. He introduced defensive military ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la camps to prevent new invasions26 . Suppression des Castes ACRcamps mentioned : Association Cultivateurs du strategy Rwandawhile The belowdes operated a defensive ÀJKWLQJDJDLQVW%XUXQGL7KH\ZHUHVWUDWHJLFDOO\FUHDWHGDORQJ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples River Akanyaru, which pour separates Rwanda from Burundi. They ADR : Alliance la Démocratie et la were: Réconciliation Nationale 1. Mututu military camp (Muyira): formed by Abarima of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Prince Gihana, son of Rujugira. They were stationed AFDL opposite : Alliance desofForces pour la the border presentDémocratiques Bugesera27. Libération du Congo-Zaïre 2. Gakoma military camp (Muyaga): formed by Ababanda AGOA under :the African Growth and Opportunity Act command of Prince Nyarwaya Karuretwa, son $,'6 of Yuhi$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Mazimpaka (who was called Gakoma k’Akabanda) AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 3. Buhanga-Ndara military camp: It was located at AJER Kararambogo : Association de laby Jeunesse Estudiantine and formed Indara, of Chief Rwasamanzi, Rwandaise son of Mukungu (son of Yuhi Mpazimpaka) ALIR : Armée decamp: Libération duatRwanda 4. Imvejuru military located Nyaruhengeri/ Save: of Chief Byavu AM/APImvejuru : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 5. Nyakare military camp (kigembe): formed by Inyakare of Chief Nkoko, who belonged to Abashingo family AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 6. Bashumba military camp (Nyakizu): formed by Abashumba ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition of Prince(Transitional Kimanuka (ancestry for the Abamanuka), Nationaltitle Assembly) son of Kigeri Ndabarasa APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 7. Nyaruguru military camp: APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis x Inyaruguru military campMonarchistes of Prince Rwahame of Gako; Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants x Indirira militarydes camp (those whoIndigènes went to war APROSOMA :under Association pour la Promotion Sociale deson la of the command of Prince Mukwiye, Yuhi Mazimpaka of Runyinya near Kinyovu; Masse ARD : Alliance pourmilitary le Renforcement de Rubona, la x Abadahemuka camp of Chief son ofDémocratie Rusimbi, who lived near Giseke. Rubona died as ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des a liberator in Bunyenzi. Droits de l’Homme 26 Ibid. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 27 Kagame, A. 1972 op. Cit. p.137-139. Démocratique des Batwa 92 92 v Apart from these military camps against Burundi, there were ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS others that deserve mention, such as: ___________________________________ x The Munyaga military campWKLVZDVLQWHQGHGWRÀJKW A.A. : Archives against Gisaka Africaines A.G. the war : Assemblée Générale When with Burundi was over, King Cyirima Rujugira ABAKI to attack : Alliance des decided Gisaka. To Bakiga achieve this objective, he organized VHYHUDODUPLHVXQGHUWKHVXSHUYLVLRQRIKLVVRQV+LVÀUVWVRQ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la was Sharangabo, who had andes ancestry Suppression Castestitle of Abasharangabo. The second son was Ndabarasa, who fought against Gisaka and ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda the enclave of Gasura. During the decisive battle of Gasabo, ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Sharangabo’s army advanced to the east and south of Lake ADR Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Muhazi. He :commanded the Abakemba, nicknamed “man Réconciliation Nationale destroyers” – those who could mercilessly tear bodies of their AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières opponents. He attacked Gisaka south of Lake Muhazi and emerged at Bwanacyambwe. He fought against and AFDL victorious : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la repulsed the Imbogo army (the commanded by Mudirigi, Libération du buffalos), Congo-Zaïre son of Karemera. Sharangabo died and was succeeded AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act by his son, command the occupation of Buganza was $,'6under whose $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP accomplished. It was at Munyaga28 that he established a military AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre camp. During the reign of King Cyirima Rujugira, Buganza was AJER : Association la Jeunesse entirely conquered. Even itsdeeastern part ofEstudiantine Buganza, which had Rwandaise never before belonged to Rwanda, was annexed. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda x Gatuka and ministériel/ Rutare military camps AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda King Cyirima established a second au military camp at AMUR : Rujugira Association des Musulmans Rwanda Gatuka in Northern Buganza, adjacent to Mubari. A third camp ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition was established on Mountain Rutare. However, this last camp (Transitional National Assembly) was abandoned after the death of Ndabarasa29. In short, King APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Rujugira initiated big offensives against GisakaChrétien and Ndorwa APR Rwandaise with the aim :ofArmée makingPatriotique further territorial gains for Rwanda. By APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the time Cyirima Rujugira died, Ndorwa had ceased to exist as an independentRwandais state and Gisaka had been reduced to its former provinces of Gihunya, Mirenge Migongo.30 InIndigènes addition, the APROCOMIN: Association desand Commerçants whole of Buganza was conquered by Rwanda. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse b. King Kigeri Ndabarasa: The Conquest of Ndorwa and Mubari ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la When King Cyirima Rujugira died at the age of almost 65 years, Démocratie his succession was not so contested. This wasla a rare thing, and ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour Défense des 28 Droits de l’Homme Vansina, J., 2001 op. cit. pp.150151. 29 Ibid, p. 154. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 30 Kagame, A., L’histoire du Rwanda en raccourci, Leverville, 1958, pp. 5-6. Démocratique des Batwa 93 v 93 his sons celebrated by referring themselves as ‘Abatangana’ ACRONYMS AND to ABBREVIATIONS (those who never hate one another). The process of power ___________________________________ transition was peaceful due to the following reasons: A.A. : Archives Africaines x Ndabarasa was enthroned as a co-ruler before the death A.G. : Assemblée Générale of Rujugira; ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga x Rujugira had a verydes powerful army at his disposal; ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la x Rujugira’s two sons and army commanders – Gihana Suppression deshis Castes and Sharangabo – had died before him, which ACR : Association des already Cultivateurs du Rwanda gave him uncontested power; ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR x Ndabarasa : Alliance la Démocratie la waspour militarily sharp andetpolitically active from the beginning of his father’s reign. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières After the battle of Gasabo against Gisaka, Ndabarasa captured AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la the mountainous region of Rutare where the tombs of Kigeri Libération duthis Congo-Zaïre Mukobanya were located. In endeavor, he was supported by AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actsucceeded Chief Kamari. Ndabarasa killed Rubanda, who had $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP his father Gahaya Muzora, king of Ndorwa. He established his capital in the Ruhinda Fromet there, he raided the kingdom AIMO : Affairesregion. Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre of Nkore. After conqueringdeNdorwa, Ndabarasa was throned AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine king31. King Ndabarasa ruled both Rwanda and Ndorwa, though Rwandaise he ruled Ndorwa for a much longer time. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel King Kiger Ndabarasa attacked Mubari (amazinga), whose King AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Biyoro and his mother were killed. King Biyoro’s mother had AMUR Association des Musulmans au Thus, Rwanda predicted the: arrival of Europeans to Rwanda. Rwanda extended up : to Akagera, Nationale a naturaldeboundary that existed ANT Assemblée Transition between Rwanda and Karagwe. Later, when Mubari progressively (Transitional National Assembly) became drier and drier due to drought, it was abandoned. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien This explains why Rwanda lost interest in conquering the region. By APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the beginning of the twentieth century, Mubari was practically APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes an autonomous region. However, after the First World War this Rwandais region was re-annexed to Rwanda APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pourAnnexation la Promotion Sociale de la c. King Mibambwe Sentabyo: of Bugesera Masse Under the rule of King Mibambwe Sentabyo, whose reign ended ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la in 1741,32 Rwanda annexed the northern part of Bugesera. Démocratie King Ntare Rugamba of Burundi took the remaining part of ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 31 Droits de“batewe l’Homme See the dynastic poem Igisigo n’iki uburakare?” (What has made them annoyed?) AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 32 Kagame, A., L’histoire du Rwanda en raccourci, Leverville, 1958, p.6. Démocratique des Batwa 94 94 v this kingdom ACRONYMS under circumstances that are still unclear. King AND ABBREVIATIONS Mibambwe Sentabyo died of smallpox at an early age, though ___________________________________ some claim that he was poisoned. He left a baby that he had with the widow of a hero called Gihana. The baby A.A. Nyiratunga, : Archives Africaines was named Gahindiro and received a dynastic title of Yuhi. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga d. King Yuhi : Gahindiro ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes When King Mibambwe Sentabyo died, there was a war of ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda succession which ended des victoriously for Gahindiro and his mother, Nyirantunga. Several incidents King ADP : Alliance Démocratique des characterized Peuples Yuhi Gahindiro’s long rule, including sound administrative ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la organization, the training of new army militia (imitwe y’ingabo), Réconciliation Nationale and cultural development. He fought against Burundi, which AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières was under Ntare Rugamba. He fought Gisaka, Murari, Buhunde, AFDL : Alliance deshe Forces Démocratiques la and even Karagwe. “When attained the age of pour maturity, Libération du Congo-Zaïre he declared war to Petty-King Karinda of Burundi who was AGOA and :killed. African and Opportunity Act prisoner defeated HisGrowth mother Nyirakarinda was taken 33 to Rwanda where she was executed” . From the cultural point of $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP view, during Gahindiro’s reign, a new Rwandan literary gender AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre was born: Amazina y’ Inka de (names of cows).Estudiantine AJER : Association la Jeunesse Rwandaise c. King Mutara Rwogera: annexation of Gisaka ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 'XULQJWKHÀUVWGHFDGHRIWKHQLQHWHHQWKFHQWXU\.LQJ0XWDUD AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda Rwogera managed to annexdes Gisaka to Rwanda. However, his AMUR was :later Association des Rwanda kingdom torn apart byMusulmans internal wars:au “ (…) just before the three Gisaka’sde armies were assimilated ANTdeath of :Rwogera, Assemblée Nationale Transition into the kingdom. One of these armies Assembly) was under the exclusive (Transitional National command of Nkoroko. The remaining two were commanded APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien by Nyamwasa, son of Rwabika, who was also son of Gahindiro. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise It should be noted that the former commanders belonged to APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Gisaka army but they retained their positions as second-incommand. TheyRwandais continued to take instructions from their former 34Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROCOMIN: commanders.” Rwogera died of tuberculosis, probably in 1867. APROSOMA : Association pour laNyiramogi, Promotionwas Sociale de la The Queen Mother, Nyiramavugo assassinated by her brother,Masse Rwakagara, because she had refused to commit 35 suicide as culture and custom ARD : Alliance pour ledemanded. Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 33 de89.l’Homme Kagame, A., 1972Droits op. cit., p. 34 Vansina, J. 2001, op. cit. p.192 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 35 Kagame, A. 1972 op. cit. pp.208-210 Démocratique des Batwa 95 v 95 d. Rwanda under King AND Kigeri Rwabugiri ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ King Kigeri Rwabugiri is known in the history of Rwanda for adventurous and victorious wars of conquest A.A.his many : Archives Africaines that were intended to expand the kingdom of Rwanda. He A.G. : Assemblée Générale had several titles that marked his glory (Ibisingizo), including: ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Inkotanyi, Rwangakugwabira, and Rukayababisha. His military ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la and political career was so great that it attracted the admiration Suppression des Castes of the Belgian colonizers. By virtue of his renowned bravery – ACR : des Cultivateurs du Rwanda almost equal toAssociation that of Ruganzu Ndori – King Rwabugiri became ADP near :and Alliance Peuples and the known far. Démocratique He defeated thedes Banyabungo ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie la Bahima. He conquered Ijwi Island and killedet Kabego, the king Réconciliation Nationale of that island. He made war against Nsoro. He fought and killed the and Lutubuka, the leader of Kwushunga (ku AECking of Bushi : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Ishunga). King Kigeri Rwabugiri was not always content with AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la his military expeditions There is no region in Libérationand du conquests. Congo-Zaïre Rwanda where he did not construct a personal Act royal boma AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity (residence). Everywhere he went, he generously offered gifts of $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP cattle he raided from his enemies. He gave cows to his subjects AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre from whom he expected to get sympathy, support, and allegience. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Before King Rwabugiri died, he appointed Rutalindwa Mibambwe Rwandaise 36 . as his successor” ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtéany présidentiel Rutalindwa Mibambwe did not make territorial gains, AMR Moniteurs du Rwanda especially due: Association the colonial des presence in Rwanda. Under King Rwabugiri, Rwanda acquired a larger territoryau than its present AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda boundries; “He even penetrated (north of the ANT : Assemblée NationaleBufumbira de Transition volcanoes) and(Transitional later attackedNational Nkore. Lastly, under his regime, Assembly) King Rwabugiri enabled the Rwandan monarchy to entrench APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien LWVHOIGHÀQLWLYHO\WRWKH:HVWDORQJWKHEDQNVRI/DNH.LYX APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and Rusizi (from Bugoyi in the North up to Kinyaga in the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes South). The Bahavu of Ijwi Island and the Bashi were more or Rwandais less dominated. To the East, Rwabugiri also intervened among APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants the Bushubi. Thus, Rwanda reached the apogee ofIndigènes her territorial APROSOMA : Association SocialeThis de la aggrandizement during the pour reignla ofPromotion King Rwabugiri. made Masse Rwanda’s neighbors in the region look at her with suspicion.”37 ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 36 Droits de l’Homme Report of the Belgian Government, 1926, p.57. 37 Chrétien, J.P., L’Afrique des Grands Lacs.leDeux mille ans d’histoire, Paris, AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement Aubier, p.136. Démocratique des Batwa 96 96 v Soon after theACRONYMS death of King Rwabugiri, the inhabitants of Ijwi AND ABBREVIATIONS Island regained their freedom and declared their independence ___________________________________ from Rwanda. When he died in 1895, the territory he wanted to conquer and : annex to Rwanda (i.e. Ijwi Island and beyond) A.A. Archives Africaines had already been taken by the Congo Free State, in French A.G. : Assemblée Générale Etat Indépendant du Congo (EIC). This state was the personal ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga property of Belgian King Leopord II. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes In conclusion, the several characteristics of King Kigeri ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Rwabugiri’s reign can be summed up as follows: ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR x Organization : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la and administrative skills; Réconciliation Nationale x Unkind repression of opponents such as Nyamwesa, AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières elder son of Rwogera, who pretended to be the rightful AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la heir of Rugereka and Abagereka; Libération du Congo-Zaïre x Consolidation of newlyand annexed territories: AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Act military occupation of Rugenge in Bugesera and Sakara in $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO Gisaka; : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJERx Numerous : Association de lamotivated Jeunesse by Estudiantine expeditions several objectives Rwandaise such as conquest and cattle rustling; ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda x Contact with the outside world: Rwabugiri and Rumaliza AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Bugarama’s meeting. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda For of other territorial gains, Map No. 7 below: ANTa summary : Assemblée Nationale de see Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 97 v 97 Map 7: Rwanda after six centuries of expansion ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Lugan, : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Source: B., 1997, op. cit., p108. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 3.3. Organization of the kingdom AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The political and administrative structure of pre-colonial (Transitional National Assembly) Rwanda, or of the nineteenth century under the rule of APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien King Kigeri Rwabugiri, rotated principally along a militaristic APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ideology coupled with administrative skills and professionalism. APROBAMI : Association des Partis were Monarchistes Rwanda’s political system and ideology built on four pillars: Rwandais a theocratic monarchy, a two-headed monarchy with a King and Queen Mother, Association territorial aggrandizement and Indigènes conquest, and APROCOMIN: des Commerçants patriotism. All of these pillasr were inculcated constantly APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de to la the people, especially through literary institutions. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Since all of these factors were intertwined, several institutions reinforced one Démocratie another. That is, political organization and ARDHO reinforced : Association Défense des authority the Rwandaise king and pour his larepresentatives. Droits de l’Homme Several of these institutions can be cited, including: Ubwiru (court secrets), Ubuhake (gifts of cows), Ubusizi (dynastic poetry AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 98 98 : : : : v legitimizing the ruling king), (knowledge of ACRONYMS ANDUbucurabwenge ABBREVIATIONS the dynastic ___________________________________ genealogy), and Ibitekerezo by’Imiryango (family historic narratives). The structure of King Rwabugiri’s political organization was complex, but the entire system of government A.A. : Archives Africaines rotated around the king and his court. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKIPolitical : Alliance des Bakiga 3.3.1. Organization ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression a. The King, Queen Mother,des andCastes the Court ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda At the top of the kingdomDémocratique was a centralized system of government ADP : Alliance des Peuples organized on a hierarchical basis. This was a complex system ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la characterized by the king, onNationale the one hand, and the queen Réconciliation mother and the king’s court on the other. The Ubuhake system AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and the army were the principal instruments used to achieve AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la the monarchy’s objectives, but the court was the pour workshop Libération du Congo-Zaïre where the Nyiginya State was shaped. It is therefore necessary AGOA : African and Opportunity to see systematically theGrowth development of this court, Act the kingdom itself, elite associated with this kingdom. $,'6and the$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The king and drums were the very essence of unity in AJER :dynastic Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine the kingdom. They lived in the epicenter of the capital. The king Rwandaise was a personality par excellence. Following his nomination, he ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda LGHQWLÀHG KLPVHOI DV D VHSDUDWH HQWLW\ IURP WKH QRELOLW\ JLYLQJ AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel him a special:rank. The essence of the monarchy was that “the 38 AMRwas God.” : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda king The term Imana ( God ) refers to the Creator, AMUR Association Musulmans au Rwanda but also to : the essence ofdeslife and the fertility of land and humans. This: Assemblée fertility essence further ANT Nationale demanifested Transitionitself in all sorts of objects(Transitional used to makeNational predictions for favorable results. Assembly) These objects were then conserved as material of Imana APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrateproof Chrétien nziza (positive fate). APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes The Rwandese of long ago conceived the notion of Imana as a special being – Rwandais a creator and a perfect benevolent being. Hence, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes the king participated in the realization of the divine right to rule APROSOMA : Association pour la aPromotion Sociale la did while at the same time remaining man among men. de God not physically Masse distance himself from humans. The importance of his status “as a separate increased asde time ARD : Alliance pourentity” le Renforcement la went on, particularly under the reign of King Cyirima Rujugira. It should Démocratie be noted that the Rwandan monarchy was biocephalous: ruled ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 38 Kagame, A., Poésie dynastique du Rwanda ( poem No 17: Umwami si umuntu/ the AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement king is not human Démocratique des Batwa 99 v 99 39 by the King and Queen Mother. the beginning, the royal ACRONYMS AND From ABBREVIATIONS court40 was not only the residence of the king and queen ___________________________________ mother, servants, bodyguards (Intore), specialized artisans, ritualists, and: Archives diviners, Africaines but it was also a place where great A.A. notables lived. They used to spend time there with their herds A.G. : Assemblée Générale of cattle. Their presence attracted hungry beggars who used to ABAKI Alliance des to Bakiga come looking :for something eat. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la des Castes As a result ofSuppression acquiring many healthy herds of cattle and ACR des Cultivateurs du Rwanda other sorts of: Association riches, the royal court got wealthier. Hence, it attracted more courtesans and called for domestic and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des more Peuples political personnel to perform various tasks. At the ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la beginning of Gisanura’s rule, every chief ruled his territory and lived there. Réconciliation Nationale But later, King Yuhi Mazimpaka demanded that great chiefs AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières EH DOORZHG WR VSHQG D VLJQLÀFDQW DPRXQW RI WKHLU WLPH DW WKH AFDL : des this Forces Démocratiques la capital. It was Alliance also during reign that the chiefs pour produced Libération Congo-Zaïre many sons, among whom du some were allowed by the king to AGOA : AfricanatGrowth and court Opportunity Act a family establish themselves the royal and to start lineage. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The court was the center de of la gravity for the kingdom. It was AJER : Association Jeunesse Estudiantine constituted by dynastic poets and knowledgeable musicians, Rwandaise who were masters of musical instruments such as insengo. These ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda were whistle-like instruments made of clay. In addition, there AM/AP : Arrêtéritual ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel were tambourines, drums, and rituals for Ryangombe AMR : Association desan Moniteurs Rwanda cults.41 The royal court was economicdu center where the AMUR :ofAssociation au Rwanda management big businessdes andMusulmans wealth took place. Many goods were to the king in the formde of payment of royal dues. ANT presented : Assemblée Nationale Transition These included(Transitional cows, harvested food grains, and other items National Assembly) paid as tribute. Many of these goods were partly APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrateredistributed Chrétien to the poor in the name of the king. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes b. Ubwiru (secret of the monarchy or the esoteric code) Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes As a political and religious des institution, the Ubwiru institution APROSOMA Association pourpolitical la Promotion deensure la played a dual: role in Rwanda’s life. InSociale order to prosperity and to avoid bad omen, the college of Abiru was charged Masse with appointing Rwanda’s future kings and queen The ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement demothers. la college also had another duty of transmitting the kingdom’s Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 39 Vansina J., 2001 op. cit. , pp. 110-111 40 Droits de l’Homme Lugan, B., « Nyanza, une capitale royale du Rwanda ancien », in AfricaTervuren, XXVI, 1980, 4, p.101. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 41 Schumacher, P. cité par Vansina, J., 2001, op. cit., p. 107 Démocratique des Batwa 100 100 v RIÀFLDOKLVWRU\7KHUHFUXLWPHQWRIAbiru was governed by special ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS rules. The way this institution functioned had a positive and ___________________________________ profound impact on the management of the state; the Abiru institution contributed the conservation and development of A.A. : ArchivestoAfricaines the “Ubwami “ institution. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ¾The notion of Ubwiru ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression Castesinstitution among all the Ubwiru was perhaps the most des important ACR subsidiary : Association Cultivateurs Rwanda other institutionsdes of the kingdom. Itdu was an esoteric institution which was essentially political nature; its major ADP : Alliance Démocratique desinPeuples role was to preserve, adapt, present and glorify ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etthe la monarchy as a “sacred” institution. It shouldNationale be noted that the dynasty was Réconciliation supposed to belong to the clan of Abanyiginya. This principal AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières was even poetically chanted in the Ubucurabwenge dynastic AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la genealogy. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actit referred As far as the term Umwiru was concerned (plural Abiru), to legal ritualists who were the custodians of the esoteric code of $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the Nyiginya Monarchy. In other words, the Abiru manufactured AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre big drums and played them. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ¾Content of Ubwiru ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP présidentiel The content of: Arrêté Ubwiruministériel/ is presented Arrêté as follows: AMR : Association des Moniteurs duwill Rwanda x (a) Irage ry’ abami (the last permanent of kings); AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda x (b) Umurage w’ ingoma (formal proof of succession to the ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition throne); (Transitional National Assembly) x (c) Inzira z’ubwiru (methods proceduresChrétien of the code); APADEC : Association du PartiorDémocrate APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise x (d) Intekerzo z’ubwiru (history and commentaries of the APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes three previous titles)42des . Rwandais The content under subheadings a, b and c remain unknown APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes up to the present day. However, only seventeen procedures APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la are available; they were published by Marcel D’Hertefelt and Masse André Coupez,43ZKHUHDV$.DJDPHLGHQWLÀHGHLJKWHHQ7KHVH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 42 Kagame, A., « Le Démocratie code ésotérique de la dynastie du Rwanda », in Zaire, 4, I, 1947, p.363 ARDHO : Association pour la Défense 43 D’Hertefelt M. et Coupez A., Rwandaise La royauté sacre de l’ancien Rwanda.des Texte, Droits traduction et commentaire de de son l’Homme rituel, Tervuren,1964. In 1968 A. Kagame accepted WRVLJQZLWK0G¶+HUWHIHOWDQG$&RXSH]DQRWHZKLFKFRQ¿UPHGWKHDXWKHQWLFLW\ AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement of this document. As pointed out above, it was a copy taken from the archives of Démocratique des Batwa 101 v 101 procedures orACRONYMS “methods” were useful in accomplishing different AND ABBREVIATIONS royal tasks. They had the following characteristics: ___________________________________ HQWKURQL]DWLRQFRPSHWLWLRQÀUH A.A.x 7KURQH: Archives Africaines x Cow (bull of the Générale throne, plague, drinking trough for A.G. : Assemblée ABAKIcows); : Alliance des Bakiga x $JULFXOWXUH GURXJKWÁRRGVÀUVWUDLQV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la x Foreigners (offensives, trophy, decoration of royal drums, Suppression des Castes hiding the king, invasion); ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda x Independent procedures (bees, hunting, funeral). ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la It can be seenRéconciliation that political and economic duties were very Nationale important activities in the kingdom. As for social-cultural and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières religious functions, they covered the entire trajectory of the royal AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ritual. It should also be observed that there was much interest Libération duasCongo-Zaïre in economic activities such animal husbandry, agriculture, AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actcontained hunting, and honey collection. The Ubwiru institution $,'6the fundamental $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP both law of the monarchy, i.e. the rules and UHJXODWLRQVDQGVSHFLÀFULWHVWKDWZHUHLQWHQGHGWRFRXQWHUDFW AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre real or imaginary misfortunes. These included giving fertility AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine to soils, people, and animals, and territorial annexation and Rwandaise conquests of foreign countries by Rwanda. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP ¾ Actors: Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR Association Musulmans au ILUVW Rwanda 7KH SULQFLSDO: DFWRUV RI WKH des PRQDUFK\ LQFOXGHG RI DOO WKH King, the Abiru. Their roles varied according to ANT and then : Assemblée Nationale de Transition clans, families,(Transitional and lineages. All were invited to participate National Assembly) actively in different matters concerning: APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise x Inzira ya Gicurasi (procedures for mourning or, more APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes VSHFLÀFDOO\WKHSURFHGXUHVRIQDWLRQDOPRXUQLQJ Rwandais x Inzira y’umuriro ÀUHSURFHGXUHV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes x Inzira y’ umuganura pour (procedures of handling thede feast APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale la of WKHÀUVWUDLQV Masse 0ZDPL0XWDUD,,,5XGDKLJZDGXULQJDSHULRGZKLFKLVQRWVSHFL¿HGEXWZKLFKLV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la likely to be between 1959 and 1962. A. Kagame himself and probably some few Démocratie Abiru who were still living at that time contributed to giving clues leading to the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des interpretation of this code which otherwise would have remained incomprehensible Droits de l’Homme for the most part. Alexis Kagame who died in a brutal way abroad (Nairobi), was perhaps not given chance to reveal where he have hidden some documents AREDETWA : Association pour lewould Relèvement pertaining to the Ubwiru institution. Démocratique des Batwa 102 102 v In principal, the Abiru was hereditary and only for men. Only the ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS sons of Abiru___________________________________ who had been presented by their father to the king and nominated by the latter had the right of performing this It was therefore not enough to be son Umwiru A.A. function. : Archives Africaines to succeed one’s father automatically. There was however one A.G. : Assemblée Générale exception to this rule. In the history of the Abiru institution, there ABAKI des Bakiga a war captive, who was was a person: Alliance named Nyiramuhanda, ABESC the :rare Association desofBahutu Evoluantaspour la accorded opportunity being considered a member Suppression des done Castes of the College of Abiru. This was based on the role he had ACR during: war. Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda played In recognition of his contribution, King Yuhi Gahindiro appointed him a member of this and allowed ADP : Alliance Démocratique des college Peuples him the right to pass this favor to his descendants. Among these ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la descendants was Kayijuka, theNationale famous traditionalist. Kayijuka Réconciliation hailed from the Abanyiginya clan in the lineage of Abasigaye. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ¾Evolution Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act of the The institution of Ubwiru, as espoused in the beginning nineteenth century, was a culmination of a process of assessment. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ,WZDVPRGLÀHGDVWLPHZHQWRQLQRUGHUWRDGDSWLWWRWKHQHZ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre FLUFXPVWDQFHVRIWKHGD\DQGWRIXOÀOOWKHSROLWLFDOGXWLHVRIWKH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine WLPH7KHPRGLÀFDWLRQVPDGHLQWKLVLQVWLWXWLRQYDULHGIURPWKH Rwandaise reign of King Ruganzu Bwimba to that of King Yuhi Musinga. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Before pointing out the different events which characterized AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel WKLVPRGLÀFDWLRQLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWWKHLQVWLWXWLRQ AMR Association des Moniteurs Rwanda of Ubwiru is : linked to Gihanga, one of the du reference people in AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda the myths/ history of Rwanda. What is more au is that the three most important families Nationale of Abiru de (Abatsobe, Abatege, who ANT : Assemblée Transition were considered(Transitional as members National of Abasindi clan by some, and the Assembly) Abaheka, who belonged to the clan of Abazigaba) all trace their APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien origins to Gihanga. According to the myth, Gihanga is said to APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise have handed over the Rwoga5R\DO'UXPWRWKHÀUVW5ZDQGDQ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes PRQDUFK 6LPLODUO\ WKH LQYHQWLRQ RI ÀUH umuriro wa Gihanga) Rwandais is associated with Gihanga. Gihanga also created cows and the APROCOMIN: Association Indigènes kingdom (Gihanga cyahanze des inkaCommerçants n’ingoma). APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Following the Robwa Masse event and of Kimenyi Musaya, who was King of Gisaka, it was decreed the Abasinga ARD : Alliance pour le that Renforcement de clan la was no ORQJHU DOORZHGDémocratie WR ÀOH D 4XHHQ 0RWKHU WR WKH G\QDVW\ RI WKH Abanyiginya. This was a decision aimed at the social-political ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des exclusion of the Abasinga. The decision to exclude them was Droits de l’Homme made by King Ruganzu Bwimba against the girls of the Abasinga AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement clan. This was because of the danger posed by Nyakiyaga, Démocratique des Batwa 103 v 103 who had become Queen Mother under the dynastic name of ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Nyiraruganzu ___________________________________ (Nyakanga) and who actually originated from the Abasinga clan, and who had offered her daughter Robwa for 44 marriage to King GisakaAfricaines . A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale Thus, Cyirima Rugwe made a decree that all Queen Mothers ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga were prohibited from getting married again. Indeed, since his ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour la mother, Nyakiyaga, got married Bahutu to his brother-inlaw, Mwendo, Suppression Castes the latter tried to take over thedes throne and to poison Rugwe when 45 ACR : Association des Cyenge Cultivateurs Rwanda for he was still young. In addition, was du compensated his faithfulness as a regent during Rugwe’s ADP : Alliance Démocratique des childhood. Peuples This was a special privilege accorded to the Chairman ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etoflathe Abiru and Custodian of Abega Drum – the symbol of the dynasty. Rwoga Réconciliation Nationale was later replaced by Karinga under Ruganzu Ndori. This dignity AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières was supposed be enjoyed by his descendants. The royal court AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la respected this Alliance decision made by Cyirima Rugwe. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African RI Growth Opportunity Act 5XJZH /DVWO\ WKH WUDGLWLRQ $ELUXand DIÀUPV WKDW &\LULPD established the dignity of Umwiru, King of Nyamweru from the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Abakono clan, as a Mwiru King. This king was charged with AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre the duty of conserving the will succession – the arrangement AJER : Association de laofJeunesse Estudiantine according to which matri-dynastic clans (Ibibanda) were Rwandaise supposed to provide Queen Mothers. The Ibibanda clans were the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Abaha, Abakono and Abega. Later on under Cyirima Rujugira, AM/AP ministériel/ the Abagesera: Arrêté were also included. Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR Association des Musulmans Rwanda were Under King : Kigeri Mukobanya’s rule, theauAbatsobe assimilated into the royal Ubwiru of Abanyiginya. Under Ndahiro ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Cyamatare, Mibambwe Sekarongoro Mutabazi, and Yuhi (Transitional National Assembly) Gahima, there was no change regarding this arrangement. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien On the other hand, Ruganzu Ndori established on the throne a new APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise drum symbol called Karinga (proof of hope), intended to replace APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwoga Drum. The Rwoga Drum had been taken by Nsibura, King Rwandais of Bushi, during the defeat and death of Ndahiro Cyamatare at APROCOMIN: Association desKing Commerçants Indigènes Rubi Rwinyundo. It is said that Ruganzu Ndori made four APROSOMA Association pouroflathe Promotion Sociale de la other drums.: They were made similar wooden material like that of Karinga MasseDrum. King Ruganzu considered them his brothers and they were to succeed him, one afterde the ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement laother. .LQJ0XWDUD6HPXJHVKLZDVHQWKURQHGÀUVWXQGHUWKHG\QDVWLF Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 44 Kagame, A. 1972. op. cit. p.59 45 Droits de l’Homme Cyenge was a member of Abanyiginya clan. He hailed from the Abakobwa lineage, i.e. a descendant of Mukobwa, son (9th member of the dynasty AREDETWA : Association pourofleNdoba Relèvement DFFRUGLQJWRRI¿FLDOJHQHDORJ\ Démocratique des Batwa 104 104 v title of Bicuba,ACRONYMS but he later received the title of Mutara. According AND ABBREVIATIONS WR RIÀFLDO WUDGLWLRQ KH PDGH WKH IROORZLQJ LPSRUWDQW GHFLVLRQV ___________________________________ regarding the institution of Ubwiru: A.A. : Archives Africaines x The king would reveal the name of his successor and A.G. : Assemblée Générale KLV ODVW ZLOO WR WKUHH FRQÀGDQWV 7KH ÀUVW FRQÀGDQW ZDV ABAKI‘Umutsobe’, : Alliance des Bakiga the second ‘Umutege’ and the last one an 46 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la army chief . Suppression des Castes x 7KH G\QDVWLF QDPHVdes ZHUH VXSSRVHG WR D À[HG ACR : Association Cultivateurs duIROORZ Rwanda program according to the following arrangement: ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance la Démocratie et la and Yuhi 1st Term:pour Mutara, Kigeri, Mibambwe, Réconciliation Nationale 2nd Term: Cyirima, Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières x It was :the Abiru of Mutara who were supposed to indicate AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la the matri-dynastic clans which provided Queen Mothers Libération du Congo-Zaïre IRUVXFFHVVLYHNLQJVGXULQJVSHFLÀHGWHUPV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP x The dynastic names of Nsoro, Ndahiro, and Ruganzu were from theIndigènes list for theetfollowing reasons: the name AIMO removed : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre Nsoro was removed because it was also used in Bugesera, AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine which was a powerful kingdom ruled by Abahondogo Rwandaise time. The name Ndahiro was removed because ALIR at that: Armée de Libération du Rwanda Cyamatare had last used it and perished in tragic AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel circumstances and lost Rwoga'UXPWKHÀUVWV\PERORI AMR dynasty. : Association des Moniteurs dudropped Rwandabecause Lastly the name Ruganzu was AMUR Bwimba : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda and Ndori, who had used it last, were killed by ANT the enemy. : Assemblée Nationale de Transition This name therefore carried a bad omen. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Under Yuhi Gahindiro, the institution of Ubwiru was effectively APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise hereditary. The number of the Abiru at the King’s court was APROBAMI :limited. Association Partis Monarchistes considerably But, des beginning with Gahindiro’s reign, Rwandais their number generally increased. However, an epidemic thtat took place during this perioddes almost decimated Indigènes those whi had APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants memorized the ritual of the procedure of ascendency APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale deto la the throne by all kings Massewith the name of Yuhi. Hence, Gahindiro decided to reduce the number of the Abiru “in order not to expose ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la them again to similar accidents which were unfortunate for the Démocratie country”47. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 46 Vansina, J.1962, op. cit., p.68 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 47 Kagame, A. 1947, op. cit., p.366 Démocratique des Batwa 105 v 105 At the beginning of the reignAND of young King Yuhi Gahindiro, the ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS country was under the regency of Nyirayuhi Nyiratunga. There ___________________________________ was a drought which led to famine nicknamed “Rukungugu.” For this court introduced a ‘Department of Rukungugu’ A.A.reason, the : Archives Africaines (Inzira ya Rukugungu); this department was intended for disaster A.G. : Assemblée Générale preparedness48. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la King Kigeri Rwabugiri prevented Kalinga, who waspour of Ubwiru Suppression des Castes origins and head of Abakobwa lineage, from attending the ACR : Association des Cultivateurs duhad Rwanda assembly of the Abiru Committee, a post that he held since Cyirima Rugwe. He gaveDémocratique this privilege todes thePeuples Abatege. However, ADP : Alliance the Abatege merely accepted it as a formality, ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la leaving the Abakobwa as de facto members. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Similarly, after enthroning King Rutarindwa, the son and nephew AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques la of Rwabugiri Alliance was adopted as co-ruler, under thepour dynastic Libération du Congo-Zaïre name of Mibambwe. Kanjogera of the of the Abega clan became AGOA AfricanMother Growth(the andlate Opportunity the adopted :Queen mother of Act Rutalindwa Nyirabunga, from the Abakono clan). Some Abiru warned King $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Rwabugiri about the imminent danger to the country regarding AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Kanjogera’s son, Musinga,de who wanted toEstudiantine become king. King AJER : Association la Jeunesse Rwabugiri ignored their advice. He indirictely contributed to the Rwandaise Rucunchu massacres in 1896. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel It was probably under King RwabugiriArrêté reign that the Abiru decided AMR : Association the King who would succeed des YuhiMoniteurs should beardu theRwanda dynastic name AMUR : Association Musulmans Rwanda of Mutara, and not Cyirima, des as was stipulated au in the program of ascendancy. This was based on the fact that Mutara Rwogera ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition had not attended the ceremony to commemorate (Transitional National Assembly) the burial of Cyirma Rujugira’s body. In effect, the Ubwiru institution APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien was opposed “to the view of allowing two kings bearing the name APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise RI &\LULPD WR FHOHEUDWH FRQVHFXWLYHO\ WKH FHUHPRQ\ RI WKH ÀUVW APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes rains.” That is why King Rudahigwa, who was enthroned by Rwandaisin 1931, received the dynastic name the colonial authorities APROCOMIN: Association desClasse, Commerçants of Mutara as proposed by Mgr who had Indigènes been informed 49 APROSOMA : Association pour la. Promotion Sociale de la about this secret by one Umwiru Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 48 Kagame, A., Inganji Kalinga, Kabgayi, 1959, p.29 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 49 Kagame , A., 1947,op.cit, p.378 Démocratique des Batwa 106 106 v ¾King Mibambwe Rutarindwa and King Yuhi Musinga (1896) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ During the Rucunshu incident, Rutarindwa, his wife, and his children (Nyamuheshera, Rangira and Sekarongoro) perished in A.A. : Archives Africaines DÀUH3HRSOHIHDUHGWKDWWKHÀUHKDGGHVWUR\HGKaringa Dynasic A.G. : Assemblée Générale Drum. During this incident, Kabare declared “Haguma umwami, ABAKI irabazwa”, : Alliance des Bakiga ingoma meaning that the king was more important ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant which pour la than the drum since the latter was just something could Suppression des was Castes be manufactured. Karinga Drum thus deconsecrated50. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda In 1952, under the Belgian mandate, des the Peuples Abiru College was ADP : Alliance Démocratique undermined by the colonial administration. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie Mgr. et la Classe made secret plans to achieve this Nationale objective. Gashamura, son of Réconciliation Rukangirashyamba and head of the Abiru, was exiled by the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières colonial administration to Gitega, Burundi, where he died shortly AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la after. His son,Alliance Rwampungu, was brought back and enrolled Libération du Congo-Zaïre for studies in Nyanza. He was baptized in 1928 in the Catholic AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Actprivileges Church. Although the Abiru had and lost their prestige and under the colonial regime, they did not disappear. When King $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Mutara Rudahigwa wasIndigènes enthronedet inMain-d’oeuvre 1931, the position of the AIMO : Affaires Abiru had been seriously undermined. However, as a member AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine of the Abiru College in the 1940’s, Alexis Kagame was able to Rwandaise penetrate the ranks of the monarchy. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel e. Ubucurabwenge or dynasticArrêté genealogy AMR (Amasekuruza : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda y’Abami) AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Ubucurabwenge can be translated literally as “the workshop of ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition wisdom.” The Abacurabwenge were “those who manufactured (Transitional National Assembly) knowledge.” This social and political institution dealt with APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien specialized knowledge of royal genealogy and its organization APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and transmission. Ubucurabwenge consisted of a text outlining APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the names of kings, queen mothers, and ancestors. The text Rwandais outlined a list of names divided in paragraphs which all ended APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants by stating the objectives of the monarch. The text Indigènes was important APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion de la because it gave the chronological order of Sociale the Banyiginya monarchs. Whoever Massespeaks of the history of Rwanda must make reference to this text. Effectively, in a society where ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la there was no writing culture, this genealogy serves as a framework for the Démocratie preservation of history, putting in perspective all the different ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des events that took place in the past and their methodological Droits l’Hommeto the next. transmission from onede generation AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 50 Smith, P., Le récit populaire au Rwanda, Paris, Armand Colin, 1975 Démocratique des Batwa 107 v 107 Nobody can ACRONYMS state with precision when the Ubucurabwenge AND ABBREVIATIONS 51 institution started. As far as its structure is concerned, ___________________________________ Ubucurabwenge was orally transmitted in an apparently static form. The Ubucurabwenge narrative was published extensively A.A. : Archives Africaines 52 by Kagame . It is presented in the form of a series of stanzas, A.G. : Assemblée Générale each of which is dedicated to a particular monarch, beginning ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga with the most: recent ones and going back to the founders53. ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Every stanza :contains: Suppression des Castes ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda - The name of the rule des of the king and queen mother; ADP : Alliance Démocratique - The personal names of the kingdes andPeuples his mother before ADR enthronement; : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale - The clan genealogy of the mother, which serves to AEC determine : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières her clan; AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la The genealogy and name of the clan of the queen mother; Libération du Congo-Zaïre each stanza ends with the same chorus in this way: “Hence, AGOA (so and: so.... African Growth and Opportunity from the clan of Queen Mother Act so and so....) $,'6 produces $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP kings in concert with Abanyiginya. Abanyiginya AIMO being the : Affaires Indigènes et dynasty Main-d’oeuvre clan from which the originated. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise Here is an extract of a narrative prepared according to ALIR : Armée de Ubucurabwenge experts: Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 1. “Uyu mwami twimitsedes ni Mutara, izinadu lyeRwanda ari umututsi ni AMR : Association Moniteurs Nyina ni des Nyiramavugo, izina ari umututsi AMURRudahigwa. : Association Musulmans aulye Rwanda ni Kankanzi ka Mbanzabigwi, ya rwakagara, ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition rwa Gaga, lya Mutezintare, wa Sesonga, ya Makara, ya Kiramira, (Transitional National Assembly) cya Mucuzi, wa Nyantabana, ya Bugurande, bwa Ngoga, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien rwa ya Gihinira, cya Ndiga, ya Gahutu, ka Serwega, APR Mututsi: : Armée Patriotiquew’Abega. Rwandaise akaba umukobwa Nyina ni Nyiranteko APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes ya Nzagura ya des Mbonyingabo akaba umukobwa w’Abashambo. Ahoga Nyine Abega bakabyara na Abami Rwandais n’Abanyiginya.” APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 2. “Mutara ni uwa Yuhi; izina ari umututsi ni de Musinga APROSOMA : Association pour la lye Promotion Sociale la Nyina ni Nyirayuhi; izina lye ari umututsi ni Kanjogera, Masse ka Rwakagara, rwa Gaga, lya Mutezintare, wa Sesonga, ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 51 Vansina, J., L’évolution du royaume Rwanda, p..25; Kagame, A., La notion de Démocratie génération, pp.24, 26-27 ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour This la Défense 52 Kagame, A., Inganji Kalinga , Kabgayi, 1943, pp. 92-108. book was redes edited in Kabgayi in1959. Droits An extractde of l’Homme Ubucurabwenge translated in French by the author was published in 1959 in La notion depour génération, pp.15-17 AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement 53 Smith, P., « La forge de l’intelligence », in L’homme, Paris, 1971. Démocratique des Batwa 108 108 v ya Makara (…) akaba umukobwa’Abega, Nyina ni ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Nyiramashyongoshyo, ya Mukotatanyi, wa Kimana, cya ___________________________________ Kabajyonjya, ka Rwaka rwa Yuhi Mazimpaka, Umwami wa Rubanda; akaba umukoba w’Abanyiginya. Ahoga : Archives Africaines nyine Abega bakabyarana Abami n’Abanyiginya!” A.A. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI d. Historic : Alliance des Bakiga narratives (Ibitekerezo) ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes Ibitekerezo (singular igitekerezo) comes from the verb “gutekereza,” ACR Association des Cultivateurs dutranslating Rwanda the which means :to narrate. It should be noted that noun “ibitekerezo” to “thoughts” does notdes make sense. There are ADP : Alliance Démocratique Peuples two major categories of ibitekerezo, namely ibitekerezo by’abami ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la (royal historic Réconciliation narratives) and Nationale ibitekerezo by’imiryango (family historic narratives). AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliancenarratives des Forces Démocratiques pour la ¾Royal historic (Ibitekerezo by’abami) Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actcomposed Royal historical narratives comprise a literary genre RI QDUUDWLYHV$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP RQ *LKDQJD WKH RIÀFLDO IRXQGHU RI Abanyiginya $,'6 dynasty. His ten successors known ‘austerity kings’ (those AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et as Main-d’oeuvre who painfully: set out to establish Rwanda Estudiantine at inception) are not AJER Association de la Jeunesse dealt with in the narrative. The narratives start their trajectory Rwandaise from King Ruganzu Bwimba, the eleventh king after Gihanga, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda eighteen generations past. Narratives were the work of court AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel story tellers.54: Arrêté A narrative is a literary genre like others; it is AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda VXEMHFWWRVSHFLÀFPRGHVRILQWHUSUHWDWLRQ7KHVWRU\WHOOHUZKR AMUR : Association desmajor Musulmans au Rwanda transmits it only preserves the ideas of the narrative. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ¾Family (Transitional historic narratives (Ibitekerezo by’imiryango) National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien The studies conducted by A. Kagame identify another source of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise history for Rwanda, namely “family history.”55 At present, this APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes source has not been catalogued as such. However, by identifying Rwandais names in poems of different traditions, especially war poetry APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes (ibyivugo), it is possible to realize the composition of a people’s APROSOMA Association la Promotion Sociale de la genealogy. In :the corpus ofpour scattered and unedited notes by A. Kagame entitled “the historic families of Rwanda,” some members Masse of the genealogy tree were preserved with their de short ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la histories and achievements. For example, we know that so and so lived Démocratie under such and such a monarch, and that he belonged to such a ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 54 Droits Kagame, A., 1972, op. cit., de 15. l’Homme 55 The scattered notes on historic families in Rwanda were available in the library of AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement A . Kagame in 1995 in Butare Procure (Guest House). Démocratique des Batwa 109 v 109 group with certain military training (or militia). It is also possible ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS to know whether he perished during an expedition abroad and ___________________________________ whether he was under the command of a certain army. A.A. : Archives Africaines Family narratives give information A.G. : Assemblée Générale on the circumstances prevailing when such and such a person arrived in Rwanda ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga under such and such a regime. They also inform us if the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la descendants belonging to such and such a genealogical tree Suppression des Castes were Rwandese, or if they had origins from Burundi, Ndorwa, or ACR : des Cultivateurs Rwanda elsewhere. The Association initial list that deals with peopledu cited in different ADP : Alliance des Peuples sources, transmitted byDémocratique narrators, is broadened to include all ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 5ZDQGDQVZKRSOD\HGDVLJQLÀFDQWUROHQRPDWWHUKRZVPDOO Family historicRéconciliation narratives are Nationale therefore precious instruments whose must be lauded. AEC importance : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la a. Dynastic poems du Congo-Zaïre Libération AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Dynastic poems are a literary genre of ancient Rwanda that $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP transmit the country’s ethno-history56. The importance of this AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre JHQUHLVEDVHGRQLWVDJHUHODWLYHWRRWKHUJHQUHVWKHÀUVWG\QDVWLF AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine poems date back to the rule of King Ruganzu Ndori, from 15101544. DynasticRwandaise poems rely on their principle of invariability; ALIR : Armée deasLibération Rwanda Knowledge of they were transmitted they were du composed. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel dynastic poems (Ibisigo) is therefore Arrêté indispensable in preserving AMR Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda the history of :Rwanda. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 3.0.2 Military organization ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Rwanda’s military organization consisted of a setChrétien of activities: APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate recruitment, :training, socialization of recruits, participation APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise in military expeditions, sharing of wealth and war booty, and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes protecting members of each group. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes If we refer to the events narrated by the Rwandan tradition, we APROSOMA : Association la Promotion de la can identify some principalpour periods regarding Sociale the organization Masse RI5ZDQGD·VDUPLHV7KHÀUVWSHULRGVWDUWHGZLWK.LQJ5XJDQ]X ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de laend of the Bwimba up to the rulepour of King Rujugira at the Démocratie sixteenth century. The second period took place during the rule ARDHO : Association pour ARSOM, la Défense 56 Kagame, A., La poésie dynastique Rwandaise au Rwanda, Bruxelles, Butare,des 1951. Droits depoems, l’Homme It presents an inventory of 176 totaling up to 22,026 verses; KAGAME A., Introduction aux grands genres lyriques, 1969, 151-244. He makes a contribution AREDETWA : Association pour lepp. Relèvement in this work, giving translations of model thematic areas. Démocratique des Batwa 110 110 v of King Cyirima Rujugira inAND 1900; his rule was centre stage in ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS the history of ___________________________________ the ‘cattle armies’ in Rwanda57. It should be noted that all these armies were under the king. A.A. : Archives Africaines Membership to each regiment was a hereditary affair. The A.G. : Assemblée members of each regiment Générale came from all over the country, and ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga recruitment was done on lineage basis. In principle, every adult ABESC : Association des his Bahutu Evoluant pour man was called upon to defend country. However, as la far as the recruitment of carrier warriors was concerned, it was the Suppression des Castes 58 ‘head who appointed those who supposed ACR of Umuryango’ : Association des Cultivateurs duwere Rwanda 59 to join the army . In general, the names of the heads of regiments ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples were retained. Similarly, those who distinguished themselves ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la RQWKHEDWWOHÀHOGDQGWKRVHZKRVHDFKLHYHPHQWVQHHGHGWREH Réconciliation Nationale remembered were also included. Lastly, every military camp was AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières named according to one or several cattle groups. For example, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ‘Umuhozi’ cattle formation corresponded to ‘Abashakamba’ Libération du Congo-Zaïre military formation and Ingeyo cattle formation corresponded to ‘Uruyange’ military formation. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP The internal organization of armies depended on their period.60 AIMO from war : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre Apart combatants, cattleetraiders (Ibitsimbanyi) were AJER with: Association de la JeunessetoEstudiantine charged stealing cattle belonging the enemy during Rwandaise wars while the carriers and servants provided spears and ALIR arrows.: They Armée dealso Libération du Rwanda spare were responsible for providing supplies, accommodation, and carrying war booty. short, they did all AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté In présidentiel complementary jobs that the army needed. In times of peace, AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda their role included socio-political duties, notably AMUR : Association des Musulmans au sensitizing Rwanda the population. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The recruits were called ‘Intori’, literary meaning ‘those who Assembly) were selected.’ (Transitional They attendedNational prolonged training in sports and APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien military drills, including the handling of traditional arms such APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 57 Nkurukiyimra, J-N, Le gros bétail de la société rwandaise, évolution historique : des APROBAMI : Association des Partis XII-XIVème siècles à 1958, Paris, L’harmattan, 1994,Monarchistes p. 49. 58 From 50 family heads to 630 sub-chiefs who were in service between 1947- 1948. Rwandais Father Delmas published ‘La généalogie la noblesse (the Batustsi of Rwanda). In APROCOMIN: Association desdeCommerçants Indigènes 1954, A. Kagame published Les organisation socio-familiales de l’ancien Rwanda. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 59 In principle, each regiment was made of the Batutsi, Bahutu and Batwa. A. Kagame Masse LGHQWL¿HGµ&DWWOHDUPLHV¶DQGPLOLWLDV)RUHDFKFDWWOHDUP\KHJDYHLWVKLVWRU\LWV successive heads with their personal history, (their origin, appointment ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laand destitution circumstances) their Démocratie corresponding militia, attributed pastures, and their services to the court. In his Histoire des armées bovines dans la creation du Rwanda, A. Kagame gives ARDHO Association pour laheads Défense des for each militia the:factors surroundingRwandaise its creation, its successive and, often, with de l’Homme their personal history,Droits family, appointment, destitution, achievements, etc., major events especially military:campaigns, politicalpour intrigues, given at the royal court. AREDETWA Association le services Relèvement 60 Vansina, J., 2001, op. cit, p. 100. Démocratique des Batwa 111 v 111 as spears, bows and arrows, shields, and swords. Towards the ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS end of the nineteenth century, they developed the art of dance, ___________________________________ public speaking, debate, and memorization and recitation of war poems. They were encouraged to acquire moral values A.A. : Archives Africaines such as military courage, perseverance, generosity towards the A.G. : Assemblée Générale poor, acceptance of responsibilities, self-control, and emotional ABAKI 61 : Alliance des Bakiga control. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes To a lesser extent, military expeditions were aimed at defending ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda against foreign invaders. This was du theRwanda case in the Rwageta expedition at Démocratique the beginning des of the rule of Mutara ADP : Alliance Peuples Rwogera. During this expedition, Rwandan warriors were ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la defeated by Burundi invaders, who had penetrated up to Réconciliation Nationale Mvejuru with the intention of burning and humiliating the Royal AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Court.62 However, in most cases, Rwandese military expeditions AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la were initiated Alliance by Rwandans and were directed to neighboring Congo-Zaïre countries. The Libération causes and du aims of these expeditions varied, but AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity the major themes can be summarized as follows: Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP x Wars of territorial expansion, and annexation of AIMO : conquest, Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER QHLJKERULQJWHUULWRULHV : Association de ÀUVWH[SHGLWLRQE\.LQJ5ZDEXJLUL la Jeunesse Estudiantine against Bunyabungo); Rwandaise x $VVHUWLRQRIDXWKRULW\DQGSRZHU ALIR : Armée de Libération du ÀUVWH[SHGLWLRQE\.LQJ Rwanda Rwabugiri against Bunyabungo); AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda x Wars of vengeance, des punitive expeditions against any insurgence to royal authority (second expedition against AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT Bunyabungo); : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) x Demonstration of power against Ndorwa (during the expedition named ‘Igitero cy’Imigongo’); APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise x Wars against cattle raids (known as ‘Igitero cyo Mu Lito’ in APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Burundi). Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association desZHUH Commerçants Indigènes 8QRIÀFLDOO\ VRPH H[SHGLWLRQV RUJDQL]HG ZLWK WKH DLP RI APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale deby la the getting rid of people who were considered undesirable regime in power; they were not supposed to shed their blood Masse on Rwandan soil. During the le expedition namedde ‘Igitero cyi Mu ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement la Lito’ in Burundi, it was Prince Nkoroko who was targeted, but Démocratie having been informed of theRwandaise plot, he didpour not participate the ARDHO : Association la Défense in des expedition. Additionally, making raids to obtain girls and women Droits de l’Homme 61 Ibid, p. 101 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 62 Kagame, A., 1972, op, cit, p. 192 Démocratique des Batwa 112 112 v IRUPDUULDJHZDVDQRWKHUXQRIÀFLDOREMHFWLYHRIVXFKH[SHGLWLRQV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS an example of___________________________________ such expedition was called ‘Kara-minwe,’ under Rwogera against Gisaka. A.A. : Archives Africaines The preparations for a given expedition assumed a mystic A.G. : Assemblée Générale character. Before its organization, divine consultations were ABAKIto see if: Alliance des Bakiga made the expedition would be successful or not. If the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la RSLQLRQZDVFRQÀUPHGE\WKHRUDFOH·VUHSUHVHQWDWLYHDQRIIHQVLYH Suppression des Castes ZRXOG EH ODXQFKHG E\ RQH RIÀFHU Umutabazi w’umucengezi). ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 5DUHO\EORRGZDVVDFULÀFHGRQYROXQWDU\EDVLVLQWKHWHUULWRU\ to be invaded.: In the psyche of the Rwandese people, this blood ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples portended bad omen for the targeted territory; it la was a sure way ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et of victory for the Rwandese army. Later, a commander-in-chief Réconciliation Nationale (Umugaba w’igitero) for the expedition would be named. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pour laHe The commander-in-chief wasForces not necessarily a military man. Libération played a quasi-magical roledu inCongo-Zaïre the expedition. With his position AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity ActZKLFK KH LQ WKH EDWWOHÀHOG KLV XQLIRUP DQG WKH REMHFWV ZLWK decorated himself, he conferred courage and victory to the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Rwandan warriors. In addition, military expeditions were AIMO : Affaires Indigènesthe et Main-d’oeuvre organized in :the name of de thelaKaringa Drum; this was called AJER Association Jeunesse Estudiantine “KuyirwaniraµÀJKWLQJIRU.DULQJDRUkuyivira²¶VDFULÀFLQJRQH·V Rwandaise EORRGIRU.DULQJD·%HIRUHSURFHHGLQJWRWKHEDWWOHÀHOGYLJLOVZHUH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda organized (Inkera y’imihigo) and every combatant was supposed AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ to make repetitive declarations of Arrêté braveryprésidentiel in the forthcoming AMR This would : Association des and Moniteurs du Rwanda battle. boost morale strengthen the warriors. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda In general, wars took place during day and were constituted ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition of arranged battles. Several National Rwandan Assembly) militias participated in (Transitional expeditions, each of which was commanded by aChrétien commander. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate During King Rwabugiri’s rule, the major arms used were spears, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise bows and arrows, swords, and shields. From King Cyirima APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rujugira’s reign, marching armies were created aimed at Rwandais defending the borders. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour and la Promotion SocialeDiversity de la 3.3.3. Territorial Organization Administrative Masse a. Triple hierarchy of chiefs: ARD : Alliance pour leUmunyamutaka, Renforcement de la umunyamukenke, umutware w’ingabo Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Among the king’s representatives were chiefs who imposed Droits de l’Homme taxes.63 The provincial chiefs were, above all, representatives of AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 63 Classe, L., “L’organisation politique du Ruanda”, in Congo , 1992 ,p.685 Démocratique des Batwa 113 v 113 the royal authority – the king and his court attendants. They ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS imposed and ___________________________________ collected taxes in the provinces. Thus, the royal residences scattered throughout the entire kingdom under King Kigeri had political and physical functions. The royal A.A. Rwabugiri : Archives Africaines tribute (ikoro) was taken to the royal residence and was managed A.G. : Assemblée Générale by the king’s wife. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la In the areas where the Ubuhake institution prevailed, provincial desbyCastes administrationSuppression was enforced senior chiefs or by army ACR :Beyond Association des and Cultivateurs Rwanda commanders. provinces marching du camps (ingerero), three beginnning the rule of King ADP leaders :exercised Alliance power Démocratique deswith Peuples Yuhi Gahindiro: ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale 1. Land and agriculture chief (umutware w’umunyabutaka) AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières in charge pastures (umutware w’umukenke, AFDL 2. The :chief Alliance des of Forces Démocratiques pour la umunyamukenke) Libération du Congo-Zaïre (umutware AGOA 3. War: chief African Growthw’ingabo) and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Senior the King, and theet Queen Mother controlled AIMO Chiefs, : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre these three chiefs. At a lower level of the hierarchy, there were AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine IRXU VWDJHV ² DV VHHQ EHORZ LQ ÀJXUH ² RI WKH SROLWLFDO DQG Rwandaise administrative hierarchy, dating fromdu theRwanda reign of King Cyirima ALIR : Armée de Libération Rujugira: AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 114 114 v Figure 9: Political and administrative hierarchy from King ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Cyirima Rujugira ___________________________________ KING Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale QUEEN MOTHER Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes / ACR : Association des Cultivateurs- LEGALIST du Rwanda RITUALIST ADP : AllianceSENIOR Démocratique CHIEFS des Peuples FAVOURITE CHIEFS ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie- et la - SENIOR CHIEFS Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la LIVESTOCK LAND CHIEF ARMY CHIEF CHIEF Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre VILLAGE CHIEF Estudiantine AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ CHIEF OFArrêté présidentiel NEIGHBOURHOOD AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National LINEAGE CHIEFAssembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes FAMILY CHIEF Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ADULT MALE ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la MEMBERS OF THE Démocratie FAMILY ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Source: Maquet J.J., Le système des relations sociales dans le Droits de l’Homme Rwanda ancien, Tervuren, M.R.A.C., 1954, p.163. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : 115 v 115 There were a ACRONYMS few exceptionsAND to the multiple functions of chiefs. ABBREVIATIONS In Buhanga-Ndara, Chief Mbanzabugabo, alias Bikotwa, doubled ___________________________________ as ‘umutware w’ubutaka’ and ‘umutware w’ingabo’. As for the Impala Province (Kinyanga-Cyangugu), it was Rwabirinda, A.A. : Archives Africaines son of Mutara Rwogera, who was ‘Umutware w’ubutaka’ and A.G. : Assemblée Générale ‘Umutware w’umukenke’ in 1900. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC des Bahutu pour la Many regions: Association which had been annexedEvoluant recently experienced Suppression desroyal Castes military occupation. In Gisaka, residences were scattered ACR : Association Rwanda in Sakara and Bugesera, des andCultivateurs in Ndorwa, du royal residences were Gatsibo.Démocratique In the northern of Rwanda, the ADP located :inAlliance despart Peuples administration was enforced by lineage chiefs, clan ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la chiefs, and chiefs who wereRéconciliation replaced by representatives Nationale (Ruhanga), such as the representative of Nshozamihigo in Murera in the 1900’s. As AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières far as clan entities in the north were concerned, the dominating AFDL : Alliance deskings’ Forces Démocratiques pour la clan chiefs were called the chiefs (Abatware b’umwami). Libération ducourt Congo-Zaïre They reported directly to the without passing through an AGOA :Most African Growth and Opportunity Acttribute to intermediary. of these chiefs were Hutu and paid 64 the king of Rwanda as a sign of allegiance . $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre b. Enclaves (free zones) de la Jeunesse Estudiantine AJER : Association Rwandaise In addition to the regions that were administered by chiefs ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda appointed by the royal court (central, south, east and west), AM/AP : Arrêté some enclaves were ministériel/ established. Arrêté These présidentiel areas demonstrated AMR and complex : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda diverse systems of administration: AMUR¾Royal : Association des Musulmans Rwanda enclaves in the hinterland of theau central, southern and: Assemblée eastern regions of Rwanda. Here, the king and ANT Nationale de Transition queen mother had their own Assembly) territorial entities which (Transitional National were directly answerable to the royal court (i bwami). APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien They were under chiefs who administered them in the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise name of the king and the queen mother; APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ¾AbiruRwandais enclaves (custodians of the royal secret); APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ¾Bumbogo region enjoyed a special status as a result APROSOMA : Association pour laofPromotion Sociale de la of its ancient tradition cultivating and supplying Masse commodities, working with the Abiru Batsobe to ARD : Alliance poursorghum le Renforcement de la supply millet and cereals used to celebrate WKHQDWLRQDOIHDVWRIWKHÀUVWUDLQV Umuganura); Démocratie ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des ¾The kingdoms of Rwandaise Bukunzi and Busozo in Kinyaga Droits de l’Homme enjoyed relative autonomy given that they were AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 64 Anonyme (Résidence du Rwanda), Historique et chronologie du Rwanda, s.l .,p.124 Démocratique des Batwa 116 116 v governed by rainmaker kings (Abavubi) and kings ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Abami) with whom these kingdoms participated in ___________________________________ economic exchange. They also exchanged gifts with the :Rwandan Archivescourt. Africaines A.A. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga In short, there was a political entity that was politically united ZLWKDGLYHUVLÀHGDQGKHWHURJHQHRXVV\VWHPRIDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la The presence ofSuppression a centralized administration des Castes was felt, particularly during the reign of King Kigeri Rwabugiri. By end of the ACR : Association des Cultivateurs duthe Rwanda nineteenth century, the political and administrative structure ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples proved to be too complex and precarious. Nonetheless, it beyond ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la WKHVWUXJJOHIRUSRZHUDQGWKHQHHGWRDVVHUWSROLWLFDOLQÁXHQFHD Réconciliation Nationale certain degree of separation of powers and specialization existed AEC at the time. :AtAgglomeration the top of theExtra-Coutumières ‘Abatware b’intebe,’ ‘abatware b’ubwami,’ ‘abatware role is not clearly AFDL : Alliance b’amacibiri’ des Forces (whose Démocratiques pour la VSHFLÀHGWRGD\ Libération DQGWKH¶Abiru,’ there were artisans and workers du Congo-Zaïre who depended directly on the royal court. LineageAct or military AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity chiefs w’ingabo ODUJHO\IXOÀOOHGWKHREOLJDWLRQVRIWKH $,'6 (umutware $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP people towards their leaders. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER Social :and Association de Organization la Jeunesse Estudiantine 3.3.4. Economic Rwandaise ALIR the eighteenth : Armée century, de Libération du Rwanda From socio-economic practices began among institutions. BeforeArrêté speaking of these economic AM/APRwandan : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel factors, it is important to consider the ‘clientilist system,’ which AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda profoundly characterized socio-economic relations between the AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Rwandese and the practices of the ‘Uburetwa’ and ‘Igikingi’ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition institution. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien a. The clientilist system APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI Rwanda : Association Partis through Monarchistes Traditional was des governed various forms of economic dependence. Rwandais Some types of typically Rwandan dependence, notably ‘Ubuhake’ and ‘Ubukonde’, are summarized APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes below: APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse x Ubuhake ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Ubuhake was Démocratie an institution that established socio-economic ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des GHSHQGHQFHEHWZHHQGLIIHUHQWVWUDWDRIVRFLHW\6HYHUDOGHÀQLWLRQV Droits de l’Homme for the term ‘Ubuhake’ have been proferred: AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 117 v 117 - A pastoral serfdom contract was a voluntary contract by ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS which a servant (Umugaragu) worked for a person of a ___________________________________ higher social rank, ‘Shebuja,’ in order to obtain heads of 65 A.A. cattle :. Archives Africaines - Clientilism between individuals of an inferior status and a A.G. : Assemblée Générale superior status where the former would offer his services ABAKIto the latter : Alliance des Bakiga in exchange for cows and protection.66 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la and - A contract freely agreed upon between the pour master 67 des Castes servant. Suppression The former conceded to the former cattle. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ‘Ubuhake’ was a voluntary contract between a cattle owner and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples someone who wanted to own cows. In addition, ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the servant sought protection from his master. ‘Ubuhake’ cannot truly be Réconciliation Nationale compared with European feudalism during the Middle Ages; AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières the Rwandan landed gentry did not resemble feudalistic system AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la 68 of land ownership anddes distribution. The ‘Ubuhake’ system Libération du Congo-Zaïre established between the ‘Umugaragu’ and ‘Shebuja’ were based AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity on the dynamics of friendship, which manifested Act as common understanding, participation, and cooperation. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre x Categories and attributes of Abagaragu AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise The Abagaragu were divided into three categories: house maids, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda court attendants, and exempted courtesans. In Buganza, it AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel was not until :the 1930’s that the Abagaragu started cultivating AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda (gutanga imibyizi) for their Shebuja. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The process of ‘Ubuhake’ started with introducing a ANT : Assemblée Nationale desomeone Transition servant to the (Transitional future master.National This wasAssembly) done by a third party who was already Umugaragu. However, some people introduced APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien themselves personally. Parents introduced their children and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise would help them to perform particular tasks in the home of APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Shebuja. The Abagaragu were sent off at puberty and returned Rwandais to their homes for marriage. In this case, they received ‘Ubuhake’ APROCOMIN: Association des fathers. Commerçants Indigènes cows on top of those given by their During the introduction APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 65 Kagame, A., Le code des institutions du Rwanda précoloniale, Bruxelles, ARSOM, P.18 66 Massedes relations sociales dans le Rwanda ancien, Tervuren, Maquet, J.J., Le système MRAC, 1954, p.151. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 67 Bourgeois, R., L’évolution du contrat de bétail à cheptel, Bruxelles, 1958, pp.1-2 Démocratie 68 Chrétien, J. P., “Echanges et hiérarchies”, pp. 1328-1332 et dans “Vocabulaire ARDHO Rwandaise pour laindirecte Défense des et concepts tirés :deAssociation la féodalité occidentale et administration en Afrique Droits l’Homme orientale”, in Nordman D, etde Raison J.P. (ED), Sciences humaines en Afrique et conquête coloniale. Constitution et usage humaines en Afrique (XIXe AREDETWA : Association pourdes le sciences Relèvement –XXe siècles), Paris, 1980, pp. 47-63. Démocratique des Batwa 118 118 v ceremony, beer was served to the ABBREVIATIONS master. Occassionally, pottery ACRONYMS AND items like pots___________________________________ and smoking pipes were distributed69. A.A.- House :maids Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale Housemaids constituted the lowest category of Abagaragu; their ABAKIwere restricted : Alliance Bakiga in the home of Shebuja. A tasks to des housework ABESC of housemaids : Association des Bahutu Evoluant subgroup (Abahange) expected to getpour a cowlafrom Suppression Castes true Abagaragu. This Shebuja (umunyafu) in orderdes to become ACRa period of : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda was probation during which a housedu maid performed different tasks with a lot of care. He also to demonstrate ADP : Alliance Démocratique deshad Peuples profound respect to Shebuja. This phase took ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la place for an undetermined period of time.70 Nationale The tasks given to the Abahange Réconciliation generally entailed the following: AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance desduring Forceshis Démocratiques pour 1. Accompanying Shebuja private errands. Onlylaan Libération du Congo-Zaïre UmuhangeZKRKDGZRQFRQÀGHQFHIURPShebuja was allowed to carry the latter’s smoking pipe and tobacco leaves, AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act put in a special container called Uruhago. The Umuhange who carried $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP this container: was known as Umunyaruhago; AIMO Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise 'RPHVWLFWDVNVVXFKDVIHWFKLQJZDWHUDQGÀUHZRRG ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda During this period, the Abahange on probation was under the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel supervision of Shebuja·VZLIH6KHFRXOGLQÁXHQFHKHUKXVEDQG AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda by imploring him to reduce the period probation for the Umuhange AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda and to give him, without delay, the coveted gift of a cow. Similarly, ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition the Abahange offered numerous gifts to Shebuja’s wife. (Transitional National Assembly) x The Abahange coulddu sometimes rub shoulders with the APADEC : Association Parti Démocrate Chrétien Abanyanzu, or the housemaids posted to do various tasks APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise in Shebuja’s house. des These housemaids were entrusted APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes with keeping milk and wine made of bananas, brewing Rwandais beer, doing kitchen work, and serving meals to guests. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes For young girls, these tasks were very cumbersome and APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la challenging. Masse - The stewards ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la some time This was a category of Abagaragu who, after spending in the service ofDémocratie Shebuja, proved that they had acquired a sense of organization and experience to attend to la their dutiesdes with ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour Défense 69 Droits l’Homme Nzeyimana, A. 1990. op.cit.de p. 107. 70 In the central part of Rwanda and Buganza, the duration of ubuhange could go AREDETWA : Association in pour le Relèvement IURPVRPHPRQWKVWR¿YH\HDUV Démocratique des Batwa 119 v 119 expertise. Generally, they lived the residence of Shebuja, ACRONYMS ANDnear ABBREVIATIONS which facilitated their availability. The job description for the ___________________________________ Abagaragu can be summed-up by the following major tasks: A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : Archives Africaines 1. Kubaka inkike: constructing and maintaining the : Assemblée Générale Shebuja’s enclosure; : Alliance des Bakiga 2.: Looking afterdes theBahutu cattle and attending to la other Association Evoluant pour related services71. Suppression des Castes : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Exempted Abagaragu : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la These were the Abagaragu who had their own Abagaragu. They Réconciliation Nationale would get advice from Shebuja and accompany him during his AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières errands. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du of Congo-Zaïre - The responsibilities the master AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act The master was charged with protecting his servant in various $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP circumstances: bailing him out in case he was kidnapped, giving AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre him a bull-calf and milk, helping him conduct discussions, AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine helping him establish a new herd of cattle if they were attacked Rwandaise by cattle plague, and giving him a hoe if he was not be in a ALIR : Armée 72 Libération du Rwanda position to secure one.de AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda x Historic evolution of Ubuhake AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The when the Ubuhake system started is not known. ANTexact period : Assemblée Nationale de Transition It is possible (Transitional that in the beginning, Ubuhake National Assembly)was a purely economic relationship related to cattle, goats, and sheep.73 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Mention is also made of the Abagaragu during the events that APR : the Armée Patriotique Rwandaise characterized reign of King Ruganzu Bwimba; they speak APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes of Abagaragu of Nkurukumbi. The Ubuhake started during King Ruganzu Rwandais Ndoli’s accession to power. It gradually became a socio-politicalAssociation and administrative tool at the Indigènes height of the APROCOMIN: des Commerçants King of Rwandadom, especially the reignSociale of Kingde Cyilima APROSOMA : Association pourduring la Promotion la 5XMXJLUD ZKRMasse LQWURGXFHG WKH LQVWLWXWLRQ RI WKH RIÀFLDO WURRSV 71 Before the colonization of Rwanda, was hardly made to cultivate the ARD : Alliance pour Umugaragu le Renforcement de la ¿HOGVRIKLV6KHEXMD Démocratie 72 It is important to note one aspect which is not dealt with here, namely ‘Ubuhake and ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense des the social composition of the Hutu-Tutsi’. As far as the pour period considered is concerned Droits l’Homme (before 1900), the analysis of de this aspect is not relevant due to lack of data. 73 Nkulikiyimfura, J. N., Le gros bétail et la société rwandaise : L’évolution historique AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement dès XII –XIV siècle à 1958, Paris, l’Harmattan, 1994, p. 120 Démocratique des Batwa ACR ADP ADR 120 120 v (cattle armies). King Ndori transformed the Ubuhake institution ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 74 LQWRWKHÀUVWSLOODURIKLVDXWKRULW\ . ___________________________________ It was under :King Gahindiro in the eighteenth and nineteenth A.A. Archives Africaines centuries that other forms of Ubuhake were introduced, especially A.G. : Assemblée Générale with the creation of the Igikingi and the appearance of cattle chiefs. ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga With the emergence of des political and administrative clientism, ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour laThis Umugaragu received cows and/or orders Evoluant from his master. desrelated Castes was clientalismSuppression that was purely to land and pastoralism, ACR Association desofCultivateurs Rwanda underscoring : the importance the cow anddu land as objects of economic wealth in Rwanda. Duringdes colonization, ADP : Alliance Démocratique Peuples Ubuhake XQGHUZHQW VRPH PRGLÀFDWLRQV DV D UHVXOW RIla DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et measures adopted by Belgian colonial authorities. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières x Practice of Uburetwa AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Congo-Zaïre The Uburetwa Libération was forceddu labor that the population did for AGOA : African Growth and traditional authorities. Originally, it Opportunity was a form ofAct dependence related Poor people without cows bought land by $,'6 to land. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ZRUNLQJIRUWZRGD\VDZHHNLQWKHÀHOGVRIWKHYLOODJHFKLHIRU AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre the landowner on whose land lived. Estudiantine AJER : Association de they la Jeunesse Rwandaise x Origin and evolution of Uburetwa ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel The beginning: of this forced labor is not exactly known. Rwandan AMR : Association des Moniteurs duUburetwa Rwanda on the tradition shows that King Rwabugiri imposed AMUR in order : Association Musulmans au Rwandain his Abahutu to punish des them for their responsibility 75 defeat . According to another tradition, Uburetwa ANT in Nkore : Assemblée Nationale de Transition dates back to Seruteganya, Provincial Chief of Bigogwe, who (Transitionalthe National Assembly) demanded dues in kind from his subjects. His Chrétien example was APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate emulated elsewhere in the county. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Contrary to the erroneous claims by advocates of popular etymology whoRwandais insist that the term Uburetwa was introduced APROCOMIN: Association by colonialism, it is believed des that Commerçants this institution Indigènes was used even 76 APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale the de la before the colonial period. pour Under King Rwabugiri, royal court increasedMasse its representatives in the country and in semiautonomous regions. This multiplied the services ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement deoflachiefs who introduced Ubutretwa in previously unfamiliar regions. However, Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 74 Vansina, J., 2001, op. cit., p. 66 75 Droits de l’Homme Rwabukumba, J. and Mudandagizi, V., quoted by IRDP, 2005, pp. 53- 54 76 Muzungu, B., « Poètes du clan Abanyiginya in Cahiers Lumière et Société, n° 27, AREDETWA : Association pour le», Relèvement septembre 2004, p.23. Démocratique des Batwa 121 v 121 the origin of ACRONYMS Uburetwa wasAND not ABBREVIATIONS during this period,77 and the practice was not homogeneous throughout the entire country. ___________________________________ Very poor individuals without land or protection were involved A.A. : Archives Africaines in Ubuteretwa, while Ubuhake affected all those who wanted A.G. : Assemblée Générale to have cattle and protection. This meant that a chief could ABAKI : Alliance des more Bakiga become a client of another, powerful person. The practice ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluantburdens. pour la The of Uburetwa was associated with some colonial Suppression des Castes chief of the land asked all families that depended on agriculture ACR Association duofRwanda in his area of :jurisdiction to des give Cultivateurs him a good part their harvest and to offer :him laborDémocratique services. The colonial administration ADP Alliance des Peuples resisted abolishing Uburetwa as it was considered ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la a customary institution. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières b. Ubukonde78 AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre %HIRUH WKH FRXQWU\ ZDV RSHQHG WR :HVWHUQ LQÁXHQFH 5ZDQGD AGOA African and policy Opportunity Act was governed:by a dualGrowth land tenure called Ubukonde and Isambu. policy operated in forest and non-forest regions. $,'6 This $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Local and foreign researchers dealt with the issue of AIMO : Affaires Indigèneshave et Main-d’oeuvre 79 Ubukonde in: Rwanda. Everywhere, settlersEstudiantine made demarcations AJER Association de la Jeunesse of areas of occupation for themselves and their descendants. Rwandaise Even non-agriculturalist populations such as hunters shared ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the unexploited forests among themselves. The Ubukonde system AM/AP ministériel/ présidentiel was therefore:aArrêté method of collectiveArrêté land ownership followed by AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHÀUVWVHWWOHUVRQ5ZDQGDQVRLO7KLVIRUPRIVHWWOHPHQWZDV AMURin the north : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda found and northwest of Rwanda along the crater of the Basin and Nationale in the former prefecture of Byumba. ANTCongo-Nile : Assemblée de Transition 7KHÀUVWVHWWOHUVSDLGDWULEXWHFDOOHGUrwugururo (Transitional National Assembly)to the Mutwa, who was considered the master of the forest. He Chrétien thus became APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Umukonde, or the person who operated the Ubukonde land APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise tenure scheme. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 77 Vansina, J., 2001, op cit., pp 171-172 78 Masseis a land system which was found in the Western Province, The practice of Ubukonde especially in the North. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 79 Kagame, A., Les Démocratie organisations familiales de l’ancien Rwanda, IRCB, Bruxelles, 1954; Murego, D., La révolution rwandaise, 1959-1962. Essai d’interprétation, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Butare, Défense Louvain, 1975; Ruhashyankiko, N., Le droit foncier dupour Rwanda, UNR,des 1977; Droits deaul’Homme Reisdorff, I.,Enquêtes foncières Rwanda, s.l., 1952.; Pagès A., « Note sur le régime de biens dans la province du Bugoyipour », in Congo, 1931; Adraenssens, J., Le droit AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement foncier au Rwanda, Butare, 1962 ( inédité) Démocratique des Batwa 122 122 v x Who was Umugererwa? ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ The members of one lineage did not divide their land into smaller pieces. had a right to exploit it. If the person who A.A. Every :member Archives Africaines acquired land was a stranger to the lineage in the forest region, A.G. : Assemblée Générale the ceded land took the name of Ubugererwa, from the verb ABAKI i.e. to: measure. Alliance des kugera, The Bakiga lineage of Umugererwa enjoyed full ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour la rights on the acquired land, but Bahutu the title of ownership remained des Castes in the hands ofSuppression the lineage head. The Umugererwa was neither ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda supposed to :offer dues in kind nor was he supposed to offer DQ\VHUYLFHV,QVWHDGKHZDVH[SHFWHGWRJLYHKLVÀUVWKDUYHVW ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples of sorghum, beans, millet, andlapeas, to whichethelaadded a crate ADR : Alliance pour Démocratie 80 of beer. This offer was called Nationale Ifuro. The Abakonde expected Réconciliation both alliegance and collaboration from their Abagererwa. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières They strengthened their solidarity to facilitate the defeat their AFDL : Alliance Forces this Démocratiques pour neighbors. A blood pactdes enhanced collaboration. Butlathe Libération duupon Congo-Zaïre free Abagererwa looked down such alliances and looked for AGOA : African Growth andofOpportunity Act Bukonya allies elsewhere. This was the case Ababanda from 81 vis-à-vis their$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Abasindi hosts. $,'6 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre x Different forms de of la Ubukonde AJER : Association Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise The Ubukonde institution underwent several transformations, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda both internal and external. Before the conquest of the Nyiginya AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Kingdom, the Ubukonde was organized under two types AMR Association Moniteurs du Rwanda depending on:their aims anddes objectives. On the one hand, there AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda was the ‘Ubukonde bw’Inzogera’, or those who practiced hunting, gathering, and harvesting Nationale wild cropsde in Transition the forest region. On ANT : Assemblée the other hand, there was National the ‘Ubukonde bw’abahinzi’, or (Transitional Assembly) the ‘Ubukonde of the hoe’ for farmers. The Nyiginya conquest APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien introduced a third form of Ubukonde called ‘Ubukode bw’inka,’ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise reserved to cattle pastures. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais x Ubukode bw’inka (of cattle) APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 7KLVZDVDVSHFLÀFIRUPRIUbukondeIRXQGLQVSHFLÀFUHJLRQV especially in Bigogwe Masse and Rwankeli. Elsewhere, this form of Ubukonde was often confused with Igikingi. The Ubukonde of the ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la herdsmen in Rwankeli was reserved to animal husbandry, but Démocratie it also had an agricultural objective because the herdsmen had ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des land clients who they allowed to settle on their land and who were Droits de l’Homme 80 Pauwels M., Le Bushiru et son Muhinza ou le roitelet hutu, p.311 AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement 81 Nahimana, F., Rwanda : Emergence d’un Etat, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1993, pp.122-123 Démocratique des Batwa 123 v 123 supposed to supply agricultural This form of Ubukonde ACRONYMS ANDproduce. ABBREVIATIONS was restricted___________________________________ to areas that were sparsely populated, or where WKH LQÁXHQFH RI WKH 1\LJLQ\D UR\DO FRXUW ZDV QRW SURQRXQFHG Cattle occupied this land from the sixteenth century.82 A.A. keepers: Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale x Ubukonde bw’isuka (of the hoe) ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la for Also referred : to as ‘Ubukonde bw’abahinzi’ or ‘Ubukonde Suppression des Castesland tenure system was agriculturalists,’ this type of Ubukonde ACRmost widespread : Association des Cultivateurs the in the country. It consisteddu of Rwanda forest regions valued who used hand The forest area ADP by agriculturalists : Alliance Démocratique deshoes. Peuples for cattle was also used for agricultural activities ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la of secondary importance; the hand-hoe user partook in pastoral activities Réconciliation Nationale also. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la x Ubukonde bw’inzogera (of the cow-bell) Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA Growth and Opportunity Act hunting This referred :toAfrican forest areas reserved for ‘bells’ because dogs, the Batwa, had collars with bells. The $,'6which accompanied $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Batwa demanded tribute from whoever crossed their woodlands. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The bw’Inzogera’ imposed on hunters and AJER‘Ubukonde : Association de lawas Jeunesse Estudiantine those who harvested forest crops. This type of Ubukonde Rwandaise GLVDSSHDUHGÀUVWEHFDXVHRIGHPRJUDSKLFIDFWRUVLHSUHVVXUH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda by agriculturalist and herdsmen on the forest areas. The Batwa, AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/protection, Arrêté présidentiel who were deprived of government partook in artisan AMR Association des were Moniteurs du Rwanda activities such: as pottery. There a few groups that remained AMUR : Association desforest Musulmans au Rwanda in Gishwati and in the natural of Nyungwe. The evolution of the land system progressively introduced other modalities of ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition land acquisition which customary law eventually (Transitional National Assembly)accepted. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien x Ubukonde bw’umuheto (of the arrow) APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes This was a form of land ownership that came into existence as a result of theRwandais victory of Ababanda. After the collapse of the APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Bugarura federation, King Ruganzu Ndori used Indigènes the ‘Ubukonde 83 APROSOMA to : Association pour foreign la Promotion la bw’umuheto’ welcome several lineageSociale groups.de Masse x Ubukonde bw’inzigo punishment) de la ARD : Alliance pour(of le Renforcement Démocratie This was a rare land tenure system which appeared whenever ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des an individual killed a person who was from outside his family Droits de l’Homme 82 Adrianssens, J., 1962, op. cit. p. 10.pour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association 83 Adrienssens, J., 1962, op. cit. p. 10. Démocratique des Batwa 124 124 v lineage. In Rwandese tradition, the offended lineage killed ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS another person from the lineage of the murderer. This was ___________________________________ vendetta law. If they managed to reach an agreement, one could give land as a form of appeasement. This was the case A.A.part of his: Archives Africaines with Abagwabiro from Bugoyi, who gave part of the Rugerero A.G. : Assemblée Générale village to Abungura for having killed one of its members.84 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la x Ubukonde bw’ubuntu (gratuity) Suppression des Castes ACRAbagererwa, : Association Rwandacould The who were des landCultivateurs clients of the du Abakonde, ZLQWKHFRQÀGHQFHRIWKHOLQHDJHFKLHIE\YLUWXHRIWKHLUVRFLDELOLW\ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples or their matrimonial alliances other groups. ADR : Alliance pour with la Démocratie et After la consulting his group, the Réconciliation chief could give Nationale part of his land to their clients. These clients were free to exploit it with all associated Ubukonde AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières rights. This form of Ubukonde sometimes engendered family AFDL : Alliance desFOLHQW Forces pour la WR FRQÁLFWV ZKLFK IRUFHG WKH WRDémocratiques DEDQGRQ WKH ODQG JLYHQ Libération du Congo-Zaïre him free of charge. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act x Ubukonde bw’uwaguze (of the buyer) $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The land of Ubukonde could rented and sold as the owner AJER : Association de be la Jeunesse Estudiantine wished. To this effect, the quality of land was always taken into Rwandaise consideration during the process of bargaining. The price was ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda generally paid in terms of small livestock (e.g. goat, sheep, etc.) AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel for a small piece of land and in termsArrêté of cattle for bigger portions AMR : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda with of land. The chief of the lineage made priordu consultations AMUR of his : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda members family. In Gisebeya for example, the Ubukonde land to a person called Bandali was sold for three ANT belonging : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 85 hand hoes or one sheep or heifer for a hectare. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien x Historic evolution of Ubukonde APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes The types of Ubukonde mentioned above were the result of an Rwandais HYROXWLRQDU\ SURFHVV ,Q WKH EHJLQQLQJ WKH ÀUVW RFFXSDWLRQ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes DFFRPSDQ\LQJ WKH ÀUVW VHWWOHPHQWV ZDV GHHPHG OHJLWLPDWH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la /DWHUFXVWRPVZHUHVXEMHFWWRGLYHUVHLQÁXHQFHVDQGHYHQWXDOO\ accepted other Masse forms of Ubukonde. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la The German and Belgian colonizations did not manage to Démocratie totally modify the customary land tenure system. The German ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des administration got involved late in making land reforms. Droits de l’Homme 84 Reisdorff, 1952, op. cit., P.85 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 85 Bourgeois, R.,1958,op.cit., p.194 Démocratique des Batwa 125 v 125 Effectively, German law only governed areas which were not ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LQKDELWHG E\ ___________________________________ QDWLYHV 7KLV W\SH RI ODQG ODZ GHDOW VSHFLÀFDOO\ with land bought or rented by religious missions for commercial purposes. It also dealt with land bought by urban authorities. A.A. : Archives Africaines Hence, ‘Ubukonde’ in the north and northwest of Rwanda was A.G. : Assemblée Générale less entrenched during the Nyiginya LQÁXHQFH 7KH LQGLYLGXDO ABAKI Alliance des Bakigaand land covered under the property, i.e. :Isambu and Ibikingi, 86 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la European written law coexisted with one another.pour Belgium desland Castes encouraged theSuppression evolution of this ownership system without ACR : Association du Rwanda seeking to overhaul radicallydes theCultivateurs traditional system. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples c. Igikingi ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Toward the end of the eighteen century, the system of Ubuhake AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières was closely linked to the Igikingi system. According to J. Vansina, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pourlinked la the organization of the administrative system was closely Libération duconsisted Congo-Zaïre to the land question. Igikingi of division (a hill or a subAGOA : African Growth andprovincial Opportunity Act The king hill) rich in pastures and part of the division. gave keepers, who became his direct clients and $,'6land to cattle $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP who were only indebted to him.87$.DJDPHGHÀQHVIgikingi as AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre a basic administrative ladder. The Ibikingi Estudiantine were similar to subAJER : Association de la Jeunesse chieftaincy divisions of the colonial era.88 There were two types Rwandaise of Ibikingi: the‘administrative Igikingi’ and ‘pastoral Igikingi.’ It ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda should be noted that some administrative Ibikingi coincideed AM/AP Arrêté 89ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel with pastoral :Ibikingi. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans aunot Rwanda The land policy under the Ibikingi system was generalized throughout Rwandan territory. It was in areas like ANT : Assemblée Nationale de imposed Transition Buganza, Buriza, Bwanacyambwe, Rukoma, Nduga, Mayaga, (Transitional National Assembly) Busanza, Buhanga-Ndara, Muvejuru, Bashumba-Nyakare, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Buyenzi, and Bufundu. However, the Inkingi almost never APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise existed in other regions dominated by pastoral activities such as APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Ndorwa-Mutara, Bugesera, Gisaka, and Mubari. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants ,Q WKH SROLWLFDOÀHOG WKH LQWURGXFWLRQ RI UHVHUYHIndigènes SDVWRUDO DUHDV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la led to increased pressure on political authorities to help weak Masse 86 Hitabatuma I., L’évolution historique de l’Ubukonde ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laau Rwanda: l’exemple du Nyantango, Ruhengeri, 1982, pp.73-74. Démocratie 87 Vansina J., Le Rwanda ancien. Le royaume Nyiginya, Paris, Karthala, 2001, p.168. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 88 Kagame A.,1975, op.cit.,p.185 89 de politique l’Homme Mbonimana G., «Droits L’intégration face aux institutions Igikingi et Uburetwa sous le règne de Rwabugiri (1867-1895) », in F. Rutembesa, A. Shyaka, J. Semujanga AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement (dir.), Rwanda : identité et citoyenneté, EUNR, 2003, P.36. Démocratique des Batwa 126 126 v social classes.ACRONYMS The big proprietors Ibikingi got a bigger clientele. AND of ABBREVIATIONS Whoever possessed Igikingi had a right of custodianship on the ___________________________________ pastures and the people who lived there. Among other things, custodians had the rightAfricaines of receiving services and dues of all A.A. : Archives VRUWV7KHFUHDWLRQRIGHSDUWPHQWVOHGWRDVRFLDOVWUDWLÀFDWLRQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale and accentuated poverty among farmers and herdsmen. The ABAKI : Alliance Provincial Chiefs also des lost Bakiga their advantages regarding their 90 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la animals. Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Consequently, dues and forced labor increased. This was followed by the introduction of Ibikingi that to separation of ADP : Alliance Démocratique des led Peuples the post of District Chief into two: the Land Chief ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la and Animal Husbandry Chief. It should be noted that the Abahutu and Réconciliation Nationale Abatusi were property owners of the Ibikingi. This was the case AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières with some women in some parts of the country such as Northern AFDL : Alliance Démocratiques pour la Buganza.91. The problemdes of Forces the Ibikingi is therefore associated Libération du Congo-Zaïre with lack of pastures. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act As for the evolution of igikingi, it was during the regime of Yuhi $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Gahindiro that Igikingi V\VWHP VWDUWHG ÁRXULVKLQJ LQ %XJDQ]D AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre and Nduga. A few reasonsdehelp to explain this development: AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine demographic pressure, increase in the number of livestock Rwandaise following the annexation of areas rich in cattle (e.g. Ndorwa ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda and Mutara), competition among army chiefs, and the political AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel willingness of: King Gahindiro to favor his supporters. Note that AMR : Association du Mutara Rwanda the Ibikingi increased duringdes theMoniteurs reign of King Rwogera AMUR of high : Association Musulmans au Rwanda because livestockdes population density. There were patriarchal grazing lands given to people in power, especially ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition army chiefs. Under King Kigeri Rwabugiri, the power of political (Transitional National Assembly) authorities increased at the expense of the lineage chiefs. The APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien former distributed big portions of land to themselves and received APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise rent from those who grazed on their land. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais The Ibikingi system faded by 1929; this marked the date when APROCOMIN: Association desBelgian Commerçants Indigènes the system was removed by the colonial administration. APROSOMA : Association pourcontinued la Promotion Sociale la the However, the Ibikingi institution to exist even de after abolition of Ubuhake. Masse The chiefs and sub-chiefs later extended the Ibikingi system to areas where it never existedde before ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la in order to get grazing land in areas where the chiefs were appointed. The Démocratie ARDHO Rwandaise pour la Evolution Défense des 90 Nkulikiyimfura,:J.Association N.., Le gros bétail de la société rwandaise,: historique Droits l’Homme des XII et XIV siècles à 1958,de Paris, L’Harmattan, 1994, pp. 96-97. 91 Kabagema, I., L’évolution socio-politique des origines à 1931, AREDETWA : Association pourduleBuganza-Nord Relèvement UNR, 1985, p. 109. Démocratique des Batwa 127 v 127 problem of ibikingi was fought the ‘Conseiller Supérieur’ in ACRONYMS ANDby ABBREVIATIONS the country in___________________________________ 1950’s, but this was without any tangible result. It was the ‘Special Resident,’ Colonel Guy Logiest, who, on May 2, 1960, signed a decreeAfricaines removing the Ibikingi system. During A.A. : Archives the implementation of this decree, the PARMEHUTU authorities A.G. : Assemblée Générale DQGRWKHULQÁXHQWLDOSHRSOHWRRNDGYDQWDJHRIWKHLUSRVLWLRQWR ABAKI land : Alliance des Bakiga distribute to themselves. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression d. Economic exchange des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The on whether economic ADP controversy : Alliance Démocratique desactivities Peuples existed in ancient Rwanda is irrelevant. Not long ago, some authors denied ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the existence ofRéconciliation economic history in societies they described as Nationale “archaic.”92 According to them, economic exchange in Rwanda at AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières that time fell under the framework of family relationships, where AFDL : Alliance Démocratiques pourstates la gifts were made withoutdes anyForces economic goal. Haremans Libération du Congo-Zaïre that Rwanda was a subsistence economy incapable of producing AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act commercial surplus: $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP “(...) Rwanda had a closed et economy in the sense that AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre was a unit which was supposed to produce AJER the ‘Urugo’ : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine practically all that was necessary for the subsistence Rwandaise of its members (…). Commerce was less developed. The ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda exchange of Agriculture production, crafts and pastoral AM/APproduction : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel were done by administrative and military AMR structures. : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda Economicdes surplus was drained by the ruling 93 AMURclass. (…)” : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The above view(Transitional is premised on prejudice and not on research National Assembly) ÀQGLQJV 5HVHDUFK ÀQGLQJV KDYH SURYHG WKH H[LVWHQFH APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate ChrétienRI D market economy in traditional Rwanda.94 In this economy, there APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise was a standard of exchange with recognized values and teams of APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes SURIHVVLRQDOEXVLQHVVPHQZKRVHDLPZDVWRJHWSURÀW,QRUGHUWR Rwandais H[SODLQDQGTXDOLI\WKHVHDIÀUPDWLRQVLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRGHDOZLWK APROCOMIN: des Commerçants the terminology Association involved in this trade, the general Indigènes organization of APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 92 Malinowski, B., $UJRQDXWV RI WKH :HVWHUQ 3DFL¿F, New York, 1921; Mauss, M., Masse Essai sur le don, forme archaïque de l’échange, New York, 1924. 93 Heremans R., Introduction l’histoire Rwanda, Kigali, Editions ARD : Allianceà pour le du Renforcement de la rwandaises, Bruxelles, Editions de Boeck, 1972, pp.55-56. Démocratie 94 Ruzindana, E., L’évolution du commerce au Rwanda du dernier quart du XIXe ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense desau siècle à 1950, mémoire inédit Louvain, 1974.; Luganpour B., L’économie d’échange Droits de l’Homme Rwanda de 1850 à 1914, Université de Province, 1976.; Nyagahene, A., Les activités économiques et commerciales du Kinyaga la seconde partie du 19e siècle , AREDETWA : Association pour dans le Relèvement Butare, UNR, 1979. Démocratique des Batwa 128 128 v exchanges, the nature of theAND market, the businessmen involved, ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS and types of products traded. ___________________________________ The commercial vocabulary used shows the existence of a juxtaposition of both Africaines traditional and modern commercial A.A. : Archives structures. To begin with, the word “isoko” is a Swahili word. It A.G. : Assemblée Générale has an Arab origin “es-souk,” which means market. In Kinyaga, ABAKI : Alliance desname Bakiga for example, the traditional designating ‘market’ is igerero ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la ‘to (plural amagerero), which comes from Evoluant the verb ‘kugera’, des Castes measure.’ This Suppression shows that quantities of exchange were implied. ACR Association des Cultivateurs Another word: ‘iguriro’ (plural amaguriro) from du the Rwanda verb ‘kugura’ (to buy) was :used in daily use language. the products ADP Alliance Démocratique desAmong Peuples found in these ‘amaguriro·ZHUHEUDFHOHWVPDGHRIZHDYHGÀEUHV ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la called “ubutega.” This word of Nationale Tembo origin arrived in Rwanda Réconciliation thanks to the Bushi95. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pourwhich la The verb ‘gutunda’ (performing a commercial job), from Libération du Congo-Zaïre the noun ‘umutunzi’ (professional business person) emerges AGOA :WKH African Opportunity SUHVXSSRVHV LGHD Growth RI SURÀWand 7KLV LV FRQWUDU\Act WR ¶guhaha,’ which action of going somewhere to barter goods. In $,'6 is a simple $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Kinyarwanda, there are Indigènes other termsetsuch as: AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine - Gucira (declaring the price of one’s goods), from which the Rwandaise word ‘igiciro’ (price) originates; ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Guhoza (imposing taxes on goods); AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association Moniteurs Rwandafor food - Kubandika (barteringdes some butter indu exchange crops); AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition - Kuzegura (playing an intermediary role) is a word which (Transitional Nationalparlance; Assembly) has disappeared from common APADEC : Association Parti Démocratemiddle Chrétien Amasoko y’amazege du (hoes to compensate men).96 APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Among the foreign words which were found in the Rwandan Rwandais barter-trade market, there were words like ‘amageta’ – meaning APROCOMIN: Association desbyCommerçants red-beads imported to Rwanda the Bashi, butIndigènes introduced by APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la or Arabs in Central Africa. It is not known if this word is ofde Arab Massebracelets made of copper were found in this Shi origin. Similarly, market. These were known and ibitare respectively ARD : Alliance pourasleImiringa Renforcement de la (mringa and birhale among the Bashi). Démocratie ARDHO : Association la Défense 95 Newbury, D., “Lake Kivu regional Rwandaise trade during thepour nineteenth century”, in des Centre l’Homme for African Studies, Droits Dalhousiede university, Halifax, Nova Scotia, p.2. 96 Nyagahene, A., :Les activités économiques du Kinyaga dont la AREDETWA Association pour etlecommerciales Relèvement seconde partie du 19e siècle, Mémoire de Licence, Butare, UNR, 1979, pp.30-32 Démocratique des Batwa 129 v 129 x Markets and personal business ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ &XUUHQWO\WKHUHLVQRVXIÀFLHQWRUDOWHVWLPRQ\RQWKHZD\SUH colonial markets startedAfricaines in Rwanda. There is likelihood that A.A. : Archives WKHLU RULJLQ VWDUWHG ZLWK SULYDWH LQLWLDWLYHV XQGHU WKH LQÁXHQFH A.G. : Assemblée Générale of Rwanda’s neighboring kingdoms, especially the Bashi. The ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga LQÁXHQFHRIDVWURQJOLQHDJHRUDQLQÁXHQWLDOWUDGHULQDJLYHQDUHD ABESC monopolists : Association des Evoluant pourcenters la created capable of Bahutu establishing attractive Suppression Castes for businessmen and goods indes a given place. In the second half of ACRnineteenth : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda the century, such market centers acquired a certain degree the top was a chief was recognized ADP of organization. : AllianceAtDémocratique des who Peuples as the principal organizer of the trading centre. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale There was a market chief who was responsible for the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières administration of the market. He played a dual role as a security AFDL : Alliance des+H Forces Démocratiques pour la RIÀFHU DQG DGPLQLVWUDWRU ZDV DOVR FKDUJHG ZLWK HQVXULQJ Libération du Congo-Zaïre that justice was done regarding small crimes committed within AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Act He was the market. In addition, it was and he who received taxes. assisted sons or people from his lineage. However, his $,'6 by his $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP presence did not prevent theft or acts of brutality from taking AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre place At the of the Estudiantine pre-colonial period, AJER in this: market. Association de laend Jeunesse thieves in such barter-trade markets were tied up, beaten, and Rwandaise IRUFHGWRUHWXUQVWROHQREMHFWVRUWRSD\DÀQHIRUWKHLUUHOHDVH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Sometimes, they got killed from the pushing of sharp objects AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 97 into their bodies. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des 98 Musulmans au of Rwanda and gave part these to the The market chief received taxes local hierarchy was often avoided by going directly to ANT chief. This : Assemblée Nationale de Transition the .LQJ, to whom luxuriousNational objects Assembly) were periodically given. (Transitional 7KLV OHG WR DQ LQFUHDVH RI KLV LQIOXHQFH LQ WKH DUHD 7KH WD[HV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien consisted of hoes, goats, salt, tobacco, and foods grains. A cow APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise was exchanged with one or two hoes or an equivalent quantity APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes of bracelets levied as taxes. 50 Ubutenga-bracelets were paid as Rwandais tax for one goat. Whoever refused to obey was excluded from the APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes PDUNHWEHDWHQXSRUKDGKLVJRRGVFRQÀVFDWHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la In the marketMasse where goods were bartered, two areas were distinguished. In one part, was an area de where ARD : Alliance pourthere le Renforcement la animals were sold. In another, food stuffs such as grains and cooked Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 97 Mutombo, R., /HVpFKDQJHVFRPPHUFLDX[GDQVODUpJLRQGH0DVDQJDQRjOD¿QGH Droits deUNR, l’Homme la période précoloniale, Butare, 1978, p.175 98 The tax had many names such as ihoro, indamu, or uruhino. The latter tax consisted AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement of a hoe. Démocratique des Batwa 130 130 v food were sold. The role of women in this trade was restricted. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Around the major markets, there were secondary markets where ___________________________________ commercial transactions were done. The permanent markets ZHUH VSHFLÀFAfricaines GD\ RI WKH ZHHN99 while others were A.A. KHOG RQ: D Archives organized periodically. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga Most items sold in thedes market were from rural areas. They ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la were brought by peasants themselves Evoluant or by businessmen des Castes and hawkers. Suppression Whenever exchange took place between homes, ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda farmers bartered items from house to house.du They looked for items which they neededDémocratique for immediate use. example, beans ADP : Alliance des For Peuples were bartered with peas. Hawkers travelled from ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et laone village to another, buying items with lesser value in order to get some Réconciliation Nationale SURÀW6HYHUDOFDWHJRULHVRIEXVLQHVVPHQZHUHLGHQWLÀHGDWWKDW AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières time: AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour labig x Intermediaries or des transit traders: these were generally Libération du Congo-Zaïre businessmen who were rich; they had caravans of goods AGOA and employed : African Growth and Opportunity Act people who carried their goods. Alternatively, big herds of cattle. They frequented markets $,'6 some had $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP which were far from their places of birth. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de lafrom Jeunesse Estudiantine x Hawkers: these moved village to village, buying Rwandaise food items houses along the way , and buying especially and foodstuff. Theyducarried these items to ALIR livestock : Armée de Libération Rwanda markets where they would be bartered. They obtained AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel VRPHSURÀWZKLFKZDVQRWDVKLJKDVWKDWIURPEXVLQHVV AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda done in distant areas. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda these were peopledewho played the role of ANTx Middlemen: : Assemblée Nationale Transition intermediaries. Some also served as interpreters between (Transitional National Assembly) traders speaking different languages. They performed APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien this service at a fee, such as receiving some items for the APR services : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise rendered. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes x Famine traders: these appeared occasionally because Rwandais famine was not permanent. It was generally periodic. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Effectively, people hit by famine were forced to barter APROSOMA : Association Promotiontrade Sociale la one their property. They pour thus la transacted for de only day.100 Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 99 The traditional Rwandese week was made of 5 days of which 4 of these were devoted Démocratie WRZRUNDQGWKH¿IWKGD\ZDVFDOOHGµakadogo’. It was set aside for rest. In the royal court, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des to WKH¿IWKGD\ZDVJLYHQWKHQDPHRICyumweru. This was a person who was related Droits de l’Homme Kibogo, (half brother) of Ruhganzu Ndori. The name of Cyumweru is said to have been ERUURZHGE\WKH¿UVW&DWKROLF&KULVWLDQPLVVLRQDULHVDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRI AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 100 Mutombo, R., 1978, op. cit., p. 158 and Nagahene, A., 1979, op. cit., pp. 159-164. Démocratique des Batwa 131 v 131 These markets existed in several regions of the country and ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS brought together different people from different corners of ___________________________________ the country. Apart from the 40 national markets, there were international such as Bitare, Mururu, and Nyagahinga A.A. :markets Archives Africaines in Kinyaga, which brought together Abanyarwanda, Abahavvu, A.G. : Assemblée Générale Abarega, Abarubdi, Abafulero, Abanyetambi, Ibishugi, ABAKI : Allianceindes Bakiga Mushwiza, Ryabizige Bugoyi, and Gasakuza, Gacaca, and ABESC in Mulera : Association destogether BahutuAbahunde, Evoluant pour la Mpenge brought Abanande, Suppression Castes Abayira, Abanyankore, and des Abanyarwanda. Rwanza market ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda and in Bwanamukali, was frequented by Abashi,duAbarundi, 101 Abanyarwanda. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la It should be noted that insecurity existed along commercial Réconciliation Nationale routes. The long distances involved compelled traders to sign AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières pacts and make alliances with people from distant regions. AFDL : Alliance ,des Forces pourbylaan Among these alliances there were Démocratiques blood pacts followed Libération du Congo-Zaïre exchange of cattle and friendship reinforced by gifts. Such pacts AGOApracticed : African Growth and Opportunity were especially by Abanyakinyaga andAct the people 102 from Hence, at the height of these commercial $,'6West of Rusizi. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP expeditions in Bushi or Kinyaga, et each group of traders was AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre protected by allies. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 6HOIVXIÀFLHQF\LQDOOLWHPVKDVQHYHUFKDUDFWHUL]HGDQ\VRFLHW\ AMR Rwanda : Association desbarter Moniteurs Rwanda Ancient thus practiced trade todu satisfy their needs. AMUR goods :were Association Musulmans Rwanda Traded generally des based on food andau artisan products. In agriculture,: the predominance of certain products in one region ANT Assemblée Nationale de Transition would prompt people from other regions Assembly) to look for it. (Transitional National APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien In addition, the craft industry existed in many forms and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise entailed items from the blacksmith industry, pottery, basketry, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes FORWKHV PDGH RI VNLQV RU EDUNFORWK H[WUDFWHG IURP WKH ÀFXV Rwandais tree (impuzu), and carpentry. Blacksmiths looked for iron-ore in APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants order to manufacture their items. In some parts Indigènes of the country APROSOMA : Association pour la Sociale de where la such as Kinyaga, where minerals didPromotion not exist, or in areas iron was of poor quality, iron-ore was imported in the form of Masse objects, which were transformed by blacksmiths.de la ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement Démocratie 101 Ntezimana, E., « Informations et communications au Rwanda avant 1900 », in ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des Dialogue, n° 122 , mai-juin, 1987, pp.Rwandaise 81-82 ; Ndekezi S., Nyetera P. C., Nyagahene Droits de l’Homme A., Ubuhashyibw’Abanyarwanda bo hambere, Kigali, 1987, pp. 51-90; Mutombo R., 1978, op. cit ., pp.85-130. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 102 Chubaka, B. quoted by Nyagahene, A., 1987, op. cit., p. 164. Démocratique des Batwa ¾Commerce and economic complementarity 132 132 v Blacksmiths were paid in the form of food items if the buyer ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS pressed an order of locally-made items (kugemura). However, in ___________________________________ the barter-market, the blacksmiths sometimes asked for other items like Ubutega-bracelets or small-sized livestock A.A. of exchange : Archives Africaines such as goats and sheep. The organization of the blacksmith A.G. : Assemblée Générale industry was based on family lineage, although some volunteers ABAKI – notably : Alliance des repaired Bakiga damaged utensils. existed those who ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes The pottery industry was equally important because it provided ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda utensils made of clay intended for cooking du food, conserving grains and keeping liquids such as water and beer. ADP of all types, : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples This industry was an activity exclusively done by the Batwa. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la However, someRéconciliation families from the Abayovu clan who assimilated Nationale to the Hutu acquired some specialized knowledge in clay works. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières The items produced were also commercialized; buyers could AFDL : Alliance Forces access such items eitherdes in the homeDémocratiques of the craftsmenpour or inlathe Libération du Congo-Zaïre market where they were bartered. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Among things, woodwork provided milk jugs, plates, wine $,'6 other $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP brewers, and itemsetwere delivered after orders AIMO :mortars. Affaires These Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre were they were de bought in the Estudiantine barter market. The AJERmade, or : Association la Jeunesse manufacture of garments made of skin and impuzu bark-tree Rwandaise bark required the services of specialists who sometimes inherited ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda this skill from the lineage. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR items played : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda Some the roledes of currency because they became AMUR of exchange : Association Musulmans au Rwanda means as theydes were easily converted into smaller units This was the casede forTransition food grains, livestock, ANT and sub-units. : Assemblée Nationale and non-perishable items such as hoesAssembly) and bracelets. As far as (Transitional National bracelets were concerned, two units were used: Chrétien Igihumbi (one APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate thousand bracelets) and Inzovu (elephant), or two thousand. In APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise purchasing big livestock such as cattle, the Inzovu measurement APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes was especially used. When purchasing small-sized livestock like Rwandais goats and sheep, the Igihumbi standard of measurement was APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes used. For precious stones, there were two measurement units: APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de pearls la i.e. ipfundo (knot), which was tantamount to ten bundled (ubuhivu), and Masse akagoziÀEUHZKLFKDPRXQWHGWRSHDUOV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Big-size livestock were of capital importance in Ancient Rwanda. Démocratie The cow provided milk, butter, and meat. Its skin was used to ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des manufacture clothes; its hair on the tail (ubusenzi) was combined Droits de l’Homme with jewels to make artistic products. The end parts of its horns AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement were used as brushes in tannery works. The tails were used in Démocratique des Batwa 133 v 133 divine science. Cow-dung was used to strengthen baskets. In its ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS dry form, cow-dung also served as fuel. ___________________________________ The forAfricaines products of high value such as hoes, A.A.cow was :bartered Archives food crops, or pearls. Bulls and sterile cows were mostly sold. In A.G. : Assemblée Générale general, a cow was exchanged with 8 or 9 hoes.103 It should be ABAKIthat these : Alliance Bakiga noted prices des varied from one region to another. For 104 ABESC : Association des example, in Kinyaga, a cow costBahutu betweenEvoluant 20 and 60pour hoes.la In Suppression Castes the same region, a bull was des valued at 15,000 bracelets and in ACRcases 20,000 : Association rare bracelets;des thisCultivateurs was based on du theRwanda ‘Inzovu’ scale of measurement. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières x Barter trade and smallNationale livestock Réconciliation The small-sized livestock, such as sheep and goats, were used AFDL : Alliance for deshoes, Forces Démocratiques pourhome la as items of exchange food items, and other Libération du Congo-Zaïre XWHQVLOV$JRDWZDVYDOXHGDWIRXURUÀYHKRHVLQPRVWDUHDVRI AGOA : African Growth Opportunity the country. The number of hoesand exchanged varied Act according to their and durability. Whenever one kept a goat or sheep $,'6strength$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP for another person, one Indigènes received itset kid for the service rendered. AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda The price of foodstuffs varied from one period of the year to AM/AP and according : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel another to the supplyArrêté of crops harvested. During AMR season, : Association desaMoniteurs Rwandato bring harvest in order to get hoe, it wasdu necessary AMUR : Association Musulmans auofRwanda two basketfuls of beans or des double the amount sorghum. In periods a singleNationale basketful of was equivalent to ANT of drought, : Assemblée debeans Transition two hoes; one basket of sorghum was bartered for one hoe. If an (Transitional National Assembly) item was found far from its place of manufacture, it was more APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien expensive. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes x Barter trade and honey Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Rwandans. Commerçants Indigènes Honey was consumed by many Treated honey was APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion Socialeitems de la like kept in pots. :This honey was used to buy important hoes, butter, and livestock. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 103 Ndekezi, S., Nyagahene A., Nyetera P.C., 1987, op.cit., p.19. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 104 Nyagahene, A., 1987, op.cit., p.156. Démocratique des Batwa x Barter trade and foodstuffs 134 134 v x BarterACRONYMS trade and crafts AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ The most used craft items were hoes. They were made of different types in valueAfricaines according to their durability and place A.A. and varied : Archives of manufacture: A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga - Imberuka manufactured in Buberuka in the current ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Northern Province of Rwanda Suppression des Castes - Indamba from Buramba in the present district of Muhanga ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda - Inshikazi from Bushi, Buhavu (in des the present ADP : Alliance Démocratique PeuplesDemocratic of Congo) ADR Republic : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la - Gikondo Réconciliation manufactured in Gikondo in the current town of Nationale AEC Kigali : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des(crafts Forcesquickly Démocratiques pour - Giheshyi of Gisaka got depleted in la this region) Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity - Rusengesi from Nyantango (present WesternAct Province)105 $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMOare some: examples Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre Here of prices ofet crafts and the way they were AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine exchanged: - 1 hoe = Rwandaise 2 big mats ALIR : Armée Libération du Rwanda - 1 hoe = 1 small de spear AM/AP Arrêté - 1 hoe =: 1 swordministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR Rwanda - 2 hoes :=Association 2 mats eachdes for 4Moniteurs people anddu 1 goat. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda - 1 basket = 1 bulkhead ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition - 1 knife = 1 basket (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien x International trade APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des This Partis Monarchistes Some products were imported. was the case for salt from Rwandais Lake Katwe near Lake Edward (Rwicanzige) or from Burundi. Copper came from Shaba, des pearls came from Butemb,o APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes and 106 hoes came from Bwishya or Buvira. According to A. Kagame’s APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 107 chronology, RUDOWUDGLWLRQDIÀUPVWKDWSURGXFWVRI(XURSHDQ Masse RU$VLDQRULJLQDSSHDUHGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQ5ZDQGDXQGHUWKH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 105 Démocratie The blacksmiths from this region manufactured hoes for the royal court. This activity was widespread of the countryRwandaise like Gishamvu and Mpungwe near Huye. The hoes ARDHOin many: areas Association pour la Défense des from Buberuka were the strongest and were therefore sold everywhere in the country. These Droits de l’Homme areas were very famous. See Ndekezi S., Nyagahene A., Nyetera P.C., op. cit., pp.103-104. 106 Ndekezi, S., Nyagahene A., Nyetera P.C., 1987,le op. Relèvement cit., pp. 55-56. AREDETWA : Association pour 107 Kagame, A., op. cit., 1972, pp. 131-132. Démocratique des Batwa 135 v 135 reign of KingACRONYMS Yuhi Mpazimpaka, between 1642 and 1675. It AND ABBREVIATIONS was the Banyamwezi who linked the Coast up to Karagwe and ___________________________________ Bushubyi. They sent gifts of precious stone and cloth to the 108 Rwandan monarch. the reign of King Yuhi Gahindiro A.A. : ArchivesUnder Africaines (1749-1802), the quantity of cloth material increased. Cloth was A.G. : Assemblée Générale worn by chiefs.109 Under King Mutara Rwogera, using cloth as ABAKI extended : Alliance desparts Bakiga garments to many of Rwanda. As far as luxurious ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la and items were concerned, they were used byEvoluant the ruling class des Castes were therefore Suppression not part of mainstream trade. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda It was during :King KigeriDémocratique Rwabugiri’s rule that Arabs made their ADP Alliance des Peuples 110 ÀUVWDWWHPSWVWRSHQHWUDWH5ZDQGD Slave trade ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lawas a problem with socio-economic, political, Nationale and humanitarian dimensions. Réconciliation King Rwabugiri’s policy consisted of keeping Arabs and their AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières auxiliaries at a distance. However, this policy gradually changed AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour laHis as the king became interested in obtaining luxurious goods. Libération du Congo-Zaïre supporters were thus enticed to begin slave trade in Rwanda. AGOAtrade was : African Growthbyand Act Slave characterized the Opportunity presence of intermediaries between and Rwandan traders. $,'6 Arabs $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre House maids especially in slavery. These were often AJER :were Association de sold la Jeunesse Estudiantine captured during raids and transported to distant areas for Rwandaise sale. In addition, during famine, children from many families ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda were targeted for sale. Thieves and merchants captured these AM/AP Slave : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel children. trade in Rwanda can be traced as far back as AMR and was : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 1890, especially prevalent in 1905-1906 during the AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwandaby E. Kimwaramwara famine. Otherwise, as demonstrated Mujawimana, were noNationale slave trade in Rwanda. ANT : there Assemblée demarkets Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Slave dealers posed as merchants wanted to buy slaves. APADEC : Association du Partiwho Démocrate Chrétien This business took place in slave trade centers. Kivumu, in the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise present district of Muhanga was a major centre involved in slave APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WUDIÀFNLQJFRQWUDU\WRWKHZLVKHVRI.LQJ5ZDEXJLUL2WKHUWUDGH Rwandais centers were Rugerero in Bugoyi, Rwanza near Save, Mubuga in APROCOMIN: Association des111Commerçants Indigènes Bukonya, and Byahi in Bugoyi, including Rukira in Gasaka. APROSOMA : Association pourcenter la Promotion Sociale la The choice of Rukira slave trade was motivated byde political 108 Massedu Roi Cyirima Rujugira et de la Reine Mère Nyirayuhi, pp.56-66. Van Noten F., Les tombeaux 109 Kagame, A., « Les premiers contacts et de l’occident in Grands Lacs, ARD : Alliance pour du leRwanda Renforcement de», la n° 135, 15 septembreDémocratie 1950, p.8. 110 The sea-Arab merchants reached the East African Coast before the twelfth century. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des )URPWKHWZHOIWKWRWKH¿IWHHQWKFHQWXU\WKHLUSUHVHQFHZDVFRQFHQWUDWHGDWWKHFRDVW Droits de l’Homme where ivory and slave trade expanded. This trade extended to the hinterland of Africa. 111 Ndekezi S., Nyagehene A., Nyetera P.C., 1987, op. cit., pp.79-80, A. Pagès , 1933, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement op.cit. p.163. Démocratique des Batwa 136 136 v and commercial factors. TheAND powers given by King Rwabugiri to ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS the chiefs of Gihunya and Mirenge – his intermediaries for slave ___________________________________ dealers – encouraged the development of slave trade as time went was theAfricaines only center where slaves of Rwandese A.A. on. Rukira : Archives origin were exported, including those in transit from Bwishya A.G. : Assemblée Générale and Bufumbira. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la and The cost of these slaves varied according to age, beauty, Suppression Castes origin. A child aged less thandes three years cost one goat or some ACR materials; : Association deswas Cultivateurs du Rwanda cloth a young lady valued at cloth material for 112 WKUHH ÀIWHHQDémocratique JDUPHQWV . Itdes should be mentioned ADP SHRSOH: RU Alliance Peuples that slave trade was not as widespread in Rwanda ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la as in other neighboring countries, such asNationale Tanganyika or Congo (present Réconciliation DRC). The Congo was ravaged by Tipo-Tipp, or Rumariza. The AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Rwandese did not support this type of trade because King AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la Rwabugiri prevented hisdes subjects from selling their compatriots. Libération du Congo-Zaïre He even fought those who supported this trade, including AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Rumariza. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 3.3.5. Cultural and social organization AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine a. Politics and literature Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KH WHUP ¶FXOWXUH· KDV PRUH WKDQ RQH KXQGUHG GHÀQLWLRQV AM/AP here: Arrêté ministériel/ However, one aspect of cultureArrêté will beprésidentiel stressed - the arts. AMRinvolving: dance Association deswill Moniteurs du Rwanda Arts and music not be handled here. Special AMUR : Association au Rwanda LPSRUWDQFH ZLOO EH SODFHGdes RQMusulmans FRXUW OLWHUDWXUH 7KLV RIÀFLDO literature was: Assemblée composed ofNationale Ibisigo (dynastic poems), amazina ANT de Transition y’inka (cow poetry), and ibyivugo (poems of heroic warriors). (Transitional National Assembly) These three literary genres correspond to three Chrétien stages of the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate evolution of Rwandan society and monarchy: the king, the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise cow, and war. These three things were important to the social, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes political, and even religious life of Rwandese.113 Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants The art comprising ‘Ibisigo’des (singular Igisigo) Indigènes is known as APROSOMA : Association pour laby Promotion Sociale de la Ubusizi. Ibisigo can be understood their content, importance, WUDQVPLVVLRQDQGHYROXWLRQ+HUHRQO\WKHÀUVWWZRDVSHFWVZLOO Masse be developed. The content of ledynastic poetry took ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement de latwo forms. 7KH ÀUVW IRUP Démocratie ZDV IXQGDPHQWDO ,W GHDOW ZLWK WKH FHQWUDO DQG GRPLQDQW WKHPH ² WKH JORULÀFDWLRQ RI WKH Nyiginya Monarchy. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 112 Droits l’Homme Ndekezi S., Nyagehene A., de Nyetera P.C., 1987, op.cit., pp.79-80, A. Pagès , 1933, op.cit. p.84 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 113 Kagame A., « Le Rwanda et son roi », in Aequatoria, no 2, 1945, p.41 Démocratique des Batwa 137 v 137 The second form was secondary and was expressed either ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ ,W ZDV WKH ÀQDO VXSSOLFDWLRQ RI WKH SRHW ___________________________________ who defends his interests and asks for compensation for his poetic A.A. contributions. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale 7KH JORULÀFDWLRQ RI WKH PRQDUFK\ URWDWHG RQ D IHZ SULQFLSDO ABAKI The: Alliance Bakiga symbols. Karinga des drum constituted the essence of the ABESC : Association des Bahutu la monarchy. The symbol of the ruling king Evoluant was alwayspour associated des Castes of the ruling king. The with the QueenSuppression Mother and the ancestors ACR was addressed : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda poem to thesedes ancestors, comprising a normative aspect poetry. Indeed, thedes poet repeated verses ADP of dynastic : Alliance Démocratique Peuples that praised the actions of the ruling king so as ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to satisfy his audience; he repeated that the Nationale king had succeeded in imitating Réconciliation his predecessors, but also had surpassed them because AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières “Umwami uhawe Uruharo arwigiza imbere” (the king who has a AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques task to accomplish mustdes simplify it for his people). pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA poetry : African and Opportunity Dynastic was ofGrowth fundamental importance Act to Rwanda’s political and its history. The political dimension of $,'6 ideology $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP dynastic poems was its content. As far as its AIMO : Affairesunderstood Indigènes by et Main-d’oeuvre historical importance was concerned, dynastic poetry constituted AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine a major reference point for the chronology of facts that took place Rwandaise in Ancient Rwanda. A series of poetic contributions was called ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda “ibisigo by’impakanizi.” It should be noted that paragraphs of AM/AP poems : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel dynastic followed one anotherArrêté according to the chronology AMR : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda 114 The of queens, from Ruganzu Bwimba to Mutaradu Rudahigwa. AMUR Association Musulmans Ibisigo poems:were supposeddes to be transmittedau in Rwanda their entirety. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition e. Family (family poems)National Assembly) (Transitional APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien The family was an important unit in ancient Rwanda. In general, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise it had a four-fold function: economic value, reproduction, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes satisfaction of sexual needs for spouses, and socialization of RwandaisRwanda, the family was composed of children. In traditional APROCOMIN: Association spouses and their children.115des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ¾The nuclear family: this was composed of a woman, man, Masse and their children; ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 114 Kagame A., Introduction aux grands genres lyriques de l’ancien Rwanda, Butare ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense des EUNR, 1969 p.187; B. Muzungu, « La problématiquepour de l’histoire du Rwanda », in Droitsnode Cahiers Lumière et Société, 33,l’Homme mars 2006. 115 D’Hertefelt M.,: Trouborst A. A., Scherer J. H., Les anciens royaumes de la zone AREDETWA Association pour le Relèvement interlacustre méridionale Rwanda, Burundu, Buha, Tervuren, MRAC, 1962, pp. 51-52. Démocratique des Batwa 138 138 v ¾The polygamous family: of a man, his wives, ACRONYMS ANDconsisted ABBREVIATIONS and their children. Each wife had her own homestead.116 ___________________________________ The man considered himself indispensable to the various families and thus visited his wives in turn; A.A. nuclear: Archives Africaines ¾In the :case of the death of a spouse, a woman would A.G. Assemblée Générale remarry one of the members ABAKI : Alliance des Bakigaof the family of her deceased husband in order to form a Leviticus family. The children ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la resulting from this union were socially considered the Suppression des Castes same as those of other spouses. A stranger to the lineage ACR could cohabit : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda with a widow, especially with the consent ADP of the family. : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale The family played several roles. It was the basic unit of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières cooperation and economic production. It produced all that it AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la needed; people only went to the market if it was unavoidable. Libération Congo-Zaïre For a polygamous family, du every nucleus family comprised an independent unit of production. sold his AGOA : African Growth The andhusband Opportunity Actlabor. The occupations of women depended on the social status the family. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Rich big-sized livestocketwhile poor ones kept smallAIMOfamilies :had Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre sized livestock.117 According to the Rwandan mentality, a large AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine number of children brought happiness and strength to the family. Rwandaise The marriage of a daughter made it possible to extend alliances ALIR : Armée de Libération Rwanda with other lineage groups. A daughterdu was considered a linking AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel factor between families (umukobwa ni gahuzamiryango). Sexual AMR : Association Rwanda intercourse between spousesdes wasMoniteurs prescribed du during marriage, at ELUWKGXULQJSXULÀFDWLRQRIWKHPRXUQLQJFHUHPRQLHVDWGHDWK AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda and during the enthronement of a king during planting and ANT : Assemblée Nationale de or Transition 118 harvesting seasons. The lineage and, eventually, the army (Transitional National Assembly) were responsible for the socialization of children. (See the below APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien section on traditional education.) APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI Association des Partis In traditional: Rwanda, marriage was aMonarchistes union between a man Rwandais and woman, after the former had paid dowry (inkwano) and after a ceremony where big quantities of beer was served (Imihango APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 119 yo gusaba no: gukwa). Inkwano generally consisted APROSOMA AssociationThe pour la Promotion Sociale de laof a 116 Massedes relations sociales dans le Rwanda ancien, Bruxelles, Maquet J. J., Le système MRCB, 1954, p. 94. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 117 D’Hertefelt M., etDémocratie al. 1962, op. cit., p. 33 118 Buregeya S., Les paysans du Bumbogo face aux autorités traditionnelles et ARDHO 1900-1956, : Association pour la Défense des coloniales, Butare, UNR, Rwandaise 1996 119 l’Homme Bigirumwami A.,Droits Imihangode n’imigenzo n’imiziririzo mu Rwanda, Nyundo, 1974, pp. 112-132; Ndekezi, S., Ubukwe bw’Abanyarwanda, Kigali, 1983.; Ndekezi, S., AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Rituel du mariage coutumier au Rwanda, Kigali, 1984. Démocratique des Batwa 139 v 139 cow, but it could also consist of ABBREVIATIONS goats and hoes. For people of ACRONYMS AND lower social standing, dowry consisted of services rendered by ___________________________________ the future husband in the home of his future father-in-law. This last tantamount to a free marriage. A.A.category was : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale A woman who only produced girls was divorced.120 Whenever ABAKI : Alliance Bakigathis act was tantamount to a lineage chased away des a woman, ABESC The Inkwano : Association desrefunded Bahutu Evoluant pour la not divorce. was not if the woman had 121 Suppression des Castes A woman who was produced children for her husband. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda chased without dowry on her head could remarry. It was mostly orphans who : failed to get dowry. A family never received ADP Alliance Démocratique des that Peuples Inkwano could, by a way of compensation, kidnap ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la a brother-inlaw (muramu) ifRéconciliation the two spousesNationale continued to live together.122 On the wedding day, wealthy citizens with lots of cows brought two AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières cows, one of which was given to the groom.123 AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération dudifferent Congo-Zaïre Marriage took place between ethnic groups and classes AGOA Africanexcept Growth and Opportunity of Rwandan :society, between the Batwa. Act Sometimes, parents be opposed to the marriage of their children to $,'6 would$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP a particular person. They would decide who their child should AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre marry. girl lived de with young husband. There were AJER The young : Association laher Jeunesse Estudiantine some superstitions involved, such as spitting milk on the young Rwandaise girl or touching her using the branch of a special tree.124 In ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda some cases, a young man would also elope with a young girl to AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtédescribes présidentiel make an illegal marriage. A. Bigirumwami the different 125 AMR of Rwandan : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda stages marriagedes as follows: AMUR des Musulmans au Rwanda x Firstly,: Association look for Umuranga (a go-between of sorts), the uncle or father of the boy; ANT paternal : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional x Make consultations to National know the Assembly) behavior of the girl; APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien x &RQVXOWWKHGLYLQHUVWRNQRZLIWKHÀDQFpHLVDOORZHGE\ APR her family : Armée Rwandaise to getPatriotique married, if she comes from a prosperous APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes homestead, etc; Rwandais x Gusaba (asking for the hand of the girl) with crates of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes beer. In some families, the father of the girl asks for a APROSOMA : Association lasocio-politique PromotiondeSociale la 120 Mukanyamurasa O., « L’évolutionpour du rôle la femmede rwandaise Masseet prise de décisions », Mémoire de Licence, Kigali, KIE, de 1975 à 2000 : éducation 2004, p. 11. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 121 D’hertefelt M. et Démocratie al., 1962, op. cit., p. 54. 122 Bigirumwami A., « Imihango n’imigenzo n’imiziririzo mu Rwanda », Nyundo, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 1974 ,p. 116. 123 Droits de l’Homme Ibid, p.114. 124 D’Hertefelt M. et al., 1962, op. cit.,p.49. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 125 Bigirumwami, A., 1874 op.cit. pp. 112-132. Démocratique des Batwa 140 140 v gift of ACRONYMS beer. In otherAND families, the Umuranga says that ABBREVIATIONS the prospective groom is seeking to become a member ___________________________________ of the new family and that he should be supported (njeAfricaines guhakwa, mumpake neza, mundeme A.A. and accepted : Archives amaboko n’amaguru, mumpe ubuhake nanjye nyoboke A.G. : Assemblée Générale mpakwe). At this stage, the family of the girl is given a ABAKI hoe and : Alliance Bakiga Isando (ades piece of special stick);126 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la x Giving Inkwano – at this stage, the date of marriage is Suppression des Castes À[HG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda x In the home: consultation ofdes spirits before marriage ADP :girl’s Alliance Démocratique Peuples ADR day; : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la x Also at the girl’s home: advice is given by aunts of the girl Réconciliation Nationale of marriage; Extra-Coutumières AEC on the: eve Agglomeration AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la x At the :boy’s home: consultation of the spirits ispour made; duofCongo-Zaïre x Look forLibération the branch a special tree and milk for the AGOA marriage : African Growth and Opportunity Act ceremony; $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP x Marriage ceremony. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KHLPSRUWDQFHDWWDFKHGWRHGXFDWLRQRIWKHFKLOGZDVUHÁHFWHG by what people Rwandaise thought about the child127 All young children were educated by their mothers. As far as knowledge was concerned, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda boys and girls were considered to be equal. For example, they AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel all learnt folktales and learnt famous They were AMR : Association desabout Moniteurs dupoets. Rwanda WDXJKWWKDWWKHÀUVWSRHWZDVDZRPDQFDOOHGNyirarumaga.128 As AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda children grew up, girls were initiated to domestic work whereas ANT : Assemblée Nationale boys learnt how to be courageous andde toTransition persevere. They were (Transitional National Assembly) WDXJKWWRVDFULÀFHWKHPVHOYHVIRUWKHVDNHRIWKHLUFRXQWU\7KH\ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien ZHUHLQLWLDWHGWRVSHFLÀFGXWLHVDQGDFWLYLWLHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLU APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise social environment. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes At sixteen yearsRwandais of age, a young girl began taking advice from her mother. The latter instructed des her daughter on the Indigènes dos and don’ts APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants of society and on superstitions. The girl learnt how to keep the APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la homestead clean by imitating those who were older than her. At Masse 126 Before the introduction of thepour cow, the was the major item ARD : Alliance le hoe Renforcement deoflawealth. Isando was brought according to the legend by Nyirarucaba. It brought prosperity to livestock Démocratie and gave long life to the family. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise de pour la Défense 127 Mukamanase M.C., La position socio-juridique la femme rwandaise des face à de l’Homme l’égalité de l’hommeDroits et de la femme, Mémoire de licence, Butare, UNR, 1983, p.28. 128 Kanakuze J.A.,: Association L’évolution de lapour scolarisation de la femme rwandaise de 1952 AREDETWA le Relèvement à 2002 à la lumière de la vision 2020, Mémoire de licence, Kigali, KIE, 2005, p.26. Démocratique des Batwa 141 v 141 WKHDJHRIÀIWHHQ\HDUVWKHJLUOZDVHGXFDWHGE\KHUSHHUV+HU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS peers gave her___________________________________ advice on sexual life and behavior regarding her future spouse. Tradition prevented the mother from speaking of certain especiallyAfricaines sex-related matters, to her daughter. A.A. things, : Archives If a girl became pregnant when she was still single, she was A.G. : Assemblée Générale severely punished.129 Virginity was considered a symbol of pride ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga for the family. Once married, the education of the wife was ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la LQÁXHQFHGE\WKHIDPLO\RIKHUKXVEDQGDQGQHLJKERUV Suppression des Castes ACR Association des the Cultivateurs duthe Rwanda The boy was :taught to defend interests of family and the nation. He represented his fatherdes in Peuples the home and in ADP : Alliance Démocratique 130 society. For the defense of the nation, every ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etnew la king trained a new army when he was enthroned. The recruits, referred to as Réconciliation Nationale “Intore,” received prolonged sports and military training in the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières court. They also learnt the art of dance, rhetoric, poetry, and AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la perseverance. They acquired qualities of generosity, pour tolerance, du Congo-Zaïre and courage.131Libération The education given in “Itorero” was a formal AGOA : AfricanRwanda. Growth and Opportunity Act training in traditional $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP f. The place of theIndigènes woman et Main-d’oeuvre AIMO : Affaires AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine In ancient Rwanda, the woman played a key role.132 She was Rwandaise present everywhere up to the highest level of the political, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda administrative, and military hierarchy. She was the wife and AM/AP in the: Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel mother family structure. SheArrêté handled all light domestic AMR It was :her Association descare Moniteurs du Rwanda work. duty to take of all necessary supplies for AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwandain the the subsistence of the homestead. A man whoau interfered ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 129 (Transitional National Assembly) Mikamanase, M.C., 1983, OP.CIT., P.29 130 Kanakuze, J.A. , 2005, op.cit.,26. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 131 Heremans, R., Introduction à l’histoire du Rwanda. Bruxelles, Editions A. De APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Boeck, Kigali, Editions rwandaises, 1973,pp.43-44 132 APROBAMI des Partis Monarchistes Nyirasafari, G.,: «Association La situation de la femme rwandaise », in Dialogue, no 26, mai 1971; Erny P., De l’éducation traditionnelle à l’enseignement moderne au Rwanda Rwandais (1900- 1975). Un pays d’Afrique noiredes en recherche pédagogique,Indigènes Thèse de Doctorat, APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Université de Lille, 1981; E. Mukamanase, La femme rwandaise et le développement APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la socio économique, Mémoire de licence, Butare, UNR, 1982 ; Mugwaneza A., Recueil Masse des études et ouvrages ayant trait à la femme rwandaise, Kigali, 1998 ; Nyiracumi A. M., La situation socioculturelle la femme rwandaise de 1900 a de 1975. ARD : Alliance de pour le Renforcement laCas d’Astrida/ Butare, Mémoire deDémocratie licence, Butare. UNR, 2001 ; Kawema C., L’émancipation de la femme au Rwanda (1975-1999), Mémoire de licence, Butare, UNR, 2002; Rutabana ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour psychosociale. la Défense Cas desdes E., Le rôle des associations de veuves dans leur intégration DroitsDuhozanye de l’Homme associations Avega (PVK)(Shyanda), mémoire de licence, Butare, UNR, 2001 ; Uwamaliya E., L’évolution des relations entre l’homme et la femme pendant AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement l’époque coloniale belge 1916 -1962, Kigali, KIE Démocratique des Batwa 142 142 v daily management of the home wasABBREVIATIONS badly conceived by society.133 ACRONYMS AND Beyond the homestead, the role of the woman was almost ___________________________________ nonexistent: “in public life, not only was she forced to remain at home due to the multiplicity of domestic duties she had, but A.A. : Archives Africaines also the culture of the homestead excluded her from anything A.G. : Assemblée Générale beyond the homestead. In fact, the woman basically contributed ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 134 to the prosperity of the home.” ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la desand Castes Some proverbsSuppression as well as do’s don’ts help to explain the ACR which:impacted Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda sexism the woman and which conferred a status of inferiority: : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADP ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la x A woman does not sit Nationale on the chair of her husband as Réconciliation long as the husband is still alive (Umugore ntiyicara ku AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ntebe y XPXJDERZHLJLKH akiriho); AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la x It is prohibited for adu woman to lend her husband’s spear, Libération Congo-Zaïre arrow, or axe. This can bring her bad omen. (Umugore AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act ntawe yatiza icumu cyangwa u uheto cyangwa intorezo. $,'6 Ngo byakenya $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP umugabo we);135 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre x The hen never sings in the presence of the cock (Nta AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine nkokokazi ibika isake ihari); Rwandaise x In the homestead where a woman makes noise, quarrels ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda (Uruvuze umugore ruvuga umuhoro). AM/AP never: end Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda These proverbs expressing dos and don’ts were accepted by society AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda regarding the activities of women and men. This distinction was ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition observed in the ceremonies and practices which followed the (Transitional National Assembly) birth of a boy and a girl. Considering the roles that each of them APADEC du Parti Démocrate Chrétien was supposed: Association to play in society, a spear and shield were given APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise to the boy when he was given a name to wish him well as a APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes successful warrior. A girl was given material for weaving baskets as a symbol of good management skills in the homestead.136 Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 133 Kagame, A., Les organistions socio-familiales de l’ancien Rwanda , Gembloux, Masse Editions Duculot, 1954, p.234. 134 Mukanyamurasa, O., 2004, op. cit., p.7. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 135 Bigirumwami, A., Imihango n’imigenzo n’imiziririzo, Nyundo, 1974, pp. 43-44; Démocratie Mukanyamurasa, O., L’évolution du rôle socio-politique de la femme rwandaise de ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense 1975 a 2000: éducation et prise de décision , Mémoire de Licence, Kigali des , KIE , Droits de l’Homme 2004, p.7 136 MIGEPROF, FNUAD, Etude surpour les croyances, les attitudes et les pratiques AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement socioculturelles en rapport avec le genre au RwandaYHUVLRQ¿QDOH.LJDOLS Démocratique des Batwa 143 v 143 In addition, “culture did not recognize equality between man ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS and woman; patri-lineal structures of the family gave power and ___________________________________ 137 wealth to men.” The boy inherited the property of the family. His situated not far from his parents so that he A.A.residence: was Archives Africaines could assist them during old age. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKIfrom these : Alliance des Bakiga Apart discriminative tendencies, culture conferred to ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluantby pour la a woman special respect which had to be protected her family Suppression Castesan agent of production and husband. A woman was des considered ACR des Cultivateurs dugave Rwanda of wealth and: aAssociation tool to reproduce children. This her great respect. On her side, a woman owed respect submissiveness ADP : Alliance Démocratique desand Peuples to her husband. She was supposed to enlarge ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lathe family of her husband. The girl and boyNationale played different roles. The boy Réconciliation played the role of family identity. The girl was, above all, wife AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and mother. This view must however be put in the context of AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques la by every generation. Owingdes to the social economic role pour played Libération du Congo-Zaïre the wife, she was indeed respected in society. It was forbidden AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Act to kill one’s wife. Whenever thisand custom was transgressed, the family murderer would looe a relative when a woman of $,'6 of the $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the same age the murdered wifeetproduced a baby. This was AIMO :as Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre in compensation for the baby was going to be produced by AJER : Association de that la Jeunesse Estudiantine the murdered woman. A woman’s respect was seen in the names Rwandaise given to girls, for example: Munganyinka, (one who brings a cow ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda for me), Mukobwajana (one whose dowry price was equal to one AM/AP cows), : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel hundred and ministériel/ Nyampinga (providence). In pre-colonial AMR : Association du Rwanda Rwanda therefore, the girl des was Moniteurs the most protected person by AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda society. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition In traditional Rwandan society, the occupations (Transitional National Assembly) of men and women complemented each other. The man did hard labor in the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien garden; he constructed huts, attended to livestock, hunted, and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise did garden work. The woman attended to all domestic duties and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes agricultural activities. She ensured cleanness in the homestead, Rwandais fermented milk, cleaned vegetables and food grains, pounded APROCOMIN: Association desDQG Commerçants Indigènes VRUJKXP ORRNHG IRU ÀUHZRRG ZDWHU SUHSDUHG IRRG DQG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la EHHUOLWÀUHDWWHQGHGWRFKLOGUHQFXOWLYDWHGODQGDQGSODQWHG weeded, and harvested. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la As far as widowhood was concerned, economic solidarity ended Démocratie with the death of the husband; “whether she had received cattle ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des from her parents or from the husband, the widow never inherited Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 137 Adriaenssens, J., La parenté, le mariage et la famille, Butare, 1964, p.148. Démocratique des Batwa 144 144 v property of her husband.”138AND When the widow remained in the ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS home of her late husband, she continued to take care of his ___________________________________ property. In case of divorce, widowhood, and old age, the woman received a small patch of Africaines land. A.A. : Archives A.G. : Assemblée Générale The marriage gift for the bride was a fat cow (inka ya Gashyimbo). ABAKIshe got :married, Allianceshe destook Bakiga When this gift to her newly established ABESC : Association des Bahutu to Evoluant pour la this home. In case of divorce, she returned her home with Suppression des Castes cow. This practice ended under King Yuhi Gahindiro’s reign ACR : Association des Cultivateurs duowned Rwanda because it is said that at this time, women who ‘Inka ya gashyimbo’ did not respect their husbands. started to look ADP : Alliance Démocratique des They Peuples down upon their husbands because of the property they had ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la acquired. Henceforth, all gifts they received became part of their Réconciliation Nationale husband’s property.139 In, succession and divorce were deeply AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières unfair to the woman. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération Congo-Zaïre It should be noted that du some women climbed to very high positions in political, and military Act hierarchies. AGOA : Africanadministrative, Growth and Opportunity In this respect, mention should be made of the Queen $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURPMother whose ‘Umugabekazi’ head of army).140 In AIMO title was : Affaires Indigènes(Woman et Main-d’oeuvre WKH ÀUVW PLOLWDU\ H[SHGLWLRQ RI 5ZDEXJLUL DJDLQVW WKH ,VODQG RI AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Ijwi, a Queen Mother known as Nyirakigeri IV Murorunkwere Rwandaise was commander of the military expedition. When they arrived ALIR : Armée de Libération du by Rwanda in Nyamirundi, operations were directed Nzirumbanje, son of 141 AM/APbrother : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Mitari, of Nyirakigeri. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda The services of women were also in magical to annex AMUR : Association des used Musulmans aucircles Rwanda foreign kingdoms. There were political marriages where some ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition girls were proposed to foreign kings or princes for marriage. (Transitional National Assembly) Children resulting from such marriages were expected to APADECRwanda. : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien liberate This was the case for Nyirantobwa, daughter APR Armée Patriotique Rwandaise of Mibambwe :Mutabazi, who was married by Mashira. She went APROBAMI : Association des to Partis Monarchistes with a black cow without horns symbolize the future defeat of Mashira. Mibambwe Sekarongoro Mutabazi married Bwiza (the Rwandais most beautiful Association girl); daughter Mashira and Gahindiro APROCOMIN: desofCommerçants Indigènes (son of Mibambwe with ancestry title of Abenegahindiro) married APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Nyankeri who was Mashira’s daughter also.142 To end the Masse 138 Bourgeois, R., Banyarwanda : Coutumes , Bruxelles, ARD : Allianceet Barundi. pour leT2Renforcement deIRCB, la 1954, p.367. 139 Kagame A., 1954,Démocratie op.cit, p.183. 140 Nahimana F., Rwanda. Emergence d’un Etat, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1993, p.36. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense desya 141 Minisiteri y’amashuri makuru n’ubushakashatsi mu by’ubuhanda, Ingoma de Kanjogera, l’HommeKigali, Ubuyobozi bukuru bw’ubugeni, Kigeli Rwabugiri naDroits Nyarayuhi 1988, p.28. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 142 Kagame A., 1972, op. cit., p.77. Démocratique des Batwa 145 v 145 confederationACRONYMS of Abenengwe clanABBREVIATIONS found in the southwestern AND part of Rwanda, Yuhi III Gahima married Nyankaka, daughter of ___________________________________ Magunguru and young sister of Benginzage (Nyagakecuru), wife of Samukendi, King of Bungwe. Nyankaka was sent to Bungwe A.A. : Archives Africaines and on her return, she conceived Binama, son of Samukende. A.G. : Assemblée Générale Binama was of royal origin and became the liberator of Bungwe.143 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC des Bahutu Evoluant la him King Cyirima :IIAssociation Rujigira married Nyirantabwa. This pour helped Suppression des Castes to conquer Ndirwa and Gahurira. He had two sons, Kamali and ACR : Association destoCultivateurs du Rwanda Mugozi. Kamali was destined play an important role in the future Ndorwa. He faked an alliegance ADP wars against : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples in order to show that there was friendship with Biyoro, ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie etruler la of Mubari. King Kigeri III Réconciliation Ndabarasa proposed the hand of his daughter, Nationale Nyabugondo, to Biyoro. Biyoro accepted eagerly. A girl became AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières a liberator. Kinyange was a court servant who preferred to be AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques poura la killed in the place of thedes Queen Mother. This was during plot Congo-Zaïre made by PrinceLibération Semugaza,du who wanted to take over the throne. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Nyiramuhanda, a woman working in the king’s court, offered her baby of Gahindiro. This baby and Kiyange were killed $,'6instead $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP as liberators. of the esoteric code was handed over AIMO : Knowledge Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre to Nyiramuhanda. This wasdea la privilege originally prohibited for AJER : Association Jeunesse Estudiantine women, including queen mothers themselves.144 Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda From the political point of view, the Queen Mother occupied AM/AP : ArrêtéLQ ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel D SULYLOHJHG SRVLWLRQ WKH FRXQWU\ 6KH GLG QRW KDYH VSHFLÀF AMR but she : Association des Moniteurs duprerogatives Rwanda with duties, shared all responsibilities and AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda the king. For :example, whenever gifts were offered to the king, 145 the also hadNationale to receivede some. 7KHLQÁXHQFHRI ANTQueen Mother : Assemblée Transition the Queen Mother on the kingNational dependedAssembly) on the character of the (Transitional latter. In any case, the responsibility of managing the kingdom APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien fell on the king, except when he was a minor. During such a APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise period, the Queen Mother would assume power.146 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais In principal, there were no female chiefs. But, a team of NUR APROCOMIN: Association desMajor Commerçants researchers and those from the Seminary Indigènes of Nyakibanda APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 143 Masse Ibid. p. 85. 144 Kagame, A., 1972, op.cit, p.148. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 145 Coupez, A., Kamanzi Th., Récits Démocratiehistoriques du Rwanda, Tervuren, 1962, p.93. 146 Mibamwe’s wife called Shetsa of Abega clan was imposed on the throne. She forced ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des the monarch to do :whatever she wanted, she was sure that the future king was supposed to be her son Hondi.Droits However,de the l’Homme future queen mother was supposed to be Umuha. To outwit her, the court secretly brought from Buha Mutama daughter of Bigega. See A. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Kagame, Un abrégé de l’histoire du Rwanda, pp.81-82. Démocratique des Batwa 146 146 v LGHQWLÀHGDOLVWRIIHPDOHAbatware and Ibisonga147 who played ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS NH\SROLWLFDOUROHV,QDGGLWLRQWKH5ZDQGDQWUDGLWLRQWHVWLÀHVWR ___________________________________ the presence of some female chiefs. A.A. : Archives Africaines Nyirantebe provides such an example. She was the sister of A.G. : Assemblée Générale King Yuhi Gahima and was charged with heading the Province ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga of Nyakari. She governeddes this region with her husband and her 148 ABESC : Association des Bahutu la children until she became very old. SheEvoluant lived two pour generations Suppression des was Castes before Yuhi Gahima. Nyirangabo chief of the house of King ACR Rwabugiri : Association des and Cultivateurs du Rwanda She Kigeri in Ijwi Island later in Bunyambilili. protected the :house of Rwabugiri against intruders. ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Gicunatiro administered the region of Kagina in Rukoma under ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Rwabugiri. Nyirakimonyo ruled Ndago (Nyaruguru) Réconciliation Nationaleunder King Rwabugiri and King Musinga.149 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : deswomen Forceshad Démocratiques pour la In other areas Alliance of Rwanda, political responsibilities, Libération du Congo-Zaïre such as in Bukunzi and Busozo. The queens (abamikazi) had real LQÁXHQFH WKDW VRPHWLPHV FRXQWHUEDODQFHG WKDW RIAct NLQJV 7KH\ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity controlled all court foreseers and priests, the majority of whom $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 150 were who numbered The circumstances AIMOwomen :and Affaires Indigènesdozens. et Main-d’oeuvre which called for divine science were those which threatened AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine the life of the king or the kingdom. These included: the king’s Rwandaise movements abroad, the reception of foreign guests by the king, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda DQGWKHFKRLFHRIWKHÀUVWODG\IRUWKHNLQJ7KHTXHHQVRI%XNXQ]L AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté or Busozo were informed in advance aboutprésidentiel the program of the AMRand prepared : Association desforMoniteurs du thus Rwanda king a timetable him. Queens determined and regulated the daily activities of the court. In this respect, AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 151 Queen is a prime example. ANT Mwalirugamba : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) From the protocol point of view, it seems that the queen and APADEC Association Parti Démocrate Chrétien the king were: equal. Queen du Mwalirugamba went to Bujumbura APR : Armée Patriotique in 1904 to plead for her son afterRwandaise the death of her husband, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Nyundo, which occured when a group of dynastic members wanted to take Rwandais the royal drums away. The orders were given by Bujumbura in Shangi to reinstate Buhinga II toIndigènes his kingdom APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants under the regency of his mother. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 147 Masse Uwamaliya E., 2004, op.cit., p.24 148 Vansina, J., “History tales (ibitekerezo) the history of Rwanda”, ARD : Alliance pour le and Renforcement de la in History in Africa. A journal of methodology, vol 27/2000,p.384. Démocratie 149 Uwamaliya, E., 2004, op.cit., p.24. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour ladu Défense 150 Ntezimana, E., « Coutûmes et traditions des royaumes Hutus Bukunzi etdes du de XIII, l’Homme Busozo », in EtudesDroits Rwandaises, 2, 1980, pp. 24-25. 151 In May 1923, when Father Superiorpour of Mabirizi visited King Buhinga II of AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement %XVR]RKHZDVWDNHQWR4XHHQ0ZDOLUXJDPED¿UVW Démocratique des Batwa 147 v 147 From the judicial point of view, was in principle a man’s ACRONYMS ANDjustice ABBREVIATIONS affair. A woman did not have the right to speak in public for ___________________________________ fear of being banished. Gacaca traditional courts were reserved for Women only expressed their opinions via their A.A.adult men. : Archives Africaines husbands. Family interests were defended by heads of families. A.G. : Assemblée Générale Some exceptional cases existed where, owing to their knowledge, ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ZLVGRPDQGSROLWLFDOLQÁXHQFHZRPHQSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWUDGLWLRQDO ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la justice. Suppression des Castes According to : the Ubwiru institution, the belts belonging to ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda queen mothers who had died were honored by members of ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 152 the of ‘Abiru of relics’ ADRlineage. A: group Alliance pour lacustodian Démocratie et la kept these belts. Knowledge of the Ubwiru institution was kept secret. It Réconciliation Nationale is narrated that the wife of Mibambwe Mutabazi and her son AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières perished for having wanted to probe the improbable. Similarly, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Nyiramavugo Nyiramongi, mother of Démocratiques Mutara Rwogera,pour out oflaher du Congo-Zaïre curiosity, madeLibération Kigeri Rwabugiri put Inkoroko to death for having 153 spread on the issue of Rwogera’s succession. AGOA false information : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP The tombs of the queen mother of Mukobanya Nyirakigeri I AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Nyangige prove the political role et of Main-d’oeuvre some Rwandan women. AJER tombs are : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine These found at Rubingo in the place called Ku Kabira Rwandaise 6K\RURQJL 7KH ÀUVW TXHHQ PRWKHU ZKRVH FHPHWHU\ LV NQRZQ ALIRin these :tombs. ArméeThe de Libération du Rwanda lies minor dynasty of Mugina residing in this area was: charged with performing a special ritual for this AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel queen mother under the management of the Abiru of Nyamweru. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Under Ruganzu Ndori, the Ubwiru Institution stipulated AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda that queen mothers were supposed to be buried in the same locality ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition as their husbands. Hence, Nyiramavugo I Nyirakabogo was (Transitional aNational buried in Mutangampundu, cemeteryAssembly) reserved for kings who 154 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate had died violently. Queen Mother Nyirakigeri II Chrétien Ncendeli was APR buried there : Armée Patriotique Rwandaiseincluding having also owing to her misbehavior, become pregnant. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Under Mutara II Semugeshi, it was decided that during the APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes celebration ceremony of the cows’ drinking place, the king would APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion Sociale de laand identify the clan from which thelaqueen mothers of Kigeli Masse 0LEDPEZHZHUHWREHFKRVHQ+HDOVRLGHQWLÀHGWKHIDPLO\RIWKH ARD Clan, from : Alliance pour le Renforcement detolabe chosen. Abega which the mother of Cyirima was Démocratie He was chief of the Abakuna lineage which was made of descendants of Mukuna. ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des This privilege was withdrawn in 1945Rwandaise during the introduction of Abiru to A. Kagame 153 l’Homme Nkulikiyimfura Droits J.N., Lesde sources de l’histoire du Rwanda, Collection Cours universitaires, Ruhengeri, UNR, 1992. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 154 Kagame A., 1972, op.cit., p.74. Démocratique des Batwa 152 148 148 v King Yuhi Mazimpaka decreed his descendants would no ACRONYMS ANDthat ABBREVIATIONS longer marry women from the Abacyaba Clan. This was because ___________________________________ King Nsoro III Nyabarega of Bugesera had questioned the beauty of the wives of the Rwandan monarch and due to a conspiracy A.A. : Archives Africaines between some of his wives, namely Kihunde and Kiranga.155 A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 157 B. Muzungu156 and A. Kagame identify some women who were ABESC : Association des Bahutu important personalities in the history ofEvoluant Rwanda. pour Therelawere des in Castes Nyiragahira, a Suppression woman who lived Mukingo, and Mwanabili, a ACR : Association destradition Cultivateurs Rwanda woman mentioned in Rwandan amongdu the women who arranged the :return of King Ruganzu Ndori. Under the latter’s ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples rule, Nyirarumaga from Abasinga clan distinguished herself ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la by her artistic Réconciliation talents. She updated a new form of poem called Nationale ‘Impakanizi,’ which is composed of several parts speaking about AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières several kingdoms simultaneously. This differed from previous AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques poems that never went beyond ten verses (Ibinyeto). pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth andKing Opportunity Act Poems also spoke of women. Under Kigeri III Ndabarasa, a poet known as Musare noted in her poem that “mbwire umwami $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP uko abandi bami bantumye” (let me tell the king the message AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre transmitted by other kings). MusareEstudiantine informed kings and AJER : Association deThus, la Jeunesse queen mothers of what the population wanted to say. The queen Rwandaise mother used to go to the poet Muganza for advice. Muganza’s ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda poem, entitled “Mvulire Ubuhaka” (I will succumb to slavery), AM/AP Arrêtéabout ministériel/ Arrêté between présidentiel managed to :bring reconciliation the Queen 158 Moniteurs du Rwanda AMR : Association des 0RWKHU·VWZRFRQÁLFWLQJVRQV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Under Gahindiro,Nationale Queen Mother Nyirayuhi Nyiratunga ANT King Yuhi : Assemblée de Transition acted as regent(Transitional until Gahindiro becameAssembly) mature. Mucuma lived National under the reign of King Kigeri Rwabugiri and was known for her APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien musical and poetic talents. She is the author of ‘Uramutashye’ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise (send to him my greetings), ‘Wibabara’ (don’t be sad), and ‘Inkuru APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes nziza yabaye’ (the good news has come). Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes $VIDUDVVRFLDOLGHQWLW\ZDVFRQFHUQHGVRPHFKLOGUHQLGHQWLÀHG APROSOMAby: Association la Promotion de la themselves using namespour of their mothers. Sociale For polygamous communities in the northern part of the country, basic family Masse PHHWLQJVZHUHDOZD\VKHOGLQWKHKRPHRIWKHÀUVWZLIH6RPHWLPHV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la children who were born by other wives refused to meet with their Démocratie ARDHO : Association 155 Kagame, A., 1972, op.cit., p.127. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 156 Droits de l’Homme Muzungu, B., Histoire du Rwanda precolonial, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2003, pp.349-353. 157 Kagame, A., 1972, op.cit., pp.99-100. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 158 Kagame, A., 1972, op.cit, pp.158, 164. Démocratique des Batwa 149 v 149 IDWKHULQWKHKRPHRIWKHÀUVWZLIH7KH\SUHIHUUHGWRPHHWLQWKH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS houses of their respective mothers. When the father succumbed ___________________________________ to these demands of his children, divisions in the family were SURYRNHG7KHHPHUJHQFHRIDVXEJURXSRIVRQVZKRLGHQWLÀHG A.A. : Archives Africaines themselves by women’s names followed; sons produced by one A.G. : Assemblée Générale ZRPDQPHWLQRQHSODFHDQGZHUHXQGHUWKHGLUHFWLQÁXHQFHRI ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga this woman.159 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes It should be noted that the family of Abatabaro from Nyaruguru ACR : Association Cultivateurs dutook Rwanda (current Southern Province)des produced sons who the name of their mother. This was the case of the ADP : Alliance Démocratique desAbatambi, Peuples who were descendants of Nyirankwitambi, and the Abaremezo, who were ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 160 Nyiraremezo’s Réconciliation descendants. Nationale 7KLV QDPHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ ZLWK women was not only found in Ancient Rwanda. We can therefore AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières speak of matri-lineal descendants. Matrilineal societies trace the AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la line of descendency from mother to Démocratiques daughter. Children inherit Congo-Zaïre not from their Libération father, butdu from their maternal uncle. For the AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 161 Abatabaro, however, children inherited from their father. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP A few Rwandan womenIndigènes are citedetinMain-d’oeuvre Rwandan tradition with AIMO : Affaires DQFHVWU\ WLWOHV RI 5ZDQGDQ +HQFH VRPH RIÀFLDO DQG AJER : Association de FODQV la Jeunesse Estudiantine popular legendary traditions associate the Abacyaba Clan with Rwandaise the great hero Gihanga, whose mediation was achieved through ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda his daughter Nyirarucyaba.162 The origins of the Abasobe clan AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel are contradictory and ministériel/ confusing. One version associates them AMR a servant : Association des Moniteurs durevealed Rwandato King with of Nzibira, Nyirarusobe, who AMUR Ndori : Association Musulmans au Rwanda Ruganzu the trick to des defeat Nzira. Clearly, some women have mark Nationale on the history of Rwanda.163 ANT left an indelible : Assemblée de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) g. Beliefs and cults APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise The Rwandese believed in the existence of a Supreme Being APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes called ‘Imana.’ Their belief dealt with the survival of ancestors Rwandais after death. The latter were divided into two categories, namely APROCOMIN: Association des ‘Ingabwa,’ Commerçants Indigènes the benevolent ancestors, called and the evil ones. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 159 Nahimana, F., 1993, op.cit, p.47. Démocratie 160 Minani, O.G., Evolution sociopolitique d’un lignage : Abatabaro dit Abahebyi dans ARDHO : Association pour la p.5 Défense des le Nyaruguru (18501935) , MémoireRwandaise de Licence, Butare, 1981, 161 Droits de l’Homme Nahimana, F., 1993, op. cit., p.40. 162 Nyagahene, A., op. cit., p.454. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 163 Kanakuze, J.A., 2005, op.cit., p.32 Démocratique des Batwa 150 150 v x The concept of Imana ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ For ancient Rwandans, the universe was totally dominated by Imana (God). :Even if there were neither temples nor cults for A.A. Archives Africaines worshiping Imana, the Rwandese made their supplications to A.G. : Assemblée Générale him and thanked him. They gave names to their children that ABAKI des Bakiga invoked God’s: Alliance attributes. There were some names that invoked ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourRurema la the major qualities of God, such as Iyakare (the alpha), Suppression des Castes (the creator), Ruhanga (one who gives life to something that never ACR : Association des puts Cultivateurs duexistence), Rwanda and existed before), Rugira (one who things into 164 Rugaba (the giver). Given this context,des thePeuples two major themes ADP : Alliance Démocratique of ‘Rurema’ and ‘Rugira’ dominate in Rwanda’s literary genres. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la The secondaryRéconciliation attributes of Imana are principally found in Nationale legends, proverbs, and anthroponomy and stress the themes of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières transcendence and immanence. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la du Congo-Zaïre One etiologicalLibération legend in Rwanda shows how Imana is very far AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act from us: $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP “Once a time, it wasetbelieved that Imana lived AIMO :upon Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre people. He de used to help them byfollowing them AJER near his : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine and protecting them day and night. Indeed, Imana took Rwandaise care of all children. Then, one day, when a father in ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda one homestead had gone hunting, and while a mother AM/APZDV ZRUNLQJ : ArrêtéLQ ministériel/ Arrêtéstared présidentiel WKH ÀHOG Imana taking care of AMR the children : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda in that family. He caressed them them and AMURmade fun : Association des Musulmans Rwanda for them. Suddenly, on returnau from his hunting the fatherNationale of the children was surprised to see ANT expedition, : Assemblée de Transition an unknown being among his children. He got shocked by (Transitional National Assembly) and said, ‘What on earth is this amazing Without APADEC : Association du Parti Démocratebeing?’ Chrétien hesitation, he drew his arrow and directed it towards the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise strange being which, in a twinkle of an eye, escaped in the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes sky. This is why Imana is no longer seen among people today.” Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour Rwandan la Promotion Sociale de lathat The above legend and other sayings show although Imana is all knowledgeable and omnipotent, he is also Masse omnipresent in our daily life.leThis is similar to and ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement deBurundi la Buha legends in present Tanzania. Such legends give Imana an Démocratie anthromorphus form: he walks and works! However, he is also ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des considered immaterial. Imana is very powerful; he knows, hears, Droits de l’Homme 164 D’hertefelt M., Trowborst, A., Scherer Les anciens royaumes de la zone AREDETWA : Association pourJ.H., le Relèvement interlacustre meridionale Rwanda, Burundi, Buha, Tervuren, MRAC, 1962. Démocratique des Batwa 151 v 151 and sees everything. He is also and offerings should ACRONYMS ANDbenevolent ABBREVIATIONS be made to appease him. In the absence of such offerings to ___________________________________ Imana, man resorts to the king who acts as Imana’s intermediary. The considered a national priest who links the A.A.king is therefore : Archives Africaines spirits of ancestors and the divine world. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga However, there is an des inferior but powerful force of evil, ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour165 la The Ruremankwaci, which is the cause of man’s problems. Suppression Castesis not the same as the previously discussed conceptdes of Imana ACRin Christianity. : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda one Ancient dynastic poems,duanthroponomy, proverbs, wishes, and pleas constitute the ADP : Alliance Démocratique desprincipal Peuples sources of knowledge about the Supreme Being for Rwandans. Man and ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la his cosmic environment are thus sacrosanct. Imana alone is the Réconciliation Nationale absolute master. Men are just managers and ministers of the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières divine power.166 Here are some examples of proverbs and verses AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la to illustrate theAlliance above point: Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOAx Umukama : African and Opportunity Act uyuGrowth akamirwa n’Imana, natwe akadukamira akadukwira (the king who is present drinks milk $,'6 amata $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP which is milkedIndigènes by Imana and, in turn, the king milks it AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre hence the milk abundant…). Ordinary AJER for us, : Association de labecomes Jeunesse Estudiantine work is considered fruitful because it is blessed and Rwandaise perfected and realized within Imana’s actions behind it. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda x Uhingiwe n’Imana agirangoArrêté azi guhinga (a person whose AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel cultivation task is done by Imana may think that he is AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda the one who knows how to cultivate, but....) AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ihaye irobe agirango abandi guhinga ANT x Uwo :Imana Assemblée Nationale de arusha Transition (a person to whom Imana gives some little (Transitional National Assembly) energy may think that he can cultivate better than others, but....)167 APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise x Imana and imana APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Ancient Rwandans distinguished between the existence of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ‘imana’ and ‘Imana Rurema.’ However, they also established a APROSOMAbetween : Association pour Promotion de la 168 relationship ‘imana andlaImana.’ It Sociale should be noted Masse 165 Mbonimana, G., Le culte despour mandwa Rwanda. Contribution à l’histoire des ARD : Alliance le au Renforcement de la mentalités, MémoireDémocratie de Licence, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1973- 1974,p.12 166 Muzungu, B., “Religions traditionnelles rwandaises et le problème démographique ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des “, in Dialogue, no:104, 1984, pp.86-87. 167 dedel’Homme Schumacher, P., Droits “ Un cours théologie dans la brousse Africaine », in Grands Lacs, 1935, no 5-6, pp.163-175. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 168 Nothomb, D., “ Le Dieu de nos pères », in Dialogue, janvier- février1974, No 49, p.39. Démocratique des Batwa 152 152 v that from the ACRONYMS historical andAND socio-religious points of view, God, ABBREVIATIONS $QJHOV DQG 'HPRQV ² ZKLFK OHDYH WKH ÁHVK DIWHU GHDWK ² IDOO ___________________________________ 169 under the category of spirits. The following things are also called imana (god): the king, chance, A.A. : Archives Africaines animals of divine science (bull calves, rams, chicks), talismans containing stuff obtained A.G. : Assemblée Générale from sacred animals, diviners, the intermediary of Ryangombe ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga in ceremonies: of the Imandwa cult, the lineage protective spirit, ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la VDFUHGWUHHVDWWKHERWWRPRIZKLFKVDFULÀFHVDUHRIIHUHGV\FDPRUH Suppression Castes to spirits or places of and erythrin trees which givedes sanctuary ACR for the ancestral : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda cult founders of lineages, and places where objects for religious functions are organized. ADP of commemoration : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Benevolent and generous persons are also, by metonymy, under ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the name of “imana y’I Rwanda,” or “god of Rwanda.” Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières In Rwanda, there were also Imana-related names170 that served AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques la as a tool for analyzing thedes concept of God before 1900. pour Currently, Libération du Congo-Zaïre &KULVWLDQWHDFKLQJKDVH[HUWHGDORWRILQÁXHQFHRQWKHImanaAGOA names : African and Opportunity Act invoking used inGrowth Rwanda. Names that are God-invoking KDYH LQ RUDO DQG RIÀFLDO WUDGLWLRQDO VRXUFHV %XW $,'6EHHQ IRXQG $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP names like Gihanga andIndigènes Rumeza make reference to divine power. AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre It is important to stress that God-bound names for many AJER : Association dethose la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandans were given between 1928 and 1994 when the Catholic Rwandaise UHOLJLRQZDVDWLWVKHLJKW7KHVHQDPHVUHÁHFWWKHEHOLHIVRIWKH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda ancestors from which ancestral religion was born. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR x Guterekera : Association desfor Moniteurs or cult ancestorsdu Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The cult of ‘Guterekera’ was based on the belief in life after death ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition and the relationship between the living and the dead. According (Transitional National Assembly) to this belief, man and animals were made of a visible part, the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien body, and an invisible part, or “shadow.” At death, the body APR : Armée became a carcass and Patriotique the shadow Rwandaise escaped from the body. In a mysterious the shadow was transformed into “spirits” or APROBAMIway, : Association des Partis Monarchistes ‘Umuzimu.’ TheRwandais dead could interfere with the living with both good and bad intentions, which is des whyCommerçants spirits were sometimes feared APROCOMIN: Association Indigènes 171 and inspired cults. In addition, a vertical solidarity connected APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la both the living and the benevolent people to the ancestor called Masse Ingabwa (hence the name Habingwaba). ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 169 Misago, A., « La croyance aux esprits au Rwanda et son impact sur la vie quotidienne Démocratie d’aujourd’hui », in Foi et Culture, Séminaire du 26-31 Octobre 1987, p.8. ARDHO Association pour la »,Défense des 170 Muzungu, B., «:Imana y’I Rwanda :Rwandaise Dieu qui règne au Rwanda in Cum Paraclito, Droits de l’Homme 1965, p.12. 171 Heremans, R., Introduction à l’Histoire , Kigali, Editions Rwandaises, AREDETWA : Association pourduleRwanda Relèvement 1988, p.51. Démocratique des Batwa 153 v 153 The dead always demandedAND love ABBREVIATIONS and respect from their living ACRONYMS relatives. They___________________________________ also demanded that the rights on the property of their heirs be respected. Every family used to construct small huts, dedicatedAfricaines to the appeasement of the spirits of A.A. ‘Indaro,’: Archives known ancestors. It should be noted that Rwandans believed in A.G. : Assemblée Générale metaphysics. It was believed that the dead king was transformed ABAKI : Alliance into a leopard. This is des why Bakiga kings were called Abambarangwe ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pouranother la (those who were dressed in leopard-skin). There was Suppression des Castes belief that some mysterious beings manifested their evil power ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda by acting in mysterious ways. They were given different names in different regions. Almost Démocratique everywhere, anddes especially in the central ADP : Alliance Peuples and eastern regions of Rwanda, they were called ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la ‘Amahembe.’ In the central and southwest, Nationale they were called ‘Ibitega.’ In the Réconciliation former province of Cyangugu, they were called ‘Ibihume,’ and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières had other names like ibigashanyi.172 According to the legend AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la above, the origin of ‘Guterekera’ can Démocratiques be summarized as follows: Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Opportunity Act friends; x The two brothersGrowth Basindi and and Kibanda were great $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP x The son of Basindi killed the son of Kibanda; AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre x This forced the family of Basindi into exile; AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine x The two Rwandaise brothers met after very many years in a foreign country; ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel x Kibanda refused to commit Arrêté vendetta on the son of his brother; AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association Musulmans Rwanda x Kibanda married the des sister-in-law of theau murderer; ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition x Kibanda accepted an olive branch and accepted to be National Assembly) 173 smeared(Transitional with kaolin butter. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise The use of the olive branch and ‘kaolin’ symbolized reconciliation APROBAMI des Partisdespite Monarchistes and refusal of: Association revenge in the family, the act of murder Rwandais commited by an immediate cousin. The act of reconciliation APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants prevented the dead from bringing misfortune toIndigènes the living. In fact, this narrative was created the Ababanda APROSOMA : Association pour to la enable Promotion Sociale de to la live harmoniously with the Abasindi after the conquest of Nduga. Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 172 Misago, A., op. cit., 1987, p.10; Ibihume are spirits of the dead which families own ARDHO : Association pourwhich la Défense des or invoke. They appear in the form ofRwandaise ghosts and phantoms live in woodlands, de l’Homme rivers and caves etc.Droits Their actions manifest themselves through attacks similar to epilepsy and, hysteria or other queer which are above ordinary therapy. AREDETWA : Association diseases pour le Relèvement 173 Bigrumwami A., 1974,op.cit., p.270. Démocratique des Batwa 154 154 v In the practice of Guterekera, the ABBREVIATIONS family chief woke up at dawn ACRONYMS AND and went to the hut dedicated to his ancestor so as to appease ___________________________________ him. He sat at the threshold of the hut and was smeared with kaolin on an erythrin leaf. The person who brought A.A. brought : Archives Africaines WKLV OHDI SXW KLV ÀQJHU LQ WKH kaolin and made a sign on the A.G. : Assemblée Générale forehead and chest of the family chief, wishing him happiness ABAKI : Alliance des splashed Bakiga some water in the hut and and power. The family chief ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la EURXJKWPLOOHWJUDLQVDQGNDROLQLQDVPDOOEDVNHW+HOLWDÀUH Suppression des Castes so that the spirit could get warmth and threw some grains that ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda FUDFNHGDVWKH\FDPHLQFRQWDFWZLWKÀUH7KHFUDFNLQJRIWKH grain laughter by the appeased spirits. This ritual ADP symbolized : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples was accompanied by other cultural rites so that the dead could ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la be assured of good deeds done Nationale by the family. At the same time, Réconciliation the spirits gave mercy and protection to all.174 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques la For all intents Alliance and purposes, the ancient Rwandese pour consulted du Congo-Zaïre diviners.175 TheLibération diviner knew how to interpret the signs of the AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act of divine visible world :and God’s willingness. Different types science were used: $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre x Divination by bones, pumpkin-seeds, small pieces of AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine wood, magic horn Rwandaise x Divination by bull calf, ram, goat, chick ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ ArrêtéSODQWV présidentiel x $QLPDO IDW GU\ ÁRZHUV EXWWHU JUDVVKRSSHUV AMR water : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association desNyabingi Musulmans x Invoking Imandwa and spirit au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition x Intuition or prophecy (Transitional National Assembly) $%LJLUXPZDPLLGHQWLÀHVVRPHFDXVHVRI¶Guterekera.’ It was a APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien way someone’s heritage and his family, or it was APR of protecting : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise an activity intended to appease a woman who had lost a child APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes to murder by her co-wife (mukeba). Before the act of murder, the Rwandese Rwandais believed that man was resurrected immediately APROCOMIN: desthe Commerçants Indigènes after death. TheAssociation cult prevented spirit of a dead woman from 176 APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la exterminating all of humanity. The practice of ‘guterekera’ Massea male heir and the transformation into an also aimed at getting immortal being by the cult of the living. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 174 Ibid. p.19 175 l’Homme There were other Droits specialistsde for mysteries namely abacunyi or the healers who made FKDUPVDEDKDQ\LRUULWXDOSXUL¿HUV AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 176 Bigrumwami, A., 1974, op.cit. p. 270. Démocratique des Batwa 155 v 155 ¾ Kubandwa ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ We have described the ritual for Rwandese ancestors at family level. thereAfricaines existed spirits which were consulted A.A. Nonetheless, : Archives after death. The cult which praised them surpassed both family A.G. : Assemblée Générale and clan levels. The cult of ‘kubanda’ existed in all parts of the ABAKILakes Region. : Alliance des Bakiga Great This was the Mandwa or Ryangombe cult. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la While observing it, its followers sought Ryangombe’s protection. des Castes The Imandwa Suppression cult has a long history in Rwanda and has 177 ACR : Association for desyears. Cultivateurs du Rwanda undergone transformations ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples The refers to both the specialistetand ADRword Imandwa : Alliance pour la Démocratie la the medium of the cult. ThisRéconciliation word is interpreted in different forms in Bunyoro, Nationale Toro, Nkore, Kigezi (Uganda), Buhaya, Bujinja, Buha, Bukerewe AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières (island in Lake Victoria), Rwanda, Burundi, and Kivu (DRC). AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Practicing Ukubandawa refers to participating in ceremonies du Congo-Zaïre that helped anLibération individual become a member of society. The act AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity of honoring the Imandwa was realized by imitatingAct their ritual sounds Ukubandwa is celebrated when one is a $,'6 and gestures. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP full and complete member. There isetno unanimity on the origin AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre 178 of Ryangombe: Association and Imandwa The existing literature on AJER decults. la Jeunesse Estudiantine Ryangombe, like that of the Bacwezi, is characterized by the Rwandaise Hamite179K\SRWKHVLV6RPHSHRSOHDIÀUPWKDWWKHImandwa cult ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda preceded that of Ryangombe and that it is of Hutu origin.180 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR posit : that Association Moniteurs Rwanda Others the cultdes was imported du into Rwanda and AMUR came : Association des Musulmans auBarenge Rwandain the therefore after the disappearance of the 181 ÀIWHHQWK FHQWXU\ Others claim that cult is a relatively ANT : Assemblée Nationale dethis Transition recent development and thatNational Ryangombe was Tutsi, contrary (Transitional Assembly) to those who thought he was Twa or Hutu. TheChrétien ruling class APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate accepted Ryangombe as a tool to facilitate the domination of the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise people who were culturally assimilated.182 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandaisdo not determine the exact cause of The existing narratives APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ‘Kubandwa.· 6RPH WUDGLWLRQV DIÀUP WKDW WKH FXOW ZDV LPSRVHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 177 Arnoux A., « Le culte de la société secrète des Imandwas au Rwanda », in Anthropos, Masse P., « Les mystères des Mandwas sont d’origine hamite », vol. VIII 1913 ; Schumacher in Congo, 1931, I, pp. 549-550. pour le Renforcement de la ARD : Alliance 178 Kagame, A., 1976, La philosophie bantoue-rwandaise, p.24, 416. Démocratie 179 Berger, I., Religion and resistance, East African Kingdoms in the pre-colonial ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des period, MRAC, 1981, p. 57. p. 59, op.Rwandaise cit. p. 312 180 l’Homme Arnoux, A. 1912,Droits art. Citedde p. 290 181 Ndagijimana, A., Personal notes, copy in our archives) AREDETWA : Association s.l.n.d. pour(manuscript le Relèvement 182 Berger, I., 1981, op. cit p. 57 Démocratique des Batwa 156 156 v on the entire ACRONYMS Rwandan population by King Mutara Semugeshi. AND ABBREVIATIONS For others, the imposition was done during the reign of King ___________________________________ Ruganzu Ndori. Under King Yuhi Mazimpaka, the ‘Imandwa” FXOWZDVZHOONQRZQ.LQJ&\ULPD5XMXJLUDSXWLQSODFHWKHÀUVW A.A. : Archives Africaines Imandwa Leader (Umwami w’imandwa). The King of Imandwa A.G. : Assemblée Générale and the chief of the initiated were traditionally the Abashambo, ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga from the lineage of Abayumbu. They rose to dignity under King 183 ABESC : Association des pour la Mibambwe Sentabyo’s rule . ABahutu herd of Evoluant cattle called ‘Impara’ desofCastes was associatedSuppression with this group warriors. It was among these ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 184 people that King Rwabugiri brought up his son, Sharangabo. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda The ‘kubandwa’ ‘guterekera’FDQEHH[HPSOLÀHG ADRlink between : Alliance pourand la Démocratie et la by the concept of virginity in the service of King Yuhi Mazimpaka Réconciliation Nationale in Kamonyi.1856RPHVSLULWVZHUHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKVSHFLÀFFXOWV AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières : AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la x The king, but this was done in his residence; Libération du Congo-Zaïre x The woman who had produced many children; AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act x A woman who was married to put an end to a vendetta; $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP whoIndigènes had diedetfar away from his or her AIMO x Someone : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre relatives; AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine x A child who had died two or three days after birth; Rwandaise girl;de Libération du Rwanda ALIR x A young : Armée had died in someone else’s home.186 AM/APx A foreigner : Arrêté who ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel It should be remembered that while the myths of Imandwa AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda and Kubandwa were taking place, another cult of two heroes ANT : Assemblée Nationalethey de Transition was born: Kibogo and Cyumweru; were supposedly the National Assembly) contemporaries(Transitional of King Ruganzu Ndori. It is said that Kibogo APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien with was son of King Ndahiro Cyamatare and was massacred APRfamily in a: Armée Patriotique Rwandaise his clan vendetta. According to A. Pagès, Kibogo was offered by his father to beg the spirits for good weather after APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes a serious famine. His body was burned in a place called “Mu Rwandais kadasaya ka Ngoma” in the des present district of Kamonyi. It was APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes sent to Heaven in the form of smoke. This took place during the APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la reign of King Semugeshi and not during King Ndahiro’s rule. Masse The rain-makers considered Kibogo their heavenly master. The ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Imandawa Cult offered him a crate of beer and some bananas for Démocratie Rennie, K. J., Kingdom of Rwanda, p. 38, cited by I. Berger religion and ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des resistance, p. 59, op. cit. p. 312. 184 Droits de 312. l’Homme De Lacger, L., 1959, op. cit.p. 185 Buhigiro, J. L., op. cit. p. 19 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 186 Bigirumwami, A., 1974, op. cit., pp. 278- 280. Démocratique des Batwa 183 157 v 157 his wife. Kibogo became Imandwa. He was honored by a special ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS cult in the royal court until 1931, when King Yuri Musinga was ___________________________________ dethroned and banished to Kamebe by the Belgian colonial 187 administration . A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale Cyumweru is said to have lived in Ruhina in the present district ABAKI Alliance desKibogo Bakigaand even accompanied him of Muhanga. :He protected ABESC : Association Bahutu pour la to heaven. Given his honor,des King MutaraEvoluant Semugeshi exempted Suppression des Castes Cyumweru’s wife from all forced labor and reduced the forced ACR : Association du Rwanda ODERU IRU RWKHU SHRSOH E\ des RQHCultivateurs GD\ RXW RI ÀYH LQ 5ZDQGD·V WUDGLWLRQDOZHHN7KHÀIWKGD\RIUHVWZDVFDOOHGAkadogo. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la As far as the Réconciliation ‘UkubanGwa,’ Nationale or feast for initiated members was concerned, this ritual was organized in solemn and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières public ceremonies. It was accompanied by gestures, AFDL : ForcesofDémocratiques pour la — speeches, andAlliance chants des in honor the “king of spirits” Libération du Congo-Zaïre Ryangombe. Its membership was generally restricted to those AGOA : African Growth and and Opportunity who were already initiated those who Act applied to become candidates for initiation. The non-initiated members $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP were called ‘Inzingo.’ death, et the ‘Inzingo’ were taken to AIMO : AffairesAfter Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre Nyiragongo, :an active volcano, while the ‘Imandwa’ were AJER Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine compensated after death. They joined Ryangombe in paradise Rwandaise where a volcano had gone extinct in Muhabura, Karisimbi. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Before the ceremonies of this cult took place, the diviners were AMR : Association desmisfortune Moniteurs du Rwanda consulted in order to avoid all during the ceremony. AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwandahad a Every candidate who attended the initiation au ceremony godfather for :men and a godmother The godfather ANT Assemblée Nationale for de women. Transition and godmother(Transitional had also passed throughAssembly) the same process. Their National choice and the choice of place where the initiation ceremony APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien took place were determined by a diviner. Participation in the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Ryangombe cult consisted of two steps: ‘kwatura’ initiation APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes and ‘gusubira kuntebe’ FRQÀUPDWLRQ ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW all ceremonies Rwandais akin to Kubandwa HQGHG E\ D VDFULÀFHJLYLQJ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants festivity called ‘gutonora’, or sharing the fraternalIndigènes feasts. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The initiation ceremony of ‘Kwatura’ was a ceremony through Masse ZKLFKDSHUVRQZDVVDFULÀFHGWRRyangombe. Thede latter ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la therefore became the parent and protector of his son. The recipient and Démocratie KLVJRGIDWKHUSXWRQDFORWKPDGHRIVNLQ7KHÀUVWRQHSXWRQ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des his head a piece of empty sorghum trunk (urugori) and some Droits de l’Homme NLQGRIVKRHVDURXQGRQHRIKHUKLVWRHV7KHÀUVWVWHSFRQVLVWHG AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 187 Pagès, A., 1933, op. cit. pp. 127-132, 236- 238. Démocratique des Batwa 158 158 v of going to the erythrin tree,AND which was considered a protective ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS tree. The initiated woman begged Ryangombe to protect her ___________________________________ sons. The recipient underwent some exams on sexual taboos, accompanied the ringing of bells and serving beer. After that, A.A. :by Archives Africaines the candidate was stripped naked and smeared with mud. This A.G. : Assemblée Générale stage consisted of transmitting the secrets of the Imandwa cult, ABAKIwere neither : Alliance des Bakiga which supposed to be disclosed to his father nor ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la his mother if they were not initiated. Then, when he returned Suppression Castes home, the candidate slept fordes some time with his godfather or ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda godmother. He received the des name of RuziQgo (the wretched) and without sitting proceeding to ADPattended: ceremonies Alliance Démocratique desbefore Peuples the next stage. Normally, the initiated member sat ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la on sheep skin.5HJDUGLQJ WKH FRQILUPDWLRQ SKDVH gusubizaho Réconciliation Nationale imandwa), the initiated member was given a seat and was AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières worshiped as Ryangombe. He received an initiation name. This AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la a was followed by drinking and dancing. The godfatherpour received Congo-Zaïre cow, sheep, or Libération a hoe. Thisdu ceremony generally ended at dawn AGOA : African Growth Act with a holy ritual, after which and the Opportunity Imandwa disappeared in neighboring families while begging for or taking possession of $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP anything he came across. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine During these rites, there was a feast known as ‘kubagirwa Rwandaise imandwa or gutonora.’ This consisted of a meal the participants ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda DWH 7KH\ DWH D EXOO FDOI WRJHWKHU ZKLFK KDG EHHQ VDFULÀFHG AM/APthe ceremony. : Arrêté Every ministériel/ during initiatedArrêté personprésidentiel and their assistants AMR : Association du accompanied Rwanda received a piece of meat to des eat. Moniteurs The meal was by AMUR DQG GDQFHV : Association des au7KLV Rwanda FKDQWV VSHFLÀF WR Musulmans WKH FHUHPRQ\ VWDJH ZDV optional because it had to be imposed de by Transition the diviner. ANT : Assemblée Nationale (Transitional National Assembly) Besides cult, another cult known as APADECthe Ryangombe : Association duthere Partiwas Démocrate Chrétien Nyabingi. It was widespread in some parts of the county. The APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise name Nyabingi referred to a wealthy person, and ‘Nyabingi APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Nyiramubyeyi’ meant mother. In some areas, she was called Rwandais Biheko or Nyabiheko. Some legends consider Nyabingi to be a APROCOMIN: Association Indigènes woman who was not marrieddes andCommerçants living in Ndorwa or Karagwe. APROSOMA la Promotion Sociale de la It is also said: Association that ‘Imana’pour transformed her into an immortal creature. The Nyabingi Masse cult was very widespread in the north and northwest of Rwanda up to It extended to Bwishya, ARD : Alliance pour le Mutara. Renforcement de la Bufunbira, andDémocratie Kigezi.188 ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des During King Rwabugiri’s expedition to Nkore he attacked King Droits de l’Homme Ntare. When he returned victoriously to Rwanda, Rwabugiri AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement D’hertefelt, M., Trouwborst A. A.., Scherer J. H., 1962, op. cit., p. 85. Démocratique des Batwa 188 159 v 159 brought herds of cattle and several hostages, one of whom ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS was a young___________________________________ girl called Nyiramubyeyi Nyabingi. The latter became famous because she played a very important role in the legendary history of this Africaines expedition. In compensation, she was A.A. : Archives given authority to command some parts of Northern Rwanda A.G. : Assemblée Générale such as Mulera and Ndorwa, where she later ended her career. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC that : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Traditions associate historic events to Ndori also associate Suppression des Castes the Nyabingi cult with this king. Nyabingi was a daughter of ACR des Cultivateurs Ndahiro, wife :ofAssociation Nyanka, and sister of the sonsdu of Rwanda Ndahiro, who was Ndori, Kinywi, anddes Kibigo. The narratives ADPking of Rwanda: : Alliance Démocratique Peuples that speak of these last two kings originate from pure ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la mythology. But in reality, the Nyabingi cultNationale is more recent than the Mandwa Réconciliation cult, which only came to northern Rwanda in the mid-nineteenth AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières century. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération Congo-Zaïre After her death, Nyabingi du was not forgotten. Her cult spread AGOA Growth in the regions: African cited above. Her and cult Opportunity was different Act from that of Ryangombe since it was characterized by the absence of initiation $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ceremonies. Nyabingi her own et priests and priestesses, also AIMO : Affaireshad Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre called There was de also woman who was known to be AJER Nyabingi. : Association la aJeunesse Estudiantine the intermediary between Nyabingi and her followers. Nyabingi’s Rwandaise priests played the roles of prophets and healers. Although it is ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda said that in theory Nyabingi’s priests ascended to priesthood AM/AP inspiration, : Arrêtéinministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel through practice a son or daughter replaced the AMR or mother : Association des Moniteurs du husband, Rwanda etc. father and a widow replaced her late AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Nyabingi’s help and protection were de sought by men who had ANT : Assemblée Nationale Transition been hit by misfortune and calamity in life. Through the power of (Transitional National Assembly) the spirit communicated by priests and priestesses, Nyabingi’s APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien intervention was invoked and she made her appearance in a APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise special hut constructed in the man’s compound. It was then that APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Nyabingi asked for offerings in terms of foodstuffs or small-sized Rwandais livestock. Nyabingi’s priests were reputed for being greedy for 189 APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes property. The Nyabingi cultdes later took a political dimension at APROSOMA Associationcentury. pour laThe Promotion de lawith the end of the: nineteenth cult wasSociale associated an insurrectionMasse that aimed at overthrowing King Yuhi Musinga. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la In short, nobody knows for certain the identity of Ryangombe Démocratie or that of Nyabingi. Some circles often confuse the latter with ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Muhumuza. Research should be conducted to discover the de l’Homme nature of otherDroits spirits worshiped in different parts of the country AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 189 D’hertefelt M., Trouwborst A.A., Scherer J. H., 1962, op. cit., p. 85. Démocratique des Batwa 160 160 v DQG WR ÀQG RXW WKHLU LPSDFW RQABBREVIATIONS WKH GDLO\ OLYHV RI 5ZDQGDQV ACRONYMS AND before 1900. The ‘Ukubandwa’ practice or ‘Ryangombe’ cult is ___________________________________ a cult of genius, a cult of initiation, a cult of ancestry, a cult of heroes, and a: Archives feast that Africaines had anthropological, sociological, and A.A. psychological implications. A.G. ABAKI Throughout ABESC we Rwanda, : Assemblée Générale : Alliance desanalysis Bakiga of the history of Ancient the present : Association pour la have presenteddes the Bahutu history ofEvoluant pre-colonial Rwanda des Castes under multipleSuppression facets. The salient points of the formation of ACR Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda Rwanda as a :kingdom havedes been examined. The points raised stress of Rwanda from itsdes nucleus of Gasabo, its ADP the formation : Alliance Démocratique Peuples territorial expansion, its socio-political organization, and its ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la relations with neighbouring lands. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières The chronology of the formation of the Kingdom of Rwanda is AFDL : Démocratiques pourwhile la disputed. SomeAlliance authorsdes dateForces it to the thirteenth century, Libération du Congo-Zaïre others date it to earlier than that. The Nyinginya dynasty was AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act established near the beginning of the sixteenth century. This dynasty brought more than 50 small kingdoms under $,'6 gradually $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP its authority, each of which was ruled a king called “Umuhinza” AIMO : Affaires Indigènes etby Main-d’oeuvre or “Umwami.”: Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine AJER Rwandaise The political formation emerged with King Ruganzu Ndori towards ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the middle of the sixteenth century. He was supported, like all AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel other kingdoms in the ministériel/ Great Lakes, by two basic factors: religion AMRwar. The: political Association desinMoniteurs dutime Rwanda and system place at the combined a AMUR of centralized : Association des Musulmans Rwanda system government at the royal au court, subdivided into residences, with ande army network hinged on ANT several royal : Assemblée Nationale Transition controlling big (Transitional livestock and National pastures.Assembly) The entire system was united by a system of servants’ contracts called Ubuhake. During APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the eighteenth century, the introduction of new crops led to APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise improvements in agriculture and consequently to the reduction APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes of food shortages. Population also increased, leading to territorial Rwandais expansion and land ownership problems, a combination of which APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants led to the creation of pastoraldes land reserves calledIndigènes ‘Ibikingi.’ APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The political and social history of Rwanda is best understood Masse from the eighteenth andpour nineteen centuries. During this period, ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de la documents provide information about Rwanda’s history. This Démocratie history was characterized by an increasingly centralized system, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des especially during the reign of King Cyirima Rujugira. He erected l’Hommeborders. He encouraged the military campsDroits at thedecountry’s AREDETWA : Association le royal Relèvement presence of principal chiefspour at the court and introduced Démocratique des Batwa 161 v 161 many royal rituals, exploiting country’s traditions to the ACRONYMS ANDthe ABBREVIATIONS EHQHÀWRIWKHG\QDVW\ ___________________________________ During century, the Nyingnya dynasty endeavored A.A. the nineteenth : Archives Africaines to expand and consolidate its conquests from central Rwanda. A.G. : Assemblée Générale The expansion was facilitated by the genius of military science, ABAKI : techniques, Alliance desand Bakiga agro-pastoral by commercial ties within and ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la outside the country. This expansionist movementpour continued Suppression up to the end of the reign of des KingCastes Kigeri IV Rwabugiri, the last ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda independent king of Rwanda.des Having entirely resisted the coming of Arab slave: traders, became des one Peuples of the last African ADP AllianceRwanda Démocratique countries ushered into the European colonial system ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la at the end of the nineteenth century, in 1897. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Rwanda’s kings extended their powers to their subjects, but AFDLpowers :were Alliance des Forces pour la such heavily limited byDémocratiques three key factors: a strong Libérationfamilies, du Congo-Zaïre rise of some aristocratic the role of manipulators, and AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity the interpreters of Ubwiru esoteric code and diviners.Act The system of centralization was not based on a uniform and integrated $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP system of territorial administration instead followed a trialAIMO : Affaires Indigènes etbut Main-d’oeuvre and-error method. The realization of the ideology of conquering AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine neighboring countries was undermined, among other things, by Rwandaise the ambition and intrigue of political and military elites. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté in présidentiel By the time Europeans set foot in Rwanda 1892, the political AMR : Association des Moniteurs du IURP Rwanda VLWXDWLRQ RI WKH NLQJGRP GLIIHUHG VLJQLÀFDQWO\ RQH UHJLRQ AMUR : Association des Musulmans auwas Rwanda to another. The mystic pre-eminence of the king recognized in many parts: Assemblée of Rwanda. Nationale Political authority was exercised in ANT de Transition a very inequitable manner. InNational the northern region, recognition (Transitional Assembly) of political authority was not as strong as elsewhere because APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien SHRSOH ZHUH RUJDQL]HG DFFRUGLQJ WR D FODQ V\VWHP 7KH ÀVFDO APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise administration aimed at collecting taxes and paying of royal APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes tribute (ikoro). This practice was entrenched in the central and Rwandais southern region. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de lathat Senior chiefs who hailed from dynastic lineages and lineages produced queen mothers commanded armies in some territories. Masse Intrigues aimed at controlling were frequent ARD : Alliance pour lepower Renforcement de laamong the aristocracy. There were endless wars principally directed against Démocratie Burundi and Bushi kingdoms, as well as other regions in the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des north and southwest. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 162 162 v The population, which experienced tumultuous daily lives, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS sought to improve its standard of living by establishing a strong ___________________________________ V\VWHPRIYDOXHV%HORQJLQJE\SDWHUQDODIÀOLDWLRQWRHLWKHU+XWX or Tutsi lineage was determined A.A. : Archives Africainesby genealogy. However, this never prevented intermarriage or economic exchange from taking A.G. : Assemblée Générale place harmoniously. The Tutsi and Hutu lineages belonged to ABAKI clans. : Alliance des Bakiga common These groups participated together in dynastic ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour rituals of initiation (kubandwa) and were integrated in thela same Suppression des Castes armies. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Hutu-Tutsi dualism didDémocratique not exist in the that it took in ADP : Alliance desform Peuples the twentieth century. Neither the Hutu nor the ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Tutsi formed a distinct ethnic group. They all spoke the same language, had Réconciliation Nationale the same religious beliefs, and lived together. The relationship AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières between them was not a source of confrontation. History AFDL : Alliance des ForcesDW Démocratiques pour la WHVWLÀHV WKDW IUHTXHQW KRVWLOLWLHV WKDW WLPH ZHUH EHWZHHQ Libération dubetween Congo-Zaïre competing families, but not Hutus and Tutsis. During AGOA : African and Opportunity Actmembers the last quarter of the Growth nineteenth century, when key RI WKH DULVWRFUDF\ JRW HQJDJHG LQ WUDJLF FRQÁLFWV WKH\ EHFDPH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP easy prey for the colonialists. The and Christian AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et colonialists Main-d’oeuvre missionaries the idea eventually bringing Rwanda AJER :coveted Association de laofJeunesse Estudiantine under their colonial yoke. This is how the Nyinginya kingdom Rwandaise lost its sovereignty. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 163 v 163 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 164 164 : : : : v IV ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ___________________________________ RWANDA UNDER GERMAN AND BELGIAN COLONIZATION A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines By Paul RUTAYISIRE Phd. Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre uropean colonial imperialism in Rwanda, which started AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act at the end of the nineteenth century, was unprecedented $,'6 in Rwanda $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP and disrupted all aspects of Rwandan AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre identity within a period Indigènes of only 60 et years. It began with German AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine colonialism and was later followed by Belgian colonialism, both of which were subscribed Rwandaise to ideologies of “divide and rule” and “rule for exploitation.” It Libération should be borne in mind that these ALIR : Armée de du Rwanda ideologies characterized the foundation for and action of the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel colonial administration. The colonized people were not aware AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda of these manipulations; the intention of the colonialists was to AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda create a country that was dependent on the outside world. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional Assembly) 4.1. Rwanda during GermanNational colonization APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Germany discovered country that Rwandaise had enjoyed a certain degree APR : Arméea Patriotique of organization. It was to this country a protectorate regime APROBAMI : Association des Partisthat Monarchistes was imposed. This was done in collaboration with missionaries Rwandais ZKR FRQIURQWHG D VHULHV RI UHVLVWDQFHV DQG FRQÁLFWV IURP WKH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Rwandese. The protectorate regime also confronted a tense APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion de laThis international :situation culminating in the First Sociale World War. Masse war ended German imperial rule in Rwanda. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 4.1.1. Period of explorers ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Before the coming of the Droits deEuropeans l’Hommeand Arab merchants, Rwanda was a region enveloped in legends. From 1894 to 1920, a number AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement of important documents were written about the country. These Démocratique des Batwa E 165 v 165 documents described a society that was still virgin from external ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LQÁXHQFH 5ZDQGD ZDV LQWHUHVWLQJ DV LW ZDV ´LPSHQHWUDEOH ___________________________________ for a long time.” It was only belatedly subjected to the colonial regime. Rwanda was previously a “terra incognita;”1 it remained A.A. : Archives Africaines inaccessible for a long time to the Arabs who wanted to penetrate A.G. : Assemblée Générale it. A great Arab businessman, Hamed Ibrahim, was stationed in ABAKI Alliance desattempts Bakiga to establish commercial ties Karagwe and :made several ABESC : Association des Evoluant with “the empress of Rwanda, butBahutu he always failed.”2 pour la Suppression des Castes 7KHÀUVWH[SORUHUVZHUHDWWUDFWHGWRGLVFRYHULQJWKHVRXUFHRIWKH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 3 Nile River – an obsession that dated to des antiquity. They wanted ADP : Alliance Démocratique Peuples to penetrate the mysteries of Mountain M’Foumbiro, or the ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la “Mountains of the Moon in Western Rwanda.” They also wanted to Réconciliation exploit opportunities in Rwanda Nationale for commerce and evangelization.4 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la The Society Démocratiques organized the voyages AFDLLondon :Geographical Alliance des Forces pour la of WKH ÀUVW H[SORUHUV VHHNLQJdu WRCongo-Zaïre GLVFRYHU ´WKH VRXUFH RI WKH 1LOHµ Libération LQ7KHÀUVWJURXSRIH[SORUHUVLQWHUHVWHGLQ5ZDQGDZDV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act FRPSRVHG RI %XUWRQ 6SHNH DQG *UDQW ² DOO DUP\ RIÀFHUV LQ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ,QGLD7KH\ZHUHXQVXFFHVVIXO7KH\UHDFKHG/DNH9LFWRULDDQG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7DQJDQ\LND DURXQG 1RYHPEHU -RKQ +DQQLQJWRQ 6SHNH AJER : Association de lawas Jeunesse Estudiantine who was stationed in Karagwe, attracted by the “high coneRwandaise OLNHPRXQWDLQWRSVORFDWHGLQ5RXDQGDµ+HUHSRUWVLQKLVQRWHV ALIR originating : Armée Libération duinhabitants Rwanda of Rwanda, stories fromdemyth about the according was a Arrêté dangerous and mysterious AM/AP to :which ArrêtéRwanda ministériel/ présidentiel country where foreigners were not welcome. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda In 1857, H.M. Morton Stanley became the second European to ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition VSHDNRI5ZDQGD+HZDVLQIRUPHGRI5ZDQGDE\WKHLYRU\DQG (Transitional National Assembly) slave Arab merchants. Hitherto, these merchants had not been APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien DEOHWRHVWDEOLVKWUDGHOLQNVZLWK5ZDQGD+06WDQOH\ZDQWHG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WRVKDWWHUWKHP\WKRIWKHXQNQRZQFRXQWU\²DSRZHUIXONLQJGRP APROBAMI Association des Partis Monarchistes LQKDELWHG E\:SHRSOH RI XQNQRZQ RULJLQV ZKR ZHUH KRVWLOH WR foreign intrusion. He tried to enter the country from the eastern Rwandais ERUGHUWKURXJK/DNH,KHPD+HZDVZHOFRPHGE\Á\LQJDUURZV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZKLFK IRUFHG:KLP WR FKDQJH KLVla FRXUVH ,Q KLV ERRN KH APROSOMA Association pour Promotion Sociale de VWDWHV la that the country could only be penetrated with care and caution. It Masse ZDV6WDQOH\ZKREDSWL]HG$NDJHUDZLWKWKHQDPH´1LOH$OH[DQGDµ Lugan, B., “ Sources écrites pouvant server à l’histoire (1863- 1919)”, in Etudes Démocratie Rwandaises, vol, XI, 1980, p.209. Association la Défense des 2ARDHO Stanley, H.M., A:travers le continentRwandaise mystérieux, T.I.,pour Paris, 1879, p.436. 3 l’Homme Map of Ptolemy, inDroits antiquity,de located the sources of the Nile in the Great Lakes near “the mountains of the moon”. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 4 Baker, S.W., Le Lac Albert. Nouveau voyage aux sources du Nil, Paris, 1879, p.48 1 166 166 Démocratique des Batwa v In March 1891, the expeditions by E. Schinitzer (alias ACRONYMS ANDlaunched ABBREVIATIONS Emin Pasha) and Franz Stuhlmann arrived in Karagwe. On the ___________________________________ orders of Wissmann, the Commissioner of the German empire, these were to explore the German zone, located between A.A. explorers : Archives Africaines /DNH9LFWRULDDQG/DNH7DQJDQ\LND7KH\DOVRZDQWHGWRHVWDEOLVK A.G. : Assemblée Générale IULHQGO\UHODWLRQVZLWKORFDONLQJV7KHVHZHUHWKHÀUVW(XURSHDQV ABAKIobjective : Alliance Bakiga relations with Rwanda. The whose was to trydes to establish ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la WZRH[SORUHUVUHTXHVWHGWREHUHFHLYHGLQWKHNLQJ·VFRXUWEXWJRW Suppression des Castes no response and changed their itinerary. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Oscar (1864-1899), a philosopher and PhD holder in ADP Baumann : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples geography from the University of Leipzig, was employed in 1891 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to serve on theRéconciliation “German committee against slavery.” Sent from Nationale the country of the Massai, he went to Burundi to explore the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières source of the River Nile. From the 11th to the 14th of September AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pour 1892, he passed through theForces southern part of Rwanda butladid not cross the Libération country. Asdu heCongo-Zaïre tried to leave Rwanda, he was AGOA E\ D : African Growth and Opportunity Act DWWDFNHG SRSXODWLRQ DUPHG ZLWK VSHDUV DQG DUURZV WR which with gun powder. He left the country, leaving $,'6 he answered $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP several dead bodies behind him.5 et Main-d’oeuvre AIMO : Affaires Indigènes AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine ,Q&RXQW*XVWDYH$GROI9RQ*RW]HQ HPEDUNHG Rwandaise on an expedition with the aim of identifying the region.6 On the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 3rdRI0D\KLVFDUDYDQÀQDOO\DUULYHGLQ5ZDQGD,Q5ZDPDJDQD AM/AP9RQ *RW]HQ : ArrêtéZDV ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel &RXQW UHFHLYHG E\ 6K\DUDQJDER WKH NLQJ·V AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda VRQZKRZDVWROHDGWKHYLVLWRUWR.LQJ.LJHUL,95ZDEXJLULLQ AMUR a hill :located Association desday Musulmans au Rwanda Kageyo, in present District of Nyabihu (Western Province). Contrary to whatNationale previous reports had disseminated ANT : Assemblée de Transition UHJDUGLQJWKHVHQWLPHQWVRIWKHUR\DOFRXUW&RXQW9RQ*RW]HQ (Transitional National Assembly) DQG KLV FRPSDQLRQV 9RQ 3ULWWZLW] .HUVWLQJ UHFHLYHG DQ APADEC : Association du Parti DQG Démocrate Chrétien amicable reception. This is corroborated in Rwandan myths. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes The greetings and the exchange of gifts were performed according Rwandais WR9RQ*|W]HQ)URPWKHSHUVSHFWLYHRIWKHUR\DOFRXUWRI.LQJ APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes .LJHUL ,9 5ZDEXJLUL KLV ZDVdes D VXUSULVH YLVLW PHW E\ WKH NLQJ·V APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la to astonishment and indignation. This indigination wasdedue VXGGHQDZDUHQHVVRI5ZDQGD·VPLOLWDU\LQIHULRULW\9RQ*|W]HQ Masse ZDV LPSUHVVHG E\ WKHpour SHUVRQDOLW\ RI WKH NLQJ ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de7KH la FDUDYDQ crossed the remaining part of the country, climbing Kageyo Démocratie XS WR /DNH .LYX SUHVHQW WRZQ RI *LVHQ\L DQG SHQHWUDWHG WKH ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 5 Droits de l’Homme He put down his observation on Rwanda in his book entitled Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle, Berlin, 1894. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 6 Von Götzen, G.A., Durch Afrika von Ost nach West=ZHLWH$XÀDJH%HUOLQ Démocratique des Batwa 167 v 167 &RQJR)UHH6WDWH (,& 9RQ*|W]HQ·VH[SHGLWLRQPDUNHGWKHÀUVW ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS RIÀFLDO FRQWDFW EHWZHHQ WKH FRORQLDO SRZHU DQG WKH 5ZDQGHVH ___________________________________ There were other military expeditions in Rwanda, notably those E\:LOKHOP/DQJKHOG $XJXVW A.A. : Archives Africaines /RWKDU9RQ7URWKD Hans Ramsay (1897), and Henrich Bethe (1898), all of which are A.G. : Assemblée Générale UHFRUGHGLQWKHQRWHVRIWKHPLVVLRQDULHV5DPVD\DQGWKHNLQJ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga HVWDEOLVKHG´OLQNVRIEORRGIULHQGVKLSµE\W\LQJORQJWKUHDGVRI ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la FORWK EHOWV DURXQGWKHLUZDLVWVDQGE\H[FKDQJLQJKDQGVKDNHV Suppression des Castes 2QWKLVRFFDVLRQWKHNLQJUHFHLYHGDOHWWHURISURWHFWLRQDQGWKH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda *HUPDQÁDJ5DPVD\DQGKLVVXFFHVVRUGLGQRWNQRZWKDWWKH\ KDGEHHQUHFHLYHGE\DIDOVHNLQJ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la In 1898, Richard Kandt arrived in Rwanda to study the local Réconciliation Nationale FXOWXUH DQG WR ÀQG D GHÀQLWH DQVZHU WR WKH TXHVWLRQ RI WKH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières source of the Nile. He lived in Rwanda until the eve of the First AFDL : Forces Démocratiques pour la :RUOG :DU +HAlliance EHFDPHdes WKH ÀUVW (XURSHDQ WR PHHW \HDUROG Libération Congo-Zaïre .LQJ <XKL ,9 0XVLQJD LQ du 2FWREHU 0SDPEDUD KDG EHHQ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act VHUYLQJDVUHJHQWIRUWKH\RXQJNLQJXQWLOKHUHDFKHGWKLVDJH%\ meeting the royal court wanted to protect the young $,'6 the regent, $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP NLQJIURPYLVLWRUVZKRVHLQWHQWLRQVZHUHVWLOOXQFOHDU8SWRWKH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre end of the German colonialism, no European managed to see AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine the Queen Mother (Kanjogera) or King Musinga’s wives, except Rwandaise Madam Schloiferen in 1901. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Arrêté others, ministériel/ Arrêté It was Kandt,: among who was able présidentiel to specify the source AMR Association des Moniteurs du5XNDUDUD RwandaZDV WKH RI WKH 1LOH E\: VWDWLQJ WKDW WKH VRXUFH RI 5LYHU AMUR RI 5LYHU : Association Musulmans au,Q Rwanda VRXUFH $NDJHUD DQGdes WKDW RI :KLWH 1LOH VR GRLQJ KH contradicted the vision given by Baumann, who stated that the ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition source of the Nile River was River Ruvubu, sourced in Burundi (Transitional National Assembly) DQG SRZHULQJ ZDWHUV LQ WKH $NDJHUD LQ WKH VRXWKHDVWHUQ SDUW RI APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Rwanda. Kandt instead followed the most important branch of the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise river towards the source.7 Later, the Belgian Trusteeship arbitrarily APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes decided that the southern part of Burundi was the southern-most Rwandais source of the Nile, building at Rutovu a small pyramid symbol. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA Association pour of lathe Promotion Sociale deSociety, la In February of:1900, Bishop Hirth African Missionary RU WKH :KLWH )DWKHUV Masse 6RFLHW\ EHFDPH WKH ÀUVW $SRVWROLF 9LFDU RI Southern Nyanza to arrivepour in thele King’s court. He headed ARD : Alliance Renforcement de laa delegation 8 of three missionaries and other foreign visitors. He came following Démocratie the call made by R. Kandt to establish a mission in Kinyaga, a ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 7 Droits de l’Homme Kandt, R., &DSXW1LOL(LQHHPS¿QGVDPH5HLVH]XGHQTXHOOHQGHV1LO, Berlin, 1921. 8 Minnaert, S., Premier voyage de Mgr Herth au Rwanda, Editions rwandaises, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Kigali, 2006. Démocratique des Batwa 168 168 v region which Protestant pastors had explored. He encouraged the ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS &DWKROLF0LVVLRQDULHVWRFRPHDQGHVWDEOLVKWKHPVHOYHVÀUVWEHIRUH ___________________________________ the Protestants. Mgr Hirth changed his plans after discussing with Captain Bethe: and Kandt Africaines at Shangi because the colonial status of A.A. Archives Kinyaga region was still contested by colonial powers. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Mgr. Hirth was authorized byBakiga the royal court to establish himself ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourGLG la QRW ZKHUHYHU KH ZDQWHG LQ %ZDQDPLNDUL 7KH UR\DO FRXUW Castes impose his staySuppression in Mara. Thedes ease with which he obtained this ACR should be : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda area put in the perspective of the good relations that existed the royalDémocratique court and the Germans. Mgr Hirth did ADP between : Alliance des Peuples not explicitly tell the court why he wanted to establish ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la a mission. Réconciliation Nationale ,Q'XNH$GROI)ULHGULFKRI0HFNOHQEHUJOHGDQH[SHGLWLRQ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières across Rwanda. It was a big expedition in terms of men and AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pourthree la material, consisting of nearly 600 people, and included Libération du Congo-Zaïre GRFWRUV DQG DQ HWKQRJUDSKHU NQRZQ DV -DQ &]HNDQRZVNL AGOA :SXEOLVKHG African Growth and Opportunity &]HNDQRZVNL D VFLHQWLÀF SDSHU RQ WKHAct FXOWXUH DQG society (See Map 8 below) $,'6 of Rwanda. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 0DS7KHÀUVW(XURSHDQH[SORUHUV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Source: Lugan B., Histoire du Rwanda: De la préhistoire à nos Droits 1997, de l’Homme jours, Paris, Bartillat, p. 248. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement On examining the narratives of these expeditions, it seems that Démocratique des Batwa 169 v 169 WKH H[SORUHUVACRONYMS GLG QRW PDNH SHUVRQDO FRQWDFWV ZLWK WKH ORFDO AND ABBREVIATIONS SRSXODWLRQ EH\RQG WKH PHHWLQJV KHOG ZLWK WKH NLQJ DQG KLV ___________________________________ representatives. The only contact the local population and the explorers had: Archives was summed up by delivery of food, employing A.A. Africaines porters and guides, paying for services and exchanging gifts, and A.G. : Assemblée Générale VROYLQJFRQÁLFWVEHWZHHQLQGLJHQRXVSHRSOHDQGFDUDYDQWUDGHUV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 7KLVZDVGXHWRODFNRIOLQJXLVWLFNQRZOHGJHDQGWKHIHHOLQJRI ABESC and military : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la It cultural superiority on the part of the Germans. Suppression des Castes ZDV5.DQGWZKREHFDPHWKHÀUVW*HUPDQSHUPDQHQWUHVLGHQW ACR : Association deswho Cultivateurs du contacts Rwanda with in Rwanda. The missionaries made deeper the learnt Démocratique the local language and managed to ADPpopulation : Alliance des Peuples communicate with locals. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Knowledge of Rwanda by Europeans followed a chronological AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières progression. The oldest reports on Rwanda were compiled by AFDL : Alliance who des Forces Démocratiques explorers and travelers made reports about whatpour they la saw Libération du Congo-Zaïre LQWKHFRQWH[WRIH[SHGLWLRQV2IÀFHUVDQGFRORQLDOFLYLOVHUYDQWV AGOA African WKHQ Growth and Opportunity Act ZKR OLYHG LQ:5ZDQGD ÀOHG UHSRUWV UHQGHULQJ VHUYLFHV WR the German colonial administration. Lastly, missionaries were $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP established in the country from the beginning of the 20th Century. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KH ÀUVW H[SORUHUV DQG WUDYHOHUV GHVFULEHG 5ZDQGD DQG LWV Rwandaise culture in a positive way and with a certain degree of respect ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda DQG DGPLUDWLRQ 7KH\ ZHUH VXUSULVHG E\ D NLQJGRP WKDW ZDV AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté UDFH présidentiel ZHOORUJDQL]HG ZLWK OLYHVWRFN RI D VSHFLDO GHSLFWLQJ VLJQV AMR : Association Moniteurs Rwanda RI EHLQJ ORRNHG DIWHU ZHOOdes 7KH\ UHSRUWHG du JDUGHQV WKDW ZHUH AMUR : Association desmen Musulmans au Rwanda well cultivated and handsome and beautiful women. They DWWULEXWHGDORWRISRZHUWRWKHNLQJRI5ZDQGDGHVSLWHWKHIDFW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition he did not have(Transitional this same power in reality. They also insisted on National Assembly) a centralized system of government, a conception that did not APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien FRUUHVSRQG WR UHDOLW\ EXW ZKLFK KDG D FRQVLGHUDEOH LQÁXHQFH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise RQWKH*HUPDQFRORQLDOV\VWHP&RXQW9RQ*RW]HQZDVWKHÀUVW APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes explorer to give a more detailed account on Rwanda. To him, the Rwandais country appeared strange and completely different from what he APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KDGREVHUYHGHOVHZKHUH6SHDNLQJDERXWKLVYR\DJH'U.DQGW APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la reported: Masse to other parts of the colony, de he la found here ARD Contrary : Alliance pour le Renforcement a denseDémocratie population of Bantu Negros who numbered in thousands. They called themselves Wahutu. This ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des population depended subserviently on the Watutsi, a Droits de l’Homme noble cast of Semite or Hamite foreigners whose ancestors AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement originated from the Galla country, south of Abyssinia. 170 170 Démocratique des Batwa v These had subjugated the ABBREVIATIONS entire inter-lacustrine region. ACRONYMS AND Goetzen___________________________________ found the country divided into provinces and districts administered and exploited by the Watutsi who of 2 metres tall, something that reminded him A.A. were giants : Archives Africaines RIWKHZRUOGRIWDOHVDQGOHJHQGV$WWKHWRSZDVDNLQJ A.G. : Assemblée Générale who would was always on and endless trajectory crossing ABAKIhis country : Alliance Bakiga his residences sometimes and des establishing ABESC Association des Bahutu Evoluant la in one: place and sometimes shifting them pour to another. Suppression des the Castes They also told him about tribe of dwarfs, the Batwa ACR who lived : Association Cultivateurs duinRwanda in caves of des volcanic mountains the northern country. These were hunters of animals in the ADP part of :the Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 9 virgin forest. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale 7KH ZRUNV RI 5 .DQGW DQG - &]HNDQRZVNL DUH H[FHSWLRQDO AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières in terms of their in-depth study of Rwanda. R. Kandt lived in AFDL : Alliance des-Forces Démocratiques pour la LQ WKH FRXQWU\ IRU \HDUV &]HNDQRZVNL ZDV DQ DPDWHXU Libération du Congo-Zaïre ethnography, but nonetheless collected a lot of information AGOA D VKRUW : African Growth and Opportunity ZLWKLQ WLPH +H SULQFLSDOO\ ZRUNHG ZLWK Act PLVVLRQDULHV ZKRNQHZWKHFRXQWU\7KLVKHOSHGKLPWRH[WUDFWLQIRUPDWLRQRI $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP interest. Other people who had longer experiences in the country AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre also gave information to newcomers. This facilitated the spread AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine of false ideas by Europeans who lived in Rwanda, and later by Rwandaise the Rwandan elite. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté There existed: the belief that whatever was présidentiel observed to be good AMR Association des Moniteurs Rwandawith the in Rwanda by: Europeans was thought to be du associated AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda QRUWKQRWDEO\(J\SWRU(WKLRSLD7KLVLGHDFDPHIURP6SHNHZKR during to Karagwe and de Uganda discovered things ANT his expedition : Assemblée Nationale Transition he did not expect in the heart of Africa. This included centralized (Transitional National Assembly) political organization and an indigenous people according APADEC : Association du Parti Démocratewho, Chrétien WRKLPUHVHPEOHG(WKLRSLDQVPRUHWKDQKLVFRQFHSWLRQRIEODFN APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Africans. Instead of revising his preconception based on what he APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes discovered, he developed a theory to match his preconceptions. Rwandais This theory assumed that a group of people from the north could APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants have moved southwards beyond the Sahara andIndigènes brought with APROSOMA Association pour lacivilization. Promotion These Sociale de la them a higher: culture of value and theoretical people who carried this great civilization from the north to the Masse south were called Hamites7KLVWKHRU\KDGDSURIRXQGLQÁXHQFH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la on the European view of Rwanda. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des )URPWRWKHÀUVWUHSRUWVRIH[SORUHUVLQVLVWHGRQWKH Droits de l’Homme existence of different ethnic groups in Rwanda. They claimed AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 9 Lugan, B. 1980, op. cit., p.27. Démocratique des Batwa 171 v 171 these groups ACRONYMS physically differed one another but formed a ANDfrom ABBREVIATIONS common society in which each ethnic group played a different ___________________________________ role. The Tutsi most attracted the attention of explorers. The Tutsi to beAfricaines a “noble class that seized the country A.A. were thought : Archives probably some hundreds of years ago and who continued to A.G. : Assemblée Générale retain power up to today and who have reduced to servitude all ABAKI : Alliance desbelieved Bakiga“the Batutsi operate[ed] an 10 the rural people.” Bethe ABESC rule: under Association des Bahutu Evoluant la arbitrary their command. They exert[ed]pour a despotic Suppression des Castes DQG RSSUHVVLYH UXOH DQG LQÁXHQFH RYHU WKH Wahutu”. Bethe ACR des Cultivateurs du Rwanda proposed that: Association “this domination of Watutsi still continue[ed]” EHFDXVH ´(XURSHDQ LQÁXHQFH FDQQRW SHQHWUDWH LQ WKH FRXQWU\ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples without the dominant class which obeys unconditionally to its ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 11 chief.” Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières The Tutsi were sometimes thought to be members of a royal AFDL which :“descended Alliance des Forces family from some Démocratiques race in the Northpour and la who Libérationwith du Congo-Zaïre were probably associated an Arab origin.”12 The Tutsi were AGOA to be: the African and cows Opportunity Act thought ones Growth who “owned in the country.” Their superiority was thought to be based on the assumption that $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP they were “brothers of the Gallas oreteven the Abyssinians,” with AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre colonizers stating: AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine This raceRwandaise which is a conquering race is found everywhere ALIR RQKLJKPRXQWDLQVWKDWVHSDUDWHWKH*UHDW/DNHVRIWKH : Armée de Libération du Rwanda They consider themselves as people who came AM/APEquator. : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel North hardlydes some centuries ago. The purest race AMR from the : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda of these people is found along the line which descends AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda IURP/DNH$OEHUWXSWR1RUWK7DQJDQ\LND ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National O. Baumann was thrown into ecstasy Assembly) by the physical beauty APADEC Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétienthere of the Batusi,: called “Wahuma or Wahima”. “Everywhere were,” he says, “the Watussi who were astonishing by their APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise slenderness their quasi-resemblance of Europeans. Some APROBAMI and : Association des Partis Monarchistes were hardly brown and were probably the origin of the legend of Rwandais 13 White Negros.” He continued, “the Batutsi are considered as APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes immigrants from the North. They are Ethiopian-related, Hamites APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion de la[and or Semites: They have faces thatlaare perfectly Sociale Abyssinian are] people whoMasse strongly resemble Semites in many respects.”14 ARD explorers : Alliance pour le Renforcement la physical The expressed admiration of bothdethe Démocratie 10 Lugan B., 1980, op. cit., p. 27. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 11 Ibid , p. 59. 12 deH.M. l’Homme Hamed, I., quotedDroits by Stanley 1879, op. cit., p. 436. 13 Honke, G., Au plus profound de l’Afrique, 1990, p. 100 AREDETWA : Association pour Wuppertal, le Relèvement 14 Ibid. Démocratique des Batwa 172 172 v atributes andACRONYMS behavior of AND the ABBREVIATIONS Tutsi nobility. They claimed that Tutsi behavior was comparable to the model of classical ___________________________________ antiquity. Regarding Tutsi physicality, they claimed they were “ (…) A.A.a people extremely : Archivesdistinguished Africaines by their physical traits not only by the Negros but also by Europeans. They are slender, tall A.G. : Assemblée Générale LQKHLJKWKDYHÀQHKDQGVZLWKZHOOVKDSHGIHHW7KH0XKLPD ABAKI all the : Alliance des Bakiga combines characteristics of a natural being that resemble ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour15la the canons of classical beauty ofBahutu the Statue of Praxitele.” Suppression des Castes ACRexplorers: were Association desbyCultivateurs du Rwanda The fascinated the senior chiefs at the royal court, Ruhinankiko and Rwidegemya: ADP such as: Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Those people who surrounded the Sultan were particularly Réconciliation Nationale interesting. They had faces that resembled those described AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières LQWKH%LEOHZLWKDQH[SUHVVLYHFKDUDFWHUDQGDFRQÀGHQW AFDL mood. :They Alliance des Forces pourus la to depicted a noble Démocratiques character that made Libération believe that we weredu notCongo-Zaïre among Negroes.16 AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 0JU+LUWKGHVFULEHGWKHNLQJKHVDZDVVRPHRQHEH\RQGQRUPDO $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP NLQJVZKREHORQJHGWRD´KLJKFODVVµLQWKHFRXQWU\+HUHSRUWHG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WKDW KH ZDV WDOO ZLWK WKDW UHVHPEOHG WKRVH RI DQ AJER :´YHU\ Association deORRNV la Jeunesse Estudiantine Abyssinian or an Arab, with a beautiful nose which distinguished Rwandaise him from the uncouth Negros.”17 $FFRUGLQJ WR +LUWK WKH NLQJ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda was not only the tallest, but also “the most intelligent among the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 18 Tutsi.” AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda $FFRUGLQJWRWKHÀUVWH[SORUHUVWKH7XWVLFRQVWLWXWHGRQHWRWZR percent of the population,Nationale but had managed to rule over the ANT : Assemblée de Transition others due to their intelligence: (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 7KH\DUHQRW1HJURVOLNHWKH+XWXEXWDUH+DPLWHVDQG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise are characterized by their beautiful shape, beautiful APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes facial features measuring a height of two meters and Rwandais above. They do not only surpass the Hutu in size but APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants they even beat them des in intelligence. ThisIndigènes explains why APROSOMA : Association pour ladespite Promotion de la they managed to succeed, theirSociale small numbers, in becoming absolute masters and in instituting a feudal Masse 19 VWDWHZKLFKORRNHGOLNHD&RPPXQLVW6WDWHRIVRUWV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 15 Ibid. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise Défense des 16 Honke, G., Au plus profond de l’Afrique, Wuppertal,pour 1990, p.la100. 17 de215. l’Homme Lugan, B., 1980, Droits op.cit., p.78, 18 Ibid. p. 229. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 19 Ibid. Démocratique des Batwa 173 v 173 On the other ACRONYMS hand, the physical characteristics of the Bahutu AND ABBREVIATIONS almost attracted no attention. Explorers stated, “contrary to ___________________________________ the Tutsi who resembled Europeans, the Bahutu were genuine 1HJURHV ZLWK: WKLFN OLSVAfricaines DQG D ÁDW QRVHµ20 The Bahutu were A.A. Archives described as “a poor people and serfs and of a lower class; a A.G. : Assemblée Générale race of the Aborigines, ancient inhabitants of the country who ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 21 « WRRNWKHVWDWXVRIVODYHVµ Kandt painted a negative picture ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour la to of the Hutu in the central part Bahutu of Rwanda who never dared Suppression Castes confront their Tutsi masters. des He had this to say: ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda a strange des behavior. Before their ADP(...) the :Bahutu Alliancehave Démocratique Peuples masters, they are serious and avoid questions but when ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la we are alone with them they tell us almost everything that Réconciliation Nationale ZH ZDQW WR NQRZ DQG HYHQ ZKDW ZH GRQ·W ZDQW WR NQRZ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières EHFDXVH,FDQQRWVROYHWKHLUUHTXHVWDQGGLIÀFXOWLHVVLQFH AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques they complain about the oppression from whichpour theylaare Libération dudeprivation Congo-Zaïre suffering and their total of all rights. On several AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act RFFDVLRQV,WHOOWKHPWRVWUXJJOHRQWKHLURZQ,HYHQPDNH fun of them by telling them that since they are a hundred $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP WLPHV PRUH SRSXODWHG WKDQ WKH :DWXVVL WKH\ RQO\ NQRZ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 22 KRZWRFRPSODLQOLNHZRPHQ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise 7KH %DWZD DOVR UHFHLYHG VRPH UHPDUNV DOZD\V LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ALIRtheir height: : Armée de Libération du Rwanda with AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel (...) a short and stout people. They occupy a low status in AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda the Rwandan society. The Batwa or dwarfsau constitute AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwandaa race RI WKHLU RZQ NLQG « ZKLFK VHHPV WR EH WKH ROGHVW LQ WKH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition country than that of the Bahutu: they are almost dwarfs, (Transitional National Assembly) short people who don’t feel cold, robust.23 In the Rwandan APADEC : Association Démocrate Chrétien society, the Batwa are du notParti considered as human beings APREHFDXVHWKH\UHVHPEOHPRQNH\V : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise 24 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Some notes of explorers deal with Rwandese in general. According Rwandais to Hamed Ibrahim, the Rwandese were a people characterized APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes by “cunningness” practiced at the royal court.25 The Rwandese APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ZHUH´QRWFRZDUGVµJLYHQWKHLUFDSWXUHRI*LVDND0XEDULDQG Masseare described as “a great people,” but this Mpororo. Rwandese ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 20 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., pp.78, 229. Démocratie 21 Ibid. ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 22 Lugan, B., 1980,: op.cit. p. 27. 23 Droits de l’Homme Ibid. p.79. 24 Ibid,. p.227 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 25 Stanley, H.M. 1879, op.cit., p. 436. Démocratique des Batwa 174 174 v admiration is ACRONYMS sometimes paired antipathy. Hamed claimed ANDwith ABBREVIATIONS WKDWWKH5ZDQGHVHZHUH´JUHHG\ZLFNHGGHFHLWIXODQGWUDLWRUVµ ___________________________________ given that “they never allowed any Arab to do trade with them.”26 They described as “The Vouanya-rounda and also A.A. are further : Archives Africaines very naughty” for not wanting “any strangers in their country,” A.G. : Assemblée Générale DQGDV´XQLTXHSHRSOHDQGJHQXLQHO\IXOORIWULFNVµ27 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la $VKHZDVQDYLJDWLQJDURXQG/DNH,KHPD6WDQOH\VWDWHGWKDWKH des Castes was prevented Suppression from landing by the natives: ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda to land; the indigenous opened their ADP (...) We: tried Alliance Démocratique des people Peuples teeth with dog-anger manifesting a lot of aggressiveness ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la pointing Réconciliation their arrows to us in a menacing way, this Nationale (…) forced us to go way and leave these people to their AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ferocious exclusion (...)28 AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Mgr. Hirth, having been disappointed by his porters, concluded AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actthieves.”29 that “the Rwandese people are reputed for being great Bethe that “the Wanyaruanda are a beautiful and a $,'6 claimed $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP VWURQJ UDFH 7KH\ DUH ZDUOLNH DQG DQG GRXEWHG E\ AIMO : Affaires Indigènes etDJJUHVVLYH Main-d’oeuvre 30 their AJERneighbors.” : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise As can be seen from the above accounts, explorers painted ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda a picture of Banyarwanda that was full of contradictions, AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté prejudices, and stereotypes. Despite theirprésidentiel inaccuracy, many AMR : Association des maintained. Moniteurs du of these stereotypes have been TheRwanda explorers were AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda LQWHUHVWHGLQWKHPDVWHUVRUUXOHUVRIWKHFRXQWU\9RQ*RHW]HQ reported that :the “Watussi Nationale chiefs” were dominant class, while ANT Assemblée dea Transition the Bahutu, who earn their living on agriculture, (Transitional National Assembly)are a mass of UXUDOIRON7KHH[SORUHUVLQWHUFKDQJHDEO\XVHGWKHH[SUHVVLRQV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien “race,” “cast,” and “social class.” APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes According to Langheld, Rwanda was an absolute monarchy with Rwandais VWURQJ DQG SDUWLDO QRELOLW\ 7KH %DKXWX ZHUH ´D ZRUNLQJ FODVV APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes people” living on agriculturedes while the Tutsi were preoccupied APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ZLWKORRNLQJDIWHUKHUGVRIFDWWOH+RZHYHUQRWDOO%DWXWVLZHUH born to occupyMasse high positions. Political power seems to have been reserved for members of le some families. ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement de la 'XULQJKLVÀUVWWULS0JU+LUWKZDVVWUXFNE\WKHVRFLDOLQHTXDOLWLHV Démocratie 26 Ibid. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 27 Ibid. 28 Droits l’Homme Stanley, H.M. 1879,op. cit., de P.444. 29 Lugan, B. , 1980 , op. cit. 75. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 30 Lugan, B. , 1980 , op. cit. 57. Démocratique des Batwa 175 v 175 that manifested as a ruling class exploited the short people. ACRONYMS AND that ABBREVIATIONS “There is no country in the world, during our time, where the ___________________________________ poor people are exploited by their masters as in this country of Rwanda; time that missionaries entered this A.A. 31 it is :therefore Archiveshigh Africaines region.” Mgr Hirth viewed missionaries as “liberators” of the A.G. : Assemblée Générale short people. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESCGLYLVLRQV : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour laZLWK (WKQLF LQ WKH SROLWLFDO ÀHOG ZHQW KDQG LQ KDQG Suppression des Castes economic divisions. In Rwandan society, all sectors were ACR as divided : Association Cultivateurs viewed accordingdes to ethnic criteria; du theRwanda Batutsi were pastoralists and the Bahutu were agriculturists. This view did ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples not always conform to reality: ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale In Rwanda itself, the masters and subjects were almost AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières totally assimilated by their customs and culture. As far as AFDL their arms : Alliance deswere Forces Démocratiques pour and dress concerned, most of the timelathe dudistinguished Congo-Zaïrefrom the cultivators. MuhumaLibération could not be AGOA There are : African Growth andacts Opportunity signs of arbitrary “of despoticAct oppression 32 the Wahutu.” $,'6 towards $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Further, all groupsdebelonged to Estudiantine the same linguistic AJER :ethnic Association la Jeunesse EUDFNHW Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda According to Bethe, in the North and especially at the border AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel with Mpororo,: Arrêté the Bahutu occupied positions of chiefs. Bethe AMRmet a Mutwa : Association des is Moniteurs du on Rwanda even chief. Kandt more explicit the situation AMUR Association desDXWRQRPRXV Musulmans 7KH au Rwanda LQ WKH 1RUWK: ZKLFK ZDV PRUH NLQJGRP ZDV QRWDVDGPLQLVWUDWLYHO\KRPRJHQHRXVDVVRPHZRUNVE\WKHÀUVW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition travelers have portrayed. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien The ethnic divide seems to have had a solid social and economic APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise bearing. The determination of the social status was not only an APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes LVVXHRIELUWK,QKLVERRNSXEOLVKHGLQ33-&]HNDQRZVNL Rwandais GLVWLQJXLVKHGEHWZHHQIRXUVRFLDOFODVVHVLQ5ZDQGD7KHÀUVW APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes FODVVZDVPDGHRIWKHSULYLOHJHGNLQJ·VDJHQWVQDPHO\WKHNLQJ·V APROSOMAtheir : Association pour Promotion Sociale de lawere abagaragu, sub-chiefs, andlacourt dignitaries. These exclusively Batutsi. The second class was composed of warriors, Masse or the “ingabo,” who were under the command of ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement dealachief. They settled on theirDémocratie own land, which had been cultivated by their ancestors. They paid normal taxes and were always ready to ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 31 Droits de l’Homme ibid. p. 37. 32 An opinion by Von Goetzen AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 33 Czekanowski, J., Forschungen in Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebiet, Leipzig, 1917. Démocratique des Batwa 176 176 v defend the country in periods of war. They lived in big numbers ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS along border ___________________________________ areas. The third class of Rwandese was formed by the “Biletwa,” i.e. the free peasants without rights over land RZQHUVKLS7KH\ZRUNHGRQWKHODQGRIWKHNLQJDQGGLGWZRWR A.A. : Archives Africaines WKUHHGD\VRIIRUFHGODERUHYHU\ZHHNIRUWKHFKLHI7KH\KDGDQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale obligation of paying taxes. The fourth class was formed by the ABAKI KXQWHUV : Alliance des Bakiga 34 %DWZD DQG SRWPDNHUV &]HNDQRZVNL FRQFOXGHG E\ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la saying that the situation of indigenous people worsened because, Suppression des Castes despite the humanitarian phraseology of the missionaries and ACR : Association Cultivateurs du by Rwanda colonizers, the new juridicaldes system introduced Europeans gave protection than the old norms on which the ADP them less : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples organization of the state was founded. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale $FFRUGLQJ WR - &]HNDQRZVNL ´WKH GHWHUPLQDWLRQ RI HWKQLF AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières EHORQJLQJ ZDV FORVHO\ OLQNHG WR WKH VRFLDO DQG SROLWLFDO UDQNVµ AFDL : Alliance Démocratiques la a and this belonging was des “notForces determined once for allpour among 35 duELUWKµ Congo-Zaïre VSHFLÀF HWKQLFLibération JURXS DIWHU Accordng to him, “social AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act DFFHVVLRQDQGLWVPRGLÀFDWLRQSHJJHGWRHWKQLFDOEHORQJLQJZDV one of the major reasons for the apparition of the Hutu lineage $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP names among the Batutsi.” There was “an ethnic adaptation to AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre social by many families the arrival of Europeans. AJER change”: Association de la before Jeunesse Estudiantine -&]HNDQRZVNLZDVWKHÀUVWDXWKRUWRFULWLFL]HWKHVWULFWGLYLVLRQ Rwandaise of the population along ethnic lines in all domains. However, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda his observations had no effect since the colonial administration AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtéa présidentiel and missionaries made the ethnic divide cornerstone of their AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda programs. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Examples abound on the Nationale perpetration the ethnic divide in ANT : Assemblée deofTransition Rwandan society during colonialism. the myths, proverbs, (Transitional National In Assembly) and oral tradition, the version of the royal courtChrétien and nobility APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate were changed by the Europeans to suit their view of the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Rwandan society: a civilization composed of three ethnic groups APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes RI ZKLFK WKH 7XWVL ZHUH PDVWHUV 6RPH LQIRUPHUV ZKR NQHZ that EuropeansRwandais admired the Tutsi manipulated information to APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants conform to what the Europeans wanted to hear.Indigènes This explains APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la why they insisted on the centrality of the concept of de ethnicity promoted by Europeans while ethnicity was neither found in Masse 5ZDQGD·V WUDGLWLRQDO UHOLJLRQV IRXQG LQ RIÀFLDO ARD : Alliance pour leQRU Renforcement de laDQG IDPLO\ rites. If carefully studied, these sources of Rwandan history Démocratie would lead to a more nuanced description of a society that could ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des be understood without any centrality of ethnicity. Droits de l’Homme le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa Lugan, B., 1980, op.cit. pp.174-175. AREDETWA : Association pour 35 Honke, G., 1990. op.cit., p.108. 34 177 v 177 Map 9: Territorial organization and arrival of Germans ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ When the Germans arrived in Rwanda, the country was made of 10 provinces: Nduga, Africaines Kinyaga, Bugesera, Bugoyi, Bwishaza, A.A. : Archives 0XUHUD %ZLVK\D %XEHUXND 1GRUZD DQG *LVDND 7KHVH WHQ A.G. : Assemblée Générale provinces were divided into historic regions. (See Map 9 below). ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Map 9: Historic regions retained by the colonial administration Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Source: LuganRwandaise and Mutombo, Africa-Tervuren, XXIX, 1989, 1-2 ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda The provinces were divided into many territorial entities given AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel to those who lived in the royal court. Some peasants did forced AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda labor in return for land they were given to occupy. The chief AMUR D SRUWLRQ : Association des Musulmans Rwanda GHGXFWHG RI WKH WD[HV JLYHQ WR WKHau NLQJ 7KH NLQJ·V ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition clients managed their property with the help of of sub-chiefs (Transitional (Ibisonga) who were supportedNational by villageAssembly) chiefs. There were many Hutu among :them, especially the areas of Mulera, Bwishya, APADEC Association duinParti Démocrate Chrétien DQG %XJR\D ,W ZDV .LQJ .LJHUL ,9 5ZDEXJLUL ZKR FHQWUDOL]HG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the state and the Partis property of chiefs owing to the APROBAMI : redistributed Association des Monarchistes separatist tendencies manifested by senior chiefs. This led to Rwandais FRQÁLFWVDPRQJSRZHUIXOIDPLOLHVFXOPLQDWLQJLQWKH5XFXQVKX APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes coup d’état. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse At the turn of the 19th Century, the country experienced a chaotic ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la VLWXDWLRQUHVXOWLQJIURPWKH5XFXQVKXLQFLGHQW/HXWHQDQW9RQ 3DULVKUHSRUWVWKDWPDQ\SHRSOHZHUHNLOOHGEHFDXVHWKH\ZHUH Démocratie “suspected asylum to King Kigeri’s son la who had escaped. ARDHO of :giving Association Rwandaise pour Défense des The fear for theDroits reappearance of this candidate to the throne was de l’Homme one of the causes of bitterness which stained the happiness of AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement King Musinga. It is said that Kigeri designated Bilegeya as his Démocratique des Batwa 178 178 v successor, who later escapedAND without leaving any trace. He acted ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS TXLFNO\WRDYRLGJLYLQJKLVHQHPLHVDFKDQFHWRDVVDVVLQDWHKLP ___________________________________ Everybody lived in a state of permanent fear to see him reappear on the scene :(...). Today, Africaines the ‘Bilegeya affair’ is sometimes used A.A. Archives by the Batutsi as a means of defaming another Mututsi (sic) A.G. : Assemblée Générale EHIRUH.LQJ0XVLQJDLHVDFULÀFLQJKLPWREHNLOOHGµ36 ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association Evoluant pour lawith When the Germans arrived, des they Bahutu found that, in comparison Suppression des Castes WKHQHLJKERULQJNLQJGRPRI%XUXQGLWKH.LQJGRPRI5ZDQGDZDV ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda KLJKO\GLVFLSOLQHGDQGSHDFHIXO´WKDQNVWRWKHNLQJ·VDXWKRULW\µ According to :Bethe, “Kigeri (sic) was an absolute ruler whose ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples RUGHUVZHUHREH\HGLQDOOSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\LQFOXGLQJ.LVDND ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la +LVLQÁXHQFHFRQVLGHUDEO\IDFLOLWDWHGHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWLQ Réconciliation Nationale collaboration with the Germans.”37 However, toward the North AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières DQG VWUHWFKLQJ IURP WKH :HVWHUQ FRDVW RI /DNH .LYX .DQGW AFDL : des“some Forces Démocratiques pourruling la observed that Alliance there were Batutsi who were not Libération Congo-Zaïre the country but who weredu living in isolated villages alongside AGOA : African and OpportunityWKHLU Act ZRUN DV WKH DJULFXOWXUDO SHRSOHGrowth DQG ZHUH DFFRPSOLVKLQJ KHUGVPHQZRUNLQJHTXDOO\DVKDUGDVWKH%DKXWXµ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre %H\RQG5LYHU0XNXQJZD.DQGWREVHUYHGWKDWORFDOSRSXODWLRQV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine also were, in principle, under the domination of the King, Rwandaise ´EXW >ZLWK@ SRFNHWV RI UHEHOOLRXV SHRSOHµ ,Q %XJR\L WKH NLQJ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda HQMR\HGRQO\´DVHPEODQFHRIDXWKRULW\µWKH&KLHIRI%XVKDNX AM/AP did not : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel Province dare ministériel/ continue his rule there. This also applied AMR Association Moniteurs Rwanda to sub-chiefs :who, althoughdes belonging to thedu nobility, gradually AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ZLWKGUHZ WRZDUG WKH LQWHULRU RI WKH NLQJGRP 7KRVH ZKR remained behind never dared to impose their authority.38 This ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition situation worsened as the European presence started to be felt, (Transitional National Assembly) especially with the emergence of new exploitative H. Meyer APADEC : Association du Parti Démocraterules. Chrétien encountered this situation when he went to the North to visit APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the volcanic mountains. There he found a “hostile” population APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes and rebellious elements opposed to the King of Rwanda and Rwandais Murders and the settlement of scores the German government. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes between clans and lineages were frequent.39 APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ,Q5XNLJDUHJLRQWRZDUGV0SRURUR%HWKHREVHUYHGWKHRSSRVLWH Masse “It is not only the Watussi assume the function ARD : Alliance pourwho le Renforcement de la of chiefs but there are also the Wahutu who are appointed by King Kigeri Démocratie ARDHO Association 36 Lugan, B., 1980,: op. cit., p. 115. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 37 Droits de l’Homme Ibid, p.59. 38 Ibid, 46. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 39 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 209. Démocratique des Batwa 179 v 179 VLF µ%HWKHLQWHUYHQHGWRVROYHVRPHFRQÁLFWV´UHVXOW>LQJ@IURP ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ethnic clans because the chief of the dwarf Batwa did not want ___________________________________ to bow before the tall Watutis.”40 In Ndorwa, the clans were 41 LQGHSHQGHQWFRPSOLFDWLQJWKHVLWXDWLRQIRUWKHNLQJ·VHQYR\V A.A. : Archives Africaines ,Q0XOHUDWKHFODQVZHUHVXEPLVVLYHWRWKHNLQJDQGSDLGWD[HV A.G. : Assemblée Générale The Tutsi had chased the natives from some villages to enable ABAKI of the : Alliance Bakiga members dissolveddes clans to settle there. These people were ABESC : Association des Bahutu supposed to do forced labor in return forEvoluant protectionpour fromlatheir des Castes masters. Some Suppression members of old clans (e.g. Bishingwe) associated ACR with the: Association des Cultivateurs duresidents Rwanda were them conquerors. In Nduga, the village mixed; of theDémocratique area belonged to a class of landowners, ADP a large: part Alliance des Peuples while there were also peasant warriors free from an ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la obligation of 42 forced labor (Uburetwa). Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières To put an end to the anarchy prevailing in the North, R. Kandt AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la proffered solutions to those who wanted to become pour residents. du Congo-Zaïre He stated: “it isLibération in the interest of our colonial policy to have the AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act NLQJRQRXUVLGHDQGWRPDLQWDLQWKHUXOHRIWKH:DWXVVLZLWK total of the masses.”43 He noted that the integration $,'6subjugation $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP process areas et in Main-d’oeuvre the central region had not AIMO of the: “autonomous” Affaires Indigènes \HW UHDFKHG LWV ÀQDO VWDJHde ,QlaQRUWKHUQ 5ZDQGD LW ZDV DW WKH AJER : Association Jeunesse Estudiantine initial stage. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda -&]HNDQRZLVNLDOVRDQDO\]HGWKHWD[DWLRQV\VWHPXVHGLQWKH 44 AM/AP The : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel country. taxes levied on the Arrêté peasants were divided into several categories collected des by different chiefs. latter acted AMR : Association Moniteurs du The Rwanda as intermediaries, but a big fraction of these taxes remained in AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda their hands. The taxes paid by peasants included: food items, ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition EHHUFXOWLYDWLQJJDUGHQVUHDULQJOLYHVWRFNDQGRWKHUIRUPVRI (Transitional National Assembly) SK\VLFDO ZRUN 6RPH UHJLRQV ZHUH H[HPSWHG IURP IRRGUHODWHG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien taxes to the court. The taxes in the form of food items were APR : Armée Patriotique collected during the harvest seasonRwandaise and differed from one region 45 APROBAMI Association desGLVWLQJXLVKHG Partis Monarchistes to the next. : - &]HNDQRZLVNL VHYHUDO FDWHJRULHV Rwandais of taxes which were not proportionately distributed.46 The most important tax was “UburetwaµRUZRUNLQJSK\VLFDOO\LQWKHÀHOGV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes RIWKHFKLHIVIRUWZRRUWKUHHGD\VRIWKHWUDGLWLRQDOZHHN7KLV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ZRUNZDVSHUIRUPHGDVDPHDQVRIFRPSHQVDWLRQIRUSHDVDQWV Masse 40 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., pp. 55-57. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 41 Ibid. p. 177. Démocratie 42 Ibid. p. 177. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 43 Ibid. p. 46. 44 Droits de l’Homme Ibid. p. 229. 45 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 180. pour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association 46 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 181. Démocratique des Batwa 180 180 v who had no land of their own.AND This ABBREVIATIONS forced labor was not performed ACRONYMS by the free peasants (ingabo) who had settlements on their own ___________________________________ land. The oldest tax (butaka) was principally made of food items, tobacco, hoes, and bringing offers for the chief (kugemurira A.A. : Archives Africaines umutware) who often lived at the royal court. King Rwabugiri A.G. : Assemblée Générale added a war tax called umuheto. King Musinga introduced ABAKI Bakiga(irari).47 The “Ubutaka” and food taxes for: Alliance Europeandes travelers ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la “Umuheto” taxes were theoretically paid Evoluant all over the country. Suppression destax Castes The collection of the “Umuheto” was performed by the chief ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZKRORRNHGDIWHUWKHNLQJ·VOLYHVWRFNLQWKHGLVWULFW+HKDGWKH right his cattleDémocratique on the peasants’ The “irari” tax ADP to graze: Alliance desland. Peuples ZDV FROOHFWHG E\ VSHFLDO RIÀFHUV ZKR PRQLWRUHG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et laDOO (XURSHDQV travelling in theRéconciliation country. There Nationale was also a tax collected from the chiefs called “Umusogongero.” It was levied on “ubutaka” and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières “umuheto,” but did not apply to “irari” tax. In addition, there were AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WD[HVSDLGE\VSHFLÀFOLQHDJHVVXFKDVDVDOWWD[ H[WUDFWHGIURP du items Congo-Zaïre the marshland Libération grasses), craft made from grass (ubutega), AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Act RI WUHH VQDNHVNLQ VNLQV RI ZLOG FDWVand FRZVNLQ FORWKHV PDGH EDUNV and arms. The lineages charged with performing $,'6 impuzu), $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP WKHVH WDVNV ZHUH SDUWO\Indigènes H[HPSWHG et IURP SD\LQJ WD[HV ,W ZDV LQ AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre Mulera big quantities of ‘Ubutega’ were produced, AJER region: where Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine while the Bihenyi lineage specialized in the construction of royal Rwandaise huts. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel In Mulera, the: payment of tax was aArrêté clan affair. Taxes were paid AMR : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda via the oldest member of the clan, and the taxdu levying process was AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda DQLQWHUQDODIIDLU$OOPHPEHUVZRUNHGLQVROLGDULW\WRSD\WD[HV The taxes in the form of honey and, every year, they ANT“ingabo” paid : Assemblée Nationale de Transition JDYHWKHWZHQWLHWKFRZWRWKHNLQJ7KHUHZDVDOVRDWD[LPSRVHG (Transitional National Assembly) on businessmen (indamu) and by chiefs.Chrétien In Bugoyi, it APADEC : Association du collected Parti Démocrate consisted of 10-15% of the value of the items sold in Nyundo.48 APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes King Rwabugiri introduced another new tax to entertain his Rwandais newly appointed chiefs. The complexity of Rwanda’s traditional APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes ÀVFDO V\VWHP UHVXOWHG IURP des LWV VSHFLÀF FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DQG LWV APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion de laORFDO LQFOXVLYH QDWXUH 7KH ÀVFDO V\VWHP FRPELQHGSociale QXPHURXV factors, all of which Massechanged as time went on. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 47 Hence, the northern provinces were governed as follows : Bugoyi Bushaku Démocratie concurrently assumed the functions of “ku muheto” and “ku butaka”; Kinunu, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Rwindegembya concurrently held the two functions; In Bwishaza, Bushahu was Droits de“ku l’Homme “kubutaka” and Rwidegembya muheto”; In Kinyaga, Rwabilinda assumed the function of “kubutaka” and Rwidegembya “kulemuheto” (Lugan, op. cit., 1980, p. 183 AREDETWA : Association pour Relèvement 48 Lugan, B., op. cit., 1980, p. 183. Démocratique des Batwa 181 v 181 4.1.3. ACRONYMS The Protectorate (1897) ANDregime ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ As a result of the partition of Africa during the Berlin conference (1884-1885), process of power devolution saw Rwanda A.A. : the Archives Africaines GLSORPDWLFDOO\ DQQH[HG WR WKH *HUPDQ VSKHUH RI LQÁXHQFH ,Q A.G. : Assemblée Générale WKH *HUPDQ VSKHUH RI LQÁXHQFH LQ (DVW $IULFD RIÀFLDOO\ ABAKI the : title Alliance des Bakiga assumed of ‘German East African Protectorate’ (Das ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la deutsch-ostafrickanische Shutzgebeit). Two stages characterized Suppression Castes the period of German rule: ades period of military administration ACRthe protectorate : Association Cultivateurs Rwanda and and thedes period of indirect du rule. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples a. From Nominal Rule to Military Administration ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la (1897-1906) Réconciliation Nationale In general, German rule was unique in the way it was implemented. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Effectively, in the beginning, Germany practiced a policy of “wait AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la of and see.” On March 22,des 1897, Captain Hans Ramsay, Chief Libération duestablished Congo-Zaïre “Udjidji Station,” peacefully political relations with AGOA Growth and Opportunity the Rwandan: African royal court. He presented himself Act to the royal court with 112 soldiers, 129 porters, and an escort $,'6in Rwanda $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP of Europeans. They were received et with “fear and suspicion.”49 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre Captain managed de to laform a ‘pactEstudiantine of friendship’ with AJER Ramsay : Association Jeunesse Mpamarugamba, King Yuhi Musinga’s cousin. Ramsay gave Rwandaise KLPDOHWWHURISURWHFWLRQDQGD*HUPDQÁDJRQO\WKHQWRWDNH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda possession of Rwanda and usher it under the ‘German sphere AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel RI LQÁXHQFH·: 7KH ¶EORRG SDFW· FHUHPRQ\ FRQGXFWHG EHWZHHQ AMR Ramsay : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Captain and the representative of the King of Rwanda is AMUR as follows: : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda described ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (...) I was supposed toNational attach aAssembly) thread on him and he (Transitional himself rolled me with the same threads and together we APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien VKRRN KDQGV YHU\ VWURQJO\ DQG WKH ¶EORRG SDFW· EHWZHHQ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKHNLQJDQG,ZDVFRQFOXGHG 50 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes While RwandaRwandais was placed under German rule, King Yuhi APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Musinga, represented by Mpamarugamba, made protests against APROSOMA : Association pour la Sociale de la Rwanda’s invasion by the army of Promotion the Congo Free State (EIC). He did so by referring Masse to the Shangi affair/Cyangugu where the Rwandan army had been defeated. The royal court ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la hoped to obtain some support against those who had occupied Western Démocratie Rwanda and against any other internal opposition. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 49 Honke, G., 1990, op. cit., p. 115. pour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association 50 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 189 Démocratique des Batwa 182 182 v A year later, ACRONYMS Captain Hinerich Bethe visited Rwanda. The ANDand ABBREVIATIONS ODWWHUZDVQLFNQDPHG¶*DKL]D·EHFDXVHRIKLVPLOLWDU\KHDGJHDU ___________________________________ %HWKH·VYLVLWHQGHGDW*LWZLNR5R\DO&RXUWQHDU.DPRQ\LIURP rd th the of March, 1898. This visit was conducted in the A.A.3 to the 6 : Archives Africaines FRPSDQ\RI/W9RQ*UDZHUWQ'U+RHVHPDQQ3IHXIIHUDQXUVH A.G. : Assemblée Générale DVNDULV DQG SRUWHUV 7KH FKLHI RI WKH GHOHJDWLRQ DOVR ABAKIRI ´IULHQGO\ : Alliance des Bakiga VSRNH UHODWLRQVµ WR 0SDPDUXJDPED51 Meanwhile, ABESC : Association pour la an in 1897, Usumbura station des was Bahutu founded.Evoluant Up to 1907, it was 52 des Castes administrative Suppression post for Burudi and Rwanda. In the same year, ACR : Association following quarrels between des the Cultivateurs Germans and du theRwanda army of the Congo Free State on the issue of the Eastern Congolese ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples border, the Germans established other military stations ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie(Regierungussitze). et la In November 1898, Shangi Military Station was established, Réconciliation Nationale followed by the Kisenyi Military Station in August 1898. From AEC rd : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières the 3 to the 6th of March 1898, while visiting the Rwandan AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la FRXUW&DSWDLQ%HWKHFRQÀUPHGKLVGHÀQLWLYHUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKH du 5R\DO Congo-Zaïre VRYHUHLJQW\ RILibération WKH 5ZDQGDQ &RXUW ,Q UHWXUQ WKH NLQJ AGOA assurance : African and Usumbura Opportunity Act Station. received and Growth support from Military $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP For more than: ten years,Indigènes the border issue with the EIC constituted AIMO Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre a point of discord betweende Germany and Estudiantine Belgium. In unclear AJER : Association la Jeunesse accords signed regarding Congo, King Leopold II espoused that, Rwandaise from 1885, the border between his colony and the future German ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda East Africa was indicated by a right angle from the geographic AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté point located :atArrêté 30° longitude east and 20° présidentiel latitude south, up to AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHQRUWKHUQSRLQWRI/DNH7DQJDQ\LND7KHUHJLRQORFDWHGZHVW AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda RIWKHLPDJLQDU\OLQHMRLQLQJ*DWXQD*LWDUDPD*LNRQJRUR1VKLOL went (See Map 10 below) ANT to the Belgians. : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 51 Honke, G., 1990, Droits op cit., p. de 117 l’Homme 52 Bindseil, R., Le Rwanda et l’Allemagne depuis le temps de Richard Kandt, Berlin, AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 1988, p. 1. Démocratique des Batwa 183 v 183 Map 10: Ruanda-Urundi ACRONYMS(1884-1919) AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse Source: Louis R., Ruanda-Urundi 1884 -1919, Oxford, ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laClarendon Press, 1963 Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 7KH *HUPDQ JRYHUQPHQW KRZHYHU WKRXJKW WKDW /DNH .LYX DroitsERUGHU de l’Homme SURYLGHG D FRPPRQ 7KH\ MXVWLÀHG WKLV E\ UHIHUULQJ WR AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement WKH $QJOR*HUPDQ 7UHDW\ +HOLJRODQG 7UHDW\=DQ]LEDU RI -XO\ Démocratique des Batwa 184 184 : : : : v ZKLFKKDGGHPDUFDWHGWKHVSKHUHVRILQÁXHQFHIRUWKHVH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS two countries___________________________________ in East Africa. According to this treaty, German East Africa extended from the coast of the Indian Ocean to the 53 *UHDW/DNHV A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine At that time, the Congo Free State (EIC) did not have military ABAKIto impose : Alliance des Bakiga power its position; beginning in 1896, it had been ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ZHDNHQHGE\VHYHUDOPLOLWDU\PXWLQLHV7KH*HUPDQJRYHUQPHQW Suppression des stationed Castes in Ujiji, to occupy the charged Captain Bethe, who was ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda (DVWHUQEDQNRI5XVL]LDQG/DNH.LYXFRQVLGHUHGWREHORQJWR the It was in this context Shangi became ADPGerman empire. : Alliance Démocratique desthat Peuples a military post. A provisional accord that maintained ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the status TXRRQWKHEDQNVRIWKHODNHVZDVFRQFOXGHGRQ1RYHPEHU Réconciliation Nationale 1898, between Capt. Heqc and Capt. Bethe. When Msg. Hirth AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières crossed Kinyaga at the beginning of 1900, the border question AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ZDVVWLOOXQFOHDU7KH%HOJLDQVDUULYHGÀUVWLQWKHYDOOH\RI5XVL]L du Congo-Zaïre DQG /DNH .LYXLibération EXW ZHUH FKDVHG E\ WKHLU RZQ UHYROWLQJ WURRSV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KH*HUPDQVWRRNDGYDQWDJHRIWKLVWRHVWDEOLVKPLOLWDU\SRVWV DORQJ5LYHU5XVL]LDQG/DNH.LYXWRSURWHFWWKHPVHOYHVIURPWKH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP rebellious armies. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7KH WDVN RI WKH FRPPLVVLRQ FKDUJHG ZLWK ERUGHU GHPDUFDWLRQ Rwandaise EHJDQLQ7KHVNHWFKPDSVGUDZQE\.DQGWKHOSHGWRFRUUHFW ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda WKHHUURQHRXVGDWDSURYLGHGE\6SHNH6WDQOH\DQG6WXKOPDQ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel and Were useful to the commission. Kandt favored drawing AMR : Association desofMoniteurs dunatural Rwandaphysical borders based on the criteria “ethnic and AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda features,” namely the Rusizi-Kivu boundary, and he was ready to release Idjwi Island, which physically ANT : Assemblée Nationale de demarcated Transition areas that belonged to different cultures.National For him,Assembly) any other demarcation (Transitional ZRXOG KDYH KDG QHJDWLYH FRQVHTXHQFHV %DONDQL]DWLRQ RI WKH APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien county into small units would instead solve many endless APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise DGPLQLVWUDWLYHSUREOHPVDQGHQGOHVVFRQÁLFWV+DYLQJIDLOHGWR APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes solve this border question, Kandt concluded that he would “give Rwandais up Rwanda entirely.” In order to put pressure on the Belgians, APROCOMIN: Association desclaimed Commerçants Indigènes he occupied Shangi, which was by Congo. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 7KHDFFRUGRI0D\FRQÀUPHGWKHSURYLVLRQDOVLWXDWLRQ Masse obtained at that time. Belgium ended up accepting ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement dethe laborderline of the volcanoes along the Karisimbi-Sabyinyo-Muhabura Démocratie Mountains. Rwanda lost Bufumbira, Bwishya, Gishari, and Idjwi ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Island. In 1911, the German Residence created a military post de l’Homme at Tshangugu Droits after removing Shangi, which was of no military AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 53 Loius, W.M.R., Ruanda-Urundi 1994-1919, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1963. Démocratique des Batwa 185 v 185 LQWHUHVW WR WKHP .LQJ 0XVLQJD ZDV QRW DW DOO VDWLVÀHG ZLWK ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS these demarcations and was deeply concerned by the loss of his ___________________________________ territories, although his relations with the Germans remained unchanged. The Germans continued to recognize some of his A.A. : Archives Africaines remaining rights. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga b. Implementation of the Protectorate or Indirect rule ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la (1906-1916) Suppression des Castes ACR Association du Rwanda Between 1904: and 1905, thedes MajiCultivateurs Maji rebellion54 EURNHRXWLQWKH *HUPDQ(DVW$IULFDQVSKHUHRILQÁXHQFH,WZDVVXSSUHVVHGZLWK ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples heavy losses. revolt pour discredited the German colonization in ADR :The Alliance la Démocratie et la the civilized world. It had repercussions Réconciliation Nationaleon the German colonial system and forced the government in Berlin to proceed with the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières re-organization of the administration of her colonies. In addition, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la by the military command of different districts was replaced Libération duDirector Congo-Zaïre civilian rule. Dernburg, the General of colonies under AGOA : African of Growth Opportunity Act the German Ministry Foreignand Affairs, led the creation of a ministry of colonies. $,'6 in charge $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre According to Kandt, Rwanda Burundi were the most AJER : Association de la and Jeunesse Estudiantine beautiful and populated possessions of the German East Africa Rwandaise VSKHUHRILQÁXHQFH/W9RQ3HULVK GHVFULEHG5ZDQGDDV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda “one of the most interesting areas of German East Africa and AM/AP Arrêté présidentiel in the region.: It is theministériel/ last despoticArrêté state of the colony.”55 The AMR in Rwanda : Association des on Moniteurs du Rwanda interest was hinged the following factors: it was AMUR : Association Musulmans Rwanda the most interesting countrydes in German East au Africa, one of the ODVW ZKLFK GHVSLWH EHLQJ XQGHU ´WRWDO ANT QHJURLG NLQJGRPV : Assemblée Nationale deVWLOO Transition DXWRFUDF\µKDGDNLQJZKRRZHGDOOHJLDQFHWR*HUPDQ\,WZDV (Transitional National Assembly) DFRXQWU\ZKHUHDJULFXOWXUHDQGFDWWOHNHHSLQJZHUHÁRXULVKLQJ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien and was a densely populated country with a good climate and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise very beautiful landscapes. It was a region that presented a bright APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes future for white colonialists .56 Rwandais 2Q-XQHDSURWHFWRUDWHZDVGHFODUHGRQ5ZDQGDWKXV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes separating it from Burundi.pour On November 15, 1907, Dr.de Richard APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale la Kandt57 (alias Kanayoge) established his station at Shangi Masse 54 In Swahili, the word « Maji-Maji » means a magical portion (of ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de water) la which the natives of some tribes in DeutschOstafrika drank to protect themselves from the Démocratie bullets of the German guns. ARDHO : Association 55 Lugan, B., 1980., op. cit., p. 106 Rwandaise pour la Défense des 56 Droits de l’Homme Ibid. p. 126. 57 Bindseil, R. stressed that R. Kandt claimed to have a doctorate but had not written a AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement thesis to deserve this title as required by the regulations in Germany at that time. Démocratique des Batwa 186 186 v (QLFNQDPHG%HUJIULHGHQ DQGODWHUDW*DNLUDLQ1\DQWDJR+HZDV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS D*HUPDQRI-HZLVKRULJLQZKRKDGVXUYH\HGWKHFRXQWU\IURP ___________________________________ 1898 and had studied natural sciences (e.g. botany and geology). He as a civil servant and the “Imperial Resident A.A.was appointed : Archives Africaines to Rwanda”. Beginning in 1905, Kandt received a salary almost A.G. : Assemblée Générale equivalent to that of a commander. As an explorer of the Ministry ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga RI)RUHLJQ$IIDLUVKHSHUPDQHQWO\KDQGOHGDGPLQLVWUDWLYHÀOHV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la VHQWWRKLPE\*RYHUQRU(UDO9RQ*W]HQ7KHLQDXJXUDWLRQRIWKH Suppression des Castes 5HVLGHQW·VRIÀFHZDVSHUIRUPHGLQ.LJDOL 1\DUXJHQJH LQ ACR : Association Cultivateurs duadministrative Rwanda This location was chosen by des Kandt himself as the ADP of the “Imperial : AllianceResidence.” Démocratique des Peuples centre ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Prior to 1870, there was practically no European administrative structure. There were two military posts in the entire country. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières They in Shangi (Ischangi) and Gisenyi pour (Kissenji). AFDLwere located : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la Thereafter, others were established in Kigali (1907), Ruhengeri Libération du Congo-Zaïre (1909), and Gatsibo (1914). These attracted AGOA : African Growth and centers Opportunity Act very few Rwandan citizens compared to the ones in Kigali and Gisenyi. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KLVODFNLQJDGPLQLVWUDWLYHVWUXFWXUHFRQWLQXHGHYHQGXULQJWKH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Belgian colonial period and was associated with the problem of AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwanda’s under-urbanization. Rwandaise ALIRchoice of: Armée de Libération du Rwanda The establishing a European capital in 1907 in an AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/for Arrêté présidentiel area near the :point of intersection the entire the country was PRWLYDWHGE\WKHZLVKWRNHHSDGLVWDQFHIURPWKHUR\DOFRXUW AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda The choice of Mountain Kigali, was agreed AMUR :Nyarugenge, Associationopposite des Musulmans au Rwanda XSRQ 1\DUXJHQHJH ZDV WKH RIÀFLDO ANT 8S WR: 6HSWHPEHU Assemblée Nationale de Transition FDSLWDOXVHGLQDOORIÀFLDOGRFXPHQWVEHIRUHLWZDVUHSODFHGE\ (Transitional National Assembly) Kigali.58,QPDNLQJWKLVFKRLFHWKH*HUPDQVZHUHPRWLYDWHGE\ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien political, administrative, and economic considerations. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI Association des Partis The policy of : indirect rule adopted by Monarchistes the Germans consisted of administering the colony by relying on local authorities, Rwandais the .LQJ, and Association the chiefs. des Indirect rule was appropriate APROCOMIN: Commerçants Indigènes in areas ZKHUH LQGLJHQRXV ORFDO VWUXFWXUHV H[LVWHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale VXFK de la DV %XNRED 5ZDQGD DQG %XUXQGL 9RQ *RW]HQ LQWURGXFHG WKH Masse LQVWLWXWLRQ RI WKH 5HVLGHQW WKH 5HVLGHQW ZDV VXSSRVHG WR ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la FRQILUPQDWLYHFKLHIVin their functions and duties. He assisted Démocratie the King as an adviser while assuming the role of representative ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des of the Governor. Local customs were supposed to be de l’Homme respected and Droits high taxes were QRWVXSSRVHGWREHOHYLHGDQG AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement FROOHFWHGH[FHSWZLWKWKHNLQJ·V 58 6HH.DQGW¶VMXVWL¿FDWLRQLQ%LQGVHLO5RSFLWS Démocratique des Batwa 187 v 187 permission. InACRONYMS Rwanda, therefore, ‘indirect rule’ was understood AND ABBREVIATIONS to mean: ___________________________________ and enhancement A.A.1. The support : Archives Africaines of the power of the .LQJE\ SURWHFWLQJKLPDJDLQVWDQ\IRUPRIDWWDFN7KHNLQJwas A.G. : Assemblée Générale appointed according to cultural norms and was ABAKIFRQÀUPHGE\WKH,PSHULDOJRYHUQPHQW : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la 2. The support of the authority of .LQJ Yuhi Musinga by Suppression des Castes exercising permanent control and pressure on him and by ACR EHQHÀWLQJIURPKLVDXWKRULW\7KHVXSSRUWDQGH[WHQVLRQ : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP of power : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples of Tutsi chiefs and the creation of a government ADR school :for Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Tutsi children in 1910; Réconciliation Nationale 3. The maintenance of traditional socio-political institutions. AEC The instruction : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières that followed was that of non-interference AFDL in the : daily Alliance des Forces pour native matters Démocratiques as long as they did lanot Libération duadministration. Congo-Zaïre undermine European AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KHNLQJZDVWKHSULQFLSDOVSRNHVPDQRIWKH5HVLGHQFH+HZDV AIMO Affaires et some Main-d’oeuvre the guarantor: of justice,Indigènes though with restrictions imposed E\WKH5HVLGHQW7KLVSRLQWSURYRNHGIULFWLRQZLWKWKH&DWKROLF AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine missionaries who did not want to recognize the judgment Rwandaise pronounced by the Rwandan authorities ALIR : Armée de Libération duwhenever Rwanda this judgment was to the disadvantage of Christians. The Christians thus never AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel KHVLWDWHGWRPDNHWKHLURZQMXGJPHQWV7KH*HUPDQVKDGWKH AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda right to interfere in the public life of Rwandese. For example, in AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda &DSW9RQ%HULQJHLPSRVHGRQ.LQJ0XVLQJDDÀQHRI ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition cows and blamed him publically for having been absent when (Transitional National Assembly) 0XKXPELND0XWZDUHRI*LVDNDZDVWREHVHWIUHH,Q/W 9RQ1RUGHFNDXWKRUL]HGPLVVLRQDULHVWRHVWDEOLVKWKHLUPLVVLRQ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien in the central of Kabgayi and Muranga in the centre of APR : plateau Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKHNLQJGRP·VORFDOLW\.LQJ0XVLQJDRSSRVHGWKLVGHFLVLRQ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Nonetheless, the unconditional support for the royal authority APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZDV QRW VXSSRVHG WR ODVW LQGHÀQLWHO\ ,Q D OHWWHU VHQW WR 'DU APROSOMA pour la Promotion la es Salaam, M.: Association Wintgens, who succeeded KandtSociale as the de German Resident, reported Massethat there was “deep bitterness against Watutsi rule (...) in the pour entirelecountry.” He reported ARD : Alliance Renforcement de la that this would constitute danger for the Germans and the best way of Démocratie confronting this danger was not to put their guns in support ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des of the Watutsi, but to replace gradually the arbitrary rule of Droits de l’Homme the Watutsi by introducing the rule of law.”59 The interests of AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 59 Bindseil, R., 1988, op. cit. Démocratique des Batwa 188 188 v the GermansACRONYMS were not permanently protected through this AND ABBREVIATIONS unconditional___________________________________ support of the Watutsi because the German 5HVLGHQW ULVNHG XQSRSXODULW\ E\ VXSSRUWLQJ D ´PLQRULW\ FDVWµ which population of 97%. Wintgen’s letter did not A.A. ruled :aArchives Africaines receive follow-up because of the First World War. However, it A.G. : Assemblée Générale demonstrated that some civil servants were against the policy ABAKI by Kandt. : Alliance des Bakiga pursued M. Wintgens envisioned introducing reforms ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pourleaders la by imposing uniform taxes and by subjecting the Tutsi Suppression des Castes to another judicial system favorable to the Hutu. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 'HVSLWH DOO WKLV .LQJ 0XVLQJD EHQHÀWWHG WKH SUHVHQFH RI ADP : Alliance Démocratique desIURP Peuples Kandt’s policy. Effectively, the German authorities organized ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la punitive expeditions in the country against those who opposed Réconciliation Nationale WKH NLQJ VXFK DV WKH Gisaka Rebellion and the Ndungutse AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Uprising of 1912. The German authority neutralized several AFDL : la rebellions and Alliance brought des themForces again Démocratiques under the royal pour authority. Libérationthat du Congo-Zaïre They quelled rebellions aimed at avenging the death of AGOA : such African and Opportunity Actof Murera missionaries, as Growth the repression of the people after of Father Superior Loupias of Rwaza $,'6the assassination $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP mission in 1910. In effect, the relations between the German AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre authorities and the court complemented each other. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise c. Economic policy ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP DGPLQLVWUDWLYH : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel *HUPDQ RIÀFLDOV DVVHVVHG KRZ WR EHVW H[SORLW AMR : Association Moniteurs durich Rwanda Rwanda’s wealth. While thedes country was not in minerals, AMUR ZDV:ULFK Association des )XUWKHU Musulmans au Rwanda 5ZDQGD LQ OLYHVWRFN LW VHUYHG DV D OLQNLQJ conduit for Congo’s trade Nationale items, which would help to export ANT : Assemblée de Transition SURGXFWV WRZDUGV WUDGLQJ SRVWV WRZDUGV WKH (DVW /W 9RQ (Transitional National Assembly) Perish anticipated the possibility of establishing a Whiteman’s APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien VHWWOHPHQWLQ%ZDQDPXNDOL1GXJDDQG.DEDJDOLLQJLYHQ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the high altitude of the region and its favorable climate to the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes whites. He asserted, “We should remove the Batutsi from power Rwandais RUDWOHDVWUHGXFHWKHLULQÁXHQFH7RDFKLHYHWKLVREMHFWLYHZH APROCOMIN: Commerçants Indigènes should support Association the Hutu anddes leave the Batutsi to rely entirely on 60 APROSOMA Association la Promotion de la the support of: the Batwa,” pour a position that wasSociale later dismissed. Masse The budget for the German was modest because the ARD : Alliance pourResidence le Renforcement de la country was considered to be less developed. As a result, no taxes Démocratie were imposed. The biggest resources came from the government ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des of Dar-es-salaam in the form of grants. In 1912, the effective Droits deResidence, l’Homme 42,000 DM, was subsidized budget of the German AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 60 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 113. Démocratique des Batwa 189 v 189 XSWR7KHLQFRPHRIWKH5HVLGHQW·VRIÀFHLQ5ZDQGDURVH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS WRDPRGHVWÀJXUHRI'0FRPLQJIURPWD[HVRQSURSHUW\ ___________________________________ and custom duties. 50% of this budget was used to pay salaries of civil servants. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale In order to increase income and to obtain money from ABAKI :and Alliance des Bakiga businessmen Europeans, the German Residence introduced ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la a compulsory tax by implementing the Evoluant central government’s Suppression des Castes decision of introducing a capitation tax of one rupee per year ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda IRUHYHU\PDOHQDWLYHFDSDEOHRIZRUNLQJ7KH5HVLGHQFHGLGQRW want the process of levying this In 1911, Kandt ADP to speed: up Alliance Démocratique des tax. Peuples explained to the King that his country was supposed ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to pay this WD[7KHNLQJZDVGLVSOHDVHGIHDULQJWKDWWKHSRSXODWLRQZRXOG Réconciliation Nationale use this as a pretext to evade the existing traditional taxes.61 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la But for Witengs, the newdes tax with geographical delimitations was du Congo-Zaïre QRW VXSSRVHG Libération WR UHSODFH WUDGLWLRQDO WD[HV 7KH ÀUVW FROOHFWLRQ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act RI WKLV WD[ WRRN SODFH LQ LQ DUHDV FRQVLGHUHG WR EH PRUH developed, namely Kigali, Gisenyi, Shangi, and Bugarama. A tax $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP RIRQHUXSHHZDVSDLGE\DPDOHSHUVRQRIZRUNLQJDJHDQGWKH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre UHVLGHQFHZDVDEOHWRFROOHFW5XSHHVZLWKRXWDQ\GLIÀFXOW\ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The Residence hoped to cover a big part of administrative costs Rwandaise with income from such taxes. Generally, it can be said that the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda *HUPDQ·VUROHLQWKHHFRQRPLFGRPDLQZDVLQVLJQLÀFDQW7KHUH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentielOLYHVWRFN ZHUH XQDFKLHYHG SURMHFWV LQ WKH ÀHOGV RI DJULFXOWXUH AMRmanpower. : Association des Moniteurs duproject Rwanda and The only sound development conceived AMUR : Association dessucceeded, Musulmans by the Germans, which almost wasau theRwanda railway. This ZDVVXSSRVHGWROLQN7DERUDWR5XVXPRDQGZDVFRQFHLYHGWR ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition VROYHWKHSUREOHPRI5ZDQGD·VODQGORFNHGJHRJUDSKLFDOIHDWXUHV (Transitional National Assembly) The project would have helped to overcome theChrétien geographical APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate constraints and hence would encourage the development of an APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise export economy in agriculture. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais 7KH ZRUN RQ WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH UDLOZD\ IURP 7DQJDQ\LND APROCOMIN: Association desthe Commerçants Indigènes started in 1905, two years after Uganda railway. The railway APROSOMA Association pour7KH la Promotion Sociale de laIURP OLQH UHDFKHG :7DERUD LQ PRVW GLIÀFXOW VWUHWFK 7DERUDWR/DNH7DQJDQ\LND.LJRPDZDVÀQLVKHGLQ%HIRUH Masse this railway started operating, idea was tabled to extend it ARD : Alliance pour lethe Renforcement de la towards Rwanda and Burundi. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 7KH RIÀFLDO SURMHFW ZDV HVWLPDWHG WR FRYHU D GLVWDQFH RI Droits de l’Homme NLORPHWHUV ZLWK D GLYHUVLRQ DW 7DERUD HQGLQJ DW WKH ERUGHU RI AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 61 Bindseil, R., 1988, op. cit., p. 120. Démocratique des Batwa 190 190 v Rwanda and Burundi whereAND Rubavu meets Kagera. This project ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS was supported by Governor Schnee, who visited Ruanda___________________________________ Burundi with an expert to study its implementation. It was approved by the government in Berlin. This line was supposed A.A. : Archives Africaines WR MRLQ 1\DEDURQJR DQG $NDJHUD ULYHUV 7KH *HUPDQV ZDQWHG A.G. : Assemblée Générale WRÀQGRXWLIWKHVHWZRULYHUVZHUHQDYLJDEOH$IWHUH[SORUDWRU\ ABAKI Lt. Gudovius : Alliance des up Bakiga studies, came with a positive conclusion about ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la WKHSURMHFWLQ-XO\+LVDUJXPHQWZDVWKDWWKHUDLOZD\OLQH Suppression des Castes crossing mountainous had a technical advantage of avoiding ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda regions, avoiding expensive technology. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples )DWKHU %XUJWpour D PLVVLRQDU\ LQ %XUXQGL SURSRVHG ADR 9DQ :GHU Alliance la Démocratie et la another route: Réconciliation a railway line Nationale that would cross Burundi and 5ZDQGDOHDGLQJWR/DNH.LYX7KLVFRQVLVWHGRIDGLVWDQFHRI AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières NLORPHWHUVPRUHWKDQWKH7DERUD$NDJHUDOLQH)DWKHU9DQGHU AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la %XUJWWKRXJKWWKDW5LYHU$NDQ\DUXDQG5LYHU5XYXEXZHUHQRW du Congo-Zaïre QDYLJDEOH DQGLibération WKDW WKH 7DERUD$NDJHUD VWUHWFK ZDV XVHOHVV LQ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act were less so far as the railway line would cross arid areas which SRSXODWHG 7KDQNV WR WKH WHUPLQDO RQ /DNH .LYX KH DVVHUWHG $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP that Rwanda and Burundi could transport products from AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre %HOJLDQ&RQJRWRWKHHDVW7KHRIÀFLDOFLUFOHVGLGQRWIDYRUWKLV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine proposal because they feared the high costs involved due to the Rwandaise WRSRJUDSKLFFRQVWUDLQWVRIFRQVWUXFWLQJDUDLOZD\OLQHRINP ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda via a mountainous region and crossing the Congo-Nile Crater. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMRlast proposal : Association descompete Moniteurs The intended to with du theRwanda British railway AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda line (the Uganda Railway) wasdes to connect the Tanga-Moshi railway OLQHZLWK$UXVKDIURPWKHHDVWHUQEDQNRI/DNH9LFWRULD$OLQN ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition E\VKLSZDVHQYLVDJHGRQWKHODNHDQGWKHUDLOZD\OLQHZDVWR (Transitional National Assembly) EHH[WHQGHGIURP%XNREDWR.LJDOLYLD.DUDJZH+RZHYHUHYHQ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien WKLVSURSRVDOZDVGURSSHGRZLQJWRWKHÀQDQFLDODQGWHFKQLFDO APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise constraints involved; the proposed railway line was supposed to APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes FURVVVKDUSFUDWHUVPDQ\ULYHUVDQGDELJDUHDRIWKH$NDJHUD Rwandais RIÀFLDOV FRPSHWLWLRQ ZLWK WKH %ULWLVK 3DUN $V IRU JRYHUQPHQW APROCOMIN: Association des Indigènes colonies would have succeeded byCommerçants constructing a parallel railway APROSOMA pour la Promotion Sociale de la line to that of: Association Uganda Masse 7KH RIÀFLDO SURMHFW HQWHUHG LPSOHPHQWDWLRQde SKDVH ARD : Alliance pourLWV le Renforcement la RQ WKH eve of the FirstDémocratie World War. In 1915, when German troops were ÀJKWLQJDWWKHERUGHURI*HUPDQ(DVW$IULFDDQHQJLQHHUVHQW ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des E\ WKH FHQWUDO JRYHUQPHQW ZDV VWDWLRQHG DW *LVDND ZLWK KLV Droits de l’Homme WHDP+HVSHQWIRXUPRUHPRQWKVWKHUHWRPDNHDVXUYH\RIWKH AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 191 v 191 project.62 TheACRONYMS German Parliament (Reichtag) in Berlin voted for AND ABBREVIATIONS DQLPSHULDOEXGJHWDU\ODZGXULQJWKHÀVFDO\HDURIRI ___________________________________ million DM for the construction of the railway line from Tabora WR5XVXPR+RZHYHUWKLVSURMHFWGLGQRWWDNHRIIEHFDXVHRIWKH A.A. : Archives Africaines First World War. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga d. Development of des trade ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la des was Castes Prior to the 19thSuppression Century, Rwanda excluded from the caravan ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda WUDGHQHWZRUNWKDWFURVVHGWKHHQWLUH*HUPDQVSKHUHRILQÁXHQFH LQ (DVW $IULFD 6KH RQO\ MRLQHG WKLV QHWZRUN DW WKH HQG RI WKH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples century. Many believed in the theory that Rwanda’s ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la pre-colonial economy closed. They argued that the only movement of goods Réconciliation Nationale was associated with feudal constraints in the form of grants and AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières royalties.63 They further argued that political minorities drained AFDL : Alliance des Forces from Démocratiques la the entire surplus of production the peasantpour masses, Congo-Zaïre preventing the Libération emergence du of trade exchange.64 Hence, in their AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act trade. view, institutional structures in Rwanda did not encourage Peasants concentrated on subsistence farming without leaving $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP their immediate environment except during periods of famine. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7KH\ WKDW WKH ZRUN IDUPV ZDV EDVHG RQ IDPLO\ AJERFRQFOXGHG : Association de la RQ Jeunesse Estudiantine structures that were organized and restricted to households.65 Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda In spite of the above feudal royalties,66 there is considerable AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentielRwanda. evidence that :trade of food items existed in pre-colonial AMR Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda The loyalties :were less burdensome than what was imagined. AMUR : Association Musulmans auofRwanda The food tax was levied oncedes a year at the time harvests, but not all products were taxable. Taxes were imposed on beans ANT : Assemblée Nationale de only Transition and sorghum. Feudal servicesNational and forced labor did not prevent (Transitional Assembly) WUDGHUVIURPJHWWLQJSURÀWQHHGHGWRSXUFKDVHLWHPVQHHGHGE\ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien each household. Further, food trade was not reduced by the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise imposition of taxes.67 APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: thAssociation des Commerçants Indigènes 62 Zaza’s diary of 13 December 1915 APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 63 Leurquin P. H., Le niveau de vie des populations rurales du Ruanda-Urundi, Louvain, Institut de Masse recherche économique, 1960, p. 30-36. 64 Vidal, C., « Economie de la société rwandaise », in Cahiers d’Etudes ARD : Alliance pourféodale le Renforcement de la Africaines, XIV, 53,Démocratie 1973, p.53. 65 Ruzindana, E., L’évolution du commerce au Rwanda (du dernier quart du XIX ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des siècle à 1950), Université catholique Rwandaise de Louvain, 1974. 66 Droits de l’Homme Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit p. 103. 67 Lugan, B., L’économie de l’échange au Rwanda de 1850 à 1914, Thèse, Université AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement de Province, 1976, p. 106. Démocratique des Batwa 192 192 v Pre-colonial Rwanda operated twoABBREVIATIONS types of trade: internal and ACRONYMS AND SHULSKHUDOWUDGH5ZDQGDZDVRSHQWR(DVW$IULFDQLQÁXHQFHVEXW ___________________________________ DOVR KDG FRPPHUFLDO FRQWDFWV ZLWK WKH :HVW $FFRUGLQJ WR 9DQ Noten’s notes,:68Archives at the end of the 18th century, Rwanda received A.A. Africaines products from the Indian Ocean coast such as glass pearls from A.G. : Assemblée Générale (XURSHDQGVWRQHSHDUOVIURP,QGLD7KHÀUVWSURGXFWVWRDSSHDU ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga RQWKHPDUNHWIURP$VLDDQG(XURSHGDWHEDFNWRWKHUHLJQRI.LQJ 69 ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour la <XKL0D]LPSDND The use of cloth startedEvoluant under King Rwogera. Suppression des Castes Products from:the east became numerous under du King Rwanbugiri. ACR Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda The latter even appointed a treasurer at the royal court ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples charged ZLWKVWRFNLQJLQGLJHQRXVSURGXFWV umunya byuma) and another ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la FKDUJHGZLWKNHHSLQJLPSRUWHGSURGXFWV urwunguko). The Arab Réconciliation Nationale EURNHUVZHUHVWDWLRQHGDW$NDJHUD)URPWKHUHWKH\FRQWLQXHG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières VHQGLQJJLIWVWRWKHNLQJRI5ZDQGD7KHUR\DOIDPLO\PRQRSROL]HG AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WKLVWUDGH,WVRIÀFLDOLQWHUPHGLDU\ZDVWKHFKLHIRIERUGHUWUDGH Libération du Congo-Zaïre EHWZHHQWKH*LKXQ\DDQG*LVDNDUHJLRQV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Rwanda was also involved in peripheral trade with Western $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Kivu. Kinyanga Province was a commercial area connecting AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WKH WUDQVSRUW QHWZRUN RI JRRGV IURP %XQ\DEXQJR70 The areas AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine ORFDWHGVRXWKRI/DNH(GZDUG Rwicanzige) exported important Rwandaise TXDQWLWLHVRIVDOWDQGFRZULHVWRWKHUR\DOFRXUWIURPWKHEDQNV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda RIWKLVODNH&RZULHVZHUHXVHGIRUGHFRUDWLQJUR\DOUHVLGHQFHV AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Rwanda thus :participated in inter-lacustrine trade, implying the absence of an autocratic system. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Internal trade was organized on a regular basis between ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition regions and according to agricultural seasons. This trade was (Transitional National Assembly) based on an exchange of products within the country (artisan APADEC : Association duDQG Parti Démocrate Chrétien SURGXFWV OLYHVWRFN SURGXFWV IRRG FURSV DQG FRQVLVWHG RI barter trade between andRwandaise consumers. The mobility of APR : Arméeproducers Patriotique WUDGLWLRQDOWUDGHUVLQPDUNHWVORFDWHGLQGLIIHUHQWFOLPDWLF]RQHV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes was facilitated Rwandais by natural conditions. The products produced depended on physical climatic conditions such as altitude. This APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes diversity led to both complex and complimentary trade in the APROSOMA Association pourcrops la Promotion de la region.71 The :exchange of food consistedSociale of transactions Masse of ‘inter-regional compensation,’ or the based on the principal ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 68 Les tombes du roi Démocratie Cyirima Rujugira et e la reine mère Nyirayuhi, INRS, Butare 1972, pp. 34 : 55-56 ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des35, 69 Kagame, A., « Premiers contacts duRwandaise Rwandaet de l’Occident », in Grands Lacs, Droits de l’Homme 1950, p. 7. 70 Czekanowiski, J., 1917, op. cit., pp.pour 162-169. AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement 71 Lugan, B., 1976 op., cit., p. 99 Démocratique des Batwa 193 v 193 exchange of both seasonal and regular products. It was not trade ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS organized by professional businessmen, but trade was based on ___________________________________ WKHLGHDRISURÀWPD[LPL]DWLRQ A.A. : Archives Africaines 3UHFRORQLDO5ZDQGDKDGPDQ\PDUNHWVZKHUHEDUWHUWUDGHZDV A.G. : Assemblée Générale FRQGXFWHG7KLVIDFWLVFRQÀUPHGE\RUDOWUDGLWLRQVDQGZULWWHQ ABAKI PDGH : Alliance des Bakiga DFFRXQWV E\ WKH ÀUVW (XURSHDQV72 By 1916, 40 regular ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la EDUWHUPDUNHWV H[LVWHG 2I WKHVH H[LVWHG EHIRUHpour WKH DUULYDO 73 Suppression desSDUW Castes of the Germans. )RU WKH PRVW DOO RI WKHVH PDUNHWV ZHUH ACR along :border Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda located regions des sharing a distinct climate. The areas ZKHUHWKHPDUNHWVZHUHFRQFHQWUDWHGLQFOXGHGWKHFHQWUDOSDUWRI ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples the country, namely Kibali, Kingogo, Buliza, and In total, ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et Nduga. la WKHUHZHUHPDUNHWV1HDUWKH1LOH&RQJRFUDWHUZKLFKIRUPHG Réconciliation Nationale the climatic and ecological barrier in the North, there were 11 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières PDUNHWV0XOHUD%XVKLUX%XEHUXNDDQG%XJR\L,QWKHVRXWKHUQ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la of 74 SDUWRI/DNH.LYXLQ.LQ\DJD and in the entire eastern part Libération du Congo-Zaïre WKHFRXQWU\WKHUHZHUHQRPDUNHWVDWDOO'XULQJSHULRGVRIIRRG AGOA the inhabitants : African Growth and Opportunity Actprovinces scarcity, of this region had to go to other WRJHWVXSSOLHVRIIRRGVDQGKRHV*HQHUDOO\VRPHPDUNHWVZHUH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP organized regularly whileIndigènes others were There were also AIMO : Affaires et periodical. Main-d’oeuvre some people de frequently met Estudiantine to discuss pertinent AJER places where : Association la Jeunesse issues, especially during famine and periods of food scarcity. Rwandaise 0DUNHWV LQ .LYX UHJLRQ ÁRXULVKHG XQGHU WKH LQÁXHQFH RI WKH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda %DVKL%XKXQGHDQG%XNDQYX7KLVFRXSOHGZLWKWKHH[LVWHQFH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel RIPDUNHWSODFHVLQWKHFHQWUDOSDUWVRIWKHNLQJGRPSURYHVWKDW AMR : Association des involved Moniteurs du Rwanda pre-colonial Rwanda was deeply in trade. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT Assemblée de Transition Kandt, R., Caput :Nil, pp. 294-307. HeNationale refers to the market organizeded regulary in Mulera in the valley of Mukungwa and to the important commercial role of Kivu region as well as the (Transitional National Assembly) existance of peripheral trade conducted around Bugoyi. Czekanowiski J., op. cit., pp. 159-169, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien UHYLVLWVWKHLGHDVRI.DQGWDQGFRPSOHWHVWKHPKHLVWKH¿UVWSHUVRQWRVSHDNDERXWRIPDUNHWV APR Armée Patriotique in the central part of: Rwanda (Nduga). The dairies ofRwandaise the Catholic missionares sometimes note WKHH[LVWHQFHRIRIVXFKDQGVXFKDPDUNHWDQGSURYLGHVRPHLQIRUPDWLRQZKLFKFRQ¿UPRUDO APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes traditions; the dairy of Rwanza (1903-1907, 26th August 1903) speaks of a mrket near the mission; Rwandais the dairy of Mibirizi mentions several occasions that this market was held (example Mibirizi’s th dairy 1903-1912, 13 July 1907); Save dairy (25th$XJXVW FRQ¿UPVWKHH[LVWHQFHRIDSUH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes colonial market called Rwanza, and others at Kinyaga and in the northern part of the country. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 73 Lugan, B., op., Cit., p. 19 74 The known markets in the North (11 were recorded) were as follows: in Bugoyi there Masse was Mushwiza, Rwabizege (Rwerere), Kibali; these were peripheral markets dominated by ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la africultural products et food crops. In Mulera: Teru, mahenge, Kiryi, Rwankeli, Agasakuza; in Démocratie Bubekura: Base (Mugobore), Miyove; the specialization of the area was manufacting hoes of best quality compared to those of the Bushi; in Bushiru: Vunga (Supply of consumption ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la centre Défense des perishable goods in Kingogo and Nduga. The markets in the central part (9 counted in Northern l’Homme Nduga) : they were: inDroits Kingogo: de Milinzi, Kizirabageni (Magorogonza); In Kibali: Mubuga; in Buliza: Mburamazi;:InAssociation Nduga: Nyabitare (near Mushioshiro), The markets in the south were: in AREDETWA pour le Relèvement Kinyangayinga, Mururu, Nyagahinga, Bitare; in Bwanamukali: Rwanza (near Save) Démocratique des Batwa 72 194 194 v In an attemptACRONYMS to explain the localization and centralization of AND ABBREVIATIONS PDUNHWV LQ VRPH SURYLQFHV VRPH DXWKRUV KDYH HVWDEOLVKHG D ___________________________________ OLQN EHWZHHQ PDUNHWV DQG SROLWLFDO LQVWLWXWLRQV DUJXLQJ WKDW “feudal institutions imposed by the minority Tutsi prevented A.A. : Archives Africaines or slowed down the organization of trade.”75 The point to note A.G. : Assemblée Générale LV WKDW IRU D ORQJ WLPH PDUNHWV ZHUH QRQH[LVWHQW LQ UHJLRQV ABAKI WR WKH : Alliance Bakiga7KH YROXPH RI PDUNHWV ZDV DWWDFKHG FHQWUDOdes DXWKRULW\ ABESCin provinces : Association dessubjected Bahutu Evoluant pour la or higher belatedly to royal authority des Castes in regions thatSuppression were autonomous vis-à-vis the central power, ACR Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda especially the:east. A big part of the central anddu southern region did in trade. ADPnot participate : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la In attempts to Réconciliation explain the localization Nationaleof internal trade, both institutional and political reasons should be avoided, especially AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières the “Tutsi factor.” Integrated regions such as Nduga and Buliza AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la DOVRRSHUDWHGPDUNHWV7KHDULVWRFUDF\UHVRUWHGWRPDUNHWVWRJHW Libération du Congo-Zaïre supplies of items they needed, such as hoes and bracelets. By AGOA : African Growththe and Opportunity Act security subduing small principalities, royal power imposed and created $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP a favorable environment for the development of $,'6 trade. Explanations thatIndigènes put geographical factors at the forefront AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre (relief, rainfall) are more plausible explanations AJER soils and : Association dethus la Jeunesse Estudiantine for the existence of internal trade. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KXVWUDGHZDVSDUWO\WKHUHVXOWRIQDWXUDOFRQGLWLRQV0DUNHWV AM/AP LQ UHJLRQV : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel H[LVWHG OLNH .LQ\DJD DQG %XJR\L ZKLFK SURGXFHG AMR : Association desorMoniteurs Rwanda or imported artisan products food items.du They also existed AMUR : Association des that Musulmans Rwanda in contact regions, or areas producedaucomplementary products; these areas wereNationale located near another, especially ANT : Assemblée de one Transition LQ WKH FHQWUDO (Transitional SODWHDX 0DUNHWV DOVR H[LVWHG LQ UHJLRQV ZKHUH National Assembly) WKHUHZHUHKLJKZD\URXWHVHVSHFLDOO\LQ0XNXQJZDYDOOH\DQG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien in regions that connected areas that produced complementary APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise items, including those that were located far from one another APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes such as Mulera and Nduga. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Famine complicated the phenomena of social Indigènes mobility and APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la movement of :goods. However, inter-regional trade in food items 76 WRRNSODFHHYHQDIWHUSHULRGVRIIRRGVKRUWDJH %XJDQ]D*LVDND Masse Bwanacyambwe, and Nduga supplied cattle to in ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcementthe de provinces la WKH QRUWK LQFOXGLQJ 5XNLJD %XEHUXND 0XOHUD DQG %XJR\L Démocratie 7KLVWUDGHLQYROYHGWKHH[FKDQJHRIDUWLVDQSURGXFWVOLNHKRHV ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 75 l’Homme Czekanowiski, J., Droits op., cit., p.de 164. 76 The food shortages and famine which hit Rwanda since 1897 up to the eve of the AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement First World War was caused by the invasion of locusts of 1897. Démocratique des Batwa 195 v 195 DQG EUDFHOHWV ,Q UHJLRQV ZKHUH OLYHVWRFN ZDV NHSW WKH ODWWHU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS was bartered for food items. Every year, Nduga and the regions ___________________________________ of central Rwanda resorted to Bugoyi, Bushiru, and Mulera for food of shortage. A.A. during times : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale 7KH %HOJLDQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ FORVHG PDQ\ ROG PDUNHWV WR ABAKI commercial : Alliance des Bakiga control activities. However, in 1922, the Belgian 77 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la LQ administration HQFRXUDJHG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI pour PDUNHWV Suppression descenters. Castes The colonial authority both urban and administrative ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda IHOWWKDWQDWLYHPDUNHWVZHUHGHHSO\LPSRUWDQWJLYHQKRZRIWHQ 78 they ADP were frequented. : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR AEC : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la x Reversal of traditional trade circuits Réconciliation Nationale : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières In the last decade of the 19th Century, just before the arrival of the AFDL : Alliance desout Forces Démocratiques pour la Europeans, Rwanda moved of isolation and gradually opened dutrade. Congo-Zaïre up its easternLibération borders for King Rwabugiri authorized AGOAEXVLQHVVPHQ : African Growth IURP and Opportunity VRPH RULJLQDWLQJ WKH VRXWKHUQAct SDUW RI /DNH 9LFWRULDWRLPSRUWFORWKPDWHULDOV7KHÀUVWIRUHLJQEXVLQHVVPHQ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP came from Karagwe and belongedettoMain-d’oeuvre the Bahaya and Bajinja AIMO : Affaires Indigènes ethnic They crossed country selling cloth in return AJER groups. : Association dethe la Jeunesse Estudiantine IRUDQLPDOVNLQDQGFDWWOH2WKHUVVSHFLDOL]HGLQVODYHWUDGH7KH Rwandaise Bahaya and Bajinja acted as middlemen for Arabs. Around 1895, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda VHYHUDOFRPPHUFLDOUHODWLRQVZHUHHVWDEOLVKHGIURP$NDJHUD,W AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel was not until: German colonization Arrêté that the trade route to the AMRwas opened : Association du Rwanda east completely.des TheMoniteurs major reason for this reversal AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ZDVWKHLQÁXHQFHRIWKHÀUVW(XURSHDQVZKRFDPHIURPWKHHDVW Further, the :German administration facilitated access to the ANT Assemblée Nationale de Transition Deutsche OstafrikaVSKHUHRILQÁXHQFHDVDQDGYDQFHGVWDJHRI (Transitional National Assembly) the colonial administration. ThisParti also encouraged settlement APADEC : Association du Démocrate the Chrétien of Muslim merchants, who had close relations with Tabora and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise %XNRED0LVVLRQDULHVDOVRSOD\HGDQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQRSHQLQJ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes trade routes towards the east. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association desbecame Commerçants Indigènes The role of traders in Rwanda increasingly important. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion de la They connected commercial routes that had Sociale originally acted LQGHSHQGHQWO\7KHURXWHDORQJ/DNH.LYXDQGWKHLQWHUODFXVWULQH Masse region provides a clear example. Rwanda also connected to the ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la HDVWHUQ SDUW RI %HOJLDQ &RQJR DQG WKH %XNRED 7UDGLQJ SRVW Démocratie The Arabs exploited rubber and ivory from eastern Congo in ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 77 Droitsadministration, de l’Homme Annual report on Belgian 1921, p.83 78 In local language, a market was called “iguliro/ amaguliro”; the Belgian imposed a AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement term of Swahili origin “isoko sing./ amasoko (plur.)” Démocratique des Batwa 196 196 v exchange for ACRONYMS cloth and beads. Complete annexation of Rwanda AND ABBREVIATIONS was achieved___________________________________ in 1905. At this time, Rwanda specialized in SURGXFLQJDQGH[SRUWLQJJRDWDQGFRZVNLQVWRZDUGVWKH,QGLDQ 2FHDQYLD%XNREDDQG/DNH9LFWRULD A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale At the beginning of the century, the development of animal ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga WU\SDQRVRPLDVLV WVHWVHÁ\GLVHDVH DURXQG/DNH9LFWRULDUHGXFHG ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la WKHSURGXFWLRQRIDQLPDOVNLQ+RZHYHU0XVOLPPHUFKDQWVZHUH des Castes convinced thatSuppression Rwanda provided a permanent source for the ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda WUDGHRIVNLQVEHFDXVHLWZDVDFRXQWU\IXOORIOLYHVWRFN,Q WKHFRVWRIVNLQVLQFUHDVHGDQGWUDGHUVVWDUWHGORRNLQJIRUWKHP ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples WKURXJKRXWWKHHQWLUH(DVW$IULFDQUHJLRQ$VDUHVXOW%XNRED ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la a mere administrative cum military center, experienced a trade Réconciliation Nationale boom following the settlement of Arabs, Asians, and European AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières traders in 1902 and 1903. By virtue of its geographical location, AFDL : Alliance desfor Forces pour such la Rwanda became a conduit trade Démocratiques items from the Congo Libération du Congo-Zaïre as copper, ivory, and rubber. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KH E\ $UDE FRPPHUFLDO WUDGHUV ZHUH $,'6ÀUVW VHWWOHPHQWV $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP established in Nyanza in 1901. They spread to Shangi and AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et later Main-d’oeuvre Gisenyi. foreign traders fearful of the northern region AJER These: Association de were la Jeunesse Estudiantine ZKHUH WKH NLQJ·V DXWKRULW\ ZDV FRQWHVWHG 7KH HVWDEOLVKPHQW Rwandaise of Kigali as a new trading center in 1907 gave a new impetus to ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda business and trade. Located at the junction of natural routes in AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêtéaprésidentiel the center of :the country, Kigali became trading post where AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda VNLQVZHUHFROOHFWHGDQGH[SRUWHGWR%XNRED,QGLDQDQG$UDE AMUR built :“dukasµ Association desNH\ Musulmans Rwanda traders LQ PRVW DUHDV79 Inau general, Muslim EXVLQHVVPHQ WUDGH RIde VNLQV (XURSHDQV WUDGHG ANT : FRQWUROOHG AssembléeWKH Nationale Transition LQ LYRU\ DQG OLYHVWRFN 0XVOLP WUDGHUVAssembly) HVWDEOLVKHG SHUPDQHQW (Transitional National settlements while Europeans crossed the country Chrétien and returned APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate to their headquarters located on the East African coast. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ,Q WKHUH ZHUH VL[ (XURSHDQ ÀUPV LQ 5ZDQGD WKH 0D[ Rwandais .OHLQÀUPIURP0DUVHLOOHWKH¶International Handelsgesllschaft’ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes from Hamburg, the East Africa trading company, the ‘Societa APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de laand Italiana Colonial,e· DQG WKH *UHHN ÀUPV ¶Papazaglakis’ ‘Angelopoulos.’Masse 7KH PRVW LPSRUWDQW RI WKHVH ÀUPV ZDV WKH ‘International Handelsgesllschaft· 7KHVH ÀUPV de LPSRUWHG FORWK ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la materials, trade items, and various European products while Démocratie H[SRUWLQJDQLPDOVNLQ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 79 Mgr Hirth mentions a “true network of traders which was established in Rwanda” AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement (Mgr Hirth speaking to his brother in March 1905). Démocratique des Batwa 197 v 197 In 1910, thereACRONYMS were 63 Indians, Baluchistans, and Arabs residing AND ABBREVIATIONS and operating ___________________________________ commercial activities in Rwanda. They all belonged WR$UDERU$VLDQÀUPVLQ(DVW$IULFD7KHPRVWLPSRUWDQWRQH was LQ %XNRED IROOZHG E\ ¶Juma Osman’ from A.A. ‘Abdalla :Kimji· Archives Africaines %XNRED7KHVHÀUPVGHDOWLQFORWKDQGVNLQWUDGH&RQWUDU\WR A.G. : Assemblée Générale (XURSHDQÀUPVWKH\HVWDEOLVKHGFRQWDFWVZLWKORFDOSRSXODWLRQV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga LQUXUDODUHDV$VLDQDQG(XURSHDQÀUPVZHUHGLIIHUHQWLQWKH ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la manner that they organized and conceived their businesses: Suppression des Castes ´WKH(XURSHDQÀUPVGHSHQGHGRQ,QGLDQÀUPVIRUWKHVXSSO\RI ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda VNLQVEHFDXVH,QGLDQVSUHIHUUHGWRGHDOGLUHFWO\ZLWKWKHQDWLYHV ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples XVLQJKDZNHUV RQWKHRWKHUKDQGZKROHVDOHWUDGHZHQWWR ADR : Alliance la Démocratie et la (XURSHDQ ÀUPVµ 7KHpour LQGHSHQGHQW VPDOO EXVLQHVVPHQ ZHUH Réconciliation Nationale 5ZDQGDQ QDWLYH KDZNHUV SHGGOHUV DQG GLVWULEXWRUV RI WUDGH LWHPVVXSSOLHGE\WKHLPSRUWH[SRUWÀUPVEDVHGLQ.LJDOL7KH\ AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières crisscrossed hilltops anddes sold cloth, Démocratiques pearls, and copper wires AFDL : Alliance Forces pour la in H[FKDQJHIRUVNLQV$QRWKHUFDWHJRU\RILQGHSHQGHQWVPDOOVFDOH Libération du Congo-Zaïre businessmen was madeGrowth of Swahili Rwandese businessmen AGOA : African andand Opportunity Act who had converted to Islam. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Native middlemen sometimes made long journeys into villages to AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine ORRNIRUWUDGHLWHPVWKDWVDWLVÀHGVSHFLÀFQHHGVDQGVROGWKHP through barter Rwandaise trade. Sorghum was exchanged with beans, and ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda IRRGLWHPVZLWKOLYHVWRFN7KHQDWLYHVDFWHGDVPLGGOHPHQVHQW AM/AP : Arrêté and ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel by rich businessmen chiefs. The professional businessmen AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ZHUHVWDWLRQHGDWWKHSHULSKHU\RIWKHNLQJGRPRULQWKHFHQWHU RIWKHNLQJGRPZLWKLQWKHSURYLQFHV7KHKDZNHUVDQGSHGGOHUV AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda (abacuruzi) sold items in remote rural in exchange for ANT : Assemblée Nationale de areas Transition OLYHVWRFNZKLFKWKH\UHWXUQHGWRELJEXVLQHVVPHQ (Transitional National Assembly) ,QWKHPDMRUPDUNHWVRIWKHFRXQWU\KRHVEUDFHOHWVDQGJRDWV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise were used as mediums of exchange. Trade was conducted along APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes accepted standards and principles that varied from one province Rwandais to another. No standard measure existed throughout the country APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants before the arrival of the Germans and Muslims.Indigènes Pearls were a APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la A recent introduction and were used for decorative purposes. Masse cow was generally exchanged in Kinyaga for 4,000 bracelets. ARD Renforcement de laand 2,000 In Nduga and: Alliance Buganza,pour a cowlewas valued at 1,500 EUDFHOHWV 7KHDémocratie SURÀWV REWDLQHG E\ SURIHVVLRQDO EXVLQHVVPHQ could sometimes double their costs. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 198 198 v The quantity ACRONYMS of ivory gradually while the quantity AND diminished ABBREVIATIONS of rubber increased by the eve of the First World War. In 1909, ___________________________________ EHWZHHQDQGNJRILYRU\ZHUH exported. European, Indian, and dealt in items from the Congo that A.A. Swahili businessmen : Archives Africaines were tradingGénérale centers such as Shangi, Bugarama, A.G. obtained: from Assemblée DQG*LVHQ\L7UDGHLQDQLPDOVNLQGRPLQDWHGWKHOLVWRIH[SRUWV ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga In 1908, exports from Rwanda were valued at 235,917 Rupees ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la (78%). This percentage gradually rose. In 1911, 75% of the cowSuppression des IURP Castes VNLQV ORDGHG LQ %XNRED FDPH 5ZDQGD DORQH 5ZDQGD ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda UHPDLQHGDVPDOOSURGXFHURIJRDWVNLQV ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la &ORWKZDVXVHGWRSD\IRUVNLQVRQDEDUWHUWUDGHEDVLV7UDGHLQ Réconciliation Nationale DQLPDO VNLQ LQWURGXFHG D QHZ XQLW RI H[FKDQJH LQ WKH FRXQWU\ the Rupee. Cotton cloth materials, or “doti,” were usually white in AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières color and twodes arms long. ItDémocratiques was divided into pour two pieces AFDL(amerikani) : Alliance Forces la (upande) of oneLibération arm-lengthdu (upande). 1,000 to 1,200 beads were Congo-Zaïre equivalent to 1 doti. Prices at that time were subject toAct considerable AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity ÁXFWXDWLRQVLQWKHFRXQWU\5ZDQGDQVZHUHQRWDWWUDFWHGWRFORWKHV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ZLWKFRPSOLFDWHGRUGDUNFRORUV´KanigaµRIEODFNDQGZKLWHZDV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WKH PRVW OLNHG JDUPHQW $ SDLU RI EHDGV RI EOXH ZKLWH RU SLQN AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine FRORUZHUHWKHPRVWDWWUDFWLYHRUQDPHQWV8QOLNHLQ%XUXQGLDQG Rwandaise Congo where beads served as ornaments, in Rwanda Catholic ALIR : Armée deWR Libération du Rwanda PLVVLRQDULHV XVHG WKHP SD\ ZRUNHUV 7KUHDGV RI FRSSHU DQG AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel brass wire were imported into Rwanda in considerable quantities. AMR Association Moniteurs du Rwanda They were also: used as body des ornaments (bracelets). AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Slave trade gradually slowed down and disappeared. ANT : Assemblée Nationale deeventually Transition Arab slave dealers and their ‘Bajinja’EURNHUVZHUHPRQLWRUHGE\ (Transitional National Assembly) missionaries everywhere they went. They were generally detested APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien by the Germans. The Arabs did not wish to compromise their APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise trading chances in the country, so they transitioned to the illicit APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes trade of ivory and rubber from the Congo. They also traded in Rwandais FRZDQGJRDWVNLQV,Q9RQ%HULQJHWROGWKHWUDGHUVKHPHW APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes RQKLVQRUWKZDUGMRXUQH\WKDW´VODYHWUDIÀFNLQJZDVIRUELGGHQ APROSOMA : Association la 80 Promotion Sociale de la and was severely punished pour by law.” Masse ¾Consequences tradelecontacts ARD : Allianceofpour Renforcement de la Démocratie There were several consequences of this trade. The new commercial ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des QHWZRUNVRUJDQL]HGEHWZHHQ.LJDOLDQG%XNREDRSHQHG5ZDQGD Droits de l’Homme to the outside world. Kigali played the role of a warehouse for AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 80 Jahresbericht, A.K.R. 1911/ 1912, p.23 Démocratique des Batwa 199 v 199 products fromACRONYMS Rwanda and AND a distribution centre for trade items ABBREVIATIONS from the East.___________________________________ It also acted as a transit point for goods such as KLGHV DQG VNLQV IURP %XUXQGL DQG SURGXFWV IURP WKH &RQJR SHQGLQJ H[SRUW WR 0RPEDVD YLD %XNRED .LJDOL WKXV EHFDPH D A.A. : Archives Africaines hub for regional trade bHWZHHQWKH&RQJR%XUXQGLDQG%XNRED A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga An aIÀQLW\IRUQHZQHHGVVWDUWHGGHYHORSLQJDPRQJWKH5ZDQGHVH ABESC that : Association desregarded Bahutu as Evoluant pourbecame la Articles were hitherto luxurious Suppression des Castes affordable to everybody. Father Classe refers to this as “the 81 ACR : Association des du Rwanda more individuals participated advantages of trade.” More andCultivateurs ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples in commerce and trade. A trader who grew rich employed others ADRrecruited :porters. Alliance pourjobs la Démocratie et la and These enriched people faster than the WUDGLWLRQDO V\VWHP JLYHQ WKH WLPH LW WRRN WR REWDLQ D FRZ XQGHU Réconciliation Nationale Ubuhake ,Q SRUWHUV WUDYHOOHG EHWZHHQ %XNRED AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières DQG.LJDOLDQGWUDYHOOHGIURP.LJDOLWR%XNRED)URPWKH AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Congo and Burundi, 23,521 transported goods to Kigali. Libération duporters Congo-Zaïre 6RPHWUDGHUVZHUHLQYROYHGLQFODQGHVWLQHWUDGHIURP5XNLJDZLWK AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act JRRGVWKDWGLGQRWSDVVWKURXJKRIÀFLDOUHJXODWLRQVLQ.LJDOL $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO consequence : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre Another of Indigènes trade was the reversal of the commercial AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine WUDIÀF JLYHQ WKDW 5ZDQGD ZDV RSHQ WR WKH (DVW 7KLV RSHQLQJ Rwandaise OLQNHGWZRURXWHVWKDWZHUHDXWRQRPRXVGXULQJWKHSUHFRORQLDO ALIRWKH URXWH : Armée de Libération Rwanda HUD IURP /DNH .LYX WR WKHdu :HVW DQG WKH URXWH IURP AM/AP to the : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Karagwe East. Rwanda was newly empowered in two ways. 7KLVOLQNDJHSURYLGHGDQLQWHUPHGLDU\OLQNZLWKWKH&RQJRZKLFK AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda SURGXFHG LYRU\ DQG UXEEHU )XUWKHU D QHZau OLQN ZDV FUHDWHG AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda EHWZHHQWKH&RQJRDQG%XNREDDORDGLQJSRUW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Unfortunately, the economic boom created came with the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien appearance of new diseases such as malaria. Although malaria APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise had existed before, it had been less harmful given the certain APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes degree of immunity that people had developed. The natives Rwandais ODFNHG LPPXQLW\ WR QHZ VWUDLQV RI PDODULD &RQIURQWHG ZLWK APROCOMIN: Association des reacted Commerçants Indigènes the new trade, traditional rulers by buying new clothes. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de court, la They tolerated Muslim traders, who resided at the royal Masse and accepted their gifts. As time went on, the court complained about by foreigners and the acts of they ARD cattle raids : Alliance pour le Renforcement deviolence la SHUSHWUDWHG1RQHWKHOHVVWKH$UDEVZHUHQRWRIÀFLDOO\SUHYHQWHG Démocratie from doing business by the royal court; instead, it was the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des missionaries and Germans who prevented them from doing so. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 81 Classe, P., Letter to Father Superior of 30th Januray 1910. Démocratique des Batwa 200 200 v The ordinance of May 10, 1905, was published in response to ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS claims by the___________________________________ royal court and by missionares of the abuses associated with trade. It prohibited foreign traders from entering the the exception of those who were authorized A.A.country with : Archives Africaines E\GLVWULFWRIÀFLDOV7KLVDOPRVWXQGHUPLQHGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI A.G. : Assemblée Générale trade. On March 7, 1906, another ordinance was published that ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga instructed Arabs and Indians to carry written authorization before ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la HQWHULQJ WKH FRXQWU\ 7KLV EHFDPH GLIÀFXOW WR LPSOHPHQW DQG Suppression des Castes Kandt dropped it and invited traders of Asian origin to Rwanda. ACR : des Cultivateurs du WKDW Rwanda ,Q -XQH Association WKH JRYHUQPHQW SDVVHG D GHFUHH 5XDQGD ADP was henceforth : Alliance open Démocratique des Peuples Urundi to foreign trade. By recognizing the ADR for Rwanda’s : Alliance pour development, la Démocratiewhich et la depended on need economic Réconciliation Nationale trade, the German authorities imposed control on the activities of the foreigners. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Catholic and Protestant believed that trade had Libérationmissionaries du Congo-Zaïre negative implications because it was in the handsAct of Muslims. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity $VIDUDVWKHPLVVLRQDULHVZHUHFRQFHUQHGWKHUHZDVDULVNRI $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Islamizing the country.82 The White Fathers considered Rwanda AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre to be their “personal property,” where they could conduct AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine their own religious and moral experiments. They resented any Rwandaise stranger who would corrupt their territory, and it was therefore ALIR Armée deforeign Libération du Rwanda necessary to :avoid any competing doctrine. Thus, the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel &DWKROLFPLVVLRQDULHVHPEDUNHGRQDSURWHVWRIWKH´PHUFDQWLOH AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda mentality,” hoping to undermine Muslim penetration in order to 83 safeguard their interests. des Musulmans au Rwanda AMUR : Association ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The Protestant (Transitional missionaries tried to beat Muslims at their own National Assembly) game. They opened shops in Nyanza, Kigali, and Cyangugu, APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien where and Patriotique sold productsRwandaise from the Christian natives.84 APR they bought : Armée They opened new Christian-run trading centers and conducted APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes EDUWHU WUDGH E\ H[FKDQJLQJ VNLQV ZLWK FORWK DQG EHDGV 7KLV Rwandais helps to explain why the Handels-Mission became a failure. APROCOMIN: Association des by Commerçants Indigènes Rwandans preferred goods sold Muslim traders, and family APROSOMA Association la Promotion de of la the heads needed: rupees to paypour the taxes imposed Sociale on the eve Masse 82 Rutayisire, P., La christianisation du Rwanda (1900-1945). Méthodes ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la missionaries et politiques selon Mgr Léon Classe, Fribourg, 1987 Démocratie 83 See the exaggerated proposals made by the White Fathers in connection with the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour lanumerous Défense des religious competition, which was in reality non-existent and the complaints Droitsofde l’Homme against the acts of violence traders visa-à-vis the Germans by surpassing their own abuses AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 84 Lacger, L. (de)., Ruanda, Kabgayi, 1961, p. 382. Démocratique des Batwa 201 v 201 First World War. These factors the impact of the ACRONYMS ANDundermined ABBREVIATIONS German presence in Rwanda. The objective of the Residence was ___________________________________ to encourage Rwandans to participate in economic development and to this effect, they partly succeeded. A.A.administration; : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la 7KHÀUVW&DWKROLFDQG3URWHVWDQWPLVVLRQDULHVFDPHWR5ZDQGD Suppression Castes This was discernable with the spirit of conquest anddes domination. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda from the occupation strategies they adopted, their contempt of the people, their use of force, and the priority they ADPdominated : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples gave of the colonizers. ADR to the interests : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale Founded in 1868, the White Fathers of Cardinal Lavigerie arrived AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières LQ5ZDQGDLQ)HEUXDU\8QGHU0JU-+LUWKWKH\HVWDEOLVKHG AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WKH ÀUVW &DWKROLF 0LVVLRQ LQ 5ZDQGD DW %ZDQDPXNDUL ZKLFK Libération du Congo-Zaïre XQGHUWRRN WKH WDVN RI HYDQJHOL]DWLRQ WKDW FRPSOHPHQWHG WKH AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act colonial enterprise. He wanted to establish his mission before $,'6 the arrival of$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Protestants and Muslims.85 7KH $SRVWROLF 9LFDU AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre was aware of what explorers, slave dealers, soldiers, and colonial AJER Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine civil servants :had written ofdeRwanda, and of Rwanda’s capacity Rwandaise to attract world attention. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Up to the eve of theministériel/ First World Arrêté War, priests had founded AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel missions in several regions in the country, including: Save and AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Zaza (1900), :Nyundo (1903), (1903),au Kabgayi (1905), AMUR Association desRwanza Musulmans Rwanda Rulindo (1908), Rambura (1910), Kigali (1912), Muramba, and ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Kansi. (See map 11 below) (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse 85 7KHERRNRI)DWKHU0LQQDHW6WHIDDQDOUHDG\FLWHGLVGHYRWHGWRWKH¿UVWMRXUQH\ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la PDGHE\0JU+LUWKWRHVWDEOLVKWKH¿UVWPLVVLRQLQ5ZDQGD6HHDOVRWZRDUWLFOHVE\WKH Démocratie same author: “Un regard neuf sur la première fondation des missionnaires d’Afrique au ARDHO : Association pour la Rwanda en février 1900”, in Histoire Rwandaise et Missions Chretiennes , noDéfense 8, 2008, pp.des 39-66; Droits de l’Homme “ « Les pères Blancs et la société durant l’époque coloniale allemande (1900-1916): une rencontre entre religion”, in Rutayisire, P. et al., Les religions au Rwanda: AREDETWA : culture Association pour le Relèvement Gp¿VFRQYHUJHQFHVHWFRPSpWLWLRQV, Ed. De l’UNR, septembre, 2009, pp.53-101. Démocratique des Batwa 4.1.4. Presence of missionaries 202 202 v Map 11: Establishment of AND Catholic and Protestant ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ missions in Rwanda (1900-1916) A.A. A.G. ABAKI ABESC : : : : Archives Africaines Assemblée Générale Alliance des Bakiga Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Source: Annual reports of the missionaries of Africa AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda As far as the Catholic Missionaries were concerned, the strategy of occupation achieved many Nationale of their goals. ANT : Assemblée de Primarily, Transitionthey wanted to occupy the most populatedNational areas before Protestants could do (Transitional Assembly) so. Secondly, they wanted to win over those personalities APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien they considered to be politically and economically important. Further, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise they wanted to recruit those who facilitated communication APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes EHWZHHQWKH5ZDQGDPLVVLRQVDQGWKHVHDWRIWKH$SRVWROLF9LFDU Rwandais ORFDWHGDORQJ/DNH9LFWRULD/DVWO\WKH\ZDQWHGWRUHVSRQGWRWKH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes UHTXHVWIURPPLVVLRQDULHVZKRZDQWHGWRPDNHQHZJHRJUDSKLFDO APROSOMA : AssociationContrary pour la Promotion SocialeRwandese de la boundary demarcations. to what many thought, no area was given to the missionaries by the royal Masse court or by colonial authorities. All missions were founded on ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la WKHLQLWLDWLYHRIWKHPLVVLRQDULHVWKHPVHOYHVDIWHUPDNLQJFDUHIXO Démocratie preparations and surveys of the area. Many areas were occupied ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des without prior agreement by existing Rwandan authorities, while Droits de in l’Homme colonial authorities were collaboration. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 203 v 203 The missionaries of the Bethel Society under Pastor ACRONYMS AND German ABBREVIATIONS (UQHW-RKDQVVHQDFFRPSDQLHGE\5HFLXVDUULYHGLQ5ZDQGDLQ ___________________________________ 1907. They settled in Zinga, in the east, and in Kirinda, in the central 1909, they had settled in Rubengera, Kiteme, A.A. west. :By Archives Africaines DQG,MZL,VODQG7KH\DOVRVHWWOHGLQ5HPHUD5XNRPDLQ%\ A.G. : Assemblée Générale the time of their retirement in 1916, most Germans, including ABAKI RIÀFHUV : Alliance des Bakiga PLOLWDU\ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH FLYLO VHUYDQWV DQG /XWKHUDQ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la missionaries, had left Rwanda after having established three Suppression des Castes VWURQJPLVVLRQVLQ.LOLQGD5XEHQJHUDDQG5HPHUD5XNRPD ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda a. Methods of evangelization ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la The methods used by missionaries to convert Rwandans were Réconciliation Nationale FORVHO\ OLQNHG WR WKHLU QHJDWLYH SUHFRQFHSWLRQV )DWKHU %UDUG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières QLFNQDPHG Telebura FODLPHG WKDW ´EODFN SHRSOHµ ZHUH QHYHU AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la “morally upright.” According to him and his counterparts, Libération du Congo-Zaïre Rwandans were “naïve,” possessing only “crude intelligence,” AGOA was a: sign African Growth and Act which of “original sin.86Opportunity They were strongly and “excessively attached to their tradition and were therefore $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP superstitious rather than historic.” In addition, Rwandans AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre were described as “lazy byde nature.” He referred to the religion AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine of the Rwandans as “naïve,” saying that it was characterized Rwandaise by “materialism” and “spiritualism,” with evil spirits existing ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda everywhere. Rwandans were “all childish, naïve, simple” and AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel “dominated by fear.”87 ministériel/ In short, the Arrêté missionaries did not expect AMR : Association des Moniteurs du this Rwanda anything good from the Rwandan people. For reason, the AMUR Association Musulmans au Rwanda missionaries :did everything des possible to establish “a clean-slate mentality” with Rwandan Nationale practices and beliefs, attempting to ANT : Assemblée de Transition replace them with a new religious identity. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien This was a racist-religious model espoused by the missionary APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKHRORJLFDOGRFWULQHDQGUHÁHFWHGLQD%LEOLFDOVWRU\WKDWH[SODLQV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WKHRULJLQVRIWKHFXUVHIRUWKHEODFNSHRSOH6RPHPLVVLRQDULHV Rwandais explained the fate of Africans by the sin committed by Cain, APROCOMIN: Association desas Commerçants Indigènes son of Noah who became guilty a result of seeing the nudity APROSOMA Association pour laAPromotion de on la all of his father :(Genesis 9, 18-28). curse was Sociale thus put WKHGHVFHQGDQWVRI&DLQ7KHLGHDRIEODFNLQIHULRULW\ZDVWKXV Masse religiously and culturallypour motivated. ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 86 Droits de l’Homme Brard, P., Notes, 1902, pp.26-27; P. Classe, “ A travers l’Afrique équatorialé”, in Les missions catholiques, 1902, pp.437-438. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 87 Brard, P., Notes, p.23. Démocratique des Batwa 204 204 v Anthropological studies AND conducted by colonialists and ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS missionaries ___________________________________ established cultural and racial differences to describe fundamental inequalities. The majority of missionaries used of ‘inherited inequality’ between races to A.A. the theory : Archives Africaines study Rwandan society. They claimed that all Rwandese were A.G. : Assemblée Générale foreigners in their country; Bahutu came from Chad while ABAKI came: from Alliance des Bakiga part of Africa. The Batwa Batutsi the northeastern ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ZHUHFRQVLGHUHGWREHQDWLYHVZLWKRXWDQ\MXVWLÀFDWLRQ5ZDQGDQ Suppression des Castesthis view of Rwandan elites internalized and disseminated ACR 887KLVSVHXGRVFLHQWLÀFFODLPFRQWLQXHGWREHWKHEDVLV : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda history. on which Rwandan history was understood missionaries. The ADP : Alliance Démocratique desby Peuples ‘Bantu-Hamitic theory’ developed by the missionaries ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la served the interests and objectives of the colonizers Réconciliation Nationaleand missionaries, who needed a dominant and historically legitimate group to govern AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and convert the native population. They used the same myth to AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour justify their change of alliegance in the 1950s. Needless to la say, Libération du Congo-Zaïre WKLVP\WKKDVEHHQIHUYHQWO\GLVSURYHGE\VFLHQWLÀFVWXG\ AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act a. The use of force and duress $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Missionary action was characterized by the use of violence. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Missionaries claimed that it was their right to obtain services Rwandaise from Rwandans, including requisitions for foodstuffs, hoes, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda VPDOO OLYHVWRFN DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ PDWHULDOV )RUFHG ODERU ZDV AM/AP on the : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel imposed local ministériel/ population “ubunetsi,” especially for the AMR : Association des Moniteurs duissue Rwanda construction of churches in Bugoyi. In Zaza, the of wood was AMUR : Association desclaimed Musulmans au rights Rwanda very problematic; missionaries monopoly on wood LQ *LVDND 7RJHWKHU ZLWK IRUHLJQ VXSSRUWHUV ANT : Assemblée Nationale deWKHLU Transition and recruits, the missionariesNational committed many abuses. (Transitional Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 7KH EXUGHQ RI IRUFHG ODERU ZDV E\ IDU WKH PRVW GLIÀFXOW WKLQJ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise for Rwandans to support, especially when compared to the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ZRUN GRQH IRU WUDGLWLRQDO DXWKRULWLHV 7KH FKLHI LQ 1\DUXJXUX Rwandaisforced labor. The same situation was resented the unpopular APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes UHSRUWHGLQ*LVDND7KHPLVVLRQDULHVMXVWLÀHGWKHLUIRUFHGODERU APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion by its urgency and necessity. According to theSociale Diariesde of la Save, forced labor was a disastrous system of which no mission was Masse 89 innocent. The missionaries that given ARD : Alliance pour leargued Renforcement detheir la meager resources, theyDémocratie had no option but to resort to forced labor by the natives. The system of paid labor was rarely used by the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des missionaries, and salaries were very modest. In the early days, Droits de l’Homme 88 For example, read Bushayija, S., inpour La Revue XXVIII, 12, 1958 AREDETWA : Association le Nouvelle, Relèvement 89 Diary of Save, 7 July 1905. Démocratique des Batwa 205 v 205 they used beads and cloth toAND pay for the services of transporting ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS EULFNVDQGZRRG6XFKSUDFWLFHVFRQWLQXHGXSWR ___________________________________ The missionaries had absolute power and refused A.A. Christian: Archives Africaines to compromise with Rwanda’s traditional beliefs. Christian A.G. : Assemblée Générale converts were supposed to renounce their cultural identity. The ABAKI :fanatically Alliance des Bakiga missionaries wanted to put an end to all signs of ABESC : Association des Bahutu pour unjust la “paganism.” In achieving this objective, Evoluant even the most Suppression desused. CastesThey wanted Rwandan and humiliating means were ACR Association des Cultivateurs duoverhauled Rwanda and civilization to :be wiped to a “clean slate” – totally replaced. They launched a campaign to witch-hunt ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples sorcerers and traditional warriors. They destroyed talismans ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la and anything that had a relationship with the rituals of the dead, including Réconciliation Nationale kuragura, guterekera, and kubandwa. The catechists, the Bakuru AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières b’inama, and the Christian Batware supported this campaign. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre The term “Imana” was judged inappropriate in designating the AGOA God because : African and Opportunity Act Biblical of Growth the numerous meanings associated with it. The term Imana meant several things to the Banyarwanda, $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP including: chance (kugira Imana), et a divine animal (sheep, calf, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre lamb, and a person an upright moral character AJER etc.), a :tree, Association de lawith Jeunesse Estudiantine (ni Imana y’u Rwanda). The Catholic missionaries imposed a Rwandaise Swahili word that they considered less polluted: “Mungu” (in ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda some original text “Mulungu”). Nonetheless, Rwandans and AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Burundians continued to use the term ‘Imana’ to designate the AMR : Association des Moniteurs Supreme Being, using it in religious texts. du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Apart religious goal, the missionaries became ANT from :their Assemblée Nationale de Transition partners in furthering the National colonial Assembly) enterprise. The White (Transitional Fathers of Cardinal Lavigerie Association and Chrétien the Germans APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate lived in continuous suspicion of one another. The White Fathers APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise considered the Germans to be Protestants. Further, the majority APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes RIWKHÀUVWPLVVLRQDULHVZHUH)UHQFK0LVVLRQDULHVKHOGGLIIHUHQW Rwandais political opinions than those held by the colonial administration APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes authorities. Despite these differences, the Germans and the APROSOMA Association pour la Sociale la White Fathers: managed to solve, forPromotion sixteen years, theirde internal FRQÁLFWV DQG HVWDEOLVK Masse WKH EDVLF LQIUDVWUXFWXUH IRU H[SORLWLQJ Rwanda. In this endeavor, thele Catholic missionaries ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement de laconsidered the Belgians toDémocratie be their natural allies because they came from a Catholic country. They therefore joined hands with them ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des to exploit the country. Entire sectors such as education and Droits l’Homme health were totally or de partially ceded to missionaries iven the AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement ZHDNQHVVHVRIWKHFRORQLDODGPLQLVWUDWLYHV\VWHP Démocratique des Batwa 206 206 v The missionaries used a discourse that favored and supported ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS the West and the colonial government. They did not only support ___________________________________ colonization, but they also felt that it represented an overall colonization program established by the metropolitan powers in A.A. : Archives Africaines the name of civilization. Missionary action was one of the pillars A.G. : Assemblée Générale that supported the colonial system. The process of evangelization ABAKI des Bakiga did not put an: Alliance end to national aspirations. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression Castes b. Islam: an obstacle to des evangelization ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ,Q 5ZDQGD ,VODP ZDVDémocratique OLQNHG WR WKH DGYHQW RI WUDGH LQ WKH ADP : Alliance des Peuples country. Arab slave traders moved around Rwanda ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la during the reign of King Rwabugiri withoutNationale managing to penetrate it. Slave Réconciliation dealers such as Hamed Ibrahim, Said-Saif, and Said of Muscat AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières used their messengers to send gifts to the royal court, but the AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la NLQJUHIXVHGWKHVHJLIWV$FFRUGLQJWR5XPDOL]D0RKDPPHGELQ Libération du Congo-Zaïre .KDOIDQDVNHGIRUSHUPLVVLRQWRHVWDEOLVKUHODWLRQVZLWKWKH.LQJ AGOA : African Growth andofOpportunity Act of Rwanda. He also sent him gifts beads, cloth, and wires, but all this was without success. When he was chased from $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Burundi, he forced his Indigènes way to Rwanda where he encountered AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre stiff resistance and resentment. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise It was as a result of German rule that Islam was entrenched ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda in Rwanda. From the beginning, the German administration AM/AP : Arrêtéthe ministériel/ Arrêté traders, présidentiel not only encouraged arrival of Muslim but Muslims AMR DOVR DOORZHG : Association des MoniteursLQdu Rwanda ZHUH WR PDNH VHWWOHPHQWV WKH FRXQWU\ 7KH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda *HUPDQVUHFUXLWHGVRPH$UDEVDPRQJWKHLUUDQNV7KH\VHUYHG DVVROGLHUVFOHUNVLQWHUSUHWHUVSRUWHUVDQGPDLGV$VDUHVXOW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition of establishing (Transitional settlements, the Arabs Assembly) founded administrative National FHQWHUV OLNH 6KDQJL .LJDOL *LVHQ\L DQG %XJDUDPD 7KH\ EXLOW APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien VKRSV DQG VWRFNHG WKHP ZLWK WUDGH LWHPV IURP 7DERUD DQG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise %XNRED/DVWO\WKH$UDEVLQWURGXFHG6ZDKLOLDVDODQJXDJHRI APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes administration. Rwandais APROCOMIN: desEuropeans Commerçants Indigènes From 1901, the Association Arabs, Indians, and Swahili became APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la WKHÀUVWWUDGHUVLQ1\DQ]DWRORRNIRUDQLPDOKLGHVDQGVNLQV Following numerous Masse acts of violence which they committed against the native population, natives started resenting them. ARD : Alliance pour the le Renforcement de la 7KH\ DWWHPSWHG WR NLOO WKH WUDGHUV LQ DQG PDQ\ RI WKHP Démocratie died. According to the ordinance of March 7, 1906, the German ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des administration was forced to restrict the coming of foreigners to Droits de l’Homme Rwanda, at least for some time. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 207 v 207 The Catholic and Protestant missionaries saw in Islam formidable ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS competition which was supposed to be fought at all costs. ___________________________________ Contrary to the Protestants, Catholics got involved in trade. The that Africaines was created made people very mobile. A.A. cash economy : Archives The missionaries considered Muslims to be symbols of moral A.G. : Assemblée Générale decadence. They considered their religion to be satanic since it ABAKI : Alliance des The Bakiga was associated with slavery. White Fathers hesitated to settle ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la in Kigali because it was considered a place of moralpour decadence Suppression des Castes RZLQJWRLWV$UDESUHVHQFH+RZHYHUWKHRIÀFHRIWKH5HVLGHQW ACR them to: Association forced settle there.90des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples The considered and trade –et two ADRmissionaries : Alliance pourIslam la Démocratie lathings closely OLQNHG²WREHPDMRUREVWDFOHVWRWKHLUZRUNRIHYDQJHOL]DWLRQDQG Réconciliation Nationale converting the Rwandese. Given the limited number of Muslims AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and the discrimination to which they were subjected, especially AFDL : Forces Démocratiques pour la during BelgianAlliance rule, it des became clear that this discrimination Libération du Congo-Zaïre was done out of sheer propaganda and fanaticism. The Muslim AGOA who remained : African Growth and Opportunity Act traders in the country restricted themselves to urban Islam became an urban religion for the most $,'6 centers. $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP part. Under the Mandate and Belgium Trusteeship, Swahili AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre was which pleased the Catholic missionaries. AJERundermined, : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The Belgians argued that Kiswahili was not a native language. Rwandaise Consequently, Muslims were marginalized in Rwanda for a long ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda time. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR Resistance : Association des and Moniteurs du Rwanda 4.1.5. movements opposition AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda In analyzing the reactions Nationale of the colonized people vis-à-vis the ANT : Assemblée de Transition European intrusion, attention has always been put on the (Transitional National Assembly) activities of the Europeans and the changes they brought with APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien apparent facility. Those who attach importance to the colonized APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise people insist on the colonial conquest and the armed revolt, thus APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes downplaying that a society which has not experienced armed Rwandais revolts or armed popular resistance movements is a society APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes which succumbs easily to foreign occupation. Father Arnoux APROSOMA : Association pourcontext, la Promotion dearrival la places Rwandan society in this arguingSociale that the 91 RI(XURSHDQVGLGQRWSURYRNHDQ\UHVLVWDQFH Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la It is true that armed resistance was suppressed at a very early Démocratie stage, especially during the Shangi incident. However, the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des resistance of the colonized people can no longer be categorized Droits de l’Homme 90 Rutayisire, P., 2009, op.cit., p.24. pour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association 91 Arnoux, A., Les Pères Blancs aux sources du Nil, Paris, 1953, p.54. Démocratique des Batwa 208 208 v as armed confrontation alone because this was not the only way ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS of opposing newcomers. A series of behaviors and reactions by ___________________________________ the Rwandan natives aimed at expressing categorical refusal not foreignAfricaines occupation and exploitation, but also A.A.only towards : Archives towards local authority. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI desthe Bakiga In an attempt :toAlliance appreciate resistance of the colonized people, ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la LWLVQHFHVVDU\WRFRQVLGHUWKHSURFHVVWKDWOLQNVHYHQWVVXFKDV Suppression des Castes (XURSHDQ RFFXSDWLRQ ZLWK FRQÁLFWV ZKLFK H[LVWHG EHIRUH 7KH ACR Rwandans : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda way behaved towards foreigners was informed by internal situations into which they dragged ADP : Alliance Démocratique desEuropeans. Peuples 92 ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la a. The crisis of legitimacyNationale Réconciliation AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières King Kigeri Rwabugiri was responsible for the legitimacy crisis AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pour King la in which the Rwandan royalForces court was entangled during Libération du Congo-Zaïre 0XVLQJD·V UXOH .LQJ 5ZDEXJLUL ZDV D FRQTXHURU NLQJ DQG AGOA : African and Opportunity Act by the a great organizer, but Growth his methods were characterized use of excessive terror, the manipulation of rivalries between $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP nobility family members, the deposition of powerful members of AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre the nobility who were seen as threats, and an increase AJER : Association de potential la Jeunesse Estudiantine of the Ibikingi system for his supporters. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Near the end of his rule, King Rwabugiri was preoccupied AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel with safeguarding his ministériel/ immense achievements. He groomed his AMRRutarindwa : Association Moniteurs son to succeeddes him. With his du sonRwanda close by, King AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda Rwabugiri ruled from 1889, beginning when heau was 20 years old. :KHQ5XWDULQGZD·VPRWKHUZDVNLOOHG.LQJ5ZDEXJLULDSSRLQWHG ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Kanjogera as Queen Mother.National However,Assembly) according to tradition, (Transitional all adopted Queen Mothers were supposed to come from the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien same clan as the real mother and were not supposed to have APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise children eligible for the throne. There was another more recent APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes prohibition that prevented the appointment of a queen mother from the AbegaRwandais clan, or from the line of Abakagara, because APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes some of its members were AbiruDQGWKHUHIRUHNQHZWKHVHFUHWV APROSOMA : Association pourmother la Promotion Sociale de la of the royal court. Rutarindwa’s was from Abakono clan. Kanjogera was Masse Umwakagara and had a son, Musinga, who was a possible candidate to the throne. King Rwabugiri was blinded ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la E\WKHORYHRIKLVZLIHDQGWKHUHIRUHRYHUORRNHGWKLVSURKLELWLRQ Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pourread la the Défense des of 92 Conference proceedings: Kigali, 1985. About Rwanda, contributions Droits de l’Homme Ntezimana E., pp.59-94; Mbonimana, B., 111-124 et Rumiya J.,p..463, Des Forges A, Defeat is the only bad news; Rwanda under 1896-1932, Yale University, AREDETWA : Association pour leMusinga, Relèvement Ph.D, 1972 Démocratique des Batwa 209 v 209 Others argueACRONYMS that King Rwabugiri wanted to bring the Abega AND ABBREVIATIONS clan closer to ___________________________________ power. King died inAfricaines 1895 during a military campaign A.A. Rwabugiri : Archives against the Bashi. The accession to power by Rutarindwa and A.G. : Assemblée Générale Kanjogera was easy because it was planned for a long time. ABAKIPRQWKV : Alliance Bakiga 6RPH DIWHU WKHdes RIÀFLDO HQWKURQHPHQW WKH UR\DO FRXUW ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour lawere was confronted with a challenge whose consequences Suppression des Castes crucial in determining the relations between the royal court and ACREuropeans. : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda the A Belgian Lieutenant who was pursuing soldiers that a mutinyDémocratique in the Congo Free (EIC) managed ADPhad staged : Alliance desState Peuples to occupy Shangi with many Congolese soldiers. The ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la royal court sent its best warriors under the command of Bisangwa and Réconciliation Nationale Muhigirwa to ward off the intruders from the Rwandan territory. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Unfortunately, the Rwandan army was defeated humiliatingly AFDL : Alliance desPLOLWDU\·V Forces Démocratiques pour la EHFDXVH RI WKH (XURSHDQ VXSHULRU ÀUH SRZHU 7KH Congo-Zaïre Rwandan armyLibération used spearsdu against the guns used by the enemy. AGOAwarriors : African Growth and Opportunity Many lost their lives including Bisangwa Act himself. The royal to ward off invaders but did not succeed. The $,'6court wanted $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP myth of the invincibility of Rwanda shattered (U Rwanda AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et was Main-d’oeuvre ruratera The de Shangi disasterEstudiantine demonstrated the AJER ntiruterwa). : Association la Jeunesse inability of the royal court of Rwanda to confront a European Rwandaise army. Consequently, the royal court was supposed to collaborate ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda with the Europeans if it wanted to retain power. Lastly, the AM/AP RI WKH : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ZHDNQHVV FRXUW DQG LWV DUP\ PRWLYDWHG WKH EURWKHUV RI AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda .DQMRJHUD .DEDUH DQG 5XKLQDQNLNR WR FRQFOXGH WKHLU SORW AMUR Rutarindwa. : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda against ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition One afternoon in December 1896, when the court was proceeding (Transitional National Assembly) with Kabare’s enthronement in Rucunshu, a signal was made APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien WR DWWDFN 7KH SORWWHUV GHIHDWHG 5XWDULQGZD DQG KLV UHODWLYHV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise who committed suicide, because the power relations were not in APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WKHLUIDYRU0XVLQJDDQG.DQMRJHUDZHUHRIÀFLDOO\HQWKURQHGLQ February 1896 Rwandais by the Abiru, who agreed to legitimize the coup. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 7KRVHZKRUHIXVHGWRUHFRJQL]HWKHPZHUHNLOOHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 6RPH GD\V DIWHU WKH 5XFXQVKX FRXS G·pWDW WKH ÀUVW UHYROWV Masse WRRNSODFHLQWKHVRXWKHUQSDUWRIWKHFRXQWU\7KHUHYROWVZHUH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la planned by Muhigirwa, son of Rwabugiri. He had withdrawn Démocratie KLVWURRSVIURPWKHFRXUWMXVWEHIRUHWKHFRXSEURNHRXW$IWHU ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des UHFRJQL]LQJWKHQHZNLQJWKHFKLHIUHYLVLWHGKLVGHFLVLRQEHFDXVH de l’Homme the people fromDroits the court convinced him that he was going to be AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement NLOOHG 7KH LQQHUFLUFOH LQ SRZHU NLOOHG PDQ\ SHRSOH WKH\ WRRN Démocratique des Batwa 210 210 v to be enemies. Muhigirwa feared this fate and declared himself ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS NLQJVRDVWRKDYHPRUHVXSSRUWHUVWRFRQIURQWKHSORWWHUV+H ___________________________________ KDGWKHEHVWZDUULRUVLQWKHNLQJGRPDQGWKHUR\DOFRXUWQHYHU dared him directly. The court handled the crisis A.A. to confront : Archives Africaines SROLWLFDOO\ E\ PDNLQJ PDWHULDO SURPLVHV WR LQÁXHQWLDO SHRSOH A.G. : Assemblée Générale in Muhigirwa’s entourage. When it was thought the revolting ABAKI ZDV VXIÀFLHQWO\ : Alliance des BakigaE\ WKLV LQJHQLRXV WDFWLF DQ SULQFH ZHDNHQHG ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la DWWDFNZDVODXQFKHGDJDLQVWKLP0XKLJLUZDZDVGHIHDWHGDQG Suppression des Castes he committed suicide. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The revolt was immediately ADP Muhigirwa : Alliance Démocratique desfollowed Peuplesby another XSULVLQJLQWKHQRUWKHUQSDUWRIWKHNLQJGRP$FORVHFRQÀGDQW ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la of Muhigirwa,Réconciliation Mutwe w’ingabo, surrounded himself with Nationale sympathizers who persecuted Musinga’s supporters. The AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières royalists did not attain support as expected. The two sons of AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pouroflathe Rwabugiri, Baryinyonza andForces Burabyo, became victims duuprising. Congo-Zaïre repression thatLibération followed the But Mutwewingabo got AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act VXSSRUWRIWKHPHPEHUVRIWKH$EDWHNHOLQHDJHZKRZHUHVFDWWHUHG LQ %XJDQ]D $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 5XNLJD DQG %X\DJD $FFRUGLQJ WR WUDGLWLRQ WKH $,'6 $EDWHNHDUHVDLGWRKDYHVDYHG5ZDEXJLUL·VZLIH0XVHUHNDQGH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre and her son, Rwabugiri’s wife originated from Buha AJER : Biregeya. Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine and lived in Bwanacyambwe. The royal court thought that the Rwandaise $EDWHNHZDQWHGWRHQWKURQH%LUHJH\D ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel $W WKH VDPH WLPH5XWDULQGZD·V FRQÀGDQW 6HEDNDUD ZKR KDG AMR : Association Moniteurs du local Rwanda escaped to the northeast in des Bugoyi, incited the population AMUR : Association des Musulmansthat au Rwanda to rise against Musinga by prophesizing Biregeya was going This prophecyde did not gain ground. In ANT to be enthroned. : Assemblée Nationale Transition reaction to this (Transitional revolt, the royal court sent its army to punish the National Assembly) $EDWHNH7KHOLQHDJHZDVDOPRVWWRWDOO\H[WHUPLQDWHG7KHWURRSV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien ZHQWWRWKH1RUWKWRORRNIRU0XVHUHNDQGHDQG%LUHJH\D7KH\ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise FRQWLQXHGWKHLUUHSULVDOVWRZDUGVWKHZHVWLQ0XEHUXND0XOHUD APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Bugarura, Bushiru, Buhoma, Cyingogo, and Bugoyi. Under the Rwandais SUHWH[WRIUHHVWDEOLVKLQJUR\DODXWKRULW\WKH\NLOOHGORRWHGDQG APROCOMIN: Association deswithout Commerçants Indigènes plundered houses on their way distinguishing between APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion Sociale de lafrom those considered to be rebels or la not. The region suffered famine soon after. Despite all this, the legitimist movement in Masse support of Biregeya did pour not stop to be a concern ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de for la the royal court during the rule of King Musinga. Such scenarios portended Démocratie a serious crisis of a big scale in the years that followed. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme 7KH UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ %LUHJH\D DQG 0XVHUHNDQGH LV AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement VXUURXQGHG E\ D QXPEHU RI OHJHQGV $OWKRXJK 0XVHUHNDQGH Démocratique des Batwa 211 v 211 ZDV D KLVWRULF ÀJXUH WKHUH DUHABBREVIATIONS PDQ\ XQDQVZHUHG TXHVWLRQV ACRONYMS AND surrounding his personality. Did he really give birth to a son? ___________________________________ If so, was this son still alive at the time of Rwabugiri’s death? If so, in the royal court remember if the gifts and A.A.why did nobody : Archives Africaines WKDQNVJLYLQJWRWKHNLQJZHUHGRQHDWWKHWLPHRIWKHELUWKRID A.G. : Assemblée Générale child of this name? Why was there no trace of Biregeya at the ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga royal court? Some people believe that Biregeya and his mother ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ZHUHVDYHGE\WKH$EDWHNH2WKHUVEHOLHYHWKH\ZHUHNLOOHGGXULQJ Suppression des Castes WKHZDU2WKHUVDUJXHWKDWWKH\VRXJKWDV\OXPLQ1NRUH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda The Biregeya is not important. What the myth of ADPexistence: of Alliance Démocratique des Peuples %LUHJH\D DQG 0XVHUHNDQGH WUDQVPLWV WR XV LVla WKDW KH LV WKH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et symbol of the group of Abega Nationale in power and a sign of hope for Réconciliation others. The people in the north were less interested in the coming AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières of Biregeya than refusing to let the court be controlled by the AFDL : Alliance Forces pour regions. Their revolt wasdes followed by Démocratiques other uprisings in this la part Congo-Zaïre of the country,Libération which Kingdu Rwabugiri had wanted to put under AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act VWULFWFRQWURORIWKHUR\DOFRXUW9HU\ORFDOL]HGDQGVKRUWWKHVH uprisings led $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP by lineage chiefs had the aim of removing court $,'6 UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV ZKR ZHUH EHQHÀWLQJ IURP WKH UR\DO WD[ FDOOHG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre ikoro. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise Even after their victory, Kanjogera and his brothers had reason ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda to worry about losing their power. There were many serious and AM/AP : Arrêtéwhich ministériel/ Arrêté permanent threats, were issued to présidentiel convince the people AMRKing Musinga : Association des Rwanda that had ruled in Moniteurs a legitimatedu manner, especially AMUR Association contradiction des Musulmans au Rwanda by analyzing : Rwabugiri’s to show that it was him true heir.Nationale But nobody was fooled. Rwabugiri ANT who was: the Assemblée de Transition appointed a co-ruler and Kanjogera acted as Queen Mother of (Transitional National Assembly) 5XWDULQGZD.LQJ0XVLQJDWRRNWKHWLWOHRI<XKLZKLFKLPSOLHG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien that before him, there was Mibambwe, who was a successor of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise King Kigeri as prescribed by cultural norms. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes To confront theRwandais threats, the major planners of the Rucunshu APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes coup d’état used terror to impose themselves. Many people were APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la NLOOHGZKLOHRWKHUVHVFDSHG7KLVUHLJQRIWHUURULVDWWKHURRWRI Kanjogera’s reputation Masse as a cruel woman. After exterminating WKH $EDVKDNDPED PLOLWLD E\ 6HEXKDUDUD DQG ARD : Alliance pourFRPPDQGHG le Renforcement de la &\DNDWZR1\LJLQ\DQREOHVRQ5ZDWDKLOOLQWKHUHSUHVVLRQ Démocratie reduced in intensity. The royal court could not have everything, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des and it was supposed to appease the Europeans on whom it Droitsfrom de l’Homme counted for support time to time. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 212 212 v The suppression of the Muhigirwa revolt and other revolts from ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS the north forced nobles and others to desist from protesting ___________________________________ publicly against the legitimacy of Rucunshu coup d’état. But many remained secretly faithful to the legitimists for A.A. Rwandans : Archives Africaines several reasons: they appreciated King Rwabugiri’s achievements, A.G. : Assemblée Générale they suffered from the injustice of the central government, and ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga WKH\ZDQWHGWRUHJDLQWKHLUORVWLQGHSHQGHQFHOLNHWKHSHRSOHRI ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la *LVDND Suppression des Castes ACR : Association a. The Gisaka revolt des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples th *LVDNDZDVDIRUPHUNLQJGRPFRQTXHUHGLQWKHPLGGOHRIWKH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la century. When Réconciliation the dynasty came to an end, the royal court left Nationale it for the local aristocracy to govern. Later, when King Rwabugiri AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières wished to replace the local nobles by his favorite supporters, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ZKRFDPHIURPWKHLQQHUFLUFOHRIKLVNLQJGRPWKH%DQ\DJLVDND Libération du Congo-Zaïre UHIXVHGWRDFFHSWWKHNLQJ·VFKDQJHV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act :KHQ9RQ*RHW]HQFURVVHG*LVDNDLQKHZDVUHFHLYHGZLWK $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP a lot of enthusiasm by Indigènes the local population, who expected him AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre to help them :defeat the powerful Kingdom Estudiantine of Rwanda. In 1897, AJER Association de la Jeunesse Ramsay had the same experience. After crossing the region Rwandaise in October 1900, Mgr Hirth noted the general unhappiness ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda H[SUHVVHG E\ WKH ORFDO SRSXODWLRQ RI *LVDND ZKR DFFRUGLQJ WR AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel him, were suffering from the exploitation by Rwandan aristocracy: AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ´7KH*LVDNDHOGHUVFODPRUHGIRUWKHLULQGHSHQGHQFHZKLFKKDV AMUR des Musulmans au Rwanda been lost for :aAssociation long time because they had been denied their 93 ULJKWV PDQ\ GLIÀFXOWLHVµ These observations reveal ANT « ZLWK : Assemblée Nationale de Transition DFHUWDLQGHJUHHRIUHDOLW\WKDWWKH%DQ\DJLVDNDH[SHULHQFHGE\ (Transitional National Assembly) trying to serve the Europeans the independence APADEC : Association du and Partiregain Démocrate Chrétien of WKHLU FRXQWU\ 7KH ÀUVW FKLHI ZKR RULJLQDWHG IURP *LVDND DQG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ZKR ZLVKHG WR EHQHÀW IURP WKH SUHVHQFH RI (XURSHDQV ZDV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 5XNXUD+HZDQWHGWRUDOO\WKHGLVFRQWHQWHGSHRSOHEHKLQGKLV Rwandais cause. He introduced himself as a descendant of King Kimenyi APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ,9 *HWXUD WKH ODVW NLQJ RI *LVDND 7KLV SUHWHQFH GLG QRW KDYH APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion Sociale any foundation, but the people of la Gihunya accepted himde as la King. 5XNXUDZDVVXSSRUWHGE\&KLHI0XUXQGL&\R\DZKRRUJDQL]HG Masse UDLGVLQ%XJHVHUD5XNXUDZDVDOVRVXSSRUWHGE\DQ$PHULFDQ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la businessman called Spears. The latter conducted illegal business Démocratie in the region because he was not authorized by the court. Spears ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des KRSHGWKDWLI*LVDNDZDVDXWRQRPRXVLWZRXOGJLYHKLPPRUH Droits de l’Homme OLEHUW\WRWUDQVDFWKLVEXVLQHVV,QWKHHQG5XNXUDFRQYLQFHG AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 93 Lugan, B., 1980, op. cit., p. 86. Démocratique des Batwa 213 v 213 WKH *HUPDQ RIÀFHU LQ RI WKH OHJLWLPDF\ RI KLV UXOH 7KH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS latter gave him___________________________________ an authorization letter to become chief but under King Musinga’s authority. A.A. : Archives Africaines )HDULQJWKDW5XNXUDZRXOGQRWJHWWKHVXSSRUWRIWKH*HUPDQV A.G. : Assemblée Générale WKH UR\DO FRXUW FDOOHG XSRQ .DQGW DQG DVNHG KLP WR VHFXUH ABAKI .DQGW : Alliance des Bakiga VXSSRUW EHOLHYHG WKDW 5XNXUD VKRXOG SUHYHQW *LVDND ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la IURP EUHDNLQJ DZD\ +H DGYLVHG WKH FRXUW WR PDNH DQ DSSHDO Suppression des Castes WRWKHPLVVLRQDULHVRI6DYH,Q6HSWHPEHU5XKLQDQNLQNR ACRRwidegembya : Association des du Rwandaof the and met at Save toCultivateurs request the collaboration royal former Démocratique was more concerned because Gihunya ADP court. The : Alliance des Peuples was under his leadership. Following the looting ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la expedition of WKH PLVVLRQDU\ FDUDYDQ LQ *LVDND WKH SULHVWV GHFOLQHG DQ\ Réconciliation Nationale commitment in favor of the royal court, whom they suspected. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 7KLV DWWLWXGH SURYRNHG DQJHU DW WKH UR\DO FRXUW DQG ZDV DQ AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la embarrassmentAlliance to Kandt. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $WWKHHQGRIWKH*LVDNDUHYROWUHGXFHGLQLQWHQVLW\EXW LW ODWHU EURNH RXW DJDLQ LQ 0DUFK 5XNXUD ZDV KHOSHG $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP by hundreds of sympathizers. Many of these were Baganda, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre ZKR %DQ\DJLVDND RSHQ UHEHOOLRQ DJDLQVW WKH AJERSXVKHG :WKH Association de laLQWR Jeunesse Estudiantine NLQJGRPRI5ZDQGD7KHPHPEHUVRIWKH$EDUDVDPLOLWLDZKR Rwandaise ZHUH QDWLYHV RI *LKXQ\D VXSSRUWHG 5XNXUD·V UHEHOOLRXV DFWV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 5XNXUDDOVRVROLFLWHGVXSSRUWIURP=D]DPLVVLRQDULHVE\VKRZLQJ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel WKHPDOHWWHUIURPD*HUPDQRIÀFHUWKDWDSSRLQWHGKLP&KLHIRI AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda *LVDND5XNXUDFODLPHGWKHOHWWHUDXWKRUL]HGKLPWRFUHDWHDQ AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda independent region without des being King Musinga’s subordinate. The of the mission refused to recognize this letter ANTFather Superior : Assemblée Nationale de Transition DQGDGYLVHG5XNXUDWROHDYHWKHDUHDEHIRUHKHZDVDWWDFNHGE\ (Transitional National Assembly) the court army. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Discouraged by this refusal and doubtful of royal court reprisals, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 5XNXUD VRXJKW UHIXJH LQ %XVKXPEL 0DQ\ $EDUDVD ZDUULRUV Rwandais VRXJKWDV\OXPLQ%XUXQGLZLWKWKHLUFRZV,Q0D\9RQ*UDZHUW APROCOMIN:his Association Indigènes demonstrated strength indes theCommerçants region; he crossed the region APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion SocialeAde la by telling all people to obey the royal court of Rwanda. punitive expedition wasMasse organized against Cyoya, who was forced to give up more than one thousand He gave a third ARD : Alliance pourcows. le Renforcement deoflathese cows to the government and gave the remaining two thirds to King Démocratie Musinga. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droits deVDWLVÀHG l’HommeZLWK WKH EHKDYLRU RI =D]D 7KH UR\DO FRXUW ZDV AREDETWA : contrary Association Relèvement missionaries, to itspour Savelecolleagues who had refused Démocratique des Batwa 214 214 v to support theACRONYMS royal court inAND September. The Zaza missionaries ABBREVIATIONS ZHUHJLYHQVXSSRUWLQ0DUFK7KHUR\DOFRXUWZDVVDWLVÀHGZLWK ___________________________________ this policy and the German commitment. A.A. : Archives Africaines AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la $QRWKHU DULVWRFUDW FDOOHG 0XKXPELND D GHVFHQGDQW RI *LVDND A.G. : Assemblée Générale who frequently visited the mission, managed to get sympathy from ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Zaza priests. He was involved in a previous revolt and had many ABESC : Association des Bahutu Rwandan Evoluantchiefs pour feared la sympathizers in the province of Mirenge. Suppression des Castes KLVVWUHQJWK5XKLQDQNLNRVDZKLPDVDSRWHQWLDOGDQJHUIRUWKH ACR court. In: March Association desroyal Cultivateurs du Rwanda royal 1902, the court executed many people and property Démocratique of those who were ADPlooted the : Alliance des suspect Peuplesof being on KLVVLGH'XULQJWKLVWHQVLRQWKHUR\DOFRXUWDVNHG0XKXPELND ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to present himself. The latter refused to do so believing he would Réconciliation Nationale EHNLOOHG7KHSULHVWVRI=D]DJDYHKLPSURWHFWLRQ7KH\ZURWHD AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières letter to the royal court to plead on his behalf. The court rejected AFDL : desDQG Forces Démocratiques pour la D WKH UHTXHVW RIAlliance WKH SULHVWV FRQVLGHUHG 0XKXPELND WR EH duan Congo-Zaïre rebel. The royalLibération court issued order to the local population to AGOA the mission. : AfricanThe Growth andbecame Opportunity Actthe extent boycott situation tense to that Father Superior of Zaza wrote to the District Chief and to $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 0JU+LUWKDVNLQJWKHPIRUDVVLVWDQFH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre $ QHZ 6XSHULRU ZDV DSSRLQWHG EXW RQFH KH ZDV LQ RIÀFH KH Rwandaise found it impossible to rescind the decision of his predecessor ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda UHJDUGLQJWKHDIIDLURI0XKXPELND+HSOHDGHGEHIRUHWKHFRXUW AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté for the chief to maintain his command and présidentiel continued to receive AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda FRPSODLQWV IURP %DQ\DJLVDND )DWKHU 6XSHULRU RI =D]D VHQW AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 0XKXPELNDWRSUHVHQWKLVFDVHWRWKHGLVWULFW&KLHI9RQ%HULQJH in Bujumbura. The chief returned withde a Transition letter addressed to the ANT : Assemblée Nationale FRXUWLQZKLFKKHRSSRVHGWKHGLVPLVVDORI0XKXPELNDIURPKLV (Transitional National Assembly) FRPPDQG9RQ%HULQJHFDPHEDFNWR5ZDQGDLQ+LVVWDWHG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien intention was to get better information on the complaints at the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise royal court and the position of the White Fathers. In reality, he APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes came to implement the order of his masters. He had received Rwandais LQVWUXFWLRQVIURPWKH*RYHUQRUWRFROODERUDWHIXOO\ZLWKWKHNLQJ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KHZDVVXSSRVHGWRFRQVLGHUWKHNLQJWKHVXSUHPHKHDGRIWKH APROSOMA : Association Promotion Sociale la country and to intervene inpour the la internal affairs of thede country RQO\ZKHQWKHNLQJKDGDVNHGKLPWRGRVR Masse 9RQ %HULQJH ZDV D UHSXWHG IULHQG RI WKH PLVVLRQDULHV +H Démocratie supported the request of the royal court regarding the question ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des RI 0XKXPELND 0XKXPELND ZDV VXSSRVHG WR UHSRUW WR WKH Droits de l’Homme UR\DO FRXUW DV GLFWDWHG E\ FXVWRPV9RQ %HULQJH VHQW WKUHH AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement VROGLHUVWRORRNIRUWKHQRWDEOH8SRQDUULYDODWWKHUR\DOFRXUW Démocratique des Batwa 215 v 215 0XKXPELND·VACRONYMS DLGHVGHFDPS ZHUH DVVDVVLQDWHG RQ WKH AND ABBREVIATIONS RUGHUVRI5XKLQDQNLNRDQGWKHDULVWRFUDWZDVVHQWWRSULVRQ,Q ___________________________________ 1RYHPEHU9RQ%HULQJHODXQFKHGDUHSULVDOFDPSDLJQDJDLQVWWKH QRWDEOHVZKRRULJLQDWHGIURP*LVDND0DQ\SHRSOHZHUHNLOOHG A.A. : Archives Africaines OLYHVWRFNORRWHGDQGFXOWXUDOV\PEROVGHVWUR\HG,QUHDFWLRQWKH A.G. : Assemblée Générale SULHVWVH[SUHVVHGPRUHFRQFHUQDERXWWKHIDWHRI0XEXPELND·V ABAKI WKDQ :WKH Alliance des Bakiga SHRSOH FRQVHTXHQFHV RI WKH UHSULVDOV 9RQ %HULQJH ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la RUGHUHG/W9RQ3DULVKZKRZDVRQGXW\LQ6KDQJLWRLQTXLUH Suppression des Castes DERXWWKHVHH[HFXWLRQV,Q-DQXDU\XQGHUWKHLQÁXHQFHRI ACRevents of :Save Association desinquiry Cultivateurs du that Rwanda the priests, the concluded the royal FRXUW $ ÀQHDémocratique ZDV LPSRVHG RQ WKH NLQJ RI FRZV ADP ZDV JXLOW\ : Alliance des Peuples 7KH NLQJ SOHDGHG LQQRFHQW E\ FODLPLQJ WKDW KH ZDV QRW DZDUH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la RIWKHH[HFXWLRQV0XKXPELNDSOHDGHGLQIDYRURIWKH.LQJDQG Réconciliation Nationale UHTXHVWHGWKDWWKHÀQHEHZDLYHG%XWWKHVXERIÀFHUPDLQWDLQHG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières KLV SRVLWLRQ DQG WKH NLQJ SDLG WKH ÀQH IRU KLV VXERUGLQDWH AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 5XKLQDQNLNR,WZDVXQGHUWKHVHFLUFXPVWDQFHVWKDW5XKLQNLNR Libération Congo-Zaïre gave up his position, in thedu presence of the Queen Mother, until AGOA African Growth andinOpportunity the court was: adjourned. This was March 1903. Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KHUR\DOFRXUWWULHGWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKH(XURSHDQVWRVROYH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre internal problems. The Shangi showed that the King was AJER : Association de laevent Jeunesse Estudiantine no longer militarily capable of opposing powerful foreigners. Rwandaise 7KH 0XKXPELND DIIDLU VWUHVVHG WKH GHSHQGHQFH RI WKH .LQJ RI ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Rwanda, who no longer had the power to govern the country AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté authority présidentiel as he wished;: Arrêté above him was a superior who would AMR Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda LQWHUYHQH LQ :WKH LQWHUQDO DIIDLUV RI KLV NLQJGRP 7KHVH QHZ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda authorities did as they pleased. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition b. Witch-hunting of foreigners (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien In 1903, as soon as Kabare was in control, the royal court APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise HPEDUNHGRQD[HQRSKRELFFDPSDLJQDJDLQVWIRUHLJQWUDGHUVRI APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes (XURSHDQ$UDE,QGLDQDQG$IULFDQRULJLQV$OOWKLVWRRNSODFH Rwandais ZKLOHWKHPLVVLRQDULHVZHUHORRNLQJRQ APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion dearrival la Traders entered the country enlamasse soon Sociale after the of the Germans and operated in the national territory without Masse permission from the royal court without regulaton. ARD : Alliance pour le and Renforcement de la In 1804, more than 100 Démocratie traders present in the country used intimidation to get whatever they wanted. The Christian East African traders ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des XVHGWKHLUOLQNZLWKPLVVLRQDULHVWRREWDLQKLGHVDQGVNLQVRIELJ Droits de l’Homme DQG VPDOOVL]HG OLYHVWRFN IRRG FURSV DQG SRUWHUV $V D UHVXOW AREDETWA : Association le court Relèvement of the dissatisfaction of thepour royal with the behavior of Démocratique des Batwa 216 216 v IRUHLJQHUVDQDWWDFNZDVPDGHE\WKHUR\DOLVWVRQWKHLUFDUDYDQV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS and all their goods were looted in May 1904. By September, almost ___________________________________ WUDGHUVORVWWKHLUOLYHV$WÀUVW9RQ*UDZHUWGLVDSSURYHG RIWKHVHDWWDFNVEXWODWHUKHUDOOLHGEHKLQGWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH A.A. : Archives Africaines royal court. This scenario gave birth to numerous rumors. Some A.G. : Assemblée Générale EHOLHYHG 9RQ *UDZHUW KDG EHFRPH .LQJ 0XVLQJD·V mugaragu ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ZKLOHRWKHUVEHOLHYHGWKHFRXUWKDGNLOOHGKLP ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes 9RQ*UDZHUWZDVQRWFDUHIXOZKHQLWFDPHWRWKHUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVRI ACR desforeign Cultivateurs du concerned. Rwanda He the court as far: Association as witch-hunting traders was LPSRVHGRQWKHNLQJDÀQHRIFRZVWRFRPSHQVDWHIRUWUDGHUV ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ZKRKDGORVWWKHLUJRRGV+HGLGQRWZLVKWRJRWRZDUZLWKWKHNLQJ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la EHFDXVHWKLVZRXOGZHDNHQKLVSRVLWLRQ+HWULHGWRDYRLGJHWWLQJ Réconciliation Nationale trapped in the frequent internecine wars at the royal court. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la :KHQWKHDWWDFNWRRNSODFHLQ0D\WKHSULHVWVRI5ZD]D3DULVK Libération du Congo-Zaïre started experiencing problems with their Balera neighbors. The AGOA :found African Growth and Opportunity Act options: missionaries themselves confronted with two to align with $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the local clans of to support the royal court and $,'6 its representatives. Mgr. Hirth collaborated with the latter AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre and himself from local leaders. The Balera were AJERalienated: Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine GLVDSSRLQWHG EHFDXVH &DWKROLF SULHVWV KDG WDNHQ FODQ ODQG IRU Rwandaise themselves in many places by chasing people who had the right ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda to stay there. The missionaries proved to be as demanding as AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel the representatives of ministériel/ the court. They imposed forced labor on AMR and demanded : Association Moniteurs Rwanda natives localdes leaders providedu between 800 and AMURmen per : Association autoRwanda 1,000 day. Those des whoMusulmans did not listen the notables ZHUH WR IRUFHGNationale ODERU 8QGHU GXUHVV WR ZRUN IRU ANT VXEMHFWHG : Assemblée de Transition foreigners whom they fearedNational and hated, the local population (Transitional Assembly) expressed their discontent on several occasions by Chrétien refusing to go APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate IRUZRUNDQGE\WKUHDWHQLQJWRNLOOWKRVHZKRZHUHHPSOR\HGE\ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the mission. To quell this resistance, the priests responded by APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes SXQLWLYHUHSULVDOVVXSSRUWHGE\WKHDUP\,Q-XO\SULHVWV Rwandais ODXQFKHGDUDLGWRDYHQJHWKHLUZRUNHUVZKRKDGEHHQDWWDFNHG APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZKLOH KDUYHVWLQJ ZRRG LQ WKH IRUHVW 7KH\ NLOOHG PDQ\ SHRSOH APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion Sociale de lawere and torched :several houses. Sometimes, these reprisals based on false information by the mission employees as a way of Masse covering up their acts of violence. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie In the same month, the local population mobilized itself against ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des WKH PLVVLRQDULHV )RU WZR ZHHNV WKH\ EHVLHJHG WKH PLVVLRQ de l’Homme and prevented Droits the armed forces and the Catholic priest from AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement PRYLQJRXW,WZDVUXPRUHGWKDW9RQ*UDZHUWKDGEHHQNLOOHG Démocratique des Batwa 217 v 217 The missionaries of Rwaza contacted Nyundo missionaries, who ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS organized a rescue mission of 200 men under the command of a ___________________________________ %HOJLDQRIÀFHU7KDQNVWRWKLVLQWHUYHQWLRQWKHUHVLVWDQFHZDV quelled. The :priests of Rwaza organized a punitive expedition A.A. Archives Africaines DQGSOXQGHUHGWKHKRXVHVRIDQGWRRNPDQ\KHUGVRIWKHQDWLYHV A.G. : Assemblée Générale Some animals remained in Rwaza Parish as compensation and ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga the rest were :given to Nyundo missionaries. This was one of the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la GDUNHVWHYHQWVLQWKHKLVWRU\RIWKH&DWKROLF&KXUFKLQ5ZDQGD des Castes in which FatherSuppression Classe was directly involved.94 ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 7KH SXW Démocratique WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WKH DWWDFN RQ WKH ADP5ZD]D SULHVWV : Alliance desRIPeuples representatives of the royal court given the mistrust between ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la WKHP +RZHYHU 9RQ *UDZHUWNationale FODLPHG WKH DWWDFN RQ 5ZD]D Réconciliation Mission was planned and coordinated by local clan leaders who AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ZHUHSURYRNHGE\PLVVLRQDULHV AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre The Rwaza scenario demonstrated that the Europeans could be AGOA RXW RI: WKH African Growth and Opportunity ActVDFULÀFHV NLFNHG FRXQWU\ ZLWKLQ D VKRUW WLPH 0DQ\ were in the royal palace during the month of August $,'6organized $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP to celebrate this achievement. But the Europeans did not give in AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre to such harassments, threats, orJeunesse rumors. The campaign against AJER : Association de la Estudiantine foreigners left Rwanda without any foreign trader apart from an Rwandaise $XVWUDOLDQ FDOOHG 6FKLQGHODU DQG D %RHU NQRZQ DV 3UHWSRULXV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Boer was expelled by the Germans. Royal court members and AM/AP looted : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel notables the traders’ caravans of goods. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des in Musulmans c. Ambivalent resistances the north au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition Before losing part of its territorial possessions, (Transitional National Assembly)the Rwandan royal court wanted to extend its grip over the central authority by APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien appointing representatives in peripheral regions. Many notables APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise of the Banyinginya clan were demoted by Kabare and replaced APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes with his favorite supporters. This meant that regions were to Rwandais be administered directly in an intensive manner compared to APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants the previous nominal controldes of the royal court. Indigènes This extension APROSOMA : Association pour with la Promotion Sociale de la of authority went hand in hand the increase of customary taxes; Uburetwa was introduced in regions in which it was Masse RULJLQDOO\DEVHQWVXFKDV%XPERJR%XEHUXNDDQG%XNXQ\D,W ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la LVLQWKLVFRQWH[WWKDWZHVKRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKHUHYROWVWKDWWRRN Démocratie place in the northeastern and northwestern parts of Rwanda up ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des the advent of the First World War. Droits de l’Homme 94 Concerning the events in Rwaza andpour the role Father Superior, Father Classe, AREDETWA : Association leofRelèvement read S. Minnaert’s article already cited. Démocratique des Batwa 218 218 v In the northeast, the royal court worried about the growing ACRONYMS AND was ABBREVIATIONS popularity of ___________________________________ a woman from Mpororo who claimed to be King Rwabugiri’s wife and therefore the mother of the legitimate heir to the throne. The supporters of this woman referred to her A.A. : Archives Africaines as Muhumuza ZKLOH 5ZDQGDQV NQHZ KHU DV Nyiragahumuza. A.G. : Assemblée Générale 6KHZDVDOVRLGHQWLÀHGZLWK0XVHUHNDQGHPRWKHURI%LUHJH\D ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga who had escaped death during the Abatete Revolt of 1897ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour wife la of 1898. Others referred to her as Nyakayoga, the former Suppression des Castes 1\DNDUXWDULQGZDZKRKDGSURGXFHGDVRQIRUKLP$FFRUGLQJWR ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du expedition, Rwanda he another version, while returning from the Bujinja WRRN0XVHUHNDQGHDVZLIHDQGJDYH1\DND\RJDWR5XWDULQGZD ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples This explains the confusion between Muhumuza, King ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Rwabugiri’s wife, and Rutarindwa. It was argued that Muhumuza Réconciliation Nationale ZDVGLIIHUHQWIURP0XVHUHNDQGH AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance deswas Forces Démocratiques la From 1903, Muhumuza associated with the pour Nyabingi Libération Congo-Zaïre movement. This got himdu very many sympathizers. At the AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act beginning of :1905, Muhumuza mobilized her sympathizers to DWWDFN WKH FHQWUDO NLQJGRP DQG LQVWDOO KHU WKURQH 7KH UR\DO $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP FRXUWWRRNKHUFODLPVHULRXVO\DQGDVNHGWKH*HUPDQVWRVLOHQFH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre her. Initially, Germansde refused to do so for reasons which AJER :the Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine were not clear. While waiting for a solution, some soldiers and Rwandaise Rwandan armies under the command of Nturo, who was the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda chief of Ndorwa and Rwatangabo, chief of Mutara, were sent to AM/AP : ArrêtéMuhumuza. ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel Mpororo to capture The two armies accomplished AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHLUPLVVLRQLQ-XO\DQGEURXJKWWKHOHDGHURIWKHUHYROW AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda WR.LJDOLZKHUH.DQGWNHSWKHULQFXVWRG\IRUVRPHWLPH0DQ\ Rwandans believed that theNationale end of Abega rule was approaching. ANT : Assemblée de Transition To stop these rumors and to National calm the Assembly) royal court, Kandt sent (Transitional MuhumuzaWRFXVWRG\LQ%XNRED APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise When the Muhumuza movement was at its height in 1905, the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes regions surrounding Mpororo lived in a state of terror organized by Basebya andRwandais his troops of the Abatwa. Basebya’s mother was APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes FDOOHG1\LUDQWZDULDQGKLVIDWKHUZDVXQNQRZQ,QKLVFDUHHU APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la %DVHE\D EHFDPH ÀUVW RI DOO 5XWDULQGZD·V DQG ODWHUde &\DND·V Umugaragu +H ZDV NLOOHG LQ +H GHWHVWHG WKH %HJD ZKR Masse KDG NLOOHG KLV PDVWHUV %DVHE\D DQG KLV JURXS ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement deRI laWKH %DWZD established their place of residence in Rugezi marshland. They Démocratie earned their living by looting, hunting, and receiving gifts from ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des neighboring terrorized populations. The royal court feared Droits de l’Homme Basebya not only because of the destruction he had caused but AREDETWA : Association pourMuhumuza. le Relèvement also because of his alliance with Démocratique des Batwa 219 v 219 In 1905, the army of AND the royal court commanded by ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS 5XKDUDUDPDQ]L DWWDFNHG %DVHE\D·V SRVLWLRQV ZLWKRXW VXFFHVV ___________________________________ 7KH %DWZD ZLWKGUHZ LQ WKHLU PDUVKODQG DQG HOXGHG DWWDFN After Basebya’s popularity extended beyond Rugezi A.A. this failure, : Archives Africaines WR LQFOXGH %XEHUXND %XPERJR DQG 1GRUZD 6RPH QRWDEOHV A.G. : Assemblée Générale abstained from publicly participating in the movement, but they ABAKI : Alliance desrecognized Bakiga their suzerainty. Basebya sent gifts to the rebels and ABESC : Association deshis Bahutu Evoluant pour la of had no intention of pursuing conquest up to the center Suppression des over Castes the country. He wanted to rule the area located north of ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda Nyabarongo and leave the southern part underdu King Musinga’s rule. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre .LQJ 0XVLQJD Réconciliation ORRNHG IRU VXSSRUW IURP WKH *HUPDQV WR ÀJKW Nationale %DVHE\D .DQGW GHFLGHG WR DWWDFN LQ )HEUXDU\ EXW DV D AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières result of the border dispute between the Belgians and British, he AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la SRVWSRQHGWKLVDWWDFN7KH*HUPDQVZDQWHGWRVKRZFRPSHWLQJ du northern Congo-Zaïre colonial powersLibération that the entire part of Rwanda belonged AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act the facts to King Musinga. The war against Basebya jeopardized on the ground. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP When commission charged with demarcating AJER the international : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine ERUGHUVHQGHGLWVZRUNLQMuhumuza reappeared at the top Rwandaise of another anti-European movement. She escaped from prison ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda LQ %XNRED DQG UHWXUQHG WR 0SRURUR 6KH UHJDLQHG SRZHU ZLWK AM/AP : Arrêtéand ministériel/ présidentieldirected the help of Basebya Ndungutse.Arrêté Her sympathizers AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKHLUDWWDFNVDWWKH(XURSHDQVDQGWKHLUVXSSRUWHUVHVSHFLDOO\ AMUR Association des Many Musulmans au Rwanda the Germans :and missionaries. people escaped to Uganda WRVHHNUHIXJH ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) Kandt wanted: to capture Muhumuza but this became an APADEC Association du Parti again, Démocrate Chrétien exercise in futility. During a joint operation led by British and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise *HUPDQRIÀFHUVRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQIRU%RXQGDU\ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Demarcation, she was captured in December 1910 and more Rwandais WKDQRIKHUV\PSDWKL]HUVZHUHNLOOHG APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ,Q-DQXDU\WKHQRUWKUHFHLYHGDQRWKHUOHDGHUNdungutse. +HSURPLVHGWROLEHUDWHWKHORFDOSRSXODWLRQIURPWKH\RNHRIUR\DO Masse court representatives. alsole promised to remove ARD : AllianceHe pour Renforcement de laUburetwa, imposed by theDémocratie royal court, and to chase away the notables who KDGXQMXVWO\WDNHQFODQODQG,WLVVDLGWKDWNdungutse fought ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des alongside Muhumuza’s movement. He survived with Basebya Droitscombatants de l’Homme when the Basebya’s were captured. Ndungutse and AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Basebya established their headquarters in Rugezi. The northern Démocratique des Batwa 220 220 v population regarded Ndungutse asABBREVIATIONS a foreigner because his origins ACRONYMS AND were traced to___________________________________ Mpororo. Ndungutse based his Africaines authority on Muhumuza, who was A.A. : Archives sometimes considered King Rwabugiri’s wife. She was also A.G. : Assemblée Générale VRPHWLPHV FRQVLGHUHG 1\DND\RJD ZLIH RI 0XWDULQGZD $V IRU ABAKI : Alliance Ndungutse, he claimeddes to Bakiga be Rwabugiri’s son. Many people ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la DFFHSWHG1GXQJXWVH·VUR\DOFODLPVDQGKHEHKDYHGOLNHDNLQJ Suppression with a crown symbol of a drum.des HisCastes revolt was not directed against ACRmonarchy,: Association desMusinga Cultivateurs du come Rwanda the but against King who had to power illegitimately. had many sympathizers even in places ADP :Ndungutse Alliance Démocratique des Peuples where the monarchy was deeply entrenched for generations. The ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la DUHDVZKHUHKHHQMR\HGVXSSRUWLQFOXGHG%XEHUXND%XPERJR Réconciliation Nationale %XVLJLDQG%XUL]D,QWKHQRUWKZHVWRI%XNRQ\D%XKRPDDQG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Bushiru, those who supported Ndungutse did not believe his AFDL : Alliance&KLHI des Forces Démocratiques pour la UR\DO FODLPV 5XNDUD RI $EDUDVKL VLGHG ZLWK WKRVH ZKR Libération du Congo-Zaïre supported Ndungutse’s legitimacy to the throne because he had AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act KDGSUREOHPVZLWKWKHFRXUWDQGZDVVXVSHFWHGRIKDYLQJNLOOHG )DWKHU D FULPH KH GHQLHG 5XNDUD SXEOLFO\ GHFODUHG $,'6 /RXSLDV $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Ndungutse to be a liarIndigènes for saying he was son of King AIMO : Affaires et that Main-d’oeuvre Rwabugiri. The clan leadersde from the north Estudiantine saw in his movement AJER : Association la Jeunesse an opportunity to come together and oust the Tutsi notables Rwandaise who were imposing new heavy taxes on them. The emergence of ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Ndungutse as a single leader put an end to the rivalry between AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel FODQ FKLHIV +H PDQDJHG WR PHHW WKHLU H[SHFWDWLRQV DQG WRRN 95 AMR Association despowers. Moniteurs du Rwanda possession of :Nyabingi magical AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Muhumuza’s was directed against Europeans. Without ANT :revolt Assemblée Nationale dethe Transition losing sight of (Transitional this objective,National Ndungutse wanted to undo this Assembly) anti-European image. On several occasions, he sent gifts to the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien priests of Rwaza and Rulindo. He even appointed representatives APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WRNHHSLQSHUPDQHQWWRXFKZLWKWKHPLVVLRQ+HJDYHDGLUHFWLYH APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes to his sympathizers not to mistreat those who frequented the Rwandais mission. The priests who were suspicious of his legitimacy refused APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KLVJLIWVDQGDVNHGWKHLUIROORZHUVQRWWRVXSSRUWKLVPRYHPHQW APROSOMA : Association la Promotioncollaboration Sociale de lawith this refusal was motivatedpour by Ndungutse’s 5XNDUD Masse 1GXQJXWVH DOVR ORRNHG IRU ZD\V RI FRPLQJ LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH Démocratie Germans through donations of cows for cooperation. Everybody ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des doubted Ndungutse’s intentions. He used a number of tactics. Droits de l’Homme The myth shows:her ability to exterminate through diseases, returning the AREDETWA Association pourthe le enemy Relèvement enemy’s arrows and transforming bullets into water. 95 Démocratique des Batwa 221 v 221 First, he wanted to use Europeans to outwit King Musinga. Once ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS KLVDXWKRULW\ZDVHVWDEOLVKHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHNLQJGRPKHZDQWHG ___________________________________ to deal with the problem of the Europeans. Ndungutse cooperated ZLWK0XKXPX]D5XNDUDDQG%DVHE\DDQGWKLVPDGHKLPYHU\ A.A. : Archives Africaines popular. Those who suffered from the ill-treatment of forced A.G. : Assemblée Générale labor saw in Ndungutse a savior and symbol of resistance to the ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Europeans. The Batwa from Bugoyi saw in him a perpetrator of ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la the Muhumuza movement. Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ,Q $SULO 1GXQJXWVH·V LQÁXHQFH H[WHQGHG WR WHUULWRULHV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ /DNH Démocratique %XUHUD5XKRQGR DQG 5XJH]L ,W HYHQ ADP : Alliance des Peuples went further south to cover the Kigali-Ruhengeri highway. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 7KH SRSXODWLRQV RI %XVLJL %XUL]D %XPERJR .LEDOL %XNRQ\D Réconciliation Nationale Buhoma, and Bushiru accepted his leadership. In other regions, AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières they regarded him with sympathy because he gave gifts to people AFDL : Alliance des pour la everywhere he set foot. He didForces not useDémocratiques force to get what he wanted. Libération du Congo-Zaïre 9LROHQFHZDVRQO\GLUHFWHGDJDLQVWWKH%HJDQRWDEOHVDQGWKHLU AGOA DOOLHV : African Growth Opportunity Act %DWVREH WZR PDMRU FODQVand WKDW SOD\HG D NH\ UROH LQ WKH Rucunshu coup d’état. They were responsible for the expansion $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP RIWKHUR\DOFRXUW·VLQÁXHQFHQRUWKZDUGV0DQ\7XWVLQRWDEOHV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre decided to escape towards the south. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise 6RPH LQÁXHQWLDO QRWDEOHV XQGHUVWRRG WKH UDWLRQDOH EHKLQG WKH ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Ndungutse revolt. Two notables of the Abanyiginya clan, Kanuma AM/AP ministériel/ présidentiel and Bandora,: Arrêté sent him gifts and Arrêté declared their readiness to AMR Association des Moniteurs recognize his :suzerainty. Fearful of treason du by Rwanda the Banyiginya, AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda .LQJ0XVLQJDORRNHGDJDLQIRUWKHVXSSRUWRIWKH%HJDZKRPKH had avoid. ANTwanted to: Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) 7KH NLQJ FKDUJHG WKH Indengabaganizi warriors with quelling the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien UHEHOOLRQ +H DOVR DVNHG WKH *HUPDQV IRU WURRSV WR VXSSRUW KLV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise warriors. It was Gudovius who, during Kandt’s absence, solved APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes the crisis. He confronted the popularity of Ndungutse and his Rwandais contradictions regarding Europeans. Ndungutse sometimes claimed APROCOMIN: Association desand Commerçants Indigènes to be a descendant of Muhumuza sometimes sought European APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale la support. Gudovius’s decisionpour derailed the royal court. Hederefused 1GXQJXWVH·V JLIWV +H UHMHFWHG WKH UHTXHVW RI WKH FRXUW WR DWWDFN Masse him immediately and prevented royal army from moving into ARD : Alliance pour lethe Renforcement de la DFWLRQ)RUXQNQRZQUHDVRQVKHDGRSWHGDZDLWDQGVHHDWWLWXGH Démocratie by establishing four military camps at the periphery of Ndungutse’s ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des territory. Did Gudovius want to support Ndungutse against Musinga? de l’Homme :DV KH ZDLWLQJDroits IRU RUGHUV" 7KH NLQJ ZDV YHU\ IHDUIXO EHFDXVH KH AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement believed that Gudovius wanted to deprive him of his power. 222 222 Démocratique des Batwa v At the beginning of 1912, Gudovius decided to crush the rebellion ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS DWODVW8SRQVHHLQJWKDWWKHDWWDFNZDVLPPLQHQWDQGZLWKWKH ___________________________________ intention of getting rid of a dangerous ally, Ndungutse handed th th 5XNDUDWRWKH*HUPDQVRQWKH A.A. : Archives Africainesor 7 of April. But Gudovius did not change his plan. On April 9, he entered Ndungutse’s A.G. : Assemblée Générale WHUULWRU\DQGDWWDFNHGKLVUHVLGHQFHZLWKDFRQWLQJHQWRIVROGLHUV ABAKI : Alliance desroyal Bakiga and 3,000 militias from the court. Almost 50 of Ndugutse’s ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ZDUULRUVZHUHNLOOHG7KHUHEHOOHDGHUKLPVHOILVVDLGWRKDYHORVW desable Castes his life, thoughSuppression some claim was to escape towards Uganda. ACR Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda Dead or alive,: this did not worry King Musingadu because he had DFFRPSOLVKHGWKHDWWDFNVXFFHVVIXOO\ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Gudovius demonstrated his force by punishing those who had Réconciliation Nationale VXSSRUWHG1GXQJXWVH7KHVROGLHUVDQGWKHDUP\OHIW%XEHUXND AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières and advanced towards Bushiru. They then returned towards AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WKHHDVWDFURVV%XNRQ\DDQG.LEDOL2Q0D\*XGRYLXV Libération du Congo-Zaïre wrote to the Father of Rwaza informing him that the country AGOA : African Opportunity Act KDG EHHQ SDFLÀHG ,QGrowth UHDOLW\ and WKHVH UHJLRQV ZHUH FRPSOHWHO\ GHYDVWDWHG E\ VROGLHUV DQG WKH UR\DO DUP\ RQ WKHLU ZD\ EDFN $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP While the troops were mounting in the north, a spy AIMO : Affaires Indigènesoperations et Main-d’oeuvre from the royal: Association court revealed hiding place of Basebya to the AJER dethe la Jeunesse Estudiantine Germans. Chief Rwubusisi proposed to meet the rebels to give Rwandaise them gifts from the court. He was accompanied by four disguised ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda VROGLHUVZKRKDGFDSWXUHG%DVHE\DDQGZKRZDVNLOOHGRQWKH AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel orders of Gudovius. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 5XNDUD ZDV ODVW UHEHOdes LQ WKH QRUWK +H ZDV EURXJKW WR AMUR :WKH Association Musulmans au Rwanda judgment on :April 18 in Ruhengeri, he was found guilty ANT Assemblée Nationalewhen de Transition RINLOOLQJ)DWKHU/RXSLDVDQGVHQWHQFHGWRGHDWK%HIRUHEHLQJ (Transitional National Assembly) VKRW KH PDQDJHG WR NLOO D VROGLHU ZKR ZDV JXDUGLQJ KLP +LV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien body was exposed for a day to show the local population that APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the justice of the Europeans was uncompromising. However, the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes SRSXODWLRQYLHZHG5XNDUDDVDKHURZKRKDGPDQDJHGWRNLOODQ Rwandais enemy before his death.96 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes $IWHU WKH DWWDFN WKH QRWDEOHV ZKR KDG HVFDSHG UHJDLQHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de laWKHLU UDQNVDQGEURXJKWZLWKWKHPFOLHQWVWKH\DGPLQLVWHUHGGLUHFWO\ Masse 7KH NLQJ VHQW UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV WR UHJLRQV ZKHUH WKH\ QHYHU ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la H[LVWHG EHIRUH %XPERJR DQG %XNRQ\D /DVWO\ WKH UHEHOOLRQ Démocratie ZKLFKDLPHGDWFKHFNLQJWKHH[SDQVLRQRIUR\DODXWKRULW\HQGHG ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense up encouraging it. Clan chiefs realized that open resistancedes was Droits de l’Homme 96 Chrétien, J.P., “ :LaAssociation révolte de Ndungutse in Revue française d’Histoire AREDETWA pour(1912)”, le Relèvement d’Outre-Mer, LIX, no 217, 172, pp.647-680 Démocratique des Batwa 223 v 223 YHU\FRVWO\LQWHUPVRIPHQJRRGVSRZHUDQGEHJDQORRNLQJIRU ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ways to compromise with European and Tutsi notables. ___________________________________ 4.1.6. The First World War A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G.military :hostilities Assemblée Générale The started on September 24, 1914, when ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Ijwi Island was overrun and occupied by Wintgens’s soldiers ABESC 7KHDWWDFNZDVEDVHGRQLQIRUPDWLRQJLYHQE\3DVWRU : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la (Tembasi Roehl, the founder of Rubengera Suppression des Mission Castes in 1909.97 As a result, WKH*HUPDQVWRRNFRQWURORI/DNH.LYXDQGWKHERUGHUEHWZHHQ ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Rwanda and the Congo. Démocratique des Peuples ADP : Alliance ADR Alliance la Démocratie et la below shows Germany had: less men pour and equipment. The table the numbers ofRéconciliation German troops Nationale in Ruanda-Urundi: AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Table troopsdes in Ruanda-Urundi during WWI AFDL 4: German : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre REGION EUROPEANS SOLDIERS AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act Kisenyi 5 47 $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7VFKLZLWRNH 1 25 AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Usumbura 18 152 AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Total 24 224 Rwandaise Despite their: small Germans gave the impression ALIR Arméenumbers, de Libération du Rwanda of having a big, well-disciplined force. At the beginning, they AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel adopted a smash-grab-and-attack strategy that brought no AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda GHÀQLWLYHUHVXOWV2Q2FWREHUWKH*RPDJDUULVRQZDQWHG AMUR Association des Musulmans au Wintgens Rwanda was to carry out :revenge on Gisenyi, but Captain ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition opposed to large-scale resistance. On October 27, the Belgians (Transitional Assembly) made an attempt to overrun National Ruhengeri post without success. The year 1915 was characterized by operations harassment. APADEC : Association du Parti DémocrateofChrétien 7KH HQHPLHV FRQVWUXFWHG GLWFKHV DQG IRUWLÀFDWLRQV )LQDOO\ APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKH *HUPDQV:OHIW *LVHQ\L DQG EDFNMonarchistes WR 1\XQGR ZKHUH WKH\ APROBAMI Association desIHOO Partis unleashed frequent raids in the areas controlled by Belgians, Rwandais who managed to penetrate the region of Ruhengeri. All these APROCOMIN: des Commerçants operations had Association disastrous effects on the peopleIndigènes who were on APROSOMA Association pourout la Promotion Sociale defor la the the run. The :year 1915 turned to be advantageous Masse Belgians because the frontline had shifted to the German zone. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la King Musinga Démocratie did everything possible to bring necessary assistance to the Germans by putting at their disposal warriors ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des armed with guns (Indugaruga). He provided them with supplies Droits de l’Homme 97 Roehl, K. “Ruanda-Erinnerungen Gedaechtnis an Major Wintgens”, in AREDETWA : Association(zum pour le Relèvement Koloniale Rundschau, 1925, 9, pp. 290-298. Démocratique des Batwa 224 224 v in terms of foodstuffs and AND human porters. In the meantime, ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS behind the Belgian lines, there was intensive activity ready to ___________________________________ launch serious offensives. Great Britain and Belgium managed to conclude an accord inAfricaines October 1914 during the conference A.A. : Archives of Kibati. The accord stipulated that Belgian troops would A.G. : Assemblée Générale assist British forces in the case of a campaign carried out in ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga WKH*HUPDQVSKHUHRILQÁXHQFH%\YLUWXHRIWKLVDFFRUGWKHLU ABESCLQ WKH: &RQJR Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la98 in WURRSV ZRXOGdes DWWDFN 5ZDQGD DQG %XUXQGL Suppression deswaited Castesfor so long to launch a April 1916. The Belgian Congo ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda IXOOVFDOHDJJUHVVLRQRIWKLVPDJQLWXGHEHFDXVHWKH\ODFNHGWKH competitive spirit of the Démocratique British. The British had enough troops ADP : Alliance des Peuples in Uganda, Kenya, and Rhodesia, but they preferred ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la to buy time. The military operations were triggered on April 21, 1916 along Réconciliation Nationale two major axes: AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des the Forces Démocratiques la The southern axis: Olsen Brigade was pour supposed Libération to overrun Nyanza du andCongo-Zaïre then head towards Gitega and AGOA Usumbura; : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 7KH QRUWKHUQ D[LV WKH 0ROLWRU %ULJDGH DLPHG DW WDNLQJ AIMO over Kigali : Affaires Indigènestowards et Main-d’oeuvre and advancing the east. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KH0ROLWRU%ULJDGHWRRNRYHU*DWVLERLQDQRSHUDWLRQJXLGHGE\ Rwandaise some Indugaruga of Nturo and Rwabusisi. In Kigali, the troops ALIR GLYLGHG: LQWR Armée Libération Rwanda ZHUH WZRdeJURXSV 2QHdu JURXS WRRN WKH GLUHFWLRQ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel of Bugesera and another went to the central region with AMRLQWHQWLRQ: RI Association des Moniteurs du0D\ Rwanda WKH FURVVLQJ 5LYHU $NDQ\DUX RQ WK )DWKHU Lecoindre was accompanied by local chiefs and led the Belgian AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda troops their surrender. On de May 9th, Colonel Molitor ANT to witness : Assemblée Nationale Transition arrived in Kigali(Transitional with two battalions and celebrated National Assembly) victory there. The last German soldiers left Kigali on May 5, 1916. Fearing that APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien they would be surrounded, Wintgens led his troops to withdraw APR : Armée Patriotique on May 11th and 12th 1916 towards Rwandaise Kigali, Save, and Burundi.99 APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes The Olsen Brigade overrandes Shangugu and crossed Nyungwe Rwandais IRUHVW LQ WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI 1\DQ]D ZKLFK ZDV WDNHQ E\ 0DMRU Muller. King Musinga regretted destruction Indigènes caused by the APROCOMIN: Association des the Commerçants war and promised to establish relations with de thelanew APROSOMA : Association pour cordial la Promotion Sociale RFFXSDQWV7KHNLQJZDQWHGWRSURWHFWWKHPRVWHVVHQWLDOWKLQJV Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 98 Ministère de la défense nationale, Les campagnes coloniales belges 1914 1918, Démocratie Bruxelles, 3 tomes, 1927-1932 ; Louwers, O., La campagne africaine de la Belgique ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des et ses résultats politiques, Bruxelles , Rwandaise Weisssenbruch, 1921. 99 Droits de l’Homme Lettow Verbeck (von) P.,La geurre de brousse dans l’Est africain (1914-1918), Paris 1933 ; Dellicour M.F., « La conquête du Ruanda-Urundi », in Bulletin de l’Institut AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Royal Colonial Belge, 1935, 6,1 pp., 142 166. Démocratique des Batwa 225 v 225 100 – his people and their property. But with troops on the move, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS the destruction of goods and vandalism increased under the ___________________________________ SUHWH[WRIPDNLQJUHTXLVLWLRQVIRUIRRGDQGSRUWHUV6ROGLHUVWRRN people and property as booty. A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale $IWHURFFXS\LQJ7DERUDRQ-XO\%HOJLXPZRQDWHUULWRU\ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga RIPRUHWKDQNPò%HIRUHWKHRIIHQVLYHZDVODXQFKHG ABESC Bahutu to Evoluant la Belgium had: Association declared herdes intentions use thepour territorial possessions inSuppression East Africa des as Castes collateral during the peace ACR : Association des Cultivateurs WDONV WKDW ZHUH WR EH KHOG DIWHU WKH YLFWRU\ RIdu WKHRwanda DOOLHV101 The occupation therefore was supposed to be provisional. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples Following the victory of the Belgian troops, German colonization came to ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la an end abruptly, leaving behindNationale many unaccomplished projects. Réconciliation AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Up to 1916, the Germans were committed to changing indigenous AFDL : Alliance des declared Forces Démocratiques pouralabig institutions; this was their intention. However, Libération du Congo-Zaïre SROLWLFDOFKDQJHWRRNSODFHZKHQ5ZDQGDORVWLWVVRYHUHLJQW\WR AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act (PSHURU:LOKHOP'XULQJWKHVFLHQWLÀFH[SHGLWLRQFRQGXFWHGE\ WKH'XNHRI0HFNOQEHUJLQ.LQJ0XVLQJDWKRXJKWKHZDV $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP JRLQJWREHUHSODFHGE\WKH'XNHDQGORVHKLVWKURQH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine At the time when the Germans were leaving the country, they Rwandaise ZHUHVWLOOJHQHUDOO\OLNHGE\WKHSRSXODWLRQ.LQJ0XVLQJDKLPVHOI ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda felt very nostalgic about his German friends until his last days. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR Association du Rwanda The Germans: did not have des timeMoniteurs to accomplish their numerous AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda SURMHFWV HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH ÀHOG RI FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ZKHUH WKH\ had expressed a desire to solve the problem of Rwanda’s landANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ORFNHGQHVV%XWGXULQJWKHLUUHLJQDQXPEHURIVHULRXVFKDQJHV (Transitional National Assembly) WRRNSODFH APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR The opening : Armée up Patriotique of Rwanda toRwandaise the east; the Arabs managed WR SHQHWUDWH WKH FRXQWU\ HVWDEOLVK WUDGH QHWZRUNV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WRZDUGVRwandais %XNRZD DQG 7DERUD DQG WDNH FRQWURO RI WKH inter-lacustrine trade des in which they admitted Rwanda. APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association la Promotion de la From 1905, Rwandapour became a centre ofSociale export for hides Masse DQGVNLQVWR%XNRED.LJDOLEHFDPHDQLPSRUWDQWWUDQVLW for this trade. The traditional trade ARD warehouse : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la organized along western Kivu did not come to an end. On the Démocratie contrary, it increased and the opening of this des trade ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour laup Défense 100 Droits l’Homme Rumiya, J, Le Rwanda sousde le régime du mandat Belge (1916 1931), , L’Harmattan, Paris 1992, p.29 AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 101 Letter written by Renkin, J., Minister of colonies for General Tombeur 27th March 1916 Démocratique des Batwa 226 226 v URXWH ACRONYMS WRZDUGV WKH HDVW WZR WUDGH QHWZRUNV WR ANDHQDEOHG ABBREVIATIONS come together. ___________________________________ The royal power was strengthened by 22 years of German A.A. rule. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale 42. Belgian - 1962) ABAKI :colonization Alliance des(1916 Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la :KHQ WKH %HOJLDQV WRRN RYHU IURP WKH *HUPDQV WKH\ GLG QRW des Castes PDNH 5ZDQGDSuppression D SURWHFWRUDWH EXW UDWKHU D VRUW RI SURYLQFH IRU ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda neighboring Belgian Congo that was operated under the Belgian ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples mandate of the League of Nations. Later, Rwanda became a ADR : Alliance pour Démocratie et United la Belgian Trusteeship under the la supervision of the Nations. Réconciliation Nationale 4.2.1. Regime of occupation 1916 - 1926 AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la a. Diplomatic challenges Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Among the commitments of theand Belgian troops in Act East Africa, $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP there was a qualitative need to improve the Congolese territory AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et RI Main-d’oeuvre ZKLFK ZDV KDQGLFDSSHG E\ LWV ODFN DFFHVV WR WKH VHD 7KLV problem was supposed to be solved by acquisition of the AJER : Association de la Jeunessethe Estudiantine Kabinda enclave and some Portuguese territories situated on Rwandaise WKHOHIWEDQNVRIWKHULYHU7KURXJKQHJRWLDWLRQV3RUWXJDOZRXOG ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda accept this arrangement in compensation for some territories AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel LQVRXWKZHVW$IULFDRU*HUPDQ(DVW$IULFD5HQNLQWKH%HOJLDQ AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Minister of colonies responsible for conducting operations in AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda Africa, preferred to obtain des access to the Atlantic Ocean and ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition QRW /DNH 9LFWRULD ZKLFK KH FRQVLGHUHG OHVV LPSRUWDQW +HOS (Transitional Assembly) from England was necessary National in convincing Portugal to achieve this objective; otherwise, other alternatives were needed to APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien compensate for the services rendered by Belgium. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes %HOJLXP ZDV LQWHUHVWHG LQ PDNLQJ 5ZDQGD ZDU ERRW\ IRU WKH Rwandais highest bidder and had intentions of dropping her conquests APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes if she was paid an attractive indemnity. The African Colonial APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale la not Authority agreed with the pour Minister of Colonies, who de was Masse LQWHUHVWHGLQH[SDQGLQJ%HOJLDQFRORQLDOSRVVHVVLRQVGXHWRODFN ARD Alliance Renforcement la of resources :and men. pour As farleas Belgium was de concerned, the Congo colony was enough in itself. But in order to annex the area Démocratie EDGO\GHVLUHGLQWKHZHVWLWZDVQHFHVVDU\WRWDNHSRVVHVVLRQRI ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des the territory that the Belgian troops had conquered from German Droits de l’Homme East Africa. But was England ready to accept this deal? AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement For Belgium, it was necessary to determine the optimal collateral Démocratique des Batwa 227 v 227 to avoid a very expensive war. What instructions were given to ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS WKH PLOLWDU\ KLHUDUFK\ DIWHU WDNLQJ RYHU 5XDQGD DQG %XUXQGL" ___________________________________ Would they restrict themselves to these two territories coveted by or pursue further military campaigns? The A.A.Belgian Congo : Archives Africaines English had not yet agreed on the value of the collateral. Besides, A.G. : Assemblée Générale giving orders to a victorious army to stop war could lead to ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga IUXVWUDWLRQDPRQJWKHPLOLWDU\UDQNV ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes 2QWKHJURXQGHYHQWVIROORZHGRQHDQRWKHUTXLFNO\2Q-XQH ACR Birahamuri : Association des by Cultivateurs du brigades Rwanda were 1916, was overrun Tombeur and sent and Ujiji.Démocratique In some colonial areas, it was thought ADP to Tabora : Alliance des Peuples that there was nothing to gain by going to Tabora, ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la which was located far from the CongoleseNationale border in areas where England Réconciliation KDG D ORW RI VWDNH 7KH\ WKRXJKW LI 7DERUD ZDV FRQTXHUHG LW AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières would be offered to the English. On the Belgian side, military AFDL : des Forces pour la action had to Alliance be accompanied by Démocratiques serious diplomatic activity du Congo-Zaïre ZLWK (QJODQGLibération 7KH DSSUHKHQVLRQ RI WKH %HOJLDQV ZDV MXVWLÀHG AGOA considered : African Growth Act to be the England herself, fromand the Opportunity beginning of war, sole heir of German territory in East Africa. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The Belgian press happily covered the newsEstudiantine of the success of the AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Belgian Congolese army. These reports attracted a lot of interest for Rwandaise the new territories. The articles published in Rwanda exaggerated ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the advantages of its occupation. It was reported that Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel KDGDORWRIOLYHVWRFNDQDEXQGDQWSRSXODWLRQWKDWZRXOGSURYLGH AMR : Association des Moniteurs duwith Rwanda manpower to the Congo, and a “feudal” structure the potential AMUR : Association des for Musulmans auadministration. Rwanda of becoming an indigenous cadre the European In short, Rwanda was seen as necessaryde toTransition preserve. ANT : Assemblée Nationale (Transitional National Assembly) b. Rumanura famine (1916 - 1918) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise The Belgians arrived when a big part of the country was hit by APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes DIDPLQHNQRZQDVRumanura7KLVIDPLQHEURNHRXWLQ%XJR\L Rwandais in 1916 and lasted until 1918. It extended across the entire APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes country and resulted in many deaths. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Bugoyi at the time was a densely populated region and even a “reserve Masse region” whose excess foodpour production was exchanged with Nduga, ARD : Alliance le Renforcement de la ZKLFKZDVUHQRZQHGIRULWVEODFNVPLWKLQGXVWU\%XJR\LZDVDOVR Démocratie a trade hub that brought together traders from Central Rwanda; it ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des ZDVULFKLQOLYHVWRFNDQGWKHQRUWKZHVWHUQSDUWRI.LYXODFNHGPHDW Droitsproducts de l’Homme but produced artisan and bracelets coveted in Nduga. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement The cause of this famine was that the people of Bugoyi were Démocratique des Batwa 228 228 v cut off from their sources ofAND supply from the Congo with whom ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS they exchanged food stuffs due to the 1914 hostilities between ___________________________________ the Belgians and Germans. During these hostilities, people who FDPH IRUFHG WR PLJUDWH WRZDUGV 1GXJD A.A. XQGHU :FURVVÀUH ArchivesZHUH Africaines Kingogo, Bushiru, Murera, and Kanage. Huts were torched and A.G. : Assemblée Générale forces destroyed many banana plantations as they were digging ABAKI and trenches. : Alliance des Bakigalasted from 1915 to 1916.102 ditches This situation ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes $V WKH *HUPDQ WURRSV UHWUHDWHG WKH\ WRRN DOO WKH IRRG WKDW ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda remained behind and even many porters. The du Belgians did the same requisitions. Itdes wasPeuples important to feed ADP before stopping : AllianceforDémocratique their troops and ensure enough supplies for the of troops ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et colony la on the match. In order to escapeNationale from meeting such requisitions, Réconciliation men escaped and hid in the forest. The Belgian authorities AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières realized that the situation had reached catastrophic proportions AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la DQGWKH\VWRSSHGPDNLQJUHTXLVLWLRQV Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOAthe war,: African Growth and Opportunity Act homes, After when people started returning to their an extraordinary rain fell. It spoiled the seeds and washed $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP IHUWLOH VRLOV DZD\ /RFDO WUDGLWLRQDO OLNH 5ZDNDGLJL AIMO : Affaires Indigènes etDXWKRULWLHV Main-d’oeuvre introduced chiefs in Ndugade when he returned to Bugoyi. These AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine chiefs imposed forced labor aimed at reconstructing residences Rwandaise and supplying food stuffs. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP ministériel/ présidentiel The Diary of: Arrêté the White Sisters ofArrêté Nyundo of May 1915 to AMR : Association desdeaths Moniteurs du Rwanda December 1917 reports many that were caused by this AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda IDPLQH0DQ\SHRSOHZHUHUHIHUUHGWRDV´ZDONLQJVNHOHWRQVµ,Q November 1915, only 50 Christians mass. Before the ANT : Assemblée Nationaleattended de Transition war, mass-goers numbered almost 8,000. 400 children attended (Transitional National Assembly) school before the war, but during famine, there were around 20. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien According to Father Classe,103 the number of deaths surpassed APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise three quarters of the population; missionaries reported a total APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ÀJXUHRISHRSOHZKRGLHGRIKXQJHU104 Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 7KH5R\DO&RPPLVVDULQIRUPHGE\0DMRU'HFOHUNGLVVHPLQDWHG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la He Father Classe’s letter on the calamity that had hit Bugoyi. wrote to his Minister Masseinforming him of the situation and reported WKH PHDVXUHV WKH\ KDGpour WDNHQle105Renforcement In his letter, he that ARD : Alliance de claimed la 102 P.Soubielle, “Quarterly report by Nyundo Mission during the years 1916-1917”, in Démocratie Société des missionaires d’Afrique, T.13 p. 300. ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour lathe Défense des 103 Classe also gave: some information on the famine which swept people of Bugoyi. 104 Droits deinl’Homme Philippin, « Report on famine Bugoyi (1917) », in Lugan B. , Etudes Rwandaises, op.cit. p.247. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 105 Letter to the Honarable Minister of 29th June 1917. Démocratique des Batwa 229 v 229 the local administration was responsible for the calamity and ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EODPHG &DSWDLQ 9DQ $HUGH LQ SDUWLFXODU ZKR ZDV WKH FKLHI RI ___________________________________ 106 the western zone. The letter also accused Mr. Lignon, the administrator of the territory, for having done nothing to help the A.A. : Archives Africaines SRSXODWLRQZKHQWKHWZRRIÀFHUVKDGVHYHUDORSWLRQVWRKHOS107 A.G. : Assemblée Générale The Commissar appointed Mortehan as a new leader to manage ABAKI the territory. : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la The commissarSuppression pointed out des again that some foodstuffs were Castes EURXJKWIURP:DOLNDOHDQG0DVLVLWRUHVFXHWKHKXQJU\SHRSOH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda of Bugoyi. Lastly, he stopped recruiting because the ADP : Alliance Démocratique desporters Peuples population was in a state of insecurity and anxiety. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Nationale The missions Réconciliation and the Belgian authorities organized rescue AEC : Agglomeration missions for the starving people Extra-Coutumières by distributing foodstuffs bought AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la IURPUHJLRQVOHVVDIIHFWHGE\IDPLQH7KH\DOVRWUHDWHGWKHVLFN who were hit by epidemics as dysentery and smallpox. Libération dusuch Congo-Zaïre 0RUWHKDQ UHJUHWWDEO\ WKDW and PLVVLRQDULHV WRRN DGYDQWDJH RI AGOA : AfricanVDLG Growth Opportunity Act WKHIDPLQHWRH[WHQGWKHLULQÁXHQFHLQWKHFRXQWU\´WKHELJJHVW $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP part of food supplies at their disposal was only distributed to AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre a small fraction of their people, namely the native Christians.” AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The non-Christians living near the Mission were obliged to go to Gisenyi to fendRwandaise for themselves. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel In a letter written by ministériel/ Mortehan to Arrêté the Resident, the following criticisms were leveled: AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda GRQH XQGHU WKH VXSHUYLVLRQ RI ANT WKH DJULFXOWXUDO : AssembléeZRUN Nationale de Transition the Catholic priests was not well thought out. Instead of (Transitional National Assembly) establishing big plantations, a big part of the manpower APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien was used to pay state subsidies, solely for clearing banana APR : Armée plantations whose Patriotique owners were Rwandaise dead or had migrated. They APROBAMI Association des Partis Monarchistes used their: people to clear these banana plantations hoping Rwandais WKDW WKH ODWWHU ZRXOG WDNH RZQHUVKLS ULJKWV LQ FDVH IRUPHU owners did not turn up. This theIndigènes custom of the APROCOMIN: Association des contradicted Commerçants 106 “In the letter written by Steven adressed to the royal Commissar in hisde reports APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la of December 1916, January and February 1917, the Commander of the army said nothing Masse on the food situation in Bugoyi though he was living in Gisenyi. Therefore, this was ARD Alliance laVan Aede had an inexcusable in :difference by pour Steven. le It isRenforcement therefore clear that de if Mr informed me in goodDémocratie time about the situation of Bugoyi, I would have done every thing possible to respond to the request made to solve the problem.” (Steven addresses the ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des letter to the royal Commissar) 107 Droits l’Homme According to Mortehan, Mr de Lignon “would have given to the Nyundo mission credit, food stuffs, seeds and part of the equipment at his He asked himself what could AREDETWA : Association pour le disposal” Relèvement have happened to Mortehan’s letter addressed to the Resident on 18 September 1917. Démocratique des Batwa 230 230 v land.108 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ The famine of 1916-1918 was therefore caused by the foreign factor It was Africaines worsened by an imbalance in the rain A.A. in Rwanda. : Archives season and by the negligence of a hesitant colonial administration, A.G. : Assemblée Générale coupled with traditional constraints and abuses. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des in Bahutu a. Military administration 1916 Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes Belgium did not intend to impose its sovereigntydu onRwanda the occupied ACR : Association des Cultivateurs WHUULWRU\ LQ WKH (DVW $IULFDQ *HUPDQ VSKHUH RI LQÁXHQFH 6KH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples wanted to administer the country after the war had ended. The ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la occupied territory was supposed to serve as collateral during the Réconciliation Nationale SHDFHWDONVRSHQHGDIWHUZDU AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance ForcesofDémocratiques pour1916, la Immediately after the des conquest Rwanda in May Belgian combatLibération troops were by an army of occupation. dureplaced Congo-Zaïre The High Belgian military command of German Act East Africa AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity 5XDQGD8UXQGLDQGSDUWRI7DQJDQ\LND ZDVXQGHUDWRS5R\DO $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Commissar appointed by the Belgian King residing in Kigoma. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre +LVQDPHZDV-30DOIH\W+HEHFDPHWKHÀUVWRIÀFHUWRDVVXPH AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine this responsibility. He dealt directly with the Minister of Colonies Rwandaise in Brussels without having to pass through the Governor General ALIR : Armée Libération Rwanda in Belgian Congo. Thede mission of thedu Royal Commissar was to AM/AP law,:order, Arrêtéand ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel maintain public security throughout the territory and the territory the du endRwanda of the war and AMRto administer : Association desthrough Moniteurs the signing of a peace treaty. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition In light of the negotiations, the Metropolis gave instructions (Transitional National Assembly) that General Tombeur was to be obeyed faithfully by the APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien natives, who were newly subdued, and he was even supposed APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WR´SURYRNHWKHQDWLYHVµ$VIDUDVWKHVXSSOLHVIRUWKHWURRSV APROBAMI : Association des PartisinMonarchistes were concerned, Rwanda was divided two autonomous zones: Rwandais the Western zone headquartered in Gisenyi and the Eastern zone with headquarteres in Kigali. These two zones were under APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes a military command based at Gitega. These zones were APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale dedivided la in two militaryMasse posts that were called upon to sensitize the population on political matters by using village chiefs or senior ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la chief representatives. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 7KH%HOJLDQRIÀFHUVDQGVXERIÀFHUVFKDUJHGZLWKDGPLQLVWUDWLYH Droits de l’Homme duties opted for a type of management that sidelined King AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 108 Letter by Mortehan to the Resident written on 18th September 1917. Démocratique des Batwa 231 v 231 Musinga. His ACRONYMS royal court was considered to be an obstacle that AND ABBREVIATIONS had to be avoided and removed. Nyanza was located in the western ___________________________________ 109 zone. 7KHÀUVWDGPLQLVWUDWLYHUHSRUWRIWKHZHVWHUQ]RQHZDV dated 1916. After the victory, a report outlined the A.A. December : Archives Africaines situation of different posts: Kissignies (i.e. the chieftaincies of A.G. : Assemblée Générale 5ZDNDGLJLDQG5ZDQXPD 5XEHQJHUD1\DQ]D6KDQJXJXDQG ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga Ruhengeri. A :close examination of the report shows that the end ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la of 1916 was relatively calm. The only worrying situations reported Suppression des Castes had never supported were in Ruhengeri, where the population ACR GRPLQDWLRQ : Association des Cultivateurs duÀQH Rwanda IRUHLJQ (OVHZKHUH HYHU\WKLQJ ZDV LQFOXGLQJ in Bugoyi where the Rumanura famine des had Peuples been rampant. No ADP : Alliance Démocratique reference was made to this calamity and the general ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la tone of the report was satisfactory. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières The case of Nyanza illustrates the confusion that characterized AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la RI WKH ÀUVW GD\V RI WKH PLOLWDU\ RFFXSDWLRQ ,Q KLV ÀUVW UHSRUW Libération dupost Congo-Zaïre 1916, the head of Nyanza expressed total satisfaction. King Musinga: African gave himGrowth little attention. However, in AGOA and Opportunity Actthe report that followed, his tone changed. In the February 1917 report $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP from the Western Zone, Indigènes the nativesetwere said to be devoted and AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre DFWLYHLQFDUU\LQJRXWWDVNVZKLOH.LQJ0XVLQJDZDVDFFXVHGRI AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine VDERWDJLQJWKHZRUNRIWKHRFFXSDWLRQIRUFH Rwandaise ALIR : Armée Libération du Rwanda On May 19, 1916, Kingde Musinga expressed his opposition to the AM/AP Arrêté ministériel/ ArrêtéWKH présidentiel QHZ PDVWHUV: $IWHU WDNLQJ RYHU 1\DQ]D VXUYHLOODQFH SRVWV wanted to be :relieved of the des Indugaruga, who, denouncing AMR Association Moniteurs duafter Rwanda WKH VRQ RI WKH QRWDEOH %DVKXNX ZHUH UHFHLYHG DQG KLGGHQ E\ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda King Musinga. However, the Indugaruga buried their arms a few ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 110 NLORPHWHUVIURP1\DQ]DWRMRLQWKHPDVVHV (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien :KLOHWKHVHDUFKIRUÀUHDUPVZDVWDNLQJSODFHDQRWKHULQFLGHQW APR : Armée occured between King Patriotique Musinga andRwandaise Captain Philippin, the chief of Nyanza Post and commander of the Western Zone. The two APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes RIÀFHUV VXEMHFWHG .LQJ 0XVLQJD WR KDUDVVPHQW 7KH FRPPDQGHU Rwandais VXVSHFWHGKLPRIKDUERULQJWKHÀUHDUPVDQGZDQWHGWRQHXWUDOL]H APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KLPKHZDVDVNHGWRJLYHXSDOOWKHJXQVKHKDG.LQJ0XVLQJD APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la VXUUHQGHUHGJXQV3KLOOLSLQUHIXVHGWKHPDQGDVNHGIRUPRUH Masse The commander of the Eastern zone circulated rumors that King ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 0XVLQJDKDGVHQWJXQVWR.DVKXVKXURWKHNLQJRI.DUDJZH$V Démocratie 109 Note the absence of Save Post in the archieves. May be, it was destroyed by De ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pouroflablatant Défense des of Clerck as a result of the Father Huntzinger affair, an example interference deaffairs. l’Homme the Church memberDroits into civilian 110 Kagame, A., Un abrégé de l’histoire de 1853 à 1975, Editions AREDETWA : Association pour du le Rwanda Relèvement universitaires rwandaises, Butare 1973, p 173. Démocratique des Batwa 232 232 v proof, he cited ACRONYMS the good relations that existed between the two. Chief AND ABBREVIATIONS Gisazi of Cyangugu was also suspected of having 40 guns, which ___________________________________ were reduced to 4. There was nothing to prove that King Musinga had arms from the Germans or from anywhere else. A.A.received any : Archives Africaines There was also no proof that he was heavily armed as was alleged. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI this uncertainty, : Alliance des Bakiga Despite the chief of the post and the commander ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant poursharper la were convinced of the existence of a plot. The tone grew Suppression des Castes EHWZHHQWKHPDQGWKHNLQJ7KHFRXUWRI1\DQ]DZDVDFFXVHG ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda of being sympathetic towards the Germans. Many rumors were circulated and minor issues were blowndes outPeuples of proportion. The ADP : Alliance Démocratique %HOJLDQ2IÀFHUVZHUHFRQYLQFHGWKDW0XVLQJDZDVKHDYLO\DUPHG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la and wanted to get rid of him. They were advised by the Catholic Réconciliation Nationale Missionaries, who especially hated King Musinga, and Father AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Huntzinger who lived in Save. King Musinga was also accused of AFDL : Alliancefrom desthe Forces stealing food supplies storesDémocratiques of the Belgians.pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA African Growth and Opportunity In February :1917, Captain Philippin exaggeratedAct the Yenga Yenga a name given to a suspected spy under the service $,'6 affair –$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP of the Germans. He pretended that et a letter had been intercepted AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre which a list two hundred people who were supposedly AJER contained : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine assassinated by the occupation troops. In order to set his father, Rwandaise 5ZLGHJHPE\D IUHH 5ZDJDWDODND DIILUPHG WKDW WKH OLVW KDG ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda EHHQ forged by Musinga’s secretary. According to the .LQJ, it AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté this présidentiel was Father Huntzinger who had invented story. The affair AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda was suspended for further investigation. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ,Q 0DUFK WHQVLRQ EURNH RXW DJDLQ .LQJ 0XVLQJD ZDV ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition accused of wishing to poison the Europeans living in Kigali (Transitional National Assembly) by supplying their foodstuffs. Some chiefs were arrested. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Gashamura was a case in point; tt was once again Father APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Superior of Save Mission who was the source of this information. APROBAMI : Association Partis Monarchistes He was convinced that the des intrigue involved a house boy who Rwandais ZDV ZRUNLQJ DW WKH 5HVLGHQFH 'HWHUPLQHG WR SXW DQ HQG WR .LQJ0XVLQJD9DQ$HGHWKHFRPPDQGHURIWKHZHVWHUQ]RQH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes DVNHG WKH NLQJ WR IDFH MXGJPHQW SURSRVHG WR KLVde PDVWHUV APROSOMA : Association pour la+LV Promotion Sociale la PDNLQJWKHNLQJDSSHDUEHIRUHD:DU&RXQFLOGXULQJZKLFKWLPH Masse a military plan was hatched to counteract any eventual popular ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la rising, including any chances of intervention from Karagwe. The Démocratie military authorities of Rwanda waited for authorization from the ARDHO : Association Rwandaisearmy, pourwho la Défense des Commander in Chief of the occupation was stationed Droits de l’Homme in Gitega. Instead, Brussels opted for a political solution and not AREDETWA pour le Relèvement a military one.: Association On the basis of ordinance number 2/5 of 6th April Démocratique des Batwa 233 v 233 1917, the Royal CommissarAND re-established the former German ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS DUUDQJHPHQWDQGUHVWRUHGWKHNLQJGRP ___________________________________ The Belgian soldiers believed that King Musinga made fun of the A.A. : Archives Africaines administration and treated their orders with contempt. There A.G. : Assemblée Générale was no coordination of activities between the zonal chiefs and the ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga NLQJ7KHNLQJZDVFRQIURQWHGZLWKVRPHRIKLVFKLHIV·GHVLUHIRU ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la independence. This led to anarchy in some parts of the country. Suppression des Castes a. Establishment of thedes Belgian Residence Rwanda ACR : Association Cultivateurs du in Rwanda ADP$SULO : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 2Q 0DMRU 'HFOHUFN QLFNQDPHG Majoro) was ADR : Allianceofpour la Démocratie la on May 30, appointed as Resident Rwanda. He arrived inetKigali Réconciliation Nationale 1917, with a mission of appeasing King Musinga and restoring his AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières DXWKRULW\)URPWKHWDNHRYHURI.LJDOLXSWRWKHDUULYDORI0DMRU AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la 'HFOHUFNWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIPDQDJLQJWKHFRXQWU\RULJLQDOO\ conducted by soldiers, wasdu given to Commander Scharfes. Libération Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act In 1917, the Residence of Rwanda was divided into three $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP sectors. In 1921, it was divided into four “territories”: the AIMO territory : Affaires Indigènes etinMain-d’oeuvre western with headquarters Rubengera, the northern AJER : Association de la Jeunesse territory with headquarters in Ruhengeri, Estudiantine the Nyanza territory Rwandaise with headquarters in Nyanza, and the eastern territory with ALIR : in Armée de Libération du Rwanda headquarters Kigali. These territorial divisions aimed to AM/AP the: Arrêté ministériel/ facilitate implementation of Arrêté militaryprésidentiel orders, especially 111 In 1919, Major food and providing porters. AMRrequisitions : Association des Moniteurs duMay Rwanda 'HFOHUFN ZDV UHSODFHG E\ ) 9DQ 'HQ (GH WKH ÀUVW FLYLOLDQ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Belgian Resident. The civilian administration was maintained ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition during the entire period of military occupation ending in 1926. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 7KHUH ZDV ODFN RI FRRUGLQDWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH ]RQDO OHDGHUV DQG APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise .LQJ0XVLQJDSRVLQJDVHURXVULVNRIGLYLGLQJWKHNLQJGRP$V APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes indicated in the annual report of 1920 to 1921, “the authority of the King wasRwandais seriously undermined by military requisitions112 APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes and by a starving populationdes caused by Rumanura famine.” To APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de lawas these challenges was added Ikoro tax, a royal tribute that paid as a sign Masse of allegiance. This tax also served as income to the Royal court. From the beginning of 1917, thede Belgians found ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement la themselves amongst total anarchy: “most of the Watutsi chiefs Démocratie expressed a vague desire for independence, a thingdes that ARDHO (…): Association Rwandaise pour la Défense Droitsofde l’Homme 111 Van Den Eede E. (Resident Rwanda), Notes on the current political situation of Rwanda, th 26 July 1921 archives africaines: AE/II no 1847 (3288) AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 112 Ministère des Colonies Rapport annuel , sur l’administration belge 1920-1921, p11. Démocratique des Batwa 234 234 v threatened to ACRONYMS throw RwandaAND into ABBREVIATIONS complete anarchy.”113 ___________________________________ 2Q$SULODQRUGLQDQFHZDVHQDFWHGÀ[LQJWKHWHUULWRULDO and organization A.A. administrative : Archives Africaines of the occupied territory. This ordinance removed Eastern and Western zones and A.G. : Assembléethe Générale reintroduced the former territorial sub-divisions, i.e. the ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga Residence of Rwanda similar to the one that existed during the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la %HOJLDQUXOH,QDGGLWLRQLWVSHFLÀHGWKHSULQFLSOHVDFFRUGLQJWR Suppression des Castes which the Residences of Rwanda and Burundi were supposed to ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda be governed. Article 4 of the des ordinance stipulated: ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADRIn the zones : Alliance la Démocratie et lathe Residents where pour the Sultanate prevailed, representedRéconciliation the occupationNationale government. They were therefore maintaining law and order as well overseeing AECcharged with : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières public security. The Sultans wereDémocratiques responsible to the Resident AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour la and were supposed to cede their political and judicial powers Libération du Congo-Zaïre in accordance with native and instructions AGOA : African Growthcustoms and Opportunity Act of the 114 Royal Commissar. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7KH \HDU DOVR ZLWQHVVHG WKH ELUWK RI XQLÀHG SURYLQFHV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine governed by senior chiefs. From that time on, the command of Rwandaise the chiefs was not exercised in territories under a single tenant. ALIR all chiefs : Armée de Libération Almost commanded partsduofRwanda villages scattered in AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel different provinces of the country. The native provinces formed AMRthe Rucunshu : Association deswere Moniteurs Rwanda after coup d’état nominaldu groupings devoid of a common chief at the top. The administration appointed AMUR : Association desBelgian Musulmans au Rwanda a Provincial :chief in 1919, who was notable who owned ANT Assemblée Nationale de aTransition SHUVRQDO UHVRXUFHV OLNH OLYHVWRFN ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR DGPLQLVWHULQJ (Transitional National Assembly) his own village, he was meant to command villages of other APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien provincial chiefs. He collected government duties and taxes and APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise VXSHUYLVHGURDGZRUNDQGHTXLSPHQW+HKDGQRULJKWWRGHPDQG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes customary services for his SHUVRQDOEHQHÀWIURPYLOODJHVEH\RQG Rwandais the province.115 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Masse ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 113 Ministère des Colonies Rapport annuel , sur l’administration belge 1920-1921, p11. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 114 Marzorati., Notes for the Royal Commissar s.l.n.d. Rwa (163) 1917 1924 (archives of the Droits de l’Homme Ministry of Foreign affairs) 115 Lenaerts, Answer to question No. pour 10, Report of 1921/ Nyanza Adminstration, in AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement Derscheid Papers, Bruxels. Démocratique des Batwa 235 v 235 4.2.2. Belgian Mandate (1926 ACRONYMS AND- 1948) ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ D'HÀQLWLRQRIWKHQDWLYHSROLF\ A.A. : Archives Africaines 7KHÀUVWRIÀFHUVDQGVXERIÀFHUVZKRSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHPLOLWDU\ A.G. : Assemblée Générale RFFXSDWLRQNQHZQRWKLQJDERXWWKHUHDOLW\RQWKHJURXQGEXWLW ABAKI des Bakigathemselves with the political was necessary: Alliance for them to acquaint players local systems and dynamics involved. ABESC and :the Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour laThis information was provided by the White Fathers in the regions Suppression des Castes ZKHUH WKH %HOJLDQ FRORQLDO RIÀFHUV ZHUH VWDWLRQHG ,Q D VWXG\ ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda FRQGXFWHGE\)DWKHU&ODVVH 9LFDU*HQHUDORI0JU+LUWK ´7KH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples political organization of Rwanda at the beginning of the Belgian ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la occupation in 1916,”116 a point of reference was created for the Réconciliation new authorities. This documentNationale attracted the attention of a large AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières DXGLHQFHDQGZDVTXRWHGLQPDQ\UHSRUWVGXULQJWKHÀUVW\HDUV AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la of the Belgian: rule. It was also quoted by all visitors topour Rwanda. Libération du Congo-Zaïre The theory developed in Fatherand Classe’s document AGOA : African Growth Opportunity Act was that Rwanda could be compared to a feudal regime of the Middle $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Ages. All authority theoretically lay in the hands of King Musinga, AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre although in practice, power was monopolized by the Queen AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Mother and her brothers. The latter commanded authority in the peripheral Rwandaise provinces whereas at the center of Nduga, the ALIR : Armée de Libération du sought Rwanda authority was shared. Every senior chief to have areas or AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêtéwhere présidentiel villages that served as ministériel/ connecting points, they could stay whenever they were at the royal court. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda According to Father Classe,Nationale power wasde in the hands of two clans: ANT : Assemblée Transition the Bega and Banyiginya. Part of the political game was marred (Transitional National Assembly) in intrigue which degenerated into power deprivation. All this APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien WRRNSODFHLQDQHQYLURQPHQWRIMHDORXV\DPDMRUZHDNQHVVRI APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise the Tutsi monarchy. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes The documentRwandais further described the fragmentation and geographical distribution power that rendered chiefs less APROCOMIN: Associationofdes Commerçants Indigènes SRZHUIXO,QVRPHDUHDVWKHNLQJZDVDEOHWRFUHDWHDSHUVRQDO APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la clientele by removing Masse villages from his senior chiefs. There were VRPH H[FHSWLRQV LQ %XJR\L .LQJRJR %XGDKD *LVDND DQG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Kinyaga, where chiefs exercised limited authority and local clans Démocratie or lineages enjoyed a wide range of autonomy. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 116 de l’Homme With a sub-title:Droits “notes written by Father Classe of the White Fathers Mission of Kabgayi on request by the Belgian administration”, 28th August 1916, Derscheid AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Papers. Démocratique des Batwa 236 236 v In addition, the document describes the services of the political ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LQVWLWXWLRQV$QRIÀFLDOWD[ZDVOHYLHGRQKHUGVRIFDWWOHIRUWKH ___________________________________ NLQJDQGKLVPRWKHU7KRVHZKRGLGQRWRZQFRZVEURXJKWLQNLQG goods. of the population, especially the Bahutu, paid a A.A. The rest : Archives Africaines land tax (Ikoro ry’ubutaka). Some exceptions existed among the A.G. : Assemblée Générale residents of Nduga and Marangara. The paying of taxes was a ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga YHU\OXFUDWLYHRSHUDWLRQIRUWD[FROOHFWRUVZKRHDUQHGSURÀWV7R ABESC Bahutu Evoluant la these multiple: Association services, newdes taxes were added such pour as Amararo Suppression des Castesor traders). (gifts for loading caravans of Europeans ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda Father report also referred to Rwanda’s social structure ADP Classe’s : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples by insisting on the Ubuhake institution (system ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la of pastoral clientele) in Marangara, which he understood very well. He Réconciliation Nationale especially understood the obligations associated with this type of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières clientele. Father Classe also raised the issue of the social-militia AFDL : des Démocratiques pour la (Ingabo) under Alliance the theme of Forces providing services. Lastly, he dealt du Congo-Zaïre with the ethnicLibération groups in Rwanda. The Tutsi exercised command AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 117 He DQG ZHUH JHQHUDOO\ RZQHUV RI PDQ\ KHUGV RI OLYHVWRFN described the$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Hutu as the “short Tutsi.” According to him, the $,'6 Twa were divided into two categories: who lived with other AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et those Main-d’oeuvre 5ZDQGHVH QHDU WKH UHVLGHQFH FKLHIV DQG WKH NLQJ QHDUO\ AJER : Association de la RI Jeunesse Estudiantine 5,000 in number), and those who lived in the forests of Kingogo, Rwandaise Buhiru, Mulera, and Kinyaga. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ,QWKLVWH[W)DWKHU&ODVVHJDYHWKHHVVHQWLDOSRLQWVWREHNQRZQ AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda by the new :masters. However, by generalizing the political V\VWHP ZKLFK KH VXSSRUWHG DQG NQHZ YHU\ ZHOO HVSHFLDOO\ ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition in Marangara, (Transitional he distorted National local realities that differed from Assembly) WKH RQHV KH NQHZ 7KH DFFRXQW KH JDYH LQ KLV UHSRUW GLG QRW APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien RQO\ LQÁXHQFH WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH HYHQWV RI WKDW WLPH EXW DOVR APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise LQÁXHQFHGIXWXUHNQRZOHGJHRI5ZDQGDQVRFLHW\JLYHQWKDWKLV APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes theories were quoted without criticism. Rwandais APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes b. Indirect rule APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la )UDQFNVXFFHHGHG5HQNLQDVWKH0LQLVWHUIRU&RORQLHV+HYLVLWHG Masse the occupied territories and the Congo.118 During ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de this la visit, he outlined major Démocratie guidelines for effective administration of Ruanda8UXQGL/LNHWKH*HUPDQVKHRSWHGIRULQGLUHFWUXOH+HZDVRI ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des the view that this would succeed in countries organized along Droits de l’Homme 117 In Mulera, the term Tutsi meant anypour inhabitant of Nduga, notes the report. AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement 118 Franck L., Le Congo belge. T.1, La renaissance du livre, Bruxelles, 1931. Démocratique des Batwa 237 v 237 traditional structures, or those with solid native institutions ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS and with a political class of “sure talents.” “The European,” he ___________________________________ said, “was supposed to assume the role of educator and guide.” )UDQFNGHYHORSHGWKHIROORZLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQDOFKDUW A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale Two Residents and a Resident General shall constitute ABAKI a competent : Alliance des Bakiga Executive Council to prepare a budget to ABESCsubmit: Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la a to the Minister of Colonies for implementing Suppression des Castes SURJUDP RQ SXEOLF ZRUNV FRQWUROOLQJ DQG VXSHUYLVLQJ ACR the native : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda policy. ADP The Resident : Alliance Démocratique Peuples General shall enjoy des direct relations with the ADR Minister : Alliance pour la Démocratie et of Colonies; the Governor Generallaof Congo shall Réconciliation Nationale be responsible for the two Residents. AEC The Resident : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières shall be responsible for territorial AFDL administration : Alliancewith des aForces pour la help ofDémocratiques territorial services divided Libération du Congo-Zaïre LQWRVHYHUDOGHSDUWPHQWV DGPLQLVWUDWLRQSXEOLFZRUNV AGOA KHDOWKÀQDQFHFLYLOVHUYLFH : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 All the$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP departments of the Resident shall enjoy “regular AIMO VXSSRUWRIWKH:DWXVLµEHFDXVHRIWKHLU´LQQDWHVNLOOVDV : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER IDUDVWDNLQJFRPPDQGVµDVIDUDVWKH.LQJLVFRQFHUQHG : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine These collaborators Rwandaise shall be trained and remunerated. 7KLVLVZKDWWKH1\DQ]D6FKRROZDVWDVNHGWRGRVLQFHLWV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda re-opening in 1919. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel The Minister was supposed respect and use traditional AMR : Association destoMoniteurs du Rwanda political whose recognized legitimacy was based on AMUR structures : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda history. He had this to say: ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition It was not a question of tampering with political (Transitional National Assembly) institutions under the pretext of equality. We feel that the APADEC Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Watusi: were established since time immemorial, they are APR intelligent : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and are a capable people and we will respect APROBAMI : Association this state of affairs119 des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais 7KH0LQLVWHUGHYHORSHGDFRORQLDOFKDUWHUWKDWZDVVSHFLÀFWRWKH APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes WHUULWRU\XQGHUWKHPDQGDWHWKDWEHVWRZHGWRLWDVSHFLÀFOHJDO APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la status. The charter facilitated the occupation of the new territory Masse at minimum cost in terms of manpower and money. In practice, ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la WKH NLQJ DSSRLQWHG FKLHIV LQ WKH UHJLRQ DV WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW Démocratie authorities who handled all matters regarding Europeans, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des including the organization of carrying equipment, constructing Droits deand l’Homme and maintaining roads, collecting taxes. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 119 Franck L., Le Congo belge, t.1, La renaissance du livre, Bruxelles, 1931. Démocratique des Batwa 238 238 v 7KHFKRLFHRIXVLQJWKH7XWVLDVSDUWQHUVZDVMXVWLÀHGRQWKHEDVLV ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS RI UDFLDO DUJXPHQWV ,QÁXHQFHG E\ PLVVLRQDULHV WKH %HOJLDQV ___________________________________ described the royal class and Tutsi aristocracy with contradictory GRXEOHVWDQGDUGV 7KH ÀUVW VWDQGDUG UHSURGXFHG WKH +DPLWLF A.A. : Archives Africaines P\WKEDVHGRQSVHXGRVFLHQWLÀFGHWDLOVRIDQWKURSRORJLFDODQG A.G. : Assemblée Générale ethnographical features of the Tutsi, Hutu, and Twa. This myth ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ZDVUHSURGXFHGLQPDQ\RIÀFLDOWH[WVHVWDEOLVKLQJVWHUHRW\SHV ABESC : Association Evoluant pour la The that were trasmitted from des one Bahutu administrator to another. Suppression Castes reality based on daily second standard gave a lessdes attractive ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda experiences. ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples According to this stereotype, Tutsi were at et best ADR : Alliance pourthe la Démocratie la a noble class that originatedRéconciliation from Asia andNationale who made a long stop-over in Pharaonic Egypt. All descriptions of Tutsi chiefs made reference AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières to their slender features, tall height, diplomatic qualities, and AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour lathe talent in military command. These Démocratiques qualities distinguished du Congo-Zaïre Tutsi from theirLibération Hutu servants. The subordination of the latter AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act originated from their moral character and the servant-master relationship emerging from the Tutsi ownership of cattle. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 5ZXEXVLVL DQG 5ZDJDWDUDND ZHUHet 7XWVL SURWRW\SHV 7KH 7XWVL AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre WULXPSKRIWKHVGLVVHPLQDWHGWKHSVHXGRVFLHQWLÀFUDFLVW AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine character. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel The Hutu formed a group of the Bantu considered to be defeated AMR They never : Association des similar Moniteurs du of Rwanda people. had qualities to those their masters. AMURdescription : Association auofRwanda Their conformeddes to aMusulmans classic picture the Negro. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition On the other hand, the Twa were devoid Assembly) of any form of humanity. (Transitional National They did not have a good code of conduct and were cruel by nature. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien They executed orders of their masters. The annual report of the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Nyanza Territory of 1925 described them in the following terms: APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais An old and worn-out race facing extinction, the Mutwa APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes « KDV D VRPDWLF FKDUDFWHU SURSHUO\ GHÀQHG VKRUW APROSOMA : Association pour laKDLU\ Promotion Sociale de la WKH EURDGEDFNHG PXVFXODU HVSHFLDOO\ DURXQG FKHVWUHJLRQZLWKDQDSHOLNHIDFHDQGDGLVWLQFWÁDWIDFH Masse DQGDÁDWQRVHWKDWFRPELQHVWKHJHQHUDOSK\VLFDOWUDLWV ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la RIWKHPRQNH\ZLWKREVHVVLRQIRUIRUHVWV Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des From this assessment, leadership went to the Tutsi. Hard, Droits de l’Homme SDLQIXOWDVNVZHUHJLYHQWRWKH+XWXZKRVKDUHGZLWKWKH7ZD AREDETWA : Association poursin. le Relèvement the consequences of the original Démocratique des Batwa 239 v 239 This racial discrimination unacceptable to all people. This ACRONYMSwas AND ABBREVIATIONS was not the image that the aristocracy held about itself. They ___________________________________ believed power rotated around the royal authority and the elite IURPDOOUDFHVZHUHDOZD\VLQFRPSHWLWLRQ5ZDQGD·VIRONWDOHVGR A.A. : Archives Africaines QRWPHQWLRQDQ\VXSHULRUUDFH2QO\WKHNLQJZDVSRUWUD\HGDV A.G. : Assemblée Générale exceptional and as playing special roles. This function elevated ABAKI Allianceethnicity; des Bakiga the monarch :beyond he was seen as a charismatic 120 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pouranother la ruler. Other cultural institutions and proverbs gave Suppression des Castes view of the ethnic factor. The Tutsi protagonist and the Hutu ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZHUHUHSUHVHQWHGDORQJVLPLODUOLQHV,QIRONWDOHVWKH+XWXZHUH represented as people who had newly succeeded and who were ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples needy and experienced. The Tutsi were portrayed ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la as members of the “nobility,Réconciliation discrete and grateful.” NationaleThe Twa were referred to as “naïve, stupid and cruel.” Such derogatory perceptions AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières ZHUH OLNHO\ WR KDYH RULJLQDWHG IURP WKH SROLWLFDO FRQWH[W RI WKH AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la ethnic radicalization that coincided with the extension of Tutsi du Congo-Zaïre power from theLibération middle of the 19th Century. Rwandan proverbs AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity expressed helped to translate aspects of social life, Act but they can QRWEHWDNHQDVLUUHIXWDEOHSURRIRIGLYLVLRQDQGKDWUHGEHWZHHQ $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP Hutus and Tutsis. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The history of social relations between Rwandans cannot be RYHUVLPSOLÀHG Rwandaise WR D +XWX7XWVL7ZD GLYLGH 6XFK GLYLVLRQV LI ALIR : Armée de not Libération dutoRwanda they ever existed, could have led the establishment of AM/AP : Arrêtécommunity. ministériel/Indeed, Arrêté présidentiel a united national while socio-cultural differences between regions des and Moniteurs groups cannot denied, there AMR : Association du be Rwanda also existed many factors of commonality, such as language, AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda UHOLJLRXVSUDFWLFHVFRPPRQKDELWDWFODQQHWZRUNZDUVDJDLQVW ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition QHLJKERULQJNLQJGRPVDQGDIHHOLQJRISDWULRWLVP,IWKH´SUHPLVH (Transitional National Assembly) of inequality”121HYHUH[LVWHGLWZDVOLQNHGWRKLVWRULFIDFWRUVEXW APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien not to static congenital criteria or even to the criterion of cowAPR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ownership. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes :HFDQORRNWRWKHH[DPSOHRI.LQ\DJDWRLOOXVWUDWHWKLVSRLQW Rwandais 7KHHPHUJHQFHRIWKHHWKQLFGLYLGHLQ.LQ\DJDGDWHVDVIDUEDFN APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes as the second half of the 19th Century, when the Hutu and APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Tutsi lived together for a long time.122 Before the arrival of chiefs Masse appointed by the royal court, emphasis was put on clan groups ARD : Alliance pour leThis Renforcement la regions or neighboring communities. was true ofdeother Démocratie Crepeau, P. and Bizimana, S.,Proverbes du Rwanda, INRS, Tervuren, 1980. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 121 Maquet, J.J., Le système des relations sociales dans le Rwanda ancien, Tervuren, Droits de l’Homme MRAC, 1954. 122 Newbury C., The cohesion of oppression. century of clientship in Kinyaga, AREDETWA : Association pour le ARelèvement Rwanda, Madison, University of Wisconsin, 1975. Démocratique des Batwa 120 240 240 v such as Bumbogo, the northern region, and other territories ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS where power belonged to the lineage and not to external factors ___________________________________ connected with the court. It was the Rwandan royal court and the that imposed the predominance of Tutsi A.A.colonial machine : Archives Africaines chiefs. A.G. ABAKI b. End ABESC : Assemblée Générale des Bakiga of: Alliance the traditional monarchy : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression The process that led to the des endCastes of the traditional monarchy ACR with a: series Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda started of measures that targeteddu it. In 1917, King 0XVLQJD ZDV: VHULRXVO\ DWWDFNHG E\ DXWKRULWLHV RI WKH PLOLWDU\ ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples occupation. In the same year, the administration ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et laconcentrated, among other things, on the terrible Rumanura famine. It was Réconciliation Nationale necessary to solve this calamity with the help of the Catholic AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières Missions, the only organizations present in the country at that AFDL : Alliancehad desleft Forces la time. The Protestants with Démocratiques the Germans. Atpour the same Libération duthe Congo-Zaïre time, the relations between colonial authorities and King AGOA : African Growth Musinga’s court were very poor. and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP After the imprisonment of King Musinga, the legal proceedings AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre against his entourage were suspended pending the AJER him :and Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine DUULYDO RI 0DMRU 'HFOHUFN 7KH ODWWHU FDPH ZLWK LQVWUXFWLRQV WR Rwandaise handle and solve the matter.123 As soon as he arrived in Rwanda, ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 0DMRU 'HFOHFN FRQGXFWHG DQ LQTXLU\ FRQFOXGLQJ WKDW WKH .LQJ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel of Rwanda was innocent. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The hypothetical poison affair led to the arrest of the King of Rwanda by the occupying authorities followed by a legal ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition LQYHVWLJDWLRQ7KLVSURYHGWREHWKHHQGRIVRYHUHLJQW\IRUWKHNLQJ (Transitional National Assembly) of Rwanda and demonstrated painful relations that existed APADEC : Association duthe Parti Démocrate Chrétien between the royal court and the Belgian soldiers. Later on, other APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise measures that progressively undermined the foundation of the APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes traditional Kingdom of Rwanda were put in place. The most Rwandais LPSRUWDQWPHDVXUHVWDNHQZHUHDVIROORZV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion la ¾ Suppression of the right to life andSociale death de (1917) Masse 7KH ÀUVW PHDVXUH WDNHQ E\ le WKH 5R\DO &RPPLVVDU ARD : Alliance pour Renforcement de la ZKR ZDV ZRUNLQJ LQ WDQGHP ZLWK WKH PHWURSROLV JRYHUQPHQW ZDV WR Démocratie remove the unconditional right over life and property from ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des traditional leaders. The right of justice (jus gladii) was reserved Droits de l’Homme 123 Marzorati, Notes by the Royal Commissar, s. l., n.d, Native politics information AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 0XVLQJD¿OH5ZD S Démocratique des Batwa 241 v 241 IRU WKH %HOJLDQ .LQJ ZKLOH AND WKH LQGLJHQRXV NLQJ UHPDLQHG ZLWK ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS mere titles and honors. King Musinga was fully aware of their ___________________________________ intentions. He and his mother were not moved by this measure. Their unexpected demotion reminded them of the A.A. abrupt :and Archives Africaines happy days of German protection and led to their desire to A.G. : Assemblée Générale KDYHLWEDFN7KLVPDUNHGWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDVLOHQWEXWFXQQLQJ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga resistance which led, fourteen days later, to the deposition of the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la NLQJDQGKLVEDQLVKPHQW5HDFWLQJWR0DMRU'HFOHUFNZKRFDPH Castes WR UHPRYH WKLVSuppression IXQGDPHQWDO des ULJKW IURP WKH NLQJ WKH 5ZDQGDQ ACR : Association Rwanda supreme royal leader is saiddes to Cultivateurs have declared:du “Since I can no ORQJHUNLOODV,ZLVK,GRQRWGHVHUYHWREHNLQJDQ\PRUHµ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ADR AEC : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la ¾ Declaration of freedom of worship (July 1917) Réconciliation Nationale : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières In -XO\WKHUHZDVDELJPHHWLQJEHWZHHQ0DMRU'HFOHUFN AFDL : Alliance des represented Forces Démocratiques and the Catholic Church, by the Mgr pour Hirth,lahis Libération du Congo-Zaïre 9LFDU*HQHUDODQG)DWKHU&ODVVH2QWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHUHOLJLRXV AGOA King : Musinga African Growth and to Opportunity leaders, was obliged declare the Act existence of IUHHGRPRIZRUVKLSLQKLVNLQJGRPDVVWDWHGLQWKH:HVWHUQOHJDO $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP code. In reality, this act was aimed stopping the monopoly AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et at Main-d’oeuvre enjoyed traditional religion. Any contravention of this act AJER by the: Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine by traditional leaders would result in legal proceedings. This law Rwandaise EHQHÀWHGWKH&DWKROLF0LVVLRQDULHVDVWKHRQO\UHOLJLRXVJURXS ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda on the ground. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR ¾ Undermining : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Mwami’s judicial powers (1992) AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda 7KH LGHRORJ\Nationale SHUSHWXDWHG VSHFLILF WHUPLQRORJ\ ANT PRQDUFKLFDO : Assemblée de D Transition designed to stress that .LQJ ZDV WKHAssembly) PRVW LPSRUWDQW KXPDQ (Transitional National ILJXUH D PDQ RI LQWHJULW\ DQG Nyamugirubutangwa (someone APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien who cannot be contradicted). His orders and decisions ZHUH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ERWK IDLU DQG ILQDO DQG KLV GHFLVLRQV ZHUH ZLWKRXW DSSHDO In APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 1922, however, it was decided in discharging his judicial responsibilitiesRwandais that .LQJ would be assisted by a delegate sent APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes IURPWKHRIILFHRIWKH5HVLGHQWLQ1\DQ]D APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la ¾ Limitation Masse of King Musinga’s powers to make political nominations (1923) ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ,Q.LQJ0XVLQJDZDVQRWLÀHGWKDWKHZDVSURKLELWHGIURP ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des PDNLQJDSSRLQWPHQWVRUUHYRNLQJWKHDSSRLQWPHQWRIFKLHIVRU de l’Homme notables whoseDroits command originated from the court. Provincial AREDETWA : Association pour or le Relèvement chiefs could no longer appoint remove their subordinates Démocratique des Batwa 242 242 v ZLWKRXW SULRUACRONYMS LQVWUXFWLRQ IURP RIÀFH RI WKH 5HVLGHQFH 7KH ANDWKH ABBREVIATIONS extent of this ___________________________________ decision had serious consequences. The Belgian DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ EHFDPH WKH ÀQDO VRXUFH RI SRZHU &KLHIV DQG sub-chiefs were no longer responsible to King Musinga, but A.A. : Archives Africaines instead were subordinates of the administration. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI ¾Abolition : Alliance des Bakiga of “Ubwiru” and “Ubuganura” in 1925 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la des Castes decided to banish In 1925, theSuppression Belgian administration ACR : Association des Rwanda Gashamura, the chairman of theCultivateurs Abiru esotericdu code, to Gitega, Burundi. He was accused of opposing development projects and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples RIH[HUFLVLQJ´XQOLPLWHGSRZHUVWRLQÁXHQFH.LQJ0XVLQJDµ,Q ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la colonial and missionary literature, Gashamura is portrayed as Réconciliation Nationale a great medicine man and sorcerer. He was different from his AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières son Rwampungu, who was admitted to the school for sons of AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la chiefs in Nyanza. His son was baptized by the Catholic Church Libération du Congo-Zaïre in 1928. By deporting Gashamura, the Abiru institution was left AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act with no more :successors. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP ¾Musinga’s depositionet Main-d’oeuvre AIMO : Affaires Indigènes AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The fall of the traditional monarchy was characterized by the Rwandaise loss of its principal ideology and judicial power and the removal ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda from the monarch the powers to appoint or remove chiefs. Under AM/AP rule, :Queen ArrêtéMother ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel German Kanjongera and her brothers could AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda do as they pleased. With thedes arrival of the Belgians, this power AMUR Association des Musulmans Rwandain the was reduced :due to the presence of several au informers court. the chiefs in the royal court to a precarious ANT This subjected : Assemblée Nationale de Transition situation. King(Transitional Musinga complained being constantly spied NationalofAssembly) upon by the Whites and especially by Leenaerts, a delegate APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien IURPWKH2IÀFHRIWKH5HVLGHQWLQ1\DQ]D8VLQJKLVSRVLWLRQDV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise head teacher, Leenaerts used students and teachers in Nyanza APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes School and Rwandans who were opposed to King Musinga’s Rwandais rule as informers. These informers were given protection by the APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes Belgians. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la King Musinga lost all powers before his chiefs because he could Masse no longer physically punish In addition,de any ARD : Alliance pour them. le Renforcement la dismissal RIDFKLHIZDVVXEMHFWWRWKHGHFLVLRQRIWKH5HVLGHQW7KHNLQJ Démocratie resorted to intimidation, but even then his victims complained ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des WRWKH%HOJLDQV7KHGHFOLQHRIUR\DOSRZHUZDVUHÁHFWHGLQWKH Droits de l’Homme GHWHULRUDWLRQRIWKHUR\DOSUHPLVHVLQ1\DQ]D7KHNLQJORVWDELJ AREDETWA pour le was Relèvement fraction of his: Association material wealth and unable to refurbish his Démocratique des Batwa 243 v 243 residence. The services provided by his subjects were reduced ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS as many of his chiefs shifted their allegiance from him. He ___________________________________ received a good monthly salary from Belgian administration. The discount on taxes earned him 7,000 Francs per month. There A.A. : Archives Africaines is little information on the royal court expenditure. According A.G. : Assemblée Générale to administrative reforms of 1962, there were budgetary cuts ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga WKDW DIIHFWHG:DOO MXQLRU FKLHIV ,Q UHWDOLDWLRQ WKH NLQJ GLYHUWHG ABESC : Association des Bahutu la his salary and food to support the chiefsEvoluant who werepour victimized 124 Castes by Europeans. Suppression He used thedes royal tribute to assist those who ACR faithful to : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda were him. This generosity was done du at the expense of repairs palace. King Musinga ADP to the: royal Alliance Démocratique desdivorced Peupleshis wives in DQGWKH\ZHUHKHQFHIRUWKWDNHQFDUHRIE\WKHLUUHVSHFWLYH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la families. In 1927, the BelgianNationale administration obliged him to Réconciliation meet the expenses of his sons. The colonial authority wanted to AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières GLVFRXUDJHKLPIURPPDNLQJGRQDWLRQVWRV\PSDWKL]HUVOLYLQJLQ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Nyanza. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act 7KH PRQDUFK: ZDV UHQGHUHG SRZHUOHVV DV IDU DV ÀQDQFHV DQG other resources were concerned. But the climax of the $,'6economic $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP monarchy’s neutralization was characterized by the neglect and AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre isolation by German administrators at political and AJER conducted : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine DGPLQLVWUDWLYHOHYHOV7KHVLWXDWLRQEHFDPHLQFUHDVLQJO\GLIÀFXOW Rwandaise IRUWKHNLQJDVKHFRXOGQRWDGDSWWRWKHFRORQLDOVLWXDWLRQ7KLV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda ÀQDOO\FXOPLQDWHGLQWKHNLQJ·VGHSRVLWLRQ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda .LQJ0XVLQJD·VGHSRVLWLRQZDVDUHVXOWRIHYHQWVWKDWWRRNSODFH AMUR the :Residence Association des Musulmans au Rwanda between in Kigali and the court, though their succession s : separated byNationale times of de relative calm. The major ANT Assemblée Transition GLIÀFXOW\ ZDV WKH UHGXFWLRQ National RI KLV SRZHUV DQG KLV UHIXVDO WR (Transitional Assembly) UHFRJQL]H WKH %HOJLDQ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH SRZHUV 7KHChrétien NLQJ UHIXVHG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate to respect the role assigned to him as far as his legitimacy was APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise concerned. The Belgian authorities thought of stopping all APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes contact with him from 1922-1929. However, they dropped this Rwandais idea due to local government matters and due to the fact that APROCOMIN: Association des Permanent Commerçants Indigènes they did not want to upset the Commission of the APROSOMA Association la Promotion Sociale de la Mandate and :the League of pour Nations. Masse The annual report of 1928 a big chargedesheet ARD : Alliance pourcarried le Renforcement la against King Musinga Démocratie made by the Governor of Ruanda-Urundi. He was accused of several crimes, including incest, ambition, ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des LQFRPSHWHQFH DQG ODFN RI UHVSRQVLELOLW\ 0RVW RI WKH FKDUJHV Droits de l’Homme 124 Résidence du Rwanda, Rapport politique 1929 du territoire de Nyanza, AREDETWA : Association pourpour le l’année Relèvement A.A. Bruxelles. Démocratique des Batwa 244 244 v rotated around moral crimes. Consequently, the report proposed ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS his deposition. As they waited for the decision from Brussels, ___________________________________ it was decided that the King’s allowances be reduced. Brussels refused the proposition two reasons: A.A. : Archivesfor Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale The advantages of indirect rule: it was still necessary ABAKI Alliance des Bakiga to: use the prestige of the royal court to implement ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la administrative orders; Suppression des Castes Diplomatic constraints: it was seen as a serious ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda PLVWDNH WR DEROLVK DQ LQVWLWXWLRQ V\PEROL]LQJ indirect rule. The Permanent of the ADP : Alliance Démocratique desCommission Peuples Mandatory Powers insisted on respecting this type ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la of institution; its abolition would be perceived badly Réconciliation Nationale in Geneva, Germany, and Great Britain. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Equally important however was King Musinga’s grievances Libération du Congo-Zaïre DJDLQVW WKH %HOJLDQV $OWKRXJK QR ZLWQHVV WHVWLÀHG RQ KLV AGOAthere were : African Growth and Opportunity Act side, reports and witnesses of administrators and missionaries expressing his bitterness and anger. King Musinga $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP refused to recognize the authority et of Main-d’oeuvre the delegate appointed by AIMO : Affaires Indigènes WKH5HVLGHQWWRWKHUR\DOFRXUW$VIDUDVWKHNLQJZDVFRQFHUQHG AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine the delegate of the Resident was supposed to be equivalent to a Rwandaise VHQLRU FKLHI 7KH NLQJ regarded him as his subordinate as the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda delegate continued to adopt a paternalistic attitude toward the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel NLQJ AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The function of the Resident’s delegate was maintained and even reinforced. Leanaerts, the successor Defawe, doubled as ANT : Assemblée Nationale of dethe Transition Chief of Nyanza Territory andNational head teacher of Nyanza School. (Transitional Assembly) His grievences with King Musinga were numerous, although at APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien ÀUVWKHGLVFKDUJHGKLVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVZLWKWDFWDQGIULHQGVKLS APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise This relationship initiated him to the secrets of the Royal court. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes However, this sympathy was short lived. Out of disgust, the Rwandais FRXUWQLFNQDPHGKLP´Rurenge.” He was accused of interfering APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants in court matters on several occasions, leading Indigènes to 9 years in APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la which King Musinga was victimized and surrounded byde a crowd of spies. The Resident’s Masse delegate became more powerful than the NLQJ KLPVHOI 7KH NLQJ·V VHUYDQWV ZHUH HYHQ UHSODFHG ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la E\ WKRVH who paid homage to the white man in Nyanza. Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des King Musinga protested the appointment of his son Rudahigwa Droits de l’Homme to the chieftaincy of Marangara. He feared it would subject him AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement WREDGLQÁXHQFHE\0JU&ODVVH+HHYHQDVVHUWHGWKDW0JU&ODVVH Démocratique des Batwa 245 v 245 was the KingACRONYMS of Rwanda because all appointments had to be AND ABBREVIATIONS discussed in advance between him and the Resident. ___________________________________ During in August 1929, King Musinga and A.A. the Governor’s : Archivesvisit Africaines the Queen Mother expressed their grievances about the removal A.G. : Assemblée Générale of customary services and rights. They complained about their ABAKI that had : Alliance des Bakiga powers been eroded and about the misunderstandings ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ZLWKWKH%HOJLDQDXWKRULWLHV7KH\UHVHQWHGWKH%HOJLDQVODFNRI 125 desGovernor Castes concluded, “the Royal respect for theirSuppression customs. The ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda institution relied entirely ondes custom and tradition and that the NLQJZDVLQDZD\DVODYHRIWUDGLWLRQEHFDXVHZKDWWKHDQFHVWRUV ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 126 had declared to be respected.” In the eyes ADR :had Alliance pour la Démocratie et laof the colonial authorities, culture and traditional religion were synonymous Réconciliation Nationale with stagnation while the religion of the whites was seen as AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières SURJUHVVLYH 7KH EDFNZDUGQHVV RI WKH FRXQWU\ ZDV DWWULEXWHG AFDL : Alliance des Forces to King Musinga, who through his Démocratiques commitment to pour followlahis Libération duchange, Congo-Zaïre ancestors without accepting gave the impression that AGOA : African with Growth and Opportunity he was not concerned the development of his Act people. This OHGVFRUHVRI5ZDQGDQVWRFRQFOXGHWKDWWKHNLQJGLGQRWFDUH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP DERXW WKHLU SOLJKW 7KHIndigènes *RYHUQRUet VLPSO\ ZDQWHG D NLQJ ZKR AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre would promote colonial goals. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise King Musinga made visits on the ground and violated a cultural ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda prohibition. He crossed River Nyabarongo and went to Kigali to AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel handle matters without consultingArrêté his mother. The Governor AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ZDQWHGWRQHXWUDOL]H.LQJ0XVLQJD·VZLVKHV7KHNLQJDFFHSWHG AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda collaborating :with the Governor, but only as his superior. This SHULRG ZDV EULHI /HQDHUWV DFFXVHGde WKH NLQJ RI LPSDWLHQFH ANT : Assemblée Nationale Transition irregularity, and contempt toward the Resident’s (Transitional National Assembly)delegates. The NLQJ·VGHSRVLWLRQZDVLQHYLWDEOH APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise The process of deposing King Musinga entailed putting pressure APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes on the Ministry of Colonies, which had expressed interest in Rwandais NHHSLQJKLPIRUDGPLQLVWUDWLYHUHDVRQV/RFDODXWKRULWLHVWKXV APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes launched a campaign against King Musinga after consultating 127 APROSOMA pour la Promotion la Mgr Classe. : Association The argument developed by MgrSociale Classe de achieved its objective; Brussels Masse started developing an idea of initiating a OHJDOVXLWDJDLQVWWKHNLQJWRMXVWLI\KLVGHSRVLWLRQ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie ARDHO : Association pour la Défense des 125 Postiaux, Interview notes from 9th Rwandaise to 19th August 1929 between Musinga and his Droits de l’Homme mother Nyirayuhi, C.P./I 126 Ibid. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 127 Essor colonial et maritime, 21-12 and 25-12-1930 Démocratique des Batwa 246 246 v The administration did not want involve the Abiru institution, ACRONYMS AND to ABBREVIATIONS ZKLFKZDVUHJDUGHGDVDQLQVWLWXWLRQRIVRUFHUHUV,WVLQÁXHQFH ___________________________________ KDG WR EH VWRSSHG EXW FDUH KDG WR EH WDNHQ ZLWK WKH FKLHIV ZKRÀUVWKDGWREHFRQVXOWHG7KH\WXUQHGDJDLQVWWKHNLQJIRU A.A. : Archives Africaines fear that the Belgian administration would impose sanctions on A.G. : Assemblée Générale them. King Musinga’s deposition was planned in the following ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga way: ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes *RYHUQRU9RLVLQDUULYHGRQ1RYHPEHU+HQRWLÀHGWKH ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda NLQJDERXWWKHGHFLVLRQWRGHSRVHKLP,QUHDFWLRQWKHNLQJLV said he had been des waiting for that decision ADPto have responded : Alliancethat Démocratique Peuples for along time. An inquisitive mood followed. The ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lateam aware of WKH SODQ ZDV FRPSRVHG RI 9RLVLQ &ODVVH &RXEHDX /DQHDUWV Réconciliation Nationale DQG 5XGDKLJZD ,W ZDV GLIÀFXOW WR LPDJLQH WKDW 5XGDKLJZD D AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières \RXQJPDQZKRZDVIDLWKIXOWRKLVIDWKHUFRXOGKDYHNHSWVXFK AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la a serious secret. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act 14 on Rudahigwa was declared King of Rwanda on November behalf of Belgium and was enthroned on November 16. $,'6 of the King $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP The Abiru were happy their institution remained AIMO : Affairesbecause Indigènes et royal Main-d’oeuvre intact. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise ,WLVKDUGWRNQRZ5ZDQGDQV·RSLQLRQVRIWKLVHYHQW7KHSRSXODWLRQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda GLG QRW UHDFW WR WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW RI WKH NLQJ·V GHSRVLWLRQ AM/AP to : Kabgayi Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel 128 According Mission Diary, Rwandans and their AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda NLQJ H[SUHVVHG D IHHOLQJ RIdes UHVLJQDWLRQ 6RPH SHRSOH VDLG WKH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda SRSXODWLRQGLGQRWUHDFWEHFDXVHWKHNLQJ·VVRQZDVHQWKURQHG 2WKHUV LQÁXHQFHG E\ WKH DQWL0XVLQJD EODPHG .LQJ ANT : Assemblée Nationale deFDPSDLJQ Transition Musinga for refusing to come to termsAssembly) with the Belgians. He (Transitional National refused to join the Catholic religion because he was very much APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien attached to the Germans. Others claimed King Musinga was APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise betrayed by his own relatives. The administration gave an order APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes WRIROORZWKHQHZNLQJDQGWKH5ZDQGDQVDFFHSWHG7KRVHZKR refused to obeyRwandais were threatened with consequences.129 APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA Association pour la Promotion de laThe The happiest :group in this arrangement was theSociale Christians. 130 Missionary campaign Masse insisted on King Musinga’s illegitimacy, i.e. Musinga’s unfaithfulness the Belgians ARD : Alliance pour vis-à-vis le Renforcement de and la his antiChristian stance. Outside the Kingdom, no reaction was noted. Démocratie ARDHO Rwandaise pour la Défense des 128 Kabgayi Diary :ofAssociation 16th November 1931. 129 Droits de l’Homme Rwamagana Diary of 14th November 1931. 130 A campaign reproduced by Gishoma Thaddee, a former senior seminarian: the fall AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement of Musinga, Derscheid papers. Démocratique des Batwa 247 v 247 No embassy of the Western AND world,ABBREVIATIONS not even Geneva, was moved ACRONYMS by King Musinga’s deposition! ___________________________________ Far a simple affair, King Musinga’s deposition A.A. from being : Archives Africaines became an important event in the history of Rwanda. The A.G. : Assemblée Générale colonial authority wanted to purge the royal institution of its ABAKIclaims :toAlliance desitsBakiga divine power and cultural and historical claims. The ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la GHSRVLWLRQRIWKHNLQJDLPHGDWPDNLQJWKHODWWHUUHVSRQVLEOHWR Suppressionstructure des Castes the colonial administrative by assigning him duties ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda supervised by: Belgian civil servants. The deposition also aimed DW PDNLQJ WKH NLQJ D FRPPRQ PDQ DQG VRPHRQH ZLWK D ADP : Alliance Démocratique desQRW Peuples 131 divine right to rule the Rwandan people. King ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Rudahigwa’s HQWKURQHPHQW Réconciliation WHVWLÀHG D ZLOOLQJQHVV NationaleWR FRQVHUYH WKH UR\DO NLQJGRPDVDSROLWLFDODQGFXOWXUDOLQVWLWXWLRQWKDWZRXOGXVKHU AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières the entire country under colonial rule. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre $IWHUWKHFHUHPRQ\RIHQWKURQHPHQW*RYHUQRU9RLVLQGHFUHHGD AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act VHULHVRIUHIRUPVUHJDUGLQJWKHNLQJ6HUYLFHVUHQGHUHGLQNLQG were replaced$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP by an annual deduction of 1 Franc to be levied as $,'6 WD[ 7KH FKLHIV ZHUH WRIndigènes JLYH FRZV WR NLQJ LQ RUGHU WR DYRLG AIMO : Affaires et WKH Main-d’oeuvre PLON FRQÁLFWV: LQ WKH UR\DOde FRXUW 7KHVH UHIRUPV ZHUH PDGH WR AJER Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine JLYHWKHNLQJERWKHFRQRPLFDQGPDWHULDOHPSRZHUPHQWVRDVWR Rwandaise ensure his self-reliance vis-à-vis his chiefs. ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda AM/APd. Administrative : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel reorganization AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR des Musulmans au Rwanda The process :ofAssociation Belgian colonial administration was gradual. It started as :soon as the Belgians in the country and ANT Assemblée Nationalearrived de Transition ended with natives becoming docile civilAssembly) servants who supported (Transitional National European administration. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 131 Musinga died in Kitendwe district in Tanganyika in Baudoinville Territory on 25th Rwandais December 1944. He was bunished theredes by the ordinance of 18th June 1940. In a letter APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes by Jungers, the Vice Governor General, to King Rudahigwa of 12th February 1945, he APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la DI¿UPHGWKDWWKH'LVWULFW&RPPLVVDULQ$OEHUWYLOOHKDGWROGKLPWKDW.LQJ0XVLQJD Masse died if bronchitis which developed into pneumonia and that he left no will. He only left behind some kitchen utensils andpour some garments. The family leftde behind ARD : Alliance le Renforcement la by Musinga ZDVPDGHRIWZHQW\SHRSOH ¿YHZLYHVQLQHFKLOGUHQDQGVL[VHUYDQWV 5XGDKLJZD Démocratie was authorized to exhume the remains of his father and to repatriate them home. On ARDHO Association Rwandaise pour la to Défense 2nd July 1946, the :exhumation of Musinga’s body was announced take placedes on 30th l’Homme July 1946. This dateDroits was alsode postponed to 15th June 1947. Thereafter, nothing was said about this matter. Mystery still pour surrounds fate of the remains of Musinga AREDETWA : Association le the Relèvement (Archives Africaines, Brussels, dossier n° RWA (1)21). Démocratique des Batwa 248 248 v 7KH ÀUVW PHDVXUH E\ WKHAND FRORQLDO DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ ZDV WKH ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS deposition of chiefs “who demonstrated a retrogressive character ___________________________________ and who refused to abandon their arbitrary procedures of 132 administration.” This measure was announced in 1924. The A.A. : Archives Africaines IROORZLQJ\HDU PDUNHG WKH RIÀFLDO IRUPXODWLRQ RI D SROLF\ WR EH A.G. : Assemblée Générale implemented by the colonial authority regarding chiefs and ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga and reinforcing customary sub-chiefs. This entaileddes recognizing ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la authority, implementing “respectable” customs,pour replacing Suppression des and Castes stubborn chiefs and sub-chiefs those who were abusing ACR and gradually : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda power, replacing all “dead wood” by educated 133 people. In 1924, theseDémocratique reforms underwent revisions and were ADP : Alliance des Peuples 134 later adopted. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale The complexity of the organizational chart of Rwanda’s traditional AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières authority is seen in the number of junior and senior chiefs AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la maintained. Under the reign of King Rwabugiri, the country was Libération Congo-Zaïre divided into two provincesdu (prefectures) with a royal palace as AGOA : African andresponsible Opportunity the headquarters; the Growth palace was forAct channeling 135 all regional services. Some border-areas were exempted from $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP providing services because they were concerned with military AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre service. AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise Two civil servants collected taxes (Ikoro): the chief of pastures ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda (Umutware w’umukenke) collected pastoral taxes and the land AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel chief (Umutware w’ubutaka) collected taxes on food items. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda 7KLVDUUDQJHPHQWZDVPRGLÀHGE\WKHVHGHQWDU\QDWXUHRIWKH AMUR Association des Musulmans Rwanda Nyanza court :under King Musinga. All servicesau were carried out in Nyanza, but this was conceived as de forced labor by people in ANT : Assemblée Nationale Transition peripheral regions. (Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Below the province, there was another small division called APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Igikingi/ Ibikingi. Long ago, the Ibikingi were related to pastures. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes By extension, the word came to mean a command-base of Rwandais one or more village hills (collines in French). According to A. APROCOMIN: Association des Indigènes Kagame, there were two types of Commerçants Ibikingi. There was the Igikingi APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale de that depended on the war pour chief (Umutware w’ingabo) andlathat PHW WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV Masse RI FRZ SDVWXUHV 9LOODJHV collines) were scattered. The royal court was interested inde having people ARD : Alliance pour le not Renforcement la with big pieces of land as this would threaten the power of central Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour labelge, Défense des 132 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration 1924, p.7. 133 Droits de l’Homme Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration belge, 1925, p.64. 134 Ibid, 1927, p.37. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 135 Kagame, A, op, cit., p.184. Démocratique des Batwa 249 v 249 authority. There were also royal (Imisozi y’ibwami) for ACRONYMS AND enclaves ABBREVIATIONS WKHSHUVRQDOVHUYLFHRIWKHNLQJ7KLVVXEGLYLVLRQZDVXQNQRZQ ___________________________________ in regions where lineage organization was dominant. These LQFOXGHG DUHDV OLNH %\XPED *LVHQ\L 5XKHQJHUL 1RUWKHUQ A.A. : Archives Africaines Kigali, and parts of Cyangugu. Here, land ownership depended A.G. : Assemblée Générale RQWKHÀUVWRFFXSDQWDQGQRWRQH[WHUQDOSROLWLFDODXWKRULW\ ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC of traditional : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la the Reforms administration started in 1926 with Suppression des Castes abolition of the system of three chiefs. This had a profound ACR on social : Association du Rwanda impact relations.des TheCultivateurs former authoritarian system offered a possibility ofDémocratique choosing between several protectors ADP : Alliance des Peuples (chiefs), but this was abolished in favor of a single ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la chief. This system penalized the most vulnerable social classes. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières By abolishing the system of three chiefs, the colonial authority AFDL : Alliance the des Forces la wanted to simplify politicalDémocratiques administrative pour process. du Congo-Zaïre The Belgians Libération were convinced the traditional structure was AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act SUREOHPDWLFDQGIRXQGLWGLIÀFXOWWRPDQDJHPDQ\DXWKRULWLHV The aim of the colonial administration was to administer the $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP country according to European administration standards so as AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre WRDFKLHYHDGPLQLVWUDWLYHHIÀFLHQF\ AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Before 1922, the administration appointed a notable (chef Rwandaise d’akazi) who recruited carriers of equipment and providers of ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda free labor. This chief was appointed on regional level to carry out AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel administrative instructions. This new system established a more AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda VLPSOLÀHGFKDLQRIFRPPDQG AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The responsible for appointing and dismissing ANT Resident: was Assemblée Nationale de Transition RIÀFHUV DW DOO OHYHOV 7KH NLQJ RQO\ LQWHUYHQHG IRU FHUHPRQLDO (Transitional National Assembly) DSSURYDO7KHQHZDGPLQLVWUDWLYHV\VWHPZDVLQWHQGHGWRÀJKW APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the absenteeism of senior chiefs, who were obliged by custom APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise to stay at the royal court most of the time. The duration of their APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes stay at the palace was reduced to 15 days per year. Rwandais APROCOMIN: desend Commerçants Indigènes The “Mortehan Association reform” put an to the traditional system of APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale dealasubthree chiefs and created a pour structure of chieftaincy and FKLHIWDLQF\ VXSHUYLVHG Masse DQG HQIRUFHG E\ *RYHUQRU 9RLVLQ 7KLV reform was pursued until the deposition ARD : Alliancefrom pour1929 le Renforcement de la of King 0XVLQJD ,W KDG WKH HIIHFW RI PDQDJLQJ WKH WHUULWRU\ HIÀFLHQWO\ Démocratie and sensitizing the entire population on political matters. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Droitsatde l’Homme There were reforms the Igikingi level. The Igikingi consisted AREDETWA : Association pour lebyRelèvement of a hill or part of a hill covered homesteads. The Belgian Démocratique des Batwa 250 250 v administration believed thatAND divisions at the Igikingi level were ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS GRQHEDGO\,QWKHNLQJDEDQGRQHGWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRI ___________________________________ new Ibikingi. All Ibikingi that had fallen vacant due to the death 136 of their owners or otherwise were to be attached to a subA.A. : Archives Africaines chieftaincy. In 1930, the Resident abolished Ibikingi divisions A.G. : Assemblée Générale DQGWKRVHZKRZHUHEHQHÀWLQJIURPWKHPVXEFKLHIVDQG ABAKI Alliance desremoved. Bakiga the owners of:Ibikingi were ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes started a policy of In the meantime, the administration ACR : Association destoCultivateurs du Rwanda combining chieftaincies so as include neighboring territorial sub-divisions. The objective of this policy was to have the ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples provincial chief as “the centre of genuine decentralization of ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 137 power. The administration composed of sub-chieftaincies Réconciliationwas Nationale of at least 100 tax payers. This number later increased to 300. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières In some areas, the initiative of exchanging territories was left to AFDL : Alliance des Démocratiques pour la of the notables themselves. In Forces other cases, a massive removal 138 Libération du Congo-Zaïre FKLHIVWRRNSODFHIURPWR leading to the grouping of AGOA territories. : African Opportunity Act several The Growth removal and of many lines of command and the decision that chiefs should stay in their chieftaincies helped $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP to achieve the desired of colonial authorities. AIMO : Affairesgoals Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 7KHWHUULWRULDOUHRUJDQL]DWLRQDQGVLPSOLÀFDWLRQRIWKHKLHUDUFK\ Rwandaise led to the problem of existing Ubuhake contracts. Someone could ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda become a client of a notable under the arrangement of Ubuhake, AM/AP : Arrêté Arrêtétoprésidentiel but also a subject of ministériel/ another according the administrative AMR : The Association Moniteurs du Rwanda arrangement. notablesdes were always forced to exchange AMUR commands : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda political and servants. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The reorganization was completed by the end of 1933. (Transitional National Assembly) Consequently, there were 65 provincial chiefs exercising APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien authority over an average of 5,500 tax-payers, and 1,043 subAPR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise chiefs whose jurisdictions had an average of 343 tax payers. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Divisional groupings continued, but at a low rate. In 1938, there Rwandais were 56 chiefs and 860 sub-chiefs, in 1947, there were 51 chiefs APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes and 625 sub-chiefs, and in 1959, there were 55 chiefs and 559 APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la sub-chiefs. Masse The new political organization to the monopoly of power by ARD : Alliance pour leled Renforcement de la the Tutsi. It reinforced ethnic identity through the extension of Démocratie ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 136 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration belge, 1926, p.67 137 Ibid, 1927, p. 37.Droits de l’Homme 138 10 chiefs and 316 sub-chiefs were dismissed top of King Musinga, in otherwords AREDETWA : Association pour leonRelèvement more than half of those who existed before the re-organisation. Démocratique des Batwa 251 v 251 Tutsi authority and aristocracy regions where it was never ACRONYMS AND to ABBREVIATIONS before recognized. Many Hutu chiefs and sub-chiefs were ___________________________________ thrown out, not because they were incompetent but due to their HWKQLFLW\,WLVGLIÀFXOWWRNQRZKRZPDQ\+XWXZHUHGLVPLVVHG A.A. : Archives Africaines but during the 1929 reform, no Hutu were retained. Those few A.G. : Assemblée Générale who remained met in remote areas where Tutsi presence was ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga 139 LQVLJQLÀFDQW ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes a. End of local and autonomous political entities ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda the administrative At the end of: the 19th Century, ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuplesstructure of 5ZDQGDZDVDQXFOHXVXQGHUWKHGLUHFWUXOHRIWKHNLQJDQGKLV ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la court. The peripheral areas were under the nominal supervision Réconciliation Nationale RIFKLHIVDSSRLQWHGE\WKHNLQJ7KHUHZHUHDUHDVZKHUHFHQWUDO AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières JRYHUQPHQWH[HUFLVHGLWVLQÁXHQFHEXWZLWKRXWHIIHFWLYHFRQWURO AFDL : des Forces Démocratiques pour la All depended Alliance on the duration of the control of the central Libération Congo-Zaïre JRYHUQPHQW DQG WKH OHYHO du RI LQWHJUDWLRQ LQ WKH NLQJGRP 7KUHH AGOA : African Growth and factors were especially important to Opportunity this control: Act the regional and political organization of the region, its strategic importance $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP and the needs of the central government. Some peripheral areas AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre ZHUHVHPLDXWRQRPRXVHLWKHUEHFDXVHWKHNLQJZLVKHGWKHPWR AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine EHVRVXFKDV%XVR]RDQG%XNXQ]LRUEHFDXVHKHODFNHGWKH Rwandaise PHDQVWRVXEMXJDWHWKHPVXFKDV0XUHUD5XNLJDDQG1GRUZD ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KHLU UHODWLRQV ZLWK WKH UR\DO FRXUW ZHUH GHÀQHG E\ SD\LQJ DQ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel DQQXDOWULEXWHLQNLQG Ikoro). AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR desofMusulmans Rwanda According to: Association the rationale the Belgianauadministration, territories were not allowed Nationale to defy the de Rwandan royal authority, ANT : Assemblée Transition though the colonial and native boundaries were not similar. It (Transitional National Assembly) ZDVWKHUHIRUHQHFHVVDU\WRHPEDUNRQDQDGPLQLVWUDWLYHSURFHVV APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien that would synchronize the entire system, putting an end to the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise relative autonomy of these regions. Central royal authority was APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes extended across the entire country. Tutsi notables were appointed Rwandais to replace all local authorities, leading to ethnic divisions on an APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes administrative level. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la 139 Here are two examples of Hutu sub Chiefs who were dismissed: Nkunzuwimye a Masse sub-chief in Rwabutogo Chieftaincy in Gatsibu Territory. He is presented as follows: “a sub-chief who was least impressive the prestigious point view. He was a ARD : Alliance pour from le Renforcement deofla Muhutu who had toDémocratie be supervised in all he asked his subordinates to do” (General Report of Gatsibu 1929, p.24 Derscheid papers). Another sub-chief was from Mutara ARDHO : Association la Défense des in Gabiro Territory: “Muhuku was notRwandaise a bad sub-chief.pour But he was a Muhutu who was Droits dehisl’Homme supposed to be supervised in all actions. He has to feel that he is supervised. This was the same for all the Bahutu who were in key positions” (General report of Gabiro AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 1929, p.29 Derscheid papers). Démocratique des Batwa 252 252 v This expansionist policy was in the north in ACRONYMS ANDimplemented ABBREVIATIONS Murera and Ndorwa, in the northwest in Bushiru, ___________________________________ and in the VRXWKZHVW LQ %XNXQ]L DQG %XVR]R 7KHVH UHJLRQV KDG QHYHU been administered by the royal court. The A.A. directly :occupied ArchivesorAfricaines FRORQLDO DXWKRULW\ VSRNH RI ´UHVWRULQJ UR\DO DXWKRULW\µ LQ WKHVH A.G. : Assemblée Générale regions, though this was false. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association Bahutu Evoluant pour la It was in Murera that the des Belgian administration introduced Suppression Castes a central administration in des 1923. E. Borgers was sent as as ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda DGPLQLVWUDWRURIWKHUHJLRQ+HLPSRVHGÀUPVXSHUYLVLRQRIWKH Europeans and the Tutsi. Appointments supposed to be ADP : Alliance Démocratique deswere Peuples made jointly by the .LQJ and the Resident. He appointed some ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la 7XWVL QRWDEOHVRéconciliation IURP RWKHU UHJLRQV GXH WR LQVXIILFLHQW QXPEHUV Nationale of Tutsis in the northern region; they were referred to as the AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières “imported Tutsi.”140 AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération Congo-Zaïre By the 1920s, the colonial du administration was unable to occupy AGOA : African Growth and OpportunityofAct %XVKLUXEXWWROHUDWHG1\DPDNZDWKHUmuhinza the area.141 Confronted with increased demands imposed by the Belgian $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP colonialists, the royal was by its subjects AIMO : Affairesauthority Indigènes et challenged Main-d’oeuvre who implement de itslaorders. It became impossible to AJERrefused :toAssociation Jeunesse Estudiantine obey the orders of both traditional and colonial administrators. Rwandaise The colonial administration proposed that King Musinga appoint ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda a Tutsi chief approved by the Resident.142 Although the northern AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté and north western regions were under the présidentiel central government, AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKH\GLGQRWREH\WKLVUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ&RQÁLFWVEHWZHHQFODQ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda OLQHDJHVLQ.LEDUL%XVKLUX%XEHUXND%XNRQ\DDQG%XJDUXUD ZHUHVXSSUHVVHGE\WKHQHZDGPLQLVWUDWRUVDQGVHFXULW\RIÀFHUV ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 7KH SDFLI\LQJ SURFHVV WRRN DNational WUDJLF WXUQ LQ VPDOO .LQJGRPV RI (Transitional Assembly) %XNXQ]LDQG%XVR]R7KHHQGRI%XNXQ]L.LQJGRPEHJDQZLWK APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the death of its King Ndagano, who died on March 30, 1923. APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise “Ritual assassinations” followed. The Cyangugu administrator, APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Mr. Keiser, sent a military expedition in April. The expedition Rwandais failed to achieve its goal of subordinating Ndagano’s successors APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes because they were considered to be rebels who refused to APROSOMA Association pour laadministrators, Promotion Sociale de taxes, la recognize the :authority of colonial to pay and to provide Masse laborers. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la The Germans also tried to subdue Ndagano in 1907, 1909 and 1914 Démocratie 140 Newbury M.C., The cohesion, op.cit., p.21, The book evokes “double ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des colonialism” 141 Pauwels M., « LeDroits Bushiru etde sonl’Homme Muhinza ou roiteler hutu », in Annali Lateranensi, 1967, pp.205 322. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 142 Térritoire de Kabaya, rapport politique 1924 et 1F925, collection Derscheid. Démocratique des Batwa 253 v 253 without success. Administrators that Bigirumwera, ACRONYMS AND determined ABBREVIATIONS Ndagano’s brother acting as regent for King Ngoga, would come to ___________________________________ 0LELUL]LDQGPHHW)DWKHU.QROO+HDVNHGKLPWRPHGLDWHIRUKLP and colonial authority. The Catholic priest accepted A.A.the Cyangugu : Archives Africaines the role. He managed to convince Fiolle, the administrator, to A.G. : Assemblée Générale “save” Bigirumwera from the condemnation pronounced by the ABAKICommissar. : Alliance des Bakiga Royal Father Knoll met Bigirumwera and gave him ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la conditions that Bigirumwera accepted. These included returning des expedition, Castes guns captured Suppression during the Keiser giving 50 cows and ACR : Association des Cultivateurs Rwanda 25 francs as tax and for damages for the lossesdu incurred by the FRORQLDOJRYHUQPHQWDQGSURYLGLQJPHQHYHU\GD\WRZRUNLQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples 143 the carpentry the territory. ADR :ofAlliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale A deadline of three days given to Bigirumwera expired without AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières KLPIXOÀOOLQJWKHVHFRQGLWLRQV$GPLQLVWUDWRU)LROOHWKUHDWHQHGWR th th Forces Démocratiques pour la AFDL : Alliance des DWWDFNKLP)URP to 13 April 1924, a new military expedition Libération Congo-Zaïre ZDV VHQW WR %XNXQ]L ZLWKdu WKH VXSSRUW RI &KLHI 5ZDJDWDUDND·V army Bigirumwera andand his Opportunity family managed AGOA(ingabo).: African Growth Actto escape. 7KHDGPLQLVWUDWRUGHFLGHGWRPDNHDSURORQJHGRFFXSDWLRQRIWKH $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP UHJLRQ7KHÀQDOEORZZDVGHDOWWR1GDJDQR·VKRPHRQ0DUFK AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 7KHDGPLQLVWUDWRUDQG&KLHI5ZDJDWDUDNDDFFRPSDQLHG AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine E\ VRPH PHQ DWWDFNHG PHPEHUV RI WKH UR\DO IDPLO\ LQ WKHLU Rwandaise KLGLQJ SODFH DW QLJKW %LJLUXPZHUD·V PRWKHU ZDV NLOOHG DQG ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda WKH\RXQJ1JRJDZDVLQMXUHGDQGWDNHQSULVRQHU%LJLUXPZHUD AM/AP by crossing : ArrêtéRiver ministériel/ escaped Rusizi. Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise $IWHUWKHVHHYHQWV%XNXQ]LZDVJLYHQWR5ZDJDWDUDNDDQG7XWVL AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda sub-chiefs were appointed there beginning in 1926.144 The Mibilizi ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition priests regretted the destruction of Ndagano’s residential house (Transitional National Assembly) but blamed Bigirumwera. Bigirumwera could have avoided war APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien DQGPDVVDFUHVEXWQRWWKHGLVDSSHDUDQFHRIKLVNLQJGRP The submission of Busozodes was less Monarchistes demanding and fewer APROBAMI : Association Partis SHRSOHGLHGWKDQLQ%XNXQ]L7KHVPDOONLQJGRPZDVUXOHGE\ Rwandais .LQJ %XKLJD VRQ RI 1\XQGR GLHG DURXQGIndigènes 8QOLNH APROCOMIN: Association desZKR Commerçants Ndagano and his successors, his court expressed allegiance to APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la the European and missionary administration. However, they did Masse not meet the Cyangugu demand of providing laborers, paying ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 143 Mibilizi Diary May 1924. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 144 1HZEXU\&RSFLW1WH]LPDQD(³/¶DUULYpHGHV(XURSpHQVDX.LQ\DJDHWOD¿Q deetl’Homme des royaumes Hutu Droits du Bukunzi du Busozo”, in Etudes Rwandaises, XII, 1980, pp. 1AREDETWA 29 ; Ntezimana:E., « Cotumes et royaumes hutu du Bukunzi et du Association traditions pour ledes Relèvement Busozo », in Etudes Rwandaises, XII, 1980, pp. 15-35 Démocratique des Batwa 254 254 v taxes, and settling near theAND colonial administration.145 Father ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS Knoll played the same role of mediation but did not succeed in ___________________________________ convincing Buhiga and his son, Bizimana, the effective rulers of Busozo (with :Queen Mother), to accept the audacity of colonial A.A. Archives Africaines authority. In response to this intransigence, a military expedition A.G. : Assemblée Générale was sent to Busozo in March 1924. Although the royal family ABAKI heavy: Alliance Bakigain escaping. suffered losses, it des succeeded ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP $V ZLWK %XNXQ]L WKH H[SHGLWLRQ ZDV IROORZHG E\ D ORQJ Suppression des Castes military occupation until 1926. was also to Chief ACR : Association des Busozo Cultivateurs du given Rwanda 5ZDJDWDUDNDDQGWR7XWVLVXEFKLHIV)DWKHU.QROO·VPHGLDWLRQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples HIIRUWVGLGQRWSUHYHQWWKHVXSSUHVVLRQRIWKHVHVPDOONLQJGRPV ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la and this was not his objective. In the new administrative Réconciliation Nationale IUDPHZRUNWKHH[LVWHQFHRIWKHVHHQFODYHVZKLFKWKH5ZDQGDQ AEC hitherto: Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières court respected, was against the policy of the colonial AFDL : Alliance des Forces pourpower la authority characterized by power Démocratiques centralization and Libération du Congo-Zaïre monopoly by the minority Tutsi. This partly explains the stubborn UHVLVWDQFHRIWKHODVWVPDOO+XWXNLQJGRPVRI5ZDQGD AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act The extension: of royal authority extended in the northeast AIMO Affaires Indigèneswas et Main-d’oeuvre WR DUHDV OLNH 1GRUZD %XEHUXND 5XNLJD DQG %X\DJD 7RZDUG AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine WKH HQG RI WKH V WKHVH NLQJGRPV UHVLVWHG WKH %HOJLDQ Rwandaise cadres. The administration resorted and Tutsi administrative ALIR duauthority, Rwanda the Belgians to repression.: Armée In orderdetoLibération entrench its AM/AP a permanent : Arrêtéadministrative ministériel/ Arrêté created post inprésidentiel Byumba in 1928.146 AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda f. Tutsi political monopoly AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition During the colonial period, one of theAssembly) principle defenders of (Transitional National the Tutsi cause was Mgr Classe. On one hand, he pursued APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien the missionary strategy mentioned above, which consisted of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise converting the ruling class to Christianity. On the other hand, APROBAMI Association Partis Monarchistes he wanted to :implement thedes Tutsi-Hamitic theory. Rwandais In a letter addressed to Mr. Mortehan, the Resident of Rwanda APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes in 1927, Mgr :Classe defended thelaTutsi: APROSOMA Association pour Promotion Sociale de la Masse The Batutsi authority (...) is opposed to that of Musinga ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la (...): currently, if we want to sound practical in the interests Démocratie of the country with the Tutsi youth, we have achieved ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des LQFRPSDUDEOHSURJUHVVDQGWKDWHYHQDOOWKRVHZKRNQRZ Droits de l’Homme 145 Mibilizi diary February 1924. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 146 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration belge, 1928 p.42. Démocratique des Batwa 255 v 255 Rwanda can recognize this ABBREVIATIONS fact (…) the youth have come ACRONYMS AND closer to the Europeans and they fear nothing (except) ___________________________________ the return of the former regime (...), the senior and junior chiefs who have lost their posts (...) are very many. : Archives Africaines A.A. A.G. : Assemblée Générale It is in this context that Mgr. Classe exaggerated the praises of the ABAKIqualities : Alliance des Bakiga innate of the Batutsi and their exceptional intellectual ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la FDSDFLWLHVFRPSDUHGWRWKH%DKXWX7KLVLVDIÀUPHGE\VHYHUDO Suppression des Castes examples in the following statements: “(...) the Batutsi have the ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda NQRZKRZ WDFW DQG WHFKQLTXHV ZKLFK WKH %DKXWX GRQ·W KDYH the more timid. des TheyPeuples still have a sense ADPlatter are :uncouth Allianceand Démocratique RIVHOIFRQÀGHQFHDQGDXWKRULW\ZKLFKFDQHYHQEHVHHQDPRQJ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la FKLOGUHQRIRU\HDUV$VIRUD0XKXWXKHLVKDUGZRUNLQJ Réconciliation Nationale obstinate but less polished”147. AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance Forcesviews Démocratiques pour la In 1922, Mgr Classe helddes contrary from those cited above. Libération du Rwandan Congo-Zaïre He had this to say: “(...) all the population is intelligent. $QGFRQWUDU\WRWKHJHQHUDOLGHDVKHOG,ZRXOGOLNHWRVD\WKDW AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act the Batutsi are generally not more intelligent than the Bahutu $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP « 7KH 0XKXWX LV KDUGZRUNLQJ REVWLQDWH DQG OHVV SROLVKHG AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre But we also see frequently in more serious studies conducted AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine WKDWWKH0XKXWXLVJUDGXDOO\VXUSDVVLQJWKH0XWXWVL/LNHKHUH Rwandaise in Europe, we sometimes observe in colleges that a child from ALIRrural areas : Armée de up Libération du Rwanda the can end by succeeding better than a child 148 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel from town (...)” . AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda It was a sign that what had been before on identities AMUR : Association desanalyzed Musulmans auethnic Rwanda was not as true as demonstrated in the explanations given. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) 6RPH KLVWRULDQV DIÀUP WKDW WKH LQWHUYHQWLRQ RI 0JU &ODVVH LQ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate favor of the Tutsi youth came to contradict the Chrétien experience of APRFRORQLDO JRYHUQPHQW : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKH RI DSSRLQWLQJ WKH %DKXWX DW WKH UDQN APROBAMI : Association desexperience Partis Monarchistes of Batware and Bakarani. This failed because of “the innate incompetence of the Bahutu to lead”. As for others, it was Rwandais because of the Association “opposition of theCommerçants Batutsi”149. The intervention APROCOMIN: des Indigènes by Mgr Classe would havepour prevented the recurrence APROSOMA : Association la Promotion Sociale deoflathis experience and obliged the government to rely on the Batutsi. Masse 7KH%DWXWVLVDLG)DWKHU9DQ2YHUVFKHOGZHUHDEOHWRPDLQWDLQ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la 147 A document, a tale, op. cit, Démocratie 148 Classe, L., « Le Ruanda et ses habitants : organisation, politique, la religion, la ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des famille », in Congo, 1922, p 681. 149 de l’Homme Van Overscheld Droits A., 8Q RGDFLHX[ SDFL¿TXH PJU /HRQ 3DXO &ODVVH DS{WUH GX Rwanda, Namur, 1948, p 105 ; de Lagger, op ; p. 523. Linden, I., Church and AREDETWA : Association pour1959, le Relèvement revolution in Rwanda, Manchester, 1978, pp 161 162 Démocratique des Batwa 256 256 v SRZHUWKDQNVWRWKH&DWKROLF&KXUFK7KHVHDIÀUPDWLRQVDUHQRW ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS founded for two reasons. First of all, there is no documentary ___________________________________ evidence to show that the Bahutu were appointed to posts of UHVSRQVLELOLW\ 6HFRQGO\Africaines WKHVH DIÀUPDWLRQV ZHUH FRQWUDGLFWHG A.A. : Archives by the policy which was implemented at that time, namely A.G. : Assemblée Générale promoting Nyanza graduates to positions of chiefs and subABAKIThe following : Alliance des Bakigareports prove that this policy chiefs. administrative ABESC unchanged. : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour it la was remained Therefore, if this project existed, Suppression never implemented at all. Ondes theCastes other hand, the intervention ACR : Association des in Cultivateurs by Mgr Classe should be seen the context du of aRwanda preparatory campaign to depose KingDémocratique Musinga and indes the Peuples context of the Tutsi ADP : Alliance youth movement; the latter wished to convert ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et lathe Rwandese youth to Christianity. Réconciliation Nationale AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières 7KH $SRVWROLF 9LFDU GLG QRW KLGH KLV UHOLJLRXV VHQWLPHQWV LQ AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques the letter he wrote to Resident Mortehan: “(...) as far pour as welaare Libération du Congo-Zaïre concerned, from the religious point of view, we believe from AGOA : African Growth andisOpportunity Act the most experience that the Mututsi factor the best for us, active, convinced, the most capable, and one who $,'6 the most $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP H[HUWVWKHVWURQJHVWOHDGHUVKLSLQÁXHQFHRQWKHPDVVHV « WKLV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre HIÀFLHQWSHUVRQQHOWKDWLVLQRXUPLGVWZHVKRXOGHPSOR\WKHP AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine in order to develop Rwanda (...)”150. Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KHVH YLHZV KDG D JUHDW LQÁXHQFH 7KH\ UHLQIRUFHG WKH %HOJLDQ AM/AP : Arrêté présidentiel administration in itsministériel/ policy of Arrêté “Tutsinizing” the colonial AMR : Association du to Rwanda administration. By preventingdes the Moniteurs Hutu to accede administrative AMUR : Association desones, Musulmans au administration Rwanda posts, including the very lowest the Belgian as well as the :missionary Catholic Church exacerbated the ethnic ANT Assemblée Nationale de Transition divide in Rwanda. In reality, the Tutsi monopoly (Transitional National Assembly)was restricted because among the 45 existing Tutsi chiefs, only 6 out of 18 clans APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien were represented. The Tutsi lineages of two clans, that is to say the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Nyiginya and the Bega shared 80 % of the entire administrative APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes posts. The remaining administrators were Tutsi chiefs and subchiefs promotedRwandais on the basis of school education. In 1948, out of APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants 68 chiefs and sub-chiefs occupying administrativeIndigènes posts, 192 of APROSOMA la or Promotion la them (i.e. 28.2: Association %) never hadpour a chief sub-chiefSociale in theirde families. The Rwandan society Massewas therefore led by almost 5 % of the Tutsi. Hence, the power-sharing arrangement was a privilege ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la of a few 151 limited Tutsi lineages . Démocratie 150 In a long article published in L’Essor colonial etpour maritime newspapers des of 4th ARDHO : Association Rwandaise la Défense December 1930 under the title “Pour moderniser le Rwanda” ( n° 489, 490, 491), Mgr Droits de l’Homme Classe raised the theory developed in his letter to Resident Mortehan. 151 Linden, I, Church: and Revolution, op pour cit., p 18.leSee also Reytentjens P.; 1985,op.cit.; 107; AREDETWA Association Relèvement Mbonimana G., « Christianisation indirecte et cristallisation des clivages ethniques au Rwanda » Démocratique des Batwa 257 v 257 g. NewACRONYMS native cadresAND of the colonial administration ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ The training of cadres was a major preoccupation of the Belgian administration. A schoolAfricaines for the sons of chiefs was opened in A.A. : Archives Nyanza in 1918 in order to conform to King Musinga’s demands A.G. : Assemblée Générale who never wanted a Christian school. This was replaced by ABAKI school : Alliance des Bakiga another of the same type started by the Germans. The ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la i.e. school scored immediate success. Musinga’s three sons, Suppression des Castes Munonozi, Rudacyaha and Rudahigwa attended this school. The ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ÀUVWJUDGXDWLRQRI\RXQJVRQVRIFKLHIVWRRNSODFHLQ 7KH WKHLU LQWHUQVKLS RQ WHUULWRULDO DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ ADPÀQDOLVWV :GLG Alliance Démocratique des Peuples ZLWKVSHFLÀFGXWLHVRQUHJLVWUDWLRQWD[FROOHFWLRQHWF,Q ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la before they graduated as leaders, 58 ex-students from Nyanza Réconciliation Nationale got administrative posts. The movement continued to grow AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières because at the end of 1935, the percentage of educated chiefs AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la DQGVXEFKLHIVZDV2QWRSRIWKHNQRZOHGJHDFTXLUHGLQ Libération du Congo-Zaïre their administrative specialization, the trained graduates were AGOA :toAfrican Growth andeducation Opportunity Act brainwashed consider European as the best. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP On 11th-XO\WKHJRYHUQPHQWVLJQHGDFRQYHQWLRQZLWKWKH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre congregation of Brothers of Charity of the Teachers of Gand. This AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine FRQYHQWLRQDLPHGDWHVWDEOLVKLQJWKHRIÀFLDO´*URXSH6FRODLUHRI Rwandaise Astrida”. This school was supposed to complement the Nyanza ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda School and later on replace it in 1935. The “Groupe Scolaire” AM/APbusiness : Arrêté Arrêté présidentiel th started on 20ministériel/ -DQXDU\,WDGPLWWHG\RXQJSHRSOH AMR : Association du Rwanda from the Tusti ruling class. des The Moniteurs school uprooted students from AMUR : Association au Rwanda the customary environmentdes to Musulmans the extent that they despised culture and the Nyanza royal court. de Transition ANT : Assemblée Nationale (Transitional National Assembly) The Belgian administration the Démocrate role of sensitizing people. It APADEC : Associationplayed du Parti Chrétien was argued that both educated people and Christians, preferably APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Catholics should be recruited into administration posts. The APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Nyanza students understood this appeal. Hence, from 1928, Rwandais they joined catechism in big numbers. In 1936, 78% of the chiefs APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes and 84% of sub-chiefs were of Catholic denomination while only APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion la 18% of the total Rwandan population convertedSociale to this de religion. Masse The customary cadres pour gradually became civildeservants who ARD : Alliance le Renforcement la supported the colonial administration apparatus. They could be Démocratie promoted, punished, dismissed, demoted or transferred. They ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des were required by the colonial administration to provide services Droits de l’Homme that contradicted traditional norms and values. These services AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa (1925 1931) », in Enquêtes et documents d’histoire africaine, 1978, p. 155-56. 258 258 v of chiefs and ACRONYMS sub-chiefs were rewarded by a good salary. They AND ABBREVIATIONS HVWDEOLVKHGDGHSDUWPHQWRIÀQDQFHDWWKHFKLHIWDLQF\OHYHOZKLFK ___________________________________ was charged with purchasing customary vestiges. Ordinance No. / A.I.M.O of 20th1RYHPEHUÀ[HGVDODULHV A.A.67/ Section : Archives Africaines of chiefs and sub-chiefs. The salary was divided into taxable and A.G. : Assemblée Générale non-taxable bases. The former was composed of a tax of 50 Cents ABAKIon cattle : Alliance levied for chiefsdes andBakiga a tax of 3 Francs on capitation tax 152 ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la for sub-chiefs . Suppression des Castes ACR : Association desno Cultivateurs du Rwanda The chiefs and sub-chiefs had real responsibility. They were UHVHQWHGE\WKHPDMRULW\RIWKHLUVXEMHFWVGXHWRWKHZRUNWKH\ ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples forced them to againstpour theirla wish. They were to Belgian ADR : do Alliance Démocratie etcloser la administrators Réconciliation and were used as instruments of repression. The Nationale natives suffered a lot of ill-treatment. The common-man lived in AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières a state of permanent fear because of being terrorized by native AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la FDGUHVZKRIRUFHGKLPKHUWRZRUNXQGHURUGHUVRI(XURSHDQV Libération Congo-Zaïre Thus, cadres created a gapdu between them and the common-man AGOA AfricanWR Growth Opportunity Act EHFDXVH WKH\: ZDQWHG SURWHFWand WKHLU OHDGHUV NHHS WKHLU SRVWV but also maintain their salaries. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre The European staff directly theEstudiantine new native cadres. AJER : Association decontrolled la Jeunesse 7KH5R\DO&RPPLVVDULQWKHRFFXSLHGWHUULWRULHVEHFDPH9LFH Rwandaise Governor General and Governor of Ruanda-Urundi according ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda to the law of 21st August 1925. This law put Rwanda at the AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel level of a Congolese Province. The Royal Commissar was AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda UHSUHVHQWHG LQ 5ZDQGD E\ des D 5HVLGHQW IURP $W ÀUVW KH AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda was a military man who was afterwards replaced by a civilian. In 1917, the: Assemblée Residence of Rwanda de was sub-divided into 3 ANT Nationale Transition VHFWRUVRUVXEGLYLVLRQVZLWKRXWVSHFLÀHGERUGHUV+RZHYHUIURP (Transitional National Assembly) WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DFFXUDWH WHUULWRULDO APADEC : Association VWDUWHG du PartiPDNLQJ Démocrate Chrétien demarcations. At that time, 9 territories were established. These APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ZHUH .LJDOL 1\DQ]D $NDQ\DUX $VWULGD 5XEHQJHUD *LVHQ\H APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 0XOHUD%XVKLUX&\LQJRJR*DWVLEXDQG5XNLUD*LVDND,Q Rwandais and 1931 respectively, Kamembe Shangugu and Byumba were APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes added to this list. In 1932, 10des territories were created as a result th 153 APROSOMA Association pour Sociale de lagave of Ordinance :No. 26/ A.I.M.O of la 17Promotion March 1932 . This WKHIROORZLQJRIÀFLDOWHUULWRULDOGLYLVLRQV.LJDOL1\DQ]D$VWULGD Masse Kamembe-Shangugu, Kibuye, Kisenyi-Kabaya, ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de laRihengeri, %\XPED *DELUR DQG .LEXQJR5XNLUD 7KH ODWWHU GLYLVLRQ Démocratie ZDV PRGLÀHG DQG WKH QXPEHU RI WHUULWRULHV UDQJHG EHWZHHQ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des and 10. For economic reasons, Gabiro Territory was dropped Droits de l’Homme 152 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLS AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 153 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLS Démocratique des Batwa 259 v 259 in 1935. Later in 1936, Kibuye was also dropped. However, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS these territories were later re-introduced in 1953. The territory ___________________________________ of Gitarama was created in 1959. The demarcation of native divisions was: aArchives major criterion in establishing these territorial A.A. Africaines divisions. A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga 7KH 5HVLGHQW ZDV WKHdes RQO\ RIÀFHU FKDUJHG ZLWK GLSORPDWLF ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la UHODWLRQV ZLWK WKH NLQJ +H ZDV DOVR UHVSRQVLEOH IRU SROLWLFDO des Castes administrationSuppression and was deputized by a number of “delegates” ACR represented : Association des Cultivateurs who him in native chieftaincies. du TheRwanda powers and duties administrative authorities (Resident and ADP of Belgian : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples territorial administrators) were stipulated in the ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Royal decree th of 11 -DQXDU\7KHSRZHUVRIFRUUHVSRQGLQJDXWKRULWLHV Réconciliation Nationale in Belgian Congo were replaced by the Royal decree of 29th AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières -XQHDQGWKHGHFUHHRIst-XO\7KHSRZHUVRI9LFH AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la Governor General and Governor of the Territory werepour conferred du Congo-Zaïre by ordinance. Libération The territories were administered by territorial AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act deputy administrators under whose jurisdictions were several territorial administrators and agents. It should be noted that $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP territorial administrators were responsible to the Resident. AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine The obligations and functions of the territorial administration Rwandaise ZHUHGHVFULEHGLQWKH´KDQGERRNRIGXWLHVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda of civil servants and agents of the territorial authority”. The AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel ÀUVW FRS\ RI WKLV KDQGERRN ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ LQ /RQGRQ AMR : Association Moniteurs du Rwanda This collection was replaceddes by the “Vade Mecum” of duties and AMUR : Association des and Musulmans Rwanda responsibilities of Civil Servants Territorialau Agents in Belgian Congo. It was published Nationale in 1953. There existed very many ANT : Assemblée de Transition hierarchical relations at the level of the territorial administration. (Transitional National Assembly) (DFK DJHQW KDG D KLJKHU VHQLRU RIÀFHU ZKR DFFRUGLQJO\ APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien KDG LQÁXHQFHRQPDNLQJSRVWLQJVDQGGHWHUPLQLQJMREGHVFULSWLRQV APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise for his subordinates. APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais structure, the European administrator In this new administrative had several functions. He supervised several chieftaincies. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes It was him who :centralized power hands. He supervised APROSOMA Association pourinlahis Promotion Sociale de laand oversaw the implementation of orders. He was a judge and at the Masse VDPH WLPH DQ RIÀFHU RI WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI 3XEOLF $IIDLUV D SXEOLF ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la RIÀFHUDQDJULFXOWXUDORIÀFHUDWD[FROOHFWRUDSRSXODWLRQFHQVXV Démocratie RIÀFHU D WHUULWRULDO DFFRXQWDQW D FUHGLW PDQDJHU D EXLOGHU D ARDHO : Association Rwandaise facilitator, etc154. The administrator led pour a life la of Défense a travelerdes and Droits de l’Homme 154 Van Leeuw, Cl.,: L’administration Cong Belge et au Rwunda-Urundi, AREDETWA Associationterritoriale pour le au Relèvement Louvain la Neuve, 1981. Démocratique des Batwa 260 260 v ZDV D MHUN RIACRONYMS DOO WUDGHV $V D UHVXOW RI KLV YHUVDWLOLW\ KH ZDV AND ABBREVIATIONS always concerned with concrete achievements. The territorial ___________________________________ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQZDVDWUXHZRUNVKRSRIWKH%HOJLDQFRORQL]DWLRQ 7KH(XURSHDQSHUVRQQHOZKRVHQXPEHUVLJQLÀFDQWO\LQFUHDVHG A.A. : Archives Africaines supervised the smallest detail of the entire administrative and A.G. : Assemblée Générale political apparatus including the royal court in Nyanza155. Their ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga number increased from des 1926 to 1960 in Ruanda-Urundi. The ABESC : Association des Bahutu of Evoluant pour la the legislative ordinance No. 347/ A.I.M.O 1943 restricted Suppression desimplementation Castes role of customary rulers to the of orders made ACR : Association Cultivateurs du administrator Rwanda without the participation of des the latter. Hence, the RI1\DQ]DVKDUHGZLWKWKHNLQJWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIDVXSUHPH ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples judge. In implementing administrator ADR : Alliance orders, pour lathe Démocratie et laexercised a lot RI SUHVVXUH WKUHDWV DQG EODFNPDLOV RQ QDWLYH FDGUHV WKURXJK Réconciliation Nationale WKUHDWV RI SXQLVKPHQWV VXFK DV GLVPLVVDOV ÀQHV EHDWLQJV AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières etc. The administrator did not have any direct contact with the AFDL : des barrier. Forces He Démocratiques pour la population dueAlliance to language used an interpreter who Libération du Congo-Zaïre VRPHWLPHVIDOVLÀHGKLVPHVVDJHV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act The actual relationship between territorial authorities and $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP QDWLYHVWRRNSODFHDWWKHWHUULWRULDOOHYHO7KHRQO\RUGHUVWKDWWKH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre NLQJFRXOGJLYHWRFKLHIVZDVWKDWRIVD\LQJWKDW%HOJLDQRUGHUV AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine had to be obeyed. The line of command respected the following Rwandaise order: Residentadministrator-chief-sub-chiefs. According ALIR de Libération du Rwanda to customary: Armée law, chiefs and sub-chiefs were responsible AM/AP ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel to the .LQJ. : Arrêté They were also responsible to the European AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda administration. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda Owing to the responsibilities and powers exercised by the ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition European civil servants, indirect rule ended up becoming a (Transitional National Assembly) GLUHFW UXOH 6RPH DGPLQLVWUDWRUV HYHQ DVNHG WKHPVHOYHV ZK\ APADEC : Association Parti Démocrate Chrétien that the policy used was called du “indirect rule”. They proposed APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WKLVH[SUHVVLRQEHGURSSHGEHFDXVHLWGLGQRWUHÁHFWWKHUHDOLW\ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes RQ WKH JURXQG ´:H FDQ QR ORQJHU VHULRXVO\ VSHDN RI LQGLUHFW rule,” said one Rwandais of the Nyanza delegates156,Q-3DUDGLV WKH DGPLQLVWUDWRU RI $VWULGDdes RQFH DVNHG ´ :KDW LV WKH MRE APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes description of the .LQJ? In all the areas, we have APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Socialeeffectively de la WDNHQDFRGHRIFRQGXFWLQGLVFXVVLQJRXUGHFLVLRQV.LQJ Masse 155 The colonial agents were trained at the colonial University ARD : Alliance pour leAntwerp Renforcement de la among others by Professor Louis Verlaine whose book was entitled “Notre colonie, contribution à la Démocratie recherche, entre autres, de la méthode de colonisation”, became a reference text book ARDHO : Association for the colonial era. Hence, the viewRwandaise that the abuses pour sufferedlabyDéfense the natives des were a de l’Homme result of the colonialDroits method from this teaching. 156 Nyanza Territory: Political report pour during 1930, Archives Afric n° R/RU (89); see AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement also Residence of Ruanda, annual report 1930, Arch. Afric n° R/RU 2 (54), p 121. Démocratique des Batwa 261 v 261 Musinga continues to give his views on all questions related to ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS politics (...); but in effect, it is our views that prevail (...). This ___________________________________ consultation of .LQJ on all matters, hasn’t it become pure FRPHG\ZLWKDVLQJOHREMHFWLYHRIFRQÀUPLQJWKHXVHRIFXVWRPDU\ A.A. : Archives Africaines authority on all administrative decisions which sometimes are A.G. : Assemblée Générale directly against custom? (...). And from the notables, what are ABAKI Alliance des their current :functions? (...) Bakiga to faithfully carry out orders from ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la DQG WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ QRW LQVWUXFWLRQV EXW VSHFLÀF pour RUGHUV Suppression des Castes RYHUVHHLQJWKHVPDOOHVWGHWDLORIWKHLULPSOHPHQWDWLRQ,QDOOÀHOGV ACRthe notables : Association Cultivateurs Rwanda the (...) are nothingdes more than agents du to implement 157 decisions of the administrative authoritydes (...) Peuples . ADP : Alliance Démocratique ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la th 1943 on The legislative ordinance No. 347/A.I.M.O Réconciliation Nationale of 4 October native political organization of Ruanda-Urundi158 ZDV WKH ÀUVW AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières WH[WLQZKLFK%HOJLXPGHÀQHGWKHWHUPVRIWKHQDWLYHSROLF\LQ AFDL : destoForces Démocratiques a legal manner.Alliance According the specialists, its legalpour base la was 159 Libération du Congo-Zaïre extremely narrow . A sentence from Article 4 of Ordinance No. AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actunder the 2/5 of 6th April 1917 stated that: “The Sultans shall, supervision of$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the Resident exercise political and judicial duties $,'6 in accordance with native custom et and shall follow instructions AIMO : Affaires Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre of the Royal Commissar”. points of this ordinance AJER : AssociationThe de important la Jeunesse Estudiantine were: Rwandaise ¾ The .LQJ, chiefs and sub-chiefs were to be ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda recognized by the mandatory authority which had AM/AP powers : Arrêté ministériel/ to dismiss them; Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda ¾ The Resident supervised the actions of the .LQJ AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda and territorial administrator, chiefs and sub-chiefs; ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition ¾ Native customs became source of customary (Transitional NationalaAssembly) authority in traditional matters only where it did not APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien contradict public order or legal provisions with aim of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise substituting other laws by native custom; APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes ¾ The obligations imposed on the .LQJ, chiefs and Rwandais sub-chiefs were under Territorial Authority; APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ¾ 7KHPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHFRXQWU\·VÀQDQFHVDQGWKRVH APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la from the chieftaincy was to be supervised and Masse managed by the Territorial Authority. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie This ordinance legally protected the political organization that ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 157 de l’Homme Paradis, J., LetterDroits to the Resident (O. Coubeau), of 7th May 1931, N° 291, p.1. 158 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLSS AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 159 Renytjens, F. 1985, op. cit, pp. 143 148. Démocratique des Batwa 262 262 v was developedACRONYMS in accordanceAND with the Commissar and Governor’s ABBREVIATIONS instructions. It therefore became a legal document during the ___________________________________ colonial period. A.A. : Archives Africaines a. Organization of legal system A.G. : Assemblée Générale ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga The organization of justice was based on the Belgian philosophy. ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant la 160. The organization of native justice was made legal pour in 1943 th Suppression des Castes Article 2 of Ordinance No. 2/5/ of 6 April 1917 cited above ACR German: Association desand Cultivateurs du Rwanda gave administration instructions of the Royal Commissar the right toDémocratique judge civil anddes criminal matters. The ADP : Alliance Peuples native jurisdictions were restricted to customs and ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la traditions. In principle, justice towards natives was in the hands of the .LQJ Réconciliation Nationale and chiefs. The native legal reorganization was part and parcel AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières of the policy of indirect rule. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre /LNH LQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ PRGLÀFDWLRQV ZHUH HQYLVDJHG DQG AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act LPSOHPHQWHGLQWKHOHJDOÀHOGDWDQHDUO\VWDJH7KH2UGLQDQFH of 27th April $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 1917 established several jurisdictions (territorial $,'6 courts and police posts) Indigènes which wereetcompetent to judge offenses AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre on written criminal law andde offences committed by natives. AJER : Association la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise There were criticisms against traditional judicial systems. ALIRexample,: Armée de Libération du Rwanda For the recourse to royal court was ridiculous 161 AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ and crimes were badly judged, etc.Arrêté . Inprésidentiel 1925, jurisdictions 162 were . This established a territorial court at the AMR reorganized : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda headquarters of each territory and a court of appeal AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwandaor the NLQJ·V FRXUW LQ 1\DQ]D 7KH WHUULWRULDO ZHUH FRQVWLWXWHG ANT : Assemblée Nationale deFRXUWV Transition by a judge, a chief, 2 to 5 assessors, sub-chiefs and a court (Transitional National Assembly) FOHUN 7KH WHUULWRULDO DGPLQLVWUDWRU VXEVWLWXWHG D QDWLYH MXGJH APADEC the :court Association du Parti Démocrate whenever sat at the administrative post. Chrétien But whenever APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise it sat elsewhere, the European civil servant chaired the court APROBAMI : Association desNyanza Partis Monarchistes without acting as judge. The court was composed of judges, assessors, and chiefs who were all appointed by the Rwandais Resident. The Resident and des his deputy or administrators APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes who were specially designated constituted the judge of thede court APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale la of appeal. The .LQJ chaired this court and had the same powers OLNH Masse WKH 5HVLGHQW 7KH QDWLYH MXULVGLFWLRQV ZHUH FRPSHWHQW WRMXGJH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la DOOFRQIOLFWVEHWZHHQWKH5ZDQGHVHRUEHWZHHQ5ZDQGHVHand Démocratie natives of neighboring territories163. These jurisdictions were 160 ARDHOF.,1985,: Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Renytjens, op. cit, pp. 149 160. 161 Droits de l’Homme Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration belge, 1922, P.10. 162 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport belge, 1925, P.68 69. AREDETWA : Associationannuel poursurlel’administration Relèvement 163 Vanhove J., « Les juridictions indigènes du Rwanda”, in Congo, 1939, p.161. Démocratique des Batwa 263 v 263 successful in ACRONYMS judging people,AND givenABBREVIATIONS the number of cases handled at that time, i.e. 1,352 cases in 1924 and 3,219 cases in 1929164. ___________________________________ In 1934, reconciliation courts were created in Nyanza Territory. A.A. : Archives Africaines They aimed at solving less important cases and were supposed A.G. : Assemblée Générale WRPDNHFRQÁLFWLQJSDUWLHVWRDJUHHEHIRUHQDWLYHFRXUWVKDQGOHG ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga their cases. This was extended to other territories from 1935165. ABESC : Association des Bahutu la These “courts” did not solve problemsEvoluant but justpour reconciled FRQÁLFWLQJSDUWLHV Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 1937 only recognized The order of :the .LQJ No. 3 of 13th April ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples indigenous courts as the only courts in the Province (chieftaincy ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la courts and reconciliation courts). There were also territorial Réconciliation Nationale FRXUWV WKH FRXUW RI DSSHDO DQG WKH NLQJ·V FRXUW 7KHVH FRXUWV AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières handled matters between natives. Matters before the chieftaincy AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la court were only heard after presenting cases to thepour sub-chief Congo-Zaïre who acted as aLibération reconciler, du assisted by 2 notables. A case could be brought :toAfrican the chieftaincy court if reconciliation had AGOA Growth and Opportunity Act failed to be reached. The .LQJ acted as judge in all native $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP courts of the country. He was also free to revisit all AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre judgments made. The revenue to run chieftaincy’s court came AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine from the chieftaincy ILQDQFHGHSDUWPHQWZKLOH7HUULWRULDOFRXUWV Rwandaisesupported by the Mutara Fund. DQGWKHNLQJ·VFRXUWwere ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda 7KHFRORQL]HUVLQWHUIHUHGVLJQLÀFDQWO\LQWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQRIOHJDO AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel matters through Ordinancedes No.Moniteurs 348/ A.I.M.O of 5th October AMR : Association du Rwanda 1943 jurisdictions. text handled 3 customary AMURon native : Association desThis Musulmans au Rwanda jurisdictions, namely the chieftaincy court, territorial court and ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition NLQJ·VFRXUW7KHFKLHIZDVDde jure chairman of the chieftaincy (Transitional National Assembly) FRXUWEXWFRXOGEHUHSODFHGE\DQDVVLVWDQW DVVHVVRU FRQÀUPHG APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien E\WKHWHUULWRULDODGPLQLVWUDWRU7KHNLQJ·VWULEXQDOZDVFKDLUHG APRthe .LQJ : and Armée by wasPatriotique composed Rwandaise of 2 or several assessors APROBAMI : Association Monarchistes chosen by the .LQJ amongdes thePartis country’s notables who were supposed to beRwandais approved by the Resident. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes As far as native courts were concerned, they were exclusively APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la made of natives and were despised by Europeans. That is why Masse European courts were different from native ones. The Territorial ARD was a jurisdiction : Alliance for pour le Renforcement deat lathe level of court Europeans and only sat the Residence. Démocratie It could annul judgments made by native courts. As result, customary normsRwandaise were only applied they were not ARDHO : Association pour laifDéfense des 164 Droits l’Homme Ministère des Colonies, Rapportde annuel sur l’administration belge, 1924, p.13 and pp. 50-51. 165 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel belge, 1934, p.75 ; AREDETWA : Association poursurlel’administration Relèvement ibid. 1935, p.78. Démocratique des Batwa 264 264 v contrary to public order (colonial) legal provisions/regulations. ACRONYMS ANDand ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ /LNH LQ WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DSSDUDWXV WKH SHUVRQQHO LQ WKH judicial machinery were Africaines Tutsi. This arrangement was strongly A.A. : Archives criticized. From 1957 to 1962, the Hutu accused all Tutsis of A.G. : Assemblée Générale being unfair and arbitrary. We have already seen how this was ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga done by the colonial powers. The Rwandese also faced trials of ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la a colonial nature referred to as “common law” in both criminal desofCastes and civil cases.Suppression The jurisdictions common law dealt with cases ACR on written : Association des Cultivateurs du handled Rwandacases based law whereas native jurisdictions on norms. They did this asdes long as “they did not ADPcustomary: Alliance Démocratique Peuples contravene public order and good moral standards”. ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale The organic text on civil and repressive justice was the Ordinance AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières law No. 45 of 30th August 1944. It dealt with police courts whose AFDL : Alliance des Forces pour jurisdiction was determined by theDémocratiques Royal Commissar. It la delt Libération with a territorial court for du the Congo-Zaïre entire country and a court of the AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act ÀUVWLQVWDQFHRUDFRXUWRIDSSHDOIRUWKHHQWLUH5XDQGD8UXQGL territory. These courts were, in principle, competent to handle $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP all crimes committed byIndigènes natives. Inetpractice, these crimes were AIMO : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre of written nature (written law). AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine Rwandaise The judicial organization of the common law was reformed by ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda the decree of 5th-XO\ZKLFKKDQGOHGSROLFHFRXUWVLQHYHU\ AM/AP This: was Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel territory. organized as follows: the prosecution court, AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda WKH5HVLGHQFHFRXUWIRUWKH5ZDQGDQ5HVLGHQFHWKHFRXUWRIÀUVW AMUR and :the Association des Musulmans au Rwanda instance court of appeal for Ruanda-Urundi territory. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition The dual-judicial system which madeAssembly) it possible for the co(Transitional National existence of both traditional and imported law was not as rigid APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien as one could imagine because the colonial order always had APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise precedence over native order and the decision of native judges APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes became gradually legal. The competence of native jurisdictions was determinedRwandais by formal law whereas the traditional customary APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants punishments were based on customary ethics.Indigènes A dependent APROSOMA : Association Promotion de was la a system (customary system)pour was la authorized toSociale stay and supervised pluralistic Masse legal system. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la b. ColonialDémocratie burdens and their consequences ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des Taxes (Umusoro) and forced labor (Akazi) were the major Droits de l’Homme burdens through which the Belgian colonizers achieved their AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement goal of domination and exploitation. On the other hand, these Démocratique des Batwa 265 v 265 two instruments were used AND by colonialists to act as they wished ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS on mentalities___________________________________ and life conditions of the masses. Given the authoritarian and arbitrary environment in which tax payment and were made and given the suffering involved, A.A. forced labor : Archives Africaines colonial abuses left behind bitter souvenirs among the people A.G. : Assemblée Générale who were forced to implement them. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC ¾Fiscal : Association system des Bahutu Evoluant pour la Suppression des Castes 7KH ZDV WKH PHDQV XVHG E\ DOO FRORQLDO SRZHUV WR ACRÀVFDO V\VWHP : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda compel natives to join a cash economy and to provide goods and ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples VHUYLFHVGHPDQGHG7KHREMHFWLYHRIWKHÀVFDOSROLF\RIWKH%HOJLDQ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la colonial administration aimed to provide provide colonial services Réconciliation Nationale WRWKH5ZDQGDQSRSXODWLRQ7KHGLUHFWÀVFDOV\VWHPZDVSULQFLSDOO\ AEC dominated by: aAgglomeration conglomerationExtra-Coutumières of taxes, namely: capitation tax, AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques polygamy tax, cattle tax, income tax, personal tax166, etc.pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre Capitation tax AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP We have already shown above that capitation tax was introduced AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre by the Germans. Up to 1917, it was the only tax imposed in AJER Association laZDV Jeunesse Estudiantine 5ZDQGD 7KH: UDWH RI WKLVde WD[ À[HG DW )UDQFV LQ DOO Rwandaise territories. The differences in the rates of capitation tax in various ALIR : Arméestarted de Libération du Rwanda areas and territories to be noticed in 1921167. In 1923, WKHUDWHRIWKLVWD[ZDVÀ[HGDW)UDQFVIRUXUEDQUHVLGHQWV AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel (Kigali). For other localities,des theMoniteurs rate remained the same (3.5 AMR : Association du Rwanda Francs). payers were into two AMUR The :tax Association desdivided Musulmans aucategorizes, Rwanda i.e. those from rural areas and suburbs of Kigali. ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition National Assembly) 7KH IUDPHZRUN(Transitional RI WKH FRXQWU\·V SROLWLFDO UHRUJDQL]DWLRQ ZKLFK APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate came into force from 1926 saw the tax rate revisedChrétien from 15 to 10 APR for natives : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise Francs in urban and rural areas respectively168. From 1930, the rate: of capitation tax generally compulsory169. APROBAMI Association desbecame Partis Monarchistes ,W ZDV À[HG DFFRUGLQJ RwandaisWR WKH UHVRXUFHV LQ WKH UHJLRQ DQG according to the degree of economic developmentIndigènes of the people, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants in other words, 15.5 Francs in Kigali territories, Astrida and APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la Nyanza; 17.5 Francs in the territories of Shangugu, Kisenyi and Masse 5XKHQJHUL)UDQFVIRUWKHWHUULWRULHVIRU*DWVLEXDQG5XNLUD ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la ,QWKLVUDWHZDVÀ[HGDW)UDQFVIRUVL[WHUULWRULHV7KHVH Démocratie 166 Mbonitegeka, D., /D SROLWLTXH ¿VFDOH GDQV OH 5ZDQGD FRORQLDO , ARDHO : Association Mémoire de Licence, Butare 2003. Rwandaise pour la Défense des 167 Droits l’Homme Ordinance, No.11/13 of 9thde November 1921. 168 th Ordinance, No.55 of 17 February 1926. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 169 Ordinance, No.1 of 09th March 1930. Démocratique des Batwa 266 266 v were: Kigali, Nyanza, Astrida, Ruhengeri, Gatsibu and Kabaya/ ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Kisenyi. The territory of Shangugu was divided into two, that is ___________________________________ to say 56 Francs for Kamembe and 28 Francs for the remaining 170 SDUWV5XNLUDKDGWKHORZHVWUDWHRI)UDQFV . A.A. : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale In extra-customary areas, the rate was 24 Francs in 1927; 40.75 ABAKI in 1930; : Alliance desinBakiga Francs 70 Francs 1949 and 80 Francs in 1945. From 1923 up to 1930 the rate quadrupled whereas the income of the ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la population did Suppression not increase atdes theCastes same rate171. ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda )URP WKH ÀVFDO SROLF\ ZDV DQ HIIHFWLYH LQVWUXPHQW RI ADP : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples PRELOL]LQJÀQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVHVSHFLDOO\ZLWKLQWKHIUDPHZRUN ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la RIWKH\HDUGHYHORSPHQWSODQ,QWKHUDWHZDVÀ[HGDW Réconciliation Nationale 50 Francs for all territories except Shangugu which had 2 rates, AEC is to say: Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières that 60 Francs for Kamembe and 30 Francs for the rest. areas and suburbs, natives and people AFDLIn extra-customary : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la of color paid 80 Francs. After the elaboration of the ten-year Libération du Congo-Zaïre GHYHORSPHQW SODQ RI WKH WD[ UDWH ZDV UHYLVHG DQG À[HG AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act at 100 Francs. This was the same in many parts of the country $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP except in the territories of Shangugu, Kigali and Kisenyi which AIMO : Affaires et Francs Main-d’oeuvre had the highest rate of Indigènes 130 and 180 between 1952 and AJER In 1969, : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine 1960. the capitation tax was replaced by a tax called “minimum personal contributions”. It was compulsory for all Rwandaise adult 18 years and above. Its was valued between ALIR males aged : Armée de Libération durate Rwanda DQG)UDQFVIRUWKHÀVFDO\HDU7KHFDSLWDWLRQWD[ AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel therefore was considered to be the most crushing of all taxes. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda The exemption of the capitation tax was authorized by the ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition administrator or his assistant after presenting a medical FHUWLÀFDWH VKRZLQJ WKDW WKH National DSSOLFDQWAssembly) ZDV ´LQHSWµ 7KH RWKHU (Transitional people who were exempted from paying this tax were chiefs and APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien sub-chiefs who had been in service for 3 months, the soldiers APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise DQG PHPEHUV RI WKH SROLFH IRUFH WKH VLFN WD[SD\HUV ZKR KDG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes VXIIHUHGIURPVLFNQHVVIRUVL[FRQVecutive months and church ministers who Rwandais belonged to religious denominations and cults APROCOMIN: Association desAllCommerçants recognized in Ruanda-Urundi. this was doneIndigènes to discourage APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la DQGÀJKWDJDLQVWDQ\DWWHPSWWRHYDGHWD[SD\PHQW The problem ofMasse exempting adult students who were attending school in the missions frequently though de thela government ARD : Alliance pour le occurred Renforcement was tolerant on this matter. From 1915, the government’s Démocratie GHFODUHGLQWHQWLRQZDVWRÀ[WKHPD[LPXPDJHRIWD[H[HPSWLRQ ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des to 16 years, i.e. not exceeding P5. Students who were older than Droits de l’Homme 170 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLWR AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 171 Ibid. Démocratique des Batwa 267 v 267 that were expelled from school. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ The tax payer had to be an adult man, a native whose physical and PRUDOFKDUDFWHUGHSLFWHGD´VRXQGVWDWHµ7KHRIÀFLDOUHIHUHQFH A.A. : Archives Africaines documents were the voting identity card or a document issued A.G. : Assemblée Générale by the mission indicating baptism and birth dates. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association desthe Bahutu Evoluant The people were informed about rate of the tax to bepour paid la before st Suppression des CastesRI LQIRUPDWLRQ SUHSDUHG 1 -DQXDU\ RI HYHU\ \HDU $ GHSDUWPHQW ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda OHDÁHWV EURFKXUHV DQG LQGLFDWHG GLIIHUHQW FDWHJRULHV RI WD[HV WR be paid in chieftaincies territories. The most effective method ADP : Allianceand Démocratique des Peuples consisted of assembling all the population in a public ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la place. Taxcollectors disseminated all theNationale necessary information on tax Réconciliation collection. The time limit for collection of native taxes did not to AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières exceed 15 days. Taxes were paid in one deposit and in cash by AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques la special tax-collectors designated for that purpose. The pour tax payers Libération du Congo-Zaïre ZKRGLGQRWSD\WKHLUWD[HVZLWKLQWKHVSHFLÀHGWLPHZHUHIRUFHG AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act WRSDUWLFLSDWHLQSXEOLFZRUNVZKRVHPRGDOLWLHVDQGQDWXUHZHUH determined by$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the Governor. These included doing construction $,'6 ZRUN PDNLQJ URDG UHSDLUV FOHDQLQJ ULYHUV ZRUNLQJ LQ VWDWH AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre enterprises, carrying equipment forJeunesse government use, slashing grass AJER : Association de la Estudiantine DQGVDQLWDWLRQ7KHVHSXEOLFZRUNVQHYHUH[FHHGHGWZRPRQWKV Rwandaise ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Polygamy tax AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR : Association des Moniteurs dusubjected Rwanda men to The Ordinance No. 56 of 12th December 1924 AMUR tax:: Association des Musulmans Rwanda polygamy “all men of color, non-natives au or those residing in a conventional suburb paid polygamy tax for each one of his ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition 172 ZLYHVDSDUWIURPWKHÀUVWZLIHµ . This Assembly) was done to implement (Transitional National th the colonial charter of 18 October 1908 which recommended APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien to the colonial administration that natives should be progressively APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise encouraged to withdraw from polygamy. In addition, the powerful APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Catholic Church considered polygamy as an obstacle to the Rwandais and was seen as a barbaric custom. expansion of Christianity APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes 7KHLGHDRILQWURGXFLQJWKLVWD[GDWHGDVIDUEDFNDVWKH*HUPDQ APROSOMA : Association Promotion Sociale de lato it. period but the Germans didpour not la attach much importance The colonial authorities Masse considered polygamy as a sign of wealth. From 1931, according Ordinance No. 2 of 26th December 1930, ARD : Alliancetopour le Renforcement de la the tax on polygamy became compulsory for all polygamous men. Démocratie This tax was charged on every extra-wife. It was considered in ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des accordance with the wealth and level of development in every Droits de l’Homme UHJLRQ,WZDVÀ[HGDW)UDQFVLQWKHWHUULWRULHVRI6KDQJXJX AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 172 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLS Démocratique des Batwa 268 268 v Kisenyi, Musha, RuhengeriAND and ABBREVIATIONS Kabaya. In the territories of ACRONYMS .LJDOL1\DQ]DDQG$VWULGDLWZDVSXWDW)UDQFVLQWKHÀVFDO ___________________________________ \HDU ,Q WKH WHUULWRULHV RI *DWVLEX 5XNLUD DQG %\XPED the at 6 Francs. Extra-customary suburbs paid 50 A.A.rate was put : Archives Africaines )UDQFV$WWKHHQGRIWKHPDQGDWHLQWKHUDWHZDVÀ[HGDW A.G. : Assemblée Générale 33 Francs in most territories except in Kibungo where it was at ABAKI : Alliance destaxed Bakiga 20 Francs. Shangugu was between 22 and 40 Francs and 173 pour la ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant extra-customary suburbs were taxed 65 Francs. Suppression des Castes ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda 8QGHUWKH7UXVWHHVKLSWKHÀJKWDJDLQVWSRO\JDP\WRRNDQRWKHU form No. 21/164 of May 1949 and ADP after publishing : AllianceOrdinance Démocratique des Peuples th the decree of 4 $SULO 7KHVH ODZV RIÀFLDOO\ ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la SURKLELWHG polygamy and prevented polygamous people from going to some Réconciliation Nationale public places174. From 1950, the rate of polygamy tax was almost AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières HTXDO WR WKH FDSLWDWLRQ WD[ ,Q WKLV WD[ ZDV À[HG DW AFDL : Alliance Forces la in Francs in 5 territories asdes follows: 105Démocratiques in Shangugu, 80pour Francs Libération du Congo-Zaïre Kibungo, and 150 Francs in AEC. From 1951, this tax increased AGOA Growth and exorbitantly. :InAfrican some regions, someOpportunity polygamous Act men had to chase away their wives or chose to live with them secretly. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO AJER : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre Tax de la Jeunesse Estudiantine :Cattle Association Rwandaise Cattle tax was established in 1923. It was charged at a rate of 1 ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda Belgian Franc per cow. It was reformed in 1927175 and its new AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel UDWHZDVÀ[HGDW)UDQFV,QLWURVHWR)UDQFVDQGLQ AMR to 10 Francs. : Association desmandate, Moniteurs du Rwanda 1945 During the this tax rose from 1 to AMUR : Association Musulmans au Rwanda 10 Francs in all regions. As ades result of cow diseases of 1939, the rate was lowered but soon up when the cow ANT of cattle :tax Assemblée Nationale de went Transition disease ended. (Transitional During the Trusteeship, the rate increased to 18 National Assembly) Francs in 1947 and to 27.5 Francs in 1950. It shotChrétien to 50 Francs APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate in 1954 and later to 75 Francs in 1960176 APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes 7D[FROOHFWLRQZDVGRQHDIWHUPDNLQJFDWWOHDQGKXPDQFHQVXVHV Rwandais This exercise was done by secretaries recruited among students APROCOMIN: Association Commerçants Indigènes who graduated from Nyanzades School accompanied by the chief APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la DQGVXEFKLHIVRIWKHDUHDV7KHÀUVWFRZFHQVXVWRRNSODFHLQ 1927 and accordingly, Masse 500,000 cow-heads were counted. The PDMRU GLIÀFXOW\ HQFRXQWHUHG WKLV H[HUFLVH ARD : Alliance pour GXULQJ le Renforcement deZDV la WKDW WKH proprietors did Démocratie not declare their animals faithfully. They had an ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 173 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLS 174 Droits de l’Homme Ibid,1951. 175 th Ordinance of 6 June 1927. AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 176 %XOOHWLQRI¿FLHOGX5XDQGD8UXQGLWR Démocratique des Batwa 269 v 269 177 intention of evading tax payment . ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ From 1950, the problem of pastures was also felt. In a meeting KHOGLQ8VXPEXUDRQUG$XJXVWWKH´SUREOHPRIOLYHVWRFN A.A. : Archives Africaines NHHSLQJµ EHFDPH WKH RUGHU RI WKH GD\ ,Q WKDW PHHWLQJ WKH A.G. : Assemblée Générale Deputy Governor General hinted on the possibility of eliminating ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga H[FHVVLYHFDWWOH7KLVSURYRNHGDQRXWFU\IURPFDWWOHNHHSHUV$ ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la cow compromise was reached and a tax was established on any Suppression des Castes that was described “undesirable”. This involved over age cows ACR Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda RI PRUH WKDQ: \HDUV SOXV FRZV GHFODUHG XQÀW E\ YHWHULQDU\ personnel. This tax increased every year every extra cow. ADP : Alliance Démocratique desfor Peuples Generally, the tax on cattle increased exponentially ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la with aim of GLVFRXUDJLQJIDUPHUVIURPNHHSLQJPDQ\FRZVDQGLWJUDGXDOO\ Réconciliation Nationale led to the decrease in the number of cows. AEC AFDL : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières :Personal Alliancetax des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA African E\ Growth and Opportunity Act SODFH LQ 7KLV WD[ ZDV:LQVSLUHG WKH V\VWHP WKDW ZDV WDNLQJ Belgian Congo. In 1917, the surface area with buildings was $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP subjected to taxation. ordinance No.71 of 15th November AIMO : Affaires The Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre nd 1925 made it: Association possible for de thela decree of 22 December 1917 AJER Jeunesse Estudiantine to be applicable in Rwanda. The tax rate on buildings (living Rwandaise KRXVHVRIÀFHVDQGVKRSV ZDVÀ[HGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHFULWHULRQ ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda of the number of square meters occupied, i.e. 7 Francs in areas AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel NQRZQDV´ÀUVWFODVVµ)UDQFVLQ´VHFRQGFODVVµDUHDVDQG AMR : Association des Moniteurs Rwandaused for 3.5 Francs. There was also a special rate fordu buildings AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda DFFRPPRGDWLQJQDWLYHHPSOR\HHVZRUNVKRSVDQGGU\LQJURRPV FODVV QHLJKERUKRRGV )UDQFV LQ VHFRQG ANT)UDQFV LQ : ÀUVW Assemblée Nationale de Transition class neighborhoods and 0.7 National Francs elsewhere. The number of (Transitional Assembly) taxable areas was divided into 5 categories from 1944. There APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien also existed an annual tax payable by a number of employees, APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise PDLGV DQG ZRUNHUV $ WD[ RQ YHKLFOHV XVHG IRU WUDQVSRUWLQJ APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes people and goods was established from 9132. Lastly, a tax on Rwandais mineral concessions was established in 1937. During the period APROCOMIN: Association Indigènes of the mandate, the tax base des was Commerçants indeed very narrow. APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la The taxable items owned by government, religious institutions and Masse non lucrative private organizations were not subjected ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de to la a personal tax. The same applied to buildings, land and vehicles exclusively Démocratie LQWHQGHG IRU DJULFXOWXUH DQG OLYHVWRFN IDUPLQJ FXOWV KRVSLWDOV ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des VFKRROVDVZHOODVUHOLJLRXVVFLHQWLÀFDQGVSRUWVDFWLYLWLHV Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement 177 Nkurikiyimfura, J., 1994, op. cit, p. 214. Démocratique des Batwa 270 270 v During the Trusteeship, theAND taxable base did not change a great ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS th deal. According to the decree of 10 March 1950, personal tax ___________________________________ was based on the following criteria: the surface area occupied by the constructions, the surface area of un-built land A.A.buildings and : Archives Africaines LQXUEDQDUHDVHPSOR\HUVZRUNHUVDQGPDLGVERDWVYHKLFOHV A.G. : Assemblée Générale transporting people, trade items and objects of value, areas ABAKI Alliance des In Bakiga with mineral : concessions. addition, another tax base was ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluantbypour la added, that is to say a tax on bananas established Ordinance st Castes No.332/352 of Suppression 21 Novemberdes 1961. It should be noted that from ACR : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda this date, cattle tax was alsodes integrated into personal tax. ADP ADR : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation It was Ordinance No. 72 of 5th Nationale November 1925 that established income It was already in force in Belgian Congo. AEC tax in:Rwanda. Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières It consisted of: taxes on movable assets. This tax was introduced AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la once again in countries where the majority of the people lived on Libération du Congo-Zaïre subsistence economy or where salaried civil servants were not AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act many. This explains why its output was low. $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP AIMO1951, this : Affaires Main-d’oeuvre From tax was Indigènes channeled et to construction sites, forestry AJER : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine LQGXVWULHVÀVKLQJDQGKRWHOLQGXVWULHV,WVDLPZDVWRLQFUHDVH Rwandaise the tax base. The decree of 20th-DQXDU\LQWURGXFHGDQRWKHU reform on income tax.de Lastly, the professional tax affected the ALIR : Armée Libération du Rwanda SURÀW PDUJLQV RI DOO LQGXVWULDO FRPPHUFLDO FUDIWV DJULFXOWXUDO AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel SURGXFWLRQVDVZHOODVÀ[HGDVVHWV,WUHGXFHGUHPXQHUDWLRQVRI AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda civil servants and employees in private and public sectors. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda ANT : Assemblée Indirect tax Nationale de Transition (Transitional National Assembly) The income tax of this category came from both export and APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien import taxes and consumption taxes. A customs department APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise and warehouse were established in Rwanda in 1921. By virtue APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes of the law of 30th -XQH 5XDQGD8UXQGL ZDV SDUW RI D Rwandais customs union that extended to Belgian Congo. The custom tax APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZDVFKDUJHGRQHQWU\DW5ZDQGD·VERUGHUVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQ APROSOMA : Association pour Promotion de la 1924. The rate and modalities ofla tax payment Sociale were established by the decree Masse of 31st December 1923. However, not all goods ARD taxed. Every : Alliance le Renforcement de laestablished were year, pour the colonial administration DOLVWRIJRRGVLPSRUWHGWR5ZDQGDZLWKIUHTXHQWPRGLÀFDWLRQV Démocratie Products consumption, for example food items, des were ARDHO of daily : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense often exemptedDroits whereas luxurious products were taxed more de l’Homme heavily. This tax was reduced on items and equipment useful AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement for social economic development of the county such as vehicles, Démocratique des Batwa Income tax 271 v 271 machines tools and metallicAND products, etc. ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ ([SRUWWD[ZDVHVWDEOLVKHGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQRQVKHHS VNLQ WD[HVAfricaines RQ FRIIHH DQG PLQHUDO SURGXFWV ZHUH A.A. /DWHU H[SRUW : Archives introduced from 1927. A custom surtax was established during A.G. : Assemblée Générale the Second World War on exported goods. ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ABESC : Association des Bahutu la Consumption taxes were levied on theEvoluant followingpour products: Suppression CastesZKLFK VHUYHG UHOLJLRXV DOFRKROLF GULQNV DSDUW IURP des PDVVZLQH ACR DQG IHUPHQWHG : Association Cultivateurs du SHUVRQDO Rwanda XVH FXOWV GULQNVdes PDGH E\ QDWLYHV IRU manufactured tobacco,Démocratique imported or des produced in Rwanda, ADP : Alliance Peuples PLQHUDOVHWF$OOIUDXGXOHQWPHDVXUHVZHUHSXQLVKHGE\DÀQH ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la that was equivalent to 15 times the amount of the product. In Réconciliation Nationale DGGLWLRQWKHLWHPVLQYROYHGLQIUDXGZHUHFRQÀVFDWHG AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour from la The Ruanda-Urundi budget was supported by income Libération Congo-Zaïre taxes as well as non-taxeddu income described above. According AGOA African Growth and ActDQG FDWWOH WR WKH ZRUOG :ÀVFDO LQFRPH WUHQG LWOpportunity ZDV WKH QDWLYH taxes some considerable income to the country, $,'6which earned $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP i.e. 10,437,244 Francs 1934 (on et a total income of 37,636,706 AIMO : Affaires in Indigènes Main-d’oeuvre Francs). played considerable role in the RuandaAJER This :income Association dea la Jeunesse Estudiantine Urundi budget. Fiscal income increased considerably. The Rwandaise territorial departments played an important role in using the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda income. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR Association des of Moniteurs du Rwanda According to : the Convention 15th August 1952, Belgium AMUR : Association des LQ Musulmans au RwandaRI WKH DQG %HOJLDQ &RQJR LQWHUYHQHG WKH SURÀW GHSDUWPHQW public Ruanda-Urundi by giving grants which were to ANT debt of: Assemblée Nationale de Transition be refunded later. Ruanda-Urundi continued to receive these (Transitional National Assembly) grants up to independence. APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise ,W LV XQFRQWHVWDEOH WKDW UHYHQXH IURP ÀVFDO LQFRPH KHOSHG WR APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes build schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, purchase Rwandais of equipment, salaries for colonial and customary staff, etc. A APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants VPDOO DPRXQW RI PRQH\ ZDV LQYHVWHG LQ ZRUNVIndigènes RI VRFLDO DQG APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la in economic interest. Development programs were determined accordance with the income from local resources especially from Masse tax income and forced it is also true tode say ARD : Alliancelabor. pourBut le Renforcement lathat many negative consequences of these taxes impacted on the country’s Démocratie development. These included migration movements and the food ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des crisis. We shall deal with these later. Droits de l’Homme AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Démocratique des Batwa 272 272 v ¾Forced labor (akazi) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ___________________________________ 7KH ZRUNV UHIHUUHG WR DV ´ZRUNV RI SXEOLF LQWHUHVWµ LQ )UHQFK TIG d’intérêt Africaines general) also called “akazi” or “forced A.A. or travaux : Archives labor” were authorized by ordinance No.25 of 7th November A.G. : Assemblée Générale 1924. They consisted of exploiting big agricultural land for ABAKI : Allianceand desnon-seasonal Bakiga cultivating agricultural crops such as cassava ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la DQG VZHHW SRWDWRHV DQG FDVK FURSV OLNH FRIIHH FRQVWUXFWLQJ Suppression des Castes roads, establishing anti-soil erosion measures, land exploitation ACR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda IRUDJULFXOWXUDOSXUSRVHVLQYDOOH\VUHIRUHVWDWLRQHWF¶:RUNVRI public were imposed on the people without explaining ADP interest’ : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples to them the rationale behind and this created discontent among ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the populationRéconciliation who expressedNationale passive resistance to them in different forms178. In a new arrangement, the services rendered AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières according to traditional norms and referred to as “Uburetwa” AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la WRRNDQHZGLPHQVLRQ Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Actit entered The term “akazi” was borrowed from Kiswahili and into Rwandan$FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP use during German rule. It covered realities of a $,'6 FRPSOH[QDWXUHVHUYLFHVLQNLQGWKDWSHRSOHRZHGWRDXWKRULWLHV AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre DOO QRQUHPXQHUDWHG ZRUN RUJeunesse ZRUN ZKRVH UHPXQHUDWLRQ AJER : Association de la Estudiantine was derisory. The Germans were committed to maintaining Rwandaise “traditional” charges as they entirely existed. An oral treaty on ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda this matter between King Musinga and Captain Bethe was put AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/WKHVH Arrêté présidentiel LQ IRUFH LQ %\ PDLQWDLQLQJ SXEOLF ZRUNV WKH QHZ AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda UHJLPHSURFHHGHGWRLPSRVHDVHULHVRIQHZZRUNV2QO\UHJLRQV AMURwere located : Association Musulmans Rwandaand to which near the des German posts andau missions, a certain extent, regions crossed by roads were concerned with ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition SXEOLFZRUNV(Transitional National Assembly) APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien Among the new imposed demands by the Germans, there were APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise road repairs, supply of food items to colonial authorities and APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes availing supplies for construction material. We have already seen above that the Rwandais recruitment of porters played an important role APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes in trade. The Germans also introduced and popularized the use APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la by of the cane (ikiboko) in the country. This was abusively used German and Rwandese Masse authorities to punish those who evaded or tied to evade forced labor. ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la Démocratie 'XULQJWKHFRORQLDOSHULRG&DWKROLFPLVVLRQDULHVEHQHÀWHGIURP ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des forced labor. In the beginning the BatwareJDYHWKHZRUNHUVH[RWLF Droits de l’Homme 178 Uwizeyimana L., La croissance pour démographique et la production agricole au AREDETWA : Association le Relèvement Rwanda : Impossible adéquation, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989, p. 39. Démocratique des Batwa 273 v 273 products. When the missionaries became more powerful they ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS JDYHWKHPQRWKLQJLQUHWXUQIRUWKHZRUNGRQH7KHH[RWLFLWHPV ___________________________________ included salt, sugar, cotton fabrics, pearls, and Rupees. The 179 PLVVLRQDULHVXVHGSRUWHUVWRFDUU\EULFNV . Thus in constructing A.A. : Archives Africaines 6DYH&DWKROLF&KXUFKSULHVWVZHQWWRWKHUR\DOFRXUWDQGDVNHG A.G. : Assemblée Générale for people to carry and transport construction material. For a ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga period for four months, almost 10,000 people were mobilized to 180des Bahutu Evoluant pour la ABESC : Association transport 300 logs of trees . In 1922, the Kabgayi missionaries Suppression des Castes ORRNHGIRUSRUWHUVWRFDUU\FRQVWUXFWLRQZRRGIURP%XGDKD7KLV ACR Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda H[HUFLVH ZDV:FRQVLGHUHG DVdes ERWK DEXVLYH DQG SDLQIXO ,W WRRN three to Gishwati forest and at Peuples least eight days to ADP days to: get Alliance Démocratique des FRPHEDFNWR.DEJD\LZLWKDKHDY\ORDGRIZRRGRQWKHKHDG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la The burden of Réconciliation constructing Kabgayi Church still looms in the Nationale memories of local populations because thousands of people were AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières PRELOL]HG WR VXSSO\ FDUSHQWU\ PDWHULDO DQG ZRRG WR IHHG EULFN AFDL : Forces Démocratiques la furnaces.181 AsAlliance a result,des missionaries participated in pour exploiting Libération du Congo-Zaïre DQGLQÁLFWLQJKHDY\EXUGHQVRQ5ZDQGDQSHDVDQWV AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act From Belgians established a system of compulsory $,'61917, the $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP cultivation of cassava. also introduced a new reforestation AIMO : AffairesThey Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre 182 program entire country . The measures to implement AJER for the : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine these projects started in 1926. Coffee was cultivated from Rwandaise 1924 to 1925 but this was just a trial phase. The ordinance ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda which conferred on the Resident the powers to coerce natives to AM/AP coffee : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel establish plantations was dated 7th November 1924. Many AMR : Association des Moniteurs Rwanda other texts followed this ordinance regardingdu the establishment AMUR Association des Musulmans au Rwanda of new forms : of forced labor, regulating Uburetwa or reducing it. The Belgian administration reportde of Transition 1924 had this to say ANT : Assemblée Nationale on this point: (Transitional “(...) it goes without that governments Nationalsaying Assembly) implementing their policies in less advanced societies must, in APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien some circumstances, have power to impose strict measures of APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise general interest”183(...). APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes Rwandais Thus the period from 1925 to 1959 was generally considered APROCOMIN: Association desItCommerçants Indigènes as the period of forced labor. was characterized by many APROSOMA : Association pour la Promotion Sociale de la DGPLQLVWUDWLYHSURYLVLRQVRQIRUFHGODERULWVLQWHQVLÀFDWLRQDQG GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ)URPWKHFDPSDLJQWRJURZIRRGFURSVOLNH Masse FDVVDYDDQGVZHHWSRWDWRHVLQWHQVLÀHG2IÀFLDOO\WKHFXOWLYDWLRQ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la RIWKHVHFURSVZDVNQRZQDV´ZRUNVLPSRVHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ Démocratie 179 Kabgayi Mission diary of 10th June 1907, p.74. ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des 180 Ibid., 16th February 1906. 181 Droits de 1907, l’Homme Kabgayi mission Diary of 9th June p.74; Read also the memoir on Kabgayi Mission. 182 nd Letter no. 791/A/53 of 2 August 1917, theRelèvement organization of the Kingdom. AREDETWA : Association pouronle 183 Ministère des Colonies, Rapport annuel sur l’administration belge, 1924, p.28. Démocratique des Batwa 274 274 v DXWKRULW\ LQ WKH LQWHUHVW RIAND QDWLYH ZRUNHUVµ 7KLV PDUNHG WKH ACRONYMS ABBREVIATIONS EHJLQQLQJ RI ___________________________________ WKH ÀUVW PHDVXUHV RI FRHUFLQJ ORFDO SHRSOH WR implement polices on reforestation and construction of roads. 7KHODWWHUZHUHUHIHUUHGWRDV´ZRUNVGRQHLQWKHLQWHUHVWRIWKH A.A. : Archives Africaines collectivity”. In this regard, Ordinance No. 347/ A.I.M.O of 4th A.G. : Assemblée Générale October 1943 on the political organization of Ruanda-Urundi ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga Nevertheless, other texts was an important legaldes document. ABESC : Association desfollowed Bahutusuite. Evoluant on implementing this program Thesepour textslagave Suppression des Castes the Resident power and authority to impose a series of forced ACR WDVNV :7KH\ Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ODERU LQFOXGHG ODUJH VFDOH UHIRUHVWDWLRQ ZRUNV LQWHQVLÀFDWLRQ RI IRRG FXOWLYDWLRQ ZRUNV ÀJKW VRLO HURVLRQ ADP : Alliance Démocratique desWRPeuples HWF 7KH UXOHV SURSRVHG DIWHUZDUGV E\ WKH 5HVLGHQW VSHFLÀHG ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la the minimum surface area that every coerced laborer (HAV)184 Réconciliation Nationale was supposed to cultivate. This entailed 2,500 square meters for AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières sweet potatoes and 3,500 square meters of cassava. AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du arranged Congo-Zaïre The forced labor scheme was according to the political AGOA : African Growth and Opportunity Act organization of the country. The Governor of Ruanda-Urundi SUHSDUHGDPDVWHUSODQIRUWKHZRUNVWREHH[HFXWHG+HSUHVHQWHG $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP the dossier before the Resident whoetinMain-d’oeuvre turn transmitted it to the AIMO : Affaires Indigènes King. after consulting the Higher National Council AJERFrom 1953, : Association de la Jeunesse Estudiantine (CSP)185 WKHNLQJGHWHUPLQHGDQQXDOO\DOOVHUYLFHVWREHSURYLGHGE\ Rwandaise every chieftaincy in implementing the master plan. The territorial ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda administrators were informed about this plan and were supposed AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel to ensure its implementation in theirArrêté areas of jurisdiction. AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda On the instructions of chiefs, sub-chiefs were supposed to GLVWULEXWHHTXLWDEO\WKHVHZRUNVEHWZHHQWKHFRHUFHGODERUHUV,Q ANT : Assemblée Nationale de Transition implementing these services the chief ofAssembly) the minor lineage (inzu) (Transitional National was the intermediary between the chiefs and sub-chiefs before APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien 1924. Thereafter, new chiefs replaced these intermediaries with the APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise people they favored or with members of their own families. Note APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes that this was contrary to traditional norms. The new intermediaries Rwandais were divided into two categories, i.e. ibirongozi and abamotsi. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA Association pour lamasters Promotion Sociale deinlacase The ibirongozi: could deputize their or sub-chiefs RISUREOHPVDQGWKH\VXSHUYLVHGWKHZRUNGRQHE\WKHFRHUFHG Masse laborers (abanyakazi). theleother hand, the abamotsi helped ARD : AllianceOn pour Renforcement de la sub-chiefs to recruit coerced laborers and to announce the Démocratie decisions of sub-chiefs to the local populations and they informed ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des ODERUHUV DERXW WKH SODFH ZKHUH ZRUN ZRXOG WDNH SODFH %HIRUH Droits de l’Homme 184 This was an abbreviation in Frenchpour le Relèvement AREDETWA : Association 185 This abbreviation in full is : “Conseil Supérieur du Pays” Démocratique des Batwa 275 v 275 VWDUWLQJWRZRUNDVXEFKLHIRUKirongoziWRRNDUROOFDOO iperu) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS to identify those who were present and absentees. The absentees ___________________________________ were punished. All intermediaries were by law not supposed to be SDLG,QSULQFLSOHWKH\ZHUHQRWVXSSRVHGWRHQMR\WKHEHQHÀWV A.A. : Archives Africaines RIIRUFHGODERUOLNHVXEFKLHIV+RZHYHUWKHIbirongozi regularly A.G. : Assemblée Générale FROODERUDWHG ZLWK FKLHIV WR FRUHFH VRPH ZRUNHUV WR SHUIRUP ABAKI : Alliance Bakiga SHUVRQDO WDVNV RQ WKHLUdes RZQ IDUPV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH Ibiringozi ABESC : Association des Evoluant pour themselves were exempted from Bahutu forced labor and this wasla not a Suppression des Castes mean achievement at all. ACR ADP ADR : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda ¾Works imposed in the interests of individual : Alliance Démocratique des Peuples homesteads : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Réconciliation Nationale 7KHVHZRUNVGHDOWZLWKFXOWLYDWLQJFRPSXOVRU\IRRGFURSVVXFK AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières as cassava and sweet potatoes. But also, they included the AFDL : Alliance Forces Démocratiques pour la cultivation of coffee and des storage of beans. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA Shiku : African Growth and Opportunity Act $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP The imposition of the Indigènes coerced cultivation of food crops was AIMO : Affaires et Main-d’oeuvre NQRZQ E\ WKH QDPH RI ´Shiku”. This was aEstudiantine coined term which AJER : Association de la Jeunesse came into use in 1930. Food-crop farming was supposed to be Rwandaise done in plots which were not owned by peasants, that is to say in ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda land designated by competent authorities. This forced labor was AM/AP Arrêté Arrêté Itprésidentiel intended for :the goodministériel/ of the population. eventually became AMR : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda YHU\XQSRSXODU7KDWLVZK\LQWKHFXOWLYDWHGÀHOGVWKHVHUYLFHV AMUR : Association des Musulmans Rwanda which were delivered were given the name ofau “Shiku” from the verb “Gushikura” meaning cultivating a lot of force using of ANT : Assemblée Nationale with de Transition DKDQGKRH7KLVZDVWUXHEHFDXVHWKDWZRUNZDVGRQHRQIDOORZ (Transitional National Assembly) land (imishike) which was generally and dryChrétien to cultivate. APADEC : Association du Parti hard Démocrate 6KLNX ZDV DOVR FDOOHG ´akajagari” to mean land assigned to a APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise group of cultivators each of whom was supposed to cultivate APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes his own part. The Shiku of cassava was located on hill-tops. The Rwandais sweet potato shiku was located in valleys and marshlands. APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes APROSOMA : Association la Promotion la not From the land tenure pointpour of view, the shikuSociale system de was the same as “amasambu” (private property owned by peasants). Masse Shiku ODQG GLG QRW UHIHU WR FROOHFWLYH ÀHOGV 6XIÀFH ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la LW shiku simply referredDémocratie to collective gardens for individuals who were JURXSHG WR ZRUN WRJHWKHU 7KH LQGLYLGXDO RFFXSDQWV GLG QRW ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des have rights of ownership on the plots which were given to them Droits desupposed l’Homme to use it temporarilly. After to cultivate. They were AREDETWA : Association pour le to Relèvement harvesting, the plot belonged again the village reserve (colline Démocratique des Batwa 276 276 v in French). The following year, the ABBREVIATIONS distribution of these plots was ACRONYMS AND transferred to ___________________________________ other locations. Nobody had a right to claim a plot they had previously cultivated. A.A. : Archives Africaines 7KHLQWHQVLÀFDWLRQRIIRRGFURSFXOWLYDWLRQVXGGHQO\FKDQJHGWKH A.G. : Assemblée Générale image of the rural areas. Hence in every sub-chieftaincy, there ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga ZHUH WZR RU WKUHH ELJ ÀHOGV RI FDVVDYD FDOOHG ´agakiza”. These ABESC : Association des Bahutu la WR FXOWLYDWHG ÀHOGV EHORQJHG WR WKH SHRSOHEvoluant WKH\ ZHUHpour UHVRUWHG during periods Suppression of famine and des foodCastes scarcity. As opposed to shiku, ACRagakizaÀHOGVZHUHFROOHFWLYHJDUGHQVZKLFKZHUHELJJHUWKDQ : Association des Cultivateurs du Rwanda the the agakiza Démocratique plots measured des 10,000 square meters. ADPshiku. The : Alliance Peuples 7R REWDLQ VXIÀFLHQW ODQG IRU FXOWLYDWLRQ SDVWRUDO ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la ÀHOGV ZHUH gradually encroached upon by the agakizaÀHOGVDQGHYHQWXDOO\ Réconciliation Nationale became agricultural land. Hence, several demonstrations of AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières GLVFRQWHQW E\ KHUGVPHQ HPHUJHG DJDLQVW WKH LQWHQVLÀFDWLRQ RI AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la coerced agriculture. Libération du Congo-Zaïre AGOA : Africanpassed Growth and Opportunity Food crop agriculture through a trial-phase Act from 1926 to 1930. by large-scale mobilization of cassava stem $,'6It was followed $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP 186 distribution from Rubona plantations . There were competing AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre VXSSOLHUVDQGEX\HUVDVZHOODVWKH+$9V AJER : Association de la JeunesseLHDGXOWPHQFDSDEOH Estudiantine o performing forced labor) to carry stems provided by the colonial Rwandaise administration. Sweet-potato stems were also distributed on the ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda spot. AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ Arrêté présidentiel AMR cultivating, : Association des Moniteurs du Rwanda Before it was important to select the cultivation area. AMUR : Association des Musulmans au Rwanda This was done by the competent authorities and, in this case, the criterion of area proximity was priviledged. The ANTsub-chief.:The Assemblée Nationale de Transition VXEFKLHIOLYHGDGMDFHQWWRWKHFXOWLYDWHGVXUIDFHDUHD+HULVNHG (Transitional National Assembly) loosing his job if there was the surface in his domain APADEC : Association du cultivated Parti Démocrate Chrétien ZDVVPDOO,QRUGHUWRIDFLOLWDWHWKHVXSHUYLVLRQRIWKHÀHOGVE\WKH APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise WHUULWRULDODXWKRULWLHVDQGRWKHUYLVLWRUVWKHÀHOGVKDGWREHORFDWHG APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes within a radius of the same locality, preferably near major roads. Rwandais The objective was to enable inspectors to see from a distance, APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes ZLWK WKHLU RZQ H\HV WKH HQRUPRXV ZRUN GRQH E\ WKH 7HUULWRU\ APROSOMA : Association pourwithout la Promotion de la or chieftaincy and sub-chieftaincy leavingSociale their vehicles PRWRUF\FOHVWRZDONRQIRRW%\H[KLELWLQJWKHVHDFFHVVLEOHPRGHO Masse gardens, the sub-chief chieflemade supervisorsde tola believe that ARD : Allianceorpour Renforcement the situation was the same everywhere and that the authorities Démocratie RIWKHUHJLRQZHUHLQGHHGKDUGZRUNLQJ7KHVHORFDWLRQVZHUHQRW ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des chosen according to the distances covered by the coerced laborers Droits de l’Homme 186 In 1927, two selection experimental stations were established in Rubona and AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement Ntendezi (Cyangugu). The latter was abolished in 1929. Démocratique des Batwa 277 v 277 RU +$9V ,W ZDV YHU\ FRPPRQ FRHUFHG ODERUHUV ZKR ZHUH ACRONYMS ANDIRU ABBREVIATIONS living in marshlands or uncultivated hills going to cultivate in ___________________________________ YHU\GLVWDQWDUHDV7KHVHDEXVHVFRQWULEXWHGWRPDNLQJWKHshiku system very unpopular but also unproductive. A.A. not only : Archives Africaines A.G. : Assemblée Générale $,'6 $FTXLUHG,PPXQR'HÀFLHQF\6\QGURP After choosing a proper location where shiku was to be performed, ABAKI : Alliance des Bakiga WKHVXEFKLHILQYLWHGWKHFRHUFHGODERUHUV +$9V ZLWKWKHKHOSRI ABESC : Association des Bahutu Evoluant pour la “abamotsiµWRFRPHWRWKHÀHOGVIRUZRUN7KH\KHOSHGWKHVXE Suppression des Castes FKLHIWRGLYLGHWKHÀHOGLQWRSORWVRIPHWHUVORQJDQGPHWHUV ACR 7KH SHUVRQ : Association Cultivateurs du Rwanda ZLGH WR ZKRP des D SORW ZDV JLYHQ À[HG GHPDUFDWLRQ SROHV IRXU FRUQHUV RI KLV ÀHOG VZHHW SRWDWRHV ADP DORQJ WKH : Alliance Démocratique des 7KH Peuples plots were smaller than cassava ones. No demarcation polls were ADR : Alliance pour la Démocratie et la needed for potatoes. And, coerced cultivation started in earnest. Réconciliation Nationale The average surface area of sweet potatoes plots was 40 square AEC : Agglomeration Extra-Coutumières meters (10 m x 4m). The distribution of plots to households was AFDL : Alliance des Forces Démocratiques one of the major characteristics of the shiku system.pour The la aim was to expandLibération the size ofdu theCongo-Zaïre cultivated area for fear of poor AGOA in case : African Opportunity Act harvests of bad Growth weather and or pests. 7KHFXOWLYDWLRQZRUNVVWDUWHGLQ1RYHPEHURU$SULO)RUVZHHW AIMO : Affaires Indigènes et Main-d’oeuvre SRWDWRHV DQG FDVVDYD WRRN SODFH LQ -XQH DQG -XO\ AJER :KLOOWRS Association de laLWJeunesse Estudiantine and sweet potatoes were cultivated in valleys. The number of Rwandaise plots for a household was proportional to the labor provided by ALIR : Armée de Libération du Rwanda IDPLO\PHPEHUV,WZDVFRPSXOVRU\WRÀQLVKWKHZRUNDVVLJQHG AM/AP : Arrêté ministériel/ présidentiel on a given plot on time. In achievingArrêté this objective, and to avoid AMR :WKH Association des Moniteurs duWR Rwanda SXQLVKPHQW PRVW SUDFWLFDO SUDFWLFH ZDV ZRUN WRJHWKHU AMUR : Association desSUDFWLFH Musulmans Rwanda DV D WHDP DORQJ KLOOWRSV ,Q +$9Vau RQO\ FXOWLYDWHG D small land but tactifully covered the other part with ANT piece of: Assemblée Nationale de Transition some soil obtained from theNational cultivated area. Generally, the (Transitional Assembly) supervisors aimed at demonstrating a very big surface area of APADEC : Association du Parti Démocrate Chrétien cultivated land but not the output because this was evidence APR : Armée Patriotique Rwandaise of effective land use by the sub-chieftaincy. Coercing people to APROBAMI : Association des Partis Monarchistes go and cultivate in distant places became a big obstacle. It was Rwandais FDXVHGE\WKHGDLO\PRYHPHQWVE\+$9VGXULQJWKHZHHGLQJDQG APROCOMIN: Association des Commerçants Indigènes KDUYHVWLQJVHDVRQV7KXVVRPHÀHOGVZHUHQRWKDUYHVWHGGXHWR APROSOMA pourhomesteads la Promotion Socialemore de lafrom long distances: Association involved. In fact, suffered the shikuV\VWHPWKDQWKH\EHQHÀWHGIURPLW Masse 7KH FRORQLDO DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ MXVWLÀHG WKH LPSRVLWLRQ ARD : Alliance pour le Renforcement de la RI IRRG crop cultivationDémocratie in the following way. First of all, cassava and VZHHWSRWDWRHVZHUHVXSSRVHGWRKHOSWKHSHRSOHWRÀJKWDJDLQVW ARDHO : Association Rwandaise pour la Défense des famine and food scarcity by providing surplus food. Cassava was Droits de l’Homme QRWNQRZQLQWKHFRXQWU\EXWVZHHWSRWDWRHVZHUHFXOWLYDWHGLQ AREDETWA : Association pour le Relèvement VRPHUHJLRQV7KHFKRLFHRIWKHVHWZRFURSVZDVLQÁXHQFHGE\ 278 278 Démocratique des Batwa v the fact that ACRONYMS they were lessAND vulnerable to climate change. This ABBREVIATIONS MXVWLÀFDWLRQ ZHQW KDQG LQ KDQG ZLWK WKH DUJXPHQW IUHTXHQWO\ ___________________________________ developed in the colonial literature that these crops helped natives from :being lazy.Africaines This was a false argument and was A.A. Archives contradicted by several events. As we shall see later, one of these A.G. : Assemblée Générale ZDV WKDW PDQ\ 5ZDQGDQV ZHQW WR ZRUN LQ RWKHU FRXQWULHV WR ABAKI forced: labor. Allian