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BDIT Quiz #1: IoT, ERP, AI, Big Data, CRM

BDIT Quiz #1
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1. What is the tech- Internet of Things (IoT)
nology that facilitates massive
data collection?
2. What is the most People
important component of an
information system?
3. What is the pri- To coordinate and manage all business processes across
mary purpose of multiple departments and locations
an Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system?
4. What is the
To standardize data protection laws across all EU member
main purpose of states
the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
5. What is the main Automate all business processes
goal of Business
Intelligence (BI)?
6. What type of
Descriptive Analytics
data analytics
unlocks the most
7. What is the main Create machines that can perform tas that typically require
goal of Artificial human intelligence.
Intelligence (AI)?
8. What is the chal- - Storing large amounts of data
lenge of working - Analyzing Data in real-time
with Big Data?
- Collecting relevant data in various formats
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9. Open source
generally enables:
- A community following a common purpose
- Enhanced security
- Faster time to market
10. Which of these
platforms are
open source?
None of the above:
- Google Search
- Zoom
- Whatsapp
11. Databases are a Data integrity and consistency
more powerful
tool than spreadsheets because:
12. What is not the KPIs
focus of Artificial
13. What is the best The one where your customers are
social media platform to do business?
14. Why are we in the Because of the rapid growth of computing power and data
exponential era? storage capacity
15. Which of the
following is an
example of a
moral dilemma in
the development
and deployment
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems?
- The use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement, which raises concerns about privacy and civil
- The deployment of autonomous weapons systems,
which raises questions about accountability and the responsibility of decision-making in life-and-death situations
- The development of AI systems that can make medical
diagnoses, which raises concerns about the accuracy and
fairness of such systems
16. IoT
BDIT Quiz #1
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Internet of Things. The network of physical devices connected to the Internet and the technology that facilitates
communication between devices and the cloud.
17. DIK Hierarchy
Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
18. Information Sys- combination of data, people, processes, and hard-softtem (IS)
ware used to reach a goal.
19. Business
Set of coordinated activities that lead to a specific goal or
20. System
a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole using
inputs and outputs.
21. Open System
system that can interact with its environment
22. Software
Set of instructions that control the operation of an IS
(System Software and Application Software)
23. Hardware
The physical components of a computer.
24. Examples of sys- Operating systems, utility programs (Antivirus)
tem software
25. Examples of ap- Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database.
plication soft(Photoshop)
26. Example of hard- keyboard, printers, laptops
27. information pro- input, processing, control, storage, output
cessing cycle
28. Input
Collection of data and conversion for processing
29. Processing
Manipulation of data
30. Storage
Holding place for data, used later
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31. Output
Transformation of processed data, user can understand
32. Control
Enforcement of correct processing
33. Transaction Pro- A system that serves the operational level and assists in
cessing System providing data for management. Front-line staff Ex: Payroll
Systems, stock control, Reservation systems.
34. Management In- management-level systems, in the short-medium term,
formation Syswhich help evaluate and assure an organization's pertems (MIS)
formance. Middle Managers. Ex: Inventory Control, sales
management, HRM
35. Enterprise ReIntegrated business applications, a data model that autosearch Planning mates administrative processes throughout multiple sec(ERP)
tors. Strategic Decisions. Ex: Finance, Accounting, Production etc.
36. Supply Chain
The flow of goods, upstream or downstream between suppliers and customers. Involves goods, data, and finances
of product. Raw material to final product.
37. Customer Rela- Strategy to manage interactions with customers and potionship Manage- tential customers. Build relationships, improve service,
ment (CRM)
and profits, and retain customers. Analyze customer information.
38. Buisness Intelli- technology-driven techniques used for analyzing business
gence (BI)
data. Aims for better decision-making. Ex: Sales revenue
by products, departments, or cost and incomes.
39. Data Warehouse archive of information gathered from multiple sources,
stored in a single site. Divided into groups like date, region,
product, etc.
40. Data Mining
the process of analyzing data to identify trends.
41. Online Analytical Processing
technology used to organize large business databases
and support business intelligence.
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42. Business Intelli- Platforms: Microsoft, Tableau, Qlik
gence Main Players
43. Knowledge Man- Process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing
agement (KM)
knowledge across the organization to generate value. Ex:
Explicit and Tactic.
44. Data can be best Raw Symbols
described as
45. Data that has
been processed
into something
useful is
46. Knowledge can
best be described as:
information that is applied to some decision or action
47. To be useful, in- interpreted, applied
formation is ....
and .... which
leads to knowledge
48. What are the
Communication, process support, and decision making
three main purposes that all
businesses use
information for?
49. According to
Every Month
Moore's law: how
often do we double the calculation per second
per dollar?
BDIT Quiz #1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dqiov0
Element of a system is a...
51. 4 critical eledata, technology, process, people
ments of an information system
52. 3 perspectives
on developing
enterprise systems...
Hierarchical, functional, process
53. Customer RelationShip Management Cycle
Engage (awareness), Transact (purchase process), Fulfill
(Delivery), Service (support with use)
54. What aspect of
CRM cycle creates awareness
55. Market leader for Sales Force