Innovations Variables Existence of innovation Problems innovations designed to solve Does innovation solve problem Specific changes in curriculum Teacher1 “The innovation brings a great change in the programs for all regional colleges of agriculture where students will have to sit but for the Higher National Diploma (HND) instead of the diplomas awarded by ministry of agriculture. This strategy is to solve problem of unemployment and underemployment such that students are professionally trained to settle on their own or easily absorbed by an organization Teacher2 The introduction of computer sciences , agroforestry, use of audio-visuals in teaching Teacher3 Teaching project writing, change duration of timetable from weekly to termly. Teacher4 Curricula for agricultural training - one is for training of agro pastoral advisors and the other agro pastoral entrepreneurs. Teacher5 More practical training and internships have been incorporated into the training modality. Teacher 6 A system of alternative training in both schools and professional institutions including farmers is in place Teacher7 The AFOP …….program is main innovations in this institution Teacher 8 Introduction of new courses in the faculty and programs To reinforce the capacities of trainees and reduce dependency on government by training graduates who can establish their own enterprises. -Project writing makes students to learn to compete,-solves problems of planning the non relevance of the training programs to the local conditions the high rate of unemployment of the graduates from agricultural schools the inability of the state to employ graduates from agricultural schools Improve on curricula of agric colleges making them reflect our local needs I think so as lecturers are more engaged with students on practical courses while the upgrade of the end of course diploma creates more openings and opportunities for the student There are so many changes in the new curriculum, for instance, the introduction of Yes, since many graduates are now being recruited by individual and group and agroindustrial establishments Successes registered by our ex-student succeeding in creating self enterprises and obtaining finances using knowledge obtained from project writing Yes the trainees are equipped with skills in addition to knowledge but the emphasis is on acquisition of skills All students in this department at the end of their study are expected to acquire skills that will make them self reliant Yes the innovations will go a long way to improve on agriculture and employability of students. I doubt if this innovations will solve all our problems, its implementation is very slow at times confusing The innovations are geared at training self reliant graduates, and graduates who can make a difference where they will be employed All problems can`t be solved at once but I think taking steps in the right direction. Computer science, management and agro-forestry were introduces Change of duration of internship from 2months to one month, Capacities are evaluated rather modules Conflict management, project cycle management, farm Lot to do with professionalization more practical work linking theory with Introduction of new courses in information technology, management There are new programs on going and we intend to Implications of curriculum change Implementation of innovation courses related to use of new technological, financial management, project writing. Also teaching will now involve use of new technologies like projectors and computers We have to do a lot more now than before as we get to attend seminars on regular basis, in the different aspects of the new curriculum, introduction of power point in teachingh management, community mobilization and some other modules have been incorporated into the curriculum practice and finance introduce Msc in the coming years The implication is that the school struggling to purchase the new didactic materials required in the new programs and also upgrading their staff through seminars and workshops Need for more didactic materials as teachers need computers to prepare power point presentations During training sessions, there is more participation of the trainees, so more cardboards and flip charts are used during role plays and simulations Multi disciplinarily has been introduced in the training sessions we need more didactic materials especially at individual level to prepare for lessens but I guess these things are not available Teachers more involved now, we attend many seminars, workshops We send feedback on progress of lessons….how students are receptive I doubt if the changes will really have an impact, its implementation is worrying as whats being done is different from what we see happening in field e.g. we see that teachers must have at least MSc degree but majority teachers are Bsc holders Every teacher has a copy of the new program this The innovations I see are good new agric programs at level of university very encouraging Need Yes to an extent as programs has a more practical orientation such as more internships, and closer supervision from teachers I do not think so because the institution is yet to operate at its full capacity since the incept of the program Yes to a certain extent because any change is either experimental or adopting what has been proved to bring positive results yes. The priority needs of my institution are to ensure that the graduates can be involved in rural development as self employed personnel or as employees of councils or other organizations. The innovations better equip the trainees to fit in with the prospective career profiles on offer In the long run I greatly believe things will improve although much still needs to be done regarding infrastructure Clarity They tried to clarify things especially as they started with Yes, I am one of those encouraging the development of a Yes these are less time consuming and alleviation of Yes;Acquisition of relevant capacities rather than knowledge New policies are clear especially as we are involved and We are aware of what is required from us. Our role has changed from The faculty holds meetings at beginning of Quality and practicality Local Characteristics District (Local) administration Community interviews with actors …who gave their points of view, NGOs, CIGs, elite farmers. Although this efforts its not been easy getting ideas through as some colleagues do not want to change from what they have been doing for a long time but I guess with time they will see the importance of the programs new curriculum poverty on the part of the student Alternative system of training by schools and professionals More emphasis on internships and tutorials in implementation modalities always feed with information about the changes mere instructors to mentors of students enables them to familiarize with the new changes every semester to sensitize us in case of changes for me things are clear in that way. It is more professional and specific and as such individuals will graduate with more competences and specialization The introduction of computer science s and use of technology in teaching is very essential this days I see it not completely successful. It could be only 50% there is are not enough computers in schools, less time spent on internship, brings less involvement It requires more participation of the trainees during the learning process Trainees have more confidence upon graduation Trainers are required to learn during this process Improving quality is the watch word of the new programs, we expect improvement from students, teachers, inshort from all stakeholders The programs have improved especially with revision of curriculum making it more relevant The trainees had to be part of the learning process in a process described as coconstruction of knowledge Overhead projectors had to be used more as well as computers and internet search engines for all the assignments The new programs brings with them courses that will enable the students gain skills that can be applicable anywhere in the world The local administration gave constructive ideas for a better management of the schools affairs for a more professional trainees They were to the best of my knowledge supportive With the AFOP program, the local administration is really involved, in the planning and execution The way our institutions are structured, the administration always implicated in one way or the other Local administration mostly involved in meetings acting as government representatives The school cannot carry on any activity without consent of divisional officer of Mayor or related government ministries They participate in evaluating if schools really carrying on with what they have to do The communities Participated as Don`t have much The local administration like the councils participated during the diagnosis stage for required skills that had to be incorporated into the training package Trainees are sent Community The community is I do not really The Difficulties External Factors Government to the best of my knowledge were contacted through their leaders and common initiative groups who then presented their points of professional needs which I feel influences the program itself. actors and beneficiaries as they provide for the need of their children in the schools idea about their involvement At the beginning it was difficult adapting to the changes as the teaching methods had to change with students required to play active role in lessons. -difficulties in getting qualified trainees Difficulties in planning and establishing timetables -old age of some academic staff not permitting some to easily master the changes -reluctance of some staff to accept change There difficulties in all areas, not enough teachers, deplorable working conditions, lack of infrastructure, inadequate didactics just to name a few Provided means and personnel to carry the feasibility studies, providers for school needs Sensitization and coordinate supply of audiovisuals and writing materials Provides funds and premises to councils during the third professional internship-. During this internship, the trainees are assisted by the councils to work with the other development partners in the municipalities -yes there were difficulties. The trainers needed capacity building and change of comportment: from teacher to facilitator heads always invited to attend school activities though they have little or no role to play active especially as they are made to understand that the schools are created for their benefits know much about the role of the community, they always present but their role not defined community assist schools in many way, offer land, internship opportunities, while the schools assist them in training farmers The problems are many, teaching staff is aging, most no qualified to teach in the new programs as they are graduates from same schools with either diplomas or Bsc from other universities The biggest problem is that of mind-set, the population does not see agricultural education as worthwhile thus only students who are not admitted in Universities tend to attend the colleges didactic materials especially computers are difficult to use due to frequent break down and power failure, one can use projectors when electricity supply is interrupted thus lessons hard to be well thought in absence of the slights no incentives or reward to spur us up. Then infrastructure is poor, lack of didactic materials e.g. one projector for whole faculty -the government established a consortium with the French government to co-finance the innovations -The government also facilitated the certification and recognition of certificates of the graduates with the ministry of higher education The government provided personnel to train the staff and trainees The government is the guarantor of education thereby providing infrastructure, teachers and other materials needed by these schools Government provides framework for cooperation, identified problem and seeks solution Government is very active to strengthen the agric education sector Other stakeholders Much involved in training of teachers and providing opportunities for field work and internship opportunities Technical assistants, acted as facilitators Provided resources like people who came in as consultants to in planning and training of teachers Other stakeholders are the French government that provides finances and consultants for training of staff. From time to time we see different organizations and companies involved especially when they have to benefit We have support from external stakeholders with the launching of the AFOP The French government , the UN and its partners are supporting agriculture and in a way supporting agric schools The Indian Government donated tractors, the French, World back also involebed Initial process resulted in the institution losing one academic year. -no coordination between the three regional colleges of agriculture in Cameroon -inadequate resources -some stakeholders are less receptive to innovations Information about the innovation comes in bits. Awareness is not well created, implementation means are not adequate The trainers were not too willing to let go of their supremacy in class and accept the effective participation and contributions of the trainees -The evaluation of capacities rather than modules was very challenging to design Auto evaluation of trainers is also difficult to implement because trainers are used to evaluating traineesIt is also difficult to get farmers and other professionals to objectively evaluate trainees The trainees found it challenging to actively take up their role as partners who had to contribute in the learning process Many senior staff hardly cooperate as they see no need for a change in the status-quo, its therefore a challenge to convince them to incorporate the new changes Not everyone is receptive to the changes especially those who were benefiting from the old system, We need to be serious when we talk about change The process of conception of the new program is problematic it seems as if we doing it to satisfy someone else not our own students. -more local experts need to handle the training not people from abroad with little knowledge of how things were before Course outline should be clear and specific with enough time allocated for internships. Also there should Let all stakeholders be involved in identification, decision making initiatives and implementations The beneficiaries especially students should be made aware of the innovations in time so that they More training should be provided to trainers on pedagogy through refresher courses and in service higher Graduates should be accompanied upon graduation to be effectively incorporated professionally There is need for change in mentality of students and parents about agricultural colleges. There The agricultural sector itself has to be reorganize where mechanization and large scale farms the All agricultural colleges be linked to university, if this is done there will be Challenges Suggestions be more training and employment of new teachers as majority of those I know not just here are old and retiring soon. of the strategy. can evaluate and prepare themselves. training should be sensitization on the importance of agric schools for I see the future of this country but in agricultural sector subsistence methods we currently engage in does not favor graduates from agric. schools better organization of training, attract more staff and students