ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (TR-511) Second Edition September 2020 Document No: TR-511 Second Edition SEPTEMBER - 2020 Department of Municipalities and Transport PO Box 20 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates © Copyright 2020, by the Department of Municipalities and Transport. All Rights Reserved. This manual, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ix List of Tables............................................................................................................................... xii Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... xiv Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................ xxvii 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose and Scope .......................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Application of This Manual ................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Content and Format .......................................................................................................... 1 1.5 Requirements and Purpose of Traffic Control Devices ...................................................... 3 1.6 Standardization of Application........................................................................................... 4 1.7 Approval for Placement..................................................................................................... 5 1.8 Excessive Use of Traffic Control Devices ......................................................................... 5 1.9 Advertising Signing ........................................................................................................... 5 1.10 Classification .................................................................................................................... 6 1.10.1 Road Classification ..................................................................................................... 6 1.10.2 Traffic Control Device Classification ........................................................................... 7 1.11 Scope of Application ......................................................................................................... 7 1.12 Compliance....................................................................................................................... 7 2 General Definitions................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.1 Guide Words............................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Traffic Control Device Word Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ....................... 10 2.2 Abbreviations Used on Traffic Control Devices ............................................................... 10 2.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 10 2.3 Standards and Manuals References ............................................................................... 11 3 Introduction to Traffic Control Devices ................................................................................ 14 3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14 3.1.1 Standards ................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.2 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 14 3.2 Principles of Traffic Control Devices ............................................................................... 14 3.2.1 TOC Description ............................................................................................................... 14 Page i SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3.2.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 15 3.2.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 15 3.3 Design of Traffic Control Devices .................................................................................... 16 3.3.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 16 3.3.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 16 3.3.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 16 3.4 Placement and Operation of Traffic Control Devices ....................................................... 16 3.4.1 3.5 Maintenance of Traffic Control Devices .......................................................................... 17 3.5.1 3.6 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 17 Uniformity of Traffic Control Devices ............................................................................... 17 3.6.1 3.7 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 16 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 17 Legal Framework and Implications ................................................................................. 17 3.7.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 17 3.7.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 17 3.7.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 18 3.8 Risk Assessment, Engineering Study and Judgment ...................................................... 18 3.8.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 18 3.8.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 18 3.8.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 18 3.9 Interpretations, Experimentations, Changes, and Interim Approvals ............................... 18 3.9.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 18 3.9.2 Standards ................................................................................................................. 19 3.9.3 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 22 3.10 Relation to Other Publications......................................................................................... 22 4 Signs ....................................................................................................................................... 23 4.1 General Requirements for Signs ..................................................................................... 23 4.1.1 Function and Purpose of Signs ................................................................................. 23 4.1.2 Definitions and Acronyms ......................................................................................... 23 4.1.3 Standardization of Application .................................................................................. 23 4.1.4 Guidance .................................................................................................................. 24 4.1.5 Excessive Use of Signs ............................................................................................ 24 4.1.6 Classification of Signs............................................................................................... 24 4.1.7 General Design Principles ........................................................................................ 25 4.1.8 Sign Retro-reflectivity and Illumination ...................................................................... 26 TOC Page ii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.1.9 Physical Aspects ...................................................................................................... 29 4.1.10 Legend ..................................................................................................................... 33 4.1.11 Installation ................................................................................................................ 34 4.1.12 Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 43 4.2 Regulatory Signage, Barricade, and Gates ..................................................................... 50 4.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 50 4.2.2 Function of Regulatory Signage ................................................................................ 51 4.2.3 Design of Regulatory Signs ...................................................................................... 52 4.2.4 Control Signs at Intersections and Pedestrian Crossings .......................................... 53 4.2.5 Regulatory Signing at Intersections or Pedestrian Crossings .................................... 60 4.2.6 Movement Control, Mandatory and Prohibitory Signage ........................................... 62 4.2.7 Speed Limit Signage................................................................................................. 72 4.2.8 General Prohibitory Traffic Restrictions Signage ....................................................... 78 4.2.9 Parking Control and Reservation Signage ................................................................ 88 4.2.10 Vehicle-Specific Reservation Signing ....................................................................... 96 4.2.11 Comprehensive Signage ........................................................................................ 103 4.2.12 Closure Signage, Barricades, and Gates ................................................................ 105 4.3 Warning Signs .............................................................................................................. 108 4.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 108 4.3.2 Function of Warning Signage.................................................................................. 109 4.3.3 Design of Warning Signs ........................................................................................ 112 4.3.4 Advance Warning Signs ......................................................................................... 113 4.3.5 Hazard Marker Signs .............................................................................................. 139 4.3.6 Diagrammatic Signs................................................................................................ 144 4.3.7 Countdown Markers (Signs 496-498) ..................................................................... 153 4.4 Guide Signage .............................................................................................................. 154 4.4.1 Function and Application of Guide Signs ................................................................ 154 4.4.2 General Standards for Guide Signs ........................................................................ 161 4.4.3 Route Numbering System ....................................................................................... 175 4.4.4 Guide Signs for Arterials and At-Grade Junctions ................................................... 183 4.4.5 Guide Signage for Freeways, Highways, and Grade-Separated Junctions ............. 204 4.4.6 General Information and Service Signs................................................................... 230 5 Pavement Markings .............................................................................................................. 242 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 242 5.2 Principles ...................................................................................................................... 242 TOC Page iii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5.2.1 Standards ............................................................................................................... 242 5.2.2 Guidance ................................................................................................................ 243 5.3 General Overview of Pavement and Curb Markings ..................................................... 243 5.3.1 Marking Types ........................................................................................................ 243 5.3.2 Colours ................................................................................................................... 245 5.3.3 Materials ................................................................................................................. 246 5.3.4 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 247 5.3.5 Implementation of this Pavement-Marking Guidance .............................................. 247 5.4 Detailed Requirements for Pavement and Curb Markings............................................. 248 5.4.1 Regulatory Markings ............................................................................................... 248 5.4.2 Warning Markings ................................................................................................... 264 5.4.3 Guidance Markings ................................................................................................. 272 5.4.4 Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) .......................................................................... 275 5.4.5 Summary Table for Spacing of Longitudinal Pavement Markings ........................... 282 5.4.6 Curb Painting .......................................................................................................... 282 5.4.7 Object Marker Design ............................................................................................. 290 5.4.8 Text Pavement Markings ........................................................................................ 293 5.4.9 Delineation ............................................................................................................. 295 5.4.10 Barricades and Channelizing Devices .................................................................... 297 5.5 Roundabout Markings ................................................................................................... 300 6 School Zone Traffic Control................................................................................................. 301 6.1 General Principles ........................................................................................................ 301 6.1.1 Need for Standards................................................................................................. 301 6.1.2 School Routes and Established School Crossings .................................................. 302 6.2 Traffic Control for School Zones without Mid-Block Crossings ...................................... 303 6.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................. 303 6.2.2 Signing Standards .................................................................................................. 304 6.2.3 School Zone Layout ................................................................................................ 306 6.3 School Zones with Dedicated School Crossings ........................................................... 307 6.3.1 Warrants ................................................................................................................. 307 6.3.2 Description and Standards...................................................................................... 309 6.3.3 Layout..................................................................................................................... 312 6.4 Supervision of School Zones ........................................................................................ 313 6.4.1 Warrants ................................................................................................................. 313 6.4.2 Description and Standards...................................................................................... 315 TOC Page iv SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6.4.3 6.5 Layout for School Crossings Outside School Zone ................................................. 315 Miscellaneous Signage Details ..................................................................................... 316 6.5.1 Reflectorization ....................................................................................................... 316 6.5.2 Position of Signs ..................................................................................................... 316 6.5.3 Height of Signs ....................................................................................................... 316 6.5.4 Installation of Signs................................................................................................. 316 6.5.5 Lettering ................................................................................................................. 316 6.6 Supervision of School Zones ........................................................................................ 316 6.6.1 Types of Crossing Supervision ............................................................................... 316 6.6.2 Adult Crossing Guards............................................................................................ 317 6.6.3 Qualifications of Adult Crossing Guards.................................................................. 317 6.6.4 Uniform of Adult Crossing Guard ............................................................................ 317 6.6.5 Operating Procedures for Adult Crossing Guards ................................................... 317 6.6.6 Stop Paddle Sign 301P........................................................................................... 318 7 Rail/Busway Grade Crossings and Exclusive Bus and Carpool (Managed Lane) Facilities 319 7.1 General Principles ........................................................................................................ 319 7.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 319 7.1.2 Overview of Grade Crossings ................................................................................. 319 7.1.3 Use of Standard Devices, Systems, and Practices at Road-Railway Grade Crossings ............................................................................................................................... 320 7.1.4 Use of Standard Devices, Systems, and Practices at Road-LRT Grade Crossings . 320 7.1.5 Uniform Provisions for Grade Crossings of All Rail Facilities .................................. 322 7.1.6 Grade Crossing Elimination .................................................................................... 322 7.1.7 Provisions for BRT, Busway and Managed Lane Activities ..................................... 323 7.1.8 Illumination at Grade Crossings .............................................................................. 325 7.1.9 Temporary Traffic Management at Grade Crossings .............................................. 325 7.2 Risk Mitigation .............................................................................................................. 326 7.3 Signs and Markings – Rail Crossings............................................................................ 327 7.3.1 General................................................................................................................... 327 7.3.2 Railway Sign Assemblies at Road-Rail Crossings .................................................. 327 7.3.3 Advance Warning Signage for Railway Crossings .................................................. 330 7.3.4 Pavement Markings ................................................................................................ 334 7.3.5 Clear Zone Markings and Signage.......................................................................... 335 7.4 Signs and Markings – LRT Crossings ........................................................................... 336 7.4.1 TOC Exclusive LRT Crossing Warning Signal Assembly (Assembly 1011) ..................... 336 Page v SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7.4.2 Advance LRT Crossing Warnings ........................................................................... 337 7.4.3 Urban LRT Crossings – Signs and Markings .......................................................... 339 7.5 Signalization and Gates ................................................................................................ 341 7.5.1 Active Control Devices ............................................................................................ 341 7.5.2 Four-Quadrant Gate Systems ................................................................................. 344 7.5.3 Wayside Horn Systems .......................................................................................... 347 7.5.4 Rail Traffic Detection .............................................................................................. 347 7.5.5 Exclusive Bus Lane Signs....................................................................................... 348 7.5.6 Exclusive LRT/Tram Lane Signs 395.1, 395.2, and 395.3 ...................................... 348 7.6 Managed Lanes (Express Bus and Carpool Facilities) Signage and Marking on Freeways ..................................................................................................................................... 350 7.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 350 7.6.2 Overview of Non-Barrier-Separated Managed Lane Facilities ................................. 351 7.6.3 Barrier-Separated Managed Lane Signage and Marking ........................................ 354 7.6.4 Signing Standards .................................................................................................. 356 7.6.5 Managed Lane Markings ........................................................................................ 374 8 Traffic Control for Bicycle Facilities.................................................................................... 378 8.1 Principles ...................................................................................................................... 378 8.1.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................... 378 8.1.2 Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 378 8.1.3 Relation to Other Documents.................................................................................. 378 8.1.4 Placement Authority................................................................................................ 379 8.1.5 Colours ................................................................................................................... 379 8.2 Signage ........................................................................................................................ 379 8.2.1 Application and Placement of Signs........................................................................ 379 8.2.2 Design of Bicycle Signs .......................................................................................... 380 8.2.3 STOP and YIELD Signs (301, 302)......................................................................... 380 8.2.4 Mandatory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-1x-8-4x) ................................... 381 8.2.5 Advisory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-5x) .............................................. 384 8.2.6 Mandatory Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-6x-8-9x) ............................... 385 8.2.7 Advisory Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-10x) ......................................... 389 8.2.8 Shared Bicycle/Pedestrian Tracks (Signs 8-11x, 8-12x) ......................................... 389 8.2.9 End of Bicycle Lane, Track or Route (Signs 8-13x, 8-14x) ...................................... 390 8.2.10 Selective Exclusion Signs (Signs 352, 353) ............................................................ 390 8.2.11 Bicycle Guide Signs ................................................................................................ 391 8.3 TOC Markings ....................................................................................................................... 392 Page vi SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8.3.1 Functions of Markings............................................................................................. 392 8.3.2 General Principles .................................................................................................. 392 8.3.3 Mandatory Bicycle Lane Markings .......................................................................... 393 8.3.4 Advisory Bicycle Lane Markings ............................................................................. 395 8.3.5 Bicycle Track Markings ........................................................................................... 396 8.4 Bicycle Grade Crossings............................................................................................... 396 8.4.1 Description ............................................................................................................. 396 8.4.2 Standards ............................................................................................................... 396 8.5 Signalization (refer to TSES Manual) ............................................................................ 397 8.5.1 Application .............................................................................................................. 397 8.5.2 Signal Operations for Bicycles ................................................................................ 397 8.6 Temporary Traffic Management and Bicycle Access .................................................... 397 9 Traffic Control for Pedestrian Facilities .............................................................................. 399 9.1 Principles ...................................................................................................................... 399 9.2 Signage ........................................................................................................................ 399 9.2.1 Standards ............................................................................................................... 399 9.2.2 Give Way to Pedestrians Sign (Sign 303) ............................................................... 399 9.2.3 No Pedestrians Sign (Sign 352) .............................................................................. 400 9.2.4 Children Sign (Sign 426) ......................................................................................... 400 9.2.5 Pedestrians Crossing Ahead Sign (Sign 427) ......................................................... 401 9.2.6 Traffic Signals Ahead (Sign 430A and 430B) .......................................................... 402 9.3 Markings ....................................................................................................................... 403 9.3.1 Pedestrian (“Zebra”) Crossing Marking 603 ............................................................ 403 9.3.2 Pavement Messages .............................................................................................. 404 9.3.3 Pedestrian Islands and Medians ............................................................................. 404 9.4 Pedestrian Grade Crossings ......................................................................................... 405 9.4.1 9.5 Signalization ................................................................................................................. 405 9.5.1 9.6 Description ............................................................................................................. 405 Description ............................................................................................................. 405 Temporary Traffic Management and Pedestrian Access ............................................... 405 10 Typical Applications ............................................................................................................. 406 10.1 General......................................................................................................................... 406 10.2 Local and Arterial Road Junctions ................................................................................ 406 10.3 Roundabout Junctions .................................................................................................. 414 10.4 Freeways and Grade-Separated Junctions ................................................................... 417 TOC Page vii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Cited References ...................................................................................................................... 432 Other References ...................................................................................................................... 433 Index .......................................................................................................................................... 434 TOC Page viii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Sign Clutter Example .................................................................................................... 5 Figure 1-2: Classification of Traffic Control Devices ........................................................................ 8 Figure 3-1: Process for Requesting and Conducting Experimentations for New Traffic Control Devices ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 3-2: Process for Incorporating New Traffic Control Devices into the MUTCD ..................... 22 Figure 4-1: Lateral and Vertical Sign Placement ........................................................................... 36 Figure 4-2: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Regulatory and Warning Signs .............................. 38 Figure 4-3: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Guide Signs........................................................... 39 Figure 4-4: Sign Orientation Angle ................................................................................................ 39 Figure 4-5: General Process for Sign Maintenance ....................................................................... 45 Figure 4-6: Longitudinal Position of Stop Sign 301 and Give Way Sign 302 .................................. 56 Figure 4-7: Typical NO ENTRY Signing for Intersections with Dual Carriageway Roads ............... 64 Figure 4-8: Use of One-Way Signs 305, 306, and 307 with Signs 346 and 347 ............................ 66 Figure 4-9: Use of Maximum Speed Limit Sign 344 ...................................................................... 76 Figure 4-10: U-turns Permitted Except for Goods Vehicles (left) and “Buses Keep Right” (right)... 87 Figure 4-11: Example of Disabled and Timed Parking Schemes ................................................... 96 Figure 4-12: Parking Zone 80m or more with No Stopping Zone on either Side ............................ 96 Figure 4-13: Typical Gate Installation .......................................................................................... 108 Figure 4-14: Merge Between Routes of Equal Importance .......................................................... 118 Figure 4-15: Typical Hazard Plate Applications ........................................................................... 140 Figure 4-16: Examples of Applications of Sign 454 and Sign 455 ............................................... 142 Figure 4-17: Typical Application of Multiple Chevron Signs 456 and 457 .................................... 143 Figure 4-18: Option A – Advance Signing for Intersections ......................................................... 157 Figure 4-19: Option A – Advance Signing for Roundabouts ........................................................ 157 Figure 4-20: Option B – Advance Overhead Signing at Major Intersections2 ............................... 158 Figure 4-21: Advance Signing Example for Diamond Interchange .............................................. 160 Figure 4-22: Advance Signing Example for Major Interchange .................................................... 160 Figure 4-23: Abu Dhabi Route Numbering System Framework ................................................... 176 Figure 4-24: Route Marking Principles ........................................................................................ 182 Figure 4-25: Typical Guide Sign Internal Spacing Elements (not to scale) .................................. 191 Figure 4-26: Approved Supplemental Destination Symbols......................................................... 198 Figure 4-27: Advance Exit Direction Sign Layouts (Sign 551) ..................................................... 211 Figure 4-28: Exit Direction Sign Layouts (Sign 552) .................................................................... 212 Figure 4-29: Ongoing Direction Sign 553 .................................................................................... 217 Figure 4-30: Illustration of Exit Numbers ..................................................................................... 229 Figure 4-31: General Services Iconic Symbols............................................................................ 241 Figure 5-1: Transverse Regulatory Pavement Markings ............................................................ 250 Figure 5-2: Longitudinal Regulatory Pavement Markings ............................................................ 254 Figure 5-3: Use of No Passing Line 611 at Junction.................................................................... 255 Figure 5-4: Typical Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Urban) ............................................. 259 Figure 5-5: Typical Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Highways) ....................................... 260 Figure 5-6: Typical Straight and Diverge Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Freeway and Highway Applications)................................................................................................................. 261 Figure 5-7: Exclusive Use Lane or Parking Regulatory Symbol Markings (623.x) ....................... 263 TOC Page ix SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-8: Example of Marking 623.6 – Light Rail Path marking (locate near pedestrian crossings) ................................................................................................................................................... 264 Figure 5-9: Warning Pavement Markings .................................................................................... 267 Figure 5-10: Guidelines for Using Rumble Strip Marking 650 for Speed Reduction ..................... 267 Figure 5-11: LANE END ARROW Use for Freeway On-Ramp .................................................... 270 Figure 5-12: Chevron Marking 657 (Diverging Traffic)................................................................. 271 Figure 5-13: Hatch Marking 658 .................................................................................................. 272 Figure 5-14: Guidance Pavement Markings ................................................................................ 272 Figure 5-15: Use of Raised Pavement Markings ......................................................................... 277 Figure 5-16: Placement of RPMs for Lane Drops (3 lanes to 2) .................................................. 278 Figure 5-17: Placement of RPMs for Lane Drops at Freeway Diverge ........................................ 279 Figure 5-18: Placement of Green RPMs at Freeway Diverge Entrance ....................................... 279 Figure 5-19: Curb Painting for Fire Hydrants Along Roadways Using No Stopping Marking 695. 286 Figure 5-20: Curb Painting and Pavement Marking for Fire Hydrants Adjacent to Parking Spaces ................................................................................................................................................... 287 Figure 5-21: Parking Zone / Delineation Curb Colours ................................................................ 288 Figure 5-22: Disabled Parking Zone Curb Example .................................................................... 289 Figure 5-23: Object Markers ....................................................................................................... 292 Figure 5-24: Examples of Delineator Placement ......................................................................... 293 Figure 5-25: Examples of Text Symbol 695 ................................................................................ 294 Figure 5-26: Typical Barricade .................................................................................................... 298 Figure 5-27: Typical Channelizing Devices (7459) ...................................................................... 299 Figure 6-1: Example of School Route Plan Map.......................................................................... 303 Figure 6-2: Sign 426 with Supplementary Plate 589 and Warning Flasher .................................. 304 Figure 6-3: Sign 344-30 with Supplementary Sign 589 and Warning Flasher .............................. 305 Figure 6-4: Alternative School Zone Sign .................................................................................... 305 Figure 6-5: Sign 588E ................................................................................................................. 305 Figure 6-6: Sign 426 with Type 5 Arrow on Type 589 Supplementary Plaque ............................. 306 Figure 6-7: Basic School Zone .................................................................................................... 307 Figure 6-8: Sign 302 with Sign 360 below ................................................................................... 310 Figure 6-9: Use of traffic slowing (Zigzag) lines in advance of zebra crossing (two-lane example) ................................................................................................................................................... 311 Figure 6-10: Example of Signing for a School Zone with a School Speed Limit and a School Crossing ................................................................................................................................................... 314 Figure 6-11: Sign 426 with Distance on Type 589 Supplemental Plaque .................................... 315 Figure 6-12: Example of Signing for a School Crossing Outside of a School Zone ..................... 316 Figure 6-13: Sign 301P ............................................................................................................... 318 Figure 7-1: Railway Crossing Warning Signal Assembly 1001 (indicating 2 track crossing) ........ 328 Figure 7-2: Railway Crossing Stop Sign Assembly 1002 (indicating 2 track crossing) ................. 330 Figure 7-3: Assembly 1003 – Railway Crossing and Signals Ahead ........................................... 331 Figure 7-4: Sign 2012 (right hand side) ....................................................................................... 332 Figure 7-5: Approach Layout for Stop-Controlled Rail Crossing .................................................. 333 Figure 7-6: Assembly 1004 Containing Sign 2010 Mounted Above Sign 589 with Type 5 Arrow (Railway Crossing on Right)........................................................................................................ 333 Figure 7-7: Clear Zone Marking .................................................................................................. 335 Figure 7-8: Exclusive LRT Crossing Warning Signal Assembly 1011 (for exclusive LRT right-of-way crossing road) ............................................................................................................................. 337 TOC Page x SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-9: Assembly 1013 – LRT Crossing and Signals Ahead ................................................. 338 Figure 7-10: Assembly 1014A (Sign 430A with Sign 2021) ......................................................... 339 Figure 7-11: Assembly 1014B (Sign 430B with Sign 2021) ......................................................... 339 Figure 7-12: Assembly 2015 (Sign 2015 with Sign 589, Type 5 Arrow shown) ............................ 340 Figure 7-13: Assembly 2016 (Sign 301 plus Sign 2003M, Sign 2021 as alternative) ................... 341 Figure 7-14: Overhead Flashing Signal Assembly ...................................................................... 342 Figure 7-15: Typical Railway Crossing Flashing Signal and Boom Barrier Assembly .................. 343 Figure 7-16: Example of Location Plan for Flashing-Light Signals and Four-Quadrant Gates ..... 346 Figure 7-17: Configuration for “Add-Lane” Contiguous Managed Lane ....................................... 352 Figure 7-18: Configuration for Left Lane Transition to Managed Lane ......................................... 353 Figure 7-19: Configuration for in-Out Transition between Managed Lane and General Purpose Lanes (non-barrier-separated facility) .................................................................................................... 353 Figure 7-20: Configuration for Intermediate Entry to Barrier-Separated Managed Lane .............. 355 Figure 7-21: Configuration for Intermediate Exit from Barrier-Separated Managed Lane ............ 356 Figure 7-22: Use of DMS for Managed Lanes Direction Signs .................................................... 374 Figure 8-1: Sign Placement on Shared Use Paths ...................................................................... 380 Figure 8-2: Start of Lane Typical Layout ..................................................................................... 383 Figure 8-3: Typical Entry to a One-Way Street ............................................................................ 386 Figure 8-4: Typical Arrangement at the Start of a Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane .............................. 387 Figure 8-5: With-Flow Mandatory Bicycle Lanes ......................................................................... 394 Figure 8-6: Contra-Flow Mandatory Bicycle Lanes ...................................................................... 395 Figure 8-7: Bicycle Grade Crossings ........................................................................................... 398 Figure 9-1: Pedestrian (“Zebra”) Crossing Marking 603 .............................................................. 404 Figure 10-1: Local Street Sign and Marking Layouts ................................................................... 409 Figure 10-2: Dual Carriageway Arterial with Median U-Turn Pocket and Channelized T-Intersection with Local Street ......................................................................................................................... 410 Figure 10-3: Dual Carriageway Arterial with Channelized Left-Turn Movement into Side Road and Bus Stop Turnout Location.......................................................................................................... 411 Figure 10-4: Dual Carriageway Urban Arterial with Service Roads, Parking and Local Street Access ................................................................................................................................................... 412 Figure 10-5: Signalised Intersection between Two Major Arterial Roads with Advance Horizontal Stack Signage............................................................................................................................. 413 Figure 10-6: Roundabout Junction between Two AD-Routes with Bypass Right Turn and VerticalStack Advance Signage .............................................................................................................. 415 Figure 10-7: Signalised Roundabout Junction between Two AD-Routes with Bypass Right Turn and Horizontal-Stack Advance Signage (includes advance guidance to E-routes and Mashreq route signing on cross route) ................................................................................................................ 416 Figure 10-8: Mini-Roundabout (local or rural junctions) ............................................................... 417 Figure 10-9: Arterial and Freeway Off-Ramp Approaches to Arterial-Ramp Junction (diamond interchange, signalisation at ramp junctions) .............................................................................. 423 Figure 10-10: Arterial and Freeway Off-Ramp Approaches to Arterial-Ramp Junction (diamond interchange, roundabouts at ramp junctions ............................................................................... 424 Figure 10-11: Freeway Approach to Single-Lane Exit Ramp (no lane drop) ................................ 425 Figure 10-12: Freeway Approach to Two Lane Exit with Right Lane Drop and Second-Lane Exit Option (use of standard over-lane guide signing) ........................................................................ 426 Figure 10-13: Freeway Approach to Two Lane Exit with Right Lane Drop and Second-Lane Exit Option (use of alternative diagrammatic lane use arrow signage) ............................................... 427 TOC Page xi SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-14: Signing for Multi-Ramp Interchange (exit ramps direct from mainline)................... 428 Figure 10-15: Signing for Multi-Ramp Interchange with Primary Exit to Collector-Distributor (C-D) Road and Secondary Exits from C-D Road ................................................................................. 428 Figure 10-16: Signing for Freeway-to-Freeway Interchange (two lane drops, directional split on exit ramp) .......................................................................................................................................... 429 Figure 10-17: Guide Signage for Grade-Separated Urban Junction ............................................ 430 Figure 10-18: Pavement Marking Examples for Freeway Merges, Weaving Sections and Exit Ramp Splits ........................................................................................................................................... 431 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Roadway Types by Functional Classification ................................................................. 6 Table 2-2: Acceptable Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 11 Table 2-3: Abbreviations That Shall Be Used Only on Portable Dynamic Message Signs ............. 12 Table 2-4: Unacceptable Abbreviations (English).......................................................................... 13 Table 4-5: Minimum Sign Retro-reflectivity Requirements to be Maintained .................................. 27 Table 4-6: Illumination of Sign Elements ....................................................................................... 29 Table 4-7: Standard Sign Shapes ................................................................................................. 30 Table 4-8: Regulatory and Warning Sign Sizes ............................................................................. 31 Table 4-9: Traffic Sign Colour Code .............................................................................................. 32 Table 4-10: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Traffic Signs (Refer to Figures 5 and 6) ................ 40 Table 4-11: Minimum Longitudinal Sign Spacing Requirements – General ................................... 41 Table 4-12: Basis of Sample Sign Ratings .................................................................................... 47 Table 4-13: Number of Test Signs ................................................................................................ 48 Table 4-14: Sign Cleaning Frequency ........................................................................................... 49 Table 4-15: Placement of Speed Limit Signs ................................................................................ 72 Table 4-16: Guidelines for Positioning Advance Warning Signs .................................................. 110 Table 4-17: Categories of Warning Signs and Plaques ............................................................... 111 Table 4-18: Minimum Size of Supplemental Warning Plaques .................................................... 112 Table 4-19: Junction Spacing Requirements for Signs 405 and 406 ........................................... 116 Table 4-20: Spacing on Curves for 451, 452, 454, and 455 ........................................................ 140 Table 4-21: Information Eligible for Display on Guide Signs ........................................................ 163 Table 4-22: Recommended “x” Height for Guide Signs (millimetres) ........................................... 165 Table 4-23: Places Not Eligible for Display as Primary Destinations on Guide Signs .................. 174 Table 4-24: Control Destinations ................................................................................................. 183 Table 4-25: Locations Eligible for Supplement Destination Signing ............................................. 194 Table 4-26: Displayed Freeway Control Destinations within Emirate ........................................... 218 Table 5-27: Colours of Longitudinal Pavement Markings ............................................................ 246 Table 5-28: Use of No Passing Line 611 on Curves .................................................................... 253 Table 5-29: Use of No Passing Line 611 and Channelizing Line 612 at Junctions ...................... 253 Table 5-30: Lane End Arrows Spacing ........................................................................................ 270 Table 5-31: Longitudinal Pavement Marking Requirements Summary ........................................ 283 Table 5-32 : Longitudinal Pavement Marking Requirements Summary only for maintenance purposes of existing markings .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 5-33: Suggested Maximum Spacing for Highway Delineators on Bends ........................... 296 Table 6-34: Criteria for Constructing School (Zebra) Crossing Outside School Zone .................. 313 TOC Page xii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Left Intentionally Blank TOC Page xiii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) GLOSSARY Specialized terms, abbreviations and acronyms frequently used in this manual are listed and defined as follows. Where a term, abbreviation or acronym is defined in another Department of Transport Manual, that definition is applied to this manual by reference. Note that items followed by an asterisk (*) are covered in the TSES Manual document. Accessible Pedestrian Signal*: A device that communicates information about pedestrian signal timing in non-visual format such as audible tones, speech messages, and/or vibrating surfaces. Active Grade Crossing Warning System: The flashing-light signals, with or without warning gates, together with the necessary control equipment used to inform road users of the approach or presence of rail traffic at grade crossings. Addressed both in the TSESM and in this MUTCD. Active Traffic Management*: A collection of electronic traffic control displays and electronic signage enabling adjustment of speed limits along a section of roadway in response to downstream (see definition) traffic conditions, dynamic closure of traffic lanes due to a lane blockage (due to accidents or unscheduled emergency roadworks), advance warning of traffic queues, adverse weather and visibility conditions, and incidents. Active Traffic Management is typically operated in a coordinated, integrated fashion using a set of response strategies matched to specific road conditions. Actuation*: Initiation of a change in or extension of a traffic signal phase through the operation of any type of detector. Advisory Speed: A recommended speed for all vehicles operating on a section of road and based on the road design, operating characteristics, and conditions. Alley: A street or road intended to provide access to the rear or side of lots or buildings in urban areas and not intended for the purpose of through vehicular traffic. Approach: All lanes of traffic moving toward an intersection or a midblock location from one direction, including any adjacent parking lane(s). Arterial Road (Street): A general term denoting a road primarily used by through traffic, usually on a continuous route or a road designated as part of an arterial system. Average Day: A day representing traffic volumes normally and repeatedly found at a location, typically a weekday when volumes are influenced by employment or a weekend day when volumes are influenced by entertainment or recreation. Barrier-Separated Lane: A preferential lane or other special purpose lane that is separated from the adjacent general-purpose lane(s) by a physical barrier. Beacon: A road traffic signal with one or more signal sections that operates in a flashing mode. Bicycle: A pedal-powered vehicle upon which the human operator sits. Glossary Page xiv SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Bicycle Facilities: A general term denoting improvements and provisions that accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking and storage facilities, and shared roadways not specifically defined for bicycle use. Bicycle Lane: A portion of a roadway that has been designated for preferential or exclusive use by bicyclists by pavement markings and, if used, signs. Bikeway: A generic term for any road, street, path, or way that in some manner is specifically designated for bicycle travel, regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes. Carriageway: Refers to the configuration of a road. A single-carriageway road involves a single roadway which either carries a single direction of traffic (typically found in urban areas) or two directions of traffic, with each direction separated by specific longitudinal markings in the middle section of the roadway. A single–carriageway road may have one or more lanes of traffic in each direction, and may contain specific left turn lanes at intersections, or a two-way left turn lane, again channelized using pavement markings. A dual–carriageway road involves two sets of paved roadways, each serving traffic travelling in the opposite direction of the other, separated by a physical barrier (i.e., a median or concrete barrier). Centre Line Markings: The white pavement marking line(s) that delineates the separation of traffic lanes that have opposite directions of travel on a single-carriageway road. These markings need not be at the geometrical centre of the pavement. Changeable Message Sign*: A sign that is capable of displaying more than one message (one of which might be a “blank” display), changeable manually, by remote control, or by automatic control. Electronic-display changeable message signs are referred to as Dynamic Message Signs in the Abu Dhabi DMT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture and are referred to as Variable Message Signs in the U.S. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards publication. Channelizing Line Markings: A wide or double solid white line used to form islands where traffic in the same direction of travel is permitted on both sides of the island. Clear Zone: The total roadside border area, starting at the edge of the travelled way, that is available for an errant driver to stop or regain control of a vehicle. This area might consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, and/or a non-recoverable, traversable slope with a clear run-out area at its toe. Constant Warning Time Detection: A means of detecting rail traffic that provides relatively uniform warning time for the approach of trains or light rail transit traffic that are not accelerating or decelerating after being detected. Contiguous Lane: A lane, preferential or otherwise, that is separated from the adjacent lane(s) only by a normal or wide lane line marking. Crashworthy: A characteristic of a roadside appurtenance that has been successfully crash tested in accordance with a national standard such as the U.S. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350, “Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features.” Glossary Page xv SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Crosswalk: (A) that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the road measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway, and in the absence of a sidewalk on one side of the roadway, the part of a roadway included within the extension of the lateral lines of the sidewalk at right angles to the centre line; (B) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated as a pedestrian crossing by pavement marking lines on the surface, which might be supplemented by contrasting pavement texture, style, or colour. A crosswalk across a channelized right turn movement (separated from the rest of an intersection by a traffic island), as well as a mid-block crosswalk, when accompanied by traffic signals or flashers, is also known as a Zebra Crossing. Crosswalk Lines: White pavement marking lines that identify a crosswalk at an intersection. A “Zebra Crossing” will typically utilize different pavement markings to define the crosswalk. Delineator: A retroreflective device mounted on the roadway surface or at the side of the roadway in a series to indicate the alignment of the roadway, especially at night or in adverse weather. Design Vehicle: The longest vehicle permitted by statute of the road authority (State or other) on that roadway. Designated Bicycle Route: A system of cycleways designated by the jurisdiction having authority with appropriate directional and informational route signs, with or without specific bicycle route numbers. Detectable*: Having a continuous edge within 21cm of the surface so that pedestrians who have visual disabilities can sense its presence and receive usable guidance information. Detector*: A device used for determining the presence or passage of vehicles or pedestrians. Downstream: A term that refers to a location that is encountered by traffic subsequent to an upstream location as it flows in an “upstream to downstream” direction. For example, “the downstream end of a lane line separating the turn lane from a through lane on the approach to an intersection” is the end of the lane line that is closest to the intersection. Dropped Lane: A through lane that becomes a mandatory turn lane on a conventional roadway, or a through lane that becomes a mandatory exit lane on a freeway or highway. The end of an acceleration lane and reductions in the number of through lanes that do not involve a mandatory turn or exit are not considered dropped lanes. Dynamic Exit Gate Operating Mode: A mode of operation where the exit gate operation is based on the presence of vehicles within the minimum track clearance distance. Edge Line Markings: White pavement marking lines that delineate the right or left edge(s) of a travelled way. End-of-Roadway Marker: A device used to warn and alert road users of the end of a roadway in other than temporary traffic control zones. Engineering Judgment: The evaluation of available pertinent information, and the application of appropriate principles, provisions, and practices as contained in this Manual and other sources, for the purpose of deciding upon the applicability, design, operation, or installation of a traffic control Glossary Page xvi SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) device. Engineering judgment shall be exercised by an engineer, or by an individual working under the supervision of an engineer, through the application of procedures and criteria established by the engineer. Documentation of engineering judgment is not required. Engineering Study: The comprehensive analysis and evaluation of available pertinent information, and the application of appropriate principles, provisions, and practices as contained in this Manual and other sources, for the purpose of deciding upon the applicability, design, operation, or installation of a traffic control device. An engineering study shall be performed by an engineer, or by an individual working under the supervision of an engineer, through the application of procedures and criteria established by the engineer. An engineering study shall be documented. Entrance Gate: An automatic gate that can be lowered across the lanes approaching a grade crossing to block road users from entering the grade crossing. Exit Gate: An automatic gate that can be lowered across the lanes departing a grade crossing to block road users from entering the grade crossing by driving in the opposing traffic lanes. Exit Gate Clearance Time: For Four-Quadrant Gate systems at grade crossings, the amount of time provided to delay the descent of the exit gate arm(s) after entrance gate arm(s) begin to descend. Exit Gate Operating Mode: For Four-Quadrant Gate systems at grade crossings, the mode of control used to govern the operation of the exit gate arms. Highway: A dual-carriageway road with partial control of access. Flagger: A person who actively controls the flow of vehicular traffic into and/or through a temporary traffic control zone using hand-signalling devices or an Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD). Flasher*: A device used to turn road traffic signal indications on and off at a repetitive rate of approximately once per second. Flashing*: An operation in which a light source, such as a traffic signal indication, is turned on and off repetitively. Flashing-Light Signals*: A warning device consisting of two red signal indications arranged horizontally that are activated to flash alternately when rail traffic is approaching or present at a grade crossing. Freeway: A dual-carriageway road with full control of access. May also be called a Motorway. Gate: An automatically-operated or manually-operated traffic control device that is used to physically obstruct road users such that they are discouraged from proceeding past a particular point on a roadway or pathway, or such that they are discouraged from entering a particular grade crossing, ramp, lane, roadway, or facility. Grade Crossing: The general area where a road and a railroad and/or light rail transit route cross at the same level, within which are included the tracks, road, and traffic control devices for traffic traversing that area. Glossary Page xvii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guide Sign: A sign that shows route designations, destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest, or other geographical, recreational, or cultural information. High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV): A motor vehicle carrying at least two or more persons, including carpools, vanpools, and buses. HOV Lane: Any preferential lane designated for exclusive use by high-occupancy vehicles for all or part of a day—including a designated lane on a freeway, other highway, street, or independent roadway on a separate right-of-way. Inherently Low Emission Vehicle (ILEV): Any kind of vehicle that, because of inherent properties of the fuel system design, will not have significant evaporative emissions, even if its evaporative emission control system has failed. Interchange: A system of interconnecting roadways providing for traffic movement between two or more freeways, highways, or other roads that do not intersect at grade. Intermediate Interchange: An interchange with an urban or rural route that is not a major or minor interchange as defined in this Section. Intersection: Intersection is defined as follows: 1. The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, the lateral outer boundary lines of the two roads that join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles travelling on different roads that join at any other angle might come into conflict. 2. The junction of an alley or driveway with a road shall not constitute an intersection, unless the road at said junction is controlled by a traffic control device. 3. If a road includes dual carriageways, each of which are 10m or more apart (see definition of Median), then every crossing of each roadway of such a dual-carriageway road by an intersecting road shall be a separate intersection. 4. If both intersecting highways include dual carriageway roads whereas each roadway is 10m or more apart, then every crossing of any two roadways of such roads shall be a separate intersection. 5. At a location controlled by a traffic control signal, regardless of the distance between the separate intersections as defined in Items c: a. If a stop line, yield line, or crosswalk has not been designated on the roadway (within the median) between the separate intersections, the two intersections and the roadway (median) between them shall be considered as one intersection; b. Where a stop line, yield line, or crosswalk is designated on the roadway on the intersection approach, the area within the crosswalk and/or beyond the designated stop line or yield line shall be part of the intersection; and c. Where a crosswalk is designated on a roadway on the departure from the intersection, the intersection shall include the area extending to the far side of such crosswalk. Island: A defined area between traffic lanes for control of vehicular movements, for toll collection, or for pedestrian refuge. It includes all end protection and approach treatments. Within an intersection area, a median or an outer separation is considered to be an island. Lane Drop: See Dropped Lane. Glossary Page xviii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Lane Line Markings: White pavement marking lines that delineate the separation of traffic lanes that have the same direction of travel on a roadway. Legend: See Sign Legend. Light Rail Transit Traffic (Light Rail Transit Equipment): Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property can be transported on light rail transit tracks, including single-unit light rail transit cars (such as streetcars and trolleys) and assemblies of multiple light rail transit cars coupled together. Locomotive Horn: An air horn, steam whistle, or similar audible warning device mounted on a rail locomotive or control cab car. The terms “locomotive horn,” “train whistle,” “locomotive whistle,” and “train horn” are used interchangeably in the railroad industry. Logo: A distinctive emblem or trademark that identifies a commercial business and/or the product or service offered by the business. Longitudinal Markings: Pavement markings that are generally placed parallel and adjacent to the flow of traffic such as lane lines, centre lines, edge lines, channelizing lines, and others. Major Interchange: An interchange with another freeway or highway, or an interchange with a highvolume multi-lane highway, principal urban arterial, or major rural route where the interchanging traffic is heavy or includes many road users unfamiliar with the area. Major Street: The street normally carrying the higher volume of vehicular traffic. Managed Lane: A road lane or set of lanes, or a road facility, typically a freeway, for which variable operational strategies such as direction of travel, tolling (see Open Road Tolling), pricing (see Congestion Pricing), and/or vehicle type or occupancy requirements are implemented and managed in real-time in response to changing conditions. Managed lanes are typically buffer- or barrierseparated lanes parallel to the general-purpose lanes of a road in which access is restricted to designated locations. There are also some roads for which all lanes may be considered as managed. Median: The area between the two carriageways of a dual-carriageway road, measured from edge of travelled way to edge of travelled way. The median excludes turn lanes. The median width might be different between intersections, interchanges, and at opposite approaches of the same intersection. Minimum Track Clearance Distance: For standard two-quadrant warning devices, the minimum track clearance distance is the length along a road at one or more railroad or light rail transit tracks, measured from the road stop line, warning device, or 4m perpendicular to the track centre line, to 2m beyond the track(s) measured perpendicular to the far rail, along the centre line or edge line of the highway, as appropriate, to obtain the longer distance. For Four-Quadrant Gate systems, the minimum track clearance distance is the length along a road at one or more railroad or light rail transit tracks, measured either from the road stop line or entrance warning device, to the point where the rear of the vehicle would be clear of the exit gate arm. In cases where the exit gate arm is parallel to the track(s) and is not perpendicular to the highway, the distance is measured either along the centre line or edge line of the highway, as appropriate, to obtain the longer distance. Minimum Warning Time: The least amount of time active warning devices shall operate prior to the arrival of rail traffic at a grade crossing. Glossary Page xix SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Minor Interchange: An interchange where traffic is local and very light, such as interchanges with land service access roads. Where the sum of the exit volumes is estimated to be lower than 100 vehicles per day in the design year, the interchange is classified as local. Minor Street: The street normally carrying the lower volume of vehicular traffic. Multi-Lane: More than one lane moving in the same direction. A multi-lane street, highway, or roadway has a basic cross-section comprised of two or more through lanes in one or both directions. A multi-lane approach has two or more lanes moving toward the intersection, including turning lanes. Neutral Area: The paved area between the channelizing lines separating an entrance or exit ramp or a channelized turn lane or channelized entering lane from the adjacent through lane(s). Object Marker: A device used to mark obstructions within or adjacent to the roadway. Occupancy Requirement: Any restriction that regulates the use of a facility or one or more lanes of a facility for any period of the day based on a specified number of persons in a vehicle. Occupant: A person driving or riding in a car, truck, bus, or other vehicle. Opposing Traffic: Vehicles that are travelling in the opposite direction. At an intersection, vehicles entering from an approach that is approximately straight ahead would be considered to be opposing traffic, but vehicles entering from approaches on the left or right would not be considered to be opposing traffic. Overhead Sign: A sign that is placed such that a portion or the entirety of the sign or its support is directly above the roadway or shoulder such that vehicles travel below it. Typical installations include signs placed on cantilever arms that extend over the roadway or shoulder, on sign support structures that span the entire width of the pavement, on mast arms or span wires that also support traffic control signals, and on road bridges that cross over the roadway. Parking Area: A parking lot or parking garage that is separated from a roadway. Parallel or angle parking spaces along a roadway are not considered a parking area. Passive Grade Crossing: A grade crossing where none of the automatic traffic control devices associated with an Active Grade Crossing Warning System are present and at which the traffic control devices consist entirely of signs and/or markings. Pathway: A general term denoting a public way for purposes of travel by authorized users outside the travelled way and physically separated from the roadway by an open space or barrier and either within the road right-of-way or within an independent alignment. Pathways include shared-use paths, but do not include sidewalks. Pathway Grade Crossing: The general area where a pathway and railroad or light rail transit tracks cross at the same level, within which are included the tracks, pathway, and traffic control devices for pathway traffic traversing that area. Paved: A bituminous surface treatment, mixed bituminous concrete, or Portland cement concrete roadway surface that has both a structural (weight bearing) and a sealing purpose for the roadway. Pedestrian: A person on foot, in a wheelchair, on skates, or on a skateboard. Glossary Page xx SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Pedestrian Clearance Time: The time provided for a pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk, after leaving the curb or shoulder, to travel to the far side of the travelled way or to a median. Pedestrian Facilities: A general term denoting improvements and provisions made to accommodate or encourage walking. Pictograph: A pictorial representation used to identify a governmental jurisdiction, an area of jurisdiction, a governmental agency, a military base or branch of service, a governmental-approved university or college, a toll payment system, or a government-approved institution. Plaque: A traffic control device intended to communicate specific information to road users through a word, symbol, or arrow legend that is placed immediately adjacent to a sign to supplement the message on the sign. The difference between a plaque and a sign is that a plaque cannot be used alone. The designation for a plaque includes a “P” suffix. Post-Mounted Sign: A sign that is placed to the side of the roadway such that no portion of the sign or its support is directly above the roadway or shoulder. Posted Speed Limit: A speed limit determined by law or regulation and displayed on Speed Limit signs. Preferential Lane: A road lane reserved for the exclusive use of one or more specific types of vehicles or vehicles with at least a specific number of occupants. Principal Legend: Place names, street names, and route numbers placed on guide signs. Priority Control: A means by which the assignment of right-of-way is obtained or modified. Private Road: Roads that are privately owned and operated, and not open to the public without express permission of the owner. These may include roads within private gated properties (except for toll roads) where access is restricted at all times, parking areas, driving aisles within parking areas, and private grade crossings. Public Road: Any road, street, or similar facility under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public agency and open to public travel. Pushbutton*: A button to activate a device or signal timing for pedestrians, bicyclists, or other road users. Rail Traffic: Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property can be transported on rails or tracks and to which all other traffic must yield the right-of-way by law at grade crossings, including trains, one or more locomotives coupled (with or without cars), other railroad equipment, and light rail transit operating in exclusive or semi-exclusive alignments. Light rail transit operating in a mixeduse alignment, to which other traffic is not required to yield the right-of-way by law, is a vehicle and is not considered to be rail traffic. Raised Pavement Marker: A device mounted on or in a road surface that has a height generally not exceeding approximately 1 `above the road surface for a permanent marker, or not exceeding approximately 5cm above the road surface for a temporary flexible marker, and that is intended to be used as a positioning guide and/or to supplement or substitute for pavement markings. Regulatory Sign: A sign that gives notice to road users of traffic laws or regulations. Glossary Page xxi SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Retro-reflectivity: A property of a surface that allows a large portion of the light coming from a point source to be returned directly back to a point near its origin. Right-of-Way (Assignment)*: The permitting of vehicles and/or pedestrians to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to other vehicles or pedestrians by the display of a sign or signal indications. Road: A general term for denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way, that is improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel and parking lanes, but exclusive of the sidewalk, berm, or shoulder even though such sidewalk, berm, or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles or other human-powered vehicles. A road may be classified as single-carriageway or dual-carriageway (see Carriageway definition). Road-Light Rail Transit Grade Crossing: The general area where a road and a light rail transit route cross at the same level, within which are included the light rail transit tracks, highway, and traffic control devices for traffic traversing that area. Road-Rail Grade Crossing: The general area where a road and a railroad cross at the same level, within which are included the railroad tracks, highway, and traffic control devices for road traffic traversing that area. Road Traffic Signal*: A power-operated traffic control device by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific action. These devices do not include power-operated signs, steadilyilluminated pavement markers, warning lights, or steady burning electric lamps. Road User: A vehicle operator, bicyclist, or pedestrian, including persons with disabilities, within the road or on a private road open to public travel. Road Network: A geographical arrangement of intersecting roads. Roadway: Denotes the physical road, see also Carriageway. Roundabout: A circular intersection with yield control at entry, which permits a vehicle on the circulatory roadway to proceed, and with deflection of the approaching vehicle counter-clockwise around a central island. Rumble Strip: A series of intermittent, narrow, transverse areas of rough-textured, slightly raised, or depressed road surface that extend across the travel lane to alert road users to unusual traffic conditions or are located along the shoulder, along the roadway centre line, or within islands formed by pavement markings to alert road users that they are leaving the travel lanes. Rural Road: A type of roadway normally characterized by lower volumes, higher speeds, fewer turning conflicts, and less conflict with pedestrians. Safe-Positioned: The positioning of emergency vehicles at an incident in a manner that attempts to protect both the responders performing their duties and road users travelling through the incident scene, while minimizing, to the extent practical, disruption of the adjacent traffic flow. School: A public or private educational institution recognized by the state education authority for one or more grades K through 12 or as otherwise defined by the State. School Zone: A designated roadway segment approaching, adjacent to, and beyond school buildings or grounds, or along which school related activities occur. Glossary Page xxii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Shared-Use Path: A bikeway outside the travelled way and physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the road right-of-way or within an independent alignment. Shared-use paths are also used by pedestrians (including skaters, users of manual and motorized wheelchairs, and joggers) and other authorized motorized and non-motorized users. Sidewalk: That portion of a street between the curb line, or the lateral line of a roadway, and the adjacent property line or on easements of private property that is paved or improved and intended for use by pedestrians. Sign: Any traffic control device that is intended to communicate specific information to road users through a word, symbol, and/or arrow legend. Signs do not include road traffic signals, pavement markings, delineators, or channelization devices. Sign Assembly: A group of signs, located on the same support(s), that supplement one another in conveying information to road users. Sign Illumination: Either internal or external lighting that shows similar colour by day or night. Roadway lighting shall be considered to meet this requirement where ASTM D4956 XI (Overhead Signs) sign retroreflective sheeting is specified. Sign Legend: All word messages, logos, pictographs, and symbol and arrow designs that are intended to convey specific meanings. The border, if any, on a sign is not considered to be a part of the legend. Sign Panel: A separate panel or piece of material containing a word, symbol, and/or arrow legend that is affixed to the face of a sign. Signal Backplate*: A thin strip of material that extends outward from and parallel to a signal face on all sides of a signal housing to provide a background for improved visibility of the signal indications. Signal Coordination*: The establishment of timed relationships between adjacent traffic control signals. Signal Face*: An assembly of one or more signal sections that is provided for controlling one or more traffic movements on a single approach. Signal Head*: An assembly of one or more signal faces that is provided for controlling traffic movements on one or more approaches. Signal Housing*: That part of a signal section that protects the light source and other required components. Signal Phase*: The right-of-way, yellow change, and red clearance intervals in a cycle that are assigned to an independent traffic movement or combination of movements. Signal Timing*: The amount of time allocated for the display of a signal indication. Signing: Individual signs or a group of signs, not necessarily on the same support(s), that supplement one another in conveying information to road users. Glossary Page xxiii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Speed: Speed is defined based on the following classifications: 1. Average Speed: The summation of the instantaneous or spot-measured speeds at a specific location of vehicles divided by the number of vehicles observed. 2. Design Speed: A selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of a roadway. 3. 85th-Percentile Speed: The speed at or below which 85 percent of the motor vehicles travel. 4. Operating Speed: A speed at which a typical vehicle or the overall traffic operates. Operating speed might be defined with speed values such as the average, pace, or 85th-percentile speeds. 5. Pace: The 10km/h speed range representing the speeds of the largest percentage of vehicles in the traffic stream. Speed Limit: The maximum (or minimum) speed applicable to a section of road as established by law or regulation. Speed Zone: A section of road with a speed limit that is established by law or regulation. Splitter Island: A median island used to separate opposing directions of traffic entering and exiting a roundabout. Stop Beacon*: A beacon used to supplement a STOP sign, a DO NOT ENTER sign, or a WRONG WAY sign. Stop Line: A solid white pavement marking line extending across approach lanes to indicate the point at which a stop is intended or required to be made. Street: See Road. Supplemental Signal Face*: A signal face that is not a primary signal face but which is provided for a given approach or separate turning movement to enhance visibility or conspicuity. Symbol: The approved design of a pictorial representation of a specific traffic control message for signs, pavement markings, traffic control signals, or other traffic control devices, as shown in the MUTCD. Temporary Traffic Control Signal*: A traffic control signal that is installed for a limited time period. Temporary Traffic Control Zone: An area of a road where road user conditions are changed because of a work zone or incident by the use of temporary traffic control devices, flaggers, uniformed law enforcement officers, or other authorized personnel. Theoretical Gore: A longitudinal point at the upstream end of a neutral area at an exit ramp or channelized turn lane where the channelizing lines that separate the ramp or channelized turn lane from the adjacent through lane(s) begin to diverge, or a longitudinal point at the downstream end of a neutral area at an entrance ramp or channelized entering lane where the channelizing lines that separate the ramp or channelized entering lane from the adjacent through lane(s) intersect each other. Timed Exit Gate Operating Mode*: A mode of operation where the exit gate descent at a grade crossing is based on a predetermined time interval. Glossary Page xxiv SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Toll Gate, Toll Gantry, or Toll Point: Location, usually involving an overhead structure, by which a toll or fee is electronically collected from vehicles or where vehicle identification information is obtained in order to process a toll, fee, payment, or fine for the use of a particular road facility or when entering a particular geographic zone. See also Congestion Pricing, Managed Lanes and Toll Road. Toll Road: Denotes a specific road which requires its users to pay a toll or fee in order to use it, typically through electronic payment collection means using toll gates/toll gantries/toll points as described. Traffic: Pedestrians, bicyclists, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars, and other conveyances either singularly or together while using for purposes of travel any road or private road open to public travel. Traffic Control Device: A sign, signal, marking, or other device used to regulate, warn, or guide traffic, placed on, over, or adjacent to a street, highway, private road open to public travel, pedestrian facility, or shared-use path by authority of a public agency or official having jurisdiction, or, in the case of a private road open to public travel, by authority of the private owner or private official having jurisdiction. Traffic Control Signal (Traffic Signal)*: Any road traffic signal by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed. Train: One or more locomotives coupled, with or without cars, that operates on rails or tracks and to which all other traffic must yield the right-of-way by law at highway-rail grade crossings. Transverse Markings: Pavement markings that are generally placed perpendicular and across the flow of traffic such as shoulder markings; word, symbol, and arrow markings; stop lines; crosswalk lines; speed measurement markings; parking space markings; and others. Travelled Way: The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of the shoulders, berms, sidewalks, and parking lanes. Upstream: A term that refers to a location that is encountered by traffic prior to a downstream location as it flows in an “upstream to downstream” direction. For example, “the upstream end of a lane line separating the turn lane from a through lane on the approach to an intersection” is the end of the line that is furthest from the intersection. Urban Street: A type of street normally characterized by relatively low speeds, wide ranges of traffic volumes, narrower lanes, frequent intersections and driveways, significant pedestrian traffic, and more businesses and houses. Vehicle: Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property can be transported or drawn upon a highway, except trains and light rail transit operating in exclusive or semi-exclusive alignments. Light rail transit equipment operating in a mixed-use alignment, to which other traffic is not required to yield the right-of-way by law, is a vehicle. Visibility-Limited Signal Face or Visibility-Limited Signal Section*: A type of signal face or signal section designed (or shielded, hooded, or louvered) to restrict the visibility of a signal indication from the side, to a certain lane or lanes, or to a certain distance from the stop line. Glossary Page xxv SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Walk Interval*: An interval during which the WALKING PERSON (symbolizing WALK) signal indication is displayed. Warning Beacon*: A beacon used only to supplement an appropriate warning or regulatory sign or marker. Warning Light*: A portable, powered, yellow, lens-directed, enclosed light that is used in a temporary traffic control zone in either a steady burn or a flashing mode. Warning Sign: A sign that gives notice to road users of a situation that might not be readily apparent. Warrant: A warrant describes a threshold condition based upon average or normal conditions that, if found to be satisfied as part of an engineering study, shall result in analysis of other traffic conditions or factors to determine whether a traffic control device or other improvement is justified. Warrants are not a substitute for engineering judgment. The fact that a warrant for a particular traffic control device is met is not conclusive justification for the installation of the device. Note: Traffic signal warrants are addressed in the TSESM document. Wayside Horn System: A stationary horn (or series of horns) located at a grade crossing that is used in conjunction with train-activated or light rail transit-activated warning systems to provide audible warning of approaching rail traffic to road users on the road or pathway approaches to a grade crossing, either as a supplement or alternative to the sounding of a locomotive horn. Worker: A person on foot whose duties place him or her within the right-of-way of a street, highway, or pathway, such as street, highway, or pathway construction and maintenance forces, survey crews, utility crews, responders to incidents within the street, highway, or pathway right-of-way, and law enforcement personnel when directing traffic, investigating crashes, and handling lane closures, obstructed roadways, and disasters within the right-of-way of a street, highway, or pathway. Yield Line: A row of solid white isosceles triangles pointing toward approaching vehicles extending across approach lanes to indicate the point at which the yield is intended or required to be made. Glossary Page xxvi SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following acronyms and abbreviations, when used in this manual, shall have the following meanings. Note that acronyms followed by an asterisk are discussed in the Abu Dhabi Traffic Signals and Electronic Information and Warning Systems Manual. AADT: annual average daily traffic AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AD: Abu Dhabi (used typically in conjunction with AD-route, the intra-Emirate route numbering scheme within the Emirate) ADT: average daily traffic AFAD: Automated Flagger Assistance Device ANSI: American National Standards Institute ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials CEN: European Committee for Standardization cm: centimetres dBA: A-weighted decibels DMT: The Department of Municipalities and Transport DMS: dynamic message sign EPA: Environmental Protection Agency ETC: electronic toll collection EV: electric vehicle FHWA: U.S. Federal Highway Administration GCC: Gulf Coordination Council HOV: high-occupancy vehicle ILEV: inherently low emission vehicle ISEA: International Safety Equipment Association ISO: International Standards Organization ITE: Institute of Transportation Engineers ITS: intelligent transportation systems km: kilometre(s) km/h: kilometres per hour Abbreviations and Acronyms Page xxvii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) KSA: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia LED: light emitting diode LP: liquid petroleum m: meter(s) mm: millimetre(s) MoI: UAE Ministry of the Interior MoPW: UAE Ministry of Public Works (Ashghal) MUTCD: Abu Dhabi Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) NCHRP: U.S. National Cooperative Road Research Program NTA: National Transport Authority of the UAE PDMS: portable dynamic message sign PRT: perception-response time RPM: raised pavement marker RRPM: raised retroreflective pavement marker RTA: Dubai Roads and Transport Authority RV: recreational vehicle TDD: telecommunication devices for the deaf TRB: U.S. Transportation Research Board TTC: temporary traffic control UAE: United Arab Emirates U.S.: United States USDOT: United States Department of Transportation VC: Vehicle Code VPH or vph: vehicles per hour Abbreviations and Acronyms Page xxviii SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview The Abu Dhabi Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual (MUCTD) has been developed by the Abu Dhabi Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) to provide guidance to consultants and contractors working on roads and infrastructure projects in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The Abu Dhabi Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) will provide the minimum requirements to assure that all road and street signing in the Emirate presents clear and concise regulatory, warning, and guidance information for both residents and visitors, and promotes and enhances travel safety. The targeted audiences of the devices presented in the manual are road and street users, whether they are vehicle operators, pedestrians, or cyclists using the facilities. The Manual will be a basic reference for all the traffic and roads engineers within the Emirate. In addition, the document is to serve as a reference for all private road development activities, so as to assure consistency of basic roadway information regardless of facility. This MUTCD was not merely a compilation of existing practices. Emerging operational strategies including electronic real-time sign displays, development of an Emirate-wide routing scheme, and international efforts to improve human factors characteristics of signs (text size, graphics, layout) were all considered for this “next generation” traffic control and guidance in the Emirate. 1.3 Application of This Manual Detail on the application of this Manual is presented from Section 1.5 onward, based on classification of roads, traffic control devices, and agency responsibilities. Traffic signals are a key regulatory device for arterial routes in urbanized areas, as are electronic warning and information systems deployed either permanently or as part of temporary traffic control activities. These technologies and applications are addressed in a separate Traffic Signal and Electronic Information and Warning Systems Manual (abbreviated as TSES for the purposes of this document) published concurrently with this MUTCD. 1.4 Content and Format The MUTCD content is presented in an Item format wherever possible, for readability purposes, but in a manner that clearly defines the purpose, requirements and guidelines for each traffic control device, along with specific illustrative examples showing typical applications of these devices. Each section of the manual dealing with specific traffic control devices or groups of devices is structured as follows: Description—a definition of the traffic control device and its purpose, referencing sign group or sign as well as specific code or range of codes (see Section 4.2). Standard—a statement of required, mandatory, or specifically prohibitive practice regarding traffic control device. The verb “shall” is typically used. The verbs “should” and “may” are not 01-INTRODUCTION Page 1 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) used in Standard statements. Standard statements are sometimes modified by the guidance. Standard statements shall not be modified or compromised based on engineering judgment or engineering study. Guidance—a statement of recommended, but not mandatory, practice in typical situations, with deviations allowed if engineering judgment or engineering study indicates the deviation to be appropriate. The verb “should” is typically used. The verbs “shall” and “may” are not used in Guidance statements. Guidance statements sometimes contain allowable modifications to a Standard statement. The verb “may” is typically used. Examples—illustrated examples of traffic control device installations in support of the standards and guidance statements provided. The Manual is organized into the Chapters and Major Sections shown: 1. INTRODUCTION. These initial comments plus an overview of the application of this Manual. 2. DEFINITIONS. Discussion of standard terminology and reference to glossary and references at the end of the Manual, along with allowable and non-allowable abbreviations permitted on traffic control devices. 3. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. Introduction to Traffic Control Device principles, legal framework, basis for design and placement of devices, process for developing and approving a new traffic control device and updating the Manual. 4. SIGNS. Includes general definition of signs, including purpose, shape, colour and placement criteria. Divided into the following key sections: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 General Requirements for Signs. Includes definition of sign types, size and placement criteria, visibility and retro-reflection needs, use of English and Arabic messaging, symbology and installation Regulatory Signage, Barricades and Gates. Includes principles, design, size and application criteria for the various types of regulatory signs, used for control of traffic flow, vehicle and pedestrian movements, parking, and applications specific to Freeways, arterials, intersections, heavy vehicles, etc. Warning Signs. Includes principles, design, size and application criteria for the various types of warning signs, used for protecting driver and/or pedestrian safety by warning of obstacles, changes in horizontal and vertical alignment, geometrics, travel conditions, conflicting traffic flows, and level crossings (including pedestrian, rail and other crossings at roadway grade). Guide Signage. Includes principles, design, size and application criteria for various types of guide signs, ranging from route markers and trailblazers to arterial guide signs to, ultimately, Freeway and highway guide signage, taking into consideration road type, destinations, tourism and wayfinding needs. Use of markers for kilometre posting along main roads and exit numbering on freeways are addressed in this section as well. 5. PAVEMENT MARKINGS. Includes principles, design, size, retro-reflectivity and application criteria for pavement and curb markings, lane and road delineation, intersection and roundabout markings, symbolic and text markings and applications in advance of junctions or level crossings, special lane applications (e.g.carpool or toll lanes), use of coloured 01-INTRODUCTION Page 2 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) pavements, raised markings, channelization, rumble strips, and “smart studs” (dynamic, electronically illuminated pavement markings). 6. SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL. Includes definition and principles of regulatory and warning signage applications along with marking requirements in association with reducedspeed school zones, pedestrian crossings, manual supervision, and enforcement activities. 7. RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSINGS AND EXCLUSIVE BUS AND CARPOOL (MANAGED LANES) FACILITIES. Includes principles, design, size, application criteria and risk mitigation needs for rail at-grade crossings, as well as dedicated public transport and carpool lane facilities, including advance warning signs, regulatory signs, specific guide signs, and related pavement markings. 8. TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES. Includes bicycle-oriented signage, markings, grade crossings, and other traffic control principles oriented specifically to bicycle lanes and pathways, along with bicycle approaches to at-grade road crossings, as well as pedestrian facilities. 9. TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES. Includes pedestrian-oriented signage, markings, grade crossings and other traffic control principles oriented to pedestrian walkways, approaches to crosswalks, interfaces with bicycle lanes or pathways. 10. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS. Provides examples of traffic control applications for different types of roads, junctions (grade-separated and at-grade), and roundabouts, incorporating a combination of regulatory, warning, and guide signage and markings as needed. Work zone and temporary traffic control devices, policies and procedures are specifically addressed outside this document, in the Manual entitled “Emirate of Abu Dhabi Work Zone – Traffic Management Manual 2014” (WZTMM) as produced under the aegis of the Safety & Traffic Solutions Committee, Abu Dhabi. 1.5 Requirements and Purpose of Traffic Control Devices Abu Dhabi Emirate has developed this Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to establish the basic standards, guidelines, and principles that dictate the design, application, and maintenance of traffic control devices. These devices, including traffic signs, pavement markings, and signals, are placed on, over, or adjacent to a public road and act to regulate, warn, or guide the traffic flow on that facility. In order to fulfil the duty of promoting safe and efficient vehicular movement, a traffic control device shall meet these basic requirements: The device should fulfil an important need. The device should command attention. The device should convey a clear, simple meaning. The device should command the respect of motorists. The device should be positioned to give sufficient time for proper response. The basic purpose of traffic control devices is to provide visual information to the motorist. The information is conveyed in three ways to the road user: As regulations. As warnings. As guidance. Therefore, traffic control devices are commonly categorized into three groups with the following specific purposes: 01-INTRODUCTION Page 3 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Regulatory devices shall be used to: - Inform of traffic laws, regulations, and statutes. - Instruct to take some physical action. - Prohibit certain vehicular manoeuvres. - Permit certain vehicular manoeuvres. - Establish road user right-of-way. Warning devices shall be used to: - Indicate potential hazards. - Identify major changes in road characteristics. - Locate physical obstructions. - Inform of regulatory controls ahead. - Advise of appropriate actions. Guide devices shall be used to: - Establish route identification. - Direct motorists to destinations. - Delineate lane assignments. - Provide general information to motorists. The requirements and purposes of traffic control devices can be achieved through the proper design, application, placement, maintenance, management, and uniformity, as specified in this manual. The device should be compliant to the requirements and standards as set out in this document. In addition to this MUTCD, another manual has been developed, the Traffic Signal and Electronic Warning and Information Systems (TSES) Manual, which addresses traffic signals and electronic signage and warning devices that complement and incorporate elements of the MUTCD. 1.6 Standardization of Application Traffic control devices applied in predictable ways can significantly improve the safety and operation of roadways. When nonstandard devices are used in nonstandard applications, road users may tend to disregard and disrespect the intended regulations or warnings. The need to standardize traffic control devices in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has heightened due to the following factors: Road networks are becoming increasingly more complex. Traffic speeds and volumes are increasing. The number of visitors and, therefore, drivers unfamiliar with the city is increasing. In an effort to standardize the application of traffic control devices, the following objectives must be achieved: Appropriateness: Where the sign face displays an appropriate relationship to the road conditions being experienced. Uniformity: Where the sign face, colour, legend, symbol, etc., are designed such that the motorist can reduce reading and comprehension times whereby the time available to take proper action is maximized. Consistency: Where like situations are signed and marked in a consistent or like manner. Continuity: Where the message is displayed continuously until the information provided is no longer relevant to the circumstances or the road conditions. 01-INTRODUCTION Page 4 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Enhancement of Safety: Where the sign and its message enhance or improve the safety of the road user. 1.7 Approval for Placement Traffic control devices shall be placed only with the approval of the DMT or the particular Municipality which is responsible for ownership, operations, and maintenance of the particular street or road for the purpose of regulating, warning, and guiding traffic. The use of traffic control devices in any Municipality or privately owned semi-public area without proper approval by the owning authority shall not be permitted. When given approval by the owning authority (e.g., DMT or the pertinent Municipality) for the erection of specific devices, construction contractors, public utility companies, and police agencies shall be required to erect construction, maintenance, and other warning signs, pavement markings, and devices such that they conform to the standards contained in this manual. 1.8 Excessive Use of Traffic Control Devices Traffic signs shall be installed using the spacing and utilization criteria as stated in this manual. Due care shall be taken to limit the number of traffic signs and markings used. Regulatory and warning signs should be used conservatively as these signs, if used excessively, tend to lose their effectiveness and road users could disregard their message. Sign clutter can have the impact of creating additional confusion as opposed to providing the minimum necessary level of guidance and warning or regulatory information (see Figure 1-1 for an example). The requirements for sign placement presented in Chapters 3 and 4 of this document are meant to assure that individual traffic control devices and related displays and messaging are individually readable. However, a frequent display of guide signs is recommended to reassure motorists of their location and route subject to the spacing standards in this manual. Figure 1-1: Sign Clutter Example 1.9 Advertising Signing Any signs or markings placed on the road system not having approval by the DMT or the pertinent Municipality shall be removed. Any signs or markings that advertise or promote any form of private 01-INTRODUCTION Page 5 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) or commercial interest, their products, or services shall be prohibited from the public road right of way unless specifically authorized. The jurisdiction of this policy is for all roadways within boundaries owned or operated by the DMT or pertinent Municipality or other owning authority. 1.10 Classification 1.10.1 Road Classification A road classification system that includes a range of road classifications has been developed to assist in the consistent application of guidance and information signs. The local and regional road network has been defined by various road classifications, each with a distinct character, purpose, and level of access control. The road classifications in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi are listed and described in Table 1-1. Table 1-1: Roadway Types by Functional Classification Roadway Classification Primary Roadway Type for Design Urban Freeway/Highway Secondary Arterial (Main Roads) Frontage Roads Local Sector Road Primary Secondary Rural Freeway/Highway Arterial Primary Secondary Collector Local Access The Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual presents a classification of urban streets as Boulevards (three lanes each direction), Avenues (two lanes each direction), Streets (one lane each direction) and Access Lanes (one lane each direction or shared). Arterial routes correlate to Boulevards and Avenues, while Primary Sector Roads correspond to Streets and Secondary Sector Roads correspond to Access Lanes. In addition, Route Numbering Systems have been developed by the DMT and are described in more detail in a companion document, “Route Numbering System for the Abu Dhabi Emirate” (RNS manual). These systems are also described in Section 4.4.2 of this MUTCD in terms of signage requirements. Either Inter-Emirate (E-route) or Intra-Emirate (AD-route) numberings may be assigned to primary road classifications depending on the nature and importance of the route to the Emirate’s strategic road network, the connectivity of the road to other primary roads, the destinations served by the road, and the importance of the road in connecting other Emirates as well as international border crossings. Certain international roads may also be designated as “Mashreq routes” under the United Nations’ Agreement on International Roads in the Arab Mashreq. Such roads will receive M-route designations alongside either the E-route or AD-route being followed as part of this international road network. Secondary routes may also be assigned an AD-route number depending on their connectivity to other primary and secondary routes as well as their importance in carrying auto, public transport, and commercial vehicle traffic within a city or between cities and communities within the Emirate. 01-INTRODUCTION Page 6 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1.10.2 Traffic Control Device Classification The traffic control devices included in this manual are traffic signs and pavement markings. Traffic signals are specifically addressed in the TSES Manual as described in Section 1.5. Signs and markings are broadly grouped into three major categories: Regulatory Warning Guide Roadworks devices are a fourth group of signs and markings. This group includes all of the three major categories of devices. Roadworks devices are addressed as part of the WZTMM Manual as discussed in Section 1.4. The categories of typical traffic control devices are defined in Figure 1-2 with subclasses identified for each. As mentioned in Section 1.5, traffic signals are addressed in the TSES Manual, although other traffic control devices at signalized intersections will be addressed as part of this MUTCD. 1.11 Scope of Application The guidance in this manual is to be practiced on all roads contained within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. 1.12 Compliance All government and private entities in Abu Dhabi responsible for installation, operation and maintenance of traffic control devices should be in substantial conformance with this document. 01-INTRODUCTION Page 7 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 1-2: Classification of Traffic Control Devices 01-INTRODUCTION Page 8 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2.1 Overview Definitions of headings, words, and phrases are provided in this chapter and in the Glossary at the end of the Manual. When used in this Manual for each group of type of traffic control device, the text headings of Description, Standard, Guidance, and Examples shall be defined as follows, consistent with the content description described in Section 1.4. 2.1.1 Guide Words The following qualifying words are found in this manual and are used for consistency and uniformity relative to the headings in Section 2.1. 1. Shall. A mandatory condition. Designers are obligated to adhere to the criteria and applications presented in this context or to perform the evaluation indicated. For the application of geometric design criteria, this manual limits the use of these words. 2. Should, recommend. An advisory condition. Designers are strongly encouraged to follow the criteria and guidance presented in this context, unless there is reasonable justification not to do so. 3. May, could, can, suggest, consider. A permissive condition. Designers are allowed to apply individual judgment and discretion to the criteria when presented in this context. The decision will be based on a case-by-case assessment. 4. Desirable, preferred. An indication that the designer should make every reasonable effort to meet the criteria and that the designer should only use a “lesser” design after due consideration of the “better” design. 5. Ideal. Indicating a standard of perfection (e.g., traffic capacity under “ideal” conditions). 6. Minimum, maximum, upper, lower (limits). Representative of generally accepted limits within the design community but not necessarily suggesting that these limits are inviolable. However, where the criteria presented in this context will not be met, the designer will in many cases need approval. 7. Practical, feasible, cost-effective, reasonable. Advising the designer that the decision to apply the design criteria should be based on a subjective analysis of the anticipated benefits and costs associated with the impacts of the decision. No formal analysis (e.g., cost-effectiveness analysis) is intended, unless otherwise stated. 8. Possible. Indicating that which can be accomplished. 9. Significant, major. Indicating that the consequences from a given action are obvious to most observers and, in many cases, can be readily measured. 10. Insignificant, minor. Indicating that the consequences from a given action are relatively small and not an important factor in the decision-making related to signage or markings. 11. Criteria. A term typically used to apply to design values, usually with no suggestion on the criticality of the design value. Because of its basically neutral implication, this manual frequently uses “criteria” to refer to the design values presented. 12. Typical. Indicating a design practice which is most often used in application and which is likely to be the “best” treatment at a given site. 02-GENERAL DEFINITIONS Page 9 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 13. Target. If practical, target criteria are the criteria the designer should be striving to meet. However, not meeting these criteria will typically not require a justification. 14. Acceptable. Design criteria that do not meet desirable values, but yet is considered to be reasonable and safe for design purposes. 15. Policy. Indicating a practice which the DMT generally expects the designer to follow, unless otherwise justified. 2.1.2 Traffic Control Abbreviations Device Word Glossary, Acronyms, and A list of words and phrases used in this manual are defined in the reference glossary at the end of this Manual. Note that items followed by an asterisk (*) are covered in the TSES document. Acronyms and abbreviations used in this Manual are located at the end of this document following the Glossary. Note that acronyms followed by an asterisk are discussed in the Abu Dhabi Traffic Signals and Electronic Information and Warning Systems Manual. 2.2 Abbreviations Used on Traffic Control Devices 2.2.1 Description The following provides a description of the abbreviations that may be displayed on traffic control devices, following the standards and guidance. 2.2.2 Standards 1. When the word messages shown in Table 2-2 need to be abbreviated in connection with traffic control devices, the English abbreviations shown in Table 2-2 shall be used. 2. When the English word messages shown in Table 2-3 need to be abbreviated on a portable dynamic message sign, the abbreviations shown in Table 2-3 shall be used. Unless indicated by an asterisk, these abbreviations shall only be used on portable dynamic message signs. 3. The abbreviations shown in (English) shall not be used in connection with traffic control devices because of their potential to be misinterpreted by road users. 4. Abbreviations in Arabic are not commonly used and shall not be used on traffic control signs or markings without prior approval from the DMT. 2.2.3 Guidance 1. The abbreviations for the words listed in Table 2-3 that also show a prompt word should not be used on a portable dynamic message sign unless the prompt word shown in Table 2-3 either precedes or follows the abbreviation, as applicable. 2. If multiple abbreviations are permitted in Table 2-2 or Table 2-3, the same abbreviation should be used throughout a single jurisdiction. 3. Except as otherwise provided in Table 2-2 or Table 2-3 or unless necessary to avoid confusion, periods, commas, apostrophes, question marks, ampersands, and other punctuation marks or characters that are not letters or numerals should not be used in any abbreviation. Unacceptable abbreviations are shown in Table 2-4. 02-GENERAL DEFINITIONS Page 10 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2.3 Standards and Manuals References Numerous sources were referenced during the creation of the Abu Dhabi Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. These are shown in the Cited and Other References section of this Manual. Table 2-2: Acceptable Abbreviations Word Message Standard Abbreviation Word Message Standard Abbreviation Word Message Standard Abbreviation Abu Dhabi Numbered Route AD Hazardous Material HAZMAT Freeway MTRWY Afternoon/ Evening PM High Occupancy Vehicle HOV Mount MT Alternate ALT Hospital HOSP Mountain MTN Morning AM Hour(s) HR, HRS National NATL Bicycle BIKE Information INFO Parkway PKWY* Bridge BR Inherently Low Emission Vehicle ILEV Pedestrian PED Carriageway CRGWY C’WAY International INTL Place PL* Centre (as part of a place name) CTR Junction/ Intersection JCT Road RD* Circle CIR* Kilometre(s) km Roundabout R/A Civil Defence CD Kilometres Per Hour km/h Saturday SAT Compressed Natural Gas CNG Lane LN Sunday SUN Crossing (other than highway-rail) XING Liquid Propane Gas LPG Telephone PHONE Drive DR* Maximum MAX Temporary TEMP Electric Vehicle EV Metre(s) M Thursday THURS Emirate Numbered Route E Minimum MINI Tonnes Weight Highway EXPWY* Minute(s) MN Trail TR* FM Radio FM Monday MON Tuesday TUES Freeway FRWY Morning/Late Night AM Two-Way Intersection 2-Way 02-GENERAL DEFINITIONS or Page 11 of T SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Friday FRI Wednesday WED *This abbreviation shall not be used for any application other than the name of a roadway. Table 2-3: Abbreviations That Shall Be Used Only on Portable Dynamic Message Signs Word Message Abu Dhabi Route Access Blocked Bridge Cannot Centre Chemical Condition Congested Construction Crossing Do Not Downtown Eastbound Emergency Emirate Route Entrance, Enter Hazardous Highway-Rail Grade Crossing It is Lane Left Local Lower Maintenance Normal Northbound Oversized Parking Pavement Prepare Quality Right Right Roadwork Route Service Shoulder Slippery Southbound Speed Traffic Travellers Two-wheeled vehicles Standard Abbreviation Prompt Word That Should Precede the Abbreviation AD-* ACCS BLKD BR* CANT CTR CHEM COND CONG CONST XING DON’T DWNTN EAST EMRG E-* ENT HAZ — — Lane [Name] — — — Traffic Traffic — — — — — — — — — Prompt Word That Should Follow the Abbreviation [Number] Road — — — Lane Spill — — Ahead — — Traffic — — [Number] — Driving RR XING — — ITS LN LFT LOC LWR MAINT NORM NORTH OVRSZ PKING PVMT PREP QLTY RT RT RDWK RT, RTE SERV SHLDR SLIP SOUTH SPD TRAF TRVLRS — [Roadway Name]*, Right, Left, Centre — — — — — — — — Wet — Air Keep, Next — — Best — — — — — — — — — — Traffic Level — — — Load — — To Stop — — Lane Ahead, [Distance] — — — — — — — — CYCLES — — 02-GENERAL DEFINITIONS Page 12 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Word Message Standard Abbreviation Prompt Word That Should Precede the Abbreviation Vehicle(s) Warning Westbound Will not VEH, VEHS WARN WEST WONT — — — — Prompt Word That Should Follow the Abbreviation — — — — * This abbreviation, when accompanied by the prompt word, may be used on traffic control devices other than portable dynamic message signs. Table 2-4: Unacceptable Abbreviations (English) Abbreviation Intended Word Common Misinterpretation ACC Accident Access (Road) CLRS Clears Colours DLY Delay Daily FDR Feeder Federal L Left Lane (Merge) LT Light (Traffic) Left PARK Parking Park POLL Pollution (Index) Poll RED Reduce Red STAD Stadium Standard WRNG Warning Wrong 02-GENERAL DEFINITIONS Page 13 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3 INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 3.1 Overview The purpose of traffic control devices, as well as the principles for their use, is to promote highway safety and efficiency by providing visual information that provides for the orderly movement of all road users on streets, highways, cycleways , and private roads open to public travel throughout the Nation. Traffic control devices notify road users of regulatory, warning and guidance information needed for the uniform and efficient operation of all elements of the traffic stream in a manner that is intended to minimize the occurrences of crashes. Note: All items utilizing electrical supplies, shall consider sustainability and be of high efficiency with low power consumption and long life. 3.1.1 Standards 1. Definition of Signs and Markings: Traffic signs and markings shall be of the type, size and colours indicated in this Manual. 2. Types of Information Conveyed to Road User: All information conveyed to road users shall be conveyed following the requirements of Section 1.5 of this Manual. 3. Non-Relevant Advertising Messages: Traffic control devices or their supports shall not bear any advertising message or any other message that is not related to traffic control. 4. Traffic Signals and Electronic Warning and Information Devices: Electrical traffic control devices such as traffic signals, flashers, and electronically-illuminated signs shall be addressed in the Traffic Signal and Electronic Warning and Information Device Manual (TSES), as referenced specifically in this Manual (MUTCD). 3.1.2 Guidance Tourist-oriented directional signs and specific service signs are not considered advertising; instead, they are classified as motorist service signs. 3.2 Principles of Traffic Control Devices 3.2.1 Description This Manual contains the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic control devices for all streets, public roads, cycleways , pedestrian paths and trails, and private roads open to public travel (as defined in the Glossary) regardless of type or class or the public agency, official, or owner having jurisdiction within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This Manual’s text specifies the restriction on the use of a device if it is intended for limited application or for a specific system. It is important that these principles be given primary consideration in the selection and application of each device. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 14 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3.2.2 Standards 1. Abu Dhabi Transport Law. The implementation of traffic control devices shall be within the purview of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT), consistent with Law number 5 of 2008, in which the Department of Transport was assigned responsibility for the main highways, land transport and public transport. The following shall describe DMT’s authority relative to traffic control devices in the Emirate: a. Article 4, Item 3 states the Department shall “supervise the design, establishment, management and operation of effective and comprehensive land transportation systems, including the main roads, and public transportation networks and their supporting facilities, in order to achieve the best levels of service, safety and environmental protection.” b. Article 4, Item 6 states the Department shall “study and propose legislations and policies related to the Department’s objectives, for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of performance, and the safety level of public transport systems and main road networks and related facilities. The Department shall submit such proposed legislations and policies to the Executive Council for approval.” 2. Road Regulation. Actions required of road users to obey regulatory devices shall be as per the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation. 3. Proper Use. The proper use of traffic control devices shall be limited to providing all road users with the reasonable and prudent information necessary to efficiently and lawfully use streets, roads, pedestrian facilities, and cycleways in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. 4. Basic Requirements. To be effective, a traffic control device shall meet five basic requirements: a. b. c. d. e. Fulfil a need. Command attention. Convey a clear, simple meaning. Command respect from road users. Be positioned to give adequate time for proper response. 5. Speed Criteria. The design, operation, placement, and location of all traffic control devices shall be governed by the design speed of the road. 6. Meanings of Signs. The meanings ascribed to traffic control devices in this Manual shall be in accord with the meanings defined in the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation, as pertinent to regulatory and warning signage and displays. 3.2.3 Guidance 1. Design, placement, operation, maintenance, and uniformity are aspects that should be carefully considered in order to maximize the ability of a traffic control device to meet the five requirements listed in Section 3.2.2. Item 4. 2. Currently-posted speed limits should not be used as the basis for governing deployment of traffic control devices as per Section 3.2.2. Item 5. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 15 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3.3 Design of Traffic Control Devices 3.3.1 Description Design elements of traffic control devices, including the parameters of size, shape, colour, composition, lighting, retro-reflection and contrast, are combined to draw attention to the devices. Size, shape, colour, and simplicity of message are combined to produce a clear meaning. Legibility and size are combined with placement to permit adequate time for response. Finally, uniformity, size, legibility, and reasonableness of the message combine to command respect. 3.3.2 Standards 1. Modification of Standard Design Characteristics. Standard design characteristics as described in the standards presented in this Manual shall not be modified unless the Engineer demonstrates that a modification is required to meet each of the requirements described in Item 3.2.2. 2. Reduction of Sign Dimensions. Modifications to traffic control device design elements shall not result in the dimensions of signs, markings, or lateral placement being reduced in dimensions from the requirements presented in this Manual. 3.3.3 Guidance 1. To support the Basic Requirements as stipulated in Item 3.2.2 sign design modifications may include the following: a. Provision of identical signage on both sides of a single carriageway along a dual carriageway road, provided adequate lateral clearance is available within the median b. Tailoring of sign content to reflect actual road configuration, particularly for static lane use signs, advance intersection warning signs, and guide signs, provided they meet all other standards in this Manual c. Mounting of signs in urban zones may be appropriately modified to reflect the architectural theme of the zone, provided the specific symbols, colours, sizes and meanings of the signs as defined in this Manual are preserved 3.4 Placement and Operation of Traffic Control Devices 3.4.1 Guidance 1. Placement of a traffic control device should be within the road user’s view so that adequate visibility is provided. To aid in conveying the proper meaning, the traffic control device should be appropriately positioned with respect to the location, object, or situation to which it applies. The location and legibility of the traffic control device should be such that a road user has adequate time to make the proper response in both day and night conditions. 2. Traffic control devices should be placed and operated in a uniform and consistent manner. 3. Unnecessary traffic control devices should be removed. The fact that a device is in good physical condition should not be a basis for deferring needed removal or change. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 16 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3.5 Maintenance of Traffic Control Devices 3.5.1 Guidance 1. Functional maintenance of traffic control devices should be used to determine if certain devices need to be changed to meet current traffic conditions. 2. Physical maintenance of traffic control devices should be performed to retain the legibility and visibility of the device, and to retain the proper functioning of the device. 3. Clean, legible, properly mounted devices in good working condition command the respect of road users. 3.6 Uniformity of Traffic Control Devices 3.6.1 Guidance 1. Uniformity of devices simplifies the task of the road user because it aids in recognition and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. Uniformity assists road users, law enforcement officers, and traffic courts by giving everyone the same interpretation. Uniformity assists public highway officials through efficiency in manufacture, installation, maintenance, and administration. Uniformity means treating similar situations in a similar way. 2. The use of uniform traffic control devices does not, in itself, constitute uniformity. A standard device used where it is not appropriate is as objectionable as a non-standard device; in fact, this might be worse, because such misuse might result in disrespect at those locations where the device is needed and appropriate. 3.7 Legal Framework and Implications 3.7.1 Description The Legal Framework upon which the standards and guidance contained within this Manual are applied is found in the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation. The framework is applicable to all streets, roads, pedestrian and bicycle facilities operated and maintained within the Emirate, and built, operated, and maintained by the DMT, Municipalities, and private road operators whose facilities are traversed by the public. 3.7.2 Standards 1. Approval for Traffic Control Device Deployment. Traffic control devices shall be placed for the purpose of regulating, warning, and/or guiding traffic. The use of traffic control devices in any DMT, municipal or privately owned semi-public area without proper approval should not be permitted. 2. Not a Legal Requirement for Installation. This Manual describes the descriptions, standards and guidelines for the application of traffic control devices, but does not have the power of regulation. 3. Standards and Practices. The standards and guidance in this manual shall be the basis for practice on all roads owned and managed by entities of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including DMT, Municipalities, and the private sector, along with contractors and entities developing, erecting, and operating road works. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 17 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Violation of Standards. Violation or non-adherence to the standards identified in this Manual shall be considered as violations of the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation and shall be subject to remedy and correction by the responsible operators in order to meet the requirements of the Road Regulation. 3.7.3 Guidance When given approval by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for the erection of specific devices, construction contractors, public utility companies and police agencies are permitted to erect construction, maintenance and other warning signs to protect the public provided that such signs, markings, and devices conform to the standards contained in this manual. 3.8 Risk Assessment, Engineering Study and Judgment 3.8.1 Description This section describes the requirements associated with the study, design and application of traffic control devices at specific locations. 3.8.2 Standards 1. Risk Assessment. In the course of applying new traffic control device applications, the Engineer shall be responsible for addressing potential changes to the road facility in the future, as well as the impacts of deploying different guide signing options, where applicable. 2. Engineering Study. Engineering studies associated with new traffic control devices or replacement of existing devices shall be carried out by public agency staff, or by registered companies, with demonstrated expertise in traffic engineering, traffic impact studies and traffic data collection. 3.8.3 Guidance Early in the processes of location and design of roads and streets, engineers should coordinate such location and design with the design and placement of the traffic control devices to be used with such roads and streets. Jurisdictions, or owners of private roads open to public travel, with responsibility for traffic control that do not have engineers on their staff who are trained and/or experienced in traffic control devices, should seek engineering assistance from the DMT, experienced Municipalities or an agency-approved traffic engineering consultant. 3.9 Interpretations, Experimentations, Changes, and Interim Approvals 3.9.1 Description Continuing advances in technology and transport needs will produce changes in the road, the vehicle, and in road user proficiency. Over time, this Manual will be updated to reflect these changes to the state of the practice. In addition, unique situations often arise for device applications that might require interpretation or clarification of this Manual. Thus, it is important to have a procedure for recognizing these developments and for introducing new ideas and modifications into the system. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 18 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) DMT will be responsible for tracking, monitoring, recommending, rejecting, and/or executing specific requests related to preparation of interpretations of the MUTCD, permission to experiment with revised or new traffic control devices, interim approval recommendations for new traffic control devices based on demonstrated success, and changes to the MUTCD. An interpretation includes a consideration of the application and operation of standard traffic control devices, official meanings of standard traffic control devices, or the variations from standard device designs. Requests to experiment include consideration of field deployment for the purpose of testing or evaluating a new traffic control device, its application or manner of use, or a provision not specifically described in this manual. A request for permission to experiment will be considered by DMT only when submitted by the public agency or other road facility operator responsible for the operation of the road or street on which the experiment is to take place. For a private road open to public travel, the request will be considered only if it is submitted by the private owner or private official having jurisdiction. A diagram indicating the process for experimenting with traffic control devices is shown in Figure 3-1. A change includes consideration of a new device to replace a present standard device, an additional device to be added to the list of standard devices, or a revision to a traffic control device application or placement criteria. Interim approval allows interim use, pending official rulemaking, of a new traffic control device, a revision to the application or manner of use of an existing traffic control device, or a provision not specifically described in this manual. The issuance by the DMT of an interim approval will typically result in the traffic control device or application being placed into the next scheduled rulemaking process for revisions to this Manual. Interim approval is considered based on the results of successful experimentation, results of analytical or laboratory studies, and/or review of non-UAE experience with a traffic control device or application. Interim approval considerations include an assessment of relative risks, benefits, costs, impacts, and other factors. Interim approval allows for optional use of a traffic control device or application and does not create a new mandate or recommendation for use. Interim approval includes conditions that jurisdictions agree to comply with in order to use the traffic control device or application until an official rulemaking action has occurred. 3.9.2 Standards 1. Deviation from Manual. Design, application, and placement of traffic control devices other than those adopted in this Manual and the accompanying TSES Manual shall be prohibited without specific review and approval from DMT. 2. Requests to DMT. Requests for any interpretation, permission to experiment, interim approval, or change shall be submitted electronically to DMT through ADQCC 3. Requests for Interpretation. Requests for an interpretation of this manual shall contain the following information: 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 19 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. b. c. d. A concise statement of the interpretation being sought A description of the condition that provoked the need for an interpretation Any illustration that would be helpful to understand the request Any supporting research data that is pertinent to the item to be interpreted 4. Requests for Permission to Experiment. Requests to consider, develop, or implement experimental traffic control device application shall include a statement indicating the nature of the problem. a. Description of proposed change to the traffic control device or application of the traffic control device, how it was developed, the manner in which it deviates from the standard, and how it is expected to be an improvement over existing standards. Figure 3-1: Process for Requesting and Conducting Experimentations for New Traffic Control Devices b. Any illustration that would be helpful to understand the traffic control device or use of the traffic control device. c. Any supporting data explaining how the traffic control device was developed, if it has been tried, in what ways it was found to be adequate or inadequate, and how this choice of device or application was derived. d. A legally binding statement certifying that the concept of the traffic control device is not protected by a patent or copyright (e.g., a manufacturer’s design for its specific brand or approach to technologies that are unique to that company, such as countdown signals, with unique housings, displays or electronics that are unique to that manufacturer’s product). However, as long as the general concept is not patented or copyrighted, it shall be acceptable for experimentation to incorporate the use of one or more patented devices of one or several manufacturers. e. The time period and location(s) of the experiment. f. A detailed research or evaluation plan that provides for close monitoring of the experimentation, especially in the early stages of its field implementation. The 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 20 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) evaluation plan should include before and after studies as well as quantitative data describing the performance of the experimental device. g. An agreement to restore the site of the experiment to a condition that complies with the provisions of this manual within 3 months following the end of the time period of the experiment. This agreement must also provide that the agency sponsoring the experimentation will terminate it at any time that it determines that significant safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the experimentation. The DMT has the right to terminate approval of the experimentation at any time if there is an indication of safety concerns. If, as a result of the experimentation, a request is made that this manual be changed to include the device or application being experimented with, the device or application will be permitted to remain in place until the DMT issues a decision approving the device and initiates a corresponding revision of the manual. h. An agreement to provide semi-annual progress reports for the duration of the experimentation, and an agreement to provide a copy of the final results of the experimentation to the DMT within 3 months following completion of the experimentation. The DMT has the right to terminate approval of the experimentation if reports are not provided in accordance with this schedule. 5. Request for Change. Requests for a change to this manual shall contain the following information: a. b. c. d. A statement indicating what change is proposed A statement indicating why this change is necessary Any illustration that would be helpful to understand the request Any supporting research data that is pertinent to the item to be reviewed 6. Request for Interim DMT Approval of New Traffic Control Device or Change to Existing Device. The request for permission to place a traffic control device under an interim approval shall contain the following: a. Description of where device will be used, including specific locations or road segments or types of situations, or a statement of the intent to use the device jurisdiction-wide b. Agreement to abide by the specific conditions for use of the device as contained in the DMT’s interim approval document c. Agreement to maintain and continually update a list of locations where the device has been installed d. Agreement to: i. Restore site(s) of the interim approval to a condition that complies with the provisions in this manual within 3 months following the issuance of a final rule on this traffic control device. ii. Terminate use of the device or application installed under the interim approval at any time that the DMT or other owning agency or operator determines significant safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the device or application. The DMT reserves the right to terminate the interim approval at any time if there is an indication of safety concerns. 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 21 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. Permission to Use a Traffic Control Device That Has Received Interim DMT Approval. DMT, Municipalities, Police and others responsible for traffic control activities who submit a request for the use of an interim-approved traffic control device, shall provide the following information: a. Description of where device will be used, including specific locations or road segments or types of situations, or a statement of the intent to use the device jurisdiction-wide b. Emirate laws or directives covering or supporting the implementation of the interimapproved traffic control device, if any c. Agreement to abide by the specific conditions for use of the device as contained in the DMT’s interim approval document d. Agreement to maintain and continually update a list of locations where the device has been installed e. Agreement to terminate use of the device or application installed under the interim approval at any time that the DMT or other owning agency or operator determines significant safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the device or application. The DMT reserves the right to terminate the interim approval at any time if there is an indication of safety concerns. 3.9.3 Guidance A diagram indicating the process for incorporating new traffic control devices into this manual is shown in Figure 3-2. 3.10 Relation to Other Publications Specific publications are incorporated by specific reference as shown in the Cited References section. Figure 3-2: Process for Incorporating New Traffic Control Devices into the MUTCD 03-INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Page 22 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4 SIGNS The purpose of this Chapter is to provide both general and specific standards and guidance for all traffic sign applications in Abu Dhabi Emirate, including regulatory, warning and guide signs, their attributes and installation. 4.1 General Requirements for Signs 4.1.1 Function and Purpose of Signs Traffic signs are visual devices mounting along roads, streets and travelled ways in order to (a) advise motorists of traffic regulations that apply at specific locations and/or at specific times, (b) to warn of hazards that may not otherwise be self-apparent, and (c) to provide motorists with information concerning routes, destinations, and locations of interest. Messages are conveyed using words, numbers, symbols, and arrows. Basis for Installation. Traffic signs shall be installed only when stipulated by the principles of this Manual and/or when deemed warranted on the basis of a traffic engineering evaluation. 1. The standardization of traffic signs in their appearance, placement, and design simplifies the task of road users in finding, recognizing, and understanding signs and markings. 2. Traffic signs should also aid road users, the Traffic Police, and the legal system in having a common interpretation of sign meanings and messages. 3. Signs are not typically to be used to substitute for an understanding of the Abu Dhabi Road Regulations.. 4.1.2 Definitions and Acronyms Definitions and acronyms that are applicable to signs are provided in Chapter 2 as well as in the Glossary at the end of this Manual. 4.1.3 Standardization of Application It is recognized that urban traffic conditions differ from those in rural environments, and in many instances signs are applied and located differently. Where pertinent and practical, this Manual sets forth separate recommendations for urban and rural conditions. 1. Display for Specific Purpose. Each standard sign shall be displayed only for the specific purpose as prescribed in this Manual. 2. Selection of Proper Sign. Determination of the particular signs to be applied to a specific condition shall be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in this chapter. 04-SIGNS Page 23 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Installation of Signs before New Road is Open. Before any new road, private road open to public travel (per definition in the Glossary), detour, or temporary route is opened to public travel, all necessary signs shall be in place. 4. Removal of Signs. Signs required by road conditions or restrictions shall be removed when those conditions cease to exist or the restrictions are withdrawn. 4.1.4 Guidance 1. Signs should be used only where justified by engineering judgment or studies, as provided in Section 3.8 of this Manual. 2. Results from traffic engineering studies of physical and traffic factors should indicate the locations where signs are deemed necessary or desirable. 3. Roadway geometric design and sign application should be coordinated so that signing can be effectively placed to give the road user any necessary regulatory, warning, guidance, and other information. 4.1.5 Excessive Use of Signs Regulatory and warning signs should be used conservatively because these signs, if used to excess, tend to lose their effectiveness. If used, route signs and directional guide signs should be used frequently because their use promotes efficient operations by keeping road users informed of their location and route subject to spacing standards recommended in the manual. 4.1.6 Classification of Signs Signs are classified as regulatory, warning and guide signs. 1. Regulatory Signs shall give notice of traffic laws or regulations. 2. Warning Signs shall give notice of a situation that might not be readily apparent. 3. Guide Signs shall provide route designations, road or street names, destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest, and other geographical, recreational, or cultural information. 1. Where possible, regulatory, guide and warning signs should not be mixed except as required to describe vehicle restrictions or geometric constraints) for a particular route or lane (e.g., no trucks in a particular lane, sharp curve on exit ramp) 2. Temporary traffic control zones (See Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531)), bicycle facilities (Chapter 8) and pedestrian facilities (Chapter 9) include specific regulatory, warning and guide sign applications particular to those applications. While they may not be shown in this Chapter of the Manual, they are applicable in the same manner. 04-SIGNS Page 24 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.1.7 General Design Principles This Manual shows typical standard signs and object markers approved for use on streets, roads, cycleways , and pedestrian crossings, taking into consideration the guidance in section, Item 2. In the specifications for individual signs and object markers, the general appearance of the legend, colour, and size are shown in the accompanying tables and illustrations, and are not always detailed in the text. The basic requirements of a sign are that it be legible to those for whom it is intended and that it be understandable in time to permit a proper response. Desirable attributes include high visibility by day and night, as well as high legibility (adequately sized letters, symbols, or arrows, and a short legend for quick comprehension by a road user approaching a sign). Standardized colours and shapes are specified so that the several classes of traffic signs can be promptly recognized. Simplicity and uniformity in design, position, and application are important. 1. Meaning of “Legend”. The term legend shall include all word messages and symbol and arrow designs that are intended to convey specific meanings. 2. Uniformity in Design shall include shape, colour, dimensions, legends, borders, and illumination or retro-reflectivity. 3. Improvement of Signage. Standardization of these designs does not preclude further improvement by minor changes in the proportion or orientation of symbols, width of borders, or layout of word messages, but all shapes and colours shall be as indicated. 4. Symbols and Colours. All symbols shall be unmistakably similar to, or mirror images of, the adopted symbol signs shown in this document. Symbols and colours shall not be modified unless otherwise provided in this Manual. All symbols and colours for signs not shown in this Manual shall follow the procedures for experimentation and change described in Section 3.9. 5. Word Messages. Where a standard word message (Arabic and/or English) is applicable, the wording shall be as provided in this Manual. 6. Numerals and Units. Arabic numerals (English) and English abbreviations for units of measure and weight (i.e. m=meters, kg=kilograms, t=tons) shall be used for regulatory, warning and guide signs where needed. For new sign installations, traditional use of Indian numeral characters and Arabic units of weight and measure shall not be provided. Having one set of numerals and weights on a sign permits improved visibility of the regulations without increasing overall sign size (i.e., speed limits using only Arabic numerals [English] permits a larger legend that is visible from a longer distance and is clearer for all drivers to understand and thus for Police to enforce). 7. Non-standard Word Messages. In situations where word messages (Arabic and/or English) are required other than those provided in this Manual, the signs shall be of the same shape and colour as standard signs of the same functional type. However, the use of non-standard word messages and abbreviations shall be constrained by the standards and guidance of Section 2.2. 04-SIGNS Page 25 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8. Use of Internet Addresses. Except where specifically identified in this Manual, Internet addresses and e-mail addresses, including domain names and uniform resource locators (URL), shall not be displayed on any sign, supplemental plaque, sign panel (including logo sign panels on Specific Service signs), or dynamic message sign. 9. Use of Phone Numbers. Except where specifically identified in this Manual, telephone numbers of more than seven characters shall not be displayed on any sign, supplemental plaque, sign panel (including logo sign panels on specific service signs), or dynamic message sign. 10. Non-Standard Symbols and Government/Corporate/Institutional Logos. Pictographs (see definition in the Glossary) shall not be displayed on signs except as specifically provided in this Manual. a. Pictographs shall be simple, dignified, and devoid of any advertising. b. When used to represent a government agency, the pictograph shall be the official designation adopted by the agency. c. When used to represent a college or university, the pictograph shall be the official seal adopted by the institution. Pictorial representations of university or college programs shall not be permitted to be displayed on a sign. 1. Although the standard design of symbol signs cannot be modified, the orientation of the symbol may be changed to better reflect the direction of travel, if appropriate. 2. Allowable arrows to be used are shown in Section of this document. 3. Transport operations agencies may develop special word message signs where roadway conditions make it necessary to provide road users with additional regulatory, warning, or guidance information, such as when road users need to be notified of special regulations or warned about a situation that might not be readily apparent. 4. Internet addresses, e-mail addresses, or telephone numbers with more than four characters may be displayed, upon approval by the owning authority, on signs, supplemental plaques, sign panels, and dynamic message signs that are intended for viewing only by pedestrians, bicyclists, and occupants of parked vehicles. 4.1.8 Sign Retro-reflectivity and Illumination Traffic signs function at all times, and it is thus necessary that they exhibit the same shape and colour during both day and night hours. To this end, signs and object markers require some type of retroreflective sheeting (pressure sensitive adhesive-backed material covering the sign and text that captures light and reflects it back to the driver). 1. Sign face sheeting. All sign faces shall be constructed using retroreflective sheeting, covering symbols, messages, background, and border. 2. Preservation of shape, colour and message. Regulatory, warning and guide signs shall be retroreflective or illuminated in order to show the same shape and similar colour both day and night, except where specific exceptions are noted in the Manual. 04-SIGNS Page 26 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Uniform design appearance. The uniformity of the sign and message design shall be maintained without any decrease in visibility, legibility, or driver comprehension during either daytime, night-time, or transitional conditions. 4. Installation of internally illuminated messages within sign. If internally illuminated messages or flashers are included within or above the sign face, the following shall be required: a. If used, light-emitting diodes shall be provided with a maximum 6.35mm diameter and shall be the following colours based on sign type: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Red, if used with STOP or YIELD signs. White, if used with regulatory signs other than STOP or YIELD signs. White or yellow, if used with warning signs. White, if used with guide signs. White or yellow, if used with temporary traffic control signs. White or yellow, if used with school area signs. b. If flashed, all LED units shall flash simultaneously at a rate of more than 50 and less than 60 times per minute. 5. Maintaining sign face retro-reflectivity. Public agencies or officials having jurisdiction shall use an assessment or management method that is designed to maintain sign retro-reflectivity at or above the minimum levels in Table 4-5. Contrast between legend and background should be at a minimum ratio of 3:1. Table 4-5: Minimum Sign Retro-reflectivity Requirements to be Maintained Sign Colour White on Blue White on Green White on Red Black on White (with Red Border) White on Brown Black on Yellow (with red border) Red on Blue Minimum Retro-reflectivity Requirements (candela/lux/m²) Additional Criteria W ≥ 250, B ≥ 12 Overhead guide signs W ≥ 120, B ≥ 10 Post-mounted guide signs W ≥ 250, G ≥ 25 Overhead guide signs W ≥ 220, G ≥ 22 Post-mounted guide signs W ≥ 75, R ≥ 23 Stop signs (post) W ≥ 50, R ≥ 15 Warning and regulatory signs W ≥ 150, Br=7 Post-mounted signs Y ≥ 100, R ≥ 30 Road works signs R ≥ 50, B ≥ 15 No parking, no stopping signs – Retro-reflectivity 1. Retroreflective sheeting should use ASTM D4956Type IV or Type XI as follows: a. Type IV sheeting shall be used for normal regulatory and warning sign applications, as well as for guide signs with white backgrounds. 04-SIGNS Page 27 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. Type XI sheeting shall be used for all ground-mounted guide signs with non-white background, as well as for all overhead signs. 2. Backing for retroreflective sheeting should meet ASTM D4956 class 1 requirements, providing pressure-sensitive adhesion to smooth, clean surfaces with no heat, solvent, or other preparation needed. Table 4-5 shows the minimum retro-reflectivity levels to be maintained in units of cd/lx/m² measured at an observation angle of 0.2° and an entrance angle of -4.0°. 3. These materials will likely yield much higher reflectivity levels initially, but over time should degrade to no worse than the levels shown in the Table 4-5. 4. To maintain minimum retro-reflectivity, a method should be in place to maintain the minimum retro-reflectivity levels in Table 4-5 using one or more of the following assessment or management methods: a. Visual Night-times Inspection—The retro-reflectivity of an existing sign is assessed by a trained sign inspector conducting a visual inspection from a moving vehicle during night-time conditions. Signs that are visually identified by the inspector to have retro-reflectivity below the minimum levels should be replaced. b. Measured Sign Retro-reflectivity—Sign retro-reflectivity is measured using a retroreflectometer. Signs with retro-reflectivity below the minimum levels should be replaced. c. Expected Sign Life—When signs are installed, the installation date is labelled or recorded so that the age of a sign is known. The age of the sign is compared to the expected sign life. The expected sign life is based on the experience of sign retroreflectivity degradation in a geographic area compared to the minimum levels. Signs older than the expected life should be replaced. d. Blanket Replacement—All signs in an area/corridor, or of a given type, should be replaced at specified intervals. This eliminates the need to assess retro-reflectivity or track the life of individual signs. The replacement interval is based on the expected sign life, compared to the minimum levels, for the shortest-life material used on the affected signs. e. Control Signs—Replacement of signs in the field is based on the performance of a sample of control signs. The control signs might be a small sample located in a maintenance yard or a sample of signs in the field. The control signs are monitored to determine the end of retroreflective life for the associated signs. All field signs represented by the control sample should be replaced before the retro-reflectivity levels of the control sample reach the minimum levels. f. Other Methods—Other methods developed based on engineering studies can be used. Sign illumination may be accomplished through the means shown in Table 4-6. 1. As per Section, Item 4, Light Emitting Diode (LED) units may be used individually within the legend or symbol of a sign and in the border of a sign, except for changeable message signs, to improve the conspicuity, increase the legibility of sign legends and borders, or provide a changeable message. Each sign description in this Chapter will identify specific guidance for using LED’s within or in addition to the display itself. 04-SIGNS Page 28 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-6: Illumination of Sign Elements Means of Illumination Sign Element to be Illuminated Symbol or word message Background Symbol, word message, and background (through a translucent material) Attached or independently mounted light source designed to direct essentially uniform illumination onto the sign face Entire sign face Light emitting diodes (LEDs) Symbol or word message Portions of the sign border Other devices, or treatments that highlight the sign shape, colour, or message: Luminous tubing Fibre optics Incandescent light bulbs Luminescent panels Symbol or word message Entire sign face Light behind the sign face 4.1.9 Physical Aspects for Sign Shapes General. Standard sign shapes shall be as shown in 1. Table 4-7, and their principal features are listed: a. The OCTAGON shape is reserved exclusively for the STOP sign 301 and STOP/SLOW sign 308. b. The TRIANGULAR shape, with the point down, is reserved exclusively for the GIVE WAY sign 302, GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303, and GIVE WAY TO CYCLISTS sign 309. c. The CIRCULAR shape is reserved exclusively for Regulatory Sign applications, particularly prohibitions and speed limits. d. The RECTANGLE, with the long axis vertical, is used primarily for Attention and Diagrammatic Regulatory signs, as well as certain guide signs such as diagrammatic and gore exit signs. e. The TRIANGULAR shape, with the point up, is used exclusively for Advance Warning signs. f. The RECTANGLE, with the long axis horizontal, is the primary shape for all Guide signs, as well as Route Numbering, Direction, Supplemental and Direction signage, Street Name, Building Number Plate and General Information signs and as Qualification Plates or Supplemental Plates below other sign shapes. It is also used for the One-Way Regulatory sign. g. The POINTED RECTANGLE, with the long axis horizontal, is used exclusively for Chevron Direction sign 515. h. Hazard Marker Warning signs are used in a variety of shapes and do not conform to a specific shape code. 2. Other Shapes. Other shapes shall not be used by DMT, Municipalities or other road operators for sign panel outline shapes unless specifically approved by the DMT. 04-SIGNS Page 29 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-7: Standard Sign Shapes Standard Traffic Sign Shapes Functions Reserved exclusively for the STOP sign 301 and STOP/SLOW sign 7308 Reserved exclusively for the GIVE WAY sign 302, GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303, and GIVE WAY TO CYCLISTS sign 309 Reserved exclusively for Mandatory (e.g., speed limit) and Prohibitory (e.g., no trucks, do not enter, no U-turn) Regulatory signs Primarily used for specific Reserved Regulatory signs, including parking signs – also used for Attention and Diagrammatic signs and occasionally Guide signs such as GORE EXIT sign 554 Reserved exclusively for Advance Warning signs Primarily used for all Guide signs, comprising Direction, Supplemental Transportation and Direction, Community Street Name, Building Number Plate and General Information signs and as Qualification Plates or Supplemental Plates below other sign shapes. May also be used for lane use warning signs (lane drops, lane assignments, etc.). Reserved exclusively for CHEVRON DIRECTION sign 515 Hazard Marker Warning signs use a variety of shapes designed to specifically draw attentions to the hazard type at which they are located. 04-SIGNS Page 30 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) and Visibility Considerations The size of a traffic sign is important for two primary reasons: Conspicuity – A sign must be of sufficient size to command the attention of drivers against the background of the roadway environment. Legibility – The legend (text or symbol) of the sign must be of sufficient size to allow recognition and comprehension by drivers travelling at roadway design speeds. For guide signs, which are largely text-based, the sign sizes will vary widely depending on route shields displayed, arrows, the amount of legend and the lettering size of the legend. Legibility is the primary factor controlling guide sign sizes. Sizing guide signs on the basis of legibility will generally assure that a guide sign will be conspicuous. The parameters affecting guide sign sizing are discussed fully in Section 4.4 and therefore are not generalized herein. For regulatory and warning signs a standardization of size is possible and is in fact necessary. Regulatory and warning signs, which are more symbol-oriented than text-oriented, tend to be much smaller in size than guide signs. Because of their relatively small size, conspicuity is an equally important factor as legibility in sizing regulatory and warning signs. However, the size of regulatory and warning signs may be increased substantially based on design speed of the road. Size and Visibility Standard Minimum Requirements. The sign sizes for regulatory and warning signs shall meet the minimum size requirements presented in Table 4-8. Code Standards Background and Legend Colours. The background and legend colours to be used for traffic signs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi shall be as shown in Table 4-9. 1. Colour Reference. Central values and tolerance limits for colours in use shall be as per the chromaticity requirements defined under British Standard BS EN 12899 - refer to Item 8, or equivalent standards of other European Union states that are compliant with CEN EN128991. 2. Use of Other Colours Not Shown. Sign colours or uses other than those listed in Table 4-9 shall not be permitted without prior approval from DMT as per the requirements of Chapter 3 (experimental traffic control). Table 4-8: Regulatory and Warning Sign Sizes Design Speed (Note 1) (km/h) 40 or less 60 80 100 120+ Recommended Regulatory Sign Size (millimetre) (Note 2) Recommended Warning Sign Size (millimetre) (Note 3) Recommended Attention and Diagrammatic Sign Size (millimetre) (Note 4) 600 750 750-900 1200 1200 750 900 900-1200 1200-1500 1500 900(W) x 1200(H) 1200(W) x 1600(H) 1200(W) x 1600(H) 1800(W) x 2400(H) 2250(W) x 3000 (H) Required Minimum Clear Visibility (metres) 50 75 100 200 300 NOTES: 04-SIGNS Page 31 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. When a speed limit sign is reducing the speed limit from a higher value, the lower limit sign shall be sized according to the higher speed limit, which is the speed at which the sign will be approached i.e. the sign size is based on the approach speed not the speed shown on the sign. When it is known that 85th percentile speeds are significantly different from posted speed limits, sign sizes should be chosen based on the design speed. Regulatory sign sizes refer to a circle diameter. For the STOP sign the diameter represents an inscribed circle. Lower range of dimensions for 80km/h speed is intended for minor arterial or lower classification. Advance warning sign sizes refer to the apex to apex measurement of the side of the triangular sign. GIVE WAY signs should be sized in the same way as advance warning sign. Lower range of dimensions for 80km/h and 100km/h speeds is intended for minor arterial or lower classification. For diagrammatic warning signs, the width may be increased when three or more arrows are displayed. Sizes for these signs are stipulated in Section 4.3. Sizes shown are recommended minimums for ground mounted signs. Larger sign sizes, particularly for warning signs, may be used in especially critical situations. The sizes for Regulatory signs are not applicable to parking related signs and freeway/highway control signs. Sizes for these signs are stipulated in Section 4.2 and 4.4. Table 4-9: Traffic Sign Colour Code Sign Class Regulatory: Control Mandatory Prohibitory Reservation Parking (“P” sign) - Pay and Display Parking with Curb Codes (Mawaqif) Lane Reservation Comprehensive Freeway/Highway Control Neighbourhood Warning: - Attention - Diagrammatic Background Colour Text/Border Colours Red or Blue Blue White White/White White/White Black/Red Blue Blue White (1)/White Top portion white/no border, bottom portion has turquoise lettering, turquoise border White and Black/White Blue White White and Red/White Black/Black Red (top portion) and white (bottom) White White (top portion) Black (bottom) Black (4)/Red Red top portion, white main portion Guide: Emirates Routes Blue Emblem on White Background Yellow(5)/None Abu Dhabi Routes and intersecting arterial routes White(10) Black/none Mashreq Routes White Emblem on Black Background Supplemental Transportation (to Metro, Airport, etc.) Points of Interest/Tourism Destinations Local or Government Facilities Street or Road Name (posted on numbered routes) Street Name Plaque (on signal mast arm) Building Number Plate General Information Distance (Emirate route) 04-SIGNS Blue or Green (9) White/White Brown White White/White Black/Black White Black/Black Dark blue (12) White/None if encased in metal frame Dark blue (12) White/White or None Blue White/White Page 32 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign Class Background Colour Text/Border Colours Green White/White Distance (Abu Dhabi route) White Black (7)/Black Town Entry/Exit White Black (7)/Black District Entry White Black/Black Text White Black (8)/Black Kilometre marker Temporary: Roadworks (EXCEPT Regulatory Yellow Black(4)/Black Control) Incident Management (EXCEPT Yellow Black/Black Regulatory Control) Yellow Black/Black Special Event NOTES: 1. Permissive Reservation parking signs also include a white on blue parking symbol and, in some instances, another white on blue category of parker symbol. 2. Mawaqif signs include coloured inserts for curb codes 3. Hazard marker signs include red arrow shapes. 4. Some Attention and diagrammatic regulatory and warning signs include red “hazard” areas. 5. Route letters and numbers within E-route Emblems shall be Yellow. 6. Guide signs, including direction, supplemental transportation and direction signs commonly include a black symbol on a white square background. Occasionally such signs are displayed in colour (GARDEN/PARK symbol). 7. These signs may also include a colour symbol on a white background. 8. Kilometre markers also include an Emirate Route or Abu Dhabi Route Emblem. 9. The Supplemental Transportation signs take on the colour of the route/street on which they are displayed. 10. AD-route emblem, when mounted on blue or green guide signs shall be a white cut-out with no black surround or border. 11. Other colours may be utilized as approved by DMT. 12. In accordance with DMA standards 4.1.10 Legend Description The legend of a traffic sign is the element that provides a sign with a unique and definitive meaning or message. The legend may be composed of a symbol, text message, or both, and may be used in conjunction with arrows when used to provide directional or lane-specific guidance. Standards 1. Symbology. Symbols used shall be the same in appearance as those shown in this Manual. 2. New Symbols. When new symbols are approved for usage for regulatory or warning signs, a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 (see Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this Manual) shall accompany these signs for a period of up to three years, if deemed necessary, for public education. 3. Text. Text messaging for all new signs shall utilize standard Arabic and English fonts configured as follows: a. Arabic font shall utilize Naskh script of the sizes required as per Sections 4.2 through 4.4. 04-SIGNS Page 33 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. English font shall utilize Transport medium font (for signs with white background, use Transport heavy font) as per Department of Transport standards, in the sizes required as per Sections 4.2 through 4.4. c. The height of the Arabic “aleph” character shall be 1.4 times the height of the English “x” letter height. 4. Numerals. For new signs, numerical legends, including speed limits, route numbering, and distance/height measurements, shall utilize Arabic Numerals (English). 5. Units of measure. For new signs, units of measure such as metres, kilometres, or tonnes shall be abbreviated using English/European text (i.e., “m”, “km”, “t”). Guidance 1. Symbolic messages given in this Manual should be used in preference to text messages whenever available. 2. Standard text messages in Arabic and English should be used when an appropriate symbol is not available. 3. Word messages should be as brief as possible. 4. Existing signs may contain both Western and Arabic characters for numerals as well as units of measure. Replacement of these signs with Western-only characters for numerals and units of measure should be prioritized for high-speed roads first. 5. Existing signs may use Transport or similar fonts for English text. 4.1.11 Installation Overview – General Sign Installation This section discusses the placement of ground mounted and overhead signs. Proper placement of traffic signs refers to the lateral, vertical, and longitudinal positioning that provides the necessary sign legibility for road users. Without proper placement the efforts to select, design, fabricate, and apply traffic signs are wasted. However, since no two roads are aligned and designed alike, the guidelines for sign placement given here are intended to be interpreted with a measure of flexibility. Sound engineering judgment on an individual project basis, following the general guidelines provided here, must be applied so that sign visibility and legibility are maximized. The basic guidelines of sign placement must be considered early in the road design process. This applies particularly to the provision of guide signs and sequences of guide signs on multi-lane highways and freeways. The placement is even more critical for signs required within complex interchanges. Standards – General Sign Installation 1. Right Side or Overhead Positioning. Except as identified in this Chapter, all traffic signs shall be positioned on the right side of the roadway facing the approaching traffic or overhead close to the centre of the travel lanes to which the signs apply. 2. Left Side Signing. Signing on the left side of the road or on the median of dual carriageway roads shall be permitted as follows: a. In the median of dual carriageway roads and on one-way roads where supplementary regulatory, warning or guide signs are needed for the purposes of visibility. 04-SIGNS Page 34 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. Two-way roadways where sharp right curves exist. c. Multi-lane freeways where visibility of overhead or right side signs is frequently blocked due to geometrics, grade, or high vehicles. d. At roadworks, particularly for signs located within the Advance Warning Area. 3. Sign Mounting and Supports. All signs except where noted (i.e., regulatory or warning signs on urban streets mounted on light poles) shall be installed on breakaway sign posts as described in the DMT Roadside Design Guide. Guidance – General Sign Installation 1. Every sign location must be thoroughly checked to identify any possible visibility obstructions. Typical problem placement locations include: a. b. c. d. e. f. Downhill dips in the roadway Crest vertical curves Parked or stationary vehicles blocking visibility Trees and other foliage blocking visibility Proximity of other (existing) traffic signs in front of or behind the new sign under consideration Existing advertising signs 2. Traffic signs should be placed to avoid blocking or impeding the pedestrian or bicycle flow along sidewalks and trails. 3. While signs are provided to enhance the safety conditions of a roadway, they are fixed obstacles which pose a hazard if struck by motorists. Therefore, the sign supports should not be overdesigned, but must be protected appropriately in themselves, through placement behind guard rails as necessary, as well as through design of breakaway sign supports. Overview – Lateral and Vertical Sign Placement Sign placement can be defined in terms of “lateral placement” (distance of sign from pavement edge) and “vertical placement” (the elevation of the lowest part of the sign above the pavement surface). Since traffic signs are a road side hazard if struck, they should be placed at as great a distance from the pavement edge as practical. However, as signs are placed further from the pavement edge they become less conspicuous and legible to motorists. Every opportunity to position traffic signs behind crash barriers, guard rail, or other road side safety barriers should be pursued. The vertical placement of a traffic sign is defined as the least distance measured from the pavement or ground surface to the underside of the sign, taking account of cross fall or super elevation if the sign is positioned over the roadway. The mounting height of a traffic sign affects the following elements: The visibility of the sign Pedestrian hazard of striking the underside of signs The breakaway safety of the support structure 04-SIGNS Page 35 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards – Lateral and Vertical Sign Placement 1. Minimum Lateral Sign Clearance – Shoulder. The closest part of any traffic sign shall be a minimum of 0.60m outside the shoulder of an uncurbed road. 2. Minimum Lateral Sign Clearance – Edge of Pavement. The closest part of any traffic sign shall be a minimum of 3.6m outside the edge of pavement of an uncurbed road. 3. Maximum Distance from Edge of Pavement. The maximum distance that the closest part of a traffic sign can be outside the edge of pavement shall be 9.0m, except where warranted on high speed roads as per Item 4. 4. Maximum Distance from Edge of Pavement (roads with 100km/h or higher speed limits). On high speed roads, traffic signs shall be mounted no further than 15m outside the edge of pavement, where such a clear recovery area is needed and breakaway supports are not used (under such circumstances a larger than standard letter size may be warranted). 5. Urban Area Lateral Sign Clearance. In urban areas with curb sections, the closest part of any traffic sign shall be a minimum of 450mm behind the curb (roads in local neighbourhoods with no bus or heavy truck traffic may use 300mm as the difference between the curb face and nearest part of the road sign. 6. Sign Support Structure Clearance. Clearance to support structures for overhead signs shall be a minimum of 9.0m beyond the edge of pavement or 0.6m beyond the edge of pavement when placed behind a guardrail, barrier or curb (flexible guardrail will require greater clearances depending on deflection criteria). 7. Signing on Buildings. Municipalities shall limit signing on buildings to building number plate signs mounted on the face of a building or on a property boundary wall at the edge of the road right-of-way. 8. Lateral and Vertical Sign Placement. Sign installations shall be installed at a distance above and to the side of the pavement commensurate with the sign type and location (urban and rural) as indicated in Figure 4-1and corresponding Table 4-10 Figure 4-1: Lateral and Vertical Sign Placement 9. Orientation of Signage. Ground-mounted traffic signs should be placed at approximate right angles to traffic that must read the message. Specifically, signs located less than 9.0m from the edge of pavement should be oriented at 93° to the line of approaching traffic. This slight rotation from true right angle eliminates many of the glare problems that can occur when retroreflective sheeting is used. For signs greater than 9.0m from the pavement edge an orientation of 87° to the line of approaching traffic is recommended (see Figure 4-4). 10. Protection by Guard Rail or Barrier Guard rail is used to protect vehicles against collisions with heavy static obstacles, while Jersey Barriers protect vehicles from crossing into opposing traffic. Guard rails are only used when the threats being protected against are 04-SIGNS Page 36 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) greater than those posed by the guard rail itself. For example, ground-mounted signs are generally located on breakaway supports (refer to Road Design Manual) and do not require guard rail protection. However, large cantilever or full-width guide sign gantries whose foundations or vertical poles could easily cause significant vehicle damage in a crash should be protected by guard rail (if on sloping ground) or concrete Jersey Barrier if the current shoulder is less than the minimum acceptable width for new construction (as per Road Design Manual). Overview – Longitudinal Placement Longitudinal placement is the element of sign positioning that is the most flexible, but also one that is highly critical relative to the ability of drivers to react to the message. Guidelines for the longitudinal placement are subject to the specific field and road conditions, particularly in urban areas. The longitudinal placement along a road depends on the sign type, criticality of message (e.g., speed reduction or stoppage required?), and manoeuvre required. Traffic sign positions are moved longitudinally in many situations in order to: Improve visibility. Avoid blocking other signs. Improve roadside safety. Increase spacing between adjacent signs. Longitudinal placement requirements differ by sign type. However, minimum longitudinal spacings by different sign type are shown in Table 4-11, and reflect minimum distance needed for readability at specific travel speeds. Detail 5-1: Standard Regulatory Signs 04-SIGNS Page 37 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Detail 5-2: Standard Advance Warning Signs Detail 5-3: Hazard Warning Signs Detail 5-4: Gore Hazard Marker Detail 5-5: Diagrammatic Warning Sign Figure 4-2: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Regulatory and Warning Signs Detail 6-1: Street Name and Action Direction Signs 04-SIGNS Page 38 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Detail 6-2: Route Marker and Gore Exit Direction Signs Detail 6-3: Guide and General Information Signs (Post-Mounted) Detail 6-4: Overhead Guide Signs Figure 4-3: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Guide Signs Figure 4-4: Sign Orientation Angle 04-SIGNS Page 39 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-10: Lateral and Vertical Positioning of Traffic Signs (Refer to Figures 4.3 and 4.4) Roadway Type Freeway Highway Major Arterial Frontage Arterial Collector Local Dimension Minimum (millimetres) Maximum (millimetres) A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G I K L 600 3600 2100 1600 500 2100 – 50 1000 9000 6500 1800 450 600 2100 1900 1200 2100 – 600 6000 1800 3000 9000 2500 2500 1600 2500 6000 – – – – 4200 1000 2000 2500 2500 1600 2500 6000 – 6500 4200 Remarks See Notes 5, 6, and 7 See Notes 7, 8, and 9 See Notes 5, 6, and 8 See Note 5 See Note 10 See Note 11 See Note 13 See Note 12 See Note 10 See Notes 5, 6, and 7 See Notes 7, 8, and 9 See Notes 5, 6, and 8 See Note 5 See Note 10 See Note 11 See Note 12 See Note 10 NOTES: 1. Dimension letters refer to Figures 4-3 and 4-4. 2. If no dimension value is given in the table this means that the dimension concerned is variable. 3. Lateral dimension reference points are defined as follows: X – Face of curb, guardrail, or barrier. Y – Edge of pavement Z – Edge of shoulder 4. For large, multipost signs with a breakaway post system, the minimum clearance between the underside of the sign and the ground below it shall be 2250mm. This will permit a standard vehicle striking the post to pass under the sign panel. 5. In urban areas (assumed to be curbed but may sometimes not have curbs) vertical dimensions are the minimum clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground below. 6. Certain regulatory signs, principally the mandatory turn signs 322, 323, 326, 327, and 328 are commonly located in front of drivers as they approach a turn. These signs should be mounted as per dimension “E” rather than “C” if so doing will not create a visual obstruction. 7. When two signs of different classes are mounted on the same post a regulatory sign should be mounted above an advance warning sign. 8. In rural areas (assumed to be uncurbed) vertical dimensions are measured up from the near side edge of pavement elevation (Point Y). If the roadway is super elevated such that it rises in the direction of the sign, the pavement surface slope shall be extended to the furthest edge of the sign and the vertical dimension taken from that elevation. 9. The use of a mounting height of less than 2000mm is not recommended for Dimension “D” for signs with a single support unless the support is provided with a breakaway system. 10. The maximum value stated may be exceeded but individual detailed structural designs shall be provided for all support structures. 04-SIGNS Page 40 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 11. When posts are required to be located behind a flexible beam guardrail, the minimum dimension shall be checked for compatibility with the maximum deflection of the railing being used. 12. The minimum dimension given is the point of minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign support structure and the pavement surface (including shoulder if sign is over shoulder) vertically below. Minimum clearance will be 6.0m in urban areas and 6.5m for freeway / rural sections. 13. Optimal clear zone distance shown with no barriers. For bridges and special cases, DMT will review and, if appropriate, approve use of narrower dimensions. Table 4-11: Minimum Longitudinal Sign Spacing Requirements – General Type of Facility Rural Arterial (nonfreeway/highway), speeds under 80km/h Urban Arterial (nonfreeway/highway), speeds under 80km/h Rural Arterial (nonfreeway/highway), speeds under 80km/h Urban Arterial (nonfreeway/highway), speeds under 80km/h Freeways / Highways (speeds 100km/h and under) Freeways / Highways (speeds over 100km/h) Type of Sign Regulatory, Warning and Smaller Guide Signs (1m height or less) Regulatory, Warning and Smaller Guide Signs (1m height or less) Larger Guide and Regulatory Signs (Height > 1m) Recommended Minimum Longitudinal Spacing Between Signs 100m 75m 175m Larger Guide and Regulatory Signs (Height > 1m) 150m All Signs 200m All Signs 300m (250m for ground-mounted signs located before or after overhead guide signs) Standards – Longitudinal Placement 1. General Regulatory Sign Placement Criteria. Regulatory signs shall be placed at the location where their message is applied, except as noted in Item 2 for advance regulatory signage. These sign messages typically refer to one point (e.g., a STOP sign) or remain in effect until another regulatory sign changes the requirement (e.g., a SPEED LIMIT sign). 2. Advance Regulatory Signage. When regulatory signs are located in advance of the point of application of the regulation, an accompanying distance referring to the point of application shall be displayed, normally with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign. 3. Advance Warning Signs. Advance warning signs shall be provided at a minimum safe stopping or speed reduction distance of the hazard or condition being signed. Table 4-16 in Section 4.3 shall be used in order to determine the needed distances. 4. Hazard Marker Signage. Hazard marker signs shall be located in front of the hazard. If there is traffic signage that appears in front of the hazard, the hazard marker shall be placed below the traffic signage. 5. Directional Guide Signs shall be provided in advance of intersections, interchanges, and exits to allow the motorist to make the necessary decisions and actions. Detailed guidelines for advance distances and the sequencing order of freeway direction signs shall follow the requirements included in Section 4.4 and the examples illustrated in Section 4.4 and in Chapter 9. 6. Rural Longitudinal Spacing (except freeway and highway) – Regulatory, Warning, and Smaller Guide Signs. On rural roads, minimum longitudinal spacing between smaller signs shall be 100m. 04-SIGNS Page 41 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. Urban Longitudinal Spacing (except freeway and highway) – Regulatory, Warning, and Smaller Guide Signs. On urban roads, minimum longitudinal spacing between smaller signs shall be 75m. 8. Rural Longitudinal Spacing (except freeway and highway) – Larger Guide and Regulatory Signs. On rural roads, longitudinal spacing between larger signs shall be a minimum of 150m 9. Urban Longitudinal Spacing (except freeway and highway) – Larger Guide and Regulatory Signs. On urban roads, longitudinal spacing between larger signs shall be a minimum of 175m. 10. Minimum Sign Separation on Freeways and Highways. The minimum longitudinal spacing between signs shall be 200m at design speeds under 100km/h and 300m for design speeds over 100km/h. Guidance – Longitudinal Placement 1. As a general guide, regulatory signs are placed where the mandate/prohibition starts or applies. Regulatory signs may commonly be repeated along a section of road to improve driver awareness of the application of the regulations. Advance notice of the regulation (e.g., reduced speed zone ahead) may be provided through regulatory signing plus a supplementary plate that identifies the distance ahead to the regulation being applied. 2. Warning signs are placed sufficiently far in advance of the condition being indicated on the sign to allow adequate response time to the warning. The motorist must recognize the message, determine the appropriate response, and adjust his speed accordingly prior to arriving at the hazard. The distance that an advance warning sign is located from the hazard therefore varies with the speed at which the hazard can be safely negotiated and with the speed of approach — the greater the speed reduction required, the greater the longitudinal distance that the sign should be located in advance of the hazard. 3. Guide signs should be placed at regular positions that best guide the motorist to routes and destinations of interest. The distance to a high speed exit is included on all overhead advance guide signs. Whilst this distance does not need to be precise it is recommended that distances displayed be rounded down to the nearest 100m below the actual distance measured (see Section 4.4). 4. When there is competition from several signs for space along a road it is generally better practice to increase distances between signs rather than to reduce the number of signs in order to solve specific problems. However, when guide signs are involved, great care must be exercised in the vicinity of minor side-road junctions to ensure that confusion is not created as a result of a sign position. It is also often a better solution to a problem of smaller, closely spaced signs to mount the signs on a common support, particularly if, as may be the case with regulatory and warning signs, their messages are associated. In such a case the regulatory sign should be mounted above the warning sign. The minimum clearance requirement must be applied to the lower of the two signs. 5. Site and field staff must be trained to recognize potential sign placement problems. They must have the authority initiative, and skill to adjust a sign position from that appearing on a drawing in order to overcome local difficulties without creating an undesirable or unsafe side effect. Overview – Overhead Installations Overhead traffic sign installations may be mounted to road bridges, overcrossing structures, or support structures. The signs placed on overhead structures should be located directly over the 04-SIGNS Page 42 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) affected travel lane(s). Overhead structures and signs are typically provided on freeways, highways, multi-lane facilities, and heavily travelled roads. Standards – Overhead Installations Conditions for Using Overhead Signing. Overhead guide signs shall be used when one or more of the following general conditions are present. All grade separated interchanges between through roadways All roadways with four or more lanes in one direction All roadways with three or more lanes in one direction and with peak-hour design-year oneway traffic in excess of 1000 vehicles per hour Restricted sight distance, i.e., geometrics, truck percentages or elevation result in ability to see signs within a 200m distance (100km/h or less) or 300m distance (120km/h or less) Percentage of trucks of 10% or greater relative to traffic volume 80km/h or higher design or travel speeds (whichever is higher) Consistency of sign message location through a series of intersections Insufficient space for ground-mounted signs. 4.1.12 Maintenance Sign maintenance activities for DMT and for Municipalities and other responsible entities should consider proper position, cleanliness, legibility, and daytime and night-time visibility as discussed in Section 4.1.8. Damaged or deteriorated signs, gates, or object markers should be replaced. A general process for sign maintenance is shown in Figure 4-5. To assure adequate maintenance, a schedule for inspecting (both day and night), cleaning, and replacing signs, gates, and object markers should be established. Employees of highway, law enforcement, and other public agencies whose duties require that they travel on the roadways should be encouraged to report any damaged, deteriorated, or obscured signs, gates, or object markers at the first opportunity. Steps should be taken to see that weeds, trees, shrubs, and construction, maintenance, and utility materials and equipment do not obscure the face of any sign or object marker. A regular schedule of replacement of lighting elements for illuminated signs should be maintained. Material Testing The materials used in fabricating traffic signs should meet numerous minimum criteria based on established field and laboratory testing methods. The critical elements that should be tested and certified by an independent laboratory are described in this Section. The testing documentation and certification should be provided to the Municipality at the time of material delivery by the material supplier or the traffic sign manufacturer as appropriate. No materials should be accepted without the proper testing and accompanying certificates. A critical material involved in sign fabrication is the surface sheeting. This material conveys the message to the motorist and must be tested for the following attributes: Retro-reflectivity – establishes acceptability of night-time visibility. 04-SIGNS Page 43 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Daytime Colour – assures proper colour and day time luminance within certain tolerances is provided. Artificial Weathering – tests for premature cracking, scaling, curling, or delamination. Colour Fastness – tests colour conformance after material has been artificially weathered. Shrinkage – tests for material contraction when exposed to extreme temperatures. Flexibility – tests for material cracking after physical bending. Adhesion – assures that bonding capabilities meet minimum weight standards. Impact Resistance – tests the ability of material to withstand physical impacts. The sign suppliers and/or material manufacturer should provide documentation of the test results for each shipment of signs to the DMT, Municipality or appropriate entity, whether as part of a separate purchase order or in terms of a separate road construction contract. The testing should be conducted at independent laboratories. Inventory An inventory of traffic signs should be maintained in a computerized database that is compatible with DMT’s GIS system and related data definitions/attributes. Updating of the database should occur periodically to record the attributes of new installations, the results of inspections, and other related activities. The database should be centrally maintained whereby the maintenance and traffic engineering sections can access the inventory records. The inventory database should be updated at a minimum of once per week with field work order forms used as the basis to record the signing activities. The data elements that should be collected for each sign include: Sign identification number. Sign type. Sign location – side-mounted or overhead. Sign dimension. Lateral placement. Sign orientation (cardinal direction of sign faces). Date of manufacture. Date of installation or replacement. Date and type of maintenance activity. Sheeting material type. Sheeting manufacturer. Retro-reflectivity level. Name of sign fabricator. Activities completed on a daily basis by the maintenance section should be recorded in the inventory database. Record reports from the inventory should be used by the maintenance personnel to locate specific signs requiring maintenance and then to record information about the activities completed. The computerized inventory for DMT and each responsible entity responsible for maintaining signage should provide the following capabilities: Menu screens whereby maintenance personnel without computer skills can readily access the inventory plans. Day, month, and year of fabrication and installation. 04-SIGNS Page 44 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Collection of data for the following fields: - Retro-reflectivity levels for legend and background for all colours used. Type of maintenance activity. Date of maintenance activity. Sheeting manufacturer and sign fabricator. Figure 4-5: General Process for Sign Maintenance Reporting capabilities to include these options: - Reports directly from database. Sorting of inventory for special reports. Reports on known material deficiencies to support maintenance activities, replacements, and budgets. Reports on high damage related locations. Structured maintenance and inspection report forms to guide the updates of inventory records. Inventory database linkage between the maintenance and traffic engineering sections. Report selection menu to assist maintenance personnel in completing multiple field sorts (i.e., regulatory signs installed prior to 1987). 04-SIGNS Page 45 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Date of installation, initial retro-reflectivity levels, and identification of test signs for newly installed signs in inventory. The inventory should be used to identify old signs and problematic sign locations, sign orientations and sign types. These deficiencies should be rectified with the attributes of the new sign installation recorded in the inventory. Deterioration characteristics should be determined by evaluating at what age a sign typically fails to perform adequately. This determination should be completed for each sign type, colour, material, location, orientation, or other critical element. Decisions on sign replacements should be systematically completed using the sign inventory. Inservice signs of certain ages, in particular areas, can be identified and replaced before gross deficiencies occur. Scheduling and budgeting activities should be expedited as projections of sign replacements can be made for future years based on sorting the database inventory on sign age, condition, location, etc. and predicted sign life span. Inspection and sign cleaning activities should be recorded for each individual sign to ensure complete system coverage. Inspection Traffic signs should be inspected twice a year to evaluate: Appropriateness of the sign symbol or legend. Sign face condition considering cracking, delamination, colour, missing letters, etc. Vandalism Excessive dirt Poor legibility due to background contrast or low retro-reflectivity Structural integrity of support system Trained field technicians should perform the inspections. Inspections for legibility and retroreflective levels should be performed at night using vehicle head lamps in the low beam position. The nighttime legibility inspections should be completed by no less than two-person crews so that driving and observation tasks can be completed safely. Specific training should be provided to perform the evaluation of colour-fastness and retro-reflectivity. Each training program requires the acquisition of signs in varying degrees of deteriorated condition. Five sample signs for the training of field technicians to inspect retro-reflectivity of in-services signs are needed. A retro-reflectometer should be used to determine the coefficient of retro-reflectivity. The sample sign should reflect the values shown in Table 4-12. 04-SIGNS Page 46 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-12: Basis of Sample Sign Ratings Percent of Performance Specification for New Material Subjective Rating > 100% Excellent 80 – 100% Good 60 – 80% Fair 50 – 60% Poor < 50% Unacceptable Subjective rating of excellent, good, fair, poor, and unacceptable should be assigned to each sign sample. The field technicians should be trained using the sample signs of known retro-reflective condition. All traffic signs should be inspected by the trained personnel at night with the resultant rating (i.e., excellent, good, fair, poor, unacceptable) recorded in the sign inventory database. All signing personnel who frequently drive the roadways should be instructed / trained to report any obstructed, damaged or otherwise deficient sign. The following procedures should be used to inspect the purchase and in-service performance of retroreflective sheeting. It is the sheeting that provides for the night-time legibility of traffic signs, and therefore, rigorous inspection of the sheeting performance is of paramount importance. All new traffic signs should be measured for retro-reflectivity (RA) levels using a retro-reflectometer in the sign storage area or shop prior to installation. Four RA readings should be taken on each sign face for each colour and the averages of the readings should be handwritten, using a marker or grease pencil, on the back of the sign panel. Signs that do not provide the required minimum RA for a particular colour and sheeting type should be rejected. The work order used to direct the installation of the new traffic sign should also be used to record the average RA value for each colour. The completed work order or handing-over documents should then be returned and a copy provided to the traffic section who will then record the sign attributes, including the RA reading, in the inventory database. This procedure provides for an inspection of the new sheeting materials and also transfers that information with the other sign attributes into the inventory database. While it is not yet cost or time feasible to measure the RA value for all in-service traffic signs, a sampling of identified test signs will provide an excellent basis for establishing the deterioration trends of the sheeting material by colour and type. The test sign program will include in-service sidemounted and overhead signs. Test signs should be selected based on the following criteria: All new signs should use appropriate retroreflective sheeting as approved by the owning authority. Blue, green, brown, white, and red are the main background colours used for critical regulatory, warning, and guide signs. Three road types including local, arterial, and freeway should be sampled. Orientation to the sun is particularly critical for south facing signs. Signs facing in other directions (i.e., east, west, and north) typically all deteriorate at similar slower rates. Approximately 50 new traffic signs per sampling cell should be identified as rest signs. The sampling plan is described Table 4-13. 04-SIGNS Page 47 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-13: Number of Test Signs Number of Test Signs Sheeting Colour Local Roads Arterials Freeways Other Directions Total 50 100 50 50 200 50 50 50 300 50 50 50 300 South Facing Other Directions South Facing Other Directions Blue NA NA NA NA Green NA NA 50 50 White 50 50 50 Red 50 50 50 NA – Not applicable South Facing Total 900 Prior to installation, as with all traffic signs, the test signs should be measured for initial RA values. The average RA value should be marked on the back of the sign panel with the date of fabrication and a marking, such as “T”, for test sign. The work order for installation should be returned from the field with the date of fabrication, RA value, and the test sign identification recorded. This information should then be recorded in the sign inventory database. Twice per year the inventory should be sorted on the test sign identification field and a print out of all test signs should be provided to the maintenance section. RA readings should be taken on every test sign and recorded in the database. Deficiencies should be noted. If a particular group of test signs, such as many or all red south facing signs have failed to meet the in-service performance requirement, then it can be expected that the entire or a large percentage of the total population may require replacement. As the test sign program continues deterioration trends should be established for each sign background colour and projections for when signs will need to be replaced can be made. Replacement of traffic signs will then become systematized based on the actual deterioration experienced in Abu Dhabi. As test signs are removed from the field, new test signs of the same sampling attributes should be introduced. Field Repairs Minor sign damage which does not impair legibility should be repaired in the field. Minor damage typically includes post straightening, dents, scratches, mounting hardware replacement, sign face overlays, sign knock down, etc. If the damage impairs, in any manner, the visibility and/or sheeting colour and cannot be satisfactorily repaired, then the sign should be replaced. The signing personnel must determine in the field if a sign can be adequately repaired or if a new sign is required. Clearing Tree foliage, brush, bushes, weeds, and grass should be cleared as necessary to restore full visibility of the sign face to approaching traffic. Even where the visibility of the sign face is not blocked, vegetation control should be provided to avoid damage to the sign support structure. During the clearing and other maintenance/construction activities, agency equipment should not be parked in the visibility line of the sign face. Vegetation growth that will occur in future years should be considered by the inspectors. Trimming foliage should be included in the regular maintenance activities. Signs placed low to the ground must be carefully placed to reduce the potential for blockage. 04-SIGNS Page 48 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) In addition, up to three cleanings per year necessary for signs in industrial areas, signs located close to payment edge, signs in work zones, and signs in tunnels or other areas exposed directly to vehicles exhausts. All solvents and detergents used in sign cleaning should be approved for use by the sheeting manufacturer. Table 4-14: Sign Cleaning Frequency Road Type Number of Cleanings Per Year Local and Collectors 1 Freeway and Highways 2 Arterials 3 Refurbishing/Recycling The reuse of recycling of sign materials should be pursued to the greatest extent possible. Alternatively, sign panels should be sent to vendors for stripping the old sheeting material and then to the sign fabricator who could credit the DMT, Municipality, or other sign-owning entity for supplying the panel materials. Alternatively, the sign panels could be sent to a salvage vendor who purchases the scrap aluminium at market rate. The sign post and hardware can also be refurbished or recycled. Replacement A systematic approach to sign materials should be pursued. All signs damaged as a result of vehicular accident, vandalism or other physical occurrences should be replaced immediately since the sign legend/symbol is typically impacted. Signs requiring action due to poor retro-reflectivity, colour fade, de-lamination, cracking, etc. should be programmed for replacement under a systematized schedule not exceeding six months from the date of deficiency determination or inspection. Sign replacements should be initiated by the following reports: Sign/Roadway Inspector’s report (including inspections required by inventory database reports) Accident report from the Abu Dhabi Police Report based on public supplied information Report based on field personnel supplied information Coordination between units, sections, departments, the public, and the police department should be maintained. No less than three squads should be available for sign replacement and other sign maintenance activities. Vandalism The defacement and destruction of road signs typically is the result of graffiti, splashed or sprays of paint, bending of sign panel or post, theft of sign, and repositioning or reorientation of directional signs. These occurrences must be addressed immediately since the legend and/or symbol of the sign may be covered or misdirected. All signing personnel should be requested to report these deficiencies. The following actions should be taken in areas with high occurrences of sign vandalism. Use of vandal-resistant sheeting Use of easily replaceable sign faces 04-SIGNS Page 49 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Use of vandal-resistant hardware Use of anchor roads or cleats to prevent post rotation or removal Placement of signs away from pavement edge and above reach by pedestrians Use of special cleaning solutions Storage The storage of fabricated signs must be completed in a proper manner. Signs should be stored vertically in racks with cardboard or paper sheets separating each panel. Less damage to the sign sheeting will occur is the signs are not stacked but are stored vertically. Rack storage also requires fewer spaces in the sign shop. Signs should always be stored indoors in a well-ventilated building. Preferable temperature for sign storage ranges from 25° to 30°C. 4.2 Regulatory Signage, Barricade, and Gates 4.2.1 Overview Regulatory signs are used to control the actions of road users. They indicate what road users must do and what they must not do. Failure to obey a regulatory sign, unless directed otherwise by a traffic officer, constitutes an offense and is punishable by law. For this reason, it is important that those who erect regulatory signs do so with a clear knowledge of other regulatory signs in the vicinity in order to avoid conflicting regulatory messages being presented to road users. Regulatory signs must be easy to understand, difficult to misinterpret and easy to enforce without argument. To this end, symbols are recommended whenever possible rather than words to pass on regulatory messages. The use of exclusive shapes for regulatory signs, such as the octagon for the STOP sign and the inverted triangle for the GIVE WAY sign, together with the reserved use of a circular shape for most other regulatory signs ensures that their function can be instantly recognized by road users. The significance or meaning of each individual regulatory sign is given in subsequent sections of this Chapter. It should be clearly understood that a regulatory sign, once erected, applies for 24 hours a day and to all road users approaching the sign. However, it should be noted that in certain instances one regulatory message may be accorded priority over another regulatory message, where specifically indicated in the standards presented in this Chapter. If it is required to modify either or both of these two factors, the sign must be altered in some way. This can be achieved by either: Qualifying the meaning of the sign with a QUALIFICATION PLATE, or Use of a variable message sign The use of a QUALIFICATION PLATE below a regulatory sign may qualify the meaning of the sign in a number of ways: By indicating the time(s) of the day that the sign is operational e.g. a NO STOPPING sign required to operate only during peak hours should display a plate with the appropriate times of the peak periods indicated below the NO STOPPING sign, or By showing that a specific class of vehicle is obliged or prohibited from taking some action while the rest of road users are not e.g. A TURN RIGHT ONLY sign required to apply to goods vehicles below the TURN RIGHT ONLY sign. For the purposes of discussion in this Manual the term “goods vehicle” will be used throughout to cover all vehicles previously 04-SIGNS Page 50 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) discussed as “goods vehicles,” “heavy vehicles,” and “trucks.” If the reference is primarily directed at goods vehicles with a gross vehicle mass of greater than, say 10 tonnes, the term may be modified to “heavy goods vehicle” for discussion purposes only, but this has no specific legal connotation. It is also possible to add information to a regulatory sign which does not modify its application but simply gives road users additional information about its operation. Examples of such applications are: If a speed limit is reduced in the vicinity of a school, a SPEED LIMIT sign may have a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE indicating “SCHOOL”, or If an advance warning sign is considered necessary before the introduction of a regulatory sign (e.g., STOP, NO OVERTAKING or GIVE WAY sign) and an appropriate warning sign is not available, a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE may be displayed below the regulatory sign indicating the distance to the start of the regulation; a second regulatory sign, without such a plate, must be placed at the point from which the regulation is to apply. 4.2.2 Function of Regulatory Signage 1. Purpose of Regulatory Signage. Regulatory signs shall be used to inform road users of selected traffic laws or regulations and indicate the applicability of the legal requirements. 2. Installation of Regulatory Signage. Regulatory signs shall be installed at or near where the regulations apply. The signs shall clearly indicate the requirements imposed by the regulations and shall be designed and installed to provide adequate visibility and legibility consistent with the requirements of Section 4.1 and those contained in Section 4.2 in order to obtain compliance. 3. Rules of the Road. The Rules of the Road defined in the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation shall be considered an integral part of this Manual by reference. 4. Supplementary function. Regulatory signs shall supplement the Rules of the Road in order to provide additional controls to road user actions as required or prohibited by such signs. 5. Existence of general laws or regulations in the interest of road safety. Regulatory signs shall provide maximum and minimum speed limits, and traffic movement controls (i.e. stop, give way signs) in the interests of good traffic order and operational efficiency. 6. Indication of changes in levels of control. Regulatory signs shall be able to indicate a change in the general levels of control existing for road users, e.g. by the introduction of NO OVERTAKING, NO PARKING, or other restrictions 7. Single message per sign. In order to maintain the clarity of message required of regulatory signs only one symbol shall be used on a sign except where specifically identified in this Manual. If two messages are required at a single location, two signs shall be used. No more than two regulatory signs shall be provided in a single location. 8. Signing Sub-classifications. In order to assist in the understanding of the different functions of different types of regulatory sign, the class shall be further sub-divided as follows: a. Control Signs – assign priority right of way or direction of travel. b. Mandatory Signs – indicate actions that must be taken. c. Prohibitory Signs – indicate prohibited action or objects. 04-SIGNS Page 51 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Reservation Signs – regulate the use of various facilities reserved for specific classes of vehicle e.g. bus lane, or driver actions i.e. parking. e. Comprehensive Signs – indicate limits of roads classified as highways or freeways and neighbourhood areas. 1. In erecting regulatory signs, DMT, or the appropriate road operating entity, must seek the objective of only providing as many regulatory signs as is necessary, with adequate levels of enforcement, to ensure the safe and orderly movement of traffic. The provision of too many regulatory signs will result in disrespect for the signing system by road users and a failure to achieve the desired objective. 2. It should be the objective of any specific regulatory sign to transfer the required message to the intended road users as clearly and as quickly as possible with a minimum impact on the complexity of the driving task. In order to achieve this objective, regulatory signs must be of adequate size, and must be correctly positioned to attract the attention of road users. 3. Many regulatory signs in the classes described in Section, Item 8 (Signing Subclassifications) may also be used at roadworks. The roadworks signs universally use a black symbol on a yellow background with the exception of any control signs used at roadworks which retain the colours shown in the following sections. 4. All classes of regulatory sign apply on a 24-hour basis unless otherwise indicated by a secondary message. Signs in all classes may also have a QUALIFICATION PLATE or SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE located below the regulatory sign as documented later in this section. 5. In working with regulatory signs it often helps to consider the way in which the function of an individual sign message is indicated. This function can be considered as exercising control or restriction in one of three ways as follows: a. By imposing a restrictive “limit,” e.g., an upper mass limit. b. By requiring or prohibiting a particular “action,” e.g., a turn. c. By controlling a particular type of “object” (indicated by a pictogram or symbol of the “object”), e.g. a goods vehicle. 4.2.3 Design of Regulatory Signs and Size of Regulatory Signs – Standards 1. Standard Shapes. Standard sign shapes for regulatory signs shall be consistent with those shown in Section Table 4-7. Other shapes shall not be used except as approved by the DMT. 2. Size Requirements. Regulatory signage shall be consistent with the visibility and size requirements shown in Section of Regulatory Signs - Standards 1. Retro-reflectivity. Regulatory signs shall be retro-reflective as per the requirements of Section 4.1.8 of this Manual, in order to show the same shape and similar colour by both day and night, unless specifically stated otherwise in this Section 4.2 for a particular sign or group of signs. 04-SIGNS Page 52 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.2.4 Control Signs at Intersections and Pedestrian Crossings Overview The Abu Dhabi Road Regulation establishes the right-of-way rule at intersections having no regulatory traffic control signs such that the driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection must yield the right-of-way to any vehicle or pedestrian already in the intersection. This section addressed two control signs and related supplemental plates that may be used in this regard: STOP Sign (301) ALL WAY Supplemental Plate (301SP) GIVE WAY Sign (302) PEDESTRIAN Supplemental Plate (303) When two vehicles approach an intersection from different streets or roads at approximately the same time, the right-of-way rule requires the driver of the vehicle on the left to yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. Right-of-way is modified through the placement of control signs, including STOP (see Section - or GIVE WAY (see Section signs on one or more intersection approaches. Sections - address single-approach and multi-way stop control at intersections. Standards 1. Use of Control Signs With Traffic Signals. STOP and GIVE WAY control signs shall not be used in conjunction with any traffic control signal operation, except in the following cases: a. If the signal indication for an approach shows a flashing red signal at all times; b. If a minor street or driveway is located within or adjacent to the area controlled by the traffic control signal, but does not require separate traffic signal control because an extremely low potential for conflict exists; or c. If a channelized turn lane is separated from the adjacent travel lanes by an island and the channelized turn lane is not controlled by a traffic control signal. 2. Mixing STOP and GIVE WAY Signs at the Same Intersection. Except where indicated elsewhere in Section 4.2.4, STOP signs and GIVE WAY signs shall not be installed on different approaches to the same unsignalized intersection if those approaches conflict with or oppose each other. 3. Portable or Part Time Control Signage. Portable or part-time STOP or GIVE WAY signs shall not be used except for emergency and temporary traffic control zone purposes as specified in Section 11 of this Manual. 4. Use of Portable Stop Signs During Power Outages at Traffic Signals. A portable or part-time (folding) STOP sign that is manually placed into view and manually removed from view shall not be used during a power outage to control a signalized approach unless the DMT or other maintaining agency establishes that the signal indication that will first be displayed to that approach upon restoration of power is a flashing red signal indication and that the portable STOP sign will be manually removed from view prior to stop-and-go operation of the traffic control signal. 04-SIGNS Page 53 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 1. Engineering judgment should be used to establish intersection control. The following factors should be considered: a. b. c. d. e. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches; Number and angle of approaches; Approach speeds; Sight distance available on each approach; and Reported crash experience. 2. GIVE WAY or STOP signs should be used at an intersection if one or more of the following conditions exist: a. An intersection of a less important (side) road with a main road where visibility of the main road from the side road is limited b. All approaches to the intersection have limited sight distance and stop signs are required to create gaps in traffic flow such that vehicles on all approaches have safe access through the intersection (requirement for 4-way stop) 3. In addition, the use of GIVE WAY or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: a. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day; b. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or c. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. 4. GIVE WAY or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. 5. Once the decision has been made to control an intersection, the decision regarding the appropriate roadway to control should be based on engineering judgment. In most cases, the roadway carrying the lowest volume of traffic should be controlled. 6. Where there is a marked crosswalk at the intersection, the STOP sign should be installed in advance of the crosswalk line nearest to the approaching traffic. 7. The GIVE WAY sign with SUPPLEMENTAL PEDESTRIAN PLATE (as discussed in Section should be installed in advance of the crosswalk line nearest to the approaching traffic, except as follows: a. At roundabouts (See Section 4.2.5), where there is a marked crosswalk at the intersection b. At signalized pedestrian (zebra) crossings. 04-SIGNS Page 54 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8. A GIVE WAY or STOP sign should not be installed on the higher volume roadway unless justified by an engineering study. 9. Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: a. The need to control left-turn conflicts; b. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes; c. Locations where a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop; and d. An intersection of two residential neighbourhood collector Sign 301 (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multi-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. Sign 301 and All Way Supplemental Plate 301SP Description The STOP Sign (301) requires the driver of a vehicle to come to a full and complete stop with such vehicle at the STOP LINE (Marking 601, discussed in Chapter 5) and that the driver must wait until other vehicles with the right-of-way have cleared the intersection and there is a safe gap of traffic in which to proceed through the intersection. Standards 1. Warrant for use. The STOP sign shall only be used if it is conclusively determined through engineering analysis (see Sections and that the driver must come to a full stop on the approach in order to safely pass through the intersection. GIVE WAY signs (Sign 302) are to be considered when full stops are not required to safely enter the Main Road. 2. Appearance. STOP sign 301 shall utilize the octagon shape consistent with Section and have a red background with a white border and white legend, containing both Arabic and English text for “Stop”. Other legends shall not be used on STOP sign faces. 3. General Placement and Visibility. STOP sign placement shall be consistent with the General Standards presented in Section, and shall be based on engineering judgment and warrants based on the General Guidance provided in Section and in the Guidance found in Section 4. Location. STOP sign 301 shall be located on the right side of the intersecting side street between 3m and 15m in advance of the near-side edge of the crossroad (see Figure 4-6). A second STOP sign 301 should be similarly located on the left side of the roadway when the side street is a one-way street with two or more lanes, and a central island or median exists. 5. Freeways and Highways. STOP signs shall not be placed on through freeways or highways at any location, without prior “END OF FREEWAY” notification (Sign 398.2) and only then if there is termination of the facility at an at-grade intersection. 6. Use at Locations with Other Traffic Control. STOP signs shall not be used at a junction having a traffic signal or a GIVE WAY sign 302 controlling another approach. 7. Multi-Way Stop Control. Only at intersections where all approaches are controlled by STOP signs, an ALL WAY supplemental plaque (Sign 301SP) shall be mounted below each STOP 04-SIGNS Page 55 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) sign. The ALL WAY plaque shall have a white legend and border on a red background with the text “All Way” in the equivalent Arabic as well as English. Sign 301SP 8. Other Supplemental Plaques. Supplemental plaques with legends such as 2-WAY, 3-WAY, 4-WAY, or other numbers of ways shall not be used with STOP signs. 9. Mounting of Signs. Signs shall meet the sign installation requirements of Section, meeting at least the minimum clearance requirement “C” for Arterial / Collector / Local routes as stipulated in Section 4.1.10 and dimension “D” if an ALL WAY supplementary plaque 301SP is mounted below the STOP sign. Figure 4-6: Longitudinal Position of Stop Sign 301 and Give Way Sign 302 04-SIGNS Page 56 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 1. Where at grade intersections are temporarily justified for local traffic in sparsely populated areas, STOP signs should be used on the entering roadways to protect the through traffic. 2. STOP signs may also be required at the end of diverging roadways at the intersection with other highways not designed as highways. In most of these cases, the speeds will not warrant any great increase in the sign sizes. 3. The use of STOP signs on the minor-street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: a. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or road exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; b. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or road; and/or c. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users on the minor-street approach failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or road. 4. The decision to install multi-way stop control (requiring the ALL WAY supplemental plate below each stop sign) should be based on an engineering study. The following criteria should be considered in the engineering study for a multi-way STOP sign installation: a. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multi-way stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. b. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such crashes include right-turn and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. c. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) meets one or more of the following: i. Averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day; and ii. Combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour. d. If the 85th-percentile approach speed of the major-street traffic exceeds 70km/h, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Item “c”. Sign 301 / 301SP 04-SIGNS Page 57 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) e. If all criteria in Items b and c are found to be 80 percent of the minimum values shown, item d need not be considered in warranting the stop or give way signs. 5. Prior to the application of the warrants in Section and in Items 3 and 4, consideration should be given to less restrictive measures, such as GIVE WAY sign 302 (Section, where a full stop is not necessary if there is sufficient gap for the vehicle to enter the intersection or merge with other traffic. 6. Periodic reviews of existing STOP sign installations may be desirable to determine whether, because of changed conditions, the use of less restrictive control or no control could accommodate traffic demands safely and more effectively. 7. The design and application of Flashing Red Stop Beacons are described in the TSES Manual. Way Sign 302 and Pedestrian Supplemental Plate 303 Description The GIVE WAY Sign (302) requires that the driver of a vehicle yield the right-of-way at a GIVE WAY pavement marking (602), in Chapter 5 of this Manual, to all traffic on the roadway intersecting the roadway on which he is travelling, where such traffic is so close as to constitute a danger or potential danger. Vehicles controlled by a GIVE WAY sign need to slow down to a speed that is reasonable for the existing conditions or stop when necessary to avoid interfering with conflicting traffic. A GIVE WAY sign may also require the driver to yield to pedestrians within a pedestrian crossing, when accompanied by a PEDESTRIAN SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE (Sign 303) mounted below the sign. Sign 302 Sign 303 Sign 302 / 303 Standards 1. Purpose. The GIVE WAY sign shall be used where it is necessary to limit access into an intersection on a specific approach but that it is not required for the driver to come to a complete stop. If the location is at a pedestrian crosswalk, the sign shall be accompanied by a PEDESTRIAN SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE (Sign 303) mounted directly below. 2. Appearance. Sign 302 shall be a downward-pointing equilateral triangle with a wide red border and no legend on a white background. Some existing GIVE WAY signs have Arabic and English “Give Way” text in black within the sign. Replacement of these signs shall be with the sign as described in this standard. Sign 303 shall consist of a white pedestrian symbol on a red rectangular sign plate surrounded by a white border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. GIVE WAY sign placement shall be consistent with the General Standards presented in Section, and shall be based on engineering judgment 04-SIGNS Page 58 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) and warrants based on the General Guidance provided in Section and in the Guidance found in Section 4. Location. GIVE WAY sign 302 shall be located on the on the right side of the intersecting side street between 3m and 15m in advance of the near side edge of the crossroad (refer to Figure 4-6 in Section, which addresses both STOP and GIVE WAY sign locations). A second GIVE WAY sign 302 shall be similarly located on the left side of the roadway when the street is a one way street with two or more lanes and a central island or median. 5. Location (Pedestrian Crossing). If the sign 302/303 combination is required to permit pedestrians to cross the road, the sign shall be located on the right side of the roadway 3m in advance of GIVE WAY pavement marking 602. GIVE WAY pavement marking 602 shall be a minimum of 3m in advance of PEDESTRIAN CROSSING pavement marking 603. A second sign 302/303 combination should be provided on the left side of the roadway when a median island or other central island is provided in advance of the pedestrian crossing. 6. Mounting of Signs. Signs shall meet the sign installation requirements of Section, meeting at least the minimum clearance requirement “C” for Arterial / Collector / Local routes as stipulated in Section 4.1.10 and dimension “D” if PEDESTRIAN supplementary sign 303 is mounted below the GIVE WAY sign. 7. Use at Locations with Other Traffic Control. A GIVE WAY sign shall not be used at a junction having a STOP sign controlling another approach. 8. Freeways and Highways. A GIVE WAY sign shall not be used to control free-flow merging situations at highway or freeway on-ramps or at right turning roadways at at-grade junctions when these are provided with appropriately designed full acceleration lanes. 9. Installation on All Approaches. With the exception of roundabouts (see Section 4.2.5), GIVE WAY signs shall not be provided on all approaches to an intersection; engineering studies shall determine which approaches require the signs based on the guidance in Section and in Section 10. Roundabout Exceptions for Pedestrian Crossings. The Sign 602/603 combination signs shall not be used in advance of crosswalks that cross an approach to or departure from a roundabout. Guidance 1. GIVE WAY signs may be installed, based on the engineering assessment as per Item 2: a. On the approaches to a through street or road where conditions are such that a full stop is not always required. b. At the second crossroad of a divided road, where the median width at the intersection is 10m or greater. In this case, a STOP or YIELD sign may be installed at the entrance to the first roadway of a divided road, and a YIELD sign may be installed at the entrance to the second roadway. c. At an intersection where a special problem exists and where engineering judgment indicates the problem to be susceptible to correction by the use of the GIVE WAY sign. d. Facing the entering roadway for a merge-type movement if engineering judgment indicates that control is needed because acceleration geometry and/or sight distance is not adequate for merging traffic operation. e. Where a channelized right turn lane is provided that is separated from the adjacent travel lanes by an island, even if the adjacent lanes at the intersection are controlled by a road traffic control signal or by a STOP sign. 04-SIGNS Page 59 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. GIVE WAY sign 302 is recommended for use to establish priority of rightof-way as follows: a. On approach roadways to roundabouts (see also Section 4.2.5), b. On the minor approach to other junctions when all of the following conditions exist: Sign 302/329 i. The total minor road approach traffic volume using the Combination junction in 24 hours exceeds 200 vehicles (may be left uncontrolled if only this condition is not met). ii. The minor approach intersects the major roadway at 90°, plus or minus 20°. iii. The sight distance available is equal to or greater than the values given in Section iv. The curbs or junction edge alignment permits right turning vehicles to negotiate the junction safely at speeds in excess of 20km/h. 3. STOP sign 301 should be used if any of the conditions in Item 1 are not met. 4. Relative to Section, Item 5, pavement marking 602 should be placed 6m to 20m in advance of the nearest crosswalk line (pavement marking 603), and parking should be prohibited in the area between the GIVE WAY marking (602) and the nearest crosswalk marking (603). 4.2.5 Regulatory Signing at Intersections or Pedestrian Crossings Overview Roundabouts are commonly used to implement continuous-flow operations at junctions between major and minor arterial streets, as well as between freeway access ramps and major arterial routes. Larger diameter roundabouts serve as junctions in rural areas between major highways. In some cases, roundabouts may be signalized on specific approaches. These conditions are addressed in Chapter 9 of the TSES Manual. Control signage at roundabouts consists of two types: Use of GIVE WAY Sign (302) on approaches to the roundabout ROUNDABOUT Sign (329) showing the direction and orientation of travel in the roundabout Guide signage as discussed in Section 4.4, provides advance directional information as well as “countdown signage” to the roundabout along high-speed approaches. Standards 1. Stop Sign Restrictions for Roundabouts. STOP sign 301 shall not be used on approaches to any roundabout. 2. Pedestrian Crossings on Roundabout Approaches/Departures. As per Section, Item 6, combination GIVE WAY and PEDESTRIAN SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE signs 302/303 shall not be used for pedestrian crossings either entering or departing a roundabout. 04-SIGNS Page 60 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) of GIVE WAY Sign 302 and Roundabout Sign 329 Description On each approach to a roundabout, the motorists in the approach are required to give way to the traffic already in the roundabout. In order to reinforce this requirement, a GIVE WAY sign (302) is installed on each approach. For those approaches where it is not clear that the junction ahead is a roundabout, based on engineering review and judgment, a ROUNDABOUT sign (329) is mounted beneath the GIVE WAY sign on the same sign post. This is frequently accompanied by an advance ROUNDABOUT AHEAD warning sign (Sign 407) as presented in Section 4.3. Standards 1. Approach Signing. All roundabout approaches require a GIVE WAY sign (302) meeting the installation requirements presented in Section 2. Roundabout Signing. Where engineering review determines that additional information on the roundabout operation is required, a ROUNDABOUT sign (329) shall be mounted below the GIVE WAY sign on the same post, with the bottom of the ROUNDABOUT sign meeting the sign installation requirements Sign 329 of Section, and meeting at least the minimum clearance requirement “D” for Arterial/ Collector/Local routes as stipulated in Section 4.1.10. 3. Appearance – Roundabout Sign. ROUNDABOUT sign 329 shall be of a circular shape, and have a blue background with white arrow symbols and a thin white border. Guidelines 1. As discussed in Section 4.2.4, GIVE WAY signs are not used in conjunction with the PEDESTRIAN SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE either in advance of pedestrian crossings on the roundabout approach, or ahead of pedestrian crossings at the exits of roundabouts. 2. All roundabouts currently operate in a counter clockwise fashion in Abu Dhabi Emirate, and thus there are not expected to be other variants on Sign 329. Because the primary regulatory control display is the GIVE WAY sign, the GIVE WAY sign should always be larger than the ROUNDABOUT sign if both are mounted together as per the direction of Section As per Section 4.1.9, GIVE WAY signs are to be sized similarly to advance warning signs. Thus, if the GIVE WAY sign is 1200mm in height, the ROUNDABOUT sign should be 900mm in diameter. 3. Table 2-4 shows the relationship in size between warning signs (including GIVE WAY signs and regulatory signs at specific operating speeds, and should be used in a similar fashion for the Sign 302/329 combination. 04-SIGNS Page 61 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.2.6 Movement Control, Mandatory and Prohibitory Signage General Overview This section provides an overview of signage used to control directional movements and to permit or prohibit directional access at at-grade intersections or junctions with freeway ramps. The following control signage is addressed in this section: ONE WAY Signs (305, 306, and 307) The following mandatory signage is addressed in this section: AHEAD ONLY sign (321) RIGHT TURN ONLY sign (322) LEFT TURN ONLY sign (323) RIGHT TURN AHEAD sign (324) LEFT TURN AHEAD sign (325) PASS EITHER SIDE sign (326) KEEP RIGHT sign (327) KEEP LEFT sign (328) U TURN ONLY sign (330) THRU OR RIGHT sign (331.1) THRU OR LEFT sign (331.2) LEFT OR U TURN sign (331.3) LEFT OR RIGHT TURN sign (331.4) Electronic Overhead Lane Control Signage (reference to TSES Manual) The following prohibitory signage is addressed in this section. NO ENTRY Sign (304) NO LEFT TURN Sign (346) NO RIGHT TURN Sign (347) NO U TURN Sign (348) Standards 1. Directional Control Signage. Directional control signage, specifically ONE WAY signage, shall be used to specify the direction of travel on a street or road. It shall be provided at street junctions where the visible direction of street travel is not apparent, and shall be used in conjunction with mandatory signage for turn movements on approaches to the one-way street. 2. Mandatory Signage. Mandatory signage showing directional movements required for approaches or curb travel lanes approaching intersections shall be provided for those approaches which require particular movements to occur out of specific lanes. 3. Prohibitory Signage. Where specific movements are prohibited (i.e., Restrictions on road entry, left or right turns, or U Turns), prohibitory signage shall be provided prior to the locations in which the related infractions may occur. 04-SIGNS Page 62 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Modification of Messages. Messages for the prohibitory signs shall be modifiable with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE Sign 365 mounted underneath, if the prohibitions are limited specifically to certain types of vehicles, e.g., trucks or buses. Guidance 1. Prohibitory signage should be placed where they will be most easily seen by road users who might be intending to make the movement. 2. Mandatory and prohibitory signage should be placed either at the left hand corner of the intersection, on the median (if dual carriageway), or in conjunction with a STOP or GIVE WAY sign. 3. For AHEAD ONLY (indicating no turns allowed) dual indications, one on each side, should be used. 4. If more than one movement is prohibited (e.g. no left, right or U Turns), the signs should be co-located at one location. Likewise, if more than one movement is permitted out of the same lane or approach, a mandatory sign showing both required movements on one side should be used (i.e. Signs 331 through 333). 5. If control and prohibitory signage is used at intersections controlled by traffic signals mounted on overhead mast arms, the appropriate signage should be mounted next to the signal faces. For example, no right turn signs, or right turn only signs, should be next to the signal face viewed by the drivers in the right hand lane. Conversely, No Left Turn and/or No U Turn signs, or signs permitting left and/or U Turns, should be placed on the mast arm next to the signal head viewed by users in the left lane. 6. For roundabouts, Sign 329 (see Section is used as a mandatory movement sign. Entry Sign 304 Description Sign 304 indicates to drivers of vehicles that entry is prohibited to all vehicular traffic on a particular road, street, driveway, alley or approach. Standards Sign 304 1. Purpose. NO ENTRY sign 304 shall be used to prohibit “wrong way” entry to a roadway when confusion may exist as to the direction of travel of traffic in the roadway, in conjunction with ONE WAY signs (305, 306 and 307). 2. Appearance. NO ENTRY Sign 304 shall have a red background with a white legend and a thin white border. The design may be placed on a square white sign blank. 3. Location. NO ENTRY sign 304 should be located on the right and left sides of a one-way roadway. NO ENTRY sign 304 should be oriented at 90 degrees to the direction of “wrong way” travel. Guidelines 1. NO ENTRY sign may be used in conjunction with NO LEFT TURN or NO RIGHT TURN signs if it is not clear which leg of an intersection is subject to the prohibition. 04-SIGNS Page 63 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. For intersections with dual carriageway roads where medians are 10m or wider, NO ENTRY signs are to be placed in the oncoming traffic direction facing the traffic entering the road as shown in Figure 4-7. Figure 4-7: Typical NO ENTRY Signing for Intersections with Dual Carriageway Roads Way Signs 305, 306, and 307 Description Signs 305, 306, and 307 indicate to drivers of vehicles that the only permitted direction of travel, in the road or portion of road on which they are erected, is in the direction indicated by the arrow on the sign. Signs 305, 306, and 307 may be displayed to indicate directions straight ahead, to the right, or to the left, respectively. Standards 1. Purpose. ONE WAY signs 306 and 307 shall be used to indicate that the intersecting street only allows travel in the direction shown on the sign. 2. Straight-Ahead One-Way Signage. ONE WAY sign 305 shall be used to indicate that a street the driver is currently on is a one-way street in the straight ahead direction (this practice is intended to make drivers aware that when they return to such a street from a private property or a parking area that they must turn only in one direction). 3. Appearance. ONE WAY signs 305, 306, and 307 shall have a blue background with a white legend and a thin white border. 4. Placement and Location. When used to indicate the direction of travel in an intersecting street ONE WAY signs 306 and 307 shall be located on both sides of the intersecting street so that both signs can be seen clearly by drivers on the oncoming approach to the one-way street. 04-SIGNS Page 64 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) For roads indicating one-way straight ahead travel, ONE WAY sign 305 shall be located on the right side of single-lane one-way streets and on both sides of one-way streets with two or more lanes. Guidelines 1. If necessary, additional signs should be strategically placed with respect to local accesses from properties or parking areas. 2. ONE WAY signs 305, 306, and 307 may be used in conjunction with NO ENTRY sign 304 in networks of intersecting one-way streets. 3. In some situations, regulatory signs 304, 321 thru 328, 346, and/or 347 may be used in place of or in addition to ONE WAY signs to delineate a one-way road system. Those regulatory signs specifically refer to allowable turning movements ahead of the one-way street, and should be independent evaluated as to their need based on traffic patterns and the geometric design of the intersection. 4. ONE WAY signs may be used in conjunction with NO LEFT TURN sign (346) and NO RIGHT TURN sign (347) as described in Section Figure 4-8 describes typical placement of ONE WAY signs along a local route, and the use of Signs 346 and 347 along the major street to identify the particular turn restriction into the one-way local route. Lane and Turning Movement Control Signage Description Signs 321 through 333 describe mandatory traffic movements on particular traffic approaches or in specific travel lanes are presented in Section, except for Sign 329 (Roundabout), which was described in Section 4.2.5. Standards 1. Appearance. Mandatory lane and turning movement control signs shall be of a circular shape and have a blue background with a white icon and a thin white border. 2. Modification of Messages. Messages for each of the signs shall be modifiable with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE Sign 365 mounted below, if the movements are limited specifically to certain types of vehicles, e.g., trucks or buses. 3. AHEAD ONLY Sign 321 a. Purpose. Sign 321 shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle should proceed only straight ahead in the direction indicated by the arrow on the sign. b. Location. AHEAD ONLY sign 321 shall be located on the right side of a two-way roadway and on the left side of a one-way roadway, prior to the intersection in which the movements are required. 04-SIGNS Page 65 Sign 321 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-8: Use of One-Way Signs 305, 306, and 307 with Signs 346 and 347 04-SIGNS Page 66 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. TURN RIGHT Sign (322) and TURN LEFT Sign (323) a. Purpose. Signs 322 (or 323) shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle should proceed only to the right (or to the left - the arrow direction being reversed) at T-shaped intersection, and shall only be used where the cross street is a one-way street with traffic flowing in the direction shown for the required turn. b. Location. TURN RIGHT (or LEFT) ONLY signs 322 (or 323) shall be located on the far side of a roadway facing drivers in the lanes to which the signs apply. Sign 323 Sign 322 5. TURN RIGHT (or LEFT) AHEAD ONLY Sign 324 (or 325) a. Purpose. Signs 324 (or 325) shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle should proceed only to the right (or to the left — the arrow direction being reversed) at the junction ahead, and when it is necessary to provide this information at an adequate stopping / weaving distance ahead of the intersection. b. Location. TURN RIGHT (or LEFT) AHEAD ONLY signs 324 (or 325) shall be located on the right side of a two-way roadway and on the left side of a one-way roadway at a distance of approximately 50m from the junction to which it applies. Sign 324 Sign 325 6. PASS EITHER SIDE Sign 326 a. Purpose. Sign 326 shall be provided at the nose of a traffic island (e.g., right turn location) or other divider where it is necessary to show the driver of a vehicle that he may pass to either one side of the obstruction or the other. b. Location. PASS EITHER SIDE sign 326 shall be located on the traffic island or other divider, near the nose of the divider, so Sign 326 that there is a minimum clearance of 300mm between the edges of the divider and the sign. The most common application of sign 326 will be 04-SIGNS Page 67 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) at right turn islands (where the right turn lane splits to the right of the through lane), on dividers splitting left turn traffic from through traffic, and at entrances to collectordistributor roads and road splits. 7. KEEP RIGHT (or LEFT) Sign 327 (or 328) a. Purpose. Signs 327 (or 328) shall be provided where it is necessary to indicate to the driver of a vehicle that he should pass to the right (or to the left, the arrow direction being reversed) of an obstruction in the roadway, such as the nose of a traffic median or traffic signal pole foundation at the nose of the median. b. Location. KEEP RIGHT (or LEFT) signs 327 (or 328) shall be located as near as possible to the leading edge of the obstruction so that there is at least a clearance of 300mm from the closest path of vehicles. Sign 328 Sign 327 8. U-TURN PERMITTED Sign 330 a. Purpose. Sign 330 shall be used where it is necessary to notify the driver of a vehicle on a dual carriageway that he may make a U-turn from the location where the sign is posted. b. Location. U-TURN sign 330 shall be located at the end of the left traffic median on the near side next to the leftmost lane. c. Truck Restrictions. Sign 330 shall be augmented by a Qualification Plate Sign 365 showing a goods vehicle (truck) symbol and red prohibition slash if the U-Turn permission specifically excludes goods vehicles. In this application, the Qualification Plate shall be mounted directly below Sign 330. Combination Sign 330 / Qualification Plate 365 (U-Turn permitted except for goods vehicles) 04-SIGNS Page 68 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 9. THRU OR RIGHT ONLY Sign 331.1 a. Purpose. Signs 331.1 shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle either proceed either through or turn right at the intersection. b. Location. THROUGH OR RIGHT sign 331.1 shall be located on the far right side of a roadway facing drivers in the lanes to which the signs apply. 10. THRU OR LEFT ONLY Sign 331.2 a. Purpose. Signs 331.2 shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle either proceed either through or turn left at the intersection. b. Location. THROUGH OR LEFT sign 331.2 shall be located on the far left side of a roadway facing drivers in the lanes to which the signs apply. 11. LEFT OR U-TURN ONLY Sign 331.3 a. Purpose. Sign 331.3 shall be used where it is necessary to notify the driver of a vehicle on a dual carriageway that he may make a left or U-turn from the location where the sign is posted. b. Location. LEFT OR U-TURN sign 331.3 shall be located at the end of the left traffic median on the near side next to the leftmost lane. 12. LEFT OR RIGHT TURN ONLY Sign 331.4 a. Purpose. Sign 331.4 shall be installed when it is required that the driver of a vehicle proceed only to the right or left (i.e., no through movement possible, opposing approach may be one way in the opposite direction or may have specific restrictions). b. Location. LEFT OR TIGHT TURN Sign 331.4 shall be located on the far side of a roadway facing drivers in the lanes to which the signs apply. 13. Electronic Overhead Lane Control Signage (reference to TSES Manual and Section 11.9 of this MUTCD) a. Reference to TSES Manual. TSES Manual, Chapter 9, specifically addresses the implementation and use of overhead lane control signals, and shall apply to this Manual. b. Applications. Overhead lane control signals shall be used: i. Wherever there is a reversible traffic flow in one or more lanes based on timeof-day or demand specific criteria. 04-SIGNS Page 69 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) ii. On freeways utilizing Active Traffic Management strategies, where lanes may be closed due to temporary conditions such as incidents or road work, or whether certain lanes may only be open for short periods (e.g., hard shoulder). Refer also to Section 11.9 of this Manual for use of ATM. c. Use with mandatory lane control and turning movement signage. Electronic overhead lane control signage shall not be used in conjunction with Signs 321 through 344, except where traffic movements indicated by thus would occur regardless of overhead lane control indication. Guidance 1. The function of the AHEAD ONLY sign 321 differs from that of the ONE WAY sign 305 in that, while the ONE WAY sign may indicate the mandatory direction in a street at a junction, other directions of travel at the junction may be chosen. AHEAD ONLY sign 321 indicates that drivers have no other choice but to proceed straight ahead. A 600mm sign 321 may be mounted on the post below a traffic signal when appropriate. 2. A typical example for the use of AHEAD ONLY sign 321 would be at a signal-controlled crossroad intersection with a free right turn and a dedicated left turn lane or lanes separated from the through route by a splitter island. In this instance, if the driver is located in one of the through lanes the AHEAD ONLY movement is the only available option and should be signed accordingly. 3. Sign 322 (or 323) is normally used only where the cross street is a one-way street and traffic is flowing in the direction the driver is required to turn. 4. Signs 324 (or 325) should normally only be provided when the alignment of the approach to the junction is such that the layout of the junction is not readily obvious. A 600mm sign 324 (or 325) may be mounted on the post below a traffic signal where appropriate. 5. Use of signs 327 (or 328) most commonly applies to traffic islands or refuges in two-way roadways or at the beginning of median island when a single two-way carriageway widens to become a dual carriageway. If such a condition occurs on a vertical curve it may be effective to mount two type 327 (or 328) signs one above the other. 6. Sign 327 or 328 should be installed as close as practical to approach ends of raised medians, parkways, islands, and underpass piers. The sign should be mounted on the face of or just in front of a pier or other obstruction separating opposite directions of traffic in the centre of the road such that traffic will have to pass to the right-hand side (for Sign 327), to the left hand side (Sign 328), or to either side (Sign 326). 7. Where the obstruction obscures the installation of Sign 326, 327 or 328, the minimum placement height may be increased for better sign visibility. 8. At signalized intersections with one left turn lane where the U-turn is permitted, LEFT OR UTURN sign 331.3 may also be provided on the opposing signal pole if one is provided at the nose of the median opposing the left turn lane. 9. In urban zones, U-TURN sign 330 may be used with a NO GOODS VEHICLES qualification plate 365 mounted below, if it is determined necessary to disallow trucks/goods vehicles to make the U Turn. 04-SIGNS Page 70 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Traffic Movement Signage Description The signs in this section specifically prohibit turning movements indicated on the signs at the locations where the signs are installed. They include prohibition of left, right and U turns. Sign 346 Standards 1. Appearance. Prohibitory Traffic Movement Signage shall be circular, with a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line across the icon, and a thick red border. The sign display may optionally be included on a square white sign blank, of a size slightly larger than the diameter of the circular sign display. 2. No Left (or Right) Turn Sign 346 (or 347) a. Purpose. Signs 346 (or 347) shall be provided where it is necessary to indicate to drivers that they cannot turn to the left or right at the intersection or entrance where the signs are displayed. b. Location. NO LEFT (or RIGHT) TURN signs 346 (or 347) shall be located on the side of the roadway towards which the illegal turn would be made, not more than 25m in advance of the point where the prohibition applies. Sign 347 Sign 348 3. No U-Turn Sign 348 a. Purpose. Sign 348 shall be provided where it is necessary to indicate to drivers that they cannot perform a U-turn at the junction or break in the median island ahead. b. Location. NO U-TURN sign 348 shall be located not more than 25m in advance of the point to which the prohibition applies. The sign may be repeated at the point of prohibition. Guidance 1. Signs 346 or 347 should only be used in situations where the left (or right) turn would, under normal circumstances, be expected by drivers to be available. Their use is generally not necessary when roadway geometry clearly indicates that turns are not intended at the location under consideration, e.g., when the road enters another road or a roundabout at an angle of less than 45 degrees with the other route, or turns directly into an acceleration lane or through lane on the other route. 2. Where the restriction is at a signalized intersection, a 600mm sign 346, 347 or 348 may be mounted next to a traffic signal face on the overhead mast arm (if any) or, if signals are only post-mounted, below the signal on the post where the signal face corresponds to the specific traffic lane closest to the banned movement. 3. Sign 348 may be required when the parallel carriageway is too narrow to accept safe U-turns, when such a movement cannot safely be accommodated due to limitations in traffic signal timings, when there is not sufficient visibility of U-turning vehicles from those travelling in the opposite direction, or where there is a conflict with pedestrian movements. 04-SIGNS Page 71 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Signs 346 through 348 may be made specific to a time of day or class of vehicle (e.g., bus or goods vehicle) by means of a QUALIFICATION PLATE sign 365 mounted below the sign. 4.2.7 Speed Limit Signage Description Speed Limit signs are primarily prohibitory signs that identify the maximum rate of speed that can safely be travelled in typical weather conditions by fully-operational vehicles, and may often differentiate maximum speeds for cars from those for goods vehicles. Speed limit signs may also include mandatory signage indicating minimum travel speeds, along with night speed limits for those roads that are not lighted. Speed limit information may also be included as advisory indications in conjunction with warning signs as presented in Section 4.3, and guide signs as presented in Section 4.4, and represent recommended speeds for traversing an exit or entrance ramp. Finally, speed limit information may be included as part of larger-scale enforcement signing, indicating that radar or other means of enforcement may also be included. Standards 1. Sign Placement Requirements. Table 4-15 shall be used for the placement of speed limit signs under various environments (urban and rural) and for different types of roads. Placement is from the end of acceleration lane, such that merging traffic is stabilised at the location of the speed display. The spacing can be changed to a closer spacing by the concerned authority to suit local conditions as long as it does not cause sign clutter. Table 4-15: Placement of Speed Limit Signs Situation in Which Sign is to be Provided Parking Area or Service Road Urban Single Carriageway Sign Location After End of Acceleration Lane Within 10m Within 50m Urban Dual Carriageway, including all Freeways and Highways Within 50m Rural Roads Within 100m Recommendations for Additional Signs1 N/A N/A Above 60km/h 2 – 4km between postings 40km/h 2, 3 – 2km between postings Below 60km/h 2, 3 – 1km between postings >= 100km/h2, 3 – 10km between postings <= 80km/h2, 3 – 4km between postings NOTES: 1. Additional signs should be provided at the rate of one extra sign approximately in the middle of the length of section between “postings” as given in the table. A “posting” represents the initial provision of a maximum speed limit sign in terms of the criteria given and is illustrated in Figure 4.9 2. Refers to maximum speed limit posted on a road. 3. On 3-or-more-lane-each dual carriageways, speed limit signs shall be placed not only on the right hand edge, but also on the left hand road edge in the central median. 2. Size of Signage. Section shall be the basis for minimum standards for the size of regulatory signs including speed limit signs. All freeway facilities with design speeds, and/or 04-SIGNS Page 72 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) measured 85th percentile speeds, of 120km/h or greater shall utilize signs of 1200mm diameter. 3. Standard Maximum Speeds. In Abu Dhabi Emirate, the following speed limits shall be in effect except as otherwise posted: a. 40 km/h: Selected roadways in areas with a high concentration of pedestrians b. 60 – 80km/h: Urban dual carriageway c. 80 - 100km/h: Selected roadways with limited access and control (i.e., access to local roads requires immediate deceleration to 40km/h or less prior to exiting the roadway) d. 100 -120km/h Urban freeways and highways with entrances and exits less than 2km apart e. 100 - 120km/h: Rural roads with full width lanes and markings f. 120 -140km/h: All other freeways and highways. g. 30km/h: School zone (part-time) 4. Guideline for Setting of Speed Limits. Speed zones (other than for Standard Maximum Speeds as identified in Item 3) shall only be established on the basis of (a) authorized decisions by an appropriate higher committee which addresses overall road traffic and safety policies, and (b) an engineering study that has been performed in accordance with traffic engineering practices. a. The appropriate higher committee may consist of DMT, Municipality and Police officials, who will review current speeds and safety statistics and identify specific policies that might overrule the “Standard Maximum Speeds” as shown in Item 3. b. A speed limit plan should be developed for all routes within the Emirate and more specifically, with Municipality areas. A plan may use the standard speeds as a base and then adjust them in specific segments (typically lower than otherwise used.) based on safety and geometric considerations as well as typical traffic volumes during peak and off-peak periods. c. Further decisions on speed limits shall be accomplished through an engineering study, which may be used by higher committee decision-makers as needed. IT may be conducted by internal staff or through a DMT or Municipality-approved consultant. d. The engineering study shall include an analysis of the current speed distribution of free-flowing vehicles. To be implemented, the proposed speed limit within a speed zone shall be within 10km/h of the 85th-percentile speed of free-flowing traffic, or shall represent the design speed of the road, whichever is less. e. The engineering study shall also consider road characteristics (lane width, pavement condition, grade, alignment, and sight distance), and crash experience for the most recent 12 month period. f. Speed studies for signalized intersection approaches shall be taken outside the influence area of the traffic control signal, or approximately 800m, to avoid obtaining skewed results for the 85th-percentile speed. 5. Reduced Speed Limit Zones. Where speed limits are reduced by more than 20km/h, a maximum speed limit sign shall be spaced every 500m (minimum) for every successive 20km/h reduction. 6. Maximum Number of Speed Limits Shown. No more than two speed limits shall be displayed on any one Speed Limit sign assembly. 04-SIGNS Page 73 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidelines 1. Speed studies should include roadways that have undergone significant changes since the last review, such as the addition or elimination of parking or driveways, changes in the number of travel lanes, changes in the configuration of bicycle lanes, changes in traffic control signal coordination, or significant changes in traffic volumes. 2. A dynamic message sign that changes the speed limit for traffic and ambient conditions may be installed provided that the appropriate speed limit is displayed at the proper times. These may be connected into an Active Traffic Management framework and the displays are configured as per the TSES Manual, Chapter 9 and also discussed in this MUTCD, Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531). 3. A dynamic message sign that displays to approaching drivers the speed at which they are travelling may be installed in conjunction with a Speed Limit sign. If a dynamic message sign displaying approach speeds is installed, the legend YOUR SPEED XX or such similar legend should be displayed. The colour of the dynamic message legend should be a yellow legend on a black background. 4. School Speed Limit sign applications are discussed in Section 6.2. Speed Limit Signs 344 (general), 345A (auto), 345B (goods vehicle), and 345C (bus) Description Maximum speed limit signs represented the posted speed enforceable by Police, valid under clear weather conditions and for fully-operational vehicles. The three types of signs provide general speed limit information (Sign 344), speed limits for autos (Sign 345), speed limits for trucks/goods vehicles (345B), and speed limits for buses (345C). The latter two are typically found on freeways and highways. The actual designation of signs as part of procurement includes the sign number, a hyphen, and the speed shown on the sign (example: an 80km/h general maximum speed limit sign would be designated as Sign 344-80). Standards 1. Purpose. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT signs shall indicate the speed limits in kilometres per hour for all vehicles (Sign 344), autos (Sign 345A), goods vehicles (Sign 345B), and buses (Sign 345C) reflecting Standard Maximum Speeds as per Section, Item 3, or speeds as identified in an engineering study meeting the requirements of Section, Item 4. 2. Appearance. Requirements shall be as follows: a. All Signs: Circular shape sign with black legend and red border. Numbering of new speed limit signs shall exclusively use Arabic numerals (English). b. Sign 345A: Automobile icon shall be provided in black below the speed limit (sign size shall be 1200mm in diameter). c. Sign 345B. Goods vehicle icon shall be provided in black below the speed limit (sign size shall match that for Sign 345A whenever these are mounted on the same post). d. Sign 345C: Bus icon shall be provided in black below the speed limit (sign size shall match that for Sign 345A whenever these are mounted on the same post). 04-SIGNS Page 74 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 344-60 Sign 345A-120 Sign 345B-120 Sign 345C-80 3. Mounting. Signs shall be post-mounted per the requirements of Section and Section For roads with both car and goods vehicle speed limits, Sign 345A shall be mounted above Sign 345B, with the bottom of the lower sign mounted at a minimum 2000mm above ground level consistent with the aforementioned Section 4. Entry Speed Limits. Speed Limit signs indicating the Standard Maximum Speed appropriate for the facility or as established through engineering study shall be installed at entrances to the Emirate and, where appropriate, at the entrance to urban areas. 5. Reassurance Speed Limit Displays. At the downstream end of the section to which a speed limit applies, Speed Limit sign assemblies showing the next speed limit shall be installed. Additional Speed Limit signs shall be installed beyond major intersections/interchanges and at other locations where it is necessary to remind road users of the speed limit that is applicable. Sign 345A/345B Combination Guidelines 1. Dual speed limit signs 345A and 345B are provided for use on freeways and highways only where there is a high proportion of heavy goods vehicle traffic. The signs display one maximum speed limit for passenger cars, and a different maximum speed limit for heavy goods vehicles. The dual signs will only be used on multiple lane carriageways where the heavy goods vehicle traffic is restricted to one or two lanes. 2. To improve visibility of signs on a 4 lane-wide or wider carriageway on a high-speed, dual carriageway route with a wide median, dual speed limit signs 345A and 345B may also be 04-SIGNS Page 75 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) mounted one after the other (first Sign 345A, then 345B) on both sides of the carriageway, following standard longitudinal spacing criteria as per Section 4.1. 3. The guidelines and comments in Table 4-15 should be considered as being applicable to general or average conditions. Specific circumstances may warrant a variation in application when the principle involved should be applied with engineering judgment. 4. Figure 4-9 illustrates typical applications of general maximum speed limits (Sign 344) along a road network. 60 60 60 60 60 100 60 40 40 80 40 80 60 80 60 100 60 80 60 40 40 60 60 60 40 80 60 80 60 60 60 60 60 100 80 80 60 60 60 Posted Speed by Design = 100 km/h = 80 km/h = 60 km/h = 40 km/h Figure 4-9: Use of Maximum Speed Limit Sign 344 04-SIGNS Page 76 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Speed Limit Sign 344M Description Sign 344M provides a minimum speed limit, which can be mounted below the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT Sign 344 sign or the dual speed limit assembly 345A/345B. Standards 1. Purpose. MINIMUM SPEED LIMIT Sign 344M shall be installed where it is required that drivers of vehicles shall not travel at a speed that is lower than the minimum speed limit indicated in kilometres per hour by means of a number on such a sign. 2. Speed Displayed. MINIMUM SPEED LIMIT sign 344M shall, when used, indicate a minimum speed limit which is typically 30km/h lower than the posted maximum speed. For example, a maximum speed limit of 100km/h would require a minimum speed limit of 70km/h. Sign 346 shall only be used if so directed by DMT, based on a traffic engineering study addressing the range of speeds on the road. If the 35th percentile speed is at least 30km/h less than the posted maximum speed, then the minimum speed limit shall be warranted. 3. Appearance. Sign 344M shall be of a size and circular shape identical to the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT sign below which the sign is mounted. Sign shall be of a blue background with white legend (using Arabic numerals [English]) and a thin white border. 4. Mounting. Minimum distance above the ground in which the sign is mounted shall be 2000mm from the bottom of the sign. 5. Limitations of Use. MINIMUM SPEED LIMIT sign 344M shall only be used on freeways or highways. a. The sign shall not be used when the maximum speed limit is less than 100km/h. b. The minimum speed shall be applicable either for all lanes or on a lane-specific basis. c. If applied to a particular lane, instead of mounting the sign below the maximum speed limit assembly, the sign graphic shall be applied to a diagrammatic warning sign showing lane use and applicable speeds as described in Section 4.3 of this Manual. Sign 344M Speed Limit Sign 344N Description Sign 344N provides a night speed limit applicable as directed by DMT for unlighted roads, which can be mounted below the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT Sign 344 sign or the dual speed limit assembly 345A/345B. Standards 1. Purpose. NIGHT SPEED LIMIT Sign 344N shall be installed where it is required that drivers of vehicles shall not travel at a speed at night that is above that indicated in kilometres per hour by means of a number on such a sign. 04-SIGNS Page 77 Sign 344N SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Speed Displayed. NIGHT SPEED LIMIT sign 344N shall, when used, indicate a minimum speed limit which is typically 20km/h lower than the posted maximum speed. For example, a maximum speed limit of 100km/h would require a night speed limit of 80km/h. Sign 344N shall only be used if so directed by DMT, based on a traffic engineering study comparing night accident rates to day accident rates. 3. Use with Minimum Speed Sign. NIGHT SPEED LIMIT sign 344N shall not be used if a MINIMUM SPEED LIMIT sign 344M is required based on engineering study as per Section 4. Appearance. Sign 344N shall be a rectangular sign with black background and white border, of a width identical to the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT Sign 344 below which the sign is mounted. The speed limit graphic of a white circle with red border and black legend shall be provided on the black sign lank. Above the speed limit symbol, Arabic and English text showing “Night” shall be provided as white legend. 5. Mounting. Minimum distance above the ground in which the sign is mounted shall be 2000mm from the bottom of the sign. 6. Limitations of Use. NIGHT SPEED LIMIT sign 344N shall only be used on unlighted roads as directed by DMT. Sign 344/344N Combination 4.2.8 General Prohibitory Traffic Restrictions Signage Description General prohibitory traffic control signage provides regulatory information restricting specific vehicle types and materials from use on the road or street, or restricting particular traffic operations. Prohibitory signage, except where noted, generally consists of white circular signs with red borders and black icons. Red diagonal lines illustrate the vehicle type or action that is prohibited. Weight and height restrictions may be indicated with symbols, numbers and units indicating maximum, weight, 04-SIGNS Page 78 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) height, etc., allowable on the particular road facility. Supplementary plates are used to indicate distance to the restriction, time periods for the restriction (if part-time), etc. Signs that are included in this section include: NO OVERTAKING (Sign 349) NO FLAMMABLE GOODS (Sign 350) NO GOODS VEHICLES (Sign 351) NO PEDESTRIANS (Sign 352) NO CYCLISTS (Sign 353) NO HORNS (Sign 354) MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT (Sign 355) MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT – ROADS ALLOWING OVERHEIGHT VEHICLES (Sign 356) NO BUSES (Sign 357) NO TAXIS (Sign 358) NO MOTOR VEHICLES (Sign 359) COMBINED RESTRICTION SIGN (Sign 364) QUALIFICATION PLATE (Sign 365) Overtaking Sign 349 Description Sign 349 prohibits the driver of a vehicle from overtaking another vehicle travelling in the same direction within the next 500m. Standards Sign 349 1. Purpose. NO OVERTAKING Sign 349 shall be provided on twolane, bidirectional single carriageway facilities on those segments where crossing the centreline to pass a slower vehicle cannot be safely achieved due to opposing traffic volumes, sight distance, and both the horizontal and vertical geometrics of the road. 2. Relationship to Centreline Pavement Markings. NO OVERTAKING sign 349 shall be used in conjunction with the NO PASSING LINE pavement marking 611 (detailed in Section 5.4 of this Manual) due to the factors described in Item 1. 3. Installation. Sign 349 shall be located on the right side of the road at the start of the no overtaking zone. 4. Extended No-Overtaking Zones. If the overtaking message is required for a distance in excess of 500m the sign shall be repeated at 500m intervals. If the overtaking message is required for a distance of 1km or more, the length of the no overtaking zone shall be shown on a supplemental plate 365 (e.g., “Next 2km”). 5. Use for multi-lane carriageways. NO OVERTAKING sign 349 shall not be displayed on sections of carriageway with two or more lanes, even if the normal number of lanes has been reduced due to temporary roadworks. 6. Appearance. NO OVERTAKING sign 349 shall have a white background, two black vehicle icons side-by-side, a thick red diagonal line through the left vehicle icon, and a thick red border. 04-SIGNS Page 79 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Inflammable Goods Sign 350 Description Sign 350 prohibits the driver of a vehicle transporting inflammable goods, including inflammable gases in portable cylinders, from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards Sign 350 1. Purpose. NO INFLAMMABLE GOODS sign 350 shall be used in advance of any area, such as a bridge or tunnel, where transported inflammable goods represent a particular hazard. 2. Installation. The sign shall be located on the right of the roadway at the point from which the prohibition is required to apply, and at one of the following: a. In an advance location (minimum 500m from the restriction point), with a SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE Sign 365 providing a distance to the turnaround or alternate route location. b. Included as part of a COMBINED RESTRICTION Sign 364 which addresses other restrictions for the roadway, bridge or tunnel ahead. 3. Appearance. NO INFLAMMABLE GOODS sign 350 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line, and a thick red border. The detail of the flame within the truck icon on the legend shall be red and yellow. Guidance 1. The location of the sign should permit vehicles carrying inflammable goods to take an alternative route. In practice it is likely that other prohibitions may apply at such places. It is recommended that all necessary prohibitory signs be displayed on a high visibility backing board with a white background colour and a thin red border of the style used for diagrammatic warning signs. Typical examples of such high visibility combination signs are illustrated in Section 2. It is also recommended that a similar combined sign be displayed in advance of the exit or turn onto the alternative route with an appropriate text message such as “Alternative Route 250 m.” 3. Alternatively, it is recommended that appropriate Guide Signs (Section 4.4) provide alternate routing information in conjunction with the inflammable goods restriction. Goods Vehicles Sign 351 Description Sign 351 prohibits drivers of goods vehicles from proceeding beyond the sign. A goods vehicle is considered to be any freight or construction vehicle with a “gross vehicle mass of 2.5 tonnes or more. The “gross vehicle mass” is the maximum mass, including load, for which the goods vehicle is “rated” and is applicable whether the vehicle is loaded or not. 04-SIGNS Page 80 Sign 351 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. NO GOODS VEHICLES sign 351 shall be placed where it is necessary to ban goods vehicles from the road for operational or safety purposes. 2. Location. The sign shall be located on the right of the roadway at the point from which the prohibition is required to apply, and at one of the following: a. In an advance location (minimum 500m from the restriction point), with a SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE Sign 365 providing a distance to the turnaround or alternate route location. b. Included as part of a COMBINED RESTRICTION Sign 364 which addresses other restrictions for the roadway, bridge or tunnel ahead. 3. Part-Time Restriction. If the restriction occurs for a fixed time period rather than a full 24-hour period, Sign 351 shall be augmented by a QUALIFICATION PLATE 365 mounted below, indicating the applicable time period or periods, may be mounted below the sign. 4. Weight Restriction. If the good movement restriction is based on weight criteria (i.e., restriction limit may be higher than 2.5 tonnes), Sign 351 shall be augmented by a QUALIFICATION PLATE 365 mounted below, describing the mass limit. For example, for a mass limit of 4.5 tons, the plate shall display the mass limit in the form “4.5 T” where the unit “T” refers to a metric tonne. The sign 365 effectively over-rides the base condition of sign 351 and applies a new gross vehicle mass or length. 5. Appearance. NO GOODS VEHICLES sign 351 should have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line, and a thick red border. Sign 351 examples with Supplemental Plates (time, weight restrictions) Guidance 1. The location of the sign should permit good vehicles to take an alternative route. In practice it is possible that other prohibitions may apply at such places. It is recommended that all necessary prohibitory signs be displayed on a high visibility backing board with a white background colour and a thin red border of the style used for diagrammatic warning signs. Typical examples of such high visibility combination signs are illustrated in Section 2. It is recommended that appropriate Guide Signs (Section 4.4) provide alternate truck routing information in conjunction with the goods vehicle restriction. Pedestrians Sign 352 Description Sign 352 prohibits pedestrians from proceeding beyond the sign. Sign 352 04-SIGNS Page 81 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. NO PEDESTRIANS sign 352 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit pedestrian movement or access, particular those parts of a roadway, junction or off-road area which pedestrians otherwise might expect to be able to use, but which are considered unsafe due to the lack of crossings or walkway facilities. 2. Appearance. NO PEDESTRIANS sign 352 should have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line through the icon, and a thick red border. Guidance 1. Sign 352 should be used with a size of 300mm unless a larger size is warranted for conspicuousness 2. Sign 352 may be used on a COMBINED RESTRICTION SIGN (See Section, such as at the beginning of a freeway, bridge or tunnel, where multiple restrictions may be in place. Cyclists Sign 353 Description Sign 353 prohibits cyclists from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. NO CYCLISTS sign 353 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit cyclist movement or access. 2. Appearance. Sign 353 should have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line through the icon, and a thick red border. Sign 353 Guidance 1. If pedestrian movement or access is not otherwise prohibited, cyclists may proceed provided they dismount and walk their bicycles. 2. Sign 353 should be used with a size of 300mm unless a larger size is warranted for conspicuousness. 3. Sign 353 may be used on a COMBINED RESTRICTION SIGN (See Section, such as at the beginning of a freeway, bridge or tunnel, where multiple restrictions may be in place. Horns Sign 354 Description Sign 354 prohibits the driver of a vehicle from sounding the horn or other audible device of his vehicle within 75m of the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. NO HORNS sign 354 shall be installed where it is required to limit traffic noise, such as in the vicinity of hospitals, residential areas or diplomatic zones where it is considered necessary to limit traffic noise. 04-SIGNS Page 82 Sign 354 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Installation. Sign 354 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at the point where the prohibition is required to apply. 3. Appearance. Sign 354 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line, and a thick red border. Guidance Additional signs may be placed at 150m intervals if the prohibition is required over some distance. Height Limit Sign 355H Description Sign 355H prohibits drivers of vehicles exceeding the indicated height from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 355H shall alert drivers of restrictions entering a bridge underpass, road segment or community relative to height limits. As per Section, any location where the minimum clearance is less than 6.5m requires signs regulating maximum height limits (i.e., Sign 355) and warning of low clearance (i.e., Sign 425 in Section 2. Installation. Sign shall be a minimum 50m in advance of any limited height structure with a minimum clearance of the height indicated plus 100mm, on both the right and left sides of the Sign 355H-4.2 approach roadway. 3. Accompanied by Warning Sign. Sign 355H shall not be used as an advance warning sign. The sign shall always be preceded by an advance warning MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 as described in Section 4. Appearance. MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 355H should have a white background, a black legend, and a thick red border. 5. Sign Designation. Sign designation code shall be based on the numerals to be provided in the legend; i.e., Sigh 355H-4.2 shall contain a 4.2m clearance limit Guidance 1. The height indicated on the sign should be at least 100mm less than the actual minimum clearance measured under the structure. The height should be expressed on the sign to the next lowest one decimal place of a meter. 2. Abu Dhabi Emirate has a 4.2m maximum vehicle height limit. Therefore, Sign 355H-4.2 should be located on both sides of the road at all border crossings into the Emirate and on all exit roads from cargo-handling seaports and other intermodal (including rail) facilities. 04-SIGNS Page 83 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Height Limit For Roads Allowing Overheight Vehicles Sign 356 Description Sign 356 incorporates sign 355 into a larger sign and includes an iconic symbol and text to increase visibility and reinforce the sign’s message. Standards 1. Purpose. MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 356 shall be used only where vehicles exceeding Abu Dhabi’s legal vehicle height limit may use the road on an exceptional basis. 2. Installation. Sign shall be placed where it is known by DMT or the owning agency that tall truck traffic may enter the road. Sign shall be located on both the right and left sides of the roadway. 3. Height Indication. The height indicated within the sign shall be at least 100mm less than the actual minimum clearance measured under the structure. The height shall be expressed on the sign to the next lowest one decimal place of a meter. Sign 356 4. Appearance. MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 356 should have a white background, a black border, and a black and red legend consistent with sign 355. 5. Accompanied by Warning Sign. Sign 356 shall not be used as an advance warning sign. The sign shall always be preceded by an advance warning MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 as described in Section or expanded warning / guide sign as needed to assure maximum visibility and driver target value. Maximum Vehicle Length Limit Sign 355L Description Sign 355L prohibits drivers of vehicles exceeding the indicated length from proceeding beyond the sign, as intended for prohibition of goods vehicles through areas where the geometrics may include tight curves or very short distances between access points. Standards 1. Purpose. MAXIMUM LENGTH LIMIT sign 355L shall alert drivers of vehicle length restrictions entering a road segment or community. 04-SIGNS Page 84 Sign 355L-12 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Installation. Sign shall be located on the right and left sides of the roadway beyond the decision point where extra-long vehicles may exit onto an alternate route. 3. Accompanied by Warning Sign. Sign 355L shall not be used as an advance warning sign. The sign shall always be preceded by an advance warning MAXIMUM LENGTH sign 425L as described in Section 4. Appearance. MAXIMUM LENGTH LIMIT sign 355L should have a white background, a black legend, and a thick red border. 5. Sign Designation. Sign designation code shall be based on the numerals to be provided in the legend; i.e., Sigh 355L-12 shall contain a 12m length limit Guidance 1. The vehicle length should be expressed on the sign to the next lowest one decimal place of a meter. No Buses Sign 357 Description Sign 357 prohibits buses from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. NO BUSES sign 357 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit bus movement or access. 2. Appearance. Sign 357 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line through the icon, and a thick red border. Sign 357 Guidance 1. Sign 357 is used in locations where road geometrics may not permit bus access, or where parking is set aside for other kinds of vehicles. 2. Sign 357 may also be used if a traffic management scheme around transport terminals or modal interchanges requires buses to be routed in order to separate different classes of vehicles as needed. No Taxis Sign 358 Description Sign 358 prohibits taxis from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. NO TAXIS sign 358 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit taxi movement or access. 2. Appearance. Sign 358 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line through the icon, and a thick red border. Sign 358 Guidance 1. Sign 358 is used in locations where parking and access is set aside for other kinds of vehicles. 04-SIGNS Page 85 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Sign 358 may also be used if a traffic management scheme around transport terminals or modal interchanges requires taxis to be routed in order to separate different classes of vehicles as needed. No Motor Vehicles Sign 359 Description Sign 359 prohibits private motor vehicles (autos and motorcycles) from proceeding beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. NO MOTOR VEHICLES sign 359 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit motor vehicle access, typically for pedestrian or bicycle zones or paths. 2. Appearance. Sign 358 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line through the icon, and a thick red border. Sign 359 Guidance 1. Sign 358 is used to ban private and other motor vehicle traffic from certain travelled ways which may be reserved for pedestrians, cyclists, buses, or other modes. Combined Restriction Sign 364 COMBINED RESTRICTION SIGN 364 (example shown) can contain up to a specified maximum number of restrictions related to a road, bridge or tunnel facility, along with an English and Arabic text message advising of appropriate action. It will generally follow guide sign design requirements and hence details for this type of sign are provided in Section 4.5. The specified maximum number of restrictions applicable will be as per the review and approval of DMT. Application of the combined restrictions is as described in the provided examples. Sign 364 Qualification Plate Sign 365 Description Sign 365 provides a secondary message that qualifies or restricts the primary message of another regulatory sign. Sign 365 is never used alone and is always mounted directly below the regulatory sign that it qualifies. The background colour, border colour, and message colour of sign 365 corresponds to those of the associated regulatory sign with which it is mounted (this also applies to road works versions of regulatory signs). 04-SIGNS Page 86 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Ordinarily, regulatory signs apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are relevant to all vehicles passing that sign. QUALIFICATION PLATE sign 365 is used when the regulatory message is intended to apply to only certain times or days, and/or to only certain types or classes of vehicles. Standards 1. Purpose: QUALIFICATION PLATE Sign 365 shall be provided only to modify, qualify or restrict another regulatory sign as to time, distance, height, length or weight restrictions. 2. Installation: Sign 365 shall always be mounted below accompanying regulatory signs as described elsewhere in Section 4.2.8, and shall have a minimum 2000mm clearance from ground level to the bottom of the sign, consistent with Section of this Manual. 3. Appearance: Sign 365 shall consist of either: a. White rectangular plate with black legend and/or icons and red border. b. Blue rectangular plate with white legend and white border Sign 365 Guidance 1. QUALIFICATION PLATE sign 365 may contain textual messages or symbols such as, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Time: “8h-12h”, “15h-18”, etc. Length: “8m” Distance: “500m” Symbols: Goods vehicle, car, bus, etc. Weight: “10 T”, “4.5T” Text (Arabic and English): “Exc Friday” Red slash indicating a prohibition, typically in conjunction with one of the symbols Figure 4-10: U-turns Permitted Except for Goods Vehicles (left) and “Buses Keep Right” (right) 2. When it is desired to add to a regulatory sign information that does not qualify the message of the sign, a guide sign-related SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 as described in Section 4.4.6 should be used. 3. Supplementary plate may be dimensionally expanded to reflect the length of the supporting message. 04-SIGNS Page 87 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.2.9 Parking Control and Reservation Signage Description The signs in this group apply to the control and regulation of parking. The signs in the group are available to clarify stopping or parking controls in complex environments or to indicate circumstances where limited or part-time restrictions operate for part(s) of a day or apply to specific classes of vehicle. Some signs also indicate time and payment controls for parking. In particular, Mawaqif controls in Abu Dhabi City include zone types, payment control signing, and relation to curb colours (further detailed in Chapter 5). The following signs are included in this section: Control Signage: NO STOPPING SIGNS (370 through 376) NO PARKING SIGNS (377 through 379) Reservation Signage: PAY-AND-DISPLAY PARKING SIGNS (383 through 385, including Mawaqif regulatory sign 366M) PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS (386 through 388) PARKING TIME LIMIT SIGNS (389.1, 389.2 and 389.3) The group includes circular prohibition signs, which may also be contained within a rectangular sign display when necessary to show time or physical zone limits. The prohibitory meaning of the sign is not affected by its manner of display. Parking control signs may be prohibitory signs or permissive signs. Prohibitory parking control signs use a red border, text, and arrow whereas permissive parking signs, which may still contain a restrictive element in their message (e.g., a maximum duration of stay), use a green border, text and arrow. As used in Abu Dhabi city, Mawaqif signs also provide information on particular parking and payment regulations. Prohibitory and permissive parking control signs may be mounted side-by-side on sections of street where a stopping or parking prohibition changes to permitted parking. If there are no time or payment controls over the use of a parking area it is not necessary to erect parking control signs. Stopping Signs 370 through 376 Description NO STOPPING signs prohibit drivers from stopping their vehicle at any time along the side of the road in which the sign is mounted. Depending on the sign type, the coverage for this sign could be the section of road beyond the sign (Sign 370), or in a zone within 40m of the sign in one or both directions Sign 370 along the side of the road (Signs 371 through 373). Additionally, the stopping restriction may be implemented on a time-specific basis (per Signs 374 through 376). 04-SIGNS Page 88 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. NO STOPPING Sign 370 a. Purpose. Sign 370 shall be used when it is necessary to prohibit the driver of a vehicle from stopping his vehicle at any time along the section of road beyond such a sign, subject to compliance with a traffic signal, the direction of a traffic officer, to provide clear passage for an ambulance or rescue vehicle that is in service (flashing red lights and sirens on), or to avoid a collision. b. Installation. Sign 370 should be located on the right side of such multilane one-way roadways within 150m of a point of entry to the roadway and in such a way that the sign is at right angles to the normal direction of travel (i.e., parallel to curb line or edge of pavement). c. Appearance. Sign 370 shall be a blue circular shape with red border and two diagonal red lines crossing at a 90 degree angle to form an “X”. 2. NO STOPPING ZONE Sign 371, 372, 373 a. Purpose. Signs 371, 372 or 373 shall be used when it is required that the driver of a vehicle should not stop their vehicle at any time along a section of road or “zone” within 40m of such a sign, subject to compliance with a traffic signal, the direction of a traffic officer, to provide clear passage for an ambulance or rescue vehicle that is in service (flashing red lights and sirens on), or to avoid a collision. b. Appearance. Signs 371, 372, and 373 shall be a rectangular (vertical orientation) white sign blank with red border, including the No Stopping circular sign design (per Sign 370) within the upper part of the sign, and below that, a red arrow to indicate the direction of application of the restriction from the sign as follows: i. Sign 371 arrow points to the right. If mounted on the right side of the street, indicates the end of the No Stopping Zone. If mounted on the left side of the street, indicates the start of the No Stopping Zone. ii. Sign 372 arrows point in both directions, indicating an intermediate point within the No Stopping Zone. iii. Sign 373 arrow points to the left. If mounted on the right side of the street, indicates the start of the No Stopping Zone. If mounted on the left side of the street, indicates the end of the No Stopping Zone. 04-SIGNS Page 89 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. NO STOPPING ZONE – TIME-RESTRICTED Sign 374, 375 and 376 a. NO STOPPING signs 374, 375, and 376 shall be similar to Signs 371-373 except they shall be used when the DMT or roads agency has designated specific time limits for the no stopping zone, rather than it being valid the full 24 hours. b. Sign shall indicate within the sign face the applicable time period or time periods. c. Sign design shall be similar to signs 371-374 except that time information shall be provided in red legend above the arrows. The arrows are oriented as follows: i. Sign 374 shall contain a right arrow ii. Sign 375 shall contain arrows pointing in both directions iii. Sign 376 shall contain a left arrow Sign 374 374 Sign 375 Sign 376 Guidance Sign 374 1. The use of NO STOPPING sign 370 is appropriate on high speed roads such as major arterials which have limited points of access. 2. NO STOPPING signs should not be used indiscriminately but should be limited to situations where: a. The stopping of vehicles will pose a severe safety or capacity problem, and b. There is a situation whereby a significant number of drivers are stopping their vehicles c. Where another form of regulatory sign or pavement marking would not otherwise make stopping illegal. 3. The use of sign 370 should generally not be included in new designs, but rather as a retrofit when a particular stopping problem has been identified. QUALIFICATION PLATE sign 365 should be used to convey regulatory limits with messages such as the following: a. b. c. d. For 1000 m. On Bridge. In Thru Lanes. End. 4. The action of NO STOPPING sign 370 should cease automatically when a driver leaves the roadway on which it is provided unless they come under the control of another NO STOPPING sign on the roadway which they enter. 04-SIGNS Page 90 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. NO STOPPING ZONE signs 371-373 and 374-376 should be located on the right and/or left side of the roadway, as appropriate, with the sign face parallel to the curbline or edge of roadway. The maximum distance between signs to give adequate coverage to a full section of non-arterial urban roadway should be 80m. 6. When a stopping prohibition is to be applied to a section of roadway for a distance less than 80m, two NO STOPPING ZONE signs 371 and 373 (no time constraints) or Signs 374 and 376 (with time constraints) should be used, one at each end of the section of roadway. Parking Signs 377 to 382 Description NO PARKING signs prohibit drivers from parking their vehicle at any time along the side of the road in which the sign is mounted. The coverage for this sign is for a zone within 40m of the sign in one or both directions along the side of the road. Additionally, the parking restriction may be implemented on a time-specific basis (per Signs 380 through 382). Standards 1. NO PARKING Sign 377, 378, 379 a. Purpose. Signs 377, 378, and 379 shall be used when it is required that the driver of a vehicle should not park their vehicle at any time along a section of road within 40m of such a sign b. Appearance. Sign 377 shall be a circular regulatory sign for locations such as a culde-sac or dead-end circulation area where parking is prohibited. Signs 377, 378 and 379 shall be a rectangular (vertical orientation) white sign blank with red border, with a blue circle graphic with red border and single red diagonal line, and below that, a red arrow to indicate the direction of application of the restriction from the sign as follows: i. Sign 377 arrow points to the right. If mounted on the right side of the street, indicates the end of the No Parking Zone. If mounted on the left side of the street, indicates the start of the No Parking Zone. ii. Sign 378 arrows point in both directions, indicating an intermediate point within the No Parking Zone. iii. Sign 379 arrow points to the left. If mounted on the right side of the street, indicates the start of the No Parking Zone. If mounted on the left side of the street, indicates the end of the No Parking Zone. 04-SIGNS Page 91 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. NO PARKING – TIME-RESTRICTED Sign 380, 381 and 382 a. NO PARKING signs 380, 381, and 382 shall be similar to Signs 377-379, except they shall be used when the DMT or roads agency has designated specific time limits for the no parking zone, rather than it being valid the full 24 hours. b. Sign shall indicate within the sign face the applicable time period or time periods. c. Sign design shall be similar to signs 377-379 except that time information shall be provided in red legend above the arrows. The arrows are oriented as follows: i. Sign 380 shall contain a right arrow ii. Sign 381 shall contain arrows pointing in both directions iii. Sign 382 shall contain a left arrow Guidelines 1. NO PARKING signs 377-382 should be located on the right and/or left side of the roadway, as appropriate, with the sign face parallel to the curbline or edge of roadway. The maximum distance between signs to give adequate coverage to a full section of urban roadway should be 80m. 2. When a parking prohibition is to be applied to a section of roadway for a distance less than 80m two NO PARKING signs 377 and 379 (if no time constraint) and 380 and 382 (with time constraint) should be used, one at each end of the section of roadway. Parking Signs 383, 384 and 385 (including Mawaqif Sign 366M) Description Signs 383, 384, and 385 indicate to drivers of vehicles using the parking area designated by the sign that they should pay the appropriate tariff at the designated payment point and should affix the ticket/notice received on the inside of the windscreen of the vehicle so that it can be observed from outside the vehicle. Signs 366M provides regulatory information relative to Abu Dhabi city’s pay-anddisplay parking policy for those zones where the policy is in effect. Standards 1. Purpose. Signs 383, 384 and 385 shall be used to denote pay-and-display parking spaces. 2. Installation. Each sign shall be located as follows: 04-SIGNS Page 92 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. Signs 383 and 385 shall be located at each end of a row of parking bays served by a “PAY-AND-DISPLAY” payment point, with the sign face parallel to the curbline or edge of roadway. The arrows on the signs will indicate the point from which the “PAY-ANDDISPLAY” criteria applies, and will generally point towards the payment point. b. PAY-AND-DISPLAY PARKING sign 384 shall be located at intermediate intervals between PAYANDDISPLAY PARKING signs 383 and 385 only if more than one payment point is provided within a row of parking spaces. If this is the case, Sign 384 shall be provided approximately halfway between the pavement points. c. Mawaqif Sign 366M shall be located on arterial routes entering a Mawaqif pay zone, and shall list the pay zone options and corresponding curb colours. Sign 366M 3. Appearance. a. Signs 383-385 shall be rectangular (vertical orientation) with green border, with the upper portion of the sign having a blue square with white “P” (parking symbol), the middle portion showing a green-and-blue pay and display graphic, and the lower portion showing a right arrow (sign 383), left arrow (sign 385), and dual arrows in both directions (sign 384). All arrows shall be green. The dimensions for these shall be as shown in the Standard Drawings. b. Sign 366M shall be large size regulatory sign that consists of the following elements: 2. 04-SIGNS i. A red crown (no border) featuring white legend, including a stylized parking logo associated with the Mawaqif program, and to the left of the logo, the term “Attention” in Arabic and English. The complete legend shall be horizontally and vertically centred within the red crown of the sign. ii. A white rectangular sign with turquoise border and turquoise text, along with curb colour coding’s containing the appropriate information as follows: 1. “Paid Parking Area” heading Three levels of parking status as follows: a. Black/yellow colours to left with text to the right (left-justified for both Arabic and English), stating “No Parking (24 Hours)” b. Black/turquoise colours to left with text stating “Standard” (indicates normal rates for parking) c. White/turquoise colours to left with text stating “Premium” (indicates higher rates for parking in prime locations near major building access points) Page 93 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) “Paid Parking Hours” heading with hours of service shown below. Depending on location, hours may differ, so that actual hours display may be a plate insert mounted on top of the sign surface for Disabled Persons Signs 386, 387 and 388 Description Signs 386, 387, and 388 indicate to drivers of vehicles that the parking area designated by the sign is reserved for use by disabled persons only and that it should not be used by other drivers. Standards When a single PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS sign 387 is required for a single parking bay it should be located on the sidewalk approximately in the centre of the length or width of the parking bay. In such an application the arrow is omitted. In other applications, signs 386 and 388 should be displayed in a similar manner to that described for NO PARKING signs 377 and 379 (see Section 3.5.2). Sign 387 should be used only to identify a single parking bay. 1. Purpose. Signs 386, 387 and 388 shall be used to denote disabled-persons parking spaces. 2. Installation. Each sign shall be located as follows: a. Sign 387 shall be used to designate a single parking space b. Signs 386 and 388 shall be located at each end of a group of parking bays reserved for disabled persons. c. Appearance. Signs shall be rectangular (vertical orientation) with green border, with the upper portion of the sign having a blue square with white “P” (parking symbol), the middle portion (lower portion of Sign 387) showing a white disabled-person icon in a blue square, and the lower portion showing a right arrow (sign 386) or left arrow (sign 388). The dimensions for these shall be as shown in the Standard Drawings. Time Limit Signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 Description Signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 indicate to drivers of vehicles using the parking area designated by the sign that there are time limits to their use of the parking area. The time limit may apply in one or both of two ways: 04-SIGNS Page 94 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) To the maximum duration of the parking period. To the times of day that parking is permitted Standards 1. Purpose. Signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 shall be used to denote a parking area that is limited by stay limit (e.g., 2 hours) or by time-of-day it is available for use (e.g., 0800-2100). 2. Installation. Signs shall be located as follows: a. Signs 389.1 and 389.3 shall be located at each end of a row of parking bays with the same time limit, with the sign face parallel to the curbline or edge of roadway. b. Sign 389.2 shall be located at intermediate intervals between signs 389.1 and 389.3 if there is more than 40m between the two end signs. For longer parking zones, Sign 389.2 shall be located at 40m intervals. c. Appearance. Signs shall be rectangular (vertical orientation) with green border, with the upper portion of the sign having a blue square with white “P” (parking symbol), the middle portion showing green time limit or stay limit text (Arabic and English), and the lower portion showing a right arrow (sign 389.1), left arrow (sign 389.3), or dual arrows in each direction (Sign 389.2). The dimensions for these shall be as shown in the Standard Drawings. Guidance 1. The messages of the PARKING TIME LIMIT signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 may be varied. The duration of stay limit or the time of day limit may be omitted if one or other is not appropriate to the circumstances of the parking area. 2. For zones where Mawaqif pay-and-display (or m-Mawaqif electronic payment) is in effect, Signs 389.1 through 389.3 are not used. Sign 366M entering the controlled parking zone indicates the hours of paid parking. The Mawaqif subarea definitions (denoted by the coloured curbs as described in Section each have their own limits as defined by the program – typically up to 24 hours for standard areas, and up to 4 hours for premium areas. 3. For parking that is dedicated for goods vehicles, PARKING TIME LIMIT signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 may be accompanied by a Supplementary Plate. (L to R) Signs 389.1, 389.2 and 389.3 04-SIGNS Page 95 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) of No Stopping/Parking Signage Figure 4-11 illustrates the configuration of disabled and timed parking schemes within the same city block. Figure 4-12 illustrates a parking zone of more than 80m in length, illustrating the use of intermediate parking zone signs as well as No Stopping signs on either side of the parking zone. Figure 4-11: Example of Disabled and Timed Parking Schemes Figure 4-12: Parking Zone 80m or more with No Stopping Zone on either Side 4.2.10 Vehicle-Specific Reservation Signing General Description Reservation signing is provided in order to identify particular locations for bus stops and taxi stands, as well as reserved use of lanes for buses and bicycles within a road or street facility, particularly in urban areas. Specialized signing for level crossings (including buses and light rail), exclusive bicycle facilities and pedestrian facilities are respectively found in Chapters 8, 9 and 10. Signing discussed in this section include the following Reservation Sign types: BUS STOP SIGN and ROUTE NUMBER PLATE (390.1 and 390.2) PICK UP AND DROP OFF SIGN (391) 04-SIGNS Page 96 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) LOADING ZONE SIGN (392) TAXI STAND SIGN (393) BUS LANE SIGNS (394.1, 394.2, 394.3 and 394.4) (Reference also to Chapter 7) HIGH-OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANE Discussion (Reference to Section 7) BICYCLE LANE SIGN (396) (Reference also to Chapter 8) Bus Stop Sign 390.1 and Route Number Plate Sign 390.2 Description Sign 390.2 indicates to drivers of vehicles that the section of roadway designated is reserved for the stopping or standing of DMT Public Transport buses only, that bus drivers shall only use such a section of roadway for the purpose of stopping to pick-up or drop-off passengers, and that such section of road shall not be used by other vehicles. Sign 390 also advises waiting passengers the bus stop name and the bus route numbers stopping at that stop. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign shall indicate the location of a bus stop such that other vehicles are precluded from stopping in this location. 2. Installation. The following are the key requirements: Sign 390.2 a. BUS STOP sign 390.1 shall be located at the edge of the sidewalk so that it can be seen by pedestrians and bus drivers (mounted perpendicular to the curb) and should indicate the position for the driver to stop and passengers to queue. b. Where bus bays are used, BUS STOP sign 390.1 shall be placed towards the front of the bay such that the bus can pull fully out of the travelled way and that queuing passengers may board the bus at that point. c. ROUTE NUMBER PLATE 390.2 is placed under Sign 390.1 and shall list the bus routes served by the stop and the corresponding routes (featuring name, route number, and intermediate destinations. 3. Appearance. The following are the key requirements: a. BUS STOP sign 390.1 shall be a white rectangle sign with the following elements: i. A bus symbol centred at the top of the sign with the text “BUS STOP” to the right. On the upper left corner, a bus stop location code (white on blue background) shall be provided, with the DMT logo placed below, ii. The lower portion of the sign shall give the name of the bus stop, with street name and points of interest below. At the bottom of the sign shall be the web site and phone number for DMT public transport, provided in white on a red background as the sign footer. b. ROUTE NUMBER PLATE sign 390.2 shall be a white rectangular plate whose dimensions will depend on the number of routes served at the given bus stop. It shall 04-SIGNS Page 97 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) be organized by bus route, and shall feature, for each route listed, a black banner with route name (Arabic justified right, English justified left), and a white field below containing the intermediate destination information in smaller font. Centred for each route listing is a blue rectangle with the route number shown in white. Blank white route “placeholder” plates may be used to reserve places for future route listings on the sign. Guidance A BUS STOP sign 390.1 may be located in a section of road that is otherwise designated by NO STOPPING signs 370 to 373 or NO PARKING signs 380 or 382 and/or NO STOPPING LINE marking 609 or NO PARKING LINE marking 610. When this occurs, BUS STOP sign 390.1 takes priority over the other signs and/or markings, and a Public Transport bus is permitted to stop or stand without committing an offence. In this regard it is considered as good practice to mark all BUS STOPS with a NO STOPPING marking 609 as it will enhance the visibility of the extent of the BUS STOP. It remains an offence for any other road user to stop on such a section of roadway. In considering such a bus stop position, due regards should be given to the reason why the section of road had already been designated as NO STOPPING or NO PARKING. Pick-Up And Drop-Off Sign 391 Description Sign 391 indicates to drivers of vehicles that the section of roadway designated by the sign is reserved for stopping to drop-off or pick-up passengers, and is not to be used as a parking bay. Standards Sign 391 1. Purpose. Sign shall be placed next to a reserved area for drop-off or pick-up of passengers, where no parking or stopping is otherwise permitted. 2. Installation. Requirements are as follows. a. PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF sign 391 shall be located at the edge of the sidewalk so that it can be seen by pedestrians and drivers arriving to pick them up (mounted perpendicular to the curb). b. Sign 391 shall be placed to indicate the position for the driver to stop to pick-up passenger(s). c. Where recessed bays are used, PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF sign 391 shall be placed towards the front of the bay such that vehicles can pull fully out of the travelled way. 3. Appearance. PICK UP AND DROP OFF SIGN 391 shall be a white rectangular (vertical orientation) shape with red outline, a black passenger pick-up icon on top, and Arabic and English text below that in black indicating “Pick & Drop Only”. Guidelines 1. Sign is typically placed in an area where passengers are dropped off and picked up from a public transport stop, terminal or station. Drivers shall not stand in the stopping area for a 04-SIGNS Page 98 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) longer time than it takes to drop-off or pick-up passengers. If their passenger is not waiting they must move on and make the area available to others. 2. The provision of a drop-off and pick-up area requiring the placing of a PICK-UP and DROPOFF sign 391 is only likely to occur as an integrated part of the facilities provided to service larger Public Transport terminals. Loading Zone Sign 392 Description LOADING ZONE sign 392 indicates to drivers of vehicles that loading and unloading of freight and goods is permissible for a maximum period of 1 hour, and only in the bay at which the sign is displayed. Use of the bay for stopping, standing, or parking other than for loading or unloading constitutes an offence. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign shall be placed next to a reserved area for loading and unloading of freight and goods, where no parking or stopping is otherwise permitted. This may either be a parking bay or may simply be a kerbside along the street. The sign shall be used in conjunction with one of the pertinent NO PARKING signs 377 to 382, and should be mounted on the same post underneath the NO PARKING sign. 2. Installation. Sign 392 shall be located at the edge of the sidewalk, parallel to the roadway, and central to the bay to which it is applicable. Sign 392 3. Appearance. Sign 392 shall be a white rectangular (vertical orientation) shape with red outline, a black goods vehicle icon on top, Arabic and English text below that in black indicating “Loading and Unloading Only”, and text below indicating the maximum time limit (again in red), in a smaller font than the Loading and Unloading text. Guidance Any variations to this sign must have prior approval from the DMT or responsible authority. Taxi Stop Sign 393 Description Sign 393 indicates to driver of vehicles that the section of roadway designated is reserved for the stopping or standing of taxis only, and that such section of road shall not be used by other vehicles. The space reserved by TAXI STOP sign 393 shall not be used for the parking of taxis. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign shall be placed next to a reserved area for stopping or standing of taxis only, where no parking or stopping is otherwise permitted. 2. Installation. Sign 393 shall be located at the edge of the sidewalk, parallel to the roadway, and central to the bay to which it is applicable. Sign 393 04-SIGNS Page 99 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Appearance. Sign 393 shall be a white rectangular (vertical orientation) shape with red outline, a black taxi icon on top, and Arabic and English text below that in red indicating “Only”. Guidance This sign may be used in a dedicated lane or bay at a hotel or airport or other popular pickup points. Any variations to this sign must have prior approval from the DMT or responsible authority. Bus Lane Signs 394.1, 394.2, 394.3 and 394.4 Description Signs 394.1-394.4 indicate to drivers that a roadway dedicated for the use of buses or an access to a facility so signed is reserved for DMT Public Transport buses only. Such a facility may be a dedicated bus lane, an out of service holding area, a passenger terminus or a bus station. Although these facilities may be adjacent to the roadway they are not always part of the road right of way. Notwithstanding this situation, it is appropriate that signs 394.1 through 394.4 be used to regulate access to such facilities. It is noted that this section does not provide a complete definition of all signing requirements required for a bus rapid transit or express bus lane facility. This is more specifically detailed in Chapter 7.6 of this Manual. Standards 1. Purpose. BUS LANE signs 394.1, 394.2, 394.3, along with 394.4 (optional) shall define the presence of a lane only open to buses. 2. Functions. Each of the signs shall function as follows: a. START OF BUS LANE Sign 394.1 indicates the start of a bus lane on the right (a left hand bus lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign symbology, which would be known as Sign 394.1L). b. BUS LANE INTERMEDIATE Sign 394.2 indicates the continuity of the bus lane on the right (a left hand bus lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign symbology, which would be known as Sign 394.2L). c. END OF BUS LANE Sign 394.3 indicates the end of a bus lane on the right (a left hand bus lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign symbology, which would be known as Sign 394.3L). d. BUS LANE Overhead Sign 394.4 may be used in lieu of Sign 394.2 for overhead mounting along the bus lane corridor. 3. Installation. Requirements are as follows: a. Sign 394.1 shall be placed on the side of the road where the bus lane is to begin, a minimum 200m from the beginning of the bus lane. b. Sign 394.3 shall be placed a minimum 200m from the end of the bus lane. c. Sign 394.2 is placed at 250m intervals on arterial routes. d. Sign 394.4, if used instead of Sign 394.2, shall be placed at the beginning of all bus lane facilities. 04-SIGNS Page 100 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Appearance. Requirements are as follows: a. Sign 394.1 to 394.3 shall utilize blue rectangular signage with white border and white icons/legend showing lane separation and bus symbols, with Arabic and English text below the bus symbol indicating “BUS LANE” b. Sign 394.4 shall be a circular blue display with white border and white icons (bus and downward arrow), with white text between the bus and down arrow in Arabic and English indicating “BUS LANE” Guidance 1. Signs 394.1-394.4 indicate to drivers of vehicles that a portion of roadway is reserved as a BUS LANE for the use of DMT Public Transport buses only. As noted, the use of signs 394.1394.4 does not oblige all buses to use the reserved lane if their route requires otherwise, but the signs do have the effect of that no other class of vehicle shall use the indicated lane. In order to clarify this for initial implementation of bus lane facilities in a community, the use of Signs 394.1 and 394.4 at the beginning of a bus lane may be accompanied by a postmounted NO MOTOR VEHICLES Sign 359, as described previously, which excludes other types of motor vehicles. 2. Signs 394.1, 394.2, and 394.3 shall be used in conjunction with CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 and “Bus” EXCLUSIVE USE LANE SYMBOL markings 623 (refer to Section 5.4.1), and any other relevant pavement markings determined by the detailed design of the bus reservation lane. The effect of using marking 612 is that once buses are in the bus lane they shall stay in the lane and can only cross the line into another lane in the case of an emergency, or if directed to do so by a traffic officer. Marking 612 also prohibits other road users from crossing into the bus lane at any point. 04-SIGNS Page 101 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Bus lanes may be located on the right side of the roadway adjacent to the curb line, or on a dual carriageway road they can be located on the left side adjacent to the median provided the service is essentially non-stop, or the median is wide enough to provide stopping places where passengers can be picked-up or dropped off from the right side of the bus. In the case of a left side bus lane the symbol/lane detail on signs 394.1, 394.2, and 394.3 should be mirrored and entitled 394.1L, 394.2L, and 394.3L. 4. The installation of a bus lane required a detailed engineering design based on the specific site criteria and with particular attention to the requirements for traffic signs, pavement markings, and traffic control signals as is discussed in Chapter 7 of this Manual. In general terms sign 394.2 (or optionally, sign 394.4 on major arterials or highways) should be positioned once per section of road between intersecting side roads. If these sections are lengthy, signs should be repeated at 250m intervals. Sign 394.4 should be repeated at approximately 1000m intervals on a left side long distance express bus lane on an highway. 5. Freeway bus lane applications are specifically discussed in Section 7.6 of this Manual. High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane (Discussion) A HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE (HOV) is a vehicle containing a minimum number of passengers (two or higher) that is capable of maintaining a minimum speed in excess of 70km/h under highway or freeway conditions. In this context, any HOV with this level of occupancy are “the permitted class of vehicle” and any class of vehicle with a lesser occupancy is considered to be an “other class of vehicle.” In specific situations, the number of persons required to be in the vehicle for the signing of an HOV facility may be changed to suit the desired operating conditions. Occupancy by three persons should be considered as the minimum occupancy to warrant the creation of an HOV facility. HOV Lane requirements are specifically addressed in Section 7.6 of this Manual as part of the overall “Managed Lane” discussion that involves both freeway bus and HOV access. Bicycle Lane Sign 396 Description Sign 396 indicates to drivers of vehicles that the portion of roadway designated is reserved for use by cyclists, and that such portion of roadway shall not be used by any other road user. In practical terms, when a reserved lane cyclist facility is provided as a portion of a roadway, it is likely that the BICYCLE LANE will be located on the right side of the roadway adjacent to the curb line. In these cases, it may be necessary to allow certain vehicles to use a bicycle lane, for instance loading or unloading. This sign is intended for visibility by other vehicles travelling on a road or street (i.e., non-cyclists). Bicyclist-specific traffic control signage is described in Chapter 8 of this manual. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign 396 shall signify the use of a lane reserved for bicyclists only and that should not be used for driving or parking by motor vehicles except where directed by Police or in an emergency where fire and rescue vehicles currently in service need to be provided with adequate clearance to pass other traffic. 04-SIGNS Page 102 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Installation. Sign 396 shall either be mounted either on the side or over the lane reserved for bicyclists, the latter recommended in order to maximize visibility of the bike lane facility on more congested routes with less lateral visibility. 3. Appearance. Sign 396 shall be a circular blue shape with white border and white bicycle icon. 4. Use with Pavement Markings. BICYCLE LANE sign 396 shall be used in conjunction with ENHANCED LANE LINE marking 655 and “Cyclist” EXCLUSIVE USE LANE SYMBOL marking 623. Guidance The installation of a BICYCLE LANE requires a detailed engineering design based particularly on the safety issues concerning conflicts between cyclists using the lane and vehicles wishing to turn across the lane. The fact that such a lane is being considered implies that a separate CYCLE LANE within the road right of way is not feasible; however, the separate facility should always be preferred from a safety perspective. 4.2.11 Comprehensive Signage The signage in this section addresses comprehensive information on the start and finish of particular levels of access, including freeways (controlled access) as well as, conversely, local neighbourhoods, including residential areas and pedestrian zones. Sign 396 Beginning of Freeway Sign 398.1 Description Sign 398.1 Sign 398.1 indicates to drivers of vehicles that a dual carriageway freeway begins and that the various controls and prohibitions become effective beyond the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign 398.1 may be installed at the discretion of DMT at the beginning of freeway controlled-access facilities, denoting specific freeway restrictions as covered under the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation. 2. Installation. The BEGINNING OF FREEWAY sign 398.1 shall be located as follows: a. On entrance ramps from non-freeways within the first third of the distance of the ramp, on the right side. b. On both the right and left (median) side of a dual carriageway road in the direction where the freeway begins or transitions from another non-freeway facility. 3. Appearance. Sign 398.1 shall have a blue background with a white icon and border. Guidelines Freeway rules invoked by sign 398.1 should mean that, except in case of emergency, no person should: Operate a non-motorized vehicle on or near the freeway. Be on foot on or near the freeway. 04-SIGNS Page 103 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Stop or reverse a vehicle on the roadway. Stop, park, or drive on a shoulder, median, or roadside area. Drive at a speed less than 70km/h or 30km/h less than the prevailing traffic speed, whichever is lower. End of Freeway Sign 398.2 Description Sign 398.2 indicates to the drivers of vehicles that a freeway is about to end and that the relevant freeway rules are no longer applicable. Standards Sign 398.2 1. Purpose. Sign 398.2 may be installed at the discretion of DMT, at the end of freeway controlled-access facilities, denoting the end of specific freeway restrictions as covered under the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation 2. Installation. The END OF FREEWAY sign 398.2 shall be located as follows: a. Within the final third of the length of all freeway off-ramps connecting to non-freeway facilities. b. On both the right and left (median) side in the direction where the freeway transitions from another non-freeway facility. 3. Appearance. Sign 398.2 shall have a blue background with a white icon and border, and a diagonal slash in red. Guidance If it is required that some of the prohibitions provided for on the freeway be retained on the facility continuing beyond the freeway, specific prohibition signs (e.g., following the format of COMBINED RESTRICTION Sign 364) should be erected accordingly beyond sign 398.2. Entering Neighbourhood Sign 399 Description Sign 399.1 indicates to drivers of vehicles that they are entering a residential area with pedestrians, including children, and that specific regulations apply. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign 399 shall denote the start of a residential, highpedestrian area with particular vehicle and operating restrictions. 2. Applicable Regulations: The following regulations shall apply when the subject sign is posted: a. No goods movements through neighbourhood except for local access or delivery. b. Pedestrians and children in the roadway have right-of-way c. General speed is 40km/h, or may be less where posted 04-SIGNS Page 104 Sign 399 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Traffic calming tools such as speed humps and mini-roundabouts may be found within the neighbourhood without prior advance warning signage e. Cannot enter the area by vehicle and drive through the area to exit at another point without breaking their journey 3. Installation. The ENTERING NEIGHBOURHOOD sign 399 shall be displayed on the right side of all points of access to all residential areas as declared by the responsible agency for the purposes of neighbourhood traffic control. 4. Appearance. Sign 399shall have a white background with a black icon and border. Guidance Sign 399s should not be installed along through routes which have higher speed limits than typically allowed in the neighbourhood as well as reduced restrictions on trucks. Intent of these signs is to discourage through traffic (including commercial traffic) through local neighbourhoods, unless the driver has a particular residence or justification for being in the neighbourhood. 4.2.12 Closure Signage, Barricades, and Gates General Description This section provides an overview of permanent closure, barricade and gate installations that are used to warn and alert road users of the terminus of a roadway or travel lane in other than temporary traffic control zones. Road Closed and Local Traffic Only Signs Description Signs 360.1 and 360.2 are used along with chevron signing (Section 4.3.5) whenever a road is incomplete and traffic must be routed over another facility, and where certain routes end within a local area. Advance guide signing strategies as per Section 4.4 are required in conjunction with these signs as per Section 4.3. Standards 1. Purpose. ROAD CLOSED sign 360.1 shall indicate a permanent road closure, LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY Sign 360.2 shall be used when it is necessary to detour through traffic around an area of permanent closure. 2. Application. The scheme presented here shall not be used as a stand-alone scheme for freeways, highways, and major roads without other guide signing strategies integrated as per Section 4.4.6. 3. Installation. Signs shall be located at the point of closure in conjunction with the barricades as discussed in Section Sign 360.2 shall be located in a manner that permits local traffic to proceed but shall not permit more than one lane of traffic in each direction. 4. Appearance. Signs shall be rectangular with black border and black legend. Chevron warning signing (Section 4.3.5) in the direction of the detour routing shall be provided across the top of the Road Closed sign 04-SIGNS Page 105 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 360.1 Sign 360.2 Guidance Permanent road closure signage, including advance warnings should typically be integrated into the guide sign (Section 4.4) design scheme for the corridor in question. The examples presented here are for local non-freeway routes (rural or suburban and urban areas). Barricades Description In conjunction with the defined closures, barricades shall be provided to (a) delineate the permanent detour route, (b) delineate local traffic routes, (c) protect the road-end area against incidents and protect travel safety. Standard 1. Application. When used to warn and alert road users of the terminus of a roadway in other than temporary traffic control zones, barricades shall meet the design criteria in the Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) for a Type 3 Barricade, except that the colours of the stripes shall be retroreflective white and retroreflective red. Guidance Appropriate advance warning signs (see Section 4.3) should be used. Examples 1. Barricades may be used to mark any of the following conditions: a. A roadway ends, b. A ramp or lane closed for operational purposes, or c. The permanent or semi-permanent closure or termination of a roadway. 2. An end-of-roadway marker or markers may be used as described in Section 4.3.12. Gates Description Gates described in this section used for weather or other emergency conditions are typically permanently installed to enable the gate to be immediately deployed as needed to prohibit the entry of traffic to the road segment(s). 04-SIGNS Page 106 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) A gate typically features a gate arm that is moved from a vertical to a horizontal position or is rotated in a horizontal plane from parallel to traffic to perpendicular to traffic. Traffic is obstructed and required to stop when the gate arm is placed in a horizontal position perpendicular to traffic. Another type of gate consists of a segment of fence (usually on rollers) that swings open and closed, or that is retracted to open and then extended to close. Gates are sometimes used to enforce a required stop. Some examples of such uses are the following: Parking facility entrances and exits, Private community entrances and exits, Military base entrances and exits, Movable bridges, Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (see Section 11.4), and Railroad and light rail grade crossings (see Chapter 7) Gates are sometimes used to periodically close a roadway or a ramp. Some examples of such uses are the following: Closing ramps to implement counter-flow operations for evacuations, Closing ramps that lead to reversible lanes, and Closing roadways for weather events such as fog, sandstorms, high winds, flooding, or for other emergencies. Standards 1. Appearance. Gate arms, if used, shall be fully retro-reflectorized on both sides, have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 400mm intervals measured horizontally as shown in Figure 4-13. 2. Length. The gate arm shall extend across the approaching lane or lanes of traffic to effectively block motor vehicle and/or pedestrian travel as appropriate. 3. Offset. When gate arms are in the vertical position or rotated to an open position, the closest part of the gate arm and support shall have a lateral offset of at least 700mm from the face of the curb or the edge of the travelled way. When gate arms that are located in the median or on an island are in the horizontal position or rotated to a closed position, the closest part of the counterweight or its supports shall have a lateral offset of at least 700mm from the face of the curb or the edge of the travelled way of the open roadway on the opposite side of the median or island. 04-SIGNS Page 107 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1200 mm minimum 1500 mm maximum 700 mm Figure 4-13: Typical Gate Installation 4. Use of gate warning lights. To enhance visibility at night, and for application to major traffic routes, red lights shall be provided along the top edge of the gate arm. The red lights shall be steadily illuminated or flashed only during the period when the gate is in the horizontal or closed position and when the gate is in the process of being opened or closed. Guidance 1. When a gate that is rotated in a horizontal plane is in the position where it is parallel to traffic (indicating that the roadway is open), the outer end of the gate arm should be rotated to the downstream direction (from the perspective of traffic in the lane adjacent to the gate support) to prevent spearing if the gate is struck by an errant vehicle. 2. If a pedestrian route is present and if it is not intended that pedestrian traffic be controlled by the gate, a minimum of two feet of lateral offset from supports, posts, counterweights, and gate mechanisms should be provided when the gate arm is in the open position and when the gate arm is in the closed position such that pedestrian travel is not impeded. 3. If used on a one-way roadway or ramp, the retro-reflectorization may be omitted on the side of the gate facing away from approaching traffic. 4. Where gate arms are used to block off ramps into reversible lanes or to redirect approaching traffic, the red and white striping may be angled such that the stripes slope downward at an angle of 45 degrees toward the side of the gate arm on which traffic is to pass. 5. If used on a one-way roadway or ramp, the retro-reflectorization may be omitted on the side of the fence facing away from approaching traffic. 4.3 Warning Signs 4.3.1 Overview Warning signs are used to make drivers aware of hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions in the roadway which drivers might not otherwise expect to see due to the nature of the hazard, the hazard being hidden or partially hidden, or due to the driver’s workload at the time. Advance warning signs have a unique triangular shape and the warning message is given in the majority of instances by a symbolic representation of the hazard or potential hazard. In order to maintain the credibility of warning signs they should only be used when a need has been established or a warrant satisfied. If warning signs are used simply to “warn” of fully visible everyday road features, those warning signs which really are important are likely to be less effective. Most 04-SIGNS Page 108 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) warning signs are located in advance of the hazard to which they refer. To be effective as a class, warning signs must be positioned consistently. The location of warning signs should, in part, be related to the speed with which the hazard can be negotiated. This in turn relates to the difference between the speed at the hazard and the speed when viewing the sign. The appropriate distances for positioning advance warning signs are presented in Section It is important to note that warning signs should not be placed too far in advance of the condition, such that drivers might tend to forget the warning due to other driving distractions, especially in urban areas. It is also important that there be an adequate clear visibility distance to the warning sign. The availability of this distance must be checked at the time of installation of the sign. Clear visibility distance cannot be assumed to exist simply because it appears to be available from reading a plan of a section of road. Engineers need to exercise professional judgment on site to ensure drivers have adequate clear visibility to a warning sign. Likewise, sound engineering judgment is required for placement of warning signs used to alert drivers to temporary road conditions or particularly hazardous conditions. In either of these situations, distances from the sign to the hazard may need to be increased or decreased from the guidelines in Section It may also be the case that multiple warning signs are needed to effectively alert drivers to a single hazard. Engineers should consider either of these options during initial installation and be prepared to review this decision in the future if deemed warranted. 4.3.2 Function of Warning Signage 1. Purpose of Warning Signage. Warning signs shall be used to call attention to unexpected conditions on or adjacent to a road, street, or private roads open to public travel and to situations that might not be readily apparent to road users. Warning signs shall alert road users to conditions that might call for a reduction of speed or an action in the interest of safety and efficient traffic operations. 2. Application of Warning Signage. The use of warning signs shall be based on an engineering study or on engineering judgement. Use of warning signs should be kept to a minimum as their unnecessary use tends to breed disrespect for all signs. Installation of Warning Signage. Warning signs shall be installed in advance of the hazard to which they refer. The signs shall be located at a distance based in part on the speed required to safely negotiate the hazard. Table 4-17 contains a list of the most commonly-used warning signs for each sub-classification. Table 4-16 gives guidelines for the positioning of advance warning signs. Distances in Table 416 are based on standard traffic-engineering stopping-sight distance equations (distance needed to reduce speed from approach speed to safe operating speed at hazard). In addition, the signs shall provide adequate visibility and legibility consistent with the requirements of Section 4.1 in order to obtain compliance. The effectiveness of the placement of warning signs shall be periodically evaluated under both day and night conditions. For Hazard Markers. They shall be located as close as possible to the physical hazard to identify its position. 04-SIGNS Page 109 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Single message per sign. In order to maintain the clarity of message required of warning signs only one symbol shall be used on a sign except where specifically identified in this Manual. If two messages are required at a single location, two signs shall be used. No more than two warning signs shall be provided in a single location. 4. GENERAL WARNING sign. If a warning sign is required for which there is no symbol, GENERAL WARNING sign 450 shall be used in conjunction with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 (see Section 4.4.6). 5. Signing Sub-classifications. In order to assist in understanding the different functions of different types of warning signs, the class shall be further sub-divided as follows: a. Advance warning signs b. Hazard marker signs c. Diagrammatic signs Table 4-17 contains a list of the most commonly-used warning signs for each subclassification. Table 4-16: Guidelines for Positioning Advance Warning Signs Posted Speed at Hazard (km/h) Approach Speed ≤ 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Preferred Distance of Sign from Hazard (metres) 30 Note 1 Note 2 — — — — — 40 25 Note 1 Note 2 — — — — 50 75 60 Note 1 Note 2 — — — 60 125 110 100 50 Note 2 — — 70 150 140 125 110 50 Note 2 — 80 175 160 150 125 100 60 Note 2 90 200 185 175 150 140 75 65 100 250 230 200 180 175 125 100 110 275 250 225 210 190 160 130 120 300 275 250 230 210 190 175 NOTES: 1. No suggested minimum distances are provided for these speeds, as placement location is dependent on site conditions and other signing to provide an adequate advance warning for the driver. 2. No specific recommended placement distance is provided for these speeds. The Engineer should exercise professional engineering judgment in light of local conditions. 3. On 140km/h and 160km/h posted speeds, careful engineering judgement will be required. The distance must balance those travelling at these speeds against those travelling slower. Especially those limited to 80km/h. The speed differential on these roads must be carefully considered. 1. Warning signs provided in this Manual cover most of the conditions that are likely to be encountered. If necessary, additional warning signs can be developed for specific hazards not covered in this manual based on an engineering study and adherence to the standards in this Manual. 04-SIGNS Page 110 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Symbols used should be the same in appearance as those shown in this manual. When new symbols are approved for usage, especially on warning signs, a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 (see Section 4.4.6 of this manual) should accompany these signs for a period of up to three years, if deemed necessary, for public education. 3. SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 may be attached below an advance warning sign to enhance the message of the sign. Warning signs that advise road users about conditions that are not related to a specific location, such as Animals Ahead or Low Flying Aircraft, should be installed in an appropriate location, based on engineering judgment, since they are not covered in Table 4-17. 4. All classes of warning sign apply on a 24-hour basis unless otherwise indicated by a secondary message. 5. Dynamic message signs may be used to display a warning message. 6. A Warning Beacon may be used in combination with a standard warning sign. 7. Dimensions or measures should utilize Arabic numbers with English text for units, and thus supplementary plates with such information should be one line. Table 4-17: Categories of Warning Signs and Plaques Category Advanced Warning Signs 04-SIGNS Sign Designations Group Signs or Plaques Junction Ahead Signs 401-406 No Through Road Signs Crossroad Ahead, T-Junction Ahead, Side Road Ahead (right/left), Staggered Side Road Ahead (right/left) No Through Road (right/left/through) Merging Traffic Signs Merging Traffic (right/left) 410-411 Curve Signs Curve Sign (right/left) 412-413 407-409 Bends Ahead Signs Bends Ahead (right/left) 414-415 Two-way Traffic Sign Two-Way Traffic 416 Lane Ends Sign Lane Ends Sign (right/left) 417-418 U-Turn Ahead Sign U-Turn Ahead 419 Roundabout Ahead Sign Roundabout Ahead 420 Road Narrows Ahead Signs Road Narrows Ahead (right/left/both sides) 421-423 Dual Carriageway Ends Ahead Sign Maximum Headroom Sign Dual Carriageway Ends Ahead 424 Maximum Headroom 425 Children Sign Children 426 Pedestrian Crossing Ahead Sign Stop Control Ahead Sign Pedestrian Crossing Ahead Sign 427 Stop Control Ahead 428 Give-Way Control Ahead Sign Give-Way Ahead 429 Traffic Signals Ahead Sign Traffic Signals Ahead 430 Quayside Sign Quayside 431 Drawbridge Ahead Sign Drawbridge 432 Animal Ahead Sign Animal Ahead 433 Low-Flying Aircraft Sign Low-Flying Aircraft 434 Speed Hump Sign Speed Hump 435 Page 111 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Category Group Hazard Marker Signs Diagrammatic Signs Other Supplemental Plaques 4.3.3 Signs or Plaques Sign Designations Tunnel Sign Tunnel 436 Falling Rocks Sign Falling Rocks 437 Slippery Surface Sign Slippery Surface 438 General Warning Sign General Warning 450 Hazard Plate Signs Hazard Plate (right/left) 451-452 Single Chevron Sign Single Chevron (right/left) 454-455 Multiple Chevron Sign Multiple Chevron (right/left) 456-457 T-Junction Chevron Sign T-Junction Chevron 458 Lane Drop Signs Beginning/End of Median Signs Additional Lane Signs Joining Lane Signs Lanes Merge Sign Lane Drop (from right/from left) Beginning/End of Median 465-466 472-473 Additional Lane Joining Lane Lanes Merge (two lane roadway/high-speed roadway) Lane Use Control Trucks and Busses 480-481 482-483 490, 492 Directional Restriction 486 High Vehicle Warning km/h School, e.g. XX Metres, XX Kilometres General Warning 495 589 589 589 589 Lane Use Control -Trucks and Busses Sign Lane Use Control – Directional Restriction Sign High Vehicle Warning Sign Speed Location Distance General 484-485 Design of Warning Signs – Shape and Size of Warning Signs 1. Standard Shapes. Standard sign shapes for warning signs shall be consistent with those shown in Section, Table 4-7. The TRIANGULAR shape, with the point up, is used exclusively for advance warning signs. The POINTED RECTANGLE, with the long axis horizontal, is used exclusively for chevron signs. The RECTANGLE, with the long axis vertical, is used for diagrammatic warning signs. Other shapes shall not be used except as approved by the DMT. 2. Standard Colours. Standard advance warning sign colours shall have a black icon on a white background with a thick red border. Standard hazard marker signs shall have a white background with red chevrons and a thin red border. Hazard plate signs shall have a red background with white diagonal stripes. Standard diagrammatic signs shall have black icons on a white background with a thin red border. 3. Size Requirements. Warning signage shall be consistent with the visibility and size requirements shown in Section, Table 4-8. For supplementary plates, the size requirements are shown in Table 4-18. Table 4-18: Minimum Size of Supplemental Warning Plaques Size of Warning Sign (millimetre) 600 04-SIGNS Size of Supplemental Plaque Rectangular (mm) 1 Line 2 Lines Arrow 610 x 305 610 x 460 610 x 305 Page 112 Square (mm) 460 x 460 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 750 900 1200 750 x 460 750 x 610 750 x 460 610 x 610 Notes: 1. Dimensions in millimetres are shown as width x height. 2. Warning sign sizes refer to the apex to apex measurement of the side of the triangular sign. 3. Larger supplemental plaques may be used when appropriate. – Visibility of Warning Signs 1. Retro-reflectivity. Warning signs shall be retro-reflective or illuminated as per the requirements of Section 4.1.8 of this Manual, in order to show the same shape and similar colour by both day and night, unless specifically stated otherwise in this Section 4.3 for a particular sign or group of signs. 2. Illumination by Roadway Lighting. The requirements for sign illumination shall not be considered to be satisfied by roadway lighting unless the required sign sheeting has been specified. 4.3.4 Advance Warning Signs The purpose of Advance Warning Signs is to notify drivers that they are approaching a hazard or potential hazard in the roadway. A variety of warning signs can be used to advise motorists of junctions ahead, merging traffic, changes in roadway alignment, and the potential for encountering pedestrians, animals, etc. Uniform application of these traffic control devices with respect to the amount of change in the roadway alignment, severity of hazard, etc. conveys a consistent message establishing driver expectancy while promoting effective roadway operations. To be effective, Advance Warning signs need to attract the attention of drivers sufficiently early, and therefore are not appropriate to mark or identify the actual location of the hazard; Hazard Marker signs should be used for such purposes. The design and application of these warning signs to meet those requirements are addressed in this section. – General The general standards presented in Section apply to the Advance Warnings signs. Any additional standards that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. – General The general guidelines presented in Section apply to the Advance Warning signs. Any additional guidance that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. Ahead Signs 401 TO 406 Description Signs 401 to 406 warn motorists of a junction ahead. CROSSROAD AHEAD (sign 401), SIDE ROAD AHEAD (signs 403 and 404) and STAGGERED SIDE ROAD AHEAD (signs 405 and 406) are specifically for use on a major road to indicate the presence and layout of the junction ahead. T- 04-SIGNS Page 113 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) JUNCTION AHEAD sign 402 may be used on a major or minor road although its use on major roads is not likely to be common. Standards 1. Purpose. The JUNCTION AHEAD signs 401 to 406 shall be considered for use in an urban area only when all of the following conditions apply: a. The junction is not controlled by traffic signals. b. There are no advance direction signs. c. With the exception of T-JUNCTION AHEAD sign 402, there are no STOP or GIVE WAY signs or road markings on the major road approach. d. No other means is available to improve the identification of the junction from an adequate distance to allow drivers to safely negotiate a turn. That is, there are no road markings, gore signing, or street name signs. Sign 401 Sign 402 Sign 403 04-SIGNS Sign 404 Page 114 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 405 Sign 406 2. Appearance. JUNCTION AHEAD signs 401 to 406 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background with a black icon and thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 401 to 406 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 401 to 406 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the junction as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plates. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the junction to the nearest 20m shall be attached below all signs 401 to 406. Guidance Staggered Side Road Ahead signs 405 and 406 should only be used when the distance between the staggered side roads is less than that given in Table 4-19. If the distance exceeds the value shown, two type 403 or 404 signs should be used, and the signs being located in accordance with Table 4-16. STAGGERED JUNCTION AHEAD signs 405 and 406 shall be located at the distance given in Table 4-16 in advance of the first of the two side road junctions. 1. It is appropriate to consider the use of CROSSROAD AHEAD sign 401 and T-JUNCTION AHEAD sign 402 on the minor road approach to a rural junction, particularly if the road alignment is not straight on the approach to the junction. For such an application the width of both legs of the symbol on CROSSROAD AHEAD sign 401 should be sized similarly to that for T-JUNCTION AHEAD sign 402. 2. No more than two side road symbols should be displayed on the same side of the highway on STAGGERED JUNCTION AHEAD sign 405 or 406; furthermore, no more than three side road symbols should be displayed on these signs 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 04-SIGNS Page 115 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-19: Junction Spacing Requirements for Signs 405 and 406 Operating Speed (85th Percentile) (km/h) Distance Between Junctions (metres) Up to 45 <60 45 to 65 <150 65 to 85 <200 >85 <300 Through Road Signs 407, 408, AND 409 Description Signs 407 to 409 are to warn motorists that the road indicated on the sign is not available to through traffic (i.e., the road is a dead-end road or is closed to through traffic for some reason) Standards 1. Purpose. NO THROUGH ROAD signs 407 to 409 shall be used where necessary to indicate to motorists that a particular road displayed on the sign is not open to through traffic. 2. Appearance. Signs 407 to 409 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background and a thick red border. The icon should be black and red, with black representing the road and a red “stump” representing the end of the throughway. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 407 to 409 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. Sign 407 4. Location. Signs 407 to 408 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the junction as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Sign 409 shall be placed at the start of the road segment which dead ends, and should be provided with a Supplementary Plate showing the distance to the dead end. Guidance 1. NO THROUGH ROAD signs 407 to 409 should only be used when it is not otherwise obvious that the road concerned is not a through road. 2. The use of sign 409 is appropriate in advance of a crossroad when the straight ahead leg of the junction is not a through road. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Sign 408 Sign 409 04-SIGNS Page 116 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Traffic Signs 410 AND 411 Description MERGING TRAFFIC signs 410 and 411 may be used to warn motorists on the major and entering roadways that merging movements might be encountered in advance of a point where lanes from two separate roadways converge as a single traffic lane. Sign 410R and 411R refer to merging traffic from the right-hand side onto the major route, while Sign 410L and 411L pertain to traffic entering from the left-hand side onto the major route. Standards 1. Purpose. MERGING TRAFFIC signs 410 and 411 shall be used where necessary to warn motorists of a junction ahead where two streams of traffic travelling in the same direction, and of equal priority, are required to merge into one stream. MERGING TRAFFIC Signs 410 and 411 shall not be used if the traffic on the joining roadway is subject to stop or give way control. 2. Appearance. Signs 410 and 411 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 410 and 411 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 410R shall be located on the right side of the through roadway at a distance from the junction of the roadways as indicated in Table 4-16, subject to adequate clear sight distance being available. a. Sign 411R, if required, shall be located on the right side of the joining roadway at a 04-SIGNS Page 117 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) distance from the junction of the roadways as indicated in Table 4-16, subject to adequate clear sight distance being available. b. Where needed, Sign 410L (merge from left side) shall be located on the left side of the through roadway at the distance indicated in Table 4-16. c. Sign 411L, if required, shall be located on the right side of the joining roadway (as with the right-hand entry) at a distance from the junction of the roadways as indicated in Table 4-16, subject to adequate clear sight distance being available. Guidance 1. MERGING TRAFFIC sign 411 need only be used when the angle between the two merging roadways makes it difficult to position sign 410 so that it may be viewed from both roadways. 2. Where two roadways of approximately equal importance converge, MERGING TRAFFIC signs should be placed on each roadway with Sign 410R on the roadway merging from the left (placed on the right hand side) and Sign 410L on the roadway merging from the right (placed on the left hand side). Refer to Figure 4-14. 3. MERGING TRAFFIC signs should not be used in place of Lane End signs 417 and 418. Figure 4-14: Merge Between Routes of Equal Importance 04-SIGNS Page 118 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. In general, for speeds of 80km/h or more and for more complex multi-lane merges, the use of rectangular diagrammatic warning signs (Section 4.3.6) should be considered as an alternative to Signs 410 and 411. (Or Left) Curve Sign 412 (OR 413) Description RIGHT (OR LEFT) CURVE Signs 412 and 413 warn motorists that there is a curve in the road ahead to the right (or left) which requires caution. Standards 1. Purpose. RIGHT (OR LEFT) CURVE Signs 412 and 413 shall be used where necessary to advise motorists that a change in horizontal roadway alignment, a curve, is ahead. The following criteria shall be followed to determine when it is appropriate to use these signs: a. Sign 412 (or 413) shall be used in advance of a horizontal curve that can only be negotiated comfortably by reducing speed by one tenth or more of the operating speed of traffic on the preceding straight. b. Sign 412 (or 413) shall not be used on roadways with a basic posted speed less than 60km/h, except for exceptional circumstances. 2. Appearance. Signs 412 and 413 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 412 and 413 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 04-SIGNS Page 119 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Location. RIGHT CURVE sign 412 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the start of a right-hand curve as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Sign 413 should be used similarly for a left-hand curve. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the recommended speed at which the curve may be safely negotiated shall be attached below sign 412 and sign 413. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Ahead Signs 414 and 415 Description BENDS AHEAD signs 414 and 415 warn motorists that there are sharp reverse direction curves in the road ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. BENDS AHEAD signs 414 and 415 shall be used when necessary to advise motorists of sharp reverse curves ahead. BENDS AHEAD signs 414 and 415 shall only be displayed when: a. The bends can only be negotiated comfortably by reducing speed by more than one tenth of the operating speed of traffic on the preceding straight, and/or b. The length of the straight between curves is less than 120m, or c. The nature of the reverse curves is not obvious to approaching drivers. 2. Appearance. Signs 414 and 415 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. The symbol direction shall always be specified so that it is correctly oriented for the first curve or bend to be entered, e.g., left before right (414) or right before left (415). 04-SIGNS Page 120 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 414 and 415 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 414 and 415 should be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the start of the first curve as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance. Sign 416 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the recommended speed at which the curves may be safely negotiated shall be attached below signs 414 and 415. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Traffic Sign 416 Description TWO-WAY TRAFFIC Sign 416 warns drivers of vehicles in a one-way roadway that the roadway ahead carries traffic in both directions. Standards 1. Purpose. TWO-WAY TRAFFIC Sign 416 shall be used where necessary to warn road users of a transition from a one-direction roadway to a two-direction roadway, e.g., transitioning from a multi-lane divided section of roadway to a two-lane, two-way section of roadway. 2. Appearance. Sign 416 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 416 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 416 shall be located on the left side of a one-way roadway at a distance from the start of the two-way roadway as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. A second sign 416 may be mounted on the right side of the roadway for additional emphasis. Guidance 1. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the start of two-way traffic may be attached below sign 416. The sign may be repeated once the two-way section of roadway is fully developed if additional emphasis is needed. 2. TWO-WAY TRAFFIC sign 416 should be used when a one way roadway or carriageway becomes a two way roadway. This condition commonly occurs at the end of a dual carriageway. The sign is therefore commonly used with DUAL CARRIAGEWAY ENDS AHEAD sign 424. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 04-SIGNS Page 121 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Lane Ends Signs 417 and 418 Description LANE ENDS signs 417 and 418 warn motorists that the right-hand or lefthand lane ends ahead. Sign 417 Standards 1. Purpose. LANE ENDS Signs 417 and 418 shall be used where necessary to warn of the reduction in the number of traffic lanes in the direction of travel. Signs 417 and 418 shall not be used if the reduction in road width does not result in a reduction in the number of lanes. In such instances the appropriate ROAD NARROWS AHEAD sign 421, 422, or 423 shall be used. 2. Appearance. Signs 417 and 418 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white Sign 418 background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. For Signs 417 and 418, placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 417 and 418 shall be located on the right side of the roadway on two-way roadways. Whenever possible a sign should be located on the left side as well, particularly when the lane on the left side of a one-way carriageway is ending ahead. Signs 417 and 418 shall be located as indicated in Table 4-16 in advance of the lane reduction taper, and clear sight distance to the signs should be available. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the start of the lane reduction taper should be attached below signs 417 and 418. Guidance 1. LANE ENDS sign 417 and 418 should be provided in advance of any lane drop situation on an arterial road that is not clearly demarcated by overhead guide signs. If necessary the larger diagrammatic warning LANE DROP signs 465 and 466 may be specified for improved conspicuity on arterial roads, and should be used for high speed freeway or highway locations. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 04-SIGNS Page 122 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) U-Turn Ahead Sign 419 Description U-TURN AHEAD Sign 419 warns motorists that they are permitted to make a U-turn at the junction or median opening ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. U-TURN AHEAD Sign 419 shall be used where necessary to advise motorists that they are permitted to make a U-turn movement at the junction or median opening ahead. Sign 419 shall be provided in advance of median openings provided specifically for U-turns or at which U-turns are permitted. Sign 419 shall not be provided in situations where the availability of a U-turn is apparent or can be accurately anticipated by a driver (e.g., as many if not most signalized intersections in Abu Dhabi City allow U-turns, no U-TURN AHEAD sign 419 is necessary in advance of a signalized intersection). Sign 419 shall also not be used at the point of U-turn, as that is the function of regulatory Sign 330 (Section 2. Appearance. Sign 419 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 419 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 419 shall be located on the median island of a dual carriageway roadway on the left side of the roadway at a distance from the junction or median opening as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the point where a U-turn is permitted may be attached below sign 419 if the U-turn is not at a signalised junction ahead or clearly visible to the driver. Guidance 1. Subject to the distance available, in particular between opposing U-turns through a median island, U-TURN AHEAD sign 419 may be located further from the point of U-turn than the distance given in Table 4-16 in order to reassure drivers that an opportunity to make a U-turn exists ahead. The distance given on the supplementary plate must reflect such an adjustment in position and indicate the actual distance to the U-turn. Under no circumstances should sign 419 for a U-turn ahead be located in advance of the median opening for a U-turn from the opposite direction. 2. Goods vehicles may not be permitted to U-turn at specific locations. In these cases, supplementary plate 365 providing a goods vehicle symbol with a red diagonal stripe across the sign (indicating no goods movement vehicles) may be provided below Sign 419. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Sign 419 04-SIGNS Page 123 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Combination Sign 419 and Sign 365 (U-turn ahead, goods vehicles not allowed) Roundabout Ahead Sign 420 Description ROUNDABOUT AHEAD Sign 420 warns motorists of a roundabout ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. ROUNDABOUT AHEAD Sign 420 shall be used where necessary to advise motorists that they are approaching a roundabout. 2. Appearance. Sign 420 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. Sign 420 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 420 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 420 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the roundabout as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Sign 420 shall only be considered for use when it is not obvious at the distance given in Table 4-16 that there is a roundabout ahead. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the junction to the nearest 20m shall be attached below sign 420. An additional sign may be placed on the left side of a one-way carriageway. Guidance 1. If an approach to a roundabout has a statutory or posted speed limit of 60km/h or higher, the ROUNDABOUT AHEAD Sign 420 should be installed in advance of the roundabout. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Road Narrows Ahead Signs 421 TO 423 Description ROAD NARROWS AHEAD Signs 421 to 423 warn motorists that the roadway ahead narrows from the right side (421), the left side (422) or from both sides (423). 04-SIGNS Page 124 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. ROAD NARROWS AHEAD Signs 421 to 423 shall be used where necessary to alert drivers that the roadway ahead will narrow from either the right, left or both sides. The normal application of these shall be for temporary road narrowing situations at roadworks when the extent of the narrowing is less than a full lane width. If the road width reduction results in a reduction in the number of lanes, then LANE ENDS signs 417 and 418 shall be used instead. Signs 421 to 423 shall be used when the width of a roadway is reduced on the left or right, or both sides, at a quicker rate than would be the case by a standard design taper. 2. Appearance. Signs 421 to 423 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 421 to 423 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 421 to 423 shall be located on the right side of the roadway on two way roadways and, where practical, on both sides of one way roadways. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Dual Carriageway Ends Ahead Sign 424 And Dual Carriageway Starts Ahead Sign 424A Description DUAL CARRIAGEWAY ENDS AHEAD Sign 424 warns motorists that the one way roadway forming part of a dual carriageway road on which they are travelling is about to become a single carriageway roadway carrying two way traffic. Conversely, DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STARTS AHEAD Sign 424A warns motorists that the two-way roadway forming part of a single carriageway road on which they are travelling is about to become a dual carriageway roadway. Standards 1. Purpose. DUAL CARRIAGEWAY ENDS AHEAD Sign 424 shall be used as necessary in advance of the end of a section of physically divided roadway (not a junction) as a warning of two way traffic ahead. DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STARTS AHEAD Sign 424A shall be used as necessary in advance of the end of a single carriageway section prior to becoming a physically divided roadway (not a junction). 2. Appearance. Signs 424 and 424A shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 04-SIGNS Page 125 Sign 424 Sign 424 A SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 424 and 424A placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 424 shall be located on the left and right hand sides of a one-way roadway which is about to become part of a single carriageway roadway, at a distance from where the two carriageways forming the dual carriageway come together as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Sign 424A shall be located on the right hand side of the roadway at a distance as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the start of the two way roadway or to the start of the one way roadway shall be attached below sign 424 or sign 424A respectively. Guidance 1. DUAL CARRIAGEWAY ENDS AHEAD sign 424 may be used with TWO WAY TRAFFIC sign 416. When both signs are used sign 416 should be located as indicated in Table 4-16 and sign 424 should be positioned in advance of sign 416 so that clear sight distance is maintained to sign 416. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Sign 425 Maximum Headroom Sign 425 Description MAXIMUM HEADROOM Sign 425 warns motorists that the clearance available under an overhead structure ahead is restricted to the amount indicated in meters on the sign. Standards 1. Purpose. MAXIMUM HEADROOM Sign 425 shall be used as necessary to warn motorists in advance the existence of low clearance under an overhead structure. MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 shall not be displayed for any structure with minimum clearance of 6.5m or greater. For structures with a clearance less than 6.5m sign 425 shall be provided as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 and MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 355 shall both be displayed for any structure with a minimum clearance of less than 6.3m. 2. Appearance. Sign 425 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 425 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 04-SIGNS Page 126 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Location. Sign 425 shall be located on the right side of the roadway. For instances where the minimum clearance is less than 6.5m and the MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 and MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT sign 355 shall both be displayed, Sign 355 should be located as indicated in Section and sign 425 shall be located in advance of the structure in such a position that the driver of an over-height vehicle may turn off onto an alternative route. In such instances it may be necessary to provide a custom designed information sign, incorporating sign 425, advising drivers of overheight vehicles of the alternative route. Guidance 1. Unless specified otherwise by the DMT, the height to be indicated on MAXIMUM HEADROOM sign 425 should be 200mm less than the actual minimum clearance measured under the structure, further rounded down to the nearest one decimal point of a metre. 2. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 can be attached below sign 435 to provide custom information, such as alternative routes, to drivers of overheight vehicles. It may also be used if the warning is on a side road, in which case the warning sign is mounted on the main road with a directional arrow pointed in the direction of travel on the side road that leads to the low-clearance location. 3. The maximum legal height of a vehicle in the United Arab Emirates is 4.2m. Sign 426 with Supplementary Plate 589 (School) 4. Clearances should be evaluated periodically, particularly when resurfacing operations have occurred. 5. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. Children Sign 426 Description CHILDREN Sign 426 warns motorists of the likelihood that children are on or adjacent to the road ahead due to the presence of a school, playground, or other activity area. Standards 1. Purpose. CHILDREN Sign 426 shall be used as necessary to alert motorists in advance of locations where shared use of the roadway by children might occur. 2. Appearance. Sign 426 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 426 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 426 shall be located on the right side of the roadway and, where possible, on the left side as well, at a distance from the start of the area where children are likely to be present as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Warning signs may also be located on a main road ahead of a side road where the child crossing occurs, accompanied by a supplementary plate with advance directional arrow pointing in the direction of travel on the side road. 04-SIGNS Page 127 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the specific reason for the presence of children such as “School” or “Playground” in Arabic and English should be attached below sign 426. If the child crossing is located on a side road, the plate may contain an advance directional arrow as per Item 4. Guidance 1. CHILDREN sign 426 should be provided in advance of any appropriate roadway area which is potentially hazardous to children. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 3. See Chapter 6 for guidance on typical applications of traffic control devices in school zones. Pedestrian Crossing Ahead Sign 427 Description PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD Sign 427 warns drivers of vehicles that there is a marked and/or signalized pedestrian crossing ahead at which pedestrians have the right-of-way. Standards 1. Purpose. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD Sign 427 shall be used as necessary in advance of all marked pedestrian crossings and mid-block signalized pedestrian crossings. Sign 427 shall not be provided at pedestrian crossings located at signalized or sign controlled legs of an intersection. 2. Appearance. Sign 427 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 427 placement and visibility Sign 427 shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 427 shall be located on the right side of the roadway and, where possible, on the left side as well, at a distance from the crossing as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Sign 427 shall not be located at a pedestrian crossing to mark the position of the crossing. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the pedestrian crossing shall be attached below sign 427. Guidance 1. All unsignalized pedestrian crossings shall be marked by GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 04-SIGNS Page 128 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Stop Control Ahead Sign 428 Description STOP CONTROL AHEAD Sign 428 warns motorists of the presence of a STOP sign 301 ahead, instructing them to be prepared to stop. Standards 1. Purpose. STOP CONTROL AHEAD sign 428 shall be installed where necessary on an approach to a stop sign that is not visible for a sufficient distance to permit the road user to safely stop. STOP CONTROL AHEAD sign 428 shall only be considered for use when: a. It is not obvious at the distance given in Table 4-16 that there is a STOP control ahead, and/or b. The approach speed is in excess of 60km/h. Sign 428 2. Appearance. Sign 428 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a red icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 428 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 428 should be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the STOP sign as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the STOP sign 301 shall be attached below sign 428. An additional sign shall be provided on the left side of the roadway on a median island if the roadway is part of a dual carriageway. Guidance 1. Where intermittent sight obstructions occur, engineering judgement should determine the treatment to be implemented. 2. STOP CONTROL AHEAD sign 428 may be used for additional emphasis of the stop sign, even when the visibility distance to the stop sign is satisfactory. 3. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 428. 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section, Table 4-8. 04-SIGNS Page 129 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Give-Way Control Ahead Sign 429 Description GIVE-WAY CONTROL AHEAD Sign 429 warns motorists of the presence of a GIVE-WAY sign 302 ahead and that they should prepare to yield right-of-way and stop if necessary. Sign 429 Standards 1. Purpose. GIVE-WAY CONTROL AHEAD Sign 429 shall be installed where necessary on an approach to a give-way sign that is not visible for a sufficient distance to permit the road user to safely respond to the give-way sign. GIVE-WAY CONTROL AHEAD sign 429 shall only be considered for use when either or both of the following conditions exist: a. It is not obvious at the distance given in Table 4-16 that there is GIVE-WAY control ahead. b. The approach speed is in excess of 60km/h. 2. Appearance. Sign 429 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background, a red icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 429 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 429 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the GIVE-WAY sign 302 as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the GIVE WAY sign 302 shall be attached below sign 429. An additional sign shall be provided on the left side of the roadway on a median island if the roadway is part of a dual carriageway. Guidance 1. Where intermittent sight obstructions occur, engineering judgement should determine the treatment to be implemented. 2. GIVE-WAY CONTROL AHEAD Sign 429 may be used for additional emphasis of the yield sign, even when the visibility distance to the stop sign is satisfactory. 3. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 429. 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 04-SIGNS Page 130 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Traffic Signals Ahead Sign 430A and 430B Description TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD Signs 430A and 430B warns motorists that the junction or pedestrian crossing ahead is controlled by traffic signals. Standards 1. Purpose. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD Signs 430A and 430B shall be installed where necessary on an approach to a signalised intersection that is not visible for a sufficient distance to permit the road user to safely respond to the traffic signal. Sign 430A a. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD Sign 430A shall only be considered for use when either or both of the following conditions exist: i. It is not obvious at the distance given in Table 4-16 that there is a TRAFFIC SIGNAL control ahead, and/or ii. The signalized junction is remote or isolated from other signalized junctions. Sign 430B-250 b. Sign 430B shall be used for approach speeds of 80km/h and above, and shall be a rectangular sign with a minimum 1500mm height. c. In addition to the defined situations, sign 430A or 430B may be installed for a short period of three to six months when a new traffic signal is commissioned but must be removed after such a period, subject to the warrant criteria given. 2. Appearance. Sign 430A shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section, Table 4-7, and shall have a white background and a thick red border. The icon shall have a black background with, in descending order, red, yellow, and green lights. Sign 430B shall be a rectangular sign with a similar (but larger) signal icon, distance to the signal (recommended to use either 250m or 300m advance placement) and a red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 430A/B placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 430A/B should be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the traffic signal as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the traffic signal should be attached below sign 430A. An additional sign shall be provided on the left side of the roadway on a median island if the roadway is part of a dual carriageway. Guidance 1. Where intermittent sight obstructions occur, engineering judgement should determine the treatment to be implemented. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD sign 430 may be used for additional emphasis of the traffic signal, even when the visibility distance to the stop sign is satisfactory. 3. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 430. 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 04-SIGNS Page 131 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Quayside Sign 431 Description QUAYSIDE Sign 431 warns drivers of vehicles that there is an unprotected quayside, jetty, or river bank ahead. The sign 431 symbol may be reversed. Standards 1. Purpose. QUAYSIDE Sign 431 shall be used as necessary in advance of locations where an unprotected quayside, jetty, or river bank may exist. 2. Appearance. Sign 431 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 431 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Sign 431 Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 431 shall be located on the right side of a roadway which runs directly along the side of a quay, jetty, or river bank. Sign 431 shall, if practical, be positioned in advance of the unprotected quayside, jetty, or river bank by a distance as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 431. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section Drawbridge Ahead Sign 432 Description DRAWBRIDGE AHEAD Sign 432 warns drivers of vehicles that there is an opening bridge or drawbridge in the road ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. DRAWBRIDGE AHEAD Sign 432 shall be used as necessary in advance of locations where an opening bridge or drawbridge may exist ahead. 2. Appearance. Sign 432 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 432 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section Sign 432, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 432 shall be located based on the result of an engineering assessment, meeting the requirements indicated in Table 4-16, and in consideration of clear sight distance. 04-SIGNS Page 132 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the drawbridge shall be attached below sign 432. Guidance 1. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 432. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 3. If drawbridge is located on a side road, a directional arrow may be provided on the supplementary plate sign 589. Animals Ahead Sign 433 Description ANIMAL AHEAD Sign 433 warns motorists of the possible presence of attended or unattended animals on or adjacent to the road ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. ANIMAL AHEAD Sign 433 shall be used as necessary in advance of locations where unexpected entries into the roadway may occur or where shared use of the roadway by animals may occur. 2. Appearance. Sign 433 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 433 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 433 should be located on the right side of the road at a Sign 433 distance from the point at which animals are likely to occur near the roadway as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 may be attached below sign 433 indicating the distance for which the hazard can be expected to occur. Guidance 1. The symbol on an ANIMALS AHEAD sign may be representing camels, sheep, or goats. 2. If domestic animals are regularly herded across roadways, temporary signs displaying the appropriate symbol should be set up in advance of the crossing point. Such signs should preferably indicate the distance to the crossing point. 3. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 433. 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 04-SIGNS Page 133 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Low-Flying Aircraft Sign 434 Description LOW-FLYING AIRCRAFT Sign 434 warns motorists that they may be distracted by low flying aircraft or a sudden aircraft noise and to drive with due care. Standards 1. Purpose. LOW-FLYING AIRCRAFT Sign 434 shall only be provided when aircraft are likely to over-fly the roadway or to fly in close proximity to the roadway. 2. Appearance. Sign 434 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 434 placement and visibility shall be Sign 434 consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 434 should be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the point where the distraction may occur as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section Speed Hump Sign 435 Description SPEED HUMP Sign 435 warns drivers of vehicles that one or more speed humps exist in the roadway ahead and that they should reduce their speed in order to negotiate them. Standards 1. Purpose. SPEED HUMP Sign 435 shall be used as necessary to advise drivers of upcoming speed humps in the roadway and to adjust their speed accordingly. Sign 435 2. Appearance. Sign 435 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 435 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 435 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Generally, it is preferable to place this sign closer to the speed hump. 5. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 shall be provided below sign 435. This may indicate one or more of the following: a. The distance for which speed humps are provided, or 04-SIGNS Page 134 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. An appropriate text message such as “Speed Humps” or “Traffic Calming.” c. Directional arrow if the condition occurs on a side road Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section Tunnel Sign 436 Description TUNNEL Sign 436 is to warn drivers of vehicles that there is a tunnel on the roadway ahead and that drivers may be subjected to reduced lighting levels or that drivers of certain classes of vehicle may be required by regulatory sign not to enter the tunnel. Standards 1. Purpose. TUNNEL Sign 436 shall be used as necessary to advise drivers of an upcoming tunnel and to be prepared for possible reduced lighting levels. If a prohibition on certain classes of vehicle entering the tunnel exists, sign 436 shall be displayed in combination with the relevant regulatory sign(s). 2. Appearance. Sign 436 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a Sign 436 thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 436 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 436 should be located on the right side of the road at a distance from the tunnel entrance as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. On dual carriageway approaches to a tunnel, sign 436 may be placed on the right and left sides of the roadway. 2. If a prohibition on certain classes of vehicle entering the tunnel exists, sign 436 may be placed at a greater distance from the tunnel than given in Table 4-16, if necessary. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 4. Supplementary Plate sign 589 may be used to show distance to the tunnel when no guide signage provides such indications. Also, if tunnel occurs on side road, the supplementary plate may show the directional arrow indicating thus. Falling Rocks Sign 437 Description FALLING ROCKS Sign 437 warns drivers of vehicles that there is a risk that rocks may have fallen into the roadway. The sign 437 symbol may be reversed. 04-SIGNS Page 135 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. FALLING ROCKS Sign 437 shall be used as necessary in advance of an area that is adjacent to a hillside, mountain, or cliff where rocks frequently fall into the roadway. 2. Appearance. Sign 437 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 437 placement and visibility shall be Sign 437 consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 437 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance in advance of a section of road where the risk of falling rocks exists, as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 may be attached below sign 437 indicating the distance for which the hazard can be expected to occur (e.g., “For 5km”). 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section Slippery Surface Sign 438 Description SLIPPERY SURFACE Sign 438 warns motorists that there is a risk of a slippery surface on the roadway. Standards 1. Purpose. SLIPPERY SURFACE Sign 438 shall be used as necessary to warn motorists of unexpected slippery conditions. 2. Appearance. Sign 438 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 438 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. Sign 438 4. Location. Sign 438 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance in advance of a section of road where the risk of the slippery surface exists, as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE Sign 589 may be attached below Sign 438 indicating the distance for which the hazard can be expected to occur (e.g., “For 5km”) or information pertaining to the reason the roadway is slippery, (e.g. “WHEN WET”, “EXCESS OIL”, etc.). 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 04-SIGNS Page 136 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Wadi Crossing Sign 439 Description WADI CROSSING Sign 439 warns motorists of a riverbed crossing (dry or with water flow) across the roadway. The sign is provided in advance of a low point on a rural route that is frequently flooded or scoured by water flows / sand. Standards 1. Purpose. WADI CROSSING Sign 439 shall be used as necessary to warn motorists of a riverbed crossing which may or may not contain water flow or flooding conditions. 2. Appearance. Sign 439 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 439 placement and visibility shall be Sign 439 consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 439 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance in advance of the wadi crossing, as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. Where such a crossing is not visible within 300 m, a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 should be attached below sign 439 indicating the distance to the hazard (e.g., “500 m”) 2. Optimally, a wadi crossing sign with distance (m or km) should be provided prior to the nearest cross route or turnaround prior to the crossing, in case a diversion route is required. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section Uneven Road Surface Sign 440 Description UNEVEN ROAD SURFACE Sign 438 warns motorists that there is a risk of an uneven road surface ahead or a change from paved to unpaved road surface. Standards 4. Purpose. UNEVEN ROAD SURFACE Sign 440 shall be used as necessary to warn motorists of unexpected slippery conditions. 5. Appearance. Sign 440 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a Sign 440 thick red border. 6. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 440 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 7. Location. Sign 438 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance in advance of a section of road where the risk of the slippery surface exists, as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. 04-SIGNS Page 137 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 8. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 may be attached below sign 438 indicating the distance for which the hazard can be expected to occur (e.g., “For 5km”) or information pertaining to the reason the roadway is uneven, (e.g. “PAVED ROAD ENDS. 9. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section General Warning Sign 450 Description GENERAL WARNING Sign 450, in combination with an appropriate supplementary message, warns drivers of a hazard of a general nature described by the supplementary message. Standards 1. Purpose. GENERAL WARNING Sign 450 shall be used as necessary to warn motorists of general hazards described by a supplementary message. Sign 450 shall only be displayed in conjunction with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589. Permitted messages for use below sign 450 are as follows: a. Drifting sand. b. Uneven road. c. Overhead cables (with a height clearance). Sign 450 If the conditions indicated change or are removed, the sign shall be removed. 2. Appearance. Sign 450 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 450 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 450 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance as indicated in Table 4-16 and with a clear sight distance to the sign. Guidance 1. GENERAL WARNING sign 450 is appropriate to many conditions which occur at roadworks sites or in association with roadworks sites (see also Chapter 6). The sign may also be appropriate for other temporary conditions. In such circumstances the exclusive black symbol on a yellow background colour code used for roadworks signs should be used. Typical messages used in temporary or roadworks situations are: a. b. c. d. e. f. 04-SIGNS Sand. Surveying. Reduced visibility. Loose stones. Uneven road. Slippery surface. Page 138 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) g. h. i. j. k. Road ends. Flood. Construction traffic. Soft shoulder. Surface step (dip). 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section This would be based on assessment of actual travel speeds in a corridor, using 85th percentile to estimate actual travel speeds in a corridor, especially if observed travel speeds routinely are greater than what is posted. 4.3.5 Hazard Marker Signs Overview The purpose of Hazard Marker Signs is to identify and mark obstructions or hazards within or adjacent to the roadway. The signs in this group have the specific function to mark an actual hazard within or adjacent to the roadway. The majority of uses therefore relate to identifying the position of physical hazards such as culverts, bridge structures, large sign supports, traffic island gores, guardrails, etc., to drivers. In some instances, such as a sharp curve, hazard markers may be used to delineate the curve and draw attention to the severity of the curve. – General The general standards presented in Section apply to the Hazard Marker signs. Any additional standards that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. – General The general guidelines presented in Section apply to the Hazard Marker signs. Any additional guidance that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. Plate Signs 451 and 452 Description HAZARD PLATE Signs 451 and 452, warn motorists of the actual position of physical objects which are placed so close to the roadway as to represent a hazard or potential hazard if vehicles should collide with them. Sign 451 Sign 452 Standards 1. Purpose. HAZARD PLATE Signs 451 and 452 shall be used to mark the actual location of hazards or potential hazards in close proximity to the travelled way. 2. Appearance. Signs 451 and 452 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a red background with white diagonal stripes. Signs 451 and 452 shall always be installed so that the “arrow” points towards the roadway and away from the hazard. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 451 and 452 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, 04-SIGNS Page 139 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) and based on engineering judgment. Signs 451 and 452 shall be mounted so that the lower edge is 600mm above ground level for the 600mm by 150mm size and 1200mm above ground level for the 1200mm by 300mm size. Figure 4-15 illustrates a number of typical HAZARD PLATE sign applications. The larger of the two sign sizes shall be used when the posted speed limit is 80km/h or greater. 4. Location. Signs 451 and 452 shall be located as close as possible to the physical hazard to identify its position. Guidance A number of evenly spaced HAZARD PLATE signs 451 or 452 may also be used to demarcate open ditches, high embankments, and ill-defined curves. See Table 4-20 for guidance on spacing. Table 4-20: Spacing on Curves for 451, 452, 454, and 455 Sign Spacing “S” (metres) 8-15 15-25 25 25 Curve Radius (metres) 60 150 300 600 Figure 4-15: Typical Hazard Plate Applications 04-SIGNS Page 140 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Chevron Right (or Left) Sign 454 (or 455) Description SINGLE CHEVRON RIGHT (OR LEFT) Signs 454 and 455 warn motorists of the actual position of physical objects or of the actual alignment of the roadway when these conditions represent hazards or potential hazards. Standards 1. Purpose. SINGLE CHEVRON RIGHT (OR LEFT) Signs 454 and 455 shall be used to mark the actual location of hazards or potential hazards in close Sign 454 Sign 455 proximity to the travelled way. The application of signs 454 and 455 is very similar to that of signs 451 and 452. In general, signs 451 and 452 should be used in a lower speed or less hazardous environment than signs 454 and 455. 2. Appearance. Signs 454 and 455 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a red chevron, and a thin red border. Signs 454 and 455 may be mounted to point to the right and to the left; however, the arrows shall always point towards the roadway passing in front of the sign. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 454 and 455 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. Table 4-20 shall be consulted for guidance on the spacing of the signs. 4. Stacking. To improve visibility of sight distance at specific locations, extended sign poles with identical single Chevron displays stacked one above the other may be provided 5. Location. Signs 454 and 455, when used independently, shall be placed as close as possible to the hazard that it is intended to mark. Guidance 1. SINGLE CHEVRON signs 454 and 455 may also be used in sets whereby the signs are spaced at regular intervals to define a sharp curve (e.g., on a 180° or 270° loop ramp) or to define the edge of a high embankment or a guard rail at the top of such an embankment. Figure 4-16 illustrates a typical example of such an installation and Table 4-20 gives guidance on the spacing of the signs. 2. Signs 454 and 455 should be considered for use in place of sign 326 to mark island gores if these are on a particularly difficult vertical or horizontal alignment. In such an application signs 454 and 455 should be mounted side-by side in the gore but a separator is not necessary. 3. When SINGLE CHEVRON signs 454 and 455 are placed at intervals round a sharp curve they should be positioned so that one sign lies as close as possible to the line of extension of the tangent approaching the curve, and so that the sign lies straight-ahead for a driver in the near side lane. Other signs should then be positioned forwards and backwards round the curve so that the curve is fully delineated, approximately from tangent point to tangent point. It is necessary that, in order to properly define the curve through both vertical and horizontal changes, at least three signs are visible at any time while driving through the curve. 04-SIGNS Page 141 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-16: Examples of Applications of Sign 454 and Sign 455 Chevron Right (or Left) Sign 456 (or 457) Description MULTIPLE CHEVRON RIGHT (OR LEFT) Signs 456 and 457 warn motorists of the actual position of a very sharp bend or change in direction in the roadway. Standards 1. Purpose. MULTIPLE CHEVRON RIGHT (OR LEFT) Signs 456 and 457 shall be used to mark the actual location of hazards or potential hazards in close proximity to the travelled way. For posted speed limit less than or equal to 60Km/h; Signs 456 and 457 may be used at a sharp bend when the severity of the bend is not likely to be adequately conveyed by RIGHT CURVE SIGN 412 or LEFT CURVE SIGN 413. This may also be used at junctions with roads having posted speed limits less than or equal to 60Km/h. 2. Appearance. Signs 456 and 457 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, red chevrons, and a thin red border. The signs shall comprise a minimum of three chevron modules. If a sharp bend is sufficiently long, the number of modules may be increased to a maximum of four. A yellow (typically fluorescent) border of 15 cm or lesser may be placed around the chevron to increase visibility, typically for approach speeds of 50km/h or greater, or in areas with no lighting or limited lighting. 04-SIGNS Page 142 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) However, the dimensions of these signs and their borders may be increased or decreased at the discretion of DMT. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 456 and 457 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 456 and 457 shall be located along the roadway at the actual position of a sharp bend or change in roadway direction. Figure 4-17 presents examples of locations for signs 456 and 456. Guidance 1. MULTIPLE CHEVRON RIGHT (or LEFT) signs 456 and 457 may be used at a sharp bend when the severity of the bend is not likely to be adequately conveyed by advance warning sign 412 or 413. If it is necessary to sign a longer sharp bend this should be done using signs 454 or 455 as illustrated in Figure 4-16. Figure 4-17 illustrates the use of signs 456 and 457. MULTIPLE CHEVRON RIGHT sign 456 may also be used to identify the sharp change of direction required on entering a roundabout. This application should only be considered when the view of the centre of the roundabout is restricted due to the geometry of the approach and entry, or due to the aesthetic treatment of the roundabout. If the latter is such that the shape of the roundabout is no longer evident advance warning sign 420 may be specified. Figure 4-17: Typical Application of Multiple Chevron Signs 456 and 457 04-SIGNS Page 143 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Chevron Sign 458 Description T-JUNCTION CHEVRON Sign 458 warns motorists that the road they are travelling on terminates at a T-junction and in so doing the sign identifies the position of the far side of such a junction. Standards 1. Purpose. T-JUNCTION CHEVRON Sign 458 shall be used to mark the termination of a roadway at a T-Junction. 2. Appearance. Sign 458 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, red chevrons, and a thin red border. Sign 458 shall comprise a minimum of six chevron modules, three pointing to the right and three to the left. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 458 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Sign 458 should be located on the far side of the T-junction, at 90° to the direction of approach from the side road, so that the sign is located at the rear of a sidewalk in an urban area, or at the rear of a shoulder or approximately 2m from the edge of the roadway, in a rural area. Guidance Use of sign 458 should be considered for high speed (60km/h or more) approaches to T-junctions, particularly when there is no street lighting, and where a guide sign would not otherwise be used. 4.3.6 Diagrammatic Signs The signs in this group are essentially for use in situations where the size and shape of triangular advance warning signs limits the pictorial warning message that can be displayed, and/or the overall conspicuity of the sign. The situations that tend to be indicated on diagrammatic signs are commonly ones that occur on higher speed roads. The signs typically depict the geometric arrangements of the lanes and/or the whole roadway. Because these differ in shape from standard warning signs, approval for the use of these signs shall be required by DMT or the owning authority. Typically, these signs are to be considered for roads with design speeds of 80km/h and over, where traffic patterns may not be otherwise be clear, and as part of temporary traffic management activities. Geometric design of roadways should result in drivers having sufficient time and space to negotiate even complex arrangements safely and without undue doubt or confusion. In reality, due to the need to satisfy many geometric requirements within a limited space and under traffic flow conditions that may be nearing capacity, complex road conditions do occur. While the availability of diagrammatic signs should not be seen as an excuse for creating complex geometric designs of roadways, the signs may offer some options to assist drivers to use complex roadways more safely and efficiently. 04-SIGNS Page 144 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The complex geometric conditions referred to, often involve merging and/or weaving manoeuvres without stop or give way control. These are driving actions that many drivers find difficult to undertake, and diagrammatic signs actually offer a combination of warning and guidance in such situations. The types of message that may be displayed on a diagrammatic sign can be categorized. The sign group has therefore been subdivided according to these categories as follows: Traffic movement is affected by an obstruction. Additional lane and lanes merge signs. Lane use control by regulation. Several of these categories have the potential to provide many signs. Some of these signs vary significantly in their sign face message, and therefore design, while others represent limited variations on the themes established by the earlier alternatives. In the following sections only a limited number of signs are illustrated. Where it is appropriate, design rules are stated for sign face design. Diagrammatic signs are particularly appropriate to the temporary detours common during major roadworks (see Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531)). Their use is, however, also appropriate in certain situations that can be considered as permanent even though they may be scheduled for medium- to long-term improvement. Since many diagrammatic signs only have a temporary application they are not illustrated in this chapter. As a result, the signs that are illustrated do not have sequential numbers; the remaining signs are illustrated in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531). The normal warrants for overhead signs can be used to decide whether a diagrammatic sign should be used in an overhead position. Diagrammatic signs may be displayed in association with overhead direction signs. – General The general standards presented in Section apply to the diagrammatic signs. Any additional standards that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. The following characteristics are appropriate to all diagrammatic signs: The basic rectangular shape of the minimally sized sign shall have a ratio of height to width of 4 to 3. Recommended standard basic sign sizes shall be 1200mm (H) x 900mm (W), 1600mm (H) x 1200mm (W) and 2400mm (H) x 1800mm (W) for ground mounted signs. If used overhead, recommended basic sign sizes shall be 2400mm (H) x 1800mm (W) and 3200mm (H) x 2400mm (W). These dimensions are exclusive of supplementary information plates, if applicable. The width of the basic sign may be increased when three or more arrows are to be displayed, in increments equal to one quarter of the basic width. The sign face message shall depict only one situation requiring an action on the part of the drivers to whom the sign applies. An “obstruction” commonly means a physical obstacle such as a concrete barrier or a Wsection guardrail but also includes perceived “obstructions” to vehicle movement. For example, the obstruction may be an introduced median island or a lane-drop situation with a 04-SIGNS Page 145 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) sufficient run-off and recovery area provided. In this case, the “obstruction” is illustrated on the sign by a solid red block. Arrows pointing in the direction of travel shall point upwards on the sign and be the full height of the sign, with specified clearances, whereas arrows depicting opposing traffic flows shall point downwards on the sign and be of a reduced length (shorter by approximately the length of two arrow heads). If a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 is required with a diagrammatic sign it shall be a separate plate mounted below the sign for ground-mounted signs. Prior approval by DMT shall be required for all diagrammatic signs. – General The general guidelines presented in Section apply to the Diagrammatic signs. Any additional guidance that apply to specific signs will be presented within the discussion of those signs. Movement Affected By Obstruction Signs As has been noted in Section, an “obstruction” in the context in which signs in this group are to be used may be real or perceived. Situations that may warrant the use of a diagrammatic sign depicting a traffic movement affected by an obstruction include: A lane drop on a multilane, high-speed roadway. The temporary deviation of traffic through a median island, around a structure, or similar obstacle. The passage of traffic alongside a physical barrier that either reduces normal lane width or normal lateral clearances. Such a physical barrier may be an upstanding concrete barrier, a row of cones or delineators separating traffic streams, or similarly, cones or delineators protecting a limited excavation area. The passage of two-way traffic around an obstruction such as the beginning of a median island. Lane Drop Signs 465 (from the Right) and 466 (From the Left) Description LANE DROP Signs 465 and 466 warn motorists that a lane drop lies ahead for a right-side lane drop or a left side lane drop, respectively. 04-SIGNS Page 146 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. LANE DROP signs 465 and 466 shall be considered for use in traffic situations that are either known to have substandard geometry that cannot be rectified in the short-term or that have, for whatever reason, not been sufficiently improved by the provision of normal advance warning signs. 2. Appearance. Signs 465 and 466 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background and a thin red border. The icon shall be black and red, with the arrows representing traffic movement in black and the obstructions in red. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 465 and 466 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 465 and 466 shall be provided in advance of the point at which the lane is dropped. Engineering judgement shall be used to determine the exact location of the sign. 5. Supplementary Plate. An appropriate SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the lane drop mounted below the sign shall be provided. At the start of the lane drop taper signs 465 and 466 shall be provided without such a supplementary plate. Guidance Sign 465 Sign 466 Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Beginning/End of Median Signs 472 and 473 Description BEGINNING/END OF MEDIAN Signs 472 and 473 warn motorists that the roadway ahead has a median starting or ending and that this may, in the case of sign 472, represent a significant hazard in the roadway going in the one direction, or that, in the case of sign 473, traffic streams become two way beyond the end of the median island, which in turn may be a potentially hazardous condition. Sign 472 Standards 1. Purpose. BEGINNING/END OF MEDIAN Signs 472 and 473 shall be considered for use to alert drivers that the roadway ahead has a median that is either starting or ending. These signs need to be considered when the posted speed is above 60Km/h. For lower speeds, Warning Signs DUAL CARRIAGEWAY ENDS AHEAD Sign 424 or DUAL CARRIAGEWAY AHEAD Sign (Sign 424A) are to be used. 2. Appearance. Signs 472 and 473 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background and 04-SIGNS Page 147 Sign 473 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a red border. The icon shall be black and red, with the arrows representing traffic movement in black and the obstructions in red. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 472 and 473 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 472 and 473 shall be located in advance of the beginning or end of the median. Engineering judgement shall be used to determine the exact location of the sign. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Lane and Lanes Merge Signs This group of signs is used to indicate to drivers that the roadway beyond the sign increases in width by one lane, that an additional stream of traffic is entering the roadway, or that traffic may be merging, which may result in some weaving action. As no decrease in speed is implicitly required for the roadway conditions these signs warn of, there are no specified minimum or maximum advance positioning guidelines. The Engineer should use professional judgment in positioning these signs, taking into account all relevant conditions and variables. Additional Lane Signs 480 and 481 Description ADDITIONAL LANE Signs 480 and 481 warn motorists on a section of road that an additional continuous lane will be added ahead, at the distance indicated below the sign. Sign 480 Standards 1. Purpose. ADDITIONAL LANE Signs 480 and 481 shall be considered for use to reassure drivers, when in heavy traffic, that overtaking opportunities will occur ahead due to the additional lane. The distance to the lane addition shall be posted on a supplementary sign below Signs 480 and 481. 2. Appearance. Signs 480 and 481 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background, black icon, and a thin red border. Sign 481 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 480 and 481 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 416 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 480 and 481 shall be located based on engineering judgement. Guidance 1. Signs 480 and 481 need only be placed 500m to 1km in advance of the start of the additional lane. 2. The Signs 480 and 481 type is appropriate for freeways and rural roads. 3. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain 04-SIGNS Page 148 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section 4. Optional Route Number Marking: A properly-scaled route emblem (see Section 4.4) may be placed on the vertical section of an arrow where it is needed to clearly define the lane used for the specific route. This may be done if there is not adequate room or visibility to provide clear lane use information on overhead guide signs. Joining Lane Signs 482 and 483 Description JOINING LANE Signs 482 and 483 warn drivers of vehicles in a visibilitylimited area that an extra lane carrying joining traffic comes into the roadway from the right (or left) and that merging and weaving manoeuvres can be expected. Standards 1. Purpose. JOINING LANE Signs 482 and 483 shall only be considered for use in locations with limited visibility to alert drivers that an Sign 482 additional lane will join the roadway from the right or left and to prepare drivers for potential upcoming merging and weaving manoeuvres. 2. Appearance. Signs 482 and 483 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background, black icon, and a thin red border. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 482 and 483 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 416 in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. Sign 483 4. Location. Because road configurations requiring use of this sign vary widely, there is no recommended minimum or maximum placement distance. Sound engineering judgment shall be exercised in locating the signs, and their use shall be limited where possible to locations where the merging lane is not otherwise visible to traffic upstream of the merge. Guidance 1. Sign 482 should preferably be positioned so that drivers on the main carriageway and drivers on the entering lane can both see the sign if the actual merge is not visible. If this is not possible both signs 482 and 483 may be used to warn drivers. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Lanes Merge Signs 490 Description LANES MERGE Sign 490 warns of the merging of two lanes. The use of this sign may be appropriate at at-grade junctions to emphasize the need for drivers to undertake merging actions or manoeuvres. As such the sign only shows the two lanes involved in the merging action. 04-SIGNS Page 149 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. LANES MERGE Signs 490 shall be considered for use to alert drivers of an upcoming merge situation. Appearance. Signs 490 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background, black icon, and a thin red border. 2. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 490 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 3. Location. Sign 490 shall be erected close to the gore of the merge area on freeways, or on both sides of the roadway at at-grade junctions. Where possible they shall be visible to drivers in both approaching traffic streams. Sign 490 Guidance 1. Advance signs may also be used, particularly on freeways, and these should include a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Use Control by Regulation The signs in this group indicate that one or more individual lanes in the roadway ahead are subject to some form of special regulatory control. The purpose of such control is to improve the operational efficiency of the roadway concerned. The most common application of this control is a prohibition of heavy vehicle or truck traffic on one or more lanes. Another possible application is at unusually configured intersections where turning restrictions are imposed on one or more of the basic lanes. Because of the regulatory message it is a requirement that such signs indicate all lanes on the roadway. These diagrammatic signs, in effect, provide a background for some type of regulatory sign. The examples given in this section should be considered as typical. Once a regulatory sign has been Sign 484 superimposed on the diagrammatic background, the overall sign takes on a regulatory function. Lane Use Control – Trucks and Buses Signs 484 and 485 Description In Abu Dhabi Emirate, trucks are allowed to use only the right-most lane on any road, except when preparing to make a left turn. Sign 484 and sign 485 impose this prohibition on the use of lanes by trucks and buses and as such the signs warn motorists of the special regulatory circumstances existing on those lanes. 04-SIGNS Page 150 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Purpose. LANE USE CONTROL – TRUCKS AND BUSES Signs 484 and 485 shall be used to warn truck drivers, bus drivers, and other motorists that certain travel restrictions exist for the left-most lanes on particular roadways or freeways. While the lane prohibition also applies to buses, there are two exceptions: a. On roads having four or more lanes, buses shall be allowed to Sign 485 use the second lane. b. On roads having two or three lanes, buses shall be allowed to leave the right-most lane to overtake other vehicles, but must then return to the right lane. 2. Appearance. Signs 484 and 485 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background and a thin red border. The icon should be black with the prohibitory symbol (circle and diagonal slash) in red. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Signs 484 and 485 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Signs 484 and 485 shall be spaced at approximately 5km intervals along the section of roadway where the restrictions apply. Guidance Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Lane Use Control – Directional Restriction Sign 486 Description Sign 486 imposes a mandatory restriction of movement LANE USE CONTROL — DIRECTIONAL RESTRICTION on one of the basic through lanes of a roadway. In the example shown it warns motorists that the leftmost of the basic through lanes becomes, by regulation, an exclusive left turn lane at the intersection. Drivers wishing to continue straight ahead must leave that lane prior to the intersection; otherwise they will be required to make a left turn. Standards 1. Purpose. The LANE USE CONTROL — DIRECTIONAL RESTRICTION series of signs shall supplement pavement markings and provide advance notice of a lane use control condition ahead. These signs are not intended for routine use at all standard signalized intersections where geometry clearly indicates intended turning lanes. Rather, its use shall be restricted to unusual intersection configurations where one of the basic roadway lanes unexpectedly becomes an exclusive turn lane. Sign 486 2. Appearance. Sign 486 and others in this series shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background and a thin red border. The icon should be black with the regulatory symbol in blue. 04-SIGNS Page 151 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 486 and other in this series placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Good engineering judgment shall be exercised in locating the signs in advance of the lane use control. Guidance 1. A likely usage of this sign will be at a T-junction on the through leg containing the left turn, when the geometry is such that one of the basic roadway lanes becomes an exclusive left turn lane. Its use on other legs of the T-junction will not ordinarily be required. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section Opposing U-Turn Ahead Sign 488 Description Sign 488 should be used on high-speed rural dual carriageways to warn drivers that vehicles may be undertaking a U-turn manoeuvre across their path ahead. Standards 1. Purpose. The LANE USE CONTROL — DIRECTIONAL RESTRICTION series of signs shall supplement pavement markings and provide advance notice of a lane use control condition ahead. These signs are not intended for routine use at all standard signalized intersections where geometry clearly indicates intended turning lanes. Rather, its use shall be restricted to unusual intersection configurations where one of the basic roadway lanes unexpectedly becomes an exclusive turn lane. 2. Appearance. Sign 488 and others in this series shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size Sign 488 consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background and a thin red border. The icon should be black 8. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 486 and other in this series placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. 4. Location. Good engineering judgment shall be exercised in locating the signs in advance of the lane use control. Guidance 5. A likely usage of this sign will be on the approach to an isolated U-turn on a high-speed rural dual carriageway where approaching drivers may not make a U-turn but are likely to encounter vehicles crossing their path. 6. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section 04-SIGNS Page 152 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) HIGH VEHICLE WARNING SIGN 495 Description HIGH VEHICLE WARNING Sign 495 is typically located in advance of gantry or cantilever signs and points high vehicles to a short, low-grade detour that does not pass underneath the horizontal arm of the sign but instead around the sign’s support column. Standards 1. Purpose. HIGH VEHICLE WARNING Sign 495 shall be used as necessary to direct high vehicle drivers to a low-grade detour around a sign with a horizontal arm that crosses over the roadway. Sign 495 2. Appearance. Sign 495 shall utilize the rectangular shape consistent with Section and a size consistent with General Standards Section The signs shall have a white background, a black border, and the text “High Vehicles” shall be black. Two LED flasher assemblies may be placed at the top for added visibility and may be triggered if a vehicle height detection device is triggered upstream of the sign location. 3. General Placement and Visibility. Sign 495 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Table 4-16, in Section, Section, and based on engineering judgment. Location. HIGH VEHICLE WARNING sign 495 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance in advance of the gantry or cantilever structure as indicated in Table 4-16. Guidance 1. If deemed appropriate by the engineer, sign 495 may have flashing yellow caution lights placed at its top. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in General Standards Section 4.3.7 Countdown Markers (Signs 496-498) Description Countdown markers are used to supplement advance warning signs ahead of the location of the condition. Most frequently they are used ahead of roundabout junctions along with exit ramps which may be difficult to see due to changes in vertical or horizontal alignment. Standards 1. Purpose: Countdown markers shall be used to measure intervals of 100m before hazards / junction locations (i.e., intersections or roundabouts) if travel speeds or visibility of the junction result in the need to reduce travel speeds well in advance of the junction. 04-SIGNS Page 153 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Appearance and Placement: Countdown markers shall consist of three consecutive signs (minimum 1200mm high by 700mm wide), in blue with white border and legend (for applicable roads, in green with white border and legend), Sign 496 shows three bars (300m from location), Sign 497 shows two bars (200m from location) and Sign 498 shows one bar (100m from location). Signs 496, 497 and 498 4.4 Guide Signage This Section illustrates standard guide signs and provides examples of the standardized formats for those guide signs that are required to be individually designed to comply with the specifications in the relevant part of this Manual. Sign size and legend guidance are provided as part of this Section. Note that the information presented in the examples that follow is for illustrative purposes and may not correspond to the details of the actual Emirate road network. 4.4.1 Function and Application of Guide Signs The objective of guide sign system is to provide travel and directional guidance to visitors to and residents of Abu Dhabi. To accomplish this objective, guide signing must do the following: Enable travellers to reach their destination safely and in the most cost-effective fashion. Avoid confusing drivers with too much information. Be predictable in appearance, quality and clarity of information. Be current as to the information provided. Provide sufficient advance notice so that driver decisions can be made in a safe fashion. Basic principles of guide signage are discussed in Section of Providing Guidance Guide signs must be able to provide a driver with two basic pieces of information: The current location of the driver within the roadway system, and When facing a choice of several possible directions of travel, which one should be taken to reach the desired destination. Driving is a complex process requiring a driver to observe, comprehend, analyze and act upon a wide variety of visual inputs. It is critical that guide signs present information to the driver in a predictable, clean and simple manner. This information must be presented far enough in advance of the point of potential action to permit the driver to determine what action is required and then allow him to safely and orderly execute any directional changes that may be necessary. 04-SIGNS Page 154 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The guide sign system for Abu Dhabi is based upon a framework of fundamental principles, summarized as follows: Use of route numbers as the primary method of guidance on main roads. Use of street names as the primary method of identification and guidance on non-numbered routes and as a secondary means of guidance on numbered routes. Strict criteria for destinations displayed for each route as an orientation guide for road users. Strict criteria for additional destinations to be displayed on supplemental guide signs, separate from the primary guide signs. Consistent colour-coding of signing, based on functional class of road and type of information provided. Consistency in the application of signing. of Guide Signs Guide signing applications are divided into signs that are most applicable for at-grade junctions (intersections and roundabouts) and those that are applicable for grade-separated, free-flow interchanges. Sequencing of these signs, particularly for freeway/highway operations, is addressed in later sections. Arterials and At-Grade Junctions Guide signs along arterials approaching at-grade junctions, whether intersections or roundabouts, generally have three choices of direction: through, left, and right. These movements, especially the turns, are made at slow speed and often under traffic signal control. While at-grade junctions are, or should be, relatively uniform and deliberate in operation, guide signing may be applied in two different manners, depending on roadway width and line of sight (the latter is particularly of concern on major roads with heavy vehicles, but can also be a function of vertical and horizontal alignment. The two options include: Option A: Ground-Mount Signage - - - 04-SIGNS Simple ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK Signs (Sign 512), advising motorists of available directions of travel at the junction ahead, allow sufficient advance notice for driver orientation and appropriate action. CHEVRON DIRECTION (Sign 515) signs, located in the vicinity of the turning area at roundabouts and for wide channelizing islands, will identify the point of turning action and provide motorists with confirmation of their intended movement. They shall not be required if there is no separate channelization or if the right turn channelization is narrow and it is clear where the turn is located. A STREET NAME sign is provided at each junction (either on a signal mast arm or on the median or opposite curb side of the cross street) provides a secondary source of driver orientation and guidance. Street signs on the median are to meet the requirements of Sign 587, including the use of chevron direction arrows to illustrate the directions of movement; however, mast arm-based street name signage may be provided instead or in addition to these signs, as per Department of Municipal Affairs (DMA) guidance on street signing and addressing. Page 155 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) - - Other supplementary guide signs (Sign 513), used separately or as a unit with the primary signs, that provide supporting information that neither overwhelms nor dilutes the primary guide sign message. MAP-BASED signs may be used in place of stack-style signs if there are more than three directional options at the upcoming junction, or if the options are diagonally aligned relative to the current roadway. Usually such an arrangement is most common if the junction is a roundabout. Due to urban space constraints, DMT may choose to limit the maximum sign width to 2.5m where required. Option B: Overhead Guide Signs - - ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK SIGNS (Sign 511). Guide signs with route number and/or street name plus destination information, with directional arrow, mounted over the lane in which the turn (or through movement) is permitted, a sufficient distance ahead of the intersection where the driver can make the appropriate lane changes without disrupting traffic flow. Option B may be accompanied by Chevron, trailblazer and street name signs as reinforcement. Supplementary signs are typically used as ground-mount unless they are shown with the appropriate contrasting-colour panel within the overhead guide sign. Figure 4-18 and Figure 4-19 provide views of Option A sign layouts for intersections and roundabouts, respectively. Figure 4-20 provides a view of Option B sign layouts for major intersections. Roundabout signing with Option B sign layouts is similar to that for Option A with the exception of the overhead Advance Horizontal Sign Stack in place of the Vertical Sign Stack. 04-SIGNS Page 156 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-18: Option A – Advance Signing for Intersections1 Figure 4-19: Option A – Advance Signing for Roundabouts2 1 Note: Signing is shown for one sample approach and except where noted is limited to guide sign example displays 2 Note: Signing is shown for one sample approach and except where noted is limited to guide sign example displays 04-SIGNS Page 157 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-20: Option B – Advance Overhead Signing at Major Intersections2 Freeways, Highways, and Grade-Separated Junctions Freeways, highways, and other routes with grade-separated junctions present a much different set of circumstances to motorists. Typically, these signs are on facilities that handle traffic in a free-flow operational mode. It is thus important that motorists be advised clearly and well in advance of their intended point of departure. This will allow ample opportunity to make one or more lane changes to be properly positioned to execute a full-speed exit from the roadway. Inadequate and/or unclear directions may contribute to driver indecision; speed reduction or stopping; and abrupt, last-minute manoeuvres, all of which will be extremely dangerous under high-speed, high-volume conditions. Thus, a different type of signing is required for grade-separated junctions and freeway interchanges. This includes the following: One or more ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs (Sign 551), from 500 to 2000m in advance of the exit point. These signs advise motorists of destinations reached from the next exit, appropriate lane position to access that exit, and distance to exit point. If more than one ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign is utilized, the sign is generally repeated at 500m intervals (or at 1000m intervals beyond 1000m from the exit) When the exit point is reached (also known as the theoretical gore or painted nose) the motorist is advised by an EXIT DIRECTION (Sign 552) sign that this is the point of departure. The physical nose is also marked by a GORE EXIT sign 554 to further reinforce the action of exiting the mainline. On a freeway or highway with multiple grade-separated junctions, the use of exit numbering which is linked to the kilometre posting along the roadway helps provide quick location orientation. The exit number is provided on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION and EXIT 04-SIGNS Page 158 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) DIRECTION signs as a supplemental panel above each sign, and is also placed on the GORE EXIT sign. For multiple ramps at a single interchange (e.g., a simple cloverleaf or directional ramp interchange), the second ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION SIGN (at least 1000m in advance of the first exit point) should show separate signs for the first directional exit and the second directional exit. The EXIT DIRECTION SIGN location shows signs for both directions, followed by the GORE EXIT sign for the first direction. A second EXIT DIRECTION SIGN is then provided prior to the second directional exit, followed by a GORE EXIT sign for the second exit. Where Interchange numbering is used (see Section, the first exit in the direction of increasing kilometre posts is labelled with the suffix A (e.g., “Exit 102A”) while the second exit is labelled with the suffix B (e.g., “Exit 102B”). In the opposite direction, the ramps are labelled in the opposite order, with the first exit labelled B and the second one labelled A. Chevron or trailblazer signs should not be used in mixed form with advance signage for grade-separated intersections, as it may cause additional sign clutter and confusion. Figure 4-21 illustrates advance signing for typical freeway interchanges, including simple diamond interchanges and more complex freeway-to-freeway lane drop interchanges. Figure 25 shows two signing options for shared-lane signage for through and exit movements, the use of which are discussed further in Section 4.4.5. The first option signs for a dropped lane scenario in advance of the exit, and then provides an exit arrow for the second-to-rightmost lane as an exit option (the second lane does not drop here as does the first). The second option (enclosed in a grey box) is designed for new interchanges and lane configurations, and provides advance warning of lane use at the exit location, for all lanes. These types of guide signs use diagrammatic upward and curved lane use arrows as appropriate, instead of downward pointing arrows. Supplemental Guide Signing Supplemental destination signing is provided as an adjunct to the discussed signage applications, providing direction to local facilities or attractions that are primarily of interest to visitors to Abu Dhabi. To avoid overloading and overcomplicating the primary guide sign system, these supplemental destinations are typically separately or with contrasting colour panels (or “patches”) on main signs where space and legibility permits. Supplemental signing may be used for both at grade and gradeseparated junctions. One of the most common errors in guide sign layout is providing too many supplementary signs and not providing adequate separation or differentiation between these signs and the primary guide signs. The principles presented in this Manual are intended to prevent the overloading of signage. 04-SIGNS Page 159 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-21: Advance Signing Example for Diamond Interchange Figure 4-22: Advance Signing Example for Major Interchange 04-SIGNS Page 160 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.4.2 General Standards for Guide Signs This section provides an overview of general standards for guide signs including the nature of the content permitted to be displayed, size of text provided, use of arrows, and destinations or other textbased content that can be included on signs. Displayed on Signs Description It is important that each type of guide sign consistently display all necessary eligible information, but not display any additional or extraneous information. Standards 1. Criteria for Information to be Shown on Guide Signs. Strict criteria have been established, as indicated in Table 4-21, concerning what information may or may not be shown on each type of guide sign. Sign design activities shall utilize Table 4-23 as the basis for sign content definition. Guidance 1. The Emirate’s guide sign system is intended to provide motorists with directions for travelling along a particular numbered route (be it an Emirate “E” Route or an Abu Dhabi “AD” Route) and advising turns from that route onto another numbered route (either an E or AD-route). Guide signs may also be used on key arterials that do not carry E-route or AD-route numbers, but intersect such roads. Street name signs shall be provided for numbered routes which also carry street names as well as those routes that are identifiable only by street name. 2. Details pertaining to the local community, street and building numbering system may be obtained from the pertinent Municipality. 3. The primary piece of information to be included on guide signs is the identifying route number. Motorists unfamiliar with Abu Dhabi will consult a route map to determine what numbered routes to use to get from their current location to their intended destination. Therefore, route numbers must be displayed clearly and prominently on every primary guide sign. Large, distinctively shaped and coloured route emblems with large Arabic numerals (English) provide a highly conspicuous and legible route identification. 4. By strict adherence to route numbers and control destinations, motorists will see a consistent display of destinations when turning onto and following the guide signs on that route. They will not be left to guess at what destinations might appear on subsequent signs. This is an important principle of guide signing. That is, once a destination appears on a guide sign, it must be repeated on each subsequent guide sign until the destination is reached. Thus, there is the need for strict control of the number of destinations and the consistent use of these destinations on all signs. 5. On rare occasions, it may be desirable to provide a guide sign to direct motorists from a numbered route to an unnumbered route. Such cases should be reviewed with the DMT or, for Municipality-owned routes, the Municipality, in consideration of the following: a. Is it necessary to provide a guide sign other than a street name sign to identify the intersecting roadway? b. If so, does the importance of the intersecting roadway warrant providing it with a route number and control destination(s)? 04-SIGNS Page 161 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) c. If not, then guide sign series should display the name of the street or other approved name as the destination and omit the route number and emblem. 6. Such instances should be extremely rare and limited mainly to cases on rural, high speed, controlled-access facilities (e.g., freeways) where advance signing is necessary. and Message Visibility Description The content of any sign must be conspicuous. The ability to recognize this content is a function of the following: The size, shape, and colour of the sign. The “brightness” of the sign. The contrast between the sign and its environment, and resultant time for the driver to notice the sign as a function of road geometry, speed, traffic flow, presence of other signs, and other competing visual stimuli. The location of the sign in relation to the driver’s line of sight (distance and angle). Section 4.1.7 addressed in detail the requirements associated with sign retro-reflectivity. Relative to Guide Signs, many of these need to be seen from a significant distance, but may also need to be placed in a location that is less vulnerable to damage from vehicles, or may need to be placed overhead. In general, guide signs require greater entrance and observations angles than regulatory or warning signs, due to the size and amount of information that is provided on the guide sign. Retroreflectivity needs thus should take into consideration the angle by which these signs are approached, as well as the lighting provided along the road. 04-SIGNS Page 162 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Downward Lane Arrow Route Number Emblem City Centre Symbol Airport Symbol Distance to Exit Lane Drop Panel Exit Number Supplemental Symbols Supplemental Destinations Street Name 4 0 3 2 4 2 2 0 0 0 0* 0* 1 4 0 3 2 4 2 0* 0 0 0 0* 0* 1 ADVANCE MAP sign 513 4 0 3 2 4 2 1* 0 0 0 0 0 1 ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign 514 4 0 0 1 0 0 0* 0* 0* 0 2 4 0 CHEVRON DIRECTION sign 515 4 0 3 2 4 2 2 0 0 0 0* 0* 1 STREET NAME sign 587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 0 4 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 0* 0* 1 EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 4 0 3 2 4 2 2 0 2 3 0* 0* 1 ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553 0 4 3 2 4 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 GORE EXIT sign 554 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign 557 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 Sign Type ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK Sign 511 ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK sign 512 NOTE: (Applies to items marked *) Variations are not permitted unless directed otherwise by Abu Dhabi DMT or the Municipality operating the road facility. **Connecting Route Number Emblem *(in parentheses) Control Destination Directional Arrow Table 4-21: Information Eligible for Display on Guide Signs Key: 0 – Not Eligible Ever 1 – Not Eligible Ordinarily 2 – Eligible Where Applicable 3 – Use on Emirate Routes and Abu Dhabi Routes Only 4 – Mandatory in All Cases ** - Connecting Route Emblem is bracketed in parentheses where shown on advance stack and exit direction signs, does not require parentheses if shown on a chevron direction sign with no other information on it. However, the speed at which vehicles approach the sign also require the ability to see the message as quickly as possible. Larger font sizes are thus required at higher speeds and for longer visibility distances. In general, legibility of guide signs (that is, the ability to read the sign legend and understand the symbols) is impacted by the following: Sign mounting position, i.e., ground mounted or overhead. Sign mounting height. Letter style, spacing, size, and stroke width. Legibility factor (0.6m of legibility distance per millimetre of lowercase ‘x’ letter height). Visual acuity of drivers. Driver’s workload and surrounding distractions that compete for his attention. Approach speed of traffic. 04-SIGNS Page 163 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Amount of information displayed on the sign. Luminance (daytime) and retro-reflectivity (night-time) contrast ratio between the sign legend and sign background. Ambient light levels (particularly roadway and advertising lighting). The legibility of a sign, given optimal retro-reflectivity and positioning, is governed by its most critical elements – namely, the smallest and thinnest shapes that must be readable by the driver. These include: Letter font style. Letter stroke width. Letter and line spacing. Fine details of a symbol. In general, increasing the size of these elements increases sign legibility, but also the required size of the sign. Typically, the finest or most critical element for guide sign lettering is the stroke width. Characteristics for selection of a letter type, or “font” is: Consistent letter design. Improved legibility over more “creative” styles. Widely recognized at an international level. Greater surface area and therefore target value. Usable with higher grades of retroreflective material with minimal risk of “over glow” or “bleeding.” The Arabic and English letter styles specified in this manual maximize the detailed characteristics. Letter Size Standards 1. Letter Size. Letter size relationships for English and Arabic shall meet the following requirements, based on the “x,” or lowercase, English letter height: a. b. c. d. e. f. Lowercase letter height = 1.0x Stroke width = 0.2x Uppercase letter height = 1.4x English text background tile height = 2.0x Aleph height of equivalent Arabic text = 1.96x Arabic text background tile height = 3.24x 2. Minimum Letter Sizes As Function of Approach Speeds. Based on use of the standard 0.6m legibility distance/mm of lowercase “x” letter height, minimum letter sizes shall be as presented in Table 4-22 for different approach speeds. 3. Longitudinal Sign Spacing and Impact on Sign Visibility. Section, Items 5 through 10, shall be used for determination of minimum sign spacing and thus longitudinal visibility for guide signs on arterials, freeways and highways in rural and urban environments. 04-SIGNS Page 164 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Letter Size Guidance 1. Legibility distances are conventionally quoted in relation to the lowercase or “x” height of letter because these constitute the majority of letters used on direction signs. These parameters are subject to ongoing research but the values accepted are consistent with those used in many other countries. However, it should be noted that some drivers may have poor visual acuity and that the legibility index at night can be lower than 0.6 m/mm. Under these circumstances lower legibility distances will result. Table 4-22: Recommended “x” Height for Guide Signs (millimetres) Posted Speed 120km/h 100km/h 80km/h 60km/h 40km/h Primary Guide Sign Overhead 300 300 250 200 200 Ground Mounted* 300 250 200 150 100 Supplemental Sign Stack* 300 250 150 100 100 Symbol Only 300 250 150 125 100 Gore Exit Sign 300 250 200 200 N/A Chevron Sign At Roundabout N/A 125 100 100 75 At Intersection N/A 125 125 100 100 At Freeway Ramp 250 150 150 120 120 Route Marker 300 250 200 150 150 General Information Sign* 250 150 150 100 100 *For ground-mounted signs, “x” height may be reduced based on location & visibility as per DMT approval. **For 140 and 160km/h speeds the 120km/h should be the base however engineering judgement should be used if there is a specific justification for increasing these. 2. Another factor that affects the legibility of letters on direction and other guide signs is the luminance contrast between the lettering and the sign background. This contrast is expressed as a ratio of light-to-dark colour luminance and is appropriate during both day and night. Guidance is as follows: a. A “1 to 1” ratio indicates no contrast between legend and background, while ratios higher than “10 to 1” run the risk of creating an “overglow” or “bleeding” effect from retroreflective materials at night, particularly if the background colour is light and the letter colour is dark. “Overglow” results in the letter stroke width of a dark letter being diminished by the glare from the bright colour background. This in turn may affect the letter legibility. High ambient light levels common under street lighting will reduce this effect significantly and it is less problematic when vehicle headlights are commonly used in the low beam position (as under street lighting). b. Ideally the contrast ratio should be between the ratios of 5 to 1 and 10 to 1. For symbolic signs with bold symbols the ratio may be as low as 4 to 1 and still be effective. 3. If the amount of information to be displayed on a sign face is increased or it is necessary, due to exceptional geometric conditions, that the sign must be legible from a greater distance, consideration must be given to the need to use a larger-than-standard letter size and approval obtained from DMT. 04-SIGNS Page 165 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards for Sign Borders 1. Basic Requirement. All guide signs shall be provided with a contrasting border around the perimeter of the sign. 2. Exception for exclusive exit lane “ONLY” panel. When an exclusive exit only white panel is placed at the bottom of an overhead exit direction sign no border is required on the white panel. 3. Colour. The border colour shall be the same as the colour used for place name lettering on the sign. 4. Dimensions. Sign borders shall have the following dimensional characteristics where “x” is the height of the lowercase lettering used for the sign: a. Width = 0.25x. b. Corner radius = 1.0x (to the outer edge of the border). 5. Division of Stack Signage. An internal dividing border shall be used to separate the stacks of a stack type direction sign. This border shall have the same width as the outside sign border but should not be provided with radii where it joins the outside border. Standards for Internal Spacing 1. Internal Spacings. The sign face layout of all guide signs shall adhere to the internal spacings listed and illustrated in a typical example in Section a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Side space between border and right or left line of justification = 0.5x Minimum lateral space between a route number emblem and an arrow = 1.0x Minimum lateral space between text and a Type 5 or Type 8 arrow = 1.0x Minimum lateral space between text and a symbol or emblem = 0.5x Vertical space between the top border and nearest legend = 0.5x Vertical space between the bottom border and nearest legend = 0.5x Vertical space between an upper row of legend and a lower row of legend on a horizontal stack type sign = 0.5x Spacing Guidance The vertical space between Arabic and English text, or between two rows of Arabic or two rows of English text, is dictated by the letter and number tiles and no additional internal spacing is required. The horizontal spacing between letters or numbers is also controlled by the letter and number tiles which include the provision of a blank tile 0.5x wide for use between consecutive words in a line. and Lettering Styles Description Most signs in the guide sign class display their message in the form of arrows, symbols, and/or text. Guide sign “text” may include any of the following messages: A destination name (control, supplemental, or local). A street name. A place name (Emirate, city, town, or community). A route number (only within a route number emblem). 04-SIGNS Page 166 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) A distance to an exit. A distance to a destination. Standards 1. Bilingual Signage. All destination names, street names, place names, and distances shall appear on guide signs in both Arabic and English. 2. Font Types. The style of lettering used shall be standard Naskh for Arabic and the use of Transport Medium font for English; except that Transport Heavy font shall be used for English text and numbers on signs with black legend on white background). Route numbering emblems shall use either Transport Medium or U.S. FHWA Highway Gothic Type D fonts for E-route emblems and either Transport Medium or Highway Gothic Type D numeric fonts for AD-route emblems. 3. Spacing Tiles. Each individual letter or number within the detailed fonts shall be positioned on a standardized background tile. The use of these “tiles” automatically provides the correct spacing between letters and vertical spacing between rows of text. Transport Medium Font (Example) Naskh Font (Example) of Legend Description Sign legend provided on signs should be minimized in order to limit the amount of time required to read the signs over a short distance. To this end, standards are identified in Section and in the specific sign descriptions later in Section 4.4 which limit the amount of information to be displayed on the sign, including number of street names, destinations, symbols, etc. Standards 1. Number of Destinations for a single direction. A given route or route direction shall show no more than two destinations, and one destination if a street name is also provided for the route. A third destination may be shown if the route connects to another route (the route emblem and number for the connecting route leading to the third destination shall be enclosed in parentheses) 2. Number of Destinations for a single sign serving two directions. One destination shall be shown for each direction (e.g., left and right). 04-SIGNS Page 167 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Route Numbers. No more than two route numbers shall be shown for a given route or route direction. If there are different route numbers for each direction from an exit ramp at a gradeseparated junction, these routes should be clearly differentiated within the exit direction sign. If the road leads to a major connecting route leading to a second or third destination, the route emblem and number for the connecting route leading to the third destination shall be enclosed in parentheses, 4. Arrows. Single arrows shall be provided to point to a given route direction or, if the sign and arrow is mounted so it is pertinent to specific travel lanes, only one arrow shall be provided over each travel lane. 5. Number of Signs at a Single Location. No more signs or sign stacks/panels shall be provided than there are directional options. There are two exceptions: a. If there are more than the three basic directional options (i.e., besides left, through, right), a situation typically found mainly at roundabouts, a map-based advance direction sign (Section shall be provided. b. If there is a single sign for a specific direction (trailblazer or chevron), and either a secondary destination or a distant route trailblazer or chevron is also needed, those signs may be mounted below the primary trailblazer or chevron, assuming there are location restrictions that prevent such signs from being located elsewhere. As an optional alternative, if there is room on the primary chevron or trailblazer sign, the connecting route emblem and number may be enclosed in parentheses. Guidance 1. Consistent signing of destinations along a route is of critical importance in simplifying the location wayfinding process. The same destination should be shown on each sign from the original advance direction sign to the actual destination location along the chosen route. This assures consistency of guidance and wayfinding for travellers, so they see a continuous path to their destination. 2. Extra destinations should not be added to guide signs without the consent of DMT or the Municipality responsible for the road in question. The standards relating to two destinations (or one street name and one destination) per directions continue to apply in this case. Descriptions and Applications Description The following basic types of arrows are used on guide signs: Chevron arrow Stack-type arrow Overhead arrows Map-type arrows Diagrammatic arrows The individual types of arrow are detailed in Section All arrows have been allocated a “Type” number including left, through and right applications. The arrows should appear in white unless noted otherwise. The applications of arrows Type 1 to Type 15 are illustrated in each of the standards presented. 04-SIGNS Page 168 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Arrow Application Standards 1. CHEVRON ARROW TYPES 1 AND 2 Chevron Arrows Types 1 and 2 shall be used when a CHEVRON DIRECTION sign 515 is required, to indicate the action point for a left or right turn at an at-grade junction. Type 1 Type 2 Chevron Direction Signs 2. STACK SIGN ARROW TYPE 3 (Through arrow) Stack Sign Arrow Type 3 shall only be used pointing straight upwards. The arrow shall be used where ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK sign 511 and ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK sign 512 is required, to indicate that drivers must travel straight through the junction ahead to reach the destination named in the stack. When used on sign 512, a Type 3 arrow shall only be used in the top stack. Exceptions to this shall be approved on a case-by-case basis by DMT. 3. STACK SIGN ARROW TYPES 4 AND 5 (Left hook and right hook arrows) Stack Sign Arrows Types 4 and 5 shall be used where ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK sign 511, ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK sign 512, and ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign 514 are required to indicate the direction in which drivers must turn at the junction ahead in order to reach the named destination in the stack in which the arrow is located. 4. STACK SIGN ARROW TYPE 6 (Left U-Turn Arrow) Stack Sign Arrow Type 6 should only be used pointing to the left. The arrow is used on ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign 514 to indicate that drivers must execute a U-turn at the next opportunity in order to reach the destination named in the stack. In such an instance drivers are likely to see a further sign 514 shortly after the U-turn indicating a right turn into a side road. 04-SIGNS Page 169 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Vertical Stack and Trailblazer Signs Horizontal Stack Sign 5. DOWNWARD POINTING ARROW TYPE 7 Downward Pointing Arrow Type 7 shall only be used on an overhead direction sign at the bottom of the sign pointing straight downwards. The arrow shall be used on ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 and ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553 to indicate that drivers may use the lane over which the arrow is centred to reach the destination(s) named in the sign above the arrow. Further requirements are as follows: a. When signs 553 and 551 are mounted next to each other, there shall be one Type 7 arrow centred over each lane. b. If one lane is a shared exit lane, an ongoing lane the arrow over the lane should appear on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551. 04-SIGNS Page 170 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) c. If one or more of the lanes indicated on sign 551 is an exclusive exit lane (in other words, the lane is dropped from the ongoing path) the Type 7 arrow shall appear in black on a white background panel at the bottom of the sign together with the word “ONLY” in Arabic and English. d. As an alternative to the sign applications described in Items (b) and (c) -, the use of ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION SIGN 551D and EXIT DIRECTION SIGN 552D with diagrammatic arrows 10 through 13 may be considered (see Section and also Item 8) in order to provide a clearer idea of the lane geometrics at the exit point. 6. UPWARD POINTING ARROW TYPE 8 Upward Pointing Arrow Type 8 may be used on a ground mounted or overhead exit direction sign. The arrow should be located on the right side of ground mounted signs and at the bottom of overhead signs. The arrow is used on an overhead EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 to indicate to drivers that use of the lane over which the arrow is located will lead to a high speed exit from the grade-separated route toward the destination(s) shown above the arrow. Additional requirements are as follows: a. If one or more of the lanes indicated on sign 552 is an exclusive exit lane, the Type 8 arrow shall appear in black on a white background panel at the bottom of the sign together with the word “ONLY” in Arabic and English. b. The Type 8 arrow shall also be used on ground mounted GORE EXIT signs 554, 555 and 556 to indicate to drivers the action point for the high-speed exit. c. The Type 8 arrow shall also be used where ground mounted SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign 557 is provided on a freeway to indicate that the high speed exit a short distance ahead may be used to reach the supplemental destination named on the sign. d. Left hand exits from a through route typically to be avoided. However, where such do occur, the Type 8 arrow shall be inclined towards the left and moved to the left side of ground mounted signs. Type 7 04-SIGNS Type 8 (may be tilted right or left) Page 171 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. MAP ARROW TYPE 9 Map Arrow Type 9 shall only be used on ADVANCE MAP sign 513 (where required) to indicate to drivers that the junction ahead (typically a roundabout) has more than three exit roadways or is of an irregular shape. The arrow shall be custom-designed to suit the geometric configuration of the junction it describes. The arrow’s horizontal orientation shall be in the centre of the sign. The vertical orientation will depend on the geometrics of the intersection, but the arrow shall always be arranged to show the entry path to the diagram is located at the bottom of the sign. Hence the entry path should be bottom justified on the sign. 8. DIAGRAMMATIC LANE ARROWS (TYPES 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) Diagrammatic lane arrows may be positioned on special ADVANCE DIAGRAMMATIC DIRECTION sign 551D and DIAGRMMATIC DIRECTION SIGN 552D signs that are used as 04-SIGNS Page 172 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) replacements for existing sign 551, 552 and 553 installations on freeways where multi-lane exits occur at grade-separated junctions. Consideration and usage of these signs shall be only upon the approval of DMT. Specific requirements are as follows: a. Type 10 through arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which continue through the junction and are not used for exiting traffic. b. Type 11 curved left arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which bear to the left at the exit location. i. If the lanes represent a continuation of the freeway route and not a ramp (e.g., the freeway through lanes curve to the left past the exit), the arrows shall be white as with other sign legend. ii. If one or more lanes drop off from the mainline to form a left-hand exit (not typically desirable), a black arrow shall be placed over the exit lane on a white plate stating “ONLY” in English and Arabic). If two lanes are exiting, a single plate shall be provided over the two lanes, with a Type 11 arrow over each lane and a single “ONLY” text (English and Arabic) provided between the lanes. c. Type 12 curved right arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which bear to the right at the exit location. i. If the lanes represent a continuation of the freeway route and not a ramp (e.g., the freeway through lanes curve to the right past the left-hand exit), the arrows shall be white as with other sign legend. ii. If one or more lanes drop off from the mainline to form the right-hand exit, a black arrow shall be placed over the exit lane on a white plate stating “ONLY” in English and Arabic). If two lanes are exiting, a single plate shall be provided over the two lanes, with a Type 12 arrow over each lane and a single “ONLY” text (English and Arabic) provided between the lanes. d. Type 13 through-curved left option arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which permit both a left exit and through movement. e. Type 14 through-curved right option arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which permit both a right exit and through movement. f. Type 15 curved left-curved right “Y” option arrows shall be placed above traffic lanes which permit either a left movement or a right movement (either the freeway throughlane geometry bears left following a right-hand exit, or the through-lane geometry bears right following a left-hand exit) 04-SIGNS Page 173 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Diagrammatic Lane Arrows on Directional Guide Signs Restrictions on Guide Signs Sections and respectively list control destinations and supplemental destinations eligible for display on primary and supplemental signs. While there always exists the desire and pressure from outside constituencies to add other destinations to the guide signs, this should be avoided. One exception may result in additional exceptions and the creation of not only unreadable guide signs, but often the installation of extra guide signs that impede the visibility of the most critical information. Table 4-23, though not all-inclusive, provides an indication of the types of places not warranting primary display on guide signs within the roadway right-of-way. Some of these may warrant supplementary displays. Table 4-23: Places Not Eligible for Display as Primary Destinations on Guide Signs Commercial Medical Military Governmental Recreational Educational 04-SIGNS Television and Radio Stations, Motels, Minor Shopping Centres, Office Complexes or Buildings, Private Businesses, Petrol Stations except as located on freeways at designated service areas and accessed using dedicated freeway ramps. Clinics, Non-Emergency Hospitals, Public Health Care Facilities, Non-Emergency Mental Hospitals, Research Facilities, Nursing Homes. Bases or Detachments, Armories, Arsenals. Branch offices, non-publicly-accessible Ministries, Prisons, Maintenance Facilities, Utility Agencies, Libraries. Sports Clubs and Facilities (other than those types identified in Section, Private and Semi-Public Clubs (with the exception of Public Municipal Facilities). Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, Vocational Schools, Trade, University, Professional. Page 174 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) There are however, some notable exceptions to Table 4-23. For instance, major facilities such as Sas al Nakhl power plant, commercial port facilities, and other installations (other than particular government buildings or ministries) typically warrant signing from the nearest numbered route. Exceptions can only be implemented with the prior approval of DMT or other owner of the road (e.g., Municipalities). 4.4.3 Route Numbering System Description At the heart of guide signing is the route numbering system. Route numbers allow the motorist to develop a simple series of directions to follow while travelling from one section of the Emirate to another, as well as within local and regional jurisdictions. Where numbered routes are used to identify a specific main road, the route numbers will be prominently and predictably displayed on the guide signs, making driver orientation and direction clear and uncomplicated. Traditional route signing in the region has previously focused on destinations without the use of route numbers or road names. The result has been that it is difficult to identify the correct route from using a road map, and even more difficult to provide directional information to the driver. While the use of Global Positioning Systems in vehicles assists in providing point-of-interest (POI) information without the detailed level of information, the lack of route numbering, road names or street addressing in many areas can affect the ability to reach a private address or a less-known location that may not typically be considered a POI. Standards 1. System of route numbering for entire Emirate. DMT and all responsible transport operations entities shall adhere to an Emirate-wide system of route numbering that is consistent with national route numbering strategies throughout the UAE including neighbouring Emirates, but also assists in providing guidance for regional route number designations. 2. Two levels of route numbering. Abu Dhabi Emirate shall utilize two primary levels of route numbering, E-routes and AD-routes, based on criteria developed in the manual entitled Route Numbering System for the Abu Dhabi Emirate as published by DMT, and referred to herein as the “RNS Manual”. The use of particular route numbering levels shall be as prescribed in the following sections of the document. 3. Display of route numbers on guide signs. Route numbers shall be displayed on guide signs with destination information and shall describe the route number for the road in which the driver is to turn, or for the road the driver is continuing on. 4. Any usage of the Emirate route number emblems is as indicated in this manual is only as a placeholder for illustration purposes and is not to be interpreted as a final depiction until approved by relevant authorities and updated in future versions. 5. Display of downstream route number connections. Use of route numbers other than those referring to the road ahead or the one the driver is turning on may be appropriate in order to show the other routes the road connects with. However, there are key principles required in order to eliminate confusion about which road the driver is on: a. Connecting route numbering in support of ultimate or secondary destinations shall not replace the route numbering for the road the driver is on or turning onto. For example, 04-SIGNS Page 175 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) while E11 may be the main road to Dubai, the driver may be travelling on a major road which leads to E11, say route E10. The first route number shown should thus be E10. b. Connecting route numbers that are reached further down the road may be shown on pull-through guide signs as bracketed between parenthesis symbols. (Example: If, to travel to Dubai, the driver is first required to turn onto route E10, and several kilometres later the driver is directed onto route E11 for the rest of the trip to Dubai, the initial guide signage should indicate the driver is to take route E10 for Dubai. Pull through displays may show the “E11” legend and emblem bracketed by parentheses, either next to or below the E10 legend and emblem. c. If connecting routes are needed to reach particular destinations, the route number and destination for the primary route is shown at the top, while bracketed connecting route numbers may be shown below next to their respective destinations. d. On arterial routes and/or AD-routes with at-grade intersections, chevron or trailblazer signage can provide specific directions to an E-route. Classifications General Description Two routing classifications form a hierarchy of: National and intercity Emirates, or E-routes, and Intra-Emirate roads, or AD-routes, that link these national and intercity routes to local residential and business areas, destinations, and important transport, business and institutional centres. The Abu Dhabi Route Numbering Principles and Practices document provides information on the concept and basis for assigning route numbers to specific roads in the Emirate. Thus, logical route numbering and, where appropriate, tying this route numbering to particular road or street names can assist in providing quick familiarity with navigating a city or area. Route Number Emblems (Signs 501 and 502) National Wayfinding E-Routes / National and International Importance Intra-Emirate Route Numbering System (AD-Routes) Local Wayfinding Local Named Streets Street Addressing System Figure 4-23: Abu Dhabi Route Numbering System Framework 04-SIGNS Page 176 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Description The different route types are identified on the relevant direction and route marker signs by exclusive route number emblems. The number of the route is indicated within the emblem so that the route identification is located at the top of the emblem in English and Arabic (for E-routes) and the route number located below these letters in Arabic numerals (English) only. Road identification on guide signs, except where conditions require other measures, should be given preference in this order: E-Route, AD-Route, road name. The preference is given by installing the highest-priority legend on the top or right of the sign. Standards 1. Emirate Route Emblem (Sign 501) a. Design. The Emirate Route emblem shall have a white background featuring a blue icon and yellow text. b. Size. The overall sizes of the shields are 4 “x” high by 3 “x” wide. Shield proportions shall remain the same regardless of physical size. Sign 501 c. Legend. Numerical font shall use US FHWA-standard Highway Gothic Series D, or alternatives of equivalent visibility characteristics. All signs at the same intersection and location shall utilize the same font types for uniformity. d. Placement. Emirates route shields shall be placed as follows, next to the approved road name and/or approved destination consistent with the examples of Section 4.4.4: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Advance exit direction signs Exit direction signs Advance overhead directional signs Chevron direction signs Emirates Route Trailblazer signs Distance signs 2. Abu Dhabi Route Emblem (Sign 502) a. Design. To be determined by DMT. A “generic” emblem is presented in this manual as part of guide sign examples. b. Size. The overall size of the shield is proposed to be 3 “x” high by 4 “x” wide. c. Legend. Numerical font shall use UK Transport Medium, FHWA Highway Gothic Series E, or equivalent fonts of equal visibility. All signs at the same intersection and location shall utilize the same font types for uniformity. 04-SIGNS Page 177 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Placement. AD-route emblems shall be placed as follows, next to the approved road name and/or approved destination consistent with the examples of Section 4.4.4: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Advance exit direction signs Exit direction signs Advance overhead directional signs Chevron direction signs Street name signs AD-Route Trailblazer signs Distance signs Sign 502 (to be superseded by final AD Route Emblem Design) and Example on Stack Directional Sign Marker Sign 500 Description Kilometre Marker (or kilometre post) signs are provided as a tool both for driver orientation along major and rural routes, as well as a tool for DMT with respect to asset management and exit numbering along freeways, which are tied to kilometre distances from the northern or western terminus of a particular route. The signs contain a route shield (E-route or AD-route) along with a posting of the number of kilometres to and from the zero-origin of the road. Standards 1. Placement and Spacing. Kilometre markers shall be placed at 2km intervals along all E-routes, as well as along AD-routes that: a. are outside urban areas, or b. travel along highway and freeway facilities (urban and rural). Signs 500E (left) and 500AD 2. Mounting Kilometre Marker Sign 503 shall be mounted in each direction on a metal post a minimum of 5m behind the right edge of the shoulder, with the bottom edge of the sign being a minimum of 1000mm above the right edge of shoulder. In urban areas, if light poles are provided along the right side of the pavement, kilometre marker signs may be attached on the light poles at the minimum height indicated. 3. Appearance. Route shield shall be a reduced-scale version of the route emblems found in Sign 501 (E-route) or Sign 502 (AD-route) with width not less than 30mm. Kilometre reading shall be in black legend on white background with black border, with the digits stacked vertically under a “km” legend, underneath the route shield. Sign 585 Description Distance signs provide information to drivers of significant destinations and corresponding travel distances to them following the same route as well as connecting routes. They may be typically applied on E-routes but may also be 04-SIGNS Page 178 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) provided on AD-routes in rural areas as well as on freeways/highways which have more than 20km distance between junctions. Standards 1. Colour. Distance sign shall have white legend on the following background: a. Blue background for all E-routes, as well as AD-routes in rural areas and on freeway facilities b. Green background for AD-routes in urban and suburban environments 2. Sign Configuration. Sign shall include information for each destination: a. Arabic will contain, for up to three destinations, the distance information in the left column, left justified, and corresponding Sign 585 (example) destinations in the right column, right-justified. b. English (below the Arabic) will contain the destination names in the left column, leftjustified and distances (in kilometres) in the right column, right-justified. 3. Destinations. Only up to three control destinations (in order of nearest to farthest) as presented in Section shall be provided. Other requirements include: a. Major route junctions can be shown if there are fewer than three destinations along the road. Major route junctions, if listed, shall be shown as follows. i. The Arabic will contain the distance in the left column, and in the right column the pertinent route emblem and number, right-justified with the word “ ”تقاطعto the left. ii. The English will show the pertinent route shield left-justified and the word “Junction” shown to the right of it in English, with the distance to the junction in the right column, right-justified. b. The bottom line destination for the Arabic and English shall indicate the name of a control city that has national significance for travellers using the route. This may also be interpreted as a significant city defining the end of the route. c. Symbols such as those used for CITY CENTRE or AIRPORT may be used and shown in place of destination names or next to destination names. 4. Location of signs. Requirements are as follows: a. E-route distance signs shall be placed 500m past city or major community boundaries and at maximum intervals of 20km if there are no intermediate numbered-route junctions. b. E-route distance signs shall also be placed 500m past major junctions (freewayfreeway or freeway-highway). c. AD-route distance signs on freeways or in rural areas shall also be placed a maximum of 20km apart or closer depending on the number of numbered-route junctions that are crossed. A distance sign shall be provided 500m downstream from at-grade junctions with other numbered routes. 04-SIGNS Page 179 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. Size of sign. The sign width will be dictated by the longest word (English or Arabic) plus longest distance. on Use of Cardinal Directions In general, due to the orientation of many E-routes and AD-routes not being directly north-south or east-west, and some changing direction, it is the practice of DMT for directional referencing along routes as being oriented toward destinations. However, for specific exceptions in which navigation may be best achieved through cardinal directions, DMT may authorize such signing. This should be done on a consistent basis for the specific route, including all advance direction signs as well as on trailblazers and chevron signs leading to the specific route direction. Sample treatments for cardinal direction signing are presented. Cardinal Direction Signage Samples Marking Principles Description A route marker sign serves as a confirmatory guide sign that provides reassurance to motorists that they are on their intended route (or conversely to advise them that they have taken a wrong turn and are not on the route that they planned to be on). Under the Abu Dhabi guide signing system the ongoing routes at all intersections will be signed with the route number as part of the primary advance guide signing as will be discussed in later sections of this Chapter. This is true both for at-grade junctions (signalized intersections and roundabouts) and for grade-separated interchanges. Thus, every time a motorist travelling on a route approaches a junction, he will receive confirmation of the route he is on. On rural routes with greater distances, kilometre-posting and distance signing along with route markers in order to provide navigational reassurance for the traveller. Standards 1. Rural Route Marking. As per Figure 4-24, Detail 27-1, route reassurance shall be provided using through movement guide sign displays prior to junctions, through destination distance signage with route number displayed above the destinations, placed 2km beyond the junction, and through kilometre posts with route shields at 2km intervals continuously along 04-SIGNS Page 180 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) the route, numbered from the westernmost or northernmost terminal of the road. If there is greater than 25km distance between junctions with numbered routes, then destination distance signage shall be provided at 20km intervals. 2. Urban Route Marking. As per Figure 4-24, Detail 27-2, route reassurance shall be provided using through movement guide sign displays prior to junctions, as well as route marker signs approximately 500m after the junction, and every 2km thereafter, up to a point not less than 1km from the next primary guide sign that contains the emblem of the through route. Destination distance signage is not mandatory, but may be provided 500m past major junctions, if there is at least 2km prior to the next junction. Detail 27-1: Rural Route Marking Principles Detail 27-2: Urban Route Marking Principles 04-SIGNS Page 181 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-24: Route Marking Principles Destinations Description Control destinations refer to the destinations that are served by specific routes or major streets (with or without route numbers). They may refer to cities, districts, international border crossings, or major attractions as approved by DMT. Municipalities may designate additional control destinations for ADroutes and local streets within their jurisdictions that are now shown in this Section, but the destinations should be consistent with the intent of control destinations as defined by the standards in Section Please note that “Supplemental Destinations” (those oriented to tourists or representing government installations or facilities) are addressed specifically in Section, and may include associated graphical symbols as descriptors. Standards 1. Purpose. Control destinations define key cities, towns, local districts, international border crossings, or major bridges as approved by DMT and the Municipalities. 2. Other Destinations. Supplementary destinations such as tourist and cultural attractions and landmark hotels may be identified by DMT and appropriate Municipalities, but shall not be shown as control destinations. They shall be shown with supplementary signing or, optionally in panel inserts within larger signs (brown background with white symbol signs showing black icons or specific logos) where room and legibility permits. 3. Maximum destinations to be shown on a sign. Depending on the sign type, no more than two destinations shall be shown per guide sign panel or stack (in the case of advance signing as discussed in Section 4.4.3). The first destination shall refer to the nearest control destination, while the second refers to the ultimate control destination (e.g., the termination of the route or the most significant destination prior to the termination of the route). 4. Destinations shall be limited to no more than 15 characters (Spaces count as a half-character each) per line in order to assure a manageable sign width. (The longest name of a UAE Emirate, Ras al Khaimah, is 14 characters in English). Compression of text height, width, or both to accommodate destination names within a sign shall not be permitted without coordination and written approval by DMT. 5. If, due to allowable sign width, a destination requires two lines to be displayed, the second line may be indented by one character if needed for clarity. 04-SIGNS Page 182 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance It is not possible to list all possible destinations within the Emirate owing to its growth the past several decades. However, the range of destinations for DMT-operated and maintained roadways are defined in Table 4-23. Additional destinations within Municipalities shall be acceptable on Municipality-operated roadway facilities provided they are of a similar nature to those presented in Table 4-24 i.e., commercial developments are considered secondary rather than control destinations. Destinations approved for E-routes are based on the E-route definitions as per the RNS Manual. Table 4-24: Control Destinations 4.4.4 Guide Signs for Arterials and At-Grade Junctions Description The following types of guide sign may be specified for use in advance of, at, or within at-grade junctions: 04-SIGNS Page 183 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK sign (overhead mounted), or ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK SIGN (ground mounted), or ADVANCE MAP sign. ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign. CHEVRON DIRECTION sign. STREET NAME sign. All approaches to junctions between two arterial routes should be provided with each of the sign types with the exception of the ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign, which is optional. Details of the signs, their functions, applications, locations, and the information that may be displayed are given in the following sections. Certain site-specific conditions may require a departure from the parameters and guidelines specified in the following sections. Such variations shall only be implemented with the prior approval of DMT and the Municipality or other local operator. Standards 1. Appearance of Major Guide Signs. Consistent with Section signs mounted on arterial routes that are AD-routes or major arterial routes as defined by the local jurisdiction shall have a white legend on a green background, with the exception of those panels specifically directing traffic to an E-route, for which the panels shall have a white legend on a blue background. Signs on non-urban arterial routes (i.e., those not maintained by a Municipality) or at rural junctions shall be white-on-blue as well. 2. Appearance of Minor and Supplementary Guide Signs. Use of signs with a black legend on a white background shall be limited to STREET NAME signs, COMMUNITY NAME signs (covered in later sections), SUPPLEMENTARY GUIDE SIGNS providing direction to government installations, and CHEVRON signs providing similar direction to government installations, departments, etc. Use of signs with white legend on brown background shall be limited to guide sign panels or stacks providing specific direction to tourist or cultural attractions. 3. Text Fonts. Arabic text shall utilize Naskh font and be right justified. English text shall utilize UK-standard Transport font, shall be placed below the Arabic text and be left justified. 1. The use of a specific sign background colour code as described in the standards, serves as an aid to motorists in searching out and recognizing the type of guide sign they are looking for. Colour coding will also aid in distinguishing the type of route the motorist is currently on or looking to go into. 2. A special case in the colour coding occurs within a signalized intersection or a roundabout when an Emirate Route and an Abu Dhabi Route intersect one another. Advance guide signs on the Emirate Route will have a blue background colour and advance guide signs on the Abu Dhabi Route will have a green background colour. However, CHEVRON DIRECTION signs 515 will be located in or near the junction, to guide motorists in making turns onto their intended route. Since some junctions include both an Emirate Route and an Abu Dhabi Route, the colour coding for CHEVRON DIRECTION sign 515 shall be that each of these signs will be the colour of the type of route that it provides direction to. That is, signs giving 04-SIGNS Page 184 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) direction onto an Emirate Route shall have a blue background, and those giving direction to an Abu Dhabi Route shall have a green background. Horizontal Stack Sign 511 Description Advance horizontal stack signs are overhead-mounted guide signs located in advance of a major atgrade intersection, in which panels for specific road directions are mounted approximately above the lanes which are to be used for making the appropriate through or turning movements. The primary functions of these signs are: To indicate the routes and control destinations at the end of each route and intermediate destinations, where applicable, that can be reached by turning left or right, or continuing ahead. To assist drivers in selecting the most appropriate lanes for the manoeuvres they wish to make at the junction ahead. Sign 511 is implemented on routes with traffic volumes and/or number of lanes warranting overhead advance signs as specified in Section 4.1.10, and as follows: In advance of signalized at-grade intersections. In advance of signalized or unsignalized roundabouts. Sign 511 (example) Standards 1. Purpose. ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK SIGN 511 shall be provided where there are more than three approach lanes and at least two movement options, where the cross street is a major arterial and an AD-route, and where traffic levels and line of sight would limit the use of ground-mounted signage. 2. Location. Sign 511 shall be placed as follows: a. Overhead on gantries (placed centrally over the roadway). b. Up to 250m in advance of the intersection or roundabout. c. In a manner that does not infer movements are to occur into a minor side road intersection located prior to the major intersection that is pertinent to the sign. d. Not less than 175m after the previous junction of numbered routes. 3. Display of information. Only the following message elements shall be eligible for display on ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK signs: 04-SIGNS Page 185 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Direction arrow Route number emblem Street name or first control destination First control destination (if street name not shown on sign) or ultimate destination City centre symbol Airport symbol Connecting route number emblem, bracketed with parenthetical symbols, indicating a route that the direction leads to (e.g., an E-route located downstream from the intersection) 4. Placement of message stacks. Location of message stacks on Sign 511 shall utilize the minimum requirements as follows. a. No more than three message stacks shall be provided on Sign 511. For a crossroad or roundabout intersection, information relevant for turning left, going straight ahead, and turning right shall be displayed in three separate stacks, respectively arranged horizontally from left to right. b. At a T-junction where the road is ending, two separate stacks shall be provided, where the left-turn stack should always be leftmost and the right-turn stack the rightmost. c. At a “sideways T-junction” where the major route continues through, two stacks are to be provided. If the options are left or through movements, the left-turn stack is to the left of the straight-ahead stack; if the options are through or right movements, the right-turn stack is to the right of the straight-ahead stack. 5. Direction Arrow. Hooked Type 4 or 5 arrows facing in the appropriate direction should be displayed in the left and right turn stacks. An upward pointing Type 3 arrow should be placed in the ongoing movement stack. The horizontal placement of the arrow shall be left-justified for left and through movements within their respective stacks, and right-justified for the right turn movements within its stack. Vertical placement shall be aligned either (a) at the centre axis of the sign stack or (b) at the top of the sign, depending on message layout and the ability to reduce the size of the sign. 6. Route Number Emblem. One route number emblem shall be displayed for each direction of travel for which a route number has been allocated, except for routes where two route numbers are assigned. In such cases, both route numbers shall be stacked one above the other, next to their respective destinations (in this situation, each destination shall be treated separately relative to Arabic and English, i.e., the first destination will appear in Arabic, then English, then the second destination will appear in Arabic, then English). The width of the AD-route cut-out shield shall not be greater than that of the E-route shield above it. An example is shown. Stack Showing Two Route Numbers with Destinations 04-SIGNS Page 186 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. Destinations and Street Names. For each direction of travel, the stacks shall consist of no more than two lines of information each in Arabic and English. They can be configured as follows: a. Option A: 1st Line has Street Name, 2nd Line has Control Destination b. Option B: 1st Line has Closest Control Destination, 2nd Line has Next Control Destination c. Option C: 1 line, Street Name only. d. Option D: 1 line, Closest Control Destination only Layout of information shall consist of two lines of Arabic justified right, followed by two lines of English, justified left. The English language information shall be placed in the lower portion of the sign. Exception shall be for the situation described in Item 6 where the direction of travel has two route numbers assigned to the route. Each route number shield will have a destination in Arabic and English aligned with it. If an E-route is one of the shared route numbers, the particular stack display shall have a blue background even if the other stacks on the same overhead sign show a green background. 8. For Arterials with No Route Number. If a movement does not have a route number and control destination, the local street name shall be substituted for the control destination. 9. Connecting Routes. Routes to which the current route connects in order to reach a specific destination may be shown if beneficial to route guidance, by enclosing the connecting route emblem and number within parentheses. (Example: a road leading to route E66 may show “(E66)” on the guide sign.) Guidance 1. Layout of ADVANCE HORIZONTAL STACK Sign 511 shall take into consideration the following constraints: a. Number of lanes on the approach. Recommended maximum width of the sign is to approximately 3.6m times the number of lanes on the approach. b. Align Arabic text on the right at the same level as the horizontal axis of the route number shield. c. Align English text with left edge of route shield. 2. Use of AIRPORT or CITY CENTRE symbols shall only be used with routes that have either location as a control destination. The symbol plates shall be located to the right of the route shield in the middle of the top portion of the stack, or, for left and through movement signs, right-justified within the stack above all Arabic and English text. The airport symbol shall be turned in the direction of the required movement leading to the airport. However, the nose of the symbol shall not point below horizontal at any time. 3. Use Connecting Route information (route emblem and number within parentheses) when the direction of travel shown leads directly to that route. 04-SIGNS Page 187 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 511 Example using City Centre and Airport Symbols along with Connecting Route Guidance (Parenthetical Symbols) Vertical Stack Sign 512 Description ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK SIGN 512 is a ground-mounted guide sign located in advance of an at-grade intersection, which show on up to three panels stacked vertically, the available route numbers, street names and/or control destinations and corresponding through or turning movements. The primary functions of this sign are: To indicate the routes and control Sign 512 destinations at the end of each route that can be reached by turning left or right, or continuing ahead. To assist drivers in selecting the most appropriate lanes for the manoeuvres they wish to make at the junction ahead. Sign 512 is implemented on approaches with traffic volumes and/or a number of lanes that do not warrant overhead advance signs as specified in Section 4.1.10 and as follows: In advance of signalized or unsignalized at-grade intersections. In advance of signalized or unsignalized roundabouts. Standards 1. Purpose. ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK SIGN 512 shall be provided where there are at least two movement options, where the cross street is a major arterial and an AD-route and where traffic levels and line of sight issues do not warrant the use of overhead horizontal stack signing for advance intersection guidance. 2. Location. Sign 512 shall be placed as follows: a. b. c. d. 04-SIGNS Ground mounted on the right side of the roadway. Up to 250m in advance of the intersection or roundabout. With due regard to the position of any minor side-road intersection. Not less than 175m after the previous junction of numbered routes. Page 188 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Display of information. Only the following message elements shall be eligible for display on ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK signs: a. b. c. d. e. f. Direction arrow Route number emblem Street name or first control destination First control destination (if street name not shown on sign) or ultimate destination City centre symbol Airport symbol 4. Placement of message stacks. Location of message stacks on Sign 512 shall utilize the minimum requirements as follows. a. No more than three message stacks shall be provided on Sign 512. For a crossroad or roundabout intersection, information relevant for going straight ahead, turning left, and turning right shall be displayed in three separate stacks, arranged vertically from top to bottom. b. At a T-junction where the road is ending, two separate stacks shall be provided, where the left-turn stack is on top and the right-turn stack on the bottom. c. At a “sideways T-junction” where the major route continues through, two stacks are to be provided. The through movement is at the top, while the left or right turning movement is at the bottom. 5. Direction Arrow. An upward pointing Type 3 arrow shall be placed in the through movement stack and left-justified. Hooked type 4 or 5 arrows facing in the appropriate direction should be displayed in the left and right turn stacks, with the right arrow justified on the far right and the left arrow justified on the far left. Arrows shall be centred on the horizontal axis of each stack. 6. Route Number Emblem. One route number emblem shall be displayed for each direction of travel for which a route number has been allocated. The route number emblem shall be vertically aligned just below the top of each stack, and horizontally aligned to the right of the arrows for the through and left-turn stacks, and left-justified for right-turn stacks. In cases where two numbers are assigned to one route, both route numbers shall be stacked one above the other, next to their respective destinations (in this situation, each destination shall be treated separately relative to Arabic and English, i.e., the first destination will appear in Arabic, then English, then the second destination will appear in Arabic, then English). The dimensions of the AD-route shield shall not be greater than that of the E-route shield above it. The layout concept is similar to the horizontal stack example in Section, Item 6. 7. Destinations and Street Names. For each direction of travel, the stacks shall consist of no more than one line of information each in Arabic and English, except for two-level stacks in which two lines of information can be provided for each stack. They can be configured as follows: a. Option A: 1st Line has Street Name, b. Option B: 1st Line has Closest Control Destination, c. Option C: 2 lines (for two-level stack signs only), the first being street name and second being closest control destination. d. Option D: 2 lines (for two-level stack signs only), the first being the closest control destination, and second being the ultimate control destination 04-SIGNS Page 189 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Layout of information shall consist of two lines of Arabic justified right, followed by two lines of English, justified left. The English language information shall be placed in the lower portion of each stack. Exception shall be for the situation described in Item 6 where the direction of travel has two route numbers assigned to the route. Each route number shield will have a destination in Arabic and English aligned with it. If an E-route is one of the shared route numbers, the particular stack shall have a blue background even if the other stacks on the same sign show a green background. 8. Connecting Routes. Routes to which the current route connects in order to reach a specific destination may be shown if beneficial to route guidance, by enclosing the connecting route emblem and number within parentheses. (Example: a road leading to route E66 may show “(E66)” on the guide sign.) Guidance 1. Layout of ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK Sign 512 should follow the guidance found in Figure 4-25 relative to spacing and positioning of legend, route number emblems and arrows. Please note that AD-route markers are dimensioned as 3.0x high by 4.0x wide, while E-route markers are dimensioned as 4.0x high x 3.0x wide. Assumption with this example is one line for each destination (Arabic and English). 2. Use of AIRPORT or CITY CENTRE symbols shall only be used with routes that have either location as a control destination. For left and through movement stacks, the symbol shall be right-justified within the stack. For right-turns, the symbol shall be just to the left of the Type 5 Arrow. The airport symbol shall be turned in the direction of the required movement leading to the airport. However, the nose of the symbol shall not point below horizontal at any time. 3. Text Justification. Arabic text is right justified on right turn Type 5 arrow. If the sign does not require a right turn stack, as at a T-junction from the left, the Arabic text should be justified on the right edge of the sign. The English text is left justified on the route number emblems. 4. City centre symbol. The symbol may be used with a route that has the Abu Dhabi city centre or Al Ain Town Centre as a control destination, but only within Abu Dhabi Island (for Abu Dhabi city centre) and Al Ain’s urbanized area (for Al Ain Town Centre). Other cities which reach over 100,000 population and have a defined central business district may request use of the city centre symbol on roads within the cities from the DMT or Municipality that controls those roads. 04-SIGNS Page 190 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-25: Typical Guide Sign Internal Spacing Elements (not to scale) Map Sign 513 Description ADVANCE MAP SIGN 513 is a guide sign that may be ground or overhead-mounted, located in advance of an at-grade intersection, which shows, using a diagrammatic display, the route numbers, street names and/or control destinations associated with the directional indications on the map. The map does not show specific lane assignments for turning movements. This sign is typically applied for complex junctions containing nonstandard or irregular road geometrics such as an enlarged roundabout, dog-legged intersection, and/or more than four exit roadways. Due to the size required for this type of sign, it should only be used in exceptional circumstances. It should not be used at T-intersections for example, but it may be used in lieu of stack signage at more junctions with 3 or more directional options. Standards 1. Purpose. ADVANCE MAP SIGN 513 shall be provided at complex junctions (including largediameter and non-circular roundabouts or dog-leg intersections) where there are three or more movement options. Sign 513.1 refers to a ground-mounted map sign. Sign 513.2 refers to an overhead mounted sign, which shall be utilized if there are three lanes approaching the intersection/roundabout, and if the nature of traffic or geometrics limits the visibility of groundmount signs. 04-SIGNS Page 191 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Location. Sign 513 shall be placed as follows: a. Ground mounted (513.1) or overhead mounted (513.2) on the right side of the roadway. b. Up to 250m in advance of the roundabout (or other junction). c. With due regard to the position of any minor side road intersection. d. Not less than 175m after the previous junction of numbered routes. 3. Display of information. Only the following message elements shall be eligible for display on ADVANCE MAP signs: a. b. c. d. e. Map direction arrow graphics Route number emblem Street name or control destination (one item only) City centre symbol Airport symbol Sign 513 4. Map direction arrow. Key requirements are as follows: a. The map direction arrow graphic Type 9 shall represent the shape of the complex junction as closely as is practical with one pointed arrow leg for each exit path from the junction, EXCLUDING the reverse path to the direction of entry to the junction (e.g., if the junction is a roundabout, it should show a “broken circle”). b. The graphic shall reflect the general shape or layout of the intersection. In such a case the sign design should be customized to the specific map direction arrow shape following the general principles shown in the provided examples. c. The map direction arrow graphic shall be centred between the left and right destinations, with the bottom of the graphic aligned with the bottom of the sign. 5. Route number emblem and destination/street name placement. Requirements shown as follows: a. One route number emblem shall be displayed for each direction of travel for which a route number has been allocated. b. If there are two route numbers assigned to a particular direction, they should be shown one directly over the other, with E-route first, with one destination for each route. 04-SIGNS Page 192 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) c. On each leg, destination/street name shall be centred on the through arrow, with route shield to the left and centred vertically next to the Arabic and English text for destination/street name. d. For left- and right-turn movements, text shall be centred on the left and right turn arrow legs, with route markers to the left 6. City centre symbol. The symbol shall only be used with a route that has Abu Dhabi City Centre or Abu Dhabi Town Centre as a control destination. It shall be placed to the right of the destination name and centred vertically on the Arabic and English legends. Guidelines 1. Information relevant to changing direction or going straight ahead should be displayed in line with the pointed arrow legs of the map (Type 9) arrow representing an exit path from the junction. 2. If there should be more than one ongoing exit path from the junction the relevant blocks comprising the route number emblem and English and Arabic text should be moved off-centre on the arrow legs until sufficient space exists between the two blocks that their proximity will not be confusing. 3. The English text should be left justified on the route number emblem and the Arabic text right justified on the right hand end of the English text, UNLESS the Arabic text is longer than the English text in which case both Arabic and English text should be left justified on the route number emblem. 4. The airport symbol should not be used ordinarily on this sign unless the junction involves an access road that leads directly to the airport or if there is known to be significant traffic (e.g., 30% of all traffic at the intersection) headed toward the airport. Separate trailblazer signing should be used for all other intersections requiring direction to the airport. 5. To reduce the complexity and quantity of information on the sign, regulatory or warning signs should not be placed on map direction signs next to individual directional arrows except for the following as appropriate: a. No Goods Vehicle (Sign 351) b. Red rectangle atop head of arrow indicating dead end or road closure. Supplemental Sign 514 Description ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL SIGN 514 is a guide sign that: Indicates supplemental destinations either in addition to standard advance direction signs, or on their own at junctions that do not warrant standard advance direction signs. Is intended for drivers who are unfamiliar with Abu Dhabi in finding their way from a numbered route to the non-control supplemental destination. Eligible supplemental destinations are described in this section, and are indicated on the sign both with text and/or with symbols indicating the nature of the supplemental destination. Table 4-25 lists types of destinations approved for supplemental signing. These destinations should be signed beginning at the point of departure from the nearest Emirate Route and continuing through all necessary turns on the most direct route from that departure point to the appropriate access point of the destination. 04-SIGNS Page 193 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 4-25: Locations Eligible for Supplement Destination Signing Locations Eligible for Supplemental Destination Signing Destination Type Government Offices and Agencies Limiting Threshold No. of Signs - 2 Formal request from concerned agency Required Documentation Schools 800 students 2 Formal request via the Abu Dhabi Education Council, This should indicate the number of students. Universities 1000 students 2 Formal request via the Ministry of Higher Education 2 Abu Dhabi Health Authority licence 2 Trade licence – Economic Development Authority 1-2 Trade licence – Economic Development Authority Hospitals and clinics Large Commercial Centres Small/Medium Commercial Centres Must contain Accident and Emergency unit and a minimum of 50 beds Minimum Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 20,000sqm Minimum Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 5,000sqm Hotels Minimum 4 Star Classification 1-2 Classification certificate from Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority Housing complexes More than 100 villas 1-2 Building permit issued by the Abu Dhabi Municipality (Planning Department) Tourist and Heritage Sites - 2 Formal request from the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority Gardens, parks and similar recreational areas Minimum plot area of 10,000sqm 2 Authorised for Municipal Parks only Factories and Workshops Minimum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 50,000sqm 2 Trade license – Economic Development Authority Sports Clubs Minimum plot area of 20,000sqm 2 Formal request via the Abu Dhabi Sports Council or the Ministry of Sports - 1-2 Formal request from the embassy via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Capacity of over 800 worshipers 1-2 Formal request via Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments Foreign Embassies Mosques Signboards will not be allowed for small and micro destinations like, small sports club such as gyms, dental and cosmetic clinics, hotels of less than four stars, nurseries, kindergartens, small mosques and TV stations. Supplemental signs placed on a numbered route should have both the symbol and the identifying name of the destination being signed. Subsequent supplemental signing from the numbered route to the destination should be provided by supplemental trail blazer signs displaying only the pictorial symbol without the identifying place name. 04-SIGNS Page 194 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) However, some site-specific locations may require more than one similar destination. In this case, the name will be retained until trailblazing can be used without creating confusion as to which destination is which. Such cases must be submitted to the concerned Municipality for approval prior to implementation. Sign 514.1 refers to a stand-alone, ground-mounted supplemental guide sign. Sign 514.2 refers to an insert onto a standard advance stack or map directional sign in a contrasting colour as indicated in Section, depending on the type of supplemental destination. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign 514 shall be utilized to guide travellers to supplemental destinations as described in this Section, and shall consist of either a stand-alone ground-mounted guide sign (Sign 514.1) or an inserted text and symbol with contrasting background (Sign 514.2) on Signs 511, 512 or 513, depending on road geometrics or available sign space. 2. Appearance. Supplemental sign displays shall be one of the following: a. Brown with white legend and white border for supplemental destinations of tourist, cultural or retail interest including major points of interest (such as terminal numbers for airports, etc.) with black icons or colour logos in a borderless white shield representing the destination symbols. b. White with black legend and black border for supplemental destinations representing government offices, police, military installations, public facilities, libraries, universities or other institutions. Symbols may consist of approved government logos or symbols and shall be as approved by DMT or the Municipality operating and maintaining the road or street in question. 3. Use of Ground-Mount Sign. Sign 514.1 shall be used in advance of signalized or unsignalized at-grade intersections or roundabouts where there is no or limited room to provide supplementary destination information on the standard advance guide signs 511, 512 or 513. 4. Use of Insert. Sign 514.2 may be used as an insert on signs 511, 512 and 513 under the following circumstances: a. If one of the directional options at a junction only provides access to the supplemental destination and no other control destinations b. If there is sufficient room within the design of the guide sign (i.e., no more than one line each of Arabic and English text for a particular direction and sufficient space underneath that legend) to provide the insert, limited to one line of Arabic, one line of English, and one symbol to the right (for left or through movements) or to the left (for right turn movements). 5. Location of Ground-Mounted Installation. Sign 514.1 shall be installed on the right side of the roadway UNLESS the sign is for a left turn or U-turn movement and the median island is wide enough to safely accommodate the sign, in which case the sign may be located on the left side of the roadway in a one-way roadway or dual carriageway. Installation distance relative to the junction shall be as follows: a. Up to 160m in advance of the intersection or roundabout between sign 511 (or 512 or 513) and the junction, or up to 160m in advance of the U-turn. b. With due regard to the provision of any minor side road intersection. 04-SIGNS Page 195 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6. Content of Display. The following items only shall be eligible for display on Advance Supplemental signs: a. Direction arrow. b. Approved supplemental sign symbol as presented. c. Approved supplemental destination (“primary” or identifying name only). 7. Display Layout. Information will commonly be displayed in single left or right turn stack signs. Since the function of the sign does not include orientation, only the directions to approved supplemental destinations are signed. If more than one stack is required, the stack order should be the same as for an ADVANCE VERTICAL STACK sign 512. Sign 514.1 Sign 514.2 Inserted into Sign 511 or 512 panel 8. Direction Arrow. The following requirements are included: a. For Sign 514.1, hooked type 4, 5, or 6 arrows facing in the appropriate direction shall be displayed in the appropriate stack. b. A Type 3 through arrow may be used for Sign 514.1 as needed to provide drivers with directional reassurance and to avoid confusion and unnecessary turns. c. Arrows shall be vertically centred in each Sign 514.1 stack, left justified in the stack for left, U-turns and through movements, and right justified for right turns. d. Sign 514.2 shall not utilize direction arrows as it directly supplements a directional display, unless it is displayed as a separate stack within a stack sign, in which case it shall adhere to the arrow requirements for the stack sign (either Sign 511 or Sign 512). e. Sign 514.2 shall also not have a border unless it is displayed as a separate stack within an advance stack sign, in which case it shall adhere to the arrow and display requirements of Items a, b and c as associated with Sign 514.1. 9. Approved Supplemental Sign Symbol. The approved symbols (see Figure 4-26) shall be used with the primary or identifying name for the facility with the exception of items a through d. If 04-SIGNS Page 196 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) more than one facility of the same type exists in one direction up to two names may be used with one symbol (see Approved Supplemental Destinations in Figure 4-26). Up to four specific symbols without identifying names shall be permitted to be shown on the same sign stack (514.1) or panel (514.2), but shall have limited use as shown: a. b. c. d. Petrol station – shall be used on non-urban routes for stations within 500m of route Toilets – shall be used on non-urban routes for facilities within 500m of route Restaurant – shall be used on non-urban routes for restaurants within 500m of route Hotel – shall only be used for hotels located outside urban areas within 500m of route Note that the symbols may also be used on motorist services signs (Section but only for facilities that are directly accessed from the freeway/highway (e.g., frontage road, service road, or direct ramp). 10. Custom Symbols. Custom symbols or logos shall fit into the white shield format used for approved supplemental destination symbols. They shall be approved by DMT or the Municipality with jurisdiction over the road or street in question. Custom symbols may be used to represent the following types of destinations: a. Government installations (refer to Item 2b.) b. Historic or cultural districts c. Hotels with dedicated access and substantial public or convention facilities (capacity of 1000 persons or more) (alternative to hotel symbol) d. Convention and exhibition centres e. Shopping malls of 80,000m2 or greater f. Motor speedways or raceways g. Football stadiums or sports arenas (alternative to stadium symbol) h. Special art, cultural or historical museums i. Performing arts centres and theatres j. Recreational facilities (swimming pools, ice rinks, youth sports facilities) 04-SIGNS Page 197 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 4-26: Approved Supplemental Destination Symbols 04-SIGNS Page 198 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 11. Placement of Symbols. Up to two different symbols, for two different types of supplemental destination, may be displayed with their appropriate primary names in one stack. a. Vertical placement: i. One symbol: centred in the stack. ii. Two symbols: aligned one above the other, centred in the stack so that the spaces between borders and symbols, and between symbols, are equal. iii. One or more symbols without name identifiers: Shall be placed vertically centred within the stack, with spacing between left border and or Type 3/Type 4 arrows and symbols, between the symbols, and between the right border and/or Type 5 arrow being uniform. b. Horizontal placement: i. Left turn and U-turn: left justified on Type 4 and Type 6 arrows. ii. Right turn: left justified on edge of sign, UNLESS both left and right turn stacks are required, in which case both left and right stack symbols should be left justified on the Type 4 arrow in the left turn stack. 12. Destination Names. Requirements are as follows: a. The full destination name shall be used for all supplemental destinations, along with an approved supplementary symbol, where it is applicable. b. When two facilities of the same type occur in one direction, two names may be used with one symbol. c. If two different types of facility occur in one direction, two symbols may be provided within one stack so that one is above the other (see Approved Supplemental Sign Symbol). d. Vertical placement shall be as follows: i. One destination: centred in the stack with the Arabic text above the English text. ii. Two destinations of the same type: centred in the stack with the two Arabic names above the two English names. iii. Two destinations of different types: each destination centred on the appropriate supplemental symbol with the Arabic text above the English text for each destination. e. Horizontal placement: i. Left turn and U-turn: Arabic text right justified on the right edge of the sign. English text left justified on the Supplemental Symbol. ii. Right turn: Arabic text right justified on the Type 5 arrow. English text left justified on the supplemental symbol. 04-SIGNS Page 199 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Direction Sign 515 Description Chevron signs provide directional indications at the point of turning, including provision of route numbers, street names and control destination, supplemental and local destinations. The colour of the sign background depends on the route and the function of the sign, including use of green for AD-routes, blue for E-routes, brown for secondary tourist and services installations, and white (with black legend) for government installations and services. Standards 1. Purpose: Chevron Sign 515 shall be installed at the location in which a driver makes a turn, pointing the direction of the route number, street name, and either control, supplemental or local destination. 2. Appearance. Supplemental sign displays shall be one of the following: a. E-route Chevron Sign 515.1. For Chevron signs leading directly to an E-route, the sign shall have a white legend and border on a blue background as follows. i. Up to two routes may be displayed on the sign, one above the other, or sideby-side (justified left), along with destinations, airport or city centre symbols if the route leads to these locations. ii. If one route emblem is used, up to two destinations shall are possible. iii. If the route connects to another E-route in order to reach the destination shown on the sign, the connecting route emblem and number would be displayed in parentheses and placed below or to the right of the main route emblem. iv. If a Mashreq route is assigned to an E-route, the M-route emblem and number is to be displayed below the E-route, but only if the sign is being displayed to traffic already on an M-route. Sign 515.1 (Chevrons for E-routes) b. AD-route Chevron Sign 515.2. For Chevron signs leading to an AD-route. The sign shall have a white legend and border on a green background as shown (blue background to be used on rural routes). i. Up to two routes may be displayed on the sign, one above the other or sideby-side, justified left. ii. If the route connects to an AD-route or E-route in order to reach the destination shown on the sign, the connecting route emblem and number would be 04-SIGNS Page 200 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) displayed in parentheses and placed to the right of, or below the main route emblem. iii. If a Mashreq route is assigned to an AD-route, the M-route emblem and number is to be displayed below the AD-route, but only if the sign is being displayed to traffic already on an M-route. iv. Two lines, including either a) one street name and one destination, or b) two destinations, may be displayed, along with airport or city centre symbols if the route leads to these locations. Sign 515.2 (one-line rural chevron and two-line urban versions) c. Supplemental Chevron Sign 515.3 (tourist/services). For Chevron signs leading to a supplemental destination, the sign shall have a white legend and white border with brown background for supplemental destinations of tourist, cultural or retail interest, with black icons or colour logos in a borderless white shield representing the destination symbols. Sign 515.3 d. Supplemental Chevron Sign 515.4 (government installations / offices). White with black legend and black border for supplemental destinations representing government offices, police, military installations, public facilities, libraries, universities or other institutions. Symbols may consist of approved government logos or symbols and shall be as approved by DMT or the Municipality operating and maintaining the road or street in question. Sign 515.4 04-SIGNS Page 201 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) e. Parking Guidance Chevron Sign 515.5. White with black legend and black border for parking guidance, accompanied by a white on blue parking logo/legend. Sign 515.5 3. Location. Sign 515 shall be ground-mounted and used where needed at the following locations: a. b. c. d. e. f. All exit paths from signalized or unsignalized roundabouts, Supplemental destinations or local exit paths at minor junctions. On the right side of the roadway for all right turn movements On the far left side of a signalized intersection for left turn movements, or On the right side of the roadway for left turn movements without a turning lane and/or for minor intersecting roads, or Within the gore area of right turning slip roads. 4. Display of Information. Only the following message elements shall be eligible for display on CHEVRON DIRECTION signs: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Direction arrow. Route number emblem. Control destination/intermediate destination. Supplemental symbol and destination. City centre symbol. Airport symbol. Local destination. The items and their placement are described as follows. 1. Direction Arrow. Chevron Type 1 or 2 arrows facing in the appropriate direction shall be displayed in left and right turn signs. Direction arrows shall be centred vertically on the sign, with right turn arrows right-justified and left turn arrows left-justified. Information relevant for changing direction to the right or left shall be displayed on individual right-pointing or leftpointing CHEVRON DIRECTION signs, respectively. 2. Route Number Emblem. One route number emblem shall be displayed for each direction of travel for which a route number has been allocated. The route number emblem shall be vertically-centred on the sign, horizontally aligned to the right of the Type 1 arrow for the leftturn sign, and right-justified for the right-turn sign. 3. Control Destination. For each CHEVRON DIRECTION SIGN containing a route number emblem, up to two lines may be provided, where the first line shall contain either one control destination or the street name and the second line shall contain the ultimate destination where applicable. Text shall be centred on the sign with Arabic text for both lines above the English text for both lines. Justification is described as follows: 04-SIGNS Page 202 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. For right turn chevron signs, Arabic text is right justified on right turn Type 2 arrow The English text is left justified on the route number emblem. b. For left turn chevron signs, Arabic text is right justified on the sign, while the English text is justified on the route number emblem. 4. Supplemental symbol and destination. Requirements shall be the same as for route number emblem and control destination, except this shall be applicable only to Sign 515.3 and 515.4. 5. City centre symbol. Symbol shall only be used with a route that with Abu Dhabi City Centre or Al Ain Town Centre as a destination. It shall be placed to the right of the street or destination name and shall be centred vertically next to the Arabic and English legends. 6. Airport symbol. The symbol may be added to the primary sign or used in a separate CHEVRON DIRECTION sign to indicate a turn to the Airport. a. When used as a second CHEVRON mounted on the same post, both CHEVRON DIRECTION signs shall be the same size and of the same colour. b. When used on the primary Chevron sign, the airport symbol shall be placed to the left of the route number and centred vertically. c. When used on a separate Chevron sign, the airport symbol shall be centred in the sign without a separate control destination, except for terminal numbers or specific areas within the airport (e.g., Cargo Terminal) that are accessed via the route direction. In these cases, those destinations shall be shown to the right of the airport symbol similar to the requirements for control destinations on other Chevron signs. d. The icon within the airport symbol shield shall be pointed to the right for right turns and to the left for left turns. 7. Local destination. One local destination, street name or parking symbol may be displayed if a turning movement does not have a route number or control destination. a. Signing of local destinations such as these shall be coordinated with and approved by the local Municipality responsible for operation and maintenance of the street, or by DMT, if DMT is responsible. b. Destination placement shall be vertically centred on the sign with the Arabic text above the English text. c. On left turn signs, Arabic text shall be right justified on the right edge of the sign, while the English text is justified on the left turn Type 1 arrow. d. On right turn signs, Arabic text shall be right justified on the right turn Type 2 arrow, while the English text is left-justified on the left edge of the sign. Guidance 1. Use of sign 515 to indicate a point of turn to a parking area should be limited only to those situations where the existence of a parking area is not visually obvious, in advance, from the roadway. 2. No more than two chevron signs should be provided in one location and they should be mounted on the same post. Typical “mixed” signs may include the following: a. Route number/destination chevron with a supplemental destination chevron (515.3 or 515.4) underneath b. Route number/destination chevron with a parking chevron (515.5) underneath c. Route number/destination chevron with an airport chevron sign underneath 04-SIGNS Page 203 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 3. Except where there is limited sign installation space and where there are two or fewer lanes either in the approach or within the roundabout, chevrons pointing in opposite directions should not be utilized on the same posts at the same location. In cases where this is found to be necessary, the right turn chevron should be above the left turn chevron, and both should be of the same symbol and font size. The exception is if the second chevron is for a supplemental destination or local destination (515.3 or 515.4) or parking (515.5), in which case it should be mounted below the route number/destination chevron regardless of direction. 4. If more than two chevrons are required at a single location, it is recommended that a third chevron (typically a parking or supplementary destination or E-route guidance chevron) be placed approximately 50m prior to the main chevron location, but at least 50m downstream of the prior advance sign (signs 511-512-513). In this case, the advance sign shall be no less than 100m from the junction/decision point. 4.4.5 Guide Signage for Freeways, Highways, and Grade-Separated Junctions Description The following types of guide sign may be specified for use on the free-flowing roadway of a gradeseparated junction whether this is on an Emirate Route or an Abu Dhabi Route: ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign. EXIT DIRECTION sign. ONGOING DIRECTION sign. GORE EXIT sign. SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign. A grade-separated junction may occur between two routes which have one of the following characteristics: Both routes have full access control and all elements of the junction are free flowing and grade separated. Such a junction between two such freeways does not give access to the at-grade street network and is termed a “systems” interchange. One route is a freeway with full access control and the other is essentially an at-grade road (although it may have occasional grade-separated junctions) with only limited access control. Such a junction is termed an “access” interchange allowing connection between the at-grade street network and a freeway, and vice versa. Both routes are essentially at-grade routes with limited access control but have selected grade-separated junctions to improve junction capacity. All approaches to grade-separated junctions should be provided with each of the sign types with the exception of the SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign, which is optional. Details of the signs, their functions, applications, locations, and the information that may be displayed are given in the following sections. Certain site-specific conditions may require a departure from the parameters and guidelines specified in the following sections. Such variations shall only be implemented with the prior approval of DMT and the Municipality or other local operator. 04-SIGNS Page 204 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Standards 1. Appearance of Major Guide Signs Including Exit Gore Signs. Consistent with Section signs mounted on arterial routes that are AD-routes or major arterial routes as defined by the local jurisdiction shall have a white legend on a green background, with the exception of those panels specifically directing traffic to an E-route, for which the panels shall have a white legend on a blue background. Signs mounted on E-routes shall also be white-on-blue. Requirements for freeway and highway signage are found in Section 4.4.6 which further address requirements both on E-routes and on AD-routes utilizing freeway or highway facilities. 2. Appearance of Supplementary Guide Signs. Use of signs with white legend on brown background shall be limited to guide sign panels providing specific direction to tourist or cultural attractions. Use of signs with black legend on white background shall be strictly limited to those government destinations of substantial importance that they are to be signed at the grade-separated junction. Such black-on-white supplementary destination signing shall not be deployed without the express approval of DMT or the owning Municipality. 3. Text Fonts. Arabic text shall utilize Naskh font and be right justified. English text shall be placed below the Arabic text and be left justified. English text shall utilize Clearview Type 5 font on overhead signs and Type 4 or 5 font on ground-mounted signs, depending on visibility, approach speed and amount of text required. Type 4 font is thinner stroke and typically used for smaller and narrower fonts. 1. The use of a specific sign background colour code as described in the standards, serves as an aid to motorists in searching out and recognizing the type of guide sign they are looking for. Colour coding will also aid in distinguishing the type of route the motorist is currently on or looking to go into. 2. Guide signing on an exit ramp shall assume the route classification of the route to which the ramp is leading. Thus, signs positioned well downstream on a ramp, that are intended to be read only by motorists on the ramp shall have the background colour of the route the ramp leads to. If in an unusual situation a ramp leads to a split with one direction of the split being an Emirate Route and the other direction of the split being an Abu Dhabi Route, the guide sign background colour for that ramp shall be blue. 3. The at-grade portion of any of the latter two junction types, including any off-and-on ramps from-and-to the freeway, should be signed using conventional at-grade direction signs. However, site-specific roadway geometry may, at times, require the at-grade roadway to be signed using overhead sign displays to indicate lane assignment. Such variations can only be implemented with the prior approval of the DMT, or owning Municipality if the route is not maintained by DMT. 4. Layout examples are provided at the end of Section 4.4.5, providing an overview of all the sign types shown as follows, and how they are used together. Exit Direction Sign 551 Description Sign 551 provides advance information on an upcoming exit, indicating route number and destinations serviced by that exit ramp. The sign is mounted as an overhead sign and requires the 04-SIGNS Page 205 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) driver to use a specific lane (or lanes). Type 7 arrows point downward to the lanes to be used for the exit. Standards 1. Purpose. ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION Sign 551 is provided in advance of grade-separated junctions, for those routes which have specific directional exit ramps to the crossing route. 2. Application and Location. Sign 551 shall be mounted using the following options: a. Overhead on gantries or cantilever supports in advance of single-lane and multiplelane exit ramps, each with or without lane drops at an interchange or grade-separated intersection. b. On carriageways of freeways/highways in advance of exit ramps connecting with other freeways/highways (system interchanges), with arterial roads, or streets (access interchanges) to provide the following sequence of signs: i. At 1800-2300m prior to exit (optional): Install extra forward ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 for interchanges with other freeways/highways, recommended at 2,000m in advance of the theoretical gore (recommended for interchanges involving two limited-access routes). ii. At 900-1200m prior to exit (required): Install Forward ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 for all freeway/highway exits, at 1000m in advance of the theoretical gore (mandatory for all grade-separated interchanges on the limited-access approach to the interchange). iii. At 400-600m prior to exit (optional): Install intermediate ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 for all freeway exits 500m in advance of the theoretical gore (recommended for interchanges involving two limited-access routes and/or locations where there is a mandatory lane required for the exit). c. On carriageways of arterial roads, approaching exit ramps to other roads at gradeseparated intersections, to provide the following sequence of signs: i. At 400-600m prior to exit (mandatory for posted speeds 80km/h and higher, optional for other speeds): Install ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 at 500m in advance of the exit nose, provided that sign 551 is at least 200m upstream of the EXIT DIRECTION sign 552. Sign shall be mounted over the lane from where traffic is to exit (three lane approach or location where all traffic in rightmost lane must exit), unless approach is three lanes or less and there is no lane drop, in which case a ground-mounted sign is permissible. d. Exclusive exit lane panels shall be used when a lane on the approaching carriageway ends and becomes the exit ramp (a lane drop). This white panel with the message EXIT shall be displayed at the bottom of the sign over the lane or lanes that are dropped. 3. Consistent Information. All information relating to routes and destinations displayed on a subsequent EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 shall be displayed on the preceding ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign(s) 551. No destinations or routes that are additional to those displayed on the EXIT DIRECTION sign shall be displayed on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign(s). 04-SIGNS Page 206 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs 551: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. EXIT Number Panel Downward pointing arrow Type 7 Route number emblem Destination/street name (two total lines) City centre symbol Airport symbol Distance to exit (Arabic numerals [English] and units) Lane-drop EXIT panel The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described as follows and illustrated in Section, Figure 4-24. 5. Exit Number. The exit number in English shall be displayed on E-Routes as well as AD-routes that consist of freeway facilities, but shall not be displayed once the facility is exited. The exit number shall be displayed on a separate panel above the main sign that is justified to the exit side of the sign (e.g., right justified for a right-hand exit). Exit numbering shall be configured as discussed in Section 4.4.6. 6. Downward Arrow (Type 7). Requirements are as follows: a. One downward pointing Type 7 arrow shall be displayed for a single lane exit and two Type 7 arrows should be displayed for a two-lane exit, as shown in Figure 4-24. b. If no lane drop occurs at the exit, the arrows shall be placed on the sign background and shall be white. c. If one or more lanes are dropped at the exit, the arrows indicating the lanes to be dropped shall be black and placed within the white lane-drop panel as described as follows. Downward arrows shall be placed at the bottom of the sign and aligned plus or minus 300mm with the centreline of the lane. 7. Route number emblem. Route number emblem installations shall meet the following requirements: a. Only the route number emblem of the route or routes accessed directly from the exit ramp shall be displayed. b. One route number only shall be displayed if the route reached directly has the same route number on both sides of the interchange. c. If the route reached directly has different route numbers on each side of the interchange, and both can be reached from the same exit ramp, then both route numbers shall be displayed. d. For single-lane exit ramps, each emblem shall be placed at the left of the sign (singlelane exit ramps), with destination information provided to the right or below the route number emblem. e. For two-lane exit ramps, the emblems shall be placed adjacent to the destination names on their left side. The combined emblem and destination name message shall be centred between the borders. If more than two destinations are necessary for a single route, it may be acceptable to place the route number emblem centrally with Arabic text to the right, and English text to the left. 04-SIGNS Page 207 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8. Destination/Street Name. Requirements are as follows: a. A maximum of two lines of information (street name and control destination, or control destination and ultimate destination) shall be permitted for each direction (left or right) on ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551. The upper name shall either be the street name or the control destination in the direction to the left of the off ramp. b. The lower name shall be consist of either a single control destination (if street name is used above), or the ultimate destination in the direction to the right of the off ramp. The signs displayed to drivers travelling on the opposite approach to the interchange will have the vertical order of the specific destination names reversed.) c. If the exit ramp provides access to only one direction of traffic, then only one control destination shall be displayed for the route along with the street name (if one exists). d. If the exit ramp accesses two separate route numbers (one in each direction), one control destination and one street name (if any) for each route shall be displayed adjacent to the corresponding route number emblem so that the left turn information is placed above the right turn information. e. Legend placement includes the following requirements: i. The Arabic legends shall always be displayed above the English legends. ii. When two lines of information (street name, destinations, etc.) are related to one route number, the Arabic right-turn destination or street name should be immediately below the Arabic left turn destination or street name. The two English legends should be similarly displayed, one immediately below the other, and both below the Arabic legends. iii. When two route numbers with one destination each are displayed, the route number emblem and associated destination legend (Arabic with English below) for the destination to the left shall be above the route number emblem and legend (Arabic with English below) for the destination to the right. iv. Connecting route emblem and number should be shown either to the right of, or below, the primary route emblem and number. f. The street name and/or destinations, where applicable, shall be displayed adjacent and to the right of the associated route number emblem. g. English legend shall be left justified and adjacent to the right edge of the route number emblem. h. Arabic legend shall be right justified. The position of the right justification line shall be the furthest right of the longest English word, or of the longest Arabic word, with its left end adjacent to the route number emblem. i. When two route numbers are used, the same right justification for the Arabic destinations should be used for both route numbers. 9. Airport symbol. The airport symbol shall be displayed if the route served by the ramp has the airport as a specifically trailblazed destination. The symbol shall be placed to the left of the route number emblem (this differs from at-grade signage), and shall always be oriented upward on Sign 551. 10. City centre symbol. The city centre symbol shall be centred at the top of the sign and located to the right of the route number symbol as well as airport symbol if one is also provided on the same sign. 04-SIGNS Page 208 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 11. Distance to exit. The distance to the exit shall be displayed in Arabic numerals (English) and either in units of metres (m) or kilometres (km). The distance requirements are as follows: a. When the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign has been located within the permissible ranges of distances from the exit, as per Item 2, the nominal distances of 500m, 1000m, or 2000m shall be displayed. b. If the location falls outside the recommended range, the actual distance to the nearest 100m should be displayed. For distances less than 400m the actual distance may be rounded to the nearest 50m. c. When two or more successive exits occur at an interchange, the signs should indicate the different distances. If the advance sign is located within the recommended range, the nominal distance should be used for the first exit. The second and subsequent exits should indicate a distance equal to the nominal distance used for the first exit plus the distances from the first exit to the subsequent exits. All distances should be rounded up to the next 100m. d. Exit distance shall be centred above the leftmost downward pointing arrow for a ramp that is exiting (e.g., if two lanes will exit, distance shall be to the left of the left arrow, if only one lane exits, the distance is to the left of the only exit arrow). 12. White lane-drop ONLY panel. If a lane on the mainline carriageway will be dropped at an exit ramp, a white ONLY panel shall be displayed above that lane. Requirements are as follows: a. The Arabic and English word ONLY shall be displayed adjacent to and to the right of a single arrow, with the Arabic above the English, both centred approximately vertically in the panel. b. When two lanes are dropped at the exit, the ONLY panel shall extend for the full width of the sign. In such a case the word ONLY in Arabic and English may be displayed centrally between the two downward pointing arrows. c. The panel shall be placed at the bottom of the sign and covers the space occupied by the relevant downward pointing arrow(s), which shall be black. d. The white panel extends over the lane or lanes to be dropped, from the edge of the sign to a point above the lane line remote from the edge of the sign. White sign borders adjacent to the panel should be incorporated into the panel. e. If an auxiliary lane is added at a prior entrance, and will be dropped at the next exit, an ONLY panel shall be used for that auxiliary lane, provided at least 500m of distance exists prior to the exit. Guidelines and Examples The following figure shows layouts for typical applications of ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551. The ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign must extend over the exit lanes. Downward pointing arrows (Type 7) indicate the lanes to be followed. For a single-lane exit, the sign must display the destination information for the route it is leading onto. If the single-lane exit serves both directions of the crossing road the control destination for each direction should be displayed. When each direction has a different route number, the sign should display the route numbers for both directions. Connecting routes needed to get to a destination on the sign should be shown in parentheses. The examples provided show a complete range of potential displays. 04-SIGNS Page 209 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Examples (a) and (b) are used where there is no lane drop at the interchange ahead, i.e., the exit lane branches from the rightmost lane (or leftmost lane if it is a left-hand exit, a scheme generally not recommended). Example (a) represents a sign mounted over a single lane serving two routes, each with their own destinations, both served by the same exit ramp. Example (b) shows one route, with street name and a city centre symbol representing the destination. Example (c) and (d) show single-lane drop situations. Example (c) shows a single lane drop only, while example (d) shows a single lane drop with the second right lane (no white panel above, only a white arrow over the lane) having the option to exit (i.e., the exit ramp downstream is a two-lane ramp) or continue onward. While example (c) shows a single route with two destinations, example (d) shows in addition a connecting route. Examples (e) and (f) show treatments for two-lane-drop exits. In example (e), the two-lane drop is to a single route and direction. In example (f), there are two distinct directions served by each lane that will exit, and so separate panels are provided for each lane showing the route direction and destinations within that lane. The layout examples for EXIT DIRECTION signs shown in Figure 4.28 correspond to the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs shown in Figure 4.27. They illustrate the matching of messages on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs and EXIT DIRECTION signs. An alternative application for advance directional signing is described in Section, namely DIAGRAMMATIC LANE ARROW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS (551D and 552D). 04-SIGNS Page 210 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) (a) Single Lane Exit, No Lane Drop, Two Routes with Distinct Destinations, plus Airport, One Panel. (b) Single Lane Exit, No Lane Drop, Route Number and Street Name, City Centre symbol, One Panel. (c) Single Lane Exit, Lane Drop, One Route with Two Destinations, One Panel. (d) Two Lane Exit, Right Lane Drop, Two Destinations, One Route Number with one Connecting Route Number, One Panel. (e) Two Lane Exit, Both Lanes Dropped, One Route with Two Destinations, One Panel. (f) Two Lane Exit, Right Lane Drop, Ramp Split, Left Panel has One Route Number and two destination in the same direction, Right Panel has two route numbers (one connecting), airport destination symbol, and two destinations in the same direction. Exit panels shown above signs. Figure 4-27: Advance Exit Direction Sign Layouts (Sign 551) 04-SIGNS Page 211 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) (a) Single Lane Exit, No Lane Drop, Two Routes with Distinct Destinations, plus Airport, One Panel. (b) Single Lane Exit, No Lane Drop, Route Number and Street Name, City Centre symbol, One Panel (c) Sign 552-1121: Single Lane Exit, Lane Drop, One Route with Two Destinations, One Panel (d) Sign 552-2221: Two Lane Exit, Right Lane Drop, Two Route Numbers with Distinct Destinations, One Panel (e) Sign 552-2121: Two Lane Exit, Both Lanes Dropped, One Route with Two Destinations, One Panel (f) Sign 552-2232: Two Lane Exit, Ramp Split, Left Panel has One Route Number and two destination in the same direction, Right Panel has two route numbers (one connecting), airport destination symbol, and two destinations in the same direction. Exit panels shown above signs. Figure 4-28: Exit Direction Sign Layouts (Sign 552) 04-SIGNS Page 212 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Direction Sign 552 Description Sign 552 provides information just ahead of the exit gore location for grade-separated junctions, indicating route number and destinations serviced by that exit ramp as well as downstream connecting routes (if any). The sign is mounted as an overhead sign and requires the driver to use a specific lane (or lanes). Type 8 arrows are located above the lanes which are exiting, and point upward in the direction the exit ramp is headed, typically diagonally to the right. Standards 1. Purpose. EXIT DIRECTION Sign 552 shall be provided as the last directional guide sign ahead of grade-separated junctions, providing the direction of the exit and to reinforce the route and destination information provided on the previous advance direction sign 551. 2. Applications. Sign 552 shall be mounted using the following options: a. At single-lane and multiple-lane exit ramps, each with or without lane drops, at freeway interchanges or grade-separated intersections. b. On carriageways of freeways, at exit ramps, connecting with other freeways (systems interchanges) or with arterial roads or streets (access interchanges). c. On carriageways of grade-separated arterial roads at exit ramps to other roads. 3. Placed Over Exit Lanes. The EXIT DIRECTION sign shall extend over the exit lanes. Upward pointing arrows shall be slanted (normally to the right) to emphasize the change of alignment. 4. Destination Displays. Requirements for different conditions are presented as follows. a. For a single-lane exit, the sign shall display the destination information for the route it is leading onto. If the single-lane exit serves both directions of the intersecting crossroad, and each direction has a different route number, the sign shall display the route number emblems for both directions. b. If a two-lane exit serves both directions on the intersecting crossroad, destination information for both directions shall be displayed, with the left turn destination above the right turn destination. c. When a two-lane exit ramp separates into two roadways for different directions within 500m after the exit gore, then two separate signs shall be used, one for each lane. The left-hand sign shall display the destination information for the left-hand branch road. The right-hand sign shall display the destination information for the right-hand branch. d. When a grade-separated junction is provided on an Abu Dhabi Route an EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 shall follow the same basic principles as described. e. When a lane on the approaching carriageway ends and becomes the exit ramp (a lane drop), a white panel with the message EXIT shall be displayed at the bottom of the sign over the lane or lanes that are dropped. 5. Location. Sign 553 shall be mounted at the theoretical gore, no more than 50m after the theoretical gore, or up to 100m in advance of the theoretical gore provided that the exit lane or lanes have been developed to full lane width. The sign shall be mounted overhead above the exit lane or lanes, on gantries or cantilever supports. 04-SIGNS Page 213 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6. Consistency of Information. All information relating to routes and destinations displayed on the preceding ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs 551 shall be displayed on the subsequent EXIT DIRECTION signs 552. No destinations or routes that are additional to those displayed on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs shall be displayed on the EXIT DIRECTION signs. The layout examples for EXIT DIRECTION signs shown in Figure 31 correspond to the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs shown in Figure 30. They illustrate the matching of messages on the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs and EXIT DIRECTION signs. 7. Content. Only the following items are eligible for display on EXIT DIRECTION signs 552: a. Upward pointing arrow Type 8 (inclined in the direction of the exit ramp) b. Route number emblem (connecting route emblem should be enclosed by parentheses) c. Destinations/street names d. City centre symbol e. Airport symbol f. Lane drop EXIT panel The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign is described as follows. 1. Upward pointing arrow. Requirements are as follows: a. One upward pointing arrow Type 8 shall be displayed for a single lane exit. b. Two Type 8 arrows should be displayed for a two-lane exit. c. The arrows shall be slanted to represent the direction of the exit ramp (normally at 45° to the right of vertical). d. If no lane drop occurs at the exit, the arrows shall be white and no white EXIT panel with black arrows shall be used. e. The number of lanes at the exit shall be determined by the mainline lanes from which it is possible to directly exit the mainline, not the number of lanes on the off ramp that develop after the theoretical gore. f. If one or more lanes are dropped at the exit, the arrows indicating the lane(s) to be dropped shall be black and placed on the white EXIT panel that is placed above the lane(s) dropping off at the exit. g. Arrows shall be positioned at the sign bottom and above the centreline of each lane, plus or minus 300 mm. 2. Refer to the Sign 551 requirements for the following requirements, which shall be identical for Sign 552: a. b. c. d. Route number emblem. Control destination/street name. City centre symbol. Airport symbol. 3. Lane-drop EXIT panel. If a lane on a mainline carriageway will be dropped at an exit ramp, a white EXIT panel shall be displayed, utilizing the following requirements: a. The panel shall be placed at the bottom of the sign and covers the space occupied by the relevant upward pointing arrow(s), which should be black. The white panel 04-SIGNS Page 214 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) extends over the lane or lanes to be dropped, from the edge of the sign to a point above the lane line remote from the edge of the sign. White sign borders adjacent to the panel should be incorporated into the panel. b. The English and Arabic word EXIT shall be displayed adjacent to and on the right side of a single arrow, with the Arabic above the English both approximately centred vertically on the panel. c. When two lanes are dropped at the exit the EXIT panel extends for the full width of the sign. In such a case the word EXIT in Arabic and English shall be displayed centrally between the two upward pointing arrows. Guidelines and Examples The layouts for typical applications of the EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 were previously shown. The EXIT DIRECTION sign must extend over the exit lanes. Upward pointing arrows (Type 8) indicate the direction of the exit and are placed above the lanes to be followed. If a two-lane exit serves both directions on the crossing road, destination information for both directions should be displayed. When a two-lane exit ramp separates into two roadways for different directions within 500m after the exit gore, the left-hand section displays the destination information for the left-hand branch road and the right-hand section displays the destination information for the right-hand branch. An alternative application for advance directional signing is described in Section, DIAGRAMMATIC LANE ARROW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS (551D and 552D). Direction Sign 553 Description Sign 553 provides information about the control destination that will ultimately be reached by remaining on the mainline carriageway, using the through lanes at a point where there is an exit from the mainline carriageway at an interchange or grade-separated intersection. It is typically located on the same overhead sign structures in conjunction with ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION signs 551 and overhead EXIT DIRECTION signs 552, at interchanges and grade-separated intersections. At simple interchanges it is mandatory to have at least one ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553, typically at the same location as the last ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign prior to the exit. For complicated interchanges, where a high volume of lane changing will be necessary, Sign 553 is placed at both the locations of Sign 551 and Sign 552. Standards 1. Purpose. Sign 553 shall be used to indicate ongoing (through) lanes at grade-separated junctions. 2. Location. Sign 553 shall be located over the through-travel lanes of the mainline carriageway. The following requirements include: a. When only one ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553 is applied, the sign shall be adjacent to the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551, when used, at 500m from the theoretical gore. 04-SIGNS Page 215 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. On high-volume (50,000 ADT or greater routes), Sign 553 shall be located next to the forward ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 at 1000m from the theoretical gore, if one has been implemented. c. For more complicated or high volume interchanges, and where there is one middle lane that can be used for both through and exit movements, at least two ONGOING DIRECTION signs 553 shall be used. One of these shall be at the theoretical gore, adjacent to the EXIT DIRECTION sign 552. This is needed to ensure that drivers can make a final decision about continuing straight on, or exiting. The other sign shall be applied adjacent to the forward ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551, at 1000m ahead of the theoretical gore. d. If the available distance ahead of the exit is too short to place a sign at 1000m in advance, the ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553 shall be placed adjacent to the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 at 500m or more in advance of the exit. e. For interchanges on arterial routes at least one ONGOING DIRECTION sign 553 should be applied. The preferred location is adjacent to the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551. 3. Display of Information. The sign shall be positioned over the ongoing lanes and be of sufficient width to display downward pointing arrows over the centres of all ongoing lanes except optional exit lanes. The following items are eligible for display: a. b. c. d. e. Downward pointing arrow type 7. Route number emblem Connecting route number emblem in parentheses Intermediate and control destinations Airport symbol. The description of these items and their positions on the sign is as follows, and are illustrated in Figure 4-29. Downward pointing arrow. One downward pointing arrow Type 7 shall be displayed over the centre of each lane available for through traffic, and which is not designated as a shared lane for exiting traffic (the shared lanes will have an ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 or an EXIT DIRECTION sign 552 over them). The arrows shall be located at the bottom of the sign, as shown in Figure 4-29. 1. Figure 4-29 Horizontally, the arrows shall be located over the centre of the lanes concerned, with a tolerance to the left or right of up to 300mm. 2. Route number emblem. The route number emblem of the ongoing route shall be displayed at the top of the sign. The route number emblem shall be located centrally to the lines of legend for the Arabic and English destination name associated with the route number, as shown on Figure 4-29. The route number emblem shall appear on the left side of the control destination legend, and adjacent to it. The combined message, consisting of the route number emblem and the control destination shall be centred on the sign, as shown in Figure 4-29. When intermediate destinations are used in addition to the control destination, it is a more effective use of the available sign area to place the route number emblem centrally with Arabic text to the right and English text to the left as indicated in Figure 4-29. 04-SIGNS Page 216 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. Connecting route emblems enclosed in parentheses shall be placed to the right or underneath the ongoing route emblem. Up to two connecting routes may be shown. If placed to the right of the ongoing route emblem, the two connecting route emblems may be enclosed by the same set of parentheses (e.g., “E10 (E11 E12)”). (a) Four ongoing lanes, one route, two destinations (major bridges/tunnels or given name of route, if any, may be shown in place of the top destination) (b) Four ongoing lanes, one route, one connecting route, two destinations Figure 4-29: Ongoing Direction Sign 553 (c) Three ongoing lanes, one route, two connecting routes, each with corresponding destinations. 3. Control destination. No more than two designations designated for the route shall be displayed, with the next intermediate control destination and ultimate control destination being the only ones permissible. A third destination, if accessed by a major connecting route 04-SIGNS Page 217 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) (e.g., freeway), may be shown as per the requirements of Item d. They shall be applied in the direction applying to the subject carriageway. For E-Routes in Abu Dhabi, Table 4-26 provides the list of the acceptable destinations to be placed on Sign 553. a. Where an intermediate control destination has been designated, it should be displayed on signs 553 from the beginning of the route, until that destination has been reached. From that point on, the next appropriate intermediate destination for the route should be displayed along with the control destination. b. In the case of some Emirate Routes, the intermediate destination is Abu Dhabi. That destination shall be used until the boundary of the municipal area of Abu Dhabi is reached. c. Additional intermediate destinations may at times be required but are not shown in Table 4-26. Such additions may only be implemented with the prior approval of the DMT. Table 4-26: Displayed Freeway Control Destinations within Emirate Route Number E10 End Destination (South or West) Abu Dhabi Intermediate Destinations Al Raha Beach, Al Shahama Abu Dhabi – Al Dhafra Region - Tarif E11 Saudi Arabia – Al Ruwais – Al Ghwiefat E12 Abu Dhabi Yas Island – Saadiyat Island E22 Abu Dhabi — E311 Al Dhafra Region — E20 Abu Dhabi Sweihan E55 Al Ain Al Dhaid E66 Dubai — NOTES: (1) Numbers other than those stated are reserved for future use. End Destination (North or East) Dubai Dubai, Northern Emirates Dubai, Al Falah Al Ain Dubai Al Ain Northern Emirates Al Ain, Oman d. Where the two connecting routes each access distinct destinations, the primary emblem and connecting emblems shall be respectively shown top to bottom in the order of relative distance, with the respective destination for the primary route and destination for each connecting route shown to the right of the primary emblem or the right parenthesis of the connecting emblem. e. A trailblazing airport symbol may also be displayed on sign 553. City Centre symbols may also be displayed (AD-routes only, except where E-routes travel directly into the City Centre, i.e., E10 and E12 extensions into Abu Dhabi city). f. Destination legend shall consist of Arabic legend placed above English legend. Where multiple destinations are used, the Arabic legend shall be displayed in a stack on the right hand side of the sign, and the English legend should be displayed in a stack on the left hand side of the sign. g. The control destination shall be displayed adjacent to the associated route number emblem with the English on left and Arabic on right. English legend should be left justified and adjacent to the right edge of the route number emblem. h. Arabic legend should be right justified on the right end of the English legend unless the Arabic legend is longer in which case it should be left justified on the route number emblem. i. Where multiple destinations are used, the Arabic legend should be displayed in a stack right justified, to the right of the centrally located route number emblem. The 04-SIGNS Page 218 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) j. English legend should be displayed in a stack, left justified, to the left of the centrally located route number emblem. The combined message, consisting of airport symbol (if eligible for the route), route number emblem, and control destination should be centralized on the sign, as shown in Figure 4.29. 4. Airport symbol. The airport symbol shall be displayed only if the route has the airport as a control destination, or if it is designated for trailblazing in Section 4.4.6. The symbol should be placed to the left of the route number emblem, and vertically centred on it. The aircraft symbol is oriented in the direction in which traffic must travel to reach the airport. For the ongoing direction the aircraft shall “point” upward. Guidance As discussed in the guidance for Sign 551 and 552, the use of Sign 551D and Sign 552D (see section over the entire road allows ongoing-lane directional indications (through arrows) as well as combined lane and exit lane indications, and thus Sign 553 is not used with Signs 551D and 552D. Diagrammatic Lane Arrow Directional Signage (Signs 551D and 552D) Description Overhead arrow-per-lane signage, providing diagrammatic arrows showing lane use ahead for multilane exit ramps as well as ongoing (through) movements, combine the functionality of traditional lane-assignment guide signs with lane-use warning signs. Signs 551D and 552D also incorporate the functionality of Sign 553 in that the sign spans the entire carriageway. The sign layout and size/configuration of the arrows make it more visible from a greater distance. Signs 551D and 552D may be implemented only after the review and approval of DMT. Signs 551D and 552D may be used for freeway and highway splits or multi-lane exit interchanges contain an interior option lane, in which traffic can either leave the route or remain on the route, or choose either destination at a split, from the same lane. These signs can also be used at intermediate interchanges which permit an interior lane to choose either to remain on the mainline carriageway or exit. They are particularly useful in providing advance warning of this shared lane use, which is not possible using down-arrow-based advance exit direction signage. Figure 4-21 at the beginning of Section 4.4 provides a comparative view of this sign application. 04-SIGNS Page 219 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) NOTE 1: Signs 551D and 552D are intended for use for new roads or construction of new interchanges or ramps. While they may replace existing sign configurations used for interior option lanes at existing interchanges, drivers may be familiar with the current configurations and thus the new signage may not provide the intended benefit. NOTE 2: Signs 551D and 552D are not intended for standard exits in which only one lane exits or for which a deceleration lane is added and used for the exit. In these cases, standard signage with downward arrows for advance exit direction and upward tilted arrows for exit direction should still be used. Use of the 551/552D signs should be considered for locations, where from a safety and visibility perspective, a clear indication of the road geometrics beyond the exit gore is required. Standards 1. Purpose. Signs 551D and 552D shall be used as follows: a. Interchanges with at least one lane drop at the exit plus one interior lane permitting either ongoing (through) movement or exit. b. Interchanges where two freeways or highways divide and there are at least two lanes dedicated to each movement (diverge to the right, diverge to the left), plus one lane which allows a movement to the right or to the left. c. Not to be used for interchanges where there are dedicated lane drops from the main carriageway at the exit and no interior lane used for both through and exit movements. 04-SIGNS Page 220 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Not to be used at interchanges where there is no lane drop at the exit and (i.e., deceleration lane begins and is used as the exit lane). If the right lane (not the deceleration lane) is permitted for both through travel and exit travel, the standard Sign 551 shall be used with upward exit direction arrows over the right lane and deceleration lane and the standard Sign 553 shall be used with downward arrows over the right lane (far lower right corner of the sign) and other through travel lanes. Sign 551D – Advance Exit Direction (2 thru lanes, one shared through-exit lane, one exit lane) Sign 552D – Exit Direction (2 thru lanes, one shared through-exit lane, one exit lane) 2. Configure for All Lanes. Signs 551D and 552D shall extend over all lanes. Specific requirements for different exit configurations are described as follows: a. Right Hand Exit. Type 12 right curved arrows shall be used for the dedicated exit lane (right lane drop) while Type 14 arrows shall be used for the interior lane with the option for straight-through or right-hand movements. Type 10 through arrows (upward) are provided over each through lane. b. Left Hand Exit. For left-hand exits, Type 11 left curved arrows shall be used for the dedicated exit lane (left lane drop) while Type 13 arrows shall be used for the interior lane with the option for straight-through or left-hand movements. Type 10 through arrows (upward) are provided over each through lane. c. Roadway Splits Right and Left. For interchanges where movements are either right or left, Type 11 left curved arrows shall be placed over the lanes curving to the left 04-SIGNS Page 221 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) after the split, while Type 12 right curved arrows shall be placed over the lanes curving to the right after the split. If one lane provides the option to move to the right or the left, a Type 15 “Y” shaped arrow with left and right curved sections shall be placed over that lane. 3. Destination Displays for Exit Lanes. Requirements for different conditions are presented as follows. a. If the exit serves both directions on the intersecting crossroad, destination information for both directions shall be displayed, with the left turn destination above the right turn destination. b. When a two-lane exit ramp separates into two roadways for different directions within 500m after the exit gore, a separate Sign 552D shall be provided on the exit ramp, with the following possible configurations: i. Left and right separation. Provide a Type 11 left curved arrow mounted over the lane for the left-hand exit and a Type 12 right curved arrow mounted over the lane for the right-hand exit. If one of the lanes permits both movements, that lane shall have a Type 15 “Y” arrow provided over it. ii. Through and right separation. Provide a Type 10 through arrow over the left lane on the exit ramp, and a Type 12 right curved arrow mounted over the lane for the right-hand exit. But if the left lane permits both movements, that lane shall have a Type 14 through-right arrow provided over it. iii. Through and left separation. Provide a Type 11 left arrow over the left lane and a Type 10 through arrow over the right lane. But if the right lane permits both movements, that lane shall have a Type 13 through-left arrow provided over it. 4. Sign 551D Location. Sign 551D shall be provided at the following locations: a. At 2000m, 1000m and 500m prior to the theoretical gore, consistent with the requirements of Item 12. b. For the sign at 2000m prior to the gore, no white “ONLY” panel shall be provided over the lane to be dropped. For the signs at 1000m and 500m, a white panel shall be provided over the lane to be dropped, with the exit lane arrow (Type 12 for right exit, Type 11 for left exit) provided in black over the lane being dropped at the exit, and “ONLY” text provided to the right of the arrow (right-hand exit) or the left of the arrow (left-hand exit). 5. Sign 552D Location. Sign 552D shall be mounted at the theoretical gore, no more than 50m after the theoretical gore, or up to 100m in advance of the theoretical gore, over all lanes. No distance information is shown on a Sign 552D. In addition, the white panel (similar to Sign 551D) shall provide text saying “EXIT” to the right of the arrow (right-hand exit) or the left of the arrow (left-hand exit). 6. Consistency of Information. All information relating to routes and destinations displayed on the preceding Sign 551D shall be displayed on the subsequent Sign 552D. No additional destinations shall be provided on subsequent Sign 551D and 552D signs beyond the first sign. 04-SIGNS Page 222 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. Separation of destination information on sign. A vertical line shall be provided on the sign extended approximately 50% to 60% of the height of the sign, from the top of the sign. It shall be placed in a manner which separates the destinations for through movements from the destinations for right-hand or left-hand movements. The line shall typically be positioned above the centreline of the lane which may make either movement, or, for roadway splits with no “Y-arrow” option lanes (left or right), the vertical line shall be positioned above the lane line demarking the left and right split. 8. Content. Only the following items are eligible for display on Signs 551D and 552D: a. Upward pointing and curved arrows Type 10 through 15. b. Route number emblem (E-route, Mashreq “M” route, or AD-route), with connecting route emblems enclosed in parentheses. c. Destinations. d. City centre symbol. e. Airport symbol. f. Lane drop panel (ONLY text on Sign 551D, EXIT text on Sign 552D). g. Distance to exit (Sign 551D only). The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign is described as follows. 9. Upward-pointing and curved arrows. Requirements are as follows for arrows to be placed over carriageway lanes: a. Lanes with through movements only shall have Type 10 upward-pointing through arrows. b. Lanes with left-hand movement only shall have Type 11 left-curved arrows. c. Lanes with right-hand movement only shall have Type 12 right-curved arrows. d. Interior lanes permitting either left or through movements shall have Type 13 combination through-left arrows. e. Interior lanes permitting either right or through movements shall have Type 14 combination through-right arrows. f. Interior lanes at a freeway-highway split permitting either left or right movements shall have a Type 15 “Y” arrow. g. The arrows shall be white except when the white ONLY panel (Sign 551D) or EXIT panel (Sign 552D) is used, in which case with black arrows shall be used on that panel. h. The lanes that are indicated at the exit shall be determined by the mainline lanes from which it is possible to directly exit the mainline, not the number of lanes on the off ramp that develop after the theoretical gore. i. If one or more lanes are dropped at the exit, the arrows indicating the lane(s) to be dropped shall be black and placed on the white ONLY (Sign 551D) or EXIT (Sign 552D) panel that is placed above the lane(s) dropping off at the exit. j. Arrows shall be positioned at the sign bottom and above the centreline of each lane, plus or minus 300 mm. 04-SIGNS Page 223 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 10. Route Number Emblem. Route number emblem installations shall meet the following requirements: a. For each side (ongoing/exit or left side/right side applications), each route accessed shall be displayed to the left and centred next to the Arabic and English destinations (up to two per route number). Route number emblems shall be placed adjacent to the destination names on their left side. The combined emblem and destination name message shall be centred between the borders on each side of the vertical demarcation line as described in Item 7. b. Where Mashreq “M” numbers are assigned to a freeway route (current numberings are M5 along route E11 and M7 along E22), those number shields (specified by the Gulf Coordination Council Traffic Manual) shall be placed to the right of the E-route emblem and shall not be larger than the E-route symbol. c. Only the route number emblem of the route or routes accessed directly from the exit ramp shall be displayed above the exit ramps. d. No more than one route number shall be displayed for each direction, unless a route is co-numbered (E-route, M-route, AD-route), in which case the route shields shall be lined from left to right, with the same destinations for the co-numbered facility. e. One route number only shall be displayed for the exit ramp if the route reached directly has the same route number on both sides of the interchange. f. If the route reached directly from the exit ramp has different route numbers on each side of the interchange, and both can be reached from the same exit ramp, then both route numbers shall be displayed. 11. Destinations. Requirements are as follows: a. A maximum of two lines of information (nearest and ultimate destinations) shall be permitted for each route number served on Signs 551D or 552D. The requirements for each movement are as follows: i. For mainline carriageway (ongoing traffic), no more than two destinations shall be provided. Both shall be listed in Arabic first, then both shall be listed in English. ii. For exiting traffic and for traffic splits, up to two control destinations for each route number served (maximum of two route numbers) may be shown. The nearest control destination shall be shown first, the second or ultimate destination may be shown second. iii. Control destinations shall remain consistent for all Sign 551D and 552D installations for an interchange or junction. Any supplementary destination shall require separate supplementary destination signs, typically groundmounted. b. If the exit ramp provides access to only one direction of traffic, then up to two control destinations shall be displayed for the route. c. If the exit ramp accesses two separate route numbers (one in each direction), up to two destinations for each route shall be displayed adjacent to the corresponding route number emblem so that the left turn information is placed above the right turn information. 04-SIGNS Page 224 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Legend placement includes the following requirements: i. The Arabic legends shall always be displayed above the English legends. ii. When two lines of information (street name, destinations, etc.) are related to one route number, the Arabic right-turn destination or street name should be immediately below the Arabic left turn destination or street name. The two English legends should be similarly displayed, one immediately below the other, and both below the Arabic legends. iii. When two route numbers with one destination each are displayed, the route number emblem and associated destination legend (Arabic with English below) for the destination to the left shall be above the route number emblem and legend (Arabic with English below) for the destination to the right. e. The destinations, where applicable, shall be displayed adjacent and to the right of the associated route number emblem. f. English legend shall be left justified and adjacent to the right edge of the route number emblem. g. Arabic legend shall be right justified. The position of the right justification line shall be the furthest right of the longest English word, or of the longest Arabic word, with its left end adjacent to the route number emblem. h. When two route numbers are used, the same right justification for the Arabic destinations should be used for both route numbers. 12. Airport symbol. The airport symbol shall be displayed if either the mainline or exit has the airport as a specifically trailblazed destination. The symbol shall be placed to the left of the route number emblem (this differs from at-grade signage), and shall be oriented to either ahead (through movements), 45-degrees left (for left-hand movements) or 45-degrees right (for right-hand movements). 13. City centre symbol. The city centre symbol shall be centred at the top of the portion of the sign which denotes the route leading to the city centre. It is located to the right of the destination name (English and Arabic) which pertains to the city centre. 14. Distance to exit (Sign 551D only). The distance to the exit shall be displayed in Arabic numerals (English) and either in units of metres (m) or kilometres (km). The distance requirements are as follows: a. When Sign 551D has been located within the permissible ranges of distances from the exit, as per Item 4, the nominal distances of 500m, 1000m, or 2000m shall be displayed. b. If the location falls outside the recommended range, the actual distance to the nearest 100m should be displayed. For distances less than 400m the actual distance may be rounded to the nearest 50m. c. When two or more successive exits occur at an interchange, the signs should indicate the different distances. If the advance sign is located within the recommended range, the nominal distance should be used for the first exit. The second and subsequent exits should indicate a distance equal to the nominal distance used for the first exit plus the distances from the first exit to the subsequent exits. All distances should be rounded up to the next 100m. 04-SIGNS Page 225 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) d. Exit distance shall be centred above the leftmost downward pointing arrow for a ramp that is exiting (e.g., if two lanes will exit, distance shall be to the left of the left arrow, if only one lane exits, the distance is to the left of the only exit arrow). 15. Lane-drop ONLY (Sign 551D) or EXIT (Sign 552D) panel. If a lane on a mainline carriageway will be dropped at an exit ramp, a white ONLY (Sign 551D) or EXIT (Sign 552D) panel shall be displayed (see Item 4 on where this is used relative to multiple Sign 551D installations). This shall have the following requirements: a. The panel shall be placed at the bottom of the sign and covers the space occupied by the relevant upward pointing arrow(s), which should be black. The white panel extends over the lane or lanes to be dropped, from the edge of the sign to a point above the lane line remote from the edge of the sign. White sign borders adjacent to the panel should be incorporated into the panel. b. The English and Arabic word ONLY (Sign 551D) or English word EXIT (Sign 552D) shall be displayed adjacent to and on the right side of a single arrow, with the Arabic above the English “ONLY” both approximately centred vertically on the panel. c. If two lanes are dropped at the exit the word ONLY (Sign 551D) or EXIT (Sign 552D) shall be displayed centrally between the two lane use arrows for the dropped lanes. Exit Signs 554, 555, and 556 Description The purpose of GORE EXIT signs is to indicate the physical nose of the exit ramp from the main roadway and of a split within the exit ramp. Standards 1. Application and Location. Gore signs shall be located as follows: a. At the exit ramps from freeways and arterial roads at interchanges and gradeseparated intersections. b. Where ramps diverge to form two branches 2. Sign 554 is used in conjunction with freeway exit numbering (E-routes and AD-routes). 3. Sign 555 is used for exits at grade-separated junctions on non-freeway routes (i.e., without exit numbering. 4. Sign 556 shall be used for a split in the exit ramp. 5. Eligible information for Display. The following items are eligible for display: a. Upward pointing arrow or arrows. i. For exit ramps from the mainline carriageways of Emirate Routes and Abu Dhabi Routes, one Type 8 arrow should be displayed on GORE EXIT sign 554. It should be slanted upwards at an angle of 45° to indicate the direction of the exit ramp as shown. ii. For gores where a ramp splits into two branches, two upward pointing Type 8 arrows should be used on GORE EXIT sign 556. They should be inclined at 45° to the left and right of vertical, as shown. 6. EXIT message. The English word EXIT with its Arabic translation above should be centred at the top of the sign. 04-SIGNS Page 226 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7. EXIT number. For Sign 555, the exit number (using Arabic numerals [English]) shall be provided to the left of the Type 8 arrow, while the Type 8 arrow is justified to the right and bottom of the sign. Sign 554 Sign 555 Sign 556 Exit Sign 557 Description The purpose of supplemental exit signing is to provide additional information on supplemental destinations prior to making the exit. Standards 1. Appearance. Supplemental exit signing shall consist of white legend and borders on brown background. 2. Applications. Supplemental exit signing shall be provided prior to exits from freeways or highways at interchanges or grade-separated intersections. 3. Location. Requirements are as follows. a. Normally, supplemental exit signing shall be ground-mounted as a stack-type sign on the right side, at the beginning of the taper for the deceleration lane, or in the case of a lane drop 200m to 250m in advance of the theoretical gore. b. Sign may be mounted overhead so long as it does not block EXIT DIRECTION signing. If the sign is mounted overhead, it shall be no closer than 300m in advance of the EXIT DIRECTION sign 552. The location should be thoroughly checked to prevent an overhead SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign 557 from obscuring the visibility of the EXIT DIRECTION sign 552. This checking should include plotting the sign on a plan of the horizontal alignment and on a longitudinal section of the vertical alignment. c. On freeways the sign shall be at least 200m after the ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551 such that is located 500m in advance of the theoretical gore. 4. Display of Information. The information eligible for display and its position on the sign is described as follows. a. Upward pointing arrow. The upward pointing Type 8 arrow shall be displayed on the right side of the sign for a right hand exit ramp. The arrow should be pointing upward, slanted at an angle of 45º to the right of vertical. It should be centred vertically on the sign. b. Approved supplemental symbol and destination. A maximum of two supplemental destinations shall be displayed on any SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT sign 557. More destinations will significantly increase driver workload by providing too much visual 04-SIGNS Page 227 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) information to read and comprehend in the short time available before exiting onto the exit ramp. Only approved symbols and supplemental destination types discussed in Section and illustrated in Figure 4-26 shall be eligible for display. If more than two destinations are eligible for display, the DMT or owning agency shall determine which two are most important, and only those two should be displayed. c. Exit number plate. The exit number which the sign pertains to shall be mounted on an exit number plate (white on brown matching the supplemental guide sign) on the upper right edge of Sign 557, flush with the right-edge of the sign (for right-hand exits). 5. Placement of message elements. Requirements are as follows: a. Symbol shall be displayed on the left side of the sign, with the Arabic and English destination names adjacent to it on the right side. For each destination, English legend shall be left justified and adjacent to the right edge of the associated symbol. Arabic legend shall be right justified. The position of the right justification line shall be the furthest right of either the longest English word or the longest Arabic word, with its left end adjacent to the associated symbol. b. When two supplemental destinations are displayed, the destination to the left of the exit ramp shall be above the destination to the right. If both are in the same direction the closer destination should be at the top. Sign 557 Examples Exit Numbering System Description To identify junctions along freeway facilities in the Emirate and place them geographically from a navigation and asset management perspective, an exit numbering system is required. Standards 1. Exit Numbering Requirements for E-Routes. Free flow ramps exiting from Emirate Routes or from freeway sections of AD-routes shall be given an exit number based on the approximate distance in kilometres of that exit point from the origin point of that route within Abu Dhabi Emirate. 2. Origin of Numbering. The origin end of the Emirate Route shall be taken as the northernmost or westernmost terminus point of the route within the Emirate. 3. General Rules. The following rules shall apply when assigning a number to an exit: a. Exit numbers shall be whole numbers. 04-SIGNS Page 228 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) b. Complementary exits from the opposite directions of travel shall have the same exit number. c. Only the exit point shall be numbered. If the exit splits beyond the initial exit, a single exit number still applies unless two exit numbers result from the complementary exists in the opposite direction. In that case, the exit numbers shall be applied to the ramp split signing as well. d. Successive exits located less than 1km apart shall have different exit number suffixes assigned based on an analysis of all exits in the vicinity and their relationship to the distance from the origin. These suffixes shall be labelled with “A” being the first exit relative to the kilometre post, “B” the second exit, etc. e. At grade junctions are not given exit numbers. f. Figure 4-30 illustrates most of the principles set forth. 4. Application. Exit numbers shall appear on all guide signs giving information pertaining to that particular exit. Such signs include ADVANCE EXIT DIRECTION sign 551, EXIT DIRECTION sign 552, DIAGRAMMATIC DIRECTION SIGNS (551D and 552D), GORE EXIT sign 554 and SUPPLEMENTAL EXIT DIRECTION sign 557. The consistent use of exit numbers on all such signs will aid motorists in associating all applicable signing to a given exit point. Figure 4-30: Illustration of Exit Numbers 04-SIGNS Page 229 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4.4.6 General Information and Service Signs Signs Use of Trailblazing “Trailblazing” is used to provide a localized supplement to the control destination based guide sign system. The concept of trailblazing can be applied to a specific destination or type of destination and it may even be applied to direct drivers towards a route. The concept involves providing strategically located compact supplemental stack type trailblazing signs to indicate to drivers the direction to be taken in order to reach one of the following specific types of destination: Airport. City centre. An Emirate Route (by number). An Abu Dhabi Route (by number). A supplemental (tourist or service) destination. A freeway. A parking area. While all of these destinations may appear on primary or supplemental direction signs there are occasions when it may be necessary to indicate the direction to such a type of destination when the use of normal direction signs is not appropriate, or impossible due to space limitations. Trailblazing signs display only a stack type arrow, one of Types 3, 4, 5 or 6 together with a symbol. (When geometric conditions require, an upward pointing slanted arrow may be used. A Type 3 arrow placed at 45 degrees is suitable for this purpose.) The signs should be located in advance of an intersection, roundabout or recognized U-turning lane. They will normally be used to indicate a turn but, in the event that drivers may be confused, for whatever reason, about the correct direction to take, an ongoing indication may be given, when appropriate, using a Type 3 arrow. The signs should preferably not be used in addition to normal direction signs at a junction although in one or two specific instances this may be acceptable. Once a trailblazing sign has been used, further trailblazing signs must be provided at all decision points until the destination indicated has been reached, or until the message concerned becomes part of the information displayed by the normal control-destination-based guide-sign system. There are specific circumstances for each of the types of trailblazer identified, in terms of which an appropriate trailblazing sign may be used. These circumstances are detailed in the following sections. The trailblazer signs that follow should have blue, green, or white background colour appropriate for the type of route which they are located. Airport Trailblazer Sign 503 1. Description. AIRPORT TRAILBLAZING sign 503 is likely to be the most widely used trailblazer sign. The sign may be used to direct drivers from areas commonly frequented by visitors to Abu Dhabi towards the airport. The sign should be used in a similar manner to ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign 514. Sign 503 may be used on an Emirate Route, an Abu Dhabi Route, or a lesser unnumbered route. It therefore may be used with or without normal 04-SIGNS Page 230 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) control destination direction signs, unless such a direction sign already has the Airport as a trailblaze symbol. 2. Repeated Use. Once sign 503 has been used it should continue to be provided at all decision points unless the symbol appears on a direction sign. 3. Standards. Sign 503 a. The AIRPORT TRAILBLAZER sign shall be located in a side-mounted position on the right side of the roadway, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any minor road intersections. It shall be placed on a separate trailblazer if there is not sufficient room on guide signs. b. When mounted on AD-routes in urban areas, sign shall be green with white legend and border. When mounted in rural areas or on approaches to E-routes, sign shall be blue with white legend or border. 4. Other Guidance. a. When the sign is for a left turn movement from a divided roadway it may be beneficial to locate the sign on the median island, particularly if a U-turn movement is called for. The Airport symbol should be positioned on sign 503 so that it “points” in the same direction as the arrow used on the sign. b. The Airport symbol may also be used as a trailblazing component on primary direction signs. See each specific sign for use locations. City Centre Trailblazer Sign 504 1. Description. CITY CENTRE TRAILBLAZER sign 504 may be used within the general environs of the Abu Dhabi and Al Ain city centres, i.e., at a local level, to direct drivers towards what is considered to be the popular core of the business area. As such, the sign may only be displayed after the city centre message has appeared as a control destination on direction signs. 2. Standard: Sign 504 shall be located in a side mounted position Sign 504 on the right side of the pavement, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any other minor side road intersections. Sign shall be green with white legend when used along AD-routes and other local arterials, and blue with white legend if the trailblazing guidance is along an E-route. 3. Other Guidance. The City Centre symbol may also be used as a trailblazing component on primary direction signs. See each specific sign for use locations. Emirate Route Trailblazer Sign 505 1. Description. EMIRATE ROUTE TRAILBLAZER sign 505 may be used to direct drivers towards an Emirate Route when direction signs are not otherwise in use or appropriate. Since Emirate Routes have limited points of access it may occasionally be necessary to assist drivers in finding a route Sign 505 or street which intersects with the Emirate Route. Sign 505 should therefore only be used at a local level to assist drivers in finding their way upwards in the street network. Once used the sign should be repeated at decision points until such time as 04-SIGNS Page 231 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) the appropriate Emirate Route emblem appears on a normal Advance Direction sign with the appropriate control destinations. It may also be beneficial to use sign 505 on a route which is parallel to an Emirate Route. 2. Standards. a. The sign shall be located in a side-mounted position on the right side of the roadway, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any minor side road intersections. b. The Emirate Route Emblem displayed on sign 505 should include the specific number of the Emirate Route being trailblazed. It shall use a blue colour indicative of the Eroute being led to. Abu Dhabi Route Trailblazer Sign 506 1. Description. ABU DHABI ROUTE TRAILBLAZER sign 506 may be used to direct drivers towards a numbered Abu Dhabi Route when direction signs are not otherwise in use or appropriate. Sign 506 should therefore only be used at a local level within a community to assist drivers in finding Sign 506 their way upwards in the street network. However, there are some instances where exceptions to this rule can be permitted. The most notable exception would be on the approach to a minor junction with an unnumbered route where the driver merely requires a confirmation that the Abu Dhabi Route continues in a straight ahead direction, or if the route itself makes a turn. The use of sign 506 may be particularly appropriate within a community when there is some facility of importance which tends to attract visitors from outside the community. 2. Standard. The sign shall be located in a side-mounted position on the right side of the street, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any minor side road intersections. The route emblem displayed on the sign shall include the specific number of the Abu Dhabi Route being trailblazed. Supplemental Destination Trailblazer Sign 507 1. Description. A SUPPLEMENTAL DESTINATION TRAILBLAZER sign 507 may be used to carry on a basic supplemental destination message which has already appeared on an ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL sign 514. Once a supplemental message has been given by sign 514, in the form of an approved supplemental symbol plus the primary name of the facility (Section 4.4.3), subsequent signs at decision points up to the final turn to the facility should be trailblazer sign 507. Sign 507 2. Standards. 04-SIGNS Page 232 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. The signs shall be located in a side-mounted position on the right side of the roadway, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any minor side road intersections. b. The symbol or symbols (maximum of two) displayed on the sign shall only be approved supplementary destination symbols which have appeared on one or more preceding ADVANCE SUPPLEMENTAL signs 514. In other words, additional supplemental symbols should not be introduced using sign 507 without prior appearance on sign 514. 3. Guidance. When the sign is for a left turn movement from a divided roadway it may be beneficial to locate the sign on the median island, particularly if a U-turn is called for. In this latter case a Type 6 arrow should be used. Freeway Trailblazer Sign 508 1. Description. A FREEWAY TRAILBLAZER sign 508 may be used as a general trailblazer sign indicating a direction which may be taken in order to intersect and join a freeway. Sign 508 may be used as an alternative to EMIRATE ROUTE TRAILBLAZER sign 505 when the use of the latter sign might cause confusion with other Emirate Route Emblems on other guide signs. The use of sign 508 is appropriate at a local level or on Abu Dhabi Routes, particularly in an area close to a freeway and when the route or street concerned runs more or less parallel to the freeway. Sign 508 2. Standards. a. The signs, if used, be located in a side-mounted position on the right side of the roadway, up to 160m from the junction, with due regard to the position of any other direction signs and any minor side road intersections. b. The sign shall comprise the appropriate Type 3, 4, or 5 arrow together with the “Freeway” symbol in black on a white square background in a similar manner to signs 503, 504, and 507. When a U-turn is required a Type 6 arrow should be used. 3. Guidance. When the sign is for a left-turn movement from a divided roadway it may be beneficial to locate the sign on the median island, particularly if a U-turn is called for. Parking Trailblazer Sign 509 1. Description. PARKING TRAILBLAZER sign 509 may be used locally to direct drivers towards a designated parking area or car park. 2. Standards. 04-SIGNS Page 233 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. Because parking signs are used on a local level, the signs shall be in white with the blue parking symbol situated as part of the legend. The arrow shall be black and shall be either a hook arrow, through arrow or U-turn arrow. Sign 509 Information Signs The signs classified in this group provide additional information to drivers to assist them with their navigational task or to provide supplementary information with respect to regulatory or warning signs. Street Name Sign 587, 587L, 587R, and 587LR 1. Description. Street Name Sign 587 series is used with or without route number shields to indicate the name of a through street (non dead-end). There are two applications: a. A median-mounted arterial sign with chevron direction arrows, mounted in the median perpendicular and between the two curbs near the at-grade intersection, with displays on both sides of the post, visible to drivers on the crossing street, and providing the street name associated with the numbered route at the at-grade intersection. For Sign 587LR, the chevron direction arrows point in both directions (for a street travelling in both ways across an intersection), for Sign 587L the chevron arrow points to the left (for a street travelling to the left of the cross street), and for sign 587R the chevron arrow points to the right (for a street travelling to the right of the cross street) b. On freeways along the right shoulder, as a ground-mounted information sign (Sign 587) for drivers who have just entered the freeway route, provided the route also has a written name (e.g., E11 between Abu Dhabi and Dubai is called “Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Road”). c. Municipality street signage (based on officially agreed-to local design and not shown in this Manual) may be used in addition to or in lieu of the Sign 587 series for intersections having signalized approaches, as well as for arterial intersections with minor streets. 2. Standards. a. Sign 587 shall be white with black legend, using Naskh font for Arabic and UK Transport Bold font for English. b. Route number emblem sized for the sign shall be placed on the left of the sign, with the Arabic (top) and English (bottom) street names provided to the right of the shield, the Arabic name right-justified and the English name left-justified against the route shield. The size of the sign is based on the length of the street name, with the width dictated by the longer of the Arabic or English street names as well as the route shield. c. Sign shall always be ground-mounted. 04-SIGNS Page 234 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 587LR Sign 587R Sign 587 Freeway/Highway Ground-Mounted Advance Exit Direction Sign 517 1. Description. Certain advance guide signs may be used for local street access from freeway or highway routes, in which the local route does not cross the freeway or highway (e.g., it is one-way in and one-way out), or for exits which include single-lane exit ramps that do not encompass mainline lane drops the use of advance direction. The use of ground-mounted advance exit direction signs shall be limited to exits to AD-routes or to roads without AD-route numbers, and are never used for ramps to E-routes with the following exception: for turnarounds, ramps or U-turn roads may be provided on the freeway or highway facility, and the E-route may be shown with the destination in the opposite direction. 2. Standards. a. Ground-mounted advance exit direction signs on E-routes and non-urban AD-routes shall be blue with white legend and border, similar to other freeway guide signs. However, if used within urban areas on AD-routes, signs shall be green with white legend and border. b. Signs shall be mounted to the right of the shoulder (right-hand exit), or in the median (left-hand exit or left hand U-turn), provided there is substantial space within the median allowing for installation of signage. c. Sign text shall consist of a single destination or street name in Arabic followed by English below. Distance to the exit shall be provided at the bottom. d. Route emblem, if any, shall be at the left edge of the sign with the destination information located next to it, with Arabic right-justified to the right sign edge and the English left-justified next to the route emblem. Sign width is dependent on longest text (either English or Arabic) plus Route emblem. 04-SIGNS Page 235 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) e. E-route emblem shall only be used for this sign if it used for a ramp which leads to the opposite direction, in which case the emblem shall be shown with the oppositedirection destination. f. If the situation in Item d involves a left-hand U-turn, a U-turn arrow Type 7 shall be displayed to the left of the route shield. g. If situated on E-routes, or AD-routes which are freeway facilities with exit numbering, an exit number plate shall be provided on the top edge of the sign and justified on the right edge of the sign (right-hand exit) or to the left-edge (left-hand exit). Exit numbering shall not be provided as follows: i. On urban AD-routes that are not freeway facilities. ii. For ramps that are solely turnarounds to the opposite direction. h. One advance sign shall be located 500m before the exit gore. However, if travel speeds are 120km/h on the route, a second advance sign shall be installed at 1000m prior to the exit gore. i. No other guide signs or supplemental signage shall be installed within 250m prior to the ground-mounted advance exit direction sign. j. Exit number panel shall only be provided for those ground-mount exit signs that lead to a numbered route or arterial, and not for local access exits (e.g. to farms or roadside services). 3. Guidance. a. Often, especially in urban areas, local exits may lead to a variety of touristic and government supplemental destinations. Supplemental advance stack signage, when used, should be a minimum of 250m past the ground-mounted advance exit direction sign and at least 250m prior to the ground-mounted exit direction sign 518. Sign 517 Examples 04-SIGNS Page 236 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Freeway/Highway Ground-Mounted Exit Direction Sign 518 1. Description. Ground-mounted exit direction signs are used for local street access from freeway or highway routes, in which the local route does not cross the freeway or highway (e.g., it is one-way in and one-way out), or for exits which include single-lane exit ramps that do not encompass mainline lane drops the use of advance direction. The route and destination content of ground-mounted exit direction signs is identical to the advance exit direction sign 517 which precedes them, with the addition of arrows in the direction of the exit or U-turn. 2. Standards. a. Standards for Sign 518 shall be similar to Sign 517, except as follows: i. Sign is mounted approximately 50m ahead of the theoretical gore ii. A Type 8 arrow pointing diagonally in the exit direction is provided to the right of the destination text (right-hand exit) or, to the left of the route emblem (lefthand exit). iii. No distance to exit is provided. b. A Type 7 arrow is provided to the left of the route emblem and destination (opposite direction) for left-hand U-turns. c. In rare circumstances where the exit requires an immediate sharp right (requiring appropriate warning signs for drivers to slow down for the curve), the Type 8 arrow shall point to the right. d. Arabic text is right-justified to the vertical plane at the left-most edge of the Type 8 arrow and the English left-justified next to the route emblem. Sign width is dependent on longest text (either English or Arabic) plus Route emblem and arrow width. e. No other guide signs or supplemental signage shall be installed within 250m prior to the ground-mounted advance direction sign. f. Exit gore signage per Section shall be installed as per other interchanges. Sign 518 Examples 04-SIGNS Page 237 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Text Sign 588 1. Description. The purpose of general text sign 588 is to provide drivers with information on communities or districts they are entering or to identify the name of a bridge, tunnel or other physical feature. It may also be used to convey a textual message of regulation, warning, or information that cannot otherwise be conveyed with conventional signs or with a SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589. TEXT sign 588 may be used on Emirate Routes, ADRoutes or any other appropriate local street. 2. Standards. Sign 588 a. Sign shall be ground mounted on the right side of the roadway as follows: i. Community signing: at the boundary of the community or district, or within 50m of such boundary, within the community or district ii. Physical feature signing: At a point within the vicinity of the feature being identified whereby the feature identified is obvious. iii. All cases: As per applicable requirements for locating regulatory, warning, or guide signs. b. Information eligible for display on TEXT sign 588 shall be a limited text message in Arabic and English of 5 words or less. c. The legend shall be displayed with the Arabic legend above the English legend. The sign shall be sized from the longer text component. When this is the Arabic legend, the English legend shall be left justified on the end of the Arabic name. When the English legend is the longer component, the Arabic legend shall be right justified on the end of the English legend. d. This sign shall have a white background with a black border and legend. When used for roadworks, the background colour shall be yellow, consistent with the requirements in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) of this Manual. Supplementary Plate Sign 589 1. Description: The purpose of the supplementary plate sign is to provide information which supplements the message given on a regulatory, warning, or roadworks traffic sign without materially altering the meaning of the sign it supplements. The sign is used as appropriate with regulatory, warning, or roadworks traffic signs as variously described in Chapters 4 and 6 respectively. 2. Standards: a. Location of the sign shall always directly below the primary sign that it is supplementing. Sign shall either be a separate sign plate affixed separately, but to the same post as the primary sign, or may be incorporated into an enlargement of the primary sign substrate material. b. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign should always have a black border and legend. It should have a white background when used with Regulatory or Warning signs, and a yellow background when used with Roadworks signs. c. Information displayed by the supplementary plate shall include only the following: 04-SIGNS Page 238 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) i. A text message comprised of one or two words only, such as “School.” (Arabic and English) ii. An advisory speed at which the hazard forewarned by the primary sign can be negotiated, such as “50km/h” on a roadway which otherwise has a higher speed limit iii. The distance from the location of the sign to the point where the condition it describes exists, such as “200 m.” iv. The distance, beginning at the location of the sign, over which the message of the sign applies, such as “For 3km.” v. An easily recognized iconic symbol, such as that used to depict “no trucks.” d. The SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign shall be the same width as the primary sign which it supplements. Sign 589 Fire Hydrant Supplementary Plate Sign 590 1. Description: The purpose of the fire hydrant supplementary plate sign is to provide information on the location and identification number of a fire hydrant. It is used in conjunction with NO STOPPING sign 370 to prevent vehicles from stopping on roads or other curbside areas adjacent to fire hydrants. Details of signing and pavement marking for areas near fire hydrants are described in Chapter 5. 2. Standards: a. Location of the sign shall be directly below NO STOPPING sign 370. b. Sign 590 shall display the following information, by line: i. “Fire Hydrant” in Arabic. ii. The zone, sector number, and hydrant number in Arabic. iii. The letters “F. H.” for fire hydrant followed by the zone, sector number, and hydrant number in English. iv. As Abu Dhabi Civil Defence is responsible for assigning numbers to fire hydrants, these signs should be prepared in coordination with that agency. v. Sign 590 shall have a red background with a white legend. vi. Note that this sign combination is to be mounted on a red pole. 04-SIGNS Page 239 Sign 590 with No Stopping Sign 370 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) General Service Sign 591 1. Description: The purpose of the general services sign is to inform motorists of the availability of upcoming services along freeway and highway routes, particularly of interest in suburban and rural areas as well as intercity corridors. GENERAL SERVICE sign 591 informs motorists of services available either adjacent to the roadway or at a nearby, upcoming exit from the roadway. Only services that fulfil the needs of the road user should be shown on general service signs. 2. Standards: Sign 591 (typical) a. Services eligible for this sign include: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Petrol station. Mechanic. Restaurant. Hotel. Refreshments. Public telephone. Hospital (with a physician on duty 24 hours a day). First aid station (open 24 hours a day). Major shopping centre. Mosque. b. Sign shall be located on the approach to exits to general services. A GENERAL SERVICE sign 591 should be placed 2km and/or 4km (for rural areas) in advance of the exit. Another advance sign shall be placed within 500m of the exit. Finally, a sign with a Type 8 arrow at the bottom shall be provided at the exit point. c. General service signing shall only be provided at locations where the road user can return to the roadway and continue in the same direction of travel. GENERAL SERVICE sign 591 is generally not appropriate at major interchanges and in urban areas. d. Display requirements are as follows: i. Icons should be placed in rows of three across the sign. ii. No more than six services should be signed on an individual sign. iii. If more than six services are available at an upcoming exit, two GENERAL SERVICE sign 591 shall be erected at 100m intervals. e. GENERAL SERVICE sign 591 shall have a blue background and a white border. Within the blue background, iconic symbols representing specific services should be black (except for the first aid station symbol, which is a red crescent) on a white background as shown in Figure 4-31. f. A supplemental plate shall indicate the distance to the exit. Within 500m of the exit, the supplemental plate shall not indicate a distance but have an action message such as NEXT RIGHT or SECOND RIGHT. If, from the last sign indicating general services before the exit, the distance to the next point where services are available is greater 04-SIGNS Page 240 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) than 16km, an additional supplemental plate, NEXT SERVICES XX KM, may be added to the sign. 3. Guidance: a. As a general rule, the iconic symbols shown in Figure 4-31 shall be used only on General Service Sign 591. However, it is permissible to use a single icon as shown in Figure 4-31 on a typical guide sign or supplemental guide sign if the engineer deems it would prove useful to drivers. b. Several icons are also shown for supplemental destinations. However, when used for services signage, these icons refer to facilities that are immediately accessible to the freeway or highway facility. Supplemental destinations may be located a distance away from the freeway or highway and are not directly accessible. Figure 4-31: General Services Iconic Symbols Pedestrian Underpass Sign 599 1. Description: PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS Sign 599 guides pedestrians to the locations of entrances to pedestrian underpasses. Sign 599 should be located within 5m of the entrance to a pedestrian underpass and in a position to maximize its visibility for pedestrians from all angles. If one end of a pedestrian underpass has more than a single point of entrance, and those points are located more than 15m apart, a separate sign 599 may be installed for each point of entrance. In this case, the signs should be located as close as possible to the point of entrance. 2. Standards: a. The sign shall be pole-mounted. b. The sign shall have a green background with a white border and legend when used in urban areas. 04-SIGNS Page 241 Sign 599 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 5.1 Introduction Pavement markings are defined as markings or other devices applied to, or attached to a pavement surface or a curb-line. Pavement markings must function day and night, as well as under adverse weather conditions, to support and amplify the message of traffic signs, traffic signals and other traffic control devices to all road users, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. While pavement markings are an important and integral element in the design of a traffic control scheme, care shall be taken to not over use pavement markings. Due to their nature and location, pavement markings are subject to continual and rapid deterioration and wear from roadway traffic. To retain the conspicuity and function of pavement markings, their maintenance and replacement is, by necessity, an ongoing and continual process with significant cost implications. Thus pavement marking requirements should be considered early in the planning and design stages of a project. 5.2 Principles 5.2.1 Standards 1. Purpose of Pavement Markings. Pavement markings shall be used on highways and on private roads open to public travel to provide guidance and information for the road user. Major marking types include pavement and curb markings, delineators, coloured pavements, channelizing devices, and islands. In some cases, markings are used to supplement other traffic control devices such as signs, signals, and other markings. In other instances, markings are used alone to effectively convey regulations, guidance, or warnings in ways not obtainable by the use of other devices. 2. Application of Pavement Markings. The use of pavement markings shall be based on an engineering study or on engineering judgement. Use of pavement markings shall be kept to a minimum. 3. Marking Classifications. Like traffic signs, pavement markings may be classified with respect to the primary function they serve: a. Regulatory b. Warning c. Guidance Regulatory pavement markings inform road users of actions they shall or shall not take. Disregard for a regulatory pavement marking represents an offense. For example, crossing of a solid NO PASSING LINE is illegal, and offending drivers would be subject to citation. Warning pavement markings warn road users of the existence of hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions. A DIVIDING LINE that separates two-way traffic warns drivers of the potential hazard of a head-on collision with oncoming vehicles if that line is crossed. It is not necessarily a violation to cross that line when turning or passing another vehicle, but the driver is warned to maintain caution. Guidance pavement markings help road users understand the path that the roadway designed intends for their vehicle to follow. An example of such is a GUIDE LINE that may 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 242 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) be used to mark out the travel path through an intersection for vehicular turns that are unusual and otherwise difficult to understand. 4. Installation of Pavement Markings. Pavement markings shall be installed according to the guidelines in this Manual for each function type. Section 5.4.1 describes installation requirements for Regulatory markings, Section 5.4.2 describes installation requirements for Warning markings, and Section 5.4.3 describes installation requirements for Guidance markings. 5. Single Meaning. Each standard marking shall be used only to convey the meaning prescribed for that marking in this Manual. When used for applications not described in this Manual, markings shall conform in all respects to the principles and standards set forth in this Manual. 6. Retro-reflectivity. Markings that must be visible at night shall be retroreflective unless ambient illumination assures that the markings are adequately visible. All markings on highways shall be retroreflective. 7. Removal of Markings. Markings that are no longer applicable for road conditions or restrictions and that might cause confusion for the road user shall be removed or obliterated to be unidentifiable as a marking as soon as practical. 8. Limitations. Markings have limitations. The visibility of markings can be limited by sand, debris, and water on or adjacent to the markings. Marking durability is affected by material characteristics, traffic volumes, weather, and location. However, under most road conditions, markings provide important information while allowing minimal diversion of attention from the road. a. It is important for designers to understand the functional significance of the pavement markings so that their application will be consistent with the use intended. This chapter is therefore subdivided into sections on a functional basis. 5.2.2 Guidance 1. Before any new road, private road open to public travel, paved detour, or temporary route is opened to public travel, all necessary markings should be in place. 2. Until they can be removed or obliterated, markings may be temporarily masked with tape that is approximately the same colour as the pavement. 5.3 General Overview of Pavement and Curb Markings 5.3.1 Marking Types and Standards Pavement markings can further be classified into three basic types: Transverse lines. Longitudinal lines. Symbols. Transverse lines and markings are those that are placed at right angles or are significantly nonparallel to the longitudinal axis of the roadway. In general, the purpose of a transverse marking is to provide a sense of limit across the normal, unimpeded forward movement of a vehicle. A giveway line is an example of a transverse pavement marking. The give-way line crosses the forward 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 243 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) path of a vehicle to advise a driver to stop or be prepared to stop his forward progress in case the situation dictates such action. Because transverse lines must be viewed obliquely from an approaching vehicle, their widths must be substantial to facilitate their detection. Longitudinal lines run generally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the line of vehicular travel on a roadway. In general, the purpose of a longitudinal line is to convey a continual message to the driver of a moving vehicle over an extended length of roadway. A lane line is an example of a longitudinal line. It provides a continual message to a driver demarcating the separation of two streams of traffic moving in the same direction. Carelessly crossing a lane line puts one in jeopardy of a sideswipe collision with vehicles in the adjacent traffic stream. Longitudinal lines shall be characterized as follows: Broken (often called “Skip-dash”) lines are permissive in character and may be crossed by a vehicle with due caution. Different spacings between the dashes and different dash lengths may indicate different functionality (see Section 5.4.3). Solid lines are restrictive in nature and should not be crossed except in case of an emergency. Solid double lines convey the same message as a single solid line, but with a greater degree of emphasis and conspicuousness necessitated by a particularly critical situation. A double line solid on one side and broken on the other conveys a message of restriction of movement across it from the solid-line side and a permission of movement across it from the broken-line side. Discontinuities in longitudinal lines, whether solid or broken, indicate by their absence locations where turns, merges, or diverges are expected to occur. The width of the line indicates the degree of emphasis. The widths and patterns of longitudinal lines shall be as follows: - Normal line—100mm to 200mm wide. Wide line—at least twice the width of a normal line. Double line—two lines equal in width and separated by a gap equal to the width of the line. Broken line—normal line segments separated by gaps (see Section dotted line—noticeably shorter line segments separated by shorter gaps than used for a broken line. The width of a dotted line extension shall be at least the same as the width of the line it extends (see Section Symbolic markings convey a roadway-oriented message to a motorist using a single or grouped set of discrete markings to represent the condition present. A turn arrow is an example of a symbol marking, advising motorists by its presence within a lane, the direction of travel that should be taken from that lane. In the context of this manual, diagonal lines such as a chevron or hatch marking are considered symbolic since they convey the same message symbolically to motorists as would be given by chevron and/or hazard marker signs. Worded markings, while not generally recommended, are classified as symbol markings. 1. Broken lines should consist of 3000mm line segments and 6000mm gaps for all passing zones reflected within a centreline of a single carriageway road. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 244 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Lane lines should use 3000mm line segments and 6000mm gaps for speeds under 80km/h, and 2000mm line segments with 7000mm gaps for speeds of 80km/h and over. 3. A dotted line for line extensions within an intersection or taper area should consist of 500mm line segments and 1500mm gaps. A dotted line used as a lane line should consist of 1000mm line segments and 3000mm gaps. 5.3.2 Colours 1. Painted pavement markings shall be either white or yellow except for parking zones where additional colours may be utilized, particularly relative to pay parking in particular localities (example, Mawaqif program in Abu Dhabi City). In these cases, curbs are painted as well. Raised pavement markers shall have specific colours as denoted in Section 5.4.4. 2. In general, the colour of a marking shall have the following connotations: a. Transverse Markings. i. White shall be used for regulatory markings. ii. Yellow shall be used for 1. temporary traffic management markings 2. curb markings indicating parking restrictions, loading zone, or warning of barrier edge/nose, such as the nose of a median 3. edgelines b. Longitudinal Markings. (See Section 5.3.5 for further details). i. Yellow shall be used for the longitudinal lines that mark both edges of all single and dual carriageway roads. ii. White shall also be used to divide traffic flowing in opposite directions on single carriageway routes with multiple lanes in each direction, through use of dual solid-line markings to delineate separate directions. iii. White shall be used for the longitudinal broken lines that delineate lanes flowing in the same direction. iv. White may also be used to divide opposite traffic directions on single carriageway, two-lane roads, in conjunction with directional arrows on the pavement and signage defining the two-way nature of the road facility. See Section for further guidance. 3. Table 5-27 describes the various road types and the correct longitudinal-line applications. Additionally, there are two other types of longitudinal markings with specialized applications, that may contain distinctive colours and applications: a. Parking Curb Markings indicating the nature of a parking zone. i. Alternating colours of turquoise and gray shall be used to indicate a Mawaqif pay parking zone. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 245 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) ii. Alternating colours of turquoise and white shall be used to indicate a premium Mawaqif pay parking zone, typically next to a major building entrance. iii. Either unpainted curbs or gray curbs may be used within zones indicating that parking is allowed. iv. Solid yellow shall be used to indicate a loading zone. v. Alternating colours of gray and yellow shall be used to indicate a no parking zone as well as the edges of curbs and channelization islands. Yellow shall be provided on the nose of any channelization island, including barriers that protect the front of the island and any signal poles or other devices located behind the nose of the island. vi. Solid red shall be used to indicate the presence of fire hydrants along roads. b. Symbols. White shall be used for all symbol markings. Table 5-27: Colours of Longitudinal Pavement Markings Road Configuration 1 One-way (single or multilane) Left Edge of Travel Roadway Yellow 2 Right Edge of Travel Roadway Yellow Lane Lines Dividing Lines White (if multilane) — — Two-way, undivided, single lane in — Yellow See Note 1 each direction 3 Two-way, undivided, multilane in — Yellow White See Note 1 each direction 4 Two-way, divided, multilane in each Yellow Yellow White — direction Note 1: White markings may be double-white, white plus broken line (denoting passing permitted on the side with the broken line provided no oncoming traffic is present), and broken line (passing permitted on either side provided no oncoming traffic is present). 1. Where lane use needs to be reinforced ahead of route split locations, route shield designs may be reproduced as markings centred within the specific lanes. Colours used for the official route shield signs (refer to Section 4.4 of this Manual) should be used as colours of symbol markings to simulate the route shields on the pavement. 2. When used in combination with other colours, gray may be used to enhance marking contrasts but should not be used for stand-alone markings unless there is light-coloured pavement being used. 5.3.3 Materials Pavement and curb markings are commonly placed by using paints or thermoplastics; however, other suitable marking materials, including raised pavement markers and coloured pavements, are also used. Delineators and channelizing devices are visibly placed in a vertical position similar to signs above the road. Some marking systems consist of clumps or droplets of material with visible open spaces of bare pavement between the material droplets. These marking systems can function in a manner that is 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 246 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) similar to the marking systems that completely cover the pavement surface and are suitable for use as pavement markings if they meet the other pavement marking requirements of the road agency. 1. The materials used for markings should provide the specified colour throughout their useful life. 2. Consideration should be given to selecting pavement marking materials that will minimize tripping or loss of traction for road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. 3. Delineators should not present a vertical or horizontal clearance obstacle for pedestrians. 5.3.4 Configuration All broken longitudinal lines have been configured to fit within a nine-metre module. When more than one longitudinal line is used within a given cross-section of roadway, the modules of each line shall be situated such that they align transversely with each other across the roadway. Intermittent solid lines shall begin and end to be compatible with the broken line module. 5.3.5 Implementation of this Pavement-Marking Guidance 1. The pavement marking configurations indicated in the following sections are intended for use in newly constructed roadway projects. In such areas, the pavement marking configurations and locations shall be followed as prescribed in this manual. 2. However, when pavement markings on existing roadways are in need of upgrade or maintenance, engineering judgment should be exercised in applying the requirements contained herein. The final decision in applying the requirements shall be reserved for the DMT or road-owning agency authorities. 1. The following guidelines should be considered in such cases of pavement marking upgrades or maintenance: a. When existing pavement markings are either identical to or will be completely covered by new markings as required by this manual, the new markings should be reinstalled over existing markings. b. When existing markings are in excess of what is required by this manual (such as additional lane arrows), the existing markings may be retained but not maintained, being allowed to gradually fade from the pavement providing that their presence will not create confusion. c. When existing markings are of a different configuration than those required by this manual the most appropriate of the following actions should be taken: i. If the existing marking is well worn and would be relatively inconspicuous in comparison to the new pavement markings, then the new pavement markings may be applied without regard to the existing markings (care should be taken in considering the relative conspicuousness between the new and old 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 247 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) markings at a later point in time when the new markings have been in service and begin to lose some of their original conspicuousness). This does not apply to raised pavement markers. ii. If practical to do so, existing conflicting markings should be completely removed from the pavement surface. iii. If the roadway section is scheduled for future resurfacing, but such is far enough in the future that intermediate pavement marking maintenance is necessary, then the existing markings may be retained and maintained even though they do not fully comply with this manual. 5.4 Detailed Requirements for Pavement and Curb Markings This section provides details for transverse, longitudinal and symbol pavement marking practices, based on regulatory, warning and guidance marking principles, along with basic principles for curb markings. Section 5.4.5 provides a quick integrated summary of marking length, width, and spacing needs) as well as basic requirements for raised pavement markings (based on information in earlier sections. 5.4.1 Regulatory Markings Regulatory pavement markings dictate action that must be taken by a driver when the markings are encountered. Actions contrary to these markings constitute a traffic violation subject to enforcement. Regulatory markings exist in transverse, longitudinal, and symbol types of pavement markings. Line Marking 601 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 601 imposes a mandatory requirement that a driver come to a full and complete stop immediately behind that line and shall always be used in conjunction with a STOP sign 301 or a red traffic signal. In the event that the STOP sign is missing or a traffic signal is unlighted due to temporary malfunction, the STOP LINE alone has the full significance of STOP sign 301. STOP LINE marking 601 shall not be crossed without stopping except in the case of a green traffic signal or when directed by a Traffic Police officer. It is thus of critical importance that if a STOP sign or traffic signal is intentionally removed from service that the associated STOP LINE be removed from the pavement as well. STOP LINE Marking 601 shall not be used at locations where drivers are required to giveway in compliance with a Give-Way sign 302. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. STOP LINE marking 601 shall be a continuous solid white line transverse and completely across the full width of the travelled portion of the road that is controlled by a STOP sign or traffic signal. The standard width of STOP LINE marking 601 should be 300mm. On high-speed rural roads where added conspicuousness is desired, its width may be increased to 500mm. 3. General Positioning. Marking 601 shall be positioned on the road at the location best suited for safe stopping and a clear view of conflicting traffic consistent with the fact that the provision of a STOP control implies limited visibility. The preferred position shall be 1.0m from the near edge of the intersecting road. However, the STOP LINE may be located within a range of 500mm up to 10m from this edge to take account of specific aspects of the intersecting road. For example, a larger setback may be needed to accommodate turning vehicles when one or both of the intersecting roads are narrow or the intersection is skewed. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 248 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Marking 601 shall be positioned not less than 1.0m in advance of PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 when such is located at a signalized road junction and preferably not less than 3m in advance of a signalized midblock PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. Figure 5-1: Transverse Regulatory Pavement Markingsillustrates STOP LINE Marking 601. Guidance 1. STOP LINE Marking 601 may be staggered longitudinally on a lane-by-lane basis to help improve the driver’s view of pedestrians, provide better sight distance for turning vehicles, and increase the turning radius for left-turning vehicles. STOP LINE Marking 601 may be broken and then made perpendicular to the curb where wide turning radii or right turn lanes exist. A stop line may be broken if the main stopline for a single lane approach reaches a maximum length of 5m (or a maximum length of 9m for a two-lane approach). Then the length of the stopline that is perpendicular to the curb should be at least 2m. Figure 5-1 illustrates the broken STOP LINE Marking 601. Way Line Marking 602 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 602 imposes a mandatory requirement that a driver should, when in conflict, stop at the point marked by the line and yield right of way to vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic crossing his intended path. Marking 602 should always be used in conjunction with GIVE WAY sign 302 and GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303. In the event that a GIVE WAY or GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign is missing, the GIVE WAY LINE alone has the full significance of the GIVE WAY signs 302 or 303. Marking 602 shall not be used at locations where drivers are required to stop in compliance with a STOP sign 301, a traffic control signal, or some other traffic control device. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. GIVE WAY LINE marking 602 shall be a broken white line transverse and completely across the full width of the travelled portion of the approach road that is controlled by a GIVE WAY sign 302 or GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303. The standard width of a GIVE WAY LINE shall be 300mm. On high-speed rural roads where higher conspicuousness is desired, its width may be increased to 500mm. The configuration of the GIVE WAY LINE shall be a repeated pattern of 600mm of line separated by 300mm of gap. 3. General Positioning. Marking 602 shall be positioned on the road at the location best suited such that, if on approach to a junction the driver sees that this way is not clear of opposing traffic, he may stop at the GIVE WAY LINE and have a clear view of approaching crossroad traffic. It shall be located not less than 1.0m (500mm absolute minimum) from the nearest edge of the intersecting road (curb or edge of shoulder). When used in conjunction with a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603, the GIVE WAY LINE shall be located in advance a distance of 3m minimum and 6m preferred. Figure 5-1 illustrates the GIVE WAY LINE marking 602. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 249 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Detail 1a: STOP LINE Marking 601 Detail 1b: STOP LINE Marking 601 (broken) to be used in rural areas where there is wide curvature Detail 2: GIVE WAY LINE Marking 602 Detail 3: PEDESTRIAN (“ZEBRA”) CROSSING Marking 603 Figure 5-1: Transverse Regulatory Pavement Markings 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 250 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 1. GIVE WAY LINE Marking 602 may be staggered longitudinally on a lane-by-lane basis to help improve the driver’s view of pedestrians, provide better sign distance for turning vehicles, and increase the turning radius for left-turning vehicles. Crossing Marking 603 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 603 when used at a location not controlled by traffic signals imposes a mandatory requirement that a driver must yield right of way to pedestrians crossing the road carrying the same meaning as the GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 whether that sign is present or not. Regardless of its location, within marking 603 pedestrians always have right of way over vehicles, and vehicles must yield to pedestrians within the crossing. When used at a signal controlled crossing, marking 603 warns drivers of a pedestrian crossing location with the likely presence of pedestrians near the road and invokes a requirement that the driver exercise a high degree of care and caution in the vicinity. a. The use of PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall be carefully considered. In addition to the guidance in Section 5.7.1 of the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual, an engineering study should be made for their use away from signal-controlled intersections. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall only be installed with the approval of the DMT. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall be a broken white line transverse and completely across the full width of the road and shoulders. The configuration of the line shall be 500mm line and 500mm gap. The gap orientation shall be aligned parallel with the direction of vehicular travel at the crossing. The minimum width of line, measured perpendicular to the axis of pedestrian travel, shall be 3m. This width may be increased if large volumes of pedestrians are present. A width basis of 0.5m for every 100 pedestrians per hour may be used. 3. General Positioning. At intersections, marking 603 shall be positioned a minimum of 3000mm from the opposing Give Way or Stop lines. A separation of 6000mm is preferred. Figure 5-1 illustrates the PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603. 4. For locations with parking and/or speeding problems requiring additional reinforcement of traffic control strategies, the use of longitudinal zigzag markings may be provided on either side of the direction of travel alongside the centreline and curb. For two-lane approaches, a zigzag line is placed between the two-lanes in lieu of lane line marking. Zig-Zag markings provide mandatory requirements for drivers and riders not to stop in the controlled area (other than when giving way to pedestrians or in queuing traffic) or change lanes including overtaking. It is considered that it may also have a minor slowing effect on traffic however this has not been proven as yet. The standard pattern consists of 2m long markings placed between the initiation of the “No Parking” zone prior to the crossing, and the stop line in front of the crossing (a distance of 20m, or a minimum of eight 2m long marks. Typical details for zigzag markings are illustrated in Figure 6-9. The example shows a two-lane directional approach. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 251 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-1b: Use of traffic slowing (Zigzag) lines in advance of zebra crossing (two-lane example) Passing Line Marking 611 Standards 1. Purpose. When used in place of or on the right side of No Passing Line marking 611, DIVIDING LINE marking 652 imposes a mandatory requirement that drivers should not cross or drive on the left-hand side of such marking (with the exception of left turns to or from private direct access to a property). It shall be used to demarcate sections of two-way roads where an extreme hazard could result if vehicles are permitted to even temporarily use an oncoming traffic lane. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 shall be used to delineate unsafe passing situations in areas where the visibility distances are restricted to less than the distances shown in Table 5-28. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 shall also be used for purposes of traffic control in advance of any controlled junction (signal, stop, give way or pedestrian) on a two-way road. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 shall be a longitudinal solid white line (the same colour as DIVIDING LINE marking 652 as applied in the vicinity), running continuously on or near the centreline of the road. For construction zones and detours, Marking 611 shall be a longitudinal solid yellow line. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 252 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) It shall be 100mm wide for posted speeds below 50km/h and 150mm wide for posted speeds 50km/h and above. Table 5-28: Use of No Passing Line 611 on Curves Operating Speed Minimum Visibility Distance (km/h) (metres) 40 120 60 175 80 250 100 320 NOTES: 1. Visibility distance is defined as the distance that a driver with an eye height of 1.05m can view a 1.05m high object in the oncoming lane. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 shall be used on horizontal or vertical curves to mark sections of two-way roads where the actual visibility distance on a road is less than the minimum required. 2. Engineering judgment must be applied in using a NO PASSING LINE. Longer lines than those resulting from application of the minimums may be justified. When two sections of NO PASSING LINE are separated by less than the minimum barrier sight distance, for the appropriate operating speed, the two lines shall be extended and joined. 3. General Positioning. In cases where marking 611 is used to delineate unsafe passing situations in areas where the visibility distances are restricted to less than the distances shown in Figure 5-2, marking 611 should be placed on the right side of DIVIDING LINE marking 652 for the entire length of roadway that substandard barrier sight distances exist. When the NO PASSING LINE marking 611 is used for purposes of traffic control in advance of any controlled junction (signal, stop, give way or pedestrian) on a two-way road, it should replace DIVIDING LINE marking 652 starting at the distance given in Figure 5-2 as measured from the STOP LINE marking 601, GIVE WAY LINE marking 602, or the near edge of intersecting road. Marking 611 shall continue towards the junction until intersecting those lines, other painted or curbed island, or the nearest edge of the intersecting road. Table 5-29 shows the details. Figure 5-3 illustrates the variations of NO PASSING LINE marking 611. Table 5-29: Use of No Passing Line 611 and Channelizing Line 612 at Junctions Operating Speed (km/h) 30 40 60 80 100 Minimum Length (L in metres) 9 18 27 36 54 NOTE: 1. Values of L shown are minimum. Greater values may be justified on engineering judgment. Increases shall be made in multiples of 9m. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 253 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-2: Longitudinal Regulatory Pavement Markings * Edge Line shall be Yellow 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 254 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-3: Use of No Passing Line 611 at Junction Line Marking 612 Standards 1. Purpose. When used in place of LANE LINE marking 654, Channelizing Line marking 612 imposes a mandatory requirement that drivers not cross that marking from either side. Marking 612 shall only be used between streams of traffic travelling in the same direction. It is used to channelize one-way traffic within a lane in areas where lane changes would be hazardous due to roadway configuration. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 shall be a longitudinal solid white line running continuously on the line dividing two lanes of travel in the same direction. It shall be 100mm wide for posted speeds below 50km/h and 150mm wide for posted speeds above 50km/h. It shall be used in any situation where there is a significant safety or functional benefit that can be achieved if drivers are required to remain in their current lane over some distance. Such situations would occur in advance of traffic signals or roundabouts. Exclusive turn lanes and freeway or other free-flow ramps where one or more lanes are dropped from the main roadway will have application for marking 612. In such cases a 200mm line width shall be used. For construction zones and detours, Marking 612 shall be a longitudinal solid yellow line. Figure 5-2 illustrates the dimensions and colour for marking 612. 3. General Positioning. Marking 612 shall be placed between streams of traffic travelling in the same direction. When used in advance of a signalized junction or a roundabout, marking 612 should be applied for the same limits of minimum length as NO PASSING LINE marking 611. Line Marking 613 Standards 1. Purpose. EDGE LINE marking 613 imposes a mandatory requirement that drivers not cross that marking for purposes of driving or parking on the opposite side except in the case of an 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 255 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) emergency. Marking 613 shall be used to define the edge of pavement when such is not safe or convenient to define by use of a raised curb or barrier. It shall also be used to separate a travelled lane from a paved shoulder that must remain accessible in case of emergency, but that must not be otherwise used for driving or parking. In addition to a regulatory function EDGE LINE marking 613 performs other important safety functions: a. Provides continuous demarcation of the edge of the travelled way, reducing the tendency of drivers to drift off the road, especially at night and/or under adverse weather conditions. b. Provides an indication of turn or exit points from the main road at points of discontinuity in the line. c. Where not otherwise prohibited, provides guidance to pedestrians and bicyclists. Specially developed types of EDGE LINE marking 613 which are designed to produce an audible and/or vibratory effect when driven over may be specified. Such an application may be warranted if a problem occurs on a long section of rural road with drivers losing attention or becoming drowsy and drifting towards the edge of road. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. EDGE LINE marking 613 should be a longitudinal solid yellow line running continuously along the right side of the outermost traffic lane and along the left side of the innermost traffic lane of a divided (or one-way) road. EDGE LINE marking 613 shall be 150mm wide for posted speeds less than 70km/h and 200mm wide for posted speeds 70km/h and more. Since crossing of marking 613 is not permitted, care must be taken to provide discontinuities at points where access is intended. If continuous access to a length of roadside area is intended, then marking 613 shall not be used. In such instances when edge delineation is still desired, PARKING ENVELOPE LINE marking 620 shall be used. For construction zones and detours, Marking 613 shall be a longitudinal solid yellow line. 3. General Positioning. Marking 613 shall be positioned to define the edge of pavement or to separate a travelled lane from a paved shoulder that must remain accessible in case of emergency, but that must not be otherwise used for driving or parking. Guidance 1. A wider EDGE LINE Marking 613 can be used for greater emphasis. Direction Arrow Markings 614 to 619 (including Straight, Right Turn, Left Turn, Straight/Right, Straight/Left, Right/Left, and U-Turn) Standards 1. Purpose. Markings 614, 615, 616, and 616.1 impose a mandatory requirement that drivers must travel only in the direction indicated by the arrow if they are in the lane marked by the arrow. Drivers not wishing to travel in the direction indicated by the arrow must move to an adjacent lane if not otherwise prohibited from doing so. Markings 614, 615, 616, and 616.1 indicate a single, mandated direction of travel for a lane. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 256 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Markings 617, 617A, 618, and 619 impose a mandatory requirement that drivers must travel only in one of the two directions indicated by the arrow from the lane in which the arrow is marked. Drivers not wishing to travel in one of the directions must move into an adjacent lane if not otherwise prohibited from doing so. Figure 5-4 shows typical urban zone treatments for arrow lane markings. When any of the markings 614 to 619 are located adjacent to a CHANNELIZATION line marking 612 drivers must stay in their lane and continue in the direction, or one of the directions, indicated by the arrow. RIGHT TURN ARROW marking 615, LEFT TURN ARROW marking 616, and UTURN ARROW marking 616.1 shall be used to mark lanes that are exclusively turn lanes at signalized intersections and roundabouts. Figure 5-6 addresses freeway and highway applications – in particular, deceleration lanes and add-lane situations ahead of grade separations. Marking 615 may be used to mark exit lanes at grade-separated junctions. THRU/RIGHT ARROW marking 617 may be used at 20m prior to a taper to a deceleration lane, followed by a larger, 32m long arrow marking 617A at the deceleration taper. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. All LANE DIRECTION ARROW markings shall be white in colour. Regulatory pavement arrow marking dimensions are illustrated in Figure 5-4 (urban) and 39 (freeway and highway). For freeways and highways, based on the 85th percentile speed of the roadways, the length of the Straight Arrow Type 614 shall be as follows: a. Up to 60km/h – 3m (urban applications) b. 60km/h -100km/h – 3m to 6m (urban high-speed applications) c. Over 100km/h – 5m (typically) and up to 9m (urban, intercity and rural high-speed applications) For construction zones and for marking detours, the direction arrow markings shall be yellow in colour. 3. General Positioning. All LANE DIRECTION ARROW markings shall be centred transversely within the lane to which they apply such that the transverse extremities of the marking are equidistant from the lane edge on each side. All lanes at the approach to a signalized intersection shall have one arrow (one of markings 614, 615, 616, 616.1, 617, 617A, 618, or 619) positioned in each lane in line with one another transversely. This primary row of arrows should be located as close to the junction as possible while still giving a clear indication of all adjacent lanes with respect to one another. In any case, the row of arrows shall be positioned so as to be entirely within the limit of the CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612. Guidance 1. Additional LANE DIRECTION ARROW markings should be positioned in advance of this row of markings in accordance with the following guidelines: a. For additional exclusive turn lane(s) created at a junction: i. At the point where the lane(s) are first developed to their full width (but not closer than 25m clear of the primary arrow). 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 257 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) ii. At one intermediate point providing the clear spacing between arrows is not less than 25m. b. For basic lanes that are not exclusively straight-ahead only lanes: i. At 25m clear and at 55m clear in advance of the primary arrows, or ii. In line transversely with additional exclusive turn-lane arrows. c. For straight-ahead-only basic lanes approaching a standard signalized intersection: i. No additional STRAIGHT ARROW marking 614. d. For all lanes approaching a roundabout: i. At 25m clear and at 55m clear in advance of the primary arrows (arrows at 55m should be omitted on lightly trafficked roundabouts which operate under near free flow conditions). 2. When LEFT TURN ARROW marking 616 or U-TURN ARROW marking 616.1 are used to mark a midblock left-turn or U-turn lane, STRAIGHT ARROW marking 614 should not be used on the mainline, and the LEFT TURN ARROW marking 616 shall take precedence over U-TURN ARROW marking 616.1 if both movements are permitted. 3. Section Items are offered as guidelines and are not intended to preclude the use of good engineering judgment. For example: a. Advance arrows should not be used if they may cause confusion due to an entering side road. Other arrow arrangements can be used in a given situation if needed for clarity. However, overuse of arrows is generally indicative of confusing geometry that will unlikely be clarified by additional lane arrows. Arrow markings should not be used on freeways or similar free flowing roads where overhead signs and longitudinal lines should provide sufficient delineation. 4. STRAIGHT/RIGHT (or LEFT) ARROW marking 617 (or 618) should not be used to indicate the point where turning lanes are added to the basic through lanes of a road. They also should not be used to indicate direct turning points from a mainline lane onto a side road at mid-block locations. 5. If a section of road in an urban area exceeds 250m without encountering a junction, directional arrows may be placed either at the middle of the road section or at 250m intervals supplemented with two-way warning signs. 6. For rural, high-speed, single carriageway road sections, directional arrows may be placed at 5km intervals supplemented with two-way warning signs also at 5km intervals. The locations of the directional arrows and two-way warning signs are staggered so that the information is seen by drivers every 2.5km. 7. Examples of the use of LANE DIRECTION ARROWS 614 to 619 are illustrated in Chapter 9. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 258 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-4: Typical Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Urban) 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 259 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-5: Typical Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Highways) 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 260 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-6: Typical Straight and Diverge Regulatory Arrow Pavement Markings (Freeway and Highway Applications) Envelope Line Marking 620 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 620 imposes a mandatory requirement that drivers parking their vehicles within a marked area park such that no part of their vehicle encroaches upon the pavement area outside a parking envelope so marked. A driver who parks such that any part of his vehicle overhangs marking 620 should be considered improperly parked. PARKING ENVELOPE LINE marking 620 is intended for use in areas of low-density parking where the delineation of individual parking spaces is not considered necessary. A secondary benefit of the PARKING ENVELOPE LINE is to serve the function of EDGE LINE marking 613, by delineating the edge of pavement, but without the prohibition of crossing that line for purpose of parking. The most common usage of the PARKING ENVELOPE LINE will be the marking of on-street parking areas in residential communities and other such locales where parking spaces are not in short supply and as such a more regimented parking arrangement is not warranted. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. PARKING ENVELOPE LINE marking 620 should be a longitudinal broken white line 100mm wide. The configuration of the PARKING ENVELOPE LINE should be a repeated pattern of 1.0m of line separated by a 1.0m gap. 3. General Positioning. Marking 620 should be located at the edge of pavement adjacent to areas where parking is permitted, but should not be used if the physical space available for parking is less than 2.2m wide. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 261 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Space Line Marking 621 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 621 imposes a mandatory requirement that drivers parking their vehicles within a marked parking space park such that their vehicle is wholly within the lines defining the limits of the parking space. A driver who parks such that any part of his vehicle is on, over, or beyond marking 621 (or an imaginary line connecting the ends of a series of marking 621 lines) should be considered improperly parked. PARKING SPACE LINE marking 621 shall always be used to mark parking spaces that are subject to payment for usage. These provisions apply irrespective of the material used to surface the parking area to be marked. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. PARKING SPACE LINE marking 621 should be a solid white line 100mm in width. It should extend from the curb line (if a curb is present) and end at the edge of the designated parking bay. For parallel parking space delineation, the end of the PARKING SPACE LINE should have a 500mm long L-shape for end-marking of a parallel parking bay, and a 1000mm long T-shape for intermediate lines. Perpendicular and angled parking space markings generally do not require end shapes since the ends of the more closely spaced PARKING SPACE LINES should clearly delineate the parking bay limits. 3. General Positioning. PARKING SPACE LINE marking 621 should be used to mark individual parking spaces in areas where parking space availability is at a premium and the definition of parking spaces will give an orderly and more efficient usage of area available for parking. Guidance 1. Marking 621 may also be used to designate zones within lay-bys or along curblines that are designated as stopping areas for certain classes of vehicles. Exclusive Lane or Parking Space Symbol Marking 623 Standards 1. Purpose. Markings 623 shall be used to identify the class of vehicle for which an Exclusive Use Lane is reserved and they impose a mandatory requirement that no other class of vehicle shall use the lane or parking space designated by marking 623. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. EXCLUSIVE USE LANE SYMBOL markings 623 shall be white symbol markings normally measuring 5m between their longitudinal extremities. The width of the marking varies according to the symbol design which shall not be a solid marking, and shall generally have a minimum element width or thickness of 150 mm. 3. General Positioning. Markings 623 symbol details shall be elongated in the direction of travel and transverse elements should be distorted to improve low angle interpretation of the symbol, with the exception of 623.6 (LRT) which is specifically designed for visibility by pedestrians crossing the road. Typical lane symbols are detailed in Figure 5-7. Note that Bus Lane Marking 623.1 may be used optionally and is typically reserved for freeway lanes. For arterial bus lanes, Text Symbol 695 for Bus Lanes (in Arabic and English) shall be used (see Section Bus Lane Marking 623.1 may be used to supplement Text Symbol 695 for Bus Lanes on arterials 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 262 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) with approval from DMT. The application of Disabled Parking 623.4 symbol is shown in Figure 5-21. 623.1 BUS Lane Marking 623.2 HOV Lane Marking 623.4 DISABLED Parking 623.3 BIKE Lane Marking 623.5 PEDESTRIAN Walkway Figure 5-7: Exclusive Use Lane or Parking Regulatory Symbol Markings (623.x) 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 263 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-8: Example of Marking 623.6 – Light Rail Path marking (locate near pedestrian crossings) 5.4.2 Warning Markings Warning pavement markings advise motorists of the existence of hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions. These markings do not carry a mandatory requirement for specific action. However, these markings do convey a message of warning and a wilful disregard of those warnings may constitute a violation when drivers fail to maintain adequate and safe control of their vehicle. Warning markings exist in transverse, longitudinal, and symbol types of pavement markings. VISIBILITY PAINTING marking 691 and TEXT SYMBOL marking 695 also have warning functions. See Sections and, respectively, for discussion of those markings. Warning markings are illustrated in Figure 5-9. For marking details of raised pedestrian crossing markings, the user is referred to the Standard Drawings. Strips Marking 650 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 650 may be used to advise motorists through visibility, sound, and vibration of the presence of a critical regulatory or warning device when this marking is located within a travelled way. When marking 650 is used within a shoulder or other road side area they provide a warning to drivers that they are drifting off of the travelled road. They have limited speed reducing effect and what little reduction is achieved is reduced over time. They should not be used in a purely speed reducing capacity. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. RUMBLE STRIPS marking 650 shall be positioned transversely to the direction of vehicle travel. When used within the travelled road, they shall be formed of or topped with yellow thermoplastic material (for purposes of conspicuousness and to distinguish them from a STOP LINE marking 601) built up at least 5mm, but no more than 15mm, above the road surface. The width, spacing, and number of RUMBLE STRIPS used in a single installation may vary to suit conditions as determined appropriate by an engineering study. 3. General Positioning. As a guideline, a basic rumble strip configuration is recommended to consist of five transverse white markings 300mm wide spaced such that at prevailing traffic speeds all five markings will be traversed during an approximately one-second period. They 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 264 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) should be positioned within the first one-third of the clear visibility distance to the sign of which they forewarn (see Figure 5-9). 4. Disadvantages. The disadvantages of RUMBLE STRIPS within a travelled way are as follows: a. Their effect on small, lightweight vehicles such as motorcycles may be pronounced and undesirable. b. When used in built-up areas, residences and businesses may find the constant noise and vibration to be disturbing and a source of irritation. c. Most motorists do not need rumble strips to be made aware of the situation being warned. However, all motorists are affected by driving over them. 5. RUMBLE STRIPS shall not be used within a travelled way unless, after all other means of standard traffic control devices have been evaluated, the DMT or owning authority for the road/street facility agrees that their use is the only reasonable solution to an identified problem. Their use as such will generally not be permitted on new construction, but rather as a retrofit to a particular problem area. Rumble strips, where used shall be yellow in colour, highlighting their use as an alerting tool, similar to in a work zone. Guidance 1. Sets of RUMBLE STRIPS markings 650, as described, may be specified in order to reinforce the need for drivers to significantly reduce their speed. Such circumstances will commonly occur on high speed and/or downhill approaches to STOP or GIVE WAY control conditions. A typical requirement might involve a need to reduce speed from around 120km/h to the order of 30km/h a short distance from the point of control or a change of direction. The principle to be used provides for a series of sets of five transverse markings spaced so that each set will be traversed during an approximately one-second period at progressively decreasing speeds. Each set of markings should in turn be separated from the last and/or next set by a distance without markings that will be transverse during a period of 1 to 2 seconds. The configuration and number of sets of five markings required for a specific site will be dictated by the approach speed and the speed reduction required. Detail 42-1 illustrates a sequence of sets of RUMBLE STRIPS marking 650 spaced according to these principles. The number of sets and the overall installation can be determined from the figure. Alternative designs for rumble strips must be approved by DMT or the owning authority for the road / street facility. 2. A more acceptable usage of RUMBLE STRIPS marking 650 will be for use outside of travelled ways. In such instances, drivers remaining within the travelled way are not affected by them, but rather they affect only those drivers who are travelling (illegally and/or accidentally) in areas where they should not be. One particular useful application is on shoulders of freeways or other roads, especially in long, straight stretches of rural roads. On such roads drivers may become bored or sleepy and slowly drift into a shoulder area. The presence of RUMBLE STRIPS in the shoulder may assist a driver in regaining attention before completely leaving the road. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 265 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Detail 42-1: RUMBLE STRIPS Marking 650 Detail 42-2: SPEED HUMP Marking 651 Detail 42-3: DIVIDING LINE Marking 652 with LANE ARROW Markings 614 Detail 42-4: LANE LINE Marking 654 Direction of Travel 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 266 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Detail 42-5: LANE ENDS ARROW 656 Figure 5-9: Warning Pavement Markings * For 140 and 160km/h design speeds engineering judgement should be used against the base speed of 110km/h. Figure 5-10: Guidelines for Using Rumble Strip Marking 650 for Speed Reduction 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 267 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Hump Marking 651 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 651 shall be used to warn motorists of the presence of a speed hump in the road. (The application, geometric design, and construction of speed humps are subject to engineering evaluation and selective usage.) 2. Appearance and Dimensions. SPEED HUMP marking 651 shall be a broken yellow line transverse and completely across the full width of the road and shoulders. The configuration of the line shall be 500mm line and 500mm gap. The gap orientation shall be aligned parallel with the direction of vehicular travel. The minimum width of line, measured perpendicular to the axis of the speed hump should be 2m. The yellow colour indicates both the need to slow down and serves as a differentiator from pedestrian crossings. 3. General Positioning. The line should be positioned such that the whole of the line is visible to approaching traffic and not hidden on the far side of the speed hump. When used on twoway roads where the hump is visible from both directions of approach, the line may be widened to provide a minimum of 2m of visible line from each approach direction. 4. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 and/or CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 shall be used on each approach to the speed hump for an appropriate distance. Line Marking 652 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 652 shall be used to warn motorists that vehicles travelling on the other side of the line are travelling in the opposite direction. Motorists may cross marking 652 to pass another vehicle, but only when it is safe to do so. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. DIVIDING LINE marking 652 shall be a longitudinal broken white line running continuously on or near the centreline of the road. It shall be used in conjunction with Arrow Marking 614, which shall be spaced at 250m intervals (urban routes) or 5000m intervals (rural routes) to indicate the directions of traffic. Its configuration should be a repeated pattern of 3m of line followed by 6m of gap. It should be 100mm wide for posted speeds below 50km/h and 150mm wide for posted speeds above 50km/h. A DIVIDING LINE should be used on all two-way roads with a travel width of 5.5m or more. It may be used continuously or intermittently on roads of lesser widths when an engineering assessment determines that such is beneficial for reason of safety. For construction zones and detours, Marking 652 shall be a longitudinal broken yellow line. 3. General Positioning. Marking 652 shall run continuously on or near the centreline of the road. 4. General Notes. DIVIDING LINE markings 652 shall be replaced or supplemented with a regulatory NO PASSING LINE marking 611 in circumstances where warranted when crossing the DIVIDING LINE from one or both sides is not permitted. Neither a DIVIDING LINE nor a NO PASSING LINE shall be used within an intersection of two public roads where traffic is permitted to turn across an opposing direction of travel. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 268 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Line Marking 654 1. Purpose. Marking 654 shall be used to warn motorists of the presence of two or more traffic lanes travelling on a road in the same direction. Motorists may cross marking 654 to change lanes, but only when it is safe to do so. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. LANE LINE marking 654 shall be a longitudinal broken white line running continuously on a line separating two lanes of travel in the same direction. Its configuration should be a repeated pattern of 3m of line followed by 6m of gap. It shall be 100 to 150mm wide for posted speeds below 60km/h and 150mm wide for posted speeds of 60 to 80km/h and 200mm for 80km/h and above. A LANE LINE shall be used on one-way travel ways more than 6.0m in width. A LANE LINE shall not be used (or shall be discontinued in a tapered section) to mark a lane that will be less than 2.7m in width. For construction zones and detours, Marking 654 shall be a longitudinal broken yellow line. 3. General Positioning. Marking 654 shall run continuously on a line separating two lanes of travel in the same direction. 4. General Notes. LANE LINE marking 654 should be replaced with a regulatory CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 in circumstances where warranted in areas where changing lanes is not permitted. Neither a LANE LINE nor a CHANNELIZING LINE should be used within a junction. When guidance within a junction is required, GUIDE LINE marking 680 should be used (see Section End Arrow Marking 656 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 656 shall be used to warn motorists that a lane on a multilane road is ending ahead and that they should move out of that lane in the direction indicated at the earliest opportunity that it is safe to do so. LANE END ARROW marking 656 shall also be used at the end of a parallel-lane-type entrance ramp but is not intended for use on a tapered entrance ramp. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. LANE END ARROW marking 656 should consist of a white slightly curved arrow with the arrow tail along the longitudinal axis of the lane. For construction zones and detours, marking 656 should be yellow in colour. Figure 5-11 illustrates the LANE END ARROW and the various dimensions that can be used. 3. General Positioning. The arrow should be centred in the lane such that its extremities are equidistant from the lane edge on each side. 4. When used at the end of a parallel-lane-type entrance ramp, the LANE END ARROW marking 656 is to be used when a long-running lane on a multilane road ends. It should also be used at the end of a parallel-lane-type entrance ramp. It is not intended for use on a tapered entrance ramp. The LANE END ARROW should be repeated in a series of two or preferably three markings. The last of the arrows in the series should be positioned at the end of the lane just prior to the point where the lane begins to decrease in width. The spacing between each LANE END ARROW should be as given in Table 5-30. 5. Table 5-30 and Figure 5-11 illustrate the use of the LANE END ARROW marking 656 for a freeway on-ramp. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 269 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 5-30: Lane End Arrows Spacing Operating Speed (km/h) 40 60 80 100 >100 Spacing (metres) 24 32 40 48 96/641 1For freeway lanes, the first two arrows should be spaced 96m apart while the third arrow should be spaced 64m from the second. Figure 5-11: LANE END ARROW Use for Freeway On-Ramp Marking 657 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 657 shall be used to provide warning to motorists of a divergence or convergence of traffic lanes travelling in the same direction. The marking shall represent an area of the carriageway that a driver must not enter unless in an emergency or directed by a policeman in uniform. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. CHEVRON marking 657 shall consist of diagonal white lines arranged in a chevron pattern as depicted in Figure 5-12 for diverging traffic. For converging traffic, Figure 5-12 shall be reversed. 3. General Positioning. The CHEVRON shall always point towards the oncoming traffic such that the sloping legs of the CHEVRON are seen to split the diverging streams of traffic, “pushing” them away from one another. Marking 657 shall be repeated within a gore area beginning at the theoretical nose (painted nose) of an exit or divergence point and cease at the physical nose. For converging traffic, the CHEVRON marking shall also point towards the oncoming traffic; however, the chevron pattern is reversed and the chevrons shall gradually become smaller approaching the merge point. 4. General Notes. CHEVRON marking 657 shall only be used in areas not intended for travel or parking and shall always be separated from a travel area by a 200mm EDGE LINE marking 613 or a 200mm CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 270 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-12: Chevron Marking 657 (Diverging Traffic) Marking 658 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 658 shall be used to provide warning to stay clear of a physical danger that is present adjacent to their travel lane. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. HATCH marking 658 should consist of repeated diagonal white lines situated as depicted in Figure 5-13. The dimensions and layout requirements for the HATCH marking should be similar to those shown for the CHEVRON marking 657 as shown in Figure 5-12. 3. General Positioning. The HATCH markings shall be oriented such that if they were raised barriers, they would deflect traffic back into the lane from which they came. A common usage of HATCH markings is in a median or gore area that separates traffic that is moving in opposite directions of travel. Such would be the case where a two-way road becomes divided and vice-versa. 4. General Notes. HATCH marking 658 shall only be used in areas not intended for travel or parking and should always be separated from a travel area by a NO PASSING LINE marking 611 or EDGE LINE marking 613. Guidance 1. HATCH markings may be used to mark the shoulders of particularly dangerous curves, lane ends, or roadside obstructions. However, these situations should be thoroughly evaluated by an engineering study and HATCH markings used only if it is determined that a significant hazard exists and that HATCH markings may significantly contribute to the delineation and warning of the hazardous or unusual conditions. In such conditions consideration should be given to the use of RUMBLE STRIPS marking 650. The routine usage of HATCH markings should be avoided. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 271 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-13: Hatch Marking 658 5.4.3 Guidance Markings Guidance pavement markings provide help to motorists in understanding the path that they are intended to follow where the way may not be otherwise evident. Guidance pavement markings do not carry a mandatory requirement nor convey an explicit message of warning. Only longitudinal broken lines and TEXT SYMBOL marking 695 (see Section are used for guidance markings. Guidance markings are illustrated in Figure 5-14. GUIDE LINE Marking 680 CONTINUITY LINE Marking 681 Figure 5-14: Guidance Pavement Markings Line Marking 680 Guidance 1. Purpose. Marking 680 may be used within a junction (intersection or roundabout) to provide guidance to road users. Except in the case of roundabouts, usage of this marking is optional and should only be considered in instances of nonstandard or confusing geometry, including sheer junction size. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. GUIDE LINE marking 680 should be a longitudinal broken white line that follows one or both edges of the most efficient path (from the standpoints of safety and/or capacity) that a vehicle should follow through an intersection. Its configuration may vary to suit conditions but a recommended configuration is a repeated pattern of 500mm of line followed by 1500mm of gap. A GUIDE LINE should be 100mm wide. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 272 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) For construction zones and detours, GUIDE LINE marking 680 should be a longitudinal yellow line. 3. General Positioning. The primary usage of GUIDE LINE marking 680 will be: a. To provide turning guidance, particularly for left-turning traffic, at wide intersections or where the intersecting roadways meet at an angle significantly different than 90 degrees and particularly when there is more than one turning lane. b. To provide alignment guidance across a wide or complex junction when there is a shift in the through-alignment across the junction. c. To mark circulation lanes within a roundabout. In such instances a GUIDE LINE should be used continuously within the “shadow” of the roadway median islands. However in the case of signalized roundabouts, at the stop controls within the roundabout STOP LINE marking 601 must be used at the signal along with the CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 commencing from the STOP LINE and extending back a distance of 16m. GUIDE LINE marking 680 will then continue from the end of the CHANNELIZING LINE to a point 16m away from the next STOP LINE. 4. General Notes. The use of a GUIDE LINE within an intersection should be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Because a GUIDE LINE will almost always cross the path of one or more intersecting lanes of traffic, particular attention must be given to the appearance of the line(s) when viewed by drivers other than those whom they are intended to guide. Care must be taken to avoid the risk of the line(s) creating a confusing pattern that may mislead other drivers. Line Marking 681 Guidance 1. Purpose. Marking 681 may be used to provide guidance for through traffic at discontinuities in the pavement-edge delineation. Its use is optional and should only be considered in instances where a curving road geometry and/or a long break in the continuity of the edge of pavement delineation may be confusing or misleading to a driver. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. CONTINUITY LINE marking 681 should be a longitudinal broken white line that follows the edge of the through-lane of traffic across an exit ramp, a slip road exit, or an intersection. Its configuration should be a repeated pattern of 1m of line followed by 1m of gap. It should be 150mm wide for posted speeds below 70km/h and 200mm wide for posted speeds 70km/h and above. 3. For construction zones and detours, CONTINUITY LINE marking 681 should be a longitudinal broken yellow line. 4. General Positioning. As a general rule a CONTINUITY LINE marking should not be extended across an entrance ramp on a freeway or a slip road entrance. In such cases the convergence of the entering road edge line should provide a clear indication of the forward alignment of the mainline (see Chapter 7). 5. other drivers. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 273 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Marking 1102 Guidance 1. Purpose. Experience has shown that the yellow box marking improves traffic flows where previously there were delays due to vehicles blocking the junction and impeding the cross flow. At signalised intersections, the queues of traffic left at the end of a green phase have been significantly reduced and there have been marked reductions in injury crashes, especially those involving pedestrians. Not all intersections are suitable for the installation of box markings, and certain criteria should be applied before deciding whether a particular site should be marked. A traffic survey should be carried out to determine the extent of the problem, not only to assess the suitability of the intersection for box marking but also to establish whether any alternative measures might be effective (e.g. re-timing or linking of traffic signals at adjacent intersections). This marking is a regulatory marking enforced by Traffic Penalty No.42 "Stopping on a yellow box", which may result in a 500AED fine. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. CLEAR ZONE marking 1102 should be a yellow hatch with a 200mm wide line. 3. General Positioning. Extend the full width of the intersection, the purpose of the marking is to indicate the intersection is not to be entered, until the exits are clear, ensuring that the next signal phase can continue through a clear junction. Figure 5-15b: Clear Zone Marking 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 274 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5.4.4 Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) Raised pavement markers may be used to supplement pavement markings to provide increased visibility and delineation. They should not be used in urban areas or roads/highways with Roadway lighting present. Their primary use should be on rural, unlit roads with uneven vertical and horizontal alignments. These are roads where drivers need greater guidance especially during the hours of darkness. For other areas they should only be used following engineering study demonstrating the requirement due to the specific site conditions. Examples of the use of raised pavement markers are illustrated in Figure 5-16. of Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) There are two basic classifications of raised pavement markers: Retroreflective (R). Nonretroreflective (N). Standards 1. Purpose. a. Retroreflective markers: i. Shall house a coloured lens of retroreflective material that is designed to redirect a substantial portion of vehicular head lighting back at a driver for improved night-time long-range visibility ii. Shall be used to supplement white painted lines (or yellow in detour situations) or nonretroreflective markers. b. Nonretroreflective markers: i. Do not exhibit retroreflective properties but shall, under daylight or lighted conditions (street lights or headlights), display a white or yellow body colour the same as painted lines. ii. Shall be used to replace white or yellow painted marking. Where roadway lighting is not to a high standard, nonretroreflective pavement markings shall be supplemented by retroreflective pavement markings. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. a. In urban zones, lane lines and channelizing lines on main, divided thoroughfares may be marked with a combination of retroreflective and nonretroreflective raised pavement markers. b. On all non-urban roads, channelizing lines and no passing lines shall be marked with paint. Nonretroreflective and reflective raised pavement markers may also be used in most other pavement marking applications when deemed appropriate by the designer and with the approval of the Department. 3. General Positioning. See Figure 5-16 for general placement of RPMs. See Figure 5-17 for RPM placements for freeway lane drops (3 to 2 lanes) and Figure 5-18 for RPM placement for freeway divergence with a lane drop. Figure 5-19 shows the placement of green RPM’s for the entrance to a typical diverging lane. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 275 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 4. The following conditions may warrant the use of raised pavement markers: a. Areas regularly subjected to fog, dust, or blowing sand resulting in reduced visibility. b. Areas of heavy traffic volumes that rapidly deteriorate painted markings and that are disruptive to regularly maintain. c. Isolated areas that have low geometric-roadway-design standards for the traffic conditions prevailing and that are not scheduled in the near term for improvement. d. Isolated areas with documented high incidence of collision and/or low levels of lane discipline by drivers, particularly in curved or complex roadway geometry conditions. e. Long-term roadworks sites. f. Freeways (all markings on freeways should be supplemented by R markings). g. Unlighted rural roadways. h. Within nonweaving sections of roundabouts. 5. Under one or more of the following conditions raised pavement markers are generally not recommended for use: a. Low operating speeds. b. Across the entrance and exit points of freeway ramps and other intersecting connections to major roadways. c. On roadways scheduled for resurfacing within three years. 6. When substituting for wide lines, raised pavement markings may be placed laterally adjacent to each other to simulate a wider lane. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 276 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-16: Use of Raised Pavement Markings 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 277 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-17: Placement of RPMs for Lane Drops (3 lanes to 2) 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 278 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-18: Placement of RPMs for Lane Drops at Freeway Diverge Figure 5-19: Placement of Green RPMs at Freeway Diverge Entrance 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 279 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) reflective RPM Marking R When a standard pavement marking number is followed by the letter R it means that the marking is supplemented by the use of retro reflective RPM (e.g., LANE LINE marking 654 R). Standards 1. Purpose. The following describe the use of RPM R in various pavement marking applications: a. An RPM R shall normally be used at 18-metre intervals (2 times the 9-metre marking module). Shorter spacing may be justified in certain instances. b. For broken lines, the RPM R shall be placed in line with the standard pavement markings, centred in the appropriate gap area of the line. c. When an RPM R is used to supplement a solid line it shall be placed 100-millimetres clear of and on the traffic side of the line. d. When RPM N are used for a dashed line, RPM R shall be placed as they would with paint. e. Where RPM N are used in a solid line, an RPM R shall be used in place of a non reflective RPM N at the appropriate interval. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. When RPM R are used on more than one longitudinal line on a road, they should be situated such that all RPM R are aligned transversely across the road. Four colours of RPM R should be used: a. White (or clear) markers should be used in conjunction with white-coloured lane line pavement markings as viewed by approaching drivers. It is used to indicate an, traffic lane or centre of roadway marking. b. Amber markers should be used in conjunction with left edge line as viewed by approaching drivers. c. Red colour should be used in conjunction with right edge line as viewed by approaching drivers. d. Green markers should be used to indicate a length of the edge of the roadway which may be crossed. It can be used at lane-drop junctions and right turn lanes. 3. General Positioning. a. White (or clear) markers should be spaced at 18m on the main roadways. The spacing may be reduced to 9m in certain circumstances, e.g., areas where visibility may be a problem at times. When used as a bidirectional marker, the backside of the white (or clear) marker should be red, e.g., on roadway edge lines. White (or clear) markers should be spaced at 3 metres along both sides of a merge/diverge nose. b. Amber markers should be used in a bidirectional setting with red on the backside. The amber shall always face the on-coming traffic and spaced at 18 meters along the left edge of the roadway. The spacing may be reduced to 9 metres in certain circumstances when placed adjacent to hatching where lanes are reduced and areas where visibility may be a problem, c. Green markers should spaced at 18 metres at a diverging lane drop beginning at the 0.8 km advance directional sign (ADS) to the final ADS, at which the spacing is reduced to 8 metres. Green markers should be spaced at 8 metres across 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 280 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) merging/diverging tapers and right turn lanes. See Figure 5-19 for an example of the placement of green markers for the entrance to a diverging lane. Guidance 4. When traffic utilizes the line on both sides (such as a NO PASSING LINE marking 611 R or CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 R) an RPM R may be placed on each side of the line. Alternatively, an RPM R may be placed within the line. However, this will require masking the line at the RPM location when the line is painted and each time it is repainted, to prevent the RPM R from being obscured by paint. RPM Marking N When a standard pavement marking number is followed by the letter N it means that the painted marking should be replaced by nonretroreflective RPM (e.g., LANE LINE marking 654 N). When retroreflective markers are used to supplement nonretroreflective markers then both the R and N letter designation should be used (e.g., LANE LINE marking 654 R/N). Standards Purpose. The RPM N shall be used to replace and simulate the painted part of a line. Appearance and Dimensions. Only two colours of RPM N should be used: White markers should be used to replace white-coloured painted markings. Yellow markers should be used to replace yellow-coloured painted markings. 5. General Positioning. For broken line types, one RPM N should be placed at the point where the painted segment would begin and one RPM N should be placed at the point where the painted segment would end. Other RPM N should then be spaced equidistant between these such that the centre-to-centre spacing does not exceed one metre. For a solid line the RPM N should be spaced at one-metre intervals. Figure 5-16 illustrates the general layout for RPM. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 281 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5.4.5 Summary Table for Spacing of Longitudinal Pavement Markings Table 5-31 provides a summary of the aforementioned requirements for all longitudinal pavement markings, including length and width of the marking (for painted / thermoplastic markings), gaps between longitudinal markings, and interval between raised pavement markings. Table 5-32 provides a similar summary of the requirements for all longitudinal pavement markings but is intended as guidance only for maintenance purposes of existing markings. 5.4.6 Curb Painting The application of paint to the top and face of a curb may be undertaken when authorized or directed by the DMT or owning authority for the road / street facility. The painting of a curb can provide increased visibility and better delineation than concrete-coloured curbs. Curb painting may also be used to supplement or replace the use of NO PARKING signs. Because curb painting involves the use of paint near the pavement surface, and because its use and applications are similar to pavement markings, curb painting is considered to be pavement markings within the context of this manual. NO STOPPING is addressed in Section Under certain circumstances the painting of curb faces can play a significant role in regulating traffic with respect to parking and in warning traffic of the presence of a raised curb. Finally, curb painting may be an integral element of the regulation of pay parking. Where used for this purpose, curb painting may use specific colour codes to identify the regulatory nature of the parking function. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 282 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Table 5-31: Longitudinal Pavement Marking Requirements Summary 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 283 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Parking Marking 690 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 690 is used to advise motorists of specific areas along a curbline where parking is prohibited. The use of marking 690 imposes a mandatory requirement on a motorist that he not park his vehicle adjacent to a curbline so painted. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. NO PARKING marking 690 should consist of painting the top and front face of a curb with alternating sections of gray- and yellow-coloured paint. The pattern and lengths of the sections should be the same as described for VISIBILITY PAINTING marking 691. 3. General Positioning. Painting of the curb shall extend from the point where the parking restriction begins and should be a continuous, solid marking to the point where the parking restriction ends. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 284 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidance 1. Marking 690 may be used to supplement NO PARKING signs 377, 378, and 379 when such is required for additional emphasis of a no-parking area, or when geometry is such that the extent of the no-parking area is not clearly delineated by the use of signs only. Marking 690 may also be used alone to delineate no-parking areas. Such applications will be most likely in cases where no-parking areas are broken and interspersed among areas where parking is permitted. In such cases it may be difficult or impractical to regulate by signing and the use of curb painting may be more appropriate. 2. It is not the intent of the DMT that all curbs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi where parking is prohibited be painted with NO PARKING marking 690 (nor signed with NO PARKING signs 377, 378, and 379). In areas where parking is clearly not permitted and motorists are complying with such restrictions, then no further parking prohibition measures in the form of signs or curb painting is necessary. 3. In locations where the engineer may wish to use NO PARKING marking 690 but no curbs are present, an EDGE LINE marking 613 should be used and will have the same effect as marking 690. Painting Marking 691 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 691 is used to improve the visibility of raised curbs and to warn motorists of the presence of those curbs. The use of marking 691 has no regulatory function and neither permits nor prohibits the parking of vehicles adjacent to curbs so marked. (Note: Marking 696 refers to the use of visibility painting markings for pay parking regulations. For example, yellow-and-black markings should always be used to represent no-parking zones, including roundabouts) The primary benefit of VISIBILITY PAINTING marking 691 is the delineation of curbs in turning areas such as intersections and traffic separator islands. The use of marking 691 on long stretches of straight curb on well-lighted roadways is of limited benefit from a trafficsafety standpoint. While such sections may receive VISIBILITY PAINTING, its use should be weighed against the initial and long-term costs of doing so. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. In urban areas, VISIBILITY PAINTING marking 691 shall consist of painting the top and front face of a curb with alternating sections of gray- and whitecoloured paint. The length of a white section and the length of a gray section shall be equal to each other. When precast curbs are used, each section (or every two sections in the case of short curb sections) may be painted with alternating colours such that the length of each colour will be in the range of 500mm to 900mm to match individual curbs. When short curbs are used around curves the adjacent length of marking shall be retained. Because of the stroboscopic effect of viewing alternating painting from a moving vehicle, curbs or barriers with an exposed front face higher than 400mm shall not receive marking 691 over a significant length of roadway. Where such high curbs or barriers are used, VISIBILITY PAINTING marking 691 shall be limited only to discrete areas where added visibility is required. 3. General Positioning. Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21 illustrate some standard curb painting. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 285 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Painting for No Stopping along Roadway Marking 695 Standards 1. Purpose. Along roads, curb painting using Marking 695is used in conjunction with NO STOPPING sign 370 and FIRE HYDRANT SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE 590 to reinforce to motorists the prohibition against stopping in front of a fire hydrant. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. In front of fire hydrants, Roadway Marking 695 shall include red painted curbstones for a length of 12m, 6m to either side of the fire hydrant and the fire hydrant combination sign. 3. General Positioning. Figure 5-20 illustrates curb painting for fire hydrants along roads. Figure 5-20: Curb Painting for Fire Hydrants Along Roadways Using No Stopping Marking 695 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 286 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-21: Curb Painting and Pavement Marking for Fire Hydrants Adjacent to Parking Spaces 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 287 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Zone and Delineation Markings 696 Standards 1. Purpose. Marking 696 is used for the following purposes: a. to indicate the presence of free or pay parking zones in those jurisdictions which include pay parking (e.g., Abu Dhabi City MAWAQIF program). b. To provide visibility for pavement edge and channelization activities. 2. Description: The marking consists of the delineation of long stretches of straight curb which permit no parking, or may permit parallel, angle or perpendicular parking next to it, depending on the nature of the pavement markings used. Figure 5-22 describes the options. Figure 5-22: Parking Zone / Delineation Curb Colours 3. Appearance and Dimensions. Marking 696 shall consist of painting the top and front face of a curb with the colours as described as follows: a. Delineation. i. Where the curbs of the islands become parallel to the direction of traffic flow it is not necessary to mark the curbs unless a study indicates the need for this type of delineation. Where these curbs are marked, the colours shall conform to the general principles of pavement markings. ii. In urban areas, reflectorized, alternating gray and yellow paint shall be placed on the curbs of intersection islands located in the line of traffic flow where the curb serves to channel traffic to the right or to the left of the island. This also serves to indicate that no parking is permitted. This colour combination may also be used for roundabout curbs. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 288 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) iii. For the delineation of freeways and dual carriageways, gray paint shall be placed on the curbs. iv. Curbs at openings in a continuous median island need not be marked unless individual study indicates the need for this type of marking for indicating the visibility of the opening. b. Free Parking. Alternating sections of gray and white coloured paint for free parking zones, each section of which is of equal length. When precast curbs are used, each section (or every two sections in the case of short curb sections) may be painted with alternating colours such that the length of each colour will be in the range of 500mm to 900mm to match individual curbs. c. Standard Pay Parking. Alternating sections of dark gray-and-turquoise-coloured paint for standard pay parking zones, each section of which is of equal length. When precast curbs are used, each section (or every two sections in the case of short curb sections) may be painted with alternating colours such that the length of each colour will be in the range of 500mm to 900mm to match individual curbs. d. Premium Pay Parking. Alternating sections of white-and-turquoise coloured paint for premium pay parking zones, each section of which is of equal length, and typically located closest to major commercial developments. When precast curbs are used, each section (or every two sections in the case of short curb sections) may be painted with alternating colours such that the length of each colour will be in the range of 500mm to 900mm to match individual curbs. e. Disabled Persons Parking. Blue-coloured paint, used in combination with disableddriver parking signs in zones that are reserved for vehicles that are registered to disabled persons and contain the appropriate regulatory stickers or windshield hangtags. Example is illustrated in Figure 5-23. The details of the hatching are illustrated in Figure 5-23b. Figure 5-23: Disabled Parking Zone Curb Example 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 289 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-24b: Disabled Parking Zone Hatching Details 5.4.7 Object Marker Design of Object Markers Standards 1. Purpose. Object markers are used to mark obstructions within or adjacent to the roadway. When used, these markers shall consist of an arrangement of one or more of the following designs: a. Type 1 b. Type 2 c. Type 3 2. Appearance and Dimensions. a. Type 1 markers consist of an all-yellow reflective diamond panel 450mm in size. A variant of this marker type incorporates nine yellow reflector units in the panel. Each reflector unit should have a dimension of approximately 75mm mounted symmetrically on a 450mm diamond-shaped yellow panel. Type 1 markers may be larger if conditions warrant (see Figure 5-25, Detail 1). b. Type 2 is a striped vertical rectangle approximately 300mm by 900mm in size with alternating black and reflectorized yellow stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45° toward the side of the obstruction on which traffic is to pass. The minimum width of the yellow stripe should be 75mm. Type 2 object markers with stripes that begin at the upper right side and slope downward to the lower left side are to be designated as “right” object markers (see Figure 5-25, Detail 2). c. Type 3 markers indicate the end of a roadway. When it is determined that markers should be placed at the end of a roadway where there is no alternative vehicular path, a marker consisting of nine red reflectors, each with a minimum dimension of 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 290 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) approximately 75mm, mounted symmetrically on a 450mm red diamond panel; or a 450mm diamond reflectorized red panel should be used. More than one marker or a larger marker may be used at the end of the roadway where conditions warrant. The minimum mounting height of this marker should be 1.20m. Appropriate advance warning signs should be used (see Figure 5-25, Detail 3). 3. General Positioning. Obstructions within the roadway and adjacent to the roadway shall be marked with a Type 1 or Type 2 object marker. The general positioning of Type 1 and Type 2 markers are discussed as follows: a. For Objects in the Roadway. For additional emphasis, a large surface such as a bridge pier may be painted with diagonal stripes, 300mm or more in width, similar in design to the Type 2 object marker. For Type 2 object markers, the alternating gray and reflectorized yellow stripes should be sloped down at an angle of 45° toward the side of the obstruction that traffic is to pass. The minimum mounting height should be 1.20m. Appropriate signs directing traffic to one or both sides of the obstruction may be used in lieu of the object marker. In addition to markings on the face of an obstruction in the roadway, warning of approach to the obstruction should be given by appropriate pavement markings. Where the vertical clearance of an overhead structure exceeds the maximum legal height of a vehicle by less than 0.3m, the clearance to the nearest 0.1m on a regulatory sign should be clearly marked on the structure as well as on the advanced warning sign. b. For Objects Adjacent to the Roadway. Objects not actually in the roadway may be so close to the edge of the road that a marker is required. These include guardrail ends, underpass piers, bridge abutments, handrails, and culvert headwalls. In some cases, a physical object may not be involved, but other roadside conditions such as narrow shoulder drop-offs, gores, small islands, and abrupt changes in the roadway alignment may make it undesirable for a driver to leave the roadway. Type 2 object markers are intended for use at such locations. The inside edge of the marker shall be in line with the inner edge of the obstruction. Standard warning signs shall also be used where applicable. Typical applications of markers for roadside obstructions are shown in the Figure 5-23. Type 3 markers indicate the end of a roadway and should thus be placed at the point depicting where no alternative vehicular path is possible. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 291 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-25: Object Markers 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 292 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 5-26: Examples of Delineator Placement 5.4.8 Text Pavement Markings Text pavement markings may be used to supplement other pavement markings or signs only when specifically authorized or directed by DMT. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 293 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The use of text pavement markings should be strictly limited to situations where no other option to present or reinforce the required message to drivers is available. No specific applications for such markings are anticipated. The provision of such markings in this manual should not be taken as an encouragement for their use. Rather, they are described herein to provide a standard should there be a requirement for such in an isolated instance. Symbol Marking 695 Standards 1. Purpose. Markings 695 may be used to provide specific localized amplification of existing regulatory, warning, or guide road signs or pavement markings, particularly if there are particular sight distance, geometric conditions or distracting background conditions that may limit visibility of accompanying signs. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. TEXT SYMBOL markings 695 shall be the Emirate of Abu Dhabi standard Arabic and English fonts. English text messages shall use only upper case letters and, if appropriate, numbers. Stencils for text messages shall be prepared based on 400mm “x” height letters on their tile back backgrounds which are then distorted by stretching five times in the vertical direction while maintaining an unaltered width. The nominal height of the resultant Arabic aleph shall be 3400mm and the English upper case letters shall be 2800mm. 3. General Positioning. A TEXT SYMBOL message shall be limited in length so that it can be centred between parallel longitudinal pavement markings, or such a marking and a curbline, with a minimum clearance on each side of 150mm. The separation between the Arabic and English text will be achieved by stacking the distorted respective tiles. 4. Applications. Examples of two possible applications are shown in Figure 5-27. Please note that “Stop” text applications should be limited to locations where visibility of the stop sign may be impacted by geometrics or distracting backgrounds. Additional applications may include the Arabic and English words for “ONLY”, which are to only be used in advance of turn arrows in exclusive turn lanes if it is necessary to further define the enforcement of these movements. Figure 5-27: Examples of 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Text Symbol 695 Page 294 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5.4.9 Delineation Overview Road delineators are light-retroreflective devices mounted in series at the side of the roadway to indicate the roadway alignment. Delineators are effective aids for night driving and considered as guidance devices rather than warning devices. Delineators may be used on long, continuous sections of highway or through short stretches where there are changes in horizontal alignment, particularly where the alignment might be confusing or at pavement-width transitions. An important advantage of delineators in certain areas is that they remain visible when the roadway is wet. Delineators should consist of reflector units capable of clearly reflecting light under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 300m when illuminated by the upper beam of standard automobile lights. Reflective elements for delineators should have a minimum area of approximately 100cm². Double delineators consist of two reflector units, one mounted above the other. Elongated reflective units of appropriate size may be used in place of the two reflectors. Application Standards 1. Purpose. Delineation is intended to be a guide to the vehicle operator as to the alignment of the highway. Whatever is needed to provide that guidance in a clear and simple way should be installed. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. The colour of delineators shall, in all cases, conform to the white colour of edge lines. Single delineators shall be provided on the right side of highway roadways and on at least one side of interchange ramps. These delineators may be provided on other classes of roads. Single delineators may be provided on the left side of roadways and should be provided on the outside of bends on interchange ramps. Where median crossovers are provided for official or emergency use on divided highways and these crossovers are to be marked, a double-yellow delineator shall be placed on the left side of the through roadway on the far side of the crossover for each roadway. 3. General Positioning. Delineators, if used, shall be mounted on suitable supports so the top of the reflecting head is approximately 1.20m above the near roadway edge. Delineators shall be placed not less than 1.0m or more than 2.0m outside the outer edge of the shoulder, or if appropriate, in the line of the guardrail. Delineators may be mounted on the guardrail at a height less than 1.2m. Delineators shall be placed at a constant distance from the edge of the roadway. However, where a guardrail or other obstruction intrudes into the space between the pavement edge and the extension of the line of delineators, the delineators shall be in line with or inside the innermost edge of the obstruction. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 295 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Normally, delineators shall be spaced 60m to 160m. When normal uniform spacing is interrupted by driveways, crossroads, or similar interruptions, delineators falling within such areas may be moved in either direction, a distance not exceeding one-quarter of the normal spacing. Delineators still falling within such areas shall be eliminated. On highways, a normal delineator spacing is 100m. Double or vertically elongated delineators shall be installed at 30m intervals along acceleration and deceleration lanes. Spacing shall be adjusted on approaches and throughout horizontal bends so that several delineators are always visible to the driver. Table 5-32 shows suggested maximum spacing for delineators at bends. Guidance 1. Red delineators may be used on the reverse side of any delineator whenever it would be viewed by a motorist travelling in the wrong direction on that particular ramp or roadway 2. Delineators of the appropriate colour may be used to indicate the narrowing of a pavement. The delineators should be used adjacent to the lane affected for the full length of the convergence and should be so placed and spaced to show the width reduction. Delineation is not necessary for the traffic moving in the direction of a wider pavement or on the side of the roadway where the alignment is not affected by the convergence. On a highway with continuous delineation on either or both sides, delineators should be carried through the transition, and a closer spacing may be warranted. 3. Delineation is optional on sections of roadway between interchanges where fixed-source lighting is in operation. Table 5-32: Suggested Maximum Spacing for Highway Delineators on Bends Radius of Bend (R) (metres) 15 Spacing on Bend (S) (metres) 6 30 7.5 45 9 60 10.5 75 12 90 13.5 120 16.5 150 19.5 180 21 210 22.5 240 24 270 25.5 300 27 Spacing for radii not shown may be interpolated from the table. The minimum spacing shall be 6m. The spacing of the first delineator on a tangent adjacent to a bend shall be 2S, the second 3S, and the third 6S, but not to exceed 100m. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 296 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Pavements Coloured pavements consist of differently coloured road paving materials, such as coloured asphalt or concrete, or paint or other marking materials applied to the surface of a road or island to simulate a coloured pavement. If non-retroreflective coloured pavement, including bricks and other types of patterned surfaces, is used as a purely aesthetic treatment and is not intended to communicate a regulatory, warning, or guidance message to road users, the coloured pavement is not considered to be a traffic control device, even if it is located between the lines of a crosswalk. Standards 1. Purpose. Coloured pavements can be used as an aesthetic treatment or to communicate a regulatory, warning, or guidance message to road users. a. Coloured pavements shall not be used as a traffic control device, unless the device is applicable at all times. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. If coloured pavement is used within the travelled way, on flush or raised islands, or on shoulders to regulate, warn, or guide traffic or if retroreflective coloured pavement is used, the coloured pavement is considered to be a traffic control device and shall be limited to the following colours and applications: a. Yellow pavement colour shall be used only for flush or raised median islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions or for left-hand shoulders of roads of divided roads or one-way streets or ramps. b. White pavement colour shall be used for flush or raised channelizing islands where traffic passes on both sides in the same general direction or for right-hand shoulders. c. Red pavement colour may be used across the full pavement width at locations where speed reductions are required, and may be accompanied by speed limit markings at the start and end of the speed reduction zone showing the change in speed limit. d. Red pavement colour may be used at the start of school zones where reduced speeds are required. Guidance 1. Coloured pavements used as traffic control devices should be used only where they contrast significantly with adjoining paved areas. 2. Coloured pavement located between crosswalk lines should not use colours or patterns that degrade the contrast of white crosswalk lines, or that might be mistaken by road users as a traffic control application. 5.4.10 Barricades and Channelizing Devices Barricades Standards 1. Purpose. Red-and-white barricades (Device 7460) are to warn and alert drivers of the terminus of a road, street, or highway in other than construction or maintenance areas. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 297 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Appearance and Dimensions. The stripes on the barricades shall be reflectorized white and reflectorized red. The dimensions of barricades are discussed in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531). 3. General Positioning. These devices may be used to mark any of the following type locations: a. Roadway ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac with no outlet. b. A ramp or lane closed for operational purposes. c. The permanent or semi-permanent closure or termination of a roadway. A typical barricade is illustrated in Figure 5-26. Figure 5-28: Typical Barricade Channelizing Devices Channelizing devices, as described in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) for Temporary Traffic Management, such as cones, tubular markers, vertical panels, drums, lane separators, and raised islands, may be used for general traffic control purposes such as adding emphasis to reversible lane delineation, channelizing lines, or islands. Channelizing devices may also be used along a centre line to preclude turns or along lane lines to preclude lane changing, as determined by engineering judgment. Standards 1. Purpose. Traffic cones and tubular markers (7459) are sometimes used outside of construction and maintenance areas for general traffic control purposes. Such uses include adding emphasis to channelizing lines or islands. Where possible, permanent tubular markers shall be used in lieu of cones, unless it is required to regularly manually relocate the cones in order to do reversible traffic operations on a day-to-day basis. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. These devices shall be a minimum of 450mm in height and made of materials to withstand impact without damage to the devices or vehicles. Large-size devices shall be used wherever more conspicuous guidance is needed. Detailed discussion 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 298 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) of these devices are contained in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531), section 11.6.2. The colour of tube markers outside construction and maintenance areas shall be the same as the pavement marking these devices are supplementing or substituting (i.e., if tubular markers are used along a solid double yellow longitudinal line separating traffic directions, these markers shall also be yellow). These markers shall be kept clean and bright for maximum target value. For night-time use, the markers shall be reflectorized or internally illuminated. Two typical channelizing devices (a tube and a cone) are illustrated in Figure 5-29. 3. General Positioning. Channelizing devices shall be positioned based on an engineering study. The devices should clearly emphasize the appropriate traffic path for motorists. Figure 5-29: Typical Channelizing Devices (7459) Traffic Islands Standards 1. Purpose. Channelizing devices, when used in advance of islands having raised curbs, shall not be placed in such a manner as to constitute an unexpected obstacle. 2. Appearance and Dimensions. a. The ends of islands first approached by traffic shall be preceded by diverging longitudinal pavement markings on the road surface, to guide vehicles into desired paths of travel along the island edge. b. When raised bars or buttons are used in these neutral areas, they shall be marked with white or yellow retroreflective materials, as determined by the direction or directions of travel they separate. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 299 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) c. Markings, as related to islands, shall consist only of pavement and curb markings, channelizing devices, and delineators. d. Islands outlined by curbs or pavement markings shall be marked with retroreflective white or yellow material as determined by the direction or directions of travel they separate. e. The retroreflective area shall be of sufficient length to denote the general alignment of the edge of the island along which vehicles travel, including the approach end, when viewed from the approach to the island. f. Delineators installed on islands shall be the same colours as the related edge lines except that, when facing wrong-way traffic, they shall be red. g. Each road through an intersection shall be considered separately in positioning delineators to assure maximum effectiveness. Guidance 1. Pavement markings may be used with raised bars to better designate the island area. 2. Pavement markings for the approach to an obstruction may be omitted on the approach to a particular island based on engineering judgment. 3. On long islands, curb retro-reflection may be discontinued such that it does not extend for the entire length of the curb, especially if the island is illuminated or marked with delineators or edge lines. 4. Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers of the appropriate colour may be placed on the pavement in front of the curb and/or on the top of curbed approach ends of raised medians and curbs of islands, as a supplement to or as a substitute for retroreflective curb markings. 5.5 Roundabout Markings Roundabout pavement markings have been addressed in previous sections of this chapter. Examples and applications specifically pertinent to roundabout pavement markings can be found in Chapter 9. 05-PAVEMENT MARKINGS Page 300 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6 SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL 6.1 General Principles Chapter 3 contains information regarding unauthorized devices and messages, the application of standards, the maintenance of traffic control devices, placement authority for traffic control devices, and engineering studies and the assistance that is available to jurisdictions that do not have engineers on their staffs who are trained and/or experienced in traffic control devices. Provisions contained in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 are applicable in school areas. Chapter 5 contains provisions regarding pavement markings that are applicable in school areas. 6.1.1 Need for Standards Regardless of the school location, the best way to achieve effective traffic control is through the uniform application of realistic policies, practices, and standards developed through engineering judgment or studies. Pedestrian safety depends on public understanding of accepted methods for efficient traffic control. This principle is especially important in the control of pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles in the vicinity of schools. Neither pedestrians on their way to or from school nor other road users can be expected to move safely in school areas unless they understand both the need for traffic controls and how these controls function for their benefit. Procedures and devices that are not uniform might cause confusion among pedestrians and other road users, prompt wrong decisions, and contribute to crashes. To achieve uniformity of traffic control in school areas, comparable traffic situations need to be treated in a consistent manner. Each traffic control device and control method described in this chapter fulfils a specific function related to specific traffic conditions. A uniform approach to school area traffic controls assures the use of similar controls for similar situations, which promotes appropriate and uniform behaviour on the part of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. A school traffic control plan permits the orderly review of school area traffic control needs, and the coordination of school/pedestrian safety education and engineering measures. Engineering measures alone do not always result in the intended change in student and road user behaviour. School traffic control plans may result in the following definitions: School zone locations School crossing locations within the school zone School crossing locations external to the school zone Reduced speed limit signs for school areas and crossings are included in this Manual solely for the purpose of standardizing signing for these zones and not as an endorsement of mandatory reduced speed zones. “School” and “school zone” are defined in the Glossary. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 301 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. A school zone shall be designated on all streets where school children enter or exit a school or a school compound, on foot, directly onto the street. 2. A school zone shall include temporary speed limit reductions that are in force during designated hours (including the periods before and after school hours where children are required to cross the road, as well as during school hours). 3. School crossings shall be located as part of school zones, but only for roads in which normal travel speeds are 60km/h or less. 4. School zones shall not be designated, nor shall school crossings be placed, along roads with greater than 60km/h normal speed limits. 6.1.2 School Routes and Established School Crossings To establish a safer route to and from school for schoolchildren, the application of planning criteria for school walk routes might make it necessary for children to walk an indirect route to an established school crossing located where there is existing traffic control and to avoid the use of a direct crossing where there is no existing traffic control. It is necessary, however, to take into consideration the likely paths children would use if no further delineation or guidance were required, in order to incorporate design elements, as well as possibly landscaping and safety features that provide additional protection or that force the use of specific safe travel paths. 1. A school route plan for each school serving primary to high school students should be prepared in order to develop uniformity in the use of school area traffic controls and to serve as the basis for a school traffic control plan for each school. 2. The school route plan, developed in a systematic manner by the school, law enforcement, and traffic officials responsible for school pedestrian safety, should consist of a map (see Figure 6-1 for an example) (local neighbourhood example to be developed) showing streets, the school, existing traffic controls I(including STOP and GIVE WAY signs), established school walk routes, and established school crossings. 3. The type(s) of school area traffic control devices used, either warning or regulatory, should be related to the volume and speed of vehicular traffic, street width, and the number and age of the students using the crossing. 4. School area traffic control devices should be included in a school traffic control plan. 5. The following factors should be considered when determining the feasibility of requiring children to walk a longer distance to a crossing with existing traffic control: a. The availability of adequate sidewalks or other pedestrian walkways to and from the location with existing control, b. The number of students using the crossing, c. The age levels of the students using the crossing, and d. The total extra walking distance. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 302 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 6-1: Example of School Route Plan Map 6.2 Traffic Control for School Zones without Mid-Block Crossings 6.2.1 Description A school zone which does not include mid-block street crossings is provided so as to reduce travel speeds during periods when there are large numbers of children or others on sidewalks in the vicinity of the major street and at controlled intersections in the vicinity of the school (e.g., stop sign or signal control). The reduced speeds allow for quicker stopping times should there be children in the road or stopped vehicles in the vicinity of the school, including school buses. Mid-block, unsignalized school crossings are not provided in this type of school zone. The zone contains signs warning the driver they are entering the school zone, regulatory signs with reduced speed limits during designated hours, and signs informing the driver they are leaving the school zone, ending the speed reduction during school hours. School hours should be defined as part of the School route plan as described in Section 6.1. Where not otherwise indicated, the morning school hours’ period shall begin 30 minutes prior to the start of school, at the evening school hours’ period shall extend 30 minutes beyond final dismissal time. School hours may also include lunch periods in which students leave class to walk home. The school hours shall be closely coordinated with the school of concern in each zone. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 303 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6.2.2 Signing Standards Advance Warning Sign 426 and Supplementary Plate 589 with Warning Flasher 1. Consistent with the requirements in Section, an advance warning assembly shall be provided, warning of children ahead. This is shown as Installation A in Figure 6-2. 2. The supplementary plate shall say “School”. 3. The assembly shall be typically located between 150 and 100m prior to the start of the reduced speed segment within the zone. 4. On streets with normal speeds over 50km/h, a yellow flasher (300mm diameter) above the warning sign shall be provided. It shall be activated during those periods when schoolchildren are present (before, during and after school hours). Figure 6-2: Sign 426 with Supplementary Plate 589 and Warning Flasher LIMIT Sign 344 and Supplementary Plate 589 with Warning Flasher 1. Consistent with the requirements in Section, a general speed limit sign 344-30 (30km/h) shall be provided with supplementary plate 589 indicating “When Flashing”. This is shown as installation B in Figure 6-3. 2. On streets with normal speeds over 50km/h, a yellow flasher (300mm diameter) above the school zone speed limit sign shall be provided. It shall be activated during those periods when schoolchildren are present (before, during and after school hours as defined in Section 6.2.1). 3. For dual carriageway routes, identical installations as indicated, may be located on both sides of the carriageway to maximize visibility if needed due to shifts in vertical and horizontal geometry. 4. On streets with normal 30km/h speed limits or less, installation B is optional. In no case shall the speed limit for the school zone be greater than the normal regulatory speed limit for the street. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 304 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 6-3: Sign 344-30 with Supplementary Sign 589 and Warning Flasher SCHOOL ZONE Entry Sign An alternative experimental School Zone sign may be utilized in lieu of that in Figure 6-3. The example shown combines speed zone and advance warning of the school zone. It is shown in Figure 6-4. Figure 6-4: Alternative School Zone Sign SCHOOL ZONE Sign 588ES 1. Consistent with the requirements in Section, a text sign (English and Arabic) shall be provided indicating the end of the school zone. This is shown as installation C in Figure 6-5. طق ا End School Zone Figure 6-5: Sign 588ES 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 305 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Markings A solid line shall be placed at the school zone speed limit sign 344-30, across the direction of pavement in which the school zone starts. A line shall also be placed across the direction of pavement in which the school zone ends, next to the Sign 588ES installation. 6.2.3 School Zone Layout Figure 6-6 is referenced in Section 6.2.2 and provides a description of the layout of a typical school zone for a single carriageway route without dedicated mid-block, non-signalized crossings. The notes referenced below the figure also discuss pavement marking considerations that further reinforce the school zone and speed regulations contained therein. Items include: 1. Flasher with Advance CHILDREN warning sign 426 with supplementary “School” text (Sign 589) 2. Flasher with Speed Limit sign 344-30 with supplementary “When Flashing” text (Sign 589) 3. End School Zone Sign 588ES 4. Corresponding pavement markings For dual carriageway routes meeting the speed criteria for provision of school zones, dual installations (one on each side of the carriageway) are appropriate to enhance visibility of the school zone and the speed restrictions contained therein. As discussed in the notes below, if a fence separates each of the dual carriageways, the carriageway not on the school side does not need to be signed as a school zone unless school children are directed to cross at nearby controlled intersections with dedicated crossings. Sign sizes shall be based on normal approach speeds and shall be determined as per the requirements of Section 4.1, Table 4-8. If a school zone is located on a cross street in close proximity to the intersection, a CHILDREN warning sign (Sign 426) sign with a supplemental left or right advance arrow (Type 4 or Type 5) on a supplementary plaque Sign 589 mounted below the warning sign may be installed on each approach of the street or highway to warn road users making a turn onto the cross street that they will encounter a school zone soon after making the turn. Figure 6-6: Sign 426 with Type 5 Arrow on Type 589 Supplementary Plaque 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 306 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 6-7: Basic School Zone3 6.3 School Zones with Dedicated School Crossings 6.3.1 Warrants One distinctive feature of a school zone is its part-time nature, being designed to operate as a zone only at such times as when one or more advance warning signs (Sign 426) are displayed to vehicular traffic and warning flashers are activated to indicate that the school zone and pertinent speed limit are active. 3 NOTES: 1. If warranted, a school zone shall be established for, at a minimum, the entire length of the school compound facing the zone and, at 2. a maximum, up to 150m past the school boundary in either direction. The extent to which a school zone extends beyond the school boundary up to 150m should be determined by the engineer on site, depending on prevailing approach speeds and visibility. To warn drivers that they are approaching a school zone, an advance warning sign and flasher (active during school hours), shown as installation A, shall be placed 100m in advance of the school zone. 3. The beginning of a school zone should be marked with installation B. Installation B includes a 30km/h speed limit sign and warning flasher (active during school hours). The speed limit sign will be qualified with a supplemental plate in Arabic and English indicating “when flashing”. The end of a school zone should be marked by Installation C. 4. 5. A school zone should be marked for both directions of traffic, even if the street is divided by a median. If there is a fence in the median preventing pedestrians from crossing outside of a crosswalk, the lane of the street not adjacent to the school should not be marked for a school zone. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 307 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) School zones are usually installed near school locations where the requirements for such a facility arise only during specific and limited times of the school day. School Zones require zebra crossings where: There are substantial numbers of students that require access across the streets adjoining the school within the school zone, and There are not any signalized intersections with pedestrian crossings within 100m to 200m of the school. At these locations, a crossing guard or manual supervision of traffic control is required during those periods in which children are using the zebra crossing, typically during the periods in which children are travelling to and from school. Requirements for constructing school (zebra) crossings are based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) criteria along with other applications. They shall include the following: Reduced travel speeds within school zone during designated periods as per Section 6.2 (typically 30km/h). Use of warning flashers with advance warning signs and school zone speed limit signs to indicate to drivers that the School Zone is active. Use of routes with two lanes or less per carriageway. Crossings on all other routes shall be at signalized or stop sign-controlled intersections or signalized mid-block zebra crossings where adequate gap time is allocated. A minimum pedestrian flow rate of 25 children per hour at the dedicated school crossing (based on length of crossing period), during the periods in which children are travelling to and from school. A minimum of one adequate gap per minute4, or one adequate gap every 30 seconds if over 100 students per hour use the crossing during the periods in which children are travelling to and from school. Normal posted speed limit during non-school crossing periods shall not be greater than 60km/h, less if the design speed for the roadway is less. Minimum sight distance to the crossing location of 100m from both directions approaching the crossing. Use of a trained crossing guard at the crosswalk during all school crossing periods as determined by the school route planning study as described in Section 6.1. The frequency of gaps in the traffic stream that are sufficient for student crossing is different at each crossing location. When the delay between the occurrences of adequate gaps becomes excessive, students might become impatient and endanger themselves by attempting to cross the street during an inadequate gap. In these instances, the creation of sufficient gaps needs to be considered to accommodate the crossing demand. 4 Adequate Gap is based on ITE walking rate for children of approximately 1m per second, and is calculated by the width of the carriageway (meters) times the walking rate, plus 2 seconds additional for perceptionreaction time in order to decide if the gap is adequate. So, for crossing a 10m wide carriageway, an adequate gap of 12 seconds would be needed. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 308 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) A recommended method for determining the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the traffic stream is given in the TSES Manual relative to warrants for pedestrian crossing signalization. 6.3.2 Description and Standards A school crossing shall be supervised by trained enforcement personnel (typically Police or locallyapproved and trained crossing guards, refer to Section 6.5) during the times when it is operational, in which case a hand-held two-sided STOP paddle sign (Sign 301P) as per Section 6.5.6 shall be used by the crossing guard to stop traffic while people are crossing. Note that Sign 7308 as described in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) is used by flaggers for TTM applications (as it is a two-sided sign with a separate message on the opposite side) as opposed to school crossings, and should not be applied here. School zones containing dedicated school crossings consist of advance warning signs and flashers, speed limit signs with flashers indicating the school zone operational status and zebra crossings with accompanying regulatory signs and zebra crossing warning lights indicating the crossing, along with dedicated human crossing guards. The crossing may be “mid-block” (between streets) or at intersections. For locations with poor gap availability, high-speeds, and multiple lanes, crossings are to be made at locations with stop signs or traffic signals. Advance Warning Sign 426 and Supplementary Plate 589 with Warning Flasher Advance CHILDREN warning signs shall be located at least 100m from the start of the speed zone in each direction approaching the crossing. The configuration shall be consistent with the standard school zone advance signage as shown in Section Limit Sign 344 and Supplementary Plate 589 with Warning Flasher Consistent with the requirements in Section, a general speed limit sign 344-30 (30km/h) shall be provided with supplementary plate 589 indicating “When Flashing” as well as a 300mm warning flasher for routes with higher that 30km/h normal speeds. The speed limit sign and warning flasher shall be located a minimum of 100m prior to the school crossing. Configuration of the sign installation shall follow the requirements of Section Crossing Sign 360 with GIVE WAY Sign 302 and Zebra Crossing Flashers 1. CHILDREN CROSSING regulatory signs (Sign 360) shall have a white legend and border with a red background. 2. Sign 360 shall be placed on a post beneath Sign 302 (Give Way sign) at the location of the zebra crossing on the near side of approaching traffic on a signal pedestal with flashing amber indication at the top (300mm diameter) of the Sign 302, as per the TSES manual. If a crossing is located just beyond an intersection, the sign and pedestal with flasher ball shall be on the far side of the zebra crossing. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 309 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 360 Figure 6-8: Sign 302 with Sign 360 below. Amber flasher should be used at peak times. Parking Zone Signs 377 and 379 As per Section, No Parking Zone signs shall be used, where Sign 379 (no parking to left / behind sign) is installed on the right side of the street at least 20m prior to the zebra crossing, and Sign 377 (no parking to right / ahead of sign). Except where specifically decided by the local traffic authority or DMT (whichever is responsible for the road operations in the school zone), the No Parking Zone shall be valid at all times. School Zone Sign 588ES Consistent with the requirements in Section, a text sign (English and Arabic) shall be provided indicating the end of the school zone. Markings Zebra Crossing Zebra crossing shall be marked as per the requirements of Chapter 5 of this manual. A stop bar shall be provided at least 10m prior to the crossing on either side of the zebra crossing. In addition, a solid line shall be placed at the school zone speed limit sign 344-30, across the direction of pavement in which the school zone starts. A line shall also be placed across the direction of pavement in which the school zone ends, next to the Sign 588ES installation. Zigzag Lines For locations with parking and/or speeding problems requiring additional reinforcement of traffic control strategies, the use of longitudinal zigzag markings may be provided on either side of the 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 310 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) direction of travel alongside the centreline and curb. For two-lane approaches, a zigzag line is placed between the two-lanes in lieu of lane line marking. Zig-Zag markings provide mandatory requirements for drivers and riders not to stop in the controlled area (other than when giving way to pedestrians or in queuing traffic) or change lanes including overtaking. It is considered that it may also have a minor slowing effect on traffic however this has not been proven as yet. The standard pattern consists of 2m long markings placed between the initiation of the “No Parking” zone prior to the crossing, and the stop line in front of the crossing (a distance of 20m, or a minimum of eight 2m long marks. Typical details for zigzag markings are illustrated in Figure 6-9. The example shows a two-lane directional approach. Figure 6-9: Use of traffic slowing (Zigzag) lines in advance of zebra crossing (two-lane example) 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 311 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6.3.3 Layout A typical installation of a school crossing within a school zone is illustrated in Figure 6-10. This layout shows a school crossing directly in front of the school. The main elements are: 1. Flasher with Advance CHILDREN warning sign 426 with supplementary “School” text (Sign 589) 2. Flasher with Speed Limit sign 344-30 with supplementary “When Flashing” text (Sign 589) 3. Flashers on pedestal at zebra crossing along with Give Way Sign 302 and Children Crossing Sign 360 Below 4. Sign 426 if school crossing is downstream from street intersection, with supplementary plate with left or right arrows 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 312 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. 6. 7. 8. No Parking signs to be situated on either side of the zebra crossing End School Zone Sign 588ES Corresponding pavement markings Area where traffic slowing (zigzag) lines may be implemented as an option In the rare case that a school crossing occurs on a dual carriageway route meeting the speed criteria for provision of school zones, dual installations (one on each side of the carriageway) of signage are appropriate to enhance visibility of the school zone and the speed restrictions contained therein. As discussed in Section 6.2, if a fence separates each of the dual carriageways, the carriageway not on the school side does not need to be signed as a school zone unless school children are directed to cross at nearby controlled intersections with dedicated crossings. Sign sizes shall be based on normal approach speeds and shall be determined as per the requirements of Section 4.1. If a school zone is located on a cross street in close proximity to the intersection, as with Section 6.2, a CHILDREN warning sign (Sign 426) sign with a supplemental left or right advance arrow (Type 4 or Type 5) on a supplementary plaque Sign 589 mounted below the warning sign may be installed on each approach of the street or highway to warn road users making a turn onto the cross street that they will encounter a school zone soon after making the turn. 6.4 Supervision of School Zones 6.4.1 Warrants The school route plan as discussed in Section 6.1 may include a number of school crossings that are well outside the immediate zone around the school. Although there may be comparatively fewer children using such crossings than in the immediate facility of the school, such crossings may be warranted as a result of various operational and safety criteria. The frequency of gaps in the traffic stream that are sufficient for student crossing is different at each crossing location. When the delay between the occurrences of adequate gaps becomes excessive, students might become impatient and endanger themselves by attempting to cross the street during an inadequate gap. In these instances, the creation of sufficient gaps needs to be considered to accommodate the crossing demand. Marked school crossings are to be considered based on engineering studies that are based on the following criteria. School crossings shall be situated on routes with 50km/h or slower speeds (higher speed routes should not have school crossings without signalization or other traffic control schemes). Table 6-33: Criteria for Constructing School (Zebra) Crossing Outside School Zone Estimated pedestrian flow rate criteria Less than 25 children per hour 25 to 30 children per hour for at least 60 minutes/day Frequency of Adequate Gaps in Traffic Required5 Not applicable Every 90 seconds at minimum Zebra crossing recommended? No Yes Crossing guard or other traffic control required? No Required if gaps are greater than 90 seconds Adequate Gap is based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ walking rate for children of approximately 1m per second, and is calculated by the width of the carriageway (meters) times the walking rate, plus 2 seconds additional for perception-reaction time in order to decide if the gap is adequate. So, for crossing a 10m wide carriageway, an adequate gap of 12 seconds would be needed. 5 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 313 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Estimated pedestrian flow rate criteria 30 to 100 children per hour for at least 60 min/day Over 100 children per hour for at least 60 min/day Frequency of Adequate Gaps in Traffic Required5 Every 60 seconds at minimum Every 30 seconds at minimum Zebra crossing recommended? Yes Yes Crossing guard or other traffic control required? Required if gaps are greater than 60 seconds Required if gaps are greater than 30 seconds Determining the gap frequency for school crossings at intersections should take into consideration those conflicting vehicular movements that are not subject to stop sign or other traffic controls. Figure 6-10: Example of Signing for a School Zone with a School Speed Limit and a School Crossing 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 314 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6.4.2 Description and Standards School crossings outside school zones consist of advance warning signs and zebra crossings with accompanying regulatory signs indicating the crossing. The crossing may be “mid-block” (between streets) or at intersections. If the gap criteria are not achieved, but volumes are significant, implementation of stop signs or traffic signals is required if a crossing is to be provided. The latter signal requirements are based on additional criteria as documented in the TSES Manual. Sign 426 with Distance Supplemental Plaque 589 Advance CHILDREN warning signs shall be located at least 100m from the crossing location in each direction approaching the crossing, accompanied by a plaque marked with the distance to the crossing location. Figure 6-11: Sign 426 with Distance on Type 589 Supplemental Plaque Crossing Sign 360 with GIVE WAY Sign 302 1. CHILDREN CROSSING regulatory signs (Sign 360) shall be designed as per Section, beneath a GIVE WAY Sign 302. 2. Sign 360 shall be placed at the location of the zebra crossing on the near side of approaching traffic except if a crossing is located just beyond an intersection, the sign shall be on the far side of the zebra crossing If a crossing is located following a turn from one of the intersection approaches, the CHILDREN CROSSING Sign 360 shall be installed at least 50m prior to the start of the intersection turn radius, and shall include a Supplemental Plaque 589 in white with black border and a black Arrow Type 5 or 6 (as per Section designating whether the right or left turn will encounter the zebra crossing on the cross street. 6.4.3 Layout for School Crossings Outside School Zone The sign configurations referenced in Section 6.4.2 are illustrated in Figure 6-12 which shows a crossing located at an intersection, with the zebra crossing situated over non-controlled movements along the carriageway (i.e., only the side street is controlled with a STOP or GIVE WAY sign). Advance CHILDREN signs are placed 100m prior to the zebra crossing, while CHILDREN CROSSING signs are placed at the ZEBRA crossing. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 315 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 6-12: Example of Signing for a School Crossing Outside of a School Zone. Amber flashers should be used at peak times. 6.5 Miscellaneous Signage Details 6.5.1 Reflectorization The signs used for school area traffic control shall be retro-reflectorized. 6.5.2 Position of Signs Section 4.1 contains provisions regarding the typical placement and location of signs where not otherwise noted in the prior sections, as well as provisions regarding the lateral offsets of signs. 6.5.3 Height of Signs Section 4.1 contains provisions regarding the mounting height of signs. 6.5.4 Installation of Signs Section 4.1 contains provisions regarding the installation of signs. 6.5.5 Lettering Sign lettering and text size shall follow the requirements of Section 4.1. 6.6 Supervision of School Zones 6.6.1 Types of Crossing Supervision There are three types of school crossing supervision: Adult control of pedestrians and vehicles by adult crossing guards, Adult control of pedestrians and vehicles by uniformed law enforcement officers, and Student and/or parent control of only pedestrians with student and/or parent patrols. Organization, administration, and operation of a school safety patrol program is recommended by this Manual for Municipalities and other transport authorities responsible for school zone operations. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 316 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Guidelines on developing such a program are contained in the “AAA School Safety Patrol Operations Manual” (see Cited and Other References). 6.6.2 Adult Crossing Guards Adult crossing guards may be used to provide gaps in traffic at school crossings where an engineering study has shown that adequate gaps need to be created (see Section 6.3 and 6.4). 6.6.3 Qualifications of Adult Crossing Guards High standards for selection of adult crossing guards are essential because they are responsible for the safety of and the efficient crossing of the street by schoolchildren within and in the immediate vicinity of school crosswalks. Adult crossing guards should possess the following minimum qualifications: 1. Minimum education such as high school degree; 2. Good physical condition, including sight, hearing, and ability to move and manoeuvre quickly in order to avoid danger from errant vehicles; 3. Ability to control a STOP paddle (Sign 301P) effectively to provide approaching road users with a clear, fully direct view of the paddle’s STOP message during the entire crossing movement; 4. Ability to communicate specific instructions clearly, firmly, and courteously; 5. Ability to recognize potentially dangerous traffic situations and warn and manage students in sufficient time to avoid injury. 6. Mental alertness; 7. Neat appearance; 8. Good character; 9. Dependability; 10. An overall sense of responsibility for the safety of students. 6.6.4 Uniform of Adult Crossing Guard Law enforcement officers performing school crossing supervision and adult crossing guards shall wear high-visibility retroreflective safety apparel labelled as ANSI 107-2004 standard performance for Class 2 as described in Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) (Temporary Traffic Management). The officers shall be equipped with mobile phones or two-way communications devices permitting direct communication between multiple officers patrolling a zone as well as with supervisory personnel. 6.6.5 Operating Procedures for Adult Crossing Guards 1. Adult crossing guards shall not direct traffic in the usual law enforcement regulatory sense. In the control of traffic, they shall pick opportune times to create a sufficient gap in the traffic flow. At these times, they shall stand in the roadway to indicate that pedestrians are about to use or are using the crosswalk, and that all vehicular traffic must stop. 2. Adult crossing guards shall use a STOP paddle. The STOP paddle shall be the primary handsignalling device. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 317 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6.6.6 Stop Paddle Sign 301P 1. The STOP paddle (Sign 301P) shall be an octagonal shape. The background of the STOP face shall be red with at least 150mm upper-case white letters and border. The paddle shall be at least 450mm in size and have the word message STOP on both sides (English and Arabic), as the stop message will be valid in two directions on single carriageway crossings. Hence a STOP/SLOW paddle, (Sign 7308) used for Temporary Traffic Management as per Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) cannot be used for single carriageway crossings where the sign is visible from both directions of traffic. The paddle shall be retroreflectorized or illuminated when used during hours of darkness. 2. If flashing lights are used on the STOP paddle, the flash rate shall be at least 50, but no more than 60, flash periods per minute. Figure 6-13: Sign 301P 1. The STOP paddle may be modified to improve conspicuity by incorporating white or red flashing lights on both sides of the paddle. Among the types of flashing lights that may be used are individual LEDs or groups of LEDs. 2. The white or red flashing lights or LEDs may be arranged in any of the following patterns: a. b. c. d. Two white or red lights centred vertically above and below the STOP legend, Two white or red lights centred horizontally on each side of the STOP legend, One white or red light centred below the STOP legend, A series of eight or more small white or red lights having a diameter of 6.5mm or less along the outer edge of the paddle, arranged in an octagonal pattern at the eight corners of the STOP paddle (more than eight lights may be used only if the arrangement of the lights is such that it clearly conveys the octagonal shape of the STOP paddle), or e. A series of white lights forming the shapes of the letters in the legend. 06-SCHOOL ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 318 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7 RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSINGS AND EXCLUSIVE BUS AND CARPOOL (MANAGED LANE) FACILITIES 7.1 General Principles 7.1.1 Introduction The Surface Transport Master Plan for the Abu Dhabi Emirate includes the development of several modes of transport, including “heavy rail” (freight and passenger transport railways), “light rail” (including both separate guideways that travel within the street right-of-way and which cross arterial streets at grade), usually referred to as LRT, and exclusive Bus Rapid Transit or BRT facilities, which may utilize either an exclusive travel lane or a separate guideway (often called a busway) that is similar in many ways to a light rail guideway. In cases where exclusive travel lanes are provided, the availability of such facilities for carpools may be considered as would be the application of electronic tolls for qualifying vehicles that are neither buses nor carpools. Such facilities are often referred to as “Managed Lanes”. These are addressed separately from grade crossings. 7.1.2 Overview of Grade Crossings Specific material in this Chapter provides guidelines for grade crossing design, except where specifically identified as “Policies” or “Standards”. The focus of this document is in providing grade crossing warning and regulatory signage, signalization, markings and other related traffic control devices for approaching roads and streets. The primary purpose of such signing is to prevent collisions between road vehicles and rail or bus vehicles at all times. To this end, the TSES Manual provides guidance relative to light rail or busway junctions with roads or streets. For railways, it is likely that most if not all road/street/railway junctions being constructed by the Etihad Railway will involve some form of grade separation (i.e., no at-grade crossings). However, temporary or permanent road-rail crossings in industrial or rural areas are frequently implemented for economic reasons (notably the cost savings as opposed to building rail or roadway bridges). Thus guidelines for constructing signing, signalization, and markings are provided. For purposes of design, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices at grade crossings, it is recognized that the crossing of the road by rail, LRT or busway is situated on a rightof-way available for the joint use of road traffic as well as rail, LRT or busway traffic. The combination of devices selected or installed at a specific grade crossing is referred to as a “traffic control system.” This chapter also describes the traffic control devices that are used in locations where LRT and BRT vehicles are operating along streets and roads in mixed traffic with automotive vehicles. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 319 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. DMT and, where appropriate, the local transport authority with jurisdiction over the road or street, shall jointly determine the need and selection of devices at a grade crossing. 2. The traffic control devices, systems, and practices described in this Manual shall be used at all grade crossings open to public travel, consistent with Federal and Emirate laws and regulations. 3. Where LRT and railways use the same tracks or adjacent tracks, the traffic control devices, systems, and practices for road-rail grade crossings shall be used. 7.1.3 Use of Standard Devices, Systems, and Practices at RoadRailway Grade Crossings Because of the large number of significant variables to be considered, no single standard system of traffic control devices is universally applicable for all road-rail grade crossings. This Manual defines the basic elements that are required to protect safety and operations at road-rail grade crossings. Many other details of road-rail grade crossing traffic control systems that are not set forth in this chapter are contained in the publications listed in the References section at the end of this manual. 1. Traffic control devices, systems, and practices shall be consistent with the design and application of the Standards contained in this Manual. 2. Before any new road-rail grade crossing traffic control system is installed or before modifications are made to an existing system, approval shall be obtained from the DMT with the jurisdictional and/or statutory authority, and from the Etihad Railway or other railway operator if not Etihad Railway. 1. The appropriate traffic control system to be used at a road-rail grade crossing should be determined by an engineering study involving both the DMT and the Etihad Railway. 2. To stimulate effective responses from road users, these devices, systems, and practices should use the five basic considerations employed generally for traffic control devices: design, placement, operation, maintenance, and uniformity. 7.1.4 Use of Standard Devices, Systems, and Practices at Road-LRT Grade Crossings LRT is a mode of metropolitan transportation that employs LRT vehicles (commonly known as light rail vehicles, streetcars, or trams) that operate on rails in streets in mixed traffic, and LRT traffic that operates in semi-exclusive rights-of-way, or in exclusive rights-of-way. Grade crossings with LRT can occur at intersections or at midblock locations, including public and private driveways. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 320 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) An initial educational campaign along with an ongoing program to continue to educate new drivers is beneficial when introducing LRT operations to an area and, hence, new traffic control devices. LRT alignments can be grouped into one of the following three types: Exclusive: An LRT right-of-way that is grade-separated or protected by a fence or traffic barrier. Motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles are prohibited within the right-of-way. Subways and aerial structures are included within this group. This type of alignment does not have grade crossings and is not further addressed in Chapter 7. Semi-exclusive: An LRT alignment that is in a separate right-of-way or along a street or railway right-of-way where motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles have limited access and cross at designated locations only. Mixed-use: An alignment where LRT operates in mixed traffic with all types of road users. This includes streets, transit malls, and pedestrian malls where the right-of-way is shared. The combination of devices selected or installed at a specific road-LRT grade crossing is referred to as a Light Rail Transit Traffic Control System. Because of the large number of significant variables to be considered, no single standard system of traffic control devices is universally applicable for all road-LRT grade crossings. For the safety and integrity of operations by road and LRT users, the DMT Main Roads and Public Transport divisions, along with the local transport authority with road jurisdiction (if not DMT), need to jointly determine the need and selection of traffic control devices and the assignment of priority to LRT at a road-LRT grade crossing. The normal rules of the road and traffic control priority identified in the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation govern the order assigned to the movement of vehicles at an intersection unless the DMT and other local transport authority with jurisdiction jointly determine that it is appropriate to assign a higher priority to LRT. Examples of different types of LRT priority control include: Separate traffic control signal phases for LRT movements (refer to TSES Manual). Restriction of movement of roadway vehicles in favour of LRT operations. Pre-emption of road traffic signal control to accommodate LRT movements (refer to TSES Manual). 1. Traffic control devices, systems, and practices shall be consistent with the design and application of the Standards contained in this Manual. 2. The minimum requirements for traffic control devices, systems, and practices described in this Manual shall be met or exceeded for all road-LRT grade crossings. 3. Before any new road-LRT grade crossing traffic control system is installed or before modifications are made to an existing system, approval shall be obtained from the DMT Main Roads and Public Transport departments, regardless of road jurisdiction. 4. Road-LRT grade crossings that include LRT guide way alignments on separate right of-way shall be equipped with a suitable signalling protection system, unless an engineering study indicates that the use of non-access-restrictive signage (STOP, YIELD or RAILWAY CROSSING) signs alone would be adequate. A signalling protection system may consist of 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 321 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a combination of automatic gates and flashing-light signals, flashing-light signals only, or traffic control signals. 1. The appropriate traffic control system to be used at a road-LRT grade crossing should be determined by an engineering study conducted by the LRT or road agency in cooperation with other appropriate State and local organizations. 2. To stimulate effective responses from road users, these devices, systems, and practices should use the five basic considerations employed generally for traffic control devices: design, placement, operation, maintenance and uniformity. 7.1.5 Uniform Provisions for Grade Crossings of All Rail Facilities 1. All signs used in grade crossing traffic control systems shall be retro-reflectorized or illuminated to show the same shape and similar colour to an approaching road user during both day and night. 2. No sign or signal shall be located in the centre of an undivided road, unless it is a crashworthy installation (breakaway or yielding pole and foundation assembly, or shielded with a longitudinal barrier or crash cushion) or unless it is placed on a raised island. 1. Any signs or signals placed on a raised island in the centre of an undivided road should be installed with a clearance of at least 700mm from the outer edge of the raised island to the nearest edge of the sign or signal, except as permitted in Chapter 4. 2. Where the distance between tracks, measured along the road between the inside rails, exceeds 30m, additional signs or other appropriate traffic control devices should be used to inform approaching road users of the long distance to cross the tracks. 7.1.6 Grade Crossing Elimination 1. When a grade crossing (either permanent or temporary) is eliminated, the traffic control devices for the crossing shall be removed. 2. If the existing traffic control devices at a multiple-track grade crossing become improperly placed or inaccurate because of the removal of some of the tracks, the existing devices shall be relocated and/or modified. 1. Where possible, grade crossings for railways should be eliminated except where temporary crossings are deemed justified in an engineering study, or where traffic volumes are low enough such that the risk of collisions is minimal (provided there is adequate sight distance, signage and protection at the crossing). 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 322 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. Where a roadway is removed from a grade crossing, the roadway approaches in the railway or LRT right-of-way should also be removed and appropriate signs and object markers should be placed at the roadway end. Based on engineering judgment, a TRACKS OUT OF SERVICE Sign 7361 may be temporarily installed until the tracks are either made active or removed. The length of time before the tracks will be made active or removed may be considered in making the decision as to whether to install the sign. Since the sign is intended for temporary usage, Sign 7361 would have a yellow background with black Arabic and English text and a black border. Sign 7361 7.1.7 Provisions for BRT, Busway and Managed Lane Activities BRT is a mode of metropolitan transportation that employ buses (typically with low-floor design and unique appearance, configured for multiple-door entry similar to LRT) in streets in mixed traffic, in dedicated lanes, or in exclusive right-of-way. Dedicated or exclusive travel lanes for buses are often known as busways. Grade crossings with busways can occur at intersections or at midblock locations, including public and private driveways. In general, however, buses are lighter than rail vehicles and more capable of slowing quickly if there is an impediment in their path, and thus there is not as strict a need for physical access restrictions at busway crossings compared with rail crossings. An initial educational campaign along with an ongoing program to continue to educate new drivers is beneficial when introducing BRT or busway operations to an area and, hence, new traffic control devices. BRT applications can be grouped into one of the following five types. The first two specifically refer to “busway” applications, while the next three address exclusive lane operations (arterials), managed lane operations (freeways), and mixed-flow traffic. Exclusive: A busway that is grade-separated or protected by a fence or traffic barrier. Other motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles are prohibited within the right-of-way. Subways and aerial structures are included within this group. This type of alignment does not have grade crossings and is not further addressed in Chapter 7. Semi-exclusive: A busway alignment that is in a separate right-of-way or along a street or railway right-of-way where motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles have limited access and cross at designated locations only. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 323 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Bus lane (arterial): A dedicated travel lane separated by pavement markings and controlled by regulatory signage which limits the use of the lane to buses except in the case of an emergency. There are separate signing needs associated with bus lanes, which are covered in Section Bus/carpool lane (freeway): A dedicated travel lane on a freeway separated by pavement markings and controlled by regulatory signage which limits the use of the lane to buses except in the case of an emergency. Often, carpools and other multi-passenger vehicles may use the facility, which is operated in a manner that permits such vehicles to bypass normal traffic congestion in mixed-flow travel lanes. Mixed-use: An alignment where the bus operates in mixed traffic with all types of road users. This includes streets, transit malls, and pedestrian malls where the right-of-way is shared. Traffic Control for Busway Crossings and Exclusive Travel Lanes The combination of devices selected or installed at a specific road-BRT grade crossing is referred to as a Busway Transit Traffic Control System. Because of the large number of significant variables to be considered, no single standard system of traffic control devices is universally applicable for all road-busway grade crossings. On arterial networks, for the safety and integrity of operations by road and bus users, the DMT Main Roads and Public Transport divisions, along with the local transport authority with road jurisdiction (if not DMT), need to jointly determine the need and selection of traffic control devices and the assignment of priority to buses at a road-BRT grade crossing. The normal rules of the road and traffic control priority identified in the Abu Dhabi Road Regulation govern the order assigned to the movement of vehicles at an intersection unless the DMT and other local transport authority with jurisdiction jointly determine that it is appropriate to assign a higher priority to bus. Examples of different types of bus priority control include: Extension of green phase to allow oncoming bus to proceed through intersection, for bus lane and mixed-flow operations on arterials (refer to TSES Manual). Separate traffic control signal phases for bus movements on a busway (refer to TSES Manual). Restriction of movement of roadway vehicles in favour of bus operations. Managed Lanes Traffic Control Systems On freeway networks, design of bus/carpool lanes and signage should be a coordinated effort between DMT Main Roads and Public Transport staffs, addressing both the utility and accessibility of the service, along with design features that minimize “violations” of the lane by drivers of noncompliant vehicles seeking to reduce their travel time. The control devices and technologies include the following: Managed Lane Signing. Variable Signing Displays Based on Time-of-Day and Travel Demand. Access gates to and from exclusive Managed Lane facilities. Electronic tolling for non-bus or non-carpool vehicles using a Managed Lane (optional) and related signage/displays. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 324 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. Traffic control devices, systems, and practices shall be consistent with the design and application of the Standards contained in this Manual. 2. The minimum requirements for traffic control devices, systems, and practices described in this Manual shall be met or exceeded for all road-busway grade crossings. 3. Before any new road-busway grade crossing traffic control system is installed or before modifications are made to an existing system, approval shall be obtained from the DMT Main Roads and Public Transport departments, regardless of road jurisdiction. 4. Road-busway grade crossings that include busway alignments on separate right-of-way shall be controlled by traffic control signals, unless an engineering study indicates that the use of non-access-restrictive signage (STOP, YIELD or BUSWAY CROSSING) signs alone would be adequate. 1. The appropriate traffic control system to be used for road-busway junctions, mixed-use and managed lanes, should be determined by an engineering study conducted by DMT in coordination with the Municipalities with ownership or jurisdiction for the existing road (if not DMT). 2. To stimulate effective responses from road users, these devices, systems, and practices should use the five basic considerations employed generally for traffic control devices: design, placement, operation, maintenance and uniformity. 7.1.8 Illumination at Grade Crossings Illumination may be installed at or adjacent to a grade crossing in order to provide better night-time visibility of the grade crossing and rail or public transport vehicles using the crossing, and may be required at night, where grade crossings are blocked for extended periods of time, or where crash history indicates that road users experience difficulty in seeing rail or public transport vehicles using the crossing or traffic control devices during hours of darkness. Illumination of Grade crossings shall be as per the Abu Dhabi Lighting Manual. 7.1.9 Temporary Traffic Management at Grade Crossings Temporary traffic management (TTM) planning provides for continuity of operations (such as movement of traffic, pedestrians and bicycles, transit operations, and access to property/utilities) when the normal function of a roadway at a grade crossing is suspended because of TTM. 1. Traffic controls for TTM zones that include grade crossings shall be as outlined in this Chapter and shall be consistent with the requirements of Abu Dhabi Work Zone - Traffic Management Manual. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 325 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. When a grade crossing exists either within or in the vicinity of a TTM zone, lane restrictions, flagging, or other operations shall not be performed in a manner that would cause road vehicles to stop on the rail tracks or in the guideway path. 3. A flagger or uniformed law enforcement officer shall be provided at the grade crossing to minimize the possibility of road vehicles stopping within the crossing, even if automatic warning devices are in place. 1. DMT road and public transport staff, along with the appropriate Municipality (if they are owner/operator of the road) should meet to plan appropriate traffic detours and the necessary signing, marking, and flagging requirements for operations during temporary traffic control zone activities. Consideration should be given to the length of time that the grade crossing is to be closed, the type of rail or public transport and road traffic affected, the time of day, and the materials and techniques of repair. 2. DMT roads and public transport staff are be contacted when the initial planning begins for any TTM zone that might directly or indirectly influence the flow of traffic on mixed-use facilities where road and public transport use may be shared or where one directly crosses the other. 3. TTM operations should minimize the inconvenience, delay, and crash potential to affected traffic. Prior notice should be given to DMT roads and public transport staff, the relevant Municipality, emergency services, businesses, and road users before the free movement of road users or rail traffic is infringed upon or blocked. 4. TTM zone activities should not be permitted to extensively prolong the closing of the grade crossing. 5. The width, grade, alignment, and riding quality of the road surface at a grade crossing should, at a minimum, be restored to correspond with the quality of the approaches to the grade crossing. 7.2 Risk Mitigation Grade crossings, where not adequately protecting the different transport modes from one another, possess a risk for collisions. As a matter of operational practice, all rail vehicles have the right-ofway over road vehicles. In large part, this is due to the inability of such heavy vehicles to be able to stop in an adequate period of time and space due to a blockage. Thus, the primary restrictions shall be on road traffic. With busway crossings, priority is assigned based on traffic control regulations (usually through signalization), allowing for alternating assignment of right-of-way between road and busway. Risk mitigation generally requires the following: Provision of track circuit / vehicle location information from rail vehicles / track facility to the grade crossing traffic control system so as to trigger warning signals and gates. Provision of warning signals and gates for road traffic to block access to the crossing zone during an interval prior to and during the crossing of the rail vehicle. At grade crossings shall not be provided on freeways or highways (grade separations are required by definition for such facilities) and shall be limited as much as possible to rural or industrial routes as opposed to commuter traffic routes. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 326 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Responsibility for providing information on rail or LRT vehicle location and active traffic operations shall be on the operator of the railway or LRT facility (in this case, Etihad Railway or DMT). Responsibility for maintaining the operation, integrity and functionality of the crossing approach signage, gates, and other warning / access restriction devices shall be that of DMT or the Municipality based on who the responsibility for operation and maintenance of the road facility and warning devices. 7.3 Signs and Markings – Rail Crossings 7.3.1 General Standard assemblies of signs and devices used at railway crossings are designated in the series 1001 to 1012, as presented in the following sections. Where flashing signals are used at a crossing, they are shown as an element of the appropriate assembly. Signs used either alone or as components of these assemblies are summarized following the description of each assembly. The description and use of signs and assemblies is presented below, and includes the following: 7.3.2 Railway sign assemblies at road-rail crossings Advance rail crossing signs Countdown markers between advance rail crossing signs and railway crossing (signalized) Advance rail crossing warning for intersecting roads Pavement Markings Clear Zone Markings and Signage Railway Sign Assemblies at Road-Rail Crossings Crossing Warning Signal Assembly (Assembly 1001) Railway Crossing Assembly 1001 shall include the following signage, configured to provide warning of oncoming rail vehicles. It shall include the following: Sign 2000 – Railway Crossing Sign Sign 2001 – Supplementary Plate indicating number of tracks Sign 2002 – Signal backplate and twin flashing red signals and for amber signal which glows prior to activation of red signals Assembly 1001 shall be used in conjunction with gate control devices that restrict all vehicle and pedestrian access to the grade crossing area (gate control devices are described in Section 7.5). It shall be placed a minimum of 15m prior to the outer edge of the first track, with a Stop Line Marking 601 provided 5m prior to the assembly across the entire carriageway approach as discussed in Section Assembly 1001 shall be placed on either side of the approaching carriageway (dual carriageway route). Even for a single carriageway (bi-directional road) approach, Assembly 1001 shall be provided on both sides of the road. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 327 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Railway Crossing Sign 2000 Standards 1. DESIGN. Railway Crossing Sign 2000 shall consist of a white “cross-buck” display on a red backplate (black text and border provided upon the white symbol, showing “RAILWAY” in English and Arabic). 2. APPLICATION. Sign 2000 shall be placed at the top of Assembly 1000. Supplemental Track Plate Sign 2001 1. DESIGN. Supplemental Track Plate Sign 2001 shall consist of a white plate with black text and border. 2. APPLICATION. Sign 2001 shall be placed below Sign 2000 and shall simply show the number of tracks crossed (if two or more). Single track crossings shall not require Sign 2001 installation. Flashing Signal Assembly and Backplate Sign 2002 1. DESIGN. Sign 2002 shall include a black backplate. Two red signals of 300mm diameter shall be mounted in the upper half of the backplate side by side and shall flash alternately during periods when a train is entering, travelling through and departing the crossing. An amber signal of 300mm diameter shall be centred beneath the two red signals in the lower half of the backplate. 2. APPLICATION. The amber signal shall provide a steady, non-flashing display in the 10 second period prior to the initiation of the red flashing signal, which shall alternate between the two red displays. The lowering of any protective gates shall begin no later than 5 seconds after the initiation of red flashing signal. The red flashing signal shall remain engaged until at least 5 seconds after the protective gates have been raised. Figure 7-1: Railway Crossing Warning Signal Assembly 1001 (indicating 2 track crossing) Crossing Stop Assembly (Assembly 1002) Railway Crossing Stop Assembly 1002 shall be used at a railway crossing where the requirements indicate that the crossing is to be controlled by STOP signs. Such crossings may be located within 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 328 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) rail yards where trains are travelling at slow speeds for the purposes of switching or delivery of goods. Assembly 1002 shall not be used at crossings in which trains are travelling at normal or high speeds and on numbered routes such as AD-routes (or E-routes). In these instances, only Assembly 1001 shall be provided, along with required gates as per the crossing engineering study. Assembly 1002 shall include the following: Sign 2000 – Railway Crossing Sign Sign 2001 – Supplementary Plate indicating number of tracks Sign 301 – Stop Sign Sign 2003 – Supplementary Plate sign with text indicating the driver is to watch for oncoming rail traffic before proceeding Assembly 1002 shall be placed a minimum of 15m prior to the outer edge of the first track, with a Stop Line Marking 601 provided 5m prior to the assembly across the entire carriageway approach, as per Section Assembly 1002 shall be placed on either side of the approaching carriageway (dual carriageway route), and on the right side of single carriageway routes. Railway Crossing Sign 2000 Standards Sign 2000 shall be as per standards in Section Supplemental Track Plate Sign 2001 Sign 2001 shall be as per standards in Section Single track crossings shall not require the use of Sign 2001. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 329 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-2: Railway Crossing Stop Sign Assembly 1002 (indicating 2 track crossing) Stop Sign 301 Stop Sign 301 shall be mounted beneath Sign 2000 or (only if used) Sign 2001. It shall follow the requirements of Section Supplementary Plate 2003 Supplementary Plate 2003 shall be required for rural routes and may be erected based on an engineering study at other crossings in industrial zones where it is deemed there are a significant number of unfamiliar drivers. When used, it shall be required to be mounted directly under the stop sign and shall contain black text and border and white background, advising drivers to “Watch for Trains”. The sign shall be the width of the Stop Sign 301 immediately above it. A variant of this sign for tram crossings is Plate 2003M (see Section 7.4.3). 7.3.3 Advance Warning Signage for Railway Crossings Crossing and Signals Ahead – Assembly 1003 Assembly 1003 shall consist of two signs that give advance warning of a railway crossing controlled by a signal as configured for Assembly 1001, including: Railway Crossing Warning Sign (Sign 2010) Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Sign (Sign 2011) Supplementary Plate (Sign 589) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 330 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The assembly shall be used as the first warning signage encountered, except where long distance advance warning signs are used (see below), or where this chapter of the Manual specifically exempts crossings from the need for advance signs. Assembly shall be placed 200m prior to the railway crossing. Where an engineering study indicates that queuing at the railway crossing during the passage of a train would on average exceed more than 200m, a second Assembly 1003 shall be provided at a minimum 500m advance distance from the crossing (based on queue length of 400m and stopping distance not exceeding 100m), or greater depending on estimated typical queue length and expected vehicle stopping distance to the back of queue. This distance should be based on expected traffic volumes, estimated crossing closure (gatedown) time, and typical approach speeds under free flow conditions. If a third advance warning assembly is required, it may be placed at 1000m prior to the crossing, based upon engineering studies that demonstrate a need for such signage due to travel speeds, volumes, and lack of visibility to the crossing. Assembly 1003 shall be placed on the right side of the carriageway. Where the display needs to be repeated on the left-hand side of the carriageway for added emphasis, e.g., on a high volume, limited sight distance road or on a right-hand curve, the Assembly shall be placed in the median (dual carriageway) or on the left side of a single carriageway facing the traffic approaching the crossing. If a second (or third) advance warning assembly is required as per the example, they shall also be mounted on the left hand side as well if justified for the first warning sign. Railway Crossing Warning Sign (Sign 2010) 1. DESIGN. Railway Crossing Warning Sign 2010 shall consist of a white triangular sign meeting the warning sign requirements of Section 4.3, including the use of a black legend and red border. 2. APPLICATION. The sign shall be placed at the top of Assembly 1003. Figure 7-3: Assembly 1003 – Railway Crossing and Signals Ahead 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 331 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Sign (Sign 2011) 1. DESIGN. Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Sign 2011 shall consist of a white rectangular sign with black text and border, with a symbol showing a representation of the rail crossing signals (black with red and amber display graphics) at the top of the display. Text shall require drivers to “Obey Signals at Crossing”. 2. APPLICATION. The sign shall be mounted beneath Sign 2010 and shall be used for all rail crossings that are signalized. Supplementary Plate 589 1. DESIGN. Consistent with requirements of Section 2. APPLICATION. Sign shall be placed below the Sign 2011 and shall indicate distance to the crossing. Markers (Sign 2012) for Railway Crossings with Warning Signals 1. PURPOSE. Where visibility of the railway crossing is limited due to heavy traffic or road geometrics, countdown markers (Sign 2012) shall be provided in the interval between the advance warning sign (Assembly 1003) closest to the crossing and the crossing itself. 2. DESIGN. Markers shall contain red diagonal stripes on a white background Diagonal stripes shall be pointed downward to the left if mounted on the right side of the carriageway. If an advance warning sign is also provided on the left side of the carriageway with a crossing assembly similarly on the left, countdown markers shall be provided on the left side as well, except with the stripes pointed downward and to the right. 3. APPLICATION. A total of three markers shall be placed at evenly-spaced intervals between Assembly 1003 and the stop line located just prior to Assembly 1001 (at the crossing). The markers shall be installed in the order of decreasing number of stripes, from three to two to one. Figure 7-4: Sign 2012 (right hand side) Crossing with Stop Control Advance Warning Signage Railway crossing with stop control shall have advance warning via a Railway Crossing Warning Sign (Sign 2010) mounted a minimum of 300m prior to the crossing, with a Stop Sign Ahead warning (Sign 428) as described in Section mounted a minimum of 200m prior to the crossing. Pavement markings are addressed in Section 7.3.4. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 332 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Crossing on Intersecting Road Assembly 1004 If a railway crossing occurs within 300m to the right or left on an intersecting road, Sign 2010 shall be installed 100m prior to the intersection, and shall be accompanied by a Supplementary Plate 589 below, containing Arrow Type 4 (left) or 5 (right) as per the requirements of Section, Item 3. Figure 7-5: Approach Layout for Stop-Controlled Rail Crossing Figure 7-6: Assembly 1004 Containing Sign 2010 Mounted Above Sign 589 with Type 5 Arrow (Railway Crossing on Right) of Chevron Alignment Markers Chevron Alignment markers (Sign 454 for bear right and Sign 455 for bear left), as per Section, are used where the road approach to the railway crossing is on a sharply curved alignment. The markers should be positioned around the back of the curve. Where close spacing of the markers is required, they may be 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 333 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) placed both beside and above Sign 2012 in order to achieve even spacing between the advance warning sign and the railway crossing location. 7.3.4 Pavement Markings A summary of requirements for pavement markings on sealed approached to crossings is as follows: RAIL سكة حديديةX marking 1101 shall be used on all high-speed approaches of adequate seal width except at crossings on side roads where the distance to the crossing is less than specified. Stop line marking 601 shall be provided on all approaches in all cases. NO PASSING LINE marking 611 (overtaking not permitted) shall be used for the centreline of all single carriageway approaches. Crossing Pavement Marking (Marking 1101) The pavement marking RAIL سكة حديديةX shall be as shown below. Except for crossings on side roads, the marking shall be provided on all approaches where the speed limit is greater than 50km/h. The marking is to read sequentially. On multilane roads a separate marking shall be placed in each approach lane. On through road approaches to a crossing, the marking shall begin approximately 10m prior to the first advance sign, but positioned if necessary to provide adequate visual impact giving at least 50m clear viewing distance to the near edge of the marking. The marking shall contain the following dimensions: X: 6m height by 3m width, centred in the travel lane Arabic text: 5m maximum height by 3.5m maximum width per line RAIL: 5m maximum height by 3.5m maximum width per line Spacing between characters: 7.5m Line Marking 601 At all railway crossings on sealed roads controlled by Assembly 1001 or 1002, along with gate control, a stop line shall be provided on each approach to indicate the location at which vehicles must stop as and when required by law. It shall be placed at right angles to the road centre-line as follows: 5m minimum back from Assembly 1001 or 1002 5m back from the gates when closed to road traffic The stop line shall extend to the centreline or the edge of median (if dual carriageway). Passing Line Marking 611 On single carriageway roads, NO PASSING LINE Marking 611 (dual solid longitudinal line) shall be provided on the approaches to and, where necessary, across railway crossings. At the minimum, the No Passing Line on each approach shall extend from the crossing to the last rail crossing ahead 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 334 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) warning sign prior to the crossing, or to the through road where the crossing is on a side road and requires treatment. 7.3.5 Clear Zone Markings and Signage Clear zone markings and signage shall be used to discourage traffic queuing on a crossing, as detailed below. Zone Marking 1102 Where used Clear Zone Marking 1102 shall comprise a white diamond hatch marking as set out in Figure 7-7. The lines forming the diamond pattern shall be 150mm wide. Where queuing is a problem in one direction only, the box marking shall be placed on that side of the pavement only as shown in the figure below. If queuing is a problem in both directions of travel, the marking shall be placed on both sides. Figure 7-7: Clear Zone Marking Zone Sign 2013 The KEEP CROSSING CLEAR sign is to be located so that it does not obstruct the crossing signals or associated signs. A mounting height of less than 1m may be required. It shall be a text sign with black legend and border and white background. It shall be installed wherever clear zone markings are utilized. It may also be installed based on engineering studies where it is observed that vehicles 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 335 Sign 2013 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) frequently stop or move too slowly across the tracks regardless of traffic condition, creating a potential hazard. 7.4 Signs and Markings – LRT Crossings There are typically two types of LRT crossings: Crossings where LRT travels on exclusive right-of-way similar to railways. Urban LRT Crossings where LRT is travelling in the middle of, or next to, a street right-ofway and may be subject to traffic control that is integrated with normal street traffic controls. For exclusive right-of-way, LRT crossings are handled similarly to other rail crossings, with the exceptions noted in the requirements below. Urban LRT operations are subject to special signalization requirements as defined in the TSES Manual. Intersection type traffic signals may be used in lieu of flashing railway signal assemblies to provide active control of light rail crossings in urban areas. Where used, the road approach shall be treated as though it were an approach to an intersection, i.e. with signs and markings provided in accordance with Chapter 4 of this Manual. Where intersection traffic signals are used for LRT crossings, gates shall not be used except where specially required for protecting pedestrians from approaching trams. 7.4.1 Exclusive LRT Crossing Warning Signal Assembly (Assembly 1011) LRT Crossing Assembly 1011 for exclusive LRT right-of-way shall include the following signage, configured to provide warning of oncoming rail vehicles. It shall include the following: Sign 2000 – Railway Crossing Sign Sign 2021 – Supplementary Plate indicating this is an LRT facility Sign 2002 – Signal backplate and twin flashing red signals and for amber signal which glows prior to activation of red signals Assembly 1011 may be used in conjunction with gate control devices that restrict all vehicle and pedestrian access to the grade crossing area (gate control devices are described in Section 7.5). It shall be placed a minimum of 15m prior to the outer edge of the first track, with a Stop Line Marking 601 provided 5m prior to the assembly across the entire carriageway approach as discussed in Section Assembly 1001 shall be placed on either side of the approaching carriageway (dual carriageway route). Even for a single carriageway (bi-directional road) approach, Assembly 1001 shall be provided on both sides of the road. Crossing Sign 2000 Standards Railway crossing sign standards shall be as per Section 7.3. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 336 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Plate Sign 2021 1. DESIGN. LRT Plate Sign 2021 shall consist of a white plate with black tram symbol and border. Note that the tram symbol may be subject to change depending on the actual vehicle shape as well as whether or not a pantograph is used to draw power. 2. APPLICATION. Sign 2021 shall be placed below Sign 2000 and shall simply show that the crossing represents an LRT facility. Signal Assembly and Backplate Sign 2002 Sign 2002 shall be designed and implemented as per Section 7.3 and shall meet the same operational and display requirements. 7.4.2 Advance LRT Crossing Warnings Where the LRT crossing is protected by a modified railway crossing assembly as described in Section 7.4.1, advance warning signage shall be provided as described below. Figure 7-8: Exclusive LRT Crossing Warning Signal Assembly 1011 (for exclusive LRT right-of-way crossing road) Crossing and Signals Ahead – Assembly 1013 Assembly 1013 shall consist of two signs that give advance warning of an LRT crossing controlled by a flashing warning signal (as opposed to normal traffic signal) as configured for Assembly 1011, including: LRT Crossing Warning Sign (Sign 2015) Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Sign (Sign 2011) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 337 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Supplementary Plate (Sign 589) Assembly shall be placed a minimum of 200m prior to the railway crossing, but may be greater based on expected traffic volumes, estimated crossing closure (gate-down) time, and typical approach speeds under free flow conditions. A second advance assembly should be considered if engineering studies indicate there would be substantial queuing during a typical gate-down period and no other technical or grade-separation options are available or being considered. If used, the secondary assembly should be placed 100m behind the location where the longest queuing would be expected to occur. Assembly 1013 shall be placed on the right side of the carriageway. Where the display needs to be repeated on the left-hand side of the carriageway for added emphasis, e.g., on a high volume, limited sight distance road or on a right-hand curve, the Assembly shall be placed in the median (dual carriageway) or on the left side of a single carriageway facing the traffic approaching the crossing. Figure 7-9: Assembly 1013 – LRT Crossing and Signals Ahead LRT Crossing Warning Sign (Sign 2015) 1. DESIGN. Railway Crossing Warning Sign 2010 shall consist of a white triangular sign meeting the warning sign requirements of Section 4.3, including the use of a black legend and red border. 2. APPLICATION. The sign shall be placed at the top of Assembly 1013. Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Sign (Sign 2011) Consistent with Section 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 338 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Supplementary Plate 589 Consistent with Section 7.4.3 Urban LRT Crossings – Signs and Markings For urban LRT crossings, which are treated similarly to other vehicle crossings (meaning some form of traffic control signalisation or signage which alternates right-of-way between trams and other vehicle flows), the focus is on advance warning of an intersection in which trams may be crossing. A key safety emphasis is on pedestrians, assuring they are not crossing in front of a moving tram as it is approaching a junction or pathway. To this end, movable “swing gates” may be provided that block pedestrian crossings over the LRT right-of-way when a tram is approaching. Gate controls are discussed in Section 7.5. Side road or driveway approaches to the LRT facility shall be protected at the minimum with a Stop Sign 301. Signal Ahead at LRT Crossing Assembly 1014A-B For advance warning LRT crossings protected by traffic signal operations, Assembly 1014 shall consist of an LRT Plate Sign 2021 shall be provided underneath a standard Traffic Signal Ahead Sign 430A or, where needed, Sign 430B (for approach speeds of 80km/h and higher). The Assembly shall be installed and placed as per the requirements of Section of this Manual for advance traffic signal ahead signs. Figure 7-10: Assembly 1014A (Sign 430A with Sign 2021) Figure 7-11: Assembly 1014B (Sign 430B with Sign 2021) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 339 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Crossing of LRT Facility on Local Street or Driveway LRT Crossing on Side Road Assembly 1015 1. If a side road or driveway crosses an LRT facility travelling on the outer edge of an urban roadway (but physically separated from the roadway), an Advance LRT Crossing Assembly 1015 shall be provided with an advance LRT crossing warning sign 2015 and a Supplementary Sign 589 below containing the appropriate Arrow Type 4 (left) or 5 (right) as per the requirements of Section, Item 3. 2. NOTE: Advance warnings for left turn or right turns across LRT tracks shall be required for cross roads, assuming they provide adequate time and space for the driver to see the oncoming tram. An electronic “no right turn” display is to be provided at the unsignalized side road junction and activated when trams are approaching the side road crossing on the right. If the access is to the left side of the carriageway, an electronic “no left turn” display shall be provided at the unsignalized side road junction. Figure 7-12: Assembly 2015 (Sign 2015 with Sign 589, Type 5 Arrow shown) Advance Warning of LRT Crossing (Stop-Controlled, No Signal or Gate) For local roads approaching an LRT crossing where the LRT facility is travelling on the outer edge of an urban roadway (but physically separated), a stand-alone Advance LRT Crossing Warning Sign 2015 shall be mounted a minimum 200m from the crossing. LRT Crossing, Stop Control Assembly 2016 and Stop Line Marking 601 For local roads crossing an LRT facility travelling on the outer edge of an urban roadway (but physically separated), Assembly 2016 shall consist of a Stop Sign 301 provided a minimum of 10m prior to the outer track with a “Watch for Trams” sign 2003M placed below the stop sign. Stop Line Marking 601 shall be provided in the direction of travel approaching the LRT crossing, no more than 5m prior to the Assembly 2016 installation. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 340 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-13: Assembly 2016 (Sign 301 plus Sign 2003M, Sign 2021 as alternative) Optionally, sign 2021 (LRT plate) may be used instead of sign 2003M. Depending on local drivers’ familiarity with LRT operations, the “Watch for Trams” plate may be more appropriate when such operations are first initiated. 7.5 Signalization and Gates 7.5.1 Active Control Devices Railway Crossing Assembly 1001 (Section 7.3.2) or Railway Crossing Assembly 1011 (Section 7.4.1) shall be used at all crossings with overhead mast arms or active gate assemblies as discussed below. Signals Overhead flashing signals should be used in conjunction with pedestal mounted assemblies in the following cases: Where stopping sight distance to the pedestal mounted assembly is inadequate, e.g. because of vertical or horizontal alignment or other sight obstruction. Where sue to sight obstruction caused either by road geometry or frequent presence of high vehicles, the pedestal mounted assembly is not continuously visible as the road user approaches the crossing over the stopping sight distance. Where there are more than two traffic lanes on the approach. Note: Overhead signals should be omitted if there is a likelihood that they could appear confusing in relation to an adjacent signalized intersection. A typical mast arm is shown in Figure 7-14. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 341 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-14: Overhead Flashing Signal Assembly Overhead signals may be needed on side road approaches to a crossing if any of these requirements are met for traffic on these approaches. The overhead signals shall be identical to Assembly 1001 or 1011 except intermediate sign 2001 (number of tracks) or 2021 (LRT symbol) shall not be provided on the overhead assembly. The bottom edge of the overhead flasher shall be no lower than 5600mm above the crown of the pavement. Crossing Gates On crossings with a single gate, Assemblies 1001 or 1011 shall be utilized on the right side. When double gates are used (two per carriageway), Assemblies 1001 or 1011 shall be placed on both sides of the road to face approaching traffic. A typical single boom crossing gate assembly is illustrated in Figure 7-15. This example illustrates the spacing of the red flashers on the gate boom assembly itself along with the gate striping concept. For maximum visibility, a double gate assembly with dual overhead mast arms may be utilized. Such a set-up is appropriate for high-speed (80km/h or more) approaches with four or more lanes of traffic, or for locations with limited visibility. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 342 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-15: Typical Railway Crossing Flashing Signal and Boom Barrier Assembly Functional Standards 1. The automatic gate shall consist of a drive mechanism and a fully retro-reflectorized red- and white-striped gate arm with lights. When in the down position, the gate arm shall extend across the approaching lanes of road traffic. 2. Operational Sequence is as follows: a. Amber warning light (solid) (3 seconds) and audible alarm sound b. Yellow extinguished and followed by flashing red Barriers lower 4-6 seconds after flashing red lights. (turn off audible alarm when barriers are lowered). c. Lights continue flashing d. Once train clears the barrier-raising sequence is as follows for either manual or auto operation: i. All Barriers rise ii. Flashing lights extinguish when the barriers rise above 45 degrees. 3. In the normal sequence of operation, unless constant warning time detection or other advanced system permits otherwise, the flashing-light signals and the lights on the gate arm (in its normal upright position) shall be activated immediately upon detection of approaching rail traffic. The gate arm shall start its downward motion not less than 3 seconds after the flashing-light signals start to operate, shall reach its horizontal position at least 27 seconds before the arrival of the rail traffic, and shall remain in the down position as long as the rail traffic occupies the grade crossing. 4. When the rail traffic clears the grade crossing, and if no other rail traffic is detected, the gate arm shall ascend to its upright position. 5. The gate arm should ascend to its upright position in 12 seconds or less. 6. In its normal upright position, when no rail traffic is approaching or occupying the grade crossing, the gate arm should be either vertical or nearly so. 7. In the design of individual installations, consideration should be given to timing the operation of the gate arm to accommodate large and/or slow-moving road vehicles. An additional 5 seconds of time should be allowed for the gate downward motion for routes of 3 lanes or more in each direction. Thus, rail detection should be provided further away from the junction 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 343 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) in order to maintain the advance period of 27 seconds prior to train arrival that the gates are fully down. 8. The gates should cover the approaching road to block all road vehicles from being driven around the gate without crossing the centre line. 9. Gate arms shall be fully retro-reflectorized on both sides and shall have vertical stripes alternately red and white at 500mm intervals measured horizontally. 10. Gate arms shall have at least three red lights as provided in Figure 7-15. 11. When activated, the gate arm light nearest the tip shall be illuminated continuously and the other lights shall flash alternately in unison with the flashing-light signals. 12. The entrance gate arm mechanism shall be designed to fail safe in the down position. Installation Standards 1. When there is a curb on the approaching carriageway, a horizontal offset of at least 700mm shall be provided from the face of the vertical curb to the closest part of the signal or gate arm when parked in its upright position. 2. Where there is a shoulder, but no curb, on the approaching carriageway, a horizontal offset of at least 700mm from the edge of a paved or surfaced shoulder shall be provided to the closest part of the upright gate arm, with an offset of at least 2m from the edge of the travelled way. 3. Where there is no curb or shoulder, the minimum horizontal offset to the closest part of the upright gate arm shall be 2m from the edge of the travelled way. 4. “skirts” (bollards hanging beneath the gate assembly shall be used where it is necessary to prevent passage of pedestrians under the gates Guidance 1. Equipment housings (controller cabinets) should have a lateral offset of at least 10m from the edge of the road, and where railway or LRT property and conditions allow, at least 9m from the nearest rail. 2. If a pedestrian route is provided, sufficient clearance from supports, posts, and gate mechanisms should be maintained for pedestrian travel. 3. When determined by an engineering study, a lateral escape route to the right of the road in advance of the grade crossing traffic control devices should be kept free of guardrail or other ground obstructions. Where guardrail is not deemed necessary or appropriate, barriers should not be used for protecting signal supports. 4. The same lateral offset and roadside safety features should apply to flashing-light signal and automatic gate locations on both the right-hand and left-hand sides of the roadway. 5. Where both traffic control signals and flashing-light signals (with or without automatic gates) are in operation at the same road-LRT grade crossing, the operation of the devices should be coordinated to avoid any display of conflicting signal indications. 7.5.2 Four-Quadrant Gate Systems 1. A Four-Quadrant Gate system shall consist of entrance and exit gates that control and block road users on all lanes entering and exiting the grade crossing. Figure 7-16 provides an example of different configurations. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 344 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 2. The Four-Quadrant Gate system shall use a series of drive mechanisms and fully retroreflectorized red- and white-striped gate arms with lights, and when in the down position the gate arms extend individually across the entrance and exit lanes of the roadway. Standards for flashing-light signals shall be followed for signal specifications, location, and clearance distances. 3. In the normal sequence of operation, unless constant warning time detection or other advanced system requires otherwise, the flashing-light signals and the lights on the gate arms (in their normal upright positions) shall be activated immediately upon the detection of approaching rail traffic. The gate arms for the entrance lanes of traffic shall start their downward motion not less than 3 seconds after the flashing-light signals start to operate and shall reach their horizontal position at least 5 seconds before the arrival of the rail traffic. Exit gate arm activation and downward motion shall be based on detection or timing requirements established by an engineering study of the individual site. The gate arms shall remain in the down position as long as the rail traffic occupies the grade crossing. 4. When the rail traffic clears the grade crossing, and if no other rail traffic is detected, the gate arms shall ascend to their upright positions, following which the flashing-light signals and the lights on the gate arms shall cease operation. 5. Gate arm design, colours, and lighting requirements shall be in accordance with the Standards contained in this chapter. 6. Except as provided, the exit gate arm mechanism shall be designed to fail-safe in the up position. 7. At locations where gate arms are offset a sufficient distance for road vehicles to drive between the entrance and exit gate arms, median islands with curbs shall be installed in accordance with the needs established by an engineering study, so to avoid the possibility of drivers crossing the tracks with the gates down. 1. The gate arm should ascend to its upright position in 12 seconds or less. 2. Four-Quadrant Gate systems should only be used in locations with constant warning time detection. 3. The operating mode of the exit gates should be determined based upon an engineering study, with input from the affected railway company or DMT Public Transport. 4. If the Timed Exit Gate Operating Mode is used, the engineering study, with input from the affected railway company or DMT Public Transport, should also determine the Exit Gate Clearance Time. 5. If the Dynamic Exit Gate Operating Mode is used, road vehicle intrusion detection devices that are part of a system that incorporates processing logic to detect the presence of road vehicles within the minimum track clearance distance should be installed to control exit gate operation. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 345 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 7-16: Example of Location Plan for Flashing-Light Signals and Four-Quadrant Gates 6. Regardless of which exit gate operating mode is used, the Exit Gate Clearance Time should be considered when determining additional time requirements for the Minimum Warning Time. 7. If a Four-Quadrant Gate system is used at a location that is adjacent to an intersection that could cause road vehicles to queue within the minimum track clearance distance, the Dynamic Exit Gate Operating Mode should be used unless an engineering study indicates otherwise. 8. If a Four-Quadrant Gate system is interconnected with a road traffic signal, backup or standby power should be considered for the road traffic signal. Also, circuitry should be installed to prevent the road traffic signal from leaving the track clearance green interval until all of the gates are lowered. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 346 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 9. At locations where sufficient space is available, exit gates should be positioned downstream from the track a distance that provides a safety zone long enough to accommodate at least one design vehicle between the exit gate and the nearest rail. 10. Four-Quadrant Gate systems should include remote health (status) monitoring capable of automatically notifying railway or LRT signal maintenance personnel when anomalies have occurred within the system. 11. Where sufficient space is available, median islands should be a minimum of 18m in length. 1. Four-Quadrant Gate systems may be installed to improve safety at grade crossings based on an engineering study when less restrictive measures, such as automatic gates and median islands, are not effective. 2. Exit gate arms may fail in the down position if the grade crossing is equipped with remote health (status) monitoring. 3. Four-Quadrant Gate installations may include median islands between opposing lanes on an approach to a grade crossing. 7.5.3 Wayside Horn Systems The rail or LRT owning authority or contracted operator shall be wholly responsible for providing dependable audible warning systems for the crossing function that is appropriate to the nature of the grade crossing, particularly involving pedestrians and bicyclists. 1. Wayside horn systems shall be provided at grade crossings where the locomotive horn is not sounded. 2. Audible alarms should have volume control settings that may adjust between day and night conditions (e.g., reduced volumes at night near residential areas). The same lateral clearance and roadside safety features should apply to wayside horn systems as described in the Standards contained in this chapter. Wayside horn systems, when mounted on a separate pole assembly, should be installed no closer than 5m from the centre of the nearest track and should be positioned to not obstruct the motorists’ line of sight of the flashing-light signals. A wayside horn system may be installed to provide audible warning directed toward the road users at a road-rail or road-LRT grade crossing or at a pathway grade crossing. 7.5.4 Rail Traffic Detection The rail or LRT owning authority or contracted operator shall be wholly responsible for providing dependable detection for the crossing function that is appropriate to the rail traffic type, operating speed and volume, as well as accommodating the operational characteristics of junctions and station stops. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 347 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. The devices employed in active traffic control systems shall be actuated by some form of rail traffic detection. 2. Rail traffic detection circuits, insofar as practical, shall be designed on the fail-safe principle. 3. Flashing-light signals shall operate for at least 20 seconds before the arrival of any rail traffic. Where the speeds of different rail traffic on a given track vary considerably under normal operation, special devices or circuits should be installed to provide reasonably uniform notice in advance of all rail traffic movements over the grade crossing. Special control features should be used to eliminate the effects of station stops and switching operations within approach control circuits to prevent excessive activation of the traffic control devices while rail traffic is stopped on or switching upon the approach track control circuits. 1. On tracks where all rail traffic operates at less than 35km/h and where road users are directed by an authorized person on the ground to not enter the crossing at all times that approaching rail traffic is about to occupy the crossing, a shorter signal operating time for the flashing-light signals may be used. 2. Additional warning time may be provided when determined by an engineering study. 7.5.5 Exclusive Bus Lane Signs Section provides specific guidance on the use of exclusive lanes for buses and shall be the reference for access management to bus lanes on arterial facilities. However, bus lane signage as required for separate express bus lanes/busways or freeway lanes reserved for buses is defined in further detail in Section 7.6. 7.5.6 Exclusive LRT/Tram Lane Signs 395.1, 395.2, and 395.3 If trams utilize specific lanes (either curb or median lanes) exclusively, they are to be configured in a similar fashion to those for bus lanes, as described in the following. Signs 395.1-395.3 indicate to drivers that a roadway or lane dedicated for the use of trams or an access to a facility so signed is reserved for DMT trams only. Although these facilities may be adjacent to the roadway they are not always part of the road right of way. Notwithstanding this situation, it is appropriate that signs 395.1 through 395.4 be used to regulate access to such facilities. Considerations Tram lanes that are located within a road or street carriageway are generally governed by traffic control systems that also operate other lanes of traffic. Tram lanes will likely have separate traffic control phasing and displays compared with other lanes, so as to provide to maintain scheduled services and headways between trams, and minimize stops and delays caused by traffic signal operations. Further discussion of LRT-related signal operations is found in Section 3.2.5 of the TSES Manual. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 348 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. Purpose. TRAM LANE signs 395.1, 395.2, and 395.3 shall define the presence of a lane only open to trams. 2. Functions. Each of the signs shall function as follows: a. TRAM LANE AHEAD ON RIGHT Sign 395.1 indicates the start of a tram lane on the right (a left hand tram lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign, which would be known as Sign 395.1L). These are typically provided where LRT tracks merge from another road or separate facility into the roadway. b. TRAM LANE INTERMEDIATE Sign 395.2 indicates the continuity of the tram lane on the right (a left hand tram lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign, which would be known as Sign 395.2L). c. END OF TRAM LANE Sign 395.3 indicates the end of a tram lane on the right (a left hand tram lane shall be indicated by a mirrored image of the sign, which would be known as Sign 395.3L). In reality, the LRT tracks may not “end” but may divert to another route or facility. 3. Installation. Requirements are as follows: a. Sign 395.1 (395.1L for left-hand tram lanes) shall be placed on the side of the carriageway where the tram lane is to begin, a minimum 200m from the beginning of the tram lane. b. Sign 395.3 (395.3L for left-hand tram lanes) shall be placed a minimum 200m from the end of the tram lane. c. Sign 395.2 (395.2L for left-hand tram lanes) is placed at 250m intervals on arterial routes, mounted on the side of the carriageway in which the tram is travelling. 4. Appearance Requirements are as follows: a. Sign 395.1 to 395.3 shall utilize blue rectangular signage with white border and white icons/legend showing lane separation and tram symbols. 1. Signs 394.1-394.3 indicate to drivers of vehicles that a portion of roadway is reserved as a TRAM LANE for the use of DMT Public Transport trams only, except in the event of an emergency where emergency vehicles (Police and Civil Defence) are required to use the lanes in order to access an event that involves actual or potential injuries or fatalities. In order to clarify this for initial implementation of bus lane facilities in a community, the use of Signs 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 349 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 395.1 at the beginning of a bus lane may be accompanied by a post-mounted NO MOTOR VEHICLES Sign 359, as described in Section 4.2, which excludes other types of motor vehicles. 2. Signs 395.1, 395.2, and 395.3 shall be used in conjunction with CHANNELIZING LINE marking 612 if no other physical channelization (e.g., two-sided curbs or permanent bollards) is used, along with any other relevant pavement markings determined by the detailed design of the tram reservation lane. Marking 612 prohibits other road users from crossing into the tram lane at any point. 3. Tram lanes may be located on the right side of the roadway adjacent to the curb line, or on a dual carriageway road they can be located on the left side adjacent to the median provided the service is essentially non-stop, or the median is wide enough to provide stopping places where passengers can be picked-up or dropped off from the right side of the tram. In the case of a left side tram lane the symbol/lane detail on signs 395.1, 394.5, and 395.3 should be mirrored and entitled 395.1L, 395.2L, and 395.3L. 4. The routing and configuration of the tram lane required detailed engineering design based on the specific site criteria. In general terms sign 395.2 should be positioned once per section of road between intersecting side roads. If these sections are lengthy, signs should be repeated at 250m intervals. 7.6 Managed Lanes (Express Bus and Carpool Facilities) Signage and Marking on Freeways 7.6.1 Introduction Types of Facilities Two physical types of Managed Lanes (exclusive bus / carpool facilities) may be implemented on freeways: Dedicated lanes (paint separation rather than barrier separation) Barrier-separated lanes (physical separation from “general-purpose” freeway lanes) The physical differences between these two types of managed lane facilities imply different approaches to signing and marking for each type of facility. Types of Facilities Managed lanes possess some combination of the following types of operation: 1. Access restrictions by vehicle type: The lanes may be used in the time periods indicated below by only vehicles possessing specific characteristics. These include one or more of the following: a. Public Transport buses approved by DMT for use of a specific managed lane facility. This may include buses operated by DMT, Dubai RTA, and other public transport authorities providing bus service to, from and within the Emirate. Other buses (e.g., airline shuttle buses) may also be certified by DMT for use of managed lane facilities. b. Carpool vehicles carrying a prescribed number of passengers as indicated by roadside signing. A carpool may range from a minimum of two passengers (driver 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 350 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) and one rider) to a number prescribed by DMT. Such vehicles are considered to be High-Occupancy Vehicles (or HOV’s), and the classification of the minimum passenger counts required for use of the lanes is “HOV-n”, where n refers to the number of passengers required for a vehicle to qualify as a carpool vehicle at a particular location and time (e.g., HOV-3 refers to a carpool of 3 or more passengers, including the driver). c. Trucks may either be restricted from using a managed lanes facility, or conversely, a managed lanes facility may be specifically designated for truck use only, in order to minimize truck/auto conflicts that may occur in the general purpose lanes. In these cases, “Truck Only” signing and truck symbols (signing and marking) may be used in place of bus lane indications and symbols (signing and marking). 2. Access based on electronic toll payment scheme: Particular lanes may feature electronic tolling during part or all of the day, in which tolls in the managed lanes are often adjusted higher during peak periods in order to control demand and assure a minimum level of service (typically Level of Service C, assuring traffic is able to move at a minimum of 80km/h even if vehicles in other lanes are travelling at slower speeds). This operation should be accompanied by electronic signing which show the toll rates prior to the driver entering the managed lane facility. Static toll displays may be used to show the toll rates if such rates are fixed at all times or by time-of-day. 3. Access based on time of day/day of week: Depending on the time of day or day of week, managed lane access may have variable restrictions. For example, a managed lane may be open only to buses and carpool vehicles during specific periods, but may be open to all vehicles during other periods. This is typically governed using electronic signing, unless the restrictions are for specific time periods and days of the week. For the purposes of simplicity, two types of facilities are described in the examples presented in the next several subsections: 7.6.2 Express Lanes, permitting carpools of specific passenger counts and higher (for example, HOV-3) along with authorized buses. Bus Lanes, permitting authorized buses only. Overview of Non-Barrier-Separated Managed Lane Facilities Dedicated lanes for express bus and/or carpool use involve continuous signing and complementary markings along the freeway facility in advance of, and along the dedicated lane, in order to govern access in and out of the lane as well as remind drivers of the implications of violating the lane use requirements. Where indicated, signing may also be replicated using electronic dynamic message signs that provide variable messages depending on time of day and lane use strategy required by DMT operations staff in real-time. Where a physical separation is not provided, the managed lane shall be separated from the general purpose lanes by a painted buffer zone ranging from a minimum of 200mm to an optimal width of 1500mm in width (depending on existing road geometrics and volumes), with 800m to 1000m long segments as needed in which traffic may enter or exit the managed lane. This is described in the illustrations presented below. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 351 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Concept Access to the dedicated managed lane shall be governed by signing and markings at designated locations. The managed lane may either begin as an “add-lane” (where a lane is added to the left side) or a “left lane transition” (where the current left lane transitions from general-purpose use to managed lane use). Figure 7-17 shows the typical configuration for an add-lane transition while Figure 7-18 shows the typical configuration for a left lane transition. In each of these examples, the transitions at the start and finish of the Managed Lane facility are shown. Intermediate transitions and detailed striping details are not shown in the two figures. Figure 7-17: Configuration for “Add-Lane” Contiguous Managed Lane Conversely, Figure 7-19 shows intermediate transitions in which traffic may transfer between the managed lane and general purpose lanes (and vice versa) for a distance not to exceed 1000 m, starting no less than 1000m after a key interchange and ending no less than 1500m prior to a downstream interchange, in order to minimize potential impacts of weaving. Where interchanges are 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 352 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) spaced less than 3500m apart, no intermediate transitions should be provided. It is noted the example is for a managed lane facility that serves as an “Express Lane”. Bus Lanes may be configured similarly or may be striped to allow for continuous crossovers. In some cases, up to two lanes may be transitioned to managed lane operations. However, this should not be done if the full directional carriageway is less than four lanes in width. Engineering studies should determine the number of managed lanes needed and the number of purpose lanes to be retained in order to assure safe and stable traffic flow on the freeway. Section 7.6.4 provides signage requirements while Section 7.6.5 addresses markings. Figure 7-18: Configuration for Left Lane Transition to Managed Lane Figure 7-19: Configuration for in-Out Transition between Managed Lane and General Purpose Lanes (non-barrier-separated facility) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 353 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7.6.3 Barrier-Separated Managed Lane Signage and Marking Barrier-separated dedicated lanes for express bus and/or carpool use involve guide signing at managed lane access points and complementary markings along the freeway facility at the physical access and slip ramp locations, as well as remind drivers of the implications of violating the lane use requirements. Where indicated, signing may also be replicated using electronic dynamic message signs that provide variable messages depending on time of day and lane use strategy required by DMT operations staff in real-time. Examples are provided in Section 7.6.4. Barrier separations are typically best suited to bus or carpool facilities that are high volume (e.g., 1000 vehicles per hour or greater), where transitions between managed lane and general purpose lane traffic need to be strictly controlled from a safety perspective, where general purpose lane traffic volumes are greater than 1500vph per lane, and/or where travel speeds within the managed lane are expected to differ substantially from General Purpose lane travel speeds under typical operation (to be confirmed by appropriate engineering and operational simulation studies). Concept Access to the barrier-separated managed lane requires advance and gore signage similar to other types of freeway interchanges. In general, the barrier-separated lane branches as an exit from the left side of the carriageway and travels within the freeway median, although in some cases there could be a right-hand exit and flyover bridge to the left side / median where the managed lane is travelling. Such cases, as determined by an engineering study, may be appropriate for facilities with five or more general purpose lanes, where it is desirable to avoid excessive weaving and lanechanging ahead of the managed lane access point. On occasion, one to two left lanes may drop from the general purpose lanes to form the barrierseparated managed lane facility, similar to the example in Section 7.6.2 which showed a left lane transitioning from a general purpose lane to a managed lane. Figure 7-20 shows the typical configuration for the transition to a barrier-separated managed lane facility. Intermediate transitions and detailed striping details are not shown in the figure. There are two types of intermediate transitions (sometimes referred to as “slip ramps”) that may occur within a managed lane facility. One transition is from a general purpose lane a managed lane, and is shown in Figure 7-20. In this example, the intermediate transition requires similar signage to an initial managed lane entrance transition, with the need to provide signing directly over the general purpose lane where the transition will originate (typically the left lane, but it is possible that the right lane may be used in conjunction with a flyover bridge to the managed lane facility). The second type of transition is from the managed lane facility to the general purpose lanes, and is signed to show the information for the next interchange from the general purpose lanes, at least 1500m downstream from the transition (see discussion next paragraph). The information may consist of destination, road name or route number/emblem. Transitions to the managed lane should begin no less than 1000m after a key interchange and transitions from the managed lane should end no less than 1500m prior to a downstream interchange, in order to spread weaving manoeuvres over a satisfactory distance. Where 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 354 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) interchanges are spaced less than 3500m apart, only one transition (either to or from the managed lane) should be provided. Termination of the managed lane facility should use signage configured similarly to that shown in Section 7.6.2 (either to merge with the general purpose lanes or to continue through as a general purpose lane (no merge). Figure 7-20: Configuration for Intermediate Entry to Barrier-Separated Managed Lane 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 355 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 7.6.4 Signing Standards Description This section presents the Signing Standards for managed lane facilities, described in terms of “Express Lanes” and “Bus Lanes” for the purposes of relating these signs to the examples in the prior two sections. It is noted that these signs combine elements of Freeway Guide Signs (Section 4.4.5) with Regulatory Signs (Section 4.2) and Warning Signs (Section 4.3) as necessary to describe the information and operation of the managed lane facility and transitions to and from those lanes. Font sizes shall correspond to font size requirements for overhead and side-mounted guide signs on freeways as presented in Section The following types of guide sign may be specified for use as part of managed lane applications: Figure 7-21: Configuration for Intermediate Exit from Barrier-Separated Managed Lane 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 356 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Managed Lane Advance Direction Sign 551MA Managed Lane Advance Ongoing Movement Sign 551MC Managed Lane Regulatory Signs 558M And 559M Managed Lane Direction Sign 552M Managed Lane Ongoing Movement Sign 553M And Begin Plate Sign 560 Managed Lane Entrance Gore Sign 555M Managed Lane Advance End Sign 559M Managed Lane Ends – Merge Right Sign 561.0m Managed Lanes Regulatory End Signs 562M And 563M Managed Lane Slip Ramp Exit Direction Signs 551.0mR, 552MR, 551.0mRS And 552MRS Exit Direction Signs From Managed Lane (Dedicated Exit Ramp) Signs 517MX, 518MX 551.0mX And 552MX Managed Lane Exit Distance Sign 585M Managed Lane Advance Direction Sign 551A 1. Purpose. Sign 551MA provides advance information on a managed lane which diverges either from the left or right lane, indicating the basic nature of the facility (e.g., Express Lane or Bus Lane) and the distance to the beginning of the facility. The sign is mounted as an overhead sign and shows the direction (upward left or upward right arrow) that the lane travels from the general purpose lane. 2. Application and Location. MANAGED LANE ADVANCE DIRECTION Sign 551MA is provided where a separate lane diverges from the general purpose lanes (continuous lane transition to managed lane requires a Sign 551MC). Downward lane arrows are not used for this application, as such arrows in combination with the lane restriction signage (Sign 558M and 559M) may imply a lane restriction for the general purpose lane 3. Installation. Sign 551MA shall be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever supports in advance of the managed lane transition. They shall be mounted as follows: a. At 1800-2300m prior to transition (recommended): Sign shall indicate the managed lane transition is 2000m away, and shall indicate the type of managed lane (e.g., Express Lane or Bus Lane). Directional arrow (upward left or upward right Type 8 arrow) is optional, provided the sign is mounted on the left side (for left hand managed lane) or right side (for right hand managed lane). b. At 900-1200m prior to transition (required): Sign shall indicate the managed lane transition is 1000m away. If facility will be an Express Lane, sign shall provide carpool restriction information as part of message (e.g., HOV-3 for restrictions to vehicles with 3 persons or more along with authorized buses), matching the regulatory information provided on Signs 558M and 559M. Directional arrow (upward left or upward right Type 8 arrow) shall be provided to show the side in which the managed lane will be added. 4. Consistent Information. Exit direction Sign 552M and Sign 551MA shall contain consistent information as to the description of the facility and regulatory information. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 357 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. General Appearance. Sign 551MA shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of items indicated below that represent sign inserts. 6. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ADVANCE DIRECTION signs 551MA: a. Upward left or right Type 8 arrow (normally upward left as most managed lanes are expected to be left hand lane facilities). b. Managed Lane facility designation (Express Lane or Bus Lane; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided). c. HOV or Bus Symbol. d. Regulatory restriction plate (if HOV restriction is provided). e. Distance to start of facility (Arabic numerals [English] and units). The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described in the following Items and illustrated below. 1. Upward left or right angled arrow (Type 8). Requirements are as follows: a. One Type 8 arrow shall be displayed in the direction the Managed Lane is added. For left hand managed lanes, it shall be placed to the left of the distance information, in the left half of the sign. For right hand managed lanes, it shall be placed to the right of the distance information, in the right half of the sign. b. The arrows shall be placed on the sign background and shall be white. Lane drops shall require use of Sign 551MC. 2. Managed Lane Facility Designation. Facility designation shall consist of one of the following, on a white background, as an insert on the blue guide sign. a. English and Arabic text in black, designating facility as Express Lane or Bus Lane. b. Approved facility brand name or logo as defined or approved by DMT. c. Locate to the right of the HOV or Bus symbol as described below. 3. HOV or Bus Symbol. HOV symbol (narrow diamond) shall be placed on the left portion of the sign, vertically centred next to the facility designation insert for “Express Lane”, while a Bus symbol shall be placed on the top portion of the sign, horizontally centred above the facility designation insert for “Bus Lane”. 4. Regulatory restriction. If there is a restriction related to vehicle occupancy on the facility (e.g., HOV-3 or HOV-5), a black plate with white border and white text indicating the restriction shall be centred under the facility designation. 5. Distance to transition. Distance to the managed lane transition shall be displayed in Arabic numerals (English) and either in units of metres (m) or kilometres (km). The distance requirements are as follows: a. When the sign has been located within the permissible ranges of distances from the transition, as per Item 2 the nominal distances of 1000m or 2000m shall be displayed. b. If the location falls outside the recommended range, the actual distance to the nearest 100m should be displayed. For distances less than 400m the actual distance may be rounded to the nearest 50m. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 358 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) c. Transition distance shall be provided to the right of the Type 8 arrow when that arrow is pointed to the upward-left, and to the left of the Type 8 arrow when that arrow is pointed to the upward-right. On the 2000m advance sign, if a directional arrow is not provided, distance shall be centred on the lower portion of the sign beneath the managed lane facility designation and (if provided) regulatory restriction Sign 551MA (Express Lane, 2000m advance) Sign 551MA (Bus Lane, 2000m advance) Sign 551MA (Express Lane and HOV-3, 1000m advance) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 359 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 551MA (Bus Lane, 2000m advance) Managed Lane Advance Ongoing Movement Sign 551MC 1. Purpose. Sign 551MC provides advance information where a left lane transitions or drops directly into a managed lane (requiring vehicles not meeting the managed lane restrictions to merge into the adjoining lane), indicates the basic nature of the facility (e.g., Express Lane or Bus Lane) and provides the distance to the beginning of the facility. The sign is mounted as an overhead sign and shows the lane (downward Type 7 arrow) that will become the managed lane or (for barrier separations) will exit to the managed lane. 2. Application and Location. MANAGED LANE ADVANCE ONGOING MOVEMENT Sign 551MC is provided where the leftmost lane in the general purpose lanes transitions to a managed lane. Downward lane arrows are used to indicate the lane that will “drop” into a managed lane facility, meaning only vehicles meeting the managed lane restrictions are permitted to continue in the lane beyond the distance indicated on the sign. 3. Installation. Sign 551MC shall be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever supports in advance of the managed lane transition. Both 2000m and 1000m advance signs are required for left lane transitions into a managed lane facility. They shall be mounted as follows: a. At 1800-2300m prior to transition (required): Sign shall indicate the managed lane transition is 2000m away, and shall indicate the type of managed lane (e.g., Express Lane or Bus Lane). Downward arrow above lane that is transitioning to the managed lane is provided. b. At 900-1200m prior to transition (required): Sign shall indicate the managed lane transition is 1000m away. If facility will be an Express Lane, sign shall provide carpool restriction information as part of message (e.g., HOV-3 for restrictions to vehicles with 3 persons or more along with authorized buses), matching the regulatory information provided on Signs 558M and 559M. Downward Type 7 shall be provided above the lane to be transitioned to a managed lane. 4. Consistent Information. Exit direction Sign 552M (used for slip ramps at barrier-separated facilities and for intermediate access signage) and Sign 551MA shall contain consistent information as to the description of the facility and regulatory information. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 360 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. General Appearance. Sign 551MC shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of items indicated below that represent sign inserts. 6. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ADVANCE DIRECTION signs 551MA: a. Downward Type 7 arrow b. Managed Lane facility designation sign insert (Express Lane or Bus Lane; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided) c. HOV or Bus Symbol d. Regulatory restriction plate (if HOV restriction is provided) e. Distance to start of facility (Arabic numerals [English] and units) The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described in the following Items and illustrated below. 1. Downward arrow (Type 7). Requirements are as follows: a. One Type 8 arrow shall be displayed pointing down the Managed Lane is added. b. The arrows shall be placed on the sign background and shall be white. 2. Managed Lane Facility Designation. Facility designation shall consist of one of the following, on a white background, as an insert on the blue guide sign to the right of the HOV or bus symbol: a. English and Arabic text in black, designating facility as Express Lane or Bus Lane. b. Approved facility brand name or logo as defined or approved by DMT. 3. HOV or Bus Symbol. HOV symbol (narrow diamond) shall be placed on the left portion of the sign, vertically centred next to the facility designation insert for “Express Lane”, while a Bus symbol shall be placed on the top portion of the sign, horizontally centred above the facility designation insert for “Bus Lane”. 4. Regulatory restriction. If there is a restriction related to vehicle occupancy on the facility (e.g., HOV-3 or HOV-5), a black plate with white border and white text indicating the restriction shall be centred under the facility designation. 5. Distance to transition. Distance to the managed lane transition shall be displayed in Arabic numerals (English) and either in units of metres (m) or kilometres (km). The distance requirements are as follows: a. When the sign has been located within the permissible ranges of distances from the transition, as per Item 2, the nominal distances of 1000m or 2000m shall be displayed. b. If the location falls outside the recommended range, the actual distance to the nearest 100m should be displayed. For distances less than 400m the actual distance may be rounded to the nearest 50m. c. Exit distance shall be provided to the left of the Type 7 arrow, beneath the managed lane facility designation and (if provided) regulatory restriction. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 361 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 551MC (Express Lane 2000 m) Sign 551MC (Express Lane, HOV-3, 1000 m) Sign 551MC (Bus Lane 2000 m) Sign 551MC (Bus Lane 1000 m) Managed Lane Regulatory Signs 558M and 559M 1. Purpose. Sign 558M and 559M provide regulatory information on the restrictions for the managed lane facility, i.e., what vehicles qualify to use the facility, along with the time periods the said restrictions are in place. 2. Application and Location. Managed lane regulatory signs are placed prior to the transition to the managed lane facility as well as along the facility itself, visible both to managed lane users and to traffic in the adjoining general purpose lanes. Sign 558M provides vehicle restriction information, and is followed approximately 300m later by Sign 559M which provides time restriction information and indicates that other traffic may use the lane outside the restricted time period. If the facility is a bus lane and the vehicle restrictions are in force for 24 hours/7 days, Sign 559M is not required. 3. Installation. Signs 558M and 559M shall be ground-mounted on the side of the managed lane (typically the left side of the carriageway), provided there is sufficient room on the median. Otherwise, the signs may be pole-mounted in the centre median barrier, and may be of smaller size or shape as needed to fit the pole, provided the text retains visibility to traffic at the design speed of the facility, as per the requirements of Section 4.1. They shall be located as follows: 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 362 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. At 300m following the first managed lanes advance Sign 551MA or 551MC, Sign 558M (vehicle restriction) shall be provided at this location, followed 300m later by Sign 559M, providing the times the restriction is in force (except for 24 hour bus lanes). b. At 1000m intervals along non-barrier-separated managed lane facilities, with Sign 558M followed 300m later by Sign 559M c. At a minimum 500m prior to intermediate transitions to barrier-separated managed lane facilities, a Sign 558M shall be installed. It is assumed that barrier-separated facilities will have 24 hour vehicle-restricted operation and as such Sign 559M is not required at these locations. 4. General Appearance. Sign 558M and 559M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of the regulatory inserts described below. 5. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ADVANCE DIRECTION signs 558M and 559M: a. HOV or Bus symbol. b. Regulatory restriction information (For Sign 558M, vehicle restrictions; for Sign 559M, time restrictions). c. Sign 559M: Text permitting all traffic to use managed lanes during periods not covered under the times in which vehicle restrictions occur. The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described in the following Items and illustrated below. 1. HOV or Bus Symbol. HOV symbol (narrow diamond) shall be placed on the left portion of the sign, vertically centred next to the regulatory restriction insert, while a Bus symbol shall be placed on the top portion of the sign, horizontally centred above the regulatory restriction information insert. 2. Regulatory restriction information (Sign 558M). For HOV/carpool-related restrictions, a white insert with black border shall be provided with a black banner surrounded by a white border. The black banner shall contain the designation related to vehicle occupancy on the facility (e.g., HOV-3 or HOV-5) in white text. The white insert underneath the banner shall describe the designation requirements in Arabic (right-justified), followed by English (left-justified), describing the minimum number of passengers per vehicle required to use the managed lane, as well as other vehicles that may use the facility (i.e., “authorised buses”). For busrelated restrictions, the text will describe the restrictions in Arabic (right-justified) followed by English (left-justified), typically that “Only DMT-authorised buses may use Bus Lane”. 3. Time restriction information (Sign 559M). A white insert provides an identical black vehicle occupancy designation banner to that for Sign 558M, and below shall describes the days (Arabic then English) and hours (24 hour clock) during which the restrictions shown on Sign 558M apply. If regulations are 24 hours / 7 days, a simple text “At all times” (Arabic and English) shall be provided under the banner. 4. Traffic regulations during all other times (Sign 559M): Situated below the time restriction information insert, Arabic (right-justified) text with English (left-justified) text below indicated the facility is “Open to all traffic at other times”, except when the regulations are for 24 hour / 7 day restrictions. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 363 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 558M (HOV-3) Sign 558M (Bus Lane) Sign 559M (part-time) Sign 559M (full-time) Managed Lane Direction Sign 552M 1. Purpose. Sign 552M identifies the nature of the managed lane facility (e.g., Express Lane or Bus Lane) and location of an exit to a barrier-separated facility, as well as an intermediate transition to the managed lane facility (either buffer-separated or barrier-separated). The sign is mounted as an overhead sign over the general purpose lane from which the managed lane originates, and shows the direction (upward left or upward right arrow) that the lane travels from the general purpose lane. 2. Application and Location. MANAGED LANE DIRECTION Sign 552M is provided at barrierseparated facilities where a separate lane diverges from the general purpose lanes and at intermediate transition points (slip ramps to barrier-separated facilities and crossovers to contiguous lane facilities (buffer-separated). 3. Installation. Sign 552M shall be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever at the point of the managed lane transition for barrier-separated and intermediate transition locations. If facility will be an Express Lane, sign shall provide carpool restriction information as part of message (e.g., HOV-3 for restrictions to vehicles with 3 persons or more along with authorized buses), matching the regulatory information provided on Signs 558M and 559M. Directional arrow (upward left or upward right Type 8 arrow) shall be provided to show the side in which the managed lane will be added. 4. Consistent Information. Exit direction Sign 552M and Sign 551MA shall contain consistent information as to the description of the facility and regulatory information. 5. General Appearance. Sign 552M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of items indicated below that represent sign inserts. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 364 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 6. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ADVANCE DIRECTION signs 552M: a. White exit footer with upward left or right Type 8 arrow (normally upward left as most managed lanes are expected to be left hand lane facilities). b. Managed Lane facility designation (Express Lane or Bus Lane; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided). c. HOV or Bus Symbol. d. Regulatory restriction plate (if HOV restriction is provided). The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described in the following Items and illustrated below. 1. White exit footer with upward left or right angled arrow (Type 8). A white footer shall be provided in the bottom portion of the sign, and a black Type 8 arrow shall be provided in the left portion of the footer with “exit” text adjoining to the right. 2. Managed Lane Facility Designation. Same as for Sign 551MA and 551MC. 3. HOV or Bus Symbol. Same as for Sign 551MA and 551MC. 4. Regulatory restriction. If there is a restriction related to vehicle occupancy on the facility (e.g., HOV-3 or HOV-5), a black plate with white border and white text indicating the restriction shall be centred under the facility designation. Sign 552M (Express Lane, HOV-3) Sign 552M (Bus Lane) Managed Lane Ongoing Movement Sign 553M and BEGIN Plate Sign 560 1. Purpose. Sign 553M is used to indicate the lane in which the Managed Lane operations occur. When used with the BEGIN plate Sign 560 mounted above it, the sign combination indicates the point at which the Managed Lane operations begin. The sign is mounted as an overhead sign and is also used as a reassurance sign at transition points to and from the managed lane. 2. Application and Location. MANAGED LANE ONGOING MOVEMENT Sign 553M is located at the start of the Managed Lane Operation in combination with the BEGIN Plate Sign 560, and is used at transition locations to and from the managed lane in order to reassure as to the continuance of the managed lane. 3. Installation. Sign 553M shall be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever supports at the start of the managed lane, 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 365 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) a. At the start of the managed lane: Sign 553M shall be placed over the managed lane in conjunction with BEGIN Plate Sign 560 mounted on top. b. At end of intermediate access points (non-barrier-separated managed lane): Sign 553M shall be placed over the managed lane. c. At slip ramps from barrier-separated managed lane. Gantry will include Sign 553M over pull-through managed lane along with exit sign to general purpose lanes (refer to Sign 552MX below) that will be provided over the slip ramp exit. 4. Consistent Information. Sign 553M (used for slip ramps at barrier-separated facilities and for intermediate access signage) and Sign 551MA shall contain consistent information as to the description of the facility and regulatory information. 5. General Appearance. Sign 553M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of items indicated below that represent sign inserts. 6. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ONGOING MOVEMENT signs 553M: a. Downward Type 7 arrow. b. Managed Lane facility designation sign insert (Express Lane or Bus Lane; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided). c. HOV or Bus Symbol. d. Regulatory restriction plate (if HOV restriction is provided). The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are identical to those for Managed Lane Advance Ongoing Movement Sign 551MC and are illustrated below. When the sign has been located within the permissible ranges of distances from the transition, as per Item 2, the nominal distances of 1000m or 2000m shall be displayed: 1. If the location falls outside the recommended range, the actual distance to the nearest 100m should be displayed. For distances less than 400m the actual distance may be rounded to the nearest 50m. 2. Exit distance shall be provided to the left of the Type 7 arrow, beneath the managed lane facility designation and (if provided) regulatory restriction. Sign 552M (Express Lane) with BEGIN Plate 560 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 366 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 552M (Bus Lane) with BEGIN Plate 560 Managed Lane Gore Sign 555M 1. Purpose, Application and Location. Sign 555M is used at the nose of the gore for access into barrier-separated Managed Lane facilities. 2. Installation. Sign 555M shall be pole-mounted at the gore nose for barrier-separated managed lane facilities, both at the beginning of the managed lane and at intermediate access points (slip ramps). 3. General Appearance. Sign 555M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend. It shall be vertically-oriented given the relatively narrow nature of the barrier between general purpose and managed lanes. 4. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE GORE SIGN 555M: a. HOV or Bus Symbol. b. Reduced-size Managed Lane facility designation sign insert (Express Lane or Bus Lane; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided). c. Type 8 arrow pointed downward toward the exit ramp (typically downward-left for left hand managed lane facilities). 5. HOV or Bus Symbol: Shall be located at top of sign. 6. Reduced-size Facility Designation Insert: Facility designation shall plate shall be to the scale of the gore sign, and consist of one of the following, on a white background, as an insert on the blue guide sign to the right of the HOV or bus symbol: a. English and Arabic text in black, designating facility as Express Lane or Bus Lane. b. Approved facility brand name or logo as defined or approved by DMT. 7. Type 8 Arrow shall be located at the bottom of the sign, pointed downward and to the left (for left hand exits to managed lane), or downward and to the right (for right hand exits to managed lane). 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 367 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 555M (Express Lane) Sign 555M (Bus Lane) Managed Lane Ends Ahead Sign 559M 1. Purpose, Application and Location. Sign 559M is used to indicate that the Managed Lane operation is to end in the distance indicated below (typically 2000m prior to the end of the facility). The sign is mounted as an overhead sign. 2. Installation. Sign 559M shall be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever supports 1000m prior to the end of the managed lane operation. 3. Consistent Information. Sign 559M shall contain consistent facility designation information with prior Sign 553M. 4. General Appearance. Sign 559M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with the exception of items indicated below that represent sign inserts. 5. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ONGOING MOVEMENT signs 553M: a. Downward Type 7 arrow. b. Managed Lane Ends facility designation sign insert (Express Lane Ends or Bus Lane Ends plus distance to end of facility; however, facility branding or logo as defined or approved by DMT may be provided along with the Ends text). c. HOV or Bus Symbol. The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are identical to those for Managed Lane Advance Ongoing Movement Sign 553M and are illustrated below. The exception is for the facility designation insert sign as presented in the next Item. 1. Managed Lane Ends Insert. Facility designation shall consist of one of the following, on a white background, as an insert on the blue guide sign to the right of the HOV or bus symbol: a. English and Arabic text in black, designating facility as Express Lane or Bus Lane, followed by “Ends” to indicate the facility is ending. b. Approved facility brand name or logo as defined or approved by DMT, followed by “Ends” to indicate the facility has ended. 2. Below the text or brand name/logo information, the distance to the end of the facility (typically 1000m) shall be centred at the bottom of the white insert. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 368 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 559M (Express Lane) Sign 559M (Bus Lane) Managed Lane Ends – Merge Right Sign 561M 1. Purpose, Application and Location. Sign 561M provides both warning and distance information which advises when a managed lane is ending and merging back into the general purpose lanes. 2. Installation. Sign 561M may be mounted on overhead gantries or cantilever supports or postmounted on the side of the road if room is available, 500m prior to the end of the managed lane operation. A separate, follow up Sign 466 (merge right sign, shown in Section or Sign 465 (merge left sign, same section) shall be installed as a ground-mount or polemount sign at the start of the merge with the general purpose lanes. 3. General Appearance. Sign 561M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend, with a specialized warning sign insert as described below. 4. Eligible items for display: The following items only, are eligible for display on MANAGED LANE ONGOING MOVEMENT signs 553M: a. Modified Sign 466 (465) insert (merge right/merge left) b. Distance to merge location The policy on the display of each of these items and their placement on the sign are described in the following Items and illustrated below. 5. Modified Sign 466 (465) insert shall consist of a MERGE RIGHT Sign 466 (MERGE LEFT Sign 465 may be used if the managed lane is on the right side) with miniature HOV Diamond or Bus symbols (white on blue) being placed on the lane arrow representing the managed lane that is merging ahead with the general purpose lane. 6. Distance to Merge shall consist of western/Arabic numerals and distance information (in meters), minimum 500m, located a like distance prior to the merge. Sign 561M (Express Lane) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 369 Sign 561M (Bus Lane) SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Managed Lanes Regulatory End Signs 562M and 563M 1. Purpose, Application and Location. Signs 562M (Express Lane ends) and 563M (HOV restriction ends) indicate the end of managed lane operations and restrictions respectively. Sign 562M is generally used for configurations where the managed lane continues straight through as a general purpose lane, while Sign 563M may be used in combination with Sign 466 (or 465) to indicate the lane restrictions end at the merge point where the managed lane merges back into the general purpose lanes. 2. Installation. Sign 562M and 563M are typically post-mounted installed on the side where the managed lane travels, at the end of the facility before it is transitioned back into the general purpose lanes. They should normally not require overhead mounting. 3. Appearance and colour. a. Sign 562M shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend. There are two variants: i. Express Lanes. Consists of the word “End” (Arabic text, centred, above English text, also centred), placed above the HOV diamond symbol. ii. Bus Lanes. Consists of the text “Bus Lane Ends” (Arabic text, right-justified, above English text, left-justified), placed above the bus symbol. Sign 563M consists of a black rectangular “HOV” regulatory plate with the specific restriction (e.g., HOV-3) shown in white text, with a white border around the plate and a red diagonal line across the sign face, signifying the end of the restriction. Sign 562M (Express Lane) Sign 562M (Bus Lane) Sign 563M (HOV-3 ends) Managed Lane Slip Ramp Exit Direction Signs 551MR, 552MR, 551MRS and 552MRS 1. Purpose, Application and Location. Managed Lane slip ramp exit direction signs consist of advance exit direction signs located prior to slip ramps/intermediate transitions from managed lanes (typically at 1000m and 500m prior to the slip ramp/intermediate transition) and exit direction signs located at those slip ramps. They provide information on the next 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 370 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) general purpose lane interchange for those drivers wishing to exit the managed lane at the next opportunity. 2. Installation. a. Signs 551MR and 552MR are overhead mounted signs that are generally used when the managed lane is a barrier-separated facility. Sign 551MR is situated at 1000m and 500m in advance of the slip ramp from the barrier-separated managed lane. Sign 552MR is situated above the slip ramp as it diverges from the managed lane. b. Signs 551MRS and 552MRS are smaller versions of the signs that are typically postmounted or pole-mounted along the left side of a non-barrier-separated managed lane facility. Sign 551MRS is situated at 1000m and 500m in advance of the start of the intermediate transition area (where traffic can travel in and out of the managed lane), while Sign 552MRS is situated at the start of the intermediate transition area. 3. Appearance and colour. a. The signs shall utilize blue background identical to other Guide Signs for freeways (Section 4.4.5) with white border and white legend. Content shall include the following: i. HOV or Bus Symbol at the top of the sign to denote the sign is pertinent to the managed lane. ii. The name of a destination, road name, or route number/shield associated with the next interchange along the general purpose lanes which is accessible by traffic leaving the managed lane (note – this interchange should be at least 1500m beyond the end of the slip ramp or transition area). iii. Type 8 arrow pointed in the ramp direction (i.e., upward-right for right hand ramps). iv. For Sign 551MR and Sign 551MRS, the arrow shall be located at the bottom of the sign, offset in the direction of the exit (e.g., to the right for a right hand exit), with the distance to the exit (either 1000m or 500m) shown at the left. For Sign 552MR and Sign 552MRS, the arrow shall be horizontally centred at the bottom of the sign. v. Font sizes for Sign 551MR and Sign 552MR shall correspond to font size requirements for overhead and side-mounted guide signs on freeways as presented in Section Sign 551MR Examples (500m advance, overhead mount) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 371 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 552MRS Examples (500m advance, side mount) Sign 552MR Examples (overhead mount) Sign 552MRS Examples (side mount) Exit Direction Signs from Managed Lane (Dedicated Exit Ramp) Signs 517MX, 518MX, 551MX AND 552MX A managed lane facility may include dedicated exit ramps or even interchanges depending on the facility design and configuration. Such facilities will follow freeway interchange signing conventions as presented in Section 4.4.5, using signs that provide similar information to normal advance exit direction and exit direction signs, except with the following: An HOV diamond or bus symbol (depending on type of managed lane) shall appear at the left or top of guide signs that are specific to the managed lane facility. Exit number plates shall not be used for exits from the managed lane facility. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 372 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 517MX and 518MX describe ground-mounted guide signs (Sign 517MX for advance and Sign 518MX for exit direction signing), Sign 551MX described an overhead-mounted advance exit direction sign, and Sign 552MX describes an overhead-mounted exit direction sign. Sign 517MX (ground-mount) or Sign 551MX (overhead-mount) (Signs 518MX and 552MX do not include distance) Managed Lane Exit Distance Sign 585M Sign 585M shall be used only for Managed Lanes that have direct exit ramps to particular roads or destinations, and shall be configured as per the requirements of Section for Distance Sign 585, with the following revisions: 1. Sign 585M shall contain, in lieu of a route emblem and route number at the top centre of the sign, an HOV diamond or bus logo and the word “EXITS”, establishing that this sign describes the next two to three (maximum) exits that are directly accessible from the Managed Lane. 2. Sign 585M may be placed prior to the beginning of a Managed Lane facility, but must be at least 500m before the exit direction sign 552M at the Managed Lane divergence from the general purpose lanes, and no less than 500m after an advance direction sign 551MA or 551MC. 3. The exit described may include road names, major destinations, and/or route emblem with route number. Sign 585M (example street names used) 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 373 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) on Use of Dynamic Message Signs for Managed Lane Operations Dynamic message signs (DMS) may be used as a substitute for Signs 551MA, 551MC, 552MA and 552MC. The signs would include static messaging for the managed lane exit but dynamic messaging to identify current operational regulations in effect. This gives DMT flexibility in setting the lane use restrictions (HOV levels, bus operations) as well as the times in which the restrictions are implemented, thus providing an important real-time demand management tool for DMT. Examples of DMS use are presented in Figure 7-22. Figure 7-22: Use of DMS for Managed Lanes Direction Signs In addition, if electronic free-flow toll operations are implemented within managed lanes (i.e., singleoccupancy vehicles can use the facility if equipped with active toll transponders mounted on the windshield), the DMS can provide specific toll information to particular destinations, e.g.: MUSSAFAH BR AL BATEEN AED 3 AED 8 Again, keeping with the real-time nature of the configuration, such a toll may vary according to traffic conditions, distance and demand, and thus these tools may be important elements to DMT in implementing an overall traffic and demand management strategy. 7.6.5 Managed Lane Markings Markings (Non-Barrier-Separated Managed Lanes) Longitudinal marking shall be used to delineate lanes as follows: Separation between managed lane and general purpose lanes: One to two unbroken white lines of between 150mm and 200mm width depending on available roadway width (See Example A). Single solid 200mm wide line may be used if there is not sufficient roadway width to provide two lines. Intermediate transition between managed lane and general purpose lanes (800 to 1000m length): Broken white line 80mm or 100mm wide with 3m line, 9m gap. (See Example B). 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 374 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) White continuity line at the beginning of the managed lane, 100mm or preferably 200mm wide, 1m line, 3m gap: Used in conjunction with white lane lines delineating the start of a managed lane to direct other traffic away from the lane. Application of retroreflective raised pavement markings shall be in accordance with guidelines set out in this Manual. Example A: Separation between Managed Lanes and General Purpose Lanes Example B: Intermediate Transition between Managed Lane and General Purpose Lanes Markings (Barrier-Separated Facilities) For barrier-separated facilities, a combination of conventional longitudinal lines (unbroken for lane edges, broken for lane line) and chevrons to protect barriers and wide buffers at slip ramp locations and elsewhere are to be provided as shown in Example C. Slip ramp markings shall follow the examples in Section, which are based on the requirements for freeway exit ramp marking and chevron usage as presented in Chapter 5 of this Manual. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 375 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Example C: Longitudinal Markings for Barrier-Separated Managed Lanes Symbol Markings (All Managed Lane Facilities) Relevant symbol or text messages shall be marked on the road pavement in managed lanes. Markings shall be white and elongated in the direction of traffic movement to improve their legibility. They shall be placed at 500m intervals or closer depending on geometrics and visibility of the facility. Allowable symbol markings include the following: HOV Symbol 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 376 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Bus Symbol HOV diamond symbols shall be 10m in length by 3m in width. Bus symbols shall be 4m in length by 3m in width. 07-RAIL/BUSWAY GRADE CROSSING Page 377 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8 TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES 8.1 Principles 8.1.1 Scope This chapter covers signs and pavement markings specifically related to bicycle operation on both roadways and shared-use paths. Earlier sections of this Manual should be reviewed for general provisions, signs and pavement markings. General information and definitions concerning traffic control devices are found in the Glossary section at the end of this Manual. There are two primary types of bicycle lanes: mandatory and advisory. A mandatory bicycle lane requires regulation that prohibits other vehicles from using that part of the carriageway while the lane is in operation. Advisory bicycle lanes do not require a specific prohibitive order for other vehicles and may be used in situations where mandatory lanes would be too restrictive, typically where road width is restricted and motor vehicles might occasionally need to encroach on the lane. There are also two primary types of flows for bicycle lanes: with-flow and contra-flow. For with-flow bicycle lanes, the direction of flow for bicycles is the same direction as the flow for the adjacent lane(s) of traffic. Whereas for contra-flow bicycle lanes, the direction of flow for bicycles is in the opposite direction of the traffic flow for the adjacent lane(s) of traffic. Contra-flow bicycle lanes should be reserved for one-way roads only. All signs, and markings, including those on bicycle facilities, shall be based on the uniform standards and practices set forth in previous chapters of this manual. The absence of a marked bicycle lane or any of the other traffic control devices discussed in this Chapter on a particular roadway shall not be construed to mean that bicyclists are not permitted to travel on that roadway, except where specifically prohibited (I.e., freeways, highways). 8.1.2 Maintenance All signs, signals, and markings, including those on bicycle facilities, should be properly maintained to command respect from both the motorist and the bicyclist. When installing signs and markings on bicycle facilities, an agency should be designated to maintain these devices. 8.1.3 Relation to Other Documents Informational documents used during the development of the signing and marking recommendations in this chapter include the following: A. “Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities,” which is available from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 378 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) B. “The Uniform Vehicle Code and Model Traffic Ordinance” published by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances; C. State and local government design guides. Other publications that relate to the application of traffic control devices in general are listed in the References section at the end of this Manual. 8.1.4 Placement Authority Chapter 3 contains information regarding placement authority for traffic control devices. 8.1.5 Colours Chapter 3 contains information regarding the colour codes. 8.2 Signage 8.2.1 Application and Placement of Signs 1. Bicycle signs shall be standard in shape, legend, and colour. 2. All signs shall be retro-reflectorized for use on cycleways , including shared-use paths and bicycle lane facilities. 3. Where signs serve both bicyclists and other road users, vertical mounting height and lateral placement shall be as provided in Chapter 4. 4. Where used on a shared-use path, no portion of a sign or its support shall be placed less than 0.6m laterally from the near edge of the path, or less than 2.4m vertically over the entire width of the shared-use path (see Figure 8-1). 5. Mounting height for post-mounted signs on shared-use paths shall be a minimum of 1.2m, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the path surface (see Figure 8-1). 1. Signs for the exclusive use of bicyclists should be located so that other road users are not confused by them. 2. The clearance for overhead signs on shared-use paths should be adjusted when appropriate to accommodate path users requiring more clearance, such as equestrians, or typical maintenance or emergency vehicles. 3. Bicycle Lane signs and plates should be used in advance of the upstream end of the bicycle lane, at the downstream end of the bicycle lane, and at periodic intervals along the bicycle lane as determined by engineering judgment based on prevailing speed of bicycle and other traffic, block length, distances from adjacent intersections, and other considerations. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 379 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-1: Sign Placement on Shared Use Paths 8.2.2 Design of Bicycle Signs Uniformity in design of bicycle signs and plaques includes shape, colour, symbols, arrows, wording, lettering, and illumination or retro-reflectorization. 1. If the sign or plaque applies to motorists and bicyclists, then the size shall be as shown for conventional roads. 2. The minimum sign and plaque sizes for bicycle facilities shall not be used for signs or plaques that are placed in a location that would have any application to other vehicles. 1. Except for size, the design of signs and plaques for bicycle facilities should be identical to that provided in this Manual for signs and plaques for streets and highways. 2. Larger size signs and plaques may be used on bicycle facilities when appropriate. 8.2.3 STOP and YIELD Signs (301, 302) 1. STOP SIGN 301 shall be installed on shared-use paths at points where bicyclists are required to stop. 2. YIELD SIGN 302 shall be installed on shared-use paths at points where bicyclists have an adequate view of conflicting traffic as they approach the sign, and where bicyclists are required to yield the right-of-way to that conflicting traffic. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 380 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. Where conditions require path users, but not roadway users, to stop or yield, the STOP or YIELD sign should be placed or shielded so that it is not readily visible to road users. 2. When placement of STOP or YIELD signs is considered, priority at a shared-use path/roadway intersection should be assigned with consideration of the following: a. Relative speeds of shared-use path and roadway users, b. Relative volumes of shared-use path and roadway traffic, and c. Relative importance of shared-use path and roadway. Sign 301 3. Speed should not be the sole factor used to determine priority, as it is sometimes appropriate to give priority to a high-volume shared-use path crossing a low-volume street, or to a regional shared-use path crossing a minor collector street. 4. When priority is assigned, the least restrictive control that is appropriate should be placed on the lower priority approaches. STOP signs should not be used where YIELD signs would be acceptable. DMT may consider at their Sign 302 discretion to reduce the sign size appropriately in shareduse facilities. A supplementary plate with the standard bicyclist symbol may be used below the Yield Sign as determined appropriate by DMT. 5. A 750mm x 750mm STOP sign or a 900mm x 900mm x 900mm YIELD sign may be used on shared-use paths for added emphasis. DMT may consider at their discretion to reduce the sign size appropriately in shared-use facilities. 8.2.4 Mandatory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-1x-8-4x) Lane Sign 8-1x – Start of Lane Guidance For mandatory bicycle lanes, warning signs should normally be placed in advance of the lane. For instances where a taper has been striped to start the lane, sign 8-1x should be placed. Where the speed limit is equal to or below 40km/h, the sign should be sited 20m in advance of the taper, with a minimum clear visibility distance of 45m. Where the speed limit is 60km/h, the sign should be sited 40m in advance of the taper with a minimum clear visibility distance of 60m. Where siting of the sign is likely to be difficult and where the bicycle lane is clearly visible to drivers, sign 8-1x may be omitted. However, in the interests of road safety, the sign should be provided wherever possible. It is not appropriate to use the sign at intermediate junctions along the bicycle lane. Figure 8-2 illustrates a typical layout. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 381 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The size of Sign 8-1x shall be 825mm x 800mm for speeds 50km and below. For speeds in excess of 50km, the size of the sign shall be 990mm x 960mm. Lane Regulatory Sign 8-2x Guidance Sign 8-2x should be provided at the start of the continuous line denoting the edge of the bicycle lane (i.e. immediately following a taper). This is a regulatory sign that prohibits motor vehicles from encroaching on the bicycle lane. The sign should be provided after each road junction on the same side as the bicycle lane, even if the side road is one way leading away from the major road. The sign should also be provided after a junction on the opposite side of the road if vehicles can turn right from it to join the flow of traffic alongside the bicycle lane. No two signs should be more than 300m apart; it might be necessary, therefore, to provide additional signs between junctions. The size of Sign 8-2x shall be 825mm x 375mm for speeds 50km and below. For speeds in excess of 50km, the size of the sign shall be 990mm x 450mm. Lane Time Plate 8-3x Guidance Where a bicycle lane does not operate at all times, the signs 8-1x and 8-2x shall incorporate sign time plate 8-3x indicating the days and times of operation. The width of sign 8-3x is the same as signs 8-1x and 8-2x; it cannot be made any narrower or wider, nor can the width of signs 8-1x and 8-2x be varied to accommodate sign 8-3x. Although the time may be varied to “At any time”, this would not normally apply to bicycle lanes. If the time plate 8-3x is not incorporated, it shall mean that the bicycle lane operates for 24 hours every day of the week. The size of the text for Sign 8-3x shall be 50mm for speeds 50km and below and 60mm for speeds in excess of 50km. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 382 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-2: Start of Lane Typical Layout 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 383 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Lane Advance Warning Signs (8-4x) Guidance The Bicycle Lane sign 8-4x is intended mainly for use in conjunction with contra-flow bicycle lanes. However, it may be provided on side roads to warn emerging drivers of the presence of a with-flow bicycle lane on the major road, although this is not essential. The arrow on the sign indicates the direction of travel within the bicycle lane and will normally point to the right, as a sign is not required to indicate a lane on the opposite side of the road. However, where there are withflow bicycle lanes on both sides of the major road and there are no Sign 8-4x banned turns, the arrow on Sign 8-4x is omitted and the word “lane” varied to “lanes”. Where there are two bicycle lanes in the major road and the left turn from the side road is prohibited, the sign should indicate only the bicycle lane to the right. The sign should be mounted below any GIVE WAY or STOP sign or, if the junction is controlled by traffic signals, mounted a sufficient distance in advance of the junction so as not to obstruct the view of the signal head. The days and times of operation may be shown on the sign where appropriate. For a 24-hour bicycle lane no times are shown; “At any time” is not a permitted variant. The size of the text for Sign 8-4x shall be 50mm for speeds 50km and below and 60mm for speeds in excess of 50km. The equivalent Arabic text is to be included in Sign 8-4x although not shown here. of Bicycle Lane Guidance The end of the bicycle lane is normally indicated by the termination of the continuous white line (see Section 8.3x), although the bicycle symbol (marking 8-X, in Section 8.3.2 below) and the word END may be used. It should be noted, the “end of route” sign 8-13X (see Section 8.2.9) is not intended to indicate the end of a bicycle lane, although it might be helpful if a lane ends at a hazardous location where cyclists would need to take extra care. 8.2.5 Advisory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-5x) Lane Regulatory Sign 8-5x Guidance Sign 8-5x is used to indicate an advisory with-flow bicycle lane. It should be provided at the start of the lane, immediately after the taper, and after each road junction on the same side as the bicycle lane, even if the side Sign 8-5x road is one way leading away from the major road. The sign should also be provided after a junction on the opposite side of the road if vehicles can turn left from it to join the flow of traffic alongside the bicycle lane. No two signs should be more than 300m apart; it might therefore be necessary to provide additional signs between junctions. Where the lane is provided as a short approach to an advanced stop line, an upright sign is not required; the bicycle symbol marking 8-5X within the lane will be sufficient. It is not practicable to provide a 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 384 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) sign where the lane is in the centre of the carriageway. Advisory with-flow lanes are available at all times, and a time plate is therefore not used with sign 8-5x. The size of Sign 8-5x shall be 550mm x 375mm for speeds 50km and below. For speeds in excess of 50km, the size of the sign shall be 440mm x 300mm. of Bicycle Lane Guidance The end of the bicycle lane is normally indicated by the termination of the continuous white line (see Section 8.3x), although the bicycle symbol 8-5X and the word END may be used. It should be noted, the “end of bicycle route” sign 8-13X is not intended to indicate the end of a bicycle lane, although it might be helpful if a lane ends at a hazardous location where cyclists would need to take extra care. 8.2.6 Mandatory Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-6x-8-9x) Lane Regulatory Sign 8-6x Guidance Contra-flow bicycle lanes should only be established on one-way roads. Figure 8-2 shows a typical entry to a one-way street and the required signs. Sign 8-6x should be located at the beginning of the road and after every junction, in each case on both sides of the road. Additional signs should be provided where the distance between them would otherwise exceed 300 m. Where possible, traffic islands should be provided at the start and end of contra-flow bicycle lanes. Where a traffic island segregates traffic from the opposing bicycle lane, the off side sign should be located on this island. The number of arrows pointing upwards on the left hand side of the sign should be varied to indicate the number of lanes available in that direction. Two sizes are prescribed for the sign; 825mm x 475mm and 990mm x 570mm. The smaller size will usually be adequate. The larger size might be more appropriate where there are more than two lanes for general traffic or where there is a particular conspicuity problem. Sign 8-6x Figure 8-3 shows a typical arrangement at the start of a contra-flow bicycle lane; this should be separated from opposing traffic by a traffic island in the centre of the road. The exit side of the road, used by all traffic, should be protected by a pair of “no entry” signs (sign 304) as for ordinary one-way roads. These should be 750mm in diameter. Sign 8-7x, with a diameter of 450mm, should be provided on the left hand side of the road at the entrance to the contra-flow bicycle lane. A second, smaller sign may be provided in a bollard on the traffic island. In Figure 8-3, appropriate signage is to be provided on the side road to alert drivers that cyclists are travelling southbound although this is not shown in this figure. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 385 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-3: Typical Entry to a One-Way Street 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 386 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-4: Typical Arrangement at the Start of a Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 387 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Lane Regulatory Sign 8-7x Guidance Sign 8-7x should be provided on the right hand side of the road at the entrance to the contra-flow bicycle lane. The sign should be a diameter of 450mm; a second, smaller sign may be provided as well in a bollard if a traffic island is used to separate the bicycle lane from the opposing traffic at the entrance to the lane. Sign 8-7x Lane Plate 8-8x Guidance As described in section, sign 8-4x should be provided on side roads to warn emerging drivers of the presence of a contra-flow bicycle lane on the major road. For a bicycle lane on the same side of the major road as the side road, the arrow will point to the right. The sign should be accompanied by the “no right turn” sign Sign 8-8x (Sign 347) with a supplementary plate “Except Bicycles,” Sign 8-8x. Where the bicycle lane is on the opposite side of the major road, the arrow on sign 8-4x will point to the left. A “no left turn” sign (Sign 346) should be provided, again with an “Except Bicycles” plate. If possible, the bicycle lane should be segregated from the major road at the junction by a traffic island. The sign 8-6x immediately after the junction in the major road will warn drivers of the presence of the contra-flow lane. A convenient alternative route should be provided for bicyclists wanting to turn right at the junction. Where the road layout is such that traffic may turn only into the major road (e.g. the junction is not a crossroads), turn only arrow signs 322 or 323, with an “Except Bicycles” plate as appropriate, should be provided opposite the side road. Lane Sign 8-9x – Pedestrian Warning Guidance Sign 8-9x warns pedestrians of the presence of a bicycle lane; it should not be used as a substitute for Sign 8-4x to warn drivers approaching the bicycle lane from a side road. The sign is normally used for contra-flow lanes where cycles will be approaching from the opposite direction to the flow of traffic. The signs should be sited where a majority of pedestrians cross the carriageway. Where pedestrians first cross a general traffic lane, the sign, varied to LOOK Sign 8-9x LEFT with the symbols facing right, should be located on the opposite side of the road, adjacent to the bicycle lane. Signs may be located on a pedestrian refuge adjacent to the bicycle lane. Two sizes are prescribed for Sign 8-9x. The larger size, with a 50mm x-height, should normally be used. The smaller sign, with a 40mm x-height, may be more suitable where there are space constraints, such as on a pedestrian refuge. The sign may also be used for bicycle tracks. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 388 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) of Bicycle Lane Guidance The end of the lane should be segregated from adjacent traffic preferably with a traffic island, a giveway line, and a painted give-way triangle on the pavement. The “End of Bicycle Route” sign 8-13x is not used with contra-flow lanes, nor are time plates, as these lanes operate continuously. 8.2.7 Advisory Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs (Signs 8-10x) Lane Regulatory Sign 8-10x Guidance Where it is not practicable to provide a mandatory contra-flow bicycle lane (prohibiting other traffic from using that part of the carriageway reserved Sign 8-10x for cycles), an advisory contra-flow lane might be considered. This is (optional sign) likely to occur where (a) oncoming vehicles need occasionally to encroach into the bicycle lane, for example to pass parked vehicles on the opposite side or to pass cyclists travelling in the with-flow direction, (b) occasional loading and unloading needs to be allowed for within the lane, or (c) it is not possible to prohibit waiting in the lane at all times. Each of these situations will limit the benefit of the lane for bicyclists, and the traffic authority will need to be satisfied that this form of provision will not unduly compromise their safety. Advisory contra-flow lanes should normally be considered only where either the 85th percentile speed of traffic is less than 40km/h, or vehicle flows are less than 1000 vehicles per day. The advisory lane is marked on the carriageway in a similar manner to an advisory with-flow lane, i.e. the boundary is indicated by a continuous white channelizing line. The line may be omitted where the two conditions are both met, or where the road is within a 35km/h zone. Sign 8-10x is an optional sign that may be used to designate advisory contra-flow bicycle lanes with or without a lane marked on the carriageway. The size of Sign 8-10x may be 650mm x 475mm for normal use but a larger size, 780mm x 570mm may be more appropriate in cases where no contra-flow bicycle lane has been marked on the carriageway. Where possible, a traffic island should be provided at the start and end of contra-flow bicycle lanes. 8.2.8 Shared Bicycle/Pedestrian Tracks (Signs 8-11x, 8-12x) Where a footway (forming part of a road) or footpath (e.g. through a park) has been converted to a route shared by pedestrians and cyclists, signs 8-11x or 8-12x are used. These prohibit the use of the route by any other vehicles. Sign 8-11x Sign 8-11x indicates an unsegregated route. It should be located where the shared route begins and must be used as a repeater, at regular intervals to remind both pedestrians and cyclists that pedal cycles can be legally ridden on the footway or footpath. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 389 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Sign 8-12x indicates a segregated shared route that should be delineated by a continuous white marking. The sign may be reversed in a mirror image according to which side of the route is used by cyclists and which side by pedestrians. The sign should be located at the start of the segregated route and must be used as a repeater at regular intervals along the route. Several sizes are prescribed for Signs 8-11x and 8-12x. As these signs prohibit motor vehicles, the 600mm and 450mm diameter signs should be used where they control entry from the main carriageway of a road and where motor vehicles, especially solo motor cycles, are not physically prevented from entering the bicycle track or shared bicycle / pedestrian route. Smaller sizes (100mm-300mm) may be used as repeater signs and in bollards. 8.2.9 Sign 8-12x End of Bicycle Lane, Track or Route (Signs 8-13x, 8-14x) The end of a bicycle track or shared route may be indicated by sign 8-13x, although this is not essential. The sign might be helpful where bicyclists rejoin the main carriageway of a road at the end of a shared footway. It should not be used at an intermittent break in a bicycle track or shared route, such as at a road crossing. Three sizes of text are prescribed for this sign: 30, 40, and 50mm. The largest size should be used where conspicuity is likely to be a problem or where a bicycle route or lane ends at a hazardous location. Sign 8-14x (CYCLISTS DISMOUNT) may be used together with sign 813x, or on its own. The sign should be provided only where cyclists are required to use a pedestrian crossing facility that they cannot legally bicycle on, at the entrance to a pedestrian area, at a location with a low headroom or width restriction (e.g. a subway or bridge) or at places where visibility is restricted to such an extent that cycling would be unsafe. Sign 8-13x Sign 8-14x Two text sizes are prescribed for the sign 8-14x, 40 and 50mm. The smaller size should normally be used, unless there is a particular hazard or conspicuity problem where the larger size of sign would be more appropriate. 8.2.10 Selective Exclusion Signs (Signs 352, 353) Standard Typical exclusion messages include: Sign 352 No Pedestrians (Sign 352, Section, 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 390 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) No Bicycles (Sign 353, Section, If used, Selective Exclusion signs shall clearly indicate the type of traffic that is excluded. For detailed discussion of each sign, see referenced sections form Chapter 4. Guidance Sign 353 1. Selective Exclusion signs may be installed at the entrance to a roadway or facility to notify road or facility users that designated types of traffic are excluded from using the roadway or facility. 2. Signs 352 and 353 should be used with a size of 300mm unless a larger size is warranted for conspicuousness. 8.2.11 Bicycle Guide Signs Bicycle route destinations may be shown in blue panels on primary and non-primary advance direction signs and on non-primary rectangular direction signs. Separately mounted bicycle route direction signs with blue backgrounds shall be provided as appropriate. Separately mounted blue background stack type signs may be provided as an alternative to using panels on advance direction signs. Blue panels and separate bicycle route signs must include the white bicycle symbol. Sign 8-51X shows an example of a Sign 8-51X separate bicycle route advance direction sign. Standards 1. An arrow pointing to the right, if used, shall be at the extreme right-hand side of the sign. An arrow pointing left or up, if used, shall be at the extreme left-hand side of the sign. The distance numerals, if used, shall be placed to the right of the destination names. Guidance 1. Adequate separation should be made between any destination or group of destinations in one direction and those in other directions by suitable design of the arrow, spacing of lines of legend, heavy lines entirely across the sign, or separate signs. 2. Unless a sloping arrow will convey a clearer indication of the direction to be followed, the directional arrows should be horizontal or vertical. 3. If several individual name signs are assembled into a group, all signs in the assembly should have the same horizontal width. 4. Because of their smaller size, Bicycle Destination signs should not be used as a substitute for vehicular destination signs when the message is also intended to be seen by motorists. 5. Bicycle Destination signs may be installed to provide direction, destination, and distance information as needed for bicycle travel. If several destinations are to be shown at a single location, they may be placed on a single sign with an arrow (and the distance, if desired) for each name. If more than one destination lies in the same direction, a single arrow may be used for the destinations. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 391 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 8.3 Markings 8.3.1 Functions of Markings Markings indicate the separation of the lanes for road users, assist the bicyclist by indicating assigned travel paths, indicate correct position for traffic control signal actuation and provide advance information for turning and crossing manoeuvres. Bicycle facilities may take the form of bicycle lanes which run along the road and form part of the carriageway, and bicycle tracks which are separate from the carriageway and meet up with it only to cross or join it. Bicycle lanes may be mandatory, where other vehicles are excluded for at least part of the day, or advisory, where other vehicles may enter if necessary and when it is safe to do so. Coloured surfacing may be helpful. 8.3.2 General Principles The figures in this section show examples of the application of lines, word messages, symbols, and arrows on designated cycleways . 1. Bicycle lanes shall be a minimum of 1.5m wide. 2. Markings used on cycleways shall be retro-reflectorized. 3. The colours, width of lines, patterns of lines, symbols, and arrows used for marking bicycle facilities shall be as defined in Chapter 5. 1. Widths less than 1.5m give cyclists very little room to manoeuvre around debris, surface defects or gulley gratings. Slightly narrower widths may nevertheless sometimes be helpful over short lengths, e.g., on the immediate approach to a junction. Where bicycle flows are heavy, there may be advantages in increasing the width up to 2.0m, but lanes wider than this are likely to be abused by other traffic. 2. Bikeway design guides should be used when designing markings for bicycle facilities. 3. Pavement marking word messages, symbols, and/or arrows should be used in cycleways where appropriate. Consideration should be given to selecting pavement marking materials that will minimize loss of traction for bicycles under wet conditions. 4. For use on bicycle lanes and tracks, half-size variants of markings 602 (Give Way line) and 680 (guide line), and small versions of text symbol Marking 8-X markings (695) and the lane arrows (614, 615, 616) may be used. 5. A bicycle symbol (markings 695 marking 8-X) is prescribed with alternative dimensions. The width of lane available and the required conspicuity of the marking will determine the appropriate size; the largest (1700mm) is used with the advanced stop line. When used with a right turn arrow, the bicycle symbol should be reversed to face right. 6. Bicycle lanes may be surfaced in coloured material in order to demarcate them more emphatically and to discourage encroachment by motor vehicles. However, coloured 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 392 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) surfacing has no legal significance; it is the prescribed traffic signs and road markings that establish the legal status of a bicycle lane. 7. A dotted line may be used to define a specific path for a bicyclist crossing an intersection. 8.3.3 Mandatory Bicycle Lane Markings Mandatory bicycle lanes are parts of the carriageway which other vehicles must not enter except to pick up or set down passengers, or in case of emergency. They may be either with-flow or contraflow. Contra-flow lanes apply for 24 hours, but with-flow lanes may operate for shorter periods, e.g. morning and evening peak hours. 1. With-flow mandatory bicycle lanes shall be bounded by a 150mm continuous white line (marking 612). 2. At side road junctions the mandatory lane should change to an advisory lane bordered by a 150mm wide dashed line (marking 652 with a 4000mm, 2000mm gap or 6000/3000 for speeds greater than 65km/h). An additional bicycle symbol (marking 8-X) shall be placed in the lane in front of drivers emerging from the side road. 3. The start of a bicycle lane shall be marked with a broken line marking 680 (600mm mark, 300mm gap). If the speed limit is 65km or less, the 150mm wide line is used, otherwise it should be 200mm wide. As other traffic must not enter a mandatory bicycle lane, adequate warning of the approach should be given by ensuring that the inclination of this line is no sharper than 1:10. Bicycle symbol markings (marking 8-X) must be placed at the start of the lane and should be repeated after every break, as well as at suitable intervals on long uninterrupted lengths. Sign 8-1x should be used in advance of a mandatory bicycle lane, together with an arrow (marking 614 angled away from the taper), and signs 8-2x must be used at intervals along its length. 4. Contra-flow mandatory bicycle lanes are marked in a similar way to with-flow lanes, except that marking 680 at the start of the lane shall be laid at right angles to it, as the lane normally starts at a junction. Sign 8-6x shall be used to warn traffic travelling in the opposite direction. 5. For contra-flow mandatory bicycle lanes, waiting and loading shall be prohibited at all times to avoid the lane becoming obstructed and thereby putting cyclists into conflict with oncoming vehicles. 1. The bicycle lane marking 612 may be continued across private driveways; however, the marking shall be interrupted for the length of any bus stop 2. The bicycle lane should be monitored as needed in order to prevent other vehicles from using the lane (except for emergency and statutory purposes) and to prohibit waiting and loading during the operational hours of the lane. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 393 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-5: With-Flow Mandatory Bicycle Lanes 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 394 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-6: Contra-Flow Mandatory Bicycle Lanes 8.3.4 Advisory Bicycle Lane Markings Advisory bicycle lanes are parts of the carriageway which other vehicles should not enter unless it is seen to be safe to do so. They should normally be with-flow, but may be contra-flow, in which case the signs would need to be specially authorised. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 395 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. Advisory bicycle lanes shall be bounded by a 100mm wide warning line (marking 652 with a 4000mm, 2000mm gap or 6000/3000 for speeds greater than 65km/h). The line may be widened to 150mm for greater emphasis, but in a two-way road it shall never be wider than the centre line. For a contra-flow lane, the wider line shall always be used. 2. The start of a bicycle lane shall be marked with broken line marking 680 (600mm mark, 300mm gap). If the speed limit is 65km/h or less, the 150mm wide line is used, otherwise it should be 200mm wide. As the lane is advisory, it is not essential for other vehicles to be deflected in advance of it. Angles between the line and the kerb of 30º to 45º are therefore often adequate, although longer taper lengths may be used. Bicycle symbol markings (marking 8-X) and upright signs (sign 8-5x) must be placed at the start of the lane and after every break, as well as at suitable intervals on long uninterrupted lengths. 1. Waiting and loading restrictions should be implemented to cover the times when the lane is most heavily used and should be indicated by the use of yellow lines, kerb markings and appropriate upright signs. 2. An advisory bicycle lane may be continued on the off side of a parking bay. Adequate clearance should be provided to allow for carelessly opened car doors. 8.3.5 Bicycle Track Markings A bicycle track may be a physically segregated part of a highway, or form a separate highway entirely distinct from the road system. It may form a route for bicycles only, a segregated route shared with pedestrians where cyclists and pedestrians use separate parts of the track, or an unsegregated route where both cyclists and pedestrians use the full width of the track. 1. Where a route is divided into separate parts for the use of cyclists and of pedestrians, segregation may be achieved using the continuous marking 612 (150mm width) or by the raised profile marking. The latter is more easily detected by blind and partially-sighted pedestrians. Alternatively, separation may be effected by the use of railings, a difference in level, or by the use of contrasting coloured surfaces. 8.4 Bicycle Grade Crossings 8.4.1 Description A bicycle track crossing a road will be the minor road at a priority junction. 8.4.2 Standards 1. A 200mm Stop line (marking 601) or the half-size variants of the Give Way line (marking 602) together with the smaller size edge line marking 680 (see Figure 8-7), should be used for a two-way bicycle track at such locations. Where an unsegregated bicycle track shared with 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 396 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) pedestrians joins a road, the Stop line or Give Way marking should be used across the full width of the track and the bicycle symbol should not be used. 2. If the bicycle track crosses a dual carriageway road, the crossing should be staggered in the direction that turns cyclists to face oncoming traffic. The junction between the track and the main carriageway should be marked in accordance with the principles for a priority junction. 3. Sign 8-9x (BICYCLE TRACK LOOK BOTH WAYS) may be used to warn pedestrians of cyclists crossing the footway. Warning signs as appropriate may be used to warn main road traffic of the crossing point. 8.5 Signalization (refer to TSES Manual) 8.5.1 Application For purposes of signal warrant evaluation, bicyclists may be counted as either vehicles or pedestrians. 8.5.2 Signal Operations for Bicycles 1. At installations where visibility-limited signal faces are used, signal faces shall be adjusted so bicyclists for whom the indications are intended can see the signal indications. If the visibility-limited signal faces cannot be aimed to serve the bicyclist, then separate signal faces shall be provided for the bicyclist. 2. On cycleways , signal timing and actuation shall be reviewed and adjusted to consider the needs of bicyclists. 8.6 Temporary Traffic Management and Bicycle Access Where existing bicycle or pedestrian facilities or pathways will be affected by roadwork, the needs of bicycles and pedestrians are to be addressed in the TTM plan as formulated per Abu Dhabi Work Zone - Traffic Management Manual. Use the following guidelines if temporary bicycle facilities are needed: 1. Bicyclists shall not be led into direct conflicts with worksite vehicles, equipment or operations. 2. Bicyclists shall not be led into direct conflicts with mainline traffic moving through or around the worksite. 3. Bicyclists shall be provided with a safe, accessible and convenient path that replicates the routing and width of the existing path whenever possible. 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 397 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 8-7: Bicycle Grade Crossings 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES Page 398 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 9 TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES 9.1 Principles This chapter sets out the traffic control devices to be used for the control and protection of pedestrians. Pedestrian safety depends to a large extent upon public understanding of accepted methods for traffic control. This principle is particularly important in relation to the control of pedestrians and vehicles near schools, where pedestrian safety can be a highly sensitive subject. Safe and effective traffic control is best obtained through the uniform application of realistic policies, practices and standards which have been developed through traffic engineering studies. It is important that traffic control devices are used in accordance with the conditions prescribed in this chapter of the Manual, as uniformity of treatment for comparable situations promotes uniformity of behaviour on the part of both motorists and pedestrians. Where possible, symbolic legends are used for pedestrian facilities. Symbolic legends are used in lieu of worded legends to increase the legibility of the signs. 9.2 Signage This section discusses the signs used to warn motorists of pedestrians or pedestrian facilities and signs used to control vehicular traffic on the approaches to such facilities. 9.2.1 Standards 1. All signs discussed in this chapter shall follow the guidelines set-forth in Chapter 4 for function, shape, size and visibility. 2. Signs which are intended to convey messages during the hours of darkness shall be reflectorized so that they display colours and shapes by night as by day. 9.2.2 Give Way to Pedestrians Sign (Sign 303) Sign 303 requires that the driver of a vehicle should yield right-of-way to pedestrians crossing the roadway or waiting to cross the roadway. For a detailed discussion of Give Way Sign 302, see Section 1. Sign 303 shall be used in conjunction with PEDESTRIAN CROSSING pavement marking 603 and GIVE WAY pavement marking 602. 2. GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 shall be used in advance of all marked pedestrian crossings which are not otherwise controlled by STOP sign 301, GIVE WAY sign 302 or traffic signals. 3. The Sign 302/303 combination shall not be used in advance of crosswalks that cross an approach to or departure from a roundabout. 4. GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 shall be located on the right side of the roadway 3m in advance of GIVE WAY pavement marking 602. GIVE WAY pavement marking 602 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 399 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 5. 6. 7. 8. should be at least 3m and preferably 6m in advance of PEDESTRIAN CROSSING pavement marking 603. A second GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 shall be provided on the left side of the roadway when a median island or other central island is provided in advance of the pedestrian crossing. GIVE WAY sign placement shall be consistent with the General Standards presented in Section, and shall be based on engineering judgment and warrants based on the General Guidance provided in Section and in the Guidance found in Section Signs shall meet the sign installation requirements of Section, meeting at least the minimum clearance requirement “C” for Arterial / Collector / Local routes as stipulated in Section 4.1.10 and dimension “D” if PEDESTRIAN supplementary sign 303 is mounted below the GIVE WAY sign. Signs 302/303 GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 shall have the following colour pattern: a. The upper, GIVE WAY sign shall have a white background with a broad red border. b. The lower sign, indicating pedestrians, shall have a red background with a white icon and border. 9.2.3 No Pedestrians Sign (Sign 352) Sign 352 prohibits pedestrians from proceeding beyond the sign. 1. NO PEDESTRIANS sign 352 shall be displayed where it is required to prohibit pedestrian movement or access, particular those parts of a roadway, junction or off-road area which pedestrians otherwise might expect to be able to use, but which are considered unsafe due to the lack of crossings or walkway facilities. 2. The NO PEDESTRIANS sign 352 shall have a white background, a black icon, a thick red diagonal line, and a thick red border. Sign 352 1. Sign 352 should be used with a size of 300mm unless a larger size is warranted for conspicuousness. 2. Sign 352 may be used on a COMBINED RESTRICTION SIGN, such as at the beginning of a Freeway, bridge or tunnel, where multiple restrictions may be in place. 9.2.4 Children Sign (Sign 426) CHILDREN Sign 426 warns motorists of the likelihood that children are on or adjacent to the road ahead due to the presence of a school, playground, or other activity area. 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 400 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Chapter 6 contains detailed discussions on additional signs such as the CHILDREN CROSSING sign (Sign 360) that can be used with Zebra Crossing Flashers within a school zone. 1. CHILDREN Sign 426 shall be used as necessary to alert motorists in advance of locations where shared use of the roadway by children might occur. 2. Sign 426 shall utilize the triangular shape consistent with Section and shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 3. Sign 426 placement and visibility shall be consistent with the Standards presented in Section 4.3, and based on Signs 426 with Supplemental Plate 589 (School) engineering judgment. Sign 426 shall be located on the right side of the roadway and, where possible, on the left side as well, at a distance from the start of the area where children are likely to be present with a clear sight distance to the sign. 4. Supplementary Plate. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the specific reason for the presence of children such as “School” or “Playground” in Arabic and English should be attached below sign 426. 1. CHILDREN sign 426 should be provided in advance of any appropriate roadway area which is potentially hazardous to children. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 3. See Chapter 6 for guidance on typical applications of traffic control devices in school zones. 9.2.5 Pedestrians Crossing Ahead Sign (Sign 427) Sign 427 warns drivers of vehicles that there is a marked and/or signalized pedestrian crossing ahead at which pedestrians have right-of-way. 1. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD sign 427 shall be located on the right side of the roadway and, where possible, on the left side as well, at a distance from the crossing as indicated in Section 4.3 and based on engineering Sign 427 judgment. A clear sight distance to the sign shall be provided. 2. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the pedestrian crossing shall be attached below sign 427. 3. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD sign 427 shall be provided in advance of all marked pedestrian crossings and mid-block signalized pedestrian crossings. 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 401 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 4. Sign 427 shall not be located at a pedestrian crossing to mark the position of the crossing. 5. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD sign 427 shall not be provided at pedestrian crossings located at signalized or sign controlled legs of an intersection. 6. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD sign 427 shall have a white background, a black icon, and a thick red border. 1. All unsignalized pedestrian crossings shall be marked by GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303. 2. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than recommended in Section 9.2.6 Traffic Signals Ahead (Sign 430A and 430B) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD Signs 430A and 430B shall be installed where necessary on an approach to a signalized intersection that is not visible for a sufficient distance to permit the road user to safely respond to the traffic signal. Signs 430A and 430B warn drivers of vehicles that the junction or pedestrian crossing ahead is controlled by traffic signals. 1. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD sign 430 shall be located on the right side of the roadway at a distance from the traffic signal as indicated in Section 4.3 and based on engineering judgment. A clear sight distance to the sign shall be provided. Sign 430A 2. A SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE sign 589 indicating the distance to the traffic signal shall be attached below sign 430. 3. An additional sign shall be provided on the left side of the roadway on a median island if the roadway is part of a dual carriageway. 4. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD sign 430 shall only be considered for use when: 5. It is not obvious at the distance given in Section 4.3 that there is a TRAFFIC SIGNAL control ahead, and/or 6. The signalized junction is remote or isolated from other signalized junctions. 7. Sign 430B shall be used for approach speeds of 80km/h and above, and shall be a rectangular sign with a minimum 1500mm Sign 430B height. 8. In addition, sign 430A or 430B may be installed for a short period of 3 to 6 months when a new traffic signal is commissioned but must be removed after such a period, subject to the warrant criteria given. 9. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD sign 430 should have a white background and a thick red border. The icon shall have a black background with, in descending order, red, yellow, and green lights. 10. Sign 430B shall be a rectangular sign with a similar (but larger) signal icon and text (distance information to the signal), with a red border. 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 402 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 1. Where intermittent sight obstructions occur, engineering judgement should determine the treatment to be implemented. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNALS AHEAD sign 430A/B may be used for additional emphasis of the traffic signal, even when the visibility distance to the stop sign is satisfactory. 3. A Warning Beacon may be used with sign 430A/B. 4. Engineering judgement should be used to determine if a larger sign is needed in certain circumstances than what is recommended in Section 9.3 Markings All pavement markings associated with pedestrian crossings as given below shall be white and shall be reflectorized. 9.3.1 Pedestrian (“Zebra”) Crossing Marking 603 Marking 603 when used at a location not controlled by traffic signals imposes a mandatory requirement that a driver must yield right of way to pedestrians crossing the road carrying the same meaning as the GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign 303 whether that sign is present or not. Regardless of its location, within marking 603 pedestrians always have right of way over vehicles, and vehicles must yield to pedestrians within the crossing. When used at a signal controlled crossing, marking 603 warns drivers of a pedestrian crossing location with the likely presence of pedestrians near the road and invokes a requirement that the driver exercise a high degree of care and caution in the vicinity. The use of PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall be carefully considered. An engineering study should be made for their use away from signal-controlled intersections. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall only be installed with the approval of the relevant Roads Authority. 1. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING marking 603 shall be a broken white line transverse and completely across the full width of the road and shoulders. The configuration of the line shall be 500mm line and 500mm gap. The gap orientation shall be aligned parallel with the direction of vehicular travel at the crossing. The minimum width of line, measured perpendicular to the axis of pedestrian travel, shall be 3m. This width may be increased if large volumes of pedestrians are present. A width basis of 0.5m for every 100 pedestrians per hour may be used. 2. At intersections, marking 603 shall be positioned a minimum of 3000mm from the opposing Give Way or Stop lines. A separation of 6000mm is preferred. 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 403 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 9-1: Pedestrian (“Zebra”) Crossing Marking 603 9.3.2 Pavement Messages The use of pavement messages in advance of pedestrian facilities should be restricted to sites where driver awareness of the facility may be reduced by the horizontal or vertical alignment or by volume of traffic. If used, a message should, if possible, be confined to one line. Where two or more lines are required, they should be designed as follows: On high-speed roads, generally speed zones higher than 80km/h, a separation of four times the character height should be used, and the message should be arranged to read sequentially, i.e. with the first word nearest to the driver. For low-speed, urban situations the separation between lines may, if necessary, be from onehalf to one times the character height, in which case the message should be arranged to read from top to bottom, i.e. with the first word farthest from the driver. Where the message is an advance warning the word AHEAD, if used, should be added at the end of the message. Word messages for use on road pavements near crossings are as follows: PED X. SCHOOL X. SCHOOL. Pavement marking may be used in association with the School Zone sign. The only worded message used for this purpose is SCHOOL ZONE. Pavement markings indicating the school zone speed limit are not permitted. 9.3.3 Pedestrian Islands and Medians Raised islands or medians of sufficient width that are placed in the centre area of a street or highway can serve as a place of refuge for pedestrians who are attempting to cross at a midblock or 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 404 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) intersection location. Centre islands or medians allow pedestrians to find an adequate gap in one direction of traffic at a time, as the pedestrians are able to stop, if necessary, in the centre island or median area and wait for an adequate gap in the other direction of traffic before crossing the second half of the street or highway. The minimum widths for accessible refuge islands and for design and placement of detectable warning surfaces are provided in Chapters 5 and 6 of the “Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual.” 9.4 Pedestrian Grade Crossings 9.4.1 Description Pedestrian grade crossings in school areas are discussed in Chapter 6. Traffic control for pedestrian grade crossings at train and LRT tracks, are discussed in Chapter 7. To guide pedestrians to Pedestrian Underpasses, Sign 599 as detailed in Section is to be utilized. 9.5 Signalization 9.5.1 Description Pedestrian signals and signal indications at signalized intersections are discussed in the TSES Manual. Mid-block signalized pedestrian grade crossings are also addressed in the TSES and the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual. Zebra crossing markings as discussed in Section 9.3.1 are used to mark these crossings. 9.6 Temporary Traffic Management and Pedestrian Access Where existing bicycle or pedestrian facilities or pathways will be affected by roadwork, the needs of bicycles and pedestrians are to be addressed in the TTM plan as formulated per Work Zone Traffic Management Manual (TR-531) of this document. Use the following guidelines if temporary pedestrian facilities are needed: 1. Pedestrians shall not be led into direct conflicts with worksite vehicles, equipment or operations. 2. Pedestrians shall not be led into direct conflicts with mainline traffic moving through or around the worksite 3. Pedestrians shall be provided with a safe, accessible and convenient path replicating as nearly as possible the most desirable characteristics of existing sidewalks or footpaths. 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Page 405 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 10 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 10.1 General The purpose of this chapter is to provide graphical representations of how regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs, and pavement markings are used in various typical roadway situations. The figures that make up this chapter are largely graphical and illustrative in nature. Specific dimensions for placement of the traffic control devices are generally not shown so as to discourage manual users from designing from Chapter 9 alone. Guidance for the design of various traffic control devices should be obtained as appropriate from other chapters in this Manual and used with discretion relative to the actual circumstances and configuration being confronted by the designer. In each of the figures, colour representations of each pavement marking and sign are shown to aid the manual user in visualizing the relationships of the various elements. The configurations and guide signs shown on the following applications are hypothetical and do not necessarily represent actual locations in Abu Dhabi. They are intended solely to represent typical signing for a given configuration of roadway or junction. Signing and pavement marking positioning shown represent preferred locations. To the maximum extent possible, signing locations should be considered in the geometric design of a roadway with provisions made in the roadside design to accommodate these signs. When signing existing configurations, the locations indicated should be followed to the maximum extent possible, but some variation may be found unavoidable. In general, the signing shown in the following applications are considered minimum (unless signs are indicated as being optional). While it is desirable to minimize the number of signs used, signs in addition to those shown may be warranted and should be included if necessary for the safety and welfare of the public. NOTE 1: The representative configurations may show signing visible to traffic coming from one particular direction (usually from the bottom of the figure), and may not show all signing at the intersection in all directions. This is done to facilitate readability of the figures. NOTE 2: Streets, roads and place names shown in the examples are representative only, and should not be construed to represent actual geographic or physical conditions or configurations along the Abu Dhabi road network. 10.2 Local and Arterial Road Junctions This section illustrates typical combined applications of the use of regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs and pavement markings for local and arterial road junctions. Where relevant to the situation being illustrated traffic signals are also indicated. There is a great deal of scope for variation in geometric detail with the majority of applications illustrated. This section should not be seen as a guideline for geometric design. Similar but differently detailed geometric layouts should be signed and marked according to the illustrated principles. The figures in this section are described as follows. Figure 10-1 depicts several representative configurations of situations found on local access roads within a community. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown in a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 40km/h. The example shows the use of optional 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 406 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) chevron signs on curves. The use of the chevron signs is beneficial for those local streets that have limited sight distance to the curves as well as 40km/h or higher speeds. For the purposes of this example, stops signs are assumed to be warranted as per the criteria of Section 4.2, where shown. Figure 10-2 depicts two typical situations on a 6 lane dual carriageway. One situation is a mid-block U-turn located away from an intersecting roadway and intended solely for the purpose of making U-turns. The other situation is a local road T-junction with an arterial. The junction depicted in this figure is only provided with radii on the corners. The sizing of signs and pavement markings are shown in a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 60km/h on the divided road and 40km/h on the intersecting road. Supplementary guide sign treatments are shown for this example, indicating the need to make a U-turn to access the park, as well as providing the supplementary guide sign in the opposite direction (after the U-turn) indicating the driver is to turn right to get to the park. Figure 10-3 depicts a situation on a four-lane dual carriageway where left turns through a median opening from a divided road are permitted onto an intersecting local road. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown in a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 60km/h on the divided road and 40km/h on the intersecting road. Also included in the example are typical signing and markings for a “turn-out” bus stop location. The figure also shows the options of either banning U-turns from the left turn pocket (provision of NO U TURN SIGN) or advising that trucks cannot U-turn. Figure 10-4 depicts a number of typical situations that are commonly found on service roads adjacent to arterial roadways. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown in a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 60km/h on the main road, 40km/h on secondary roads, and 25km/h on service roads (same sizing as 40km/h). For the purposes of this example, stops signs are assumed to be warranted as per the criteria of Section 4.2, where shown. This figure also illustrates a typical mid-block signalized pedestrian crossing. Parking access is from the service road. Examples shown are “generic” in nature and do not include local “Mawaqif” regulatory sign displays for pay parking. Figure 10-5 depicts a representative configuration of a signalized junction between two highspeed arterials, utilizing horizontal-stack advance signing. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 80km/h on the approach roads. Signing is shown only for one approach. Other approaches are similar. In cases where approaches have three lanes or less and speeds of less than 80km/h, as per Chapter 4, vertical-stack advance signing may be provided in lieu of the horizontal stack signing. The illustration does not include warning signs or AD-route signage departing the intersection, beyond those provided on the guide signs, nor does it show street name signs, which are implemented based on Urban Planning Council or Municipality requirements at the specific location. Supplemental signing treatment (optional) is shown for “Public Garden”. The incorporation of direct guidance to a nearby numbered AD-route is shown through the use of parenthetical symbol bracketing the route emblem of the route to where guidance is being provided. This is done in lieu of “To” wording. Destination symbols for City Centre (straight ahead on Zayed the 1st Street) and the airport (right on Route 120). Please note that providing the street name on the chevron sign is optional if there is visible street name signing available on the signal mast arm or on street 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 407 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) name signs mounted in the median; this is dependent on the specific Urban Planning Council or Municipality guidance and requirements for street name displays. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 408 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-1: Local Street Sign and Marking Layouts 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 409 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-2: Dual Carriageway Arterial with Median U-Turn Pocket and Channelized T-Intersection with Local Street 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 410 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-3: Dual Carriageway Arterial with Channelized Left-Turn Movement into Side Road and Bus Stop Turnout Location 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 411 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-4: Dual Carriageway Urban Arterial with Service Roads, Parking and Local Street Access 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 412 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-5: Signalised Intersection between Two Major Arterial Roads with Advance Horizontal Stack Signage 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 413 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 10.3 Roundabout Junctions This section illustrates typical combined applications of the use of regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs and pavement markings for roundabout junctions. As was stated in the last section, there is a great deal of scope for variation in geometric detail with the majority of applications illustrated. This section should not be seen as a guideline for geometric design. Similar but differently detailed geometric layouts should be signed and marked according to the illustrated principles. The following typical roundabout applications are described in this section: Figure 10-6 depicts a representative configuration of a full size roundabout on a junction between two urban arterials (AD-routes), with vertical stack signage approaching the junction and AD-route signage departing the roundabout. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 60km/h on the approach roads. Signing is shown only for one approach. Other approaches are similar. A bypass right turn pocket is provided. Note the trailblazer sign for the hospital, which as per Section 4.4 is not considered a secondary or supplementary destination. The indication that it is straight ahead is intended as reassurance for traffic as it passes through the junction. If a secondary destination (e.g., park, sports ground, museum) were to be signed instead, a supplementary guide sign (brown or white depending on the nature of the secondary destination) would be provided at the location of the trailblazer sign. Figure 10-7 depicts a representative configuration of a signalized roundabout on a highspeed arterial with horizontal-stack signage approaching the junction. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 80km/h on the approach roads. Signing is shown relative to its visibility to one approach only. Other approaches are to be configured in a similar fashion. Note that the guide signage shows the route emblem and number for the specific roads, along with direct guidance messages for Eroutes (E-route emblems enclosed in parentheses). Mashreq route emblems are also provided on those signs visible to those already on the “M-route” (e.g., M-route signing is not provided on approach routes that are not M-routes). In this example, Route M7 travels along Route AD-245. Stand-alone route shields are posted departing the junction. For AD-245, the M7 shield is posted to the right of the AD-245 shield. It is noted that roundabout signalisation may involve either mast arm mounted signals, pedestal-mounted signals, or some combination of both, as per the TSES Manual. Figure 10-8 depicts a representative configuration of a junction between two intersecting single carriageway roads in the form of a mini roundabout. It is to be noted that unlike in this figure, the pedestrian crossings are generally set back at a sufficient distance from the roundabout to enable safe pedestrian crossings. Typically, Sign 329 is installed under Sign 302 on the same post. The junction is subject to wide variations in geometric treatment. The example illustrated assumes a standard crossroad junction between two local roads. Note that this particular example does not include destination guide signs, route number signs or street name signs. Approach speeds are assumed to be 60km/h. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 414 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-6: Roundabout Junction between Two AD-Routes with Bypass Right Turn and Vertical-Stack Advance Signage 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 415 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-7: Signalised Roundabout Junction between Two AD-Routes with Bypass Right Turn and Horizontal-Stack Advance Signage (includes advance guidance to E-routes and Mashreq route signing on cross route) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 416 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-8: Mini-Roundabout (local or rural junctions) 10.4 Freeways and Grade-Separated Junctions This section deals principally with sequences of guide signs for a range of typical freeway gradeseparated interchanges. Basic pavement marking arrangements for typical free-flow exit conditions are also illustrated. The principles illustrated are equally applicable to isolated grade separated junctions on non-freeway routes. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 417 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) The following typical applications are included in this section: Figure 10-9: depicts a representative configuration of a junction between a dual carriageway crossroad and a freeway (E-route) in the form of a signalized grade-separated diamond interchange. The junction type is subject to wide variations in geometric treatment. - The example illustrated assumes a dual-carriageway arterial crossroad with a speed limit of 60km/h. - Signing is only shown for traffic coming from the bottom of the figure and from the left of the figure. Signing for other approaches is similar. - Use of vertical stack signing is appropriate for the junction approach speeds and number of lanes (less than three). - Vertical stack signing is also provided on the approaching exit ramps from the freeway. - The arterial example does not include AD-route numbering, so no route number displays or shields departing the junction are shown, nor are destination distance signs. Street name signing is not shown in this example but is assumed to be provided depending on the Municipality or Urban Planning Council requirements at a particular junction. Figure 10-10 depicts a representative configuration of a junction at the terminal end of a freeway (E-route) grade-separated interchange. The junction represented is a dual roundabout configuration on an AD-route crossroad with assumed speed of 60km/h. - Figure 10-7 may be referred to for applicable signing and pavement markings if other junction configurations are used at an interchange terminal end. Signing is shown only for traffic coming from the bottom and from the left of the figure. Signing for other approaches is similar. - No E-route or AD-route signing other than that on guide signs is shown on this example. Route shields along the arterial may be provided in a similar fashion to those 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 418 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) provided - in Figure 10-6Likewise, street name signing may be provided depending on the locale but is not shown in this example. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 419 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-11 is a companion to Figure 10-9: , showing the configuration of the same interchange from the freeway approach perspective, including a single lane exit ramp. As depicted the lane used to exit the freeway is a lane which is shared between ongoing traffic and exiting traffic is presented based upon an interchange located on an E-route. The example is also applicable for other grade-separated junctions on highways or major urban streets. - Within an urban environment, please note that signs on Abu Dhabi routes (AD-routes) or other urban streets at grade-separated junctions are to use green rather than blue background. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. - Note the destinations on the advance exit direction and exit direction signs are grouped together (both destinations in Arabic, then both destinations in English), indicating that the exit ramp serves both directions. Figure 10-12 and Figure 10-13 depict the configuration of a two lane exit ramp from a freeway with one lane being dropped at the exit and the second being an optional exit lane. As depicted the dropped lane can only be used to exit the freeway. The adjacent lane is shared between ongoing traffic and existing traffic (see Figure 10-11 for the treatment for a single exit lane.) The example presented is based upon an interchange located on an Emirate Route that is a freeway. The sizes of signs and pavement markings are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. - Figure 10-12 shows the use of standard over-lane guide signage, showing the right lane as a lane drop (black down arrow on white background with “ONLY” text, and the second lane with a standard white down arrow on the blue background. The pullthrough sign upstream of the interchange shows four lanes continuing through, and the pull-through at the exit shows the fifth lane also continuing through as the 2-lane exit splits from the mainline. - Figure 10-13 shows an alternative lane use arrow configuration where the specific lane use (straight using up arrows and right using a curved right arrow is identified). The second right lane shows a combination straight and right curved arrow to indicate the ability to use the lane for either movement. It is recommended that new road construction or new interchanges use this clearer lane use description signage. Existing or older locations where there is existing use of downward lane use arrows and up-right to up-left arrows for exits may utilize the example in Figure 10-13. Figure 10-14: depicts a multi-ramp interchange where the ramps for each direction consecutively exit from the mainline freeway or highway. The sizes of signs are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. Regulatory and warning signs and pavement markings are not detailed. - Based on linear referencing of the exit based on kilometres distance from the route origin and proceeding upward, the individual ramps within the interchange are consecutively signed with the exit number and A (for first ramp) and B (for second ramp). In the opposing direction (decreasing kilometres), the ramps would be signed with the exit number and B (for the first ramp) and A (for the second ramp). - For interchanges with multiple exit ramps, the first advance exit direction sign is 2000m from the first exit gore, with a second exit direction sign at 1000m from the first exit. At 500m, separate advance exit direction signs with distances to each exit are provided. At the first exit, the exit direction sign for the first exit and an advance exit direction sign for the second exit is provided. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 420 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) - Exit gore signs are provided for each ramp and show both the exit number based on kilometre reference and the suffix (i.e., for this example, first exit is numbered “25A” and the second is numbered “25B”). Figure 10-15: depicts a multi-ramp interchange where the ramps are served by a single collector-distributor (C-D) road which later rejoins the freeway/highway. The example shown utilizes a single-lane exit (not a lane drop) to the C-D road. The sizes of signs are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. Regulatory and warning signs and pavement markings are not shown. - Exit numbering is shown for the primary exit from the mainline (here shown as Exit 25), and not for the ramps that depart from the C-D road. - Note that, on advance exit direction signs and the primary exit direction sign, the destinations are separated by the Arabic then English text for Destination 1, followed below by the Arabic then English text for Destination 2. While the primary exit technically served both destinations, the destination separation is done in recognition that there are secondary exit ramps from the C-D road for each destination. Once the driver exits onto the C-D road, he will then see separate exit direction signage for the first destination in combination with advance exit direction signage for the second destination. - A numbered exit gore sign is provided for the primary exit from the mainline. Separate exit gore signs (not numbered) are provided for each exit from the C-D road. Figure 10-16: depicts a freeway-to-freeway interchange with a two lane primary exit from the mainline freeway that splits shortly after the exit point. The examples show the ramp split not being a lane drop (two lanes continue to the left destination and one lane exits from the ramp to right destination) and being located less than 500m from the primary exit. The sizes of signs are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. Regulatory and warning signs and pavement markings are not shown. - Separate sign displays are provided for each exit lane, given one lane will exit in one direction from the primary exit ramp, and the other two lanes continue to the left destination. - Hence, the exit numbering shows both the kilometre reference and A and B references for each directional split from the ramp. The exit gore sign for the primary exit will show “Exit 3A-B”, and the secondary exit gore sign shows arrows in two directions, indicating the split in the ramp. Figure 10-17 depicts an “urban diamond interchange” between two major arterials that are grade separated, one of which is a highway at the point of the interchange. The intersection of the ramps and arterial is signalized, with U-turns available prior to the signal for drivers to change to the opposite direction. Given the urban environment and that both routes are arterials within a city, and are not E-routes, all guide signage is shown as green background. The example focuses on guide signage and shows schematics but not details of pavement markings and warning signs. - The sizes of signs are shown at a relative scale and are based on a speed limit of 80km/h for the grade-separated route, and 60km/h for the crossing route. - Advance signing ahead of the signal (both on the exit ramps on the arterial will be horizontal stack signing (overhead). - For the example here, street names are showed on the advance stack signs, along with destinations and direct route guidance information (AD-route shields contained 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 421 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) within parentheses indicating the major routes accessed downstream from the arterial). - The example shown here does not show street name signs at the junction (street names may be shown on signal mast arms or dedicated standard signs on the median). Chevron signage in this example includes route information, destination symbols such as city centre or downtown, and destination, but not street name information. - While some traffic control signs are shown for indicative purposes, it is understood that this figure does not comprehensively cover all required traffic control signs for ease of understanding. Figure 10-18 depicts pavement marking conditions that are not otherwise covered in in other figures in this chapter. Pavement marking sizes are based on a speed limit of 100km/h. The retroreflective version of pavement markings is shown for a freeway condition. For nonfreeway conditions the standard version of the markings may be used. 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 422 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-9: Arterial and Freeway Off-Ramp Approaches to Arterial-Ramp Junction (diamond interchange, signalisation at ramp junctions) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 423 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-10: Arterial and Freeway Off-Ramp Approaches to Arterial-Ramp Junction (diamond interchange, roundabouts at ramp junctions 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 424 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-11: Freeway Approach to Single-Lane Exit Ramp (no lane drop) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 425 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-12: Freeway Approach to Two Lane Exit with Right Lane Drop and Second-Lane Exit Option (use of standard over-lane guide signing) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 426 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-13: Freeway Approach to Two Lane Exit with Right Lane Drop and Second-Lane Exit Option (use of alternative diagrammatic lane use arrow signage) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 427 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-14: Signing for Multi-Ramp Interchange (exit ramps direct from mainline) Figure 10-15: Signing for Multi-Ramp Interchange with Primary Exit to Collector-Distributor (C-D) Road and Secondary Exits from C-D Road 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 428 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-16: Signing for Freeway-to-Freeway Interchange (two lane drops, directional split on exit ramp) 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 429 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-17: Guide Signage for Grade-Separated Urban Junction 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 430 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Figure 10-18: Pavement Marking Examples for Freeway Merges, Weaving Sections and Exit Ramp Splits 10-TYPICAL APPLICATION Page 431 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) CITED REFERENCES To the extent that they are incorporated by specific reference, the latest editions of the following publications, or those editions specifically noted, are a part of this manual: 1. Department of Transport. Consultants Management Manual. Abu Dhabi : Department of Transport, 2011. 2. —. Project Cost Estimating Manual. Abu Dhabi : Department of Transport, 2011. 3. AASTHO. Bridge Welding Code. 5th Edition. Miami : American Welding Association, 2008. pp. 5 - 50. AASTHO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2008. 4. Department of Transport. Road Structures Design Manual. Abu Dhabi : Department of Transport, 2011. 5. Directorate-General for Translation. English Style Guide - A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission. Sixth edition. s.l. : European Commission, 2010. CITED REFERENCES Page 432 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) OTHER REFERENCES Directorate-General for Translation. English Style Guide - A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission. Sixth edition. : European Commission, 2010. Dubai Municipality – Roads Department. Traffic Control Devices Manual, Volumes 1 and 2. Dubai, 2004. Dubai Roads & Transport Authority, Right of Way Department. Work Zone Traffic Management Manual. Dubai, October 2007. Queensland Government. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Australia, 2009. Abu Dhabi Municipality Road Department. Traffic Control Devices Manual. Emirate of Abu Dhabi, 2005. United Kingdom Department for Transport. The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions. London, 2002. United Kingdom Department for Transport. Traffic Signs Manual. London, 1982 with 2004 amendments. United Kingdom Department for Transport. Traffic Advisory Leaflet. London, 2003. United States Department of Transportation and Federal Road Administration. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. U.S., 2009 Edition. CITED REFERENCES Page 433 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) INDEX Abu Dhabi Department of Transport, ii, xxv, 1, 4 Abu Dhabi Road Regulation, 7, 15, 17, 24, 52, 53, 104, 105, 312, 315 Abu Dhabi Route Trailblazer Signs, 227 Accessible Pedestrian Signals, xii Active Traffic Management, xii, 70, 75 Additional Lane Signs, 113, 146 AD-Routes, xxv, 7, 34, 157, 163, 173, 174, 175, 182, 183, 185, 186, 195, 218, 219, 230 Adult Crossing Guards, 308 Advance Exit Direction Signs, 200 Advance Horizontal Stack Signs, 181, 183 Advance Map Signs, 187 Advance Supplemental Signs, 189 Advance Vertical Stack Signs, 184 Advance Warning Area, 36 Advertising Signing, 6 Advisory Bicycle Lane Markings, 385 Advisory Contra-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs, 378 Advisory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs, 373 Ahead Only Signs, 66, 71 Airport Trailblazer Signs, 225 All Way Supplemental Plate, 53, 55 Animal Ahead Signs, 132 Arabic Numerals, 35 Arrow Descriptions, 164 Arterials, 48, 49, 152, 179, 183 At-Grade Junctions, 152, 179 Barricades, 3, 106, 107, 108, 289 Barriers, 36, 38, 41, 240, 264, 279, 333, 365 Beginning of Freeway Signs, 104 Beginning/End of Median Signs, 145 Bends Ahead Signs, 120 Bicycle Grade Crossings, 385 Bicycle Guide Signs, 380 Bicycle Lane Signs, 103 Bicycle Lanes, xiii, 368, 373, 376 Bicycle Track Markings, 385 Bus Lane Signs, 101, 337 CITED REFERENCES Page 434 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Bus Stop Signs, 98 Cardinal Directions, 176 Channelizing Devices, 289, 290, 291 Channelizing Line Markings, 102, 249, 251, 260, 262, 263, 265, 271, 338 Chevron, 31, 139, 140, 141, 142, 152, 159, 164, 179, 180, 181, 197, 198, 263, 264 Chevron Alignment Markers, 323 Chevron Direction Signs, 194 Chevron Markings, 263 Children Crossing Signs, 301, 306 Children Signs, 126, 306, 389, 390 City Centre Trailblazer Signs, 226 Clear Zone Markings, 325 Clear Zone Signs, 325 Clearview, 200 Colour Code, 32, 33 Coloured Pavements, 288 Combined Restriction Signs, 87 Comprehensive Signs, 52 Continuity Line Markings, 266 Control Destinations, 178, 179, 213 Control Signs, 29, 52, 53 Curb Markings, 238, 240, 243 Curb Painting, 272, 279, 280 Delineators, 241, 287, 288, 291 Department of Transport, ii Department of Transport Manual, xii Design Vehicle, xiv Diagrammatic Arrows, 164 Diagrammatic Signs, 142 Distance Signs, 174, 363 Dividing Line Markings, 246, 247, 260 DoT MUTCD Committee, 18 Drawbridge Ahead Signs, 131 Dual Carriageway Ends Ahead Signs, 121, 125 Dynamic Message Signs, xiii, 12, 363 Edge Line Markings, 250, 254, 263, 264, 278 Emirate of Abu Dhabi, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 17, 32, 278, 286, 432 Emirate Route Trailblazer Signs, 226 End of Bicycle Lane, Track or Route Signs, 379 End of Freeway Signs, 105 CITED REFERENCES Page 435 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) End School Zone Signs, 297, 302 Entering Neighbourhood Signs, 105A E-Routes, 7, 34, 157, 163, 172, 174, 175, 179, 180, 182, 183, 186, 189, 195, 199, 200, 218, 219, 226, 230 Exclusive Lane or Parking Space Symbol Markings, 255 Exit Direction Signs, 40, 208, 362 Exit Numbering System, 223 Falling Rocks Signs, 134 Field Repairs, 49 Fire Hydrant Supplementary Plate Signs, 234 Flagger, xv, xxv, 108 Four-Quadrant Gate Systems, 334 Freeway Trailblazer Signs, 227 Freeway/Highway Ground-Mounted Advance Exit Direction Signs, 230 Freeway/Highway Ground-Mounted Exit Direction Signs, 231 Freeways, 42, 43, 48, 73, 155, 199, 267, 339, 405 Gate Warning Lights, 109 Gates, 3, 50, 106, 108, 331, 332 General Information Signs, 40, 228 General Service Signs, 234, 235 General Warning Sign, 136 General Warning Sign 450, 136 Give Way Line Markings, 244 Give Way Signs, 30, 31, 33, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 114, 128, 129, 244, 245, 258, 294, 373, 388, 389, 391, 392 Give Way to Pedestrians Signs, 244, 388 Give-Way Control Ahead Signs, 129 Gore Exit Signs, 221 Grade Crossing Elimination, 313 Grade Crossings, 310, 313, 316, 394 Grade-Separated Junctions, 155, 199, 405 Guidance Markings, 264 Guide Devices, 4 Guide Line Markings, 265 Guide Signs, 25, 40, 42, 81, 82, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 161, 170, 179, 180, 200, 346, 347, 350, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361 Hatch Markings, 264 Hazard Marker Signs, 112, 137 Hazard Plate Signs, 137 High Occupancy Vehicle, 103 CITED REFERENCES Page 436 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) High Vehicle Warning Signs, 149 Highway Code, 24 HOV Lanes, xv, 103 Illumination, xxi, 27, 30, 53, 114, 307, 316 Inspection, 29, 47 Inventory, 45, 46 Joining Lane Signs, 146 Junction Ahead Signs, 114, 115, 116 Kilometre Marker Signs, 174 Lane Drop Signs, 144 Lane End Arrow Markings, 262 Lane Ends Signs, 121 Lane Line Markings, 261 Lane Symbol Markings, 366 Lane Use Control, 148, 149 Lanes Merge Signs, 147 Leaving Neighbourhood Signs, 106 Left or Right Turn Only Signs, 70 Left or U-Turn Only Signs, 70 Legend, xvi, xix, xxi, 26, 32, 34, 163, 173, 203, 219 Light Emitting Diode, 29 Loading Zone Signs, 100 Local Roads, 48 Local Traffic Only Signs, 107 Locomotive Horn, xvii Longitudinal Placement, 38, 42, 43 Low-Flying Aircraft Signs, 132 LRT Crossing Warning Signs, 328 LRT Crossings, 326, 328 LRT Plate Signs, 326, 329 Luminaires, 29, 316 Managed Lane Advance Direction Signs, 347 Managed Lane Advance Ongoing Movement Signs, 350, 356 Managed Lane Direction Signs, 354 Managed Lane Ends Ahead Signs, 358 Managed Lane Exit Distance Signs, 363 Managed Lane Gore Signs, 357 Managed Lane Ongoing Movement Signs, 355 Managed Lane Regulatory Signs, 352 Managed Lane Slip Ramp Exit Direction Signs, 360 CITED REFERENCES Page 437 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Managed Lanes, xxii, 310, 315, 339, 363, 364, 365 Managed Lanes Regulatory End Signs, 360 Mandatory Bicycle Lane Markings, 381 Mandatory Signs, 52 Mandatory With-Flow Bicycle Lane Signs, 370 Material Testing, 44 Mawaqif Signs, 93, 94 Maximum Headroom Signs, 125 Maximum Height Limit for Roads Allowing Overheight Vehicles Signs, 85 Maximum Height Limit Signs, 84, 85 Maximum Speed Limit Signs, 77, 78 Median, xvi, xvii, 112, 398 Merging Traffic Signs, 117 Minimum Speed Limit Signs, 78 Minimum Track Clearance Distance, xvii Neutral Area, xviii Night Speed Limit Signs, 78 No Buses Signs, 86 No Cyclists Signs, 83 No Entry Signs, 64 No Goods Vehicles Signs, 81 No Horns Signs, 83 No Inflammable Goods Signs, 81 No Motor Vehicles Signs, 87, 102, 338 No Overtaking Signs, 80 No Parking Markings, 278 No Parking Signs, 92, 93, 95, 99, 272, 278 No Parking Zone Signs, 302 No Passing Line Markings, 246, 247, 249, 260, 264, 271, 324 No Pedestrians Signs, 83, 389 No Stopping Signs, 89 No Stopping Zone Signs, 91, 92 No Taxis Signs, 86 No Through Roads Signs, 116 No U-Turn Signs, 72 Nonretroreflective RPM Marking N, 271 Object Marker, xviii, 283 Object Marker Design, 283 Occupancy Requirement, xviii One Way Signs, 62, 64, 65 CITED REFERENCES Page 438 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Ongoing Direction Signs, 210, 212 Opposing Traffic, xviii Overhead Installations, 43 Overhead Signs, 28 Parking Control, 89 Parking Envelope Line Markings, 254 Parking for Disabled Persons Signs, 94 Parking Space Line Markings, 255 Parking Time Limit Signs, 95 Parking Trailblazer Signs, 228 Parking Zone Markings, 281 Pass Either Side Signs, 68 Passive Grade Crossing, xviii Pathway Grade Crossing, xviii Pavement Markings, 3, 4, 5, 7, 59, 61, 80, 102, 103, 104, 149, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 248, 254, 257, 259, 264, 266, 270, 272, 281, 284, 285, 286, 291, 292, 293, 298, 299, 302, 303, 314, 318, 322, 324, 338, 364, 367, 388, 392, 393 Pavement Messages, 393 Pay-and-Display Parking Signs, 93 Pedestrian Crossing Ahead Signs, 127 Pedestrian Crossing Markings, 246 Pedestrian Islands and Medians, 393 Pedestrian Supplemental Plate, 53, 59 Pedestrian Underpass Signs, 236 Pedestrians Crossing Ahead Signs, 390 Pick-Up and Drop-Off Signs, 99 Pictograph, xviii Priority Control, xix Prohibitory Signs, 52, 63, 72, 81, 82, 89 Prohibitory Traffic Movement Signs, 71, 72 Qualification Plate, 51, 52, 72, 80, 82, 87, 88, 91 Quayside Signs, 130 Rail Traffic, xix, 336 Railway Crossing, 319, 320, 323, 327, 331, 332 Railway Crossing Pavement Markings, 324 Railway Crossing Signal Regulatory Signs, 320, 321, 328 Railway Crossing Signs, 318, 319, 326 Railway Crossing Warning Signs, 320, 321 Raised Pavement Markers, xix, 266 Regulatory Devices, 4, 15 CITED REFERENCES Page 439 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Regulatory Signs, 25, 30, 31, 33, 38, 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 346 Reservation Signs, 52 Retroreflective RPM Marking R, 270 Retroreflective Sheeting, 28 Road Closed Signs, 107 Road Junctions, 395 Road Lighting, 53, 114, 316 Road Narrows Ahead Signs, 124 Road-LRT Grade Crossings, 311 Road-Rail Crossings, 318 Road-Railway Grade Crossings, 311 Roundabout Ahead Signs, 123 Roundabout Junctions, 402 Roundabout Markings, 292 Roundabout Signs, 61 Route Classifications, 172 Route Marker Signs, 176 Route Number Emblem, 162, 182, 185, 188, 189, 197, 198, 202, 203, 211, 213, 214, 219, 220 Route Number Plate Signs, 98 Route Numbering System, 1, 7, 171, 172 Route Numbering Systems, 7 Rumble Strips, 257 Rumble Strips Markings, 257 Rural Route Marking, 176, 177 Safe-Positioned, xx School Crossings, 294, 299 School Zones, 3, 295, 299, 300, 304, 307, 393 Selective Exclusion Signs, 379 Shared-Use Path, xx Sign Cleaning, 49 Sign Installation, 35, 36 Sign Placement, 36, 37, 42, 73, 369 Sign Replacements, 50 Sign Retro-reflectivity, 28, 29, 158 Sign Sizes, 33 Sign Spacing, 42, 138, 160 Sign Storage, 50 Signal Backplate, xxi Signal Coordination, xxi CITED REFERENCES Page 440 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Signal Phase, xxi Signal Timing, xxi Signalization, 331, 386, 394 Signing Subclassifications, 52, 111 Slippery Surface Signs, 135 Special Diagrammatic Lane Arrow Directional Signs, 214 Speed Hump Markings, 259 Speed Hump Signs, 133 Speed Limit Signs, xix, 42, 51, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 293, 300, 301 Speed Zone, xxii, 74 Splitter Island, xxii Stack Sign Arrows, 165 Stop Control Ahead Signs, 128 Stop Line Markings, 243, 247, 257, 265, 318, 319, 324, 326, 330 Stop Paddle Signs, 309 Stop Signs, 30, 31, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 128, 243, 244, 319, 320, 328, 330, 369, 370, 388 Street Name Signs, 229 Supplemental Destination Trailblazer Signs, 227 Supplemental Exit Signs, 222 Supplemental Signal Face, xxii Supplemental Track Plate Signs, 318, 319 Supplementary Pedestrian Plate, 55 Supplementary Plate, 34, 42, 51, 52, 61, 63, 66, 88, 111, 115, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 144, 147, 232, 233, 279, 390, 391 Taxi Stop Signs, 100 Temporary Traffic Control Signal, xxii Temporary Traffic Control Zone, xxii Text Pavement Markings, 285 Text Signs, 232 Text Symbol Markings, 286 Theoretical Gore, xxii Thru or Left Only Signs, 70 Thru or Right Only Signs, 70 T-Junctions, 141, 142, 149, 182, 185, 186 Traffic Control Devices, xxvi, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 114, 127, 237, 258, 289, 293, 294, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 333, 337, 367, 368, 388, 390, 432 Traffic Islands, 291 Traffic Signal and Electronic Warning and Information Systems (TSES) Manual, 4 CITED REFERENCES Page 441 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020 ABU DHABI MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) Traffic Signals Ahead Signs, 129, 391 Traffic Signs, 4, 5, 7, 14, 24, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 103, 112, 233, 237, 381, 432 Trailblazer Signs, 166, 224 Transverse Markings, xxiii, 240 Travelled Way, xxiii TSES Manual, 7, 19, 59, 61, 63, 70, 75, 300, 306, 310, 312, 315, 337 TTM, 301, 316, 317 Tunnel Signs, 133 Turn Left Signs, 68 Turn Right Signs, 68 Two-Way Traffic Signs, 121 UK Department of Transport, 35 Upstream, xxiii Urban Route Marking, 177 Urban Street, xxiii, 394 U-Turn Ahead Signs, 122 U-Turn Permitted Signs, 69 U-Turns, 72, 88, 122, 123, 191, 232 Vandalism, 47, 50 Variable Message Signs, xiii Vertical Stack Signs, 184 Visibility Painting Markings, 278 Visibility-Limited Signal Face, xxiii Warning Beacons, xxiii, 112, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 392 Warning Devices, 4 Warning Flasher, 296, 301 Warning Lights, xxiii Warning Markings, 257 Warning Signs, xxiii, 3, 25, 30, 31, 33, 39, 42, 43, 84, 85, 86, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 233, 301, 327, 330, 346, 373 Wayfinding, 3, 164 Wayside Horn System, xxiv Work Zones, xxii Yield Line, xxiv Yield Signs, 369 Zebra Crossings, 301, 302, 303, 306 CITED REFERENCES Page 442 SECOND EDITION – SEP 2020