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Sujud Ramadhan – J Offering
NIM. 230811610253
Science Philosophy and Human Studies – First Assignment
A Chapter 2 Summary of “Filsafat Ilmu Psikologi”
History of Philosophy
The history of the philosophy is philosophy itself. In this literature which
emphasizes philosophy from the western world, can be remarkably divided in many
A. Western’s Philosophy and the World’s
Within ourselves, in every nation, every country, every culture, philosophy
exist inherently. But in this literature, we will focus on western world’s history of
B. Natural Philosophy
Existed approximately in the 6th BC. Philosophers thought of the year zero
element of the whole universe (all of them are Greek);
- Thales : thought the universe started from water.
- Anaximenes : thought the universe started from the air.
- Anaximander : thought the universe started from something infinity.
- Herakleitos : thought the universe started from fire.
- Democritus : thought the universe started from atomic particles.
- Empedocles : thought the universe started from combination of soil, air,
fire, and water.
- Pythagoras : thought the universe started from numbers.
C. Classical Philosophy
Still in Greece, approximately in the 5th BC. Three big, famous philosophers;
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle started to think about the reasons why humans should
do good, act good, and ethical.
Plato is Socrates’ student who got to write Socrates’ philosophical discoveries
because Socrates never dared to write a single book. And then there’s Aristotle
who created a philosophical system about ethics, politics, aesthetics,
metaphysics, and logic.
D. Medieval Philosophy
People got so stupid in these times (around the 5th century) and
philosophy didn’t improve much, it downgraded even. This era is called the dark
age, where all people did was war. Philosophy didn’t get used very much other
than to legitimize religious truths.
E. Renaissance Period
People got tired of being stupid, the renaissance era (around the 15th
century) was the resistance of the stupidity. The tender love and care of doing
science, human studies got rebooted. Some guys who were famous from this era
were; Erasmus, Machiavelli, Thomas More, and Francis Bacon.
F. Modern Philosophy
In the 17th century, also known as the age of reason, this period was
marked by the controversy of Rationalism and Empiricism. Rene Descartes from
France was the big figure from the modern philosophy. He said “I am conscious,
therefore I exist.”
G. Enlightenment Period
Social and Politic philosophy started here, in the 18th century. The major
idea from this period was “Humans in the ancient times tend to be harsh, greedy,
and poor. By time those variables change because over time politics are
improved. People got ruled, people got tamed.” Written on “Leviathan” book By
Thomas Hobbes.
Another major ideas from this period were the importance of people’s
voices in democracy by Voltaire, Capitalism by Adam Smith, Epistemology by
Immanuel Kant.
H. 19th Century Philosophy Period
So many things happened in this period; happened on a wide scale of the
earth, from Eastern Europe, Western Europe, to North America. There were
Arthur Schopenhauer for his “Wille Zum Leben”, Hegel for this Dialectics, Comte
for his Positivism, Karl Marx for his materialism, Kierkegaard for his
existentialism, Pierce for his Pragmatism.
I. 20th Century Philosophy Period
More and more things happened in the 20th century, it created two
different axis between philosophers from Anglo-Saxon (which is in Europe) v.
philosophers from the rest of Europe. The ones from Anglo-Saxon are often called
the “analytical” philosophers, and the ones from the rest of Europe embraces
history more than science. More philosophies also created in this period;
Existentialism, Structuralism, Poststructuralism, Postmodernism by Bertrand
Russell, Ludwing Wittgenstein, Edmund Husserl, Jean Paul Satre, Claude LeviStrauss, Mitchel Foucault, JeaTn-Francais, Lyotard, Jacques Derrida.
J. Conclusion
We went from the initialization of the universe in the ancient times, to advanced
human studies in the 20th century. And the history of philosophy continues.