REVISED RESEARCH PROPOSAL A. BASIC INFORMATION TITLE OF THE PROJECT Effect of Breakfast in Academic Performance Among the 2 yr, B’s Psychology Students of Ifugao State University. PROPONENT/S 1. Name of Lead Researcher/Project Leader: Department/Office/College: COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES – BS PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM Contact Number: E-mail Address: 2. Name of Co-Researcher: Department/Office/College: COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES – BS PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM Contact Number: E-mail Address: 3. Name of Co-Researcher: Department/Office/College: Contact Number: E-mail Address: (Expand as needed for more researchers) PROJECT COST Requested from the University Php Other sources, if any Total Cost Php NATURE OF RESEARCH: (Please Check) ☒Applied ☐Basic ☐Developmental B. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019) INTRODUCTION (What is the research all about? What is the situation of the problem you want to study? Review recent related literature, 10 years back) Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it is very important because it gives energy we need to start the day and it was often called the most important meal. Having breakfast will replenishes the supply of glucose to boost the energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. Various studies suggested that eating breakfast may help students to do better in school by improving memory, alertness, concentration, problem-solving ability, school attendance, and mood. Children who habitually consume breakfast are more likely to have favorable nutrient intakes including higher intake of dietary fiber, total carbohydrate and lower total fat and cholesterol (Deshmukh-Taskar et al., 2010) as cited in the study of Adolphus K, Lawton CL and Dye L (2013). Some researches shows that having breakfast will help to improve concentration and focus, will lift moods, in the appetite, the heart health, improves academic performance, boosts nutrition intake, helps pregnant moms meet nutritional needs, and boosts immune system. Breakfast also increases both math and reading achievement of students (Imberman, S. & Kugler, A. 2012). Breakfast intake has a positive short-term effect on intellectual and cognitive performance as compared to breakfast omission. In contrast, no effect on test grades was attributable to patterns in breakfast consumption, breakfast content on test day, is important; carbohydrate content greater than 65% had a negative effect on academic performance and fat intake less than 20% had a positive effect on test scores (Fekete, V.K. & Head, M.K., 1997). Despite the benefits of breakfast for the health and well being, still many people are often skipping it, due to some reasons like lack of time, family environment, single-parent family, not feeling hunger or having several misconceptions like thinking of being obese. Breakfast intake is associated with other healthy lifestyle factors. Children who do not consume breakfast are more likely to be less physically active and have a lower cardio respiratory fitness level (Sandercock et al., 2010) as cited in the study of Adolphus K, Lawton CL and Dye L (2013). Moreover, the association between breakfast consumption, cognitive ability, and academic performance does not coincide with the outcomes of the study(Adolphus. K, Lawton, C.L., & Dye, L. (2015), as cited in the study of Taha, Z. & Rashed, A. (2017). OBJECTIVES/RESEARCH QUESTIONS This research study aims to METHODOLOGY METHOD This study made use of the Convenient Sampling MATERIALS (if applicable) IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019) MATERIALS (if applicable) RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT This study will take place in Lamut, Ifugao State University RESPONDENTS (if applicable) The target respondents of this study will be the 2 year B’s Psychology male and female students of Ifugao State University. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT/QUESTIONAIRE STATISTICAL TOOLS OR DATA ANALYSIS (QUALITATIVE STUDY) C. PLAN OF WORK IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019) C.1 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES Description of activity Duration Fabrication of interview May 12-14 questions Initiation of interview to our May 16-20 chosen respondents, as well as the observation and documentation. Finalization of our gathered May 21-23 information Submission of activity May 23 Expected outputs To develop a well-fabricated set of interview questions To conduct the interview and by accumulate information’s trough observing the chosen respondents. To analyze and finish our research To submit the finalized activity C.2 FINANCIAL PLAN DETAILED LINE-ITEM BUDGET Total Requested Amount From the University Travelling Expenses Other Sources Office Supplies - Enumerate Needed Supplies - Chemical/Nutrient/Plant Analysis and Other Similar Services if applicable Other Fees/ Supplies (Ex. PRC Data, Etc) Communication Expense Other Professional Services - Research Aide - Statistician - Consultant TOTAL COST OF THE STUDY D. REFERENCES (USE APA FORMAT) Adolphus K, Lawton CL and Dye L (2013) The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:425. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00425 Imberman, S. & Kugler, A. (2012). The effect of providing breakfast on student IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019) performance: Evidence from an in-class breakfast program. National Bureau of Economic Research. Fekete, V.K. & Head, M.K., (1997). Effect of breakfast consumption on academic performance of college students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 97(9), A60. https://doi.org10.1016/S0002-8223(97)00522-1 Adolphus K, Lawton CL and Dye L (2013) The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:425. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00425 Taha, Z. & Rashed, A. (2017). The effect of breakfast on academic performance among high school students in Abu Dhabi. E. ENDORSEMENT FROM COLLEGE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This is to certify that we have reviewed the proposal as to its completeness and potential usefulness. Reviewed By: NAME OF THE PROPONENT/S Name and Signature of Proponent NAME Research Adviser NAME OF THE PROPONENT/S Name and Signature of Proponent Date: __________________________ NAME OF THE PROPONENT/S Name and Signature of Proponent NAME Research Instructor Date: __________________________ Recommending Approval: AIKEN DALE K. MAGAYA Research Coordinator Date: __________________________ IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019) Date: __________________________ Recommending Approval: JAMAICA G. BUMIDANG, PhD Campus Director Date: _________________________ Approved for Implementation NAPOLEON K. TAGUILING, PhD Director, Research and Development Date: _______________________ Required Attachments: Accomplished Researcher’s Profile Form IFSU-RDET-RD-F025 Rev.00(Feb.04,2019)