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Existential Therapy: An Introduction

Existential Therapy
So lets proceed to the introduction of our
What is Existential Therapy?
a greater understanding of life's meaning;
utilizing creative methods such as art or
writing to express thoughts and feelings
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(Existential therapy is more a way of
thinking, or an attitude about
psychotherapy, than a particular style of
practicing psychotherapy.)
By using Existential Therapy can help your
client better understand their thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. It helps individuals
find meaning in life and accepting
responsibility for their decisions. Unlike
Psychoanalysis, Adlerian Theraphy, and all
other therapy
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(can best be described as a philosophical
approach that influences a counselor’s
therapeutic practice.)
Yalom and Josselson (2011) capture the
essence of this approach:
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(Existential therapy focuses on exploring
themes such as mortality, meaning,
freedom, responsibility, anxiety, and
aloneness as these relate to a person’s
current struggle)
Sabi nga ni Rollo May na mas gumaganda
yung buhay kapag naiisip niya yung death.
So ang goal ng existential therapy is to help
the client in their exploration of the
existential “givens of life” the death,
isolation, freedom, and meaning it enables
people to meet these givens of human
existence and to embrace and meet them
rather than turn away from them. Which
Yalom highlighted. Individuals can gain a
more profound appreciation for their lives
and an increased sense of control over their
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(Existential psychotherapy is an attitude
toward human suffering [that] has no
manual. It asks deep questions about the
nature of the human being and the nature of
anxiety, despair, grief, loneliness, isolation,
and anomie. It also deals centrally with the
questions of meaning, creativity, and love.)
Basically, it brings the elements of
philosophy and psychology into therapy to
help you understand your place in your
focusing on clients' concerns and exploring
their beliefs about life; actively engaging
with philosophical questions to help develop
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(The existential approach rejects the
deterministic view of human nature
espoused by traditional psychoanalysis and
radical behaviorism.)
In psychoanalysis sees the individual as
primarily determined by the unconscious
forces and past events while behaviorist
naman ay by socio cultural conditioning. But
and mga existential therapist believe na we
have freedom therefore we held
accountable for our choices and action. Dito
na papasok yung Existence Preceed
Essence ni Sartre
Historical Background in Philosophy and
Existentialist thought has been proposed and
passed around between philosophers since the
time of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard (early to mid1800s), but this philosophy has grown in
popularity since the foundation-shaking events
of the 1940s and 50s. Given this rise in
popularity and its resulting influence on
mainstream thinking, psychology took a
renewed interest in this philosophy.
responsibility of our choices and for planning
for the future
Jean-Paul Sartre . We are not born with a
predetermined purpose or meaning in life. We
are free to create our own essence through our
choices and actions. Existence Preceeds
Heidegger and Kierkegaard is writer of
Sartre and Camus is literary writer
Soren Kierkegaard, he addressed the role of
anxiety and uncertainty in life. Kung hindi daw
natin naeexperience ang anxiety we may go
through life as sleepwalker daw.
Key Figures in Contemporary Existential
Friedrich Nietzsche, he started existential
nihilism begins with the notion that the world is
without meaning or purpose.
Existentialist philosophy has also had a
significant impact on psychology and
psychotherapy. Existential psychotherapy,
influenced by thinkers like Rollo May, Viktor
Frankl, and Irvin D. Yalom, focuses on exploring
existential concerns, such as freedom,
responsibility, and the search for meaning, in
therapeutic contexts.
Martin Heidegger siya yung nag popularized
phenomenology. “If I take death into my life,
acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free
myself from the anxiety of death and the
pettiness of life — and only then will I be free to
become myself.” — Martin Heidegger. It is the
way daw that we fill our everyday life with
superficial conversation and routine shows that
we often assume we are going to live forever
and can afford to waste day after day.
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Viktor Frankl
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Martin Buber took a less individualistic stand
than most of the other existentialists. He said
that we humans live in a kind of betweenness;
that is, there is never just an I, but always an
Ludwig Binswager He based his existential
approach largely on the ideas of Heidegger and
accepted Heidegger’s notion that we are
“thrown into the world.” However, this
“thrown-ness” does not release us from the
One of the key techniques us In
logotherapy is paradoxical intention. It
encourages the client to intentionally
embrace the things they are trying to
avoid. For example, the client is
struggling with anxiety, ang gagawin ng
therapist ay mas ipafeel sa client ung
anxiety niya para iimprove niya yung
sarili niya
Another technique is dereflection, ditto
naman ididirect yung attention away
from the problem ng client towards sa
mas meaningful life.
Frankl approach to psychotherapy
emphasizes the importance meaning
and purpose in human experience by
helping individual to find their own
unique sense of meaning
Rollo May
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According to may anxiety is the result of
individual’s realization that they are
finite being in an infinite universe.
He also argued that anxiety is not
pathological rather part of a human
He believes na dapat yung therapist
needed to present and engaged with
the client rather than detached and
Parang sinasabi niya na we will all
suffer, we will all gonna die but we still
have the freedom.
Shortcoming From a Diversity Perspective
Irvin Yalom
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Irvin Yalom (1980) describes four major
“ultimate concerns”: death,
meaninglessness, isolation, and
freedom. He describes these as “givens
of existence,” or an “inescapable part”
of being human, and that every person
must come to terms with these
concerns through active choices to
realize their individual potential.
Strengths From a Diversity Perspective
Existential therapy is useful in working
with culturally diverse clients because
of its focus on universality, or the
common ground that we all share. This
approach emphasizes presence, the
relationship, and courage. As such, it
can be effectively applied with diverse
client populations with a range of
specific problems and in a wide array of
The focus on subjective experience, or
phenomenology, is a strength from a
multicultural perspective. Another
strength of the existential approach is
that it enables clients to examine the
degree to which their behavior is being
influenced by social and cultural
Some individuals who seek counseling
may operate on the assumption that
they have very little choice because
environmental circumstances severely
restrict their ability to influence the
direction of their lives. Even if they
change internally, they see little hope
that the external realities of racism,
discrimination, and oppression will
In many cultures it is not possible to
talk about the self and selfdetermination apart from the context
of the social network and
environmental conditions. However, a
case can be made for the existential
approach being instrumental in
enabling clients to make conscious
choices when it comes to the values
they live by.