00:00,150 --> 00:06,150 There's one small issue with our angled stripe that I didn't address in the previous couple of videos 00:06,150 --> 00:10,500 because it wasn't an issue until we change the background color of this. 00:10,800 --> 00:12,100 This is our BG light. 00:12,120 --> 00:13,200 This is white. 00:13,200 --> 00:15,090 So we'll just call this our gray color. 00:15,390 --> 00:17,310 And that issue is right here. 00:17,490 --> 00:24,240 So there's a sliver of white right here on the integration section, and there's also a sliver of white 00:24,240 --> 00:25,050 over here. 00:25,050 --> 00:30,660 But it's not a problem because this element, the next section Y swipe, has a white background. 00:30,660 --> 00:31,500 So that's what we want. 00:31,500 --> 00:32,820 It fits seamlessly. 00:33,030 --> 00:39,180 But here, when I change the background color of this to be our gray color, this little white stripe, 00:39,180 --> 00:40,060 it's revealed. 00:40,080 --> 00:41,370 And if we inspect. 00:42,170 --> 00:46,670 What's happening here is that it's just the background color of our integration section. 00:47,060 --> 00:48,260 Zoom in a little bit. 00:48,950 --> 00:52,670 I'll turn the background color on to red to make it more obvious. 00:52,880 --> 00:54,110 So there it is. 00:54,110 --> 00:54,350 Right. 00:54,350 --> 00:56,030 That's the part of the background peeking out. 00:56,030 --> 00:57,950 This is the before pseudo element. 00:58,100 --> 01:00,620 And here's part of the background peeking out down there. 01:00,620 --> 01:03,770 And again, when it's not red, it's just white. 01:03,770 --> 01:04,880 That works great. 01:04,880 --> 01:06,530 But up here it's a problem. 01:07,100 --> 01:13,250 So it doesn't really work for me to just say, okay, the background of this element should be our variable. 01:14,090 --> 01:14,960 What was it called? 01:14,960 --> 01:16,070 BG Light? 01:17,720 --> 01:23,510 It works up here, but then it causes a problem here because now we have this little triangle of the 01:23,510 --> 01:28,310 gray color up against the white background of the Y swipe section. 01:28,460 --> 01:31,640 So what I'm going to do is basically patch the hole. 01:32,240 --> 01:34,310 I'll refresh the page to get rid of those styles. 01:34,310 --> 01:36,800 And I'm going to make a little sliver here. 01:36,800 --> 01:38,050 It doesn't even have to be a triangle. 01:38,060 --> 01:39,860 I'll just put it behind this blue. 01:39,920 --> 01:46,730 But I'm going to make a sliver of the BG light color and I could use a div to do that and clutter my 01:46,730 --> 01:47,630 mark up more. 01:47,630 --> 01:53,090 But as has been the trend in this whole project, we're going to stick to pseudo elements. 01:53,090 --> 01:58,220 So I'm going to make a after pseudo element because we already have a before pseudo element and we only 01:58,220 --> 02:03,470 have two choices before and after and the before pseudo element is making the stripe that's blue. 02:03,470 --> 02:09,050 I'm going to make one that's just a rectangle to cover this up here and I'll give it this big light 02:09,050 --> 02:09,680 color. 02:10,550 --> 02:20,000 So inside of my integrations section, all these styles here, here's the before that gives me the stripe, 02:20,390 --> 02:22,490 I'm going to make an after element. 02:22,670 --> 02:25,940 So integration section, colon, Colon. 02:25,940 --> 02:32,450 After no content, I'm going to give it a background color of red to start. 02:32,450 --> 02:35,240 It's just way easier to look at and see what's happening. 02:35,720 --> 02:43,310 I'll make it 100% wide and the height is going to be just 50% because I don't want it to peek out on 02:43,310 --> 02:46,520 the bottom and then I'm going to give it a position of absolute. 02:46,880 --> 02:52,010 And we already have the ancestor positioned, which is the integration section. 02:52,040 --> 02:54,020 Okay, so there's our box. 02:54,020 --> 03:02,210 And now if I set it to have a here's the after pseudo element, a top of zero, a left of zero, it 03:02,210 --> 03:03,590 goes to the right spot. 03:03,590 --> 03:05,180 I mean, it's on top of everything. 03:05,180 --> 03:06,740 So I want to change that color. 03:06,950 --> 03:08,960 Sorry, I want to change the Z index. 03:08,960 --> 03:12,920 I do want to change the color to, but let's go with a negative to Z index. 03:12,920 --> 03:14,270 This one has negative one. 03:14,270 --> 03:15,980 That's our blue stripe. 03:16,070 --> 03:17,600 This should go behind it. 03:18,110 --> 03:19,520 And there we are. 03:19,520 --> 03:22,250 I just need to change the color and we'll be good to go. 03:22,250 --> 03:24,500 So there's a box back there, right? 03:24,500 --> 03:25,490 It's just being hidden. 03:25,490 --> 03:30,230 It looks like a triangle because I use the index to push this to the back with negative two Z index. 03:30,230 --> 03:34,910 This has negative one, this has the greater index even though it's negative. 03:34,910 --> 03:37,070 So it sits on top of this red box. 03:37,160 --> 03:41,510 And now I just need to give it the correct color, which is variable. 03:41,540 --> 03:43,100 BG light. 03:44,290 --> 03:45,070 And there we are. 03:46,300 --> 03:48,070 So there's no transition. 03:48,070 --> 03:50,530 It just goes from BG Lite to BG Lite. 03:50,560 --> 03:52,710 It looks like one continuous color. 03:52,720 --> 03:55,210 I mean, it is, but it's across two elements. 03:55,210 --> 04:00,430 And then I have my blue stripe going across, and then here we just have the white background poking 04:00,430 --> 04:05,620 out from the integration section and the white background of the Y swipe section. 04:05,980 --> 04:07,740 And that should do it for us. 04:07,750 --> 04:09,040 So just a little fix. 04:09,160 --> 04:15,340 I didn't notice that problem until we then change the background color of this section, which we did 04:15,340 --> 04:17,650 after creating our blue stripe.