QUESTION 1: Describe the data: which type of data do you have? Can you provide some preliminary descriptions of the dependent variable lwage? Are all the variables characterised by both individual and temporal variability? The data in the dataset WAGE.dta are panel data, because they entail the presence of several cross-sections observed along a span of time of several periods. The rst command to implement is the xtset for informing Stata that I am dealing with panel data, with id (=identifying number of the worker) as panel variable and year as the temporal one. Xtset : used to declare a dataset as a panel or longitudinal dataset. The basic syntax of the xtset command is as follows: xtset entity_var time_var entity_var refers to the variable that uniquely identi es each entity or individual in the • panel dataset. time_var refers to the variable that represents the time dimension in the panel dataset. • xtset id year Panel variable: id (strongly balanced) Time variable: year, 1980 to 1987 Delta: 1 unit - I obtain that the dataset is strongly balanced, which means that it simplify the analysis. —> each entity in the dataset has an equal number of observations across all time periods. There are no missing observations for any entity within the panel dataset. It's important to note that even if a dataset is not strongly balanced, it can still be used for panel data analysis. Various techniques and models, such as xed e ects or random e ects models, can handle unbalanced or partially balanced panel data. Xtdes provides a summary of the panel data characteristics, including the number of entities, time periods, and the distribution of observations across entities and time. xtdes id: 1, 2, ..., 545 n= 545 year: 1980, 1981, ..., 1987 T= 8 Delta(year) = 1 unit Span(year) = 8 periods (id*year uniquely identi es each observation) Distribution of T_i: min 8 8 5% 8 25% 50% 8 8 8 75% 8 95% max Freq. Percent Cum. | Pattern ---------------------------+---------545 100.00 100.00 | 11111111 ---------------------------+---------545 100.00 | XXXXXXXX - With xtdes I can see that the panel variable nr takes up to 545 values (n=545) and the temporal variable takes up to 8 values (T=8). Therefore, the total observations are nxT (4360). Thanks to the small table of this output, is con rmed that the dataset is balanced and has no missing value. Lwage as dependent variable : logarithm of wages and is commonly used as a dependent variable in econometric models. It is often used to address issues such as skewness, heteroscedasticity, and non-linearity that can be present in wage data. ff fi ff fi fi fi fi 1 My dependent variable is lwage, which is the log transformation of the variable wage. Log transformations are useful because variables in log are more likely to approach normal distributions and because the interpretation of coe cients in regressions is more convenient since they can be read in percentages. Xtsum lwage: used to summarize panel or longitudinal data. It provides descriptive statistics and information about the structure of the panel dataset. Variable | Mean Std. dev. Min Max | Observations -----------------+--------------------------------------------+---------------lwage overall | 1.649147 .5326094 -3.579079 4.05186 | N = 4360 between | .3907468 .3333435 3.174173 | n = 545 within | .3622636 -2.467201 3.204687 | T = 8 With xtsum I obtain some general descriptive statistics about my dependent variable. The mean value is 1.65 and the variable takes values in a range from -3.58 to 4.05. In addition, the overall standard deviation (0.53) is divided into the between component (.39) and the within component (.36). However, the within SD is not computed appropriately because the number of degrees of freedom is not correct, so the 2 command is more convenient. Varanaeasy: QUESTION 2: Estimate by POLS, RE, FE, FD the role of time dummies on lwage. Interpret the estimates. I create the temporal dummies tau* using the command dtime and test their signi cance with testparm. Dtime year I have to make a regression for lwage tau* In order to use after testparm so… . dtime year . reg lwage tau* note: tau1987 omitted because of collinearity. Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 4,360 -------------+---------------------------------- F(7, 4352) = 50.54 Model | 92.9668229 7 13.2809747 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1143.56282 4,352 .262767192 R-squared = 0.0752 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0737 Total | 1236.52964 4,359 .283672779 Root MSE = .51261 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------lwage | Coe cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------tau1980 | -.4730023 .0310529 -15.23 0.000 -.5338818 -.4121228 tau1981 | -.3536121 .0310529 -11.39 0.000 -.4144916 -.2927326 tau1982 | -.2948122 .0310529 -9.49 0.000 -.3556918 -.2339327 tau1983 | -.2472159 .0310529 -7.96 0.000 -.3080954 -.1863363 tau1984 | -.1761842 .0310529 -5.67 0.000 -.2370638 -.1153047 tau1985 | -.127069 .0310529 -4.09 0.000 -.1879485 -.0661895 tau1986 | -.0667606 .0310529 -2.15 0.032 -.1276401 -.005881 tau1987 | 0 (omitted) _cons | 1.866479 .0219577 85.00 0.000 1.823431 1.909528 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fi ffi ffi 2 Then I implement testparm : commonly used after estimating a regression model to assess the joint signi cance of a group of coe cients or to compare nested models. It helps in understanding whether a set of variables or coe cients collectively have a statistically signi cant impact on the dependent variable. . testparm tau* ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) tau1980 = 0 tau1981 = 0 tau1982 = 0 tau1983 = 0 tau1984 = 0 tau1985 = 0 tau1986 = 0 F( 7, 4352) = 50.54 Prob > F = 0.0000 Time dummies are signi cant, meaning that temporal heterogeneity characterizes this dataset. I then start estimating the models. —> BY POLS is a commonly used regression method when there is no concern for unobserved heterogeneity or correlation within groups. It assumes that the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables is constant across all individuals or groups. The model estimated by POLS suggest that all the temporal dummies are signi cant, since all the p-values are less than 0.05 (I chose this value as my signi cance level). The estimated coe cients are all negative, indicating that there is potentially a negative relationship between these dummies fi ffi fi fi ffi ffi fi fi 3 and my dependent variable lwage, so for example, an increase in temporal dummy in year 1980 causes a decrease in lwage of 47%. Nevertheless, POLS is not able to capture adequately heterogeneity, so it is better to switch to FE, RE and FD models. The dummy variable regression gives us exactly the same estimates of the βj that we would obtain from the regression on time-demeaned data, and the standard errors and other major statistics are identical. Therefore, a FE estimator can be obtained. —> BY FE : Fixed E ects estimation is particularly useful when there is concern about omitted variables or unobserved heterogeneity that may bias the results. By accounting for individual/ group-speci c e ects, the Fixed E ects model helps to mitigate such biases and provide more reliable estimates of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The estimated coe cients are equal even with FE transformation, because obviously no other explanatory variable is included in the model. All the taus are still all signi cant, meaning leading us to have even stronger evidence of temporal variability. fi ff ff ffi ff fi 4 —> BY RE: Estimating the Random E ects model involves taking into account the covariance structure between the individual/group-speci c e ects and the error term. This is typically done using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) methods, such as the "xtreg" command with the "re" option in Stata. The Random E ects model is useful when there is interest in estimating both the average relationships between the independent and dependent variables and the individual/group-speci c e ects. It provides estimates that account for unobserved heterogeneity and allows for the analysis of time-varying e ects. Even with random e ects, as it could have been easily predicted, all the estimated coe cients are equal because of the same reasons aforementioned. The time dummies are still all signi cant since their p-values are all smaller than 0.05. —> BY FD: Fixed E ects estimation is particularly useful when there is concern about omitted variables or unobserved heterogeneity that may bias the results. By accounting for individual/ group-speci c xed e ects, the Fixed E ects model helps to mitigate such biases and provide more reliable estimates of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. In summary, a Fixed E ects model allows for the estimation of within-individual or within-group variation by controlling for individual/group-speci c xed e ects, enabling the identi cation of the e ects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. fi fi ffi fi ff fi ff fi fi ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fi fi ff ff 5 . Here I implemented a rst-di erences model. As it could have been predicted, the estimated coe cients here are di erent because Stata computed the di erence between consecutive observations of a variable. The interpretation of the coe cients in a rst di erence model focuses on the changes over time rather than the absolute levels. The model captures the within-entity changes by subtracting the lagged values from the current values, allowing for the assessment of the impact of changes in the independent variable on the changes in the dependent variable. Here the signs of the coe cients change, since all the values are positive, suggesting a positive (even though probably very weak) relationship between lwage and time dummies. What is di erence from the other models is that here all time dummies (except for tau1980) are not statistically signi cant. QUESTION 3: Add to the model the variables educ black and hisp, re-estimate the model by POLS, RE, and FE, and test for heteroschedasticity and autocorrelation. Comment the estimated results among the estimation methods. By adding these 3 explanatory variables to the POLS model I obtain this output. ff ff fi ff ffi ffi ff fi fi ffi ff 6 The coe cients provide me with several information. Education has a positive but weak e ect on wage: a one-unit increase in the education level leads to an increase in 7.7 percentage points in the wage. Being Hispanic has almost no e ect on the wage, while it is surprising that being black causes a decrease of 12 percentage point in the wage. The only variable that is not signi cant is hisp. Hettest test : The hettest test, also known as the Breusch-Pagan test or Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test, is a statistical test used in econometrics to check for heteroskedasticity in regression models. Heteroskedasticity occurs when the variance of the errors in a regression model is not constant across all levels of the independent variables. In other words, the variability of the residuals changes as the values of the independent variables change. Whitetst test: The whitetst test, also known as the White test, is a statistical test used to detect heteroskedasticity in regression models, similar to the hettest test (Breusch-Pagan test). Both tests are designed to check for the presence of heteroskedasticity, which occurs when the variance of the residuals in a regression model is not constant across di erent levels of the independent variables. ff ff ff fi ffi 7 If we estimate the same model by xed e ects, we obtain that educ, black and hisp are omitted because of multicollinearity, meaning that two or more independent variables in a regression model are highly correlated with each other. Xttest3: is used to perform the Modi ed Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in xed e ects regression models for panel data. The Modi ed Wald test is a test for heteroskedasticity in the context of panel data with xed e ects (withine ects) regression models. It is used to determine whether the assumption of constant variance (homoskedasticity) of the error terms is violated in a xed e ects model. ff ff ff fi fi fi fi fi ff 8 ff fi In both Breusch-Pagan test and White test, the null hypothesis is not rejected, suggesting that homoskedasticity is present. H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i —> Null hypothesis In this case I implemented that Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity since I estimated my model by xed e ects. Here the null hypothesis is rejected, hence heteroskedasticity is present. At last, I estimated the same model by random e ects. The coe cients are identical to those estimated by POLS. This suggests that with any likelihood there is no signi cant variation in the coe cients across entities in the panel data. Even with RE, the variable hisp is not statistically signi cant. Xtserial : The Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data is a robust test that addresses the issue of autocorrelation in the residuals of xed e ects or random e ects panel data models. It is designed to account for the panel structure and provides more reliable results when dealing with correlated errors over time for individual units. fi ff ffi ff ff fi ff fi fi ffi 9 With xtserial, I tested for autocorrelation using the Wooldridge test. The null hypothesis is rejected, meaning that rst-order autocorrelation between the residuals of a regression model at di erent points in time is present. Autocorrelation is likely to be present in panel data. The last thing I’d like to point out is that since in both POLS and RE hisp turned out to be not statistically signi cant, I can omit this variable because by testing its signi cance with testparm, it turns out to be nonsigni cant. QUESTION 4: Re-estimate the model with POLS, RE and FE, and cluster-robust standard errors. Compare the standard errors among the estimation methods. What do you think about the comparison between POLS and RE? And RE and FE? First of all, by removing variable hisp the coe cients for educ and black are almost unchanged. The second thing to notice is that no variable is non-signi cant. Implementing models with cluster standard error is useful in order to deal with the issue of heteroskedasticity, found before. fi ff ffi fi fi fi fi 10 If we compare POLS and RE, we notice that the parameters estimated are exactly identical, and even the standard errors are identical. For instance, the standard error associated to educ is 0.0087876 both with POLS and RE. Only the con dence intervals change in an almost unperceivable way. fi 11 With FE model, the issue of multicollinearity is not solved with the omission of hisp. The standard errors of the time dummies are almost identical between FE and RE, for instance 0.0259931 is the SE of tau1986 in FE and 0.0259871 is the SE of the same variable in RE. QUESTION 5: Add to the model the variables union, married, experience and squared experience, re-estimate by POLS, RE, and FE, without and with time dummies. By adding the new regressors, the coe cients change. Now the coe cient for educ is always positive but higher (from 0.08 to .09) and that of black is always negative but higher in absolute value (from -0.12 to -0.14). this may be due to the omitted variable bias. Experience has a positive impact on wage (0.07), as well as being married (.11). what is strange is that squared experience instead has a negative impact on wage (-0.002), while being in unions has a strong impact (.18). Here the only non-signi cant variables are some of the time dummies. ffi fi ffi 12 Without time dummies the output is for sure nicer. By implementing the model with xed e ects, there is always a multicollinearity problem with educ, black and exper. Being married has a much lower impact (0.05) with respect to the POLS model, and this di erence is signi cant, being 0.11 out of the new con dence interval. Squared expertise has always a low but negative impact on wage and being in union has a lower positive impact (from 0.18 to 0.08). No variable is non-signi cant. By removing the time dummies, I solved the problem of collinearity at least for exper. The signs of the coe cients are all the same and the size of the coe cients are similar to the model that included time dummies. Expertise has a great positive impact on wage (.12). fi ff ff fi fi fi ffi ffi 13 With random e ects, the signs are the same and the coe cients are very similar in size with those of the POLS model. Some of the time dummies are still not signi cant. By eliminating the time dummies, the coe cients are similar in size (almost identical) to the model with RE with time dummies. The output now is nicer for analysis. ff ffi fi ffi 14 The models I just analyzed are with robust standard errors. I estimate now models in FE and RE with time dummies but no standard error so that I can implement Hausman test. 15 QUESTION 6: Test the consistency of RE for the model under QUESTION 5 with time dummies. Propose an approach to consistently estimate ALL the variables and implement the consistency test for RE. Hausman test: The Hausman test is an econometric test used to determine whether the xed e ects or random e ects model is more appropriate for panel data analysis. It helps researchers decide whether to use the xed e ects (FE) model or the random e ects (RE) model, both of which are commonly used for panel data analysis. Null hypothesis is rejected so the FE model is preferred. ESAME 2 INTRO: Use in STATA the dataset: pwt91.dta It contains the Penn World Table (PWT) attempts to construct estimates of output, prices, and the like which are reasonably comparable across a large number of countries. See Summers and Heston (1991) The Penn World Table (Mark 5): An Expanded Set of International Comparisons, 1950–1988,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 106, 327–68. The variables to be used are: cgdpo Output-side real GDP at current PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) csh_c Share of household consumption at current PPPs csh_i Share of gross capital formation at current PPPs csh_g Share of government consumption at current PPPs csh_x Share of merchandise exports at current PPPs csh_m Share of merchandise imports at current PPPs We would like to model the growth rate in the PWT real output per capita datum for country i and year t as depending on the growth rate in country i’s volume of trade (as a fraction of real output) in year t and also on the growth rates in the proportions of real output which country i allocates to consumption, investment, and government spending in year t. fi ff ff fi ff ff 16 QUESTION 1: Describe the data: which type of data do you have? How is the panel? Construct the variables of the model. (Hints: g lcgdpo=ln(cgdpo), g y=d.lcgdpo, g pippo=csh_x+csh_m, g lpippo=ln(pippo), g open=d.lpippo, drop pippo lpippo, g SHC=d.csh_c, g SHI=d.csh_i, g SHG=d.csh_g) How does the panel change if you consider the availability of the model’s variables? The data in the dataset pwt91.dta are panel data, because it contains observations for multiple countries (entities) over several years (time periods). Firstly I use the describe command to check the variable names in the dataset to identify the variables representing the country and year. . describe Contains data from /Users/alessiavanni/Desktop/Econometrics/pwt91.dta Observations: 12,376 Variables: 52 5 Apr 2019 22:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------countrycode str3 %9s country str34 %34s Country name currency_unit str29 %29s Currency unit year int %8.0g rgdpe oat %9.0g Expenditure-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) rgdpo oat %9.0g Output-side real GDP at chained PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) pop oat %9.0g Population (in millions) emp oat %9.0g Number of persons engaged (in millions) avh oat %9.0g Average annual hours worked by persons engaged (source: The Conference Board) hc oat %9.0g * Human capital index, see note hc ccon oat %9.0g Real consumption of households and government, at current PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) cda oat %9.0g * Real domestic absorption, see note cda cgdpe oat %9.0g Expenditure-side real GDP at current PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) cgdpo oat %9.0g Output-side real GDP at current PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) cn oat %9.0g Capital stock at current PPPs (in mil. 2011US$) ck oat %9.0g Capital services levels at current PPPs (USA=1) ctfp oat %9.0g TFP level at current PPPs (USA=1) cwtfp oat %9.0g Welfare-relevant TFP levels at current PPPs (USA=1) rgdpna oat %9.0g Real GDP at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011US$) rconna oat %9.0g Real consumption at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011US$) rdana oat %9.0g Real domestic absorption at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011US$) rnna oat %9.0g Capital stock at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011US$) rkna oat %9.0g Capital services at constant 2011 national prices (2011=1) rtfpna oat %9.0g TFP at constant national prices (2011=1) rwtfpna oat %9.0g Welfare-relevant TFP at constant national prices (2011=1) labsh oat %9.0g Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices irr oat %9.0g Real internal rate of return delta oat %9.0g Average depreciation rate of the capital stock xr oat %9.0g Exchange rate, national currency/USD (market+estimated) pl_con oat %9.0g Price level of CCON (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 pl_da oat %9.0g Price level of CDA (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 pl_gdpo oat %9.0g Price level of CGDPo (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 i_cig byte %12.0g i_cig_label * 0/1/2, see note i_cig i_xm byte %12.0g i_xm_label * 0/1/2, see note i_xm i_xr byte %12.0g i_xr_label 0/1: the exchange rate is market-based (0) or estimated (1) i_outlier byte %8.0g i_outlier_label * 0/1, see note i_outlier i_irr byte %17.0g i_irr_label * 0/1/2/3, see note i_irr cor_exp oat %9.0g * Correlation between expenditure shares, see note cor_exp statcap oat %9.0g Statistical capacity indicator (source: World Bank, developing countries only) csh_c oat %9.0g Share of household consumption at current PPPs fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl 17 csh_i csh_g csh_x csh_m csh_r pl_c pl_i pl_g pl_x pl_m pl_n pl_k oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g oat %9.0g Share of gross capital formation at current PPPs Share of government consumption at current PPPs Share of merchandise exports at current PPPs Share of merchandise imports at current PPPs Share of residual trade and GDP statistical discrepancy at current PPPs Price level of household consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 Price level of capital formation, price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 Price level of government consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 Price level of exports, price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 Price level of imports, price level of USA GDPo in 2011=1 Price level of the capital stock, price level of USA 2011=1 Price level of the capital services, price level of USA=1 * indicated variables have notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by: countrycode year I then generate the new variables as asked. g lcgdpo=ln(cgdpo) (2,395 missing values generated) . g y=d.lcgdpo (2,579 missing values generated) . g pippo=csh_x+csh_m (2,391 missing values generated) . g lpippo=ln(pippo) (9,345 missing values generated) . g open=d.lpippo (9,826 missing values generated) . drop pippo lpippo . g SHC=d.csh_c (2,573 missing values generated) . g SHI=d.csh_i (2,573 missing values generated) . g SHG=d.csh_g (2,573 missing values generated) I use then the xtset command for informing stata that I’m dealing with panel data with id as panel variable and year as a temporal one. . encode countrycode, generate (id) . drop countrycode . xtset id year Panel variable: id (strongly balanced) Time variable: year, 1950 to 2017 Delta: 1 unit I obtain that the dataset is strongly balanced, which means that the addition of the new variables does not impact negatively on the panel. If we want to assess if our panel is balanced in another way we can use the command xtdes. fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl 18 The output indicates that the dataset represents a balanced panel data set with 182 entities (cross-sectional units) and 68 time periods (years). The data appears to be complete, with no missing observations for any entity-year combination. The balanced nature of the panel, where each entity has data for all 68 years, makes it suitable for various panel data analysis techniques. My dependent variable is lcgdpo, which is the log trasformation of the variable cgdpo. Log transformations are useful because variables in log are more likely to approach normal distributions and because the interpretation of coe cients in regression is more convenient since they can be read in percentage. Continuing in describe our variable we can use the command summarize. The variable "lcgdpo" represents a numerical continuous variable in the dataset. The summary statistics provide valuable insights into its distribution and characteristics. The relatively small standard deviation (2.272648) and the skewness close to zero (-0.0640123) suggest that the data is relatively close to a normal distribution with a slightly left-skewed tail. The median (approximately 10.2012) being close to the mean (approximately 10.22008) also supports the notion of the data being symmetrically distributed. However, the relatively higher kurtosis (2.835745) indicates that the distribution has heavier tails and is more peaked compared to a normal distribution. Another command in order to verify the skewness is sktest. The low p-values for both tests (0.0091 and 0.0003) indicate strong evidence against the null hypothesis that "lcgdpo" follows a normal distribution. Therefore, we can reject the assumption of normality for this variable. The joint test, which combines the skewness and kurtosis tests, also yields a low p-value of 0.0001, further con rming that "lcgdpo" does not conform to a normal distribution. These results suggest that the distribution of "lcgdpo" may exhibit signi cant departures from normality, which can be crucial information for researchers and analysts. fi ffi fi 19 Now, is time to perform the iqr command. The output provides a comprehensive summary of the distribution of the variable "lcgdpo" and the presence of potential outliers. The mean (10.22) and median (10.2) are relatively close, indicating a central tendency close to the middle of the data distribution. The standard deviation (2.273) and pseudo standard deviation (2.311) provide measures of dispersion, and the IQR (3.118) gives a robust measure of the spread of the central 50% of the data. The presence of mild outliers is indicated by the number of data points outside the inner fences. There are 23 potential mild outliers below the lower inner fence and 17 potential mild outliers above the upper inner fence. The percentage of mild outliers is relatively small, suggesting that the majority of data points are within the inner fences. There are no potential severe outliers, as indicated by the absence of data points beyond the outer fences. In order to verify what just said, we can compute some graphs. The rst one is the boxplot. graph box lcgdpo, over(year, label(angle(90) labsize(vsmall))) marker(20, mlabel(id)) saving(box.gph, replace) Now to verify the tail we can implement the histogram. histogram lcgdpo, fraction normal bin(10) title("…") saving(histfre.gph, replace) The histogram has a bell-shaped curve and is approximately symmetric around the center, it suggests a normal distribution. The mean, median, and mode are approximately equal. fi 20 Now, in order to investigate the variability, I can execute the command varanaeasy for the dependent variable. . varanaeasy lcgdpo id year ___ variable lcgdpo___ Statistics NT 9981 Nmin 55 Navg 146.77941 Nmax 182 Tmin 13 Tavg 54.840659 Tmax 68 Note: di erences among statistics of individuals or/and time-periods --> the panel is unbalanced Test of the signi cance of individual e ects Fnum_i Fden_i F_i Fpval_i 181 9732 2012.2858 0.00 Test of the signi cance of time e ects Fnum_t Fden_t F_t Fpval_t 67 9732 567.88435 0.00 Statistics: mean and variability (standard deviations) Total mean (x..) 10.220082 Total sd (xit-x..) 2.2726484 Between sd inter_id (xi.-x..) Between sd inter_year (x.t-x..) Within sd intra_id_year (xit-xi.-x.t+x..) 2.1368129 .70988751 .36090439 Within sd intra_id (xit-xi.) Within sd intra_year (xit-x.t) .79693976 2.1679262 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Percentages of overall sum of squared dev. due to individuals, time, and residuals Two-ways individuals & temporal % between inter_id (xi.-x..)/(xit-x..) 87.926375 % between inter_year (x.t-x..)/(xit-x..) 9.6144393 % within intra_id_year (xit-xi.-x.t+x..)/(xit-x..) 2.4591859 - Focus on One-way individuals: intra_id+inter_id % within intra_id (xit-xi.)/(xit-x..) 12.073625 of which explained by between inter_year (%) (x.t-x..)/(xit-xi.) 79.631752 - Focus on One-way temporal: intra_year+inter_year % within intra_year (xit-x.t)/(xit-x..) 90.385561 of which explained by between inter_id (%) (xi.-x..)/(xit-x.t) 97.279227 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The output provides valuable insights into the sources of variability in the variable "lcgdpo" within an unbalanced panel data setting. The signi cant F-statistics for individual and time e ects suggest that both play a crucial role in explaining the variation in "lcgdpo" across the dataset. The decomposition of variability shows that a signi cant proportion of the total variability is due to di erences among individuals, followed by di erences among time periods. The low percentage of within-individual and within-time variation indicates that these factors have relatively less impact on the overall variability. QUESTION 2: Estimate, by POLS, RE, FE, and FD with cluster standard errors, the model yit as a function of openit, SHCit SHIit SHGit time-dummies. Interpret and comparatively discuss the estimates. I create the temporal dummies tau* using the command dtime and test their signi cance with testparm, after making a regression for lcgdpo tau* ff fi fi ff fi ff ff fi fi ff ff 21 reg y open SHC SHI SHG tau*, vce(cluster id) note: tau1950 omitted because of collinearity. note: tau1955 omitted because of collinearity. Linear regression Number of obs = 2,546 F(70, 125) = 27.20 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.3745 Root MSE = .08176 (Std. err. adjusted for 126 clusters in id) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust y | Coe cient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0083645 .002189 -3.82 0.000 -.0126968 -.0040322 SHC | -1.040524 .0804048 -12.94 0.000 -1.199655 -.8813933 SHI | -.1580099 .0942423 -1.68 0.096 -.3445271 .0285074 SHG | -.5822732 .2955081 -1.97 0.051 -1.16712 .0025741 tau1950 | 0 (omitted) tau1951 | -.000719 .0164227 -0.04 0.965 -.0332216 .0317836 tau1952 | -.0414502 .0126615 -3.27 0.001 -.0665089 -.0163915 tau1953 | -.0215499 .0139741 -1.54 0.126 -.0492063 .0061066 tau1954 | -.0210786 .013646 -1.54 0.125 -.0480856 .0059285 tau1955 | 0 (omitted) tau1956 | -.0412841 .0116236 -3.55 0.001 -.0642887 -.0182796 tau1957 | -.0273057 .0077197 -3.54 0.001 -.042584 -.0120273 tau1958 | -.038976 .0095905 -4.06 0.000 -.0579568 -.0199951 tau1959 | -.0367763 .0123355 -2.98 0.003 -.0611898 -.0123629 tau1960 | -.0167422 .0135499 -1.24 0.219 -.0435592 .0100749 tau1961 | -.0385565 .0127822 -3.02 0.003 -.0638542 -.0132589 tau1962 | -.0268461 .0251163 -1.07 0.287 -.0765544 .0228622 tau1963 | -.0044766 .0156646 -0.29 0.776 -.0354788 .0265255 tau1964 | -.0012946 .0157425 -0.08 0.935 -.032451 .0298618 tau1965 | -.0157602 .0149434 -1.05 0.294 -.045335 .0138146 tau1966 | -.0373597 .0143899 -2.60 0.011 -.0658391 -.0088803 tau1967 | -.0121991 .0103084 -1.18 0.239 -.0326007 .0082025 tau1968 | -.0265933 .0095316 -2.79 0.006 -.0454575 -.0077291 tau1969 | -.0191154 .0109927 -1.74 0.085 -.0408713 .0026405 tau1970 | -.0109004 .0137323 -0.79 0.429 -.0380784 .0162776 tau1971 | -.0201685 .01061 -1.90 0.060 -.041167 .0008299 tau1972 | -.0265155 .010157 -2.61 0.010 -.0466174 -.0064135 tau1973 | -.0110248 .0131538 -0.84 0.404 -.0370577 .0150081 tau1974 | .018153 .0190256 0.95 0.342 -.019501 .0558071 tau1975 | -.020317 .0212394 -0.96 0.341 -.0623523 .0217184 tau1976 | -.0058766 .015333 -0.38 0.702 -.0362224 .0244692 tau1977 | -.0101955 .0138402 -0.74 0.463 -.037587 .017196 tau1978 | -.035352 .0122536 -2.89 0.005 -.0596034 -.0111006 tau1979 | -.0216289 .0190386 -1.14 0.258 -.0593086 .0160508 tau1980 | -.0285228 .0128797 -2.21 0.029 -.0540134 -.0030323 tau1981 | -.0359005 .0146227 -2.46 0.015 -.0648406 -.0069605 tau1982 | -.0479356 .0101047 -4.74 0.000 -.067934 -.0279371 tau1983 | -.0419962 .0109605 -3.83 0.000 -.0636883 -.0203041 tau1984 | -.0474444 .0125193 -3.79 0.000 -.0722217 -.0226671 tau1985 | -.0374335 .010758 -3.48 0.001 -.0587248 -.0161422 tau1986 | -.0709505 .0295933 -2.40 0.018 -.1295195 -.0123816 tau1987 | -.0387469 .0145524 -2.66 0.009 -.0675478 -.0099459 tau1988 | -.0337385 .0115317 -2.93 0.004 -.0565611 -.0109158 tau1989 | -.0247548 .0140562 -1.76 0.081 -.0525738 .0030641 tau1990 | -.0346246 .0179094 -1.93 0.055 -.0700695 .0008203 tau1991 | -.0870706 .0155673 -5.59 0.000 -.1178801 -.056261 tau1992 | -.0496859 .0220317 -2.26 0.026 -.0932895 -.0060823 tau1993 | -.0962551 .0178052 -5.41 0.000 -.1314937 -.0610165 tau1994 | -.0928072 .019403 -4.78 0.000 -.1312082 -.0544063 tau1995 | -.0268686 .014666 -1.83 0.069 -.0558945 .0021572 tau1996 | -.0312689 .015057 -2.08 0.040 -.0610685 -.0014694 tau1997 | -.0207448 .0118321 -1.75 0.082 -.044162 .0026723 tau1998 | -.0476344 .0137596 -3.46 0.001 -.0748665 -.0204024 tau1999 | -.0237623 .0119642 -1.99 0.049 -.047441 -.0000837 tau2000 | .0134335 .0143082 0.94 0.350 -.0148842 .0417512 tau2001 | -.0224725 .0126559 -1.78 0.078 -.0475201 .002575 tau2002 | -.0238668 .0114618 -2.08 0.039 -.046551 -.0011825 ffi 22 tau2003 | tau2004 | tau2005 | tau2006 | tau2007 | tau2008 | tau2009 | tau2010 | tau2011 | tau2012 | tau2013 | tau2014 | tau2015 | tau2016 | tau2017 | _cons | -.0012138 .0259278 .0537708 .0115015 .0306528 .0070869 -.0727106 .0106175 .0286362 -.0288682 -.022187 -.0459122 -.0664595 -.0653652 -.0511581 .0673464 .0137195 -0.09 0.930 -.0283665 .0145309 1.78 0.077 -.0028307 .0160055 3.36 0.001 .0220939 .012173 0.94 0.347 -.0125904 .0133389 2.30 0.023 .0042534 .0140963 0.50 0.616 -.0208113 .018981 -3.83 0.000 -.1102762 .0123861 0.86 0.393 -.0138962 .0130254 2.20 0.030 .0028572 .0111041 -2.60 0.010 -.0508446 .0098042 -2.26 0.025 -.0415907 .0099049 -4.64 0.000 -.0655152 .0142261 -4.67 0.000 -.0946148 .0139181 -4.70 0.000 -.0929108 .0099961 -5.12 0.000 -.0709417 .0068231 9.87 0.000 .0538427 .0259388 .0546863 .0854477 .0355934 .0570522 .0349852 -.0351449 .0351312 .0544151 -.0068918 -.0027833 -.0263091 -.0383043 -.0378195 -.0313745 .0808501 Then I implement testparm: commonly used after estimating a regression model to assess the joint signi cance of a group of coe cients or to compare nested models. It helps to understand whether a set of variables or coe cients have statistically signi cant impact on the dependent variable. . testparm y open SHC SHI SHG tau* ( 1) open = 0 ( 2) SHC = 0 ( 3) SHI = 0 ( 4) SHG = 0 ( 5) tau1951 = 0 ( 6) tau1952 = 0 ( 7) tau1953 = 0 ( 8) tau1954 = 0 ( 9) tau1956 = 0 (10) tau1957 = 0 (11) tau1958 = 0 (12) tau1959 = 0 (13) tau1960 = 0 (14) tau1961 = 0 (15) tau1962 = 0 (16) tau1963 = 0 (17) tau1964 = 0 (18) tau1965 = 0 (19) tau1966 = 0 (20) tau1967 = 0 (21) tau1968 = 0 (22) tau1969 = 0 (23) tau1970 = 0 (24) tau1971 = 0 (25) tau1972 = 0 (26) tau1973 = 0 (27) tau1974 = 0 (28) tau1975 = 0 (29) tau1976 = 0 (30) tau1977 = 0 (31) tau1978 = 0 (32) tau1979 = 0 (33) tau1980 = 0 (34) tau1981 = 0 (35) tau1982 = 0 (36) tau1983 = 0 (37) tau1984 = 0 (38) tau1985 = 0 (39) tau1986 = 0 (40) tau1987 = 0 (41) tau1988 = 0 (42) tau1989 = 0 (43) tau1990 = 0 (44) tau1991 = 0 (45) tau1992 = 0 fi ffi ffi fi 23 (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) tau1993 = 0 tau1994 = 0 tau1995 = 0 tau1996 = 0 tau1997 = 0 tau1998 = 0 tau1999 = 0 tau2000 = 0 tau2001 = 0 tau2002 = 0 tau2003 = 0 tau2004 = 0 tau2005 = 0 tau2006 = 0 tau2007 = 0 tau2008 = 0 tau2009 = 0 tau2010 = 0 tau2011 = 0 tau2012 = 0 tau2013 = 0 tau2014 = 0 tau2015 = 0 tau2016 = 0 tau2017 = 0 F( 70, 125) = 27.20 Prob > F = 0.0000 Based on the output, since the p-value is essentially zero (Prob > F = 0.0000), there is strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis that all the coe cients of the speci ed variables (open, SHC, SHI, SHG, tau from 1951 to 2017) are zero simultaneously. In other words, at least one of these variables has a statistically signi cant e ect on the dependent variable in the regression model. . eststo POLStd: reg y open SHC SHI SHG tau*, cluster (id) note: tau1950 omitted because of collinearity. note: tau1955 omitted because of collinearity. Linear regression Number of obs = 2,546 F(70, 125) = 27.20 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.3745 Root MSE = .08176 (Std. err. adjusted for 126 clusters in id) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust y | Coe cient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0083645 .002189 -3.82 0.000 -.0126968 -.0040322 SHC | -1.040524 .0804048 -12.94 0.000 -1.199655 -.8813933 SHI | -.1580099 .0942423 -1.68 0.096 -.3445271 .0285074 SHG | -.5822732 .2955081 -1.97 0.051 -1.16712 .0025741 tau1950 | 0 (omitted) tau1951 | -.000719 .0164227 -0.04 0.965 -.0332216 .0317836 tau1952 | -.0414502 .0126615 -3.27 0.001 -.0665089 -.0163915 tau1953 | -.0215499 .0139741 -1.54 0.126 -.0492063 .0061066 tau1954 | -.0210786 .013646 -1.54 0.125 -.0480856 .0059285 tau1955 | 0 (omitted) tau1956 | -.0412841 .0116236 -3.55 0.001 -.0642887 -.0182796 tau1957 | -.0273057 .0077197 -3.54 0.001 -.042584 -.0120273 tau1958 | -.038976 .0095905 -4.06 0.000 -.0579568 -.0199951 tau1959 | -.0367763 .0123355 -2.98 0.003 -.0611898 -.0123629 tau1960 | -.0167422 .0135499 -1.24 0.219 -.0435592 .0100749 tau1961 | -.0385565 .0127822 -3.02 0.003 -.0638542 -.0132589 tau1962 | -.0268461 .0251163 -1.07 0.287 -.0765544 .0228622 tau1963 | -.0044766 .0156646 -0.29 0.776 -.0354788 .0265255 tau1964 | -.0012946 .0157425 -0.08 0.935 -.032451 .0298618 tau1965 | -.0157602 .0149434 -1.05 0.294 -.045335 .0138146 fi ffi ff fi ffi 24 tau1966 | -.0373597 .0143899 -2.60 0.011 -.0658391 -.0088803 tau1967 | -.0121991 .0103084 -1.18 0.239 -.0326007 .0082025 tau1968 | -.0265933 .0095316 -2.79 0.006 -.0454575 -.0077291 tau1969 | -.0191154 .0109927 -1.74 0.085 -.0408713 .0026405 tau1970 | -.0109004 .0137323 -0.79 0.429 -.0380784 .0162776 tau1971 | -.0201685 .01061 -1.90 0.060 -.041167 .0008299 tau1972 | -.0265155 .010157 -2.61 0.010 -.0466174 -.0064135 tau1973 | -.0110248 .0131538 -0.84 0.404 -.0370577 .0150081 tau1974 | .018153 .0190256 0.95 0.342 -.019501 .0558071 tau1975 | -.020317 .0212394 -0.96 0.341 -.0623523 .0217184 tau1976 | -.0058766 .015333 -0.38 0.702 -.0362224 .0244692 tau1977 | -.0101955 .0138402 -0.74 0.463 -.037587 .017196 tau1978 | -.035352 .0122536 -2.89 0.005 -.0596034 -.0111006 tau1979 | -.0216289 .0190386 -1.14 0.258 -.0593086 .0160508 tau1980 | -.0285228 .0128797 -2.21 0.029 -.0540134 -.0030323 tau1981 | -.0359005 .0146227 -2.46 0.015 -.0648406 -.0069605 tau1982 | -.0479356 .0101047 -4.74 0.000 -.067934 -.0279371 tau1983 | -.0419962 .0109605 -3.83 0.000 -.0636883 -.0203041 tau1984 | -.0474444 .0125193 -3.79 0.000 -.0722217 -.0226671 tau1985 | -.0374335 .010758 -3.48 0.001 -.0587248 -.0161422 tau1986 | -.0709505 .0295933 -2.40 0.018 -.1295195 -.0123816 tau1987 | -.0387469 .0145524 -2.66 0.009 -.0675478 -.0099459 tau1988 | -.0337385 .0115317 -2.93 0.004 -.0565611 -.0109158 tau1989 | -.0247548 .0140562 -1.76 0.081 -.0525738 .0030641 tau1990 | -.0346246 .0179094 -1.93 0.055 -.0700695 .0008203 tau1991 | -.0870706 .0155673 -5.59 0.000 -.1178801 -.056261 tau1992 | -.0496859 .0220317 -2.26 0.026 -.0932895 -.0060823 tau1993 | -.0962551 .0178052 -5.41 0.000 -.1314937 -.0610165 tau1994 | -.0928072 .019403 -4.78 0.000 -.1312082 -.0544063 tau1995 | -.0268686 .014666 -1.83 0.069 -.0558945 .0021572 tau1996 | -.0312689 .015057 -2.08 0.040 -.0610685 -.0014694 tau1997 | -.0207448 .0118321 -1.75 0.082 -.044162 .0026723 tau1998 | -.0476344 .0137596 -3.46 0.001 -.0748665 -.0204024 tau1999 | -.0237623 .0119642 -1.99 0.049 -.047441 -.0000837 tau2000 | .0134335 .0143082 0.94 0.350 -.0148842 .0417512 tau2001 | -.0224725 .0126559 -1.78 0.078 -.0475201 .002575 tau2002 | -.0238668 .0114618 -2.08 0.039 -.046551 -.0011825 tau2003 | -.0012138 .0137195 -0.09 0.930 -.0283665 .0259388 tau2004 | .0259278 .0145309 1.78 0.077 -.0028307 .0546863 tau2005 | .0537708 .0160055 3.36 0.001 .0220939 .0854477 tau2006 | .0115015 .012173 0.94 0.347 -.0125904 .0355934 tau2007 | .0306528 .0133389 2.30 0.023 .0042534 .0570522 tau2008 | .0070869 .0140963 0.50 0.616 -.0208113 .0349852 tau2009 | -.0727106 .018981 -3.83 0.000 -.1102762 -.0351449 tau2010 | .0106175 .0123861 0.86 0.393 -.0138962 .0351312 tau2011 | .0286362 .0130254 2.20 0.030 .0028572 .0544151 tau2012 | -.0288682 .0111041 -2.60 0.010 -.0508446 -.0068918 tau2013 | -.022187 .0098042 -2.26 0.025 -.0415907 -.0027833 tau2014 | -.0459122 .0099049 -4.64 0.000 -.0655152 -.0263091 tau2015 | -.0664595 .0142261 -4.67 0.000 -.0946148 -.0383043 tau2016 | -.0653652 .0139181 -4.70 0.000 -.0929108 -.0378195 tau2017 | -.0511581 .0099961 -5.12 0.000 -.0709417 -.0313745 _cons | .0673464 .0068231 9.87 0.000 .0538427 .0808501 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The analysis indicates that the regression model is statistically signi cant (F(70, 125) = 27.20, p < 0.001), suggesting that at least one independent variable is associated with "y." The variables "SHI" and "SHG" have p-values of 0.096 and 0.051, respectively. While "SHI" is not statistically signi cant at the 0.05 level, "SHG" is borderline signi cant, indicating that further investigation or additional data may be needed. Among the independent variables, "SHC," and others between the tau’s (1952, 1956, 1957 etc..) are signi cant predictors of "y." Changes in these variables are associated with changes in the outcome variable “y." Furthermore, is also important to comment the signs of the coe cients which indicate the direction of the relationship between the independent variables and "y." For example, "open," "SHC," and several time dummy variables have negative coe cients, implying that an increase in these variables is associated with a decrease in “y." fi fi ffi ffi fi fi 25 . . eststo REtd: xtreg y open SHC SHI SHG tau*, re cluster (id) note: tau1950 omitted because of collinearity. note: tau2017 omitted because of collinearity. Random-e ects GLS regression Group variable: id R-squared: Within = 0.3793 Between = 0.4666 Overall = 0.3743 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Number of obs Number of groups = Obs per group: min = avg = max = = 2,546 126 1 20.2 61 Wald chi2(70) = 1911.52 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 (Std. err. adjusted for 126 clusters in id) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust y | Coe cient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0084195 .0021785 -3.86 0.000 -.0126894 -.0041497 SHC | -1.034171 .0802075 -12.89 0.000 -1.191375 -.8769675 SHI | -.1636893 .0936838 -1.75 0.081 -.3473061 .0199275 SHG | -.5836507 .2959536 -1.97 0.049 -1.163709 -.0035923 tau1950 | 0 (omitted) tau1951 | .0560255 .0187883 2.98 0.003 .0192011 .0928499 tau1952 | .0152107 .0148631 1.02 0.306 -.0139204 .0443418 tau1953 | .0345916 .0153262 2.26 0.024 .0045528 .0646305 tau1954 | .0354683 .0143475 2.47 0.013 .0073478 .0635888 tau1955 | .0557456 .0104187 5.35 0.000 .0353253 .076166 tau1956 | .0132962 .0128362 1.04 0.300 -.0118623 .0384547 tau1957 | .0275226 .0101333 2.72 0.007 .0076617 .0473836 tau1958 | .0157673 .0117812 1.34 0.181 -.0073235 .0388581 tau1959 | .0184966 .0129177 1.43 0.152 -.0068216 .0438148 tau1960 | .0384303 .013546 2.84 0.005 .0118807 .0649799 tau1961 | .0144742 .0145978 0.99 0.321 -.014137 .0430854 tau1962 | .0258981 .0239606 1.08 0.280 -.0210638 .07286 tau1963 | .0483927 .017439 2.77 0.006 .0142129 .0825726 tau1964 | .0538533 .0163195 3.30 0.001 .0218677 .085839 tau1965 | .0392534 .0138461 2.83 0.005 .0121155 .0663914 tau1966 | .0170801 .0130404 1.31 0.190 -.0084785 .0426388 tau1967 | .0418227 .011384 3.67 0.000 .0195105 .0641349 tau1968 | .0281787 .0113538 2.48 0.013 .0059257 .0504317 tau1969 | .0356866 .0114226 3.12 0.002 .0132986 .0580746 tau1970 | .0442843 .013252 3.34 0.001 .0183109 .0702578 tau1971 | .0326433 .0087474 3.73 0.000 .0154987 .0497878 tau1972 | .0270749 .011202 2.42 0.016 .0051195 .0490304 tau1973 | .0432757 .0120457 3.59 0.000 .0196665 .0668848 tau1974 | .0716774 .018804 3.81 0.000 .0348223 .1085325 tau1975 | .0313378 .0210188 1.49 0.136 -.0098583 .0725338 tau1976 | .0467936 .0166956 2.80 0.005 .0140708 .0795165 tau1977 | .0415577 .0147237 2.82 0.005 .0126998 .0704156 tau1978 | .0161758 .0137248 1.18 0.239 -.0107243 .0430759 tau1979 | .0307324 .0189107 1.63 0.104 -.0063319 .0677967 tau1980 | .0236995 .0121136 1.96 0.050 -.0000428 .0474417 tau1981 | .0168793 .0130877 1.29 0.197 -.0087721 .0425308 tau1982 | .0044156 .0099799 0.44 0.658 -.0151446 .0239757 tau1983 | .0109827 .0115052 0.95 0.340 -.0115671 .0335326 tau1984 | .0057933 .0117573 0.49 0.622 -.0172506 .0288373 tau1985 | .0155364 .0096597 1.61 0.108 -.0033962 .034469 tau1986 | -.0181652 .0296962 -0.61 0.541 -.0763687 .0400383 tau1987 | .0140433 .0134263 1.05 0.296 -.0122718 .0403584 tau1988 | .0184285 .0102371 1.80 0.072 -.0016359 .0384928 tau1989 | .0270544 .0124034 2.18 0.029 .0027443 .0513646 tau1990 | .0166255 .0172661 0.96 0.336 -.0172155 .0504665 tau1991 | -.0329613 .015106 -2.18 0.029 -.0625686 -.0033541 tau1992 | .0045569 .0220158 0.21 0.836 -.0385932 .047707 tau1993 | -.0425689 .016957 -2.51 0.012 -.075804 -.0093337 tau1994 | -.0396799 .0182235 -2.18 0.029 -.0753974 -.0039625 tau1995 | .0261079 .0152414 1.71 0.087 -.0037646 .0559804 tau1996 | .0211294 .0148679 1.42 0.155 -.0080111 .05027 ffi ff 26 tau1997 | .032111 .0111289 2.89 0.004 .0102988 .0539231 tau1998 | .0052477 .0150653 0.35 0.728 -.0242796 .0347751 tau1999 | .0290796 .0111932 2.60 0.009 .0071413 .051018 tau2000 | .0649342 .0151996 4.27 0.000 .0351435 .0947249 tau2001 | .0288523 .011903 2.42 0.015 .0055228 .0521817 tau2002 | .0284242 .0110618 2.57 0.010 .0067436 .0501049 tau2003 | .0503054 .0135909 3.70 0.000 .0236677 .0769431 tau2004 | .0775762 .0162448 4.78 0.000 .045737 .1094155 tau2005 | .1049535 .0164697 6.37 0.000 .0726734 .1372335 tau2006 | .0626215 .0130465 4.80 0.000 .0370508 .0881922 tau2007 | .0822668 .0150836 5.45 0.000 .0527035 .1118302 tau2008 | .0592003 .0149401 3.96 0.000 .0299182 .0884823 tau2009 | -.0209721 .0166697 -1.26 0.208 -.0536441 .0117 tau2010 | .0625999 .0125272 5.00 0.000 .038047 .0871528 tau2011 | .0813039 .0141317 5.75 0.000 .0536062 .1090016 tau2012 | .0234265 .0102669 2.28 0.023 .0033037 .0435493 tau2013 | .0298135 .0102594 2.91 0.004 .0097053 .0499216 tau2014 | .0064025 .0076529 0.84 0.403 -.008597 .021402 tau2015 | -.0153834 .0141158 -1.09 0.276 -.0430499 .0122831 tau2016 | -.0145529 .0099083 -1.47 0.142 -.0339729 .0048671 tau2017 | 0 (omitted) _cons | .0136945 .007032 1.95 0.051 -.000088 .0274771 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | .01232141 sigma_e | .07864704 rho | .0239566 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ——————————————————————————————————————— The variables "open" and "SHC" have negative coe cients with p-values less than 0.001, indicating that an increase in these variables is associated with a signi cant decrease in the outcome variable “y." The variable "SHG" also has a negative coe cient but with a p-value of 0.049, suggesting a borderline signi cant relationship with “y." Among the time dummy variables some values (“tau1951," "tau1953," "tau1954," “tau1955," and others..) have signi cant coe cients. Changes in these time periods are associated with changes in the outcome variable “y." Some time dummy variables, namely "tau1950" and "tau2017," have been omitted due to collinearity with other independent variables. Collinearity may lead to multicollinearity issues, making the interpretation of coe cients less reliable. . eststo FEtd: xtreg y open SHC SHI SHG tau*, fe cluster (id) note: tau1950 omitted because of collinearity. note: tau2017 omitted because of collinearity. Fixed-e ects (within) regression Group variable: id R-squared: Within = 0.3826 Between = 0.3090 Overall = 0.3695 Number of obs = 2,546 Number of groups = 126 Obs per group: min = avg = max = F(70, 125) = Prob > F corr(u_i, Xb) = 0.0405 1 20.2 61 32.10 = 0.0000 (Std. err. adjusted for 126 clusters in id) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust y | Coe cient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0085809 .0021707 -3.95 0.000 -.0128769 -.0042848 SHC | -1.014701 .0762565 -13.31 0.000 -1.165622 -.8637795 SHI | -.180844 .0912464 -1.98 0.050 -.3614321 -.000256 SHG | -.5470263 .2958913 -1.85 0.067 -1.132632 .0385793 tau1950 | 0 (omitted) tau1951 | .0687901 .0206983 3.32 0.001 .0278255 .1097546 tau1952 | .027556 .0164641 1.67 0.097 -.0050284 .0601404 tau1953 | .0456739 .0162365 2.81 0.006 .0135399 .0778079 tau1954 | .0474158 .0148489 3.19 0.002 .0180279 .0768036 fi ffi ffi ffi ffi fi fi ffi ff 27 tau1955 | .0663794 .0121483 5.46 0.000 .0423365 .0904224 tau1956 | .0224906 .0139408 1.61 0.109 -.0050999 .0500812 tau1957 | .0373064 .0117258 3.18 0.002 .0140996 .0605131 tau1958 | .0247987 .012694 1.95 0.053 -.0003243 .0499218 tau1959 | .0284378 .0138713 2.05 0.042 .0009847 .0558909 tau1960 | .0495219 .0148365 3.34 0.001 .0201587 .0788851 tau1961 | .021236 .0160437 1.32 0.188 -.0105164 .0529884 tau1962 | .030989 .0245679 1.26 0.210 -.0176339 .0796119 tau1963 | .0547991 .0186832 2.93 0.004 .0178228 .0917755 tau1964 | .0653351 .0163413 4.00 0.000 .0329937 .0976765 tau1965 | .0492828 .0141492 3.48 0.001 .0212798 .0772858 tau1966 | .0256304 .0146 1.76 0.082 -.0032647 .0545255 tau1967 | .0469642 .0114306 4.11 0.000 .0243417 .0695868 tau1968 | .0371789 .0123456 3.01 0.003 .0127454 .0616124 tau1969 | .0490305 .0112167 4.37 0.000 .0268313 .0712297 tau1970 | .0572495 .0140691 4.07 0.000 .029405 .085094 tau1971 | .0391435 .0092096 4.25 0.000 .0209166 .0573705 tau1972 | .0361779 .0111877 3.23 0.002 .0140362 .0583197 tau1973 | .0565321 .0125702 4.50 0.000 .0316541 .0814101 tau1974 | .080732 .0188772 4.28 0.000 .0433716 .1180923 tau1975 | .0330608 .0211649 1.56 0.121 -.0088273 .0749488 tau1976 | .052649 .016704 3.15 0.002 .0195898 .0857082 tau1977 | .0453743 .0157272 2.89 0.005 .0142481 .0765005 tau1978 | .0192746 .014128 1.36 0.175 -.0086864 .0472355 tau1979 | .0369265 .0186182 1.98 0.050 .0000789 .0737742 tau1980 | .0280868 .0122923 2.28 0.024 .0037589 .0524147 tau1981 | .0219617 .0136594 1.61 0.110 -.005072 .0489953 tau1982 | .0086489 .0105155 0.82 0.412 -.0121627 .0294605 tau1983 | .0164845 .0118781 1.39 0.168 -.0070238 .0399927 tau1984 | .0118106 .0123843 0.95 0.342 -.0126994 .0363206 tau1985 | .0217226 .0101656 2.14 0.035 .0016036 .0418416 tau1986 | -.01409 .0318778 -0.44 0.659 -.07718 .0490001 tau1987 | .0209623 .0149022 1.41 0.162 -.0085311 .0504557 tau1988 | .0235234 .0115682 2.03 0.044 .0006286 .0464182 tau1989 | .0314781 .0128342 2.45 0.016 .0060776 .0568787 tau1990 | .0191012 .0161408 1.18 0.239 -.0128436 .0510459 tau1991 | -.0085615 .015565 -0.55 0.583 -.0393665 .0222436 tau1992 | .0417059 .0162633 2.56 0.012 .0095188 .073893 tau1993 | -.0261252 .0175193 -1.49 0.138 -.060798 .0085477 tau1994 | -.0317614 .0179008 -1.77 0.078 -.0671893 .0036666 tau1995 | .0333058 .0153262 2.17 0.032 .0029734 .0636383 tau1996 | .024061 .0146627 1.64 0.103 -.0049583 .0530803 tau1997 | .036407 .0121281 3.00 0.003 .0124039 .06041 tau1998 | .0106534 .0152902 0.70 0.487 -.0196077 .0409145 tau1999 | .0346912 .0111454 3.11 0.002 .012633 .0567493 tau2000 | .0675343 .0155675 4.34 0.000 .0367242 .0983443 tau2001 | .0310835 .0120298 2.58 0.011 .007275 .0548921 tau2002 | .0328948 .0111274 2.96 0.004 .0108722 .0549174 tau2003 | .0527311 .0140502 3.75 0.000 .024924 .0805381 tau2004 | .0797188 .0167397 4.76 0.000 .0465888 .1128488 tau2005 | .1067611 .0164782 6.48 0.000 .0741486 .1393735 tau2006 | .0640681 .013405 4.78 0.000 .037538 .0905983 tau2007 | .0841787 .0153411 5.49 0.000 .0538167 .1145407 tau2008 | .0615172 .0154037 3.99 0.000 .0310313 .0920031 tau2009 | -.0215049 .0161711 -1.33 0.186 -.0535096 .0104998 tau2010 | .0653787 .0128502 5.09 0.000 .0399465 .0908109 tau2011 | .084683 .0145556 5.82 0.000 .0558756 .1134904 tau2012 | .0255449 .0107843 2.37 0.019 .0042015 .0468883 tau2013 | .0318813 .0103625 3.08 0.003 .0113726 .0523901 tau2014 | .0091828 .0078085 1.18 0.242 -.0062712 .0246369 tau2015 | -.014889 .0142195 -1.05 0.297 -.0430311 .0132532 tau2016 | -.0156564 .0098051 -1.60 0.113 -.0350619 .0037491 tau2017 | 0 (omitted) _cons | .0082206 .007451 1.10 0.272 -.0065259 .0229671 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | .06156902 sigma_e | .07864704 rho | .37998254 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The results indicate that "open," "SHC," and "SHI" have statistically signi cant negative associations with "y," suggesting that increases in these variables are related to a decrease in the fi 28 outcome. On the other hand, "SHG" shows a marginally signi cant negative relationship with "y" (p-value close to the signi cance threshold of 0.05). The time dummy variables ("tau1951" to "tau2016") provide valuable insights into how "y" changes over di erent time periods compared to the omitted periods. These coe cients allow researchers to understand how the relationship between the independent variables and "y" evolves over time. It's important to note that the model ts the data reasonably well, as indicated by the within Rsquared value of 0.3826. This value suggests that approximately 38.26% of the total variation in "y" is accounted for by the included variables after controlling for individual-speci c e ects. The usage of cluster-robust standard errors, considering 126 clusters, addresses potential correlation within each cluster and strengthens the validity of the inferential conclusions. eststo FDtd: xtreg d.y d.SHC d.SHI d.SHG d.tau*, fe cluster (id) note: D.tau1950 omitted because of collinearity. note: D.tau2016 omitted because of collinearity. note: D.tau2017 omitted because of collinearity. Fixed-e ects (within) regression Group variable: id Number of obs = 2,217 Number of groups = 112 R-squared: Within = 0.4156 Between = 0.6781 Overall = 0.4181 Obs per group: min = avg = max = F(69, 111) = Prob > F corr(u_i, Xb) = 0.0223 1 19.8 59 57.50 = 0.0000 (Std. err. adjusted for 112 clusters in id) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust D.y | Coe cient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0050665 .0018084 -2.80 0.006 -.0086499 -.0014831 SHC | -.9235197 .076643 -12.05 0.000 -1.075393 -.7716464 SHI | -.2178646 .0945435 -2.30 0.023 -.4052089 -.0305203 SHG -.53763 .2875113 -1.87 0.064 -1.107353 .0320927 tau1950 | 0 (omitted) tau1951 | .9656789 .6530335 1.48 0.142 -.3283505 2.259708 tau1952 | .9063255 .6454659 1.40 0.163 -.3727082 2.185359 tau1953 | .8983542 .6335281 1.42 0.159 -.3570241 2.153732 tau1954 | .8911149 .6242357 1.43 0.156 -.3458498 2.12808 tau1955 | .8933833 .6139076 1.46 0.148 -.3231157 2.109882 tau1956 | .8393476 .6045917 1.39 0.168 -.3586913 2.037386 tau1957 | .8401535 .5945928 1.41 0.160 -.3380718 2.018379 tau1958 | .8169015 .5846535 1.40 0.165 -.3416286 1.975431 tau1959 | .8090339 .5745205 1.41 0.162 -.3294167 1.947485 tau1960 | .8254694 .5644019 1.46 0.146 -.2929307 1.94387 tau1961 | .7990269 .5542906 1.44 0.152 -.2993369 1.897391 tau1962 | .7887823 .5456737 1.45 0.151 -.2925065 1.870071 tau1963 | .7986881 .5342759 1.49 0.138 -.2600153 1.857392 tau1964 | .7967504 .5252775 1.52 0.132 -.2441221 1.837623 tau1965 | .7685305 .5145383 1.49 0.138 -.2510615 1.788123 tau1966 | .7233136 .5071024 1.43 0.157 -.2815436 1.728171 tau1967 | .7337298 .4957871 1.48 0.142 -.2487054 1.716165 tau1968 | .7067708 .4875302 1.45 0.150 -.2593029 1.672844 tau1969 | .7018293 .4760629 1.47 0.143 -.2415211 1.64518 tau1970 | .6890599 .4670384 1.48 0.143 -.2364079 1.614528 tau1971 | .6559682 .4552804 1.44 0.152 -.2462004 1.558137 tau1972 | .6358276 .4462014 1.42 0.157 -.2483504 1.520006 tau1973 | .6379823 .4362096 1.46 0.146 -.2263961 1.502361 tau1974 | .6470415 .4266257 1.52 0.132 -.1983458 1.492429 tau1975 | .5783536 .4167581 1.39 0.168 -.2474804 1.404188 tau1976 | .5928201 .4040562 1.47 0.145 -.2078443 1.393485 tau1977 | .5649789 .3968766 1.42 0.157 -.2214585 1.351416 tau1978 | .528185 .3840578 1.38 0.172 -.232851 1.289221 tau1979 | .5418809 .3762218 1.44 0.153 -.2036278 1.28739 tau1980 | .509366 .3680448 1.38 0.169 -.2199392 1.238671 tau1981 | .4897621 .3584465 1.37 0.175 -.2205236 1.200048 tau1982 | .4566131 .3480409 1.31 0.192 -.2330531 1.146279 ff fi ffi fi fi fi ffi ff ff 29 tau1983 | .4502948 tau1984 | .4483086 tau1985 | .440293 tau1986 | .3873707 tau1987 | .4109031 tau1988 | .4019093 tau1989 | .3974398 tau1990 | .3772265 tau1991 | .3309773 tau1992 | .3714833 tau1993 | .2857568 tau1994 | .2979967 tau1995 . .3394041 .3363799 1.34 0.183 -.2162644 .3267229 1.37 0.173 -.1991146 .316137 1.39 0.166 -.1861536 .2962333 1.31 0.194 -.1996352 .297625 1.38 0.170 -.1788608 .2868356 1.40 0.164 -.1664746 .2766449 1.44 0.154 -.1507506 .2679481 1.41 0.162 -.1537305 .2581287 1.28 0.202 -.180522 .2514711 1.48 0.142 -.1268234 .2361398 1.21 0.229 -.1821701 .2267075 1.31 0.191 -.1512393 .2140888 1.59 0.116 -.0848271 1.116854 1.095732 1.06674 .9743767 1.000667 .9702932 .9456302 .9081835 .8424765 .86979 .7536836 .7472327 .7636354 tau1996 | .3223874 .2062684 1.56 0.121 -.0863472 .7311219 tau1997 | .3235624 .1982579 1.63 0.106 -.0692988 .7164237 tau1998 | .2760696 .1846245 1.50 0.138 -.0897762 .6419154 tau1999 | .2865189 .1818889 1.58 0.118 -.0739061 .6469439 tau2000 | .309061 .1734379 1.78 0.077 -.0346178 .6527397 tau2001 | .2538412 .1626402 1.56 0.121 -.0684413 .5761236 tau2002 | .238623 .1524978 1.56 0.120 -.0635615 .5408076 tau2003 | .2524616 .1435842 1.76 0.081 -.03206 .5369832 tau2004 | .2744041 .1326543 2.07 0.041 .0115408 .5372674 tau2005 | .2828725 .1273485 2.22 0.028 .030523 .535222 tau2006 | .2256855 .1130003 2.00 0.048 .001768 .4496031 tau2007 | .2251986 .1047772 2.15 0.034 .0175756 .4328216 tau2008 | .1908656 .094237 2.03 0.045 .0041287 .3776025 tau2009 | .0806697 .0775979 1.04 0.301 -.0730957 .2344352 tau2010 | .1648394 .0713502 2.31 0.023 .0234542 .3062245 tau2011 | .1709737 .0630823 2.71 0.008 .0459718 .2959755 tau2012 | .0937018 .050785 1.85 0.068 -.0069321 .1943358 tau2013 | .0881952 .0373667 2.36 0.020 .0141505 .1622398 tau2014 | .0509645 .0287244 1.77 0.079 -.0059547 .1078838 tau2015 | .0102043 .0161083 0.63 0.528 -.0217154 .042124 tau2016 | 0 (omitted) tau2017 | 0 (omitted) | _cons | .0138134 .0099002 1.40 0.166 -.0058045 .0334313 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | .03867263 sigma_e | .10280893 rho | .12395704 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The presented output represents the results of a xed-e ects regression analysis with clusterrobust standard errors. Two time dummy variables, "tau1950" and "tau2017," were omitted due to collinearity. Collinearity can a ect the stability of the regression estimates and should be taken into account when interpreting the results. Notably, the coe cient of "open" is negative and statistically signi cant (p < 0.001), suggesting that an increase in the variable "open" is associated with a decrease in the dependent variable "y." Similarly, "SHC" and "SHI" also exhibit negative and statistically signi cant coe cients (p < 0.001), implying that higher values of these variables are associated with lower values of "y." However, it's worth noting that the coe cient of "SHG" is negative but marginally insigni cant (p = 0.067), with a relatively large standard error. Hence, the relationship between "SHG" and "y" may require further investigation and cautious interpretation. Regarding the time dummy variables, several of them show statistically signi cant relationships with "y." For example, "tau1951," "tau1970," and "tau2000" have positive and signi cant coe cients, indicating that speci c years have a positive impact on the dependent variable "y. QUESTION 3: Test the consistency of RE for the model under QUESTION 2. How can you obtain BE estimates with cluster standard errors? fi fi ffi fi fi fi ff fi ffi fi ffi ff ffi 30 The models I just analyzed are with robust standard errors. I estimate now models in FE and RE with time dummies but no standard error so that I can implement Hausman test. eststo REtd2: xtreg y open SHC SHI SHG i.year, re eststo FEtd2: xtreg y open SHC SHI SHG i.year, fe hausman REtd2 ---- Coe cients ---| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B)) | FEtd2 REtd2 Di erence Std. err. -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0085809 -.0084195 -.0001614 . SHC | -1.014701 -1.034171 .0194707 . SHI | -.180844 -.1636893 -.0171547 . SHG | -.5470263 -.5836507 .0366245 . year | 1952 | -.041234 -.0408148 -.0004192 . 1953 | -.0231162 -.0214339 -.0016823 . 1954 | -.0213743 -.0205572 -.0008171 . 1955 | -.0024106 -.0002799 -.0021307 . 1956 | -.0462995 -.0427293 -.0035701 . 1957 | -.0314837 -.0285029 -.0029808 . 1958 | -.0439913 -.0402582 -.0037331 . 1959 | -.0403523 -.0375289 -.0028234 . 1960 | -.0192681 -.0175952 -.0016729 . 1961 | -.0475541 -.0415513 -.0060027 . 1962 | -.0378011 -.0301274 -.0076737 . 1963 | -.0139909 -.0076328 -.0063581 . 1964 | -.003455 -.0021722 -.0012828 . 1965 | -.0195073 -.0167721 -.0027352 . 1966 | -.0431596 -.0389454 -.0042143 . 1967 | -.0218258 -.0142028 -.007623 .0021414 1968 | -.0316112 -.0278468 -.0037644 .0011909 1969 | -.0197595 -.0203389 .0005794 .0024827 1970 | -.0115406 -.0117412 .0002006 .0009528 1971 | -.0296465 -.0233822 -.0062643 .0017889 1972 | -.0326121 -.0289506 -.0036615 . 1973 | -.012258 -.0127498 .0004919 . 1974 | .0119419 .0156518 -.0037099 . 1975 | -.0357293 -.0246878 -.0110415 . 1976 | -.0161411 -.0092319 -.0069092 .0016156 1977 | -.0234158 -.0144679 -.0089479 .0020483 1978 | -.0495155 -.0398497 -.0096658 .0016204 1979 | -.0318635 -.0252931 -.0065704 . 1980 | -.0407033 -.0323261 -.0083772 . 1981 | -.0468284 -.0391462 -.0076822 . 1982 | -.0601412 -.05161 -.0085312 . 1983 | -.0523056 -.0450428 -.0072628 .0006982 1984 | -.0569795 -.0502322 -.0067473 .0016602 1985 | -.0470675 -.0404891 -.0065783 .0018816 1986 | -.08288 -.0741907 -.0086893 .0026833 1987 | -.0478277 -.0419822 -.0058455 .0018793 1988 | -.0452666 -.0375971 -.0076696 .001933 1989 | -.0373119 -.0289711 -.0083408 .0017493 1990 | -.0496889 -.0394 -.0102889 .0016295 1991 | -.0773516 -.0889869 .0116353 .0031451 1992 | -.0270842 -.0514687 .0243845 .0046149 1993 | -.0949152 -.0985944 .0036791 .0021452 1994 | -.1005514 -.0957055 -.004846 .0019846 1995 | -.0354842 -.0299177 -.0055666 .0028839 1996 | -.0447291 -.0348961 -.009833 .0025791 1997 | -.0323831 -.0239146 -.0084685 .0019385 1998 | -.0581367 -.0507778 -.0073589 .0019192 1999 | -.0340989 -.0269459 -.007153 .0012805 2000 | -.0012558 .0089087 -.0101645 .0017237 2001 | -.0377065 -.0271733 -.0105333 .0019115 2002 | -.0358953 -.0276013 -.008294 .0015115 2003 | -.016059 -.0057201 -.0103389 .002135 ff ffi 31 2004 | .0109287 .0215507 -.010622 .0023556 2005 | .037971 .0489279 -.0109569 .0018474 2006 | -.0047219 .006596 -.0113179 .0018726 2007 | .0153886 .0262413 -.0108527 .0010517 2008 | -.0072729 .0031747 -.0104476 .0016673 2009 | -.090295 -.0769976 -.0132974 .0018306 2010 | -.0034114 .0065744 -.0099858 . 2011 | .015893 .0252784 -.0093854 .0014137 2012 | -.0432452 -.032599 -.0106461 .0015337 2013 | -.0369087 -.0262121 -.0106966 .0010709 2014 | -.0596072 -.049623 -.0099842 .0006237 2015 | -.083679 -.0714089 -.0122701 .00145 2016 | -.0844464 -.0705784 -.013868 .0021258 2017 | -.0687901 -.0560255 -.0127645 .0018561 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg. B = Inconsistent under Ha, e cient under H0; obtained from xtreg. Test of H0: Di erence in coe cients not systematic chi2(70) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) = 102.06 Prob > chi2 = 0.0075 (V_b-V_B is not positive de nite) The test statistic for the Hausman test is computed as chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to the number of independent variables. In this case, the test statistic is 102.06, and the p-value is 0.0075. Since the p-value is less than the signi cance level (commonly set at 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis (H0). This suggests that the coe cients of the xed e ects model (FEtd2) signi cantly di er from the coe cients of the random e ects model (REtd2) so the coe cients in the xed e ects model are consistent and more appropriate than the random e ects model for explaining the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables in the dataset. eststo BEtd: reg y open SHC SHI SHG i.tau*, absorb(id) cluster(year) Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 2,546 Absorbed variable: id No. of categories = 126 F(66, 66) = . Prob > F = . R-squared = 0.4504 Adj R-squared = 0.4048 Root MSE = 0.0786 (Std. err. adjusted for 67 clusters in year) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Robust y | Coe cient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------open | -.0085809 .0026377 -3.25 0.002 -.0138471 -.0033146 SHC | -1.014701 .1047833 -9.68 0.000 -1.223907 -.805494 SHI | -.180844 .0871555 -2.07 0.042 -.3548556 -.0068325 SHG | -.5470263 .2190114 -2.50 0.015 -.9842967 -.1097558 | year | 1952 | -.041234 .0024333 -16.95 0.000 -.0460922 -.0363759 1953 | -.0231162 .0040641 -5.69 0.000 -.0312305 -.0150018 1954 | -.0213743 .0034647 -6.17 0.000 -.0282917 -.0144568 1955 | -.0024106 .0039303 -0.61 0.542 -.0102577 .0054364 1956 | -.0462995 .0041188 -11.24 0.000 -.0545228 -.0380761 1957 | -.0314837 .0038272 -8.23 0.000 -.039125 -.0238424 1958 | -.0439913 .003796 -11.59 0.000 -.0515704 -.0364123 1959 | -.0403523 .0045571 -8.85 0.000 -.0494509 -.0312537 1960 | -.0192681 .0049356 -3.90 0.000 -.0291223 -.009414 1961 | -.0475541 .0046589 -10.21 0.000 -.0568558 -.0382523 1962 | -.0378011 .0044497 -8.50 0.000 -.0466852 -.028917 1963 | -.0139909 .0037203 -3.76 0.000 -.0214188 -.006563 1964 | -.003455 .004924 -0.70 0.485 -.0132861 .0063762 1965 | -.0195073 .0042494 -4.59 0.000 -.0279916 -.011023 ffi ff ff fi ff ffi fi ffi ffi ffi fi ff ff ff ffi fi fi 32 1966 | -.0431596 .0044642 -9.67 0.000 -.0520728 -.0342465 1967 | -.0218258 .004397 -4.96 0.000 -.0306046 -.013047 1968 | -.0316112 .0041868 -7.55 0.000 -.0399705 -.0232519 1969 | -.0197595 .0043467 -4.55 0.000 -.0284381 -.011081 1970 | -.0115406 .0060019 -1.92 0.059 -.0235238 .0004427 1971 | -.0296465 .0044941 -6.60 0.000 -.0386192 -.0206739 1972 | -.0326121 .0044848 -7.27 0.000 -.0415663 -.0236579 1973 | -.012258 .0044918 -2.73 0.008 -.0212262 -.0032897 1974 | .0119419 .0048187 2.48 0.016 .002321 .0215627 1975 | -.0357293 .0056636 -6.31 0.000 -.0470371 -.0244215 1976 | -.0161411 .0047221 -3.42 0.001 -.0255691 -.0067131 1977 | -.0234158 .0046482 -5.04 0.000 -.0326961 -.0141354 1978 | -.0495155 .0045812 -10.81 0.000 -.0586621 -.0403689 1979 | -.0318635 .0058058 -5.49 0.000 -.0434552 -.0202719 1980 | -.0407033 .0047946 -8.49 0.000 -.0502759 -.0311306 1981 | -.0468284 .0048093 -9.74 0.000 -.0564305 -.0372263 1982 | -.0601412 .0045066 -13.35 0.000 -.0691389 -.0511435 1983 | -.0523056 .0051379 -10.18 0.000 -.0625638 -.0420474 1984 | -.0569795 .0046466 -12.26 0.000 -.0662566 -.0477023 1985 | -.0470675 .0043506 -10.82 0.000 -.0557537 -.0383812 1986 | -.08288 .0054101 -15.32 0.000 -.0936816 -.0720785 1987 | -.0478277 .0050398 -9.49 0.000 -.05789 -.0377655 1988 | -.0452666 .0042084 -10.76 0.000 -.053669 -.0368643 1989 | -.0373119 .0050286 -7.42 0.000 -.0473518 -.0272721 1990 | -.0496889 .0051525 -9.64 0.000 -.0599762 -.0394016 1991 | -.0773516 .0085558 -9.04 0.000 -.0944337 -.0602694 1992 | -.0270842 .0089328 -3.03 0.003 -.0449191 -.0092492 1993 | -.0949152 .0083768 -11.33 0.000 -.1116401 -.0781904 1994 | -.1005514 .0048761 -20.62 0.000 -.1102868 -.090816 1995 | -.0354842 .0059696 -5.94 0.000 -.0474028 -.0235656 1996 | -.0447291 .006611 -6.77 0.000 -.0579283 -.0315298 1997 | -.0323831 .0045959 -7.05 0.000 -.041559 -.0232072 1998 | -.0581367 .005783 -10.05 0.000 -.0696828 -.0465906 1999 | -.0340989 .0052231 -6.53 0.000 -.0445272 -.0236706 2000 | -.0012558 .005745 -0.22 0.828 -.0127261 .0102145 2001 | -.0377065 .0050019 -7.54 0.000 -.0476931 -.0277199 2002 | -.0358953 .0043558 -8.24 0.000 -.0445918 -.0271987 2003 | -.016059 .0056768 -2.83 0.006 -.027393 -.004725 2004 | .0109287 .0044617 2.45 0.017 .0020206 .0198369 2005 | .037971 .0052689 7.21 0.000 .0274514 .0484907 2006 | -.0047219 .0052111 -0.91 0.368 -.0151263 .0056824 2007 | .0153886 .0053978 2.85 0.006 .0046116 .0261657 2008 | -.0072729 .0055794 -1.30 0.197 -.0184125 .0038668 2009 | -.090295 .0067449 -13.39 0.000 -.1037616 -.0768284 2010 | -.0034114 .0048027 -0.71 0.480 -.0130004 .0061776 2011 | .015893 .0049501 3.21 0.002 .0060098 .0257761 2012 | -.0432452 .0045573 -9.49 0.000 -.0523441 -.0341463 2013 | -.0369087 .0046709 -7.90 0.000 -.0462344 -.0275831 2014 | -.0596072 .005059 -11.78 0.000 -.0697078 -.0495067 2015 | -.083679 .0066562 -12.57 0.000 -.0969686 -.0703895 2016 | -.0844464 .0054244 -15.57 0.000 -.0952766 -.0736163 2017 | -.0687901 .0046015 -14.95 0.000 -.0779772 -.0596029 | _cons | .0770107 .0038696 19.90 0.000 .0692848 .0847366 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION 4: Suppose that the Great Recession has generated a change in the parameters. How can you test this hypothesis by exploiting your preferred estimation method? To test whether the Great Recession has generated a change in the parameters of the model, I can use a time dummy variable to capture the e ect of the recession. By including a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 during the period of the Great Recession (2007-2013) and 0 otherwise. Let's assume that the Great Recession occurred during a speci c time period 2007-2013. I then create a dummy variable, "recession_dummy," that takes the value of 1 for those years and 0 for all other years. fi ff 33 ESAME 3 Questions 1. Which type of data do you have? (Hint: consider infants clustered within mothers). Describe the data. 1. In this dataset, I have panel data. Panel data is a type of longitudinal data where observations (in this case, infants' birth weights) are collected over multiple time periods for the same entities (mothers). The data appears to be clustered within mothers, meaning that multiple observations (birth weights) are associated with each mother, so I can track changes over time for the same mothers. The rst command I implement is describe. The output tell me that the dataset contains 8604 observations and there are a total of 24 variables in the dataset. The output mentions also that the dataset is sorted by “momid”, which suggest that the data might be organized based on mothers’ identi ers. fi fi 34 Then I implement the summarize command in order to have a summary of key statistics for the variables in the dataset. This output offers valuable insights into the distribution and characteristics of the dataset's variables. Notably, 'birwt' (child's birth weight) appears to have a mean of approximately 3469.93 grams and a standard deviation of approximately 527.14 grams, with values ranging from 284 to 5642 grams. Other variables, such as 'mage' (mother's age) and 'cigs' (number of cigarettes smoked per day), also exhibit variation. 35 for understanding how smoking during pregnancy might affect birth weight I use tabstat. The 'tabstat' output provides a clear summary of the variable 'cigs' (number of cigarettes smoked per day) categorized by smoking behavior during pregnancy ('smoke'). Notably, among nonsmokers, the mean number of cigarettes smoked per day is zero, as expected. In contrast, among smokers, the mean number of cigarettes per day is approximately 16.22. These statistics highlight a substantial difference in smoking behavior between the two groups. The total mean for 'cigs' across both groups is approximately 2.27, indicating an overall average number of cigarettes per day in the dataset. After making progressive the momid variable, we can see the summary statistics for the variables momidNP and momid. 36 It’s now time to inform Stata that I’m dealing with panel data, so I implement xtset. xtset momid idx Panel variable: momid (unbalanced) Time variable: idx, 1 to 3 Delta: 1 unit The panel is de ned by the 'momid' variable (representing mothers), which is marked as unbalanced, indicating that not all mothers have the same number of observations. The 'idx' variable represents the time periods, ranging from 1 to 3. The time intervals between observations are uniform, with a delta of 1 unit, suggesting that each unit increment in 'idx' corresponds to a consistent time interval. fi 37 The 'xtdes' output provides important information about the panel structure of the dataset. It indicates that there are 3,978 unique mothers ('momid') in the dataset, each observed over 3 time periods ('idx'), with a total of 11,934 observations. The 'Delta(idx)' of 1 unit suggests that each unit increment in 'idx' corresponds to a consistent time interval, and the 'Span(idx)' of 3 periods shows the range of time periods available. The distribution of 'T_i' (the number of time periods each mother is observed) indicates that most mothers (83.71%) are observed for 2 time periods, while the remaining 16.29% are observed for 3 time periods. The 'Pattern' section shows that most observations have a pattern of '11.' (indicating the same mother observed in two time periods) or '111' (indicating the same mother observed in all three time periods). 38 The 'summ' (summary statistics) output provides a comprehensive overview of the variable 'birwt,' which represents the child's birth weight in grams. The summary reveals that birth weights range from a minimum of 284 grams to a maximum of 5,642 grams, with a mean birth weight of approximately 3,469.93 grams. The data's spread is captured by the standard deviation of approximately 527.14 grams, indicating variability around the mean. Percentiles are also provided, offering a more detailed view of the distribution. For instance, the 25th percentile shows that 25% of the births had a weight of 3,147 grams or less, while the 75th percentile indicates that 75% of the births weighed 3,799 grams or less. Further statistical measures such as skewness and kurtosis provide insights into the shape of the distribution. In this case, the negative skewness value (-0.332) suggests a slightly left-skewed distribution, while the positive kurtosis value (4.632) indicates the presence of fat tails in the distribution. varanaeasy birwt momid idx ___ variable birwt___ Statistics NT 8604 Nmin 648 Navg 2868 Nmax 3978 Tmin 2 Tavg 2.1628959 Tmax 3 Note: differences among statistics of individuals or/and time-periods --> the panel is unbalanced Test of the signi cance of individual effects Fnum_i Fden_i F_i Fpval_i 3977 4624 3.0842791 0.00 Test of the signi cance of time effects Fnum_t Fden_t F_t Fpval_t 2 4624 25.669358 0.00 Statistics: mean and variability (standard deviations) Total mean (x..) 3469.9311 Total sd (xit-x..) 527.13941 fi fi 39 Between sd inter_momid (xi.-x..) Between sd inter_idx (x.t-x..) Within sd intra_momid_idx (xit-xi.-x.t+x..) Within sd intra_momid (xit-xi.) Within sd intra_idx (xit-x.t) 448.65 35.521972 375.47337 377.47037 526.40201 ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Percentages of overall sum of squared dev. due to individuals, time, and residuals Two-ways individuals & temporal % between inter_momid (xi.-x..)/(xit-x..) 72.427861 % between inter_idx (x.t-x..)/(xit-x..) .30276271 % within intra_momid_idx (xit-xi.-x.t+x..)/(xit-x..) 27.269376 - Focus on One-way individuals: intra_momid+inter_momid % within intra_momid (xit-xi.)/(xit-x..) 27.572139 of which explained by between inter_idx (%) (x.t-x..)/(xit-xi.) 1.0980748 - Focus on One-way temporal: intra_idx+inter_idx % within intra_idx (xit-x.t)/(xit-x..) 99.697237 of which explained by between inter_momid (%) (xi.-x..)/(xit-x.t) 72.647812 With the varanaeasy we obtain insights inyo the variability and signi cance of individual and time effects in the context of the variable “birwt”. We can see that the 72.43% of the variation in birth weight is attributed to indidivual differences, while a smaller percentage (0.305) is attributed to time effects. The remaining 27.27% is explained by within-individual and within-time variations. Approximately 27.57% of the variation in birth weight is due to within-individual differences. Within-time variations (intra-time) account for 99.70% of the total variation, with approximately 1.10% of this explained by between-individual differences. 2. We would like to estimate birwt as a function of smoke, mage black. Use POLS, FE, RE, BE, CRE (for CRE use both HA1 and HA3 at p. 54 of the theoretical note on static PDM). Comment the results and the estimated parameters. Can you consistently estimate the model by the RE? eststo POLSa: reg birwt smoke mage black Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 8,604 -------------+---------------------------------- F(3, 8600) = 235.00 Model | 181123614 3 60374538.1 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 2.2094e+09 8,600 256912.01 R-squared = 0.0758 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0754 Total | 2.3906e+09 8,603 277875.962 Root MSE = 506.86 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- fi fi 40 smoke | -296.0173 mage | 9.211306 black | -258.8591 _cons | 3266.549 15.99786 1.021905 21.42488 30.42223 -18.50 0.000 -327.377 -264.6577 9.01 0.000 7.208126 11.21448 -12.08 0.000 -300.857 -216.8612 107.37 0.000 3206.914 3326.184 The POLS model shows that smoking during pregnancy is associated with a signi cant decrease in birthweight, wih an estimated coef cient of -296.0173 (p < 0.001), indicating that each unit increase in smoking behavior is associated with a decrease in birthweight of approximately 296. Mother’s age also has a signi cant effect on birthweight, with a positive coef cient of 9.2113 (p < 0.001), suggesting that each additional year of maternal age is associated with an increase in birthweight of approximately 9.21. Black instead, is associated with a signi cant decrease in birthweight, as indicated by the coef cient of -258.8591 (p < 0.001), suggesting that Black mothers tend to have infants with lower birthweights compared to other racial groups. . eststo FEa: xtreg birwt smoke mage black, fe note: black omitted because of collinearity. Fixed-effects (within) regression Group variable: momid R-squared: Within = 0.0149 Between = 0.0441 Overall = 0.0378 Number of obs = Number of groups = Obs per group: min = avg = max = F(2, 4624) = Prob > F corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0808 8,604 3,978 2 2.2 3 34.95 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -105.6992 29.53343 -3.58 0.000 -163.5989 -47.79961 mage | 23.11536 3.050865 7.58 0.000 17.13421 29.09652 black | 0 (omitted) _cons | 2823.812 87.39633 32.31 0.000 2652.473 2995.15 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 442.92373 sigma_e | 374.73056 rho | .58282488 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F test that all u_i=0: F(3977, 4624) = 2.86 Prob > F = 0.0000 In the Fixed effect model, the Smoking behavior (smoke) remains signi cantly associated with a decrease in birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -105.70 (p < 0.001) after accounting for individual xed effects. Instead, Mother's age (mage) continues to show a signi cant positive association with birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately 23.12 (p < 0.001) after controlling for individual xed effects. As regards to the variable black, is omitted due to collinearity. eststo REa: xtreg birwt smoke mage black, re Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 8,604 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 41 Group variable: momid Number of groups = R-squared: Within = 0.0081 Between = 0.0973 Overall = 0.0749 Obs per group: min = avg = max = corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) 3,978 2 2.2 3 Wald chi2(3) = 460.38 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -249.0647 17.41837 -14.30 0.000 -283.2041 -214.9254 mage | 10.70324 1.198604 8.93 0.000 8.354016 13.05246 black | -255.0322 26.65648 -9.57 0.000 -307.2779 -202.7864 _cons | 3215.825 35.63581 90.24 0.000 3145.98 3285.67 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 341.66312 sigma_e | 374.73056 rho | .45393994 (fraction of variance due to u_i) The Random effect model shows that Smoking behavior (smoke) continues to show a signi cant negative association with birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -249.06 (p < 0.001) after accounting for both within-group and between-group variations. Mother's age (mage) remains a signi cant predictor of birthweight, with a positive coef cient of approximately 10.70 (p < 0.001) while controlling for within-group and between-group variations. The variable 'black'instead, is signi cantly associated with a decrease in birthweight but with an omitted coef cient due to collinearity. eststo BEa: xtreg birwt smoke mage black, be Between regression (regression on group means) Number of obs = Group variable: momid Number of groups = 3,978 R-squared: Within = 0.0054 Between = 0.1011 Overall = 0.0751 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 8,604 2 2.2 3 F(3,3974) = 148.99 sd(u_i + avg(e_i.)) = 427.9402 Prob > F = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -331.8269 21.51428 -15.42 0.000 -374.007 -289.6469 mage | 7.373431 1.307413 5.64 0.000 4.810167 9.936694 black | -259.8512 26.68225 -9.74 0.000 -312.1634 -207.539 _cons | 3322.507 38.95188 85.30 0.000 3246.139 3398.874 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 42 In the between groups regression analysis Smoking during pregnancy is signi cantly associated with a decrease in group-level mean birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -331.83 (p < 0.001). Mother's age exhibits a signi cant positive association with group-level mean birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately 7.37 (p < 0.001). Instead, Black is signi cantly associated with a decrease in group-level mean birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -259.85 (p < 0.001). eststo CREa: xtreg birwt smoke smoke_idot mage mage_idot black, re theta Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: momid Number of obs = 8,604 Number of groups = 3,978 R-squared: Within = 0.0149 Between = 0.1011 Overall = 0.0801 Obs per group: min = avg = max = corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) 2 2.2 3 Wald chi2(5) = 521.95 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 ------------------- theta -------------------min 5% median 95% max 0.3872 0.3872 0.3872 0.4650 0.4650 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -105.6992 29.51831 -3.58 0.000 -163.5541 -47.84441 smoke_idot | -227.2295 36.5382 -6.22 0.000 -298.843 -155.6159 mage | 23.11536 3.049303 7.58 0.000 17.13884 29.09189 mage_idot | -15.5921 3.317603 -4.70 0.000 -22.09448 -9.089715 black | -260.0303 26.61759 -9.77 0.000 -312.1998 -207.8607 _cons | 3318.902 38.94571 85.22 0.000 3242.569 3395.234 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 341.66312 sigma_e | 374.73056 rho | .45393994 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Contextual random effects regression analysis, we can see that Smoking during pregnancy is signi cantly associated with a decrease in birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -105.70 (p < 0.001). The contextual smoking effect, captured by 'smoke_idot,' also has a signi cant negative association with birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -227.23 (p < 0.001). Mother's age exhibits a signi cant positive association with birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately 23.12 (p < 0.001). The contextual age effect, represented by 'mage_idot,' is signi cantly negatively associated with birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 43 -15.59 (p < 0.001). Race (black) is signi cantly associated with a decrease in birthweight, with an estimated coef cient of approximately -260.03 (p < 0.001). hausman REa FEa ---- Coef cients ---| (b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B)) | REa FEa Difference Std. err. -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -249.0647 -105.6992 -143.3655 . mage | 10.70324 23.11536 -12.41213 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------b = Consistent under H0 and Ha; obtained from xtreg. B = Inconsistent under Ha, ef cient under H0; obtained from xtreg. Test of H0: Difference in coef cients not systematic chi2(2) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) = -58.63 Warning: chi2 < 0 ==> model tted on these data fails to meet the asymptotic assumptions of the Hausman test; see suest for a generalized test. The Hausman test (Hausman REa vs. FEa) is used to assess whether the Random-Effects (REa) model or the Fixed-Effects (FEa) model is more appropriate for analyzing the data. The coef cient for smoking behavior differs signi cantly between the REa and FEa models, with a substantial difference of approximately -143.37 (p < 0.001). The coef cient for mother's age also differs signi cantly between the two models, with a difference of approximately -12.41 (p < 0.001). Due to this, the RE model is inconsistent for the data. 3. Suppose that the e ect of smoking di ers according to the mother’s age (hint: you need interactions). Estimate your new model by FE, BE, CRE (both HA1 and AH3). Interpret the results. eststo FEI: xtreg birwt smoke mage i.smoke#c.mage black, fe note: black omitted because of collinearity. Fixed-effects (within) regression Group variable: momid R-squared: Within = 0.0150 Between = 0.0431 Overall = 0.0370 Number of obs = Number of groups = Obs per group: min = avg = max = F(3, 4623) = Prob > F corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0857 8,604 3,978 2 2.2 3 23.49 = 0.0000 fi ff fi fi fi fi ff fi fi fi fi fi 44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -205.6625 134.0088 -1.53 0.125 -468.3836 57.05863 mage | 22.75097 3.087986 7.37 0.000 16.69705 28.8049 | smoke#c.mage | Smoker | 3.794638 4.961931 0.76 0.444 -5.933114 13.52239 | black | 0 (omitted) _cons | 2834.287 88.46711 32.04 0.000 2660.849 3007.725 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 443.36829 sigma_e | 374.74738 rho | .5832908 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F test that all u_i=0: F(3977, 4623) = 2.86 Prob > F = 0.0000 eststo BEI: xtreg birwt smoke mage i.smoke#c.mage black, be Between regression (regression on group means) Number of obs = Group variable: momid Number of groups = 3,978 R-squared: Within = 0.0054 Between = 0.1012 Overall = 0.0752 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 8,604 2 2.2 3 F(4,3973) = 111.83 sd(u_i + avg(e_i.)) = 427.9712 Prob > F = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -265.2415 104.4722 -2.54 0.011 -470.0656 -60.41735 mage | 7.781811 1.450075 5.37 0.000 4.938849 10.62477 | smoke#c.mage | Smoker | -2.49421 3.829506 -0.65 0.515 -10.00219 5.013772 | black | -258.2448 26.79792 -9.64 0.000 -310.7838 -205.7059 _cons | 3310.556 43.05996 76.88 0.000 3226.134 3394.978 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------eststo CREI: xtreg birwt smoke mage i.smoke#c.mage black, re Random-effects GLS regression Group variable: momid R-squared: Within = 0.0081 Number of obs = 8,604 Number of groups = 3,978 Obs per group: min = 2 fi fi 45 Between = 0.0975 Overall = 0.0750 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) avg = max = 2.2 3 Wald chi2(4) = 460.58 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | -208.7883 82.53216 -2.53 0.011 -370.5483 -47.0282 mage | 10.93277 1.283739 8.52 0.000 8.416691 13.44886 | smoke#c.mage | Smoker | -1.516633 3.038013 -0.50 0.618 -7.471029 4.437763 | black | -254.1116 26.72171 -9.51 0.000 -306.4851 -201.738 _cons | 3209.129 38.07586 84.28 0.000 3134.501 3283.756 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 341.69323 sigma_e | 374.74738 rho | .45396137 (fraction of variance due to u_i) How can you evaluate the partial e ect of smoking when mother’s age is at the median value? est restore FEI (results FEI are active now) . xtreg birwt i.smoke##c.mage, fe Fixed-effects (within) regression Group variable: momid R-squared: Within = 0.0147 Between = 0.0432 Overall = 0.0371 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0818 Number of obs = Number of groups = Obs per group: min = avg = max = F(3, 4623) = Prob > F 8,604 3,978 2 2.2 3 23.07 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------birwt | Coef cient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | Smoker | -207.7048 134.0198 -1.55 0.121 -470.4476 55.03803 mage | 22.43556 3.081158 7.28 0.000 16.39502 28.4761 | ff fi fi 46 smoke#c.mage | Smoker | 3.872842 4.962322 0.78 0.435 -5.855679 13.60136 | _cons | 2843.27 88.27702 32.21 0.000 2670.205 3016.335 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 443.17047 sigma_e | 374.79789 rho | .58300833 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------F test that all u_i=0: F(3977, 4623) = 2.86 Prob > F = 0.0000 . margins, dydx(mage smoke) Average marginal effects Model VCE: Conventional Number of obs = 8,604 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() dy/dx wrt: 1.smoke mage -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Delta-method | dy/dx std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------smoke | Smoker | -96.96736 31.57848 -3.07 0.002 -158.86 -35.07468 mage | 22.97751 3.052369 7.53 0.000 16.99497 28.96004 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level. As result, we obtained that for infants born to mothers who smoke (Smoker), there is a decrease of approximately 96.97 grams in birth weight compared to infants born to non-smoking mothers. This effect is statistically signi cant (p = 0.002), indicating that smoking during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weights. We can also see that For each additional year increase in mother's age, there is an average increase of approximately 22.98 grams in birth weight. This effect is statistically signi cant (p < 0.001), suggesting that older mothers tend to have infants with slightly higher birth weights. ESAME 3 It was used by Bronwyn H. Hall and Robert E. Hall (1993) “The Value and Performance of U.S. Corporations,” Brooking Papers on Economic Activity, 1 1-50. All values are nominal and millions of dollars except where otherwise noted. Stocks are end of year. We want to estimate the simple investment model: Iit = b1 Qit-1 + b2 Dit-1 + b3 CFit-1 + b4 R&Dit-1 + b4 ADVit-1 + b6 Ti + INDi + τt + (μi + eit) fi fi 47 where I is investment/assets, Q is market value/assets, D is long-term debt/assets, CF is cash ow/assets, R&D is R&D/assets, ADV is advertising/assets, and T is a dummy variable indicating if the corporation’s stock is traded on the NYSE or AMEX. The regression ALSO includes 19 dummy variables indicating the industry code (from ardsic), and time dummies. Note that the error term could be composed by the idiosyncratic shock and the individual heterogeneity. The shock eit is zero-mean, supposed to be heteroskedastic and autocorrelated. The model refers to Tobin's q theory of investment, which suggests that investment should be predicted solely by Q (Tobin's Q). This theory predicts that the coef cient on Q should be positive, and the other coef cients should be zero. Theories of liquidity constraints suggest that the coef cient on D should be negative and the coef cient on CF should be positive. The literature has recognized the intangible capital aspects of advertising and R&D, which could be complementary or substitute for investment. QUESTION 1: Note that the unit-time varying explanatory variables are lagged. Why? Explain. The unit time results as lagged because the model wants to study and interpret the results and effects of the investment model of the company. In fact, when dealing with nancial markets, it is more common to obtain observations about lagged data and information, effects and consequences from the past that affect the estimations and studies we could conduct about the investment plan. QUESTION 2: Describe the dataset: which type of data do you have? describe Contains data from /private/var/folders/xv/628t t14g17mjjllxlhmbm40000gn/T/ Temp/ hall_hall_1993[19].dta Observations: 27,566 Variables: 23 26 Jul 2023 19:43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cusip long %10.0g Committee on Uniform Security Identication Procedures, rm code number, the r year int %10.0g 2-digit year of the data pstar double %10.0g The PDV of dividends received on this rm's common stock in the future, discoun z0 double %10.0g the rst term in the linearized expression for z (see Appendix A of the paper) pricef double %10.0g the end of scal year actual price of common stock divf double %10.0g the dividends paid during the past scal year rnda double %10.0g rnd to assets ratio adva double %10.0g advertising to assets ratio fyr byte %10.0g the month of the scal year close (1-12) ardsic byte %42.0g ardsic_labels Industry code exityr int %10.0g the year the rm exited from the sample inva double %10.0g investment to assets ratio cfa double %10.0g cash ow to assets ratio debta double %10.0g long term debt to assets ratio fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fl fi fi fi fi fl fi fi fl 48 sales double %10.0g sales during the year (millions $) netcap double %10.0g book value of assets = P&E+inventories+other, adjusted for the effects of in at earnsh double %10.0g reported earnings per share nyseamex byte %10.0g dummy = 1 if rm is traded on NYSE or AMEX h0 double %10.0g an instrument like that given in equation B-5 of the paper h1 double %10.0g an instrument like that given in equation B-5 of the paper vala double %10.0g total market value to assets ratio (Tobin's Q) oneper str18 %18s one period rate of return, adjusted for non-diversi able discounting sharef double %10.0g shares of common stock outstanding (1000s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by: cusip year xtset cusip year Panel variable: cusip (unbalanced) Time variable: year, 1960 to 1991 Delta: 1 unit xtdes cusip: 32, 209, ..., 989845 n= 1962 year: 1960, 1961, ..., 1991 T= 32 Delta(year) = 1 unit Span(year) = 32 periods (cusip*year uniquely identi es each observation) Distribution of T_i: min 5% 25% 50% 5 5 8 13 20 27 75% 29 95% max Freq. Percent Cum. | Pattern ---------------------------+---------------------------------127 6.47 6.47 | ............11111111111111111111 77 3.92 10.40 | ...11111111111111111111111111111 44 2.24 12.64 | ............1111111............. 43 2.19 14.83 | .............1111111111111111111 41 2.09 16.92 | ............11111............... 41 2.09 19.01 | ............111111.............. 38 1.94 20.95 | ...........................11111 33 1.68 22.63 | ..........................111111 33 1.68 24.31 | ........................11111111 1485 75.69 100.00 | (other patterns) ---------------------------+---------------------------------1962 100.00 | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX QUESTION 3: Estimate the model by POLS, FE, FD, BE, RE, CRE. In the light of the econometric theory behind each estimation method, interpret and comparatively discuss the estimates and select your preferred estimation method. Which theory do you think is valid on these data? Which kind of endogeneity could you detect? Iit = b1 Qit-1 + b2 Dit-1 + b3 CFit-1 + b4 R&Dit-1 + b4 ADVit-1 + b6 Ti + INDi + τt + (μi + eit) I = inva Q = vala D = debta CF = cfa R&D = rnda ADV = adva T = nyseamex IND = ind* fl fi fi fi 49 Tab ardsic, g(ind) Dtime year Esisto POLS: reg inva vala debta cfa rnda adva nyseamex ind* tau* eststo FE:xtreg inva vala debta cfa rnda adva nyseamex ind* tau*, fe eststo FD: reg d.inva d.vala d.debta d.rnda d.adva d.nyseamex d.ind* d.tau* eststo BE: xtreg inva vala debta cfa rnda adva nyseamex ind* tau*, be eststo RE: xtreg inva vala debta cfa rnda adva nyseamex ind* tau*, re theta within cusip year inva vala debta cfa rnda adva nyseamex ind* if e(sample) . sort cusip year . list cusip year vala vala_idot debta debta_idot cfa cfa_idot rnda rnda_idot adva adva_idot nyseamex nyseamex_idot ind* ind*_idot in 1/20, noobs sepby(cusip) eststo CRE: xtreg inva vala vala_idot debta debta_idot cfa cfa_idot rnda rnda_idot adva adva_idot nyseamex nyseamex_idot ind* ind*_idot tau*, re theta 50