RENIER VAN ROOYEN GOOD HOPE HIGH SCHOOL NATURAL SCIENCE: RESEARCH PROJECT: MR.D. MALGAS INDEX WHAT IS CANCER?............................................................................................................................................. 4 THE CAUSES OF CANCER ............................................................................................................................... 5 • Certain chemicals, known as carcinogens, are known to cause cancer: .......................................... 5 • Certain lifestyles are also known to increase the chances of cancer: .............................................. 7 Symptoms of cancer: .................................................................................................................................... 9 Treatment for cancer: ................................................................................................................................. 10 Types of treatment for cancer: ............................................................................................................... 11 • Cryoablation: ............................................................................................................................... 11 • Surgery: ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Types of cancer: .......................................................................................................................................... 12 • Leukemia ......................................................................................................................................... 12 • Brain Tumor:.................................................................................................................................... 13 support centers for patients with cancer: .................................................................................................. 13 • The Cancer Association of South Africa: ......................................................................................... 13 Ways to prevent cancer: ............................................................................................................................. 14 • Maintaining a healthy weight: ........................................................................................................ 14 • Not smoking: ................................................................................................................................... 14 • eating a healthy diet: ...................................................................................................................... 15 • Limiting the consumption of alcohol .............................................................................................. 15 • Protection from sunburn: ............................................................................................................... 16 Bibliography: ............................................................................................................................................... 17 • What is cancer: ................................................................................................................................ 17 • Agents of cancer: ............................................................................................................................. 17 • Lifestyles known to cause cancer:................................................................................................... 18 • Symptoms of cancer: ....................................................................................................................... 19 • Treatment for cancer: ..................................................................................................................... 20 • Types of cancer: .............................................................................................................................. 20 • Support groups for patients with cancer: ....................................................................................... 20 WHAT IS CANCER? Cancer is a disease in which body cells lose the ability to follow the normal control that the body exerts on all cells. In our body there are a billion of cells that have different functions and if the control of mitosis and apoptosis (The production and destruction of blood cells) is lost, the production of cells become uncontrollable, sometimes creating lumps or masses of blood cells clumped together within tissue, called tumors THE CAUSES OF CANCER • Certain chemicals, known as carcinogens, are known to cause cancer: 1.Benzene: -Exposure to Benzene induces a cytogenic alteration disorder (irregularity in number or structure of chromosomes) such as aneuploidy, manipulating how cells replicate within bone marrow cells, causing leukemia, cancer of the blood forming organ 2. Beryllium: - inhalation of beryllium can lead to lung cancer as it is a very toxic substance that can cause an immune response called Beryllium sensitization, that could lead to more serios health problems. 3. Asbestos: -Since this substance contains flexible fibers that can separate, it is easily respirable, which could cause cancer through inflammation and cell damage over many years. 4.Arsenic: -Exposure to synthetic arsenic could cause the interference or prevention of DNA repair mechanisms, leading to an accumulation of damaged chromosomes, ultimately contributing to genomic instability. In which the ultimate outcome of genomic instability is cancer. • Certain lifestyles are also known to increase the chances of cancer: 1.Smoking: When smoking a cigarette, the following carcinogens are released into the lungs: -hydrogen cyanide -Arsenic -ammonia and - Benzene Damaging DNA, including the part of DNA that prevents cancer, contributing to Genomic instability 2.Alcohol: - Alcohol causes cancer through Ethanol and its toxic byproduct acetaldehyde. Damaging cells by binding with DNA, causing cells to replicate incorrectly. Increasing the absorption of other carcinogens 3.Excessive exposure to sunlight: -To much UV radiation can damage DNA in which DNA no longer can control the development of cells, cells then begin dividing uncontrollably 3.obesity: -Because of the high body fat, growth hormones increase, causing cells to divide more often. Raising the chances of cancer cells developing Symptoms of cancer: o Fatigue o Lump or area of thickness that can be felt under the skin o weight changes, including unintended loss or gain of weight o Skin changes such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that won't heal, or changes to existing moles o Changes in bladder or bowel habits o Persistent cough or trouble breathing o Difficulty swallowing o Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating o Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain o Persistent, unexplained fever or fever or night sweat o Unexplained bleeding or bruising Treatment for cancer: Treatment for cancer is actually very complex because the genetic mutations that cancer cells acquire over time mean that they change the way that they behave. Meaning cancer cells develop a resistance to a treatment over time, making treatment ineffective. Also, because cancer is caused by genomic instabilities and defects, the characteristics of one person's breast cancer for example are very unique and different to the breast cancer of another person. That's why, for example, 70% of a patient's cancer was cured but the remaining 30% stayed active because its characteristics and behavior is different. Types of treatment for cancer: • Cryoablation: - procedure in which extreme cold is used to destroy tissue. BY inserting a thin needle called a cryoprobe, into the skin positioned adjacent to the target so that cooled fluid can freeze and destroy diseased tissue. • Surgery: -when used to treat cancer, surgery is a process in which a surgeon removes cancerous tissue from your body. Types of cancer: • Leukemia -Leukemia is the cancer of the blood forming organ, Bone marrow. It is caused by the abnormal, non-functioning white blood cells, uncontrollably and incorrectly produced by stem cells. Producing less Platelets and Red Blood Cells, contributing to a weaker immune system. • Brain Tumor: - is an abnormal growth or mass of cells that developed in or around the brain. Brain tumors can either be classified as Malignant (cancerous) or Benign (noncancerous). Possibly caused by Chromosomal abnormalities in gene mutation or excessive exposure to support centers for patients with cancer: • The Cancer Association of South Africa: -CANSA recognizes the importance for cancer survivors, caregivers and loved ones offering them opportunities to join caring communities when they join their local CANSA Support Group or one of CANSA’s online support groups. Ways to prevent cancer: • Maintaining a healthy weight: -by maintaining a healthy weight, one decreases growth hormones and the manner in how groth hormones influence the production and destruction of cells • Not smoking: • when smoking, carcinogens like Benzene and arsenic is released into our lungs, In which those substances interfere or prevent the production of cells. Causing the buildup of damaged intermediates (stem cells becoming white blood cells) • eating a healthy diet: • By eating a healthy diet, it provides nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins to the immune system, increasing the immune systems resistance to genomic instabilities, preventing the production of cancerous cells • Limiting the consumption of alcohol • By limiting the consumption of alcohol, one prevents the incorrect replication or division of cells. • Protection from sunburn: -by limiting the amount of UV radiation one is exposed to, it prevents the damaging of DNA which could lead to the loss of control that DNA has on cells. Bibliography: • What is cancer: - ( • Agents of cancer: -Benzene: =rja&uact=8&ved=0CBsQw7AJahcKEwjgw9H5p2AAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw& 2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC3271273%2F&psig=AOvVaw18-yF1Idc-xEVIbjTkX_y&ust=1692692189731459&opi=89978449 -Beryllium: - ( =rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwij6uGhqu2AAxV4SvEDHYleBOIQFnoECA0QAw&u %3Ffaqid%3D184%26toxid%3D33%23%3A~%3Atext%3DBreathing%2520in% 2520beryllium%2520can%2520lead%2Cthe%2520person%2520keeps%2520 being%2520exposed.&usg=AOvVaw1Jf_ZpmD62uQCQaYKvKnAC&opi=89978 449 ) -Asbestos: ( d=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi7pbnyqu2AAxUcSPEDHU5C9kQFnoECBMQAw& F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%2520fibers%2520become%2520stuck%2520wit hin%2Cmalignancy%2520caused%2520by%2520asbestos%2520exposure.&u sg=AOvVaw0DCHBqE64gFzjclYvK6nD_&opi=89978449) -arsenic: ( d=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiR2Z2Vq2AAxVtcfEDHa09DTMQFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.n nic%2520arsenic%2520compounds%2520interfere%2520with%2Cof%2520th e%2520lung%2520and%2520skin.&usg=AOvVaw3jz0PmuIKJce2LBO1QnrJ7& opi=89978449) • Lifestyles known to cause cancer: - Smoking: ( d=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwip5ejcrO2AAxVvZ_EDHQSFA2AQFnoECBQQAw & rmful%2520chemicals%2CDNA%2520damage%2520can%2520build%2520up .&usg=AOvVaw3ozWEjxxHmuuLEKA4gEjBJ&opi=89978449) -Drinking: ( 2ahUKEwjSkJeVre2AAxXTR_EDHaXMDesQFnoECBAQAw&url=https%3A%2F% cancer%2Flimit-alcohol%2Fhow-alcohol-causescancer%23%3A~%3Atext%3DAlcohol%2520can%2520cause%2520cancer%25 20by%2Cthe%2520absorption%2520of%2520other%2520carcinogens.&usg=A OvVaw0fyQ-ap6xnI38_Gn5SQdA5&opi=89978449) -sunlight: ( =rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiBhbKzre2AAxWvRfEDHRvnDr8QFnoECA0QAw&u %2Ccan%2520lead%2520to%2520skin%2520cancer.&usg=AOvVaw0XrJwHLs3 dg0NO1gFRnenp&opi=89978449) - Obesity: ( 2ahUKEwil_OHNre2AAxWZS_EDHaK6Aa4QFnoECBUQAw&url=https%3A%2F% %2520much%2520body%2Care%2520lots%2520of%2520fat%2520cells.&usg =AOvVaw245ANHmtaUMY8i2i04yzNb&opi=89978449) • Symptoms of cancer: ( - • Treatment for cancer: -Cryoablation: - ( - Surgery: - ( • Types of cancer: -Leukemia: ( d=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj306rose2AAxV1RkEAHXW8DgQQFnoECBUQAw & 20the%2Cinvolves%2520the%2520white%2520blood%2520cells.&usg=AOvV aw0zcpwLU2Nb5NPdLslEl-oA&opi=89978449) - Brain tumor: - ( • Support groups for patients with cancer: - (