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AS-321 Commercial Pilot Operations Syllabus

AS 321 Syllabus – Page 1 of 4
AS-321, Commercial Pilot Operations
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach College of Aviation
Fall 2022
Course #:
AS-321 Section(s) 03 DB (2373)
Course Title: Commercial Pilot Operations
Prerequisite: AS 221 & FA 121
Class Times: 1700-1750 *** Zoom Meeting if a TWD scenario occurs ***
& Location
MWF : Section 03 DB: (2373) Room College of Aviation 143
Office Hours:
Prof. Quintero S
Required Textbooks and Equipment (current editions of each)
Pilot’s Information Manual, (Cessna 172 S model) – (electronic on Canvas, or paper)–FREE to download
DA-42-VI-NG Flight Information Manual (PIM) – (electronic on Canvas, or paper) – FREE to download
ERAU_Multi-Engine_Guide_DA42-VI (electronic – on Canvas, or paper) – FREE to download
FAA – Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK): (electronic or paper) – FREE to download
iPad or Laptop
The Keys to Success are: 1) patience, 2) consideration of others, 3) a willingness to do your part, and 4)
friendly and courteous reminders as we all may forget at times. Oh, and let’s not forget, “Studying,
homework, and attention in class” Yes, those are needed too. – Dr. Carter
Course Description:
This course develops aeronautical knowledge required for certification as a Commercial Pilot with Single and
Multi-Engine Land ratings. Topics include multi-engine flying in VFR and IFR environments, including high
altitude, night, winter, and mountain. Topics also include regulations, safety, weather, aerodynamics, weight and
balance, performance, aircraft systems, navigation facilities, chart use, and decision-making. A grade of C or better
is required in any program, minor or area of concentration requiring AS 321.
Prerequisite AS 221; flight students must be complete with FA121 (or PVT Pilot ASEL Certification).
Course Goals:
This course provides the aeronautical knowledge to continue the development of a professional single and multiengine commercial pilot through practical application of regulations, safety, aerodynamics, weather, weight and
balance, aircraft performance, navigation, aircraft systems, maneuvers, and special environmental considerations.
This course also continues to build the understanding of those essential elements of crew resource management and
teamwork required by the aviation industry.
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Learning Outcomes:
During this course the student will, to the satisfaction of the instructor, demonstrate competency in the following
Exhibit knowledge of the Federal Aviation Regulations that apply to commercial pilot privileges, limitations and
flight operations.
2. Explain the National Transportation Safety Board accident reporting requirements.
3. Exhibit knowledge of aerodynamics and aerodynamic hazards associated with maneuvers, procedures and emergency
operations appropriate to complex and multiengine aircraft.
4. Exhibit knowledge of safe and efficient operation of aircraft.
5. Exhibit knowledge of meteorology, to include recognition of critical weather situations, winds shear recognition and
avoidance and the use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts.
6. Exhibit knowledge of significance and effects of exceeding aircraft performance limitations; use of performance
charts; and weight and balance computations.
7. Exhibit knowledge and use of aeronautical charts; use of air navigation facilities; and procedures for operating within
the National Airspace System.
8. Exhibit knowledge of aeronautical decision making and sound judgment to normal and abnormal flight scenarios.
9. Exhibit knowledge of the principles and functions of aircraft systems associated with complex single and multi-engine
10. Analyze and discuss flight planning considerations and in-flight techniques for operations in special environments,
including high altitude, night, winter and mountain.
Training Course Outline (TCO):
This course is approved by the FAA under 14 CFR Part 141. Student can access a copy of the current Training
Course Outline on the curriculum section of the Flight Department Daytona Canvas site. Students will be auto
enrolled in this Canvas site anytime they are enrolled in a flight block and/or AS 121, AS 221, or AS 321. The link
for the Canvas site is: https://erau.instructure.com/courses/5271. Students can select the curriculum link on the front
page and then view the appropriate TCO.
Course Enrollment Certificate:
A course enrollment certificate will be provided to you electronically. You will be provided an email with a link to
view/download the course enrollment certificate.
Attendance Requirements:
The FAA requires 100% attendance for the course. Therefore, attendance will be taken at the start of every class
period. Students that do not attend class will be marked absent. Students arriving late for class (after attendance has
been taken) will be marked absent.
All absences must be made up no later than the end of the last regularly scheduled class period, as listed in the
syllabus, by comprehensive special assignment or approved CBT. Failure to make up all absences will result in a
final course grade of “F.”.
1. Every absence must be made up before a graduation certificate can be issued.
2. All absences count towards the total for the semester. There is no difference between excused or
unexcused absences.
3. Absences not made up or exceeding the guidelines below will result in the student receiving a final
course grade of “F.”
AS 321 – Attendance Requirements:
Absences permitted without a grade penalty are as follows:
1. Fall and Spring: Up to Five (5) absences are permitted, if properly made up.
2. SUMMER: Up to Two (2) absences are permitted, if properly made up.
NOTE: If a student exceeds the maximum number of absences in an FAA course the Chief Flight Instructor
will be notified as soon as possible so that the student’s flight training will stop.
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Course Grading:
Grading Scale
A= 90% through 100%
B = 80% through 89%
C = 70% through 79%
D = 60% through 69%
F = 00% through 59%
Students taking ERAU flight courses must attain a grade of "C" or higher in this course. If a grade of "C" or
higher is not attained, the flight course that has this course as a co-requisite must be suspended until this course is
satisfactorily passed with a grade of "C" or higher. If the student earns a “D”, “F”, “AU”, or “W” the student will
have to repeat the academic course for credit towards their ERAU Flight (FA) course until they earn a grade of “C”
or higher. A grade of C or better is required in any program, minor or area of concentration requiring AS 121, AS
221, or AS 321.
Grade Breakdown for AS 321
Exams – 55% (4 Exams)
Gleim Assignments – 20%
Homework and Quizzes – 25%
1. To maintain integrity of the courses, all exams conducted online must use Respondus Lock Down
Browser, (or a similar program) a program that does not allow students to print, copy, paste, or visit other
websites while taking the exam.
2. Missed exams must be made up no later than the end of the last regularly scheduled class period for the
course as listed in the syllabus.
3. Make-up exam grades will be recorded at 20 points less than the achieved value, unless the instructor
grants a special waiver.
4. Students that receive a failing grade on an exam or quiz will not be given the opportunity to repeat it. The
achieved grade will be calculated into the overall course grade. To meet the FAA 70% requirement for a
passed course, only the overall course grade is relevant. Intermediate exams may be scored less than 70%,
as long as the overall course grade is 70% or above.
Graduation Certificates:
Graduation certificates are issued to a student upon successful completion of the course. Course graduation
certificates will be provided to you electronically. You will be provided an email with a link to view/download the
course graduation certificate.
To be awarded a graduation certificate the student must achieve the following:
 An overall course grade of 70% or higher.
 No more than the allowed absences for the course (see Attendance).
 All make-up completed by the last day of classes (before finals) as listed on the academic calendar.
(See Make-Up Work for Absences)
The 14 CFR 141 Course Graduation certificate authorizes the student to take the appropriate FAA Knowledge Test.
No logbook endorsement is required. The Course Graduation certificate has no expiration date. If a student fails the
FAA Knowledge Test, the student must obtain the Retest After Failure Endorsement from any appropriately
qualified ground or flight instructor in order to take the FAA Knowledge test again.
NOTE: A student’s failure to complete a required Pilot Knowledge Test by the appropriate time in a flight
course may delay their flight training and require additional costs when seeking the signoff elsewhere.
Gleim Assignments:
For AS 321 Gleim assignments are REQUIRED and count as an “Attendance” grade.
The purpose of these assignments is to: 1) Validate “attendance” for the online assignments (except the Pre-Test), 2)
Help you learn the required material and 3) better prepare you for the FAA Knowledge Test. Generally, these
assignments allow multiple attempts. You are encouraged study the material thoroughly prior to completing each
assignment and use the Gleim AvLearn assignments to provide an assessment of your knowledge level.
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All assignments are due as specified in class, Canvas and/or the Class Plan. Late assignments may be accepted at
the discretion of the instructor with a penalty (possibly 50% or more) unless the instructor grants a special
Class Involvement:
I value student involvement in this course. I invite you to participate in discussions, ask questions and make any
comments or suggestions that will enhance the learning and interaction in the class. If you are unhappy with a
grade, especially on an exam, please come see me. If you can exhibit the requisite knowledge in a one-on-one
session, you MAY recoup some points at the instructor’s discretion. I am always appreciative of your input and
discussion on these matters. Your thoughts on the process enhances learning and is encouraged!
Errors in Judgement:
Suspicion of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, exam or quiz will be referred to the Chairman of the
Department for review. Confirmation of plagiarism or cheating on any exam or quiz will earn a grade of zero on
the associated exam/quiz, and the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students for further action as outlined in
the current catalog under Academic Integrity/Conduct.
Team Work and Collaboration:
The purpose for these team work assignments is to begin helping you prepare for your role as a crew member on
the airplane flight-deck. You must learn to be effective in any group at any time. Working together in the
classroom environment is designed to help with this process. If there are any problems on your team that affect
team performance, please do not hesitate to seek a confidential conference with the course instructor.
Classroom Policies:
1. An iPad or another acceptable means of taking a Canvas Quiz and/or Exam is REQUIRED for EVERY
class. Electronic devices are REQUIRED for class but are to only be used as directed by the instructor.
2. Cell phones must be silenced before class begins.
3. Special note on classroom behavior a. It is expected that during educational activities students pay attention and participate in the
activity(ies) at hand. Sidebar conversations are disruptive and distracting and will not be tolerated.
4. You are expected to be in class for the entire class period. If you arrive late for class, come in as quietly as
possible but you will be counted absent. If you leave class, you may be marked absent for that class.
5. No recording of the class unless express permission is given by the instructor EACH time.
6. NOTE - Inappropriate language, obscenity, demeaning behavior toward other students and harassment of
any kind will not be tolerated.
Absences Related to Flying at ERAU:
Although ERAU is a “flying university,” flying is not an excuse to miss class. Regardless of the reason, crosscountry, weather, or check-ride, students who miss class must make up the absence. This is an FAA certification
course and as such, students are required to attend 100 percent of the classes scheduled.
Disability Services Information:
DSS Administration Office: Bldg. #500; Contact: (386) 226-7916; email: dbdss@erau.edu
If special accommodations are required, it is necessary to seek guidance and approval from the Office of Disability
Have a GREAT semester!!! and PLEASE let me know if you have ANY concerns.
“May the odds be ever in your favor”
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