Wireshark Lab: IP v8.0 1. IP address of my computer is : 2. The value is : ICMP (1) 3. 20 bytes Total length - Header length = 64 bytes 4. This IP datagram is not fragmented. If fragment flag is not set then datagram is not fragmented. If fragment flag is set then datagram is fragmented. 5. The Identification field. TTL or Time to live field. Header checksum field. 6. Which fields stay constant? Which of the fields must stay constant? Source address Destination address Header length IP version Which fields must change? The Identification field. TTL or Time to live field. Header checksum field. 7. I see that the value of this field is increased by 1. 8. 0x4fcd and 243 9. The Identification field value is changed but TTL remain unchanged 10. Yes , it has 2 fragment. 11. In the IP header of the first fragment the more fragment flag was set. It indicates that it has another fragment. The IP datagram is 1480 bytes long. 12. The flag is 0x0. That means it has not any fragment.Therefore it is the last fragment but not first fragment. If more fragment flag is set then it has more fragment.But if flag is not set, then this is thelast fragment. 13.Total Length Flags More Fragments Fragment Offset 14. 3 Fragment 15. Total Length Flags More Fragments Fragment Offset