An Introduction to Financial Transmission Rights Financial transmission rights are superior to physical transmission rights, particularly in markets employing locational prices; however, many issues regarding FTR allocation have not yet been resolved. Karen Lyons, Hamish Fraser, and Hethie Parmesano Karen Lyons is an Associate Analyst at National Economic Research Associates (NERA), San Francisco. She specializes in economic analysis and research of the electric industry with an emphasis on restructuring. Hamish Fraser is a Senior Consultant at NERA’s New York office, where he specializes in market restructuring and economic analysis in the electric utility industry. His work has included leading a number of computer modeling and market power analyses in the industry. Hethie Parmesano is Vice President of NERA, Los Angeles, where she has worked on numerous issues involving electricity industry costing, pricing, structure, and regulation. She also teaches seminars on costing and pricing topics, and directs a NERAsponsored industry group called the Marginal Cost Working Group. December 2000 T ransmission rights are valuable in electricity markets because they (1) define property rights; and (2) are a mechanism to hedge transmission price risk. Property rights entitle market participants to the benefits of using a transmission system by reserving capacity on the line for their exclusive use and/or by providing them with the financial benefits of the line. Property rights also encourage market participants to make investments in the transmission grid: They know their investments are protected because they receive something fixed in return that they can value and trade. The ability to hedge transmission price risk is an important tool in facilitating an efficient electricity market. It allows market participants to lock in the price of transmission usage, rather than paying variable prices for congestion. There are two types of transmission rights: physical transmission rights (PTRs) and financial transmission rights (FTRs).1 While both of these provide the benefits described above, FTRs are often considered superior in electricity markets with locational prices2 because the use of PTRs in these markets can lead to serious problems. In order to better understand the distinction between FTRs and PTRs, the next section of this article will briefly discuss PTRs, including their role in transmission expansion and allocation methods, before the discussion moves on to FTRs. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 31 I. Physical Transmission Rights Physical transmission rights are simple in theory. They involve the exclusive right to transport a predefined quantity of power between two locations on the network, and accordingly, the right to deny access to the network by market participants who do not hold the rights. PTRs provide the necessary features of transmission rights. First, they provide clearly defined “property rights” because it is necessary to hold a PTR between two locations in order to transport energy. This means that once a market participant pays for capacity on a transmission line, it can be assured that this capacity will be reserved exclusively for its use. Alternatively, in times of high demand for transmission, it can sell the right to use the line. This will allow the PTR owner to supplement the return on its investment by selling (or “subletting”) the capacity when it is not being used, or when the congestion-induced market prices for capacity are greater than the owners’ alternative options. The latter opportunity is particularly likely to arise when someone else needs to buy transmission capacity at short notice. econd, with a PTR the cost of transmission usage can be determined in advance of usage. Market participants can acquire PTRs by building transmission or by buying them from others who already have them. Physical transmission rights, however, can have potential prob- S 32 lems. The most serious of these is that the right of a PTR owner to self-dispatch can interfere with the system operator’s efforts to schedule and dispatch the system efficiently.3 If market participants must hold physical rights to be dispatched, the rights need to be tradable in very short time periods, so that output from one plant may be substituted for output from another in real time. However, as the moment of actual dispatch With a PTR, the cost of transmission usage can be determined in advance of usage. approaches and many market participants use the spot market for their trading needs, it is not easy— nor necessarily even possible—for them to identify their exact transmission needs in advance. They will, therefore, not be able to make PTR trades fast enough. Thus, PTR holders, and not the system operator, end up dictating the use of the transmission system.4 Another problem is the incompatibility of PTRs and locational energy prices.5 PTRs could allow market participants to raise prices to uncompetitive levels in some locations and/or to depress them in others by withholding access. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 For example, a holder of PTRs from A to B who has generation at B might prevent generators at A from using the transmission system. The holder of PTRs would do this to maintain a high price at B. Withholding access could thus lead to production inefficiencies. In the scenario above, the most efficient and cheapest generators might be located at A, but as long as generator B withholds its transmission capacity from them, they will not be able to participate in the market. n practice, regulators would develop rules that would impede such a situation from arising. In order to make PTRs compatible with locational prices, they would implement rigid eligibility standards for PTR holders (i.e., market participants that are in a position to exercise market power would be ineligible) or strict rules concerning the use of PTRs. In either case, these would be difficult to determine and equally difficult to enforce. I II. Financial Transmission Rights Financial transmission rights can deal with both of the potential PTR problems listed above. FTRs are contracts that exist between a market participant—in fact, any individual or organization—and the system operator. FTRs are defined in a way similar to physical transmission rights: from a source location to a destination location. They are also denominated in a MW amount corresponding to the transfer capability between these loca- The Electricity Journal tions. However, FTRs do not entitle their holders to an exclusive right to use the transmission system. Instead, FTRs exist in an environment of open access to the transmission system for all market participants—regardless of whether they hold a transmission right. FTRs solve both of the problems of PTRs discussed above. First, FTRs do not lead to inefficient dispatches, but rather to efficient dispatches. New generators are not stopped from bidding below existing generators and open access is not denied to anyone on the transmission system. The system operator does not even need to take FTRs into account in its operation of the system because FTRs are purely financial instruments that can be settled outside of the spot market. TR payments represent exactly the financial benefit that would accrue to a market participant that owned its own line, or to the owner of a PTR that sold its right to the highest bidder.6 In effect, FTRs are tradable rights that are automatically assigned to those users who provide the system with the highest value. For example, if the holder of an FTR is a generator that does not have a low-enough offer price to be dispatched, the generator will nonetheless receive the financial equivalent of having sold the right to the generator that does get dispatched. And the FTR holder receives this payment without having to scurry about to find a participant to buy the right. Rents are paid irrespective of who uses the transmission system. Second, FTRs are completely compatible with locational mar- F December 2000 ginal prices and, in fact, are dependent upon them. FTRs give their holders the right to payments equal to the energy price difference7 between the source location and the destination location for the denominated MW. These payments are funded by the natural “congestion rent” that arises when energy is purchased from lower-priced regions and transmitted to and sold in higherpriced regions. Therefore, there FTRs are also beneficial because they provide a convenient way to deal with congestion rents that the system operator collects. must be price differences between locations, i.e., a locational price system. In a single-price system, FTRs have no meaning, since these price differences will not formally exist. FTRs are also beneficial because they provide a convenient way to deal with these congestion rents that the system operator collects. In a worst-case scenario, the system operator would be allowed to keep the congestion rents. This would give the system operator an incentive to dispatch the system inefficiently, and impede grid expansion in an attempt to increase congestion and thus its revenue. While this situation would never be permitted by regulators, congestion rents do arise, as does the need to decide how to allocate them. FTRs provide a simple solution to this problem. A. Property Rights and Transmission Expansion In the same way that locational prices of energy give new generators the right incentives for where and when to build, the payment of congestion rents gives market participants the incentives to build new transmission where and when it is cost-effective to do so.8 Marketdriven transmission expansion will occur when payments of congestion rents are sufficiently high; at that time, market participants will prefer to invest in new transmission to reduce or eliminate congestion, rather than to continue to pay congestion rents. In the short term, the builders of new transmission capacity will no longer have to pay congestion charges (or have their low-cost generation sit idle) because, once the new capacity is built, their paths will no longer be congested. Therefore, at least initially, the FTRs they received in exchange for building the new capacity generate no congestion payments. In the long term, however, these FTRs can become very important. The FTRs give their holders a guarantee that if the new transmission lines become congested (and the price of transmission usage rises again), they will still receive the benefits of the line through the collection of congestion rents. This point is illustrated in Example 1. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 33 Example 1 In Figure 1, the variable costs ($/MWh) and capacities (MW) of each generator are given. System load is 2,700 MW, including 200 MW located at A and 2,500 MW located at B. The capacity of the transmission line is 1,000 MW. The price at A is equal to $15, the variable cost of GeneratorA2.9 This is because a load increase of 1 MW at A would be met by GeneratorA2, the cheapest available generator that is not fully utilized. The price of electricity at B is $30 since an extra MW of load at B could only be served by Generator B. Figure 1: Line is Congested Now suppose that an extra 1,000 MW of new capacity is constructed (Figure 2) and that the amortized construction cost of the line is $5/MWh. GeneratorA110 builds and pays for the line since it will benefit from a $15/MWh higher market price when the line is built and congestion is eliminated. In return for paying for the line, GeneratorA1 also receives FTRs for 1,000 MW from A to B. These FTRs entitle it to the congestion rents from A to B for 1,000 MW. The line is cost-effective to the system as a whole because the average benefit of the new line is greater than the expansion cost ($9.50/MWh vs. $5/MWh).11 Immediately after the link is built, the price at both A and B is $30/MWh (if load increased by 1 MW at either A or B, only GeneratorB could meet it). The prices are equalized in each location since all congestion is relieved and, therefore, there is initially no congestion rent. Figure 2: Congestion is Eliminated But this situation may not be permanent. Continuing with the example, another generator (Generator A4) builds a 1,000 MW plant at A, causing the line to become congested again (Figure 3). GeneratorA4 bids energy into the market at a lower price than GeneratorA1 (who built the line). Although Generator A1’s output remains the same, the price at A is reduced to the price before the expansion ($15/MWh). However, since GeneratorA1 has FTRs for 1,000 MW, it receives congestion rents of $15/MWh, the difference in prices between the two locations. Generator A1 continues to receive the value of the transmission it paid for, even though someone else is using the line. Figure 3: Line Is Once Again Congested It is as if GeneratorA1 sold the FTR temporarily to Generator A4 for its value. FTRs act as tradable transmission rights that are in fact traded, but the trading is automatic. Generator A1 receives the rents from holding the FTR, irrespective of who uses the line and when the line is used. FTRs bestow the correct incentives on market participants. By defining FTRs as the property rights that match transmission ownership with transmission benefits, market participants have eco- 34 nomically efficient incentives. Without FTRs, transmission owners run the risk that the benefits of their investments will be captured by others, such as GeneratorA4 in this example. To better illustrate this, assume that it was GeneratorA3 that built the additional capacity in order to be dispatched. Without FTRs, GeneratorA4 captures the benefits by using all of the new capacity. GeneratorA3 is no longer dispatched, but continues to pay for the line. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 The Electricity Journal B. Price Hedging With FTRs, traders in the wholesale markets for electricity have the means at hand to hedge against the risk of locational price differences. Holders of FTRs are able to enter into contracts with other market participants without taking on the risk of transmission price fluctuations. For instance, a generator at A and a purchaser at B could enter into a fixed-price supply contract. The transaction could be hedged against the risk of transmission price fluctuations between A and B with the purchase of an FTR between A and B that matched the MW size of the transaction. The congestion charges—namely the price at B minus the price at A— would be exactly offset by the FTR payments. Example 2 illustrates the hedging properties of FTRs. TRs that are used to hedge transmission price uncertainty do not distort the marginal signals for the efficient use of the transmission system. Generators still have incentives to be dispatched economically. Market participants that transact with each other, but hold fewer FTRs than their transaction’s MW quantity, will still pay the opportunity cost of transmission to the extent they are unhedged. To the extent market participants hold FTRs that exceed their transaction hedging requirements, they will still receive the opportunity cost of the transmission capacity they implicitly made available to someone else. F C. Allocation of FTRs One aspect of FTR allocation has already been discussed in this arti- December 2000 cle, albeit not directly: FTRs should be given to those who invest in transmission expansion. Allocation of FTRs in this way provides incentives for efficient investment in the transmission system. There are, however, many other issues regarding FTR allocation that have not yet been addressed, such as eligibility requirements for FTR ownership, allocation of FTRs for the existing transmission system, and secondary markets for FTRs. These issues are more difficult to discuss because there is no one correct way to handle them; rather, the appropriate solution ultimately depends on the structure of the market and on the decisions made in that market. Before FTRs can be allocated, potential FTR holders must first be defined. FTRs could be given only to transmission owners or only to generators. They could be given to both generators and distributors. They could be made available to all market participants and/or people outside of the market. They could be also be given to a combination of any of the above. Once eligibility requirements have been defined, FTRs for existing transmission capacity could be allocated in a number of different ways. They could be assigned based on existing transmission rights or agreements, auctioned off, or allocated so that their benefits offset the redistribution of economic rents arising from tariff reforms. f an auction is used, the issue of what do to with the ensuing revenues arises. There are many ways to handle this, but by far the I Example 2 A generator at A and a purchaser at B wish to hedge against transmission price risk by locking in the price of energy at the buyer’s location. The generator’s variable cost of energy at A is $15/MWh, and it purchases an FTR between A and B for a price equivalent to $10/ MWh; the FTR is equal in MW size to his generating capacity. The generator is therefore able to guarantee that the delivered cost to B will never be more than $15, plus a fixed rate ($10/MWh) for the FTR 5 $25/MWh in total; • In one hour, the market price at A is $14/MWh. The generator does not operate and buys replacement energy from the market at a $1/MWh saving. The FTR guarantees that energy can be withdrawn at B, where the price is $27/MWh, with no net charge for transmission except for the $10/ MWh fixed fee. The total cost is therefore $14 plus $10 5 $24/ MWh. (An equivalent way of looking at the transaction is that the energy can be withdrawn at B for $27/MWh, but the $13/MWh value of the FTR (the difference between the spot prices at A and B) means the net cost of the transaction to the supplying generator is $27 minus $13 5 $14, plus the $10 cost of the FTR 5 $24/MWh). • In another hour, the market price at A is $18/MWh. The generator operates since it is economical to run. There may or may not be congestion, but in either case there is no additional transmission cost because of the FTR. The net cost to the generator (excluding its lost opportunity of making a market sale) is its production cost of $15, and the cost of the FTR of $10. The delivered cost to B is therefore $25/MWh. In neither case does the generator’s cost to supply electricity at B exceed $25/MWh. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 35 36 © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 The Electricity Journal FTRs were initially allocated to Network Integration Service customers. Initial allocation PJM 5 Pennsylvania–New Jersey–Maryland interconnection. FTR auction revenues, net of payments to FTR sellers, are allocated among the regional transmission owner in proportion to their respective transmission revenue requirements. • For 1 and 2: Must be a PJM Firm Transmission Service customer. • For 3 and 4: Must be a PJM member or a transmission customer. • For 5: Only one party needs to be a PJM member. Distribution of revenues New York Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCCs) California Firm Transmission Rights (FTRs) All revenues received by transmission owners from the sale of Grandfathered TCCs and Residual TCCs, as well as excess auction revenues, are credited against the transmission owner’s cost of service to reduce the transmission service charge. Prior to the formation of the NYISO, there was an initial allocation of TCCs. In the first stage of the allocation, customers receiving service under Existing Transmission Agreements (ETA) were given the choice of converting their existing rights into either Grandfathered Rights or into Grandfathered TCCs. After these rights had been allocated and accounted for, Existing Transmission Capacity for Native Load (ETCNL) was allocated to some transmission owners. Once all of these had been accounted for, Residual TCCs were allocated to the Transmission Owners. • All market participants may participate. The primary auction proceeds went to the participating transmission owners. Each participating transmission owner credited its FTR auction proceeds against its access charge (in order to pay off their transmission system investments). The initial allocation was through a primary auction in November of 1999, in which FTRs equal to 100% of the operating limit at 99.5-percent availability were auctioned off. These FTRs are valid for a period of 14 months, from February 1, 2000 until March 31, 2001. • Anyone (including non-market participants) may participate. 1. Primary Auction: The ISO will conduct annual 1. Network Integration Service: The network customer 1. Centralized TCC Auctions: Auctions conducted primary auctions approximately two months before under the direction of the ISO. The first TCC auction has the option to request FTRs for all or any portion the beginning of the term of the FTRs. (the “Transitional Auction”) took place in September of its generations resources. of 1999 to provide all transmission customers with 2. Secondary Market: FTR holders can sell their FTRs 2. Firm Point-to-Point Service: PJM allocates FTRs to in the Day-Ahead market, at a price they specify, an opportunity to purchase TCCs for use on day one Firm Point-to-Point Service customers for approved using adjustment bids. of NYISO operations. Long-term TCCs began to be service requests. The duration of the FTR is the same auctioned off by the ISO in March of 2000. The first 3. Investment in the Transmission System: First, an as for the associated service request. entity must build an incremental transmission round of auctions allocated TCCs with a validity of 3. FTR Auction: PJM conducts separate auctions each facility identified by the ISO as one needed for 2 years. The second round of auctions, which took month for FTRs for on-peak and off-peak periods. The inter-zonal interface. It then must file with the place in April of 2000, allocated TCCs with a validity FTR auction offers for sale any residual transmission FERC and become a Participating Transmission of 6 months. Reconfiguration auctions, which allow entitlement that is available after Network and longOperator (PTO). Once this is done, the ISO will participants to sell and purchase short-term FTRs term Point-to-Point Transmission Service FTRs are auction the appropriate amount of FTRs (valid for one month), have also begun to take place awarded. The auction also allows market participants attributable to this grid expansion and provide the monthly. an opportunity to sell FTRs that they are currently proceeds to this new PTO. 2. Direct Sales: Sales by the primary Transmission holding. FTRs are for a term of one month. Owner to a buyer. 4. Secondary Market: This is a bilateral trading system that facilitates trading of existing FTRs through eFTR, 3. Secondary Markets: Market in which both primary and secondary holders may sell their TCCs. a bulletin board system. 5. Independently: PJM has no knowledge of such trades. PJM Fixed Transmission Rights (FTRs) Eligibility rules Ways of obtaining FTRs Name Table 1: How Fixed Transmission Rights are Handled in Different U.S. Markets most common approach is to allocate them to the transmission owners. The transmission owners may then decide how to use these revenues: In California, transmission owners use them to pay off their transmission system investments, and in New York they are used to reduce the transmission service charge. fter the initial allocation of FTRs has taken place, FTRs could be bought and sold in secondary markets, much like any other financial instrument. Parties initially awarded the FTRs could resell them to market participants for hedging against transmission price risk. FTRs would hedge against congestion costs by fixing the price of congestion at the price of obtaining an FTR. The price of obtaining an FTR would reflect the expected net present value of congestion costs for the contract duration. The initial FTR owners would therefore be able to capture the FTR value of their transmission investment (or entitlement) either as a stream of future congestion payments or as a lumpsum payment up front. FTR contracts could also be broken up and sold for different time periods. For example, FTRs could be sold for a week or a month, or in the case of providing price certainty for long-term investments, for many years. FTRs could also be sold for different times of day, or for peak versus off-peak usage. Table 1 shows how these issues have been handled in the PJM, New York, and California markets. A December 2000 III. Conclusion There is no one-size-fits all model for financial transmission rights: They have been allocated in a number of different ways to a number of different people. This is to be expected, though, given the diversity that exists in electricity markets across the country. But no matter how different FTRs may be from one another, they are still very useful tools in electricity markets with locational pricing. j Endnotes: 1. Financial transmission rights are known by a variety of names. In the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection they are referred to as fixed transmission rights (FTRs); in the New York Power Pool, as transmission congestion contracts (TCCs), in California, as firm transmission rights (FTRs), and in the New England Market, as financial congestion rights (FCRs). 2. Although it is true that many restructured markets, such as Spain, Alberta, and England and Wales, do not have locational prices, locational prices have become increasingly standard in the electricity industry and the disadvantages of “single-price” models have become increasingly apparent. 3. The possibility of this problem occurring, and the severity of it, increase as the number of market participants increases. While today there are markets in which PTRs are used that do not suffer from system inefficiency due to the right to self-dispatch, these generally do not have many market participants. When there are many market participants—and subsequently many PTR holders—the number of transactions (or trades) that need to take place increases greatly, putting the efficiency of the system at risk. 4. One way to maintain reliability with PTRs would simply be to issue fewer of them than the transmission system is capable of bearing; that way the risk of overloading the transmission system— under constantly changing configurations of usage—is lowered. This clearly has the problem of being inefficient. On many occasions, cost-saving opportunities to increase output in cheap locations and decrease output in expensive ones would be lost. 5. This incompatibility exists as long as these PTRs give their holders the ability to exclude users from the use of transmission capacity. Other types of PTRs may exist, such as “use or lose” PTRs. With these, the owner of the PTR must tell the system operator whether it intends to make use of its right before a certain set time. If it is not going to use it, or if it does not inform the system operator by the time deadline, it will lose its right to use the transmission system. In this case, the ability of the generator to raise prices would be significantly diminished. 6. This is provided the highest bidder accurately predicted the value of being able to move power from, for example, A to B. 7. The energy price difference is the net of the difference of the component of prices representing marginal losses. 8. A detailed description of transmission system expansion incentives in restructured markets is beyond the scope of this article. However, in simplified terms, when the energy re-dispatch savings of transmission expansion exceed the costs of the expansion, transmission usage fees (differences in locational prices) will exceed the amortized expansion costs. 9. In a competitive market with strategic bidding, the assumption of bids equal to variable cost might not hold. For reasons of simplicity, though, this assumption will be used in this example. 10. It could be a coalition of generators at A, and perhaps consumers at B. 11. The average benefit of the line is calculated as the redispatch savings from building the line, divided by the capacity of the line. In the example above, this is equal to (300?$15 1 500?10)/1,000 5 $9.50/MWh. © 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., 1040-6190/00/$–see front matter PII S1040-6190(00)00164-0 37