Part IIA Laboratory Reports and Full Technical Reports (FTRs) Laboratory Records Bring your own laboratory notebook to every experiment, and record all the readings, observations and calculations that you make, at the time. Do not use loose sheets of paper, these can easily be misplaced. Start on a new page for each experiment performed, and follow good professional practice by giving a title and date. Record data in tabular form and make sure that the column headings show the quantity measured and the units used. Decide on how many columns you need and set out the table before you start taking readings. Plot graphs as the experiment proceeds so that serious divergence from the expected behaviour can be checked there and then. Label the axes of the graphs and, where possible, indicate the accuracy of the data points on the graph. Laboratory Reports and Full Technical Reports Complete the module coursework / FTR coversheet, but also include on the first page of the report the module code and title of the experiment / FTR, followed by your name and college. You should also read and absorb the note on the marking schemes on the reverse of the coversheets, before writing your first lab report / FTR. First read the instructions on the report in the lab / FTR handout. If the handout defines a required structure, then this takes priority over generic guidance such as the common report structure below. At Part II level you will be expected to develop the structure of a report for yourself, to some extent. If the report format is left open-ended, the following generic framework provides a starting point for organizing your writing: Summary. This is a brief resumé of what you have done, why you have done it, and what you have concluded, in not much more than 100 words. The summary appears on the title page; leave space for it and write it after you have written the rest. Introduction, Experimental Work, and Theory. In Part IIA Laboratory Reports and FTRs these are primarily covered in the lab handouts, so be very concise in outlining this content, including the handout as an Appendix to the report for reference. Results, Observations and Calculations. This section will contain your readings and measurements – the raw data – followed by the calculations you perform using the data and the results obtained by calculation. Only the general method need be covered in the body of the report, with perhaps one specimen calculation. Details of the calculation method (e.g. computer program listings, equations or annotated graphs from which data were read) should go into an Appendix. When there is a large amount of data it can be put into tables in an Appendix to the report, or you may refer to the relevant table in your laboratory record (annotating each Tables with a clear number and caption, so that you can refer to them in the text). Numerical data are often best displayed graphically, again using clear figure numbering and captions. Comment on the accuracy to which the observations have been made and the consequential uncertainty in any derived results. You may wish to make use of spreadsheet and plotting software to display your data, but there is no obligation to do so and neat handdrawn graphs, figures and formulae are quite acceptable. Discussion. It is often (though not always) good practice to separate the presentation of results from the discussion of their significance, and any comparison between what was predicted and what was actually measured. In some cases, the handout may prompt you to treat the results and discussion together, which is sometimes preferable. The handouts may also ask you to address specific questions in the Discussion. Conclusions. Your report should end with your conclusions, a concise summary of the basic findings of the experiment. It is often a good idea to number your conclusions (or use bullet points). Be careful not to include material which is ‘discussion’ and should have been included in the previous section – nothing should appear for the first time in the Conclusions. And do not include as conclusions any statements which, while true, cannot rightly be seen as conclusions which can be drawn from your report. References. Further reading is always a good idea, but may not specifically be required for a lab report or FTR. Include a list of references to any specific papers, books or lecture notes used to justify points in your Discussion. Even in short reports it is best to include references explicitly by numbering their appearance consecutively in the text [1], [2] with the full reference listed in a section following the Conclusions. A generic list of related literature without specific links to your report is a Bibliography, and adds little in this context. For further advice on referencing (including formats), see the section in the online Guide to Report Writing. Units, symbols and abbreviations. Use standard SI abbreviations and conventions for writing units. Symbols are conveniently used when a theory is expressed mathematically, but it is not uncommon for symbols to be used elsewhere as well, e.g. in diagrams referring to the apparatus etc. Make certain the same symbol or letter is not used twice for different purposes. If you use a lot of symbols, you should list them with their meaning in a section at the start entitled ‘Nomenclature’ for easy reference.