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BS 5440-2:2000 Gas Appliance Ventilation Standard

Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Installation and
maintenance of flues
and ventilation for gas
appliances of rated
input not exceeding
70 kW net (1st, 2nd and
3rd family gases) —
Part 2: Specification for installation and
maintenance of ventilation for gas
ICS 91.060.40
BS 5440-2:2000
Amendments Nos. 1
and 2
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5440-2:2000
Committees responsible for this
British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical
Committee GSE/30, Gas installations (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases), upon
which the following bodies were represented:
BCEMA – British Combustion Equipment Manufacturers Association
Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers’ Association Ltd
British Flue and Chimney Manufacturers’ Association
Consumer Policy Committee of BSI
CORGI – Council for Registered Gas Installers
DTI – Consumer Safety Unit
HSE – Health and Safety Executive
Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association
Institute of Domestic Heating and Environmental Engineers
Institution of Gas Engineers
Liquified Petroleum Gas Industry Technical Association
Society of British Gas Industries
Co-opted member
This British Standard was
published under the authority
of the Standards Committee
and comes into effect
on 15 January 2000
© BSI 6 July 2004
Amendments issued since publication
The following BSI references
relate to the work on this British
Committee reference GSE/30
Draft for comment 98/712227 DC
ISBN 0 580 33098 2
Amd. No.
1 November 2001
6 July 2004
Commentary and recommendations on
5.1.1 amended
BS 5440-2:2000
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Committees responsible
Inside front cover
Normative references
Design and materials for air vents and ducts
Size and position of air vents
Other aspects of ventilation
Figure 1 — Typical air vent arrangements
Figure 2 — Free-areas
Figure 3 — Air vents in series
Figure 4 — Air vent positions for an open-flued appliance in a room or
internal space
Figure 5 — Air vent positions for an open-flued appliance in an appliance
Figure 6 — Air vent positions for a room-sealed appliance in an appliance
compartment, room and internal space
Table 1 — Minimum separation distances between air vents and appliance
flue terminals (mm)
Table 2 — Minimum air vent free-area for appliance compartments:
open-flued appliances
Table 3 — Minimum air vent free-area for appliance compartments:
room-sealed appliances
Table 4 — Minimum permanent opening free-area for flueless appliances
© BSI 6 July 2004
BS 5440-2:2000
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
This part of BS 5440 has been prepared by Technical Committee GSE/30. It is a
revision of the specification BS 5440-2:1989, which is withdrawn.
The title has been modified to incorporate actions required when maintaining
appliances and the provisions for ventilation. A new Clause 7 has been introduced
to cover this aspect.
This standard recognizes investigative work carried out by British Gas plc and
other bodies into the magnitude of adventitious openings, which are always
present in rooms to some degree. The lower limit of 35 cm2 remains valid and this
figure is used in this revision for open-flued appliances.
This standard allows manufacturers’ instructions to specify a method of
installation, testing, commissioning or maintenance which differs in points of
detail from this standard. This reference to manufacturers’ instructions is
allowed only where it will result in at least an equivalent level of safety. In such
circumstances, it is important that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Attention is drawn to the following statutory regulations. The regulations may be
amended from time to time and whichever regulations are currently in force at
the time an installation is carried out are to be complied with. The advice in this
British Standard reflects the state of the regulations in 1999.
a) The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations [1]. These control all
aspects of the ways in which gas-fired systems are installed, maintained and
used, in premises where they apply, and the classes of persons who may
undertake gas work.
b) The building regulations for the appropriate legislative region. These control
works carried out in the construction of new or extension of existing buildings.
Detailed advice for England and Wales [2] is given in approved documents and
for Northern Ireland [3] in technical booklets. The Building Standards
(Scotland) [4] are accompanied by methods that are deemed to satisfy these
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 21 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
© BSI 6 July 2004
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5440-2:2000
1 Scope
1.1 Equipment
This part of BS 5440 specifies the ventilation requirements for new or replacement gas appliances for
domestic or non-domestic purposes utilizing 1st, 2nd or 3rd family gases which carry the CE mark and with
a rated heat input not exceeding 70 kW based on net CV (net calorific value). It may also be used for
installations of appliances which are not required under the Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations:1995 [5]
to carry the CE mark, e.g. used appliances. This standard does not cover:
a) LPG installations covered by the requirements of BS 5482-2 and installations with all gases covered
by BS 5482-3;
b) any gas installations in caravans, holiday homes or residential park homes constructed to conform
to BS EN 721 or BS 3632 as appropriate, which were installed at the time of construction;
c) decorative fuel effect gas appliances of the type covered by BS 5871-3.
NOTE 1 Standards that should be consulted are listed in normative references Clause 2 and the bibliography at the end of the
Maintenance requirements relating to existing vents are given in Clause 7.
NOTE 3 The installer should check the data given with an appliance to establish the basis on which the heat input is given. The
data in this standard refers to heat input expressed in terms of net calorific values (CV) with conversion given for natural gas gross CV
quoted in brackets where appropriate.
The ratio of gross:net heat input is approximately 1.11:1 for natural gas, 1.09:1 for propane and 1.08:1 for
butane. For example, convert 9 kW input based on gross CV for natural gas to the equivalent net CV input
as follows.
Net input = 9.0/1.11 = 8.1 kW.
The change to the method of quoting input rating is not intended to have any significant effect on the sizes
of vents required for gas appliances as compared with the previous version of this standard
(BS 5440-2:1989).
The differences in gross:net input ratio between natural gas, propane and butane are marginal and this
factor has been taken into account when specifying the method of calculating vent requirements in 5.2.1.
1.2 Competence
It is essential that persons carrying out the installation of any gas appliance be competent to do so, and, in
the case of any work that is subject to the current Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, it is
essential to comply with these regulations.
It is essential that persons who design the ventilation system or installation have a knowledge and
understanding of the standards and regulations that apply to ensure that the completed plans will produce
a safe and satisfactory installation.
At the time of publication, the body with HSE approval to operate and maintain a register of businesses who
are “members of a class of persons” is the Council for Registered Gas Installers (CORGI). Thus it is essential
that all business or self employed gas fitters should be registered with CORGI.
Guidance on the individual competency required for gas work is given in the Health and Safety
Commission’s Approved Code Of Practice (ACOP) — Standards of training in safe gas installation. [6]
Persons deemed competent to carry out gas work are those who hold a current certificate of competence in
the type of activity to be conducted issued under the ACOP arrangements, or by a certification body
accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).
© BSI 6 July 2004
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BS 5440-2:2000
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this part of this British Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or
revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies.
BS 1179-6, Glossary of terms used in the gas industry — Combustion and utilization including installation
at consumer’s premises.
BS 7624, Specification for the installation of domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers up to 3 kW heat input
(2nd and 3rd family gases).
BS EN 449:1997, Specification for dedicated LPG appliances. Domestic flueless space heaters (including
catalytic combustion heaters).
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of BS 5440 the definitions given in BS 1179-6 apply, together with the
a device to facilitate smooth and unrestricted air flow through transitional changes in section, where the
cross-sectional shape of an air duct differs to that of the associated air vent
air vent
a non-adjustable purpose provided unit/assembly designed to allow permanent ventilation (see Figure 1)
appliance compartment
an enclosure (not being a habitable space) specifically designed or adapted to house one or more gas
appliances. (See 5.2.2 and 5.3.2 for further details.)
equivalent area
the air vent free-area which is aerodynamically equivalent to a single sharp edged circular hole. For a
simple air vent (e.g. a grille on both ends of a smooth uninterrupted duct), the equivalent area can be
regarded as the “free-area”
the unobstructed cross-sectional area of a grille, louvre or duct calculated as the sum of the cross-sectional
areas of all unobstructed apertures measured through the plane of minimum area and at right angles to
the air flow within the apertures (see Figure 2)
a simple fixed mesh or lattice arrangement designed and constructed to preclude vermin but to allow the
passage of air at all times. It may be employed independently as an air vent, set in a dedicated housing, or
used with an adapter or duct. (See commentary and recommendations to 4.1.2 for further details.)
internal space
an interior space such as a hall, passageway, stairway or landing, which is not a room
intumescent air vent
an assembly specified for preventing the spread of fire, consisting of a metal louvre/grille with an
intumescent block secured behind it which incorporates a latticework of holes to provide continuous
ventilation but will expand and close in the event of extreme heat build up such as in a fire. When fitted to
doors, the assembly usually has a louvre/grille on both sides
© BSI 6 July 2004
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5440-2:2000
an assembly of fixed sloping blades or vanes contained within a framework designed and constructed to
resist light and rain penetration but allow the unrestricted passage of air at all times. It may be employed
independently as an air vent, set in a dedicated housing or used with an adapter or duct
protected area
an area (e.g. hall, landing, lobby, corridor, stairway, shaft) other than an appliance compartment, which is
enclosed with fire resisting materials
the process of supplying air to, and removing air from a room, internal space, appliance compartment or
garage. The air may be used or intended to be used for purposes of combustion, cooling and/or the operation
of a flue
4 Design and materials for air vents and ducts
4.1 Design
4.1.1 Free-area
A proprietary unit/assembly which is marked with the free-area shall be used wherever possible.
The development of materials, technology and manufacturing techniques has led to a wide diversity of
ventilation products, including complex multiple assemblies dedicated to specific applications such as
minimizing draughts or sound transmission, or providing air warming. The free-area of such products, by
virtue of their internal aerodynamic characteristics, may not be calculated reliably from physical
measurement. There is currently no formally agreed standard for the design or production of air vents for
use with gas appliances and thus manufacturers are not obliged to mark their products with an area
calculated in a uniform manner. However, in order to encourage consistency between claims of vent
characteristics, a procedure has been developed which is contained in the BG Technology publication.
“A dynamic test procedure for characterizing ventilator free-area” [7]. The equivalent area measured by this
procedure and stated in the vent manufacturer’s literature and/or marked on the air vent, should be used
where it is available, as this may differ considerably from the free-area measured at one end of the air vent.
In the absence of any such marking on a grille, louvre or duct, the sum of the free cross-sectional areas of the
apertures should be used (see Figure 2). For a louvre, the areas should be measured at right angles to the
blades or vanes. For an air vent assembly, the free cross-sectional area of the most restrictive component in
an assembly should be used to calculate the free-area.
Where two or more components are employed to construct a non-proprietary assembly, changes in section
and cross-sectional area should be avoided where possible. Where such changes do occur, adapters should
be used to facilitate a smooth and efficient transition which minimizes any restriction at any of the
components. The free-area should be determined from the free-area of the component with minimum
In Figure 1a), for example, if the air brick has 60 holes of 9 mm × 9 mm, i.e. area = 48 cm2, the duct
is 150 mm in diameter, i.e. area = 176 cm2, the louvre has 6 slots each of which is 156 mm long and 9 mm
wide, i.e. area = 84 cm2, the free-area for the whole vent should be taken as that of the component with the
minimum area i.e. 48 cm2. If the areas are similar then caution should be used since components with
similar aerodynamic resistances placed in series will be more restrictive than the individuals. If the
free-area cannot be established, an alternative vent should be used.
Although a non-preferred practice, where grilles/louvres and ducts of dissimilar shape or proportion are
used together, [see Figure 2b)], e.g. 225 mm × 150 mm rectangular louvre and a 125 mm diameter duct,
sufficient space should be allowed between the rear face of the louvre and the end of the duct to prevent an
obstruction to the free-area. (20 mm is typically a satisfactory clearance.)
All grilles, louvres or louvered doors required by this standard to be used internally, should be marked or
labelled “IMPORTANT — Do not block this vent”.
© BSI 6 July 2004
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BS 5440-2:2000
4.1.2 Air vents communicating directly with outside air
A ventilation opening across an external wall directly to outside air, shall be continuous, unobstructed and
fitted with a terminal device such as a grille or louvre at each end. Where a ventilation opening passes
through a cavity wall, it shall include a continuous duct across the cavity, conforming to 4.1.4 and shall be
fitted so that it does not impair the water resistance of the cavity.
Where an air vent incorporates a draught reducing device or other restriction, experience has shown that this
imposes a 25 % to 50 % reduction in equivalent area over that of an unrestricted air duct. The manufacturer
should state the equivalent area.
The apertures of an air vent should prevent the entry of a 10 mm diameter ball but allow entry of a 5 mm
diameter ball. Experience has shown that vermin can thrive in ducts fitted with vents of little over 10 mm
and conversely that domestic debris can block vents of little less than 5mm. No gauze or fly screen (i.e. mesh
having apertures of less than 5 mm) should be incorporated or subsequently fitted to an air vent. Such
practices may compromise the free-area and in certain circumstances provide habitat for vermin.
4.1.3 Air vents not communicating directly with outside air
Where an opening is made through any internal wall, door, partition or panel for the purpose of providing
ventilation, the opening so formed shall be completely cleared of debris prior to fitting of the air vent. Where
the wall, door, partition or panel contains any material, e.g., insulation, that may slip and cause an
obstruction, a duct shall be used between each end of the air vent.
Where air is taken from a roof space or underfloor space, refer to the commentary and recommendations
4.1.4 Ducts
Any duct used for the purpose of providing ventilation shall be of such a size to allow the full ventilation
requirement of this standard to be met. The cross-sectional free-area of a duct shall be not less than that
of any grilles or louvres fitted at either end of the duct. The design and construction of a duct shall be such
that there are no gaps which permit the ingress of water, vermin, cavity insulation material etc. It shall
facilitate inspection of the entire air passage for integrity and blockage at any time, e.g. on initial
installation or after cavity foam insulation has been installed.
Where the cross-sectional shape of a duct differs from that of the associated grille/louvre, the cross-section of
the duct should be modified, or adapters employed to facilitate smooth transition and ensure that neither
the air duct nor the grilles/louvres are restricted. Where an adapter is employed, the air vent free-area may
be reduced, or even determined by the adapter. Every effort should be made to keep the ducts proportional
and of similar cross-sectional shape to that of the associated grilles/louvres.
It may be necessary to inspect a duct on installation of the air vent and/or the gas appliance, or after the
cavity has been filled with insulation, e.g. foam or granules.
Long horizontal ducts and ducts intended to convey air downwards should be avoided. Where horizontal
ducts are necessary, e.g. for internal rooms or basements, they should be as short as practicable, not more
than 3 m long and incorporate not more than 2 right angled bends, unless a special allowance is made for
the restriction that they impose. This may be achieved by increasing the cross-sectional area by 50 % for each
successive 3 m or part thereof in excess of the initial 3 m run and/or incorporating an upwards slope.
Ducts intended to convey air downwards are unlikely to be effective as buoyancy forces of indoor air tend to
counteract the flow of incoming air. Attention is drawn to BS 5440-1 for advice on balanced compartments.
The use of flexible ducting should be avoided wherever possible. Where there is no practicable alternative,
flexible ducting should be firmly fixed in a taut manner.
4.2 Materials
4.2.1 Air vents and ducts shall be such that they are dimensionally stable (except in the case of an
intumescent air vent, see 4.3) and corrosion resistant and suitable for their intended use. When selecting
an air vent or duct, due consideration shall be given to its free-area, siting and environment.
4.2.2 Components containing asbestos shall not be used. Further advice is given in BS 5440-1.
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BS 5440-2:2000
4.3 Intumescent air vents in fire rated compartments
Where intumescent air vents are used in accordance with the building regulations, they shall be acceptable
provided that the manufacturer of the air vent, in calculating the free area, has accounted for a space
between the intumescent block and metal louvre/grille as explained in the commentary and
recommendations on 4.1.1.
The air vent shall have no means of manually closing and the use of any device other than an intumescent
block is not acceptable.
When an intumescent air vent has been triggered by a high temperature such as a fire, it shall be replaced
before any appliance is operated.
5 Size and position of air vents
5.1 General
NOTE Where the air supply requirements for a particular installation are not covered by this standard, reference should be made
to the appliance manufacturer. (See foreword.)
5.1.1 Air vents communicating directly with outside air
An air vent shall be sited in accordance with Table 1 so that there is a minimum separation between the
air vent and any part of an appliance flue terminal serving any combustion appliance in order to minimize
the risk of re-entry of the products of combustion.
Where ventilation is provided via a roof space, see
Table 1 gives the minimum requirements for the separation distances necessary between an air vent and an
appliance flue terminal for the following:
a) the heat input of the appliance; and
b) the type of flue to which the terminal is connected. The specified separation distances should be achieved
upon completion of the appliance and/or the air vent installation. In some cases, this may necessitate the
re-siting of an existing air vent.
These separation distances also apply to general room-extract fan outlets with, or without, a non-return flap,
mechanical ventilation openings, or any opening into a roof space. They do not apply to extract duct
terminals fitted with non-return flaps that are connected via ducts to an appliance, e.g. cooker hoods and
tumble dryers.
In addition, the air vent should not be located in a position where it is likely to be easily blocked, e.g. by
leaves or snow or other debris, become flooded, or where contaminated air might be present at any time,
e.g. car ports. Location should be such that the air currents produced will not pass through normally
occupied areas of a room and may be achieved by one or more of the following:
a) siting the appliance in an appliance compartment having air vents communicating directly with
outside air;
b) siting the air vent at a point adjacent to the appliance;
c) siting the air vent at or near ceiling height and orienting the internal louvres to direct incoming air away
from the living or general accommodation area.
5.1.2 Air vents not communicating directly with outside air An air vent in an internal wall, other than an appliance compartment wall, shall be located not more
than 450 mm above floor level in order to reduce spread of smoke in the event of fire. An air vent shall not communicate with a ventilated roof space or underfloor space if that space
communicates with other premises. Where an air vent is drawing air from a ventilated roof space or
ventilated underfloor space, the total effective free-area of the vents into that space shall be at least equal
to the total effective free-area of any vent or vents drawing ventilation from that space.
© BSI 6 July 2004
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BS 5440-2:2000
Ventilation may be taken from an adequately ventilated roof space where this is isolated from the habited
area and as such is generally considered to be effectively outside air. Roofs built to the 1985 (or subsequent)
Building Regulations for England and Wales [2] should have adequate ventilation but this should be
confirmed. For other applications, an individual assessment may be necessary to ascertain that the
ventilation of the roof space exceeds that required by the gas appliance. In addition, due consideration
should be given to potential blockage by insulation materials, fly screens in roof space vents and the
avoidance of condensation and associated problems that may result from seasonal low ambient
temperatures in the roof space. Air vents supplying air to the appliance from the roof space should be sited
not less than 300 mm above joists so as to avoid blockage by insulation material etc., and preferably should
be fitted with a terminal device or bird guard to prevent blockage.
For advice on Radon gas and underfloor spaces, see 6.3.
Table 1 — Minimum separation distances between air vents and appliance flue terminals (mm)
Air vent position
Appliance input
Balanced flue
Natural draught
Fanned draught
Natural draught
Fanned draught
Separation (mm)
Above a
Below a
Horizontally to
a terminal
0 to 7
>7 to 14
>14 to 32
0 to 7
>7 to 14
>14 to 32
0 to 7
>7 to 14
>14 to 32
1 500
2 000
1 500
2 000
Key to Table 1 — Minimum separation of air vent from terminal No air vent shall penetrate a protected area (3.10).
© BSI 6 July 2004
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BS 5440-2:2000
5.1.3 Air vents in series
See Figure 3. Where outside air is conveyed to an open-flued appliance through an external air vent
(vent number 1) into a room and thereafter through one internal wall/partition air vent (vent number 2) in
series, both vents shall be sized in accordance with 5.2.1.
Where there is more than one internal vent, the free-area of each internal vent (2, 3, 4 etc.) shall be
increased by at least 50 % over that required for vent 1.
Where an appliance is in an appliance compartment, the free-area of the high and low compartment vents
shall be determined from Table 2.
Where only two air vents are in series, experience has shown that the additional flow resistance is acceptable
without any increase in the area of each over that required for the external air vent communicating directly
with the outside air. The imposition of vents in series will theoretically increase the resistance of air flow to
an appliance, hence the 50 % increase in area of all internal wall/partition vents, excluding compartment
vents, as a readily achievable simplification. Experience has shown that it is not necessary to increase the
size of vent 1 in this case and this may be partly due to the increased adventitious ventilation that occurs
with each extra room that the ventilation path passes through.
5.2 Open-flued appliances
5.2.1 Open-flued appliance installed in a room or internal space
Where an open-flued appliance with a rated input exceeding 7 kW is installed in a room or internal space
or garage, that room or internal space shall be provided with an air vent having a minimum free-area
of 5 cm2 for every kW of appliance maximum rated input in excess of 7 kW. Ventilated underfloor space
shall be considered as outside air for the purpose of sizing ventilator free air, providing the ventilators
supplying air to the underfloor space remain adequate, i.e. vents have not been removed, blocked or sealed.
Underfloor vents to gas space heaters shall not be positioned directly under the appliance and shall be in
accordance with BS 5871-1, BS 5871-2 and BS 5871-3 as appropriate.
When determining the net input for existing appliances whose instructions or labelling do not make any
specific reference to net or gross input, and for those appliances whose instructions or labelling quote their
input rating in gross terms, the quoted input rating shall be divided by the factor 1.1.
The permanent opening shall be either direct to outside air in accordance with 4.1.2, or to an adjacent room
or internal space via vents in accordance with 5.1.3, or to a roof space which itself has an opening of at least
the same free-area direct to outside air.
In domestic premises, the permanent opening shall be an air vent.
The purpose of the permanent opening is to provide air for combustion and the correct operation of the flue.
Suitable air vent positions are illustrated in Figure 4 (also see 5.1.3).
It is assumed that a room or internal space can provide adequate ventilation for an appliance up to 7 kW.
Due to tolerances, it is practical for this to apply to heat inputs of 7 kW on both gross and net CV. Appliances
above this rating require purpose-designed vents. Ventilation is normally present due to natural or
adventitious ventilation through floorboards, cracks in window frames and doors, etc. However, the
availability of such ventilation should never be taken for granted as it can be affected by double glazing,
cavity insulation, draught proofing, the method of construction, the installation of extraction fans and so on.
Whilst the conversion of rated input between gross and net values strictly depends on the CV of gas used, in
practical terms a common factor 1.1 should be used. For example, an appliance with a gross heat input
of 16.5 kW has a net heat input of 15 kW (i.e. 16.5 gross/1.1 = 15 net) and to be installed in a room, it requires
a vent of (15 p 7) × 5 cm2 = 40 cm2.
If spillage from an appliance is detected, then the whole installation, including the flue, and the ventilation
should be checked and rectified. If spillage occurs and no flue fault is found, increase the ventilation
provided by progressively opening a door or window. If the flue then clears the combustion products,
measure the area of the opening and make provision for the equivalent amount of additional permanent
Where underfloor ventilation is used reference should also be made to 6.3.
© BSI 6 July 2004
Licensed Copy: na na, University of the West of England JISC, Thu May 11 23:19:33 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5440-2:2000
5.2.2 Open-flued appliance installed in an appliance compartment Where an open-flued appliance is installed in an appliance compartment, air vents in the appliance
compartment shall be sized in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions, or, in the
absence of any such instructions, in accordance with Table 2.
Vents shall be provided at both the lowest and highest practicable levels in the appliance compartment.
Both high and low level vents shall communicate either with the same room or internal space, or with the
outside air through the same wall.
Clearance around the sides, front, above and below the appliance shall be provided in accordance with the
appliance manufacturer’s instructions, or, in the absence of any such instructions, these clearances shall
be a minimum of 75 mm to the sides, above, below and in front of the appliance.
An appliance compartment shall not be used for storage. (See
Where an enclosure contains an appliance compartment and a storage space, e.g. an airing cupboard, the
appliance compartment shall be separated from the storage space by a non-combustible partition which
may be perforated, if required, by apertures which shall have the major dimension no greater than 13 mm.
The vents required by this standard shall be located in the appliance compartment part of the enclosure
although further vents may be located elsewhere in the enclosure for other purposes such as clothes airing.
Table 2 — Minimum air vent free-area for appliance compartments: open-flued appliances
Vent position
Appliance compartment ventilated:
to room or internal spacea
direct to outside air
cm per kW (net) of appliance maximum
rated input
cm per kW (net) of appliance maximum
rated input
High level
Low level
A room containing an appliance compartment for an open-flued appliance will also require ventilation, calculated in accordance
with 5.2.1.
An appliance compartment, from the definition, is an enclosure which is not a habitable space. The purpose
of the vents in an appliance compartment is to provide air for combustion, correct operation of the flue and
appliance compartment cooling. However, small compartments are susceptible to vitiation caused by down
draught and great care should be taken to ensure that the ventilation is in strict accordance with this
standard or the manufacturer’s instructions.
Small rooms, such as individual WC’s, cloakrooms, understairs spaces etc., are not normally compartments.
However, because of the above susceptibility to malfunction and/or where the heat loss from the appliance
could lead to high ambient temperatures, appliance compartment ventilation should be considered.
The vertical distance between the high and low level vents should be as great as is possible to encourage a
convective air flow. Positioning air vents so that they communicate with the same room or internal space, or
with the outside air on the same wall, ensures that they are subject to a common air source and pressure.
For new (as opposed to replacement) installations, both air vents should communicate with outside wherever
practicable. Suitable air vent positions are illustrated in Figure 5.
An exception to the general requirement of both high and low vents in an appliance compartment
communicating with the same room or internal space may be defined in the appliance manufacturer’s
A CO alarm to BS 7860 may be used to provide additional assurance.
Where an open-flued appliance is installed in a balanced appliance compartment specific installation
requirements, including those for ventilation, apply. These are given in BS 5440-1. Specialist advice should
also be obtained.
Where louvred doors provide ventilation to the appliance compartment, the total area, measured across the
minimum dimension of the slots, should not be less than the sum of the high and the low level requirements. Where two or more appliances are installed in the same appliance compartment, whether or not
they are supplied as a combined unit, the aggregate maximum rated input shall be used to determine the
air vent free-area from Table 2.
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BS 5440-2:2000 Where the low level ventilation is via a duct from a higher level, the duct shall be independent from
any duct used for supplying the high level ventilation. No high level ventilation shall be via a duct from a
lower level. Ducts shall be sized in accordance with 4.1.4.
Where practicable, both high and low level vents should communicate either with the same room or internal
space, or with the outside air at the same wall. The vertical distance between the high and low level vents
should be as great as possible.
Where low level ventilation is to be provided via a duct fed from a space above the appliance compartment,
the duct should be insulated to reduce the possibility of flow reversal and the lower end should be below the
level of the burner in the appliance.
WARNING NOTE. This is a non-preferred method for new installations since there is a possibility of
reversed air flow up the duct and products of combustion passing up this duct. Where the appliance compartment air vents communicate with a room or internal space that room
or internal space shall itself be provided with a permanent opening in accordance with 5.2.1. An appliance compartment containing an open-flued appliance shall be labelled to warn against
blockage of the vents and use for storage.
Suitable wording for the label is as follows:
Do not use for storage”
5.2.3 Air vent communication
A vent supplying air to an open-flued appliance shall not communicate with a room or internal space
containing a bath or shower.
5.3 Room-sealed appliances
5.3.1 Room-sealed appliance installed in a room or internal space
A room-sealed appliance installed in a room shall not require purpose provided ventilation.
5.3.2 Room-sealed appliance installed in an appliance compartment Unless the appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions state otherwise, air vents shall be
provided in an appliance compartment containing a room-sealed appliance and shall be sized in accordance
with Table 3, at both high and low levels.
Table 3 — Minimum air vent free-area for appliance compartments: room-sealed appliances
Vent position
Appliance compartment ventilated:
to room or internal space
direct to outside air
cm per kW (net) of appliance maximum
rated input
cm per kW (net) of appliance maximum
rated input
High level
Low level
The purpose of the air vents is to supply air for cooling. Both high and low level vents in an appliance
compartment should communicate either with the same room or internal space, or with the outside air at the
same wall. The vertical distance between the high and low level vents should be as great as is possible to
encourage a convective air flow. Suitable air vent positions are illustrated in Figure 6. Where two or more appliances are installed in the same appliance compartment, whether or not
they are supplied as a combined unit, the aggregate maximum rated input shall be used to determine the
air vent free-area from Table 3 or the appliance manufacturer’s instructions.
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BS 5440-2:2000 Where the low level ventilation is via a duct from a higher level, the duct shall be independent from
any duct used for supplying the high level ventilation. No high level ventilation shall be via a duct from a
lower level. Ducts shall be sized in accordance with 4.1.4.
Where practical, both high and low level vents should communicate either with the same room or internal
space, or with the outside air at the same wall. The vertical distance between the high and low level vents
should be as great as is possible.
Where low level ventilation is to be provided via a duct fed from a space above the appliance compartment,
the duct should be insulated and the lower end should be below the level of the burner in the appliance. An appliance compartment containing a room-sealed appliance shall be labelled to warn against
blockage of the vents and use for storage.
Suitable wording for the label is as follows:
Do not use for storage”
5.4 Flueless appliances
Where a flueless appliance is installed/operated in a room or internal space, that room or internal space
shall be provided with vents which communicate directly with outside air and are sized in accordance
with Table 4. For further information on cooker installations in kitchens see 6.4.
Ventilation for tumble dryers shall be in accordance with BS 7624:1993.
Where no openable window is available, an alternative means of ventilation shall be provided.
Any manufacturer’s instructions which specify room volumes or vent sizes which are less than the values
given in Table 4 will not comply with this standard and the manufacturer would not be able to claim
compliance with this standard.
Where an appliance is not rigidly fixed, i.e. it is portable, a vent should be provided in every room in which
the appliance may be connected to the fixed pipework. This does not include moveable cabinet heaters which
carry their own gas bottles.
For a space heater in a typical room (4 m × 4 m × 2.4 m = 38.4 m3), the maximum heat input allowed
at 45 W/m3of heated space would permit a maximum heater size of 1.73 kW.
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BS 5440-2:2000
Table 4 — Minimum permanent opening free-area for flueless appliances
Type of appliance
appliance rated
input limit (net)
Domestic oven,
hotplate, grill or any
combination thereofd
Instantaneous water 11 kW
Space heater in a
45 W/m3 of
heated space
Space heater in an
internal space
90 W/m3 of
heated space
Space heaters
to BS EN 449:1997
in a room
Space heaters
to BS EN 449:1997
in an internal space
Single burner
hotplate/boiling ring
(2 or more to be
treated as a hotplate)
45 W/m3 of
heated space
Room volume
Permanent vent size
5 to 10
5 to 10
>10 to 20
Installation not permitted
100 plus 55 for every kW (net)
by which the appliance rated
input exceeds 2.7 kW (net)
100 plus 27.5 for every kW (net)
by which the appliance rated
input exceeds 5.4 kW (net)
50 plus 27.5 for every kW (net)
by which the appliance rated
input exceeds 1.8 kW (net)
Openable window
or equivalent also
requiredb c
90 W/m3 of
heated space
50 plus 13.7 for every kW (net) Yes
by which the appliance rated
input exceeds 3.6 kW (net)
If the room or internal space containing these appliances has a door which opens directly outside, no permanent opening is
Alternative acceptable forms of opening include any adjustable lourve, hinged panel or other means of ventilation that opens
directly to outside air. This is additional to the permanent vent requirement.
Where no openable window direct to outside is available, other products shall be sought or the appropriate building regulations
advice should be followed, see 6.4.
The appliance, unless a single burner hotplate/boiling ring, is not to be installed in a bed sitting room of less than 20 m3 volume.
5.5 Multi-appliance installations
5.5.1 Where a room or internal space contains more than one gas appliance, the air vent free-area
requirement shall be calculated from the greatest of the following:
a) the aggregate maximum rated input of flueless space heating appliances; or
b) the aggregate maximum rated input of open-flued space heating appliances except where the
interconnecting wall between two rooms has been removed and the resultant room contains only two
similar chimneys, each fitted with a similar gas fire with rated input each less than 7 kW, an air vent
may not be required; or
c) the greatest individual rated input of any other type of appliance.
The term space heating appliance is taken to mean central heating appliance, air heater, gas fire or
If permanent ventilation is required for a multi-appliance installation, this should, wherever practicable, be
sited between the appliances.
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BS 5440-2:2000
Where, for whatever reasons, two or more chimneys serve a common space, the draught of the stronger
chimney can influence the pull of the weaker and cause spillage. This can happen with gas-fired appliances
of different types and even more so if one of the chimneys serves a solid fuel appliance, (see 5.5.2). Where an
interconnecting wall has been removed between two rooms and the resultant room contains two similar
chimneys, each fitted with a gas fire or inset live fuel effect fire, an air vent is not normally required if the
rated heat input of each of the appliances does not exceed 7 kW and the installation instructions do not
specify additional ventilation. For further information see BS 5871-1, -2 and -3.
5.5.2 Where a room or internal space also contains oil or solid fuel burning appliances, the air vent for the
gas appliance shall be sized with due consideration being given to the rating of other appliances and their
usage pattern at the same time as the gas appliance.
Where two or more chimneys serve a common space, the draught of the stronger chimney can influence the
pull of the weaker and cause spillage. The provision for ventilation for each appliance shall be made
separately. e.g. if a gas appliance and a solid fuel appliance are located in the same room, one ventilation
provision is required for the gas appliance and another for the solid fuel appliance.
Further advice is given in Appendices 1 and 2 of the HSC publication “Safety in the installation and use of
gas appliances”. [8]
The ventilation provision for oil and solid fuel appliances is given in BS 5410 and BS 8303 respectively and
in relevant building regulations. If the rated output rather than the rated input is shown on an oil or solid
fuel burning appliance, the rated input should be calculated using the following formula:
Output × 10
Input = ---------------------------------6
For a space heater in a typical room (4 m × 4 m × 2.4 m = 38.4 m3), the maximum heat input allowed
at 45 W/m3 of heated space would permit a maximum heater size of 1.73 kW.
6 Other aspects of ventilation
6.1 Effect of extract fans
Where there is a depressurizing extract or other fan in any room or internal space of a premises that
contains any type of open-flued appliance and the operation of the fan has the effect of reducing the
pressure ambient to the appliance, and thus adversely affects the operation of the flue, i.e. spillage,
additional air vents shall be provided and a spillage test be confirmed as satisfactory before the appliance
is used.
Examples of fans which may affect the performance of the flue by reducing the pressure ambient to the
appliance are:
— room-extract fans;
— fans in the flues of open-flued appliances;
— externally ducted tumble dryers;
— fans in cooker hoods;
— circulating fans of warm air heating systems (whether or not gas-fired);
— fans used for removing undesirable gases, e.g. radon (see 6.3) or land fill gases;
— ceiling (paddle) fans.
As a general guide an extra 50 cm2 of air vent free-area will be sufficient for most situations, however, the
spillage test should be repeated after extra vents have been fitted. Further advice on spillage testing is given
in part 1 of this standard.
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BS 5440-2:2000
6.2 Passive stack ventilation
Passive stack ventilation (PSV) shall be considered independently from the provision of ventilation for gas
For advice on the effects on flueing of appliances see part 1 of this standard.
PSV is a ventilation system using ducts from the ceiling of a room to terminals on the roof, which operate by
a combination of the natural stack effect, i.e. the movement of air due to difference in temperature between
inside and outside, and the effect of the wind passing over the roof of the dwelling.
6.3 Radon gas
In areas where radon gas has been identified as a problem, ventilation shall not be taken from the space
below ground floor level (e.g. using a floor vent) or interfere in any way with remedial measures which may
already be in place to prevent radon gas entering the habitable part of the dwelling.
One option to overcome this difficulty would be to use uncontaminated air drawn from outside through ducts
which may pass through the underfloor space, so that the ducted air is isolated from the underfloor space.
Areas identified as requiring action for radon gas will be known due to local publicity but in case of doubt,
further advice can be obtained from the local authority building control office. (Also see BS 5440-1.)
6.4 Internal kitchens
Open-flued appliances in internal kitchens shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with 5.2 of this
standard. Flueless appliances in internal kitchens shall be ventilated in accordance with the Building
Regulations in England and Wales, and the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations in Scotland.
For further information on how to provide ventilation in these circumstances, in England and Wales see
Approved Document F to the Building Regulations and in Scotland, Technical Standard K for compliance
with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations.
7 Maintenance
When attending an installation for maintenance, the provisions for air supply shall be checked. Existing
air vents shall be checked to ensure that they are unobstructed, externally and internally. Any fly screens
shall be removed and any adjustable control shall be removed or fixed in the open position. The size and
position shall be checked for compliance with this standard.
Attention is drawn to the requirements in 5.2.1 for sizing air vents for existing installations.
When checking an existing air vent, the grilles and/or air bricks should be checked visually for signs of
obstruction. Where practicable, the openings should be poked with a screwdriver or similar tool to ensure
that no blockage is present, e.g. clear plastic sheet or fly screen. Any mortar extrusions into air bricks should
be cleared where practicable. Where the internal parts of a vent or ducting are inaccessible, the best
practicable endeavours should be used to ensure that they are unobstructed.
All these checks will be in addition to the formal checks for correct operation of the appliance. Where any
defects are identified with an existing installation or appliance in respect of any part of this standard,
reference should be made to the appropriate guidance notes in the Health and Safety Commission Approved
Code of Practice document “Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances”,
reference L56 [8]. If the appliance is operating correctly, with any substandard air supply, it may not be
necessary to update the provisions for air supply. The term “substandard” in this context, refers to
installations or appliances which are not in accordance with current Regulations, Codes of Practice or
Standards and Specifications.
If the installation has a history of satisfactory operation, and the ventilation is within 10 % of the current
requirements, then it may not be necessary to inform the customer.
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BS 5440-2:2000
Figure 1 — Typical air vent arrangements
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BS 5440-2:2000
Figure 2 — Free-areas
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BS 5440-2:2000
Compartment vents (1 and 2) as per 5.2.2.
Figure 3 — Air vents in series
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BS 5440-2:2000
NOTE Ducting runs, where unavoidable, should be kept to a minimum, not more than 3 meters long. Low level vent in internal
wall to be not more than 450 mm above floor level.
Figure 4 — Air vent positions for an open-flued appliance in a room or internal space
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BS 5440-2:2000
b) High and low level vents communicating with another room or internal space and subsequently to outside air or ventilated floor/roof space
NOTE All compartment installations should have both high and low level vents (see 5.2.2). Observe manufacturer’s
recommendations for clearance around appliance casing. Ducting runs, where unavoidable, should be kept to a minimum of not
more than 3 metres long and the vertical distance between high and low vents should be as great as possible.
Figure 5 — Air vent positions for an open-flued appliance in an appliance compartment
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BS 5440-2:2000
Where vents and terminals are located on the same wall, take note of minimum separation in Table 1. All compartment
installations should have both high and low level vents (see Observe manufacturer’s recommendations for clearance
around appliance casing. Ducting runs where unavoidable should be kept to a minimum of with not more than 3 metres and the
vertical distance between high and low vents should be as great as possible.
Figure 6 — Air vent positions for a room-sealed appliance in an appliance compartment,
room and internal space
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BS 5440-2:2000
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Standards publications
BS 3632:1995, Specification for residential park homes.
BS 5258-10:1980, Safety of domestic gas appliances — Part 10: Flueless space heaters (excluding catalytic
combustion heaters) (3rd family gases).
BS 5258-11:1980, Safety of domestic gas appliances — Part 11: Flueless catalytic combustion heaters
(3rd family gases).
BS 5410-1:1997, Code of practice for oil firing — Part 1: Installations up to 45 kW output capacity for space
heating and hot water supply purposes.
BS 5410-2:1978, Code of practice for oil firing — Part 2: Installations of 44 kW and above output capacity
for space heating, hot water and steam supply purposes.
BS 5410-3:1976, Code of practice for oil firing — Part 3: Installations for furnaces, kilns, ovens and other
industrial purposes.
BS 5440-1:1990, Installation of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 60 kW
(1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases) — Part 1: Specification for installation of flues.
BS 5482-2:1997, Domestic butane- and propane-gas-burning installations — Part 2: Installations in
caravans and non-permanent dwellings.
BS 5482-3:1979, Domestic butane- and propane-gas-burning installations — Part 3: Installations in boats,
yachts and other vessels.
BS 5871-1:1991, Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative
fuel effect gas appliances —Part 1: Gas fires, convector heaters and fire/back boilers (1st, 2nd and 3rd family
BS 5871-2:1991Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative
fuel effect gas appliances — Part 2: Inset live fuel effect gas fires of heat input not exceeding 15 kW (2nd and
3rd family gases).
BS 5871-3:1991, Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative
fuel effect gas appliances — Part 3: Decorative fuel effect gas appliances of heat input not exceeding 15 kW
(2nd and 3rd family gases).
BS 7860:1996, Specification for carbon monoxide detectors (electrical) for domestic use.
BS 8303-1:1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels —
Part 1: Specification for the design of installations.
BS 8303-2:1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels —
Part 2: Specification for installing and commissioning on site.
BS 8303-3:1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels —
Part 3: Recommendations for design and on site installation.
BS EN 721, Leisure accommodation vehicles — Safety ventilation requirements.
Other publications
[1] Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations: 1998.
[2] Building Regulations for England and Wales Approved documents F and J.
[3] Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) (Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland 1994. No. 243) Technical
Booklet Part L.
[4] Building Standards (Scotland) — Parts F and K.
[5] Gas appliance (Safety) Regulations:1995.
[6] HSE Approved Code of Practice — Standards of training in safe gas installation.
[7] A dynamic test procedure for characterizing ventilator free-area — BG Technology
publication (GRTC/R2941).
[8] HSC Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances, L56, available from HSE Books.
[9] BRE Information paper 13/94 — Building Research Establishment, Garston.
[10] BRE Information paper 21/92 — Building Research Establishment, Garston.
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BS 5440-2:2000
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