THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016 Vol. 69, No. 9, 1831–1841, The weight of expectation: Implicit, rather than explicit, prior expectations drive the size–weight illusion Gavin Buckingham and Aimee MacDonald Department of Psychology, School of Life Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK (Received 17 August 2015; accepted 22 September 2015; first published online 11 December 2015) In the size–weight illusion, small objects feel heavier than identically weighted larger objects. This illusion is thought to be a consequence of how one’s prior expectations can influence conscious perception —lifters expect the large object to outweigh the small object and subsequently experience it as feeling lighter than they expected it to be. Here, we directly examined how a familiar object’s identity can affect how heavy someone expects it to be, and how these expectations will influence subsequent perceptions of heaviness. We describe two novel weight illusions induced with familiar objects. In one condition, participants judged the weight of a set of similar-size objects with very different natural weights (a polystyrene sphere, a tennis ball, and a cricket ball), which had all been adjusted to weigh the same amount as one another. In this condition, participants experienced a small, but reliable, weight illusion, with the lightest looking ball feeling heavier than the heaviest looking ball. In the other condition, participants judged the weights of a different set of balls, which were different sizes, but similar natural weights, to one another (a golf ball, a foam soccer ball, and an inflated beach ball). Again, participants experienced a perceptual illusion, but in the opposite direction. Surprisingly, participant’s perceptions matched, rather than contrasted with, their explicit expectations such that, even though they expected the golf ball to outweigh the beach ball they perceived the golf ball as feeling heavier than the beach ball. The effect of object mass appeared to dominate the effect of conscious expectations, suggesting that contrasting expectations of heaviness are not necessary to experience weight illusions and that current models of this robust perceptual effect must be revised. Keywords: Perception; Weight illusions; Object identity; Lifting; Expectations. It is well established that an individual’s perception of heaviness does not perfectly reflect the mass of the object they are lifting. One famous example of this stark separation between conscious perception and sensory input can be experienced with the “size–weight illusion” (SWI), where a small object is typically reported to feel substantially heavier than an identically weighted, but otherwise similar-looking, large object (Charpentier, 1891; Ellis & Lederman, 1993). Analogous misperceptions of weight can be experienced by manipulating objects’ apparent material properties instead of their volume: In the “material-weight Illusion” (MWI), an object that appears to be made from a lowdensity material will be judged as heavier than an identically weighted object that appears to be made from a high-density material (Ellis & Lederman, 1999; Seashore, 1899). These weight Correspondence should be addressed to Gavin Buckingham Department of Psychology, School of Life Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. E-mail: The authors would like to thank I. Sperandio and several anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript, and P. Dimitriou for his help with preparation of the experimental stimuli. © 2015 The Experimental Psychology Society 1831 BUCKINGHAM AND MACDONALD illusions are robust, persistent, and cognitively impenetrable (Buckingham, 2014). Despite over 100 years of research, no explanation has been able to fully describe what causes these illusory misperceptions of weight. Early theories proposed that the illusion had a sensorimotor origin, stemming from mismatches between efferent and afferent information (Davis & Roberts, 1976). This early interpretation of an expectationdriven effect has been rejected in recent years, with several studies demonstrating that the magnitude of the SWI and MWI is unrelated to gripping and lifting forces over repeated trials (Buckingham, Cant, & Goodale, 2009; Flanagan & Beltzner, 2000; Grandy & Westwood, 2006). In terms of the MWI, scientists have tended to favour cognitive explanations—individuals experience a contrast to their explicit expectations of how heavy each of the stimuli will be, such that the heavy-looking stimulus feels lighter than it was expected to be and vice versa. Indeed, this reasonably uncontentious explanation receives strong support from Ellis and Lederman’s (1998) golf ball illusion, showing that only individuals with concrete expectations about weight differences between stimuli (a real golf ball and an equally weighted practice golf ball) experience a subsequent weight illusion. Indeed, a range of cognitive factors have been found to influence perceptions of heaviness under a variety of contexts (Dijker, 2008; Schneider, Parzuchowski, Wojciszke, Schwarz, & Koole, 2015; Schneider, Rutjens, Jostmann, & Lakens, 2011). In the context of the SWI, however, it is less clear what causes the illusory weight difference between differently sized objects with the same mass. Explanations of the cause of the SWI fall into one of two categories: (a) the bottom-up, direct perception of another variable, which lifters interpret as heaviness, or (b) the top-down modulation of perceptual experience. Bottom-up explanations reject the idea of illusions as a failure of the perceptual system, reclassifying the illusory weight difference as the detection of some other action-relevant variable that varies between the stimuli. Candidate variables include the detection of difference in an object’s density (Drewing & 1832 Tiest, 2013; Grandy & Westwood, 2006), inertia tensor (Amazeen & Turvey, 1996), or some reflection of our perceptual expertise in detecting an object’s “throwability”—the relationship between volume and mass, which allows some items to be thrown further than others—(Zhu & Bingham, 2011). By contrast, the top-down explanation is conceptually similar to that put forward for the MWI and golf ball illusion, with cognitive (rather than sensorimotor) expectations interacting with sensory information from the hands and arms to drive the illusion that the objects have different weights from one another. Thus, in the SWI, lifters expect the large object to outweigh the small object, leading to the opposite percept. It is assumed that these expectations are built up through our repeated prior experiences of the positive correlation between volume and mass in objects that appear to be made from the same material. In this context, the illusion can be taken to reflect how our perceptual system alerts us to stimuli that deviate from our prior experiences of how heavy an object is likely to be (Baugh, Kao, Johansson, & Flanagan, 2012). A large body of evidence exists to support the role of expectations in the illusory weight difference experienced by lifters in typical SWI paradigms. Flanagan and colleagues demonstrated that the magnitude of the SWI can be altered by altering lifters’ expectations through perceptual learning (Flanagan, Bittner, & Johansson, 2008). They gave participants thousands of trials worth of experience at lifting objects with an inverted density relationship (where the small objects actually weighed more than the large objects) and noted that when lifters interacted with identically weighted versions of these objects, they experienced a reduced illusion, no illusion at all, or an inverted illusion (depending on how much expectationaltering experience they had had with the inverted stimuli). The influence of prior expectations on weight perception has been compounded by recent work where the SWI was induced in a single object (Buckingham & Goodale, 2010). In that study, participants lifted an unchanging medium-sized cube without visual feedback after a short preview period of another object, priming THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) WEIGHT ILLUSIONS WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS them to expect to lift a larger or smaller cube than they eventually interacted with. When participants expected to lift the small cube, the medium-sized cube they lifted felt substantially heavier than it did when they expected to lift the large cube. Neither of these studies can be easily explained in terms of bottom-up, affordance-like effects, suggesting that top-down effects must play a role in inducing at least a portion of the illusory weight difference experienced in the SWI (see Buckingham, 2014, for further discussion on this point). The role of cognitive expectations in subsequent weight perception is not well understood. For one, it is not clear exactly which of the many factors that can make one object heavier than another are incorporated with our sensory feedback to induce the illusion. The simplistic nature of typical weight illusion experiments, where a single object property is varied, often overlooks the potentially complex interactions that may influence how heavy an individual may expect a particular object to be. Recent work has provided evidence that lifters’ explicit expectations do not drive perceptions of heaviness when size and material are varied in the same set of stimuli (Buckingham & Goodale, 2013). In the study, participants lifted large and small cubes that appeared to be made from (a) polystyrene and (b) aluminium, all of which had been adjusted to weigh the same amount as one another. Participants unsurprisingly reported that they expected a large difference in weight between the large and small aluminium cubes, whereas they expected a comparatively small difference in weight between the large and small polystyrene cubes. However, when lifting these stimuli and judging their weights, they reported that the small polystyrene cube outweighed the large polystyrene cube by the same amount as for the aluminium set of objects. In short, participants experienced an identical-magnitude SWI, regardless of their divergent initial expectations about how heavy each object should be. The current work was designed to directly examine how a familiar object’s identity can affect how heavy someone expects it to be, and how these expectations will influence subsequent perceptions of heaviness. It is well established that our expectations associated with an object’s identity will influence how we interact with it (Hermsdörfer, Li, Randerath, Goldenberg, & Eidenmüller, 2011). To investigate how expectations can influence how heavy something feels, two sets of similarly weighted stimuli were created. If explicit expectations are a critical factor in weight perception, each of these sets of stimuli would be expected to induce markedly different patterns of weight illusions. The first set consisted of three balls of approximately the same size, which are normally different weights from one another (a polystyrene ball, a tennis ball, and a cricket ball). These similarly sized balls were adjusted to weigh approximately the same amount as one another. In this case, participants should have robustly different expectations about how heavy they expect each of the balls to be, which should manifest as an illusory difference in weight between the identically weighted balls (analogous to the MWI). The second set consisted of three sports balls that naturally had very similar masses, but markedly different sizes (a golf ball, a toy soccer ball, and an inflated beach ball). When lifting these balls and judging their weights, participants should expect little or no difference between how heavy each object will be, and thus experience no subsequent weight illusion (i.e., judge them all as having the same weight). If subjects did experience a weight illusion with this latter set of balls, it would have to stem from factors other than participants’ prior expectations. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY Method Participants Seventy-two participants were recruited to take part in a weight-perception study (14 males, 58 females; mean age = 21.5 + 5.6 years). Sixty-three participants were right-handed, and nine were lefthanded, determined by self-report of writing hand. Participants were recruited through the university student research participation system in THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) 1833 BUCKINGHAM AND MACDONALD Figure 1. The three balls judged by participants in the (A) same size, adjusted weight (SS-AW) and (B) different size, natural weight (DSNW) conditions. To view this figure in colour, please visit the online version of this Journal. return for course credit. All participants reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision and did not report any muscular or cutaneous problems. Participants gave written informed consent prior to testing, with all procedures approved by the Heriot-Watt University ethics committee. Stimuli Participants judged the weight of six different stimulus balls on an arbitrary 100-point scale in relation to an 82-g reference object (a 5 × 5 × 5-cm wooden cube, which they were told weighed 50 out of 100). In the “same size, adjusted weight” (SSAW) condition, participants judged the weight of three balls with approximately the same size, adjusted to have the same mass as one another—a cricket ball, a tennis ball (increased in mass to match the weight of the cricket ball), and a polystyrene ball (also increased in mass to match the tennis and cricket ball; see Figure 1A). In the “different size, natural weight” (DS-NW) condition, participants judged the weight of three different-size, same-mass balls—a golf ball, a cotton-filled toy soccer ball, and an inflated beach ball (see Figure 1B). The polystyrene and tennis balls were adjusted by cutting open and filling with various quantities of lead, keeping an approximately central weighting. There were no visible indications that the balls had been altered in any way. Care was taken not to handle the balls in front of the participant before or during the experiment, so as to give no indication that the balls were weighted differently 1834 from their standard form. Original and adjusted properties of all stimuli are presented in Table 1 below. Procedure Participants sat in front of a table with their eyes closed and their dominant hand outstretched with their palm facing upwards. Participants were asked to avoid resting their arm on the table surface and to keep their eyes closed until an object had been placed in their hand. Prior to judging the weights of each set of experimental stimuli, the experimenter placed the reference weight in the participant’s hand and informed them that this object represented a weight of 50 on a 100-point scale. After removing the reference weight, participants then made a verbal judgement about how heavy each of the balls looked, prior to touching them (“expected heaviness”). Then, after being allowed to experience the reference weight for a second time, the first ball was placed on the hand of the participant, at which point they opened their eyes and gave a rating of how heavy the ball felt on the 100-point scale (“perceived heaviness”). Participants first judged the weight of each of the three balls three separate times in randomized triplets in one of six pseudorandomized orders. After a short break, participants were then once again given the reference weight before judging the weight of the three balls three times in the other condition. Presentation order of the two conditions was counterbalanced across subjects. In total, 18 perceived heaviness ratings were given by THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) WEIGHT ILLUSIONS WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS Table 1. The physical properties of the stimuli Original ball Condition Same size, adjusted weight (SS-AW) Different size, natural weight (DS-NW) Experimental ball Ball type Weight (g) Diameter (cm) Density (g cm–3) Weight (g) Diameter (cm) Density (g cm–3) Polystyrene Tennis Cricket Golf Soccer Beach 3 55 159 45 52 52 6.7 6.7 7.0 4.3 8.6 27.5 0.02 0.35 0.89 1.08 0.16 0.005 151a 157a 159 45 52 52 6.7 6.7 7.0 4.3 8.6 27.5 0.97a 1.01a 0.89 1.08 0.16 0.005 Note: The diameter (cm), weight (g), and density (g cm–3) of each of the balls, in their original form, and for the stimulus balls used in the experiment. a Adjusted from original form. each participant, and the experiment took approximately 10 min to complete. Pre-lift-off expected heaviness ratings and average perceived heaviness ratings for the balls in each condition were examined in separate one-factor repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs), and significant effects were examined with Bonferroni-corrected post hoc t tests. Where necessary, Greenhouse–Geisser tests were used to correct for inhomogeneity of variance in the F tests. Results Same size, adjusted weight (SS-AW) condition The omnibus analysis of the pre-lift-off heaviness ratings indicated that participants expected the three balls in this condition to have substantially different weights from one another (polystyrene: 15.5 + 13.3, tennis: 55.5 + 15.1, cricket: 79.7 + 15.0), F(1.8, 130.6) = 528.7, p , .001, η2 = .88 (Figure 2A). The cricket ball was predicted to outweigh both the tennis, t(71) = 20.1, p , .001, and the polystyrene ball, t(71) = 28.7, p , .001, and the tennis ball was predicted to outweigh the polystyrene ball, t(71) = 14.0, p , .001. Thus, participants’ expectations were in line with the balls’ real-world properties (Table 1). The omnibus analysis of the post-lift-off heaviness judgements indicated that that participants experienced the balls as being different weights from one another (polystyrene: 71.8 + 11.1, tennis: 75.0 + 11.1, cricket: 66.6 + 12.2), F (1.7, 121.6) = 23.5, p , .001, η2 = .25; Figure 2B). However, these ratings of heaviness did not reflect participants’ expectations of heaviness. Post hoc t tests indicated that the tennis ball was judged as heavier than both the cricket ball, t (71) = 7.5, p , .001, and the polystyrene ball, t (71) = 2.9, p , .05, while the polystyrene ball was judged as heavier than the cricket ball, t(71) = 3.6, p , .005. No correlation was observed between the expected heaviness and the average perceived heaviness for the polystyrene ball (r = .13, n = 72, p = .28), the tennis ball (r = .10, n = 72, p = .39), or the cricket ball (r = .04, n = 72, p = .77). Different size, natural weight (DS-NW) condition The omnibus analysis of the pre-lift-off heaviness ratings indicated that participants did not expect the three balls in this condition to weigh the same amount as one another (golf: 59.0 + 22.5, soccer: 38.3 + 18.9, beach: 16.0 + 14.0), F(1.6, 115.0) = 160.3, p , .001, η2 = .69 (Figure 3A). In contrast to the real-world properties of the stimuli, participants expected the golf ball to be heavier than the foam soccer ball, t(71) = 8.8, p , .001, and the beach ball, t(71) = 14.9, p , .001, and the foam soccer ball was predicted to outweigh the beach ball, t(71) = 12.0, p , .001. Thus, even THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) 1835 BUCKINGHAM AND MACDONALD Figure 2. Participants’ expected heaviness (A) and perceived heaviness (B) of the similarly sized balls that had been adjusted to weigh the same amount in the same size, adjusted weight (SS-AW) condition. Error bars show standard error of the mean. though the three balls in this condition naturally weighed similar amounts to one another (Table 1), participants expected them to have markedly different weights. The omnibus analysis of the perceptual ratings of heaviness after lift-off also yielded a significant main effect of ball type, indicating that the balls were judged as having different weights from one another (golf: 50.1 + 18.0, soccer: 31.7 + 14.9, beach: 31.7 + 14.9), F(1.8, 126.4) = 235.8, p , .001, η2 = .77 (Figure 3B). Bonferroni-corrected 1836 post hoc t tests indicated that the golf ball was judged as heavier than both the foam soccer, t(71) = 12.4, p , .001, and the beach ball, t(71) = 18.7, p , .001, and that the foam soccer ball was judged as heavier than the beach ball, t(71) = 11.6, p , .001. Furthermore, significant correlations between expected heaviness and the average perceived heaviness were observed for the golf (r = .31, n = 72, p , .01), soccer (r = .34, n = 72, p , .005), and beach (r = .26, n = 72, p , .05) balls. Thus, participants’ perceptions of THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) WEIGHT ILLUSIONS WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS Figure 3. Participants’ expected heaviness (A) and perceived heaviness (B) of the differently sized balls in the different size, natural weight (DS-NW) condition. Error bars show standard error of the mean. heaviness were in line with, rather than a contrast to, their expectations of heaviness. Comparison of weight illusion in SS-AW and DS-NW conditions Participants experienced illusory weight differences between the stimuli in both experimental conditions. To quantify the magnitude of these weight illusions, we subtracted the heaviness rating for the ball with the lowest average heaviness rating from that for the ball with the highest average heaviness rating separately for each participant in the SS-AW and DS-NW conditions (Figure 4). These individual illusions were then averaged and compared with a paired-sample t test. In contrast to our initial hypotheses, participants experienced a significantly larger illusion in the DS-NW condition (where the heaviest feeling object felt 35.7% heavier) than in the SSAW condition (where the heaviest feeling object felt only 13.6% heavier), t(71) = 9.98, p , .001, Cohen’s d = 1.17. The overall magnitude of these THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) 1837 BUCKINGHAM AND MACDONALD Figure 4. The magnitude of the illusory weight difference (highest rating – lowest rating) in each condition. SS-AW = same size, adjusted weight; DS-NW = different size, natural weight. Error bars show standard error of the mean. weight illusions did not correlate with one another (p = .73). Finally, in order to rule out the influence of any order effects (i.e., whether lifting adjusted stimuli influenced participants’ perception of the unaltered objects), we compared the magnitude of the illusion in the first set of balls lifted between the groups with an independent-samples t test. The results of this between-group comparison mirrored the within-group comparison outlined above—individuals experienced a significantly larger illusion when lifting the DS-NW balls (an illusory weight difference of 42%) than they did when lifting the SSAW balls (an illusory weight difference of 14.5%, t(70) = 8.6, p , .001). Discussion The current work examined how familiarityinduced expectations of heaviness influenced subsequent perceptions of heaviness with a novel weight illusion. In typical weight illusion studies, participants’ perceptions of an object’s weight will contrast with their expectations of its heaviness. Thus, in the SWI, small objects feel heavier than identically weighted large objects because of the well-founded prior expectations that small things 1838 will be less heavy than larger things of the same type. Here, we directly examined the role of expectations in weight perception by creating sets of familiar stimuli aimed at inducing strongly or weakly divergent expectations of heaviness. Two sets of balls were presented to participants; one was created to elicit strongly divergent expectations of heaviness across the set (the SS-AW condition), whereas the other was created to elicit similar expectations of heaviness across the set (the DSNW condition). The balls in the SS-AW set were roughly the same volume, whereas the balls in the DS-NW set were obviously different volumes. The balls in the SS-AW set were adjusted to have similar weight as one another, whereas the balls in the DS-NW set naturally weighed approximately the same amount as one another. We predicted that, if expectations of heaviness drive subsequent perceptions of heaviness, the balls in the SS-AW condition should feel very different in weight from one another (i.e., lifters would experience a robust weight illusion), whereas the balls in the DS-NW condition should feel similar in weight to one another (i.e., lifters would experience little or no weight illusion). In contrast to our predictions, lifters experienced only a modest weight illusion when judging the THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) WEIGHT ILLUSIONS WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS weight of the balls in the SS-AW condition, despite robustly different expectations of heaviness for each object (Figure 2). At first glance, the illusion in this condition appears to be analogous to the MWI, where objects that appear to be made from low-density material feel heavier than objects that appear to be made from high-density materials. However, lifters’ perceptions did not obviously contrast with their expectations in the way they do with typical MWI paradigms (Harshfield & DeHardt, 1970). Here, the tennis ball was judged to be heavier than both the cricket and polystyrene balls, in spite of participants’ expectations that it would weigh substantially less than the cricket ball and substantially more than the polystyrene ball. This finding is unlikely to be due to actual differences in object mass between the tennis and polystyrene balls, which are well below the 10% difference required to detect differences in weight when holding objects (Ross & Di Lollo, 1970). It is, however, possible that this unexpected deviation from the MWI is due to slight size differences between the stimuli (Table 1), as well as friction/ colour cues (Flanagan & Bandomir, 2000; Walker, Francis, & Walker, 2010), overriding any effect of prior expectations. Another explanation for this finding could relate to differences in participants’ experience with each one of the stimuli influencing their perceptions in an unexpected way, as it is likely that our sample had more experience with tennis balls than they did with either polystyrene or cricket balls. The degree to which the precision of an individual’s prior expectation for a particular object influences subsequent perceptions of heaviness is an interesting topic of study for future research. This influence of object size over and above that of expected heaviness on perceptions of heaviness was clearly evident in the DS-NW condition, where participants erroneously expected the (small) golf ball to be heavier than the (large) beach ball (Figure 3A). This erroneous expectation created a unique set of circumstances—with lifters expecting the smallest object of the set to weigh more than the largest. Despite this initial expectation, and in stark opposition to usual contrastive nature of all weight illusions described to date, participants perceived the golf ball as weighing significantly more than the soccer ball, which they in turn judged as weighing significantly more than the inflated beach ball. The illusion that participants experienced when hefting these objects was significantly larger than the one elicited through lifting the stimuli in the SS-AW condition (Figure 4). Thus, the illusion-inducing effects of object volume far outstrip those associated with familiar object identity, leading participants to experience a normal-looking SWI in the absence of contrasting expectations of heaviness. These findings are particularly important in the context of understanding what factors contribute to the perceptions of heaviness underlying the SWI. Previous cognitive models of the SWI have suggested that the illusory weight difference stems from a contrast to lifters’ initial expectations, reflecting a unique way in which prior expectations are incorporated with sensory input to drive conscious perception (Buckingham & Goodale, 2010; Ernst, 2009; Flanagan & Beltzner, 2000). However, little is known about the nature of the expectations that influence our perceptions in such a way. The current work allows us to rule out the proposal that explicit expectations of heaviness drive subsequent perceptions of heaviness, causing the illusory misperceptions of weight seen in the SWI. Instead the findings from both our conditions indicate that implicit expectations related to object size is a more dominant factor than prior explicit expectations. These findings effectively refute the suggestion that the illusion-causing priors in the SWI stem from size–weight associations for individual families of objects (Flanagan et al., 2008), as participants in our study clearly understood that all the objects in our study were made from different materials. On the face of it, as the strongest illusion was seen in conditions where size and density were varied between the stimuli, these findings might well be taken as support of the notion that the SWI reflects a perceptual skill for selecting the object that one can throw the furthest—the ecologically relevant property of “throwability” (Zhu & Bingham, 2011). There is, however, strong THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016, 69 (9) 1839 BUCKINGHAM AND MACDONALD evidence to suggest that the SWI is caused, at least in part, by prior expectations (Buckingham & Goodale, 2010; Flanagan et al., 2008). The findings from the current work suggest that the SWI does not reflect a contrast to the explicit prior knowledge that participants can articulate when asked how heavy they expect something to be. Instead, we propose that the illusory weight difference experienced when lifting SWI-inducing objects reflects a more implicit form of prior knowledge and contrasts with each object’s deviation from the average size–weight relationship of all the objects that one typically experiences. As, presumably, a robust positive correlation exists between volume and mass across hand-held objects in general, individuals should experience the same magnitude of SWI regardless of what type of object they are lifting—a proposal that is consistent with our previous findings (Buckingham & Goodale, 2013). The broad generalizability of this function is, to our knowledge, unique in perception (Fahle, 2005). This simple mechanism may exist to facilitate rapid categorical judgements about an object’s properties once it has been lifted. This hypothesis can be easily falsified by studies demonstrating a situation where, without training, small objects feel lighter than equally weighted large objects; to date no such situation has been reported. The current work is the first evidence that a weight illusion can be induced by varying object identity, rather than by manipulating object size or material properties. Objects of the same size with different prior expectations of heaviness elicited a relatively modest illusion, in line with the MWI. By contrast, the stimuli that varied in size across object category induced a far larger perceptual effect, in line with the SWI. The difference in the magnitudes of these novel illusions suggests that size cues are a more dominant factor for the perception of heaviness than learned cues to mass (see also Buckingham & Goodale, 2013). 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