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Avaya Callback Assist Reporting Guide

Avaya Callback Assist
Reporting guide
February 2017
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Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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February 2017
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Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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February 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Reporting through the Web Administration Application ........................................................................................ 7
REPORTS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Features................................................................................................................................................................. 9
GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................. 11
Logging in ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
To log in to CBA Web Administration Application: .................................................................................................11
Interface .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Logging Out ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
WORKING WITH REPORTS............................................................................................................... 14
Daily Summary Report ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Daily Report Drill Down ...........................................................................................................................................17
Hourly Summary Report ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Call Disposition Report ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Pending Callback Requests Report ....................................................................................................................... 27
Canceled Callback Requests Report ..................................................................................................................... 33
Pending Callbacks Summary Report ..................................................................................................................... 37
Filtering Callback Configurations ......................................................................................................................... 39
Exporting report data .......................................................................................................................................... 39
CSV REPORTS EXPORTED BY MAINTENANCE PROCESS......................................................... 42
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Daily Export Process .................................................................................................................................... 42
Raw Data Reports ....................................................................................................................................................43
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Table of Contents
Summary Reports ....................................................................................................................................................43
Canceled Callbacks Report ......................................................................................................................................44
Data Retention Process ............................................................................................................................... 44
Similarities between Daily Export process and Data Retention process ............................................................... 45
Difference between Daily Export process and Data Retention process ................................................................ 45
Report field data dictionary ................................................................................................................................. 46
STATUS CODES ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Call Trace Status Codes (Call Disposition) ............................................................................................................. 48
Callback Request Status Codes ............................................................................................................................ 49
Call Trace Status vs. Callback Request Status Codes ............................................................................................. 50
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Table of Figures
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - Callback Assist Administration Login Page.................................................................................. 11
Figure 2 – CBA interface.............................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3 - Reporting module ....................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4 - Daily Summary Report options form .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 5 - Daily Summary Report ................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 6 - Hourly Summary Report options form ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 7 - Hourly Summary Report ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 8 - Call Disposition Report options form for SIP .............................................................................. 21
Figure 9 - Call Disposition Report options for CTI ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 - Call Disposition Report.............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 11 - Call Disposition Report (cont'd) ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 12 - Pending Callback Requests Reports options form for SIP ........................................................ 27
Figure 13 - Pending Callback Requests Reports options form for CTI ........................................................ 27
Figure 14 - Pending Callback Requests Report for SIP ................................................................................ 29
Figure 15 - Pending Callback Requests Report for CTI ................................................................................ 30
Figure 16 - Pending Callback Failed Cancellation Report............................................................................ 31
Figure 17 - Canceled Callback Requests Report options form for SIP ........................................................ 33
Figure 18 - Canceled Callback Requests Report options form for CTI ........................................................ 33
Figure 19 - Canceled Callback Requests Report for SIP .............................................................................. 35
Figure 20 - Canceled Callback Requests Report for CTI .............................................................................. 36
Figure 21 - Pending Callbacks Summary Report Options............................................................................ 37
Figure 22 - Pending Callbacks Summary Report ......................................................................................... 38
Figure 23 - Filter Callback Configurations ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 24 - CSV output of Daily Summary Report ....................................................................................... 40
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
The Callback Assist application provides callers enhanced control over their interaction with the
contact centers and enables them to make an informed decision. This decision is based on the
Estimated Wait Time (EWT) about whether to hold for an agent or leave a message requesting for a
callback. Callers interact with a set of recorded voice prompts that move them efficiently and
intuitively through the process.
Using Callback Assist, callers can opt for an immediate callback or a scheduled callback.
Avaya Callback Assist (CBA) Web Administration application enables centralized control for CBA’s
operation from a single point. The Reporting application is integrated with CBA Web Administration
application, providing users a single interface, thus simplifying its usage. All reports are available
through a Web-based interface and you can export the data to a to a CSV file.
The Reporting application offers metrics and performance supervising with three integrated reports
as follows:
Daily Summary Report: The Daily Summary Report enables a supervisor to view date-wise
consolidated reports with the information of immediate and scheduled callbacks as
requested and delivered to agents. This report also enables a supervisor to analyze the
effectiveness of CBA and its adoption by callers.
Hourly Summary Report: Similar to the Daily Summary Report, an Hourly Summary Report
enables a supervisor to analyze hour by hour CBA workload for a single date for a specific
Call Disposition Report: The Call Disposition Report enables a supervisor to get the detailed
status of all the calls made by CBA to analyze the effectiveness of callbacks done to callers.
The Reporting application also provides the abilities to:
Generate reports on pending callback request: Displays a report on outstanding callback
Cancel pending callback request: Enables canceling all or selected pending callback requests
using the Pending Callback Requests Report.
Generate canceled callback report: Displays a report on the canceled callback requests.
Reporting through the Web Administration Application
You can perform the following activities using the CBA Web Administration application:
Administer all the configuration settings for the Voice Portal and Callback Engine from a single
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Create and manage multiple calling rules to apply to the callback requests.
Create user roles and grant permissions to control access to both administration and sensitive
reporting data.
Administer, enable, and disable rules to allow announcement of estimated wait time (EWT) and
threshold values to control callback options offered to customers. These rules are configured
for multiple callback requests for incoming calls.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
The CBA application gives callers more control over their interaction with the contact center and
allows them to make an informed decision. This decision is based on the EWT about whether to
hold for an agent or leave a message requesting a callback. Callers interact with a set of recorded
voice prompts that move them efficiently and intuitively through the process. Using the CBA
application, callers can opt for immediate callback request or when an agent becomes free.
Sometimes, the callback is also scheduled based on voiced options given by the system. In order to
allow metrics and performance supervising of the solution, there is a Reporting application with
five integrated reports.
The features of the CBA Reporting application are as follows:
Web-based reports: All reports are available through Web-based interface and the data can be
exported to a CSV file. CBA offers call disposition report, hourly summary report, and date-wise
summary Report.
Daily Summary Report: Enables a supervisor to view date-wise consolidated report with the
information of immediate and scheduled callbacks as requested and delivered to agents. It
allows a supervisor to analyze the effectiveness of CBA and its adoption by customers.
Hourly Summary Report: Similar to the daily summary report, an hourly summary report allows
a supervisor to analyze hour by hour CBA workload for a single date for the specific period.
Based on the report, a supervisor can do the best resource distribution and time slot offering to
optimize service to the callers.
Call Disposition Report: Enables a supervisor to view the detailed status of all calls made
through CBA to analyze the effectiveness of customer callbacks.
Pending Callback Requests Report: You can configure the Reporting application to generate a
report containing the latest data on outstanding callback requests on a daily basis. You can sort
the report to display the scheduled callbacks and immediate callbacks in groups. You must have
an administrator role or a Pending Callbacks Report role to access and generate this report.
You can generate the Pending Callback Requests Report (immediate callback or scheduled
callback) based on the following filtering criteria:
Show Disabled Configurations
Callback Configuration
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Voice, Web, Voice and Web
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Calling Number (ANI)
Called Number
Note: For information on assigning roles to generate different reports and related
information, see the Role Management section in the Avaya Callback Assist
Administration Guide.
Canceled Callback Requests Report: The Canceled Callback Requests Report displays all the
callbacks that are canceled between dates by the caller or the agent, through the Pending
callback request report, Web service, or through a phone. You must have an administrator role
or a Pending Callbacks Cancellation role to access and generate this report.
Note: For information on assigning roles to generate different reports and related
information, see the Role Management section in the Avaya Callback Assist
Administration Guide.
Manage report data: You can store up to six months of historical data to generate reports of
your CBA installation. However, the site administrator can choose to purge data before this
schedule to preserve resources for security and archive reasons. CBA gives the flexibility to
administrators to customize a policy that best fits their requirements.
Export report data: All CBA reports have a data export feature that you can use to send data
to other applications. Some applications that can use this feature are workforce
management systems, wallboards, business data analysis, and agent adherence
applications. The data format is the standard Comma-Separated Value (CSV), compatible to
most applications available in market.
Accessible Reports: Enables the contact centers to access the reports for distribution to the
users who want to view it. The web-reporting feature of CBA also enables users to access
the previously inaccessible reports. With the required permissions, users can access reports
from the specified URL. Web-reporting has the following advantages:
Reports are accessible regardless of the geographical location.
Need of purchase and maintenance of a client application on each desktop machine
in contact centers is eliminated, thus ruling out the IT support for remote users.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Getting Started
Getting Started
This section contains familiarizes you with the procedure of logging in and logging out and user
Logging in
CBA uses the Web interface application to administer its entire configuration.
It is advised to configure any installed pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups
windows from the application host sites. When adding an allowed site to
the list, use the IP address of the root host machine.
To log in to CBA Web Administration Application:
1. Open your Web browser and enter the following URL:
The variable host_machine is the FQDN or IP address of the Avaya Callback Assist Web Admin
server and the optional parameter port# is the TCP port used for the connection (If no port number
is typed, the default port – 80 – for HTTP protocol is used by the browser)
2. Enter your user name and password in User and Password textboxes respectively. If you are logging
in for the first time, enter the default user name and password: admin and 123456.
Figure 1 - Callback Assist Administration Login Page
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Getting Started
3. Click Login.
The application allows you access only when your user name and password are valid. In case of
incorrect credentials, an alert dialog box pops up displaying the error message.
NOTE: If you have logged in with the default user name and password, the User Edit Screen displays
to change the default password to a new password. The new password must be at least six
characters long with the combinations of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Getting Started
The CBA interface consists of left pane, top pane, and display area. The left pane has General and
Report modules, which further have sub-modules. By default, the sub-modules of General module
are displayed. The Report module consists of different reports as sub-modules.
Figure 2 – CBA interface
The top pane displays the User profile and the Logout button. User profile can be Administrator,
Supervisor, and so on. The Logout button enables you to exit the application after closing the
connected session.
Logging Out
Once you complete your login session, you must log out. Logging out prevents the unauthorized
access to the application. To log out, click the Logout button on the top pane of the application. In
case of inactivity in your application for 30 minutes, the session gets expired and you have to relogin to the application.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Working with Reports
The Reports module is located on the left pane of the CBA Web interface.
Click Reports to display its sub-modules.
Figure 3 - Reporting module
Select any of the reports under the Reports section to display it in the display area. The reports
available under the Reports section are Daily Summary Report, Hourly Summary Report, Call
Disposition Report, Pending Callback Requests Report, and Canceled Callback Requests Report.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Daily Summary Report
A supervisor can view date-wise consolidated report through the Daily Summary report with the
information of immediate and scheduled callbacks. These callbacks can be requested ones or those
delivered to agents. It also allows a supervisor to analyze the effectiveness of CBA and its adoption
by customers.
1. Go to Reports > Daily Summary.
The system displays the Daily Summary page as follows:
Figure 4 - Daily Summary Report options form
2. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Start Date: Implies the initial date to generate the report.
End Date: Implies the final date to complete in the report.
Callback Configuration: Displays a list of available callback configurations in a drop-down
menu. You can generate a report by selecting a specific callback configuration for Customer
First or Agent First from the list.
Filter: Refer Filtering Callback Configurations
(Optional) DNIS: Implies the initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number) number, Service
number, or other route for receiving calls.
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Implies the required callback option from the
available options: Voice, Web, Voice and Web.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Enables you to enter the number of lines you want
to view per page at a time. If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this
number, the results are paged. You can view them using Previous and Next buttons that
automatically display when the number of lines exceed one page.
3. Click Submit.
The system displays the daily summary report based on your filtering criteria as follows:
Figure 5 - Daily Summary Report
The Daily Summary Report includes the following columns:
Timezone: Displays the time zone based on the time zone configured in the Global Settings
Management page in the Callback Assist Web Administration.
Date: Displays the day being summarized. If you click on a cell in this column, you can drill
down to the Hourly Summary Report.
Callback: Displays the name of callback configuration.
Immediate: Displays the number of immediate callback performed.
Scheduled: Displays the number of scheduled callback requests performed.
Offered Calls: Displays the number of calls that are offered a callback.
Accepted: Displays the number of calls that accepted a callback.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Delivered: Displays the number of callback requests that are delivered to customers.
Canceled by Agent: Displays the number of callbacks that have been canceled by agents during
launch phase.
Max Retries: Displays the number of callbacks that have reached the maximum number of
retries and are not delivered successfully to customers.
Invalid Destination: Displays the number of callbacks that failed due to an error of invalid
destination number.
Canceled by Customer: Displays the number of callback requests canceled by customers.
Outstanding: Displays the number of callbacks that are not placed at the scheduled time.
Canceled From GUI: Displays the number of callback requests canceled through the Web
administration, from the Pending Request report.
Daily Report Drill Down
If a single line of the Daily report is selected and clicked, it opens the Hourly Summary Report for
the selected day.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Hourly Summary Report
1. Go to Reports > Hourly Summary.
The system displays the Hourly Summary page as follows.
Figure 6 - Hourly Summary Report options form
2. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Date: Implies the date chosen for the report.
Callback Configuration: Displays a list of available callback configurations in a drop-down
menu. You can generate a report by selecting a specific callback configuration for Customer
First or Agent First from the list.
Filter: Refer Filtering Callback Configurations
(Optional) DNIS: Implies the initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number) number, Service
number, or other route for receiving calls. A vector directory number (VDN) is an extension that
directs an incoming call to a specific vector. This number is a "soft" extension number
unassigned to an equipment location. If DNIS is added, only the voice call attempts are included
in the report result regardless of the DNIS to be associated to a composite callback
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Implies the required callback option from the
available options: Voice, Web, Voice and Web.
Voice: Enables you to configure voice as an option to generate reports. This option
displays the report of the voice calls only.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Web: Enables you to configure Web as an option to generate reports.
When you select this option, the system disables the DNIS and Called Number fields.
Voice and Web: Enables you to configure both voice and Web to generate a report.
Options in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field get activated only if the
Composite option is selected.
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Enables you to enter the number of lines you want to
view per page at a time. If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this
number, the results are paged. You can view them using Previous and Next buttons that
automatically display when the number of lines exceed one page.
3. Click Submit.
The system displays the pending hourly summary report based on your filtering criteria as
Figure 7 - Hourly Summary Report
The Hourly Summary Report includes the following columns:
Timezone: Displays the time zone based on the time zone configured in the Global Settings
Management page in the Callback Assist Web Administration.
Timestamp: Displays each cell in the report to show data on an hourly basis during the
specified timeframe.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Callback: Displays the name of the callback configuration.
Immediate: Displays the number of immediate callback requests performed.
Scheduled: Displays the number of scheduled callbacks performed.
Offered Calls: Displays the number of calls that are offered a callback.
Accepted: Displays the number of calls that accepted a callback.
Delivered: Displays the number of callbacks that are launched and delivered to customer.
Canceled by Agents: Displays the number of callbacks that have been canceled by agents
during launch phase.
Max. Retries: Displays the number of callbacks that have reached the maximum number of
retries and are not delivered successfully to customers.
Invalid Destination: Displays the number of callbacks that failed due to an error of invalid
destination number.
Canceled by Customer: Displays the number of callback requests canceled by customers.
Outstanding: Displays the number of callbacks that are not placed during their scheduled time.
Canceled From GUI: Displays the number of callback requests canceled through the Web
administration, from the Pending Request report.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Call Disposition Report
By this report, the supervisor gets the detailed status of all the calls made by CBA to analyze the
effectiveness of callbacks done to customers. You can access the Call Disposition Report by
selecting “Call Disposition” option from the left pane of the application.
1. Go to Reports > Call Disposition.
The system displays the Call Disposition page as follows if the CBA installation has been done
through SIP or AACC platform.
Figure 8 - Call Disposition Report options form for SIP
The system displays the Call Disposition page as follows if the CBA installation has been done
through CTI platform.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Figure 9 - Call Disposition Report options for CTI
2. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Date: Implies the date on which the report is to be generated. By default, it displays the current
Registered Zone/Registered Site: Displays all the site/zone names (based on the configuration)
being configured in Site Definitions/Zone Definitions. Report can be generated by selecting the
registered zone in the registered zone drop down. The preselected value is “All” for which all
the call details registered in all the sites/zones would be shown in the report. The system
displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Delivery Zone/Delivery Site: Displays all the site/zone names (based on the configuration)
being configured in Site Definitions/Zone Definitions. Report can be generated by selecting the
site/zone (where the call gets placed) in the delivery zone drop down. The preselected value is
“All” for which all the call details placed in all the sites/zones would be shown in the report. The
system displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Callback Configuration: Displays a list of available callback configurations in a drop-down
menu. You can generate a report by selecting a specific callback configuration for Customer
First or Agent First from the list.
Filter: Refer Filtering Callback Configurations
(Optional) DNIS: Implies the initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number) number, Service
number, or other route for receiving calls. A vector directory number (VDN) is an extension that
directs an incoming call to a specific vector. This number is a "soft" extension number
unassigned to an equipment location. If DNIS is added, only the voice call attempts are included
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
in the report result regardless of the DNIS to be associated to a composite callback
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Implies the required callback option from the
available options: Voice, Web, Voice and Web. This option is visible only if the WS API feature
is licensed.
Voice: Enables you to configure voice as an option to generate reports. This option
displays the report of the voice calls only.
Web: Enables you to configure Web as an option to generate reports.
When you select this option, the system disables the DNIS and Called Number fields.
Voice and Web: Enables you to configure both voice and Web to generate a report.
Options in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field get activated only if the
Composite option is selected.
(Optional) Calling number (ANI): Enables you to add the customer phone number used when
calling the VDN (leave blank to consider all data). This option gets disabled when the Web
option is selected in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field.
(Optional) Called number: Customer given phone number to receive callback (leave blank to
consider all data).
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Enables you to enter the number of lines you want to
view per page at a time. If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this
number, the results are paged. You can view them using Previous and Next buttons that
automatically display when the number of lines exceed one page.
Outcome: Enables you to enter the call outcome status. Generally, the Outcome field includes
the following options:
No Answer
Invalid Destination
General Error
Dropped by Agent
Unknown Error
Answer Machine
Fax Message
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Dropped by Customer
Customer Call Dropped
Unavailable AAEP Ports
After entering the desired parameters, click Submit to display the required report. The report
displays as shown below if the CBA installation has been done through SIP or AACC platform.
Figure 10 - Call Disposition Report
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Working with Reports
Figure 11 - Call Disposition Report (cont'd)
The Call Disposition Report includes the following columns:
Timezone: Displays the time zone based on the time zone configured in the Global Settings
Management page in the Callback Assist Web Administration.
Timestamp: Displays the timeframe for the callback.
Callback ID: Displays the key from the database to identify individual callbacks.
Original Accept Time: Displays the date and time in the server when the system offered the
callback request.
Caller Time: Displays the caller time when the customer accepted the callback.
DNIS: VDN that the original call was delivered to (incoming VDN).
Scheduled Time Slot: Displays the time slot when the callback was scheduled (blank if the
requested callback is immediate).
Launch Time: Displays the actual time when the callback is launched.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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Working with Reports
Registered site/Registered Zone: Displays the site/zone where the callback request was
registered. The system displays this column only shown in a SIP or AACC platform.
Delivered site/Delivery Zone: Displays the site/zone that placed the outbound call. The system
displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Call Number: Displays the number of times the callback is attempted.
Calling Number: Displays the ANI from the original call.
Called Number: Displays the number that is used for the callback. The called number can be
different if the requester has input a different number from ANI.
Type: Displays the callback type as Scheduled or Immediate.
Outcome: Indicates the success or type of failure of the callback.
Agent Wait Time (ms): The elapsed time from the time agent answered the phantom call and
the agent call is merged with customer call. For a failed callback attempt it is the elapsed time
from the time agent answered the phantom call and the agent call is dropped after the failure
announcement is made to agent. This is available only in Agent First strategy. The value is
displayed in milliseconds.
Customer Handling Time (ms): The elapsed time from the time customer answered the
phantom call and the customer call is merged with agent call. This is available only in Agent
First and SIP Phantom Pool strategies. The value is displayed in milliseconds.
Note: The Report result is same regardless of the selected callback configuration (Voice,
Web, or Composite). The Linux time of the CBA machine and the time of the MPP should
match exactly for the Agent Wait Time and Customer Handling Time to be accurate in
SIP and AACC platforms. The Time zone need not be the same on these machines.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Pending Callback Requests Report
1. Go to Reports > Pending Callbacks.
The system displays the Pending Callbacks page as follows if the CBA installation has been
done with SIP or AACC platform.
Figure 12 - Pending Callback Requests Reports options form for SIP
The system displays the Pending Callbacks page as follows if the CBA installation has been
done with CTI platform.
Figure 13 - Pending Callback Requests Reports options form for CTI
1. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Callback Configuration: Displays a list of all the callback configurations in the drop-down
menu. You can select All to generate a report on all the callback configurations, or select
specific callback configuration for Customer First or Agent First from the list.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Registered Site/Registered Zone: Displays all the site/zone names (based on the
configuration) being configured in Site Definitions/Zone Definitions. Report can be
generated by selecting the registered site/zone in the drop down. The preselected value is
“All” for which all the call details registered in all the sites/zones would be shown in the
report. The system displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Filter: Refer Filtering Callback Configurations
(Optional) DNIS: Implies the initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number) number, Service
number, or other route for receiving calls. A vector directory number (VDN) is an
extension that directs an incoming call to a specific vector. This number is a "soft"
extension number unassigned to an equipment location. If DNIS is added, only the voice
call attempts are included in the report result regardless of the DNIS to be associated to a
composite callback configuration.
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Implies the required callback option from the
qavailable options: Voice, Web, Voice and Web. This option is visible only if the WS API
feature is licensed.
Voice: Enables you to configure voice as an option to generate reports. This
option displays the report of the voice calls only.
Web: Enables you to configure Web as an option to generate reports.
When you select this option, the system disables the DNIS and Called Number
Voice and Web: Enables you to configure both voice and Web to generate a
report. Options in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field get
activated only if the Composite option is selected.
(Optional) Calling number (ANI): Enables you to add the customer phone number used
when calling the VDN (leave blank to consider all data). This option gets disabled when
the Web option is selected in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field.
(Optional) Called number: Customer given phone number to receive callback (leave blank
to consider all data).
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Specify the number of lines that you want to view
per page at a time in the report.
If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this number, the system
displays the results with page numbers. You can view different pages by using the Previous
and Next buttons in the reports.
2. Click Submit.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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Working with Reports
The system displays the pending callback request report for SIP or AACC platform based on
your filtering criteria as follows.
Figure 14 - Pending Callback Requests Report for SIP
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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Working with Reports
The system displays the pending callback request report for CTI platform based on your filtering
criteria as follows.
Figure 15 - Pending Callback Requests Report for CTI
3. (Optional) Perform the following tasks to cancel pending callback requests:
a. On the Report Result - Pending Requests page, click Select All to select all the
pending requests in the page, or select individual pending callback request entries
in the page.
b. Click Cancel Selected to terminate the pending callback request entries you
c. Click OK on the confirmation dialog box to cancel the callback requests you have
The system marks all the selected records as canceled, and does not contact the
caller any further.
If the system is not able to cancel any of the selected callback requests, then the
system displays a page with the following information about these callback
- Callback ID
- Calling Number
- Reason for failure
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Figure 16 - Pending Callback Failed Cancellation Report
The Pending Callback Requests Report includes the following columns:
Timezone: Displays the time zone based on the time zone configured in the Global Settings
Management page in the Callback Assist Web Administration.
Timestamp: Displays the time stamp of the most recent action on the CBA record.
Config Name: Displays the configuration name used for filtering the report.
Registered Site/Registered Zone: Displays the site/zone where the callback request was
registered. The system displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Request Channel Type: Displays the callback request option used for filtering the report.
Callback ID: Displays the key from the database to identify individual callbacks.
Callback GUID: Global unique ID for the Callback request.
Callback Type: Displays the type of the call back.
Status: Displays the current status of the callback request.
Original Accept Time: Displays the server time when a caller accepts a callback offer.
Scheduled Time Slot: (Applicable only for scheduled callbacks) displays the time slot when the
callback is scheduled.
Attempts: Displays the number of attempts CBA has made to reach the caller.
Calling Number: Displays the ANI from the original call.
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Working with Reports
Called Number: Displays the number that is used for the callback. The called number can be
different if the caller provides a different number than the ANI.
EWT: Displays the estimated wait time in seconds of the Agent Queue when the incoming call
arrived or when the web callback request is placed. In following cases the EWT value cannot be
calculated with the current CBA architecture and the value is displayed as 0.
1. Web callback requests in CTI platform
2. Web callback requests in SIP platform when the VDN input parameter is passed.
3. AACC platform
Next Retry Time: Displays the time at which the callback request will be processed by engine.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Canceled Callback Requests Report
1. Go to Reports > Canceled Callbacks.
The system displays the Canceled Callbacks page as follows if the CBA installation has been
done with SIP or AACC platform.
Figure 17 - Canceled Callback Requests Report options form for SIP
The system displays the Canceled Callbacks page as follows if the CBA installation has been done
with CTI platform.
Figure 18 - Canceled Callback Requests Report options form for CTI
2. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Start Date: Implies the initial date to generate the report.
End Date: Implies the final date to complete in the report.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Registered Site/Registered Zone: Displays all the site/zone names (based on the configuration)
being configured in Site Definitions/Zone Definitions. Report can be generated by selecting the
registered zone in the registered zone drop down. The preselected value is “All” for which all
the call details registered in all the zones would be shown in the report. The system displays
this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Callback Configuration: Displays a list of all the callback configurations in the drop-down
menu. You can select All to generate a report on all the callback configurations, or select
specific callback configuration for Customer First or Agent First from the list.
Filter: Refer Filtering Callback Configurations
(Optional) DNIS: Implies the initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number) number, Service
number, or other route for receiving calls. A vector directory number (VDN) is an extension
that directs an incoming call to a specific vector. This number is a "soft" extension number
unassigned to an equipment location. If DNIS is added, only the voice call attempts are
included in the report result regardless of the DNIS to be associated to a composite callback
Callback Requests to Include in the Result: Implies the required callback option from the
available options: Voice, Web, Voice and Web. This option is visible only if the WS API feature
is licensed.
Voice: Enables you to configure voice as an option to generate reports. This option
displays the report of the voice calls only.
Web: Enables you to configure Web as an option to generate reports.
When you select this option, the system disables the DNIS and Called Number fields.
Voice and Web: Enables you to configure both voice and Web to generate a report.
Options in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field get activated only if the
Composite option is selected.
(Optional) Calling number (ANI): Enables you to add the customer phone number used when
calling the VDN (leave blank to consider all data). This option gets disabled when the Web
option is selected in the Callback Requests to include in the Result field.
(Optional) Called number: Customer given phone number to receive callback (leave blank to
consider all data).
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Specify the number of lines that you want to view per
page at a time in the report.
If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this number, the system displays
the results with page numbers. You can view different pages by using the Previous and Next
buttons in the reports.
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February 2017
Working with Reports
3. Click Submit.
The system displays the canceled callback request report for SIP platform based on your filtering
criteria as follows:
Figure 19 - Canceled Callback Requests Report for SIP
The system displays the canceled callback request report for CTI platform based on your filtering criteria
as follows:
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Figure 20 - Canceled Callback Requests Report for CTI
The Canceled Callback Requests Report includes the following columns:
Timezone: Displays the time zone based on the time zone configured in the Global Settings
Management page in the Callback Assist Web Administration.
Original Accept Time: Displays the server date and time when the system created the callback
Config Name: Displays the configuration name of the callback request.
Registered Site/Registered Zone: Displays the site/zone where the callback request was
registered. The system displays this column only in a SIP or AACC platform.
Request Channel Type: Displays the application interface through which the request was placed
(voice interface or Web service interface).
Callback ID: Displays the key from the database to identify individual callback requests.
Callback GUID: Global unique identification number for the callback request.
Callback Type: Displays the type of the callback request (immediate or scheduled).
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February 2017
Working with Reports
Status: Displays the current status of the callback request.
Calling Number: Displays the ANI from the original call.
Called Number: Displays the number that is used for the callback request.
The called number can be different if the caller provides a different number than the ANI.
Canceled On: Displays the date and time on which the callback request is canceled.
Pending Callbacks Summary Report
1. Go to Reports > Pending Callbacks Summary.
The system displays the Pending Callbacks Summary page as follows.
Figure 21 - Pending Callbacks Summary Report Options
2. Specify the following based on your requirements:
Available Configurations: Displays the list of available callback configurations in a list box.
Select a single callback configuration or multiple callback configurations and use the arrow
buttons to move them to the Selected Configurations list box.
Selected Configurations: Displays the list of callback configurations selected and moved by
the user in a list box.
Filter: Use the filter button to filter the callback configurations displayed in the Available
Configurations list box. For more details on filter, refer Filtering Callback Configurations.
Maximum number of Results Per Page: Enables you to enter the number of lines you want
to view per page at a time. If the number of default lines that display per page exceeds this
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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Working with Reports
number, the results are paged. You can view them using Previous and Next buttons that
automatically display when the number of lines exceed one page.
3. Click Submit.
The system displays the Pending Callbacks summary report based on your filtering criteria as
Figure 22 - Pending Callbacks Summary Report
The Pending Callbacks Summary Report includes the following columns:
Time Interval: Displays the time interval in which the callback requests are scheduled to be
delivered. Time Intervals without Pending callbacks are not displayed.
Callback Config ID: Displays the Callback Configuration Id.
Callback Config name: Displays the Callback Configuration name.
Number of Pending Callbacks in Interval: Displays the number of pending callback requests
scheduled to be delivered for the callback configuration in the time interval.
The data in this report is retrieved using getPendingCallbacksSummary API of the Webcallback web
service which returns the data from an internal cache. The data in the cache is recalculated and
updated only on intervals defined on the Global Settings -> Advanced -> Pending Callback Summary
Cache Refresh Interval in seconds parameter. The report can be viewed for a maximum of 5 callback
configurations at a time. Only data for the current day is displayed.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Filtering Callback Configurations
The filter button allows the user to narrow down the values displayed in the callback configurations
drop down. On click it opens the Filter callback Configurations pop up window. When the filter is
applied the button color changes from light to dark blue. When filter is not applied the button color
changes to normal button color.
Figure 23 - Filter Callback Configurations
The Callback Configurations are filtered based on the following parameters. All the values are
optional and the text fields accept partial entries also.
Show Disabled Configurations: When selected, the Callback Configurations which are in
disabled status are also included for filtering.
Show Stopped Configurations: When selected, the Callback Configurations which are in
stopped status are also included for filtering.
Name: The name of the Callback Configuration.
DNIS: Initial VDN (Initial Vector Directory Number), Service Number, or other route for
receiving calls.
Agent Queue: The destination to queue customer calls.
CTI environment: enter a CM VDN number.
SIP environment: The BSR call Center Application name.
Type: The type of callback Configuration. Voice/Web/Composite(Both Voice & Web)
Exporting report data
You can export the data to a CSV-format file by selecting the option Export to CSV in any of the
reports screen. The File Download dialog box displays prompting you to save the file on the desired
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
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Working with Reports
location. Once saved, the file can be edited in a program, such as Microsoft Excel.
The following example shows how to export the daily summary report to csv file.
In order to better understand the dates and times of the exported reports, since CBA v4.1, values
for date and time stamp fields will be displayed taking into account the configured Time Zone in the
Global Settings. Moreover, each of those fields will contain a reference of that configured Time
Zone. For example, a CSV time stamp field would look like 06/01/2012 09:00 PM -03:00, where the
value -03:00 indicates that there is an offset from UTC time zone of minus 3 hours and zero
minutes for the given date and time.
Exporting daily summary report to a CSV file:
On the Report Result –Daily Summary screen, perform the following tasks based on your
1. (Optional) If you want to cancel any of the records individually, clear the checkbox under
Cancel for against the respective report.
2. (Optional) Click Clear All to clear your selection for all the records.
3. (Optional) Click Cancel Selected to cancel the records you have selected.
4. Click Export to CSV.
The system displays the File Download dialog box prompting you to save the file on the
5. Specify the location to save the CSV file and click Save.
The system exports the reports results to a CSV file and saves in the location you have
specified. After saving the file, you can open the file using tools like Microsoft Excel to edit
the data.
The following image shows an example of the CSV output of a Daily Summary Report:
Figure 24 - CSV output of Daily Summary Report
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Working with Reports
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
CSV Reports exported by Maintenance process
The maintenance process will generate CSV files periodically from the following two processes.
Daily Export Process
Data Retention Process
The maintenance process settings are configured from Admin application -> Global Settings menu ->
Maintenance tab.
Figure 23 – Maintenance tab from Global settings
This daily scheduled time is configured on the property "Daily Schedule for Exporting/Purging
Process (hh24:mm) represented in the Global Timezone".
The Data Retention Period is configured on the property "Data Retention Period (days)"
The exporting file path is configured on the property "Exported File Path"
Enabling of Raw Data is configured on the property "Exporting of Raw Data"
Enabling of Summary Data is configured on the property "Exporting of Summary Data"
1. Daily Export Process
This process will run every day on the scheduled time configured. It generates report with one day data
that is previous day. If this process never executed or last successful execution time is null then the
report generates with all the data up to one day before. The default file path is temporary directory of
the files system. If "Exported File Path" is configured then it will store on the specified location. Once the
Daily Export process is done, it will update the last success execution time of Daily Export process on the
The following reports are generated by the Daily Export process.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Raw Data Reports
If "Exporting of Raw Data" is enabled and last successful execution is greater than one day, then
exporting process will generate the following three reports:
1) Daily Incoming Calls
The daily incoming calls report has the information about the incoming calls to the callback assist.
The format of file name is IncomingCallsDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example IncomingCallsDaily.2016-0622.CSV. The captured fields are "row id", "callback id", "ucid", "received time", "ivr extension", "callback
2) Export Daily Callback Requests
The Callback Requests Daily report has the information about the individual callback request.
The format of file name is CallbackRequestsDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example CallbackRequestsDaily.201606-22.CSV. The captured fields are "callback request id", "callback id", "ewt in seconds", "user request
time", "scheduled time", "next retry time", "launch time", "status", "status time", "call retry count", "last
retry time", "ucid", "ani", "dnis", "ivr extension", "uui", "contact number", "channel type", "session id",
"registered site id" OR "registered zone id ", "delivery site id" OR "delivery zone id", "call center id"
3) Export Daily Outgoing Calls
The outgoing calls daily report has the information about a callback attempt for a callback request.
The format of file name is OutgoingCallsDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example OutgoingCallsDaily.2016-0622.CSV. The captured fields are "callback request id", "row id", "call attempt", "launch time",
"completion time", "disposition status", "registered site id", “delivery site id”, "agent answer time",
"customer call initiation time", "customer answer time", "call merge time"
Summary Reports
If "Exporting of Summary Data" is enabled and last successful execution is greater than one day, then
exporting process will generate following two reports:
4) Export Daily Callback Summary Daily
The Callback Daily Summary Daily report has the information about the day wise report of the callbacks
with each row identified by the combination of date, Callback Configuration and Channel type.
The format of file name is CallbackDailySummaryDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example
CallbackDailySummaryDaily.2016-06-22.CSV. The captured fields are "row id", "callback id", "date
interval", "incoming calls", "calls offered a callback", "immediate", "scheduled", "delivered",
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
"terminated", "canceled by agents", "max retries reached", "outstanding", "canceled by customers",
"canceled by application", "callback name", "channel type"
5) Export Daily Callback Summary
The Callback Summary Daily report has the information about the hour (time slot) wise report of the
callbacks with each row identified by the combination of timeslot, Callback Configuration and Channel
The format of file name is CallbackSummaryDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example
CallbackSummaryDaily.2016-06-22.CSV. The captured fields are "row id", "callback id", "hour interval",
"incoming calls", "calls offered a callback", "immediate", "scheduled", "delivered", "terminated",
"canceled by agents", "max retries reached", "outstanding", "canceled by customers", "canceled by
application", "callback name", "channel type"
Canceled Callbacks Report
If last successful execution is greater than one day, then exporting process will generate following one
6) Export Daily Canceled Callbacks
The Canceled Callbacks Daily report has the information about the cancelled callbacks which are having
The format of file name is CanceledCallbacksDaily.<Date>.CSV, for example
CanceledCallbacksDaily.2016-06-22.CSV. The captured fields are "Original Accept Time", "Configuration
Name", "Request Channel Type", "Request Id", "Request Type", "Request Status", "Calling Number",
"Called Number", "Canceled On", "EWT in Seconds"
2. Data Retention Process
The data retention process will run every day on the scheduled time that is configured on the admin
application. Older data than the data retention period that is configured on the admin application will
be removed (ie: the system will keep the data up to the data retention period), and previous to
removal will export this data to CSV files on the configured file path. If export path is not configured or
the export path does not exist in the file system, the data retention process will not generate CSV
reports. This process will use the time zone configured in the Admin application on General tab from the
Global Settings menu. Once the exporting process is done, it will update status of exporting process on
the database.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
The data retention process will generate the following five reports that is the data just removed:
Incoming Calls
Callback Requests
Outgoing Calls
Callback Summary
Callback Daily Summary
Note: the canceled callbacks reports are not generated.
Similarities between Daily Export process and Data Retention
Having same fields on the reports.
Runs daily on the scheduled time.
Difference between Daily Export process and Data Retention
Daily export process
Data retention process
File name ends with suffix Daily and date.
File name ends with only date time.
File name format :
File name format:
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Purged report which is older than the data
retention period.
Previous one day report
Report field data dictionary
Column Name
Automatic Number Identification, callback configuration specific options for
caller ID management.
call attempt
Number of call attempts that the callback engine will perform if it not
succeeds due to an error condition, a busy destination number or a noanswered call.
call retry count
callback id
callback name |
Configuration Name
callback offered
callback request id |
Request Id
Called Number
Calling Number
calls offered a callback
call center id
cancelled by agents
cancelled by application
cancelled by customers
Cancelled On
channel type | Request
Channel Type
completion time
agent answer time
customer call initiation
customer answer time
call merge time
contact number
date interval
Times to retry the merge operation in the case that an agent becomes available
during callback registration.
Displays the configuration id.
Displays the configuration name.
The value can be 0 (callback not offered) or 1 (callback offered).
The key from the database to identify individual callbacks.
Displays the number that is used for the callback. The called number can be
different if the requester has input a different number from ANI.
Displays the ANI from the original call.
Displays the number of calls that are offered a callback.
Displays the call center id which is provided while creating Web Callback
Displays the number of callbacks that have been cancelled by agents during
launch phase.
Displays the number of callback requests cancelled through the Web
administration, from the Pending Request report.
Displays the number of callback requests cancelled by customers
Displays the date and time on which the callback request is cancelled.
Displays the application interface through which the request was placed (voice
interface or Web service interface).
Displays the actual time when the callback is completed.
Time at which agent answered the phantom call.
Time at which the call to customer is initiated.
Time at which the customer answered the call.
Time at which the agent call and customer call are merged.
The user phone number
Callback daily summary report by date interval.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Displays the number of callbacks that are launched and delivered to customer.
Disposition status code of the callback attempt (what was the outcome of the
call to the customer).
Disposition status can be any one of the values listed in section “Call Trace
Status Codes (Call Disposition)” below.
disposition status
ewt in seconds
hour interval
incoming calls
ivr extension
last retry time
launch time
max retries reached
next retry time
Original Accept Time
received time
Request Type
row id
Note: disposition status codes are different from callback request status codes.
VDN that the original call was delivered to (incoming VDN).
EWT value announced to the customer in the Offer App to the callback request.
Displays the time slot.
Displays the number of immediate callback performed
Displays the number of incoming callback performed
IVR extension number
Displays the server time when a caller gets a callback.
Displays the actual time when the callback is launched.
Displays the number of callbacks that are completed due to max retries reached.
Displays the time when the next retry of callback delivery will be attempted
Displays the server time when a caller accepts a callback offer.
Displays the number of callbacks that are not placed at the scheduled time.
The incoming call received time.
Displays the callback type as Scheduled or Immediate.
Displays the unique number to identify the row.
Displays the time slot when the callback was scheduled
(Blank if the requested callback is immediate).
Displays the number of scheduled callback requests performed.
Displays the session id returned from Voice Portal system
Displays the site id where the callback request was registered.
Displays the site id where the callback request was delivered.
Displays the current status time of the callback request.
Displays the current status of the callback request. The status can be any one of
the values listed in the section “Callback Request Status Codes”.
scheduled time
session id
registered site id
delivery site id
status time
status | Request Status
user request time
Note: disposition status codes are different from callback request status codes.
Displays the number of terminated callback performed
Unique call Id
Displays the server time when a caller requests a callback.
User to User Information which is provided by user while registering the
callback request.
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017
Working with Reports
Status Codes
Call Trace Status Codes (Call Disposition)
The following status codes can be seen in Outcome column of the Call Disposition report from the
Admin UI and the disposition status column of the OutgoingCallsDaily.<Date>.CSV report generated by
the Maintenance process. The below table explains the status code and its description.
Status Codes
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
No status was set, at the time of initializing the call trace
Once the customer is contacted, the call trace status
updated as COMPLETED.
When the customer phone was busy and could not be
When customer not answering the call.
Customer could not be contacted because of invalid
destination number.
Notifies the agent that the customer call cannot be
merged or merge timeout event received from CCXML.
Error occurs from agent dialog application or other call
related error received from MPP (ex: connection.failed).
In Customer First Priority Queuing: Error while fetching the
callback request from DB.
When agent drops the call.
When customer call connected and answering machine
was detected when call classification enabled.
When customer call connected and fax machine was
detected when call classification enabled.
When customer dropped the call while being contacted by
the agent.
Customer call was dropped because of some error event
received from MPP.
When dynamic routing configured, while connecting the
dynamic routing web service it times out.
While connecting the customer, MPP receives
“noresource” event from session manager.
In Customer First:
When a callback request is rescheduled by a customer;
When customer call connected and no input was detected
by the delivery dialog application and max attempt limit is
not reached.
When customer cancels the call back request in SIP
Customer First strategies.
In SIP Customer First:
February 2017
Working with Reports
Once the customer answers the call back request, and If
there's no response (inputs) from customer and max
attempt limit is reached, this callback request will be
marked as NO_INPUT_FROM_CUSTOMER, and the
corresponding “Callback Request Status” code is changed
Callback Request Status Codes
The following status codes can be seen in Status column of the Pending Callback Requests report from
the Admin UI and the status field of the CallbackRequestsDaily.<Date>.CSV report generated by the
Maintenance process. The below table explains the status code and its description.
Status Codes
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
No status was set, at the time of initializing the call
back request object.
When the call back request is created from either
voice or web channel.
When a call back request is waiting on queue for an
In Agent First, after agent answers the call and
connected with an Agent Dialog Application.
In Agent First, before merging the agent and
customer calls (at the time of calling customer).
In Customer First, when engine places a phantom
call on AAEP.
In Agent First, after merging the agent and customer
In Customer First, when customer answers the call
and accepts the call back request.
Marks the request status as DELIVERED.
When engine trying to launch a call back request by
placing a phantom call on AAEP, but it could not be
completed due to lack of CBA ports, exception when
calling AAEP outbound web service, etc.,
When could not connect the customer.
When all the attempts of the call back request were
tried and this request could not be tried further.
When agent cancels the pending call back request
and this request could not be tried further.
Call back request was completed due to invalid
destination number and this request could not be
tried further.
When agent drops the call.
February 2017
Working with Reports
When engine launches a phantom call on AAEP
(INITIATING) and it is not processed due to some
issues in MPP; Engine will recover these callback
requests after Callback Engine Error Retry Interval
(seconds) time elapsed and change the status to
RECOVERING for further processing.
When customer cannot be contacted because he is
When customer cannot be contacted because he is
not answering.
When a scheduled request is reserved (before
When a reserved scheduled request is terminated
When customer cancels the pending call back
request and this request will not be tried further.
When customer dropped the call while being
contacted by the agent
When the call back request cancelled by the
Call Trace Status vs. Callback Request Status Codes
This table maps the Call track status codes and its corresponding Callback Request Status codes.
Call Trace Status Codes
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
Callback Request Status Codes
If retryOnSit enabled: COMPLETION_FAILED(6)
Otherwise: TERMINATED(9)
February 2017
Working with Reports
Avaya Callback Assist reporting guide
February 2017