AI Interference in Digital Architecture The traditional working style of architects was eased by the introduction of Computer Aided Design software. While the new way of architect's work incorporating digital software were being contemplated for the past decade, the emergence of artificial intelligence in the field of design seems like a technological evolution in architecture, but on the contrary, it can prove to have detrimental effects on the thinking process of architects. freehand sketch process. (source: The impact of digital architecture on freehand sketches through design process by Ehab Nasr Elden Ahamed Mohamed) Digital models for use in architectural design process. (source: The impact of digital architecture on freehand sketches through design process by Ehab Nasr Elden Ahamed Mohamed) The Incorporation of CAD software in the working process made a huge impact on the way of producing design. Architects are given the ability to explore and manipulate their thought processes in order to achieve the desired outcome. Whereas the introduction of AI into the work culture pretends to be beneficial in terms of yielding a better design output, basically it has changed our way of thinking. For a while now, Designers have been playing with machine thinking, and the complex physical forms they have been creating already express an aesthetic result with just a string of word commands with no design thoughts involved. Pictures depicting the design process through AI. (source: YouTube channel - Stephen Coorla) As seen in the pictures above, a simple design render can be made into a masterpiece with a few repeated iterations and AI guidance, All of this done with an architect's mere effort. Therefore, despite making the design process simpler, in the long run it may be a threat to an architect's thought process. AI Interference in Digital Architecture