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Hadith Excerpts: Sincerity, Brotherhood, and Faith

Hadis 1
'Religion is sincerity.’ We said: 'To whom? ‘The Prophet [pbuh] said: 'To Allah, his book, his
messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people’.
a) This hadis embraces all aspects of faith. Sincerity to Allah and His messenger means that one’s heart
should be cleansed from all impurities with regard to belief in Allah and the knowledge of his book must
be spread and acquired as well as carried out faithfully. Holy Prophet [pbuh] must be loved with perfect
sincerity of heart and should be obeyed and followed in all affairs of life. The leaders of rulers of
Muslims must be provided with full support and co-operation but if they get detracted, they should be
rightly advised. Then, fellow beings must be honored and their rights should be uplifted and every
possible service must be extended to them.
b) Muslims must show sincerity to Allah by submitting their will to the will of Allah. they must acquire
the knowledge of Holy Quran and spread it out in the society wherever possible. Similarly, the Sunnah of
the Prophet [pbuh] must be sincerely practiced and considered as a guideline next to the Holy Quran.
Full support must be extended towards the leaders of the Muslims in such a way that they must feel
comfortable in ruling the state. The Holy Prophet said: ''Who so obeys my commander, obeys me and
whoso disobeys the commander disobeys me.'' The same goes to the common people, any possible
service or help possible should be extended towards them and their dignity should be preserved.
Hadis 2
None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.
a)This hadis emphasizes fraternity and brotherhood. Muslim brotherhood has been established by Allah
Himself and therefore, it is binding upon all Muslims to be cooperative and kind to each other. The life
of a Muslim revolves around the pillars of faith and cannot acquire perfection unless there is mutual
love and co-operation among the believers. The words ' none of you believes ' do not imply a negation
of faith. Rather, they suggest an imperfection of faith.
b) if Muslims want to attain the true state of faith ,it is essential for them to be free from selfishness.
They should be genuinely interested in the welfare of the welfare of their brothers and desire for them
all the good things, advantages and benefits they desire for themselves and dislike for them all the
conditions and circumstances they do not like for themselves. Holy Prophet [pbuh] said about superior
faith: '' That you desire for others what you desire for yourself and do not desire for others what you do
not desire for yourself.''
Hadis 3
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent,and Let him
who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour,and let him who believes
in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.
a) The messenger of Allah, in his saying, has laid down certain cardinal disciplines for a true believer.
Unless belief expresses itself practically, it remains but a pretension. Teachings of the Holy Prophet pbuh
aim at inculcating and developing the feelings of generosity and kindness in our day to day interaction
with others. True belief is associated with kindness in attitude. According to several other sayings of the
Holy Prophet, demonstration of true belief has to be practiced through action.
b) A faithful believer ought to be a source of comfort to his neighbours and should project generosity
and hospitality towards all human beings giving preference to other Muslim brethren. The Quran
commands its followers to be kind and polite in speech.
“And speak kindly to mankind” (2:83)
Neighbors and guest are important components of the Muslim society and showing them generosity
would strengthen the bonds of love and fraternity. Allah enjoins upon us in surah al-Ma’un, certain
duties signifying the importance of being good to neighbors.
Hadis 4
A man asked the messenger of Allah [pbuh] :Do you think that if i perform obligatory prayers,
fast in Ramadan ,treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is
forbidden and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.
a) Amongst the five pillars upon which Islam stands, after Shahadah, The two mentioned above are
those which are obligatory for each and every Muslim. This hadith highlights the principles upon which is
based eligibility for Paradise. We believe that without the establishment of Salah and observance of the
Sawn, it is impossible to avoid Hellfire. Another thing that is mentioned is the adherence to the Halal
and avoiding the Haram. If Islamic teachings are followed, i.e. only the lawful is acted upon and the
prohibited is shunned, the path to Jannah becomes clear and sure.
b) Salat and Sawm both aim at promoting self-discipline and complete submission to Allah’s command.
The Quran elaborates the objective of fasting in these words:
“O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed to you so that you may learn self restraint” (2:183)
A Muslim is not merely ordered to pray individually, but to ‘establish’ prayer, meaning to bond
collectively with the community through the daily prayers and also through celebrating Ramadan. These
together, prepare the believers to observe patience, perseverance and avoid Haram so as to achieve the
objectives. Thus such a conduct in life would pave the way to Paradise.
Hadis 5
Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly
between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting
up his belongings onto it is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing
a harmful thing from the road is a charity.
a) Sadqa means any act of kindness towards fellow humans for the sake of achieving Allah’s pleasure. All
good deeds are charity and shall be rewarded by Allah. The Holy Prophet is stressing here that every one
of us must perform good deeds each day. As in the examples given by the Holy Prophet, all joints and
organs of the body working for goodness perform acts of charity;
b) This hadith emphasizes that a Muslim must spend each day of his or her life doing acts of kindness.
Charity, help and assistance in any form make the linchpin of the Islamic teachings. Such acts assume
the status of “Sadqah”.The criterion of faith and the sign of a true believer is that he should try to do as
much good as he can for his fellow beings. the Holy Prophet said that, '' Even a smile is a charity ''