TFIN52 Financial Accounting II, Part A mySAP ERP Financials Date Training Center Instructors Education Website Participant Handbook Course Version: 2006/Q2 Course Duration: 10 Days Material Number: 50080318 An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work Copyright Copyright © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. 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All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED BY SAP ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND SAP EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR APPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THESE MATERIALS AND THE SERVICE, INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS, LINKS, OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINED HEREIN. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAP BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS OR INCLUDED SOFTWARE COMPONENTS. About This Handbook This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study. Typographic Conventions American English is the standard used in this handbook. The following typographic conventions are also used. Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths, and options. Also used for cross-references to other documentation both internal (in this documentation) and external (in other locations, such as SAPNet). 2006/Q2 Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics, and tables EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, and passages of the source text of a program. Example text Exact user entry. These are words and characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. iii About This Handbook TFIN52 Icons in Body Text The following icons are used in this handbook. Icon Meaning For more information, tips, or background Note or further explanation of previous point Exception or caution Procedures Indicates that the item is displayed in the instructor's presentation. iv © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Contents Course Overview ......................................................... vii Course Goals ...........................................................vii Course Objectives .....................................................vii Unit 1: Organizational Structures ...................................... 1 Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation .........................................................2 Cost Accounting Assignment........................................ 13 Introduction to Asset Classes ....................................... 16 Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values ............................ 19 Unit 2: Master Data ...................................................... 29 Functions of the Asset Class ........................................ 30 Asset Master Records................................................ 54 Mass Changes ........................................................ 71 Unit 3: Asset Transactions ............................................ 75 Asset Acquisition...................................................... 76 Asset Retirement.....................................................107 Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer...................... 117 Assets under Construction (AuC) ..................................135 Unplanned Depreciation ............................................145 Unit 4: Periodic Processing .......................................... 151 Depreciation ..........................................................152 Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing .......................183 Unit 5: Information System ........................................... 195 Report Selection .....................................................196 Value Simulation .....................................................207 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions .................................... 221 Basics of Validations/Substitutions ................................222 Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting ........................................................231 Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting ........................................................246 Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations ................................................................258 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. v Contents TFIN52 Appendix 1: Appendix Appendix 2: Menu Paths .............................................. 275 ........................................... 279 Glossary................................................................... 283 Index ....................................................................... 295 vi © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Course Overview TFIN52, Part A will discuss the configuration and application of Asset Accounting (FI-AA). The course concludes with validation and substitution in Financial Accounting. Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: • Solution consultants responsible for the implementation of Financial Accounting with mySAP ERP Financials Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge • • • Accounting knowledge TFIN50, Financial Accounting I SM001, Solution Manager Overview Course Goals This course will prepare you to: • • • Configure and apply FI-AA Understand the integration between FI-AA and accounting Identify possible uses of validation and substitution Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • Configure Asset Accounting Use Asset Accounting Apply validation and substitutions to financial accounting SAP Software Component Information The information in this course pertains to the following SAP Software Components and releases: 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. vii Course Overview viii TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 1 Organizational Structures Unit Overview The Organizational Structures unit provides participants with an overview of how FI-AA is embedded in external and internal accounting structures. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • Define a chart of depreciation Assign a chart of accounts and a chart of depreciation to a company code Describe how Asset Accounting is integrated with Cost Accounting Name asset classes Assign asset classes to assets Define which depreciation areas post their values to the general ledger Unit Contents Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation ........................................................................2 Exercise 1: Assignment: Company Code / Chart of Accounts / Chart of Depreciation ....................................................................7 Lesson: Cost Accounting Assignment ........................................ 13 Lesson: Introduction to Asset Classes ........................................ 16 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values ............................. 19 Exercise 2: Depreciation Areas............................................ 23 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 1 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Lesson Overview This lesson will teach you about company codes, charts of accounts, and charts of depreciation. You will learn the definition of a chart of depreciation, and how to assign a chart of accounts and a chart of depreciation to a company code. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Define a chart of depreciation Assign a chart of accounts and a chart of depreciation to a company code Business Example The Consulting department has proposed an organizational structure for your corporate group. The FI-AA project team meets to discuss proposals. Figure 1: Client / Company Code The client is the highest level in the SAP system hierarchy. It also denotes the specific logical system you are working on. Specifications that you make on this level apply to all company codes. 2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Each company code is an independent accounting unit. The legally required balance sheet and profit and loss statement are created at this level. Each business area is to be regarded as a financially separate unit for which an internal balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be created. Figure 2: Chart of Accounts / Chart of Depreciation All general ledger accounts are defined in the chart of accounts. Asset Accounting (FI-AA) works with the chart of accounts assigned to the company code in Financial Accounting (FI). You can modify the chart of accounts to fit your requirements (for example, global, industry-specific, or country-specific). The chart of depreciation is always country-specific. SAP provides model charts of depreciation for many countries. These contain predefined depreciation areas, but you can also define your own chart of depreciation (by copying and changing). Each depreciation area represents a specific type of valuation (for example, book depreciation or tax depreciation). You can also define your own depreciation areas in the chart of depreciation. Each company code uses one chart of accounts and one chart of depreciation. All or several company codes can work with the same chart of accounts and the same chart of depreciation. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 3 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Figure 3: Depreciation Areas The depreciation areas are defined with a two-digit numeric key. The numeric keys represent depreciation terms that you can enter in the asset master record or in the asset classes. Values and depreciation are posted to the general ledger. Depreciation area 01 is the leading depreciation area. Values and depreciation are posted to the general ledger. Other depreciation areas may show: • • • • • Country-specific valuation (for example, net-worth tax, state calculation), Values or depreciation that differ from area 01 (for cost-accounting reasons, for example) Consolidated versions in company code or group currency Book depreciation in group currency Difference between book and country-specific tax-based depreciation Different depreciation areas can have the same values and depreciation terms, but can be displayed in different currencies (for example, areas 01 and 32 or areas 30 and 31). You have to specify which depreciation types and special valuations (such as interest) are allowed in your depreciation areas. The standard depreciation areas already have the necessary settings. 4 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Figure 4: Depreciation Areas Asset portfolios and transactions are often valued differently for different purposes, for example, different valuation approaches may be used for: • • • • Financial statements according to local requirements Balance sheets for tax purposes (insofar as another valuation is permitted) Internal accounting (cost accounting) Parallel financial reporting, for example, for creating a consolidated balance sheet (according to IAS, US GAAP, and so on) Depreciation areas are created in SAP R/3 to manage these different valuation approaches. There are separate transaction figures for: • • 2006/Q2 Each asset and depreciation area Individual value components, such as asset values, depreciation, and net book values © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 5 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Figure 5: Asset Accounting Company Code The company codes must be set up in Financial Accounting first. You then assign the chart of depreciation to the company code. The data required for asset accounting is added to the company code. Afterwards, the company code is available for use in asset accounting. Assign the chart of depreciation to the company code. The necessary data for asset accounting is added to the company code. The company code is now available for use by Asset Accounting. 6 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Exercise 1: Assignment: Company Code / Chart of Accounts / Chart of Depreciation Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Find the country-specific sample charts of accounts in the Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) • Define a chart of depreciation • Prepare a company code for FI-AA use Business Example The Consulting department has proposed an organizational structure for your corporate group. The FI-AA project team meets discuss proposals. Task 1: First, you will need a chart of depreciation. This is required before you can maintain any other settings in Asset Accounting relating to the different valuation approaches (for example, book depreciation, tax depreciation, cost accounting depreciation, group depreciation). 1. Basics: Menu path to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. Create a chart of depreciation named AA## (## = your group number) by copying a country-specific reference chart of depreciation. Up to and including SAP R/3 Enterprise, copy the reference chart of depreciation 1XY (XY stands for your country-specific sample chart of depreciation, that is,1DE in Germany or 1US in the United States, for example). 2. Change the description of the chart of depreciation AA## that you just created to, for example, Chart of Depreciation Group ##. 3. In your chart of depreciation AA##, delete the depreciation areas that you do not require (in the course). If you are not sure which depreciation areas you can/should delete, please ask your instructor. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 7 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Task 2: Assign your chart of depreciation to a company code. 1. Before you can actually work with your chart of depreciation, AA##, in the application, you must assign it to at least one company code. For this assignment, please use your company code AA## (## again corresponds to your group number). Task 3: Answer the following question. 1. 8 Optional: When looking at the above table, you may find FI company codes that have not been assigned a chart of depreciation. What could be the reason for this? © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Solution 1: Assignment: Company Code / Chart of Accounts / Chart of Depreciation Task 1: First, you will need a chart of depreciation. This is required before you can maintain any other settings in Asset Accounting relating to the different valuation approaches (for example, book depreciation, tax depreciation, cost accounting depreciation, group depreciation). 1. Basics: Menu path to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. Create a chart of depreciation named AA## (## = your group number) by copying a country-specific reference chart of depreciation. Up to and including SAP R/3 Enterprise, copy the reference chart of depreciation 1XY (XY stands for your country-specific sample chart of depreciation, that is,1DE in Germany or 1US in the United States, for example). a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures → Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Area. The Choose Activity dialog box appears. Choose Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation. On the Organizational object Chart of depreciation screen, choose Organizational object → Copy org. object. In the Copy dialog box, enter the following data and confirm your entries: Field name/data type Values From Chart of dep. 1XY (XY stands for your country-specific sample chart of depreciation, that is, 1DE in Germany or 1US in the United States, for example) To Chart of dep. AA## (## stands for your group number) Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 9 Unit 1: Organizational Structures 2. TFIN52 Change the description of the chart of depreciation AA## that you just created to, for example, Chart of Depreciation Group ##. a) Change the description of the chart of depreciation AA## that you just created to, for example, Chart of Depreciation Group ##. After you have saved your chart of depreciation, go back to the Choose Activity dialog box. Choose Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation. Look for the row containing your chart of depreciation, AA##, and enter the following data: Field name/data type Values Description column for chart of depreciation AA## From Chart of Depreciation Chart of Depreciation Group ## Save your entry. 3. In your chart of depreciation AA##, delete the depreciation areas that you do not require (in the course). If you are not sure which depreciation areas you can/should delete, please ask your instructor. a) After you have saved your data, go back to the Choose Activity dialog box. Choose Copy/Delete Depreciation Areas. The Chart of Depreciation Selection dialog box appears. Enter your chart of depreciation, AA##, and confirm your entry. Select depreciation areas 10, 41 and 51 on the same screen, choose Edit → Delete. Save, and confirm the dialog boxes that are displayed. Continued on next page 10 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assignment: Company Code – Chart of Accounts – Chart of Depreciation Task 2: Assign your chart of depreciation to a company code. 1. Before you can actually work with your chart of depreciation, AA##, in the application, you must assign it to at least one company code. For this assignment, please use your company code AA## (## again corresponds to your group number). a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures → Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code. In the table that is displayed, find your company code, AA##, and enter the following data in the Chart of Depreciation column: Field name/data type Values Chrt dep. AA## Choose Save. Task 3: Answer the following question. 1. Optional: When looking at the above table, you may find FI company codes that have not been assigned a chart of depreciation. What could be the reason for this? a) 2006/Q2 Company codes that are not assigned a chart of depreciation cannot work with the Asset Accounting component. Because of their size, these company codes may not need Asset Accounting as a separate subsidiary ledger; you may perform Asset Accounting for them in an external system. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 11 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define a chart of depreciation • Assign a chart of accounts and a chart of depreciation to a company code 12 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Cost Accounting Assignment Lesson: Cost Accounting Assignment Lesson Overview Assignment of objects in costs accounting to a fixed asset. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Describe how Asset Accounting is integrated with Cost Accounting Business Example Although your focus is on Asset Accounting, you need to discuss the entire accounting view to understand the integration between the applications. Figure 6: Cost Accounting Assignment In the master record, you can assign the following (original) Cost Accounting objects to an asset: • • • 2006/Q2 Cost center (Internal) order (real or statistical) Activity type © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 13 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 These objects are assigned to a controlling area which can include one or more company codes. You may: • • • Focus planning measures Monitor the implementation of these measures Calculate and settle the costs incurred as a result of these measures. Not only CO objects but also objects from other applications can be assigned in the asset master record, for example: WBS elements, Real Estate objects, PSM objects, maintenance orders. You can post depreciation from each depreciation area in Cost Accounting. In doing so, the (costing-based) depreciation can be posted to: • • • • • • • a cost center a (real) order a cost center and a statistical order. a WBS element a cost center and a statistical WBS element a Real Estate object objects from PSM (Public Sector Management) It is impossible to assign an asset to two cost centers. Instead, you can assign the asset to a (real) order that will then be settled to the respective cost centers. In this way, you can summarize the costs of your project (the asset being part of it). 14 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Cost Accounting Assignment Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe how Asset Accounting is integrated with Cost Accounting 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 15 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Lesson: Introduction to Asset Classes Lesson Overview The asset class is the main criterion for classifying assets. In this lesson, you will learn to name asset classes and assign them to assets. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Name asset classes Assign asset classes to assets Business Example You are asked to classify the fixed assets in your enterprise and create an asset class catalog. Figure 7: Client - Asset Class Fixed assets are classified into asset classes. Some examples of asset classes could be vehicles, furniture, or machines. The asset class consists of a master data section and a depreciation area section. Asset classes are created at client level. They are then assigned to at least one chart of depreciation, so you can complete the asset class with default values for your depreciation areas. 16 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Introduction to Asset Classes You can suppress individual depreciation areas in each asset class. For example, you could suppress investment support areas that are only applicable to certain classes. For each depreciation area, you can propose the depreciation attributes for the assets, you can choose that they be specified by the system. If you propose the depreciation attributes, they can be overwritten if necessary. If the depreciation attributes are specified by the system, they are not changeable. Several charts of depreciation can also be assigned to an asset class. This ensures that the asset class catalog is uniform, despite using different depreciation areas. Figure 8: Asset Class and Asset Master Record The asset class is the main criterion for classifying assets. Each asset is assigned to only one asset class. You can specify certain control parameters and default values for depreciation calculation and other master data in each asset class. Assets that are to appear in different places/balance sheet items (for example, buildings and machines) have to be assigned to different asset classes. There is also at least one special asset class each for assets under construction and low value assets. In IDES, these asset classes are: • • 4000 for assets under construction 5000 for low value assets You can also create separate asset classes for intangible assets and leased assets. There are separate functions available for leasing. The Plant Maintenance (PM) component is used for the technical management of assets. The Treasury (TR) component is used to manage financial assets. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Name asset classes • Assign asset classes to assets 18 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss the depreciation areas in the chart of depreciation and the posting of their values to the general ledger. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Define which depreciation areas post their values to the general ledger Business Example Assets are to be valuated from a wide variety of business and legal perspectives. Figure 9: Chart of Depreciation You value your fixed assets for various business and legal purposes (for example, book depreciation, tax depreciation, cost-accounting depreciation, and so on). With FI-AA, you can manage different values of fixed assets in depreciation areas. The chart of depreciation is a catalog of country-specific depreciation areas structured according to various business aspects. You can specify the attributes of each individual depreciation area. SAP supplies charts of depreciation as references that are based on the requirements of each country. These are supplied for your reference only. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 19 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 You can create a new chart of depreciation by copying one of the reference charts of depreciation. In your chart of depreciation, you can delete the depreciation areas you do not need. This must be done before any assets are created. You assign your chart of depreciation to your company code. It is also possible to open depreciation areas after the production start of the system. Figure 10: Define Posting to General Ledger Determine whether and how the values from the depreciation areas are posted in the general ledger. You have the following options: • • • • Do not post any values Post asset values online, depreciations periodically Post asset values and depreciations periodically Only post depreciations periodically The system dictates that depreciation area 01 posts APC values to the general ledger online in real time. Normally, you use depreciation area 01 to manage book depreciation. Using the option for periodic posting of APC values to the general ledger, you can post values from other depreciation areas to FI. Depreciation is always posted on a periodic basis. Other depreciation areas can receive their values from depreciation area 01, but calculate and post different depreciation values to the general ledger. 20 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values You can also define depreciation areas for reporting purposes only, which do not post any values to the general ledger (for example a depreciation area for a tax balance sheet). For further information, refer to the Periodic Processing unit. Figure 11: Depreciation Areas and the Balance Sheet You can post both the asset balance sheet values and the depreciation values from the individual depreciation areas to separate balance sheet accounts or income statement accounts in the general ledger. You can define any number of financial statement versions per chart of accounts in FI (general ledger). For each balance sheet account and income statement account, you specify in the financial statement version the balance sheet item or income statement item in which the account values should appear. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, you enter the financial statement versions to be used for those depreciation areas for which financial statements are to be created. During year-end closing, this guarantees consistency between the line items in the asset balance sheet accounts in the balance sheet, and the sequence of the individual assets in the asset history sheet. If you use different financial statement versions, you have to post more than one depreciation area to the general ledger. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 21 Unit 1: Organizational Structures 22 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. TFIN52 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values Exercise 2: Depreciation Areas Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain asset values in various depreciation areas Business Example Consulting has proposed an organizational structure for your corporate group. The FI-AA project team meets to discuss proposals about the type and number of depreciation areas. Task 1: Optional: Ensure that the asset values in depreciation areas 31 and 32 of our depreciation plan are displayed in U.S. dollars. 1. Define that the asset values in depreciation areas 31 and 32 (depreciation areas that report in group currency) of your depreciation plan, AA##, are displayed in the U.S. dollars (USD). Task 2: Check how the depreciation areas of your chart of depreciation post to the general ledger. 1. Depreciation areas do not always post their values (asset values and depreciations) to the general ledger. Check how the depreciation areas of your chart of depreciation, AA##, post to the general ledger. Which depreciation area posts all asset values to the general ledger in real time? Which depreciation area only posts depreciation? Which depreciation area is reserved for reporting purposes only? Please do not change these entries. Task 3: Optional:Enter a financial statement structure for the depreciation areas for which a balance sheet is to be created. 1. In order to set up your company code, AA##, further, you should enter a financial statement structure at least for the depreciation areas for which a balance sheet is to be created (in training course AC305, this is initially only depreciation area 01 [book depreciation]). As a result, when the asset history sheet is later called, the assets are displayed in the sequence of general ledger accounts in the specified financial statement structure. You can use financial statement structure “INT.” Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 23 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Task 4: Optional: True or false? 1. The chart of depreciation is defined at client level. Determine whether this statement is true or false. □ □ 2. True False The sample chart of accounts provided by SAP cannot be adapted to meet your own requirements. Determine whether this statement is true or false. □ □ 3. True False Various company codes can be assigned to the chart of depreciation. Determine whether this statement is true or false. □ □ 24 True False © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values Solution 2: Depreciation Areas Task 1: Optional: Ensure that the asset values in depreciation areas 31 and 32 of our depreciation plan are displayed in U.S. dollars. 1. Define that the asset values in depreciation areas 31 and 32 (depreciation areas that report in group currency) of your depreciation plan, AA##, are displayed in the U.S. dollars (USD). a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Valuation → Currencies → Define Depreciation Areas for Foreign Currencies. In the table, select your company code, AA##, and choose Depreciation area currency in the dialog structure. For depreciation areas 31 and 32, replace the displayed currency with USD. Save. Task 2: Check how the depreciation areas of your chart of depreciation post to the general ledger. 1. Depreciation areas do not always post their values (asset values and depreciations) to the general ledger. Check how the depreciation areas of your chart of depreciation, AA##, post to the general ledger. Which depreciation area posts all asset values to the general ledger in real time? Which depreciation area only posts depreciation? Which depreciation area is reserved for reporting purposes only? Please do not change these entries. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger. Area posting in real time: 01 Area posting depreciation only: 20 Areas with a reporting function: 02, 15, 30, 31, 32 Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 25 Unit 1: Organizational Structures TFIN52 Task 3: Optional:Enter a financial statement structure for the depreciation areas for which a balance sheet is to be created. 1. In order to set up your company code, AA##, further, you should enter a financial statement structure at least for the depreciation areas for which a balance sheet is to be created (in training course AC305, this is initially only depreciation area 01 [book depreciation]). As a result, when the asset history sheet is later called, the assets are displayed in the sequence of general ledger accounts in the specified financial statement structure. You can use financial statement structure “INT.” a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports. In the table, select your company code, AA##, and choose Assign financial statement version in the dialog structure. Enter INT for depreciation area 01. The entries in the other depreciation areas can be deleted. Save. Task 4: Optional: True or false? 1. The chart of depreciation is defined at client level. Answer: True 2. The sample chart of accounts provided by SAP cannot be adapted to meet your own requirements. Answer: False 3. Various company codes can be assigned to the chart of depreciation. Answer: True 26 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Areas / Posting of Values Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define which depreciation areas post their values to the general ledger 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 27 Unit Summary TFIN52 Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Define a chart of depreciation • Assign a chart of accounts and a chart of depreciation to a company code • Describe how Asset Accounting is integrated with Cost Accounting • Name asset classes • Assign asset classes to assets • Define which depreciation areas post their values to the general ledger 28 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 2 Master Data Unit Overview This unit will provide you with detailed information on the functions and control mechanisms of the asset classes. Creating and changing master data is demonstrated you will have the chance to practice these functions. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • Structure assets by creating asset classes Create and change master data in Asset Accounting Process mass changes using a worklist Unit Contents Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class......................................... 30 Exercise 3: Functions of the Asset Class ................................ 41 Lesson: Asset Master Records ................................................ 54 Exercise 4: Asset Master Records ........................................ 61 Lesson: Mass Changes ......................................................... 71 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 29 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Lesson Overview This lesson will provide you with more detailed information on how the asset classes work and how they can be controlled. You will learn to structure assets by creating asset classes. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Structure assets by creating asset classes Business Example Consulting has proposed a catalog for the asset classes in your corporate group. The FI-AA project team meets to discuss proposals and test the possible effects with regard to functions. Asset classes are used as a template for the asset master records that are created later. It is therefore necessary to decide which default values are to be stored in the asset classes to ensure the uniformity of the assets. Figure 12: Functions of the Asset Class Asset classes are the most important means of structuring fixed assets according to the requirements of your enterprise. The asset class definitions apply to all company codes in a client. 30 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class An asset class consists of two main sections: • • A master data section with control data and default values for the administrative data in the asset master record A valuation section with control parameters and default values for valuation and depreciation terms When you create asset master records, this data is automatically adopted from the asset class you specify. By entering useful default values, you can reduce the time and effort needed to create new asset master records. This will also ensure that the records in a given class are handled uniformly. It is recommended that you define as many asset classes as you have assets with different types of valuation. The asset class is a selection criterion in all standard reports in FI-AA. Before creating asset classes you should design your asset class catalog and ensure that the relevant G/L accounts exist in FI. Figure 13: Asset Class: Account Allocation An essential function of the asset class is to establish a link between the asset master records and the accounts to which the related values and depreciation are posted in the general ledger. You use account determination (also known as account allocation) to control this. The account determination key can be identical to the account number of the asset balance sheet account in the general ledger (for a small asset class catalog). If you have several similar asset classes, you can use different account determination keys for them, although their values are all updated to a single balance sheet account. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 31 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Several asset classes can use the same account determination key if they use the same chart of accounts and post to the same G/L accounts. If you use different charts of accounts, however, you need only one account determination key to post asset values of all asset classes to different accounts in the different charts of accounts. Figure 14: Assigning G/L Accounts To define acquisition/retirement accounts, you enter the necessary G/L accounts for acquisition, retirement, balance sheet revaluation, and cost amounts that are not capitalized (cost element and account for nonoperating expense or capitalization differences). For those depreciation areas that post depreciation to the general ledger, you can assign the following G/L accounts: 32 • Ordinary depreciation: • – Accumulated depreciation account 021010 – Expense account 211100 – Revenue from write-up 253000 Unplanned depreciation: • – Accumulated depreciation account 021010 – Expense account 211200 – Revenue from write-up 253000 Revaluation of depreciation, interest (in cost-accounting area) if needed. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Figure 15: Number Range Intervals The number range controls the assignment of the number of the asset master record. You define number assignment as either internal or external. When internal number assignment is used, the system automatically assigns the next available number in the numerical sequence in the defined number range interval. When external number assignment is used, the number is assigned by the user or by another system. You can assign each company code its own number range, or company codes can share number ranges. Figure 16: Screen Layout of Asset Master Data The screen layout specifies which input fields are displayed in the asset master record, and if they are required entry or optional fields. This allows you to reduce the number of master data fields to those that are specifically needed for the given asset class, and to ensure that certain important control information is entered. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 33 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 In addition to the information on the fields (required entry, optional entry, display, suppress), the screen layout specifies the maintenance level of master data fields. It also determines whether they are allowed to be used as a reference (for copying). • • The maintenance level specifies the master data level at which each field can be maintained. Possible maintenance levels are: – Asset class – Main asset number – Subnumber The reference indicator controls which field contents of an asset area can be copied when that asset is used as a reference for creating a new asset master record. Figure 17: Activate Account Assignment Objects From SAP R/3 Enterprise, you must activate account assignment objects before they can be maintained in the master data. • In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Activate Account Assignment Objects. You can post (cost-accounting) depreciation to account assignment objects, or you can use them for APC (acquisition and production costs) postings, such as direct capitalization as part of an investment measure (when the IM component is also in use) or for (statistical) budget monitoring for asset purchases. 34 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class The number of account assignment objects was increased in SAP R/3 Enterprise. Now you can post (cost-accounting) depreciation to the following objects: • • • • • Cost center (as before) CO internal order (as before) WBS element Real estate object (building or property) Various objects from the PSM (Public Sector Management) component, such as funds center, fund, or grant Figure 18: Tab Pages As of in SAP R/3 4.5A, tab pages are used to represent asset master data in the system. The data that was previously found on various asset master data views is now distributed over several tabs pages. You can specify a layout for the master data of each asset class. The layout defines: • • • The number of tab pages The names of the tab pages The field groups (frames such as General Data or Posting Information as shown in figure 19) that appear on the tab pages Using this layout, you can define the layout of the asset master record that best suits your needs. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 35 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Figure 19: Screen layout, asset depreciation areas In each asset class, you enter a screen layout rule for each depreciation area. This rule applies to the valuation fields in the depreciation area. SAP supplies screen layout rules 1000 and 2000 in the standard system. These screen layout rules also contain a maintenance level. The maintenance level guarantees that depreciation is controlled uniformly. There are three options: 1. Asset class This maintenance level ensures uniform control of valuation at asset class level. The entries made in the asset class are passed on to the asset master record. They cannot be overwritten. 2. Main asset number The control of valuation is uniform at the level of the asset master record. The entries made in the asset class are adopted in the asset master record, and can be changed there. All asset subnumbers that belong to this asset master record adopt these values from the main number. These subnumber values cannot be changed. 3. Asset subnumber Valuation can be controlled more flexibly. Asset subnumbers can have their own individual depreciation terms. 36 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Figure 20: Additional Functions for Asset Classes Copying asset classes from reference: You can create new asset classes by copying existing asset classes. This option is much quicker than generating asset classes from G/L accounts. It also allows you to define the default values (particularly the depreciation terms) more exactly and more comprehensively. Defining allowed entries for standardized user fields: • • • Evaluation groups: These are asset master data fields for which the user can specify use and meaning. Environmental protection indicator: Here you can enter a measure taken to comply with environmental protection laws. Reason for investment: In this master record field, you can enter a reason for the investment. You can use these fields as selection criteria in reporting (choose Dynamic Selections in the report selection screen or in the definition of sort versions). Entering/changing default values in the asset classes: In Customizing, you can enter default values for standard user fields in the asset class. You can also enter default values for insurance values, net worth valuation, leasing, and of course, for depreciation terms (depreciation key, useful life) as well as index series. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 37 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Figure 21: Special Asset Class: AuC Assets under construction (AuC) require a separate asset class and corresponding G/L account, because they have to be shown separately in the balance sheet. Choose depreciation key 0000 to ensure that depreciation is not calculated for assets under construction in depreciation areas for the balance sheet. However, special tax depreciation and investment support are possible even on assets under construction. It is also possible to post down payments on assets under construction. Even after an asset under construction has been fully capitalized, you can still post credit memos to it. However, you have to allow negative APC. To manage more extensive asset investments, Investment Management (IM) integrates internal orders and projects with the AuC. It integrates internal orders and projects with assets under construction. You can therefore monitor the details of capital investments within FI-CO. 38 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Figure 22: Special Asset Class: LVA You can choose whether to manage low value assets (LVAs) using individual management or collective management. For each type of management, you have to set up a separate asset class. If you choose collective management of LVAs, you have to enter a base unit of quantity in the asset class. You also have to set up a check of the maximum amount in the depreciation areas of the asset class for LVAs. If you copied asset classes, you should check this setting in each depreciation area. You can enter the maximum allowed amount for each company code in Customizing for Asset Accounting by choosing Valuation → Amount Specifications. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 39 Unit 2: Master Data 40 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Exercise 3: Functions of the Asset Class Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain and demonstrate the functions and elements of an asset class, and in Customizing, adjust an asset class to meet your requirements • Create asset classes using different methods • Explain the features of “special” asset classes (AuC, LVA) and control them in Customizing Business Example The Consulting department has proposed an organizational structure for your corporate group. The FI-AA project team meets to discuss proposals relating to the number of asset classes and their settings in relation to screen layout, account allocation/determination, and number assignment. Task 1: Make settings for number assignment for your company code, AA##. 1. In order to work with component FI-AA in your company code AA##, you still need to make settings for number assignment. You can use one of the following methods: Either define a separate number range interval (the quickest way to do this is to copy the number range interval of company code 1000) or choose cross-company-code number assignment together with company code 1000 and possibly also with other groups in AC305. Carry out one of the options. Hint: Asset classes are a kind of template for the asset master records that are created later. You can assign default values in asset classes and/or specify in the screen layout rule whether entries are required, optional or suppressed. You also use the asset class to define which G/L accounts are to be posted from the Assets subledger. Task 2: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, you must first call up the transaction that provides you with an overview of all the asset classes that exist. What is the transaction code for this? 1. What is the transaction code? Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 41 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 3: Go to the details screen for an asset class (for example, asset class 3000). What control parameters are defined there? 1. What number range / number range interval is assigned to asset class 3000? 2. Now place the cursor on the Account determ. field and call up the F1 help to find out detailed information about how account determination works. Task 4: Complete the following tasks: 1. Which account determination is entered in the training system for class 2000? 2. Which balance sheet asset account would the system post to in connection with account determination 20000 for an asset acquisition (in depreciation area 01 and using chart of account INT)? 3. Optional: Which (FI) account number has the expense account for cost-accounting depreciation (depreciation area 20) of an asset of class 2100, if chart of accounts INT is used? Task 5: Start transaction OAOA again, and then use F1 to call the help function, in order to find out what the screen layout rules are used for. 1. Which screen layout rule is assigned to class 2100 in the training system? 2. Note that the input fields Description 1 (found in the logical field group General data) and Cost Center (found in the logical field group Time-Dependent Data) will always be filled later, when you create a new asset master record. Therefore, check whether these fields are defined as required entry fields in screen layout rule 2000. Hint: IMPORTANT and NEW in 4.7: The Cost Center input field (just like the CO internal order [cost order], for example) is only displayed for maintenance in the screen layout rules (within the logical field group Time-dependent data) because the account assignment object Cost Center is activated in Customizing. If this was not the case, you would not be able to find the input field Cost Center in either a screen layout rule or in the master record for the asset. The necessary Customizing settings for this are discussed in Unit 5, “Periodic Processing.” Continued on next page 42 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class 3. Would screen layout rule 3000 ensure that the input field Description 1 was copied from the reference during subsequent creation of assets with reference? 4. Optional: Would the Insurance Type field be copied? Task 6: Now that you have become familiar with the master data section of the asset class, we will move on to the depreciation area data section. Call the relevant transaction in Customizing. 1. What is the transaction code for this? 2. What are the default values for the depreciation key for asset class 2100? 3. Which screen layout rule is stored in the depreciation data section of asset class 3000? 4. Optional: In the above screen layout rule, is the depreciation rule declared as a required entry field? Task 7: Create an asset class by copying another class. 1. Assumption: To map your assets in the system, you need a separate asset class for machines. Therefore, create an asset class, “MA##” (## stands for your group number), by copying class 2100. Hint: When you generate your new asset class by simply copying an existing asset class and changing this copy, you obtain a complete asset class containing a master data section and a depreciation data section. If you create a new asset class without reference, you only obtain the master data section and you have to add the depreciation area section in a subsequent step. Task 8: Compare asset class settings. 1. Your colleague from the Asset Accounting department is concerned as to whether assets under construction can be adequately maintained in the R/3 system. He is mainly interested in knowing if value settlement can be dealt with in different ways. Compare the settings for asset class 4000 (assets Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 43 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 under construction) relating to the status “asset under construction” with the features of other standard asset classes, and explain to your neighbor the differences. Task 9: Optional: The Asset Accounting department later has to post low value assets (LVAs). Therefore, you must now define the maximum value for low value assets for company code AA## and for (all) your depreciation areas. If you are not sure what maximum value to use, please ask your instructor. Tip: Please note that the LVA amount can differ from country to country, and must be defined for all depreciation areas that check this. You can set the maximum LVA amount for normal acquisition postings and also for acquisitions using purchase orders. 1. 44 Find out how the LVA value check is controlled for classes 5000 and 5001 in the training system (and the standard system). © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Solution 3: Functions of the Asset Class Task 1: Make settings for number assignment for your company code, AA##. 1. In order to work with component FI-AA in your company code AA##, you still need to make settings for number assignment. You can use one of the following methods: Either define a separate number range interval (the quickest way to do this is to copy the number range interval of company code 1000) or choose cross-company-code number assignment together with company code 1000 and possibly also with other groups in AC305. Carry out one of the options. Hint: Asset classes are a kind of template for the asset master records that are created later. You can assign default values in asset classes and/or specify in the screen layout rule whether entries are required, optional or suppressed. You also use the asset class to define which G/L accounts are to be posted from the Assets subledger. a) Basics: Menu path to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) Solution, first option – copy interval of company code 1000: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes→ Define Number Range Interval. On the Number Ranges for Assets screen, enter company code 1000. On this screen, choose Utilities→ Copy. The Copy: Company Code dialog box will appear. Enter the following data, and confirm your entries: Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 45 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Field Name or Data Type Value From... 1000 To... AA## Confirm your entries in the dialog box. c) Solution, second option - cross-company-code number assignment: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures → Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes. Look for the row containing your company code, AA##, and enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value No.CoCd (of CCd AA##) 1000 Save. Task 2: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, you must first call up the transaction that provides you with an overview of all the asset classes that exist. What is the transaction code for this? 1. What is the transaction code? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. b) Transaction code: OAOA Task 3: Go to the details screen for an asset class (for example, asset class 3000). What control parameters are defined there? 1. What number range / number range interval is assigned to asset class 3000? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. Place the cursor on the row containing Class 3000 and choose Goto→ Details (or double-click on the row). The following control parameters are displayed: account determination, screen layout rule, and number range. b) Number range 03 is assigned to asset class 3000. Continued on next page 46 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class 2. Now place the cursor on the Account determ. field and call up the F1 help to find out detailed information about how account determination works. a) Proceed as described in the exercise text. Task 4: Complete the following tasks: 1. Which account determination is entered in the training system for class 2000? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. Place the cursor on the row containing Class 2000 and choose Goto→ Details (or double-click on the row). Account determination is 20000. 2. Which balance sheet asset account would the system post to in connection with account determination 20000 for an asset acquisition (in depreciation area 01 and using chart of account INT)? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts. In the table, select the entry INT. In the dialog structure, choose Account Determination by double-clicking. In the table, select the entry 20000. In the dialog structure, choose Balance Sheet Accounts by double-clicking. The account number is 11000. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 47 Unit 2: Master Data 3. TFIN52 Optional: Which (FI) account number has the expense account for cost-accounting depreciation (depreciation area 20) of an asset of class 2100, if chart of accounts INT is used? a) First, you need to find out which account determination is stored for class 2100. Result: Account determination 20000 is stored for class 2100. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts. In the table, select the entry INT. In the dialog structure, choose Account Determination by double-clicking. In the table, select the entry 20000. In the dialog structure, choose Depreciation by double-clicking. Place the cursor on the row containing Depreciation Area 20 and choose Goto→ Details (or double-click on the row). The account number is 481000. Task 5: Start transaction OAOA again, and then use F1 to call the help function, in order to find out what the screen layout rules are used for. 1. Which screen layout rule is assigned to class 2100 in the training system? a) Enter transaction /nOAOA in the command field. Place the cursor on a row of the table, and choose Goto → Details. Use F1 to call the help function. b) Screen layout rule 2000 is assigned to class 2100 in the training system. Continued on next page 48 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class 2. Note that the input fields Description 1 (found in the logical field group General data) and Cost Center (found in the logical field group Time-Dependent Data) will always be filled later, when you create a new asset master record. Therefore, check whether these fields are defined as required entry fields in screen layout rule 2000. Hint: IMPORTANT and NEW in 4.7: The Cost Center input field (just like the CO internal order [cost order], for example) is only displayed for maintenance in the screen layout rules (within the logical field group Time-dependent data) because the account assignment object Cost Center is activated in Customizing. If this was not the case, you would not be able to find the input field Cost Center in either a screen layout rule or in the master record for the asset. The necessary Customizing settings for this are discussed in Unit 5, “Periodic Processing.” a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Master Data → Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data. In the table, select screen layout rule 2000. In the dialog structure, choose Logical field groups by double-clicking. In the table, then select the logical field groups listed in the exercise. In the dialog structure, choose Field group rules by double-clicking. 3. Would screen layout rule 3000 ensure that the input field Description 1 was copied from the reference during subsequent creation of assets with reference? a) 4. No, the Description 1 field would not be copied. Optional: Would the Insurance Type field be copied? a) Yes, the Insurance Type input field would be copied. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 49 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 6: Now that you have become familiar with the master data section of the asset class, we will move on to the depreciation area data section. Call the relevant transaction in Customizing. 1. What is the transaction code for this? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Valuation→ Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class. In the Chart of Depreciation Selection dialog box, you may need to enter your chart of depreciation, AA##, and confirm your entries. b) 2. Solution: OAYZ What are the default values for the depreciation key for asset class 2100? a) In the table, select class 2100. In the dialog structure, choose Depreciation Areas by double-clicking. The depreciation key is LINK, except for area 20, which has the key LINA. 3. Which screen layout rule is stored in the depreciation data section of asset class 3000? a) 4. Screen layout rule 1000 is stored for all areas. Optional: In the above screen layout rule, is the depreciation rule declared as a required entry field? a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Master Data→ Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas. In the table, select screen layout rule 1000. In the dialog structure, choose Field group rules by double-clicking. Yes, the depreciation key is declared as a required entry field. Continued on next page 50 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Task 7: Create an asset class by copying another class. 1. Assumption: To map your assets in the system, you need a separate asset class for machines. Therefore, create an asset class, “MA##” (## stands for your group number), by copying class 2100. Hint: When you generate your new asset class by simply copying an existing asset class and changing this copy, you obtain a complete asset class containing a master data section and a depreciation data section. If you create a new asset class without reference, you only obtain the master data section and you have to add the depreciation area section in a subsequent step. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. Select class 2100. On the same screen, choose Edit - Copy As .... Overwrite the entry 2100 in the Asset Class input field with the entry MA## and confirm your entries. Save. Task 8: Compare asset class settings. 1. Your colleague from the Asset Accounting department is concerned as to whether assets under construction can be adequately maintained in the R/3 system. He is mainly interested in knowing if value settlement can be dealt with in different ways. Compare the settings for asset class 4000 (assets under construction) relating to the status “asset under construction” with the features of other standard asset classes, and explain to your neighbor the differences. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Organizational Structures→ Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. Double-click on class 4000. Most important difference: In the field group Status of AuC, settlement for an AuC is not summarized, but rather calculated on a line item basis for class 4000. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 51 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 9: Optional: The Asset Accounting department later has to post low value assets (LVAs). Therefore, you must now define the maximum value for low value assets for company code AA## and for (all) your depreciation areas. If you are not sure what maximum value to use, please ask your instructor. Tip: Please note that the LVA amount can differ from country to country, and must be defined for all depreciation areas that check this. You can set the maximum LVA amount for normal acquisition postings and also for acquisitions using purchase orders. 1. Find out how the LVA value check is controlled for classes 5000 and 5001 in the training system (and the standard system). a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Valuation → Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) → Specify Max. Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Specify LVA asset classes. In the table, select class 5000. In the dialog structure, choose Low-val. asset check by double-clicking. Solution: Class 5000 performs a check on the maximum value. Repeat all of this for class 5001. Solution: Class 5001 creates a maximum amount in connection with the quantity check. 52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Functions of the Asset Class Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Structure assets by creating asset classes 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 53 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Lesson Overview When you create asset master records, you have a number of options. This lesson will teach you to create and change master data in Asset Accounting. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Create and change master data in Asset Accounting Business Example The Asset Accounting department wants to post transactions on assets. Therefore, you have to create asset master records to which values can be posted. Figure 23: Create Master Record When you create an asset master record, you have two options: 1. Enter the company code and the asset class to which the new master record is to belong. The class then provides the most important control parameters for the master record. 2. 54 Use an existing asset master record as a reference (the reference asset might offer better default values than an asset class alone). Make sure that you do not copy unwanted data from the reference asset (for example, the capitalization date). © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Enter any additional (required) information, such as an asset text. You could use the inventory number field to enter the equipment number. When you save your entries, you receive an asset number if the asset class is assigned to a number range that uses internal number assignment. This asset number is also the account number of the individual asset account. Figure 24: Create Multiple Similar Asset Records When creating asset master records, you can create multiple similar assets. This function is useful, for example, if you purchase 20 PCs at once for your training department, or 12 desks for a new suite of offices. You can still make separate entries for each individual asset in the following fields: • • • • • 2006/Q2 Description of the asset Inventory number Business area Cost center Evaluation groups 1-5 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 55 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Figure 25: Time-Dependent Data Some information in the asset master record can be managed as time-dependent data. This is of particular significance for cost accounting assignments (for example, cost center, order, project). Shift operation and asset shutdown can have a direct effect on depreciation. Therefore you should enter them in the time-dependent data, where they can be changed on a monthly basis. Depreciation posting takes place on a monthly basis. As a result, the currently valid cost center is always used for the depreciation posting run. The various time-dependent assignments/intervals can be called in the master record by choosing the Further Intervals button. Figure 26: Changing Assets 56 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Each time you change an asset master record, the system creates a change document. The change document contains a list of fields that were changed and the number of changes to a field. In addition, the name of the user and the old and new contents of fields are stored. If many assets are affected by a change, you can carry out a mass change, such as a change to the cost center assignment. Figure 27: Asset and Equipment Master Records The method up to now for assigning equipment and functional locations to an asset was entering the asset number in the relevant master record. This functionality still exists. Several pieces of equipment can be assigned to an asset, but a piece of equipment can only belong to one asset. As of R/3 Enterprise, you can ensure integration between the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) and Plant Maintenance (PM) components by synchronously creating and changing equipment and asset. You can set up a process in which the system automatically creates an equipment master record and transfers certain master data fields (for example, company code) when you create an asset. If you change master data at a later point in time, the system automatically updates the fields in the equipment master record. In addition, or alternatively, you can set up a workflow that informs the person responsible in PM when assets are created or changed. The equipment type is determined on the basis of the asset class. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 57 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Figure 28: Depreciation Area XX in the Asset / Asset Class The default values come from the asset class. You may change or add to them in the different depreciation areas of the asset master record. Some of the data in depreciation areas is derived from the acquisition posting. Depreciation terms such as index, variable depreciation portion, or scrap value are additional parameters that are mainly used in the cost-accounting depreciation area. mySAP ERP 2005 allows you to make “time-dependent” definitions of selected depreciation terms. Refer to the “Periodic Processing” section for more information. Figure 29: Asset Subnumber 58 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records You can also specify external or internal number assignment for the asset subnumber. You make this specification in the asset class. For example, you could use external number assignment during the legacy data transfer and then switch over to internal number assignment after the legacy data transfer is complete. After data transfer, you can go to internal number assignment. If a fixed asset is made up of many component assets, you may want to manage these component assets as separate subnumbers. This might be useful for both technical and accounting reasons. Some reasons for using subnumbers in this way include: • • • You want to manage the values for subsequent acquisitions in following years (for example, buildings) separately. You want to manage the values for individual parts of assets separately. You want to split the asset according to various technical aspects. You can work directly with a specific subnumber, all subnumbers belonging to an asset, or a selection from a list of subnumbers. You can also report separately on accumulated depreciation and book values for previous fiscal years for individual asset subnumbers. Using the screen layout in the asset class, you can specify maintenance level at the subnumber level. This allows you to change the default value for depreciation terms on the subnumber. Figure 30: History List / Personal Value List 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 59 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 As of Release 4.6, you have the option of storing values that you require frequently in a personal value list. The personal value list can be turned off, if you do not want to use it. Then when you choose the possible entries pushbutton, you go immediately to the general input help. The history list is controlled by master record management. You can also select all other values at any time. 60 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Exercise 4: Asset Master Records Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create and change all variations of master records in Asset Accounting Business Example Your company's assets are to be mapped in the system using master records. Task 1: Create master records. 1. Your colleagues inform you that two forklifts have been ordered. Use asset class 3100 (vehicles) and your company code AA## to create a master record named “Forklift group ##.” Assign cost center T-F05E## (Motorcycle Production) to the master record. Make a note of the asset master record number. 2. Create the second master record using your first one as a reference. Call the master record “Forklift 2 Group ##.” Make a note of the asset master record number. Task 2: Complete the following task: 1. Your colleagues from the Corporate Services department (cost center T-F05A##) need a new photocopy machine. Create an asset master record in the appropriate asset class and with an appropriate description. Make a note of the asset master record number. Task 3: Complete the following task: 1. The production department is to receive 5 new PCs. Create similar asset master records in the appropriate asset class (using the quickest method). Enter “PC 1” to “PC 5” as descriptions. Enter inventory numbers 0001 to 0005 for the PCs and assign a cost center to the master records. Make a note of the asset master record numbers. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 61 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 4: Create the following asset master records: 1. Class 1100 (buildings): Two asset master records 2. Class 2100 (machines, straight-line): 10 asset master records (description: Machine 01 – Machine 10) with the inventory numbers 01 to 10 3. Class 3000 (fixtures and fittings): One fax machine 4. Class 3100 (vehicles): Two company cars 5. Class 4000 (AuC): One asset master record (an AuC) 6. Class 5000 (LVA): One coffee machine for the office kitchen Task 5: Create a separate asset master record for another company car. 1. Create a separate asset master record for another company car, this time (by mistake) in the wrong asset class, 3000. The description is: “Car 3000 Group ##.” Task 6: Change the description of your asset master record “PC 1” to “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##.” 1. For PC “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##,” create two subnumbers with the descriptions “Monitor” and “Keyboard” (in a single step). Hint: The subnumber can be assigned internally or externally, depending on how the respective asset class is configured. This can be displayed on the details screen for an asset class in transaction OAOA. Because of the settings in the relevant screen layout rule, it is possible that data for some of the input fields can only be maintained at asset main number level. Task 7: Get an overview of the master data you created. 1. 62 Call the Directory of unposted assets report for your company code AA## to get an overview of the master data you created. The report can be found in the Asset Accounting Information System under the reports for AA, Day-to-Day Activities (International). The technical name of this report is RAANLA_ALV01. An older version of this report is called RAANLA01. Continued on next page © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Task 8: Optional: The Cost Accounting department has changed the cost center assignment for some of its office equipment. The “photocopier” asset is currently assigned to cost center T-F05A## (Corporate Services). From June 1 to October 31 of the current year, the photocopier is needed by the executive board (cost center T-F05B##). After this (from November 1 of the current year) it will be returned to the old department. Change the time-dependent data in your master record accordingly. 1. 2006/Q2 Check the related documents. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 63 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Solution 4: Asset Master Records Task 1: Create master records. 1. Your colleagues inform you that two forklifts have been ordered. Use asset class 3100 (vehicles) and your company code AA## to create a master record named “Forklift group ##.” Assign cost center T-F05E## (Motorcycle Production) to the master record. Make a note of the asset master record number. a) Basics: Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. Hint: If you find it helpful, you can make a note of the numbers of the asset master records that you need to create on a separate sheet “Assets Group ___”. You can use the F4 help at any time to have the system search for the asset numbers. You need the master records for all subsequent parts of the exercise. You create the master records in your company code AA##. There may be descriptions in the asset master records, such as “Drill ##.” IMPORTANT: If no details are provided in the exercise as to what information to enter in an input field (for example, for the cost center, or the posting amounts to be used), you can freely select an entry. b) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. Enter the following data: Continued on next page 64 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Field name or data type Values Asset Class 3100 Company code AA## Confirm your data and continue. Description Forklift Group ## Cost center T-F05A## When you have entered all the master data, save your entries. 2. Create the second master record using your first one as a reference. Call the master record “Forklift 2 Group ##.” Make a note of the asset master record number. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. Task 2: Complete the following task: 1. Your colleagues from the Corporate Services department (cost center T-F05A##) need a new photocopy machine. Create an asset master record in the appropriate asset class and with an appropriate description. Make a note of the asset master record number. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. Use asset class 3000 and enter the data as described in the exercise text. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 65 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 3: Complete the following task: 1. The production department is to receive 5 new PCs. Create similar asset master records in the appropriate asset class (using the quickest method). Enter “PC 1” to “PC 5” as descriptions. Enter inventory numbers 0001 to 0005 for the PCs and assign a cost center to the master records. Make a note of the asset master record numbers. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. On the initial screen, enter asset class 3200 and 5 as the number of similar records. Enter the data as specified in the exercise text (initially for the first asset). Save. In the Create multiple assets dialog box, choose Maintain. Maintain the descriptions and inventory numbers, and confirm your entries. In the Create multiple assets dialog box, choose Create. Task 4: Create the following asset master records: 1. Class 1100 (buildings): Two asset master records a) 2. Class 2100 (machines, straight-line): 10 asset master records (description: Machine 01 – Machine 10) with the inventory numbers 01 to 10 a) 3. Class 3000 (fixtures and fittings): One fax machine a) 4. Class 3100 (vehicles): Two company cars a) 5. Class 4000 (AuC): One asset master record (an AuC) a) 6. Class 5000 (LVA): One coffee machine for the office kitchen a) Continued on next page 66 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Task 5: Create a separate asset master record for another company car. 1. Create a separate asset master record for another company car, this time (by mistake) in the wrong asset class, 3000. The description is: “Car 3000 Group ##.” a) Task 6: Change the description of your asset master record “PC 1” to “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##.” 1. For PC “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##,” create two subnumbers with the descriptions “Monitor” and “Keyboard” (in a single step). Hint: The subnumber can be assigned internally or externally, depending on how the respective asset class is configured. This can be displayed on the details screen for an asset class in transaction OAOA. Because of the settings in the relevant screen layout rule, it is possible that data for some of the input fields can only be maintained at asset main number level. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change→ Change Asset. Change the description of the asset master record to Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##. b) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Create→ Subnumber → Asset. Ensure that the Asset field contains the asset number of the correct PC. In the Number of similar subnumbers field, enter the number 2 and confirm your entries. Change the description of the subnumber to Monitor. Save. In the Create multiple assets dialog box, choose Maintain. Change the description of the second subnumber to Keyboard and save your entries. In the Create multiple assets dialog box, choose Create. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 67 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Task 7: Get an overview of the master data you created. 1. Call the Directory of unposted assets report for your company code AA## to get an overview of the master data you created. The report can be found in the Asset Accounting Information System under the reports for AA, Day-to-Day Activities (International). The technical name of this report is RAANLA_ALV01. An older version of this report is called RAANLA01. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Day-to-Day Activities → International → Directory of Unposted Assets. Execute the report with the following data: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Asset class (no entry) Sort version 0013 Continued on next page 68 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Master Records Task 8: Optional: The Cost Accounting department has changed the cost center assignment for some of its office equipment. The “photocopier” asset is currently assigned to cost center T-F05A## (Corporate Services). From June 1 to October 31 of the current year, the photocopier is needed by the executive board (cost center T-F05B##). After this (from November 1 of the current year) it will be returned to the old department. Change the time-dependent data in your master record accordingly. 1. Check the related documents. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change → Asset. Choose the Time-dependent tab page. Scroll down. Choose More intervals.. Choose Add interval. In the Create New Interval dialog box , enter June 6, <current year>. In the top row of the table, change the cost center as described in the exercise. Choose Add Intervals. In the Create New Interval dialog box , enter Nov. year>. 1, <current In the top row of the table, change the cost center as described in the exercise. Save. b) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change → Asset. On the Change Asset screen, choose Environment → Change documents → On asset. Select the cost center by double-clicking on it. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 69 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create and change master data in Asset Accounting 70 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Mass Changes Lesson: Mass Changes Lesson Overview When asset master records are changed, you have a number of options, one of which is a mass change. This lesson will describe how to process mass changes. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Process mass changes using a worklist Business Example The Asset Accounting department wants to change the cost centers of assets en masse with system support. Figure 31: Mass Changes Using Worklists As of SAP R/3 4.0, you need to process a worklist using FI-AA standard functions in order to be able to carry out mass changes. It is no longer absolutely necessarily to use the workflow task assignment. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 71 Unit 2: Master Data TFIN52 Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create a substitution rule to specify which fields you want to change and how you want to change them. Generate a list of assets to be changed (for example, by running a standard report with the appropriate selections). Choose the Create worklist function. Enter a description and select a purpose for your worklist. The purpose is a predefined standard task in the system (for example, change master data). Choose the appropriate substitution rule for the mass change. If you do not want to use the workflow, make sure that the worklist created is not assigned to any user. Check whether your mass change was successful by displaying the assets or running an appropriate report. Figure 32: Substitution Rule for Mass Changes A substitution rule consists of two parts: 1. 2. Conditions that identify the records to be selected: You can specify conditions using the Form Builder or in expert mode. To use expert mode, you have to know the field and table descriptions of the input fields involved. Substitution rules that identify the replacement values: This can be a constant value or a user exit. For more information on substitution, see the SAP Library, Financial Accounting section, under Special Ledger. Also refer to SAP Note 210897 (substitution of time-dependent data). 72 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Mass Changes Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Process mass changes using a worklist 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 73 Unit Summary TFIN52 Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Structure assets by creating asset classes • Create and change master data in Asset Accounting • Process mass changes using a worklist 74 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 3 Asset Transactions Unit Overview This unit will show you how to represent asset acquisitions and retirements and how they are integrated with Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Materials Management. During the “life” of a fixed asset, there are a number of changes that affect the values of the asset. FI-AA distinguishes among a wide range of business transactions. Transaction types make it possible to handle all of the necessary postings appropriately. Depending on the business transaction concerned, various intracompany and intercompany asset transfer postings are possible. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • Post integrated and non-integrated asset acquisitions in the system Post integrated and non-integrated asset retirements in the system Represent intracompany and intercompany asset transfers in the system Represent assets under construction in the system Represent unplanned depreciation in the system Unit Contents Lesson: Asset Acquisition ...................................................... 76 Exercise 5: Asset Acquisition .............................................. 87 Lesson: Asset Retirement .....................................................107 Exercise 6: Asset Retirement ............................................. 111 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer ...................... 117 Exercise 7: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer ..............123 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) ..................................135 Exercise 8: Assets under Construction (AuC) ..........................139 Lesson: Unplanned Depreciation .............................................145 Exercise 9: Unplanned Depreciation.....................................147 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 75 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss integrated (Accounts Payable/Materials Management) and non-integrated asset acquisition. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Post integrated and non-integrated asset acquisitions in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to learn the various options for posting asset acquisitions, both integrated and non-integrated. Asset transactions can be entered in both the FI-AA user department and Accounts Payable, as well as in the department for goods receipt/invoice verification. Figure 33: Asset Accounting as Subsidiary Ledger The integration of subsidiary ledgers with the general ledger is as important as the integration of accounting and logistics functions. Every transaction in customer and vendor accounts in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable and in the asset accounts has a direct effect on the corresponding accounts of the general ledgers. Thus, the subsidiary ledgers are always in balance with their G/L reconciliation accounts. The G/L reconciliation accounts need to be set up in advance together with the fixed assets department. 76 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Figure 34: Asset Acquisition: Integration The acquisition posting can be created in the department that is primarily responsible for this business transaction. Acquisition of an asset from a business partner -- external acquisition: • • • • In Asset Accounting (FI-AA) integrated with Accounts Payable (incoming invoice), but without reference to a purchase order In FI-AA with automatic offsetting entry, but without a link to a purchase order and without integration with Accounts Payable. This posting is normally used when the invoice has not yet been received, or when the invoice was posted by the Accounts Payable department beforehand in a separate step. The offsetting account also has to be cleared. In FI-AA with automatic clearing of the offsetting entry: The first posting usually is made in FI-AP. The clearing account is cleared at the same time as the asset posting is made. It is also possible, however, for both departments to make postings in the opposite sequence: An asset is entered with automatic offsetting entry, and the clearing account is cleared with the credit posting of the incoming invoice. In Materials Management (MM): The asset is posted in MM “Acquisition from in-house production” is the capitalization of goods or services that are partially or completely produced in your own enterprise. The costs for these in-house produced goods or services have to be capitalized to assets. Generally, you capitalize production costs by creating an investment measure ( → order/project) in Investment Management (IM) and settling to an asset under construction and then to the final asset. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 77 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 There is also a less common alternative: You can post the acquisition using a CO order. Figure 35: Asset Acquisition: Integration with FI-AP You can post to both the asset and the vendor in one document, if you choose: SAP Easy Access → Fixed Assets → Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → With Vendor. The system proposes defaults for the posting data, however, you can overwrite them. The “debit asset, credit vendor” posting is often made in Accounts Payable. This posting satisfies the requirements of both Financial Accounting and Asset Accounting. Transaction type When posting to assets, you have to enter a transaction type. The transaction type identifies the different transactions in the asset history sheet. 78 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Figure 36: G/L Accounts for Integrated Asset Acquisition When you post to a vendor or an asset account, the relevant general ledger accounts (payables and fixed assets) are automatically updated at the same time. Figure 37: Asset Explorer As of Release R/3 Enterprise, the Asset Explorer contains all of the functions of the asset value display, as well as the option of simulating alternative depreciation terms or transactions. This has the result, that you cannot branch to the old value display from the Asset Explorer. Even the asset value display transaction (=> AW01) brings you directly to the Asset Explorer. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 79 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Up to now, you navigated between depreciation areas in the value display using buttons. In the Asset Explorer, depreciation areas are displayed in an overview tree, from which they can be selected. Two different symbols enable you to immediately distinguish between real depreciation areas and derived depreciation areas. The field above the tree structure provides information on the selected asset: its company code, asset main number and subnumber. You can jump from this field to the asset master data. You can display planned values, book values and transactions directly in the Asset Explorer in a print preview format, and you can print and export this information. On the Planned Values tab page, you can use the calculate depreciation and recalculate depreciation functions. A new feature in Release 4.6C was the overview tree, which lists objects such as cost center, G/L account, vendor, employee, purchase order or equipment related to the asset, and also enables you to go to the master data object. Another new feature in 4.6C was the Comparisons tab page. This allows you to display the changes in value of an asset over several years and, at the same time, in several depreciation areas. Figure 38: Asset Aquisition – Master Data Changes 80 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition The following information is automatically set in the asset master record at the time of the first acquisition posting: • • • Date of asset capitalization (derived from the asset value date) Date of initial acquisition in the relevant master record (derived from the asset value date) Acquisition year and acquisition period (derived from the posting date) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, you can enter default values for the asset value date for each type of accounting transaction. The system determines the start date for ordinary depreciation using the asset value date of the acquisition posting and the period control method (for more information, see the section on the depreciation key), and writes this date to the depreciation areas in the asset master record. When you post the acquisition integrated with Accounts Payable (FI-AP), the system automatically enters the vendor in the origin data field of the asset master record. Figure 39: Asset Acquisition: Value Fields The asset value date ( → capitalization date) determines the depreciation start date of the asset. This date is determined for each depreciation area by the period control method of the depreciation key. The system determines the planned annual depreciation and planned interest based on the depreciation start date and the depreciation terms. When further transactions are posted in the current year, these values are updated. Caution: The posting date and the asset value date must always be in the same fiscal year! 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 81 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Figure 40: FI Document Number You define a separate number range for documents for each company code. If you do not want the numbers defined as year-dependent, then enter a future year under Year (such as 9999). Figure 41: Document Type: Gross or Net You can either use the document type that is proposed by the system, or you enter you own document type. 82 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition You define the document type in the FI Implementation Guide. The document type is a two character, alphanumeric entry that determines how documents are stored. You assign exactly one number range to each document type. You specify account types that are allowed when making entries with a particular document type. The document type determines how the posting is processed: • • With document type “AA” you post gross, that is, without deducting a discount. With document type “AN” (KN, RN), the amount capitalized to the asset is reduced by the discount (net document type). If you deduct the discount at the time of the payment, you have to run program SAPF181 to subsequently reverse the discount on the asset. If you make a posting using the net method, but do not use the whole discount at the time of payment, program SAPF181 also corrects the asset. Figure 42: Transaction Type Transaction types are used with every posting. They identify acquisitions, retirements and transfers. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 83 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 The asset history sheet reports and other FI-AA reports use the transaction type to identify the different kinds of transactions and display them separately (for example, the transaction type specifies where the value change is shown in the asset history sheet: as a retirement of a prior-year acquisition, or of a current-year acquisition). The transaction type specifies which of the following are updated: • • • Asset balance sheet accounts Depreciation areas Value fields You can also limit transaction types to specific depreciation areas (for example, transaction type 030: “acquisition in the group depreciation area”). You can also define your own transaction types. They can be used to separate various types of accounting or business transactions in reports. However, in our experience, SAP provides all necessary transaction types in the standard system. Figure 43: Transaction Type Groups Every transaction type belongs to a transaction type group. The transaction type group defines the characteristics of the transaction type. In the transaction type display, choose Goto from the menu bar to display the transaction type group. The transaction type groups are fixed and cannot be changed. You can limit specific transaction type groups to certain asset classes (for example, down payments allowed only in the asset class for assets under construction). All transaction types assigned to this transaction type group can only be used for assets belonging to the appropriate class. 84 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition There are standard reports that allow you to display an asset portfolio divided into separate transaction types. Figure 44: Acquisition: Posting to a Clearing Account If asset acquisition postings are not integrated, you would normally use a clearing account. This should be a general ledger account with open item management to guarantee that you can clear the account. Reasons for not making integrated postings: • • The invoice arrived before the asset The asset has already been delivered but the invoice has not One posting is made to the clearing account from Accounts Payable (clearing account, debit tax, credit vendor), and one from Asset Accounting (debit to asset, credit to clearing account). The sequence is determined by the transaction. Note: Postings to the vendor account can also be made from AA. In a separate step, the clearing account is cleared in the general ledger. This is done either manually or by running the automatic clearing program SAPF124. Another alternative for non-integrated postings is to clear the clearing account when entering the second part of the above posting. As of SAP R/3 4.6, you can create a new master record within the framework of non-integrated acquisition (automatic offsetting entry). It is now also possible to make non-integrated acquisition postings for several assets at once. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 85 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Figure 45: Asset Acquisition with MM Integration Figure 47 shows an asset acquisition with MM integration. It shows the following activities: purchase requisition, purchase order, goods receipt, invoice receipt, and creation of an asset. The steps are: Creation of a purchase requisition, creation of an asset master record, and creation of the purchase order. In the purchase order transaction ( → ME21N), if you use account assignment type A (A = asset) you can enter an asset master record number in the “Item Detail” screen area. An even greater degree of integration can be achieved if you create the asset master record in the purchase order transaction. Goods receipt When you enter the purchase order, you determine whether the asset is posted directly to Asset Accounting, and thereby capitalized, when the goods receipt is posted (valuated good receipt), or whether capitalization does not take place until the invoice receipt is posted (non-valuated goods receipt). The first option would be used when the goods receipt takes place before the invoice receipt. When the invoice is received later, there may be differences between the invoice amount and the amount posted at the time of the goods receipt. In this case, adjustment postings are made to the asset. No corrections are necessary for a non-valuated good receipt, since the asset was not yet capitalized. However, the system uses the date of the goods receipt as the capitalization date. Invoice receipt If the goods receipt was non-valuated, the asset is capitalized, line items are created, and the value fields are updated. 86 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Exercise 5: Asset Acquisition Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Make various postings (integrated and non-integrated) in Asset Accounting / Accounts Payable and in Materials Management • Display and analyze asset values with the help of the Asset Explorer • Reverse transactions Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to try out the various options for posting asset acquisitions, both integrated and non-integrated. Asset transactions can be entered in both the FI-AA user department and Accounts Payable, as well as in the department for goods receipt/invoice verification. Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. Create vendor 305## (where ## = your group number) in your company code, AA##, so that you can post an integrated asset acquisition. Create the vendor using the create with reference function in Accounts Payable, and use the following data: Vendor: 305## Company code: AA## Reference: vendor 1000 and company code 1000 Enter data in the required fields on the first screen, and then save your entries. Task 2: Complete the following tasks:. 1. For your first forklift, post an acquisition to vendor 305## on January 7, CY (CY = current year). Choose a document type with automatic deduction of discount. The purchase price, which you select yourself, should contain the sales tax (calculated at the current sales tax rate). If you do not know which tax code to use, please ask your instructor. Make a note of the data displayed after you save. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 87 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Document number: _______________ 2. Check the asset values using the Asset Explorer. 3. Explain to your neighbor how you can go from the Asset Explorer to the posted FI document, and make a note of the balance sheet asset account (of the general ledger) that the system posted to: _______ 4. In the Asset Explorer, can you display the start date for depreciation of depreciation area 01 (book depreciation)? If so, what is it? ____________________________________ 5. Are the planned depreciation values of the forklift the same in depreciation areas 01 (book depreciation) and 20 (cost-accounting depreciation) in the current year? 6. In the Asset Explorer, look at how the new acquisition is displayed in the acquisition list and in the asset history sheet. 7. Go from the Asset Explorer to the asset master record and check the changes there. Task 3: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post another acquisition, but this time with automatic offsetting, and to the first of your 10 machine master records (Machine 01), acquisition and production costs (APC) of 100,000. 2. Check the asset values. 3. Check the changes in the asset master record. Task 4: To each of the machines 02 to 05 , post an external asset acquisition (automatic offsetting entry) as follows: 1. For machine 02, post APC of 100,000 in the current year. 2. For machines 03 and 04, post APC of 100,000 each for 01.01.PY (PY = previous year) in a single posting. 3. For machine 05, post APC of 100,000 in the previous year and then subsequent costs of 10,000 in the current year. Task 5: Complete the following task. 1. Post an acquisition in the previous year to your “forklift 2.” Continued on next page 88 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Task 6: Complete the following task. 1. Post an acquisition in the current year to a (new) asset in class 3100, without first having created an asset master record. That is, create the master record during the acquisition posting. Task 7: Complete the following tasks. 1. For your PC “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##,” you have received an invoice containing the following net amounts: 1000 PC: 500 Monitor: 20 Keyboard: Enter the acquisition (for main and subnumbers) with the automatic offsetting entry in the quickest way. 2. Analyze the values of the complete asset in the Asset Explorer Task 8: Complete the following task. 1. Optional: An incorrect acquisition value was posted for machine 01. Reverse the document and then post the correct APC amount of 150,000. Task 9: Complete the following tasks:. 1. Optional, and only works if you completed the optional exercise on low-value assets in the previous unit. Try to make an acquisition posting of 1,000 to your “coffee machine for the office kitchen”, that is, to your low-value asset in the current year. The system should reject the posting. 2. Now try it with a capitalization amount of 300. 3. Check the asset values in. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 89 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 10: Complete the following tasks. 1. Optional: How can you make sure that only certain depreciation areas (for example, the group depreciation area) are posted with values? 2. For an example, refer to transaction type 030. 3. Make postings to the “PC 3” master record, which you created in the previous unit, using transaction type 030 and then check the asset values. Task 11: Since your Asset Accounting department also plans to use Materials Management (MM) functions for asset acquisitions, they ask you to test the posting transactions. Unfortunately, your company code AA## does not have any MM integration. Therefore, you must try out the postings in company code 1000. In the points below, the logistics process chain “purchase order – goods receipt – invoice receipt” is processed step by step using the example of a PC acquisition. 1. Create an asset (description: PC 1000 group ##) in company code 1000. Use asset class 3200 (Personal Computer) and cost center 1000. Make a note of the asset number: ___ Hint: This step would not be necessary if the asset was created in the purchase order transaction (by a logistics employee). In practice though, this is often not done. However, if you do want to use this integration feature, you can use a “dummy asset.” 2. Create a (standard) purchase order for the PC. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known and use the following data: Vendor: 1000 (C.E.B. BERLIN) Document date: leave the current date in the field Screen area Header / tab page Org. Data: Purchasing organization: 1000 (IDES Germany) Purchasing group: 001 (Dietl, B.) Company code: 1000 (IDES AG) Screen area Item Overview: A = account assignment type: A Continued on next page 90 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Short text: PC 1000 group ## PO quantity: 1 OUn = order unit: PC Delivery date: today's date + 2 days Net price: 2,000 Material group: 00103 (electronics) Plant: 1000 (Hamburg plant) Screen area Item / tab page Account Assignment: Asset: Enter your asset master record number. Screen area Item / tab page Delivery: At the top right of the screen, you can decide whether the goods receipt should be valuated or non-valuated. Do not make any changes, as you want to enter a valuated goods receipt. Save, and make a note of your purchase order document number: 45000__________ 3. Check the data for your PC by starting the Asset Explorer for this asset. 4. Do you see the purchase order number immediately? 5. Does the master data for the asset contain a capitalization date? 6. Now post the logistics goods receipt, and select the transaction MIGO for this in the Logistics application as follows: SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order→ PO Number Known. Proceed as follows: Enter the purchase order at the top of the screen in the third input field from the left. If you choose Enter, the goods receipt screen is filled with the data from the purchase order. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and select the OK indicator by selecting the Item OK check box. Then choose the Check button. If the document is OK, you can Post it. 7. Now check the asset value again by starting the Asset Explorer for the asset. 8. Optional: Post an invoice for the above purchase order, which is dated the last day of the month and contains the following amounts: Net invoice amount: 1995 Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 91 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Sales tax (16 %): 319.20 Gross invoice amount: 2314.20 Enter the logistics invoice receipt and verify the invoice by calling transaction MIRO by choosing SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice. Enter the last day of the current month as the invoice and posting date. Then go to the bottom part of the screen, and enter the purchase order document number to the right of the Purchase order/scheduling agreement input field. When you press Enter, the relevant amounts are copied from the purchase order to the MIGO screen. Does the net order amount displayed on the screen agree with the net order amount above? If not (which should hopefully be the case), change the amount in the yellow row to the net invoice price (1,995). Now have the system check whether the vendor has included the correct tax on the invoice. To do this, first check (at the top of the screen) whether the correct tax code (VN) has been set. Then, still in the top part of the screen, select the Calculate tax indicator. The system should now display a tax amount next to this (on the left). Is it the same as the sales tax amount in the invoice described above? Now, only the gross invoice amount is missing; this is displayed at the top right of the screen, as a balance, next to the red traffic light icon. Does this amount agree with the amount in the invoice above? The invoice has now been verified. Now enter the gross invoice amount at the top of the screen in the Amount input field. Confirm your data and post it. 9. Optional: Check the asset value again by starting the Asset Explorer for the asset. Hint: This scenario, in which the capitalized PO amount is greater than the actual invoice amount can only be mapped in this way as of SAP R/3 4.6C. If it still does not work correctly in your company, please read SAP Note 497297. 92 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Solution 5: Asset Acquisition Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. Create vendor 305## (where ## = your group number) in your company code, AA##, so that you can post an integrated asset acquisition. Create the vendor using the create with reference function in Accounts Payable, and use the following data: Vendor: 305## Company code: AA## Reference: vendor 1000 and company code 1000 Enter data in the required fields on the first screen, and then save your entries. a) Basics Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. Hint: Use the asset master records that you created in the Master Data unit. b) In the application, choose SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Master records→ Create. Then proceed as described in the exercise. Task 2: Complete the following tasks:. 1. For your first forklift, post an acquisition to vendor 305## on January 7, CY (CY = current year). Choose a document type with automatic deduction of discount. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 93 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 The purchase price, which you select yourself, should contain the sales tax (calculated at the current sales tax rate). If you do not know which tax code to use, please ask your instructor. Make a note of the data displayed after you save. Document number: _______________ a) In Asset Accounting (Fixed Assets), choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → With Vendor. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Document date 07.01.CY (CY = current year) Document type KN or AN Company code AA## Posting date 07.01.CY Posting key 31 Account 305## Confirm your entries and continue:. Field name or data type Values Amount for example, 58,000 Calc. tax Indicator Select Tax code for example, VN Posting key 70 Account Asset number of forklift 1 Transaction type 100 Confirm your entries and continue. Possible “Discount Warnings” could be skipped with “Enter”. Field name or data type Values Amount * (or 58,000) Choose Document → Simulate . Save. Continued on next page 94 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition 2. Check the asset values using the Asset Explorer. a) 3. In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer . Explain to your neighbor how you can go from the Asset Explorer to the posted FI document, and make a note of the balance sheet asset account (of the general ledger) that the system posted to: _______ a) In the Asset Explorer, double-click on the displayed transaction, for example. The balance sheet asset account is displayed in the FI document to the left of the asset number. Solution: Account 21000 4. In the Asset Explorer, can you display the start date for depreciation of depreciation area 01 (book depreciation)? If so, what is it? ____________________________________ a) Yes, you can display it by calling the Parameters tab page in the Asset Explorer. Solution: 01.01.CY 5. Are the planned depreciation values of the forklift the same in depreciation areas 01 (book depreciation) and 20 (cost-accounting depreciation) in the current year? a) 6. The values are not the same because of different depreciation keys and useful lives. You can display this by calling the Comparisons tab page in the Asset Explorer, and displaying the two areas next to each other. In the Asset Explorer, look at how the new acquisition is displayed in the acquisition list and in the asset history sheet. a) Start the Asset Explorer and choose Goto→ Call up reports. In the Select Report dialog box, select Asset Acquisition list and the Asset History Sheet. 7. Go from the Asset Explorer to the asset master record and check the changes there. a) Start the Asset Explorer and choose Goto→ Display Master Data. Look at the data in the Posting Information groups on the General tab pages, the changes in the Origin tab page, and the changes in the Depreciation tab page. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 95 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 3: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post another acquisition, but this time with automatic offsetting, and to the first of your 10 machine master records (Machine 01), acquisition and production costs (APC) of 100,000. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Existing asset Asset master record number of Machine 01 Document date for example, today's date Posting date for example, for example, today's date Amount posted 100,000 Choose Extras → Simulate . Post/save. 2. Check the asset values. a) 3. In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer . Check the changes in the asset master record. a) Start the Asset Explorer and choose Goto→ Display Master Data. Task 4: To each of the machines 02 to 05 , post an external asset acquisition (automatic offsetting entry) as follows: 1. For machine 02, post APC of 100,000 in the current year. a) Post this transaction. Continued on next page 96 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition 2. For machines 03 and 04, post APC of 100,000 each for 01.01.PY (PY = previous year) in a single posting. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Choose Multiple Assets and enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Document date, posting date and asset value date 01.01.PY (PY = previous year) In the List of Assets table, enter the two asset numbers for machines 03 and 04, and the posting amount of 100,000 for each. Choose Simulate. Confirm the warning. Save your entry. 3. For machine 05, post APC of 100,000 in the previous year and then subsequent costs of 10,000 in the current year. a) First with posting, document, and value date in the previous year. Then, make a separate posting of 10,000 to the same asset with dates in the current year. Task 5: Complete the following task. 1. Post an acquisition in the previous year to your “forklift 2.” a) With posting, document, and value date in the previous year. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 97 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 6: Complete the following task. 1. Post an acquisition in the current year to a (new) asset in class 3100, without first having created an asset master record. That is, create the master record during the acquisition posting. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Select the New Asset radio button. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Description for example, Passat TDI Asset Class 3100 Cost center for example, T-F05A## Document date for example, today's date Posting date for example, today's date Amount posted for example, 30,000 Choose Extras → Simulate. Post/save. Task 7: Complete the following tasks. 1. For your PC “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##,” you have received an invoice containing the following net amounts: 1000 PC: Monitor: Keyboard: 500 20 Continued on next page 98 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Enter the acquisition (for main and subnumbers) with the automatic offsetting entry in the quickest way. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Choose Multiple Assets Choose today's date as the document, posting, and value date. In the top half of the screen, enter the number of your PC, “Siemens Scenic 400 Gr. ##”, in the Asset input field. Choose Subnumbers. Result: the system displays the main number and all subnumbers of the asset in the List of assets table. Enter the posting amounts as specified in the exercise. Choose Simulate. Post/save. 2. Analyze the values of the complete asset in the Asset Explorer a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. On the Asset Explorer screen, replace subnumber 0 with * and confirm your entry. Task 8: Complete the following task. 1. Optional: An incorrect acquisition value was posted for machine 01. Reverse the document and then post the correct APC amount of 150,000. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Reverse Document → Other Asset Documents. Select the asset number of your machine, 01, and confirm your entry. Choose Reverse In the Specifications for reverse posting dialog box, enter reversal reason 01 (reversal in current period). Confirm your entries. Post/save. Post an acquisition with automatic clearing entry as specified in the exercise. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 99 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 9: Complete the following tasks:. 1. Optional, and only works if you completed the optional exercise on low-value assets in the previous unit. Try to make an acquisition posting of 1,000 to your “coffee machine for the office kitchen”, that is, to your low-value asset in the current year. The system should reject the posting. a) 2. Now try it with a capitalization amount of 300. a) 3. Post either an integrated or a non-integrated asset acquisition. Post this amount. Check the asset values in. a) the Asset Explorer Hint: Since the depreciation terms specify complete depreciation, the net book value (NBV) at the end of the year is zero. In the cost accounting depreciation area, however, this immediate depreciation may not be desirable, and can be avoided by using another depreciation key (for example, LINA in the training system). Task 10: Complete the following tasks. 1. Optional: How can you make sure that only certain depreciation areas (for example, the group depreciation area) are posted with values? a) In Customizing, you can restrict transaction types so that they only post to specific depreciation areas. Continued on next page 100 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition 2. For an example, refer to transaction type 030. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Transactions → Acquisitions → Define Transaction Types for Acquisitions In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Limit Transaction Types to Depreciation Areas. If necessary, select your chart of depreciation, AA## . In the table, select transaction type 030. In the dialog structure, choose Depreciation area specification by double-clicking on it. Result: transaction type 030 only posts to depreciation areas 30 and 31. 3. Make postings to the “PC 3” master record, which you created in the previous unit, using transaction type 030 and then check the asset values. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Miscellaneous. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Asset Master record number of PC 3 Transaction type 030 Confirm your entries and enter an amount posted. Post the data. Start the Asset Explorer for this asset. View the asset values in depreciation areas 30 and 31. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 101 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 11: Since your Asset Accounting department also plans to use Materials Management (MM) functions for asset acquisitions, they ask you to test the posting transactions. Unfortunately, your company code AA## does not have any MM integration. Therefore, you must try out the postings in company code 1000. In the points below, the logistics process chain “purchase order – goods receipt – invoice receipt” is processed step by step using the example of a PC acquisition. 1. Create an asset (description: PC 1000 group ##) in company code 1000. Use asset class 3200 (Personal Computer) and cost center 1000. Make a note of the asset number: ___ Hint: This step would not be necessary if the asset was created in the purchase order transaction (by a logistics employee). In practice though, this is often not done. However, if you do want to use this integration feature, you can use a “dummy asset.” a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. Enter the data below: Field name or data type Values Asset Class 3200 Company code 1000 Confirm your data and continue. Field name or data type Values Description PC 1000 group ## Cost center 1000 When you have entered all the master data, save your entries. 2. Create a (standard) purchase order for the PC. Choose SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known and use the following data: Vendor: 1000 (C.E.B. BERLIN) Document date: leave the current date in the field Screen area Header / tab page Org. Data: Continued on next page 102 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Purchasing organization: 1000 (IDES Germany) Purchasing group: 001 (Dietl, B.) Company code: 1000 (IDES AG) Screen area Item Overview: A = account assignment type: A Short text: PC 1000 group ## PO quantity: 1 OUn = order unit: PC Delivery date: today's date + 2 days Net price: 2,000 Material group: 00103 (electronics) Plant: 1000 (Hamburg plant) Screen area Item / tab page Account Assignment: Asset: Enter your asset master record number. Screen area Item / tab page Delivery: At the top right of the screen, you can decide whether the goods receipt should be valuated or non-valuated. Do not make any changes, as you want to enter a valuated goods receipt. Save, and make a note of your purchase order document number: 45000__________ a) 3. All the data needed to complete the task is provided in the Exercise section. Check the data for your PC by starting the Asset Explorer for this asset. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Call up the values for your asset. 4. Do you see the purchase order number immediately? a) No, not immediately, but in the screen area Objects related to the asset, you see that a purchase order exists for this asset. Double-click on the purchase order date that is displayed. The PO screen, containing the PO number, is displayed. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 103 Unit 3: Asset Transactions 5. Does the master data for the asset contain a capitalization date? a) 6. TFIN52 No, because only a purchase order document has been created, and no “values” have been posted. However, the purchase order date is displayed. Now post the logistics goods receipt, and select the transaction MIGO for this in the Logistics application as follows: SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order→ PO Number Known. Proceed as follows: Enter the purchase order at the top of the screen in the third input field from the left. If you choose Enter, the goods receipt screen is filled with the data from the purchase order. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and select the OK indicator by selecting the Item OK check box. Then choose the Check button. If the document is OK, you can Post it. a) 7. Solution: All the data needed to complete the task is provided in the Exercise section. Now check the asset value again by starting the Asset Explorer for the asset. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Call up the values for your asset. 8. Optional: Post an invoice for the above purchase order, which is dated the last day of the month and contains the following amounts: Net invoice amount: 1995 Sales tax (16 %): 319.20 Gross invoice amount: 2314.20 Enter the logistics invoice receipt and verify the invoice by calling transaction MIRO by choosing SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice. Enter the last day of the current month as the invoice and posting date. Then go to the bottom part of the screen, and enter the purchase order document number to the right of the Purchase order/scheduling agreement input field. When you press Enter, the relevant amounts are copied from the purchase order to the MIGO screen. Continued on next page 104 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Acquisition Does the net order amount displayed on the screen agree with the net order amount above? If not (which should hopefully be the case), change the amount in the yellow row to the net invoice price (1,995). Now have the system check whether the vendor has included the correct tax on the invoice. To do this, first check (at the top of the screen) whether the correct tax code (VN) has been set. Then, still in the top part of the screen, select the Calculate tax indicator. The system should now display a tax amount next to this (on the left). Is it the same as the sales tax amount in the invoice described above? Now, only the gross invoice amount is missing; this is displayed at the top right of the screen, as a balance, next to the red traffic light icon. Does this amount agree with the amount in the invoice above? The invoice has now been verified. Now enter the gross invoice amount at the top of the screen in the Amount input field. Confirm your data and post it. a) 9. Solution: All the data needed to complete the task is provided in the Exercise section. Optional: Check the asset value again by starting the Asset Explorer for the asset. Hint: This scenario, in which the capitalized PO amount is greater than the actual invoice amount can only be mapped in this way as of SAP R/3 4.6C. If it still does not work correctly in your company, please read SAP Note 497297. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Call up the values for your asset. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 105 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Post integrated and non-integrated asset acquisitions in the system 106 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Retirement Lesson: Asset Retirement Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss integrated (Accounts Receivable) and non-integrated asset retirement Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Post integrated and non-integrated asset retirements in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to learn the various options for posting asset retirements, both integrated and non-integrated. Asset transactions can be entered both in the FI-AA user department and in the Accounts Receivable department. Figure 46: Integrated Asset Acquisitions 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 107 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Select the asset retirement field in the revenue account. A dialog box appears. Here you enter the following data, if it has not already been proposed: • • • • Number of the asset Retirement transaction type Asset value date (date of the retirement) Portion of historical APC being retired, or the indicator for complete retirement Figure 47: Accounts for Asset Retirement There are different ways of posting retirements: • • • • • With or without revenue (scrapping) With or without customer (non-integrated) As full or partial retirement As mass retirement (with worklist) As retirement of several assets (within the manually posted retirement transaction) In this example, the asset is completely retired with revenue received from a customer. The system automatically calculates the gain/loss (loss of 1,300). In addition, the system determines the asset balance sheet value and the proportional value adjustments (accumulated depreciation). The values of the accounts for “retirement revenue” and “clearing of retirement” are shown in notes in the financial statement. 108 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Retirement Figure 48: Asset Retirement: Calculating Gain/Loss The system determines the reference period for the asset retirement based on the asset value date (asset retirement date) and the period control method (period control key) of the depreciation key. The system automatically determines the proportional value adjustments (depreciation) up to this period that apply to the part of the asset being retired, and cancels this depreciation. At the same time, the system posts the asset retirement. The gain or loss results as the balance of the following: the amount of the asset retirement; the amount of value adjustments; and the revenue (that is, the sale price) that is received for the asset. Figure 49: Mass Retirement 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 109 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Mass retirement, with or without revenue, is defined as a standard task in the system. To carry out a mass retirement, follow these steps: 110 1. 2. 3. Use an asset report to create a list of the assets to be retired. Create a worklist. Select a purpose for the worklist: 4. 5. • Retirement without revenue • Retirement sale (with revenue) Enter the revenue distribution. Process the worklist, or edit the worklist before releasing it. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Retirement Exercise 6: Asset Retirement Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Make various postings (integrated and non-integrated) in Asset Accounting / Accounts Receivable • Display and analyze asset values with the help of the Asset Explorer • Scrap assets Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to try out the various options for posting asset retirements, both integrated and non-integrated. Asset transactions can be entered both in the FI-AA user department and in the Accounts Receivable department. Task 1: Machine 03 is to be sold completely on July 01 of the current year. 1. First, create a customer, 305##, (where ## = your group number) in your company code, AA##, so that you can post an integrated asset retirement. Create the customer using the create with reference function in Accounts Receivable, and use the following data: Account group: Leave as initial or enter sold-to party Customer: 305## Company code: AA## Reference: Customer 1000 and company code 1000 Enter data in the required fields on the first screen, and then Save your entries. 2. Post an integrated complete retirement for machine 03 (value date: July 1, CY). You receive net (sales) revenue of 10,000. Calculate the gross sales price yourself. Your instructor can tell you what tax rate and tax code you can use. Tip: The account “Revenue from asset retirement” has the number 820000 in the chart of accounts you are using. 3. Check the posting documents, the changes in the asset master record, and the changes in the Asset Explorer. 4. How are the values displayed in the asset history sheet? Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 111 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 2: Complete the following task. 1. Optional: Part (60 %) of another asset (machine 04) is to be sold. Post the (integrated) retirement in the current year, and enter revenue/sales price in any amount you choose. 2. Check the posting document and the changes in the asset master record. Task 3: The Production department wants to scrap PC 02. 112 1. First, post an asset acquisition to this asset in the previous year. 2. Then post the asset retirement without revenue in the current year. 3. Check the posting document and the changes in the asset master record. Has the asset been deactivated? © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Retirement Solution 6: Asset Retirement Task 1: Machine 03 is to be sold completely on July 01 of the current year. 1. First, create a customer, 305##, (where ## = your group number) in your company code, AA##, so that you can post an integrated asset retirement. Create the customer using the create with reference function in Accounts Receivable, and use the following data: Account group: Leave as initial or enter sold-to party Customer: 305## Company code: AA## Reference: Customer 1000 and company code 1000 Enter data in the required fields on the first screen, and then Save your entries. a) Choose SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Master Records→ Create. Then proceed as described in the exercise. 2. Post an integrated complete retirement for machine 03 (value date: July 1, CY). You receive net (sales) revenue of 10,000. Calculate the gross sales price yourself. Your instructor can tell you what tax rate and tax code you can use. Tip: The account “Revenue from asset retirement” has the number 820000 in the chart of accounts you are using. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Retirement → Retirement w/Revenue → With customer. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Document date July 1, CY Posting date July 1, CY Period 7 Posting key 01 Account 305## (customer) Confirm your entries, skip any warnings that may be displayed, and continue. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 113 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Amount (purchase price) 11,600 Calc. tax Choose Tax indicator AN Posting key 50 Account 820000 Confirm your entries and continue. Amount * Asset retirement checkbox Choose Confirm your entries. In the Create Asset Retirement dialog box, enter the following data: Asset Enter the asset number of “machine 03”. Asset value date July 1, CY Compl.retiremnt checkbox Choose Confirm your entries. Choose Document → Simulate. Post the data. 3. Check the posting documents, the changes in the asset master record, and the changes in the Asset Explorer. a) 4. In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. How are the values displayed in the asset history sheet? a) In the Asset Explorer, choose Goto→ Call up reports. In the Select Report dialog box, select the Asset History Sheet report. Continued on next page 114 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Asset Retirement Task 2: Complete the following task. 1. Optional: Part (60 %) of another asset (machine 04) is to be sold. Post the (integrated) retirement in the current year, and enter revenue/sales price in any amount you choose. a) 2. Repeat the procedure carried out in the previous task, but in the Enter Asset Retirement dialog box, do not enter a complete retirement. Instead, enter a 60% partial retirement. Check the posting document and the changes in the asset master record. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Carry out the steps described in the exercise. Task 3: The Production department wants to scrap PC 02. 1. First, post an asset acquisition to this asset in the previous year. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Use the F4 help to find your PC 02. Select a posting and document date in the previous year, and enter an acquisition value of your choice. Save. 2. Then post the asset retirement without revenue in the current year. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Retirement → Asset Retirement by Scrapping. Enter today's date as the document, posting, and value date for PC 02. Save. 3. Check the posting document and the changes in the asset master record. Has the asset been deactivated? a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Carry out the steps described in the exercise. You will find that the retirement date is set in the master record for PC 02. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 115 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Post integrated and non-integrated asset retirements in the system 116 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about intracompany (within company codes) and intercompany asset transfers. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Represent intracompany and intercompany asset transfers in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to learn about the various options for posting intracompany and intercompany asset transfers. Transferring an asset within a company code because an incorrect asset class was selected is of particular interest. An asset transfer within an enterprise and across enterprise boundaries can be mapped using different variants. Figure 50: Intracompany Asset Transfer Asset Accounting distinguishes between different types of transfers, depending on circumstances: • • 2006/Q2 Transfers within a company code (intracompany transfer) Transfers between different company codes (intercompany transfer) © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 117 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Possible reasons for intracompany code transfers: • • • • A master record has been created and posted to in the wrong class. The asset has changed location. As a result, you have to change organizational allocations (such as asset class, business area) in the master record that cannot otherwise be changed. The asset needs to be split. Therefore, a portion of the original asset will be transferred to a new asset. Stock material (goods created by your enterprise or bought in) needs to be transferred to an asset. The standard system uses transfer variant 4 for intracompany transfers. The transaction types for transfer postings to source and target assets are determined using the transfer variant. When you create a new master record within the transfer transaction, you can use “copy rules” to define which input fields should be copied from the source asset to the target asset. Figure 51: Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfer You use this transaction if: • • 118 The physical location of the asset has changed (due to a sale) The organizational structures of the affected company codes have changed, and you have to assign the asset to a new company code © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer In the case of an intercompany transfer, you must differentiate between the following: • • Whether it is a transfer within a legal, independent unit (within a company). In the case where both company codes belong to the same company, SAP refers to a transfer of relationship type 02. In this case, the two company codes are to be regarded as part of the same legal unit. Whether it is a transfer between legally independent organizational units (company codes), each belonging to a different company. In this case, the company codes are not linked with each other by means of the company, but still belong to a group of affiliated companies (corporate groups). This scenario is also defined using a relationship type, and is a transfer of relationship type 01. The system automatically determines the relationship type using the company IDs of the company codes. This assignment can also be checked in Customizing for Asset Accounting. Exceptions to the default rule can be defined in a customer-specific program exit. The definition of a company is the smallest organizational unit for which individual financial statements must be drawn up according to the relevant commercial law. Figure 52: Transfer Methods Since SAP R/3 4.0, you can use automatic intercompany transfer to enter the acquisition and retirement parts of the transfer in one step. Depending on the hierarchical organization of your enterprise, this combined transaction can also be considered an intracompany transfer. The transfer method controls how values are transferred from the source company code to the target company code. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 119 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 In most cases, transaction types for intracompany transfer are used with the gross transfer method. In most cases, transaction types for intracompany transfer are used with the gross transfer method. This method transfers the “historical” values of the asset to the target company code. When you use the net method or new value method, you have to enter revenue from the sale of the asset. If there is no gain or loss on the asset retirement, the sales revenue equals the the net book value of the asset. You can specify in the transfer transaction that the net book value from a certain depreciation area should be used (the system also has to recognize the depreciation area). Of course, you can also manually enter a revenue amount. Using the net method, the net book value is capitalized on the target asset. When you use the new value method, the system capitalizes the amount of the sales revenue on the target asset. Figure 53: Standard Settings for the Transfer Variants The standard settings for the SAP transfer variants (combination of transaction types and transfer methods) cover 80 percent of transfers. In the standard system, SAP assumes that RT02 transfers (two company codes / one company ID) represent transfers within a legally independent unit (the company) in a group, and are therefore always mapped as an intracompany transfer (intracompany transaction types and gross method). The individual company code is not an independent legal entity, and does not create balance sheets for external purposes. 120 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer If your company structure differs from this, company-specific transfer variants (with different transaction types) are unavoidable. Figure 54: Transfer Variant: Cross-Company Depreciation Area If the company codes are assigned to different charts of depreciation, the charts of depreciation can contain different depreciation areas (different keys) with the same actual functions. When this is the case, you can define cross-company depreciation areas. Cross-company depreciation areas do not have their own control parameters. Instead they consist solely of a key that is uniform throughout the client, and a short description. You can assign depreciation areas from different charts of depreciation to the same cross-company depreciation area. If a corresponding cross-company depreciation area is not defined, the system enters an asterisk (*) as a generic entry. However, be careful if you decide to use a cross-company depreciation area. If you do, you must define a cross-company depreciation area for all other depreciation areas that are transferred, even if the depreciation area keys are the same. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 121 Unit 3: Asset Transactions 122 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Exercise 7: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Carry out transfer postings between different asset classes • Transfer an asset within a company and between legally independent companies Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to learn about the various options for posting intracompany and intercompany asset transfers. Transferring an asset within a company code because an incorrect asset class was selected is of particular interest. An asset transfer within an enterprise and across enterprise boundaries can be mapped using different variants. Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. Do you remember? When you created an asset record for a company car (AR 3000 group ##), you made a mistake and created it in the wrong asset class (exercise in unit ”Master Data"). Post 80,000 to this master record for the first half of the previous year (preferably in January of the previous year). Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 123 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 2: Perform an intracompany transfer between asset class 3000 (office equipment) and 3100 (vehicles). You want to transfer 80,000 to a new asset master record in the correct asset class (3100). 1. Create a new master record in asset class “vehicles” (3100) with the description Car 3100 Group ## and make a note of the asset number: ______________________ Hint: As of Release 4.6, you can create a new master record within the transfer transaction. By maintaining field transfer rules, you can also copy data from the old master record to the fields of the new master record, thereby saving time. You use the transfer transaction type to control how the depreciation start date is copied into the new master record. 2. Post a complete transfer of your Car 3000 Group ## asset to the new master record. Enter July 01, CY as the posting or document date. However, the system should calculate the correct depreciation for the complete current year. Therefore, you have to set the asset value date to January 01, CY. 3. Display the asset values of both assets. Also check the posting dates. In the second asset, also check the origin data and the useful life. Task 3: Transfer between company codes belonging to one company 1. Transfer between company codes belonging to one company Assumption: Imagine that our corporate group has several small units / branches that are mapped using different company codes but are defined (in Customizing) as belonging to the same company (1000). On August 01, CY, the driver of company car Car 3100 Group ## changes to the “branch” company code 1000 and takes the car with her. The asset must therefore be transferred from your “branch,” company code AA## to the new office, company code 1000. Carry out a transfer using the gross variant and, when doing so, create a new asset master record in company code 1000 with cost center 1000. Use the following data: Continued on next page 124 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Value, document, posting date: August 01, CY Specifications for revenue: No revenue Transfer variant (Additional details tab page): 1 Hint: The standard SAP R/3 system assumes that in the case of a transfer of relationship type 2 (transfer within a company), revenue will never be posted. If you think otherwise, and want to implement a different model, you can use a user exit. 2. Display the asset values for both master records. Which transaction types were used? Task 4: Optional: Transfer between legally independent entities (across enterprise boundaries). Another driver of a company car in company code AA## moves to company code AA31 (company AC305) and takes his car with him. 1. First, post an acquisition with a value of 50,000to one of your company cars in company code AA## on January 01, PY 2. Now, after practically two years of use in your company code AA##, the asset is to be transferred to company code AA31 on December 31, CY. As both company codes are legally independent, a sale price is also agreed upon. The net book value of the asset is entered in the new company code, where it will be depreciated for three years. Carry out the transfer using the following data: 3. Value, document, posting date: 12/31/CY Specifications for revenue: Net book value from area 01 Transfer to company code: AA31 Transfer variant: 2 (net method) New asset (create in transaction): Yes Cost center in company code AA31: T-F05A31 Display the asset values for both records. You notice two things: 1. The start date for ordinary depreciation was copied to the new asset – this is good. However, it is not possible to control this using the “acquisition transaction type,” as is the case with an intracompany posting. This can only be done using the “copy rules” of the Ordinary Depr. Start field. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 125 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 2. The depreciation for the current year is calculated on the “source asset” in company code AA00 and on the “target asset ”in company code AA31 – this is bad. The reason for this is that transfer variants 1 to 3 can only calculate the “proportional values” correctly if the transfer takes place at the start of the year (January 1 - 15). If other dates are used, there are problems with period control. Therefore, SAP also provides transfer variants 7 and 8, which take account of the relevant period controls. 4. Reverse the above transfer. Reverse the transaction on one of the two assets (reversal). The reversal transaction in the other company code is then carried out automatically. 5. For your company car, post another transfer to company code AA31. This time, though, use transfer variant 7, but keep all the other data the same: 6. Value, document, posting date: December 31, CY Specifications for revenue: Net book value from area 01 Transfer to company code: AA31 Transfer variant: 7 New asset (create in transaction): Yes Cost center in company code AA31: T-F05A31 Display the asset values for both master records. What is the result? No depreciation is calculated for the new asset in company code AA31 for the current year. The net book value is distributed (straight-line) among the next three years of use only. The depreciation of the current year can be seen in full on the asset in company code AA##. Hint: If a transfer of relationship type 1 is to be posted once without revenue, a separate transfer variant with retirement movement type 220 must be created for this. 126 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Solution 7: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. Do you remember? When you created an asset record for a company car (AR 3000 group ##), you made a mistake and created it in the wrong asset class (exercise in unit ”Master Data"). Post 80,000 to this master record for the first half of the previous year (preferably in January of the previous year). a) Basics: Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Select the asset number of the relevant master record. Select 80,000 as the posting amount. Choose a posting and document date in the previous year (for example April 20, PY). Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 127 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Task 2: Perform an intracompany transfer between asset class 3000 (office equipment) and 3100 (vehicles). You want to transfer 80,000 to a new asset master record in the correct asset class (3100). 1. Create a new master record in asset class “vehicles” (3100) with the description Car 3100 Group ## and make a note of the asset number: ______________________ Hint: As of Release 4.6, you can create a new master record within the transfer transaction. By maintaining field transfer rules, you can also copy data from the old master record to the fields of the new master record, thereby saving time. You use the transfer transaction type to control how the depreciation start date is copied into the new master record. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Create→ Asset. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Asset Class 3100 Company code AA## Confirm your data. Enter the description Car 3100 Group ## and a cost center of your choice. 2. Post a complete transfer of your Car 3000 Group ## asset to the new master record. Enter July 01, CY as the posting or document date. However, the system should calculate the correct depreciation for the complete current year. Therefore, you have to set the asset value date to January 01, CY. a) In Fixed Assets choose Posting→ Transfer → Transfer within Company Code. Enter the data as specified in the exercise. Choose Extras → Simulate. Save. Continued on next page 128 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer 3. Display the asset values of both assets. Also check the posting dates. In the second asset, also check the origin data and the useful life. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. For your asset class 3100, select the Parameters tab page. An expired useful life of one year should be displayed. Go to the asset master record and display the Origin tab page. The original asset number should be displayed. Task 3: Transfer between company codes belonging to one company 1. Transfer between company codes belonging to one company Assumption: Imagine that our corporate group has several small units / branches that are mapped using different company codes but are defined (in Customizing) as belonging to the same company (1000). On August 01, CY, the driver of company car Car 3100 Group ## changes to the “branch” company code 1000 and takes the car with her. The asset must therefore be transferred from your “branch,” company code AA## to the new office, company code 1000. Carry out a transfer using the gross variant and, when doing so, create a new asset master record in company code 1000 with cost center 1000. Use the following data: Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 129 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Value, document, posting date: August 01, CY Specifications for revenue: No revenue Transfer variant (Additional details tab page): 1 Hint: The standard SAP R/3 system assumes that in the case of a transfer of relationship type 2 (transfer within a company), revenue will never be posted. If you think otherwise, and want to implement a different model, you can use a user exit. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Transfer → Intercompany Asset Transfer. For all the other data, use the information provided in the exercise. Once you have entered the data, choose Extras → Simulate. Look at the document. Save. You should have seen three messages, the last of which indicates the new asset number in company code 1000. 2. Display the asset values for both master records. Which transaction types were used? a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Select one of the two assets. Go to the FI document by double-clicking on the transaction. Choose the document with the lowest document number; this is the document for your company code, AA##. The document header now contains an independent number; click on this. You can show the transaction types by changing the current display variant. Choose Change Current Display Variant. Continued on next page 130 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Task 4: Optional: Transfer between legally independent entities (across enterprise boundaries). Another driver of a company car in company code AA## moves to company code AA31 (company AC305) and takes his car with him. 1. First, post an acquisition with a value of 50,000to one of your company cars in company code AA## on January 01, PY a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. For all the other data, use the information provided in the exercise. 2. Now, after practically two years of use in your company code AA##, the asset is to be transferred to company code AA31 on December 31, CY. As both company codes are legally independent, a sale price is also agreed upon. The net book value of the asset is entered in the new company code, where it will be depreciated for three years. Carry out the transfer using the following data: Value, document, posting date: 12/31/CY Specifications for revenue: Net book value from area 01 Transfer to company code: AA31 Transfer variant: 2 (net method) New asset (create in transaction): Yes Cost center in company code AA31: T-F05A31 a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Transfer → Intercompany Asset Transfer. For all the other data, use the information provided in the exercise. Choose Extras → Simulate. Save. 3. Display the asset values for both records. You notice two things: 1. The start date for ordinary depreciation was copied to the new asset – this is good. However, it is not possible to control this using the “acquisition transaction type,” as is the case with an intracompany posting. This can only be done using the “copy rules” of the Ordinary Depr. Start field. 2. The depreciation for the current year is calculated on the “source asset” in company code AA00 and on the “target asset ”in company code AA31 – this is bad. The reason for this is that transfer variants 1 to 3 can only calculate the “proportional values” correctly if the transfer takes place at the Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 131 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 start of the year (January 1 - 15). If other dates are used, there are problems with period control. Therefore, SAP also provides transfer variants 7 and 8, which take account of the relevant period controls. a) Solution to 1: Display field copy rules: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Transactions → Intercompany Asset Transfers → Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers → Define Transfer Variant(s). In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Specify Transfer of Fields (for New Assets in Target CoCd). In the table, select Transfer Variant 2. In the dialog structure, double-click to select Depreciation areas. In the table, select the generic entry. In the dialog structure, double-click to select Field transfer of field groups. You can now see that the ordinary depreciation start date should be copied. b) Solution to 2: In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Look at the planned depreciation values in the current year for both assets. 4. Reverse the above transfer. Reverse the transaction on one of the two assets (reversal). The reversal transaction in the other company code is then carried out automatically. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Reverse Document → Other Asset Document. Choose the source asset of your company code, AA##. Confirm your entry. Reverse the retirement/transfer transaction. (reversal reason 01). Result: the acquisition in company code AA31 is also reversed. Save. 5. For your company car, post another transfer to company code AA31. This time, though, use transfer variant 7, but keep all the other data the same: Value, document, posting date: December 31, CY Specifications for revenue: Net book value from area 01 Transfer to company code: AA31 Continued on next page 132 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer Transfer variant: 7 New asset (create in transaction): Yes Cost center in company code AA31: T-F05A31 a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Transfer → Intercompany Asset Transfer. For all the other data, use the information provided in the exercise. Choose Extras → Simulate. Save. 6. Display the asset values for both master records. What is the result? No depreciation is calculated for the new asset in company code AA31 for the current year. The net book value is distributed (straight-line) among the next three years of use only. The depreciation of the current year can be seen in full on the asset in company code AA##. Hint: If a transfer of relationship type 1 is to be posted once without revenue, a separate transfer variant with retirement movement type 220 must be created for this. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Select the new asset in company code AA31. Result: This asset does not have any planned depreciation values for the CY. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 133 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Represent intracompany and intercompany asset transfers in the system 134 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss settlement of assets under construction. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Represent assets under construction in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want you to demonstrate settlement for assets under construction. The settlement of assets under construction without integration with Investment Management (IM) is of particular interest here, because assets under construction are relatively rare. Settlement of assets under construction (AuC) can be mapped in Asset Accounting. Figure 55: Assets under Construction Assets you produce yourself have two phases that are relevant to Asset Accounting: • • 2006/Q2 The under construction phase The useful life phase © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 135 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Generally, the assets have to be shown in two different balance sheet items during these two phases. Therefore, they have to be managed using different objects or asset master records for the under-construction phase and for the completed asset. The transfer from the under-construction phase to completed asset is referred to here as capitalization of the asset under construction. You can manage the “under construction phase” in FI-AA in the following ways (depending on the functions you need): • • As a “normal” asset master record (for summary settlement) As an asset master record with line item management When you capitalize the asset under construction, you transfer the values to one or more completed assets. This transfer is either done in a lump sum or with line item settlement. When capitalizing the asset under construction, the system automatically separates the transactions from the previous years from the transactions from the current year. This is done by using different transaction types. If you have more extensive capital investment measures, you have the option of using SAP R/3 Investment Management (IM). This enables you to represent capital investments simultaneously as assets under construction (for accounting purposes) and internal orders or projects (for controlling purposes). Figure 56: Assets under Construction: Line Item Settlement 136 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) When performing a line item settlement of an asset under construction to one or more completed assets, proceed as follows: • • • Select all line items that you want to settle in the same proportion to the same receiver. Define distribution rules for these line items. Post the settlement of line items to the specified receivers using the distribution rule. Note that this posting procedure settles all line items to which a distribution rule is assigned. If you want to settle using amounts (possible since SAP R/3 4.0), then you have to select and distribute one line item after the other. When you settle, you do not have to settle all line items at once, and you do not have to distribute 100 percent of each line item. For an asset under construction, you can use the distribution rule groups that you already created. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 137 Unit 3: Asset Transactions 138 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) Exercise 8: Assets under Construction (AuC) Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Settle an asset under construction Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want you to demonstrate settlement for assets under construction. The settlement of assets under construction without integration with Investment Management (IM) is of particular interest here, because assets under construction are relatively rare. Task: Post acquisitions to an asset under construction and then capitalize this on three target assets (machines 07–09) by settling the AuC. 1. First, you have to assign a settlement profile to your company code. The system needs this profile to settle the asset under construction. SAP provides settlement profile AI in the standard system. 2. Now post three acquisitions (for the previous and current year) to your asset under construction (you must have already created the master record): 3. Jan. 1, PY: 10,000 Jan. 1, PY: 60,000 Feb 1, CY: 35,000 The AuC has now been completely posted and you can distribute its values and “capitalize” it. Settle the acquisition of 60,000 completely to machine 07. Settle the other two acquisitions to the AuC as follows: 70 percent to the asset machine 08 and 30 percent to the asset machine 09. Hint: You can enter the current date as the settlement date, if the course is not being held in January. If the course is being held in January, use the settlement date February 18, CY. Don't forget to start an update run after the test run. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 139 Unit 3: Asset Transactions 140 TFIN52 4. Now call the Asset Explorer for the AuC. Has the AuC been credited in full? Is the same transaction type used for all credit transactions? If not, why not? 5. Look at the values of your assets machines 07 to 09. How are the values displayed in the asset history sheet? © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) Solution 8: Assets under Construction (AuC) Task: Post acquisitions to an asset under construction and then capitalize this on three target assets (machines 07–09) by settling the AuC. 1. First, you have to assign a settlement profile to your company code. The system needs this profile to settle the asset under construction. SAP provides settlement profile AI in the standard system. a) Basics: Menu path in Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets. Menu path in Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project → Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Transactions→ Capitalization of Assets under Construction → Define/Assign Settlement Profiles. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Assign Settlement Profile to Company Code. Assign settlement profile AI to your company code, AA##. 2. Now post three acquisitions (for the previous and current year) to your asset under construction (you must have already created the master record): Jan. 1, PY: 10,000 Jan. 1, PY: 60,000 Feb 1, CY: 35,000 a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Post the three acquisitions to the AuC one after the other, as described in the exercise. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 141 Unit 3: Asset Transactions 3. TFIN52 The AuC has now been completely posted and you can distribute its values and “capitalize” it. Settle the acquisition of 60,000 completely to machine 07. Settle the other two acquisitions to the AuC as follows: 70 percent to the asset machine 08 and 30 percent to the asset machine 09. Hint: You can enter the current date as the settlement date, if the course is not being held in January. If the course is being held in January, use the settlement date February 18, CY. Don't forget to start an update run after the test run. a) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Capitalize Asset u. Const. → Distribute. Enter the asset number of the AuC. Choose Document → Execute. Select the acquisition with a value of 60,000. Choose Edit → Enter Distrib. Rules. In the table, enter the master record number of machine 07 as the settlement receiver, and confirm your entries. Go back. Select the other two acquisitions (in one go → with the Ctrl key). Choose Edit → Enter Distrib. Rules. In the table, enter the master record number of machine 08 and 09 as the settlement receiver, and the percentages (70 and 30). Confirm your entries. Go back. Save your entry. Choose Environment → Execute Settlement. Choose Settlement → Execute, first as a test run, then an update run. 4. Now call the Asset Explorer for the AuC. Has the AuC been credited in full? Is the same transaction type used for all credit transactions? If not, why not? a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. The credit transaction types are not the same, because the acquisitions on the AuC were from the previous and current year. Continued on next page 142 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Assets under Construction (AuC) 5. Look at the values of your assets machines 07 to 09. How are the values displayed in the asset history sheet? a) In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. You can now look at the individual assets one after the other. To display the asset history sheet for machines 07 – 09 together, choose Fixed Assets → Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Notes to Financial Statements → International → Asset History Sheet. Enter the following data: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Asset number Numbers of machines 07 - 09 Sort version 0013 List assets Select Execute the report. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 143 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Represent assets under construction in the system 144 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Unplanned Depreciation Lesson: Unplanned Depreciation Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about unplanned depreciation and how to represent unplanned depreciation in the system. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Represent unplanned depreciation in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want you to show them the features of unplanned depreciation in the system. Figure 57: Unplanned Depreciation In addition to the automatic calculation of depreciation using depreciation keys, you can plan manual depreciation for individual assets in FI-AA. When you enter the transaction type, the system recognizes that you want to perform manual depreciation (for example current-value depreciation). In a dialog box, you can select the depreciation areas for which you want to enter depreciation. The depreciation could be current-value depreciation, for example, that is allowed for book depreciation but not for tax depreciation. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 145 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 After you have manually planned depreciation, the system does not create an FI document immediately. This document is not generated until the depreciation posting program is run. Audit trail: You can use a special report to display manual depreciation: SAP Easy Access → Fixed Assets → Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Explanations for P&L → International → Manual Depreciation. Similarly, you can post write-ups or post-capitalization by choosing the appropriate transaction type and the depreciation areas you want to post. 146 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Unplanned Depreciation Exercise 9: Unplanned Depreciation Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Map a long-term, unplanned reduction of value in the system Business Example The employees in the Asset Accounting department want to map a long-term, unplanned reduction of value for an asset in the system. Task: Optional: The second forklift, which was delivered and capitalized last year (see exercise in the “Master Data” unit), was involved in an accident in the current year. 2006/Q2 1. Enter this long-term, unplanned reduction of value in the system with today's date. The unplanned depreciation amount should be higher in the book depreciation area than in the cost-accounting depreciation area. 2. Display the asset values. Explain to the concerned asset accounting manager why there is no FI document. 3. What transaction type would you use to post unplanned depreciation on a new acquisition? © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 147 Unit 3: Asset Transactions TFIN52 Solution 9: Unplanned Depreciation Task: Optional: The second forklift, which was delivered and capitalized last year (see exercise in the “Master Data” unit), was involved in an accident in the current year. 1. Enter this long-term, unplanned reduction of value in the system with today's date. The unplanned depreciation amount should be higher in the book depreciation area than in the cost-accounting depreciation area. a) Basics: Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) In Fixed Assets, choose Posting→ Manual Value Correction→ Unplanned Depreciation. Enter the asset number of your second forklift. Confirm your entries. Enter the amount of unplanned depreciation. Confirm your entries. The system now proposes the other depreciation areas one after the other. Enter a lower value for area 20. Choose Dep. areas to get an overview of the depreciation areas to be posted. Save. 2. Display the asset values. Explain to the concerned asset accounting manager why there is no FI document. a) 3. What transaction type would you use to post unplanned depreciation on a new acquisition? a) 148 In Fixed Assets, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Transaction type 650 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Unplanned Depreciation Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Represent unplanned depreciation in the system 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 149 Unit Summary TFIN52 Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Post integrated and non-integrated asset acquisitions in the system • Post integrated and non-integrated asset retirements in the system • Represent intracompany and intercompany asset transfers in the system • Represent assets under construction in the system • Represent unplanned depreciation in the system 150 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 4 Periodic Processing Unit Overview This unit provides an overview of periodic processing. In addition to receiving detailed information about the posting of depreciation and the determination of the related asset values, you will learn about further closing activities, the fiscal year change, and year-end closing, and you will practice carrying out the related functions. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • Define depreciation areas Describe how a depreciation term is used in different depreciation areas Control the calculation of depreciation Analyze depreciation values Initiate the depreciation posting run Explain the tasks of the fiscal year change program and the year-end closing programs Unit Contents Lesson: Depreciation ...........................................................152 Exercise 10: Depreciation .................................................167 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing .......................183 Exercise 11: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing ..............187 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 151 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Lesson Overview In this lesson we will discuss calculating and posting depreciation. We will also look at the analysis of depreciation values and explain how the posting run for depreciation is initialized. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • • Define depreciation areas Describe how a depreciation term is used in different depreciation areas Control the calculation of depreciation Analyze depreciation values Initiate the depreciation posting run Business Example Initial test activities have been completed. Assets have been created and posted to. You now want to provide support to the Asset Accounting department during month-end closing. Figure 58: Periodic Processing: Overview Periodic processing comprises the tasks in Asset Accounting that must be performed at periodic intervals. 152 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation If you want to plan primary costs on a cost center basis, you can periodically determine planned depreciation and interest and pass these on to primary cost planning in the CO system via a report. Investment support is a subsidy that a company receives for certain asset investments. Assets that are eligible for such a subsidy are marked in the asset master records with an investment support key. All specifications for claiming the investment support are stored in the definition of this key. You can post the claim manually or in a mass procedure. Inflation management is required in countries with high rates of inflation or deflation. You can now also use the Schedule Manager in FI-AA to define, schedule, process, and control periodically recurring processes Figure 59: Valuation Depreciation areas are identified in the system by a two-character numeric key. You also define per depreciation area how to post the asset balance sheet values (APC, proportional value adjustment) and depreciation to the general ledger accounts. You can also define depreciation areas for reporting reasons only. They will show values and calculate depreciation, but will not post any values to G/L accounts. You can calculate different values in a depreciation area for a specific purpose (for example, for the balance sheet, for cost accounting, or for taxes). You also define per depreciation area which values have to be managed (for example, APC or positive/negative net book value). 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 153 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 You also define for each depreciation area how posting values and depreciation terms should be transferred to other areas. For each area, you have to enter information (frequency, procedure, and CO account assignment) for depreciation posting. Figure 60: Depreciation You can define which types of depreciation should be used for each depreciation area (that is ordinary, special, or unplanned depreciation). The system supports the following direct types of depreciation: • • • Ordinary depreciation special depreciation Unplanned depreciation Ordinary depreciation: This is the planned reduction in asset value due to normal wear and tear. Special depreciation: This represents a purely tax-based type of depreciation for wear and tear. This form of depreciation usually allows for depreciating a percentage of the asset value, and this percentage may be staggered within a tax concession period, without taking the actual wear and tear on the asset into consideration. Unplanned depreciation: This is concerned with unusual circumstances, such as damage to the asset, that lead to a permanent reduction in its value. Unit-of-production depreciation: This allows you to take fluctuations in activity into account for the depreciation calculation. It makes the amount of depreciation dependent upon seasonal usage of the asset (for example, number of miles traveled or units produced). 154 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Figure 61: Depreciation Calculation Methods Specifications and parameters that the system requires to calculate depreciation amounts are entered in calculation methods. Calculation methods replace the internal calculation key of the depreciation key. Individual calculation methods: • • • • • Base method Declining-balance methods Maximum amount methods Multilevel methods Period control methods Calculation methods can be assigned to a depreciation key. Old tables are automatically migrated to the new tables during an upgrade. The status of the new depreciation keys must be set to active so that you can work with them. Otherwise the system will continue to use the old keys. Advantages of using calculation methods: • • • 2006/Q2 Country-specific requirements are represented by methods specific to a particular chart of accounts. They allow you to avoid the use of an ever-increasing number of internal calculation keys. You can enter depreciation keys as default values for a particular company code or depreciation area. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 155 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Figure 62: Detail list of methods The detail list of the calculation methods assigned to a depreciation key can be called directly from transaction AFAMA, from the asset master record and from the Asset Explorer. Figure 63: Calculating Depreciation Values 156 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation The asset master record contains the depreciation terms. In figure 64, the system calculates the annual depreciation using the depreciation key and the useful life. According to the purpose of the depreciation area, other terms, such as revaluation or imputed interest, are also calculated. The system determines the depreciation start date using the asset value date and the period control method. The Asset Explorer displays the values and the depreciation for every transaction and each area. From the Asset Explorer, you can display the calculation of depreciation values. Please note that changing the Customizing definition of the depreciation keys does not automatically lead to a correction of depreciation values that have already been calculated for individual assets. For that to happen, you have to execute a recalculation of depreciation. I Figure 64: Depreciation calculation on the basis of period intervals In a great many cases the new calculation program calculates the same depreciation amount as the old logic – see example. Nevertheless, the new Depreciation Engine does, in principle, enable a more precise calculation. The new logic examines how long the same reference value (for example, purchase value or net book value of an asset) can be assumed to be valid within a fiscal year. If there is no transaction for the asset, the depreciation calculation has the same reference value for the entire year and it is calculated with precisely one 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 157 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 period interval (=> period 1 to period 12). If there is a transaction, the reference value also changes and other periods are used in the calculation (depending on the period control). The new term "period interval" can be used synonymously with the term "segment". Therefore, if the system creates a new period interval, one can also speak of segmentation in this context. In most cases this changeover will not be noticed for depreciation keys used in Germany, as later acquisitions in subsequent years are frequently handled at the start of each year. In other countries (such as Japan) acquisitions in subsequent years are also handled "pro rata" and this can result in calculation differences between the old and new logic. Figure 65: Time-Dependency of Depreciation Terms (1) The logic and method for working with time-dependent depreciation terms is comparable with the procedure for time-dependent data in the master data area. Time-dependent changes can therefore also be defined by creating new intervals. Summary – what is new in the FI-AA depreciation calculation for mySAP ERP 2005: 158 • Depreciation calculation on the basis of period intervals (=> use of the Depreciation Engine) • Time-dependent depreciation terms • Support for an (automatic) changeover method to period/months. However, this is not a standard method, it must be implemented using the BAdI (Business Add-In) FAA_DC_CUSTOMER © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Figure 66: Time-Dependency of Depreciation Terms (2) The example shows clearly that with the use of time-dependent intervals (in conjunction with the new mySAP ERP Depreciation Engine) depreciation can be calculated more accurately than was previously possible. If time-dependent depreciation terms are not used, a change would have the effect that all open (and future) fiscal years are/were recalculated. With a time-dependent change to depreciation terms, you must also make sure that the changes only take affect if they do not infringe any other system dependencies (for example settings for the depreciation areas) – in particular when reducing the depreciation amounts. • Example: You would like to change only depreciation area 01 for a system (using a time-dependent useful life reduction). Area 01 and area 02 are both used to calculate the values for a (derived) depreciation area 03 (=> area 03 = 02 - 01). Assume that according to the Customizing settings for this area, the net book value may only be negative or zero. Only reducing the useful life in area 01 results in a net book value in area 01 that is smaller than that in area 02 and therefore a positive net book value would result in area 03. The system does not allow this – the useful life reduction has no effect. The new logic of the depreciation calculation creates a new period interval (segment) for a mid-year changes to the term. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 159 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Figure 67: Cost-Accounting Area You can define whether interest should be calculated for the cost-accounting depreciation area, and whether depreciation should continue below zero. You make these specifications when you define the depreciation areas. You can use index series for indexing of the replacement value. The example depicted in figure 66 assumes the following depreciation terms: Depreciation key: LINA (straight-line from replacement value, pro rata temporis, with curb/interest) • • • 160 Ordinary depreciation start date: February 01, YYYY → depreciation and interest in year 1: 11/12 of the annual value. Index 103 percent for APC (the calculation of depreciation from the second year is based on the indexed replacement value) Interest: 10 percent interest on half the acquisition value © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Automatic calculation: • • • Depreciation after planned life end: This indicates that you want the system to continue depreciation after the end of the planned useful life. Depreciation below book value: Set this indicator if you want the system to continue depreciation after the book value is zero. The depreciation area must allow negative net book value (a changeover key may be used). Effective life after planned end (with curb): The actual, not the planned life determines the rate of depreciation. Example: The useful life is 10 years, so there is depreciation of 1/10 each year. This indicator reduces the depreciation rate of 1/10 of the APC to 1/11 in the 11th year, and so on, so that the depreciation amount decreases after the planned end. Figure 68: Imputed Interest For cost accounting, you might have to calculate imputed interest on the capital tied up in assets. Specify the following settings: • • • • 2006/Q2 Allow the calculation of imputed interest for the depreciation area. Determine that interest should be posted for the company code and the corresponding depreciation area. Use a depreciation key to which calculation methods for the depreciation type Interest are assigned, or define such a key yourself. If the calculation of the interest is based on a replacement value, the system calculates indexed interest. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 161 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 The system posts interest simultaneously during the periodic depreciation posting run. It posts to the accounts that are entered in the relevant account determination for each depreciation area. Furthermore, an additional account assignment can be made to the cost center or the internal order entered in each asset master record (as is the case with depreciation). This example assumes: • • • Depreciation method: stated percentage (10 percent) Base value: half the acquisition value Automatic calculation: depreciation after planned life end Figure 69: Replacement Values: Index If revaluation (indexing) is used in a depreciation area, you can specify an index series for calculating the replacement value. You enter the index series in the asset or in the asset class. The index series must be assigned to an index class. This class contains the essential control parameters for the index series. Only year-dependent index classes are used. For each fiscal year, you should specify index figures for the index series. If they are missing, the system switches to the simulated annual rate of revaluation. An indexed revaluation can also be calculated for accumulated depreciation and imputed interest (if the interest calculation key is based on replacement value). Specify in the depreciation area if you want to post to the general ledger, indicating whether you want to post revaluation of APC only, or also include depreciation/interest. 162 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Figure 70: Depreciation Posting Program You can post the following using the depreciation posting program RAPOST2000: • • • • • Ordinary depreciation (book depreciation and cost-accounting) Tax depreciation, or allocation and write-off of reserves due to special tax depreciation Unplanned depreciation (or other manually planned depreciation) Imputed interest Revaluation of APC or of accumulated depreciation Up to and including SAP R/3 4.6C, you have to create a batch input session using the old posting program RABUCH00. This batch input session contains the depreciation posting documents for the general ledger. You have to process the batch input session in order to actually post the documents to the general ledger. The program RAPOST2000 directly posts to the G/L accounts and additional account assignment objects. Using a test run, you can check for any possible errors (such as locked cost centers). Any errors that occur are displayed in an error list. Only real CO account assignment objects can be posted. However, you can make additional, statistical postings to other objects. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 163 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Figure 71: Specify/Activate Account Assignment Types The menu paths you need to make these settings are: • • • • For 1.: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Valuation → Depreciation Areas → Define Depreciation Areas For 2: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts For 3.: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation For 4.: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Intervals and Posting Rules Select the company code and depreciation area in the dialog structure. • • For 5.: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Activate Account Assignment Objects For 6.: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects – 164 There is a program that shows all active account assignment objects: RAACCOBJ01 ( v transaction: AACCOBJ) © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Figure 72: RAPOST2000 Log (Test Run) RAPOST2000, unlike its predecessor RABUCH00, already carries out all essential checks during the test run, and records any errors: • • • • • Incorrect account assignment objects (for example, a cost center that is locked in CO) Account assignment types missing in Customizing for Asset Accounting; You receive the error message “Account xxxx requires an assignment to a CO object” Accounts for depreciation posting missing Posting period was entered incorrectly (related to the “posting interval” entered in Customizing) on the initial screen of RAPOST2000 Settings missing for the depreciation posting cycle in the depreciation area The errors are indicated by “red traffic lights” at the end of the log. You can choose the “Error list” pushbutton to see more details. There is also a document simulation function related to the test run of RAPOST2000. By double-clicking, you can go directly from the log to a simulated document. If you execute a productive run of RAPOST2000, you can see all documents of the period in the posting run log. The program for this is RAPOST2001. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 165 Unit 4: Periodic Processing 166 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Exercise 10: Depreciation Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Analyze depreciation values • Control depreciation amounts • Start the depreciation posting run Business Example Initial test activities have been completed. Assets have been created and posted to. You now want to provide support to the Asset Accounting department during month-end closing. Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. First, check in the IMG which depreciation areas in your chart of depreciation allow ordinary depreciation. Please do not change any of the entries. Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post 10,000 on January 01, CY to one of your master records of class 3000 ( → fixtures and fittings) that data has not been posted to so far. 2. If you now start the Asset Explorer, you will see that the system shows planned depreciation of 3,000 for the current year because of the depreciation key DG30 in area 01. Is that the case? 3. In change mode, go to the master record for the asset, and change the depreciation terms in depreciation areas 01 and 02 from DG30 to LINR. Save the changes and read the warning messages that the system displays all the way through, by calling up the warning messages with a double-click. 4. Analyze the planned book depreciation again in the Asset Explorer. Has the planned depreciation amount changed? Display the calculation of the planned depreciation amount. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 167 Unit 4: Periodic Processing 5. TFIN52 Optional: One of the texts in the warning messages called up in task 5-2-2 explains the situation with the “(one-to-one) transfer of depreciation terms.” Where in Customizing for Asset Accounting can you find the table or control options for your chart of depreciation AA##? Please do not make any changes here. Task 3: Hint: In SAP R/3 4.6, the internal calculation keys in the depreciation key were replaced by calculation methods. In order to be able to use the new depreciation keys after an upgrade to SAP R/3 4.6 or higher, you have to change their status from migrated to active. 1. In the training system, all depreciation keys should have the status active. However, to make sure, call up Customizing again, using your chart of depreciation, AA##. 2. What is the name of the transaction for this? Continued on next page 168 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Task 4: Optional, but typical example from everyday experience: Sections of SAP Note 328780 are listed below: SAP Note 328780, Page 1 Number 328780 Version 7 dated Aug. 15, 2002 Set on 16.08.2002 Language EN Text Changes according to German law on tax reduction Responsible P. Musterman Component FI-AA Asset Accounting Long text / Symptom: With the introduction of the German law on tax reduction, the following measures are relevant for the valuation of complex assets: 1. .... 2. A reduction of straight-line depreciation for buildings in the company assets from 4 % to 3 %. Solution 1. .... 2. Procedure as of Release 4.6A: Create a new depreciation key, for example GL30, by copying depreciation key GL20: Replace multilevel method 007 with a new multilevel method A##, which should have the following allowed entries: Acq.year Year Per BaseVal. Percent 9999 999 12 01 3.0000 Procedure up to and including Release 4.5B: .... 1. Implement the solution described above for your chart of depreciation, AA##. Hint: When you create the new multilevel method, you can simplify the procedure by using a reference and copying an existing method (for example, multilevel method 007) and changing the copy. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 169 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 2. Now go to your (as yet unposted) building master record and change the depreciation terms of all areas from GD50 to the new depreciation key GL30. Also change the useful life of the asset from the original 50 years to 33 years. 3. Now post 1,000,000 to this master record on January 01, CY. 4. Look at the values in the Asset Explorer. Does the new depreciation key calculate the values correctly? How high is the annual, planned depreciation amount? When will the asset in depreciation area 01 be completely written off? Task 5: Complete the following tasks. 1. Optional: Carry out an acquisition posting to one of your unposted master records of class 3200 on January 15, CY, for an amount of 7,000. 2. Check the values in the cost-accounting depreciation area (20). In particular, look at the APC and the (cost-accounting) interest, and how these values will develop in the future, because the effect of the index (of index series 00070) will not be felt until the following year. This means that from CY+1, you should see an amount in the Revaluation row, which increases the APC. Based on this replacement value, the planned ordinary depreciation is calculated for the CY+1. 3. Create a new index series, AA##, in index class 3. Take the current year as the base year with the valuation key figure 100 and reduce this amount by 10 points per year over three years. If you wish, you can work with a simulated yearly rate of +5 percent (that is, 105 percent) after this period. 4. In your asset, replace the index series 00070 with the new index series AA##. Then go to the Asset Explorer and look at whether the revaluation has been calculated in line with your new index series. Task 6: You should now post the depreciation for the complete previous year for your company code, AA##. First make sure that you have made all necessary settings in Customizing. 1. The active account assignment objects in the client you are using should be at the minimum the cost center (KOSTL) and the function area (FKBER). Is that the case? Caution: DO NOT CHANGE THE ENTRIES IN THIS TABLE! Other objects may also be active. Continued on next page 170 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Caution: These exercises cannot be performed in this manner in the USA. If necessary obtain more information from your trainer. 2. In the cost-accounting area, you want to post the cost-accounting depreciation ( → costs) to a cost center in the depreciation posting run. For the account assignment object “cost center” at least, check whether an account assignment type ( → “depreciation account assignment”) has been set for your company code AA## (in depreciation area 20). This is not usually the case – therefore you need to create the corresponding entries. 3. Check which document type is specified in your company code, AA##, for depreciation posting. 4. Make sure that all depreciation areas in your company code, AA##, post depreciation monthly as a default. 5. In addition, depreciation area 20 (cost accounting) in your chart of depreciation, AA##, should post imputed interest along with depreciation. 6. Execute a test run of the depreciation posting program for your company code, AA##, for the month of January in the previous year. Choose List assets. Compare the columns showing the Planned and To be Posted amounts. 7. You should now enter the depreciation for the previous year in a single step. Therefore, carry out a further (unplanned) test run for the complete previous year. Analyze the log of the test run, and display one or more simulated documents. Is the document type correct? 8. Carry out the update run for your company code, AA##, (in the background) for the complete previous year. Enter printer LP01 as the output device. Start the job immediately. Task 7: Complete the following tasks. 1. Call up the new log ( → RAPOST2001) of the depreciation run that was just posted. Or, you can again have the system list all assets. Here, you can also display the posted documents at any time. 2. From the log, go directly to the Monitor of the Schedule Manager. What were the start and end times of your program? Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 171 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Task 8: Complete the following tasks. 1. Call the Asset Explorer, and use your machine 3 as an example ( → machine “with complete retirement”), and check whether the depreciation of the previous year is flagged as “posted.” 2. Can you also find the document number for the depreciation posting in the Asset Explorer? Task 9: Complete the following task. 1. 172 Optional: With the implementation of SAP R/3 4.7, you decide to assign cost-accounting depreciation from depreciation area 20 to WBS elements with the depreciation posting program. What two basic settings do you need to make in Customizing for Asset Accounting before you can maintain a WBS element in the asset master data, and then to actually post the depreciation to this object? © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Solution 10: Depreciation Task 1: Complete the following task. 1. First, check in the IMG which depreciation areas in your chart of depreciation allow ordinary depreciation. Please do not change any of the entries. a) Basics: Menu path to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project → SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting b) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Depreciation → Ordinary Depreciation → Determine Depreciation Areas Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post 10,000 on January 01, CY to one of your master records of class 3000 ( → fixtures and fittings) that data has not been posted to so far. a) 2. If you now start the Asset Explorer, you will see that the system shows planned depreciation of 3,000 for the current year because of the depreciation key DG30 in area 01. Is that the case? a) 3. In the Asset Accounting application, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry Yes, this is the case. In change mode, go to the master record for the asset, and change the depreciation terms in depreciation areas 01 and 02 from DG30 to LINR. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 173 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Save the changes and read the warning messages that the system displays all the way through, by calling up the warning messages with a double-click. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change → Asset. Make the changes as described in the exercise. Caution: After reading the warning messages, don't forget to save. 4. Analyze the planned book depreciation again in the Asset Explorer. Has the planned depreciation amount changed? Display the calculation of the planned depreciation amount. a) 5. Yes, this is the case. The planned depreciation amount is 2,000 per year over five years. Optional: One of the texts in the warning messages called up in task 5-2-2 explains the situation with the “(one-to-one) transfer of depreciation terms.” Where in Customizing for Asset Accounting can you find the table or control options for your chart of depreciation AA##? Please do not make any changes here. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Valuation → Depreciation Areas → Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms Task 3: Hint: In SAP R/3 4.6, the internal calculation keys in the depreciation key were replaced by calculation methods. In order to be able to use the new depreciation keys after an upgrade to SAP R/3 4.6 or higher, you have to change their status from migrated to active. 1. In the training system, all depreciation keys should have the status active. However, to make sure, call up Customizing again, using your chart of depreciation, AA##. a) 2. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Depreciation → Valuation Methods → Depreciation Key → Maintain Depreciation Keys What is the name of the transaction for this? a) The transaction is called AFAMA. Continued on next page 174 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Task 4: Optional, but typical example from everyday experience: Sections of SAP Note 328780 are listed below: SAP Note 328780, Page 1 Number 328780 Version 7 dated Aug. 15, 2002 Set on 16.08.2002 Language EN Text Changes according to German law on tax reduction Responsible P. Musterman Component FI-AA Asset Accounting Long text / Symptom: With the introduction of the German law on tax reduction, the following measures are relevant for the valuation of complex assets: 1. .... 2. A reduction of straight-line depreciation for buildings in the company assets from 4 % to 3 %. Solution 1. .... 2. Procedure as of Release 4.6A: Create a new depreciation key, for example GL30, by copying depreciation key GL20: Replace multilevel method 007 with a new multilevel method A##, which should have the following allowed entries: Acq.year Year Per BaseVal. Percent 9999 999 12 01 3.0000 Procedure up to and including Release 4.5B: .... 1. Implement the solution described above for your chart of depreciation, AA##. Hint: When you create the new multilevel method, you can simplify the procedure by using a reference and copying an existing method (for example, multilevel method 007) and changing the copy. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 175 Unit 4: Periodic Processing 2. a) Copy depreciation key: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Depreciation → Valuation Methods → Depreciation Key. b) Step – Copy multilevel method: In Customizing for Asset Accounting , choose Depreciation → Valuation Methods → Depreciation Key → Calculation Methods → Define Multi-Level Methods c) Step – Enter new multilevel method in new depreciation key: In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Depreciation → Valuation Methods → Depreciation Key → Maintain Depreciation Key Now go to your (as yet unposted) building master record and change the depreciation terms of all areas from GD50 to the new depreciation key GL30. Also change the useful life of the asset from the original 50 years to 33 years. a) 3. In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change → Asset. Now post 1,000,000 to this master record on January 01, CY. a) 4. TFIN52 In the Asset Accounting application, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry Look at the values in the Asset Explorer. Does the new depreciation key calculate the values correctly? How high is the annual, planned depreciation amount? When will the asset in depreciation area 01 be completely written off? a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Task 5: Complete the following tasks. 1. Optional: Carry out an acquisition posting to one of your unposted master records of class 3200 on January 15, CY, for an amount of 7,000. a) 2. In the Asset Accounting application, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry Check the values in the cost-accounting depreciation area (20). In particular, look at the APC and the (cost-accounting) interest, and how these values will develop in the future, because the effect of the index (of index series 00070) will not be felt until the following year. This means that from CY+1, you should see an amount in the Revaluation row, which increases the APC. Based on this replacement value, the planned ordinary depreciation is calculated for the CY+1. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Continued on next page 176 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation 3. Create a new index series, AA##, in index class 3. Take the current year as the base year with the valuation key figure 100 and reduce this amount by 10 points per year over three years. If you wish, you can work with a simulated yearly rate of +5 percent (that is, 105 percent) after this period. a) 4. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Special Valuation → Revaluation of Fixed Assets → Indexed Replacement Values → Define Index Series In your asset, replace the index series 00070 with the new index series AA##. Then go to the Asset Explorer and look at whether the revaluation has been calculated in line with your new index series. a) Step: In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Change → Asset. b) Step: In the Asset Accounting application, choose Asset → Asset Explorer Task 6: You should now post the depreciation for the complete previous year for your company code, AA##. First make sure that you have made all necessary settings in Customizing. 1. The active account assignment objects in the client you are using should be at the minimum the cost center (KOSTL) and the function area (FKBER). Is that the case? Caution: DO NOT CHANGE THE ENTRIES IN THIS TABLE! Other objects may also be active. Caution: These exercises cannot be performed in this manner in the USA. If necessary obtain more information from your trainer. a) 2. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Activate Account Assignment Objects In the cost-accounting area, you want to post the cost-accounting depreciation ( → costs) to a cost center in the depreciation posting run. For the account assignment object “cost center” at least, check whether an account assignment type ( → “depreciation account assignment”) has been set for your company code AA## (in depreciation area 20). Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 177 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 This is not usually the case – therefore you need to create the corresponding entries. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects In the table, select your company code, AA##. In the dialog box, double-click to select Depreciation Area. In the table, select depreciation area 20. In the dialog box, double-click to select Account Assignment Objects. 3. Check which document type is specified in your company code, AA##, for depreciation posting. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation. Document type AF is specified. 4. Make sure that all depreciation areas in your company code, AA##, post depreciation monthly as a default. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Intervals and Posting Rules In the table, select your company code, AA##. In the dialog box, double-click to select Posting rules. Now double-click on the area 01 and/or 20. The monthly posting should be made in this area(s). 5. In addition, depreciation area 20 (cost accounting) in your chart of depreciation, AA##, should post imputed interest along with depreciation. a) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Intervals and Posting Rules In the table, select your company code, AA##. In the dialog box, double-click to select Posting rules. Double-click on area 20. In the field group Other posting settings, set the Post interest indicator. Continued on next page 178 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation 6. Execute a test run of the depreciation posting program for your company code, AA##, for the month of January in the previous year. Choose List assets. Compare the columns showing the Planned and To be Posted amounts. a) In the Asset Accounting application, choose Periodic Processing → Depreciation Run → Execute Enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Values Company code AA## Fiscal year Previous year (CY-1) Posting Period 01 Planned posting run indicator Select List assets Select Test Run Set Choose MO Program → Execute. Confirm the dialog box. 7. You should now enter the depreciation for the previous year in a single step. Therefore, carry out a further (unplanned) test run for the complete previous year. Analyze the log of the test run, and display one or more simulated documents. Is the document type correct? a) Use the following data: Field Name or Data Type Values Company code AA## Fiscal year Previous year (CY-1) Posting Period 12 Unplanned posting run indicator Set List assets Select Test Run Set Then choose menu option Program → Execute Confirm the dialog box. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 179 Unit 4: Periodic Processing 8. TFIN52 Carry out the update run for your company code, AA##, (in the background) for the complete previous year. Enter printer LP01 as the output device. Start the job immediately. a) Use the following data: Field Name or Data Type Values Company code AA## Fiscal year Previous year (CY-1) Posting Period 12 Unplanned posting run indicator Set List assets Select Test Run Deselect Choose Program → Execute in Background. In the Background Print Parameters dialog box, enter LP01. Confirm by choosing Continue. Choose Immediate. Save. Task 7: Complete the following tasks. 1. Call up the new log ( → RAPOST2001) of the depreciation run that was just posted. Or, you can again have the system list all assets. Here, you can also display the posted documents at any time. a) In the Asset Accounting application, choose Periodic Processing → Depreciation Run → Display Log Execute the report for the previous month and period 12. 2. From the log, go directly to the Monitor of the Schedule Manager. What were the start and end times of your program? a) After you have completed this task, on the Depreciation Run Log for Company Code AA## screen, choose the Log of Schedule Manager button. Continued on next page 180 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Depreciation Task 8: Complete the following tasks. 1. Call the Asset Explorer, and use your machine 3 as an example ( → machine “with complete retirement”), and check whether the depreciation of the previous year is flagged as “posted.” a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Select machine 3 using the F4 help. Display the values of the previous year. Choose the Posted Values tab page. 2. Can you also find the document number for the depreciation posting in the Asset Explorer? a) Yes, there is a link to it; follow the link. Select the row containing the posted period. Choose the Display Deprec. Log button. Task 9: Complete the following task. 1. Optional: With the implementation of SAP R/3 4.7, you decide to assign cost-accounting depreciation from depreciation area 20 to WBS elements with the depreciation posting program. What two basic settings do you need to make in Customizing for Asset Accounting before you can maintain a WBS element in the asset master data, and then to actually post the depreciation to this object? a) First, you must activate the account assignment object WBS element (PS_PSP_PNR2). In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Activate Account Assignment Objects. For this account assignment object, you then need to define account assignment type for depreciation for your company code, AA##, and depreciation area 20. In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 181 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define depreciation areas • Describe how a depreciation term is used in different depreciation areas • Control the calculation of depreciation • Analyze depreciation values • Initiate the depreciation posting run 182 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about the fiscal year change and year-end closing programs Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • Explain the tasks of the fiscal year change program and the year-end closing programs Business Example Initial test activities have been completed. Assets have been created and posted. You now want to provide support to the Asset Accounting department during year-end closing. Figure 73: Fiscal Year Change The fiscal year change program opens new annual value fields for each asset. • • • 2006/Q2 The earliest you can start this program is in the last posting period of the current year. You have to run the fiscal year change program for your whole company code. You can only process a fiscal year change in a subsequent year if the previous year has already been closed for business. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 183 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Take care not to confuse the fiscal year change program with year-end closing for accounting purposes. Figure 74: Year-End Closing Preparation for year-end closing: • • • • • After the depreciation lists and asset history sheet have been checked, depreciation is posted. If an area posts APC values to the general ledger periodically, you will need to run report RAPERP00 for periodic posting. If the final result is not satisfactory, you can carry out depreciation simulation or (bulk) changes, or make adjustment postings. If you change any depreciation values, you must run depreciation posting again. Once depreciation has been posted in FI-AA and FI, a balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be created. The year-end closing program then checks whether: • • Depreciation and asset values are posted in full Assets contain errors or are incomplete If the program does not find any errors, it updates the last closed fiscal year for each depreciation area. At the same time, the report locks posting in Asset Accounting for the closed fiscal year. If a closed fiscal year is subsequently released for posting, it can only be closed again once the year-end closing program has been re-run. 184 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Figure 75: Periodic APC Values Posting Options I Settings for using RAPERB2000: • • • Define new document type: In Customizing for Asset Accounting (or directly in Customizing for FI), choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation → Define Document Types . Create number range interval: From defining the document type, choose the Number range information function to go directly to maintenance of the number range interval and create a new interval. It is essential that you observe SAP Note 890976. Now create the new document type for your company code(s): In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post APC Values Periodically to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting of Asset Values. Start RAPERB2000 (using mySAP ERP): in the Asset Accounting application menu, choose Periodic Processing → APC Values Posting Start RAPERB2000 (using R/3 Enterprise Ext 1.10): in the Asset Accounting application menu, choose Periodic Processing → APC Values Posting (new) • 2006/Q2 When you execute a test run, the report provides a comprehensive log in ALV format. You can go directly from the log to a simulation of individual documents. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 185 Unit 4: Periodic Processing 186 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Exercise 11: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute the periodic programs RAJAWE00 and RAJABS00 Business Example Initial test activities have been completed. Assets have been created and posted. You now want to provide support to the Asset Accounting department during year-end closing. Task: So that you can post some of the previous exercises to the previous year, your instructor has reset the year-end closing of the FI-AA component for the previous year in your company code, AA##. You now need to carry out the year-end closing for asset accounting for the previous year in company code AA##. 1. Start a test run of the year-end program for your company code AA## and the "current year" – 1 / the previous year. What do you find? 2. As the year-end closing can only be carried out in your company code when the system has established that there are no periodic transactions left to be posted, the periodic posting program must be started (as an update run). The program used previously – RAPERB00 – is no longer available in the application menu with mySAP ERP. The program RAPERB2000 must be used. This program has the advantage that it no longer requires a batch input session. It cannot be started immediately – a few system settings need to be made beforehand. If you attempt to start the program RAPERB2000, you will receive an error message. Go to Customizing and create the new document type “##”( → ## corresponds to your group number). Use document type SA as a reference, but do not change any other entries at the moment. Choose Enter, and then change the description of your document type from “G/L account document” to “APC posting ##.” Save your entries. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 187 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Then you have to double click to return to the detail screen for your new document type ##. Go to the number range information. There, enter a new number range interval for your company code, AA##. Name your interval “21.” It should be valid up to the year 9999, and allow document numbers from 2 100 000 000 to 2 199 999 999. Important: As of mySAP ERP 2005, the interval has an an internal number assignment. Save your entries. Now go back to the detail screen for document type ## ( → choose the green arrow twice) and enter your number range interval “21” in the “Number range” field ( → interval 01 should be displayed from the reference). Save your entries. Now enter your new document type for periodic APC postings in Customizing for Asset Accounting in your company code AA##. Save your entries. Start the posting program (program name: RAPERB2000) with the following data: Company Code: AA## List assets: optional List Direct Items: optional First execute in a test run “in the foreground” and then in an update run in the background! 188 3. You can now repeat Exercise 1. If the test run does not produce any more error messages, you can deselect the test run indicator and execute the update run (for the previous year) in the background, immediately, and with printer LP01. 4. In the relevant transaction, check whether the previous year is entered as the last closed fiscal year for your company code, AA##. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Solution 11: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Task: So that you can post some of the previous exercises to the previous year, your instructor has reset the year-end closing of the FI-AA component for the previous year in your company code, AA##. You now need to carry out the year-end closing for asset accounting for the previous year in company code AA##. 1. Start a test run of the year-end program for your company code AA## and the "current year" – 1 / the previous year. What do you find? a) Basics: Menu path to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) application: SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Edit Project → choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting b) In the Asset Accounting application, choose Periodic Processing → Year-End Closing → Execute Enter the data as described in the exercise, and choose the menu option Program → Execute You should find that the year-end closing cannot yet be carried out. 2. As the year-end closing can only be carried out in your company code when the system has established that there are no periodic transactions left to be posted, the periodic posting program must be started (as an update run). The program used previously – RAPERB00 – is no longer available in the application menu with mySAP ERP. The program RAPERB2000 must be used. This program has the advantage that it no longer requires a batch input session. It cannot be started immediately – a few system settings need to be made beforehand. If you attempt to start the program RAPERB2000, you will receive an error message. Go to Customizing and create the new document type “##”( → ## corresponds to your group number). Use document type SA as a reference, but do not change any other entries at the moment. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 189 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 Choose Enter, and then change the description of your document type from “G/L account document” to “APC posting ##.” Save your entries. Then you have to double click to return to the detail screen for your new document type ##. Go to the number range information. There, enter a new number range interval for your company code, AA##. Name your interval “21.” It should be valid up to the year 9999, and allow document numbers from 2 100 000 000 to 2 199 999 999. Important: As of mySAP ERP 2005, the interval has an an internal number assignment. Save your entries. Now go back to the detail screen for document type ## ( → choose the green arrow twice) and enter your number range interval “21” in the “Number range” field ( → interval 01 should be displayed from the reference). Save your entries. Now enter your new document type for periodic APC postings in Customizing for Asset Accounting in your company code AA##. Save your entries. Start the posting program (program name: RAPERB2000) with the following data: Company Code: AA## List assets: optional List Direct Items: optional First execute in a test run “in the foreground” and then in an update run in the background! a) In Customizing for Financial Accounting, choose Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Document Header → Define Document Types In the table, select the entry SA. Choose the Copy as… function. Now overwrite the entry “SA” with your two-character group/PC number “##.” Confirm your entries. Continued on next page 190 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing For your document type ##, change the description from “G/L account document” to “APC posting ##.” Save your entries. b) In Customizing for Financial Accounting, choose Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Document Header → Define Document Types In the table that is displayed, double click on your entry “document type ##.” On the detail screen, choose the large pushbutton Enter your company code AA##. Choose the MO Interval → Change Choose the MO Edit → Insert interval Enter the following values: Field Name or Data Type Values Number 21 Year 9999 From number 2,100,000,000 (enter without spaces!) To number 2 199 999 999 (enter without spaces!) Ext(ernal) number assignment Must be selected Confirm your entries. Save, and confirm the message. c) You have saved and confirmed the information message – ok. Go back twice ( → Press the “green arrow ” or the F3 key). You are now back on the “Change document types”: detail screen. In the Number range field, change the entry from “01” to “21”. Save your entries. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 191 Unit 4: Periodic Processing TFIN52 d) In Customizing for Asset Accounting, choose Integration with the General Ledger → Post APC Values Periodically to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting of Asset Values e) In the Asset Accounting application, choose Periodic Processing → APC Values Posting Enter the data as described in the exercise, and first choose the test run and then the update run with MO Program → Execute 3. You can now repeat Exercise 1. If the test run does not produce any more error messages, you can deselect the test run indicator and execute the update run (for the previous year) in the background, immediately, and with printer LP01. a) 4. In the relevant transaction, check whether the previous year is entered as the last closed fiscal year for your company code, AA##. a) 192 See exercise 1. The factors that you need to consider in the update run are described in the exercise text. In the Asset Accounting application, choose Periodic Processing → Year-End Closing → Undo → Entire Company Code © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Fiscal Year Change and Year-End Closing Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the tasks of the fiscal year change program and the year-end closing programs 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 193 Unit Summary TFIN52 Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Define depreciation areas • Describe how a depreciation term is used in different depreciation areas • Control the calculation of depreciation • Analyze depreciation values • Initiate the depreciation posting run • Explain the tasks of the fiscal year change program and the year-end closing programs 194 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 5 Information System Unit Overview This unit provides an overview of the various reports in the FI-AA information system, the different ways of structuring the reports, and the simulation of asset values. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • Choose and execute the various Asset Accounting reports Set up variable sorting and totaling for asset reporting Create the asset history sheet, and structure it to meet your needs Generate a depreciation forecast Simulate depreciation for assets Unit Contents Lesson: Report Selection ......................................................196 Exercise 12: Report Selection ............................................201 Lesson: Value Simulation .....................................................207 Exercise 13: Value Simulation ........................................... 211 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 195 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss report selection, including using the SAP List Viewer, sort criteria, and the asset history sheet. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • Choose and execute the various Asset Accounting reports Set up variable sorting and totaling for asset reporting Create the asset history sheet, and structure it to meet your needs Business Example When you were discussing the preparations for year-end closing with the project team, your colleagues in Financial Accounting wondered if it was possible to adjust the asset portfolio before the closing takes place. One of the main tasks of Asset Accounting is to represent the asset portfolio in the detailed form of an asset history sheet. Figure 76: Report Tree and Area Menu 196 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Up to SAP R/3 4.5, the Asset Accounting standard reports (and reports from other components) were contained in a report tree, which was stored in Asset Customizing. The report trees were then replaced by area menus. The area menu for reporting is called FIAA Information System Asset Accounting. This, in turn, is embedded in the Asset Accounting area menu (ASMN). The area menus can be displayed and changed in area menu maintenance (transaction SE43). The changes to Asset Accounting resulting from this modification are described in SAP Note 206516. General information on the subject can be found in SAP Note 205771. Figure 77: SAP List Viewer All line items are evaluated by the ABAP List Viewer: This tool has been used to standardize and simplify using reports in the SAP System as of Release 4.6. Important ALV functions: Its user-friendly characteristics support the dynamic creation of layouts. There is a new graphical design, which makes it even simpler to process and display lists and reports using the List Viewer grid control. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 197 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Important List Viewer functions: • • • • • Deleting and inserting columns Arranging the values in columns in ascending or descending order Calculating totals or subtotals across one or more columns within a list Using layouts to save an individual report structure so that you can use it again later Setting filters: It is possible to display only those line items that have some connection with a particular criterion Figure 78: Sort Criteria All reports allow you to sort/total data in different ways using freely definable sort criteria. A sort version consists of a maximum of five sort levels which are determined via ABAP Dictionary fields. The report can output a total and, in some cases, a statistic for each sort level. • • In the Total column, you can specify the levels at which you want totals to be output. You can see a more detailed breakdown of the total of a group level in some lists by selecting the Statistic indicator. In principle, you can use any sort version with any report. If appropriate, reports offer additional sorting by value fields (for example, asset balance, or reports for cost-accounting). 198 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Figure 79: Asset History Sheet The asset history sheet is the most important and most comprehensive year-end report or intermediate report. You can create it using any sort versions, and with totals at any group level, just like any other report. You can create a compact totals list that does not contain information on the individual assets. By using report interfaces, you can display the history sheet for the individual assets that form the total. You can drill down to the asset value display. Additionally, you can call up different reports from other SAP R/3 components. SAP supplies country-specific versions of the asset history sheet. These meet the legal requirements in the given country. There are also additional history sheet versions (to display the development of special depreciation). You can also define your own history sheet versions: • • • Size: Up to 10 rows / 8 columns Store the headers of the history sheet items Define how the values are supplied to the history sheet items Enter this history sheet version as a parameter when you request the asset history sheet. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 199 Unit 5: Information System 200 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Exercise 12: Report Selection Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute a report • Use a sort version • Navigate in a list • Request an asset history sheet Business Example The Cost Accounting department wants a list of posted assets, sorted and totaled according to cost center. Task 1: Complete the following tasks. 1. The Cost Accounting departments asks you to provide a list of all (posted) assets of your company code, AA##, sorted and totaled according to cost center. Therefore, start an asset list (RABEST_ALV01) with the relevant sort version, which you can select using the F4 help. 2. Optional: Use SAP Mail to send this list to the user sitting in front of or behind you. Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. You want to change an asset list of your company code, AA##, so that the assets of your company code are listed by acquisition value in descending order. 2. Optional: Save these settings in a (user-specific) display variant / a (user-specific) layout and then try to call the variant again. Task 3: Complete the following task. 1. Test the dynamic selections function. In your company code, AA##, search for all (posted) assets that contain your group number, ##, in the Description master data field. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 201 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Task 4: Complete the following task. 1. 202 Request the asset sheet history (RAGITT_ALV01) and using sort version 13 and history sheet version 0001, display all assets of your company code, AA##, first individually, and then as a total. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Solution 12: Report Selection Task 1: Complete the following tasks. 1. The Cost Accounting departments asks you to provide a list of all (posted) assets of your company code, AA##, sorted and totaled according to cost center. Therefore, start an asset list (RABEST_ALV01) with the relevant sort version, which you can select using the F4 help. a) Basics: Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Asset Balances → Balance Lists → Asset Balances → ... by Asset Number. Enter the following values: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Report date Dec. Sort version 0014 List assets Select 31, CY Choose Program → Execute. 2. Optional: Use SAP Mail to send this list to the user sitting in front of or behind you. a) Have you completed exercise 1? – OK Choose List → Mail Recipient. Enter the relevant user name as the recipient. Choose Document → Send. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 203 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. You want to change an asset list of your company code, AA##, so that the assets of your company code are listed by acquisition value in descending order. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Asset Balances → Balance Lists → Asset Balances → ... by Asset Number. Enter the following values: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Report date 12/31/CY Sort version 0013 List assets Set Choose Program → Execute. Select the Acquis. Value column. Choose Sort in descending order. 2. Optional: Save these settings in a (user-specific) display variant / a (user-specific) layout and then try to call the variant again. a) Have you completed exercise 1? Choose Settings → Layout → Save. Give the variant a name and description, for example “VAR##” and set the User-specific indicator. To call the variant again, you must first execute the report. Choose Settings → Layout → Choose. Select your variant by left-clicking on it. Continued on next page 204 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Report Selection Task 3: Complete the following task. 1. Test the dynamic selections function. In your company code, AA##, search for all (posted) assets that contain your group number, ##, in the Description master data field. a) The best way to do this is to use an asset list. In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting→ Asset Balances → Balance Lists → Asset Balances → ... by Asset Number. Enter the following values: Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Report date 12/31/CY Sort version 0013 List assets Set Do not execute this program yet. Choose Edit → Dynamic Selections. In the frame that is displayed, open the General data folder. Double-click on Description. On the right-hand side of the screen, enter *##* in the Description field. Choose Program → Execute. Task 4: Complete the following task. 1. Request the asset sheet history (RAGITT_ALV01) and using sort version 13 and history sheet version 0001, display all assets of your company code, AA##, first individually, and then as a total. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Notes to Financial Statements → International → Asset History Sheet. Enter the data as specified in the exercise. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 205 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Choose and execute the various Asset Accounting reports • Set up variable sorting and totaling for asset reporting • Create the asset history sheet, and structure it to meet your needs 206 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation Lesson: Value Simulation Lesson Overview This lesson will discuss simulation depreciation for assets. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Generate a depreciation forecast Simulate depreciation for assets Business Example When you were discussing the preparations for year-end closing with the project team, your colleagues in Financial Accounting wondered if it was possible to adjust the asset portfolio to the goals of balance sheet policy before the closing takes place. You explore the FI-AA information system and discover functions and reports to simulate different valuations for the fixed assets. Figure 80: Simulation with the Asset Explorer The Asset Explorer offers extensive possibilities for evaluating individual asset master records. By entering an asterisk (*) in the Subnumber field, you can request combined reporting for a main number and the subnumbers belonging to it. Before SAP R/3 4.7, you could only do this with the (old) asset value display. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 207 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Choose Display dep. calc. to see a detailed display of the calculation of depreciation in the system. The Posted Values tab page displays not only the planned data for a fiscal year, but also the amounts actually posted to date. From SAP R/3 4.7, you can also use the Asset Explorer to create a preview of how the values for individual assets will develop by means of simulated transactions and/or simulated depreciation terms. Previously, you had to go to the (old) asset value display. You can start reports from within the Asset Explorer. From SAP R/3 4.7, you can also create your own report variants for these reports by choosing Goto → Maintain Reports. Figure 81: Depreciation Simulation Simulation, in this context, refers to an experimental change to depreciation parameters affecting the valuation of assets. This change can apply to a single asset, the entire asset portfolio, or parts of it. Figure 85 depicts the standard report for simulation. When you simulate the development of asset values, you can change all the important depreciation terms using a simulation version and simulate the depreciation for future fiscal years. Sort versions and the options for a totals report are also available. You have the option of including depreciation for your planned capital investments in the forecast. In order to take advantage of this option, you have to be managing the planned investment amounts as planned costs on an order or project in CO. By assigning depreciation terms and a planned start-up date to the order or project, you make it possible for the planned depreciation to be displayed. 208 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation As the system cannot determine how much of the costs have been settled to assets under construction and, consequently, to capitalized assets, you should then valuate asset values at fiscal year start. From the list, you can drill down to the asset value display of each selected asset. The evaluation date is relevant for the value display. Figure 82: Simulation Versions Simulation versions allow you to simulate a change in depreciation method for asset value/depreciation reports. For each area, asset class, and depreciation key, specify which depreciation key and useful life should be chosen as alternatives for simulation. The validity interval excludes assets with a capitalization date that lies outside that range. Additionally, you can define a substitution rule to include other depreciation parameters in the simulation. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 209 Unit 5: Information System 210 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation Exercise 13: Value Simulation Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Forecast future depreciation amounts Business Example You want to simulate depreciation for assets in the depreciation forecast. Task 1: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post an acquisition to the last, unposted company car master record*. Post a value of 50,000 in the first half of the current year (1/1/CY). * If you do not have any more master records that have not been posted to, quickly create a new one in class 3100. 2. What is the quickest way to look at the changes in value of this (one) asset for the next five years? 3. How high is the straight-line annual depreciation amount? 4. You are now thinking about reducing the useful life from five to four years, at least in areas 01 and 02. Simulate this change in the Asset Explorer. 5. How high would the annual depreciation amount be? 6. Optional: Simulate a subsequent acquisition of 20,000 on June 30, CY for the above asset. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 211 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. You are now interested in the future, annual changes in value not just of one asset, but of many assets, for example, a whole asset class. Therefore, call the depreciation simulation report (RASIMU02) for your company code, AA##, and class 3100, and display the values up to December 31, CY+2. 2. In the report, can you find your company car from exercise 1 and the annual depreciation amount that you discovered in exercise 1? 3. What would you do if you wanted to display the monthly depreciation amounts of the current year, rather than the annual, planned depreciation amounts, using RASIMU? 4. You now want to display the depreciation with alternative depreciation terms for several assets. Which “object” do you need to use? Task 3: Optional: Simulate your (complete) asset class 3100 (again) up to CY+2, but this time, not with the depreciation default value from the asset class (LINR) but with depreciation key DG30 instead. 1. To do this, first create a simulation version, ##, which reflects the above scenario, at least for depreciation areas 01 and 02. A change to the planned useful life is not expected. 2. Now start RASIMU02 for your company code AA## and class 3100, and display the values up to December 31, CY+2. However, also use your new simulation version, ##. What do you notice when you look at the values for your company car from exercise 1? No values are simulated. Why? Go (back) to the selection screen of RASIMU02 and choose All Selections. Scroll down to Treatment of capitalizations in current fisc.yr (orders/WBS elements). Here, you see that (all) asset values are simulated on January 01, CY. However, at this point in time, the company car in question has not been capitalized and, therefore, the report does not display any values for this asset. Set the Reduce the basis for deprec. simulation... indicator and start RASIMU02 again. You should now be able to see the alternative values. For clarification of this, please see SAP note 333818. Here is an excerpt: The use of the asset values as at the fiscal year start date is to ensure that parts of planned capital investments which have been realized already are not counted twice (once as plan or budget value of a planned capital investment and once as a capitalization posting to an already active fixed asset). If you Continued on next page 212 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation only carry out a depreciation simulation for active fixed assets, setting the “Use asset values as of FY start” indicator generally does not make sense (and is therefore ignored by the program)... Hint: As you can see from the note, the simulation report (RASIMU02) is not relevant for Asset Accounting, but is relevant for colleagues who carry out major investment measures (usually in the IM component). 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 213 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Solution 13: Value Simulation Task 1: Complete the following tasks. 1. Post an acquisition to the last, unposted company car master record*. Post a value of 50,000 in the first half of the current year (1/1/CY). * If you do not have any more master records that have not been posted to, quickly create a new one in class 3100. a) Basics: Menu path to Asset Accounting (FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets. Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project→ Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting. b) In Asset Accounting, choose Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry. Enter the data as specified in the exercise. 2. What is the quickest way to look at the changes in value of this (one) asset for the next five years? a) In Asset Accounting, choose Asset → Asset Explorer. Choose the Comparisons tab page. 3. How high is the straight-line annual depreciation amount? Answer: 10.000 4. You are now thinking about reducing the useful life from five to four years, at least in areas 01 and 02. Simulate this change in the Asset Explorer. a) In the Asset Explorer, choose Switch on simulation. Choose the Parameters tab page. In areas 01 and 02, overwrite the useful life of 005 (years) with 004 (years). Confirm your entries. Choose the Planned values tab page. 5. How high would the annual depreciation amount be? Answer: 12.500 Continued on next page 214 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation 6. Optional: Simulate a subsequent acquisition of 20,000 on June 30, CY for the above asset. a) In the Asset Explorer, choose the Planned Values tab page. In the Simulation Transact. screen area, choose Trans. Simulation. On the Simulate Asset Transaction screen, enter the following values: Field name or data type Values Document date, posting date and asset value June 30, CY date Document type AA Amount posted 20,000 Trans. type 100 Confirm your entries. Choose Transaction → Copy. Task 2: Complete the following tasks. 1. You are now interested in the future, annual changes in value not just of one asset, but of many assets, for example, a whole asset class. Therefore, call the depreciation simulation report (RASIMU02) for your company code, AA##, and class 3100, and display the values up to December 31, CY+2. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Information system → Reports on Asset Accounting → Depreciation forecast → Depreciation on Capitalized Assets (Depreciation Simulation). Enter the following data and execute the report: 2. Field name or data type Values Company code AA## Asset Class 3100 Report date December 31, CY+2 In the report, can you find your company car from exercise 1 and the annual depreciation amount that you discovered in exercise 1? a) Yes, providing you have made the right selections. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 215 Unit 5: Information System 3. TFIN52 What would you do if you wanted to display the monthly depreciation amounts of the current year, rather than the annual, planned depreciation amounts, using RASIMU? a) In the report screen, you have to select a different evaluation period. In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Reports on Asset Accounting → Depreciation forecast → Depreciation on Capitalized Assets (Depreciation Simulation). Enter December 31, CY as the report date. Choose Edit → All Selections. Scroll down to the Evaluation Period field group. Select the Month indicator. Execute the report. Note: If there is too much information, you can restrict the selection back to asset class 3100. 4. You now want to display the depreciation with alternative depreciation terms for several assets. Which “object” do you need to use? a) A simulation version Task 3: Optional: Simulate your (complete) asset class 3100 (again) up to CY+2, but this time, not with the depreciation default value from the asset class (LINR) but with depreciation key DG30 instead. 1. To do this, first create a simulation version, ##, which reflects the above scenario, at least for depreciation areas 01 and 02. A change to the planned useful life is not expected. a) In Asset Accounting, choose Information System → Tools → Simulation Versions. Choose New Entries and create simulation version ##. Confirm your entries. Select the new variant. In the dialog structure, choose Simulation Rules by double-clicking. Choose New Entries. Create a substitution rule (in table form) to reflect the scenario described in the exercise. Continued on next page 216 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Value Simulation 2. Now start RASIMU02 for your company code AA## and class 3100, and display the values up to December 31, CY+2. However, also use your new simulation version, ##. What do you notice when you look at the values for your company car from exercise 1? No values are simulated. Why? Go (back) to the selection screen of RASIMU02 and choose All Selections. Scroll down to Treatment of capitalizations in current fisc.yr (orders/WBS elements). Here, you see that (all) asset values are simulated on January 01, CY. However, at this point in time, the company car in question has not been capitalized and, therefore, the report does not display any values for this asset. Set the Reduce the basis for deprec. simulation... indicator and start RASIMU02 again. You should now be able to see the alternative values. For clarification of this, please see SAP note 333818. Here is an excerpt: The use of the asset values as at the fiscal year start date is to ensure that parts of planned capital investments which have been realized already are not counted twice (once as plan or budget value of a planned capital investment and once as a capitalization posting to an already active fixed asset). If you only carry out a depreciation simulation for active fixed assets, setting the “Use asset values as of FY start” indicator generally does not make sense (and is therefore ignored by the program)... Hint: As you can see from the note, the simulation report (RASIMU02) is not relevant for Asset Accounting, but is relevant for colleagues who carry out major investment measures (usually in the IM component). a) 2006/Q2 See exercise. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 217 Unit 5: Information System TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Generate a depreciation forecast • Simulate depreciation for assets 218 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Unit Summary Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Choose and execute the various Asset Accounting reports • Set up variable sorting and totaling for asset reporting • Create the asset history sheet, and structure it to meet your needs • Generate a depreciation forecast • Simulate depreciation for assets 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 219 Unit Summary 220 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Unit 6 Validations/Substitutions Unit Overview The areas of application and ways of using validations and substitutions in financial accounting are described in this unit. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • Explain the ways in which validation and substitution can be used using a few examples Identify the areas of application and callup points of validation and substitution in Financial Accounting Enter rules and define the Customizing of system messages to be output (prerequisites, check, generation) Execute validations using your own rules and defined system messages Provide the prerequisites for substitution Define your own rules, specify substituted values and execute substitutions Explain how to use rules and use them Explain how to use sets and use them Unit Contents Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions .................................222 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting 231 Exercise 14: Definition and Execution of a Validation in Financial Accounting...................................................................237 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting .......................................................................246 Exercise 15: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting...................................................................251 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations ...............................................................................258 Exercise 16: Using Rules and Sets ......................................263 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 221 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions Lesson Overview In this chapter, you will be introduced to the ways in which validation and substitution can be used in Financial Accounting. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Explain the ways in which validation and substitution can be used using a few examples Identify the areas of application and callup points of validation and substitution in Financial Accounting Business Example In order to ensure the consistency and correctness of the data entered in Financial Accounting documents , the ways in which validation and substitution can be used, and their effects, will be examined in Financial Accounting itself and for the downstream components. Comparison of Validations/Substitutions Figure 83: Comparison of Validation/Substitution The validation and substitution tools can be used to validate and substitute data immediately upon entry. 222 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions The validation function helps you to check the entered values and value intervals. When data are entered in the system, the Rule Manager validates the data according to the validation rules. Since data are validated before they are actually posted, only validated data are accepted. You define validation rules using Boolean logic. When you define a validation rule, the system checks the validation rule to ensure that it is syntactically correct. You can also define the result of non-compliance with the validation rule. For instance, you can specify that a message is issued but the user can continue processing. You can also force the user to correct the error before processing can continue. In substitution, the values entered into the SAP system are validated according to a prerequisite defined by the user. If the prerequisite is met, the system replaces the values entered with other values. Figure 84: Procedure The following measures are required to execute validation/substitution: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2006/Q2 You must decide for which area of application validation/substitution should apply. The correct callup point for the validation/substitution must be selected. The validation/substitution must be defined. You must assign your validation/substitution to an appropriate organizational unit (e.g. company code for Financial Accounting, company code or company for FI-SL, controlling area for CO) And activate it. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 223 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Application Area Using the area of application and the callup point, the fields that can be used for your validation/substitution are specified. You can select the fields from this pool while entering your rules for the prerequisites and checks. The application area is where the validation, substitution, or rule is used. The following application areas use validations and substitutions: FI Financial Accounting, CO Cost Accounting, AM Asset Accounting, GL Special Purpose Ledger, CS Consolidation (validations only), PS Project System, RE Real Estate, PC Profit Center Accounting (substitutions only), GA Allocations (FI-SL) (substitutions only). Each application defines the structures available and releases its fields for substitution. Callup points are specific places in an application that specify the exact location where a validation/substitution occurs. If you want to validate or substitute a value, you must activate validation or substitution for the callup point for which you want the validation or substitution to occur. When you create validations, substitutions and rules, you must assign an application area and callup point code to the validation, substitution, or rule. The key for the application area specifies the general application area where the validation/substitution is used (such as FI for FI postings). The key for the callup point establishes the point at which the processing of the validation or substitution (such as 0001 for a check in the document header) starts. The combination of “application area and callup point” determines the Boolean class for a validation, substitution, or rule. Boolean classes establish the dimensions that can be used in the definition of validations, substitutions, and rules. They also specify which message classes can be used for validation messages. Three callup points have been provided for FI: 1. 2. 3. 224 Document header Document line item Complete document © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions Figure 85: Accounting document for callup point 1: Document header The example above shows how validation can be executed for FI G/L account posting for callup point 1. Document header fields can be validated at callup point 1. Figure 86: Accounting document for callup point 2: Line item Callup point 2 for the validation of line item fields has been provided for an FI-GL or, for example, an FI-SL direct entry. Example: Combined account/business area check: Account / cost center... 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 225 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 The fields that are available for callup point 1 are also available here for possible cross-validations. The system can use information you have already entered (such as a user name, document header information (e.g. the document type) in the previous callup point) to validate or substitute the values you enter. Example: Only certain accounts can be used for selected document types. Figure 87: Accounting document for callup point 3: Complete document You wish to create a validation or substitution that is to be called up at the Complete document point. At the Complete document callup point, you can use only those numeric fields with which you can primarily execute mathematical calculations. The following operators are available for matrix validation or matrix substitution (callup point 3 - see the following table). (Important: You must enter a blank space after the keyword and immediately before the opening parenthesis.) 226 Operator Description SUM( ) Total of the document AVG( ) Average sum of the document © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions Operator Description MAX( ) Maximum value of all document lines MIN( ) Minimum value of all document lines GROUP BY Compare a group of totals with another group of totals. Working with the Formula Editor Figure 88: Defining with the Formula Editor The Formula Editor provides a user-friendly interface for entering arithmetic and logical statements. Depending on the context and requirements, different pushbuttons are available with which you can enter operands and operators for logical statements in your formula. Your entry undergoes a step-by-step inspection for the correctness of the syntax (including the parentheses). The system permits only syntactically correct statements to be entered; as a result, no errors occur when entering rules. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 227 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 The use of technical names, such as was possible in the past (table and field names), is still supported. However, the available options can now be called up using pushbuttons and texts. This simplifies the handling of an essentially purely technical logic. You can work in the Formula Builder using three different settings: • • • The default setting when you call up the Formula Builder is Short descriptions. All operands (such as table fields, sets, exits and so on) are displayed using their respective descriptions. If you want to enter statements using the technical names of the operands rather than the descriptions, change the setting by choosing Settings → Technical names. By setting Expert mode, the technical names of the operands are displayed. You can also enter a statement directly. In this case, the statement field is ready for input. Figure 89: Operands and Operators The following elements are available to enter rules for the prerequisites (validation & substitution) and checks (validation): • • • 228 Operands Logical operators (Boolean terms) and Comparison operators. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Basics of Validations/Substitutions Figure 90: Assignment and Activation You must assign your validation/substitution to an appropriate organizational unit (e.g. company code for FI, company code or company for FI-SL, controlling area for CO). A validation/substitution can be valid for several company codes at the same time. Furthermore, the validation/substitution for the correct callup point must be activated. The following degrees of activation exist for the organizational unit (e.g. company code) + callup point + substitution (or validation) combination: 0 Inactive 1 Active for dialog and batch 2 Active except for batch input Only one validation/substitution can be activated for one company code for a callup point. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 229 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the ways in which validation and substitution can be used using a few examples • Identify the areas of application and callup points of validation and substitution in Financial Accounting 230 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Lesson Overview Now you want to familiarize yourself with validation methods when entering Financial Accounting documents. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Enter rules and define the Customizing of system messages to be output (prerequisites, check, generation) Execute validations using your own rules and defined system messages Business Example When being entered in the SAP system, almost all input values are validated by a program or checked against tables or master files. Since some types of validations cannot be standardized, you can use the validations program to create validations for your specific requirements. In the case of certain closing entries, for example, it must be ensured that only certain accounts are used and that certain applications can be assigned to only the relevant cost centers. Such validation applications can provide increased control for the people responsible for general ledger accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable in order to ensure consistent data. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 231 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Validation Procedure Figure 91: Validation Procedure Validation permits the customer-specific validation of certain fields / field combinations / document types. Validation consists of several steps (up to 999 are possible), each with 3 parts: • • • Prerequisite Check Message If the prerequisite statement is satisfied (TRUE), a check is performed. If the result of the check is FALSE, the system posts a message. Example: In certain invoices, the document date is to be compared with the posting data and, if the dates are not the same, a warning is to be issued. 232 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Messages Figure 92: Messages You can use a predefined message or create a new message for validation. A message can contain up to 4 fields. The character “&” is used as a wildcard for the field values to be output in the message. Messages can have different meanings: I = Information W = Warning E = Error (requires that the entry be corrected) A = Cancel 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 233 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Validation Example 1 Figure 93: Validation Example 1 Sample validation for callup point 2: If account 473110 is entered ......, a check whether the cost center is not an administration center is executed. If the cost center is actually an administration center ......., the relevant message is output and the user must make a correction. Field Comparison Example Figure 94: Field Comparison Example Using Boolean Logic, you can define different types of logical statements. You can create simple statements that use only one of the statement types listed here or complex statements that use combinations of different statement types. 234 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting You can do the following in a logical statement: 1. Compare fields with one another: BKPF-BUDAT <> BKPF-BLDAT This statement is TRUE if the date in the BUDAT field is not the same as the date in the BLDAT field. 2. Validate field contents for certain values: BKPF-BLART = ‘SA‘ In this example, the document type must be SA. 3. Check or compare only a part of the field. If you want to execute such a partial check, enter the following: • • The table name and field name (table name - field name) A blank space It is important that you insert a blank space before the first colon. • • • A colon (:) The digits that you want to be checked in the field name A colon (:) 1 always represents the first digit of the field. (The number you enter does not represent a value; it represents the position of a value within the field string.) Example: BSEG-HKONT :3: The system checks only the third digit of the field Account to determine if a condition is TRUE. Example: BSEG-HKONT :1-3: The system checks only the first three digits of the field Account to determine if a condition is TRUE. Example: BSEG-HKONT: 3-: The system checks from digit 3 to the end of field Account to determine if a condition is TRUE. 4. Compare text patterns in your statements using the LIKE keyword. Example: BSEG-KOSTL LIKE ‘*3*3‘ In this example, the * sign represents any combination of characters. The system searches for all cost centers (field KOSTL) where the value ‘3’ is used after the first and second combination of characters (for example, 363, 323, and 2303). 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 235 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Within text pattern searches, you can also use the + sign to represent a single character. 236 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Exercise 14: Definition and Execution of a Validation in Financial Accounting Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define a validation with a step in Financial Accounting • Define a prerequisite and a check in this step • Create a system message for the validation step and simulate the validation before execution • Assign the validation to a company code and a callup point and activate it • Then execute the validation with document entry Business Example After consulting the head of the cost center, the head of Accounts Payable wants to ensure that certain telephoning expenses are assigned to the appropriate telephone cost center. Task: For your vendor invoice, you must ensure that only the telephone cost center (T-A20F##) is entered for the telephoning expenses (account 473110 or 473120). If you assign an incorrect cost center, you should receive an error message (E): ‘Group ##: Please assign only cost center T-A20F## for account &!’ ( (& is a wildcard for the account to be output.) Before you activate the validation, you should simulate it. 1. For the FI application area and the callup point 2 line item, create a validation G##-VAL with the description 'Telephone costs'. 2. Insert a step ‘Account / cost center combination check’ and use the Formula Editor to define its prerequisite and check. 3. Define the required message with number 2## (## = your group number). 4. Save your validation G##-VAL. 5. Simulate your validation and check whether the expected result appears. 6. Activate the validation for your company code AC## and callup point 2. 7. Post a vendor invoice. 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document Entry → Invoice. 2. Enter the company code if the corresponding dialog box appears. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 237 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Field Name Value Company Code AC## 3. Select Enter. 4. Enter the following values for the basic data: Field Name Value Vendor T-F00A00 Invoice date <Yesterday's date> Posting Date <Today's date> 5. Select Enter. A link to the vendor master record is now shown on the right of the screen. Field Name Value Amount 400 Currency EUR Calculate Tax X - Select this option Tax Code V0 (0% input tax) Text Telephone costs 6. Select Tree. In the Screen variant for items folder, select variant Z_WITH COST CENTER. Field Name Value G/L acct Insert an account (either 473110 or 473120) D/C Debit Continued on next page 238 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Field Name Value Amount in doc. curr. 400 or * Tax Code V0 Cost center T-A20B## 7. Select Enter. 8. Examine the message that is output. 9. Correct your entry and enter the correct cost center T-A20F##. 10. Select Post. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 239 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Solution 14: Definition and Execution of a Validation in Financial Accounting Task: For your vendor invoice, you must ensure that only the telephone cost center (T-A20F##) is entered for the telephoning expenses (account 473110 or 473120). If you assign an incorrect cost center, you should receive an error message (E): ‘Group ##: Please assign only cost center T-A20F## for account &!’ ( (& is a wildcard for the account to be output.) Before you activate the validation, you should simulate it. 1. For the FI application area and the callup point 2 line item, create a validation G##-VAL with the description 'Telephone costs'. a) SAP Easy Access → Tools → Customizing IMG → Execute Project SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Line Item → Define Validations for Posting → Environment → Validation Select Line Item and then double-click on Validation (Create). Enter your validationG##-VAL with the description ‘Telephone costs’. Continued on next page 240 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting 2. Insert a step ‘Account / cost center combination check’ and use the Formula Editor to define its prerequisite and check. a) Double-click on the Step (insert) button. Enter the description ‘Account / cost center combination check’. Select Enter. Click Prerequisite. Double-click on the BSEG structure and scroll downwards until you find the BSEG-HKONT [General Ledger] field. (You can display the technical name under Settings → Technical Names if required.) Double-click on the BSEG-HKONT [General Ledger] field to select it. Click =. Click on Constant. Enter the account 473110. Click on OR. Double-click on the BSEG-HKONT [General Ledger] field to select it. Click on =. Click on Constant. Enter the account 473120. Choose Check in step 1 of your validation. Double-click on the BSEG structure to select it and scroll downwards until you find the BSEG-KOSTL [cost center] field. Double-click on the BSEG-KOSTL [cost center] field to select it. Click on =. Click on Constant. Enter the cost center T-A20F##. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 241 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions 3. TFIN52 Define the required message with number 2## (## = your group number). a) Select Message. Environment → Maintain Messages Scroll through the message table until you find your number 2## and enter your message in the line after double-clicking it. Enter the following information: Group ##: Please assign only cost center T-A20F## for account &!’ Save your message and click the green arrow to maintain your validation. Enter your message number and message variable 1 BSEG HKONT in your validation step. 4. Save your validation G##-VAL. a) 5. Place the cursor on your validation G##-VAL and select Save. Simulate your validation and check whether the expected result appears. a) Place the cursor on your validation and select Validation → Simulate. Enter account 473110 or 473120 and an incorrect cost center (e.g. T-A20B##) and check whether a message would be issued. Then exit the simulation and return to your validation maintenance. 6. Activate the validation for your company code AC## and callup point 2. a) Exit the validation (press Back 3 times). Return to the ‘Edit View ‘‘Validation of Accounting Documents’’: Overview’ screen. Choose New Entries. Enter the following information: Company Code AC## Callup point 2 Validation G##-VAL Degree of activation 1 Save your entries. 7. Post a vendor invoice. 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document Entry → Invoice. 2. Enter the company code if the corresponding dialog box appears. Continued on next page 242 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Field Name Value Company Code AC## 3. Select Enter. 4. Enter the following values for the basic data: Field Name Value Vendor T-F00A00 Invoice date <Yesterday's date> Posting Date <Today's date> 5. Select Enter. A link to the vendor master record is now shown on the right of the screen. Field Name Value Amount 400 Currency EUR Calculate Tax X - Select this option Tax Code V0 (0% input tax) Text Telephone costs 6. Select Tree. In the Screen variant for items folder, select variant Z_WITH COST CENTER. Field Name Value G/L acct Insert an account (either 473110 or 473120) D/C Debit Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 243 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Field Name Value Amount in doc. curr. 400 or * Tax Code V0 Cost center T-A20B## 7. Select Enter. 8. Examine the message that is output. 9. Correct your entry and enter the correct cost center T-A20F##. 10. Select Post. a) 244 The vendor invoice is posted. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Validations in Financial Accounting Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Enter rules and define the Customizing of system messages to be output (prerequisites, check, generation) • Execute validations using your own rules and defined system messages 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 245 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Lesson Overview The participants learn about substitution methods when entering Financial Accounting documents. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Provide the prerequisites for substitution Define your own rules, specify substituted values and execute substitutions Business Example During document entry, the system sometimes automatically determines values for fields from values that were entered for other fields, such as the business area or the profit center due to a assigned cost center or an internal order. For downstream components as well as (occasionally) for Financials itself, it is sometimes necessary or desirable to execute additional substitutions when entering documents. Example: Filling the Assign field or segment text according to rules specified by the customer. Example: Providing the Profit Center contents using certain combinations of expense accounts / material numbers / regions. The responsible personnel in Financial Accounting must carefully check whether substitution in these individual cases can or should be used in FI document entry. Substitution Procedure Figure 95: Substitution Procedure 246 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Substitution permits the customer-specific enhancement (substitution) of certain field contents. Substitution consists of several steps (up to 999 are possible), each with two parts: • • Prerequisite Replacement If the prerequisite is satisfied (TRUE), substitution is performed. Example: The Functional area field is to be filled depending on the type of cost center. Substitution Methods Figure 96: Substitution Methods The field must be released for substitution. For each of the fields you selected, a dialog box appears in which you can define the substitution method. You can choose between: • • • Constant value Exit Field-field assignment You can then later enter either a constant value, the name of an exit to be carried out at runtime or the name of a field, the content of which is to be used for the substitution. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 247 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Substitution with a Constant Figure 97: Substitution with a Constant Example: Create a substitution that replaces (adds) the value 1060 in dimension “Profit Center” whenever the entered values affect account 810201 or 810301 and the material number is between T-IC-F1001 and T-IC-F1003. A substitution step contains the following components: • Prerequisite The prerequisite statement establishes which conditions must be fulfilled before the substitution can be performed. If the prerequisite statement is false, the transaction is continued without substitution. If the prerequisite statement is true, the transaction is continued with the substituted value(s). • Substitution value(s) The substitution value is a numerical value or a string of letters that replaces the value entered. A single substitution process can replace more than one value. When you define substitutions, you use the same syntax that you use with validations. The prerequisite statement used in a substitution can consist of a simple statement or a complex combination of statements composed of logical statements, rules, and sets. 248 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Substitution with Field <> Field Assignment Figure 98: Substitution with Field <> Field Assignment If the substitution step prerequisite is true at runtime, the system substitutes the contents of the field with the contents of the source field. Example: Field Assignment (usually contains clearing information) is replaced by the contents of field Business area if certain prerequisites are satisfied. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 249 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions 250 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. TFIN52 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Exercise 15: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define a substitution with a step in Financials • Define a prerequisite and a substitution in this step • Provide a field with a substituted value or with the contents of another field • Assign the substitution to a company code and a callup point and activate it • Then execute the substitution Business Example During document entry, the system sometimes automatically determines values for fields, such as the business area or the profit center due to a assigned cost center or an internal order. For downstream components as well as (occasionally) for financial accounting itself, it is sometimes necessary or desirable to execute additional substitutions during document entry. The Profit Center field is used as a sample substitution with a constant. The Assignment field, whose content is determined by other fields, is presented as a sample substitution with “field <> field assignment”. Hint: The sign ## is a wildcard for your group (01,02,03, etc.) Task: For your customer invoice, you must ensure that Profit Center PC00 be substituted when a certain revenue account (810201 or 810301) [BSEG-HKONT], combined with a special region (N-001 or S-001) [BSEG-ZZSPREG], is entered. Before you activate the substitution, you should simulate it. 1. For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a substitution G##SUB1 with the description ‘Profit Center substitution’. 2. Insert a step ‘Profit Center << PC00’ and use the Formula Editor to define your prerequisite and the constant for the substitution in your step. 3. Save your substitution G##SUB1. 4. Simulate your substitution and check whether the expected result appears. 5. Activate the substitution for your company code AC## and callup point 2. 6. Post a customer invoice Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 251 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → Invoice - General. 2. Enter the following header data: Field Name Value Invoice date <Today's date> Type DR Company code AC## Posting Date <Today's date> Currency EUR 3. First line item: Field Name Value PstKy 01 Account T-F00A00 Select Enter. Enter the following information: Field Name Value Amount 1000 Calculate tax Tax code A0 4. Next line item Field Name Value PstKy 50 Account 810201 or 810301 Continued on next page 252 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Select Enter. Field name Value Amount 1000 Tax code AO Special region N-001 or S-001 Select Enter. Check whether field Profit Center is replaced by the value PC00. 5. Post your document. Examine the document and the replaced value for the Profit Center field in the revenue item. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 253 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Solution 15: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Task: For your customer invoice, you must ensure that Profit Center PC00 be substituted when a certain revenue account (810201 or 810301) [BSEG-HKONT], combined with a special region (N-001 or S-001) [BSEG-ZZSPREG], is entered. Before you activate the substitution, you should simulate it. 1. For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a substitution G##SUB1 with the description ‘Profit Center substitution’. a) SAP Easy Access → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document→ Line Item → Define Substitution in Accounting Documents → Environment → Substitution Select Line item and then click on Substitution (Create). Enter your substitution G##SUB1 with the description ‘Profit Center substitution’. 2. Insert a step ‘Profit Center << PC00’ and use the Formula Editor to define your prerequisite and the constant for the substitution in your step. a) Place the cursor over your substitution. b) Choose Insert Step. c) In the list, select field BSEG PRCTR (Profit Center) and select Continue. d) As the substitution method, select Constant value and then Continue. e) Enter ‘Profit Center << PC00’ as the description for your step. Record your prerequisite using the Formula Editor. The prerequisite should have the following statement: ( BSEG-HKONT = '810201' OR BSEG-HKONT = '810301' ) AND ( BSEG-ZZSPREG = 'N-001' OR BSEG-ZZSPREG = 'S-001' ). f) 3. Select Substitutions (in the tree structure on the left). Enter Constant value PC00 for the Profit Center field. Save your substitution G##SUB1. a) Place your cursor on your substitution G##SUB1 and select Save. Continued on next page 254 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting 4. Simulate your substitution and check whether the expected result appears. a) Place the cursor on your substitution and, in the menu bar, select Substitution → Simulate. Enter account 810201 or 810301 and one of the regions (N-001 or S-001). Execute the simulation and check whether field BSEG-PRCTR is replaced by the value PC00. Then exit the simulation and return to your substitution maintenance. Note: Simulation entries are case-sensitive and so entries for a document type must be entered in capitals. 5. Activate the substitution for your company code AC## and callup point 2. a) Exit the substitution (press Back 3 times). Return to the ‘Edit View ‘‘Substitution of Accounting Documents": Overview’ screen. Choose New Entries. Enter the following information: Company Code AC## Callup point 2 Substitution G##SUB1 Degree of activation 1 Save your entries. 6. Post a customer invoice 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → Invoice - General. 2. Enter the following header data: Field Name Value Invoice date <Today's date> Type DR Company code AC## Posting Date <Today's date> Currency EUR 3. First line item: Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 255 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Field Name Value PstKy 01 Account T-F00A00 Select Enter. Enter the following information: Field Name Value Amount 1000 Calculate tax Tax code A0 4. Next line item Field Name Value PstKy 50 Account 810201 or 810301 Select Enter. Field name Value Amount 1000 Tax code AO Special region N-001 or S-001 Select Enter. Check whether field Profit Center is replaced by the value PC00. 5. Post your document. Examine the document and the replaced value for the Profit Center field in the revenue item. a) 256 You have now ascertained that your substitution was successful. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Definition and Execution of Substitutions in Financial Accounting Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Provide the prerequisites for substitution • Define your own rules, specify substituted values and execute substitutions 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 257 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations Lesson Overview Now you want to familiarize yourself with additional techniques within the framework of substitutions and validations. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • Explain how to use rules and use them Explain how to use sets and use them Business Example Independent rules and sets are available to provide more complex logic. We recommend that validations, substitutions and rules be defined only in the development/testing system. As a result, these objects should be transported to the production system. Sometimes, more detailed rules as well as more extensive processing are required to enter your logical statements in prerequisites and checks, as well as for the specification of the values to be used. For this reason, you can use rules and sets to define your validations/substitutions. Rules Figure 99: Rules 258 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations A rule is a logical statement that you can use in a prerequisite statement, a check, or another rule. A rule permits complex logic to be summarized; it can be re-used. Technically, a rule is nothing more than, for example, a prerequisite or check of a validation. If a Boolean statement is used often or if it contains complex logic, you can create a rule for this statement. Example: a validation contains an extensive prerequisite that is also to be used in a substitution. Example: RULE1 AND BKPF-BLART <> 'SB' In this example, the rule is named RULE1. When the system processes this statement, it first processes RULE1 and then checks whether the document type is not equal to SB. The rule name can be a maximum of 11 characters long. Rule in a Matrix Validation (Callup Point 3) Figure 100: Rule in a Matrix Validation (Callup Point 3) You can also use rules within a statement that uses mathematical processing. SUM ( BSEG-DMBTR ) WHERE RULE_1 < SUM ( BSEG-DMBTR ) WHERE RULE_2 In this example, the system calculates the total of the local currency (DMBTR) according to RULE1. If the total fulfills the conditions defined in RULE1, the system then checks whether the total is less than the local currency. It uses the conditions defined in RULE2. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 259 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Set Usage: Example 1 Figure 101: Set Usage: Example 1 A set is a flexible data structure for portraying arranged amounts and hierarchies. Sets are maintained and administrated centrally. They are used in almost every component of the FI-SL system: in Boolean logical formulas in validation, substitution and ledger selection, during allocation (assessment/distribution), in planning, in roll-ups, in currency conversion, etc. To improve system performance, you should use basic or single-dimension sets rather than long lists of Boolean statements or user exits. Syntax rule: table name - field name IN set name Example above: If the user is contained in set USER-GROUP, a check is made whether this user uses a corresponding account (included in set ACCOUNT-MANAGEMENT). 260 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations Set Usage: Example 2 Figure 102: Set Usage: Example 2 You can use multi-dimension sets (a combination of sets for various fields [dimensions]) to execute cross-validation with values of different characteristics. Example for the check above: if the user enters one of the administrative accounts (476500, 476510, 476520 or 476530), he must use an appropriate cost center (1000, 1100, 1200 or 1300). 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 261 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions 262 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. TFIN52 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations Exercise 16: Using Rules and Sets Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain how to use rules and use them • Explain how to use sets and use them Business Example Sometimes, another more detailed rule as well as more extensive processing is required to record your logical statements in prerequisites and checks, as well as for the specification of the values to be used. For this reason, you can use rules and sets to define your validations/substitutions. Hint: The sign ## is a wildcard for your group (01,02,03, etc.) Task: If the user enters a certain revenue account (810201, 810301 or 810401) with a certain material number (T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009), profit center PC01 is to be substituted. Define a rule GR##-RULE1 for the Account with Material Number query. Two sets are required in this rule: - A basic set G##-REVENUE for the accounts and - A basic set G##-MATERIAL for the material number. 1. For your revenue accounts, create the basic set G##-REVENUE with the description ‘Revenue accounts’ for the BSEG table and the HKONT field. 2. For your material number, create basic set G##-MATERIAL with the description Spec. materials for table BSEG and for field MATNR. 3. For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a rule GR##-RULE1 with the description Revenue account / material combination; you need this as a prerequisite for your substitution step. The rule must have the following logical statement: If one of the accounts 810201, 810301 or 810401 and one of the materials T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009 is used in the line item... enter sets G##-REVENUE and G##-MATERIAL in the rule. Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 263 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions 4. TFIN52 For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a substitution G##SUB2 with the designation ‘Profit Center Substitution << PC01’. Choose Line item and then double-click (Create) Substitution. Enter your substitution G##SUB2. 1. Choose Insert Step. 2. Select the BSEG PRCTR (Profit Center) field from the list and then Continue. 3. Select Constant as the substitution method and then Continue. 4. As the description for your step , enter ‘Profit Center << PC01’. 5. Record your prerequisite using the Formula Editor. Use your rule in the prerequisite. Choose the “Rules” tab. Double-click your rule name. 6. Click on Substitutions and enter the value PC01 in the Profit Center field. 7. Position the cursor on your substitution G##SUB2 and select Save. 5. Simulate your substitution and check whether the expected result appears. Check whether value PC01 in field BSEG-PRCTR was replaced. 6. Activate this new substitution for your company code AC## and callup point 2 by removing the previous substitution and defining the new one. 7. Post a customer invoice 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → Invoice - General 2. Enter the following header data: Field Name Value Document date <Today's date> Document type DR Company code AC## Posting date <Today's date> Currency EUR 3. First line item Continued on next page 264 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations Field Name Value PstKy 01 Account T-F00A00 Choose Enter. Enter the following information: Field Name Value Amount 1000 or * Calculate tax Tax code A0 4. Next line item Field Name Value PstKy 50 Account 810201, 810301 or 810401 Choose Enter. Field Name Value Amount 1000 Tax code AO Material number (choose the More pushbutton) T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009 Choose Enter. Check whether field Profit Center was replaced by the value PC01. 5. Post your document. Examine the document and the replaced value (PC01) for the Profit Center in the revenue item. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 265 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Solution 16: Using Rules and Sets Task: If the user enters a certain revenue account (810201, 810301 or 810401) with a certain material number (T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009), profit center PC01 is to be substituted. Define a rule GR##-RULE1 for the Account with Material Number query. Two sets are required in this rule: - A basic set G##-REVENUE for the accounts and - A basic set G##-MATERIAL for the material number. 1. For your revenue accounts, create the basic set G##-REVENUE with the description ‘Revenue accounts’ for the BSEG table and the HKONT field. a) SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Set Maintenance → Sets → Create Set name: G##-REVENUE Table: BSEG Set type: Basic set Choose Enter. Field name: HKONT Choose Continue. Description‘Revenue accounts’ Basic entries: Row From value 1. 810201 2. 810301 3. 810401 Choose Enter and save the basic set G##-REVENUE Continued on next page 266 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations 2. For your material number, create basic set G##-MATERIAL with the description Spec. materials for table BSEG and for field MATNR. a) SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Set Maintenance → Sets → Create Set name: G##-MATERIAL Table: BSEG Set type: Basic set Choose Enter. Field name: MATNR Choose Continue. Description 'Spec. materials' Basic entries: Row From value 1. T-IC-R2007 2. T-IC-R2008 3. T-IC-R2009 Choose Enter. Save basic set G##-MATERIAL. Return to the SAP Easy Access Menu. 3. For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a rule GR##-RULE1 with the description Revenue account / material combination; you need this as a prerequisite for your substitution step. The rule must have the following logical statement: Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 267 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 If one of the accounts 810201, 810301 or 810401 and one of the materials T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009 is used in the line item... enter sets G##-REVENUE and G##-MATERIAL in the rule. a) SAP Easy Access → Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project SAP Reference IMG button Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Line Item → Define Substitution in Accounting Documents → Environment → Substitution Choose (Create) Rule. Rule name: GR##-RULE1 Description: Revenue account / material combination Choose Continue. Place your cursor on the rule definition and enter your rule using the Formula Editor. Enter the following information in the prerequisite: BSEG-HKONT IN G##-REVENUE AND BSEG-MATNR IN G##-MATERIAL. Note: Select the sets using the Set directory pushbutton. Place your cursor on your rule GR##-RULE1 and select Save. 4. For the FI application area and the line item (callup point 2), create a substitution G##SUB2 with the designation ‘Profit Center Substitution << PC01’. Choose Line item and then double-click (Create) Substitution. Enter your substitution G##SUB2. 1. Choose Insert Step. 2. Select the BSEG PRCTR (Profit Center) field from the list and then Continue. 3. Select Constant as the substitution method and then Continue. 4. As the description for your step , enter ‘Profit Center << PC01’. 5. Record your prerequisite using the Formula Editor. Use your rule in the prerequisite. Choose the “Rules” tab. Double-click your rule name. 6. Click on Substitutions and enter the value PC01 in the Profit Center field. 7. Position the cursor on your substitution G##SUB2 and select Save. a) The data has now been entered. Continued on next page 268 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations 5. Simulate your substitution and check whether the expected result appears. Check whether value PC01 in field BSEG-PRCTR was replaced. a) Place the cursor on your substitution and, in the menu bar, select Substitution → Simulate. Enter the account (810201, 810301 or 810401) and one of the material numbers (T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009). Execute the simulation and check whether value PC01 for BSEG-PRCTR was replaced. Then exit the simulation and return to your substitution maintenance. 6. Activate this new substitution for your company code AC## and callup point 2 by removing the previous substitution and defining the new one. a) Exit the substitution (press Back 3 times). Return to the ‘Edit View ‘‘Substitution of Accounting Documents’: Overview’ screen. An entry for your company code already exists. Enter your new substitution G##SUB2 in the Substitution column. Edit the entry in the Substitution field for your company code AC## and callup point 2: Substitution G##SUB2 The degree of activation should be 1. Save your entries. 7. Post a customer invoice 1. Choose SAP Easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Document Entry → Invoice - General 2. Enter the following header data: Field Name Value Document date <Today's date> Document type DR Company code AC## Posting date <Today's date> Currency EUR Continued on next page 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 269 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 3. First line item Field Name Value PstKy 01 Account T-F00A00 Choose Enter. Enter the following information: Field Name Value Amount 1000 or * Calculate tax Tax code A0 4. Next line item Field Name Value PstKy 50 Account 810201, 810301 or 810401 Choose Enter. Field Name Value Amount 1000 Tax code AO Material number (choose the More pushbutton) T-IC-R2007, T-IC-R2008 or T-IC-R2009 Choose Enter. Check whether field Profit Center was replaced by the value PC01. Continued on next page 270 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Lesson: Additional Techniques in Connection with Substitutions/Validations 5. Post your document. Examine the document and the replaced value (PC01) for the Profit Center in the revenue item. a) 2006/Q2 You have now ascertained that the substitution was performed as desired. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 271 Unit 6: Validations/Substitutions TFIN52 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain how to use rules and use them • Explain how to use sets and use them 272 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Unit Summary Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the ways in which validation and substitution can be used using a few examples • Identify the areas of application and callup points of validation and substitution in Financial Accounting • Enter rules and define the Customizing of system messages to be output (prerequisites, check, generation) • Execute validations using your own rules and defined system messages • Provide the prerequisites for substitution • Define your own rules, specify substituted values and execute substitutions • Explain how to use rules and use them • Explain how to use sets and use them 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 273 Course Summary TFIN52 Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • 274 Configure Asset Accounting Use Asset Accounting Apply validation and substitutions to financial accounting © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Appendix 1 Appendix Figure 103: Notification of Cost Center Changes In order to prevent problems with depreciation posting caused by locked cost centers, you can use workflow to inform Asset Accounting users when cost centers are locked. Prerequisites The following workflow tasks have to be assigned to an agent in Customizing for Asset Accounting: • • Process asset (cost ctr lock, error WF) Change asset after cost center lock Event linkage also has to be activated for FI-AA cost center lock. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 275 Appendix 1: Appendix TFIN52 If a cost center for which primary actual posting is locked is used in an asset master record, then the assigned agent receives a mail in his or her office inbox. When processing the work item, the user can then change the asset master record. Figure 104: Implementation Guide: Lean Implementation There is a simplified version of the Implementation Guide available for FI-AA. It contains all the steps you need for quick minimal configuration of Asset Accounting. After you complete all the activities in this simplified Implementation Guide. Asset Accounting is ready for production startup. You could use this function to configure FI-AA in a small company that uses the standard asset accounting functions with a small asset class catalog. If you need any of the following functions, you have to use the more comprehensive SAP Reference IMG for Asset Accounting: • • • • Depreciation areas in foreign currencies Requirements for consolidation of a corporate group Definition of your own depreciation keys, transaction types, reports (in addition to those provided in the standard system) Group assets (assets that are depreciated in a group, a technique that is used in the U.S. and Canada) In the SAP Easy Access Menu for Asset Accounting → Environment → Current settings, you find configuration steps that you may need in your day-to-day work. From there you can access certain Customizing tables directly from the application itself. 276 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Appendix 1: Appendix Figure 105: Derived Depreciation Area Values such as special tax depreciation can be managed in a separate, derived depreciation area. They are calculated from the values of two or more “real” depreciation areas, using a calculation formula. The values are not stored in the database but are calculated internally for each value change/display. For every transaction or change of depreciation terms in the real areas, the system checks whether the values calculated are consistent with the Customizing settings for the derived depreciation area. If they are not consistent, the system corrects the depreciation values in the real depreciation areas according to the settings in the derived depreciation area. Referring to figure 102: Ordinary depreciation of 1000 is posted to the book depreciation area. The tax depreciation area distinguishes between tax-based normal depreciation (1000) and special depreciation (5000). The derived depreciation area shows the special depreciation (special reserves) of 5000. The special reserves are calculated from the difference between tax and book depreciation (that is, two real depreciation areas). When RABUCH00 is run, it generates the following posting: debit to allocation to special reserves, credit to special items for reserves. During years 6 – 10, there is a scheduled write-off of the reserves. The posting in this case is: debit to Special Items for Reserves, credit to Revenue from Write-Off of Special Reserves. If an asset with special depreciation is retired, then the special reserves have to be written off using the periodic posting program RAPERB00 → debit to Special Items for Reserves, credit to Revenue from Write-Off of Reserves. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 277 Appendix 1: Appendix 278 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Appendix 2 Menu Paths Important Customizing Paths in Asset Accounting (FI-AA): (These are menu paths in SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.7.) Menu path to Asset Accounting Customizing (Customizing FI-AA): SAP Easy Access → SAP Menu → Tools→ Customizing → IMG → Edit Project → Choose SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting FI-AA/PM Integration: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Automatic Creation of Equipment Master Records Maintain depreciation key (AFAMA): Customizing FI-AA → Depreciation → Valuation Methods → Depreciation Key → Maintain Depreciation Key Maintain settlement profile for depreciation for assets under construction: Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Capitalization of Assets under Construction → Define/Assign Settlement Profiles Create legacy asset manually (AS91): Customizing FI-AA → Asset Data Transfer → Manual Online Transfer → Create/Change/Display Legacy Asset Legacy data transfer – Data Transfer Workbench: Fixed Assets: Customizing FI-AA → Asset Data Transfer → Automatic Data Transfer → Data Transfer Workbench: Fixed Assets Legacy data transfer using Microsoft Excel (AS100): Customizing FI-AA → Asset Data Transfer → Legacy Data Transfer Using Microsoft® Excel Define asset sheet history: Customizing FI-AA → Information System → Asset History Sheet → Define Sheet History Versions Copy/maintain asset classes (OAOA): Customizing FI-AA → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 279 Appendix 2: Menu Paths TFIN52 Maintain depreciation areas and depreciation terms for asset class (OAYZ): Customizing FI-AA → Valuation → Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class Define (asset) number range intervals: Customizing FI-AA → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Number Range Interval Maintain asset search help: See Maintain Search Help Maintain document type for depreciation: Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation → Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation Specify document type for periodic posting of APC values: Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Post APC Values Periodically to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting of Asset Values Maintain workflow for informing about cost center changes: 1. 2. Customizing FI-AA → Preparing for Production Startup → Authorization Management → Assign Workflow Tasks →. In the third column, click on Assign Agents. Assign the Process asset (cost ctr lock, error WF) and Change assets after cost center lock tasks to an agent. Customizing FI-AA → Preparing for Production Startup → Authorization Management → Assign Workflow Tasks →. In the fourth column, click on Activate event linking → Activate the FI-AA cost center lock event linkage. Define depreciation areas for foreign currency: Customizing FI-AA → Valuation → Currencies → Define Depreciation Areas for Foreign Currencies Copy depreciation areas (OADB): Customizing FI-AA → Valuation → Depreciation Areas → Define Depreciation Areas → Define Depreciation Areas Assign a chart of depreciation to a company code (OAOB): Customizing FI-AA → Organizational Structures → Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code Define screen layouts for depreciation areas: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas Define screen layouts for master data: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data Define financial statement version for asset reports: Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Define Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports Number assignment across company codes: Customizing FI-AA → Organizational Structures → Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes Maintain posting rules for parallel financial reporting: Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Post APC Values Periodically to the General Ledger → Maintain Posting Rules for Parallel Accounting Principles 280 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Appendix 2: Menu Paths Maintain field transfer rules for intercompany asset transfer: Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Intercompany Asset Transfers → Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers → Define Transfer Variants → Specify Transfer of Fields (for New Assets in Target CoCd) Make settings for low-value assets: Customizing FI-AA → Valuation → Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) → Specify Max. Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes Define index series: Customizing FI-AA → Special Valuation → Revaluation of Fixed Assets → Indexed Replacement Values → Define Index Series Maintain account determinations (AO90): Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts Specify account assignment types for account assignment objects: Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects Activate account assignment objects (for entering in master data): Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Activate Account Assignment Objects Link asset classes to material groups (for creating assets directly in a purchase order): Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Acquisitions → Specify Asset Class for Creating Asset from Purchase Order Define evaluation groups: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → User Fields → Define 4-Character Evaluation Groups Set up intervals for depreciation posting runs (OAYR): Customizing FI-AA → Integration with the General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Intervals and Posting Rules Set up layout and use of tab pages (AOLA): Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data Define substitution rules for mass changes to master data: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Define Substitution → Define substitution for mass changes Maintain search help: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Define Asset Search Help Maintain transfer variants: Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Intercompany Asset Transfers → Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers → Define Transfer Variants → Define Transfer Variant Specify default asset value date ( → determination of): Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Specify How Default Asset Value Date is Determined Specify default transaction types: Customizing FI-AA → Transactions → Specify Default Transaction Types 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 281 Appendix 2: Menu Paths TFIN52 Specify management of organizational units not dependent on time: Customizing FI-AA → Master Data → Specify Time-Independent Management of Organiz. Units 282 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Glossary Account assignment Specification of which accounts to post to from a business transaction. Account Determination Automatic system function that determines the accounts for posting amounts in Financial Accounting. Acquisition year Fiscal year in which the asset acquisition took place. Asset Accounting Asset Accounting is a subsidiary ledger accounting module in Financial Accounting. All business activities for fixed assets are recorded in Asset Accounting. Asset acquisition Acquisition to fixed assets. There are four different types of asset acquisition: • Purchase acquisition • Acquisition from in-house production • Subsequent acquisition to an already capitalized asset • Post-capitalization (in a period after that of the actual acquisition) Asset class The asset class is the main criterion for classifying fixed assets according to legal and management requirements. For each asset class, control parameters and default values can be defined for depreciation calculation and other master data. Each asset master record must be assigned to one asset class. Special asset classes are, for example: • Assets under construction • Low-value assets • Leased assets • Financial assets • Technical assets Asset component A part of a fixed asset. It is possible to create asset components or sub-assets to manage complex fixed assets. These asset components are represented by subnumbers of the main asset number. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 283 Glossary TFIN52 Asset history sheet A list displaying the progress of a fixed asset’s history from its opening balance through to the closing balance by means of acquisitions, retirements, transfers, and accumulated depreciation. Asset portfolio The asset portfolio is the total value of all fixed assets intended for permanent use within a company. The asset portfolio is shown as a balance sheet item. In gross reporting, the current asset portfolio is calculated from the difference between the balance sheet account for “acquisition and production costs” and “the balance sheet account for accumulated depreciation”. Asset under construction Fixed asset that is in the process of being completed at the time the balance sheet is being produced. In general, assets under construction are shown as a separate balance sheet item for the enterprise. Assets under construction can be managed for bookkeeping purposes in the FI-AA component using asset master records in special asset classes. To also benefit from management accounting functions that go beyond the asset accounting level, you can use capital investment measures in the Investment Management (IM) component. Asset, intangible Intangible component in fixed assets. This includes the following, for example: • Patents • Licenses • Purchased software etc. Asset, leased An asset that has not been bought, but that has been leased from the manufacturer or leasing company. These assets are different from normal leased assets, depending on the terms of the lease, primarily in regard to how they are shown in the balance sheet. In certain circumstances, leased assets have to be capitalized by the lessee. The system provides the “capital lease procedure” for this purpose. Automatic intercompany asset transfer An intercompany asset transfer refers to the internal (within a corporate group) transfer of an asset between two company codes. An intercompany asset transfer may be necessary for one of the following reasons: • • 284 The physical location of the asset has changed, making it necessary to assign the asset to a new company code. The organizational structure of the corporate group has changed, requiring you to reassign the asset to a different company code. © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Glossary In both of these instances, it is not possible to change the organizational assignment of the asset by changing the master record. For each asset that is completely transferred, you need a new asset master record in the receiving company code. The unique identity of the asset is preserved using the inventory number in the asset master record. (See also: transfer variant) Balance sheet account Account on which the debit and credit entries resulting from business transactions are recorded. The balance of a balance sheet account is carried forward onto itself at the fiscal year-end. Balance sheet asset account General ledger account in Financial Accounting on which asset transactions are recorded. More precisely, it is the account to which acquisition and production costs are posted, as opposed to the accumulated depreciation account. Both of these accounts are, however, asset accounts. Base value The value used as the basis for the calculation of depreciation, as specified by a given calculation method. Book depreciation Set of laws governing business. Commercial law contains requirements for the valuation of fixed assets and for year-end closing, for example. Capitalization Posting procedure used to enter values as belonging to fixed assets. Chart of depreciation The chart of depreciation contains the defined depreciation areas. It also contains the rules for the evaluation of assets that are valid in a given country or economic area. Each company code is allocated to one chart of depreciation. Several company codes can work with the same chart of depreciation. The chart of depreciation and the chart of accounts are completely independent of one another. Clearing account Account on which postings are temporarily recorded. Clearing accounts are auxiliary accounts that exist for technical reasons and which are repeatedly cleared. Postings may need to be made to a clearing account due to: • A time gap between accounting transactions (GR/IR clearing account) • Organizational task distribution (bank clearing account) Client In commercial, organizational, and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 System with separate master records and its own set of tables. Complex fixed asset An object, a right (such as licenses) or other type of economic value that is at the long-term disposal of the enterprise. A complex fixed asset can be represented in the system by one or more asset master records. (See: “asset”) 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 285 Glossary TFIN52 Cross-system depreciation area A depreciation area that has the same function and significance in all charts of depreciation within a corporate group. A cross-system depreciation area consists of a key and a description only. It has no control parameters of its own. You can assign local depreciation areas in various charts of depreciation to one cross-system depreciation area. As a result, they can be identified by the same key in all clients. In a transfer variant you can specify different transfer methods depending on the cross-system depreciation area affected. Depreciation Reduction of the asset book value due to decline in economic usefulness or due to legal requirements for taxes. The system distinguishes between the following types of depreciation: • Ordinary depreciation provides for the planned distribution of the aquisition and production costs over the useful life of the asset. • Special depreciation allows for depreciation above ordinary depreciation and is based on tax specifications. • Unplanned depreciation is justified by a foreseeable, lasting reduction in the value of the asset due to unplanned circumstances. In the system, depreciation can either be planned automatically on the basis of keys, or it can be planned manually. The system normally determines ordinary depreciation and special depreciation using depreciation keys. Unplanned depreciation has to be planned manually. Depreciation (below zero) The calculation of depreciation amounts below book value zero. Depreciation from a negative book value is useful for calculating imputed costs that arise if the planned useful life of the asset is exceeded. Using the depreciation key, you can specify for each asset or asset class how the asset is to be further depreciated after the end of the planned useful life or once book value zero has been reached. Depreciation (straight-line from APC) Uniform distribution of the acquisition and production costs of a fixed asset over its entire useful life. The periodic depreciation amounts are equal to the acquisition and production costs divided by the entire useful life. If there are subsequent acquisitions to the asset, the depreciation amounts increase by the amount of the subsequent acquisition divided by the original useful life. The actual depreciation period (the period up to the point when the book value reaches zero) must be increased if there are subsequent acquisitions. Depreciation area Depreciation areas contain depreciation terms, which are stored in the assets themselves or in the asset class, for example country-specific depreciation (IAS, US-GAAP) 286 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Glossary Depreciation area, dependent A depreciation area in which depreciation is calculated based on two or more real depreciation areas using a calculation formula. You can use derived depreciation areas, for example, to calculate special reserves as the difference between tax and book depreciation. The rule for positive/negative book value in the derived depreciation area is checked each time a posting is made or depreciation is changed in the corresponding real area. Depreciation key Key for calculating depreciation amounts. The depreciation key controls the following for each asset and for each depreciation area: • Automatic calculation of planned depreciation Automatic calculation of interest • Maximum percentages for manual depreciation Depreciation method The depreciation method calculates the procedure for calculating periodic depreciation. Specifications are made in the depreciation method for determining the percentage by which the base value for depreciation calculation is multiplied. Depreciation stop during shutdown Depreciation stoppage because of a temporary asset shutdown. Depreciation type A label for classifying depreciation based on the reason for depreciation. The following depreciation types are used in the system: • Ordinary depreciation • Special depreciation • Unplanned depreciation • Depreciation from write-off reserves Depreciation, unplanned Unplanned value correction as the result of a reduction in asset value, which appears to be permanent. Depreciation, variable The calculation of depreciation amounts that are proportional to the multiple-shift usage of the asset. The system allows for both depreciation that is independent of the usage of the asset and depreciation that is variable based on usage. You can split the depreciation of an asset into a fixed portion and a variable portion. The system then multiplies the variable portion by a multiple-shift factor. Doc.Type A key that distinguishes the business transactions to be posted. The document type determines where the document is stored as well as the account types to be posted. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 287 Glossary TFIN52 Document Proof of a business transaction. A distinction is made between original documents and data processing (DP) documents: Original documents include incoming invoices, bank statements, and carbon copies of outgoing invoices. DP documents include accounting documents, sample documents, and recurring entry documents. Accounting documents are a representation of the original document in the R/3 System. Sample and recurring entry documents are simply templates to simplify entry of accounting transactions. Down payment Payment made for an asset under construction. In the system, down payments are acquisition postings that are identified by a special transaction type. The steps involved in a down payment to an asset under construction are described below: • Posting the down payment • Posting the closing invoice that belongs to it • Clearing the down payment with the closing invoice Evaluation group Field in the asset master record that can be used for classifying assets. You can use an evaluation group in the following ways: • • Create reports on the defined evaluation groups Access individual assets using a matchcode defined for the evaluation group Fixed asset A fixed asset is an item in the company assets which is identified as a single commodity in the balance sheet and which is used in the company's business activities. A fixed asset can be represented in the system using several master records, that is, sub-numbers. In this case, the individual asset components (sub-numbers) are described as “fixed assets”. Group asset A combination of a number of assets for the purposes of a common, summarized calculation of depreciation. A group asset is represented in the system by a separate master record. Group currency Before the consolidation process can be completed all values in the individual financial statements must be translated from the local or transaction currency into group currency. Group valuation Valuation of fixed assets in subsidiaries for the purpose of later consolidation of total fixed assets at group concern level. Group valuation can be managed separately in the local currency and in the reporting currency in separate depreciation areas. 288 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Glossary Immediate writeoff Depreciation method for low-value assets that can be written off to their full amount in the acquisition period or acquisition year. Index series Mathematical series for representing price rate increases. For example, you can use an index series to show the evolution of values of an asset having annual price rate increases. Insurance type A setting used to define the most important insurance parameters in the asset master record. For example, the insurance type can specify whether an asset is insured for its current value (current market value insurance) or its value as new (value as new insurance). Intercompany asset transfer Transaction in which a group company sells one of its assets to another company in the same subgroup. Interest, imputed The interest that represents the interest gain lost due to the capital tied up in assets. For cost-accounting purposes, it can make sense to calculate interest on the capital tied up in assets. In certain countries, it is also required to calculate interest on the production costs of assets under construction. Main asset number The main asset number, in combination with the company code and the asset subnumber, uniquely identifies a fixed asset in the system. This number identifies an asset as a single unit for valuation when it includes several master records (subnumbers). Maintenance level A specification that defines the level (asset class, main asset number, subnumber) at which a field in the asset master record can be maintained. Maintenance level definition is part of the screen layout. For example, if you define the main asset number as the maintenance level for a field, then the field receives a default value from the asset class. However, you still have the option to change this value when you maintain master data at the main asset number level. Multiple-shift depreciation Calculation of higher depreciation amounts as a result of the increased value reduction of an asset used in multiple shifts. You can divide the depreciation of an asset used in multiple shifts into a fixed portion and a variable portion. The system then multiplies the variable portion by the multiple-shift factor. Number range Interval with a defined list of characters. Number ranges are used to assign numbers to individual data records for a business object to complete the key. There are two types of number assignment: • • 2006/Q2 Internal (performed automatically by the system) External (performed manually by the user) © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 289 Glossary TFIN52 Period control Period control determines the start or the end of depreciation calculation at the time of a fixed asset acquisition or retirement. There are many different country-specific regulations, particularly for asset acquisitions, that govern how the depreciation start-date (asset value date) can be determined from the date of the posting. Period control is part of the internal calculation key. You can specify individual period control for each transaction type (acquisition, retirement, transfer). Examples of period control provided in the system include: • Pro rata temporis • Pro rata at mid-period (half month rule) • First year convention Posting depreciation Posting of the depreciation amounts calculated in Asset Accounting to the corresponding balance sheet and income accounts of Financial Accounting. Depreciation is forecast in the system either manually or using the depreciation key, and is posted on a periodic basis. Posting of depreciation to Financial Accounting is initiated by starting the depreciation posting run. This program generates a batch input session that contains all posting information required for Financial Accounting. The corresponding posting documents are created when you process the batch input session. As of Release 4.5, the depreciation posting program can also post directly to FI. However, checks and corrections are not then possible. Replacement value Current valuation of an asset that is different from the acquisition and production costs. The replacement value of an asset can result, for example, from the following influences: • price changes due to inflation • price changes due to technical advancement Reserve for special depreciation An item on the liabilities side of the balance sheet containing value adjustments to fixed assets. These adjustments typically result when the maximum permitted tax depreciation exceeds the permitted book depreciation. In this case, the amount of tax depreciation exceeding book depreciation can be shown in the balance sheet as a liability (special items with reserve). Retirement Removal of an asset from the asset portfolio. Revaluation An increase to asset values to allow for a reduction in the value of a currency due to inflation. Revaluation makes it possible to valuate assets at their replacement value (which differs from the acquisition and production costs). 290 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Glossary Scrap value A part of an asset’s value that is not depreciated. You can use one of the following methods for scrap value (memo value): • Deduct the scrap value from the base depreciation value before the start of depreciation calculation • Define the scrap value as a fixed value at which depreciation is stopped (cutoff value) • You define the scrap value either as a set amount or as a percentage of APC. Screen layout rule A group of settings that specifies which fields are displayed during master data maintenance, und whether entries have to be made (required entry fields) in these fields or not (optional entry fields). Settlement Complete or partial charging of the calculated cost of an object to another. The following objects can be settlement senders: • Order • Maintenance order • CO production order • Production order • Cost object • Sales order • Network • Project The following objects can be settlement receivers: • Asset • Internal order • Profitability segment • Cost center • Sales order • Material • Network • Project • G/L account Settlement profile The settlement profile is a requirement for creating a settlement rule. You define the following parameters in the settlement profile: • 2006/Q2 Permitted settlement receivers (such as cost center or asset) © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 291 Glossary TFIN52 • Default values for the settlement structure and the PA transfer structure? allocation bases for defining the settlement shares (using percentages and/or equivalence numbers) • Maximum number of distribution rules • Retention period of the settlement documents Shutdown The temporary removal of a fixed asset from service. You can temporarily shut down an asset using an indicator in the asset master record. During the shutdown period no depreciation is calculated. Sort version A means of defining groups and group totals in asset reports. All fields of the asset master record can be used as group and/or sort criteria for defining a sort version. You enter the sort version key when starting a report. Special depreciation Depreciation for tax reasons, which is allowed in addition to ordinary depreciation. In general, this form of depreciation allows depreciation by percentage within a tax concession period without taking into account the actual wear and tear on the asset. Subledger accounting Accounting at the subsidiary level, such as customer, vendor, or asset. Subledgers give more details on the postings made to the reconciliation accounts in the general ledger. Substitution Process of replacing values as they are being entered into the SAP R/3 System. Entered values are checked against a user-defined Boolean statement (condition). If the statement is true, the system replaces the specified values. Substitution occurs before data is written to the database. Tax concession period Period in which depreciation exceeding ordinary depreciation can be calculated as a result of tax depreciation specifications. The increased depreciation, because of its profit-reducing character, has a tax deferral effect and is therefore a tax concession. Transaction type The object that classifies the business transaction (for example, acquisition, retirement, transfer, and so on), and determines how the transaction is processed in the system. The transaction type is the basis for the assignment of the business transaction to a column in the asset history sheet. Every transaction type belongs to a specific transaction type group. Transfer variant You can use a transfer variant to specify the method for valuation of the transferred asset in the receiving company code, and the transaction types that are used for the intercompany asset transfer. 292 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Glossary Useful life The reasonably expected length of time for using the asset, depending on the individual depreciation area. Within this time period, the asset should be completely written off. The actual technical life of the asset can exceed this time period. The useful life expectancy for the various asset types is defined in depreciation tables. Valuation Balance sheet term: the calculation of the value of all fixed and current assets and of all payables at a certain time and in line with the appropriate legal requirements. Value adjustment, proportional The value adjustments that are calculated for part of an asset, up to the time of its retirement (for example, the proportional ordinary depreciation, revaluation, investment support, and so on). Write-off A reduction (with an effect on profit) of a liabilities balance sheet item (such as investment support measures shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet). Write-up Reversal of past depreciation. Write-ups are necessary either when the depreciation posted was too high or when the reasons for unplanned depreciation no longer exist. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 293 Glossary 294 TFIN52 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Index A account allocation, 31 account assignment object, 163 account assignment objects, 34 Account Determination, 31 Accounts Payable, 76 Accounts Receivable, 76 acquisition from in-house production, 77 acquisition/retirement accounts:, 32 application area, 224 area menu, 197 asset acquisition, 77 asset balance sheet accounts,, 32 asset class, 16, 30 asset history sheet, 84, 199 asset history sheet version, 199 asset master record, 54 asset retirement, 108 asset sheet history variant, 199 asset subnumber, 59 asset value date, 81 Asset value date, 109 assets, 16 assets under construction, 17, 38, 135 automatic intercompany asset transfer, 118 B balance sheet, 17, 21 balance sheet for tax purposes, 5 2006/Q2 base method, 155 Base value, 293 Boolean classes, 224 Boolean statement, 259 business area, 3 C callup points, 224 capitalization date, 81 capitalization of asset under construction, 136 change document, 57 changing the asset, 57 chart of accounts, 3, 32 chart of depreciation, 3, 19 charts of depreciation, 121 check, 232 clearing account, 85 clearing of asset retirement, 108 client, 2 company, 119 company code, 2 comparison operators, 228 complete asset retirement, 108 complete retirement, 108 consistency, 222 cost accounting, 5 cost accounting depreciation area, 160 Cost center, 13 cross-company depreciation area, 121 cross-company depreciation areas, 121 current-value depreciation, 145 customer, 108 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 295 Index TFIN52 D gross procedure, 83 date of asset capitalization, 81 date of initial acquisition, 81 Declining-balance methods, 155 default values, 58 degree of activation, 229 depreciation, 20, 154 depreciation accounts, 32 depreciation area, 3, 58, 153 depreciation areas, 19 depreciation key, 81, 155, 157 depreciation posting program, 163 depreciation simulation, 208 depreciation start, 81 depreciation start date, 81, 157 depreciation terms, 157 depreciation values, 20, 157 distribution rule, 137 document number, 82 document number range, 82 document type, 82 I E Kostenrechnungskreis, 14 evaluation group, 37 external number assignment, 33, 59 F FI-AP, 76 FI-AR, 76 financial accounting, 76 financial statement, 5 financial statement version, 21 fiscal year change, 183 Formula Editor, 227 G gain, 120 gain from asset retirement, 109 gain from asset sale, 108 goods receipt, 86 gross method, 120 296 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. IAS, 5 imputed interest, 161 index series, 160, 162 index values, 162 integrated asset acquisition, 79 integration of accounts payable accounting, 77 integration with FI-AP, 78 intercompany asset transfer, 117 interest, 160 internal number assignment, 33, 59 Internal order, 13 intracompany asset transfer, 117 inventory number, 55 Investment Management, 38 invoice receipt, 86 K L layout, 35 line item management, 136 line item settlement, 137 logical operators, 228 Logistics, 76 loss, 120 loss from asset retirement, 109 loss from asset sale, 108 low-value assets, 39 Low-value assets, 17 M maintenance level, 36 management accounting, 5 Mass changes, 71 mass retirement, 108, 110 Materials Management, 77 maximum amount methods, 155 2006/Q2 TFIN52 Index message, 232 MM integration, 86 multilevel methods, 155 N Net book value, 120 net method, 120 net procedure, 83 new value method, 120 number range, 33 number range interval, 33 number ranges, 83 O open item management, 85 operands, 228 ordinary depreciation, 154 P partial asset retirement, 108 period control method, 81 Period control methods, 155 Periodic APC Values Posting, 185 periodic posting of asset values, 20 periodic processing, 152 prerequisites, 232 purchase acquisition, 77 purchase order, 86 purchase requisition, 86 2006/Q2 S Sales revenue, 120 SAPF124, 85 SAPF181, 83 scrapping, 108 screen layout, 33 screen layout rule, 33, 36, 59 screen layout, asset depreciation areas, 36 set, 260 similar assets, 55 simulation versions, 209 sort version, 198 sorting, 198 special depreciation, 154 subledger accounting, 76 substitution, 246 Substitution, 72 substitution step, 248 substitution value, 248 T tab pages, 35 technical management, 17 time-dependent data, 56 totaling, 198 transaction type, 78, 83 transaction type groups, 84 transfer methods, 119 transfer variant, 118 R U RAACCOBJ01, 164 RABUCH00, 163 RAJABS00, 184 RAJAWE00, 183 RAPERB2000, 185 RAPOST2000, 163 RAPOST2001, 165 reconciliation accounts, 76 reference, 54 relationship type, 119 Replacement value, 293 report tree, 197 retirement sale (revenue), 110 revenue from asset sales, 108 rule, 259 unplanned depreciation, 145, 154 US-GAAP, 5 user fields, 37 V validation, 223, 232 validation function, 223 valuation for book depreciation, 157 value simulation, 207 W Work list, 71–72 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 297 Index TFIN52 Y year-end closing, 184 298 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2 Feedback SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the course evaluation. 2006/Q2 © 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 299