BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) (A) MAKLUMAT PELAJAR STUDENT INFORMATION Nama Name : TIRUNAVAKARASU A/L AMIRATHARAJU Jantina Gender : MALE No. Matrik Matric No. : U2103554/1 No. Telefon Telephone No. : +6001137654079 Alamat Email E-Mail Address : Program Program : Bachelor of Science in Physics Fakulti Faculty : Facuity of Science Tahap Pengajian (Sila Tandakan (✔) Yang Mana Berkenaan) Level Of Study (Please Tick (✔) The Appropriate Box) Pelajar Baharu New Student Tahap Pertengahan Middle Level Tahap Awal Early Level Tahap Akhir Final Level Tahap Pengajian Level of Study Pelajar Baharu/New Student Tahap Awal/Early Level Tahap Pertengahan/Middle Level Tahap Akhir/Final Level Nota / Notes : (B) GARIS PANDUAN AM GENERAL GUIDELINES Bilangan Kredit yang telah disempurnakan Number of Credit Completed < 35 credit 36 to 75 credit > 76 credit 1. Bahasa: Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu Language: English or Bahasa Melayu 1 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 2. Log aktiviti perlu mengandungi aktiviti-aktiviti untuk minggu 1 hingga minggu 12 dan perancangan aktiviti untuk minggu 13 dan minggu 14 The activity log should include week 1 to week 12 of activities and planned activities for week 13 and week 14 (C) MAKLUMAT AKTIVITI AKTIVITI INFORMATION Senarai aktiviti yang dijalankan pada minggu 1 hingga minggu 12 hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam rekod aktiviti ini, kerana pelajar dikehendaki mengemukakan log aktiviti pada akhir minggu 12. Pelajar juga perlu menyertakan aktiviti yang akan dijalankan untuk minggu 13 dan minggu 14. Pelajar bebas menggunakan format mereka sendiri dalam merekodkan aktiviti. Log mingguan adalah disyorkan. Log aktiviti tersebut mungkin termasuk mana-mana yang berkaitan seperti berikut: List of activities conducted from week 1 to week 12 should be included in this activity log, as students will be required to submit the activity log by end of week 12. Students are also expected to include possible activities for week 13 and week14. Students are free to use their own format in logging the activities. Weekly logging is recommended. The activities log may include of the following: 1. Deskripsi aktiviti termasuk (jika bersesuaian): Description of the activities includes (if applicable): ● Kerja lapangan (Field work) ● Pengumpulan data (Data collection) ● Analisis data (Data analysis) ● Latihan/Pengajaran Kendiri (Self-learning/training) ● Menghadiri kelas/taklimat/bengkel (Attending classes/briefings/workshops) ● Menulis laporan (Report writing) ● Membangunkan soal selidik (Questionnaire development) ● Mendapatkan kelulusan (Obtaining approvals) ● Menjalankan temuduga (Conducting interview) ● Pelancaran produk (Product launching) ● Aktiviti pemasaran/promosi (Marketing/promotional activities) ● Sesi latihan/penyertaan pertandingan (Training sessions/competition attended) ● Penglibatan dengan komuniti/pemegang taruh syarikat (Engagement with community/stakeholders/companies) 2 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) ● Aktiviti lain yang berkaitan (Other relevant activities) DATE HOURS NOTES Identifying the area of interest to be conducted as independent research 2 16.3.2022 Constructing a proper research title 0.5 18.3.2022 Reading research articles of from Internet sources regarding the As a student in pure physics degree programme, main ideas of research were heavily influenced by physics subject. Ideas that were initially considered were the evolution of Newtonian mechanics, the physics of the future, astrophysics relationship with astronomy and many major fields of physics. At the, the field of applied Quantum Physics was chosen as it the leading fields of physics currently. The realm of quantum physics is albeit highly abstract with intricate mathematical working. A proper research title is crucial to show where this research is focused at the complex layers of quantum physics. Thus, the title “ The Application of Quantum Physics in real life” is chosen at is fitted perfectly with the main motive of this research. Before delving into practical application of quantum physics, it is a must to WEEK 1 15.3.2022 ACTIVITY 2 PICTURE Appendix 1 3 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) field of Quantum Physics. understand the about this intricate field first. Why theories of quantum physics was proposed? Who proposed? What problems it solved? Can it be applied practically? All these questions must be answered first. Many articles which have a valid and reliable background can be found in Internet, such as written by professors and postgraduate students from universities. Articles about introduction and background of quantum physics were searched and read. WEEK 2 22.3.2022 Approaching and inviting the lecturer to be an advisor for the research 0.5 The lecturers who were considered to be an advisor for this research are chosen from the physics department of faculty of science. This is obvious due to the nature of the chosen research area. Eventually, Dr Siti Fairus Binti Sani was invited to be my advisor for this research. Her strong background in mathematical method was invaluable and very helpful for understanding the abstract mathematics of Quantum Mechanics. Invitation was sent 2 4 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 24.3.2022 26.3.2022 Reading online research article/ published research paper Constructing research aims, problems statements and research questions. 2.5 0.5 via email and she accepted quickly. Few relevant articles were explored in reliable websites like and The first research paper is “Quantum Mechanics in Space” by A.Bellenchia. Other research papers include “On the physics of semiconductor quantum dots for applications in lasers and quantum optics” by W.Chow and “Topologically Protected Polarization Quantum Entanglement on a Photonic Chip” by W. Yao These research papers are highly specific and requires initial knowledge in relevant topics. Fortunately, the papers were written coherently and explained the fundamental theories and terms in physics, making it easier to grasping the complex application. The objectives and main research questions that want to be answered be evaluated and constructed. This is crucial as it creates a clear aim of what this research wants to achieve throughout the process, no unnecessary time 3 4 5 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 26.3.2022 WEEK 3 30.3.2022 Started writing the proposal for GKI1001 Independent Research Literature review 2.5 5 wasted searching for irrelevant information. The abstract and the introduction of the proposal were completed. More relevant research articles and papers were accessed in and website. “Quantum Physics, Quantum Biology, Quantum Medicine?” by Bullon. P discussed on the application of QM in biology and medicine. “Micromanipulation of nanodiamonds containing NV centers for quantum applications” by S. Castelletto gave clear connection between nanotechnology and QM. Research article “Quantum Computing” by V. Gotarane primarily discussed the application of abstract mathematics like Di-Rac notation and eigenstates in quantum computing 5 6 These sources provided much more insight in applied quantum mechanics. However, the mathematical aspect of the 6 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 31.3.2022 Completion of the first draft of the proposal 3 1.4.2022 The review of proposal draft by advisor 1 papers were quite tricky and required me further reading. The first draft of the proposal was completed were the literature review were added and the methodology part were coherently explained as this is a qualitative research not quantitative. The first draft of the proposal was finalised and sent to Dr. Siti Fairus to be reviewed via email. 7 WEEK 4 6.4.2022 Correction and amendment of the proposal. 1.5 8.4.2022 Submission of the proposal 1 Further literature review 5 WEEK 5 12.4.2022 Dr. Siti Fairus corrected and provided same guidelines to adhered when writing the a research proposal. The first draft of the proposal was then corrected and more details were added to make the proposal more accurate and complete. Advisor added her signature in the corrected version of the proposal. The proposal was finalized and submitted to spectrum 8 More research articles/papers were read and the information within are extracted. “Quantum Electronics in Semiconductors” by C.H.W Barnes discussed about direct application of quantum 10 9 7 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) theories in the field of electronics and how it makes semiconductor devices more efficient. From Caltech Science Exchange, “What is Superposition and Why is it important?” delves very deep in the superposition quantum phenomena. Aradhya C’s “Quantum Technologies And Their Applications In Industry 4.0” clearly outlines QM application in industrial aspect and on it impacts Industry 4.0. 2 more general articles regarding the industry of applied QM were chosen and read. 15.4.2022 WEEK 6 19.4.2022 Started writing log activily report of GKI1001 Independent Research. 1 Learning the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics 4 The sources provided further valuable information for this research. Further reading required more understanding of complex mathematics. All the tasks done for the first 5 weeks were documented in the log activity report with proper notes. The book “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics " by David. J. Griffith were used comprehensively. Basic concepts like bra-ket notation 11 12 8 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 22.4.2022 were revisited. More complex theories and equations like Hermition system, Schrodinger equation, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are studied thorough. This is the key in understanding how these abstract theories with the equations can be applied in physical world The identified challenges and limitations are added in the log activity report. They were explained properly. Adding limitations challenges in log activity report. 13 WEEK 7 26.4.2022 Further learning the theories of Quantum Mechanics 4 The book “Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum” by Susskind.L helped further grasp the intricate theories of Quantum Mechanics. This is vital as it helped the prepare notes that can be used to explain the application of quantum theories in real-life. The topics quantum entanglement, uncertainty and time dependence and harmonics oscillators were studied comprehensively. The theories here are then associated with the application from the research papers. 14 9 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 29.4.2022 Started writing the reflection report of GKI1001 Independent Research. 1 The abstract and introduction part of the reflection were written based on the findings until week 7. 15 10.5.2022 Further learning the theories of Quantum Mechanics 4 16 13.5.2022 Updating the activity log 1 Quantum Mechanics has a huge application in the field of electronics, Hence, the book “Introduction to quantum electronics and nonlinear optics” by V.Shtykov was read and the theories were studied. The topics chosen from the book to be studied includes quantum generators and amplifiers, laser semiconductors, magnetic resonance and so on as all this topics have direct applications in real-life especially in the industry. The activity log was updated with all tasks done until week 8 Further literature review 4 4 more articles regarding to current quantum physics application are chosen and studied to add more up to date information in reflection report later. “How Quantum Physics Allows Us To See Back Through Space And Time” by T.Siegfried discussed latest QM technologies applied in space exploration in addition 17 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 17.5.2022 10 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 20.5.2022 Continue writing reflection report. 5 Data Analysis 7 what changes can occur in future space projects due to advancement in QM. “A Quantum Leap in the Classical World” by J.Leman compares the classical approach versus to quantum approach in solving current applied physics problems. Surprisingly, both have pros and contras. “Classical Mechanics vs Quantum Mechanics” by ClearIAS website provided information on how specifically QM differs from classical mechanics. “As quantum technology matures what industries should care?” by Physics World encourages scientific industries to fully utilized the potential of QM application The literature review and the methodology were added and explained properly in the reflection report. 18 WEEK 10 24.5.2022 Based on all the findings from the research articles, research papers and undergraduate textbooks, all data are analyzed. The applications of QM with complete explanation and enough example are chosen to be included in the 11 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) findings and discussion part of the reflection report. All rough information sorted out, classified and paraphrased to be included in final report. WEEK 11 1.6.2022 Writing findings and discussion in reflection 4 The findings and discussion of each application in various field are added in the reflection report with complete elaboration. 19 Writing limitations and suggestions for future study and the conclusion 2 The limitations and suggestions were added based on the experience throughout doing the independent research. 20 Finalizing the reflection report and sending to the advisor 2 The completed report was sent to the advisor for the amendments and approval signature Amendments of the reflection report. 1 The report was amended from the advice of the advisor and it was finalized. WEEK 12 8.6.2022 WEEK 13 15.6.2022 WEEK 14 21.6.2022 WEEK 15 1.7.2021 Submission of log activity and reflection report. (Delay) The log activity report and reflection report of GKI1001 Independent Research were submitted through spectrum. 12 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) Appendix 1 Pictures Identifying the area of interest to be conducted as independent research 13 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 2 Approaching and inviting the lecturer to be an advisor for the research 14 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 3 Reading online research article/ published research paper 15 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 4 Constructing research aims, problems statements and research questions. 5 Started writing the proposal for GKI1001 Independent Research 16 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 6 Literature review 17 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 7 Completion of the first draft of the proposal 8 Correction and amendment of the proposal. 18 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 9 Submission of the proposal 10 Further literature review 19 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 11 Started writing log activily report of GKI1001 Independent Research. 12 Learning the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics 20 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 13 Adding limitations challenges in log activity report. 14 Further learning the theories of Quantum Mechanics 21 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 15 Started writing the reflection report of GKI1001 Independent Research. 16 Further learning the theories of Quantum Mechanics 22 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 17 Further literature review 23 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 18 Continue writing reflection report. 19 Writing findings and discussion in reflection 24 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 20 Writing limitations and suggestions for future study and the conclusion 25 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) 2. Deskripsi Cabaran/Risiko/Batasan yang dihadapi Description of the Challenges/Risk/Limitations encountered Limitation in accessing sufficient resource materials There are not many reliable publication websites that contains the exact research papers that I seek for this research. Many useful published research articles and research papers are available only in other countries and languages. In addition, many research articles and papers must be requested directly to the other for the permission to obtain, and this may take days for the author to reply. However, upon broadening my search to other fields besides major fields like electronics, I found that they many other sectors are applying quantum mechanics, from medical to space exploration. Furthermore, quantum mechanics undergraduate textbooks are not up to date in the UM Library and due to the research focused on the applied Quantum Physics, many textbooks barely touched in this matter. Hence, I decided to use free-e-textbooks from the Internet which is up to date with the current research going on the field of quantum mechanics. Difficulty in fully comprehending Quantum Physics Quantum physics theories and mathematical working are highly abstract, unlike the typical mathematical we are used to. It requires a much deeper understanding and imagination to grasp these concepts and one must have strong foundation in advanced mathematics to work out the calculation framework. In this study, as it crucial for me explain the applications, I must first comprehend the theories supported with mathematical framework, which I struggle a lot. It needed much longer time than I expected to teach myself the fundamentals of maths of quantum physics. For the applications part, it needed was more time consuming to understand every aspect of a certain application. To overcome, I spent about an hour everyday teaching myself quantum mechanics by watching Youtube videos which are really helpful in visualizing the complexity of this subject. This was a better approach than going through thick textbooks for many hours, in terms of time efficiency. Difficulty in meeting lecturers of physics department UM Initially, the plan was to have interview sessions of lectures in physic department of faculty of science who have background in quantum mechanics. This is a great way to get rough ideas which can be researched later. Unfortunately, all of my classes were full online during the first 7 26 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) weeks which made it very hard for me to do interviews. Starting from week 8, many lecturers were busy with physical classes and those who have responded to my invitation could not find a free time to fit the interview in their busy schedule. To overcome this, I broadened my search of resource materials to every relevant research articles besides from research papers. In addition, I continuously scoured through many undergraduate textbooks to find information regarding applied quantum physics. 3. Jumlah tempoh aktiviti dijalankan (Jam) untuk pengiraan Masa Pembelajaran Pelajar sekurangkurangnya 42 jam Total duration of the activities (hours) to calculate Student Learning Time (SLT) should have minimum 42 hours 69 Hours 4. Pengesahan keseluruhan daripada Penasihat/Jurulatih/Hos/Komuniti/Koordinator Overall confirmation from Advisors/Coaches/Hosts/Communities/Coordinators 27 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) (D) PENILAIAN KENDIRI (Sila tanda (✔) bagi setiap kategori SELF - EVALUATION (Please tick (✔) one from each categories) 1. Tarikh penyerahan Submission Deadline Penyerahan dilakukan selewat-lewatnya pada hari Jumaat minggu ke-12 (4 markah) Submission done latest by Friday in the 12th Week (4 marks) Penyerahan dilakukan selepas hari Jumaat pada minggu ke-12 (2 markah) Submission done after Friday in the 12th Week (3 marks) Tiada penyerahan dilakukan (0 markah) No submission done (0 marks) 2. Aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan Activities completed Menyenaraikan sebanyak 10 aktiviti beserta bukti bergambar bagi setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan (10 markah) Ten (10) activities with photo evidence of each activity (10 marks) 1 markah ditolak bagi setiap satu aktiviti yang tidak disenaraikan di dalam borang templat 1 mark should be deducted for every one activity not listed in the proposal Jumlah markah yang diperolehi: ( ____10______ ) The total marks obtained 3. Cabaran yang telah diatasi Overcoming Challenges 3 atau lebih cabaran dapat diatasi (6 markah) 3 or more challenges have been overcome (6 marks) Terdapat 2 cabaran yang dapat diatasi (4 markah) There are 2 challenges have been overcome (4 marks) Hanya 1 cabaran yang dapat diatasi (2 markah) Only 1 challenge have been overcome (2 marks) Tiada cabaran yang dapat diatasi (0 markah) No challenges have been overcome (0 marks) 28 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (Student Affairs Division) LOG AKTIVITI (ACTIVITY LOG) GKI 1001 PENYELIDIKAN BEBAS (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH) Penyempurnaan Masa Pembelajaran PelajarCompletion of Student Learning Time (SLT) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti telah mencapai 42 jam atau lebih (10 markah) Time allocated for activities have achieved 42 hours or more (10 marks) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti adalah antara 31 hingga 41 jam (8 markah) Time allocated for activities are between 31 to 41 hours (8 marks) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti adalah antara 21 hingga 30 jam (6 markah) Time allocated for activities between 21 to 30 hours (6 marks) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti adalah antara 11 hingga 20 jam (4 markah) Time allocated for activities between 11 to 20 hours (4 marks) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti adalah antara 6 hingga 10 jam (2 markah) Time allocated for activities are between 6 to 10 hours (2 marks) Peruntukan masa untuk aktiviti adalah kurang daripada 5 jam (0 markah) Time allocated for activities are less than 5 hours (0 marks) (E) PENGESAHAN PELAJAR STUDENT VERIFICATION Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa maklumat yang diberikan adalah benar dan markah penilaian kendiri adalah refleksi sebenar kerja saya. I hereby confirm that all the information provided is true and the self-evaluation marks are a reflection of my work. ………………………………….. Tandatangan pelajar (Student’s signature) Nama Name : Tirunavakarasu A/L Amiratharaju Tarikh Date : 29th June 2022 29