Uploaded by wariskhan070

Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm: Test Case Selection

Absolutely, here's a concise yet formal rendition of your extended algorithm:
Step 1: Initialize parameters and form an ant colony.
Step 2: Place an ant at the initial Critical Test Case (CTC).
Step 3: Detect faults covered by the initial CTC.
Step 4: Choose a test case using SELECT_TEST_CASE and document covered faults.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 until all faults are covered.
Step 6: Deploy the next ant when all faults are covered, repeating until each ant completes a cycle.
Step 7: Adjust pheromone levels for the ant with the shortest execution time.
Step 8: Keep a record of the current execution time.
Step 9: If the current execution time is below MAX_TIME, repeat steps 2 to 8 for the next iteration.
Step 10: If the current execution time exceeds MAX_TIME, retrieve the optimal path and conclude the
Step 1: Initialize parameters and create an ant colony.
Step 2: Position an ant at the initial Critical Test Case (CTC).
Step 3: Identify faults covered by the initial CTC.
Step 4: Choose a test case using SELECT_TEST_CASE and document covered faults.
Step 5: Repeat step 4 until all faults are covered.
Step 6: Deploy the next ant when all faults are covered, repeating until each ant completes a cycle.
Step 7: Adjust pheromone levels for the ant with the shortest execution time.
Step 8: Keep track of the current execution time.
Step 9: If the current execution time is less than MAX_TIME, repeat steps 2 to 8 for the next iteration.
Step 10: If the current execution time exceeds MAX_TIME, obtain the optimal path and terminate the