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American History Syllabus: 1877 Online Course

College of Liberal Arts
Department of History
Fall 2023
American History to 1877, (CRN 20639 or CRN 20637), HIST 1483
100% Online
Instructor: Arley Ward Email: ward37@nsuok.edu
Office Phone: I do not have an office on campus.
Office Hours: Via Zoom by appointment.
Course Delivery Method – 100% Online
Course Prerequisites - none
Catalog Description – Students will learn major themes of American History from the pre-colonial period
through Reconstruction and practice historical thinking skills.
Course Purpose / Goals – This course will familiarize students with broad themes in U.S. history from the
pre-Colonial Era to Reconstruction. Together, we will explore the major political, social, economic, and
cultural changes that occurred during these years and how Americans dealt with the consequences of those
Student Learning Outcomes – Through assigned readings, book reviews, films, recordings, class discussions,
and lectures, students will gain perspective on the development of the United States and how its citizens
adapted to changing views related to race, class, gender, religion, international conflict and Civil War.
Furthermore, these materials and assignments will encourage students to think historically and reflect upon
the role history plays in our common narrative. Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills as
well as the ability to better express themselves, and their viewpoints, through written and oral
communication. This outcome will be achieved thorough an exposure
Instructional Methods / Strategies – Instructional methods will include lectures, group discussions – small
and large, writing assignments, reflections upon primary and secondary sources, and a research project.
Learning Outcome Assessment Methods
Orientation Assignments
100 Points
Weekly Chapter Assignments
700 Points
 Readings
 Questions
 Terms
Final Exam
200 Points
Total Course Points
1000 Points
Grading Policy / Scale
Approved by Academic Council – May 3, 1994
Updated – January 27, 2010
Approved by President’s Cabinet – February 23, 2010
Revised Fall 2015, 2016, 2017
1000-900 A, 899-800 B, 799-700 C, 699-600 D, 599-0 F
Instructional Materials
 James A. Henretta et al, America: A Concise History, Volume 1: To 1877.
 All other materials will be posted to BlackBoard.
Late policy:
 You can submit late work up to a week after the due date for a point deduction.
 You CANNOT turn the final exam in late.
Course Assignments:
Orientation Assignments:
Up to 100 total points
 These assignments are opened during the first day of class and are designed to help you get to know
the various aspects of the course and allow me to get to know you. Detailed instructions can be
found on BlackBoard
o Course Pretest (Part of Orientation Assignments).
o You are required to take the course Pretest at the beginning of the semester and the course
Posttest at the end of the semester.
o These tests are used to track how much you learn over the course of the semester.
o The Pretest is graded on COMPLETION ONLY. That means your just have to take it, your score
does not matter. You will receive 20 points no matter what.
o Instructions:
o Make sure you know how to use RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER. You have to take the
Pretest using the lockdown browser. If you need help doing this, contact Technical Support at
o You only get two chances to take the Pretest. So, if your lock down browser does not work
the first time, make sure you contact technical support before you attempt to take the
pretest the second time.
o Assignment is graded on completion and worth 20 points.
Weekly/Chapter Assignments: Up to 700 total points
 Each week, there will be assignments dedicated to a different chapter of out textbook America: A
Concise History by Henretta.
 Each chapter assignment is worth up to 60 points.
o Reading Qs – 10 points
o Terms/Relationships – 10 points
o Essay Question – 20 points
o Primary Source – 20 points
Final Exam:
Up to 200 Points
 At the end of the semester, you will have the opportunity to take a final, comprehensive
examination. There will be a study guide and you will have the questions beforehand. This
assignment CAN be replaced by Chosen Assignment points.
Extra Credit Assignments:
Approved by Academic Council – May 3, 1994
Updated – January 27, 2010
Approved by President’s Cabinet – February 23, 2010
Revised Fall 2015, 2016, 2017
Each Weekly/Chapter Assignments also contain extra credit assignments.
These assignments are optional. You can use the extra credit assignment to make up missing points.
You can even not take the final exam if you have enough extra credit points.
Academic Policies / Required Information
Please go to http://offices.nsuok.edu/academicaffairs/SyllabiInformation.aspx for required
information pertaining to:
Academic Misconduct
Student Handbook
Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance
Teach Act
Inclement Weather/Disaster Policy
Textbook Information
Release of Confidential Information
Title IX
US I Course Calendar F2023
Learning Module: Orientation
Leaning Module One: Transformations of North America, 1491-1700
 Week Two: August 21-25: Colliding Worlds, 1491-1600
 Week Three: August 28-September 1: American Experiments, 1521-1700
Learning Module Two:
 Week Four: September 4-8: The British Atlantic World, 1607-1750
o No Class, Monday, September 4, Labor Day
 Week Five: September 11-15: Growth, Diversity, and Conflict, 1720-1763
Learning Module Three: Revolution and Republican Culture, 1754-1800
 Week Six: September 18-22: The Problem of Empire, 1754-1776
 Week Seven: September 25-29: Making War and Republican Governments, 1776-1789
 Week Eight: October 2-6: Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787-1820
Learning Module Four: Overlapping Revolutions, 1800-1848
 Week Nine: October 9-13: Economic Transformations, 1800-1848
 Week Ten: October 16-20: A Democratic Revolution, 1800-1848
o No Class, Thursday, October 19
o Fall Break
o No Class, Friday, October 20
o Fall Break
 Week Eleven: October 23-27: Religion, Reform, and Culture, 1820-1848
 Week Twelve: October 30-November 3: Imperial Ambitions, 1820-1848
Learning Module Five: Consolidating a Continental Union, 1844-1861
 Week Thirteen: November 6-November 10: Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1844-1877
 Week Fourteen: November 13-17: Bloody Ground: The Civil War, 1861-1865
 Week Fifteen: November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break
o No Class, Wednesday, November 22
o Thanksgiving Break
o No Class, Thursday, November 23
o Thanksgiving Break
Approved by Academic Council – May 3, 1994
Updated – January 27, 2010
Approved by President’s Cabinet – February 23, 2010
Revised Fall 2015, 2016, 2017
o No Class, Friday, November 24
o Thanksgiving Break
Week Sixteen: November 27-December 1: Reconstruction, 1865-1877
Finals Week: December 4-8
Approved by Academic Council – May 3, 1994
Updated – January 27, 2010
Approved by President’s Cabinet – February 23, 2010
Revised Fall 2015, 2016, 2017