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Astronomy & Physics Lecture Notes: Solar System to Gravity

­Earth is a planet in our solar system, which consists of the sun and all the objects that
orbit it: the planets and their moons and countless smaller objects including rocky
asteroids and icy comets
­We are in the milky way galaxy, a galaxy is a great island of stars in space, containing
from a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars
­Groups of galaxies with more than a few dozen members are often called galaxy
­superclusters are the regions in which galaxies and galaxy clusters are most tightly
­A star is born when gravity compresses the material in a cloud to the point where the
center becomes dense enough and hot enough to generate energy by nuclear fusion
­nuclear fusion is the process in which lightweight atomic nuclei smash together and
fuse to make heavier nuclei
­light years: 1 light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year. This is a unit of
distance NOT time
­observable universe is the portion of the entire universe that we can potentially
observe. (14 billion light­years)
­earths average orbital distance iscalled an astronomical unit (AU)
­The entire universe is expanding: hubble telescope showed us that virtually every
galaxy outside the local group is moving away from us, and the more distant the galaxy
the faster it appears to be racing away
­the atoms from which we are made began as hydrogen and helium in the big bang and
were later fused into heavier elements by massive stars. Stellar deaths released these
atoms into space where our galaxy recycled them into new stars and planets
­Early greeks knew the earth was a sphere because the earths shadow on the moon
during a lunar eclipse is circular
­greeks believed earth was the center of the universe and they reasoned that if earth
were rotating if you jumped up it would whiz under your feet
­they also believed there were fixed stars in a sphere and that planets slowly drifted and
sometimes they drifted backwards (retrograde motion)
­Aristotle believed in this but he also believed made of 4 essences (earth, air, fire and
­Aristotles model of the planets had them effect eachother somehow so it would
produce retrograde motion, however it did not have great predictive power and
astronomers wanted to know (i.e. where Jupiter and mars would be)
­later ptolemy made an earth centered model that could predict where the planets were,
he thought all planets moved in epicycles centered around earth
­any time there were discrepencies he would add more epicycles, this lasted as the
model for a while until Copernicus proposed a new theory
­copernicus made a heliocentric model with the sun in the center, that being so, he
could explain retrograde motion: Mars orbits more slowly (already known fact back then)
so the Earth catches up and then passes it… Mars undergoes one retrograde motion
loop each year as the earth passes by
­copernicus still used perfect circles thus his predictions were not that much better than
the previous long­lasting Ptolemic model
­Tycho became famous for discovering a new star (later found to be a supernova)
­Tycho was the first person to repeat his measurements to make sure there were no
errors and he also revealed discrepancies in the predictions of both the Ptolemaic and
the Copernican models, so he invented his own (which never caught on)
­Kepler worked by Tycho and wanted to analyze his data but did not get the full load of it
until Kepler passed away
­Keplers laws were buried in a complicated journal but Newton went through it and
found them
­Keplers first law stated that planets orbit in ellipses not perfect circles which is why
Tycho’s observations were slightly off
­Keplers second law stated that lines joining a sun and a planet sweep out equal areas
at equal times… when a planet is close to the sun the planet moves faster than when far
from the sun
­Keplers third law stated that square of a planets orbital period (P) is proportionate to
the cube of its semi­major axis (a)… P2=ka3 the more distant a planet is from the sun
the longer it takes to complete an orbit
­Galileo was the first to discover/use the telescope and he found many stars that were
not visible to the naked eye
­He discovered that Venus goes through complete set of phases (like the moon) which
matched the Copernicus system not Ptolemaic system
­He found sunspots on the sun, craters/seas on the moon and handles on Saturn—all of
these are “imperfections”
­he found 4 moons orbiting Jupiter which proved not all celestial objects orbit earth
which was against Aristotle’s thoughts, also since Jupiter was clearly moving and its
moons were not left behind, Earth could also move without losing people
­Galileo also discovered that falling objects of different masses accelerate tat the same
rate, i.e. on earth a feather and a hammer do not fall at the same rate (air resistance)
but on the moon they do (no atmosphere)
­he also said that an external force is responsible for changes in motion, not for the
actual motion itself, therfore a natural movement of an object is a constant speed
straight line (no acceleration—change in speed or direction)
­as earth moves we move with it which is why we do not feel it moving (heliocentric
­Newton invented the reflecting telescope (same type that is used today)
­Velocity: both speed and direction
­Acceleration: rate at which velocity changes (in speed, direction or both)
­To accelerate: to move around a curve at a constant speed or to move in a constant line
at a faster or slower speed
­Newtons first law: objects move uniformely unless acted upon them…an object at rest
tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion
rarely see this bc usually there are frictional forces acting upon objects
inertial motion is motion with constant velocity thus a net force always produces a
change in velocity or an acceleration (a net force is an unbalanced force)
-Newtons second law:
­Newton invented the reflecting telescope (same type that is used today)
­Velocity: both speed and direction
­Acceleration: rate at which velocity changes (in speed, direction or both)
­To accelerate: to move around a curve at a constant speed or to move in a constant line
at a faster or slower speed
­inertia: resistance to change in motion
­Newtons first law: objects move uniformely unless acted upon them…an object at rest
tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion
rarely see this bc usually there are frictional forces acting upon objects
inertial motion is motion with constant velocity thus a net force always produces a
change in velocity or an acceleration (a net force is an unbalanced force)
­Newtons second law: states when a force acts on body, it accelerates the body in the
direction of the force, at a rate proportional to the strength of the force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the body F=ma
when you kick a heavy box and a light box with the same amount of force, the light box
goes farther
mass is the source of inertia (how an object resists change to to its state of motion… i.e.
resists acceleration)
­Newtons third law: when two bodies interact they exert equal forces on eachother in
opposite directions
when you jump off a chair you exert a force onto earth equal to its force exerted onto
you…however from the second law we know that your force (your mass is smaller)
accelerates earth far less than Earth’s force (bigger mass) accelerates you
­Law of conservation of momentum: in an absense of a net external force, linear
momentum is conserved… i.e. when marble A is moving and marble B is at rest, if
marble A hits marble B, marble B goes off with the velocity that marble A had and
marble A stops.
­A change in velocity and/or a change in mass can cause a change in momentum… i.e.
rockets or balloons when the air is let out
­Newtons equation of gravity, F=gmM/d^2
(G is the same at all times and
everywhere in the universe)
­Angular momentum (m*v*r) measure of the spin an object has. (Figure skater turning
example…leg and arm out=bigger radius=slower turn, tucked in=smaller radius=faster
­Particles near poles of spinning cloud not supported against pull of gravity, so they
­Particles in plane experience an outward centrifugal force (felt by a particle in a rotating
frame of reference) that balances the inward pull of gravity, forming a disk
­Energy cannot appear/disappear out of no where. Objects can only gain or lose energy
by exchanging energy with other objects
­potential energy is the same as stored energy
­when you lift a heavy object you exert energy which later will become kinetic energy
when the object is dropped
­kinetic energy is the energy of motion. The greater the mass and the speed of an
object are the more kinetic energy there will be (ke=1/2mv^2)
­as a train accelerates down a hill the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy
(there is very little potential energy at the bottom of the hill)
­Earths tides are mainly due to gravitational influence of the moon. The side of earth
facing the moon feels a stronger gravitational pull than other side
­we experience 2 high tides and 2 low tides every day/25 hrs
­the suns gravitational pull should be substantial but it is secondary to the moon
because although the sun is bigger and has a larger pull, it is farther from the Earth than
the moon and so the Earth’s far side from the sun is not much farther than the Earth’s
close side so although the magnitude of the suns pull on both sides of the earth is
bigger, the differential force is half that of the moons
­When the sun, moon and earth align, the tides are extreme bc both forces are acting
along the same line
­When the sun and moon are perpendicular to the earth, they are pulling in different
directions but the moon is greater so it wins but the tides are smaller because of the
suns mitigating influences
­the earth also produces tides on the moon… earth is 80x the size so the tides
produced are also 80x the size (moon has no oceans so its rocks that get stretched)
­the moon has become locked into a synchronous rotation (we see the same side of the
moon at all times)
­Light is extremely important in astronomy because it is an observational science
­can get images to reveal brightness, shape and position relative to other objects and
can pass light through a prism
­it bend and reflects the light back at different angles
­William Gilbert showed that every magnet has a N and S pole and like poles repel and
opposites attract he said that Earth has a magnetic field like that of a giant magnet,
­he also found that some substances become electrically “charged” when rubbed with
fur or silk, like charges repel and opposite charges attract
­benjamin franklin thought that electric charge is a fluid (we now know as electrons) and
that all uncharged substances have some fixed amount of this fluid
­coulomb determined the exact law between 2 charged objects F=kqQ/d^2
this is a lot like gravity
­Field concept describes electric and magnetic interactions in terms of invisible fields
that exert forces on charges and magnets
­a static electric field exists around a stationary charge, such as a proton, field lines are
radial and another proton would be radially repulsed
­A static magnetic field exists around a stationary magnet and magnetic field lines loop
and always have a N and S pole even if you break magnet in half
­with electric charge the lines go out radially (to infinity) with a magnet the lines loop
around and come back to the object that emitted them
­therefore these two things seem very different but all that changed when a prof hooked
up a coil of wire to a battery and passed a current through the coil and the compass
would move… discovered moving electricity induces a magnetic field… also moving
magnets induces electricity
­electric and magnetic forces are now known as the electromagnetic force
­Maxwell says that in a vacuum gamma, x, uv, visible, infared, radio all have to travel at
the speed of light
­a wave is a pattern that carries energy or signals but not matter (like water)
­bigger wavelength smaller frequency… wavelength*frequency=speed
­proof that light is a wave: pattern how it spreads out is exactly like water
­each element has a unique emission/absorption line pattern… like a fingerprint
­spectra are used to deduce the chemical compositions of distant stars/clouds
this is how we know they have the same elements as the sun and earth
overall changing an electric field induces changing a magnetic field which gives us an
electromagnetic field­­ light!
­light is like when you drop a pebble into water and the waves travel to the shore but not
the pebble, light travels in a vacuum (empty space) so what is moving up and down as
the wave passes? The electromagnetic field.
­charged particles like protons and electrons exert electromagnetic forces on eachother:
electromagnetic radiation (light) is caused by a moving charge
­atoms are made of a nucleus (protons and neutrons) surrounded by electrons…there
are many types of nuclei, only one type of electron
­number of protons and number of neutrons determines element type
protons=atomic number, p+n=atomic weight
­electromagnetic radiation behaves both as waves and particles (photons)
­particles of light are called photons, the smallest packets/quanta of light energy…
therefore you cannot (by definition ^^^ have half a photon)
­electrons do not move on a fixed path like planets around the sun, instead they form a
smeared out cloud that surrounds the nucleus
­einsteins idea­ quantum of light, viewed as particles photons can have different
energies. Viewed as waves the energies depend on the frequency of electromagnetic
­photons energy is E=hf (h is planks constant which measures the size (tiny) of those
packets of energy)… photons of a higher energy have a higher frequency and a shorter
­photon energy is only controlled by frequency so the only way to increase the energy of
the electrons is to increase the frequency of the light
­each atom has a lowest energy state (ground state) and highest (excited)
­when an electron moves to a lower state it emits a photon
­an energetic enough photon can dislodge an electron from an atom, this is known as
ionization and can occur with any photon with an amount of energy more than the
minimum required
­atoms are mainly empty space so when put together sometimes they collide but usually
it is just the electrons that interact
­the temperature determines how much energy the atoms have/how they are moving
around. Higher tempmore energy/moving faster
­in diffuse gas the atoms are so spread out that they don’t really influence eachother
­in hot diffuse gases the frequent collisions between atoms cause most of them to be in
excited states
­emmision spectrum­ when hot diffuse gas is dispersed through a prism we see bright
lines at specific wavelengths
­2 types of spectra: line spectrum: low density, transparent gases. Thermal spectrum:
dense, opaque bodies.
­ a smooth continuum/continuous spectrum is caused by all electrons and atoms
interacting with photons inside of a star (or sun)
­in a hot opaque star photons tend to bounce around a lot which randomizes their
energy producing a continuous spectrum
­wavelength at the peak determines the color of the star