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Clinical Neuropsychology Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer
John DeLuca
Bruce Caplan
Encyclopedia of
Clinical Neuropsychology
With 199 Figures and 139 Tables
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, PhD, ABPP, FACRM
Rosa Schwarz Cifu Professor of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Professor of
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Virginia Commonwealth
University – Medical Center
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
P.O. Box 980542
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0542
Bruce Caplan, PhD, ABPP
Independent Practice
564 M.O.B. East, 100 E. Lancaster Ave.
Wynnewood, PA 19096
John DeLuca, PhD, ABPP
Vice President of Research
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and
Neurology and Neuroscience University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey – New Jersey Medical School
ISBN 978-0-387-79947-6
e-ISBN 978-0-387-79948-3
Print and electronic bundle ISBN 978-0-387-79949-0
DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010933970
© Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
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Springer is part of Springer ScienceþBusiness Media (www.springer.com)
We dedicate the Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology to our teachers and mentors, the people who taught,
supported, and inspired us to choose and follow careers in the field of clinical neuropsychology.
David Michael Scott, in graduate school, first helped me appreciate the importance of learning about the brain and
nervous system. Alexander Manning taught me about the brain and standardized neuropsychological assessment.
Donald Kausch taught me how to administer and interpret the Halstead Reitan and tests designed by Arthur Benton.
My internship supervisors, Muriel Lezak, Larry Binder, Diane Howieson, Richard Erickson, Orin Bolstad, David Shaw,
and Julian Taplin taught me so much about neuropsychology, how to work with families, and inspired me on to a
career in the field. Jeffrey T. Barth, Ronald Ruff, and Harvey Levin, colleagues I worked with on the Traumatic Coma
Data Bank project, helped me learn neuropsychological research methods, brain injury, and how to be patient and
tenacious. Mitchell Rosenthal, Paul Wehman, and Henry Stonnington taught me about rehabilitation, teamwork,
hope, and how to be practical.
As an undergraduate, Martin Hahn lit the fire within me regarding an interest in science, which launched my pursuit for
advanced education in brain-behavior relations. Dick Burright taught me about critical thinking in science, through a lot
of hard work. Peter Donovick guided me through graduate school, even when the path ahead seemed unclear, and was
the primary reason I discovered my ultimate career path in human neuropsychology. Keith Cicerone rounded out my
skills and provided me with the finishing touches in my education and training and helped me carve out my particular
niche in neuropsychology, which included both research and clinical activities. Joel DeLisa provided me with the fertile
environment I needed to launch my career in clinical neuropsychology, particularly by supporting a research environment based on my own interests, approach, and skills, allowing me to pursue a career first dreamed as an undergraduate. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, I dedicate this work to all of my post-doctoral and pre-doctoral trainees, too
numerous to list, who have challenged me professionally and personally, and by far have had the most influence on the
success in my career. I hope that I have had but a fraction of an influence on theirs.
To: Marcel Kinsbourne, who gets the credit (and blame) for awakening my interest in neuroscience in general and
neuropsychology in particular and exposing me to world-class intellects; Leonard Diller, from whom I learned
the joy of immersion in – and struggle to master – both the historical and contemporary neuropsychology and
rehabilitation literature; Charles Gibson, who gave me (in retrospect, perhaps unwisely) an inordinate amount of
professional freedom in my first real job; Mitchell Rosenthal, who embodied the lesson I learned from my father,
Jerome Caplan, (‘‘Be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle’’) and encouraged me to do the same; and
listed last, but most important, my multifaceted partner, Judy Shechter, my ‘‘intellectual boomerang’’ colleague and
constant source of entertainment.
The conceptualization, compilation, and production of the Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology spanned more
than four years. We set out to develop a uniquely comprehensive, authoritative, indispensable reference work, and we
are hopeful that our goal has been achieved. We owe an immeasurable debt to the many people who supported us
through the course of the project. Foremost, we are grateful to our families for their enthusiastic support, encouragement, and patience. We are indebted to our cadre of esteemed Associate Editors for helping to develop their sections,
recruit contributors, and ensure the presence of consistently high quality entries. We express our appreciation to the
brilliant group of authors whose efforts form the core of our project. We are immensely indebted to the superb Springer
major reference works team including Janice Stern, Anil Chandy, Lydia Mueller, and Oona Schmid who taught us,
encouraged us, kept us organized and on track, and helped us every step of the way. We are also grateful to our students,
patients, and their families from whom we learned much about facing challenges and the value of being practical.
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer
John DeLuca
Bruce Caplan
It is doubtful that there is a more rapidly evolving psychological specialty than clinical neuropsychology. Every day,
clinicians are challenged to help patients with a widening variety of cognition-compromising disorders including
traumatic brain injury, vascular conditions, brain tumors, developmental disabilities, psychiatric disturbances, and
neurodegenerative disorders. Some practitioners serve pediatric populations, others treat the elderly, and many serve
general adult populations. Some patients have progressive disorders, while others can achieve substantial improvement
over time. Assessment is typically the starting point, with clinicians addressing a myriad of referral questions, which may
relate to the patient’s ability to work, return to school, manage personal affairs, drive, live independently, or be
considered eligible for disability benefits. Increasingly, clinicians are involved in civil and forensic proceedings,
contributing to decisions about responsibility, competence, and entitlement to damages for injury.
In fulfilling its clinical mandates, clinical neuropsychology relies strongly on its research base. As a hybrid of
cognitive psychology, neuroscience and clinical psychology, clinical neuropsychology investigations are at the forefront
of translational research in brain-behavior relations. The future of both clinical practice and research lies with our
trainees at all levels — undergraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral. Easily accessible and frequently updated knowledge
in clinical neuropsychology provides the foundation for the education and training of our future clinical neuropsychologists. A fundamental aim of this work has been to provide such a resource and, with the online version, to permit
revision and expansion as the field evolves.
Most neuropsychological reference books focus primarily on assessment, diagnosis, functional neuroanatomy, and
descriptions of various disease entities and their higher cortical consequences. To date, none has been encyclopedic in
format. We see it as a mark of the maturity of the field that such a multi-volume publication is now warranted.
Clinicians, patients, family members, researchers and students all recognize that evaluation and diagnosis is only a
starting point for the treatment and restoration process. Few would be satisfied with an end-product consisting only of a
diagnosis and/or description of the patient’s cognitive topography. During the past decade, treatment services have
proliferated, and neuropsychologists have been in the forefront of these developments because of their special training
and experience. Neuropsychological clinicians now provide a variety of services in addition to assessment including
psychological counseling, neurobehavioral management, cognitive rehabilitation, family intervention, and vocational
rehabilitation in hospitals and community-based settings. In view of this expanded scope of contemporary practice, we
envisioned an encyclopedia containing information pertinent to these activities.
This encyclopedia will serve as a unified, comprehensive reference for professionals involved in the diagnosis,
evaluation, and rehabilitation of children and adults with neuropsychological disorders. It will also provide students and
scientists with the breadth of knowledge needed to build a scientific basis for interventions and treatment for patients.
We hope Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology is the first place readers turn for factual, relevant, and comprehensive information to aid in delivering the highest quality services.
September 2010
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer
John DeLuca
Bruce Caplan
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, PhD, ABPP, FACRM
Rosa Schwarz Cifu Professor of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Professor of
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Virginia Commonwealth
University – Medical Center
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
P.O. Box 980542
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0542
John DeLuca, PhD, ABPP
Vice President of Research
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
and Neurology and Neuroscience
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey –
New Jersey Medical School
Bruce Caplan, PhD, ABPP
Independent Practice
564 M.O.B. East, 100 E. Lancaster Ave.
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Associate Editors
Cristy Akins
Mercy Family Center
110 Vetrans Memorial Blvd
Metarie, LA 70005
Carol L. Armstrong
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
3535 Market Street, Ste. 1409-1410
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Shane S. Bush
Long Island Neuropsychology, P.C.
290 Hawkins Avenue, Suite B
Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Tamara Bushnik
Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center
400 East 34th Street, RR115A
New York, NY 10016
Gordon Chelune
Center of Alzheimer’s Care, Imaging and Research
University of Utah
650 Komas Dr., Ste 106A
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Nancy D. Chiaravalloti
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 7052
Ronald A. Cohen
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
The Miriam Hospital
Brown University
164 Summit Ave
Providence, RI 2906
John C. Courtney
Department of Psychology
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Rik Carl D’Amato
University of Macau
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
229 Tai Fung Building
Taipa, Macau SAR
Roberta DePompei
University of Akron
Department of Speech Language, Pathology and
Akron, OH 44325-3001
Janet E. Farmer
University of Missouri-Columbia
Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental
300 Portland Street, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
Associate Editors
Robert G. Frank
College of Public Health
Kent State University
P. O. Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242-0001
Michael Franzen
Allegheny Neuropsychiatric Institute
Allegheny General Hospital
4 Allegheny Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Robert L. Heilbronner
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
333 N. Michigan Avenue, #1801
Chicago, IL 60601
Susan K. Johnson
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina At Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Douglas I. Katz
Boston University School of Medicine
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital
250 Pond Street
Braintree, MA 2184
Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner
Director, Rehabilitation Research
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Rehabilitation Research Center
751 South Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
James F. Malec
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Paul Malloy
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
John E. Mendoza
SE LA Veterans Healthcare System
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
Tulane University Medical Center
3928 S. Inwood Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70131
Randall E. Merchant
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980709 MCV Station
Richmond, VA 23298-0709
Sarah A. Raskin
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program
Trinity College
Hartford, CT 6106
Stephanie Reid-Arndt
School of Health Professions - Health Psychology
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211
Associate Editors
Elliot J. Roth
Feinberg School of Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Northwestern University
345 E. Superior
Chicago, IL 60611
Bruce Rybarczyk
Department of Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 842018
Richmond, VA 23284-2018
Anthony Y. Stringer
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Lyn Turkstra
University of Wisconsin, Madison
7225 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1532
Nathan D. Zasler
Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd.
3721 Westerre Parkway, Suite B
Richmond, VA 23233
List of Contributors
Department of Pharmacology
Virginia Commonwealth University
1112 E. Clay Street, P.O. Box 980524
Richmond, VA 23298-0565
University of Vermont
2 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405-0134
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
P.O. Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73190
Mercy Family Center
110 Vetrans Memorial Blvd
Metarie, LA 70005
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
1441 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30322
Department of Psychology
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Box 455030; 4505 Maryl and Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5030
Department of Health Psychology, DC 116.88
University of Missouri, Columbia
One Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65212
Clinical Child Psychology Graduate Program
University of Kansas
1000 Sunnyside Ave
Lawrence, KS 66045
Neuropsycholgy Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
Flushing, NY 11367
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Department of Medical Rehabilitation
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island
111 Brewster Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
List of Contributors
Department of Neurology
University of Kansas School of Medicine
3599 Rainbow Blvd., MS 2012
Kansas City, KS 66160
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 980330
Richmond, VA 23298
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
0080-C RCP, 200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida-College of Public Health and
Health Professions
P.O. Box 100165
Gainesville, FL 32610-0165
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
State University of New York - Upstate Medical
1752 Greenspoint Court Syracuse
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of
9000 W Wisconsin Ave Ste B510
Milwaukee, WI 53226
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
3535 Market Street, Ste. 1409-1410
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Neuropsychology Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
Flushing, NY 11367
Department of Psychology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 7470
John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
Psychology Section
4646 John R Street
Detroit, MI 48201
SIU School of Medicine-Pediatrics
P.O. Box 19658
Springfield, IL 62794-9658
List of Contributors
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Department of Psychiatry
Allegheny General Hospital
Four Allegheny Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5234
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South; SRC 530
Birmingham, AL 35249-7330
State University of New York - Upstate Medical
1752 Greenspoint Ct.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Virginia Commonwealth University
Southeast/Richmond Veterans Affairs Parkinson’s
Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center
Box 980599
Richmond, VA
Director of Neuropsychology
Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children
Falls Church, VA
10116 Weatherwood Ct.
Potomac, MD 20854
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine Psychology
Service Pediatrics
New York University Langone Medical Center
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
New York University School of Medicine
Medicical Center, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
403 East 34th Street, EPC - 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida
P.O. Box 100165 Health Science Center
Gainesville, FL 32610-0165
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Department of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0071
Department of Behavioral Sciences
Rush University Medical Center
1653 W. Congress Parkway
Chicago, IL 60612
List of Contributors
Department of Rehab Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
5 East 98th Street
New York, NY 10029
Anatomy and Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA 23284
Department of Neurology
University of Wisconsin
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792
Department of Psychology
Brigham Young University
1001 SWKT, P.O. Box 25543
Provo, UT 84602-5543
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
1101 East Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23298-0709
Department of Psychiatry
Adult Psychiatry Clinic and Study Center
Indiana Universtiy Hospital
550 N. University Blvd. Ste 3124
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Queens College CUNY
65-30 Kissena Blvd
Flushing, NY 11367
New York University Langone Medical Center
403 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Child Development and Behavior Branch
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, NIH
6100 Executive Blvd., Room 4B05
Bethesda, MD 20892-7510
Curry School of Education
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904–4260
Anatomy and Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA 23284
Department of Pediatrics
Nationwide Children’s Hospital and The Ohio State
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Center for Health Care Quality
University of Missouri—Columbia
One Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65212
List of Contributors
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Butler Hospital
Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Psychology
University of Notre Dame
118 Haggar Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Neuropsychology Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
6530 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave L. Levy Place
New York, NY 10029-6574
Cognitive/Behavioral Neurology Center
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
675 N. Street Clair, Galter 20-100
Chicago, IL 60611
Medical Psychology and Neuropsychology
Drake Center
151 W. Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45216-1096
Research Centre
CHUM, Hôtel-Dieu
3850, rue Saint-Urbain
Montréal, QC H2W 1T7
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
1441 Clifton Road, Room 210
Atlanta, GA 30322
1055 Clermont Street
Denver, CO 80220
Consultant Neurosurgeon
The Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Lower Lane
Liverpool L9 7LJ
Medical College of Georgia
1120 15th Street
Augusta, GA 30912
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
272 West 107th Street, Apt. 7A
New York, NY 10025
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
825 NE 14th Street, P.O. Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901
List of Contributors
Sciences & Disorders and Interdepartmental Program in
Louisiana State University
136B Coates Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2606
University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, WPIC
3811 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Department of Neurology
University of Kansas School of Medicine
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
UCSF Epilepsy Center
University of California
400 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143-0138
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
1001 Johnson Ferry Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30342
Memorial Medical Center
701 N. 1st Street
Springfield, IL 62781
Long Island Neuropsychology, P.C
290 Hawkins Avenue, Suite B
Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center
400 East 34th Street, RR115A
New York, NY 10016
Department of Psychiatry
Brown University, The Miriam Hospital
164 Summit Ave
Providence, RI 2906
Independent Practice
564 M.O.B. East
100 E. Lancaster Ave.
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Outcomes & Assessment Research Laboratory
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 7052
Paoli, PA
List of Contributors
University Hospital – Neuropsychology Assessment
SUNY Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Department of Pediatrics
Nationwide Children’s Hospital and The Ohio State
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
University of Missouri
25 McAlester Hall
Columbia, MO 65211-2500
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980599, MCV Station
Richmond, VA 23298-0599
Media and Public Education Manager
National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
8201 Corporate Drieve, Suite 600
Landover, MD 20785
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Communication Sciences
11206 Euclid Avenue Room 410
Cleveland, OH 44106-7154
University of Macau
Department of Psychology
Av. Padre Tomás Pereira
Taipa, Macau SAR
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
The Miriam Hospital
Neuropsychology, The CORO Center, 3rd Floor
1 Hoppin Street, Suite 317
Providence, RI 2903
List of Contributors
University of Missouri
300 Portland Street, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
The Miriam Hospital
Brown University
164 Summit Ave
Providence, RI 2906
Neurology, Pediatrics & Psychiatry
Director, Pediatric Neuropsychology, Medical College of
BT-2601 Children’s Medical Center
1446 Harper Street
Augusta, Georgia 30912
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
Department of Psychology, FSL
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Richmond, VA 23284
Medical Director
Center for Medical Home Improvement
Crotched Mountain Foundation and Rehabilitation
1 Verney Drive
Concord, NH 3047
SUNY Plattsburgh
Communication Disorders and Sciences
101 Broad Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Butler Hospital
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
345 Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Behavioral Sciences
Rush University Medical Center
1653 W. Congress Parkway
Chicago, IL 60612
Department of Neurology
University of Pennsylvania, HUP
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Neuropsychology & Rehabilitation Consultants, PC
600 Market Street Suite 301
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Department of psychology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 7470
Neuropsychology Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
Flushing, NY
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Southern Illinois University, Mail Code 6607
Carbondale, LL 62901
University of Macau
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
229 Tai Fung Building
Taipa, Macau SAR
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
5 East 98th Street Rm B-14
New York, NY 10029-6574
Department of Educational Psychology
Ball State University
Teachers College Room 524
Muncie, IN 47306
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Department of Psychology, CSH 021
34th Street and Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399
Counseling and Psychological Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3980
Atlanta, GA 30302-3980
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
Georgia School of Professional Psychology
Argosy University
980 Hammond Drive NE Bldg. 2, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30328
List of Contributors
Department of Health Psychology
Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental
University of Missouri-Columbia
300 Portland Street, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65202
University of California
San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego Veterans
Affairs Healthcare System
SDVAMC, 3350 La Jolla Village Drive
La Jolla, CA 92161
Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Laboratory
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Boston University School of Medicine
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital
250 Pond Street
Boston, MA 2184
University of Akron
Department of Speech Language, Pathology and
Akron, OH 44325-3001
Department of Psychology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Cincinnati Hastings and Williams French
3202 Eden Avenue (Mail Location 0379)
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0379
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1240
New York, NY 10029-6574
Department of Neurology
University of Washington School of Medicine
4488 West Mercer Way
Seattle, WA 98040
Clinical Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
American School of Professional PsychologySchaumburg
Argosy University
Schaumburg Campus
999 Plaza Drive, Suite 800
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
235 Wealthy SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-5299
List of Contributors
VA WNY Healthcare System
University of Buffalo (SUNY)
Behavioral Health Careline (116B)
3495 Bailey Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215
Laboratory for Neurocognitive and Imaging Research
Kennedy Krieger Institute
1750 E. Broadway, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21205
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine
University of Maryland Medical Center/Baltimore VA
226 S. Ann Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
Spinal Cord Injury Clinic
VA Palo Alto Health Care System
3801 Miranda Ave. (128)
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Neurorehabilitation Specialists
Baylor College of Medicine
Brain Injury and Stroke Program Fellow
Houston, TX
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
NSB A340
6530 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0251
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
55 Kenosia Avenue, P.O. Box 1968
Danbury, CT 06813-1968
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 670394
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0394
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Department of Behavioral Sciences
Rush University Medical Center
1653 W. Congress Parkway
Chicago, IL 60612
List of Contributors
Department of Pediatrics/Deptartment of Psychiatry
and Human Behavior
Memorial Hospital of RI
Neurodevelopmental Center
555 Prospect Street
Pawtucket, RI 2860
Department of Psychology
Eastern Carolina University
Rawl Bldg, East 5th Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Cook County Department of Corrections
750 N. Dearborn Street, #1504
Chicago, IL 60610
Brigham Young University
2062 Dakota Ave
Provo, UT 84606
Department of Psychology
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
William Paterson University
Department of Psychology, Program in Clinical &
Counseling Psychology
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Raod, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 06269-1020
Department of Psychology
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980599
Richmond, VA
University of California, San Diego
School of Medicine
San Diego Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
1616 9th Ave. Apt. #23
La Jolla, CA 92101
Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences
15 Chaucer Road
Cambridge, CB2 7EF
List of Contributors
2431 Wilshire Lane NE
Rochester, MN 55906
Winthrop University Hospital
State University of New York, Stony Brook School of
Mineola, NY
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4072
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Département de psychoéducation et de psychologie
Gatineau, QC
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Psychology, Gerland Hall
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
Department of Politics
The University of Otago
P.O. Box 56
New Zealand
Department of Health Psychology
University of Missouri Health Care, School of Health
One Hospital Dr., DC 116.88
Columbia, MO 65212
Psychology Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
65-30 Kissena Blvd
Flushing, NY 11367
San Diego Center for Children
311 4th Avenue Suite 609
San Diego, CA 92111
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center, Psychology Department
400 E. 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island and Alpert Medical
School of Brown University
Pawtucket, RI
College of Public Health
Kent State University
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242-0001
List of Contributors
Allegheny Neuropsychiatric Institute
Allegheny General Hospital
4 Allegheny Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
San Jose Unified School District
210 Tyler Ave.
San Jose, CA 95117
Department of Neurology
University of Virginia Health System
P.O. Box 800394
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0394
Professor of Speech-Language Pathology
University of Akron
Room 181, Polsky Building, 225 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44325-3001
PM&R Neuropsychology and Rehab Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU Health Systems/MCV Hospitals and Physicians
1200 E. Broad Street, Room 3-102, Box 980542
Richmond, VA 23298
Department of Neurology
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA 02118-2526
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Laboratory
Kessler Foundation Research Center
300 Executive Drive, Suite 010
West Orange, NJ 7052
Flagstaff Unified School District
2910 N. Prescott Road
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Department of Psychiatry
Allegheny General Hospital
Four Allegheny Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI
George Washington University School of Medicine
Children’s National Medical Center
14801 Physician’s Lane, Suite 173
Rockville, MD 20850
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
University of Arizona,
1503 East University Blvd/ P.O. Box 210068
Tucson, AZ 85721
Virginia Commonwealth University
1223 East Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23298-0542
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine/
Medical College of Virginia
Richmond, VA
Hoag Hospital Cancer Center
Department of Gynecologic Oncology
351 Hospital Road, Ste. 507
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Brown University
The Miriam Hospital, Coro Bldg. 3-West
One Hoppin Street
Providence, RI 02906
Brigham Young University
395 North 100 East
Provo, UT 84062
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington Medical Center
1959 NE Pacific Street, Box 356490
Seattle, WA 98195-6450
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
New York University Langone Medical Center
400 East 34th Street, Room 507A-RR
New York, NY 10016
Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs
P.O. Box 32
Delmar, NY 12054
Graduate School of Professional Psychology
University of Denver, MSC 4104
2450 South Vine Street, MSC 4101
Denver, CO 80208
Center for Psychological Studies
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Medical Rehabilitation
Memorial Hospital of RI
111 Brewster Street
Pawtucket, RI 2860
List of Contributors
Department of Neurosurgery
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
P.O. Box 980631
Richmond, VA 29298-0631
Rehabilitation Research & Development Center of
Excellence Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical
1670 Clairmont Road
Decatur, GA 30033
Carolinas Rehabilitation
Carolinas HealthCare System
Charlotte, NC 28232-2861
Department of Psychology
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 6119
National Jewish Health and University of Colorado
Denver School of Medicine
Denver, CO
University of Missouri, Department of Health
Psychology MU Thompson Center for Autism and
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
300 Portland Street Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
Trinity College
1005 Smith Ridge Road
Hartford, CT 6840
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Department of Biology
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ 7470
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
New York Presbyterian
Columbia Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
The Neurological Institute
Columbia University
710 West 168 Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10032
Brain Injury Program Director/Research Director
Carolinas Rehabilitation
1100 Blythe Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28203
List of Contributors
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta
1441 Clifton Road Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30322
Hoglund Brain Imaging Center
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd. Mail Stop 1052
Kansas City, KS 66160
University of Missouri Center for Health Care Quality
Clinical Support and Education Building
Columbia, MO 65212
Hoglund Brain Imaging Center
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, KS 66160
Associate Professor of Neurology
Medical College of Wisconsin
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
333 N. Michigan Avenue, #1801
Chicago, IL 60601
Department of Neurology
University of Florida College of Medicine
The Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Hospital
Box 100236
Gainesville, FL 32610
Department of Pediatrics
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
College of Medicine, Ohio State University
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
New York, NY 10016
Division of Applied Psychology
Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Department of Psychology
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5022
Department of Psychiatry
University of Michigan Health System
Neuropsychology Division
2101 Commonwealth, Suite C
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
List of Contributors
Boston University Medical Center
720 Harrison Avenue, Suite 707
Boston, MA 2118
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Developmental Assessment Program
187 W. Schrock Road
Columbus, OH 43081
Department of Psychology
Kent State University
228 Kent Hall
Kent, OH 44242-0001
National Jewish Medical and Research Center
National Jewish Health
Denver, CO
Division of Counseling and Psychology in Education
University of South Dakota
414 E. Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069
Department of Psychology
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3050, STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3P5
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Department of Psychology-0234
California State University
400 West First Street
Chico, CA 95928-9924
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience
University of Chicago
5841 S Maryland Ave., MC 3077
Chicago, IL 60637
Pediatric Neuropsychological Services, LLC
1829 S. Kentwood, Suite 108
Springfield, MO 65804
Special Education and Communication Disorders
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
318N Barkley Memorial Center
Lincoln, NE 68583-0738
List of Contributors
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce street, 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Neurorehabilitation Specialists
Baylor College of Medicine
The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
1333 Moursund Avenue, D110
Houston, TX 77030
Deparment of Psychology
Pennsylvannia State University
111 Moore Building
University Park, PA 16802
Department of Neuropsychology
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1750 East Fairmount Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21231
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
Department of Psychiatry
University of British Columbia
British Columbia Mental Health & Addictions
2255 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1
Division of Neuropsychology
Henry Ford Health System
1 Ford Place
Detroit, MI 48202
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Butler Hospital
Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA 23298-0709
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
List of Contributors
TBIMS National Data and Statistical Center
Craig Hospital
3425 South Clarkson Street
Englewood, CO 80113
Private Practice
15353 Valerio Street
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
UCSF Epilepsy Center
University of California
400 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143-0138
Pasadena Independent School District
29731 Sullivan Oaks Drive
Pasadena, TX 77386
Cognitive/Behavioral Neurology Center
Northwestern Feinburg School of Medicine
675 N. Street Clair, Galter 20-100
Chicago, IL 60611
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Pacific Graduate School of Psychology–Stanford Doctor
of Psychology Consortium
Spinal Cord Injury Clinic
VA Palo Alto Health Care System
3801 Miranda Ave. (128)
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
600 North Wolfe Street/Phipps 174
Baltimore, MD 21287
Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental
University of Missouri
300 Portland, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
Department of Psychiatry (MC-2103)
UConn Health Center
263 Farmington Ave
Farmington, CT 06030-2103
Capitol Clinical Neuroscience
104 Summer Shade Court
Folsom, CA 95630-1565
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
Suffolk University
26 Laconia Street, P.O. Box 476
Boston, MA 02420-0005
Neuropsychology Department
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
R3 Neurosciences, Box 83
Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Neuropsychology Program
NYU Langone Medical Center
City University
New York, NY
Boston University School of Medicine
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital
250 Pond Street
Boston, MA 2184
Department of Neurology
Carolinas Medical Center
1010 Edgehill Road North
Charlotte, NC 28207-1885
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Indiana University School of Medicine
200 S. Jordan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 47405
University of Missouri
1328 Secluded Woods Drive
Columbia, MO 56020
Department of Psychology
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC V8W 3P5
Department of Medicine
University of Melbourne and the Royal Melbourne
Bldg 21, Royal Park Campus
Parkville, VA, VIC 3152
University of Michigan Autism and Communication
Disorders Center (UMACC)
2236 East Hall
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0406
Georgia State University
Department of Psychology
140 Decatur Street, Suite 1151
Atlanta, GA 30303
Department of Psychology
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Blandford Physician Center
Suite 410, 4301 West Markham Street, #568
Little Rock, AR 72205
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2441 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Speech Pathology, School of Health Sciences
Kent State University
A111 Music and Speech Bldg
Kent, OH 44242
Director, Rehabilitation Research
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Rehabilitation Research Center
751 South Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
Department of Neuropsychology Research
Stony Brook University
SUNY Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Department of Medicine
National Jewish Medical, and Research Center
National Jewish Health
1400 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80208
UCSF Memory and Aging Center
UCSF Med Ctr, 0984-8AC
350 Parnassus Ave, Suite 706
San Francisco, CA 94143
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0251
Kessler Foundation Research Center
West Orange, NJ
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
University of Pittsburgh
Cincinnati, OH
Department of Psychology
Wesleyan University
Judd Hall 314
Middletown, CT 6459
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, KS 66160
Barrow Neurological Institute
222 W Thomas Road Ste 212
Phoenix, AZ 85013
List of Contributors
University of Texas Houston Health Science Center
1300 Moursund
Houston, TX 77030
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Department of Physical Medicine an
Denver Health Medical Center
777 Bannock Street #0113
Denver, CO 80204
Memory Disorders Research Center
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University
School of Medicine
150 S. Huntington Ave. (151A)
Boston, MA 2130
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA 23298-0709
Department of Radiology
University of Medicine & Denistry of New Jersey
Pain and Fatigue Study Center, UMDNJ-New Jersey
Medical School
30 Bergen Street, ADMC 1618
Newark, NJ 07103
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center
Department of Psychology
400 E. 34th Street, RR-515
Flushing, NY 10016
Brigham Young University
3032 E. 1530 S.
Provo, UT 84660
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0251
Division of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Health
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Boston University
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
648 Beacon Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02215-2013
British Columbia Mental Health and Addiction Services
University of British Columbia
PHSA Research and Networks
Suite 201, 601 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2
Cerebrovascular Division/Department of Neurology
Neurological Institute of New York
Columbia University Medical Center
710 West 168th Street
New York, NY 10032
List of Contributors
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1468 Midland Ave., apt 1B
West Orange, NJ 10708
Brown University
Visual Neuroscience Laboratory
Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02903
Department of Psychiatry
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
7A, Block E, Staff Quarters, Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin, HKSAR, PRC
University of Manitoba
1702-72 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1L7
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Department of Psychiatry
University of California, San Francisco
155 N. Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93701
Kessler Foundation Research Center
West Orange, NJ 07052
Chief, Neurology Service
William Beaumont Army Medical Center
5005 N. Piedras Street
El Paso, Texas 79920-5001
Department of Neurosurgery
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980631
Richmond, VA
Independent Practice
1324 College Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W5
Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of
325 E. Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
School of Allied Health Professions
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 980330
Richmond, VA 23298
List of Contributors
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
School of Allied Health Professions, Virginia
Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23298-0330
Department of Neurology
Drexel University, College of Medicine
New College Building, Mail Stop 423,
245 North 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
American Academy of Pediatrics
Elk Grane Village, IL
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
Dept of Psychology
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Psychiatry and Psychology
Mayo Clinic
13400 East Shea Blvd
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
STG International
1527 N. Van Dorn Street
Alexandria, VA 22304
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117420, 343 Dauer Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-7420
Department of Pediatrics
University of Kansas Medical Center, MS 4004, G005
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160-7330
Associate Medical Director/Clinical Services Center for
Head Injuries
JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute
65 James Street
Edison, NJ 8818
Autism and Communication Disorders Center (UMACC)
University of Michigan
300 North Ingalls, 10th Floor
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0406
The University of Akron
School of Speech–Language Pathology and Audiology
Room 181, Polsky Building, 225 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44325-3001
List of Contributors
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville, Victoria
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 21205
National Dissemination Center for Children with
Disabilities (NICHCY)
Washington, DC
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
323 Ferguson Building P.O. Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254
6344 Hillsandwood Road
Mazomanie, WI 53560
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
280 West MacArthur Boulevard
Oakland, CA 94611-5693
Department of Psychology
California State University
400 West First Street
Chico, CA 95928-0234
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Brown University Medical School
78 Dana Street
Providence, RI 2906
The Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care
2000 Bremo Road, Suite 105
Richmond VA 23226
Department of Neuropsychology
Kennedy Krieger Institute
1750 E. Fairmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21231
Neuropsychology Program
New York State Psychiatric Institute
New York, NY
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1020
Center for Medical Home Improvement
Crotched Mountain
18 Low Avenue
Concord, NH 3301
Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral
University of Virginia, Director, Neuropsychology Lab
Western State Hospital
Box 2500
Charlottesville, VA 24402-2500
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City
University of New York
Department of Psychology
65-30 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980631
Richmond, VA
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Department of Rehab Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
5 East 98th Street
New York, NY 10029
Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational Services
16473 Longs Peak Road
Greeley, CO 80631
Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental
University of Missouri
300 Portland, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
University of Northern Colorado
2250 Ironton Street
Greeley, CO 80010
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21211
Executive Director
Neuroscience Center
721 American Avenue, Suite 501
Waukesha, WI 53188
List of Contributors
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue
Dun Laoghaire, CO Dublin
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Ball State University
Department of Special Education, Teachers College
Room 722
Muncie, IN 47306
Department of Communication Disorders
COE B141, University of Nebraska Kearney
Kearney, NE 68849
Butler Hospital
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
345 Blackstone Blvd
Providence, RI 02906
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 980330
Richmond, VA 23298
Chief Staff Officer
Speech-Language Pathology, American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association
2200 Research Boulevard,
Rockville, MD 20850-3289
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
North Carolina
Charlotte, NC 28223
Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
221 Longwood Ave
Boston, MA 2115
Cognitive Assessment Clinic
Providence Brain Institute, Providence Health System
9427 SW Barnes Road, Suite 595
Portland, OR 97225
Center for Memory and Learning
945 – 11th Ave Suite A
Longview, WA 98632
List of Contributors
SE LA Veterans Healthcare System
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
Tulane University Medical Center
3928 S. Inwood Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70131
Private Practice
Schofield Barracks, Concussion Clinic
94-553 Alapoai Street # 162
Mililani, HI 96789
Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
4301 W Markham Slot 826
Little Rock, AR 72205-7199
Division of Psychology
Ohio State University
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Developmental Assessment Program
187 W. Schrock Road
Columbus, OH 43081
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980709 MCV Station
Richmond, VA 23298-0709
Henry Ford Health Systems
1 Ford Place, 1E
Detroit MI 48202
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB 7180, 310 Medical School Wing E
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7180
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Communication Services
Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
P.O. Box 1500
Fishersville, VA 22939-1500
UCLA Psychology Clinic
2191 Franz Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Drexel University
Department of Psychology
509 Windwood Place
Morgantown, WV 26505
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Macau
Av. Padre Tomás Pereira
Taipa, Macau SAR
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Division
of Neuropsychology
Emory University School of Medicine
1441 Clifton Road Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30322
List of Contributors
Villanova University
Department of Psychology
800 Lancaster Ave
Villanova, PA 19085
Department of Psychology
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Department of psychology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 7470
Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center
Institute of Living
400 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 6106
Paoli, PA
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, IL
UHC 6d5, 4201 St. Antoine
Detroit, MI 48201
New York University Langone Medical Center
Queens College and The Graduate Center of
The City University of New York, Room NSB-318
65-30 Kissena Blvd
Flushing, NY 11367
Division of Cogntive and Behavioral Neurology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Bosten University
221 Longwood Ave
Boston, MA 2115
Aphasia/Apraxia Research Program
VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System
500 Foothill Drive, 151-A
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
Brown University
P.O. 1978
Providence RI 02906
Department of Medical Psychology and
Drake Center
151 West Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45216-1096
Department of Psychology
Drexel University–Hahnemann Campus
Mail Stop 515, 245 N 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192
List of Contributors
Department of Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine
P.O. Box 980661
Richmond, VA 23298
Department of Psychology
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 7470
Spinal Cord Injury Clinic
VA Palo Alto Health Care System
3801 Miranda Ave. (128)
Palo Alto CA 94304
Department of Neurology
The Neurological Institute of New York
Columbia University
College of Physicians and Surgeons
710 W 168th Street, NI-6
New York, NY 11032
Department of Psychiatry
University of Wisconsin,
6001 Research Park Blvd
Madison, WI 53719
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
University of Colorado at Boulder
447 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0447
Department of Neurology
Beth Israel Medical Center
10 Union Square East, Suite 5D
New York, NY 10003
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street S
Birmingham, AL 35249-7330
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Department of Educational Psychology
College of Education
University of Florida
1410 Norman Hall
Gainesville, FL
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Macau
Av. Padre Tomás Pereira
Taipa, Macau SAR
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
The University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Department of Psychology
Towson University
Towson, MD
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Department of Communicartive Sciences and Disorders
California State University
East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542
Board Certified in School Psychology
Shoreline Pediatric Neuropsychology Services, LLC
954 Middlesex Turnpike, A2
Old Saybrook, CT 6475
Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group
104-20 Queens Blvd., Apt. 10C
Hackensack, NJ 11375
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
427 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Neurology, Division of
9200 W. Wisconsin ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Ryerson University
Department of Psychology, American Psychological
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON ON M5B 2K3
List of Contributors
Educational Psychology
Ball State University
2000 W. University Ave.
Muncie, IN 47306
Nutritional Sciences Division
King’s College London
150 Stamford Street
London, SE1 9NH
Butler Hospital and Alpert Medical School of
Brown University
345 Blackstone Blvd
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Pediatrics
Neurodevelopmental Center/ Memorial Hospital of
Rhode Island and Warren Alpert Medical School of
Brown University
555 Prospect Street
Pawtucket, RI 2860
Division of Neuropsychology
Henry Ford Health Systems
1 Ford Place, Ste. 1 E
Detroit, MI 48202-3450
Department of Commication Sciences and Disorders
Saint Xavier University
3700 W 103rd Street
Chicago, IL 60655
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Behavioral Medicine Center
Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Neuroscience Center
721 American Avenue, Suite 501
Waukesha, WI 53188
Department of Neurosurgery
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980631
Richmond, VA
University of Florida
2036 NW 36th Street
Gainesville, FL 32605
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Boston University Department of Speech
Language, & Hearing Sciences
635 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 2215
Department of Psychology
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Univesity of Victoria
Victoria, BC
List of Contributors
Neurology Service (1-27)
Neurology Section, Southern Arizona VA Health Care
System, Department of Neurology, University of
3601 S 6th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85723
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program
Trinity College
Hartford, CT 6106
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center, Department of
400 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0251
Psychology Department
University of Illinois at Springfield
Springfield, IL 62703
University of Northern Colorado
51 W 69th Street Apt 4D
New York, NY 10023
College of Pharmacy
Nova Southeastern University
3200 South University Dr.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328
Texas A&M Universuty
704 Harrington Tower
College Station, TX 77843-4225
Professor of Early Childhood, Speech Pathology and
Special Education
Old Dominion University
110 Child Study Center
Norfolk, VA 23529-0136
Department of Psychology
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 980330
Richmond, VA 23298
Drexel University
Department of Psychology
PSA Building, 3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
List of Contributors
Brown University
Visual Neuroscience Laboratory
Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02903
Otolaryngology Clinic, Speech Division
Naval Medical Center
34520 Bob Wilson Drive
San Diego, CA 92134-2200
Department of Psychology
Georgia State University
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 5010
Atlanta, GA 30302-5010
Feinberg School of Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Northwestern University
345 E. Superior
Chicago, IL 60611
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street Southwest
Rochester, MN 55905
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
1440 Canal Street, TB-53
New Orleans, LA 70112
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Spinal Cord Injury Clinic
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System
3801 Miranda Ave. (128)
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Waisman Center Family Village
University of Madison
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705-2280
The University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Dr, Mail Code 7792
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
Advanced Psychological Assessment
50 Karl Avenue, Suite 104
P. C. Smithtown, NY 11787
Rusk Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine Psychology
New York University Langone Medical Center
Service Psych InPat
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
List of Contributors
San Francisco Clinical Neurosciences & University of
California San Francisco
San Francisco Clinical Neurosci
909 Hyde Street, #620
San Francisco, CA 94109
Neuropsychology Clinic
The Miriam Hospital
The Coro Center, Suite 317
Providence, RI 2903
Psychiatry and Psychology
Mayo Clinic
Davis 4-N, 4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
1776 Briarcliff Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
American Academy of Neurology
1080 Montreal Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55116
Department of Psychology & Psychiatry
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Department of Rehab Medicine
Mount Sinai Medical Center
5 East 98th Street
New York, NY 10029
Division of Applied Psychology
Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
Atlanta VAMC RR&D CoE
Atlanta, GA
Butler Hospital
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
345 Blackstone Blvd
Providence, RI 2906
Department of Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 842018
Richmond, VA 23284-2018
North Broward Medical Center
Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
1 West Sample Road
Deerfield Beach, FL 33064
List of Contributors
Independent Practice
Community Re-entry Program
St. Charles Hospital
50 Karl Ave., Suite 104
Smithtown, NY 11787
Independent Practice, Loyola College of Maryland
104-A Annapolis Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Nassau University Medical Center
2201 Hempstead Turnpike
East Meadow, NY 11554
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities (FSH),
University of Macau
Av. Padre Tomas Pereira
Taipa, Macau SAR
Saint Joseph’s University
Department of Psychology
Post Hall #222
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
University of South Florida College of Medicine
3515 E. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33613
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
Psychology Section (11MHPS)
4646 John R
Detroit, MI 48201-1916
Neuropsychology Program
Queens College and The Graduate Center of the
City University of New York
6530 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
Department of Psychology
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80933
Waikato District Health Board
PB 3200
Hamilton 2100
New Zealand
List of Contributors
Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Mount Sinai
School of Medicine
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1240
New York, NY 10029
Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
University of Michigan
325 E. Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Richmond, VA
Department of Pediatrics
Yale University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 208064
New Haven, CT 6520
Yale University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 208064
New Haven, CT 6520
Division TEACCH
Carolina Institute on Developmental Disabilities
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
100 East Lancaster Avenue
Suite 564 East
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Institute of Psychology
Illinois Institute of Technology
3105 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL 60616
Alberta Children’s Hospital
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB
Department of Health Psychology
University of Missouri
One Hospital Drive, DC046.46
Columbia, MO 65212
Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0203
List of Contributors
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980709
Richmond, VA
Griffith University
School of Psychology, Mt Gravatt Campus Griffith
Brisbane, Queensland 4111
West Virginia University
P.O. Box 6122
Morgantown, WV 26506
School of Health Technology and Management
Stony Brook University
1500 Stony Brook Road
Stony Brook, NY 11794-6018
707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
School and Educational Psychology
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York
Buffalo, NY 14260-1000
Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg Mt.
Via Christi Behavioral Health
Crossroads Counseling Center
200 E. Centennial Avenue, suite 13
Pittsburg, KS 66762
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Communication Disorders and Sciences
University of Oregon
5284 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
94, Linsley Lake Road
North Branford, CT 6171
Yale University Child Study Center
230 South Frontage Road
New Haven, CT 06471
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S4K1
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Health Psychology
PM&R Rusk Rehab Center
Columbia, MO 65211
California State University, Chico, Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders
400 West 1st Street
Chico, CA 95929-330
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Virginia, VA
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
380 S. 1530 E., Rm. 502
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0251
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5601 Loch Raven Boulevard, Suite 406
Baltimore, MD 21239
Neuropsychology and Neuroscience
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education
Kessler Foundation Research Center
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 7052
Department of Psychology
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3050
Victoria, BC V8W 3P5
Department of Neurosurgery
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
P.O. Box 980631 MCV Campus
Richmond, VA 23298
List of Contributors
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Department of Neurology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Brown University, Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Blvd.
Providence, RI 2906
University of Kansas School of Medicine
Landon Center on Aging, MS 2012
3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, KS 66160
Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences and
Brain Science Program
Brown University
Waterman Street
Providence, RI 2903
Neuropsychology program
Queens College and The Graduate Center
The City University of New York
65-30 Kissena Blvd
Flushing, NY 11367
Clinical Operations
CORE Health Care
400 US Hwy 290 West, Bldg B Ste. 205
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
University of Northern Colorado
1040 Blue Spruce Drive
Greeley, CO 80538
Department of Psychology
Drexel University
3315 Market Street, 14-308
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
751 South Bascom Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
One Children’s Place, 3S-32
St. Louis, MO 63110
Department of Kinesiology
California State University, Chico
400 West 1st Street
Chico, CA 95929-330
List of Contributors
Department of Neurology (CB 7025)
University of North Carolina School Medicine
3114 Bioinformatics Building
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7025
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Box 980631
Richmond, VA
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA
Division of Psychology
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
3560 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M6A 2E1
University of Wisconsin-Madison
7225 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1532
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980631
Richmond, VA
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 6269
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Department of Rehab Medicine
Brain Injury Research
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
5 East 98th Street, Room B-15
New york, NY 10029
Disability Support Services
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Utah State University
Center for Epidemiologic Studies
4450 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-4440
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
List of Contributors
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
Memory Disorders Research Center 151A
VA Boston Healthcare System and Bosten University
School of Medicine
150 South Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 2130
Yale University
230 South Frontage Road
New Haven, CT 06520-7900
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980599
Richmond, VA
Brown University
Campus Box 1978
Providence, RI 2912
Department of Psychology
Rutgers University
152 Freylinghuysen Road
New Brunswick, NJ 8854
Neuropsychology Department
Methodist Rehabilitation Center
1350 E. Woodrow Wilson
Jackson, MS 39216
Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 980330
Richmond, VA 23298
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Utah
1705 Campus Center Drive, #327
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9255
School and Educational Psychology
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York
Buffalo, NY 14260-1000
Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Healthcare System and
University of Utah
151 A 500 Foothill Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
List of Contributors
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehab
University of Michigan
325 East Eisenhower
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Clinical Neuropsychologist, Dual/SCI Unit
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30309
Neuropsychology Program
Queens College of City University of New York
564 Amsterdam Avenue Apt. 3C
New York, NY 10024
Department of Psychology
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group
104 East 40th Street, Suite 607
New York, NY 10016
Division of Rehabilitation Psychology and
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
600 North Wolfe Street, Phipps 174
Baltimore, MD 21287
National Center for the Dissemination of Disability
Research (NCDDR)
4700 Mueller Blvd.
Austin, TX 78723
Medical Psychology Associates
Florida Hospital
5165 Adanson Street, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32804
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Neuropsychology Program
Rhode Island Hospital
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
593 Eddy Street, POB 430
Providence, RI 2903
Center for Health Care Quality
University of Missouri-Columbia
One Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65212
Licensed Psychologist
Department of Neuropsychology
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
1001 Johnson Ferry Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30342
Craig Hospital
3425 S. Clarkson Street
Englewood, CO 80113
List of Contributors
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
60 E. Township Line Road
Elkins Park PA 19027
University of Edinburgh
Senior Physiotherapist
Epworth Rehabilitation Centre
Epworth Hospital
29 Erin Street
Melbourne, Vic 3121
Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Northern California Programs
Learning Services
10855 DeBruin Way
Gilroy, CA 95020
Princess of Wales Hospital
Ely, Cambridgeshire
University of Minnesota Medical School
2020 Garfield Ave, Apt. 7
Minneapolis, MN 55405
University of North Colorado
Greeley, CO
Center for Autism and Related Disorders
Kennedy Krieger Institute
3901 Greenspring Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21211
Center for Neurorehabilitation Services, PC
1045 Robertson Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524-3926
Department of Neurology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1139
New York, NY 10029
Center for Pain and Medical Rehab
33 Electric Avenue, Suite B03
Fitchburg MA 01420
Department of Neuroscience
Brown University
185 Meeting Street Box G-LN
Providence, RI 2912
Rehabilitation Research Center
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
751 S. Bascom Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
List of Contributors
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Macau
Av. Padre Tomas Pereira
Taipa, Macau SAR
Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Laboratory
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education
Kessler Foundation
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 7052
Department of Psychology
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
Department of Rehab Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
5 East 98th Street
New York, NY 10029
Behavioural Health Service Line
Harry S. Truman Memorial Veteran’s Hospital
Columbia, MO 65201
Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
University of Northern Colorado
McKee 248, Box 131
Greeley, CO 80631
Spaulding rehabilitation Hospital
Harvard Medical School
125 Nashua Street
Boston, MA 2114
Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd.
3721 Westerre Parkway, Suite B
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Department of Psychology
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80933
Virginia Commonwealth University
Box 980599
Richmond, VA
Rusk Institute
New York University Langone Medical Center
Pace University
339 East 28th Street
New York, NY 10016
Department of Psychology
UNC Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
List of Contributors
Department of Neuropsychology
Transitional Learning Center at Galveston
1528, Postoffice Street
Galveston, TX 77550
Aging and Dementia Research Center
NYU School of Medicine
550 First Ave. MHL 310
New York, NY 10016
Department of Psychology
St. John’s University
Queens, NY 11439
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1165 Morris Park Ave Rousso Bldg Rm 310
Bronx, NY 10461
2 2 Table
▶ Contingency Table
2 & 7 Test
▶ Ruff 2&7 Selective Attention Test
▶ Modified Mini-Mental State Examination
7-Item BBS-3P
▶ Berg Balance Scale
15 Item Test
▶ Rey 15 Item Test
504 Plan
Ball State University
Muncie, IN, USA
Ball State University
Muncie, IN, USA
▶ L-Tryptophan
▶ L-Tryptophan
▶ Six-Minute Walk Test
▶ Six-Minute Walk Test
A 504 Plan refers to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 (Public Law 93-112) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336), which makes it
illegal to exclude anyone from a federally funded program or
activity based on a disability. Section 504, a federal civil
rights law, specifically prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities, within any school system or other
recipient of federal financial assistance. The definition of
recipient is a broad one, as it can include not only schools
but also states (including their Departments of Education)
or counties, agencies, institutions, or other organizations
that benefit from Federal funds, directly or indirectly.
Current Knowledge
A 504 plan documents accommodations for qualified students which will allow them to have opportunities similar
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, John DeLuca, Bruce Caplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3,
# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2011
AACN Practice Guidelines
to those of their peers. An Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) is not a 504 plan because IEPs only cover an inclusive list of students with disabilities. A 504 plan covers a
far wider range of conditions, including both those that
actually limit one or more major life activities (the criterion for disability under IDEA) and those that do not limit
a major life activity but are perceived as limiting by the
recipient of funding. Thus, individuals who are not eligible for special education services under IDEA may nonetheless be eligible for accommodations under Section 504.
While both laws require provision of a free appropriate
public education, a comprehensive evaluation is not required to obtain services under the provisions of Section
504. While IDEA provides for comprehensive evaluation
at the expense of the school district, this is not the case for
services requested under Section 504.
In sum, the purpose of 504 legislation is to level the
playing field for those who don’t require the significant
level of accommodation and/or assistance needed by
those who meet criteria for an IEP under IDEA. Examples
of conditions that may qualify for 504 services include
asthma, diabetes, eating disorders, ADHD, depression,
and conduct disorder.
Cross References
▶ Accommodations
▶ Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
▶ Rehabilitation Act of 1973
References and Readings
Smith, T. E. C., & Patton, J. R. (1998). Section 504 and the public schools.
Austin: TXL Pro-Ed.
AACN Practice Guidelines
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
Chicago, IL, USA
Practice development; Practice guidelines
Historical Background
The American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
(ABCN) is a specialty board within the American
Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). For those
seeking board certification in clinical neuropsychology,
ABCN is the board responsible for overseeing the examination process. The American Academy of Clinical
Neuropsychology (AACN) is the organization for those
awarded board certification by the ABCN. In 2007,
AACN produced the first set of practice guidelines,
which were intended to ‘‘. . .facilitate the continued systematic growth of the profession of clinical neuropsychology, and to help assure a high level of professional
Current Knowledge
Given the recent growth of clinical neuropsychology,
coupled with the American Psychological Association’s
focus on Evidence-Based Practice, the AACN established
(AACN, 2007) guidelines for the practice of neuropsychological assessment and consultation. The guidelines
are intended to provide standards for competence and
professional conduct within the practice of neuropsychology by describing the ‘‘most desirable and highest
level of professional conduct’’ for clinical neuropsychologists providing clinical neuropsychology services. It is
important to note that the guidelines are fully compatible with the current APA (2002) Ethical Principles of
Psychologists and Code of Conduct (EPPCC) as well as
the Criteria for Practice Guideline Development and
Evaluation (2002) and Determination and Documentation of the Need for Practice Guidelines (2005). The
AACN practice guidelines include recommendations
for the practice of clinical neuropsychology and they
are not to be regarded as mandatory standards. The
guidelines detail consideration of ethical and clinical
issues as well as specific methods and procedures for
the practice of neuropsychology.
There are several major areas of emphasis in the
guidelines. They include: (1) Definitions; (2) purpose and
scope; (3) education and training; (4) work settings;
(5) ethical and clinical issues (e.g., informed consent,
patient issues in third party assessments, test security;
underserved populations/cultural issues; and (6) methods
and procedures (e.g., review of records, measurement
procedures, test administration and scoring, and
AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
References and Readings
American Psychological Association. (2002). Criteria for practice guideline development and evaluation. American Psychologist, 57,
American Psychological Association. (2002) Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57,
American Psychological Association. (2005). Determination and documentation of the need for practice guidelines. American Psychologist,
60, 976–978.
Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists. (1991).
Specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists. Law and Human
Behavior, 15, 655–665.
The AACN practice guidelines can be found on the AACN’s Web site
(www.theaacn.org) and are also published in the AACN’s journal:
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 21, 209–231.
▶ AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children
Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children
Falls Church, VA, USA
The American Association for Mental Deficiency Adaptive Behavior Scales (AAMD ABS) is a revised edition
(1993) of the original assessments that were published in
1969. The American Association for Mental Retardation
(AAMR) (formerly known as the American Association
for Mental Deficiency) has changed its name to American
Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
(AAIDD). Therefore, intellectual disabilities have replaced
mental retardation as the terminology of choice. The
behavior scales have been published in two versions, the
Adaptive Behavior Scales-Residential and Community,
2nd edition (ABS-RC: 2) and the Adaptive Behavior
Scales-School, 2nd edition (ABS-S: 2). Current versions
are a comprehensive compilation of the past versions.
These assessments seek to develop an estimate of adaptive
behaviors in two scales defined with personal independence and maladaptive behaviors in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Items are rated with a yes/no
response, on a 0–3 scale, or by frequency. Historically,
the ABS-RC: 2 was used in institutions, but it is now
also used in community settings, whereas the ABS-S:
2 was designed for use in school settings.
For both the ABS-RC: 2 and the ABS-S: 2, the
assessment can be administered by either of two
approaches. In one method, the assessment is completed
by a professional or paraprofessional trained to use the
scales. In the second method, the assessment is administered by someone familiar with the individual being
evaluated. Interpretation of results must be completed
by an individual with formal training in psychometrics
and these scales.
The ABS-S: 2 enables an appraisal of an individual’s
ability to cope with challenges they encounter in their
school, and aids in the diagnosis of intellectual disabilities
at ages 3–21. There are nine subscales in the first part of
the assessment, measuring personal independence and
responsibility of daily living: independent functioning,
physical development, economic activity, language development, numbers and time, prevocational/vocational activity, self-direction, responsibility, and socialization. The
second part of the assessment, which addresses behavioral
domains, consists of seven subscales: social behavior, conformity, trustworthiness, stereotyped and hyperactive
behavior, self-abusive behavior, social engagement,
and disturbing interpersonal behavior.
The ABS-S: 2 was normed on 2,074 students with
intellectual disabilities and 1,254 of their peers without
intellectual disabilities. Administration takes place in an
interview format with either a parent or teacher and may
vary from 20 min to 2 h, dependent on the rater. Scoring
is completed by hand. Raw scores are converted into
percentiles, standard scores, and age equivalents for each
subdomain. Five factors can be derived: Personal selfsufficiency, community self-sufficiency, personal social
responsibility, social adjustment, and personal adjustment. Percentiles, factor standard scores, and age equivalents are then reported based on factor scores.
The ABS-RC: 2 is also useful for the assessment of
personal development and social behavior in individuals
with intellectual disabilities, but it has been developed for
individuals aged 18–79. Like the ABS-S: 2, the assessment
has two parts, but there are more subscales in each part.
AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
The first part has ten subscales: independent functioning,
physical development, economic activity, language development, numbers and time, domestic activity, prevocational/
vocational activity, self-direction, responsibility, and socialization. The second part contains eight subscales: social
behavior, conformity, trustworthiness, stereotyped and hyperactive behavior, sexual behavior, self-abusive behavior,
social engagement, and disturbing interpersonal behavior.
The ABS-RC: 2 was normed on a sample of 4,000 adults with
intellectual disabilities, and administration times vary between 15 and 40 min, depending on the informant’s knowledge of the individual being assessed. Raw scores are
recorded and then converted to standard scores and percentiles. The subscales yield the same five-factor scales as the
ABS-S: 2.
Historical Background
The AAMD first published the ABS in 1969 in response to
the definition of mental retardation that was enlarged in
1959 to include adaptive behavior. The ABS-S: 2, first
published in 1969 by Nihira, Foster, Shellhaas, and
Leland, was revised and standardized in 1974 by Lambert,
Windmiller, and Cole and again in 1981 by Lambert and
Windmiller. The second and current edition was published in 1993. The ABS-RC:2 were also first published
in 1969 by Nihira, Foster, Shellhaas, and Leland. It was
revised in 1974, and again in 1993. The goals of the
revisions have been to improve the reliability of the interviewer in differentiating between individuals with intellectual disabilities who are institutionalized and those
living in the community. Previously, these individuals
had been classified at different adaptive behavior levels
according to the AAIDD.
adaptive behavior as measured in Part II was not related
to the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale and Adaptive
Behavior Inventory (ABI), other measures of maladaptive
Clinical Uses
The ABS: 2 assesses the status of individuals with intellectual disability, emotional maladjustment, autism, or developmental disability. It enables a professional to assess
strengths and weaknesses of an individual in adaptive
areas, document progress, and assess the effectiveness of
intervention/school programs. The manual cautions that
the examiner should interview a significant informant or
the instrument should be administered by that significant
informant. If an informant is unable to provide needed
information, then another informant needs to be interviewed. Whereas the ABS is a standard assessment used in
determining adaptive and maladaptive behavior, its psychometric properties are limited, especially compared to
other measures such as the Vineland Adaptive Behavior
Whereas a strength of the ABS-S: 2 is that it was
normed on students with and without intellectual disabilities, the ABS-RC: 2’s standard scores and percentile ranks
were not compared to individuals without intellectual
disabilities. Therefore, this assessment may not meet the
criteria to make a diagnosis of mental retardation according to the AAMR requirements.
Cross References
▶ Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
Psychometric Data
References and Readings
The authors of the ABS-S: 2 report three types of reliability: internal consistency, stability, and interscorer.
Internal consistency is reported to range from 0.79 to
0.98, while measures of stability range from 0.82 to 0.97.
For Part I, interscorer reliability ranges from 0.95 to 0.98
whereas it is 0.96 to 0.99 for Part II. Authors report
criterion validity in Part 1 moderately correlated with
the ABS and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales,
although Part II was not significantly related to either
(Lyman, 2007).
The ABS-RC: 2 reports an internal consistency ranging from 0.81 to 0.97. Concerning discriminant validity,
Aiken, L. (1996). Assessment of intellectual functioning. Switzerland:
Bracken, B., & Nagle, R. (2007). Psychoeducational assessment of preschool
children. New York: Routledge.
Hogg, J., & Langa, A. (2005). Assessing Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Lyman, W. (2008). Test review In N. Lambert, K. Nihira, & H. Lel (1993).
AAMR Adaptive behavior scales: school. Assessment for Affective
Intervention, 33, 55–57.
Reynolds, C., & Fletcher-Janzen, E. (2007). Encyclopedia of special education, a reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults
with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (3rd ed., Vol. 1).
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Abbreviated Injury Scale
▶ AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
▶ AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scales
Abbreviated Injury Scale
Center for Pain & Medical Rehab
Fitchburg, MA, USA
Organ injury scale
▶ Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition
Braintree Rehabiltation Hospital
Braintree, MA, USA
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) is an anatomical scoring system first introduced in 1969. It has been revised
and updated against survival data so that it now provides
a reasonably accurate way of ranking the severity of injury.
Injuries are ranked on a scale of 1–6, with 1 being
minor, 5 severe, and 6 an unsurvivable injury (Table 1).
This represents the ‘‘threat to life’’ associated with an
injury and is not meant to represent a comprehensive
measure of severity. The AIS is not a linear scale, in that
the difference between AIS1 and AIS2 is not the same as
that between AIS4 and AIS5. Organ Injury Scales of the
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma are
mapped to the AIS score for calculation of the Injury
Severity Score.
Current Knowledge
This refers to an inability to walk. Abasia may be caused
by a variety of conditions including weakness, spasticity,
cerebellar incoordination, and movement disorders of
various types.
Cross References
▶ Ataxia
▶ Spastic Gait
▶ Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second
The latest incarnation of the AIS score is the 2005
revision. AIS is monitored by a scaling committee of
the Association for the Advancement of Automotive
Abbreviated Injury Scale. Table 1 AIS scores and their
definition of injury severity
AIS Score
Ability Focused
Medicine and has been adopted by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma since its publication in
the Journal of Trauma in 1985.
ablation is too destructive to neighboring tissues. Even
with sophisticated neurosurgical techniques, ablation of
any type in the nervous system may still produce unwanted
motor, sensory, or cognitive-behavioral impairments.
References and Readings
Cross References
Copes, W. S., Sacco, W. J., Champion, H. R., & Bain, L. W. (1989).
Progress in characterizing anatomic injury. Proceedings of the 33rd
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of
Automotive Medicine, pp. 205–218.
Greenspan, L., McClellan, B. A., & Greig, H. (1985). Abbreviated injury
scale and injury severity score: A scoring chart. The Journal of
Trauma, 25, 60–64.
Moore, E. E., Shackford, S. R., Pachter, H. L., McAninch, J. W.
Browner, B. D., Champion, H. R., et al. (1989). Organ injury scaling:
Spleen, liver, and kidney. The Journal of Trauma, 29, 1664–6.
Yentis, S. M., Hirsch, N. P., & Smith, G. B. (2004). Anaesthesia and
intensive care A-Z. New York: Butterworth & Heinemann.
▶ Commissurotomy
▶ Craniotomy
▶ Gamma Knife
▶ Hemispherectomy
▶ Lobectomy
▶ Lobotomy
▶ Pallidotomy
▶ Prefrontal Lobotomy
▶ Radiosurgery
▶ Temporal Lobectomy
References and Readings
Ability Focused
▶ Flexible Battery
Center for Pain and Medical Rehab
Fitchburg, MA, USA
Krayenbuhl, H., Wyss, O. A., & Yasargil, M. G. (1961). Bilateral thalamotomy and pallidotomy as treatment for bilateral parkinsonism.
Journal of Neurosurgery, 18, 429–444.
Lord, S. M., & Bogduk, N. (2002). Radiofrequency procedures in chronic
pain. Best Practice & Research. Clinical Anaesthesiology, 16, 597–617.
Lunsford, L. D., Flickinger, J. C., & Steiner, L. (1988). The gamma knife.
JAMA, 259, 2544.
Shah, R. V., Ericksen, J. J., & Lacerte, M. (2003). Interventions in
chronic pain management. 2. New frontiers: Invasive nonsurgical
interventions. Archives Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 84,
Abnormal Brain Growth
▶ Microcephaly
Ablation is the removal or destruction of an anatomical
structure by means of surgery, disease, or other physical or
energetic process. Ablation is employed as a treatment of
various medical conditions and includes recent advances in
technology. Surgical ablation of neuronal pathways to the
globus pallidus or thalamus has been used historically to
treat parkinsonism. Interventional pain experts use radiofrequency ablation of nerves in the spine to treat chronic
back pain. Gamma radiation or ‘‘gamma knife surgery’’ is
used to excise brain tumors when traditional surgical
Abnormal Walking
▶ Gait Disorders
▶ Abulia
Absence Epilepsy
▶ Agitated Behavior Scale
Absence Epilepsy
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
St. Louis, MO, USA
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO, USA
Petit mal epilepsy; Psychomotor seizures; Pyknoleptic
petit mal (childhood absence epilepsy)
Absence epilepsy is a form of idiopathic generalized
epilepsy that is characterized by seizures that involve
sudden arrest in activity, awareness, and responsiveness,
and may include some mild motor features. Typical
absence seizures usually last less than 10 s and end as
abruptly as they start. Patients have no recollection of
the event and often return immediately to their previous
activity with little or no post-ictal alterations in functioning. Generalized spike-and-wave discharges on EEG are
required for the diagnosis and are strongly correlated with
the clinical events.
an underestimation. It has been suggested that JAE may
be as common as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME),
though this has not been well-established. CAE is typically
considered to be more common in females.
CAE is associated with a strong family history of
seizures. There is strong concordance among identical
twins, and multiple genes likely account for transmission.
Siblings of patients with CAE have about a 10% chance of
having seizures, and about one-third of patients with CAE
have a family member with epilepsy. Nevertheless, the
causal influences of CAE are believed to be multifactorial,
depending on both genetic and nongenetic factors. Causal
factors in JAE have not been well-studied but may be
similar to what is found in CAE.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
Typical age of onset in CAE is between 3 and 8 years, but
rare cases of onset prior to 3 years of age have been
reported. Onset of JAE is considered to be between
10 and 17 years. Because onset of CAE has been reported
in cases as old as 10 or 11 years, there is clear overlap
between CAE and JAE. EEG and clinical findings are often
useful in differentiating CAE from JAE in older children
and younger adolescents. It is unusual for a child to
exhibit features of CAE after the age of 11 years.
Outcomes in CAE and JAE are generally favorable.
Most patients with CAE experience remission of seizures
by mid-adolescence, with only a small proportion experiencing absence seizures into adulthood. About 40% of
patients with CAE also exhibit generalized tonic–clonic
seizures. They often emerge around the time of puberty,
are relatively easy to control, and more commonly persist
into adulthood than absence seizures. Tonic–clonic seizures
Absence Epilepsy. Table 1 Clinical features of CAE and JAE
2–8% (of children
with epilepsy)
Age of onset
3–8 years
10–17 years
Seizure frequency
Multiple per day
One or fewer
per day
Incidence reports of absence epilepsy range from 49 to 98
per 100,000. Among children with epilepsy, 2–8% have
been estimated to have CAE. The incidence of JAE has not
been well-studied. Estimates suggest that JAE accounts for
up to 20% of absence epilepsy cases; however, this may be
Response to
Seizure freedom
Less common
Often through
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE).
Juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE).
Absence Epilepsy
are more common in JAE and occur in about 80–90% of
cases. Some patients with JAE also exhibit myoclonic
seizures, but they are typically mild and infrequent. While
most patients with CAE become seizure-free in adolescence, seizure outcome in JAE is not well known.
CAE is considered to be a benign childhood epilepsy
because of relatively good seizure control and functional
outcomes. Seizure control is less common in JAE, but
functional outcomes may be similar. Further research is
needed to examine this. Tonic–clonic seizures are believed
to be a marker for poorer seizure outcome in both CAE
and JAE. Functional outcomes in CAE are thought to be
most heavily influenced by psychosocial factors, such
as family adjustment, support systems, educational attitudes, and stigma toward the condition. Cognitive and/or
behavioral side effects from antiepileptic drug (AED)
therapy may also limit outcomes.
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
Absence Epilepsy
Cognitive functioning in CAE is traditionally considered
‘‘benign,’’ because children typically present with normal
intelligence and exhibit no significant impairments in
functional outcomes. However, more recent research has
found evidence that patients with CAE are prone to
having cognitive deficits and psychosocial problems, and
they are more likely to receive special education services
and display low academic achievement. While patients
with poor seizure control exhibit the greatest difficulties,
cognitive and behavioral problems are also experienced by
patients with good seizure control. Unfortunately, limited
information is known about cognitive and psychological
functioning in JAE.
Patients with CAE do not have a characteristic
cognitive profile. Cognitive difficulties have been reported
in multiple domains, including attention, memory, and
visual-spatial processing. A recent study by Caplan et al.
(2008) revealed the presence of subtle cognitive impairments in children with CAE. When compared with controls, they found that children with CAE (ages 6.7–11.2
years) had significantly lower intelligence, as measured by
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised/Third
Edition. While, as a group, children with CAE performed
in the average range, they were below the performance of a
control group. Similar differences were noted on verbal
and visual intellectual tasks. The difference in performance IQ (PIQ) was less robust, but still significant,
between children with CAE and controls. Among their
sample of 69 children with CAE, 27% demonstrated
overall intelligence at least one standard deviation below
the mean. Similar rates were found for VIQ and PIQ.
Their spoken language quotient (SLQ), as measured by
various versions of the Test of Language Development,
was average, but it was also lower than controls. A high
percentage of children with CAE performed at least one
standard deviation below the mean on language measures.
In addition to finding a higher rate of cognitive
limitations, Caplan et al. (2008) confirmed that children
with CAE also experience emotional and behavioral
comorbidities. Among the 69 children with CAE in their
sample, 30% had a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with 52% of those children diagnosed as ADHD-inattentive type. Moreover, about 29% of
their samples were diagnosed with a form of internalizing
psychopathology. Among those children, 75% were diagnosed with anxiety, 20% with depression, and 5% with
both anxiety and depression. After controlling for IQ and
demographic variables, children with CAE were found to
have significantly higher ratings on scales of the Child
Behavior Checklist (CBCL) that assess attention problems, somatic problems, social problems, withdrawal,
and thought problems. The authors discovered that
children with lower intelligence had greater social
problems, and females in the CAE sample were almost
six times more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety
disorder. In addition, children with CAE were more likely
to be diagnosed with ADHD or anxiety if they had more
frequent seizures or a longer duration of illness.
Children and adolescents with CAE and JAE typically
present with no focal neurological abnormalities on
examination. The presence of absence seizures is a defining feature of absence epilepsy, and hyperventilation or
light stimulation can be highly effective at eliciting an
event. In CAE, absence seizures occur multiple times per
day, but, in JAE, they are more rare and may only occur
once per day.
Absence seizures can be either typical or atypical,
and discrimination between the two types is usually
done off of EEG findings. While typical absence seizures
are characterized by clearly delineated episodes of activity
arrest and impaired consciousness for less than 10 s,
atypical absence seizures are associated with less abrupt
onset and termination, and they may more commonly
involve various semiological phenomena. Atypical
absence seizures often last for more than 10 s and cannot
be elicited by hyperventilation or light stimulation. Tonic
Absence Seizure
seizures are also frequently present in children with
atypical absence seizures.
Typical absence seizures can be subdivided into simple
and complex. Simple typical absence seizures constitute
about 90% of cases and may involve only minor motor
mannerisms (e.g., mild eyelid fluttering). Patients with
complex typical absence seizures display more involvement of motor features, such as automatisms or decreased
or increased muscle tone. Loss of consciousness may also
be longer.
Complex partial seizures can often mimic absence seizures, particularly when their expression is limited. Typical
absence seizures can be distinguished from complex partial
seizures because they are briefer, more frequent, and have no
post-ictal impairment. EEG characteristics and the presence
of various seizure types often distinguish atypical absence
seizures from complex partial epilepsy.
When considering the presence of absence seizures, it
is important to consider whether the episodes can be
accounted for by variations in attention. This is especially
important when considering the high rate of attention
problems in children with epilepsy. Attempting to
determine the degree of responsiveness during the episodes often helps with making the differential diagnosis;
however, this can be difficult to determine when episodes
are very brief. Moreover, it is not uncommon for patients
to have both absence seizures and attention problems.
Therefore, a child’s ability to respond during an episode
cannot be used to rule-out the presence of absence seizures.
Sometimes a neuropsychological assessment can be helpful
in differentiating between absence seizures and episodes of
inattention. If the examiner has experience with absence
seizures, the neuropsychological assessment can provide
multiple hours of one-on-one observation and interaction
that might provide opportunities to observe the episodes
and attempt to elicit responses. This can also be helpful if
mental fatigue tends to elicit more events.
On EEG, absence seizures are characterized by paroxysmal bursts of high amplitude 3–4 Hz spike and slow
waves that are superimposed on a normal background.
The bursts vary in length (3–10 s), and the clinical absence
is time-locked to the burst period. This activity (clinical
and electrographic) can be provoked during a routine
EEG recording using the hyperventilation activation
Ethosuximide has also been recommended and may be
more appropriate for younger patients. In rare cases of
more difficulty in controlling seizures, polytherapy may
be needed. In patients with CAE, a seizure-free period of
2 years is often recommended prior to discontinuation of
therapy; however, this should be determined on a case-bycase basis. Patients with JAE will require longer treatment
and may continue on AEDs indefinitely. In adolescent
patients, it is important to educate about the increased
risk of seizures with poor medication compliance, alcohol
consumption, or sleep deprivation.
Cross References
▶ Petit Mal Seizure
▶ Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME)
References and Readings
Aicardi, J. (1998). Diseases of the nervous system in childhood. London:
Mac Keith.
Berkovic, S. F., & Benbadis, S. (2001). Childhood and juvenile absence
epilepsy. In E. Wyllie (Ed.), The treatment of epilepsy: Principles and
practice (3rd ed. pp. 485–490). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
Caplan, R., Siddarth, P., Stahl, L., Lanphier, E., Vona, P., Gurbani, S.,
Koh, S., Sankar, R., & Shields, W. D. (2008). Childhood absence
epilepsy: Behavioral, cognitive, and linguistic comorbidities.
Epilepsia, 49(11), 1838–1846.
Absence Seizure
Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group
Hackensack, NJ, USA
Weill-Cornell College of Medicine
New York, NY, USA
Petit mal seizure; Psychomotor seizures
Response to AED therapy in CAE and JAE is good, and
valproic acid is often considered the drug of first choice.
An absence (usually pronounced with a French accent as
‘‘ab-SAWNS’’) seizure is a type of generalized seizure
caused by a large burst of electrical discharges that
Abstract Reasoning
begins in broad, bilateral brain regions simultaneously (as
opposed to a partial seizure). During an absence seizure,
the patient will lose interaction with the environment,
stare blankly (‘‘zone out’’), and perhaps blink the eyes.
There is no true loss of consciousness or motor functions.
The seizure is typically short in duration (only several
seconds), and patients often resume their ongoing activity
without realizing even that they had a seizure (but will be
amnestic for anything occurring during the episode).
There are no postictal problems after the end of the
seizure. Although no first aid is required, the patient
should be protected from doing anything dangerous during the episode (e.g., cooking, crossing the street) but the
episodes are often so brief that intervention is difficult.
Current Knowledge
The cause of absence seizures is unknown. Patients with
absence seizures typically have no positive neuroimaging
findings, but usually have bursts of 3-per-s bilaterally
synchronous spike/wave epileptiform activity on a routine
EEG (even when not having a seizure). Absence seizures
can be differentiated clinically from complex partial seizures, in which there is a similar disruption of consciousness and ‘‘zoning out,’’ by the duration of the episode.
Absence seizures last only a few seconds, while complex
partial seizures usually last 1–1.5 min. Absence seizures
typically begin in childhood, respond well to medication,
and often remit spontaneously by adulthood. Common
medications for absence seizures include divalproex/
valproate sodium (Depakote), ethosuximide (Zarontin),
and lamotrigine (Lamictal). Although the frequency of
absence seizures can approach dozens per day, only mild
(at worst) neuropsychological deficits are typically shown
if the absence episodes occur without other seizure types.
They do not have a dramatic impact on academic performance. However, absence seizures may occur with other
seizure types in serious disorders such as Lennox-Gastaut
syndrome, in which case there is considerable cognitive
dysfunction and a worse prognosis.
Cross References
▶ Epilepsy
References and Readings
Engel, J., & Pedley, T. A. (Eds.). (2008). Epilepsy: A comprehensive textbook
(2nd ed.). New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Abstract Reasoning
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD, USA
Logical reasoning
The neuropsychological construct of abstract reasoning
refers to an individual’s ability to recognize patterns and
relationships of theoretical or intangible ideas. Abstract
reasoning is contrary to concrete reasoning whereby an
individual recognizes patterns in information obtained
through the immediate senses. When thinking abstractly,
an individual must analyze and synthesize information
without the aid of empirical information. Frequently,
abstract reasoning requires an individual to apply concrete information to other scenarios that may not directly
relate to that person’s experience.
Abstract reasoning is most closely related to rational
thought as opposed to empirical thought. While using
deductive reasoning, a purely rational thinker does not
look to determine the accuracy of a premise, but seeks
only to understand the relationship between the premises.
An example of deductive reasoning, which requires
abstract reasoning, may go like this:
1. Premise 1: Egypt is located in South America.
2. Premise 2: The Sphinx lies in Egypt.
3. Conclusion: The Sphinx is located in South America.
Empirically and concretely, it is obvious that Egypt is
not in South America, but in Africa. To complete the
syllogism, however, the thinker must ignore the concrete
distortion, and instead focus on the two premises and
understand if the conclusion logically flows.
Common measures of abstract reasoning include the
Similarities, Picture Concepts, and Matrix Reasoning
subtests of the Wechsler scales. During a mental status
exam, abstract reasoning is measured by asking a subject
to describe the meanings of proverbs or to describe word
Abstract reasoning, most commonly understood as
being a function of the left hemisphere of the brain, is
a precursor for using and understanding language and
Academic Ability
mathematics. Individuals who struggle with abstract
reasoning benefit when an instructor uses examples to
make the concept more concrete. Frequently, children
with learning disabilities have difficulty with these
abstract subjects, but achieve greater success in courses
with more concrete subject matters such as social studies
and science.
Cross References
▶ Action-Intentional Disorders
▶ Adynamia
▶ Avolition
References and Readings
References and Readings
Goldstein, G. (2004). Abstract reasoning and problem solving in adults.
In M. Hersen (Ed.), Comprehensive handbook of psychological
assessment, Vol. 1: Intellectual and neuropsychological assessment
(pp. 293–308). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Butler Hospital and Alpert Medical School of Brown
Providence, RI, USA
Aboulia; Apathy; Athymia; Loss of psychic self-activation;
Psychic akinesia
Abulia refers to a lack of will, drive, or initiative. The word
is derived from the Greek ‘‘abουlίa,’’ meaning ‘‘non-will.’’
It should be distinguished from an inability to actually
perform the activity due to cognitive or physical disability.
Abulia is manifested by the lack of motivation, spontaneity, and initiation. Some research indicates that abulia
occurs because of malfunction of the brain’s dopaminedependent circuitry, especially bilateral lesions in the
medial frontal lobes, basal ganglia, and their connections.
The following criteria have been suggested for the diagnosis of abulia: (1) decreased spontaneity in activity and
speech; (2) prolonged latency in responding to queries,
directions, and other stimuli; and (3) reduced ability to
persist with a task.
Berrios, G. E., & Grli, M. (1995). Abulia and impulsiveness revisited:
A conceptual history. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 92(3),
Caplan, L. R., Schmahmann, J. D., Kase, C. S., Feldmann, E., Baquis, G.,
Greenberg, J. P., et al. (1990). Caudate infarcts. Archives of neurology,
47(2), 133–143.
Drubach, D. A., Zeilig, G., Perez, J., Peralta, L., & Makley, M. (1995).
Treatment of abulia with carbidopa/levadopa. Journal of Neurologic
Rehabilitation, 9, 151–155.
Egnelborghs, S., Marien, M. A., Pickut, B. A., Verstraeten, M. A., &
De Deyn, P. P. (2000). Loss of psychic self-activation after paramedian bithalamic infarction. Stroke, 31, 1762–1765.
Forstl, H., & Sahakian, B. A. (1991). A psychiatric presentation of abulia:
Three cases of frontal lobe ischaemia and atrophy. Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine, 84, 89–91.
Kumral, E., Evyapan, D., & Balkir, K. (1999). Acute caudate vascular
lesions. Stroke, 30, 100–108.
Laplande, D. N. A., Sauron, B., de Billy, A., & Dubois, B. (1992). Lesions
of the basal ganglia due to disulfiram neurotoxicity. Journal of
Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 55, 925–929.
Litvan, I., Paulsen, J. S., Mega, M. S., & Cummings, J. L. (1998). Neuropsychiatric assessment of patients with hyperkinetic and hypokinetic
movement disorders. Archives of Neurology, 55, 1313–1319.
Powell, J. H., Al-Adawi, S., Morgan, J., & Greenwood, R. J. (1996).
Motivation deficits after brain injury: Effects of bromocriptine in
11 patients. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 60,
Abusive Head Trauma
▶ Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
▶ Anterior Cerebral Artery
Academic Ability
▶ Academic Competency
Academic Competency
Academic Competency
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA, USA
Academic ability; Academic performance; Educational
The multidimensional characteristics of a learner –
including skills, attitudes, and behaviors – that factor
into their academic success. These characteristics can be
separated and considered in one of two primary domains:
academic skills or academic enablers (DiPerna & Elliot,
2000; Elliot & DiPerna, 2002). Academic skills are both
the basic and complex skills (e.g., reading, writing, calculating, and critical thinking) needed to access and interact
with content-specific knowledge. Academic enablers,
however, are the attitudes and behaviors (e.g., interpersonal skills, motivation, study skills, and engagement)
that a learner needs in order to take advantage of
Ma, L., Phelps, E., Lerner, J. V., & Lerner, R. M. (2009). Academic
competence for adolescents who bully and who are bullied. The
Journal of Early Adolescence, 29(6), 862–897.
Shapiro, E. S. (2008). From research to practice: promoting academic
competence for underserved students. School Psychology Review,
37(1), 46–51.
Academic Performance
▶ Academic Competency
Academic Skills
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO, USA
▶ Academic Skills
▶ Learning
Academic skills refer to a student’s ability to perform ageappropriate school activities related to writing, reading,
and mathematical problem-solving. Additionally, academic skills refer to the information learned which is relevant
to school success. Having solid academic skills improves
academic progress throughout one’s school experience.
Many of the academic skills a child learns are acquired
in the school setting. However, pre-academic skills may
be obtained in the child’s environment prior to the start
of formal schooling. This may be achieved by exposure
to mathematics (such as adding and subtracting objects
at home), coloring, and reading with and to the child.
References and Readings
Cross References
Edl, H. M., Jones, M. H., & Estell, D. B. (2008). Ethnicity and english
proficiency: Teacher perceptions of academic and interpersonal
competence in European American and Latino students. School
Psychology Review, 37(1), 38–45.
Elliot, S. N., & DiPerna, J. C. (2002). Assessing the academic competence
of college students: Validation of a self-report measure of skills and
enablers. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 15(2),
DiPerna, J. C., & Elliot, S. N. (2000). The academic competence evaluation
scales (ACES college). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological
Hutto, L. (2009). Measuring academic competence in college students: a
review of research and instruments. Saarbrücken Germany: VDM
▶ Academic Competency
▶ Educational Testing
▶ Learning
▶ Reading
Cross References
References and Readings
Burchinal, M. R., Peisner-Feinberg, E., Pianta, R., & Howes, C. (2002).
Development of academic skills from preschool through second
grade: Family and classroom predictors of developmental
trajectories. Journal of School Psychology, 40(5), 415–436.
Christian, K., Morrison, F. J., & Bryant, F. B. (1998). Predicting kindergarten academic skills: Interactions among child care, maternal
education, and family literacy environments. Early Childhood
Research Quarterly, 13(3), 501–521.
Shapiro, E. S. (2004). Academic skills problems: Direct assessment and
intervention (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Acquired dyscalculia; Dyscalculia; Mathematics disability
Acalculia, most simply, is the inability to perform mathematical tasks. These difficulties can stem from other deficits or can exist independently. Acalculia deficits can be
global or selective and manifest in a wide variety of number processing and calculation abilities.
Generally, authors have agreed on two major distinctions:
primary and secondary acalculia (Growth-Marnat, 2000).
Primary acalculia occurs when mathematical deficits are
fundamental and are present independently of other deficits. Deficits in primary acalculia include poor estimation,
number comparison abilities, and difficulty understanding
procedural rules and numerical signs. In primary acalculia,
these deficits will exist regardless of whether tasks are presented in an oral or written format (Adila & Rosselli, 2002).
The secondary acalculias are due to primary deficits in
other areas. Aphasic acalculia occurs in patients with Wernicke’s and Broca’s aphasia. Patients with Broca’s aphasia
have problems when translating word representations of
numbers (three hundred and forty-five) to their numeral
form (345). They may also read numbers with morphological errors (15 is read as 50) (Ardila & Rosselli, 2002;
Basso, Burgio, & Caporali, 2000). When the secondary
acalculia stems from Wernicke’s aphasia, deficits are more
severe. Reading and writing of numbers often have semantic
errors, and poor verbal memory often impacts the calculation abilities of these patients (Grafman & Rickart, 2000).
Alexic acalculia is the inability to read number and
correlations with the inability to read text. People with
this type of acalculia may focus only on beginning digits
(538 is read as 53). For those with alexic acalculia, mental
calculation abilities exceed written calculation abilities
(Ardila & Rosselli, 2002).
Agraphic acalculia is the inability to write numbers.
Like aphasic acalculia, agraphic acalculia correlates with
Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia. In Broca’s aphasia, acalculia deficits manifest as omissions, substitutions, and
order reversal. In Wernicke’s aphasia, difficulties are especially evident when required to write quantities when they
are orally dictated. Those with Wernicke’s aphasia also
tend to make paralexias and paragraphias (Ardila & Rosselli, 2002; Growth-Marnat, 2000).
Frontal acalculia deficits occur in conjunction with
attention difficulties, perseveration, and impairment of
more complex math concepts (Dehaene, Cohen, & Changeux, 1998). Difficulties are most apparent with multistep
operations, algorithms, and when planning is required.
While complex concepts are difficult for patients with
frontal acalculia, more basic math concepts are usually
maintained (Ardila & Rosselli, 2002).
Spatial acalculia impacts written mathematical tasks
more than mental math tasks. A difficulty with writing
numbers is quite apparent in these cases and manifest in
several ways. Writing on only one side of the page, inability
to write numbers in a straight line, and general disorganization are some of the deficits that impact math performance
(Basso, Burgio, & Caporali, 2000). Patients with spatial
acalculia often forget where to place remainders and carried numbers, despite understanding the basic division
and multiplication functions. Math procedure signs are
often undetected or switched (add instead of subtract).
Acalculia can result from stroke, tumors, and trauma. It is
also seen in patients with degenerative dementia (Ardila &
Rosselli, 2002).
Prognostic Factors and Outcomes
There is noted variability in prognosis for acalculia, ranging
from no recovery to full recovery. For primary acalculia,
improvement is limited. In the case of secondary acalculias,
recovery from the primary deficit, such as aphasia, alexia,
and agraphia, occur, the corresponding acalculia deficits
tend to improve as well.
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Acalculia
Primary acalculia is associated with left posterior parietal
lesions. More specifically, damage to the left angular
and supramarginal gyri occurs with primary acalculia
(Grafman & Rickart, 2000). It is suggested that there are
separate neuropathways for rote number knowledge and
semantic number knowledge.
Neuroimaging techniques reveal that several brain
areas are active when performing calculations and also
that the pattern differs according to what type of calculation is done (Dehaene, Cohen, & Changeux, 1998). This
occurs to the many abilities that calculation often
requires, including verbal, spatial, executive functioning,
and memory. The areas most associated with calculation
are the upper cortical surface and anterior aspect of the
left middle frontal gyrus, the bilateral supramarginal and
angular gyrus, the left dorsolateral prefrontal and premotor cortices, Broca’s area, inferior parietal and left parietal
cortex, and the inferior occipitotempral regions (Ardila &
Rosselli, 2002).
It is important to keep in mind that damage to the
right hemisphere and the frontal lobes also impact the
occurrence of acalculia, especially when it is a secondary
The arithmetic section of the Wide Range Achievement
Test (WRAT) has often been used to test operational skills.
The Key Math, which is designed for children and adolescents, tests more targeted and specific abilities that are
suggested for an acalculia assessment (Grafman & Rickart,
2000). Many authors have suggested experimental batteries that target specific functions and include error
analysis. These batteries often assess skills in the following
areas: number recognition, number writing, number
transcoding, quantification, magnitude estimation, basic
arithmetic operations, calculation fact verification, multicolumn calculations, magnitude comparison, fractions,
algebra, and numeric knowledge. When possible, these
skills should be assessed in both written and oral form
(Ardila & Rosselli, 2002; Grafman & Rickart, 2000).
Some authors have suggested beginning rehabilitation
with an error analysis if it was not completed during the
assessment. This will provide explicit areas to target during rehabilitation (Grafman & Rickart, 2000). Long-term
rehabilitation programs should begin simply and progressively work toward more complex tasks. With secondary
acalculia, focusing rehabilitation on the primary deficit
may significantly improve the secondary acalculia deficits
(Ardila & Rosselli, 2002).
Cross References
▶ Agraphia
▶ Alexia
▶ Aphasia
▶ Gerstmann’s Syndrome
▶ Spatial Dyscalculia
References and Readings
Ardila, A., & Rosselli, M. (2002). Acalculia and dyscalculia. Neuropsychology Review, 12, 179–231.
Ardila, A., Matute, E., & Inozemtseva, O. (2003). Progressive agraphia,
acalculia, and anomia: a single-case report. Applied Neuropsychology,
10, 205–214.
Basso, A., Burgio, F., & Caporali, A. (2000). Acalculia, aphasia, and spatial
disorders in left and right brain-damaged patient. Cortex, 36,
Dehaene, S., Cohen, L., & Changeux, J. P. (1998). Neuronal network
models of acalculia and prefrontal deficits. In R. W. Parks, D. S.
Levine, & D. L. Long (Eds.), Fundamentals of neural network modeling: neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience (pp. 233–255).
Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT.
Grafman, J., & Rickart, T. (2000). Acalculia. In M. J. Farah & T. E.,
Fienberg (Eds.), Patient based approaches to cognitive neurosciences:
issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT.
Growth-Marnat, G. (Ed.). (2000). Neuropsychological assessment in clinical practice. New York: Wiley.
Scruggs, T. E. & Mastropieri, M. A. (2000). Acalculia. In Encyclopedia of
special education (2nd ed., Vol. 1, p. 27). New York: Wiley.
▶ Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Accelerated Hypertension
▶ Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Accessory Cuneate Nucleus
Acceleration Injury
Mayo Clinic
Jacksonville, FL, USA
Acceleration–deceleration injury
Traumatic injury to the brain resulting from high-speed
acceleration of the brain within the skull cavity in the
direction of inertial force.
Current Knowledge
During acceleration injury, movement of the head is unrestricted. One of the most common scenarios resulting in
acceleration injury is a high-speed motor vehicle accident.
Primary brain injury results from brain tissue and brain
structures compressing against one another in the force
of inertia. This may result in bruising, hemorrhage, and
shearing of the underlying tensile strength of white matter
connections deep within the brain. Secondary injury may
occur hours or even days after the inciting traumatic
event. Secondary effects of injury can include decreased
cerebral blood flow, edema, hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, and biochemical changes that may cause
excitotoxicity and more extensive damage to the surrounding brain structures and their associated connections.
Theoretical models of linear acceleration injury now
address the heterogeneity of effects that can result from
such biomechanical injuries. Although diffuse brain damage may result from this type of injury, a key factor that
predicts the extent of damage following acceleration injury is the area of initial impact. Given that the structure
and projection pathways of the brain have varying densities and tensile strengths within different regions of the
brain, the point of impact is most likely the key in determining the extent of damage that takes place and the
likelihood and course of recovery that is possible following injury.
Patients sustaining acceleration injury may experience
headache, photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, and dizziness immediately following injury onset. On neuropsychological evaluation, patients with acceleration injuries are
more likely to demonstrate a diffuse, rather than focal,
profile of cognitive impairment when cognitive impairment is present. The lateralization of cognitive impairment that is typically observed in focal brain injury
is relatively uncommon following acceleration injury.
A diffuse profile of cognitive impairment in acceleration
injury is due to the disruption of white matter tracts that
are responsible for efficiency and coordination of communication between functional brain injuries. As such, a
patient with acceleration injury may demonstrate cognitive slowing, executive dysfunction, and problems with
simple and complex attention as a consequence of his/her
brain injury.
Cross References
▶ Biomechanics of Injury
▶ Deceleration Injury
▶ Diffuse Axonal Injury
References and Readings
Bayly, P. V., Cohen, T. S., Leister, E. P., Ajo, D., Leuthardt, E. C., Genin,
G. M. (2005). Acceleration-induced deformation of the human
brain. Journal of Neurotrauma, 22(8), 845–856.
Sabet, A. A., Christoforou, E., Zatlin, B., Genin, G. M., & Bayly, P. V.
(2008). Deformation of the human brain induced by mild angular
head acceleration. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(2), 307–315.
Acceleration–deceleration Injury
▶ Acceleration Injury
▶ Deceleration Injury
Accessory Cuneate Nucleus
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Lateral cuneate nucleus
Accident Claims
Nucleus in the dorsolateral portion of the medulla
that receives sensory information likely from touch, pressure, and stretch receptors in the upper extremities. It
gives rise to the cuneocerebellar tract which enters the
cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The accessory cuneate nucleus is thought to be the equivalent of the
dorsal nucleus of Clarke in the lumbar, thoracic, and
lower cervical cord which is the source of the dorsal
spinocerebellar tract. These nuclei and tracts provide unconscious (as opposed to ‘‘conscious’’) sensory feedback
to the cerebellum in its regulation of individual muscles.
Lesions of this nucleus might be expected to produce
cerebellar type symptoms of the ipsilateral upper extremity (i.e., ataxia/incoordination of movement), but it is
relatively small and isolated lesions are likely to be
extremely rare.
In order to provide students with disabilities the free,
appropriate public education mandated by IDEA 2004
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, changes
typically must be made to a child’s educational curriculum or environment. These accommodations include
changes in the method of presentation of material,
classroom seating location, availability of an interpreter
for those with hearing impairment, response format,
testing time allowed, setting, or other reasonable steps
that do not significantly alter the content of educational
material or the validity of tests. To be eligible to receive
accommodations, students must be identified as having
a disability consistent with the guidelines presented in
IDEA 2004 or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
Accommodations may also be required in the workplace under the Americans with Disabilities Act. These
could include installation of a ramp to permit wheelchair
access, flexible working hours, or provision of TTY
Accident Claims
▶ Personal Injury
Cross References
▶ 504 Plan, Americans with Disabilities Act
Accident Neurosis
▶ Compensation Neurosis
References and Readings
Education, 34 C.F.R. }104.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 U.S.
C. } 1400 et seq.
Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. } 794.
Bell State University
Muncie, IN, USA
Bell State University
Muncie, IN, USA
Reasonable accommodations
Accumbens Nucleus
▶ Nucleus Accumbens
Acetylaspartic Acid
▶ N-Acetyl Aspartate
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA, USA
important role in the contraction of skeletal muscles.
Studies also suggest a role in cortical arousal, REM sleep,
and cognitive functions such as attention, learning, and
memory. Its presence in cardiac and smooth muscles,
organs, and salivary, tear, and sweat glands affect autonomic functions (Feldman et al., 1997).
Current Knowledge
Acetylcholine has been identified as a neurotransmitter
substance since the mid-1920s. It is the neurotransmitter
substance present at the neuromuscular junction and also
innervates structures of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems (Feldman, Meyer, & Quenzer, 1997;
Iversen, Iversen, Bloom, & Roth, 2009). In the brain,
cholinergic neurons have a wide distribution. Projections
emanate from the basal forebrain in the medial septal
nucleus and terminate in the hippocampus and limbic
cortex. Among other areas receiving cholinergic input are
the neocortex, olfactory bulbs, amygdala, neostriatum
(caudate nucleus and putamen), the hypothalamus, and
various regions in the brain stem (Feldman et al., 1997).
Acetylcholine is synthesized from the precursors Acetyl
CoA and choline in a chemical reaction involving the catalytic enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). The presence of this enzyme has been used as a marker to locate
cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine degradation (the primary mode of removal from synapses) is accomplished by the
activity of a group of enzymes known as cholinesterases.
Acetylcholinesterase is the primary enzyme that breaks
down acetylcholine in the synapse. Thus, to enhance cholinergic function, a number of substances have been developed that inhibit the activity of this enzyme (Iversen
et al., 2009).
Based on differences in the agonists that stimulate
cholinergic receptors, two receptor subtypes have been
identified, nicotinic and muscarinic. Nicotinic receptors
are stimulated by nicotine, are excitatory, and show a
rapid response to stimulation. Muscarinic receptors are
stimulated by muscarine, have either excitatory or inhibitory effects, and show a slower response to stimulation.
Further subtypes exist within the nicotinic and muscarinic classes (Feldman et al., 1997; Iversen et al., 2009).
Acetylcholine is involved in a number of behavioral
processes. As a neurotransmitter substance at the neuromuscular junction, it acts on motor neurons of the spinal
cord and cranial motor nerve nuclei, playing an
Dysfunction in the cholinergic system has been implicated in a number of clinical conditions including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), diffuse Lewy body dementia (Londos,
Brun, Gustafson, & Passant, 2003), Huntington’s disease,
and myasthenia gravis (Iversen et al., 2009). Recent work
also suggests a reduction in cholinergic activity in Parkinson’s disease that may appear relatively early in the course
of the condition (Shimada et al., 2009). Acetylchoinesterase inhibitors are used in the palliative treatment of AD
and myasthenia gravis. Cholinergic or anticholinergic
compounds are also used as a muscle relaxant for surgery,
treatment of parkinsonism, glaucoma, urinary retention,
and in nonclinical applications such as insecticides in
agriculture and neurotoxins (and their antidotes) in warfare (Feldman et al., 1997; Iversen et al., 2009). Much
research is being conducted to develop agents with greater
receptor subtype specificity to better address clinical
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
▶ Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
▶ Cholinesterase Inhibitors
References and Readings
Feldman, R. S., Meyer, J. S., & Quenzer, L. F. (1997). Acetylcholine. In
Principles of neuropsychoparhmacology (pp. 246–249). Sunderland,
MA: Sinauer Associates.
Iversen, L. L., Iversen, S. D., Bloom, F. E., & Roth, R. H. (2009). Acetylcholine. In Introduction to neuropsychopharmacology (pp. 128–149).
New York: Oxford University Press.
Londos, E., Brun, A., Gustafson, L., & Passant, U. (2003). Lewy body
dementia. Clinical challenges in diagnosis and management. In
K. Iqbal & B. Winblad (Eds.), Alzheimer’s disease and related
Acetylcholinergic System
disorders: Research advances (pp. 133–142). Bucharest, Romania:
Ana Asian International Academy of Aging.
Shimada, H., Hirano, S., Shinotoh, H., Aotsuka, A., Sato, K., Tanaka, N.,
et al. (2009). Mapping of brain acetylcholinesterase alterations in
Lewy body disease by PET. Neurology, 73, 273–278.
(Bartels & Zeki, 2000), patients lose the ability to perceive
color, and therefore experience the world as varying
shades of gray. This disorder is termed cerebral achromatopsia. The loss of color vision in these patients cannot be
explained by the photoreceptors typically damaged or
absent in patients with other types of color blindness.
Acetylcholinergic System
▶ Cholinergic System
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
▶ Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
▶ Cholinesterase Inhibitors
ACHE Inhibitors
▶ Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
Cerebral achromatopsia results from bilateral damage to
the V4/V4a region of the color center. If patients experience complete ablation of V4, they lose color vision in
their entire visual field. However, if patients experience
unilateral damage to V4, hemi-achromatopsia ensues,
where patients only lose color vision in the contralateral
half of their visual field. In less extreme cases, known as
dyschromatopsia, patients lose the ability to perceive selective colors and/or color constancy. These neuropsychological disorders, which are the result of damage to the
cerebral cortex, should not be confused with congenital
achromatopsia, which occurs as a malfunction of the cone
▶ Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
▶ Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Brown University
Providence, RI, USA
Acquired achromatopsial; Color agnosia; Color blindness;
Cortical color blindness
Short Description or Definition
Following damage to the ventral medial region of the
occipital lobe, known as the ‘‘color center’’ of the brain
Cerebral achromatopsia arises following brain damage to
V4/V4a located in the ventral medial region of the occipital lobe, typically caused by a tumor, a hemorrhage, or
some sort of brain trauma. Due to the low incidence rate
of cerebral achromatopsia, it is difficult to provide a
reliable estimate of its prevalence. However, it seems safe
to say that it is extremely rare. A review of the documented cases showed that of the 27 cases reported, 3 patients
recovered, 3 partially recovered, and 21 showed no recovery (Bartels & Zeki, 2000).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
The first cases of cerebral achromatopsia were reported
by Verrey (1888). In response to these patients, Verrey
introduced the concept of a ‘‘color center’’ in the brain.
Continued research confirmed the existence of a cortical
region devoted to color processing. Almost a century later,
Meadows demonstrated a correlation between the cortical regions sensitive to color, and the damaged cortical
regions in achromatopsic patients (Meadows, 1974).
Acoustic Aphasia
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
The region of damage in the visual field of achromotopsic
patients, V4/V4a, is organized retinotopically; therefore,
damage to a particular region of V4 results in a loss of
color vision at the corresponding location in the visual
field. For example, if damage to V4 occurs in the left
hemisphere, the patient will lose color vision in the right
half of their visual field. Because V4 is located in the
vicinity of the fusiform gyrus and the lingual gyrus,
known to process faces (Kanwisher et al., 1997), the comorbity between achromatopsia and prospoagnosia is
extremely high (Bouvier & Engel, 2006). In addition,
patients with achromatopsia also have a higher incidence
of spatial and shape deficits. It has been noted that
patients with complete achromatopsia cannot even imagine color, which means they cannot dream in color or use
color during mental imagery. This absence of color vision
often leaves patients with no appetite for foods, which
appear gray, and no desire for intimacy, as flesh appears
gray. An insightful case study of a color-blind painter
describes these experiences in detail (Sacks, 1995).
Cerebral achromatopsia can be diagnosed using a range of
color vision tests. The simplest test is an explicit colornaming task that requires patients to name the color of
individual flash cards. The most common test for color
blindness is the Ishihara plates test. These plates contain
isoluminant colored dots of varying sizes that together
create the perception of a number embedded in noise.
In order to perceive the number, patients must be able to
distinguish between the different colored dots. Another
widely-used test is the Farnsworth-Maunsell 100 Hue test,
in which patients are required to order colored caps based
on gradual shifts in hue from light to dark. Patients with
color blindness are unable to perform this task. Rarely, a
diagnosis is made using a Nagel Anomaloscope. This
apparatus is typically used to determine whether a patient
is a monochromat or a diachromat; however, some
experimenters/practitioners use it in the study of cerebral
There is a period of spontaneous recovery for neurovisual
lesions, which typically lasts 3 months post-lesion, but can
occur for up to a year. With regard to the treatment and
diagnosis of cerebral achromatopsia, experimenters report that some patients are not conscious of the absence
of color vision. This phenomenon has been explained
by the ablation of a color module leaving patients without even the concept of color post-lesion. This symptom of achromatopsia should be noted when addressing
patients, because pushing a patient to describe a condition they are not aware of could be distressing for the
Cross References
▶ Scotoma
References and Readings
Bartels, A., & Zeki, S. (2000). The architecture of the color centre in the
human visual brain: New results and a review. The European Journal
of Neuroscience, 12(1), 172–193.
Bouvier, S. E., & Engel, S. A. (2006). Behavioral deficits and cortical
damage loci in cerebral achromatopsia. Cerebral Cortex (New York,
N.Y.: 1991), 16(2), 183–191.
Kanwisher, N., McDermott, J., & Chun, M. M. (1997). The fusiform
face area: A module in human extrastriate cortex specialized
for face perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 17(11), 4302–4311.
Meadows, J. C. (1974). Disturbed perception of colors associated with
localized cerebral lesions. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 97(4),
Sacks, O. W. (1995). An anthropologist on mars: Seven paradoxical tales.
New York: Vintage Books.
Verrey, D. (1888). Hémiachromatopsie Droite Absolue. Conversation
Partielle De La Perception Lumineuse Et Des Formes. Ancien Kyste
Hémorrhagique De La Partie Inférieure Du Lobe Occipital Gauche.
Archives d’ophtalmologie, 8, 289–300.
Werner, J. S., & Chalupa, L. M. (2004). The visual neurosciences.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
▶ Anterior Communicating Artery
Acoustic Aphasia
▶ Pure Word Deafness
Acoustic Neuroma
Acoustic Neuroma
Drexel University
Morgantown, WV, USA
Neurolemmoma; Vestibular schwannoma
A benign tumor of the Schwann cells occurring near the
cerebellopontine angle of the brain stem. Typically, it
arises from the vestibulocochlear or eighth cranial nerve,
which connects the brain to the inner ear. It is commonly
associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 and often occurs
bilaterally. Tumor growth is usually slow and may result in
some hearing loss or deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, and
vestibular dysfunction. Most acoustic neuromas are diagnosed in patients between the ages 30 and 60. Etiology is
unknown. Treatment options include radiosurgery and
microsurgical removal.
Acoustic Neuroma. Figure 2 Courtesy Carol
Armstrong. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and
the University of Pennsylvania Medical School,
Department of Neurology
Cross References
▶ Radiosurgery
▶ Radiotherapy
References and Readings
Jørgensen, B. G., & Pedersen, C. B. (1994). Acoustic neuroma. Follow-up
of 78 patients. Clinical Otolaryngology, 19, 478–484.
Acquired Achromatopsial
▶ Achromatopsia
Acoustic Neuroma. Figure 1 Courtesy Carol Armstrong.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of
Pennsylvania Medical School, Department of Neurology
Acquired Dyscalculia
▶ Acalculia
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Acquired Epileptic Aphasia
▶ Landau–Kleffner Syndrome
Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS)
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
pandemic has killed approximately 25 million people
worldwide. UNAIDS, a joint program of the United
Nations and the World Health Organization, estimates
that globally, in 2007, 33.2 million people lived with
HIV, 2.5 million became newly infected, and 2.1 million
died from AIDS. In North America alone, 1.3 million
lived with HIV, 46,000 became newly infected, and
21,000 died from AIDS; and approximately, 500,000
have already died from AIDS.
Differentiation between a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS
depends on CD4+ T cell count and presence of opportunistic infections.
Short Description or Definition
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS is a disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. HIV is a viral pathogen that
attacks CD4+ T cells (thymus originating lymphocyte
cells with cluster determinant 4 + surface receptor sites)
of the human body’s immune system. These CD4+ T cells
(also called T4 or T helper cells) play a central signaling
role in the human immune response. In addition, HIV
also causes damage to the central nervous system. The
exact cause of this damage is unclear at this time, but it is
believed to be caused either by the ‘‘Trojan horse’’ model
or neuroinflammation model. In the Trojan horse model,
immune system cells known as macrophages conceal and
convey HIV into the brain, where they can disrupt
supportive brain cells such as astrocytes and microglia.
In the neuroinflammation model, the body’s over stimulated immune system causes an increased production of
CD14+ CD16+ monocytes which flood the brain, causing
inflammation and damage to brain cells and structures.
AIDS is the name given to the end stage of HIV
infection when the body’s ability to fight off microorganisms is compromised, resulting in debilitating or fatal
diseases, which are known as ‘‘opportunistic infections.’’
An individual with HIV infection receives a formal diagnosis of AIDS when the individual has at least one opportunistic infection or when the individual’s CD4+ T cell
count is below 200 per mm3 of blood (normal count is
typically 500–1,500 per mm3).
In the absence of anti-HIV or antiretroviral drug therapy, progression to AIDS can take an average of 8–12 years
for adults and adolescents, and 3 years from birth in
prenatally infected children. A quarter of a century after
the first deaths from AIDS were identified, the AIDS
In 1981, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began receiving reports about unusual cases
of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and Kaposi’s
sarcoma in young gay men and PCP in injection drug
users. These diseases were not typically seen in individuals
with healthy immune systems. In early 1982, similar disease patterns were seen in blood transfusion recipients,
hemophiliacs, and heterosexual partners of those already
infected. In late 1982, the CDC officially named this
disease pattern as acquired immune deficiency syndrome
or AIDS. In 1984, a previously unknown human retrovirus was discovered in the blood of individuals with AIDS
by teams in the US and France. In 1986, the retrovirus was
named as HIV.
Retroviruses have an RNA (ribonucleic acid) genome,
and use an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert
their RNA into DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), in order to
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Table 1
Differentiation between human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) in individuals infected with HIV
CD4+ T cell count of 200 or higher per
HIV infection
CD4+ T cell count below 200 per
Presence of one or more opportunistic
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
replicate, which is done in the nucleus of infected cells.
HIV is a member of the lentivirus group of retroviruses
which also includes simian immunodeficiency virus. Lentiviruses typically have longer incubation periods and
greater genetic complexity than other retroviruses.
In 1985, a second strain of the virus was discovered,
which was designated as HIV-2. The original strain of the
virus was designated as HIV-1. HIV-1 is much more
common throughout the world, while HIV-2 is more
common in certain parts of Africa alone. Also, HIV-2
appears to be milder than HIV-1, with a slower progression to AIDS. Since its establishment in humans, HIV-1
has undergone mutation of its genome and there are now
three groups of HIV-1.
How HIV is transmitted tends to vary worldwide
depending upon the geographic region. In the United
States, approximately 45% of current cases of HIV infection were obtained through male–male sexual contact
(men who have sex with men or MSM), 22% were
through injecting drug users (IDU), and 5% were through
individuals who were both MSM and IDU. Approximately, 27% of cases were through male–female sexual contact.
Transmission rates have been changing though, with new
cases of infection in older white MSM decreasing. Transmission rates have been increasing in African–American
and Latino MSM and younger white MSM due to
increases in high-risk sexual practices; approximately,
50% of new cases are in African–American MSM. Rates
of transmission are also increasing in women, primarily
due to heterosexual contact with MSM and IDU. In
Africa, transmission is primarily due to male–female sexual contact. In Eastern Europe, transmission is primarily
in IDU or male–female sexual contact. In Southeast
Asia, transmission is primarily through contact with
commercial sex workers.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
HIV is not transmitted through casual contact, such as
touching. It can be transmitted when the bodily fluids of
infected individuals – primarily blood, semen, vaginal
fluid, or breast milk – comes into contact with the bloodstream or mucosal tissues of uninfected individuals.
Transmission can occur through:
1. Unprotected sexual contact (anal, vaginal, or oral)
with an individual infected with HIV
2. Sharing needles or syringes with HIV-infected
3. Transfusion of infected blood or other bodily incorporation of infected blood
4. A fetus or infant exposed to HIV before or during
birth or through breast feeding
The natural progression of HIV infection can be divided
into three stages: primary infection, clinical latency, and
symptomatic disease stage. The symptomatic disease
stage is further divided into early and late stages, with
AIDS being equated with the late-symptomatic disease
stage. After a person is initially infected with HIV, a
primary or acute infection stage commences, in which
HIV replicates up to ten billion copies of itself daily;
high levels of HIV in the blood or viraemia is evident.
Approximately, 2–4 weeks after exposure, nearly 70% of
those newly infected will experience an acute illness,
which has symptoms similar to influenza or mononucleosis, including fever, fatigue, muscle weakness, headache,
ocular pain, sensitivity to light, sore throat, diarrhea, and
lymphadenopathy. This illness is due to the temporary
reduction of CD4+ T cells; it lasts for approximately
2 weeks and then resolves spontaneously. It is during
this stage that the individual typically first begins to
produce antibodies to HIV, which is designated as
Serological testing of blood can reliably detect HIV
antibodies 2–6 months after seroconversion. Testing typically begins with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) or test that looks for antibodies to HIV. A second
positive ELISA is needed in order to confirm the result.
This would then be followed by the Western Blot Procedure to confirm the presence of at least two specific HIV
antigen groups. A diagnosis of HIV infection is given after
a positive Western Blot test follows two positive ELISA
tests. If HIV is confirmed, additional tests for plasma viral
RNA (viral load) and CD4+ T cell counts are then typically completed, in order to assess the state of the immune
system and disease prognosis. Higher viral load counts
are typically related to faster disease progression. Lower
CD4+ T cell counts are typically related to greater clinical
After the acute illness disappears, the individual enters
the clinical latency stage in which symptoms are typically
absent, other than possibly chronic lymphadenopathy.
This stage lasts an average of 10 years. During the clinical
latency stage, HIV continues to replicate and attack
CD4+ T cells, which in turn continues to counter attack.
As the immune system becomes more compromised,
individuals eventually enter the early symptomatic disease
stage, when a variety of symptoms begin to manifest,
including lymphadenopathy, lack of energy, diarrhea,
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
unintentional weight loss, chronic low-grade fever and
sweats, frequent rashes or fungal infections, headaches,
or short-term memory loss.
Finally, individuals enter the late stage of the symptomatic disease stage or AIDS when the person has at least
one opportunistic infection or when the individual’s
CD4+ T cell count is below 200 per mm3 of blood. The
most common opportunistic infections are PCP, Kaposi’s
sarcoma, HIV wasting syndrome, and HIVencephalopathy
(also known as dementia due to HIV disease or AIDS
dementia complex).
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Table 2 HIV
dementia symptoms
Behavioral difficulties
Apathy, anhedonia, social withdrawal
Personality changes, including spontaneous sudden and
strong emotions
Cognitive difficulties
Short-term memory lapses
Loss of concentration
Psychological and Neuropsychological
Correlates of HIV Infection
Motor difficulties
Lack of muscular coordination
As HIV infection progresses, various psychological and
neuropsychological complications involving both the central as well as peripheral nervous systems can become
evident. During primary infection, reports of headaches
and aseptic meningitis are common. During the clinical
latency stage, an acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (similar to Guillain-Barre syndrome; characterized by progressive muscle weakness) can occasionally
develop. During the early symptomatic disease stage, peripheral neuropathy is common. This is characterized by
spontaneous pain (dysesthesia), pain due to light touches
or changes in temperature (hyperesthesia), and weakness
and wasting in arms/legs (distal atrophy).
It is during the late symptomatic disease stage or AIDS
that most major neuropsychological complications develop, and can include:
1. HIV encephalopathy (HIV dementia)
2. Opportunistic infections
(a) Viral (Cytomegalovirus; Herpes Simplex I and II;
Herpes Zoster; JC virus, a polyomavirus or
papovavirus which causes PML [progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy])
(b) Fungal/Protozoan (Toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcus,
Candida, Mycobacterium)
3. Lymphomas
(a) Primary central nervous system lymphomas
(b) Systemic (metastatic) lymphomas. (The most
common systemic lymphomas are: Hodgkin’s;
immunoblastic; Burkitt’s; and non-Hodgkin’s,
which is particularly prevalent.)
HIV encephalopathy is the term used to describe the
pathological features of encephalitis of the brain due to
HIV, while HIV dementia (also known as AIDS dementia
complex) is used to describe the clinical syndrome. This
Muscle weakness
Loss of balance
syndrome is characterized by behavioral, cognitive, and
motor declines and difficulties (Table 2). Initial symptoms
typically manifest as cognitive difficulties (loss of concentration and mild deficits in memory) with motor and
behavioral difficulties frequently occurring. (This early
stage is often labeled as HIV-associated minor cognitive
motor disorder.) Later symptoms include partial paralysis, incontinence, and severe cognitive impairment. Death
usually occurs within 1–6 months after onset of severe
symptoms. Individuals who are coinfected with hepatitis
C or were IDU, typically display worse symptoms faster.
As HIV-infected individuals live longer, it is estimated
that 50–75% of all patients with AIDS will evidence
some form of HIV dementia.
While HIV can be present in any part of the brain,
HIV is particularly common in the basal ganglia and
central white matter (and to a lesser extent in neocortical
gray matter, the brainstem, and the cerebellum) in individuals not receiving antiretroviral therapy or highly
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (see below). In
individuals on HAART, there is evidence of greater
inflammation in the hippocampus and surrounding entorhinal and temporal cortex.
While there is no cure or vaccine for HIV or AIDS at
this time, there are currently four different classes of
Acquisition of Knowledge
antiretroviral drugs that interfere with the ability of HIV to
replicate: reverse transcriptase inhibitors (nucleoside and
non-nucleoside types); protease inhibitors; entry/fusion
inhibitors; and integrase inhibitors. In 1987, the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Azidothymidine (AZT, also known as Zidovudine), the first nucleoside-reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTIs). Saquinavir,
the first protease inhibitor was approved in 1995.
Nevirapine, the first non-nucleoside-reverse transcriptase inhibitor was approved in 1996. Enfuvirtide, the
first fusion inhibitor was approved in 2003. Maraviroc,
the first entry inhibitor, and Reltegravir, the first integrase inhibitor, were approved in 2007.
In 1996, combination drug therapy or HAART
began. Three or more drugs are used in combination in
order to counter the development of drug resistance by
HIV. Strict adherence to medication intake schedules is
required. Not only is this schedule difficult to follow
for many individuals, HAART often produces unpleasant
and toxic side effects, including stomach problems and
lipodystrophy. If followed correctly, HAART typically and
drastically reduces viral load, often to undetectable levels
in the blood, which allows the immune system to rebound. Antiretroviral drug therapy and treatments for
opportunistic infections have greatly increased life expectancy of those with HIV infection, but due to the presence
of HIV in cells that remain out of reach of antiretroviral
drugs, eradication of HIV from the human body is unattainable at this time.
UNAIDS. (2007). UNAIDS Annual Report 2007: Knowing your epidemic.
Retrieved June 15, 2008 from http://data.unaids.org/pub/Report/
Weeks, B. S., & Alcamo, I. E. (2006). AIDS: The biological basis (4th ed.).
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Acquisition of Knowledge
▶ Learning
Action Tremor
Boston University Medical Center
Boston, MA, USA
William Beaumont Army Medical Center
El Paso, TX, USA
Intention Tremors
Cross References
▶ Dementia
▶ Encephalitis
▶ Meningitis
Action tremor is a rhythmic, oscillatory, and involuntary
movement of the limb that is seen with movement of an
extremity. It may be seen in isolation with a cerebellar
lesion or associated with other tremor types such as the
postural tremor of essential tremor or the rest tremor of
Parkinson’s disease.
References and Readings
Cross References
Bartlett, J., & Finkbeiner, A. (2006). The guide to living with HIV infection,
developed at the John Hopkins AIDS clinic (6th ed.). Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Portegies, P., & Berger, J. (Eds.). (2007). HIV/AIDS and the nervous
system: Handbook of clinical neurology. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Pratt, R. (2003). HIV & AIDS: A foundation for nursing and healthcare
practice. London: Arnold Publishers.
Sande, M., & Volberding, P. (Eds.). (1999). The medical management of
AIDS (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.
Stine, G. (2005). AIDS update 2005. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin
▶ Essential Tremor
▶ Parkinson’s Disease
References and Readings
Fahn, S., & Jankovic, J. (Eds.). (2007). Tremors: Diagnosis and treatment.
In Movement disorders (pp. 451–479). Philadelphia: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier.
Action-Intentional Disorders
Action-Intentional Disorders
The Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Hospital
Randall Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center
Gainesville, FL, USA
Abulia; Akinesis; Hypokinesis; Motor impersistence
(These terms are not fully synonymous with actionintentional disorders, but comprise important elements
of the syndrome and are often used when describing
specific these elements.)
In the absence of weakness, patients can have a disability
with initiating (akinesia, hypokinesia, abulia) or sustaining actions (impersistence), inhibiting irrelevant actions
(defective response inhibition), and stopping an action
when the task has been completed (motor perseveration).
Current Concepts
The motor system allows humans to interact with their
environment and alter themselves as well as others. The
human corticospinal motor system together with the
motor units and muscles can mediate an almost infinite
number of movements and thus the human motor system
needs to be guided by at least two major types of programs: praxic and intentional. The praxic programs provide the corticospinal system with the knowledge of how
to make skilled movements (spatial and temporal aspects
of movements) and the intentional programs provide the
corticospinal system with information about when to
move. In this section, we will discuss disorders of the
intentional, or ‘‘when,’’ systems. When interacting with
environmental stimuli or the self, there are four ‘‘when’’
questions that must be addressed: these are (1) when to
move, (2) when to persist at a movement or movements,
(3) when to end a movement or a series of movements,
and (4) when not to move. The inability to initiate a
movement in the absence of a corticospinal or motor
unit injury is called akinesia. Some patients are able to
move after a delay and we call this hypokinesia. Motor
impersistence is when a patient cannot sustain a movement
or a series of movements that are needed to complete a
task. The inability to stop a movement or an action program when it is no longer required is called motor perseveration and the inability to withhold a response to a
sensory stimulus is called defective response inhibition.
These motor intentional disorders are parallel to
disorders of sensory attention, akinesia being akin
to unawareness, impersistence being the motor parallel
of decreased vigilance, motor perseveration being parallel
to failures of extinction or habituation, and defective
response inhibition being similar to distractibility. There
are also cognitive defects that mirror four types of intentional motor disorders mention above, but these will not
be discussed here.
In the next section, we briefly describe each of these
intentional disorders, including subtypes of each category
and in the final section we briefly discuss the possible
Clinical Manifestations
An organism might fail to initiate a movement for many
reasons, but comprehension, attentional, perceptual, sensory, and motor disorders that lead to a failure of movement initiation should not be termed akinesia. In contrast
to these disorders, akinesia is caused by a failure of the
systems that are responsible for activating the motor
There are three methods by which akinesia can be
distinguished from extreme weakness. Certain forms of
akinesia are present under certain sets of circumstances
and absent in others. Thus, using the behavioral method,
if it can be demonstrated that a patient makes movements
in one set of circumstances (e.g., a motionless left hand is
brought over to the right side of the body and the patient
is able to now move this hand) and not in the other, this
failure to move is related to an akinesia. If the akinesia is
not limited to a set of circumstances then the clinician
may have to depend on brain imaging, or physiological
techniques such as magnetic stimulation of the motor
cortex to demonstrate that the brain lesion did not involve the motor system and thus the failure to move is not
caused by weakness.
There are at least three subtypes of akinesia: (1) Body
part: Akinesia may involve the eyes, the neck and head, a
limb, or the total body; (2) Action space: Akinesia of the
limbs, eyes, or head may depend on where in space the
body part is moved or in what direction it is moved.
Action-Intentional Disorders
The former is called spatial akinesia (e.g., a hand that does
not move in left hemispace, but does move in right bodycentered hemispace) and the latter is called directional
akinesia (e.g., a horizontal gaze palsy where patients cannot move their eyes to the left); (3) Stimulus–response
conditions: Some patients, such as those with Parkinson’s
disease, are impaired in spontaneously initiating a movement, but in response to a stimulus often have no trouble
initiating a movement. We call this endogenously evoked
akinesia (endo-evoked). Patients who fail to move to an
imperative stimulus but will move spontaneously we call
exogenously evoked akinesia. A patient may have both exoevoked and endo-evoked akinesia, which we term mixed
or global akinesia.
with various body parts including the limbs, eyes, neck,
eyelids (e.g., keep your eyes closed for until I tell you to
open them), jaw, and tongue. Patients can even demonstrate impersistence in activities such as walking. Like
akinesia, it may also be directional (e.g., inability to maintain leftward gaze) or hemispatial (inability to maintain
dorsiflexion of the wrist in left space with the left arm, but
able to do so in right space).
Defective Response Inhibition
Patients with sensory extinction are able to detect single
stimuli on either side of their body, but when presented
with two stimuli one on each side of their body they
remain unaware of contralesional stimuli. Motor extinction is a form of akinesia or hypokinesia where a patient
who is without sensory extinction is asked to respond by
moving the hand (or hands) that was (were) touched. The
examiner then delivers stimuli to the right, left, and both
hands and patients with motor extinction are aware that
both hands have been touched, but either fail to lift the
contralesional hand to simultaneous stimuli or lift it after
a delay.
Not all stimuli require a response and sometimes a response might interfere with goal-oriented behavior. Defective response inhibition is defined as responding when
no response of that body part is required. It can be seen in
a variety of body parts and might also be directional and
perhaps hemispatial.
There are several forms of defective response inhibition. One means of testing for this disorder is to use the
crossed response task. A blindfolded patient is instructed to
raise the hand opposite to that touched. Patients with
defective response inhibition will often raise the touched
hand first. This type of defective response inhibition may
be termed motor (limb or eye directional) response disinhibition. These can be either contralesional or bilateral. The
eye directional defective response inhibition has also been
called a visual grasp. There are some patients, however,
who have a perceptual disorder and when stimulated on
one side (e.g., left hand) feel that they were stimulated
on the other (e.g., right hand). This phenomenon is called
allesthesia and it should not be confused with defective
crossed response inhibition.
Patients with defective response inhibition may also
fail on the types of go–no-go tasks described by Luria. For
example, the patient may be instructed to put up two
fingers when the examiner puts up one finger and to put
up no fingers if the examiner puts up two fingers. If the
patient mimics the examiner such that when the examiner
puts up one finger, the patient puts up one finger and
when the examiner puts up two fingers, the patient puts
up two fingers, the patient has echopraxia.
Motor Impersistence
Motor Perseveration
The inability to sustain a motor act or a series of motor acts
that are required to complete a goal is called motor impersistence. Like akinesia, impersistence can be associated
When a patient incorrectly repeats a prior response
or when a patient continues to perform the same act
when the goal of the act has been completed, it is called
A milder defect in the intentional motor (‘‘when’’) systems might not induce a total inability to initiate a response (i.e., akinesia), but rather these patients’
intentional deficit might be manifested by a delay in
initiating a response. We call this delay hypokinesia. The
hypokinesias may also be subtyped into body part (e.g.,
limb or eyes) and action space (e.g., directional and
Motor Extinction
motor perseveration. In one type of motor perseveration,
when the task requirements have changed the patient is
unable to switch to a different motor program and incorrectly repeats the movements. Luria (1965) calls this inertia of program action and Sandson and Albert (1987) call
this recurrent perseveration. In the second type, the patient
continues to perform movements even though the task is
completed. Luria (1965) called this efferent perseveration;
however, Sandson and Albert (1987) call this continuous
Pathophysiology of Intentional
Intentional motor disorders are often associated with bilateral hemispheric lesions, but when these disorders are
caused by a unilateral hemispheric lesion they are more
commonly associated with right than left-hemisphere
lesions. The intentional disorders that have been reported
to be induced by primarily right-hemisphere lesions include akinesia (e.g., left-sided limbs, leftward arm movements, and even left horizontal gaze), hypokinesia (slowed
reaction times), motor impersistence of the left-sided
limbs, left-sided gaze), and motor (continuous) perseveration. Many of the intentional defects associated with righthemisphere dysfunction, however, are not just limited to
the left limbs. For example, patients with a right-hemisphere
lesion are more often abulic, have slowed reaction times of
their right hand, and have motor impersistence of eye
closure. These clinical studies suggest that the right hemisphere may be dominant for intentional control of the
motor systems. Studies with normal subjects provide
further evidence for right-hemisphere intentional dominance. The anatomic and physiological basis for this dominance is not entirely understood.
Studies of patients with focal lesions and studies of
monkeys suggest that the frontal lobes may play a critical
role in mediating intentional activity. The most important
areas of the frontal lobes appear to be the medial and
lateral frontal lobes. The frontal cortex has strong projections to the striatum. The lateral portion of the frontal
lobe projects to the caudate. The premotor cortex projects
to the putamen and the cingulate gyrus projects to the
ventral striatum. The striatum projects to the pars reticularis of the substantia nigra and the globus pallidus. The
globus pallidus projects to specific thalamic nuclei and
these thalamic nuclei project back to the frontal cortex.
Just as injury of the frontal lobes can induce intentional
deficits, injuries, or diseases that injure the basal ganglia,
the substantia nigra (e.g., Parkinson’s disease), portions of
the thalamus, as well as the white matter connections can
also induce intentional deficits.
Future Directions
Disorders of intention have received considerably less
neuroscientific study than have disorders of sensory selective attention. There is a need for additional experimental
and clinical neuropsychological studies of these disorders.
Furthermore, assessment batteries are needed that will
facilitate the assessment of the subtypes of motor intention disturbances and which may provide additional
quantitative data for experimental analysis and normative comparison between patient groups and health
Cross References
▶ Attention
▶ Directional Hypokinesis
▶ Impersistence
▶ Neglect Syndrome
References and Readings
Heilman, K. M., Valenstein, E, Rothi, L. J. G., & Watson, R. T. (2004).
Intentional motor disorders and apraxia. In W. G. Bradley,
R. B. Daroff, G. M. Fenichel, & J. Jankovic (Eds.), Neurology
in clinical practice: Principles of diagnosis and management.
(pp. 117–130). Phila Penn: Butterworth Heineman.
Heilman, K. M., Watson, R. T., & Valenstein, E. (2003). Neglect and
related disorders. In K. M. Heilman, & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical
neuropsychology, (4th ed., pp. 296–346). New York: Oxford University Press.
Heilman, K. M. (2004). Intentional neglect. Frontiers in Bioscience, 9,
Luria, A. R. (1965). Two kinds of motor perseveration in massive injury
to the frontal lobes. Brain, 88, 1–10.
Sandson, J., & Albert, M. L. (1987). Varieties of perseveration. Neuropsychologia, 22, 715–732.
▶ Deep Brain Stimulator (Parkinsons)
Active Limb Activation
Active Limb Activation
Trinity College
Hartford, CT, USA
Limb activation
Active Memory
▶ Short-Term Memory
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Active limb activation is a rehabilitation technique for
individuals with unilateral neglect. In a series of studies,
Robertson and North (1992, 1993, 1994) and others
(Mattingly, Robertson, & Driver, 1998) have demonstrated that moving the upper or lower extremity on the
affected side can reduce neglect symptoms. The effect is
seen only with active movement, as opposed to passive
movement, and only when the limb is moved in the
effected hemispace. However, the limb need not be
observed visually. It should be noted that the effect has
not been demonstrated universally (e.g., Brown, Walker,
Gray, & Findlay, 1999).
Cross References
▶ Attention Training
▶ Behavioral Inattention Test
▶ Cognitive Rehabilitation
▶ Neglect Syndrome
References and Readings
Brown, V., Walker, R., Gray, C., & Findlay, J. (1999). Limb activation and
the rehabilitation of unilateral neglect: Evidence of task-specific
effects. Neurocase, 5, 129–142.
Mattingly, J., Robertson, I., & Driver, J. (1998). Modulation of covert
visual attention by hand movement: Evidence from parietal extinction after right hemisphere damage. Neurocase, 4, 245–253.
Robertson, I., & North, N. (1992). Spatio-motor cueing in unilateral left
neglect: The role of hemispace, hand and motor activation. Neuropsychologia, 30, 553–563.
Robertson, I., & North, N. (1993). Active and passive activation of left
limbs: Influence on visual and sensory neglect. Neuropsychologia, 31,
Roberson, I., & North, N. (1994). One hand is better than two: Motor
extinction of left hand advantage in unilateral neglect. Neuropsychologia, 32, 1–11.
Adaptive functions; Functional abilities
Activities of daily living (ADLs) are self-care activities that
are important for health maintenance and independent
living. ADLs comprise a broad spectrum of activities,
traditionally classified as basic and instrumental ADLs
(BADLs and IADLs, respectively). BADLs, also called
physical or self-maintenance ADLs, are life-sustaining
self-care activities such as feeding, grooming, bathing,
dressing, toileting, and ambulation. IADLs are more
complex activities that are necessary for independent
living, such as using the telephone, preparing meals,
shopping, managing finances, taking medications,
arranging appointments, and driving. These activities
are important for participating in one’s usual work, social,
or leisure roles.
Historical Background
The evolution of the concept of ADLs is reflected in the
development of instruments to measure these abilities
(McDowell & Newell, 1996). Measures of BADLs were
first developed in the 1940s and 1950s, primarily out of
the needs to assess fitness for military duty in World
War II and to determine the required levels of care for
institutionalized older adults and those with chronic illnesses. These early measures include the PULSES profile,
the Barthel Index, and the Katz Index of ADL, among
others. Later, in the 1960s and 1970s, there was increased
interest in caring for older and disabled individuals in the
community, and this spawned the need for tools to
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
measure IADLs that are important for independent living.
Some of the first of these measures were Lawton and
Brody’s IADL Scale and the Disability Interview Schedule.
Current Knowledge
ADLs are of interest across various health disciplines. Current knowledge in this area is based on research conducted
by psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses, psychiatrists, neurologists, and social workers, among others.
Relevance to Neuropsychology
For the neuropsychologist, an understanding of the
patient’s level of independence in ADLs, and in particular
IADLs, is of interest for several reasons. The diagnosis of
a number of cognitive and mental disorders requires an
appraisal of the patient’s functional ability (American
Psychiatric Association, 2000). For example, impairment
in adaptive or functional ability is a diagnostic criterion for
mental retardation and for schizophrenia. Impaired daily
functioning is also required for the diagnosis of dementia
and is one of the defining differences between dementia (in
which IADLs are impaired) and mild cognitive impairment
(in which IADLs are intact or minimally affected).
Increasingly, the evaluation of daily functioning is also
used to identify appropriate treatments for cognitive and
mental disorders. In particular, an important part of
determining the effectiveness of behavioral or pharmacological interventions is measuring the impact of the intervention on the patient’s daily functional ability, in
addition to cognitive or affective outcomes.
Assessment of ADLs
Assessment of ADLs can be accomplished in a number of
ways. Real-world observation of the patient in his or her
own home provides relevant, objective information about
daily function. However, this method is obviously time
and labor intensive, and there are practical limits to the
number of behaviors that can be observed within a given
time period. An alternative is the use of performance-based
measures, which require the patient to complete functional tasks – such as preparing a meal, using the telephone, or
making personal financial transactions – that are presented in a standardized way in the laboratory or clinic.
A number of such instruments have been developed to
measure single or multiple functional domains. Tests
include the Direct Assessment of Functional Status, the
Independent Living Scales, the Structured Assessment of
Independent Living Skills, the Medication Management
Abilities Assessment, and many others.
The use of questionnaires administered either on paper
or by interview allows the sampling of a large number of
behaviors in a short period of time. Self-report questionnaires may be appropriate for use with cognitively-normal
or mildly impaired populations. In the evaluation of
dementia and other cognitive disorders, however, selfreported abilities may be difficult to interpret because
of disease-related decreases in self-awareness. The use of
informant-based questionnaires avoids this limitation,
although informants can also be biased in their reports
and may not always be available. Nevertheless, this is one
of the most common methods for measuring IADLs, and
a large number of informant-based questionnaires exist,
such as the Lawton-Brody IADL Scale, the Bristol ADL
Scale, and the ADL questionnaire.
The choice of which particular method of assessment
to be used will depend, in addition to practical considerations such as time, on the purpose of the assessment.
Real-word observations and performance-based measures
provide information about what the person is capable
of doing. Questionnaires, on the other hand, measure
what the individual is actually doing in his or her dayto-day life.
Future Directions
Although there are a large number of relevant instruments
that have been developed to assess ADLs, they vary in terms
of how well their psychometric properties have been
characterized. Systematic literature reviews (e.g., Moore,
Palmer, Patterson, & Jeste, 2007; Sikkes, de Lange-de
Klerk, Pijnenburg, Scheltens, & Uitdehaag, 2009) indicate
that, for many of these measures, there is a need for better
theoretical justification of the content of the instrument,
additional information about test validity and reliability,
indication of what constitutes a meaningful change
over time, information about the relation between test
performance and actual real-world functioning, and the
development of comprehensive normative data.
Cross References
▶ Adaptive Behavior
▶ Basic Activities of Daily Living (B-ADL)
▶ Functional Status
Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire
▶ Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (I-ADL)
▶ Lawton-Brody iADL Scale
References and Readings
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC:
Law, M., Baum, C., & Dunn, W. (Eds.). (2001). Measuring occupational
performance: Supporting best practice in occupational therapy.
Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
Lawton, M. P., & Brody, E. M. (1969). Assessment of older people: Selfmaintaining and instrumental activities of daily living. Gerontologist,
9, 179–186.
McDowell, I., & Newell, C. (1996). Measuring health: A guide to rating
scales and questionnaires (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford.
Moore, D. J., Palmer, B. W., Patterson, T. L., & Jeste, D. V. (2007). A
review of performance-based measures of functional living skills.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41, 97–118.
Sikkes, S. A. M., de Lange-de Klerk, E. S. M., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L.,
Scheltens, P., & Uitdehaag, B. M. J. (2009). A systematic review of
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scales in dementia: room for
improvement. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 80,
Strauss, E., Sherman, E. M. S., & Spreen, O. (2006). A compendium of
neuropsychological tests (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford.
Activities of Daily Living
Medical Research Council Cognition & Brain
Sciences Unit
Cambridge, UK
The activities of daily living questionnaire (ADLQ) was
developed to measure the functional abilities of people
with dementia. It is an informant-rated questionnaire and
should be completed by the patient’s primary caregiver. It
consists of 28 items covering both basic and instrumental
activities of daily living, organized into six subscales:
self-care activities; household care; employment and
recreation; shopping and money; travel; and communication. The informant rates the subject’s competence in each
area according to a set of four descriptions of different
competence levels; scores range from 0 to 3 where higher
scores indicate greater impairment. A fifth response
option, ‘‘don’t know/has never done’’ is also available, and
if this option is selected, the item is excluded from scoring.
Scores from individual items are summed (with adjustment
for any items marked ‘‘don’t know/has never done’’) to form
subscale scores and then transformed to a percentage
impairment total score. Scores of 0–33% are classified as
no/mild impairment, those of 34–66% as moderate
impairment, and those of 67–100% as severe impairment.
Historical Background
The first reported use of the ADLQ was in a longitudinal
study looking at cognitive test performance and daily
functioning in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
(Locascio, Growdon, & Corkin, 1995). However, the
development and psychometric properties of the measure
were first reported in Johnson, Barion, Rademaker,
Rehkemper, and Weintraub (2004). Since then, a Chinese
version has been developed and evaluated (ADLQ-CV;
Chu & Chung, 2008), and it has been used in several
studies involving people with non-Alzheimer’s dementia.
Psychometric Data
Johnson et al. (2004) collected ADLQ data from the
primary caregivers of 140 people with dementia of various
types (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular/mixed, and frontotemporal/primary progressive aphasia). The scale was
completed twice, with a 1 year interval between completions. Evidence of convergent validity was in the form of
correlations with global severity ratings (clinical dementia
rating r = 0.5 and 0.55 for first/second ratings, respectively; MMSE r = 0.42 and 0.38 for first and second
ratings, respectively). Further evidence of its validity came
from the finding that scores declined significantly over the
year-long interval between testings, as would be expected
in people with degenerative conditions. A subgroup of
28 participants took part in a test–retest reliability study,
with a 2–8 week interval between testings (mean 25.6
days, SD 12.2). Correlations between first and second
ratings for the six subscales were high, between 0.86 and
0.92, with the exception of the employment subscale,
which correlated at 0.65. Kappa scores for 25% of scale
Activity Restrictions, Limitations
items were 0.42–0.60 (classified as ‘‘moderate’’), for 54%
of scale items were 0.61–0.80 (classified as ‘‘good’’), and
for 21% of scale items 0.81–1.0 (classified as ‘‘very good’’).
The validity of the ADLQ was investigated via correlations
between 29 participants’ scores on the ADLQ and the
record of independent living (RIL), another ADL measure. In line with Johnson et al.’s predictions, there were
significant correlations between the ADLQ and the ‘‘activities’’ and ‘‘communication’’ subscales of the RIL, but not
the ‘‘behavior’’ subscale of the RIL.
Chu and Chung (2008) conducted a study examining
the psychometric properties of a Chinese translation of
the ADLQ (ADLQ-CV), with 125 caregivers of people
with moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The ADLQ-CV was
shown to have good internal consistency (a = 0.81),
test–retest reliability at a 2-week interval (intra-class
correlation (ICC) ¼ 0.998), and inter-rater reliability
(ICC ¼ 0.997, for primary and secondary caregiver
ratings). Correlations with the disability assessment for
dementia were strong (r = 0.92), suggesting that it is a
valid measure. A factor analysis also confirmed that the
ADLQ-CV has a six-factor structure, following the six
proposed subscales.
Clinical Uses
The ADLQ may be used to assist in the diagnosis
of dementia, in decision making regarding necessary
intervention and/or assistance, and in monitoring change
over time or in response to treatment.
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study ADL Scale
▶ Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale
▶ Disability Assessment for Dementia
▶ Lawton-Brody ADL Scale
References and Readings
Chu, T. K. C., & Chung, J. C. C. (2008). Psychometric evaluation of the
Chinese version of the activities of daily living questionnaire
(ADLQ-CV). International Psychogeriatrics, 20, 1251–1261.
Johnson, N., Barion, A., Rademaker, A., Rehkemper, G., & Weintraub, S.
(2004). The activities of daily living questionnaire: A validation
study in patients with dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated
Disorders, 18, 223–230.
Locascio, J. J., Growdon, J. H., & Corkin, S. (1995). Cognitive test
performance in detecting, staging, and tracking Alzheimer’s disease.
Archives of Neurology, 52(11), 1087–1099.
Activity Restrictions, Limitations
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
This idea refers to restrictions prescribed by clinicians
who treat patients with recent strokes, head injuries, or
other neurological conditions, after a neurological event
has left the patient with deficits in important areas of
functioning. Patients are often restricted from driving,
cooking, managing finances, or completing other instrumental activities of daily living after a neurological event.
The activities of focus must be tailored to the patient and
can range from restrictions in playing professional sports
to restrictions in managing small amounts of cash.
Current Knowledge
Rehabilitation professionals encounter patients whose
injuries have left them with deficits both in physical and
cognitive realms. Strokes and traumatic brain injuries can
cause physical impairments in walking, swallowing, use of
an arm and/or leg, communication, and other important
skills. Injuries can also lead to cognitive deficits in memory,
executive functioning, social functioning, language,
visuospatial skills, attention, and/or processing speed.
These basic deficits in turn lead to impaired functioning
in everyday life. Rehabilitation professionals must assess
patients’ abilities to complete these daily activities and
often must place restrictions on what activities patients
can continue to complete. If patients are deemed to be
unable to drive, for example, clinicians must follow
appropriate legal and ethical channels to protect the
patient and public.
These limitations in activities can lead to difficulties in
adjustment for the patient, which can sometimes result in
depressed mood and other affective symptoms. This
notion is related to the Activity Restriction Model of
Depressed Affect (Williamson & Shaffer, 2000), which
has been studied as one etiology of depressive symptoms
among older adults.
Cross References
▶ Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
▶ Recommendation
Activity Therapy
References and Readings
Greenwood, R. J., Barnes, M. P., McMillan, T. M., & Ward, C. D. (Eds.).
(2003). Handbook of neurological rehabilitation (2nd ed.). New York:
Psychology Press.
Mills, V. M., Cassidy, J. W., & Katz, D. I. (Eds.). (1997). Neurologic
rehabilitation: A guide to diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Science.
Williamson, G. M. & Shaffer, D. R. (2000). The activity restriction model
of depressed affect: Antecedents and consequences of restricted normal
activities. In G. M. Williamson, D. R. Shaffer, & P. A. Parmelee (Eds.),
Physical illness and depression in older adults: A handbook of theory,
research, and practice. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Activity Therapy
require voluntariness and instead the actus reus is viewed
in light of the severity of the offense.
Cross References
▶ Insanity
▶ Insanity Defense
▶ Mens Rea
References and Readings
Melton, G. B., Petrila, J., Poythress, N. G., & Slobogin, C. (1997). Psychological evaluations for the courts: A handbook for mental health professionals and lawyers. New York: Guilford.
▶ Recreational Therapy
Acute Brain Failure
Actus Reus
▶ Delirium
University of Maryland Medical Center/Baltimore VA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Acute Brain Syndrome
Actus reus is Latin for ‘‘guilty act.’’ Under most circumstances, a crime consists of at least two factors. The first
factor is the physical conduct or act associated with the
crime, which is known as the ‘‘actus reus.’’ In order for an
individual to be convicted of a crime, it must be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant
committed the physical act of the crime, or the ‘‘actus
reus.’’ However, it must concurrently be established that
the defendant also possessed ‘‘mens reas,’’ which translates
to ‘‘guilty mind’’ referring to the mental element of
the crime. Thus, a conviction necessitates, beyond reasonable doubt, establishment of an illegal act coupled
with a particular mental state (e.g., intent, knowledge,
recklessness, or negligence). Description of the actus
reus is typically classified into one of three categories:
commissions, omissions, and/or commonwealth. Commission refers to an affirmative act; omission refers to a
failure to act; and commonwealth refers to a state of
affairs, or circumstances. Commissions and omissions
necessitate causation; commonwealth does not always
▶ Metabolic Encephalopathy
Acute Cerebrovascular Attack
▶ Stroke
Acute Confusional State
▶ Delirium
▶ Metabolic Encephalopathy
Acute Coronary Syndrome
▶ Myocardial Infarction
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute Encephalopathy
▶ Delirium
▶ Toxic-Metabolic Encephalopathy
Acute Febrile Polyneuritis
▶ Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Acute Infective Polyneuritis
▶ Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Acute Inflammatory
Polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP)
▶ Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a form of cancer
of the white blood cells (leukocytes). ALL is the most
common type of childhood leukemia, and is distinguished from chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) and
acute myeloid (or myelogenous) leukemia, which are
more prevalent in adults.
Current Knowledge
ALL is characterized by the rapid proliferation of immature blood cells (lymphoblasts), which crowd out mature,
functional cells. It is associated with the enlargement of
lymphoid tissue in areas including the lymph nodes,
spleen, bone marrow, and lungs, and with increased lymphocytic cells circulating in blood and in various tissues
and organs. Persons afflicted will experience weakness and
fatigue, anemia, unexplained fever and infections, weight
loss, or loss of appetite.
Cancer, including ALL, is caused by damage to DNA.
The earlier the ALL is detected, the more effective is its
treatment. The goal is to induce a lasting remission,
considered to be a prevalence of less than 5% of
lymphoblasts in bone marrow. Advances made in the
ability to match the genetic properties of the blast cells
to treatment options, in association with the availability
of new drugs and improvements made in bone marrow
and stem cell transplantation, have changed the prognosis for ALL from a zero to a 75% survival rate over
the past 40 years.
Most (if not all) patients with a childhood history of
ALL have brain atrophy. Whereas atrophy is associated
with treatment-effects of cranial irradiation therapy
and intrathecal chemotherapy (usually methotrexate), it
can also occur as a result of the condition, itself, rather
than as an outcome of treatment, as it appears to cause
atrophy of the brain, which is not specific to certain brain
tissues (Lucy Rorke, MD, personal communication).
Nonetheless, the strongest detrimental impacts on cognition are attributable to treatment-effects and their
damaging influence on the biological substrates of core
neurocognitive abilities, including executive functions
and information processing. Such impacts disrupt the
secondary abilities, i.e., those that are acquired and
knowledge-based. The main approaches to alleviating
neurocognitive effects of treatment include cognitive
remediation, pharmacology, and ecological alterations
in the classroom.
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Cross References
▶ Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
▶ Leukemia
▶ Neoplasms
References and Readings
Butler, R. W., & Mulhern, R. K. (2005). Neurocognitive interventions
for children and adolescents surviving cancer. Journal of Pediatric
Psychology, 30, 65–78.
Crosley, C. J., Rorke, L. B., Evans, A., & Nigro, M. (1978). Central nervous
system lesions in childhood leukemia. Neurology, 28, 678–685.
Prassopoulos, P., Carouras, D., Golfinopoulos, S., Evlogias, N.,
Theodoropoulos, V., & Panagiotou, J. (1996). Quantitative assessment of cerebral atrophy during and after treatment in children
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Investigational Radiology, 12,
Pui, Ching-Hon (2003). Treatment of acute leukemias: New directions for
clinical research. New York: Humana Press.
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Acute myeloid leukemia; AML
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is a form of cancer
of the white blood cells (leukocytes). It is a relatively
rare cancer that occurs more commonly in adults than
in children, with more men affected than women. The
median age at diagnosis is 63 years.
out mature, functional cells. In AML, the cell type is
granuloid, whose cancerous change disrupts its normal
ability to form red cells, some types of white cells, and
platelets. Resulting symptoms are anemia, easy bruising
and bleeding, and disruption to the body’s ability to
resist infection. Impaired cognition and fatigue are
also strongly associated with AML. Whereas impairments
in these areas have been attributed to effects of chemotherapy, recent research by Meyers, Albitar, and Estey
(2005) has identified differing cytokine levels present
prior to chemotherapy as also contributing to these
The malignant cell in AML is the myeloblast, a mutated
and immature cell in the granulocytic series, which undergoes combinations with other mutations, to produce a
leukemic clone of cells. Because the process contributes to
much diversity and heterogeneity in cell differentiation, the
diagnosis of AML can be challenging. It remains important,
however, since the chromosomal structure of the leukemic
cells is the disease’s most critical prognostic factor.
Treatment in AML consists primarily of chemotherapy,
with the goal of achieving remission. Without postremission (consolidation) therapy, almost all patients
eventually relapse. Neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric
symptoms are highly prevalent in patients with cancer
and cause significant impairments in their ability to
function. Whereas such impairments are known to be
associated with aggressive cancer treatment, they are
additionally attributed to biologic mechanisms underlying the cancer itself. Recent research (Meyers et al.,
2005) on AML has made linkages between cytokineimmunologic activation and factors including cognitive
functioning, significant fatigue, and quality of life in AML
patients studied prior to the initiation of treatment.
Current Knowledge
Cross References
Acute forms of leukemia are characterized by the rapid
proliferation of immature blood cells which rapidly crowd
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
▶ Leukemia
▶ Neoplasms
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
References and Readings
Meyers, C. A., Albitar, M., & Estey, E. (2005). Cognitive impairment, fatigue, and cytokine levels in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. Cancer, 104,
Pui, C.-H. (2003). Treatment of acute leukemias: New directions for clinical
research. New York: Humana Press.
Acute Respiratory Distress
Mayo Clinic
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Adult respiratory distress syndrome; Respiratory distress
▶ Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Acute Radiation Somnolence
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the presence of pulmonary edema in the absence of volume overload or depressed left ventricular function, and is
characterized by the development of sudden breathlessness within hours to days of an inciting event. ARDS is
not a specific disease; instead, it is a type of severe, acute
lung dysfunction that is associated with a variety of diseases and trauma.
Acute radiation somnolence is a relatively transient and
benign effect of cranial irradiation. It is manifested as
sleepiness occurring during irradiation used to treat brain
tumors. It occurs in both children and adults and usually
affects daily functioning during the course of treatment.
Although it is self-limiting, and resolves with medication
and with the termination of irradiation, symptoms can be
upsetting to patients. Nursing intervention which focuses
on preparation through counseling and education serves to
alleviate distress. Acute radiation somnolence is usually
treated with steroids.
Cross References
▶ Radiation Oncology
▶ Radiotherapy
References and Readings
Brady, L. W., Heilmann, H. P., Molls, M., & Schlegel, W. (2006). New
techniques in radiation oncology. New York: Springer.
Historical Background
In the past, ARDS signified adult respiratory distress
syndrome to separate this from infant respiratory distress
syndrome seen in premature infants. However, this type of
pulmonary edema can also occur in children, so ARDS has
gradually evolved to mean acute rather than adult.
Current Knowledge
ARDS typically develops within 12–48 h after the inciting
event, although, in rare instances, it may take up to a few
days. Persons developing ARDS are critically ill, often
with multi-system organ failure. It is a life-threatening
condition; therefore, hospitalization is required for
prompt management.
ARDS is associated with severe and diffuse injury to the
alveolar-capillary membrane (the air sacs and small blood
vessels) of the lungs. Fluid accumulates in some alveoli of
the lungs, while some other alveoli collapse. This alveolar
damage impedes the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which leads to a reduced concentration of oxygen in
the blood. Low levels of oxygen in the blood cause damage
to other vital organs of the body such as the kidneys.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
The 1994 American–European Consensus Committee
defines ARDS as the acute onset of bilateral infiltrates on
chest radiography, a partial pressure of arterial oxygen
(PaO2) to fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) ratio of less
than 200 mmHg and a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure of less than 18, or the absence of clinical evidence of
left arterial hypertension.
The mortality rate is approximately 30–40%. Death
usually results from multi-system organ failure rather
than lung failure alone.
Causes: A number of clinical conditions are associated
with the development of ARDS.
Sepsis and the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) are the most common conditions associated with the development of ARDS.
Severe traumatic injury (especially multiple fractures),
severe head injury, and pulmonary contusion are
strongly associated with the development of ARDS. In
traumatic injury, factures of the long bones can cause
ARDS through fat embolism. In severe brain injury,
ARDS is thought to develop owing to a sudden discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, which then
leads to acute pulmonary hypertension and injury to
the pulmonary capillary bed. In pulmonary contusions,
ARDS develops through direct trauma to the lung.
Multiple blood transfusions are an independent risk
factor for ARDS. The risk is independent of the reason
for the transfusion or the coexistence of trauma.
The incidence of ARDS increases with the number of
units of blood transfused. If the patient has pre-existing abnormal liver functioning or a coagulation abnormality, the risk is further increased.
Near drowning can be another cause of ARDS. Development of ARDS is slightly more common with saltwater than with fresh-water. Aspiration leads to an
osmotic gradient that favors movement of water into
airspaces of the lung. Aspiration may be visible with
chest radiography, although the chest radiograph may
be normal early in the course of the disease.
Smoke inhalation is another possible cause of ARDS.
Smoke inhalation causes lung tissue damage from direct
heat, toxic chemicals, and particulate matter carried
into the lung. Patients with smoke inhalation initially
may be asymptomatic, but patients with airway burns,
exposure to toxic fumes, or exposure to carbon monoxide should be monitored closely for the development of
ARDS, even if the symptoms are initially absent.
Overdoses of narcotics, tricyclic antidepressants, and
other sedatives have been associated with the development of ARDS. Overdoses of tricyclic antidepressants
are the most common. This risk is independent of the
risk from concurrent aspiration.
Medical Treatment for ARDS:
People with ARDS require hospitalization and treatment in an intensive care unit.
There is no specific treatment for ARDS, but rather,
treatment is primarily supportive using a mechanical
respirator and supplemental oxygen.
Diuretics can be given to eliminate fluid from the
lungs. However, fluids are often given via IV to provide nutrition and prevent dehydration, but fluids
must be carefully monitored to avoid fluid accumulation in the lungs.
Antibiotic therapy may be administered to treat infection, which is often the underlying cause of ARDS.
Corticosteroids may sometimes be given late in the
process of ARDS or if the patient is in shock. If the
patient is in shock, drugs to counteract low blood
pressure caused by shock may be administered.
If the patient is experiencing anxiety, this can be
treated with anti-anxiety medications.
Respiratory therapists may see these patients to provide
inhaled drugs to decrease inflammation and provide respiratory comfort.
Because of the acute and medically serious nature of
ARDS, it would be unlikely for neuropsychological exam
to be requested when a person is acutely ill with ARDS.
Mortality with ARDS is 30–40% and the person would
typically be treated in an Intensive Care Unit. If the person
survives, outpatient neuropsychological evaluation could
be requested and results may show memory deficits related
to the hypoxia as well as neuropsychological deficits
related to the underlying medical cause for ARDS (e.g.,
severe TBI, near drowning, sepsis, medication overdose).
Cross References
▶ Anoxia
▶ Hypoxia
References and Readings
Bernard, G. R., Artigas, A., Brigham, K. L., Charlet, J., Falke, K., Hudson, L,
Lamy M., Legall, J. R., Morris, A., & Spragg, R. (1994). Report of the
American-European consensus conference on ARDS: Definitions,
mechanisms, relevant outcomes and clinical trial coordination. Intensive Care Medicine, 20, 225–232.
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition
▶ American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990
▶ Tachyphylaxis
Adaptive Behavior Assessment
System – Second Edition
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA
The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition (ABAS-II; Harrison & Oakland, 2003) provides an
assessment of adaptive behavior and skills for persons
from birth through age 89. Five forms are available:
parent/primary caregiver form (for ages 0–5), teacher/
day-care provider form (for ages 2–5), parent form (for
ages 5–21), teacher form (for ages 5–21), and an adult
form (for ages 16–89). Its standardization sample is large
(>4,000) and representative of US data from 1999 to 2000
with respect to gender, race/ethnicity, and parental education, and it is proportional to individuals with disabilities. Forms are available in French-Canadian and
Spanish. The scales have been adapted for use in Sweden
and Taiwan, with plans for extensions to the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Germany, Romania, and Spain.
Historic Background
The ABAS (Harrison & Oakland, 2000) preceded the
development of the ABAS-II. The ABAS was developed
to be a measure of adaptive behavior consistent with
current definitions (e.g., those promulgated by the
American Psychiatric Association’s (2000) Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities’ (AAIDD, 1992) models of adaptive behavior)
that underscored the importance of ten skill areas:
communication, community use, functional academics,
health and safety, home or school living, leisure, selfcare, self-direction, social, and work skills. The ABAS
norm groups were large and included persons 5
through 89. The ABAS was revised shortly after its
publication in response to two issues: a need for the
downward extension of the ABAS for younger children
and a change in the concept of adaptive behavior embodied in AAIDD’s 2002 definition, one that emphasized the
importance of three domains (e.g., conceptual, social, and
The ABAS-II is the only scale of adaptive behavior
consistent with models of adaptive behavior advocated
by the AAIDD’s 1992 and 2002 definitions and the
American Psychiatric Association’s (2000) Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Scaled scores
for 11 adaptive skill areas are provided (Table 1). Ten skill
area scores combine to produce standard scores in their
respective domains: conceptual (communication, functional academics, and self-direction), social (social skills
and leisure), and practical (self-care, home or school
living, community use, health and safety, and work for
adults); motor skills are assessed for young children. A
General Adaptive Composite Score is derived from the
skill scores.
Item Data
All items are scored on a four-point scale: 0 (cannot
perform the behavior), 1 (can perform the behavior
yet does not), 2 (performs the behavior sometimes),
and 4 (performs the behavior most or all of the time).
This feature is consistent with the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning
(Mpofu & Oakland, 2010) effort to distinguish activities
and performance.
Respondents may indicate that they guessed. Data
from subtests with more than three guesses should not
be used. The ABAS-II’s scoring and reporting system
informs clinicians of interventions likely to promote the
development of selected behaviors associated with critical
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition. Table 1 Adaptive skills and three adaptive domains
Adaptive skills
Speech, language, and listening skills needed for communication with other people, including vocabulary,
responding to questions, and conversation skills
Community use
Skills needed for functioning in the community, including use of community resources, shopping skills,
and getting around in the community
Basic reading, writing, mathematics, and other academic skills needed for daily, independent functioning,
including telling time, measurement, as well as writing notes and letters
Home living
Skills needed for basic care of a home or living setting, including cleaning, straightening, property
maintenance and repairs, as well as food preparation and performing chores
Health and safety Skills needed for protection of health and to respond to illness and injury, including following safety rules,
using medicines, and showing caution
Skills needed for engaging in and planning leisure and recreational activities, including playing with
others, engaging in recreation at home, and following rules in games
Skills needed for personal care including eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, grooming, and hygiene
Skills needed for independence, responsibility, and self-control, including starting and completing tasks,
keeping a schedule, following time limits, following directions, and making choices
Skills needed to interact socially and get along with other people, including having friends, showing and
recognizing emotions, assisting others, and using manners
Skills needed for successful functioning and holding a part-time or full-time job in a work setting, including
completing work tasks, working with supervisors, and following a work schedule
Motor skillsa
Basic fine and gross motor skills needed for locomotion, manipulation of the environment, and the
development of more complex activities such as sports, including sitting, pulling up to a standing position,
walking, fine motor control, and kicking
Three domains and associated skill areas
Includes communication, functional academics, self-direction, and health and safety skills
Includes social skills and leisure skills
Includes self-care, home/school living, community use, health and safety, and work skills
Although fine and gross motor development is not included as one of the ten skills identified by the American Association on Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, it is included in some scales of adaptive behavior.
Psychometric Data
Scaled scores generally range from 40 to 120. Consistent
with all measures of adaptive behavior, the ABAS-II is
more sensitive to the assessment of adaptive behavior
and skills at the lower than the higher ranges. Cut scores
are not provided by disability category; instead, reliance is
placed on diagnostic standards established by state and
national authorities.
The ABAS-II demonstrates suitable psychometric
qualities. Internal consistency is high, with reliability
coefficients of 0.85–0.99 for the General Adaptive
Composite, three adaptive behavior domains, and
skill areas. Test–retest reliability coefficients are in
the 0.80s and 0.90s for the General Adaptive Composite, three domains, and skill areas (Harrison &
Oakland, 2003). Inter-rater reliability coefficients (e.g.,
between teachers, day-care providers, and parents)
range from the 0.60s to the 0.80s for the skill areas and
are in the 0.90s for the General Adaptive Composite. Its
construct validity is strong as displayed through factor
analyses (Harrison & Oakland, 2003; Wei, Oakland, &
Algina, 2008). Its concurrent validity with the Vineland
Adaptive Behavior Scales – Classroom Edition’s Adaptive Behavior Composite is high, r = 0.82 (Harrison &
Oakland, 2003). See reviews by Burns (2005), Meikamp
and Suppa (2005), and Rust and Wallace (2004) for additional details.
Clinical Uses
Measures of adaptive behavior have been most important
in assessment of persons with mental retardation (now
referred to as intellectual disabilities by AAIDD). The
ABAS-II is useful in this diagnosis as well as in intervention planning and monitoring for this and other
The ABAS-II also may assist in promoting an understanding of the impact on a person’s daily life activities of
other disorders (e.g., those often diagnosed first during
infancy or early childhood include autism, disorders of
attention, communication, conduct, elimination, feeding
and eating, learning, motor skills, and pervasive developmental disorders; Harman, Smith-Bonahue, & Oakland,
2009; Oakland & Harrison, 2008). The ABAS-II is
useful with children and adolescents who display disorders including attention deficit/hyperactivity, acquired
brain injury, auditory or visual impairment, autism,
developmental delays, emotional/behavioral disorders,
learning disabilities, and physical impairments (Ditterline, Banner, Oakland, & Becton 2008; Harrison &
Oakland, 2003; Oakland & Harrison, 2008).
Adults diagnosed with such disorders as anxiety, acute
stress or adjustment disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, mood disorders, psychosis, Parkinson’s, postpartum
depression, substance abuse, schizophrenia, and sleep
disturbance may display impairments in their functional
daily living skills. Older adults diagnosed with Alzheimer’s type dementia and other cognitive and neuropsychological disorders with late-life onset often display
impairments in their functional daily living skills. Although data from the ABAS-II may not be crucial in the
diagnosis of some of these disorders, ABAS-II data will
promote an understanding of their impact on daily living
skills. The ABAS-II is used in the assessment of mental
retardation among death row inmates in light of the 2002
US Supreme Court Atkins decision (Olley & Cox, 2008).
of support (10th ed.). Washington, DC: American Association on
Mental Retardation.
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC:
American Association on Mental Retardation.
Burns, M. K. (2005). Review of the adaptive behavior assessment system –
second edition. In R. Spies & B. Plake (Eds.), The sixteenth mental
measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental
Ditterline, J., Banner, D., Oakland, T., & Becton, D. (2008). Adaptive
behavior profiles of students with disabilities. Journal of Applied
School Psychology, 24, 191–208.
Harman, J., Smith-Bonahue, T., & Oakland, T. (2009). Assessment of
adaptive behavior development in young children. In E. Mpofu &
T. Oakland (Eds.). Rehabilitation and Health Assessment: Applying
ICF Guidelines. New York: Springer.
Harrison, P. & Oakland, T. (2000). Adaptive behavior assessment system.
San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Harrison, P. & Oakland, T. (2003). Adaptive behavior assessment system –
second edition. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Meikamp, J., & Suppa, C. H. (2005). Review of the adaptive behavior
assessment system – second edition. In R. Spies & B. Plake (Eds.),
The sixteenth mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros
Institute of Mental Measurements.
Mpofu, E. & Oakland, T. (2010). Assessment in rehabilitation and health.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
Oakland, T. & Harrison, P. (2008). Adaptive behavior assessment system-II:
Behavior assessment system-II: Clinical use and interpretation.
New York: Elsevier
Olley, J. G., & Cox, A. (2008). Assessment of adaptive behavior in adult
forensic cases: The use of the ABAS-II. In T. Oakland, & P. Harrison,
(Eds.), Adaptive behavior assessment system-II: Clinical use and interpretation. Boston: Elsevier
Rust, J. O. & Wallace, M. A. (2004). Test review: Adaptive behavior
assessment system – second edition. Journal of Psychoeducational
Assessment, 22, 367–373.
Wei, Y., Oakland, T., & Algina, J. (2008). Multigroup confirmatory factor
analysis for the parent form, ages 5–21, of the adaptive behavior
assessment system-II. American Journal on Mental Retardation. 113,
Adaptive Functions
Cross References
▶ Activities of Daily Living
▶ Activity Restrictions and Limitations
▶ Adaptive Behavior
▶ Intellectual Disabilities
▶ Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
▶ Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
(1992). Definitions, classifications, and systems of supports (9th ed.).
Washington, DC: American Association on Mental Retardation.
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
(2002). Mental retardation: Definition, classification, and systems
▶ Substance Abuse Disorders
Adelaide Activities Index
Adelaide Activities Index
▶ Frenchay Activity Index
Drexel University
Morgantown, WV, USA
ADHD, Combined
▶ Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
ADHD, Predominantly
Hyperactive-impulsive Type
▶ Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
A benign tumor of glandular origin. There are three types
of adenomas: tubular (most common; tube-like structure), villous (least common; most likely to become cancerous; ruffled structure), and tubulovillous (blend of
tubular and villous structures). Adenomas do not metastasize, though they can develop into malignancies known
as adenocarcinomas. The tumor may occur throughout
the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland.
Pituitary adenomas occur at a much higher incidence
in adults than in children. Because their invasiveness is
local, they are almost always benign and can be difficult to
detect. There is the secreting and the nonsecreting type.
Clinical symptoms come from the endocrine dysfunction
or from mass effect, and include headaches, hypopituitarism, and visual loss (caused by compression in the optic
chiasm). Treatment of pituitary adenomas includes correction of electrolyte dysfunction, replacement of pituitary hormones, surgical resection, and radiotherapy.
Cross References
▶ Pituitary Adenoma
ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive
▶ Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
▶ Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised
▶ Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire
University of Maryland Medical Center/Baltimore VA
Baltimore, MD, USA
References and Readings
Mazzaferri, E. L., & Saaman, N. A. (Eds.) (1993). Endocrine tumors.
Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
▶ Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
Admissibility of evidence refers to any testimonial, documentary material, or other form of tangible evidence that
can be considered by the trier of fact, most typically
a judge or a jury, in the context of a judicial or
administrative proceeding. In order for evidence to be
admissible, it must be relevant, non-prejudicial, and
possess some indicia of reliability. For example, if
Adoption Studies
evidence consists of a witness testimonial, it must be
established that the witness is credible and that he/she
has knowledge of that which he/she is declaring. For
neuropsychologists, a central issue is the admissibility
of one’s data and opinions. Rules 401, 402, and
702–705 from Article VII of the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) relate to ‘‘Opinions & Expert Testimony.’’
Perhaps of most relevance to psychologists is rule
FRE 702 which states, ‘‘If scientific, technical, or other
specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to
understand the evidence or to determine a fact in
issue, a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge,
skill, experience, training or education, may testify
thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise.’’ In
other words, the expert should possess some form of
knowledge that a typical judge or juror would not be
expected to know or understand. Rule 703 states, ‘‘The
facts or data in the particular case upon which an
expert bases an opinion or inference may be those
perceived by or made known to the expert at or before
the hearing. If of a type reasonably relied upon by
experts in the particular field in forming opinions or
inferences upon the subject, the facts or data need not
be admissible in evidence in order for the opinion or
the inference to be admitted. Facts or data that are
otherwise inadmissible shall not be disclosed to the
jury by the proponent of the opinion or inference
unless the court determines that their probative value
in assisting the jury to evaluate the expert’s opinion
substantially outweighs their prejudicial effect.’’
Several important cases have addressed the admissibility of scientific testimony. In the case of Frye v. United
States (1923), the Frye standard was established which
stated that: only scientific methods and concepts with
‘‘general acceptance’’ within a particular field are admissible. In the more recent case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow
(1993), it was determined that scientific testimony has to
abide by two criteria, the testimony must be: (a) scientifically valid and (b) relevant to the case at hand.
Cross References
▶ Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993)
References and Readings
A complete list of the Federal Rules of Evidence is available at: http://
Greiffenstein, M. F. (2009). Basics of forensic neuropsychology. In
J. Morgan, & J. Ricker (Eds.). Textbook of clinical neuropsychology.
New York: Taylor & Francis.
Jenkins v. United States, 307 F. 2d 637 (1962).
Kaufmann, P. M. (2008). Admissibility of neuropsychological evidence in
criminal cases: Competency, insanity, culpability, and mitigation.
In R. Denney, & J. Sullivan (Eds.). Clinical neuropsychology in the
criminal forensic setting. New York: Guilford.
Admissibility of Psychological
▶ Jenkins v. U.S. (1962)
Admissibility of Psychological/
Neuropsychological Evidence
▶ Baxter v. Temple (2005)
Adoption Studies
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, USA
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
Adoption studies typically compare pairs of persons, e.g.,
adopted child and adoptive mother or adopted child and
biological mother to assess genetic and environmental
influences on behavior.
Current Knowledge
Familial resemblance of behaviors is due to genetic and/or
common familial environmental influences. Adoption
studies provide a direct test of the role of both factors.
This is possible by drawing comparisons between families
that share genetic and environmental influences and
families that share only genetic or environmental factors.
Adoption creates two types of families. The ‘‘genetic
family’’ consists of pairs of genetically related individuals
who do not share a common family environment (e.g.,
biological parent and adopted-away child). The similarity between these pairs of relatives provides a direct
estimate of genetic effects on behaviors. The second
type family is the ‘‘environmental family,’’ which is
made up of pairs of individuals who are not genetically
related but who share a common family environment (e.
g., adoptive parent and adopted child). The similarity
between pairs of relatives from an ‘‘environmental
family’’ indicates the presence of environmental influences on behavior. Adoption studies utilize either
parent–offspring pairs or sibling pairs. Because data
on biological parents and siblings of adoptees are
sometimes rare, comparison between ‘‘genetic-plusenvironmental’’ families (i.e., intact families) and adoptive
families also provides evidence of genetic and environmental influences.
Relevance to Neuropsychology
The Colorado Adoption Project has been collecting
longitudinal data on biological and adoptive parents and
their biological or adopted children for over 30 years
(Petrill, Plomin, DeFries, & Hewitt, 2003). In one set of
analyses from that project reported by Plomin, Fulker,
Corley, and DeFries (1997), parent–offspring correlations
were calculated for children aged 3–16 years. The results
of the analyses show increasing correlations across those
ages between biological parents and their adopted-away
children on such special cognitive abilities as verbal skills
and perceptual speed. Correlations between adoptive
parents and adopted children remained about zero across
those ages. The authors interpret the results to indicate
that heritability increases for those special cognitive
abilities with age and that the role of shared environment
is low or nonexistent.
Today, adoption study data are used to assess the
genetic and environmental influence on a variety of
clinical outcomes that include drug addiction (Young,
Rhee, Stallings, Corley, & Hewitt, 2006) and age of sexual
initiation (Bricker et al., 2006), to name a few.
References and Readings
Bricker, J. B., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Wadsworth, S. J., Bryan, A.,
Timberlake, D. S., et al. (2006). Genetic and environmental
influences on age at sexual initiation in the Colorado adoption
project. Behavior Genetics, 36, 820–832.
Petrill, S. A., Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., & Hewitt, J. K. (2003). Nature,
nurture, and the transition to early adolescence. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Plomin, R., Fulker, D. W., Corley, R., & DeFries, J. C. (1997). Nature,
nurture, and cognitive development from 1 to 16 years: A parentoffspring adoption study. Psychological Science, 8, 442–447.
Young, S. E., Rhee, S. H., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., & Hewitt, J. K.
(2006). Genetic and environmental vulnerabilities underlying
adolescent substance use and problem use: General or specific?
Behavior Genetics, 36, 603–615.
▶ Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
Adrenal Hormones
▶ Minimal Brain Dysfunction
▶ Epinephrine
Adrenergic Agonists
▶ Catecholamines
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Drexel University, College of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Cross References
▶ Twin Studies
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is produced by
the anterior pituitary gland and is a component of the
Advanced Progressive Matrices
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The release of ACTH
is associated with the biological response to stress. The
production of ACTH from the pituitary gland stimulates
the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. The ACTH stimulation test is a common procedure used to assess the
integrity of the adrenal glands. This test is used to identify
a number of medical conditions including adrenal insufficiency, Addison’s disease, and related medical conditions
(Melmed & Kleinberg, 2008).
Cross References
▶ Hypothalamus
References and Readings
Melmed, S., & Kleinberg, D. (2008). Anterior pituitary. In H. M.
Kronenberg, S. Melmed, K. S. Polonsky, & P. R. Larsen (Eds.),
Williams textbook of endocrinology (11th edn.). Philadelphia, PA:
Saunders Elsevier.
First developed in the 1940s as an additional form of the
Raven’s progressive matrices, the advanced progressive
matrices (APM) were developed to test intellectual
efficiency in people with greater than average intellectual
ability, and to differentiate clearly between people of
superior ability. A nonverbal test of inductive reasoning,
the APM contains 48 items, presented as one set of
12 (Set I), and another of 36 (Set II). As in the standard
version of the test (SPM), items are presented in black ink
on a white background, and become increasingly difficult
as progress is made through each set. Although it is an
untimed task, some clinicians administer the APM under
time constraints. Set II can be used without a time limit to
assess the examinee’s total reasoning capacity. In this case,
the examinee would first be shown the problems of Set I as
examples to explain the principles of the test, and would
then be given approximately 1 h to complete the task.
Alternately, Set I can be given as a short practice test
followed by Set II as a speed test. In this case, 40 min is
the time limit most commonly given for Set II.
Historical Background
Adult Respiratory Distress
▶ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Advanced MS
▶ Secondary-Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
The APM was designed in the 1940s to assess nonverbal
abstract conceptualization skills of individuals for whom
the standard version was too easy; that is, those achieving a raw score of 50 or above on the SPM. For children
over 10 years of age with high intellectual functioning,
the APM may be the appropriate version to ensure an
adequate ceiling (Mills, Ablard, & Brody, 1993). For
additional information about the historical background
of the original test, please refer to the entry for Raven’s
Progressive Matrices.
Psychometric Data
Advanced Progressive Matrices
Kessler Foundation Research Center
West Orange, NJ, USA
Norms for adolescents (ages 12–16.5) and adults (18–68+;
Sets I and II) for untimed (ages 12–70+) and timed (ages
17–28) versions are provided for North America (Raven,
Raven Court, 1998).The reliability of the test is considered
good, with high internal consistency of APM Set II, and
split-half reliability coefficients varying between 0.83 and
0.87 (Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2006). Set I, as it has
only 12 items, yields lower figures. Reliability of the
original 48-item version was found to be high for adults
and children aged 11.5 years+ (>0.80); for younger
children, it was only reasonably reliable (0.76). Overall,
Set II scores increased by three points on retest (Raven
et al., 1998).
Clinical Uses
The SPM and CPM have been found to be sensitive to a
variety of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions
(▶ Raven’s Progressive Matrices). The APM, designed for
use with higher functioning individuals, may be more
appropriately employed for assessing an individual’s
capacity for decision-making or strategic planning at
the management level in the workplace or in a higher
education setting.
Cross References
▶ Colored Progressive Matrices
▶ Raven’s Progressive Matrices
▶ Standard Progressive Matrices
References and Readings
Mills, C. J., Ablard, K. E., & Brody, L. E. (1993). The Raven’s progressive
matrices: Its usefulness for identifying gifted/talented students.
Roeper Review, 15, 183–186.
Raven, J. C. (1965, 1994). Advanced progressive matrices sets I and II.
Oxford: Oxford Psychologists Press.
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (1996). Progressive matrices:
A perceptual test of intelligence. Individual form. Oxford: Oxford
Psychologists Press. (Original work published 1938)
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (1998). Raven manual: Section 4.
Advanced progressive matrices. Oxford: Oxford Psychologists Press
Raven, J., Raven, J. C., & Court, J. H. (2003). Manual for Raven’s progressive matrices and vocabulary scales. Section 1: General overview.
San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment.
Strauss, E., Sherman, E. M. S., Spreen, O. (Eds.). (2006). A compendium of
neuropsychological tests (3rd ed.). NY: Oxford University Press.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA, USA
Advocate; Support
The process of supporting or acting on behalf of a cause;
facilitating equal community access and participation of
individuals or groups that have typically been socially
and/or economically marginalized. There are several
types of advocacy to include:
Systems Advocacy: the process in which any system
(public, private, community based) is made more responsive to the needs of the individual served by the system.
This process may include increasing awareness of services
and resources available within a community; identifying
unmet needs of individuals; identifying existing barriers
that impede access to community services and resources;
developing strategies to eliminate legislative, regulatory,
social and economic barriers that may impede access to
one’s community supports and resources.
Individual Advocacy: the process of increasing
awareness of unmet needs and procuring rights or benefits
on behalf of another individual or group of individuals.
Self-Advocacy: the process of empowering an individual
to rely upon him or herself to make his/her own choices
and decisions in order to direct the course of his/her life.
The People First movement of the 1970s was a progenitor of
self-advocacy as a civil rights movement. The independent
living movement also fostered self-advocacy and provided
a foundation for self-advocacy activism.
Cross References
▶ Americans with Disabilities Act
▶ Independent Living
References and Readings
Dell Orto, A. E., & Marinelli, R. P. (Eds.) (1995). Encyclopedia of disability
and rehabilitation. New York: MacMillian Publishing.
Test, D., Fowler, C. H., Wood, W. M., Brewer, D. M., & Eddy, S. (2005).
Conceptual framework of self-advocacy for students with disabilities.
Remedial and Special Education, 26, 43–54.
Wehmeyer, M. L. (2004). Self-determination and the empowerment of
people with disabilities. American Rehabilitation, 28, 22–29.
▶ Advocacy
Affective Disorder
Butler Hospital
Providence, RI, USA
Adynamia refers to a general weakness and lack of energy
evident through lack of verbal or overt behavior due to
a disease or neurological conditions. It can manifest as
lethargy, loss of strength, weakness in extremities, and
difficulty initiating activities or completing tasks. Adynamia can be observed after trauma to the frontal lobes,
multiple sclerosis, and other conditions. In language, verbal adynamia (lack of spontaneity of speech) is seen with
lesions of the medial frontal lobes and refers to difficulty
in initiation and maintenance of language output.
Cross References
▶ Abulia
▶ Apathy
▶ Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Affect is the display and experiencing of emotion. It
includes positive dimensions such as joy, interest, and
contentment, as well as negative dimensions of emotion
such as disgust, fear, and anger. Affect is a very rapid
response to internal (e.g., thoughts, memory) or external
stimuli (e.g., other people). It is different from mood,
in that it is more momentary and observable by
others, whereas mood is longer-lasting and constitutes a
symptom that patients may report (e.g., depression).
Affect can be observed from facial expression, gestures,
posture, and speech (e.g., word choice, tone, rate).
Cross References
▶ Affective Disorder
▶ Emotions
▶ Mood Disorder
References and Readings
Batson, C. D., Shaw, L. L., & Oleson, K. C. (1992). Differentiating affect,
mood and emotion: Toward functionally-based conceptual distinctions.
Emotion. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Blechman, E. A. (1990). Moods, affect, and emotions. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Ekman, P. (1993). An argument for basic emotion. Cognition and
Emotion, 6, 169–200.
References and Readings
Berrios, G. E. (2008). Classic text no. 76: ‘Asthenia’ by A. Dechambre
(1865). History of Psychiatry, 19(4), 490–501.
Caplan, D. (1987). Neurolinguistics and linguistic aphasiology: An
introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Affect Display
▶ Affect
Affective Disorder
Kent State University
Kent, OH, USA
Kent State University
Kent, OH, USA
Affect display
Emotional disorder; Mood disorder
Affective Disorder
Short Description or Definition
Affective disorder is a mental disorder predominantly
characterized by altered mood that results in a significant
impairment in social, occupational, or other important
area of functioning. Affective disorders include depressive
disorders such as major depressive disorder, minor depressive disorder, and dysthymia, as well as manic disorders such as bipolar disorder and cyclothymic disorder.
Affective disorders may be primary or caused by medical
conditions or substances.
Mania and depression seem to anchor the ends of an
emotional and behavioral continuum, an observation
that dates from ancient times. In Hippocrates’ humoral
theory, mania resulted from an excess of yellow bile, and
depression to an excess of black bile. In the early twentieth
century, German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin described
affective disorders as belonging to a manic–depressive
form of psychosis, which he differentiated from dementia
praecox. The term ‘‘manic depression’’ was replaced by
more contemporary language, including major depressive
disorder and bipolar disorder in the twentieth century,
and, for example, major depressive disorder was first
incorporated into the third edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual (DSM-III).
Depressive disorders include major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. Diagnosis of major depressive disorder is made on the basis of symptoms, as there is
no physiological test that reliably diagnoses depression.
Major depressive disorder requires at least 2 weeks of depressed mood and/or loss of interest in usually pleasurable
activities (anhedonia). In addition, at least four of the following seven symptoms must also be present; significant
weight gain or loss or appetite changes, sleep disturbance
(e.g., early morning awakening with difficulty returning to
sleep), observable disturbances in psychomotor speed
(increased or diminished), loss of energy or excessive
fatigue, feelings of low self-worth or inappropriate guilt,
cognitive changes such as the subjective experience of difficulty concentrating, and thinking about or planning suicide.
Dysthymia is similar to major depressive disorder,
although the depression must be chronic (i.e., two or
more years of depressed mood), and during the first
2 years of the dysthymia, there must not have been an
episode of major depression or a period of longer than
2 months with no symptoms.
Bipolar disorder is diagnosed when there is a
‘‘manic’’ mood disturbance characterized by markedly
expansive, elevated, or irritable mood, lasting at least
1 week. The mood disturbance must be accompanied by
additional symptoms such as grandiosity, excessive risky
behavior such as sexual behavior or irresponsible spending, and decreased need for sleep. A ‘‘mixed’’ episode
denotes mood disturbances that are characterized by
both manic and depressive symptoms. A ‘‘hypomanic’’
episode is a less-pronounced elevation of mood that
would not qualify as a true manic episode. Bipolar disorders follow a course in which periods of elevated
mood alternate with periods of depression, and are
categorized according to the nature of these episodes.
For example, Bipolar I involves alternating manic and
depressive episodes; in Bipolar II, there are alternating
hypomanic and depressive episodes; cyclothymic disorder involves alternating hypomanic and depressive episodes that do not meet full criteria for major depression.
Affective disorders are very common. At any one time,
approximately 10% of the adult population, or nearly
20 million Americans, have a depressive illness. Rates of
depression are even higher in patients with comorbid medical conditions, and, for example, about 30% of patients with
cardiac disease have clinically significant depression. Bipolar
disorder is much less common than unipolar depression,
occurring in between 2% and 4% of the population (including Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorder). While
depression is twice as common among women as men,
bipolar is equally common in men and women.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors, and
Affective disorders often start in adolescence. For example, the onset of Bipolar disorder is typically 15–24 years
of age. However, the most likely ages for a first major
depressive episode are 30–40 years of age. Depressive
disorders often remit spontaneously, but recurrence is
common, and about 15% of individuals experiencing an
initial major depressive episode will develop chronic recurrent depression. The bipolar disorders are highly heritable, and research continues to determine genetic risk
markers for bipolar disorder. Brain imaging studies also
suggest that a broad risk for unstable moods may underlie
Affective Spectrum Disorders
bipolar disorder, but more research is warranted. The
causes of depression are not fully understood, but appear
to involve the interaction of genetic and environmental
factors such as stress and disruptions in interpersonal
relationships. Thus, in addition to female gender, risk
factors for depression include severe life stress such as
traumatic events and loss of significant relationships. Depression is associated with shorter life expectancy from
suicide and other causes of death. For example, depression increases risk of cardiac disease, as well as risk of
mortality among individuals with cardiac disease.
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
Affective Disorder
Depression is common in neurological conditions such as
stroke and traumatic brain injury (Robinson, 2006;
Rosenthal, Christensen, & Ross, 1998). Even without an
obvious neurologic insult, individuals with alterations in
executive control, memory, and emotion regulation are at
increased risk for depression. Furthermore, individuals
with depression often show neuropsychological deficits
in the absence of neurological conditions. The neuropsychological deficits specified in the diagnostic criteria for
depression include difficulty concentrating and making
decisions. Thus, depressed patients often exhibit deficits
in executive control, memory, and processing speed. For
bipolar disorder, distractibility is typically present, as well
as impaired decision making reflected in the criterion
relating to distractibility of excessive involvement in
activities that present significant risk of negative consequences. Current neuropsychological theories of depression emphasize the frontal lobes and basal ganglia,
including abnormalities in neural circuitry involving the
prefrontal cortex, mesiotemporal cortex, striatum, amygdala, and thalamus (Chamberlain & Sahakain, 2006).
These areas may also be implicated in bipolar disorder,
as they appear to underlie mood symptoms and treatment
Assessment of affective disorders focuses on self-report
instruments and clinical interviews. Neuropsychological
testing may reveal deficits in executive function, attention
psychomotor slowing, and biases in the processing of
emotional stimuli. Specifically, depressed individuals
have exaggerated responses to negative feedback, including rumination. Neuropsychological evaluations in depression and bipolar disorder are used frequently in
research, as tests with broad clinical utility in the context
of assessing or treating affective disorders have not been
widely disseminated.
Depression is often treated with medication and/or psychotherapy. A large number of medications are available
to treat depression, including selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, which typically have relatively milder side
effects and lower risks than older drugs such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Treatment of bipolar disorders
requires pharmacotherapy. In contrast to major depressive disorder, bipolar cannot be successfully treated by
psychotherapy alone.
Cross References
▶ Depressive Disorder
References and Readings
Allen, L. B., McHugh, R. K., & Barlow, D. H. (2008). Emotional disorders:
A unified protocol. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of
psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (4th ed.)
(pp. 216–249). New York: Guilford Press.
American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Text Revision. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association.
Chamberlain, S. R., & Sahakain, B. J. (2006). The neuropsychology of
mood disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 8, 458–463.
Clark, L., Chamberlain, S. R., & Sahakian, B. J. (2009). Neurocognitive
mechanisms in depression: Implications for treatment. Annual
Review of Neuroscience, 32, 57–74.
Robinson, R. (2006). The neuropsychiatry of stroke (2nd ed.). New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Rosenthal, M., Christensen, B., & Ross, T. (1998). Depression following
traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 79, 90–103.
Affective Spectrum Disorders
▶ Unexplained Illness
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA, USA
Cross References
▶ Lemniscal System
References and Readings
Luria, A. L. (1976). The working brain: An introduction to neuropsychology.
New York: Perseus Books Group.
Age Decrements
Afferent is an anatomical term that indicates functional
directionality. In nervous tissue, afferent is often used
synonymously with sensory information when it refers
to nerves carrying impulses from peripheral receptors
toward the central nervous system. Afferent can also be
used in general to refer to any connection coming into a
structure within the nervous system. The opposite direction of conduction is efferent.
Afferent Paresis
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Age-associated cognitive decline
The concept of age decrements in neuropsychology refers
to a decline in cognitive performance due to normal aging
rather than due to an extraneous or internal event that is
known to negatively affect cognitive performance, such as
a traumatic brain injury, stroke, psychiatric symptoms,
and extensive drug use history.
Current Knowledge
A deficit in the ability to perform voluntary movements
due to loss of kinesthetic feedback. The primary and
secondary motor cortices have extensive inputs from the
somatosensory areas in the parietal lobes. Following
lesions to this latter area, particularly the post-central
gyrus or to the lemniscal system which provides proprioceptive information to it, motor difficulties may be observed either in the limbs or in speech production.
Although the muscles involved in such activities are not
weak per se, the loss of sensory information results in a
disruption of motor control and an imprecise excitation
of muscle groups required to execute specific, voluntary
fine-motor responses.
Variability in the performance of aging individuals adds
complexity to the determination of specific age decrements on neuropsychological tests. It is generally thought
that individuals are more likely to retain ‘‘crystallized’’
knowledge (e.g., that which is practiced, overlearned,
and skill-based) than ‘‘fluid’’ knowledge (e.g., problemsolving). As there are factors that heighten the risk for age
decrements, protective factors may counteract the risk.
For instance, higher levels of education and positive
health status may slow down the rate of cognitive decline
that would otherwise occur with increasing age.
One concept that illustrates age decrements is AgeAssociated Memory Impairment (AAMI), which pertains
to age-related decline in performance specifically in terms
of memory.
Cross References
Current Knowledge
▶ Cognitive Reserve
▶ Memory Impairment
Agenesis can result from various etiologies, including
genetic predisposition, chromosomal abnormalities, or
intrauterine trauma, such as infection. When present,
this condition is commonly associated with other neuroanatomical anomalies, metabolic disturbances, and/or
neurobehavioral deficits. The latter might include mental
retardation, seizures, motor deficits, and psychiatric
disturbances. However, some patients may be relatively
asymptomatic, the callosal defect being discovered only
serendipitously late in life. The latter is more likely to
occur when the agenesis is not accompanied by other
neurological or metabolic defects. Whereas ‘‘disconnection syndromes’’ are routinely present following surgical
commissurotomy for intractable epilepsy, they are generally not present with agenesis.
References and Readings
Lezak, M. D. (2004). Neuropsychological assessment (4th Ed.). New York:
Oxford University Press.
Age Equivalent
▶ Mental Age
References and Readings
Age-associated Cognitive Decline
▶ Age Decrements
▶ Mild Cognitive Impairment
Age-Associated Memory
Impairment (AAMI)
Aicardi, J., Chevrie, J.-J., & Baraton, J. (1987). Agenesis of the corpus
callosum. In P. J. Vinken, G. W. Bruyn, & H. L. Klawans (Eds.),
Handbook of clinical neurology (Vol.50, pp. 149–173). New York:
Marszal, E., Jamroz, E., Pilch, J., Kluczewska, E., Jablecka, H., &
Krawczyk, R. (2000). Agenesis of the corpus callosum: Clinical description and etiology. Journal of Child Neurology, 15,
Zaidel, E., & Iacoboni, M. (2003). The parallel brain: The cognitive neuroscience of the corpus callosum. Cambridge, MA: MIT
▶ Benign Senescent Forgetfulness
Agenesis of Corpus Callosum
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
A developmental defect in which either all or part of the
corpus callosum fails to develop.
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Ageusia is the loss of the sense of taste. The disorder
should be distinguished from a disruption in the ability
to perceive flavor, which requires a combination of olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory functions. Frequently,
complaints of ageusia are often explained by olfactory
Aggravating Factors
dysfunction rather than a disruption in taste perception,
per se. The majority of taste receptors (buds) are located
on the tongue and this information is carried by the
VIIth (anterior two thirds) and IXth (posterior third)
cranial nerves, with other taste receptors (cranial nerve
X) located in other regions of the mouth and throat.
These taste fibers enter the solitary nucleus (rostral portion) in the upper medulla and from there second-order
neurons travel to the ventral posterior medial nuclei of the
thalamus. Thalamic projections carrying this gustatory
information then project to the post-central gyrus in
the region of the parietal operculum and to the underlying insular cortex where the sensation of taste is likely
Lesions of the VIIth nerve can result in loss of taste
in the ipsilateral anterior two thirds of the tongue
which is more readily assessable to clinical testing
than lesions of the IXth or Xth nerves. However, total
loss of taste (ageusia) is seldom seen as a result of
structural lesions because of the multiple and bilateral
pathways involved. Ageusia (or hypogeusia) is more
likely to result from more systemic problems such
as treatments for cancer (radiation, chemotherapy),
certain types of influenza, diabetes, or certain medications. Taste acuity (hypogeusia) can decline with
age and may contribute to the anorexia and weight
loss often seen in elderly persons. The prognosis in
acquired ageusia is often correlated directly with the
expected course of the illness or injury causing the
Cross References
▶ Taste
Aggravating Factors
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
Chicago, IL, USA
Refers to any relevant circumstances in correspondence
with the evidence presented during the trial that, from the
perspective of the jurors, makes the harshest penalty appropriate. By contrast, mitigating factors refer to evidence
regarding the defendant’s character or circumstances
related to the crime that would provide foundation for a
juror to vote for a lesser sentence.
Historical Background
In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court considered the death
penalty to be a cruel and an unusual punishment because
the manner in which capital sentences were decided in
Georgia was capricious (Furman v. Georgia, 1972). This
decision discontinued death penalty litigation in the USA
at that time because none of the states had a system that
was substantially different. In 1976 (Gregg v. Georgia), the
Court accepted as constitutional Georgia’s rewrite of their
statute which included a capital sentencing process that
required presentation before a judge or jury of aggravating
and mitigating factors. It required at least one or ten
specified aggravating circumstances to be established beyond reasonable doubt to impose the death penalty.
Some examples include: whether the crime (murder) was
particularly cruel and atrocious, if more than one victim
was murdered, whether the murder occurred during the
commission of a felony, etc.
References and Readings
Current Knowledge
Cerf-Ducastel, Van de Moortele, P.-F., MacLeod, P. Le Bihan, D., &
Faurion, A. (2001). Interaction of gustatory and lingual somatosensory perceptions at the cortical level in the human: A functional
magnetic resonance imaging study. Chemical Senses, May 1, 26(4),
Doty, R. L., & Kimmelman, C. P. (1992). Lesser20R.P. Smell and taste and
their disorders. In A. K. Asbury, G. M. McKhann, & W. I. McDonald
(Eds.), Diseases of the nervous system (2nd ed., pp. 390–403).
Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders.
Wilson-Pauwek, L., Akesson, E., & Stewart, P. (1988). Cranial
nerves: Anatomy and clinical comments. Philadelphia, PA: B.C.
Laws regarding how aggravating or mitigating factors
should be weighed by jurors vary based on state laws.
Neuropsychological assessments in death penalty cases
typically focus on mitigating factors, such as neuropsychological or neurobehavioral impairments, as there is an
increased body of evidence demonstrating a preponderance of neurocognitive deficits in violent criminals. Neuropsychological assessment with respect to aggravating
factors is less common and typically addresses increased
risk of future dangerousness.
Agitated Behavior Scale
Cross References
▶ Mitigating Factors
References and Readings
Denney, R. L. (2005). Criminal responsibility and other criminal forensic
issues. In G. Larrabee (Ed.), Forensic neuropsychology: A scientific
approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).
Gregg v. Georgia, 49 L.Ed.2d. 859 (1976).
Melton, G. B., Petrila, J., Poythress, N. G., & Slobogin, C. (2007). Psychological evaluations for the courts: A Handbook for mental health
professionals and lawyers. (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Agitated Behavior Scale
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
The agitated behavior scale (ABS) was designed to evaluate agitation and other problematic behaviors that
commonly occur during the acute recovery phase following traumatic brain injury (Corrigan, 1989). The ABS is
composed of 14 items that represent a number of commonly occurring problematic behaviors such as short
attention span, impulsivity, uncooperativeness, violence,
and angry outbursts. Information that assists in completing the ABS, including descriptions of the behaviors and
ratings for each item, as well as examples, is available with
the author (Corrigan). Each item is rated on a 1–4-point
scale based on intensity of the behavior or frequency of its
occurrence. Additionally, when assigning ratings, the degree to which the behavior interferes with functional
behavior is also considered. If the behavior is absent a
rating of 1 is assigned. When the behavior is present a
rating of 2 or greater is assigned, with a rating of 4
indicating that the behavior is present to an extreme
degree. A total score is derived by summing across all 14
items (range 14–56) with scores less than 22 in the
normal range, scores of 22–28 indicating mild agitation,
29–35 moderate agitation, and 35–56 severe agitation.
Subscale scores can also be calculated for disinhibition,
aggression, and lability although it appears that ABS primarily measures a single construct (Bogner et al., 2000),
so that the total score may be most appropriate when
interpreting test results.
Current Knowledge
The ABS is often used to perform serial assessments to
track changes in agitation that occur as a natural part of the
recovery process and as a result of treatment. Although
designed with traumatic brain injury in mind, the ABS has
also been used to assess agitation in other populations,
such as patients with progressive dementia (Corrigan,
Bogner, and Tabloski, 1996; Tabloski, McKinnon-Howe,
and Remington, 1995). No differences have been found
between males and females with brain injury on the total
score or the subscale scores (Kadyan et al., 2004). Internal
consistency estimates range from 0.74 to 0.92 (Bogner
et al., 1999; Corrigan, 1989), with interrater reliability of
0.92 for the total score, and with comparable reliabilities
of 0.90, 0.91, and 0.73 for the disinhibition, aggression,
and lability scores, respectively. Subscale to total score
correlations range from 0.43 to 0.55. The construct
validity of the ABS has been supported by factor-analytic
studies that demonstrated the presence of three factors
representing disinhibition, aggression, and lability
(Corrigan and Bogner, 1994). ABS scores account for a
substantial portion of the variance (from 36% to 62%) in
independent observations of agitation (Corrigan, 1989)
and are able to predict changes in cognition (Corrigan
and Mysiw, 1988), which provides additional support for
its validity. Thus, there is evidence that the ABS is a highly
practical measure with sound psychometric properties
that allow for serial assessment of agitation in populations
with brain injury.
Cross References
▶ Post-traumatic Confusional State
▶ Traumatic Brain Injury
References and Readings
Bogner, J. A., Corrigan, J. D., Bode, R. K., & Heinemann, A. W. (2000).
Rating scale analysis of the Agitated Behavior Scale. Journal of Head
Trauma Rehabilitation, 15, 656–659.
Bogner, J. A., Corrigan, J. D., Stange, M., & Rabold, D. (1999). Reliability
of the Agitated Behavior Scale. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,
14, 91–96.
Corrigan, J. D. (1989). Development of a scale for assessment of agitation
following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Neuropsychology, 11, 261–277.
Corrigan, J. D. & Bogner J. A. (1994). Factor structure of the Agitated
Behavior Scale. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,
16, 386–392.
Corrigan, J. D. & Mysiw, W. J. (1988). Agitation following traumatic
head injury: equivocal evidence for a discrete stage of cognitive
recovery. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabiltation, 69,
Kadyan, V., Mysiw, W. J., Bogner, J. A., Corrigan, J. D., Fugate, L. P., &
Clinchot, D. M. (2004). Gender differences in agitation after
traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine &
Rehabilitation, 83, 747–752.
Drake Center
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Posttraumatic agitation
Agitation is an excess of one or more behaviors that occur
during the course of delirium when cognition is impaired.
The behaviors most often in excess during agitation include aggression, akathisia, disinhibition, and/or emotional lability. Specific examples of agitated behavior
may include pacing, hand wringing, pulling at tubes or
restraints, inappropriate verbalizations, excessive crying
or laughter, etc.
Agitation is often conceptualized to result from an
inability to cope with overstimulation. Stimulation may
be internal (e.g., pain or hallucinations) or external (e.g.,
noise, light, or conversation). One’s ability to cope
with stimulation may be viewed as a threshold.
Adverse changes to the brain’s typical functioning have
the potential to lower this threshold. Thus, individuals
with traumatic brain injury or dementia may become
agitated at lower levels of stimulation than noninjured
Current Knowledge
There was no consensus on the definition of agitation
within the greater health-care profession for many years.
Clinicians in neuro-rehabilitation were using the term in
the early 1980s to describe a pattern of behavior observed
during recovery from traumatic brain injury. The development of the Agitated Behavior Scale by Corrigan and
associates in the late 1980s to measure this brain-injuryrelated behavior led to a more refined definition of the
term. The term is not limited to just traumatic brain
injury as agitation can manifest in any setting in which
an individual experiences delirium and impaired cognition (e.g., dementia).
The importance of the concept of agitation and its
measurement was vital to the establishment of the now
accepted viewpoint that recovery from agitation is preceded by improvement in cognition. Or conversely, interventions that decrease arousal and/or cognition can lead
to a worsening of agitation.
Cross References
▶ Agitated Behavior Scale
▶ Behavior Management
▶ Deescalation
▶ Dementia
▶ Frustration Tolerance
▶ Post-traumatic Confusional State
▶ Traumatic Brain Injury
References and Readings
Corrigan, J. D. (1989). Development of a scale for assessment of agitation
following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 69, 261–277.
Sandel, M. E., & Bysiw, W. J. (1996). The agitated brain injured patient.
Part 1: Definitions, differential diagnosis, and assessment. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 617–623.
Smith, M., Gardner, L. A., Hall, G. R., & Buckwalter, K. C. (2004).
History, development, and future of the progressively lowered stress
threshold: A conceptual model for dementia care. Journal of the
American Geriatric Society, 52, 1755–1760.
Agnogenic Medial Arteriopathy
▶ Cadasil
Agrammatic Speech
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA
Agnosia is a failure to recognize a sensory stimulus that is
not attributable to dysfunction of peripheral sensory
mechanisms or to other cognitive impairments associated
with brain damage (Bauer & Demery, 2003). Agnosia is
often described as a percept that is ‘‘stripped of its meaning.’’ The individual can respond to the presence of the
stimulus, but has difficulty processing the perceptual
information in sufficient detail to make sense of and
meaningfully recognize it. The stimulus can be recognized
through other sensory modalities.
Cross References
▶ Apperceptive Visual Agnosia
▶ Associative Visual Agnosia
▶ Auditory Agnosia
▶ Pure Word Deafness
▶ Tactile Agnosia
▶ Visual Object Agnosia
References and Readings
Bauer, R. M., & Demery, J. A. (2003). Agnosia. In K. M. Heilman & E.
Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (4th ed., pp. 236–295).
New York: Oxford University Press.
Farah, M. J. (1990). Visual agnosia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Feinberg, T. E., Rothi, L. J. G., & Heilman, K. M. (1986). Multimodal
agnosia after unilateral left hemisphere lesion. Neurology, 36,
Riddoch, M. J., & Humphreys, G. W. (2001). Object recognition.
In B. Rapp (Ed.), The handbook of cognitive neuropsychology
(pp. 45–74). Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.
Current Knowledge
Agnosia can occur in any perceptual modality, though it is
most commonly reported to affect the visual modality
(Farah, 1990). Multi-modality forms of agnosia also
have been described (Feinberg, Rothi, and Heilman,
1986). Lesions associated with agnosia will vary across
sensory modalities, usually affecting bilateral postRolandic cortical sensory regions or disconnecting
incoming pathways from one hemisphere to the other
(Bauer & Demery, 2003).
Different forms of agnosia have been described that
depend upon how much incoming information can be
processed. Some forms (e.g., apperceptive agnosia) are
associated with disruption at early stages of perceptual
processing. The person cannot copy or match an incoming percept to a like stimulus and may make perceptual
confusions, yet can conjure up some perceptual information from memory (e.g., visual imagery tasks) or answer
questions about perceptual attributes of a stimulus. In
other forms of agnosia (e.g., associative agnosia), the
person can copy or match percepts, but is not able to
conjure up information about perceptual characteristics
of a stimulus from memory and also has difficulty
appreciating the meaningfulness of a percept, its category,
context, associated objects and actions. In either case,
accurate processing through that perceptual modality is
▶ Receptor Spectrum
Agonist Spectrum
▶ Receptor Spectrum
Agrammatic Aphasia
▶ Agrammatism
Agrammatic Speech
▶ Telegraphic Speech
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI, USA
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, USA
Agrammatic aphasia
Agrammatism refers to language production that is
lacking in grammatical structures. The basic signs of
agrammatism are short phrase length, simplified syntax,
errors and omissions of main verbs, and omission or
substitution of grammatical morphemes such as plural
markers or functors (Saffran, Berndt, & Schwartz, 1989).
There may also be errors in tense, number, and gender,
and difficulty in producing sentences with movement
of grammatical elements, such as passive sentences,
Wh- questions, and complex sentences (Benedet, Christiansen, & Goodglass, 1998; Caplan & Hanna, 1998;
Goodglass, 1997; Faroqi-Shah & Thompson, 2004). Spoken and written production typically shows similar error
patterns. Typically, individuals with agrammatic aphasia
also show impaired comprehension of grammatical structures, particularly noncanonical semantically reversible
sentences (e.g., ‘‘the boy was kicked by the horse’’;
Berndt, Mitchum, & Haendiges, 1996; Caramazza &
Zurif, 1976).
Historical Background
Historically, agrammatism was thought of as a syndrome
typically associated with nonfluent aphasia (Goodglass,
1997). More recent studies (e.g., Dick et al., 2001) have
shown that features of agrammatism are present in the
production of many individuals with various forms of
aphasia, as well as in normal speakers under stressful
conditions, and agrammatism is not attributable to any
single site of lesion.
Some authors have argued that agrammatism reflects an
underlying impairment in language representation and/or
processing (Grodzinsky 1986, 1990, 1995; Zurif, Swinney,
Prather, Solomon, & Bushell, 1993), while others contend
that they represent the speaker’s strategic adaptation to an
underlying language processing impairment that is not
specific to grammar (Kolk & Heeschen, 1990; also see discussion in Beeke, Wilkinson & Maxim, 2007). Consistent
with the processing deficit view, individuals with agrammatic aphasia show problems computing syntactic structures in real time (Dickey, Choy, & Thompson, 2007;
Swinney, Prather, & Love, 2000; but see Blumstein et al.,
1998) and also may have deficits that impact both production and comprehension, although not always the
same structures (Dickey, Milman, & Thompson, 2008).
Also, the structures that typically are impaired in agrammatic aphasia are similar across many languages. In support of the adaptation view, there is evidence that
the grammatical structures used by individuals with
agrammatic aphasia vary as a function of the task. For
example, individuals with agrammatic aphasia may produce more complex sentences on standardized language
tests, in which grammatical completeness is the focus,
than in conversational interactions, in which the message
and interaction are the focus and the communication
partners are co-constructing a dialog (Beeke, Maxim, &
Wilkinson, 2008).
There is evidence of treatment efficacy for interventions aimed improvement of underlying representation/
processing impairments and deficits in adaptation. Verb
as Core (Loverso, Prescott, & Selinger, 1986), Mapping
Therapy (Schwartz, Saffran, Fink, & Myers, 1994), and
Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF; Thompson,
Shapiro, Kiran, & Sobecks, 2003; Thompson, 2008)
focus treatment on verbs and verb argument structure,
training patients to map form to meaning in both simple
and complex sentences. Notably, TUF results in strong
generalization from complex to simple structures by
controlling the lexical and syntactic variables of sentences
trained (see Thompson & Shapiro, 2007, for review).
Various approaches to treatment of grammatical morphology, such as deficits in verb tense and agreement,
also have been shown to be efficacious (Faroqi-Shah,
2008; Friedmann, Wenkert-Olenik, & Gil, 2000; Mitchum
& Berndt, 1994; Weinrich, Boser, & McCall, 1999).
Current Knowledge
Cross References
The underlying mechanisms of agrammatism have been
debated in the literature over the past several decades.
▶ Aphasia
▶ Grammar
▶ Nonfluent Aphasia
▶ Paragrammatism
▶ Syntax
▶ Telegraphic Speech
References and Readings
Beeke, S., Maxim, J., & Wilkinson, R. (2008). Rethinking agrammatism:
Factors affecting the form of language elicited via clinical test procedures. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 22(4–5), 317–323.
Beeke, S., Wilkinson, R., & Maxim, J. (2007). Individual variation in
agrammatism: A single case study of the influence of interaction.
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders,
42(6), 629–647.
Benedet, M. J., Christiansen, J. A., & Goodglass, H. (1998). A crosslinguistic study of grammatical morphology in Spanish- and
English-speaking agrammatic patients. Cortex, 34(3), 309–336.
Berndt, R. S., Mitchum, C. C., & Haendiges, A. N. (1996). Comprehension of reversible sentences in ‘‘agrammatism’’: A meta-analysis.
Cognition, 58(3), 289–308.
Blumstein, S. E., Byma, G., Kurowski, K., Hourihan, J., Brown, T., &
Hutchinson, A. (1998). On-line processing of filler-gap construction
in aphasia. Brain and Language, 61, 149–168.
Caplan, D., & Hanna, J. E. (1998). Sentence production by aphasic
patients in a constrained task. Brain and Language, 63(2), 184–218.
Caramazza, A., & Zurif, E. B. (1976). Dissociation of algorithmic and
heuristic processes in language comprehension: Evidence from aphasia. Brain and Language, 3(4), 572–582.
Dick, F., Bates, E., Wulfeck, B., Utman, J. A., Dronkers, N., & Gernsbacher, M. A. (2001). Language deficits, localization, and grammar:
Evidence for a distributive model of language breakdown in aphasic
patients and neurologically intact individuals. Psychological Review,
108(4), 759–788.
Dickey, M. W., Choy, J., & Thompson, C. K. (2007). Real-time comprehension of wh-movement in apahsia: Evidence from eyetracking
while listening. Brain and Language, 100, 1–22.
Dickey, M. W., Milman, L. H., & Thompson, C. K. (2008). Judgment of
functional morphology in agrammatic aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(1), 35–65.
Faroqi-Shah, Y., & Thompson, C. K. (2004). Semantic, lexical, and
phonological influences on the production of verb inflections in
agrammatic aphasia. Brain and Language, 89(3), 484–498.
Faroqi-Shah, Y. (2008). A comparison of two theoretically-driven treatments of verb inflections in agrammatic aphasia. Neuropsychologia,
46, 3088–3100.
Friedmann, N., Wenkert-Olenik, D., & Gil, M. (2000). From theory to
practice: Treatment of agrammatic production in hebrew based on
the tree pruning hypothesis. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 13, 250–254.
Grodzinsky, Y. (1986). Language deficits and syntactic theory. Brain and
Language, 27, 135–159.
Grodzinsky, Y. (1990). Theoretical perspectives on language deficits.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Grodzinsky, Y. (1995). A restrictive theory of agrammatic comprehension. Brain and Language, 50, 27–51.
Goodglass, H. (1997). Agrammatism in aphasiology. Clinical Neuroscience, 4(2), 51–56.
Kolk, H. H. J., & Heeschen C. (1990). Adaptation symptoms and impairment symptoms in Broca’s aphasia. Aphasiology, 4, 221–231.
Loverso, F. L., Prescott, T. E., & Selinger, M. (1986). Cuing verbs:
A treatment strategy for aphasic adults. Journal of Rehabilitation
Research, 25, 47–60.
Mitchum, C., & Berndt, R. (1994). Verb retrieval and sentence construction: Effects of targeted intervention. In M. J. Riddoch & G. Humphreys (Eds.), Cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation.
Hove, Sussex: Erlbaum.
Saffran, E. M., Berndt, R. S., & Schwartz, M. F. (1989). The quantitative
analysis of agrammatic production: Procedure and data. Brain and
Language, 37(3), 440–479.
Schwartz, M. F., Saffran, E. M., Fink, R. B., & Myers, J. L. (1994). Mapping
therapy: A treatment programme for agrammatism. Aphasiology, 8,
Swinney, D., Prather, P., & Love, T. (2000). The time course of lexical
access and the role of context: Converging evidence from normal and
aphasic processing. In Y. Grodzinsky, L. P. Shapiro, & D. Swinney
(Eds.), Language and the brain: Representation and processing. New
York: Academic Press.
Thompson, C. K., & Shapiro, L. P. (2007). Complexity in treatment
of syntactic deficits. American Journal of Speech and Language
Pathology, 16, 30–42.
Thompson, C. K., Shapiro, L. P., Kiran, S., & Sobecks, J. (2003). The role
of syntactic complexity in treatment of sentence deficits in agrammatic aphasia: The complexity account of treatment efficacy
(CATE). Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 42,
Weinrich, M., Boser, K. I., & McCall, D. (1999). Representation of
linguistic rules in the brain: Evidence from training an aphasic
patient to produce past tense verb morphology. Brain and Language,
70, 144–158.
Zurif, E., Swinney, D., Prather, P., Solomon, J., & Bushell, C. (1993). Online analysis of syntactic processing in Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia. Brain and Language, 45, 448–464.
Agranular (Motor Cortex)
▶ Primary Cortex
Department of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Department of Neurology
Southern VA Health Care System, The University of
Tucson, AZ, USA
Written language disorders
Short Description or Definition
Agraphia is the term applied to acquired disorders of
spelling or writing caused by neurological damage in
individuals with normal premorbid literacy skills. There
are several different agraphia profiles that variously result
from impairments of spelling knowledge, sound-to-letter
correspondences, letter-shape information, or motor
control for handwriting. Although agraphia can occur
in relative isolation, it often co-occurs with acquired
impairments of reading (alexia) and spoken language
Agraphia is commonly observed following damage to the
language-dominant left hemisphere. Although it is most
frequently caused by stroke, agraphia can follow any kind
of focal damage to the brain regions critical for
implementing the various cognitive operations necessary
for normal spelling and writing. Agraphia is also observed
in individuals with neurodegenerative disorders, including
those with primary progressive aphasia/semantic dementia
or Alzheimer’s disease. The specific agraphia profile reflects
the region of cortical damage or atrophy.
Several distinct forms of acquired agraphia occur that
reflect specific combinations of impaired and preserved
spelling and writing abilities following damage to certain
brain regions. Spelling difficulties can result from damage
to central linguistic processes supported by the languagedominant hemisphere in a manner analogous to acquired
impairments of reading (▶ alexia). Agraphia can also
result from disruption of peripheral processing components that guide the selection and production of appropriate letter shapes.
Common central agraphia syndromes
Phonological agraphia refers to an impaired ability to
manipulate the sound system of the language
(phonology) which manifests as a disproportionate
difficulty with the spelling of nonwords (e.g., flig,
merber) compared with real words.
Deep agraphia is characterized by a marked impairment of spelling ability for nonwords, as seen in
phonological agraphia, but with the additional hallmark feature of semantic errors (e.g., car for vehicle).
Surface agraphia (also called lexical agraphia) is
characterized by relatively preserved ability to spell
nonwords and regularly spelled words in the face of
marked impairment of spelling words with irregular
sound–letter correspondences, such as choir.
Common peripheral agraphia syndromes
Allographic agraphia is an impairment of written
spelling due to errors in letter selection.
Apraxic agraphia is an impairment of the selection
and implementation of graphic motor programs
necessary to move the hand to form letter shapes.
Micrographia is the production of abnormally small
letters due to defective control of the force, speed, and
amplitude of handwriting movements.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
The prognosis for recovery from agraphia depends on the
etiology of the lesion and the extent of the underlying
brain damage. Agraphia following stroke or traumatic
brain injury tends to show some spontaneous recovery
in the first months after brain damage occurs, but residual
impairments often persist. Additional improvements may
be achieved with behavioral treatment directed toward
strengthening the weakened cognitive processes that support spelling or motor control for writing. In individuals
with neurodegenerative disorders, progressive worsening
of the spelling impairment is observed along with the
gradual deterioration of other language and cognitive
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Agraphia
Written words are typically produced in response to
activation of a concept in the semantic system. The
motivation to write a word may be driven by the desire
to convey a message, or in response to an auditory stimulus, as in the context of writing a word to dictation. As
depicted in the cognitive model of single-word processing
in Fig. 1, the word meaning (semantics) and the
phonological word form (phonology) both provide access
to spelling knowledge (orthography). In literate adults,
the spellings of familiar words are easily recalled as whole
words from one’s spelling vocabulary (i.e., orthographic
lexicon). In contrast to this lexical approach, spellings can
be assembled on the basis of the knowledge of sound-toletter correspondences using a sublexical processing
strategy as depicted in Fig. 1. A sublexical approach is
often employed when one is unsure about the spelling of a
Spoken word
Written word
Motor speech
Graphic motor
Agraphia. Figure 1 A cognitive model indicating the component processes involved in spelling and writing
word, or when required to spell an unfamiliar word or a
nonword, such as glope. Spelling via sound–letter correspondences is likely to yield correct responses for regularly
spelled words, such as drive, but over-reliance on the
sublexical route will result in phonologically plausible
errors for irregularly spelled words, such as kwire for
choir. Thus, according to a dual-route model as depicted
in Fig. 1, only the lexical route can deliver correct spellings
for irregularly spelled words. The final stages of writing
require translation of abstract spelling knowledge into
letter shapes and selection and implementation of the
graphic motor programs for the appropriate handwriting
movements. The various agraphia syndromes reflect
specific impairments to these component processes
necessary for spelling and writing.
Phonological/Deep Agraphia
Phonological agraphia is characterized by difficulty in
the generation of spellings on the basis of sound-to-letter
correspondences. This problem is particularly evident
during clinical evaluation when an individual is asked to
generate plausible spellings for nonwords. The disproportionate difficulty in spelling nonwords compared to
familiar words gives rise to an exaggerated lexicality effect
(Henry, Beeson, Stark, & Rapcsak, 2007; Rapcsak et al.,
2009). According to a dual-route model (Fig. 1), poor
nonword spelling in phonological agraphia is attributable
to damage to the sublexical route, while the better
preserved real-word spelling by these patients reflects the
residual functional capacity of the lexical and semantic
routes. There is evidence to suggest that phonological
agraphia reflects a central impairment of phonological
processing ability that is also apparent on reading tasks;
however, the spelling impairment is typically of greater
severity due to the fact that spelling is a harder task than
reading (Rapcsak et al., 2009). Although spelling accuracy
for words (both regular and irregular) is better preserved
than spelling of nonwords, performance is often degraded
to some extent relative to premorbid performance. Due to
the reliance on lexical processing with limited sublexical
input, real word spelling is typically influenced by lexicalsemantic variables such as word frequency (high > low),
imageability (concrete > abstract), and grammatical class
(nouns > verbs > functors). Deep agraphia includes all of
the characteristic features of phonological agraphia, but it
is distinguished from the latter by the production of
semantic errors (e.g., husband written as wife). In essence,
deep agraphia can be considered a more severe form of
phonological agraphia.
Like phonological/deep alexia, phonological/deep
agraphia is typically encountered in patients with aphasia
syndromes characterized by phonological impairment including Broca’s, conduction, and Wernicke’s aphasia. In
such cases, there is damage to a network of perisylvian
cortical regions involved in speech production/perception
and phonological processing including Broca’s area,
precentral gyrus, insula, Wernicke’s area, and supramarginal gyrus (Fig. 2). The contribution of these regions to
phonological processing skills is evident from lesion studies, but also in functional imaging studies of healthy
individuals when they perform a variety of written and
spoken language tasks requiring phonological processing
(Jobard et al., 2003; Vigneau et al., 2006; Rapcsak et al.,
2009). In individuals with deep agraphia, the left hemisphere damage tends to be more extensive than that
associated with phonological agraphia, and it has been
hypothesized that the right hemisphere may be responsible for the characteristic deep agraphia profile (Rapcsak,
Beeson, & Rubens, 1991).
Surface Agraphia
Surface agraphia is characterized by difficulty in spelling
irregular words, which contain atypical sound-to-letter correspondences. Regular words are spelled with significantly
better accuracy, thus yielding a regularity effect. Nonword
spelling is relatively preserved. In a manner analogous to
surface alexia, a dual-route theory attributes surface
agraphia to dysfunction of the lexical spelling route
(Fig. 1). Specifically, it has been suggested that the spelling
disorder results from damage to the orthographic lexicon
(Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004). The loss of word-specific
orthographic knowledge prompts reliance on a sublexical
phoneme–grapheme conversion strategy that produces
phonologically plausible regularization errors on irregular
words, a finding that is most pronounced on low
frequency items (e.g., yot for yacht). Surface agraphia
may also result from damage to central semantic
representations as observed in individuals with semantic
dementia (Graham, Patterson, & Hodges, 2000). The
reduction in the ability to process lexical-semantic
information in such individuals results in overreliance
on sublexical spelling procedures and regularization
errors. As expected, it is not uncommon to observe
co-occurance of surface alexia and agraphia in individuals
with semantic dementia (Graham et al., 2000).
Surface agraphia, like surface alexia, is typically
associated with extrasylvian brain pathology (Fig. 2).
Focal lesions that give rise to surface agraphia have been
documented in the left inferior occipito-temporal cortex
(Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004). This region includes a portion
of the fusiform gyrus known as the visual word form area
that has been shown to be engaged in healthy adults
during reading (Cohen et al., 2002) and spelling tasks
(Beeson et al., 2003) and may represent the neural substrate of the orthographic lexicon. Surface agraphia has
also been described following focal damage to posterior
middle/inferior temporal gyrus and angular gyrus (Rapcsak & Beeson, 2002) and in patients with left anterior
temporal lobe atrophy (Graham et al., 2000). In these
cases, the spelling deficit may reflect damage to a
distributed extrasylvian cortical network involved in semantic processing (Fig. 2).
Allographic Agraphia
Allographic agraphia refers to a disturbance of the ability
to activate or select appropriate letter shapes for the
abstract orthographic representations generated by
central spelling routes. This impairment of handwriting
Graphomotor control
Agraphia. Figure 2 Cortical regions involved in spelling and writing
is characterized by letter selection errors that often
include the substitution of physically similar letter forms
(e.g., b for h). The allographic difficulty may be specific to
letter case (upper vs. lower) or style (print vs. cursive).
When allographic agraphia occurs in isolation, oral
spelling is preserved, as well as the ability to correctly
arrange component letters that make up a word (i.e.,
anagram spelling) and typing. Allographic agraphia is
often associated with damage to left temporo-parietooccipital regions.
Apraxic Agraphia
Apraxic agraphia is characterized by poor letter formation in handwriting that is not attributable to allographic
disorder or sensorimotor, cerebellar, or basal ganglia
dysfunction. The difficulty arises at the level of motor
programming for the skilled movements of the hand so
that the spatiotemporal aspects of writing are disturbed.
Individual letters are often difficult to recognize, and
may simply appear to be meaningless scrawls. Lesions
associated with apraxic agraphia have been noted in the
hemisphere contralateral to the dominant hand. Thus, in
right-handed individuals, the damage typically involves
the left superior parietal lobe in the region of the
intraparietal sulcus, the dorsolateral premotor cortex
just anterior to primary motor cortex for the hand, or
the supplementary motor area (Fig. 2).
Nonapraxic Disorders of Motor Execution
In addition to apraxic agraphia, there are several
additional disorders of motor execution that affect the
ability to form legible letter shapes. These writing
difficulties include disturbances of the regulation of
movement force, speech, and amplitude. Micrographia
(the production of small letters with reduced legibility)
is a common example that is associated with the basal
ganglia pathology in Parkinson disease. Cerebellar pathology can also result in poor handwriting due to irregular
and disjointed hand movements. Handwriting difficulty
is also associated with damage to primary sensorimotor
cortex and/or associated corticospinal tracts that cause
hemiparesis of the dominant hand. When the hemiparesis
is marked, individuals typically shift to writing with the
nondominant hand. Improvement in graphomotor
control of the nondominant hand is apparent with
practice and often provides a fully functional substitute;
however, the automaticity of motor movements is rarely
comparable to the premorbidly dominant hand.
Evaluation of individuals with acquired agraphia is
structured so that the status of all the relevant component
processes involved in spelling and writing are examined.
Controlled word lists for such assessment can be found in
the literature (e.g., Beeson & Henry, 2008) or in commercially available test batteries (e.g., Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart,
1992). A comprehensive battery should include regularly
and irregularly spelled words as well as nonwords. The
evaluation should allow the clinician to identify the nature of the functional impairment and to locate the level
of breakdown with reference to a cognitive model of
normal spelling. It is equally important to document
relatively spared abilities and the use of compensatory
strategies by the patient, as this information is helpful in
planning treatment.
Several behavioral treatment approaches have shown
positive outcomes in the rehabilitation of agraphia (for a
recent review see Beeson & Henry, 2008). In general,
treatment is directed toward strengthening impaired
processes and training the use of compensatory strategies
necessary to bypass the functional deficit. Because written
spelling tasks inherently involve reading, behavioral treatments for spelling can also serve to strengthen reading.
However, given that spelling is often significantly more
impaired than reading, it is not uncommon to address
spelling at a lexical level while treating reading at the text
level (Beeson & Rapcsak, 2006).
Cross References
▶ Alexia
▶ Aphasia
▶ Phonological/Deep Alexia
▶ Pure Alexia
▶ Surface Alexia
References and Readings
Beeson, P. M., & Henry, M. L. (2008). Comprehension and production of
written language. In. R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in adult aphasia (5th ed., pp. 654–688). Baltimore, MD: Wolters
Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Beeson, P. M., & Rapcsak, S. Z. (2002). Clinical diagnosis and treatment
of spelling disorders. In A. E. Hillis (Ed.), Handbook on adult language disorders: Integrating cognitive neuropsychology, neurology, and
rehabilitation (pp. 101–120). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Beeson, P. M., & Rapcsak, S. Z. (2006). Treatment of alexia and agraphia.
In J. H. Noseworthy (Ed.), Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and
Practice (2nd ed., pp. 3045–3060). London: Martin Dunitz.
Beeson, P. M., Rapcsak, S. Z., Plante, E., Chargualaf, J., Chung, A.,
Johnson, S. C., et al. (2003). The neural substrates of writing: A
functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Aphasiology, 17,
Cohen, L., Lehéricy, S., Chochon, F., Lemer, C., Rivaud, S., & Dehaene, S.
(2002). Language-specific tuning of visual cortex? Functional
properties of the Visual Word Form Area. Brain, 125, 1054–1069.
Graham, N. L., Patterson, K., & Hodges, J. R. (2000). The impact of
semantic memory impairment on spelling: evidence from semantic
dementia. Neuropsychologia, 38, 143–163.
Henry, M. L. Beeson, P. M., Stark, A. J., & Rapcsak, S. Z. (2007). The role
of left perisylvian cortical regions in spelling. Brain and Language,
100, 44–52.
Jobard, G., Crivello, F., & Tzourio-Mazoyer, N. (2003). Evaluation of the
dual route theory of reading: A metaanalysis of 35 neuroimaging
studies. NeuroImage, 20, 693–712.
Kay, J., Lesser, R., & Coltheart, M. (1992). Psycholinguistic assessments
of language processing in Aphasia (PALPA). East Sussex, England:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Rapcsak, S. Z., & Beeson, P. M. (2000). Agraphia. In L. J. G. Rothi, B.
Crosson, & S. Nadeau (Eds.), Aphasia and language: Theory and
practice (pp. 184–220). New York: Guilford.
Rapcsak, S. Z., & Beeson, P. M. (2004). The role of left posterior inferior
temporal cortex in spelling. Neurology, 62, 2221–2229.
Rapcsak, S. Z., Beeson, P. M., Henry, M. L., Leyden, A., Kim, E. S.,
Rising, K., et al. (2009). Phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia:
cognitive mechanisms and neural substrates. Cortex, 45(5), 575–591.
Rapcsak, S. Z., Beeson, P. M., & Rubens, A. B. (1991). Writing with the
right hemisphere. Brain and Language, 41, 510–530.
Tainturier, M.-J., & Rapp, B. (2001). The spelling process. In B. Rapp
(Ed.), The handbook of cognitive neuropsychology (pp. 233–262).
Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Vigneau, M., Beaucousin, V., Hervé, P. Y., Duffau, H., Crivello, F.,
Houdé, O., et al. (2006). Meta-analyzing left hemisphere language
areas: phonology, semantics, and sentence processing. NeuroImage,
30, 1414–1432.
(weight), or resistance to pressure, with difficulties in
perceiving size or shape is referred to as amorphognosia. While perhaps seeming a bit artificial, according to
Bauer and Demery (2003), the distinction between ahylognosia and amorphognosia apparently traces back to
1935 when a French neurologist, Delay, divided astereognosis into two subtypes of deficits: amorphognosia, which
was defined as a difficulty in recognizing the size or shape
of an object by touch, and ahylognosia, which was described as a failure to differentiate the ‘‘molecular qualities’’ of an object, such as its density, weight, thermal
conductivity, or roughness. Delay also defined a third
type of astereognosis, tactile asymboly, which was characterized as the inability to identify an object by touch
in the absence of amorphognosia and ahylognosia. These
same distinctions were followed by Critchley (1969)
and continue to be used by more recent authors (Bauer
& Demery, 2003). Hecaen and Albert (1978) in their
book, Human Neuropsychology, attempted to explain
these distinctions by suggesting that ahylognosia was
‘‘the loss of the capacity to differentiate structural
components of objects, resulted from impairment of
intensity analyzers.’’ By contrast, amorphognosia, was
thought to reflect ‘‘the loss of the capacity to differentiate
forms, resulted from impairment of the analyzers of extent.’’ Because determining any of these qualities requires
discriminatory judgments, in the absence of more elementary tactual defects, such disturbances suggest pathology involving the somatosensory areas of the parietal
Cross References
▶ Amorphognosis
▶ Astereognosis
▶ Tactile Agnosia
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Inability to determine by touch alone certain physical
properties of an object such as its texture, density
References and Readings
Bauer, R. M., & Demery, J. A. (2003). Agnosia. In K. Heilman, &
E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical Neuropsychology, (4th ed., pp.
236–295). New York: Oxford University Press.
Critchley, M. (1969). The parietal lobes. New York: Hafner Publishing Co.
Delay, J. (1935). Les astereognosis. Pathologie due Toucher, Clinque, Physiologie, Topographie. Paris: Masson.
Hecaen, H., & Albert, M. L. (1978). Human neuropsychology (Chapter 6,
Disorders of somesthesis and somatognosis). New York: Wiley.
Akelaitis, Andrew John Edward (‘‘A.J.’’) (1904–1955)
Boston University Medical Center
Boston, MA, USA
William Beaumont Army Medical Center
El Paso, TX, USA
Akelaitis, Andrew John Edward
(‘‘A.J.’’) (1904–1955)
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT, USA
Major Appointments
Akathisia is a syndrome characterized by unpleasant
sensations of inner restlessness that manifests itself with
an inability to sit still or remain motionless.
Current Knowledge
It is most often seen as a side effect of medications, mainly
neuroleptic antipsychotics. Patients may have difficulty
describing their symptoms, leading to a misdiagnosis of
anxiety and worsening of the condition upon treatment
with neuroleptic antipsychotic agents. Several medications have been used to treat the condition, including
benztropine and beta-blocking agents. Withdrawal of the
offending agent is often most effective. It may be seen with
Parkinson’s disease.
Dr. A.J. Akelaitis began his career as an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of
Psychiatry, at the University of Rochester School of
Medicine and Dentistry. At the same time, he also held
appointments at the clinics of the Strong Memorial
and Rochester Municipal Hospitals in Rochester, New
York. He left these appointments to serve in the Navy
during World War II. Following his service in the war,
Dr. Akelaitis worked as an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the New York Medical College and Assistant
Professor of Clinical Medicine in Neurology at Cornell University Medical College. He also served as the
attending neuropsychiatrist at Mount Vernon (New
York) Hospital and on the staff of the Bellevue Hospital and the New York Hospital.
Major Honors and Awards
Dr. Akelaitis was a Fellow of the American Psychiatric
Association. He was specialty certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and held
membership appointments in the American Medical
Association, the New York State Medical Society, the
New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry, and the New
York Neurological Society.
Cross References
▶ Parkinson’s Disease
▶ Tardive Dyskinesia
Landmark Clinical, Scientific, and
Professional Contributions
References and Readings
Kumar, A., & Calne, D. (2004). Approach to the patient with a movement
disorder and overview of movement disorders. In R. L. Watts, &
W. C. Koller (Eds.), Movement disorders (2nd ed., p. 9). New York:
Dr. A.J. Akelaitis is best known for his observations of
patients who underwent sectioning of the corpus callosum (i.e., ‘‘split-brain’’ patients). Beginning in the
late 1930s, the neurosurgeon Dr. William P. van
Wagenen pioneered surgical sectioning of the corpus
callosum for the treatment of intractable epilepsy
(Mathews, Linskey, & Binder, 2008). Dr. Akelaitis
worked closely with Dr. van Wagenen and performed
Akelaitis, Andrew John Edward (‘‘A.J.’’) (1904–1955)
pre and postoperative tests of cognitive and neurological functioning on many of these individuals. According to Akelaitis’ reports, patients who underwent
callosotomy surgery largely did not show lasting
changes in cognitive, intellectual, or motor functioning, although their seizure activity was consistently
alleviated. For nearly two decades, Akelaitis’ reports
of largely normal functioning after callosotomy perpetuated the generally accepted belief that sectioning
the corpus callosum did not impact cognitive or
motor functioning in humans.
Despite his reports of few neurological changes following callosotomy, Akelaitis noted periodic cases
with hemiplegia and praxic disturbances. He was
slow, however, to include the sectioning of the corpus
callosum in his explanations for these changes; rather,
he attributed the symptoms to unintended operative
damage to adjacent cortical areas. In some cases, postoperative symptoms were seen as exacerbations of
precallosotomy characteristics or were attributed to
preexisting and/or postoperative psychological or behavioral factors. Further, many of the symptoms observed by Akelaitis were transient and consequently
not considered to be conclusively linked with callosal
sectioning (Sauerwein & Lassonde, 1996).
Several factors most likely influenced Akelaitis’ reports
of minimal neurological changes following callosotomy
surgery. First, the majority of patients Akelaitis observed
did not have complete callosotomies, nor were neurosurgical procedures well standardized at the time. Of the
28 patients he studied, only one third were reported to
have undergone ‘‘complete’’ callosal sectioning, with the
remainder ‘‘nearly complete’’ or ‘‘partial’’ sectioning
(Bogen, 1995). The patients with only partially sectioned callosal fibers undoubtedly continued to have
interhemispheric transmission, thereby contributing
to Akelaitis’ findings of generally intact functioning.
Next, emerging research at the time reported no cognitive changes following sectioning of the corpus callosum. For example, Walter Dandy stated in 1936 that
when ‘‘the corpus callosum is split longitudinally. . . no
symptoms follow its division. This simple experiment at
once disposes of the extravagant claims to the functions
of the corpus callosum’’ (see Zaidel, Iacoboni, Zaidel, &
Bogen, 2003). Finally, Akelaitis lacked the technologies, such as the tachistoscope used by his successors,
to present stimuli to one visual field. Such technology
would possibly have given him insight into the specialization of the two hemispheres and interhemispheric transfer of information via the corpus
callosum (Mathews, Linskey, & Binder, 2008).
Despite his contributions as one of the first individuals to study neurological functioning following
callosotomy, Akelaitis has been criticized for employing insensitive or inadequate testing procedures.
However, reviews of his cases have confirmed that
his patients did exhibit what are now considered
typical symptoms, although his explanations for
these manifestations, while consistent with much
of the research of the time, were often inadequate
(Sauerwein & Lassonde, 1996). In the 1950s and
1960s, researchers including Roger Sperry, Michael
Gazzaniga, Norman Geschwind, Edith Kaplan, and
Joseph Bogen began to publish articles involving callosotomies in animals and humans, which contradicted many of Akelaitis’ findings. This sparked
renewed interest in the function of the corpus callosum and eventually earned Sperry the Nobel Prize
in 1981.
Through the course of his short career, Dr. Akelaitis
made significant contributions toward research on the
corpus callosum and advanced the treatment of
intractable epilepsy. He also published articles regarding the psychiatric aspects of myxedema (severe hypothyroidism), hereditary and vascular cerebral atrophy,
lead encephalopathy, acute demyelinating processes
(multiple sclerosis), and Pick’s disease.
Short Biography
Andrew John (‘‘A.J.’’) Akelaitis was born in Baltimore,
Maryland, on July 11, 1904. He studied medicine
at Johns Hopkins University and received his M.D. in
1929. In the early 1930s, he practiced clinical neurology
in Rochester, New York. He subsequently became an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of
Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Akelaitis
joined the Navy during World War II where he served
with distinction at the rank of Commander. He married
the former Victoria Chesno. The couple had one son,
Andrew, and a daughter, Lillian. Akelaitis died at the
New York Hospital on November 24, 1955 at the young
age of 51.
Cross References
▶ Corpus Callosum
▶ Epilepsy
▶ Split Brain
Akinetic Mutism
References and Readings
Akelaitis, A. J. (1941). Psychobiological studies following section of the
corpus callosum: A preliminary report. American Journal of Psychiatry, 97, 1147–1157.
Akelaitis, A. J. (1941). Studies on the corpus callosum. II. The higher
visual functions in each homonymous field following complete
section of the corpus callosum. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry,
45, 788–796.
Akelaitis, A. J., Risteen, W. A., Herren, R. Y., & Van Wagenen, W. P.
(1942). Studies on the corpus callosum. III. A contribution to the
study of dyspraxia and apraxia following partial and complete section of the corpus callosum. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry,
47, 971–1008.
Akelaitis, A. J. (1944). Studies on the corpus callosum. IV. Diagonistic
dyspraxia in epileptics following partial and complete section of the
corpus callosum. American Journal of Psychiatry, 101, 594–599.
Akelaitis, A. J. (1944). Study on gnosis, praxis, and language following
section of corpus callosum and anterior commisure. Journal of
Neurosurgery, 1, 94–102.
Bogen, J. (1995). Some historical aspects of callosotomy for epilepsy.
In A. G. Reeves & D. W. Roberts (Eds.), Epilepsy and the corpus
callosum 2 (pp. 107–121). New York: Plenum Press.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1995). Principles of human brain organization derived
from split brain studies. Neuron, 14, 217–228.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (2005). Forty-five years of split-brain research and still
going strong. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience, 6, 653–659.
Mathews, S., Linskey, M., & Binder, D. (2008). William P. van Wagenen
and the first corpus callosotomies for epilepsy. Journal of Neurosurgery, 108, 608–613.
Sauerwein, H. C., & Lassonde, M. (1996). Akelaitis’ investigations of the
first split-brain patients. In C. Code, C.-W. Wallesh, Y. Joanette, &
A. R. Lecours (Eds.), Classic cases in neuropsychology (pp. 305–317).
Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.
Zaidel, E., Iacoboni, M., Zaidel, D., & Bogen, J. (2003). The callosal
syndromes. In K. M. Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (pp. 347–403). New York: Oxford University Press.
Akinesis is an absence or paucity of movement, resulting
from an abnormal motor control. It is a problem that may
occur in Parkinson’s disease when patients develop freezing or inability to initiate movement. It may also occur as
a result of a paralyzed muscle, such as with an anesthetic
nerve block.
▶ Akinesis
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital
Braintree, MA, USA
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
Cross References
▶ Action-Intentional Disorders
▶ Akinetic Mutism
▶ Bradykinesia
▶ Parkinson’s Disease
▶ Akinesis
Akinetic Mutism
Brain Institute Providence Health System
Portland, OR, USA
A spectrum of motivational impairment has abulia at one
end and akinetic mutism at the other. Coma vigil is not
akinetic mutism; it arises when a comatose patient regains
the sleep-wake cycle, eyes open during the day and closed
during sleep at night, usually after 2 weeks of a brain
lesion that produces irreversible coma. Coma vigil is also
referred to as a persistent vegatative state. When brain
lesions disconnect all descending motor output but preserve conscious awareness the patient is said to be locked
in. In akinetic mutism, patients still respond to their
internal and external environment – and thus are not in
coma, and they are not locked in since they can accomplish motor output, given sufficient motivation.
Short Description or Definition
Akinesia; Akinetic
The fully formed akinetic mute state usually results from
bilateral anterior cingulate lesions (Fig. 1). Patients are
Akinetic Mutism
Akinetic Mutism. Figure 1 Arrows show the left greater than right anterior cingulate lesions due to bilateral anterior cerebral
artery (ACA) ischemic stroke. Bilateral ACA lesions usually result in death due to loss of all limbic motivational input to prefrontal
profoundly apathetic, incontinent, and akinetic. They do
not initiate eating or drinking and if speech occurs, it is
restricted to terse responses. They seem awake, visually
tracking objects, but displaying no emotions – even during painful circumstances, they remain indifferent. The
akinetic mute state also results from bilateral subcortical
paramedian diencephalic and midbrain lesions possibly
affecting the ascending reticular core, medial forebrain
bundles, and isolated bilateral globus pallidus lesions.
When anterior cingulate lesions are bilateral, limbic, cognitive, and motor activation is disrupted producing profound
akinetic mutism. Loss of ascending input from the reticular
core, due to bilateral lesions of the medial forebrain bundle,
may also produce akinetic mutism. Rarely are complete
bilateral lesions seen in humans, more frequently partial
circuit disruption results in a graded loss in motivation
depending upon which circuit is damaged.
Five frontal-subcortical circuits have been named
according to their function or cortical site of origin: the
motor circuit, originating in the supplementary motor
area, and the oculomotor circuit, originating in the frontal eye fields, are dedicated to motor function. The dorsolateral prefrontal, lateral orbitofrontal, and anterior
cingulate circuits support executive cognitive functions,
personality, and motivation, respectively (Mega &
Cummings, 1994). Each of the five circuits has the same
member structures: the frontal lobe, striatum, globus
pallidus, substantia nigra, and thalamus. There is a
progressive spatial compaction of the circuits as they
travel through the basal ganglia. A lesion anywhere
along the path of a circuit will produce the same clinical
result but only in the globus pallidus interna are all the
frontal-subcortical circuits in such a compact spatial
volume that a relatively small lesion can have profound
Akinetic mutism is exceedingly rare when permanent,
since a bilateral lesion is necessary and usually results in
death. Unilateral anterior cerebral artery (ACA) strokes
are the usual cause of transient akinetic mutism, but ACA
strokes only make up 1% of all cerebral vascular lesions.
Akinetic Mutism
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
and Outcomes
The natural history of akinetic mutism, when it arises
from a unilateral lesion, is usually a 2-week period of
gradual improvement from the fully formed syndrome
to near-complete recovery presumably enabled by contralateral limbic activation gaining access to deafferented
networks. The outcome from bilateral lesions is usually
death, given no ability for cross-hemispheric motivation.
Thus, prognosis will rely upon neuroimaging documenting the extent of the lesion.
Neuropsychology and Psychology
Extracingulate connections support a segregation of the
cingulate into functional subregions (for a complete discussion of these circuits, ▶ Cingulate Gyrus). Paralleling
the general distinction between posterior granular sensory
cortices and anterior agranular executive cortices, the
anterior cingulate can be considered an executive region
for affective motivation and cognition, while the posterior
cingulate, with its prominent granular layer IV receiving
sensory input, is engaged in visuospatial and memory
processing. The interconnections between the anterior
and posterior cingulate allow for regulatory control by
the anterior executive effector regions over posterior sensory processing and reciprocal modulation of that regulatory input by the posterior cingulate.
Three anterior effector regions include a visceral effector region inferior to the genu of the corpus callosum
encompassing area 25, the anterior subcallosal portions
of 24a–b, and 32; a cognitive effector region that includes
most of the supracallosal area 24, and areas 24a0 –b0 and
320 ; and a skeletomotor effector region within the depths of
the cingulate sulcus, that includes areas 24c0 /23c on the
ventral bank, with 24c0 g and 6c on the dorsal bank. These
three cingulate effector regions integrate ascending input
concerning the internal milieu of the organism with
visceral motor systems, cognitive-attentional networks,
and skeletomotor centers to produce the affective motivation necessary for the organism’s engagement in the
Circumscribed lesions in humans are rarely confined
to one region of the cingulate. With an anterior lesion, the
cognitive, skeletomotor, and visceral effector regions are
often affected. Bilateral lesions result in an akinetic mute
state. The loss of spontaneous motor activity results when
the lesion involves the supplementary motor area and the
skeletomotor effector region. When these two motor
regions are spared, motor activity will be normal but the
patient will demonstrate profound indifference, docility,
and the loss of motivation to engage in a task. They can be
led by the examiner to engage in a task but will fail to selfgenerate sustained directed attention. They lack cognitive
The role of the anterior cingulate as a cognitive effector is appreciated within the realm of language. Language,
a cognitive function, is distinguished from the motor
function of speech. Transcortical motor aphasia
(TCMA) is the usual result of left anterior medial or
anterior dorsolateral prefrontal lesions. The classic syndrome of TCMA is initial mutism that resolves in days to
weeks, yielding a syndrome featuring delayed initiation of
brief utterances without impaired articulation, excellent
repetition, inappropriate word selection, agrammatism,
and poor comprehension of complex syntax. Activation
of dorsolateral prefrontal cortices enabling language and
speech arises from two sources: the anterior cingulate and
the supplementary motor area (with the cingulate skeletomotor region). When the executive prefrontal cortex
(areas 9, 10, and 46) is disrupted, cognitive language
deficits are prominent (TCMA, type I); when motor
neurons in area 4, devoted to the speech apparatus, are
disconnected from their activation, speech hesitancy
and impoverished output ensues (TCMA, type II).
These two functional realms are separable and can be
disconnected anywhere along two pathways. Direct damage to the supplementary motor area or its outflow to the
motor cortex traveling in the anterior superior paraventricular white matter will produce TCMA type II. Direct
damage to the anterior cingulate, its outflow to areas 9,
10, and 46, or to the caudate – via the subcallosal
fasciculus, just inferior to the frontal horn of the lateral
ventricle – will disrupt frontal-subcortical circuits
involved in motivation and executive cognitive function.
The initial muteness has been described by a patient
after recovery from an anterior cingulate/supplementary
motor infarction as a loss of the ‘‘will’’ to reply to her
examiners, because she had ‘‘nothing to say,’’ her ‘‘mind
was empty,’’ and ‘‘nothing mattered’’ (Damasio & Van
Hoesen, 1983).
The loss of will to initiate a motor function results
from supplementary motor or cingulate skeletomotor
region damage, while poor initiation of a cognitive process results from lesions in supracallosal cingulate areas.
Loss of emotional vigilance ranging from flattened affect
to neglect can be produced by surgery in this region.
Anterior cingulate lesions in monkeys – difficult subjects
Akinetic Mutism
in which to evaluate subtle behavioral changes – produce
either no observable change or result in a transient
stupor with ensuing lethargy, tameness, disturbed intraspecies social behavior, and decreased pain sensitivity
(Pribram & Fulton, 1954). Removal of the anterior cingulate (areas 24 and 32) in humans (cingulectomy) has been
employed as a treatment for epilepsy, psychiatric, and
pain disorders.
The cingulum bundle has also been the site of surgical
lesions (cingulumotomy when only the bundle is transected, or cingulotomy when cingulate cortex is also
removed) to treat psychiatric and pain disorders. The cingulum contains the efferents and afferents of the cingulate
to the hippocampus, basal forebrain, amygdala, and all
cortical areas, as well as fibers of passage between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, and from the median raphe
to the dorsal hippocampus. Surgical ablation of the anterior
portion (sparing fibers relevant to memory function) is
most successful when treating aggression, extreme anxiety,
obsessive–compulsive behaviors, and severe pain. Psychotic
symptoms show only a temporary response. The only prospective long-term follow-up of patients undergoing supracallosal anterior cingulotomy for the treatment of medically
refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder revealed a clear
response in 28% and a partial response in 17% (Baer,
Rauch, Ballantine, Martuza, Cosgrove, Cassem, et al.,
1995). Including the subcallosal anterior cingulate/medial
orbital cortex may provide the best result in treating the
refractory obsessive–compulsive patient (Hay, Sachdev,
Cumming, Smith, Lee, Kitchener, et al., 1993) due to the
elimination of the visceromotor aspects of the disorder.
Postsurgical personality changes are subtle after the acute
attentional disorder resolves. Although formal cognitive
testing is unaltered, affect is flattened. Motivation for
previous enjoyments, such as reading, hobbies, and even
spectator sports, is lost (Tow & Whitty, 1953); subtle
changes that reflect the loss of higher cognitive motivation.
The three anterior cingulate regions, by virtue of the
distinct functional systems they coordinate, are the conduits through which limbic motivation can activate feeling, thought, and movement – partial lesions produce
partial aspects of the akinetic mute state depending
upon their location.
Subcortical lesions can also produce the fully formed
syndrome. Carbon monoxide poisoning with resultant
apathy and placidity was described in a patient with a
ventral pallidal lesion who also had hypoperfusion on
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
predominately in the cingulate bilaterally (Mori, Yamashita, Takauchi, & Kondo, 1996). Hypometabolism on
F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
(FDG-PET) in frontal cortex has also resulted from
pallidal lesions (Laplane, Levasseur, Pillon, Dubois,
Baulac, Mazoyer, et al., 1989) disconnecting their cortical
targets. Yet, when pallidal lesions result from carbon
monoxide poisoning, microscopic cortical lesions may
contribute to the functional imaging abnormalities.
Ventral extension of a pallidal lesion appears to disconnect the anterior cingulate circuit, in nonhuman primates
and humans (Mega & Cohenour, 1997), from limbic
drive. Bilateral paramedian or anterior thalamic lesions
(Nagaratnam, Nagaratnam, Ng, & Diu, 2004), caudate
(Grunsfeld & Login, 2006), or putamen (Ure, Faccio,
Videla, Caccuri, Giudice, Ollari, et al., 1998) lesions will
also disrupt the anterior cingulate frontal-subcortical
Evaluation of the patient suspected of suffering from
akinetic mutism is to first rule out other causes of possible
unresponsiveness. Documenting the response to first verbal stimuli, and then sensory stimuli, will provide evidence for or against coma. Patients in coma will not
respond to internal (e.g., hunger) or external (e.g., pain)
stimuli. All patients who survive the myriad of insults
producing coma will regain the sleep-wake cycle and will
eventually open their eyes spontaneously. They are then
described as being in a persistent vegetative state. The
locked-in patient will blink to command and can be
taught to use blinking as a form of communication. The
patient with akinetic mutism will respond to stimuli but
will not initiate an unprovoked response. When any patient with limited response is encountered, a brain imaging study is required in their evaluation.
Time is the best treatment for unilateral lesions producing
akinetic mutism since after the acute phase of the lesion
(4–6 weeks) the patients usually recover limbic activation
from unaffected regions. When subcortical lesions destroy
ascending dopaminergic fibers in the medial forebrain
bundle, patients may respond to dopaminergic
agonist (Psarros, Zouros, & Coimbra, 2003), or paradoxically antagonists of the D2 receptor (Brefel-Courbon
et al., 2007) and GABA activation (Spiegel, Casella,
Callender, & Dhadwal, 2008), perhaps due to blocking
feedback-loop inhibition.
Alcohol Abuse
Cross References
Alcohol Abuse
▶ Abulia
▶ Amotivation
▶ Apathy
▶ Cingulate Gyrus
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA
References and Readings
Baer, L., Rauch, S. L., Ballantine, H. T., Martuza, R., Cosgrove, R.,
Cassem, E., et al. (1995). Cingulotomy for intractable obsessivecompulsive disorder: prospective long-term follow-up of 18
patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52, 384–392.
Brefel-Courbon, C., Payoux, P., Ory, F., Sommet, A., Slaoui, T., Raboyeau,
G., et al. (2007). Clinical and imaging evidence of zolpidem effect in
hypoxic encephalopathy. Annals of Neurology, 62(1), 102–105.
Damasio, A. R., & Van Hoesen, G. W. (1983). Focal lesions of the limbic
frontal lobe. In K. M. Heilman & P. Satz (Eds.), Neuropsychology of
human emotion (pp. 85–110). New York: Guilford.
Grunsfeld, A. A., & Login, I. S. (2006). Abulia following penetrating brain
injury during endoscopic sinus surgery with disruption of the anterior cingulate circuit: case report. BMC Neurology, 6, 4.
Hay, P., Sachdev, P., Cumming, S., Smith, J. S., Lee, T., Kitchener, P., et al.
(1993). Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder by psychosurgery. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 87, 197–207.
Laplane, D., Levasseur, M., Pillon, B., Dubois, B., Baulac, M., Mazoyer, B.,
et al. (1989). Obsessive-compulsive and other behavioural changes
with bilateral basal ganglia lesions. Brain: A Journal of Neurology,
112, 699–725.
Mega, M. S., & Cohenour, R. C. (1997). Akinetic mutism: a disconnection
of frontal-subcortical circuits. Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 10, 254–259.
Mega, M. S., & Cummings, J. L. (1994). Frontal subcortical circuits and
neuropsychiatric disorders. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences, 6, 358–370.
Mori, E., Yamashita, H., Takauchi, S., & Kondo, K. (1996). Isolated
athymhormia following hypoxic bilateral pallidal lesions. Behavioral
Neurology, 9, 17–23.
Nagaratnam, N., Nagaratnam, K., Ng, K., & Diu, P. (2004). Akinetic
mutism following stroke. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience: Official
Journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, 11(1), 25–30.
Pribram, K. H., & Fulton, J. F. (1954). An experimental critique of the
effects of anterior cingulate ablations in monkey. Brain: A Journal of
Neurology, 77, 34–44.
Psarros, T., Zouros, A., & Coimbra, C. (2003). Bromocriptine-responsive
akinetic mutism following endoscopy for ventricular neurocysticercosis. Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Neurosurgery, 99(2), 397–401.
Spiegel, D. R., Casella, D. P., Callender, D. M., & Dhadwal, N. (2008).
Treatment of akinetic mutism with intramuscular olanzapine: a case
series. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 20(1),
Tow, P. M., & Whitty, C. W. M. (1953). Personality changes after operations of the cingulate gyrus in man. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 16, 186–193.
Ure, J., Faccio, E., Videla, H., Caccuri, R., Giudice, F., Ollari, J., et al.
(1998). Akinetic mutism: a report of three cases. Acta Neurologica
Scandinavica, 98(6), 439–444.
Alcoholism; Binge drinking; Excessive alcohol use
Short Description or Definition
Alcohol abuse refers to a ‘‘maladaptive pattern of alcohol
[use] leading to clinically significant impairment or
distress.’’ The DSM-IV Criteria for alcohol abuse are
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Alcohol Abuse
1. A maladaptive pattern of alcohol abuse leading to
clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one or more of the following, occurring
within a 12-month period:
Recurrent alcohol use resulting in failure to fulfill
major role obligations at work, school, or home
(e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to substance use; substance-related
absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school;
or neglect of children or household).
Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is
physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile
or operating a machine).
Recurrent alcohol-related legal problems (e.g.,
arrests for alcohol-related disorderly conduct).
Continued alcohol use despite persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or
exacerbated by the effects of the alcohol (e.g.,
arguments with spouse about consequences of
intoxication or physical fights).
2. These symptoms must never have met the criteria for
alcohol dependence.
Although alcohol abuse is diagnosed primarily by observed or reported impairment and distress related to
alcohol use, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends no more than one drink per day for women and
two drinks per day for men (USDA, 2005).
Alcohol Abuse
In the DSM-IV-TR, alcohol abuse is differentiated from
alcohol dependence in that the former consists of drinking that impairs functioning without withdrawal symptoms and is thus diagnosed only when dependence is
not present (Hasin, Van Rossem, McCloud, & Endicott,
1997). An alcohol abuser may continue to drink despite
awareness of the potential negative physical, social, and
legal consequences.
Alcohol abuse is associated with diseases of the liver,
hypertension, neurological damage, and cardiac diseases
such as heart failure. In 2000, alcohol abuse was responsible for 85,000 deaths in the U.S. National data suggest that
the prevalence of DSM-IV-TR alcohol abuse (not including alcohol dependence) was 4.65% in 2001–2002. At that
time, alcohol abuse was more common among men,
younger respondents, and Whites. From 1991–1992 to
2001–2002, the prevalence of alcohol abuse increased,
especially among young African American and Hispanics
and in both men and women (Grant et al., 2004). It
appears that alcohol abuse is generally more severe with
earlier onset in age of alcohol use (Grant, Stinson, &
Harford, 2001). Results from a national survey suggest
that close to one fifth of adolescents and adults engaged in
binge drinking one or more times within the last 30 days
(US DHHS, 2002).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
In The Natural History of Alcoholism Revisited, George
Vaillant (1995) described alcohol dependence as a condition of gradual onset over 5–15 years of continuous alcohol abuse. He found that the average age of onset was
29 years among a cohort of delinquent youth and 41
among a higher educated group. In the cohorts that
Vaillant (1995) studied, the prevalence of alcoholism
increased until age 40 and then declined at a rate of
2–3% per year thereafter.
Potential risk factors for alcohol abuse in adolescence
and early adulthood include being in areas of high
availability and accessibility, sensation seeking and low
harm-avoidance in youth, family history of alcohol
abuse, liberal family attitude toward alcohol use, lack
of family closeness, and early behavioral problems
(Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992). Another risk factor
appears to be comorbid mental disorders. Epidemiological data suggest that 37% of people who have an alcohol
disorder also have another mental disorder (Regier et al.,
1990), emphasizing the importance of mental and behavior health screening. In terms of prognostic factors,
Vaillant (1995) suggests that those who achieve ‘‘longterm sobriety usually [are characterized by] (1) a less
harmful, substitute dependency; (2) new relationships;
(3) sources of inspiration and hope; and (4) experiencing
negative consequences of drinking.’’
In Vaillant (1995) delinquent youth cohort, by age 70,
54% had already died, 32% were abstinent, 12% were still
abusing alcohol, and 1% were controlled drinkers (i.e.,
drinking but not abusing).
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Alcohol Abuse
In a review of the literature of neuropsychological deficits
in chronic alcohol abusers, Chelune and Parker (1981)
found patterns of neurological damage such as cerebral
atrophy, ventricular enlargement, and decreased cerebral
blood flow. Approximately 10% of chronic alcohol
abusers have neurocognitive deficits commensurate with
diagnoses of alcohol-related amnesia or dementia. A large
portion of those without diagnosable neurocognitive
deficits still evince disturbed neuropsychological performance (Rourke & Grant, 2009). Alcoholics generally
function in the average to above average range on IQ
tests with consistently lower performance IQ (PIQ) scores
relative to verbal IQ (VIQ). Their PIQ scores are similar to
those of persons with brain damage, whereas VIQ scores
are comparable with those of normal controls (Chelune &
Parker, 1981; Rourke & Grant, 2009). However, this discrepancy is not diagnostic of alcoholism. Within the
Wechsler subtests, Block Design appears to be the most
frequently impaired relative to normal controls in all
studies reviewed. Block Design impairment has been
cited as an effective discriminator between alcoholics
and non-alcoholics. Object Assembly and Digit Symbol
were also impaired relative to normal controls in more
than 3/4 of the studies. Other tests that have revealed
impairment in alcoholics include the Category Test,
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Raven’s Progressive,
Shipley–Hartford Abstract Age, and other tests of abstract
thinking. Alcoholics also generally perform poorly on Part
B of the Trail Making Test relative to matched control
groups (Chelune & Parker, 1981).
Alcohol Abuse
Overall, the most consistently impaired neuropsychological domains include verbal and nonverbal
learning and perceptual-motor skills. More broadly, most
reviews conclude that abstraction-executive abilities are
impaired among alcohol abusers (Rourke & Grant, 2009).
Despite the consistency of these neuropsychological findings, many of the samples from these studies are recently
detoxified adults. Grant and Adams (2009) point out that
neuropsychological recovery typically occurs following
the first year – and perhaps more – of detoxification.
Although the exact mechanisms of these neuropsychological deficits are not known, some of the major
hypotheses attempting to explain these deficits have
been (Chelune & Parker, 1981):
1. Chronic alcohol abuse results in premature aging of
the brain.
2. Chronic alcohol abuse leads to global generalized CNS
3. Chronic alcohol abuse differentially disrupts the right
hemisphere of the brain.
4. Chronic alcohol abuse exerts its detrimental effect on
the anterior-basal regions of the brain.
5. Chronic alcohol abuse produces a generalized CNS
impairment that is particularly disruptive of the
fronto-parietal association areas of the brain.
More recent neural hypotheses of the mechanisms of
neuropsychological deficits include reduced regional
blood flow to the frontal lobes, reduction in metabolites
(e.g., NAA) that indicate lack of neuronal integrity, frontal-striatal and cerebellar dysfunction manifesting as loss
of dendritic arbor (Rourke & Grant, 2009). Grant and
Adams (2009) note that molecular mechanisms of the
influence of chronic alcohol abuse on neuropsychological
functioning are largely unknown.
A common screening tool for alcohol abuse is the CAGE
questionnaire (Ewing, 1984; see An even briefer CAGE
Questionnaire, Table B).The CAGE is highly effective
at identifying problem drinkers among adults (Bernadt,
1982). Two ‘‘yes’’ responses on the CAGE indicate that the
respondent should be investigated further. The questionnaire asks the following questions:
Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your
Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your
Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the
morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get
rid of a hangover?
Other brief assessments for alcohol abuse include the
POSIT and CRAFFT for adolescents (Knight, Sherritt,
Harris, Gates, & Chang, 2003), the Michigan Alcoholism
Screen Test (MAST) for adults (Magruder-Habib, Stevens,
& Alling, 1993), and the AUDIT-C for both adults and
adolescents (Bush et al., 1998). According to Fiellin, Reid,
and O’Connor (2000), the CAGE and the AUDIT are
the superior screening instruments in primary care settings compared with other alcohol abuse screeners
and other clinical methods. The CAGE is superior at
detecting diagnosable abuse and dependence and the
AUDIT is superior at detecting at risk and harmful drinking (Fiellin et al., 2000).
Treatment ranges from support groups to rehabilitation
centers. Treatments of alcohol abuse appear to be largely
psychosocial. In a systematic review, brief psychosocial
interventions among primary care patients were found
to be effective at reducing alcohol consumption (Kaner
et al., 2007). Although well-known support groups such
as Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) have been helpful to many
people and likely constitute the most accessible form of
treatment, evidence has not supported AA’s effectiveness
at reducing alcohol problems (Ferri, Amato, & Davoli,
2006). Medical treatments of alcohol abuse focus on
reducing craving. Naltrexone (Chick et al., 2000) and
Acomprosate (Garbutt, West, Carey, Lohr, & Crews,
1999) have been found to be effective at reducing craving.
However, most medications are aimed at dependence, not
abuse symptoms.
Cross References
▶ Alcohol Brain Syndrome
▶ Alcohol Dependence
▶ Blood Alcohol Level
▶ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
▶ Michigan Alcoholism Screen Test
▶ Substance Abuse
▶ Wernicke-Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
Alcohol Addiction
References and Readings
Bernadt, M. W. (1982). Comparison of questionnaire and laboratory tests
in the detection of excessive drinking and alcoholism. Lancet, 6,
Chelune, G. J., & Parker, J. B. (1981). Neuropsychological deficits associated with chronic alcohol abuse. Clinical Psychology Review, 1,
Chick, J., Anton, R., Checinski, K., Croop, R., Drummond, D. C.,
Farmer, R. et al. (2000). A multicentre, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol
dependence or abuse. Alcohol, 35, 587–593.
Ewing, J. A. (1984). Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire.
JAMA, 252, 1905–1907.
Ferri, M. M. F., Amato L., & Davoli M. (2006). Alcoholics anonymous
and other 12-step programmes for alcohol dependence. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, Art. No.: CD005032. doi:
Fiellin, D. A., Reid, M. C., & O’Connor, P. G. (2000). Screening for
alcohol problems in primary care: A systematic review. Archives of
Internal Medicine, 160(13), 1977–1989.
Garbutt, J. C., West, S. L., Carey, T. S., Lohr, K. N., & Crews, F. T. (1999).
Pharmacological treatment of alcohol dependence: A review of the
evidence. JAMA, 281, 1318–1325.
Grant, B. F., Dawson, D. A., Stinson, F. S., Chou, S. P., Dufour, M. C., &
Pickering, R. P. (2004). The 12-month prevalence and trends in DSM-IV
alcohol abuse and dependence: United States, 1991–1992 and 2001–2002.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 74, 223234.
Grant, I., Adams K. M. (Eds.) (2009). Neuropsychological assessment
of neuropsychiatric disorders (3rd ed., pp. 127–158.). New York:
Oxford University Press.
Grant, B. F., Stinson, F. S., & Harford, T. C. (2001). Age at onset of alcohol
use and DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence: A 12-year followup. Journal of Substance Abuse, 13, 493–504.
Hasin, D. S., Van Rossem, R., McCloud, S., & Endicott, J. (1997). Alcohol
dependence and abuse diagnoses: Validity in a community sample
of heavy drinkers. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research,
21, 213–219.
Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., & Miller, J. Y. (1992). Risk and protective
factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early
adulthood: Implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 64–105.
Knight, J. R., Sherritt, L., Harris, S. K., Gates, E. C., & Chang, G. (2003).
Validity of brief alcohol screening tests among adolescents: A comparison of the AUDIT, POSIT, CAGE, and CRAFFT. Alcoholism,
Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 67–73.
Magruder-Habib, K., Stevens, H. A., & Alling, W. C. (1993). Relative
performance of the MAST, VAST, and CAGE versus DSM-III-R
criteria for alcohol dependence. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
46, 435–441.
Regier, D. A., Farmer, M. E., Rae, D. S., Locke, B. Z., Keith, S. J.,
Judd, L. L., et al. (1990). Comorbidity of mental disorders with
alcohol and other drug abuse. Results from the epidemiologic catchment area (ECA) study. JAMA, 264, 2511–2518.
Rourke, S. B., & Grant, I. (2009). The neurobehavioral correlates of
alcoholism. In I. Grant & K. M. Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological
assessment of neuropsychiatric and neuromedical disorders (3rd ed.,
pp. 398–454). New York: Oxford University Press.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration(US DHHS). (2002). Results
from the 2001 national household survey on drug abuse: Volume I.
Summary of national findings (Office of Applied Studies, NHSDA
Series H-17 ed.) (BKD461, SMA 02–3758). Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from the
World Wide Web: http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/nhsda/2k1nhsda/
United States Department of Agriculture and United States Department
of Health and Human Services (USDA). (2005). Dietary guidelines for
Americans: Chap. 9 – Alcoholic beverages (pp. 43–46). Washington,
DC: US Government Printing Office.
Vaillant, G. E. (1995). The natural history of alcoholism revisited.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Alcohol Addiction
▶ Alcoholism
Alcohol Amnesic Disorder
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
Alcohol Dependence
University of Florida-College of Public Health and Health
Gainesville, FL, USA
As described in DSM-IV, alcohol dependence is a set of
symptoms encompassing dysfunction in cognitive, behavioral, and physiological domains caused by continued
alcohol use. A pattern of repeated alcohol ingestion exists,
resulting in increasing amounts consumed in order to
obtain the desired effect (i.e., tolerance) and characteristic
symptoms if use is suddenly suspended (i.e., withdrawal).
There is a perceived loss of control over drinking, exhibited
by repeated failed attempts to decrease or quit drinking.
Individuals may spend increasing amounts of time
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
in drinking-related behaviors without being able to stop,
despite being aware that drinking is causing, or exacerbating, psychological or medical problems. Cognitive consequences can include memory loss, difficulty performing
familiar tasks, poor or impaired judgment, and problems
with language.
Cross References
▶ Alcohol Abuse
▶ Alcohol Dementia
▶ Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
▶ Substance Abuse
▶ Substance Abuse Disorders
▶ Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome
References and Readings
American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Alcoholic Amnestic Disorder
▶ Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
University of Florida-College of Public Health
and Health Professions
Gainesville, FL, USA
Alcoholic dementia; Alcoholic hallucinosis; Delirium
tremens; Korsakoff ’s syndrome; Wernicke–Korsakoff
Short Description or Definition
‘‘Alcoholic brain syndrome’’ is a collection of several syndromes associated with the acute or chronic use of
alcohol, resulting in significant impairment on normal
brain functioning (APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2007).
As mentioned in the definition, alcoholic brain syndrome
encompasses several syndromes.
1. Alcohol withdrawal delirium: A reversible condition
that develops after cessation of chronic, extreme
alcohol intake. Symptoms include disturbed consciousness (e.g., disruption in attention/concentration),
disruption in memory, orientation, and language beyond what would be expected from typical alcohol
2. Alcohol-induced persisting dementia: A chronic condition that includes multiple cognitive deficits as
a result of prolonged alcohol abuse. Cognitive areas
generally impaired include memory, speech, motor/
sensory functions and executive functions. Global
impairment in intellectual functioning evolves gradually over time.
3. Alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder: A persistent disturbance in memory functioning caused by
chronic alcohol abuse. Memory impairment is severe
enough to cause significant disturbance in occupational or social functioning.
4. Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE): A syndrome resulting
from chronic alcoholism leading to nutritional deficiency (i.e., Vitamin B1 [Thiamine] and characterized
by acute confusion, ataxia, sluggish pupillary reflexes,
and nystagmus and memory deficits). The syndrome
can result in coma or death. Lesions are centered in the
midbrain, cerebellum, and diencephalon.
5. Korsakoff ’s syndrome: This condition often follows
episodes of WE. Thiamine deficiency, as a result of
chronic, severe alcohol abuse, leads to a dense anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Patients with Korsakoff ’s syndrome can store information for only a few
seconds before they forget it. The resulting amnesia is
thought to be due to damage in the mammillary bodies, anterior or dorsomedial nuclei (or both) of the
Another common feature is confabulation, in which
the patient recounts detailed and convincing memories
for events that have never happened.
6. Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder: A condition involving the presence of delusions and/or hallucinations
due to the physiological effects of alcohol.
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Up to 2 million alcoholics have developed permanent and
debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care.
A number of factors influence how and to what extent
alcohol affects the brain. These include the age at which the
person started drinking, duration of drinking, amount of
alcohol consumed, drinking style/pattern, patient’s age,
education, genetic background, family history of alcoholism, neuropsychiatric risk factors (e.g., prenatal alcohol
exposure), and general health status. Studies comparing
men and women’s sensitivity to alcohol-induced brain
damage have not been conclusive.
Poor nutrition has been a major contributor to the
development of alcohol-induced brain damage. Up to
80% of alcoholics have a deficiency in thiamine (i.e.,
Vitamin B1). This vitamin is an essential nutrient required by all tissues including the brain. Some of these
people will progress to WE. Approximately 80–90% of
alcoholics with Wernicke’s develop Korsakoff ’s psychosis,
which is more prevalent in men aged 45–65. Women
who develop this condition tend to do so at a younger
age (i.e., 35–55).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
and Outcomes
WE is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment, as it can lead to death in approximately 20% of
untreated cases. Symptoms can develop within hours and
can be easily missed as many mimic intoxication. If treatment is given in time, usually through the administration
of thiamine, progression of symptoms can be slowed or
stopped. Ocular abnormalities usually recover within a
few days to a few weeks, but ataxia takes 1–2 months
longer to resolve. The acute confusion/delirium usually
improves within 1–2 days after the treatment but may
take 1–3 months to completely clear.
If treatment is not provided, then irreversible brain
damage, or even death, is possible. Of those who survive,
approximately 85% develop Korsakoff ’s syndrome. However, not every person who develops Korsakoff ’s syndrome has a previous episode of Wernicke’s. Some will
develop Korsakoff ’s gradually with either no known history or brief episodes of Wernicke’s. Some patients are
initially comatose or semiconscious and only when the
acute disorder has resolved is the underlying Korsakoff ’s
syndrome manifest. These patients are still susceptible to
developing Wernicke’s, especially if drinking were to
Loss of some cognitive functions including memory
in Korsakoff ’s syndrome may be permanent. Once the
patient has developed Korsakoff ’s, the treatment strategies
are not clear. However, it is important for patients to
remain abstinent from alcohol. Depending on the degree
of memory and executive function impairment, and availability of family support, patients with Korsakoff ’s may
require long-term custodial care.
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
The classic symptom in Korsakoff ’s syndrome is the inability to form new memories (i.e., anterograde amnesia).
However, patients also demonstrate significant deficits in
their ability to recall incidents or events from their own
past as well (i.e., episodic memory). Memory for facts,
concepts, and language (i.e., semantic memory) is variable while perceptual-motor memory is thought to be
The inability to recall previously learned information
(i.e., retrograde amnesia) can often extend back 20–30
years in a person’s life with Korsakoff ’s patients. Generally, a temporal gradient exists such that memories from the
more distant past are recalled better than the more recent
ones. The basis of this extensive retrograde amnesia is still
a matter of great controversy.
These patients are typically younger than most
patients presenting to dementia services and because
they often present as initially confused, with concomitant
frontal lobe pathology, they are more likely to demonstrate aggressive, agitated behaviors and anxiety. Those
with irreversible brain damage are unlikely to be able to
live alone but also typically lack available social services.
These patients often have a difficult time maintaining
social and familial relationships and live isolated lives.
For patients who meet the DSM-IV criteria for WE or
Korsakoff ’s syndrome, neuropsychological assessment is
useful for documenting functions that are impaired, the
severity of impairment, and the prognostic factors
involved in determining the patient’s ability to manage
daily life either independently or with assistance. However, it is preferable for the neuropsychological assessment
to occur when the patient has been abstinent from alcohol
for a long enough period of time to insure that the acute
symptoms of alcohol withdrawal have subsided.
The primary treatment option for patients experiencing
alcoholic brain syndrome is to stop drinking and remain
abstinent. Without additional alcohol exposure, the recovery from the delirium caused by alcohol is usually
good. This is obviously the first treatment to be utilized.
As mentioned above, thiamine deficiency is an important
contributor to alcohol-related brain damage; therefore,
Vitamin B1 supplementation is necessary. Initially, the
vitamins can be given intravenously or intramuscularly
followed by oral administration. WE responds well to
high-dose vitamins, and such treatment can prevent the
occurrence of severe, chronic Korsakoff’s syndrome. Secondarily, nutritional counseling to promote a vitamin-rich
and balanced diet is also part of this initial treatment protocol, especially for longer-term recovery and prevention.
Cross References
▶ Alcoholism
▶ Amnesia
▶ Anterograde Amnesia
▶ Dementia
▶ Encephalopathy
▶ Episodic Memory
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
▶ Organic Brain Syndrome
▶ Retrograde Amnesia
▶ Semantic Memory
▶ Substance Abuse
Alcoholic Dementia
▶ Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Alcoholic Hallucinosis
▶ Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Alcoholic Polyneuropathy
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
Alcoholic Psychosis
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
University of Florida-College of Public Health and Health
Gainesville, FL, USA
References and Readings
Kopelman, M., Thomson, A., Guerrini, I., & Marshall, E. (2009). The
Korsakoff Syndrome: Clinical aspects, psychology and treatment.
Alcohol & Alcoholism, 44(2), 148–154.
Martin, P., Singleton, C., & Hiller-Sturmhofel, S. (2003). The role of
thiamine deficiency in alcoholic brain disease. Alcohol Research &
Health, 27(2), 134–142.
Oscar-Berman, M., & Marinkovic, K. (2003). Alcoholism and the brain:
An overview. Alcohol Research & Health, 27(2), 125–133.
Parsons, O. (1996). Alcohol abuse and alcoholism. In R. Adams,
O. Parsons, J. Culbertson, & S. Nixon (Eds.), Neuropsychology for
clinical practice: Etiology, assessment, and treatment of common neurological disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Rourke, S., & Grant, I. (2009). The neurobehavioral correlates of alcoholism. In I. Grant & K. M. Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological assessment of neuropsychiatric and neuromedical disorders (3rd ed.). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press.
White, A. (2003). What happened? Alcohol, memory blackouts, and the
brain. Alcohol Research & Health, 27(2), 186–196.
Alcohol abuse; Alcohol addiction; Alcohol dependence;
Problem drinking; Substance abuse
The term ‘‘alcoholism’’ has a variety of definitions. For
some, it is a disease that makes a person dependent on
alcohol, causes an obsession with alcohol and inability to
control how much they drink even though their drinking
causes serious problems in their relationships, health,
work, and finances. Others do not define it as a ‘‘disease’’
per se but rather a ‘‘condition,’’ behavioral in nature,
which results in continued consumption of alcohol despite health problems and negative social consequences.
For some, the definition must include the concepts of
addiction and physiological withdrawal mechanisms,
while for others, these are consequences of drinking.
It is common for laypeople to equate any kind of
excessive drinking with alcoholism. Those in the mental
health fields see that disorders related to alcohol use lie
along a continuum of severity that may include physical
dependency/withdrawal (i.e., alcohol dependence) or may
involve impaired drinking habits that lead to health or
social problems/consequences but without dependency/
withdrawal (i.e., alcohol abuse). According to the APA
Dictionary of Psychology, alcoholism is the popular term
for ‘‘alcohol dependence.’’
Historical Background
The term ‘‘alcoholism’’ was first used in 1849 by a physician, Magus Haas, to describe the systematic adverse
effects of alcohol overconsumption. In the USA, it became
a popular term in the 1930s as a result of the growth of
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Previously, society viewed
those who drank to excess as immoral, weak of character,
and irresponsible. Society’s response was punishment and
removal of overconsumers from sober society to protect
the community. With the rise of AA, and their publication
(i.e., the ‘‘Big Book’’), the view of alcoholism changed
from character flaw to medical disease. AA viewed alcoholism as a physical allergy to alcohol accompanied by
an obsession with drinking. This organization began to
dispel the previously held beliefs that alcoholics were
unemployable, destitute, and isolated individuals by
demonstrating that some highly respected people who
had been alcohol dependent had eventually overcome
their disorder and went on to lead productive lives.
The epidemiology of alcoholism can be confusing and
contradictory, depending on the definition being utilized
and the measurement tool. The generally accepted overall
rate of occurrence of alcoholism in the USA is 10%. The
U.S. National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Study
concluded that alcoholism is prevalent in 20% of adult
hospital inpatients and in 17% of community-based
primary care practices. A 1985 U.S. National Hospital
Survey found that 528,000 patients were discharged from
hospitals with a primary diagnosis of substance abuse, and
for 81% (428,000), alcohol was the abused substance.
According to a 2001 survey conducted by the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in
the USA, approximately 48% of adults (aged 12 or older)
reported being current drinkers of alcohol (approximately
109 million). That number drops to 44% when the age is
18 or older. Approximately 20% of persons aged 12 or older
participated in binge drinking at least once in 30 days prior
to the 2001 survey. ‘‘Heavy drinking’’ was reported by 5.7%
of the 12 or older population (12.9 million). The highest
prevalence for both binge and heavy drinking was for those
in the 18–25 age groups with the peak rate occurring at age
21. Studies have found those who begin drinking at an
earlier age are at higher risk to develop dependency. Those
Americans who wait till age 21 are 4 times less likely to
become dependent than those who begin drinking before
the age of 15 (i.e., 40% who start before age 15 develop
dependency on alcohol at some point in their lives). The
risk for developing dependency declines with age, as the
prevalence rate for alcoholism in those persons greater than
65 years old is 3%.
There are other nonage risk factors as well. Those with
lower education and lower socioeconomic status are also
at higher risk. There are also gender differences as men are
at minimum 2.5 times more likely to be defined as ‘‘alcoholic’’ as women; however, the proportion of female alcoholics is increasing. White, non-Hispanic, individuals
are more likely to develop alcoholism than AfricanAmericans. The risk for Hispanics is generally the same
as Whites.
Alcoholism is estimated to be the third leading cause
of preventable death in the USA (after smoking and obesity). In the USA, 85,000 deaths are attributable to alcohol
each year at a cost of $185 billion. The NIAAA estimates
that intoxication is present in 30–60% of homicides, 22%
of suicides, 33–50% of automobile accidents, 67% of
drownings, and 70–80% of fire-related deaths. More
than 50% of American adults have a close family member
who has or has had alcoholism. Approximately one in four
children younger than 18 in the USA is exposed to alcohol
abuse or alcohol dependence in their family.
Internationally, the World Health Organization estimates that there are 140 million people worldwide that are
alcohol dependent and they account for 3.5% of the total
cases of disease worldwide, which is a higher rate than
tobacco or illicit drugs.
Current Knowledge
There is no identifiable single cause of alcoholism. Scientists believe that a myriad of factors play a role in the
development of alcoholism.
1. Genetics: Previous twin and adoption studies have
demonstrated that genes play an important role in
the development of alcoholism. Researchers found
that identical twins (i.e., identical genes) have a higher
concordance rate for drinking behavior than fraternal
twins. Other studies have cast some doubt on these
twin studies by suggesting the environment of identical twins is more alike than fraternal twins, thus suggesting a weakening of the argument in favor of genes.
In the adoption studies, researchers found that
whether reared by biologic or adoptive parents, the sons
of males with alcohol problems are 4 times more likely
to have alcohol problems than sons of persons who are
not. In either case, epidemiologic studies indicate that
alcoholism tends to run in families. Alcoholics are 6 times
more likely than nonalcoholics to have blood relatives
who are alcohol dependent. In summary, a person’s
genetic makeup can predispose them to alcoholism
or not.
2. Peer influence: Social networks that include heavy
drinkers and alcohol abusers increase an individual’s
risk for alcoholism.
3. Cultural influence: Cultures that include well-established taboos against drunkenness and rules regarding
drinking have lower alcoholism rates than those who
do not.
4. Psychiatric conditions: Certain psychiatric diagnoses
increase the risk of alcoholism. These include
ADHD, panic disorder, schizophrenia, and antisocial
personality disorder.
There are a variety of measures for alcoholism including
the following:
1. CAGE: The CAGE is named for the four questions
asked of a patient before any questions regarding
quantities drank are asked.
a Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on your
b Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your
c Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
d Have you ever felt you needed a drink in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
The CAGE has been extensively validated. Those who
answer ‘‘YES’’ to two or more questions are 7 times
more likely to be alcohol dependent. It is not an adequate
measure by itself but can alert a health-care provider to
probe further. Another weakness is that it tends to be less
reliable with populations with lower alcoholism rates
(e.g., elderly) and does not identify ‘‘hazardous drinking.’’
2. Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT):
The AUDIT can detect both hazardous drinking
and alcohol abuse. It does not need to be administered
face to face like the CAGE. It was developed by the
World Health Organization and yields scores for
consumption, dependency, and alcohol-related
3. Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire: More sensitive than the CAGE and can distinguish abuse versus
Health-care providers most often use the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,
Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criterion for alcohol dependence. The diagnosis requires three of the following
1. Maladaptive pattern of the use leading to impairment/
distress as manifested by three or more of the below
occurring in the same 12-month period.
Drink more frequently or in larger amounts than
Persistent desire to drink or unsuccessful efforts to
cut down or control use
Great deal of time spent in acquiring/using alcohol
or recovering from its effects
Important social, occupational, or recreational
activities given up or reduced because of alcohol
Drinking continues despite knowledge of persistent or recurrent physiological, or psychological
problems caused or exacerbated by drinking
There are several well-accepted avenues of treatment.
1. Psychosocial: Studies have shown that simple, brief
interventions can be effective in those not severely
alcohol dependent. One of those getting an extensive
trial has been ‘‘Motivation Interviewing’’ based on
Prochaska’s Five Stages of Change Model. A summary
of the treatment approach is as follows:
Precontemplation – Patient expresses no interest or
need for change. The health-care professional’s
options are limited. They can point to discrepancies between the patient’s goals and behavior and
recommend 2 weeks of abstinence.
Contemplation – Patient expresses ambivalence or
skepticism about change. The provider should
work to influence them in direction of change,
provide information about the dangers of alcohol
abuse, and recommend an abstinence trial.
Preparation – Patient accepts need for change and
makes plans to accomplish changed drinking goal.
Action – Patient recognizes problem in drinking
behavior and takes observable steps to decrease
alcohol use. Professional reinforces decision for
change and may introduce self-help groups and/
or medications.
Maintenance – Patient and professional work
together to maintain change and prevent relapse.
2. Medications: The most common medications in the
treatment of alcoholism are:
Disulfiram (Antabuse) – Prevents the elimination
of acetaldehyde, which is a by-product of alcohol
metabolism. Results in unpleasant side effects in
persons still drinking including nausea, dizziness,
headache, flushing, vomiting, heart palpitations,
and sudden drop in blood pressure. Disulfiram
needs to be taken daily to be effective. However,
in at least one large clinical trial it did not increase
Naltrexone (ReVia) – May work by blocking the
positive effects felt from drinking by blocking opiate receptors in the brain thereby decreasing craving for alcohol. Clinical studies have found a
modest decrease in relapse (12–20%). This drug
has an unknown cause of action.
Acamprosate (Campral) – Used to maintain
abstinence once alcoholics have stopped drinking.
Thought to work by stabilizing the chemical
balance in the brain. In clinical trials, the one
year abstinence rates have been 18% and 12% at
two years.
afford a private hospital or private psychiatrist could
only find help in state hospitals, jails, or churches.
AA was the first self-directed approach toward treatment. The AA treatment model includes self-help
groups, utilizing psychological principles organized
in small local community groups. The ‘‘12 steps’’ of
AA encourage confrontation of denial, admission of
powerlessness over alcohol, and strives for people
to atone for harm caused by their behavior while
drinking. It encourages its members to live ethically
with a reliance on a ‘‘higher power.’’ It is this sense
of AA as a ‘‘religion’’ that has led to nonreligious selfhelp groups including rational recovery, LifeRing,
and SOS.
Future Directions
The following are areas needing continued study:
1. Genetic research – current and future studies are looking at individuals with a family history of alcoholism
to pinpoint the location of genes that influence vulnerability to alcoholism. This line of study will assist
in the early identification of individuals at risk and of
new, gene-based treatment approaches.
2. Treatment approaches – The NIAAA has been funding
a study called ‘‘Project MATCH’’ whose goal is to
identify variables important in predicting outcome
based on patient characteristics and treatment design.
3. Medications – Naltrexone was the first drug approved
by the FDA in 45 years to help alcoholics stay sober
following detoxification. More research is needed.
Cross References
▶ Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
▶ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
▶ Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
▶ Motivational Interviewing
▶ Substance Abuse Disorders
▶ Twin Studies
▶ Wernicke–Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
References and Readings
3. Self-help groups: Perhaps the best-known organization
involving alcoholism is AA. Until the mid-1930s in the
USA, alcohol-dependent persons who could not
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Etiology and natural
history of alcoholism. URL Accessed on June 1, 2009 (http://pubs.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Helping patients
who drink too much: A clinician’s guide. URL Accessed on June 1,
2009 (http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/Publications/EducationTrainingMaterials/guide.htm).
Schuckit, M. (2000). Drug and alcohol abuse: A clinical guide to
diagnosis and treatment. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and SAMHSAs National
Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. Accessed URL
on June 1, 2009 (http://ncadistore.samhsa.gov/catalog/facts.aspx?
STG International
Alexandria, VA, USA
Awareness; Consciousness; Watchfulness
A state of being mentally perceptive and responsive to
external stimuli. A ‘‘readiness to respond’’ that can be
detected by Electroencephalography (EEG). Alertness is
susceptible to fatigue; maintaining a constant level of
alertness is difficult, particularly for monotonous tasks
demanding continuous attention. Stimulants such as
nicotine, caffeine, and amphetamines can temporally
boost alertness. Diminished alertness is often associated
with the physiological response of yawning, which may
boost the alertness of the brain. Impaired alertness is a
common symptom of a number of conditions, including
narcolepsy, attention deficit disorder, traumatic brain
injury, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, Addison’s
disease, and sleep deprivation.
Cross References
▶ Alertness
▶ Electroencephalography
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ, USA
Short Description or Definition
The term alexia is applied to acquired disorders of reading
produced by neurological injury in individuals with
normal premorbid literacy skills. Clinically, patients with
alexia have difficulty in recognizing, pronouncing, or
comprehending written words. Although alexia can
occur in relative isolation, it is more frequently encountered in the context of spoken language dysfunction or
aphasia. Most individuals with alexia have concommitant
spelling impairment or agraphia, suggesting that reading
and spelling rely on shared cognitive representations
and neural substrates. Acquired alexia needs to be
distinguished from developmental dyslexia reflecting a
failure to attain normal reading skills.
Alexia is not a single clinical entity. Instead, there are
several distinct forms of alexia characterized by specific
combinations of impaired and preserved reading abilities
and associated with unique lesion profiles. The three most
commonly encountered alexia syndromes include pure
alexia/letter-by-letter reading, phonological/deep alexia,
and surface alexia. In order to understand the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying different subtypes of
alexia, it is important to briefly review the cognitive
processes involved in normal reading.
Reading is a complex cognitive skill that requires rapid
visual discrimination of letters and words, as well as the
ability to link information about visual word forms
(orthography) with knowledge about word sounds
(phonology) and word meanings (semantics). According
to an influential dual-route model of reading (Coltheart,
Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001), perceptual
processing of written words begins with visual feature
analysis and letter shape detection (Fig. 1). Following
the letter identification stage, the model postulates two
distinct procedures or processing routes for deriving
phonology from print. The lexical route requires the
activation of memory representations of written word
forms stored in the orthographic lexicon, followed by
Spoken word
Written word
Motor speech
Graphic motor
Alexia. Figure 1 A cognitive model indicating the component processes involved in reading
the retrieval of the corresponding spoken word forms
from the phonological lexicon. The lexical route is
normally used to read familiar words and can support
the processing of both regular words that have predictable
spelling–sound relationships (e.g., spring) and irregular
words that contain atypical letter–sound or grapheme–
phoneme mappings (e.g., choir). By contrast, the sublexical route operates on units smaller than the whole word
and is thought to rely on the serial conversion of individual graphemes to the corresponding phonemes. The
sublexical route is essential for accurate reading of unfamiliar words or nonwords (e.g., nace) because these novel
items, by definition, do not have preexisting representations in the orthographic or phonological lexicon. The
sublexical route can also be used to generate plausible
pronunciations for regular words that strictly obey
spelling–sound conversion rules. However, processing
irregular words by the sublexical procedure results in
regularization errors (e.g., have read to rhyme with
save). Thus, according to dual-route theory, only the
lexical reading route can deliver a correct response to
irregular words. Note that the model depicted in Fig. 1
also includes an indirect route from orthography to phonology via the semantic system. The activation of word
meanings by this semantic reading route is critical for
written word comprehension. However, whether semantic
mediation is also normally required for accurate oral
reading of familiar words is a topic of controversy
(Coltheart et al., 2001; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, &
Patterson, 1996; Woollams, Lambon Ralph, Plaut, &
Patterson, 2007). In summary, skilled reading depends
on interactions between visual/orthographic processing,
phonology, and semantics. Damage to these functional
domains or the disruption of the transfer of information
between the cognitive/brain systems that support these
operations results in alexia.
Alexia is commonly observed in right-handed individuals
following damage to the language-dominant left hemisphere. Although it is most frequently caused by stroke,
alexia can follow any kind of focal injury (e.g., trauma,
tumor) to the brain regions critical for implementing the
various cognitive operations necessary for normal
reading. Alexia is also often seen in the setting of neurodegenerative disorders, especially in patients with primary
progressive aphasia/semantic dementia or Alzheimer’s
disease. In general, the specific alexia profile is determined
not so much by the etiology of the brain damage than by
the location of the responsible lesions.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
The prognosis for recovery from alexia depends both on
the etiology of the lesion and the extent of the underlying
brain damage. Alexia following stroke tends to show some
spontaneous recovery over time, but patients with extensive brain damage may never regain useful reading function and typically stop reading for pleasure. In individuals
with neurodegenerative disorders, progressive worsening
of the reading impairment is observed along with the
gradual deterioration of other language and cognitive
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
Pure Alexia/Letter-By-Letter Reading
In pure alexia, the rapid visual identification of familiar
words that characterizes normal skilled reading is disrupted. Reading is slow and laborious, often relying on a
serial letter-naming strategy known as ‘‘letter-by-letter’’
reading. Typically, there is a monotonic increase in
reading latencies as a function of the number of letters
in the word, giving rise to an abnormal word length effect
that is considered the hallmark feature of the syndrome.
Varying degrees of letter identification difficulty are present and visual reading errors are common (e.g., chain –
charm). Collectively, these behavioral observations suggest that visual processing impairment plays a critical role
in the pathogenesis of pure alexia (Behrmann, Plaut, &
Nelson, 1998). Although the reading disorder may be
unaccompanied by significant aphasia or agraphia, many
patients with pure alexia demonstrate concommitant
anomia and spelling impairment (Rapcsak & Beeson,
2004). Furthermore, patients often perform poorly on
nonreading tasks that require fine-grained visual discrimination, suggesting that the reading impairment is part of
a more general visual processing deficit (Behrmann et al.,
1998). Within the framework of the cognitive model
depicted in Fig. 1, pure alexia is attributable to dysfunction at the visual feature analysis and/or letter identification stages of reading, or it may be produced by damage to
the orthographic lexicon. Damage to any of these visual
processing components would be expected to interfere
with the rapid perceptual identification of familiar
orthographic word forms and result in an abnormal
word length effect in oral reading.
Pure alexia/letter-by-letter reading is most commonly
seen following left inferior occipito-temporal damage
caused by posterior cerebral artery strokes. It has been
proposed that the critical lesions degrade or disrupt visual
input to the visual word-form area (VWFA) or directly
damage the VWFA itself (Cohen et al., 2003; Epelbaum
et al., 2008). The VWFA is consistently activated in functional imaging studies of reading in normal individuals
and has been localized to the mid-lateral portions of the
left fusiform gyrus (BA37) (Cohen et al., 2002; Jobard,
Crivello, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003) (Fig. 2). The VWFA
receives converging input from bilateral posterior occipital areas (BA17,18/19) involved in visual feature analysis
and letter shape detection and it integrates this information into larger perceptual units corresponding to whole
words (Fig. 2). Activation of the VWFA is sensitive to the
orthographic familiarity of the letter string, consistent
with the notion that this cortical region may constitute
the neural substrate of the orthographic lexicon. The
orthographic codes computed by the VWFA are subsequently transmitted to cortical systems involved in the
phonological and semantic components of reading
(Fig. 3). Importantly, it has been shown that spelling
familiar words also activates the VWFA (Beeson et al.,
2003). These observations confirm the central role for the
VWFA in orthographic processing and support the view
that the same orthographic lexical representations mediate reading and spelling. Consistent with this hypothesis,
patients with damage to the VWFA are likely to show
evidence of reading and spelling impairment attributable
to the loss of word-specific orthographic representations
(Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004).
Phonological/Deep Alexia
Phonological alexia is characterized by a disproportionate
difficulty in processing nonwords compared with familiar
words, giving rise to an exaggerated lexicality effect in
reading (Crisp & Lambon Ralph, 2006; Patterson &
Lambon Ralph, 1999; Rapcsak et al., 2009). Attempts to
read nonwords often result in real word responses known
as lexicalization errors (e.g., nace – name). Although
in phonological alexia reading of familiar words
(both regular and irregular) is relatively preserved,
performance is typically influenced by lexical-semantic
variables including word frequency (high>low), imageability (concrete>abstract), and grammatical class
(nouns>verbs > functors). Deep alexia includes all the
Alexia. Figure 2 Location of the visual word form area (VWFA) (indicated by green circle) as determined by functional
neuroimaging studies of reading. This region receives input from bilateral posterior occipital visual areas (shown in purple).
Arrow indicates callosal transfer of information initially processed by right visual cortex
Visual analysis
Alexia. Figure 3 Cortical regions involved in reading
characteristic features of phonological alexia, but it
is distinguished from the latter by the production of
prominent semantic reading errors (e.g., boy – son)
(Coltheart, Patterson, & Marshall, 1980). Although phonological and deep alexia were originally considered separate entities, there is now much evidence to suggest that
the difference between these syndromes is quantitative
rather than qualitative. Thus, phonological and deep alexia are more appropriately considered as points along a
continuum, with the latter representing a more severe
version of the former (Crisp & Lambon Ralph, 2006;
Rapcsak et al., 2009).
Phonological alexia is typically encountered in
patients with aphasia syndromes characterized by phonological impairment (i.e., Broca’s, conduction, Wernicke’s).
Furthermore, it has been shown that most patients with
phonological alexia demonstrate prominent deficits and
increased lexicality effects in spoken language tasks that
require the manipulation and maintenance of sublexical
phonological information (e.g., repetition, rhyme judgments, phoneme segmentation and blending), and also
that such non-orthographic measures of phonological
ability correlate with and are predictive of reading performance (Crisp & Lambon Ralph, 2006; Rapcsak et al.,
2009). These observations suggest that the written and
spoken language impairments in phonological alexia have
a common origin and are merely different manifestations
of a central or modality-independent phonological deficit
(Crisp & Lambon Ralph, 2006; Patterson & Lambon
Ralph, 1999; Rapcsak et al., 2009). Consistent with this
view, the reading disorder in phonological alexia is usually
accompanied by a qualitatively similar spelling impairment (phonological agraphia) (Rapcsak et al., 2009).
According to dual-route models (Fig. 1), poor nonword
reading in phonological alexia is attributable to damage to
the sublexical route, while the relatively preserved real
word reading performance of these patients reflects the
residual functional capacity of the lexical and semantic
routes. The general phonological impairment observed in
the vast majority of patients suggests that the most common site of damage may be at the level of the phoneme
units (with additional damage to the phonological lexicon
in more severe cases), as these phonological processing
components are shared between written and spoken
language tasks.
Phonological alexia is most often associated with
damage to a network of perisylvian cortical regions
involved in speech production/perception and phonological processing in general. Components of this distributed
phonological system include posterior-inferior frontal
gyrus/Broca’s area (BA44/45), precentral gyrus (BA4/6),
insula, superior temporal gyrus/Wernicke’s area (BA22),
and supramarginal gyrus (BA40) (Rapcsak et al., 2009).
Consistent with the phonological deficit hypothesis, there
is an excellent neuroanatomical correspondence between
the location of the lesions that produce phonological
alexia and the location of the perisylvian cortical areas
that show activation in normal individuals during a
variety of written and spoken language tasks requiring
phonological processing (Jobard et al., 2003; Rapcsak
et al., 2009; Vigneau et al., 2006). As predicted by the
continuum model, there is considerable overlap between
the perisylvian lesion profiles of patients with phonological and deep alexia, although the damage in deep
alexia tends to be more extensive. In fact, the massive
destruction of left-hemisphere language areas in deep
alexia has lead to the hypothesis that reading performance in these patients may be mediated by the intact
right hemisphere (Coltheart et al., 1980).
Surface Alexia
In surface alexia the main difficulty involves reading
irregular words, especially when these items are of low
frequency. Regular words of comparable frequency are
processed more efficiently, and the discrepancy in performance between words with predictable versus atypical
spelling–sound relationships is reflected by an increased
regularity effect in reading. Nonword reading is typically
preserved. According to dual-route theory, surface alexia
is attributable to dysfunction of the lexical reading route
(Fig. 1). Specifically, it has been suggested that the reading
disorder in some cases may result from damage to the
orthographic lexicon (Coltheart et al., 2001; Patterson,
Marshall, & Coltheart, 1985). Due to the loss of wordspecific orthographic knowledge, patients with this type
of deficit will be forced to rely on a sublexical grapheme–
phoneme conversion strategy that produces phonologically plausible regularization errors on irregular words.
Low-frequency irregular words are especially vulnerable
because the activation of representations in the orthographic lexicon is normally modulated by word frequency
and the relative refractoriness of low-frequency items may
be further exaggerated by the brain damage. Consistent
with the notion that reading and spelling rely on shared
orthographic representations, patients with surface alexia
following damage to the orthographic lexicon show
similar difficulty in spelling irregular words (surface
agraphia) (Patterson et al., 1985; Rapcsak & Beeson,
2004). Alternatively, surface alexia may result from damage to central semantic representations (Woollams et al.,
2007). Specifically, it has been proposed that accurate oral
reading of low-frequency irregular words normally
requires additional support from the semantic reading
route and cannot be mediated efficiently by pathways
that rely on direct transcoding between orthographic
and phonological representations (Plaut et al., 1996).
With the degradation of semantic knowledge, the relative
inadequacy of non-semantic reading routes is revealed
and manifests itself as surface alexia. Consistent with the
semantic deficit hypothesis, many patients with surface
alexia perform poorly on verbal and nonverbal cognitive
tasks requiring semantic processing (e.g., picture naming,
verbal fluency, spoken word and picture comprehension).
Furthermore, the severity of the semantic impairment on
these nonreading tasks has been shown to correlate with
reading accuracy for low-frequency irregular words
(Woollams et al., 2007). The proposed central semantic
deficit may also explain the frequent co-occurrence of
surface alexia and surface agraphia (Graham, Patterson,
& Hodges, 2000).
In contrast to the strong association between perisylvian damage and phonological alexia, surface alexia is
typically encountered in the setting of extrasylvian brain
pathology. Although uncommon in patients with stroke,
surface alexia has been described in individuals with left
temporo-parietal lesions centered on posterior middle/
inferior temporal gyrus and angular gyrus (BA20/21,37/
39), and also following inferior occipito-temporal lesions
that involved the VWFA (Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004; Vanier
& Caplan, 1985). As expected, patients with surface alexia
following VWFA damage also showed evidence of visual
processing impairment and features of pure alexia/letterby-letter reading (Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004). A particularly
dramatic and pure form of surface alexia is consistently
observed in patients with semantic dementia (SD) (Woollams et al., 2007). SD is a subtype of primary progressive
aphasia/frontotemporal dementia in which the neurodegenerative process has a predilection for left anterior and
inferolateral temporal cortex, including the temporal
pole, middle/inferior temporal gyri, and anterior fusiform
gyrus (BA38,20/21) (Galton et al., 2001; Mummery et al.,
2000). Surface alexia has also been described in patients
with Alzheimer’s disease (Patterson, Graham, & Hodges,
1994) and is likely to reflect the frequent involvement of
left temporo-parietal cortex by the disease process. Although distributed over a large anatomical area, the disparate extrasylvian lesion sites in surface alexia seem to
have in common the potential for disrupting either lexical
orthographic or semantic processing. Specifically, in
patients with VWFA involvement the reading disorder
may reflect damage to the orthographic lexicon resulting
in the loss of word-specific orthographic knowledge. By
contrast, in patients with anterior temporal lobe lesions,
and possibly also in patients with posterior temporoparietal damage, surface alexia may be attributable to
the degradation of central semantic representations. The
latter hypothesis is supported by functional imaging studies of semantic processing in normal individuals that have
shown activation of a large-scale left-hemisphere extrasylvian cortical network that included both anterior temporal lobe and posterior temporo-parietal sites (Vigneau
et al., 2006; Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant, 2009)
(Fig. 3).
In evaluating patients with alexia it is important to assess
the status of all the relevant component processes
involved in reading (Fig. 1). A comprehensive battery
should include tests of letter and word recognition, as
well as measures of oral reading and reading comprehension. The evaluation should allow the clinician to identify
the nature of the functional impairment and to locate the
level of breakdown with reference to a cognitive model of
normal reading. It is equally important to document
relatively spared reading abilities and the use of compensatory strategies by the patient, as this information may be
helpful in planning treatment. The assessment of alexia is
best accomplished by the use of commercially available
reading batteries (e.g., Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992).
A variety of behavioral treatment approaches have shown
positive outcomes in the rehabilitation of alexia. In general, treatment is directed toward strengthening the impaired reading procedure/route or it encourages the use of
compensatory strategies to bypass the functional deficit
(for a review, see Beeson & Rapcsak, 2006).
Cross References
▶ Agraphia
▶ Aphasia
▶ Dyslexia
▶ Phonological/Deep Agraphia
▶ Surface Agraphia
References and Readings
Beeson, P. M., & Rapcsak, S. Z. (2006). Treatment of alexia and
agraphia. In J. H. Noseworthy (Ed.), Neurological therapeutics: Principles and practice (2nd ed., pp. 3045–3060), London: Martin Dunitz.
Beeson, P. M., Rapcsak, S. Z., Plante, E., Chargualaf, J., Chung, A.,
Johnson, S. C., et al. (2003). The neural substrates of writing: A
functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Aphasiology, 17,
Behrmann, M., Plaut, D. C., & Nelson, J. (1998). A literature review and
new data supporting an interactive account of letter-by-letter
reading. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 15, 7–51.
Binder, J. R., Desai, R. H., Graves, W. W., & Conant, L. L. (2009). Where is
the semantic system? A critical review and meta-analysis of 120
functional neuroimaging studies. Cerebral Cortex, 19, 2767–2796.
Cohen, L., Lehéricy, S., Chochon, F., Lemer, C., Rivaud, S., & Dehaene, S.
(2002). Language-specific tuning of visual cortex? Functional properties of the visual word form area. Brain, 125, 1054–1069.
Cohen, L., Martinaud, O., Lemer, C., Lehéricy, S., Samson, Y., Obadia,
M., et al. (2003). Visual word recognition in the left and right
hemispheres: Anatomical and functional correlates of peripheral
alexias. Cerebral Cortex, 13, 1313–1333.
Coltheart, M., Patterson, K., & Marshall, J. C. (1980). Deep dyslexia.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Coltheart, M., Rastle, K., Perry, C., Langdon, R., & Ziegler, J. (2001).
DRC: A dual route cascaded model of visual word recognition and
reading aloud. Psychological Review, 108, 204–256.
Crisp, J., & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (2006). Unlocking the nature of the
phonological-deep dyslexia continuum: The keys to reading aloud
are in phonology ad semantics. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18,
Epelbaum, S., Pinel, P., Gaillard, R., Delmaire, C., Perrin, M., Dupont, S.,
et al. (2008). Pure alexia as a disconnection syndrome: New diffusion
imaging evidence for an old concept. Cortex, 44, 962–974.
Galton, C. J., Patterson, K., Graham, K., Lambon Ralph, M. A., Williams,
G., Antoun, N., et al. (2001). Differing patterns of temporal atrophy
in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia. Neurology, 57,
Graham, N. L., Patterson, K., & Hodges, J. R. (2000). The impact of
semantic memory impairment on spelling: Evidence from semantic
dementia. Neuropsychologia, 38, 143–163.
Jobard, G., Crivello, F., & Tzourio-Mazoyer, N. (2003). Evaluation of the
dual route theory of reading: A metaanalysis of 35 neuroimaging
studies. NeuroImage, 20, 693–712.
Kay, J., Lesser, R., & Coltheart, M. (1992). Psycholinguistic assessments of
language processing in aphasia (PALPA). East Sussex, England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mummery, C. J., Patterson, K., Price, C. J., Ashburner, J., Frackowiak,
R. S. J., & Hodges, J. R. (2000). A voxel-based morphometry study of
semantic dementia: Relationship between temporal lobe atrophy and
semantic memory. Annals of Neurology, 47, 36–45.
Patterson, K., Graham, N., & Hodges, J. R. (1994). Reading in dementia
of the Alzheimer type: A preserved ability? Neuropsychology, 8,
Patterson, K., & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (1999). Selective disorders of
reading? Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 9, 235–239.
Patterson, K. E., Marshall, J. C., & Coltheart, M. (1985). Surface dyslexia:
Neuropsychological and cognitive studies of phonological reading.
London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Plaut, D. C., McClelland, J. L., Seidenberg, M. S., & Patterson, K. (1996).
Understanding normal and impaired word reading: Computational
principles in quasi-regular domains. Psychological Review, 103,
Rapcsak, S. Z., & Beeson, P. M. (2004). The role of left posterior inferior
temporal cortex in spelling. Neurology, 62, 2221–2229.
Rapcsak, S. Z., Beeson, P. M., Henry, M. L., Leyden, A., Kim, E. S., Rising,
K., et al. (2009). Phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia: Cognitive
mechanisms and neural substrates. Cortex, 45(5), 575–591.
Vanier, M., & Caplan, D. (1985). CT correlates of surface dyslexia. In
K. E. Patterson, J. C. Marshall, & M. Coltheart (Eds.), Surface
dyslexia: Neuropsychological and cognitive studies of phonological
reading (pp. 511–525). London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Vigneau, M., Beaucousin, V., Hervé, P. Y., Duffau, H., Crivello, F.,
Houdé, O., et al. (2006). Meta-analyzing left hemisphere language
areas: Phonology, semantics, and sentence processing. NeuroImage,
30, 1414–1432.
Woollams, A., Lambon Ralph, M. A., Plaut, D. C., & Patterson, K. (2007).
SD-squared: On the association between semantic dementia and
surface dyslexia. Psychological Review, 114, 316–339.
Alexia Without Agraphia
▶ Alexia
Kent State University
Kent, OH, USA
A deficit in apprehending, experiencing, and describing
emotions, including difficulty in perceiving and understanding the feelings of others. In particular, difficulty in
distinguishing between emotions and bodily sensations
that indicate emotional arousal.
Current Knowledge
The term ‘‘alexithymia’’ was coined by the late psychiatrist
Peter Sifneos to describe patients who could not find the
appropriate words to describe their emotional states.
Literally meaning ‘‘without words for emotions’’ in
Sifneos’ native Greek, Alexithymia is a trait that overlaps
‘‘Alice in Wonderland’’ Syndrome
with a number of medical and psychiatric disorders.
Alexithymia is associated with somatic complaints such
as headaches, lower back pain, irritable bowel syndrome,
and fibromyalgia. It is also associated with psychiatric
conditions such as anorexia nervosa, autism spectrum
disorders including Asperger’s, major depressive disorder,
panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and
substance abuse.
Cross References
▶ Emotional Intelligence
References and Readings
Sifneos, Peter E. Alexithymia: Past and present. The American Journal of
Psychiatry, 153, 137–142.
Taylor, Graeme J; Bagby, R. Michael and Parker, James DA (1997).
Disorders of Affect Regulation: Alexithymia in Medical and
Psychiatric Illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN
Taylor GJ, & Taylor HS (1997). Alexithymia. In M. McCallum &
W.E. Piper (Eds.) Psychological mindedness: A contemporary
understanding. Munich: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Short Description or Definition
Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a relatively rare manifestation of damage to specific brain regions involved in
voluntary movement. The core observation is the patient
report that one of his/her hands is displaying purposeful,
coordinated, and goal-directed behavior over which the
patient feels he/she has no voluntary control. The patient
fails to recognize the action of one of his hands as his own.
The hand, effectively, appears to manifest a ‘‘will of its
own.’’ This unique involuntary movement disorder is
characterized by coordinated, well-organized, and clearly
goal-directed limb movements that would otherwise be
indistinguishable from normal voluntary movement. This
definition excludes disordered, non-purposeful, and dyskinetic movements associated with other involuntary
movement disorders such as chorea, athetosis, hemiballism, and myoclonus.
The alien hand can be engaged in performing a
specific goal-directed task or the purposeful use of an
external object. Distinguishing this condition from asomatognosia, there is typically normal awareness and recognition of the limb reported by the patient. However, the
patient perceives a lack of self-agency (‘‘I am not doing
that. . .’’) with regard to the observed behavior of the limb,
but displays intact ‘‘ownership’’ (‘‘. . .even though I know
this is my hand’’).
‘‘Alice in Wonderland’’ Syndrome
▶ Metamorphopsia
Three variants of AHS have been described, each with
unique behavioral manifestations and neuroanatomical
correlations. These variants include the frontal, callosal,
and posterior forms.
Frontal Form
Alien Hand Syndrome
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine/
Medical College of Virginia
Richmond, VA, USA
Anarchic hand; Callosal apraxia; Diagnostic dyspraxia;
Dr. Strangelove syndrome; Intermanual conflict; Magnetic apraxia; Wayward hand
The most common variant is the ‘‘frontal’’ form. It is
associated with damage to the medial surface of the
cerebral hemisphere in the frontal region. This variant
has been described in cerebral infarction in the territory
of the anterior cerebral artery, with tumors involving the
medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere, and in other
conditions affecting the function of the medial frontal
lobe region. When the region of injury extends posteriorly
to involve the medial aspect of the prefrontal gyrus
associated with the primary motor cortex (PMC), the
patient may present with crural hemiparesis, with greater
weakness in the leg as compared to the arm. This
Alien Hand Syndrome
presentation corresponds to the topographical organization of the PMC with control of lower limb movement
located more medially than the areas that control the
upper limb. The frontal variant is seen with involvement
of the medial aspect of the premotor cortex anterior to
PMC including the supplementary motor area (SMA) and
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). In functional activation
studies, the medial frontal cortex has also been found to
activate spontaneously with complex purposeful movements and with internal imaging of voluntary movement,
suggesting that it may serve as a higher level system that
modulates the activation of PMC in accordance
with volitional aspects of the performance. The readiness
potential that precedes an overt voluntary movement
by over 1,000 ms arises through activation of the anteromedial frontal cortex, suggesting that excitation of this
region precedes the appearance of the overt movement and
activation of the PMC. Activation of the ACC is involved
in intentional suppression of prepotent responses as tested
with the Stroop test. These areas may serve as a higherlevel system modulating the activation of PMC in
accordance with the volitional aspects of the performance.
Clinical Presentation
Behaviors seen frequently with the frontal variant include involuntary, visually driven reaching and grasping
onto objects, an inability to voluntarily release these
objects, and utilization behavior in which the presence
of a frequently encountered object such as a comb or a
toothbrush elicits behavior in which the object may be
put to use independent of the social context. A grasp
reflex to tactile stimulation is often present in the affected hand. The patient may wake themselves up from sleep
by grasping and pulling their own body parts. Patients
may show a prepotent tendency to be drawn toward
external objects. They also may demonstrate alien-associated sexual self-stimulation or involuntary fondling of
another’s body, a great source of public embarrassment
(Ong Hai and Odderson, 2000). Interestingly, while the
patient clearly manifests purposeful involuntary coordinated behaviors in the affected limb, when they attempt to
willfully move the limb, this is effortful and difficult.
Voluntary movement in the affected limb is often hypokinetic and hypometric with greater activation of the axial
and proximal limb muscles compared to the distal muscles controlling the wrist and fingers, even though these
muscles are readily activated in the alien movements.
Generally, these alien behaviors appear in the hand contralateral to the damaged hemisphere regardless of hemispheric dominance. When the dominant hemisphere is
damaged, in addition to alien hand behavior in the
nondominant hand, they may experience difficulty with
the initiation of spontaneous speech while being able to
follow verbal commands and repeat phrases without difficulty. These findings are consistent with a transcortical
motor aphasia that affects spontaneous verbalization and
production of propositional language more than repetition and responsive language. Alternatively, this could be
understood as an inability to initiate spontaneous verbal
output. The patient may thus be viewed as partially mute
due to the relative akinesia seen with medial frontal cortex
Callosal Form
The ‘‘callosal’’ variant is seen with an isolated lesion of the
corpus callosum. The voluntary motor systems of the two
hemispheres are isolated from each other due to lost
interhemispheric communication. This variant has been
described most frequently as a transient condition following callosotomy. It may also be seen following infarction
or tumors selectively involving this structure.
Clinical Presentation
In the ‘‘callosal’’ variant of AHS, the appearance of
‘‘intermanual conflict’’ or ‘‘self-oppositional’’ behaviors
is the predominant feature. Grasping behaviors and externally driven reaching movements seen in the frontal variant are notably less prominent. When there is a major
disconnection between the two hemispheres resulting
from callosal injury, the language-linked dominant hemisphere agent that maintains its primary control over the
contralateral dominant limb effectively loses its direct and
linked control over the separate ‘‘agent’’ based in the
nondominant hemisphere (and, thus, the nondominant
limb), which had been previously responsive and ‘‘obedient’’ to the dominant agent. The possibility of purposeful
action in the nondominant limb occurring outside of
the realm of influence of the dominant agent thus can
occur. In the callosal variant, the problematic alien hand is
consistently the nondominant hand, while the dominant
hand is the identified ‘‘good’’ controlled hand. The patient
may express frustration and bewilderment at the
conflicting and disruptive behavior of the alien hand
whose motivations remain inaccessible to consciousness.
There may be an attentional component that modulates
the appearance of these episodes of self-oppositional
behavior since intermanual conflict is observed more
frequently when the patient is fatigued, stressed, or is
engaged in effortful multitasking activity. Occasionally,
Alien Hand Syndrome
rather than acting in a contradictory manner, the two
hands are observed to be engaged in two different and
entirely unrelated activities as if being guided by
completely separate and independent intentions.
In a dramatic example of this behavior, one patient
was observed to initiate smoking a cigarette by pulling the
cigarette out of the package and placing it in her mouth
with the controlled dominant hand followed by the alien
nondominant hand, rather than beginning to light the
cigarette, suddenly reaching up, pulling it out of the her
mouth, and throwing it across the room. Astonished, the
patient reasoned that perhaps the alien hand was not in
favor of her smoking!
The callosal and frontal variants are often seen in
combination with a corresponding overlap of observed
behaviors. For example, following cerebral infarction in
the territory of the anterior cerebral artery, there may be
ischemic injury to both the medial frontal lobe and the
corpus callosum. In this circumstance, there may be both
visually directed reaching and grasping alien behaviors
in the limb contralateral to the area of injury as well as
episodes of intermanual conflict. However, a clear differentiation between apparent intermanual conflict due to
attempts to restrain alien behaviors associated with the
frontal variant (e.g., as in the case of ‘‘self-grasping’’
described below), and true intermanual conflict, in
which the two hands are directed toward independently
contradictory purposes, may be difficult to differentiate.
from objects approaching the hand in distinct contrast to
the reaching and grasping behaviors that are seen in the
frontal variant. The alien hand may assume a characteristic posture of fully extended digits with the palmar surface
retreating from environmental objects, an observation
that has been labeled an ‘‘instinctive avoidance reaction’’
by Denny-Brown and has also been referred to as the
‘‘parietal hand.’’ At times, grasping behaviors can also be
observed with the posterior variant.
Alien hand behavior has also been reported in association with subcortical thalamic infarction. In addition to
having been observed in the context of stroke, tumors and
surgical sectioning of the corpus callosum, alien hand
behavior has been described in association with a number
of progressive neurodegenerative disorders including corticobasal degeneration, multiple sclerosis, spongiform
encephalopathy, and Alzheimer’s disease. When AHS
appears with these progressive encephalopathies, it is
usually accompanied by various forms of motor apraxia,
along with multiple additional cognitive disturbances
characteristic of the particular condition.
While there are no epidemiologic studies of the occurrence of AHS variants in association with acquired brain
damage, it can be assumed that this is a relatively rare but
striking manifestation of neurologic pathology.
Posterior or ‘‘Sensory’’ Form
The third identified variant of AHS is the ‘‘posterior’’ or
‘‘sensory’’ form, which appears most often with a parietal
or parieto-occipital focus of circumscribed damage. As in
the frontal variant, the alien behavior appears in the hand
contralateral to the damaged hemisphere.
Clinical Presentation
In the patient with the posterior variant, the movement of
the affected alien limb is typically less organized and often
has an ataxic instability particularly with visually guided
reaching. The limb also may show proprioceptive sensory impairment with hypesthesia, so that kinesthetic
impairment limits the monitoring of limb position. Visual field deficits as well as hemi-inattention may be seen on
the same side as the alien hand. In this variant, the limb
may be observed to lift up off of support surfaces involuntarily and ‘‘levitate’’ in the air seemingly to avoid contact with support surfaces. It may also be seen to withdraw
Pathophysiology and Prognosis
Adapting the concept developed by Derek Denny-Brown
regarding positive and negative cortical tropisms based in
the parietal lobe and frontal lobes (Denny-Brown, 1956,
1966), respectively, a heuristic model has been proposed.
In this model, there are two separable but interactive
components of an intrahemispheric premotor intentional
system that modulate the output of the PMC of the
hemisphere and its direct influence over the spinal
motor nuclei innervating the muscles of the contralateral
distal upper limb (Goldberg and Bloom, 1990).
The first component is a posterolateral premotor
system (PLPS) based in the posterior parietal region that
is involved in generating movements of the contralateral
arm and hand that are directed toward external objects
and are responsive to externally sensed contingencies. The
second component is an anteromedial premotor system
(AMPS) based in the medial frontal region that is
involved in generating movements in the contralateral
Alien Hand Syndrome
upper limb that are directed by an internal action plan
and driven by an anticipatory model of future contingencies. It presumably is also involved in activating withdrawal movements that pull the limb back and away
from external stimuli. It also functions to withhold action
directly responsive to surrounding objects through inhibitory influence over the PLPS. These two systems are proposed to be in a metastable balance through mutually
inhibitory influence. Together, these two hemispheric
agency systems form an integrated intrahemispheric agency
system. Furthermore, each intrahemispheric agency system
has the capability of acting autonomously in its control over
the contralateral limb, although overall unitary control by a
conscious agent is maintained through interhemispheric
communication between these systems via the corpus
callosum at the cortical level and other interhemispheric
commissures linking the two cerebral hemispheres at the
subcortical level. Thus, conscious human agency can be
thought of as emerging through the linked and coordinated
action of at least four major premotor systems, two in each
hemisphere. The overall general configuration of this heuristic model is shown in Fig. 1.
It is proposed that AHS, in its different variants described above, appears due to damage either to the corpus
callosum in the callosal variant (Fig. 2), the AMPS of
either hemisphere in the frontal variant (Figs. 3 and 4),
or to the PLPS of either hemisphere in the posterior
variant (Figs. 5 and 6).
The common factor in these anomalous conditions is
the relative sparing of the PMC region controlling the
contralesional alien hand, while the premotor regions
involved in the intentional selection of action and the
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 1. Heuristic model for understanding alien hand syndrome (AHS).
Abbreviations: RH, Right Hemisphere; LH, Left Hemisphere; CC, Corpus Callosum; PMC, Primary Motor Cortex; AMPS,
Anteromedial Premotor System; PLPS, Posterolateral Premotor System.
This view is shown looking down from above the vertex with the face located at the top of the drawing and the back of the
head noted at the bottom of the drawing, the left side to the left and the right side to the right of the diagram. The open
bidirectional arrow between the AMPS and the PLPS indicates an interaction characterized by mutually interactive inhibition
creating a complementary metastable control of the contralateral hand. Solid arrows indicate facilitatory connections or
connections that maintain synchrony and coherence between the connected structures. Output from PMC is directed primarily
to the contralateral limb with some less potent ipsilateral projections illustrated by a dotted line. See text for further detail.
Note that the left hemisphere is stippled in the diagram designating this as the dominant hemisphere for most individuals in
correspondence with a dominant right hand
Alien Hand Syndrome
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 2. The callosal variant of AHS. Theoretical explanatory model for the alien behaviors observed in
callosal damage. In this instance, there are findings consistent with callosal apraxia in addition to intermanual conflict associated
with the complete separation of the two intrahemispheric premotor intentional control systems. The limbs appear to be
operated by two relatively autonomous control systems. The intentional premotor system in the dominant hemisphere is linked
to the language system while that of the nondominant hemisphere is separated from it. The dominant hand is understood as
connected to self while the nondominant hand is not. The alien hand in this variant is the nondominant hand. This is indicated by
the stippled overlay on the left nondominant hand
inhibition of automatic behaviors in response to external
factors are impaired.
A recent fMRI study of cortical activation patterns
associated with alien and non-alien movement has
demonstrated that alien movement is in fact characterized
by isolated activation of PMC without concomitant activation of intrahemispheric premotor regions, while voluntary behavior includes the activation of PMC in concert
with activation of intrahemispheric premotor regions
(Assal, Schwartz, & Vuilleumier, 2007).
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of AHS
The presence of AHS can cause the patient significant
psychological distress as the hand seems to possess the
capability for acting autonomously, independent of their
conscious voluntary control. The patient may become
fearful that they will be held accountable for consequences
of an action of the alien hand over which they do not feel
control. The patient may display ‘‘auto-criticism’’ complaining that the alien hand is not doing what it has been
‘‘told to do’’ and is therefore characterized as disobedient,
wayward, or ‘‘evil.’’ They may even physically strike the
alien hand with the controlled hand as a ‘‘punishment’’
intended to discourage its wayward behavior, or constrain
the movement of the alien hand by grasping tightly onto it
with the controlled hand (‘‘self-grasping’’). They may
verbally address and instruct the hand as if it were an
unruly child acting autonomously and in need of correction. Conversely, they may respond to these contrary
actions with amusement.
Given the predicament created, the patient may develop depersonalization and dissociate themselves from the
unintended actions of the hand. They often choose to
Alien Hand Syndrome
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 3. The nondominant frontal
variant of AHS. Theoretical explanatory model for the alien
behaviors observed in the frontal variant associated with
damage to the AMPS of the nondominant hemisphere. In this
case, the contralesional nondominant hand develops alien
hand findings due to the release by disinhibition of the
reaching and grasping behaviors driven from the dominant
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 4. The dominant frontal
variant of AHS. Theoretical explanatory model for the alien
behaviors observed in the frontal variant associated with
damage to the AMPS of the dominant hemisphere. In this
case, the contralesional dominant hand develops alien hand
findings due to the release by disinhibition of the reaching
and grasping behaviors driven from the dominant PLPS. In
addition, spontaneous expressive language initiation is
impaired due to the role of the AMPS of the dominant
hemisphere in the initiation of verbal output
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 5. The nondominant posterior
variant of AHS. Theoretical explanatory model for the alien
behaviors observed in the posterior variant associated with
damage to the PLPS of the nondominant hemisphere. In this
case, the contralesional nondominant hand develops alien
hand findings due to the release by disinhibition of behaviors
driven from the nondominant AMPS
Alien Hand Syndrome. Figure 6. The dominant posterior
variant of AHS. Theoretical explanatory model for the alien
behaviors observed in the posterior variant associated with
damage to the PLPS of the dominant hemisphere. In this case,
the contralesional dominant hand develops alien hand
findings due to the release by disinhibition of behaviors
driven from the dominant AMPS
Alien Hand Syndrome
identify an external ‘‘alien’’ source for the voluntary control of the hand, or assign a distinct personality to the
hand as a way of seeking a satisfactory narrative to explain
this perplexing situation.
From a psychological perspective, it is helpful to
counsel the patient regarding the organic basis of their
problem and provide assurance that there is a rational
explanation for their concerns and that there is evidence
that these problems can be treated and may gradually
improve over time.
In AHS, different regions of the brain are able to
command purposeful limb movements, without generating the conscious feeling of self-control over these movements. There is thus a dissociation between the actual
execution of the physical movements of the limb and the
process that produces an internal sense of voluntary control over the movements. This latter process, impaired in
AHS, normally produces the conscious sensation that
movement is being internally initiated and produced by
an active self. Presumably, this process differentiates
between ‘‘re-afference’’ (i.e., the return of kinesthetic sensation from the self-generated ‘‘active’’ limb movement)
and ‘‘ex-afference’’ (i.e., kinesthetic sensation generated
from an externally produced ‘‘passive’’ limb movement).
It may do this by giving rise to a parallel output signal
from motor regions, a so-called ‘‘efference copy.’’ The
efference copy is then translated into a corollary discharge, which conveys the expected re-afferent sensory
response from the commanded movement. The corollary
discharge can then be used in somatosensory cortex to
distinguish re-afference from ex-afference and thus differentiate a self-produced active movement from a movement resulting from external forces. AHS may thus
involve impaired production and transmission of either
an efference copy or a corollary discharge signal.
Evaluation of the patient with AHS involves careful
observation of limb movement in various naturalistic
contexts, along with reports from the patient regarding
their sense of control over these movements. The relative
dependence of movement on external context should be
evaluated through assessment for utilization behaviors
elicited by the presentation of external objects commonly
encountered in daily activities. A phenomenologic approach to assessing and documenting the motor behavior
and linking it to introspective report from the patient is
essential. Not only should the verbal reports of the patient
be noted, but also the associated affect. The limb should be
evaluated for evidence of a grasp reflex with both tactile and
visual stimulation. The ability to release objects that have
been grasped should also be assessed. Evaluation for callosal
apraxia and impairment of interhemispheric transfer of
information should be included. When the posterior variant of AHS is suspected, a visual field assessment and
somatosensory examination of the affected limb should be
completed as well as assessment for hemi-inattention. Evidence of a tendency to withdraw the limb from tactile and
visual stimulation should also be elicited and noted.
There is no definitive specific treatment for AHS but a
number of different rehabilitative approaches have been
described. Furthermore, in the presence of unilateral
damage within a single cerebral hemisphere, there is
often a gradual reduction in the frequency of alien behaviors observed over time and a gradual restoration of
voluntary control over the affected hand. This suggests
that neuroplasticity in the bihemispheric and subcortical
brain systems involved in voluntary movement production can serve to reestablish functional connection between the executive production process and the internal
self-generation and volitional registration process. Exactly
how this may occur is not well understood but could
involve a reorganization within residual elements of the
intrahemispheric premotor systems both at the cortical
and subcortical levels. In addition, some degree of expanded participation of the intact ipsilateral hemisphere
may be involved in the recovery process by extending
ipsilateral motor projections.
Different strategies can be used to reduce the interference of the alien hand behavior in the ongoing coherent
controlled actions being performed by the patient. In the
frontal variant, an object such as a cane can be placed in
the grip of the alien hand so that it does not reach out to
grasp onto other objects, thus impeding the patient’s
forward progress during walking. In another approach,
voluntary control of the limb is developed by training the
patient to perform a specific task with the alien limb, such
as moving the alien hand to contact a specific object or a
highly salient environmental target. Through training to
enhance volitional control, the patient can effectively
override the alien behavior when it occurs. Recognizing
that alien behaviors in the frontal variant are often sustained by tactile input, another approach involves simultaneously ‘‘muffling’’ the actions of the alien hand and
limiting sensory feedback by placing it in a restrictive
‘‘cloak’’ such as a specialized soft foam hand orthosis or,
alternatively, an everyday oven mitt. Of course, this
then limits the degree to which the hand can engage in
functional goals. It may also be possible to develop improved participation of ipsilateral hemispheric premotor
mechanisms by engaging the patient in coordinated bimanual activities that necessitate cooperative coordination mechanisms within residual intact components of
the motor control system in both hemispheres.
Cross References
▶ Anterior Cingulate
▶ Apraxia
▶ Corpus Callosum
▶ Environmental Dependency
▶ Movement Disorder
▶ Utilization Behavior
References and Readings
Assal, F., Schwartz, S., & Vuilleumier, P. (2007). Moving with or without
will: Functional neural correlates of alien hand syndrome. Annals of
Neurology, 62, 301–306.
Biran, I., & Chatterjee, A. (2004). Alien hand syndrome. Archives of
Neurology, 61, 292–294.
Denny-Brown, D. (1956). Positive and negative aspects of cerebral cortical functions. North Carolina Medical Journal, 17, 295–303.
Denny-Brown, D. (1966). The cerebral control of movement. Liverpool:
Liverpool University Press.
Frith, C. D., Blakemore, S.-J., & Wolpert, D. M. (2000). Abnormalities in
the awareness and control of action. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London, 355, 1771–1788.
Giovanetti, T., Buxbaum, L. J., Biran, I., & Chatterjee, A. (2005). Reduced
endogenous control in alien hand syndrome: Evidence from naturalistic action. Neuropsychologia, 43, 75–88.
Goldberg, G., & Bloom, K. K. (1990). The alien hand sign. Localization,
lateralization, and recovery. American Journal of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation, 69, 228–238.
Goldberg, G. (1992). Premotor systems, attention to action and behavioural choice. In J. Kien, C. McCrohan, & W. Winlow (Eds.),
Neurobiology of motor programme selection. New approaches to
mechanisms of behavioural choice (pp. 225–249). Oxford: Pergamon.
Ong Hai, B. G., & Odderson, I. R. (2000). Involuntary masturbation as a
manifestation of stroke-related alien hand syndrome. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 79, 395–398.
Pack, B. C., Stewart, K. J., Diamond, P. T., & Gate, S. D. (2002). Posteriorvariant alien hand syndrome: Clinical features and response to
rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24, 817–818.
Scepkowski, L. A., & Cronin-Golomb, A. (2003). The alien hand: Cases,
categorizations, and anatomical correlates. Behavioral and Cognitive
Neuroscience Reviews, 2, 261–277.
Sumner, P., & Husain, M. (2008). At the edge of consciousness: Automatic motor activation and voluntary control. Neuroscientist, 14,
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Kessler Foundation Research Center
West Orange, NJ, USA
Allele is an alternate form of a gene, which is the basic unit
of inheritance. A gene is located at a particular site on the
chromosome, and can have several alleles for that locus.
For example, A, B, and O are different alleles for the ABO
blood-type marker locus of a gene. Alleles greatly influence the expression of physical and behavioral phenotypes
or traits such as eye color. For instance, the apolipoprotein E (APoE) gene is a well-known risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease. The APoE gene has three
common alleles: epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4.
There is some evidence that carriers of the APoE epsilon 4
allele are at a greater risk for the development of
Alzheimer’s disease. In contrast, the APoE epsilon 3 allele
has been suggested as a ‘‘protective’’ factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (Plomin, Defries, Craig, &
McGuffin, 2003).
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
▶ Apolipoprotein E (ApoE)
▶ Chromosome
▶ Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
▶ Gene
▶ Phenotype
References and Readings
Plomin, R., Defries, J. C., Craig, W., & McGuffin, P. (2003). Behavioral
genetics in the postgenomic era. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Misperception of the location of a stimulus. Although it
can occur in other modalities, it is most commonly
elicited by tactile stimulation and is often seen in the
presence of other symptoms of unilateral asomatognosia. If a tactual stimulus is applied to the side of
the body contralateral to a hemispheric lesion, the allesthetic patient may perceive the nature of the stimulus
correctly but identify it as being applied to the comparable area on the opposite (unaffected) side of the body.
In some instances the stimulus may be perceived as being
on the same side of the body to which it was applied,
but displaced significantly from the point of the actual
stimulation (usually toward the midline). When present,
this phenomenon likely results from post-rolandic
(parietal) lesions of the right rather than the left hemisphere. More rarely it has been associated with brainstem
Current Knowledge
Allokinesia is often associated with neglect syndromes,
usually involving damage to the right hemisphere. It is
the motor counterpart of alloesthesia. Typically, a patient
moves the right limb in response to a request to move
the left limb or moves towards the right, away from the
neglected side, when asked to move toward the neglected
side. In animal models, the phenomena has been
associated with frontal, arcuate gyrus lesions (Heilman,
Valenstein, Day, & Watson, 1995) and disconnections of
frontal and posterior parietal cortices (Burcham, Corwin,
Stoll, & Reep, 1997).
Cross References
▶ Allesthesia
▶ Neglect Syndrome
References and Readings
Burcham, K. J., Corwin, J. V., Stoll, M. L., & Reep, R. L. (1997).
Disconnection of medial agranular and posterior parietal cortex
produces multimodal neglect in rats. Behavioural Brain Research,
86(1), 41–47.
Heilman, K. M., Valenstein, E., Day, A., & Watson, R. (1995). Frontal lobe
neglect in monkeys. Neurology, 45(6), 1205–1210.
Cross References
▶ Asomatognosia
Alpha Rhythm
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, USA
Alpha waves; Berger’s waves
This phenomenon refers to a motor response in
the wrong limb, contralateral to the requested side,
sometimes opposite to the direction requested.
Electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of
8–12 Hz arising from synchronous and coherent electrical
activity of the thalamic pacemaker cells in the human
brain. Also called Berger’s wave.
Current Knowledge
Alpha waves are believed to arise from the white matter
of the occipital lobes. They increase during periods of
relaxation with eyes closed. Alpha waves are thought
to represent activity in the visual cortex and are associated with feelings of calmness and relaxation. Alpha
waves increase when eyes are closed and during meditation and are associated with creativity and mental
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA, USA
Generic Name
Brand Name
Xanax, Xanax XR
References and Readings
Bragatti, J. A., De Moura Cordova, N., Rossato, R., & Bianchin, M. M.
(2007). Alpha coma and locked-in syndrome. Journal of Clinical
Neurophysiology, 24(3), 308.
Min, B. K., Busch, N. A., Debener, S., Kranczioch, C., Hansimayr, S.,
Engel, A. K., et al. (2007). The best of both worlds: Phase reset
of human EEG alpha activity and additive power contribute to
ERP generation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 65(1),
Alpha Waves
▶ Alpha Rhythm
Proposed Mechanism(s) of Action
Binds to benzodiazepine receptors at the GABA-A ligandgated channel, thus allowing for neuronal hyperpolarization. Benzodiazepines enhance the inhibitory action of
GABA via boosted chloride conductance.
Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Off Label Use
Alphabetic Principle
▶ Phonics
Other anxiety disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, adjunctive treatment in mania and psychosis,
premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Side Effects
Alpha-Synuclein Inclusions
▶ Lewy Bodies
Respiratory depression, hepatic dysfunction (rare), renal
dysfunction and blood dyscrasias, grand mal seizures
Sedation, fatigue, depression, dizziness, memory problems, disinhibition, confusion, ataxia, slurred speech
References and Readings
Physicians’ Desk Reference (62nd ed.). (2007). Montvale, NJ: Thomson
Stahl, S. M. (2007). Essential psychopharmacology: The prescriber’s guide
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Additional Information
Drug Interaction Effects: http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html
Drug Molecule Images: http://www.worldofmolecules.com/drugs/
Free Drug Online and PDA Software: www.epocrates.com
Gene-Based Estimate of Drug interactions: http://mhc.daytondcs.
com:8080/cgi bin/ddiD4?ver=4&task=getDrugList
Pill Identification: http://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html
▶ Anterolateral System
Altered Testing Procedures
▶ Modified Testing
Alternate Forms
▶ Polymorphism
Alternate Test Forms
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
University of British Columbia & British Columbia
Mental Health & Addiction Services
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Equivalent forms; Parallel forms
▶ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale
▶ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale
▶ Polymorphism
▶ Transgenic
Alternate test forms are designed to avoid or reduce
content- or item-specific practice effects that are associated
with repeated administrations of the same neuropsychological test(s) (Benedict & Zgaljardic, 1998). Examination
of the manuals for many intellectual and neuropsychological tests illustrate that practice effects are common,
especially over brief retest intervals (e.g., days or weeks).
Regarding test construction, alternate test forms should
include the same number of items, and the items should
be of equivalent difficulty. Moreover, the test instructions,
time limits, examples, and format should be identical to
the original instrument developed during standardization, to reduce measurement error (Jackson, 2009). Of
course, measurement error can never be eliminated. For
example, content-sampling error and time-sampling error
– inherent in all test–retest paradigms – are always
concerns in developing alternate test forms (Strauss,
Sherman, & Spreen, 2006). Additionally, alternate test
forms cannot control other factors such as positive
carry-over effect (i.e., developing better test-taking strategies), familiarity with the testing context (i.e., novelty
Alternate Test Forms
effects), performance anxiety, and regression to the mean,
among others (Benedict & Zgaljardic, 1998; Busch,
Chelune, & Suchy, 2006; Salinsky, Storzbach, Dodrill, &
Binder, 2001). This might, to some extent, explain why
some studies show that alternate test forms reduce or
eliminate practice effects, whereas other studies do not.
Current Knowledge
Alternate test forms are developed by administering an
equivalent test – comprising items of similar difficulty –
to the same group of examinees or normative sample,
shortly before or after being administered the original
test form. Scores from the two forms are then correlated
(This is called alternate form reliability, or equivalent or
parallel form reliability), which yields a reliability coefficient – otherwise known as the coefficient of equivalence.
If the original and alternate test forms are truly equivalent,
then there would be (theoretically) a one-to-one correspondence between the two sets of scores (Petersen, 2008).
Moreover, their means and variances would also be very
similar. Therefore, the coefficient of equivalence should be
high (i.e., >0.80; Sattler, 2001). Of course, though they
appear similar, the two forms are often not of equivalent
difficulty, or otherwise parallel. Thus, in the absence
of employing special empirical procedures like test
equating, which ‘‘fine-tune the test construction process’’
(Petersen, 2008, p. 99), the two forms cannot be used
Test equating refers to a class of statistical concepts
and procedures that adjust for differences in difficulty
level on alternate test forms (Please note that these
procedures adjust for differences in test difficulty, not
differences in content (see Kolen & Brennan, 2004)), so
that the forms can be used interchangeably (see Kolen &
Brennan, 2004, pp. 2–3, for a discussion of this procedure;
White & Stern, 2003). Test equating establishes, empirically, ‘‘a relationship between raw scores on two test forms
that can then be used to express the scores on one form in
terms of the scores on the other form’’ (Petersen, Kolen, &
Hoover, 1989, p. 242; see also Dorans & Holland, 2000;
Petersen, 2008). Common types of test equating are Item
Response Theory (IRT), linear, and equipercentile
(Ormea, Reeb, & Riouxc, 2001).
The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (Stern &
White, 2003), Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised
(Brandt & Benedict, 2001), Brief Visuospatial Memory
Test-Revised (Benedict, 2001), and Wide Range Achievement Test-Fourth Edition (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006)
are several examples of tests (or test batteries) that
provide alternate test forms. With the above caveats in
mind, alternate test forms can be useful in serial
neuropsychological evaluations.
Cross References
▶ Item Response Theory
▶ Reliable Change Index
▶ Test Construction
▶ Test Reliability and Validity
References and Readings
Benedict, R. H., & Zgaljardic, D. J. (1998). Practice effects during repeated
administrations of memory tests with and without alternate
forms. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20(3),
Benedict, R. H. B. (2001). Brief visuospatial memory test - revised. Odessa,
FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Brandt, J., & Benedict, R. H. B. (2001). Hopkins verbal learning
test-revised. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Busch, R. M., Chelune, G. J., & Suchy, Y. (2006). Using norms in neuropsychological assessment. In D. K. Attix & K. A. Welsh-Bohmer
(Eds.), Geriatric neuropsychology: Assessment and intervention
(pp. 133–157). New York: Guilford.
Dorans, N. J., & Holland, P. W. (2000). Population invariance and
equitability of tests: Basic theory and the linear case. Journal of
Educational Measurement, 37, 281–306.
Jackson, S. L. (2009). Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking
approach (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2004). Test equating, scaling, and linking:
Methods and practices (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Ormea, D., Reeb, M. J., & Riouxc, P. (2001). Premorbid IQ estimates from
a multiple aptitude test battery: Regression vs. equating. Archives of
Clinical Neuropsychology, 16, 679–688.
Petersen, N. S. (2008). A discussion of population invariance of equating.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 32, 98–101.
Petersen, N. S., Kolen, M. J., & Hoover, H. D. (1989). Scaling, norming,
and equating. In R. L. Linn (Ed.), Educational measurement (3rd ed.,
pp. 221–262). New York: Macmillan.
Salinsky, M. C., Storzbach, D., Dodrill, C. B., & Binder, L. M. (2001).
Test-retest bias, reliability, and regression equations for neuropsychological measures repeated over a 12–16-week period. Journal of
the International Neuropsychological Society, 7(5), 597–605.
Sattler, J. M. (2001). Assessment of children: Cognitive applications
(4th ed.). San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler.
Stern, R. A., & White, T. (2003). Neuropsychological assessment battery.
Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Strauss, E., Sherman, E. M. S., & Spreen, O. (2006). A compendium of
neuropsychological tests: Administration, norms, and commentary
(3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
White, T., & Stern, R. A. (2003). Neuropsychological assessment battery:
Psychometric and technical manual. Lutz, FL: Psychological
Assessment Resources.
Wilkinson, G. S., & Robertson, G. J. (2006). Wide range achievement test
(4th ed.). Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Alzheimer, Alois (1864–1915)
Alzheimer, Alois (1864–1915)
Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Decatur, GA, USA
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA, USA
Major Appointments
Intern – Mental Asylum at Frankfurt am Main, 1888–
Senior Physician – Mental Asylum at Frankfurt am
Main, 1895–1903
Researcher – Royal Psychiatric Clinic and District
Mental Asylum, Munich, 1903–1912
Assistant Professor – Ludwig-Maximilian University,
Munich, 1904–1912
Chief Physician – Royal Psychiatric Clinic and District
Mental Asylum, Munich, 1906–1909
Professor of Psychiatry – Psychiatry Clinic of Silesian
Friedrich-Wilhelm University, Breslau, 1912–1915
Major Honors and Awards
Extraordinary Professor, Ludwig-Maximilian University (1909)
Geheimer Ministerialrat (Cabinet Councillor) (1915)
Landmark Clinical, Scientific, and
Professional Contributions
Alois Alzheimer was both an excellent clinician and a
notable researcher. He is best remembered for being
the first to definitively describe the symptoms and
cerebral lesions of the disease now known as Alzheimer’s Disease. Nonetheless, his contributions to science and medicine did not begin, nor do they end,
there. He was one of the leaders of the movement to
implement the nonrestraint principle (explained
more fully below) in asylums. His neurohistological
work advanced the idea that psychiatric diseases were
biological in origin. And, through his roles as both
doctor and scientist, he contributed to our understanding of a variety of conditions such as cerebral
atherosclerosis, alcoholism, and general paresis.
Short Biography
In the German municipality Marktbreit, Alois Alzheimer
was born on June 14, 1864 to Eduard and Theresia
Alzheimer. Eduard, a Royal Notary, provided his family
with a comfortable upbringing. Although Alois had only
an older brother when he was born, six more siblings
followed him. Alois spent the first four years of his
education at Catholic school in Marktbreit, until his
family left the area to find a new home with superior
educational opportunities for the children. The family’s
chosen residence was in Aschaffenburg, and in 1874, Alois
moved there in order to study at the Royal Humanistic
Gymnasium. Alois completed his high-school degree in
1883 with excellent grades. He then decided to study
medicine because of his aptitude and fondness for the
natural sciences, as well as a sense of duty to mankind.
He enrolled at the Royal Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin for the 1883–1884 winter semester. In his
psychiatry lecture there, he learned of John Conolly’s
nonrestraint principle. Also called open treatment, the
nonrestraint principle proposed the novel view that the
mentally ill should be treated with a minimal amount of
physical constraint. Although Berlin was the medical
capital of Germany, Alois disliked Berlin and its
distance from his family. Therefore, he was transferred
to the University of Würzburg (Lower Franconia,
Germany), where his older brother was studying. As an
aside, due to the influence of his older brother, Alois
joined and later held several officer positions in the
Franconian Corps. His histology professor, Alfred von
Kölliker, gave him his first experience with microscopes
and staining techniques, which lead to his passion for
forensic psychiatry. In the fall of the following year,
Alois left to spend his winter semester at the Eberhard
Karls University of Tübingen. He returned in 1887 to the
Würzburg Anatomical Institute’s department of microscopy to write his doctoral thesis, ‘‘On the Earwax
Glands.’’ The intricate figures he presented in the
paper, as in all his papers, were proof of how scrupulously he conducted his research and clinical work. With
the completion of his thesis, Alois Alzheimer received
his doctor of medicine degree. He passed the state medical examination and was awarded a license to practice
medicine in 1888.
Shortly thereafter, he became a personal physician to a
mentally ill woman and traveled with her for five months.
Emil Sioli, the director of the Municipal Asylum for the
Insane and Epileptic in Frankfurt am Main had advertized
for an intern, specifically hoping for a competent doctor
Alzheimer, Alois (1864–1915)
who was also adept with a microscope. Upon his return,
the 24-year old Dr. Alzheimer was hired immediately.
Dr. Franz Nissl also was hired as senior physician for the
asylum. Nissl not only became one of Alzheimer’s closest
friends, but also taught him a powerful staining technique
for highlighting neuronal cell bodies (the Nissl stain), that
helped Alzheimer achieve success in his histological studies. Sioli’s main goal for the asylum was to fully employ
the nonrestraint principle. Alzheimer was particularly
skilled at gaining the trust of patients through conversation, and he often documented these conversations.
The dialogues often were central to diagnosing a patient,
and even more so to research. His talent in clinical interviewing was such that clinicians who later read his notes
had sufficient information to evaluate his opinions and to
make their own diagnoses. Alzheimer drew on his microscopy and forensic psychiatry training, to do histological
investigations into the physical origins of psychiatric
disorder. In Frankfurt, his topics of study included epilepsy, senile dementia, criminal minds, and a variety of
psychoses. He established himself as a well-rounded
physician by publishing papers on a wide variety of topics.
Aside from his duties as a physician and researcher, he also
appeared as an expert before courts and presented at
many scientific meetings. While at Frankfurt, Alzheimer
became an expert on general paresis, which later became
the subject of his postdoctoral thesis.
In Algeria, a personal physician who had been
traveling with a man suffering from general paresis sent
a telegram to Alzheimer in 1892 to request that he treat
the worsening patient. Alzheimer obliged and went to
North Africa. He intended to bring the patient back to
his hospital in Germany, but the patient died before
reaching Germany, leaving his wife, Cecilie, a widow.
Alzheimer and Cecilie became close friends, and eventually the widow asked him to marry her. They were married
in April 1894 in the registry office of Frankfurt. Because
Cecilie was Jewish, she had to convert to Catholicism
before the two could be married by the church in February 1895. On March 10, 1895, their first child, Gertrud,
was born, and Dr. Nissl was chosen to be her godfather.
But Nissl soon moved to work with Emil Kraepelin in
Heidelberg. Nissl’s departure created room for Alzheimer
to be promoted to senior physician within Sioli’s asylum.
Also that year, to lessen the overcrowding of the main
hospital, a new branch asylum opened. With this addition, Sioli and Alzheimer furthered their goal of fully
implementing the nonrestraint principle by instituting
duration baths rather than isolation. The asylum became
known as a revolutionary clinic, and it elevated the
reputations of all its doctors. But above all, in 1901,
Alzheimer met the patient who would immortalize his
name: Auguste D. Auguste had been admitted to the
asylum because of delusional and excessively forgetful
behavior. Although at admission she was disoriented,
anxious, and suspicious, over time she became unruly
and disruptive. Alzheimer was particularly intrigued by
her case for the duration of her stay in the hospital.
Alzheimer’s second child, Hans, was born in 1896,
and his third, Maria, was born in 1900. However, the
lavish lifestyle he had lived with Cecilie ended when she
died in February 1901. Alzheimer’s sister, Elisabeth, took
over his household. Though she was strict, she became an
integral part of the family. Without Cecilie, Alzheimer no
longer had a reason to stay in Frankfurt. After his application to be director of a regional asylum was rejected,
he joined Nissl in Heidelberg in 1903 and went to work
for Emil Kraepelin. The group he joined there was an
international team of researchers. Later that same year,
Kraepelin was named director of the Royal Psychiatric
Clinic and the District Mental Asylum in Munich.
Alzheimer followed him, but was not paid in Munich
due to the lack of a position for him, and also his
desire to manage his own time. Despite his absence
from Frankfurt, Alzheimer still received updates on
Auguste D.
By this point, Alzheimer’s thesis on general paresis
was finished, but because he moved twice in such a
short time, he had not yet turned it in. Alzheimer submitted his postdoctoral thesis to the Ludwig-Maximilian
University in Munich with the hopes of gaining associate
professorship. In it, he published not only his clinical
dialogues, but also his postmortem histological findings.
With this paper, he asserted that histological examinations could definitively show the presence of general
paresis. Until then, few doctors suspected that syphilis was
a cause of general paresis, but shortly thereafter the link
between the two was found. His work was surpassed by
the discovery of a way to diagnose syphilis, without
resorting to autopsies. In August 1904, he joined the
university’s medical faculty.
Because of his experience at remodeling the Frankfurt
clinic, Alzheimer was fundamental in finishing the plans
for the new Munich clinic. He furnished his anatomic
laboratory with the best equipment and the brightest
students – many of whom went on to make great contributions to science, including Ugo Cerletti – electrical
shocks to generate convulsions, Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt
and Alfons Jakob – Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Frederic
Lewy – Lewy bodies, and others. Alzheimer was made
Alzheimer, Alois (1864–1915)
chief physician in 1906, a paid position, but also one that
took away much of his time in the laboratory.
Two topics that consumed Alzheimer in Munich were
psychiatric symptoms resulting from pathological anatomy and classification of mental illnesses by etiology. The
latter faced much opposition from the scientific community. Yet, the most opposition he ever faced was his presentation of the Auguste D. case. Auguste D. had always
fascinated Alzheimer. He had paid special attention to her,
taking copious notes about their conversations. When he
moved away, he still received updates about her condition,
which worsened progressively until her death. When
Auguste D. died in 1906, her files, brain, and spinal cord
were sent to Munich. Alzheimer, along with his student
Gaetano Perusini, immediately began examining the case.
In Tübingen, Alzheimer presented her case in a lecture
entitled ‘‘On a Peculiar Severe Disease Process of the
Cerebral Cortex,’’ in which he described the lesions (now
known to be neurofibullary tangles) that he believed
caused Auguste’s symptoms. Based on records from the
time, his peers did not bother to ask questions, nor were
there any comments about the lecture in the minutes. He
later published the entire lecture, but still it received little
attention. He then tasked Perusini to find more patients,
similar to Auguste D. in the clinic. Perusini found four
cases and published an article entitled ‘‘On Clinically and
Histologically Peculiar Mental Illnesses in Advanced Age.’’
Another student of Alzheimer’s, Francesco Bonfiglio
found another case of presenile dementia, and also
published on the disease. Spurred by Bonfiglio’s paper,
Kraepelin included a section on ‘‘Alzheimer’s Disease,’’ in
the 1910 edition of his text book Clinical Psychiatry. This
publication is acknowledged as the origin of the term.
Alzheimer himself never referred to it as ‘‘Alzheimer’s
Disease,’’ though he had later publications on the disease.
Alzheimer decided to resign his post as chief physician in
order to devote more time to research, specifically
traveling to study epilepsy. Although he was no longer
employed by Kraepelin, Alzheimer undertook the responsibilities of coeditor of Kraepelin’s Journal of Complete
Neurology and Psychiatry.
Recognition for Alzheimer and the disease carrying
his name began to spread. In 1912, the Silesian FriedrichWilhelm University in Breslau asked him to join their
faculty as a full professor of psychiatry. During the move
to Breslau, Alzheimer fell ill, but nevertheless assumed his
duties with vivacity. His patients and coworkers, including Georg Stertz, Ottfried Förster, and Ludwig Mann,
took notice of his kind, yet authoritative presence. In
1913, his health forced him to visit a private clinic.
Though he returned to work, his health had not improved. This did not impede his ability to make significant contributions to science: in 1913 he found the
syphilis pathogen in the central nervous system of a
patient with general paresis.
After a long illness, Alois Alzheimer died on December
19, 1915 from a heart condition and kidney failure.
Though no one immediately took over his pursuit of an
understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, people recommenced research on Alzheimer’s disease cases in the
1950s. Studies of the disease began in earnest after Martin
Roth’s assertion in the 1960s that Alzheimer’s disease was
the most common cause of senile dementia. In the 1970s,
Robert Katzman further propelled the surge of interest
in Alzheimer’s disease by stating that it was one of the
most widespread diseases. Since then, the amount of research on Alzheimer’s disease has increased exponentially,
resulting in multiple foundations and centers devoted
solely to the disease that Alois Alzheimer’s colleagues considered trivial.
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Dementia
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
▶ Paresis
References and Readings
Engstrom, E. (2007). Researching dementia in imperial Germany: Alois
Alzheimer and the economies of psychiatric practice. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 31, 405–413.
Graeber, M., Kösel, S., Egensperger, R., Banati, R., Müller, U., Bise, K.,
et al. (1997). Rediscovery of the case described by Alois Alzheimer in
1911: Historical and molecular genetic analysis. Neurogenetics,
1, 73, 80.
Lage, J. (2006). 100 years of Alzheimer’s disease (1906–2006). Journal of
Alzheimer’s Disease, 9, 15–26.
Maurer, K., & Maurer, U. (1998). Alzheimer: The life of a physician and the
career of a disease. New York: Columbia University Press.
Morris, R., & Salmon, D. (2007). The centennial of Alzheimer’s disease
and the publication of ‘‘Über eine eigenartige Erkankung der
Hirnrinde’’ by Alöis Alzheimer. Cortex, 43, 821–825.
Small, D., & Cappai, R. (2006). Alois Alzheimer and Alzheimer’s
disease: A centennial perspective. Journal of Neurochemistry, 99,
Snyder, P., & Pearn, A. (2007). Historical note on Darwin’s consideration
of early-onset dementia in older persons, thirty-six years
before Alzheimer’s initial case report. Alzheimer’s and Dementia,
3, 137–142.
Zilka, N., & Novak, M. (2006). The tangled story of Alois Alzheimer.
Bratisl Lek Listy, 107, 343–345.
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
Alzheimer’s disease; Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease;
Familial Alzheimer’s disease; Senile dementia of the
Alzheimer’s type
Short Description or Definition
One of the leading causes of dementia in late-life,
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a gradual onset and progressive course, affecting memory and other cognitive
domains. For a diagnosis, the cognitive impairments
of AD must not occur exclusively in the context of a
delirium, and must be of sufficient severity to cause
impairment in social or occupational functioning. Diagnoses of AD (Possible or Probable AD) are based on the
history and presentation of clinical symptoms, evidence
of cognitive impairment, and the exclusion of other
causes of dementia such as stroke, metabolic disorders,
or other conditions that may account for the cognitive
impairment. A diagnosis of Definite AD is based upon
postmortem neuropathological analysis and is made
when there are sufficient numbers of senile plaques and
neurofibrillary tangles in specific brain regions.
AD may be categorized according to age of onset,
family history, or presenting clinical features. Age categories distinguish between senile and pre-senile onset
(onset before age 65). Classifications based on family
history (familial AD vs. sporadic AD) distinguish AD
forms that show high heritability. Familial AD is rare,
generally of pre-senile onset, and has been associated
with mutations in the APP gene on chromosome 21,
Presenilin 1 gene on chromosome 14, and Presenilin
2 gene on chromosome 1 (Hardy, 2003). Its transmission
resembles an autosomal dominant pattern (Morris &
Nagy, 2004).
AD has also been classified according to the clinical
presentation of symptoms. Its most common presentation involves early and significant memory impairment.
Variants to this presentation have been reported in the
literature, and they include a visual (posterior) form
with significant impairment in higher-level processing of
visual stimuli, an aphasic form with significant language
involvement, and a frontal form with prominent impairment of executive functions. At autopsy, these variants usually exhibit AD neuropathology in brain regions
typically involved in the specific neuropsychological
domain (Grabowski & Damasio, 2004).
Prevalence and Incidence. AD is the most common cause of
dementia in late-life, accounting for 50–70% of all cases
(Malaspina Corcoran, Schobel, & Hamilton, 2008).
Current estimates suggest that 4.5 million individuals
suffer from AD in the US, and projections based on
population trends suggest an increase to 13.2 million by
2050 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
2006). The overall prevalence of AD is about 5–6% in
individuals aged 65 years or older in North America, and
doubles approximately every 5 years after the age of 60.
Estimates suggest a prevalence of 1% at age 60, 16%
between ages 80 to 85, and 26 to 45% for those above
age 85. Incidence rates also exhibit an age-related increase.
Studies report differing patterns of AD prevalence and
incidence at the upper end of the lifespan, with some
reporting a plateau at very old ages (age 90 or 100;
Mendez & Cummings, 2003).
Risk Factors. Increasing age is among the strongest
risk factor for AD. Other risk factors include the ε4 allele
of the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, positive family
history (also in sporadic AD), low education (possibly
due to less neural reserve), female gender (even after
accounting for differential survival), and history of head
trauma and vascular factors such as high cholesterol and
high blood pressure. Some risk factors occurring earlier in
the lifespan affect AD risk. Studies suggest that high blood
pressure or high serum cholesterol in midlife increases the
risk of AD later in life. Although inconsistent, some studies report that treatment with antihypertensive medications or cholesterol lowing agents reduces the risk for AD
(Soininen, Kivipelto, Laakso, & Hiltunen, 2003). Recent
studies have also examined the role of insulin resistance
and diabetes in AD risk. Among potential ‘‘protective’’
factors, data from epidemiological studies suggest a lower
Alzheimer’s Dementia
risk of AD among women receiving hormone replacement
therapy. However, a large randomized clinical trial of
estrogen and estrogen + progesterone in elderly women
suggested an increase in all-cause dementia in those receiving the combination hormone treatment. Thus, hormone therapy is not recommended for cognitive health
(Malaspina et al., 2008). Other factors under active investigation are diet, nutrients and nutrient supplements such
as antioxidant vitamins, omega 3 fatty acid, medications
such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and lifestyle practices such as physical activity and cognitive and
social engagement.
symptom onset range from 2 to 20 years. The mean
survival has been reported as approximately 10 years,
but some studies have reported considerably shorter duration of 3 years. More rapid rate of disease progression
has been associated with early, prominent language impairment, frontal features, and extrapyramidal signs
(Mendez & Cummings, 2003).
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Alzheimer’s Dementia
Neuropsychological Deficits
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
The clinical course of AD is usually one of a gradual onset
of symptoms with progressive decline. Many scientists
believe the disease process starts in the brain decades
before overt symptoms emerge. A preclinical phase, characterized primarily by episodic memory deficits, heralds
the onset of symptoms. This stage, also referred to as
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), lasts approximately
1–3 years. Progression to dementia is characterized by
increasing severity of cognitive impairment with severe
memory deficits, visuospatial impairment, and other perceptual disturbances. Language impairment begins with
mild naming difficulties and circumlocutory speech, but
progresses to include comprehension deficits. Apraxia
(difficulty performing learned motor tasks in the absence
of impairment in primary motor or sensory functions)
and impaired executive functions and computational
ability are also apparent. Behavioral changes are common
with indifference, irritability, and sadness, progressing to
delusions and, in some individuals, more severe psychiatric disturbances such as hallucinations and agitation. In
end stages, there is severe deterioration of all cognitive
functions, speech is generally unintelligible, and motor
rigidity and urinary and fecal incontinence are present.
Death may occur as the result of other causes such as
pneumonia or infections (Mendez & Cummings, 2003).
On postmortem exam, the brain is characterized by
generalized atrophy and sulcal and ventricular enlargement. Figure 1a displays gross atrophy of an AD brain
compared with a brain from a cognitively normal elderly
individual. Figure 2 displays a coronal section of an AD
brain at the level of the hippocampus.
The duration of the entire disease course from MCI
to death is highly variable. Survival estimates from
The neuropsychology of AD follows the clinical progression. In early stages, memory is almost always involved,
with specific deficits in learning new information. Remote
memory such as memory for autobiographical or other
knowledge-based systems (semantic memory) is relatively
unaffected. In early stages, standardized testing with
word lists may reveal relative preservation of immediate
or working memory, but impairment in delayed recall.
There is usually some benefit from cuing or recognition
procedures. With progression, cuing is no longer helpful,
and remote recall is affected. Implicit memory may be
relatively spared as patients show evidence of learning
on priming and procedural motor tasks. Orientation to
time and place is also affected in AD (Knopman & Selnes,
Language impairments progress from mild anomia
and word finding difficulties in early stages, to include
impairment in comprehension and writing. Errors in
speech (paraphasias) become more common, and word
substitutions become progressively less related to the target words. Repetition of speech may be relatively unaffected until late in the disease course (Knopman & Selnes,
2003; Mendez & Cummings, 2003). Tests of verbal fluency
and confrontation naming are especially sensitive to early
changes in language. Visuospatial disturbances may be
subtle or nonexistent in the earliest stages of AD. In
moderate and severe stages, impairment may be evident
on figure copying tasks or judgment of line orientation
(Knopman & Selnes, 2003). Figure 3 displays characteristic examples of visuoconstructional impairment in four
representative patients with AD.
Impaired abstract reasoning, sustained attention,
planning, judgment, and problem solving may characterize
impairment in executive functions. Deficits in executive
functions may be demonstrated on tests of verbal fluency,
trailmaking, and set shifting. Tests such as the Rey Complex
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure 1 (a) and (b) display the brains from a cognitively normal elderly individual and an individual who
suffered from advanced AD, respectively. Note the severe atrophy apparent in the AD brain (Photo courtesy of Christine Hulette,
M.D., Bryan Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Duke University. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Limited)
figure and clock drawing may also elicit impairment in
executive functions with poor planning and execution of
the tasks. Deficits in working memory may be evident on
tasks requiring mental manipulation or divided attention
(Knopman & Selnes, 2003).
Other neurocognitive aspects of AD include apraxia and
anosognosia. In mild AD, deficits in praxis are not common
but emerge later in the disease course. Assessment of
apraxia may involve pantomiming the execution of a
task. Anosognosia or an unawareness of disability is quite
common (Knopman & Selnes, 2003). Standardized assessment approaches are few. Some approaches rely on clinical observation, noting a discrepancy between self-report
of cognitive impairment and test performance, or a
discrepancy between caregiver and patient report of
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure 2 Display of the atrophy in AD in this coronal section including the hippocampi. Note the dilated
lateral ventricles and loss of inferior temporal mass (Photo courtesy of Steven S. Chin, M.D., Ph.D., University of Utah Health
Sciences Center)
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure 3 Display of the visuoconstructional impairments in the drawings of four individuals with
Possible or Probable AD. The stimulus is the left-most figure
Behavioral Symptoms
Behavioral changes are extremely common in AD, with
nearly all individuals exhibiting at least one symptom at
some point over the disease course. Among the most
common of these changes is apathy, characterized by a
lack of interest and indifference. Anxiety, irritability, and
depression are also common, as are delusions. Some
patients may exhibit hallucinations, and particularly
challenging for caregivers and family are disruptive behaviors such as agitation and aggression. The course of
behavioral symptoms is variable, with severe episodes
alternating with milder ones, raising questions about
environmental triggers. Noting the co-occurrence of one
or more behavioral disturbances, some scientists believe
these symptoms are better conceptualized as behavioral
syndromes, with implications for underlying brain pathology. Several questionnaires are available for assessing
behavioral symptoms, ranging from a single symptom
questionnaire to larger inventories of multiple symptoms.
Assessment of behavioral symptoms is particularly important in an AD evaluation as their presence may suggest
other causes of dementia.
A through clinical work-up is important for diagnosing
AD or determining the etiology of dementia. Critical
elements of an evaluation include a detailed clinical
history and mental status and physical exams. Due to
inaccurate reporting by patients, interview with a reliable
informant is necessary. Laboratory, neuroimaging, and
neuropsychological testing are important to exclude
other causes of dementia. Laboratory testing may include
a blood count, routine chemistries, thyroid function,
and B12 levels. Neuroimaging with MRI or CT may reveal
generalized cerebral atrophy with associated sulcal widening and ventricular enlargement. In early stages of the
disorder, the brain may appear normal on MRI/CT. PET
Alzheimer’s Dementia
ICMRGIc (normalized to Pons)
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure. 4. Seventy-four year old control subject with normal cognition. The top row shows normal brain
metabolic activity and the bottom row shows very few regions of hypometabolism. The areas of significant hypometabolism
indicated in the medial views are due to this individual having enlarged lateral ventricles relative to normative subjects.
Figures 4–6 These images are processed FDG-PET images obtained from elderly subjects. The images have been processed using
Neurostat sterotactic surface projections to illustrate the changes of the brain in Alzheimer’s disease. Subject scans are shown in
two rows in each figure, depicting projections onto six surfaces: R-lateral, L-lateral, R-medial, L-medial, Superior and Inferior. The
top row in each figure displays regional glucose metabolism with ‘‘cooler’’ colors (purple, blue) reflecting areas of
hypometabolism. The bottom row in each figure displays relative glucose metabolism for each participant as compared with a
normative sample of 27 cognitively normal elderly individuals. In this bottom series, the images display the statistical
significance, expressed as Z-scores, of the hypometabolism when compared to those of the normative sample. The brighter
colors (red, white) represent areas of significant hypometabolism and the cooler colors of blues and purples represent relatively
normal brain metabolism (All photographs courtesy of Norman L. Foster, M.D. and Angela Y. Wang, Ph.D., Center for Alzheimer’s
Care, Imaging and Research, University of Utah)
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure. 5. Sixty year old subject clinically diagnosed with MCI. The top row shows symmetric decreases
in metabolic activity in both hemispheres of the brain. Abnormalities are primarily in the parietal lobe (shown in the R-lateral and
L-lateral views) and the posterior cingulate cortex (shown in the R-medial and L-medial views), as seen in the green regions. The
bottom row confirms that these regions (green, yellow and red areas) are indeed significantly (Z-scores 2.5) hypometabolic.
This pattern is a distinguishing feature of AD seen in FDG-PET studies (All photographs courtesy of Norman L. Foster, M.D. and
Angela Y. Wang, Ph.D., Center for Alzheimer’s Care, Imaging and Research, University of Utah)
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Figure. 6. Seventy-two year old subject clinically diagnosed with AD. This subject shows an even greater
and more widely distributed decrease in glucose metabolism. Parietal and temporal lobes and posterior cingulate cortex (green
and blue region in the top row) are affected. The statistically significant changes in metabolic pattern (red and white regions in
the lower row) are much greater than the MCI case (All photographs courtesy of Norman L. Foster, M.D. and Angela Y. Wang, Ph.
D., Center for Alzheimer’s Care, Imaging and Research, University of Utah)
imaging is a more sensitive technique for detecting
changes in brain function in early stages. Reduced glucose
metabolism, usually in the temporo–parietal and posterior cingulate regions, is a consistent pattern in early AD.
Figures 4 through 6 display the pattern of glucose hypometabolism in MCI and AD compared with a cognitively
normal elderly individual. Neuropsychological testing is
important to establish the degree of cognitive impairment
and to identify patterns that may be suggestive of specific
dementing illnesses. Additional tests such as sampling
cerebrospinal fluid for tau and amyloid-B42 assays may
be helpful as supplemental procedures in complex cases
(Mendez & Cummings, 2003).
Treatment for AD is palliative, with medications and therapies providing symptom management. Medications most
commonly used are cholinesterase inhibitors that functionally address the cholinergic deficit of AD by blocking
the activity of the acetylcholine degrading enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. These medications are modestly effective,
and patients and families may observe an improvement in
some cognitive and behavioral symptoms. However, the
medications do not modify the trajectory of disease progression. In general, cholinesterase inhibitors are welltolerated. The use of the first FDA-approved drug of this
class, tacrine, however, is rarely administered now because
of risk of liver toxicity. Other medications include donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine. Side effects include
gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and
vomiting (Orgogozo, 2003). Memantine, an NMDA glutamate receptor blocker, has been approved for use in
moderate and severe AD. This drug is believed to
be effective by reducing neuronal excitotoxicity. Other
treatments include the use of psychotropic medications
(such as antidepressant and antipsychotic medications) to
address the behavioral or neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Cognitive rehabilitation may be attempted early in the
disease course while patients are still able to participate.
Psychoeducation, behavioral techniques, music therapy,
and caregiver support and interventions are also important elements of clinical care.
Cross References
▶ Alois Alzheimer
▶ Aricept (Donepezil)
▶ Cholinesterase Inhibitors
▶ Dementia
▶ Neurofibrillary Tangles
▶ Senile Dementia
▶ Senile Plaques
References and Readings
Grabowski, T. J., & Damasio, A. R. (2004). Definition, clinical features
and neuroanatomical basis of dementia. In M. M. Esiri, V. M.-Y.
Lee, & J. Q. Trojanowski (Eds.), The neuropathology of dementia
(2nd ed., pp. 1–33). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Hardy, J. (2003). The genetics of Alzheimer’s disease. In K. Iqbal &
B. Winblad (Eds.), Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders: research
Alzheimer’s Disease
advances (pp. 151–153). Bucharest, Romania: Ana Asian International Academy of Aging.
Knopman, D., & Selnes, O. (2003). Neuropsychology of dementia.
In K. M. Heilman & E. Valenstein’s (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology
(4th ed., pp. 574–616). New York: Oxford University Press.
Malaspina, D., Corcoran, C., Schobel, S., & Hamilton, S. P. (2008).
Epidemiological and genetic aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders.
In S. C. Yudofsky & R. E. Hales’ (Eds.), Neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurosciences (5th ed., pp. 301–362). Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association Press.
Mendez, M. F., & Cummings, J. L. (2003). Dementia a clinical approach
(3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Butterworth.
Morris, J. H., & Nagy, Z. (2004). Alzheimer’s disease. In M. M. Esiri,
V. M.-Y. Lee, & J. Q. Trojanowski (Eds.), The neuropathology of
dementia (2nd ed., pp. 161–206). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Orgogozo, J.-M. (2003). Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with cholinesterase inhibitors. An update on currently used drugs. In K. Iqbal &
B. Winblad (Eds.), Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders:
Research advances (pp. 663–675). Bucharest, Romania: Ana Asian
International Academy of Aging.
Soininen, H., Kivipelto, M., Laakso, M., & Hiltunen, M. (2003). Genetics,
molecular epidemiology and cardiovascular risk factors of
Alzheimer’s disease. In K. Iqbal & B. Winblad (Eds.), Alzheimer’s
disease and related disorders: Research advances (pp. 53–62).
Bucharest, Romania: Ana Asian International Academy of Aging.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2006). Journey
to discovery. 2005–2006 Progress report on Alzheimer’s disease.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Alzheimer’s Disease
University of Kansas School of Medicine
Kansas City, KS, USA
A neurodegenerative disease of the brain characterized
clinically by insidious, chronic, and progressive cognitive decline, and histologically by cerebral accumulations of the proteins beta amyloid (plaques) and tau
Historical Background
In 1902, a woman called Auguste D. came under the care
of Dr. Alois Alzheimer, then at the University of Frankfurt. The patient manifested changes in behavior and
cognition. Her clinical course was characterized by
progressive paranoia, delusional thinking, disorientation,
and poor memory. She was institutionalized for the last
3 years of her life. Upon her death, Alzheimer analyzed her
brain using a silver stain, and described both extracellular
and intracellular protein accumulations. The extracellular
protein accumulations were termed plaques and the
intraneuronal protein accumulations were called tangles.
Alzheimer presented the results of this autopsy in 1906.
Several other similar cases of relatively ‘‘presenile’’ (i.e.,
arbitrarily defined as an onset prior to age 55–65) clinical
dementia associated with plaques and tangles were noted
by Alzheimer and others over the next 4 years. In 1910,
Alzheimer’s departmental chair, Emil Kraepelin, published a textbook covering the fields of neurology and
psychiatry, and referred to patients with presenile dementia, plaques, and tangles as having ‘‘Alzheimer’s disease.’’
Concurrently, other investigators, such as Oscar
Fischer, also reported plaque presence in elderly demented
individuals. These individuals were older than those
with ‘‘presenile’’ dementia (i.e., generally older than age
55–65). As the commonality of progressive dementia in
the elderly was well recognized, the presence of plaques
in elderly demented individuals was felt to represent a
normal phenomenon. Such individuals were not diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Instead, cognitive decline
in elderly adults was attributed to normal aging or other
poorly described conditions, such as ‘‘hardening of the
arteries.’’ As a result, Alzheimer’s disease remained relatively uncommon for a number of subsequent decades.
In the 1960s, investigators began comparing elderly
demented subjects to those diagnosed with ‘‘presenile’’
Alzheimer’s disease. Notable similarities were observed
regarding the clinical course (chronic and progressive),
the clinical features (cognitive decline that featured evolution of an amnestic state, followed by behavioral
changes), and histopathology (plaques and tangles). By
the 1970s, the number of demented elderly was growing
fast as demographic shifts in the aging population combined with increased recognition of the syndrome. At this
point, the original definition of Alzheimer’s disease (as
described by Alzheimer and named by Kraepelin) was
expanded to account for all dementing individuals with
plaques and tangles, although some separation of these
groups was envisioned. Those meeting the original criteria of plaque and tangle dementia in presenile adults
were designated as having dementia of the Alzheimer
type (DAT), while the previously unconsidered elderly
cases were designated as having senile dementia of the
Alzheimer type (SDAT). With increasing recognition of
the problem, Alzheimer’s disease very quickly became
Alzheimer’s Disease
incredibly common, as well as a Western civilization
health priority.
In the USA, the 1980s saw the establishment of federally funded Alzheimer’s disease research centers, which
began to systematically study the clinical course of this
progressive dementia, mostly in the common SDAT form.
Academic research began to unravel the chemical makeup of plaques and tangles. Investigations into patterns and
causes of neurodegeneration were performed. This advancing knowledge enhanced the ability of clinicians to
diagnose Alzheimer’s disease at increasingly subtle stages,
as well as the ability to pharmacologically intervene to
achieve partial, temporary symptomatic benefit in at least
some individuals.
Current Knowledge
Scientific Perspective
The plaques seen in persons with Alzheimer’s disease
contain several aggregated proteins. The major constituent is a protein called amyloid beta (Ab). ‘‘Beta’’ is a
chemical term that specifies a certain pattern of protein
folding. ‘‘Amyloid’’ is a general term that refers to proteins
that give a particular appearance when exposed to a
particular type of stain, Congo red. The beta amyloid, or
Ab, found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients
derives from a particular protein called the amyloid precursor protein (APP).
In the human brain, the APP is 695 amino acids long.
It is a transmembrane protein. One end (the carboxy end)
is found inside neurons, in the cytoplasm. The other end
(the amino end) extends outside the cell. In between the
cytoplasmic and extracellular portions is a stretch that
runs through the membrane. The normal function of
APP is not well known. APP is digested by different
enzymes, which cut the protein at different points. An
enzyme complex called the beta secretase (BACE) cuts
APP in its extracellular portion. An enzyme or group of
enzymes referred to as the alpha secretase cuts APP in its
intramembrane segment. The gamma secretase cuts APP
twice, both times in its intramembrane segment. Both of
the gamma secretase cuts occur closer to the carboxy end
of the APP than the alpha secretase cut.
Different cutting combinations generate various APP
by-products. Cutting of an APP by beta and gamma
secretases generates a 38–43 amino acid stretch, and this
stretch tends to assume a beta folding conformation and
has the features of an amyloid protein (i.e., birefringence
under the microscope when stained with Congo red). The
40 and 42 amino acid-long variants of Ab predominate in
plaques, and are often designated Ab40 and Ab42. Ab42
seems to be particularly important to the formation of the
amyloid plaques of Alzheimer’s disease, probably because
this version of the protein is quite insoluble. When Ab
accumulations begin to form in brain, they are not associated with disrupted cell elements and are called ‘‘diffuse
plaques.’’ Another type of more evolved plaque can also be
found in Alzheimer’s disease patients, in which Ab
becomes condensed at the center of the plaque, and the
vicinity of the plaque is associated with disrupted cell
elements such as degenerating axons and dendrites. As
axons and dendrites are collectively called ‘‘neurites,’’ this
type of plaque is called a ‘‘neuritic plaque.’’
The tangles of Alzheimer’s disease are found primarily
in neurons. Under the microscope tangles have a fibrous
quality to them, and hence tangles in Alzheimer’s disease
are referred to as ‘‘neurofibrillary tangles.’’ Neurofibrillary
tangles consist of a protein called tau. Normally, tau is
found in association with microtubules, which act as a
skeleton, or ‘‘cytoskeleton’’ supporting the cellular structure. The function of tau appears to be the stabilization of
these microtubules. Like many proteins, after its production tau is modified by the addition and subtraction of
phosphate groups on certain amino acids, especially serine and threonine. During embryonic development, tau is
heavily phosphorylated, but during youth and early adulthood this heavily phosphorylated pattern is rare if at all
seen. In Alzheimer’s disease, though, tau again takes on
a heavily phosphorylated pattern, which is felt to reflect
an abnormal physiologic event and is referred to as
tau ‘‘hyperphosphorylation.’’ Hyperphosphorylated tau
molecules begin to pair off, a process called ‘‘dimerization.’’ Hyperphosphorylated tau dimers, also called
‘‘paired helical filaments,’’ are quite insoluble and begin
to aggregate with each other. This aggregation, typically
visible extending from cell bodies into axons, comprises
the neurofibrillary tangle.
As impressive as this advancing understanding of
plaque and tangle composition is, recognizing what constitutes these aggregations does not address why they
form. In this regard, genetic studies of DAT subjects who
inherit the disorder in an autosomal dominant fashion
have had a large impact. Several hundred such families
have been documented. In these families the disease
affects about 50% of each generation, with typical onset
occurring in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th decades. A small
number of these families have demonstrable mutations in
the gene that encodes the APP. This gene is located on
chromosome 21, the same chromosome that is present in
excess in Down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome patients
Alzheimer’s Disease
invariably accumulate Ab plaques in their 5th decade.
A somewhat larger number of these families have mutations in the gene that encodes a protein called presenilin 1.
This gene is found in chromosome 14. Presenilin 1 protein constitutes part of the gamma secretase complex.
A smaller number of families have mutation of a related
gene on chromosome 1, which encodes a related protein,
presenilin 2. Presenilin 2 can also participate in formation
of the gamma secretase. Mutations in the genes that
encode APP, presenilin 1, and presenilin 2 all enhance
the production of Ab42. This has lent support to the
‘‘amyloid cascade hypothesis,’’ which posits as Ab42 is
generated it begins to interfere with neuronal function,
kill neurons, and generate the other histologic features
seen in Alzheimer’s disease. While the logic underlying
this hypothesis is obvious, it is important to keep in mind
it assumes the very small subset of early-onset, autosomal
dominant Alzheimer’s disease (which accounts for far less
than 1% of those affected) have a similar if not identical
etiology to the common sporadic, late-onset cases that
constitute the vast majority. In those subjects, what initiates Ab42 production remains an open area of debate.
Conceivably, population diversity in genes that contribute
to APP production or processing could cause Ab42 to
appear. Environmental factors could lead to Ab42 formation. Also, a variety of age-related factors promote Ab42
Other factors are recognized to play a role in Alzheimer’s
disease, and where these factors fit into or what they tell us
about the etiologic hierarchy of the disease is unclear. One
factor relates to the APOE gene on chromosome 19. The
APOE gene shows population variability due to the presence of two polymorphic positions. The common APOE
variants are the e2, e3, and e4 forms. The APOE e4 form
is over represented in those with Alzheimer’s disease,
where it seems to move up the age of presentation in
those destined to develop the disorder. Mitochondrial
function is also altered in Alzheimer’s disease, and these
alterations are not limited to the brain.
Diagnostic Perspective
Dementia is defined as cognitive decline that has advanced to that point it interferes with activities of daily
living. While dementia has many different etiologies,
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 50–60% of dementia verified by neuropathological examination of the brain at autopsy. The
clinical diagnosis (i.e., diagnosis in life) of Alzheimer’s
disease is made in patients who have progressive dementia
with no other systemic or brain diseases that could
account for the progressive cognitive decline. A diagnosis
of ‘‘definite Alzheimer’s disease’’ can only be diagnosed at
autopsy by the presence of plaques and tangles (although
in some schemas tangles are not requisite) in an individual with a clinical history suggestive of dementia. The
presence of plaques and tangles in typical brain regions
(mesial temporal, parietal, and inferior frontal structures)
is quite common in elderly persons with the clinical
syndrome of Alzheimer’s disease. As a result of the high
prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease with advancing age (at
least one commonly quoted study estimates approximately half of those over the age of 85 have it), the specificity of
the clinical diagnosis is high. Recognition of how common Alzheimer’s disease is in later life has also served to
enhance clinician awareness, thus improving sensitivity of
the diagnosis. In the hands of an experienced physician,
clinical diagnostic accuracy is excellent.
Criteria originally designed to facilitate identification
of subjects for clinical trials have helped to standardize
clinical diagnostic approaches. These criteria, such as
those proposed by the National Institute of Neurologic,
Communicative Disorders, and Stroke (NINCDS) and
the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association (ADRDA) in the 1980s emphasize the importance of
establishing that a progressive dementia exists in a patient.
Two basic approaches are commonly used toward this
end. One is to demonstrate a pattern of cognitive domain
strengths and weaknesses that reliably suggest decline
from a previous level of cognitive function has emerged.
For example, defective memory retention in the presence
of another defective cognitive domain (language, executive function, visuospatial function, and praxis) in an
elderly patient with cognitive complaints and an otherwise unremarkable physical exam is strongly suggestive of
Alzheimer’s disease. The other approach focuses more on
defining the degree and nature of emerging declines in
daily living activities. This latter technique focuses extensively on collateral history obtained from family members
or friends of the patient.
The diagnosis is made primarily through clinical impression, although that impression is influenced by a
small set of recommended laboratory and imaging tests.
These tests are serologic (vitamin B12 level, thyroid function tests, electrolytes with renal and hepatic indices, and
a blood cell count) and structural (brain imaging by either
computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging)
in nature. As currently used, they mostly serve to rule out
the presence of concomitant pathologies that can interfere
with cognition. Although this has contributed to the view
that the Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis is one of exclusion,
Alzheimer’s Disease
it should be noted that certain patterns of cognitive decline elicited by clinical history or demonstrable by neuropsychological testing are so typical of Alzheimer’s
disease they can be used to support a diagnosis of inclusion. It is important to note, though, that at the time of
this writing PET and APOE genotyping are not commonly
used in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and cannot by
themselves establish a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Treatment Perspective
Although Alzheimer’s disease is currently neither reversible nor curable, it is possible to treat its symptoms. The
first approved treatment for Alzheimer’s disease was tacrine, a cholinesterase inhibitor. This drug increased levels
of brain acetylcholine by antagonizing its synaptic degradation. Increasing brain cholinergic tone was identified as
a pharmacologic target because Alzheimer’s disease
patients show a profound loss of acetylcholine due to
degeneration of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain. Safer cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine) have since superseded tacrine. In
addition to inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, rivastigmine
also inhibits buytrylcholinesterases that also hydrolyze
acetylcholine, and galantamine is an allosteric modulator
of acetylcholine nicotinic receptors. Each agent shows a
similar overall degree of efficacy, although the individual
with Alzheimer’s disease may respond to or tolerate one
drug better than the other. Treatment cohorts followed for
12 weeks to 3 years indicate that as a group, those started
on cholinesterase inhibitors tend to perform and appear
slightly improved compared to their immediate pretreatment baseline. This improvement appears detectable for
6–12 months. By 12 months, though, treatment groups
return to their pretreatment performance as ascertained
by cognitive testing, clinical impression, and caregiver
impression. Beyond 12 months, patients continuously
decline below their pretreatment baseline, although for
at least the next several years patients appear to perform
better on cognitive testing than would otherwise be
expected. The clinical meaningfulness of this sustained
benefit has fueled considerable debate. Benefits have
been observed on measures of cognitive ability, functional
ability, behavior, and caregiver stress.
At the time of this writing, memantine is the only
non-cholinesterase inhibitor specifically approved for
the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Under in vitro conditions, memantine blocks a cation channel associated
with the NMDA type of glutamate-activated ionotropic
receptors. Whether or not this is its primary mechanism
of action in Alzheimer’s disease has been questioned. In
any case, cohorts of patients with moderate or severe
Alzheimer’s disease, when randomized to memantine,
perform better on measures of cognitive and functional
performance than do concurrent placebo treatment
groups. In severe Alzheimer’s disease, the magnitude of
observed benefit is similar to that obtained with donepezil. Memantine and donepezil have been studied in combination with each other. Subjects with mini-mental state
exam scores of 5–14, who were already on donepezil, did
better as a group when memantine was added to their
treatment regimen than when placebo was added. Demonstrable benefits in mild Alzheimer’s disease are lacking and thus the role of memantine in the mild stages of
Alzheimer’s disease is not clear.
A single study concluded high-dose vitamin E (2000 iu
each day) might slightly slow decline in Alzheimer’s
disease patients. More recent general evidence, though,
suggests taking more than 400 iu of vitamin E on a daily
basis increases overall mortality. The marginality of any
vitamin E benefit, in conjunction with safety concerns, has
reduced enthusiasm for the use of vitamin E in Alzheimer’s
disease. Although a variety of other prescription medications (estrogens, statins), nonprescription medications
(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories), and nutraceuticals
(gingko biloba) have been considered for the treatment
of Alzheimer’s disease, published data to date on all other
treatment options has been at worst negative and at best
insufficient to earn regulatory approval.
Other drug categories are commonly used to treat
targeted symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
For instance, antipsychotic medications are often used to
treat agitated behavior. Some studies do show efficacy
in this regard, although other studies have argued the
limited behavioral benefits antipsychotics may confer is
canceled out by increased morbidity.
Future Directions
Scientific Perspective
In the short term, considerable effort will be directed at
additional studies of Ab dynamics and homeostasis. Research will focus on the toxicities of different degrees of
Ab aggregation (especially oligomers, defined as short,
soluble polymers of amyloid), cellular mechanisms of
Ab disposal, and tissue-level mechanisms of Ab disposal.
Research over the longer term will need to address the
fact that the predominant etiologic hypothesis, the amyloid cascade hypothesis, cannot yet explain why Ab
Alzheimer’s Disease
homeostasis changes in most of those affected or how Ab
might give rise to other aspects of Alzheimer’s disease
pathology. It is possible the amyloid cascade hypothesis
will prove valid in those with early onset, autosomal
dominant Alzheimer’s disease caused by mutations of
the genes encoding APP, presenilin 1, and presenilin 2 proteins, but not the late-onset cases (the vast majority).
Disproving the amyloid cascade hypothesis in the
late-onset cases will likely require two events. First, interventions that attempt to treat Alzheimer’s disease by
targeting Ab will need to show absent or limited efficacy.
Second, other hypotheses better able to explain the overall
Alzheimer’s clinical and pathological big picture will need
to demonstrate viability and durability.
amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles can be administered intravenously, and the degree of brain ligand
retention measured using PET. This approach can provide
an estimate of an individual patient’s plaque burden.
Development of techniques such as this will increasingly
render the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease one of inclusion. Even so, this technology may, like others, turn out to
serve best as an adjunct to the clinical diagnosis as opposed to the principal determinant of the diagnosis.
The reason for this is that a substantial percentage of
nondemented individuals have relatively high plaque burdens. The significance of increased plaque burden in nondemented individuals will need to be determined with
prospective long-term studies.
Diagnostic Perspective
Treatment Perspective
Because it will likely prove easier in the future to prevent
neurodegeneration rather than reverse it, the ability to
render an early, accurate diagnosis is crucial. Also, the
ability to treat the disease (either symptomatically or
disease modifying) increases the importance of early diagnosis. A confluence of neuropsychologic/clinical longitudinal studies performed in conjunction with careful
histopathologic correlation has already allowed a syndrome called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to be defined. MCI is known to represent a precursor of the
Alzheimer syndrome in the majority of those diagnosed
with it, and in more than half the MCI syndrome simply
represents early Alzheimer’s disease. There is an emerging
consensus that the line between ‘‘normal’’ age related cognitive decline and clinically excessive cognitive decline, at
least on an etiologic level, is a blurry one. Accordingly, by
the time MCI is diagnosable in many individuals, substantial irreversible brain change has occurred. Techniques and
technologies for pushing the limits of the diagnosis to
stages that precede MCI are therefore needed.
Most development toward this end focuses on the
study of potential ‘‘biomarkers.’’ Biomarkers can be entities detectable in extractable tissues, such as blood or
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). For example, CSF tau levels
increase in Alzheimer’s disease, while CSF Ab levels decline. When used in conjunction with fluorodeoxyglucose
PET, which shows the brain’s ability to consume glucose,
investigators have been able to develop algorithms that
predict future cognitive decline in elderly adults with
MCI, and even in individuals before they manifest cognitive complaints.
Biomarkers can also be demonstrated in vivo. For
instance, ligands that bind amyloid plaques or both
None of the treatments approved for use in Alzheimer’s
disease are approved for use in MCI, although available
data argue cholinesterase inhibition (at least with donepezil) may provide a marginal benefit. Such a benefit
would not be surprising, especially if MCI represents
very early Alzheimer’s disease in most people.
Over a decade of experience with symptomatic treatment has made it abundantly clear that disease-modifying
treatments are required. Most current approaches toward
disease modification are targeted to Ab homeostasis. Inhibition of its production (gamma secretase inhibitors
and modifiers), its targeted removal (active and passive
immunization approaches), prevention of its aggregation,
and enhancement of enzymatic degradation are all under
active pursuit. To date, a phase II Ab vaccination trial
(AN1792) was halted when several of the subjects developed encephalitis. Other data obtained through this trial
suggest the approach was successful in reducing cerebral
amyloid plaques. However, the most extensive published
clinical data from AN1792 indicate that one year after
vaccination, the rate of cognitive decline was similar to
(unchanged from or only very slightly reduced from) the
rate of decline shown by the placebo group of that trial.
A phase III trial of tramiprosate, which retards Ab aggregation, was negative. A phase III trial of a gamma secretase
modifying agent (R-flurbiprofen) is underway. Phase III
trials of agents intended to humorally remove Ab are
If attacking Ab fails to meaningfully benefit Alzheimer’s disease patients, the validity of the amyloid cascade
hypothesis in late-onset, sporadic Alzheimer’s disease will
be called into question. If this happens, new models for
drug design will be needed. Currently, mice expressing a
Alzheimer’s Disease
mutant APP transgene, sometimes in conjunction with
other mutant human transgenes, serve as the gold
standard for preclinical testing of potential Alzheimer’s
disease treatments.
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Dementia
▶ Memory Impairment
▶ Mental Status Examination
▶ Mini Mental State Exam
▶ Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination
▶ Senile Dementia
References and Readings
Amaducci, L. A., Rocca, W. A., & Schoenberg, B. S. (1986). Origin of the
distinction between Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia: how
history can clarify nosology. Neurology, 36, 1497–1499.
Blacker, D., & Tanzi, R. E. (1998). The genetics of Alzheimer disease:
current status and future prospects. Archives of Neurology, 55,
Blessed, G., Tomlinson, B., & Roth, M. (1968). The association between
quantitative measures of dementia and of senile change in the
cerebral grey matter of elderly subjects. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 114, 797–811.
Campion, D., Dumanchin, C., Hannequin, D., Dubois, B., Belliard, S.,
Puel, M., et al. (1999). Early-onset autosomal dominant Alzheimer
disease: prevalence, genetic heterogeneity, and mutation spectrum.
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 65, 664–670.
Corder, E. H., Saunders, A. M., Strittmatter, W. J., Schmechel, D. E.,
Gaskell, P. C., Small, G. W., et al. (1993). Gene dose of apolipoprotein E type 4 allele and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in late onset
families. Science, 261, 921–923.
De Leon, M. J., & Klunk, W. (2005). Biomarkers for the early diagnosis of
Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet Neurology, 5, 198–199.
Evans, D. A., Funkenstein, H. H., Albert, M. S., Scherr, P. A., Cook, N. R.,
Chown, M. J., et al. (1989). Prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a
community population of older persons. Higher than previously
reported. JAMA, 262, 2551–2556.
Gearing, M., Mirra, S. S., Hedreen, J. C., Sumi, S. M., Hansen, L. A., &
Heyman, A. (1995). The Consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer’s disease (CERAD). Part X. Neuropathology confirmation of
the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology, 45, 461–466.
Gilman, S., Koller, M., Black, R. S., Jenkins, L., Griffith, S. G., Fox, N. C.,
et al. (2005). Clinical effects of Abeta immunization (AN1792) in
patients with AD in an interrupted trial. Neurology, 64, 1553–1562.
Hardy, J., & Allsop, D. (1991). Amyloid deposition as the central event in
the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Trends in Pharmacological
Sciences, 12, 383–388.
Hardy, J. A., & Higgins, G. A.(1992). Alzheimer’s disease: the amyloid
cascade hypothesis. Science, 256, 184–185.
Katzman, R. (1976). The prevalence and malignancy of Alzheimer’s
disease: a major killer. Archives of Neurology, 33, 217–218.
Khachaturian, Z. S. (1985). Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of
Neurology, 42, 1097–1106.
Klunk, W. E., Engler, H., Nordberg, A., Wang, Y., Blomqvist, G.,
Holt, D. P., et al. (2004). Imaging brain amyloid in Alzheimer’s
disease with Pittsburgh Compound-B. Annals of Neurology, 55,
Mayeux, R., Saunders, A. M., Shea, S., Mirra, S., Evans, D., Roses, A. D.,
et al. (1998). Utility of the apolipoprotein E genotype in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Disease Centers Consortium
on Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer’s Disease. The New England
Journal of Medicine, 338, 506–511.
McKhann, G., Drachman, D., Folstein, M., Katzman, R., Price, D., &
Stadlan, E. M. (1984). Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease:
report of the NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices of
Department of Health and Human Services Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurology, 34, 939–944.
Morris, J. C. (2006). Mild cognitive impairment is early-stage Alzheimer
disease: time to revise diagnostic criteria. Archives of Neurology, 63,
Mosconi, L., De Santi, S., Li, J., Tsui, W. H., Li, Y., Boppana, M., et al.
(2007). Hippocampal hypometabolism predicts cognitive decline
National Institute on Aging, and Reagan Institute Working Group on
Diagnostic Criteria for the Neuropathological Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease. (1997). Consensus recommendations for the postmortem diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 18(4
Suppl.), S1–2.
Petersen, R. C., Smith, G. E., Waring, S. C., Ivnik, R. J., Tangalos, E. G., &
Kokmen, E. (1999). Mild cognitive impairment: clinical characterization and outcome. Archives of Neurology, 56, 303–308.
Petersen, R. C., Thomas, R. G., Grundman, M, Bennett, D., Doody, R.,
Ferris, S., et al. (2005) Vitamin E and donepezil for the treatment of
mild cognitive impairment. The New England Journal of Medicine,
352, 2379–2388.
Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute of the Alzheimer’s Association and the National Institute on AgingWork Group. (1998). Consensus report of the work group on: molecular and biochemical
markers of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 19, 109–116.
Sano, M., Ernesto, C., Thomas, R. G., Klauber, M. R., Schafer, K.,
Grundman, M., et al. (1997). A controlled trial of selegiline,
alpha-tocopherol, or both as treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study. The New England
Journal of Medicine, 336, 1216–1222.
Scheuner, D., Eckman, C., Jensen, M., Song, X., Citron, M., Suzuki, N.,
et al. (1996). Secreted amyloid beta-protein similar to that in the
senile plaques of Alzheimer’s disease is increased in vivo by the
presenilin 1 and 2 and APP mutations linked to familial Alzheimer’s
disease. Nature Medicine, 2, 864–870.
Schneider, L. S., Tariot, P. N., Dagerman, K. S., Davis, S. M., Hsiao, J. K.,
et al. (2006). Effectiveness of atypical antipsychotic drugs in patients
with Alzheimer’s disease. The New England Journal of Medicine, 355,
Snowdon, D. A., Kemper, S. J., Mortimer, J. A., Greiner, L. H., Wekstein,
D. R., & Markesbery, W. R. (1996). Linguistic ability in early life and
cognitive function and Alzheimer’s disease in late life. Findings from
the Nun Study. JAMA, 275, 528–532.
Swerdlow, R. H. (2007). Is aging part of Alzheimer’s disease, or is
Alzheimer’s disease part of aging? Neurobiology of Aging, 28,
Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study ADL Scale
Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative
Study ADL Scale
Medical Research Council Cognition &
Brain Sciences Unit
Cambridge, UK
Alzheimer’s disease co-operative study ADL scale for mild
cognitive impairment (ADCS-ADL-MCI); Alzheimer’s
disease co-operative study ADL scale for severe impairment (ADCS-ADL-sev).
The ADCS-ADL assesses the competence of patients with
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in basic and instrumental
activities of daily living (ADLs). It can be completed by
a caregiver in questionnaire format, or administered by
a clinician/researcher as a structured interview with a
caregiver. All responses should relate to the 4 weeks
prior to the time of rating. The six basic ADL items each
take an ADL (e.g., eating) and provide descriptions of
level of competence, with the rater selecting the most
appropriate option (e.g., ate without physical help and
used a knife; used a fork or spoon but not a knife;
used fingers to eat; was usually fed by someone else).
The 16 instrumental ADL items follow the format
‘‘In the past 4 weeks, did s/he use the telephone,’’ with the
response options of yes/no/don’t know. If the response is
‘‘yes,’’ a rating is then made regarding his/her competence
according to a set of descriptions tailored to that activity
(e.g., for the telephone item, whether the person looked
up phone numbers and made calls, made calls only to
well-known numbers without referring to a directory,
made calls only to well-known numbers using a telephone
directory, answered the phone but did not make calls,
or only spoke when put on the line). Adapted versions
of the scale suitable for people with MCI (ADCSMCI-ADL) and moderate-severe AD (ADCS-ADL-sev)
have also been developed. Scores on the 24-item
ADCS-ADL range from 0 to 78, those on the 18-item
ADCS-MCI-ADL range from 0 to 57, and on the
19-item ADCS-ADL-sev from 0 to 54, where higher scores
reflect greater competence (see section ‘‘Psychometric
Data’’ for further details). The entire instrument takes
15–30 min to administer.
Historical Background
The ADCS is a United States-based initiative that aims to
conduct research informing the prevention and treatment
of AD, as well as developing measures for use in people
with AD, particularly in clinical trials. The ADCS-ADL
was the first ADL scale to be developed for use specifically
in clinical trials with people with AD across the range of
severity. The 23 items in the standard version were
selected from a pool of 45 items based upon a stringent
set of psychometric criteria (see Section ‘‘Psychometric
Data’’). Using the same criteria, Galasko et al. (2005)
developed a version of the ADCS-ADL for more severely
impaired participants, which is known as the
ADCS-ADL-sev, and a version for people with MCI
has also been developed (ADCS-MCI-ADL, Perneczky
et al., 2006). The ADCS-ADL has been used in a variety
of clinical trials.
Psychometric Data
Galasko et al. (1997) selected the items for the
ADCS-ADL from a pool of 45 items thought to be
relevant to the target population on the basis of existing
scales and clinical experience. To determine which ADLs
were most suitable for inclusion, the 45-item version was
administered at baseline, 6 months and 12 months later to
64 elderly controls and 242 people with AD, stratified by
MMSE score at baseline assessment. Half of participants
were additionally assessed at 1 and 2 months postbaseline. An item was included in the final measure if it
fit the criteria that it: was performed either premorbidly
or at baseline by >90% of participants (showing it was
applicable to the target group), had a kappa agreement
statistic at 1–2 months of >0.4 (indicating good
test-retest reliability), had a significant correlation
with MMSE score (indicating appropriate scaling and
validity), and showed decline over 12 months in at least
20% of participants (indicating validity and sensitivity
to change).
Galasko et al. (2005) used the same criteria in
the development of the ADCS-ADL-sev, based on
longitudinal data of 145 patients with Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE) scores between 0 and 15.
Galasko et al. reported good test-retest reliability (baseline-1 month r = 0.94, baseline-2 months r = 0.89,
Alzheimer’s Disease Co-operative Study ADL Scale for Mild Cognitive Impairment (ADCS-ADL-MCI)
month1–month2 r = 0.94), and there was evidence of
convergent validity based upon the strong correlation
between ADCS-ADL-sev and other global impairment
measures (ADCS-ADL-sev – MMSE r = 0.64; ADCSADL-sev – Severe Impairment Battery r = 0.71). The
mean score on first test was 25.4 (SD 12.7, maximum
obtainable 54), with a mean decline of 5.6 points
(SD 7.5) over 6 months and 10.3 points (SD 10.3) over
12 months.
Perneczky et al. (2006) have found that the ADCSMCI-ADL scale can discriminate people with MCI from
control participants (a cut-off score of 52 gives sensitivity
of 0.89 and specificity of 0.97).
Clinical Uses
The ADCS-ADL and its variants are the only ADL scales
designed with AD specifically in mind, and can provide a
fairly detailed assessment of competence in a variety of
ADLs. Galasko et al. (2005) state that the measure takes
too long to administer for it to be widely adopted in
clinical practice, but it would be useful in intervention
studies, and the ADL-sev in particular where the severity
of the disorder may render measures such as the MMSE
unsuitable due to floor effects. The careful selection of
items for the ADCS-ADL suggests that they are eminently
suitable for use in clinical trials. Perneczky et al. (2006)
found that even patients with a diagnosis of Mild
Cognitive Impairment exhibit deficits in instrumental
ADLs on the ADCS-ADL-MCI, and that scores can
successfully discriminate patients with MCI from healthy
controls; as such, results from this scale may be useful in
forming an MCI diagnosis.
Galasko, D., Schmitt, F., Thomas, R., Jin, S., Bennett, D., & Ferris, S.
(2005). Detailed assessment of activities of daily living in moderate
to severe Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11, 446–453.
Perneczky, R., Pohl, C., Sorg, C., Hartmann, J., Komossa, K.,
Alexopoulos, P., et al. (2006). Complex activities of daily living
in mild cognitive impairment: Conceptual and diagnostic issues.
Age and Ageing, 35, 240–245.
Alzheimer’s Disease Co-operative
Study ADL Scale for Mild
Cognitive Impairment (ADCSADL-MCI)
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study ADL Scale
Alzheimer’s Disease Co-operative
Study ADL Scale for Severe
Impairment (ADCS-ADL-sev)
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study ADL Scale
▶ Symmetril (Amantadine)
Cross References
▶ Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale
▶ Disability Assessment for Dementia
▶ Lawton–Brody iADL Scale
▶ The Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
References and Readings
Galasko, D., Bennett, D., Sano, M., Ernesto, C., Thomas, R.,
Grundman, M., et al. (1997). An inventory to assess activities of
daily living for clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s
disease Cooperative Study. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated
Disorders, 11(S2), S33–S39.
Ambidexterity is the tendency for one to be more or less
equally proficient in carrying out complex or skilled
motor tasks with either the right or the left hand.
While complete ambidexterity is relatively rare, mixed
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN)
proficiencies or preferences are not uncommon, with men
more frequently demonstrating such mixed preferences
than women. Tan (1988) found that approximately 66%
of the population was noted to express a strong right-handed preference, while a little more than 3% were predominately left handed. The remaining 30% evidenced mixed
hand preferences. As noted elsewhere in this volume, handedness is a common, but not the only measure of what is
referred to as ‘‘cerebral dominance.’’ Another of the more
frequent indices of dominance is language, which is typically
organized primarily in the left hemisphere. While in the
majority of non-brain-injured individuals, the control
of both complex motor skills and language functions rest
within the left hemisphere, this may not always be the case,
particularly for those who are either left handed or ambidextrous. It has been shown that while right hemisphere
dominance for language is quite rare in right-handers, it
could approach 30% in strong left-handers. Individuals
who are ambidextrous or whose parents are left handed
tend to fall somewhere in between these two groups with
regard to the hemispheric localization of language. Furthermore, the localization of language may not be an all-or-none
phenomena. While one hemisphere may be more predominant, language functions may be mediated to some extent by
both hemispheres. Individuals with mixed or anomalous
dominance, including those who were ambidextrous, tend
to have a greater incidence of at least some degree of bilateral
representation of language. In the event of unilateral strokes,
such individuals may evidence less severe residual aphasic
deficits when compared to patients with strongly lateralized
language when that hemisphere is affected.
Cross References
▶ Anomalous Dominance
▶ Dominance (Cerebral)
References and Readings
Benson, D. F., & Geschwind, N. (1985). Aphasia and related disorders:
A clinical approach. In M. Mesulam (Ed.), Principles of behavioral
neurology (pp. 193–238). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
Knecht, S., Drager, B., Deppe, M., Bode, L., Lohmann, H., Floel, A., et al.
(2000). Handedness and hemispheric language dominance in
healthy humans. Brain, 123, 2512–2518.
Pieniadz, J. M., Naeser, M. A., Koff, E., & Levine, H. L. (1983). CT scan
hemispheric asymmetry measurements in stroke cases with global
aphasia: Atypical asymmetries associated with improved recovery.
Cortex, 19, 371–391.
Pujol, J., Deus, J., Losilla, J. M., & Capdevila, A. (1999). Cerebral lateralization of language in normal left-handed people studied by functional MRI. Neurology, 52, 1038–1043.
Tan, Ü. (1988). The distribution of hand preference in normal men and
women. International Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 35–55.
Ambiguous Personality
▶ Projective Technique
American Academy of Clinical
Neuropsychology (AACN)
Emory University/Rehabilitation Medicine
Atlanta, GA, USA
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
(AACN) is an organization for psychologists who have
achieved board certification in the specialty of Clinical
Neuropsychology, under the American Board of Clinical
Neuropsychology (ABCN). Membership in the Academy
consists of three classes: Active, Senior, and Affiliate. Active
members are elected from among psychologists who have
been certified in clinical neuropsychology by the ABCN in
affiliation with the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). Senior members are elected from among
Active members who have been Academy members, for a
period of no less than the five preceding years, are age 65 or
older or disabled, and are fully retired from the active
practice of clinical neuropsychology. They continue to be
listed in the membership directory of the academy, and
they continue to receive any newsletters distributed to
Academy members. Senior members have no financial
obligations to the Academy and are allowed to continue
to subscribe to any journal available through the Academy.
At the time of this publication, there were 367 active senior
members in the United States and 20 members in Canada.
Affiliate members are elected from among all others who are
intellectually interested in the purposes of the Academy and
wish to participate in its non-voting activities. All members
are provided with a subscription to The Clinical Neuropsychologist, access to the AACN Clinical Discussion Email
List, and discounted fees to meetings and workshops.
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Presidents of the Academy include Byron P. Rourke,
(1995–1996), Wilfred van Gorp (1996–2002), Catherine A.
Mateer (2002–2004), Robert L. Mapou (2004–2006),
Jerry J. Sweet (2006–2008).
Major Areas or Mission Statement
AACN’s stated mission is to maintain the standards
of Clinical Neuropsychology through support of the
board certification process of ABCN. The Academy holds
the following objectives: (1) Support for the principles,
policies, and practices that seek the attainment of the best
in clinical neuropsychological patient care. (2) The pursuit
of excellence in psychological education, especially as it
concerns the clinical neuropsychological sciences. (3) The
pursuit of high standards in the practice of clinical neuropsychology and support of the credentialing activities of
the ABCN. (4) Support for the quest of scientific knowledge by support for research in neuropsychology and
related fields. (5) The communication of scientific and
scholarly information through continuing education
(CE), scientific meetings, and publications. (6) Provision
for communication with other groups and representation
for clinical neuropsychological opinion to best achieve and
preserve the purposes of the Academy.
Cross References
▶ American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN)
▶ International Neuropsychological Society
▶ National Academy of Neuropsychology
References and Readings
Boake, C. (2008). Clinical neuropsychology. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 39(2), 234–239.
Boake, C., & Bieliauskas, L. A. (2007). Development of clinical neuropsychology as a psychological specialty: A timeline of major events.
The ABPP Specialist, 26, 42–43.
Yeates, K. O., & Bieliauskas, L. A. (2004). The American Board of Clinical
Neuropsychology and American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology: Milestones past and present. The Clinical Neuropsychologist,
18, 489–493.
American Academy of Neurology
American Academy of Neurology
Saint Paul, MN, USA
Landmark Contributions
Address (and URL)
AACN was founded in 1996. The first appointed president
was Byron Rouke, Ph.D. and the first elected president was
Wilfred Van Gorp, Ph.D. AACN cosponsored the Houston
Conference on Specialty Education and Training in Clinical
Neuropsychology in 1997. This conference was a national
consensus conference of neuropsychological organizations
held with the purpose of establishing training guidelines for
clinical neuropsychology. The Houston Conference guidelines have since become the model for most programs
offering formal training in clinical neuropsychology.
AACN held its first annual conference in 2003. During
that same year, The Clinical Neuropsychologist became
AACN’s official journal. In 2007, AACN began on-line
Continuing Education (CE) programs.
American Academy of Neurology
1080 Montreal Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116
(800) 879-1960 (US)
(651) 695-2717 (international)
(651) 361-4800 (fax)
Major Activities
AACN hosts one conference each year. This conference
is open to both members and nonmembers. The
official journal published by AACN is The Clinical
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN), established in
1948, is an international professional association of more
than 21,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals
dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients
with neurological disorders. The AAN is strongly committed
to its mission of ensuring the maintenance of the principles
and standards set forth in the AAN mission statement.
Approximately 22,000 members reside in the USA and
4,000 are international members. Membership includes
clinicians, academicians, researchers, business administrators, residents, fellows, and medical students.
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Major Areas or Mission Statement
Major Activities
The vision of the AAN is to be indispensable to its
members. The mission of the AAN is to promote the
highest-quality neurologic care and enhance member career satisfaction. To accomplish these purposes, the AAN
has established the following organizations to support its
Physician Education and Lifelong Learning
The American Academy of Neurology Foundation
(AAN Foundation), established in 1993, raises funds
to support clinical research in neurologic disorders.
AAN Enterprises, Inc. (AEI), a for-profit subsidiary of
the AAN, was formed in 1999 by the AAN to develop
new sources of revenue to pay for state-of-the-art
products and services for its membership.
The American Academy of Neurology Professional
Association (AANPA) was established in 2007
and includes all AAN members. The AANPA created
a political action committee, BrainPAC, to represent the interests of USA neurologists in
Washington, DC.
Landmark Contributions
The AAN was founded in 1948 by A. B. Baker, MD, chair
of the neurology department of the University of Minnesota, in response to the difficulties of one of his residents,
Joseph Resch, in finding a society that he could join to
continue his education and network with fellow neurologists. Baker was aided by Adolph L. Sahs, MD, of the
University of Iowa; Francis M. Forster, of Jefferson Medical Hospital in Philadelphia; and Russell DeJong, MD, of
the University of Michigan. Baker served as the first
Academy president, and Forster and Sahs later had
terms as president. DeJong was the founding editor-inchief of the journal Neurology®, which began publication
in 1951.
The AAN had 52 founding members. The establishment of the Academy, coupled with the increased need for
neurologists due to World War II, helped elevate the status
of neurology as a practice distinct from psychiatry. In
1947, there were between 300 and 325 physicians in the
USA who designated themselves as primary neurologists,
and there were 32 residency positions available nationwide. By 1970, there were 2,727 primary neurologists and
some 700 residents in training. By the end of 2007, there
were more than 16,000 neurologists in the USA. Currently, nearly 2,200 residents have memberships with the
The AAN’s Annual Meeting is one of the largest
gatherings of neurology professionals in the world. Held
each spring, the event attracts nearly 13,000 clinicians,
academicians, researchers, exhibitors, and media representatives to share the latest in neurology science and
education. The AAN also offers members three-day regional conferences in the fall of each year, and occasional
workshops. Education activities and programs are
structured to support the ongoing development of neurology professionals from medical students to
accomplished clinicians and scientists.
Science and Research
The Annual Meeting is a leading forum for sharing the
latest developments in science and research, as is the
weekly peer-reviewed journal Neurology®. AAN scientific
awards, presented at the Annual Meeting, honor outstanding achievements in neurology, from aspiring
medical students to veteran researchers. Through the
AAN foundation, the AAN provides support to young
researchers through more than a dozen clinical research
training fellowships, enabling them to pursue research
initiatives and helping them to secure academic appointments and future fundings.
Clinical Practice
The AAN develops clinical practice guidelines to assist
its members in clinical decision making related to the
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of neurologic disorders. Each guideline makes specific practice
recommendations based upon a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of all available scientific data. The
AAN also develops position statements on a variety of
ethical issues to help guide neurologists and others in
decision making. Members also rely on the AAN for the
latest information on coding, reimbursement, quality
initiatives, patient safety, and practice management issues.
To help foster changes in health care that will benefit
patients and enhance the practice of neurology, the AAN
presents advocacy training opportunities for members
American Academy of Pediatrics
through the Donald M. Palatucci Advocacy Leadership
Forum, and the Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, Neurology
Public Policy Fellowship. Members also participate in the
annual Neurology on the Hill visits to the USA Capitol in
Washington, DC. The AANPA’s BrainPAC political action
committee also is instrumental in representing neurology’s interests on the federal level and supporting federal
legislators who support the profession and patients with
neurologic disorders.
AAN Enterprises, Inc., has four highly successful publications published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. The
weekly journal Neurology® is the most widely read peerreviewed neurology journal in North America. Neurology
Today®, published biweekly, leads all other neurology
tabloids in readership. Neurology Now®, a bimonthly
patient-oriented magazine available in AAN member
offices, currently has about 256,000 subscribers. Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology®, the AAN’s bimonthly continuing education monograph, is recognized by the
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology as a key tool
for maintenance of certification. AEI also publishes the
monthly member magazine AANnews, which focuses on
AAN activities, events, and services; a book series for
patient and their families on treating and living with neurologic disorders; and textbooks geared toward professionals.
Cross References
▶ Neuropsychiatry
References and Readings
Visit the AAN online at www.aan.com.
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics
Elk Grove Village, IL, USA
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has approximately 60,000 members in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and
many other countries. Members include pediatricians,
pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical
specialists. More than 34,000 members are board-certified
and called Fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The AAP is committed to the attainment of optimal
physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all
infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Landmark Contributions
The AAP was founded in June 1930 by 35 pediatricians
who met in Detroit in response to the need for an independent pediatric forum to address children’s needs.
When the AAP was established, the idea that children
have special developmental and health needs was a new
one. Preventive health practices now associated with child
care – such as immunizations and regular health exams –
were only just beginning to change the custom of treating
children as ‘‘miniature adults.’’
Major Activities
One of the AAP’s major activities is to further the professional education of its members. Continuing education
courses, annual scientific meetings, seminars, publications and statements from committees, councils, and sections form the basis of a continuing postgraduate
educational program.
More than 30 committees develop many of the AAP’s
positions and programs. Committees have interests as
varied as injury and poison prevention, disabled children,
sports medicine, nutrition, and child health financing.
The AAP currently has six councils and 48 sections
consisting of more than 41,500 members with interest in
specialized areas of pediatrics. This includes a section for
resident physicians with more than 9,000 members. Sections and councils present educational programs for both
their members and the general membership of the AAP in
order to highlight current research and practical knowledge in their respective subspecialties.
The AAP publishes Pediatrics, its monthly scientific
journal; Pediatrics in Review, its continuing education
journal; and its membership news magazine, AAP News.
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN)
It also publishes manuals on such topics as infectious
diseases and school health. In its public education efforts,
the AAP produces patient education brochures and a
series of child care books written by AAP members.
The AAP executes original research in social, economic,
and behavioral areas and promotes funding of research. It
maintains a Washington, DC office to ensure that children’s
health needs are taken into consideration as legislation and
public policy are developed. The AAP’s state advocacy staff
provides assistance to chapters, promoting issues such as
child safety legislation and Medicaid policies that increase
access to care for low-income children.
American Board of Clinical
Neuropsychology (ABCN)
Florida Hospital
Orlando, FL, USA
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus, OH, USA
Address (and URL)
The American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
(ABCN) is an organization that awards board certification
to practicing clinical neuropsychologists. It is a member
of the American Board of Professional Psychology
(ABPP). Information about ABCN can be obtained from
the ABCN web site (www.theabcn.org) and also at the
ABPP web site (www.abpp.org).
Mail correspondence for ABCN can be directed to:
Department of Psychiatry (F6248, MCHC-6)
University of Michigan Health System
1500 East Medical Center Drive, SPC 5295
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5295
As of May, 2010 ABCN had awarded 748 diplomas.
Diplomates from throughout the USA, District of
Columbia, and Canada are represented among the ranks
of ABCN. Awarding of the ABCN diplomate is based
primarily on clinical knowledge and skill, as demonstrated throughout the examination process which
includes a written examination, practice sample review,
and oral examination. Because the diploma is based on
peer review of clinical competency, the majority of ABCN
diplomates are active clinicians. However, many also engage in clinical and basic science research, teaching, and a
wide range of other professional activities.
The ABCN Board of Directors consists of 15 members
elected by diplomates in good standing. The term of
office is 5 years. Officers of the Board (President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer) are elected by the Board
from among active elected directors. Elected Board members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
In addition to elected Board members, there is an examination chairperson, selected by the Board for a term of
5 years.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
According to the ABCN bylaws, the organization exists to
develop and maintain procedures to examine the qualifications of candidates for board certification in Clinical
Neuropsychology, to conduct the examinations and
award certificates to qualified candidates, to maintain a
registry of certificate holders, and to serve the public
welfare by identifying practitioners who have obtained
advanced education and training in clinical neuropsychology and demonstrated the ability to apply such skills
in a competent manner.
Landmark Contributions
ABCN was incorporated in 1981. After the findings of the
joint Division 40-INS task force on Education, Accreditation, and Credentialing in 1981 (published in 19845 and
republished in the first issue of The Clinical Neuropsychologist in 19877) established requisite education and training experiences, the need for a means of identifying welltrained and competent practitioners was recognized.
A planning group (Linas Bieliauskas, Louis Costa, Edith
Kaplan, Muriel Lezak, Charles Matthews, Steven Mattis,
Manfred Meier, and Paul Satz) incorporated ABCN
in Minneapolis in 1981. The organization was formed
with the intention of affiliating with the ABPP, a unifying
governing body for independently incorporated specialty
examining boards akin to the ABMS for medical
specialties. After the first examinations were completed
in 1983, ABCN formally affiliated with ABPP (also in
1983) and the first ABPP–ABCN diplomas were awarded
in 1984. The first President of ABCN was Manfred Meier,
who served from 1983 until 1991.
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN)
ABCN was initially established as an organization
solely charged with awarding diplomas to applicants
successfully demonstrating competency through the
examination process. In 1988, it became a membership
organization and began charging dues so that resources
for further development of the organization could be
built. This included creation and maintenance of a written
examination in consultation with Professional Examination Services (PES). After years of development and pilot
testing to assure validity and reliability of the written
examination, in 1993, ABCN began to require that new
candidates pass the written examination prior to submitting practice samples. The written examination is regularly reviewed for content updates to remove outdated items
and assure that advances in clinical practice and knowledge in the field are reflected in the examination.
The American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
(AACN), an organization originally comprised of ABCN
diplomates, was formed in 1996. ABPP had received legal
advice that there was potential for conflict of interest in
the roles of credentialing bodies that also engaged in
advocacy. As a result, the academy was formed to fulfill
the advocacy and professional development role. AACN
has grown significantly and now includes an affiliate
member category for neuropsychologists who have not
yet received their ABCN diploma, and for affiliated professionals who are not neuropsychologists. Although
ABPP has recently received a different legal opinion that
allowed member boards to once again merge with their
academies, ABCN and AACN have grown and function
well in their complementary roles and at this time have no
plans to merge.
In 1997, a landmark conference regarding education
and training for clinical neuropsychologists was held in
Houston (the ‘‘Houston Conference on Specialty Education and Training in Clinical Neuorpsychology’’). Attending the conference were representatives from each of the
professional neuropsychology organizations, and the proceedings were published in 1998. In 2002, the ABCN
Board of Directors voted to adopt the Houston Conference training guidelines as requisite training to be eligible
for the ABCN diplomate. Candidates who received their
degrees after January 1, 2005 are expected to have had
training and experience consistent with the guidelines laid
out in the Houston Conference proceedings.
In 2007, ABCN began to consider subspecialization
within the field, and address examination and recognition of special competencies, such as pediatric neuropsychology. At that time, ABPP did not have a model for
subspecialization, and worked with ABCN to develop a
framework to address issues such as overlap with other
boards and recognition of special competencies of existing
board members. As a result, the Pediatric Special Interest
group was formed, and held the first meeting in 2009
during the AACN Conference.
Table 1 presents a timeline summary of major landmarks for ABCN.
Major Activities
ABCN’s primary activities are developing, maintaining,
and conducting the examination. The examination process consists of four distinct steps. First, the education and
training experiences of the applicant are reviewed, initially
at the ABPP central office, where the application is examined for graduate training, internship, and licensure status. Applications are then forwarded to ABCN for review
of advanced specialty training. Any practicing clinical
neuropsychologist with a doctoral-level degree who possesses a valid license to practice psychology is eligible to
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN).
Table 1 Timeline for major ABCN milestones
1981 ABCN incorporated in Minnesota
1983 First set of examinations completed
1983 Formal affiliation between ABCN and ABPP
1984 First ABCN/ABPP diplomates awarded
1988 ABCN bylaws revised to create membership
1989 ABCN designated Specialty Council in Clinical
Neuropsychology by ABPP
1993 Written examination formally instituted
2002 AACN establishes mentoring program to promote
board certification through ABCN
2002 ABCN votes to adopt Houston Conference guidelines
for eligibility for board certification, beginning in 2005
2002 Written examination updated to reflect Houston
Conference guidelines
2004 500th ABCN diploma awarded
2004 BRAIN Website and Listserv group formed
2005 Houston Conference education and training
requirements implemented
2007 Committee to study subspecialization formed
2009 700th diploma awarded
2009 Pediatric Neuropsychology special interest group
American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN)
apply. Beginning in 2005, applicants for the ABCN
diploma are expected to complete training consistent
with the Houston Conference on Specialty Education
and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology. This includes
coursework in the areas outlined in the Houston Conference, and completion of a formal 2-year postdoctoral
residency program in Clinical Neuropsychology. However, recognizing that the field has evolved, applications
from candidates who obtained their graduate training
prior to implementation of the Houston Conference standards are evaluated according to the standards in place at
the time their degree was granted, provided they can
demonstrate that the pertinent requirements were met
during their training (see www.theabcn.org for detailed
requirement listings). Candidates who are respecializing
in neuropsychology, or who recently completed respecialization programs, are expected to have education and
training experiences consistent with the requirements in
place at the time of their respecialization, not the date of
their original degree.
Once an applicant’s credentials have been reviewed
and accepted, the next step in the examination process is
a written examination. The written examination consists
of 100 multiple-choice questions that cover a range of
topics in neuropsychology. It is intended to evaluate the
candidate’s breadth of knowledge and to assure that they
have the foundational knowledge necessary for competent
practice in clinical neuropsychology. It is administered
at major conferences, including the AACN conference,
National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) annual
meeting, International Neuropsychology Society (INS)
North American Meeting, and the American Psychological Association (APA) meeting. It was developed and is
maintained in association with PES.
Once a candidate has passed the written examination,
the next step is submission of a practice sample consisting
of two typical cases in the candidate’s practice. The practice samples are reviewed by at least three independent,
board certified neuropsychologists.
Following acceptance of the practice sample, the candidate is invited to sit for the oral examination that consists of three parts – practice sample, fact-finding, and
ethics/professional development. The practice sample section of the orals provides the candidate an opportunity to
discuss their practice as applied to the specific cases they
submitted. The cases also serve as a starting point leading
to more in-depth discussion of differential diagnosis, and
general information about the nature of the disorder in
the case and related conditions. The fact-finding section
of the oral examination is an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate clinical skills. The candidate is
presented with a brief description of a case, and is asked
to inquire about background history, test data, and related
medical information to arrive at a clinical diagnosis and
conclusion. Along the way, the candidate may be asked
about their rationale for test selection, their differential
diagnostic considerations, and how test results may
support or otherwise aid in diagnosis and treatment
planning. The professional and ethical portion of the
examination is an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate knowledge of important ethical considerations in
the practice of neuropsychology, as well as discuss important issues for the field.
A comprehensive overview of the examination process
was published in 2008 (Armstrong, et al., 2008).
Currently, ABCN conducts written examinations at
four major conferences each year:
International Neuropsychology Society (INS North
American Meeting)
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN)
American Psychological Association (APA)
National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN)
Oral examinations are conducted twice annually in
Chicago, Illinois, hosted by Rush University Medical Center. One examination is conducted each autumn (usually
late October, or early November) and the other in the
spring (usually early May).
The AACN holds an annual conference for continuing
education, professional development, and furthering the
growth of the profession through advocacy. The meeting
is held annually in June.
Cross References
▶ American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
▶ American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
▶ American Psychological Association (APA)
▶ International Neuropsychology Association (INS)
▶ Meier, Manfred John (1929–2006)
▶ National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN)
References and Readings
Armstrong, K., Beebe, D. W., Hilsabeck, R. C., & Kirkwood, M. W.
(2008). Board certification in clinical neuropsychology: A guide to
becoming ABPP/ABCN certified without sacrificing your sanity.
Oxford Press.
American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology
Bieliauskas, L. A., & Matthews, C. G. (1987). American Board of Clinical
Neuropsychology: Policies and procedures. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1, 21–28.
Bieliauskas, L. A., & Matthews, C. G. (1990). American Board of Clinical
Neuropsychology Update, 1990. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 4,
Bieliauskas, L. A., & Matthews, C. G. (1997). The American Board of
Clinical Neuropsychology, 1996 update: Facts, data, and information
for potential candidates. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 11, 222–225.
Hannay, H. J., Bieliauskas, L., Crosson, B. A., Hammeke, T. A., Hamsher,
K. deS., & Koffler, S. (Eds.). (1998). Proceedings of the Houston
Conference on specialty education and training in clinical neuorpsychology. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 13, 157–250.
Ivnik, R. J., Haaland, K. Y., & Bieliauskas, L. A. (2000). American Board of
Clinical Neuropsychology special presentation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 14, 261–268.
Report of the Division 40/INS Joint Task Force on Education, Accreditation, and Credentialing (1984). Division 40 Newsletter, Vol. 2, no. 2,
pp. 3–8.
Reports of the ins - division 40 task force on education, accreditation, and
credentialing (1987). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1(1), 29–34.
Yeates, K. O., & Bieliauskas, L. A. (2004). The American Board of
Clinical Neuropsychology and American Academy of Clinical
Neuropsychology: Milestones past and present. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 18, 489–493.
training in pediatric neuropsychology (from graduate
school to continuing education), written examination, a
practice sample submission, and an oral examination. The
ABPdN does not have a ‘‘grand fathering’’ policy, and
thus, all existing board members were required to complete all new phases of the examination process to ensure
equality of standards among boarded members.
As of early 2010, 111 neuropsychologists have submitted applications to ABPdN and 75 members have passed
the ABPdN examination process. At present, there are
57 active and five emeritus members of the board from
21 states, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
Board certification in pediatric neuropsychology serves to
assist consumers by offering supportive evidence of the
competence of the pediatric neuropsychologists. The
ABPdN is the only board certification organization with
the sole purpose of examining and certifying competence
in pediatric neuropsychology.
Landmark Contributions
American Board of Pediatric
American School of Professional Psychology-Schaumburg
Schaumburg, IL, USA
The American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology
(ABPdN) was developed in 1996 by a coalition of clinical
practitioners, representing institutions hiring pediatric
neuropsychologists. The original group conceived the
board to advance their belief that a unique interplay
exists between neurodevelopmental issues and neuropsychological assessment that requires special sets of expertise not readily assessed by the then existing boarding
entities. Following discussion with colleagues who were
members of medical practice and psychology boards,
the coalition elected to establish an independent certifying authority. The examination process evolved into
a comprehensive and multilevel process that includes a
written application including clinical case vignettes used
to determine decision-making strategies of the applicant,
scope of practice and a thorough assessment of organized
Members of ABPdN practice in a variety of settings including universities, teaching hospitals, general hospitals, hospital trauma centers, private practices, rehabilitation
facilities, stroke centers, memory disorder centers, group
practices, and child development centers. Current members
hold academic affiliations at over 40 colleges and universities. Several members have developed tests commonly used
in the practice of pediatric and general neuropsychology.
Member accomplishments include past president of APA
Division 40, current and past presidents of four State Psychology Boards, past president of National Academy of
Neuropsychology, past and present editor of Archives of
Clinical Neuropsychology, past editor of Journal of School
Psychology, and the owner/moderator of PEDS-NPSY, a
pediatric list-serve with over 1,600 members.
Major Activities
The ABPdN is the board-certifying arm of the American
Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology (AAPN), which is
devoted to training and promotion of the field of pediatric neuropsychology. The AAPN, in affiliation with the
American College of Professional Neuropsychology, holds
an annual conference each spring with topics related to
the field of pediatric neuropsychology.
American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology
The primary activity of ABPdN is conducting the
board certification process. Board examination through
the ABPdN involves several stages. The format of the
ABPdN’s examination processes has been constant since
the examinations held in 2004, but the procedures continue to be reviewed and amended. The purpose of the
ABPdN examination process is to ensure that the examinee has demonstrated competency to practice pediatric
neuropsychology. The specific stages are discussed below
and more detail can be obtained from the ABPdN web site
(Beljan, Bos, Courtney, & Dodzik, 2006). The overall pass
rate for each stage of the examination process is between
73% and 81%.
Credential Review
Minimum training and education standards include completion of a doctoral degree from a regionally accredited
program in applied psychology that was, at the time the
degree was granted, accredited by the APA, CPA, or was
listed in the publication Doctoral Psychology Programs
Meeting Designation Criteria (ASPPB National Register
designation committee, 2008). Membership in the
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, the Canadian Register of Health Service Providers, or
those holding the Certificate of Professional Qualification
qualify as meeting the doctoral requirements for membership. Licensure or certification at the independent practice
level as a psychologist in the state, province, or territory in
which the psychologist actively practices is also required.
The applicant must be practicing as a pediatric neuropsychologist and must have completed an Association of
Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Center (APPIC)
or APA accredited internship that included a documented
rotation or concentration in neuropsychology, and 2 years
of postdoctoral supervised experience in neuropsychology, at least 50% of that being pediatric-oriented. In addition, each applicant reviewed by the Board must provide
the following:
1. Education
a) Undergraduate degree transcript
b) Graduate degree transcript
c) Internship verification contact information
d) Postdoctoral residency verification contact
e) Postdoctoral fellowship verification contact information (if applicable)
f) Detailed description of training in pediatric neuropsychology (narrative)
2. Continuing education
a) Verification of CEUs in pediatric neuropsychology
for the past 3 years
3. Clinical work
a) Clinical appointment verification contact
b) Breakdown of clinical practice by age, disorders,
and ethnic background
c) Completion of clinical vignettes
4. Educational appointment (if applicable)
a) Academic institution verification contact
The application is first reviewed by the Examination
Chair for completion and accuracy of documents and
licensure status. The application is then reviewed by a
panel of three reviewers. A passing score by two of the
three reviewers is required to move to the next stage of the
examination. Each reviewer evaluates the application for
consistent and thorough training in pediatric neuropsychology at multiple levels of training.
Practice Sample
The purpose of the practice sample is to determine the
applicant’s clinical knowledge. While the written examination was designed to assess content-specific knowledge
with regard to pediatric neuropsychology, the practice
sample allows the board to evaluate the day-to-day skills
of the applicant. To that end, the sample should reflect a
typical patient seen in the applicant’s clinical practice.
Practice samples may include assessment or intervention
techniques. After an application is reviewed and the candidate is determined to be board-eligible, they will then be
invited to provide a practice sample that reflects their
typical work in pediatric neuropsychology. Prior to taking
the objective and oral examination, the candidate must
prepare and tender a written sample of an original pediatric neuropsychological examination performed solely by
the candidate. Appropriate samples may also include case
analysis/interventions and supervision sessions.
Written Examination
The third step is the written exam, a 100 question, multiplechoice instrument designed and constructed by other pediatric neuropsychologists whose purpose is to assess the
candidate’s breadth of knowledge in pediatric neuropsychology. The questions were first assessed for face validity,
clustered for content area, rank-ordered, deleted or refined,
American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology
reanalyzed, debated, approved, and then compiled into a
larger item pool for random selection by domain each year.
A passing score of 70% is required. Each exam includes the
following basic core areas:
Pediatric Neurosciences
Psychological and Neurological Development
Neuropsychological and Neurological Diagnostics
Ethics and Legal Issues
Research Design Review for Clinical Application
Intervention Techniques
Consultation and Supervisory Practices
Oral Examination
This part of the examination process is comprised of a
review of the candidate’s practice sample, the nature and
application of neuropsychological knowledge to their current practice, appreciation for ethical issues and obligations,
and a review of the candidate’s views and philosophy on
pediatric neuropsychology. The oral examination also
includes a mock case review, in which the candidate is
given information about a fictional case, and they develop
and articulate their working hypothesis. The oral examination is intended to be a collegial opportunity for the
reviewers to validate the candidate’s ability to ‘‘think on
their feet’’ and discern their preparation and readiness for
board certification.
The first portion of the oral examination permits the
examination team to consider the scope of the candidate’s
body of training and how they practice pediatric neuropsychology (e.g., acute care, rehabilitation, outpatient,
assessment, and/or treatment) so that the fact-finding
and practice sample review can be conducted in the most
relevant fashion. This section is broken into two parts:
Part I: The examinee will explain their background.
The examinee will provide a history of their educational
and professional background. Special consideration
should be given to their pediatric neuropsychological
training and background.
The examinee will explain their current role as a
pediatric neuropsychologist and the issues their typical clientele present.
Part II: The examinee will demonstrate pertinent knowledge of practical pediatric neuropsychology.
The next segment of the oral examination allows the
candidate to present the material in their practice sample
and to provide an overview of the history, evaluation process, and outcome of the case. The examiners evaluate their
ability to articulate the major findings and their rationale.
Candidates discuss their rationale in such areas as:
(1) Test selection (if applicable): psychometric properties, test validity/reliability, limitations for use, and
exclusion of all competing diagnoses.
(2) Test interpretation (if applicable): alternate interpretations of findings, conflict resolution within the
data, discussion of strengths and weaknesses, and
environmental and cultural factors.
(3) Diagnostic conclusions: alternate diagnosis, ultimate
understanding of neuropathology, prognosis, progression, lateralizing/localizing effects, pathognomic
signs, causality, environmental conditions, and
effects on neural development.
(4) Recommendations and treatment planning: best
practices for treatment, availability, prognosis, funding, delivery options, cost/benefit analysis, iatrogenic
outcomes, parental compliance/agreement, and ethical issues.
(5) Consultation and supervision (if applicable): best
practices for communication of data, delivery
options, supervisee needs/relationships, and rapport/therapeutic relationship.
This process is intended to be collegial and the examiners
endeavor to be sensitive to the different and yet equally
viable approaches within pediatric neuropsychology. The
purpose is to ascertain the Candidate’s logic and thought
processes and to allow them to demonstrate these skills.
During the ethics segment, there is discussion of one or
two standardized vignettes, and the candidate is expected to
present relevant comments on the ethical dilemmas,
thoughtfully weighing them in the light of the APA ethics
principles, professional practice standards, and relevant
Cross References
▶ American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40
▶ National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN)
References and Readings
ASPPB National Register designation committee (2008). Retrieved
October 1, 2009 from http://www.nationalregister.org/designate_
Beljan, P., Bos, J., Courtney, J., & Dodzik, P. (2006). Preparation guide for
examination and certification by the American Board of Pediatric
Neuropsychology. Retrieved from http://abpdn.org/docs/studyguide.pdf
For additional information please see the web site at www.abpdn.org.
American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
American Board of Professional
Psychology (ABPP)
Drexel University – Hahnemann Campus
Philadelphia, PA, USA
The American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
has 3,074 currently active board-certified specialists in
membership. As a national-in-scope credentialing organization in professional psychology, its membership is
comprised doctoral-level psychologists who provide professional services and consultation and are licensed to
practice psychology in the jurisdiction in which they
practice. Completion of a doctoral degree, completion of
a qualified internship, relevant postdoctoral experience,
and relevant jurisdictional licensure as a psychologist are
the minimum prerequisites for approval to take an ABPP
board certification exam.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
is a national-in-scope credentialing organization that
has been awarding board certification in professional
psychology specialties for over 60 years (Bent, Packard &
Goldberg, 1999; Finch, Simon & Nezu, 2006; Packard
& Reyes, 2003). ABPP describes the value of its credential
as one that ‘‘provides peer and public recognition of
demonstrated competence in an approved specialty
area in professional psychology’’ (American Board of
Professional Psychology, 2008). Moreover, ABPP
board certification is increasingly associated with
greater opportunities for career growth, including employment opportunities, practice mobility between jurisdictions, and financial compensation (American Board
of Professional Psychology; Sweet, Nelson & Moberg,
ABPP is currently a unique and unitary umbrella
organization with multiple specialty boards that
include cognitive-behavioral, clinical, clinical child and
adolescent, clinical health, clinical neuropsychology,
counseling, couples and family, forensic, group, school,
rehabilitation, organizational, business, and consulting,
and psychoanalysis. Many professional psychologists
seek dual certifications that reflect the full scope of
their specialties. Examples of these might include clinical
and cognitive-behavioral, clinical neuropsychology and
rehabilitation, or counseling and group.
For a licensed psychologist to be ‘‘board eligible,’’
each of the 13 boards require that he or she meets both
generic and specialty eligibility criteria concerning
education, professional training, and licensure in the
jurisdiction where professional services are provided.
Once an individual’s credentials are reviewed and
approved, the individual seeking board certification
moves to the next phase of their candidacy process. In
clinical neuropsychology and forensic specialties, this
necessitates passing a written examination. In all other
specialties, the candidates are not required to take a
written exam, and may move directly to the final phases
in the process. For all specialties, this includes first submitting a professional practice sample. After the practice
sample is approved, the oral examination (final phase) is
typically scheduled. Specialty boards may also provide a
‘‘senior option’’ regarding practice samples submitted by
candidates with at least 15 years of experience post licensure who may submit samples of their professional work
such as publications, treatment manuals, program manuals, or a comprehensive summary of their professional
practice, to satisfy the requirements of a professional
practice sample.
With regard to both practice samples and oral exams,
the candidate’s competency is assessed across various
domains. These competency domains may be functional
in nature, and include the day-to-day activities of specialty
practice, such as assessment, intervention, and/or consultation that are informed by a scientific literature base.
They also include foundational competencies, such as
ethics, individual and cultural diversity, and interpersonal competence, which cut across all of a specialist’s
other activities. The competency model upon which
ABPP board certification is based, draws from several
important sources such as the APA-sponsored Competencies Conference in 2002 and resulting Task Force on
Assessment of Competence in Professional Psychology
(Kaslow et al., 2007), and a review of competency assessment models developed both within (e.g., Assessment
of Competence Workgroup from Competencies Conference – Roberts, Borden, Christiansen, & Lopez, 2005;
Leigh et al, 2007) and outside (e.g., American Council
for Graduate Medical Education and American Board
of Medical Specialties, 2000) of the profession of
There is a strong consensus among many professional
psychologists that the American Board of Professional
Psychology represents a high degree of integrity regarding
American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
specialty board certification and serves as a gold standard
for demonstration of specialty competency in professional
For interested applicants, it contains application instructions as well as other helpful information. The organization will publish its first book, Becoming Board Certified by
the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) in
Landmark Contributions
The origins of ABPP can be traced back to its establishment in 1947 as the American Board of Professional
Examiners in Psychology (Bent et al., 1999). The intention
of the original board was to ensure that individuals were
qualified to perform the professional service activities
associated with clinical and counseling psychology.
However, as professional psychology expanded its scope
and depth, the organization changed its name to the
American Board of Professional Psychology to reflect the
expansion of specialization activities that were emerging
for professional psychologists. As a result, the number
of its affiliated specialty boards and associated academies
has grown from 3 to 13, reflecting this professional
expansion and the breadth of specialties that have
emerged over that past 5 decades (Finch et al., 2006;
Packard & Reyes, 2003).
Major Activities
Each of the psychology specialty boards under the ABPP
umbrella has an elected trustee who participates as a
member of the ABPP Board of Trustees as the overall
governance group of the ABPP. Each specialty board
assumes the responsibility for developing and carrying
out the ABPP specialty examinations. The ABPP central
office, under the management of a full-time Executive
Officer, executes important day-to-day functions for all
of the 13 specialty boards. These include generic candidacy verification of applicants, budget maintenance and
accounting responsibilities, record keeping, development
and maintenance of an ABPP Directory, development and
editing responsibility for the ABPP website, monitoring
the organization relative to ethical/legal issues, planning
of conference and governance activities, and general administrative support. The primary publication of the organization, The Specialist, is published twice annually and
available to all members in both electronic and printed
format. The organization website (www.ABPP.org)
contains important information regarding the mission,
governance, and organizational documents. For the
public, the website contains listings of board-certified
specialists across specialties and practice jurisdictions.
Cross References
▶ American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
▶ American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN)
▶ American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology (ABRP)
References and Readings
American Council for Graduate Medical Education and American Board
of Medical Specialties (2000). Toolbox of assessment methods.
Chicago, IL: American Council for Graduate Medical Education
and American Board of Medical Specialties.
American Board of Professional Psychology (2008). Retrieved June 25,
2008, from http://www.abpp.org
Bent, R. J., Packard, R. E., & Goldberg, R. W. (1999). The American board
of professional psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, 30, 65–73.
Datillio, F. M. (2002). Board certification in psychology: Is it
really necessary? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33,
Finch, A. J., Simon, N. P., & Nezu, C. M. (2006). The future of clinical
psychology: Board certification. Clinical Psychology: Science and
Practice, 13, 254–257.
Kaslow, N. J., Rubin, N. J., Bebeau, M. J., Leigh, I. W., Lichtenberg, J. W.,
Nelson, P. D., Portnoy, S. M., & Smith, I. L. (2007). Guiding principles and recommendations for the assessment of competence. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 441–451.
Leigh, I. W., Smith, I. L., Bebeau, M. J., Lichtenberg, J. W., Nelson, P. D.,
Portnoy, S., Rubin, N. J., & Kaslow, N. J. (2007). Competency
assessment models. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 38,
Nezu, C. M., Finch, A. J., & Simon, N. P. (Eds.) (2009, in press), Becoming
board certified by the American board of professional psychology
(ABPP). New York: Oxford University Press.
Packard, T., & Reyes, C. J. (2003). Specialty certification in professional
psychology. In M. J. Prinstein & M. D. Patterson (Eds.), The portable
mentor: Expert guide to a successful career in psychology (pp. 191–
208). New York: Plenum.
Roberts, M. C., Borden, K. A., Christiansen, M. D., & Lopez, S. J. (2005).
Fostering a culture shift: Assessment of competence in the education
and careers of professional psychologists. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 36, 355–361.
Sweet, J. J., Nelson, N. W., & Moberg, P. J. (2006). The TCN/AACN
2005 ‘‘Salary Survey’’: Professional practices, beliefs, and incomes
of U.S. Neurophysiologists. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20,
American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN)
American Board of Professional
Neuropsychology (ABN)
Private Practice, Neuropsychology
Mililani, Hawaii, USA
The American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
(ABN) comprises 350 (as of 2010) neuropsychologists
who have doctoral degrees, and they are licensed as psychologists and have completed the ABN diplomate examination process.
ABN was established in 1982 by a group of clinical
neuropsychologists, all of whom were diplomates of the
American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), to
provide peer regulation of the practice of professional
neuropsychology. The process of obtaining the ABN diplomate is a dynamic one which has changed over the years
and is expected to evolve as the field of neuropsychology
evolves. Initially, in addition to obtaining a doctoral
degree, licensure as a psychologist, and completing a
number of years of postdoctoral experience in neuropsychology, early applicants were required to show evidence
of specialized training in neuropsychology and to provide
supervisory evaluations of their competency in professional neuropsychology.
Between 1982 and 1985, following a review of credentials and supervisory evaluations, work samples were required. These were graded by multiple examiners on a
pass/fail basis. Individuals who passed this final step were
awarded a diplomate. Individuals who did not pass evaluation were allowed to apply for a ‘‘Certificate in Professional Neuropsychology,’’ indicating that they had some
training in neuropsychology but not sufficient to be
awarded diplomate status. This was initially intended as
an interim credential as part of the process of obtaining
a diplomate. After 1985, this process was abandoned as
increasing numbers of neuropsychology training programs became available.
In February of 1989, the ABN was reorganized and the
bylaws were modified. An annual dues structure was
instituted and ABN became a membership organization
whose only credential is a diplomate. This newly established organization mandated continuing education for
active membership. It was required that all those who had
a ‘‘Certificate in Professional Neuropsychology’’ complete
the diplomate process to maintain membership. At this
time, an oral examination and essay examination were
added to the case study reviews, and all previous members
were allowed the opportunity to undergo the expanded
examination process. Those who successfully completed
the process, including the new oral examination, were
given full diplomate status in ABN.
After 1991, those who did not successfully complete
the additional oral examination were no longer listed
as diplomates through ABN. The oral examination included three 1 h sessions dealing with ethics, the work
sample, and general knowledge. ABN no longer required
letters of competency from supervisors but instead
required letters of recommendation from other
In 2004, the diplomate evaluation process was again
reevaluated and work began on substituting a multiplechoice general knowledge examination for the oral examination on the same subject. This process took several
years to complete, and as of January 1, 2009, all applicants
were required to complete the multiple-choice written
examination; the essay examination was dropped in
favor of the multiple-choice exam. In 2008, the original
acronym for ABN was changed from ABPN to ABN to
avoid confusion with the American Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology.
The current examination procedure includes:
Review of credentials and letters of recommendation
A 100-question multiple-choice examination
A case study-work samples review
A 1-h ethics oral examination and
A 1-h work style oral examination
The multiple-choice written examination covers areas of
general knowledge based on the recommended guidelines
of the Houston Conference. The ethics examination
addresses ethical situations and current ethical dilemmas,
and the work style examination covers clinical vignettes
and clinical decision-making.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
ABN recognizes and encourages the pursuit of excellence
in the practice of clinical neuropsychology. ABN’s primary objective is the establishment of professional standards
of expertise for the practice of clinical neuropsychology.
Through its credentialing and examination processes and
its continuing education requirement, the ABN offers to
the medical community, the public, and to individuals
American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology
who have a need for applied neuropsychological services,
a process whereby competent professional neuropsychologists can be identified.
To achieve the standards set forth by the ABN for
competent professional practice of neuropsychology, the
following outcome objectives have been developed:
Validate the skills of clinical practitioners
Identify competent practitioners
Provide public information about professional
Document the maintenance of competence of professional neuropsychology practitioners with continuing
education requirements
Provide individuals, organizations, and agencies who
use neuropsychology services with a referral directory
of ABN diplomates
Recognition by ABN signifies to the public and to other
health professionals a high level of competency in applied
neuropsychology. The ABN does not ascribe to any specific theoretical framework. While recognizing the importance and contribution of a graduate education in
neuropsychology and subsequent specialty training, the
ABN believes that the critical element in the practice of
professional neuropsychology is the application of that
training to client issues and needs.
Landmark Contributions
locations throughout the country. A workshop on the
ABN examination process is held at least once a year.
Individual candidate mentoring is offered throughout
the year.
References and Readings
Bennett, T. L., Horton, A. M., Jr. & Elliott, R. W. (1999). American Board
of Professional Neuropsychology (ABPN). Bulletin of the National
Academy of Neuropsychology, 14, 7–9.
Elliott, R. W., & Horton, A. M., Jr. (1994). Philosophy of the American
Board of Professional Neuropsychology. Bulletin of the National
Academy of Neuropsychology, 11, 14–15.
Elliott, R. W., & Horton, A. M., Jr. (1995). History and current status of
the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology. The Independent Practitioner, 15, 175–177.
Goldstein, G. (2001). Board certification in clinical neuropsychology:
Some history, facts and opinions. Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, 2, 57–65.
Horton, A. M. Jr., Crown, B. M., & Reynolds, C. R. (2001). American
Board of Professional Neuropsychology: An Update-2001. Journal of
Forensic Neuropsychology, 2, 67–78.
American Board of Rehabilitation
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
‘‘Applied Neuropsychology,’’ a peer reviewed edited
journal, is the official journal of the ABN.
Major Activities
ABN holds annual board of directors’ meetings in the
spring and at the National Academy of Neuropsychology
(NAN) conference. Associated with ABN is the American
College of Professional Neuropsychology (ACPN) whose
purpose is to provide continuing education programs in
The ACPN is approved by the American Psychological
Association to provide continuing education programs.
Every year, ACPN offers continuing education at an annual conference and at general membership meetings held
in conjunction with other neuropsychological or psychological organizations. Twice a year, the board of directors
and committee chairs meet to organize ABN’s professional activities. ABN candidate examinations and examiner
training workshops are held a minimum of twice a year at
The American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology
(ABRP) is one of 13-member boards of the American
Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). The ABRP
consists of 135 (as of 2010) doctoral-level psychologists
who are primarily engaged in provision of clinical services
to individuals and their families affected by a wide range
of disabilities and chronic health conditions including
brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, chronic
pain, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and sensory impairment
such as blindness and deafness. In addition to clinical
services, the majority of the members also engage in
research, teaching, and administration of rehabilitation
programs. Rehabilitation psychologists are also involved
in interdisciplinary teamwork with other medical and
rehabilitation providers. Rehabilitation psychologists
who are boarded in the specialty reside in 30 states
and Canada.
American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The mission of the ABRP is to protect the public and
enhance the quality of health care by certifying rehabilitation psychologists who demonstrate the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes essential to maximize quality of life for
individuals with disabilities and chronic illness. The vision of the ABRP is that all psychologists practicing in
rehabilitation will be boarded in the specialty. Psychologists who obtain the diplomate in rehabilitation psychology must meet the generic requirements for specialty
certification by the ABPP that include a doctoral degree
in psychology from an accredited degree program and
licensure as a psychologist for independent practice in
the USA or Canada. The ABRP-specific eligibility requirements include: completion of a recognized internship
program and 2 years of supervised practice in rehabilitation psychology. In addition, the candidate must have
completed at least 3 years of experience in rehabilitation
psychology. Given the diverse training experiences of
rehabilitation psychologists, the credential review
includes significant reliance on the ratings of supervisors
(two required) and the endorsement of colleagues and
peers (two required). The candidate then submits a twopart practice sample (typically two case reports) that is
evaluated by three ABRP examiners. Finally, the candidate
completes an oral examination on: two clinical vignettes,
their practice sample, and an ethics examination. The
entire examination process is designed to ensure that
each candidate demonstrates the foundational and the
functional competencies required of the diplomate in rehabilitation psychology. The foundational competencies
fall in four domains: interpersonal interactions, individual
and cultural diversity, ethical and legal foundations, and
professional identification. The functional competencies
encompass science base and application, assessment, intervention, consultation, and consumer protection.
Landmark Contributions
The primary contribution of ABRP is providing the opportunity for psychologists who are dedicated to the
health and welfare of individuals with disabilities and
chronic illness to be certified as rehabilitation psychologists. The ABRP began as a Credentials Committee
within the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology in 1993.
This committee met throughout 1993 and 1994 and
incorporated as the American Board of Rehabilitation
Psychology in 1995. On December 4, 1994 they established
bylaws and elected officers: Richard Cox (president,
1994–2000), Bernard Brucker (vice-president), Mitchell
Rosenthal (secretary), Daniel Rohe (treasurer). The members at large were: Bruce Caplan, David Cox, Harry Parker,
Anthony Ricci, James Whelan, and Mary Willmuth. Subsequent board presidents have been Mitchell Rosenthal
(2000–2004), Bernard Brucker (2004–2008), and Daniel
Rohe (current president).
The second major contribution is the crafting of an
organization that reflected the values of the professionals
who created it. The ABRP devised an innovative examination process that is user-friendly, collegial, competencybased, and affirming of the candidate. The ABRP was the
first board to devise a proactive mentoring program that
has a credentialed colleague personally guide the applicant through each step of the process.
The third major contribution is cosponsorship of
the annual Rehabilitation Psychology meeting with
the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology that began
in 1999. The annual meeting has become an institutionalized opportunity for leaders in the field to meet,
present research, and promote the specialty to new
Major Activities
The major activity of ABRP is cosponsorship of the
Annual Conference of Rehabilitation Psychology with
Division 22 of the American Psychological Association.
This conference occurs the last weekend of February
and provides the opportunity to earn continuing education credits. The conference provides ABRP sponsored
educational sessions that explain the process of attaining the diplomate in rehabilitation psychology to interested candidates. The conference features nationally
recognized leaders in the field of rehabilitation psychology. The ABRP board works in tandem with the
American Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology
(AARP). The AARP is a separate organization with overlapping board membership with the ABRP board. The
AARP contributes the operational support required for
organizing the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation
Cross References
▶ American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
▶ American Psychological Association (APA), Division 22
▶ Rehabilitation Psychology
American College of Professional Neuropsychology (ACPN)
References and Readings
Landmark Contributions
Frank, R., Rosenthal, M., & Caplan, B. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of
rehabilitation psychology (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Nezu, C., Finch, A., Jr., & Simon, N. (Eds.). (2009). Becoming
board certified by the American board of professional psychology.
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
In addition to the continuing education benefit, ACPN
also has an official quarterly journal, Applied Neuropsychology, which is dedicated to the presentation of
practitioner-based scholarly research.
Diplomates of the ABN who are in good standing are
automatically Fellows of ACPN and may use the acronym
FACPN on their signature line. Members of other neuropsychological organizations may also join the ACPN as
Affiliate members and receive a subscription to Applied
Neuropsychology, and participate in ACPN continuing
education programs.
American College of Professional
Neuropsychology (ACPN)
Private Practice, Neuropsychology
Mililani, Hawaii, USA
Address (and URL)
The American College Of Professional Neuropsychology
c/o Michael Raymond, Ph.D., ABN
Executive Director for ABN
John Heinz Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Neuropsychology Services
150 Mundy Street
Wilkes-Barre. PA 18702
Tel.: (570)826-3771
Major Activities
ACPN is accredited by the American Psychological
Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ACPN has two general meetings a year. One
meeting, National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN)
annual conference, a continuing education breakfast, is
typically held at the fall. The second yearly meeting is a
multiday conference, usually held in the spring. This is a
much larger conference with multiple speakers, presentations, and a poster session highlighting recent clinically
relevant studies and papers.
Cross References
▶ American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
The American College of Professional Neuropsychology
(ACPN) is a membership organization formed on
September 1, 1995 that is composed of 350 (2009) Neuropsychologists who have doctoral degrees, are licensed
as psychologists, and have completed the Diplomate
examination process.
American Congress of
Rehabilitation Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The academic arm of the American Board of Professional
Neuropsychology (ABN) is the ACPN. The mission of the
ACPN is to promote and provide the highest levels of
services related to professional neuropsychology, for the
benefit of the public and the profession.
Membership is about 800, consisting of clinicians and
nonclinicians with an interest in medical rehabilitation
research, and training in medicine, psychology, occupational and physical therapy, nursing, speech and language
pathology, political science, etc. Medical rehabilitation
concerns restoration of function for individuals who as a
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
result of stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury,
amputation, and other disorders have impairments and
activity limitations that are primarily physical in nature,
but often also include cognitive and behavioral deficits; it
is to be distinguished from psychiatric rehabilitation,
addictions rehabilitation, etc., although there is overlap
in methods and sometimes clientele. Members share an
interest in rehabilitation research, and the translation of
research-based knowledge into formats that are of use to
medical rehabilitation clinicians. About 70 members are
located outside the USA, especially in Canada.
Mission Statement
‘‘The mission of the American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine is to enhance the lives of persons living with
disabilities through a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation, and to promote rehabilitation research and its
application in clinical practice’’ (About ACRM, 2008).
‘‘The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
serves people with disabling conditions by promoting
rehabilitation research and facilitating information dissemination and the transfer of technology. We value rehabilitation research that promotes health, independence,
productivity, and quality of life for people with disabling
conditions. We are committed to research that is relevant
to consumers, educates providers to deliver best practices,
and supports advocacy efforts that ensure adequate public
funding for our research endeavors’’ (About ACRM,
‘‘To develop and implement our vision, ACRM will
seek the involvement of rehabilitation professionals, including clinicians, senior level service managers, administrators, educators, and researchers. We will call upon the
leaders in rehabilitation to identify current best practices
and best providers at all levels of care. We will disseminate
this information to the field at our regional and national
meetings, through directed position papers, and in our
journal, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’’
(About ACRM, 2008).
Landmark Contributions
The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine was
established in 1923 as the American College of Radiology
and Physiotherapy, a professional organization of physicians who had a clinical interest in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology, as well as the therapeutic application of
electricity and other physical therapies (About ACRM,
2008). Reflecting the ongoing differentiation between
radiologists and what (much later) would be called
physiatrists, the name was changed to American Congress
of Physical Therapy in 1925. To emphasize its link to
medicine rather than allied health, the organization
renamed itself American Congress of Physical Medicine
in 1944.
While World War I had given rise to the development of
rehabilitation, the involvement of physicians had been
limited – rehabilitation was centered on the vocational
rehabilitation of discharged servicemen. During and after
World War II, however, a number of physicians became
specialists in rehabilitation and started to apply methods
they had used with servicemen to the treatment of civilians
with amputations, spinal cord injury, stroke, and developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy. To avoid the
creation of a separate organization involving physicians
with very similar interests and therapeutic regimens, a
‘‘shotgun marriage’’ between physiatrists and rehabilitation physicians was acknowledged in 1952 with expansion
of the name of the organization to American Congress of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Zeiter, 1954).
In the 1960s, the Congress opened its membership to
nonphysician rehabilitation professionals, first only those
holding a doctoral degree (1965), then also to nurses and
therapists with an (earned) master’s degree (Anonymous,
1998). To acknowledge the diminishing emphasis on
physical medicine, the Congress changed its name again,
to American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, in
1966. ACRM accepted rehabilitation professionals with a
bachelor’s degree as members starting in 1986. The first
nonphysician to become president of the organization
took office in 1977; neuropsychologists who have served
as president include Leonard Diller, Mitchell Rosenthal,
and Wayne Gordon.
In recent years, ACRM has redefined itself as an organization focusing on rehabilitation science, with strong
interest in both generating knowledge through research
and knowledge translation to bring research results to the
clinic in a format that practitioners can use (Hart, 1997;
Heinemann, 2006; Wilkerson, 2004). It now is primarily
a group of creators, transmitters, and consumers of
research-based rehabilitation knowledge, both those
with clinical training (physicians, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, etc.) and those without
(engineers, political scientists, etc.), bound by the conviction that collaboration of disciplines is the best way to
solve the problems inherent in disablement and the rehabilitation of persons with impairment, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. The insignia of the
organization still reflects ACRM’s roots in physical
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
medicine, including the traditional symbols for the four
elements: water, earth, fire, and air.
Major Activities
ACRM communicates with its members through its
scientific journal (the Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation – APM&R), a newsletter (Rehabilitation
Outlook) and weekly E-news, an electronic digest of
time-sensitive news. An annual scientific meeting of 3–4
days, often held jointly with other scientific and professional organizations, brings together members and nonmembers to discuss research findings, research methods,
and issues relevant to the funding, implementation, and
dissemination of rehabilitation research.
A number of standing committees offer members an
opportunity to work on issues of special interest. Current
committees include the International Committee (focusing on the communications between US and foreign rehabilitation research specialists), the Clinical Practice
Committee (dealing with issues of evidence-based practice and related matters), and the Involving Consumers in
Rehabilitation Research Committee. The Early Career
Committee aims to assist individuals new to rehabilitation research in mastering the scientific, administrative,
and personal aspects of a career in rehabilitation research.
Over the years, a number of interdisciplinary special
interest groups (ISIGs) have existed under the aegis of
ACRM; current groups include ISIGs focused on spinal
cord injury, stroke, the measurement of participation, and
traumatic brain injury.
The Brain Injury ISIG (BI-ISIG) grew out of the
ACRM Head Injury Task Force, first called together in
1979. The BI-ISIG, which attracts large numbers of psychologists and especially neuropsychologists, has played a
crucial role in the development of services for individuals
with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States. A
definition of mild TBI often used in the literature emerged
from the work of this group (American-Congress-ofRehabilitation-Medicine.-Head-Injury-InterdisciplinarySpecial-Interest-Group, 1993). The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (JHTR) was founded by a physician
(Sheldon Berrol) and a psychologist (Mitchell Rosenthal)
who were active in the BI-ISIG, as well as involved with
the fledgling National Head Trauma Foundation, now the
Brain Injury Association of America. There is significant
overlap between the BI-ISIG membership and both the
Editorial Board of JHTR and the leadership of the TBI
Model Systems of Care (demonstration and research
grant programs supported by the National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research since 1987). There
also is considerable overlap between the membership of
the BI-ISIG and Divisions 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology)
and 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology) of the American Psychological Association. The BI-ISIG publishes a newsletter, Moving Ahead. Intense collaboration in research and
clinical care occurs among the BI-ISIG members, who
have their own task forces and come together in an additional annual meeting.
APM&R began in 1920 as the Journal of Radiology, the
private property of a Dr. Albert A. Tyler (Cole, 1999). The
journal changed its name to the Archives of Physical Therapy, X-ray, Radium, in 1926; in 1930, Dr. Tyler gave the
journal to ACRM (then still named the American Congress of Physical Therapy) as a ‘‘debt-free, unencumbered
gift.’’ The later changes in the name of the journal parallel
the changes in the name of its owner. It became the
Archives of Physical Therapy in 1938, the Archives of
Physical Medicine in 1945; in 1953, the journal became
the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the
name it still has (Nelson, 1969). However, the content has
shifted gradually from emphasis on physical medicine,
with a fairly low research basis, to an accent on rehabilitation as carried out by all disciplines that play a role in
medical rehabilitation. It now is almost exclusively a research journal, with non-US contributions constituting
over half the contents (Dijkers, 2009).
The journal probably gives the best indication of the
role of neuropsychology in rehabilitation settings, and of
neuropsychologists in ACRM. The first paper with neuropsycholog* in its title or abstract was published in 1975.
Almost 200 have been published since, but they did not
become an annual presence until 1984. The number now
averages ten a year. In scanning the contributions of
neuropsychologists to APM&R, a number of characteristics
of neuropsychology in rehabilitation stand out:
Many of these papers are coauthored with representatives of other disciplines, especially physicians.
Several straddle neuropsychology and rehabilitation
psychology, reflecting the fact that in many rehabilitation programs psychologists need to wear multiple
The focus, especially in recent years, is as much on
treatment as on diagnosis, with cognitive rehabilitation for TBI and other diagnostic groups most
A great variety of diagnostic groups have been studied,
including those with peripheral vascular disease
amputations, post-polio fatigue, multiple sclerosis,
American Psychological Association (APA)
sickle-cell disease, progressive supranuclear palsy,
myotonic muscular dystrophy, and spinal cord injury.
However, over the years and especially recently, stroke
and TBI have been the etiologies of disability that
rehabilitation neuropsychologists have most often
been concerned with.
Wilkerson, D. L. (2004). Individual, science, and society: ACRM’s mission and the body politic. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(4), 527–530.
Zeiter, W. J. (1954). The history of the American Congress of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 35(11), 683–688.
While the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine is not an organization of psychologists, let alone
neuropsychologists, it is safe to say that it has played
a key role in the development of neuropsychology for
medical rehabilitation patients in the United States. In
the foreseeable future, it probably will continue to be the
forum in which these specialists, especially those who are
interested in research, interact with nurses, speech/language pathologists, neuroscientists, and other specialties
that contribute to rehabilitation.
▶ Weschler’s Adult Reading test
References and Readings
Ryerson University
Toronto, ON, Canada
About ACRM. (2008). Retrieved August 25, 2008, from http://www.acrm.
American-Congress-of-Rehabilitation-Medicine.-Head-Injury-Interdisciplinary-Special-Interest-Group. (1993). Definition of mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 8(3),
Anonymous. (1998). Development of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine into a multidisciplinary professional society: Final
report of the Professional Development Committee, 1969–1972.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 79(12 Suppl. 2),
Cole, T. M. (1999). ACRM presidential address. In the clothing of challenge. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 80(2), 127–129.
Dijkers, M. P. (2009). International Collaboration and Communication
in Rehabilitation Research. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 90(5), 711–716.
Hart, K. A. (1997). Rehabilitation research: The new focus of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 78(12), 1287–1289.
Heinemann, A. W. (2006). ACRM’s evolving mission: Opportunities to
promote rehabilitation research. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 87(2), 157–159.
Kottke, F. J., & Knapp, M. E. (1988). The development of physiatry before
1950. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69 Spec No,
Krusen, F. H. (1969). Historical development in physical medicine and
rehabilitation during the last forty years. Walter J. Zeiter Lecture.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 50(1), 1–5.
Nelson, P. A. (1969). History of the Archives – A journal of ideas and
ideals. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 50(7),
Rusk, H. A. (1969). The growth and development of rehabilitation
medicine. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 50(8),
American National Adult Reading
Test (ANART)
American Psychological
Association (APA)
Address and URL
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 (www.
150,000 as of 2010
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The mission of the APA is to advance the creation, communication, and application of psychological knowledge
to benefit society and improve people’s lives.
Landmark Contributions
The American Psychological Association (APA) was
founded in 1892 by a small group of men interested in
what was called ‘‘the new psychology.’’ Its founding at this
particular time can best be understood as part of the large
number of changes occurring in the USA at that time.
The emergence of a number of what are now standard
academic disciplines, psychology, economics, political
American Psychological Association (APA)
science, biochemistry, physiology, in the last 2 decades
of the nineteenth century was part of a reorganization of
American knowledge production, reflecting a division of
intellectual labor similar to the division of manufactory
labor. Like its fellow disciplines, the new psychology grew
and prospered as it responded to the needs of American
Within the modern university system that emerged
after the U.S. Civil War, the new disciplines quickly
developed advanced degrees that provided credentials,
which served to validate the discipline’s members as
experts in their special field. This occurred in parallel
with the progressive movement in politics, which called
for a more efficient, less corrupt, social order. The
synergism of these two developments, specialized expertise and rationalized government, helped create the demand for trained personnel to fill the new professional
niches created by the demands for a more efficient
society. Psychology was one of the most successful of
the new disciplines to make itself useful for the social
management of an increasingly complex and diversified
In July 1892, G. Stanley Hall (1844–1924) met with a
small group of men to discuss the possibility of organizing
a psychological association. Although the details of the
meeting are not known, the group elected 31 individuals,
including themselves, to membership, with Hall as the
first President. The first meeting of the new American
Psychological Association (APA) was held in December
1892 at the University of Pennsylvania. The basic governance of the APA at this time was consisted of a small
council with an executive committee. This plan remained
in effect until the reorganization of APA during World
War II.
Membership growth of the APA was modest over the
first 50 years of its existence. From 31 members in 1892,
there were 125 members in 1899, 308 in 1916, 530 in 1930,
and 664 in 1940. In 1926, a new class of nonvoting
membership was formed, associate, and most of the
growth occurred in that class after 1926, so that there
were 2,079 associate members in 1940. Many of these
associates were individuals doing practical or applied
work in psychology and who also belonged to one of the
applied associations that emerged in this time. Realizing
that the growth of applied psychology represented
a potential threat to its preeminence, the leaders of APA
sought to reorganize the association during World War II.
Under this reorganization plan, the APA merged with
other psychological organizations and created divisions
to represent special fields of interest. There were initially
17 divisions (19 were proposed). The result was an
association that was much more broadly based than
before the War and that was organized around an increasingly diffuse conceptualization of psychology. Now, the
association’s scope included professional practice and
the promotion of human welfare, as well as the practice
of the science of psychology. This flexibility in scope has
remained to the present time, as new challenges and
demands have arisen.
Psychology boomed after the end of World War II,
with the greatest increase in membership coming between
1945 and 1970. This was due to intense interest in the
field, especially in the domains of clinical and applied
psychology, among returning serviceman, many of
whom saw the great need for better psychological services
firsthand during the war. Institutional or structural factors that facilitated this growth included the GI Bill, the
new Veterans Administration Clinical Psychology training
program, and the creation of the National Institute of
Mental Health. For the first time, psychology was a field,
both science and practice, that was richly funded for
training and research. This was, as one scholar termed it,
The Golden Age of Psychology. The rapid and incredible
growth in APA’s membership reflected this trends, as
membership grew 630% from 1945 to 1970, from 4,183
members (1945) to 30,839 (1970). By comparison, from
1970 to 2000, APA membership grew to 88,500, with
another 70,500 affiliates.
Part of what facilitated this growth was the new divisional structure of the APA that grew out of the reorganization plan during World War II. Now, members could
join a special interest group within APA and find other
like-minded members. Of course, this also facilitated the
fractionation of psychology and pushed the field away
from any sense of unity that it may have held prior to
the war. Nineteen divisions were approved in 1944, with
the two most numerous being clinical and personnel (now
counseling). This reflected the sectional structure of the
American Association of Applied Psychology (AAAP, f.
1937), which had emerged in 1937 as the chief rival to the
APA and had been the chief reason for the reorganization.
Because the Psychometric Society (Division 4) decided
not to join and after Division 11, Abnormal Psychology
and Psychotherapy, merged with Division 12, Clinical
Psychology, the number of active divisions was reduced
to 17. Growth in the number of divisions was slow until
the 1960s, only three more were added, in part because
many of the older members, then in leadership positions,
were quite resistant to increasing the number of divisions.
The growth in the number of divisions since the 1960s has
been consistent, with 54 divisions now part of the APA
structure. Many of the newer divisions reflect the growth
American Psychological Association (APA)
of particular practice areas, for example, Division 50,
Addictions. However, there has also been growth in special interest areas that belie any simple science/practice
dichotomy, for example, Society for the Psychology of
Women, Society for the History of Psychology, International Psychology, Media Psychology, or the Study of Men
and Masculinity.
Major Activities
The effect on APA governance of the divisional structure
and the growth of state and provincial psychological
organizations has been marked. As mentioned, prior to
World War II, APA’s governance structure was a small
council with an executive committee. After the reorganization and the end of the war, the Council of Representatives has grown in number to accommodate
representation from each division and from state and
provincial psychological associations, thus making governance somewhat unwieldy. Various plans have been tried
over the years to ensure a voice for each of the areas and
interests groups in psychology on the council and it
remains a dynamic situation. One result of the growth
of professional psychology, especially clinical and
counseling psychology, on governance has been the increase in the representation of professional interests, for
example, licensing, specializations, etc., in the deliberations of the council. At times, this has led to tension
between the representatives of psychological science and
those whose main commitment is to advancing
professional practice. In historical retrospect, it seems
clear that this tension was inherent in the reorganization
of APA, as the association reflected developments in the
As a membership organization, APA has often been
perceived as inadequately representing one or more
its constituencies. It has been the case, more often than
not, that the resulting tension was resolved and the unhappy parties remained within the association. However,
there have also been more serious disagreements that have
resulted in new organizations being formed. In the late
1950s, a group of experimental psychologists grew
unhappy with what they perceived as APA’s drift from
scientific psychology. By the end of 1959, this group
formed the Psychonomic Society in order, they asserted,
to foster psychology as a science without a need to attend
to professional issues. The Psychonomic Society remains a
very viable and valuable organization of scientists to the
present moment; many of its members remained APA
members, as well. A more serious division occurred in
the mid- to late 1980s, as tensions between those who
wanted APA to remain a primarily scientific organization
and those who sought a greater emphasis by the association on professional practice rose to a boil. A proposed
reorganization plan was defeated by a vote of the membership and almost immediately a large group of dissident
psychological scientists, including former APA Presidents,
left the APA to form what is now the Association for
Psychological Science (APS). Still, after a period of struggle, both organizations are strong, stable representatives
of psychology, with many psychologists belonging to both
One result of the split that led to the formation of
APS is that professional interests have grown stronger
within APA. As the number of psychologists devoted to
professional practice grew and gained greater influence
in the APA governance structure, a new unit was established in the APA Central Office. The Office of Professional Practice was created in the mid-1980s with a
mandate to focus on applied practice activities, especially the promotion of health-care practice. To finance the
expansion of activities, a special assessment was levied
on psychologists licensed for health-care practice. With
this money, the office was able to engage in consultation,
technical assistance, and legal and legislative assistance
for professionals. The office also began to work closely
with state associations to enhance practice issues and
support efforts relevant to legislation in state legislatures.
Within a few years, the range of activities led to the need
to create the Practice Directorate within APA. Since that
time, the Practice Directorate has played the important
roles of handling all practice-related programs and has
been responsible for the coordination of practice efforts
in legal and legislative arenas. The special assessment and
the Practice Directorate represented a special moment
in APA’s history in that they enhanced the power of
clinical and professional practice both within and
without APA.
Even so, APA has maintained a commitment to the
promotion of psychological science. It publishes more
than 40 peer-reviewed scientific journals. Internally, in
the APA Central Office, this is represented by the Science
Directorate. Since the late 1980s, the Central Office has
been reorganized to better represent the diverse constituencies of the membership. Beginning with the formation
of the Practice Directorate in the late 1980s, other Directorates were formed in the hope that the interests of all the
membership would be better represented. As of 2009,
there were the Practice, Education, Science, and Public
Interest Directorates. From a historical perspective, it is
too soon to determine whether this approach represents
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 22
an advance for the association or a further balkanization
of the field.
APA remains the world’s largest membership organization of psychologists. It has a fascinating past, marked
by growth, conflict, and increasing diversification.
Cross References
▶ Advocacy; Entries 77–86 (excluding 84); Entries
376, 377
▶ American Psychological Association Division 22
▶ American Psychological Association Division 40
References and Readings
Dewsbury, D. A. (1997). On the evolution of divisions. American Psychologist, 52, 733–741.
Evans, R. B., Sexton, V. S., & Cadwallader, T. C. (Eds.). (1992).
The American Psychological Association: A historical perspective.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Fernberger, S. W. (1932). The American Psychological Association:
A historical summary, 1892–1930. Psychological Bulletin, 29, 1–89.
Guthrie, R. V. (1998). Even the rat was white: A historical view of psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Pickren, W. E., & Schneider, S. F. (Eds.). (2005). Psychology and the
National Institute of Mental Health: A historical analysis of science,
practice, and policy. Washington, DC: APA Books.
American Psychological
Association (APA), Division 22
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD, USA
The American Psychological Association (APA) Division
22 – Rehabilitation Psychology is composed of over 1,111
(2009) psychologists who provide clinical services (91%),
teach (65%), conduct research (41%), manage rehabilitation programs (37%), and perform other activities too.
They work in hospitals and clinics (40%), in university,
college, medical school (27%), and other settings, and are
also in independent practice (28%).
Major Areas or Mission Statement
The Division of Rehabilitation Psychology works to unite
psychologists and others interested in the prevention and
rehabilitation of disability and chronic illness. Rehabilitation Psychology Practice is a specialty within the domain
of professional healthcare psychology, which applies psychological knowledge and skills on behalf of individuals
with disabilities and chronic health conditions in order to
maximize their health and welfare, independence and
choice, functional abilities, and role participation. Such
disabilities include spinal cord injury, brain injury,
stroke, amputations, burns, work-related injuries, multiple traumatic injuries, chronic pain, cancer, heart disease,
multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular disorders, AIDS, developmental disorders, psychiatric impairment, substance
abuse, impairments in sensory functioning, and other
physical, mental and/or emotional impairments. The
broad field of Rehabilitation Psychology also includes
rehabilitation program development and administration,
research, teaching, public education and development of
policies for injury prevention and health promotion, and
advocacy for persons with disabilities and chronic health
Landmark Contributions
1. Rehabilitation psychologists have worked in medical
settings as part of teams of healthcare professionals for
more than half a century, long before psychologists
were regularly involved in other healthcare settings.
2. Division 22 was established in 1958, one of the earlier
divisions in APA.
3. Division 22 members conducted the initial research
on individual, interpersonal, and social changes
related to changes in appearance and physical capacity,
as well as the social psychology of stereotyping and
prejudice faced by persons with disability.
4. Division 22 members were among the pioneers helping psychology understand the world of work, how the
same can be affected by impairment and disability,
and issues about vocational rehabilitation.
5. Rehabilitation psychologists have developed the
principles of cognitive rehabilitation, and have served
as leaders in the federal model systems programs
for traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and
6. Board Certification in Rehabilitation Psychology was
established in 1997.
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40
Major Activities
The journal Rehabilitation Psychology is published
quarterly by the APA.
Division 22, in conjunction with the American Board
of Rehabilitation Psychology, holds an annual conference
in the spring.
Cross References
▶ American Psychological Association (APA)
▶ Rehabilitation Psychology
References and Readings
American Psychological Association. (2008). A closer look at Division 22:
A growing field meets the challenges of war. Monitor on Psychology,
38(8), 54–55.
Frank, R., Rosenthal, M., & Caplan, B. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of
rehabilitation psychology (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Larson, P., & Sachs, P. (2000). A history of Division 22. In D. A. Dewsbury
(Ed.), Unification through division: Histories of the divisions of the
American Psychological Association (Vol. 5, pp. 33–58). Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association.
American Psychological
Association (APA), Division 40
New York University School of Medicine
New York, USA
The Division of Clinical Neuropsychology (Division 40) is
one of 56 specialty divisions recognized by the American
Psychological Association (APA). Since its inception, it has
become one of APA’s largest and most active divisions. In its
nearly 30 years, membership has grown from 433 psychologists to its current numbership of 5,315, which currently
makes it the second largest of all APA divisions behind only
the Independent Practice Division (Division 42). The division’s representation to the APA council has grown over
the years from its initial one representative to the current
allotment of four seats. This trend coincides with Division
40’s increasing influence within APA and increasing recognition of neuropsychology as a clinical specialty.
Eligibility for membership is based on the criteria required for Associate, Member, or Fellow status in the APA.
Additional requirements include demonstrated interest
in the field of neuropsychology and its scientific development, public dissemination, and/or clinical applications.
All members of the division have rights and privileges to
hold office and serve on division committees, vote in
regular elections, attend various meetings of the division,
and receive publications of the division. Information for
joining Division 40 can be obtained on the division’s website at http://www.div40.org/membership.html.
APA statistics indicate that the majority of Division
40 members are women (55%). Ethnic minority members
constitute 8% of the membership, consistent with larger
APA trends. Approximately, 80% of the division memberships have Ph.D. in clinical psychology or a related field.
Nearly half (42%) of the members work in independent
settings. Most other members work in medical schools,
hospitals, and university settings. Many combine their
work in institutional and private-practice settings. Membership surveys have indicated that psychologists in Division 40 spend a substantially larger amount of time
(>40%) in assessment activities than other APA members
(<15%). Approximately, one third of the members are
actively involved in research activities. Approximately,
40% are involved in clinical training.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
Division 40 was formed in 1980 with the mission of
enhancing the understanding of brain-behavior relationships and the application of such knowledge to human
problems. Activities of the division encompass the areas
of science (e.g., presentations at the annual meeting of
APA, awards for outstanding scientific contributions),
practice (e.g., Current Procedural Terminology ‘‘CPT’’
billing codes, educational brochures for patients), education and training (e.g., neuropsychology graduate
student organization), and specialty public interest
groups (e.g., women, minorities, geriatrics, rural, etc.).
The division upholds APA bylaws and enacted its own
divisional bylaws in 1980, which were subsequently revised to their current form in 1997. Over the years, Division 40 has provided published guidelines on many aspects
of neuropsychological practice and training while also
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40
fostering continued development of the science of neuropsychology through activity of its committees. The division advances scientific knowledge in the field of
neuropsychology through its support of publication and
presentation of scientific papers at professional conferences, including the APA’s annual convention.
Landmark Contributions
Psychologists interested in the developing field of neuropsychology began participating on a regular basis at APA
meetings during the 1960s. The origins of Division 40 can
be traced back to the development of the International
Neuropsychological Society (INS), which is known as the
field of neuropsychology’s first formal organization. Informal meetings of psychologists interested in neuropsychological issues were held at the annual APA meeting dating
back to 1965. The INS was formally organized in 1967 as
an outgrowth of these meetings with the goal of serving as
a scientific and educational organization. The need for
formal representation in APA became increasingly apparent as professional issues regarding practice, education,
and training in neuropsychology began to emerge. Leaders
in the field, including Arthur Benton, Louis Costa and
Manfred Meier, saw the need for the development of an
organization to promote the growing specialty of clinical
neuropsychology that was independent of INS and APA’s
Division of Clinical Psychology (Division 12). The application to establish a Division of Clinical Neuropsychology
was submitted to APA and approved by its Council of
Representatives in September 1979. The formation of
Division 40 was made effective in January 1980, consistent
with APA procedures. The division’s first President was
Dr. Harold Goodglass with Dr. Gerald Goldstein serving
as both the Secretary and Treasurer. The presidents of the
division include many of the most prominent names in the
field of neuropsychology (Table 1).
One of the division’s earliest activities included working with the INS Task Force on Education, Accreditation,
and Credentialing (TFEAC) in establishing guidelines for
doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral training in clinical
neuropsychology. Recommendations provided by that
group, calling for a combination of training experiences
in psychology and the neurosciences, continues as the
field’s dominant model of training. The INS task force
was eventually discontinued as it became increasingly
evident that professional issues were becoming the domain
of Division 40. A listing of publications of other professional guidelines and statements developed by Division
40 committees and task forces are provided in Table 2.
The purpose of these guidelines was to facilitate an adherence to standards for professionals in the field of clinical
neuropsychology with the ultimate goal of ensuring the
quality of services provided to consumers.
During the 1990s, a task force from Division 40 led
by Manfred Meier successfully submitted a petition for
clinical neuropsychology to become the first psychological specialty recognized by the APA’s Commission on
Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology (CRSPP). Recognition of clinical
neuropsychology as a specialty became official in 1997.
This was followed by a set of activities, working in
conjunction with the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN), American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN), American Academy of Clinical
Neuropsychology (AACN), and the Association of
Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40. Table 1 Presidents of division 40 (clinical neuropsychology)
1979–1980 Harold Goodglass
1989–1990 Charles G. Matthews
1999–2000 Gordon J. Chelune
1980–1981 Harold Goodglass
1990–1991 Raymond S. Dean
2000–2001 Jason Brandt
1981–1982 Louis Costa
1991–1992 Steven Mattis
2001–2002 Allan F. Mirsky
1982–1983 Nelson M. Butters
1992–1993 Oscar Parsons
2002–2003 Antonio Puente
1983–1984 Thomas J. Boll
1993–1994 Robert K. Heaton
2003–2004 Kathleen J. Haaland
1984–1985 Lawrence C. Hartledge
1994–1995 Carl Dodrill
2004–2005 Robert J. Ivnik
1985–1986 Manfred J. Meier
1995–1996 Kenneth M. Adams
2005–2006 Russell M. Bauer
1986–1987 Edith F. Kaplan
1996–1997 Eileen B. Fennell
2006–2007 Keith O. Yeates
1987–1988 Byron P. Rourke
1997–1998 Linas A. Bieliauskas
2007–2008 Thomas A. Hammeke
1988–1989 Gerald Goldstein
1998–1999 Cecil R. Reynolds
2008–2009 Glenn E. Smith
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40
American Psychological Association (APA), Division 40.
Table 2 Published guidelines from division 40 committees
and task forces
Year Activity
1987 Guidelines for Doctoral Training Programs in Clinical
1987 Task Force Report on Computer-Assisted
Neuropsychological Evaluation
1988 Guidelines of Continuing Education in Clinical
1989 Definition of a Clinical Neuropsychologist
1989 Guidelines Regarding the Use of Nondoctoral
Personnel in Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment
1991 Recommendations for Education and Training of
Nondoctoral Personnel in Clinical Neuropsychology
1991 Guidelines for Computer-Assisted
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive
(APPCN) in developing an integrated model for specialty training in clinical neuropsychology. Representatives from these organizations and various training
programs across the USA met in 1997 for what was
termed The Houston Conference on Specialty Training
in Clinical Neuropsychology. The conference led to the
development and publication of a document describing
an integrated model of education and training. Interactions between Division 40 and these other groups continue through an organization called the Clinical
Neuropsychology Synarchy (CNS).
Major Activities
Officers of Division 40 include President, President-Elect,
Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions
are elected by the general membership with the term of
President lasting 1-year and the roles of Secretary and
Treasurer lasting 3-years. The officers serve on an Executive Committee (EC) joined by various Division Committee Chairs, Divisional Representatives to APA Council,
and three Members-at-Large. Meetings of the EC are
held twice yearly, with one of the meetings held at the
North American meeting of the INS in mid-winter and
the other coinciding with the APA convention in the
summer. Presidents of the division preside at meetings
and serve as the Chairperson of the EC. Terms of office
begin and end at the completion of the annual business
meeting held during the summer.
The division has four standing committees including
Membership, Fellowship, Elections, and Program Committees and four continuing committees consisting of the
Science Advisory, Education Advisory, Practice Advisory,
and Public Interest Advisory Committees. Special Committees, including Task Force Committees, can also be
established by vote of the Executive Committee, when the
need arises. The Committee on APA Relations and the
Publications and Communications Committee are examples of these. The President, in consultation with the EC,
appoints chairs of all divisional committees and task forces.
Summaries of divisional activities, minutes of executive
committee meetings, and committee reports are published
biannually in Newsletter 40, the official division newsletter.
Continued commitments to training have been demonstrated by the formation of the Division 40 Association for
Neuropsychology Students in Training (ANST) and the
establishment of an Early Career Psychologists committee.
Committees and mentoring programs have been established for women entering the field and for ethnic minority
members. Brochures describing an introduction to clinical
neuropsychology are available through the division’s Public
Interest Advisory Committee (PIAC). The Practice Advisory Committee (PAC) provides monitoring of legislative
activities and both local and national activities affecting
the practice of clinical neuropsychology. This committee is
also responsible for interactions with government agencies
such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS). The PAC worked with other organization in establishing a new set of CPT testing codes aimed at optimizing
reimbursement for neuropsychological services. These
codes were officially implemented in 2006.
The division has maintained its goal of integrating
science and practice. The Science Advisory Committee
(SAC) continues in its role of producing scientific programs for the APA’s annual convention. Studies on neurologic syndromes, assessment, and developmental issues
are among the topics most commonly presented in the
Division 40 program at the annual APA meeting. The SAC
also provides a number of awards for students and early
career psychologists establishing careers in neuropsychological research. More recent SAC activities include integration of neuropsychology’s scientific activities with APA
and government agencies such as the National Institutes
of Health (NIH).
Division 40 does not publish or provide an official
journal. However, over the years, the division has maintained a close relationship with The Clinical Neuropsychologist (TCN), a journal focusing on clinical issues relevant
to neuropsychologists. The journal has published a number of statements and guidelines prepared by Division 40
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
task forces relevant to the practice of neuropsychology
and abstracts from Division 40’s scientific program at
APA. In 1989, TCN also began to publish regular listings
of training programs in neuropsychology. In 2006,
a user-interactive revision of the list was developed by
the Education Advisory Committee (EAC) and transferred to the Division 40 web site. The listing currently
includes 31 doctoral training programs, 42 internships,
and 78 sites offering postdoctoral residencies for specialty
training in clinical neuropsychology. The web site also
includes descriptions of other divisional activities and
links to the division’s archival material.
Cross References
for 140,000 members and affiliates who are speech-language
pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and
hearing scientists in the USA and at the international level.
Major Areas or Mission Statement
Vision: Making effective communication a human right,
accessible, and achievable for all.
Empowering and supporting speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing
scientists by:
▶ American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN)
▶ American Psychological Association (APA)
▶ International Neuropsychological Society
▶ National Academy of Neuropsychology
References and Readings
Landmark Contributions
Adams, K. M., & Rourke, B. P. (Eds.) (1992). The TCN guide to professional
practice in clinical neuropsychology. Berwyn, PA: Swets & Zeitlinger.
Costa, L. (1998). Professionalization in neuropsychology: The early years.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12, 1–7.
Meier, M. J. (1992). Modern clinical neuropsychology in historical perspective. American Psychologist, 47, 550–558.
Meier, M. J. (2002). In search of knowledge and competence. In
A. Y. Stringer, E. L. Cooley, & A-L. Christensen (Eds.), Pathways to
prominence in neuropsychology: Reflections of twentieth century
pioneers. New York: Psychology Press.
Puente, A. E., & Marcotte, A. C. (2000). A history of Division 40 (clinical
neuropsychology). In D. A. Dewsbury (Ed.), Unification through
division: Histories of the divisions of the American Psychological
Association, Volume V. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association Press.
ASHA has had several names during its 83-year history.
The first was the American Academy of Speech Correction
(1925). The current name, The American Speech-LanguageHearing Association (ASHA), was adopted in 1978. ASHA
is the nation’s leading professional, credentialing, and
scientific organization for speech-language pathologists,
audiologists, and speech/language/hearing scientists.
ASHA has been the guardian of these professions for
over 75 years, initiating the development of national
standards for each discipline and certifying professionals
for 55 years.
ASHA began in 1925 at an informal meeting of the
National Association of Teachers of Speech (NATS) in
Iowa City, IA, an organization of people working in the
areas of rhetoric, debate, and theater. Robert W. West was
the first president of the association from 1925 to 1928.
Its members were becoming increasingly interested in
speech correction and wanted to establish an organization
to promote ‘‘scientific, organized work in the field of
speech correction.’’ Accordingly, in December of that
year, the American Academy of Speech Correction –
ASHA’s original predecessor – was born.
ASHA has grown exponentially since its inception –
from 25 members in 1925 to 140,000 in 2010. ASHA
opened its first national office on January 1, 1958 in
Washington, DC. The association subsequently moved
four times, most recently settling in its current location
in Rockville, MD in 2008. ASHA’s new national office is
American Speech-LanguageHearing Association (ASHA)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Rockville, MD, USA
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is
the professional, scientific, and credentialing association
Advocating on behalf of persons with communication
and related disorders
Advancing communication science
Promoting effective human communication
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults
a LEED certified green building – the first nonprofit
company’s building of that distinction in Maryland.
Major Activities
Publications: The ASHA Leader; American Journal of
Audiology; American Journal of Speech-Language
Pathology; Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research; Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools; and Perspectives.
Conferences: Annual convention and three niche conferences: Healthcare, Schools, and State Policy Workshop
as well as several web events annually.
References and Readings
Interdisciplinary approaches to Brain Damage written by the joint committee http://www.asha.org/docs/html/PS1990–00093.html
Selected practice documents related to Adult Neurogenics are featured
in ASHA’s Online Practice Policy documents. http://www.asha.org/
Structure and Function of an Interdisciplinary Team for Persons with
Acquired Brain Injury http://www.asha.org/docs/html/GL2007–
Memory Assessment on an Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Team: A
Theoretically Based Framework. http://ajslp.asha.org/cgi/content/full/
American Speech-LanguageHearing Association Functional
Assessment of Communication
Skills for Adults
Naval Medical Center
San Diego, CA, USA
The ASHA-FACS was designed as a quick and easily
administered measure of functional communication
behaviors at the level of disability, based on direct observations by speech-language pathologists or significant
others who are familiar with the client’s typical communication performance across the following domains:
Social Communication; Communication of Basic Needs;
Reading, Writing, and Number Concepts; and Daily
Planning. Within each domain, specific functional behaviors are rated on a 7-point scale of independence, ranging from ‘‘does’’ the activity fully independently, through
five levels of ‘‘does with’’ varying degrees of assistance to
‘‘does not’’ perform the activity. For example, Social
Communication concerns the ability to use names of
familiar people, exchange information on the telephone,
answer yes/no question and follow directions, understand facial expressions and tone of voice, comprehend
nonliteral meaning, and understand TV and radio programs. Communication of Basic Needs assesses ability to
recognize familiar faces and voices, express feelings and
make known needs and wants, and respond in an emergency. Reading, Writing, and Number Concepts examine
the ability to understand simple signs, use reference
materials, understand printed material and follow written directions, complete forms, write messages, and
make money transactions. Finally, Daily Planning evaluates the ability to tell time, sequence numbers for using
a telephone, maintain a schedule of appointments and
use a calendar, and read a map. Each domain is rated
globally on the basis of a Scale of Qualitative Dimensions
(i.e., adequacy, appropriateness, promptness, and communication sharing). The measure yields domain and
dimension mean scores, overall scores, and profiles of
both Communication Independence and Qualitative
The ASHA-FACS includes:
A 117-page manual
A CD version to allow automatic tabulation of the
measures for recording incremental client assessments
in MS Excel used in PC or Apple/Macintosh
A paper-and-pencil version with score summary and
profile forms that purchasers can copy
A rating key on a 5’’ x 7’’ card
An electronic index of ICD-9-CM codes
Historical Background
ASHA-FACS evolved from the wave of healthcare accountability and the widespread need for an effective
instrument to measure the functional communication of
adults who have speech, language, or cognitive impairments for purposes of justifying payment, defining service
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults
eligibility, and judging the value of care. Developed in
1995 by ASHA, it reflects the collaborative effort of
more than 70 individuals, both ASHA members and
related professionals. The first version of the measure,
the ASHA Functional Communication Measures (Frattali,
C.M.1998), was developed for use with both children and
adults. The FCMs consisted of 12 rating scales, each
representing a separate communication process and
rated on an 8-point scale of independence. Development
of the FCMs was funded by the National Institute on
Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. The FCMs were determined to be unsuitable for use with children, and as a result of other
limitations, a second group of experts specifically in
adult communication disorders edited the FCMs, proposed a multidimensional scoring system, and renamed
the instrument.
Further revisions in 1992 included a reconceptualization of the framework to measure at the level of disability,
consistent with the World Health Organization’s International Classification Scheme, resulting in the final title,
the ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication
Skills for Adults (ASHA-FACS). The design of the
ASHA-FACS was based on a definition of functional
communication formulated in 1990 by an ASHA advisory
group: ‘‘the ability to receive or to convey a message,
regardless of the mode, to communicate effectively and
independently in natural environments’’ (cited in Frattali,
Psychometric Data
The usability, sensitivity, reliability, and validity of the
ASHA-FACS were demonstrated through two separate
pilot tests and one field test. The first version was piloted
in 1993 to determine the measure’s usability, resulting
in the development of a 7-point observational rating
scale. A second pilot test confirmed the usability of the
revised version, and acceptable levels of reliability and
validity were found. A more sensitive scoring system for
capturing qualitative information about the nature of a
client’s functional communication led to the addition of
a second scoring feature, the 5-point Scale of Qualitative
To establish interrater reliability, the ASHA-FACS
was completed independently for 51 subjects by two
examiners within a 48-h period. Interrater reliability
correlations on the seven assessment domain scores
ranged from 0.72 to 0.92. Overall communication
independence scores had high interrater agreement
(mean correlation = 0.95) as did overall scores (mean
correlation = 0.90). Intrarater reliability for communication independence mean scores by assessment domain
ranged from 0.95 to 0.99 and intrarater reliability of
overall communication independence scores was 0.99.
Intrarater reliability of qualitative dimension mean scores
ranged from 0.94 to 0.99 and 0.99 for the overall qualitative dimension scores.
The ASHA-FACS was moderately correlated with
other measures of language and cognitive function as
demonstrated by external criterion measures used with
subjects with aphasia and cognitive-communication
impairments from traumatic brain injury. A significant
correlation of 0.76 (a = 0.05 level) was obtained between Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) (Kertesz, 1982),
Aphasia Quotients (AQs), and ASHA-FACS overall
scores. Statistically significant correlations were obtained
between ASHA-FACS domain scores and WAB subtest
scores, with the exception of correlations between WAB
fluency scores and reading and writing domain scores
from the ASHA-FACS. Correlations between the ASHAFACS domain score and overall score and each of the
Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scales (FIM
4.0; SUNY at Buffalo Research Foundation, 1993) were
statistically significant (ranging from 0.42 to 0.82), with
the exception of the social interaction scale of the FIM.
External validation data for the subjects with cognitivecommunication impairments ranged from 0.76 to 0.85
between the Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic
Brain Injury (SCATBI) (Adamovich & Henderson,
1992) severity scores and the ASHA-FACS scores, and a
0.84 correlation between the ASHA-FACS overall scores
with the SCATBI severity scores. These correlations were
all statistically significant at the a = 0.05 level. Statistically significant correlations were found between ASHAFACS domain and overall scores with the Rancho Los
Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning (Hagen,
Malkmus, & Durham, 1979) (correlations ranged from
0.64 to 0.83) and FIM scores (correlations ranged from
0.50 to 0.80). Nonsignificant correlations were obtained
from SCATBI subtest scores and ASHA-FACS domain
scores obtained from the mild to moderately impaired
TBI group.
High internal consistency and social validity were
reported. Internal consistency indicated that most item
scores covered the full 7-point rating scale, showed high
inter-item correlations between items within assessment
domains, were internally consistent with respect to assessment domain, and that all items were measuring the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults
same underlying construct. The data indicated that all
domain scores correlated with overall ASHA-FACS
scores. Evaluation of social validity was accomplished
by correlating overall ASHA-FACS scores with measures
scored by family members or friends of subjects. These
measures included the Communicative Effectiveness
Index (CETI; Lomas et al., 1989) and a Rating of Overall
Communication Effectiveness, a single overall index of each
subjects’ communication effectiveness rated on a scale from
1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). These data indicated high positive
correlations between ASHA-FACS overall scores and Ratings of Overall Communication Effectiveness by clinicians
(i.e., r = 0.81). ASHA-FACS overall scores did not correlate
well with family members’ or friends’ Ratings of Overall
Communication Effectiveness or CETI scores. CETI ratings
were consistently higher than those measured using the
Clinical Uses
ASHA-FACS was designed for clinicians to rate functional
communication behaviors of adults with speech, language, and cognitive-communication disorders resulting
from left hemisphere stroke and from traumatic brain
In a review of the evidence leading to recommended
best practices for assessment of individuals with cognitive-communication disorders after TBI, the ASHA-FACS
was one of a few standardized, norm-referenced tests that
met most established criteria for validity and reliability
for use with this clinical population (Turkstra, Coelho, &
Ylvisaker, 2005). It was one of only four of the 31 tests
reviewed that evaluated performance outside clinical settings. It was unique in that it was based on research about
daily communication needs in the target population and
incorporated consumer feedback about ecological validity
into the design. The research is rich in the many clinical
benefits of the ASHA-FACS. For example, this instrument
has been used to measure communication disability relative to quality of life in chronically aphasic adults (Ross &
Wertz, 2002; Davidson, Worrall, & Hickson, 2003), to
evaluate the effectiveness of functionally based communication therapy (Worrall & Yiu, 2000), and to evaluate reallife outcomes of aphasia interventions (Kagan et al.,
2008). Using Rasch analysis of the ASHA-FACS Social
Communication Subtest (SCS), Donovan, Rosenbek,
Ketterson, & Velozo (2006) demonstrated that caregivers
were reliable respondents who could use the SCS to rate
therapy progress and functional outcomes.
References and Readings
Adamovich, B., & Henderson, J. (1992). Scales of cognitive ability for
traumatic brain injury. Chicago: Riverside.
Davidson, B., & Worrall, L. (2002). The assessment of activity limitation
in functional communication: Challenges and choices. In A. E. Hillis
(Ed.), The handbook of adult language disorders: Integrating cognitive
neuropsychology, neurology, and rehabilitation (pp. 19–34). New
York: Psychology Press.
Davidson, B., Worrall, L., & Hickson, L. (2003). Identifying the communication activities of older people with aphasia: Evidence from
naturalistic observation. Aphasiology, 17(3), 243–264.
Donovan, N. J., Rosenbek, J. C., Ketterson, T. U., & Velozo, C. A.
(2006). Adding meaning to measurement: Initial Rasch analysis of
the ASHA FACS Social Communication Subtest. Aphasiology,
20(2–4), 362–373.
Frattali, C. M. (Ed.) (1998). Measuring modality-specific behaviors,
functional abilities, and quality of life. In Measuring outcomes in
speech-language pathology. (P. 203). New York: Thieme.
Frattali, C. M., Thompson, C. K., Holland, A. L., Wohl, C. B., & Ferketic,
M. M. (1995). The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA
FACS). Rockville, MD: ASHA.
Frattali, C. M., Thompson, C. M., Holland, A. L., Wohl, C. B., & Ferketic,
M. M. (1995). The FACS of life ASHA FACS—a functional outcome
measure for adults. ASHA, 37(4), 40–46.
Hagen, C., Malkmus, D., & Durham, P. (1979). Levels of
cognitive functioning. In Rehabilitation of the head-injured adult:
Comprehensive physical management (Appendix C., pp. 87–89).
Downey, CA: Professional Staff Association of Rancho Los Amigos
Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Rowland, A., Huijbregts, M., Shumway,
E., McEwen, S., Threats, T., & Sharp, S. (2008). Counting what
counts: A framework for capturing real-life outcomes of aphasia
intervention. Aphasiology, 22(3), 258–280.
Kertesz, A. (1982). Western Aphasia Battery. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Lomas, J., Pickard, L., Bester, S., Elbard, H., Finlayson, A., & Zoghaib, C.
(1989). The Communicative Effectiveness Index: Development
and psychometric evaluation of a functional communication
measure for adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54,
Ross, K. B., & Wertz, R. T. (2002). Relationships between language-based
disability and quality of life in chronically aphasic adults. Aphasiology, 16(8), 791–800.
State University of New York at Buffalo Research Foundation.
(1993). Guide for use of the Uniform Data Set for Medical
Rehabilitation: Functional independence measure. Buffalo, NY:
Turkstra, L. S., Coelho, C., & Ylvisaker, M. (2005). The use of standardized tests for individuals with cognitive-communication disorders.
Seminars in Speech and Language, 26(4), 215–222.
Worrall, L., & Yiu, E. (2000). Effectiveness of functional communication
therapy by volunteers for people with aphasia following stroke.
Aphasiology, 14(9), 911–924.
Worrall, L., McCooey, R., Davidson, B., Larkins, B., & Hickson, L. (2002).
The validity of functional assessments of communication and the
activity/participation components of the ICIDH-2: Do they reflect
what really happens in real-life? Journal of Communication Disorders,
35(2), 107–137.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Americans with Disabilities Act of
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
Chicago, IL, USA
perform an essential function of the job, (c) reasonable
accommodations, and (d) threats to others. The
‘‘reasonable accommodations’’ are typically broken
down by short-term accommodations as well as longterm accommodations.
References and Readings
Historical Background
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed by
President George Bush in 1990 and went into effect in
1992. It is regarded by many as the most sweeping civil
rights legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, with
its intent to assist people with disabilities to obtain jobs
and achieve the goal of full functioning in the workplace.
The ADA contains provisions that outlaw discrimination
against people with disabilities (including those with
learning disabilities and mental disorders) in hiring,
training, compensation, and benefits (Bell, 1997) and
mandates that employers provide ‘‘reasonable accommodations’’ for disabled workers who could qualify for jobs if
such assistance is provided. It also protects individuals
against retaliation for filing charges or otherwise being
involved in an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)-related action. The act requires that people
with disabilities be treated like nondisabled persons, unless it is determined that a certain individual’s disability
produces significant hindrances to one’s involvement in a
particular endeavor. It was established due to Congress’s
recognition of a large number of Americans with one or
more disabilities and the discrimination experienced by
such individuals with respect to employment and access
to services.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 12101–12213 et seq.
Bell, C. (1997). The Americans with disabilities act, mental disability and
work. In R. Bonnie, & J. Monahan (Eds.), Mental disorder, mental
disability and the law. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Foote, W. M. (2003). Forensic evaluation in Americans with disabilities
act cases. In A. Goldstein (Ed.), Handbook of psychology (Vol. 11).
Forensic psychology. New Jersey: Wiley.
Melton, G. B., Petrila, J., Poythress, N. G., & Slobogin, C. (1997).
Psychological evaluations for the courts: A handbook for mental health
professionals and lawyers. New York: Guilford.
More detailed information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 can be found at www.ada.gov
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA, USA
Generic Name
Brand Name
Current Knowledge
The ADA includes several sections that cover different
types of activities, most notably, employment (Title I),
public services (Title II), public accommodations and
services operated by private entities (Title III), access to
telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous provisions (Title V). Psychologists often conduct evaluations of disabled individuals to determine ‘‘reasonable
accommodations’’ in accordance with the ADA. The
most common referral involves Title 1, employment
issues. The ADA requires that an evaluator assesses
four distinct areas: (a) disability, (b) qualifications to
Tricyclic Antidepressant
Proposed Mechanism(s) of Action
Increases available norepinephrine and serotonin, blocks
serotonin reuptake and may desensitize both serotonins
1A and beta adrenergic receptors.
Amnestic Disorder
Off Label Use
Memory Disorders Research Center, Boston University
School of Medicine and VA Boston Healthcare System
Boston, MA, USA
Neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, headache, and insomnia
Side Effects
Paralytic ileus, hyperthermia, lowered seizure threshold,
sudden death, cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, QTc prolongation, hepatic failure, mania, potential for activation
of suicidal ideation
Amnesia refers to the loss of ability to recall facts, events,
or concepts encountered prior to the onset of illness
(retrograde amnesia) or to the loss of ability to form
new memories (anterograde amnesia), or both. Although
anterograde and retrograde amnesia can occur in isolation, they most often appear together following a single
cause. That cause is most frequently a neurologic insult or
illness, but can also be psychogenic. In most cases, the
memory loss is permanent, but it can be temporary, as for
example, in transient global amnesia.
Blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, increased
appetite, dry mouth, diarrhea, heartburn, weight gain,
fatigue, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, sexual dysfunction,
sweating, rash, and itching
Cross References
▶ Anterograde Amnesia
▶ Memory Impairment
▶ Retrograde Amnesia
▶ Transient Global Amnesia
References and Readings
Physicians’ Desk Reference (62nd ed.). (2007). Montvale, NJ: Thomson
Stahl, S. M. (2007). Essential psychopharmacology: The prescriber’s guide
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
References and Readings
Baddeley, A. D., Kopelman, M. D., & Wilson, A. W. (2002). The handbook
of memory disorders. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Additional Information
Drug Interaction Effects: http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html
Drug Molecule Images: http://www.worldofmolecules.com/drugs/
Free Drug Online and PDA Software: www.epocrates.com
Gene-Based Estimate of Drug interactions: http://mhc.daytondcs.
com:8080/cgi bin/ddiD4?ver=4&task=getDrugList
Pill Identification: http://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html
▶ Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Amnestic Disorder
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT, USA
Global amnesia
Amnestic Disorder
Short Description or Definition
Amnestic disorders are defined by a global loss in explicit
memory that is persistent and stable. The hallmark feature of this disorder is extreme anterograde amnesia
(impairment in the ability to form new explicit memories) in the absence of any other extensive cognitive
losses. Individuals with amnestic disorders may display
an impairment in memory which is not lasting (e.g.,
transient global amnesia), progressive (e.g., Alzheimer’s
disease), or occurs in combination with declines in other
cognitive domains.
Amnestic disorders can result from a variety of causes,
including hypoxic/anoxic events, infections (e.g., herpes
simplex encephalitis), and lesions such as those that
occur following stroke or surgical ablation, and are associated with damage to several brain regions. Two subtypes
of amnestic disorders have received the most attention:
bitemporal amnesia and diencephalic amnesia (e.g.,
Korsakoff ’s syndrome and patients with discrete thalamic
or mammillary body lesions). A third subtype, basal
forebrain amnesia, is viewed as clinically distinctive and
has been studied to a lesser degree (Bauer, Grande, and
Valenstein, 2003).
Amnestic disorders can be observed in several classes
of patients including following viral infections (e.g.,
herpes encephalitis), anoxic/hypoxic events (e.g., after
heart attack or near-drowning), Korsakoff ’s syndrome,
bilateral temporal lobectomies, and cerebrovascular
events. However, global amnestic syndromes themselves
are relatively rare. For example, herpes simplex encephalitis carries a 70% mortality rate without treatment. The
cognitive impairments in survivors are ranging, and in
one study of long-term survivors 19 of 22 participants
experienced some form of memory impairment although
only five subjects had memory difficulties that were
categorized as severe (Utley et al., 1997). In a review of
studies of cerebral anoxia, Caine and Watson (2000) conclude that while 54% of case studies describe memory
impairments, only 19% report memory deficits in
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
and Outcomes
The amnestic disorder is exemplified by the case study of
H.M. H.M. had intractable epilepsy that was treated with
a radical, experimental surgery in which his medial temporal lobes were removed bilaterally. His resection included the hippocampal formation and adjacent structures
including most of the amygdala and parahippocampal
gyrus, including the entorhinal cortex. Following surgery,
H.M. developed severe anterograde amnesia which manifested as deficient episodic and semantic memory. In addition, he developed partial retrograde amnesia for events
within 19 months before his surgery. However, earlier
memories were unaffected, and his working memory and
procedural memory (skill learning) also remained intact
(Corkin, 2002; Scoville & Milner, 1957).
Course: Onset is often acute due to the nature of the
pathological processes that cause amnestic disorders (e.g.,
cerebrovascular events, anoxic/hypoxic events, surgical ablation, and infections such as herpes encephalitis). As
amnestic disorders are caused by the destruction of brain
structures, deficits are persisting and stable without expectation of improvement or further decline barring any additional injury.
General neuropsychological profile: Patients exhibit
deficits in explicit memory marked by significant anterograde amnesia. They may also exhibit retrograde amnesia
(disruption in the ability to recall previously learned
information), although this is typically less severe and
exhibits a temporal gradient with older memories less
likely to be disturbed. Attention, working memory, procedural memory, implicit learning, and general cognition
remain largely intact.
Amnestic disorders resulting from bitemporal or diencephalic insults are the most frequently studied and similar
in their neuropsychological profiles. Although early studies
suggested that individuals with bitemporal amnesias have a
more rapid forgetting rate, McKee and Squire (1992) found
equivalent forgetting curves for pictures when severity of
amnesia was controlled. Both subtypes of amnesia display
a degree of retrograde amnesia (Kopelman, Stanhope, &
Kingsley, 1999). Bauer, Grande, and Valenstein (2003)
argue that despite these similarities, some deficits are
unique to patients with diencephalic amnestic disorders;
although some studies suggest patients with Korsakoff ’s
syndrome display a unique deficit in memory for temporal order (e.g., Squire, 1982; Kopelman et al., 1999), others
fail to support this finding (Downes et al., 2002).
Amnestic Disorder
Basal forebrain amnesia typically results from vascular lesions or aneurysm surgery in the region of the
anterior communicating artery. After basal forebrain
damage, patients may demonstrate extensive anterograde
amnesia (Bottger et al., 1998; Tidswell et al., 1995).
Confabulation is common and may relate to the extent
of orbitofrontal involvement (Hashimoto, Tanaka, &
Nakano, 2000), but it often subsides following the acute
phase while the amnestic state remains. There is evidence
that patients with basal forebrain amnesia benefit from
the presentation of cues to enhance recall (Osimani et al.,
famous individuals. The aspects of memory that remain
intact in classic amnestic disorder patients (such as semantic memory and motor skill learning) should also be
The main differential diagnoses to consider include
delirium and dementia. Delirium is defined by a disturbance in attention and consciousness, both of which are
intact in amnestic disorders. Although dementias present
similarly to amnestic disorders in that patients often present with memory impairments, cognitive decline (rather
than stability) occurs and impairments in other cognitive
domains such as language or executive functions are
As amnestic disorders are defined by deficits in new
learning, memory is the cognitive domain that should
be emphasized within a neuropsychological evaluation
that also includes assessment of other areas of cognitive
function such as orientation, attention, language, executive functions, visuospatial skills, and psychological functioning. Patients fitting the classic amnestic disorder
profile will exhibit deficits in memory with generally
intact cognition within other domains.
It is important to establish the specific nature of
patients’ memory impairments. Immediate memory
span (typically assessed through tests such as Digit and
Spatial Span from the Wechsler Memory Scales) should
be within the normal range. Anterograde learning may
be assessed with measures such as list learning, story
learning, or figure memory. While patients will be able
to retain items and repeat them back as long as they
can keep them in memory, learning curves are typically
flat, and an intervening distractor task will cause items
to be lost completely. The use of cues or yes/no recognition format, which typically facilitates memory in
most individuals, will not aid recall in these patients.
Explicit anterograde learning will be equally impaired
regardless of the type of memory test (free recall, cued
recall, and recognition), stimulus material (e.g., words,
pictures, and sounds), and sensory modality through
which information is acquired (e.g., visual, auditory,
and somatosensory).
In addition, retrograde amnesia and memory for remote events can be examined in a qualitative manner
by inquiring about autobiographical events as well as
memories that one can assume to be present in most
people from a given society such as pictures of
Treatment of amnestic disorders is nonspecific and
focused primarily on management of symptoms. Cognitive rehabilitation and memory training programs, which
emphasize the teaching of mnemonic strategies or the
use of external memory aids such as note-taking or
audiotaping in order to enhance patients’ functioning in
daily life, have been used to improve memory in individuals with dementia and other disorders. Theoretically,
these programs would be useful for individuals with
amnestic disorders. However, without the ability for
patients to consciously recall they have learned these
strategies and remember to implement them, these programs are likely of little value for patients with amnestic
The use of pharmacologic agents to treat amnestic
disorders is not well studied, and large randomized controlled trials are lacking. In an open-label pilot study,
Benke et al. (2005) administered donepezil, a cholinesterase inhibitor, to patients with a chronic amnestic syndrome from a ruptured and repaired aneurysm of the
anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral, or
pericallosal artery. Some measures of performance on a
list-learning task improved significantly during the
12-week medication administration period, suggesting
future double-blinded controlled studies would be useful
to more thoroughly examine the potential utility of
cholinergic medications.
In addition, due to their memory impairment, patients
are likely to experience impairments in their social and
vocational activities and may also require supervised
living situations and a guardian for legal and medical
Amnestic Syndromes
Cross References
▶ Amnesia
▶ Amnestic Syndrome
▶ Dissociative Amnesia
▶ Korsakoff ’s Syndrome
▶ Temporal Lobectomy
References and Readings
Bauer, R. M., Grande, L., & Valenstein, E. (2003). Amnesic disorders. In
K. M. Heilman, & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (pp.
495–573). New York: Oxford University Press.
Benke, T., Köylü, B., Delazer, M., Trinka, E., & Kemmler, G., (2005).
Cholinergic treatment of amnesia following basal forebrain lesion
due to aneurysm rupture – an open-label pilot study. European
Journal of Neurology, 12, 791–796.
Bottger, S., Prosiegel, M., Steiger, H., & Yassouridis, A. (1998). Neurobehavioral disturbances, rehabilitation outcome, and lesion site in
patients after rupture and repair of anterior communicating artery
aneurysm. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 65,
Caine, D., & Watson, J. D. G. (2000). Neuropsychological and neuropathological sequelae of cerebral anoxia: a critical review. Journal of the
International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 86–99.
Corkin, S. (2002). What’s new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature
Reviews: Neuroscience, 3, 153–160.
Downes, J. J., Mayes, A. R., MacDonald, C., & Hunkin, N. M.
(2002). Temporal order memory in patients with Korsakoff ’s
syndrome and medial temporal amnesia. Neuropsychologia, 40,
Hashimoto, R., Tanaka, Y., & Nakano, I. (2000). Amnesic confabulatory
syndrome after focal basal forebrain damage. Neurology, 54,
Kopelman, M. D., Stanhope, N., & Kingsley, D. (1999). Retrograde
amnesia in patients with diencephalic, temporal lobe or frontal
lesions. Neuropsychologia, 37, 939–958.
McKee, R. D., & Squire, L. R. (1992). Both hippocampal and diencephalic
amnesia result in normal forgetting for complex visual material.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 14, 103.
Osimani, A., Vakil, E., Blinder, G., Sobel, R., & Abarbanel, J. M. (2006).
Basal forebrain amnesia: a case study. Cognitive and Behavioral
Neurology, 19, 65–70.
Scoville, W. B., & Milner, B. (1957). Loss of recent memory after bilateral
hippocampal lesions. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 20, 11–21.
Squire, L. R. (1982). Comparisons between forms of amnesia: some
deficits are unique to Korsakoff ’s syndrome. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cogntion, 8, 560–571.
Tidswell, P., Dias, P. S., Sagar, H. J., Mayes, A. R., & Battersby, R. D. E.
(1995). Cognitive outcome after aneurysm rupture: relationship to
aneurysm site and perioperative complications. Neurology, 45,
Utley, T. F. M., Ogden, J. A., Gibb, A., McGrath, N., & Anderson, N. E.
(1997). The long-term neuropsychological outcome of herpes simplex encephalitis in a series of unselected survivors. Neuropsychiatry,
Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 10, 180–189.
Amnestic Syndromes
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University
School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
Short Description or Definition
The amnesic syndromes are a collection of neurological
disorders characterized by a dense global amnesia that
includes both anterograde and retrograde components
(▶ Anterograde Amnesia and Retrograde Amnesia).
The amnesic syndromes can be classified according to
cause or site of damage. Etiologically, they are caused by
cerebrovascular disease, herpes simplex encephalitis,
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, anoxia, anterior communicating artery aneurysm (ACoA), and tumors. Neuropathologically, amnesia can arise from damage to the
medial temporal lobes, the midline diencephalic nuclei,
the basal forebrain, or from disruption of some of their
interconnections such as the fornix. Most amnesic syndromes are chronic, and are due to structural damage to
critical brain structures, but amnesia can also be transient,
due to functional disruption of these brain structures (see
Transient Global Amnesia).
Neuropsychology of the Amnesic
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE)
HSE is a viral infection of the brain that begins as a flulike illness with headaches and fever, followed by lethargy,
confusion, and disorientation. If left untreated, amnesia,
agnosia, and aphasia can develop. Patients who do not
undergo a complete recovery can suffer a broad range of
cognitive deficits that persist, but some are left with only
an isolated amnesic syndrome. Their Presentation is similar to that of HM who became unable to form new
memories after undergoing a neurosurgical operation in
which a large portion of the medical temporal region of
his brain was removed bilaterally.
Neuropathologically, the virus preferentially infects
limbic regions in the temporal lobe including the
Amnestic Syndromes
hippocampus and adjacent entorhinal, perirhinal and
parahippocampal cortices, as well as the amygdala and
polar limbic cortices. Damage often extends to the lateral
aspect of the temporal lobe, damaging the anterolateral
aspect, the inferior aspect, or both. Anterior extension of
damage into ventromedial areas such as the insular cortex
and the basal forebrain has also been documented. The
severity of memory impairment following HSE shows
substantial variation that is directly proportional to the
extent of medial temporal lobe damage (Stefanacci, Buffalo, Schmolck, & Squire, 2000). Lesions are often asymmetrical, and this will define the clinical presentation. If
damage to the left temporal region is greater, verbal
memory problems dominate, whereas if right temporal
damage is greater, nonverbal aspects of memory are predominantly impaired, such as memory for faces and
designs. Patients whose lesions extend into lateral temporal regions may also suffer from a severe retrograde amnesia that is thought to be due to damage to convergence
zones in anterior temporal areas. Damage primarily to
right anterior temporal regions is more likely to result in a
loss of personal episodic memories (O’Connor, Butters,
Miliotis, Eslinger, & Cermak, 1992), and that to the left
temporal cortex is associated with loss of semantic knowledge (DeRenzi, Liotti, & Nichelli, 1987). Cases with unusual category-specific semantic impairments have also
been described, such as differential loss of knowledge of
concrete versus abstract concepts or animate versus inanimate concepts.
Anoxic brain injury can result from any of a number of
diverse etiologies including cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, carbon monoxide poisoning, or drug overdose.
These clinical conditions all diminish or cut off the supply
of oxygen to the brain, either through reduced blood flow
or reduced blood oxygen saturation. The physiological
consequences of such anoxic events are complex. Brain
areas particularly vulnerable to anoxic injury include the
hippocampus, basal ganglia, and watershed areas of the
cerebral cortex. The clinical manifestations of anoxia are
highly variable, but memory impairment is a common
manifestation. A review of 58 studies of cerebral anoxia
showed that while damage to hippocampal structures was
common, damage restricted to the hippocampus was seen
in only 18% of patients (Caine & Watson, 2000). Accordingly, in a majority of patients, memory impairment
occurs in the context of generalized cognitive impairment.
Significant changes in executive abilities and motor
functioning are particularly common (Lim et al., 2004).
In a minority of patients, anoxic injury leads to isolated
Relatively selective developmental amnesia has been
documented in children and adolescents who experienced
an anoxic event shortly after birth. Gadian et al. (2000)
reported on five cases, all of whom had selective bilateral
hippocampal atrophy. Neuropsychological results revealed
that all of the children performed poorly on tasks of episodic memory, but attention, reasoning abilities, and visuospatial skills were intact. Strikingly, these children were
able to acquire a considerable amount of new semantic
knowledge, as indicated by the fact that they were successfully able to attend mainstream schools. The relative preservation of semantic learning in these children has been
ascribed to the integrity of subhippocampal cortical areas,
including entorhinal and perirhinal cortices.
Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome
▶ Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome.
Cerebrovascular Accidents
Bilateral posterior cerebral artery (PCA) infarction is a
well-recognized cause of amnesia. Because the left and
right PCA arise from the bifurcation of a common source,
strokes that occur upstream from the bifurcation can affect
the medial temporal lobes bilaterally, causing a dense
global amnesia. Neuroanatomical studies of patients with
PCA infarction have revealed that lesions in the posterior
parahippocampus or the collateral isthmus (a pathway
connecting the posterior parahippocampus to association
cortex) are critical for the memory impairment (Von
Cramon, Hebel, & Schuri, 1988). When damage extends
posteriorly to include occipitotemporal cortices, deficits
beyond amnesia are often seen.
Early in their clinical course, patients with PCA infarction exhibit a global confusion that eventually resolves
into an isolated amnestic syndrome or may be associated
with additional neuropsychological deficits, such as visual
field defects, alexia, color agnosia, or anomia. The memory disturbance is characterized by a classic profile of
consolidation deficits in the context of normal working
memory and normal intelligence. There may or may not
be associated retrograde amnesia. Memory problems have
also been described with unilateral, usually left, PCA
infarction. In such cases, the memory impairment can
be transient or permanent, and is typically limited to
verbal material. Memory deficits in patients with right
Amnestic Syndromes
PCA have been less well studied, but such examination is
complicated by the perceptual problems that frequently
accompany right PCA infarction.
Thalamic strokes can also lead to significant memory
loss. Because the relevant thalamic centers are small and
adjacent to one another, it is difficult to establish associations between site of damage and clinical deficits. A recent
review (Van der Werf et al., 2000) suggests that damage to
the mammillo-thalamic tract (MTT) invariably causes
anterograde amnesia, and that no amnesia occurs in the
absence of damage to the MTT. Medial dorsal lesions
cause a memory disturbance that is mild in comparison
to the severe amnesia that arises when the lesion extends
to the MTT. Patients with thalamic amnesia exhibit executive dysfunction, increased sensitivity to interference,
and variability in the persistence and extent of retrograde
ACoA Aneurysm
Rupture of ACoA can result in a memory disorder that
ranges from mild to severe. The ACoA provides blood
supply to the basal forebrain, the anterior cingulate, the
anterior hypothalamus, the anterior columns of the fornix, the anterior commissure, and the genu of the corpus
callosum. The pathological consequences of a ruptured
aneurysm may be a result of infarction directly, or secondary to subarachnoid hemorrhage, vasospasm, and
hematoma formation. Because of the various neuropathological consequences, the clinical profiles associated with
ACoA aneurysm are more variable than those seen with
diencephalic or medial temporal lobe injuries, and the
impairments are often more global in nature (DeLuca &
Diamond, 1995).
The acute phase of recovery following rupture and
repair of ACoA aneurysm is characterized by a severe
confusional state and a marked attentional disorder. As
the confusion resolves, memory problems become more
apparent. These can vary from mild impairments to severe amnesia. A temporally graded retrograde amnesia is
also frequently present. Other symptoms, including executive dysfunction, confabulation, and poor insight, are
likely to be part of the resulting clinical syndrome if the
lesion extends to the medial frontal lobes. The clinical
outcome of patients with more extensive lesions is typically worse than that of patients with lesions limited to the
basal forebrain.
The amnesia associated with ACoA aneurysm has a
marked frontal dysexecutive component. Performance on
recognition tests is often better preserved than on recall
tests, particularly following a delay. This reflects a disruption of strategic retrieval processes that allow access to
information stored in memory. Deficient strategic memory processes also contribute to poor encoding, and the
use of organizational strategies at encoding can enhance
patients’ performance. A failure to adequately monitor
the outcome of memory search can also occur, and this
manifests as a tendency toward high level of false alarms
in recognition tests. In extreme cases, this can lead to
impairment in recognition memory that exceeds that
seen in recall. Other features linked to frontal dysfunction
include impaired source memory and temporal tagging.
Although a primary focus of the assessment in amnesia is
on memory function, it is important to assess other cognitive domains as well, including general intelligence,
attention, executive functions, language, semantic knowledge, and visuospatial skills. Such a comprehensive approach is required to distinguish whether a patient
presents with a pure amnesic syndrome or with memory
impairment in the context of more pervasive cognitive
difficulty. New learning abilities should be assessed by
measures of free recall, cued recall, and recognition, and
should examine both immediate and delayed retention.
Information derived from specific aspects of performance, such as the shape of the learning curve, comparison of recall and recognition performance, and effects of
delay, all provide important pointers to the nature of the
memory breakdown (e.g. inefficiencies in encoding, retrieval, or consolidation) and may inform remediation.
A variety of standardized tests are available to assess
memory function, and the reader is referred to Lezak,
Howieson, & Loring, 2004, for specific examples. The
most commonly used standardized memory test is the
Wechsler Memory Scale-III or IV, which consists of a
series of subtests that probe various aspects of verbal
and nonverbal memory in different formats. Assessment
of remote memory should cover knowledge of public
events and people, personal facts, and autobiographical
events. Such assessment can be challenging, because there
are few standardized measures available, and corroboration from a caregiver may be needed to establish the
accuracy of reported personal memories. With respect to
general fund of knowledge, areas of assessment include
knowledge of famous names and faces, public news
events, and new vocabulary that has recently entered the
language. Several structured interviews have been developed to examine recollection of personal events and facts.
Amnestic Syndromes
There is no pharmacological or cognitive treatment that
can restore memory in amnesia. However, cognitive rehabilitation approaches have been developed that aim at
fostering routines and habits that will increase independence, productivity, and quality of life. The choice of
rehabilitation approach should be informed by both cognitive and psychosocial/emotional factors. Cognitive factors include premorbid skills and abilities and current
neuropsychological functioning. A clear delineation of
impaired and preserved aspects of memory is critical to
guide rehabilitation efforts, as is identification of other
areas of cognitive impairment that might hamper therapeutic efforts. Of the psychosocial/emotional factors, insight and motivation are perhaps the two most influential
predictors of rehabilitation success. Patients need to have
some awareness of their deficits and have some degree of
internal drive to understand the value of, and engage in,
the rehabilitation process.
Several treatment approaches take advantage of preserved nondeclarative memory abilities to teach patients
new information or skills. One approach that capitalizes
on preserved implicit perceptual memory is the vanishing
cues technique. Patients are guided to provide the correct
information in response to perceptual cues, through the
use of implicit memory. Once successful, cues are gradually reduced, eventually leading to the spontaneous generation of the to-be-learned information. This technique has
proven successful for learning new vocabulary and concepts. Important caveats, however, are that such learning is
a slow and laborious process, and the information learned
is typically inflexible and only accessible in the exact form
it was learned. An important consideration in the use of
implicit memory techniques is the avoidance of errors, as
patients have no recollection of their mistakes and consequently, errors, just like correct responses, can be primed.
Other methods capitalize on preserved procedural
learning and use repetition to teach skills and habits that
support activities of daily living. Examples of external
compensatory aids that rely on procedural memory are
the use of notebooks, diaries, and alarm clocks. Electronic
devices such as computers, smartphones, and paging systems have great flexibility as compensatory aids, but training in the use of such technology requires very lengthy
practice sessions, and transfer of learning outside the
training sessions can be difficult. It is therefore most appropriate for individuals who have premorbid experience
with such devices and are highly motivated to use them.
For individuals with milder memory impairments, it
may also be possible to directly focus on enhancing
impaired forms of memory through the use of internal
strategies. The choice of strategy will be dependent on
the nature of the memory process that appears defective.
Examples of such techniques include enhanced organization of the to-be-learned information through chunking or categorizing, and elaboration of the material,
whether through verbal associations or the creation of
visual images. Such strategies fall under the category of
internal memory aids.
There are no specific methods of treatment available
to restore memories from the past. Information and pictures of emotionally neutral facts about one’s life can be
reintroduced and incorporated in the selected treatment
approach. However, emotionally laden facts, such as the
death of a family member, can trigger repeated emotional
responses that can interfere with adjustment and are best
avoided in the early stage of treatment. By nature,
relearned personal experiences about one’s life will be
recalled without the emotional texture of the original
event; however, they can play an important role in helping
patients fill in the narrative of their own life.
Cross References
▶ Anterograde Amnesia
▶ Retrograde Amnesia
▶ Transient Global Amnesia
References and Readings
Baddeley, A. D., Kopelman, M. D., & Wilson, A. W. (2002). The handbook
of memory disorders. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Caine, D., & Watson, J. D. G. (2000). Neurospsychological and neuropathological sequelae of cerebral anoxia: A critical review. Journal of
the International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 86–99.
DeLuca, J., & Diamond, B. J. (1995). Aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery: A review of neuroanatomical and neuropsychological sequelae. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,
17, 100–121.
DeRenzi, E., Liotti, M., & Nichelli, P. (1987). Semantic amnesia with
preservation of autobiographical memory: A case report. Cortex, 23,
Gadian, D. G., Aiardi J., Watkins, K. E., Porter, D. A., Mishkin, M., &
Vargha-Khadem, F. (2000). Developmental amnesia associated with
early hypoxic-ischaemic injury. Brain, 123, 499–507.
Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D. B., & Loring, D. W. (2004). Neuropsychological assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
O’Connor, M. G., Butters, N., Miliotis, P., Eslinger, P., & Cermak, L. S.
(1992). The dissociation of anterograde and retrograde amnesia in a
patient with herpes simplex encephalitis. Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, 14, 159–178.
Stefanacci, L., Buffalo, E. A., Schmolck, H., & Squire, L. R. (2000).
Profound amnesia after damage to the medial temporal lobe: A
Amnion Rupture
neuroanatomical and neuropsychological profile of patient E. P. The
Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 7024–7036.
Van der Werf, Y. D., Witter, M. P., Uylings, H. B., & Jolles, J. (2000).
Neuropsychology of infarctions in the thalamus: A review. Neuropsychologia, 38, 613–627.
Von Cramon, D., Hebel, N., & Schuri, U. (1988). Verbal memory and
learning in unilateral posterior cerebral infarction, Brain, 111,
Amnion Rupture
▶ Anencephaly
▶ Hemiinattention
▶ Neglect
▶ Neglect Syndrome
▶ Visual Neglect
▶ Apathy
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA, USA
Amorphognosis is that aspect of tactile agnosia which
refers specifically to deficits in the ability to appreciate
(identify) the external form of an object such as its shape,
size, or other contour features by tactual manipulation
alone. In the absence of more elementary somatosensory
disturbances resulting from either peripheral nerve or the
dorsal column system, such deficits suggest lesions in the
contralateral postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe or in its
adjacent association cortices.
Generic Name
Brand Name
Cross References
▶ Ahylognosia
▶ Astereognosis
▶ Tactile Agnosia
Tetracyclic antidepressant
References and Readings
Proposed Mechanism(s) of Action
Bauer, R. M., & Demery, J. A. (2003). Agnosia. In K. Heilman & E.
Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (4th ed., pp. 236–295).
New York: Oxford University Press.
Hecaen, H., & Albert, M. L. (1978). Chapter 6. Disorders of somesthesis
and somatognosis. In Human neuropsychology. New York: Wiley.
Amoxapine inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and noradrenaline. It is also known to antagonize Serotonin 2A
receptors, thus increasing presynaptic release of amines.
Mild Dopamine 2 blockade.
Reactive depressive disorder, psychotic depression, and
depression accompanied by anxiety or agitation.
Off Label Use
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA, USA
Depressive phase of a bipolar disorder, anxiety, insomnia,
neuropathic pain, and treatment resistant depression.
Side Effects
Dextroamphetamine; Dexedrine
Paralytic ileus, hyperthermia, lowered seizure threshold,
sudden death, cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, QTc prolongation, hepatic failure, intraocular pressure, mania,
and potential for activation of suicidal ideation.
Blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, increased
appetite, dry mouth, diarrhea, heartburn, weight gain,
fatigue, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, sexual dysfunction,
sweating, rash, and itching. Can cause extrapyramidal
symptoms such as akathisia and potentially tardive
References and Readings
Physicians’ Desk Reference (62nd ed.). (2007). Montvale, NJ: Thomson
Stahl, S. M. (2007). Essential psychopharmacology: The prescriber’s guide
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Additional Information
Drug Interaction Effects: http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html
Drug Molecule Images: http://www.worldofmolecules.com/drugs/
Free Drug Online and PDA Software: www.epocrates.com
Gene-Based Estimate of Drug interactions: http://mhc.daytondcs.com:
8080/cgi bin/ddiD4?ver=4&task=getDrugList
Pill Identification: http://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html
Amphetamine refers to a group of synthetic chemicals with
psychoactive stimulant effects. There are two forms, dextro-amphetamine (D-amphetamine) and levo-amphetamine (L-amphetamine), of which D-amphetamine is the
more biologically active. Chemical modifications to the
basic structure have produced derivatives with even more
potent psychoactive properties. For example, addition of
a second methyl group to the chemical structure creates
methamphetamine, a highly addictive drug. Modification
of the benzene ring of the amphetamine structure creates
methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) or Ecstasy,
another drug with high addiction and abuse potential
(Iversen, Iversen, Bloom, & Roth, 2009).
The behavioral effects of amphetamine include
increased alertness, confidence, and euphoria. The drug
also reduces fatigue and enhances performance on cognitive tasks, possibly by increasing attention and working
memory. However, cognitive enhancement is not a universal effect. Reportedly, working memory is enhanced
only among those with poor ability and may be detrimental to those with high ability (Iversen et al., 2009).
In animals, there is a dose-dependent effect of increasing
activity such as locomotion and at higher doses, stereotyped motor behaviors. The reinforcing properties of
amphetamine have been demonstrated in operant conditioning studies. The drug also increases systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate, among its
other autonomic nervous system effects (Feldman, Meyer,
& Quenzer, 1997). Amphetamine or its derivatives have
been used for clinical purposes (see History). However, its
clinical use has been limited due to its abuse potential and
dangerous autonomic effects (Iversen et al., 2009).
The biological mechanism underlying the psychoactive effects of amphetamine is believed to occur by
enhancing the release and blocking the reuptake of the
monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin (Feldman et al., 1997; Iversen et al.,
2009). At high doses, the drug also inhibits the metabolism of catecholamines by the enzyme monoamine oxidase. Chronic use of amphetamine has been associated
with damage to selective dopamine and serotonin
neurons and receptors (Feldman et al., 1997; GouzoulisMayfrank & Daumann, 2009). Methamphetamine is also
a potent neurotoxin, although its toxic effects predominantly involve the serotonergic system (Feldman et al.,
1997; Gouzoulis-Mayfrank & Daumann, 2009). The reinforcing properties of amphetamine are hypothesized to
reflect increased dopamine neurotransmission in the subcortical structure, the nucleus accumbens.
Historical Background and Clinical
First introduced and marketed as a nasal or bronchial
decongestant in the 1930s, amphetamine was sought for
its psychoactive effects and as an appetite suppressant. It
was used in the military to enhance attention and counteract the effects of sleep deprivation (Iversen et al., 2009;
Meyer & Quenzer, 2005). Amphetamine and its derivatives have also been used for the treatment of narcolepsy,
attentional problems, and as a stimulant in the general
population (Meyer & Quenzer, 2005).
Over time, the addictive properties of amphetamine
were realized, particularly of its potent derivatives. The
acute effects of amphetamine-based drugs are enhanced
by use of a rapid route of administration such as intravenous injection. Following a short-term ‘‘rush’’ however, a
period of restless agitation, depression, irritability, and
other negative symptoms ensues. Repeated, continuous
administrations are followed by a let down, with a prolonged period of sleep. This alternating cycle, when repeated, results in a substantial physical toll on the body.
As with other drugs of abuse, dependence and tolerance
can develop with chronic use, leading to the administration of increasing doses to achieve the desired effects.
With sustained chronic use, negative effects may emerge.
These include repetitive, stereotyped behaviors as well as
a psychotic syndrome consisting of hallucinations and
paranoid delusions. This syndrome, known as ‘‘amphetamine psychosis’’ is notably similar to the symptoms of
paranoid schizophrenia and has provided some support
for the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. However,
qualitative differences between the two conditions also
exist (e.g., greater tendency for visual hallucinations to
occur in amphetamine psychosis vs. schizophrenia;
Iversen et al., 2009). As reported above, other negative
effects of chronic amphetamine abuse include neurotoxic
damage to neurotransmitter systems. Impairments in attention and memory have also been reported which may persist
even after a period of prolonged abstinence (GouzoulisMayfrank & Daumann, 2009; Iversen et al., 2009).
Future Directions
Research into the psychoactive and behavioral effects of
amphetamine has helped advance knowledge of the psychological role of several monoamine neurotransmitters
and their relevance to clinical conditions such as addiction and schizophrenia and the neurochemistry underlying some cognitive processes such as attention and
working memory. Future research will undoubtedly utilize advances in technology to elucidate the neural structures and pathways associated with reward circuits
involved in addictions, examine the neuroplasticity of
the nervous system after chronic abuse, and clarify the
moderating role of genetics in the behavioral response to
amphetamine and other compounds (Iversen et al., 2009).
Cross References
▶ D-Amphetamine
▶ Dopamine
References and Readings
Feldman, R. S., Meyer, J. S., & Quenzer, L. F. (1997). Stimulants: Amphetamine and cocaine. In Principles of neuropsychopharmacology
(pp. 549–568). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E., & Daumann, J. (2009). Neurotoxicity of drugs
of abuse-the case of methylenedioxyamphetamines (MDMA,
ecstasy), and amphetamines. Dialogues in clinical Neuroscience, 11,
Iversen, L. L., Iversen, S. D., Bloom, F. E., & Roth, R. H. (2009). Psychostimulants. In Introduction to neuropsychopharmacology (pp. 447–
472). New York: Oxford University Press.
Meyer, J. S., & Quenzer, L. F. (2005). Psychomotor stimulants: Cocaine
and the amphetamines. In Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the brain and
behavior (pp. 292–300). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
▶ Assessment of Motor Process Skills
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Current Knowledge
‘‘Music’’ involves both complex qualities such as familiar
melodies, rhythm, or tempo, and more elementary
aspects such as discrimination of timbre, pitch, or
tone. While lesions of the temporal lobes are fairly
consistently implicated, the hemispheric localization of
lesions responsible for specific deficits has been more
controversial. Music, like language, is composed of individual, temporally sequenced stimuli (musical notes,
melodies, tunes), each capable of being analyzed with
regard to particular features such as pitch and timbre,
functions that would appear to be more in keeping with
the suspected operations of the left hemisphere. By contrast, melodies may also be perceived as a gestalt, which
is more characteristic of right hemisphere functions.
There is evidence that well-trained musicians come to
rely more heavily on the left hemisphere for processing
certain aspects of music when compared with non-musicians. However, the right hemisphere evidences superiority for both the perception and expression of music in
studies of non-musicians. Thus, the strategies by which
various musical elements are approached, as well as the
leading hemisphere in appreciating those elements, are
most likely determined in part by one’s prior musical
experience or training. In summary, while both the right
and left hemispheres are apparently involved in the
expression and perception or appreciation of music, the
specific contributions of each are still somewhat of a
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA, USA
Amygdaloid body; Amygdaloid nucleus
Historical Background
The amygdala was originally described by Burdach in the
late nineteenth century as an almond-shaped structure
situated deep in the anterior temporal lobe of the central
nervous system. The amygdala was subsequently shown to
be important for the appropriate processing of emotional
information in nonhuman primates by Kluver and Bucy
in the 1930s. This permitted McLean to include the amygdala in the group of brain structures that make up the
limbic system thought to be involved in processing
of emotional information. Since then progress has
continued toward understanding the role that the amygdala plays in processing and encoding emotional information in the mammalian central nervous system.
Current Knowledge
The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure located in
the medial temporal lobe of mammals. However, the first
description of this almond-shaped structure only referred
to a portion of the amygdala called the basal nucleus.
Currently, the amygdala is described as a collection of
different subnuclei or subareas, one of which is the basal
nucleus. The nuclei have been grouped together based on
their phylogenetic similarities or similarities in their neuronal elements. Older phylogenetic nuclei include the
olfactory areas (i.e., cortical nucleus and nucleus of the
olfactory tract) and the central and medial nuclei. More
recent phylogenetic structures include areas similar to the
neocortex such as the lateral, basal, and accessory basal
nuclei, which are collectively referred to as the basolateral
region or complex. Based on similarities in their neuronal
components, various nuclei of the amygdala have been
defined as neocortical-like nuclei (such as the basolateral
complex) that consist of glutamatergic pyramidal-like neurons or striatal-like nuclei (such as the central and medial
nuclei) that consist of GABAergic medium spiny neurons.
In humans, the amygdala is located under the uncus
of the limbic lobe at the anterior end of the hippocampus.
It also merges with the periamygdaloid cortex and abuts
the putamen and tail of caudate nucleus. As a whole, the
amygdala receives diverse inputs from throughout the
central nervous system. The basolateral complex receives
inputs encoding somatosensory, visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and visceral information from the dorsal
thalamus, prefrontal cortex, cingulate, parahippocampal
gyrus, insular cortex, and sensory associational areas.
The central and medial nuclei receive inputs from olfactory centers, hypothalamus (ventromedial and lateral),
dorsomedial and medial nuclei of the thalamus, and visceral inputs from the parabrachial nuclei, solitary nucleus
and periaqueductal gray of the brainstem. Outputs from
the amygdala are equally diverse. They leave via two
predominant pathways. The central nucleus contributes
to the stria terminalis where its efferents make connections with the hypothalamus (preoptic nuclei, ventromedial nucleus, anterior nucleus, and lateral hypothalamic
areas), nucleus accumbens, septal nuclei, and rostral portions of the caudate and putamen. However, the primary
output of the amygdala is the ventral amygdalofugal
pathway. Through this pathway, the basolateral complex
sends inputs to the hypothalamus, septal nuclei, sustantia
innominata, prefrontal, cingulate, insular, and inferior
temporal cortices. Through the same pathway, the central
nucleus projects diffusely in the brainstem innervating the
dorsal vagus, raphe, locus coeruleus, parabrachial nuclei,
and the periaqueductal gray. It is the interplay between the
diverse afferents projecting to the amygdala, processing
within the amygdala, and the effect of the amygdala on its
targets that contribute to the emotional assessment of
incoming sensory information and coordinated behavioral responses.
Most of what is known about human amygdala
function comes from studies of patients with damage to
the amygdala. However, most damage in humans is not
restricted to the amygdala alone and patients with damage
to larger areas of the medial temporal lobe have more
profound deficits. Nonetheless, patients with temporal
lobe damage including the amygdala display a number
of emotional and inappropriate behavioral deficits.
These include impaired fear responses, hypersexuality,
hyperorality, and hyperattention. These behaviors were
originally described by Kluver and Bucy in nonhuman
Much of what is known about functional circuitry
within the amygdala and how it relates to encoding of
emotion has been gleaned from studies in rodents. The
amygdala can be divided into many subareas based on
functional circuitry. Lateral to the amygdala is the piriform cortex, which encodes olfactory information. Olfactory information from the piriform cortex, and other
olfactory structures, projects to the most ventral and
lateral portion of the amygdala, the cortical nuclei. The
cortical nuclei in turn project medially to the ventrally
located medial nuclei, which is a major output for olfactory information from the amygdala. However, less is
known about the ventrally located olfactory associated
amygdala nuclei compared to the more dorsal multisensory nuclei. The more dorsal nuclei receive information
from all sensory modalities. The major inputs to the
amygdala innervate the lateral nuclei. The lateral nuclei
are the most dorsally located within the amygdala, medial
to the piriform cortex, and underneath the striatum. The
lateral nuclei receive associational inputs encoding a single sensation (somatosensory, visual, auditory, gustatory,
olfactory, or visceral). This is the first stage where sensory
input is assigned emotional value and also where some
emotional memories may be stored (however, the amygdala as a site for storing emotional memories remains a
contentious issue). Although the lateral nuclei projects to
multiple areas within and outside the amygdala, a major
output is the basal nuclei (located ventral to the lateral
nuclei) where the initial sensory processing of the lateral
nuclei is integrated with inputs from highly processed
areas including polymodal sensory areas and areas
involved in memory formation like the hippocampus.
The lateral and basal nuclei project medially to the central
nucleus either directly or indirectly through intercalated
cells (intercalated cells separate the basolateral complex
from the central and medial nuclei). The central nuclei
send much of the processed emotional content from the
amygdala to the rest of the brain. Thus, the central nucleus is seen as the output region of the amygdala. The central
nucleus produces emotional responses through its effects
on its various targets throughout the central nervous system. For example, the central nucleus produces arousal
through its innervation of modulatory systems in the
brain stem that release norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. Its input to the periaqueductal gray
produces freezing, startle, analgesia, and cardiovascular
changes associated with fear. It also innervates the parabrachial nucleus where it affects pain processing. Its inputs to
the dorsal motor vagal nucleus controls parasympathetic
nervous system function and it also affects vagal nerve
function through its projection to the solitary nucleus.
Finally, the central nuclei projects to the hypothalamus
where it controls the release of hormones and activates
the sympathetic nervous system.
In summary, the amygdala is a complex group of
nuclei that receive diverse inputs from various regions of
the central nervous system to assess emotional value.
Similarly, after extensive processing, its outputs innervate
a diverse group of regions in the central nervous system to
exert its effect. The result is that the amygdala is involved
in encoding fear, reward, aggression, sexual, maternal, and
ingestive behaviors. This results in effects on cognition,
attention, perception, and memory formation. Therefore,
it is not surprising that amygdala dysfunction has been
associated with anxiety disorders such as posttraumatic
stress disorder, phobias and panic attacks, depression, and
Amyloid Plaques
Future Directions
Most of what is known about emotional information
processing performed by the amygdala has been gleaned
from studies of fear conditioning. However, the amygdala
also likely plays a role in the encoding of positive emotions associated with rewarding stimuli. Currently, efforts
are being made toward understanding the different types
of emotional values encoded in the amygdala. Also, it
remains somewhat contentious whether emotional memory is actually stored by the amygdala. It is of great
interest to determine where emotional memories are
stored in the amygdala (possibly the lateral nuclei) and
precisely what types of memories are being stored by the
amygdala, that is, whether these memories are of conscious declarative forms or more procedural reflexive
forms. Understanding how the amygdala contributes to
the formation of different forms of emotional memory
will likely provide insights for the treatment of several
psychiatric illnesses such as posttraumatic stress disorder,
phobias, anxiety, and depression.
Cross References
▶ Efferent
▶ Insular Lobe
▶ Limbic System
▶ Locus Ceruleus
▶ Midbrain Raphe
▶ Neocortex
▶ Striatum
▶ Temporal Lobes
References and Readings
Ledoux, J. (2007). The amygdala. Current Biology, 17, 868–874.
Ledoux, J. E. (2000). Emotion circuits in the brain. Annual Review of
Neuroscience, 23, 155–184.
Phelps, E. A., & Ledoux, J. E. (2005). Contributions of the amygdala to
emotion processing: from animal models to human behavior. Neuron, 48, 175–187.
Sah, P., Faber, E. S., Lopez De Armentia, M., & Power, J. (2003). The
Amygdaloid complex: anatomy and physiology. Physiological
Reviews, 83, 803–834.
Amygdaloid Nucleus
▶ Amygdala
Amyloid Plaques
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
Diffuse plaques; Neuritic plaques; Senile plaques
Amyloid plaques refer to an aggregation of beta amyloid
protein found in the extracellular space between neurons in
the brain. Amyloid plaques may be of diffuse, pre-amyloid
type, or neuritic, mature senile type. The latter is recognized as one of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Mature amyloid plaques are spherical
in shape and consist of a central beta-amyloid core, fibrillary outward extensions, and surrounding dystrophic
neurites (elements of degenerating neurons). Unlike the
mature and senile plaques, diffuse plaques have an amorphous, irregular shape, and lack the surrounding neurites.
Current Knowledge
It is unknown if the diffuse plaques later form into senile
plaques. Both plaque types contain the amyloid b protein
(Ab), a portion of a larger neuronal transmembrane protein of unknown function. Other differences between
senile and diffuse plaques include their regional distribution in the brain. Diffuse plaques are common in the basal
ganglia structures of the caudate nucleus and putamen as
well as the cerebellum, where neuritic plaques are rare. In
AD, neuritic plaques are more commonly found in the
neocortex (Morris & Nagy, 2004).
References and Readings
Amygdaloid Body
▶ Amygdala
Morris, J. H., & Nagy, Z. (2004). Alzheimer’s disease. In M. M. Esiri,
V. M.-Y. Lee, & J. Q. Trojanowski (Eds.), The neuropathology of
dementia (2nd ed., pp. 161–206). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Lou Gehrig’s disease
Short Description or Definition
The features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) were
first described by Charcot in the nineteenth century. ALS
is a progressive, fatal neurodegenerative disease affecting
upper and lower motor neurons, although increasingly
ALS is recognized as a multisystem disorder whose manifestations may also include cognitive and behavioral
changes. Most patients present with motor neuron symptoms at disease onset, and as the disease progresses,
persons with ALS demonstrate impairments in speech,
swallowing, breathing, and use of upper and lower
limbs, with eventual paralysis. The cognitive changes,
the prevalence of which is not well studied but estimates
range from about 20 to 50%, most often involve executive
dysfunction. Deficits in visuospatial, language, and memory functions are more inconsistently observed. When
dementia is seen, it resembles a frontotemporal lobar
degeneration or frontotemporal dementia characterized
by personality change, irritability, diminution of insight,
poverty of planning, abstraction and initiation, and
Categorizations can be based on genetics, neurological
levels inferred from symptoms, and diagnostic probability.
At least eight familial variants of ALS (ALS 1–8) have been
identified, though the vast number of cases (about 90%) is
sporadic. Of these eight, six forms are inherited
in autosomal dominant manner, and two in autosomal
recessive manner.
Three neurological levels are most often identified in
the expression of ALS symptoms: bulbar, cervical, and
lumbar. A fourth (thoracic) level is rarely encountered
clinically. Persons with bulbar onset demonstrate problems with speech (dysarthria) and/or swallowing (dysphagia), and may have disease that affects lower or upper
motor neurons (or both), showing features of bulbar palsy
(facial weakness, limited palatal movement and lingual
atrophy, weakness, and fasciculation) and/or pseudobulbar palsy (emotional lability, dysarthria, and brisk jaw
jerk). Persons with cervical onset can also show upper
and or lower motor neuron involvement and have upper
limb signs. Such signs may include proximal weakness
(shoulder abduction as required in toothbrushing or
combing) or distal weakness (carrying out pincer grip
movements). Lumbar onset patients have involvement of
lower motor neurons and proximal weakness (e.g., difficulty in climbing stairs) or foot drop (resulting in
The most widely accepted clinical diagnostic criteria
(the El Escorial criteria) define definite ALS by the presence of both upper and lower motor neuron signs in three
regions, probable ALS by signs in two regions, possible
ALS by signs in one region, and suspected ALS by only
lower or upper motor neuron signs in one or more
regions. The suspected ALS category may be the most
controversial, and some consider the presence of only
upper motor neuron signs to represent primary lateral
sclerosis, while the presence of only lower motor neuron
signs represents spinal muscular atrophy.
Also controversial is the notion that FTD and ALS are
part of the same spectrum of disorders. This idea is
supported by observations that persons with ALS may
develop FTD and persons with FTD or primary progressive aphasia (PPA) may develop ALS as well as by pathologic (ubiquitin-positive, tau-negative, and synucleinnegative neuronal inclusions in some forms of ALS and
FTD) and genetic findings. Nonetheless, some propose a
categorization of ALS dependent upon the presence or
absence of cognitive and behavioral features, namely ALS,
ALS with cognitive impairment, ALS with behavioral impairment, and ALS with FTD. This categorization apparently fails to consider that about 25% of patients may have
both cognitive and behavioral abnormalities.
The incidence of ALS is about 1.5–2.5 per 100,000 per
year and a prevalence of about 6 per 100,000. Prevalence
and incidence of cognitive impairment is not well studied,
but it has been estimated that cognitive impairment
occurs in 20–50% of patients. Although one study in a
specialty clinic indicated a prevalence of FTD features in
about 40% of patients with ALS, this might represent an
overestimate, given sampling bias, and the figure may be
as low as 5%.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
Incidence of ALS peaks in the 60s and drops rapidly
thereafter. A broad estimate of mortality is that 50% of
patients do not survive beyond 3 years from symptom
onset, but that some may survive 10 years or more. Three
epidemiologic studies provide fairly consistent survival
data using time of diagnosis as the reference point
(though diagnostic confirmation may lag onset by 13–18
months): 78% at 1 year, 56% at 2 years, and 32% at
4 years. Several factors are associated with poorer prognosis: low-forced vital capacity, bulbar onset (often less
tolerant of forced ventilation), older age at onset, and
shorter interval between first symptom and presentation.
Patients attending tertiary and specialized ALS clinics
tend to show longer survival and treatment with riluzole,
on average, extends life by 3 months. Longer survival is
seen in persons with only upper or lower motor neuron
disease, though as noted, it is controversial whether variants such as primary lateral sclerosis are ALS.
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Most common among cognitive declines in ALS is executive dysfunction. Card sorting tasks demanding of conceptualization and cognitive flexibility are less sensitive to
executive deficits in ALS than are verbal fluency tasks
demanding initiation and deployment of efficient word
retrieval strategies. Retrieval of verbs, putatively more dependent upon frontal lobe integrity than upon phonemic
or semantic fluency tasks (requiring word retrieval by
initial sound or membership in semantic categories, respectively) may be the most susceptible to ALS. Verbal
fluency decrements are observed even if one controls for
motor and speech impairments. Another task sensitive to
deficits in ALS, and particularly to pseudobulbar ALS, are
Tower tasks that place a premium on spatial working
memory and planning. Similarly, another test of working
memory (digit span backward, requiring examinees to
repeat increasingly long series of digits in reverse order of
presentation) has also been shown to be sensitive to ALS.
Language (unlike motor speech) is less likely disrupted by ALS, although language task impairments are
observed in patients with ALS and dementia. Despite
performing well on nonverbal semantic knowledge and
grammar tasks, patients with ALS and dementia perform
poorly on verbal tasks, making semantic paraphasic errors
on naming tests. Some studies have observed tendencies
toward echolalia, stereotypy of expression, and perseveration in ALS.
When deficits in memory are observed in ALS,
they are more likely to be evident on immediate than
delayed recall tasks. Some take this to implicate poorer
executive control over encoding processes, whereas others
might invoke slowed information processing as an explanation. The finding that patients can benefit disproportionately from the provision of recognition cues relative
to free recall formats suggests that retrieval deficits might
also be implicated, or that shallow levels of encoding are
sufficient to support recognition but not recall.
Concerning behavioral changes, rating scales have
revealed that as many as two thirds of persons with ALS
show one or more of irritability, disinhibition, inflexibility, restlessness, and apathy. Apathy and questionable or
poor social judgment are more likely to be observed in
patients with bulbar onset ALS. Surprisingly, although
reactive depressive reactions may occur after diagnosis,
major depression is quite rare among ALS patients (about
10%). Symptoms of depression are common, occurring in
about half of patients. Persons with ALS may in particular
experience hopelessness and end-of-life concerns. Pathological laughing or crying, as seen in pseudobulbar syndromes, should not be confused with depression.
Although consensus guidelines for assessment of cognition in ALS are expected in the future; currently only older
suggestions are available. Experimental modifications of
tests to eliminate timing and minimize motor requirements, while facilitating patient performance, have
unknown sensitivity. Persons with hypophonic speech
might be provided an amplifier. Computers as augmentative communication devices, while not practical in traditional neuropsychological assessment, can be helpful in
interviewing the patient. Yes–no or forced-choice recognition paradigms might allow patients to demonstrate
knowledge of memoranda.
Verbal fluency tests are likely to be helpful in determining which patients might require fuller evaluations because
traditional screening instruments, such as the Mini Mental
State Exam, are not sensitive to cognitive impairment in
ALS. In addition to measures of executive function, naming,
and memory, it is important to include in assessments selfor informant rating scales capturing behavioral changes
such as apathy, irritability, depression, disinhibition, etc.
Such measures are helpful in identifying those persons
with behavioral changes or the behavioral variant of FTD.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale
There are no curative treatments for ALS. The only drug
approved for ALS is riluzole, a glutamate release inhibitor
that shows moderate benefit and extends life on an average of 3 months. Palliative care (symptomatic control and
quality of life optimization in the absence of a cure) is
recommended from the outset, and numerous ameliorative therapies, often multidisciplinary, are available.
Cramps and spasticity can be treated with a variety of
medications including, for example, carbamazepine, quinine, baclofen, and tizanidine. Drooling can be treated
with anticholinergics such as scopolamine, although
there is a risk of confusion and memory problems in
older patients, and amitriptyline, which may also alleviate
depression and pathological laughing and crying, may be
preferable. Speech therapy is helpful both for swallowing
problems and dysarthria, although ultimately, severe
swallowing problems necessitate change in diet and choking may necessitate percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
(PEG) placement. When communication becomes too
difficult due to speech problems or difficulty breathing,
computers can be used to facilitate communication,
in some cases even when paralysis is present. Because
breathing difficulty and shortness of breath can be distressing to the patient, a benzodiazepine or morphine use
is recommended. Respiratory insufficiency can be alleviated with noninvasive ventilation and later invasive
ventilation. Mood disturbances and family bereavement
issues can be dealt with by counseling and social work
intervention. Physical and occupational therapy may also
be helpful to facilitate mobility and, perhaps to lesser
extent, strength and range of motion.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Alzheimer Disease and Associated
Disorders, 21, S31–S38.
Brownlee, A., & Palovcak, M. (2007). The role of augmentative communication devices in the medical management of ALS. Neurorehabilitation, 22, 445–450.
Lewis, M., & Rushanan, S. (2007). The role of physical therapy and
occupational therapy in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurorehabilitation, 22, 451–461.
Logroscino, G., Traynor, B. J., Hardiman, O., Chio, A., Couratier, P.,
Mitchell, J. D., et al. (2008). Descriptive epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: New evidence and unsolved issues. Journal
of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 79, 6–11.
Lomen-Hoerth, C. (2008). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: From bench to
bedside. Seminars in Neurology, 28, 205–211.
McCluskey, L. (2007). Palliative rehabilitation and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis: A perfect match. Neurorehabilitation, 22, 407–408.
Mitchell, J. D., & Borasio, G. D. (2007). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Lancet, 369, 2031–2041.
Mitsumoto, H., & Rabkin, J. G. (2007). Palliative care for patients with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: ‘‘Prepare for the worst and hope for
the best’’. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298, 207–216.
Phukan, J., Pender, N. P., & Hardiman, O. (2007). Cognitive impairment
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lancet Neurology, 6, 994–1003.
Radunovic, A., Mitsumoto, H., & Leigh, P. N. (2007). Clinical care of
patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lancet Neurology, 6,
Strong, M. J., Grace, G. M., Orange, J. B., & Leeper, H. A. (1996).
Cognition, language, and speech in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A
review. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 18,
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Functional Rating Scale
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
San Jose, CA, USA
Cross References
▶ Assistive Technology
▶ Cortical Motor Pathways
▶ Frontal Lobes
▶ Frontal Temporal Dementia
▶ Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
▶ Speech
References and Readings
Averill, A. J., Kasarskis, E. J., & Segerstrom, S. C. (2007). Psychological
health in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis, 8, 243–254.
Boeve, B. F. (2007). Links between frontotemporal lobar degeneration,
corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy, and
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating
Scale is a validated instrument designed to assess the
functional status and the disease progression in patients
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is a tool that
can be used to monitor functional change in a patient
over time. The ALSFRS is a 10-item functional inventory
which was devised for use in therapeutic trials in ALS.
Each item is rated on a 0–4 scale, (with 0 being severely
Analysis of Variance
impaired and 4 being normal) by the patient and/or
caregiver, yielding a maximum score of 40 points. The
ALSFRS assesses the patients’ levels of self-sufficiency in
areas of self-feeding, grooming, ambulation and communication, and swallowing.
Historical Background
The ALSFRS was developed because then current used
clinimetric scales being utilized at the time were contaminated with impairment measurements did not measure
the broad range of disabilities that result from ALS, and
did not lend themselves to sub-score analysis that was
based entirely on disability components (Feinstein, 1987;
Louwerse et al., 1990; Streiner & Norman, 1989).
The ALSFRS is a validated rating instrument for monitoring the progression of disability in patients with ALS.
One weakness of the ALSFRS, as it was originally
designed, was that it granted disproportionate weighting
to limb and bulbar, as compared to respiratory dysfunction. The ALS Functional Rating Scale Revised version
that is also validated incorporates additional assessments
of dyspnea, orthopnea, and the need for ventilator
support. The Revised ALSFRS (ALSFRS-R) retains the
properties of the original scale and shows strong internal
consistency and construct validity.
hospital length of stay and survival time in ALS patients
treated with tracheostomy-intermittent positive-pressure
ventilation. Through observation and interview the evaluator assesses the following measures: speech, salivation,
swallowing, handwriting, cutting food/handling utensils,
turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes, walking,
climbing stairs, and breathing.
Cross References
▶ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
References and Readings
ALS CNTF Treatment Study (ACTS) Phase 1–11 Study Group. (1996).
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale. Assessment of activities of daily living in patients with Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis. Archives of Neurology, 53, 141–147.
Cedarbaum, J. M., & Stambler, N. (1997). Performance of the
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS)
in multicenter clinical trials. Journal of the Neurological Sciences,
152(Suppl 1), S1–S9.
Herndon, R. M. (2006). Handbook of neurologic rating scales (p. 96).
New York: Demos Medical Publishing.
Lo Coco, D., Marchese, S., La Bella, V., Piccoli, T., & Lo Coco, A. (2007).
The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis functional rating scale predicts
survival time in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients on invasive
mechanical ventilation. Chest, 132(1), 64–69.
Psychometric Data
The ALSFRS was developed as an internally consistent,
reliable, and valid measure of disability in ALS patients
as part of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (ALS CNTF) Treatment Study (ACTS
Phase 1–11 Study Group, 1996). The ability of the ALSFRS
to be responsive to change in the clinical status of ALS
patients was evaluated cross-sectionally and prospectively
over time in phase 1 and phase 2 studies of CNTF in ALS.
The ALSFRS has been validated both cross-sectionally
and longitudinally against muscle strength, the Schwab and
England ADL rating scale, the Clinical Global Impression
of Change (CGIC) scale, and independent assessments of
patient’s functional status (Cedarbaum & Stambler, 1997).
Clinical Uses
The ALSFRS is a straightforward instrument that can be
utilized across disciplines to assess the functional status of
an individual diagnosed with ALS. The tool has also been
utilized to evaluate the disease progression, predict
Analysis of Covariance
Analysis of Variance
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a method of examining
and evaluating possible statistical relations among
variables. ANOVA involves a general model of independent and dependent variables as well as a mathematical
model of calculating statistical relations among the variables. The independent variables are categorical in nature
and the dependent variables are continuous in nature.
Although ANOVA is frequently used to evaluate potential
causality in an experiment, a significant finding in an
ANOVA does not automatically indicate a casual relation.
The determination of causality requires experimental manipulation of the independent variables with subsequent
changes in the dependent variables. A finding of statistical
significance in ANOVA indicates the likelihood of a systematic relation between variables.
Cross References
Cross References
▶ Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
▶ Multivariate Analysis of Variance
▶ Dysarthria
References and Readings
Iverson, G. R., & Norpoth, H. (1987). Analysis of variance. Newbury Park,
CA: Sage Publications.
Watson, P. (2009). Review of analysis of variance and covariance: How to
choose and construct models for the life sciences. Psychological
Medicine, 39, 695–696.
Anarthria is speechlessness due to a severe loss of neuromuscular control over the speech musculature (Duffy,
2005). The term typically refers to the most severe form
of dysarthria. Language and cognition of the anarthric
patient may be intact but their disordered neuromuscular
system prevents speech. Anarthric patients have an intact
drive or motivation to speak but are unable. Writing
remains intact (Marcie & Hecaen, 1979). A lesion in the
outflow pathway from Broca’s area leads to anarthria
(Caplan & Chertkow, 1989, p. 295).
References and Readings
Caplan, D., & Chertkow, H. (1989). In D. P. Kuehn, M. L. Lemme, & J. M.
Baumgartner (Eds.), Neural bases of speech, hearing, and language.
Chapter 10 Neurolinguistics (pp. 292–302). Boston: College-Hill,
Little, Brown.
Duffy, J. R. (2005). Motor speech disorders: Substrates, differential diagnosis, and management. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
Marcie, P., & Hecaen, H. (1979). Agraphia: writing disorders associated
with unilateral cortical lesions. In K. M. Heilman & E. Valenstein
(Eds.), Clinical Neuropsychology (Chapter 4, p. 96). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
▶ Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics
Anarchic Hand
▶ Alien Hand Syndrome
Naval Medical Center
San Diego, CA, USA
Allegheny Neuropsychiatric Institute
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Analysis of covariance
ANCOVA or analysis of covariance is a variant of the
ANOVA model in which the statistical effect of a
nuisance variable is removed mathematically from the
analysis in order to clarify the relations between the
independent and the dependent variables. The optimal
situation would be if the independent variable levels or
groups were not related to the nuisance variable. However, if the nuisance variable is related to the dependent
variable and if the nuisance variable is systematically
represented among the independent variables, ANCOVA
may be used to partial out the statistical effect of the
nuisance variable or covariate. This is not a substitute for
removing the effect through experimental design. For
example, level of education may be statistically related
to performance on a memory test. If two groups of
depressed and nondepressed individuals differ systematically on the basis of their level of education, any
difference found with regard to performance on a
memory test might be due to the different level of
education. By employing ANCOVA and using education
level as the covariate, the researcher may have a
clearer understanding of the relation between the
presence of depression and performance on the memory
Although there are different mathematical methods
for conducting an ANCOVA including the use of multiple regression (which see), ANCOVA under the general
linear model provides a useful conceptualization of the
underlying idea. We can think of calculating the regression between the covariate and the dependent variable
and then residualizing the influence of the covariate.
Then an ANOVA can be conducted on the residual
values. In order to use ANCOVA, the data must satisfy
a few basic assumptions. There must be a linear relation
between the covariate and the dependent variable. The
slope of the regression for each group or level of the
independent variable must be the same. The error term
should be normally distributed with a mean of zero. The
covariate should not be affected by the independent
Cross References
▶ Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
References and Readings
Belin, T. R., & Normand, S.-L. T. (2009). The role of
ANCOVA in analyzing experimental data. Psychiatric Annals, 39,
Watson, P. (2009). Review of Analysis of variance and covariance: How to
choose and construct models for the life sciences. Psychological
Medicine, 39, 695–696.
Wildt, A. R. & Ahtola, O. T. (1978). Analysis of covariance. Beverly Hills:
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, USA
Amnion rupture; Congenital defects; Exencephaly; Lack
of neural tube closure; MRI; Neural tube defects
Short Description or Definition
Using ‘‘an’’ in front of an anatomical descriptor signifies
absence. Cephalic is Greek for head with encephalon
specifically referring to the brain. Therefore, the term
anencephaly is used to denote a congenital defect in the
development of the head, including the meninges, the
cranium, and the scalp and, in particular, abnormal
brain growth, with an almost completely diminished
prosencephalon (telencephalon þ diencephalon) or forebrain and only rudimentary development of the brain
Anencephaly results from the failure of closure of the
headend of the neural tube in early fetal development
(first 3–4 weeks) with subsequent neural tube defects
(NTD) including lack of formation of the brain, skull
and scalp. Loss of the forebrain includes loss of the two
cerebral hemispheres, the connecting corpus callosum,
neocortex, thalamus, hypothalamus and other structures
of the limbic system – the amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, ventricles, etc., and all of their connections
(Kolb & Whishaw, 2008). These structures comprise the
majority of human brain tissue and are required for
almost all sensation perception and basic physiological
functions including body temperature control, eating,
sleeping, and motor function, and cognition, language,
memory, emotion, thought processing, inhibition, decision making, and/or reasoning.
Anencephaly results from NTD (Cohen, 2002; Detrait
et al., 2005; Dias & Partington, 2004; Mitchell, 2005)
with approximately 1 in 1,000 births born with NTD;
these may be associated with genetics, nutrition, environment, or a combination of all three. There is a known
higher prevalence of females born with anencephaly NTD
as compared to males (James, 1980). Over the past 3
decades, worldwide research has found an association
between prenatal folic acid deficits leading to folate deficiencies (National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary
Supplements, 2009) and NTD (see also Calvo & Biglieri,
2008; Kondo, Kamihira, & Ozawa, 2009; Wolff, Witkop,
Miller, & Syed, 2009). While all the causes of open NTD
are not known, research indicates that daily consumption
of 4 mg/day of folic acid by women before and during
pregnancy brings about a 70% reduction in NTD (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 1991, 2008; Cornel &
Erickson, 1997; McLone, 2003; MRC Vitamin Study
Research Group, 1991).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
and Outcomes
With the major portion of an infant’s brain being
undeveloped, particularly the cerebrum, and coupled
with the brain often being exposed in utero, the anencephalic infant is frequently stillborn. An infant born alive
with anencephaly is, as a rule, blind, deaf, unconscious,
and may only reflexively respond. With only a basic brain
stem and a nonfunctioning cerebrum, prognosis is poor;
anencephalic infants will never gain consciousness and
will only have minimal reflex actions such as breathing.
There may be intermittent sound or touch responses;
however, no further progress can be expected (see
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke, 2010).
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Anencephaly
There is essentially no assessment that neuropsychological
testing can offer given the absence of cortical development
in the anencephalic infant who does survive. Such children have reflexive function only (i.e., breathing and
some responses to sound or touch can manifest) and
will rarely survive longer than a few hours or days.
Anencephaly. Figure 1 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of the head and neck 8 h after birth. (a) Sagittal
T1-weighted, (b) sagittal T2-weighted, and (c) coronal T1-weighted images show cranial schisis. The normal skin stops at the skull
base and encircles abnormally developed cerebral structures, the so-called area cerebrovasculosa (white arrows). Along the
border of the skull defect the skin seems to be in continuity with the superficial layer of the area cerebrovasculosa, probably the
pia mater (curved white arrow). The posterior fossa is funnel-shaped. A rudimentary brain stem (curved black arrows) and
primordium of cerebellum (small black arrows) are present. The cervical spine is normal (From Calzolari et al., 2004, With
Neuropsychologists should have an empathetic awareness
of this condition; they may be asked to consult with
parents and families about the nature of the infants’
deficits and the poor prognosis (Ashwal, 2005).
Although the pathogenesis of anencephaly is still not fully
understood, several studies suggest that exencephaly or the
lack of skull growth or separation following NTD allows
the cerebral tissue to be exposed in utero causing damage
from the amniotic fluid (Calzolari, Gambi, Garani, &
Tamisari, 2004). As can be seen in Fig. 1, even though
there are other anomalies of physical development
associated with the presence of anencephaly, the most
dramatic is a failure of brain development.
Ultimately, mortality rate is 100% with anencephaly.
Some anencephalic children do survive from hours to
days but rarely longer and in a persistent vegetative state
(Payne & Taylor, 1997); thus, treatment is purely supportive. The presence of a surviving infant with anencephaly
raises numerous ethical questions about care, treatment,
and maintenance (Batavia, 2002; Cook, Erdman, Hevia, &
Dickens, 2008; Obeidi, Russell, Higgins, & O’Donoghue,
2010), including the importance of continued research
for better ways to prevent and treat neurological birth
Cross References
▶ Ethics in the Practice of Neuropsychology
▶ Forebrain
▶ National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
▶ National Institutes of Health (NIH)
References and Readings
Ashwal, S. (2005). Recovery of consciousness and life expectancy of
children in a vegetative state. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,
15, 190–197.
Batavia, A. I. (2002). Disability versus futility in rationing health
care services: Defining medical futility based on permanent
unconsciousness – pvs, coma, and anencephaly. Behavioral Sciences
& The Law, 20, 219–233.
Calvo, E. B., & Biglieri, A. (2008). [impact of folic acid fortification on
women’s nutritional status and on the prevalence of neural tube
defects]. Archives of Argentina Pediatrics, 106, 492–498.
Calzolari, F., Gambi, B., Garani, G., & Tamisari, L. (2004). Anencephaly:
MRI findings and pathogenetic theories. Pediatric Radiology,
34, 1012–1016.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1991). Use of folic acid
for prevention of spina bifida and other neural tube defects –
1983–1991. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 40,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008). Prevalence of neural
tube defects and folic acid knowledge and consumption – puerto
rico, 1996–2006. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,
57, 10–13.
Cohen, M. M., Jr. (2002). Malformations of the craniofacial region:
Evolutionary, embryonic, genetic, and clinical perspectives. American
Journal of Medical Genetics, 115, 245–268.
Cook, R. J., Erdman, J. N., Hevia, M., & Dickens, B. M. (2008). Prenatal
management of anencephaly. International Journal of Gynecology &
Obstetrics, 102, 304–308.
Cornel, M. C., & Erickson, J. D. (1997). Comparison of national policies
on periconceptional use of folic acid to prevent spina bifida and
anencephaly (SBA). Teratology, 55, 134–137.
Detrait, E. R., George, T. M., Etchevers, H. C., et al. (2005).
Human neural tube defects: Developmental biology, epidemiology,
and genetics. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 27, 515–524.
Dias, M. S., & Partington, M. (2004). Embryology of myelomeningocele
and anencephaly. Neurosurgical Focus, 16, E1.
James, W. H. (1980). The sex ratios of anencephalics born to anencephalicprone women. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,
22, 618–622.
Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2008). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. New York: Worth Publishers.
Kondo, A., Kamihira, O., & Ozawa, H. (2009). Neural tube defects:
Prevalence, etiology and prevention. International Journal of Urology,
16, 49–57.
McLone, D. G. (2003). The etiology of neural tube defects: The role of
folic acid. Child’s Nervous System, 19, 537–539.
Mitchell, L. E. (2005). Epidemiology of neural tube defects. American
Journal of Medical Genetics. Part C. Seminars in Medical Genetics,
135C, 88–94.
MRC Vitamin Study Research Group (1991). Prevention of neural tube
defects: Results of the medical research council vitamin study.
Lancet, 338, 131–137.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2010, January
14, 2010). NINDS anencephaly information page. National Institutes of Health: Reducing the burden of neurological disease Retrieved March 16, 2010, from http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/
National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. (2009, 4/15/
2009). Dietary supplement fact sheet: Folate. Dietary Supplement
Fact sheets Retrieved March 16, 2010, from http://dietarysupplements.info.nih.gov/factsheets/folate.asp
Obeidi, N., Russell, N., Higgins, J. R., & O’Donoghue, K. (2010). The
natural history of anencephaly. Prenatal Diagnosis. doi:10.1002/
Payne, S. K., & Taylor, R. M. (1997). The persistent vegetative state and
anencephaly: Problematic paradigms for discussing futility and
rationing. Seminars in Neurology, 17, 257–263.
Wolff, T., Witkop, C. T., Miller, T., & Syed, S. B. (2009). Folic acid
supplementation for the prevention of neural tube defects: An
update of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive services task force.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 150, 632–639.
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
Blood-filled dilatation
Short Description or Definition
An aneurysm is an abnormal blood-filled dilatation of a
blood vessel that can occur in vascular innervated areas
(Webster’s New Explorer Medical Dictionary, 2006).
Aneurysms generally develop due to trauma, infections,
congenital defects, or degenerative diseases (Parkin &
Leng, 1993).
consciousness is a presenting feature in about 20% of
cases. Commonly observed systemic complications and
sequelae are vasospasms, rebleeding, hydrocephalus, herniation, seizures, cardiodysrhythmias, and respiratory depression (Bonner & Bonner, 1991).
Neuropsychological and Medical
Symptoms and signs can include retinal hemorrhage,
papilledema, and meningeal signs with seizure activity
commonly observed. Focal signs are prominent within
the first 24 h (e.g., parenchymal dissection, hyperfusion
distal to the aneurysm site, cerebral edema). Vasospasm
may be the cause of focal signs within the 48–72 h window.
Cognitive, psychiatric, and behavioral impairments following aneurysm rupture will depend on the site and
extent of damage, secondary sequelae, complications,
and pre-morbid health (see Table 1).
Assessment and Treatment
Intracranial aneurysms are commonly classified as saccular, mycotic, traumatic, arteriosclerotic, dissecting, or
neoplasmic. Giant aneurysms greater than 2.5 cm in
diameter are believed to be congenital anomalies and
mostly are located on the anterior and middle cerebral,
and carotid and basilar arteries (Ropper, Brown, Adams,
& Victor, 2005).
The Hunt-Hess grading scale is used for prognosis and for
timing of surgical interventions. Diagnostic evaluations
commonly include CT scans, angiography, and MR angiography. Surgical treatment consists of clipping and
endovascular embolization of the aneurysm, and pharmacologic interventions may include calcium channel blockers (e.g., nimodipine) in order to reduce the severity of
vasospasm (Bonner & Bonner, 1991).
Epidemiological Factors
Ruptured aneurysms, specifically the saccular type, are the
most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
after 20 years of age. This type of aneurysm accounts for
about 80% of nontraumatic aneurysms.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors, and
Unruptured aneurysms may be symptomatic and manifested as cranial nerve palsies. Ruptured cerebral aneurysms can be associated with states of consciousness
ranging from lethargy to coma. Outcome depends on
location and severity of bleeding. A sudden loss of
Aneurysm. Table 1 Symptoms that may be associated with
ruptured and unruptured cerebral aneurysms (From Bonner &
Bonner, 1991)
Unruptured aneurysms
Headache, nuchal rigidity
Neurologic deficit
Cerebral edema
Drowsiness, confusion, focal
neurologic deficit
Decerebrate rigidity/vegetative
disturbance possible
Disturbances in
Deep coma
Angelman Syndrome
Cross References
▶ Anterior Cerebral Artery
▶ Anterior Communicating Artery
▶ Herniation Syndromes
▶ Hydrocephalus
Deletion or mutation of genetic material on chromosome
15q11–13 can result in one of two distinct neurodevelopmental disorders, depending upon whether the genetic
material is from the maternal or paternal chromosome.
This parent of origin effect is known as ‘‘imprinting.’’
Note that the 15q11–13 region is differently imprinted
in maternal and paternal chromosomes, and both
imprintings are needed for normal development. If a
maternal deletion occurs, the result is Angelman syndrome; but if paternal, then the result is Prader–Willi
syndrome. Therefore, Angelman and Prader–Willi have
been termed ‘‘sister syndromes’’ or ‘‘sister disorders.’’
There are four main classes of Angelman syndrome,
based upon four primary genetic mechanisms by which it
occurs (Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003). Each of these classes involves expression of the maternal chromosome
region 15q11–13, which includes the UBE3A gene. In
the general population, UBE3A is expressed only from
the maternal chromosome in particular regions of the
brain, and the UBE3A gene on the paternal chromosome
is inactive. In Angelman syndrome, as a result of the
deletion, only about 10% of UBE3A is expressed
(Williams, 2005).
References and Readings
Bonner, J. S., & Bonner, J. J. (1991). The little black book of neurology: A
manual for neurologic house officers (2nd ed.). St Louis, MO: MosbyYear Book.
Parkin, A., & Leng, R. C. (1993). Neuropsychology of the amnestic syndrome. Hove, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ropper, A. H., Brown, R. H., Adams, R. D., & Victor, M. (2005). Adams &
Victor’s principles of neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Webster’s new explorer medical dictionary (new ed.). (2006). Springfield,
MA: Merriam-Webster.
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid
▶ Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Angelman Syndrome
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI, USA
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Short Description or Definition
Angelman syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder
caused by one of several genetic mechanisms involving
maternal chromosome 15, specifically the region 15q11–
13. Characteristic physical features include a large chin,
deep-set eyes, a wide mouth, and microcephaly. Additionally, seizure disorder, ataxia, hypotonia, developmental
delays, and a lack of expressive language are commonly
observed. Behaviorally, individuals with Angelman
syndrome are known for a happy temperament, frequent
laughter, inattention/hyperactivity, and stereotyped
behaviors (Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003).
Exact prevalence rates of Angelman syndrome are
unknown but have been estimated between 1/10,000 and
1/40,000 (Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003). See Table 1 for
estimates by subtype.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
and Outcomes
Angelman syndrome was first described by Dr. Harry
Angelman in 1965. He observed several pediatric patients
whom he referred to as ‘‘puppet children,’’ in light of their
happy expressions and ‘‘jerky’’ movements. This term was
later abandoned, and the disorder came to be known as
Angelman syndrome. Diagnostic clinical criteria were
developed by Williams and colleagues in 1995 and revised
in 2006 (Williams et al., 2006).
The prenatal and perinatal history of children with
Angelman syndrome is typically unremarkable, and developmental delays first become evident around 6–12
months of age (Cassidy et al., 2000). In addition to microcephaly, a flat occiput (microbrachycephaly) is commonly observed. Puberty typically occurs on time. There
Angelman Syndrome
Angelman Syndrome. Table 1
mechanism Incidence Definition
De novo
Deletion on maternal
chromosome region 15q11–13
Both copies of chromosome 15
are inherited from the father,
rather than one from each parent
Genes become inactivated as a
result of a disruption in genes
controlling the imprinting
process itself, or the imprinting
(Cassidy, Dykens, & Williams, 2000; Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003;
Williams, 2005)
is generally no evidence of reduced lifespan, although the
severity of associated medical conditions (e.g., seizures)
certainly impacts health and the overall quality of life.
Additionally, the longstanding motor difficulties in this
population often translate into mobility issues later in life
(Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003).
Although epilepsy is common in Angelman syndrome, it is not universal, with estimates of about 80%
in this population (Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003).
A variety of seizure types has been reported, including
atypical absence, myoclonic, atonic, and tonic–clonic.
Seizures usually appear in early childhood, with some
indication of improvement during late childhood/adolescence, although the majority of adults continue to have
seizures. EEGs are typically abnormal, and characteristic
EEG patterns have been described.
Variability is evident in the phenotypic expression of
Angelman syndrome depending upon the specific genetic
mechanism by which it occurs. Those with Angelman
syndrome due to a de novo deletion appear most severely
affected, including more severe medical and physical problems, as well as greater motor and language deficits (e.g.,
Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003; Levitas, Dykens, Finucane, &
Kates, 2007). In contrast, those with uniparental disomy
have less-severe ataxia and seizures, better nonverbal
communication skills, and fewer dysmorphic facial features. Individuals with Angelman syndrome due to an
imprinting center defect also appear to have milder clinical presentations. Those with UBE3A mutations have
been found to have the more-severe medical and physical
problems seen in individuals with de novo deletions, but
Angelman Syndrome. Figure 1
Angelman Syndrome. Figure 2
Angelman Syndrome
fewer difficulties with motor and language skills than
these individuals (Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003).
Neuropsychology and Psychology of
Angelman Syndrome
Neuroanatomical findings have demonstrated anomalous
Sylvian fissures in individuals with Angelman syndrome
(Leonard et al., 1993), in addition to marked cerebellar
atrophy (Jay, Becker, Chan, & Perry, 1991). Cognitive
functioning typically falls in the severe-to-profound
range of intellectual disability (Peters, Goddard-Finegold,
Beaudet, Madduri, Turcich, & Bacino, 2004). Similarly,
adaptive functioning is delayed, with a relative strength
in socialization and a relative weakness in motor skills
(Peters et al., 2004). A primary feature of Angelman
syndrome is limited expressive language, typically ranging
from no language to very few single words. There are
relative strengths in nonverbal communication and receptive language. Marked deficits occur in fine motor skills.
A happy temperament has been reported among
individuals with Angelman syndrome, characterized by
frequent smiling and laughter, which persists across the
lifespan and is most evident in social interactions (e.g.,
Clayton-Smith, 2001; Clayton-Smith & Laan, 2003).
Parents have rated their children with Angelman syndrome lower on irritability and lethargy, in comparison
to individuals with other developmental disabilities
(Summers & Feldman, 1999). A variety of behavioral
difficulties have been reported, the most common including inattention and hyperactivity (Clarke & Marston,
2000; Summers, Allison, Lynch, & Sandler, 1995).
However, there is some indication that these behavioral
difficulties improve with age (Clayton-Smith, 2001).
Stereotyped behaviors, such as hand flapping, have been
observed. In addition, individuals with Angelman syndrome often have an attraction to water and shiny objects.
These latter findings have led to the conclusion that the
incidence of autism spectrum disorders is high in this
population; however, this may be overdiagnosed
in Angelman syndrome given the severe-to-profound
intellectual disability. Sleep problems are common, including issues like falling asleep, staying asleep, and
being easily roused from sleep. Feeding problems have
also been reported.
Angelman syndrome is confirmed through genetic testing. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) testing is
typically employed to identify genetic deletions, whereas
DNA-methylation testing can be used to detect uniparental
disomy or imprinting defects.
There is no ‘‘cure’’ for Angelman syndrome itself. Given
the high incidence of seizure disorder, management and
follow-up by a neurologist is usually necessary. Anticonvulsant medications have been utilized to manage seizures. Clonazepam, valproic acid, and phenobarbital
appear to be most effective in addressing seizures in
Angelman syndrome. Sleep difficulties have successfully
been addressed through behavioral and pharmacological
Involvement in interventions such as occupational,
physical, and speech/language therapy is typically recommended to address language and motor deficits. In addition
to speech/language therapy, alternative communication
methods typically need to be explored. Special education
programming is also indicated in light of cognitive deficits.
Very few behavioral intervention studies have been conducted for individuals with Angelman syndrome. Behavioral training has been used to increase communication and
daily living skills.
Cross References
▶ Ataxia
▶ Developmental Delay
▶ Epilepsy
▶ Intellectual Disabilities
▶ Microcephaly
▶ Prader–Willi Syndrome
▶ Seizure
▶ Syndrome
References and Readings
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. (2009). Retrieved November 6,
2008, from http://www.angelman.org/
Cassidy, S. B., Dykens, E., & Williams, C. A. (2000). Prader-Willi and
Angelman syndromes: Sister imprinted disorders. American Journal
of Medical Genetics, 97, 136–146.
Clarke, D. J., & Marston, G. (2000). Problem behaviors associated with
15q- Angelman syndrome. American Journal on Mental Retardation,
105, 25–31.
Clayton-Smith, J. (2001). Angelman syndrome: Evolution of the phenotype in adolescents and adults. Developmental Medicine and Child
Neurology, 43, 467–480.
Clayton-Smith, J., & Laan, L. (2003). Angelman syndrome: A review of the
clinical and genetic aspects. Journal of Medical Genetics, 40, 87–95.
Jay, V., Becker, L. E., Chan, F. W., & Perry, T. L. Sr. (1991). Puppet-like
syndrome of Angelman: a pathologic and neurochemical study.
Neurology, 41, 416–422.
Leonard, C. M., Williams, C. A., Nicholls, R. D., Agee, O. F., Voeller, K. K.,
Honeyman, J. C., et al. (1993). Angelman and Prader-Willi
syndrome: A magnetic resonance imaging study of differences in
cerebral structure. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 46, 26–33.
Levitas, A., Dykens, E., Finucane, B., & Kates, W. (2007). Behavioral
phenotype of genetic disorders. In R. Fletcher, E. Loschen,
C. Stavrakaki, & M. First (Eds.), Diagnostic manual – intellectual
disability: A textbook of diagnoses of mental disorders in persons with
intellectual disability. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
Peters, S. U., Goddard-Finegold, J., Beaudet, A. L., Madduri, N.,
Turcich, M., & Bacino, C. A. (2004). Cognitive and adaptive behavior profiles of children with Angelman syndrome. American Journal
of Medical Genetics, 128, 110–113.
Summers, J. A., Allison, D. B., Lynch, P. S., & Sandler, L. (1995).
Behaviour problems in Angelman syndrome. Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research, 39, 97–106.
Summers, J. A., & Feldman, M. A. (1999). Distinctive pattern of
behavioral functioning in Angelman syndrome. American Journal
on Mental Retardation, 104, 376–384.
Williams, C. A. (2005). Neurological aspects of the Angelman syndrome.
Brain & Development, 27, 88–94.
Williams, C. A., Beaudet, A. L., Clayton-Smith, J., Knoll, J. H.,
Kyllerman, M., Laan, L. A., et al. (2006). Angelman syndrome
2005: Updated consensus for diagnostic criteria. American Journal
of Medical Genetics, 140, 413–418.
▶ Vasculitis
▶ Carotid Angiography
Angiography, Cerebral
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
Elkins Park, PA, USA
(Cerebral) arteriography
Angiography refers to a set of procedures designed to
image the arterial circulation. As such, cerebral angiography refers specifically to the imaging of the cerebral
arterial tree.
Current Knowledge
Historical background: Angiography was initially introduced into medical practice in the late 1940s. Traditional
catheter angiography involves introduction of a catheter
through a large peripheral artery (typically the femoral
artery), threading it to its desired location, and injection
of radio-opaque contrast medium while obtaining radiographic images. The introduction of computerized tomographic angiography (CT angiography) in the 1970s
allowed the administration of contrast material intravenously rather than intra-arterially, since the reconstructed
tissue slices allow visualization of the contrast in the
arteries or organs of interest. Magnetic resonance (MR)
angiography was added to the diagnostic armamentarium
in the early 1990s. MR digital subtraction angiography
can visualize the arterial circulation via detection of
moving water molecules in blood, without the attendant
risks of toxicity from the contrast medium or radiation
exposure (Fig. 1). It has the additional advantage of
revealing abnormalities in the vessel wall, not merely
luminal filling defects. However, contrast agents designed
for visibility in MR scanning, and administered intravenously, can further enhance visualization.
Psychometric data: The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of the various forms of angiography
are dependent on the disorder under study and its prevalence in the sample being investigated. Overall, however,
less invasive forms of angiography have increasingly
supplanted the catheter-based methods, because of comparable accuracy. In one recent porcine model, for example,
estimated degree of arterial narrowing did not differ
significantly between catheter and digital subtraction
imaging methods, and the correlation between methods
was highly significant.
Clinical uses: Angiography can be performed to
visualize occult vascular pathology such as unruptured
aneurisms, arteriovenous malformations, or the abnormal vascular supply of tumors. It can also be performed
to localize the source of clinically significant bleeding, as
in the case of ruptured aneurisms, or to locate the sites of
narrowing or occlusion by atherosclerotic plaque, thrombus, arterial dissection, or external compression.
Angioma, Cavernous Angioma
Angioma, Cavernous Angioma
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Cavernous hemangioma; Cavernoma; Cerebral cavernous
malformation (CCM); Cavernous venous malformation
Angiography, Cerebral. Figure 1 Figure CA1 shows a large
arteriovenous malformation in the left frontal lobe as revealed
by an unenhanced MR angiogram
Cross References
▶ Computed Tomography
▶ Digital Subtraction Angiography
▶ Magnetic Resonance Imaging
References and Readings
Anzalone, N., Scotti, R., & Iadanza, A. (2006). MR angiography of the
carotid arteries and intracranial circulation: Advantage of a high
relaxivity contrast agent. Neuroradiology, 48(Suppl. 1), 9–17.
Bracard, S., Anxionnat, R., & Picard, L. (2006). Current diagnostic
modalities for intracranial aneurysms. Neuroimaging Clinics of
North America, 16(3), 397–411.
Paciaroni, M., Caso, V., & Agnelli, G. (2005). Magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance and catheter angiography for diagnosis of
cervical artery dissection. Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience,
20, 102–118.
Rhee, T. K., Park, J. K., Cashen, T. A., Shin, W., Schirf, B. E., Gehl, J. A.
et al. (2006). Comparison of intraarterial MR angiography at 3.0 T
with x-ray digital subtraction angiography for detection of renal
artery stenosis in swine. Journal of Vascular and Interventional
Radiology, 17(7), 1131–1137.
▶ Hemangioma
Cavernous angiomas are benign vascular malformations
found within the CNS. They are typically found supratentorially (approximately 80%), predominantly in the
frontal and temporal lobes. Infratentorially, cavernous
angiomas are most commonly found in the pons and
cerebellar hemispheres (Sage & Blumbergs, 2001). Originally thought to be relatively rare and most commonly
detected during autopsy, the advent of MRI has led to an
increased detection, with incidence rates now estimated
between 0.02% and 0.8% of the general population.
The size of the well-circumscribed, ‘‘mulberry-like’’ mass
can range from less than 1 cm to greater than 4 cm.
Prevalence rates are relatively equivalent among men
and women. While it can remain asymptomatic lifelong,
symptomatic presentation is most commonly seen in
the third and fourth decades of life. However, newly
symptomatic cases have been well-reported throughout
the life span. Clinical manifestations, when present, vary
significantly and generally correlate to location of the
lesion. Most commonly reported symptoms include
headache (6–65%), seizure (23–52%), focal neurological
deficit (20–45%), and intracranial hemorrhage (13–25%)
(Conway & Rigamonti, 2006). Despite the regional affinity for frontal and temporal regions, no studies have specifically examined for selective neuropsychological
deficits. Treatment can include observation, surgical resection, or stereotactic radiosurgery.
References and Readings
Conway, J. E., & Rigamonti, D. (2006). Cavernous malformations: A
review and current controversies. Neurosurgery Quarterly, 16(1),
Sage, M. R., & Blumbergs, P. C. (2001). Cavernous haemangiomas
(angiomas) of the brain. Pathological-Radiological Correlation, 45,
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL, USA
complications are rare, but they include allergy, bleeding,
clotting, stroke, kidney failure, and reblockage of the newly
opened artery. After the procedure, patients usually remain
on bedrest for a short time and are instructed to use antiplatelet medications. It is estimated that more than one
million people with heart disease undergo angioplasty
every year in the USA.
Coronary angioplasty; Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
Cross References
Angioplasty is a minimally invasive clinical procedure to
dilate blood vessels narrowed or blocked by atherosclerosis.
▶ Angiography
▶ Atherosclerosis
▶ Cerebrovascular Disease
▶ Coronary Disease
▶ Myocardial Infarction
▶ Peripheral Vascular Disease
▶ Stent
Current Knowledge
References and Readings
Angioplasty is most commonly performed on the coronary
arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle, but it is also
performed on carotid arteries, peripheral blood vessels in
the limbs, and elsewhere. Angioplasty may be used to treat
coronary artery disease, which often presents with persistent angina (chest pain) or a myocardial infarction (heart
attack), as well as cerebrovascular disease causing stroke or
transient ischemic attacks, renal artery stenosis causing
kidney dysfunction, and peripheral artery disease, usually
in the blood vessel of the leg.
In this procedure, a small incision is made over the skin
of a peripheral artery (usually the femoral artery in the
thigh), and the artery is punctured to gain access into
the blood vessel. A thin catheter is then inserted into the
blood vessel, and both blood vessels and catheter are visualized by radiographic fluoroscopy. The catheter is then
pushed further into the vessel (guided by fluoroscopic
images). When the tip of the catheter reaches the target
blood vessel, a previously folded balloon at the end of the
catheter is inflated to flatten the plaque in the vessel wall,
thereby reducing the blockage and expanding the diameter
of the artery. Usually, a stent, a metal mesh tube of small
diameter that was also at the end of the catheter, is then
placed inside the vessel and expanded by manipulating the
catheter tip. The result is a dilated artery and improved
blood flow through the vessel.
This procedure is done to prevent the vessel from becoming blocked again. It is a relatively safe procedure, and
American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, Society
for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions: ACC/AHA/
SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/
AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update the 2001 Guidelines for
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) (2006). Circulation, 113,
Angular Acceleration
▶ Rotational Acceleration
Angular Gyrus Syndrome
▶ Gerstmann’s Syndrome
▶ Apathy
Anomalous Dominance
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Mixed dominance
Anomalous dominance describes any pattern of cerebral
organization of function in which the left hemisphere is
not primarily responsible for initiating propositional
speech and processing written or spoken language.
Current Knowledge
Since the left hemisphere primacy for language is typical
of most right-handers (who represent the vast majority of
the population), it is considered to be the ‘‘dominant’’
pattern of brain organization. Hence, any pattern that
differs from this is considered to be anomalous. Most
deviations occur in left-handers, approximately 30% of
whom exhibit some form of anomalous dominance for
language where these functions are organized either primarily in the right hemisphere (‘‘reversed dominance’’) or
are more bilaterally represented. Although anomalous
dominance can occur in right-handers, this is rare and,
when present, is often a consequence of some early developmental defect or brain trauma. Other associations that
have been reported to be related to anomalous patterns
of hemispheric organization of language are female gender, mixed hand preference (ambidexterity), and family
history of sinistrality. In these situations, there is an
increased tendency for language functions to be organized
in both hemispheres. Support for this hypothesis comes in
part from radiographic studies which show a tendency for
males when compared with females to have greater anatomical asymmetry in the region of the frontal operculum
(Broca’s area) and in the temporal operculum (planum
temporale), both key language areas. This apparent tendency for greater bilateral representation of language has
been suggested as a possible explanation for (1) the earlier
development (on average) of language in females than in
males, and (2) the superior recovery of language functions
following strokes seen in some left-handers.
Cross References
▶ Dominance (Cerebral)
References and Readings
Geschwind, N., & Galaburda, A. M. (1987). Cerebral lateralization:
Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Geschwind, N., & Galaburda, A. (1985). Cerebral lateralization. Archives
of Neurology, 42, 428–459; 521–552; 634–654.
Herron, J. (Ed) (1980). Neuropsychology of left-handedness. New York:
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA
Naming impairments; Word finding difficulties
Anomia generally refers to instances of word finding
difficulty that occur during the course of conversational
discourse. It is often documented clinically in confrontation
picture naming tasks.
Current Knowledge
Anomia can occur in healthy individuals who occasionally
experience difficulty in thinking of an intended word
during conversation, also known as the tip-of-the-tongue
state (Biedermann, Ruh, Nickels, & Coltheart, 2008). It is
a frequent occurrence in individuals with left hemisphere
brain damage and aphasia (Raymer, 2005). Typically
associated with difficulties for nouns, anomia also can
affect the ability to retrieve other classes of words, such
as verbs and adjectives. Word finding requires several
steps, including semantic processes in which the speaker
has an idea or meaning to convey and phonological
processes in which the speaker selects an appropriate
Anomic Aphasia
word to express that meaning (Raymer & Rothi, 2008).
These different steps in word finding engage different
parts of the brain distributed throughout the left cerebral hemisphere. Therefore, when brain damage occurs,
anomia will accompany different types of aphasia, and
different types of anomic errors can arise. It is important
to note that anomia and anomic aphasia are not synonymous. Anomia is the primary symptom of anomic aphasia
and also can be observed in virtually all other forms of
aphasia (e.g., Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia), both as
initial and residual signs when other signs and symptoms
of aphasia have resolved.
When anomia occurs, a number of errors can be seen
(Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2001). At times, the
moment of anomia leads to complete inability to retrieve
a word. Other times, an inappropriate word is retrieved,
also known as a paraphasia. Sometimes, the error word
is somehow related to the intended word in meaning
(semantic paraphasia, e.g., saying ‘dog’ for cat) or sound
characteristics (phonologic paraphasia, e.g., saying
‘crat’ for cat). Sometimes, the moment of word finding
difficulty is filled with a description of the intended word
or circumlocution (e.g., ‘That thing that meows and has
whiskers. I can’t think of the name.’). In severe forms of
anomia, neologisms may occur in which the uttered word
may not be recognizable at all (e.g., saying ‘bilan’ for cat).
Cross References
▶ Circumlocution
▶ Confrontation Naming
▶ Paraphasia
▶ Phonemic Paraphasia
▶ Semantic Paraphasia
▶ Word Finding
References and Readings
Biedermann, B., Ruh, N., Nickels, L., & Coltheart, M. (2008). Information
retrieval in tip of the tongue states: New data and methodological
advances. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 37, 171–198.
Goodglass, H., Kaplan, E., & Barresi, B. (2001). The assessment of aphasia
and related disorders (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, &
Goodglass, H., & Wingfield, A. (Eds.) (1997). Anomia: Neuroanatomical
and cognitive correlates. San Diego: Academic Press.
Laine, M., & Martin, N. (2006). Anomia: Theoretical and clinical aspects.
New York: Psychology Press.
Raymer, A. M. (2005). Naming and word retrieval problems. In
L.L. LaPointe (Ed.), Aphasia and related neurogenic language
disorders (3rd ed., pp. 72–86). New York: Thieme.
Raymer, A. M., & Rothi, L. J. G. (2008). Cognitive neuropsychological
approaches to assessment and treatment: Impairments of lexical
comprehension and production. In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in adult aphasia (5th ed., pp. 607–631).
Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Anomic Aphasia
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA
Anomic aphasia is the language impairment that involves
only word finding difficulties or pure anomia in contrast
to other forms of aphasia (Goodglass et al., 2001). Other
language modalities typically are intact, including auditory
comprehension of language, repetition of words and
sentences, and spontaneous generation of sentences.
Current Knowledge
Anomic aphasia is a form of language disorder associated
with acquired brain damage typically affecting the left
cerebral hemisphere (Raymer, 2005). Anomic aphasia
can be manifest as a difficulty in retrieving specific
intended words, often nouns, but sometimes verbs,
during the course of sentence generation. The grammatical characteristics of the sentence remain intact. The
moments of word retrieval difficulty lead to long pauses,
insertion of filler words, or selection of wrong words
(paraphasias) during conversation or other word retrieval
activities, most commonly in tasks requiring individuals
to name pictures. Also common in anomic aphasia is
circumlocution, in which the speaker cannot think of
the intended word and instead describes or provides
associated information about the word.
When anomic aphasia occurs as a result of an acute
neurologic event (e.g., stroke), it can be accompanied by
pure alexia and difficulties with color identification
(Goodglass et al., 2001). Acutely, anomic aphasia has
been described following left temporal/occipital lesions
(e.g., area 37) and left thalamic lesions (Raymer, Moberg,
Crosson, Nadeau, & Rothi, 1997; Raymer, Foundas et al.,
1997). Anomic aphasia also can be seen chronically as
individuals recover from other forms of aphasia. In that
case, the accompanying symptoms and neural correlates
of anomic aphasia vary.
Cross References
▶ Anomia
▶ Circumlocution
▶ Confrontation Naming
▶ Paraphasia
▶ Phonemic Paraphasia
▶ Semantic Paraphasia
▶ Word Finding
ability to perceive odors. Hyposmia is a more precise term
to describe decreased ability to perceive smells, whereas
hyperosmia is the increased ability to perceive odors.
Dysosmia (a.k.a. parosmia) refers to distortions in the
sense of smell, including cacosmia (distortion of a smell
as particularly unpleasant) and phantosmia (an olfactory
hallucination, or the sensation of a smell in the absence
of a stimulus).
References and Readings
Goodglass, H., Kaplan, E., & Barresi, B. (2001). The assessment of
aphasia and related disorders (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott,
Williams, & Wilkins.
Goodglass, H. & Wingfield, A. (Eds.) (1997). Anomia: Neuroanatomical
and cognitive correlates. San Diego: Academic Press.
Laine, M. & Martin, N. (2006). Anomia: Theoretical and clinical aspects.
New York: Psychology Press.
Raymer, A. M. (2005). Naming and word retrieval problems. In
L. L. LaPointe (Ed.), Aphasia and related neurogenic language
disorders (3rd ed., pp. 72–86). New York: Thieme.
Raymer, A. M., Foundas, A., Maher, L., Greenwald, M., Morris, M.,
Rothi, L. J. G. et al. (1997). Cognitive neuropsychological analysis
and neuroanatomic correlates in a case of acute anomia. Brain and
Language, 58, 137–156.
Raymer, A. M., Moberg, P., Crosson, B., Nadeau, S., & Rothi, L. J. G.
(1997). Lexical-semantic deficits in two patients with dominant
thalamic infarction. Neuropsychologia, 35, 211–219.
Olfactory dysfunction is present in at least 1% of individuals under the age of 65, with some estimates suggesting
total anosmia in as much as 5% of the population. Rates
of impairment increase dramatically with age, with
approximately 25% of older adults showing deficits in
olfaction (Murphy et al., 2002). In patients presenting to
chemosensory clinics, olfactory deficits are reported to be
related to disability and quality of life, though most
individuals with olfactory deficits are unaware of them.
It is well established that throughout the lifespan, women
show more acute olfactory abilities than men.
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI, USA
The causes of olfactory impairments are typically
categorized as: (1) conductive/transport impairments,
(2) sensory/sensorineural deficits, or (3) central olfactory
neural impairment, though these categories are not
mutually exclusive. The understanding of the potential
causes of olfactory deficits will be enhanced by a brief
review of the olfactory system, though it is noted that the
olfactory pathways within the central nervous system
(CNS) are not entirely agreed upon.
Anatomy of the Olfactory System
The sensation of smell is the brain’s perception of odor in
response to odorants activating olfactory receptors. Odors
enter the nose, where they come in contact with the
olfactory epithelium, made up of olfactory receptors.
Olfactory receptor cells (first order neurons) send signals
along the olfactory nerve (first cranial nerve) to the mitral
cells of the olfactory bulb, where olfactory axons synapse
with second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb. Each
olfactory receptor type sends a signal to a particular
region of the olfactory bulb. Mitral cell axons project
through the olfactory tract and lateral olfactory stria to
Short Description or Definition
Anosmia is defined as a lack of the sense of smell or an
inability to detect odors of any kind. In the strictest sense,
‘‘anosmia’’ refers to a total lack of olfactory ability, though
the term is often used more loosely to refer also to partial
or diminished sense of smell. There are multiple additional
terms describing olfactory abilities. Normosmia is the intact
the primary olfactory cortex, which is primarily made up
of the piriform cortex. Other structures receiving direct
input include the anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory
tubercle, amygdala, and rostral entorhinal cortex
(Gotfried & Zald, 2005). Projections from these primary
areas extend to secondary olfactory regions in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, and agranular
insula, enabling encoding of odors into memory as well
as emotional processing of specific odors (Gotfried &
Zald, 2005). There are also projections to the orbitofrontal
cortex (OFC), and it is believed that the OFC mediates
conscious perception of odors; lesions to this area often
lead to impaired olfactory abilities (Gotfried & Zald,
2005). In addition to the activation of the first cranial
nerve, certain smells may also activate the trigeminal
nerve (CNV), which mediates sensations associated with
certain odorants, including burning, cooling, irritation,
or tickling sensations. Activation of the trigeminal nerve
may allow the ‘‘detection’’ of some odors, even in the
presence of primary olfactory impairments. Cranial
nerve zero (nervus terminalis) may also play some role
in olfaction, though its function is poorly understood
in humans.
Conductive/Transport Impairment
Olfactory impairment within this category arises from
obstruction of nasal passages. Typical causes of obstruction include nasal inflammation, such as from allergies or
upper respiratory infection (URI), or other structural
interference, such as nasal polyps. URI is the most
common cause of smell loss, and is often transient.
Permanent smell loss due to URI can occur, presumably
reflecting direct insult to the neuroepithelium, and
becomes more likely in older age.
Olfactory deficits within these categories arise from
damage to the neuroepithelium and/or impairment or
impingement of central olfactory structures from CNS
disease. There are numerous congenital, endocrine,
neurological/neurodegenerative, nutritional/metabolic,
and psychiatric disorders that have been shown to be
associated with olfactory deficits (for a review of these
causes, see Murphy, Doty, & Duncan, 2003). In addition,
injury, medications (for review see Doty & Bromley,
2004), environmental toxins (for review see Upadhyay &
Holbrook, 2004), structural lesions, and medical/surgical
interventions (for review see Murphy et al., 2003) can
affect neural functioning. The Table 1 provides a small
sampling of disorders that can be associated with olfactory
Anosmia. Table 1 Sampling of disorders associated with
olfactory deficits
Multiple sclerosis
Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple system atrophy
Amyotrophic lateral
Parkinson dementia complex
of Guam
Corticobasal degeneration
Parkinson’s disease
Dementia with Lewy
Progressive supranuclear
Diabetes mellitus
REM sleep behavior disorder
Down’s syndrome
Restless leg syndrome
Frontotemporal dementia
Head injury
Sjögren’s syndrome
Human immunodeficiency
Huntington’s disease
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Mild cognitive impairment
Vascular dementia
loss. Given the vast number of disorders that have
shown olfactory deficits, theories have been postulated
that olfactory impairment may be a nonspecific marker
of CNS dysfunction. This is likely not the case, given
that the degree of deficit can differ widely among
disorders, there exists significant range of deficits
among patients within disorders, and the deficits can
be unrelated to disease stage or magnitude of disease
symptoms in some diseases but not others. Rather, it is
probable that the presence and degree of olfactory
involvement is related to the relative degree of structural
or biochemical damage to the specific regions of the
brain involved in olfactory transduction.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Interest in olfaction in neurodegenerative disorders began
most intensely in the 1980s, with a focus on Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). It was initially
thought that these two disorders, which were often
thought of as the prototypical examples of cortical and
subcortical diseases, would share an early and notable
deficit. Olfactory deficits were then identified in a variety
of neurodegenerative disorders, making olfactory loss a
nonspecific finding, though the degree of impairment
may be useful in distinguishing some disorders.
The cause of olfactory deficits in neurodegenerative
diseases is unknown (for a review of potential causes, see
Smutzer, Doty, Arnold, & Trojanowski, 2003). The deficits
may be due at least in part to neurotransmitter system
alterations, especially dopamine and acetylcholine.
Damage to central processing areas is also a likely explanation, particularly involvement of the olfactory bulb and
tracts, as relevant neuropathologic changes (e.g., neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques, dystrophic neurites,
Lewy bodies, and disproportionate neuronal loss) are
often seen in these areas. Other relevant central processing areas (e.g., entorhinal cortex), however, also show
neuropathologic changes, as may peripheral structures
(e.g., olfactory epithelium).
Parkinson’s Disease Olfactory impairment is a prominent, common, and early feature of Parkinson’s disease
(PD; see Doty, 2003a, b, for a review). The deficits tend to
be bilateral, and are more common than some of the
hallmark symptoms of PD, such as tremor. Olfactory
deficits may be present before the motor symptoms
become evident, and are apparent with both threshold
and identification tasks. The size of the effect is astounding (ranging from 1.17 to 12.15 in a meta-analysis;
Mesholam, Moberg, Mahr, & Doty, 1998), though the
majority of patients are not completely anosmic. Deficits
do not appear to correlate with the extent of cognitive or
motor involvement, do not respond to treatment, and do
not appear to be progressive over time.
Other Parkinsonian Spectrum Disorders Other Parkinsonian disorders, such as corticobasal degeneration (CBD),
multiple system atrophy, and progressive supranuclear
palsy, are also associated with olfactory deficits, though
the impairments tend to be more mild than is seen in
PD (Doty, 2003a, b). These findings suggest that olfactory
functioning may be useful in distinguishing PD from
other parkinsonian disorders, though a more recent
study of olfaction in CBD raises some question of
potentially more notable deficit in this disorder than
was previously described (Pardini, Huey, Cavanagh, &
Grafman, 2009).
There has been fairly good consistency in
the literature for most of the studies examining olfaction
in Alzheimer’s disease (AD; see Doty, 2003a, b, for a
review). The size of the effect is extremely large, ranging
from 0.98 to 8.55 in a meta-analysis (Mesholam et al.,
1998), though, as in PD, patients are typically not
completely anosmic. Odor identification deficits are always found; odor detection deficits are more inconsistently demonstrated and may be a later symptom. The
odor identification deficit does not seem to be primarily
due to a general cognitive deficit and deficits worsen with
disease progression. Although group studies have shown
consistent deficits in odor identification, it should be
noted that the presence of deficits is not a universal
finding among patients with AD, making odor identification tests imperfect screening instruments for the disorder.
Odor identification has also been studied recently in
patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and
cognitively intact older adults with and without genetic
risk for future cognitive decline. Several longitudinal
studies have demonstrated that odor identification has a
strong relationship with memory performance, even in
healthy older adults performing within normal limits on
cognitive measures (Devanand et al., 2000; Wilson et al.,
2007). These studies also show that odor identification is a
unique and significant predictor of future cognitive
decline above and beyond baseline memory performance,
as well as a good predictor of conversion to dementia in
patients with MCI. In cross-sectional studies of MCI
subtypes, patients with both amnestic and non-amnestic
subtypes perform modestly worse than healthy older
adults but better than patients with dementia (Devanand
et al., in press; Westervelt, Bruce, Coon, & Tremont,
2008). In using olfactory performance to distinguish
MCI subtypes, results are mixed, though when significant
differences have been found between subtypes, the
magnitude of the difference is of questionable clinical
significance. Together, these studies suggest that when a
notable olfactory deficit is observed in patients with MCI,
there is substantial risk of future decline. However, odor
identification measures may not be particularly clinically
useful in early detection or early differential diagnosis for
the modal patient.
Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Olfaction in dementia with
Lewy bodies (DLB) was first described in a study that
crudely measured anosmia with a brief detection task
(McShane et al., 2001). Forty percent of patients with
DLB were found to be anosmic, in contrast with 16%
of patients with AD, and 6% of the healthy controls.
The presence of smell loss was not found to be associated
with concurrent AD and DLB pathology on autopsy.
Subsequent studies confirmed anosmia to be more
common in DLB than in AD, with anosmia present in
56–65% of patients with DLB (and some degree of smell
loss in nearly 90%), but in only 11–23% of AD patients
(Olichney et al., 2005; Westervelt, Stern, & Tremont,
2003). Assessment of anosmia has been shown to improve
the sensitivity of diagnostic criteria for DLB, with minimal loss of specificity (Olichney et al., 2005). Combined,
these few studies raise the possibility that olfactory
measures may be useful in distinguishing AD from DLB.
Other Dementias
Olfactory deficits have also been
described in other dementias, including recent, consistent
findings of smell deficits in frontotemporal dementia that
are generally of the magnitude of deficits seen in AD
(Luzzi et al., 2007; McLaughlin & Westervelt, 2008;
Pardini et al., 2009), and, in vascular dementia to a similar
or lesser extent to that seen in AD (Gray, Staples, Murren,
Dhariwal, & Bentham, 2001; Knupfer & Spiegel, 1986).
Head Injury
Olfactory loss is fairly common following head injury (for
review, see Costanza, DiNardo, & Reiter, 2003), with the
incidence of anosmia ranging from approximately 5 to 60%.
These latter estimates represent the incidence among
patients with severe head injury, though total anosmia
can occur even after very mild injury. Partial or unilateral
loss may be less likely to be detected than total anosmia.
Deficits may be caused by a variety of mechanisms, including sinus/nasal injury, shearing of the olfactory nerve, or
contusion/hemorrhage in central processing regions. In
regard to shear injuries, the axons of the olfactory receptor
cells are particularly susceptible to injury as they pass
through the body ridges of the cribiform plate. Coup and
contra-coup forces are likely to result in anosmia, with
occipital blows most frequently causing smell loss.
Olfactory deficits have been well-studied in schizophrenia
(for review, see Doty, 2003a, b). Deficits have been shown
to be of lesser magnitude than typically seen in AD and
PD, progress with disease duration, and are most associated with negative symptoms of the disease. In patients
showing olfactory deficits, the impairments appear early
in the disease, perhaps in prodromal stages. There does
not appear to be any notable relationship with antipsychotic medication use or cigarette smoking. Odor identification deficits correlate most strongly with measures of
executive functioning in this population, rather than
those of medial temporal lobe functioning. All aspects of
olfaction appear to be impaired (i.e., identification,
threshold, discrimination, and memory).
Clinical History
Obtaining a detailed clinical history is critical in assessing
olfactory deficits. Symptoms should be clearly defined,
and the clinician should attempt to determine the extent
and duration of the perceived loss, as well as the
occurrence of any event associated with the deficit (e.g.,
head injury, illness). Fluctuations in symptoms may be
most suggestive of obstructive causes, but need to be
distinguished from paroxysmal events. Medical history
should be carefully assessed, as multiple medical conditions and medications may be associated with olfactory
alterations. Referral for an ENT evaluation may be warranted. Olfactory hallucinations, in particular, require
careful work-up as they may be indicative of seizure or
tumor, and are less likely of primary psychiatric origin.
Classes of Assessment
There are three classes of olfactory assessment methods:
psychophysical, electrophysiological, and psychophysiological, with psychophysical assessment being the most
common and most clinically relevant.
Psychophysiological assessment of olfactory abilities relies
on the measurement of changes in the autonomic nervous
system after presentation of an odorous stimuli, through
such methods as heart rate and blood pressure. These
methods are rarely used.
Electrophysiological assessments examine electrical
activity generated in response to an odorant and are
primarily research tools. Electro-olfactograms (EOG)
use electrodes placed on the human olfactory epithelium
to directly assess olfactory abilities. Olfactory eventrelated potentials (ERP) are recorded from the scalp
surface, measuring electroencephalographic activity after
presentation of brief, precisely defined odorous stimuli.
For example, chemosensory ERP’s can be obtained after
stimulation of olfactory nerve (olfactory ERPs) or the
trigeminal nerve (somatosensory ERPs). Absence of
olfactory ERPs in presence of somatosensory ERPs
suggests olfactory deficits. These measures are sensitive
to age and gender effects. Chemosensory evoked potentials are unable to discern where the impairment is within
the olfactory pathway, but are considered among the only
objective ways of establishing smell loss.
Psychophysical methods are the most commonly used
assessment practices in both clinical and research settings.
In these techniques, stimuli are presented, and the patient or
participant reports their perception (detection, discrimination, identification); this category can be further
sub-divided into threshold and suprathreshold tasks.
Threshold Testing
Threshold testing is used to determine at what concentration a patient or participant can accurately detect the
presence of an odor. Two methods have been developed to
determine this threshold: the method of limits procedure
and the single staircase procedure. In the method of limits
procedure, a low concentration of a specific odor is
presented, and the concentration is increased until it can
be detected. In the single staircase procedure, the concentration is increased following trials in which the participant cannot detect the odor, and decreased following
correct detection. There are commercially available smell
threshold tests, for example, using felt-tipped pens and
squeeze bottles. Olfactometers can be used to present
precise amounts of odorants through constant airflow.
However, many of these techniques can be cumbersome
for clinical use.
Suprathreshold Tasks
Suprathreshold tasks include rating scales/magnitude
estimation scales, odor identification tasks, and odor
memory/recognition tasks. When using rating scales, the
participant rates the amount of the attribute perceived
(e.g., pleasantness); these may include category scales
(which category describes sensation) and line scales
(placement of mark on line with descriptors). When
using a magnitude estimation scales, a participant will
assign a number to stimuli in relation to relative intensity.
Odor Identification Tasks Odor identification tasks also
suprathreshold tasks, require participants to identify
odors, often by presenting scratch-and-sniff items,
tinctures in jars, or odorant-soaked tampons. These tasks
almost invariably include multiple choice options, as odor
identification is otherwise extremely challenging even for
individuals with intact olfactory abilities. These tasks are
easy to administer and the most frequent type of task used
in clinical settings, but can be somewhat costly depending
on the task. The most widely used odor identification task
is the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification
Task (UPSIT), which consists 40 micro-encapsulated
odorants presented in a 4-option, multiple choice format.
Other, briefer measures include 12-item versions
(e.g., Cross-Cultural Smell Identification Test/Brief Smell
Identification Test (BSIT), the BSIT-A designed especially
for AD, the BSIT-B designed especially for PD) and a
3-item screen (Pocket Smell Test). The UPSIT and BSIT
both have associated norms. Sniffin’ Sticks includes both a
threshold task and an odor identification task, and is
extensively normed in European samples (Hummell,
Kobal, Gudziol, & Mackay-Sim, 2007).
Odor Memory Test Odor memory test involve having the
individual smell an odor (or group of odors), and after a
specified period of time, recognize the odor from a set of
distracters. Often, novel, non-descript odors are utilized
to minimize the ability to label, and interference tasks are
introduced during delays to minimize rehearsal of the
odor labels/qualifiers.
Other Olfactory Assessment Tools
The Sniff Magnitude Test
The sniff magnitude test is a recently developed clinical
measure of olfaction based on the reflex-like reduction in
sniffing that occurs in response to detection of odors
(especially unpleasant odors), but does not occur when
sniffing non-odorized air (Frank, Dulay, & Gestland,
2003). This response is observed in people with normal
sense of smell, but is absent in those with anosmia. The
task involves having the patient sniff a canister that
releases either a blank or an odor, while wearing a nasal
cannula connected to a device to measure the negative
pressure created by the sniff. The test is quick to administer
(about 5 min) and has minimal, if any, reliance on
cognition, linguistic ability, and familiarity of odors.
Imaging, particularly MRI, is clearly important for
identification of structural lesions that may be impinging
on the olfactory system, or in assisting in diagnosis of
other neurologic disorders that may account for smell
loss. CT is frequently used in identifying sinonasal disease.
MRI can also be useful in evaluating changes in olfactory
bulb volume due to viral, traumatic, or idiopathic olfactory dysfunction, with good relationship demonstrated
between objective olfactometry (with chemosensory
evoked potentials) and bulb volume. Functional scans,
in particular fMRI and PET, are also often used as research
tools in studying the functional organization of olfaction.
These studies have shown involvement in the amygdala,
piriform cortex, OFC, insula, anterior cingulate,
thalamus, caudate, subiculum, upper pons, and cerebellar
vermis, with different activation patterns depending on
the nature of the task (e.g., sniffing, smelling single odors,
discrimination, identification, etc.).
Treatment is most promising in patients with smell loss
associated with conduction problems. For example,
antibiotic treatment, steroids, and allergy management
may be helpful in reducing deficits associated with
inflammatory disease. Surgical removal of other obstructions, such as nasal polyps, can also be effective in
restoring olfactory ability. In contrast, treatment of
sensorineural/central neural problems is often less
effective. Exceptions may include resection of tumors
impinging on the olfactory system and, in some cases,
resection of epileptogenic foci associated with olfactory
seizures. Iatrogenic effects of medications are typically
reversible with discontinuation of the medication and
eventual improvement in smell is expected after cessation
of smoking. Recent work also suggests that olfactory
training may improve olfaction in some patients
(Hummel et al., 2009). Zinc or vitamin therapies are at
times prescribed to treat olfactory loss, but there is little
evidence of benefit in the absence of associated deficiencies. Typically, the more severe and long-standing the
smell loss, the less likely recovery is in sensorineural/
central neural disorders. Especially for individuals
who do not respond to treatment, education about the
safety implications of smell loss is important, given
concerns of the patient’s failure to detect hazardous
odors (e.g., smoke) or spoiled food. Nutritional status
may also be compromised in patients with olfactory
deficits, and use of flavor enhancements in foods can be
helpful in improving food intake (Schiffman, 2000).
Cross References
▶ Cranial Nerves
▶ Olfaction
▶ Olfactory Bulb
▶ Olfactory Tract
References and Readings
Costanza, R. M., DiNardo, L. J., & Reiter, E. R. (2003). Head injury and
olfaction. In R. L. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of olfaction and gustation
(2nd ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Devanand, D. P., Michaels-Marston, K. S., Liu, X., Pelton, G. H.,
Padilla, M., Marder, K., et al. (2000). Olfactory deficits in patients
with mild cognitive impairment predict Alzheimer’s disease at
follow-up. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 1344–1405.
Devanand, D. P., Tabert, M. H., Cuasay, K., Manly, J. J., Schupf, N.,
Brickman, A. M., et al. (in press). Olfactory identification deficits
and MCI in a multi-ethnic elderly community sample. Neurobiology
of Aging.
Doty, R. L. (2003a). Odor perception in neurodegenerative diseases. In
R. L. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of olfaction and gustation (2nd ed.).
New York: Marcel Dekker.
Doty, R. L. (Ed.). (2003b). Handbook of olfaction and gustation (2nd ed.).
New York: Marcel Dekker.
Doty, R. L., & Bromley, S. M. (2004). Effects of drugs on olfaction and
taste. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 37, 1229–1254.
Frank, R. A., Dulay, M. F., & Gestland, R. C. (2003). Assessment of
the Sniff Magnitude Test as a clinical test of olfactory function.
Physiology & Behavior, 78, 195–204.
Gotfried, J. A., & Zald, D. H. (2005). On the scent of human olfactory
orbitofrontal cortex: Meta-analysis and comparison to non-human
primates. Brain Research Brain Research Review, 50, 287–304.
Gray, A. J., Staples, V., Murren, K., Dhariwal, A., & Bentham, P. (2001).
Olfactory identification is impaired in clinic-based patients
with vascular dementia and senile dementia of the Alzheimer type.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 513–517.
Hummell, T., Kobal, G., Gudziol, H., & Mackay-Sim, A. (2007).
Normative data for the ‘‘sniffin’sticks’’ including tests of odor
identification, odor discrimination, and olfactory thresholds: an
upgrade based on a group of more than 3000 subjects. European
Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 264, 237–243.
Hummel, T., Rissom, K., Reden, J., Hähner, A., Weidenbecher, M., &
Hüttenbrink, K. B. (2009). Effects of olfactory training in patients
with olfactory loss. Laryngoscope, 119, 496–499.
Knupfer, L., & Spiegel, R. (1986). Differences in olfactory test
performance between normal aged, Alzheimer and vascular type
dementia individuals. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,
1, 3–14.
Luzzi, S., Snowden, J. S., Neary, D., Coccia, M., Provinciali, L., & Lambon
Ralph, M. A. (2007). Distinct patterns of olfactory impairment in
Alzheimer’s disease, semantic dementia, frontotemporal dementia,
and corticobasal degeneration. Neuropsychologia, 45, 1823–1831.
McLaughlin, N., & Westervelt, H. J. (2008). Odor identification deficits in
frontotemporal dementia: A preliminary study. Archives of Clinical
Neuropsychology, 23, 119–123.
McShane, R. H., Nagy, Z., Esiri, M. M., King, E., Joachim, C., Sullivan, N.,
et al. (2001). Anosmia in dementia is associated with Lewy
bodies rather than Alzheimer’s pathology. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 70, 739–743.
Mesholam, R. I., Moberg, P. H., Mahr, R. N., & Doty, R. L. (1998).
Olfaction in neurodegenerative disease. A meta-analysis of olfactory
functioning in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Archives of
Neurology, 55, 84–90.
Murphy, C., Doty, R. L., & Duncan, H. J. (2003). Clinical disorders of
olfaction. In R. L. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of olfaction and gustation
(2nd ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Murphy, C., Schubert, C. R., Cruickshanks, K. J., Klein, B. E., Klein, R., &
Nondahl, D. M. (2002). Prevalence of olfactory impairment in
older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 288,
Olichney, J. M., Murphy, C., Hofstetter, C. R., Foster, K., Hansen, L. A.,
Thal, L. J., et al. (2005). Anosmia is very common in the Lewy body
variant of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery,
and Psychiatry, 76, 1342–1347.
Pardini, M., Huey, E. D., Cavanagh, A. L., & Grafman, J. (2009). Olfactory
function in corticobasal syndrome and frontotemporal dementia.
Archives of Neurology, 66, 92–96.
Schiffman, S. S. (2000). Intensification of sensory properties of food for
the elderly. Journal of Nutrition, 130, 9275–9305.
Smutzer, G. S., Doty, R. L., Arnold, S. E., & Trojanowski, J. Q. (2003).
Olfactory system neuropathology in Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s
disease, and schizophrenia. In R. L. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of
olfaction and gustation (2nd ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Upadhyay, U. D., & Holbrook, E. H. (2004). Olfactory loss as a result of
toxic exposure. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 37,
Westervelt, H. J., Bruce, J. M., Coon, W. G., & Tremont, G. (2008). Odor
identification in mild cognitive impairment subtypes. Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 151–156.
Westervelt, H. J., Stern, R. A., & Tremont, G. (2003). Odor identification
deficits in diffuse Lewy body disease. Cognitive and Behavioral
Neurology, 16, 93–99.
Wilson, R. S., Schneider, J. A., Arnold, S. E., Tang, Y., Boyle, P. A., &
Bennett, D. A. (2007). Olfactory identification and incidence of mild
cognitive impairment in older age. Archives of General Psychiatry,
64, 802–808.
day to the next. The more common hypotheses are that
the anosodiaphoria likely reflects the same type of neglect
or inattention that results in the original anosognosia,
only less severe, is a result of a general emotional flattening or indifference that can follow right hemispheric
lesions, or a combination of the two. (Heilman, Blonder,
Bowers, & Valenstein, 2003).
Cross References
▶ Anosognosia
▶ Denial (of Illness)
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Anosodiaphoria is defined as the failure to fully appreciate
the significance of a neurological deficit as a result of a
brain lesion.
Current Knowledge
Following certain injuries to the brain, most commonly
strokes in the right hemisphere, a patient may fail to
recognize (deny) the resulting neurological deficit(s),
such as paralysis. This latter condition is known as anosognosia. With time, patients typically show increased
awareness of the deficit. For example, if asked, they
might acknowledge that a stroke has occurred and that
their ability to use their arm or leg has been affected.
However, the patient might fail to fully appreciate the
extent or functional implications of the deficit, attribute
it to another more benign factor (such as being righthanded), or otherwise appear relatively unconcerned
about it. This latter condition has been termed anosodiaphoria (Adair, Schwartz, & Barrett, 2003; Critchley, 1969).
Thus, while acknowledging that his arm and/or leg are/is
‘‘weak,’’ a patient may talk about his plans to return to
work in the near future, although that may be totally
unrealistic, given the severity of his condition and the
nature of his work. There does not appear to be any
clear consensus as to the etiology of this condition, the
level of denial of which might be seen to vary from one
References and Readings
Adair, J. C., Schwartz, R. L., & Barrett, A. M. (2003). Anosognosia. In
K. Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (4th ed.,
pp. 185–214). New York: Oxford University Press.
Critchley, M. (1969). The parietal lobes. New York: Hafner.
Heilman, K. M., Blonder, L. X., Bowers, D., & Valenstein, E. (2003).
Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases. In K. M.
Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (4th ed.,
pp. 447–478). New York: Oxford University Press.
Prigatano, G. P., & Schacter, D. L. (Eds.), (1991). Awareness of deficit after
brain injury. New York: Oxford.
University of Florida College of Medicine and the Malcom
Randall Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center
Gainesville, FL, USA
Anosognosia is a disorder characterized by denial of illness or lack of awareness of disability.
Historical Background
In the clinic, it is very common to see patients who suffer
with a neurological disease, such as stroke, but who
appear to deny illness or be unaware of their disabilities.
Seneca, the Stoic philosopher noted this about 2,000
years ago, but the first modern description of a patient
with unawareness-denial was by von Monakow (1885).
Although there were other investigators who wrote about
this striking disorder, it was Babinski (1914), who coined
the term anosognosia. This word comes from three roots:
a = without, noso = disease, gnosis = knowledge. In
addition to describing patients who were unaware of
their illness or disability, Babinski described other patients
who appeared to be aware but remained unconcerned. He
called this disorder, anosodiaphoria.
There are many forms of anosognosia and these
forms are related to the nature of a patient’s disability.
When Babinski first used this term, the patients he
described denied or were unaware of their hemiparesis.
Anton (1898) described patients who were unable to see
because they had destroyed their primary visual cortex,
but were unaware or denied their blindness. Patients
with Korsakoff ’s amnesic disorder are unaware of their
memory loss and aphasic patients such as those with
Wernicke’s aphasia appear to be unaware of their jargon
Current Knowledge
Although of great academic interest, the presence of anosognosia or anosodiaphoria has important medical implications. For example, there are now treatments for stroke
that must be given within hours of the onset of symptoms.
The patients who are unaware of their disabilities or
undervalue their importance might not seek immediate
medial attention. In addition, people who have disabilities
but are not aware of these disabilities might inadvertently
injure themselves and/or others. Rehabilitation works
best, when patients are strongly motivated to get well.
When a person is either unconcerned or unaware of
their disabilities, they are not motivated and unmotivated
patients are less likely to benefit from these treatments.
They might even refuse to undergo rehabilitation and
they might not take their medications that can reduce
their disability or possibly prevent further possible
brain damage.
Possible Mechanisms of Anosognosia for
Patients with hemispheric strokes often develop an inability to use the arm-hand on the contralesional side of their
body (hemiparesis). Many of these patients will be unaware of their weakness and when asked about the presence of weakness, they will deny this disability. Several,
not mutually exclusive, mechanisms have been used to
explain this phenomenon.
Psychological denial. Weinstein and Kahn (1955) who
brought modern attention to this syndrome, posited
that for many people having a stroke with weakness was
a psychologically traumatic event, and the means by
which some people deal with this trauma is to use
psychological denial. To test this hypothesis, Weinstein
and Kahn studied patients who had anosognosia and
found that even before their stroke these patients
frequently used this denial defense mechanism.
Some investigators have noted that anosognosia for
hemiplegia is more often associated with a left than right
hemiparesis. The psychological denial theory of anosognosia cannot explain this asymmetry. Many patients with
left hemisphere injury, however, are aphasic and have
problems with both the comprehension of questions
(What is wrong with you? Are you weak?) as well as
speaking–answering questions. Thus, Weinstein and
Kahn thought what appeared to be a hemispheric asymmetry was induced by a sampling bias.
Using selective hemispheric anesthesia (the Wada
study) and questioning the patient after they recover
from anesthesia revealed that unawareness of the hemiplegia (anosognosia) was more common with the right
than left hemisphere anesthesia (Gilmore et al., 1992).
After the selective hemispheric anesthesia has worn off
there is no aphasia or a need for psychological denial. The
right–left hemisphere asymmetries found were within
subjects, and thus premorbid personality can also not
account for this asymmetry. Although this study suggests
that denial cannot entirely explain anosognosia for hemiplegia, denial might be used by many people to help deal
with diseases and disabilities.
Failure of feedback. To know something is impaired, a
person requires feedback. Many investigators have suggested that it is a failure of feedback, induced by either
sensory loss (e.g., proprioception and hemianopia) or
inattention neglect, spatial or personal, that accounts for
anosognosia of hemiplegia. That inattention neglect is
more commonly associated with right hemisphere injury
might also account for the asymmetries of anosognosia.
Studies from our laboratory have revealed when
undergoing selective right hemisphere anesthesia, during
the time these patients demonstrate shoulder weakness
their shoulder proprioception is intact. To learn if this
disorder could be related to neglect, spatial or personal,
we brought their hemiplegic left forelimb over to the right
side of their body and to their right visual field. To make
certain subjects see their hand, we wrote a number on
their hand and subjects were able to read these numbers.
Despite these strategies many, but not all, patients still
denied weakness of that hand. Thus, a failure of feedback
can only explain anosognosia in some patients. In support
of this postulate, several investigators have reported dissociations between the presence of spatial neglect and
Asomatognosia hypothesis. While patients with personal
neglect might be unaware of the parts of their body,
patients with asomatognosia do not feel or claim that
certain body parts belong to them. It has been posited
that asomatognosia is caused by the alteration of the
brain’s representation of the body, a body schema. Like
spatial and personal neglect, asomatognosia is more commonly associated with right than left hemisphere lesions.
If patients with right hemisphere injury do not believe
their left arm-hand belongs to them, they will not recognize their own weakness. During right hemispheric anesthesia, the patients with left hemiplegia were shown their
left hand or someone else’s left hand in a restricted view
box that projected to their right visual field. The patients
were asked if the hand they were viewing was their own or
another person’s hand. We found that there were some
patients who had anosognosia who also had asomatognosia, but only a small proportion. Thus, asomatognosia can
also not fully account for this disorder.
Disconnection hypothesis. When a patient with a complete
callosal disconnection receives a stimulus to the left visual
field or on the left side of the body and is asked to tell the
examiner the nature of the stimulus, the left language–
speech hemisphere often confabulates a response.
Geschwind (1965) noted that large right hemisphere
lesions can both injure the right hemisphere’s cortex and
intrahemispheric networks, as well as induce a interhemispheric disconnection. Thus, when asked about weakness,
the left hemisphere which is disconnected from the right
will confabulate a response – ‘‘I am not weak.’’ The observation mentioned above, where during the right hemisphere anesthesia the patient’s left hand is brought over to
the right visual field and thus has access to the left language–speech dominant hemisphere, also tests this disconnection hypothesis. As mentioned, in few patients
when their arm could be visualized in the right visual
field left hemisphere, they did recognize their weakness.
In these cases, we cannot be sure if their anosognosia was
induced by a failure in feedback or a disconnection. Future research will have to learn if these mechanisms can be
dissociated. However, as mentioned above this procedure
only helps a small minority of patients.
Phantom movements. Limb amputation is often associated
with a perception that the limb is still present and this
perception is thought to be related to the continued
presence of a brain representation of that missing phantom limb. When patients with a hemiparesis are asked to
move a limb, many often perceive that the paretic limb is
moving, and this phantom movement in combination
with impaired feedback might account for anosognosia.
During selective hemispheric anesthesia (Wada test), we
had blindfolded subjects with left hemiplegia attempt to
raise their paretic left arm and we then asked them to raise
their right (non-paretic) arm to the same level as they
perceived left arm. Some of the patients we tested did raise
their right arm, suggesting that they had phantom movements, but we found no significant relationship between
phantom movements and anosognosia.
Intentional motor disorder. Patients with right hemisphere
lesions often demonstrate contralesional limb akinesia
also called motor neglect. Many of these patients do not
attempt to spontaneously move their akinetic arm and
while less common some do not even attempt to move
this arm to command. Limb akinesia can occur both with
and without a hemiplegia. Patients with limb akinesia
might not discover that they are weak because they do
not attempt to move this left arm. If they do not attempt
to move this arm, they will not experience a dissociation
between their expectations and performance, and it is this
dissociation that alerts people that there is a problem.
Providing external motivation such as suggestions or
commands might entice patients to attempt a movement
and with these commands some patients do discover their
weakness. Electromyographic studies have also provided
evidence in support of this akinesia hypothesis.
Summary. Based on the above discussion it appears that
several mechanisms might contribute to the presence of
anosognosia for hemiplegia.
Possible Mechanisms of Anosognosia for
Amnesia and Cortical Blindness
Damage to three interconnected brain networks can produce amnesia, an impairment in the episodic memory
system: (1) the medial temporal lobe – Papez circuit
(e.g., hippocampus, entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, fornix, the mammillary bodies, the mammillothalamic tract,
the anterior thalamus, and the retrosplenial cortex);
(2) the dorsomedial thalamus; and (3) the basal forebrain
(medial septal nucleus and the diagonal band of Broca),
which provide acetylcholine to the hippocampus. Amnesic patients with medial temporal lesions are often aware
of their disability and patients with damage to the basal
forebrain and to the medial thalamus are often unaware of
their memory deficit.
The reason for this dichotomy is not fully known, but
the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus is heavily connected
with the frontal lobes and damage to this dorsomedial
nucleus induces frontal dysfunction. Damage to the basal
forebrain is also often associated with frontal dysfunction.
Frontal lobe dysfunction is often associated with impaired
recall but not recognition, suggesting that the problem is
not with the consolidation of memories, but rather retrieval. The patients with amnesia from a thalamic or
basal forebrain injury, more often confabulate memories
than do those with medial temporal lobe damage. Since
these patients retrieve memories and have no means of
testing these memories’ veracity, they might be unaware
that their recall is incorrect and therefore they might be
unaware of their memory disorder.
Blindness. Patients with Anton’s syndrome have blindness
from damage to their primary visual cortex, usually from
stroke. These patients often deny their blindness, confabulate responses, and are unaware they are blind, anosognosic. The reason why these patients are not aware of their
blindness is not known. We examined a patient with
Anton’s syndrome who had intact visual imagery. Perhaps
since these patients have intact visual imagery and cannot
receive visual input, this imagery is mistaken for online
Possible Mechanisms for Unawareness
of Aphasia
Patients with Wernicke’s aphasia speak in jargon, cannot
comprehend, name, or repeat. Many are not aware that
they are aphasic and that they are speaking in jargon. For
example, we saw a patient, who when speaking jargon,
became angry when he was not understood. It has been
posited that Wernicke’s aphasia is induced by injury to the
phonological lexicon – a store of learned word sounds. To
be aware that an error has been made, a person needs to
have a normal representation of the targeted behavior.
Since patients with Wernicke’s aphasia have destroyed
their representations of word sounds when they speak
jargon, they have no representations with which to compare their speech and are thus unaware of their errors.
We have also reported patients who appear to have an
intact input lexicon (e.g., can understand speech) but who
make phonological errors and are not aware that they
made these errors. If these patients’ speech is recorded
and played back to them, they do detect their errors,
suggesting that their unawareness might have been related
to not being able to closely attend to their output. These
aphasic patients might have focused their attention on
what they were attempting to say rather than how they
said it.
Future Directions
Anosognosia, the failure to recognize a disease or a disability, might delay treatment, interfere with rehabilitation, and put people in danger. Patients might be
anosognosic for a variety of neurological disorders such
as weakness, sensory loss, personal and spatial neglect,
memory loss, and aphasia. There appears to be a variety
of mechanism that might account for anosognosia including psychological denial, impaired and false feedback,
alterations of the body schema, failures to test systems,
and to initiate behaviors. Future research is needed. In
addition to continuing to define and test possible
mechanisms, effective treatments for these disorders are
Cross References
▶ Attention
▶ Awareness
▶ Consciousness
▶ Impaired Self-Awareness
References and Readings
Anton, G. (1898). Blindheit nach beiderseitiger Gehirnerkrankung mit
Verlust der Orienterung in Raume. Mitt. Ver. Arzte Steirmark, 33,
Babinski, J. (1914). Contribution à l’etude des troubles mentaux dans
l’hémiplégie organique cérébrale (anosognosie). Revue Neurologique,
27, 845–847.
Clare, L., & Halligan, P. (Eds.). (2006). Pathologies of awareness: Bridging
the gap between theory and practice. New York: Psychology Press.
Geschwind, N. (1965). Disconnexion syndromes in animals and man.
Brain, 88, 237–294, 585–644.
Gilmore, R. L., Heilman, K. M., Schmidt, R. P., Fennell, E. M., &
Quisling, R. (1992). Anosognosia during Wada testing. Neurology,
42, 925–927.
Prigatano, G. P., & Schacter, D. L. (1991). Awareness of deficit after brain
injury: Clinical and theoretical issues. New York: Oxford University
von Monakow, C. (1885). Experimentelle und pathologisch-anatomische
Untersuchungen über die Beziehungen der sogenannten Sehphäre zu
den infrakorticalen Opticuscentren und zum N. opticus. Archiv fur
Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 16, 151–199.
Weinstein, E. A., & Kahn, R. L. (1955). Denial of illness: Symbolic and
physiological aspects. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
▶ Anosmia
▶ Analysis of Variance
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
Oxygen deficiency; Severe hypoxia
Anoxia refers to a hypoxia (i.e., deficiency in the
oxygenation of the arterial blood) of sufficient severity
to result in permanent neurologic damage (Webster’s New
Explorer Medical Dictionary, 2006). The brain has little to
no reserve of oxygen or glucose, consequently an anoxic
episode of 4–6 min can result in neuronal cell death or
necrosis because of impairment in cellular metabolism. In
contrast to anoxia, hypoxia refers to a reduction in
oxygenation, rather than a complete loss of oxygenation
(Zillmer & Spiers, 2001).
Anoxia can result from a number of conditions including cardiac arrest, carbon monoxide poisoning, stroke,
brain injury, and complications due to anesthesia. It is
thought that cells exposed to anoxia release glutamate.
The CA1 cells of the hippocampus contain high
concentrations of glutamate and they are particularly
vulnerable to subnormal oxygenation levels. Therefore,
it appears that the action of glutamate on these cells is
the putative mechanism mediating cell death in this
region of the hippocampus and helps explain many
of the signs and symptoms associated with anoxia
(Bonner & Bonner, 1991).
Signs and Symptoms
Anoxia often results in impairments in memory,
executive, and motor function. This is likely due to the
fact that anoxia is associated with damage to limbic and
subcortical regions, in addition to the frontal lobes and
the cerebellum (Golden, Zillmer, & Spiers, 1992).
Neuropsychological and Psychological
Anoxia can result in impairments in anterograde
memory (which in its most severe form may manifest as
an amnestic disorder). Presenting symptoms may also
include impairments in awareness and affect as well as
confabulatory behavior. Anoxia associated with cardiac
arrest may include amnesia, in addition to bibrachial
paresis, cortical blindness, and visual agnosia. Carbon
monoxide poisoning may be associated with affective
disturbances as well as cortical and anoxia induced
dysfunction (Aminoff, Simon, & Greenberg, 2005).
Cross References
▶ Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
▶ Glutamate
▶ Hippocampus
References and Readings
Aminoff, M. J., Simon, R. P., & Greenberg, D. A. (2005). Clinical
neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bonner, J. S., & Bonner, J. J. (1991). The little black book of neurology:
A manual for neurologic house officers. (2nd ed.). St Louis: MosbyYear Book.
Golden, C. J., Zillmer, E. A., & Spiers, M. V. (1992). Neuropsychological
assessment and intervention. Springfield, IL: Charles C.Thomas.
Webster’s new explorer medical dictionary (New Edition). (2006).
Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
Zillmer, E. A., & Spiers, M. V. (2001). Principles of neuropsychology.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Anoxic Encepathopathy
Anoxic Encepathopathy
▶ Anoxia
The ACA can be divided into five segments A1–A5,
although it should be noted that some of the literature is
describing the A1 segment when referring to the ACA
(Sawada & Kazui, 1995).
Medical, Neuropsychological, and
Psychological Symptoms
▶ Receptor Spectrum
Anterior Aphasia
▶ Broca’s Aphasia
Infarctions in the territory of this artery are associated
with a variety of clinical signs and symptoms involving
gait, limb sensation, abulia, lack of spontaneous activity,
urinary incontinence, frontal and memory impairments,
in addition to emotional dysregulation (apathy)
(Brust, 1995).
Cross References
▶ Anterior Communicating Artery
Anterior Cerebral Artery
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
ACA; Cerebral artery
The anterior cerebral artery (ACA) arises as the medial
branch of the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery
(ICA) (Sawada & Kazui, 1995) and supplies the anterior
three-quarters of the medial surface of the frontal and
parietal lobes, the anterior 80% of the corpus callosum,
the frontal basal cerebral cortex, the anterior diencephalon, and deep structures. Innervated areas also include the
medial-orbital surface of the frontal lobe, frontal pole,
and a small strip of the lateral surface of the cerebral
hemisphere along the superior border (Ropper, Brown,
Adams, & Victor, 2005). The largest branch (Heubner’s
artery) supplies the head of the caudate, the anterior
globus pallidus, and the anterior limb of the internal
References and Readings
Brust, J. C. M. (1995). Agitation and delirium. In J. Bogousslavsky, &
L. Caplan (Eds.), Stroke syndromes (pp. 134–139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ropper, A. H., Brown, R. H., Adams, R. D., & Victor, M. (2005). Adams &
Victor’s principles of neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sawada, T., & Kazui, S. (1995). Anterior cerebral artery. In J. Bogousslavsky,
& L. Caplan (Eds.), Stroke syndromes (pp. 235–246). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Brown University
Providence, RI, USA
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a mesocortical
paralimbic area located anterior to the corpus callosum
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
and posterior to the prefrontal cortex. The ACC was once
viewed as a single limbic structure, forming an important
part of the ‘‘Papez’’ circuit, though in reality analysis of its
cytoarchitecture indicates that it consists of regions with
different cell types. Its cell characteristics are agranular,
and therefore are distinct from the cortex.
The ACC encompasses several Broadmann areas,
including areas 24, 25, 32, and 33. The ACC wraps around
the corpus callosum, having the appearance of a collar
or belt. In fact, the term cingulum means belt in Latin.
A large volume of the ventral ACC consists of Area 24,
which merges with the posterior cingulate cortex
(Area 23) along the posterior half of the corpus callosum.
The division between the ACC and posterior cingulate is
undifferentiated to a large extent, though these areas can
be separated based on the cortical layer IV in the posterior
cingulate. Anterior to Area 24 is the subgenual cortex
(Area 25), which may be considered to be distinct from
other ACC areas. Anterior to this region is the dorsal
ACC, including areas 32 and 33. The midanterior section
of the ACC is often termed midcingulate (mACC), while
the more posterior section is termed perigenual cingulate
(pACC). These areas have distinct cell characteristics, and
there is strong evidence of functional differences across
subareas of the ACC.
Primary afferent input to the ACC is received via
axons from the midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei,
with the anterior nucleus receiving input from mamillary
neurons, which in turn has projections from the subiculum. The ACC is associated with a large white-matter
bundle, the cingulum, through which signals are transmitted to other limbic areas. As a paralimbic area, the
ACC is a transition area between subcortical and limbic
structures, such as the amygdala and cortical areas, most
notably in the frontal lobes. The posterior ACC has heavy
input from the amygdala, whereas the mid-ACC receives
greater input from parietal areas. Connections between
the ACC and the mesial, ventral, and orbital frontal areas
appear to be particularly important for emotional and
behavioral regulation.
Current knowledge regarding the functions of the ACC
has its origins in the psychosurgical efforts of the midtwentieth century. At that time, the role of the frontal
lobes in emotion and behavioral control were recognized,
and frontal lobotomy was experimented with as a means
of treating a variety of psychiatric conditions, including
severe depression and schizophrenia. While frontal lobotomy resulted in a reduction in agitation and other severe
psychiatric symptoms, surgical removal of the frontal lobe
caused severe cognitive dysfunction. Given that the orbital
frontal region was considered to be particularly important
for the control of impulses and emotional regulation,
subsequent psychosurgical approaches typically restricted
ablation to these areas, often through leukotomy.
Unfortunately, patients undergoing this procedure often
exhibited marked personality change, with flattening of
affect, apathy, and other undesirable effects. A third generation of psychosurgical procedures ensued with efforts
to target brain areas more selectively. The ACC was a
point of focus because of its association with both limbic
areas as well as the frontal cortex. Beginning in the late
1950s, cingulotomy was developed as an alternative to
frontal ablation. Early studies suggested that it had few
adverse cognitive effects, and that it seemed helpful
for certain patients, particularly those with intractable
obsessive–compulsive symptoms, chronic pain, and
opiate dependence. There was also some evidence that it
was helpful for patients with severe chronic depression,
though the basis for these effects may relate to reductions
in emotional tension, obsessive thought processes, and
other depression-associated problems.
Literature on the psychosurgical effects of cingulotomy
provided compelling evidence that the ACC plays a role
in human emotional experience and regulation. Furthermore, there is also evidence that the ACC influences
autonomic nervous system response, including heart
rate, blood pressure, and galvanic skin response, with
these responses showing alterations in the rate of habituation following cingulotomy (Cohen et al., 1995). Yet, most
early studies of the effects of cingulotomy suggested that
the ACC had little impact on intellectual ability or most
neuropsychological functions. Postsurgery patients tended
not to experience significant memory, language, or visual
change. Subsequent controlled studies indicated that while
these functions are largely spared following cingulotomy,
there are alterations in some attention-related functions,
most notably attentional focus, intention, and response
selection and control (Cohen et al., 2001). These changes
correspond with reductions in emotional tension and
distress, and also a tendency for reduced self-initiation
of behavior (Cohen et al., 2001).
Recent experimental evidence suggests a functional
dissociation between the posterior and middle ACC. The
mid-ACC plays a role in response selection and control,
including intention and planning to act or to engage
in cognitive operations. It has also been implicated in
Anterior Cingulate System
processing new motor programs, working memory, and
mismatch detection. In contrast, the posterior ACC
appears to play a more direct role in emotional processing, though these areas are likely highly interconnected,
enabling the integration of emotional and attentional
processes (Bush, Luu, & Posner, 2000).
Interest in the functional significance of ACC
increased dramatically with the advent of functional neuroimaging methods. Activation of the ACC is evident
across a wide range of tasks. In fact, it is among the
most responsive areas of the brain on fMRI. This probably
reflects the fact that it plays an increased role when tasks
require motivation and drive to complete and where there
is demand for attentional effort and focus.
The ACC plays a significant role in response to the
conflict during cognitive tasks associated with decision
making and the need to resolve competing or discrepant
information (Botvinick et al., 1999). Some cognitive neuroscientists argue that conflict monitoring is the primary
function of the ACC, though it seems likely that this
capacity is closely associated with the broader functions
of regulation of drive, emotion, attention, and response
intention; and selection, initiation, and persistence
relative to situational demands.
Focal brain diseases affecting only the ACC are rare.
However, the ACC is vulnerable to the effects of tumor,
stroke, and other neurological conditions involving anterior cortical infarction or mass action. Unilateral ablation
of the ACC in laboratory studies of primates, and also
secondary to stroke, has been shown to produce hemineglect syndrome, providing further evidence that the
ACC plays an important role in attention. There is evidence of ACC dysfunction secondary to atrophy associated with neurodegenerative conditions, such as
Alzheimer’s disease, which may contribute to symptoms
of apathy and behavioral inertia in certain patients. However, these changes are usually part of a much more global
pattern of brain abnormality.
The ACC plays a more obvious role in psychiatric
illness and also the range of normal behavior. Activation
of the ACC occurs in association with increased levels of
distress and emotional tension and anxiety. It also tends
to be associated with obsessive rumination and preoccupation with internal states and signals, such as pain and
impulses to seek reward. Accordingly, the ACC has been
implicated in substance abuse, including opiate addiction
and nicotine dependence. Citalopram binds to the serotonin transporter at very high levels in the posterior ACC,
which may account for the effects of this type of drug on
reducing mood, anxiety, and pain symptoms. There is
also evidence that functional response of the ACC varies
as a function of risk-reward dynamics, appetitive state,
and motivation. Neuroimaging studies have begun to
point to its role in a variety of behavior problems, such
as obesity and inactivity.
Cross References
▶ Apathy
▶ Executive Function
▶ Intention
▶ Psychosurgery
References and Readings
Ballentine, H. T. Jr., Levey, B. A., Dagi, T. F., & Diriunas, I. B. (1977).
Neurosurgical treatment in psychiatry, pain, and epilepsy. In W. H.
Sweet, S. Obrador, & J. G. Martin-Rodriques (Eds.), Cingulotomy
for psychiatric illness: Report of 13 years experience (pp. 333–353).
Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
Bush, G., Luu, P., & Posner, M. I. (2000). Cognitive and emotional
influences in anterior cingulate cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,
4(6), 215–222.
Botvinick, M., Nystrom, L. E., Fissell, K., Carter, C. S., & Cohen, J. D.
(1999). Conflict monitoring versus selection-for-action in anterior
cingulate cortex. Nature, 402(6758), 179–181.
Cohen, R. A., Kaplan, R. F., Meadows, M. E., & Wilkinson, H. (1994).
Habituation and sensitization of the orienting response
following bilateral anterior cingulotomy. Neuropsychologia, 32(5),
Cohen, R. A., Kaplan, R. F., Zuffante, P., Moser, D. J., Jenkins, M. A.,
Salloway, S., et al. (1999). Alteration of intention and self-initiated
action associated with bilateral anterior cingulotomy. Journal of
Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 11(4), 444–453.
Cohen, R. A., Paul, R., Zawacki, T. M., Moser, D. J., Sweet, L., &
Wilkinson, H. (2001). Emotional and personality changes following
cingulotomy. Emotion, 1(1), 38–50.
Devinsky, O., Morrell, M. J., & Vogt, B. A. (1995). Contributions of
anterior cingulate cortex to behaviour. Brain, 118(Pt. 1), 279–306.
Anterior Cingulate System
▶ Mesial Frontal System
Anterior Communicating Artery
Anterior Commissure
Anterior Communicating Artery
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ, USA
Interhemispheric commissure
Communicating artery; ACoA
A relatively small commissure in the basal forebrain lying
above the optic chiasm and anterior to the main columns
of the fornix that connects homologous areas of the middle and inferior temporal gyri, including parts of the
olfactory cortices (Fig. 1).
Acq Tm
The anterior communicating artery (ACoA) interconnects the two anterior cerebral arteries just rostral to the
optic chiasm and resides at the anterior portion of the
Circle of Willis.
Ruptured ACoA aneurysms may impact a variety
of neurologic, neuropsychological, and psychological
functions. This may, in part, be due to the fact that
the perforating branches of the ACoA supply the anterior hypothalamus, mesial anterior commissure, lamina
termininalis, and areas implicated in executive function,
memory, and affect (e.g., fornix and basal forebrain, septal
nuclei, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band, and the medial
substantia innominata) (DeLuca & Diamond, 1995;
Sawada & Kazui, 1995). The profound memory disorders
that may be associated with ACoA aneurysm rupture do
not appear to directly involve neuroanatomic areas traditionally implicated in amnesia, which makes the ACoA
artery of both clinical and theoretical interest.
ACoA aneurysms may develop as a result of trauma,
infections, degenerative diseases, or a congenital defect
(Parkin & Leng, 1993). Aneurysms often become symptomatic as a result of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
following rupture (Riina, Lemole, & Spetzler, 2002). SAH
has an overall incidence of 10 to 16 per 100,000 and is a
major cause of mortality and morbidity (Clinchot,
Kaplan, Murray, & Pease, 1994).
Anterior Commissure. Figure 1
Ruptured ACoA aneurysms alter the hemodynamic circulation of the anterior portion of the Circle of Willis, often
Anterior Communicating Artery
resulting in cerebral infarction and impairments in cognition, personality, and functional activities (DeLuca &
Diamond, 1995; McCormick, 1984). Damage to the
basal forebrain region may help account for many of the
cognitive impairments that are observed in ACoA aneurysm due to the fact that the basal forebrain region contains cholinergic neurons that project to the hippocampus
and amygdala, via the medial forebrain bundle to the
entire cerebral cortex. Damage to this area would, therefore, particularly interfere with cholinergic activation of
structures and circuits implicated in memory within the
medial temporal lobe (Schnider & Landis, 1995). Moreover, vascular compromise of the perforating branches of
the ACoA are believed to impact functional areas (e.g.,
executive function, memory, and affect) that are innervated by these vascular branches. There is general agreement in the literature suggesting that personality changes
following ACoA aneurysm are a result of frontal lobe
dysfunction, particularly in the medio-basal zones along
the distribution of the anterior cerebral artery. The subcallosal perforating artery has, in fact, been implicated in
and may mediate personality changes and memory
Epidemiological Factors
Rupture of cerebral aneurysms strikes at a mean age of
50 years and accounts for 5–10% of all strokes (Dombovy,
Drew-Cates, & Serdans, 1998), and approximately
85–95% of all aneurysms develop at the anterior portion
of the cerebral arterial supply, primarily at the Circle of
Willis (Adams & Biller, 1992; Ropper, Brown, Adams, &
Victor, 2005). The ACoA is one of the most common sites
of cerebral aneurysm and is the most frequent site of
cerebral infarct following aneurysm rupture (DeLuca &
Diamond, 1995; McCormick, 1984). About 30–40% of
cerebral aneurysms affect the ACoA artery, and 90% of
cases are asymptomatic (Beeckmans, Vancoillie, & Michiels,
1998; Manconi, Paolino, Casetta, & Granieri, 2001) with
various reports suggesting that the incidence of rupture is
highest between 40 and 70 years of age (McCormick,
1984; Sethi, Moore, Dervin, Clifton, & MacSweeney,
2000) and that rupture occurs more frequently in females
(i.e., 60% of cases) (Adams & Biller, 1992).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors, and
With respect to impairment and chronicity, acute ACoA
patients are more impaired than chronic ones with
differences most notable on tests of executive and memory function. Relationships between recovery of executive
function and temporal gradients in retrograde amnesia
have been reported, with improvements in executive function accompanied by parallel improvements in the severity of retrograde amnesia. Improvement in the recall of
complex visual-spatial information and an enhanced ability to benefit from an executive learning strategy have also
been reported with little improvement on traditional
measures of memory or executive function (Diamond,
DeLuca, & Kelley, 1997a). Recovery from neuropsychological disturbances is generally poorer in patients with
ventral frontal lesion compared to those with basal forebrain and striate lesions.
Surgical outcome and prognosis following aneurysms
depend on multiple factors (e.g., initial clinical status,
localization of aneurysm, age, and the morphological
characteristics of the aneurysm). Comparisons of clipping
versus endovascular embolization procedures have shown
that, in a number of studies, clipped patients have more
severe cognitive impairments than embolization patients
and that 33% of clipped patients had impairments in
memory and executive functioning (Chan, Ho, & Poon,
Generally, the severity of cognitive impairment has
predictive value for functional status particularly with
respect to levels of required supervision at discharge
(Saciri & Kos, 2002).
Some work suggests that recovery of executive function and not short- and long-term memory may, in fact,
be the best predictor of the ability to return to work
(DeLuca & Diamond, 1995).
Neuropsychological and Psychological
It is generally concluded that verbal intellectual skills,
language functions, visuo-spatial skills, and attention/
concentration are within normal limits or only mildly
impaired, although complex concentration appears to be
reduced. An increased sensitivity to interference may be a
defining feature among ACoA amnesics and between
ACoA amnesics and diencephalic-mesial and temporal
amnesics. More severe impairments are seen in delayed
versus immediate memory and in executive function
(DeLuca & Diamond, 1995). Impairments in spatiotemporal discrimination appear similar to other populations with frontal lobe dysfunction (Schacter, 1987).
Anterior Communicating Artery
Implicit memory involving data- and concept-driven retrieval processes and behavioral and physiological indices
(Diamond, Mayes, & Meudell, 1996) appears to be relatively intact, although the evidence is sparse. Procedural
memory on serial reaction time and mirror-reading tasks
also appears to be preserved.
Spatial working memory in ACoA patients has been
reported to be impaired, and the impairment profile is
similar to patients with temporal lobe excisions. ACoA
patients have displayed impairments in semantic memory, and difficulties to both the acquisition and recall of
verbal information showing little initial learning, a passive
learning style, a flat learning slope, and impaired recognition discrimination, in addition to emitting a high number of intrusions and false positives (Diamond, DeLuca, &
Kelley, 1997b). ACoAs have shown impairments in information processing and autobiographical memory (especially for events associated with context). ACoA amnesics
(i.e., with putative basal forebrain damage) have exhibited
impairments in delay eyeblink classical conditioning
(Myers et al., 2001), event-related potentials (ERPs), and
in prospective remembering.
statements or actions that involve distortions that are
unintentional (Moscovitch & Melo, 1997) with two distinct types of confabulation generally recognized in the
literature, spontaneous and provoked (Kopelman, 1987).
The key difference between provoked and spontaneous
confabulation is that in spontaneous confabulation the
confabulation guides actions. Recovery from confabulation appears to parallel improvement in temporal context
confusion, and recovery can occur in the absence of significant improvement on traditional tests of memory and
executive function.
With respect to psychosocial outcomes, a significant
percentage of SAH survivors are left with cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral changes that can profoundly
impact their daily lives. Compared with controls,
SAH patients display an increased incidence of mood
disturbance, cognitive impairment, and lower levels of
independence, and participation on measures that reflect
social functioning. Levels of productive employment
are generally reduced and many patients show clinically
significant posttraumatic stress symptomatology (see
Table 1 for a list of neuropsychological and psychological
Assessment and Treatment
ACoAs have displayed increased risk-taking on tasks in
which choices were associated with different magnitudes
of reward and punishment. Confabulation is observed in
a subset of ACoA aneurysm patients and is manifested by
Given the wide range of impairments associated with
ACoA aneurysm, it may be advisable for clinicians to
use assessments that focus on those impairments that
Anterior Communicating Artery. Table 1 Neuropsychological and psychological impairments associated with ACoA aneurysm
Awareness, self-monitoring, and personality
Disorders of awareness:
Semantic Memory
Prospective Memory
Cognitive Estimation
Executive dysfunction
Working Memory
Dual Task Performance
Proactive Interference
Delay eyeblink conditioning
Paraparesis syndrome
Dichotic listening
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Visuomotor skill learning
Phonemic fluency
Delayed ERP (P300): Auditory
Alien hand syndrome
Verbal fluency
Delayed ERP (P300): Visual
Visual-sensory function (unruptured aneurysms)
Autonomic and event-related potentials (ERP)
Prolonged QTc intervals
Anterior Communicating Artery
are most salient and have the greatest impact on activities
of daily living (ADLs). Impairments in memory, executive
function, and attention/concentration as well as mood
figure prominently following ACoA aneurysm rupture
and should be part of routine assessment. For example,
assessments should examine set-shifting (e.g., Wisconsin
Card Sort Test (WCST) and Trails B), verbal and visual
fluency (e.g., CFT/FAS and Design Fluency Test), verbal
recall and recognition (e.g., California Verbal Learning
Test (CVLT)), visual recall (e.g., Rey–Osterreith Complex
Figure Test (ROCFT)), sustained attention (e.g., Cancellation Test), information processing speed (e.g., n-back
tasks), and impaired abstraction (e.g., Cognitive Estimation Test (CET)).
In some cases, modification of existing assessment
tools can be an effective way to enhance the assessment
process. For example, the Rey–Osterrieth Organizational
and Extended Memory (ROEM) test, which is a modification of the ROCFT, was reported to help identify
mechanisms underlying the nature of the impaired memory in ACoA amnesics by using measures of recall and
recognition (e.g., subunit recognition, spatial arrangement, and whole figure recognition). Moreover, encoding
and recall were improved by using an executive organizational strategy, in addition to identifying patients who
were more likely to benefit from such an intervention
(Diamond, DeLuca, & Kelly, 1997a; Prignatano & DeLuca,
Some work suggests that cognitive rehabilitation can
help increase compensatory strategies for attention and
memory dysfunction and that rehabilitation can help
improve professional activities as well as ADLs with positive rehabilitation outcomes primarily associated with
changes in memory and attention. In a mixed sample of
SAH patients, a majority of survivors who receive inpatient rehabilitation attain physical independence but
impairments in cognition and ADLs persist in upwards
of 40% of the patients (Dombovy, Drew-Cates, & Serdans,
1998). Patients have generally shown impairments
1–5 years poststroke, in visual short-term memory, reaction-time, verbal long-term memory, concentration, and
language and information processing. Evaluation several
years after SAH associated with ACoA aneurysm rupture
has shown that cognitive problems negatively correlate
with the level of community integration and that impairments in visual memory, verbal memory, and executive
function are most frequently observed. Therefore, while
being characterized as having a good outcome, many
ACoA patients continue to exhibit persistent cognitive
impairments that negatively impact psychosocial functioning (Ravnik et al., 2006).
Cross References
▶ Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s)
▶ Amnesia
▶ Aneurysm
▶ Anterior Cerebral Artery
▶ Confabulation
▶ Executive Functioning
▶ Rey Complex Figure Test
References and Readings
Adams, H. P., & Biller, J. (1992). Hemorrhagic intracranial vascular
disease. In A. B. Baker & R. J. Joynt (Eds.), Clinical neurology
(vol. 2). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.
Beeckmans, K., Vancoillie, P., & Michiels, K. (1998). Neuropsychological
deficits in patients with an anterior communicating artery syndrome: A multiple case study. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 98(3),
Chan, A., Ho, S., & Poon, W. S. (2002). Neuropsychological sequelae of
patients treated with microsurgical clipping or endovascular embolization for anterior communicating artery aneurysm. European
Neurology, 47, 37–44.
Clinchot, D. M., Kaplan, P., Murray, D. M., & Pease, W. S. (1994).
Cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations: Implications
for rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
75(12), 1342–1351.
Cummings, J. L., & Trimble, M. R. (1995). A concise guide to neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
DeLuca, J., & Diamond, B. J. (1995). Aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery: A review of neuroanatomical and neuropsychological
sequelae. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,
17(1), 100–121.
Diamond, B. J., Mayes, A. R., & Meudell, P. (1996). Autonomic and
recognition indices of aware and unaware memory in amnesics
and healthy subjects. Cortex, 32, 439–459.
Diamond, B. J., DeLuca, J., & Kelley, S. M. (1997a). Executive and
memory impairment in patients with anterior communicating artery aneurysm. Brain and Cognition, 35, 340–341.
Diamond, B. J., DeLuca, J., & Kelley, S. M. (1997b). Verbal learning in
anterior communicating artery aneurysm and multiple sclerosis
patients: Performance on the California verbal learning test. Applied
Neuropsychology. 4, 89–98.
Dombovy, M. L., Drew-Cates, J., & Serdans, R. (1998). Recovery and
rehabilitation following subarachnoid haemorrhage: Part II. Longterm follow-up. Brain Injury, 12(10), 887–894.
Kopelman, M. D. (1987). Two types of confabulation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 50(11), 1482–1487.
Manconi, M., Paolino, E., Casetta, I., & Granieri, E. (2001). Anosmia in a
giant anterior communicating artery aneurysm. Archives of Neurology, 58(9), 1474–1475.
McCormick, W. F. (1984). Pathology and pathogenesis of intracranial
saccular aneurysms. Seminars in Neurology, 4(3), 291–303.
Moscovitch, M., & Melo, B. (1997). Strategic retrieval and the frontal
lobes: Evidence from confabulation and amnesia. Neuropsychologia,
35(7), 1017–1034.
Anterograde Amnesia
Myers, C. E., DeLuca, J., Schultheis, M. T., Schnirman, G. M., Ermita,
B. R., Diamond, B. J., Warren, S. G., & Gluck, M. (2001). Impaired
delay eyeblink classical conditioning in individuals with anterograde
amnesia resulting from anterior communicating artery aneurysm.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 115(3), 560–570.
Parkin, A., & Leng R. C. (1993). Neuropsychology of the amnestic syndrome: Hove, U.K.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Prignatano, G., & DeLuca, J. (1999). Methodological issues in research on
neuropsychological and intellectual assessment. In P. C. Kendall,
J. Butcher, & G. Holmbeck (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in
clinical psychology (pp. 241–250). New York: Wiley.
Ravnik, J., Starovasnik, B., Šešok, S., Pirtošek3, Z., Švigelj, V., Bunc, G.,
et al. (2006). Long-term cognitive deficits in patients with good
outcomes after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage from anterior
communicating artery. Croat Medical Journal, 47, 253–263.
Riina, H. A., Lemole, G. M., Jr., & Spetzler, R. F. (2002). Anterior
communicating artery aneurysms. Neurosurgery, 51(4), 993–996.
Ropper, A. H., Brown, R. H., Adams, R. D., & Victor, M. (2005). Adams &
Victor’s principles of neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Saciri, B. M., & Kos, N. (2002). Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage:
Outcomes of early rehabilitation after surgical repair of ruptured
intracranial aneurysms. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 72(3), 334–337.
Sawada, T., & Kazui, S. (1995). Anterior cerebral artery. In J. Bogousslavsky
& L. Caplan (Eds.), Stroke Syndromes (pp. 235–246). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Schnider, A., & Landis, T. (1995). Memory loss. In J. Bogousslavsky &
L. Caplan (Eds.), Stroke syndromes (pp. 145–150). Cambridge, MA:
Cambridge University Press.
Schacter, D. L. (1987). Implicit memory: History and current status.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition,
13, 501–518.
Sethi, H., Moore, A., Dervin, J., Clifton, A., & MacSweeney, J. E. (2000).
Hydrocephalus: Comparison of clipping and embolization in aneurysm treatment. Journal of Neurosurgery. 92(6), 991–994.
Anterograde Amnesia
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University
School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
Short Description or Definition
Anterograde amnesia is an inability to recall or recognize
events, facts, or concepts to which one was exposed
following the onset of illness.
Brief Historical Background
Current scientific understanding of anterograde amnesia
began largely with the study of patient HM. In 1953, at
age 27, HM underwent bilateral resection of the medial
temporal lobes for alleviation of refractory seizures, which
had become progressively more severe following a head
injury he had suffered at age 9. The resection was successful in reducing his seizures but, unexpectedly, following
the treatment he was unable to remember his normal
daily activities. For example, he could not recall eating
his meal within minutes of having finished it, and he
could not remember having had a conversation minutes
after it ended. He was unable to remember his regular
caregivers, even though he could converse and interact
normally with them when they were present. These findings established that intact medial temporal lobes are
critical for normal memory function. HM’s medial temporal lobe resection had left him with a dense anterograde
amnesia, despite his having intact intelligence, attention,
language function, and social skills. With respect to his
memory for the events that preceded his surgery, it was
initially thought that his retrograde amnesia (▶ Retrograde Amnesia) was limited to approximately 2 years
prior to the operation, but more recent findings indicate
that he had a more extensive retrograde amnesia that
extended to 11 years before the surgery. Subsequent neuropsychological studies of HM and other amnesic individuals have further informed our current understanding of
both impaired and preserved memory function in amnesia
(Corkin, 1984).
Neuropsychology of Anterograde
Patients suffering from anterograde amnesia have great
difficulty in bringing to mind information to which they
were exposed following the onset of their illness. These
patients have preserved immediate memory, in that they
can hold in mind a current topic of conversation and can
repeat a string of digits with no delay, but, following any
distraction or delay, memory for the information is lost.
Episodic memory or memory for personal events is severely impaired and, as a result, patients no longer form a
record of their lives. The nature of this loss is global, in
that it includes both verbal and nonverbal information in
all sensory modalities. It encompasses both personally
experienced events (episodic memory) and impersonal
facts or concepts (semantic memory). Together these
two forms of memory comprise declarative (or explicit)
memory, and are what the plain term ‘‘memory’’ refers to
in common usage. An important insight to arise from the
study of patients with anterograde amnesia is that not all
forms of long-term memory are impaired. Forms of
Anterograde Amnesia
memory that do not require deliberate reference to a prior
experience, often referred to as nondeclarative (or implicit) memory, remain intact.
Failure of declarative memory in amnesia can arise
from a number of different etiologies. These include anoxia, herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), anterior communicating artery aneurysm (ACoA), Wernicke‐Korsakoff
syndrome (WKS), and stroke. The amnesia is a direct
consequence of damage to the medial temporal lobes
(i.e., HSE; anoxia), the midline diencephalon (i.e., WKS;
stroke), basal forebrain structures (i.e., ACoA), or some of
the fiber tracts that link these regions. These amnesias
are usually permanent. In contrast, in transient global amnesia (TGA) there is temporary dysfunction of memoryrelated brain structures including the hippocampal formation and thalamus. Episodes of TGA typically last no
more than 24 h, after which the patient’s new-learning
returns to normal, but a permanent amnesic gap remains
for the period of the attack (▶ Transient Global Amnesia).
The ability to remember newly encountered information depends on a number of stages, including the
processing and representation of immediate experience
(encoding), the transfer of that encoded information to
long-term storage (consolidation), and its re-manifestation in consciousness upon deliberate recall (retrieval)
at a later time. Disruption of any one of these stages
could lead to anterograde amnesia. In patients with
medial temporal or diencephalic lesions, encoding and
retrieval are thought to be relatively intact. Such
patients perform normally on intelligence tests, and
on short-term memory tests, suggesting adequate
encoding (Baddeley, 1995). Furthermore, impaired retrieval is unlikely to be the cause of their failed explicit
memory, because memories from many years ago can still
be retrieved. Therefore, it is assumed that their impairments reflect deficient consolidation. The medial temporal lobes, through interactions with neocortical regions,
are thought to be critical for consolidation. They bind
together into a coherent representation the different
aspects of an event that are neocortically represented
(Eichenbaum, 2006).
Generally, the size of the causative brain lesion is
directly proportional to the density of the amnesia, but
the specific location of the lesion will also impact on the
nature of the memory impairment. For example, if the
damage is limited to the hippocampal formation, performance on recall tasks is impaired, but performance on
recognition tasks can remain intact (Mayes, Holdstock,
Isaac, Hunkin & Roberts, 2002). To account for these
findings, it has been suggested that two distinct processes
contribute to explicit memory; the first is ‘‘recollection,’’
the intentional, effortful process by which aspects of a past
episode are recovered. The second is ‘‘familiarity,’’ a subjective feeling that arises when information is processed
fluently and comes to mind easily. Whereas performance
on recall tasks depends on the ability to recollect contextually appropriate information, performance on recognition tasks can be supported by either recollection or
familiarity. Thus, the pattern of performance of patients
with limited hippocampal lesions is thought to reflect
impaired recollection, but preserved familiarity. Such a
pattern is consistent with findings from neuroimaging
and neurophysiological studies that suggest that the hippocampus proper is critical for recollection, whereas
familiarity is supported by the perirhinal cortex. If the
damage is more extensive and extends beyond the hippocampus to include other medial temporal lobe structures
such as the perirhinal cortex, then both recollection and
familiarity are affected, leading to striking impairments
on tests of recognition as well as recall.
The degree of impairment in new semantic learning is
also a function of the extent of the medial temporal lobe
lesion. Patients with injury limited to the hippocampus
are able to acquire some new facts and concepts postmorbidly, although inefficiently, but patients with more
extensive medial lobe damage show minimal ability to do
so (Verfaellie, 2000).
In patients who suffered anoxia or a rupture of an
aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery, frontal
lobe impairments may be superimposed on the core amnesia (▶ Amnestic Syndromes). In such cases the anterograde amnesia will be exacerbated by additional
impairments in encoding and retrieval. Executive functions
such as planning, organizing, monitoring, and control of
attention, all depend on the integrity of the frontal lobes.
Executive impairments will interfere with the ability to
mentally manipulate and organize information during deliberate encoding, and will also disrupt initiation and evaluation of memory search during effortful retrieval. The
latter can lead to unusually high levels of intrusions in
recall, or false alarms in recognition, a phenomenon
known as enhanced susceptibility to false memory.
Despite such pervasive impairments in declarative
memory, patients with anterograde amnesia show intact
performance in a variety of forms of nondeclarative memory. These include procedural learning (the acquisition of
new skills or habits), eyeblink conditioning (learning to
blink the eyes in response to a tone because of the repeated association of the tone with an air puff to the eye), and
repetition priming (improved accuracy or speed of
Anterograde Amnesia
performance for stimuli to which an individual was recently exposed) (Verfaellie & Keane, 2002). These forms of
nondeclarative memory depend on neural circuits in the
basal ganglia, cerebellum, or neocortex that remain spared
in amnesia (Squire, 1994).
Anterograde amnesia refers to a severe and permanent
inability to learn new information in the presence of
otherwise normal intelligence, attention span, perception,
reasoning, and language ability. The evaluation of anterograde amnesia must therefore, as a first step, include a
comprehensive neuropsychological work-up to determine
whether other areas of cognitive functioning are intact
and, if not, whether any deficits found contribute to the
memory disorder. With regard to assessment of memory
functioning itself, there are a variety of standardized tests
available, and Lezak, Howieson, and Loring (2004) provide a comprehensive review of the most commonly used
ones. Assessing performance on recall and recognition
tests is an essential component of the evaluation, because
their comparison can reveal the nature of the memory
processes that are affected. Both verbal and nonverbal
memory should be examined, and memory should be
tested both shortly after learning and following a longer
delay, to assess the rate of forgetting. Other factors of
diagnostic importance are a patient’s sensitivity to interference and his or her ability to use organizational strategies at encoding and retrieval. While a comprehensive
assessment of anterograde memory typically includes a
variety of different tests, each developed for a specific
purpose, the use of a single standardized memory battery
that evaluates all major aspects of new learning can
provide a good overview of memory functioning. The
Wechsler Memory Scale-III (Wechsler, 1997) is probably
the most widely-used instrument for this purpose. In
addition to indices of Immediate Memory and General
(Delayed) Memory, it provides an index of Working
Memory, and, in patients with anterograde amnesia, a
split on the order of 20 points is to be expected between
Working Memory and Immediate/General Memory.
Rehabilitation interventions in amnesia aim at increasing
day-to-day functional adaptation and independence.
A wide array of intervention techniques is available,
and the choice among them should be informed by cognitive factors such as premorbid abilities and skills as well
as post-morbid neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses, including the severity of amnesia. Contributing
non-cognitive factors include premorbid lifestyle and
habits, and educational background. Contributing emotional factors include insight and motivation, which are
essential for any treatment choice, because the absence of
either will undermine rehabilitation efforts.
Remediation of patients with severe amnesia relies
largely on those aspects of memory that are preserved,
such as procedural learning and priming. Techniques
that capitalize on procedural learning use repetition to
drill skills and habits, ranging from essential activities
of daily living to simple assembly tasks and cognitive
skills. Such skill learning is frequently involved when
teaching a patient to use an external memory aid, such as
a memory notebook, calendar, diary, appointment book,
or written reminders. The memory notebook is a preferred
compensatory instrument for amnesics because it is
divided into sections that are personally tailored to a
patient’s life (i.e., daily tasks, future plans, notes section,
and so on). More sophisticated technology, in the form
of computerized paging systems, electronic assistants,
alarms, and timers, is most useful for individuals who
had some proficiency in the use of such devices premorbidly. Learning to use such devices de novo may pose high
demands on working memory or episodic memory, which
is problematic for memory disordered patients. In such
instances, it is important to break the task down into
small steps that can be practiced independently. Once
the steps become automatized, they can then be gradually
Other methods rely on preserved priming abilities
(Verfaellie, 2000). One technique is the vanishing cues
technique, which has been used to teach amnesics
computer-related vocabulary, business-related terms,
and novel concepts, through gradual reduction of cues
that elicit correct answers. Another technique is errorless
learning. Error elimination requires explicit recollection
of the learning episode, and thus densely amnesic patients
have great difficulty eliminating errors. Their performance relies primarily on implicit memory, which typically leads to production of the strongest response. If that
response is incorrect, the error is likely to be further
strengthened across subsequent learning trials, thus interfering with learning the correct response.
For patients with milder memory impairments,
strategies aimed at strengthening the impaired form of
memory are more appropriate. Such patients may
Anterolateral System
benefit from rehearsal and re‐learning of the material.
Spaced repetitions, across different time intervals and
different spatial locations, are especially beneficial as
they enhance the likelihood that information will be
richly encoded, thus enhancing the chances that a freestanding memory will be integrated with preexisting
memories. For patients whose memory impairment
reflects impairment in effortful encoding and retrieval,
techniques that promote enhanced organization (e.g.,
chunking, thematic organization) and elaboration (e.g.,
verbal mnemonics, visual imagery) at the time of
learning may be useful. In a sense, elaboration provides
the learner with alternative retrieval routes that may
enhance recall.
Cross References
Anterolateral System
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
ALS; Spinothalamic tract
One of two ascending pathways in the spinal cord that
carry conscious sensory information from the upper and
lower extremities, trunk, and posterior portion of the
head to the brain (the other being the lemniscal system).
▶ Amnesia
▶ Retrograde Amnesia
Current Knowledge
References and Readings
Baddeley, A. D. (1995). The psychology of memory. In A. D. Baddeley,
B. A. Wilson, & F. N. Watts (Eds.), Handbook of memory disorders
(pp. 3–25). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Corkin, S. (1984). Lasting consequences of bilateral medial temporal
lobectomy: Clinical course and experimental findings in H. M.
Seminars in Neurology, 4, 249–259.
Eichenbaum, H. (2006). Memory binding in hippocampal
relational networks. In H. D. Zimmer, A. Mecklinger, & U. Linderberger (Eds.), Handbook of binding and memory: Perspectives from
cognitive neuroscience (pp. 25–51). New York: Oxford University
Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D. B., & Loring, D. W. (2004). Neuropsychological assessment (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Mayes, A. R., Holdstock, J. S., Isaac, C. L., Hunkin, N. M., & Roberts, N.
(2002). Relative sparing of item recognition memory in a patient
with adult-onset damage limited to the hippocampus. Hippocampus,
12, 325–340.
Squire, L. S. (1994). Declarative and nondeclarative memory: Multiple
brain systems supporting learning and memory. In D. L. Schacter, &
E. Tulving (Eds.), Memory systems 1994 (pp. 203–232). Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Verfaellie, M. (2000). Semantic learning in amnesia. In L. S. Cermak
(Ed.), Handbook of neuropsychology (2nd ed., pp. 335–354).
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Verfaellie, M., & Keane, M. M. (2002). Impaired and preserved memory
processes in amnesia. In L. R. Squire, & D. L. Schacter (Eds.),
Neuropsychology of memory (3rd ed., pp. 35–46). New York: Guilford
Wechsler, D. (1997). WMS-III manual. New York: Psychological
Of the two ascending somatosensory pathways (the
other being the posterior columns or lemniscal system)
the anterolateral system (ALS) is the more primitive
and polysynaptic and is primarily responsible for the
sensations of pain, temperature, and crude (‘‘less well
defined’’) or simple touch. Input into the ALS is derived
from both specialized cutaneous receptors and free
nerve endings in the skin. These sensory impulses then
travel centrally (toward the cord) in the peripheral
nerves. Just outside the cord, the peripheral nerves
bifurcate into the dorsal and ventral nerve roots. The
dorsal roots, which carry sensory information, then
synapse in the gray matter of the cord (dorsal horns)
on the same side in which they enter. Secondary fibers
then cross the midline of the cord in the ventral white
commissure and ascend in the ventral–lateral portion of
the spinal cord as the ventral and lateral spinothalamic
tracts. While these two tracts were once described as
carrying different and distinct types of sensory information, the current thinking is that they have extensive
functional overlap and hence should be considered as a
single anterolateral system. These second-order fibers of
the ALS ascend in the ventral lateral portion of the cord
and then in the lateral and later in the dorsolateral
portions of the brainstem. These ascending pathways
continue to ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. From the thalamus, third-order neurons project
to the somatosensory cortices in the parietal lobes of the
brain. Because the nerve fibers making up the ALS cross
the midline within a few vertebral segments of where
they enter the cord, lesions affecting the ALS will result
in contralateral deficits.
Anticholinergic. Table 1 Anticholinergic
clinically used for the antimuscarinic effects
Cross References
Medications for
neurogenic bladder
including urge
incontinence, for
overactive bladder
▶ Medial Lemniscus (Posterior Columns)
Benztropine (Cogentin),
antiparkinson’s medication trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
Mendoza, J. E., & Foundas, A. L. (2008). The somatosensory systems. In
J. E. Mendoza & A. L. Foundas (Eds.), Clinical neuroanatomy – A
neurobehavioral approach (pp. 23–47). New York: Springer.
Oxybutynin (Ditropan),
tolterodine (Detrol), trospium
(Sanctura), solifenacin
(Vesicare), darifenacin
Antivertigo medication
Meclizine (Antivert),
scopolamine (Transderm
(Lomotil), belladonna
Medications for
Tiotropium (Spiriva),
ipratropium (Atrovent)
References and Readings
Anti-Anxiety Drugs
▶ Anxiolytics
Anticholinergic. Table 2 Anticholinergic medications not
primarily targeting the cholinergic receptors
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl),
hydroxyzine (Vistaril), cyproheptadine
Amoxaprine (Asendin), amytriptyline
(Elavil), desipramine (Norpramin),
imipramine (Tofranil), nortriptyline
Clozapine (Clozeril), olanzapine
(Zyprexia), risperidone (Risperdal)
Anti-Anxiety Medications
▶ Anxiolytics
Paoli, PA, USA
Anticholinergic medications
Anticholinergic agents alter the balance of neurotransmitters
in the central and peripheral nervous system inhibiting
parasympathetic nerve impulses. Specifically, the agents
diminish acetylcholine and allow for the increase of
dopamine. Anticholinergic medications are divided into
three categories based on their specific receptor targets in
the nervous system and in other sites in the body:
antimuscarinic, ganglionic blockers, and neuromuscular
Muscle relaxants Dantrolene (Dantrium), cyclobenzaprine
blockers. The receptor subtypes affect the brain, salivary
glands, smooth muscle, and ciliary muscles of the eye.
Categories of medications are clinically used for the
antimuscarinic effects and include medications for urinary spasmodics and overactive bladder, anticholinergic
antiparkinson’s agents, antivertigo medications, gastrointestinal antispasmodics, mydriatic medications, and
medications for bronchospasm. Another group of medications not primarily targeting the cholinergic receptors
include sedating antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants,
muscle relaxants, some antipsychotics, antiarrythmics,
and antiemetics. Neuropsychologists should be aware
of the medications their patients are taking and the
potential impact on neuropsychological test results. It
is necessary to differentiate between medication sideeffects and true consequences or neurologic disorder.
Anticholinergic Medications
Current Knowledge
Anticholinergic medications are used in treating a variety
of medical conditions. Anticholinergic drugs are used in
treating a variety of conditions including Parkinson’s disease and other Parkinsonian-like disorders; gastrointestinal
disorders such as diverticulitis; respiratory disorders such
as asthma; and genitourinary disorders such as prostatitis.
clinical severity of delirium symptoms in older medical inpatients.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 161(8), 1099–1105.
Lieberman, J. A. (2004). Managing anticholinergic side effects. Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry, 6(Suppl. 2), 20–23.
Anticholinergic Medications
▶ Anticholinergic
Side Effects
Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
Anticholinergic side effects can be caused by a wide range
of medications. Anticholinergic medications have peripheral and central side effects including dry mouth, blurred
vision, urinary retention or difficulty initiating voiding,
constipation or bowel obstruction, decreased sweating,
increased heart rate, ataxia, increased body temperature,
agitation, confusion, delirium, memory impairment,
decreased attention, dizziness, and drowsiness.
Certain populations are at greater risk for adverse events
related to anticholinergic medications. They include older
adults who already experience a decrease in acetylcholine
production; men with benign prostatic hypertrophy,
patients with glaucoma, and individuals with dementia
who are already taking cholinesterase inhibitors.
The elderly and patients with brain injury are often
prescribed medications with anticholinergic properties to
address medical issues for bladder management, increased
muscle tone, and behavior (atypical antipsychotics).
There may be a cumulative effect of taking multiple
medications which act on the cholinergic system.
Anticholinergic side effects in older adults include an
increase in delirium, diminished ADLs, and decrease in
cognition (Fick et al., 2003; Han et al., 2001).
Cross References
▶ Acetylcholine
▶ Dopamine
▶ Neurotransmitters
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA, USA
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors; ACHE inhibitors; AchEIs;
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Anticholinesterase inhibitors are a class of substances that
affect the cholinergic neurotransmitter system and are
often used for clinical purposes in the treatment of memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Nonclinical uses include agricultural applications such as pesticides
and military applications such as the development of neurotoxins. Acetylcholine is normally released by the presynpatic neuron and activates receptors on the postsynaptic
cell. Acetylcholinesterase is the primary enzyme that breaks
down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft. Cholinesterase
inhibitors block the activity of this enzyme, allowing the
neurotransmitter substance to remain in the synaptic cleft
longer to stimulate postsynaptic receptors.
Current Knowledge
References and Readings
Clinical Indications
Fick, D. M., Cooper, J. W., Wade, W. E., Waller, J. L., Maclean, J. R., &
Beers, M. H. (2003). Updating the Beers criteria for potentially
inappropriate medication use in older adults: results of a US consensus panel of experts. Archives of Internal Medicine, 163(22),
Han, L., McCusker, J., Cole, M., Abrahamowicz, M., Primeau, F., & Élie,
M. (2001). Use of medications with anticholinergic effect predicts
Cholinesterase inhibitors are often used in the treatment
of memory and other cognitive disorders. In AD, degeneration of brain cholinergic neurons has been associated
with progressive cognitive deterioration. Because cholinesterase inhibitors do not reverse or stop the progressive
degeneration of cholinergic neurons, their effectiveness is
greatest early in the course of the disease, while existing
neurons are able to continue to produce and release acetylcholine (Orgogozo, 2003). Other compounds such as
memantine (which acts on the glutamatergic system) have
been approved for use in moderate to severe dementia.
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL, USA
Formulation and Side Effects
Several cholinesterase inhibitors are available, such as
donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine. The primary
mode of intake is oral, although a cutaneous route through
a dermal patch has been developed. Common side effects
of cholinesterase inhibitors include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Less common are insomnia and
cardiovascular symptoms such as bradycardia. Drug tolerability may be enhanced by varying dosing and titration
rates to achieve therapeutic levels (Orgogozo, 2003).
Antithrombotic therapy
Anticoagulation refers to the prevention of blood from
Current Knowledge
Other Applications
In addition to its distribution in the brain, acetylcholine is
also present at the neuromuscular junction and plays an
important role in the body’s motor functions. Cholinesterase inhibitors developed for agricultural or military
applications may affect the motor system by causing an
accumulation of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction leading to excessive excitation of muscles and a
cessation of muscle contraction (due to overexcitation).
Autonomic functions may also be affected due to cholinergic innervation of cardiac and smooth muscles. Thus,
cholinesterase inhibitors are potent neurotoxins that are
used as insecticides or in warfare (Iversen, Iversen, Bloom,
& Roth, 2009).
Cross References
▶ Acetylcholine
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
References and Readings
Iversen, L. L., Iversen, S. D., Bloom, F. E., & Roth, R. H. (2009). Acetylcholine. Introduction to neuropsychopharmacology (pp. 128–149).
New York: Oxford University Press.
Orgogozo, J.-M. (2003). Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with
cholinesterase inhibitors. An update on currently used drugs. In
K. Iqbal, & B. Winblad (Eds.), Alzheimer’s disease and related
disorders: Research advances (pp. 663–675). Bucharest: Ana Asian
International Academy of Aging.
An anticoagulant is a chemical that prevents coagulation.
The body contains a number of naturally occurring physiological anticoagulants, but other anticoagulants are used
as pharmacological agents to prevent and treat thrombotic
disorders such as coronary artery disease causing ischemic
heart disease, cerebrovascular disease causing stroke, peripheral arterial disease causing limb ischemia, and venous
thromboembolic disease.
Commonly used anticoagulation medications include warfarin (Coumadin®), heparin, and low molecular weight heparin compounds such as enoxaparin
(Lovenox®), tinzaparin (Innohep®), and dalteparin
New anticoagulants are under development. Dosages
of these medications can be adjusted using blood tests
that measure the levels of certain clotting functions,
which can be used to monitor the effectiveness of the
medication regimen. Optimum ranges for the results of
these tests are available for specific conditions and clinical situations.
Predictably, adverse effects of these medications are
largely hemorrhagic in nature. Prolonged bleeding from
simple superficial lacerations, internal hemorrhage into
gastrointestinal system, brain, or muscles in the pelvis or
leg occurs with greater frequency, depending on the level
of anticoagulation. Rarely, a paradoxical thrombotic
disorder might occur as a result of using one of these
medications. On balance, the benefits of using certain
anticoagulants in selected situations outweigh the risks
of the medications, but primarily in controlled
circumstances when clinical and laboratory monitoring is
feasible and when the patient does not have risk of falls,
injuries, or other contraindications.
Cross References
▶ Atherosclerosis
▶ Central Venous Thrombosis
▶ Cerebral Embolism
▶ Heparin
▶ Thrombosis
▶ Venous Thrombosis
▶ Warfarin
monotherapy is the goal for the treatment of epilepsy,
choosing medications targeting seizure control with
fewest side effects. Monotherapy also makes it easier to
monitor side effects. Usually, if one drug fails, another
medication is trialed. If the initial AED fails, the physician
typically will wean this medication and try another firstline drug. If monotherapy fails, polytherapy may be tried.
The physician will maximize the first-line dose and then
add a second-line medication. General monitoring for
AEDs includes the frequency and severity of seizures,
adverse events and side effects, and monitoring of plasma.
The chart below identifies FDA indications for commonly
used AEDs.
Mechanism of Action for AEDs
References and Readings
Dentali, F., Douketis, J. D., Gianni, M., Lim, W., Crowther, M. A. (2007)
Meta-analysis: Anticoagulant prophylaxis to prevent symptomatic
venous thromboembolism in hospitalized medical patients. Annals
of Internal Medicine, 146, 278–288.
Hirsh, J., Guyatt, G., Albers, G. W., Harrington, R., Schünemann, H. J.
(2008). Executive summary: antithromotic and thrombolytic therapy, 8th Edition: American College of Chest Physicians evidencebased clinical practice guidelines. Chest, 133, 71S–105S.
Paoli, PA, USA
Phenytoin, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, gabapentin,
topiramate, and valproate block sodium channel and
impede generation of high-frequency action potentials.
Some of the drugs may also reduce high-threshold calcium currents, resulting in a decrease in excitatory transmitter release. In therapeutic ranges, barbiturates and
diazepam derivatives enhance GABA responses. Topiramate may enhance GABAergic inhibition. Gabapetin may
promote nonsynaptic GABA release. Phenobarbital is a
long-acting barbiturate with sedative, hypnotic, and
anticonvulsant properties. It acts on the GABA receptors,
increasing synaptic inhibition. This has the effect of
Anticonvulsants. Table 1 Commonly used AED
Partial seizures
First-line drugs
Antiepileptic drugs (AED)
A group of medications used in the management of
Current Knowledge
The selection of an AED depends on the type of seizure,
age of patient, and gender. According to the literature,
(use when other
have failed)
(use when other
have failed)
elevating the seizure threshold and reducing the spread of
seizure activity in the brain. Phenobarbital may also inhibit calcium channels.
First-Line Medications
Valproate (Depakote)
Labeled indications include control of epilepsy (seizures
disorders). As an AED, it can be used as monotherapy and
adjunctive treatment of tonic–clonic, partial complex
seizures, and simple and complex absence seizures. It
can be used as an adjunctive treatment in patients who
have multiple types of seizures.
hypontension, bradycardia, dysrhythmias, and cardiac
changes, as well as venous irritation and
Other adverse events/side effects include gingival
hyperplasia, hirstism, rash, hepatitis, megaloblastic
anemia, thrombocytopenia, Stevens–Johnson syndrome,
systemic lupus Erythematosus, and folic acid deficiency.
Drug interactions
Drug interactions are many and include (but are not
limited to) chloramphenicol, dexamethasone, doxycycline,
furosemide, haloperidol, meperidine, methadone, oral
contraceptives, theophylline, and warfarin. Non-AEDs
that effect phenytoin levels include alcohol, antacids, folic
acid, rifampin, tube feedings, alcohol, cimetidine,
fluoxetine, imipramine, INH, omeprazole, propoxyphene,
sulfonamides, and trazadone.
The medication should be prescribed cautiously for
individuals with liver disease and urea cycle disorders
and for pregnant women.
Adverse events/side effects
Weight gain, thrombocytopenia, and elevated liver
enzymes may be dose related. When initially starting
the medication, patients may complain of nausea and
diarrhea. Hyperammonemia has been reported and may
be present despite normal liver function testing. In the
elderly, there is a possible increase in somnolence.
Drug interactions
Medications that may increase valproate levels include
felbamate, rifampin, and chlorpromazine; medications that
valproate may affect include carbamazepine, amitriptyline,
nortriptyline, clonazepam, ethosuximide, lamotrigine,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, tolbutamide, and lorazepam.
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Phenytoin is the oldest and one of the most effective
medications in the treatment of a wide range of seizure
types. The labeled use is for tonic–clonic and partial
complex seizures. It is often used as a first-line drug
choice for monotherapy. The usual dose is 300 to 400
mg/day. An extended-release capsule allows for onetime a
day dosing. The therapeutic range is 10–20.
Adverse events/side effects
Phenytoin can be administered intravenously. As a result,
specific adverse events/side effects can include
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Carbamazepine is indicated as a first-line drug for use as
an anticonvulsant for partial seizures, generalized tonic–
clonic, and mixed seizures, but not absence seizures. It is
generally nonsedating within therapeutic range. It is also
indicated in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
Adverse events/side effects
Adverse events associated with carbamazepine include
aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis. Pretreatment hematology testing should be completed to obtain a baseline.
The patient should be monitored and treatment should be
discontinued with hematology changes. Stevens–Johnson
syndrome (an exfoliating dermatitis) has been reported.
Carbamazepine has mild anticholinergic properties, so
patients with intraocular eye pressure should be monitored. Carbamazepine should not be used in pregnant
women. Patients should be cautioned against drinking
In the beginning of treatment, patients report side
effects including dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and
Medications that affect carbamazepine plasma
Drugs that increase plasma levels include cimetidine,
danazol, macrolides, erythromycin, troleandomycin,
fluoxitine, nefazoned, loratadine, terfenadine, INH,
propoxyphene, verapamil, grapedfruit juice, protease
inhibitors, and valproate. Medications that decrease
carbamazepine plasma levels include cisplatin, felbamate,
rifampin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, methsuximide, and theophylline.
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
Topiramate is considered effective as a monotherapy for
individuals with partial complex or generalized tonic–
clonic seizures. It is also effective as an adjunctive treatment
for partial complex and generalized tonic–clonic seizures.
Lamotrigine is effective as monotherapy for individuals
with partial complex seizures; it is also considered
effective as an adjunctive therapy for partial complex
seizures and generalized tonic–clonic seizures. It is
thought to inhibit voltage-sensitive sodium channel
mechanisms. It is well tolerated and does not seem to
have cognitive altering side effects. A therapeutic plasma
concentration has not been established for lamotrigine.
Adverse events/side effects
Side effects/adverse events
Metabolic acidosis is an adverse event associated
with topiramate. Conditions that predispose individuals
include renal disease, severe respiratory disorders, status
epilepticus, and diarrhea. Measurement of baseline and
periodic sodium bicarbonate is recommended. Other side
effects/adverse events include kidney stones, paresthesia
of the extremities, acute myopia and glaucoma, decreased
sweating and hyperthermia, cognitive-related dysfunction, psychiatric/behavioral disturbances, and somnolence or fatigue.
Include rash, fatigue, dizziness, diplopia, and ataxia.
Angioedema, nystagmus, and hematuria also may occur.
Topamax (Topiramate)
Drug interactions
Concomitant administration of topiramate and valproate
has been associated with hyperammonia. Topiramate concentrations affect phenytoin and valproate. Topiramate
concentrations are affected by phenytoin, carbamazepine,
valproate, and lamotrigine.
Ethosuximide (Zarontin) has been approved for
absence (petit mal) seizures. Adverse events/side effects
include blood dyscrasias; decreased cognition including
drowsiness, dizziness, irritability, hyperactivity, and
fatigue; and ataxia. There have been reports of increased
tonic–clonic seizures.
Second-Line Medications
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Gabapentin is effective as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial seizures with and without generalization.
Adverse events/side effects
Include dizziness, ataxia, weight gain, gi upset, somnolence, and other symptoms of CNS depression.
Drug interactions
Antacids decrease their bioavailability.
Drug interactions
Medications that decrease lamotrigine’s effectiveness
include carbamazepine, valproate, phenobarbital, primidone, and acetaminophen.
Febamate (Felbatol) has been approved for adjunctive therapy or monotherapy for individuals with partial
complex or tonic–clonic seizures. This medication is
recommended when other therapies have been tried and
have failed.
Adverse events/side effects
This medication potentially causes aplastic anemia or
hepatotoxicity and should be used with extreme care by
a knowledgeable physician when other therapies have
been tried. Other side effects/adverse events include
anorexia, vomiting, and insomnia.
Drug interactions
Felbatol affects phenytoin, valproate, and carbamazepine
Barbiturates (Second Line)
Labeled indications include control of epilepsy (seizures
disorders) and as a sedative/hypnotic medication for
short-term treatment of insomnia. As an AED, it can be
used as monotherapy in the treatment of generalized
(tonic–clonic), simple, or partial complex seizures; for
myoclonic epilepsy; and for neonatal and febrile seizures
in children. It has also been prescribed for eclamptic
seizures during pregnancy.
The medication should be prescribed cautiously for
individuals with liver disease, CHF, and hypovolemic
shock and for pregnant women. The medication does
cause both physical and psychological drug dependence;
for this reason, it is not a first-line medication of choice
for individuals with drug dependence. If prescribed for
sleep, it should not be used longer than 2 weeks and
prescribed for the elderly because of its long half-life.
Patients should avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants
while taking phenobarbital. Other contraindications include preexisting CNS depression, severe uncontrolled
pain (may mask symptoms) porphyria, and severe
respiratory disease with obstruction or dyspnea. Abrupt
discontinuation may cause seizures.
Adverse events/side effects
Adverse affects include sedation, ataxia, cognitive
impairment, may cause a paradoxical effect including
hyperactivity and problems with sleep, megablastic
anemia (responds to folic acid) and rash, exfoliative
dermatitis and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.
Non-AEDs affected by phenobarbital
Phenobarbital may interfere with the effectiveness of acetaminophen and increase liver damage. The effectiveness of
beta-blockers except Atenolol, Levobunolol, Metipranolol, and Nadolol, oral contraceptives, chloramphenicol,
chlorpromazine, cimetidine, corticosteroids, cyclosporine, desipramine, doxycycline, folic acid, griseofulvin,
haloperidol, meperidine, methadone, nortriptyline, quinidine, theophylline, and warfarin may be compromised
when taking phenobarbital.
Non-AEDs affecting phenobarbital levels
Chloramphenicol, propoxyphene, and quinine may increase phenobarbital levels. Chlorpromazine, folic acid,
and prochlorperazine may decrease phenobarbital levels.
There may be increased toxicity with benzodiazapines,
CNS depressants, and methylphenidate.
Primidone (Mysoline) is related in structure to barbiturates. It is used in the management of tonic–clonic, partial
complex, and focal seizures. The adverse events/side affects
and drug interactions are similar to phenobarbital.
tachycardia, chest pain, headache, constipation, nausea,
and ataxia.
Medications include the following:
Clonazepam (Klonopin) is effective as an adjunctive
medication for individuals with absence, tonic–clonic, and
myoclonic seizures. Diazepam (Valium) and Lorazepam
(Ativan) can be used to treat status epilepticus.
Cross References
▶ Epilepsy
▶ Seizure
References and Readings
Lanctôt, K., Herrmann, N., Mazzotta, P., Khan, L., & Ingber, N. (2004).
GABAergic function in Alzheimer’s disease: Evidence for
dysfunction and potential as a therapeutic target for the treatment
of behavioural and psychological symptoms of Dementia. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry, 49(7), 439–453.
MacQueen, G., & Young, T. (2003). Cognitive effects of atypical
antipsychotics: focus on bipolar spectrum disorders. Bipolar
Disorders, 5, 53–61.
Yasseen, B., Colantonio, A., & Ratcliff, G. (2008). Prescription medication
use in persons many years following traumatic brain injury. Brain
Injury, 22(10), 752–757.
Antidepressant Responsive
▶ Unexplained Illness
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA, USA
This class of medication is not typically used as first-line
medications. As a class, they can produce CNS depression
and behavioral changes. Other adverse reactions include
Antidepressants are a class of medications that are
used primarily in the treatment of clinically severe
mood or anxiety disorders. The majority of effective
antidepressants currently in use enhance neurotransmission of serotonin and/or norepinephrine. Generally, this is achieved by blocking the reuptake of the
neurotransmitter substance(s), inhibiting the enzymes
responsible for its metabolism, or directly stimulating
the postsynaptic receptors (Iversen, Iversen, Bloom, &
Roth, 2009). Several antidepressants are also used in
treating generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and
obsessive–compulsive disorder (Bourin & Lambert,
2002). Other conditions for which antidepressants have
demonstrated efficacy include eating disorders (Powers &
Bruty, 2009), neuropathic pain (O’Connor & Dworkin,
2009), stress incontinence, nocturnal eneuresis, ejaculatory
disorders (Michel, Ruhe, de Groot, Castro, & Oelke, 2006),
migraine headaches, fibromyalgia (Stone, Viera, & Parman,
2003), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Chung,
Suzuki, & McGough, 2002), smoking, insomnia, and possibly pathological gambling (Grant & Grosz, 2004).
There are several classes of antidepressant medications. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) block the reuptake
of monoaminergic neurotransmitters and monoamine
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) inhibit their metabolism.
Other compounds are more selective in blocking the
reuptake of specific neurotransmitters (selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs and noradrenergic reuptake
inhibitors or NRIs). Compounds with dual serotonergic
and noradrenergic actions have also been developed
(Iversen et al., 2009).
Regardless of the type of antidepressant, the compounds are similar in their effectiveness and the time
course of their effects. The lag between the initiation of
antidepressant treatment and the alleviation of symptoms
generally takes 2–6 weeks for the maximal response. The
delay in treatment response suggests that the therapeutic
effects may result from ‘‘downstream’’ events that reflect
the brain’s adaptation to treatment (Iversen et al., 2009).
Alternative treatments with a shorter treatment lag are
under active investigation (see Future Directions).
Antidepressant medications differ in their profile of
side effects. First-generation MAOIs, which inhibit the
activity of both MAO-A and MAO-B, were known for
potentially serious side effects if patients also consumed
foods containing tyramine (fermented products such as
wine or cheese). Potential effects included headache,
hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, and death. Newergeneration MAOIs that act more selectively on MAO-A
do not require the dietary restriction from tyraminecontaining foods. Common side effects associated with
TCAs include dry mouth, urinary retention, sedation,
orthostatic hypotension, and weight gain. A concern with
this medication is the narrow therapeutic index, which
raises the risk of death with overdose. SSRIs do not carry
the same health concerns as MAOIs or TCAs. Common
side effects of SSRIs include nausea and sexual dysfunction. A topic of much controversy is a possible increase in
risk of suicidal ideation and behavior (see Current Knowledge). Side effects reported with mixed SSRI–NRIs (e.g.,
velaxafine), include headache, dry mouth, sedation, hypertension, and constipation (Iversen et al., 2009).
Current Knowledge
Approximately 60–70% of persons treated with antidepressants show a positive response. The lack of response in
30–40% of depressed individuals (at least to SSRIs) may
be due in part to the effects of genes. Variations in the
serotonin transporter gene (often referred to as
5-HTTLPR) modify the response of depressed persons
to SSRIs. Compared to those with a long (L) allele of
this gene, persons with a short allele exhibit poorer
response to SSRI treatment. Variations in 5-HTTLPR
may also influence the experience of side effects
(Horstmann & Binder, 2009).
The response rate to placebo in clinical trials of
antidepressants is relatively high, ranging from 30 to
50%. The placebo response is greater among individuals
with mild depressive symptoms, and recent meta-analyses
of clinical trials of second-generation antidepressants
indicate significant treatment effects only among those
with severe symptoms (Fournier et al., 2010; Kirsch
et al., 2008).
Significant concerns of an increased risk of suicidal
ideation and behavior (suicidality) have arisen over
the use of new-generation antidepressants. The US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) has released several
advisories that antidepressant use may increase the risk
of suicidality among children, adolescents, and young
adults (http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/Press
Announcements/2007/ucm108905.htm). A meta-analysis
of clinical trial data with SSRIs has confirmed a moderate
increase in risk of suicidality among pediatric patients
(Hammad, Laughren, & Racoosin, 2006). These observations are in contrast to epidemiological data that indicate
reduced rates of completed suicides. Some have hypothes
ized that the higher risk of suicidality with antidepressant
treatment likely occurs in a subset of high-risk patients
with agitated major depression or unrecognized bipolar
disorder (Rihmer & Akiskal, 2006).
Future Directions
More research is needed to examine the safety of antidepressant treatment in pediatric and young adult populations. Thorough characterization of patients may help
clarify whether certain subgroups are more vulnerable to
develop suicidal behaviors while receiving antidepressants. Additionally, antidepressants are not effective for
30–40% of depressed patients. Current work is exploring
alternative treatments, for example, testing antagonists of
NMDA glutamate receptors for an antidepressant effect.
This approach stems from observations in animal models
that exposure to an inescapable stressor (shock) produces
learned helplessness and also disrupts long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, an NMDA-dependent process.
It is hypothesized that NMDA receptors may also play a
role in the development of learned helplessness, and similar to the effects of antidepressants, antagonism of these
receptors may block its development. Initial clinical studies with ketamine, an NMDA antagonist, show a significant antidepressant effect within 2 h. In addition to a
more rapid treatment effect, it is hoped that glutamatebased therapies will alleviate depressive symptoms among
those unresponsive to current treatments (Skolnick,
Popik, & Trullas, 2009).
Horstmann, S., & Binder, E. B. (2009). Pharmacogenomics of antidepressant drugs. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 124, 57–73.
Iversen, L. L., Iversen, S. D., Bloom, F. E., & Roth, R. H. (2009). Antidepressants and Anxiolytics. Introduction to Neuropsychopharmacology (pp. 306–335). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kirsch, I., Deacon, B. J., Huedo-Medina, T. B., Scoboria, A., Moore, T. J.,
Johnson, B. T. (2008). Initial severity and antidepressant benefits:
A meta-analysis of data submitted to the food and Drug
Administration. PlOS Medicine, 5, e45.
Michel, M. C., Ruhe, H. G., de Groot, A. A., Castro, R., & Oelke, M.
(2006). Tolerability of amine uptake inhibitors in urologic diseases.
Current Drug Safety, 1, 73–85.
O’Connor, A. B., & Dworkin, R. H. (2009). Treatment of neuropathic
pain: An overview of recent guidelines. American Journal of
Medicine, 122(Suppl. 10), S22–32.
Powers, P. S., & Bruty, H. (2009). Pharmacotherapy for eating disorders
and obesity. Child Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18,
Rihmer, Z., & Akiskal, H. (2006). Do antidepressants t(h)reat(en)
depressives? Toward a clinical judicious formulation of the antidepressant-suicidality FDA advisory in light of declining national
suicide statistics from many countries. Journal of Affective Disorders,
94, 3–13.
Skolnick, P., Popik, P., & Trullas, R. (2009). Glutamate-based antidepressants: 20 years on. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 30, 563–569.
Stone, K. J., Viera, A. J., & Parman, C. L. (2003). Off-label applications for
SSRIs. American Family Physician, 68, 498–504.
Antiepileptic Drugs (AED)
Cross References
▶ Depression
▶ Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
▶ Serotonin
References and Readings
Bourin, M., & Lambert, O. (2002). Pharmacotherapy of anxious disorders.
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical Experimental, 17, 383–400.
Chung, B., Suzuki, A. R., & McGough, J. J. (2002). New drugs for
treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Expert Opinion
Emerging Drugs, 7, 269–276.
FDA Press Release. Extracted from http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/
Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2007/ucm108905.htm on 1/21/2010
Fournier, J. C., DeRubeis, R. J., Hollon, S. D., Dimidjian, S., Amsterdam,
J. D., Shelton, R. C., et al. (2010). Antidepressant drug effects and
depression severity: A patient-level meta-analysis. JAMA, 303, 47–53.
Grant, J. E., & Grosz, R. (2004). Pharmacotherapy outcome in older
pathological gamblers: A preliminary investigation. Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 17, 9–12.
Hammad, T. A., Laughren, T., & Racoosin, J. (2006). Suicidality in
pediatric patients treated with antidepressant drugs. Archives of
General Psychiatry, 63, 332–339.
▶ Anticonvulsants
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center,
Rehabilitation Research Center
San Jose, CA, USA
Histamine antagonist; Inverse histamine agonists
Antihistamines are commonly used to treat allergies; H1
receptor inverse agonists typically reduce swelling and
vasodilation within the nasal area. H1 receptor antagonists
include cetirizine, diphenhydramine also known as
benadryl, desloratadine, doxylamine, ebastine, fexofenadine, loratadine, pheniramine, and promethazine. H2 inverse agonists reduce gastric acid and are used to treat
ulcers and reflux. H2 receptor antagonists include cimetidine, famotidine, lafutidine, nizatidine, ranitidine, and
roxatidine. H3 and H4 receptor antagonists are experimental in nature and are being investigated for their
cognitive enhancing and immunomodulation abilities.
Additionally, antihistamines may be used to treat offlabel issues such as motion sickness, anxiety, and
Neuropsychologists must be aware of the potential
effects of antihistamines on the physical, emotional, and
cognitive functioning of their patients. Side effects of
antihistamine use may include dry nose and mouth,
drowsiness, dizziness, headache, upset stomach, loss of
appetite, irritability, motor slowness, diminished processing speed, and impaired visual skills. Antihistamine
effects are exacerbated by the use of alcohol and other
substances, which in turn will be of further detriment to
neuropsychological testing.
Cross References
▶ Pharmacodynamics
▶ Pharmacokinetics
▶ Psychopharmacology
Paoli, PA, USA
Antihypertensives are pharmacologic agents used to lower
blood pressure to normal levels or near normal levels. The
initiation and intensity of drug treatment depends on blood
pressure level, the individual’s risk factors (smoking,
dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, older than 60, male, postmenopausal women, and family history of cardiovascular
disease for women under 65 and men under 55 years of age),
and target organ damage (e.g., ▶ stroke or ▶ TIA, nephropathy, ▶ peripheral artery disease, ▶ retinopathy)
or cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular risks decrease
when the blood pressure is below 139/89. Typical agents
for treating hypertension include diuretics, beta-blockers,
ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors, calcium
channel blockers, peripheral alpha selective blockers, central alpha2 agonists, direct vasodilators, and adrenergic
Current Knowledge
References and Readings
Hindmarch, I., & Shamsi, Z. (1999). Antihistamines: Models to assess
sedative properties, assessment of sedation, safety and other sideeffects. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 29, 133–142.
Parsons, M., & Ganellin, C. (2006). Histamine and its receptors. British
Journal of Pharmacology, 147, S127–S135.
Theunissen, E., Vermeeren, A., van Oers, A., van Maris, I., & Ramaekers, J.
(2004). A dose-ranging study of the effects of mequitazine on actual
driving, memory and psychomotor performance as compared to
dexchlorpheniramine, cetirizine and placebo. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 34(2), 250–258.
van Ruitenbeek, P., Vermeeren, A., Smulders, F., Sambeth, A., & Riedel, W.
(2009). Histamine H1 receptor blockade predominantly impairs
sensory processes in human sensorimotor performance. British
Journal of Pharmacology, 157(1), 76–85.
Vuurman, E., Rikken, G., Muntjewerff, N., de Halleux, F., & Ramaekers, J.
(2004). Effects of desloratadine, diphenhydramine, and placebo on
driving performance and psychomotor performance measurements.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60(5), 307–313.
Zlomuzica, A., Ruocco, L., Sadile, A., Huston, J., & Dere, E. (2009).
Histamine H1 receptor knockout mice exhibit impaired spatial memory in the eight-arm radial maze. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157
(1), 86–91.
Hypertension is a risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, renal failure, congestive heart failure, progressive
atherosclerosis, and dementia. Treatment reduces the
risks of heart disease as well as cardiovascular morbidity.
For Stage I hypertension, the blood pressure ranges from
140/90 to 159/99; Stage II and Stage III blood pressure, the
systolic number is greater than 160 and diastolic is greater
than 100.
Monotherapy is preferred initially. The first line of
treatment is beta-blockers and diuretics for uncomplicated
hypertension individuals who do not have preexisting
coronary disease, diabetes, or proteinuria. In patients
with diabetes mellitus, renal disease or CHF, ACE
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists are the
appropriate initial therapy. Typically, the patient is started
on a low dose of long-acting, once daily drug, and the
dose is titrated until the blood pressure is lowered. If
blood pressure is not controlled with the dose of a
single drug, a second agent from a different class is
recommended. Combination therapy provides more
rapid control of hypertension and is recommended for
patients with stages II and III hypertension. Triple-drug
therapy may be required if the blood pressure control is
not achieved. Some patients have resistant hypertension.
A fourth line of medications may be required.
Classes of Antihypertensives
Diuretics decrease blood pressure by causing diuresis,
which results in decreased blood volume, cardiac output,
and stroke volume. They fall into three categories:
thiazides, loop diuretics, and potassium-sparing diuretics.
Thiazide’s onset of action occurs within 2–3 h. Their halflife is 8–12 h allowing for once daily dosing. Trade names
include Hygroton, Hydrodiuril, Lozol, and Zaroxolyn.
Loop diuretics act in the loop of Henle in the kidney
and are less effective in the long term. Their duration is
6 h. These agents are indicated with CHF or nephrotic
syndrome. Bumex, Edecrin, Lasix, and Demadex are trade
Potassium-sparing agents cause minimal diuresis
and are relatively ineffective in lowering the blood pressure. The medications correct thiazide-induced potassium
and magnesium losses. Medication trade names include
Midamor, Aldactone, and Dyrenium.
Adverse Events
Most complications occur related to dose and duration of
use. Hypokalemia is a side effect, but can be managed
with potassium chloride or use of potassium-sparing
Acute gouty arthritis, muscle cramps, development of
diabetes, nocturia or incontinence, and sun sensitivity
have been noted as clinical side effects.
Beta-Blocking Agents
Beta1-receptors are located in the heart and kidneys and
regulate heart rate and cardiac contractility. Beta2receptors regulate bronchodilation and vasodilation.
Beta-blockers decrease blood pressure by blocking the
beta-receptors. Some beta-blockers are cardioselective –
that is, they do not block the beta2-receptors, therefore
do not cause bronchoconstriction. These medications
include Lopressor, Kerlone, Tenormin, Sectral and Zebeta,
Corgard, Inderal, and Cartrol.
Side Effects
The most common side effects of beta-blockers are
fatigue, dizziness, bronchospasm, nausea, and vomiting.
Beta-blockers should not be discontinued abruptly but
should be tapered over 14 days to prevent withdrawal
which includes unstable angina, myocardial infarction,
and death.
ACE Inhibitors
This class of antihypertensives inhibits ACE which
converts angiotensin I to II – a potent vasoconstrictor.
This is a first-line therapy for patients with diabetes and
proteinuria. Mediations include Lotensin, Capoten,
Vasotec, Monopril, Zestril, Univasc, Accupril, Altace, and
Side effects include cough, hypotension, hyperkalemia,
rash, loss of taste, leukopenia, and neutropenia. They are
contraindicated in pregnancy and for patients with
bilateral real artery stenosis.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Calcium channel blockers relax the cardiac and smooth
muscle by blocking calcium channels that allow calcium
into the cells. The result is vasodilation. They also
decrease the heart rate and slow cardiac conduction.
Medications include Calan, Cardizem, Norvasc, Plendil,
Procardia Cardene, Sular, and DynaCirc.
Side Effects
Side effects include GI upset, edema, and hypotension.
Rare side effects include bradycardia, CHF, and AV
block. Other adverse effects include dizziness, headache,
shortness of breath, gingival hyperplasia, and edema.
Calcium channel blockers should not be prescribed for
individuals with second- and third-degree heart block or
left ventricular dysfunction.
Other Classes of Antihypertensives
Peripheral alpha1- receptors (Cardura, Minipress, and
Hytrin), central alpha2 (Clonidine, Aldomet, Tenex,
and Wytension), direct vasodilators (Apresoline and
Loniten), and adrenergic antagonists (Serpasil, Ismelin
and Hylorel) are the remaining categories of antihypertensives. They are mainly used as second- and third-line
Cross References
▶ Psychopharmacology
▶ Stroke
▶ Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Antiplatelet Therapy
References and Readings
August, P. (2003). Initial treatment of hypertension. New England Journal
of Medicine, 348, 610–617.
Cranwell-Bruce, L. (2008). Antihypertensives. MEDSURG Nursing, 17(5),
Ernst, M., & Moser M. (2009). Use of diuretics in patients with
hypertension. New England Journal of Medicine, 361, 2153–2164.
Houston, M. C., Pulliam Meador, B., & Moore Schipani, L. (2000).
Handbook of antihypertensive therapy (10th ed.). Philadelphia:
Hanley & Belfus.
Staessen, J., & Birkenhager, W. (2005). Evidence that new antihypertensives
are superior to older drugs. Lancet, 366(9489), 869–871.
Antiplatelet Therapy
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL, USA
attack and stroke in certain situations, for primary and
secondary prevention. This favorable effect is based on
the ability of these agents to inhibit the chemicals that
cause platelets to clump together initiating blood clot
Aspirin is the prototypical antiplatelet agent. Other
currently available antiplatelet agents include ticlopidine
(Ticlid®), clopidogrel (Plavix®), and dipyridamole
Cross References
▶ Atherosclerosis
▶ Cerebrovascular Disease
▶ Coronary Disease
▶ Ischemic Stroke
▶ Myocardial Infarction
▶ Peripheral Vascular Disease
▶ Stent
▶ Thrombosis
Antiplatelet therapy uses specific pharmacological agents
(antiplatelet agents) to inhibit the ability of platelets to
clump together to form blood clots, or thromboses, primarily in arteries. It is commonly used in people with
atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries).
Current Knowledge
Platelets are naturally occurring cells (actually, portions of
cells) that circulate in the blood. They clump, or aggregate,
under certain conditions to initiate the formation of blood
clots. These platelet clumps are then further bound together by the protein, fibrin. Together, the fibrin and the platelet
clump comprise the thrombus or blood clot. Thrombi are
useful in that they stop bleeding in normal circumstances.
When there is a break in an artery, allowing blood to leave
the vessel, platelets become activated by attaching to the
wall of the blood vessel at the site of the bleeding, and by
attracting fibrin and other coagulation factors to the area to
stop the bleeding. However, if the blood clot forms inside
the artery, it can block the flow of blood to the tissue that
is supplied by the artery, which can result in tissue damage. A clot forming in the coronary artery causes ischemic
heart disease (which may present as angina or myocardial
infarction), and when the blood clot forms in the carotid
or cerebral arteries, it may cause a stroke.
Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of
aspirin and other antiplatelet agents in preventing heart
References and Readings
Tran, H., & Anand, S. S. (2004). Oral antiplatelet therapy in cerebrovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and peripheral arterial disease.
JAMA, 292, 1867–1874.
▶ Neuroleptics
Antipsychotic Medications
▶ Antipsychotics
Paoli, PA, USA
Antipsychotic medications; Atypicals (antipsychotics);
Conventional antipsychotics; High-potency/low-potency
groups of antipsychotics;
the serotonin, dopamine, and GABA neurotransmitter
systems. This multiple pathway approach may help with
the individualization and selection of the best agent based
on the individual’s response.
Agents used for the treatment of psychotic disorders,
severe mental illnesses, and mood/behavior disorders
not responsive to other medication/behavioral interventions. Broader application/often ‘‘off-label’’ use of these
medications to address thought/behavior disorders in
various populations including adults with dementia,
traumatic brain injury, developmental disorders with
behavioral symptoms unresponsive to other treatments,
and individuals with depression who are not responsive
to antidepressant therapy alone. Specifically in TBI
populations, according to B.C. McDonald et al. (2002),
individuals with TBI whose cognition and behaviors are
disorganized, and agitated, there may be a role for neuroleptics agents. Another study by Ahmed and Fuiji (1998)
identified that individuals who have a brain injury
experience a two- to fivefold greater risk of developing
psychosis than the general population, and may require
treatment with atypical antipsychotics to help restore
behavioral and cognitive stability.
Historical Background
Antipsychotic medications according to Preston,
Neal, and Talaga (2006) have ‘‘truly revolutionized’’ the
treatment of psychotic disorders. Conventional/Typical
Antipsychotics act primarily through blockade of
dopamine D2 receptors. Chlorpromazine(Thorazine)/a
phenothiazine was first used in 1952 as a postoperative
agent, but quickly became a standard treatment for sedation and reducing psychotic symptoms of psychiatric
patients, and soon many other ‘‘phenothiazines’’ were
developed (Preston, Neal, and Talaga, 2006). The role of
dopamine 2 postsynaptic receptor blockade led to the
development of future dopamine blockers that are chemically targeted to reduce and selectively block/weakly
block dopamine to minimize side effects. Since that
time, off-label use of these agents has benefited other
populations. These agents were called ‘‘neuroleptics’’
because as a result of their dopamine blockade, they also
lead to other neurological side effects/undesired effects.
The newer antipsychotics, known as ‘‘atypicals,’’ are
strong serotonin blockers (5-HT2A and 5-HT2C) and
produce varying degrees of dopamine blockade, weakly
blocking D2 receptors and D1 receptors and also act on
Current Knowledge
Standard antipsychotics have been used since the 1950s
for their sedating effects on individuals with psychosis/
psychotic symptoms. As phenothiazines were known to
produce these effects as postoperative sedation agents, the
sedating effect led to the development of additional
standard antipsychotic agents produced and utilized
through the 1980s, including, but not limited to agents
such as Thorazine, Mellaril, Stelazine, Prolixin, Navane,
and Trilafon. These standard antipsychotic agents were
divided into high- and low-potency groups based on their
profiles indicating desirable/undesirable effects including
sedation, anticholinergic/parasympathetic side effects
including urinary and bowel retention, dry mouth and
cardiovascular effects, and extrapyramidal symptoms as
a result of their dopamine blockade, their effects on
sympathetic blockade/alpha adrenergic blockade leading
to hypotension and dizzinesss and the effects of
neurotramsission leading to involuntary movements
(tardive dyskinesias) and extrapyramidal symptoms.
Other adverse effects noted with typical antipsychotics
include lowering seizure threshold, thermal dysregulation,
hormonal dysregulation including hyperprolactinemia,
and a fatal but rare side effect known as neuroleptic
malignant syndrome characterized by fever, rigidity, and
confusion. Obviously, all medication agents require close
monitoring and may also require other agents to address
undesired effects, or lowering of the antipsychotic agent
or change in administration time to minimize untoward
Newer ‘‘atypical’’ or ‘‘novel’’ agents with Clozaril
(Clozapine) as the first agent in this category have
been noted to be effective in significantly reducing the
symptoms of psychosis, particularly when other agents
are unsuccessful by targeting specific dopamine
receptors, or block/ inhibit reuptake of serotonin. The
most significant difference is in the reduction of the
negative symptoms and the lower risk of developing
tardive dyskinesias. However, Clozaril effects on the bone
marrow may lead to a severe blood disorder/agranulocytosis. Clozaril requires adherence to an FDA protocol for
Complete Blood Count/ANC monitoring based on
threshold values. Newer atypical agents were developed
to improve the reduction of negative symptoms, improve
Antithrombotic Therapy
cognition, decrease risk of tardive dyskinesias, and other
neurological changes resulting from these agents.
Newer ‘‘atypical/novel’’ antipsychotic agents have included Risperidone, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Geodon, Abilify,
and, most recently, Saphris. However, with these newer
‘‘atypical antipsychotics,’’ other concerning side effects
have been exposed including metabolic changes leading
to alterations in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, possible diabetes, and excessive weight gain. All of these
newer agents require routine monitoring of weight,
blood sugar, and lipid profile studies to control the
potential adverse effects while achieving improvement in
both positive/negative symptoms of psychosis. Treatment
duration with these agents is individually maximized
based on response to reduction in positive symptoms of
chronic thought disorders/psychosis. Shorter treatment
durations may be possible in acute onset of delirium,
acute psychoses, or brief reactive psychosis.
Future Directions
The use of the newer atypical agents has been shown to
produce a reduction in hostility and aggression in
schizophrenic patients, elderly patients with dementia,
and empirically with individuals experiencing aggression
and agitation in TBI. The next generation of agents will be
directed at further reducing overall side effects while
maximizing treatment response and symptom reduction
while returning to optimal daily functioning and
cognitive, mood, and behavioral stability.
Cross References
▶ Neuroleptics
▶ Psychopharmacology
▶ Psychotic Disorder
References and Readings
Ahmed, I. I., & Fuiji, D. (1998). Posttraumatic Psychosis. Seminars in
Clinical Neuropsychology, 3(1), 23–33.
McDonald, B. C., Flashman, L. A., & Saykin, A. J. (2002). Executive
dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: neural substrates and
treatment strategies. NeuroRehabilitation, 17(4), 333–344.
Meredith, C., Jaffe, C., Ang-Lee, K., & Saxon, A. (2005). Implications of
chronic methamphetamine use: A literature review. Harvard Review
of Psychiatry, 13(3), 141–154.
Preston, J., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2006). Child and adolescent
clinical psychopharmacology made simple. Oakland, CA, US: New
Harbinger Publications.
Savitz, J., van der Merwe, L., Stein, D., Solms, M., & Ramesar, R. (2008).
Neuropsychological task performance in bipolar spectrum illness:
genetics, alcohol abuse, medication and childhood trauma. Bipolar
Disorders, 10(4), 479–494.
Voruganti, L., & Awad, A. (2004). Neuroleptic dysphoria: Towards a new
synthesis neuroleptic dysphoria. Psychopharmacology, 171(2),
Wozniak, J., Block, E., White, T., Jensen, J., & Schulz, S. (2008). Clinical
and neurocognitive course in early-onset psychosis: a longitudinal
study of adolescents with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Early
Intervention in Psychiatry, 2(3), 169–177.
Antithrombotic Therapy
▶ Anticoagulation
Kent State University
Kent, OH, USA
Anxiety is an unpleasant state characterized by affective,
cognitive, and physiological elements such as fear, worry,
apprehension, and tension.
Anxiety is similar to the emotion of fear, although the
function of chronic anxiety is often to avoid or mask true
fear through mechanisms of anxiety such as worry and
anticipation of negative future outcomes. The physiological manifestations of anxiety include increased blood
pressure, increased breathing rate (often shallow),
increased heart rate, other cardiac symptoms (e.g., pain,
‘‘skipped’’ beats), gastrointestinal distress including nausea, stomach aches, increased motility of the gut, and
diarrhea, generalized bodily distress such as fatigue and
pain. Cognitively, anxiety is frequently characterized by an
overestimation of the probability of a negative future
outcome and an exaggeration of the consequences of the
negative outcome. For example, an anxious person may
believe that it is likely that they will fail a test with
catastrophic consequences.
Anxiety often occurs in response to external stressors.
It can be a normal reaction to stress, in which case anxiety
can help coping behavior by focusing attention, mobilizing energy, and increasing goal-directed behavior.
However, anxiety can also be a reaction to internal (physiological) cues or a generalized and pervasive mood without identifiable precipitants. When anxiety is an excessive
reaction, or present in the absence of any true challenges
or dangers, it is considered pathological. Individuals with
pathological levels of anxiety are typically high in ‘‘trait’’
anxiety, which is a stable and enduring tendency to respond with anxiety to a wide variety of situations. Individuals high in trait anxiety are often also high in
Historical Background
Anxiety is basic to human experience and has been documented and treated since the beginning of recorded history. The relation between anxiety and health complaints
has been recognized since the seventeenth century, although
psychiatric nosology did not become well developed
until the last century. A number of anxiety disorders
have been delineated in contemporary psychiatric writings and are described in the most recent edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
published by the American Psychiatric Association.
habituation. Exposure can be in vivo or imaginal, and
therapy frequently uses cognitive techniques to modify
anxiety-generating cognitions. Anxiolytic medication is
also often prescribed.
Cross References
▶ Anxiolytics
▶ Beck Anxiety Inventory
References and Readings
Allen, L. B., McHugh, R. K., & Barlow, D. H. (2008). Emotional disorders:
A unified protocol. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of
psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (4th ed.,
pp. 216–249). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders (4th ed.), Text Revision. Washington,
DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center,
Rehabilitation Research Center
San Jose, CA, USA
Current Knowledge
Anti-anxiety drugs; Anti-anxiety medications
Although anxiety can be learned, it is thought to have a
biological basis in the amygdala and hippocampus. When
individuals are exposed to potentially dangerous or harmful stimuli, brain imaging often shows increased activity
in the amygdala accompanied by participant reports of
increased anxiety. Excessive anxiety can also compromise
performance on neuropsychological tests, especially by
interfering with attention and cognitive efficiency.
When suspected, the level of anxiety should be
assessed. Anxiety is often measured using the Beck Anxiety Inventory or Hamilton Anxiety Scale. They do not
diagnose anxiety disorders, but give a dimensional measure of anxiety.
Effective treatment of anxiety almost always involves
exposure to the feared stimulus. Treatments are based
on the principles of classical conditioning, and the goal
is to extinguish the fear response through exposure and
Anxiolytics are prescription drugs used to reduce the
severity and extent of symptoms due to anxiety-related
disorders. Often known as benzodiazepines, these drugs
are used to treat generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks,
phobias, and other ongoing issues of excessive fear and
dread. Medical illness often associated with high levels of
anxiety also includes brain injury, heart disease, and COPD.
There are six approved anxiolytics in the USA today including the popular Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan),
and Alprazolam (Xanax). Anxiolytics are designed to impact neurotransmitters in the amygdala by increasing
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter that diminishes the fear response.
Neuropsychologists must be aware of the potential
effects of anxiolytics on the physical, emotional, and
cognitive functioning of their patients. Anxiolytics are
highly addictive and are often abused when used as a
recreational drug. Patients may also become dependant
on their medication if on increased doses for long
periods of time. Side effects of anxiolytics may include
excessive drowsiness to the point of sedation; suicidal
thoughts; unexplained excitement, rage, anger, or hostility; confusion and cognitive slowing; balance and
dizziness issues; diminished motor and visual skills;
and breathing issues. Negative side effects may impact
neuropsychological testing and treatment and these
effects should be considered in treatment planning and
Apallic Syndrome
▶ Persistent Vegetative State
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island and Alpert Medical
School of Brown University
Pawtucket, RI, USA
Cross References
▶ Benzodiazepines
▶ Diazepam
▶ Psychopharmacology
References and Readings
Cosci, F., Schruers, K., Faravelli, C., & Griez, E. (2004). The influence of
alcohol oral intake on the effects of 35% CO2 challenge: A study in
healthy volunteers. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 16(2), 107–109.
Deacon, R., Bannerman, D., & Rawlins, J. (2002). Anxiolytic effects of
cytotoxic hippocampal lesions in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 116
(3), 494–497.
Karl, T., Duffy, L., Scimone, A., Harvey, R., & Schofield, P. (2007). Altered
motor activity, exploration and anxiety in heterozygous neuregulin 1
mutant mice: Implications for understanding schizophrenia. Genes,
Brain & Behavior, 6(7), 677–687.
Lanctôt, K., Herrmann, N., Mazzotta, P., Khan, L., & Ingber, N. (2004).
GABAergic function in Alzheimer’s disease: Evidence for dysfunction and potential as a therapeutic target for the treatment of
behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry, 49(7), 439–453.
McHugh, S., Deacon, R., Rawlins, J., & Bannerman, D. (2004). Amygdala
and ventral hippocampus contribute differentially to mechanisms of
fear and anxiety. Behavioral Neuroscience, 118(1), 63–78.
Treit, D., & Menard, J. (1997). Dissociations among the anxiolytic
effects of septal, hippocampal, and amygdaloid lesions. Behavioral
Neuroscience, 111(3), 653–658.
▶ Pallanesthesia
Abulia; Amotivational; Anhedonia; Negative symptom
Short Description or Definition
In the vernacular, the word apathy generally refers to
indifference or a lack of feeling or concern. In clinical
settings, ‘‘apathy’’ is often conceptualized as a lack of
drive or motivation, a lack of responsiveness (behavioral
or emotional) to stimuli, or a lack of initiation, or a
reduction in self-generated, purposeful behavior.
Apathy has been described in a variety of psychiatric,
neurological, and medical conditions, including depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal
dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Parkinson’s
disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, Huntington’s disease, cortical basal degeneration, dementia with Lewy
bodies, stroke, vascular dementia, cerebral autosomal
dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and
leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), traumatic brain injury
(TBI), anoxic encephalopathy, Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, hydrocephalus, human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), multiple sclerosis, apathetic hyperthyroidism,
chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin B12 deficiency, Lyme
disease, and drug intoxication and withdrawal.
Following an extensive review of the literature, van
Reekum et al. (2005) summarized the prevalence rates of
apathy in many of the above-named conditions derived
from studies that employed a variety of assessment
measures (see below). Combining data from multiple
studies, these authors report point prevalence rates of
60.3% in Alzheimer’s disease, 46.7% in TBI, 60.3% in
persons with focal frontal lesions, 33.8% in vascular dementia, 34.7% poststroke, 22.2% in dementia with Lewy
bodies, 29.8% in HIV, 20.5% in multiple sclerosis, and
53.3% in patients with major depression. Studies examining apathy in other neurological conditions have found
prevalence rates of 41% in CADASIL (Reyes et al., 2009),
90% in frontotemporal dementia, 91% in progressive
supranuclear palsy, 59% in Huntington’s disease, and
33% in Parkinson’s disease (Levy et al., 1998). Apathy is
also one of the most commonly observed neuropsychiatric symptoms in MCI (Apostolova and Cummings,
While the above-described findings related to clinicbased samples, apathy has also been reported in a
community-based sample of older adults with prevalence
rates of 1.4% in cognitively normal elderly, 3.1% in mild
cognitive syndrome, and 17.3% in dementia (Onyike
et al., 2007). Apathy also appears to be quite common in
nursing home settings, with one study reporting a prevalence rate of 84.1% (Wood et al., 2000). Apathy may also
appear as an adverse effect of some prescription drugs,
including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
(Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990).
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
The word apathy comes from the Greek word ‘‘apatheia’’,
meaning, an ‘‘absence of feeling.’’ The Stoic philosophers
used this term to connote the total freedom from emotions and passions which were thought to compromise
rationality and the desired state of mental tranquility.
However, over the centuries, the term apathy came to
refer to a lack of reactivity and became viewed as pathological rather than desirable.
While apathy can be observed as a symptom associated with a variety of psychiatric, neurological, and
medical conditions, some authors have argued that apathy, in some circumstances, may represent a neuropsychiatric syndrome as well. Marin (1991) defined an apathy
syndrome as a loss of motivation which could not be
attributed to emotional distress, intellectual impairment,
or a diminished level of consciousness. In contrast, apathy, as a symptom, was defined as a loss of motivation due
to a disturbance of intellect, emotion, or level of consciousness (Marin, 1991). Apathy is not considered an
independent syndrome in the current DSM-IV, though
it does appear as a nonspecific symptom for several other
disorders. The merits of including apathy as a stand-alone
disorder in the upcoming DSM-V revision are currently
being debated.
Prognostically, there is evidence to suggest that apathy
may be associated with more severe impairment and
negative outcomes. For example, a longitudinal study
examining apathy in persons with Alzheimer’s disease
found that apathy at the baseline was associated with
faster cognitive and functional decline at follow-up
(Starkstein et al., 2006) There is also some evidence that
apathy may precede the development of Alzheimer’s disease. One longitudinal study of patients with MCI found
that those patients who converted to Alzheimer’s disease
had higher rates of apathetic symptomatology (91.7%)
than those patients who did not convert (26.9%) (Robert
et al., 2006). Apathy has also been found to be significantly associated with lower cognitive functioning and more
severe motor symptoms in persons with Parkinson’s disease (Pedersen et al., 2009). Apathetic symptomatology
has also been found to be negatively associated with
functional improvement in rehabilitation settings after
strokes (Hama et al., 2007) and increased risk for mortality in nursing home residents with dementia (van Dijk
et al., 1994).
Studies have also found that apathy is associated with
decreased performance of activities of daily living (ADLs)
in persons with stroke (Mayo et al., 2009; Starkstein et al.,
1993), vascular dementia (Zawacki et al., 2002), frontotemporal dementia (Kipps et al., 2009), dementia with
Lewy bodies (Ricci et al., 2009), and major depression
(Steffens et al., 1999). Alzheimer’s disease patients with
apathy are more likely to be impaired on basic activities of
daily living (dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring,
walking, and eating) than nonapathetic Alzheimer’s disease patients, even when matched on degree of cognitive
impairment (Albert et al., 1996; Stout et al., 2003). In
addition, apathy has been found to account for 27% of
the variance in instrumental activities of daily living
scores (medication management, shopping, finances) in
patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Boyle et al., 2003).
Finally, apathy does not only impact the patient. Due
to impairments in motivation, individuals with apathy
can require more support and management, which can,
in turn, result in increased caregiver burden and stress.
The caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease-related
apathy have been shown to report significantly elevated
levels of distress and perceived burden compared to those
who are caring for less apathetic patients with a similar
level of cognitive impairment (Kaufer et al., 1998). Caregiver distress secondary to neuropsychiatric symptoms,
including apathy, has been implicated in the eventual
institutionalization of many patients with Alzheimer’s
disease (Scott et al., 1997; Steele et al., 1990).
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Apathy
In clinical practice and research, apathy is often mistaken
for depression, though it is a distinct syndrome that can
be distinguished from depression (Levy et al., 1998;
Marin, 1991; Starkstein et al., 2001). The syndromes of
depression and apathy share some symptoms (Table 1)
and may co-occur in that same individual, making diagnosis a challenging exercise. (Damsio and Van Hosen,
1983). For example, an apathetic demented patient who
presents with fatigue, sleep disturbance, poor appetite and
weight loss, poor concentration, and anhedonia, may be
diagnosed with a major depressive disorder even in the
absence of dysphoria (Ishii et al., 2009). A number of
studies have found apathy to be correlated with high
scores on various depression measures (Rabkin et al.,
2000; Ready et al., 2003; Starkstein et al., 2006). However,
this correlation may be due to the fact that many clinical
measures of depression include questions assessing the
symptoms of both apathy and depression, which may
lead to misdiagnosis.
Apathy may be distinguished from depression by the
absence of dysphoric mood symptoms such as sadness,
guilt, hopelessness, and helplessness. The difference in
Apathy. Table 1 Symptoms of apathy and depression
Symptoms of
Symptoms of
Loss of motivation Lack of interest in
and initiation
events or activities
Lack of persistence Lack of energy
Psychomotor slowing Guilt
Reduced social
Poor insight
Loss of
mood states, dysphoric versus emotionally indifferent, is
the most useful characteristic in making a differential
diagnosis between apathy and depression. Apathy can be
thought of as a syndrome of primary motivational loss
and diminished emotional reactivity, while depression
reflects a syndrome of mood disturbance.
The mechanisms of apathy are not fully understood,
though most theories suggest it involves disruption of the
frontal-subcortical neural circuit. This circuit begins with
the anterior cingulate cortex, and continues to the ventral
striatum, the globus pallidus, and the thalamus, before
looping back to the anterior cingulate cortex. It has been
hypothesized that neuropathological changes and alterations in regional chemistry, especially acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin, in this circuit, are responsible for
the clinical manifestation of apathy (David et al., 2008;
Franceschi et al., 2005; Landes et al., 2001; Mega &
Cummings, 1994). Apathy with impaired motivation
and indifference has most strongly been associated with
damage to anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) (Damsio &
Van Hosen, 1983). In the most extreme cases, damage to
the ACC results in akinetic mutism, and a complete loss of
initiation and motivation. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies of patients with
Alzheimer’s disease found that apathy was strongly and
inversely correlated with right anterior cingulate activity
(Benoit et al., 1999) or with a bilateral reduction in
cingulate activity (Migneco et al., 2001).
Frontal regions have also been implicated in the manifestation of apathy. Neuroimaging studies have found
apathy in AD patients to be correlated with hypoperfusion in frontotemporal regions (Benoit et al., 1999; Craig
et al., 1996). In one study, apathetic stroke patients
showed reduced regional cerebral blood flow in the right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the left frontotemporal
regions (Okada et al., 1997). Subcortical regions may also
be implicated in the presence of apathy. In one study,
apathy was seen in 80 stroke patients with lesions to
posterior limb of the internal capsule (Starkstein et al.,
1993). Apathy has also been observed with lesions to the
right hemisphere subcortical structures following TBI
(Finset & Andersson, 2000).
Evidence from neuropsychological studies suggests
that apathy may be associated with cognitive impairment,
in particular, executive dysfunction. Apathetic patients
with Alzheimer’s disease have been shown to have greater
executive functioning deficits, abilities thought to be
mediated by the frontal lobes, than depressed patients
with Alzheimer’s disease (Kuzis et al., 1999). Another
study found that apathetic patients with Alzheimer’s disease showed significantly greater deficits on measures of
executive functioning, but performed similarly on other
neuropsychological measures not dependent on executive
function (McPherson et al., 2002). Apathy has also been
associated with executive dysfunction in other clinical
populations, including TBI (Andersson & Bergedalen,
2002), Parkinson’s disease (Starkstein et al., 1992), progressive supranuclear palsy (Litvan et al., 1998), and HIV
(Castellon et al., 2000).
Formal assessment measures for apathy focus on those
symptoms of apathy that are distinct from depression.
The most commonly employed assessment instruments
for apathy in clinical and research settings include the
Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES), the Neuropsychiatric
Inventory (NPI), and the Frontal Systems Behavior
Scale (FrSBe). Less commonly used but validated
measures include the Dementia Apathy Interview and
Rating, the Lille Apathy Rating Scale, the Apathy Inventory, the Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia, and the
Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease. Of note, while several of these measures
include self-report versions, these may fail to identify
apathy in patients with reduced insight, and, therefore,
informant measures may be more helpful in assessing for
The AES comes in a clinician-administered version,
an informant version, and a self-report version, all of
which have been shown to have satisfactory reliability
(Marin et al., 1991). The clinician-administered version
(AES-C) of this measure is a semi-structured interview
which includes 18 items and is focused on behavior that
has been present during the past month. Each item falls
into one of four categories (cognitive, behavior, emotional, or other) and is rated on a 4-point Likert scale, with
higher scores representing a greater degree of apathy.
A recent study examined the AES-C and found it to be
valid and reliable for identifying and quantifying apathy,
and found that using a cut-off score of 40.5 resulted in
good sensitivity and moderate specificity (Clarke et al.,
2007a; Clarke et al., 2007b).
The FrSBe (Grace & Malloy, 2001) was specifically
designed to assess for behavioral changes associated with
frontal lobe dysfunction and comes in a self-report and
informant version. This questionnaire consists of 46 items
and asks the respondent to rate the patient’s behavior on
each item using a five-point Likert scale. Respondents are
asked to rate the patient’s behavior both before and after
the onset of illness or injury. Subscales assess apathy,
disinhibition, and executive dysfunction. This allows for
an estimation of the extent to which current problem
behaviors represent a change from premorbid functioning. T-scores greater than 65 are clinically significant. The
FrSBe has been shown to be reliable, valid, and sensitive to
behavior change due to frontal lobe damage (Grace et al.,
1999), Alzheimer’s disease (Stout et al., 2003), TBI (LaneBrown & Tate, 2009), and a variety of other neurological
The NPI is a structured interview conducted with
an informant designed to assess for the presence of 12
neuropsychiatric symptoms, including apathy (Cummings, 1997). A positive response to a screening question
indicates the presence of the symptom and leads to further questions about the behavior and eventual ratings of
the symptom severity (mild, moderate, or severe) and the
amount of caregiver distress it causes. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q) (Kaufer et al.,
2000) is a self-administered questionnaire completed by
a caregiver or informant that assesses for the presence of
the same 12 symptoms and asks for ratings of severity and
caregiver distress using the same rating scale as the NPI
interview. Importantly, both of these versions of the NPI
include separate questions for depression and apathy. The
NPI asks caregivers to consider whether the behavior has
been present for the past month. The NPI has been shown
to have good reliability and validity; however, unlike the
other measures discussed, there is no recommended cutoff score for clinical significance. Of note, while the AES
and FrSBe provide more nuanced assessments of apathy,
the NPI is the most widely reported measure of apathy
reported in the literature. This is likely due to the fact that
the NPI assesses for a wide array of neuropsychiatric
symptomatology, and is often used in intervention studies
for a variety of conditions of which apathy may be one
symptom, but not a cardinal feature of a disorder.
Nonpharmacologic interventions for apathy tend to focus
on introducing new sources of interest and stimulation.
Pet therapy, art therapy, and physical therapies may be
useful in decreasing apathy, though the efficacies of these
interventions have not been examined in a systematic
fashion with apathetic patients. Increasing opportunities
for socialization and encouraging participation in social
activities may also be helpful. Patients should be encouraged to be as functionally autonomous as possible. Sensory deficits and pain should be managed so that these do
not interfere with activities. Implementing exercise
programs and scheduled activities may also be beneficial
in enhancing initiation and motivation. While there have
been few studies on behavioral interventions specifically
for apathy, there is some evidence that behavioral therapy
may be helpful in reducing apathetic symptomatology.
One randomized controlled study comparing ‘‘reminiscence therapy’’ (a treatment modality designed to facilitate recall of experiences from the past to promote
intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning) to a time
and attention control group (one-on-one time with an
activity therapist) found that apathy was reduced for both
groups of patients with dementia (Politis et al., 2004).
Another study showed that individualized functional
and occupational training reduced apathy in patients
with mild to moderate-stage dementia (Lam et al.,
2010). Behavioral activation therapy (BA) is an intervention which focuses on alleviating depression by increasing
the individual’s exposure to rewarding and reinforcing
stimuli by increasing activation and decreasing avoidance
behaviors (Dimidjian & Davis, 2009). This behavioral
approach includes goal setting, activity scheduling, problem solving, and self-monitoring, to get patients to
become more active and, thus, increase exposure to reward, and positive reinforcement to combat depressive
symptomatology. It has been shown to be comparable
to cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy
(paroxetine) in reducing depressive symptomatology in
placebo-controlled studies (Dimidjian et al., 2006;
Sturmey, 2009). While this intervention has not been
examined in the treatment of apathy, its focus on
increased activity and exposure to pleasant, rewarding
experiences would appear to be particularly well-suited
to address the lack of interest, motivation, and anhedonia
that characterize apathy. Future research may show this to
be a promising intervention for both depression and
Psychoeducation for families and caregivers can also
be beneficial. Oftentimes, apathy is mischaracterized as a
‘‘willful behavior’’ (e.g., stubbornness or laziness) by caregivers who do not recognize that these behaviors are
related to neurological, psychiatric, and medical comorbidities. Educating families on the underlying causes for a
patient’s low initiation and motivation may help lessen
perceived caregiver burden and stress.
Currently, there is no FDA-approved pharmacological
intervention for apathy, however, many different medications, including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, psychostimulants, dopaminergic drugs, and atypical
antipsychotics, have been used ‘‘off-label’’ to treat apathetic symptomatology. Methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine are psychostimulant medications that are
commonly used to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (AD/HD) and narcolepsy. These medications
have also been used to treat apathy in Alzheimer’s disease,
normal pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s disease,
cerebrovascular accidents, and depression (Chatterjee &
Fahn, 2002; Jansen et al., 2001; Keenan et al., 2005; Padala
et al., 2007b; Spiegel et al., 2009). However, most of
the evidence for the efficacy of these medications on
apathy comes from case reports or case series. These
medications can also have negative side effects, including
insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, and higher blood
pressure, which may deter their use with vulnerable populations (Ishii et al., 2009). Other ‘‘stimulating’’ medications
such as modafinil (Padala et al., 2007a) and selegiline
(Newburn & Newburn, 2005) have been reported to
reduce apathy in case studies, however, further study is
Reductions in apathy with the use of dopaminergic
agents such as bromocriptine (Powell et al., 1996) and
amantadine (Swanberg, 2007; van Reekum et al., 1995)
have been reported in a few case studies, but no randomized clinical trials have been conducted to date.
Apathetic-type symptoms and behavior may be seen in
schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms. Atypical
antipsychotic medications such as risperidone, olanzapine, and clozapine have been shown to be helpful in
reducing negative symptoms in schizophrenia (van
Reekum et al., 2005). However, none of the studies to
date has specifically examined apathy, and these medications can be associated with serious negative side effects
such as tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, extra pyramidal
symptoms, and orthostatic hypotension.
As previously noted, apathy is the most common
neuropsychiatric symptom associated with Alzheimer’s
disease, and modest improvements in apathy have
been seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease who are
treated with acetylcholinesterase inhibitor medications
(Cummings, 2000; Mega et al., 1999). Currently, there
are three acetylcholine inhibitor medications approved
for use in the United States: donepezil, galantamine, and
rivastigmine. A recent meta-analysis identified 14 randomized, placebo-controlled trials of monotherapy with
these medications in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
that reported a behavioral outcome (Rodda et al., 2009).
Of these, only four were specifically designed to assess
behavioral outcomes, and the rest used behavioral outcomes as secondary measures. Overall, three of the 14
studies reviewed reported a statistically significant improvement in the overall score on the Neuropsychiatric
Inventory, and only one found a significant reduction in
apathy, specifically (Gauthier et al., 2002).
Cross References
▶ Akinetic Mutism
▶ Avolition
▶ Cingulate Gyrus
▶ Lethargy
▶ Major Depression
▶ Motivation
References and Readings
Albert, S. M., Del Castillo-Castaneda, C., Sano, M., Jacobs, D. M.,
Marder, K., Bell, K., et al. (1996). Quality of life in patients with
alzheimer’s disease as reported by patient proxies. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 44(11), 1342–1347.
Andersson, S., & Bergedalen, A. M. (2002). Cognitive correlates of apathy
in traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, 15(3), 184–191.
Apostolova, L. G., & Cummings, J. L. (2008). Neuropsychiatric manifestations in mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review of the
literature. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 25(2),
Benoit, M., Dygai, I., Migneco, O., Robert, P. H., Bertogliati, C.,
Darcourt, J., et al. (1999). Behavioral and psychological symptoms
in alzheimer’s disease. Relation between apathy and regional cerebral
perfusion. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 10(6),
Boyle, P. A., Malloy, P. F., Salloway, S., Cahn-Weiner, D. A., Cohen, R., &
Cummings, J. L. (2003). Executive dysfunction and apathy predict
functional impairment in alzheimer disease. American Journal of
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East Bay
Hayward, CA, USA
Short Description or Definition
‘‘Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder caused
by brain damage, characterized by impairments of
language modalities; speaking, listening, reading and
writing; it is not the result of a sensory or motor deficit,
a general intellectual deficit, confusion or a psychiatric
disorder’’ (Hallowell & Chapey, 2008, p. 3). Aphasia is
typically acquired suddenly as a result of a stroke and can
also appear following traumatic brain injury or other
neurological events such as tumor or disease. When
aphasia develops slowly over time and is the only
behavioral symptom present, the diagnosis is typically
primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Aphasia is often
classified according to the appearance of a constellation
of behavioral symptoms such as impairment in auditory
comprehension, reading comprehension, naming,
production of grammatically correct sentences, repetition,
writing, and presence of paraphasic (substitution) sound
or word errors (e.g., saying table for chair or pork
for fork).
Many systems have been proposed to classify aphasia
types (Kertesz, 1979). Each system represents a theoretical
perspective of aphasia and identifies aphasia types according to the constellation of behavioral characteristics.
Classification systems can be dichotomous (e.g., fluent
vs. nonfluent or comprehension deficit vs. production
deficit), anatomically and behaviorally based (e.g., Boston
classification system of aphasia types, such as ▶ Broca’s
aphasia), behaviorally based (e.g., Schuell’s system of
multimodality, unidimensional impairment, such as
aphasia with visual involvement), based on severity (e.g.,
mild, moderate, or severe), or follow a processing model
(e.g., cognitive neuropsychological model of naming; Kay,
Lesser, & Coltheart, 1996). Classification systems are useful for a general understanding of an individual’s
communication ability; however, controversy exists
regarding their clinical utility. Some individuals with
aphasia show symptoms that match more than one type
of aphasia and others show symptoms that do not fit into
any of the classification categories. Studies examining
classification report 35–70% success in classifying
participants as one aphasia type. Table 1 shows three
classification systems, with general characteristics of
each aphasia type.
Aphasia resulting from stroke occurs in approximately
80,000 people each year, affecting about 30% of individuals who have a first-ever ischemic or hemorrhagic
stroke. Approximately, one million people in the United
States are living with aphasia following stroke. Aphasia
resulting from traumatic brain injury and other causes is
difficult to estimate.
Natural History, Prognostic Factors,
Reports of language disorder following brain injury have
existed for hundreds of years, initially primarily as case
Aphasia. Table 1 Three examples of aphasia classification systems showing aphasia types and general characteristics
of each type
Dichotomous classification
Nonfluent aphasia
Limited speech output
Effortful speech output
Content words retained; function words omitted
May or may not have articulation difficulties
Melodic contour altered
Fluent aphasia
Approximates normal rate and sentence length
Content words omitted in severe fluent aphasia
Circumlocution present in mild fluent aphasia
Melodic contour preserved
Anatomical and behavioral classification
Broca’s aphasia
Nonfluent aphasia; expressive aphasia
Effortful output
Reduced phrase length and syntactic complexity; content words
usually preserved
Auditory comprehension may or may not be impaired
Impairments in reading, writing, naming, and repetition
Right hemiplegia often present
Wernicke’s aphasia
Fluent aphasia; receptive aphasia
Auditory comprehension usually impaired
Impairments of reading, writing, naming, and repetition
Paraphasic errors
Melodic contour retained
Conduction aphasia
Fluent aphasia
Auditory comprehension preserved
Impairment in repetition
Naming may be impaired
Error recognition typically preserved
Global aphasia
Nonfluent aphasia
Impairments in auditory comprehension, reading writing, naming, and repetition
Limited functional communication often preserved
Anomic aphasia
Fluent aphasia
Auditory and reading comprehension and repetition preserved
Word retrieval deficit
Transcortical motor aphasia
Nonfluent aphasia
Auditory comprehension and naming may be impaired
Repetition preserved
Paraphasic errors and perseveration present
Aphasia. Table 1 (Continued)
Transcortical sensory aphasia
Fluent aphasia
Auditory comprehension impaired
Paraphasic errors
Repetition preserved
Naming may be impaired
Behavioral classification
Simple aphasia
Mild impairment
Multimodality impairment (comprehension of spoken language; speech;
reading; writing)
No specific perceptual, sensorimotor, or dysarthric components
Aphasia with visual involvement
Mild aphasia
Aphasia with persisting dysfluency
Mild aphasia
Central impairment of visual modality
Verbal dysfluency
Aphasia with scattered findings
Moderate aphasia
Impairments in one or more modalities
Functional communication preserved
Aphasia with sensorimotor involvement
Severe aphasia
Impaired output
Aphasia with intermittent auditory
Severe aphasia
Irreversible Aphasia syndrome
Severe aphasia
Impaired auditory comprehension
Impairments in all modalities (comprehension of spoken language;
speech; reading; writing)
reports. Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke in the late 1800s
presented clinical data relating behavioral and anatomical
information, localizing language ability to the left hemisphere, and ultimately having their names adopted to
identify anatomical areas in the brain related to patterns
of language behavior. Current studies of persons with
aphasia use neuroimaging techniques to further elucidate
the behavioral and anatomical relationship.
Aphasia in the first few months after a stroke is the
acute stage and is often characterized by spontaneous
recovery of language and communication deficits. In the
chronic stage, an individual learns to live with aphasia and
return to life activities. Prognosis for recovery is variable
and dependent upon both internal patient factors (e.g.,
severity of aphasia, type and extent of lesion, or concomitant medical problems) and external factors (e.g., family
support or communication interaction opportunities).
Personal variables such as age, education, and gender
do not systematically influence prognosis (Pedersen,
Jorgensen, Nakayama, Raaschou, & Olsen, 2004).
Aphasia recovery occurs most rapidly immediately
following the brain injury, as the brain begins to heal
itself. Studies have shown that recovery also continues
for years post stroke and treatment (Moss & Nicholas,
2006). Outcome measures documenting change are
impairment-based (e.g., change in naming ability) or
activity/participation-based (e.g., increased participation
in social activities), following the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO, 2001). Some persons with
aphasia recover to near normal premorbid language and
communication performance while others remain severely aphasic. Almost every person has the potential for some
level of functional communication, from being an independent communicator in a variety of communication
interactions to being dependent upon an alternative or
augmentative communication system or a conversational
Neuropsychology and Psychology
of Aphasia
Cognitive neuropsychology has brought to aphasia
evaluation and treatment a set of models of human
cognitive mechanisms and processes thought to underlie
language performance. An individual’s performance on
several linguistic tasks is examined for patterns of
impaired and spared cognitive processes to infer the
cognitive architecture that underlies the performance.
For example, in a model of lexical processing, the linguistic
tasks might be lexical recognition (word/nonword
identification), auditory comprehension (pointing to a
named word), and naming a picture (confrontation
naming). An individual who scores high on auditory
comprehension and reading words tasks but low on
confrontation naming may be inferred to show a deficit
in phonological output lexicon but have an intact
semantic system and ability to use phonic skills to read
a word. That is, the individual may have intact semantic
knowledge and be aware of the phonological form of a
word and be able to read it, but lack the phonological
skills to generate the verbal label. The performance
pattern serves to direct treatment to the impaired processes, using the spared processes as strengths. Cognitive
neuropsychological models of language processing
frequently used in aphasia assessment and treatment,
however, are not without criticism as being descriptive and
not prescriptive, and requiring time-consuming assessment.
In contrast to the deficit-specific models of cognitive
neuropsychology, the psychology of aphasia in assessment
and treatment recognizes the importance of an
individual’s psychosocial state, quality of life, functional
communication abilities, and communication network.
Tanner (2003) proposed an eclectic approach to examine
the psychology of aphasia from three perspectives:
effects of brain injury, psychological defenses and coping
styles, and responses to loss. This view speaks to the
importance of an individual’s premorbid personal
characteristics, their ability to adjust to change, and
their external support network as they and their family
learn to live with aphasia. Several models and tools exist
to guide assessment and treatment in these areas. For
example, quality-of-life scales ask questions about topics
such as family support and general outlook on life (e.g.,
Communication-Related Quality of Life Scale; Cruice
et al., 2003). Social network diagrams illustrate the
breadth and depth of an individual’s support and
communication networks (e.g., Blackstone & Berg,
2003). Several scales have been developed to screen for
depression. Some have a linguistic bias or rely on caregiver
report while others have been adapted to be ‘‘aphasia
friendly’’ and not depend exclusively on complex written
sentences. Three examples of instruments to examine
depression are the Stroke Aphasia Depression Questionnaire (SADQ) (Lincoln, Sutcliffe, & Unsworth, 2000), the
Aphasia Depression Questionnaire (Benaim, Cailly,
Perennou, & Pelissier, 2004) and the Visual Analog
Mood Scale (Stern, Arruda, Hooper Wolfner & Morey,
1997). The SADQ while designed for persons with aphasia
has a linguistic bias and is intended to rely on caregiver
report. The ADQ is a nine item tool used to assess poststroke depression in persons who are hospitalized after
a stroke. The VAMS is an example of a non-linguistic
mood scale used for self-report of depressive symptoms.
Approaches to evaluation of aphasia vary with the
conceptualization of aphasia.
Some approaches take an impairment-based
approach, viewing aphasia as a disorder of selected
abilities while others, such as the Life Participation
Approach to Aphasia (Chapey et al., 2008) take an activity/participation approach, viewing aphasia as a disruption to communication and placing the person with
aphasia and his or her family at the center of clinical
decision-making activities. (Schuell, Jenkins & JimenezPabon, 1964) proposed a Stimulation-Facilitation model
based on auditory comprehension stimuli that are individually adapted to persons with aphasia. Chapey et al.
support a Cognitive Stimulation model, which views
communication as a problem-solving and decisionmaking task. Following the World Health Organization
ICF (2001), models of assessment and treatment typically
incorporate information at levels of impairment and activity/participation. Group treatment has gained popularity in recent years, recognizing the value of social
connectedness (Avent, 1977; Kearns & Elman, 2008).
Lubinski (2008) discussed an environmental model, suggesting that clinicians consider physical and social environments of a person with aphasia to enhance treatment
effects. Finally, psychosocial models of intervention focus
on integrating an individual into a communicating society
and promoting their participation in personally relevant
activities (Simmons-Mackie, 2008). Regardless of the approach, in order to understand the linguistic and
communicative abilities and needs of an individual, it is
important to conduct an evaluation within a culturally
sensitive framework.
Three types of aphasia tests are commonly used to
assess language and communication abilities in persons
who have aphasia: screening tests (short assessments that
may be administered at bedside), comprehensive aphasia
tests (batteries containing several subtests such as naming,
reading, and writing), and tests of specific linguistic or
communicative function (e.g., syntactic function or
naming) (Patterson, 2008). In addition, assessment of
aphasia and its impact on a person’s life includes testing
cognitive abilities (e.g., memory), testing executive
functioning (e.g., divided attention), observing a person
in activities of daily communication, and interviewing the
person with aphasia and family members about the
impact of aphasia on life participation and functional
In aphasia assessment it is as important to determine
the presence or absence of aphasia, and presence of
concomitant disorders, as well as to classify aphasia type
or describing aphasia symptoms. Examples of disorders
that may accompany aphasia but that are not aphasia are
apraxia of speech, dysarthria, dementia, memory impairment, or psychiatric problems. These concomitant
disorders will affect treatment planning and task selection.
Medical conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and any medications the patient takes may affect
performance and should also be noted in the assessment
The goals of evaluation will vary depending upon
factors such as severity of aphasia, age, and time postonset. For example, an individual with mild aphasia who
anticipates returning to work should have an assessment
that includes detailed information on linguistic processing and a job task analysis to determine the linguistic
requirements of the position. This information may be
used to determine the individual’s ability to return to a
job, to identify communication requirements of the job,
and to guide employment-related treatment. In contrast,
evaluation for an individual with severe aphasia and
concomitant severe apraxia of speech may require an
evaluation focused on functional communication
strategies to use with familiar communication partners
within a contained environment.
The acute stage of aphasia is the first few months after a
stroke as the brain recovers from injury, and is often
characterized by spontaneous recovery of language and
communication deficits, while in the chronic stage of
aphasia an individual learns to live with aphasia and
return to life activities. There are many well-validated,
effective techniques for aphasia rehabilitation, particularly for chronic aphasia. These range from general stimulation approaches to treatments aimed at specific signs of
aphasia, and are chosen according to the patient’s
individual needs, goals, aphasia characteristics, and
etiology. For aphasia due to acute-onset causes (e.g.,
vascular etiologies or trauma), therapy has been demonstrated to be effective both early after onset as well in the
chronic stage. For aphasia due to progressive etiologies,
therapy has been shown to be effective in maintaining
functional communication and maximizing quality of
communication life to the extent possible given the medical diagnosis.
Pharmacological intervention for aphasia may be
undertaken for direct treatment of the language deficit
or administered to address a concomitant disorder, such
as depression. Although research in this area is encouraging,
to date no pharmacologic treatment has emerged
as consistently improving linguistic function without
adverse side effects (Greener, Enderby, & Whurr, 2001;
Murray & Clark, 2006; Troisi et al., 2002).
Treatment for aphasia historically focused primarily
on restitution of function using impairment-based
treatment techniques, with treatment targets such as
word or sentence production, or writing. Examples of
these treatment techniques are Melodic Intonation
Therapy, a semantic or phonologic cueing hierarchy,
and confrontation naming. More recently, treatment
goals have expanded to include activity/participation
based treatments such as functional communication
and group therapy. Examples of activity/participation
treatment methods are book groups for persons with
aphasia (with the linguistic level of the book modified
to be aphasia friendly), reciprocal scaffolding (e.g.,
Avent, Patterson, Lu, & Small, 2009), and supported
conversation (e.g., Kagan, Black, Duchan, SimmonsMackie, & Square, 2001).
The four principles of evidence-based practice,
current best practices, clinical expertise, client/patient
values, and context of treatment, guide treatment
planning. Clinical practice research and clinical trials
support the efficacy and effectiveness of aphasia therapy.
Systematic reviews, such as the one for constraint-induced
language therapy (Cherney, Patterson, Raymer, Frymark, &
Schooling, 2008), and meta-analyses (e.g., Robey, 1998)
report the evidence from group studies and single-subject
research studies for a specific treatment or aphasia
therapy in general. Cherney and Robey (2008) and the
Academy of Neurological Communication Disorders
and Sciences (ANCDS, 2008) present analyses of
treatment effect sizes of aphasia treatment for specific
treatment areas such as syntax and language
Cross References
▶ Agnosia
▶ Agrammatism
▶ Agraphia
▶ American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
▶ Anarthria
▶ Anomic Aphasia
▶ Aphasia Tests
▶ Apraxia of Speech
▶ Augmentative or Alternative Communication (AAC)
▶ Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
▶ Boston Naming Test
▶ Broca’s Aphasia
▶ Carl, Wernicke
▶ Conduction Aphasia
▶ Crossed Aphasia
▶ Cue
▶ Dysarthria
▶ Dysgraphia
▶ Edith Kaplan
▶ Evidence-Based Practice
▶ Fluent Aphasia
▶ Global Aphasia
▶ Harold Goodglass
▶ Melodic Intonation Therapy
▶ Multilingual Aphasia Examination
▶ Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination
for Aphasia
▶ Paragrammatism
▶ Paraphasia
▶ Paul Broca
▶ Pragmatic Communication
▶ Progressive Aphasia
▶ Semantic Paraphasia
▶ Speech–Language Therapy
▶ Subcortical Aphasia
▶ Telegraphic Speech
▶ Transcortical Motor Aphasia
▶ Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
▶ Wernicke’s Aphasia
▶ Wernicke-Lichtheim Model of Aphasia
▶ Western Aphasia Battery
References and Readings
Academy of Neurological Communication Disorders and Sciences.
(2008). Practice guidelines of the ANCDS: Evidence based practice
guidelines for the management of communication disorders in
neurologically impaired individuals. http://www.ancds.org/index.
php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=9. Accessed
Avent, J. R. (1997). Manual of Cooperative Group Treatment for Aphasia.
New York: Elsevier.
Avent, J., Patterson, J., Lu, A., & Small, K. (2009). Reciprocal scaffolding
treatment: A person with aphasia as clinical teacher. Aphasiology,
23, 110–119.
Benaim, C., Cailly, B., Perennou, D., & Pellissier, J. (2004). Validation of
the Aphasic Depression Rating Scale. Stroke, 35, 1692–1969.
Blackstone, S., & Hunt Berg, S. (2003). Social networks: A communication
inventory for individuals with complex communication needs and their
communication partners. Monterey, CA: Augmentative Communication Inc.
Chapey, R., Duchan, J. F., Elman, R. J., Garcia, L. J., Kagan, A., Lyon, J.,
et al. (2008). Life participation approach to aphasia: A statement of
values for the future. In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention
strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders
(5th ed., pp. 279–289). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Cherney, L. R., Patterson, J. P., Raymer, S. M., Frymark, T., &
Schooling, T. (2008). Evidence-based systematic review: Effects of
intensity of treatment and constraint-induced language therapy
for individuals with stroke-induced aphasia. Journal of SpeechLanguage-Hearing Research, 51, 1282–1299.
Cherney, L. R., & Robey, R. R. (2008). Aphasia treatment: recovery,
prognosis and clinical effectiveness. In R. Chapey (Ed.),
Language intervention strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic
communication disorders (5th ed., pp. 186–202). Philadelphia:
Wolters Kluwer.
Cruice, M., Worral, L., Hickson, L., & Murison, R. (2003). Finding focus
for quality of life with aphasia: Social and emotional health, and
psychological well-being. Aphasiology, 17, 333–353.
Davis, G. A. (2006). Aphasiology: Disorders and clinical practice.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Greener, J., Enderby, P., & Whurr, R. (2001). Pharmacological treatment for
aphasia following stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Issue 4. Art. No.: CD000424. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000424.
Hallowell, B., & Chapey, R. (2008). Introduction to language intervention
strategies in aphasia. In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention
strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders
(5th ed., pp. 3–19). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Kagan, A., Black, S. E., Duchan, J. F., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Square, P.
(2001). Training volunteers as conversational partners using
‘‘Supported Conversation for Adults with aphasia’’ (SCA):
A controlled trial. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research,
44, 624–638.
Kay, J., Lesser, R., & Coltheart, M. (1996). Psycholinguistic assessments
of language processing in aphasia (PALPA): An introduction.
Aphasiology, 10, 159–215.
Kearns, K., & Elman, R. (2008). Group therapy for aphasia: Theoretical
and practical considerations. In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication
disorders (5th ed., pp. 376–398). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Kertesz, A. (1979). Aphasia and associated disorders: Taxonomy localization
and recovery. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles
Lincoln, N. B., Sutcliffe, L. M., & Unsworth, G. (2000). Validation of
the Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire (SADQ) for use
with patients in hospital. Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment, 1,
Lubinski, R. (2008). Environmental approach to adult aphasia. In
R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in aphasia and
related neurogenic communication disorders (5th ed., pp. 319–349).
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Moss, A., & Nicholas, M. (2006). Language rehabilitation in chronic
aphasia and time postonset: A review of single-subject data. Stroke,
37, 3043–3051.
Murray, L. L., & Clark, H. M. (2006). Neurogenic disorders of language:
Theory driven clinical practice (Chap. 10). Clifton Park, NY:
Thompson Delmar Learning.
Patterson, J. P. (2008). Assessment of language disorders in adults. In
R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in aphasia and
related neurogenic communication disorders (pp. 64–160). Baltimore:
Wolters Kluwer.
Pedersen, P. M., Jorgensen, H. S., Nakayama, H., Raaschou, H. O., &
Olsen, T. S. (2004). Aphasia in acute stroke: Incidence, determinants,
and recovery. Annals of Neurology, 38, 659–666.
Robey, R. R. (1998). A meta-analysis of outcomes in the treatment
of aphasia. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 41,
Schuell, H., Jenkins, J., & Jimenez-Pabon, E. (1964). Aphasia in adults.
New York: Harper medical Division.
Simmons-Mackie, N. (2008). Social approaches to aphasia intervention.
In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in aphasia and
related neurogenic communication disorders (5th ed., pp. 290–318).
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Stern, R. A., Arruda, J. E., Hooper, C. R., Wolfner, G. D., & Morey, C. E.
(1997). Visual analog mood scales to measure internal mood state in
neurologically impaired patients: Description and initial validity
evidence. Aphasiology, 11, 59–71.
Tanner, D. C. (2003). Eclectic perspectives on the psychology of aphasia.
Journal of Allied Health, 32, 256–260.
Troisi, E., Paolucci, E., Silvestrini, M., Matteis, M., Vernieri, F.,
Grasso, M. G., et al. (2002). Prognostic factors in stroke rehabilitation: The possible role of pharmacological treatment. Acta
Neurologica Scandinavica, 105, 100–106.
World Health Organization. (2001). International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: Author. http://www.
who.int/classifications/icfbrowser/. Accessed 30 March, 2010.
Aphasia Assessment
▶ Aphasia Tests
Aphasia Diagnosis
▶ Aphasia Tests
Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles
California State University
East Bay, Hayward, CA, USA
The Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles (ADP; Helm-Estabrooks,
1992) is an impairment-based measure (World Health
Organization, 2001) designed to assess language and
communication skills in persons with aphasia, primarily
following stroke. The ADP consists of nine subtests, each
of which yields a standard score and percentiles. The
subtests assess speech, language, and communication in
all modalities (verbal and written) and the test emphasizes
conversational interaction; verbal instructions to the
patient are written in an informal style in the manner of
conversation (e.g. ‘‘Well now, that’s out of the way, I’m
going to turn on the tape recorder’’).
Responses are typically scored on a five-point scale:
immediately correct; mostly correct; some correct; fully
incorrect; no response. Scores from the subtests are combined to produce five profiles describing the level of
impairment of aphasia. The profiles are the Aphasia Classification Profile, the Aphasia Severity Profile, the Alternative
Communication Profile, the Error Profiles, and the
Behavioral Profile. Other scores of interest are the ADP
Phrase length (average length of longest three phrases);
Correct Information Units (new pieces of information),
and Index of Wordiness (Correct Information Units
relative to total number of words). Table 1 shows the
titles and a brief description of the nine subtests and five
The ADP is used to classify an individual’s aphasia type
as nonfluent, borderline fluent, or fluent. Using the lexical
retrieval score, ADP phrase length, auditory comprehension
score, and repetition score, the ADP further classifies the
aphasia type as global, mixed nonfluent, Broca’s, transcortical motor, Wernicke’s, transcortical sensory, conduction,
or anomic aphasia, following the conventions of the Boston
aphasia classification system.
The ADP was created in part to address the need for a
comprehensive aphasia battery that could be administered in a relatively brief time (40–50 min) in a medical
setting. The manual is clearly written with explicit
administration and scoring instructions. The record
form is easy to use and facilitates the completion of the
profile scores.
Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles
Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles. Table 1 Aphasia diagnostic profiles: Nine subtests and five profiles
ADP Subtests
Personal information
Verbal response to questions
Complete Patient Information Sheet
Read items on Patient Information Sheet
Produce connected speech in three contexts
Name familiar pictured items
Auditory language comprehension
Answer questions – word, sentence, and story levels
Repeat words and phrases
Elicited gestures
Pretend to complete action
Sing 3 familiar songs
ADP Profiles
Aphasia Classification Profile
Identifies aphasia type (based on the Boston
classification system)
Aphasia Severity Profile
Indicates specific strengths and weaknesses
Alternative Communication Profile
Identifies patient’s strongest response modalities
and guides therapy
Error Profiles
Identify the communicative value of a patient’s
Behavioral Profile
Indexes the patient’s overall emotional state during
Historical Background
Clinical Uses
The ADP was first published in 1992 and since then has
been frequently used in clinical and research activities.
Numerous studies of aphasia treatment use the ADP as a
measure of behavior change following intervention.
Three characteristics make the ADP a valuable clinical
assessment tool: the theoretical foundation and close relationship to the Boston aphasia classification system, the
structure of the test and clarity of the administration
manual, and the amount of administration and scoring
time required. It is also notable that both verbal and
nonverbal modalities of communication are included in
the assessment. One limitation of the ADP is that it does
not examine any linguistic, psycholinguistic, or neuropsychological behavior in detail; additional tests in specific
areas would be required to obtain in-depth information as
part of an extensive diagnostic evaluation.
Psychometric Data
The ADP manual reported that it was standardized on 290
adults with neurological impairments (222 potentially
aphasic adults) and 40 nonaphasic adults. The median
age of these individuals was 70 years. The manual further
reported reliability coefficients (inter-item consistency)
for subtest raw scores that ranged from 0.73 (Behavioral
Score) to 0.96 (Repetition), with most of the coefficients
in the 0.90s. Test–retest coefficients ranged from 0.64
(Elicited Gestures) to 0.91 (Information Units). The ADP
has a strong theoretical and psychometric foundation
but has not been subjected to additional psychometric
Cross References
▶ Anomia
▶ Anomic Aphasia
▶ Aphasia
▶ Aphasia Tests
Aphasia Tests
▶ Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
▶ Broca’s Aphasia
▶ Carl, Wernicke
▶ Conduction Aphasia
▶ Edith Kaplan
▶ Global Aphasia
▶ Harold Goodglass
▶ Repetition
▶ Speech/Communication Disabilities
▶ Speech-Language Therapy
▶ Transcortical Motor Aphasia
▶ Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
▶ Wernicke’s Aphasia
References and Readings
Helm-Estabrooks, N. (1992). Aphasia diagnostic profiles. Austin, TX: Pro
Ed Inc.
World Health Organization. (2001). International classification of functioning, disability and health. http://www.who.int/classifications/
Aphasia Evaluation
▶ Aphasia Tests
Aphasia Tests
California State University
Hayward, CA, USA
Aphasia assessment; Aphasia diagnosis; Aphasia evaluation
Tests of aphasia are used to diagnose the type and
severity of aphasia and related disorders and to plan
intervention for the speech, language, and communication deficits demonstrated by persons who have aphasia
following brain injury (PWA). Three types of aphasia tests
are commonly used to assess language and communication abilities in PWA: screening tests, comprehensive
aphasia tests, and tests of specific linguistic or
communicative function (Patterson, 2008). In addition,
assessment of aphasia and its impact on a person’s life
includes testing cognitive abilities and related disorders
(e.g., memory), testing executive functioning (e.g., attention and planning), observing a person in activities of
daily communication (e.g., social functional communication or work-related communication), interviewing the
person with aphasia and family members, and determining an individual’s candidacy for use of alternative and
augmentative communicative systems (e.g., an alphabet
board to spell words, drawing, or a commercially available
Historical Background
Aphasia has been assessed more or less systematically for
many years. Clinical observation was the earliest method
of assessment, and the first standardized test was
published in 1926 by Henry Head. In the ensuing years,
several comprehensive aphasia tests and specific linguistic
tests appeared. Each comprehensive test is based upon a
theoretical model of aphasia, and although the tests
contain common subtests (e.g., sentence repetition), the
test results and aphasia diagnoses vary. For example, the
Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia
(Schuell, 1965) assesses language performance across
several modalities and rests upon Schuell’s theory of
aphasia as a unitary reduction in language across
modalities with or without accompanying perceptual or
motor deficits. In contrast, the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
Examination (Goodglass, Kaplan, & Baressi, 2001) relates
speech and language behavioral deficits to neurological
lesions. With yet a different perspective, Luria (1966)
proposed a comprehensive examination for aphasia
through nonstandardized observation of language performance in several modalities, but without specific subtests.
In recent years, several tests have emerged to assess
specific language or communication functions in PWA.
For example, the ASHA-FACS (Frattali et al., 1995)
assesses functional communication skills such as participating in conversation, while the Reading Comprehension
Battery for Aphasia (LaPointe & Horner, 1998) evaluates
reading performance in several contexts, such as single
words and paragraphs.
Psychometric Data
The availability of psychometric data for aphasia tests
ranges from prolific and well documented for some tests
Aphasia Tests
to minimal or nonexistent for others, and the data
appear in scholarly journals as well as in the test manuals.
Spreen and Risser (2003) and Strauss, Sherman, and
Spreen (2006) provide overviews of psychometric data
for many general aphasia tests and supplemental language
tests. Few studies, and none recently, compared psychometric data across tests. In evaluating a general or supplemental test for aphasia, several factors should be
considered, including size and definition of the standardization sample; reports of item, concurrent and predictive validity; test-retest, interrater and intrarater
reliability; report of raw score means, standard deviations,
and ranges; information about test development, examiner
qualifications, administration instructions, scoring, and
interpretation; and normative data.
Although it is difficult to judge which of the many
aphasia tests best meets all the factors mentioned above,
there are four tests that are frequently used in clinical
settings and have the most psychometric data published
about them: Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination,
Boston Naming Test, Token Test (and Revised Token Test),
and Western Aphasia Battery.
Examination (Benton, Hamsher, Rey, & Sivan, 1994), and
the Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination for
Aphasia (Spreen & Benton, 1977).
Tests of Specific Linguistic or
Communication Function
Tests of specific functions provide detailed information
about a person’s abilities in one area of linguistic
or communication ability and are particularly useful
for persons who have severe or minimal aphasia and for
whom comprehensive aphasia batteries would understate
communication strengths and weaknesses. Three
examples are the Revised Token Test (McNeil & Prescott,
1978) for auditory comprehension, the Boston Naming
Test (Goodglass, Kaplan & Weintraub, 2001) for
oral naming, and the Psycholinguistic Assessments of
Language Processing in Aphasia (Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart,
Tests of Cognitive-Communication Abilities
and Related Functions
Clinical Uses
Screening Tests for Aphasia
Screening tests for aphasia are brief and may be administered at bedside. Their purpose is to rapidly determine
the presence of aphasia or the need for further assessment.
A screening test may be independent (e.g., Quick Assessment for Aphasia; Tanner & Culbertson, 1999) or a shortened form of a comprehensive aphasia battery, such as the
Western Aphasia Battery (WAB; Kertesz, 2006).
Comprehensive Aphasia Batteries
A comprehensive aphasia battery is based on a theoretical
model of aphasia and contains several subtests. For
example, the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
(Goodglass et al., 2001) has 34 subtests and the performance pattern is used to classify an individual with an
aphasia type (e.g., ▶ Broca’s aphasia). Although some
subtests of comprehensive aphasia batteries may appear
similar, the data obtained from each of the subtests and
the resulting aphasia diagnosis will vary according to the
theoretical model of aphasia which underlies the test.
Other comprehensive aphasia batteries are the Western
Aphaisa Battery (Kertesz, 2006), the Multilingual Aphasia
Tests of cognitive-communicative abilities related to
language functions have been included as part of comprehensive aphasia batteries (e.g., the ▶ Raven’s Progressive Matrices [Raven, Raven, & Court, 1995] as part of the
Cortical Quotient in the WAB) or administered independently (e.g., ▶ Wechsler Memory Scale; Wechsler, 2009).
Tests of Functional Communication
Functional communication abilities in PWA are assessed
through observation or the use of specific tests. Functional communication includes verbal and nonverbal
methods of conveying information in activities of daily
living, such as reading signs, greeting individuals and
participating in conversation. Functional communication assessed through observation can be contextually
bound, such as assessing conversation with familiar or
unfamiliar partners. Tests of functional communication
are intended to simulate activities of daily living but
typically are acontextual. Two examples of tests of
functional communication are the Communicative
Activities of Daily Living – 2 (Holland, A. L., Frattali, C.
M. & Fromm, D. 1999) and the Assessment of LanguageRelated Functional Activities (Baines, Heeringa, & Martin,
Cross References
▶ Activities of Daily Living
▶ Aphasia
▶ Augmentative or Alternative Communication
▶ Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
▶ Boston Naming Test
▶ Luria, Alexander Romanivich (1902–1977)
▶ Multilingual Aphasia Examination
▶ Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination
for Aphasia
▶ Wechsler Memory Scales
▶ Western Aphasia Battery
Spreen, O., & Risser, A. H. (2003). Assessment of aphasia. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Strauss, E., Sherman, E. M. S., & Spreen, O. (2006). A compendium
of neuropsychological tests: Administration, norms and commentary
(3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wechsler, D. M. (2009) Wechsler Memory Scale - 4th Edition. San Antonio
TX: Psychological Corporation.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI, USA
References and Readings
Baines, K. A., Martin, K. W., & Heeringa, H. M. (1999). ALFA: Assessment
of Language Related Functional Acclivities. Austin TX: Pro-Ed.
Benton, A. L., Hamsher, K. deS., Rey, G. J., & Sivan, A. B. (1994).
Multilingual Aphasia Examination (MAE-3). Lutz FL: Psychological
Assessment Resources Inc (PAR).
Davis, G. A. (2007). Aphasiology: Disorders and clinical practice (2nd ed.).
Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
Frattali, C. M., Thompson, C. K., Holland, A. L., Wohl, C. B., &
Ferketic, M. M. (1995). The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills in Adults.
Rockville, MD: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Goodglass, H., Kaplan, E., & Weintraub, S. (2001). Boston Naming Test
(2nd ed.). Austin TX: Pro‐Ed.
Goodglass, H., Kaplan, E., & Baressi, B. (2001). Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
Examination (3rd ed.). San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
Head, H. (1926). Aphasia and kindred disorders of speech. New York:
Holland, A. L., Frattali, C. M., & Fromm, D. (1999). Communicative
Activities of Daily Living - 2nd Edition. San Antonion: Psychological
Kay, J., Lesser, R., & Coltheart, M. (1992) Psycholinguistic Assessment of
Language Processes in Aphasia. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
Kertesz, A. (2006). Western Aphasia Battery. New York: Grune & Stratton.
LaPointe, L. L., & Horner, J. (1998). Reading Comprehension Battery for
Aphasia (RCBA‐2). San Antonio TX: Pearson.
Luria, A. R. (1966). Higher cortical functions in man. New York:
Basic Books.
McNeil, M. R., & Prescott, T. E. (1978). Revised Token Test. Austin,
TX: Pro-Ed.
Patterson, J. P. (2008). Assessment of language disorders in adults.
In R. Chapey (Ed). Language intervention strategies in aphasia and
related neurogenic communication disorders (5th ed., pp. 64–160).
Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer.
Raven, J., Court, & Raven, J. C. (1995). Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation.
Schuell, H. (1965). Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Spreen, O., & Benton, A. L. (1977). Neurosensory Center Comprehensive
Examination for Aphasia. Victoria BC: University of Victoria
Neuropsychology Laboratory.
Mutism is the complete absence of voice, i.e., adduction
and vibration of the vocal folds is insufficient for vocal
production. Aphonia may be associated with vocal fold
paralysis; trauma; severe cases of inflammation, edema,
or scarring of the vocal folds; benign or malignant
diseases of the vocal folds that interfere with vocal
fold closure; neurologically based movement disorders
(e.g., spasmodic dysphonia); overuse of the voice; or
somatoform disorders (e.g., in forms of elective mutism). Aphonia may be intermittent or episodic. For
example, individuals with spasmodic dysphonia may
have periodic, abnormal abduction or adduction of
the vocal folds that may be perceived as voice breaks.
Individuals who stutter also may have periodic voice
breaks, in this case associated with tight adduction of
the vocal folds.
When voice loss is incomplete, or when vocal quality
is affected without complete loss of voice (e.g., if the voice
is hoarse), it is referred to as dysphonia. Aphonia and
dysphonia refer specifically to abnormal sound output
from the phonatory sound source (i.e., the larynx), and
should be distinguished from anarthria or dysarthria,
which are disorders of articulation, i.e., related to the
movements of the tongue, lips, jaw, and soft palate.
Accordingly, dysphonia or aphonia can occur independently from anarthria or dysarthria.
Cross References
▶ Dysphonia
References and Readings
Merati, A., & Bielamowicz, S. (Eds.). (2007). Textbook of voice disorders.
San Diego: Plural Publishing.
Stemple, J. C., Glaze, L. E., & Klaben, B. G. (2000). Clinical voice pathology,
theory & management (3rd ed.). Thompson Learning (now Florence,
KY: Cengage Learning).
been implicated in atherosclerosis and AD, and impaired
cognitive functioning. More specifically, ApoE-4 has been
shown to be a major risk factor for development of AD
and has been associated with subtle neuropsychological
deficits in preclinical AD. Brain changes associated with
ApoE-4 in AD include: increased counts of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles; smaller medial temporal
lobe structures; reduced glucose metabolism; and depletion of cholinergic markers in the hippocampus, frontal,
and temporal cortices. ApoE-4 has also been associated
with adverse recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Person with TBI with the ApoE-4 allele are ten times more
likely to develop AD than those without the ApoE-4 allele.
In multiple sclerosis, ApoE-4 has been found to be associated with rapid disease progression and increased cognitive impairment, although the findings for cognitive
impairment have been inconsistent.
▶ Advanced Progressive Matrices
Cross References
▶ Apolipoprotein E
Apolipoprotein E
Kessler Foundation Research Center
West Orange, NJ, USA
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is a polymorphic plasma glycoprotein that transports cholesterol and other lipids, and
has been shown to be involved in the growth and repair of
neurons. There is also some evidence to suggest that ApoE
is involved in lipid redistribution after demyelination. The
ApoE protein is mapped to chromosome 19 and is polymorphic with three major isoforms, each of which translates into three alleles of the gene: ApoE-2, ApoE-3, and
ApoE-4. ApoE-2 is associated with the genetic disorder
type III hyperlipoproteinemia. There is also some evidence that this allele may serve as a protective role in the
development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). ApoE-3 is
found in approximately 64% of the population, and is
considered as the ‘‘neutral’’ ApoE genotype. ApoE-4 has
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
References and Readings
Plomin, R., Defries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (2003). Behavioral
genetics in the postgenomic era. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Programmed cell death
Apoptosis is both a normal developmental process to
rid the body of overproduced cells as well as a sign of
pathology in mature neural systems. Apoptosis involves
activation of caspases – proteins that cleave other proteins in order to inactivate or modulate them to trigger
Apperceptive Visual Agnosia
‘‘pro-death’’ molecular pathways. The resulting cellular
debris is then removed by microglia in the central nervous
system. Abnormal protein cleavage and cell death has
been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders such as
Alzheimer’s disease as well as autoimmune disorders such
as multiple sclerosis.
Cross References
▶ Alzheimer’s Disease
▶ Multiple Sclerosis
References and Readings
Hengartner, M. O. (2000). The biochemistry of apoptosis. Nature,
407, 770–776.
Yuan, J., & Yankner, B. A. (2000). Apoptosis in the nervous system.
Nature, 407, 802–809.
▶ Locked-in Syndrome
▶ Minimally Conscious State
▶ Minimally Responsive State
References and Readings
(May 26, 1994). Medical Aspects of the Persistent Vegetative State—First
of Two Parts. NEJM, 330, 1499–1508.
Multi-society Task Force on PVS. Medical Aspects of the Persistent
Vegetative State-Second of Two Parts. NEJM, 330,1572–1579.
Apperceptive Visual Agnosia
Tulane University Medical Center
New Orleans, LA, USA
Appalic Syndrome
Mayo Clinic
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Persistent vegetative state
Appalic syndrome is an older term that has been replaced
by persistent vegetative state. The vegetative state is a
clinical condition of complete unawareness of the self and
the environment, accompanied by sleep–wake cycles with
either complete or partial preservation of hypothalamic
and brain-stem autonomic functions. A thorough clinical
evaluation may be required to distinguish between persistent vegetative state and other conditions, including
coma, brain death, and locked-in syndrome.
Cross References
▶ Brain Death
▶ Coma
Inability or marked difficulty in visually identifying an
object or picture of an object as a result of impaired
perceptual abilities. In apperceptive agnosia, in addition
to problems in the visual identification of an object,
patients show impairment in reproducing (e.g., by drawing) the object or image and even matching the item to a
similar one within a visual array. This contrasts with
associative visual agnosia in which identification may
also be impaired but the patient can usually render a
reasonable representation (e.g., a drawing or graphomotor copy) of the object that cannot be visually identified
and can visually match it to a sample. Apperceptive visual
agnosia likely results from a defect in the secondary association areas of the visual cortex and is usually found in
patients who complain of general loss or reduction in
visual acuity.
Cross References
▶ Associative Visual Agnosia
References and Readings
Bauer, R. M., & Demery, J. A. (2003). Agnosia. In K. Heilman &
E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (4th ed., pp.
236–295). New York: Oxford University Press.
Applied Behavior Analysis
DeRenzi, E., & Spinnler, H. (1966). Visual recognition in patients with
unilateral cerebral disease. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
142, 513–525.
DeRenzi, E., Scotti, G., & Spinnler, H. (1969). Perceptual and associative
disorders of visual recognition. Relationship to the side of the
cerebral lesion. Neurology, 19, 634–642.
Applied Behavior Analysis
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL, USA
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is ‘‘the science in which
tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied
to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for the
improvement in behavior’’ (Cooper, Heron, & Heward,
2007, p. 690).
Historical Background
The most notable figure in ABA is B. F. Skinner whose
book, The Behavior of Organisms (1938), described his
animal research on operant conditioning. Skinner
explained how behavior operates on the environment
and is a function of its environmental consequences.
Subsequently, Skinner explained the application of behavioral principles and processes discovered in the animal
laboratory to a utopian society (1948), human behavior
(1953), verbal behavior (1957), teaching (1968), and
other issues related to ABA.
Research on the application of basic behavioral principles and processes to important societal concerns began
to emerge in the middle of the twentieth century. The
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, the flagship journal
of the discipline, began publication in 1968 as an outlet
for the emerging ABA research. In the initial issue of that
journal, the defining characteristics of ABA were identified as being applied, behavioral, analytical, technological,
conceptually systematic, effective, and capable of producing generalizable outcomes (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968).
Since then, ABA research has found a welcome home in
numerous professional journals in various disciplines.
The Association for Behavior Analysis-International was
established in 1974 and is ABA’s principal professional
Rationale or Underlying Theory
From a behavioral systems perspective, behavioral development is a function of the reciprocal interaction of a
person’s: (a) genetic-constitutional makeup, (b) history of
interactions, (c) current physiological conditions, (d) current environmental conditions, and (e) behavioral dynamics or behavior change over time (Novak & Peláez,
2004). Treatment providers should consider all these factors when developing behavioral programs for individuals
with neuropsychological disorders. A major conceptual
focus of ABA is to understand, explain, and control the
operant behavior of humans in their environment.
The most basic form of operant conditioning is the
probabilistic strengthening of a response by its reinforcing
consequences and the weakening of a response by its
punishing consequences. For example, access to extra
computer time might reinforce the timely completion of
academic work by students with attention deficit disorder,
and loss of free play might punish their noncompliance.
In addition to control of behavior by its consequences,
behavior can be evoked by stimuli that precede it. For
example, a written or pictorial prompt might evoke a
medication taking response by a person with acquired
head injury. The beneficial treatment effects and avoidance of adverse effects by not taking the medication might
increase the probability that the person will take it.
The probability that a response actually will occur at a
given time can be influenced by contextual variables. For
example, severe symptoms of allergies on a particular day
might increase the aversiveness of otherwise tolerable
academic task demands on a student with attention deficit
disorder and increase the probability that the student will
engage in task escape behavior that day.
During the past decade, there has been a growing body
of research on relational responding and relational frame
theory (e.g., Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001;
Sidman, 1994) that has provided the conceptualization
and supporting empirical data to account for a broader
range of phenomena relevant to ABA. For example, the
theory explains how individuals who experience painful
medical procedures can develop a wide range of fears to
various persons, settings, and objects (Friman, 2007).
Goals and Objectives
ABA treatment goals, regardless of neuropsychological
population, can be broadly classified as efforts to promote
the acquisition, maintenance, fluency (i.e., rate), and
generalization of adaptive behavior, as well as the
Applied Behavior Analysis
reduction of challenging behavior. An individual’s treatment goals and objectives should be determined by an
analysis of the person’s behavioral excesses and deficits
based on their expectations in the environmental context
(i.e., goals should be socially valid).
The social validity of treatment goals can be determined more formally either by social comparison or subjective evaluation techniques (Kazdin, 1977). The former
relies on considering an individual’s behavior with respect
to that of an appropriate comparison group. For example,
the classroom out-of-seat behavior of a child with hyperactivity could be compared with that of his classmates
who serve as the social validation criterion. Does the
child’s out-of-seat behavior fall unacceptably outside the
range of his or her peers? Subjective evaluation relies on
the opinion of key persons in the environment as a social
validation criterion. For example, the teacher might rate
the child’s out-of-seat behavior daily with respect to its
acceptability. Is the child’s out-of-seat behavior unacceptable in the opinion of the teacher? Treatment participants
also could assist in setting their own goals as part of a selfmanagement program.
The specific behavioral topographies that are the goals
of change might differ across individuals (e.g., by population, type and severity of disability, setting). Treatment
goals also can have commonality across different clinical
populations (e.g., rate of performing academic behavior by
children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and
cerebral palsy; reduction of physically aggressive behavior
by individuals with acquired head injury and encephalitis).
Thus, practitioners should focus on understanding the
person–context relationship when formulating treatment
goals, and not solely on a person’s diagnosis.
Individuals with various neuropsychological disorders
have had treatment goals related to specific target behaviors, such as: (a) acquired brain injury (aggression, vocational behavior); (b) attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (off-task, academic behavior); (c) autism (communication, social skills); (d) cerebral palsy (conversation, walking); (e) dementia, including Alzheimer’s
disease (incontinence, wandering); (f) encephalitis (sexual and violent behavior); (g) epilepsy (diet compliance,
seizure awareness); and (h) Tourette’s syndrome (vocal
and motor tics).
Treatment Participants
ABA has had wide application of its treatment procedures
to various clinical and nonclinical populations, including
those with neuropsychological disorders, as well as key
people in their environment (e.g., staff, parents). Treatment participants have been of diverse ages, diagnoses,
and severity of disability. Intervention has occurred in
both laboratory and natural settings for numerous adaptive and challenging behaviors to meet goals and objectives, such as those previously stated. The largest body of
research and application can be found for persons with
developmental disabilities, especially intellectual disability, and more recently autism spectrum disorders. For
approximately 50 years, research and application for individuals with intellectual disability has occurred across the
lifespan, severity of the disability, behavioral topographies, and in institutional and community settings. ABA
research and applications to autism have been more limited, but noteworthy, with children being the most frequent recipient of treatment. There is a much smaller, but
nevertheless important, body of ABA treatment demonstrations for individuals with other neuropsychological
disorders, including acquired head injury, Alzheimer’s
disease, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, cerebral
palsy, dementia, epilepsy, learning disabilities, schizophrenia, and Tourette’s syndrome. ABA based treatments have
much to offer these under-studied populations, their
families, and the staff who serve them. The breadth of
applicability of ABA-based treatments across clinical and
nonclinical populations can be attributed to the generality
of the underlying principles and processes of the science
of behavior.
Treatment Procedures
As previously stated, ABA is the science of behavior and
not a treatment per se. Treatments typically include a
number of components that are applications of the science of behavior; however, claims about the efficacy of
individual components cannot be made independently of
the whole treatment package. A common component of
ABA treatment packages is differential reinforcement (i.e.,
reinforcing the desired response and withholding reinforcement or using a behavior reduction tactic for undesired responses). For example, the pathological tongue
thrust during mealtime of a 10-year old boy with mental
retardation and spastic cerebral palsy was treated by presenting food when his tongue was in and pushing the
tongue back into his mouth with a spoon when he thrust
out his tongue and expelled food (Thompson, Iwata, &
Poynter, 1979). Amount of attention was differentially
provided to control breath-holding for a 7-year old girl
with mental retardation and Cornelia-de-Lange syndrome (Kern, Mauk, Marder, & Mace, 1995) and the
Applied Behavior Analysis
bizarre vocalizations of an adult with schizophrenia
(Wilder, Masuda, O’Conner, & Baham, 2001). Noncontingent attention (i.e., increasing attention overall without respect to a specific target behavior) has been used
effectively for reducing disruptive vocalizations by elderly
dementia patients (Buchanan & Fisher, 2002); noncontingent escape (i.e., allowing escape from an activity regardless of behavior) has been used for treating aggression
during bathroom routines for the same population
(Baker, Hanley, & Mathews, 2006).
To increase the likelihood that response consequences
serve a reinforcing function, stimulus preference assessments are formally conducted. For example, the relative
preference of 33 food items was assessed to help a 15-year
old girl with uncontrolled epilepsy maintain compliance
to a ketogenic diet (Amari, Grace, & Fisher, 1995). Highly
preferred foods were used to reinforce compliance to the
diet. Allowing individuals to make choices among activities to be performed is another tactic to promote desired
behavior (e.g., on-task by individuals with traumatic
brain injury) and reduce challenging behavior.
Several behavioral components are important when
teaching new behavior. Often, shaping by successive
approximations is required to teach behavior. For example, a 5-year old child with mental retardation and spina
bifida was taught the use of crutches by breaking the task
down into a 10-step sequence (Horner, 1971). Prompts or
cues usually are required to evoke an unlearned response.
Examples include physical prompts (e.g., physically guiding a child to use crutches), modeling (e.g., video demonstrating a typically developing child undergoing a medical
exam), visual prompts (e.g., picture or written memory
aides for adults with Alzheimer’s disease or acquired brain
injury), and verbal instructions (i.e., telling people what
to do). ABA research has also demonstrated procedures to
transfer control of responding from the prompt to natural
cues (e.g., from the memory aide that prompts going to
the next activity to the time on the clock).
Environmental arrangements are also helpful in
controlling behavior. A visual cloth barrier on an unsafe
restricted area reduced entry to that area by dementia
patients who wandered (Feliciano, Vore, LeBlanc, &
Baker, 2004). Furniture was rearranged to be more conducive to conversation, and mealtime routines were rearranged to improve behavior in dementia patients (Melin
& Gotestam, 1981). Classroom environmental arrangements of various types are standard practice to control
the behavior of children with autism.
There is a considerable literature base on ABA
approaches to reduce the challenging behavior of persons
with neuropsychological disorders. Best practice today
involves performing a functional behavioral assessment
to form a hypothesis regarding the cause of challenging
behavior. For example, treatment for a person’s self-injurious behavior should be developed based on an understanding of why that person’s problem behavior occurs in
a given context. The specific self-injurious behavior might
be reinforced by receiving social attention or tangible
items from others, escape or avoidance from aversive
stimuli (e.g., task demands, irritation from eczema), automatic reinforcement (e.g., sensory self-stimulation), or
a combination of these consequences. Functional behavioral assessment procedures include various descriptive,
indirect (e.g., interview, rating scales), and experimental
methods. Treatment procedures are then derived from the
hypothesized function of the problem behavior indicated
by the functional behavioral assessment. For example, the
inappropriate sexual behavior of a 9-year old boy with
acquired brain injury was determined to be reinforced by
social attention (Fyffe, Kahng, Fittro, & Russell, 2004).
Treatment derived from that hypothesis consisted of functional communication training and withholding attention
for the inappropriate behavior.
An example of a comprehensive treatment package with
multiple components is a study that evaluated the efficacy
of training children with autism to pass the state mandated
vision screening when they started school (Simer & Cuvo,
2009). The package included components to teach the
visual discriminations required (i.e., preference assessment, choice making, match-to-sample discrimination
discrete trial training, transfer of