Nuclear Engineering and Design 122 (1990) 387-399 North-Holland 387 A study of the dynamics of SECURE reactors: Comparison of experiments and computations Du~an Babala, Ulf Bredolt and John Kemppainen A B B Atom AB, S-721 63 Viister~ts, Sweden Pressurized Water Reactors designed according to the PlUS principle possess unique characteristics that make their safety independent of the usual multitude of engineered safety systems, and virtually immune to human error during operation. A basic feature of this principle is the self-protective thermo-hydraulics of the primary system that prevents core power from exceeding the cooling capability of the submerging water, independently of outside surveillance and intervention. This paper describes the experimental demonstration of the self-protective features of the primary system in a large scale test loop in ABB Atom's engineering laboratories. The loop employs real time simulation of core power as a function of coolant conditions in an electrically heated mock-up of a fuel assembly. System responses to disturbances of various types and severity were studied. Comparisons were made with predictions by the RIGEL code, which has been developed specifically for the study of PIUS-type reactors. Selected results are presented in this paper. The tests have demonstrated the self-protective thermo-hydraulics of the primary systems of Pressurized Water Reactors designed according to the PIUS principle, and verified the capability of the RIGEL code to predict the dynamics of such systems. 1. Introduction In order to meet the steadily increasing safety requirements, m o d e m nuclear power Plants based on Light Water Reactors (LWRs) have become very complex over the last 15-20 y. The increased complexity has resulted in major increases in costs and construction time. By basing the reactor design on the P I U S (Process Inherent Ultimate Safety) principle, safety from severe accidents can be made a built-in characteristic of an L W R primary system, independent of engineered safety systems and virtually immune to human error or mischief. This makes it possible both to satisfy stringent safety requirements and to substantially simplify the plant design. Employing the P l U S principle, ABB A t o m has introduced the S E C U R E pressurized water reactor concepts: the S E C U R E (often designated S E C U R E - H ) reactor for low temperature heat generation, e.g. district heating, and the P I U S reactor (previously also called S E C U R E - P ) for electric power generation. S E C U R E operates at the pressure of 2.0 MPa with 190°C core exit temperature, while these values for P l U S are 9.0 MPa and 290°C, respectively. 0029-5493/90/$03.50 A design according to the P I U S principle follows two basic rules, i.e. (a) Keep the core submerged in water under all circumstances and (b) Provide the primary coolant system with self-protective thermo-hydraulic characteristics such that the core will not experience a level of heat generation exceeding the cooling capability of the submerging water. Several P l U S type reactor designs have been described in the literature, e.g. in refs. [1] and [2]. Examples of the function of the self-protecting thermo-hydraulics in transients as calculated by means of computer simulations are described in ref. [3]. The P l U S principle of operation can be explained in the following way (fig. 1). (la) A heat-generating nuclear core in a large water pool is placed at the bottom of a vertical pipe, the riser. A natural circulation flow is established. (lb) The circulation flow is returned to the bottom of the riser by means of a pump P. The generated heat remains in the circulating water. (lc) A steady state is reached by extracting as much heat in a heat exchanger X (steam generator) as is produced in the core. The water temperature is higher in the circulation loop than in the surrounding pool. © 1990 - E l s e v i e r S c i e n c e P u b l i s h e r s B.V. ( N o r t h - H o l l a n d ) 388 D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors a b glC t +, r e d r_ s m 711Hr/-Fig. 1. (a-d) The principle of PIUS operation. P pump: X heat exchanger; L - lower thermal denisty lock; U - upper thermal density lock; S - steam pressurizer. For details see Introduction. The hot water in the loop is in contact with the cold water of the pool at two levels, at the bottom and at the top of the riser. Since the hot water is above the cold water, mixing between them is small; two h o t / c o l d interfaces are formed. They are kept in place by controlling the rate of flow and the volume of the hot water. The regions of contact are called the upper (U) and lower (L) 'thermal density locks'. (ld) A steam pressurizer S is added to facilitate the pressure control. The riser extends into the pressurizer, so that water is in contact with steam at two surfaces, in the riser and in the pool. Figure (ld) represents a schematic flow diagram of the PIUS primary system. However, a steady-state operation of the reactor requires control by external devices. The lower h o t / c o l d interface is kept in place by adjusting the speed of the recirculation pump (e.g.+ if the interface tends to move upward, an increase in the pump speed will push it down). During startup, the lower density lock contains a trapped gas bubble separating the loop from the pool. The bubble is removed after a temperature difference between pool and circulating water has been established. The elevation of the upper h o t / c o l d interface is kept constant by adjusting the total amount of water in the loop. The water level at the top of the riser is defined by the total volume of hot water. The water level on the pool side of the pressurizer is kept constant by adding or removing water from the pool. The system pressure is controlled by means of an external steam supply. The reactor power is controlled by adjusting the coolant average temperature or the concentration of boric acid in the recirculating water. The safety of the system is independent of external devices. The water in the pool contains neutron poison (boric acid) in high concentration. The controllers keeping the h o t / c o l d interfaces in place are designed for only a limited range of operation. Thus, above a certain threshold, disturbances in the pressure balance between the recirculation loop and the pool cause the pool water to enter the loop through one of the density locks and shut down the reactor. This happens, for example, after a trip of the recirculation pump or after a loss of heat sink. An excessively high reactor power increases the temperature and buoyancy of the water in the riser and pulls the pool water into the loop. The size of the pool is designed to contain an amount of water sufficient for one week's post-shutdown cooling of the reactor in the complete absence of all cooling systems. The thermo-hydraulic function and the transient response of the system during normal operation as well as accidents have been tested at the ABB A t o m laboratories in an electrically heated mock-up (ATLE) of a S E C U R E reactor. Computer simulations of the transients have been made before each test run in order to predict the behaviour of the test loop in advance. After the tests were carried out, new computations were made in order to ensure that the initial conditions and disturbances (boundary conditions) were identical to the measured ones. The simulation of the transients was made by the R I G E L code [4], a computer program developed in ABB A t o m for dynamic analysis of S E C U R E / P I U S reactors. The program is an important tool in the design work due to its relative simplicity. For the simulations, a nodal model of the A T L E loop was made comprising the primary system, the pool and the intermediate cooling loops. D. Babala et al. full scale design, to ensure similarity in the driving buoyancy force during a transient. The test loop and the reactor operate with identical temperatures and system pressures. A schematic diagram of the test loop is given in fig. 2. The 'reactor core' in the test loop is a full scale 8 × 8 electrically heated rod assembly, with uniform heat generation over the entire rod length. In the SECURE/PIUS reactors, the pool and the primary system water contain boron (in the form of boric acid). In the test loop, the concentration of the boric acid is simulated by the concentration of an easily measurable indicator, such as a strong electrolyte (sodium sulfate)• Thus, the electrical conductivity of the fluid (compensated for the temperature dependence) serves as a measure of the boron concentration. The presence of sodium sulfate made it necessary to use stainless steel for many components of the loop. The concentration of the sodium sulfate had to be kept very low, however, since the difference in potential between the heated A comparison between some of the test results and calculations is presented in this paper. The aim of the comparison is to verify the RIGEL code's ability to predict the dynamic behaviour of the SECURE/PIUS reactors. 2. The ATLE test loop To verify the computational methods and to demonstrate the self-protective thermo-hydraulics of the SECURE/PIUS type reactors, a mock-up of a SECURE reactor was built in the ABB Atom's engineering laboratory. The volume scale of the mock-up is 1 : 308 of a real SECURE reactor (there are 308 fuel assemblies in a SECURE core). The mock-up consists of a pool, primary system, pressurizer, heat exchangers, and intermediate loops. The height of the test loop is the same as in the !@ . . . . . 389 / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors ] 80]]er THE ATLE TEST RIG Ventupl Heat Load )non b r e a k e r s 'K522 Intermediate Cooling Circuit t KB~I i Rec]rcula£ Dumps~6R] Heat Exchangers q Riser K528 , Oowncomem K803~ K802 qeactor Pool K322 i 'I~eactivit,~ Control" Control? valve Intermediate Cooling Circuit ~'Heat Load "Reactor Core" Thyr ] s t o r ~ Rect 1f i e r s ; , ' , 6 kV q © K5~O~",~K521 w ._~-4Lower , IDenslty , < LOCk \K308: "\K519 "Boron StorageI 1 Pump 10 kW • Na2S04 ,,Ka#~ C]ean Water" rum D (~keup 'Boron" K539 i , i . , . \ --@ • " Fig. 2. The ATLE test loop. I, ii, '0 Water 390 D. Babala et al. / The c6,namics of S E C U R E reactors element and the pressure vessel led to a production of oxy-hydrogen gas. The supply of DC current from a static converter to the rod bundle is controlled by a point reactor kinetics model running in real time on an A S E A - M A S T E R process computer. The point kinetics model simulates neutron kinetics and heat conduction in the fuel. The inlet and outlet temperatures, boron concentrations and voids from the core are used as input data for the model. The mean fuel temperature is calculated by the model. Reactivity is a function of the moderator temperature, fuel temperature, boron concentration and void (if any). From the simulated nuclear fuel assembly the water flows upward through the riser. In the upper part of the riser, the Upper Thermal Density Lock ( U T D L ) connects the riser to the pool via a pipe filled with pool water. The free surface of the primary system is in contact with steam in the pressurizer. The pressurizer volume is connected to the pool both directly and via the upper thermal density lock. The steam supply to the pressurizer is generated in an electrically heated boiler. On its way from the upper end of the riser, the water is divided into two flow paths through heat exchangers and recirculation pumps. Downstream of the pumps, the two flow paths converge to the downcomer. The water flows downwards to the lower plenum just below the inlet orifice to the rod bundle. The lower plenum is connected to the pool via the Lower Thermal Density Lock (LTDL). The mock-up also includes the intermediate cooling loops and the possibility to change the power load in a specified way. In each intermediate cooling loop, water circulates through the secondary side of the heat exchanger, water pump and a cooler (marked 'heat load' in fig. 2). The flow and temperature of the cooling water are constant. However, the water temperature at the inlet to the secondary side of the heat exchanger can be, in a limited range, controlled by the amount of water bypassing the cooler ('Control valve' in fig. 2). In the same way as in a real S E C U R E , the A T L E loop includes control systems, (fig. 2). The h o t / c o l d interface level in the L T D L is controlled in the loop C1. The level is a function of the density difference between the pool and the riser and the pressure drop in the riser and the core, dependent on the pump revolution rate. The h o t / c o l d interface level is determined from the measured average temperature along the density lock (K519-K521). The calculated level is compared with a set point value and the difference is processed in a PI controller. The output signal is used in a static frequency converter which controls the feed frequency of the power supply to the pump. The h o t / c o l d interface level in the U T D L is controlled in the loop C2. The level is a function of the mass inventory in the primary system. The position of the h o t / c o l d interface is determined from the measured average temperature along the density lock (K522 K524). The calculated position is compared with a set point value and the difference is processed in a PI controller. When the interface level is low, the output signal activates a discharge valve. If the level is too high, the signal causes the reactivity control system to inject water into the loop (without changing the boron concentration in the latter). The water level in the pressurizer is controlled in the loop C4. In PIUS, level on the pool side is controlled. For practical reasons, in A T L E the water level on the riser side was chosen as input to the controller. Since the two levels are hydrostatically coupled, there is no difference in principle between the two ways of control. The water level in the riser is indirectly a function of the mass inventory in the pool. Actual water level is determined by a dp-meter (K401). The calculated level is compared to a set point value. An o n / o f f controller controls a discharge valve in the pool. The valve is closed if the actual water level is below the set point value. The pressure is controlled in the loop C5. The measured pressure in the pressurizer (K101) is compared to a predetermined set point value. The difference is processed in a PI controller. The output signal controls the electric power to the boiler. The 'reactor' power is controlled in the loop C3. The reactivity control system consists of a thermometer at the core outlet, a 'clean-water' pump and a 'boratedwater' pump. The measured water temperature at the core outlet (K528) is compared to a set point value. The difference is processed in a specially designed P controller. The output signal from the controller controls both the clean-water pump and the borated-water pump. The boron content of the mixture injected to the primary system is a predetermined function of the core outlet temperature. A decrease in the temperature causes an injection of water with reduced boron concentration, to raise the reactor power. It has to be emphasized that all control devices are designed to aid in operation of the system, not to ensure its safety, which is totally independent of such devices. The test loop is equipped with several thermometers, mass flow meters, dp-cells, absolute pressure gauges and conductivity meters. More than 200 measuring points are available for recording. The maximum sampling 391 D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors sophisticated modelling. As illustrated in this paper, the present level of modelling detail allows us to predict the behaviour of the physical system with good confidence. The code is in constant development. In RIGEL, the hydraulic network is divided into a number of fluid cells (volumes) interconnected by fluid junctions. In both types of nodes, thermal equilibrium between phases is assumed. The basic variables integrated in a fluid cell are the pressure, specific enthalpy and boron content of the fluid. In fluid junctions, one integrates mass flow, energy flow and boron flow. In parts of the network where no heat transfer occurs and where the fluid is known to be in a single phase, one can opt for a special modelling of non-dissipative propagation of temperature and boron fronts. Heat transfer is modelled by heat capacity cells and heat flow junctions, where the energy and energy flow, respectively, are integrated over time. A number of different correlations for heat transfer can be selected. Special node models are provided for the pressurizer and the density locks, where the fluid phases, or fluids at different temperatures, are stratified. Further, separate models are provided for pumps and controllers. frequency is 10 Hz which is rapid enough even for fast transients such as a power grid disturbance. 3. The RIGEL code The design of a new unique system such as SECURE/PIUS required, in the initial phase of development, an assessment of a large number of alternatives. The need for extensive parameter studies of the system dynamics implied the necessity of a compromise between the modelling detail and the speed of computation. A special computer program, RIGEL, was developed for that purpose [4]. Initially, the emphasis in the RIGEL program was on the speed of computation, without an undue sacrifice in accuracy, and on the flexibility to accomodate design changes. The flexibility of the program means not only a versatile input, but also the ease of incorporating newly defined physical models to the existing program structure. As the optimal PIUS and SECURE designs crystallized, the emphasis in RIGEL gradually shifted to more D A S H E D LINES = I N P U T / O U T P U T SIGNALS TO/FROM CONTROLLERS I PRESSURIZER ,- . . . . G:_ f-__ LEVEL PUMP 1 INTERMEDIATE LOOP 1 ~4' J PUMP2 I I I I I I LOCK (UTDL) -- -- -- INTERMEDIATE I LOOP 2 "1 DOWNCOMER WATER PUMP • I I I ..... T i _(~).L . . . . . . . . . . { ............. I I I I -J * I I I I , i LOWER P L E N U M L- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOWER T H E R M A L DENSITY LOCK (LTDL) Fig. 3. Nodalization of the ATLE loop. .J 392 D. Babala et aL / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors The neutron kinetics is represented by a point kinetics model. The set of ordinary differential equations is integrated in time by a semi-implicit numerical method [4]. 4. The RIGEL representation of the ATLE test loop The model of the primary system contains the reactor core, the riser, the pressurizer, the recirculation loops with their pumps and heat exchangers and finally the downcomer and the inlet plenum (fig. 3). The reactor core is divided into four fluid cells and four fuel cells (not shown in the fig.). Reactivity effects of fuel and coolant temperatures, void and boron concentration (i.e. conductivity) are taken into account. The pool, i.e. the pressure vessel which contains a highly conductive cold water, is divided into a number of fluid cells interconnected by fluid junctions. The primary system is connected to the pool through the two thermal density locks and via the pressurizer. The recirculation pumps and the pump motors are modelled separately. Each heat exchanger is modelled as two fluid cells connected by heat flow junctions via the intervening walls (heat capacity cells). The heat transfer coefficients are flow dependent. The secondary system, i.e. the intermediate cooling loops, are modelled as boundary flow junctions connected to the secondary sides of the two heat exchangers, with prescribed inlet water temperatures. The model of the control system covers the control of the hot/cold water interface levels in the two thermal density locks (loops C1 and C2), the water level in the pressurizer (loop C4), the pressure control in the pressurizer (loop C5) and the reactivity control system (loop C3). was then exposed to identical disturbances as in the ATLE loop. The results from each test and from the corresponding simulation were plotted together on the same diagram for the final analysis and comparison. The broken lines in each plot indicate the test results, while the full lines show computed values. One of the variables of interest is the mass flow rate through the lower density lock. It is important to predict correctly how fast the lock is penetrated after a disturbance. Other interesting variables are the boron concentration in the core, reactor power and the outlet water temperature. The first two tests (load following, power grid disturbance) demonstrate the normal operation of a S E C U R E / P I U S reactor. The remaining three tests (pump trip, loss of heat sink, uncontrolled boron dilution) illustrate the response of the reactor to severe disturbances that in a conventional PWR would require intervention by safety systems. 5.1. P o w e r control Changes in power demand on the primary system during normal operation were simulated by varying, in a prescribed manner, the water temperature at the inlets to secondary sides of the heat exchangers. The measured temperature served as input to a PI-controller steering the by-pass valve in each intermediate loop. The set-point temperatures for the controllers were raised linearly for 750 s, then kept constant for 1200 s, and finally brought back to their original values in 750 s. The changes in temperatures corresponded to a - 30% °il . 5. Comparison of ATLE tests and RIGEL calculations The test results from some of the transients performed in the ATLE loop have been compared to computer simulations by the RIGEL program. Representative transients have been selected in order to examine the capability of the RIGEL code to predict different events in the dynamic behaviour of the loop both during normal operation and accidents. The actual starting steady state conditions in individual tests were used as input to the computer simulations. The calculated steady state solution for the model - - COMPUTED ........ i . . . . . MEASURED i i L i . (13 0 0 ' 50 b ' 1 0 0' 0 t5 b 0 TIME . 2 0. 0 0 (S) . . 2 5 0. 0 . 3000 Fig. 4. Reactor power during load following. t _ D. Babala et aL / The dynamics of SECURE reactors - - COMPUTED ........ 393 --COMPUTED MEASURED d :I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J i ........ i t i i MEASURED i i I i L (D DOVN / COMER • toxl" ~ , Od" ~ ' , ~o 5oh ~obo ~ 5 0. 0 . 2 0.0 0 . 2 5 0 0 TIME LTDL o 3obo 1o 20 Fig. 5. W a t e r temperature at the core outlet during load 4b 3o TIME (S) 5b 6; (S) Fig. 7. R e s p o n s e of water flows to a power grid disturbance. following. variation in the power load. All controls (C1-C5) were active. The transient starts with a rise in the controlled water temperature in the intermediary loops. The resulting decrease in the heat outflow from the primary system causes the core outlet temperature to rise, activating the reactivity control system. Borated water is injected into the loop, depressing the reactor power. The reactivity control system (C3) keeps the variation of the core outlet temperature small. Computed results are compared to the measured ones in figs. 4-6. The overall agreement is good during --COMPUTED i h ...... t i i t i MEASURED i i ~ ~ _ the entire transient, although the computed values tend to anticipate the measured ones. 5.2. Grid voltage disturbance The PIUS reactor under normal operation should tolerate smaller disturbances in the grid power supply, without unnecessary and time-consuming shutdowns. A typical grid disturbance that a power plant in Scandinavia is required to withstand without disconnection from the grid, is a total loss of voltage lasting 0.25 s followed by a full recovery in 0.5 s. The temporary loss of power affects the recirculation pumps, with the ensuing disturbance in the hot/cold interface in LTDL. The o - - i t COMPUTED t t ....... i t t ~ MEASURED ~ i J t- O~ cU (2) E u oJ / '", ,' , 2 tD_ o, 50 b 1 0 0' 0 1 5 0' 0 TIME 20 b 0 2 5 0' 0 3 0 0' 0 (S) Fig. 6. Electrical c o n d u c t i v i t y of water at the core inlet during load following. :1 n0 ~b 2b 3b TIME 4b 5b sb (S) Fig. 8. W a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e at the core outlet during a power grid disturbance. 394 D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors --COMPUTED ........ J i ~ i i - MEASURED i J i t - i L COMPUTED i i ....... i J i MEASURED i i i i 0 0 ~ - , ____~:w77_ ' . . . . ,, __ , ..... _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ °1 OO o lb 2b 3b TTME Fig. 9. 4b 5b o 6b 4; ad do TIME (S) Reactor power during a power grid disturbance. 1~o 2do (S) Fig. 11. Water temperature at the core outlet following a pump trip. response is strongly damped and the interface level swings only once above and once below its steady state value. The L T D L is designed to accomodate the anticipated changes in the interface level, without being penetrated by the pool water. We have selected the duration of the loss of power to be 2.1 s - sufficiently long for a small amount of borated water to enter the primary loop. All controls were active. The excess boron has been subsequently automatically diluted by the reactivity control system. The full-power operation of the reactor remained undisturbed. Computed and measured results are shown in figs. 7-9. The computed response of the system to the disturbance is faster and smaller than the measured one, probably due to insufficient detail in modelling the built-in control systems in the frequency converter of the power supply to the recirculation pumps. The overall agreement with the measured response is good. 5.3. Recirculation p u m p trip The trip of the recirculation pumps causes a rapid shutdown of the reactor. A natural circulation of highly borated water is established between the pool and the riser, via the thermal density locks. The function of the controllers in this transient is unimportant. In its consequences, the pump trip is equivalent to a total loss of grid power. --COMPUTED i ...... --COMPUTED i i t t MEASURED i i t t I i b i MEASURED i o E U % 2 to ~z 46 °o 44 84 do TIME do 2~o (S) Fig. 10. Water flow through LTDL following a pump trip. a4 do TIME do 2do {S) Fig. 12. Electrical conductivity of water at the core inlet following a pump t r i p . 395 D. Babala et aL / The dynamics of SECURE reactors o !, (E5 ........ - - C O M P U T E D i ~ l , i i i MEASURED i i i _ - - C O M P U T E D i i i ('~lOd i ........ I .-..- ... ~ MEASURED I I I_ o_ oJ o_ tD- .-- - ,." ',/', /- i ~o o 0 4 40 BO TTME 1~0 260 The transient starts when the power to the recirculation pumps is shut off. The decrease in the pump revolution rate causes an inflow of highly conductive pool water through the lower thermal density lock, due to the disturbance in the pressure balance between the riser and the pool. Figure 10 shows the mass flow rate through the lower thermal density lock. The overall agreement between calculated and measured flow rates is good. However, after the peak in flow through the density lock, one can observe a temporarily faster decay of the predicted flow. This discrepancy is probably due to the fact that the heat stored in the structural components was neglected in computations. The model predicts a faster decrease of the water temperature in the riser (fig. 11). The mass flow rate through the lower thermal density lock is at this moment a function only of the temperature distribution in the riser. Therefore, the mass flow decays faster in the simulation than in the test. The conductivity in the core starts to rise when the lower thermal density lock is penetrated. Figure 12 shows the increase of conductivity in the lower plenum. The agreement between simulations and test data is very good. A comparison between the measured and the predicted reactor power shows a good agreement. However, after about 30 s, the predicted power decays somewhat faster than the measured one (fig. 13). 5.4. Partial loss o f heat sink Od [ ~0 I , 200 I ' I 400 ' 600 TIME I , I 800 1000 (S) Fig. 14. Water temperature in the reactor core after a partial loss of heat sink. tor (PIUS) or a pump trip in the intermediate cooling loops (SECURE). The transient starts when the power supply to one of the intermediate cooling loop pumps is shut off. The heat extracted from the primary loop decreases rapidly and a hot water front starts propagating along the downcomer. When the hot water reaches the core region (fig. 14), the pressure balance between the hot riser and the cold pool is affected. The LTDL is penetrated and the borated pool water starts flowing into the loop (fig. 15). The inflow of borated water is intermittent, until the pump controller (C1) restores a stable h o t / c o l d interface in the LTDL. The system response is oscilla- f"3_ - - C O M P U T E D i i i i . . . . . . i i i MEASURED i i i_ ffJ. i 5 2 (D V I ~ob v 4oh TIME A loss of heat sink involves a fast decrease in the power load due to e.g. an isolation of the steam genera- - ';Ni.ET- (S) Fig. 13. Reactor power following a pump trip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " I sob Bob lobo (S) Fig. 15. Water flow through LTDL following a partial loss of heat sink. The flow meter shows the absolute value of the flow. 396 D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors --COMPUTED b ,'L i MEASURED i flow regime in L T D L during oscillations, the error in the computed final state is not excessively large. A total loss of heat sink, i.e. a loss of power supply to both cooling loop pumps, leads to a strong ingress of borated water into the primary loop, shutting the reactor down. b ,,,, E L) 5.5. Uncontrolled boron dilution % OJ LO_ o ~00 400 600 Bob 1 0 0 0 (S) TIME Fig. 16. Electrical conductivity of water at the core inlet after a partial loss of heat sink. tory, with damped oscillations of a period equal to the recirculation time (figs. 14-17). The amplitudes of oscillations are very sensitive to the exact mechanism of dissipation of the circulating boron and temperature fronts. After the oscillations die out, the system reaches a new steady state at a lower power. Since only two controllers are active (C1 and C5), the final state depends only on the total amount of boron that entered the primary loop. In the absence of feedback, the disagreement between measured and computed final states depends on the accumulated error in the integrated water flow through LTDL. Considering the complicated We studied the response of the primary system to an uncontrolled injection of clean water. The reactivity control system (C3) was switched off and the bypass control valves in the intermediary loops were closed during the entire transient. The total amount of clean water injected is normally limited by the size of clean water storage vessels for the plant. The disturbance corresponds to an unmonitored control-rod withdrawal accident in a conventional PWR. The behaviour of the system can be divided into three phases, namely: - The dilution phase, 0 - 3 0 0 s. Boron in the primary system is continuously diluted and the reactor power increases. - T h e boration phase, 300-1500 s, Due to-the increased water temperature in the riser, the L T D L is penetrated. The mean value of boron concentration in the loop stays approximately constant, due to the intermittent inflow of highly borated water from the pool. The power oscillates around a constant mean value. - The recovery phase, 1500 s. Clean water storage vessels are exhausted. Oscillations cease and a stable steady state is reached at a lower power level. 0 J oo--COMPUTED i i -- i ~ i i - i MEASURED i i t i ~ i i L i J CLI i J_ o o OJ- o oo_ OD ot o CO I I I I o 3- ILUTION 0 0 i 200 400 TIME 60~3 (S) 80~3 Fig. 17. Reactor power after a partial loss of heat sink. 1000 BORATION ' 0 400 0 80 I 1200 TIME , RECOVERY I ~600 (S) , I 2000 I 2400 Fig. 18. The three phases of an uncontrolled boron dilution (measured reactor power). D. Babala et aL / The dynamics of SECURE reactors ~ - COMPUTED ~ oo] i i l . . . . . . . . i i L i i - MEASURED i i i J - 397 . . . . . . . . COMPUTED h i i MEASURED i _ 123- OUTLET ~AAAAAAAAAAA-,~ !m ~ i ~ i o, ~ i ! i / ' V '" "i ;J ': ',, ',~ '~' :' ',' " " " " " ' " ' , ,, h , " " , ,' ,~ t ', h q ', ~ Z / ' ", •" ~ ', , , , ,,, ,,' ,, ~', " . ; ~o ,, 't " h ' , ,, I" CD o 400 ~o TIME 800 (S) 1200 Fig. 19. Water temperature in the reactor core during an uncontrolled boron dilution• T h e three phases are illustrated o n the plot of the recorded reactor power (fig. 18). In figs. 1 9 - 2 2 , the predicted response of the system during the first two phases is c o m p a r e d to the m e a s u r e d one. T h e onset of the third phase depends, of course, o n the capacity of the storage vessels for clean water. 5.5.1. The dilution phase, 0 - 3 0 0 s T h e transient starts w h e n the o p e r a t o r (mistakenly or maliciously) disables the reactivity control a n d switches on the clean water p u m p to its m a x i m u m possible flow rate. T h e injection of cold water into the - - COMPUTED . . . . . . . . '4oh o '8oh ' 12bo (S) TIME Fig. 21. Water flow through LTIgL during an uncontrolled boron dilution. The flow meter shows the absolute value of the flow. p r i m a r y system causes a t e m p o r a r y decrease of the water t e m p e r a t u r e in the core. T h e h o t / c o l d interface level in L T D L is lowered due to the d i s t u r b a n c e in the pressure b a l a n c e between the riser a n d the pool. The L T D L control system C1 suppresses the recirculation p u m p revolution rate to compensate for the new t e m p e r a t u r e distribution in the riser. Figure 19 shows the core inlet a n d outlet water temperatures. T h e small discrepancy in the core inlet t e m p e r a t u r e s is constant, due to a n initialization error of the core inlet t e m p e r a t u r e during the steady state calculation of the loop. MEASURED l i COMPUTED . ~ I ~ . . . . . . . . i ~ l h i MEASURED L l = o % O_ O. '4oh '8oh TIME (S) ' 12bo Fig. 20. Electrical conductivity of water at the core inlet during an uncontrolled boron dilution. 0 '400 '800 TIME (S) ' 1200 ' Fig. 22. Reactor power during an uncontrolled boron dilution• 398 D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors The boron concentration in the primary system decreases during this phase. Figure 20 shows the core outlet water conductivity. At the beginning, boron is diluted stepwise. The length of the step is equal to the recirculation time of the loop. After about four round trips the sharp concentration front has dissipated due to turbulent mixing. A comparison between test results and calculated ones shows an excellent agreement both in magnitude and in attenuation of the boron front. The flow through the LTDL is almost zero during this phase of the transient (fig. 21). The reactor power increases in response to the boron dilution and, to a smaller degree, to the variation of the inlet water temperature (fig. 22). The total increase in reactor power is limited by the maximum pump revolution rate. A comparison of measured and computed power also shows a very good agreement. A comparison of test results with the calculated behaviour of the system also shows a good overall agreement for this phase. However, there are some discrepancies, mainly in the amplitude of oscillations. The predicted amplitudes are lower, due to an underestimated flow through LTDL (fig. 21). Too low water flow through LTDL leads to too small boration of the primary system, which in turn implies too small oscillations in the predicted water temperature and the reactor power. The underestimated boron inflow also implies that the equilibrium between the inflow of clean and borated water is reached at a higher mean power level. The predicted oscillations grow slower than the measured ones - they are stable only after 1200 s, compared to about 800 s measured. In other PIUS designs, the oscillations stabilize much earlier [3]. 6. Summary and conclusions 5.5.2. The boration phase, 3 0 0 - 1 5 0 0 s When the pump revolution rate has reached the upper limit of the control range, further increase of the temperature in the riser causes the hot/cold interface in the LTDL to move upwards. At about 350 s the LTDL is penetrated and an inflow of cold highly conductive water starts. The inflow is intermittent with the period equal to the recirculation time for the loop. The conductivity rises each time an inflow from the LTDL occurs (fig. 20). The inflow of water stops whenever the temperature in the riser falls due to the fast power decrease (caused by the highly conductive water reaching the core). The conductivity of the water in the core continues to decrease, but at a slower rate. The decrease in the mean conductivity is caused partly by the injection of clean water, partly by the fact that the plug of highly borated water injected through LTDL is shorter than the recirculation path of the loop. The minimum conductivity of clean water pockets finally levels off due to the turbulent diffusion from the plugs of highly conductive water. An equilibrium state is now reached between the injected clean water and the highly conductive water sucked through the LTDL. At this time the reactor power has reached its maximum value. A new state of the loop is reached with an almost constant power amplitude oscillation (fig. 22). The calculated average fuel temperature (for the SECURE design that ATLE simulates), initially 420 ° C, rises to the mean value of 490 ° C, still safe by a wide margin. We have compared the results of simulations made by the RIGEL code with the results of a number of tests in the ATLE loop. Transient behaviour during both small and large disturbances was studied. The comparisons show a good agreement both in magnitude and time of occurrence of different physical events. The observed discrepancies are mainly due to limitations in the RIGEL code to accurately predict: (i) the propagation of temperature and boron fronts, (ii) the complicated flow regime in the LTDL during oscillations. The computed results differ by less than ten per cent from the measured ones, even though the nodalization of the ATLE loop is relatively coarse. The average node volume in the primary loop is about four per cent of the total volume of the primary system. From our results, in part presented above, we conclude that (a) During normal operation, a S E C U R E / P I U S reactor, as represented by the ATLE loop, is stable with respect to minor disturbances, and has a good loadfollowing capability. (b) The response of the ATLE loop to major disturbances confirms the expected self-protective properties of the S E C U R E / P I U S type of primary reactor system. (c) The RI G EL code is a suitable computational aid for simulating the dynamics of the ATLE loop. Since the construction of the loop is in principle similar to the design of an actual S E C U R E / P I U S primary system, we are confident that the dynamics of the latter can be predicted by the RIGEL program-with an acceptable error. D. Babala et al. / The dynamics of S E C U R E reactors References [1] C. Sundqvist and T. Pedersen, PlUS the forgiving reactor, Modern Power Systems (Oct. 1985) 69-79. [2] K. Hannerz, The PlUS PWR, Energia Nucleare (Rome) 4 (2) (1987) 10-21. 399 [3] D. Babala and K. Hannerz, Pressurized water reactor inherent core protection by primary system thermohydraulics, Nucl. Sci. Engrg. 90 (1985) 400-410. [4] D. Babala, A fast semi-implicit integration method for thermohydralic networks, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 47 (1984) 295-7.