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Purpose of Evaluation in Education

Purpose ofEvaluation
Dr. Safdar Hussain
Test, Measurement, Assessment
and Evaluation
The terms test, measurement, and evaluation
are easily confused because all may be
involved in a single process.
1. According to Elvi:
“Evaluation is the process of
determining the extent to which
educational objectives are achieved by
the students.”
2. According to Gronlund:
Evaluation is the systematic process of
collecting, analyzing and interpreting
information to determine the extent to which
pupils are achieving instructional objectives
(Answers the questions" How good?).
Evaluative Procedures
• A wide variety of evaluative procedures
1. Measurement tools
2. Non-Measurement tools
Measurement Tools
Rating Scales
Ranking Scales
Socio-matrices Scales
Non-Measurement Tools
Anecdotal record
Self report
Types of Evaluation
On the basis of Functional role in
classroom Instruction
1. Placement Evaluation
2. Formative Evaluation
3. Diagnostics Evaluation
4. Summative Evaluation
1.Placement Evaluation
Placement evaluation is concerned
with pupils entry performance and
typically focuses on question such
as the following.
Does the pupil posses the
knowledge and skill needed to
beginning the course/training/
planned instruction?
Examples of Placement Evaluation
Entry Tests
Aptitude Test
Introductory Questions
Previous knowledge Test
2. Formative Evaluation
• Evaluation for learning
• Taken at varying intervals throughout a
course to provide information and feedback.
• Formative Evaluation is used to
monitor learning progress during
Formative Evaluation
Its purpose is to provide continuous
feedback to both pupil and teacher
concerning learning successes and
Feedback to pupils provides
reinforcement of successful learning and
identifies the specific learning errors that
are in need of correction.
Feedback to the teacher provides
information for modifying instruction
and for prescribing group and
individual remedial work.
Examples of Formative Evaluation
• Weekly Tests
• Monthly Test
• Quarterly Test
3.Diagnostic Evaluation
• Diagnostic evaluation is a highly
specialized procedure.
• It is concerned with the persistent or
recurring learning difficulties that are
left unresolved by the standard
corrective prescriptions of formative
To use a medical analogy,
formative evaluation provides first aid
treatment for simple learning problems
and diagnostic evaluation searches for
the underlying causes of those
problems, that do not respond to first
aid treatment.
Serious learning problems also are
likely to require the services of remedial,
psychological, and medical specialists.
4. Summative Evaluation
• Evaluation of learning
• Generally taken by students at the end
of a unit or semester to demonstrate
the "sum" of what they have or have
not learned.
• Summative assessment methods are
the most traditional way of evaluating
student work.
Summative Evaluation (Conti;)
Summative evaluation typically comes
at the end of a course (or unit) of
It is used primarily for assigning
course grades or for certifying pupil
mastery of the intended learning
The Garden Analogy
If we think of our children as plants …
Summative assessment of the plants is the process
of simply measuring them. It might be interesting to
compare and analyze measurements but, in
themselves, these do not affect the growth of the
Formative assessment, on the other hand, is the
equivalent of feeding and watering the plants
appropriate to their needs - directly affecting their
Purpose of Evaluation
• The need for assessment and evaluation
in education may be discussed as under:
• Selection Decisions:
• Placement Decisions:
• Classification Decisions:
• Diagnostic and remedial Decisions:
• Feed back
• Guidance and Counseling
Purpose of Evaluation
Use in Administration:
Improves Learning:
Improve instruction:
Promotion in next class:
Motivation and Competition:
Reporting Pupil Progress to parents:
Programe Evaluation
Purpose of Evaluation
• Theory Development:
• Assigning Marks to students