CELL Md. Masud Rana RN, MSN Definition • A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. • In other words, cells make up living things and carry out activities that a living thing alive. • In 1965, Robert Hooke first discovered cell. Structure of Human Cell • Human cell basically divided into 3 parts: 1. Cell membrane 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleus Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is the jelly-like substances inside the plasma membrane that surrounds the nucleus. Contents: 1. Organelles a) Membranous: b) Non-membranous 2. Inclusion: Fat droplets, glycogen granules, Lipofuscin, Hemosiderin Membranous organelles Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi complex or apparatus Lysosomes Peroxisomes Non-membranous organelles Ribosomes Centrosome Proteasomes Cytoskeleton •Micotubules •Imicrofilaments •Intermediate filaments Nucleus • Nuclear envelope • Chromatin • Necleolus Cell membrane • Extremely delicate, thin, elastic & semipermeable phospholipids belayed membrane that surround a cell. Nucleus • Nucleus is the most prominent and largest cellular component, which is the command centre of the cell. • Nucleus is present in all cells in the body except the red blood cell (RBC) Functions • Controls of all the cell activities that include metabolism, protein synthesis, growth and reproduction (cell division) • Synthesis of RNA • Formation of subunits of ribosomes • Sending of genetic instruction to the cytoplasm for protein synthesis through messenger RNA(mRNA) • Storage and transformation of hereditary information from one generation to the next. Lysosome • Lysosomes are membranous vesicles formed by the Golgi apparatus. • They contain digestive enzymes Functions • They destroy and digest foreign material such as-harmful bacteria, virus. • In dead cell perform autolysis lysosomes. That’s why lysosome are called as ‘suicidal bugs’ or ‘atom bomb of the cell’. Golgi complex • Is a membrane bound organelle, involved in the processing of protein. • Composed of four or more stacks of closely folded flattened membranous sacs lying near the side of nucleus. • Packaging house of cell Functions • Complete post-translational modifications of proteins synthesized in the RER and then • Packages and addresses these proteins to proper destinations. • Produce vacuoles and secretary vesicles • They help in production of some hormone and enzymes Types • Rough endoplasmic reticulum: contains ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis • Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: does not contain ribosomes. It is involved in lipid synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism Ribosomes • Ribosomes are small electron-dense particles found in the cytosol • They are the Protein factories of cell • They are made of protein and RNA • They found in the both ER & Cytoplasm Function: Synthesis of protein