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Active Directory Interview Questions & Answers

Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory®
What is LDAP?
LDAP is the directory service protocol that is used to query and update AD. LDAP naming
paths are used to access AD objects and include the following:
Distinguished names
Relative Distinguished names
Distinguished name gives the complete path of the object
E.g. CN=Sanjo Thomas,OU=India,DC=Microsoft,DC=com
Relative Distinguished name is the portion of the distinguished name that uniquely identifies
the object.
E.g. CN=Sanjo Thomas OR
OU= India
What is Active Directory?
AD is the directory service in Windows2000 network. AD is a hierarchical database. A
directory service stores information about network resources and make the resources
accessible to users and computers. It helps to centrally manage, organize and control access
to resources. AD objects include users, groups, computers, printers, etc. Servers, domains
and sites are also considered as AD objects.
Minimum Requirement for Installing AD
Windows Server, Advanced Server, Datacenter Server
Minimum Disk space of 200MB for AD and 50MB for log files
NTFS partition
TCP/IP Installed and Configured to use DNS
Administrative privilege for creating a domain in existing network
How will you verify whether the AD installation is proper?
1. Verify SRV Resource Records
After AD is installed, the DC will register SRV records in DNS when it restarts. We can
check this using DNS MMC or nslookup command.
Using MMC
If the SRV records are registered, the following folders will be there in the domain
folder in Forward Lookup Zone.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Using nslookup
>ls –t SRV Domain
If the SRV records are properly created, they will be listed.
2. Verifying SYSVOL
If SYSVOL folder is not properly created data stores in SYSVOL such are scripts, GPO,
etc will not be replicated between DCs.
First verify the following folder structure is created in SYSVOL
Staging areas
Then verify necessary shares are created.
>net share
It should show two shares, NETLOGON and SYSVOL
3. Verifying Database and Log files
Make sure that the following files are there at %systemroot%\ntds
Ntds.dit, Edb.*, Res*.log
Explain about ADS Database
Active Directory includes 4 files.
This is the AD database and stores all AD objects. Default location is
Active Directory's database engine is the Extensible Storage Engine which is based on the Jet
database and can grow up to 16 TB.
NTDS.DIT, consists of the following tables
Schema Table
The types of objects that can be created in the Active Directory, relationships between
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
them, and the attributes on each type of object. This table is fairly static and much
smaller than the data table.
Link Table
contains linked attributes, which contain values referring to other objects in the Active
Directory. Take the MemberOf attribute on a user object. That attribute contains
values that reference groups to which the user belongs. This is also far smaller than
the data table.
Data Table
users, groups, application-specific data, and any other data stored in the Active
From a different perspective, Active Directory has three types of data
Schema information
Definitional details about objects and attributes that one CAN store in the AD.
Replicates to all DCs. Static in nature
Configuration information
Configuration data about forest and trees. Replicates to all DCs. Static as your forest
Domain information
Object information for a domain. Replicates to all DCs within a domain. The object
portion becomes part of GC. The attribute values only replicates within the domain.
This is the transaction log file (10 MB). When EDB.LOG is full, it is renamed to EDBnnnn.log.
Where nnnn is the increasing number starting from 1
This is the checkpoint file used to track the data not yet written to database file. This
indicates the starting point from which data is to be recovered from the logfile, in case of
4. Res1.log and Res2.log
This is reserved transaction log files of 20 MB (10 MB each) which provides the transaction log
files enough room to shutdown if the other spaces are being used.
Explain ADS Database Garbage Collection Process?
Garbage Collection is a process that is designed to free space within the Active Directory
database. This process runs independently on every DC with a default lifetime interval of 12
The Garbage Collection process has 3 main steps
1. Removing "tombstones" from the database. Tombstones are remains of objects that have
been previously deleted.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
(**When an object is deleted, it is not actually removed from the Active Directory database. It is
marked for deletion at a later date. This then gets replicated to other DCs. When the
tombstoneLifetime is over, the object is deleted.)
2. Deletion of any unnecessary log files.
3. The process launches a defragmentation thread to claim additional free space.
There are two ways to defragment the Active Directory database in Windows 2000.
Online Defragmentation method that runs as part of the garbage collection process. The only
advantage to this method is that the server does not need to be taken offline for it to run.
However, this method does not shrink the Active Directory database file (Ntds.dit).
Offline Defragmentation: This is done by taking the server offline and use Ntdsutil.exe to
defragment the database. This approach requires that the ADS database be started in repair
mode. The advantage to this method is that the database is resized, unused space is
removed, and the size is reflected by the Ntds.dit file.
How will you do an Offline Defragmentation of Active Directory?
Active Directory routinely performs online database defragmentation, but this is limited to the
disposal of tombstoned objects. The database file cannot be compacted while Active Directory
is mounted. To defrag ntds.dit offline:
Back up System State in the backup wizard.
Reboot and select Directory Services Restore Mode
At the command prompt:
This will display current information about the path and size of the Active Directory database
and its log files.
Compact to D:\DbBackup\
You must specify a directory path and if the path name has spaces, the command will not
work unless you use quotation marks
Quit (till you reach the command prompt)
A new compacted database named Ntds.dit can be found in D:\DbBackup
Copy the new ntds.dit file over the old ntds.dit file. You have successfully compacted the
Active Directory database.
Introducing domain trees and forests
Tree is a hierarchical arrangement of W2K domains that share a contiguous name space. The
first domain in a domain tree is called the root domain. Additional domains in the same
domain tree are child domains. A domain immediately above another domain in the same
domain tree is referred to as the parent of the child domain.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
The name of the chills domain is combined with its parent domain to form its DNS name.
Every child domain has a two two-way, transitive trust relationship with its parent domain
Because these trust relationships are two-way and transitive, a Windows 2000 domain newly
created in a domain tree or forest immediately has trust relationships established with every
other Windows 2000 domain in the domain tree or forest.
These trust relationships allow a single logon process to authenticate a user on all domains in
the domain tree or forest. This does not necessarily mean that the authenticated user has
rights and permissions in all domains in the domain tree. Because a domain is a security
boundary, rights and permissions must be assigned on a per-domain basis.
A forest consists of multiple domain trees. The domain trees in a forest do not form a
contiguous namespace but share a common schema and GC.
The forest root domain is the first domain created in the forest. The root domains of all
domain trees in the forest establish transitive trust relationships with the forest root domain.
This is necessary for the purposes of establishing trust across all the domain trees in the
All of the Windows 2000 domains in all of the domain trees in a forest share the following
Transitive trust relationships between the domains
Transitive trust relationships between the domain trees
A common schema
Common configuration information
A common global catalog
Using both domain trees and forests provides you with the flexibility of both contiguous and
noncontiguous naming conventions. This can be useful in, for example, companies with
independent divisions that must each maintain their own DNS names.
Explain Active Directory schema?
The Active Directory schema is the set of definitions that defines the kinds of objects, and the
types of information about those objects, that can be stored in Active Directory. The
definitions are themselves stored as objects so that Active Directory can manage the schema
objects with the same object management operations used for managing the rest of the
objects in the directory.
There are two types of definitions in the schema: attributes and classes. Attributes and
classes are also referred to as schema objects or metadata.
Attributes are defined separately from classes. Each attribute is defined only once and can be
used in multiple classes. For example, the Description attribute is used in many classes, but is
defined once in the schema, assuring consistency.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Classes, also referred to as object classes; describe the possible directory objects that can be
created. Each class is a collection of attributes. When you create an object, the attributes
store the information that describes the object. The User class, for example, is composed of
many attributes, including Network Address, Home Directory, and so on. Every object in
Active Directory is an instance of an object class.
Active Directory does not support deletion of schema objects; however, objects can be
marked as deactivated, providing many of the benefits of deletion.
The structure and content of the schema is controlled by the domain controller that holds the
schema operations master role. A copy of the schema is replicated to all domain controllers in
the forest. The use of this common schema ensures data integrity and consistency throughout
the forest.
Explain Sites. What are the advantages of Sites?
Site consists of one or more IP subnets connected by a high speed link. Wide area networks
should employ multiple sites for efficiently handling servicing requests and reducing
replication traffic. Sites map the physical structure of your network whereas domains
generally map the logical structure of your organization.
Active Directory Sites and Services allow you to specify site information. Active Directory uses
this information to determine how best to use available network resources.
This makes the following types of operations more efficient:
Service requests
When a client requests a service from a domain controller, it directs the request to a
domain controller in the same site. Selecting a domain controller that is well-connected
to the client makes handling the request more efficient.
Site streamlines replication of directory information and reduces replication traffic
Site membership is determined differently for domain controllers and clients. A client
determines it is in when it is turned on, so its site location will often be dynamically updated.
A domain controller's site location is established by which site its Server object belongs to in
the directory, so its site location will be consistent unless the domain controller's Server
object is intentionally moved to a different site.
Explain GC?
By default, a GC is created automatically on the first DC in the forest. It stores a full replica of
all objects in the directory for its host domain and a partial replica of all objects of every other
domain in the forest. The replica is partial because it stores only some attributes for each
The GC performs two key directory roles:
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
It enables network logon by providing universal group membership information to a
DC when a logon process is initiated.
It enables finding directory information regardless of which domain in the forest
actually contains the data.
When a user logs on to the network, the GC provides universal group membership
information for the account sending the logon request to the DC. If a GC is not available the
user is only able to log on to the local computer unless he is in the Domain Admins group.
The GC is designed to respond to queries about objects with maximum speed and minimum
network traffic. Because a single GC contains information about objects in all domains in the
forest, a query about an object can be resolved by a GC in the domain in which the query is
initiated. Thus, finding information in the directory does not produce unnecessary query traffic
across domain boundaries.
Active Directory defines a base set of attributes for each object in the directory. Each object
and some of its attributes (such as universal group memberships) are stored in the GC. Using
Active Directory Schema, you can specify additional attributes to be kept in the GC.
Explain the role of Global Catalog Server in a Domain?
By default, a global catalog is created automatically on the initial domain controller in the
forest. It stores a full replica of all objects in the directory for its host domain and a partial
replica of all objects contained in the directory of every other domain in the forest. The replica
is partial because it stores some, but not all, of the property values for every object in the
The global catalog performs two key directory roles:
It enables network logon by providing universal group membership information to a
domain controller when a logon process is initiated.
It enables finding directory information in the entire forest regardless of which domain
in the forest actually contains the data.
When a user logs on to the network, the global catalog provides universal group membership
information for the account sending the logon request to the domain controller. If there is
only one domain controller in the domain, the domain controller and the global catalog are
the same server. If there are multiple domain controllers in the network, the global catalog is
hosted on the domain controller configured as such. If a global catalog is not available when a
user initiates a network logon process, the user is only able to log on to the local computer.
If a user is a member of the Domain Admins group, they are able to log on to the network
even when a global catalog is not available.
The global catalog is designed to respond to queries about objects anywhere in the forest with
maximum speed and minimum network traffic. Because a single global catalog contains
information about objects in all domains in the forest, a query about an object can be
resolved by a global catalog in the domain in which the query is initiated. Thus, finding
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
information in the directory does not produce unnecessary query traffic across domain
You can optionally configure any domain controller to host a global catalog, based on your
organization's requirements for servicing logon requests and search queries.
After additional domain controllers are installed in the domain, you can change the default
location of the global catalog to another domain controller using Active Directory Sites and
GC and infrastructure master should not be on the same Server. Why?
The infrastructure master is responsible for updating references from objects in its domain to
objects in other domains. The infrastructure master compares its data with that of a global
catalog. Global catalogs receive regular updates for objects in all domains through replication,
so the global catalog's data will always be up-to-date. If the infrastructure master finds data
that is out-of-date, it requests the updated data from a global catalog. The infrastructure
master then replicates that updated data to the other domain controllers in the domain.
1. If the infrastructure master and global catalog are on the same domain controller, the
infrastructure master will not function. The infrastructure master will never find data
that is out of date, so will never replicate any changes to the other domain controllers
in the domain.
2. If all of the domain controllers in a domain are also hosting the global catalog, all of
the domain controllers will have the current data and it does not matter which domain
controller holds the infrastructure master role.
What are the Single master operations?
Active Directory supports multimaster replication of the directory data between all DCs in the
domain. Some changes are impractical to perform in multimaster fashion, so only one DC,
called the operations master, accepts requests for such changes.
Because the operations master roles can be moved to other DCs within the domain or forest,
these roles are sometimes referred to as Flexible Single Master Operations.
In any Active Directory there are five operations master roles. Some roles must appear in
every forest. Other roles must appear in every domain in the forest.
Every Active Directory forest must have the following roles:
Schema master
Domain naming master
There can be only one schema master and one domain naming master for the entire forest.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Schema master
The schema master DC controls all updates and modifications to the schema.
Domain naming master
Domain Naming Master DC controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest.
Every domain in the forest must have the following roles:
Relative ID master
Primary DC (PDC) emulator
Infrastructure master
E0ach domain in the forest can have only one RID master, PDC Emulator, and Infrastructure
Relative ID master
The RID master allocates pool of relative IDs to each DC in its domain. Whenever a DC
creates a user, group, or computer object, it assigns a unique security ID to that object. The
security ID consists of a domain security ID (that is the same for all security IDs created in
the domain), and a relative ID that is unique for each security ID created in the domain.
To move an object between domains (using Movetree.exe), you must initiate the move on
the DC acting as the relative ID master of the domain that currently contains the object.
PDC emulator
For pre-W2K clients, the PDC emulator acts as a Windows NT PDC. It processes password
changes from clients and replicates updates to the BDCs.
In native-mode, the PDC emulator receives preferential replication of password changes
performed by other DCs in the domain. If a password was recently changed, that change
takes time to replicate to every DC in the domain. If a logon authentication fails at another
DC due to a bad password, that DC will forward the authentication request to the PDC
emulator before rejecting the log on attempt.
Infrastructure master
The infrastructure master is responsible for updating the group-to-user references whenever
the members of groups are renamed or changed. At any time, there can be only one DC
acting as the infrastructure master in each domain.
When you rename or move a member of a group (and that member resides in a different
domain from the group), the group may temporarily appear not to contain that member. The
infrastructure master of the group's domain is responsible for updating the group so it knows
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
the new name or location of the member. The infrastructure master distributes the update via
multimaster replication.
There is no compromise to security during the time between the member rename and the
group update. Only an administrator looking at that particular group membership would
notice the temporary inconsistency.
What are the FSMO roles and explain their functions?
Schema master
Domain naming master
RID master
PDC emulator
Infrastructure daemon
Schema Master
The schema master is responsible for performing updates to the directory schema. This DC is
the only one that can process updates to the directory schema. Once the Schema update is
complete, it is replicated from the schema master to all other DCs in the directory. There is
only one schema master per directory.
Domain Naming Master
The Domain Naming Master is responsible for making changes to the forest-wide domain
name space of the directory. This DC is the only one that can add or remove a domain from
the directory.
RID Master
The RID master is responsible for processing RID Pool requests from all DCs within a given
domain. It is also responsible for removing an object from its domain and putting it in another
domain during an object move.
When a DC creates a security principal object such as a user or group, it attaches a unique
SID to the object. This SID consists of a domain SID (the same for all SIDs created in a
domain), and a relative ID (RID) that is unique for each security principal SID created in a
Each Windows 2000 DC in a domain is allocated a pool of RIDs that can be assigned to the
security principals it creates. When a DC's allocated RID pool falls below a threshold, that DC
issues a request for additional RIDs to the domain's RID master. The domain-RID master
responds to the request by retrieving RIDs from the domain's unallocated RID pool and
assigns them to the pool of the requesting DC. There is one RID master per domain in a
PDC Emulator FSMO Role
The PDC emulator is necessary to synchronize time in an enterprise. Windows 2000 includes
the W32Time (Windows Time) time service that is required by the Kerberos authentication
protocol. All Windows 2000-based computers within an enterprise use a common time. The
purpose of the time service is to ensure that the Windows Time service uses a hierarchical
relationship that controls authority and does not permit loops to ensure appropriate common
time usage.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
The PDC emulator of a domain is authoritative for the domain. The PDC emulator at the root
of the forest becomes authoritative for the enterprise, and should be configured to gather the
time from an external source. All PDC FSMO role holders follow the hierarchy of domains in
the selection of their in-bound time partner.
In a Windows 2000 domain, the PDC emulator role holder retains the following functions:
Password changes performed by other DCs in the domain are replicated preferentially
to the PDC emulator.
Authentication failures that occur at a given DC in a domain because of an incorrect
password are forwarded to the PDC emulator before a bad password failure message is
reported to the user.
Account lockout is processed on the PDC emulator.
Note that the PDC emulator role becomes unnecessary as down-level workstations, member
servers, and domain controllers are all upgraded to Windows 2000, in which case the
following information applies:
Windows 2000 clients (workstations and member servers) and down-level clients that
have installed the distributed services client package do not perform directory writes
(such as password changes) preferentially at the DC that has advertised itself as the
PDC; they use any DC for the domain.
Once backup domain controllers (BDCs) in down-level domains are upgraded to
Windows 2000, the PDC emulator receives no down-level replica requests.
Windows 2000 clients (workstations and member servers) and down-level clients that
have installed the distributed services client package use the Active Directory to locate
network resources. They do not require the Windows NT Browser service.
Infrastructure FSMO Role
When an object in one domain is referenced by another object in another domain, it
represents the reference by the GUID, the SID (for references to security principals), and the
DN of the object being referenced. The infrastructure FSMO role holder is the DC responsible
for updating an object's SID and distinguished name in a cross-domain object reference.
NOTE: The Infrastructure Master (IM) role should be held by a domain controller that is not a
Global Catalog server(GC). If the Infrastructure Master runs on a Global Catalog server it will
stop updating object information because it does not contain any references to objects that it
does not hold. This is because a Global Catalog server holds a partial replica of every object in
the forest. As a result, cross-domain object references in that domain will not be updated and
a warning to that effect will be logged on that DC's event log.
How will you place the FSMO roles?
Place the RID and PDC emulator roles on the same domain controller. Good
communication from the PDC to the RID master is desirable as downlevel clients and
applications target the PDC, making it a large consumer of RIDs.
As a general rule, the infrastructure master should be located on a nonglobal catalog
server that has a direct connection object to some global catalog in the forest,
preferably in the same Active Directory site.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Two exceptions to the "do not place the infrastructure master on a global catalog server"
rule are:
Single domain forest:
In a forest that contains a single Active Directory domain, there are no phantoms,
and so the infrastructure master has no work to do. The infrastructure master may
be placed on any domain controller in the domain.
Multidomain forest where every domain controller holds the global catalog:
If every domain controller in the domain also hosts the global catalog, then there
are no phantoms or work for the infrastructure master to do. The infrastructure
master may be placed on any domain controller in the domain.
At the forest level, the schema master and domain naming master roles should be
placed on the same domain controller as they are rarely used and should be tightly
controlled. Additionally, the Domain Naming master FSMO should also be a global
catalog server.
Responding to operations master failures
Some of the operations master roles are crucial to the operation of your network. Others can
be unavailable for quite some time before their absence becomes a problem
If an operations master is not available due to computer failure or network problems, you can
seize the operations master role.
In general, seizing an operations master role is a drastic step that should be considered only
if the current operations master will never be available again.
Temporary loss of the schema operations master will be visible only if we are trying to modify
the schema or install an application that modifies the schema during installation.
A DC whose schema master role has been seized must never be brought back online.
To seize the schema master role
Click Start, click Run, and then type cmd.
At the command prompt, type ntdsutil.
At the ntdsutil prompt, type roles.
At the fsmo maintenance prompt, type connections.
At the server connections prompt, type connect to server, followed by the fully
qualified domain name.
At the server connections prompt, type quit.
At the fsmo maintenance prompt, type seize schema master.
At the fsmo maintenance prompt, type quit.
At the ntdsutil prompt, type quit.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Temporary loss of the schema operations master will be visible only if we are trying to add a
domain to the forest or remove a domain from the forest.
A DC whose domain naming master role has been seized must never be brought back online.
Temporary loss of the schema operations master will be visible if you are creating objects and
the domain in which you are creating the objects runs out of RIDs.
A DC whose relative identifier master role has been seized must never be brought back
The loss of the PDC emulator affects network users. Therefore, when the PDC emulator is not
available, you may need to immediately seize the role.
If the current PDC emulator master will be unavailable for an unacceptable length of time and
its domain has clients without Windows 2000 client software, or if it contains Windows NT
backup DCs, seize the PDC emulator master role to the standby operations master. When the
original PDC emulator master is returned to service, you can return the role to the original
Temporary loss of the infrastructure master is not visible to network users or administrators
either, unless they have recently moved or renamed a large number of accounts.
If the infrastructure master will be unavailable for an unacceptable length of time, you can
seize the role to a DC that is not a GC but is well connected to a GC, ideally in the same site
as the current GC.
How will you remove DC Server Object (In ADS Sites and Services) which is
not removed After Demotion?
After demoting a DC, the object that represents the server in the Active Directory Sites and
Services Manager snap-in remains.
This issue occurs because the server object is a "container" in the Active Directory and may
hold child objects that represent configuration data for other services installed on your
computer. Because of this, the Dcpromo utility does not automatically remove the server
If the server object contains any child objects named "NTDS Settings," these are objects that represent
the server as a DC and should be automatically removed by the demotion process. If this does not work,
these objects must be removed by using the Ntdsutil utility before you delete the server object.
After verifying that all other services with a dependency on the server object have been
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
removed an administrator can delete the server in Active Directory Sites and Services
NOTE: This process may not finish successfully for either of the following reasons:
If you receive a message that states the server is a container that contains other objects,
verify that the appropriate decommissioning of services has completed before continuing.
If you receive a message that states the DSA object cannot be deleted, you may be
attempting to delete an active DC.
How will you remove Orphaned Domains from Active Directory?
Typically, when the last DC for a domain is demoted, the administrator selects this server is
the last DC in the domain option in the DCPromo tool, which removes the domain metadata from Active Directory.
Note: The administrator must verify that replication has occurred since the demotion of the
last DC before manually removing the domain meta-data. Using the NTDSUTIL tool
improperly can result in partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.
1. Determine the DC that holds the Domain Naming Master FSMO role.
2. Verify that all servers for the specified domain have been demoted.
3. At the command prompt:
metadata cleanup
connect to server servername
(Servername is the name of the DC holding the Domain Naming Master FSMO Role)
If an error occurs, verify that the DC being used in the connection is available and that the
credentials you supplied have administrative permissions on the server.
Metadata Cleanup menu is displayed
Select operation target
List domains
A list of domains in the forest is displayed, each with an associated number
Select domain number
Where number is the number associated with the domain to be removed
The Metadata Cleanup menu is displayed.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Remove selected domain
You should receive confirmation that the removal was successful.
You should receive confirmation that the connection disconnected successfully.
Audit Active Directory Objects in Windows 2000
An audit entry in the Security log contains the following information:
The action that was performed.
The user who performed the action.
The success or failure of the event and the time that the event occurred.
When you audit Active Directory events, Windows 2000 writes an event to the Security log on
the domain controller. If a user tries to log on to the domain using a domain user account and
the logon attempt is unsuccessful, the event is recorded on the DC and not on the computer
on which the logon attempt was made. This is because it is the domain controller that tried to
authenticate the logon attempt.
How to Configure an Audit Policy Setting for a Domain Controller
Auditing is turned off by default. To audit all DCs, Enable auditing on Domain Controllers
To configure an audit policy setting for a domain controller, follow these steps:
1. Start Directory Users and Computers.
2. Click Advanced Features on the View menu.
3. Right-click Domain Controllers, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Group Policy tab, click Default Domain Controller Policy, and then click
5. Click Computer Configuration, double-click Windows Settings, double-click
Security Settings, double-click Local Policies, and then double-click Audit Policy.
6. In the right pane, right-click Audit Directory Services Access, and then click
7. Click Define These Policy Settings, and then click to select one or both of the
following check boxes:
o Success: Click to select this check box to audit successful attempts for the
event category.
o Failure: Click to select this check box to audit failed attempts for the event
8. Right-click any other event category that you want to audit, and then click Security.
Click OK
How to Configure Auditing for Specific Active Directory Objects
You can configure auditing for specific objects, such as users, computers, organizational units,
or groups, by specifying both the types of access and the users whose access that you want
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
to audit.
To configure auditing for specific Active Directory objects, follow these steps:
1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. Select Advanced Features on the View menu.
3. Right-click the Active Directory object that you want to audit, and then click
4. Click the Security tab, and then click Advanced.
5. Click the Auditing tab, and then click Add.
Enter the name of either the user or the group whose access you want to audit
6. Click to select either the Successful check box or the Failed check box for the actions
that you want to audit, and then click OK.
How to set up a One-Way Non-Transitive Trust in Windows 2000
Windows 2000 domains in the same forest share transitive trust relationships with one
another. There is an implicit transitive trust between the root domains in each tree in the
Windows 2000 forest. A two-way implicit transitive trust also exists between all contiguous
domains in a single tree.
There may be times when you need to create explicit trust relationships between domains.
Windows 2000 allows you to configure one-way transitive trusts between domains.
Configure a One-way Trust
Perform the following steps to configure the one-way trust:
1. On a domain controller in the trusted domain, start the Active Directory Domains and
Trusts console.
2. In the Domains that trust this domain pane, click Add.
3. In the Add Trusting Domain dialog box, type the name of the trusting domain, type
a password, and then type the password again in the Confirm password box.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Active Directory dialog box, click OK to verify the trust.
6. Enter a user name and password of a user that has permissions to modify trust
relationships in the trusting domain.
You receive a message that states that the trusting domain has been added and the trust
7. Quit the Active Directory Domains and Trusts console.
8. On a domain controller in the trusting domain, start the Active Directory Domains and
Trusts console.
9. Right-click the trusting domain and click Properties.
10. In the Domains trusted by this domain box, click Add.
11. In the Add Trusted Domain dialog box, type the name of the trusted domain and a
password, and then type the password again in the Confirm Password dialog box.
12. Click OK.
NOTE: The DNS infrastructure must be in place so that domain controllers from each domain
can find one another. You can configure Windows NT 4.0 domain trusts by using Windows NT
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
4.0 User Manager for Domains.
How to create a Container to List Printers in Active Directory
By default, printers are not displayed when you use My Network Places to browse Active
Directory. The ADSI Edit tool in Support Tools can be used to add a container in which to the
list printers that are published in Active Directory. By doing so, users can either find the folder
that contains the printers in My Network Places or add a network place to the folder that
contains the printers.
To create a Printers container in which to list your printers in Active Directory:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows 2000 Support Tools, point to
Tools, and then click ADSI Edit.
2. Expand Domain NC [DomainName], and then click DC=Domain, DC=com.
3. On the Action menu, point to New, and then click Object.
4. In the Select a class box, click container, and then click Next.
5. In the Value box, type Printers, and then click Next.
6. Click Finish.
A CN=Printers container appears in the right pane of ADSI Edit.
7. Right-click CN=Printers, and then click Properties.
8. Click the Attributes tab.
9. In the Select a property to view box, click showInAdvancedViewOnly, and then
click Clear.
10. In the Edit Attribute box, type false, click Set, and then click OK.
11. Quit ADSI Edit.
12. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active
Directory Users and Computers.
The Printers container that you created appears in the list of directory objects.
13. On the View menu, click Advanced Features.
14. On the View menu, click Users, Groups, and Computers as containers.
15. Move the printers that you want to the Printers container.
16. Quit Active Directory Users and Computers.
Note: The procedure in this article requires that printers are published in Active Directory.
How to publish a printer in AD
1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Printers.
3. In the Printers folder, right-click the printer that you want to publish in Active
Directory, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Sharing tab, click Share As, and then either type a share name or accept
the default name.
Use only letters and numbers; do not use spaces, punctuation, or special characters.
5. Click to select the List in the Directory check box, and then click OK.
6. Close the Printers folder.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
NOTE: If you want to make this printer available to users who are running different versions
of Windows, you must install additional drivers. To do so, click Additional Drivers on the
Sharing tab of the Printer properties, and then select the appropriate items in the list.
How to Configure an Authoritative Time Server in Windows 2000?
Windows includes the W32Time Time service tool that is required by the Kerberos
authentication protocol. The purpose of the Time service is to ensure that all computers that
are running Windows 2000 in an organization use a common time.
Windows-based computers use the following hierarchy by default:
All client PCs and member servers nominate the authenticating DC as their in-bound
time Server.
DCs may nominate the PDC operations master as their in-bound time partner but may
use a parent DC based on stratum numbering.
All PDC operations masters follow the hierarchy of domains in the selection of their inbound time partner.
PDC operations master at the root of the forest becomes authoritative for the organization.
This PDC can be configured to recognize an external Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
time server as authoritative by using the following net time command:
Net time /setsntp: server_list
To reset the local computer's time against the authoritative time server for the domain:
Net time /domain_name /set
Net stop w32time
W32tm –once
Net start w32time
SNTP defaults to using UDP port 123. If this port is not open to the Internet, you cannot
synchronize your server to Internet SNTP servers.
Administrators can also configure an internal time server as authoritative by using the net
time command. If the administrator directs the command to the operations master, it may be
necessary to reboot the server for the changes to take effect.
Loop back Processing of Group Policy
Group Policy applies to the user or computer in a manner that depends on where both the
user and the computer objects are located in Active Directory. However, in some cases, users
may need policy applied to them based on the location of the computer object alone. You can
use the Group Policy loopback feature to apply GPOs that depend only on which computer the
user logs on to.
To set user configuration per computer:
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
In the Group Policy Microsoft Management Console (MMC), click Computer Configuration.
Locate Administrative Templates, click System, click Group Policy, and then enable the
Loopback Policy option.
This policy directs the system to apply the set of GPOs for the computer to any user who logs
on to a computer affected by this policy. Loopback is supported only in a purely Windows
2000 based environment. Both the computer account and the user account must be in Active
Usually users in their OU have GPOs applied in order during logon, regardless of which
computer they log on to. In some cases, this processing order may not be appropriate (E.g.,
when you do not want applications assigned to users to be installed while they are logged on
to the computers in some specific OU).
With the Group Policy loopback, you can specify some other ways to retrieve the list of GPOs
for any user who logs on to any of the computers in this specific OU:
Merge Mode
Here, first the GPO for users is applied. Then the GPO for the computer is then added to the
end of the GPOs for the user. This causes the computer's GPOs to have higher precedence
than the user's GPOs.
Replace Mode
In this mode, the user's list of GPOs is not gathered. Only the list of GPOs based on the
computer object is used.
Group Policy May Not Be Applied to Users Belonging to Many Groups
If a user is member of many groups either directly or because of group nesting, Kerberos
authentication may not work. The Group Policy object (GPO) may not be applied to the user
and the user may not be validated to use network resources.
Because: The Kerberos token has a fixed size. If a user is a member of a group either directly
or by membership in another group, the security ID (SID) for that group is added to the
user's token. For a SID to be added to the user's token, it must be communicated by using
the Kerberos token. If the required SID information exceeds the size of the token,
authentication does not succeed. The number of groups varies, but the limit is approximately
70 to 80 groups.
For many operations, Windows NTLM authentication succeeds; the Kerberos authentication
problem may not be evident without analysis. However, operations that include GPO
application do not work at all.
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows 2000.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Explain Kerberos V5 authentication process?
Kerberos V5 is the primary security protocol for authentication within a domain. The
Kerberos V5 protocol verifies both the identity of the user and network services. This dual
verification is known as mutual authentication.
The Kerberos V5 authentication mechanism issues tickets (A set of identification data for a
security principle, issued by a DC for purposes of user authentication. Two forms of tickets in
Windows 2000 are ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) and service tickets) for accessing network
services. These tickets contain encrypted data, including an encrypted password, which
confirms the user's identity to the requested service.
An important service within Kerberos V5 is the Key Distribution Center (KDC) (A
Kerberos V5 service that runs on a DC. It issues ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) and service
tickets for obtaining network authentication in a domain). The KDC runs on each DC as part of
Active Directory, which stores all client passwords and other account information.
The Kerberos V5 authentication process works as follows:
1. The user on a client system, using a password authenticates to the KDC.
2. The KDC issues a special ticket-granting ticket (A ticket issued by the Kerberos V5
Key Distribution Center (KDC) for purposes of obtaining a service ticket from the
ticket-granting service (TGS) to the client. The client system uses this TGT to access
the ticket-granting service (TGS), which is part of the Kerberos V5 authentication
mechanism on the DC.
3. The TGS then issues a service ticket to the client.
4. The client presents this service ticket to the requested network service. The service
ticket proves both the user's identity to the service and the service's identity to the
The Kerberos V5 services are installed on each DC, and a Kerberos client is installed on each
Windows 2000 workstation and server.
Every DC acts as a KDC. A Windows 2000 system uses a DNS lookup to locate the nearest
available DC. That DC then functions as the preferred KDC for that user during the user's
logon session. If the preferred KDC becomes unavailable, the Windows 2000 system locates
an alternate KDC to provide authentication.
How the Local User Accounts Are Handled When a Server Is Promoted to a
When a server is promoted to a DC, the server no longer uses the local SAM database to store
users and groups. When the promotion is complete, DC will store users, groups, and
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
computer accounts in Active Directory database. The SAM database is present, but it is
inaccessible when the server is running in Normal mode. But SAM database is used when you
boot into Directory Services Restore Mode or the Recovery Console.
If this new DC is the first DC in a new domain, all of the local user accounts in the SAM
database are migrated to the Active Directory. All permissions that had been assigned to the
local users, such as, NTFS permissions, are retained.
Can we run DC promo on a server in which NAT is installed?
When you attempt to promote or demote a DC with dcromo, you may receive the following
error message:
Active Directory Installation failed
The operation failed because:
Failed to modify the necessary properties for the machine account Servername$
The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.
This can happen when the server is using Network Address Translation: and it can be caused
by the H.323/LDAP Proxy Service. To resolve this behavior, install SP1 or disable the
H.323/LDAP proxy service with the following command:
Do not use NAT on a network with other DCs, DNS servers, Gateways, DHCP servers, or
Systems configured for static IP because of possible conflict with other services. Do not
connect NAT directly to a corporate network because Kerberos authentication, IPSec, and
Internet Key Encryption (IKE) will not work.
Enable Debug Logging in the Microsoft Directory Synchronization Services
When you troubleshoot synchronization issues in the MSDSS tool, you can enable debug
logging to capture detailed information about the synchronization process.
Enabling Detailed MSDSS Logging, go to
Create a new REG_DWORD key DebugLogLevel and set value as 1 and restart the
1 activates logging, 0 turns logging off.
The logging information is placed in the %Systemroot%\System32\Directory
Synchronization\Session Logs folder. The log files are labeled as "Session#-#.log"
Auditing Does Not Report Security Event for Resetting Password on DC
If you choose to audit success and failure with the "Audit account management" policy, the
auditing does not report the expected success event in the Security log when an administrator
resets the user password on a DC.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
This problem occurs because Remote Procedure Call (RPC) impersonation does not succeed
when the Security service tries to send a message to the Eventlog service. SP2 will solve this
How to Change the Recovery Console Administrator Password on a DC
When you promote a Windows 2000 Server-based computer to a DC, you are prompted to
type a Directory Service Restore Mode Administrator password. This password is also used by
Recovery Console, and is separate from the Administrator password that is stored in Active
Directory after a completed promotion.
The Administrator password that you use when you start Recovery Console or when you press
F8 to start Directory Service Restore Mode is stored in the SAM on the local computer. The
SAM-based account and password is computer specific and they are not replicated to other
DCs in the domain.
To change the local Administrator password that you use when you start Recovery Console or
when you start Directory Service Restore Mode, use one of the following methods.
Method 1
In a DC use the %systemroot%\system32\Setpwd.exe (SP2 or Later) utility to change the
SAM-based Administrator password. To change the SAM Administrator password on a remote
DC, type the following command
Setpwd /s: servername
Method 2
Restart the DC in Directory Service Restore Mode. Use the command net user
administrator * or Local User and Groups
Who can "Log On locally" to a DC
By default Account Operators, Administrators, Backup Operators, Print Operators, Server
Operators, Internet Guest Account, and Terminal Services User Account are assigned the log
on locally right
Explain User and Computer naming in AD?
Active Directory domain names are usually the full DNS name of the domain. For backward
compatibility, each domain also has a pre-Windows 2000 name.
In Active Directory, each user account has a user logon name, a pre-Windows 2000 user
logon name (SAM account name), and a user principal name suffix. Active Directory suggests
a pre-Windows 2000 user logon name using the first 20 bytes of the user logon name.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
In Active Directory, each user account has a user principal which is composed of the user
logon name and the user principal name suffix joined by the @ sign.
Do not add the @ sign to the user logon name or to the user principal name suffix. Active
Directory automatically adds it when it creates the user principal name. A user principal name
that contains more than one @ sign is invalid.
The second part of the user principal name, referred to as the user principal name suffix,
identifies the domain in which the user account is located. This user principal name suffix can
be the DNS domain name, the DNS name of any domain in the forest, or it can be an
alternative name created by an administrator and used just for logon purposes. This
alternative user principal name suffix does not need to be a valid DNS name.
Using alternative domain names as the user principal name suffix can provide additional logon
security and simplify the names used to log on to another domain in the forest.
E.g. Sanjo is user in sales.westcoast.microsoft.com. So the logon name would be
sanjo@sales.westcoast.microsoft.com. Creating a user principal name suffix of "microsoft"
would allow that same user to log on using the much simpler logon name of
You can add or remove user principal name suffixes using Active Directory Domains and
Each computer account created in Active Directory has a relative distinguished name, a preWindows 2000 computer name (SAM account name), a primary DNS suffix, a DNS host name
and a service principal name. This computer name is used as the LDAP relative distinguished
Active Directory suggests the pre-Windows 2000 name using the first 15 bytes of the relative
distinguished name. This can be changed at any time.
The primary DNS suffix defaults to the full DNS name of the domain to which the computer is
joined. The DNS host name is built from the first 15 characters of the relative distinguished
name + the primary DNS suffix.
The service principal name is built from the DNS host name. The service principal name is
used in the process of mutual authentication between the client and the server hosting a
particular service. The client finds a computer account based on the service principal name of
the service to which it is trying to connect.
It is possible for administrators to change the way the service principal name is created. This
security modification allows a computer to use primary DNS suffixes that are different than
the domain to which the computer is joined. The same modification also allows Active
Directory to use more than the first 15 bytes of the relative distinguished name when
constructing the service principal name.
Computers with these modified computer names will register their names in DNS correctly but
an additional procedure is required to enable correct registration of the DNS host name
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
(dNSHostName) and service principal Name (servicePrincipalName) attributes of the computer
object in Active Directory.
To allow a computer to use a different DNS name
1. Right-click Active Directory Users and Computers, point to View, and then click
Advanced Features.
2. Right-click the name of the domain, and then click Properties.
3. On the Security tab, click Add, click the Self group, click Add, and then click OK.
4. Click Advanced, click Self, and then click View/Edit.
5. On the Properties tab, in Apply onto, click Computer Objects.
6. Under Permissions, click Write dNSHostName, and then click the Allow check box.
By modifying default security in this way, there is a possibility that a computer joined to the
selected domain could be operated by a malicious user and may be able to advertise itself
under a different name through the service principal name attribute.
Resetting Computer Accounts in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
For each Windows 2000/XP PC that is a member of a domain, there is a discrete
communication channel, known as the secure channel, with a DC. The secure channel's
password is stored along with the computer account on all DCs. Default computer account
password change period is every 30 days. If the computer account's password and the LSA
secret are not synchronized, the Netlogon service logs one or both of the following errors
The session setup from the computer DOMAINMEMBER failed to authenticate. The name of
the account referenced in the security database is DOMAINMEMBER$. The following error
occurred: Access is denied.
NETLOGON Event ID 3210:
Failed to authenticate with \\DOMAINDC, a Windows NT DC for domain DOMAIN.
The Netlogon service on the DC logs the following error message when the password is not
NETLOGON Event 5722:
The session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate. The name of the account
referenced in the security database is %2. The following error occurred: %n%3
We can reset computer password using Active Directory Users and Computers MMC. Rightclick the computer object and then click Reset Account. Resetting the password for DCs
using this method is not allowed. Resetting a computer account breaks that computer's
connection to the domain and requires it to rejoin the domain. This will prevent an established
computer from connecting to the domain and should only be used for a computer that has
just been rebuilt.
Distinguishing a DC from a Windows 2000 Member Server
The \NTDS registry key exists in the HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\SERVICES portion of the
The SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares exist. (The SYSVOL share and its contents exist
after demotion of a DC.)
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
NBTSTAT shows that the 1C name (Domain) has been registered. Type nbtstat -n from
a command prompt and note the presence of the 1C name.
The computer role from the NET ACCOUNTS utility lists the computer role as
"PRIMARY" and standalone servers as "SERVERS." Type net accounts from the
command prompt.
The NET START command indicates that the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
service is running. Type net start |more.
The computer responds to LDAP queries (specifically, to port 389 or 3268).
The "Connect to server %S" command in Ntdsutil.exe functions only against Windows
2000 DCs.
The Change button on the Network Identification tab in My Computer is disabled when
Windows 2000 is configured as a DC. A note appears indicating this.
Run Netdiag (a Resource Kit utility) and observe the "Machine is a Primary DC" entry
in the output. Type netdiag /v from the command prompt.
How to create Third-Party Microsoft Installer Package (.MSI)
If you want to install a third-party program by using this method, you must install a copy of
Veritas Software Console by Seagate Software at a location that is accessible by the reference
computer. This program is available on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM in
Valueadd\3rdparty\Mgmt\Winstle\Swiadmle.msi. This includes a copy of WinINSTALL
limited edition, which allows for basic functionality.
Clean PC
A clean PC is defined as a computer with only the following items on it before you run
The operating system
The service packs for the operating system
If you install Veritas Software Console on the computer, it is by definition no longer a clean
PC. You must install Veritas Software Console somewhere, but not on the clean PC.
Reference Computer
A clean PC ensures that the Discover program will pick up all files and registry entries
necessary for the program to run. The reference computer should have access to the Discover
program (Discoz.exe) in the Winstall folder from Run command on the Start menu. Do not
map a drive to the Winstall share. Doing so may cause Discover to pick up the added drive,
possibly causing problems in your Microsoft Installer packages.
The Discover program is the program you use to create the instruction file (Microsoft Installer
package) that contains information about what needs to be done to install a product.
How to Create a Third-Party MSI Package
For this process to work properly, you should start with a clean PC.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
1. Start with a clean PC, or one that is representative of the computers in your network.
2. Start Discover to take a picture of the representative PC's software configuration. This
is the Before snapshot.
3. Install a program on the PC on which you took the Before snapshot.
4. Reboot the PC.
5. Run the new program to verify that it works.
6. Quit the program.
7. Start Discover and take an After snapshot of the PC's new configuration. Discover
compares the Before and the After snapshots and notes the changes. It creates a
Microsoft Installer package with information about how to install that program on such
a PC in the future.
8. (Optional) Use Veritas Software Console to customize the Microsoft Installer package.
9. Clean the reference computer to prepare to run Discover again.
10. (Optional) Perform a test installation of the program on non-production workstations.
AD Replication
Create and Configure a Site Link in Active Directory in Windows 2000
For the site link to become active, there must be at least two sites available in Active
A Site Link object represents a set of sites that can communicate at uniform cost through an
inter-site transport. For IP transport, a typical site link connects just two sites and
corresponds to an actual WAN link. An IP site link that connects more than two sites might
correspond to an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) backbone that connects more than two
clusters of buildings on a large campus, or several offices in a large metropolitan area that
are connected through leased lines and IP routers.
How to Create a Site Link
To create a new site link:
1. Click Active Directory Sites and Services.
2. Expand the Inter-Site Transports node, right-click IP (or click SMTP if you want to
use SMTP as the inter-site transport protocol), and then click New Site Link.
If you have only one site in Active Directory, you receive a message that states that two sites
are required for the site link to work. Click OK to continue.
Domain Replication and the knowledge consistency checker
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Since widows 2000 has multi master replication, maintaining consistency is a problem. KCC
creates connections dynamically between the DCs and triggers replication.
As the number of DCs increases, replication consumes more and more network bandwidth.
The KCC balances the need for consistency against bandwidth limitation using the timely
contact rule.
This means that no DC is allowed to be more than 3 connections from any other DC. The KCC
maintains domain consistency automatically. You can manually force the KCC to run
immediately using the Repadmin.exe tool. To force the KCC on the server named
server1.mydomain.com, you would issue the following command.
Repadmin /kcc server1.mydomain.com
Intersite replication relaxes the timely contact rule since replication between sites usually
occurs over slower links. The KCC can be optimized for your particular intersite replication
Bridgehead servers perform directory replication between two sites. Only two designated DCs
talk to each other. These DCs are called bridgehead servers. If you have DCs from multiple
domains, you will have a bridgehead server for each domain.
Each Active Directory site also has one DC that takes the role of Inter-Site Topology
Generator (ISTG), which reviews and generates the connection object for the bridgehead
servers in each site.
There is only one DC with this role in each site, even if you have multiple domains. The first
DC in the site becomes the ISTG for the site by default. You can't controller which DC is the
ISTG, but you can know which one is the ISTG:
Open the Active Directory Sites and Services console.
Select the site object.
In the right pane right-click the NTDS Site Settings object and select Properties. The
current role owner will appear in the Server box under Inter-Site Topology Generator
on the Site Settings tab.
If the DC holding the ISTG role is offline for more than 60 minutes, another DC in the site will
automatically take over this role.
Replication Access Was Denied" Error Message When Attempting to
Synchronize DCs
When you use the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in from a child domain to force
replication from a parent domain or another child domain at the same level, you may receive
the following error message:
The following error occurred during the attempt to synchronize the DCs: Replication
Access was denied
Domains in Active Directory are natural security boundaries. Administrative permissions do
not flow down; they need to be assigned. When a child domain is created, the Enterprise
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Admin global group is added to the built-in Administrators group of the child domain. This
allows the administrator of the parent domain to administer and force replication from either
the parent domain or the child domain, but the administrator in the child domain is only able
to force replication from within his or her own domain.
To resolve this issue, give the administrator in the child domain permissions to the parent
domain from which you want to force replication. Add his to Administrators group in parent
Repeat these steps from each domain that you want to assign administrative permissions to.
Keep in mind that parent domains are able to manage all of their child domains but you need
to perform the steps described in this article for any child domains that want to manage the
parent domain or other child domains on the same level.
RPC Error Messages Returned for Active Directory Replication When Time Is
Out of Synchronization
When you are viewing the status of Active Directory replication between two DCs, the
following messages may be displayed for the result of the last replication attempt:
The RPC server is unavailable.
-orThe RPC server is too busy to complete this operation.
These error messages may be reported in the Event log through Replication Monitor. By
default, W2K computers synchronize time with a time server. If the time server is not
available and the time difference between DCs drifts beyond the skew allowed by Kerberos,
authentication between the two DCs may not succeed and the RPC error messages can result.
Synchronies time amongst DCs using net time
Net time \\mypdc /set /y
This synchronizes the local computer time with the server named Mypdc.
The /set - Time not only be queried, but synchronized with the specified server.
The /y switch skips the confirmation for changing the time on the local computer
How Conflicts Are Resolved in Active Directory Replication
All computers that provide multi-master updates must deal with potential conflicts that may
arise when concurrent updates originating on two separate master replicas are inconsistent.
There are three types of conflicts:
Attribute value: An object's attribute is set concurrently to one value at one master,
and another value at a second master.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Add/move under a deleted container object or the deletion of a non-leaf object:
Essentially, this conflict is a situation in which one master records the deletion of a
container object, while another master records the placement of another object
subordinate to that deleted object.
Sibling name conflict: This conflict occurs when one replica attempts to move an object
into a container in which another replica has concurrently moved another object with
the same relative display name (RDN).
Active Directory orders all update by assigning a globally unique stamp to the originating
update. If there is a conflict, the ordering of stamps allows a consistent resolution. This
approach is used in the following ways:
Attribute value: The value whose update operation has the larger stamp wins.
Add/move under a deleted container object or the deletion of a non-leaf object: After
resolution at all replicas, the container object is deleted, and the leaf object is made a
child of the folder's special Lost&Found container. Stamps are not involved in this
Sibling name conflict: The object with the larger stamp keeps the RDN. The sibling
object is assigned a unique RDN by the computer. This does not conflict with any
client-assigned value [using a reserved character (the asterisk), the RDN, and the
object's GUID].
How to Modify the Default Intra-Site DC Replication Interval
When a DC writes a change to its local copy of the Active Directory, a timer is started that
determines when the DC's replication partners should be notified of the change. By default,
this interval is 5 minutes. When this interval elapses, the DC initiates a notification to each
intra-site replication partner that it has changes that need to be propagated. Another
configurable parameter determines the number of seconds to pause between notification. This
parameter prevents simultaneous replies by the replication partners. By default, this interval
is 30 seconds. Both of these intervals can be modified by editing the registry.
To modify the delay between the change to the Active Directory and first replication partner
notification, use Registry Editor to modify value data for the "Replicator notify pause after
modify (secs)" DWORD value in the following registry key:
The default value data for the "Replicator notify pause after modify (secs)" DWORD value is
0x12c, which in hexadecimal format is 300 decimal (5 minutes).
To modify the notification delay between DCs, use Registry Editor to modify value data for the
"Replicator notify pause between DSAs (secs)" DWORD value in the following registry key:
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
The default value data for the "Replicator notify pause between DSAs (secs)" DWORD value is
0x1e, which in hexadecimal format is 30 decimal (30 seconds).
The Role of the Inter-Site Topology Generator in Active Directory Replication
The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is an Active Directory component that is
responsible for the generation of the replication topology between DCs. This article describes
the role of one server per site, known as the Inter-Site Topology Generator, which is
responsible for managing the inbound replication connection objects for all bridgehead servers
in the site in which it is located.
When the KCC on each DC generates the intra-site topology for the site in which it resides,
the KCC create a connection object in the Active Directory only when a connection object is
required for the local computer. These changes propagate to other DCs through the normal
replication process. Each DC uses the same algorithm to compute the replication topology,
and in a state of equilibrium between DCs, each should arrive at the same result in respect to
what the replication topology should be. In the process, each DC creates its own connection
Connection objects for bridgehead servers for inter-site replication are created differently. The
KCC on one DC in each site is responsible for reviewing the inter-site topology and creating
inbound replication connection objects as necessary for bridgehead servers in the site in
which it resides. This DC is known as the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG). The DC
holding this role may not necessarily be a bridgehead server.
When the ISTG determines that a connection object needs to be modified on a given
bridgehead server in the site, the ISTG makes the change to its local Active Directory copy.
As part of the normal intra-site replication process, these changes propagate to the
bridgehead servers in the site. When the KCC on the bridgehead server reviews the topology
after receiving these changes, it translates the connection objects into replication links that
Active Directory uses to replicate data from remote bridgehead servers.
The current owner of the ISTG role is communicated through the normal Active Directory
replication process. Initially, the first server in the site becomes the ISTG for the site. The role
does not change as additional DCs are added to the site until the current ISTG becomes
The current ISTG notifies every other DC in the site that it is still present by writing the
"interSiteTopologyGenerator" attribute on the NTDS Settings object under its DC object in the
Configuration naming context in Active Directory at a specified interval.
As this attribute gets propagated to other DCs by Active Directory replication, the KCC on
each of these computers monitors this attribute to verify that it has been written within a
specified amount of time. If the amount of time elapses without a modification, a new ISTG
takes over.
In the event that a new ISTG needs to be established, each DC orders the list of servers in
ascending order by their Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). The DC that is next highest in the
list of servers from the current owner takes over the role, starts to write the
"interSiteTopologyGenerator" attribute, and performs the necessary KCC processes to
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
manage inbound connection objects for bridgehead servers.
As DCs evaluate which server should assume the ISTG role, the selection begins again with
the first DC listed in the site if the current server is the last server in the list.
In the event that two DCs in the site believe that they own the ISTG role, there may be
temporary state of inbound replication connection objects being created by two computers.
However, once replication occurs and all DCs receive the change identifying the new ISTG,
the KCC on the ISTG adjusts the topology as appropriate.
Domain Naming System
Questions about Windows 2000 DNS
What are the common mistakes that are made when administrators set up DNS on
network that contains a single Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 DC?
The most common mistakes are:
The DC is not pointing to itself for DNS resolution on all network interfaces.
The "." zone exists under forward lookup zones in DNS.
Other computers on the local area network (LAN) do not point to the Windows 2000 DNS
server for DNS.
Why do I have to point my DC to itself for DNS?
The Netlogon service on the DC registers a number of records in DNS that enable other DCs
and computers to find Active Directory-related information. If the DC is pointing to the
Internet service provider's (ISP) DNS server, Netlogon does not register the correct records
for Active Directory, and errors are generated in Event Viewer. The preferred DNS setting for
the DC is itself; no other DNS servers should be listed. The only exception to this rule is with
additional DCs. Additional DCs in the domain must point to the first DC (which runs DNS)
that was installed in the domain and then to themselves as secondary.
What does a DC register in DNS?
The Netlogon service registers all the SRV records for that DC. These records are displayed
as the _msdcs, _sites, _tcp, and _udp folders in the forward lookup zone that matches your
domain name. Other computers look for these records to find Active Directory-related
Why can't I use WINS for name resolution like it is used in Microsoft Windows NT
A Windows 2000 DC does not register Active Directory-related information with a WINS
server; it only registers this information with a DNS server that supports dynamic updates
such as a Windows 2000 DNS server. Other Windows 2000-based computers do not query
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
WINS to find Active Directory-related information.
If I remove the ISP's DNS server settings from the DC, how does it resolve names
such as Microsoft.com on the Internet?
As long as the "." zone does not exist under forward lookup zones in DNS, the DNS service
uses the root hint servers. The root hint servers are well-known servers on the Internet that
help all DNS servers resolve name queries.
What is the "." zone in my forward lookup zone?
This setting designates the Windows 2000 DNS server to be a root hint server and is usually
deleted. If you do not delete this setting, you may not be able to perform external name
resolution to the root hint servers on the Internet.
Do I need to configure forwarders in DNS?
By default, Windows 2000 DNS use the root hint servers on the Internet; however, you can
configure forwarders to send DNS queries directly to your ISP's DNS server or other DNS
servers. In most cases, when you configure forwarders, DNS performance and efficiency
increases, but this configuration can also introduce a point of failure if the forwarding DNS
server is experiencing problems. The root hint server can provide a level of redundancy in
exchange for slightly increased DNS traffic on your Internet connection.
Should I point the other Windows 2000-based and Windows Server 2003-based
computers on my LAN to my ISP's DNS servers?
No. If a Windows 2000-based or Windows Server 2003-based server or workstation does not
find the DC in DNS, you may experience issues joining the domain or logging on to the
domain. A Windows 2000-based or Windows Server 2003-based computer's preferred DNS
setting should point to the Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 DC running DNS. If you
are using DHCP, make sure that you view scope option #15 for the correct DNS server
settings for your LAN.
Do I need to point computers that are running Windows NT 4.0 or Microsoft
Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition to the
Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 DNS server?
Legacy operating systems continue to use NetBIOS for name resolution to find a DC; however
it is recommended that you point all computers to the Windows 2000 or Windows Server
2003 DNS server for name resolution.
What if my Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 DNS server is behind a proxy
server or firewall?
If you are able to query the ISP's DNS servers from behind the proxy server or firewall,
Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 DNS server is able to query the root hint servers.
UDP and TCP Port 53 should be open on the proxy server or firewall.
What should I do if the DC points to itself for DNS, but the SRV records still do not
appear in the zone?
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Check for a disjointed namespace, and then run Netdiag.exe /fix. You must install Support
Tools from the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM to run Netdiag.exe.
How do I set up DNS for other DCs in the domain that are running DNS?
For each additional DC that is running DNS, the preferred DNS setting is the parent DNS
server (first DC in the domain), and the alternate DNS setting is the actual IP address of
network interface.
How do I set up DNS for a child domain?
To set up DNS for a child domain, create a delegation record on the parent DNS server for the
child DNS server. Create a secondary zone on the child DNS server that transfers the parent
zone from the parent DNS server. Set the child DNS server to point to itself only.
Configure DNS Dynamic Update in Windows 2000
The DNS service allows client computers to dynamically update their resource records in DNS
and improves DNS administration. You can use DDNS in conjunction with DHCP to update
resource records when a computer's IP address is changed.
How Windows 2000-Based Computers Update Their DNS Names
Windows 2000 computers try to dynamically register host address (A) and pointer (PTR)
resource records. All computers register records based on their full computer name.
Dynamic updates can be sent for any of the following reasons or events:
• An IP address is added, removed, or modified for any one of the installed network
• An IP address lease changes or renews. For example, if you use the ipconfig /renew
• You use the ipconfig /registerdns command to manually force a refresh of the client
name registration in DNS.
• At startup time, when the computer is turned on.
When one of these events triggers a dynamic update, the DHCP Client service (not the DNS
Client service) sends updates. This process is designed so that if a change to the IP address
information occurs because of DHCP, corresponding updates in DNS are performed to
synchronize name-to-address mappings for the computer. The DHCP Client service performs
this function for all network connections used on the system, including connections that
are not configured to use DHCP.
Dynamic updates are sent or refreshed periodically. By default, Windows 2000 sends a
refresh once every 24 hours. If the update occurs and there are no changes to zone data, the
zone remains at its current version and no changes are written.
NOTE: Names are not removed from DNS zones if they become inactive or if they are not
updated within the refresh interval (24 hours). DNS does not use a mechanism to release or
tombstone names, although DNS clients do attempt to delete or update old name records
when a new name or address change is applied.
When the DHCP Client service registers A and PTR resource records for a Windows 2000
computer, it uses a default caching Time-To-Live (TTL) value of 15 minutes for host records.
This value determines how long other DNS servers and clients cache a computer's records
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when they are included in a query response.
How to Allow Only Secure Dynamic Updates
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
2. Under DNS, expand the applicable DNS server, expand Forward Lookup Zones (or
Reverse Lookup Zones) , and then click the applicable zone.
3. On the Action menu, click Properties.
4. On the General tab, verify that the zone type is Active Directory-integrated.
5. In the Allow dynamic updates? box, click Only secure updates.
The secure dynamic update functionality is supported only for Active Directory-integrated
How to Configure DNS Dynamic Update for DHCP Clients
By default, Windows 2000-based DHCP clients are configured to request that the client
register the A resource record and the server register the PTR resource record. By default, the
name that is used in the DNS registration is a concatenation of the computer name and the
primary DNS suffix. To change this default name, open the TCP/IP properties of your network
To change the dynamic update defaults on the dynamic update client:
1. Right-click the connection that you want to configure, and then click Properties.
2. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties, click Advanced, and then click
the DNS tab.
By default, Register this connection's address in DNS is selected and Use this
connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration is not selected. This default
configuration causes the client to request that the client register the A resource record
and the server register the PTR resource record. In this case, the name to be used in
DNS registration is a concatenation of the computer name and primary DNS suffix of
the computer.
3. Click to select the Use this connection's DNS suffix check box in DNS registration.
If you select this check box, the client requests that the server update the PTR record
by using the name that is a concatenation of the computer name and the connectionspecific DNS suffix. PTR record, which uses the name that is a concatenation of the
computer name and the primary DNS suffix.
4. To configure the client to make no requests for DNS registration, click to clear the
Register this connection's address in DNS check box. If you clear this check box,
the client does not attempt to register any A or PTR DNS records that correspond to
this connection.
DNS Dynamic Update on Statically Configured and Remote Access Clients
Statically configured clients and remote access clients do not communicate with the DHCP
server. Statically configured Windows 2000-based clients dynamically update their A and PTR
resource records every time they start in case the records become corrupted in the DNS
database. Remote access clients dynamically update A and PTR resource records when a dialup connection is made. They also attempt to unregister the A and PTR resource records when
the user closes down the connection.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
How to Configure DNS Dynamic Update on Multiple-Homed Clients
If a dynamic update client is multiple-homed (if it has more than one adapter and an
associated IP address), it registers all of its IP addresses with DNS by default. If you do not
want the client to register all of its IP addresses, you can configure it to not register one or
more IP addresses in the network connection properties.
To prevent the computer from registering all its IP addresses:
1. Right-click My Network Places, and then click Properties.
2. Click the connection that you want to configure, and then click Properties.
3. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties, click Advanced, and then click
the DNS tab.
4. Click to clear the Register this connection's address in DNS check box.
You can also configure the computer to register its domain name in DNS. For example, if you
have a client that is connected to two different networks, you can configure the client to have
a different domain name on each network.
How to Configure DNS Dynamic Update on a Windows 2000 DNS Client Computer
To configure DNS dynamic update on a Windows 2000 DNS client computer:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.
2. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure, and then click
3. Click either the General tab (for the local area connection) or the Networking tab
(for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click
4. Click Advanced, and then click the DNS tab.
5. To use DNS dynamic update to register both the IP addresses for this connection and
the full computer name of the computer, click to select the Register this
connection's addresses in DNS check box. This check box is selected by default.
6. To configure a connection-specific DNS suffix, type the DNS suffix in the DNS suffix
for this connection box.
7. To use DNS dynamic update to register the IP addresses and the connection-specific
domain name for this connection, click to select the Use this connection's DNS
suffix in DNS registration check box. This check box is selected by default.
How to Configure DNS Dynamic Update on a Windows 2000 DNS Server
To enable DNS dynamic update on a Windows 2000 DNS server:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
2. Click the appropriate zone under either Forward Lookup Zones or Reverse Lookup
3. On the Action menu, click Properties.
4. On the General tab, verify that the zone type is either Primary or Active Directoryintegrated.
5. If the zone type is Primary, click Yes in the Allow dynamic updates? list.
6. If the zone types is Active Directory-integrated, click either Yes or Only secure
updates in the Allow dynamic updates? list, depending on whether you want DNS
dynamic updates to be secure.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
How to Configure DNS Dynamic Update on a Windows 2000 DHCP Server
To configure DNS dynamic update for a Windows 2000 DHCP server:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.
2. Click the appropriate DHCP server or a scope on the appropriate DHCP server.
3. On the Action menu, click Properties.
4. Click the DNS tab.
5. To enable DNS dynamic update for DHCP clients that support it, click to select the
Automatically update DHCP client information in DNS check box. This check box
is selected by default.
6. To enable DNS dynamic update for DHCP clients that do not support it, click to select
the Enable updates for DNS clients that do not support dynamic updates check
box. This check box is selected by default.
How to Enable DNS Dynamic Updates on a DHCP Server
Windows 2000 DHCP and DNS servers now support dynamic updates to a DNS server.
Windows 2000 clients can dynamically update their forward lookup records themselves with
the DNS server after the clients obtain a new IP address from a DHCP server.
In Windows 2000 DHCP server, you can dynamically update the DNS records for pre-Windows
2000 clients that cannot do it for themselves. This feature currently works only with the
Windows 2000 DHCP and DNS servers.
To enable a DHCP server to dynamically update the DNS records of its clients:
1. Select the scope or DHCP server on which you want to permit dynamic DNS updates.
2. On the Action menu, click Properties, and then click the DNS tab.
3. Click to select the Automatically Update DHCP Client Information In DNS check
4. To update a client's DNS records based on the type of DHCP request that the client
makes and only when it is requested, click Update DNS Only If DHCP Client
5. To always update a client's forward and reverse lookup records, click Always Update
6. Click to select the Discard Forward Lookups When Leases Expire check box to
have the DHCP server delete the Host resource record for a client when its DHCP lease
expires and is not renewed.
7. Click to select the Enable Updates For DNS Clients That Do Not Support
Dynamic Updates check box to enable the DHCP server to update the forward and
reverse lookup records for clients that cannot update their own forward lookup
records. If you do not select this check box, the DHCP server does not automatically
update the DNS records of non-Windows 2000 clients.
How to Create a DNS Entry for the Web Server
Create an alias or CNAME record for the DNS server on which you configured IIS. This step
ensures that external host computers can connect to your Web server by using the "www"
host name. To do this:
1. Start the DNS snap-in.
2. Under DNS, expand Server1 (where Server1 is the host name of the DNS server).
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
3. Expand Forward Lookup Zones.
4. Under Forward Lookup Zones, right-click the zone that you want (for example,
Microsoft.com), and then click New Alias.
5. In the Alias name box, type www.
6. In the Fully qualified name for target host box, type the fully qualified host name
of the DNS server on which IIS is installed. For example, type dns.microsoft.com, and
then click OK.
How to Configure a Secondary Name Server in Windows 2000
Identify the Secondary Name Server
On the primary DNS server, identify an additional name server:
1. Open DNS MMC.
2. In the console tree, click Host name (where Host name is the host name of the DNS
3. In the console tree, click Forward Lookup Zones.
4. Right-click the zone that you want (for example, example.com), and then click
5. Click the Name Servers tab, and then click Add.
6. In the Server name box, type the host name of the server that you want to add, for
example, namesvr2.example.com.
7. In the IP address box, type the IP address of the name server that you want to add
(for example,, and then click Add.
8. Click OK, and then click OK.
9. In the console tree, click Reverse Lookup Zones, right-click the zone that you want,
and then click Properties.
10. Click the Name Servers tab, and then click Add.
11. In the Server name box, type the host name of the server that you want to add, for
example, namesvr2.example.com.
12. In the IP address box, type the IP address of the name server that you want to add
(for example,, and then click Add.
13. Click OK, and then click OK.
Install DNS on the Secondary Name Server
1. To install the DNS service through Add/Remove Programs.
Configure the Forward Lookup Zone
To configure the forward lookup zone on the secondary name server:
1. Open the DNS MMC in the Secondary Name Server.
2. In the console tree, under DNS, click Host name (where Host name is the host name of
the DNS server).
3. In the console tree, click Forward Lookup Zones.
4. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones, and then click New Zone.
5. When the New Zone Wizard starts, click Next to continue.
6. Click Standard secondary, and then click Next.
7. In the Name box, type the name of the zone (for example, example.com), and then
click Next.
8. On the Master DNS Servers page, type the IP address of the primary name server
for this zone, click Add, click Next, and then click Finish.
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
Configure the Reverse Lookup Zone
To configure the reverse lookup zone on the secondary name server:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
2. In the console tree, click Host name (where Host name is the host name of the DNS
3. In the console tree, click Reverse Lookup Zones.
4. Right-click Reverse Lookup Zones, and then click New Zone.
5. When the New Zone Wizard starts, click Next to continue.
6. Click Standard secondary, and then click Next.
In the Network ID box, type the network ID (for example, type 192.168.0), and then
click Next.
7. On the Zone File page, click Next, and then click Finish.
Troubleshooting: The DNS server does not load the zone
When you select a zone on the secondary name server, the following error message may be
displayed in the right pane of the DNS window:
Zone not loaded by DNS Server
The DNS server encountered an error while attempting to load the zone.
The transfer of zone data from the master server failed.
This behavior can occur when zone transfers are disabled. To resolve this issue, follow these
On the primary name server open DNS MMC.
In the console tree, click MainServer1
In the console tree, click Forward Lookup Zones.
Under Forward Lookup Zones, right-click the zone that you want (for example,
example.com), and then click Properties.
5. Click the Zone Transfers tab.
6. Click to select the Allow zone transfers check box, and then click one of the
following options:
To any server
Only to servers listed on the Name Servers tab
Only to the following servers
7. Click Apply, and then click OK.
How to replace the current primary DNS Server with a new Primary DNS
Server in Windows 2000
When an existing DNS domain structure is in place, it may be necessary to replace the current
primary DNS server with a new Windows 2000 DNS server.
First install DNS on new windows 2000 Server and transfer the records
Transfer Records from the Current DNS Server
1. Open the DNS MMC and double-click W2K-DNS (the server name) to expand it.
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2. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones, click New Zone to start the wizard, and then
click Next.
3. Click Standard Secondary for the zone type, click Next, type the zone name (E.g.
"microsoft.edu"), and then click Next.
4. Type the IP address of the current primary DNS server (in this example,,
click Add, click Next, and then click Finish.
5. Right-click Reverse Lookup Zones, click New Zone to start the wizard, click Next,
click Standard Secondary for the zone type, and then click Next.
6. In the Network ID box, type 192.168.0, and then click Next.
7. Type the IP address of the current primary DNS server (in this example,,
click Add, click Next, and then click Finish.
Change the Role of a DNS Server to Primary Server
After you transfer all of the records have been transferred, you must remove the old DNS
server from the network, and set the DNS server as the primary DNS server. To set the DNS
server as the primary DNS server
1. Open the DNS MMC and double-click W2K-DNS (the server name) to expand it.
2. Double-click Forward Lookup Zones, right-click the Microsoft.edu zone, and then
click Properties.
3. Click the General tab, click Change under Type, and then click either Standard
Primary or Active Directory Integrated as the new type, depending on whether or
not this computer is a domain controller (DC). Click OK.
4. Change the setting under Allow Dynamic Updates to Yes if this server is for a
Windows 2000 Domain.
The server is now set as a primary DNS server for the DNS domain space.
It may be necessary to change the IP address of the new server to match the IP address that
the old DNS server used. This should be done to prevent having to make changes on all
clients or secondary servers to point to a new IP address for the primary DNS server
Troubleshooting: You Are Unable to Transfer the Zone File
1. Verify the existing DNS server allows zone transfers.
2. Verify that the new DNS server IP address is allowed for zone transfers.
3. If the zone file is locked, the transfer should occur after a maximum of 10 minutes.
How to Verify the Creation of SRV Records for a Domain Controller
Using DNS Manager
After you install Active Directory on a server running the Microsoft DNS service, you can use
the DNS Manager Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in to verify that the appropriate
zones and resource records are created for each DNS zone.
Active Directory creates its SRV records in the following folders:
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In these locations, an SRV record is displayed for the following services:
Using Nslookup
1. From your DNS server, type nslookup at a command prompt.
2. Type set type=all, and then press ENTER.
3. Type _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domainname (where domainname is the name of your domain),
and then press ENTER.
Nslookup returns one or more SRV service location records in the following format
Hostname.domainname Internet address = ipaddress
Where hostname is the host name of a domain controller, domainname is the domain to which the
domain controller belongs, and ipaddress is the DCs IP.
Configure the Windows 2000 Domain Name System to Age Records
When any records are orphaned, dynamic DNS on a Windows 2000-based server does not age
these records by renaming them or by moving computers to different subnets out of their
zones, unless the server is configured to perform this task.
Orphans can occur if a group of computers are installed from an image, and then renamed at
a later time on another subnet. The reverse look up pointers may not be deleted if the
computer is disconnected from the network immediately after the installation. The automatic
deletion of these records is possible by enabling the Aging and Scavenging feature on the
DNS server.
Enable Aging and Scavenging
You need to enable the Aging and Scavenging feature at a server level, and optionally set the
Aging feature on zones if you need different aging periods:
Open the DNS manager.
In the left pane, under the DNS icon, right-click the server name.
Click Set Aging/Scavanging for all zones.
Click to select the Scavenge Stale Resource Records check box, and then set the
interval that you want the Aging feature to use.
To set the Aging feature on an individual zone:
1. Right-click the zone, and then click Properties.
2. Click Aging.
3. Click to select the Scavenge Stale Resource Records check box, and then set the
interval that you want the Aging feature to use.
If the Aging feature is not enabled at the server level, and you attempt to enable the Aging
feature at the zone level, the Aging feature does not work. After you select the appropriate
aging periods and you enable the Scavenging feature on the server, outdated records are
Additionally, you can initiate the Scavenging feature if you right-click the server name in the
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
left pane, click Scavenge Stale Resource Records, and then click YES when asked if you
want to scavenge.
How to move Windows 2000 DNS Zones to Another Windows 2000-based
To move zone files from one server to another, follow these steps:
To use the following method, the Windows 2000 DNS Server service must be installed on a
new Windows 2000-based server. The DNS Server service should not be configured yet.
1. On the DNS server that is currently hosting the DNS zone(s), change any Active
Directory-integrated zones to standard primary. This action creates the zone files that
are needed for the destination DNS server.
2. Stop the DNS Server service on both DNS servers.
3. Manually copy the entire contents of the %SystemRoot%\System32\DNS folder from
the source server to the destination server.
4. On the current DNS server, start Registry Editor.
5. Locate and click the following registry key:
6. Export the Zones key to a registry file.
7. On the destination DNS server, double-click the registry file to import the Zones key
into the registry.
8. Bring the current DNS server down and transfer its IP address to the destination DNS
9. On the destination DNS server, start the DNS Server service. To initiate the
registration of the server's A and PTR resource records, run the following command at
a command prompt:
10. If this server is also a domain controller, stop and restart the Net Logon service to
register the Service (SRV) records, or run the following command at a command
11. The standard zones that were previously Active Directory-integrated can be converted
back to Active Directory-integrated on the replacement DNS server if it is a domain
12. Verify that the SOA resource records on each zone contain the correct name for the
primary server and that the NS resource records for the zone(s) are correct.
The steps outlined in this article do not migrate the following DNS server settings:
Interfaces, Forwarders, Advanced, Root Hints, Logging, Security
The host's "A" record is registered in DNS after you choose not to register
the connection's address.
In Windows 2000, if you clear the Register this connection's address in DNS check box
under Advanced TCP/IP Settings for a network interface, the IP address may register an A
record for the host name in its primary DNS suffix zone.
For example, this behavior may occur if you have the following configuration:
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The DNS service is installed on the server.
The DNS server zone is example.com, where the example.com zone can be updated
The server host name is Server1.example.com, where Server1 has two network
adapters that have IP addresses of and
If you click to clear the Register this connection's address in DNS check box on the
network adaptor that has the IP address of and then you delete the host record for
Server1.example.com, the host record for Server1.example.com is dynamically
added back to the zone late. The unwanted registration of this record can be reproduced if
you restart the DNS service on the server.
This is because, when the DNS service is installed on a computer that is running Windows
2000, it listens to all of the network interfaces that are configured by using TCP/IP. When
DNS causes an interface to listen for DNS queries, the interface tries to register the host A
record in the zone that matches its primary DNS suffix. The interface tries to register the host
A record regardless of the settings that have been configured in the TCP/IP properties. This
behavior is by design and can take place under the following circumstances:
The DNS service is installed on the server whose configuration you are trying to
The DNS zone that matches the primary DNS suffix of the server is enabled to update
To resolve this, remove the interface from the list of interfaces that the DNS server listens on.
To do so, follow these steps:
Start the DNS Management Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
Right-click the DNS server, and then click Properties.
Click the Interfaces tab.
Under Listen on, click to select the Only the following IP addresses check box.
Type the IP addresses that you want the server to listen on. Include only the IP
addresses of the interfaces for which you want a host A record registered in DNS.
6. Click OK, and then quit the DNS Management MMC.
Dynamic DNS Updates Do Not Work if the DHCP Client Service Stops
The client computer does not send dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) updates to the DNS
server even though the Register this connection's address in DNS option is selected.
You receive the following error forcing DNS registration:
Windows 2000 IP Configuration
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
: Refreshing DNS names
This is because: Dynamic DNS registration relies on the DHCP client service to perform
dynamic updates. When you disable or set the DHCP client service to start manually, it
Sanjo Thomas, CCNA, MCSE, MCDBA
prevents dynamic DNS updates from occurring. Even if the has a static IP, the DHCP client
service must be running for dynamic DNS updates to occur.
To resolve this issue, you must configure the DHCP client service to start automatically when
your computer system starts.
SRV Records Missing After Implementing Active Directory and Domain
Name System
When you implement Active Directory and Domain Name System (DNS), SRV records may be
missing in the DNS Management console or database.
This behavior occurs when the following conditions exist:
The DNS server is configured as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client.
The DNS zone has a name other than your Active Directory domain name.
The zone is not enabled to allow dynamic updates.
To resolve this issue, verify that all of the following conditions exist:
Configure your DNS server to use a static Internet Protocol (IP) address.
Create a forward lookup zone named after your Active Directory.
Enable your domain zone to allow dynamic updates.
If all of these conditions exist and you still do not see your SRV records, stop and start the
Netlogon service. This action forces the DC to re-register the appropriate SRV records.
Using the netdiag /fix command on the DC will verify that all SRV records that are in the
Netlogon.dns file are registered on the primary DNS server.