Chemistry Combined Practice Problems for Term-1 Physical Chemistry Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Q1. Calculate the volume occupied by 3.01×10²⁵ molecules of CO² at STP. Q2. 2 g of H² is mixed with 71 g of CL² to form HCL. Identify LR and calculate the amount of HCL formed. Q3. A piece of Cu weighs 1.26 Kg. Calculate the no of atoms. Q7. 2g of glucose are dissolved in 18g of water to firm solution. Calculate mass % of solute? Q8. Why temperature Give its units. is Molarity dependent? Q9. How much amount of water needs to be added to 20ml of 1M koH solution so as to get 0.1M solution? Structure of an Atom Q4. How much CO² Is obtained by combustion of 0.6 g of ethane? Q5. 0.3mg of urea is dissolved in 250g of water to form solution. Calculate Molality. Q6. Calculate the amount of KOH in 500 ml of 0.2 molar aqueous solution. Q1. Write the value of L for s,p,d and f subshells. Q2. Give the significance of psi and psi square. Q3. Calculate the no of electrons in K,L,M and N shells in an atom? Q4. Calculate the angular momentum of electrons in s,p,d and f subshells. Q6. Calculate the no of orbitals in s,p,d and f subshells Q5. Calculate the no of radial and planar nodes in 2p, 4f, 4d sub shells. Q7. Write the values of 4 quantum numbers for the valence electron of Na. Inorganic Chemistry Periodic Classification of Elements Q1. Arrange the following in increasing order of Atomic radius Li , Be & F. Q2. Why Ionisation enthalpy of N is greater than C and O ? Q6. Why ionisation enthalpy increases across the period and decreases down the group? Q7. Arrange the following in decreasing order of electronegativity? A) F , Br , Cl, I B) O , N & F Q3. Why atomic radius increases down the group and decreases across the period? Q4. Why F has lower electron gain enthalpy than CL ? Q5. What is the cause of periodicity of elements? Chemical Bonding Q1. Why is ionic bond nondirectional and covalent bond directional in nature ? Q2. Calculate the no of Bond Pairs { BP } and Lone Pairs { LP } for electrons in H²O , NH³ ,SF⁴ & XEF². Q3. Why is ionic bond stronger than covalent bond ? Q4. Write three differences between Sigma & PI Bonds. Q5. Why are ionic compounds water soluble & covalent compounds usually water insoluble ? Q6. What is Hydrogen Bond. Write down conditions for Hydrogen Bonding ? Q7. Calculate Hybridisation in H²S , SF⁶ , PH³, IF³ & XEF⁴ ? Q8. Calculate the no of sigma & π Bonds in the following — Benzene , Propene & Butyne. Q9. Calculate Bond Order in C² , B² , O² & H² molecules. Q10. Why is π Bond weaker than Sigma Bond ? Q11. Write down the general valence shell electronic configuration of S Block , P Block & D Block Elements. Q12. Write down M.O { Molecular Orbital } Electronic Configuration of F² , Be² , Li². Q13. Why Electronegativity { EN } increases across the period and decreases down the group.