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Embedded Systems Exam Questions - ARM Architecture

21CS43 SIMP Questions-TIE
-SIMP Questions
Module 1-5 SIMP Questions
1. Differentiate between i) RISC & CISC architecture ii) Microcontroller &
2. Explain ARM registers used under various modes & ARM philosophy.
3. What is pipelining? Illustrate it with an example.
4. Explain the architecture of a typical embedded system based on ARM.
Discuss the following with diagram- i)Von Newman architecture with
cache ii) Harvard architecture with TCM
5. Explain ARM core data flow model in detail with a neat diagram.
6. Draw the basic layout of the generic program status register and briefly
the various fields.
7. Write a note on: i) Register allocation ii)Allocation variables to register
8. Show the post condition when MOV’s Instruction shifts register r1 left by
one bit and result is stored in r0.where r0=0X00000000, r1= 0X80000004
and CPSR=nzcvqiFt.
9. Explain the Barrel shifter operation in ARM processor with a neat
10. Briefly explain the different load store instruction categories used in
11. Explain the following in ARM: i) different data processing instruction
ii)the co-processor instruction iii)instruction scheduling
12. Write an ALP using ARM instructions to find a factorial of a number.
13. Write a short note on with an example for each: i)instruction scheduling
ii)floating point iii) division instruction support iv)division operation by
ARM v)bit field vi)profiling viii)cycle counting
14. Explain inline functions and inline assembly
15. Give the differences between big endian and little endian
16. Explain the working principle with a diagram for each: i)Memory sensors
ii)Actuators iii)7 segment LED display iv)Stepper motor v)Keyboard
vi)Push button switch
17. Explain embedded framework and classification of embedded system
18. What is embedded system? List its purposes & applications.
19. Write a note on: i)communication interface(both internal & external)
ii)Dog timer clock iii)Real time clock
20. Differentiate between General purpose computing system & embedded
21. Explain program memory classification.
22. Explain matrix keyboard interfacing.
23. What is relay? Explain transistor based relay driving circuit with diagram.
24. Write a note on RTOS and explain the functional requirements of RTOS.
25. Define task, process and threads. Explain the process structure, process
states and state transitions.
26. Diff b/w: i)multitasking & multiprogramming ii)thread & process
27. Explain multitasking, multithreading and multiprogramming.
28. Write a note on – i)time management ii)memory management
iii)interrupt handling iv)message passing v)boundary scan vi)simulators
29. What are the services offered by a kernel to an OS?
30. What are semaphores? Explain the various types of semaphores.
31. What are the types of OS? Explain architecture of OS with a neat
32. Discuss the concept of deadlocks with a neat diagram. Explain the
different conditions that favour deadlock. Mentions the steps to prevent
33. Explain the role of integrated development environment for embedded
software development.