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Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad,
Am writing this to inform you that I have decided to pursue my long dream of
climbing K2, as an achievement that I wish to be granted to me, If I do not make it
back, do not be sad as god has chosen my fate, and hopefully in the future my kinds
shall continue what I hadn’t, climbing K2. I have been dreaming of this glorious
badge since I was a little kid, whom was still unaware of their surrounds,
stumbling against the art of climbing.
It was hard to make the decision, I had to think about all my kids and how they
would grow up with no mother, but neither the concerns I will continue, its going
to be fine and I will achieve everything I had dreamt off, do not worry, I will skeet
down the mountain to insure I get home as fast as possible( hey ms nasrin by the
way, that’s how she died lol ) , by the team this letter reaches you guys I will most
likely have already reached the top, I hop you do not get worried about my
decision stay, you might think it’s a selfish act but its what I really want to do and
have been dreaming about doing, I would rather die knowing I had achieved it
than dying later on in life not achieving, if I do not come back home, know I atleast
tried my best.
This is not going to be the last message I send you, I will try to keep you guys
updated on our situation and supplies, please do not get worried, this isn’t that big
of a deal as I am with some of K2s best guides, I will achieve my dream in NO
-Loves from Allison Becker