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Weight Discrimination: A Student's Perspective

A Student's Perspective on Weight Discrimination
"You are what you eat". You've probably heard of this at some point in your life. Some
may agree, some may not. But we all can't deny that how you eat effects our well-being
someway or another. A great example of this would be obesity. Statistics shows that obesity
is the leading cause of life threatening diseases such as stroke, clogged artery , etc. Besides
causing diseases, you may also be subjugated to discrimination, specifically weight
discrimination. But unlike other commonly known discrimination, I don't think weight
discrimination is inherantly a bad thing. You see, the typical discrimination happens towards
a minority of people who have a characteristic that you can't necessarily control. Some of the
examples would be age, race, disabilities, gender and such. But in this case, your weight or
your body fat ratio is in your full control. So as a student, we should use get in better shape,
improve you mental health, and continue to strive for the better.
To combat weight discrimination, we must tackle the problem head-on. One of the
best proven ways to improve your body is to workout. And the optimal environment for that
is the gym. A gym membership costs roughly Rp 300,000 a month, which is relatively cheap
for changing your entire phisique. As a student, you could ask your parents to help fund your
gym membership or you could save up money. Even if you still can't afford it, you could try
different approaches for this, such as a home workout or calisthenics. But the truth is, buying
a gym membership is just the tip of the iceberg of body improvement. The massive "wall" for
most people is going to the gym routinely. Going when you don't feel like it and pushing
yourself to the limit. This is what it takes to cross the giant wall of body improvement. This is
what is it feels to have a rock hard discipline. To achieve great discipline, you need to commit
in improving your mental health too.
Along with achieving a good phisique, a good mental health mustn't be scoffed at too.
Research shows that people who are overweight tend to be more depressed than people who
are physically fit. This shows that there is some relation between your physical and mental
condition. Now after your overcame your obesity, you mental health would have surely
exponentially skyrocket. What should you do after this? You should improve your mental
health even more! Why, might you ask? The truth is, a good and stable mental health is good
and all, but you can step it up a notch and achieve full control of your mind. With this in hand,
you will have unlimited motivation, and most importantly mental clarity like you have never
seen before : clear as the sky and hard as a rock. This will be your key of success in lifeThen
hoe could we achieve that? There are various practices you could do to level up your mental
health : journaling, dopamine detox, and many more. But I believe one of the best ways to
improve it is meditation. You sit straight and center your focus on a single thing, usually your
breathing. It doesn't take a lot of time, but the benefits will surely come through eventually.
After building the foundation of a good life , the final thing you need to do is pursue a
purposeful and fulfilling life. You should find what is truly meaningful to you, whether it be
business, music, or maybe even a significant other. These things will make your life worth
living. Worth pushing to the limit and doing whatever it takes to achieve that thing. This is
what is feel to have a sole purpose in your life. This will make you live your life to the fullest.
The world is an unjust place. Only people who truly possess power have the position
to do anything. This principle applies even down to the smaller hiearchies in school. The fat
get bullied by the fit. Why fight on the losing side when you can switch sides? The main point
I'm trying to make is, this essay is not meant to show you how to live in weight
discrimination, but how to overcome it. On that note, we should strive for superior phisique,
mental, and overall well-being. This will guarantee a pathway to success for you. " You take
the blue pill - you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take
the read pill - you stay in Wonderland and I will show you how deep the rabbithole goes."
How and why we should do it has already been clearly stated on my part. Now what's left is
for you to decide your destiny. So which pill will you swallow, the blue pill or the red pill?