lOMoARcPSD|12452361 ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Nursing Skill Ariel Hollon STUDENT NAME _____________________________________ 31 ROM SKILL NAME____________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER ___________ Description of Skill Properly providing range of motion to a client who is immobile to help promote circulation and reduce risk of contractures. Indications Clients who cannot perform range of motion and are immobile need PROMs for them to increase quality of life and reduce risk of further complications. Outcomes/Evaluation Providing the client with range of motion exercises when they cannot perform them. Reducing the risk of contractures. Helping client gain strength in area if recovering and improve motion and circulation. Assess skin for injuries, pain, and tenderness. Potential Complications Stiffness and pain ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES CONSIDERATIONS Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post) Know what PROMs need to be performed and what the client can tolerate (if there are any restriction). Hand hygiene. Explain what PROMs you are doing and educate on the purpose. Always support the joints as you are performing PROMs. Shoulder; Circumduction, external/internal rotation. Elbow; flexion, extension, supination/pronation rotation. Wrist; flexion, extension, hyperextension, radial flexion, ulnar flexion. Hand/fingers; flexion, extension, hyperextension of fingers, abduction/adduction of fingers, thumb flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, opposition. Hip; flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, internal/external rotation. If there is any pain stop what you are doing. If client is on pain medications offer them, if appropriate, before doing PROMs so the client is comfortable. Document everything that was performed and how it was performed including reasons for not being able to complete any PROMs. Client Education Explain why you are doing this, duration of activity with each area of PROM including how many times for each movement, frequency of performing activity. As you are doing PROMs count as you go for verbal communication to client. Nursing Interventions Never force movement, only go as far as client can tolerate. Offer pain medication prior to PROMs if appropriate for client comfort during activity. If there are any unexpected complications notify provider and evaluate situation to adjust care plan if necessary. THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE A9