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Map Reading Skills Worksheet: Title, Direction, Scale

What kind of information does a map give?
Task #1: Fill in the blanks
 Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
title –– direction – theme –– ratio – represent – position - north
A map usually give the following kinds of information:
The _____________ explains the __________ and the function of a map.
The direction shows the _______________ of a map. Maps are usually placed
vertically to the ________ unless the pointer shows otherwise.
Grid references refer to a specific __________ on a map.
Scale shows the ___________ between actual and reduced size of an object
shown on the map.
Legend/Key explains what the different symbols on the map _______________.
Task #2: Read a map
1. What is the title of the map? ________________________________
2. What information do you find in the key? ______________________
3. You’re at Monkeys and want to go to Pinguins. Which direction do you have to
3. On which grid reference do you find Great Apes? ________________
4. Which animals could you find on grid reference A3? ______________