.^. «*'!:irt»((. uniHi L** il*#*/!, /\5^ FRENCH-ENGLISH MEDICAL DICTIONARY GORDON For Other Dictionaries See Advertisements AT End of Volume FRENCH-ENGLISH MEDICAL DICTIONARY vv ^>^ BY ALFRED GORDON, A.M., M.D. (Paris) LATE ASSOCIATE IN NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES, JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE; LATE EXAMINER OF THE INSANE, PHILADELPHIA GENERAL HOSPITAL; NEUROLOGIST TO MOUNT SINAI, TO NORTHWESTERN GENERAL AND TO THE DOUGLASS MEMORIAL HOSPITALS; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN NEUROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION; FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOClfiTE MEDICO- PSYCHOLOGIQUE DE PARIS, FRANCE; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY, ETC. PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET Copyright, 1921, by P. Blakiston's Son TSK Maple phbbb tokk fa & Co. PREFACE The wealth of scientific information which French medicine has to offer can properly be grasped by those who are able to be in constant touch with the literature in its original language. The monumental work of the in- overwhelming by its proThe accumulated data during the recent war prove amply observation in its accuracy and precision as revealed by dividual investigators in each chosen specialty is found erudition. that the power of French scientists deserves special attention. To those who are willing to follow up closely the progress in French medicine in the original writings the present Dictionary is offered. Moreover, those who since the cessation of hostilities have decided to continue the study of the language will find in the Dictionary a means of learning its proper pronunciation. Each French word is accompanied by a combination of letters in English giving the pronunciation as accurately as possible. On a separate page a key for the latter is added and should be consulted frequently. Finally on the last page a table is presented showing measurements in the metric system corresponding to that used in United States. Alfred Gordon. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/frenchenglishmedOOgorduoft KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE FRENCH WORDS French a is designated as "ah" (English). It should have the same sound as "a" in the word "margin." e is designated as "eh" (English). Pronounce as "e" in the word "never." e (not accented) is pronounced as " eh " but with lips very slightly open. eu'xs also designated as "eh," but the "e" of "never" should be pronounced with the lips only very slightly opened and prolonged. oeu. Same as "eu." i should be pronounced as English "e" but the sound must be soft and prolonged. It is designated as "ee" (like "ea" in "teamster"). is designated as "oh" like in the English exclamation: oh! u is pronounced like the English "u," but the pouting of the lips must be very much ^ or less eille is marked. pronounced y en is is That means that the letter "a." of the "ay" should be "table" but more prolonged and soft. English "ee" and pronounced like French "e" (see above). designated as "ay." like "a" in designated as designated as "ahn." It should be pronounced like the French "a" (see above), but prolonged and soon abandoned with a nasal intonation. The "n" of the "ahn" should not be distinct. But in "enn" there should be no nasal intonation and both n's must be distinctly pronounced. before "e" or "i" must be pronounced like "s." lion is designated as "ssion;" in which the "i" is pronounced like a very soft English "e" and very rapidly joined to "on." The "n" should be given a nasal intonation c but not a distinct English "n." g before the vowels "e" and "i" is to be pronounced as "zsh." j the same as "g." ou is to be pronounced as English "oo" in the word "smooth." oi is to be pronounced as English "ooah" but rapidly. eui is designated as "ehy" in which the "eh" is pronounced as above (see "eu") and the "y" is added only to render the "eh" soft and prolonged but it should not be pronounced like an English "y."i at is designated as "eh" (see above for the latter). OMJ is designated as "ooy." The "y" should not be pronounced like English "y." It is added only to render the "oo" sound prolonged and especially "soft." illo is designated as "eeyoh." For the pronunciation of "ee" and "oh" see above. The "y" is added to render the "o" very soft. in is designated as "ehn." For pronunciation see "eh." The latter sound must be prolonged and ended abruptly with a nasal intonation, but the "n" should not be pronounced as a distinct English "n." All French words of more than one syllable are accentuated on their last syllable. . Abbreviation for Ana; of each, A, ou A.A. used in prescriptions to signify repetition of the same quantity of each ingredient. A. A. A. Abbreviation for Amalgam. Abaction (Ahbahcssion). Abortion. Abadie. Signesd^Ahadie (A hbahdee). (i) Insensibility of the tendon Achillis to compression in Tabes; (2) spasm of the levator palpebrae superioris in Graves' disease. (Abadie is a French Physician.) Abaisse-langue (Ahbehss-ldhng). Tonguedepressor. Abaissement Prolapse. (Ahbehssmdhn). Lowering. Depression. Abaisser (Ahbehssdy). To lower. Abaisseur (Ahbehssehr). Depressor. Abaliene (Ahbahleendy). Abalienated; Insane, gangrenous. ' fects especially of the central nervous system.) Ablactation (Ahblahctassion). Weaning. Ablation. ReAblation {Ahblahssion). moval. Extirpation. Excision. Ablepsie {Ahblehpsee). Blindness. Abluant (Ahbludhn). Detergent. Cleansing. Ablution (Ahblussion). Ablution. Wash- ing. Abnormite {Ahbnormeetdy). Abnormality. SusAbolition. Abolition {Ahbolissidn). pension. AbortifaAbortive. Abortif {Ahborteef). cient. Ab- The openone blood-vessel into another. Communication. Anastomosis. Aboulie (Ahboulee). Abulia or Deficient articulation. Dislocation. khSiSie {Ahbahzee) Afunctional Abasia. disorder of the nervous system. The patient is unable to walk, but when seated or bedridden is able to perform all movements with his limbs. Various degrees of this motor disturbance may be present, from absolute inability to preservation of some movements. Abattage (Ahbahtdzsh). Slaughtering of Aboutir (Ahbouteer). To come to a head. To end in suppuration. Aboutissement (Ahboiiteessmdhn). The act of coming to a head. Abrasion (Ahbrehzidn). Abrasion. Abreuve,-ee {Ahbrehvdy). Bathed in. Abreuvement {Ahbrehvmdhn). Giving drink to afiflicted. AbbreviAbreviation (Ahbrehveeahssidn) Abarticulation {Ahbahrticulahssion). . animals. ing of Will. . ation. Abatardissement (Ahbahtahrdeessmdhn) Degeneration (of races or families). Abattement (Ahbahtmdkn). Lowered state of health. Dejection. Prostration. crease of an unfavorable condition. Abouchement (Ahboushmdhn). De- Abattoir {Ahbahtondhr). Slaughter-house. Abattre (Ahbdhtr). To slaughter. To shorten a condition. Abceder (Ahbsehddy). To end a pathological process by formation of an abscess. Abces. (Ahbsseh). Abscess. Abdomen (A hbdomehn). Abdomen. Belly. Abdominal {Ahbdomindhl). Abdominal. Abducteur {Ahbduclehr). Abductor (of muscles). Abducens (The 6th n. innervating the external rectus of the eye). Abduction {Ahbducssidn). Abduction. Aberrant (Ahbehrrdhn). Aberrant (bloodvessel, nerve-fiber or cells). Aberration (Ahbehrrassion). Aberration (Deviation from normal, especially of mind). Abiogenere (Ahbeeozshehnehz). Abiogenesis. (Term applied to congenital de- Abruption (Ahbrupssion). Abruption; transverse fracture. Abrutissement {Ahbrutissmdhn). Brutish state. State of a profoundly intoxicated individual. State of a profoundly demented person. Stuporous state. Abscision (Ahbseezidn). Removal by knife. Ablation. Absence {Ahbsdhnss). Momentary susVery probpension of cerebral activity. ably a psychic form of Petit Mai. Absinthe {Ahbsefmt). Absinth. Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood. Absinthism [Ahbsehnteesm). Absinthism. Absorbant,-e (Ahbsorbdhn). Absorbent. Absorption (Alibssorpssion). Absorption. Absteme (Ahbstehni). An individual refraining from the use of alcoholic beverages. AbsterAbstergent, -e (Ahbstehrzshdhn). Cleansing. gent. Abstersion (Ahbstehrssidn). The effect of cleansing remedies. Abstinence {Ahbsteeyiahnss). Abstinence. 1 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Abs Abstemious. Abstineiit,-e (Ahbsteendhn). Removed Abstractif,-ve (Ahbstrahcteeff). by distillation. Abstraction (Ahbstrahkssidn). Abstrac- tion. Separated. Abstrait,-e {Ahbstr6h). Abulia {Ahbulee). See Aboulie. Acacia (Ahkahssidh). Acacia. Gum arabic. Academie (AhkahdehmSe). Academy. Acajou (Ahkahzshdo). Cassuvium pomiferum. Cashew nut. Acanthe (Ahkdhnt). Acanthia lectularia. Acardia. Timidity. Itch Bed bug. Acardie (Ahkahrdee). Acaius {A hkahrus). Acarus scabici. sion. Accelerateur (Ahkssehlehrahtihr). Accel- erator. Acceleration (Akkssehlehrahssidn) . Accel- Acetabule {Ahssehtahbul). Acetabulum. Cotyloid cavity in the Os innominatum for articulation with the head of the femur. Acetanilide (Ahssehtahneleed). Acetanilid. Acet&te (Ahssehtdht). Acetate. Any salt of acetic acid. Aceteux {Ahssehteh). Acetous. Acetification (Ahssatefeekahssidn). Production of acetic acid. Acetique (acide) (Ahssateek), Acetic acid. Radical vinegar. Acetolature {Ahssatolahttir). Acetic tinc- Acetole (Ahssatoldy). Acetic medication. Acetomel {A hssatomehl). Oxymel. A syrup of vinegar and honey. Acetomelle (Ahssatomehlldy). A mixture obtained from a combination of syrup of vinegar and honey with an acetic tincture. Acetone (Ahssatohn). eration. Accelerated. Accelere,-e (Ahkssehlehrd). Paroxysm. Access. Acces (Ahksseh). Attack. Accession (Ahksehssidn). Accession. Par- oxysm. Accessoire (Ahksehssoodhr). Accessory. Accident {Ahksseddhn). Accident. Symptom. Accidentel,-le dental. Acci- (Ahkssedahntehl). Acetone. Acetonurie (Ahssatohnuree). Acetonuria. Acetyle [Ahssateel). Acetyl. Acetyline (Ahssateeldn). Acetylene. Achalme (Ahshdhlm) (Bacille d'Achalme). Achalme's bacillus considered in connection with acute articular rheumatism. It is anaerobic. AchiUe {A hs heel) {Tendon Ac- (Ahkleemahtahssion). climatization. Accolement (Ahkkohlmdhn). Joining. Union. Accommodation(^ hkkohmohdahssion) Accommodation. Adjustment. Special faculty of the eye to adapt itself for various distances. Accouchment (Akkoushmdhn). Confinement. Delivery. Accoucheur (Akkoushehr). Obstetrician. Accoucheuse (Akkoushehzz). Midwife. Accouplement (Ahkkouplmdhn). Copula- Accoutumance (Ahkootumdhnss). Habit Immunity gained by con- Accroissement (Ahcrooahssmdhn). Growth. Accumulateur (Ahkumulahlehr). In- crease. Acephalous. Acephalie (Ahssehfahlee). Acerbe {Ahssehrb). Bitter. Astringent. Acerbite (Ahssehrbeetdy). tringency. Acerdese (Ahssehrdehz). hydrated manganese. {Ahkolee) . Absence of bile. Ach- Acholique (Ahkoleek). Acholic. Achondroplasia (Ahkohndrohplahzee). A congenital malformation characterized by smallness of statue and due to a deficient ossification of the cartilages of the long bones. Achoppant,-e (Ahshoppdhn) {Parole achoppante). Stumbling. Stumbling speech characteristic of Paresis. Achroma {Ahkrohmdh). Leucoderma. Lack of pigment in the skin. Achromasia {Ahkrohmahzee). Want of Pallor. Achromatisation {Ahkrohmahteezassion) Operation to render a lens achromatic. Achromatopsia {Ahkrohmahtoopssee). Color blindness. Daltonism. Achromatopsia. Accumu- lator. Acephale (Ahssehfdhl). Ten- olia. color. tion. d'Achille). do-Achillis. AchoMe Accllmatation 2 Grain of sand in the choroid plexus and in the pineal body. ture. insect. Acaude,-e (Ahkohdd). Caudal. Caudate. Accablement (Akahblmdhn). Dejection. OppresGrief; state of very low spirit. acquired. stant use. Acervule (Ahssehrvul). Aci Acephalia. Harsh. Sour. Acidity with as- Sesquioxide of Achylia {Ahkeelee). Absence of chyle. Achylia. Acicuiaire {Ahsseekuldr). Needle-like. Acicular. Acide {Ahsseed). Acid. Sour. Acidiferous. Acidifere {Ahsseedeefehr). Any eleAcidifiant {Ahsseedeefeedhn}. ment that renders a compound acid. Rendered Acidifie,-ee {Ahsseedeefeed). acid. OF MEDICAL TERMS Aci Acidite (Ahsseedeetd). Acidity. Acidose {Ahsseeddhz). Disturbances in metabolism that result from the predominance of acid in katabolism. It may be inaugurated either by a deficiency in alkali or an excess in acids. Slightly acid. Acidule, adj. {Ahsseedul). Acidulated. Acidule {as a noun). An acidulated compound. Acinesique (Ahsseenaziek). Opposed to movement. Akinesic. Acineux,-euse {Ahsseeneh,-ehz). Relating to acini. Aciniform (Ahsseeneefdrm). Resembling acini. Acinus (Ahsseenus). Glomeruli. Acme {Ahkmeh). symptoms Glandular lobules. A state in which the reached the highest degree of development. Acne (Ahkneh). Acne. Skin eruption. Aconitine. Aconitine {Ahkohneeteen) . Alcaloid from Aconitum. Acoumetre {Ahkoomehtr). Acoumeter. Instrument for measuring the acuteness of hearing. Acoumetric (Ahkoomehtree), Measurement Acoustique (Ahkoosteek). Acoustics. Also: the acoustic nerve (8th n.). Acquis,-e {Ahkee,-z). Acquired. Acranie (Ahkrahnee). Without a cranium. Acrania. Acre {Ahkr). Bitter. Sour. Acrid. Acrete {A hkrateh). Bitterness. Sourness. Tartness. ^ Acrimonie (Ahkreemoneej Acrimony. Acrocephalie . Acid state. Functionat- Action. ing. Acuite (Ahkueeteh). Acuity (of vision for example, etc.). Combined Acuophonie (Ahkuohfohnee) use of auscultation and percussion. . Acupuncture {Ahkupunktur) . Acupunc- ture. Acyclie (Ahsseeklee). culation. Acyesie (Asseeazee). male. Acyesis. Acystie (Ahsseestee). Interruption of cir- SterUity of the fe- Absence of bladder. Adam; Pomme d'Adam {Pohm d'ahdahm). Adam's apple. Adamantine (Ahdahmahnteen). Enamel of the teeth. Adarticulation (Ahdahrteekulahssidn) arthrosis. Movable . Di- articulations. Addison; Maladie d' Addison (Mahlahdee d' Addison). Addison's disease. Bronzed It is characterized by pigmentation, muscular and vascular weakness, disturbances of the gastro-intestinal tract, and anatomically by a disease of the adrenal glands (tuberculosis skin disease. most frequent). Adducteur (Ahdduktehr). Adductor. Glandular (Ahdanahlzshee). pain. Adenectomie (Ahdanaktohmee). Excision of a gland. Adenie (Ahdanee). Lymphadenoma. Adenite (Ahdaneet). Adenitis. Inflammation of the glands. Adenoide {Ahdanoheed). Glandular. Adenoid. Adenome {Ahdandhm). Adenoma. Glandular tumor. (Ahkrohcehfahlee). Acroce- Adenopathie (Ahdanohpahtee). Adenop- athy. phalia. Acrodynie (Ahkrohdenee). Epidemic ery- Pain of the extremities. neuralgic character in the hands and thema Action {Ahkszidn). Adenalgie of acuteness of hearing. Adu of feet. Acromegalie (Ahkrohmagahlee). A disease characterized by enlargement of osseous or other supporting tissues, especially noticeable in the distal ends of the exIt is tremities (hands, feet) and head. probably due to a disturbance of function of the pituitary body (hyperpituitarism). Described by Marie in 1885. Acromial, -e (Ahkrohmeedhl). Acromial. Acromion (Ahkrohmeeon). Acromion. Acromphale (Ahkrohmfdhl). The extremity of the umbilical cord remaining attached to the infant. Actinomycose (Ahkteenomeekdhz). Actinomycosis. Disease due to a fungus- parasite (actinomyces), characterized by a chronic inflammation resulting in formation of granulation-masses especially in the jaws. Adherence (Ahdehrdns). Adhesion. Adherent,-e {Ahdehrdhn,-t). Adherent, Adhesif,-ive {A hdehzief, -4ev). Sticky. Adhesive. Adhesion {Ahdehzidn). Coalescence. Adiaphorese {Ahdeeahfohrdz). sweating. Deficient Adiaphoresis. Adipeux,-euse {AIideepeh,-ehz). Fatty. Adipose. Adipocire {A hdeepohsseer). Fat of cadaver. Adipome {Ahdeepdhni). Adipoma. Li- poma. Adipose (Ahdeepdhz). Production of fat. Adiposite (Ahdeepdhzeeld). Obesity. Adjuvant, -e (Ahdzshoovdhn). Adjuvant (remedy). Adolescence (Ahdohlessdhnss). Adolescence. Adoucissant,-e (Ahdoosseessdhn). Soothing. Emollient. Softening. Adragant,-e {Ahdrahgdhn). Tragacanth. Adulteration {Ahdultarahssidn). Adulteration. , 3 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Adv Adventice {Ahdvahnl6ess). Accidental. Adventitious. The external layer of the arterial wall. Adynamic {Ahdeetiahmee). Debility. Prostration. Aedoeoscopie (Adaoscohpee). Exploration of the genital organs. Aerage (Ahardhzsh). Aera- Ventilation. tion. tion. Aerobic. Aerometry. Fear of air or form of psychoneuro- Aerometrie (Aharohmatree). Aerophobie (Aharohfohbee). of ventilation. sis in which the individual is in constant dread of being injured by a stream of fresh air. Aerophobia. Treat- Aerotherapie ment (Aharohtarahpee). consisting of exposure to air. Aerotherapy. Aerothorax (Aharohtohrdhcs). Pneumo- thorax or Aerothorax. Affadissement (Ahfahdeessmdhn). Alteration of the sense of taste. Affaiblissement {Ahffablissmdhn). WeakDebility. Asthenia. ening. Affaissement {Ahffassmdhn). Sinking. Giving way. ASecte,-e{Ahffactdh). Affected with. At' tached. Affectif,-ve (Ahffacteef). Aflfective. Affection {Ahffakssion). Disease. tion. ample). To bring into apAffronter (Ahfrohntd). position the edges of a wound. Affusion (Ahfftizion). Affusion. (Ahgahssmdhn). Irritation. Setting on edge. Agalactia (on Agalaxie) (Ahgahlahkssee). Agalax5^ Deficiency of milk. Agar-agar {Ahgdhr). Agar-agar. Japanese isinglass. Agaric {Ahgahreek). Agaric. Mushroom. Toadstool. Agaricine (Ahgahreesseen). Agaricin. Age (Ahzsh). Age. Agenesia (Ahzshehnehzee). Agenesis: abnormal development due to congenital defect of tissues or organs; most commonly met with in cerebral hemispheres 4 Agite,-e (Ahzskeetd). Agitated. A per- son whose actions are rapid or violent (insane for example). Agmine,-e (Ahgmeend). Gathered together. Agminated. Agonie (Ahgohnee). Agony. Death struggle. Agraphia (Ahgrahfee). Loss of faculty of writing (due to a brain lesion and frequently associated with aphasia). Agraphia. Agrege,-e (Ahgrazshd). Attached. Gathered together. Also Associate Professor (in France). Agrypnie (Ahgreepnee). Insomnia. Aide {Ehd). Assistant. Aide-chirurgien {Ehd-sheerurzsheedn). Surgeon's assistant. Dresser. Aigre (Ehgr). Sour. Sharp. Aigreur (Ehgrehr). Sourness. Acidity of the stomach. Aigu,-e {Ehgu). Acute. Aiguille {Ehgue). Needle. Shaped like a needle. Aiguille, -e {Ehgud). AUe {Ehl). Wing. Aile,-a {Ehld). Winged. Aileron (Ehlrohn). Pinion. Aimant (Ehmdhn). Affec- Afferent. Afferent, -e (Ahffardnk) A&nite {A hffeeneetd). Affinity. RelationSimilarity. Attraction. ship. Afflux (of blood for exAfflux {Ahflu). Agacement disease). ment). Aeriform (Ahareeform). Resembling air. Gaseous. Aerobie (Aharohbee). That which lives in A ated. Agglutinant,-e (Ahgluteendhn). Agglutinant. Aggravation (Ahgrahvahssidn). Turn for worse. Aggravation (of symptoms or of (Ahzsheessdhn). Efficacious (applied to drugs or to methods of treat- Aeriferes; voies aeriferes (/l/taree/"(fr). Air passages. AerificaAerification (Ahareefeekahssion). air. (porencephaly, morbid influences on rudiment of the brain, etc.). Agglomere,-e {Ahglohmard). Agglomer- Agissant,-e Aere,-e (Ahard). Aerated. Aerien,-ne (Ahareedn). Aerial. the Alb Aine (Ehn). Magnet. Groin. Air {Ehr). Air. Aire (Ehr). Area. Aisselle (Ehssehl). Armpit. Akinesique (Ahkeenazeek). Akinesic. Alar or wing portion of Alaire {Ahlehr). the sphenoid bone. Draw-sheet. Alaise (Ahlehz). An old term (of Lordat) Alalia (Ahlahlee). for Aphasia. Albatra {Ahlbdhtr). Alabaster. Albinisma {Ahlbeeneesm). Albinism. Albinos (Ahlbeendh). Albino. Albumina (Ahlbumeen). Albumen. Albumine,-a (Ahlbutneend) That which contains albumen. AlbuminAlbumineux {Ahlbumeeneh). ous. Albuminimetre {Ahlbumeeneemdtr). Albuminometer. Album inoidas (Ahlbumeenoeed). Albuminoids. Albuminuria nuria. (Ahlbumeenuree). Albumi- OF MEDICAL TERMS Alb Albuminurique (Ahlbumeenureek). Albu- minuric. Alcalescence (AhlkahlassdJmss). of alkalinity. Alcali {Ahlkahlee). Alcalimetrie The state steiner). It is observed sometimes in AUongement {Ahllonzshmdhn). Alkali. (Ahlkahleematree). Alkalim- pared by maceration. Alcoole (Ahlkoohld). All alcoholic compounds containing medicinal principles prepared by macerating or dissolving. Alcoolisation {Ahlkoohleezahssion). Alcoholization. Alcoolise,-e (Ahlkoohleezd). Any liquid containing alcohol. Alcoolisme (Ahlkoohleesm). Alcoholism. composed referred to the corresponding place on the opposite side of the body (Ober- Tabes. etry. Alcalin,-e (AhlkaJilehn). Alkaline. Alcalinite {Ahlkahleeneetd). Alkalinity. Alcaloide (Ahlkahloheed). Alkaloid. Alchimie {Ahlshe^nee). Alchemy. Alcool (Ahlkohl). Alcohol. Alcoolat (Ahlkoohldh). Any drug obtained from distilling alcohol on an aromatic substance. Alcoolature (Ahlkoohlahtilr). Tincture pre- Alcoomelle Amn {Ahlkoohmalleh). Mixture of one part of alcohol and Allopathic (Ahllohpahtee). Allopathy. System of practice of medicine, opposed to homeopathy. Allure (Ahlluhr). Bearing. Appearance. Aloes (Ahlohds). Aloes. Alopecie (Ahlohpassee). Alopecia. Alterant,-e {Ahltardhn,-t). Alterative. Altere,-e {Ahltard). Changed. Altered. Alternance (Ahltarndhns). Alternation. Alternant,-e {Ahltarndhn,-t). Alternating. Alterne {All tarn). Alternate. Althsea {Ahltadh). Marshmallow. Althea. Alun {Ahlehn). Alum. Alveolaire {Ahlvaohldr). Alveolar. Alveole {Ahlvaohl). Tooth socket. Alveolus. Alveole,-e (Ahlvadhlo). Alveolate. Amadou (Ahmahdoo). geons. Agaricus German Touch-wood. Amaigrissement of surtinder. (A hmagreessmdhn). Emaciation. Amalgamation three parts of honey. Lengthen- Elongation. ing. {Ahniahlgahmahssion) Alcoometre {Alkoohmdtr). Alcoholometer. Alembroth {Ahlahmhroht). A soluble salt of double chloride of ammonium and mercury. Alese ou Aleze. See Alaise. Amalgamation. Amande {Ahmdhnd). Almond. Amas {Ahmdh). Accumulation. Alexitere (Ahlaxeetdr). Antidote. Algalie {Ahlgahlee). Catheter. Sound. Algide {Ahlzsheed). Ice-cold. Algid. Algidite (Ahlzsheedeetd). Algid state. Algues (Ahlg). Seaweed. Algae. Alibele (Ahleebehl). Nutritive. Alienation {Ahleeanassion). Mental derangement. Insanity. Aliene,-e (Ahleeand). Lunatic. Insane. Alieniste (Ahleeaneest). Alienist. A specialist in insanity. Aliforme (Ahleefdhrm). Wing-shaped. Amaurotique (Ahmohrohteek). Amaurotic. Ambiant,-e {Ahmbeedhn,-t). Surrounding. Ambidextre {Ahmbeeddxtr). Ambidex- Aliment (Ahleemdhn) Nourishment. Food. Alimentaire (Ahleemahntdr). Alimentary. Alimentation (Ahleemahntahssidn). Feed. Alimentation. ing. AlimenteuXj-teuse {AhleemahnUh,-tehz) Nutritious. Bedridden. (Ahllatmdhn). Lactation. Alite,-e {Ahleetd). Allaitement Suckling. Nursing. (Ahllahntoeed). One of the membranes conveying blood-vessels the chorion. The lower part of it AUantoide fetal to becomes the bladder. AUantois. Alliace,-e {Ahlleeahsd). Alliaceous. Tasting or smelling garlic. AUochirie (Ahllohkeeree). A sensory disorder consisting of this peculiarity that the touch of one part of the skin is Amaurose (Ahmohrdhz) . Blindness. Amaurosis. trous. Amblyope (Ahmbleedhp). Affected with amblyopia. Amblyopic (Ahmbleeohpee). Dimness of Amblyopia. Ambre,-e (Ahmbrd). Amber-colored. Ambulance {Ahmbnldhnss). Ambulance. Ambulant,-e {Ahmbuldhn,-t). Ambulatory. Ambulatoire {Ahmbidahtoodhr). Ambulavision. tory. Ame (Ahm). Soul. Mind. Amelioration [Ahmdleeohrassidn). Im- provement. Amelioration. Amenorrhee {Ahmanohrrd). Amenorrhoea. Amer,-e (Ahmdr). Bitter. Ametrope {Ahmatrop). Ametropic. Amibe (Ahmeeb). Amoeba. Amiboide {Ahmeeboheed). Amoeboid. Amidon {Ahmeedohn). Starch. Amidonne,-e (Ahmeedonnd). Containing starch. Starched. Ammoniaque {Ahnwhneedhk). Ammonia. Ammon; Corne d'Ammon (Kohrn d'Ahmohn). Hippocampus major. Amnesie {Ahmnazee). Loss of memory. Forgetfulness. Amnesia. (Ahmtieedhss). Amnion. Amnios bag (of foetus). Water- Amn FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Amniotique (Ahmneeohtiek). Amniotic. Pertaining to amnion. Amorphe (Ahmdhrf). Amorphous. Amorphique (Ahmohrfeek). Amorphous. Ahmorphisme {Ahmohrfeezm). Amor- Amphiarthrose (Ahmfeeahrtrdhz). Amphi- arthrosis. Amphitheatre Lecture Amphitheatre. (Ahmfeetadhtr). Operating room. Amphorique; bruit amphorique {bruee ahmA sound resembHng that profohreek). duced by blowing into a bottle. Amplitude (Ahmpleetud). Amplitude. Ampoule (Ahmpool). shaped container. Trup petAm- Pouch. Blister. Bleb. pulla. Ampullaire (A hmpulldr). of an ampulla. Amputation Having the form Amputa- (Ahmpiitahssidn), sis. Anatomic (AhnahtohmSe). Anatomy. Anatomique {Ahnahtohni6ek). Anatomical. Form which familiar musical of aphasia in airs are not recog- Amyatonie. Almond. Ton- sil. Amygdalite (Ahmeegdahleet). Tonsilitis. Ton- (Ahmeelahssd). Starchy. Amylaceous. Amyloide (Ahmeeloheed). Amyloid. Amyotonie. See Myotonic, Amyotrophic (Ahmeeohtrohfee). Muscular atrophy. Amyotrophy. aa. Anacarde (.4 hnahkdhrd). Cashew nut tree. Anaemie; Anemie (Ahnamee). Anemia. Anaerobic {Ahnarohhce). Capable of living without oxygen. Anaerobia. Anaesthesie; anesthesie (Ahnastazee). Anaesthesia. Anal,-e {Ahndhl). Relating to the anus. Anal. Analeptiquc (Aknahlapteek). Restorative. Analeptic. Analgesic {Ahnahlzshazee). Analgesia. Analogic {Ahnahlohzshee). Analogy. Analogue (Ahnahlohg). Analogous. Analyse (Ahnahleez). Analysis. Anamnese {Ahnahmndz). History of the disease. Anamnesis. Ananas (Ahnahndh). Pine-apple. Anaphrodisiaquc (Ahanahfrohdezedhk). Remedy to diminish sexual desire. {Ahnahfrohdezee). Absence of sexual desire. Impotence. Anarthrie {A hnahrtree). Anartria. Articulatory defect of speech. The words are unintelligible. Anasarque (Ahnahsdhrk). Anasarca. Androgynous. dite. Andromanie {Ahndrohmahnee) mania. Andromania. scrotum. . Nympho- Elephantiasis of Andrum. Aneantissement (Ahnaahntessmdhn). De- Prostration. Epidemic anemia of miners. Anemie (Ahnehmee). Anemia. Anemiquc (^/^ne/fwe^). Anemic. cephalia. (Ahnahnssafahlee). Absence Anen- of brain. Loss of sensaAnesthesia. Anesthesier {Ahnastazee d). To put under the influence of an anesthetic. Anesthesique (Ahnastazek). Anesthetic. Anevrysme (Ahnavresm). Aneurism. Angine {A hnzs keen). Angina. Sore throat. Angine couenncuse {A. kooannehz). DiphAnesthesie (Ahnastazee). sillotome. Anaphrodisie Andersh's ganglion (Petrous ganglion). Androgenic (Ahndrohzshanee). The birth and evolution of man. Androgyne (Ahndrohzsheen). Hermaphro- Anencephalie Quinsy. Amygdalotome (Ahmeegdahlohtdm). (Ah?idh). Andersch (Ahnddrsh). Anemasc {Ahnamdhz). See Myatonie. Amygdale (Ahmeegdahl). Amylace,-e Ancestral. Ancone (Ahnkohnd). Anconeus muscle. Ancyroide (Ahnseeroheed). (i) Ancyroid apophysis (coracoid apophysis). (2) Posterior horn of the lateral ventricle of the brain. jection. nized. Anatomist. Ancestral, -e {Ahnsastrdhl). Androme (Ahndrdhm). tion. Amusie (Ahmuzee). Ana See Epispadias. Anastomose {Ahnahstohmdhz). Anastomo- Anatomiste (Ahnahtohmeest). phism. room. Anaspadias. Ani General dropsy. tions. theria. Angine de poitrine (A. da pooahtreen). Angina pectoris. Angine striduleusc (A. streedulehz). Croup. Angiitis. InAngioitis (Ahnzsheeoeetes). flammation of the walls of blood-vessels. Angiome (Ahnzsheedhm) . Angioma. Blood-vessel tumor. Angiosymphysie {A hnzsheeohssehnfeezee) The joining of one blood vessel with another. Angoisse (Ahngoodhss). A state of apprehensiveness and anxiety with striking evidence of bulbar symptoms marked especially by disorders of circulatory and respiratory systems (oppression of the Anguish. chest, rapid pulse, etc.). Angor pectoris. Angina pectoris. Angulaire {Ahngiilehr). Angular. Angulairc dc I'omoplate {A. deh lohmohLevator anguli scapulae. pldht). Angulated. Angvi\t,-e{Ahnguld) Anhelation {Ahnehlahssion). Dyspnoea. . Anhidrose (Ahneedrdhz). sweat. Anilique {A hneeleek). Absence of Pertaining to anilin. OF MEDICAL TERMS Ani Apn Animal. Animalcule (Ahneemahlkul). Diminutive Anthropologiste or microscopic animal. Animalite (Ahneemahleetd) Antiacide (Ahnteeahsseed). Antacid. Antialcalin,-e (Ahnteeahlkahlehn). Antal- Animal (Ahneemdhl). Attributes of . animals. caline. Animation {Ahneemahsion). Animation. Anime,-e (Ahneemd). Animated. Anis (Ahneess). Aniseed. Anise,-e (Ahneezd). Containing aniseed. Anisocorie (Ahneessohkohree). Inequality of the diameters of the pupils. Anisocoria. Ankylose (Ahnkeldhz). Ankylosis. Stiff joint. Ankylostome (Ahnkelohstdhm). toma (duodenal worm). Ankylos- Ring. Annulaire (Ahnnuldr). Ring-finger. Annular (ligament). Anode (Ahnohd). Anode (positive pole in Anodin (ou anodyn),-e (Ahnohdehn). Ant- Antidote (Ahnteeddht). Antidote. Antigoutteux,-eusa {Ahnteegooteh). What is used against gout. Antiloba (Ahnteelohb). Tragus. Antimoina (Ahnteemoodhnn). Antimony. Antimoniaux (Ahnteemohneedh). Drugs whose chief principle is antimony. Antiobesiqua (Ahnteeohbazeek). Used Antiphlogistique (Ahnteeflohzshesteek). Antiphlogistic. Antipyratique (Ahnteeperateek). Antipyretic. Antisep- (AhnteessaptSek). tic. Antispasmodiqua (Ahnteespahzmohdeek). reliever. Abnormal con- Anomalie (Ahnohmahlee). dition. Anomaly. Antispasmodic. Antisyphilitique Anonyme (Ahnohneem). Innominate (bone; artery; foramen). (Ahnohftahlmee). Anophthalmia. Anopsia (Ahnohpsee). Anopsia. BHndness of the visual field. Anorexia (Ahnotraksee). Want or loss of appetite. Anorexia. Anormal (Ahnohrmdhl). Abnormal. Anosmia (Ahnohsmee). Loss of Anosmia. Anoxydiqua (Ahnohxedek). cannot be oxidized. Ansa(^/m5). Loop. That smell. which AnsiformK.^/m^e^/orw). In form of aloo&p. Antacida (Ahtitahsseed). Antacid. Antagonisma (Ahntahgohnesm). Antagonism. Antagoniste (Ahntahgohnest). Antagonis- Antithermique . Pain reliever. Antalgic. Antecedent,-e (Ahntassaddhn). Anteced- ent. Antipy- (Ahnteetarmeek). retic. Antitoxiqua (Ahnteetohkseek). Antitoxic. Antivanimaux,-ausa {Ahnteevaneemeh). What is used against poison. Antra (Ahntr). Antrum. Sinus. Anuria oix anuresa {Ahnuree oo ahnurdz). Anuria. Suppression of urine. Anus (Ahnuss). Anus. Anxiete (Ahnkzeeatd). Anxiety. Here the higher mental responses are more evident than the bulbar phenomena seen in Angoisse (see this word). Aorta {Ahohrt). Aorta. Aortita (Ahokrteet). Inflammation of the aorta. Aortitis. Apathy. Apathia (Ahpahtee). Apapsia (Ahpapsee). Apepsia. Aperitif,-iva (Ahparateef). tic. Antalgique {Ahntahlzsheek) An- (Ahnteesypheleteek). tisyphilitic. Anophthalmia Aperitive. Apex (Ahpdks). Apex. Aphagia {Ahfahzshee). Aphagia. Aphasia (Ahfahzee). Aphasia. Loss of speech. Anteflexion (Ahntaflaksidn). Anteflexion. Anterieur (Ahntareeehr). Anterior. Anteversion (Ahntavarssion). Anteversion. Anthelmintique (Ahnthalmehntek). Vermifuge. Anthracose (Ahntrahkdhz). sis chic Antici- pating. Antiseptique electrical circuit). Pain Anticipant, -e (Ahnteesseepdhn). against obesity. Anneau (Ahnnoh). algic. (Ahntrohpohlohzsheest). Student of anthropology. Miner's phthi- to deposits of coal in the lungs. Anthrax {Ahntrdhks). Carbuncle. An- thrax. Anthropochimie {A hnlrohpohsheemee). Chemistry (analysis) of tissues of man. Anthropolithe (Ahntrohpohleet). Concretion of the body of man. Anthropologie {Ahntrohpohlozshee). Anthropology. Aphasiqua (Ahfahzeek). Aphemia {Ahfam^e). Aphasic. Motor aphasia. Aphasia. Aphonia (Ahfohnee). Aphonia. Inability to utter a sound. Aphrodisiaqua (Ahfrohdeezeedhk). Producing sexual desire. Aphrodisiac. Aphtha, aphte (/I A/0 . Thrush. Aphthous stomatitis. Apical, -a (Ahpeekdhl). Apical. Aplasia (Ahplahzee). Aplasia. Aplatissemant (AhplahteessmdJm). tening. Aplomb (Ahpldhn). Equilibrium. Apnea (Ahpneh). Apnoea. Flat- FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Apo Aponevrose sis. Aponeuro- (Ahpohnavrdhz). Fascia. Apophysaire (Ahpohfeezdr). Apophyseal, Apophyse (Ahpohfiez). Apophysis. Apoplectique {Ahpohplakteek). Apoplectic. Argyll-Robertson, pupille d' {A.-R., pup4el deh). Argyll-Robertson pupil (loss of light reflex, preservation of accommodation). Aride (Ahreed). Dry. Arid. Dryness. Aridite (Ahreedeetd) Apoplexie (Ahpohplaksee). Apothicaire Apoplexy. (Ahpohteekdr). Armature {Ahrmahtur). Druggist. Apothecary. Appareil (Ahppahreh). Appareillement Pair- (Ahrm). Any part of surgical instruments serving to reach a foreign in tissues or organs. Arme {Ahrmd). Armed Armoise (Ahrmoodhz). Apparent, -e (Ahppahrdhn). Appendice (Ahppahndeess). Apparent. Appendix. Appendicite {Ahppahndeesseet). Appendicitis. Appendiculaire (Ahppahndeekulehr). pendicular. Appetit (Ahppatee). Appetite. Application {Ahppleekahssion). Ap- tion. Inability to use the limbs for purposive movements in spite of absence of paralysis or of ataxia. The apraxie individual uses improperly objects presented to him. Apre (Ahpr). Rough. Uneven. Aprete (Ahpratd). Roughness. ganglion d'A, (Ahrnohld, gahngleeon d'A.) Arnold's or otic ganglion. Aromatique (Ahrohmakteek). Aromatic. Arome {Ahrohm). Aroma. Arque,-e (Ahrkd). Arcuate. Bent. away. (Ahrrahshmdhn). Harsh- Arrest. Aptitude {Ahpteetud). Aptitude. Apyretique Fitness. (Ahpeerateek). Tendency. Non-febrile. Apyretic. Apyrexie (Ahpeeraksee). Apyrexia. Non- febrile state. Aqueduc (Ahkadiik). Aqueduct. Arachnite (Ahrahkneet). Arachnoiditis. (Inflammation of the arachnoid mem- (Ahrachnoheed). Inhibition. Arrhythmia {Ahreetmee). Arrhythmia, Arriere (Ahryareh). Backward. Arriere-faix (Ahrydr-fd). After-birth. Arrowroot (Ahrrohroot). Arrow-root. Arsenal (Ahrssandhl). Armamentarium (surgical). Arachnoid membrane. Araignee (Ahrahnid). Spider. Arborisation (Ahrbohreezahssion). Arborization. Arbre (Ahrbr). Tree. A. de vie (^4. da vee). Arbor vitae of the uterus. Arbor vitae of the cerebellum. Arc {Ahrk). Arc. Arseniate. Arsenical prep- arations. Arsenieux {Ahrssaneeeh). ness. Tearing Evulsion. Extraction. Arseniate (Ahrssaneedht). Arsenicaux (Ahrsaneekoh). ^ Arte- misia. Arret (Ahrrdt). Appui (Ahppuee). Support. Apraxie (Ahprahksee). Apraxia. with. Mugwort. Arnold, Arrachment Applica- Aridity. Armamentarium, Arme body Apparatus. {Ahppahrehmdhn). ing. brane). Arachnoi'de Asc Art (Ahr). Art. Artere (Ahrtdr). Arsenious. Artery. Arteriel,-le (Ahrtareeal). Arterial. Arteriole {Ahrtareeohl). Arteriole. Arteriosclerose {Ahrtareeohsclarohz). teriosclerosis. Arterite (Ahrtareet). Ar- Arteritis. Arthralgie (Ahrtrahlzshee). Pain in joints. Arthralgia. Arthrectasie (Ahrtraktahzee). Dilatation of articulation. Arthrectomie tomy. Arthrec- (Ahrtractohmee). Arthritis. Arthrite (Ahrtreet). Arthritic. Arthritique (Ahrtreeteek). Arthrodese (Ahrtrokdehz). Arthrodesis. Arthropathia (Ahrtrohpahtee). Arthropathy. Arthrophyte (Ahrtrohofeet). Foreign body Arcade (Ahrkhdd). Arch. Arciform {Ahrsseeform). Arciform. an articulation. Arthrotomia (Ahrtrohtomee). Arthrotomy. Arcue,-e (Ahrkud). Arcuate. Ardent,-e (Ahrddhn). Ardent. Burning. Ardeur (Ahrdehr). Ardor. Sensation of burning. Areolaire (Ahraohlehr). Areolar (tissue) Movable joint. Article (Ahrteekl). Articular. Articulaire (Ahrteekulehr). ArticulaArticulation (Ahrteekulassion). tion. Joint. Articulated. Articule,-e (Ahrteekuleh). Artificial. Artificiel,-la {Ahrteefeesseeehl). or cellular (tissue). in Areole {Ahradhl). Areola. Areole,-e (Ahraohld). Areolated. Arete (Ahrdt). Fish-bone. Argent (Ahrzshdhn). Silver. Arytenoidien {Ahreetehnoeedeedn). noid (cartilages; muscles). A. vif {A. veef). Quicksilver. Mercury. Argile {Ahrgeel). Potter's clay Argil. Ascendant, -a (Ahssahnddhn). 8 Ascaride (Ahskahreed). Aryte- Thread-worm. Ascaride. (convolution). Ascending OF MEDICAL TERMS Asc Ascite (Asseet). Ascites. Dropsy. Ascitique {Asseeteek). Ascitic. Asepsie (Ahssapsee). Asepsis. Aseptique (Ahssapteek). Aseptic. Asile (Ahzeel). Asylum. Refuge. Asperite (Ahspareeid). Roughness. evenness. Atelectasie (Ahtalactahzee). Want of expansion. Atelectasis. Atheromateux,-euse (Ahlarohmahteh). Atheromatous. Un- Asphyxie (Ahsfeeksee). Asphyxia. Asphyxie,-e {Ahssfeekseed). Asphyxiated. Aspirateur {Ahspeerahtehr). Aspirator. Aspiration (Ahsperrahssion). Aspiration. Assainissement (Ahssaneessnidhn). Disinfection of habitation. Assaisonnement (Ahssazohnmdhn). Seasoning. Condiment. Assimilation {Ahsseemeelahssion). Assimi' lation. Assistance (Ahsseestdhns). Assistance. Help. Association {Ahssohsseeahssidn). Society. Assoupissant,-e (Ahssoopessdhn). SoporRelief. ific. Assoupissement Drowsiness. (Ahssoopessmdhn). Sleepiness. Assouvissement (Ahssoovessmdhn). Satiating. Assuetude Habit. (Ahssuatud). Toler- ance of the body to disturbing factors. Assujettissement (Ahssuzshatteesmdhn). Constraint. Subjection. Assurance (Ahssurdhns). Insurance. {Ahstahzee). Astasia. A functional disorder of the nervous system. The patient is unable to stand, but when seated or bedridden is able to perform all movements with his limbs. Asthenie (Ahstanee). Asthenia. Asthenique (Ahstaneek). Asthenic. Astasia Asthenopia (Ahstanohpee). Asthenopia. Asthmatique (Ahstmahteek). Asthmatic. Asthme {Ahslm). Asthma. eye. Astragale (Ahstrahgdhl). Astragalus (Talus). In botany it is a leguminous plant supplying traganth. Astringant,-a (Ahslranzshdhn). Astringent. Asymetria (Ahseematree). Want of symmetry. Asymmetry. Asynergie (Ahsseenarzshee): Asynergia. cerebellar an inability phenomenon Atheroma [Ahtardhm). consisting of trunk to follow the legs in walking: the legs advance but the trunk lags. If there is a tendency to walk towards one side, the phenomenon is called hemi-asynergy. of the Asystolie (Ahsseestolee). Asystoly. Ataxia {Ahlahksee). Ataxia. Incoordination in gait or station or in performing acts with the upper extremities. A. locomotrice {A. lohkohmalrcess). Locomotor ataxia or Tabes dorsalis. Ataxiqua {Ahtahkseek). Ataxic. Atheroma. Athetosa (Ahtatdhz). Athetosis: slow, arrhythmic and of small amplitude involuntary movements especially in the fingers. Athrapsie (Ahtrapsee). Athrepsia. Atlas (Ahtldhss). Atlas: First cervical vertebra. Atmosphere {Ahtmohsfdr). Atmosphere. Atmospherie (Ahtmohsfaree). Medical application of atmospheric properties. Atocia (Ahtohssee). Sterility in a woman. Atoma {Ahtohm). Atom. Atonie (Ahtohnee). Atony. Languor. Debility. Atoniqua (Ahtohneek). Atonic. Lax. Atresia (Ahtrazee). Atresia. Want of perforation. Atrophia (Ahtrohfee). Atrophy. Wasting. Atrophique {Ahtrohfeek). Atrophic. Atropine {Ahtrohpeen). Atropin. Alcaloid of belladonna. Attache (Ahtdhsh). The point of insertion of a muscle or ligament. Attachamant (Ahtahshmdhn). Attachment. Attaqua (Ahtdhk). Fit. Attack. Atte'mte (a htehnt). Injury. Lesion. Fit. Attalla {Ahtchl). Splint. Attentat (.4 htahntdh). Attempt at a crime. A. ^ la pudaur {A. ah lah pudehr). Indecent assault. Attenta (Ahtdhnt). Expectation. Attenuant,-a {Ahtanudhn). Attenuant. Attenuation {Ahtanuahssidn). Attenuation. Weakening. Attenue,-e (Ahtanud). Astigmatisme (Ahsteegmahteesm). Astigmatism. Irregular refraction of the A A. nerf Attitude (Ahtteetud). Attouchement Dilution. Attenuated. Attitude. (Ahtooskmdhn). Applica- tion of a medicinal substance by means of brush to a limited area of tissue. Attribut {Ahtreebu). Attribute. Attrition (Ahtreession). Bruising. Crushing. Attrition. Atypique (Ahteepeek). Atypical. Auditif,-iva (Ohdeeteef) Auditory. Audition {Ohdeession). Audition. Augment {Ohgmdhn). Augmentation. Increase. Growth. Augure (Ohgiir). Augury. Aune; Aulna {Ohn). Alder-tree. Aura {Ohrdh). Aura. Premonitory sign of an epileptic seizure. Aureole iOhraohl). Areola. Auricule (Ohreekul). Auricle. Auriculaire (Ohreekuldr). Auricular. Auditory A. conduit {A. kohndiice). meatus. Great auricular nerve (branch of cervical plexus). 9 A. narf (A. nehr). FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Atir A Aurist. Aural u r i s t e (Ohriesl). surgeon. Auscultation (OhskuUahssidn). Auscultation. Sharp to the taste. Autogenese (Ohtohzshandz). Autogenesis. Austere {Ohstdr). {Ohtoheenohkulahssidn) Auto-inoculation Autoinoculation. Autolytic exAutolysat (Ohtohleezdh). tract. Autolyse (Ohtohleez). Dislocation of colloid molecules by hydratation and their breaking up into small molecules for the purpose of passing through intestinal membrane. It is called also auto- digestion. Automatic. Automatique (Ohtohmahteek) Automatisme (Ohtohmahteesm). Automat. Plastic Autoplastie (Ohtohplahstee) surgery. Autoplasty. PostAutopsy. Autopsie (Ohtohpsee). mortem examination. A u t oAutotherapie (Ohtohiehrahpee). therapy. . Auxiliary. Auxiliaire {Ohgzeeleedr). Swallowed. Sunk. Avale,-e (Ahvahld). in. Avant-bras {Ahvahn-hrdh). Forearm. Avant-mur (Ahvdhn-mur). A streak of gray matter lying externally to the Clausexternal capsule in the brain. trum. Avant-pied (Ahvdhn-peed). Metatarsus. 10 Meta- (Ahvdhn-pooahnd). carpus. Avarie {Ahvahreed). Damaged (syphilitic). Avelis (Ahvalees). A velis = Author who described a paralysis of a half of the soft palate and of the vocal cord on the same side. The affection is due to a lesion of the vago-spinal nucleus or nucleus ambiguus. There is also a crossed hemianesthesia of syringomyelic type because of involvement of the crossed sensory fibers of the gray reticular formation. Aveugle (Ahvehgl). Blind. Avivement {Ahveevmdhn). Refreshing the edges of a wound. Avortement {Ahvohrtmdhn). Abortion. Miscarriage. (Ahvohrtdhn). Avorton ism. Fallen Avant-poignet Azy An abortive child. Avulsion {Ahvulssidn). Avulsion. Axillaire (Ahkzeelehr). Axillary. Axis (Ahksees). Second cervical vertebra. Axis. Axonge (Ahksdhnzsh). Hog's lard. Fat. Azotate (Ahzohtdht). Nitrate. Azote (Ahzdht). Nitrogen. Azote,-e (Ahzohtd). Azoteux (Ahzohtek). Nitrogenous. Nitrous. Azotique (Ahzohteek). Nitric. Nitrite. Azotite (Ahzokteet). Azoturie (Ahzohturee). Azoturia. Azjgos (Ahzeegohs). Azygos. Not in pair. Azymique {Ahzeemeek). Unleavened. OF MEDICAL TERMS Ba. Ben B Ba. (Bah). Abbreviation for Barium. Babeurre (Bahbehr). Butter-milk. Babinski, phenomene des orteils de B., {fehnohmehnn dehzohrtdy deh) Babinski's . reflex: extension of the toes (especially of the great toe) upon irritation of the sole of the foot (sign of involvement of the pyramidal tract). Bacillaire (Bahsseldr). Bacillary. Bacille (Bahsseel). Bacillus. Bacterie (Bahktaree). Bacterium. Bacterien,-ne (Bahktareedn). Pertaining to bacteria. Bacteriologie Bacterial. (Bahktareeolohzshee). Bac- teriology. Bacteroide (Bahktaroheed). Having the form of bacterium. Badigeonnage (Bahdeezshohndhzsh). Painting or spreading on the skin a drug (such as iodine, etc.). Bale (Beh). Berry. Baignoire (Bannoodhr). Bathing tub. Baillement (Baheemdhn). Yawning. Baillon {Baeeohn). Gag. Bain (Behn). Bath. Balance (Bahldhns). Scales. Balance. Balancement (Bahlaknsmdhn). Compensation. Balanite (Bahlahneet). Balanitis. Balayage (Bahlaeedhzsh). Sweeping. Balbutiement (Bahlbuteemdhn). Stammering. Stuttering. Hesitation in speech. Baleine (Bahlehn). Whale. Balle (Bahll). Bullet. Ballonnement (Bahllohnmdhn). Distension of an organ with gas or water. Ballottement {Bahlohtmdhn). A shaking (obstetrical term = shaking of the foetus in diagnosis of pregnancy). Balneaire (Bahlnadr). Pertaining to baths. (Bahlnaahssion). Use of agglutinative (B. ahgluteenahteev). Band of adhesive plaster. Baraque hospitaliere (Bahrdhk ohspeetah- Temporary lidr). hospital. Barboter (Bahrbohteh). To bubble. Barbu,-e {Bahrbii). Bearded. Barometre (Bahrohmdtr). Barometer. Barre {Bahrrek). Pelvis with short anteroposterior diameter. Molar teeth with recurved fangs. Bartholin (Bahrtohlehn). Bartholin, who described glands in the vulva. Baryglossie (Bahreeglohssee). Slow speech. Basal (Bahzdhl). Basal. Bascule (Bahskul). Weighing machine. Base (Bdhz). Basis. Basilaire (Bahzeelehr). Basilar. Basilicon (Bahzeeleekohn). Resin oint- ment. Basiotribe (Bahzeeohtreeb). Basiotribe, Basique (Bahzeek). Basic. Bassin (Bahssehn). Pelvis. (Bahsseendhzsh). Bassinage Cleansing, washing, dressing (wounds). Bassine {Bahsseen). Pan for the use in drug stores. Bassinet (Bahsseeneh). Pelvis of the kidney. Bas-ventre (Bdh-vahntr). Hypogastric region. Batard,-e (Bahtahr). Illegitimate. Spurious. Bastard. Batonnet (Bahtohneh). Rod-like body of the retina. Bacillus. Battement {Bahtmdhn). Beating (of heart, of pulse). Batterie (Bahtree). Battery. Baudruche (Bohdrush). Gold-beater's Baume (Bohm). Balsam. Bave (Bahv). baths. Balneotherapie (Bahlnaohtarahpee). Balneotherapy. Balsamique [Bahlzahmeek). Balsamic. Banana (Bahndhnn). Banana. Banc (Bdhn). Bench. Bandage (Bahnddhzsh). Bandage. Dressing. platre B. Small bandage. skin. Balneation B. Bandelette (Bahndaldt). Strip. Ribbon. (5. plahtrd). Plaster-of-Paris bandage. Bandagist (Bahndahzsheest). Bandagist. Bande {Bahnd). Band. B, a pansements {B. ah pahnsmdhn). Roller bandage. Bandeau (BahndCh). Circular bandage for the head. Saliva (of slobbering individual). Foam of a rabid dog. Baveux,-euse (Bahveh). Slobbering. Beance {Behdhtts) Being wide open (wound, mouth, etc.). Bee (Behk). Beak. Bill. B. de Bunsen (B. da Boonzdn). Bunsen's . burner. B.-de-lievre {B. da leedvr). Harelip. Becasse (Bakdhss). Silly person. Woodcock. Bechique (Basheek). Cough-relieving. Begaiement (Bagamdhn). Stammering. Belladone {Ballahddhn). Belladonna. Bellon (Ballohn). Lead colic. Benin,-igne {Benehn). Benign. 11 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ben Benjoin (Behnzshohehn). Benzoin. Benzine {Bahnzcen). Benzine. Benzoate (Bahnzoln'iht). Benzoate. Benzoique (Bahnzohcek). Benzoic. Bequille {Bakce). Crutch. Bioxyde (Beeohkseed). Berceau {Bahrssoh). Bipede (Beepdd). Bipare (Beepdhr). Beri-bcri. . Kakke Berlue (Barlu). Dimness of vision. Besoin (Bazohehn). Want. Passion. In- stinct. Bestial,-e (Basteedld). Bestial. Bestialite (Basteeahleetd). Bestiality. Bestiaux (Basteeuh). Cattle. Bete {Beht). Beast. Animal. Betol (Bahtdhl). Naphthalol. Betol. Bette (Beht). Beet. Betterave {Batrahv). Beetroot. Beurre (Behrr). Butter. B. de cacao {B. da Kahkahdh) Butter or oil of cacao. . Diplopia. Bibasique (Beebahzeek). Bibasic. Biberon {Beebrohn). Sucking bottle Bicarbon- ate. Bicarbone,-e {Beekahrbohnd). Bicarbon- ated. Biceps (Beessdps). Bichat (Beeshdh). Biceps. Bichat (a celebrated French naturalist, who described among other facts the transverse cerebral fissure, the intima of arteries, etc.). Bichlorure (Beeklohrur). Bichloride. Bichromate (Beekrohmdht). Bichromate. Bicorne (Beekohrn). Two-horned. Bicuspide (Beekuspeed). Bicuspid. B. valvule (B. vahlvul). Mitral valve. Bienseance (Beeahnsadhns). Decency. Biere {Beedr). Beer. Bifide (Beefeed). Bifid. Bihydrate (Beeheedrdht). Double hydrate. Biiodure (Beeohdur). Binoidide. Bijugue,-e (Beezshugd). Grouped in pairs. Bilateral, -e (Beelahtardhl). Bilateral. Bile (Beel). Bile. Biliaire (Beeleedr) Biliary. Bilieux,-euse Beeleeeh) Bilious. Billot (Beelldh). Block. Bilobe,-e (Beelohbeh). Two-lobed. Binocle (Beenohkl). Eyeglasses Double eyeglass. Binoculaire (Beenohkulehr). Binocular. Biochimie (Beeohoshemee). Biochemistry. Biodynamique (Beeohdeenahmeek) Bio. dynamics. Biogenique (Beeohzshaneek). Pertaining to biogenesis. Biologie (Beeohlohzshee). Biology. Biologique (Beeohlohzsheek). Biologic. Biophilie (Beohofeelee). Instinct of indi- vidual preservation. Bioplasme {Beeohpldhzm). 12 Segmenta- Bioplasm. Biped. Bipolaire {Beepohldr). Bipolar. Birefringent,-e (Beerafranzshdhn). Having a dout)le refraction. Bisannuel,-le (Beesahnnudl). Biennial. Bisexue,-e (Beesaksud). Bisexual. Bismuth (Beesmut). Bismuth. Bistouri {Beestooree). Bistoury. Bisulfate (Beessulfdht). Bisulphate. Bisulfure (Beessulfur). Bisulphide. Bitume (Beetum). Asphalt. Bitumen. Bitumineux,-euse (Beetumeeneh). Bitu- minous. Blafard,-e (Blahfdhr). Pale. Dull. Blanc,-nche (Blahn). White. B. de Baleine (B. da Bahldnn). Cetaceum. B. de ceruse {B. da ssariis). Carbonate of lead. (for infants). Bicarbonate {Beekahrbohndht). Biparietal. tion. (a tropical disease). Bevue {Bavu). Dioxide. Biparous. Biparietal,-e {Beepahreeatahl) Bipartition (Beepahrteessidn). Cradle. Beriberi (Bareebaree). Ble Pulverized B. d'Espagne (B. daspdhnn). chalk made into a paste. Bismuth subniB. de fard {B. da fahr). trate. White application or paint for the skin. B. de graines {B. da grehnn). Glutin. White of the B. de Toeil (B. da iohi). eye. White of egg. B. de Toeuf (S. da lohff). B. de plomb {B. da plohn). A white lead. Carbonate of lead. B. precipite {B. praesseepeetd). White pre- Ammonio-chloride of mercury. Oxide of zinc. B. de zinc {B. da zank). Blanche tumeur (Blahnsh tiimehr). White swelling. Tubercular tumor. Blanchiment (Blahnsheemdhn). Bleaching. cipitate. Blanquette the (Blahnkdt). Brandy during first distillation. Blasteme (Blahstdm). Blastema. BlastoBlastoderme {Blahstohderni) derma. Blastostroma (Blahstohstrohmdh). The embryonic area. Blaud (Bldh). Blaud=the man who con. ceived the pill containing sulphate of and carbonate of potash. Ble (Bla). Wheat. Corn. iron Blennorrhagie {BlannohrahzsMe) . Gonor- rhoea. Blepharique (Blafahreek). Blepharite (Blafahreet). eyelids. Palpebral. Inflammation of Blepharitis. (Blafahroh-blanBlepharo-blennorrhee Purulent ophthalmia of the nord). newly-born. {B .-kohnzshohnkteeveet) B.-conjonctivite Simultaneous blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Blepharoptose (Blaphahrohptoz). ping of the eyelid. Drop OF MEDICAL TERMS Ble Blepharospasme Bra (Blaphahrohspdhzm). Blepharospasm. InstruBlepharoxyste (Blaphahroxeest). ment for removing vegetations from the Boule {Bool). Bole. B. hysterique {B. heestareek). inner surface of the eyelids. Wounded. Injured. Blesse,-e (Blassd). Blessure {Blassilr). Wound. Injury. Bleu,-e {Bleh). Blue. Bleue, maladie {B. mahlahdee). Cyanosis. CarB. de montagne {B. da mohntdhnn). bonate of copper. B. de Prusse (B. da Pruss). Prussian Boulimie {Booleemee). blue. Bleuissement (Bleheessmdhn). Passage of body to a blue color. Bobine (Bohbeen). Bobbin. Boeuf (Behf). Ox; beef (meat). Bois (Boodh). Wood. a Case. Claudi- Bowl. Good. Kind. Whole- Pleasant to taste. Bonnet d'Hippocrate {Bohnd deepohcrdU). Head bandage. Boracique (Bohrahsseek). Boracic. Borate (Bohrdht). Borate. Borax {Bohrdhks). Borax. Borborygme (Bohrbohreegm). Rumbling in the bowels. Bord {Bohr). Edge. Lip of a wound. Borgne (Bohrn). One-eyed. B. fistule (B. feestul). Blind fistula. somic. Borique (Bohreek). Boric. Bosse (Bohss). Lump. Protuberance. Bossu,-e {Bohssu). Hunchbacked. Bot {Boh). Club-footed. B. pied {B. peed). Club-foot. Botanique {Bohlahneek). Botany. Botaniste {Bohtahneest). Botanist. Botriocephale {Bohtreeohssaphdhl). Botulisme {BohtuUesm). Bo- Bot- Corneal ulcer. Meat or sausage poisoning. {Boo). Mud. B. purulente {B. piiruldhnt). Thick pus. B. splenique {B. splaneek). Splenic pus. Bouflfee {Booffd). Puff. Whif. Bouffissure Swelling {Booffeessur). (of face, etc.). Bougie {Boozshce). Bouilli broth {Booee). is Bougie. The meat from which mur. Humming. Buzzing. B. amphorique {B. ahmfohreek). resonance. B. d'oreilles {B. dohrehi). Amphoric Tinnitus aurium. Bourdonnet (Boordohnd). Pledget Bourgeon {Boorzshohn). Bud. charnus {B. shahrtiti). Pap. Bouillon {Booeeohn). Broth. Bouillonnement {Booeeohnmdhn). des plas). of lint. Vegetations. {BoorExcessive pro- plaies duction of granulations on wounds. Bourrelet {Boorld). Pad. B. du corps calleux {B. du kohr kahlleh). The thick posterior end of the corpus callosum. B. cotyloi'dien {B. kohteeloheedeedn) Cotyloid ligament. B. glenoidien {B. glanoheedeedn). The glenoid ligament. B. cutane anal {B. kutahnd ahnahl). The cutaneous folds of the anus. Bourse {Boors). A bursa. Bourses {Boors). Scrotum. B. muqueuses {B. mukehz). The synovial . sheaths of tendons. seenohveeahl). synoviales {B. The synovial sheaths of tendons. Boursouflement {Boorssoofimdhn) Swelling of tissues. Boursoufiure {Boorssoofliir). Swelling of B. Boussole {Boossdhl). Compass. Bout de sein {Boo da ssan). Nipple shield; artificial nipple. Bouteille {Booldi). Bottle. B. de Leyd {B. da Laid). Leyden jar. Bouton {Bootdhn). (i) Pimple; vesicle. (2) Director in lithotomy. Aleppo boil. B. d'Alep {B. dahlhp). Olive headed B. de feu {B. da feh). cautery. B. noir {B. noodhr). Belladonna. Boutonne,-e {Bootonnd). Button headed. Blunt pointed (instrument). Boutonneux,-euse {Bootohnnek). Covered with pimples. Pustulous. Boutonniere {Bootonneedr). Button-hole External urethrotomy. incision. Boyau {Booahidh). Intestine. Gut. Brachial. Brachial, -e {Brahkeeahl). Brachiforme {Brahkeefdrin). Having the form of an arm. Brachio-cephalique, made. Bouillie {Booee). Ebullition. Core of a boil. {Boordohnmdhn). Mur- tissues. Boucanage {Bookahndhzsh). Desiccation of meat by smoke. Bouche {Boosh). Mouth. Orifice. Boue Bourdonnement . tanical. riocephalus. Bothrion {Bohtreeohn). Morbid hunger. Bourbillon {Boorbeeion). Bourgeonnement zshohnmdhn da Beverage. Bolus. Bon,-ne {Bohn). Birch. Granulations. Lameness. Boiterie (Booahtree). cation. Bol (Bohl). Drink. Bouleau {Booloh). B. . Boisson (Booahssohn). Boite (Boodht). Box. Globus hys- tericus. artere {Brahkeeoh- Innominate artery. Brachycephale {Brahkeessafdhl). BrachysschfahU'ck, ahrtdr). Boiling. ccphalic. 13 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Bra Brachycephalie (Brahkeessafahlee). Bra- B. chycephalia. Bradycardie (5. mahlahdie). Addison's disease. Brady- (Brahdeekahrdee). cardia. Bradyglossie (Brahdeeglohssee). Shortness of tongue. Bradylalia. Bradyglotte (Brahdeegldht). Aflfected with bradylalia. Bradypnee (Brahdeepnd). Short or slow breathing. Bradyurie (Brahdeeurie) Slow micturi- . tion. Brague (Brahg). Scrotum. Brai (Bra). Tar. Resin. Braise (Brehz). Live coal. Brancard (Brahnkdhr). Stretcher. Brancardier (Brahnkahrdeed). Stretcher- Branche (Brahnsh). Branch. Branchial,-e {Brahnkeedhl). Branchial. Branchies {Brahnshee). Gills (of fishes, etc.). Branlant,-e {Brahnlahn). Shaking. Branlement de tete {Brahnlmdhn da Nodding. Shaking of head. Bras (Brah). Arm. Brayer (Brayeh). Truss. Bredouillement (Bradooimdhn). tat). Stutter- ing. Bregma (Bragmdh). Bregma. Breuvage (Brehvdhzsh). Liquid medicine. Bride (Breed). Brouillard (Brooeedhr). Fog. Bruit (Bruee). Sound. Murmur. B. d'airain (B. darehn). Bell sound. B. de clapotement {B. da klahpohtmdhn). Splashing sound. B. du coeur {B. du kehr). Heart sounds. B. de craquement {B. da krahkmdhn). Crepitant or crackling sound. B. de cuir neuf (5. da kueer nehf). New leather sound (in pericarditis). B. de diable (B. da deedhbl). Humming continuous sound in jugular vein (anemia). B. de frolement (5. da frohlmdhn). Rustling sound. B. bearer. Bridle. Band of adhesion. Frenum. Brightique (Briteek). Pertaining to Bright's disease. (Breezd). Brise,-e Broken. Bent. Brise-coque (Breez-kohk). Instrument to break the outer layer of a vesical calculus. Brise-pierre (Breez-peedr). Instrument to break maladie But calculi. Broiement (Brooahmdhn). Breaking. Crushing. Smashing. Laceration. Bromate (Brohmdht). Bromate. Brome (Brohm). Bromine. Bromidrose (Brahmeedrdhz). Fetid sweat. Bromure {Brohmur). Bromide. Bronches (Brohnsh). Bronchial tubes. Bronchectasie (Brohnshaktahzee) tion of the bronchi. . Dilata- Bronchophony. Broncho-pneumonie (Brohnkoh-pnehmohn&e). Broncho-pneumonia. Broncho -pulmonaire {B.- pulmohnehr). Bronchopulmonary. Bronchorrhagie {Brohnkohrahzshee). Bronchorrhagia. (Brohnkohrd). rhea. Bronze,-e (Brohnzd). 14 Bronzed. frottement {B. da da frohtmdhn). gahldh). Gallop rhythm. metallique (B. matahleek). Metallic sound. B. musculaire (5. muskuldr). Sound heard at a time of muscular contraction. B. placentaire (5. plahssahntdr). PlaB. cental or uterine soufHe. B. de pot fele (B. da pohfald). Crackedpot sound. B. de scie (5. da ssee). Sawing or grating sound. B. skodique (5. skokdeek). Amphoric sound heard in pleural cavity. B. de souffle (B. dassoofl). Bellows sound. B. de soupape [B. da soopdhp). Valve sound. Flapping sound. B. tympanitique {B. tehmpahneeteek). Tympanitic resonance. B. vesiculaire (B. vazeekuldr). Vesicular sound or breathing. Brulure {Brulur). A burn. Brut,-e {Bru, Brut). Not organized. Bubon (Bubdhn). A bubo. Buccal, -e (Bukdhl). Buccal. Buccinateur (Bukseenahtehr). Buccinator. Buchu (Bushii). Buchu. Bulbaire {Bulbehr). Bulbar. (5tt/6). Bulb. Medulla oblongata. Eyeball. B. de I'oeil {B. da leh). Bulb of the B. de I'uretre (B. da lurdtr). urethra. Squill. B. de scille {B. da sseel). Bulbus B. du vagin (5. du vahzshdn). Bulbe Bronchial, -e (Brohnsheedhl). Bronchial. Bronchique (Brohnsheek). Bronchial. Bronchite (Brohnsheet). Bronchitis. Bronchocele {Brohnkohssal). Bronchocele. Bronchophonie (Brohnkohfohnee). Resonance of the voice in the bronchi. Bronchorrhee de Friction sound. B. de galop (B. vestibuli. Bulbous. Having bulbs. Bulbifere (Btdbeefdr). Bulbiforme (Bulbeefohrm). In the form of a bulb. Bulbo-caverneux (B.-kahvarnih). Bulbocavernous. Bulbeux,-euse (Btdbeh). BuUaire (Bulldr). Bronchor- Bullate. Blister. Bleb. Bursal. Bursal, -e (Bursdhl). Butyrique (Buteereek). Butyric. BuUe {Bull). OF MEDICAL TERMS c. C. Symbol of Symbol Carbon. of Centi- C. Calabar (Kahlahbdhr). Calabar. grade. Ca. Symbol of Calcium. C, Feve du Calabar (FavduK.). Cacao (Kahkahoh). Cocoa. Cachectique (Kahshacteek). Cachectic. Cachet (Kahshd). Wafer. Envelope of unleavened bread for powders. Cachet. Cachexia (Kahshaksee). Cachexia. Cachou (Kahshoo). Catechu. Calabarine (Kahlahbahreen). Cacochyme (Kahkohsheem). Calcaneen,-ne (Kahlkahnadn). Cacochymic. Cadavereux (Kahdahvareh) Cadaverous. bean. Cachectic. . Corpse-like. mortis. Cadavre (Kahddhvr). Corpse. Cadmium (Kahdmeeohm). Cadmium. Cadre du tympan {Kahdr du tampdhn). The tympanic ring. Caduc,-uque (Kahduk). Decayed. DePerishable. decay. (Kahdusseetd). Senile Weak old age. Caduque, membrane (Kahdilk). Decidua. C. utero-placentaire {K. utero-plahssahn- caying. Caducite Decidua vera. tdr). reflechie {K. rehflasMe). Decidua re- flexa. Cecal. Caecal (Ssakdhl). Cecum. Caecum (Ssakdhm). Cafard (Kahfdhr). Spoken (in psychiatry) of a person who cannot adapt himself to surroundings, to situations. Cafe (Kahfd). Coffee. Cafeine (Kahfaeen). Caffein. Cafeinique (Kahfaeeneek). Pertaining to coffee. Cage (Kahzsh tohrahsseek). of the thoracique Chest (walls). Calabar Physostigma. Eserine, Calabarin. Calamine (Kahlahmeen). Calamin. cent oxide of zinc. Calcaire (Kahlkehr). Calcareous. ate of lime. Nas- CarbonCalca- neous. Cadaverique, rigidite (Kahdahvareek, reezsheedeetd). Cadaveric rigidity. Rigor C. du Bony framework thorax. Cagneux,-euse (Kahneeeh). Knock-kneed. Calcaneum (Kahlkahnadhm). Os calcis. Calcaneum. Calcarin,-e {Kahlkahrdn). Calcarine. Calcification {Kahlssllfeekahssion). Calcification, Calcifie,-e (Kahlsseefeed). Calcination Calcified. {Kahlsseenahssidn). Calcina- tion. Calcine,-e (Kahlsseend). Calcined. Calcique (Kahlsseek). Calcareous. Calcium (Kahlsseeohm). Calcium. Calcoidien,-ne (Kahlkoeedeedn). Pertaining to the calcaneum or to the heel. Calcoidiens (Kahlkoheedeedns). The cuneiform bones of the foot. Calculus. Calcul (Kahlkul). Stone. Calculous. Calculeux,-euse (Kaklkuleh). Calices (Kahleess). Calices (of the kidney;. Calisaya (Kahleesadh). Calisay. Yellow quinine. {Kahlleh kohr). Corpus Calleux corps callosum. Calisthenics. Callisthenie {Kahllee stance). Callosite (Kahllohzeetd). Callosity. Calloso-marginal {Kahllohzoh-mahr-zshee72 dill). Calloso-marginal. Calmant,-e (Kahlnidhn). Sedative. Calomel (Kahlohmdl). Calomel. Subchloride of mercury. Knock-kneed Caloricity. Caloricite (Kahlohreesseetd). Calory. Calorie (Kahlohree). Heat-producCalorifere (Kahlohreefdr). Cagot (Kahgoh). Cretin. Quail. Caille (Kdhy). Rennet. C.-lait (K.-leh). Coagulated. Clotted. Caille, -e (Kaheed). Fourth stomach of Caillette {KaheedU). ruminants. Rennet-bag. Calorification {Kahlohre efe ekahssidn). Giving out of caloric. Calorification. Calorific. Calorifique (Kahlohreefeek). Caloriraetre {Kahlohreemdtr). Calorimeter. Cagnosite (Kahneeohzeeid). condition. Coagulum. Caisse du tympan {Kass du tampdhn). Caillot (Kaheedh). Tympanic Caisson Clot. cavity. (Kehssdhn). Military medicine chest. Cajeput (Kahzshpu). Cal {Kahl). Callus. Cajeput oil. ing (apparatus). Calorimetrie {Kahlohreematree). Calorim- etry. Calorimoteur (Kahloreemohtehr). Calorimotor. Calorique (Kahlohriek). Caloric. Calotte (Lahldht). Skull cap. C. du crane {C. du krahn). Vault of cranium. 16 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY C. des C. des pedoncules cerebraux (C da padohnki'd ssarahruh). The upper portion (tegmentum) of the cerebral peduncles. Calvitie {Kahlveessce). Baldness. Camisole de force {Kahmeezohl da fohrs). vStraight jacket. Camomille (Kahmohmee). Camomille. Logwood. Camphorique (Kahmfohreek). Camphoric. Campeche (Kampdsh). Camphre (Kahnifr). Camphor. Camphre,-e (Kahmfrd). Camphorated. Camphrique (Kahmfreek). Pertaining to camphor. Campimetre (Kahmpeemdtr). Perimeter. Canal (Kahndhl). Canal. Duct. C. ciliaire {K. sseeleedr). Ciliarj' or Schlemm's canal. C. choledoque {K. kohladohk). Bile duct. C. cystique (K. seesteek). Cystic duct. C. deferent (K. dafardhn). Vas deferens. Femoral or C. femoral (K. famohrdhl). crural canal. Femoral or crural C. crural {K. kriirdhl). canal. C. inguinal {K. ehngveendhl) Inguinal canal. Canalicule (Kahnahleekiil). Canaliculus. . Canalicule,-e {Kahnahleekuld) . Grooved. Canard {Kahndhr). Duck. Canaux de Havers {Kahndh da Havers). Canaliculi haversiani. Cancellate. Cancelle,-e {Kahnssalld). Cancer (Kahnssdr). Carcinoma. C.melane (K.malahnd). Melanotic cancer. C. des ramoneurs {K. da rahmohnehr). Chimney sweeper's cancer. Cancereux,-euse (Kahnssareh). Cancerous. Cancre (Kahnkr). Cancer. Cancroid Cancroiide (Kahnkroheed). (ul- cer). Canin,-e (Kahndn). muscle, etc.). Canitie (Kahneessee). Canine (tooth, fossa, hair. Cannelle (Kahnndl). Cinnamon. Cannelle,-e (Kahnnald). Grooved. Cinnamon. C. de Ceylon (K. da Salohn). Cassia bark. C. de Chine (K. da Sheen). Cannelure (Kahnnalur). Groove (on a Spanish or (Kahntahreed) blistering fly. Cantharides. Canthus (Kahntus). Inner canthus of the . eye. Cantine medicale {Kahnteen madeekdhl). Medical chest for field surgery. Canule (Kahmil). Cannula. Caoutchouc (Kahootshdo). India rubber. Caoutchouc. C. durci {K. durssee). Capillary. Capillarity. Capistre (Kahpeestr). Bandage for lower jaw. Capistrum. Capiteux,-euse (Kahpeeteh). Heady. Producing headache. Alcoholic. Capsicum An aqueous {Kahpseekdhm). extract of capsicum annuum. Capsique (Kahpseek). Capsicum. Capsulaire (Kahpsidehr). Capsular. Capsulation (Kahpsulahssidn). Putting drugs into capsules. Capsule (Kahpstil). Capsule. C. cerebrale (K. ssarehbrdhl). Cerebral capsule (Internal. External). C. surrenale {K. ssurrandhl). Adrenals. Captage d'une source {Kahptdhzsh dun ssoors). Making a channel for a medicinal spring. Capuchon {Kahptishohn). Hood. Cover- ing. Capuchonne,-e (Kahpushohnd) Covered by a hood. Caquesangue (Kahksdhng). Dysentery. Caracha (Kahrahshdh). A pustular erup. tion in Peru. Caractere (Kahrahktdr). Character. Caramel {Kahrahmdl). Caramel. Carbolique; Phenique {Kahrbohleek; Fehneek). Carbolic. Carbonate (Kahrbohndht). Carbonate. Carbonculaire (Kahrbohnkulehr) Carbuncular. Pertaining to anthrax. Carbone {Kahrbohn). Carbon. Carbone,-e (Kahrbohnd). Containing carbon. Carboneux,-euse (Kahrbohneh). Pertaining to carbon. Carbonique {Kahrbohneek). Carbonic. Carbonisation {Kahrbohneezahssion). Car. bonization. . Term employed instead of oxalate. Carbonimetrie (Kahrbohneematree). Determination of the amount of carbonic acid given off by a living animal. Carbosulfure {Kahrb oh sulfur). Bisulphide of carbon. CarbunCarbunciilaire (Kahrbunkulehr). cular. director). Cantharides Capillaire (Kahpeeldr). Capillarite (Kapeeliahreetd). Carbonite (Kahrboneet) Whitening of the Car Hard rubber. Capacity. Capacite (Kahpahsseetd). Capeline {Kapleen). Bandage head. 16 for the Carburation (Kahrburahssion). Combining carbon with another body. Containing carCarbiire,-e (Kahrburd). bon. Carburine (Kahrbureen). Oxide of carbon. Carcinosis. Carcinie (Kahrsseenee). Carcinoide (Kahrsseenoheed). Resembling cancer. Carcinomateux,-euse {Kahrseenohmahtih) Carcinomatous. Carcinome (Kahrsseendhm). Carcinoma. Carcinose (Kahrseenohz). Carcinosis. Cardamome {Kahrdahmohm) . Cardamom. OF MEDICAL TERMS Car Cat Cardia (Kahrdeedh). Oesophageal opening of the stomach. Cardiographie (Kahrdeeahgrafee). Cardiography. Tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands of the mesentery. Cartilage {Kahrteelehzsh) Cartilage. Cartilagineux,-euse {Kahrteelahzsheeneh) Cardialgie (Kahrdeeahlzshee). Cardialgia. Cardiaque {Kahrdeedhk). Cardiac. Cardiectasie (Kahrdeeaktahzee) Cardiec- Cams . tasis. Cardinal, -e Cardinal. (Kahrdeendhl). Dominating. Cardiographe (Kahrdeeohgrdhf). Cardiograph. Cardiographie (Kahrdeeohgrapee). Cardiography. Cardioide {Kahrdeeoheed). Resembling the Cardiometre (Kahrdeeohmdtr). Cardiom- eter. Cardiopathie (Kahrdeeohpahtee) Cardiopathy. Cardiorrhexie (Kahrdeeohraksee) Cardiarrhexis. Tear of the heart. Cardiosclerose (Kahrdeeohsklarohz) Car. . . Cardio-vascxilaire (Kahrdeeoh-vahskulehr) Cardiovascular. Cardite (Kahrdeet). Ise, eleuteriaea. c. Caseate (Kahzaeht). Inflammation of the Carditis. Cheesy. Caseous. Caseine (Kahzaeen). Casein. Caserne (Kahzehrn). Barracks. Casse (Kahss). Senna. Cassia. Cassonade (Kahssohndhd). Brown sugar. Moist sugar. Castorium (Kahstohrehdhm) ual. A Castoreum. . castrated individ- Eunuch. Catachasme [Kahtahkdhsm) Deep . scari- fication. Carmination (Kahrmeenahssion) ing action of carmine. Carmin (Kahrmehn). Carmine. . Cataclysme (Kahtahkleesm) Car- Douche. . Catacoustique (KafUahkoosteek). Acoustics applied to echoes or to reflected sounds. Catadioptrique (Kahtahdeeohptreek) That which combines the effects of reflection . Color- and Carnassier,-iere (Kahnrahsseed). Carnivorous. Carne,-e (Kahrnd). Flesh colored. Carnification (Kahrneefeekahssion). Carnification. Applied to tissue which has undergone carnification. Carniforme (Kahrneefohrm). Having the Carnifie,-e (Kahrneefeed). appearance of muscular tissue. Caroncule (Kahrohnkul). Caruncle. Carotids (Kahrohleed). Carotid. Carotidien,-ne (Kahrohteedeeehn). refraction. Cataire (Kalitehr). Purring. C. fremissement (K.frameessmdhn). Caro- Carotte (Kahroht). Carrot. Carpe (Kahrp). Wrist-carpus. Carphologie {Kahrfohlohzshee). Picking the bed clothes. Carpien,-ne (Kahrpeedn). Carpal. Carre, -e (Kahrrd). Square. Quadratus. C. crural (K. krurahl). Quadratus femoris. C. de la levre inferieure {K. da lah lavre ehnfareeehr). Quadratus menti. Depressor lal)ii inferioris. C. lombaire {K. lohmbehr). Quadratus lumborum. Catamenial {Kahtahmaneedhl) . Cataracte (KahtaJirdhkt). Cataract. Catarrhal, -e (Kahtahrdhl). Catarrhal. Catarrhe {Kahtdhr). Catarrh. Catechut (Kahtashu). Catechu. Catgut (Kahtgut). Catgut. Catharsis (Kahtahrsee) Purgation. . Catharsis. Cathartique (Kahtahrleek). Pronator mesenterica. Purgative. Cathartic. Catheter {Kahtatdr). Catheter. Grooved sound. Catheteriser (Kahtatareezd). To catheterize. Catheter- ism. Cathions Tabes Men- . strual. Catheterisme {Kahtehtehr4ezm). C. pronateur (K. prohnahtehr) Pur- ring thrill. Catalepsie (KahtaJilapsee). Catalepsy. Cataleptique (Kahtahlapteek). Cataleptic. Catalyse {Kahtahleez). Catalysis. Catalytique {Kahtahleeleek). Catalytic. Cataphora (Kahtahfohrdh). Lethargy. Cataplasme (Kahtahpldhzm). Poultice. Cataplasm. tid. quadratus. (Kahroh). Lactate. (Kahzaeh). Castration (Kahstrahssion). Castration. Carie (Kahree). Caries. Carie,-e (Kahreed). Carious. Carieux,-euse (Kahreeeh). Carious. Carminatif,-ive (Kahrmeenahteef). minative. 2 case. Cascara (Kahskahrdh). Cascara. C. Sagrada {K. Sahgrahddh). Cascara Sagrada. Cascarille (Kahskahree). Cortex cascaril- Castrat (Kahstrdh). diosclerosis. Carreau Cartilaginous. {Kahruss). Coma. Profound sleep. Cas (Kdh). Case. Accident. C. desespere (K. dazaspareh). Hopeless CaseeuXj-eeuse heart. heart. . ited (Kahleedhn). on the cathode Products depos- in electrolysis. 17 Cat FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Cathode {Kahtdhd). Cathode. Negative pole. Catoptroscopie (Kahtohptrohskohpee). Exploration by means of reflected light. Cauchemare {Kohshmdhr). Nightmare. Caudal (Kohddhl). Caudal. C. ligament {K. leegahmdhn). Filum terminale. Caude,-e (Kohdd). Having a Caudate. tail. Caudate nuC. noyau {K. nooaheedh). cleus (of the corpus striatum). Causalgie (Kohzahlzshee). Neuritis of a injuries of sympathetic nerve. (In nerves the accompanying arteries with the sympathetic plexuses in their walls are also injured and cause intense pain.) Causalite (Kohzahleetd). Causation. Causticite (Kohsteesseetd). Causticity. Corrosiveness. Caustique (Kohsteek). Caustic. Nitro-muriatic acid C. dore {K. dohrd). containing gold or caustic of Recamier. C. de Vienna {K. deh Veeehnn). Vienna paste. Cautere (Kohtehr). Cauterisant,-e Cautery. Issue. Cauter- (Kohtehreezdhn). izing. Cauterisation (Kohtehreezahssion) . Cauter- ization. Cave, veine (Kahv, vehn). Vena cava. Caverne (Kahvehrn). Cavity (in lungs, etc.). Caverneux,-euse Caver- {Kahvehrneh). nous. C. tissu (K. teessH). Erectile tissue. Cavitaire (Kahveetdr). Cavitary. Cavite (Kahveetd). Cavity. Centrifuge (SSahntreefuzsh) Centrigufal. Centripete {SSahntreepeht). Centripetal. Cephalalgie (SSehfahlahlzshee). Headache. Cephalee {SSehfahld). Violent and persistent headache. . Cephalematome {SSehfa hlehmahtdhm). Cephalhaematoma. Cephalique (SSehfahleek). Cephalite {SSehfahleet). Cephalic. En- Cephalitis. cephalitis. Cephalohemometre {SSehfahlohhehmohInstrument to measure the quantity of blood going to the brain. mehtr). Cephalo-pharyngien,-ne {SSehfahlofahrCephalo-pharyngeal. eengeeehn). superior constrictor of the phar^^nx. The C.-rachidien,-ne (SS.-rahsheedeeehn) Cerebro-spinal. Cephalotribe (SSehfahlohtreeb). Cephalotribe. Cephalotripsie (SSehfahlohtreepsee). Crushing the head of the fetus. Cerat (SSehrdh). Cerate. C. de blanc de baleine {SS. deh blahn deh Spermaceti ointment. Cerbahlehn). atum album. Simple cerate (oil C. simple {SS. sehmpl). and bees' wax). Circle. Cercle (SSehrkl). Cereale {SSehrehdhl). Cereal. Cerebelleux,-euse {SSehrehbehlleh). CereCerebellitis. Cerebellite {SSehrehbehlleet). Cerebral. Cerebral, -e {SSehrehbrdhl). Cerebriforme {SSehrehbreefohrm). Having the aspect of the brain. Cerebritis. EnCerebrite {SSehrehbreet}. cephalitis. (55. klahveekulehr) clavicles and the articulate. . Both bones with which they Gelation (SSehlahssion). Concealment (of pregnancy, etc.). Celeri (SSehlehree). Celery. Celibat (SSehleebdh). Celibacy. Cellulaire (SSehllulehr). Cellular. Cellule (SSehllul). Cell. CeUuleux,-euse (SSehlluleh). Cellular. Cellulite [SSehlluleet). Cellulitis. Cellulose (SSehlhddhz). Cellulose. Cement {SSehmdhn). Cement. Cementaire (SSehmahntehr). Relating to cement. Cementation {SSehmahntahssion). Application of cement. Cendre (SSahndr). Ashes. C. bleue naturelle (SS. bleh nahturehl). Carbonate of copper. 18 perlee {SS. pehrleh). Carbonate of potassium taken from ashes. Cendre, -ee (SSahndrd). Grayish. Cenesthesie {SSehnehstehzee). General sensation. Sense of existence. Centre {SSahntr). Center. C. bellar. Cd. Abbreviation of Cadmium. Ce. Abbreviation of Cerium. Cecite (SSasseetd). Blindness. Cecity. Cedre (SSehdr). Cedar. Ceinture {SSchntur). Belt. Waistband. Girdle. C. claviculaire Ces Cerf {SSehrf). Stag. Cherry. Cerise {SSreez). Cerne {SSehrn). Ring. Circle. Ceme,-e {SSehrnd). Having a round cle (around eyes, wound, etc.). Certificat {SSehrteefeekdh). cir- Certificate. Bluish. Cerulescent,-e {SSehrulehssdhn). Cerumen {SSehrumehn). Cerumen. Ceruniineux,-euse {SSehrutneeneh). Cer- uminous. Ceruse {SSehn'iz). White lead. Carbonate of lead (PbCOa). Cerveau {SSehrvoh). Brain. Cerebrum. Cerebellum. Cervelet {SSehrvehleh). Brains. Brain. Cervelle {SSehrvehll). Cervical. Cervical {SSehrveekdhl). Cesarien,-ne {SSehzahreeehn). Cesarian (operation). Cestoide {SSehstoheed). worm. Cestoid. Tape- OF MEDICAL TERMS Cev Cevadille (SSehvahdee). Cevadilla. Chagrin {Shahgrehn). Sorrow. Chaine {Shehn). Chain. Chainette; Scie ^ ch. . .{SSee ah shehneht). Chain saw. Chair (Shehr). Flesh. Meat. C. de poule {Sh. deh pool). Goose-flesh. Chaise -lit (Shehz-lee). Chair-bedstead. Chalazion (Shahlahzeeohn). Meibomian cyst. Chalazion. Chaleur (Shahlehr). Heat. Chambre (Shambre). Chamber. Camera. Chameau (Shahmdh). Camel. Champ {Shah7i). Field. Champignon (Shahmpeeneeohn). Mush- room. Fungus. Chancre {Shahnkr). Chancre. C. indure {Sh. ehndurd). Hard or Hun. terian chancre. mou (Sh. moo). Soft chancre. Chancrelle (Shahnkrehl). Simple or soft chancre. Chancreux,-euse {Shahnkreh). Pertaining to chancre. Chancroid e {Shahnkr oheed) Soft chancre. Chancroid. Chanvre {Shahnor). Hemp. Chapelet {Shahpleh). A string of enlarged C. . lymph glands. Chapiteau a queue {Shahpeetoh ah keh). Instrument for withdrawing the milk from female breast. Chaponnage {Shahpondhzsh) Castration . of fowls. Charbon Charcoal. {Shahrhohn). An- thra.x. C. animal {Sh. ahneemdhl). coal. Bone black. C. vegetal {Sh. vehzshehtdhl). Animal char- Charcoal. {Shahrbohnneh). Having the character of anthrax. Charcuterie {Shahrkiitree) Hog's flesh. Chardon (Shahrdohn). Thistle. Charbonneux,-euse . Charge {Shahrzsh). Charge (electrical). Quack. Char- Charlatan {Shahrlahtdhn) . latan. Charlatanisme {S hahrlahtahneesm). Quackery. Charnu,-e {Shahrnu). Fleshy. Charogne {Shahrohnn). Carrion. or putrefying flesh. Charpie {Shahrpee). Lint. Chasse {Shahss). Joint of a lancet. Chassis {Shahssee). Secretion of Dead companied by chordee. Chaud et froid {Shoh ehfroodh). ChiU. Chauffage (Shohfddhzsh). Heating. Chauffeur {Shohfehr). Fireman. Stoker. Chauffoir (Shofoodhr). A room heated to a certain temperature. Warming-cloth. Chaussure {Shohssur). Boots. .Shoes. Chauve-souris (Shohv-ssooree). Bat. Chaux {Shoh). Lime. C. vive {Sh. veer). Quicklime. Chef {Shehf). The heads of a muscle. The ends of a bandage. Cheloide {Kehloheed). Keloid. Chene {Shehn). Oak. Chenille {Shnee). Chenu,-e {Shnu). Caterpillar. Hoary. Gray-headed. Chetif,-ive {Shehteev). Puny. Thin. Emaciated Chevauchant {Shvohshdhn). Overlapping. Chevauchment {Shvohshmdhn). Overriding of fractured bones. Chevelu,-e {Shehvlu). Hairy. Chevelure {Shehvliir). Hair of the head. Chevestre; Chevetre {Shvehstr; Shvehtr). Bandage for fractured lower jaw. Cheveu {Shveh). Cheville Hair. du pied (Shvee du peeeh). Ankle. Malleoli. Chevre {Shehvr). Goat. Chevrefeuille {Shehorfeh). Honeysuckle. Chevreuil {Shehvreh). Roebuck (species of deer). Chevrotant,-e {Shehvrohtdhn) Quivering. Tremulous. Chevrotement {Shehvr ohtmdhn). Trembling of the voice. Chiasma {Keeahzmdh). Chiasma. Optic commissure. Chiastre {Keedhstr). Crossed bandage for fractured patella. Chicoree {Sheekohrch). Chicory. Chicot (Sheekoh). Stump of a tooth. Chicotin {Sheekohtehn) Powdered colocynth. . . Couch the glands. Chat (Shah). Cat. Chataigne {Shahtehnn). Chestnut. Chaton {Shahtohn). Posterior part of cricoid cartilage. Chatonne,-e (Shahtohnd). Incarcerated. Chatonnement {Shahlohnmdhn) Incarcer, ation. ling. Chatrer {Shahtrd). To castrate. Chatrure {Shahlrur). Castration. Chaud,-e {Shoh). Hot. Chadepisse {Shohdpeess). Clap. A common name for gonorrhea. C. cordee {Sh. kohrdd). Gonorrhea ac- Chien (Sheeehn). Dog. Chiendent (Sheeehnddhn). Meibomian Chatouillement {Shahtooeemdhn). Chi Dog's grass. grass. Chilodieresie {Sheelohdeeehrehz6e) . Hair- lip. Chiloa {Sheeldhn). Labial oedema. Chimie {Sheemie). Chemistry. Chimique {Sheemeek). Chemical. Chimism {Sheemcezm). Chemism. Chique (Sheek). Sand-flea. Chigoe. Chiromancie {Sheerohmahnsde). Palmistry. Tick- Chirurgical,-e {Sheerurzsheekdhl). Surgi- cal. 19 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Chi Surgery. Chirurgie {Sheerurzshie) Chirurgien (Sheerurzsheeehn). Surgeon. Chirurgique (Sheerurzsheek). Surgical. . Chloasma {Klohahzmdh) Chloasma. Chloral (Klohrdhl). . Melanoderma. of chloral. Chloralisation (Klohrahleezahssion) Chloralism. Chloralizer (Klohrahleezd). To chloralize. Chlorate (Klohrdht). Chlorate. Chlore (Klohr). Chlorine. Chlorine water. C. liquide (K. leekeed). Solution of chlorine. Chlore, -e (Klohreh). Containing chlorine. Chlorethyle (Klohrehteel). Ethyl chloride. Chloreux,-euse {Klohreh). Chlorous. HydroChlorhydrate {Klohrheedrdht) . chlorate. Chlorhydrique (Klohrheedreek). Hydro- Chloro-anemie (Klohr oh -ahnehmee) chloroform. Chlorose (Klohrdhz). Chlorosis. Chlorotique (Klohrohteek). Chlorotic. Chlorure (Klohriir). Chloride. Choc {Shohk). Shock. Collision. C. du coeur (5. du kehr). Beating of the heart against the chest wall. C. foetal (5. fehtahl). Foetal shock. C. traumatique {S. trohmahteek). matic shock. Chocolat (Shohkohldh). Trau- acid. Cholorrhee (Kohlohrd). Bilious diarrhoea. Cholurie (Kohluree). Choluria. Chondrine (Kohndreen). Chondrin. Chondrite (Kohndreet). Chondritis. Chondro-costal,-e {Kohndroh-kohstahl) Chondrocostal. Chondroglosse {Kohndrohgldhss) Pertaining to the tongue and its cartilage. Chondrome (Kohndrohm). Chondroma. Chondrophyte (Kohndrohfeet). Cartilag. inous excrescence. Chorea. St. Vitus' Choreique (Kohreheek). Choreic. Chorion (Kohreeohn). Chorion. Choroid (Kohroheed). Choroid. Choroidien,-ne {Kohroheedeeehn). Cholagogue. Chor- oid. C. sinus {K. sseenils). Strait sinus. C. artere {K. ahrtehr). Choroid artery. C. toile {K. toodhl). Velum interpositum. Chou (Shoo). Cabbage. C.-fieur (S.-flehr). Cauliflower. Chromate (Krohmdht). Chromate. Chromatins (Krohrtiahieen). Chromatin. (Krohmahtohzshehnee) C h r orn a t o ge n i e Production of colors. Chrome (Krohm). Chromium. Chromidrose (Krohmeedrohz). Chocolate. Cholagogue (Kohlahgohg). Chromi- drosis. Chromique (Kromcek). Chromic. Chromocyanure (Krohmohsseeahnur). Cholalique (Kohlahleek). Cholalic. Cholate (Kohldht). Cholate. Choleate (Kohlehdht). Choleate. Colecystectomie (Kohlehseestehktohmee) Cholecystectomy. Chromocyanide. Chromologie (Krohmohlohzshee). Study of colors. Cholecystite (Kohlehseesteet). Cholecysti- tis. Choledoque (Kohlehddhk). Common bile duct. Cholelithe {Kohlehleet) Gallstone. (Kohlehleeteedhz). CholeliCholeUthiase . thiasis. Cholepoese (Kohlehpohehz). Secretion of bile. Cholepoetique (Kohlehpohehteek) Pertaining to the secretion of bile. Cholera (Kohlehrdh). Cholera. C. asiatique; epidemique (K. ahzeeahteek; ehpeedehmeek). Asiatic cholera. Sporadic C. sporadique {K. spohrahdeek). or simple cholera. Choleriforme [Kohlehreeform). Choleriform. Cholerine (Kohlehreen). Choleraic diarrhoea. Cholemia. Choline (Kohleen). Cholin. Cholique, acide (Kohleek, ahsseed). Cholic dance. Chloric. Chlorite. Chloroanemia. Chlorosis. Chloroforme (Klohrohform). Chloroform. Chloroformiser (Klohrohfohrmeezd). To 20 Cholemie (Kohlehmee). Choree {Kohrd). chloric. Chlorite (Klohreet). Cholerique (Kohlehriek). Choleraic. Cholerrhagie {Kohlehrahzshee). Choleramorbus. Cholesterine {Kohlehstehreen). Cholesterin. Hydrate Chloral. Chlorique (Klohreek). Chu . Chromopsie (Krohmohpsee) Chromatopsia. (State in which colorless objects . are seen colored.) Chronicite (Krohneesseeia). Chronic state. Chronique (Krohneek). Chronic. ChronoChronographe (Krohnohgrdhf). graph. Chro(Krohnohlohzshee). Chronologie nology. Chronometre d'Arsonval (Krohnohmehtr Electric apparatus for dahrsohnvdhl). measuring the speed of a nerve imP'olse. Chrysarobine Chrysa- (Kreezahrohbeen). robin. Chrysophanique (Kreezohfahneek) barbaric (acid). Chuchotement pering. Chute (Shut). Chrysophanic. (Shushohtmdhn) Fall. . . RhuWhis- OF MEDICAL TERMS C. des C. des cheveux (S deh sJiveh). Falling of the hair. The C. de la luette {S. deh lah lueht). lengthening of an odeematous uvula. C. de la paupiere (5. deh lah pohpeeehr). Blepahroptosis. du rehktdhm). Prolapsus C. de I'uterus {S. deh lutehrus). Prolapsus C. du rectum (5. recti. uteri. Chyle {Sheel). Circulatoire tory. CU (SSeerkulahtoodhr). Circula- Circumduction {SSeeekomdukssidn). cumduction. Cire (SSeer). Wax. Cireux,-euse {SSeer eh). Cir- Waxy. Cirifere (SSeereefehr). Bearing wax. Cirreux,-euse {SSeerreh). Cirrhose. Cirrhose {SSeerrdhz). Cirrhosis (of liver, etc.). Chyle. Chyleux,-se (Sheeleh). Cisaille (SSeezdhee). Chylous. Chyliferous. Chylifere (Sheeleefehr). Lacteal vessels. C. vaisseaux {S. vehssoh). Chylopoetique (Sheelohpohehteek). Chylo- Cicatrix. Cicatrice {SSeekahtreess). Scar. CicaCicatriciel,-le {SSeekahtreesseeeht). tricial. Cicatrisant,-e (SSeekahtreezdhn). Cicatrizing. Cicatrisation (SSeekahtreezahssion). Cica- trization. Cidre {SSeedr). Cider. Grasshopper. Cigale {SSeegdhl). Cigogne {SSeegdhnn). Stork. scissors. Citerne (SSeetehrn). Cistern. C. lombaire {SS. lohmbehr). Receptacu- lum poietic. Chylurie (Sheeluree). Chiluria. Chyme {Sheem). Chyme. Chymose (Sheemohz). Chymification. Ciboule (SSeebool). Eschalot. Chive. Ciboulette (SSeebooleht). Bone Ciseau (SSeezoh). Chisel. Ciseaux (SSeezeh). Scissors. chyli. C. de Pecquet {SS. deh Pehkeh). taculum Recep- chyli. Citrate {SSeetrdht). Citrate. Citrique {SSeetreek). Citric. Citron {SSeetrohn). Lemon. Citronne,-e {SSeetrohnd). Citron. Containing lemon. Citrouille {SSeetrooee). Pumpkin. Civiere {SSeeveeehr). Stretcher. Litter. Civilisation {SSeeveeleezahssion). Civilization. CI. Symbol of Cholrine. Clair, -e {Klehr). Transparent. Clear. Clamp {Klahn). Clapier Clamp. Focus from which {Klahpeed). Hemlock. Conium. Cigiie {SSeegil). Eye-lash. Cil {SSeel). Ciliary. Ciliaire (SSeeleeehr). Ciliated. Cilie,-e {SSeeleed). pus runs slowly. Clapotement {Klahpohtmdhn) Cement. Cimetiere {SSeemehteeehr). Cemetery. Cinchona {SSenkohndh). Cinchona. C. des dents {K. deh dahn). Chattering of teeth. C. valvulaire {K. vahlvulehr). Valvular sound of the heart during systole. Clarification {Klahreefeekahssion). Clari- Ciment {SSeemdhn). Cinchonine (SSeenkohneen). Cinchonin. Cinchonique (SSeenkohneek). Pertaining to cinchona. Cineration (SSenehrahssion) Incineration. Cinese {SSeenehz). Kinesis. Kinesia. Cinesie (SSeenehzee). Cinesique {SSeenehzeek). Kinetic. Cinnabre {SSeendhbr). Cinnabar. Cinnamique {SSeenahmeek). Cinnamic. Cinquieme pair {SSehnkeeehm pehr). Fifth . pair (cranial nerves). In the form of an Cintre,-e {SSehntrd). arch. LigamentC. ligament {SS. leegahmdhn) . um arcuatum externum. Claquement {Klahkmdhn). Chattering. fication. Classe {Klahss). Class. Classement {Klahssmdhn). Classing. Classification {Klahsseefeekahssidn). Classification. {Klohdeekahssion). Lameness. Limping. Claudication. Claveau {Klahvoh). Virus of sheep-pox. Claudication Claviculaire {Klahvcekulehr). Clavicular. Clavicule {Klahveekul). Collar-bone. Clavicle. Clavicule, -e {Klahveekuld) Having a . clavicle. Circoncision {SSeerkohnsseezidn). Circum- Claviform {Klahveefdrm). shape of a cision. Circonflex Splashing . sound. (SSeerkohnflehks). Circum- Having the clavicle. Clientele {Kleeahntehl) . Practice of medi- cine. flex. Circonspection {SSeerkohnspehkssid n). Circumspection. Circonvolution {SSeerkohnvohlussidn) Convolution. Circuit. Circuit (SSeerkuee). Circular. Circulaire {SSeerkulehr). Circulation {SSeerkulahssidn) Circulation. . Clignement {Kleenmdhn) . Blinking. Winking. CIignotant,-e {Klecnohtdhn). Blinking. Clignotement {Klecnohtmdhn). Winking. Climat {Kleemdh). Climate. Climacterique {Kleetnahklehreek). Climateric (period of life). 21 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Cli Climatologie matology. (Kleetnahlohlohzshie). Clinicien {Kleeneesseeihn) Clinique (Kleeniek). Cli- Clinician. Clinic. Clinical . (bedside). Clinoide {Kleenoh&ed) Clitoris [Kleetohrees). Clitoritomie . The French Pharma- Codex (Kohdehx). copoeia. Coefficient (Kohehffeesseedhn). Coefficient. Coeliaque iSSehleedhk). Coeliac. Coeloma {SSehlohmdh). Deep ulcer of the cornea. Clinoid. Coenesthesie Clitoris. {Kleetohreetohmee) Col (SSehnehstehsee). Coenes- Clitori- thesis. dectomy. Cloaque {Klohdhk). Cloaca. Cloche (Klohsh). Bell-glass vessel shaped like an inverted glass. Blister. Bleb. Cloison (Klooahzohn). Partition. Septum. Cloisonnement (Klooahzohnmdhn). Formation of a septum. Clonique (Klohneek). Clonic. Clou {Kloo). Boil. CircumC. hysterique (K. heestehreek). Coenure scribed hysterical headache. C. de Scarpa {K. deh Skahrpdh). Lachrymal probe. Clysoir (Kleezoodhr). Irrigation apparatus Coin (Kooehn). Cuneus. Small triangular lobule on the internal aspect of the (for . enema). . . tion. Coagule,-e (Kohahguleh). Coagulated. Coalescence {Kohahlehssdhns). Coalescence. {Kohahlehssdhn). cent. Coalition (Kohahleession). Coales- Coercible (Kohehrsseebl). Coercible. Coeur (Kehr). Heart. Coherence (Kohehrdhns). Cohesion. Coherent,-e (Kohehrdhn). Coherent. Cohesion (Kohehzeedhn). Cohesion. Coiffe (Koodhf). Caul. Husk. Membrane. Coiffe,-e (Kooahfd). Covered with a membrane. occipital lobe of the brain. Coincidant,-e {Kohehnseeda.hn). Coinci- geal. Coccygodynie (Kohkseegohdeenee) . Coccy- godynia. Coccyx (Kohkseeks). Coccyx. Cochineal. Cochenille (Kohshnee). Cochleaire (Kohklehehr). Cochlear. Foramen C, ouverture {K. oovehrtur). rotundum (of the ear). Cochlearia (Kohklehahreedh). Scurvy•. grass. Cochlee (Kohkleh). Cochlea. Cochon d'Inde {Kohshohn dehnd). Guinea- Quince. Coit (Koheet). Sexual intercourse. Col (Kohl). Neck. C. de l'ut§rus (K. deh lutehriis). Cervix uteri. Colatoire (Kohlahtoodhr). Depurative. Colchicine (Kohlsheesseen). Colchicin. Colchique (Kohlsheek). Meadow-safifron. Colchicum. Colcothar (Kohlkohtdhr). oxide of iron. Calcined per- Colon bacil- Collibacille (Kohleebahsseel). CoUque (Kohleek). Cohte (Kohleet). of the colon. Colic. Colitis. Collapsus (Kohlahpsus). Coction. Codein. Heatmg. Inflammation Collapse. Collateral. Collateral, -e (Kohllahtehrdhl). Colle {Kohll). Glue. C. de poisson (K. deh pooahssohn). Isin- glass. Collection. Collection {Kohllehkssion). Collet {Kohll eh). A narrowing resembling a neck or a collar. Agglutinative. Colletique {Kohllehteek). Collier orthopedique {KohUeeeh ohrtohpehdeek). Orthopedic apparatus in the shape of a collar. Colllquatif,-ve (Kohlleekahteef). Exhaust- ing. Collodion (Kohllohdeedhn). Collodion. Colloide {Kohlloheed). Colloid. Non-crystallizable body. Cancer. C. cancer {K. kahnsehr). Semi-liquid apCollutoire {Kohlhitoodhr). plication for gums. Eyewash. Colobome (Kohlohbdhm). Coloboma. Colombo (Kohlohmbdh). Calumba. Collyre (Kohlleer). pig- Coction (Kohkssidn). Cooking. Codeine {Kohdeheen). Coing (Kooehn). lus. Coalescence. Coaptation (Kohahptassion). Coaptation; bringing together. CoarctaCoarctation (Kohahrktahssion). Narrowing. Diminution. tion. Cobaye (Kohbd). Guinea-pig. Coca (Kohkdh). Coca. Cocaine (Kohkaheen). Cocain. Coccidia. Coccidie (Kohksseedee). Coccus {Kohkils). Coccus. Coccygien,-ne {Kohkseezsheeehn). Coccy- 22 Hydatid dent. Enema. Injection. Clystere {Kleestehr). Coagulabilite (Kohahgulahbeeleeteh). Coagulative property. Coagulable {Kohahguldhhl). Coagulable. {Kohahguldhn) CoagulatCoagulant, -e ing CoagulaCoagulation (Kohahgulahssion) Coalescent,-e Cenurus. (SSehniir). of sheep. Colon {Kohlohn). Colon. cm OF MEDICAL TERMS C. iliaque {K. eeleedhk). Sigmoid flexure. Colonie {Kohlohnee). Colony. Colonne (Kohlohnn). Colony. Pillar. Colophane (Kohlohfdhnn). Colophony or common resin. Coloquinte (Kohlohkehnt). Colocynth. Colorant, -e (Kohlohrdhn). Coloring. Coloration {Kohlohrahssidn). Coloration. Colorimetre (Kohlohreemehtr). Colorimeter. Colostrum {Kohlohstrohm). Colostrum. Colotomie (Kohlohtohmee). Colotomy and formation of artificial anus. Colpeurynter {Kohlpehreentehr). India rubber bag for dilating the vagina. Colpite (Kohlpeet). Vaginitis. Colpopexie (Kohlpohpehksee). Colpopexy. Colpoptose {Kohipohplohz). Colpoptosis. Colporrhaphie (Kohlpohrahfee). Colpor- rhaphy. Colpostenose (Kohlpohstehnohz). Colpo- stenosis. Complexion (Kohmplehxidn). . to fight. of Constitution. Complexus, Grand (Kohmplehxiis grdhn). Trachelo-occipital muscle. C, Petit {K. ptee). Trachelo-mastoid muscle. Complication (Kohmpleekahssidn). Complication. Complique,-e (Kohmpleekd). Complicated. Compose, -e (Kohmpohzd). Composed. Compose (Kohmpohzd). Compound. Compositif,-ive {Kohmpohzeeteef) Com. posite. Composition {Kohmpohzeession) Compo- . sition. Compresse (Kohmprehss). A compress. Compresseur (Kohmprehss&hr) Compres. sor. Tourniquet. Compressibilite (Kohmprehsseebeeleeid). Compressibility. Compressible (Kohmprehsseeble). Com- (Kohmprehsseef). Com- (Kohmprehsseeohn). Com- Compressif,-ive pressive. Compression pression. Comprime,-e (Kohmpreemd). Compressed. Compte-goutte {Kohnt-goot) A drop-bot. Combinaison {Kohmbeenehzohn) Combina. tle. Conarium (Kohnahreeohm). tion. Combine, -e (Kohmbeeneh). Combined. Comburant,-e (Kohmburdhn). A body causing combustion when combined with other bodies. Combusti- {Kohmbusteebl). Concasser (Kohnkahssd) Crush. Pineal gland. . To pound. Bruise. Concave (Kohnkdhv). Concave. Concavite (Kohnkahveetd). Concavity. Concentration {Kohnsahntrahssion) Con. centration. ble. Combustion (Kohmbussion). Combustion. Comedon (Kohmehdohn). Comedo. Conception Comestible (Kohmehsteebl). Eatables. Comitiale, maladie (Kohmeesseedhl, mahalahdee). Epilepsy. Conchiforme shape of a Commemoratif,-ive {Kohmehmohrahteef. Commemoiative. Comminutif,-ive (Kohnsehpsseeohn) . Concep- tion. (Kohnsheefdhrm). In the shell. Conchinien, Muscle (KohnsheeneeShn, Mohsl). The concho-anthelix muscle; obliquus auricute. (Kohmeenuteef). Com- minutive. Concho-anthelix (Kohnko-ahntehleex). Ob- liqiuis auriculas. Comminution (Kohmeenussidn) . Commin- ution. C. -helix (K.-hehlcex). Transversus auric- ulae. Commissural,-e {Kohmeessurdhl). Com- missural. Concoction (Kohnkohksseeohn). Concoc- tion. Commissure (Kohmeessur) Commissure. Commotion (Kohmmohssidn) Concussion. Commun,-e (Kohmmehn). Common. Communicant, -e (Kohmmuneekdhn) . . Communicating. Communication (Kohmmuneekahssidn). Communication. Compacite {Kokmpahsseetd). Compactness. Comparaison The sum physical characters. pressible. Colpotomie (Kohlpohtohmee) Colpotomy. Columnaire (Kohltwinehr). Columnar. Coma {Kohmdh). Coma. Comateux,-euse (Kohmahteh). Comatose. Combativite (Kohmbahteeveeteh). Instinct Combustible Con Concombre {Kohnkdhmbr). Cucumber. Concomitant,-e (Kohnkohmeetdhn). Concomitant. Concret,-ete {Kohnkreh). Concrete. Concretion {Kohnkrehssidn). Concretion. Condensable (Kohndahnsdhbl). Condensable. Condensant,-e (Kohdahnsdhn). Condens- ing. (Kohmpahrehzdhn). Com- parison. CompaiSitif, -ive~ {Kohmpahrahteef) Comparative. Compare, -e (Kohmpahrd). Compared. . Complexe {KohmpUhx). Complex. Condensateur (Kohndahnsahtehr). Con- denser. Condenser (Kohdahnsd). To condense. Condenseur {Kohndahnsihr). Condenser. Condiment {Kohndeemdhn). Spice. Condiment. 23 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Con Con Condit (Kohttdie). Confect. Condition (Kohndeession). Condition. Conjonctivite (Kohnzshohnkteeviei). Condom (Kohnddhm). Conjugue,-e (Kohzshugd). Conjugate. Connaissance (Kohnnehssdhns). Understanding. Knowledge. Connectif,-ive (Kohnnehkteef). Connec- Conducteur Condom. Conductor. {Kohnduktihr). Director. Conductibilite (Kohndukteebeeleetd). The conducting property. Conduction (Kohndukssion). Conduction. Conduit (Kohnduee) Duct. Canal. . Tube. C. aerien {K. ahehreeehn). Trachea. C. alimentaire {K. ahleemahntehr) Alimentary canal. C. lacrymal {K. lahkreemdhl) Lacrymal duct. C. spermatique {K. spehrmahteek). Vas deferens. Condyle (Kohndeel). Condyle. Condylien,-ne (Kohndeeleeehn). Relating to condyles. . . Condylome (Kohndeelohm). Cone (Kohn). Cone. Condyloma. Alcaloid of conium. (Kohnfehkssion). Confection. Confection Conserve. Configuration (Kohnfeegurahssion). Con- Confined within Confl[uent,-e (Kohnfludhn). Conforme (Kohnfohrm). Confluent. Conformable. (Kohnfohrtdhn). Strength- . sanguinity. Conscience (Kohnsseedhns). Conscience. Consciousness. Consecutif,-ive (Kohnsehkuleef). Consecutive. Following after. Conseil {Kohnsd). Council. Con- {Kohnzshehlahssion). . Conserves (Kohnsehrv). Spectacles to improve vision. Consistance {Kohnseestdhns). Consistency. Consolidant,-e Consomme {Kohnsohmd). Congenital,-e Consomption Congener. {Kohnzshehneetdhl). Con- sumption. genital. (Kohnzshehsteebeeleetd) Possibility of being congested. Congestible (Kohnzshehsteebl). Pertaining to congestion. Congestif,-ive (Kohnzshehsteef). Conges- Con- (Kohfisohmpssidn). Con- Wasting. Consonance {Kohnsohndhns). Conson- ance. Concord. Constatation (Kohnstahtahssidn). Declar- Constipant,-e {Kohnsteepdhn). Constipat- ing. Congestion (Kohnzshehssion). Congestion. Congestionne,-e {Kohnzshehssiohnd) Con. gested. Congestionel,-le (KohnzshehssionShl). Pertaining to congestion. Conglomere,-e {Kohnglohmehrd) . Con- glomerate. Congres (Kohngrd). Congress. Conicine {Kohneeseen). Conin. Conique {Kohneek). Conical. Conium. Constipation {Kohnsteepahssidn). Consti- pation. Constipe,-e (Kohnsteepd). Costive. Constituant,-e {Kohjisleetudhn) Constituent. Constitutif,-ive {Kohnsteetuleej). Consti. tutive. Constitution {Kohnsteetussidn). Constitu- tion. Hem- lock. Conjonctif,-ive (Kohnzshohnkteef). Conjunctive. Conjonctival,-e (Kohnzshohnkteevahl) Conjunctival. Conjonctive {Kohnzshohnkteev). Conjunctiva. Broth. {Kohnsohmpteef). ation. tive. Conium {Kohneeoom). Con- (Kohnsohleeddhn). Cicatrizing. Consomptif,-ive sumptive. gelation. 24 (Kohnsehrvahtehr) Conservation {Kohnsehrvahssion) Preservation. Conservation. Conserve (Kohnsehrv). Conserve. Con- Congenere (Kohnzshehnehr). Congestibilite Concensus. Sympathy. C on set vateur, -trice solidating. ening. Congelation Conoidal,-e (Kohnoheeddhl). Conoid. Conque {Kohnk). Concha. Consanguin,-e {Kohnsahngvehn) Consanguineous. Consanguinite (Kohnsahngveeneetd). Con- fection. certain limits. Confinement {Kohnfeenmdhn). Overcrowding in barracks or hospital. Confortant,-e Connection. Affinity. Conservative. figuration. Confine, -e {Kohnfeend). tive. Connexion (Kohnnehksstdn). Consensus {Kohnsahnsu). Coneine (Kohneheen). Con- junctivitis. Constitutionnel,-le {Kohnsteetussionehl) Constitutional. Constricteur, -trice {Kohnstreektehr) Con. strictor. Constriction {Kohnstreekssion). Constric- tion. Constructivite {Kohnstrukteeveetd). Constructiveness. Consultant {Kohnsultdhn). Consultant. OF MEDICAL TERMS Con Consultation Consul- {KohnsuUahssion). Contact. Contact (Kohntdhkt): Contage (Kohntdhzsh). The virus of contagion. Contagieux-ieuse (Kohntahzsheeeh) Con- . tagious. Contagion (Kohntahzsheeohn) Contagion. . Infection. Con- Contagiosity (Kohntahzsheeohzeetd). tagiousness. Contemplation (Kohntahmplahssidn) Observation. templation. . Con- Retentive. Contentif,-ive (Kohnfahnteef). Keeping fragments of a fractured bone, or the lips of a wound in apposition. Contention (Kohntahnssion). The act of maintaining in place separated parts of an organ (fractured bone, etc.). Contenu (Kohntml). The contents. Contexture {Kohntehkstur). Texture. Contiguity. (Kohnteegueetd). Contiguite Proximity. Continence (Kohnteendhns). Continency. Continent, -e (Kohnteendhn). Continent. Continuous. Continu,-e {Kohnteenu). Continuous. Continuity. Contondant,-e (Kohntohnddhn). Bruising. Blunt. Contour {Kohntoor). Outline. Contour. Twisted Contourne,-e {Kohntoornd) around. Continuite (Kohnteenueetd). . Contractile. Contractile (Kohntrahkteel). ContracContractilite {Kohntrahkteeleetd) . Convex. Convo- {Kohnvohluteef). lute. Convulse, -e (Cohnvulsd). In a state of convulsive contractions. Convulsibilite (Kohvulseebeeleetd). Tendency to convulsive movements. Convulsif,-ive {Kohnvulseef). Convulsive. Convulsion {Kohnvulssion). Convulsion, Spasms. Convulsionant,-e (Kohnvulseeohndhn) Convulsive. (Kohvulseevdhn). Convulsivant,-e Causing convulsions. Coordination (Kohohrdeenahssion) . Coor- dination. Copahu (Kohpahu). Copaiba. Coprolalie (Kohprohlahlee). Coprolalia. Copulation {Kohpulahssion). Copulation. Copule,-e (Kohpuld). Copulative. Coq. (Kohk). Cock. Coque (Kohk). Shell. Coqueluche (Kohklush). Whooping-cough, Coquelucheux,-euse (Kohlusheh). Pertaining to or affected with whooping- cough. Cor (Kohr). Corn. Coraco-brachial (Kohrahkoh-brahkeedhl) Coraco-brachial (muscle). Coraco-claviculaire (K.-klahveekulehr) Coraco-clavicular (ligament). Coraco-humeral (K.-umehrdhl). Coracohumeral (ligament). Coraco-hyoidien (K.-heeoheedeeehn). Omohyoidien (muscle). Coraco-radial tility. Contrac- (Kohntrahkssidn). tion. Contracture (Kohntrahktur). Contracture. Contralateral, -e {Kohntrahlahtehrdhl). Sit- uated on the opposite side. Contrast. Contraste {Kohntrdhsl) Contre-coup {Kohntrkoo). Counter-stroke. . Contre -extension {Kohntrehxtahnssidn) Counter-extension. Contre -indication (Kohntrehndeekahssion) Counterindication. {Kontrpoodhzohn). Contre-poison Anti- dote. Contre-ouverture {Kohntroovehrtur). Counter-opening. Contre-stimulant,-e (Kohntrsteemuldhn) Counter-stimulant. Contus,-e {Kohntu). Contused. Bruised. Contusion (Kohntuzion). Contusion. (K.-rahdeedhl). Bicepsbrachial (muscle). Coracoide (Kohrahkoheed). Coracoid process. Coracoidien (Kohrahkoheedeeehn) acromial ligament. . Coraco- Coral. Corail (Kohrai). Corbeau (Kohrboh). Raven. Crow. Corde (Kohrd). Chord. Notochord. C. dorsale {K. dohrsdhl). Semi-circular C. sonores {K. sohnuhr). canals of internal ear. Spinal cord. C. spinale {K. speendhl). Chorda C. du tympan {K. du tehmpdhn). tympani. Vocal cord. Chordee. Cordial, aromatCordial,-e (Kohrdeedhl). C. vocale {K. vohkdhl). Cordee (Kordd). ic. Cardiac. Cordiforme (Kohrdeefdhrm). In the shape of a heart. Bruise. Convalescence (Kohnvahlehssdhns). Con- Cordon (Kohrddhn). Cord, Column of spinal cord. valescence. Convalescent,-e (Kohnvahlehssdhn). Con- valescent. Convergence {Kohnvehrzshdhns) gence. Convergent,-e vergent. Convexe (Kohnvehks). Convolutif,-ive tation. Contraction spe . {Kohnvehrzshdhn). Conver- Con- UmbiliC. umbilical (K. ohmbeeleekdhl). cal cord. Sanitary {K. sahneelclir). C, sanitaire guard around an infected area. SperC. spermatique {K. spehrmahlcek). matic cord. ,j 25 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Cor Cornage Roaring (Kohrndhzsh). (of horses). Come Spongy. Hippo(K. dahmmdhn). campus major. Corne,-e (Kohrnd). Horny, Cornee (Kohrnd). Cornea. Corneen,-ne (Kohrnehihn). Corneal. Cornet acoustique (K. ahkoosteek). trumpet. Ear Inferior inferieur {K. ehnfehreeehr) turbinate bone. Middle turbinC. moyen {K. mooahUhn). ate bone. vSpheC. sphenoidal {K. spehnoheeddhl). noidal turbinate bone. Superior C. superieur (K. supehreeehr). turbinated bone. Comu,-e (Kohrnu). Having horns. Corolla. Corolle (Kohrohl). Coronaire (Kohrohnehr). Coronary. Coronal (Kohrohndhl). Coronal or frontal C. . (bone). Cotyla. Cotyle (Kohteel). Acetabulum. Cotyledon (Kohteelehddhn). Cotyledon. Cotyloid. Cotyloide {Kohteelohied). Cotyloidien,-ne (Kohteeloheedeeihn). Cotyloid or acetabular ligament. Cou (Koo). Neck. Couche (Koosh). Layer. Stratum. SubcutaneC. adipeuse {K. ahdeepehz). ous fat. Couche, -e (Kooshd). Lying down. Coucher (Kooshd). Decubitus. Couches (Koosh). Confinement. Puerperal state. Optic thalami. C. optiques (K. ohpteek). C. suite de (K. sueet deh). Lochies. Coude (Kood). Elbow. Cou-de-pied (Koo-d-peed). C. inflammatoire Inflammatory Instep. Membrane. Coat. ehnflahmahtoodhr). membrane. BufEy coat Couenne (Kooehnn). (K. (in pleurisy). Coronoide (Kohrohnoeed). Coronoid process. Coronoidien (Kohrohnoheedeeehn). Per- taining to the coronoid process. Corps (Kohr). Body. Substance. Corpulence. Corpus(Kohrpuskulehr). Corpulence (Kohrpuldhns). Corpusculaire Colon (Kohtdhn). Cotton. Cottonwool. Cotonneux,-euse (Kohtonih). Cottony. Horn. (Kohrn). d'Ammon C. Cou cular. Corpuscle. Corpuscule {Kohrpusktil). Corrective. Correctif,-ive (Kohrehkteef). Correlation (Kohrehlahssidn). Correlation. Corroboratif,-ive (Kohrohbohrahteef). Corroborative. Corrodant,-e (Kohrohddhn). Corrosive. Corroding. Corrosif,-ive (Kohrohseef). Corrosive. Corroding. Corrosion {Kohrohzidn). Corrosion. Corrugation (Kohrugahssidn). Wrinkling. Corrugation. Corset [Kohrseh). Corset. Cortex (Kohrtehx). Cortex. Bark. Cortical. Cortical,-e {Kohrteekdhl). Coryza (Kohreezdh). Coryza. Nasal ca- Couenneux,- euse (Kooehnneh). Pseudomembranous. Couenneuse, angine (Kooehnnehz, ahnzDiphtheria. Croup. sheen). Couleur (Koolehr). Color. Couleuvre (Koolehvr). Snake. Adder. Coulisse (Kooleess). Groove. Couloir (Kooloodhr). Colatorium. Coup (Koo). Blow. Stroke. Gunshot wound. C. de feu (K.-d-feh). C. de sang (K.-d-sahn). Apoplectic stroke. Sunstroke. C. de soleil (K.-d-sohlehl). Coupage (Koopdhzsh). Diluting with water, etc. Coupe (Koop). Section. Couper (Koopd). To cut. To dilute. Couperose (Kooprdhz). Acne rosacea. A Couple (Koo pi). Coupure (Koopilr). Courant (Koordhn). C. d'air (K. dehr). couple. A pair. Incision. Current. A draught Stream. (of air). A feeling of (Koorbahtur). fatigue in the back and limbs, also of Courbature lassitude. Costal. Costal,-e (Kohstdhl). Costalgia. Costalgie (Kohstahlzshee). Courbe,-e (Koorbd). Curved. Bent. Courbure (Koorbiir). Curve. Curvature. Couronne (Koordhnn). Crown. Syphilitic C. de Venus (K. deh Vehnils). Costo-abdominal {Kohstoh-ahbdomeendhl). External oblique muscle of the abdomen. SubC.-claviculaire (K.-klahveekulehr). C. rayonnante (K. rehiohndhnt). radiata. Corona (Koorohnmdhn). Crown- tarrh. Cosmetique (KohsmehteSk) . Cosmetic. clavicular muscle. C.-coracoidien [K.-kohrahkoheedeeehn). Pectoralis minor muscle. The rectus musthe abdomen. C.-scapulaire (K.-skahpulihr). Serratus magnus muscle. Cote (Koht). Rib. Cote (Kohtd). Side. Flank. C.-pubien (K.-pubeeehn). cle of 26 eruption (on the forehead). Couronnement Surrounding. Cours (Koor). Course. Current. Diarrhoea. C. de ventre (K. deh vahntr). ing. Course (Koors). Running on foot. Short. Court,-e (Koor). Coussin (Koossehn). Cushion. Coussinet (Koosseeneh). Cushion. Couteau (Kootdh). Knife. Pad. OF MEDICAL TERMS Cou Couture Seam. {Koottlr). Crenelure {Krehnlur). Cicatrix. Sartorius muscle. Couturier {Kootureeeh) Couvre-chef (Koovre-Shehf). Head-band. age. Incubator. Coxalgia. Coxalgie (Kohxahlzshee) Coxalgie. Coxalgique {Kohxahlzsheek) Crachat {Krahskdh). Sputum. Spittle. . tion. . . Crachement Expectora- (Krahshmdhn). Frequent Crachotement {Krahshotmdhn). slight expectoration. Chalk. Craie (Kreh). Crampe (Krahmp). Cramp. des ecrivains {K. dehz ehkreevehn) Writer's cramp. Pain in C. d'estomac {K. dehstohmdh). the stomach. AnC. de poitrine {K. deh pooahtreen). gina pectoris. Crane {Krahn). Skull. Cranium. Craaiectomie (Krahneehktohmee). Crani- ectomy. Cranioclaste for {Krahneeohkldhst) Instrucrushing the foetal head. . Cranioclast. Craniologie (Krahneeohlohzshee). Phrenology. ology. Crani- . omy. Crapaud (Krahpdh). Toad. Craquement (Krahkmdhn). Cress. Cretace,-e (Krehtahsseh). Cretaceous. Crete (Kreht). Crest. Ridge. Cretes de coq {Kreht deh kohk). Warts. Cretin (KrehtShn). Cretin. Idiot. Cretinisme (Krehteeneesm). Cretinism. Creuset {Krehzeh). Crucible. Creux {Kreh). Hollow. Cavity. Creux de I'aisselle {K. deh lehssehl). Arm pit. Creux de I'estomac {K. deh lehstohmdh). Pit of the stomach. Creux de la main {K. deh lah mehn). Hollow of the hand. Creux poplite {K. pohpleetd). Popliteal space. Crevice. Fissure. Crack. Cry. Scream. Cri {Kree). Criardj-e {Kreedhr). Crying. Discordant. Riddled like a sieve. Crible,-e {Kreehld). Riddled like a Cribleux,-euse {Kreebleh) . sieve. Cribration Crepitation. Crackling sound. Rale. Crase {Krahz). Crasis. Constitution. Crasique {Krahzeek). Pertaining to {Kreehrahssion). Cribration Sifting. Cribriform {Kreebreeform). Cribriform. Cricoid. Cricoide {Kreekoheed) Crime {Kreem). Crime. CriminalCriminalite {Kreemeenahleetd) . a crasis. . Triangular bandage. Cretaceous. {Krehieh). Cravate {Krahvdht). Crayeux,-euse Chalky. Crayon Pencil. Stick (Krehiohn). nitrate of silver, etc.). Creasote (Krekahzoht). Creosote. Creatine (Krehahteen). Creatin. Creche (Krehsh). Infant shelter. (of Cremaster Cremaster (Krehmahstehr). muscle. Cremation (Krehmahssidn). Creme (Krehm). Cream. C. de tartre {K. deh tahrtr). Cremation. Cream Tartrate of potassium. C. de tartre soluble {K. deh tahrtr Soluble cream of tartar. of tar- tar. Crement (Krehmdhn). sohliihl). The absorbed part of food. Cremeux,-euse Resembling (Krehmeh). cream. Cremometre Cresson (Krehssohn). Crevasse {Krehvdhss). Craniometrie (Krahneeohmehtree). Craniometry. CraniotCraniotomie (Krahneeohtohmee) (Krehmohmehtr) . Cremom- cter. Crene,-e (Krehnd). ated. Crepitus (Krehpeetuss). Crepitus. Crepu,-e {Krehpti). Crisp. Crepusculaire (Krehpuskulehr). Crepuscular. tion. ment Indentation. Carnivorous. Creosote (Krehohzdht). Creosote. Crepitant, -e (Krehpeetdhn) Crepitant. Crepitation {Krehpeetahssion) Crepita- Creophage (Krehohfdhzsh). . Couveuse (Koovehz). C. Cri Indentated. Cren- ity. Criminal. Criminel,-le {Kreemeenehl) Crin {Krehn). Horsehair. Mane. Criniere {Kreeneeehr). Crisis. Crise {Kreez). Shuddering. {Kreespahssion). Crispation Wrinkling. ConThrilling sensation. dition of goose-skin. Crystal. Cristal {Kreestdhl). Silver niCristal de lune {K. deh liin). . trate. SaltCristal mineral {K. nieenehrdhl). peter. Acid tarCristal de tartre (^K. deh tahrtr). trate of potassium. AceCristal de Venus {K. deh Vehnus). tate of copper. Cristallin {Kreestahllehn). Crystalline lens. Cristalline {KrcestahlUen). Herpes of penis or of vulva. Cristallisation {Kreestahlleezahssidn) Crystallization. CrystalCristallise,-e {Kreestahlleezd). . lized. 27 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Cri Cristalloide (Kreestaloheed). Capsule of the crystalline lens. Cristalloidite {Kreestahloheedeet). Inflammation of the capsule of the lens. Critique (Kreeleek). Critical. Cuir {Kueer). Leather. C. chevelu {K. shehvlu). Scalp. Cuirasse {Kueer dhss). A fixed bandage for the chest. Cuisant,-e {Kueezdhn). Burning. Smart- Hook. Hamular proc- Crochet (Krohshd). ess of the cochlea. Crochu,-e (Krohshn). Hooked. Crooked. Cyc ing. Cuisine {Kueezeen). Kitchen. Cuisse {Kueess). Thigh. Crochu Os (A'. Ohss). Unciform bone. Crocus (Krohkus). Saffron. Cuisson {Kueessohn). Croise,-e (Krooahzd). Cuit,-e {Kuee). Cooked. Combination of Cuivrate {Kueevrdhl). cupric oxide with a base. Cuivre {Kueevr). Copper. Cuivre,-e {Kueevrd). Copper-colored. Cuivreux,-euse {Kueevreh). Coppery. Cuivrique {Kueevreek). Cupric. Culbute {Kulbut). Somersault. Fall. Cul-de-poule {Kudpool). Orifice having everted edges. Cul-de-sac {Kudsdhk). Cul-de-sac. Culot {Kuloh). Bottom of a crucible. Culture {Kultiir). Culture. Cuneen,-ne {Kunehehn). Pertaining to cuneiform bones. Cuneate. Crossed. Crucial. Cross-breed- Croisement {Krooahzmdhn) . ing. Croissance (Krooahssdhns). Growth. Croix (Kroodh). Apparatus in shape of a cross for fracture of clavicle. Croix de Malta {K. deh Mahlt). Compress in the form of a cross. Crotale (Krohtdhl). Rattle snake. Croton, huile de {Krotohn, lueel deh). Croton oil. Croup {Kroop). Croup. Croup spasmodique {K. spahzmohdeek). Spasm of glottis laryngismus stridulus. Croupal (Kroopdhl). Croupous. Croupion (Kroopeeohn). Rump. Croute (Kroot). Crust. Scab. Crouteux,-euse {Krooteh). Crusted. ; Scabby. Cru,-e {kru). Cuneiforme {Kuneheefdrm). Cuneiform. Cuneus {Kunehus). Cuneate lobe of brain (on the mesial surface of the occipital lobe). Raw. Uncooked. Unripe. Crucial (Krusseedhl). Crucial. Cruciforme (Krusseefohrm). Cruciform. Crudite (Krudeetd). Crudeness. Oozing Cruentation {Krtiahntahssidn). blood from wounds. Crural, -e {Krurdhl). Crural. C, artere {K. ahrtehr). Femoral artery. C, canal {K. kahndhl). Femoral canal; crural ring. C, carre {K. kahrd). Quadratus femoris muscle. nerf {K. nehr). Anterior crural nerve. Crustaces (Krustahsseh). Crustacea. Crypte {Kreept). Follicle. Crypt. C, Cryptogames {Kreeptohgahm). Crypto- gams. Cryptorchidie {Kreeptohrkeedee) Cryptorchism. Cubebe (Kubehb). Cubebs. Cubique (Kubeek). Cubic. Cubital, -e (Kubeetdhl). Ulnar. Cubital. C. anterieur {K. ahntehreeehr) Flexor . . carpi ulnaris m. C. artere {K. ahrtehr). Ulnar artery. C. posterieur {K. postehreeehr) Extensor carpi ulnaris m. . Cubitus {Kubeetils) . Ulna. Cuboide {Kuboheed). Cuboid. CucuUaire (Kukullehr). Trapezius muscle. Cuillere (Kueeehr). Spoon. Cuilleree {Kueeehr d). Spoonful. C. a bouche {K. ah boosh). Tablespoon. C. a cafe {K. ah kahfd). Teaspoon. Cuilleron {Kueeehr dhn). Small spoon. 28 Burning pain. Cooking. Combination of a {Kuprdht). cupric compound with a base. Curability. Curabilite {Kurahbeeleetd) Curable {Kurdhbl). Curable. Curage {Kurdhzsh). Curetting. Curare {Kurdhr). Curare. Curative. Curatif,-ive {Kurahteef). Curation {Kurahssidn). Curing. Cure {Kur). Cure. Treatment. C.-dent {Ktir ddhn). Toothpick. Ear-spoon. Ear C.-oreille {Kur-ohrehi). Cuprate . pick. Curette {Kureht). Curette. Curvateur, -trice {Kurvahtehr). Having a curve. du coccyx {K. du kokseex). Coccygeus muscle. Curvatif,-ive {Kurvahteef) Slightly curved. Cuspide,-e {Kuspeedd). Cuspidate. Cutane,-e {Kutahnd). Cutaneous, Cuticule {Kuteekiil). Cuticle. Cuve {Kuv). Tub. Bath. Cyanate {Seeahndht). Cyanate. Cyaneux,-euse {Seeahneh). Cyanic. Cyanhydrique, acide {Seeahneedreek, ahsHydrocyanic or Prussic acid. seed). Cyanose {Seeahndhz). Cyanosis. Cyanose,-e {Seeahnohzd). Cyanosed. Cyanotique {Seeahnohleek). Cyanotic. C. . Cyanure Cyanide. {Seeahnilr). Cycle {Seekl). Cycle. Cyclic. Cyclique {Seekleek). Cyclite (Seekleet). ciliary portion of Inflammation of the '•' _ the eye. Cyelitis. j OF MEDICAL TERMS Cyc Cyclopie (Seeklohpee). Cygne Cylindraxe {Seesteerahzshee) hemorrhage. Cystirrhagie Cyclopia. Swan. (Seen). {Seelehndrdhx). Axis-cylin- der. Cylindre {Seelehndr) Cylinder. . Cast (of urine) Cylindrique (Seelehndreek) Cynique (Seeneek). Cynic. . Cynoglosse Cylindrical. {Seenohgldhss). Cyt Dog's tongue. . Vesical Cystirrhaphie (Seesteerahfee). Suture of the bladder. Cystitis. Cystite (Seesteet). Cystitomie (Seesteetohmee). Cystitomy. Opening of the capsule of the lens. Cystocele (Seestohssehl). Cystocele. Cystocope (Seestohkdhp). Cystocope. HerCystomerocele {Seestohmehrohssehl) nia of the bladder through the femoral . Cyphose Kyphosis. Posterior (Seefdhz). curvature of the spine. Cyphotique {Seefohteek). Kyphotic. Pain in the {Seestahlzshee). Cystalgie Cystalgia. bladder. Cystectasie (Seestehktahzee). Dilatation of the bladder. Cysticercus. Cysticerque (Seesteesehrk) Small pouch. VesCysticule {Seesteekiil) . . icle. Cystine (Seesteen). Cystin. Cystique (Seesteek). Cystic. ring. Cystoptose (Seestohptohz). Cytoptosis. Prolapsus of the internal membrane of the bladder through its neck. Cystorrhagie (Seestohrahzshee). Hemorrhage from the bladder. Cystotomy, Cystotomie {Seestohtohmee) Lithotomy. Cytologie {Seetohlohzshee). Cytology. Protoplasm. Cytoplasme {Seetohpldhzm) . . Cytoplasm. 29 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Dae Dec D Dacryocystite (Dahkrceohceesteet) Inflammation of the lachrymal sac. Dacryolithe {Dahkreeohleet). Dacryolith. Dacryolithiase (Dahkreeohleetheedhz). . Dacryolithiasis. Decharge (Dehshdhrzsh). Discharge (elecnervous force). Decharne,-e {Dehshahrnd). Fleshless. Emaciated. Dechaussement {Dehshohssmdhn) Detaching the gum from the root of a tooth. Dechaussoir {Dekshohssoodhr). Instrument for detaching the gum from the tricity or . Dacryonome (Dahkreeohndhm). Ulcer of the lacrymal ducts. Dactyle,-e {Dahkteeld). Dactylate. Dactylion {Dahkteeleeohn). Webbed fingers. Syndyctalism. Dactylion. Dactylite {DahkteeUet). DactyHtis. Dactyloide {Dahkteeloheed). Dactyloid. Daltonien,-ne (Dahltohneeehn). Referable to Daltonism. Daltonisme (Dahltohneesm). Color blindness. Daltonism. Danse de St. Guy (Dahns deh St. Cu). Chorea. Danse de Wyt {Dahns dah St. St. Veet). Chorea. Dard (Dahr). Sting of insects. Dart. Dartos (Dahrtohss). Muscular coating of scrotum. Dartre {Dahrtr). Scabby. Datte (Daht). Date (fruit). Datura stramoine {Dahturdh strahmoodhn). Stramonium. Davier (Dahveed). Tooth . Decidence (Dehsseeddhns). Collapse. Falling. Decidu,-e (Dehssehdu). Deciduous. Decimane (Dehseemdhn). Occurring every ten days. Declaration (Dehklahrahssidn). Notifica- tion. Decline. Termina- tion. Declinaison {Dehkleenehzohn). Declina- tion. HecVwe {Dehkleev) part of a wound. Decocte {Dehkoktd). . Lowest Inclined. Product of decoc- Decoction (Dehkohkssidn). forceps. (Dehahlbahssidn). Rendering white. Decollation Decoction. (Dehkohlahssion). Decapita- tion. Remove a band- Decollement (Dehkohlmdhn). Separation. adhesions, etc.). Decolorant,-e {Dehkohlohrdhn). Discolor- Detachment age. Debile (Dehbeel). Weakly. Feeble. (Dehbeeleeidhn). Debilitat- Debilitant,-e Weakening. Debilite (Dehbeeleetd). Debit (Deebee). Debility. {Dehkohlohrahssion). Dis- coloration. Decombustion (Dehkohnbussion). Output. Disloca- Deoxi- dation. Decomposable (Dehkohmpohzdhbl). tion. Debordement {Dehbohrdmdhn). Overflowmg. Debridement tion. Cap- able of being decomposed. Decompose, -e {Dehkohmpohzd). (Dehbreednidhn). Division up adhesions. Debris cadaveriques {Dehbree kahdahvehreek). Dead bodies of animals. Debris osseux {D. ohsseh). Splinters of bone. Decalvant,-e (Dehkahlvdhn). Depilatory. Decantation (Dehkahntahssion). Decantaof bands, slitting Decapitation (of ing. Decoloration Deboitement (Dehbooahtmdhn). posed. Decom- Altered. Decomposition (Dehkohmpohzeessidn) . De- composition. Decompression (Dehkohmprehssidn) Diminution or cessation of compression. Decortication (Dehkohrteekahssidn). De- . cortication. Decours {Dehkoor). Decrease. Decline of a disease. {Dehkahpeetahssion). De- capitation. Deces (Dehsseh). Death. Demise. Dechappellement {Dehshahpehlmdkn). Removal of the crown of a tooth. 30 Loss. tion. Debander (Dehbahndd). ing. Waste. Dechire,-e (Dehsheerd). Lacerated. Torn. Dechirement {Dehsheermdhn) Laceration. Tearing. Rupture. Dechirure {Dehsheerur). Laceration. Tearing. Rupture. Declin {Dehklehn). A generic name for various eruptions of the skin (herpes, etc.). Dartreux,-euse (Dahrtreh). Herpetic. Dealbation tooth-root. Dechet {Dehsheh). Decouvert,-e {Dehkoovehr). Uncovered. Discovered. Decrepit. Decrepit, -e (Dehkrehpee). Decrepitation (Dehkrehpeetahssion). Crackling. Decrepitation. OF MEDICAL TERMS Dec Decrepitude (Dehkrehpeetiid) Decrepi- . Decroissance (Dehkrooahssdhns). Diminution. crease. Decroissement (Dehkrooahssmdhn). DeDe- crease. . Degrada- Degre {Dehgrd). Degree. Degustation (Dehgustahssion). Tasting. Dehiscence {Deheessdhns). Dehiscence. Discharge. Dejection (Dehzshehkssion) . {Dehkuheetus). Lying down Bed-sore. position. Decussation (Dehkussahssidn). DecussaCrossing. tion. Dedoler (Dehdohld). Direct tlie knife obliquely to the cutting surface. Decubitus Dedoublement {Dehdooblmdhn) Redupli- . cation. Deduction {Dehdukssion). Deduplication Deduction. (Dehdupleekahssion) Re. duplication. Defaillance Faintness. {Dehfahiildhns). Syncope. Defaut (Dehfoh). Defect. Defecation [Dehfehkahssion) Defecation. . Guard Defenseur (Dehfahnssehr). of an instrument. Defensif,-ive (Dehfahnseef). Defequer (Defehker) . To Protective. defecate. Deferent,-e {Dehfehrdhn). Deferent. Defervescence (Dehfehrvehssdhns). Lowering of temperature (sudden). Defibrine,-e {Dehfeebreend). Defibrinated. Defini,-e (Dehfeenee). Definite. Definition. Definition {Dehfeeneession) Deflagration {Dehflahgrahssion) Deflagra. . tion. Defiechi,-e (Dehflehshee). Deflexion (Dehflehksidn). Bent down. De- Deflexion. Dejection. Delabrement {Dehlahbrmdhn). Tearing apart of tissue in a wound. D. de I'estomac {D. deh lehstohmdh). Sensation of distaste for food. Delayant,-e (Dehlehiidhn). Diluent. Deletere (Dehlehtehr). Deleterious. Deligation {Dehleegahssion). Ligaturing. Bandaging. Dressing. Delimiter {Dehleemeetd). Place a limit or a special character on an area or on a disease. Deliquescence Deli(Dehleekehssdhns). quescence. Deliquescentj-e (Dehleekehssdhn). Deliquescent. Delirious. Delirant,-e {Dehleerdhn). Delirium. Delire {Dehleer). Delirer {Dehleer d). To be in a delirious state. Delirium tremens {Dehleer eeohm Deflora- (Dehflohrahssidn). . Itch- . ing. Demence {Dehmdhns). tion. Falling of Defoliation (Dehfohleeahssion). the leaves. Deformation (Dehfohrmahssion) treh- Delirium tremens. mehns). Delitescence {Dehleetehssdhns). State of a body that has lost its water. Sudden loss of a disease. Delivery of Deliverance {Dehleevrdhns) the after-birth. Delivre {Dehleevr). After-birth. Deltoid (muscle). Deltoide {Dehltoheed). Demangeaison {Dehmahnzshehzohn) viation. Deform- . ation. Degagement {Dehgahzshmdhn). (i) Freeing of the head of the foetus during confinement. (2) Separation of gases. DeDegeneration {Dehzsheknehrahssion) generation. Degenerescence (Dehzshehnehrehssdhns) . Degeneration. {Dehzshehnehrd). Degener- Degenere,-e Dementia. Unsound mind. Dement,-e {Dehmdhn). Demented. Demettre {Dehmihtr). To dislocate. Demi,-e {Dmee). Half. D.-bain {Dmee-bthn). Half-bath. Sitzbath. D.-circulaire {Dmee-seerkuUhr). Semicir- cular. D.-membraneux,-euse {D .-mahmbrahnih) Semi-membranous. Demis,-e (Dehmee). Dislocated. Demi-tendineux,-euse {Dmee-tahndeenih) Semi-tendinous. ated. Deglutition. Deglutition {Dehgluteession). Swallowing. Degonfiement (Dehgohflmdhn). CollapsRemoval ing (of swelling). Subsiding. of gas from a cavity. Freeing Degorgement (Dehgohrzshmdhn) from congestion. Degourdi,-e (Dehgoordee). Quick. Shrewd. Degourdissement (Dehgoordeesmdhn). Reviving of a tissue or of an organ. Degofit (Dehgod). Disgust. Dislike. Dis. taste. Degradation {Dehgrahdahssidn) tion. tude. Defloration Den Demi -transparent, -e {Dmee-trahnspahrSemi-transparent. Demographic {Dehmohgrahfie). Demography. dhn). D6monomanie {Dekmohnohmahnie). De- monomania. Demonstration {Dehmohnstrahssidn) De- . monstration. Dendrite {Dahndriet). Dengue {Dehng). Dendritis. (Tropical dis- Dengue ease). Dense {Dahns). Thick. Dense. 31 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Den Densimfetre (Dahnseemihtr). Instrument for measurinj^ the density of objects. Densite (Dahnscetd). Density. Dent (Dahn). Tooth. Dentaire (Dnhntehr). Dental. Dente,-e {DnhntA). Denticulated. Dentele,-e {Dahntld). Notched. Denticulated. Indentations. (Dahnteekuld). Having Denticule,-e dentations. Dentier {Dahnteed). Dermatosclerose (Dehrmahtohsklehrdhz). Sclerosis of the skin. in- (arti- ficial). tion. Denude, -e (Dehnudd). Denuded. (Dehnutreessidn) . Any disease of the skin. Derme (Dehrm). Skin. True skin. Inflammation of the Dermoide {DehrmoMed). That which reDermoid. (Dehzahkooplmdhn) sembles skin. Set of teeth Scleroderma. Dermatose (Dehrmahtdhz). skin. Dentifrice (Dahnteefr6ess). Tooth powder. Dentine (Dahnteen). Tooth powder. Dentiste (Dahnteest). Dentist. Dentition (Dahnteessidn). Teething. Denture {Dahntilr). Set of teeth. Denudation (Dehnudahssidn). Denuda- Denutri- tion. D6saccouplement Uncoupling of the sexes. DSsagregation {Dehzahgrehgahssidn) Loss. Dis- . aggregation. Disarticulation (Dehzahrteekulahssidn) . Disjointing. Desassimilation (Dehzahsseemeelahssidn) Disassimilation. Descendant,-e (Dehssahnddhn). Descendant. Descending. Descente (Dehssdhnt). Hernia. Descriptif,-ive Deontologie medicale {Dehohntohlohzshle mehdeecdhl). Medical ethics. Depense (Dehpdhns). Expenditure. Deperdition {Dehpehrdeessidn). Waste. Descrip- (Dehskreepteef). tive. Desenfiure (Dehzahnfliir). Diminution of a swelling. Deshydratation (Dehzeedrahtahssidn) De. hydration. Deperissement (Dehpehreessmdhn). cay. Wasting away. De- Depilation (Dehpeelahssidn). Depilation. Depilatoire (Dehpeelahtoodhr). Depilatory. Deplacement (Dehplahssmdhn). Displacement. Dislocation. Depletion (Dehplehssidn). Depletion. Depot (Dehpoh). Sediment. Abscess. Depourvu,-e (Dehpoorvd). Unprovided for. {Dehrmahtohrahzshie) Cutaneous hemorrhage. Dermite {Dehrmiet). Dentelure (Dahntliir). Denutrition Dermatorrhagie Des Wanting Deprava- tion. Depresseur {Dehprehss6hr). Depressor. {Dehprehsseebl). Easily de- Compressed. Depressif,-ive {Dehprehsseef). Depressmg. Depression (Dehprehssion). Depression. Deprime,-e (Dehpreemd). Pressed down. pressed. Depressed. Depuratif,-ive {Dehpiirahteef). Depura- tory. Deraisonnement (Dehredzohnmdhn) Polly. Derangement (Dehrahnzshmdhn). turbance. Desiccation Desicca- {Dehsseekahssidn). tion. Desinfectant,-e (Dehzehnfehktdhn). Dis- Desinfection Disin- {Dehzehnfehkssidn). fection. Desir (Dehzeer). Desire. Aperi- . ent. Desobstruction (Dehzohbstrukssidn). The effect of the aperient. Desodorise,-e {Dehzohdohreezd) Deodor. ised. Desordre (Dehzdhrdr). Disorder. (Dehzohrgahneezahssion) Disorganization. Desoxydation {Dehzohkseedahssion). Removal of oxygen. Desoxyde,-e {Dehzohkseedd). Body from which oxygen has been removed. Desoxygenation (Dehzohkseezshehnahssion). Removal of oxygen. SkimDespumation {Dehspumahssion). Desorganisation . ming. Disorder. Derivative. Desquamation Revulsive. Derivation (Dehreevahssidn). Derivation. Derive, -e (Dekreevd). Derived. Dermatite (Dehrmahteet). Inflammation of the skin. Dermatographie (Dehrmahtohgrahfie) squamation. Derivatif,-ive (Dehreevahteef). Dis- infectant. Desobstruant,-e (Dehzohbstrudhn) in. Depravation (Dehprahvahssidn). Depressible Deshydrogenation (Dehzeedrohzshehnahssi6n). Removal of hydrogen. Dermatography. Dermatologie (DehrmahtohohzsMe). matology. 32 Desseche,-e (Dehskvahmahssion). {Dehssehshd). De- Dessicated. Dried up. Dessechement (Dehssehshmdhn) Draining. Dessiccation (Dehsscekahssidn). . Drying up. Desicca- tion. Der- Destructivite (Dehstrukteeveetd). ency of destruction. The tend- J OF MEDICAL TERMS Des Desuni,-e (Dehzunee). Disunited. Detente {Dehtdhnt). Return to normal state. Detergent. Detergent,-e (Dehtehrzshdhn) Deterger (Dehtehrzshd). To purify. Determination {Dehtehrmeenahssion). Determination, Estimation. Detersif,-ive (Dehtehrseef). Detergent. . Dif Diaphane (Deeahfdhnn). Transparent. Diaphanous. Diaphorese (DeeahfohrShz). Perspiration. Diaphoresis. Which Diaphoretique (Deeahfohrehteek). excites sweating. Diaphragmatique Desiccation. {Deeahjrahgmahteek) Diaphragmatic. Diaphragme (Deeahfrdhgm). Diaphragm. Diaphyse (Deeahfeez). Diaphysis. Detonant,-e (Dehiohndhn). Detonating. Detonation {Dehtohnassion). Detonation. Diaplegie (Deeahplehzshee). Diplegia. Bilateral hemiplegia. Diapnogene (Deeahpnohzshehn). Sudorip- Cleansing. Detersion (Dehtehrssion). Detersion. Pertaining (Dehtreeteek). detritus. Detritus {Dehtreetus). Detritus. to Narrowest part of a Detritique Detroit {Dehtroodh). cavity. D. superieur du bassin {D. supehreeehr dii bahssehn). Inlet of the true pelvis. D. inferieur du bassin {D. ehnfehreeehr du Outlet of the true pelvis. bahssehn). Detroncation (Dehtrohnkahssidn). Decapitation. Detumescence (Dehtumehssdhnss). Diminution of swelling. Deuteropathie {Dehtehrohpahtee) Secondary disease. Developpement (Dehvlohpmdhn). Devel. opment. Deviation {Dehveeahssion). Deviation. Devoir (Dehvoodhr). Duty. Dextrine {Dehkstreen). Dextrine. Dextrine, -e (Dehkstreend). Containing dextrine. Dextrinique (Dehkstreeneek). to dextrine. Dextrogyre (Dehkstrohzsheer). tatory. Dextrose {Dehkstrohz). Pertaining Dextroro- Grape sugar. Dextrose. arous. Diarrhee (Deeahrd). Diarrhoea. Diarrheique (Deeahreheek). Diarrhoeic. Diarthrose (Deeahrthrohz). Movable joint. EleDiastase (Deeahstdhz). Diastasis. ment extracted from barley, etc., which makes starch undergo special changes. Diastasis (Deeahstahzees). Separation of two contiguous bones without dislocation. Diastematie (Deeahstehmahssee). An abnormality consisting of a median fissure (in brain, vertebral column, pelvis, etc.). Diastole (Deeahstohl). Diastole. Diathermane (Deeahtehrmdhn). manous. Heat conducting. Diathermique (Deeahtehrmeek). Diathesique (Deeahtehzeek). Diathese {D eeahtehz) Diathetic. Disposition. . Tendency. Diathesis. Diatomique (Decahtohmeek). Diatripteur Diatomic. A {Deeahtreepiehr). Dicephalous. (Deekohtohmdhl). Referable to what is dichotomous. Dichotome {Deekohtdhm). Dichotomous. Dichotomal,-e deh Deeahble). Venous murmur. Adhesive (Deeahsheelohn) Diachylon plaster. Diachylon. Diacode; sirop de diacode (Deeahkohd; seeroh deh deeahkohd). Syrup of opium. Diagnostic; Diagnose {Deeahgnohsteek; Deeahgiiuhz). Diagnosis. Diagnostique (Deeahgnohsteek). Diagnos- Dicotyledon {Deekohteelehdohn). tic. ysis. Diamant (Deeahmdhn). Diamonte,-e Diamond. Hard and (Deeahmahntd). a diamond. Diametre (Deeahmehtr). Diameter. Diapason {Deeahpahzohn). Tuning-fork. Diapedese {Deeahpehdehz). Transudation of blood. Diapedesis. V)right as linear ecraseur. Dicephale (Deessehfdhl). Dichotome,-e (Deekohlohmd). Dialyse (Deeahleez). Dialysis. Dialyzer. Dialyseur (Deeahleezehr). Dialytic (Deeahleeteek). Pertaining to dial- Diather- mic. Diabete (Deeahbeht). Diabetes. Diabetic. Diabetique (Deeahbehteek). Diable. bruit de diable {Deedhble; bruee . Diather- Showing dichotomy. Dichotomie (Deekyhtohmce). Dichotomy. Dicotyledon. Dicrote (Deekrdht). Dicrotic. Dicrotisme (Deekrohteesm). State of dicrotic pulse. Retinitis. Dictyite (Deekteeet). Didactyle {Deedahkteel). Aflfected with didactylism. Didactylism. Didactylie {Deedahkteelee). Didelphe {Deedehlf). Possessing double uterus. Didymite (Deedeemeet). Orchitis. Dierese (Deeehrehz). Dieresis. Diete {Deeeht). Diet. Regimen. Dietetique (Deeehlchleek). I)ietetics. Dictctist. Dietetiste {Deechtchteest). Differenciation {Deefehrahnsseeassidn) DifTerentiation. DifDifferentiel,-le {DeeffehrahnsseeM). ferential. 33 Dif FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Diffluence. Diffluence (Deefludhns). Diffluent. Diffluent, -e {Deefludhn). Deformity. Difformite {Deefohrmeetd). Diffraction. Diffraction {Deefrahkssidn). Diffus,-e (Deeffii). Diffuse. Diffuser (Deffusd). To diffuse. DiffusiDiffusibilite (Deeffuzeebeeleetd). bilitv. Diffusible. That Diffusible {Deeffuzeebl). which spreads rapidly. Diffusion (Deeffuzidn). Diffusion. Digastrique (Deegahstreek). Digastric (muscle). Digenese (Deezshehnehz). Digenesis. Digesteur (Deezshehsiehr). Digester (in physiological chemistry). DigesDigestibilite {Deezshehsteebeeleetd) . tibility. Digestible (Deezshehsteebl). Digestible. Digestive. Digestif, -ive {Deezshehsteef). Digestion (Deezshehssion). Digestion. Digital. Digital,-e {Deezsheetdhl). Digitalis. Digitale {Deezsheetdhl). Digitalin. Digitaline (Deezsheetahleen) Digitation. Digitation {Deezsheetahssion) Digitated. Digite,-e (Deezsheetd). DilacDilaceration (Deelahssehrahssidn). eration. DilatabilDilatabilite {Deelahtahbeeleetd) . . . ity. Dilatable. Dilatable {Deelahtdhbl). Dilatant,-e (Deelahtdhn). Dilating. Causing dilatation. Dilator. Dilatateur,-trice (Deelahtahtehr). Dilatation (Deelahtahssidn). Dilatation. Dilate, -e (Deelahtd). Dilated. Dilution. Dilution [Deelussion). Diminution (Deemeenussion). Diminution. Dimorphe (Deemohrf). Dimorphous. Dimorphisme {Deemohrfeesm). Dimorphism. Dinde {Dehnd). Turkey (bird). Dindon {Dehndohn). Turkey (bird). Dinitrique {Deeneetreek). Containing two equivalents of nitric acid. Dioleine {Deeohleheen). Containing two equivalents of oleic acid. Diophthalme {Deeohftdhlm). Binocular glass. Diploique {Deeploheek). Diploic. Dipldme {Deepldhm). Diploma. Diplometre {Deeplohmehtr). Apparatus for measuring the pupil. Diplopie {Deeplohpee). Double vision. Diplopia. Diplosomie {Deeplohssohm&e). Monstrosity characterized by two bodies. Dipnoique {Deepnoheek). Breathing in two different ways. Dipode {Deepohd). Biped. Dipsomane {Deepsohmdhn). Dipsomaniac, Referable to dipsomania. Dipsomanie {Deepsohmahnee). Dipsomania. Diruptif,-ive {Deerupteef). aration and rupture. Discolore {Deeskohlohr). Producing sepPossessing two colors. Discontinu,-e {Deeskohnteenu). Discon- tinuous. Discontinuite {Deeskohnteenueetd). Discontinuity. Discret,-e {Deeskreh). Discrete. Disgregation {Deesgrehgahssion). Separation. Disaggregation. Disjoint,-e {Deeszshooehn). Separated. Disjoined. Disjonctif,-ive {Deeszshohnkteef). Separated. Disjonction {Deeszshohnkssion). Separation. Disjunction. Dislocation {Deeslohkahssion). Dislocation with displacement. Disome {Deezdhm). Possessing two bodies. Dispensaire {Deespahnsehr). Dispensary. Dispensation {Deespahnsahssion). Dispensing (prescriptions). Dispersif,-ive dispersion. {Deespehrseef). Producing Dispersion {Deespehrssion). Dispersion. Disposition {Deespohzeession). Disposition (final arrangement of Disque {Deesk). Disc. affairs). Dissecable {Deessehkdhbl). What can be dissected. Dissection {Deessehkssion). Dissemblable Dissection. Dissim{Deessahmbldhbl). ilar. Dioptre {Deeohptr). Unit for numbering spectacles. Dioptre. Speculum. Dioptrie {Deeohptree). Dioptry. Dioptrique {Deeohptreek). Science of reflexion and refraction of light. Dioptrics. Dissemination {Deessehmeenassidn). Dissemination. Dissequant,-e {Deessehkdhn). Dissecting. Disseque,-e {Deessehkd). Dissected. Dissequer {Deessehkd). To dissect. Dissimilaire {Deesseemeelehr) Dissimilar. Dissimule,-e {Deesseemuld). Concealed. DissoDissociation {Deessohsseeahssion). . Dioptrorganoscopie {Deeohptrohrgahnohskohpee). Dioptric examination of organs. ciation. Diphterie {Deeftehrcc). Diphtheria. Diphterite {Deeftehreet). Diphtheria. Diphteritique {Deeftehreeteek). Diphtheritic. Diphteroide {Deeftehrohied). Diploe {Deeplohd). Diploe. 34 Dis Diphtheroid. Resolvent. Dissolutif,-ive {Deessohluteef). Dissolution {Deessohlussion). Solution. Solvent. Dissolvant,-e {Deessohlvdhn). Dissonance {Deessohndhns). Dissonance. Dissymetrique {Deesseemehtreek) Unsym. metrical. OF MEDICAL TERMS Dis Distal, -e (Deestdhl). Domestique Distal. Distension (Deestahnssion). Distension. Distillation (Deesteelahssion) Distillation. Distillatoire {Deesteelahtoodhr). Distillatory. Distille,-e (Deesteeld). Distilled. . Distome {Deestohm). Distoma. Liver fluke. Distomien,-ne (Deestohmeeehn). Referable to distoma. Distorsion {Deestohrssidn). Distractile Dul Distortion. What {Deestrahkteel). keeps separated. Distraction (Deestrahkssidn). Separation. Segregation. Dithionique {Deeteeohneek). Possessing two equivalents of sulphur. Dithionic. Diurese {Deeurehz). Diuresis. Diuretique (Deeurehteek). Diuretic. Diurne (Deeurn). Diurnal. Divellent,-e (Deevehlldhn). Producing reciprocal removal of chemical compounds. Divergence (Deevehrzshdhns). Divergence. Divergent,-e (Deevehrzshdhn) Divergent. Diversicolore (Deevehrsseekohlohr). Possessing diverse colors. Diverticulaire (Deevehrteekulehr). Diver. ticular. {Dohmehsteek). Servant. Homely. Donation (Dohnahssion). Donation. Doreur (Dohrehr). Gilder. Dormitif,-ive {Dohrmeeteef). Hypnotic. Dorsal, -e (Dohrssdhl). Dorsal. Dorure {Dohrilr). Gilding. Dos [Doh). Back. D. voute {D. voold). Kyphosis. Dosage (Dohzdhzsh). Dosage. Dose (Dohz). Doze. IDossieT (Dohsseed). Back of a seat. Bundle of papers. D. du lit {D. du lee). Bed rest. Dothiene (Dohteeehn). Inflammation resulting in an abscess. Dothienenterie (Dohteeehnahntehree). Typhoid or enteric fever. Double (Doobl). Double. Double, -e (Doobld). Doubled. Double-vue Douce-amere (Dooss-ahmehr). sweet. Woody nightshade. Douche (Doosh). Shower-bath. D. Divisibilite Doux; douce {Doo; Divisibil- Divisible (Deeveezeebl). Divisif,-ive {Deeveezeef). separated. Division (Deeveezeedn). Divulseur (Deevulsehr). Divulsion (Deevulssion). Divisible. What hold parts Division. Divulsor. Tearing out. vulsion. Docteur {Dohktehr). Physician. Doctrine (Dohktreen). Doctrine. Dogme (Dohgm). Di- Doctor. Dogma. Dogmatique {Dohgmahteek). Dogmatic. Dogmatisme {DohgmahUesm). Dogmatism. Dogmatiste (Dohgrnahteesl). Dogmatist. Doigt (Doodh). Finger. Digit. D. de pieds {D. deh peeeh). Toe. D. annulaire (D. ahnnulehr). Ring finger. D. auriculaire (D. ohreekulehr). Little Doigtier (Dooahteeeh). Finger-stall. Glovefinger to cover a diseased finger. Dolichocephale {Dohleekohssehfdhl). Dolichocephale. (Individual having an oblong head.) Dolichocephalie (DohleekohssehfaUe) Dolichocephalia. Dolichopode (Dohleekohpdhd). Having long feet. Domestication {D ohmehsteekahssidn) mestication. {Dohmehsteesseeld). Domesticite ticity. tic . Do- Domes- Douche. Sweet. dooss). Not acid tasting. Fresh (concerning water). Dragee {Drahzshd). Sugared confection. Comfit. Drain {Drehn). Drainage tube. Drainage (Drehndhzsh). Drainage. Drastique {Drahsteek). Drastic. Dreche (Drehsh). Malt. Drogue {Drohg). Drug. Droguerie (Drohgree). Drugs. Places where drugs are kept. Droguier (Drohggeed). Collection of drugs. Droguiste {Drohggiest). Druggist. Droit, -e (Droodh). Straight. Right. Erect. D. muscle {D. niuskl). Rectus muscle. Droits (Droodh). The rights. Droitier (Drooahleeeh). Right-handed. Dropax [Drohpdhks). Pitch plaster for epilation. Dualisme (Duahleezm). finger. Bitter- (D. teek). Facial neuralgia. (Doov). Distoma. Douve (Deeveezeebeeleetd). vision. Douleur (Doolehr). Pain. Douloureux (Doolooreh). Painful. Diverticule (Deevehrteekill). Diverticulum. Divise,-e (Deeveezd). Divided. ity. Double {Doobl-vu). Diplopia. Dualism. Dualiste (Duahleest). Dualist. Dualistique {D uahleestiek) Dualistic. Dualite {Diiahleetd). Duality. Duboisine (Duhoheezeen). E.xtract of Du. boisia myoporoides (acting as a mydri- atic). Ducroquet-Launay, operation de (D.-L., Medio-tarsal and ohpehrahssidn deh). It is indisub-astragalicn arthrodesis. cated in paralysis of the foot and in paralysis of the external popliteal nerve. Ductility. Ductilite (Dukteelceld). To dulcify. Dulcifier (Dulsseefeed). 36 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Duo Duodenal, -e (Diiohdekudkl). Duodenal. Duodenite {Dtiohdehn&et). Duodenitis. Duodenum {Duakdehndhm). Duodenum. Duplicity. DupllcitS (Dupleesseetd). Dur,-e {Dur). Hard. Tough. Dural,-6 (Dtirdhl). Dural. Durcissant,-e {Dursseessdhn). Hardening. Reagent producing hardening. Durcissement {Dursseessmdhn). HardenInduration. Duree (Durd). Duration. Dure-mere (Dur-mihr). Dura-mater. Durete (Durtd). Hardness. Callousing. ness. Durete Hardness d*oreille {D. dohrehy). of hearing. Induration of skin. Durillon (Dureeyon). Corn. Duvet (Duveh). Down (fine soft hair). Duvete,-e {Duvtd). Covered with down. Dynamiqae {Deenahmeek). Dynamic. Dynamics. Dynamisme (Deenahmiesm) Dynamism. Dynamite (Deenahmeet). Dynamite. Dynamographe j {Deenahmohgrdhf). Dynamograph. TreaDynamologie (Deenahmohlohzshee) . . on dynamics. Dynamometre (DeenahmohmShtr) mometer. tise Dynamophore Dyna- . (Deenahmohfohr). Giving Dynamoscopic (Deenahrnohskohpee). namoscopy. Dy- Dysarthria (articulatory defect of speech resulting from motor disturbances in the muscular apparatus of phonation). Dysarthrose (Deesahr(rdhz). Dysarthrosis. Dyschezie (Deeshehzee). Difficulty of deDysarthrte {Deezahrtree). fecation. Dyschromateux,-euse (Deeskrohmahtih). Showing change of color. Dyschromatous. Dyschromatopste (Deeskrohmahtohpsee) Dyschromatopsia. 36 Dyschromatose (Deeskrohmahtdhz). Dyschromatous state. Dyscinesie {Deesseenehzee). Diminution or disturbance of voluntary movements. Dyskinesia. Dyscrasie (Deeskrahzee). Dyscrasia. Dyscrasique (Deeskrahzeek). Dyscrasie. Dysecee (Deezehssd). Daltonism. Weakness of hear- ing. Dysenterie (Deezahntree). Dysentery. Dysenterique (Deezahntehreek). Dysen- teric. Dysesthesie (Deezehstehzee). Spontaneous subjective disturbances of sensations (burning, numbness, etc.). Dyslalie (DeezlaJilee) Difficult articulation of speech. Dyslexia {Deeslehksee) Dyslexia (shortly after the individual commences to read he ceases to understand the meaning of the following words; after a brief rest, he regains the faculty of comprehending the printed matter). Dysmenorrhea (Deesmehnohrd). Dysmenorrhoea. Painful and disturbed menstruation. Dyspepsia (Deespehpsee). Dyspepsia. Dyspeptiqua (Deespehpteek). Dyspeptic. Dysphagie (Deesfahzshee). Difficulty of swallowing. Dysphagia. Dysphonie (Deesfohnee). Disturbance ot voice. Dysphonia. Dyspnea (Deespnd). force. Dys Difficulty of breath- Dyspnoea. Dyssymetrie {Deesseemehtree). ing. Want of symmetry. Dyssymetrique {Deesseemehtreek). senting a want of symmetry. Pre- Dyssenterie (Deezahntree). Dysentery. Dyssenterique (Deezahntehreek). Pertaining to dysentery. Dystocia (Deestohssee). Difficult labor. Dystocia. Dystrophia (Deestrohfee). Dystrophy. Disturbed nutrition of tissue. Dysuria (Deezuree). Dysuria. Disturbed micturition. OF MEDICAL TERMS £au Eau (Oh). Water. Eaux (Oh). Amniotic fluid. Eaux, poche des- (£. Pohsh dehz-). Bag of waters (Obstetrics). Eau distillee {Oh Distilled deesteeld). water. E. de fenouil (0. deh fehnooy). Fennel water. E.-forte iP.fohrt). Nitric acid. E. de Goulard {0. deh Gooldhr). Liquor plumbi subacetati. E. de Source (£. deh ssours). Spring water. E. phagedenique (0. fahzshehdehneek) Lotio hydrargyri flava. E. potable (O. pohtdhhl). Drinking water. Ebarbement (Ehbarbmdhn). Removal vegetations with an instrument. Ebene (Ehbehn). Ebony. fiblouissement {Ehhloo'eessmdhn). Dimness ling. of tcho (Ehkdh). Echo. £. metallique (E, mehtaleek). Metallic sound (heard in lung or pleura). Echokinesie (Ehkohkeenehzie). Repetition of movements seen. Echokinesis. ficholalie (Ehkohlahlee) Echolalia (repetition of sounds, words heard close to the ear ^observed sometimes in aphasics). Eclair (Ehklehr). Lightning. t^claiTage (Ehklehrdhzsh). Lighting. Illumination. Eclampsie (Ehklahmpsee) Eclam.psia (convulsions). . — . Eclamptique (Ehklahmpteek) ficlat (Ehkldh). Glitter. Eclamptic. . Brightness. ficlectique {Ehklehkteek). Eclectic. ficlisse (Ehklees). Surgical splint. ficole (Ehkohl). School. j^conomie Daz- of vision. Ecz (Ehkohnohmee) Economy . Animal body. Bark. Rind. ficorcement (Ehkohrsmdhn). Stripping. ficorce (Elikuhrss). fibranlement (Ehbrahnlmdhn). Commotion. Shaking. fibriete (Ehbreeehtd) Drunkenness. Ebriety. Alcoholism. Ebrieux,-euse {Ehbreeeh). Alcoholic. Pertaining to drunkenness. Ebrouement (Ehbrooehmdhn). Sneezing. . ficorchure {Ehkohrshi'ir). Excoriation. ]6coulement {Ehkoolmdhn). Running. Discharge (gonorrhea, leucorrhea, etc.). Ecouvillon (Ehkooveeyohn) Brush or sponge used for cleaning bodily cavities . (uterus, etc.). Ebullition {EhhuU cession). Boiling. Eburnation {Ehburnahssion). Induration of the character of ivory. Eburnation. ficrasement (Ehkrahzmdhn) Crushing. Ecraseur {Ehkrahzehr) Ecraseur, Writing. ficriture {Ehkreetur). Ebume,-e {Ehburnd). Scrofula. ficrouelle (Ehkrooehl). Mole. ficrouellet {Ehkrooehlih). Ecstrophie {Ekslrohjce). Exstrophy White as ivory. Eburneous. Eburnification (Ehburneefeekahssion). Eburnification. ficaille (Ehkdy). Scale. Shell. t,. d'huitres (preparees (E. dueetr prehpahrd). Prepared oystershells. Ecailleux,-euse (Ehkahyehz). Squamous. Scaly. . . (of bladder, etc.). Ectasie (Ehktahzee). Dilatation. DistenEctasis. Ectatique (Ehktahtiek). Ectatic. Ecthyma (Elikteemdh). Ecthyma. Ecthymose (Ehkteemohz). Urticaria. sion. ficartement (Ehkahrtmdhn) Separation. ficarteur (Ehkahrtehr). Retractor. Ecchymose {Ehkeemdhz). Ecchymosis. Ecchymotique (Ehkeemohteek) Ecchymotic. Ecdermique (Ehkdehrmeek). Which is out- Ectoderme {Ehktohdchrm). Ectoderm. Ectodermique {Ehklohdehrm6ek). Refer- derma. fichancrure ( Ehshahnknir) Ectrodactylie {Ehktrohdahkteelee). . . side of Echarde {Rhshdhrd). . Notch. Splinter. Sling. ficharpe (Ehshdhrp). fichauboulure {Ehshohbulur). Pimple. £chauffant,-e (Ehshohfdhn). Heating. Constipating. fichauffement (Ehshohfmdhn) Heating. Constipation. Gonorrhea (popular name). fichinocoque (Ehsheenohkdhk). Echinococ. able to the ectoderm. Displacement. Ectopie {Ehktohpee). normal position. Ectoplasme (Ehktohpldhsm). Ab- Ectoplasm. Extro- dactylia. Ectropion (Ehktrohpeedhn). Evcrsion of Ectropion. the lids. Ectropodie {Ehktrohpohdee). A condition of foot without one or several toes. {Ehktrohttek). Abortive. Ectrotique Abort if acicnt. ficume (Ehkiim). Froth. Foam. ficumeux,-euse (Ehkumch). Frothy. Squirrel. ficureuil [Ehkurchy). ficzema {Ehkzehmdh). Eczema. 37 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ede £dente,-e (Ekdahntd). Edentate. fidredon (Ehdrehddhn). Eider-down. Education {Ehdukahssion). Education. fidulcoration {Ehdulkokrahssion). Sweetening. fidule (Ehdiil). Edible. Eflferent,-e (Ehfehrdhn). Efferent. Effervescence (Ehfehrvehssdhns). vescence. Efifervescent,-e (Ehfehrvehssdhn). vescent. Effleurir (Ehflehreer). To cence. Efflorescent,-e EfferEffer- Electrolytique undergoes elecElec- {Ehlehktrohleeteek). Electro-magnetique {Ehlehktroh-mahgnehElectro-magnetic. filectro-magnetisme {Ehlehktroh-makgnehteesm). Electro-magnetism. filectrometrie {Ehlehktrohmehtree). Electrometry. £lectro-negatif,-ive {Ehlehktroh-nehgahieef). Electro-negative. £lectro-positif,-ive {Ehlehktroh-pohzeeUef). teek). (Ehflohressdhn). Efflores- Effluve (EhflHv). Effluvium. Effluxion (Ehflukssion). Earlv abortion. Effort {Ekfohr). Effort. Strain. Effusion (Ehfuzion). Effusion. £gal,-e {Ehgdhl). Equal. figoisme (Ehgoheesm). Egotism. figophonie (Ehgohfohnee). A variety of tremulous bronchophonia. figrotant,-e {Ehgrohtahn). Unhealthy. fijaculateur (Ehzshahkulaktehr). Ejaculatory (duct). Ejaculation (Ehzshahkulahssion). lation. Emission. Ejaculatoire {Ehzshahkulahloodhr) EjacuEjacu- Elabora- . Electropuncturation. filectro-therapeutique {Ehlehktroh-tehrahpehteek). Electrotherapeutics. Electro -therapie (Ehlehktroh-tehrahpee). Electrotherapy. filectro-thermie {Ehlehktroh-tehrmee) Pro- duction of heat by electricity. Electrotonus {Ehleh'ktrohtohnus). Electro- tonus. filectuaire (Ehlehktuehr). tion. Ethylene. filancement (Ehlahnsmdhn). Lancinating or shooting pain. filafle (Ehlaheel). Elasticite (Ehlahsteesseetd). Electro-positive. Electro -puncture {Ehlehktroh-punktUr). . . ulatory. Elaboration (Ehlahbohrahssidn) Elasticity. £lastique {Ehlahsteek). Elastic. £latine {Ehlahteen). Watery emulsion of tar. Electif,-ve (Ehlehkteef). Elective. filection (Ehlehkssion). Election. filectivite (Ehlehkteeveetd). Elective quality. filectricite (Ehlehktreeceetd). Electricity. filectrique {Ehlehktreek). Electric. filectrisable (Ehlehktreezdhbl). Electrifiable. filectrisant {Ehlehktreezdhn). Electrifying. Electrisation (Ehlehktreezahssion). Electrization. £lectrise,-e (Ehlehktreezd). Electrified. filectro-aimant {Ehlehktroh-ehmdhn). Elec- tromagnet. Electrode (Ehlehktrdhd). Electrode. Pole. filectrogene (Ehlehktrohzshehn). Producing electricity. filectrogenese {Ehlehktrohzshehnehz) Electrogenesis. filectrolepsie {Ehlehktrohlehpsee) Electric chorea. £lectrologie (Ehlehktrohlohzshee). Treatise . . electricity. The chem- {Ehlehktrohliet). ical combination which trical decomposition. trolytic. cent. on (Ehlehktrohleezahssidn). Electrical decomposition. Electrolyse (Ehlehktrohleez). Electrolysis. Electrical decomposition. filectrolyser (Eklehkirohleezd). To carry Electrolysis. out electrolysis. Efflores- . filectrolysation Electrolyte effloresce. Efflorescence {Ehflohrehssdhns) Elo Electuary. filement (Ehlehmdhn). Element. filementaire (Ehlehmahntehr) Elemen. tary. Elemi (Eklehmee). Resinous substance extracted from Icica icicariba. fileolate (Ehlekohldht). Preparation com- posed of essences. fileolique (Ehlehohleek). Any preparation having oil as an excipient. Elephantiasis {Ehlehfahnteeahzees). Elephantiasis. filevateur (Ehlehvahtehr). Levator (muscle). Elevation (Ehlehvahssion) filevatoire Elevation. (Ehlehvahtoodhr). Elevator . (surgical instrument). Elevure {Ehlehvur). Papule. Blotch. Pimple. Eliminateur, -trice (Ehleemeenahtehr) What causes elimination. Expulsive. Elimination (Ehleemeenahssidn). Elimination. Expulsion. Elixir. Elixir (Ehleekseer). CamE. paregorique (£. pahrehgohreek). phorated tincture of opium. Aromatic E. vitriolique [E. veetreeohleek). sulphuric acid. EUebore (Ehlehbohr). Black hellebore. Elocution {Ehlohktission). Elocution. Eloigne,-e (Ehlooahneed). Remote. Re- moved. 38 i OF MEDICAL TERMS Elo £longateur,-trice (Ehlohngahtehr). Apparatus to effect elongation. Elongation (Ehlohngahssion) Elongation. filytre (Ehleetr). Vagina. Elytrum. . filytrite {Ehleetr eet). Vaginitis. Embryulce {Ahmbreeulss). Obstetric hook. Embryule {Ahmbreeul). Small embryo. Emergence {Ehmehrzshdhnss). Emergence. Emergent,-e {Ehmehrzshdhn) Emergent. Emersion {Ehmehrssion) Emersion, Emergence. Emetine {Ehmehteen). Alcaloid of Ipeca. Emetin. Emetique {Ehmehteek). Emetic. Produc. £lytrocele (Ehleetrohssehl). Elytrocele. Colpocele. filytroclisie (Ehleetrohkleesee). Obliteration of the vagina. filytroptose {Ehleetr ohptdhz). Elytropto- . . Elytror- ing vomiting. Administer an {Ehmehteezd) emetic. Emigration {Ehmeegrahssion). Emigra- . Emacia- Eminence {Ehmeendhns) sis. filytrorrhagie {Ehleetr ohrahzshee) rhagia. filytrorrhaphie {Ehleetrohrahfee) rhaphy. Emaciation {Ehmahsseeahssidn) Emp Elytror- . Emetiser . tion. tion. £macie,-e {Ehmahsseed). Emaciated. £mail {Ehmahy). Enamel. Emanation {Ehmahnahssidn) Emanation. Emasculation {Ehmahskulahssion). Emas. Eminence. Emissaire {Ehmeessehr). Emissary. Ejacu. latory duct. Emissif {Ehmeesseef). Seat or cause of emission. Emission {Ehmeession). Emission. Emmenagogue {Ahmehnahgdhg) Emmena- culation. . Embarras {Ahmbahrdh). Obstruction. Encumbrance. gogue. Emmetrope {Ahmehtrohp). Emmetrope. Emmetro- Overloading of E. gastric {A. gahstreek). the gastro-intestinal tract. Bilious attack. Emmetropic Embaumement {Ahmbohmehmdhn). Emonctoire {Ehmohnktoodhr). Em- balming. Fitting. . Joining. Emollient. . Emunc- Emotion {Ehmohssidn). Emotion. Degree of Emotivite {Ehmohteeveetd) . Embole {Ahmhohl). Embolus. Embolie {Ahmhohlee). Embolism. Embolic {Ahmhohleek). Embolic. Embolus {Ahmbohlus). Embolism. Embonpoint {Ahmbohnpooehn). Corpulence. {Ahmbooshilr). Opening in- Anastomosis. Embout {Ahmboo). Plug of speculum. to. Embranchement {Ahmbrahnshmdhn) . Di- vision of a trunk (nerve or vessel) into branches. Embrac- Embrassant,-e {Ahmbrahssdhn). ing. Embro- . cation. Embrun {Ahmbrehn). Spray (of sea-water, etc.). Embryogene {Ahmbreeohzshehn). produces an embryo. Embryogenie {Ahmbreeohzshehnee). What Grinder of instru- Empatement {Ahnpahtmdhn). Puffiness. Emphysemateux,-euse {Ahnfeezehmahteh). Emphysematous. Emphyseme {Ahnfeezehm). Emphysema. Emphytique {Ahnfeeteek). Innate. Empirique {Ahnpeereek). Empiric. Empirisme {Ahnpeereesm). Empiricism. Emplastique {Ahyiplahsteek). Possessing the consistence of plaster. Emplatre {Ahnpldhtr). Plaster. E. adhesif {A ahdehzeef) Adhesive plaster. Plaster of red lead. E. brun {A. brehn). Emplastrum E. simple {A. sehmpl). . plumbi. Emplume,-e {Ahplumd). Quilled. Empois {Ahnpoodh). Starch. Empoisonnement {Ahnpooahzohnmdhn) Em- bryogenesis. Poisoning. {Ahnprehnt). Ridge. Rough surface on bones for insertion of ligaments, muscles, etc. Emprisonnement {Ahnpreezohnmdhn). Incarceration. Emprosthotonos {Ahnprohstohtohndhss). Tetanus in which the body is curved forwards. Empreinte Embryogenique {Ahmbreeohzshehneek) embryogenie. Embryologie {Ahmbreeohlohzshee). Em- bryology. Embryon {Ahmbreeohn) Embryo. Embryonnaire {Ahmbreeohnehr). Embry. onic. Embryotome {Ahmbreeohtdhm). Embryo- tome. Embryotomie emotion. Emouleur {Ehmoolehr). ments. . Embrocation {Ahmbrohkahssion) bryotomy. pia. Emollient,-e {Ehmohleedhn) tory. Emboitement {Ahmbooahtmdhn) Embouchure {Ahmehtrohpee). Empyeme {Ahnpee&hm). Empyema. Pyothorax. {AhmbreeohtohmSe). Em- Empyose {Ahnpeedhz). Formation of em- pyema. 39 Emu FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY £miilgent,-e (Ehmiilzshdhn). Emulgent. £mulsif,-ive {Ehmulsseef). Emulsive. £mulsine {Ehmulsseen). Nitrogenous principle of almonds analogous to a diastase. Emulsion {Ehnmlssion). Emulsion. fimulsionnant,- e (Ehmulsseeohndhn) Emulsifying. fimulsionnement (Ehmulsseeohnrndhn) The act of emulsifying. finarthrose {Ahnahrlrdhz). Enarthrosis. Encanthis (Ahnkahnteess). Tumor of the lacrymal caruncula. Encaume {Ahnkohm). Deep ulcer of the cornea. Encaustique (Ahnkohsteek). Mixture of wax and an alkali for hardening preparations. Endemic {Ahndehmee). Endemic disease. Endemique (Ahndehmeek). Endemic. Endemisme (Ahndehmeesm). Endemism. Endermique (Ahudehrmeek). Endermic. Endermie (Ahndehrmee). Introduction of medicine subcutaneously. Endoblaste {Ahndohbldhst). Endoblast. Cytoblast. Endocarde (Ahndohkdhrd). Endocardium. Endocardi(a)que {Ahndohkahrdee{dh)k) Endocardial. Endocardite {Ahndohkahrdeet). Endocar- ditis. Endogene (Ahndohzshehn). Endogenous. Endolymphe {Ahndohleemf). Endolymph. Endometrite {Ahndohmehtreet). Endometritis. Enceinte (Ahnssehnt). Pregnant. Encens (Ahnssdhn). Incense. Encephale (Ahnssehfdhl). Brain. Encephalum. Encephalique Ence(Ahnssehfahleek). phalic. (Ahnssehfahleet). EncephaInflammation of the brain. Encephalocele (Ahtissehfahlohssehl). En- Encephalite litis. cephalocele. Encephaloide Eng Endopericardite {Ahndohpehreekahrdiet). Endopericarditis. Endoscope (Ahndohskohp). Instrument examination of cavities. Endoscope. Endoscopic {Ahndohskohpee) Endoscopy. Endosmometrie {A hndohssmohmehtree) for . Endosmometry. Endosmose (Ahndohssmohz). Endosmosis. Endosmotique {Ahndohssmohteek). Endosmotic. En- {Ahnssehfahloheed). cephaloid. Endothelium {Ahndohtehleeohm). Endo- thelium. Encephalomalacie (A hnssehfahlohmahlahsSoftening of the brain. Encephalopathie (Ahnssehfahlohpahtee). Encephalopathy. Disease of the brain. Encephalotome {Ahnssehfahlohtdhm) Encephalotome. Encephalotomie (Ahnssehfahlohtohmee). see). . Encephalotomy. Enchatonne,-e (Ahnshahtohnd). Im- pacted. Enduit {Ahndtiee). adherent matter. Endurcissement Impaction. Layer of {A hndursseessmdhn) Induration. Energy. fenergie (Ehnehrzshee) Enervation. finervation {Ehnehrvahssion) . Hardening. . . Exhaustion of nervous action. finervement {Ehnehrvmdhn). Enervation. Exhaustion of nervous action. finerver Enchatonnement {Ahnshahtohnmdhn) Coating. {Ehnehrvd). remove a portion enervate. To by surgical To of a nerve procedure. Encheville,-e (Ahnshveeyd) in Kept strong position. Enchifrenement {A hnsheefrehnmdhn) . Coryza. Enfance {Ahnfdhnss). Childhood. Enfant {Ahnfdhn). Child. Enfantement (Ahnfahntmdhn). Childbirth. Enchondrome {Ahnkohndrdhm) Enchon- . droma. Enclavement (Ahnklahvmdhn) Impaction. Retention through constriction (of head . of foetus in pelvis, of fracture bone, etc.). Enclume (Ahnklum). Incus (middle ear). Enco elite {Ahncehleel). Inflammation of To be the place inflammation. Enfiure (Ahnfliir). Swelling. Tumor. Enfoncement {Ahnfohnsmdhn). Fractuer of bone with depression. Enfouissement (Ahnfooeessmdhn). BuryEnfiammer {Ahnflahmd). of ing of animals. the inner layer of the intestinal wall. Encolpite (Ahnkohlpeet). Vaginitis. Engainant,-e Encombrement {Ahnkohmbrmdhn) Endarteri- Engaine,-e {Ahnggehnd). Enveloped. Engelure {Ahnzshliir). Chilblain. Engorge, -e (Ahngohrzshd). Engorged. Congested. Engorgement (Ahngohzshmdhn). Engorgement. Congestion. Obstructed. Engoue,-e (Ahngood) Endemic- Choked up. Engouement {Ahngoomdhn). Obstruction. crowding. Encroutement . Over- Obstruction. {Ahnkrootmdhn). Incrus- tation. Endartere (Ahndahrtehr). an artery (inner layer). The intima Endarterite {Ahndahrtehreet). of tis. Endemicite (Ahndehmeesseetd) ity. 40 , . {Ahnggehndhn). Envelop- ing. . Choking up. OF MEDICAL TERMS Eng To choke Engouer (Ahngood). To up. obstruct. Enterop- {Ahntehrohptohz). tosis. Engourdissement {Ahngoordeesmdhn) Torpid state. Engrais (Ahngreh). Manure. Engraissement (Ahngrehssmdhn). Fatten- Numbness. ing. Enteroptose Env Manuring of soil. Enkyste,-e {Ahnkeestd). Encysted. Enkystement {Ahnkeestmdhn). Encystment. Enkyster {Ahnkeestd). To encj^st. Ennui (Ahnuee). Annoyance. Tediousness. Vexation. Enregistreur (Ahnrehzsheestrehr) An apparatus that registers physical manifes. tations. Enrouement (Ahtiroomdhn). Enroule,-e Hoarseness. Rolled up on (Ahnroold). itself. Enroulement {Ahnroolmdhn). Rolling up. Ensellure {Ahnssehlur). Curve of lumbar Enterorrhagie (Ahntehrohrahzhshee). En- terorrhagia. Enterorrhaphie (Ahntehrohrahfee). Enterorrhaphy. Enterorrhee {Ahntehrohrd). Diarrhoea. Enterostenose {Ahntehrohstehnehz). Enterostenosis. Enterotomie (Ahntehrohtohmee) Enterotomy. Opening of the intestine. Enterrement (Ahntehrmdhn). Interment. Burying. Enthelminthe {Ahntehlmeent) Parasitic helminth in intestines. Entier {Ahnteed). Whole. Entire. . . Entite {Ahnteetd). Entity. Entocephalique {Ahntohssehfahleek). in the head. With Entoglosse (AhntoJigldhss). Hyoid bone. Entomologie {Ahntohmohlohzshee). Entoinology. spine. The "Enserahle {Ahnssdhmhl). whole. En- Entomomycete (Ahntohmohmeesseht) En- . tomomocytes. tirety. Ensevelissement {A hnsehvleessm dhn) Entomophage (Ahntohtnohfdhzsh). Insec- tivorous. Burial. Ensiform (Ahnseefohrm). Ensiform. Entendement {Ahntahndmdhn) Under. standing. Enteralgie (Ahniehrahlzshee). Enteralgia. Enterectasie {Ahntehrehktahzee). Enterectasis. Enterectomie {Ahntehrehktomee). Enterectomy. Enterien,-ne {Ahntehreeehn). Enteric. Intestinal. Enterique {Ahntehreek). Enteric. Intes- Entomozoologie {A hntohmohzohohlohzshee) Entomology. Entonnoir {Ahntohnoodhr). Funnel. Infundibulum. Crural canal. E. femoral {A. fehmohrdJil). E. des reins {A. deh rehn). Calices of kidney. Entoplasma {Ahntohplahzmd). Protoplasm. Entorse (Ahntohrss). Sprain. Twist. Entortille,-e {Ahntohrteed) Twisted (su. ture). tinal. Entente {Ahntehreet). Hernia Entoscope (Ahntohskdhp). Endoscope. Entothoracique {Ahntohtohrahsseek). En- formed by intestines. Enterocele. Enteroclysme {Ahntehrohkliesm). Injection under pressure into the intestine for Entozoaire {Ahntohzohehr). Entozoon. Entrailles {Ahntrdy). Intestines. Ab- relief of obstruction. Entero-colite {Ahntehrohkohleet). Entramement {Ahntrehnmdh^i) Enterocele Enteritis. (Ahntehrohssehl) . dominal viscera. Entero- colitis. Enterodynic (Ahntehrohdeence). Enterodynia. Neuralgic pain in the intestines. Entero-epiplocele {Ahntehroh-ehpeeplohssehl). Hernia formed of the intestine and epiploon. Entero-hemorrhagie {Ahntehoroh-ehmohrahzshee). Intestinal hemorrhage. Enteroide {Ahntehroheed) Resembling in. testine. . Training. Entraves (Ahntrdhv). Shackles. Entrecoupe,-e {Ahntrkoopd). Interrupted. Intermittent (respiration, etc.). Broken. Entrecroisement {Ahntrkrooahzmdhn) De. cussation. Entre-fesson {Ahntr-fehssohn). Intertrigo of perineum. Entropion {Ahntrohpecohn) Entropion. Enucleation {Ehnuklehahssion). Enuclea. tion. Enterolithe (Ahntehrohleet). Enterolith. Enterologie (Ahntehrohlohzshee). Enterology. Entero-mesenterite {A hntehroh-mehzahntehreet). Tabes mesenterica. Enteromphale {A hntehrohmfdhl) Umbili. finucleer (Ehmiklehd). finuresie {Ehnurehzee). tinence of urine. To enucleate. Enuresis. Incon- Envahissement (Ahnvaheessmdhn). En- croachment. Invasion. Enveloppe {Ahnvehlohp). Investing mem- brane. cal hernia. Enteromyiase (Ahntehrohmeedhz). ence of larvas of dothoracic. flies Exist- in the intestine. Envenimation fection with {Ahnvehneemahssidn). In- venom. 41 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Env Envenime,-e (Ahnvehneemd). Infected. £picondylien,-ne (Ehpeekohndeelee6hn). Poisoned. Pertaining to the external condyle of Envie {Ahnvie). Craving. Naevus. Envoilure (Ahnvooahliir). fipicondylo-cubital Curve of scis- . gazeux (E. gahzih). Pneumothorax. £. hemoptyique (JS. ehmohpteeeek). Hemoptysis. purulent (£. puruldhn). Purulent effu- sion. (£. sahggehn). blood. £. urineux (£. ureeneh). Effusion of Supinator brevis. {E.-sumehtahkahr Extenson carpiradialis brevior peeehn). m. £.-susphalangettien lahnzshehteeehyi commun kohmehn) . cranial. fipicrise (Ehpeekreez). Extravasation of Epicrisis. Epidim- . icity. fipidemie (Ehpeedehmee) £. de synovia (E. deh sseenohvee). (E. sufah- Extensor communis digitorum (forearm). £.-susphalangettien du petit doigt {E.-sufahlahnzshehteeehn du ptee doodh). Extensor minimi digiti (forearm). £picostal,-e (Ehpeekohstdhl). On the ribs. fipicarne {Ehpeekrdhn). Epicranium. £picranien,-ne (Ehpeekrahneeehn). Epifipidemicite (Ehpeedehmeesseetd) urine. Hydar- Epidemic . dis- ease. fipidemiologie (Ehpeedehmeeohlohzshee) throsis. fipanouissement (Ehpahnooeessmdhn) Branching {Ehpeekohndeeloh-ku- Anconeus muscle. E. -radial (E.-rahdeedhl). fi. sanguin beetdhl). £.-susmetacarpien Enzyme. Eosine (Ehohzeen). Eosin. fipactaux {Ehpahktoh). Wormian bones. £pais,-aisse (Ehpeh). Thick. fipaissi,-e (Ehpehssee). Thickened. fipaississement {Ehpehssessmdhn). Thickening. fipanchement {Ehpahnshmdhn) Effusion. fi. humerus. Longing. sors. Enzyme (Ahnz6em). fi. E. tra of blood vessels, nerves, Blossoming. Epars,-e (Ehpahr). Dispersed. Shoulder. Ependyma. . Membrane covering the central canal of the spinal cord and the ventricles of the brain. ticle. fipidermique (Ehpeedehrmeek) Epidermic. £pididymaire (Ehpeedeedeemehr). Epididymal. fipididyme (Ehpeedeedeem). Epididymis. Epigastrium. fipigastre (Ehpeegdhstr). fipigastrique {Ehpeegahstreek). Epigastric, Hernia fipigastrocele (Ehpeegahstrohssehl) through linea alba in epigastric region. Epiglottis. fipiglotte (Ehpeegloht). Epiglottic. fipiglottique (Ehpeeglohteek). fipigone (Ehpeegdhn). Superfoetation. . fipendymite (Ehpahndeemeet) . Ependy- mitis. fiperon (Ehprdhn). Spur. Folds in the intima of an artery at the point of branching. fipervier (Ehpehrveed). Four-tailed bandage for dressing on the nose. Hawk bandage. Ephelide (Ehfehleed). . . Ependy- i fipendyme (Ehpahndeem) Epidemiology. Epidemic. fipidemique (Ehpeedehmeek) Epiderm. fipiderme {Ehpeedehrm). Cu- Scattered. £paule (Ehpohl). fipendymaire (Ehpahndeemehr). mal. etc. Epigonium. Epilatory. Epilation. epilation (Ehpeelahssion). Epilatory. fepilatoire (Ehpeelahtoodhr) Epilepsy. fipilepsie (Ehpeelehpsee). Epileptic. fipileptique (Ehpeelehpteek). Epifepileptogene (Ehpeelehptohzshehn). leptogenous. Epileptoid. fipileptoide (Ehpeelehptoheed) Epileptiform. Empirical fipilogisme (Ehpeelohzsheesm). reasoning. Spinach. fepinard (Ehpeendhr). Thorn. Spine. fipine (Ehpeen). Vertebral colfi. dorsale (E. dohrssdhl). umn. Spine. Berberry bush._ fi.-vinette (E.-veeneht). Spine of pubis. fi. du pubis (£. du pubees). Spine of ischi£. sciatique (£. sseeahteek). fipilateur (Ehpeclahtehr). . Freckle. fiphemere (Ehfehmehr) . Ephemeral. Temporary. fiphippion {Ehfeepeeohn). Sella turcica. Epial (Ehpeedhl). A point of ossification. fipiale (Ehpeedhl). Malignant fever. fipian (Ehpeedhn). The yaws. fipiblast (Ehpeebldhst). Epiblast. fipibole (Ehpeebohl). Nightmare. fipicanthus {Ehpeekahntils) Fold of the skin on the internal angle of the eye. £pice (Ehpeess). A sharp aromatic condiment. fipicerastique (Ehpeessehrahsteek). Emollient. Refreshing. fipichorion (Ehpeekohreeohn) Epichorion. fipicolique (Ehpeekohleek). Covering the . . um. . £pineux,-euse colon. Epicondyle (Ehpeekohndeel) condyle of the humerus. 42 (Ehpeehneh). Thorny. Spinous. . External £. transversaire (E. trahnsvehrsehr), Transversalis dorsi (muscle). OF MEDICAL TERMS Epi £pingle (Ehpehngl). Pin. Spinal. Spinal cord. £. moelle {E. moodhl). Epidemic confined fipioecie (Ehpeeehssee). to a limited locality. fipione (Ehpeeohn). Internal aspect of Epithelium (Ehpeetehleedhm). A mucous membrane. fipiparoxysme {Ehpeepahrohkseesm) Paroxysm which appears before expected . time. fipipastique {EhpeepahsUek). paper. fipiphanie (Ehpeefahnee) Blistering External state . Epitheme (Ehpeetehm). . epiphyte (Ehpeefeet). Epiphyte. Vegetable parasite. fipiphytisme (Ehpeefeeteesm) Production of epiphytes. fipiplocele (Ehpeeplohssehl). Epiplocele. fipiplo-enterocele {Ehpeeploh-ahntehrohssehl). Epiploenterocele. Epiploique (Ehpeeploheek). Epiploic. fipiploon (Ehpeeplohohn) Epiploon. . . Omentum. dyle of the humerus. Epitrochleen,-ne (Ehpeetrohklehehn). Epi- trochlear. E. -metacarpien (E.-mehtahkahrpeeehn) Flexor carpi radialis muscle. fi.-palmaire {E. pahlmehr). Palmaris lon- gus muscle. E.-phalangien ehn comehn) commun . (E.-fahlahnzshee- Flexor sublimis digitorum Secretory. . Excretory. Epirrhee (Ehpeerd). Supersecretion. Dis- charge. (Ehpeeshehz) . Supression secretions (menses, etc.). Episcleral, -e {Ehpeesklehrdhl). of teres Pronator radii (E.-rahdeedhl). m. Epizoaire (Ehpeezohehr) Epizoon. Parasite living on the surface of the body. Epizootie {Ehpeezohohtee) Epizootic disease (in animals). Epizootique (Ehpeezohohteek). Epizootic. Eponge (Ehpohnzsh). Sponge. Epouillage {Ehpooydhzsh). Delousing. Epreinte (Ehprehnt). Uterine contractions during labor. Tenesmus. Eprouvette (Ehprooveht). Graduated glass tube. . . (Epsohm, sehl d'). Epsom Sulphate of magnesia. Epuisement {Ehpheezmdhn) Exhaustion. Epsom, sel d' salt. Faintness. Epulide (Ehpuleed). Fibrous tumors of gum. Epulie . tumors of Fibrous (Ehpulee). gum. Epuration (Ehpurahssion). Purification. Equateur (Ehkahtehr). Equator. Equation (Ehkahssidn). Equation. Equatorial, -e {Ehkahtohreedhl) Equator. ial. Episcleral. Epispadias {Ehpeespahdeedhss). EpispaOpening of the urethra at the dorsal portion of the penis. Epispasme (Ehpeespdhzm). Strong efforts at inspiration during dyspnoea. fipispastique (Ehpeespahsieek). Epispasdias. tic. fipistaphylin E. -radial . (Ehpeepohleck) fipicritique (Ehpeekreeteek). Sensibility of light touch, light temperature; appreciation of two points of compass and localization of the skin. (Ehpeestahfeelehn). Azygos uvulae. Equerrin,-ne (Ehkehrehn) Set square. Equilibration (Ehkeeleebrahssidn). Equilibration. Equilibre (Ehkeeleebr) Equilibrium. Equin,-ne (Ehkehn). Relating to horse. . . Equinus. Equitant,-e (Ehkeetdhn). Equitant. Equitation (Ehkeetahssion). Equitation. Equivalence (Ehkeevahldhnss). Equivalence. Epistase (Ehpeestdhz). Suppression. fipistaxis {Ehpeestahksees). Epistaxis. Opisthotonos (Ehpeestohtohwhss). Barbarous expression. Epistrophee (Ehpeestrohfd). Axis. Episynthetic {Ehpeessehntehteek). Above the synthesis. Epithelial, -e Wet m. chrimation. Epiphysaire (Ehpeefeezehr) Epiphyseal. Epiphyse (Ehpeefeez). Epiphysis. Epischese Compress. application. Fomentation. Epitrochlee {Ehpeetrohkld). Internal con- of body. fipiphenomene (EhpeefehnohmShn). Epiphenomenon. fipiphora (Ehpeefohrdh). Epiphora. La- fipipolique Epithelium. Cuticle. fipiniere (Ehpeeneeehr). decidua. Ere {Ehpeelehleedhl). Epithelial. Cuticular. Epithelioma (Ehpeetehleeohmdh). Equivalent, -e (Ehkeevahldhn). Equiva- lent. Eradicatif,-ive (Ehrahdeekahteef) thera])eutic measure. Eradication (Ehrahdeekahssidn) . . Radical Eradica- tion. Eraillement (Ehraymdhn). A tear with irregular edges. E. de la paupiere (£. deh lah pohpeeShr). Epithe- lioma. Epitheliomateux, -euse {Ehpeetehleeohmahteh). Epitheliomatous. Ectropion. Abrasion. Lines on the abdomen after confinement. Erecteur, -trice {EhrehkUhr). Erector. firaillure (Ehrayiir). 43 E. FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY du du clitoris {E. du kleelohrees). Ischiocavernosus muscle. E. de la verge. {E. deh lah vehrzsh). Ischio-cavcrnosus muscle. fi. Erectile {Ehrehkteel). Erectil. firectilite (Ehrelikieeleetd). Erectility. !firection {Ehrehkssion). Erection. firethisme {Ehrehteesm). Erethism. Or- gasm. Irritation. Ergot {Elirgoh). Ergot. Hook £rosif,-ive (Ehrohzeef). sion. Erosive. Erosion (Ehrohzeedhn). firotique (Ehrohteek). firotomanie mania. firratique lar. dissecting, (in Tenaculum. etc.). Producing ero- Erosion. Erotic. Eroto- Erratic. Irregu- Wandering. firreur {Ehrehr). Error. firrhin (Ehrehn). Snuff. Sternutory. fiructation {Ehruktahssidn). Eructation. firugineux,-euse (Ehruzsheeneh). Resembling verdigris. Eruginous. Eruptif,-ive (Ehrupteef). Eruptive. Eruption {Ehrupssion) Eruption. . firysipelateux,-euse (Ehreezeepehlahteh) Erysipelatous. firysipele (Ehreezeepehl). £rythemateux,-euse Caustic. Esclavage (Ehsklahvdhzsh). Slavery. Escrime (Ehskreem). Fencing. Esculique (Ehsskuleek). Saponic. fisere (Elizehrd). Calabar bean. fiserine (Ehzehreen). Alcaloid of Calabar bean (physostigmine). Eserin. Erysipelas. (Ehreetehmahteh) Erythematous. firytheme (Ehreetehm). Erythema. firythemogene (Ehreetehmohzshehn). . pound cinnamon powder. E.s emoUientes (E.s ehmolleedhnt) lient meal. E.s. pectorales (E.s. pehktohrdhl). Ru- (Ehreetehmoheed) Erythemoid. Erythroid tunique {Ehreetroheed tuneek). Cremaster. firythrophthalme (Ehreetrohftdhlm) Possessing red eyes. £rythrophylle (Ehreetrohfeel). Erythro. . phyl. Erythroxylon {EhreetrohkseeUhn). Erythroxylon. Compound (E.s Coca. Escalier {Ehsskahleed). Steps. E. Phenomene de 1' (Fehnohmehn deh lehs- A skahleed). phenomenon in registration of heart sounds given by Bowditch. Escargot {Ehsskahrgoh). Snail. . Emolliquor- ssudohreefeek). decoction of guaiacum. Esprit (Eh spree). Spirit. Mind. E. de Mindererus (E. deh Mindererus). Compound of ammonium acetate and other pyrogenic products. E. volatil de come de cerf (E. vohlahteel deh kohrn deh ssehr). Spirit of hartshorn. Aromatic spirits of ammonia. Liquor ammonii carbonici pyro-oleosi. Esqiiille (Esskeey). Splinter of bone. Esquinancie (Elisskeenahnssee). Suppurative tonsillitis. Quinsy. Essai (Ehssd). Trial. Test. Quantitative analysis. Essence (Ehssdhnss). Essence. Essentiel,-le (Ehssahnsseeehl) Essouflement (Ehssoiiflmdhn). befacient. Erythemoide Space. E. sous-arachnoidien (E. ssoozahrahknoheedeeehn). Subarachnoid space. E. intercostal (E. ehnlehrkohstdhl) Intercostal space. Espece (Ehsspchss). Species. Kind. E.s aromatiques (E.s ahrohmahteek). Com- ice tea. E.s. sudorifiques {Ehrohtohmahnee). (Ehrahteek). (Ehskahrohleek). Eschartjtic. Espace (Ehspdhss). Ergot of rye. |. de^seigle (£. deh sehgl). Ergote,-e (Ehrgohla). Having ergot. firgotine {Ehrgohteen). Ego tin. firgotisme (Ehrgohtcesm). Poisoning by ergot. Ergotism. firigne (Ehrcenn). Escharotique Ete . Essential. Breathless- ness. Esthesie (Ehstehzee). Esthesia. Esthesiometre (Ehstehzeeohmehtr). Esthe- siometer. Esthesique (Ehstehzeek). Pertaining to Lupus of sensation. Esthiomene (Ehsteeohmehn) . the anus or of the vulva. Estival,-e (Ehsteevdhl). Estival. Estomac (Ehstohmdh). Stomach. fitablissement (Ehtahbleessmdhn). tution. Establishment. Insti- fitain (Ehtehn). Tin. Etalon (Ehlahlohn). Stallion. fitamage (Ehtahmdhzsh). Tinning. Quicksilvering. Plating. Escarole (Ehskahrdhl). Endive. Escarre (Ehskdhr). Scab. Eschare (Ehskdhr). Scab. fitamine (Ehtahmeen). Stamen. Etang (Ehtdhn). Pond. Pool. fitat (E/z/J/?). State. Condition. Status. fi. actuel (E. ahkluchl). Present state. Escarrification (Ehskahreefeekahssion). £tau (Ehtdh). Production of a scab. fite (Ehtd). Escharification (Ehskahreefeekahssion) Production of a scab. Escarrotique (Ehskahrohteek). Escharotic. 44 Caustic. A vice. Summer. Extinguished. What Eteint,-e (Ehtehn). has lost its characteristic features. fitendue (Ehtahndii). Extent. Space. fiternuement (Ehtehrnumdhn). Sneezing. OF MEDICAL TERMS Eth fither (Ehtehr). Ether. E. azoteux alcoolise (E. ahzohteh ahlkohohleezd). E. Sweet sulfurique spirit of nitre. sulfur eek). Ordinary- (£. ether. Com- E. sulfurique alcoolise (E. 5. a.). pound spirit of sulphuric ether. Hoflf- mann's anodyne. Etherat (Ehtehrdh). Product of distilling ether on aromatic substances. Ethere,-e (Ehtehrd). Ethereal. ForEtherification (Ehtehreefeekahssion). mation of ethers. fitherique (Ehtehreek). Referable to aldehyds. Etherisation (Ehtehreezahssion) Etheriza. tion. Etheriser (Ehtehreezd) with ether. Etherisme {Ehtehreesm) To . anesthetize Analogous (Ehtehroheed). to ether. fitherolature Ethereal (Ehtehrohlahtiir). tincture obtained by direct action of ether on any substance. Etherole formed {Ehtehrohld) A compound and various remedies. . of ether fitherolique (Ehtehrohleek). Possessing ether as an excipient. Ethmoidal, -e (Ehtmoheeddhl) Ethmoidal. E. Crete (E. kreht). Crista galli. . Ethmoide (Ehtmoheed) Ethmoidien,-ne . Ethmoid bone. (Ehtmoheedeeehn) . Eth- fitrier (Ehtreed). Strangulated. Stapes. Band- Stirrup. age for the foot. Sheath. Case. fitui {Ehtuee). Drying stove (chemical). fituve {Ehtiiv). Eucalypte (Ehkahleept). Eucalyptus. Eucalyptol (Ehkahleeptdhl). Eucalyptol. Eucrasie {Ehkrahzee). Good temperament. Eucrasia. Eugenesique (Ehzshehnehzeek) Referable . to eugenesis. Eugenique (Ehzshehneek). Eugenic. Euhexie {Ehehksee). Corpulence. Normal preg- Eukyesie {Ehkeeehzee). nancy. Eunuchisme (EhnushSezm) Eunuchism. Eunuque (Ehnilk). Eunuch. . Eupepsie {Ehpehpsee). Good digestion. Eupeptique {Ehpehpteek) Having good digestion. Euphorbe (Ehfohrb). Spurge. Eupnee {Ehpnd). Normal respiration. Eurhythmie (Ehreetmee). Regularity of pulse. Eusemie (Ehzehmee). Favorable condi- tion in illness. Eustache, trompe d' (Ehstdhsh, throhmp deh). Eustachian tube. Eutocie (Ehtohssee). Normal confinement. Evacuant,-e {Ehvahkudhn). Evacuant. fivacuateur (Ehvahkuahtehr) Evacuator. Excretory. Evacuation (Ehvahkuahssion) Discharge. fivagination {Ehvahzsheenahssion) Evag. . . ination. moidal. Ethnique (Ehtneek). Ethnic. Ethnographic Ethnog{Ehtnohgrahfee) raphy. Ethnologic (Ehtnohlohzshee). Ethnology. Ethologie (Ehtohlohzshee). Study of habits of men and animals. fithyle (Ehteel). Ethyl. fithylene {Ohteelehn) Ethylene, defiant . . gas. Ethylic. Etincelle (Ehtehnssehl). Spark. Etiole,-e (Ehteeohld). Etiolate. Etiolement {Ehteeohlmdhn) . Anemia pro- of light. Etiology. £tiologie (Ehteeohlohzshee). fitiologique (Ehteeohlohzsheek). Etiologic. Emaciated. fitique (Ehteek). Hectic. Hecticity. Emaciation. fitisie (Ehteezee). Possessing well-def;to£fe,-e (Ehtohfd). veloped muscles. Star. fitonnement {Ehtohnmdhn). (Ehloofmdhn). Difficulty of breathing. fitouffement fitoupe (Ehtoop). Surprise. Suffocation. Tow. fitourdissement {Ehtoordeessmdhn). DizStunning. Shock. ziness. fitranglement (Ehtrahnglmdhn). StranguIncarceration. . Evanes- . Evanes- cence. Evanescent,-e (Ehvahnehssdhn) cent. Evanouissement {Ehvahnooeessmdhn) Syncope. Fainting. Swoon. Evaporable (Ehvahpohrdhbl). Capable of evaporating. Evaporation (Ehvahpohrahssidn). EvaporaEvente,-e (Ehvahntd). Liquid that got flat. Eventration {Ehvahntrahssidn). Eventra- duced by privation fitoile (Ehtoodhl). Evanescence {Ehvahnehssdhnss) tion. Ethylique (EhieeUek). lation. Etrangle,-e {Ehtrahngld). . Poisoning with . ether. fetheroide Evo Falling abdomen. tion. Eversif,-ive (Ehvehrsecf). eversion. Eversion (Ehvehrssidn) Which causes . Eversion (of teeth, etc.). Evidement (Ehveedmdhn). Scraping out, or removal of bone, tissue, etc., from a cavity. Evideur (Ehveedehr). Person or instrument accomplishing the scraping out or the removing. Eviration (Ehveerahssidn). power in Loss of sexual man. Evisceration (Ehveessehrahssidn) . Eviscera- tion. Evolutif,-ive evolution. {EhvohluUef) . Referable to 45 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Evo Excroissance (Ekkskrooahssdhnss). Evolution (Ehvohlussidn). Evolution. fivolutioniste {Ehvohlussiohniest) adept of the theory of evolution. Evulsive. £vulsif,-ive {Ehvulseef). Evulsion. fivulsion (Ehvulssidn). . Who Increase. is grows up from earth, etc. Excurvation (Ehkskurvahssidn). Ex- Paroxysm. Exagere,-e {Ehkzahzshehrd). Exaggerated. Exaltation. Exaltation {Ehkzahltahssidn). Examen {Ehkzahmehn). Exanie {Ehkzahnie). Examination. Prolapse of rectum. Ex- crescence. What Excroissant,-e (Ehkskrooahssdhn). Exacerbation {Ehkzahssehrbahssi6n). acerbation. Exp Excurva- Kyphosis. Exemption {Ekzahmssidn). Exemption. Exenteration (Ekzahntehrahssidn). Evistion (of eyelids). ceration. Exenterite (Ekzahntehreet). Exenteritis. Exercise {Ehkzehrsseez). Exercise. Exerese {Ehkzehrehz). Exania. Exanthemateux, -euse {Ehkzahntehmahteh) Exanthematous. Exanthematique {EhkzahntehmahUek) Ex- Exeresis. Exfoetation {Ehksfehtahssidn). Extrauterine pregnancy. Exfoliatif,-ive {Ehksfohleeahteef). Exfolia- anthematic. Exanthema {Ehkzahntehm) Exfoliation . ver. tive. Eruptive . fe- Exanthem. Exanthemagene (Ehkzahntehmohzshehn). Producing an exanthem. Exarthreme Dislocation . Dislocation in (Ehkzahrteekulahssion) at a joint. {Ehkzahspehrahssi6n). Ex- acerbation. Exhibition {Ehksbeebeession). Exosmosis. Evaporation. Oozing. Excavation (Ehkskahvahssion). ExcavaCavity. tion. ExcenExcentricite {Ehksahntreesseetd). A non-central position. tricity. Excentrique (Ehksahntreek). Excentric. Non-central. ExExcerebration (Ehkssehrehbrahssidn) . cerebration. Exces {Ehkseh). Exhuma- tion. Extreme . inanition. Existence Being. {Ehkzeestdhnss). Existence. Exoderme {Ehkzohdehrm). Ectoderm. Exodique (Ehkzohdeek). Exodic. Exogene {Ehkzohzshehn). Exogenous. Exometre (Ehkzohmehtr). Retroversion of uterus. Exomphale {Ehkzohmfdhl) . Umbilical her- nia. Exomphalocele (Ehkzohmfahlohssehl) Omphalocele. Exophthalmic {Ehkzohftahlntee). Exophthalmique Excess. (Ehksseepeedhn). Menstruum. Vehicle. Excision (Ehksseezeedhn). Resection. tirpation. Excipient. . Exoph- Ex- (Ehkzohrbeeteesm). . Ex- Exoph- Enucleation of the eye. Exosmosis. Osseous growth Exostose {Ehkzohstohz) on the surface of a bone. Exostosis. Exotique (Ehkzohteek) Exotic. Foreign. thalmos. Exosmose {Ehkzohssmohz). (Ehksseetahbeeleetd). Excita- Excitant. Excitant,-e (Ehksseetdhn). Excitation. Excitation (Ehksseetahssion). Excitement {Ehksseetmdhn). Excitement. Excito-moteur {Ehksseetoh-mohtehr). Excito-motor. Excito-reflexe (Ehksseetoh-rehflehks). Excito-reflex. Excoriation {Ehkskohreeahssidn) . Excoria- tion. Excrement (Ehkskrehmdhn). {Ehkzohftahlmeek) ophthalmic. Exorbitisme Excision. bility. Excrement, Excrementitiel,-le {EhkskrehmahnteesseeExcrementitial. ehl). {Ehkskrehemahnteession). Excrementition Formation of excrement. Excreta {Ehkskrehtdh). Excreta. Excreteur, -trice {Ehkskrehtehr). Excretory. Excretion (Ehkskrehssion). Excretion. Excretoire {Ehkskrehtoodhr). Excretory. 46 rant. thalmia. Excipient Excitabilite . Exinanition {Ehkzeenahneession) diarthrosis. Amputation Exhalation {Ehkzahlahssion) Exhalation. Exhilarant,-e (Ehkzeelahrdhn) Exhila- Exhumation {Ehkzumahssidn). in diarthrosis. Exarticulation Exfolia- . (Ekzahrtrehm) Exarthrose (Ekzahrtrohy). Exasperation (Ehksfohleeahssidn). tion. . Expansibilite {Ehkspahnsseebeeleetd). Ex- pansibility. Expansible (Ehkspahnseebl). Expansible. Expansif,-ive {Ehkspahnseef). Expansive. Expansion {Ehkspahnssioji). Expansion. Expectant,-e (Ehkspehktdkn). Expectant. Expectation {Ehkspehtahssion). ExpectaExpectant treatment. tion. ExExpectorant, -e (Ehkspehktohrdhn). pectorant (medication). Expectoration {Ehkspehktohrahssidn). ExSputum. pectoration. ExperiExperience {Ehkspehreedhnss). ence. Experiment. Experimental,-e {Ehkspehreemahntdhl). Experimental. Experimentation {Ehkspehreemahniahssidn). Experimenting. OF MEDICAL TERMS Exp Experimente,-e (Ehkspehreemahntd) has been experimented upon. Expert (Ehkspehr). Expert. Expertise (Ehkspehrteez). Opinion of the What expert. ExpiExpirateur, -trice {Ehkspeerahtehr) ratory. Expiration (Ehkspeerahssidn). Expira. tion. Expire, -e (Ehkspeerd) Ex- Exhaled. . pired. ExExplorateur,-trice (Ehksplohrahtehr). ploratory. Explorer. ExploraExploration (Ehksplohrahssidn) . tion. Explosive. Explosion. Explosion {Ehksplohzeeohn) Exposition {Ehkspohzeession). Exposing. Explosure. Expression {Ehksprehssion). Expression. Explosif,-ive (Ehksplohzeef). . Expuer {Ehkspud). To spit out. Spitting out. Expuition {Ehkspueession) Expulsive. Expulsif,-ive {Ehkspiiheef). Expulsion (Ehkspulssion). Expulsion. Expulteur, -trice (Ehkspultehr). Expulsive, Expurgant,-e {Ehkspurgdhn). Cathartic. . Expurgation (Ehkspurgahssion). Depura- des orteils (E. kohmehn dehLong extensor of the toes. E. propre du gros orteil (£. prohpr du gr6h ohrtey). Extensor proprius pollicis. E. du pied (£. dupeeeh). Gastrocnemius zohrtehy). and soleus. E. court du pouce (£. koor du pooss). Extensor primi internodii pollicis. E. long du pouce (£. lohn du pooss). Extensor secundi internodii pollicis. Extensibilite {Ekstahnseebeeleetd). Extensibility. Extensible (Ekkstahnseebl) Extension {Ehkstahnssidn) Extensible. Extension. . . 'ExtQn\iaX\on.{Ehkstehnuahssi6n). Extenuation. Extreme degree of fatigue. Exterieur,-e (Ehkstehreeehr). Exterior. Exterioration {Ehkstehreeohrahssion). Exterioration. Externe {Ehkstehrn). External. Nonresident clinical assistant (student) in French hospitals. Extinction (Ehkstehnkssidn). Extinction. Extirpation (Ehksteerpahssion). Extirpation. Extracapsulaire (Ehkstrahkahpsulehr) Exsertion (Ehkzehrssidn). Exserted state. (Ehksseekahssion). Exsiccation Dessication. Exstrophie (Ehkstrohfie). Exstrophy. Exsudat (Ehkssuddh). Exudate. Exsudatif,-ive {Ehkssudahieef). Exudative. Exsudation (Ehkssudahssidn) . Exsuda- tion. . Ex- tracapsular. (Ehkstrahkoordhn). Extra- current. Extracteur (Ehkstrahktehr). Extractif,-ive (Ehkstrahkteef), tion. Exsudatoire commun E. Extracourant tive action. Exsangue {Ehkssdhng). Bloodless. Excreation (Ehkskrehahssidn). Excrea- Exu Extractor. Extractive. Extraction. Extraction (Ehkstrahkssidn) Extrafoliace,-e {Ekstrahfohleeahssd). . trafoliaceous. Extrait (Ehkstreh). Extract. E. thebaique (£. tehbaheek). Ex- Extract of opium. Extra-peritoneal, -e {Ehkstrahpehreetohnehdhl). Extraperitoneal. Extra-uterine (Ehkstrah-utehreen) Extrauterine (pregnancy). Extravasation (Ehkstrahvahzahssidn) Extravasation. Extra -vasculaire (Ehkstrahvahskulehr) . (Ehkssudahtoodhr). Exuda- tive. . Extase (Ehkstdhz). Ecstasy. Extemporan6,-e (Ehkstahmpohrahnd) Extemporaneous. Extenseur (Ehkstahnsehr). Extensor. E. de I'avant-bras (£. deh lahvahnbrdh). Triceps m. of the arm. E. commun des doigts (£. kohmehn deh Extensor communis digitorum. doodh). E. propre du petit doigt (E. prohpr du Extensor minimi digiti. doodh). E. de la jambe {E. deh lah zshahmb). Quadriceps cruris. . Outside of blood vessels. Extravascu- lar. Extravase,-e (Ehkstrahvahzd) Extrava- . sated. Extremite (Ehkstrehmeetd). Extremity. Limb. Extroversion {Ehkstrohvehrssidn). phy. Exubere {Ekzubehr). Exutoire {Ekzutoodhr). Weaned. Exstro- Exuber. Issue. 47 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Fac Face (Fahss). Face. Facette {Fahsseht). Facet, Facial. Facial, -e (Fahssedhl). Facies (Fahsseeehss). Facies. Factice (Fakteess). Factitious. Artificial. Faculty. Ability. Faculte (Fahkultd). Feeble. Faible {Fehbl). Weak. Faiblesse {Fehblehss). Weakness. Debility. Faim Hunger. (Fehn). Faine (Fehn). Beech-nut. Faisan {Fehzdlm). Pheasant. High (game). Faisande,-e {Fehzahndd) Faisceau (Fehssoh). Bundle. Fasciculus. . Fait (Feh) Faix (Feh). Fact. Foetus and adnexa in Sickle- (Fahlsseefdhrm). shaped. Falciform. Falque,-e (Fahlkd). Falcate. Falsification (Fahlsseefeekahssion). Falsi- Famille (Famee). Family. Famine (Fahmeen). Famine. Fanon (Fahnohn). Splint or (Fahrahdeezahssidn). Fara- . ceous. Farine (Fahreen). Flour. Meal. Farineux,-euse (Fareeneh). Farinaceous. Mealy. Fascia (Fahsseedh). Fascia. Fasciculant,-e (Fahsseekuldhn). Fascicu- lating. Fascicule (Fahsseekul). Fasciculus. Fasciculated. Fascicule, -e (Fasseekuld). Possessing fasciaFascie,-e (Fahsseed). tion. (Fahsseenahssidn). Fascina- tion. Fatalism. Fatalisme (Fahtahleesm) Fatigue (Fahteeg). Weariness. Fatigue. . Fatuisme (Fahtueesnt). Fatuity. Faucet (Fohsseh). Falsetto voice. Faus- set. (Fohss). articulation False. ahrteekulahssidn). (F. Pseudarthrosis. Abortion. MiscarF. couche (F. koosh). riage. 48 False . F. route [F. root). False passage. Varicella. F. variole (F. vahreeohl). Fauteuil (Fohtehy). Arm-chair. Faux {Foh). False. Stridulous laryngitis. F. croup {F. kroop). False croup. Faux (Foh). Membranous fold. Falx. F. du cerveau (F. die ssehrvoh). Falx cerebri. Falx F. du cervelet {F. du ssehrvehleh). cerebelli. du peritoine {F. du pehreetoodhn). Sus- pensory ligament of the liver. Faveux,-euse (Fahveh). Favous. F. teigne (F. tehnn). Tinea favosa. Favus. Favus (Fahvtis). Favus. Having (Fehbreesseetdhn). Febrifuge. Feverish. Febrile (Fehbreel). Febrile. Foecal. Fecal, -e (Fehkahl). . Feces (Fehss). Faeces. Fertilizing. Fecondant,-e (Fehkohnddhn) (Fehkohndahtehr). Fecondateur,- trice . Farcin (Fahrssehn). Farcy (veterinary). Affected Farcineux,-euse (FahrsseenSh) with farcy. Fard (Fahr). Paint (for skin). Fardeau (Fahrddh). Burden. Weight. Farinace,-e (Fahreenahssd). Farina- False joint. mahmbrdhnn) Febrifuge (Fehbreefuzsh) bandage disation. Fausse {F. fever. of straw. Faradisation F. membrane membrane. Febricitant,-e fication. Fascination nancy. F. F. Falciforme made F.'s eaux (/^. o/j). False waters. Hydramnios. F. grossesse [F. grohssehss). False preg- the uterus. F.-tib Who what fecondates. or Fecondation (Fehkohndahssion) . Fecun- dation. Fecondite (Fehkohndeetd). Fecundity. Fecule (Fehkj'il) Starch. Fecula. Feculent, -e (Fehkuldhn). Starchy. Feculent. reactif de {Fehleeng, rehahkteef Fehling's reagent for sugar in urine (cupro-tartrate of potassium). Felien,-ne (Fehleeehn). Feline. Felure (Fehlur). Fissure. Incomplete Fehling, deh). fracture. Femelle {Fehmehl). Female. Feminin,-e (Fehmeenehn). Feminine. Feminisme (Fehmeeneesm). Feminism. Femme (Fahm). Woman. Femoral,-e (Fehntohrdhl). Femoral. Crural or femoral F. arcade (F. ahrkdhd). arch. F. artere (F. ahrtehr). Femoral artery. Femoro-cutane (Fehmohrdh-kutahnd) Ex. ternal femoro-cutaneous or ilio-inguinal nerve. Genito-crural F. -genital (F.-zshehneetdhl). nerve. F.-tibial nerve. (F.-teebeedhl). Femoro-tibial OF MEDICAL TERMS Fem Femur (Fehmur). Feu Femur. Fenestra ovalis. Fenestra rotunda. Fenetre, -e {Fehnehtrd). Fenestrated. Fenouil (Fehnooy). Fennel. F. ovale (F. ohvdhl). F. ronde {F. rohnd). Fente (Fahnt). Fissure. Slit. Crevice. F. cerebrale de Bichat {F. ssehrehbrdhl deh Bichat). Great transverse fissure of brain. noidal fissure. Fer {Fehr). Iron. Am{F. ahmohneeahkdhl) moniochloride of iron. Powdered F. porphyrise (F. pohrfeereezd) ammoniacal . . iron. Pure iron Reduced iron. bouton de {F. bootohfi deh). Olive headed cautery iron. Gangrenous eryF. celeste (F. ssehlehst). sipelas. Strophulus. F. de dents {F. deh dahn). Zona. F. persique {F. pehrseek). Erysipelas. F. sacre {F. ssahkrd). Feuillage (Fehydhzsh). Foliage. Foliation. Feuillaison (Fehyehzohn) Feuille {Fehy). Leaf. Foliate. Feuille,-e (Fehyd). Open trench latrine. F.e. (F.). {Fehy eh). Thin layer. Feuillet Consisting of thin Feuillete,-e (Fehyehtd). Ferment. Yeast. Fermentatif,-ive (Fermahntahteef) Fermentative. Fermentation Fer{Fehrmahntahssion). mentation. Fermente,-e (Fehrmahnid). Fermented. Fermentescent,-e (Fehrmahntehssdhn) Fermentative. Ferrate (Fehrdht). Ferrate. Ferre,-e (Fehrd). Containing iron. Ferreux,-euse (Fehreh). Ferrous. Ferricyanure de potassium {FehreesseeahnUrdeh pohtahsseeohm). Ferricyanide of potassium. . Ferriferous. Ferrifere (Fehreefehr). klohrur). Ferrique, chlorure {Fehrreek, Perchloride of iron. Ferrocyanure de potassium (Fehrohsseeahnur deh pohtahsseeohm). Yellow prusssiate of potash. Ferrocyanide of potassium. Ferrugineux,-euse (Fehriizsheeneh). Ferruginous. Rusty. Ferrure (Fehrtir). Amalgamation of iron with another metal. Shoeing a horse. Fesse (Fehss). Buttock. Breech. Gluteal. Fessier,-iere (Fehsseed). Grand {F. Gluteus maximus Grdhn). (muscle). Moyen {F. Feutre Interlacing (Fehtrdhzsh). Felting. of Felt. (Fehtr). Feve (Fehv). Bean. F. du Calabar {F. du Kahlahhdhr). Cala bar bean. F. -cellule {F. ssehliU). Muscle cell. Fibre (Feebr). Fiber. F. musculaire striee {F. miiskulehr Striped muscular fibre. Fibreux,-euse {Feebreh). Fibrous. streed). Fibrillary. Fibrillaire (Feebreelehr). Fibrillation (Feebreelahssion). Fibrillation. Fibril. Fibrille {Feebreel). Fibrillary. Fibrille,-e (Feebreeld). Fibrine {Feebreen). Fibrin. Giving fibrin. Fibrine,-e {Feebreend). Fibrineux,-euse (Feebreeneh). Fibrinous. Fibrinogene {Feebreenohzshehn). Fibrino- gen. Fibrinoplastique (FeebreenohplahstSek) . Fibrinoplastic. Fibro -cartilage {Feebroh-kahrteeldhzsh) Fibro-cartilage. Fibro-celluF.-cellulaire {F.-ssehlulehr). lar. F.-dermique {F.-dehrmeek). Dermo-mus- cular. FihroideiFeebroheed). Fibroid. Fibroma. Fibro -kystique {Feebroh-keesteek). Fibrocystic. Gluteus medius mooyehn). (muscle). F. Petit {F. ptee). Fibrome (Feebrohni). Fibroma. Fibro-muqueux,-euse Gluteus minimus (mus- {Feebroh-mukih). Fibro-mucous. Fibro-myxome (Feebroh-meeksdhm). cle). F. inferieur {F. ehnfehreeehr). N. gluteus {F. supehreeehr). N. gluteus Fessiere artere (Fehsseeehr ahrlehr). Glu- F. region (F. rehzsheedhn) . Gluteal region. Buttocks. Festonne,-e (Festohnd) Festooned. Fetide (Fehteed). Fetid. Fetidite {Fehteedeetd) cular. . Bad smell. Fig-like F., vesicule condyloma or wart. Tag. Fiche (Feesh). Fiel (Fceehl). . Fibro-plastic. F.-sereux,-euse (F.-ssehreh). Fibro-serous. F.-vasculaire (F.-vahsktilehr). Fibro-vasFie (Feek). teal artery. Fi- bro-myxoma. F.-plastique (F.-plahsteek). inferior. F. superieur superior. layers. fibres. Ferment (Fehrmdhn). F. de- F, Feutrage filings. F. reduit {F. rehduee). F. Late Cautery . Sphe- F. sphenoidale {F. sfelmoheeddhl). F. Fire. (Feh). ceased. Window. Fenetre {Fehnehtr). F. bla Bile. du (F., Gall. vehzeekul deh). Gall bladder. Fetid- Fievre (Feeihvr). Fever. Chlorosis. F. blanche {F blahnsh). 49 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY F. bul buUeuse F. F. {F. catarrhale huUhz). {F. Pemphigus. Typhoid kahtahrdhl). fever. de lait {F. deh leh). Milkfever. de trois jours {F. deh troodh F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. zshoor). Disease resembling dengue, petechiale {F. pehtehkeedhl). Typhus. des prisons {F. deh preezohn). Typhus. rouge {F. roozsh). Scarlatina. tierce {F. teeehrs). Tertian fever. thermique (F. tehrmeek). Insolation. a rechutes {F. ah rehshiU). Relapsing fever. F. quarte {F. kahrt). Quartan fever. F. quintane {F. keh^itdhnn). Quintan fever. F. typhoide {F. teefoheed). Typhoid fever. Fievreux,-euse {Feeehvreh). Feverish. Figue (Feeg). Fig. Figure, -e (Feegurd). Possessing a form. Figure (Feegtir). Face. Fil (Feel). Thread. Form. F. terminal (F. tehrmeendhl) Filum terminale (of spinal cord). F. metallique {F. mehtahleek) Wire. Filaire (Feelehr). Thread-worm. Filaria. Filament { F e e I a h m a h n) Filament. . . Flagelle,-e (Flahzshehld). Flagellate. Flair {Flehr). Scent. Flairer (Flehrd). To smell. Flamme (Flahm). Flame. Flanc (Flahn). Side. Flank. Flanelle (Flahnehl). Flannel. Flatueux,-euse (Flahtueh). Flatulent. Windy. ohrtehy). Flexor communis digitorum pedis (brevis or longus). F. du coccyx {F. du kohksseex). Coccygeus muscle. F. du cubitus (F. du kubeetus). Brachialis anticus m. F. de la cuisse (F. deh lah kueess). Psoas . linguas. du prepuce (7^. du prehpilss). Praenum of the penis. Filiforme (Feeleefdrni). Filtrage (Feeltrdhzsh). Filiform. Filtration. Strain- ing. Filtre (Feeltr). Fimbria Filter. (Feembreedh). campi. Fimbrie,-e (Feembreed). Taenia hippo- Fimbriated. Final, -e {Feendhl). Final. Finalite {Feenahleetd). Finality. Finesse (Feenehss). Delicacy of senses. Finesse. Fiole {Feeohl). Phial. Fissuration (Feessurahssidn). Fissuration. Fissure {Feesstlr). Fissure. Fistulation {Feestulahssion) Formation of . a fistula. Fistule {Feestul). Fistula. F. stercorale {F. stehrkohrdhl) Fistula in the anus. Fistuleux,-euse (Fistuleh). Fistulous. Fixation (Feeksahssion). Fixation. Fixe (Feeks). Fixed. Fixite (Feekseetd). Fixity. Flaccide (Flahkseed). Flaccid. Flaccidite (Flakseedeetd). Flabbiness. Softness. Flaccidity. Flagellation (Flahzshehlahssidn). Flagella. tion. 50 and Iliacus m. du gros orteil {F. du grohz ohrtehy). Flexor pollicis (brevis or longus). du petit doigt {F. du ptee doodh). Flexor minimi digiti (hand). F. du petit orteil {F. d. p. ohrtehy). Flexor minimi digiti (foot). F. du pouce {F. du pooss). Flexor pollicis F. Filet (Feeleh). Ramification of the smallest nerves or blood vessels. Net. F. de la langue {F. deh lah lahng) Frenum F. stom- . (Feelahmahnieh) Thready. (in Flatulent,-e (Flahtiddhn). Flatulent. Flatuosite (Flahtuohzeetd) Eff etcts of flatulency. Flavescent,-e (Flahvehssdhn). Yellowish. Flavescent. Fleche caustique {Flehsh kohsteek). Caustic arrow. Flechisseur {Flehsheessehr). Flexor. F, commun des orteils {F. kohmehn dehz F. Filamenteux,-euse Gas Flatulence {Flahtulahns). ach). Flatulence. . Thread. Flu (brevis or longus). F. profond des doigts (F. prohfohn deh doodh). Flexor profundus digitorum. F. du radius {F. du rahdeeus). Biceps (arm). F. superficiel des doigts {F. ssupehrfeesseeehl deh doodh). Flexor sublimis digitorum (arm). Flegme (Flehgm). Sputum. Phlegm. Fleur (Flehr). Flower. Fleurs blanches (Flehr blahnsh). Leucor- rhea. FlexibiUte (Flehkseebeeleetd). Flexibility. Flexible (Flehkseebl). Flexible. Flexion (Flehkssion). Flexion. Flexueux,-euse (Flehksueh). Flexuous. Flocculus (Flohkuhis). Flocculus. Flocon (Flohkdhn). Flake. Flock. Floconneux,-euse (Flohkohneh). Flaky. Floraison (Flohrehzdhn). Time of flowering of plants. Efflorescence. Floral, -e (Flohrdhl). Floral. Flore (Flohr). Flora. Flottant,-e (Flohtdhn). Floating. Fluctuation. Fluctuation (Fluktuahssion) What runs or oozes. Fluent, -e (Fludhn). Fluer (Flud). To flow or run. Fluide (Flueed). Fluid. LiquefaFluidifiant,-e (Flueedeefeedhn) . . cient. OF MEDICAL TERMS Flu Fluidificateur {Flueedeefeekahtehr). Reagents which are apt to make solids pass to a liquid state. Fluidification (Flueedeefeekahssion). Passage to a fluid state. Fluidite (Flueedeetd) Fluidity. Fluor {Fluohr). Fluorine. . Fluorescence . {Fluohr ess dhn). Fluores- cence. Fluorescent, -e cent. Fluorhydrate {Fluohr eedrdht). Fluoride. Fluorhydric, acide {Flttohreedreek, ahsseed). Hydrofluoric acid. Fluorure {Fluohrtir). Fluorid. Fluvial,-e {Fluveeahl) Fluvial. Flux {Fliiks). Discharge. Flow. Flux. Dysentery. F. de sang {F. deh ssahn). Diarrhoea. F. de ventre {F. deh vaJintr). Fluxion {Fliikssion). Congestion. PneuF. de poitrine {F. deh pooahtreen). . Fennel. Foetus {Fehtiis). Foetus. Foie {Foodh). Liver. F. de soufre {F. deh ssoofr). Fungosity. Fongeux,-euse {Fohnggeh). Fungous. Fongus {Fohnguss). Fungus. Fungosity. Potassium deh). fever. Fontaine {Fohntehn). Fountain. Issue. Fontanelle. Fontanelle {Fohntahnehl) Fonte {Fohnt). Melting. Resorption. . Disaggregation. Cast-iron. Fonticule {Fohnteekul). Issue. Cautery. Foramen {Fohrahmehn). Foramen. Force {Fohrss). Force. Strength. Power. Forceps {Fohrssehps). Forceps. F.-scie {F.-ssee). Cephalotribe with a saw. Forcipressure {Fohrsseeprehssilr). Pinching of arteries with pincers. Formaldehyde {Fohrmahldeheed) Formal. dehyd. Formic. Formulaire {FohrmuWir). Formulary. Formule {FohrmiU). Formula. Fornix {Fohrtieeks). Fornix cerebri (a longitudinal system of association fibres lying beneath and behind the corpus callosum). Fort,-e {Fohr). Fortifiant,-e Strong. {Fohrteefeedhn). Pit. Fortifying. De- Hole. pression. Reservoir for F. d'aisances {F. dehzdhns). fecal matter under the privy. Glenoid cavF. glenoide {F. glehnoheed). ity. F. iliaque interne {F. eeleedhk ehtitehrn). Iliac fossa. Follicu- {Fohleektdeh). Folliculitis. Fomentation {Fohmahntahssion) " Strengthening. Fosse {Fohss). Cavity. Follicle. lar. Fomen- . IsF. ischio-rectale {F. eeskeeoh-rehktdhl) chiorectal fossa. F. jugulaire {F. zshugulehr). Jugular fossa. Lacrymal F. lacrymale {F. lahkreemdhl). . fossa. tation. Function. Office. {Fohnksseeohnehl). Func- Fonction {Fohnkssidn). Fonctionel,-le tional. Orbite. F. orbitaire {F. ohrbeetehr). Sella turcica. F. pituitaire {F. peelueetehr) F. pterygoidienne {F. ptehreegoheedeeShn). . Fonctionnement {Fohnksseeohnmdhn) Working, acting or the operating of a Pterygoid fossa. F. sous-epineuse {F. sooz-ehpeenihz). In- fraspinous fossa. function. Fondamental,-e {Fohndahmahntahl) Fundamental. membrane White . Foliaceous. Foliace,-e {Fohleeahssd). Foliation. Foliation {Fohleeahssion). Insanity. Madness. Folie {Fohlee). General F. paralytique {F. pahrahleeteek). paralysis of the insane. Nymphomania. F. uterine {F. utehreen). Foliated. Folie, -e (Fohleed). Subdivision Leaflet. Foliole {Fohleeohl). of cerebellar convolution. F., articulaire {F. ahrteekulehr). (tubercular). tumor Formique {Fohrmeek). sulphide. Foin {Fooehn). Hay. Foins, fievre des {Fooehn, feeehvr FoUiculite {Fohleekuleet). Fungoid growth. tion. Foetal, -e {Fehtdhl). Foetal. FcEticide {Fehteesseed). Foeticide. Folliculeux,-euse Fungoid. {Fohngohzeetd). Forme FcBces (Fehss). Faeces. Foeniculum {Fehneekulohm). FoUicule {Fohleekul). Fongosite Formation {Fohrmahssion). Formation. Shape. {Fohrm). Form. Formiate {Fohrmeedht). Formiate. Formicant,-e {Fohrmeekdhn). Formicant. FormicaFormication {Fohrmeekahssidn) monia. Focal, -e {Fohkdhl). Focal. Focil. Focile {Fohsseel). Hay Fongoide {Fohngoheed). F. Fluores- (Fkiohrehssdhns) Fou {F., mahmbrdhnn) . Base- ment membrane. Fondant, -e {Fohnddhn). Solvent. Fondement {Fohndmdhn). Anus. Fongiforme {Fohnzsheefdhrm) Fungiform. Fungoid. . ssuz-ehpeen6hz) (F. sus-epineuse Supraspinous fossa. ZygoF. zygomatique {F. zeegohmahtetk). matic fossa. Fossette {Fohsseht). Depression. Dimple. F. Fossile {Fohsseel). Fou, folie {Foo, Fossil. fohl). Mad. Insane. Senseless. 51 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Fou Foudre (Foodr). Thunderbolt. ing and lightning. Thunder- Foudroyant,-e (Foodrooydhn). ing. Sudden. Crushing. Fulminat- Fougere (Foozsh&hr). Fern. F. male {F. maid). Male fern. Foulage {Faoldkzsh). A form of massage. FouIg,-e (Foold). Sprained. Foulure (Foolur). Sprain. Fourbn,-e {FoorbH). Foundered. Fourchette (Foorskekl). Instrument to hold the tongue in splitting the frtenum lingu;^. F. du sternum notch of (F. Upper du stehrndhm). Purring thrill (of F. cataire (F. kahtehr). heart). hydatique F. {F. eedahteek). Hydatid fremitus. Frenateur, -trice (Frehnahtehr) Fourmillement (Foormeemdhn) Formica- . Friabilite (Freeahbeeleetd). Friability. Friable (Freealibl). Friable. Friction (Freekssidn). Friction. Rub- bing. Frigidite . Frigorifique (Freegohreefeek). Frisson (Freessdhn). Shiver. Frissonnement ness. (of Shivering. Cold. Resembling a Having depres- Congelation. fremitus. Focus. Seat of diseased process. Hearth. Fractionne,-e (Frahksseeohnd). In small doses. Distilled at various tempera(Fooahyd). tures. Fractionnement (Fraktsseeohnmdhn) mentation. Fracture (Frahklitr). Fracture. F. communitive {F. Kohmuneetiev) . Seg- kohmpleekd) F. incomplete (F. ehnkohmpleht). Com- . Infrac- Greenstick fracture. Fragment (Frahgmdhn). Fragment. Fragmentation (Frahgmahntahssidn) Fragmentation. Fragrant (Frahgrdhn). Fragrant. Odorous. Fronce (Frohnss). Wrinkle produced by frowning. Fronce, -e (Frohnssd). Frowning. Froncement (Frohissmdhn). Frown. Fronde (Frohnd). Four-tailed bandage. Front (Frohn). Forehead. Frontal. Frontal, -e (Frohntdhl). Fe., circonvolution (F. sseerkohnvohliissidn) Frontal convolution (of the brain). Frontal nerve. F., nerf {F., nehr). Frontal bone. F., OS {F., ohss). Frontal sinus. Fronto-ethmoidal trou {Frohntoh-ehtmoheeForamen csecum ossis fronddhl troo). F., sinus (F., sseenits). Strawberry. voh) pleura. Fromage (Frohmdhzsh). Cheese. Froment [Frohmdhn). Wheat. characteristics (color, etc.) of wheat. Com- . tion. Fraisedeveau (Frehz deh pericardiaque (F. pehreekahrdeedhk). Friction sound of pericardium. Friction sound of F. pleural (F. plehrdhl). F. Fromente,-e (Frohmahntd). Possessing the fracture. Fraise (Frehz). (Frooahdiir). Froissement (Frooahssmdhn). Contusion by sudden friction. Bruising. Friction F. pulmonaire (F. pulmohiuhr). sound of lungs. Fremitus. Rustling. Frolement (Frohlmdhn). hydatique (F. eedahteek). Hydatic F. sions, dimples, pits. compHquee {F. pound fracture. Rigor. (Freessohnmdhn). Chilli- Frost bite. foveola. Foveal5,-e (Fohvehohld). Frigorific. Froid (Froodh). Stove. animals). Foveolaire (Fohvehohlehr). F. Frigidity. {Freezsheedeetd) Absence of sexual desire. Froidure tion. Fourrage (Foordkzsk). Fodder. Fourreau {Poor oh). Sheath. Prepuce minuted What Coldness. F. vulvaire {F. vulvShr). Posterior commissure of the vulva. Fourchette. Fourmi (Foormee). Ant. Fourmiliere (Foormeeleeehr). Ant-hill. Foyer . moderates or suspends. F., nerf (F., nehr). Vaso-motor nerve. Frenesie (Frehnehzee). Frenzy. Frenetique (Frehnehleek). Frenetic. Frequence (Frehkahnss). Frequency. sternum. Fourneau (Foorndh). Fug . Mesentery of the calf. Framboesia (Frahmbehzeedh). Yaws. Framboise (Frahmboodhz). Raspberry. Frange (Frahnzsh). Fringe. Frange,-e (Frahnzshd). Fringed. Franklinisation (Frahnkleeneezahssion) Franklinization. Frappement (Frahpmdhn) Light blows in massage. . Fraudg,-e (Frohdd). Falsified. Frein (Frehn). Fra^num. Ligament. Fremissement (Frehmeesmdhn) Shuddering. Thrill. Tremor. Fremitus. 52 . talis. Friction. Rubbing. Instrument used Frottoir (Frohtoodhr). for rubbing in massage. FrucFructification [Frukteefeekahssion). Frottement (Frohtmdhn). tification. Fruit (Fniee). Frustrance,-e Fruit. {Fnistrahnd). Useless. Sterile. Fuchsine (Fuksseen). Fuchsin. Fugace (Fugdhss). Fugacious. Fleeting. OF MEDICAL TERMS Ful Fulcrace,-e (Fulkrahssd). Squam- Rigid. ous. (Fulgnrdhn). Fulgurant. Severe. Fulgurantes, douleurs (Ftdgurdhnt, doolehr). Lightning pains. Fulguration {Fulgurahssion). Fulguration. Fuligineux,-euse (Fuleezsheeneh) Sooty. ' . Fuliginous. Fuligo (Fideegdh). Soot. Fulmi-coton (Fulmee-kohtohn). Gun-cotton. Pyroxylin. Fulminant,-e (Fulmeendhn). Fulminating. Fumee (Fumd). Smoke. Fumeterre (Fumtehr). Fumitory. Fumier Fureur (Furehr). F. Fulgurant,-e {Fiimeed). Manure. ing. Manuring the Funiculaire {Fimeekulehr). Funicule {Funeekul). Funiculus. Funicule, -e (Funeekuld). Funiculite (Funeekuleet) the spermatic cord. . uterine Furor. Madness. Fury. Erotomania. utehreen). (F. Nymphomania. Furfur {Furfiir). Bran. Furfures {Furfur). Epidermic scales resembling bran. Furfurace,e {Fiirfurahssd). Branny, Furfuraceous. Furfure (Furfiir). Dandruff. Furieux,-euse (Fureeeh). Furious. Rag- ing. Furoncle (Furohnkl). Boil. Furoncle. Furonculeux,-euse {FurohnkuUh). Furonculous. Furonculose (Furohnkuldhz). Furonculo- sis. Fumigation {Fumeegahssion). Fumigation. Fumigatoire (Fumeegahtoodhr). Fumigat- Fumure (Fumur). Fus earth. Funicular. Umbilical cord. Funiculate. Inflammation of Fuscine (Fusseen). Fuscin. Fuseau {Fusoh). Spindle. Fusee (Fuzd). Fistulous tract. Fusel {Fuzehl). Fusel-oil (from amyl-alcohol). Fusibilite (Fuzeebeeleeld) Fusibility. Fusible (Fuzeebl). Fusible. . Fusiforme (Fuzeefohrm). Spindle-shaped. Fusiform. Fusion (Fuzeeohn). Fusion. 63 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Gad Gas G Gadoue (Gahddo). G. d'Andersch Night-soil. Gaiac (Gahydhk). Guaiac. Gaiacol (Gahyahkohl). Guaiacol. G. Gaine (Ggehn). Sheath. Capsule. Gaiol (Gahyohl). Guaiacol. Galactagogue {Gahlahktahgohg) Galactogogue. Galactic (Gahlahkssee). Galactorrhea. Galactometre {Gahlahktohmehtr) See Lactometer. Galactophore (Gahlahktohfdhr) Artificial . . . Tip of breast. Galactoscope (Gahlahktohskdhp). nipple. Lacto- scope. Galactose (Gahlahktdhz). Galacturie Galactosis. (Gahlahkturie). Galacturia. Chyluria. Gale (Gahl). G. bedouine Itch. Scabies. (G. behdooien). dahndehrsh). (G. Petrosal ganglion. d' Arnold Otic {G. dahrnohld). {G. ssehrveekdhl). gan- glion. G. cervical Cervical lymphatic gland. G. ciliaire (G. sseeleeehr). Ciliary ganglion. G. de Gasser (C deh Gasser). Gasserian semilunar ganglion. G. de Meckel (G. deh Mehkehl). Sphenopalatin ganglion. G. jugulaire (G. zshugulehr). Jugular ganglion of the pneumogastric. G. solaire (G. sohlehr). Solar ganglion. Ganglionaire (Gahngleeohnehr). Ganglionic. G., systeme (G., seestehm). Sympathetic system. Lichen sim- Gangrene (Gahngrehn). Gangrene. Slough. plex. Galeiforme (Gahleheefdhrm) of a helmet. Galene (Gahlehn). Native . In the form sulphide of G. gazeuse (G. gahzehz). Gas gangrene. Gangreneux,-euse (Gahngrehneh). Gangrenous. (Gahng). Gangue lead. Galenique (Gahlehneek). Galenism {Gahlehneesm). Covering membrane. Cannabis indica. Ganja (Gahnzshdh) Galenic. Galenism. . Galeux,-euse {Gahlch). Ganja. Gantelet (Gahnileh). Galle {Gahll). Gallique {Gahlleek). Gallic. Gallic acid. G., acide (G. ahsseed). Galopant,-e (Gahlohpdhn). Galloping. Garance (Gahrdhns). Madder. A plant of genus Rubia, from the root of which a red dye is extracted. Garde-robe (Gahrdrdhb). Bowel move- Infected with itch. Nut-gall; oak-gall. G., phthisie {G. Consumption fteezee). with a rapid course. Galvanique {Gahlvahneek). Galvanic. Galvanisation (Gahlvahneezahssidn). Galvanization. Galvanise, -e (Gahlvahneezd). Galvanized. Galvanisme (Gahlvahncesm). Galvanism. Galvanocaustique {Gahlvahnohkohsieek) Galvanocaustic. (Gahlvahnohmehtr). Galvanometre vanometer. Galvanopuncture. Galvanoscope (Gahlvahnohskdhp). Galvanoscope. Galvano -therapie (Gahlvahnohtehrapee) Galvanotherapeutics. Gamme {Gahm). Scale (in music). Ganache (Gahndhsh). Lower jaw of the horse. Having a gan- glion. Gangliform (Gahngleefdhrm) Having the form of a ganglion. Ganglion (Gahngleedhn). Ganglion. Lym. phatic gland. 54 ment. G., aller a la (G. ahld ah lah). the water-closet. To go to Gargarisme (Gahrgahreesm). Gargle. Gargouillement {Gahrgooynidhn). Gurgling. Splashing sound. Garon (Gahron). Garrot (Gahroh). Spurge-laurel. An old twisting tourni- quet. Gal- Galvano -puncture {Gahlvahnohpunktur) Ganglifere (Gahngleefehr). Glove-bandage. Gastralgie' (Gahstrahlzshee). Gastralgia. Pain in the stomach. Gasterectomie (Gahstehrehktohmee). Gasterectomy. Gastricite order. (Gahstreesseetd). Stomach dis- Gastrique (Gahstreek). Gastric. Gastrite (Gahstreet). Gastritis. Pain in the stomGastritie (Gahstreessee). ach. A state of the stomach due to pain. Gastrocele (Gahstrohssehl). Gastrocele. Gastrocnemien,-ne (Gahstrohknehmeeehn) Gastrocnemius muscle. Gastro-colique (Gahstrohkohleek). Pertaining to the stomach and colon. Gastro-colite {GahstrohkohUet). Gastrocolitis. OF MEDICAL TERMS Gas Gastrodynie (Gahstrohdeenee) Neuralgic . pain of the stomach. Gastro-enterite (Gahstroh-ahntehrSet) Gastroenteritis. G. folliculeuse (G. fohleckulehz). Typhoid fever. Gastroide (Gahstrokeed). Having the shape of a stomach. Corpulent. Gastromalacie {Gahstrohmahlahssee). Softening of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Gastrorrhagie (Gahstrohrahzskee) Hemorrhage of the stomach. Gastrorrhaphie (GahstrohrahfSe). Suture of a wound in the stomach or in ab. domen. Gastrorrhee (Gahstrohrd). Gastrorrhoea. (Gahslrohskdhp). Gastro- Gastroscope Gelatinisation (Zshehlahteeneezahssion) Transformation into a gelatinous state. Gelee (Zshehld). Jelly. Frost. Gelif,-ive (Zshehleef). Cracked by frost, Gelose (Zshehldhz). Gelose. Gelsemine (Zshehlssehmeen). Gelsemin. Gelsemium mium. (Zshehlssehmeedhm), Gastroscopie (Gahstrohskohpee). Gastroscopy. Gastrospasme (Gahstrohspdhzm). Spasmodic contraction of the stomach. Gastrostomie {Gahstrohstohmee) Gastrostomy. Establishing an opening in the stomach. . Gastrotomie (Gahstrohiohmee). of the stomach. {Gahtoh). Gateau Opening Opening of the abdomen. Cake. A part of elec- trophore. G. de charpie {G. of lint placed deh shahrpee). Pledgets one above the other. GSteux,-euse (Gahteh). Demented indiwho lost con- vidual or imbecile (idiot) trol of the sphincters and all knowledge of cleanliness. Gatisme (Gahteesm). Gelse- Gelure (Zshehlur). Result of congelation. Gemellaire {Zshehmehlehr). Referable to twins. Gemelle,-e (Zshehmehld). Gemellus. Gemellipare {Zshehmehleepdhr). Producing twins. Gemisseur,-euse (Zshehmeessehr). who constantly groans. Gemmation (Zshehmahssion). Budding. Geramipar- ous. Gemmule (ZshehmUl. ) Gemmule. Genal,-e (Zshehndhl). Belonging to the cheeks. Gencive (Zshahnsseev). (of the Gum mouth). Gene (Zshehn). ment. General,-e Difficulty. Embarrasse- (Zshehnehrdhl) General. Universal. Generalisation (Zshehnehrahleezahssidn) . Common. Generalization. Generalite (Zshehnehrahleetd). Generality. Generateur, -trice {Zshehnehrahtehr). Generator. Gener- Generatif,-ive (Zshehenehrahteef). ative. State of the gateux. Gaucher,-ere (Gohshd). Left-handed per- Generation Genera- (Zshehnehrahssidn). tion. Generescent,-e (Zshehnehrehssdhn). son. Gaucherie {Goh'^hree). Gaultherie {Gohltehree). (Gahvdhzsh). Awkwardness. Gaultheria. Feeding through a stomach-tube. Gayac (Gahydhk). Guaiacum. Gaz (Cahz). Gas. Gaze (Gahz). Gauze. Gazeification (Gahzehe efe ekahssidn). Transformation of a liquid into a gazeous state. I Gazeifie,-e (Cahzeheefeed). Transformed into a gazeous state. Gazeux,-euse (Gahzeh). Gaseous. Gazogene (Gahzohzshehn). Apparatus for producing gas. Gazolene (GahzohUhn). Gasolene. Giant. Geantisme (Zshehahnteesm). Giantism. Gelatine (Zshehlahteen). Gelatin. Gelatine, -e {Zshehlahteend). Coated with Geant,-e (Zslicluihn). gelatin. G^\aXmeviX,-QViSQl,{Zshehlahteen6h). Gelatinous. Gelatiniforme {Zshehlahteeneefdhrm). Re- sembling gelatine. One Gemmation. Gemmipare (Zshehmeepdhr). scope. Gavage Gen Gen- erating. Generique (Zshehnehreek). Generic. (Zshehnehz). Genesis. Growth of anatomic elements. Genesie {Zshehnehzee). Generation. Genet (Zshehneh) Genista. Broom plant. Genetique {ZshehnehUek). Relating to generation. Genetic. Genevrier {Zshehnehvreed). Juniper-tree. Genicule,-e (Zshehneekuld). Geniculate. G., ganglion {Zsh. gahngleiohn) Geniculate ganglion. Genie {Zshehnec). Genius. Genienne, apophyse (Zshehneeehnn, ahpoh- Genese . . fcez). Genial tubercle. Genie vre (Zshcluieeefwr). Gin. Genio-glosse {Zshehneeoh-gldhss) hyoglossus muscle. . Genio- G.-hyoiidien (Zsh-ioeedeeehn). Genio-hyoid muscle. G.-pharyngien {Zsh.-fahrehnzsheeShn). Lower portion of superior constrictor m. Genioplastie {Zshehneeohplahstie) Genioplasty. . 55 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Gen Genisse (Zshehneess). Heifer. Genital, -e (Zskehneeldhl). Genital. Genitaux, organes (Zshehneetdh, ohrgdhn). Genital organs. Geniteur (Zshehneetehr). Generator. Genito -crural, -e (Zshehneetoh-krurdhl) Genito-crural. G.-urinaire (Zsh. ureenehr). Genito-urinary. Genoplastie (Zshehnohplahstee). Plastic operation for reformation of cheeks. Genou (Zshnoo). Knee. G. cagneux (G. Kahnneh). Knock-knee. Genu valgum. G. convexe en dehors (Zsh. kohnvehks ahn dehohr). Bow-leg. Genu varum. Genouille,-e (Zshnooyd). Bent like the knee. Geniculate. G.s, corps (Zsh., kohr). Genictdate bodies. Genouillere Glo Glabrite (Clalibreetd). organ. State of a glabrous Glace (Glahss). Ice. Glace, -e (Glahssd) Iced. Frozen. Frosted with a coating of sugar. . Glaciaire (Glahsseeehr). Glacial. Gladie,-e (Glahdeed). Ensiform. Gladi- ate. Glaire (Clehr) Mucous discharge. . Phlegm. Glaireux,-euse (Clehreh). Viscous. Slimy. Glaise (Glehz). Clay. Potter's earth. Gland (Glahn). Glans (penis). Glandaire (Glahndekr). Glandular. Glande (Glahnd). Gland. Kernel. G. de Bertholin (G. deh BehrtohUhn). Vulvovaginal gland. G.s buccales (G. bukdhl). Buccal glands G.s de Cowper (G. deh Koopehr). Bulbourethral glands. (Zshnooyehr). Knee-piece. Knee-bandage. Genre (Zshdhnr). Species. Kind. Genus. Gentiane (Zshahnsseedhn). Gentian. Geognosie {Zshehohgnohzee). Science of minerals. Geographie (Zshehohgrahfee). Geography. Geologie (Zshehohlohzshee) Geology. Geometrie (Zshehohmehtree). Geometr^^ Gercure (Zshehrssur). Fissure of the skin. Chap. Crack. . Germ (Zshehrm). Germ. Germicide (Zshehrmeesseed). Germifuge (Zshehrmeefiizsh). Germigene (Zshehrmeezshekn) a germ. Germin,-iiie (Zshehrmehn). Germicide. Germifuge. . Producing What comes minative. Germinifere (Zshehrmeeneefehr). ing germs. Gerofie (Zshehrdhfl). Clove. Carry- (Zshehrohntohtohksdhn) Arcus senilis. Gesier (Zshehzeeeh). Gizzard. Gestation (Zshehstahssidti). Pregnancy. Gestation. Gibbeux,-euse (Zsheebeh). Gibbous. Gibbosite (Zsheebohzeetd). Gibbosity. Giboulee (Zsheeboold). Shower of rain. Gigantisme (Zsheegahnteesm) Gigantism. Gilet de force (Zsheeld dehjohrs). Strait. jacket. Glandulifere glands. (Glahnduleefehr) Glanduliforme (Glahnduleefdhrm) sing the shape of a gland. Glaucomateux,-euse Having . . Posses- (Glohkohmahteh) . Glaucome (Glohkohm). Glaucoma. Glene (Glehn). A glenoid cavity. Glenoide (Glehnoheed). Glenoid. G. cavite (G. kahveetd). Glenoid cavity. Glioma (Gleedhm). Glioma. Glio -sarcoma (Gleeoh-ssahrkohm). Glio- sarcoma. Gllssement (Gleessmdhn) Gliding movement. Globe (Glohb). Globe. G. hysterique (G. eestehreek). Globus hys. tericus. G. oculaira (G. ohkulehr). Eyeball. Globulaire (Glohbulehr). Globular. Globule (Glohbul). Globule. du sang Blood cell. G. (G. du ssahn). G. blanc (G. blahn). White blood cell. G. rouge (G. roozsh). Red blood cell. Globuline {Glohbtdeen) Globulin. . Gingembre (Zshehnzshdhmbr). Ginger. Gingival. Gingival, -e {Zshehnzsheevdhl) Gingivite (Zshehnzsheeveet). Inflammation of the gums. Ginglyme (Zshehngleem). Hinge-joint. Girofle (Zsheerohfl). Clove (aromatic). Givre (Zsheevr). Hoar-frost. GlabeUe (Glahbehl). Glabella. . Glabre {Glahbr). 56 . lous. Glaucomatous. naturally. Germinal, -e (Zshehrmeendhl). Germinal. Germinatif,-ive (Zshehrmeenahteef). Ger- Gerontotoxon G.s de Meibomius (G. deh Mehbohmeeiis). Palpebral follicles. G.s de Pacchioni (G. deh Pahkeeohnee). Small outgrowths of the villi normally existing in the arachnoid lying on the inner surface of the vertex of the skull along each side of the middle line. Glandulaire (Glahndulehr). Glandular. Glanduleux,-euse [GlahnduUh) Glandu- Glabrous. Globus pallidus (Glohbtis-pahleediis). Internal and middle segment of the lenticular nucleus. Glomerulaira (Glohmehrulehr) . Referable to the glomerule. Glomerula (Glohmehrul). Glomerule. Glomerulite (Glohmehruleet). Glomerulitis. Glonoine (Glohnoheen). Nitroglycerine. Glonoin. OF MEDICAL TERMS Glo Glossalgia. Glossalgie (Glohssahlzshee). Glossanthrax (Glohssahntrdhks). Anthrax of the tongue. Glossectomie {Glohssehktohmee). Glossec- tomy. Glossien,-ne (Glohssceehn). Lingual. Glos- sal. Glossite (Glohsseet). tongue. Inflammation of the Glossitis. Glossocatoche (Glohssohkahtdsh) Tongue- . depressor. Glosso-epiglottique (Glohssoh-ehpeeglohGlosso-epiglottic. teek). Glosso-labial. G.-labial,-e {G.-lahbeedhl). G.-labio-pharynge,-e {G.-lahbeeoh-fahrehn- Glosso-labio-pharyngeal (Bulbar zshd). paralysis). G.-palatin,-e (G.-pahlahtehn). Glosso-palatine (muscle). G.-pharyngien,-ne (G. fahrehnzsheeehn) Glossopharyngeal (nerve or muscle). ParalGlossoplegie (Glohssohplehzshee). ysis of the tongue. Glosso-staphylin (Glohssoh-stahfeelehn). Palato-glossus muscle. (Glohssohtohmee). Glossotomie omy. Glossot- Viscous. (Gluteeneh). Glycemia. Medicine with gly- {Glees sehmee). Glycere {Gleessehrd). an excipient. G. d'amidon (G. dahmeeddhn). body G., (eye). corps Fascia kohr). {G. dentata. Notched gyrus lying at the bottom of dentate fissure (Hippocampus major). Goiter. Goitre (Goodhtr). G. exophthalmique (G. ehkzohffahlmeek). Exophthalmic goiter. Graves' or Base- dow's disease. Goitreux,-euse {Gooahtreh). AfTected with goiter. Golfe Sinus. (GoJilf). Gum. Gumma (syphi{Gohm). litic tumor). G. adragant (G. ahdrahgdhn). Gum tragacanth. G. resine (G. rehzeen). Gum-resin. Gomme Gomme Containing gum. (GoJimd). Gommeline Dried dextrine. (Gokmleen). G omTsieuXf -BUS e (Gohmeh). Gummous. Gummatous. Gommier (Gohmeed). Gum-tree. Giving gum. {Gohmeefehr). Gommiforme {Gohmeefohrm). Resembling Gommifere gum. (Gohmeek). Referable to gum. Immobile articu(Gohmfdhz). Gomphosis. lation (teeth). Gondole (Gohndohl). Eye bath. Gonfiement (Gohnjlmdhn). Swelling. Goniometre {Gohneeohmehtr). Instrument Glutinous. Glycemie between the zone of and vitreous Petit) (of Zinn, the crystalline lens Gommique Gomphose Glottis. Glotte (Gloht). Glottic. Glottique (Glohteek). Glucose (Glnkohz). Glucose. Glume (Glum). Husk. Glume. Gluten (Glutehn). Gluten. Glutineux,-euse Canal Gou for measuring craniometric angles. Gonocoque (Gohnohkohk). Gonococcus. Gonorrhea (Gohnohrd). Gonorrhoea. Gonorrheiqua (Gohnohreheek). Gonor- rheal. cerine as Glycerine Gordon, reflexe paradoxal de (G., rehflehks pahrahdohksdhl deh). Gordon's reflex: Glycerin. See Glyc^r^. Glycocholique, acide (Gleekohkohleek, ahsGlycocholic acid. sied). GlycocoUe (Gleekohkdhl). Glycocoll. Glycogene (Gleekohzshehnn). Glycogen. Glycogenese (Gleekohzshehnehz). Glyco- extension of the great toe upon pressure of the calf-muscles of the leg (sign of involvement of the pyramidal tract). Gorge (Gohrzsh). Throat. Pharynx. of starch. Glycerine (Gleessehreen). Glycerole (Gleessehrohld). genesis. Glycogenie (Gleekohzshehnee). Glycogeny. Formation of glycogene. Glycogenique (Cleekohzshehneek). Gorgee (Gohrzshd). Glyco- Gorget. instrument). Old name for Gorre (Gohr). Gosier (Gohzeech). (Gleekdhl). Diatomic alcohol. Glycol. G., isthma fauces. du (G. eestm du). Glycose (Gleekohz). 'Glucose. Grape sugar. Goudron (Goodrdhn). Glycosuria Gourd, -e {Gleekohziirec). Glycosuria. Diabetes. Glycosurique (Gleekohzureek). Glycosuric. Glycyrrhiza {Gleesseereezdh). Licorice root. Godet de favus {Gohdd dek fahviis). Cupfavus. Godets de Morgagni (Gohdd deh Mohrgahnie). Sinuses between Morgagni col- umns syphilis. Pharynx. Gullet. Fauces. genic. Glycol Engorged. Mouthful. Draught. Quantity swallowed at a time. Gorgerat (Gohrzshreh). Director (surgical Gorge, -a (Gohrzshd). in the rectum. Godronne, Canal (Gohdrohnd, Kahndhl). (Goor). Isthmus of Tar. Swollen. Gourme (Goorm). Crusts of eczema or impetigo in children. Goussa (Gooss). Pod. Gout (Goo). Taste. Goutte (Goot). Drop. Gout. G. militaira (G. meeleetehr). Gonorrhea. G. rose (G. rohz). Acne rosacea. G. sereina (G. ssehrehjin). Amaurosis. Gouttaux,-euse (GooUh). Gouty. 57 FRENCH ENGLISH DICTIONARY Gou Gouttiere Groove. (GooteeShr). Fur- Gravifique Gus (Grahveefeek). Rendering heavy. row. G. chirurgicale Grooved sheer urzsheekdhl). of wire (for frac- (C. made splint tures). Grain (measure = 0.05 (Grehn). Grain (small berry). grm.). G.s riziformes (G. reezeefohrm). Seed bodies (in joints, tendons, etc.). Graine (Grehnn). Seed. Graisse (Grehss). Fat. G. de pore (G. deh pohr). Hog's lard. Graisseux,-euse (Grehsseh). Fatty. Gramme (Grahnim). Gram (15.438 grains). Grandes levres {Grahnd lehvr). Labia Grain majora Gravimetre {Grahveemihtr). Gravimeter. Hydrometer. Gravitation (Grahveetahssidn). Gravitation. Gravite (Grahveetd). Gravity. Greffe (Grehf). Graft. Transplantation of skin. Greffon (Grehf6hn). Tissue used for graft- ing. Gregaire (Grehggehr). Gregarious. Grele (Grehl). Thin, slender, small. Hail. G., intestin (G., ehntehstehn) Small intes. tine. G., de la cuisse (G. deh lah kueess). (vulvas). Grand mal (Grahn mahl). Major epilepsy. Grand os {Grahnddhss). Os magnum (car- Gra- muscle. cjlis Greleux,-euse Seamed. (Grehleh). Grand rond {Grahn Teres rohn). major muscle. sympathique {G. sehnpahteek). The sympathetic nerve. Granulaire (Grahnulehr). Granular. Granulation (Grahnulahssion). GranulaG. tion. Granule (Grahmll). Granule. Granule, -e (Grahnuld). Granulated. (Grahnuleh). Granuleux,-euse Granular. Granulie (Grahnulee). Granulia. Disseminated granules of a pathological character, such as tuberculosis. Generalized bacillary infection. Same Granulose {Grahnuldhz). as gran- ulie. Graphique (Grahfeek). Graphic. Graphite (Grahfeet). Graphite. Graphitique (Grahfeeteek). Pertaining to graphite. Grenade (Grehndhd). Pomegranate. Grenouille (Grehnouy), Frog. Grenouillette (Grehnooyeht). Ranula. Grenu,-e (Grehnii). Possessing small granulations. Grieche (Greeehsh). Sharp. Sour. Griff e (Greef). Claw. Hook. Griinpant,-e (Grehmpdhn). Climbing. Grimper (Grehmpd). To climb. (Grehnsmdhn). Grinding. Grincement Grippal,-e (Greepdhl). Referable to grippe. Grippe (Greep). Influenza. Having the grippe. Grippe,-e (Greepd). Having contracted features of the face. Gray. Gris,-e (Gree). Grison (Greezohn). Marsh-gas. Grognement (Grohnnmdhn). Gros,-se (Croh). Large. Grunting. Bulky. Drachm (Vs oz.). Grappes (Grahp). Skin excrescences. Con- Groseille (Grohzdy). dylomata. Gras,-se (Grah). G. des cadavres Grosse (Grohss). Pregnant. Grossesse (Grohssehss). Pregnancy. Fat. Fatty. deh kahddhvr). (G. Adi- G. de la jambe of the leg. {G. deh lah zshahmb). Gratiole (Grahsseedhl). Grattage (Grahtdhzsh) Calf Hedge-hyssop. Scraping. Grat- . (Grohsseessmdhn). Magnifying. Groupe (Groop). Group. Gruau (Gruoh). Oatmeal. Grumeau (Grumdh). Clot. Grumele,-e (Grumld). Formed of Grumeleux,-euse tage. Grattelle (Grahtehl). Itching. Ciliary blepharitis. Grattement (Grahtrndhn) . Act of scratch- ing. Applied to a Gravatif,-ive (Grahvahteef). dull pain. (Grahv). Heavy. Gravele,-e {Grahvld). Grave. Serious. Consisting of small Graveleux,-euse (Grahvleh). Affected with En- Gravide (Grahveed). Gravel. Gravid. Pregnant. Gravidite (Grahveedeetd). Pregnancy. Gravier (Grahveed). Grit. Gravel. clots. Clotted. Coagulated. Gryphose (Greefdhz), Incurvature of nails. Guarana (Gahrahndh). Paste prepared with grains of Guarana uva. Gubernaculaire, cordon (Gubehrnahkulehr, kohrdohn). Fibrous band in the scro- tum Guepe of the foetus. (Cehp). Wasp. Recovery. Cure. Mouth (of animals). (Gehl). loup (G. deh loo). Hare-lip with cleft Gueule G. de gravel. Gravelle (Grahvehl). (Grumleh). Guerison (Gehreezdhn). grains. 58 Grossissement Currant. largement. pocire. Grave Un- equal. pus). palate. Guimauve Marshmallow. (Ggeemohv). Gustatory. Gustatif,-ive (Gustahteef). Gustation (Gustahssidn). Taste. OF MEDICAL TERMS Gut Gutta-percha (Gutiahpehrshdh). Gutta- percha. Gutturalf-e (Guturdhl) Guttural. Gymnase (Zsheemndhz). Gymnasium. Gymnastique {Zsheemnahsteek) Gymnas. , Gyr Gynecologie (Zsheenehkohlohzshee) cology. Gypse (Zsheeps). . Gyne- , sum. Gypseux,-euse Plaster of Paris. (Zsheepseh). Gyp- Containing gypse. tics. Gynanthrope (Zsheenakntrdhp) Hermaphrodites having more the features of a male than of a female. Gynecie (Geenehssee) Menses. . . Gyration (Zsheerahssion). G>Tation. Gyroid (Zsheeroheed). Spiroid. Gyrus {Zsheerus). Gyrus. Convolution of brain. 69 Hem FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY H. H H. Symbol of Hydrogene. Habitat (Ahbeetdh). Habitat. Habitation (Ahbeetahssidn). Habitation. Habitude (Ahbeetud). Habit. Habituel,-le (Ahbeetuehl). Habitual. Habitus (Ahbeetiis). Habitus. Hachisch (Ahsheesh). Indian hemp. Hashish. Hachischine (Ahsheesheen). Resin of indian hemp. Hachure (Ahshur). Hachement (masHeat of sun. Its effect on epidermis. Chemical (Ahlohsheemee). study of salts. Halographie (Aldohgrahfee). Description of saline combinations. Haltere {Ahltehr). Dumb-bells. Hamam elide de Virginie (Ahmahmehleed dehVeerzsheenee). Hama- Witch-hazel. melis. . thelmintic. Helminthiase (Ahmp). (Ahnsh). Stem. Hip. Hooked. Handle. . worm. HelminVermi- cide. Helminthochorton (Ehlmehntohkohrtdhn). Corsican moss. Helminthogenesie {EhlmehntohzshehnehMultiplication of helminthes. Dry cough. zee). Hem (Ehm). Hemagogue (Ehmahgdhg). Haemagogue. Hemalopie (Ehmahlopee). Hasmalopia. Hematalloscopie {Ehtnahtahlohskohpee. Medico-legal examination of blood. Laws govHemataulique {EhmahtohUek) erning circulation of blood. Hemateine (Ehmahteheen). Haematein. . Red coloring matter of blood. Hematemese (Ehmahtehmehz). Vomiting . Coxalgia (tubercular). Happant,-e (Ahpdhn). What adheres to the tongue, Hareng (Ahrdhn). Herring. Hargne (Ahrnn). Hernia (old term). Haricot (Ahreekdk). French bean. Harmonie (Ahrmohnee). Harmony. (Ahrmohneek). Harmonic. Harmonics. Haut,-e (Oh). Hematimetrie Hee- (Ehmahteemehtree). matimetry. Hematine (Ehmahteen). Red coloring substance of blood. Hematinurie (Ehmahteenuree). Haematinuria. Hematique (Ehmahteek). Hsematic. Hematocele (Ehmahtohssehl). Bloody mor, especially tu- around the uterus or testicle. High. Tall. Upper. H. mal {O. niahl). Epilepsy. Hauteur (Ohtehr). Hight. Altitude. Havers, canaux de {Ahvehr, kahnoh deh). Haversian canals Hsematemesis. Hemateux,-euse (Ehmahteh). Haematic. Hematie (Ehmahssee). Red blood corpuscle. H. scrofuleuse {H. skrohfulehz) Harmonique Intestinal {Ehlmehnleedhz) Helminthicide [Ehlmehnteesseed). of blood. Hameconne,-e (Ahmsohnd). (in bones). Hebdomadaire {Ehbdohmahdehr). Weekly. Hebephrenie (Ehbehfrehnee). Hebephrenia (a form of Dementia Prascox). Hebetude_ (Ehbehhid). Hebetude. Dullness of intellect. Hectique {Ehkteek). Hectic (adjectif of a state due to wasting disease). 60 Helice (Ehleess). Snail. Helicine (Ehleesseen). Mucilage of snails. Heliotherapie (Hehleeohtehrapee). Sun ray treatment. Heliotrope (Efileeohtrdhp). Sunflower. Helix (Ehleeks). Helix (of the ear). Helminthagogue {Ehlmehntahgohg) An- Hemapheine (Ekmahfeheen). Haemaphein. hallucinations, Halochimie Superficial thiasis. Hale,-e (Hahld). Sun-burned. Haleine (Ahlchn). Breath. Haletant,-e {Ahltdhn). Out of breath. Haleter (Ahltd). To pant. Halitueux,-euse (Ahleetueh). Moist. Hallucination (Ahliisseenahssion). Hallucination. Perception of an object or of sensation without their existence. Hallucine,-e (Ahlusseend). Affected with Hanche Ivy. (Ehlsseedreeohn). ulceration of the cornea. Helcydrion Helminth {Ehlmehnt). sage). Hale (Hahl). Hampe Hedera (Ehdehrdh). Hematocolpos (Ehmahtohkohlpdhss) . Col- lection of menstrual blood in the vagina, nematode (Ehmahtohd). Hasmatodes (fungus) (cancer). Hematoide (Ehmahtoheed) . Resembling blood. Hematologic (Ehmahtohlohzshee) Haema- . tology. Hematome (Ehmahtdhm). Hematoma. Hematometre Bloody tumor. (Ehmahtohmehtr) tion of blood in the uterus. . Reten- OF MEDICAL TERMS Hem Hematometrie (Ehmahtohmehtree). Distension of the uterus by blood. Hematomyelie (EJi mahtohmeechlee) Hemorrhage in the spinal cord. Hematomy. H. H. du cerveau (E. du Cerebral ssehrvoh). hemisphere. Hemispherique (Ehmeesfehreek). Hemis- pheric. Hemocytometre (Ehmohsseetohmehtr). elia. Hematopoese (Ehmahlohpohehz). Haema- topoiesis. Hematoporphyrine {Ehmahtohpohrfeereen) Hasmatoporphyrin. Hematorrhachis Hemorrhage int In- strument for counting blood corpuscles (Go wars). Hemodromometre (Ehmohdrohmohmehtr) Instrument for measuring the rapidity of blood circulation. (Ehmahtohrahshees) Hemodynamometre in the spine. Hematorrhee (Ehmahtohrd). Hasmator- niehtr) rhea. (EhmohdeenahmohInstrument for measuring blood . pressure. Hematosalpinx (Ehmahtohssahlpehnx) Hematoma of the Fallopian tube. Hemoglobine Hematose Hemoglobinurie (Ehmahtdhz). Formation of . Hsemo- Hemophilie toxylin. diathesis. Hematozemie (Ehmahtohzehmee) Loss of . Hsema- . (Ehmahturee). Hsematuria. Loss of blood by the urethra. Hematurique (EhmaJitureek). Hagmaturic. Hemeralopie (Ehmehrahlohpee). Nightblindness. Hemeralopia. Hemiacephalie (Ehmeeahssehfahlee). Ab- sence of brain substance in a half of the cranium. Hemianesthesie (Ehmeeahnehstehzee) Loss of sensations over a half of the body. Hemianesthesia. Hemianopsie (Ehmeeahnohpsee). Blindness of one half of the visual fields. Hemopoese {EhmohpdMhz) . Production Hemopoetique {Ehmohpohehteek) Hemo- . poietic. Hemoproctie (Ehmohprohkssee). Anal hemorrhage. Hemoptose {Ehmohptohz). Hemorrhage. Hemoptysie (Ehmohpteezee). blood. Spitting of Hemoptysis. Hemorrhagie (Ehmohrahzsliee). Bleeding. Hemorrhage. Hemorrhagique (Ehmohrahzsheek). Referable to hemorrhage. Hemorrhagic. Hemophilia. Hemorrhoidaire {Ehmohroheedehr) HemH., diathese (E. deeahtehz). . Hemianopsia. orrhoidal. Hemiathetose (Ehmeeahtehtokz). Slow and regular extension movements of the fingers or toes on one side of the body occurring in diseases of the brain. Hemiathetosis. Hemiathrose (Ehmeeahrtrdhz). Symphy- Hemorrhoidal, -e (Ehtnohroheedahl) (Ehmeessehfahld) Migraine. Hemicephalia. (Ehmeekohrd). Choreic movements aflfecting a half of the Hem- Hemorrhoides (Ehmohroheed). Piles, Hemorrhoids. Hemospermie {Ehmohspehrmee) Hemato. spermia. orrhage. . Hemichoree . orrhoidal. Hemostase (Ehmohstdhz). sis. Hemicephalee Arrest of hem- Hemostasis. Hemostatique (Ehrnohstahteek). Remedy used to arrest hemorrhage. Hemostatic. Hemothorax body. {Ehmohtohrdhks). Hemo- thorax. Hemicranie {Ehmeekrahnee). Migraine. Hemicrania. Hemidrose (Ehmeedrdhz). Unilateral hypersecretion of sweat. Hemie (Ehmee). Deterioration of blood. Hemiopia (see Hemianopsia). (Ehmeepahtee). pathological state. Unilateral Hemiplegie (Ehmeeplehzshee) Hemiplegia. Paralysis of one half of the . body. Hemiplegique (Ehmeeplehzsheek). Hemi- plegie. Hemisphere (Ehmeesfehr). Hemophi- of blood. Hematurie Hemipathie Hemophilia. lic. tozoon. Hemiopie (Ekmeeohpee). Hemorrhagic (Ehmofeelee). Hemophillque (Ehmohfeeleek). blood Hematozoaire (Ehmahtohzohehr) Hemo- . (Ehmohglohbeennree) Presence of hemoglobin in the urine. blood. Hematoxyline (Ehmahtohkseeleen) (Ehmohglohbeen) globin. Hemisphere. Hemotoxie {Ehmohtohksee). Toxic state of the blood. Henbane {Ehnhdhnn). Hyoscyamus. Hepatalgie {Eh pahtahlzshee) Pain in the liver. Hepatalgia. Hepatique (Ehpahteek). Referable to the liver. Hepatic. Hepatisation (Ehpahteezahssion). Transformation of a tissue (pulmonary, etc.) into a tissue analogous to that of liver. . Hepatisation. Hepatite {Ehpahlcet). the liver. Inflammation H. ehntehrsteesseeehl). interstitielle (£. of Cirrhosis of the liver. 61 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Hep Hepatorrhagie (Ehpahtohrahzshie). Hemorrhage in the liver. Hepatotomie {Ehpahtohtohmee) Hepatot. omy. Herbace,-e (Ehrbahssd). Herbaceous. Herbage (Ehrbdhzsh). Pasture. Herbage. Herbe (Ehrb). Herb. Herbivorous. Grass. Herbivore (Ehrbeevdhr). Herborisation {Ehrbohreezahssion). Her- borisation. Herboriste (EhrbohreSst). deals in medicinal plants. Herborist. Hereditaire (Ehrehdeetehr). Hereditary. Heredite (Ehrehdeetd). Heredity. Inheritance. Herisse,-e (Ehreessd). Rough. Bristling. Who Herissement (Ehreessmdhn). Standing on end (hair). Herisson (Ehreessdhn). Hedgehog. Hermaphrodisie (Ehrmahfrohdeezee). Coexistence of genital organs of both sexes in the same individual. Hermaphrodisme (Ehrmahfrohdeezm). Coexistence of genital organs of both sexes in the same individual. Hermetique {Ehrmeteek). Hermetic. Very Heterologue (Ehtehrohldhg) . cum. Hernie (Ehrnee). Rupture. Hernia. H. crurale (E. krurdhl). Femoral hernia. H. etranglee {E. ehtrahngld). Strangulated hernia. H. incarceree Heteromorphe (Ehtehrohmdhrf) Not . re- sembling. Heterophthalme (Ehtehrohftdhlm). Having one eye different from the other. Heteroscopie {Ehtehrohskohpee). Abnormal vision. Heterostome {Entchrohstdhm). Having an irregular mouth. Heterostomie (Ehtehrohstohmee). Irregularity of the mouth. Heterotopic {Ehtehrohtohpee). Abnormal arrangement of the gray matter and displacement of certain parts of it into the white matter (in the spinal cord). Hetre {Hehtr). Beech. Hexadactylie (Ehksahdahkteelee). Hexadactylism. Six fingers. {Ehksahgdhn deh Willis Willis). Circle of Willis (at the base of the brain). Hexagone Hiatus de {Eeahttis). Hiatus. Hibernal (Eebehrndhl). Open- Space. Occurring in win- ter. That . hiber- nates. Hidrocritique (Eedrohkreeteek). Referable to critical sweating. Hidroide {Eedroheed). Sudoral. Hidrorrhee {Eedrohrd). Hidrorrhea. Hiemal,-e {Eeehmdhl). Occurring in winter. {E. ehnkahrssehrd). Stran- gulated hernia. H. de la ligne blanche (£. deh lah leenn blahfish). Hernia through linea alba. H. reductible Of another . nature. Hibernant,-e {Eebehrnahn) firm. Hermetisme (Ehrmehteezm). Alchemy. Hermodactyle {Ehrmohdahkteel) Colchi- hernia. Hernie, -e hernia. His (£. rehdukteebl) (Ehrneed). Hernieux,-euse Who (Ehrneeeh). Reducible . had a has Who is a carrier of a hernia. Herniopuncture (Ehrneeohpunktur). Punc- Erysipelas. . Exhilarating. Hilarant,-e (Eelahrdhn). H., Gaz {H. Cahz). Laughing gas. Hile (Eel). Hilum. Possessing a hilum. Hilifere (Eeleefehr). Hilon (Eelohn). Hernia of the iris through the perforated cornea. Horse doctor. Hippiatre (Heepeedhtr). Hippiatrie (Heepeeahtree). Veterinary medicine. Hippique {Heepeek). Hippie. Hippocampe {Heepohkdhmp}. ture of a hernia. Herniotomie (Ehrneeohtohmee) Herniotomy. Operation on a strangulated her. nia. Hippocam- pus convolution of the brain lying in the floor of the lateral horn of the lateral ventricle. Herpes (Ehrpehss). Herpes. H. zoster {E. zohstehr). Shingles. Herpetide (Ehrpehteed). Hieropyre (Eeehrohpeer) Hippocratique, face Zona. Vesicular disease of the skin. Herpetique (Ehrpehteek). Herpetic. Herpetisme {Ehrpehteesm). Herpetism. Heterocrasie {Ehlehrohkrahzee). Mixture of foreign substances with the blood. Heterogene (Ehtehrohzshehn). What is of a nature different from the object in question. Heterogenous. Heterogenese (Ehtehrohzshehnehz). Heterogenesis. Heteroglaucie (Ehtehrohglohssee). mal production of green stains. 62 Abnor- (Heepohkrahteek, Cadaveric or hippocratic face. Hippurique, acide {Heepureek, ahsseed). Hippuric acid. fahss). Hippus (Heepptls). Alternating contraction and dilatation of the pupil irrespective of light. Hirondelle (Eerohndehl). Swallow (bird). Hirsute {EersiU). Hirsute. Hairy. Hirudine,-e {Eerudeend). Referable to leeches. Hirudiniforme {Eerudeeneefdhrm) like a leech. 'H.ispide {Ees peed). Hairy, , . Formed Bristly. Sup- plied with hard hair. i OF MEDICAL TERMS His Histine (Histeen). Fibrin. Histique (Heesteek). Referable to the Histochimie Anatomical (Heestohsheemee). Histo- (Heestohzshehnehz). Histo- Histogenese genesis. Histogen- (Heestohzsheknee). esis. Histoire (Heestoodhr). Narrative. His- {U. bootohn in workers in H. de foie de Dermatitis d.). oil. morue {U. deh foodh deh mohru). Cod-liver oil. H. de Ricin ( U. deh Reessehn). Castor oil. Concen- vitriol {U. deh veeireeohl). trated sulfuric acid. Huileux,-euse (Ueeleh). Huit de chiffre {Uee deh like figure 8. Huitre {Ueetr). Oily. Bandage sheefr). Oyster. Histolog- (Umdhzsh). Inhalation. Humainj-e (Umehn). Human. Humanite {Umahneetd). Humanity. Humectant,-e (Umehktdhn). Moistening. Humectation {Umehktahssion). Moisten- One who numeraire (Umehrehr). {Heestoholohzshee). Histology. of microscopical structure of tis- Histologie Study sues. Histologique (Heestohlohzsheek) . ing. ical. Histotomiste (Heestohtohmeest). Homard (Ohmdhr). Homme {Ohm). 'Humeralj-e (Umerhdhl). teething for Man. Home- {Ohmehohpahtee). opathy. Homogene (Ohmohzshehn). What is of the same nature. Homogenous. Homogeneite (Ohmohzshehneheetd). Homogeneity. Homologie (Ohmohlohzshee). Homology. Homologue (Ohmohlohg). Of the same type or value. Homologous. Homonyme (Ohmohneem). Bearing the same name. (Ohngr). Homonymous. Castrated. Gelded. Honoraires (Ohnokrehr). Fee. Honteuse, artere externe {Ohnlihz, ahrtehr ehkslehrn). External pudic artery. Internal H., a. interne (0. A. ehntehrn). pudic artery. Honteux,-euse (Ohnteh). Pudic. Hospital. Hopital iOhpeetdhl). Hiccough. Hordeum (Ohrdehdhm). Barley. Horizon (Ohreezohn). Horizon. Hoquet iOhkeh). Shiver- Horripilation (Hohreepeelahssidn). Trembling. Hospice {Ohspeess). Hospital. house. Hospitaller (Ohspeetahleed). Alms- Referable to The principal mentim. {Oo. Bra- Umehroh-kubeetdhl) ( Brachialis anticus muscle. H.-sus-metacarpien ( U. sumehtahkahrpeeehn). Extensor carpi radialis longior m. SupinaH.-sus-radial {U. surahdeedhl). tor longus. Humerus (Umehrus). Humerus. Humeur (Umehr). Humor. H. froide {U. froodhd). Scrofula. H. hyaloide {H. heeahloheed). Vitreous humor (in the eye). Humide {Umeed). Humid. Moist (rales, etc.). Humidite (Umeedeetd). Humidity. Humoral {Umohrdhl). Humoral. Humorisme (Umohreezm). Pathology bodily humors. Humuline (Umuleen). of Humu- Lupulin. lin. Humus Vegetable mould. {Urlmdhn). Groan. Shriek. (Umtis). Hurlement Yell. Hyacinth (Eeahssihnt). Hyacinth. Hyaline. Hyaloide (Heeahloheed). Vitreous humor (in the eye). Hyaloideomalacie (Heeahloheedehohmahlahsske). Softening of the vitreous body. Hyaloideoproptose {HeeahloheedehohprohpProptosis of the vitreous body. thoz). HyaHyaloidien,-ne (Heeahloheedeeehn) Hyalin,-e (Heeahlehn). . du mahnldhn). Hybride (Heebreed). Hydarthrose (Heedahrtrohz). Hybrid. Hydarthro- sis. Hydatide (Heedahtied). Hydatid. Hydatique (Hcedahtcek). Which contains hospital of a town. Hops. (Oobldhn). Pit-coal. Houille (Ooy). Houlque (Oolk). Feather-grass. Houppe (Oop). Tuft. Houblon H. du menton Humeral. loid. hospitals. Hotel-Dieu (Ohtehl-Deeeh). Bra- chial. Humero-cubital Lobster. Homicide (Ohmeesseed). Homicide. Hominivore (Ohmeeneevohr). Referable to parasites of man. Homoeopathie Humeral. chial. dissects tissues. Hiver (Eevehr). Winter. Hochet (Ohsheht). Coral children. ing. d' Humage tory. Hongre H. bouton H. de chemistry. Histogenie Oil Huile(Z7ee/). ele- ments of tissues. Histoblaste (Heestohbldhst). unit of the tissues. Hyd or concerns hydatids. Hydatidique {Heedahteedtek). Which con- tains or concerns hydatids. Levator Hydatidogene {Heedahteedohzshehn). Pro ducing hydatids. 63 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Hyd Hydatoide (Heedahtoheed). Resembling hydatids. Vitreous body. Hydatule (HeedahttU). Cysticercus. Hydragogue (Heedrahgohg). Drastic. Hydragogue. Hydrallante (Heedrahldhnt) Liquor am. nios. Hydramniotique (Heedrahmneeohteek) Hydroamniotic. Hydrargyre (Heedrahrzsheer). Mercury. Hydrargyrie {Heedrahrzsheer ee). Mercurial Hydrargyrique (Heedrahrzsheereek). taining to mercury. Hydrargyrisme Per- {Heedrahrzsheer eezm) Hydrochloro-nitrique, acide (Heedrohklohrohtteelreek, ahsseed). Mi.xture of 3 parts of hydrochloric acid and one part of nitric acid (called also: Eau regale). Hydrocinnamic. Hydrocoelie { Heedr ohssehlee). Ascites. Hydroconion {Heedrohkohneeohn) Shower . bath. Hydroderme {Heedrohdehrm) Hydrargyrose (Heedrahrzsheerohz). Mer- curial friction. Hydrargyrosialorrhee (Heedrahrzsheerohseeahlohrd). Mercurial salivation. Hydrargyrostomatite (Heedrahrzsheerohstohmahteet). Mercurial stomatitis. Hydrastis {Heedrahstees). Hydrastis. Hydratation {Heedrahtahssion). Hydra- tion. Hydrate (Heedrdht). Hydrate. Hydrate, -e (Heedrahtd). Hydrated. Hydratique {Heedrahteck) Referable to . hydrates. Hydraulique {Heedrohleek). Hydraulic. Hydre (Heedr). Hydra. Hydrencephalie {HeedrahnssehfahUe). Hydrencephaly. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the cerebral cavities. Hydrentromphale {Heedrahtrohmfdhl) Umbilical hernia with effusion into the sac. Hydrhemie {Heedrehmee) {Heedreeahtree). Hydremia. Hydrothera- Hydriodate {Heedreeohdaht). Hydriodate, . peutics. Effusion in the skin. {Heedr ohdeenahmeek). Hydrodynamics. Hydro -el ectrique {Heedr oh-ehlehktr eek) Hydroelectric. lohssehl). the sac. Brain hernia with water in Hydro-epiplocele {Heedroh-ehpeeplohssehl) Epiplocele with water in the sac. Hydro -epiplomphale {Heedroh-ehpeeplohmOmental umbilical hernia with fdhl). fluid in the sac. Hydrogenation {Heedrohzshehnahssion) Combination of hj^drogen with another body. Hydrogene {Heedr ohzshehn). Hydrogen. Hydrogene,-e {Heedrohzshehnd). Containing hydrogen. Hydrogiosse {Heedrohglohss). Ranula. Hydrohemie (Heedrohehmee). Hydremia. Hydrohemo thorax {Heedrohhehmohtohrdhks). Hydro-hemothorax. Hydrolat {Heedr ohldh). Distilled water. Hydrolature {Heedrohlahtiir). A tincture produced by the action of water. Hydrole {Heedrohld). Hydrolatum. Hydrolique {Heedrohleek). A medicine obtained b}' the action of water. Hydrologie {Heedrohlohzshee) Hydrology. . iodide. Hydriodure {Heedreeohdiir). Hydrated Hydriodide. Hydrique {Heedr cek). Hydric. Hydrobromate {Heedr ohhrohmdhi). drobromate. Hydrobromique {Heedr ohbrohmeek). drobromic. io- dide. Hydrocarbure {Heedrohkahrbtlr). Hy- Hydro- Hydrocele {Heedrohssehl). Hydrocele. Hydrocephale {Heedrohssehfdhl). Hydrocephalus. {Heedrohssehfahlee). Hy- drocephalus. Hydrocephalique Hydrome {Heedrohm). Hydroma. Hydromel {Heedrohmehl). A fluid composed of water and honey. Hydromelle {Heedrohmehld). Medicine composed Hy- carbon. Hydrocephalie . Hydro -encephalocele {Heedroh-ahnssehfah- Mercurialism. of hydromel and of extracts. Hydrometre {Heedrohmehtr). PluvioHygrometer. Distension of the meter. uterus by secretions. Hydromineral,-e {Heedrohmeenehrdhl) Referable to mineral waters. Hydromphale {Heedrohmfdhl). Tumor of the umbilicus filled with water. Hydronephrose {Heedrohnehfrohz). Accumulation of urine extending ,the kidney. Hydroophorie {Heedrohohfohree). Ovarian cyst. {Heedr ohssehfahleek) Hydrocephalic. Hydrochlorate {Heedrohklohrdht) Hydrochlore {Heedr ohklohr). Hydropericarde {Heedrohpehreekdhrd). Hydropericardium. . Hydro- chlorate. 64 Hy- drochloric. Hydrodynamique eruption. water. Hydrochlorique {Heedr ohklohr eek). Hydrocinnamique {Heedr ohsseenahmeek) nii. Hydramnios (Heedrahmneedhss). Hydram- Hydriatrie Hyd Chlorine- Hydrophimosis {Heedrohfeemohzees). Phimosis with oedema of the prepuce. Hydrophobia {Heedr ohjohbee). Hydrophobia. Rabies. \ OF MEDICAL TERMS Hyd Hydrophore (Heedrohfdhr) . Containing water. Hydrophthalmie Dropsy (Heedrohftahimee) of the eyeglobe. Hydropique (Heedrohpeek). Referable to dropsy. Dropsical. Hydropisie (Heedrohpeezee). Accumulation of fluid in any bodily cavity. Dropsy. Hydropisme Dropsical (Heedrohpeesm). state. Hydropneumonie (Heedrohpnehmohnee). Oedema of the lung. Hydropneumosarque sdhark). {Heedrohpnchmohscontaining water, gas Tumor and muscular tissue. Hydropneumothorax {Heedrohpnehmohtohrahks). Hydropneumothorax. Hydropoese (Heedrohpohehz). Formation of serosity. Hydrorrhachis (Heedrohrahshee). Dropsy Hydrorrhachiocentese {Heedrohrahsheeohssa}i7itehz). Puncture of hydrorrhachis. Hydrorrhee (Heedrohrd). Chronic discharge of aqueous fluid. Syrup (Heedrohssahkahrur). . Hydro- St3,tlCS lit {H. lee). Water bed. Hyoide {Heeoheed). Hyoid Hyoid. bone. Hyo-pharyngien (Heeoh-fahreettzsheeehn). constrictor of the pharynx The middle (muscle). Hyoscine (Heeohsseen). Hyoscin. (Heeohsseeahmeen). Hyoscyamine Hyos- cyamin. Hyo-thyreoidien (Heeoh-teeroheedeeehn). Thyrohyoid (muscle). Hypalgesie (Heepahlzshehzee). Diminished Hypalgesia. pain sense. Hypectasie (Heepehktahzee). Slight extension. (Heeperahkuzee). Exaggerated hearing. Hyperalbuminose (Heeperahlbumeenohz) . Increased amount of albumin. Hyperalg(es)ie {Heepehrahlzsh(eh)zee). Exaggerated pain sense. Hyperalgesia. (Heepehrklohreedree). Hyperchlorhydria. Hypercinesie (Heepehrsseenehzee) Hyper- . kinesia. {HeedrohtehrahpehHydrotherapeutique Hydrotherapy. Water cure. teek). Hydrotherapie (Heedrohtehrahpee). Hydrotherapy. Water cure. Hydrothorax (Heedrohtohrdhks). Dropsy of the pleura. (Heeoh-ehpeeglohtSek). Hyo-epiglottic. Hyo-glosse (Heeoh-glohss). Hyo-glossus muscle. Hyo-glossien, nerf (Heeok-glohsseeehn, Hypoglossus nerve. nehr). Hyperchlorhydrie of sugar. Hydrostatique (Heedrohstahteek) H., Hyo-epiglottique Hyperacusie of the spinal canal. Hydrosaccharure Hyp Hydrothorax. Hypercrinique {Heepehrkreeneek). Producing an increased secretion. Hyperesthesie (Heepehrehstehzee). ExagHyperesthesia. gerated sensibility. HyHyperesthetique (Heepehrehstehteck) . peresthetic. Hydrotimetre {Heedrohteemehtr). Instrument for estimating the amount of lime Hydrometer. in water. Hydrure {Heedriir). Combination of hyHydride. drogen. Hydrurie (Heedruree). Polyuria. Hygiene (Heezsheeehn). Hygiene. Sanitarjr science. Hypergenese (Heepehrzshehnehz). in the Excess Hypergenesis. (Heepehrzshehnehzee). Ex- number Hypergenesie cess in the genesis. of organs. number of organs. Hypergenie (Heepehrzshehnee). HyperExcess in number of organs. Hypergenesis. Hyperemia. Hyperhemie (Heepehrehmee) the . Hygienique (Heezsheeehneek). Hygienic. Hygieniste (Heezsheeehneest). Hygienist. Hygrocollyre {Heegrohkohleer). Liquid collyrium. Hygroma (Heegrohmah). Inflammation of mucous bursas. Hygrometre [Heegrohmehtr). (Heepehreedrohz). HyperHyperhidrosis. secretion of sweat. Hyperinose {Heepehreendhz). Icreased secretion of fibrin in the blood. Hyperkinesia (Heeperkeenehzee). Hyper- Hyperhidrose kinesia. Instrument measuring humidity. Hygrometrique (Ileegrohmehtreek). What undergoes changes through absorption Hygromctric. of humidity. Hygroscopie (Heegrohskohpce). Hygrofor Hypermetrope (Heepehrmehtrdhp). Hy- permetropic. Membrana Hypermetropie {Heepehrmehtrohpee) Condition of the eye in which the light rays are focused beyond the retina. Hypermnesie (Ileepehrmnehzie). Very keen memory. Hypermnesia. Hyperopie {Heeperhopie). See Hyperme- (Heemehnohptehr). Hy- Hyperosteogenie (Heeperohstekohzshehn6e). meno])tera (insects). (Heemehnohtohmee). Hy- Hyperostose {Heepehrohsldhz). scopy. (Ileemehn). Hymen Hymen. trojiic. vaginalis. Hymenopteres Hymenotomie menotomy. 5 . Hyperostosis. Hyperos- tosis. 65 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Hyp Hyperplastic (Heepehrplahstee) Excess in the production of the constituent elements of the body. Hypergenesis. . Hyperpyrexie (Heepehrpeerehksee). Hy- Intense febrile state. Hypersecretion (Heepehrssehkrehssidn). Increased secretion. Hyperspadias (Heepehrspahdeedhs). Epiperpyrexia. {Heepehrstehnee). Hyper- sthenia. Hyperthermal,-e (Heepehrtehrmdhl). Considerable rise of temperature of water. Hypertonia (Heepehrtohnee). Hypertonia. Hypertrichosis {Heepehrtreekohzees). UnHypertrichosis. usual growth of hair. Hypertrophic {Heepehrtrohfee). Increased growth of an organ. Hypertrophy. Hypcrtrophique (Heepehrtrohfeek). Hy- gastric. Hypogcnesc (Heepohzshehnehz). Defiof elements of the number ciency in the Hypoglobulie (Heepohglohbulie). Deficiency in the number of blood corpuscles. Hypoglossc, nerf {Heepohgldhss, nehr). Hypoglossal nerve. 12th pair. Hypohema (Heepohehmdh). Effusion of blood into the anterior chamber of the eye. Hypolymphie Diminu- (Heepohleemfee). tion of lymph. Hypophlcgmasie {Heepohflehgmahzee). Subinflammation. pertrophic. Diminished Hypcsthesie (Heepehstehzee). Hypesthesia. Hyphomycete (Heefohmeesseht). Mould Hypophosphitc (Heepohfohsfeet). Hypo- phosphite. Salt formed from a combination of hypophosphorous acid with a base. fungi. Hypnagogique (Heepnahgohzsheek). Hypnophrenose Dreaming. In- {Heepnohfrehndhz). State of induced Hypnosis. artificial sleep. Hypnotique (Heepnohteek). What causes Referable to hypnotism. narcotic sleep. Hypnotisable (Heepnohteezdhbl). SuscepHypnotistible of being hypnotized. able. Hypnotisant,-e (Heepnohieesdhn). Nar- cotic. Hypnotise, -c (Heepnohteezd). Hypnotised. Hypnotisation (Heepnohteezahssion). Method of hypnosis. A person Hypnotiseur (Heepnohteezehr) who practices hypnotism. Hypnotismc (Heepnohteesm). Artificial . Hypnotism. Hypochlorcux (Heepohklohreh). Hypo- chlorous. Hypochlorite de soudc {Heepohklohriet deh ssood) Solution of hypochlorite of soda. (Liqueur de Labarraque). Hypochondrc (Heepohkdhndr). Hypochondrium. Upper lateral portion of the ab. domen. Hypochondriaque (Heepohkohndreedhk). Hypochondriac. Hypochondrie (Heepohkohndree). mor of the hypogastrium. Hyposclereux,-eusc (Heepohsklehreh). Not very hard. Hypostaphylic (Heepohstahfeelee). Prolapse of the uvula. Hypostase (Heepohstdhz). Hypostatique Congestion. (Heepohstahteek). Hyposthenose (Heepohstehndhz). plete stricture. Hyposthenic (Heepohstehnee). Hypasthenia. of force. Incom- Diminution Hypas- Hypostheniquc (Heepohstehneek). thenic. Counter-stimulant. Hyposulfate {Heepohsulfdht). Hyposul- phate. Hyposulfite (Heepohsulfeet). Salt produced by a combination of hyposulphuHyposulphite. rous acid with a base. HypoHyposulfurique (Heepohsulfureek) sulphuric. Spiced claret. Diminution Hypothe- nar. Hypothermic (HeepotehrmSe). Hippocras. Hypocrinie (Heepohkreenee). Hypo- static. Hypothenar {Heepohiehndhr). Hypo- kinesia. Hypother- mia. Hypothese (Heepohtehz). Supposition from which consequences are derived. Hypothesis. of secretion. Hypodermique cutaneous. Hypophysis. (Heepohfeez). Pituitary body. Hypopion (Heepohpeedhn). Pus in the anterior chamber of the eye. Hypopyon. Hypopyon (Heepohpeedhn). Pus in the anterior chamber of the eye. Hypopyon. Hyposarquc (Heepohssdhrk). Fleshy tu- . Hypo- chondria. Hypocinesie (Heepohsseenehzee). Hypocras {Heepohkrdhss). Subcon- lid. Hypophyse Dreams. Hypnosc (Heepndhz). sleep. Hypophthalmie (Heepoftahlmie). junctival inflammation of the lower eye- Hypnagogic. ducing sleep. 66 Hypodermoclysie {Heepohdehrmohkleezie). Hypodermoclysis. Hypogastre {Heepohgdhstr). Inferior portion of the abdomen. Hypogastrium. Hypogastrique {Heepohgahstreek). Hypo- body. spadias. Hypersthenie sensibility. Hyp (Heepohdehrmeek). Hypodermic. Sub- Hypothionique (Heepohteeohneek). sulphuric. Hypo- OF MEDICAL TERMS Hyp Hypoxanthine (Heepohksahnteen). Hypo- xanthin. Hysterectomie (Heestekrekktokmee). Hys- Hys Hysteromanie (Heesiehrohmahnee) Nymphomania. Hysterometre (Heestehrohmehtr) Uterine . . terectomy. Removal of the uterus. Hysterie (Heestehree). Hysteria. Hysterique (Heestehreek). Hysterical. sound. Hysteropexie (Heestehropehksee). Hystero-epilepsie (Heestehroh-ehpeelehp- Hysteroptose (Heestehrohptohz). Downward displacement of the uterus. Hysterotomie {Heestehrohtohmee). Section see). Hystero-epilepsy. (Heestehrohzshehnn). Hysterogene terogenic. Hys- Hyster- opexy. of the uterus. 67 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY lat Operating room (old latrion (lahtreedhn) term). Ichor (Eekohr). Bloody serum. Ichor. IchthyocoUe (Eekieeohkohl). Isinglass. Ichthyose (Eekteeohz). Ichthyosis (Skin . disease). Ictere {Eekther). I. grave (£. grahv). of the liver. Icterique Icterus. Jaundice. Acute yellow atrophy (Eektehreek). Referable to ic- Icteric. terus. I., fievre {E. feeehvr). Pernicious icteric fever (in Madagascar). Icterode, typhus (Ecktehrokd, teefiiss). Yel- low Ictus Crete (E. krehl). Superior border of bone. Iliac crest. I. externa, artere {E. ehkstehrn, ahrlchr). Exteral iliac artery. I. interne, artere {E. ehntehrn, ahrlehr). Internal iliac artery. Iliacus muscle. I., muscle {E. muskl). Ilium. Os innominatum. l.,os{E.ohss). I. primitive, artere {E. preemeeteev, ahrtehr). Common iliac artery. Ilio-abdominal, muscle (Eeleeoh-ahhdohmeenahl niusdl). Internal oblique musI., iliac cle of Sudden attack (apoplexy, I.-femorale, articulation ahrteeknlahssion) Idealism. Ideation (Eedahahssion). Ideation. Idee (Eedd). Idea. Identique (Eedahnteek). Identical. Identity. Identite (Eedahnteeid). Idealite (Eedehahleetd). Ideo-moteur, -trice Quadratus . {Eedehohmohtehr) ligament (/.-/., leegahmdhn). Iliofemoral ligament. nerf (E.-ehngveendhl, nehr). I. -inguinal, Nervus . epilepsy, etc.). Idiot. Idiot (Eedeeoh). Idiocy. Idiotie (Eedeeohssee). Faba krehf). Crista ilio-pectineaHs. muscle Rectus femoris. Iliaco-musculaire, artere (Eeleeahkoh-musIlio-lumbar artery. knlehr, ahtehr). What has relation to Iliaque (Eeleedhk). Iliac. the iliac bone. (E.-sahkroh-fehmoh- inguinal nerve. I. -spinal, m, {E.-speendhl, m.). I. I. Ilio- Longissi- dorsi. trochanterien grand (E.-trohkahntehreeehn grahn). Gluteus medius. trochanterien petit {E. trohkahntehreeehn Gluteus minimus. ptee). Ilium. Ilion (Eeleeohn). lUegitime {Eellehzsheeteem). Illegitimate. Fever running an I., fievre (£. feeehvr). irregular course. Illuminant,-e (Eellumeendhn) . Iluminat- ing. of ileon. ileus. m. Gluteus maximus m. rdhl, »?.). I.-scrotal, nerf (E.-skrohtahl, nehr.). Ignipuncture leo-coecal, valvule (Eelehokssehkahl, vahlIleo-coecal valve. vHJ). Ileo-colic. Ileo-colique (Eelehoh-kohleek). Referable to I.-lombaire (E.-lohmbehr). to the loins. iliacus muscle and Ileon (Eelehohn). Ileus. Last portion of small intestine. Ileus (Eelehus). Ileus. Volvulus. Intestinal occlusion having its seat in the (E.-rohttileeehn, muskl). I.-rotulien, indica. Igneous. {Eegneepunkhir). Puncture with incandescent cauterisation or needle. Ignition. Ignition (Eegneession). He (Eel). Island. Insula. Inflammation of the muIleite (Eeleheet). Ilio-lumbar. I.-pectineale, crete (E.-pehkteenehdhl, mus Ignace, feve de Saint {Eegndhss, fehv deh membrane ilio-inguinalis. I.-lombaire (E. lohmhehr). I.-sacro-femoral, . Bitter Ignatia. Fiery. Igne,-e (Eegnd). art. I.-f., Idiosyncrasie (Eedeeohsseenkrahzee) Temperament or characteristic proper of each Idiosyncrasy. individual. sehn). (E.-fehmohrahl, Coxo-femoral . Hip-joint. Ideo-motor. Idiopathique (Eedeeohpahteek). IdiopathIt is used to name diseases which ic. have no definite pathology (generalized 68 {Eeleech-kohstdhl) lumborum. etc.). cous the abdomen. I. -costal, 'm. fever. {Eehti'ts). Imb Illumination (Eellumeenahssidn). Illumination. Illuminated. Illumine, -e (Eellumeend). Illusion. Faulty Illusion {EeUuzeeohn) interpretation of real objects or sensa. tions. Representation of an object. Image. Real image. reelle (E. rehehl). Virtual image. virtuelle {E. veertuehl). Image (Eemdhzsh). I. I. Imaginary. Imaginaire (Eemahzsheenehr) Imagination {Eemahzsheenahssion). Im. agination. Imbecilite {Ehmbehsseeleetd). Imbecility. ... OF MEDICAL TERMS Imb Imberbe [Ehmhehrb). Beardless. Imbibition (Ehmbeebeessidn) Penetration of a fluid between the molecules of a solid body. Imbibition. Imbrique,-e {Ehmbreekd) Arranged like the tiles of a roof. Imbricated. Imitation {Eemeetahssion). Imitation. Immanence {Eemahnahnss). Immanency. Immateriel,-le (Eemahtehrecehl) Intangi. . Inc (Ehmpubehr). Who has not reached the age of puberty. Impuber. Impuissance {Ehmpueessdhns). Impo- Impubere tence. Impulsion (Ehmpulssion). Impulsive. Impulse. Inactif,-ive Inactive. Impulsif,-ive {Ehmpulseef). (Eenahkteef). ble. Subjective. Immediat,-e (Eemmehdeedh). Immediate. Direct. Immerge,-e (Eemehrzshd). Immersion (Eemehrssion). Immersed. Immersion. Immigration (Eemeegrahssion). Immigra- Imminence (Eemmeendhns). Imminence. Immobilisation (Eemmohbeeleezahssidn) Fixation. Immobilite Inalliable {Ehnahleedhbl) alloyed or combined. Immobilization. {Eemmohbeeleetd) animate. Immobil- . ity. Incarceration. Impair,-e (Ehnpehr). Anore.xia. of appetite. Inarticule (Ehnahr(eekuld). Inarticulate. Inassimilable (Ehnahsseemeeldhbl). Inassimilable. Inauration (Ehnohrahssion) Pilling teeth with gold. Incandescence (Ehnkahndehssdhns) State of a body heated to white. Incandes. Impaction. . Uneven. Odd (num- cence. bers). Impalpable (Ehnpahlpdhbl). Impalpable. {Ehnpahludeezm). Impalu- Incantation {Ehnkahfitahssidn). Impaludism dism. {Ehnpehnehtrahbeeleetd) Impenetrability. Imper- Imperfection {Ehnpehrfehkssidn). fection. Imperforation (Ehnpehrfohrahssidn). Abnormal occlusion. Imperforation. Impermeabilite {Ehnpehr mehahbeeleetd). When a fluid cannot go through a body. Impermeability. Impetigineux,-euse {Ehnpehteezsheeneh). Referable to impetigo. Impetigo (Ehnpehteegoh). Impetigo. Implantation {FJmplahntahssidn). Im- plantation. Implanter (Ehnplahntd). To take root. Imponderable {Ehnpohndehrdhbl) Which cannot be weighed. Imponderable. Impotence (Ehnpotdhns). Impotence. Impotent (Ehnpoh!dhn). Impotent. Impregnation (Ehmprehgnahssidn). Feccondation. Impregnation. Imbibition. Impressibilite {Ehmprehsseebeeleetd). Pos. sibility of being impressed. Impressible (Ehmprehsseeble) Susceptible of imjjression. . Incapacity. Impotence. Incarceration (Ehnkahrssehrahssidn). Incarceration. Strangulation (hernia, etc.). Incarcere,-e {Ehnkahrssehrd). Incarcerated. Strangulated. Incarnation {Ehnkahrnahssidn). Regeneration. Incarnation. Incendie {Ehnssahndee). Conflagration. Fire. Inceration (Ehnssehrahssidn) Incorpora- . wax into another body. Incidence {Ehnsseeddhnss) Incidence. Incident, -e {Ehnsseeddhn). Incident. Falling upon. Incineration {Ehnsseenehrahssion). Incineration. Incise, -e (Ehnsseezd). Incised. Incisif,-ive (Ehnsseezeef). Which cuts. tion of . Incisor. Inciseur (Ehnsseezehr). Cutting instrument. Incisif, superieur, m. (Ehnsseezeef, ssupehreechr, m.). inferioris. I. . Incanta- tion. Incapacity {Ehnkahpahsseetd) Impastation (Ehnpahstahssion). When a substance is transformed into a paste. Impenetrabilite Inanition. Inappetence (Ehnahpehtdhns). Filth. . Impaction (Ehmpahkssidn). {Ehnahneession). Starvation. Want Immondice (Eemohndeess). Dirth. Immunite {Eemuneetd) Immunity. That cannot be . Inamovible (Ehnahmohveebl). That cannot be removed (bandage). Inanime,-e (Ehnahneemd). Lifeless. In- Inanition tion. In- ert. . inferieur, m. Levator labii superioris et (E. ehnfchreeehr, m.). Le- vator labii superioris et inferioris. I., OS {E., ohss). Intermaxillary bone. Impressif,-ive (Ehmprehsseev). Producing an impression. Impression (Ehmprehssidn). Impression. Impressionabilite {Ehmprehsseeohnahbee- Incision {Ehnsseezeedhn). Incision. Incisive, dent {Ehnsseczeev, dahn). Incisor. Front tooth. Incitabilite {Ehnsseelahbeeleeld) Irritabil- Impressionable state.Impressionable (Ehmprehsseeohndhbl) Impressionable. Excitability. Incitant,-e (Ehnsseetdhn). Inciting. Incitation {Ehnsseetahssidn). Stimulus. leetd). . ity. 69 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Inc Incite -moteur (Ehnsseetoh-motihr). Excito-motor. Inclinaison (Ehnkleenehzdhn) Inclination. Angle. Inclination (Ehnkleenahssidn) Inclination. . . Attachment. Incline, -e (Ehnkleend). Inclined. Bent. Indus, -e (Ehnklii). Enclosed. Inclusion {Ehnkluzeeohn) Inclusion. En. cysted state. Incoercible (Ehnkohehrssiebl). What cannot be restrained or stopped, or confined. Incoherence {Ehnkohehrdhns). Incoherence. . bustible. (Ehnkohmpahteebeeleetd). Incompatibility. Incompatible {EhnkohmpahUebl). Incom- patible. compressible. Inconscient,-e (Ehnkohnsseedhn). In- Uncon- scious. Incontinence (Ehnkohnteendhns) . Incon- tinence. Incorporation {Ehnkohrpohrahssidn). Incorporation. Mixing medicines with an excipient. Indiffer- Indigenous. Indigere,-e (Ehndeezshehrd). Undigested. Indigeste (Ehndeezshehst). Indigestible. Indigestion {Ehndeezshehssion). Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Indigo {Ehndeegoh). Indigo. Indirect,-e {Ehndeerehkt). Indirect. Indisposition (Ehndeespohzeessidn) Indis. position. Indissolubilite (Ehndeessohlubeeleetd) dissolubility. Indissoluble {Ehndeessohli'M). . In- Indissolu- Individu (Ehndeeveedii). Per- Individual. son. Individualisation (EhndeeveeduahleezahsIndividualization. Individualisme (Eh7tdeeveeduahleezm) Individualism. Individualite (Ehndeeveeduahleetd). Individuality. Individuel,-le (Ehndeeveeduehl) Individual (adjective). Indol (Ehnddhl). Indol. Indolent, -e (Ehndohldhn). Indolent. Slug. . gish. Incrassant,-e (Eknkrahssdhn). tive. Nutritive. Increment (Ehnkrehmdhn). Incrassa- Inductive. Induction. In- Inductif,-ive (Ehndukteef). Induction {Ehndukssion). Increment. Incrementitiel,-le {Ehnkrehmahnteesseeehl) Assimilated. Incrementition {Ehnkrehmahnteessidn) Assimilation. Incrustation (Ehnkrustahssidn). Incrusta- tion. Incruste,-e (Ehnkrustd). Incrusted. Adherent. Incubation (Ehnkubahssidn). The interval between the invasion of the morbid agent and the onset of the disease. Incubation. Incurabilite {Ehnkurahbeeleetd). Incura- duced electrical current. Induit,-e {Ehndtiee). Induced. Induration (Ehndurahsston). Induration. Hardening. Indure,-e (Ehndurd). Indured (chancre, etc.). Inegal,-e (Eenehgdhl). Unequal. Inept (Eenehpt). Incapable. Foolish. Inert. Inerte (Eenehrt). Inertia. SluggishInertie (Eenehrssee) . ness. Infanticide. Infanticide {Ehnfahnteesseed) Infantile. Infantile (Ehnfahnteel). Infarction. Infarction (Ehnfahrkssion). . (Ehnfahrklus). Blood formed by thrombosis or embolism. Infarctus bility. Incurable (Ehnkurdhbl). Incurable, Incurie (Ehnkuree). Carelessness. Incurvation {Ehnkurvahssidn). Incurvation. struction. Infecond,-e fruitful. Incurve, -e (Ehnknrvd). Incurved. Indefini,-e {Ehndehfeenee) Indefinite. Indehissent,-e (Ehndeheessdhn) Indehis. . cent. Indente,-e (Ehndahntd). Indentated. Index (Ehndehks). Index. Forefinger. Indican (Ehndeekdhn). Indican. Indicateur (Ehndeekahtehr). Indicator (£. muskl). Extensor, indicis Plug. clot Ob- Infarct. (Ehnfehkohn) Barren. Sterile. Un- Infective. Infectant,-e {Ehfifehktdhn) InfecInfectieux,-euse (Ehnfehksseeeh). . tious. Infection. Infection (Ehnfehkssidn). CondiInfectiosite (Ehnfehksseeohzeetd). tion producing infection. Inferior. Inferieur,-e (Ehnfehreeehr) . Lower. Infernale, (finger). muscle. Indigene (Ehndeezshehnn) sion). Incompressible (EhnkohmprehssSebl). 70 ence. Indifferent, -e (Ehndeefehrdhn). ent. Neuter. ble. Incompatibilite muscle Indication (Ehndeekahssidn). Indication. Indice (Ehnd6ess). Sign. Symptom. Indifference {Ehndeefehrdhns). Indiffer- . Incolore (Ehnkohldhr). Wanting in color. Incombustibilite (Ehnkohmbusteebeeleetd). Incombustibility. Incombustible {Ehnkohmbusteehl) Incom- I., Inf pierre {Ehnfehrndhl) , peeehr). Nitrate of silver. Infiltration {Ehnfeeltrahssidn). Infiltration. OF MEDICAL TERMS Inf Infiltrated. Infiltre,-e (Ehnfeeltrd). Infirm erie (Ehnfeermree) Infirmary. Dispensary. Hospital. Iiifinnier,-ere (Ehnfeermeed) Hospital attendant. Nurse. Infinnite (Ehnfeermeetd) Infirmity. Inflammable (Ehnflahmdhbl). Inflamma. . . ble. Inflammation (Ehnflahmahssidn). Inflam- mation. Inflammatoire (Ehnflahmahtoodhr). In- flammatory. Ins Inion (Ehneeohn). Inion. External occipital protuberance serving as a point of measurement in craniometry. Injecte,-e (Ehnzshehktd) Injected. Injection (Ehnzshehkssion) Injection. Introduction of a liquid with a syringe. Liquid injected. Injure (Ehnzshiir). Injury. Insult. Inne,-e (Eennd). Innate. Congenital. Innervation (Eennehrvahssidn). Distribution of nerves to a certain area. Ner. . Special mode of nervous Innervation. Innerver (Eennehrvd). To transmit innervation. vous action. Inflation (Ehnflahssidn) Inflation, Inflechi,-e (Ehnflehshee). Inflected. Inflexion (Ehnflehkssidn). Inflection. Influence (Ehnfludhnss). Influence. Influenza (Ehnfluahnzdh). Influenza. Innomine,-e (Eennohmeend) no name. Innominate. Grippe. Influx {Ehnflu). Influx. Infraction (Ehnfrahkssidn). I.-e-artere (E. ahrtehr). Brachio-cephalic artery. kahrteeldhzsh) Cricoid I. -cartilage (E. . fracture. Incomplete Infraction. activity. Which has . . cartilage. Infra-epineux,-euse (Ehnfrah-ehpeeneh). Infraspinous. Infundibuliforme (Ehnfundeebeeleefdhrm), In the form of a funnel. Infundibiliform. Infundibtilum (Ehnfundeebeelohm). Funnel. Infundibulum. Infuse (Ehnfuzd). Product of infusion. Infusion (Ehnfuzeedn). Act of pouring a boiling fluid over a medicinal substance. Lacrymal gland. Trigeminus nerve. I. -nerf (£. nehr). Iliac bone. Osinnominal.y OS {E. ohss). tum. petit OS (E. pteet ohss). Cuneiform I., I.-e-glande (E. glahnd). bones of the tarsum. I.-e tunique (£. iuneek). Sclerotic. Inoculable. Inoculable (Eenohkuldhbl). InoculaInoculation (Eenohkulahssion). tion. Inodore (Ehnohddhr). Infusion. Infusoires (Ehnfuzoodhr) Microscopical animals. Infusoria. Ingesta (Ehnzshehstdh). Substances introduced by digestive passages. Ingesta. (Ehnzshehssidn). Introduction Ingestion of food into the mouth and stomach. Ingrassias, apophyses d' (Ehngrahsseedhss, Lesser wings of sphenoid. ahpofeez d). Ingredient. Ingredient (Ehngrehdeedhn) Inguerissable (EhnggehreessdhM). Incur. . . . Inquietude (Ehnkeeehtiid). Restlessness. Agitation preceding anxiety. Insalubre (Ehnsahlubr) Unhealthy. In. salubrious. Insanite (Eensahneetd) . Insanity. Inscription (Ehnskreepssion) able. Inguinal. Inguinal, -e (Ehngveendhl). ExI. externe, nerf (£. ehkstehrn, nehr). ternal cutaneous of the thigh (nerve). Inguinal hernia. I.-ehernie (£. ehrnee). GenI. interne, nerf (E. eentShrn, nehr). ito-crural nerve. Poupartii {E. leegahmdhn). I., ligament ligamentum. Registration of students courses. Insect. Insect {Ehnssehkt). Insecticide (Ehnssehkteesseed). . Inhaler. Inhalation (Ehnhahlahssion) Inhalation. Inherent (Ehnhehrdhn). Inherent. Inhumation (Ehnhumahssidn). Burying. Inhumation. . . Formula. for certain Insecticide. Insensibilisateur {Ehnssahnseebeeleezahtehr). Instrument to produce insensibility. Insensibilite Groin. Inguino-abdominal,-e (Ehngveenoh-ahbdohInguino-abdominal. meendhl). Inguino-crural. I.-crural,-e (£. krurdhl). Femoro-cutaI.-cutane,-e (E.-kutahnd). neous. Inhalateur,-trice (Ehuhahlahiehr). Instrument for inhalation of gas and vapor. I.-eregion {E. rehzsheedhn) Inodorous. (Eenohdulehr) Hard fibrous tissue forming a scar. Inorganique (Eenohrgahneek). Inorganic. AnastoInosculation (Eenohskulahssion) mosis in the form of an arch. Inodulaire In(Ehnssahnseebeeleetd) Anesthesia. Insensible {Ehnssahnsseeble). Who has no . sensibility. Insensible. Foolish. Insane. Inserted. Insere,-e (Ehnsehrd). InInsertion {Ehnsehrssidn). Insertion. troduction of one thing into another. Adherence of a muscle to a bone. Point of its attachment. sensibility. Insense {Ehnssahnsd). Insexe,-e (Ehnsehksd). Asexual. organs. Having no sexual Insidieux,-euse (Ehnseedeeih). Which comes without noise. Insidious. 71 .. FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ins Insipide (Ehnsseepeed). Tasteless. In- sipid. Insolation (Ehvssohlahssidn). Insolation. Sun stroke. Insolubilite (Ehnsohlubeeleetd). Insolubil- ity. Insoluble {Ehnsohliible). Insoluble. Insomnie (Ehnsohmnee). Sleeplessness. Insomnia. Inspecteur, -trice (Ehnspehktehr). InspectInspector. Inspection {Ehnspehkssidn). Inspection. Inspirateur, -trice (Ehnspeerahtehr). In- Intercostal,-e (Ehntehrkohstahl). Situated between the ribs. Intercostal. Intercurrent, -e (Ehntehrkurdhn). Intercurrent. Spoken of a disease which complicates the original disease. Interdiction (Ehntehrdeekssion). Interdiction. A rule depriving a mentally deranged person of managing his own affairs. Interepineux,-euse {Ehntehrehpeenek) ing. spirating. Inspiration Inspirer. {Eluispeerahssion). Inspira- tion. Inspissation {Ehnspcessahssidn). Thicken- ing. Instillation (Ehnsteelahssion). Pouring liquid drop by drop. Instillation. Instinct (Ehnstehnkt). Instinct. a Int . In- terspinous. I., muscles (£., muskl). Interspinous muscles. Interference (Ehntehrfehrdhns). Interfer- ence. I. nerveuse {E. nehrvehz). Inhibition. Interlobaire (Ehntehrlohbehr). Situated between lobes. Interlobar. I., grande scissure [E., grahnd sseessiir). Instruction {Ehnstrukssion). Instruction. Fissure of Sylvius. Interlobulaire (Ehntehrlohbulehr). Interlobular. Intermaxillaire (Ehntehrmahkseelehr) Intermaxillary. Formula. Instrument Mechanical Intermede (Ehntehrmehd). Intermediate. Intermediare (Ehntehrmehdeeehr) Inter- Instinctif,-ive (Ehnstehnkteef). Instinc- tive. . {Ehnstrumdhn). apparatus. Instrument. Insuffisance {Ehnsufeezdhns). Insuffi- ciency. Insuffisant,-e (Ehnsufeezdhn). Inade- Insufficient. quate. Insufflation (Ehnsuflahssion) Insufflation. Insula de Reil (Ehnsuldh deh Ray). Island of Reil. A cerebral lobe formed by the contiguous ends of the two ascending and the inferior frontal convolutions. It lies deeply within the fissure of Sylvius. Integrant, -e (Ehntehgrdhn). Integral. . Intellect (Ehntehlehkt). Intellect. Intellectuel,-le {Ehtitehlehktuehl). lectual. Intelligence (Ehntehleezshdhns). IntelIntelli- gence. Intemperance {Ehntahmpehrdhns). In- temperance. Intense (Ehntdhns). Severe. Intense. Intensite {Ehntahnsseetd) High degree of power or tension (electricity, etc.). In. Intention. premiere (E. preluneeehr). Primary union of wounds. First intention. Intercadence {Ehntehrkahddhns). Supernumerary pulsation between two regular I., pulsations. Intercadence. Intercalaire {Ehntehrkahlehr) Inserted as additional or extraneous. I., s jours {E. zshoor). Days free from fever in intermittent fever. Intercellulaire (Ehntehrssehlulehr). What . out the spaces betwen cells. Interception {Ehntehrssehpssion). Interception. Arrest of action of the morbid fills cause. 72 . fever. Intermusculaire (Ehntehrmusktdehr). Inter musculir. Interne {Ehntehrn). Internal. House or resident medical officer. Interosseux,-euse (Ehntehrohsseh). Interosseous. Interpedonculaire (Ehntehrpehdohnkulehr) Interpeduncular. Interrogation (Ehntehrohgahssion). Questioning patients. Interrogation. Interrompu,-e (Ehntehrohmpu). tensity. Intention (Ehntahnssion). . vening. I. de Wrisberg, nerf (E. de Wrisberg). Accessory of the facial nerve. Intermission {Ehntehrmeession). Intermission. Interval Intermittence {Ehntermeetdhns) separating the acute phases of a fever or a disease. Intermittent, -e (Ehntehrmeetdhn). Intermittent. Intermittent I. e, fievre (£., feeekvr). Inter- rupted. Interrupteur (Ehnlekruptehr). Interrupter in electrical apparatus. InInterscapulaire (Ehntehrskahpulehr). terscapular. IntersecIntersection (Ehntehrsehkssidn) . tion. Interstice. Interstice (Ehntehrsteess). InterInterstitiel,-le (Ehntehrsteesseeehl). stitial. Intertrachelien,-ne {Ehntehrtrahkehleeehn) Between the cervical vertebrae. Intertransversaire {Ehntehrtrahnsvehrsehr). Between the transverse processes of vertebrae. .. .. OF MEDICAL TERMS Int Intertrigo {Ehntehrtreegoh) caused by rubbing in the Erythema . folds of the skin. Intertrigo. Intervalle (EhnteJirvdhl). Interval. Interventriculaire (Ehntehrvahntreekulehr). Interventricular. Interversion {Ehntehrvehrssion) Interver. sion. Iri Intumescence (Ehntumehssdhns). SwellIncrease in volume. Intussusception {Ehntusussehpssion). Invagination of one part of the bowel into another. Intussusception. Invagination (Ehnvahzsheenahssion). See Intussusception. Invagine,-e { Ehnvahzsheend) Invaginated. Invasion (Ehnvahzeeohn). Onset of a disAttack. Invasion. ease. Invention (Eknvahssidn). Invention. Inversion (Ehnvehrssidn). Inversion. Invertebre,-e (Ehnvehrtehbrd). Inverteing. . Intervertebral, -e (Ehnvehrtehbrdhl). In- tervertebral. Interverti, -e {Ehntehrvehrtee). verted. Intestin {Ehntehstehn). Bowels. InterIntes- tine. brate. I. grele {E. grehl). I. gros (£. groh). Small intestine. Large intestine. Intestinal,-e (Ehntehsteendhl). Investigateur, -trice (Ehnvehsteegahtehr) Intestinal. Intima. The inner layer of bloodvessel wall. Intimite (Ehnteemeetd). Depth of an organ. Intolerance (Ehniohlekrdhns) Impossibility of tolerating a remedy. Intolerance. Intolerant,-e (Ehutolilehrdhn). Intolerant. Intonation {Ehntohnahssion). Intonation. Intoxication {Ehntohkseekahssion) Poisoning. Introduction of a toxic substance into the body. Intoxication. Intra -abdominal,-e '{Ehntrah-ahbdohmee- Intima {Ehnteemdh). . . Within the abdomen. Intra-arachnoidien,-ne {Ehntrah-ahrahknoheedeeehn). Within the arachnoid. 720 111). Intra-capsulaire {Ehntrah-kahpsiilehr) Which is in the capsule. Intracapsular. Intra dermique (Ehntrahdehrmeek). cutaneous. Intralobulaire (Ehntrahlohbulehr) is in the lobules. Intra- Which . Intramusculaire {Ehntrahmuskulehr) Intramuscular. Intransmutable {Ehntrahnsmutdhbl) Which does not undergo transmutation. Intraperitoneal, -e {Ehntrahpehreetohnehdhl). Which is the peritoneal cavity. . Intraperitoneal. Intrapleural, -e (Ehntrahplelirdhl). Which is in the pleural cavity. Intrapleural. Intrarrhachidien,-ne ehn). . {Ehntrahrahsheedee- Intraspinal. . trathoracic. Intrauterin,-e Intra- . In- uterine. Intravaginal,-e (Ehnirahvahzsheendhl) Which is within the vagina. Intravaginal. Intra vasculaire travascular. development. (Ehnvohlohntehr). W^hich is will. Involuntary. Involution {Ehnvohliission). Involution Retrograde de(of organs and tissues). velopment (shriveling of an organ). lodate (Eeohddht). Salts of iodic acid. lode (Eeohd). Iodine. Iode,-e (Eeohdd). lodated. Iodized. Iodide (Eeohdeed). lodid. Combinations Involontaire independent of of iodine. lodique {Eeohdeek). Iodic. lodisme (Eeohdeezm). Effect of iodine in excess. lodism. lodoforme (Eeohdohfdhrm). Iodoform. lodol {Eeohddhl). Antiseptic inodorous substance which is used instead of iodoform. lodure (Eeohdnr). Iodide. I. de fer (Ee. deh fehr). Iodide of iron. I. de potassium {Ee. deh pohtahsseeohm). Iodide of potassium. lodure, -e (Eeohdurd). Containing iodide. Ions (Eedhn). Ions. Ipecacuanha (Eepehkahkuahndh). Ipecacuanha. Iridectomie (Eereedehktohmee). Excision of a part of the iris. Iridectomy. Iridescent, -e {Eereedehssdhn). Glittering with a variety of colors which change. Intrathoracique {Ehntrahtohrahsseek) (Ehntrahutehrehn) Investigator. Explorer. Invetere,-e {Ehnvehtehrd). Inveterate. Invigoration {Ehnveegohrahssion). Bodily (Ehntrahvahskulehr). In- Intravertebral,-e {Ehntrahvehrlehbrdhl) Intravertebral. Intrinseque {Ehnlrehnssehk). Intrinsic. Intromission {Ehntrohmeession) Introduction of one body into another (penis into vagina). Intromission, j . Iridesis [Eereedehzees). Inserting a part of the iris into the cornea (in operating for an artificial pupil). Iridite (Eereedeet). See Iritis. Irido-choroidite {Eereedoh-kohroheediel). Iridochoroiditis. Iridodialyze (Eereedohdeeahlcez). Detachment of the circumference of the iris. Iridoptosis. Iridoptose (Eercedohptdhz). Iridotomie {Eerecdohtohmce). Incision of the iris. Irien,-ne {Eereeihn). Pertaining to the iris. Iris (Eerces). Iris (eye). Irisopsie (Eereessohpsee). Defect of vision 73 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY In in which a colored ring is seen around objects. Iritis (Eereelees). Inflammation of the iris. Iritis. metal (Chemistry). Irregiilier,-ere (Eerehguleed). Irregular. Irresistible (Eerehzeesteebl). Irresistible. Irrigateur (Eereegahtehr). Apparatus to make injections. Irrigator. Irrigation {Eereegahssidti). Irrigation. Irritabilite (Eereetahbeeleetd). Irritability. Irritable (Eereetdhbl). Irritable. Irritant,-e (Eereetdhn). Irritating. Irri- tant. Ischemie (Eeskehmee). Local anemia. Ischemia. Ischeroique (Eeskehmeek). Ischemic. Ischiatique (Eeskeeahteek). Having relation to the hip. Sciatic. Ischiatic. Ischio-anal, muscle (Eeskeeoh-ahndhl, Levator tnuskl). ani. (E.-bulbehr, m.). Deep perinei Bulbomuscle. Ejaculator urinae. I.-cavemeux, m. {E.-kahvehrneh, m.). Erector penis m, I.-clitoridien, m. (E.-kleetohreedeeehn). I.-bulbaire, m. transverse cavernous. Erector clitoridis. m. {E.-kokseezsheeehn, m.). Coccygeus m. I. -creti -tibial, m. (E.-krehtee-teebeedhl). Semitendinosus m. I.-femoral, m. (E.-fehmohrdhl, m.). Adductor magnus muscle. I.-femoro-peronien, m. (E.-fehmohroh- I.-coccygien, pehrohneeehn) Biceps of the thigh. Ischion (Eeskeeohn). The inferior portion of the iliac bone. Ischium. Ischio-penien, m. {Eeskeeoh-pehneeehn, Erector penis. m.). I. -p., nerf {E.-p., nehr) Pudic nerve in male. 74 I.-perineal m. {E-pehreenehdhl) ficial transverse perineal m. I. . Super- m. {E-pohpleetee-teebeedhl, Semimembranosus muscle. -popliti -tibial, nt.) Irradiation (Eerahdeeahssidn). Irradiation. Movement from the center to the periphery. Irfeductible {EerehdukUeUe). What cannot be put back in its former place (Surgery). Metallic oxide which cannot be transformed in the state of pure Ivr I.-pretibial,m. (E.-prehteebeedhl,m). Semi- tendinosus muscle. I.-prostatique {E.-prohstahteek). Ischioprostatic. I.-rectale, fosse (E.-rehktdhl, fohss). Pelvirectal space. I.-trochanterien, m. (E.-trohkahntehree6hn, m.). Gemelli m. I. -urethral, m. (E.-urehtrdhl, m.). Transverse perinaei muscle. Ischium (Eeskeeum). Ischium. Ischurie (Eeskuree). Suppression or retention of urine. Occurring at Isochrone (Eezohkrohn). equal periods of time. Isochronous. Isodique (Eezohdeek). Directed from withCentripetal. out towards the center. Isodynamique {Eezohdeenahmeek). Equivalent from the standpoint of heat proIsodynamic. duction. (in (Eezohlahtehr). Insulator Isolateur electricity). Isole,-e {Eezohld). Isolated. Insulated. Isolement (Eezohlmdhn). Isolation. Isomerie (Eezohmehree). Isomerism (in Chemistry). Isometrique (Eezohmehtreek). Having the same dimensions. Isometric. Having Isomorphe {Eezohmohrf). same form. Isomorphous. the Condition of the Isophorie (Eezohfohree). eyes when the tension of the vertical muscles is equal, so that visual lines lie in the same plane. Isotherme (Eezohterm). Having equal deIsothermal. gree of heat. Isthme {Eestm). Narrow portion uniting other portions. Isthmus. Isthmus of I. du gosier (£. du gohzeeeh). the fauces. Ivory. Ivoire (Eevoodhr). Drunkenness. Acute Ivresse (Eevrehss). alcoholism. Ivrognerie (Eevrohnnree). Habitual drunkenness. Chronic alcoholism. OF MEDICAL TERMS Jab Jaborandi (Zshahbohrahndee) Jaborandi. Plant which has sudorific and sialagogue . properties. Jacinthe (Zshahssehnt). Hyacinth. Jacob, membrane de (Zshahkdhb, mahmbrdhnn deh). Layer of rods and cones (eye). rameau de (Zshahkohbsohn, rahmoh deh). Tympanic branch of the Jacobson, glosso-pharyngeal nerve. Jacobson's nerve. Jactation (Zshahklahssion). Agitation with projection of the lines in various directions. Jactitation. Jalap (Zshahldhp). Jalap. Jambe (Zshahmb). Leg. EleJ. des Barbades (Z. deh Bahrbdhd). phantiasis of the Arabs. du diaphragme J. Pillar of the (Z. du deeahfrdhgm). diaphragm, Jambier anterieur (Z. ahntehreeehr). anticus muscle. J. posterieur (Z. pohstehreeehr). posticus muscle. Tib- Tibialis Ham. Jardin (Zshahrdehn). Garden. Jargonaphasie (Zshahrgohnahfahzee). A form of aphasia in which combinations of words make no sense in the sentence spoken by the patient. Jarre (Zshahr). Jar. Leyden jar. J. electrique (Z. ehlehktreek) Jarret (Zshahreh). Hamstring. Jarretier, muscle (Zsharteeeh, muskl). Popliteus muscle. Jarretiere {Zshahrteeehr). Garter. . Jasmin (Zshahsmehn). Jasmine. Jaune (Zshohn). Yellow. fievre (Z., feeehvr). Yellow fever. tache (Z., tahsh). Yellow spot. Depression in the center of the retina. Macula lutea. Jaunisse (Zshohneess). Jaundice. Icterus. J., J., Jecoral,-e (Zshehkohrdhl). liver. Hepatic. Jejunum {Zshehzshundhm). Jejunum. Jetage (Zshehtdhzsh). Running of mucus from the nostrils of animals. Jeu des articulations (Zsheh dehz ahrteekulahssion). joints. Mechanism Pertaining to or display of the Jeune (Zshehn). Young, Jeune (Zshehn). Fasting. Jeunesse (Zshehnehss). Youth. Jointe,-e (Zshooehntd). Jointed. Jointure (Zshooehntiir). Articu- Joint. lation. Jonction {Zshohnkssidn). Suture. Junction . Cheek, Day, (Zshuzshmdhn). Judgment. Jugement Opinion. Termination of a disease. Jugulaire, veine (Zshugulehr, vehn). Jugu- Joue {Zshoo). Jour {Zshoor). lar vein. Juguler {Zshuguld). ialis Jambon (Zshahmbdhn). Jux disease. Jujube (Zshuzshiib). Check or cut short a Pectoral Jujube. berry. Julep (Zshulehp). Soothing potion. Julep.' Jumeau,-elle {Zshumoh). Twin. J. X de la cuisse (Z, deh lah kueess). Gemelli muscles. J. X de la jambe (Z. deh lah zshahmb). Gastrocnemius muscle. Jumelles, veines (Zshumehl, vehn). Two veins opening into the popliteal vein. Jument {Zshumdhn). Mare. Jumenteux,-euse (Zshumahnteh). Urine having a thick colored deposit. Jurisprudence (Zshureespruddhns) Jurisprudence. Jury medical (Zshuree ntehdeekdhl). Board of medical examiners. Jus {Zshti). Juice. Gravy. Jusquiame {Zshuskeedhm). Hyoscyamus. . Henbane. Juxtaposition (Zshukstahpohzeessidn). Jux- taposition. 76 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY E. Kys K Move- K. Symbol of potassium. Kakodyl (Kahkohdeel). Cacodyl. Kakodylique {Kahkohdeeleek). Cacodylic. Kalium {Kahliuhm). Potassium. Kinesie Kaolin [Kahohlehn). Dried juice of Pterocarpus marsupium. Kleptomanie {Klehptohmahnee). Kleptomania. Affection characterized by an Karyokinese Kaolin. (Kahreeohkeenehz). Karyo- kinesis. Karyokinesie {Kahreeohkeenehzee) . Karyo- Kef made by fermenting milk and buttermilk. Kelotomie (Kehlohtohmee). Operation of a Herniotomy. strangulated hernia. Keratectomie {Kehrahtehktohmee). ExciIncision sion of a portion of the cornea. Extraction into the anterior chamber. of a cataract. Keratectomy. Keratine {Kehrahteen). Substance of nails, hair. Keratine. Keratite {Kehrahteet). Inflammation the cornea. Keratitis. of Hernia of Keratocele {Kehrahlohssehl). the cornea. Part of Kerato-glosse {Kehrahtoh-glohss) the hyoglossus. Hornlike. Keratoide (Kehrahfoheed). Keratoid. (Kehrahtohmahlahssee) Keratomalacie Softening of the cornea. Keratomalacia. Kerato-pharyngien, muscle {KehrahtohPart of the middle fahreenzsheeehn). constrictor of the pharynx. . Muscle K.-staphylin, m. [K.-stahfeelehn). which extends from the hyoid bone to the uvula. Keratotomie (Kehrahtohtohmee). Incision of the cornea during the operation for Keratotomy. cataract. Kerosene {Kehrohssehn). Kerosene. Kilogramme (Keelohgrdhm). looo gram- mes = 35 76 oz. Kilogram. Kinesia. (Keenehzee). of the body. Kinesitherapie (Keenehzeetehrahpee) Kin- . esitherapy. Elino (Keenoh). irresistible desire to steal. ficient inhibition.) kinesis. Cannabis indica. (Kehf). Kefir. A drink Kefir (Kehfeer). ments Koumis (Due to de- Beverage prepared {Koomees). by fermenting milk with sugar and yeast. Kousso {Koossoh). Flowers of Hagenia Abyssinica. Brayera Kousso is antihelmintic. Kramerie (Krahmehree). Root of Krameria triandra Rhatany. Krameria. Kreosote (Krehohzoht). Creosote. Crystalline. Krystalline (Kreestahleen). Kutera (Kutehrdh). Bassora gum. Kwas (Kvahss). Russian beverage prepared by fermentation of rye flower in water. Kyesteine (Keeehsteheen). Nitrous substance found in the urine of pregnant women. Kymographion (Keemohgrahfeedhn). Ap- paratus used for measuring the blood pressixre and oscillations of the pulse. Kymograph. Hemodynamometer. Kyste (Keest). Cyst. K. dermoide {K. dehrmoheed). Dermoid cyst. K. sebace {K. ssehbahssd). Sebaceous- cyst. Kysteux,-euse (Keesteh). Cystic. Instrument for Kystitome {Keesteetohm) opening the capsule of the lens in keratotomy. Capsular knife. Opening {Keesteetohtohmee). Kystitomie . of the capsule. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Lab Lab Lab-ferment. (Lahb). Labial, -e (Lahbeedhl). Labial. muscle (L. muskl). Orbicularis oris L., muscle. Labie,-e (Lahbeed). Labile, -e (Lahbeel). Labidometer. Labimetre (Lahbeemehtr). Instrument for measuring the foetal head within the forceps. Labio-glosso-larynge,-e {Lahbeedh-glohssohlahreenzshd). Labio-glosso-laryngeal. L.-g.-pharynge,-e (L.-g.-fahrehnzshd) Labio-glosso-pharyngeal. Labitome (Lahbeeetohm) Cutting forceps. Laboratoire {Lahbohrahtoodhr) Labo. . ratory. Labyrinthe (Lahbeerehnt). Cavities of the . and lateral sinuses. L. lacrymal (L. lahkreemdhl) Lachrymal space. L. sanguin sahngehn). (L. Sanguinous space. Laceration (Lahssehrahssion). Laceration. Lacere,-e (Lahssehrd). Lacerated. Torn. Laciniure (Lahsseeneeiir). Tear. Rent. Lacis (Lahssee). Network formed by intermingling of blood vessels and nerves. Plexus. . Lacrymal (Lahkreemdhl). Lachrymal. L., OS (L., ohss). Lachrymal bone. {Lahktehr). Color Lacteal. of milk. Combinations of lactic acid. L. de fer (L. dehfehr). Lactate of iron. Lactation (Lahktahssidn). Lactation. Lacte,-e (Lahktd). Lacteous. Color of milk. Phos- Lactoproteine (Lahktohprohteheen). buminoid substance extracted An al- whey. Lactoscope (Lahktohskohp). from Apparatus to the quality of mUk by its opacity. Lactoscope. Lactose (Lahktohz). Milk sugar. Lactose. Lactucarium {Lahktukahreedhm). veying milk. Lactiferous. Lactiforme (Lahkteefdhrm). Lactyle (Lahktiel). Base of lactic acid. Lacunaire (Lahkunehr). Lacunar. Lacune (Lahkun). Cavity (small). Depression. Lacunosite (Lahkunohzeetd). Porosity. Ladrerie (Lahdrehree) Disease of pigs. Leprosy. Lagocephale (Lahgohssehfdhl). Having the head of a hare. Lagocephalus. Lagophthalmie (Lahgohftahlmee). Hare's . eye. Lagophthalmos. Lagostome (Lahgohstdhm). Milk and water. L. de chaux (L. deh shoh). Whitewash. L. mercuriel (L. mehrkureeehl). Ammoniated mercury. White precipitate. L. de poule (L. Whey. Mulled egg, deh pool). Laite,-e (Lehld). Having milk. Laiteron {Lehtrohn). Sow-thistle. Resembling Laiteux,-euse (Lehteh). Laitier (Lehlced). What secretion of milk. Lactigene (Lahkteezshehn). milk. Lactigenous. Hair-lip. Laiche (Lehsh). Sedge. Laie (Ld). Sow. Laine {Lehn). Wool. Laineux,-euse (Lehneh). Woolly. Lait (Leh). Milk. L. caille (L. kahyd). Curdled milk. L. coupe (L. koopd). Diluted milk. Hare's lettuce. Lactiform. Lactifuge (Lahkleeftizsh). Lettuce juice. L., petit (L., ptee). Lactescent, -e (Lahktehssdhn). Resembling milk. Lactifere (Lahkteefehr). Producing or con- milk. milk. Lacto-phosphate (Lahktohfohsfdht). phate with lactic acid. estimate internal ear. Labyrinthien,-ne (Lahbeerehnteeehn). Referable to the labyrinth. Labyrinthique, nerf {Lahbeerehnteek, nehr) Auditory or 8th cranial nerve. Lac derivatif (Lahk dehreevahteef) Venous dilatation in the dura of the brain communicating with the superior longitudinal Lactate {Lakldht). Lactine (Lahkteen). Lactose. Lactique (Lahkteek). Lactic. L., acide (L., ahsseed). Lactic acid. Lactocaramel {Lahktohkahrahmehl) Substance formed by heating lactose to i8o°C. Lactodensimetre (Lahktohdahnseemehtr). See Lactometer. Lactoline (Lahktohleen). Condensed milk. Lactometre {Lahktohmehtr). Apparatus for measuring the amount of cream in . Labiate. Easily disturbed (in Chemistry). Lactaire Lam diminishes Producing Milky. Dross. Lacteous Slag. Lamboide, suture {Lahmbdohced, sutur). Occipito-parietal or lambdoid suture. Lame (Lahm). Layer. Lamina. Blade of knife. Plate. Film. 77 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY L. cor L. comee (L. kohrnd). semi- Taenia circularis. The internal surface L. vitree {L. veetrd). of the cranial bones. Laid out in Lamelle,-e (Lahmehld). lamellas. Lamelleux,-euse (Lahmehlih). SeeLameU^. Laminage (Lahmeendhzsh). Flattening. Laminaire {Lahmeenehr). Seatangle. Lami- Used naria. for dilatation of fistulous passages, etc. Lamineux,-euse (Lahtneeneh). Laminated. Formed L., tissu tissue. of layers. Cellular or areolar (L. teessii). InstruLancet. (Lahnsseht). for bleeding, vaccination, etc. Lancette Lancet-case. Lancettier (Lahnsehteed) LancinatLancinant,-e {Lahns s eendhn) ing. When pain occurs in attacks and is very sharp. Langage (Lahngdhzsh). Language. Langue (Lahng). Tongue. Canine Laniaire, dents {Lahneeehr, dahu). . . teeth. I OintLanolin. Lanoline (Lahnohleen). ment base consisting of cholesterin and _ Downy hair (pubis, etc.). Lapactic (Lahpahkteek). Evacuant. Lap- actic. Lapagme (Lahpdhgm). Discharge of feces. Laparocele {LahpahrohssM) Lumbar . hernia. Laparatomie (Lahpahrahtohmee), Laparatomy. Operation of opening the abdominal cavity. Lapaxic (Lahpahksee). Evacuation. Lapin {Lahpehn). Rabbit. Lard (Lahr). Bacon, lard. Fat of strictor. Laryngoscope (Lahrehngohskdhp). A mirror with a reflector for the examination of the larynx. Laryngoscope. Laryngoscopie (Lahrehngohskohp^e). The use of the laryngoscope. Laryngoscopy. (Lahrehngohskohpeek). Laryngoscopie. Laryngotomie (Lahrehngohtohmee). Lar- yngotomy. Larynx (Lahrehnx). Larynx. Lascivious. Lascif,-ive (Lahsseef). Lassitude (Lahsseetud). Lassitude. Weariness. Weakness. Latent,-e (Lahtdhn). Latent. Concealed. Lateral. Lateral,-e (Lahtehrdhl). methode Lateralisee, (Lahtehrahleezd, cystotomy or litho- Latere -dorsale, (Lahiehroh-dohrsdhl). Lat- Lateral mehtohd). tomy. er o dorsal. Laterofiexion (Lahtehrohflehxeedhn). pork. Lardace,-e (Lahrdahssd). Similar to lard. Lardaceous. Amyloid. Lardiforme (Lahrdeefohrm). Resembling Lat- ero-flexion. Lateropulsion (Lahtehrohpulssion). ency to fall to one side (in A tend- cerebellar diseases). lard. Wide. Large (Lahrzsh). Large. Broad. L. du ecu, muscle (L. du koo, niuskl). Platysma myoides. L. du dos, muscle (L. du doh, muskl). Latissimus dorsi muscle. Broad L. s, ligaments (L. leegahmdhn) ligaments of the uterus. Larme {Lahrm). Tear. Larmeux,-euse (Lahrmeh). Having the . Lachry- mation. Epiphora. Referable to larvae. Larvaire (Lahrvehr). Larve (Lahrv). Larva. First stage in the growth of insects. Latitude {Lahteetud). Latitude. Latrines (Lahtreen). Water-closet. Privy. Latrines. Laudanum (Lohdahndhm). (Sydenham's). Compound opium wine. FerL. de Rousseau (L. deh Roossoh). mented tinctura opii. Rousseau's drops. Sweet hay. Laurier {Lohreed). Laurel. Laudanum L. -cerise (L.-ssreez). Lavage (Lahvahzsh). of tears. Larmoiement (Lahrmooahmdhn). 78 Laryngite (Lahrehnzsheet). Inflammation Laryngitis. of the larynx. streedulehz). Spasstriduleuse (L. L. modic croup. Laryngismus stridulus. Laryngologie (Lahrehngohlohzshee). Laryngology. Laryngo-pharyngieu, muscle {LahrehngohInferior conpahrehnzsheeehn, muskl). Laryngoscopique fatty acids. Lanugo {Lahnugdh). form Larve, -e (Lahrvd). Larvated. Masked. Disguised (spoken of intermittent fever of the insidious form). Larynge,-e (Lahrehnzshd). Pertaining to the larynx. Laryngeal. L. exteme, nerf (L. ehkstehrn, nehr). External laryngeal nerve. L. inferieur, nerf (L. ehnfehreeehr, nehr). Inferior laryngeal nerve. Recurrent nerve. L. superieur, nerf (L. supehreeihr, nehr). Superior laryngeal nerve. Laryngisme (Lahrehnzsheegm). Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the larynx. Laryngismus. Lance {Lahns). A lance-shaped knife. Lancee {Lahnssd). Attack of pain. ment Lav gation. Cherry-laurel. Washing out. Irri- Lavage. Lavande (Lahvdhnd). Lavender. Aroma- tic plants. Lavement (Lahvmdhn). tion through anus. Enema. Injec- L. OF MEDICAL TERMS gou L. goutte d goutte (L. goot ah goot). Murphy drip. 'La.xeiiit,-ive{LahksahUej). Laxative. Mild purgative. Laxite (Lahkseetd). Laxity. Lazaret (Lahzahreh). Isolated building for infectious disease. Field hospital. Lazaretto, quarantine establishment. Lecithine (Lehsseeteen). Lecithin. Fatty substance found in the brain, nerves, bile and from yolk of egg. Legal. Legal, -e (Lehgdhl). Legitime (Lehzsheeteem). Legitimate. Legume (Lehgiim). Vegetable. Legumineuses (Lehgumeenehz). nous plants. Legumineux,-euse Legumi- (Legumeeneh). Legu- minous. Lenitif,-ive (Lehneeteef). Emollient. tive. Lenitive. Laxa- Lent,-e (Lahn). Slow. Lenticulaire (Lehnteekulehr) Having the form of a lens. Lenticular. L., ganglion (L., gahngleeohn). Ophthalmic . ganglion. Nucleus lentiL., noyau (L., nooahydh) Extraventricular portion of cularis. corpus striatum. L., OS (L., ohss). Orbicular bone. Lepra Lepreux,-euse (Lehpr eh). Leprous. Leptomeningite (Lehptohmehnehnzsheet). Inflammation of the pia-mater. Leptomeningitis. Leptothrix (Lehptohtreeks). variety of bacteria of the Trichomycetes family. Found in human mouth. Leptothrix. Lesion {Lehzeedhn). Lesion. Injury. A Wound. Liquid containing in solution potassium or sodium in excess. Lye. Lethalite (Lehtahleetd). Lethality. Fatality. Proportion of dead Deadlines. to the number of patients (in Statis- Lessive (Lehsseev). tics). Lethargie (Lehtahrzshee). Torpor. Drowsiness. Lethargy. Lethargique (Lehtharzshiek). Lethargie. Leucemie (in in- flammations, etc.). Leucocjrthemie (Lehkohsseetehmee). A condition in which the leukopoietic constituent of the blood forming tissues are diseased. Leucocythemia. Leucocytique (Lehkohsseeteek). Leukocytic. Leucocytose (Lehkohsseetdhz) A condition with increased number of leucocytes in the blood. Leucomaine (Lehkohmaheen). Decompo- sition product of proteins. uric acid, creatinin, cholin It includes and others. Leukomain. Leucoplasie (Lehkohplahzee). White spots on the surface of the tongue which may be point of origin of carcinoma. Leukoplakia. Leucorrhee (Lehkohrd). from female genitalia. Leucorrheique White discharge Leucorrhea. (Lehkohreheek). Leucorrheic. Levain {Lehvihn). Leaven. Stale dough used for making bread. Levee {Lehvd). Act of lifting up. Levier (Lehveed). or make the Lever. Apparatus to interrupt current in a electrical circuit. L. des accoucheurs (L. dehz ahkooshehr). Vectis. Iron bar to raise the head of the foetus. Levigation {Lehveegahssion). Porphyrisa- Trituration. Reduction of a to minutest particles. Levigation. Levogyre (Lehvohzsheer). Turning the plane of polarized light to the left. tion. substance Leontiasis. (Lehpr). Leprosy. Lethifere death. lymphoid ceUs wherever found L.-clef (L.-kleh). Lentigo (Lahnteegdh). Freckle. Lentigo. LentiUe (Lahntee). Glass cut in the form of a lens. Lens, magnifying glass. Leontiasis {Lehohnteeahzees). Symmetrical hypertrophy of the bones of face and skull giving a lion-like expression of the face. Lig Which carries {Lehteefehr). Deadly. Lethal. Fatal. {Lehsseemee). Leukemia. See Leucocythemie. Leucique, acide (Lehsseek, ahsseed). An acid homologous with lactic acid. Leucocyte [Lehkohsseet). White corpuscle of blood. Leucocyte. Applied also to Levogyrous. Levorotatory. Levre (Lehvr). Lip. Border. Edge. Labium (vulva, etc.). Levrier (Lehoreed). Greyhound. Levulose (Lehvuldhz). Ferment of fruit sugar. Levure (Lehvur). Yeast. Leaven. Faume formed on the surface of beer in fer- mentation. Lezard (Lehzdhr). Lizard. Lichen (Leeshihn). Papular, dry, eruption of the skin. A plant of cryptogam class. L. d'Islande (L. deesldhnd). Liege (Leechzsh). Cork. Lien (Leeehn). Ligature Iceland moss. (wire). Thic ligature, Lierre (Leeehr). Ivy. Lieu (Leeeh). Place. Site (of an operation). Lievre (Leeehvr). Hare. Ligament (Leegahmdhn). Ligament. Ligamenteux,-euse {Leegahmahnt&h). Ligamentous. Ligature {LeegatUr), Ligature. 79 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY L. ani L. animale (L. ahneemdhl) Catgut. Ligne blanche (Leenu blahnsh). Linea . alba. Ligamentum longitudinale ab- dominis. (Leenneh). Woody. Ligneous. Ligula. A species of Ligule {Leegul). worms (Cestoidea). Thickening flat (of epithelial cells) on the side of the lower half of the floor of the 4th ventricle Ligneux,-euse of brain. Lilas (Leeldh). Lilac. Liliace,-e {Leeleeahssd). Pertaining to the lily. Lima9on (Leemahssohu). Snail. Cochlea the internal ear). Filings. Limaille (Leemay). Limbe (Leemb). Border. Limb (Biology) Limbique {Leembeek). Marginal. Limbic. Limbic Lobe (Brain) L., Lobe (L., Lohb). superior occipitoconsisting of the temporal convolution, septum lucidum, fornix, cornu ammonis, fascia dentata, median and lateral longitudinal stri£e and the peduncles of the corpus callosum. Lime (Leem). File. Limiting. Limitant, e (Leemeetahn). Limite (Leemeet). Limit. Boundary. Limon (Leenidhn). Mud. Clay. Slime. (of Lemon. Limonade (Leemohndhd). Lemonade. Limosien,-ne (Leemohzeeehn). to swamps. Limpide (Lehnpeed). Lin {Lehn). Pertaining Limpid. Clear. Flax. L. farine de (L. fahreen deh). L. graine de (L. grehnu deh). Linseed. Linseed. Pertaining to flax. Linace,-e {Leenahsd). Flax- weed. Linaire (Leenehr). Lineaire (Leenehehr). Linear. Lingual, -e (Lehngvdhl). Lingual. Tonguelike. Lingual or gustatory nerve (branch) of the inferior maxillary L., nerf (L. nehr). nerve. L., OS (L. ohss). Linguistique Hyoid bone. Compara- (Lehngveesteek). tive study of language. Liniment. Liniment (Leeneemdhn) L. ammoniacal {L. ahmohneeahkdhl) . LiniVolatile liniment. . L. ment of ammonia. camphre (L. kahmfrd). Camphorated oil. L. volatil Lipomateux,-euse (Leepohmahteh). Lipomatous. Fatty. Lipomatose (Leepohmahtdhz). Abnormal deposits of fat. Fatty degeneration. Lipome {Leepohm). Fatty tumor. Lipoma. Lippitude (Leepeeliid). Marginal blepharitis due to hypersecretion of sebaceous glands. Blear-eyedness. Liquefaction (Leekehfahkssion). Liquefaction. Reduction to a liquid state. Liquefiable (Leekehfeedhbl). Liquefiable. Liqueur (Leekehr). Solution. Liquor. L. d'acetate de potasse (L. dahssehtakt deh pohtdhss). Solution of potassium acetate. L. de carbonate de potasse (L. deh kahrbohndht pohtdhss). Solution deh of potassium carbonate. L. de nitrate de mercure (L. deh neetrdht deh mehrkiir). Acid solution of mercury nitrate. L. de potasse caustique (L. deh pohtdhss kohsteek). Solution of caustic potash. L. de Van Swieten (L. deh Van Swieten) Solution of perchloride of mercury. Liquid (Leekeed). Liquid. L. amnlotique {L. ahmneeohteek). Amniotic fluid. The waters. Liquidite (Leekeedeetd). Fluidity. Liquor sanguinis Blood-plasma. (Leekohr sahngeenees). Lily. Lis (Lee). Having a border. Lisere,-e (Leezrd). Liseron (Leezrohn). Bindweed. Convolvulus. Lister, pansement de (Lister, pahnsmdhn deh.) Lister's dressing. Lit (Lee). Bed. Water bed. L. d'eau (L. doh). Nail bed. L. de I'ongle {L. deh lohngl). Obstetric L. de travail (L. deh trahvahy). bed. Litharge Oxyde of lead. (Leetdhrzsh). Litharge. Formation of calLithiase (Leeteedhz). careous concretions in urinary, biliary Lithiasis. passages, etc. Lithiasic. Lithiasique (Leeteeahzeek). Lithique, acide {Leeteek, ahsseed). Uric or lithic acid. Lithium (Leeteedhm). Lithium. Metallic alcaline element belonging to the class of sodium and potassium. Lithogenese {Leetohzshehnehz) Formation . camphre Compound kahmfrd) liniment of camphor. (L. vohlahteel Lint (Lehnt). Lint. Preparation conLiparole (Leepahrohld). sisting of union of fatty and medicinal substances. Substances of proLipoide (Leepoheed). toplasm such as cerebrin, etc. solvents of fats. 80 Lit lecithin, They are Lipoid. cholesterin, soluble in of calcareous deposits. Lithogenie (Leetohzshehtee). Formation of calcareous deposits. Instrument to Litholabe (Leetohldhb). seize a calculus in the bladder. Litholapaxie (Leetohlahpahksee). a calculus in the bladder. operation. Lithotome (Leetohtdhm), tomy. Crushing Bigelow's Knife for litho- OF MEDICAL TERMS Lit (Leetohtohmee). Removal of calculus by cutting into the Lithotomie vesical bladder. Lithotriteur {Leetohtreetehr). Instrument to crush a stone in the bladder. Lithotritie {Leetotreessee). The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder. Livide (Leeveed). Color of lead. Livid. Lixiviation (Leekseeveeahssion). Pharmaceutical process of obtaining alkaline salts or lye. Lobaire (Lohbehr). Lobar. Lohe (Lohb). Lobe. projecting rounded portion of an organ (brain, etc.). L. anonyme du foie (L. ahnohneem du The quadrate lobe of the liver. foodh). L. carre du foie (L. kahrd du foodh). The quadrate lobe of the liver. L. de Spiegel {L. deh Spiegel). The frontal projection of the posterior A liver. Lobe,-e (Lohbd). Lobed. Indian toLobelia (Lohbehlee). Lobelia. bacco used in spasmodic asthma. Lobulaire (Lohbulehr). Lobular. Lobule (Lohbill). Lobule. Lobule, -e (Lohbuld). Lobulated. Which is divided in lobules. Lobulisation (Lohbuleezahssidn). LobuHzation. Local,-e (Lohkdhl). Local. Disease L.e, affection {L.e, ahfehkssidn). limited to an organ or to an area. (Lohkahleezahtehr). InstruLocalisateur ment for locating foreign bodies in L.-humeral, m. {L.-umehrdhl, m.). simus dorsi m. (Lohkahleezahssidn). Determination of an anatomical seat whose function corresponds to given clinical Localisation manifestations. Discharge following a LumboL.-sacre, narf (L.-sahkrd, nehr). terminal branch of lumbar sacral n. plexus. Earth-worm. Lo b r i c (Lohmbreek). ; m Lumbricus. Lombrical,-e (Lohmbreekdhl). Vermiform. Lumbrical. Lombricaux, muscles (Lohmbreekoh, miiskl). Lumbricales muscles; name of four small muscles of hands and feet. Long du cou, muscle {Lohn du koo, muskl). Longus coli muscle. muscle (L. dohrsdhl, muskl). Longissimus dorsi muscle. LongisL. du dos, muscle {L. du doh, m.). simus dorsi muscle. L. dorsal, Longevity. Electuary. Liquid drug of the consistency of thick syrup. Loquacite (Lohkahsseetd). Loquacity. Lordose (Lohrdohz). Lordosis. Curvature of the spinal column with convexity forward. Lotion (Lohssion). Lotion. Liquid used for washing the body. Louche (Loosh). Turbid (liquid). SquintSuspicious. eyed. Louchemant (Looshmdhn). Passage of a clear liquid to a turbid state. Loup (Loo). Wolf. Loupa (Loop). Lens, magnifying glass. Longevite {Lohnzshehveetd). Looch (Lohohsh). Sebaceous tumor. Lubrif action {Lubreefahkssion). Locotrice {Lohkohmohtchr). motor. Locomotrice, ataxia (Lohkohmohtreess, ahLocomotor ataxia. Tabes. tahksee). Locus (Lolikiiss). Spot. Place. Locus. Loga iLohzsh). A cell. Cavity. Locomoteur, To lubricate. Lubrifier (Lubreefeed). Lucida (Lusseed). Lucid. Lucidity. Lucidite (Lusseedeetd). Lues (Luehss). Syphilis. Luatte (Lueht). Uvula. Gleam. (Luehr). Shining. Luisant,e (Lueezdlm). Lumbago (Lohmbahgdh). Lumbago. Lumiera (Lumeeehr). Light. Luminaux,-ause (Lumeeneh). Luminous. Lunaire, Lunar (Lufiehr, kohsteek). caustiqua caustic; nitrate of silver. Lunatique (Lunahteek) Lombaire (Lohmbehr). Lumbar. Lombes (Lohmb). Region which forms the posterior wall of the abdomen. Lunettes (Luneht). . Loins. Lombo -abdominal, muscle muskl). dominis muscle. {Lohmboh-ahb- Transversalis ab- L. -costal, m. {L.-kohsldhl, m.). Serratus posticus inferior m. {L.-kohstoh-lrahL.-costo-trachelien, m. Sacro-lumbalis m. shehleechn, m.). LongisL.-dorso-t., m. {L.-dohrsoh-t., in.). simus dorsi m. Glisten- ing. Logique (Lohzsheek). Logical. Loi (Loodh). Law. Lombago (Lohmbahgdh) Lumbago. 6 Lubrica- Luaur confinement. dohnieendhl, Longis- tion. tissues. Lochies (Lohshee). Lux Lunatic. Luna (Lun). . Of unsound mind. Moon. Spectacles. Telescope. Light semilunar portion Lunula. of the nail. Lupuline {Lupuleenn). Yellowish powder obtained from the fruit of hops. Lupu- Lunula {Luniil). line. Lupus Disease of the skin (Lupiiss). (tubercular). Lupus. Luteine (Lutehcen). Lutein. Chief substance of the corpora lutea (in ovaries). Luxation (Luksahssion). Dislocation. Luxation. 81 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Lye Lys Lycopode (Leekohpdhd). Club moss. Yellowish powder used to cover pills or as an absorbent application to ex- Lymphatiques, vaisseaux vessdh). Lymphatics. coriated surfaces. Excessive Lycorexie (LeekohrehksSe). appetite. Lymphadenite (Lehnfahdehneet) Inflammation of a lymphatic gland. Lymphoide Lymphadenome {Lehnfahdehnohm). Lymphoma. Tumor found in lymphatic Ljrpemanie {Leepehmahnee). Lypemania. Melancholia. Lyre {Leer). Triangular space between the posterior pillars of the fornix, filled up by white matter. Lysis {Leezees). Gradual decrease of fever . glands and generalized in other organs. It is multiple and is also called Hodgkin's disease or pseudoleukocythemia. {Lehnfahnzsheeokm). Lymphangiome Tumor consisting of lymphatic vessels. Lymphangite (Lehnfahnzsheet). tion of angitis. 82 lymphatic vessels. Inflamma- Lymph- Lymphe or (Lehnf). (Lehnfahntiek) Lymph. {Lehnfoheed). resembling lymph Pertaining to or lymphatic vessels. Lymphome {Lehnfohm). Tumor consisting of elements of lymphatic glands. in diseases. Lysis. {Leezohl). Lysol. An antiseptic, consisting of a brownish syrupy preparation made from coal tar products. Lysol OF MEDICAL TERMS Mac M.fra M Maceration (Mahssehrahssidn). Maceration. Soaking of a substance in a liquid in order to separate the soluble elements, or to facilitate separation of some elements from others. Macerated. Macere,-e (Mahssehree). Macher (Makshd). To masticate. Machinal,-e {Mahsheendhl). Mechanical. Automatic. Machine {Mahsheen). Machine. Machoire (Mahshoodhr). Maxilla. Jaw. Machonnement (Mahshohnmdhn). Mumbling action of the jaws. Machure (Mahshilr). Shreds in wounds caused by bites or crushing. {Mahkrohssehjdhl). Who has a large head. Macrocyte (Mahkrohsseet). Abnormally large red blood corpuscle. Macrodactylie {Mahkrohdahkteelee). Abnormally large fingers or toes. Macroencephalie {Mahkrohahnssehfahlee). Enlargement or hypertrophy of the Macrocephale brain. Macroglossie {Mahkrohglohssee). Hypertrophy of the tongue. Macromelie (Mahkrohmehlee). Enlargement or hypertrophy of the spinal cord. Macrophage (Mahkrohfdhzsh). Large phagocyte which absorbs other cells. Macropsie (Mahkrohpsee). When all objects appear large to the eye. {Mahkrohskohpeek). Of Macroscopique gross appearance and when objects can be seen with naked eye. A Macrostomie (Mahkrohstohmee). deof the mouth in which the extend far outangles of the mouth variety of harelip. ward. Macula lutea {Mahkuldh lutehdh). Yellow spot of retina. formity A Macular. Maculaire (Mahkuldh). Macule {Mahki'd). Maculated. Spot- ted. Maculeux,-euse (Mahkuleh). Maculous. Magistere {Mahzeheestehr). Any specially important medicinal preparation, possessing extraordinary virtues. Magistral,-e {Mahzsheestrdhl). Specially prepared medicines (extemporaneous). Magma {Mahgmdh). Sediment. Residuum after water has been removed. Magnesie {Mahgnehzie). Magnesia. M. calcinee magnesia. {M. kahlsseend). Magne- (Mahgnehzeeohm). sium. A white metal easily oxidized in It the air and reach in chemical rays. is present, besides the mineral kingdom, also in animal and vegetable organisms. Magnetic. Magnetique (Mahgnehteek). Having the properties of a magnet. Magnetiser {Mahgnehteezd). To magnetize. To hypnotize. Person Magnetiseur (Mahgnehteezehr). who hypnotizes. Magnetisme (Magnehteesm). The power Power of attracting. of a magnet. Study of magnet. Maigre (Mehgr). Deficient in fat. Thin. M., faire {M., fehr). To fast. Maigreur (Mehgrehr). Thinness. Lean- Lean. ness. Mesh of capillaries or Maille (Mdhee). other anatomical elements. Swaddling clothes. Maillot {Maheeoh). M. humide {M. umeed). Wet pack. M. sec {M. ssehk). Dry pack. Main (Mehn), Hand. M. bote (M. boht). Club-hand. Mais (Mahee). Maize. Indian corn. Maison [Mehzohn). Home. M. d'accouchment {M. dahkooshmdhu). Lying-in-home. M. d'alienes {M. dahleeehnd). Lunatic asylum. M. de sante (M. de sahntd). Lunatic asylum. M. mortuaire (AI. ntohrtuihr). Mortuary. Mai {Mahl). Evil. Disease. Pain. M. des Allemands {M. dehzahlmdhn). Syphilis. M. des ardents {M. dehzahrddhn). Epidemic gangrenous disease of the Middle Ages. d'aventure M. M. des (ilf. dahvahutiir). Barbades {M. deh Whitlow. Bahrbdhd). Elephantiasis. Spot. Macule, -e {Mahkuld). Magnesium Oxyde of M. caduc (ill. kahdiik). Epilepsy. M. de coeur (M. deh kehr). Nausea. M. curial {M. kureedhl). Syphilis. M. des Chretiens {M. dehkrehteeehn). Syphilis. M. de dents {M. deh dahn). Toothache. M. divin (A/, deevihn). Epilepsy. M. d'enfant {M. dahufdhti). Labor pain.' M. espagnol (M. ehspahtindhl). Syphilis. M. d'estomac {M. dehstohmdh). Stomachache. M. de foie {M. dehfoodh). M. franfais {M. frahnssih). Cachexia. Syphilis. 83 M.de FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY M. de M. de Kaposi {M. gorge (M. deh gohrzsh). Sore Angina. M. de hanche {M. deh ahnsh). Coxalgia. M. haut {M. oh). Epilepsy. M. de langue {M. deh lahng). Anthrax of the tongue. M. de lune {M. deh lunn). Periodic ophthalmia. M. de machoire {M. deh mahshoodhr). Trismus. M. de Melada {M. deh Mehlahddh). threat. Pellagra. dett mer {M. deh mehr). Sea-sick- ness. M. de montagne {M. deh mohntdnn). sickness. longing for sleep felt by travelers in the snow. M. noir {M. noodhr). Anthrax. Charbon. irresistible M. d'oreilles {M. dohrdy). M. du pays {M. du pchee). petit Nostalgia. epilepsy. Pott's disease. ing sickness. St.-Antoine {M. St.-Ahntoodhnn). Erysipelas. Syphilis. St.-Lahzdhr). Elephantiasis. M. de Slam {M. deh Seedhm). Yellow fever. M. de tete {M. deh teht). Headache. M. des Turcs {M. deh Turk). Syphilis. Malacie (Mahlahssee). Malacia. Morbid softening of tissues. Malade {Mahldhd). Sick. Patient. Un- well Maladie (Mahlahdee). Disease. dahdeessohn). Addison's disease. Caused by a tubercular Charactercondition of the adrenals. ized by prostration, anemia and bronzelike pigmentation of the skin. M. de Bazedow {M. deh Bazedow). Ex- M. d'Addison {M. goiter. M. bleue (M. bleh). Cyanosis. M. bronzee (M. brohnzd). See M. Addison. Bright (M. deh Bright). M. de Bright's M. de Parkinson {M. deh Parkinson). M. du pays CI/, dii pehee). Nostalgia. M. de poitrine {M. deh pooahtreen). Phthisis. M. M. Epilepsy. sacree (M. sahkrd). saturnine {M. sahturneen). Disease due to lead poisoning. M. de Siam {M. deh Seedhmn). Yellow M. venerienne {M. vehnehreeehnn) . Ven- ereal disease. Maladif,-ive (Mahlahdeef). Sickly. Unhealthy. Malaire (Mahlehr). Relating to the cheek. Malar. Zygomatic. M., OS (M. ohss). Malar bone. Cheek bone. Malaise (Mahlehz). Indisposition. Mal- carbonculaire (AI. kahrbohnkulehr). Anthrax. M. de Cruveilhier (M. deh Kruvehleed). Gastric ulcer. essentielle {M. essahnsseeehl). disease that does not depend on other. Malaria (Mahlahreedh). Malaria. Marsh poison. Due to a blood parasite. Malarique (Mahlahreek). Malarial. Malaxer (Mahlahksd). To kneed. To apply massage. Malconformation (Mahlkohnfohrmahssidn). Malformation. Male {Mahl). Male. Maleate (Mahlehdht). Maleate. A salt of malic acid. Malefice (Mahlehfeess). Witchcraft. Maleinique (Mahleheeneek). Maleic. Malformation (Mahlfohrmahssidn). Malformation. Malignancy. Malignite (Mahleegneetd). Grave character of a disease. Malignant. Malin,-igne {Mahlehn). Malique (Mahleek). Malic (acid, etc.) MalleMalleabilite (Mahlehahbeeleetd). Malleable (Mahlehdhbl). Malleable. Capacity of being extended by rolling, pulling, etc. Malleaire {Mahlehehr). M. 84 {M. deh Mehneeehr). Meniere's disease. Characterized by attacks of vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Due to a disease of the vestibular ability. d'- disease. M. extremities. M. de Meniere aise. M. de Job {M. deh Zshohb). M. de St. Lazare {M. deh ophthalmic deh Lahndree). An organic nervous disease characterized by a progressive ascending paralysis of the fever. Otitis. {M. ptee). Minor M. de Pott (M. deh Poht). Tubercular condition of vertebrae. M. de reins {M. deh rehn). Lumbago. M. sacre {M. sahkrd). Epilepsy. M. de sommeil {M. deh ssohmdy). Sleep- M. by extreme dryness. M. de Landry {M. Paralysis agitans. M. de mort {M. deh mohr). Leprosy. M. de Naples {M. deh Nahpl). Syphilis. M. de neige {M. deh nehzsh). The M., ized Xerodeh Kaposi). Disease of the skin character- pathways. M. Mountain derma. Mai A any Pertaining to the malleus. Malleolar. Malleolaire (ATahlehohlehr). Malleole (Mahlehohl). Ankle. Malleolus. Unhealthy. Malsain,-e (Mahlsehn). Malt {Mahlt). Malt. Grain (barley, etc.) which became sweet through a process germination converting artificial of OF MEDICAL TERMS Mai starch into sugar. It contains dextrin and maltose. Maltine {Mahlteen). Maltine. The active substance of malt. Mamelle {Mahmehl). Breast. Mamelon {Mahmlohn). Nipple. Mamelonne,-e (Mahmlohnd). Having ele- vations. Mamillaire form (Mahmeelehr). Having the of a nipple. Mamillaires, eminences (M., ehmeendhns). Mamillary bodies, which at the base of the brain in front of the crura cerebri appear as two small pea-shaped nodules. Mammaire {Mahmehr). Which concerns the breasts. M. exteme, artere {M. ehkstehrn, ahrtehr). artery (external). M. interne, a. {M. ehntehrn, a.). Mammary artery (internal). Mammary Mammiferes (Mahmeefehr). Mammalia. The highest group of vertebrates which suckle their young. Manchette (Mahnsheht). Manchot (Mahnshdh). Circular skin flap. Who is deprived of a portion or of one arm. catheter. Manganese (Mahngahnekz). Manganese. Metallic element. Manganeux,-euse (Mahngahneh). Mang- anous. Mangeur,-euse (Mahnzshehr). Eater. Maniac (Mahneedhk). Maniacal. Maniaque {Mahneedhk). Maniacal. Manicome (Mahneekdhm). Lunatic asylum. (Mahnee). Mania. Persistent habit. Maniement {Mahneemdhu) . Handling. Manifestation (Mahneefehstahssidn). Manifestation. ExManipulation (Mahneepulahssidn). ecution of various manual movements. Manipulation. Manipule (Mahneepul). Handful. Manna {Mahnn). Manna. Concrete exudation of Fraxinus Ornus or F. RoMild laxative. tundifolia. (Mahnnkehn). Mannikin. Mannequin Phantom. Mannita (Mahneet). An alcohol derived from manna. Manometre (Mahnohmehtr). Apparatus for measuring the density and elastic force of gases or liquids (cerebro-spinal fluid, etc.). Manometrique (Mahnohmehtreek). Mano- metric. Manteau (Mahntoh). Mantle. Cover. Handle. Manubrium (Mahnubreedhm). Triangular bony portion of the upper part of sternum. Manual,-le (Mahnnehl). Manual. operatoire (M. ohpehrahtoodhr). What is performed by the surgeon during an M. operation. Manuluve (Mahnuluv). Maquareau {Mahkrdh). Hand bath. Mackerel. Marais {Mahreh). Marsh. Swamp. Maranta (Mahrahntdh). Arrow-root. Marasme (Mahrdhzm). Marasmus. Extreme emaciation. Marbra (Mahrbr). Marble. Marc (Mahrk). Residuum left after ex- pression of fruits, of oil from seeds, after extraction of vegetable drugs. Marche (Mahrsh). Walk. Gait. Progress. Marchaur (Mahrshehr). Pedestrian. Mara (Mahr). Pond of stagnant water. Marecageux,-euse {Mahrehkahzsheh). Swampy. Marshy. Marea {Mahrd). Tide. Margarine (Mahrgahreen). A glycerine ester of margaric acid. Mandibule (MahndeehiU). Inferior maxilla. Mandrin (Mahndrehn). Stylet of a flexible Mania Mas Marge {Mahrzsh). Margin. Border. Edge. Marginal, -a (Mahrzsheendhl). Placed on the edge. Marginal. Marguerite {Mahrggehreet). Daisy. Maringouin (Mahrehngooehn). Mosquito. Culex ferox. Mariotte, tacha da {Mahreeoht, tahsh deh). Blind spot of the retina. Maritime (Mahreeteem). Maritime. Marmalade (Mahrmldhd). Marmalade. Marmita (Mahrmeet). Saucepan. Pot. Marqua (Mahrk). Cicatrix. Mark. Marrube blanc {Mahrub blahn). Horehound. Mars (Mahrss). Mars. Iron. Marsupial,-a (Mahrsupeedhl). Pouched. Marsupialisation (Mahrsupeeahleezahssioti). Production of a cavity or of a poucli (in surgery). Marteau (Mahrtdh). Hammer-bone of the ear. Malleu. Martial, -e (Mahrteedhl). Ferruginous. Masque (iMahsk). Expression of the face. Massage (Mahssdhzsh). Massage. Masse (Mahss). Mass. Agglomeration of ingredients. Paste to be put up in pills. To practice massage. Massetar, muscle {Mahssehtehr muskl). Masseter muscle. Massaur,-ausa (Mahssehr). Who practices massage. Massif, -iva (Mahsseef). Massive. Bulky. Mastic (Mahsteek). Mastic. A resinous exudation of Pistacia lentiscus. Masticateur, nerf {Mahsteekahtehr nehr). The motor branch of the trigeminus n. Mastication {Mahsteekahssidn). Chewing. Masser (Massd). Mastication. 85 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Mas Mastite {Mahstiet). Inflammation of the Mastitis. breast. Mastodynie {Mahstohdeenle). Neuralgic Mastodynia. pain in the breast. Mastoide, apophyse {Mahstoheed ahpohfeez). Mastoid process of the temporal bone. Mastoidien,-ne (Mahstoheedeeehn). Mastoidal. Mastoidiennes, cellules {Mahstoheedeeehnn, Cells of the mastoid process. ssehliil). M., rainure {M. rehnur). Digastric groove. M., trou {M. troo). Mastoi foramen. Mastoidite (Mahstoheedeet). Inflammation Mastoiditis. of the mastoid process. Mastoido-auriculaire, muscle {Mahstoheedoh-ohreekulehr, muskl). Retrahens aurem muscle. M.-genien, m. (M.-zshehneeehn, Di- m.). gastric muscle. Masturbation (Mahsturbahssidn). Alas- Self-abuse. Onanism. Mat,-e (Mah). Dull (sound). turbation. Mate (Mahid). Paraguay tea. Mateine (Afahieheen). Caflein from mate. extract Matelat {Mahtldh). Mattress. M. d'eau {M. doh). Water-bed. Materialism (Mahtehreeahleezm). Mate- rialism. Matemite (Mahtehrneetd). Maternity. Lying-in-hospital. Matico (Mahteekoh). Dried leaves of Piper angustifolium. Used in catarrhal conditions. (Mahteeehr). Matter. SubMatiere stance. Pus. M., ssalvines {M. ahlveen). Excrements. M. brute {M. brut). Raw material. M. caseeuse {M. kahzehehz). Cheesy matter. M. colorante {M. kohlohrdhnt). Coloring matter. M. medicale {M. mehdeekdhl). Materia Organ- M. Excre- sstercorales {M. stehrkohrdhl). (sound on {Mahtrdh). Matrass. Retort, glass recipient (in chemistry). Matrice {Mahtreess). Uterus. M. ungueale {M. ungehdhl). the artere {M. ehkstehrn, ahrtehr). Facial artery. M. interne, a. {M. ehntehrn, ahrtehr). Internal maxillary artery. M. inferieur, os (M. ehnfehreeihr, ohss). Lower jaw. Inferior maxillary bone. M. superieur, os {M. supehreeehr, ohs). Superior maxillary bone. Upper jaw. Meable (Mehdhbl). Meable. Orifice of a canal. Meat (Mehdh). Meatus. M. (M. auditif Auditory ohdeeteef). meatus. M. des fosses nasales {M. deh fohss of the nose. de la trompe d'Eustache {M. deh lah Meatus nahzdhl). M. trohmp dehstdhsh). Pharyngeal opening Eustachian tube. Urinary M. urinaire {M. ureenehr). meatus. (Mehkahneek). Mechanics. Mecanique Mechanical. (Mehkahneezm). Mechanism. Mecanisme Combination of the parts of a machine. (Mehkahnotehrahpee) Mecanotherapie Treatment of diseases by mechanical means. Mechanotherapy. Meche (Mehsh). A drain of lint or cotton Wick of a lamp. to keep wounds open. Material Meconium (Mehkohtieeohm). accumulated in the intestinal canal of of Meconium. the foetus. Medecin {Mehdsehn). Physician. Medecine {Mehdseen). Practice of medicine. Drug. M. blanche (M. Medicament. blahnsh). magnesia. M. noire {M. noodhr). (senna, sodium Potion with Purgative potion rhubarb, sulphate, manna). M. legale {M. lehgdhl). Medical juris- prudence. M. operatoire (M. ohpehrahtoodhr). Study and technic. Median, -e {Mehdeedhn), Median, mesial. M., nerf {M. nehr). Median nerve. Mediastin (Mehdeeahstehn). Mediastinum. Mediat,-e {Mehdeedh). Mediate. Medical, -e {Mehdeekdhl). Pertaining to medicine. Medical. Medicament percussion). Matras M. exteme, of operative procedures Pharmacognosis. medica. M. organizee (M. ohrgahneezd). ized matter. ments. Matin (Mahtehn). Morning. Matite {Mahteetd). Dulness Med Womb. Matrix of nail. Matrone (Mahtrdhn). Midwife. Maturation {Mahturahssidn). Ripening. Maturation. Mauvais,-e (Mohveh). Bad. Injurious. {Mehdeekahmdhn). Drug. Medicament. (MehdeekahmahntahsMedicamentation Prescribing remedies. Medicasion.) mentation. Medicamente,-e (Mehdeekahmahntd). Medicated. Evil. Medicamenteux,-euse (AfehdeekahmahnMedicamentous. teh). Medicastre (Mehdeekdhstr). A quack. Medication (Mehdeekahssion). Adminis- Mauve tration of remedies for a particular case. (Mohv). Mallow. Lavender color. Pertaining to Maxillaire {Mahkseelehr). the jaw. Maxillary. 86 Medication. Medicinal,-e (Mehdeesseendhl). Medicinal. OF MEDICAL TERMS Med Medico-legal, -e (Mehdeekdh-lehgdhl). Medico-legal. (M.-pseekohlohzsheek). Medico-psychological. Medio-tarsienne, desarticulation (Mehdeedh-tahrseeehm, dehzahrteekulahssion). Chopart's operation, disarticulation at the midtarsal region, leaving the calcaneum and astragalus. Medius (Mehdeeuss). The second finger. Medullaire (Mehdulehr). Referable to bone marrow or to the spinal cord. Medullary. Medulle (Mehdul). Medulla. Medullocelles, tumeur a (Mehdulohssehl, tumehrah). Myeloid tumor. Megacephale Melanose (Mehlahndhz). Abnormal deblack pigment in the skin. Melanosis. Melanotique (Mehlahnohteek). Containing dark pigment. Melanotic. Melanurie (Mehlahnuree). Excessive excretion of black pigment in the urine. Melanuria. Melasse (Mehldhss). Molasses. Melena (Mehlehndh). See Melsena. Melilot (Mehleeloh). Melilotus. Sweet posits M.-psychologique Mega- (Mehgahssehfdhl). cephalous. of clover. Melimelum (Mehleemehldhm). Mixture of honey and mucilage of quinces. Melisse (Mehleess). Balm-mint. Lemonbalm. Melissa. Mellanurique (Mehlahnureek). Mellan- uric. Me- Melleole (Mehlehohld) Medicine composed of honey and powder. Electuary. (Mehgahlohssehfahlee). An abnormally large Mellifere (Mehleefehr) Melliferous. Mellite de scille (Mehleet deh sseey). {MehgahlohdahkteeUe). M. Megalocephale (Mehgahlohssehfahl). gacephalous. Megalocephalie Megalocephalia. . . Oxymel head. Megalodactylie Abnormally large fingers or toes. Megalomanie (Mehgahlohmahnee). Megalomania. (Mehgahlohpsee). Condition the eyes when objects appear unlarge. usually Megalosplenie (Mehgahlohsplehnee). Unusually large spleen. Having large Megalote (Mehgahldht). Megalopsie of ears. Megapode (Mehgahpohd). Having large feet. Meibomius, glandes de glahnd deh). Palpebral (MabohmeeUss, Mei- follicles. bomian glands. Meissner, corpusciile de (Massnehr, kohrpusktil deh). Men of squill. simple (M. sehmpl). Clarified honey. Mellon (Mehldhn). Mellon. Melopastic {Mehlohplahstee) Plastic surgery of the cheek. Meloplasty. . Membrane (Mahmbrdhnn). Membrane. M. cerebrales (M. ssehrehbrdhl). Meninges. M. du corps vitre (M. du kohr veetrd). Hyaloid membrane. M. du tympan {M. du deh Membraneux,-euse (MahmbrahnSh) {M. Olfactory membrane. Schneider). Membranous. Membre (Mahmbr). Limb. Member. M, viril (M. veereel). Penis. Memoire (Mehmoodhr). Memory. Memorable {Mehmohrdhbl). Tactile corpuscles. Memorable. M., plexus de (M., plehkstiss deh). Nonmedullated fibers with ganglia in the Memoratif,-ive submucous layer of the intestines. ganglion de (M., gahngleedhn deh). Non-meduUated fibers with ganglia in the submucous layer of the intestins. Bloody feces. Melaena (Mehlehndh). Memoration (Mehmohrahssidn). M., Melena. Melancolie {MehlahnkohUe). Melan- (Mehlahnkohleek). Melan- cholia. Melancolique cholic. Sad. When the blood contains black pigment. Melanemia. Melanine (Mehlahneen). Black pigment which is normally present in the skin, Melanemie (Mehlahnehmee). hair and retina of some individuals, pathologically in the blood. Melanique and (Mehlahneek). Referable to black pigment. Melanodermie (Mehlahnohdehrmee). Black skin. Mem- tehnpdhn). brana tympani. M. de Schneider {Mehmohrahteef). Recol- lecting. Memor- izing. Menagogue Emraena- (Mehnahgdhg). gogue. Meninges (Mehnehnzsh). Meninges. Meninge,-e (Mehnehnzshd). Meningeal. Meningite (Mehnehnzsheet). Meningitis. Meningocele {Mehnehngohssehl). Hernia of the meninges. Meningocele. Meningo-encephalite (Mehnehngoh-ahnsehfahleet). Meningo-encephalitis. flammation of the brain and its In- mem- branes. M.-myelite {M.-meeehleet) Meningo-myelitis. Inflammation of the spinal cord and its membranes. M. -myelocele {M .-meeehlohssehl) Hernia of the spinal cord and its membranes. Menisque {Mehneesk). A lens with a concavity on one side and convexity on . . the other. 87 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Men Menopause Menopause. (Mehnohpohz). Climacteric period. Menorrhagie (Mehnohrahzshee). ExcessMenorrhagia. ive menstruation. Menorrhee (Mehnohrd). Profuse men- Menstruation {Mahnstruahssion) Menses. . Menstruation. Menstrue Menstruum. (Mahnstrii). A Relative to Menstruel,-le (Mahnstruehl). menstruum. Menstrues {Mahnstrii). Menses. Mensurateur du bassin (Mahnsurahtehr du Pelvimeter. bahssehti). Mensuration {Mahnsiirahssion) Measur- . Mensuration. ing. Mentagre {Mahntdhgr). Disease of the hair on the chin caused by trichophyton Mentagra. Sycosis. tonsurans. Mental,-e {Mahntdhl). Mental. Pertaining to the mind also to the chin. Menthe (Mahnt). Mint. Genus of labiate herbs. Peppermint. poivree {M. pooahvrd). Meathol (Mahntdhl). Menthol. Crystal- M. line substance found in peppermint oil. Antineuralgic, antiseptic, stimulant. Mento-labial, muscle {Mahntoh-lahbeeahl, Depressor and levator labii muskl). inferioris. Menton (Mahntohn). Chin. Successive seg- rehprohdukssiun). Merocele {Mehrohssehl). Merocele. Femoral hernia. Mery, glandes de (Mery, glahnd deh). small glands behind the membranous portion of the urethra. Merycisme {Mehreesseezm). Rumination. Merycism. Regurgitation of food. Mesencephale {Mehzahnssehfdhl). Part of the Vjrain containing the crura cerebri, corpora quadrigemina and aqueduct of Quadratus Mentonnier,-e {Mahntohneed). (Mehzohkdhndr). Hyaline substance between cartilage cells. Folds of the Mesocolon (Mehzohkohlohn) peritoneum between which is placed the . Mesocrane {Mehzohkrdhnn). Vertex. of the head. Mesolobe {Mehzohlohb). Corpus callosum. Mesomerie {Mehzohmehree) Perineum. Mesomphale (Mehzohmfdhl). Umbilicus. Mesorectum {Mehzohrehktohm). Folds of . Bandage for the chin; Galen's bandage. Menyanthe {Mehneedhnt). Buckbean, genus of Gentianaceae. Emmenagogue. (Mehfeeteek). Unwholesome Mephitic. Mer Sea. {Mehr). Neuralgia of {Mehrahlzshee). the lovi^er extremity. Meratrophie (Mehrahtrohfee). Atrophy of the lower extremity. Meralgie Mercury. Quick- Hydrargyrum. M. a la craie {M. ah loh kreh). Hydrargyrum cum creta. M. doux {M. doo). Calomel. M. eteint {M. ehtehn). Mercury finely the peritoneum applied to the rectum. Mesorectum. Metabolique {Mehtahbohleek). Metabolic Metabolisme {Mehtahbohleezm). MetabChemical changes taking place olism. in the organism from introduction of nutritive substances. Chemical changes taking place in living cells. Metacarpe {Mehtahkdhrp). Metacarpien,-ne Metacarpus. {Mehtahkahrpeeehn) Metacarpal. Metacarpo-phalangien, muscle {Mehtahkahrpoh-fahlahnzsheeehn, ductor pollicis muscle. muskl). Mercurial. {Mehrkureedhl). Mercurialisme {Mehrkureeahleezm). Mer- Mercurial,-e matism. (Mehrkureeoh). preparations. Mercuriel,-le {Mehrkureeehl). Mercurial Mercurial. Alterna- Metagenesis. tion of generations. Metal {Mehtdhl). Metal. Metalbumine curialism. Ad- Metachromatisme (Mehtahkrohmahteesm) MetachroDifferent staining reaction. Metagenese (Mehtahzshehnehz). divided. Mercuriaux Mesochondre Referable Mentonniere (Mahntohneeehr). {Mehrkiir). of the coverings of the embryo destined to develop skin, connective tissue, bone, muscles, organs of excretion and internal Mesoblast. genitalia. Mesoglosse, muscle {Mehzohglohss muskl). Glosso-hyogenio muscle. of the in- (vapor). {Mehzmehreezm). Animal magnetism. Mesmerism. Mesoblaste {Mehzohbldhst). Middle layer Levator Branch Mephitique teric. Mesmerisme Crown or depressor labii inferioris. M., houppe du {M., hoop du). menti or labii inferioris. to the chin. M., nerf {M., nehr). ferior dental nerve. Sylvius. Mesentere {Mehzahntehr). Mesentery. Mesenterique {Mehzahntehr eek). Mesen- colon. M., carte du {M., Kahrd du). silver. teek, Two solvent. Mercure Mere {Mehr). Mother. Meridien (Mehreedeeehn). Meridian. Merisier (Mehreezeed). Wild cherry-tree. Merismatique, reproduction (Mehreezmahmentation. Menorrhea. struation. Met (Mehtahlbumeen). Protein Used as^a substance in ovarian cysts. hygroscopic powder (Hammerstein). Metjdlique {Mehtahleek). Metallic. . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Met Metallisation {Mehtahleezahssion). Extraction of a metal from its oxyde. Metallotherapie (Mehtahlohtehrahpee) of metals to the diseased area (in functional nervous Treatment with application Metallotherapy. {Mehtahmehr). One of the similar segments of an organ (such as diseases). Metamere Meta- {Mehtahmehreek). meric. Metamorphose {Mehtahmohrfohz) formation. . Meurtrissure Bruise ( Mehrtreessur) Contusion. Miasme {Meedhzm). Morbid microorganism. Foul emanations. Mica {Meekdh). Mica. Albuminum silicate found in thin sheets. Microbe {Meekrohle). Microbe. Microbien,-ne (Meekrohbeeehn). Microb. Microbiology. ganisms. (Meekrohbeeohlohzshee). Biology of Having Microchimie (Meekrohsheemee). Micro- . tatic. Metatarse {Mehtahtdhrss). Metatarsus. Part of the foot between the tarsus and chemistry. Chemical researches carried on with a microscope to determine characteristic color reactions. Microcoque {Meekrohkohk). Mehtahtahrseeehn) Metatarsal. Metatarso-phalangien du petit orteil {Meh- tahtahrsoh-fahlahnzsheeehn du ptee ohrtdy). Flexor brevis minimi digiti (foot). M.-sousphalangien du premier orteil {M. soofahlahnzsheeehn du prehmeeeh ohrtdy). Abductor pollicis. M.-phalangiens lateraux (M.-fahlahnzsheeehn lahtehroh). The interossei muscles Microdactylie (Mehtehohreezm). Meteor- of fingers. Microglossie (Meekrohglohssee). mal shortness of tongue. Micrographie onl}' Abnor- Dewhich can be seen (Meekrohgrahfee). with a microscope. Micrometre {Meekrohmehlr). Instrument for measuring of very small dimensions. Micromillimetre (Meekrohmeelemehtr) One millionth part of a meter. Micron (Meekrohn). One million part of a meter represented by Greek letter fi. Microrganisme {Meekrohrgahneezm) Microorganism. Animal or vegetable minute organisms. . {Meekrohskohp) . Micro- scope. Microscopique (Meekrohskohpeek). Tympanitis. Methemoglobine ' (Mehtehmohglohbeen). coc- Ab- (Meekrohdahkleelee). normal shortness Microscope (foot). Meteorisme Minute cus. scription of bodies toes. ( or- Microcephale (Meekrohssehfdhl). a very small head. Metastase (Mehtahstdhz) Metastasis Secondary development of the original disease in another part of the body thransmitted through well defined channels or pathways (cancer, etc.) Metastatique (Mehtahstahteek). Metas- Metatarsien,-ne minute Meta- Metamorphosis. (MelUahfeezeck). Microbiologie Trans- physics. ism. Meuliere (Mehleeehr). Molar tooth. Meurtre (MeJntr). Murder. ian. spinal cord, etc.). Metaphysique Metroscope (Mehtrohskdhp). Instrument for examination (inspection) of the uterine cavity. Metallization. Metalloide {Mehtahloheed). A body which has not the characteristics of a metal; it is an intermediate element between metallic and non-metallic elements. Metamerique Mig Mi- croscopic. Methemoglobin, substance from oxyhemoglobin by decomposition of the Microspore {Meekrohspohr). A genus of blood. Microsporon (Meekrohspohrohn). A genus Methode (Mehtohd). Fungi, being parasitic. Method. Methodique (Mehtohdeek). Methodical Methylamine (Mehteelahmeen). Methylamin. Alkaline body obtained during Microtome the process of distillation of caflfein or morphin. Metrite {Mehtreet). Inflammation of the Miction (Meekssidn). . womb. Metritis. Metroptose (Mehirohptohz). Prolapse of the uterus. from the womb. Metrorrhexie {Mehtrohrehksee). womb. furfur ( M. farfiir). A species of fungus of pityriasis versicolor. {Meckrohtohm). Microtome. Apparatus for cutting very thin sections of tissue. Urination. Mic- turition. Metrorrhagie {Mehtrohrahzshee). Hemorrhage of the uterus. Metrorrhagia. Metrorrhee (Mehtrohrd). Free discharge of the of Fungi, being parasitic. M. Rupture Micturition (Meektureesion). Urination. Micturition. Midi (Meedee). Noon. Mid-day. Miel {Meeehl). Honey. Mielle,-e (Meeehld). Containing honey. Migraine (Meegrehn). Migraine. Periodic headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting. 89 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Mig Migration (Meegrahssidn). Migration. place of organs, cells etc. (leucocytes from blood into tissues, etc.) (Meeleeehr). Miliary. Spoken Miliaire of nodules of the size of a millet seed (in tubercular conditions of tissues etc.). Change of Aliliary fever. (Meeleeeh). Milieu Middle. Center. Medium. Mille-feuille (Meel-fehy). of Achillea. Millet. Millet {Meeleh). Herb Milfoil. Thrush. Milliampere (Meeleeahmpehr). One thousandth part of an ampere. Unit of an electric current. It corresponds to an electromotor force of one volt developed in a circuit which intensity has 1000 Mimique of Ohms of resistance. (Meemeek). Mimi- Mimicry. cal. Mine (Meen). Aspect. Appear- Look. Mineral (Meenehreh). Ore. Mineral Mineral, -e (Meenehrdhl). Mineralisation (Meenehrahleezahssidn). Mineralization. MineralMineralize, -e {Meenehrahleezd). erator. trice Mobility. Mod- (MohdehrahUhr). That what lessens. M.s, nerfs {M., nehr). Vaso-motor nerves. Modificateur, trice {MohdeefeekahUhr). Modifying. Moelle (Moodhl). Marrow. Medulla. M. allongee {M. ahlohnzshd). Medulla oblongata. epiniere (M. ehpeeneeehr). Spinal cord. Mofette (Mohfeht). Non-respirable gas or vapor. Mogigraphie {Mohzsheegrahfee). Writer's M. cramp. Mogilalism (Mohzsheelahleezm). Stutter- ing. (Mooahneedhn). Stump. Amputated end of a limb. Mois (Moodh). Month. Menses. Moisi-e (Mooahzee). Mouldy. Musty. Moisissure (Mooahzeessiir). Mouldiness. Moignon Moisture (sweat of Moiteur (Mooahtehr). skin). Molaire (Mohlehr). Molar tooth. Mole (Mohl). Raised and pigmented area of the skin. Also: due to degeneration ized. Quality of Mineralite {Meenehrahleetd). water that contains mineral salts. Mineralogie {Meenehrahlohzshee). Mineralogy. Miniere mineral (Meeneeehr). is found. Minimum m Place (Meeneemohm). Minium (Meeneeohm). Red which Minimum. oxide of lead. Minuit (Meetmee). Midnight. Mirror. Miroir {Meeroodhr). Reflecting Miroitant,-e (Meerooahtdhn). Misanthrope mankind. Hater {Meezahnirohp). of (Meesseebeeleetd) . Faculty one body possess to mix with another. 'M.iscihle ^(Meesseeble). Miscible. Misere (Meezehr). Misery. Distress. Misogynie (Meezohzsheenee). Hatred of Hatred for women sexual intercourse. Mitigation {Meeteegahssion). Mitigeant,-e {Meeteezshaha). Mitose _^{Meetdhz). Mitosis. Mitigation. Mitigating. Cell divi- sion. MiMitrale, va.\Yvi\e^{Meetrdhl, vahlvul). tral valves. Mixte (Meekst). Mixed. Mixtion (Meekssion). Mixing. Mixture {Meekstiir). Mixtiu-e. Liquid preparation containing drugs in suspension. Mnemonique (Mnehmohneek). Mnemon- Systems to aid memory. Mobile {Mohbeel). power. Moleculaire (Mohlehkulehr). Molecular Molecule (Mohlehkul). Molecule. The smallest particle of a body. Molette (Mohleht). Polished stone for breaking up medicinal substances. Mollet {Mohleh). Calf of the leg. Molluscum (Mohluskdhm). Soft tumor of the skin (epithelial in nature). Molybdene {Mohleebdehn). A Molybdenum. metallic element used in preparation of steel. Used instead of Saturnine. Molybdocolique Miscibilite which mass in the uterus an ovum. Mole. of Molybdique (Mohleebdeek). like a mirror. 90 Mobilite (Mohbeeleetd). Moderateur, Mustiness. ance. ics. Mon Mobile. Motive Lead (Mohleebdohkohliek). colic. Moment (Mohmdhn). Momentum. Momie (Mohmee). Mummy. Dried up and embaumed cadaver. Momification {Mohmeefeekahssion). Des- iccation of tissues. Monade (Mohndhd) parasite of the Found sometimes Monad. class. in bronchitis, also in the muscles and liver. Mondation (Mohndahssion). Cleansing. tion. Monder (Mohndd). Animal Mastigophera. To Decortica- cleanse. To de- corticate. Mongoloide (Mohngohloheed) . Mongolian (type of individuals). Moniliforme {Mohneeleefdhrm). Moniliform. Used to designate parts divided by constrictions into smaller portions following one another thus resembling a string of beads. Term used in bacteriology. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Mon (Mohnohbdhz). An acid in which one atom of hydrogen can be re- Monobase placed by a base. Monobasique (Mohnohbahzeek). An acid in which one atom of hydrogen can be replaced by a base. Monobromure {Mohnohbrohmtir). . Monoculaire (Mohnohkulehr). Uni- Monogame (Mohnohgdhm) Who tates with only one woman cohabi- 9 A Morelle (Mohrehl). solanum. Night- shade. Morgagni, humeur de (Mohrgahnnee, umehr deh). Fluid which is present between the lens and its capsule. M., glandes de (M., glahnd deh). Depres- Mono- bromated compound. Monocephale (Mohnohssehfdhl) Monster having one head and two bodies. Monocle (Mohndhkl). Monocle (eye glass). Bandage covering one eye. Mot sions in the urethra. mucous membrane of the M., nodules de {M. nohdul deh). Thickened portions of the sigmoid valves in the aorta. Morgue (Mohrg). Morgue. Morosite (Mohrohzeetd). Mortuary. Sad- Morosity. ness. ocular. . Monogenese {Mohnohzshehnehz) Oneness one sex without sex difOf a single race. Monographie {Mohnohgrahfee). Writing devoted to one subject. Monomanie (Mohnohmahnee). Monomania. Persisted morbid idea (delusion) on one subject (term not used in psychiatry). {Mohnohplehzshee). Paralysis of one limb. Monoplegie plegia. Monopse (Mohnohps) . clops. Monster with one eye middle of in Having one the brain. Monstre (Mohnstr). Monster. Congenitally malformed body. Monstruosite (Mohnstruohzeetd). Mon- Malformation. {Mohn MohrfeenohmahnSe) deh Vehnus). Mountain. Monticule {Mohnteekulj. Monticulus cerebelli, the middle lobe of the superior vermiform process. Morbide (Mohrbeed). Morbid. Patho- Science of biological forms. Pediculus pubis. Crab-louse. Morrhuol {Mohrudhl). cod liver Alcoholic extract oil. Morsure {Mohrssilr). Bite. Mort (Mohr). Death. M. aux mouches {M. oh moosh). Arsenic. M. aux rats {M. oh rah). Arsenious acid. M. aux chiens {M. oh sheeehn). Colchicum. Mort,-e {Mohr). Dead. r t a 1 i t e (Mohrtahleetu). Mortality. Proportion of deaths to the total popu- M lation. Mortier (Mohrteed). Mortar. Mortification {Mohrteefeekahssion). Montagne (Mohntdhnn). Mor- Gangrene. Mort-ne (Mohrna). Stillborn. Mortuaire (Mohrtuehr). Mortuary. Pertaining to burial. Dead-house. tification. Morue {Mohrti). Codfish. M., huile de foie de {M. neel deh foodh deh). Cod liver oil. Morula logical. Morbidite Morbidity. (Mohrbeedeetd). Proportion of diseased individuals in a population. Morbifique (Mohrbeefeek). Pathogenic. What causes the disease. Morbilleux,-euse (Mohrbeeleh). Pertaining to measles. Morbilliforme (Alohrbeeleefdhrm). Resembling measles. Morcellement (Mohrssehlmdhn) Reducing to pieces (foetus, tumors, etc.). Mordant,-e (Mohrddhn). Mordant. Corrosive. A chemical used to fix a stain . of tissues. ( Morphinomania. Morphologie (Mohrfohlohzshee). of testicle. Mont de Venus Mons Veneris. Morphinomanie Cythe White variety of keloid. Morphine (Mohrfeen). Morphine, an active principle of opium. Morpion {Mohrpeeohn). Monovarien,-ne (Mohnohvahreeehn). Having one testicle. Monro, trou de (Mohnrdh, troo deh). Foramen of Monro; it forms a passage between the third and lateral ventricles of strosity. M. brune {M. brunn). Vitiligo. M. de Wilson (M. deh Wilson). Mono- Monops. the forehead. Monorchide (Mohnohrkied). infiltrated skin. . of origin. Of ferentiation. modern Morphee (Mohrfd). Morphea characterized by the presence of yellow area of {Mohruldh). Mass of cells resembling mulberry and formed after segmentation of the ovum. Morvan, maladie de (Mohrvahn, mahlahdee deh). See Syringomyelic. Morve (Mohr). Glanders (horses.) Moteur,-trice (Mohtehr). Motor. M., centre {M., ssahntr). The motor center in the brain. M. oculaire commun, nerf {M. ohknlehr kohmeSin, nehr). Third cranial nerve. oculaire externe, nerf {M. ohkuUhr ehkstehrn, nehr). Sixth cranial nerve or M. abducens. Motif {MohtSef). Motive. Incentive. 91 .. FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Mot Motile. Motile (Mohteel). motion. of Motility. mohl). Fly. Pain which announces the onset of labor in confinements. M. volantes {M. vohldhnt). Muscae volitantes. Mouchoir {M ooshoo dhr). Handker- {Moofl). System of puUies. of M. Lycopodium. terrestre {M. tehrehstr). Mosquito. Mo)istique {Moosteek). Must. {Moo). Moutarde {Mootahrd). Mustard. Sheep-mutton. {Moovmdhn). Movement. {Mootohn), Mouvement Motion. Moyen {Mooaheeehn). What is utilized. Means. Remedy. Way. Expedience. Moyen,-ne {Mooaheeehn). Middle. y e n n e {Mooahyehnn). Average. M Moulds. {Musseedeend). Mould-fungi. Mucilage {Musseeldhszh). Mucilage, consists of a solution of gum. Mucilagineux,-euse Mucilagenous. Mucipore {Musseelahzsheeneh) {Musseepdhr). Secreting mu- Muciporous. Mucocele {Mukohssehl). Tumor contain- Mucopurulent,-e {Mukohpuruldha) Containing mucus copurulent. . Muand pus. Mucosite {Mukohzeetd). Mucosity. Mu- cus like fluid. Mucus {Mukuss). Mucus; contains Serves for water, mucin and salts. lubricating mucous membranes. Mue de la voix {Mti deh lah voodh). Change of voice at puberty. Muet,-te {Much). Mute. Muguet {Muggeh). Lily of the valley. M. parasitaire {M. pahrahzeetehr) Thrush. Parasite stomatitis (due to oidium albicans). Mulatre {Muldhtr). Mulatto. Multicapsulaire ( MulteekalyosuUhr) Multicapsular. MultiMultiloculaire {Multeelohkulehr) locular. A cavity divided into several smaller cavities. . Multinuclee {Murzshehnzsheevdhl). Thickening of the gum in an embryo from which dental follicles originate. Mur,-e (Mur). Ripe. Mature. Mural, -e {Murdhl). Like a mulberry. Miire {Mur). Mulberry. Muriate {Mureedht). A salt of muriatic or hydrochloric acid. {Mureeahteek). Muriatique ,-e {MuUeenuklehd). taining several nuclei. Con- Muriatic. What has a surface covered with elevations. berry. Mul- Muriforme {Mureefohrm). Murmure {Murmtir). Murmur. Muse (Musk). Musk. Muscade {Muskdhd). Nutmeg. {Muskahreeun). Muscarin; poisonous principle present in certain mushrooms. Musciforme {Musseefohrm) . Resembling moss. Muscle {Muskl). Muscle. M. aponevrotique {M. ahpohnehvrohseek). The tensor vaginaj femoris. M. de Guthrie {M. deh Gutree). Transversus perinei profondus. M. ing mucus. Mucous. gingival Muscarine Medium. Mucedinees Mucous membrane. Muqueux,-euse {Mukehz). the Froth. cryptogamic species, Musci. M. perlee {M. pehrld). Irish moss. Pearl moss. Mean. Mul- . Multiplie,-e {Mulleepleed). Multiplied. Multipolaire {Mulleepohlehr). A cell which possesses several prolongations or processes (nerve-cells etc.). Multipolar. Multivalve {Mulleevahlo). Having several valves. Mur Moule {Mool). Mould. Matrix. Mousse {Moos). Moss. Plant Mouton several to Multiple. Multiplication {Mulleepleekahssidn) Muqueuse {Mukehz). chief. Mouffe Multipara. {Multeepdhr). gave birth tii)lication. Mouche (Moosh). Mouches {Moosh). 92 p a r e Multiple {Multeepl). Sluggish. Soft. Inactive. cus. 1 1 i children. Mouvement. Motion {Mohssidn). Mout Mu Woman who Motilite {Mohteeleetd). Mou, moUe {Moo, Capable M.-C. fessiers {M. fehsseed). Glutei mus- cles. M. lisses {M. leess). Unstriped or in voluntary muscles. M. stries {M. streed). Striped or voluntary muscle. Musculaire {Muskulehr). Muscular. M., conscience {M., kohnsseedhns). Mus- cular sense. Musculature {Muskulahtiir). Musculature. Musculeux,-euse {Muskuleh). Muscular system. Muscu- lous. Musculo -cutane du bras, nerf {Muskidohkutahnd du brah, 7iehr). Musculocutaneous nerve of the arm. la cuisse, nerf {M.-K. deh lah kueess nehr). Middle cutaneous nerve M.-C. de of the thigh. M.-C. externe de la cuisse, nerf {M.-K. ehkstehrn deh lah kuees, nehr). External cutaneous nerve of the thigh. M.-C. interne d. 1. c.,n. {M. K. d. I. k., n.). Internal cutaneous nerve of the thigh. . OF MEDICAL TERMS M.-C. M.-C. de la jambe, nerf {M.-K. deh lah zshahmb, nehr). Musculo-cutaneous nerve of the leg. Museau {Muzoh). Muzzle of an animal. M. de tanche {M. deh tahnsh). Vaginal orifice of the uterus. Musicalj-e {Muzeekdhl). Musical. M., bruit {M., bruee). Musical sound of the heart. Mussitation (Musseetahssidn). Movement of lips without emission of sounds. Muttering. Mutabilite (Mutahbeeleeld). MutabiUty. Mutilation (Muteelahssion). Mutilation. Maiming. Mutisme (Muteezm). Dumb- Mutism. ness. Myalgie (Meeahlzshee). Myalgia. Ten- derness or pain in the muscles. Mycelium {Meessehleeohm). Mycelium. Vegetative part of a fungus consisting of distinct threads. Mycoderme (Meekohdehrm). A Myr Myeleplaxome (Meeehlohplahksdhm). A tumor composed of myeloplaxes. Myelosarcome {Meeehlohsahrkohm). Osteo-sarcoma. Mylo-hyoidien, muscle (Meeloh-heeoheedeeehn, muskl). Mylo-hyoid muscle. Myloid (Meeloheed). Referable to molar teeth. Myloidien (Meeloheedeeehn). Referable to molar teeth. Mylo-pharyngien, muscle {Meeloh-fahrehnzsheeehn, muskl). Myloglossus. Myocarde (Meeohkdhrd). Myocardium. Muscle of the heart. Myocardite (Meeohkahrdeet). Myocarditis. Inflammation of the myocard. Myocele {Meeohssehl). Muscular hernia. Myoclonie {Meeohklohnee). Myoclonia. Clonic contractions of muscles occurring suddenly and involuntarily. Myodemie (Meeohdehmee). Fatty degeneration of a muscle. genus of fungi, found on the surface of fermented liquids in the form of a membrane. Mycologie {Meekohlohzshee). Study of fungi. Myodynamie Mycosis Myographe (Meeohgrdhf). oides. (Meekozees). Granuloma fung- Fungoid growth. Mydriase (Meedreedhz). Di- latation of the pupil. Mydriatique (Meedreeahteek). Mydriatic. Drug producing dilatation of pupils. Myelencephale {Meeehlahnssehfdhl). CerMyelin. Substance of the sheath of nerve fibers. Myeiinique {Meeehleeneek). Medullated. Referable to myelin. Myelite (Meeehleet). Myelitis. Inflammation of the spinal cord. Myelo-encephalopathie {Meeehloh-ahnssh-fahlohpahtee). Simultaneous involvement of the cord and brain. Originating Myodynie (Meeohdeenee). See Myalgie. Myogenic (Meeohzsheenee). Production of muscular in the for cles. Myomalacie (Meeohmahlahssee). Myelogenspinal cord. Myomectomie (Meeehlohm). Myeloma. See myeloid tumeur. Myelomeningite ( Meeehloh mehneh nzsheet) Inflammation of the sjjinal cord and its meninges. {Meeehlohpahlee). Myelopathy. Diseases of the spinal cord. Myeloplaxe {Meeehlohpldhks). A special anatomical element of the bone marrow arranged in plaques, with multiple nu- Myoma. Tumor con- {Meeohmehktohmee). Re- moval of a myoma from the uterus. Myopathic Myopathy. {Meeohpahtee). Progressive muscular atrophy of muscular origin. Myope Myopic {Meeohp). Near-sighted. Myope. {Meeohpee). Myopia. Near- sightedness. Myopique (Meeohpeek). Myopic. Near- sighted. M. cia. {Meeohm). taining muscular tissue. Myelomalacie {Meeehlolimohlahssee). Softening of the spinal cord. Myelomala- Myelome Morbid softening of muscular tissue. Myose clei. Apparatus Resembling muscle. Myologie (Meeohlohzshee). Study of mus- Producing marrow. Myeloide, tumeur {Meeehloheed, tumehr). Tumor formed of elements of bone marrow. Myeloid or giant-cell sarcoma. Myelopathie Myogenesis. tissue. Myoide {Meeoheed). Myome ebrospinal axis. Myeline (Meeehleen). ic. Muscu- studying muscular contractions. Mydriasis. Myelogene (Meeehlohzshelm). (Meehdeenahmee). lar force. (Meeohz). Permanent contraction of the pupil. Myosite (Meeohzeet). Inflammation of muscles. ossificans {AL ohsseefeckdha). ing myositis. Myotomic {Meeohlohmee). section of muscles. Ossify- Section or dis- (Meeolilohnee). Myotonia. Myotonic Tonic contraction of muscles. Myrica (Meereekdh). Candleberry myrtle. Myricine {Meereesseenn). Alcoholic extract of the bark myrica ccrifera. Used in diarrhoea and jaundice. Also sub- stance derived from beeswax. Myringite {Meerehnzshect). Inflammation of tympanic membrane. Myringodectomie (Meerehngohdehktohmee) 93 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Myr Remmoval or puncture of the tympanic Myriope (Meereedhp). Having many eyes. Myriosp ermine (Meereeohspehrmeen). Essence extracted from balsam of Peru. Myristica {Meereesteekdh). Nutmeg. Myristicine (Meereesteesseen). A hydrocarbon extracted from oil of nutmeg. Myristicol {Meereesteekdhl). A phenol extracted from oil of nutmeg. Myrosine (Meerohzien). Ferment of mustard seed. (Meer). Gum resin extracted from Cammiphora myrrha. Has special action on mucous membranes. Used as expectorant. Myrrhine (Meereenn). Resin from Myrte from myrrh. Oil from the myrtus communis. (Meerohl). Oil (Meert). Myrtle. leaves of Myrtiforme {Meerseefohrm). Which has the form of a leaf of myrtle. M., muscle {M. muskl). Depressor alae Mystic. (Meetohmahnee). Un- Mytho- Tendency to exaggerate, to (Term proposed by Dupr6). Myure {Meeilr). Myurous (tapering like mania. lie, etc. the tail of a mouse). Applied to the pulse when the second sound is weaker than the first. Myxcedeme (Meeksehdehm). Myxoedema. It is characterized by swelling of the skin (due to mucoid infiltration), atrophy of the thyroid gland and mental deficiency. Myxome Myxoma. (Meeksdhm). mor formed chiefly of Tu- mucin-like sub- stance. Mysticisme {Meesteesseezm). mycetes. (Meeksohmesseht). MyxoSlime molds of the order of fungi. Myxosarcome mor (Meeksohsahrkohm). composed Mysticism. of myxomatous Tuand sarcomatous elements. Myxosporidie Myxosporidia. nasi. 94 Mythomanie Myxomycete myrrh. Myrrhol (Meesteek). known. embrane. Myrrhe Mystique Myx boid sporozoans. {Meeksohspohreedee) Endoparasitic amce . OF MEDICAL TERMS N. Neo N N. Symbol of Nitrogen. Na. Symbol of sodium. Nacre {Nahkr). Nacre-pearl. Naevus (Nehvils). Mark on the skin, erectile tumor. It may be pigmented or vascular. It is due either to excessive deposit of pigment, or to over- growth of vascular tissue. Nageoire (Nahzshoodhr). Fin of a fish. Nager {Nahzsh). To swim. Nain (Nehn). Dwarf. Naissance (Nehssdhns). Birth. Origin. Root. Naissant,-e (Nehssdhn). Nascent. Newly-born. Nanisme (Nahneezm). Dwarfishness. Naphtaline (Nahftahleen). Naphthalene. Crystalline substance obtained from Used as antiseptic and anthelminthic. Naphte (Nahft). Petroleum. Oil of tar. Contains benzin. coal-tar. Napiforme (Nahpeefdhrm). Turnip-shaped (in bacteriology). Napiform. Naree (Nahrssd). Drowsiness. Dullness. Narceine (Nahrsseheen). Narcein. An alkaloid of opium. Narcisse (Nahrseess). Narcissus. Bulb of the daffodil used as an emetic. Narcolepsie (Nahrkohlehpsee). Narcolepsy. Attacks of Narcose (Nahrkohz). irresistible sleep. Narcosis. Narcotique (Nahrkohteek). Narcotic. Narcotisme (Nahrkohteezm). See Narcose. (Nahturahleezahssion) Naturalization. Naturaliste (Nahturahleest). Natural, ist. Nature (Nahtur). Nature. N a t u r e 1 (Nahturehl). Constitution. Temper. Nature. Nature!, -le {Nahtur ehl). Natural. Nauseabond,-e (Nahzehahbdhn). Nauseating. Nausee (Nohzd). Nausea. Nauseeux,-euse (Nohzeheh). Nauseous. Navet (Nahveh). Turnip. Navette {Nahveht). Rape-seed. Naviculaire Navicular. (Nahveekulehr). Scaphoid. N., OS (A''., ohss). Scaphoid bone. Naviforme (Nahveefdhrm) Naviform. Scaphoid. Navigation (Nahveegahssidn). Naviga. tion. Nearthrose Necessite New {Nehahrtrdhz). formed in case non-reduced luxation. lation of articuresection or Necessity. {Nehssehsseetd). Necrobiosis. Necrobiose (Nehkrohbeeohz) Slow death of anatomical elements in a morbid body, such as^caries, etc. Necrobiotique (Nehkrohbeeohteek). Necro. biotic. Necrophage (Nehkrohfdhzsh). Necrophagus. Living on dead tissues. Necrophilia (Nehkrolifeelee). Sexual perversion consisting of gratification on a corpse. Nar {Nahr). Spikemard (aromatic Narine (Nahreen). root). Nostril. Nasal,-e {Nahzdhl). Nasal. Naseau (Nahzoh). Nostril of an animal. Nasillement (Nahzeeymdhn). Nasal tone of the voice. Nasonnement (Nahzohnmdhn). Snuflfiing. Speaking through the nose. Naso-palpebral, muscle {Nahzoh-pahlpehbrdhl muskl). Orbicularis palpebrarum. Naso-sourcilier, muscle {Nahzoh-ssoorsecleed), muskl). Corrugator supercilii muscle. Natalite (Nahtahleetd). Natality. Natation (Nahtahssidn). Swimming. Natatoire (Nahtahtoodhr). Swimming. Nates (Naht). Buttocks. Anterior pair of corpora quadrigemina. Natif,-ive (Nahleef). Native. Natrium Naturalisation (Nahtreedhm). dium. Natron {NahtrChn). Natural. So- Natrium. Necrophobia (Nehkrohfohbie). Fear of dead bodies. Necropsie {Nehkrohpsee). Post-mortem examination. Necrose (Nehkrdhz). Necrosis. Death of tissues, especially of bones. Necrose, -e (Nehkrohzd). Necrosed. Nectar [Nehktdhr). Nectar. Nefle {Nehfl). Medlar. Medlar-tree. Neflier {Nehfleed). Negative. Negatif,-ive (Nehgahteef). Negativism. Negativite (Nehgahteeveetd). Negre (Nehgr). Negro. Neige (Nehzsh). Snow. Nemathelminthe Wormlike parasites {Nehmahtehlmihnt) found in the in- testines. Nematoides {Nehmahtohied). Nematodes Round filiform worms. Nenuphar {Nehnufdhr). Water lily. Neomembrane (Nehohmahmbrdhnn) Sodium carbonate. . False membrane. 95 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Neo Neoplasie Formation Neoplasia. (Nehohplahzee). new tissue or tumors. of Neoplasme {Nehohpldhzm). Neoplasm. growth. Restoration Neoplastic (NehohplahstSe) New Neosalvarsan {Nehohsahlvahrsdhn). uble compound Small Neurine pahrdy). Spray-producer. Atomizer. Nephralgia (Nehfrahlzshee). Pain in the kidney. Remov- Nephrectomie {Nehfrehktohmee). the kidney. Nephretique {Nehfrehteek). Nephritic. Relating to kidney. Nephrite (Nehfreet). Nephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys. Bright's disease. Nephritique (Nehfreeteek). Relating to nephritis. Nephrocele (Nehfrohssehl). Hernia of the kidney. Nephrolithe (Nehfrohleet). Renal calculus. Nephrolithiase {Nehfrohleeteedhz). Nephrolithiasis. Formation of renal calculi. Nephro-lithotomie (Nehfrohleetohtohmee) Incision into the kidney for removal of calculi. Nephrorrhaphie (Nehfrohrahfee). Fixation of a floating kidney to the abdominal wall. Nephrosomes (Nefrohssohm). communicating the tubes Orifices Wolffian bodies with the peritoneal cavity of the of embryo. Nephrotomie {Nekfrohtohmee). Incision the kidney. Nephrototomy. Nephrozymase (Nefrohzeemdhz). An of al- acts as a) diastase. (NehK.) Nerve. d' Arnold (N. dahrnohld). Auricular branch of the vagus nerve. N. de Bock (N. deh Bohk). Branch of the sphenopalatin ganglion distributed in the mucous membrane of the pharynx. N. de Jacobson {N. deh Zshahkohbsohn). Branch of the ganglion petrosum distributed in the tympanic cavity. N. de Lancisi {N. deh Lahnsseezee). Median longitudinal stride of the upper surface of corpus callosum. N. intermediaire de Wrisberg {N. ehntehrmehdeeehr deh Wrisberg). Accessory of the facial nerve. Nerion (Nehreedhn). Nerium. Oleander, genus of shrubs. Neroli (Nehrohlee). Essence of orangeflower. Nerprun {Nehrprehn). Buckthorn. Nerveux,-euse (Nehrveh). Nervous. 96 (Nehreen). Neurin. Poisonous alkaloid occurring in putrefying meat. Neuroblasts (Nehrohbldhst). Elements forming the nervous system. Neurologic {Nehrohlohzshee). Neurology. Neurolysic {Nehrohleezee). Neurolysis. Exhaustion of a nerve by constant overstimulation. Ncurolytique (Nehrohleeteek). Neurolytic. Neurone (Nehrohnn). Neuron. A unit of the nervous system consisting of a cell and branches. its {Nehrohpatohlohzshee) Neuropathologie N europathology Neurotique (Nehrohteek). Neurotic. Having a tendency to nervous diseases. Neutralizant {Nehtrahleezdhn) . Neutraliz- fng. Neutrality. Neutralite (Nehtrahleetd). Neutre (Nehtr). Neutral. Nevralgie (Nehvrahlzshee). Neuralgia. Nevralgique {Nehvrahhsheek). Neuralgic. Nevrasthcnic (Nehvrahstehnee). Neurasthenia. Nevraxc (Nehvrdhks). Neuraxis. Brain and spinal cord. Nevrcctomie (Nehvrehktohmee). Neurectomy. Excision of a part of a nerve. Nevrileme {Nehvreelehmm). Neurilemma. The sheath buminoid substance obtained from urine, N Rem- thenia. Nebula. Nephogene, Appareil {Nehpohzsheha, Ah- al of Nervine. edy for nervous diseases. Nervosisme (Nehrvohzeezm). Nervousness. Nervosite (Nehrvohzeetd). Nervousness. A sol- of salvarsan. Nephelion (Nehfekleedhn). spot on the cornea. Nervin,-ine (Nehrvehn). Nez Neural, -e (Nehrdhl). Neural. Referable to a nerve. Neurasthenia {Nehrahslehnee). Neuras- . of parts. Nerf . inclosing the nerve fiber. Nevrite {Nehvreet). Neuritis. Inflammation of a nerve. Nevritiquc {Nehvreeteek). Neuritic. Nevroglic (Nehvrohglee). Neuroglia. Supporting framework of brain and spinal cord. It consists of cells having numberless processes which do not ansatomose. Its function is to support and In inflammaprotect nervous tissues. tory process it proliferates. Nevrologie (Nehvrohlohzshee) Neurology. Study of the nervous system. Nevrologistc (Nehvrohlohzsheest). Neurologist. Nevromc {Nehvrohmm). Neuroma. Tumor developed on a nerve; it contains nerve cells and Nevropathie fibers. {Nehvrohpahtee). Neurop- athy. Nevropathique {Nehvrohpahteek). Neuro- pathic. Nevrosc {Nehvrohz). Neurosis. Func- tional disease of the nervous system. Nevrotomie {Nehvrohtohmee). Neurotomy. Section of a nerve. Nose. {Na). Nez OF MEDICAL TERMS Nic Nickel. A (Neekehl). Nickel element. Nicol (Neekohl). Nicol's prism. metallic Used for polarization of light. Nicotine {Neekohteen). Nicotin. Alkaloid of tobacco. Winking. Nictation {Neetahssion) Nictitation (Neeteetahssidn). Winking. Nid (Nee). Nest. Nidiforme (Needeefdhrm). Shaped like a . _ nest. Nidoreux,-euse (Needohreh). Having the odor of putrid or decomposed eggs. Nitrate. Nitrate (Neetrdht). N. d'argent fondu {N. dahrzshdhn fohndil). Nitrate of silver in sticks. Lunar caustic. N. de potasse (N. deh pohtdhss). Nitrate Nitre. Saltpetre. of potash. Nitrate -e {Neetrahta). Nitrated. Nitre (Neetr). Nitre. Saltpeter. Nitreux,-euse (Neetreh). Nitrous. Nitrification (Neetreefeekahssion). Conversion into nitrites and nitrates. Nitrique (Neetreek). Nitric. Nitrite. (Neetreet). Nitrite Nitrobenzide (Neetr ohbehnzeed). benzol, oil of myrbane. Nitro- Nitrogene Nitrogen. (Neetrohzshehn). Non-metallic element. Gas present in the atmosphere. Nitroglycerine (Neetrohgleessehreen). NiTrinitrin. Glonoin. troglycerin. Nitride. Nitrure (Neetnlr). Pathogenic. Nocif,-ive (Nohsseef). Noctambule (Nohktahmbul). Somnam- bu list. Nocturne (Nohkturn). Nocturnal. N o c u i t e (Nohkueetd). Injuriousness. Nocuity. Node (Nohd). A knob. Nodosite (Nohdohzeetd). A A swelling. knob; a nod- ule. Nodular. (Nohdulehr). Nodule (Nohdul). Nodule. Small node. Nodus (Nohduss). Node. Circumscribed induration. Noeud (Neh). Knot. N. de I'encephale (iV. deh lahnssehfdhl). Mid-brain. N. vital (N. veetdhl). Respiratory center in the medulla. Black. Noir,-e (Nooahr). Noir animal (Noodhr ahneemdhl). Animal charcoal. MeNoire, maladie (Nooahr, mahlahdee) hcna. Noircissement (Nooahrseessmdhn). Black- Nodulaire . Noma stomatitis. Also: gangrenous inflammation of the vulva. Nombril (Nohnbreel). Navel. Umbilicus. Nomenclature (Nohmdh). Noma. Gangrenous Nom- (Nohmahnklahtur). enclature. State Non-viabilite (N ohn-veeahbeeleetd) of an infant born incompletely developed on- viability. so that it cannot live. . N Normal,-e (Nohrmdhl). Normal. Nosencephale (Nohzahnssehfdhl). Nosencephalus. A monster in which a vascu- tumor takes the place of the brain and the skull is open at the level of the frontal sinuses and in the occipital lar region. (Nohzohkohmeedhl). Pertaining to hospital. Nosologic (Nohzohlohzshee). ClassificaNosology. tion of diseases. NosoloNosologique (Nohzohlohzsheek) Nosocomial, -e . gic. Nosomanie (Nohzohmahnee). Nosomania. Hypochondria. Nosophobie (Nohzohfohbee) Fear of . dis- ease. Nostalgie Nostalgia. (Nohstahlzshee). Homesickness. Notalgie back. Pain (Nohtahlzshee). Note Note (Noht). Sound. Notochorde (N ohtohkohrd) . the in (musical). Chorda dor- salis. Noue,-e (Nooa). Rachitic. Noueux,-euse (Nooeh). Knotted. Nourrice (Nooreess). Wet-nurse. Nutritive. Nourricier,-ere (Nooreesseed). Nourrissement (Nooreessmdhn). Feed- ing. Nourrisson Nursling. (Nooreessohn). Nourriture Nourishment. (Nooreetilr). Food. Nouure (Nooiir) Rickets. Nouveau-ne (Noovoh-nd). (Nohvahkulehr) Novaculaire . New-born. Shaped like a razor. Noyau (Nooahyoh). Nucleus. Stone of fruit. Red nucleus (beneath the anterior corpora quadrigemina). Noye,-e (Nooahyd). Drowned. Noyer (Nooahyd). To drown. Noyer (Nooahyd). Walnut-tree. N. rouge (N. roozsh) Nu,-e (Nil). Nude. Naked. Nuage (Nudhzsh). Cloud. Nuance (Niidhnss). Shade. Nubecule (Nubchkid). Nubilite (N ubeeleetd) Nebula. Tint. Blue. See Nuage. . Fitness for mar- riage. Nuchal,-e ening. Nuts. Hazel nut. Noisette (Nooahzeht). Noix (Noodh). Nut- walnut. Nutmeg. N. muscade (N. muskdhd). N. vomique (N. vohmeek). Nux vomica. Nuc (Nukdhl). Pertaining to the nape Nuchal. of the neck. Nucleaire (Niiklehehr). Nuclear. Nuclee,-eee (Nitkla). Nucleated. Nucleiforme [Nukleheefohrm). Nuclei- form. 97 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Nuc NuclSin (Nukleheen). Nuclein. It increases the cleo-protein. of white blood corpuscles. Nucleole (Nukehohl). Nucleus {Nuklehuss). Nuit {Nuee). A nu- number Nucleolus. Nucleus. Night. Nullipare (Nuleepdhr). Who never had children. Numerique (Numehreek). Nummulaire {Numulehr). NuUiparous. Numerical. Of the form of coin (used to describe sputum). Nuque (Nuk). Nape of the neck. Nutant,-e (Nutdhn). Drooping. Nutation {Nutahssidn). Oscillating or nodding movement. Nutritif,-ive Nys {Nutreetief). Nutritive. Nutrition (Nutreession). Nutrition. Nyctalopia {Neektahlohpee). Disease characterized by an ability to distinguish objects in an obscure light, but an inability to stand bright light. Nyctere (Neektehr). Bat. Nymphes (Neemf). Labia minora (of the vulva). Nymphite {Neemfeet). Inflammation of the labia minora. Nymphomanie {Neemfohmahnee) phomania. . Nym- Irresistible desire for sexual intercourse in the female. Nystagme {Neestdhgm). Nystagmus. cessant oscillation of the eyeballs. In- OF MEDICAL TERMS o. Odo o O. Symbol of oxygen. Oariule {Ohahreei'd). Corpus luteum. Ob duct ion {Ohbdukssion) Postmortem examination. Point of interObelion (Ohbehleeohn) section of the sagittal suture of the skull with the line running between the two parietal foramina. Obesity. Obesite {Ohbehzeetd) Obituary. Obitoire (Ohbeetoodhr) Objective. Objectif,-ive {Ohbzshehkteef) O. exterme, muscle (0. ehkstehrn, muskl). Obturator externe muscle. O. interne, muscle (O. ehntehrn, muskl). Object-glass. Oblique {Ohleek). Oblique. O. externa, muscle (0. ehkstehrn, muskl). Obturatrice, . . . . . External oblique muscle. O. inferieur de I'oeil (0. ehnfehreeehr deh Inferior oblique muscle of the lehy). eye. O. i. lehy) s. ior Thyroid foramen. Obturation (Ohbturahssidn). Obliteration. Occlusion. Stopping up. O. des dents (0. deh dahn). Filling the cavities of teeth. artere (Ohbturahtreess, ahr- Obturator artery. O. hernie (0. ehrnee). Sub-pubien hernia. Blunting (of senObtusion (Ohbtuzeeohn) tehr). . sation). Occasion. Occasion {Ohkahzeedhn) OcOccasionel,-le {Ohkahzeeohnehl) . . de la tete (0. eh. deh lah teht). Obh- quus inferior capitis m. O. interne, muscle (O. ehntehrn, muskl). Internal oblique muscle of the abdomen. O. Superieur de I'ocil {0. superhreeehr deh O. Musculus bursalis. Obturator nerve. O., nerf (0., nehr). Obturator foramen. O., trou (6. troo). . Superior oblique m. of the eye. Super- de la tete (0. 5. deh lah teht). oblique m. of the head. Obliteration {Ohbleetehrahssion) Obliter- . ation. Oblitere,-e casional. Occipital. Occipital, -e (Ohkseepeetdhl) _ O. grand, nerf (0. grahn, nehr). Occipi. talis major nerve. Occipital bone. O., OS (0. ohss). O., eartere {0.,ahrtehr). Occipital artery. Occiput (Ohkseeput). Occiput. Posterior portion of the head. Occlure (Ohklur). Occlude (eyelids etc.). Occlusion. Occlusion (Okkluzeedhn) OccluO. intestinale {0. ehntehsteendhl) sion of the intestine. Occulte (Ohkult). Occult. Hidden. Oculaire {Ohkulehr). Ocular. Eyepiece (of microO., verre {0. vehr). . . {Ohbleetehd) . Obliterated. Oblong,-gue (Ohbldhn). Oblong. Obnubilation {Ohbnubeelahssidn). Obnu- Blinding. Vertigo. Obscur,-e (Ohbskur). Obscure. Dark. Obscuration (Ohbskurahssion). Condition of the retina when placed in darkness. ObservaObservation (Ohbsehrvahssidn) bilation. . tion. Obsession {Ohbeehssion) . Obsession. scope. Oculiste (Ohkuleest). mologist. Oculo-moteur Ophthal- Oculist. commun, nerf (Ohkuloh- Oculo-motor mohtehr kohmehn, nehr). nerve (3rd cranial n.) Fixed idea. Obsolescence (Ohbsohlehssdhns). CondiAtrophy. tion from disuse. Obsolete (Ohbsohleht). Out of use. O.-m. externe, n, {O.-m. ehkstehrn), n.,) Abducens (6th n.) O.-musculaire superieur, n. (0. muskuPathetic nerve lehr supehreeehr, n.). PertainObstetrical,-e (Ohbslehtreekdhl). ing to obstetrics, to midwifery. Obstipation {OhbsteepahssiOn). Constipa- Odeur (OhdChr). Odor. Smell. Odontagre (Ohdohntdhgr) Toothache tion. ^ ^, Obstruant,-e {Ohbsirudhn). Obstruent. A remedy which closes up the orifices of bloodvessels or ducts. An astringent. Obstruction (Ohbstrukssidn). ObstrucBlocking. tion. Obtondant,-e (Ohbtohnddhn). What reduces sensibility. Blunting. InstruObturateur, -trice (Ohbturahtehr) ment to remedy loss of substance in the . palate. (4th cranial n.) . (rheumatic). Odontalgie (Ohdohntahlzshee) Toothache. Odontogenie (Ohdohntohzshehnee). Em. bryology of teeth. Odontoide, apophyse {Ohdohntoheed, ah- Odontoid process (above the pohfcez). body of the axis). Odontolith {Ohdohntohleet). Salivary calOdontolith. culus. Odontologie {Ohdohntohlohzshee) . Treat- ise of teeth. 99 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Odo Odontome Tumor com- {Ohdohntuhm). posed of dentin. Odontose (Ohdohntohz) Odontosis. . Dentition. Odorant,-e {Ohdohrdhyi). Odorous. Fragrant. Odorat (Ohdohrdli). Sense of smell. . CEdemateux,-euse {Ehdehmahtek) matous. (Edeme (Ehdehm). CEdema. (Ehyd). CEde- . Pertaining to the eye. Pertaining to the eye. Eve-douche. <Eil\Ehy). Eye. (Ehyd). Eye-douche. CEillet (Ehyeh). Carnation. . CEnomanie {Ehnohmahnee) . Delirium tre- mens. CEsophage (Ehzohfdhzsh) CEsophagus. (Esophagotomie (Ehzohfahgohtohmee). In. cision of the oesophagus. (EufiEhf). Egg. O. de Graaf (O. deh Grahf). Graafian fol- (OJifahnseef). Ofifensive. OIfactif,-ive (Ohlfahkteef) Olfaction (Ohlfahkssidn). faction. Olfactory. Smelling. Ol- Olfactoire (Ohlfahktoodhr) Olfactory. Olighemie (Ohleeghehmee). Diminution of the volume of the blood. Oligocythemie {Ohleegohsseetehmee). Diminution of the quantity of red corpuscles in the blood. Oligospermie (Ohleegohspehrmee). Deficiency of seminal fluid. Oligotrichie (Ohleegohtreeshee). Rarity of Ollgotrophie (Ohleegohtrohfee). Diminished nutrition. Oline {Ohleen). Oline. See Oleine. Olivaire (Ohleevehr) Olive-shaped. Olive (Ohleev). Olive. Olivary body in the medulla. O. cerebelleuse (0. ssehrehbehlehz) Corpus dentatum of the cerebellum. O. inferieure (0. ehnfehreeehr). Corpus dentatm of the olive (medulla). O. superieure {O. ssupehreeehr) Nucleus siuated in the pons at the level of the nucleus of the facial (yth) nerve. Omacephale Olive-tree. (OhmahsseJifdJil). A monster with a large head and face but without Pathogenic. Officier de Sante (Ohfeesseeeh dehSahntd). An inferior class of medical men in France who are not required to take the degree of M. D. Officinal,-e {Ohfeesseendhl) Pertaining to a drug store. Apothecary's labOfficine (Ohfeesseen). . oratory. Oignon (Ohnyohn). ion (hard tumor Onion. Bun- Bulb. in the vicinity of the joints of the foot). (Ohm). Unit of resistance in elec- Ohm tricity. Oidium (Oheedeedhm). A genus of Ascom- ycetes (fungi). Oie {Oodh) Goose. Oiseau (Ovohzdh) Bird. Olea (Ohlehdh) Genus of olcaceous trees. Ole01eagineux,-euse (Ohlehahzsheeneh) aginous. Oily. . Oleate (Ohlehdht). Salt of oleic acid. Olecrane {Ohlehkrdhn). Olecranon. Oleiforme (Ohleheefdhrm). Having thoracic members. {Ohmahlzshee). Pain at the shoulder. Omarthrocace (Ohmahrtrohkahss). White tumor of the shoulder. Ombelliferes (Ohmbehleefehr). Family of plants. Umbelliferas. Ombilic (Ohmbeeleek). Umbilicus. Navel. Ombilical, cordon {Ohmbeeleek dhl, kohrddhn). Organ which unites the foetus with the placenta. O.e, hernie (0., ehmee). Umbilical hernia. Ombilique,-e (Ohmbeeleekd). Umbilicated. Which presents a central depression. Ombrage {Ohmbrdhzsh). Speck. Leu- Omalgie coma. Nebula. Ombre (Ohmbr). Shade. (Ohmehntohm) Omentum Omentum. Omnivore {Ohmneevohr) the A glycerin es- ter of oleic acid. Oleo-cerole Ohlehoh -ssehrohld) Epiploon. Omnivorous. ity of the scapula. Omo-hyoidien muscle Olein. . . Consuming all kinds of food. Omocotyle {Ohniohkohteel) Glenoid cav- oil. Oleine (Ohleheen). 100 Oleulique (Ohleiileek) A medicine composed of active principles and essences Olivier {Ohleeveed). licle. consistence of Solution of substances hair. Field poppy. CEnolature (Ehnohlahtur) Roots, leaves, bark, macerated in a wine. Medicated wine. CEnolique (Ehnohleek). Medicine that has wine as an e.xcipient. Oeillette (Ehyeht). Oflfensif,-ive Oleule (Ohlehuld). . . "GEiller Oleomargarine (Ohleohmahrgahreen). 01eomargarin, prepared from animal fat by adding milk and other substances. Oleule (Ohlehtil). Essence. in essences. Odoratif,-ive (Ohdohrahleef). Pertaining to smell. Odoration (Ohdohrahssion) Odoration. Odoriferant,-e (Ohdohreefehrdhn) Odoriferous. Fragrant. CEiller Omp Cerate. ebn, muskl). {Ohmoh-eeoheedee- Omohyoid muscle. Omoplate {Ohmohpldht). Scapula. Omphalique {Oliinfahleek). Umbilical. . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Omp Omphalocele (Ohmfahlohssehl). Umbilical Omphalopage (Ohmfahlohpdhzsh). Omphalopagus. Double monstrosity with the bodies united at the umbilicus. Omphalotomie (Ohmfahlohtohmee) Section of the umbilical cord. O n a n i s e (Ohnahneezm). Onanism. Masturbation. Oncologie (Ohnkohlohzshee). Description of tumors. Oncome {Ohnkohm). Tumor (old term). Oncotomie (Ohnkohtokmee). Incision or excision of a tumor. Onction {Ohnkssidn). Unction. Inunc- m tion. Onctueux-euse (Ohnd). Which (Ohnktueh). sembles a fatty substance. Onde re- Wave. O. musculaire (0. tnuskulehr). Undulating contraction of a muscle. Undulate. Ondee (Ohndd). A shower of rain. Ondulant,-e (Ohnduldhn). Undulating. Ondulation {Ohndulahssion) Undula. tion. Ondule,-e (Ohnduld). See Onde. Onduleux,-euse {Ohnduleh). Undulating. Onglade (Okngldhd). Ingrowing nail. Onychia. Unguentum of the fingers terebinthinas. egyptiac {O. ehzsheepsseedhk) ment of acetate of copper. gree). Oint- . ( Ohneekoh meekohzees) disease of the nails (due to Achorionkeratophagus) Onychoptose {Ohneekoh ptohz). the nails. Onychose (Ohneekdhy). Falling of Onychosis. Cal- losity of nails. Onyx (Ohneeks). Nail (of finger or toe). Ooblasts (Ohohbldhst). A cell developed into a ovum. Oogenese {Ohohzshehnehz). Oogenesis. Origin and development of ova. Oogone {Ohohgohn) Oogonium. The cell giving origin to the ovum. Oophore (Ohohfohr). Ovary. . cision of the ovary. Oophorite (Ohohfohreet). the ovary. Ooscopie (Ohohskohpee). the egg. Ex- Inflammation of Examination of Oospore (Ohohspohr). Oospora. Actinomycetes. Opacite (Ohpahsseetd). Opacity. O. de la comee (0. deh lah kohrnd). A spot of the cornea. Opalescent-e (Ohpahlehssdhn). Opales- Unguentum hydrargyri compositum. . . Onomatomanie (Ohnohmahtokmahnee) . Irresistible desire to repeat or recall a word (obsession). (Ohntohzshehnee). Ontogeny. History of evolution of individuals. Production of species by special creation as opposed to plniogeny. Ontologie (Ohntolilolizslice). Doctrine opposed to the physiological doctrine. Onychia (Ohneekee). Onychia. Inflammation of the matrix of the nail. Opaque. Not trans- parent. Operateur (Ohpehrahtehr). Operator. Operation (Ohpehrahssion). Operation. Operatoire {Ohpehrahtoodhr). Operative. Opercule (Ohpehrkiil). Operculum. Lid. Small mass of brain formed by the contiguous ends of the ascending frontal, ascending parietal and the inferior frontal convolutions. Ophthalmia O. mercuriel {0. mehrkureeehl) Unguentum hydrargyri. Blue ointment. O. napolitain (0. nahpohleetehn) Blue ointment. O. royal (O. rooahydhl). Resin ointment. Yellow basilicon ointment. O. de resine (O. deh rehzeen). Resin ointment. Yellow basilicon ointment. Onirique (Ohneereek). Pertaining to dreams. certain Parasitic Opaque (Ohpdhk). caused by cold. Onglet (Ohngleh). Small nail. Distal opening of a cystoscope. Ongueal (Ohnguehdhl). Ungueal. Onguent iOhngdhn). Ointment. O. digestif simple {O. deezshehsteef sehmpl). Ontogenie Onychomycosis cent. Ongle {Ohngl). Nail. Onglee (Ohngld). Numbness O. gris {0. (Ohneekohgreefohzees). of the nails. Oophorectomie (Ohohfohrehktohniee). Unctuous. Onde,-e (Ohndd). O. Onychogryphosis Curvature hernia. Oph {Ohftahlmee) . Inflammation of the eye. O. arthritique {0. ahrtreeteek). Glaucoma. O. blannorrhagiqua (O. blehnohrahzsheek). Gonorrheal ophthalmia. O. d'Egypta (0. dehzsheept). Pustular ophthalmia (epidemic). O. purulante des nouveaux-nes (O. puruIdhfU) deh noovoh-nd). Ophthalmia neo- natorum. Ophthalmoblenorrhee (Ohftahlniohblehnohrd). Purulent ophthalmia. Ophthalmologie {Ohjtahlmohlohzshie) Science of eye diseases. Ophthalmometre {Ohlahlmohmihtr) Apparatus for determining defects in the curvature of the cornea. Ophthalmoplegia {Ohftahlmohplehzshie). Ophthalmoplegia. Paralysis of the muscles of the eye. Ophthalmoscope {Ohftahlmohskdhp). Instrument to examine the interior of the . . eye. 101 Oyh FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ophthalmoscopie {Ohftahlmohskohpie). Examination of the interior of the eye with an ophthalmoscope. Ophthalmostat {Ohftahhnohstdh) Instru. ment for fixation of the eye during ex- Orange (Ohrdhnzsh). Orange. Orangeade (Ohrahzshdhd). Orangeade. Orange, -e (Ohrah7izshd). Orange-colored. Orange-tree. {Ohrbeekulehr). Orbicular. Oranger {Ohrahnzshd). Orbiculaire Circular. amination. Ophthalmotomie (Ohfiahlmohtohmee). Ex- tirpation of the eye. Ophthalmotrope (Ohftahlmohtrdhp). A movable model of the eyes. Opiace,-e (Ohpeeahssd). Containing opi- um. Opiat (Ohpeedh). Opiate. Medicine containing opium. Opisthotonos (Ohpestohfohndhss). A spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the back with recurving posteriorly; in extreme cases the body rests on the occiput and Org heels. Opium {Ohpeeohm). Opium. O. vin d', par maceration (C, vehn d, pahr mahssehrahssion) Laudanum of Syden- O. des levres, m. {0. deh Orbicu- lehbr). laris oris m.uscle. des paupieres (O. deh pohpeeehr). Orbicularis palpebrarum muscle. Orbitaire {Ohrbeetehr). Referable to the orbit. Orbital O., artere ahrtehr). Ophthalmic (0., O. artery. O., fente (0.,fahnt). Orbital fissure. O., nerf (C, nehr). Branch of the superior maxillary nerve. Orbite (Ohrbeet). Orbit. Eye socket. Orchialgia (Ohrkeeahlzshee). Pain in the testicle. Orchiodynia (Ohrkeedeenee). Pain in the testicle. . ham. O., vin d', par fermentation (C, vehn d., par fehrmahntahssion). Laudanum of Rousseau. Opodeldoch {Ohpohdehlddhk). A liniment containing soap and camphor. Oppenheim, signe de {Oppenheim, seenn deh). Extension of the toes on pressing downwards the inner side of the tibia. Sign of involvement of the central nervous system (pyramidal tract). Opposant,-e (Ohpohzdhn). Opponent, opposing. O. du petit doigt, muscle (0. du ptee doodh, muskl). Opponens minimi digiti muscle of the hand. O. du pouce (O. du pooss). Opponens pollicis muscle. Opposite. Op- posed. Opposition (Ohpohzeessidn). Opposition. Oppression {Ohprehssidn). Oppression. Sensation of a weight on the chest. Opsomanie (Ohpsohmahnee). Irresistible desire for sweets. (Ohrkohtohmee). Excision of testicles. Ordinaires (Ohrdeenehr). lar Castration. Menses (popu- term). Ordonnanca (Ohrdohndhns) Ordra {Ohrdr). Order. Orailla (Ohrdy). Prescription. . Ear. O. interna {0. ehntihrn). Internal ear. Labyrinth. O. moyenne {0. mooahyehnn). Middle ear. Tympanic cavity. Oreille, -a {Ohr ay d). Provided with an auricle. Oreilletta {Ohrayeht). Auricle (of heart). {Ohrayohn). Mumps. Paroti- ditis. Organe {Ohrgdhnn). Organ. Organiqua {Ohrgahneek). Organic. O. s lesions {0. lehzeedhyi). Alterations in the texture of an organ. Organisabla {Ohrgahneezdhbl). Capable of organization. Optique (Ohpteek). Optics. Part of physics which treats the phenomena of light vision. Also optical. O. couche (O. koosh). Optic thalamus. Optometre (Ohptohmehtr). Instrument for investigating the refraction of the eye. Optometrie {Ohptohmehtr ee). Study of visual defects. Opto-strie,-e (Ohptohstreed). Referable to the thalamus and striate body. Or. (Ohr). Gold. Aurum. : Orage (Ohrdhzsh). Storm. Ora serrata {Ohrdh sehrahtdh). The den- tate border of the retina near the ciliary processes. Ora_l,-e {Ohrdhl). Oral. Verbal. Pertaining to the mouth. 102 Inflamma- tion of the testicle. Orchotomia Oreillons Oppose, e (Ohpohzd). and Orchis (Ohrkees). Testicle. Orchite (Ohrkeet). Orchitis. Organisation {Ohrgahneezahssion). OrStructure of a portion of ganization. a living body. Organise, -e {Ohrgahneezd). Composed Organized. of organs capable of organiza- tion. Organisme body. {Ohrgahneezm). Organized Organism. Organo-metallique {Ohrgahnoh-mehtahleek). Chemical compounds in which the alcoholic radicle is combined with a metal. Organopathia {Ohrgahnopahtee). Organic disease. Organotherapie {Ohrgahnohtehrahpee) Treatment with extracts Orgasme {Ohrgdhzm). . of glands. The extreme ex- . OF MEDICAL TERMS Org citement of the sexual instinct. Swelling of the sexual organ due to hyperemia. Orgs Barley. (Ohrzsh). Ost Ossification (Ohsseefeekahssidn). Ossifie,-e (Ohsseefeed). O. perle {0. pehrld). Pearl barley. Orgeat (Ohrzshdh). Almond emulsion. Orgelet (Ohrzshehleh) Stye. Orgueilleux,-euse (Ohrguehyeh), Proud. . Ossifica- Bone formation. tion. Ossified. Accidental bony for- Osteide (Ohstekeed). mation. Osteite (Ohsteheet). Osteitis. Inflammation of bony tissue. OsteoOsteo-arthrite (Ohstehoh-ohrtreet). arthritis. Inflammation of the joint and the surrounding bony parts. Vain. Orientation (Ohreeahntahssidn). Orientation. Position of a body. Faculty of judging position of objects in space. Osteoblaste Orifice {Ohreefeess). Orifice. Opening. Origine (Okreezsheen). Origin. from which the bone develops. Osteoclasts (Ohstehohkldhst). Instrument Orme (Ohrm). Elm. Ornithologie {Ohrneetohlohzshee). (Ohrpeemdhn) Orpiment. Native yellow sulphid of arsenic. OrteU [Ohrtdy). Toe. Orthopedic (Ohrtohpehdee) Orthopedics. Branch of surgery dealing with correct. . bones and Osteogenie (Ohstehohzshehnie) and treating diseases of joints. Orthopedique {Ohrtohpehdiek). Ortho- pedic. Orthoped- Forma- . tissue. . genic. Osteologie (Okstehohlohzshee). Anatomy of bones. Osteology. Destruction of Osteolyse (Ohstehohleez). bone (in caries etc.). Osteomalacia (Ohstehohmahlahssee). Softening of bones due to disappearance of lime Orthopediste (Ohrtohpehdeest). bony Osteogenesis. OsteoOsteogenique (Ohstehohzshehneek) tion of ing deformities cell for breaking a bone. Study of birds. Orpiment The (Ohstehohbldhst). salts. Osteoma (Ohstehdhm) . Osteoma. Tu- mor in a consisting chiefly of bony tissue. Osteomyelite (Ohstehohmeeehleet). Inflam- horizontal position. Ortie {Ohrtee). Nettle. Ortie,-e (Ohrteed). Resembling the blis- mation of the marrow of the bone and bone itself. NeOsteonecrosa (Ohsteheohnehkrohz). ist. Orthopnea (Ohrtohpnd). ters Os produced by Bone. Dyspnoea nettles. (Ohss). O. anonyme (0. ahnohneen). Iliac bone O. lingual {0. lehngrdhl). Hyoide bone. Oscheolithe {Ohskehohleet) Calculus of scrotum. . Oscillant,-e (Ohssceldhn). Oscillating. Oscillation (Ohsseelahssion). Oscillation. Oscille (Ohzdy). Sorrel. O., sel d' {0., sehl d). Oxalate of potash. Osier (Ohzeed). Willow-Osier. Osier, maladie d' (Osier, mahlahdee). deh Chronic with polycythemia and enlarged spleen. Osmhidrose (Ohsmeedrohz). Odorous em- cyanosis ation of perspiration. Osmique, acide {Ohsmeek, ahsseed). Os- mic acid. Osmium {Ohsmeeohm). Osmium. Metal lie element, used for staing nervous tissue (in recent degenerative changes). Osmose (Ohsmohz). Osmosis. Passage of water through a septum because of difference in pressure. Osmotique (Ohsmohteek). Osseine (Ohsseheen). ganic base of bone. Osselet (Ohssleh). Small (of the inner ear etc.) Osseux,-euse Osmotic. Ossein. bone. The or- Ossicle Bony. Osseous. Ossicule {Ohsseektil). Sesamoid bone. Ossifere (Ohsseefehr). Ossiferous. Containing bone. (Osseh). of the crosis of the bone. Osteopathia (Ohstehohpahtee). A therapeutic system which presumes that the bones and joints are the causes of all diseases and that manipulation of them is the only means of cure. Osteoplasta {Ohstehohpldhst). See Osteo- blaste. Osteoplastie (Ohstehohplahstee). Plastic surgery of the bones. Osteoporosa tion of (Ohstehohpohrdhz). Absorp- bony elements. Osteopsathyrosis (Ohstehopsahteerohgees). Fragility of bones. Osteosarcoma (Ohstehohssahrkdhm). Sarcomatous tumor in the bone. Osteose (Ohstehuhz). Formation of bone. Osteosis. Osteospongiosa (Ohstehohspohnzsheedhz). Formation of a fungus condition of the bone. Osteosteotoma (Ohstehohstehahtdhm) has undergone calcareous changes. Osteotomia (Ohstehohtohmee) Section of bone. Referable to an Ostial,-a {Ohsteedhl). Steatoma which orifice. Ostiole,-e (Ohsteeohld) Ostreal,-e {Ohstrehdhl) Having orifices. Referable to oy- sters. Ostreiforma (Ohstreheefdhrm) form of Having the an oyster 103 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ota Otalgie (Ohtahlzshee). Otalgia. Earache. Otalgique (OfUahlzsheek). Otalgie. Othematome (Ohtehmahtohtn). Hemorrhagic cyst of the ear. Otique {Ohtiek). Otic Pertaining to the ear. ganglion (O. gahngleeohn). Arnold's ganglion. Otic O., Otite (Ohteet). the ear. Otitis. or Inflammation of united into one. Otolithe (Ohtohleet). OtoHth. Grains of calcium carbonate deposited in the wall of the utricle and saccule of the ears. Otologie (Ohtohlohzshee). Study of the ear. Otopathie {Ohtohpahtee). Diseases of the ear. (Ohtohpeeehksees). Otopiesis. Depression of the tympanic membrane. Otoplastie (Optohplahstee). gery of the ear. Plastic sur- Otorrhagie {Ohtohrahzsh.ee) Hemorrhage of the ear. Otorrhee (Ohtohrd). Discharge from the ear (serous or purulent). Otoscope {Ohtohskohp). Instrument for the examination of the ear. Ear speculum. Ototomie (Ohtohtohmee). Section of the ear. Ouate (Oodht). Cotton- wool. Absorbant Ovipare {Ohveepdhr). of excreta Producing eggs. Faculty of Oviparite (Ohveepahreetd). re- production by eggs. Ovisac {Ohveesdhk). Ovarian or Graafian follicle. Hypothesis that the ovum possesses all the elements of the future living being. Ovagenie {Ohvohzshehnee). Production of of ova. Ovulaire (Ohvulehr). Ovular. Referable to ovum. Ovulation (Ohvulohssion). Discharge of a matured ovule from the ruptured follicle. Ovule (Ohvul). Ovule. Primitive ovum. Oxalate {Ohksahldht). Oxalate. Combination of oxalic acid with a base. Oxalique [Ohksahleek). Oxalic. Oxalurie {Ohksahluree). Excessive amount of calcium oxalate in the urine. Oxalyle (Ohksahleel). Radicle of oxalic acid. Oxycephalic (Ohkseessehfahlee). Oxycephalia. Sharply pointed head. Oxydation (Ohkseedahssidn). Oxidation. Combination with oxygen. Oxyde A Oxide. (Ohkseed). body com- posed of oxygen and a metal. Oxyde, -e (Ohkseedd). Oxidized. Oxydule,-e (Ohkseeduld). Oxydulated. Slightly oxydized. cotton. Guie have the form Ovisme (Ohveezm). Otocephale (Ohtohssehfdhl). Otocephalus. A monstrosity in which the ears are Otopiexis sion). Which of a lamb. Ozo Hearing. Ourari (Oorahree). Curare. Ourles \Oorl). See oreillon. Ourlet du corps calleux {Oorleh du kohr kahleh). Lateral margin of corpus callosum. Ourlien,-ne (Oorleeihn). Pertaining to (Ooee). mumps. OxyOxygenation (Ohkseezshehnahssidn) All combinations with oxygen, dation. Oxygene (Ohkseezshehn). Oxygen. Oxygene,-e (Ohkseezshehnd). Oxygenated. Which is combined with oxygen. . Oxyhemoglobine (Ohkseeehmohglohbeen). Combination of hemoglobin with oxygen, Old name Oxymuriate {Ohkseemureedht) . Ours (Oors). Bear. Outrage a la pudeur {Oolrdhgsh ah lah pudehr). Outrage to sexual decency. for chlorate. Ouvert,-e (Oovehr). Having long (Ohkseeddhnt) pointed teeth. Oxyopia (Ohkseeohpee). Acuteness of light Ouvre-bouche Oxyphonia (Okkseefohnee). Open. Ouverture (Oovehrtur). Opening. Obturator foramen. Ovale {Ohvdhl). Oval. O. du coeur, fosse (0. dii kehr, fohss). Fossa ovalis of the heart. Ovarien,-ne (Ohvahreeehn). Ovarian. Ovariotomie (Ohareeohtohmee). Removal Ovarite (Okvahreet). Inflammation of ov- . 104 Preparation Oxyura (Ohkseeilr). Nematoid or thread worm. Ozene (Ohzehn) Ozoena. Disease of nasal mucous membrane causing a fetid dis. present in the Ozon. air. Gazeous element It is a strong anti- septic. aries. Oviducte (Ohveedilkt). pian tube. Ovigene {Ohveezshehn) Ovillees, and oxygen. Oxytociqua {Ohkseetohsseek). provoking parturition. Ozone Ovarian. Acuteness or shrillness of the voice. Oxysulfura {Ohkseesulfilr). Oxysulphide. Combination of an element with sulphur charge. {Ohzohn). of ovaries. Ovarique (Ohvahreek). . perception. (Oovr-bdosh). Gag and tongue depressor. Ovaire {Ohvehr). Ovary. Ovalaire (Ohvahlehr). Oval. O. de I'os iliaque, trou (0. deh lohss celeedhk, troo). Oxydonte dejections Oviduct. Fallo- Ozonise, -a (Ohzohneezd). Containing oz- one. See Oogene. {Ohveeyd, dehzsheks- Apparatus measuring the quantity of ozone. Ozonometra (Ohzohnohmehtr) for . .. OF MEDICAL TERMS p. P. Symbol for phosphore. P. E. For Parties egales {Pahrtee ehzdhl). Equal parts. Pabulum vitae (Pahbulohnt veeteh). Pabulum of life. Any substance capable of maintaining (oxygen, life food, etc.). Pachy dactylic Exces- (Pahkeedahkteelee). sive thickness of the fingers. Pachydermia (Pahkeedehrmee). Pachydermia. of the skin. Thickness Elephanti- asis. Pachymeningite (Pahkeemehnehnzsheet) Inflammation of the dura-mater. Pacini, corpuscule de {Pacini, kohrpuskul deh). Ovoid mass attached to the nerve-endings of the fingers. Paille (Pahy). Straw. Pain (Pehn). Bread. P. azyme (P. ahzeem). Unleavened bread. P. bis (P. bees). Brown bread. P. blanc (P. blahn). White bread. P. d'epice (P. dehpeen). Gingerbread. P. de gluten (P. glutehn). Gluten bread. P. de gruau (P. deh gruoh). Bread made with the finest wheat-flour. P. rassis (P. rahssee). Stale bread. P. tendre (P. tahndr). Fresh bread. Paire (Pehr). Pair. Palais (Paldeh). Palate. Palatin,-ine {Pahlahtehn). palate. Palatite (Pahlahteet) . Second palmaris longus it exists. P. profonde, arcade (P. prohfdhnd, ahrkdhd). Deep palmar arch. P. superficielle, arcade (P. ssupehrfeesseeehl). Superficial Palme {Pahlm). palmar arch. Palm tree. Palme, -e {Pahlmd). Palmated. Webbed. Plamier {Palmeed). Palm tree. Palmique {Palmeek). Palmic. Referable to pulsation or palpitation. Referable {Pahlmeeteek). Palmitique palm to oil. Palpation. Palpation {Pahlpahssion). Palpebral. Palpebral,-e {Pahlpehbrdhl). Palpebro-frontal {Pahlpehbroh-frohntdhl). Anterior portion of the occipito-frontalis muscle. Palper {Pahlpd). To feel, to palpate. Palpation. Palpitation {Pahlpeetahssidn) Palpita. tion. Paludeen,ne Paludal. {Pahludehehn). of intermittent or Spoken Malarial. remittent fevers. Paludal. Paludism. {Pahludeezm). Paludisme Inflammation of Malarial intoxication. Paludal. Palustre {Pahlustr). Marshy. Malarial. Pamoison {Pahmooahzohn). Swoon. Pampiniforme Faint. {Pahmpeeneefohrm) Much convoluted. a tendril. Panacee {Paknahssd). Panacea. edy for all ills. Panache, -e {Pahnahshd). Like Rem- Of various col- ors. Panaris {Pahnahree). {Pahlehohntohlohzshee) Paleontology. Palette {PahUht). Pallet. A tray to catch blood or pus. A wooden splint for the hand having individual pieces for Whitlow. Parony- chia. Pancreas {Pahnkrehdhss). Pancreas. Pancreatine {PahnkrehahUen). Active substance of pancreatic juice. Pancreatique {Pahnkrehahteek. Pancre- atic. Pancreatite Pallor. Palingenesie {Pahlehnzshehnehzee). Re- Palliative. {Pahleeahleef). relieves the symptoms of the dis- Pancreati- Disease which attacks simultaneously a large number of individuals. Pandemique ease. Pallium {Pahleeohm). Palmaire {Pahlmehr). {Pahnkrehahteet). tis. Pandemic {Pahndehmee). generation. Palliatif,-ive Which when to Pale. each finger. Paleur {Pahlehr). cle. P. petit (P. ptee). Referable . Paleontologie Palmaris brevis P. catane (P. kutahnd). muscle. Palmaris longus musP. grele (P. grehl). Paludique {Pahludeek). the mucous membrane of the palate. Palato-glosse {Pahlahtoh-gldhss). Palatoglossus muscle. P.-pharyngien (P .-fahrehnzsheeehn) Palato-pharyngeal muscle. P.-salpingien (P.-sahlpehnzsheeehn). Tensor palati muscle. P.-staphylin (P.-stahfeelehn). Azygos uvulag muscle. Pale {Paid). Pan Cerebral cortex. Palmar. {Pahndehmeek). Pandemic. Referable to a disease which is widespread. 105 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Pan Pandiculation {Pah n deck ulahssi6n). Stretching the limbs as in yawning. Pane,-e (Pahnd). Containing bread. P.e, eau {P. oh). Toast and water. Pangenese (Pahnzshehnehz) Pangenesis . Hypothesis concerning inheritance of original and acquired characters of parents. Panique Panic. Sudden fright. skin. (Pahniis). Net of newly formed small blood vessels on the cornea due to inflammation of the latter. Panophthalmie (Pahnohflahlmee). Inflammation of the entire eyeball. Panoptique (Pahnohpteek). What can see any distance. Pansement (Pahnsmdhn). at (wounds, etc.). P. de Lister (P. deh Lister). Dressing Lister's dress- ing. Panspermie (Pahnspehrmee). A physiological system according to which the germs are disseminated all over the globe. toms. Panule,-e (Pahnuld). Brown like the crust of bread. Pantopon (Pahntohpdhn). A prepration of opium containing all its essential con- Paon (Pahn). Peacock. Papaine (Pahpaheen). Papain. A digestive ferment obtained from carica papaya. Papaverine Paracephalie (Pahrahssehfahlee). Paracephalus. A monster with a deformed head and rudimentary mouth. Paracousie (Pahrahkouzee). Paracousia. Disturbed perception of sounds. Paracyesie (Pahrasseeehzee). Paracyesis. Extrauterine pregnancy. Paradidyme (Pahrahdeedeem). Paradidymis. Some convoluted tubules lying near the head of the epididymis. Paraffine (Pahrahfeen). Paraffin. A combination of crystalline hydrocarbons. ParageuParageustie (Pahrahzshehustee) Disturbed sense of taste. sia. Paraglosse (Pahrahglohss). Hypertrophy of the tongue. Paragnathe {Pahrahgndht). Paragnathus. A monster having a supernumerary lower jaw. Paragraphic (Pahrahgrahfee) Paragraphia. Inability to put down in writing the proper letters to obtain the proper meaning of the words. Paralbumine (Pahrahlbumeen). Paralbumin. An isometric variety of albumen found in the serosity of the peritoneal . cavity. Paraldehyde stituents. (Pahpahvehreen). Papaverin. An alkaloid of opium. Papier (Pahpeed). Paper. P. bleu de tournesol (P. bleh deh toornehsdhl). Blue litmus paper. P. Rigollot (P. ReegohUh). Mustard paper. P. rouge de tournesol (P. roozsh deh toornehsohl). Red litmus paper. Papillaire (Pahpeelehr). Papillary. Referable to papillae. Papille (Pahpee). Papilla. Wart. P.s nerveuses (P. nehrvehz). Papillae provided with tactile corpuscles. P. optique (P. ohpteek). Intraocular end of the optic nerve. Papille, -e (Pahpeeyd). Papillate. Having papillee. Papilliiorme (Pahpeeleefdhrm). Having the form of a papilla. Papillome (Pahpecyohm). Papilloma. consisting of enlarged papillae. Papillon (Pahpeeyohn). Butterfly. Papule (Pahpul). Papule. Pimple. Papule, -e (Pahptdd). Having papules. 106 moid bone. Paracentese (Pahrahssahntehz). Tapping for removal of accumulated fluid. Para- . Pantogogue (Pahntahgdhg). Any remedy which is apt to remove morbid symp- tumor Papuleux,-euse (Pahpuleh). Papulous. Papyrace,-e (Pahpeerahssd). Papyraceous. Resembling dry parchment paper. P., OS (P., ohs). External layer of the eth- centesis. (Pa/?nee^). Pannicule adipeux {Pahneekul ahdeepeh). Subcutaneous adipose layer. Pannosite (Pahnohzeetd). Softness of the Pannus Par A Paralde{Pahrahldeheed). hyd. Analdehyd. Given as a hypnotic. Paralyzed. Paralyse, -e (Pahrahleezd). Paralysis. Paralysie (Pahrahleezee). General P. des alienes (P. dehzahleeehnd). paralysis of the insane. Bulbar or labioP. bulbaire (P. hidhehr). glosso-laryngeal paralysis. Paramecie (Pahrahmehssee). A species of ciliated infusoria. Parametrite (Paharahmehtreet). Inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the uterus. Paramnesie (Pahrahmnehzee). Defective functioning of erroneously memory: individual uses remembered words or sounds. Paramyoclonie (Pahrahmeeohklohnee) Clonic contractions of symmetrical muscles occurring in paroxysms. Paranoia (Pahrahnohydh). Paranoia. A psychosis whose chief feature is systematized delusions of a fixed character. Paranoiaque {Paharahnoydhk). Paranoiac. Paranoide {Pahrahnoheed). Allied to paranoia. Paranomie (Pahrahnohmee) Paranomia. A form of aphasia in which there is an inability to recognize objects by sight. . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Par Paraphasie (Pahrahfahzie) Paraphasia. A form of aphasia in which there is substitution of words or letters in speaking many and United States the term imonly disturbed subjective sensations besides pain, such as tingling, plies numbness, or reading. Paraphimosis (Pahrahfeemohzees). Constriction of the glans by a retracted and narrow prepuce. Paraphrenie (Pahrahfrehnee) A group of dementia preecox (Kraepelin). Paraplegic (Pahrahplehzshee) Paraplegia. Paralysis of two symmetrical limbs. Paraplegique (Pahrahplehzsheek). Para. . plegic. Parasitaire (Pahrahzeetehr) Caused by or pertaining to Parasitic. parasites. Parasite {Pahrahzeet). Parasite. Parasiticide (Pahrahzeeteesseed) Anything that is apt to destroy parasites. . Parasitifere {Pahrahzeeteefehr). What carries parasites Parasitique (Pahrahzeeteek). Parasitic. Parasitisme {Pahrahzeeteesm) The existence as a parasite. Condition of being affected by parasites. Parasitologic (PahrahzeetohlohzshSe) . Study of parasites. Parasyphilis {Pahrahseeefelees). Diseases caused by a remote syphilitic infection, Paresis and Tabes. {Pahrahteeroheed). Parathyroid gland. Paratonncrre (Pahrahtohnehr). Lightning rod. Parathyphlite {Pahrahteefleet). Inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding viz., Parathyroid Par etc.) Paretiquc (Pahrehteek). Paretic. PeLTfum.(Pahrfehn). Perfume. Agreeable odor. Paridine (Pahreedeen). Paridin. A glucosid obtained from Paris quadrifolia. Parietairc {Pahreeehtehr). Parietaria. A genus of herb containing niter. Parietal, -e (Pahreeehtdhl) Parietal. Referable to a wall of a cavity. P., OS (P., ohss). Parietal bone. Parinaud, conjonctivite de (Pahreenoh, kohnzshohnkteeveet deh). Conjunctivitis with polypoid granulations and ulcerations (described by Parinand) Parite (Pahreetd). Equality. Parity. Parkinson, maladie de {Parkinson, mahlahdee deh) Parkinson's disease. Paralysis agitans. Pari cur (Pahrlehr). Sounder (of a tele- phone). Parmentierc (Pahrmahnteeehr). Paroculairc (Pahrohkulehr). Potato. Having sim- ilar eyes. Parodontis (Pahrohdohntees). See Parulie, Paroi (Pahroodh). Wall. Partition. Parole (Pahrdhl). Word. Speech. Paromphalocele (PahrohmfahlohssShl). Hernia near the umbilicus. Paronychic (Pahrohneekee). See Panaris. Parosmic (Pahrohsmee). tinc- Perversion of olfactory sensations. Parotide (Pahrohteed). Parotid gland. Parotidien,-ne (Pahrohteedeeehn). Referable to the parotid gland. Parotiditc {Pahrohteedect). Inflammation of the parotid gland. Parotitc (Pahrohteet). Inflammation of the parotid gland. P. epidemique {P. ehpeedehmeek). Mumps. Paroxysme [Pahrohkseezm). Paroxysm. Attack. Root of Chondodendron tomentosum. Used as a bitter Paroxystiquc {Pahrohkseesteek). Paroxysmal. Part (Pahr). Parturition. Foetus. New- the coecum. Paratyphoidc, fievre (Pahrahteefoheed, feeehvr). Paratyphoid fever (caused by paratyphoid bacillus). Parchemin (Pahrshmehn). Parchment. Parchemine,-e (Pahrshmeend). Resembling parchment. Paregoriquc (Pahrehgohreek). Paregoric. Camphorated tincture of opium. P., elixir {P., ehleekseer). ture of camphor. Compound Parcira (Pahrardh). tonic. Parencephale (Pahrahnssehfdhl). lum. Parencephalocelc Cerebel- (Pahrahnssehfahlohs- Hernia of the cerebellum. Parenchymateux,-eusc (Pahrahnsheemahteh). Parenchymatous. Parcnchymc {Pahrahnsheem). Parenchyma. The main substance which characterizes an organ. Paresic (Pahrehzee). Slight degree of paralysis. Paresis. Paresthesie (Pahrehstehzee). Paresthesia. (In France paresthesia means all modifications of objective sensations except and hyperesthesia. dc (P., ehkspohzeession). abandoning an infant. P., supposition de {P., ssupohzeession deh). Act of presenting an infant as born from a woman who was not the real mother. P., suppression de (P., ssuprehssion deh). Act of concealing a child in order to Act sehl). anesthesia born. exposition P., In Ger- of deprive it of its civil rights. Parthenogenese (Pahrtehnohzshehnihz) Parthenogenesis. Reproduction without the sexual act, but by means of unfertilized ova. Particule (PahrteekiU). Particle. Partie (Pahrtee). Part. Organ. Region. Partiel,-le {Pahrteeihl). Partial. 107 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Par Parturient,-e (Pahrtureedhn). Female Parturient. in labor. Parturition Labor. {Pahrtureession). Childbirth. Gumboil. Parulie (Pahrulee). Pas (Pah). Step. Pace. Any instrument Passe-fil (Pahss-feel). for passing a suture in deep parts (aneurism, etc.). Passereau (Pahsroh). Sparrow. Passive. Passif,-ive (Pahsseef). Passion (Pahssidn). Permanent affection. Passion. Strong emotion. Pasteur {Pastehr). French scientist. PasPasteurization {Pahslehreezahssidn) Heating liquids to I45°F. teurization. to destroy bacteria. Pastille {Pahs tee). Tablet or lozenge having sugar as its basis. . Patchouly (Pahtshoolee). A genus of labi- ated herbs. Pate (Paht). Paste. Wrinkles around the P. d'oie {P. doodh). eyes. Paste conP. de Socin {P. deh Sohssehn). sisting of oxide of zinc and chloride of zinc of a I in I o solution. Patellar. Patellaire (Pahtehlehr). Patelle (Pahtehl). Patella. Pateux,-euse (Pahteh). Having the consistence of a paste. Doughy, viscid, clammy. Pathetique (Pahtehteek). P., muscle (P., muskl). Pathetic. Superior oblique muscles of the orbit. Pathetic nerve (4th {P., nehr). P., nerf cranial nerve). Pathogene Pathogenic. (Pahtohzshehn). causes diseases. Pathogenie (Pahtohzshehnee). Development of disease Pathogenesis. Pathogenique (Pahtohzshehneek). Patho- What genic. Pathognomonique Pathognomonic. (Pahtohgnohmohneek) of a Characteristic disease. Pathologie (Pahtohlohzshee). Pathology. Science of diseases. Patho(Pahtohlohzsheek). Pathologique logical. Pathologiste (Pahtohlohzsheest). Patholo- gist. Patience (Pahsseedhns). Patience. Patte (Paht). Paw of an animal. man botanist). Paume (Pohm). Palm Paupiere (Pohpeeehr). sion, 108 (Pohz). Pause. of the hand. Eyelid. Interval. Ped Pavilion (Pahveeydhn). Expanded end of a sound, bougie, etc., or of the Fallopian tube. External ear. P. d'oreille (P. dohrehy). Pinna. Auricle. P. de la trompe (P. dehlah trohmp). Fimbriae at the outer end of the oviduct. Pavimenteux,-euse {Pahveemahnteh. Resembling pavement epithelium. Pavot (Pahvoh). Poppy. Pb. Pd. Symbol Symbol of Plumbum (lead). of Palladium. Peau (Po/j). Skin. Cutaneous. Peaucier,-ere {Pohsseed). Platysma myP., muscle {P., muskl). oides of the neck. Peccant, -e (Pehkdhn). Morbid. Peche (Pehsh). Peach. Pecquet, citerne de {Pehkeh, sseetehrn deh). Receptaculum chyli (thoracic duct) (Pecquet French anatomist) Pectase (Pehktdhz). Pectase. A ferment existing in plants. Pectine, muscle (Pehkteend, muskl). Pectineus muscle. Referable to the Pectoral -e (Pehktohrdhl) chest or to its diseases. PecP., muscle grand {P., muskl grahn). toralis major P. interne, muscle (P. ehntehrn, muskl). Triangular sterni muscle. PectorP., Muscle petit {P., mtiscl ptee) alis minor. Pectoraux (Pehtohroh) Drugs administered in diseases of the chest. Pectoriloquie {Pehktohreelohkee). Resonance of the voice in auscultation which is an indication of the existence of cavities (Laenneck). EgoP. chevrotante {P. shehvrohtdhnt). phonia. Tremulous voice resembling the bleating of a goat. Heard sometimes in pleurisy with effusion. Pedal,-e (Pekddhl). Referable to the foot. Copulation Pederastie (Pehdehrahstee) per anum. Pederasty Pedal. Pediaire (Pehdeeehr). Attached to the Pedial,-e (Pehdeedhl). foot. Science of disPediatrie (Pehdeeahtree) eases of children. Pediculaire, maladie (Pehdeekulehr, mahwith Infestation Phtiriasis. lahdee) lice. P. d'oie (P. doodh). Area of insertion on tibia of the Sartorius, Semitendinosus and Gracilis muscles. Paullinie (Pohleenee). Paullinia. A genus of sapindaceous plants (Paullini, Ger- Pause . Suspen- Pedicule (Pehdeekiil). Pedicle. Narrow portion of a growth attached to the body. Pedicule, -e (Pehdeekuld) Having a . pedicle. Pediculus Pehdeekuliis) Louse Pedicure (Pehdeekur) Chiropodist. to Pedieux,-euse Pehdeeeh). Referable the foot ahrtehr). (Pehdeeehz, Pedieuse, artere Dorsalis pedis artery. OF MEDICAL TERMS Ped Pedieux, muscle (Pehdeeeh, muscl). Extensor brevis digitorum muscle Pediluve (Pehdeeluv). Pediluvium. Footbath. Pedonculaire (Pehdohnkulehr). Peduncu- Pedoncule {Pehdohnkul). A Peduncle. Penitentiaire Referable to Mons Veneris. Penis. (Pehneetahnsseeehr) . Peni- Pensee (Pahnsd) Pansy. Thought. Conception. Pepin (Pehpehn). Kernel (of fruit, etc.). Pepsine {Pehpseenn). Pepsin. Ferment . Idea. stalk. BunP.s cerebelleux (P. ssehrehbehleh) dles of white matter connecting the cerebellum with the pons, medulla and cerebrum. They are superior, inferior and middle. Two white P. du cerveau (P. du ssehrvdh). bands of fibres seen at the base of the brain connecting the brain with the medulla and spinal cord. See also Crura. Pedoncule, -e {Pehdohnkuld). Pedunculated. Peigne (Pehynn). Pelade (Pehldhd). Comb. Alopecia or falling of the hair in circumscribed area leaving the scalp glossy. Peliome (Pehleedhm). Pelioma. Copper spots of the skin. Peliose (Pehleeohz). Purpura or peliosis rheumatica. Erythema nodosum. (Pehldhgr). Pellagra. Italian leprosy. Pellagreux,-euse (Pehlahgreh) Pellagrous. Pelletierine (Pehlehteeehreen). Alkaloid obtained from Punica granatum. . Pellicule (Pehleekul). brane. Pellicle. Pellucide (Pehlusseed). Pelote (Pehloht). Pad Very thin mem- Transparent. a truss, of (of lint, etc.). Peloton (Pehlohtohn). Glomerule. Pelotonne,-e (Pehlohtohnd). Wound into a ball. Pelvien,-ne (Pehlveeehn). Pelvic. Pelvimetre {Pehlveemehtr). Instrument for measuring the diameters of the pelvis. Pelvimetrie (Pehlveemehtree). Measure- ment of the dimensions of the pelvis. Pelvis (Pehlvees). Pelvis. Pelvitomie {Pehlveetohmee). Pelvi-trochanteriens, muscles (Pehlveetrohkahntehreeehn, muskl). The Pyrif orm is, both Obturators, the Gemelli and Quadratus femoris muscles. Pemphigus Pemphigus. {Pehnfeegiiss). vSkin affection whose chief characteristic is bullae in the skin. Penchant (Pahnshdhn). Pendaison Inclination. (Pahndehzohn). Hanging. Suspension. Penetrant, -e (Pehnehlrdhn). Penetrating. Penetration {Pehnchlrahssion). Penetration. Penicilium (Pehneesseeleeohm). Genus of Ascomycetes growing on organic substances. of gastric juice. Pepsinogene (Pehpseenohzshehn). Material from which pepsin is formed by the action of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Peptique (Pehpleek). Peptic. Peptone (Pehptohnn). A protein obtained from pepsin or trypsin. Peptonurie {Pehptohnuree). The presence of peptone in the urine. Percement (Pehrsmdhn). Piercing. Perce-crane {Pehrs-krdhnn) Cephalotome. Perception (Pehrssehpssidn). Percep. tion. Perchlorate (Pehrklohrdht). Salt of per- chloric acid. Perchlorique, acide (Pehrklohreek, ahsseed). Perchloric acid. Perchlorure de fer (Pehrklohrur deh fehr). Perchloride of iron. Percussion {Pehrkussion). Percussion. Perennite {Pehrehneetd). Perpetuity. Perfectionnement {Pehrfehkssionmdhn). Highest degree of development. Perforant,-e {Pehrfohrdhn). Perforating. Perforating painless P., Mai {P., Mahl). ulceration of the skin (usually on the sole of the foot) occurring in diseases of the foot) occurring in diseases of the spinal cord (tabes, myelitis, etc.). P., Muscle {P., muskl). Flexor profondus digitorum muscle. P. de Casserius, nerf (P. deh Kahssehreeiis, tiehr). Musculo-cutaneous nerve of the arm. Symphyseot- omy. fungi. (Pehneeehn). penis. Penil (Pehneel). Penis {Pehnees). tentiary. lar. Pellagre Penien,-ne P. pos Perforateur, -trice (Pehrfohrahteur). forator. Any surgical instrument for perforating. Perforation {Pehrfohrahssion). Per- used Perfora- tion. Perfore,-e (Pehrfohrd). Perforated. P. anterieur, espace (P. ahntehreeehr). Anterior perforated space situated between the crura cerebri. P. de Casserius, muscle (P. deh Kahssehreeiis, muskl). Coraco-brachial muscle. P., muscle (P., muskl). Flexor sublimis digitorum. P. posterieur, espace (P. pohstehreeehr, ehspahss). Posterior perforated space situated at the base of the brain behind the corpora albicantia between the diverging cerebral peduncles. 109 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Per InflammaPeriarterite (Pehreeahrtehreet) tion of the outer membrane of an artery. . Periarteritis. Madura- or fungus- Perical (Pehreekdhl). Mycetoma. foot. Pericarde (Pehreekahrd). Pericardium. Pericardique (PehreekahrdSek). Pericar- dial. Pericarditis. Pericardite {Pehreekahrd&ei) InflamPerichondrite [Pehreekohndreet). mation of the perichondrium. Pericrane (Pehreekrdhn). Outer periosteum of the skull. Pericranium. . Pericystite Inflamma- (Pehreesseesteet). tion of the tissue surrounding the bladder. Pericystitis. Perididyme (Pehreedeedeem). Perididymis. Tunica albuginea testis. Perididymite (Pehreedeedeemeet) ymitis. . Peridid- ' InflammaPerihepatite (Pehreeehpahteet) tion of the peritoneal covering of the . {PehreeUemf). Fluid which feels the osseous cavities of the internal ear. Perimetre (Pehreemehtr). Perimeter. Apparatus for measuring the visual fields of the eyes. Perimetrite {Pehreemehtr eet). Inflammation of the covering of the uterus. Referable to Perineal, -e (Pehreenehdhl). perineum. Perinee (Pehreend). Perineum. Hernia of Perineocele (Pehreenehohssehl). the perineum. Perineo-clitoridien {Pehreenehoh-kleetohreedeeehn). Constrictor vaginae muscle. Perineorrhaphie (Pehreenehohrahfee) Perineorrhaphy. Suture of ruptured perineum. Perinephrite (Pehreenehfreet). Inflammation of tissue surrounding the kidney. Perinevre (Pehreenehvr). Perineurium. Sheath surrounding primary fasciculi of nerves. Perineuritis. Perinevrite {Pehreenehvr eet). Periode {Pehreedhd). Period (a phase of a Menses. disease). Periodicite ity. {Pehreeohdeesseetd). Periodic- Rhythm. Perionyx around the {Pehreeohnieks). Epidermis nail. Periorchite {Pehreeohrkeet). Inflammation of tunica vaginalis of the testicle. Periosteal. Periostal,-e {Pehreeohstdhl). Periosteum. Perioste {Pehreedhst). Periosteal. Perioste,-e {Pehreeohstd). PeriostiPeriost(e)ite {Pehreeohst{eh)eet). tis. Inflammation of the periosteum._ Periostose {Pehreeohstdhz). Periostosis. Tumefaction of the periosteum. Periotique {Pehreeohteek). Peripherie {Pehreefehrie). 110 Peripherique {Pehreejehr&ek). Peripheral Periscopique, verre {Pehreeskohpeek, vehr). Lenses having one concave and one con- vex surface. Peristaltique {Pehreestahlteek)." Peristaltic. Referable to peristalsis. Peristaphylin externa, muscle {Pehreestahfeelehn ehkstehrn, muskl). Tensor palati muscle. P. interne, muscle {P. ehntehrn, muskl) Levator palati muscle. Peritoine {Pehreetoodhn). Peritoneum. Peritoneal,-e {Pehreetohnehdhl) Referable to the peritoneum. Peritonite {Pehreetohneel). Peritonitis. Perityphlite {Pehreeteefleet). Inflammation of the cellular tissue surrounding the . coecum. Peri-uterin, -e {Pehree-utehrehn). rounding the uterus. Perivasculaire Around the ear. Periphery. {Pehreevahskulehr). SurPeri- vascular. Perkinisme liver. Perilymphe P. Ion {Pehrkeeneezm) Treatment . consisting of rubbing against the skin two rods made of different metals (suggestive therapeutics devised by PerkinsAmerican physician). Perleche {Pehrlehsk). Chronic ulceration of the lip in children. Permanent,-e {Pehrmahndhn) . Perman- ent. Permanganate salt of {Pehrmahngahndht). permanganic A acid. Permeabilite {Pehrmehahbeeleetd). Perme- ability. Permeable {Pehrmehdhbl). Permeable. Pernicieux,-euse {Pehrneesseeeh). Pernic(disease). ious. Of grave type Pernicieuse, anemie {Pehrneesseeehz, ahnehmee). Pernicious anemia. Malarial fever P., fievre {P., feeehvr). which follows a very rapid course. IcP. icterique, fievre {P. eektehreek, /.). teric fever which exists in Madagascar. Pernion {Pehrneeohn). Chilblain. Perone {Pehrohnd). Fibula. Peroneum. Peroneo-dactylien,-ne m. {Pehrohnehohdahkteeleeehn). Flexor longus digitorum muscle (leg). P.-malleolaire, veine {P.-mahlehohlehr, vehnn). External saphenous vein. P.-soustarsien,-ne, muscle {P.-sootahrseePeroneus longus muscle. ehn, muskl). P. susmetatarsien,-ne, muscle {P. sumehPeroneus brevis tahtahrsseeha muskl). muscle. Peronier,-ere {Pehrohneed). Fibular. Per- oneal. P. anterieur, muscle (P. ahntehreeehr, musPeroneus tertius muscle. P. court lateral m. {P. koor lahtehrdhl). Peroneus brevis muscle. kl). P. long lateral m. {P. lohn Peroneus longus muscle. lahtehrdhl). - OF MEDICAL TERMS Per The Peroxid. Peroxyde (Pehrohkseed). oxide which contains the most oxygen among the oxids. Perpetuation {Pehrpehtuahssion). Perpet- uation. Persecute, -e {Pehrsehkutd). Persecuted. PerPersecuteur, -trice {Pehrsehkutehr). secutory. Persecution (Pehrsehkussidn). Persecu- tion. Parsley. Persil {Pehrseel). Persistent. Persistant,-e {Pehrseestdhn). Of considerable duration. PerspirPerspiration (Pehrspeerahssion). ation. Menorrhagia or MetrorPerte(s) (Pehrt). rhagia. Flooding. P.s blanches (P. blahnsh). Leucorrhea. Whites. P. de connaissance (P. deh cohnehssdhns). Loss of consciousness. SpermatorP. seminale (P. ssehmeendhl). rhea. Loss P. de substance (P. deh substdhns). of substance. Perterebrant,-e {Pehrtehrehbrdhn). LanGrinding (pain). Shooting. cinating. DisturbPerturbation {Pehrturbahssion). Restlessness. ance. Peruvine (Pehruveen). Peruvin. Cinnamic alcohol obtained from Peruvian bal- sam. Perversion. {Pehrvehrssion). Perversion Deviation from normal. Pesage (Pehzdhzsh). Weighing. Heavy. Pesant,-e (Pehzdhn). Weighty. Pesanteur {Pehzahntehr). Weight. Pese-acid (Pehz-ahsseed). Areometer for acids. The support (stem) Petiole {Pehteeohl). of the leaf. Petiolated. Petiole, -e (Pehteeohld). Small. Petit,-e (Ptee). Whey. P.-lait (Ptee-lah). Petrous. Petre,-e (Pehtrd). Petreux,-euse (Pehtreh). Petrous. Petrous portion of the P., OS (P., ohss). temporal bone. PetrifiPetrification (Pektreefeekahssion). Calcification. cation. Petrissage (Pehtreessdhysh). Kneading. A form of massage. Petroleum. OleaginPetrole (Pehtrdhl). ous mixture found in the earth. Petro -salpingo -pharyngien, muscle (Pehtroh-sahlpehngoh-fahrehnzsheeehn, muskl) Pharyngeal portion of Levator palati muscle. . P.-s.-staphylin, muscle {P.-s.-stahfeelehn, Levator palati muscle. m.). Pettenkofer, reactif de (Pettenkofir, rehahkPettenkofer 's test (for bile). teek deh). Bile mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid and heated to 70 per cent, is added to a 10 per cent, solution of cane sugar. The fluid turns red and upon standing (Pettenkofer- German blue. becomes hygienist.) Peuplier (Pehpleed). Poplar. Peyer, glandes on plaques de (Peyer, plahk deh). Peyer's patches.glahnd Lymphoid follicles in the intestines espeileum. (Peyer-Swiss anatcially in the omist.) Phagedenique (Fahzshehdehneek). PhageRapidly spreading. denic. Liquor muriatici corroP., eau (P., oh). sivi. Pese-bebe (Pehz-behbd). Instrument for weighing babies. Pesee {Pehzd). Result of weighing. Pese-lait (Pehz-leh). Areometer for milk. Pessaire (Pehssehr). Pessary. Peste (Pehst). Pestilence (epidemic). Plague. P.-bovine (P. bohveen). Cattle-plague. Bubonic P. k bubons (P. ah bubohn). plague. Black plague. P. noire (P. noodhr). Pestiferous. Pestifere {Pehsteefehr). Affected Pestifere (Pehsteefehrd). plague. Pestilence Pha {Pehsteeldhns). Phagocyte (Fahgohsseet) Phagocyte. Leucocytes capable of enclosing and absorbing solid particles (cells of Metchni. koff). Phagocytose (Fahgohsseetdhz). Abosorption of any material by the phagocytes. Phalange (Fahldhnzsh). Phalanx. Phalangette (Fahlahnzsheht). Terminal phalanx. Phalangien,-ne Pha- {Fahlahnzsheeehn). langeal. Phalangine (Fahlahnzsheen) with Pestilential lanx. Phallite penis. Phallus condition. . Middle pha- {Fahleei). Inflammation Phallitis. (FahUiis). Penis. of the Pestilentiel,-le (Pehsteelahnsseeehl). Which has the character of pestilence. Petal. Petale (Pehtdhl). Which has Petechial,-e (Pehtehsheedhl). the character of petechia. Petechie {Pehtehshee). Petechia. Red or Pharmaceutique (Fahrmahssehtiek). Phar- purple spots which do not disappear on Pharmacodynamique {Fahrmahkohdcenah- pressure. Petiolaire (Pehteeohlehr). maceutical. Pharmacie {Fahrmassie). Art Drugstore. Pharmacien {FahrmahsseeShn). PharmaDruggist. cist. nieek). Petiolar. Pharmacy. of preparing medicines. Science of action of drugs on living beings. Ill . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Pha Pharmacognosie (Fahrmahkohgnohzie) of chemical teristics of drugs. Pharmacologie Study . and physical charac- Study (Fahrmakkohlohzshee) of the action of drugs. Pharmacopee (Fahrmahkohpd). drugs recognized as official. List of Pharma- copeia. Pharynge,-e (Fahrehnzshd). Pharyngeal. Pharyngien,-ne {Fahrehnzsheeehn). Pharyngeal. Angina. P., catarrhe {F. kahtdhr). Pharyngite (Fahrehnzsheet). Inflammation Pharyngitis. of the pharynx. Pharyngo-glosse, muscle {Fahrehngohglohss, m.). Glosso-pharyngeus m. (portion of the superior constrictor). Pharyngotomie Pharyngotomy. (Fahrehngohtohmee) Incision into the phar- ynx. Pharynx (Fahrehnks). Pharynx. Phase (Fahz). Phase. Period. Phellandre (Fehldhndr). A genus of Oenanthe. Water hemlock. Phenacetine (Fehnahssehteen). Phenacetin. Acet-amido-phenetol (analgesic and Car- bolic acid. Phenique, -e {Fehneekd). Referable to car- bolic acid. Carbolic Phenol. (Fehnohl). acid. Phenolphtaleine (Fehnohlftahleheen). PheProduct of interaction of nophthaleine. phenol and phthalic acid. Used as laxa- Phenol tive. Phenomene (Fehnohmehn). Phenomenon. Unusual manifestation. Philosophy. Philosophle (Feelohzohfee). Phimosis (Feemohzees). Narrowing of open end of the prepuce so that its retraction is difficult or impossible. Venous diPhlebectasie {Flehhehktalzee) . latation. Phlebite (Flehbeet). Phlebitis. Inflammation of a vein. Concretion in a Phlebolithe (Flehbohleet). vein. The cut(Flehbohtohmee). ting of a vein. Bleeding. Phlegmasie (Flehgmahzee). Inflammation (especially of the internal organs). Phlebotomie Phlegmatia alba dolens {Flehgmahsseedh ahlbdh dolehns). Painful oedema of the lower limbs in women (during or following childbirth). Phlegmatie {Flehgmahssee). (Edema. PhlegmatPhlegmatique {Flehgmahteek) . ic. Phlegme {Flehgm). Phlegm. Mucus. Phlegmon {FlegmdJm). Local inflammaCellulitis. tion of cellular tissue. Diffuse cellulitis. P. diffu {F. deefu). Pho Phlegmoneux,-euse (Flehgmohneh). Of the character of a phlegmon. Phlogistique (Flohzsheesteek). Phlogistic. Inflammatory. Phlogose (Flogohz). Inflammation. See phlegmasie. Phlorrhizine Phloridzin. (Flohreezeen). Substance found in the bark of apple and Is used in testing the cherry trees. function of the kidneys. Phlyctene Phobie Blister. Vesicle. (Fleektehn). {Fohbee). Fear (persistent and fixed). Phonation (Fohnahssidn). Phonation. Production of vocal sounds. Phonetique (Fohnehteek). Referable to Phonetics. Study of articthe voice. ulate sounds. Phonographe (Fohnohgrdhf). Apparatus for registering vocal sounds. Phonometre (Fohnohmehtr). Apparatus for measuring the degree of intensity of vocal sounds. Phogue {Fohk). Seal. Phosgene (Fohszshehn). Suffocating gas- carbonyl chloride. Phosphate antipyretic). Phenique, acide {Fehneek, ahsseed). 112 . Phosphate. {Fohsjdhl). Containing (Fohsfahtd). Phosphate, -e phosphate. Phosphaturie (Fohsjahturee). PhosphatExcessive secretion of phosphates uria. in the urine. Phosphene Phosphene. (Fohsfehn). luminous images produced when the eyeglobe is rhythmically com- Name for pressed. Phosphite (Fokosfeet). Phosphite. A salt of phosphorous acid. Phosphogenie (Fohsfohzshehnee). Production of phosphorescence. Phosphore (Fohsfohr). Phosphorus. Phosphore,-e {Fohsfohrd). Containing phosphorus. Phosphorescence {Fohsfohrehssdhns) Property of shining in the dark. Phosphorescent, -e {Fohsfohrehssdhn) Phosphorescent. Phosphoreux, acide (Fohsfohreh, ahsseed) Phosphorous acid. Phosphorique, acide {Fohsfohreek, ahsseed) Phosphoric acid. Phosphoroscope (Fohsfohrohskdhp). Ap- paratus for making visible phosphorescence (devised by Becquerel). Phosphure {Fohsfur). Phosphid. Combination of phosphorus with another element. Evolution Photogenle (Fohtohzshehnee) . of light. Power of certain bacteria to produce phosphorescence. PhotograPhotographic (Fohtohgrahfee) phy. Photometre (Fohtohmehtr). Apparatus for measuring intensity of light. . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Pho Photometrie (Fohtohmehtree). ment of intensity of light. and Measure- its P. oph Also Science physical structure. : which teaches the properties Photophobie (Fohtohfohbee). Photophobia. Intolerance of light. matter of Also: Physical, natural. Physoclide (Feezehleed). Photopsie (Fohtohpsee) Photopsia. Disturbance of sight consisting of flashes, sparks and other subjective visual sen. sations. Small bodies in the villi of the chorion; they are pediculated and contain a liquid (described by Virchow). Physometre (Feezohmehtr) Physometra. Distension of the uterus by gas. Physostigmine {Feezohsteegmeen) Eserin, alkaloid of Calabar bean. Produces in. Phrenesie (Frehnehzee) . Frenzy. Deliri- um. . Phrenique (Frehneek). Pertaining to the diaphragm. Pertaining to the mind. Phrenic. P., nerf {F., nehr). Phrenite mation Phrenic nerve. (Frehneet). Phrenitis. InflamAlso: acute of the diaphragm. dlirium with fever (in ancient Greece and Rome). Phrenographe (Frehnohgrdhf). Apparatus for measuring movements of the diaphragm (devised by Rosenthal). Phrenologie ogy. skull PhrenolStudy of the conformation of the for diagnosing various mental testinal peristalsis. Phytolaque {Feetohldhk). Poke. of herbs. Acts as emetic. Phytopathologie Study of diseases Phytoplasma Pica (Fteereedhz) Pediculation. Phthisie (Fteezee). Phthiriasis. . Vegeta- Yaws. Framboesia. (Peekdh). Pica. desire Irresistible for unusual articles of food. Piciforme (Peesseefdhrm). Piceous. Vis- cous. Small-pox (Peekoht). (popular name). . Phthiriase (Feetohplahzmdh). Plan {Peedhn). Picotc faculties. (Feetohpahtohlohzshee). of plants. ble protoplasm. (Frehnohlohzshee). Phtaleine (Ftahleheen) Phthalein. Obtained by combining phthalic anhydrid with phenol. A genus Picotement (Peekohtmdhn). Tingling. Itching. Picric Picrique, acide {Peekreek, ahsseed). acid. Consump- Phthisis. Picrotoxinc (Peekrohtohkseen) Picrotoxin. toxic principle of anamirta cocculus. Used for night sweats. Pie-mere (Pee- we/zr). Pia-mater. One of . A tion. P. galopante (F. gahlohpdhnt) Phthisis characterized by course. Phthisiologie (Fteezeeohlohzshee) tuberculosis in all its aspects. A . form its Study . of rapid Morbid Phthisiophobie (Fteezeeohfohbee). fear (persistent) of tuberculosis. the meninges which is immediately appHed to the brain and spinal cord. of Phthi- siophobia. Piece (Peeehss). Piece. Pied (Peed). Foot. P. d'alouette (P. dahlooeht). Larkspur. PodophylP. de canard (P. deh kahndhr). Phthisique (Fteezeek). Consumptive. PhycocoUe {Feekohkdhl). Gelose. Phylloxera (Feelohksehrdh) plant lice. Phylogenie (Feelohzshehnee). . A Study of development of successive generations from a primary type. Phyme (Feem). Phyma. Synonym of sis. tuberculosis. Physalis (Feezahlees). Physalis. cells in carcinoma or sarcoma. Brood Physico-chimique {Feezeekoh-sheemeek) Physico-chemical. Physiographic {Fcezeeohgrahfee) . tion of natural objects. Physiologic (Feezeeohlohzshee). k'' ogy. Study of function. Physiologique (Feezeeohlolizsheek). DescripPhysiol- du diaphragme (P. du deeahfrdhgm) diaphragm. Pillar of the P. d'elephant (P. dehlehfdhn). Elephantiasis of the foot. P. d'hippocampe (P. deepohkdhmp). Pes hippocampi. P.-bot (P.-bdlt). ( Club-foot. TaHpes. P. -plat {P.-plah). Flat foot. Pierre (Peeehr). Stone. Calculus. P. k aiguiser (P. ah ehguzd). Grindstone. P, a cauterc (P. ah kohtehr). Cautery. P. divine (P. deeveen). Combination of sulphate of copper, nitrate of potassium, sulphate of aluminum and camphor; used as a coUyrium for the eye. P. infcrnale (P. ehnfehrndhl) Nitrate of . Physi- ological. Physiologistc (Feezeeohlohzsheest). silver. P. intestinale (P. ehntehsteendhl). Physi- ologist. Physionomie (Feezeeohnohmee). Physiognomy. Characteristics of the face. Physique {Feezeek). Exterior of the body 8 lum. P. genus of Phylogene- Part. tinal calculus. P. (P. murale niurdhl). Intes- Calcium oxa- late. P. ophthalmique (P. ohftahlmeek) phate of copper in crystals. . Sul- 113 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY p. phi P. philosophale {P. feelohzohfdhl). Mythical stone supposed to change metal into gold. P. ponce (P. pohns). Pumice-stone. P. stercorate {P. stehrkohrdhl). Enterolith. P. de touche {P. deh toosh). Touchstone. Pierreux,-euse (Peechreh). Stony. Pigment {Peegmdhn). Pigment. Pigmentaire {Peegmahntehr). Referable to pigment. Pigmented. Pigmentation {Peegmahntahssion). mentation. Pig- Production of coloring mat- ter in the organism. Pigmente,-e (Peegmahntd). Pigmented. Pigmenteux,-euse (Peegmahnteh). Pig- mentary. Pilaire (Peelekr). Referable to hair. Pile (Peel). Galvanic battery or cell. Pileux,-euse (Peeleh). Referable to hair. Pilier (Peeleed). Pillar. Column. Piliforme {Peeleefohrm). Hair-like. Capillary. Piligraisseux,-euse (Peeleegrehsseh). Containing hair and fat. Pilmiction {Peelmeekssidn). Excretion of urine containing hair. Pilocarpine (Peelohkahrpeen). Pilocarpin. Alkaloid of Jaborandi. Pilon (Peeldhn). Pestle. Pilo-sebace,-e (Peeloh-ssehbahssd). Referable to the sebaceous glands of hair follicles. Pilule {Peelul). Pill. P.s depuratives de Plummet (P. dehpurahteev deh Plummer). Pilulse hydrargyri submuriati compositse. PiluHer (Peeluleed). An instrument for making Pimelite (Peemehleet). Pimelitis. mation of adipose tissue. Pimelose {Peemehlohz). Inflam- Adiposis. Pimelurie {Peemehluree). Fatty urine. Piment {Peemdhn). Capsicum. Red pepper. Pimente,-e (Peemahntd). Containing piment. Pin (Pehn). Pine-tree. Pince (Peknss). Forceps. Pincers. Pliers. P. anterieure (P. ahntehreeehr). Peduncle of corpus callosum. P. posterieure (P. pohstehreeehr) Posterior fold of corpus callosum. P. ecraseur (P. ehkrahzehr). Clamp for. ceps. a coulisse (P. ah kooleess). Sliding artery forceps. P. a dissection (P. ah deessehkssion). Dissection forceps. P. a griffe (P. d greef). Hooked forceps. P. k pansement (P. ah pahnsmdhn). Dressing forceps. P. ^edicule (P. pehdeekid). Clamp forceps, P. a torsion (P. ah tohrssion). Torsion forceps. P. 114 P. k verrou (P. d vehroo). Catch forceps. P. de Mehr (P. deh M.). Pinch cock. P.-nez (P. na). Nose glasses. Pinceau (Pehnsoh). Camel's hair pencil. Brush. Fasciculus. Bundle (of fila- ments, etc.). Pincee (Pehnsd). Pinch. Quantity of a substance that can be taken with two fingers. Pincement {Pehnsmdhn). Feeling of con- striction. Pinfon {Pehnssdhn). Mark left by a pinch. Pineale, glande {Peenehdhl), glahnd). Pineal gland. Epiphysis of the brain. Pinguicula (Pehngeekuldh). Small tumor of the conjunctiva. Pinne (Peenn). Pinna. External part of the ear. Pipe (Peep). Pipette. Piperace,-e (Peepehrahssd). Referable to pepper. Pipette (Peepeht). Pipette. Piquant {Peekahn). Spine. Thorn. Sting. Piquete,-e (Peektd). Covered with points, spots, blotches. Piqure [Peekiir). Puncture. Prick. P. anatomique (P. ahnahtohmeek) Dissection wound. Piriform e (Peereefdhrm). Pear-shaped. Piriformis muscle. Pirogoff, amputation de {Peerohgohf, ahmputahssidn deh). Amputation of the foot at the lower joints of tibia and fibula (Pirogoff -Russian surgeon). Pirquet, reaction de {Peerkd, rehahkssion deh). Pirquet's reaction. Tuberculin . test of the skin. Pis {Pee). pills. Piv Udder. Pisiforme, os (Peezeefohrm). Pisiform in the front layer of bone (the 4th bone carpal bones). Pissement (Peessmdhn). Urination. P. de sang (P. deh sahn). Hematuria. P. de Sucre (P. deh sukr). Glycosuria. Pissentlit (Peessahnlee). Dandelion. Pistache (Peestdsh). Pistachio-nut. Piston {Peestohn). Piston. Pithiatism {Peeteeahieezm). Functional nervous manifestations which can be removed by suggestion (view of Babinski). Pituitaire, fosse {Peetueetehr, Johss). Pituitary fossa. Sella turcica. P., glande (P., glahnd). Pituitary body. PituiP. membrane (P. mahmhrdhnn). tary or Schneiderian membrane. Pituite {Peetueet). Phlegm. Mucus. Expectoration especially in alcoholics. Containing Pituiteux,-euse {Peetueehteh). mucus. Pityriasis (Peetereeahzees). Pityriasis. Skin diseases characterized by scaling. Pivot (Peevoh). Pivot. Pivotant,-e pivot. (Peevohtdhn). Turning on a . OF MEDICAL TERMS Pla Placenta (Plahssahntdh). Placenta. After- birth. Referable to Placentaire {Plahssahntehr) placenta. Plaie (Pleh). Wound. Ulcer. Plaintive (tone Plaintif,-ive {Plehnteef). . Simultaneous inflammation pleura of and pericardium. Pleuropneumonie {Plehrohpnehmohnee) and Delight. Pleasure. Flat. Plane. Level. Plancher {P lahnshd) . Floor of a Apparatus for Plantar. Plantaire [Plahntekr). P. grele, muscle (P. grehl, muskl). aris muscle. Plante du pied (Plahnt du peed). the foot. Planum, Os {Plahnoom, Ohss). PlantSole of Os plan- ethmoid. Plague (Plahk). Patch, layer. Plate. Plasma (Plahzmdh). Plasma. Liquid part of the blood. of the Plasmatique {Plahzmahteek). lung. Pleurothotonos (Plehrohtohtohnohss) cavity. Planimetre (Plahneemehtr). measuring surfaces. um or occurring in diseases of the spinal False pleurisy. cord. Pleuropericardite (Plehropehreekahrdeet). Simultaneous inflammation of the pleura of voice). Plaisir (Plehzeer). Plan (Plahn). Pne Plasmatic. Plasmode eral tetanos. Plevre (Plehvr). Pleura. Plexiforme (Plehkseefohrm). Plexiform. Plexus (Plehksiis). Plexus. Pli (Plee). Fold. Bend. P.s cerebraux (P. ssehrehbroh). Cerebral convolutions. P. courbe (P. koorb). Angular gyrus. Plicatile {Pleekahteel) Susceptible to become folded. Plique (Pleek). Plica polonica. Plomb (Plohm). Lead. Plombage (Plohnbdhzsh). tozoa (malaria). Plombe,-e {Plohnbd). Salt Obliterated (tooth). Livid. Plombite (Plohnbeet). Protoxide of lead combined with a base. Pluie (Pluee). Rain. Plume (Plum). Feather. Plumeux,-euse (Plumeh). {PlunitU). Plumous. Gemmule. (Plahteen). Platinum. Also; Plate of a microscope. Platrage {Plahtrdhzsh). Plastering. Platre {Plahtr). Plaster of Paris. Calcium sulphate. Platre, -e (Plahtrd). Plastered. P., appareil {P., ahpahrdy). Plaster-of Paris bandage. Pleiade {Plehydhd). Collection of lymphatic glands. Plein,-e (Plehn). Full. Filled. Plenitude {Plehneetud) Fulness. Plenitude. Pluricellulaire Plessimetre (Plehsseemehtr). Instrument used for percussion. Plessimeter. Plethore {Plehtohr) Plethora. Morbid fuU-bloodedness. Plethorique (Plehtohreek). Plethoric. Pneumatique {Pnehmahteek). Platine . Plethysmographe {Plehteezmohgrdhf) . Ap- plumbic of acid. Plumule machine. Filling the teeth. Plombate {Plohnbdhl). (Plahsteesseetd). Plasticity. Characteristic of a body which can be made to assume any shape. Plastique {Plahsteek). Plastic. Plat,-e {Plah). Flat. Plateau (Plahtoh). Disc of an electric Lead work. P, des dents (P. deh dahn). (Plahzmohd). Plasmodium. Animal organisms belonging to the pro- Plasticite Lat- . {PlureessehluUhr). Pluri- cellular. Pluviometre {Pluveeohmehtr) . Apparatus for estimating for the volume of rain which falls in a day. Pluviometer. Pneodynamique (Pnehohdeenahmeek) dynamics of respiration. Pneographe {Pnehohgrahf). . The Apparatus for determining the character of expiration. Pneometre {Pnehohmchtr). Apparatus for measuring the breathing capacity. Pneuma {Pnehmdh). The vital principle (ancient). Referable to gas, to air, to the respiratory system. Pneumatocele {Pnehmahtehssehl). Gazeous tumor under the skin or mucous membrane fuse) (circumscribed, but not dif- . paratus for determining changes in vol- Pneumatometre (Pnehmahtohmehtr) ume paratus for estimating the pressure of air in the lungs. Pneumatose {Pnehmahtdhz). Diseased state caused by distension of the tissue with gas. Pneumococcie (Pnehmohkoksce). Pneumococcus infection. Pneumogastrique, nerf {Pnehmohgahstr6ek, tiehr). Pncumogastric or vagus nerve of an organ. Pleural,-e {Pkhrdhl). Pleural. Pleuresie (Plehrehzee). Pleurisy. Pleurodynia (see this P. fausse {P. fohss). word). Pleuretique {Plehrehleek). Pleuritic. Pleurocele (Plehrohsehl). Hernia of the pleura and lung between the ribs. Pleurodynia (Plehrohdeenee) Pain in the intercostal muscles due either to neuritis Ap- (loth cranial nerve). 115 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Pne Pneumographe {Pnehmohgrdhf). Apparatus for registering the chest expansion Pointille,-e (Pooehnteed). Multiple small red spots on an organ or tissue caused by in respiration. congestion. Poire (Poodhr). Pear. Poireau (Pooahrdh). Wart. Plant of onion family with a bulbous root (leek). Poiree (Pooahrd). White beet. Pneumometre (Pnehohmehtr). See Pneo- mctre. Pneumonectasie (Pnehmohnehktahzee) Emphysema of the lung. Pneumonie {Pnehmohnee). . Pneumonia. Bag. Sac. ahnehvreezmdhl). Poirier {Pooahreedh). Pear-tree. Pois {Poodh). Pea. Poison {Pooahzdhn). Poison. Poisson {Pooahssohn). Fish. Poitrinaire {Pooahtreenehr). Consumptive. Poitrine {Pooahtreen). Chest. Poivre {Poodhvr). Pepper. Poix {Poodh). Pitch. Black resinous substance obtained from boiled tar. Polaire {Polehr). Polar. Polarimetre {Pohlahreemehtr) Apparatus, for estimating the direction and the degree of rotatory power of a body on polarized light. Polarisation {Pohlahreezhassion). Polarization. Polariscope {Pohlahreeskdhp). Apparatus for determining the changes in polarized light when some substances are interposed. Polarite {Pohlahreetd). Polarity. Having Amnion with Pole {Pohl). P. aigiie {P. ehgil). Lobar pneumonia. P. chronique interstitielle (P. krohneck ehntehrsleeleeehl). Diffuse pneumonia or pulmonary sclerosis. P. hypostatique {P. heepohstahteek). sive congestion of the lung. Pneumonique {Pnehmohneek). Pas- Concern- ing pneumonia. Pneumonite {Pnehmohneet). Pneumonia. Pneumopericarde (Pnehmohpehreekdhrd). Accumulation of air in the pericardic cavity. Pneumopleuresie (Pnehmohplehrehzee). Pleuro-pneumonia. Pneumothorax (Pnehmohlohrdhks). Accummulation of gas and pus in the pleura. Pneumotomie (Pnehmohtohmee). Incision into the lung. Poche P. Pol {Polish). Pocket. anevrismale Aneurismal (P. poles. sac. P. des eaux (P. dehzoh). fluid (obstetrical) bag Podagre {Pohddhgr). the its of waters. Podagra. Gout Podalic. Referable to the feet. Podencephale {Pohdahnssehfdhl). Podencephalus. A congenital anomaly consisting of a cerebral hernia situated in a pedunculated Pole. Polyclinique {P ohleekleeneek) Polyclinic. Establishment where consultations are given gratis. Dispensary. Polioencephalite {Pohleeohahnssehfahleet). Inflammation of the cerebral cortex. Poliomyelite {Pohleeohmeeehleet). Inflammation of the anterior cornua of the spinal cord. Poliose (Pohleedhz). Discoloration of hair . in feet. Podalique {P ohdahleek) Podophylle . . sac. which becomes gray. Podophyllum. May-apple. Podophyllin {Pohdohfeelehn). Podophyllin. Active resinous principle of Podophyllum peltatum. Used as cathartic. Poele (Posdhl). Stove. Poids (Poodh). Weight. {Pohlahkeeuree). Frequent micturition (especially at night). Pollen {Pohlehn). Pollen. Pollution {Pohlussion). Involuntary seminal emission. Pollux {Pohhlks) Pollux. P. Polychreste {Pohleekrehst). (Pohdohfeel). specifique (P. spehsseefeek). gravity. Density. Specific Poignee (Pooahnneed). Handful. Handle. Poignet (Pooahnneeeh). Wrist. Region of the carpus. Poll (Poodhl) Hair (not of the scalp). Poilu,-e {Pooahlu). Hairy. Point {Pooehn). Point. Pole. Shooting pain. P. de cote (P. deh kohtd). Stitch in the side (thoracic region). Pointe {Pooehnl). Sharp end (of a knife, P. de feu (P. deh feh). Pointed cautery. P. de hernia (P. deh hehrnee). Incomplete hernia. Pointillage (Pooehnteedhzsh). fingers. Massage Having many virtues; active (drugs). Polychroique {Pohleekroheek). Having many colors. Polychromatique (Pohieekrohmahteek) Having many colors . Polyclinic. Polyclinique {P ohleekleeneek). Dispensary. Polycrotic. Said Polycrote {Pohleekroht) of the pulse when there are several pulsations with each systolic beat. Poly dactylic tylism. etc.). with the tips of the 116 Pollakiurie Polydac{Pohleedahteelee). five fingers or toes. More than Polydipsia. Polydipsia {Pohleedeepsee) Plethora. FullPolyemie {P ohleeehmee) bloodedness. Disorder of Polyesthesie {Pohleeestehzee). sensations in which one single prick or . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Pol touch gives the impression of multiple pricks. Polygala amer {Pohleegahldh ahmehr). A genus of bitter herbs. Milkwort (galactagogue). Polygamy. Polygamie (Pohleegahmee). (PoJileegohnohm) A genus of herbs; has astringent properties. Polymerisme {Pohleemehreezm). Multiplicityof constituent elements. Polymorphisme {Pohleemohrfeezm). State of many forms or varieties. Polyneuritis. Polynevrite {Pohleenehvreet) Polygonum . . Multiple neuritis. Polyonychie (Pohleeohneeshee). hia. Supernumerary Polyonic- Disturbances of (Pohleeohpee). vision which consists of seeing an object multiplied. Polyopsie (Pohleeohpsee). Disturbances of vision which consists of seeing an object multiplied. Polyorexie (Pohleeohrehksee). Boulimia. Polype (Pohleep). Polyp. Polypeux,-euse (Pohleepeh). Polypous. Polyphagie (Pohleefahzshee). Polyphagia. Bulimia. scribing or using a large number Polypode (Pohleepdhd). A with supernumerary feet. Preof drugs. monstrosity Polysaccharides (Pohleessahkahreed). Carbohydrates (starch, dextrine, glycogen). Obesity. Polysarcie (Pohleessahssee). Polyscope (Pohleeskdhp). Apparatus for illuminating cavities. Polysomie (Pohleesohmee). Polysomia. Monstrosity having two or more bodies. Hair-moss. Polytric (Pohleetreek). Polytrichie {Pohleetreeshee). See hypertrichose. Polyuree (Pohleeuree). Polyuria. Pommade {Pohmdhd). Ointment. Salve. OintP. d'Helmerich {P. dehlmehreesh) f ment of sulphur and carbonate of potash. Ung. P. ophthalmique (P. ohftahlmeek) hydrargyri oxide rubri. Ung. P. d'Autenrieth {P. dohtahnriet). . . antimonii tartarati. P. de Zeller {P. deh Zeller). Ung. hydrar- gyri ammoniati. (Pohm). Apple. (P. dahdahm). Thyroid cartilage. P. de terre (P. deh tehr). Pommele,-e apple. of eggs. Populine (Pohpuleen). Benzoyl Pore (Pohr). Pore. Pig. P.-epic (P.-ehpeek). Porcupine. Porcherie Pohrshree). Pigsty. salicin. Pore (Pohr) Pore. Opening of tubules on the surface. Poreux,-euse {Pohr eh). Porous. Porencephalie {Pohrahnssehfahlee). Pordepressions or cavities in cerebral cortex. Pornographie (Pohrnohgrahfee) Literature on sexual matters. Porphyrisation (Pohrfeereezahssion) Crushing a hard substance to a powder. Porrigo (Pohreegoh). Pityriasis or an eruption with pustules. P. larvalis (P. lahrvahlees) A form of impetigo. P. furfurans (P. furfurdhns). A form of encephaly. Congenital Potato. {P ohml d) Pommette (Pohmeht). Pommier {Pohmeed). . Dappled. Cheek-bone. Apple-tree. {P ohmeek) . Pomaceous. Malic. Pompe {Pohmp). . pityriasis. P. lupinosa (P. lupeenohzd). Favus. P. decalvans (P. dehkahlvdhns). Baldness due to the presence of the trichophyton. Porte (Pohrt). Opening for entry. P. -aiguille (P. ehguee). Needle-holder. P., appareil (P., ahpahrdy). Portal system of circulation. P.-azotate {P .-ahzohldht) Caustic-holder. P. -bougie (P.-boozshee). Director for a bougie. P.-caustique (P.-kohsteek). Caustic-hold. er. P.-cordon (P.-kohrddhn). Instrument for carrying a tape around the foetus. P.-crayon {P.-kreheeohn). Pencil-holder Portee (Pohrtd). Porte-eponge Spotted. Pump. P. stomacale (P. stohmahkdhl). pompe. Laying Poplite,-e (Pohpleetd). Popliteal. P., muscle (P., muskl). Popliteus muscle. Populaire (Pohpulehr). Popular. Population {PohpulahssidJi). Popula- (caustic). Adam's d'Adam Pommique olii. Ponte (Pohnt). . Polypharmacie (Pohleefahrmahssee). P. P. k sein (P. ah sehn). Breast pump. Pompholyx {Pohnfohleeks). Pemphigus. Ponction {Pohnkssion). Puncture. Tapping. Ponctue,-e (Pohnktud). Punctated. Ponderal,-e (Pohndehrdhl). Referable to the weight of the body. Pont (Pohn). Bridge. P. de Varole (P. deh Vahrohl). Pons Var- tion. nails. Polyopic Pomme P. -nit Stomach- Reach of the hand. {P.-ehp6hnzsh). Sponge holder. Aneurysm needle. P.-lacs {P.-lahk). See Porte-cordon. P. -ligature {P.-leegahtur). See P.-fil. P.-loupe (P.-loop). Lens holder. P.-main {P.-mehn). Apparatus for supporting the hand. P.-meche (P.-mehsh). Director to carry a strip of gauze or lint as a drain. P.-nitrate (P .neetrdht) Caustic-holder. P.-fil {P. -feel). 117 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY P.-noe P.-noeud (P.-neh). Instrument for plac- ing a ligature on a pedicle of a tumor. P.-objet {P.-ohbzsheh). Glass-slide (microscope). Caustic-holder. P.-pierre (P.-peeehr). Hollow probe. P. -sonde (P.-ssohnd). P.-voix (P.-voodh). Speaking-tube or trumpet. Portion {Pohrssion). Part. Portion. Ra- Positive. Positif,-ive (Pohzeeteef). Position (Pohzeession). Position. Posture. Positivisme (Pohzeeteeveezm). Philosophy of positivism. Posologie Posology (Pohzohlohzshee) Indications of dozage of medicines. Possede,-e (Pohssehdd). Possessed. Possession (Pohssehssion). Possession. Inflammation of the Posthite (Pohsteet). . Poupart, ligament de {Poopdhr, leegahmdhn deh). Crural arch. Pourpre (Poorpr). Scarlet. Purpura hem- orrhagica. Pourpre,-e (Poorprd). Purple. Pourri,-e (Pooree). Rotten. Pourriture (Pooreetur). Putrefaction. P d'hopital (P. dohpeetdhl). Hospital gangrene. (Poossd). Push. An eruption appearing after using certain drugs. Poussiere (Poosseeehr). Dust. Poussoir (Poossoodhr). Dentist's driver. Probang (oesophageal bougie). Pouvoir (Poovoodhr). Power. Praticien (Prahteesseeehn). Practitioner. Pratique (Prahteek). Practical. Practice of medicine. Preataxique (Prehahtahkseek). Preataxic. Preceding ataxia. Precipitant,-e {Prehsseepeetdhn). prepuce. Posture {Pohstnr) posture. Pot fele, bruit de {Poh fehld, bruee deh). Cracked-pot sound. Night P. de chambre (P. deh shahmbr). vessel. Potable (Pohtdhbl) Drinkable. Potasse (Pohtdhss). Potash. Hydrate of P. k la chaux (P. ah lah shoh) Caustic potash. potash. CarbonP. d'Amerique (P. dahmehriek). ate of potash. Potasse, -e (Pohtahssd). With excess of potash. Potassium (Pohtahsseeohm). Potassium. Potentiel,-le {Pohtahnsseeehl). Not acting immediately. Potential. of Amount electricity on a conductor. P.s cauteres (P. kohtehr). Caustic alkali. Potion (Pohssidn). Potion. Draught. Mixture. P. a la magnesie (P. ah lah mahnnehzee). White mixture. Potiron (Pohteerohn). Pumpkin. Pott, maladie de (Poht, mahlahdee deh). Caries of the spine (tuPott's disease bercular) (Pott-English surgeon). Pou (Poo). Louse. Pouce (Pooss). Thumb. Poudre (Poodr). Powder. Com- P. aromatique (P. ahrohmahteek). cinnamon powder. P. de Dover (P. deh Dohvehr). posite Dover's Opiated ipecacuanha. eflfervescente laxative (P. ehfehrvehsSeidlitz powder. sdhnt lahksahteev). PulverPoudroiement (Poodrooahmdhn) P. . ization. Poulain (Poolehn). Inguinal bubo. Poule (Pool). Hen. Poulet (Pooleh). Chicken. Poulie (Poolee). Pulley. Trochlea. Pouls (Poo). Pulse. Poumon (Poomohn). Lung. 118 Pre Poussee tion. powder. . Precipi- tating. Precipitation {Prehsseepeetahssion). Pre- cipitation. Precipitated. Precipite,-e (Prehsseepeetd). Which is Precordial,-e (Prehkohrdeedhl). Precordial. in front of the heart. Precurseur (Prehkursehr). Precursory. Premonitory. (P., seenn). A sign which announces the oncoming disease. P., signe (Prehdeeahstohleek). PrePrediastolique ceding diastole. Predigestion {Prehdeezshehssion). PrediDigestion of a substance (by gestion. means of a ferment) before it is put in the mouth. Predisposant,-e (Prehdeespohzdhn). Pre- disposing. Predisposition (Prehedeespohzeessidn). Predisposition. Predorso-atloidien, muscle (Prehdohrsohahtloheedeeeha, muskl). Longus colli muscle. Preexistence {Prehehkzeestdhns). Pre-ex- istence. Prefrontal, -e (Prehfrohntdhl). Prehension (Prehhahnssidn). Prefrontal. Grasping Prehension. Prejuge (Prehzshuzshd). Prejudice. Prelombaire (Prehlohmbehr). What is situated in front of the lumbar region. Prelombo-suspubien, muscle (Prehlohmboh-supubeeehn, muskl). Psoas parvus muscle. P.-thoracique, grande {P.-tohrahsseek, Right azygos vein. grahnd). P. -t. -petite {P.-t.-pteet). Left azygos vein. P.-trochantinien {P .-trohkahnteeneeehn) Psoas magnus muscle. Preludes {Prehlud). Prodromes. Premature, accouchement {Prehmahturd, ahkoushmdhn). Premature confinement. OF MEDICAL TERMS Pre Premiere paire des nerfs craniens (Prehmeeehr pehr deh nehr krahneeehn). First pair of cranial nerves (olfactory nerves). Premolaires {Prehmohlehr). Premolars. Teeth in front of the molar (bicuspids). {Prehmohneetoodhr, Premonitoire, signe seenn). Premonitory or precursory sign. Preparant (Prehpahrdhti). Preparing. Spoken of pain in the second period of labor during which the neck of the uterus is being dilated. Preparate, veine {Prehpahrdht, vehn). Frontal vein. Who is in Preparateur (Prehpahrahtehr) charge of preparing anatomical specimens, or other laboratory work. Preparation (Prehpahrahssion). Preparation (chemical, anatomical, pharma. ceutical, etc.). (Prehpiiss). Prepuce. Referable to Preputial {Prehpusseedhl). prepuce. Prerotulien,-ne (Prehrohtuleeehn). Which is situated in front of the patella. Presbyopie (Prehsbeeohpee). Presbyopia. Far-sightedness. Presbyte (Prehsbeet). Who is affected with presbyopia. Presbytie (Prehsbeessee) Presbyopia. Longsightedness. PrescripPrescription (Prehskreepssidn). Prepuce . tion. Presentation (Prehzahntahssion) . Present- tation (obstetrics). Preservatif,-ive (Prehzehrvahteef). Pro- phylactic. (Prehzehrvahssidn). Preser- Presse-artere (Prehss-ahrtehr). Artery- Preservation vation. forceps. Presse-hydraulique {Prehss heedrohleek). Hydraulic press. Pression {Prehssidn). Pressure. Pressoir d'Herophile {Prehssoodhr dehroh- Venous sinus on the inner surface occipital protuberance into which other cerebral sinuses enter (Torcula Herophili). Presure (Prehzur). Rennet. Presystole {Prehseestohl). Presystole. The end of the great pause of the heart. Pretibio -digital, nerf {Prehteebeeoh-deezfeel). of sheetdhl, nehr). nerve of the leg. Musculo-cutaneous P.-sus-phalangetaire, nerf {P.-sufohlahnAnterior tibial nerve. zshehtehr, nehr). Preventif,-ive {Prehrahnteef). Preventive. Prophylactic. {Prehvehrtehbrdhl, artere Prevertebrale, Posterior meningeal artery. ahrtehr). Prevertebraux, muscles {Prehvehrtehbrdh, muskl). Anterior recti muscles of the head; rectus, lateral and long muscle of the neck. Pro Prevoyance (Prehvooahydhns). Foresight. Forethought. Priapisme (Preeahpeezm). Strong and painful erection. Primates {Preemdht). Highest order of mammals. Primates. Primipare {Preemeepdhr). Primapara. Woman who is confined for the first time. Primordial, tissu {Preemohrdeedhl, teessii) Tissue which develops the earliest. Principe {Prehnseep). Principle. Element. Printemps (Prehntdhn). Spring. Prisme (Preezm). Prism. P. de Nicol (P. deh Neekohl). Optic instrument for obtaining polarized light. Probabilite {Prohbahbeeleetd). Likelihood. Probability. Procede (Prohssehdd). Process. Procedure. Method (of performing an operation, etc.). Proces (Prohsseh). Process (in anatomy) Method. Morbid process. Processus (Prohssessus). Process (in anat- omy). Method. Morbid Prochain,-e {Prohshehn). Procidence process. Next. (Prohsseeddhns). Near. Prolapse Fall of a part. Proclive (Prohkleev). Leaning forward Bent. Procreation (Prohkrehahssidn). ProcreaGeneration. tion. Proctalgie {Prohktahlzshee). Proctalgia Pain in the anus. (Prohkteet). Proctitis. Proctite Inflammation of the anus and rectum. Proctocele {Prohktohssehl). Hernia of the rectum. Prolapse of the rectum into the vagina. Proctoptose (Prohktohptdhz). See Proctocele. Proctorrhagie (Prohktohrahzshee). hemorrhage. Prodige (Prohdeezsh). Prodigy. Prodrome (Prohdrdhm). Prodrome. Anal State of indisposition preceding the onset of a malady. Prodromique (Prohdrohmieh). Production Growth. omy). Prodromal. (Prohdukssidn). Production. Birth. Prolongation (anat- Productivite (Produkteeveetd). Faculty of producing. Produit (Prohduee). Product. Proeminent,-e {Prohehmeendhn). Promi- Protuberant. Profession (Prohfehssidn). nent. Profession. Professionel,-le (Prohfehsseeohnehl). Professional. Profond-e (Prohfdhn). Deep. Deep-seated. Prof us, -e (Prohfii). Profuse. Progeniture (Prohzshehneetur). Progeny. Profound. Ofifspring. 119 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Pro Prognathisme (Prohgtiahteizm). When the jaws are protruding forwards. Prognathism. Prognose (Prohgndhz). Prognosis. Prognosis. {Prohgrehssidn). Progress. Prognostic {Prohgnohsteek). Progression Progression. Projection. Projection {Prohzshehkssi6n) Prolapsus {Prohlahpsiis). Prolapse. Falling down of an organ or tissue. DevelProliferation (Prohleefehrahssidn). opment by multiplication of elements. . Proliferation. Prolifere (Prohleefehr). Fruitful. Prolific. Possessing the faculty of reproducing. Fruitful. ProProlifique {Prohleefeek). lific. Possessing the faculty of reproducing. Proligere (Prohleezshehr). Proligerous. Carrying the germ-cells. Prolongement (Prohlohnzshmdhn). Pro- longement. rachidien P. (P. rahsheedeeehn). Spinal Promontoire (Prohmohntoodhr). Promi- Protuberance, such as on the nence. internal wall of the tympanic cavity; also: at the inner level of junction of the last lumbar vertebra and upper part of sacrum (promontory of the pelvis), Pronateur (Prohnahtehr). Pronator. ProP., grand (rond) [P., grahn {rohn)]. nator radii teres muscle. P., petit (carre) [P., ptee (kahrd)]. Prona- tor quadratus muscle. Pronation (Prohnahssion). Movement in which the palmar surface is placed downward. Pronation. Prononciation {Prohnohnsseeahssion) Pro. nonciation. Pronostic (Prohnohsteek). Prognosis. Prognostic (Prohgnohsteek). Prognosis. Prognostique (Prohgnohsteek). Prognostic. Propagation (Prohpahgahssidn). ExtenPropagasion of the species by births. tion. Prophylactique (Prohfeelahkteek). ProphyPreventive. lactic. Prophylaxie (Prohfeelahksee) Prophylaxy. Precautions against development of a Prevention. disease. Propionate (Prohpeeohndht). A salt of propionic acid. . Propionitrile (Prohpeeohneetreel). Cyanid of ethyl. Propionyle (Prohpeeohneel). Radicle of propionic acid. Proportion (Prohpohrssidn). Proportion. Proportional, -le (Prohpohrsseeohnehl) Proportional. Proper. Own. Clean. The mode of Propriete (Prohpreeehtd). action proper of each body. Property. Special characteristic. 120 Propulsion (Prohpulssidn). Tendency to run or fall forwards (in Paralysis agitans). Propylamine (Prohpeelahmeen). Propylamin. A composite ammonia. Prosecteur (Prohzehktehr). Prosector. An instructor who prepares anatomical dissections. Prosencephala Pros(Prohzahnssehfdhl). encephalon. Part of brain containing the hemispheres, lateral and third ventricles, basal ganglia, fornix and optic tracts. Prosopalgia (Prohzohpahlzshee). Facial neuralgia. Prostate (Prohstdht). Prostate. Referable to Prostatiqua (Prohstateek). the prostate. Inflammation of Prostatite (Prohstahteet). the prostate. Prostatic Prostatolitha (Prohstahtohleet). calculus. Prostatorrhee (Prohstahtohrd). Discharge from the prostate. (Prohsteetussion). ProstituProstitution tion. cord. Propre (Prohpr). Pro Prostration (Prohstrahssidn). Abatement of muscular Prostration. forces. Great weakness. Protagons (Prohtahgdhn). Chemical substances containing phosphorus, cholin, carbohydrate, glycerin, fatty acids. They are present in nervous tissue. Protamine (Prohtahmeen). Proteins of semen. Protective. Protective (Prohtehktieve). Proteine (Prohteheeri). Protein. Prosthesis. (Prohtehz). Adaptation of artificial limbs or other organs. (Prohtohbldhst). Protoblast. Protoblasta Prothesa A cell without its membrane. Protocarbura d'hydrogene (Prohtohkahrhur deedrohzshehnri). Subcarburetted hydroMarsh-gas. gen. Protochlorura (Prohtohklohrtir). ProtoA chlorid compound with the chlorid. smallest amount of chlorin. Protoiodure (Prohtoheeohdiir). Protoiodid. lodid compound with the smallest amount of iodin Protopathiqua (Prohtohpahteek). Protopathic: sensibility of extreme temperature of heat and cold, appreciation of pain sense and sensibility of the viscera. Protoplasme (Prohtohplahzm). Protoplasm. An organized substance common to all living beings and plants which It represents the physical basis of life. It is subject to growth, is a proteid. movement and reproduction. Protozoaire (Prohtohzohehr). Protozoa. The lowest and smallest specimen possessing life. A single cell. Protozoida (Prohtohzoheed). Protozoa. The lowest and smallest specimen possessing life. A single cell. ... OF MEDICAL TERMS Pro Protrusion. Protrusion (Prohtruzeedhn). Protuberance (Prohtubehrdhnss). Projection. Protuberance. P. annulaire (P. ahnuUhr). Pons Varolii. Pons VarP, cerebrale (P. ssehrehbrdhl). olii. P. occipitale (P. ohkseepeeldhl). Occipital eminence. Protuberantiel,-le {Prohtuhehrahnsseeihl) Referable to the protuberance. F*rovoque,-e (Prohvohkd). Provoked. Proximal, -e {Prohkzeemdhl). Proximal. Prune (Prun). Plum. Pruneau (Prunoh). Prune. Prunella {Prunehl). Pupil (of the eye). Prunier (Pruneed). Plum-tree. Prurigineux,-euse {Prureezsheeneh) Which causes itching. Prurigo (Prureegdh). Papulous eruption producing an intense itching. Prurigo. Prurite (Prureet). Pruritus. Itching. Prussiate (Prusseeakt). Cyanid. Salt of prussic acid. P. de far (P. deh fehr). Ferrocyanide of potassium. Prussico-ferrique {Prussekoh-fehreek). Hydroferrocyanic. Prussine (Prusseenn). Cyanogen. Prussique, acide {Prusseek, ahsseed). drocyanic acid. Hy- Psammome {Psahmohm). Tumor attached to the meninges and containing concretion. Psammoma. Psaudarthrose (Psehdahrtrohz). False articulation. Pesudarthrosis. Psaudesthesie (Psehdehstehzee). Imaginary or false sensation. Pseudoblapsia (Psehdohblehpsee). Perversion of the sense of vision. Psaudobulbaira, paralysia (Pschdo-bulbehr). Glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis due to a lesion in the brain but not in the calcareous medulla. Psaudocephalie Pte tissue or elements but substituted by an abnormal tissue or elements. P.-lobaire (P.-lohbehr). Pseudo-lobar. P. -membrane {P.-mahmbrdhnn). membrane. P. membraneuse, laryngite False mahtn- (P. brahnehz, lahrehnzsheet) Croup. P.-morphose (P.-mohrfohz). Pseudomorphosis. Malformation; deformities. P.-plasme (P. pldhzm). Heterologous tis. sue. Neoplasm. Tumor. Pleurodynia. Scrotal P.-plauresia (P.-plehrehzee). P.-sarcocele (P.-sahrkokssehl). elephantiasis. P.-sereusa (P. sehrehz). Membrane resembling a serous membrane, but not possessing structure. its P. -tab as (P.-tahbehs). Ataxia due to some disturbance of the sensory neuron. It may be peripheral (degeneration of peripheral nerves) or central (intoxication, such as ergot etc; pernicious anemia, pellagra, diabetes; multiple sclerosis, spinal syphilis.) Psoas (Psohdhss). Psoas muscle. Psoite (Psoheet). Inflammation of psoas muscle. Psoitis. Psora (Psohr). Generic name of vesicular or pustular diseases of the skin. Psoriasis. Psoriasis (Psohreeahzees). Psorique (Psohreek). Psoric. Itchy. Psorophthalmie {Psohr ohftahlmee). Mar- ginal blepharitis. Psychasthenia (Pseekahstehnee). Psychasthenia. A psychoneurosis characterized chiefly by obsessions, or defective power or by special fears (phobia). Psychiatre (Pseekeedhtr). Alienist. will Psy- chiatrist. Psychiatrie Psychiatry. (Pseekeeahtree). Study of mental diseases. Psychiqua (Pseesheek). Psychic. able to the mind. Refer- Psychologic {Pseekohlohzshee) Psychology. Psycho-moteurs, centres {Pseekoh-mah. (Psehdohssehpahlee) Malformation in which the brain is substituted by a vascular tumor. Pseudo -contracture (P .-kohntrahktier) Contracture of muscular origin (due to muscular inflammation or irritation, to traumatism, ischemia, tumors). Psaudocroup (Psehdohkrdop). Stridulous laryngitis. Psychonevrose choneurosis. Cortical motor centers. {Pseekohnehvrohz). Psy- See Psychasthenic. Psychopathiqua {Pseekohpahleek). Psy- chopathic. Who has constitutionally a neurotic make-up. Psychosa (Pseekohz). Psychosis. Mental affection. Psaudo -hemiplegia {P .-ehmeeplehzshee) Unilateral diminution of motility of limbs due to sensory disturbances on the same side (no paralysis). Pseudo-hermaphrodisma tehr, ssahntr). Psychotharapautiqua {P seekotehrahpehTreatment by suggestion and teek). persuasion. Psychrometra (Psehdoh-ehr- mahjrohdeeztn). False hermaphroditism. (External genitalia giving only the impression of the opposite sex). P.-hypertrophie (P. heepehrtrohfee). Increase of size of a tissue or organ due to a degenerative state of the constituent Psychotherapeutics. {Pseekrohtnehtr). Appara- tus for estimating the pressure of vapor in the air. The greater wing Ptereal (Ptehrehdhl). of the sphenoid bone. Ptereon (Ptehrehdhn). Pterion. The place of meeting of the sphenoid, parietal, temporal and frontal bones. 121 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Pte Pterygion (Ptehreezsheedhn). Ala nasi. Thickening of the conjunctiva near the Pterygium. cornea. Pterygoide (Ptehreegohied). Wing-shaped. (Ptekreegoheedeeehn). Pterygoidien,-ne Referable to pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone. Vidian canal. P., canal (P., kahndhl). {P., grahn, muskl). P., grand, muscle Internal pterygoid muscle. muscle (P., ptee, muskl). External pterygoid muscle. P -staphylin, m. {P.-stahfeelehn, m.). Tensor palati muscle. Ptomaine (Ptohmaheen). Ptomain. A chemical combination produced by the action of bacteria on nitrogenous substances. Falling of the Ptosis (Ptohzees). Ptosis. P., petit, upper eyelid. Ptyaline (Pteeahleen). ferment. Ptyalin. Salivary Ptyalisme (Pteeahleezm). Salivation. Pubere (Pubehr). Pubescent. Pub arte (Pubehrtd). Puberty. Pubescence. Pubescence (Pubehssdhns). Pubescence. Pubien,-ne (Pubeeehn). Pubic. Pubio-cavemeux, muscle {Pubeeoh-kahvehrneh, muskl). Compressor venas dorsalis muscle. P.-coccygien-anniilaire, m. {P.-koksseezsheeehn-ahnulehr, m.). Levator ani m. P.-femoral, m. {P.-fehmohrdhl, m.). Adductor longus muscle of the thigh. P.-urethral, m. (P.-urehtarhlm.). Part of the compressor urethrae muscle. P.-vesical, m. {P.-vehzeekdhl, m.). Compressor m. of the prostate. Pubis (Pubees). Pubis. Pubic bone. Puce (Puss). Flea. P. maligne (P. mahleenn). Malignant pustule. Pucelage (Pussldhzsh). Virginity. Puceron {Pussrdhn). Plant-louse. Puc- eron. Pudendum (Pudahndohm). Pudenda. External genitalia. Puericulture (Puehreekultdr). Study raising and bringing up children. Pueril,-e (Puehreel). Childish. of Puerile. Puerperal (Puehrpehrdhl). Puerperal. Puissance (Pueessdhns). Power. Virile power. Puissant, -e (Pueessdhn) Powerful. Puits perdu {Puee pehrdu). Cesspool. Pulicaire {Puleekehr). Spoken of skin eruptions resembling bites of a flea. Pulluler (Pululd). Multiply in abundance. Pulmo-aortique, canal {Pulmoh-ahohrteek, kahnahl). Arterial duct or canal. Pulmonaire (Pulmohnehr). Referable to lungs. 122 Pulmonary. Put Pulmonie (Pulmohnee). monary Pneumonia. Pul- phthisis. Pulpe (Pulp) P. des doigts Pulp. Soft part of organs. Free ends (P. deh doodh). of fingers. Pulpeux,-euse (Pulpeh). Pulpous. Pulsatif,-ive (Pulsahteef). Pulsating. Pulsatile (Pulsahteel). Pulsating. Pulsation (Pulsahssidn). Pulsation. Beating. Pultace,-e (Pultahssd). Which has the consistence of a pulp or of a macerated substance. Pultaceous. Pulverisation (Pulvehreezahssidn) Reduction of a substance to a powder. . Pulverole {Pulvehrohld). A medicated powder. Pulverulence (Pulvehruldhns). Powdered condition. Pulverulent, -e (Pulvekruldhn) Powdery. Dusty. Puivinax {Pulveendhr). Pillow. The very posterior and external portion of the optic thalamus. Punais,-e (Puneh). Of bad odor. Punaise (Punehz). Bug. P. des lits (P. deh lee). Bed-bug. Punaisie (Punehzee). Ozena. Punctum coecum {Pohnktohm Blind spot in the visual ssehkohm). field. Pupillary. Pupillaire {Pupeelehr). Pupil. Pupille (Pupee). Pur,-e {Pur). Pure. Purge. Purgatif,-ive {Purgahteef). Cath- artic. Purgation (Purgahssidn). Purging. Puriforme (Pureefohrm). Resembling pus. Purpura {Pur pur dh). Purpura. Skin affection with hemorrhages under it. {Purpureeh). Referable to Purpurique purpura. Purple. Piirulence {Puruldhns). Purulence. Purulent,-e {Puruldhn). Which has the aspect of pus. Purulent. Pus (Pm). Pus. Pustulation {Pustulahssion). Transformation of papules into pustules. Pustule {Pustiil). Pustule. Raised portion of the skin of very small size containing pus. Malignant P. maligne (P. mahleenn). Charbon. Anthrax. pustule. Pustuleux,-euse {Pustuleh). Having the form of a pustule. Putamen {Putahmehn). External segment Putamen. of the lenticular nucleus. PutrefacPutrefaction {Putrehfahkssion) . Formation of pus. Putrescence {Putrehssdhns). tion. Putrescence. Decomposition. {Putrehsseebl). Putrescible putrefying. Putride {Putreed). Putrid. Putridite {Putreedeetd). Capable Putridity. of OF MEDICAL TERMS Put Putrilage (Putreeldhzsh) . Sloughed sub- tance. Pycnometre (Peeknohmehtr). Apparatus specific gravity of a for estimating liquid. and median fissure nerve. Pyramids. origin of the 12th Pyretique (Peerehteek). Febrile. Pyretic. Pyrexia (Peerehksee). Febrile state. Pyrexia. Inflammation of the Pyelite (Peeehleet). Pyelitis. pelvis of kidneys. Pyelo -nephrite (Peeehldh-nehfreet). Pyelo- Pyridine (Peereedeen) Alkaloid from bones and other organic substances. Pyriforme (Peereefdhrm) Pear-shaped. Pyrocatechine (Peerohkahtehsheen) A sub. . . nephritis. Pyemic (Peeehmee). Pyemia. Pus in the blood. Pylephlebite Pyu {Peelehflehbiet). Inflamma- tion of the portal vein. Pylore (Peeldhr). Pylorus. Pylorectomie (Peelohrekktohmee). ResecPylorectomy, tion of the pylorus. Pylorique (Peelohreek) Referable to the pylorus. Pyocyanine' (Peeohsseeahneen) Coloring matter of blue pus. Pyocyanin. Which pro- Pyogenique {Peeohzshehneek). Pyrodextrine (Peerohdehkstreea). Sub- stance obtaned by the action of heat on dextrine. Pyrogallique, acide {Peerohgahleek, ahsseed). Pyrogallic acid (contains phenol). Pyrogenese (Peerohzshehnchz) Production . of heat. Pyrole (Peerohl). "Winter-green. Pyroligneux,-euse (Peerohleenneh). Which is produced by burning wood. Pyromanie (Peerohmahnee). Irresistible desire for incendiarism. Pyromania. Explosive combination of saltpetre, antimony, etc. Pyronome (Peerohndhm). duces pus. Pyohemie (Peeohehmee) Pyaemia. Pyopoetique (Peeohpohehteek) Producing suppuration. Pyorrhee (Peeohrd). Discharge of (run. ning) of pus. Pyosaipinx (Pecohsahlpehnks) Pus in the fallopian tube. Pyosaipinx. . Pyothorax {Peeohtohrdhks). Empyema. Purulent pleurisy. Pyothorax. Pyramidal, -e (Peerahmeeddhl). Resembling a pyramid. P., OS (P., ohss). stance present in urine. Cuneiform bone of the carpus. Pyramidaux, corps {Purahmeeddh, kohr). Anterior area of the medulla between the anterior median fissure and origin of the 1 2th nerve. Pyramids. Pyiamides (Peerahmeed) Anterior area of the medulla between the anterior Pyrophobie {Peerohfohbee). Dread of fire. Pyrophobia. Pyrophosphate (Peerohfohsfdht). Salt of pyrophosphoric acid. Pyroscope (Peerohskohp). A thermometer for estimating the intensity of heat. (Peerohzees). Heart-burn. Pyrosis Water-brash. Pyrotechnic (Peerohtehknee). The study of using fire scientifically. Pyrotique (Peerohteek). Burning. Pyr- otic. Pyroxyle (Peerohkseel). Pyroxylin. Gun- cotton. Pyrrhol (Peerohl). Pyrrol. Liquid obtained from coal tar products. Pyuric (Peeuree). Pyuria. Discharge of pus with urine. 123 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Q. Q.e. Q Q. P. Q. S. Quantum placet. At will. Quantum satis. Sufficient quan- tity. Quadrangulaire (Kahdrahngulehr) Quadrangular. Quadricarbure de Faraday (Kahdreekahr Butylene. bur deh Fahrahdd). Q. d'hydrogene (K. deedrohzshehn). Quatre (Katr). Four. Quatrieme paire de nerfs craniens {Kahtreeehmm pehr deh nehr krahneeehn). Fourth pair of cranial nerves. Quercus {Kehrkiis). Oak. Dried bark, contains tannin. Question (Kehssidn). Question. Queue de cheval {Keh deh shvahl). Quadrijumeaux, tubercules {Kahdreezsheemoh, tubehrkul). Corpora quadrigemina. Quadrilatere (Kahdreelahtehr). Quadrilateral. Quadrilobe,-e (Kahdreelohbd) . Quadrilo- bate. Quadrivalent, -e Which can (Kahdreevahldhn) substitute four atoms of hydrogen. Quadrupede (Kahdrupehd) . Four-footed. Quadruped. Which has Qualitatif,-ive (Kahleetahteef). reference to the nature of the componQualitative. ents of a body. Quality. Qualite (Kahleetd). Which Quantitatif,-ive {Kahnteetahteef). has reference to the weight or volume of the components of a body. Quantitative. Quantite (Kahnteetd). Quantity. Quarantaine (Kahrahntehn). Quarantine. The period of about 40 years of age. Quarte, fievre {Kahrt, feeehvr). Quartan Intermittent fever, the attacks fever. of which are separated from each other Quiescent,-e (Keessdhn). Qviiescent. Quinamine (Keehnahmeen). Alkaloid of cinchona. Quinamin. Quinine (Keehneenn). Quinine. Alkaloid of cinchona. Quinisme (Keeneeznt). Cinchonism. Effect produced by quinine and its salts. Quinium {Keeneeohm). An alcoholic extract of cinchona. Quinoidine (Keenoheedeen). Resinous substance obtained as a by-product in the preparation of sulphate of quinin. Quinoline {{Keenohleen). A decomposition product of quinin. Cinchona bark. Quinquina {Kehnkeendh) Q. calisaya {K. kahleezadh). Yellow cin. chona bark. Q. gris {K. gree). Gray cinchona bark. Quinte de toux {Kehnt deh too). Attack of coughing. Quintessence {Kehntehssdhns). Quintessence. Quinteux,-euse (Kehnteh). (Kahsseedh). Quotidien,-ne (Kohteedeeehn). Daily. Quotidien. Quassia wood. Used as a stomachic and tonic. Quatemaire {Kahtehrnehr). Quaternary. 124 Which comes by attacks. by two days. Quassia Cauda equina. Acetylene. Q. Intermittent e., fievre {Q., feeehvr). fever, the attacks of which occur daily. Quotidian fever. n .. . OF MEDICAL TERMS R. Ran R R. R. Recipe. I^. {Rahbeek). Rabique Rabid. Hydropho- bic. Raboteux,-euse Rough. (Rahbohteh). Rugged. Raccoursissement (Rahkoorssessmdhn) Shortening. Race Rahss) Race. Breed. Racemeux,-euse (Rahssehmeh) . bulb). Medulla (R., kahndhl). (i?., R., canal canal. Rach i s Verte- oblongata. Vertebral Vertebral column. (Rahshee). Rachitique (Rahsheeleek). Rachitic. Rachitisme (Rahsheeteeztn). Rickets. Racine (Rahsseen). Root. Raclage (Rahkldhzsh). Scraping. Raclure (Rahkliir). Scrapings. Racornissement Hardening. {Rahkohrneessmdhn) Drying. Shrivelling. Radial, -e Rahdeedhl). Radial. R., muscle court {R., muskl koor) tensor carpi radialis brevior. R. muscle long (i?., m. lohn). Ex- Extensor carpi radialis longior. Radiant,-e {Rah dee dim). Radiating. Radiation {Rahdeeahssidn) Radiation. Radical-e (Rahdeekdhl). Radical. Pertaining to the root. Radicle. Radie,-e (Rahdeed). Arranged in rays. . Radiated. Radieux,-euse (Rahdeech). R. e., manie (R., mahnee). Mental state characterized by irresistible tendencies to commit excesses and improprieties of any sort and still the judgment and reasoning power are apparently normal. There is perversion of sentiments and affection. Such individuals belong to the class of degenerates. Radiant. ness. Streak. ing. Rale {Rehzohnmdhn). ReasonArgumentation. (Rahl). RMe. Rhonchus. Raffle (moist or dry). R. crepitant (R. krehpeetdhn). Crepitant r^le. R. caverneux (R. kahvehrneh). Cavernous or cavitary r^le. R. s. gutturaux {R. guturoh). TrachealrMes. Gurgling. R. muqueux {R. mukeh). Mucous r^le. R. ronflant {R. rohnflahn. Sonorous or dry rale (low pitch). R. sibilant (R. sseebeeldhn) Sibilant or dry rale (high pitch). Ramasse,-e (Rahmahssd) Clustered. . . Gathered together. Rameaire (Rahmehehr) Resembling . branches. Radio-actif,-ive {Rahdeedh-ahkteef). Radioactive. Emitting rays of radium. R. -graph (R.-grahf). X-ray picture. Radiograph. R.-palmaire, artere (R.-pahlmehr, ahrtchr). Superficial volar artery. R.-phalangettien du pouce, muscle (R.-fahlahnzshehteeehn dti pooss, muskl). The flexor longus poUicis muscle. Radis (Rahdce). Radish. Radius (Rahdeeus). Radius (bone of forearm). Raffinage (Rahfeendhzsh). Refining. Separation of a substance from foreign bodies which alter its purity. R'a f r a i c h i s s a t,-e {Rahfrehsheessahn). Refreshing. Cooling. Rage (Rahzsh). Rabies. Hydrophobia. Raideur (Rehdehr). Rigidity. Stiff(Reh). mehnehnzsheeteek). Raisonnement Spine. Raie {R. ing. Having the form of grape. Racemose. Rachidien,-ne (Rahsheedeeehn) bral. R., bulbe meningitique Meningeal streak. Tache cerebrale. Rainure (Rehnur). Groove. Depression. R. mastoidienne R. mahstoheedeeehun) Digastric grove of the temporal bone. Raison {Rehzohn). Reason. Intellect. Raisonnant, -e (Rehzohndhn). Reason- Mark. Line. Rameau (Rahmoh). Branch. Ramification {Rahmeefeekahssion). Ramification. Division into branches. Ramifie,-e (Rahmeefeed). Ramified. Ramolli,-e (Rahmohlce). Softened. Ramollissement (Rahmolileessmdhn). Softening. Rampant, -e Crawling. (Rakmpdhn). Creeping. Rampant. Rampe de colimagon {Ralimp deh kohleemahssdhn). Subdivisions of the cochlear canal separated from each other by a spiral lamina. Ramuscule {Rahmnskul). Twig. Rana {Rahndh). Frog. Ranee (Ralinss). Rancid. Rancidite fatty {Rahnsscedeeld). State body which became rancid. of a Ran- cidity. Ranine, artere (Rahneenn, ahrtihr). Termination of the lingual artery. Ranine artery. 125 .. FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ran Ranule mor (Rahnill). Ranula. Cystic of the floor of the mouth. Rape, bruit de {Rahp, brueedeh). tu- Rasping Rebondissant,-e {Rehbohndessdhn). bounding. Dicrotic(pulse). Harsh. Grat- tivity. Raphanie {Rahfahnle). Raphania. Chronic ergotism. Recette (Rehssiht). A line which resembles (Rahfd). a seam. Raphe. Rapport (Rahpohr). Report. Relation (in Anatomy). Analogy. Eructation. Rapports (Rahpdhr). Sexual intercourse. Medico-legal report. Rapproche,-e (Rahprohshd). Near to or related to (in anatomy). Rare. Scanty. {Rahrehfahkssion). Rechute (Rehshut). distilled resins. Rash [Rahsh). Eruption of the skin. Raspatoire (Rahspahtoodhr). Surgical instrument for scraping bones. Raspatory. Rassis (Rahssee). Settled. R., pain {R. pehn). Stale bread. Ratanhia (Kahtahneedh). Root of Krameria triandra. Ratany (tonic; astringent). Rate (Raht). Spleen. Ration (Rahssidn). Ration. Ratlonnel,-le (Rahssionnehl) Rational. Raucite (Rohsseetd). Hoarseness. Rauque (Rohk). Hoarse. . Recidive (Rehsseedeev). Striated. Ray (of light). Ra- dius. Rayonnant,-e (Rehyohndhns). Radiant. Rayonne,-e (Rehyohnd). Radiated. Rayonnement {Rehyonmdhr). Radiation. Radiance. Reactif {Rehahkteef). Reagent. Test. R. de Barreswill et Bernard {R. deh B. eh B.). Cupro-tartrate of potassium. R. de Fehling {R. deh F.) cupro-tartrate of sodium. R. de Mellon {R. deh Mehlohn). Liquor nitro-mercuric. R. de Pettenkofer (R. deh P.). To one drop of saturated solution of sugar is added one drop of a concentrated solution of sulphuric acid (used for microscopical examinations of tissues). R. de Schweizer (R. deh S.). Ammoniacal solution of sulphate of copper. Reaction (Rehahkssion). Reaction. R. de Trommer (R. deh T.). Heat a solution of copper sulphate and caustic soda with a fluid containing sugar. Upon boiling cuprous oxid is precipitated. 126 during Relapsing Relapse. Recur- rence. Reappearance of the disease after complete recovery. Recipe (Rehsseepd). Prescription. For- mula. I^. (Rehsseepeedhn) Receiver. Recipient. Reclinaison de la cataracte {Rehkleenehzohn deh lah kahtahrahkt). Operation on the cataract by lowering or bruising. . Vessel. Couching. R. des paupieres {R. deh pohpeeehr). Ectropion. Eversion of the lids. R. de I'uterus {R. deh liitehrus). Prolapse of the uterus. Recombinaison (Rehkohtnbeenehzdhn) Recombination. Reconstituent,-e {Rehkohnsteetudhn) . Which promotes nutrition. Grits. Recoup e {Rehkdop). Coarse meal. Recrement Ravivement (Rahveevmdhn). Refreshing the edges of a wound. a y e , - e (Rehya). Striped. Streaked. or fever. Recipient Rarefiant,-e (Rahrehfeedhn). Rarefying. Rase (Rahz). Essence on the surface of Rayon (Rehydhn). Form- Reappear- Relapse. ance of the disease after convalescence R. s., 6evre k {R., feeehvr ah). Rarefac- tion. R Prescription. ula. Raphe Rarefaction Bone-setter. (Rehssehptdhkl). Receptacle. (Rehssehpteeveetd). Recep- Receptivite ing. Rare {Rahr). Re- Rebouteur (Rehbootehr). Receptacle or grating sound. Rapeux,-euse (RahpSh). R., ner that are excreted. (Rehkrehmdhn). Secretions absorbed and partly partly Recrudescence (Rehkrudehssdhns). Return of symptoms of a disease after a remission with greater intensity. Rectal,-e (Rehktdhl). Rectal. Rectangulaire (Rehktahngulehr). Rectangular. Rectification {Rehkteefeekahssion). Rectification. Process consisting of repeated distillation by which a liquid is separated from foreign bodies. Rectite (Rehkteet). rectum. Rectocele Inflammation of the Rectitis. (Rehklehssehl). Protrusion of the rectum into the vagina. Rectocele, Recto-vesical,-e (Rehktoh-vehzeekdhl) Referable to the rectum and bladder. Rectum {Rehktohm). Rectum. Recuit (Rehkuee). Re-heating. Re-cooking. Recul (Rehkiil). Walking backwards. Recoil of the heart. Recurrence (Rehkurdhns). Recurrent, -e Recurrence. (Rehkurdhn) Occurring again. R. R., e., fievre (R.,feeehvr). Relapsing fever. Inferior laryngeal {R., nehr). nerf . OF MEDICAL TERMS Red Redoublement (Rehdooblmdhn). Exacerthe disease, of fever). R. des bruits du coeitr (R. deh hruee du kehr). Re-duplication of heart sounds. Redresse,-e (Rehdrehssd). Straightened. Corrected (deformity). Redressement (Rehdressmdhn). Act of straightening a deformed organ. Reductible {Rehdnkteebl). Reducible. Reduction {Rehdukssidn). Reduction. Restoration of dislocated or fractured bones in their place or reducing hernias. Reduce a compound to a metallic state. Reduisant,-e (Rehdueezdhn) Reducing. Reduplication (Rehdupleekahssidn). Reduplication. Repetition of heart beats. Reel,-le (Rehehl). Real. Effective. Refiechi.-e (Rehflehshee). Reflected. Rebation (of . Reflection Region (Rehzsheeohn) mined space. . mal kingdom. Reflex ac- R. tion. Reflet (Rehfleh). Reflection (of light). Refiexe (Rehflehks). Reflex. R. cutane (R.kutahnd). Cutaneous reflex. R. tendineux (R. tahndeeneh). Tendon moval from military who is service an indivi- unable to serve. Refractaire {Rehfrahktehr) vehzshehtdhl). . tion. Refringent,-e (Rehfrehnzshdhn). Refract- ing. Refroidissement (Rehfrooahdeessmdhn). Cold. Cooling. Coldness. Regal,-e {Rehgdhl). Regal. Dominating. R. e, eau {R. oh). Nitro-hydrochloric acid. Regard (Rehgdhr). Look. Aspect. Gaze. Regeneratif,-ive (Rehzshehnehrahtief) Regenerative. Regeneration {Rehzshehnehrahssidn) Regeneration. Regenerescence {Rehzshehnehrehssdhns Regeneration. . . {Rehzshievi) Vegetable Regorgement {Rehgohrzshmdhn) flowing (urine etc). Regressif,-ive {Rehgrehsseef). Over- . Regressive. Returning. {Rehgrehssidn) Regression. Subinvolution. Regularisation (Rehgulahreezahssion) . Rendering regular. Regulateur, -trice {Rehgulahtehr) What moderates or conducts. Regulator. Regulier,-ere {Rehguleed). Regular. Normal. Regurgitation {Rehgurzsheetahssion) Re. Refractory. Obstinate. Resisting treatment. Refracte,-e (Rehfrahktd). Refracted. Who underwent refraction of the eyes. R. es, doses (R., dohz). Divided dozes. Refractif,-ive (Rehfrahkteef). Refractive. Refraction (Rehfrahkssion). Refraction. Refrigerant, -e {Rehfreezshehrdhn). Cooling. Refrigerant. Refrigeration (Rehfreezshehrahssidn). Refrigeration. Cooling. Refringence (Rehfrehnzshdhns). Refrac- Regime products. vegetal (R. products. Regression reflex. Reflexion {Rehflehkssidn). Reflection. Reforme (Rehfohrm). Invaliding. Redual deter- Regional,-e (Rehzsheeohndhl). Referable to a region. Regional. Registre superieur ou de fausset {Rehzsheestr supehreeehr oo deh fohsseh) Upper register. Falsetto voice. R. mortuaire {R. mohrtiiehr). Register of death. Regie (Rehgl). Rule. Law. Regies {Rehgl). Courses. Menses. R. supplementaires {R. suplehmahntehr). Vicarious menstruation. Reglee, bien {Rehgld, beeehn). Regular (in menstruation). Reglisse {Rehgleess). Liquorice. Regne animal {Rehnn ahneemdhl). Ani- Thought. . A Region. Reflector Reflexion. . (Rehflehkssidn). Reflectivite {Rehflehkteeveetd) . R. inorganique {R. eenohrgahneek). Inorganic product. R. organique {R. ohrgahneek). Organic flexed. Refiecteur, -trice (Rehflehktehr) Rel Regimen. thodic usage of things essential to Diet. Melife. . gurgitation. Reimplantation {Rehnplahntahssion) . Re- implantation. Restoration. Reil, insula de {R., ehyisuldh deh). Island of Reil. See Insula. Rein {Rehn). Kidney. R. fiottant {R.flohtdhn). Movable kidney. Reine des bois {Rehnn deh boodh). Lily of the valley. R. des pres {R. deh prd). Spiraea. Ulmaria. Meadow-sweet. Reinfection {Rehehnfehkssidn). Reinfection. Reinoculation {Reheenohkulahssidn). Re- inoculation. Reins {Rehn). Lower part of spine. Loins. R., mal aux {R., mahl oh). Lumbago. R. succenturiaux stiksahntureedh). {R. Suprarenal capsules. Reintegration {Rehehntehgrahssidn). Reintegration. Rejection {Rehzshehkssion) Rejection. . R Expulsion. e j e t o n {Rehzshehtdhn) . Offspring. Scion. Relachant,-e {Rehlahshdhn). Relaxing. 127 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Rel Relachment (Relahshmdhn) Relaxation. . Flabbiness. Flaccidity. Relatif,-ive (Rehlahteef). Relative. Renne Re- lating. . Elevator. Leva- tor. R. de I'aile du nez (R. deh Mil du nd). Pyramidalis and compressor nasi mus- Renovation {Rehnohvahssion). d. n. 1. {R. d. I. a. n. et de la levre superieure eh deh lah lehvr supehreeehr). Levator labu superioris alseque nasi muscle R. de I'angle des levres (R. deh lahngl deh lehvr). Levator anguli oris muscle. R. de I'anus {R. deh lahniis). Levator ani muscle. R. de la levre inferieure {R. deh lah lehvr ehnfehreeehr). Levator labii inferioris muscle. R. de la luette {R. deh lah lueht). Azygos uvulae muscle. R. de I'omoplate {R. deh lohmohpldht) Levator anguli scapulae muscle. R. de la paupiere superieure {R. deh lah pohpeeehr supehreeehr). Levator palpesuperioris muscle. R. du voile du palais {R. du vovdhl du pahleh). Levator palati muscle. R. de la prostate {R. deh lah prohstdht). Levator prostatae (anterior portion of Levator ani). R. de I'urethre {R. deh lurehtr). Part of transversus perinei muscle. R. du coccyx {R. du kohksseeks). Coccygeus muscle. R. des cotes (R. deh kohl). External intercostal muscles. Remede (Rehmehd). Remedy. Secret remedy. Proprietary medicine. Remission (Rehmeession). Remission. Remittence (Rehmeetdhns) Remission. Remittent,-e (Rehmeetdhn). Remittent. Rempart maxillaire {Rahnpdhr mahkseelehr). Gingival margin. Rempla9ant,-e (Rahnplahssdhn). Substitute. Replacing. Renal, -e (Rehndhl). Renal. Renard (Rehndhr). Fox. Produce. (Rahndntdhn) secret {R. sehkreh). . Rendement Eructation. Reometre (Rehohmehtr) Rheometer. Reophore (Rehohfdhr). Rheophore. Reorganisation (Rehohrgahneezahssion) . Reorganisation. Repercussion {Rehpehrkussion). Sudden disappearance of a disorder but its appearance in another organ. Repercussion. Repere, point de {Rehpehr, pooehn deh). Point or mark which gives the surgeon an indication where to operate. Plethora. ReRepletion (Rehplehssion) . pletion. Repli (Rehplee). Fold. R. semilunaire (R. sehmeelunehr). Lachrymal caruncle. Repos (Rehpoh). Rest. Pause. Instrument Repoussoir [(Rehpoossoodhr) . Depressor in to handle a sequestrum. trephining. Dental punch. R. d'aretes {R. dahreht). Probang to push into the stomach a foreign body lodged in the oesophagus. Reproductile (Rehprohdukteel) tible of reproduction. Reproduction (Rehprohdukssion). la . testis. R. muqueux de Malpighi M.). mukeh deh {R. Rete Malpighii. Resection Resection. {Rehzehkssion). Excision. Receptacle. Reservoir. de pineale (Rehn du kohnahreeohm oo deh Peduncles of the pineal gland. Renfiement {Rahnflmdhn). Swelling. R. Enlargement. Renifiement (Rehneeflmdhn). R. de Pacquet {R. deh Pahkeh). Reniforme shaped. {Rehneefohrm) Sniffing. . Kidney- Repro- duction. Reptile (Rehpteel). Reptile. Repullulation (Rehpululahssion). Return of a growth. Repulsive. Repulsif,-ive (Rehpulseef). Requisition. Requisition (Rehkeezeession) Application. Reseau (Rehzoh). Interlacement of fibres, Reticulum. nerves etc. Network. R. de Haller (R. deh H). Rete vasculosum glande lah glahnd peenehdhl). Suscep- . Reservoir (R^hzehrooodhr). Yield. Belch- ing. . Renes du conarium ou de 128 Renova- Renverse,-e (Rahnvehrsd). Turned over. Bandage having turns. Renversement (Rahnvehrsmdhn). TurnExtroversion. ing upside down. Renvoi {Rahnvoodh). cles. R. Crow tion. Releveur (Rehlehvehr) brcB . foot or buttercup family; supplies many drugs. Renoueur (Rehnooehr). Bone-setter. tion. d. sde Reindeer. Renonculacees (Rehnohnkulahssd) Relation (Rehlahssidn). Relation. Relaxation (Rehlahksahssidn). Relaxa- R. (Rehnn). R. la bile (R. deh lah heel). Gall- bladder. R. des larmes {R. deh lahrm). Lachrymal sac. culum chj-li. R. s de la semence Seminal vesicles. Recepta- {R. deh lah ssehmdhns). . OF MEDICAL TERMS R. de R. de I'lU-ine {R. bladder. Residu {Rehzeedu). Urinary deh lureen). What Residue. re- Residuel,-le (Rehzeeduehl). Residual. Re sine {Rehzeen). Resin. Amorphous fusible substance as an excretory product of plants. Resineux,-euse {Rehzeeneh). Resinous. Resistance {Rehzeestdhns). Resistance. Resolvent. Resolutif,-ive (Rehzohluteef). Resolution. (Rehzohliissidn) Resolution Diminution and gradual disappearance of the morbid process. RestoraResomptif,-ive (Rehzohmpteef) . . tive. (Rehzohndhns) Resonance. Resorbe,-e (Rehzohrbd). Reabsorbed. Resorcine (Rehzohrsseenn). Resorcin (An- Resonnance tiseptic). Respirable Absorption. Respirable. (Rehzohrpssion) (Rehspeerdhbl). . . Reticulum. Respirateur (Rehspeerahtehr) apparatus. Respiration (Rehspeerahssion) Reticulate. Reticulum. Reticulum (Rehteekulohm) Retine (Rehteen). Retina. Retimen,-ne {Rehteeneeehn). Retinal. . InflamRetinitis. Retinite (Rehteeneet) mation of the retina. "RetoTte {Rehtohrt). Retort. A vessel containing a fluid during distillation. Retour, age de {Rehtoor, ahzsh deh). Period of life when vigor commences to deDecline of life. crease. Retracte,-e (Rehtrahktd). Retracted. Retracteur (Rehtrahktehr). Retractor. Instrument to draw back the edges of a . wound. Retrait {Rehtreh). Shrinking. Retraction. R. des arteres {R. dehzahrtehr). Arterial systole. Retraite (Rehtreht). Retrecissement Vital. Respirator- . Retirement. {Rehtrehsseessmdhn) Stricture. Retroaction (Rehtrohahkssion). Breathing. . Respiration. Respiratoire (Rehspeerahtodahr) Respira- . tory. Responsabilite (Rehspohnsahbeeleetd) . Re- Ressemblance (Rehssahmbldhns) . Resem- Retrocession (Rehtrohssehssion). Going backward. R. du travail {R. du trahvdhy). False labor (in obstetrics). backwards citating. RestoraRestatiration {Rehstohrahssidn). tion (of a function, etc.). Restiforme (Rehsteefdhrm). Cord-like. Restiform. Inferior cerebellar R.s, corps (R., kohr). Restiform bodies. peduncles. Restitution cutanee {Rehsteetussion kutahAutoplasty of the skin. nd). Restreint (Rehstrehn). Restraint of insane. Resultant,-e (Rehzultdhn). Resulting. Resultant. Resultante (Rehzultdhnt) Resultat (Rehzultdh). Result. Rete Rete mirabile (Rehteh meerahbeeUh) Net-work. mirabile. Retention (Rehtahnssidn). Retention. Holding back. Retentissement de la voix (Rehtahteessmdhn deh lah voodh). Resonance of the . . . Bending (uterus, etc.). Retrogradation blance. Resserre,-e {Rehssehrd). Narrow. Bound. Constipated. Resserrement du ventre (Rehssehrmdhn du vahntr). Constipation. Ressuscitant,-e {Rehssusseetdhn). Resus- Reverse action. Retroflexion {Rehtrohflehkssion) sponsibility. {Rehtrohgrahdahssion) . Retrograde development. R.-oculaire (R.-ohkulehr). Retroocular. RetR. -peritoneal, -e {R.-pehreetohnehdl) . roperitoneal. Retropulsion (Rehtrohpulssion) Backward movements (seen in Paralysis agitans). R. -pupillaire (R.-pupeelehr). Retropupil. lary. R.-sternal,-e (R.-stehndhl). R'-uterin,-e (R.-utehrehn). Retrosternal. Retrouterine. Retroversion {Rehtrohvehrssidn). Turned backward (uterus etc.) Reunion {Rehiineeohn). Union. Healing. R. par premiere intention {R. pahr prefimeeShr ehntahnsion). Healing or union by first intention. R. par seconde intention {R. pahr sgohnd ehntahnsion). Healing or union by second intention. Revaccination {Rehvakseenahssidn). Re- vaccination. Revasserie (Rehvahssree) Disturbed . dreams. Reve (Rehv). Dream. Awakening. Reveil (Rehvdy). voice. Subjection Retentivite (Rehtahnteeveetd) to retention. Rete testis {Rehteh tehsUes). Network of vasa in the testicle. Reticulation (Rehteekulahssidn). Reticula. tion. Reticular. Reticidaire (Rehteekulehr) Reticule (Rehteekul). Network (small). Reticule, -e (Rehteektdd). mains after manipulation. Resorption Rev Reverbere {Rehvehrbihr) Reflector. Street lamp. Reversible (Rehvehrsiebl). Revertible. Reversion {Rehvehrssidn). Reversion. Revetement . (Rehvehtmdhn). Covering. Coating. 129 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Rev Revision (Rehveezee6hn). recruits for the army. Revivification Examination of (Rehveeveefeekahssidn). Freshening the surface of a wound. Re- viving. Revulseur (Rehvulsehr). Revulsor. Decreasing an one place by manipulating another part. Revulsive. Rhachidien,-ne {Rahsheedeeehn). Referable to the spinal column. Rhachis (Rahshee). Spinal column. Rhachitique {Rahsheeteek) Rachitic. Rhachitis (Rahsheetees) Rickets. RachiRevulsif,-ive (Rehvulsseef) abnormal condition in . . . Fissure of the soft parts, especially of the anus. Rhamnus catharticus {Rahmmis kahtahrteekiis). Buckthorn, the berries of which are purgative. R. frangula (i?. frahnguldh). Black alder (purgative, but very irritant.) Rhaphanus {Rahfahnus). Wild mustard. Rhaphe {Rahfeh). Raphe. See Raph6. Rheine {Reheen). Substance obtained from rhubarb. Rheometre Apparatus (Rehohmehtr). Rheometer. for estimating velocity of blood. Rheophore (Rehohfohr). Wire connecting the electrode with the battery. Rheoscope (Rehohskohp). Rheoscope. Apparatus for determining the presence of an electric current. Rheostat (Rehohstdh). Apparatus which increases or decreases the intensity of an electrical current. Rheotome {Rehohtohm). Apparatus for interrupting electrical currents. Rheotrope (Rehohtrdhp). Instrument for reversing electric currents. Rheum (Rehdhm). Rhinite (Reeneet). Rhubarbe. Coryza. Rhinitis. Rhinocephale {Reenohssehfdhl) A monster with a tubular nose and eyes below . the nose united in the median line. Rhinolithe (Reenohleet). Calculus or concretion in the nasal cavities. Rhinophonie {Reenohfohnee). Nasal tone of speech. Rhinoplastie (Reenohplahstee). Plastic operative work on the nose. Rhinopsie (Reenohpsee). Strabismus in which the eyes are directed towards the nose. Rhinorrhagie (Reenohrahzshee) Epistaxis. Rhinorrhaphie (Reenohrahfee) Suturing the edges of a wound of the nose. . . Rhinosclerome (Reenovsklehrdhm) . Nodu- condition of the anterior portion of the nose. Instrument Rhino scope (Reenohskohp) for ocular examination of the nasal cavilar . ties. 130 Rhinoscopie {Reenohskohpie) Ocular examination of the nasal cavities. Rhodalline (Rohdahleen). Ammoniated oil of mustard. Rhodomele (Rohdohmehl). Mel rose. Rhonchus {Rohnkus). Sonorous rMe. Rhoncus. . Rhubarbe Nasal speculum. Root Rhubarb. (Rubdhrb). (purgative). Rhum {Rohm). Rheum of Rum. Rhumatismal,-e (Rumahteezmdhl) Rheu- . matic. Rhumatisme (Rutnahteezm) . Rhuma- tism. Rhumatoide, tis. Rhagade (Rahgdhd). R., lig arthrite Rheumatoid treet). (Rumahtoheed, ahrarthritis. Rheum- atic gout. Rhume {Rum). Cold in the head. Coryza. R. de cerveau {R. deh ssehrvoh). Coryza. Rhus {Russ). Sumach. Shrub (stimu- muscular action in the intestines, bladder and uterus. Rhythme {Reetm). Regular movement. lates Rhythm. Rhythmique Ricin, huile {Reetineek). Rhythmic. de {Reessehn, ueel deh). Castor oil. Ricinine {Reesseeneen). An alkaloid from the beans of castor oil. Ride {Reed). Wrinkle. Rieur, muscle {Reeehr, muskl). Risorius muscle. Rigidite {Reezsheedeetd). Rigidity. R. cadaverique {R. kahdahvehreek). Cadaveric rigidity. Rigor mortis. Rire {Reer). Laughter. R. canin {R. kahn&hn). Sardonic laugh. Spasm of facial muscles resembling grinning. R. sardonique {R. sahrdohneek). Sardonic laugh. Spasm of facial muscles resembling grinning. Ris {Ree). See Rire. Riz {Ree). Rice. R. de veau {R. deh voh). Sweetbread. Riziere {Reezeeehr). Rice field. Riziform. Riziforme {Reeseefohrm) Rob {Rohb). Fruit juice thickened by evaporation. Robin et {Rohbeeneh). Stop-cock. Tap. {Rohbohrdhn). StrengthenRoborant,-e ing. Tonic. Rocher {Rohshd). Petrous portion of temporal bone. Rognon {Rohnnydhn). Kidney. Roideur {Rooahdehr) See Raideur Rolando, fissure de {Rohlahnddh, feessilr (on the deh). Fissure of Rolando . . cortex of the brain). Role {Rohl). Character. Part. Rond,-e {Rohn). Round. R., ligament {R., leegahmdhn). ligament. Round R., OF MEDICAL TERMS mus muscle R., grand {R., muskl grahn). Teres major muscle. muscle petit (R., muskl ptee). Teres minor muscle. R. pronateur, muscle {R., prohnahtehr, Pronator radii teres muscle. muskl). R., Ronflant,-e (Rohnflahn). Snoring. Ster- torous. R., rale {R. rahl). Sonorous rMe. Ronflement (Rohnflmdhn). Snore, Ronge,-e (Rohnzshd). Irregularly scraped. Corroding. Rongeant,-e {Rohnzshdha) . Ulcerated. Rongeur (Rohnzshehr). Rodent. Roob (Rohb). Fruit juice thickened byevaporation. Rose (Rohz). Rose. Rose,-e (Rohzd). Rosy. Roseous. Rosee (Rohzd). Dew. Rosenmiiller, fossette de (R.,fohsseht deh). Depression on each side of Eustachian tube at its opening into the pharynx. ParoR., organe de (R., ohrgdhnn deh). varium. Epoophoron (analogous to epididymis in man). Scarlet Roseole (Rohzehohl). Roseola. rash. Ryt Red oxid R,, precipite (R., prehsseepeeld). of mercury. Rougeole (Roozshohl). Measles. Rougeur (Roozshehr). Redness. Mildew. Oxide Rouille (Rooee). Rust. of iron. Rusted. Rouille, -e (Rooeed). Roule,-e (Roold). Rolled (bandage). Roulement (Roolmdhn). Rolling. Rousselot, poudre de {Roossloh, poodr deh) Arsenical powder. Ruban (Rubdhn). Ribbon. R.s de la glotte {R. deh lah Rubane,-e {Rubahnd). Rubefaction Rubeole German (Rubehohl). Rubella. (Rush). Hive. Rude (Rud). Rough. Ruche Scarlatina. Uneven. Imundeveloped Rudiment (Rudeemdhn). Rudiment. perfectly organ. developed or Rudimentaire (Rudeemahntehr) mentary. RudiIncompletely developed. Undeveloped. (Ru). Ruta* Rugosite (Rugohzeetd). R., fievre {R., feeehor). Rubefacient. measles. Rubefiant,-e (Rubehfeedhn). Rot . Rube- {Rubehfahkssion). faction. Rugine (Ruzsheen). Rotule (Rohtul). Patella. Knee-cap. Patellar. Rotulien,-ne (Rohtuleeehn) Rouge (Roosh). Red. R. d'aniline (R. dahneeleen). Fuchsin. R. de cochenille (R. deh kohshnee). Carmin. Ribbon-like. Striped. R. epidemique (R. ehpeedehmeek)' Epidemic rash. German measles. Rubella. Rostre (Rohstr). Rostrum. Beak. Belch. Eructation. (Roht). muskl). {Rohtahtehr, Rotateur, muscle Rotator. Rotation (Rohtahssion). Rotation). Rotatoire (Rohtahtoodhr). Rotatory. Rotissage (Rohteessdhzsh). Roasting. Vocal gloht). cords. Rue Rue. Bone Rugueux,-euse (Rugeh). . (Vermifuge). scraper. Roughness. Rough. Ruminant (Rtimeendhn). Ruminant. Hoofed animal chewing the cud. Rupia (Rupeedh). Syphilitic skin disease consisting of tubercles which after ulcerating became covered with a crust. Rupture (Ruptur). Tear. Rupture. Rural, -e (Rurdhl). Rural. Rut (Rut). Period of sexual excitement in animals. Rubilant,-e (Ruteeldhn). Fiery state. Rythme (Reetm). Rhythm. 131 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY s. Symbol of sulphur. du colon {Seeleedhk du S. S iliaque Sacrum (Sahkrdhm). kohldhn). Sigmoid flexure of the colon. Sabine {Sahheen). Sabina Juniperus. Sable (Sahbl). Grit. Gravel. Sableux,-euse (Sahbleh). Gritty. Sabot (Sahboh). Hoof. Wooden shoes. Saburral,-e (Sahburdhl). Coated (tongue). Saburre (Sahbtlr). Coating (of tongue). Sac (Sahk). Sac. Saccade [Sahkdhd). Jerk. Saccade,-e (Sahkahdd). Jerky. S.e, respiration (5. rehspeerahssion). regular respiration. Sadisme Sadism. Sexual Safran (Sahfrdhn). Dried stigmata of the flower of Crocus sativus. Saffron. S. de Mars aperitif (5. deh Mahrs ahpehreeteef). S. Ferric hydrate. de Mars astringent (S. deh Mahrs ahs- trehnzshdhn). Sesquioxide of iron. Sagacite {Sahgahsseetd). Sagacity. Sage-femme (Sahzsh-fahmm) Sagittale, suture . Midwife. {Sahzsheetdhl, sutilr). Suture between the upper borders of the parietal bones. Sagou (5a/zgoo). Sago. Starch meal from the stem of Metro xylon. Saignee (Sehnneed). Blood-letting. Vene- section. of iron. Sacchar- Saignement de nez {Sehnmdhn deh nd). Of the nature Projection. Prominence. Sain,-e (Sehn). Healthy. Saison (Sehzohn). Season. Salaam, tic de {Sahldhm, teek deh). Spasmus nutans. A convulsive salutation (head nodding). It may assume the character of epilepsy. Salacite {Sahlahsseetd). Salacity. Sexual Saccharate, -e (Sahkakrahtd) . Epistaxis. ated. Saccharin,-e (Sahkahrehn) . of sugar. (Sahkahreen). Saccharin (a substitute for sugar used in diabetes). Saccharokali (Sahkahrohkahlee). Mixture of sugar and potassium or sodium Saccharine carbonate (antigastralgic). Saccharole (Sahkahrohld). Powdered sugar combined with other substances. Saccharolique (Sahkahrohleek). Spoken of any medicine containing sugar. Cane sugar. Saccharose (Sahkahrdhz) Saccharure (Sahkahrur) Medicinal preparation obtained from sugar and tinc. . tures. Sacciforme (Sahksseefdhrm). Which is in the shape of a sac. sacculaire (Sahkulehr). In the form of a Saillie (Sahyee). desire. Salaison (Sahlehzohn) . Salting. Salt- meat. Saline. Salt. Salant,-e (Sahldhn). Sale,-e (Sahld). Impregnated with salt. Salted. Salep (Sahlehp). Tubers of orchids; they contain a mucilage, used as a demulcent. Salicine (Sahleesseen). ciple of the Cristallizable prin- bark of Salix alba. Used as a substitute of Salicylic acid. sac. Saccule (Sahkiil). A small sac. Sacre,-e (Sahkrd). Sacral. Sacree, maladie {Sahkrd, mahlahdee). Salts formed (Sahleesseeldht). salicylic acid. Salicylique, acid {Sahleesseeleek, ahsseed). Salicylate by Epi- Salicylic acid. lepsy. Sacro-coccygien,-ne (Sahkroh-kohksseezsheeehn). Sacrococcygeal. ReS.-epineux,-euse (Sahkroh-ehpeeneh) ferable to the sacrum and spines of the . ilium. S. -femoral, muscle {S.-fehmohrdhl muskl). Gluteus maximus. S.-ilio-trochanterien, m. (S.-eeleeoh-trohPyriformis muscle. kahntehreeehn, m.). SacroS.-lombaire, m. {S.-lohmbehr, m.). lumbar m. S.- sciatique (5. -ssecahteek). Sacro-sci- atic. S. -vertebral, angle 132 Sacrum. (Sahdeezm). orgasm produced by pain. Ir- Saccharate (Sahkahrdht). Combination of sugar with certain oxids. Saccharated oxid S. de fer (5. deh fehr). gl). S.d'o Promontory {S.-vehrtehbrahl, ahnof sacrum. Hollow behind the colSaliere {Saleeehr). lar bone. Containing salt. Salifere (Sahleefehr). Saliferous. Saline. Salin,-e (Sahlehn). Salivary. Salivaire (Sahleevehr) Salivation. Salivation (Sahleevahssion). Saliva. Salive (Sahleev). Room. Ward in a hospital. Salle (5a /;/). Autopsy S. d'autopsie (5. dohtohpsee). . room. de dissection (5. deh deessehkssion). Dissecting room. OperS. d'operation (5. dohpehrahssidn). ating room. S. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Sal Salol (Sahldhl). (antiseptic Phenyl salicylate Salol. and S. Salophen. Has (Sahlohfehn) the same action as salol. Salpetre (Sahlpehtr). Salpeter. Nitrate of potash. Nitrate S., eau mere du (S., oh ntehr du). of calcium. . Salpingitis. Salpingite (Sahlpehtizsheet) Inflammation of Fallopian tubes. Salpingo -malle en, muscle (Sahlpehngohmahlehehn, muskl). Tensor tympani . muscle. S.-staphylin, muscle ' (S.-stahfeelehn, muskl). Levator palati muscle. Salsepareille (Sahlssehpahrdy). Sarsapar- (5., Salubrious. Salubrity. Salure [Sahlur). The quantity of salt solved in water. Saltness. . Sanatorium (Sahnahtohreedhm). dis- Vein Salvatelle (Sahlvahtehl) Salvatella. on the back of the little finger. soap. Saponification (Sahpohneefeekahssion) Production of soap. Saponification. Saponule (Sahpohnul). A remedy made of soap treated with alcohol. Saprogene {Sahprohzshehnn). Producing Animals (Sahprohfeet). or plants living on dead organisms. Sarceux,-euse (Sahrsd). Fleshy. Sarcous. genus Sarcine (Sahrsseen). Sarcine. A . S. tumor of egyptienne (S. ehzsheepsseeShnn). Sarcolemme (Sahrkohlehmm) Sheath covSarcolemma. Sarcomateux,-euse (Sahrkohmahteh). Re- Sob; sobbing (due to Sanglot {SahngUh) spasmodic and noisy contraction of the diaphragm). Sangsue (Sahnsii). Leech. ForSanguification (Sahngeefeekahssion). . ering a muscular fiber. ferable to sarcoma. Sarcome (Sahrkdhm). operation. Ele- phantiasis. bisul- Blood. Sanglant,-e (Sahngldhn). Bloody. S.e, operation (S. ohpehrahssion). Bloody essentially . of Tumor composed embryonic tissue. Sar- coma. Sarcopte (Sahrkdhpt). mon S. Sarcoptes. Com- scabis. de Itch insect. la gale (5. deh lah gahl). rire (Sahrdohneek, reer). Spasmodic laugh, smile or grin. Risus Sardonique, Bloody. Blood- colored. (Sahngeenehr) . Sanguinary. Sanguinolent,-e (Sahngeenohldhn). Tinged with blood. Like blood. Sanie (Sahnee). Sero-purulent discharge from a wound having a fetid odor. Sanieux,-euse (Sahneeeh). Sanious. Sanitary. S a n i t a i r e {Sahneetehr) Healthy. Santal (Sahntdhl). Sandalwood. Sante (Sahntd). Health. S., maison de (5., mehzohn deh). Private asylum. . (Sahntohneen). Santonine. Cristalline principle of Artemisia mari- tima (Vermifuge). canal de (Sahntohreenee, kahndhl deh). Accessory pancreatic canal. S., plexus de (S., plehksus deh). Pubio- Santorini, prostatic plexus. Saper (Sahpd). A (Sahrkohssehl). testicle. Sang (Sahn). Santonine Cocci agglomerated of schizomycetes. in cubic masses. Sarcocele Sandalwood. Santal (Sahntdhl). Sandalwood. Sandaracha (Sahndahrahkdh) Red phide of arsenic. Saprogenous. Saprophyte Sandal (Sahnddhl). Sanguinaire External A remedy made with Sapone (Sahpohnd). Health resort. mation of blood. Sanguin,-e (Sahngehn). vehnn). Internal or long saphenous nerve. Internal or S. i., veine (S., ehu., vehnn). large saphenous vein. imSapide (Sahpeed). What makes an Sapid. pression on the organ of taste. Sapin (Sahpeha). Fir-tree. Pine. putrefaction. Healthy. Salubrite (Sahlubr eetu). eh., S. interne, nerf (5. ehntehrn, nehr). illa. Salubre (Sahlubr). To undermine. To sap. sardonicus. Sartorius, muscle (Sahrtohreeiis, muskl). Sartorius muscle. Sassafras (Sahssahfrdhss). Sassafras-root. U&ed as an aromatic. Also as abortifacient. Satiety. Satiete (Sahsseeehtd). Saturation (Sahturahssion). Saturation. Sature,-e (Sahturd). Saturated. Saturnin,-e (Sahsturnehn). Referable to lead. Saturnisme (Sahlurneezm) Lead poison- . ing. Morbid exSatyriasis (Sahteereeahzees) altation of genital functions in male. Sauge (Sohzsh). Garden sage. Saule (SSohl). Willow. . Saumon (SSohmdhn). Salmon. Saupoudre,-e (SSohpoodrd). Dusted over. Saut (Ssoh). Jump. Leap. Sauterelle (SSohtrehl). Locust. GrasshopcT. Saphene externe, nerf (Sahfehn nehr). veine saphenous vein. antipyretic). Salophen e., Sau ehkstihrn, External saphenous nerve. Sauteur,-euse (SSohtehr). Jumping. Leaping. 133 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sav Saveur (SSahvihr). Impression produced by the organ of taste. Taste. Savour. Savon (SSahvdhn). Soap. S. ammoniacal (5. ahmohneeahkdhl) Liniment of ammonia and soap. . S. blanc {S. blahn). Hard soap. S. vert ou noir {S. vehr oo noodhr). Soap of potash. to taste. Savoury. Scabieux,-euse {'Skahbeeeh) Scabious. Referable to scabies. Itchy. Scalene anterieur, muscle (Skahlchn ahn. muskl). Scalenus muscle. Scalpel (Skahlpehl). Scalpel. tehreeehr, Scammonee (Skahmohnd). anticus model to Scammony posterieure, a. (S. pohstehreeehr, a.). Transverse cervical artery. Scapulo-humerales, arteres (Skahpuloh- S. umehrdhl, ahrtehr). Circumflex arteries' of the arm. S.-humeral, muscle {S.-u., muskl). Teres major. S.-h., nerf (S.-h., nehr). Circumflex nerve. S.-humero-olecranien, muscle {S.-umehroh-ohlehkrahneeehn, muskl). Triceps muscle. S. hyoidien, m. (5. heeoheedeeehn). Omohyoid muscle. S. -radial, m. {S.-rahdeedhl, m.). Biceps muscle of the arm. m. (S.-trokheetehreeehn, m.) (Skahpuldhm). Scapula. Shoulder-blade. Scarificateur (Skahreefeekahtehr). Scarificator. Instrument used for application of wet cups. Scarification (Skahreefeekahssion). Superficial incision for local abstraction of some blood. Scarification. Scarifie,-e (Skahreefeed). Scarified. Scarlatine (Skakrlahteen). Scarlet-fever. Scarlatiniforme (Skahrlahteeneefohrm). Scarlatiniform. Scarlatinoiide (Skahrlahteenoheed). Re- sembling scarlet fever. Scarpa, aiguille de {Skahrpdh, deh). (Shlehmm, ehgiiee deh). needle. S., triangle de (5., treeahngl deh). Space formed by crural arch and the muscles. Sartorius and adductor longus. Scatol (Skahtohl). Product of putrefaction of proteins. kahnahl Ciliary canal. Schwann, substance blanche de {Shvahnn, substahns blahnsh deh). Myelin (of nerve fibers). Sciage (Sseedhzsh). Massage executed with the internal border of the hand. S., grand nerf Sciatica Sciatic. grahn nehr). (5., Great sciatic nerve. S., petit n. (5., ptee Small sciatic n.). nerve. Scie (Ssee). Saw. S. k chaine (S. ah shehnn). Chain saw. Circular saw devised by Charriere. Science (SSeedhns). Science. Scille (55ee/). vSquill. A genus of Liliaceae. Scirrhous tuScirrhocele (SSeerohssehl). mor of the testicle. Segmentation. Scission {SSession). Scissipare, reproduction (SSeesseepdhr, rehprohdukssion). Reproduction by seg- mentation. Cleavage. Fisstire. Scissure (SSeessur). Protrusion Sclerectasie (Sklehrehktahzee). of the sclera or Staphyloma. Sclerectomie (Sklehrehktohmee). Excision Sclerectomy. of the sclera. Sclereme {Sklehrehmm). Induration of the skin. Sclerema. Sclereux,-euse Infraspinatus muscle. Scapulum Schlemm, canal de S. circulaire {S. sseerkulehr). Subscapular artery. S.-trochiterien, kingdom. (Sseeahteek). (neuralgia). , 134 figure or demonstrate the general arrangement or construction of an apparatus, etc. Schema. Schematique (Shehmahteek). Referable to a schema. Schizomycetes (Sheezohmeesseht). Fungi Sciatique root (a purgative). Scaphoid, os {Skahfoheed, ohss). Scaphoid bone. Scapulaire (Skahpulehr). Scapular. S. inferieure, artere (5. ehnfehreeehr ahr- Curved A Schema (Shehmdh). (or bacteria), as the lowest of vegetable Savonneux,-euse (Sahvohneh). Soapy. Savonule (Sahvohnul). Combination of an essence with alkalies. Savoureux,-euse (SSahvooreh). Pleasant tehr). Sco Sclerous. (Sklehreh). Hard. Sclerodermie (Sklehrohdehrmee). Scleroderma. Diffuse. Indiirated areas of the skin. Scleroma (Sklehrohm). sue especially of Scleroma. Sclerose (Sklehrohz). of tissues. Induration of tisnose and larynx. Morbid induration Sclerosis. Sclerostome {Sklehrohstohm). A genus of Anchylostomum duodenale. Scleroticonyxis (Sklehrohteekohneeksees). An of operation on the sclerotic consisting making an opening. Sclerotique iSklehrohteek). Sclerotite {Sklehrohteet). Sclerotic. Inflammation of the sclerotic. Sclerotomie {Sklehrohtohmee). Making an incision in the sclerotic. Scolex (Skohlehks). Head and neck of a cestoid worm. OF MEDICAL TERMS Sco Scoliose (Skohleedhz). Lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis. Scorbut (Skohrbi'd). Scurvy. S. des Alpes {S. dezdhlp). S. de terra (5. deh tehr). Purpura hemor. is af- Herb (Diaphoretic). visual field. Scrobicule Sedimentaire (SSehdeemahniehr). Blind spot in the Sedimentation Pit of the stomach. Scrofule (SkrohfiU) A constitutonal disease of tubercular character characterized by swelling of cervical glands. Scrofula. Scrofuleux,-euse (Skrohfuleh) Scrofulous. . Strumous. Segment. Segmentaire (SSehgmahntehr). Segmental. Segmentation {SSehgmahntahssidn). Division into individual parts. SegmentaSegregation (SSehgrehgahssion). Dissociation of an entity into its elements. Separation of a part from the regation. Seigle (SSehgl). Rye. S. ergote (S. ehrgohtd). cale cornutum. Sein Scrofulide {Skrohfuleed). Generic name of skin affections developed under the influence of scrofula. Scrotal. ReferScrotal, -e (Skrohtdhl). able to scrotum. Scrupule {Skrupul) Scruple. Old weight = 20 grains. Also: moral anxiety. Scybale {SSeehdhl). Scybalum. Feces in round masses. Sebace,-e (SSehbahssd). Sebaceous. Seborrhee (SSehbohrd). Exaggerated seSeborcretions of sebaceous glands. Bosom. Seg- Se- Lap. Sel iSSehl). S. de G.). S. S. Salt. admirable de Glauber ahdmeerdhbl (S. Sodium sulphate. amer cathartique de Glauber (5. ahmehr kahtahrteek deG.). Magnesium sulphate. ammoniaque {S. ahmohneedhk). Chlorid ammonium. Magnesium sulanglais (5. ahngleh). of S. phate. Chlorid of sodium. S. blanc (5. blahn). Magnesium S. de canal (S. deh kahndhl). sulphate. (SSebdhm). Sebaceous substance. Tallow. Sec,-Seche {Sehk, Sehsh). Dry. Secateur {SSehkahtdhr). Osteotome. Cut- Protosulphate of S. chalybe (5. shaleebd). iron. Magnesium S. d'Epsom (S. dehpsohmm). S. ting. Arthritis defor- mans. sulphate. essentiel d'absinthe (5. ehssahnteeehl Carbonate of potash. dahbsehnt). essentiel d'oseille (5. ehssahnteeehl Oxalate of potash. dohzdy). S. fusible de Purine (5. fuzeebl deh lureen). S. (SSehshoodhr). Apparatus for Sechoir drying medications, etc. Drying-room. Second, -e (Skohn). Second. Secondaire {Skohndehr). Secondary. Subsequent. Secondines {Skohndeen). After-birth. Secours (SSkoor). Help. Assistance. Attendance. Relief. Secousse (Skooss). Shock. Concussion. Secret medical (Sehkreh mehdeekdhl). Professional secret. Secrete, liquide (Sehkrehtd, leekeed). Secretion. Secretion (SSehkrehssion). Secretion. Secretoire {Sehtrehtoodhr). Having a relaSecretory. tion to secretions. Section {SSehkssion). Section. Sectionner {SSehkseeohnd). To section. To divide. To amputate. Sedative. Sedatif,-ive {SSehdnhteef). Efifect produced Mitigation. Alleviation. Sedentaire (SSehdahntchr). Sedentary. Tuberosity of ischium. S., OS {S., ohss). sedative. Spurred rye. Breast. (SSehn). rest. Gravid womb. rhcea. Sebum by (SSehdeemahntahssion). tion. Depression. (Skrohbeekiil). Sedation {SSehdahssiun). Sedi- The process of producing a sediment. Segment {SSehgmdhn). Part of the body. Scotoma. Seche, arthrite (Sehsh). De- posit. mentary. rhagica. Scotome (Skohtdhmm). Sediment (SSehdeemdhn). Sediment. Pellagra. Scorbutique {Skohrhuteek) Who fected with scurvy. Scordion (Skohrdeedhn). Scordium. Sel S. Phosphate of infernal (S. soda and ammonium. Potassium ehnfehrndhl) . nitrate. marin pesant (S. mahrehn pehzdhn). Chlorid of barium. Sulphate of S, de Mars (S. deh Mahrs). S. iron. S. natif de I'urine (S. nahteef deh lureen). Phosphate of sodium and ammonium. Tartrate S. de la Rochelle (5. deh lah R.). of potassium and sodium. Acetate S. de Saturne {S. de Sahturn). of lead. S. de Soude {S. deh SSood). Carbonate of soda. Subcarbonate de tarte (5. deh tahrtr). of potash. S. volatil d'Angleterre (5. vohlahteel dahnglehtchr). Aromatic spirit of ammonia. Selection {SSehlchkssion). Selection. Seleniate {SSehlehneedht). salt of sclenic acid. S. A 135 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sel Selenite {SSehlehniet). Natural calcium sulphate. Selenium (SSehlehnee6hm). Selenium. Non-metallic element. SeUe (SSehl). Excrement; stool. Saddle. turcique (S. turseek). Pituitary fossa. Semence S. Sperm. de lin (SSehmdhns). Sella turcica. Seed. Semen. deh lehn). (5. Linseed. Flax- Wormseed. Arte- misia maritima. Semenine (SSehmehneen). Semi-annulaire Santonin. {SSehmee-ahnulehr). Semi-annular. S.-circulaire Semicircu- sseerkulehr). {S. S.-lunaire (5. lunehr). Semi-lunar. Seminal,-e (SSehmeendhl). Which has reference to grains of vegetations or to semen of animals. Seminal. Spermatic. S. s., pertes (5., pehrt). Spermatorrhea. Semiologie (SSehmeeohlohzshee). Semiology- Symptomatology. Sene {SSehna). Senna Leaves of Genus Cassia. Senega {SSehnehgdh). Senega. Root of a Genus of Polygala. (Expectorant; — diuretic). Senile (SSehneel). Senile. Senilite (SSehneeleetd). Senility. Sens (Sahn). Sensation. Sense. Sensation (SSahnsahssidn). Direction. Sensation. Impression. Sensibilisateur (SSahnseebeeleezahtehr) . A reagent that is capable of modifying another element. Sensibilise,-e (SSahnseebeeleezd). Ren- dered sensitive. Sensibiliser (SSahnseebeeleezd) Septique (SSehpteek). Septic. Sept jours, mal de (SSeht zshoor, mahldeh). of children. (SSehptdhm). Septum. Membranous partition separating two cavi- Septum ties. (SSehkehstr) Sequestrum. Portion of necrozed bone surrounded by healthy bony substance. Serain,-a {SSehrehn) Serene. Placid. Amaurosis. S. e., goutte [S., goot). Sereuse [SSehrehz). A serous membrane. Sereux,-euse (SSehreh). Serous. Serie (SSehree) Series. Seriaux,-euse (SSehreeeh) . Serious. To render . Seringos {SSehrehngdhss). Suppurative dysentery (South Africa). Seringue (SSrehng). Syringe. HypoS. de Pravaz (S. deh Pravdh). dermic syringe. Serment (SSehrmdhn). Oath. Sero-fibrine (SSehroh-feebreen). Plasmin. Sero-purulent,-e (SSehroh-purnldhn) Sero-purulent. Serosite (SSehrohzeeid). Serum. Seros- ity. Serotine (SSehrohteen). Decidua. Serpent (SSehrpdhn). Serpent. Snake. Serpentaira (SSehrpahntehr). Name of several plants. Snake-root. Sarpigineux,-euse (SSehrpeezsheeneh). Spreading. Spoken of ulcers which extend to other parts. Serpolet (SSehrpohleh). Wild thyme (Labiate plant). Serratila {SSehrahteel). Like a saw. rate. Serre (SSehr). Pressure forceps. Serre,-e (SSehrd). Tense (pulse). Ser- Hard. Narrow. sensible. Sensibilite (Sahnseebeeleetd). Sensibility. Sensible. Sen- (SSahnseebl). sory. Sensitif,-ive (SSahnseeteef). Sensitive. Sensoriel,-le (Sahnsohreeehl) Referable to the organs of the senses. Sensorial. . Sensorium (SSahnsohreeohm). Sensorium. Portion of the brain which perceives. Sensualisme (SSahnsuahleezm). Sense Sentiment. Feeling. Separation (SSehpahrahssidn). Separa- Elimination. Septal,-e (SSehptdhl). tion. Referable to a septum. Septal. Septenaire (SSehptehnehr). Septenary. Septicemia (SSehpteessehmee). S.-noeud (S.-neh). by Vidal). Instrument for light- ening a ligature. Serum (SSehrohm). Serum. Service {SSehrvees). Service. Duty. Medical S. de Sante (5. deh SSahntd). Department (Army). gratification (especially sexual). Sentiment {SSahnteemdhn). Serre-cou (SSehr koo). Instrument for compressing the jugular vein. S.-fina (S.-feen). Instrument for compressing the lips of a wound, bleeding arteries etc. (invented Referable to sensations. 136 Facial (7th) nerves. Grave. lar. cemia. teeehmpehr deh nehr krahneekn). Sequestra seed. S. sainte (5. ssehnt). Sensible Septieme paire de nerfs craniens (SSehp- Trismus Sella. S. Ses Septi- Serviette {SSehrveeeht). for dressing. Napkin. Linen Sesamoide, os {SSehssahmoh&ed, ohss). Sesamoid bone. Sesqui {SSehskee). Particle which signifies one and a half times. Sesquicarbonate d'ammoniaque (SSehskeekahrbohnaht dahmohneeahk). Carbonate of ammonia. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Ses Sesquioxyde de fer {SSehskeeohkseed deh Peroxide of iron. hydrate (5. d. f. heedrahtd). drated peroxide of iron. fehr). S. d. f. lant. Siccite (SSeekseetd). Siderant,-e Crushing. Siderose (SSeedehrohz). Disease of lungs caused by inhalation of dust of iron Crown Sinciput (SSehnsseepu). Vertex. of the head. Singe (SSehnzsh). Monkey. Singultueux,-euse (SSehngultueh). Spoken of a respiration interrupted by sobbing or hiccough. Sinueux,-euse (SSeenueh). Sinuous. Sinus (SSeenuss). Sinus. Concavity. Cavernous S. caverneux (5. kahvehrneh). sinus. Straight sinus. S. droit (5. droodh). Lateral or lateral S. lahtehrdhl). (5. transverse sinus.^ S. longitudinal inferieur (S. lohnzsheetudeeInferior longitudinal ndhl ehnfehreeehr) sinus. Maxillary S. maxillaire (5. mahkseelehr). sinus. Petrosal sinus. S. petreux (5. p htreh). . Siphon (SSeefdhn). Siphon. Sirop (SSeeroh). Syrup. Syrup of popS. diacode (5. deeahkdhd) pies. Sirupeux,-euse (SSeerupeh). Sitiologie (SSeeteeohlohzshee). Syrupy. Treatise on alimentation. Sitiophobie (SSeeteeohfohbee). Fear of food. oxide. Siege (Seeehzsh). Seat. Breech. Buttock. Seat of illness. S., bain de (S., behn deh). Half-bath. S. d'une maladie {S. dunn mahlahdee). Seat of disease. Sifflement {SSeeflmdhn). Whistling. Whizzing. Sifflet (SSeefleh). Whistle. Sigmoidal,-e (SSeegmoheeddhl). Having the form of the Greek letter "sigma." Sigmoidal. Sigmoides, valvules {SSeegmoh&ed,vahlvM) Semilunar valves of the heart. Signe (Seenn). Sign. A salt of silicic acid. Silicate (SSeeleekdhl). Silicium (SSeeleesseedhm). Silicon. Nonmetallic element. It is found in urine, connective tissue, etc. . Groove. Furrow. Wrinkle. Sillonne,-e (SSeeohnd). Grooved. Furrowed. Sillonnement (S Seeohnmdhn) Beginning of segmentation. Siniien,-ne {SSeemee&hn). Resembling . monkeys. Similaire (SSeemeelehr). Similar. Simple (SSehnpl). vSimple. Simulateur (SSeemulahtdhr. Anyone who feigns a disease. Malingerer. Simulation (SSeemulahssidn). Simulation. Malingering. Feigning. tious. Sinapisme (SSeenahpeezm). Mustard plas- . Dryness. (SSeedehrdhn). Lightning. Sillon (SSeeohn) Sol ter. Hy- Sessile (SSehsseel). Sessile. Seteux,-euse (SSehteh). Having bristles. Seton {SSehtohn). Strip of gauze or cotton which is passed through the skin to form a sinus and maintain a suppuration. Seton. Seve (SSehv). Fluid which serves to keep up the nutrition of plants. Juice. Sap. Sevrage {SSehvrdhzsh). Weaning. Sexe (SSehks). Sex. Sexuel,-le {SSehksuehl). Sexual. Sialagogue (SSeeahlahgdhg). Which provokes the secretion of saliva. Siahsrae (SSeeahleezm). Salivation. Ptyaalism. Sialorrhee (SSeeahlohrd). Excessive secretion of saliva. Sibilant,-e (SSeebeeldhn). Spoken of rales in the first period of bronchitis. Sibi- Simule,-e , (SSeemuld). Simulated. Feigned. Ficti- Sixieme paire de nerfs craniens [SSeezee- ehm pehr deh nehr krahneeehn). Sixth pair of cranial nerves (abducens). Skodique, bruit {SSkohdeek, bruee). A tympanitic sound above the fiat sound (Skoda-physician of Vienna). Smegma {Smehgmdh). Secretion of sebaceous glands under the prepuce and of labia minora. in pleural effusion. S. foetal (S. fehtdhl). Layer of whitish ter covering the foetus. mat- Sode,-e (SSohdd). Containing soda. Sodique (SSohdeek). Pertaining to soda. Sodium {SS oh dee ohm). Sodium. Sodomie (SSohdohmee). Sexual relation through the anus. Sodomy. Sole (Soodh). Silk. Soif iSoodhf). Thirst. Soir (SSoodhr). Evening. Soiree (SSooahrd). Evening. Solaire, plexus {SSohlehr, plehksiis). plexus. Solanum (SSohlahndhm). Genus Solar of Solan- aceous plants (diaphoretic, diuretic). Solarise, -e {SSohlahreezd). Subjected to solar light. Sole (SSohl). Sole (of foot). Sole Soleaire muscle {SSohlehihr, muskl. eus muscle. Soleil iSSohldy). Sun. Solidification (fish) Sol- {SSohleedeefeekahssidn) Solidification. Solitaire (SSohleetihr), Solitary, 137 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sol Solubilite (SSohlubeeleetd). Solubility. Soluble (SSohlubl). Soluble. Solutif,-ive {SSohluteef). Capable of dissolving. Laxative. Solution (SSohlussidn). Solution. S. de continuite (5. deh kohnteenueetd) Interruption of continuity (wound, fracture, etc.). Somatologie (SSohmahtohlohzshee). Study of human body. Somatome (SSohmahtdhm) Segment of embryonic body. Sommeil (SSohmdy). Sleep. Sommet {SSohmeh). Summit. Vertex. Apex. Somnambule {SSohmnahmhul) Somnam. S. (dans les poumons) (S. dahn leh poom6hn). Bronchial respiration. Soufflet, bruit de {SSoofleh, bruie deh). Abnormal bruit in the heart. Bellows sound. Soporific. Hypnotic. Somnolence (SSohmnohldhns). Drowsi- Somnolence. Sound. Bran. S. de froment (5. dehfrohmdhn). wheat. ness. Son (SSohn). {S Sohnd) S. precipite (S. deh B.). (5. prehsseepeetd). (5. ssubleemd). Milk of sulphur. S. sublime Flowers of sulphur. Soulevement (SSoolehvmdhn). Rising. Soupape (SSoopdhp). de Valve. Valve sound. (S. bruee deh). Soupir (SSoopeer). Sigh. Souple (SSoopl). Flexible. Pliant. Sup- ple. Bran of Source Source. Spring. (SSoors). Fountain. Sound. Catheter. . Produced by breath. Souffrance {SSoofrdhns). Suffering. Soufre {SSoofr). Sulphur. S., foie de (5. foodh deh). Sulphur of potassium. S. lave (5. lahvd). Sulphur depuratum. S., bruit Probe. S. de Belloc Murmur. Souffle, -e {SSoofld). Rise. Sleep-walker. Somnifere {SSohmneefehr). bulist. Sonde S.-pub Instrument for (SSoorsseel). Brow. Eyebrow. Sourcil SuperciliSourcilier,-ere {SSoorseeleed). ary. tamponing the nasal fossae. S. brisee (5. breezd). Probe provided with an eye. S. cannelee (5. kahnld). Grooved director. Elbowed catheter S. coudee (5. koodd). Deaf.^ S.-muet,-tte (S.-mueh). Deaf and Souris (SSooree). Mouse. (for prostate). Grooved needle (for S. creuse (5. krehz). exploration). Sound S. de Laforest (5. deh Lahfohreh) for nasal canal. Dream. Songe {SSohitzsh). S.-acromio-humeral, muscle (Soozahkroh- Sourd,-e (SSour). Sous-acetate {Soozahssehtdht). dumb. Sub- acetate. Sonorous. Sonorite (SSohnohreetd). Sonorousness. Deltoid muscle. meeohtimehrdhl, tnuskl) S.-arachnoidien,-ne {SoozahrahknoheedeeSubarachnoid. ehv). Subnitrate. Sous-azotate {Soozahzohtdht) (S.-kahrbohndht). SubcarS. -carbonate bonate. Subclavian. S.-clavier,-e (S.-klahveed). Sophistication S.-crepitant, . Sonore {SSohnohr). (SSohfeesteekahssion). Sophistication. Adulteration. Morbid sleep. Sopor. So-poT (SSohpohr). Soporatif,-ive (SSohpohrahteef). Hypnotic. Soporeux,-euse (SSohpohreh). Soporous. Soporifere {SSohpohreefehr) Soporiferous. Soporifique (SSohpohreefeek). Soporific. Sorcellerie (SSohrssehlree). Sorcery. Witchcraft. Sordide (SSohrdeed). Sordid. Dirty. Spoken of an ulcer with sanious suppura. tion. Soubresaut (SSoobrehssoh). Subsultus. Souche {SSoosh). Stem. Stump. Souci (SSoossee). Care. Anxiety. Soude (SSood) Soda. S. caustique liquids {S. kahsteek leekeed). Solution of caustic soda. Intimate (SSoodilr). Joining. Soudure union of two different organs. Cicatrisation of the lips of a wound. Souffle sound. 138 (SSoofly. Breathing. Murmur. Blowing . . rale (S.-krehpeetdhn, rahl), Subcrepitant rale. S.-cutane,-e {S.-ktitahnd). Subcutaneous. S.-epineux,-euse (Soozehpeetieh). Infraspinatus. Subjacent. S.-jacent,-e (S.-zshahssdhn). Sublingual. (S.-lehngvdhl). S.-lingual,-e SubmaxS.-maxillaire (S.-mahkseelehr). illary. S.-muqueux,-euse (S.-mukeh). Submu- cous. S.-nitrate de bismuth {S.-neetrdht deh Subnitrate of bismuth. beesmtU). SubS. -occipital, -e {Soozohksseepeetdhl). occipital. S.-orbitaire (Soozohrbeetehr). Infraorbital. S.-pelvienne, artere {S.-pehlveeehnn, ahrPudic artery. tehr). {S.-pehreeohstd). Subperiosteal. Iliac S.-pubien, os (S.-pubeeehn, ohss). S.-perioste bone. S.-pubienne, hernie {S.-pubeeehnn, ehrnee). Obturator hernia. ... OF MEDICAL TERMS S.-sca S. -scapulaire, muscle {S.-skahpulehr, muskl). Subscapularis. S.-sel [S.-ssehl). Sub-salt. S.-sternale, artere (S.-stehrndhl, ahrtShr). Internal mammary artery. Soyeux,-euse {SSooahyeh). Silky. Sparadrap (Spahrahdrdh) . Adhesive plas- ter. Spargose (Spahrgohz) Distension of breasts with milk. Spargosis. Sparteine (Spahrteheen). Principle extracted from Sarotamnus scoparius. Spasme (Spahzm). Involuntary contrac- Spasm. tion. S. de la glotte mus . (S. deh lah gloht). Laryngis- stridulus. Spasmodique, croup (Spahzmohdiek, kroop) Spasm of the glottis. Stridulous laryngitis. Spastique (Spahsteek). Spastic. Spatule (Spahtul). Instrument in the shape of a knife for removal of salves, etc. Spatula. Specialisation {Spehsseeahleezahssidn) . Specialization. Specialiste (Spehsseeahleest). Specialist. Specialite (Spehsseeahleetd). Specialty. Specifique (Spehsseefeek). Specific. S., pesanteur (S. pehzahntehr). Density. Spectre iSpehktr). Spectrum. Spectroscope {Spehktrohskdhp). Apparatus for observing the spectrum. Speculaire (Spehkulehr). Which reflects light. Speculation (Spehkulahssidn). Abstractor theoretical intellectual presumption. Speculum (Spehkuldhm). Instrument for examination of cavities. Speculum. Spermaceti (Spehrmahssehtee). Oil obtained from the white^whale (contains fatty acids). Spermatique (Spehrmahteek). Spermatic. Spermatocele (Spehrmahtohssehl). Sper- matic cyst. Spermatocele. (Spehrmahtohzshehnehz) Production of spermatozoids. Sperma- Spermatogenese togenesis. Spermatorrhee (Spehrmahtohrd). untary discharge'^of sperm. Spermatozoaire Invol- (Spehrmahtohzohihr) Fertilizing element of semen. Spermatozoide (Spehrmahtohzohied) Fertilizing element of semen. . Sperme S. de S.-epineuse, (S.-ehpeenihz, ahrtartery. S.-epineux, trou (S.-ehpeeneh, troo). Lesser round foramen of the sphenoid bone. Sphenoidale, fente {Sfehnoheeddhl, fahnt). artere Middle meningeal ehr). Sphenoidal fissure. Sphenoide (Sfehnoheed) Spheno-maxillaire, seelehr sure. fahnt). Sphenoid bone. . {Sfehnoh-mahkSpheno-maxillary fisfente S.-palatin, ganglion (S.-pahlahtehn, gahngleeohn) Submaxillary or Meckel's . ganglion. S.-pterygo-palatin, muscle (S.-ptehreegohpahlahtehn, muskl). Tensor palati muscle. Sphere {Spehr). Sphere. Spherique (Spehreek). Spheric. Sphincter (Spehnktehr). Sphincter. Sphygmographe (Sfeegmohgrdhf). Instrument for registering pulsations of arteries. Spica (Speekdh). Spica-bandage (in the form of figure eight). Spicule (Speekiil). Spicula (needle-shaped body). Spina -bifida (Speenah-beefeeddh). Malformation consisting of an opening between the vertebral arches through which the membranes of the spinal cord protrude. CarSpina -ventosa (Speenah-vehntohzdh) ies of the bones (usually in the wrist . and ankle). Spinal,-e (Speendhl). Referable to the spine. Spinal. Spinal accessory nerve S., nerf (5., nehr). (nth pair). Spiral,-e (Speerdhl). bandage en Spiral bandage. S., Spiri11 e Spiral. {S., (Speereel) . bahnddhzsh ahn). Spirillum (spirally curved bacteria). Spirocheta. Spirochaete (Speerohkeht). Spirometre (Speerohmehtr). Instrument for measuring the volume of air in the lungs. Splanchnique (Splahnkneek). Splanchnic. Referable to viscera. Spleen (Spleen). Hypochondriasis. Splenalgia. Splenalgie (Splehnahlzshee). Splenemphraxie {SplehnahmfrahksSe). Obstruction or engorgement of the spleen. Splenification (Splehneefeekahssidn). (Spehrni). Semen. Sperm. Spermiducte (Spehrmeediikt). Spermatic or deferent canal. Spermorrhee {Spehrniohrd). See Spermatorrhee. (Sfahssehl). Slough. Gangrene. Induration of a tissue which resembles that of spleen. Splenique [Splchneek). Splenic. Referable to the spleen. Inflammation of the Splenite (Splehneet). Spheno-epineux {Sfehnoh-ehpeenih). Cervico-mastoid or splenius muscle. Splenius S. de la tete {S. deh lah teht). Sphacele Pertaining to the spinous process of the sphenoid. Splenisation. spleen. Splenius, muscle {Splehneeiis, muskl). capitis. 139 S. du FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY du cou (5. du koo). Splenius colli. Splenocele (Splehtiohssihl). Hernia of the S. spleen. Splenomegalie (Splehnohmehgahlie). Hypertrophy of the spleen. Splenomegaly. Splenotomie (Splehnohtohmee). Dissection or extirpation of the spleen. vSplenot- omy. Staphisaigre (StahfeesShgr) Seed of Delphinium saphisagria. Stavesacre. Staphylin, muscle (Stahfeelehn, muskl). Azygos uvula; muscle. Staphylite {StahfeeUel). Inflammation of the uvula. Staphylocoque (Stahfeelohkohk). Staphy- lococcus. Spoliative, saignee (Spohleeahteev, ssehneed). Abundant bleeding. Spondylalgie {Spohndeelahlzshee) Vertebral pain. . Spondylarthrocace {Spohndeelahrtrohkdhss). Inflammation of the articular surfaces of the vertebrae. Spondyle (Spohndeel). Vertebra. Spondylite (Spohndeeleet). Inflammation of vertebrae. Spongieux,-euse (Spohnzsheeeh). Spongy. Spontane,-e {Spohntahnd). Spontaneous. Spontaneite {Spohntahnaeetd). Spontaneity. Sporadique (Spohrahdeek). Spoken of a disease which is not epidemic, but occurring in isolated regions. Sporadic. A Sporange (Spohrdhnzsh). vesicle containing the spores of fungi. Sporangium. Spore (Spohr). A non-sexual reproductive body of vegetable cells or in bacteria. Sporide (Spohreed). A spore stage of protozoa. Sporidium. Sporifere (Spohreefehr). Producing spores. Sporiferous. Sporogonie {Spohrohgonee). Production of spores by sexual reproduction. Sporogenesis. Sporose (Spohrdhz). Ste Reproduction of spores. SpoTule (Spohrul). Sporule. Spume (Spurn). Froth. Spumeux,-euse {Spumlh). Small spore. Frothy. Expectoration. Sputation {Sputahssion). Act of expectorating. Squame {Skvahm). Scale. Squameux,-euse (Skvahmeh). Squamous. Scaly. S. euse, portion, du temporal (S. pohrssidn du tahmpohrdhl). Squamous portion of the temporal bone. Squelette {Skehleht). Skeleton. Squine (Skeen). China-root. Squirrhe {Skeer). Scirrhus. Variety carcinoma. of Staphylo-glosse, muscle (Stahfeeloh-glohss, muskl). Palato-glossus muscle. Staphylome (Slahfeeldhtn). Staphylorrhaphie (Stahfeelohrahfie). tion, etc.). tistics. Stature (Stahtur). Stature. Stearate (Stehahrdht). Salt of stearic acid. Stearine (Stehahreen). Stearate of glycerin. Stearole (Stehahrohld). Stearol. Medicament with fat as an excipient. Stearrhee (Steahahrd). See Seborrh6e. Steatome {Stehahtohm) Sebaceous cyst. Steatorrhea {Stshahtohrd). See Seborrhee. . Stellaire {StehUhr). Stellaria. Chickweed (it is astringent). Stenocephalie {Stehnohssehfahlee). Head having one short diameter. Stenoglosse (Stehnohgldhs). Having a thin and narrow tongue. Stenon, canal de (Stehndhn, kahndhl deh). Duct of parotid gland. Stenon's canal. Stenose [Stehnohz). Stricture, narrowing of a natural opening. Stenosis. Stenosome (Stehnohzdhm). Having a thin body. Stephanion (Stehfahneeohn). Point at which the coronal suture meets the temporal ridge. Stercoraire (Stehrkohrehr). Stereoscope Ster- Foecal. Ster- coral. S., efistule (S.,feestul). Intestinal fistula. Stereo(Stehrehohskdhp). apparatus). scope (photographic Fruitless. Sterile (Stehreel). Sterile. SteriliSterilisation (Stehreeleezahssion). zation. Sterilite (Stehreeleetd). Staped- Foecal. coral. Stable (Stahbl). Stamine (Stahmien) Stamen. Stapedien,-ne (Stahpehedeeehn) ius muscle. 140 Op- Station (Slahssidn). Station. Standing upright. Stationnaire (Slahsseeohnehr). Stationary. Statique {Stahteek). Static. What is at rest or equilibrium (static electricity). Statistique {Slahteesteek). Study of frequency of phenomena or events. Sta- Stercoral,-e {Stehrkohrdhl). Stable. Fixed. Stage. Period. Stagiaire (Stahzsheeehr). A person who does his apprenticeship. Stagnation (Stahgnahssidn) Stagnation. Plas- eration for closing a cleft in the palate. Staphylotomie (Stahfeelohtohmee). Amputation of the uvula. Staphylotomy. Stase (Stahz). Stasis. Arrest (of circula- Squirrheux,-euse {Skeereh). Scirrhous. Resembling scirrhus. StabUe (Stahbeel). Stable. Fixed. Stade (Stahd). Staphyloma. Staphyloplastie (Stahfeelohplahstee). tic operations of the palate. Sternal, -e sternum. (Stehrndhl). Sterility. Referable to the OF MEDICAL TERMS Ste Stemo-cleido-mastoidien, muscle {Stehrnoh-kleheedoh-mahstoeedeeehn, muskl). Sterno-mastoid muscle. S.-humeral, m. {S.-umekrdhl, m.). Pectoralis major. S.-hyoidien, m. m.) {S.-eeoheedeeehn, Sterno-hyoid m. S.-pubien, m. (S.-pubeeehn). dominis m. Rectus ab- m. {S.-teeroheedeeehn, m.) Sterno-thyroid m. Sternum {Stehrndhm). Sternum. {Stehrnutahtoodhr) Sternutatoire Substance which provokes sneezing. Stertoreux,-euse (Stehrtohreh). Snoring. . Stertorous. Stethoscope (Stehtohskohp). Stethoscope. Sthenique (Stehneek). Sthenic. Strong. Stibiation {Steebeeahssion) Using large dozes of tartar-emetic. . Which contains anti- monium. Tartre-emetic. S., tartre (5. tahrtr). Stibieux,-euse {Steeheeeh). Antimonious. Stigmate {Steegmdht). Stigma. Cicatrix. Stigmatise, -e {Steegmahteezd). Bearing stigmata. Stillation Pall (Steelahssion). liquid of drop by drop. Dropping. Stillation. Stimulant,-e (Steemuldhn). Stimulant. Stimulation Stimula- {Steemulahssidn). excitation. What determines Stimulus. Stipe (Steep). Stem. Stipule {Steepul). Supplementary small leaf. Stomacal,-e {Stohmahkdhl) Gastric. Stomachique, artere {Stohmahsheek, ahrtehr). Coronary artery of the stomach. Stomalgie {Stohmahlzshee) Pain in the mouth. Stomatite (Stohmahteet). Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Stomo-gastrique, artere (Stohmoh-gahs. . treek, ahrtehr). Coronary artery of the stomach. Strabisme (Strahbeezm) Strabismus. . Squint. Strabotomie (Strahbohtohm6e). Operation for correcting strabismus. Stramoine (Strahmoodhnn). Stramonium. Thorn apple. Stramonium {Slrahmohneedhm). Stramonium. Thorn apple. Strangulation Stricture {Streektur). Stricture. Striduleux,-euse (Streeduleh) Stridulous. Noisy. Piercing. Creaking. Strie (Stree). Furrow. Stria. Strie,-e (Streed). Striped. Striated. . Marked by parallel lines. corps (S., kohr). Striate body (in Brain). Striguleux,-euse {StreeguUh). Grooved. Reticulated. Strobile (Strohbeel). Fir cone. Segments forming the body of a tapeworm. Stroma {Strohmdh). Stroma. Main tissue of an organ. Strongle des bronches {Strohngl deh brohnsh). Worm met with in the bronchi. Strontium (Strohnsseeohm). Strontium. Strophanthus {Strahngtdahssidn). Stran- gulation. Strangurie (Strahnguree). Extreme diffi- culty of urinating. Stratifie,-e (Strahteefeed). layers. Stratified. Arranged Stratum {Strahtdhm). Layer. Streptocoque {Strehptohkdhk). in Stratum. Strepto- Strophan- {StrohfahntHs). thus. Strophulus {Strohfuliis). Papulous inflammation of the skin. S. simple (5. sehmpl). Red gum. Structure (Struktur). Structure. Strumeux,-euse (Strumeh). Scrofulous. Strumiprive, Cachexie {Strumeepreev, Kashehksee). Cachexia strumipriva (cretinoid state). Strychnine (Streekneen). Strychnia. Strychnique (Streekneek). Referable to strychnia. Stupefaction (Stupehfahkssidn) tion. Stimulus (Steemulus). mor S., S.-thyroidien, Stibie,-e (Steebeed). S. e., . Stupefac- tion. Stupefiant,-e (Stupehfeedhn). Stupefying. Stupeur (Stupehr). Stupor. Stupidite {Stupeedeetd). Stupidity. Hebetude. Style {Steel). Style. Stylet (Steeleh). Stylet. Probe. Stylo-glosse, muscle {Steeloh-glohss, muskl). Styloglossus muscle. S.-hyoidien, m. (S.-hyoid m.). Stylo- hyoid m. Styloide, apophyse (Steeloheed, ahpohfeez). Styloid process. Stylo-mastoidien, trou (Steeloh-mahstoheedeeehn, troo). Stylo-mastoid foramen. ligament {S.-mahkseelehr, leegahmdhn). Stylo-maxillary ligament. S.-pharyngien, muscle (S.-fahrehnzsheeehn, muskl). Stylo-pharyngeus muscle. S.-maxillaire, Styptique (Steepteek). Styptic. What tightens the tissues. Styrax {Steer dhks). Prepared storax, balsam of storax (genus of plants Ebenales). Subaigu,-e {Subehgii). Subacute. Subcontinu,-e {Subkoknteenii). Continuous with remittent attacks. Subintrante, fievre {Subehntrdhnt, feeehvr). Intermittent or remittent fever, in which the second attack develops before the first has entirely subsided. Subit,-e (5M6^e). Unexpected.. S. e., mort {S., mohr). Sudden death. 141 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sub Subjacent,-e (Stibzshahssdhn). Subjacent. Subjectif,-ive (Subzshehkteef). Subjective. Sublime {SubUem). Sublime. Elevated. High. S. des doigts, muscle {S. deh doodh, muskl). Flexor sublimis digitorum. Sublime {Suhleemd). Corrosive sublimate. Perchloride of mercury. Sublingual, -e (Sublehngvdhl). What is under the tongue. Sublingual. Subluxation (Subluksahssion) Incomplete luxation. Subluxation. . Submatite Incomplete Submental,-e (Submahnidhl). Placed un- (Stibmahteetd). dullness on percussion. Food. Substance {Substdhns). Substance. Substituant,-e (Substeetudhn). Substituting. {Substeetussidn) . Substitu- tion. Substratum (Substrahtohm). Substratum. Sue (Stik). Juice. Succedane,-e (Sukssehdahnd). What is Substitute. substituted for another. Succenturie,-e (Suksahntureed). Accessory. S.s, reins {S., rehn). Succin (Sukssehn). Suprarenal capsules. Yellow amber. Succinique, acide {Suksseeneek, ahsseed). Succinic acid. Succion (Sukssion). Sucking. Suction. Succussion (Sukussidn). Act of shaking. Succussion. SuQoir {Sussoodhr). Sucker. Cupping0ass. Sufon (Sussdhn). Piece of folded lint given to a nursling for sucking. Sucre {Sukr). Sugar. Raw sugar. S. brut {S. bru). Glucose. S. de fruits {S. dehfruee). GlyS. de gelatine (5. deh zshehlahteen). cocol. de S. lait (5. deh leh). Sugar of milk. Lactose. Barley-sugar. S. d'orge {S. dohrzsh). Barley-sugar. S. de pomme (5. deh pohm). Powdered sugar. S. pile (5. peeld). sugar. S. rafiine (5. rahfeend). Lump Refined sugar. S. de raisin {S. deh rehzehn). Grape sugar. Glucose. S. de reglisse (S. deh rehgleess). Glycyr- rhizinum. de Saturne (5. deh Sahturn). Sugar of Acetate of lead. PreparaS. vermifuge (5. vehrmeejtlzsh). tion of sugar and mercury. Sucre, -e {Sukrd). Sugared. Sweetened. S. lead. 142 (Sudahmeendh). Very small vesicles which develop in the course of diseases. Sudamina. (Sudahtoodhr). Which causes perspiration. Diaphoretic. Sudoral,-e {Sudohrdhl). Sudoral. Sudorifique (Sudohreefeek). Sudorific. Sudoripare (Sudohreepdhr). Which produces perspiration. Sudoriparous. Suette (Sueht). Sweating sickness (con- Sudatoire tagious febrile disease). Sueur (Suehr). S. S. Sweat. Perspiration. bleue {S. bUh). Chromidrosis. pedieuse {S. pehdeeehz). Sweating of feet. der the chin. vSubmental. Submerge, -e (Submehrzshd). Submerged. Suboxyde {Subohkseed). Suboxide. Subsistance (Stibseestdhns). Subsistence. Substitution Sudamina Sul Suflfocant,-e (Sufohkdhn). Suffocation (Sufohkahssion). Suffocating. Suffocation. Choking. Suffusion (Sufuzeeohn) Suffusion. Overspreading. Suggestif,-ive (Sugzshehsteef). Suggestive. Suggestion {Sugzshehssidn). Suggestion. . {Suzsheelahssion). Spontaneous ecchymosis. Livid spots. Suicide (Sueesseed). Suicide. Suicide {Sueesseedd). Who committed Sugillation suicide. Suie (Suee). Soot. Suif {Sueef). Solid grease. Tallow. Suint (Suehn). Wool grease. Wool fat. Suintement {Suehntmdhn) Oozing. Suite (Sueet). Sequel. Sujet de dissection {Siizsheh deh deessehks. Body for dissection. {Stdsseefdhrm). Having the form of furrows, grooves. Sulfate {Sulfdht). Salt produced by a combination of sulphuric acid with a base. S. de cuivre (5. deh kueevr). Sulphate of copper. Blue vitriol. S. de fer (S. deh fehr). Sulphate of iron. Ferrous sulphate. Mahnehzee). SulS. de Magnesie (5. deh sion). Sulciforme S. phate of magnesia. Epsom salt. de potasse {S. deh pohtdhss). Potas- sium sulphate. S. de soude {S. deh ssood). Sulphate of Glauber's salt. soda. S. de zinc (5. deh zehnk). Sulphate of zinc. Sulphydrique, acide {Stdfeedreck, ahsseed). Hydric sulSulphuretted hydrogen. phide. Salt obtained from the Sulfite (Sulfeet). combination of sulphurous acid with a base. Sulfocarbolate de zinc (Sulfohkahrbohldht Sulphocarbolate of zinc. deh zehnk). Sulfonal {Sulfohndhl). Sulphonal. Sulfurage (Sulfuhrdhzsh). External use of sulphur. Sulfure {Sulfur). Sulphide. Sulphuret. Salt formed from a combination of sulphur with a metal. . .. OF MEDICAL TERMS de S. de carbone (S. deh kahrbohnn). Bisulphide of carbon. Sulphite S. de potasse {S. deh pohtdhss). of potassium. Smooth S. Sulfureux, acide {Sulfureh. ahsseed). phurous ahsseed). Sulfureek, Superfecondation {SupehrfehkohndahsSuperimpregnation. fecondation of two ovules. Successive sion). Superfetation (Supehrfehtahssidn). See Superieur,-e {Supehreeehr). Superposition {Supehrpohzeessidn) Sur-occipital occipital. Sur-orbitaire . muskl Supina- lohn). Per- . Over- charged with oxygen. {Supehrsehkrehssion) Surrenal,-e (Surehndhl). Suprarenal. S. es, glandes ou capsules (5., glahnd oo kahpsiil) Suprarenal capsules. Sursaturation {Sursahturahssidn). Excessive saturation. Sur-spinal,-e (Surspeendhl) Supraspin- . ous. tor longus. (Supeenahssidn). Supination carries the hand out- (movement which wards). Supporteur,-euse (Supohrtehr). ing apparatus. Support- {Supohzeetoodhr). Supposi- tory. Suppression. Arrest of secretion Suppression (Suprehssion). S. d'urine (5. dureen). of urine. Suppurant,-e (Supurdhn). Suppuratif,-ive Surspinaux, muscles {Surspeenoh, muskl). Interspinal muscles. Surtout ligamenteux anterieur {Surtda leegahmahnteh ahntehreeehr) Anterior common ligament of the spine. S. posterieur (5. 1. Posterior common /. pohstehreeehr). ligament of the spine. Survie (Survee). Survival. Outliving. nerf {Suzahkrohmeedhl, nehr). Acromial branch of the supraclavicular nerves. Sus-carpiennes, arteres (SukahrpeeShnTif ahrtehr). Posterior carpal arteries. Susceptibilite (Sussehpteebeeleetd). Sus- Sus -acromial, Suppurating. (Supurahteef). Suppura- tive. Suppure,-e (Stipurd). Suppurated. Supraclaviculaire (Suprahklahveekulehr) Supraclavicular. Exaggerated Suractivite {Surahkteeveetd). actively. Very acute. Suraigiij-e (Surehgii). (Surdhl). Sural. Relating to Sural, -e the calf of the leg. Suralimentation (Surahleemahntahssidn). Surcilier (Sursseeleed). See Sourcilier. Surcostaux, muscles {Surkohstoh, muskl). Supra-costal muscles. Levatores cost- muscles. Surdi-mutite {Surdee-muteetd) ceptibility. Sus-claviculaire {Suklahveekulehr) . Supra- clavicular. Sus-epineux, muskl). muscles (Suzehpeeneh, Interspinales muscles. Sus-hepatiques, veines {Suzehpahteek vehnn). Hepatic veins. Sus-malleolaire Suralimentation. arum Supra-or- . Super- . tor brevis. Suppositoire (Surohrbeetehr) oxidation. Suroxyde (SurohksSed). Peroxide. Suroxygene,-e (Surohkseezshehnd) Oversecretion. Supinateur, muscle court (Supeenahtehr, muskl koor). Supinator brevis. SupinaS., muscle court (5., muskl koor). Supination Overworked. Supra- (Surohksseepeetdhl). Suroxydation (Surohkseedahssidn) imposed condition. (5., Surmene,-e (Surmehnd). Superior. Upper. Supersecretion Overworked . state. bital. Superfecondation. muscle long ligament. Surmenage {Surmehndhzsh) acide Sulphuric acid. S., surface of a bone over which the slides. S. d'insertion {S. dehnsehrssidn). Ridge of a bone for insertion of a tendon or Sul- acid. Sulfurique, tendon Sus . Deaf-mu- tism. Surdite (Surdeetd). Deafness. Sureau {Surdh). Elder. Surepineux, muscle (Surehpeenih, muskl). Supraspinatus muscle. Surexcitabilite (Surehkseetahbeeleetd) Excessive excitability. SurexcJtation {Surehkseelahssidn) Excessive excitement. Surface (Surfdhss). Surface. de glissement (S. deh gleessmdhn). S. . . (Sumahlehohlihr) . Supramalleolar. Sus-maxillaire, os (Sumahkseelihr, ohss). Superior maxillary bone. Sus-nasal,-e (Sunahzdhl). Supranasal. Sus-occipital,-e (Suzohkseepeetdhl) Supraoccipital. Sus-orbitaire {Suzohrbeetihr) Supraorbi. tal. Suspendu,-e (Suspahndii). Suspended. Suspenseur de I'humerus, ligament (Suspahnsehr deh lumehnis, leegahmdhn). Coraco-brachialis. Suspension (Suspahtisidn). Suspension. Suspensoir {Suspahnsoodhr). Suspensory bandage. Suspirieux,-euse {Suspeeree&h). Sighing. 143 . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sus Sus-pubienne, artere {Supubeeehnn, ahrEpigastric artery. Sus-pubien, anneau (Supubee6hn, ahnoh). External inguinal ring. Round S.-p. s., cordons {Sp. kohrdohn). ligaments of the uterus. Genito-crural S.-p., nerf (5. p., nehr). nerve. S.-scapulaire inferieur, muscle (SuskahpuInfraspinatus lehr ehnfehreeShr, muskl). muscle. S.-s. superieur, m. {S.-s. supehreeehr, m.). Supraspinatus muscle. Sus-sternal,-e (Sustehrmdhl). Suprastertchr). nal. Suste- nance. Suture. An operation (Sutilr). consisting of sewing up the lips of a Suture wound. Quilled or S. enchevillee (5. ahnshveed). compound suture. empennee (5. ahmpehnd). compound suture. S. emplumee {S. ahmplumd). compound suture. S. Quilled or Quilled or en surjet (5. ahn surzshd). Continuous or uninterrupted suture. ContinuS. du pelletier (5. du pehlUeed). ous or uninterrupted suture. Twisted or S. entortillee (5. ahntohrteed). hairlip suture. Suttirer {Suturd). Sycose (Seekohz). To suture. Sycosis. Barber's itch (Pustular folliculitis in hairy areas). Sylvius, aqueduc de {Seelveeiis, ahkduk Aqueduct of Sylvius (passage deh). from the third to the fourth ventricle. Sylvian S., fissure de (5., feessilr deh). fissure. Symbiose (Seembeedhz). Symbiosis. As- sociation of dissimilar organisms. Symblepharon (Seetnblehfahrdhn). Adhesion of the lid with the eyeglobe. Symbole (Seembdhl). Symbol. Sympathie (Sehmpahtee). Sympathy. Sympathique {Sehmpateek). Depending on sympathy. grand S., nerf Sym- . tomatic. Symptomatologie {Sehmptohmahtoholohzshee). Symptomatology. Symptome (Sehmptdhm). Symptom. Synarthrose (Seenahrtrohz). Synarthrosis (immovable joints). Synchondrose {Sehnkohndrdhz). A symphysis in which the articulating bones are interposed by a cartilage. Synchrone (Sehnkrohn). Synchronous. Syncinesie (Sehnsseenehzee) An involuntary movement of one part of the body occurring simultaneously with a voluntary or reflex movement of another part of the body. Syncope (Sehnkdhp) Syncope. Fainting. Syndactyly. Syndactylie (Sehndahkteelee). Webbed fingers. Syndesmie (Sehndehsmee). Union of organs (bones) by ligaments. Syndesmose (Sehndehsmohz). Union of organs (bones) by ligaments. Syndesmographie (Sehndehsmohgrahfee) Description of ligaments. Syndrome. As- sociation of symptoms. Synechie {Seenehshee). Synechia. Adhesion of the iris with the cornea or with the capsule of the lens. Synergic (Seenehrzshee). Synergia. Associated energy. Synesthesia {Seenehstehzee). Sensation felt in one part of the body when another area is stimulated. Synizesis {Seeneezehzees). Occlusion of the pupil. Synoque (Seenohk). Continuous fever. Synostose (Seenohstdhz). Synostosis. kylosis (Union by bones). An- Synoviale, capsule {Seenohveedhl, kahpsiil). Synovial membrane or capsule. Synovie (Seenohvee). Synovial fluid. Synovite (Seenohveet). Synovitis. Synthase (Sehntehz). Synthesis. Syntonine {Sehntohnien). Syntonin (A proteid obtained from muscular tissue.) (5., nehr grahn). Sympa- moyen, nerf Vagus nerve. nerf Syphilide {SeefeeUed). Syphilid (Cuta- neous lesions in thetic nerve. {S. (5. mooahyehn, ptee, nehr). nehr). Facial nerve. Symphyse (Sehmfeez). Symphysis. Articulation in which bones are held together by some tissue between them. Symphyseal,-e {Sehmfeezehdhl). Symphy144 symphysis. Symptomatique {Sehmptohmahteek) Syndrome (Sehndrohm). S. sic. (Sehmfeezehohtohmie). Section of the fibrous cartilage of pubic . entrecoupee (5. ahntrkoopd). Interrupted suture. S. a points separes (S. ah pooehn sehpahrd). Interrupted suture. S. S. petit, Symphyseotomie . Sustentation {Sustahntahssidn). S. Syp syphilis. Syphiligraphe {Seefeeleegrdhf). Writer on syphilis. Syphilis. Syphilis (Seefeelees). Syphilized. Syphilis^ (Seefeeleezd). Syphilitic. Syphilitique {Seefeeleeteek). Syphilographe {Seefeelohgrdhf). Syphilo- grapher. Syphiloma (Gumma (Seefeelohm) . Syphiloma of tertiary syphilis). OF MEDICAL TERMS Syp SyphilophoSyphilophobie {Seefeelohhie) bia (morbid fear of syphilis). Syringomyelie {Seerehngohvteeehlee). Syringomyelia (cavities in the spinal cord). Systlmatique (Seestehmahteek). Systema. tic. 10 Sys Systematisation (Seestehmahteezahssidn). Systematic arrangement of facts. Systeme (Seestehm). System. Systole (Seestohl). Systole (state of heart during its contraction). Systolique {Seestohleek). Systolic. 145 T., FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY ban bandage en {T., bahnddhzsh ahn). Bandage in the form of letter T. Tabac (Tahbdh). Tobacco. T., Tabatiere anatomique {Tahbahteeehr ahnahtohmeek). Anatomical snuff-box: depression at the base of the thumb on its radial side between the long and brief extensors. Tabes (Tahbehs). Tabes. Locomotor at- axia. Tabetique tabes. Tabide tive. (Tahbehteek). Pertaining to Tabetic. {Tahbeed). Hectic. Consump- Wasted. Tabifique {Tahbeefeek) . Which causes con- sumption or marasm. Table (Tahbl). Table. Tablette (Tahbleht). Tablet. Lozenge. Tablier (Tahbleed). Apron. T. des Hottentotes (T. deh H). Labia minora of unusual size. Tabouret (Tahboord). Foot-stool. Tabulair-e (Tahbulehr). TSche (Tahsh). Task. . rash. T. de Mariotte {T. deh M.). Blind spot. T. meningitique {T. mehnehnzsheeteek). Persistent red mark brought out by scratching the skin. T. cerebrale (T. ssehrehbrdhl). Persistent red mark brought out by scratching the skin. led. maladie (T. mahlahdee). Addison's Purpura. TachycarTachycardie (Tahkeekahrdee) e., disease Melanaemia. . dia. Touch. Feeling. Tact. Tactile. Tactile (Tahkteel). Tactuel,-le (Tahktuehl). Referable to Semicircular bands of the corpus striatus. Tapeworm. T. solium (T. sohleeohm). Taffetas d'Angleterre (Tahftah dahnglehtehr). Court-plaster. Sticking-plaster. Taie (Teh). Opacity of the cornea. Taille (Tahy). Stature. Height of the body. Cystotomy. Lithotomy. Tailler (Tahyd). To perform lithotomy. Talc (Tahlk). Talcum. Talon (Tahldhn). Heel. Talure (Tahlur). Contusion. Talus, pied (Tahliiss, peed). Difformed foot which touches the ground only with the heel. Talipes calcaneus. m T a r i n (Tahmahrehn). Tamarind. a Laxative fruit. Tambour (Tahmbdor). Drum of the ear movements. Tampon (Tahmpohn). Plug. Tampon. Tamponnement (Tahmpohnmdhn). Plugging a cavity. (Tahn). Tan. The outer covering of a tree pulverized to serve as an anti- Tan septic dressing. Tanaisie (Tahnehzee) Tansy. Leaves of the plant Tanacetum (bitter and aroma. tic). Tangentiel,-le (Tahnzshahnsseeehl). a sur- Which touches only one point on Tanin (Tahnehn). Tannin. Tannate (Tahndht). Salt produced by combining tannin with a base. Tannin (Tahnehn). Tannin. Tannic acid. Tannique (Tahneek). Tannic. Taon (Tahohn). Ox-fly. Tapetum (Tahpehtdhm). The sphenoidal cornu of the corpus callosum. Tapis (Tahpee). Tapetum. Tare,-e (Tahra). Damaged. Injured. Spoiled. (Tehoreedh). Tapeworm. Taenia. T. a anneaux courts (T. ah ahndh koor). Botriocephalus latus. T. arme (T. ahrtnd). Taenia solium. TaeT. d'Hippocampe (T. deepohkdhmp) . Hippocampi. T. inerme (T. eenehrm). Taenia saginata. T. mediocannelle (T. mehdeeohkahnld). nia. Taenia saginata. 146 T. semi-circulaire (T. ssehmeesseerkulehr). face. Naevus. T. sanguine {T. sahnggeen). Tachete,-e (Tahshtd). Spotted. Speck- touch. Taenia (Tenia) T. Echinococcus or nehn). Instrument of T. a levier (T. ah lehveed). physiology serving to illustrate various Spot. Stain. T. coloree (T. kohlohrd). Naevus. ehpahteek). YellowT. hepatique {T. brown spot of the skin. T. lenticulaire {T. lahnteekuUhr) Typhoid Tact (Tahkt). (T. nana. Tympanum. Tabular. Tache (Tahsh). T. T. nain T., car Tarentisme (Tahrahnteezm) . Epidemic Chorea. Tarentule (Tahrahntiil). Species of spider. Tarin, valvule de (Tahrehn, vahlvul deh). Locus perforatus posticus. Tarsalgie (Tahrsahlzshee). Flat foot. Tarsalgia. Painful valgus. Tarse (Tahrs). Instep. Tarsus. T., cartilage de (T., kahrteeldhzsh deh). Tarsal cartilage of the eyelid. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Tar Tarsien, ne (TahrseeShn). Ten de Klaproth (T. de K.). tincture of chlorid of iron. T. de Mars tartarisee {T. deh Etherated T. Tarsal. Tarso-metatarsi-phalangien du pouce (Tahrsoh-mehtahtahrsee-fahlahnzsheeehn M. tahrtahr- muscle Tartrate of potash and liquid iron. T. d'opium vineuse safranee {T. dohpee- T.-phalangien du pouce (T.-fahlahnzsheeehn du poos). Flexor brevis pollicis 6hm veenehz sahfrahyid). Laudanum of Sydenham. Compound wine of opium. du poos). Abductor poUicis (foot). minimi digiti (foot). du pouce {T.-s. du poos). T.-s. Flexor brevis pollicis (foot). Tartarique (Tahrtahreek). Tartaric. Tartrate (Tahrtrdht). Tartrate. Tartre acide {Tahrtr ahsseed). Acid tartrate of potash, cream of tartar. Cream of tartar. T. borate {T. bohrahtd). T. neutre de potasse {T. nehtr deh pohtdhss). Tartrate of potash. T. de potasse et d'antimoine {T. deh pohtdhss eh dahnteemoodhun). Tartar emet- Tartrated antimony. T. d. p. et de soude {T. deh p. eh deh Sood). Tartrate of potash and soda. Rochelle salt. Tatouage (Tahtooohzsh). vomique {T. deh nooah vohmeek). Tincture of nux vomica. T, de poivre {T. deh poodhvr). Tincture of capsicum. T. de quinquina {T. deh kehnkeendh). Tincture of cinchona or bark. T. de q. composee {T. deh k. kohmpohzd). Compound tincture of cinchona. T. de noix (foot). T.-sousphalangien du petit orteil {T.-fahlahnzsheeehn du poos). Flexor brevis ic. eezd). T. vulneraire {T. vulnehrehr). Red tincture (17 species of leaves and 2 species of flowers). T. de jalap composee (7". deh zshahldhp kohmpohzd). Purgative-tincture or Ger- man whiskey. Telangiectasie (Tehlahnzsheeehktahzee) Dilatation of capillary vessels. Tellure,-e (Tehlurd). Containing tellurium. Temoin (Tehmooehn) The control subject of experiments. . Tattooing. Taupe (Tohp). Mole. Taureau (Tohroh). Bull. Tempe {Tahmp). Taurocolle (Tohrohkdhl). A glue obtained from the cellular tissue of the ox. Taxis (Takksees). Methodical pressure on a hernia. Taxis. Tegmenteuse abdominale, artere {Tehgmahntehz ahbdohmeendhl, ahrtehr). Su- Temperament (Tahnpehrahmdhn). ing. Cooling. re- (Tehgniehntdhm). Dorsal or posterior portion of the crura cerebri. Teigne (Tehnn). Moth. Popular name of different affections of the skin. Tinea. T. achromateuse {T. ahkrohmahtehz). Alopecia. T. faveuse (T. fahvehz). Favus. T. granulee (T. grahnuld). Impetigo (of scalp). T. tondante on tonsurante {T. tohndahnt 00 lohnsurdhtil). Ringworm (of the scalp). Referable to tinea. Teinture (Tehntiir). Tincture. T. aromatique {T. ahrohmahteek). Compound tincture of cinnamon. T. balsamique {T. bahlzahmeek). Compound tincture of balsam (myrrh, tolu, benzoin, aloes, oliban). T. de colchique {T. deh kohlsheek). Tincture of colchicum seeds. T. etheree de chlorure de fer {T. ehtehrd deh klohrnr deh fehr). Etherated tincture of iron. T. de gentiane composee (T. deh zshehnteedhn kohmpohzd). Compound tincture Tem- Moderat- Sedative. Temperature {Tahnpehrahtur) Tempera- . ture. Tempere,-e perficial epigastric artery. of iron. Temporal perament. Constitution. Temperant,-e {Tahnpehrdhn). Tegmentum Teigneux,-euse (Tehneeeh). Temple. gion. (Tahnpehrd). Temperate. Mild. Temporaire (Tahnpohrehr). Temporary. Temporal,-e (Tahnpohrdhl). Referable to the temples. Temporo-auriculaire muscle {Tahnpohrohohreekulehr muskl). Superior auriculary muscle. T.-superficiel, nerf (T.-supehrfeesseeehl, nehr). Auriculo-temporal nerve. Temps (Tahn). Time. Period. Weather. Season. Tenace (Tehndhss). Tenacious. Which adheres strongly. Tenacite (Tehnahsseeld). Tenacity. Tenaculum (Tehnahkuldhm). Tenaculum. Tenaille (Tehndhy). Bone nippers. Cutting bone- or cartilage-forceps. {Tahndeetieh). bling tendons. Tendineux,-euse Tendon {Tahnddhn). T. d'Achille Achilles. {T. Tendon. dahshtel). ResemSinew. Tendon of Tenesme {Tehnehzm). Persistent straining at stool. Tenesmus. Tenette {Tehniht). Lithotomy forceps. Tenia (Tehneedh). See Taenia. Tenorrhaphie {Tehnohrahfce). Suture of tendons. 147 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ten T^nosynovite (Tehnohsseenohviet). Pain- T6notomie {Tehnohlohmie). Section of tendons. Tenseur {Tahnsihr). Tensor. Extensor. T. de I'aponevrose crurale {T. deh lahpohnehvrdhz crurdhl). Tensor fascia latae. Tensor vaginae femoris muscle. T. du tympan, muscle {T. deh lehnpdhn muskl). Tensor tympani Tension {Tahnssion). Tension. Tentacule (Tahntahkul). Appendix with which many animals are provided. Tente (Tahnt). Tent. Cylindrical plug. TenT. du cervelet {T. eh ssehrvehleh). torium . tine. Terebrant,-e (Tehrehbrdhn). Terebrating. Boring. Keen. Lancinating (pain). Terebration (Tehrehbrahssion). TrephinPerforation. Ending. Termination. Ternaire (Tehrnehr). Ternary. Terrain (Tehrrehn). Ground. Terre {Tehrr). Earth. T. cimolee {T. sseemohld). Pipe clay. Terminaison {Tehrmeenehzdhn). T. foliee calcaire kahlkehr). {T. fohleed Acetate of calcium. f. mercurielle {T. f. mehrkureeehl) Acetate of mercury. T. f. minerale ou de tartre (T.f. meenehrdhl 00 deh tahrtr). Acetate of sodium. Acetate T. f. vegetale (T.f. vehzshehtdhl) T. . . of potash. T. ft Fuller's earth. Terreous. (Tehrrih). foulon {T. ahfoolohn). Terreux,-euse Ingestion of mother's milk child. Tetin (Tehtihn). Nipple. Teat. Tetine (Tehteen). Udder. Teton {Tehldhn). Nipple. Breast of a woman. Tetrachlorure {Tehtrahklohrur). Tetra- chloride. Tetrageneme epidemique (Tehtrahzshehnehm ehpeedehmeek). Epidemic disease caused by a micrococcus. Tetrasomie (Tehtrahsohmee). Doctrine according to which everything is derived from four elements: fire, water, air and earth. (Tehtrahteeohneek). Containing four equivalents of sulphur. Referable to the Thalamic (Tahlahmeek) thalamus opticus. Thalline (Tahllien). Thallin. Thanatologie (Tahnahiohlohzshee). Treaty on death. The {Ta). Tea. Gaultheria proT. du Canada (T. du C). Tetrathionique cerebelli. Cosmetic fo'Tentipelle {Tahnteepehl). facial wrinkles. Tenu,-e (Tehnu). Attenuated. Thin. Part of Teratologie (Tehrahtohlohzshee). Pathology which treats monstrosities. Terebene (Tehrehbihn). Terebene. TurpenTerebenthine (Tehrehbahntien) ing. Tetee (Tehtd). by the ful crepitation of tendons. The Earthy. Territoire {Tehreetoodhr). Territory. Region. Tertiary. Tertiaire (Tehrteeehr). Tessele,-e {Tehssld). Arranged in mosaik. Tesselated. Test (Tehst). Shell (animals). Crucible. Testes (Tehst). Name of posterior quadrigeminal bodies. Pertaining Testiculaire {Tehsteekulehr) to testicles. Testicle. Testicule (TehsteekiU). Tetanie {Tehtahnie). Tetany. Tetanique (Tehtahn^ek). Tetanic. Tetanisation {Tehtahneezahssion). Tetan. ization. Tetanos (Tehtahndhss). Tetanus. jaw. Tetard (Tehldhr). Tadpole. Tete {Teht). Head. 148 Lock- . cumbens. Germain on de sante (T. de St. Zshehrmehn oo deh sahntd). Infusion of Senna, aniseed, cream of tartar. Spanish T. du Mexique {T. du Mehkseek). T. de St. tea. Thebain. Paramorphin. Thebaique, extrait {TehbahSek, ehkstreh). Liquid extract of opium. Theiforme (Teheefdhrm). Resembling tea. Theine (Teheen). Thein. Pain in the nipThelalgie (Tehlahlzshee) Thebaine (Tehbaheen). . ples. Thelodermite (Tehlohdehrmeet). mation of papilla of the skin. Thelorrhagie (Tehlohrahzshee). rhage from the nipple. Inflam- Hemor- Thenar (Tehndhr). Ball of the thumb. Thenar Theobromine (Tehohbrohmeen). Alkaloid Theobromin. of Theobroma Cacao. Theorie (Tehohree). Theory. Theosophie (Tehohzohfee). Theosophy. Theque (Tehk). Theca. Name of the urn in the cryptogames. Therapeutist. Therapeute (Tehrahpeht) Therapeutique (Tehrahpehteek). TheraTherapy. peutics. Therapeutiste {Tehrahpehteest). Thera. peutist. Therapie {Tehrahpee). Therapy. Thera- peutics. Theriaque, electuaire (Tehreedhk, ehlehkMolasses. ElectuTreacle. tuehr). arium opiatum polypharmacicum. Thermal,-e {Tehrmdhl). Thermal. Thermes (Tehrm). Thermal baths. Thermique {Tehrmiek). Concerning the temperature. . OF MEDICAL TERMS The Thermocautere (TehrmohkohtShr). Thermocautery (invented by Paquelin). Thermochimie {Jehrmohsheemee) Ther. Thyreo-pharyngien, muscle (Teerehdh-fahreenzsheehn, muskl). A part of the inferior constrictor of the pharynx. T.-staphylin mochemistry. Thermochrose (Tehrmohkrohz). Peculiarity of certain rays consisting of their greater transmissibility. Thermogenese (Tehrmohzshehnehz) Ther- . mogenesis. Thermogenie (Tehrmohzshehnee) Ther- . mogenesis. Thermoginose (Tehrmohzsheendhz) Disorders produced by insolation. Thermometre (Tehrmomehtr). Thermo. meter. Thermometrographe (Tehrmohmehtrohgrahf) Instrument registering the lowest . and highest temperature in a given time. Thermomineral,-e {Tehrmohmeenehrdhl) Referable to springs which are thermal and mineral. Thermomultiplicateur ( TehrmohmultupleeInstrument for estimating the kahtehr). slightest variations of temperature. Thermophile (Tehrmohfeel). Seeking or Tibia (Teebedh). Treatment by heat. Thomson, maladie de (T., mahlahdee deh). Thomson's .disease. Myotonia congenita. Pertaining to thorax. Thoracic duct. T., canal {T., kahndhl). TapThoracocentese (Tokrahkosahntehz) ping the chest. Thoracentese {Tohrahsahntehz). Tapping the chest. Thoraco -facial, muscle {Tohrahkoh-fahssee- Thoracique (Tohrahsseek). . kahnehehn muskl). The Soleus muscle. T.-malleolaire (T.-mahlehoklehr). The internal saphenous vein. T.-peroneo-tarsien, muscle {T.-pehrohnehoh-tahrseeehn m.). Peroneus longus muscle. T.-peronier, m. {T.-pehrohneed, m.). Tibioperoneal. Tibio-fibular m. T.-sous-phalangettien commun {T.-soofahlahnzsheteeehn kohmehn). Flexor longus digitorum. T,-sous-tarsien, m. (T.-soo-tahrseeehn, m.). Tibialis posticus muscle. T,-sus-tarsien, m. {T.-su-t.). Tibialis an- Platysma. Thorax. Chest. Thridace (Treeddhss). Extract of lettuce Thridacium. Lactu(Lactuca saliva). carium. Thrill (Treel). Thrill (in aneurisms). Thrombose (Trohmbdhz). Thrombosis. Thrombus {Trohmbuss). Thrombus. Coagulum. Thurique, Gomme {Tureek, gohmm). Gum Arabic. Thymus Thymus gland. Thyreo-arytenoidien, muscle {TeerehdhThyreoahreetehnoheedeeehn, miiskl). arytenoid muscle. Thyreocele (Teerehohssehl). Goitre. Thyreoide, cartilage {Teerehoheed). Thyroid cartilage. Thyroide (Teeroheed). Thyroid cartilage. Thyroid gland. T., glande {T., glahnd). Th.yTO\diQn-nt{Teeroheedeech7i). Thyroid. T., cle. (Teemtis). muscle {T., niuskl). Hyo-thyroid mus- m. T.-tarsien (T.-tahrseeehn). Tibio-tarsal. Tic (Teek). Tic. T. douloureux {T. doolooreh). Facial neuralgia. Tepid. Lukewarm. Tierce (Teeehrs). Tertian. Tige (Teezsh). Stalk. Stem. Timbre (Tehmbr). Sonorous quality or tone of a voice. Tintement (Tehntmdhn). Ringing. Tinkling. Humming sound. T. d'oreille {T. dohrdy). Tinnitus aurium. Tiquete,-e {Teektd). Spotted. Speckled. Tirage (Teerdhzsh). Depression in epigastric area at each inspiratory effort in dys- Tiede (Teeehd). pnoea. ahl, niiiskl). Thorax {Tohrdhks). Azygos Tibia. Tibial anterieur, muscle {Teebeedhl ahnteh reeehr, muskl). Tibialis anticus. T. posterieur, muscle {T. pohstehreeehr, muskl). Tibio-calcaneen, muscle {Teebeedh-kahl- tieus (Tehrmohskohp). A very sensible thermometer. Thermotherapie ( Tehrmohtehrahpee) (T.-stahfeelehn). uvuls muscle. liking heat. Thermoscope Tit Tiraillement (Teerahymdhn). Twitch- ing. T. d'estomac {T. dehstohmdh). Dragging pain in the stomach. Tire-balle (Teer-bdhl). Instrument for extracting bullets from a deep wound. T.-fond {T.-fdhn). Instrument for transfixing foreign bodies and withdrawing them from a cavity. T.-tete {T.-teht). Instrument for extracting the head of a dead foetus. Tisane (Teezdhnn). Any beverage or decoction of a demulcent character (barley water, etc.). T. Royale {T. rooshydhl). Laxative drink containing chiefly senna, sodium sul- phate and anise. T. desene composes kohmpohyd). {T. deh ssehnd infusion of Compound senna. Tissu (Teessu). Tissue. Titillation (Teeteelahssidn). Tickling. 149 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Tit Titre,-e (Teetrd). A liquid containing a certain weight of any chemical reagent to a certain volume. Tocologie {Tohkohlohzshce). Study of obstetrics. Todd, potion de {Tohd, pohssion deh). A drink C9ntaining sugared brandy and cinnamon. Toile (Toocihl). Cloth. vSparadrap. Toilette {Tooahleht). Toilet. Toit (Toodh). Tegment. Roof. Tolerance {Tohlehrdhns). Tolerance. T., maison de {T., mehzdhn deh). Brothel. Tolu (Tohlii). Balsam of Tolu. Toluene (Tohluehnn). Toluene. Methylbenzene (antiseptic; dye). Toluol (Tohludhl). See Toluene. Tomate {Tohmdht). Tomato. Tomotocie (Tohmohtohssee). Cesarean operation. Ton (Tohn). State Key (in music). Tondant,-e of tissue in health. What causes (Tohnddhn). falling of the hair? Tonicite {Tohneesseetd). Tonique (Tohneek). Tonic drug. convulsion (T. kohnvulssidn). longed contraction of the muscles. Tonnerre (Tohnehr). Thunder. Tonsil. Tonsille {Tohnseel). Pro- Tonsillite (Tohnseelleet). Tonsillitis. Tonsillitome (Tohnseelohtdhni). Instrument for removing tonsils. Tonsurant,-e {Tohnsurdhn). SeeTondant. Tonus {Tohnils). Tone. Tonicity. Tophacee, concretion {Tohjahssd, kohnkrehssion). Chalk stone (deposits of calcium phosphate or urate of sodium in the joints). Tophus. Gouty de{Tohfus). posit of sodium urate in the joints. Torcula (Tohrkuldh). Torcular Herophili. Venous sinus over internal occipital pro- Tophus Vortex. Tourdille,-e (Toordeed). Speckled. Tourne,-e (Toornd). Changed. Turned. Spoiled. Tournesol (Toornehssdhl). Litmus. Toumiole {Toorneeohl). Whitlow round the nails. Tourniquet (Toorneekd). Instrument to compress an artery. Tourniquet. (Toornooahmdhn). Turning around from vertigo. T. de tete (7". deh teht). Swimming in the Toumoiement head. Tournoyant,-e {Toor^iooahydhn). Which turns around. Toussillement {Toosseeymdhn). Frequent slight cough. Hawking. {Too). Cough. Toxicite (Tohkseesseetd). Toxicity. Toux Dysen- teric, or griping (pain). Torpor. Torpid. Toxi- cology. Toxicophore (Tohkseekohfdhr) Toxine (Tohkseen). Toxin. . Poisonous. Toxique (Tokkseek). Poison. Virus. Poisonous. Trabecule (TrahbehkiU). Trabecula. TraQant,-e {Trahssdhn). Running. Rami- Toxic. fying. Trace (Trahssd). Curve. Outline. Trac- ing. Tracheal (Trashehdhl). Tracheal. Trachee {Trashd). Trachea. Tracheen,-ne (Trahchehehn). Tracheal. Tracheite {Trahsheheet). Tracheitis. Trachelo-anguli-scapulaire ( Trahshehldhahngulee-skahpidehr). Levator anguli scapulae muscle. T.-atloido-occipital (T.-ahtloheedoh-ohksseepeeldhl). Obliquus capitis superior m. T.-basilaire {T .-bahzeelehr) tuberance. Tordu,-e {Tohrdu). Twisted. Tormineux,-euse (Tohrmeeneh). Torpeur (Tohrpehr). Torpide (Tohrpeed). T. de maitre (7". deh mehlr). A manner of passing a catheter. T. de rein {T. deh rehn). Lumbago. Tourbe (Toorb). Peat. Tourbillon (Toorbeeohn). Whirlwind. Toxicologic {Tohkseekohlohzshee). Tonicity. Tonic. T., Tra Rectus capitis anticus major muscle. T.-cervical,-e (T.-ssehrveekdhl). Pertaining to the neck. T. -costal (T.-kohstdhl). Scalenus muscle. . T.-diaphragmatique (T.-deeahfrahgmah- Torpedo. Torpille {Tohrpee). Torride (Tohrreed). Torrid. Torsion {Tohrssidn). Torsion. Twisting. Wry-neck. Torticolis (Tohrteekohlees). Tortue (Tohrtu). Turtle. Tortueux,-euse (Tohrtueh). Tortuous. Torula {Tohruldh). Group of microorgan- teek). Referable to the phrenic nerve. T.-occipital (T.-okkseepeetdhl). Great com- isms including Saccharomycetes. Touch. Digital examination. Feeling. Vaginal digiT. vaginal {T. vahzsheendhl) tal examination. Tour de lune {T. deh lunn). Periodical ophthalmia. Trachome (Trahkdhm). Toucher (Toushd). \ . 150 plexus muscle. T.-souscutanee, veine (T.-sookutahnd, vehnn). External jugular vein. Tracheotomie cheotomy. lations. {Trahshehohtohmee). Tra- Palpebral granu- Trachoma. Tracteur (Trahklehr). Tractor. Tragant (Trahgdhn). Tragacanth. Tragus (Trahgiis). Tragus (of the ear). Trainee epidemique (Trehnd ehpeedeemeek). Recrudescence of an epidemic. . OF MEDICAL TERMS Tra Trait (Treh). Traitement Line on the face. {Trehtmdhn) Treatment. . Management. Tra jet (Trahzsheh). Course of a nerve, of a blood vessel, of a wound. Trame {TraJunm). Stroma. Tissue lying between essential parts of an organe. Tranchant (Trahnshdkn). The cutting edge of a surgical knife. Tranchee {Trahnshd). Trench. Tranchees (Trahnshd). Violent gripping de I'oreme (T. deh lohrdy). Helicis minor muscle. T. du perinea {T. du pehreend). Transversus perinei or compressor urethras T. muscle. Transverso-anal m. (Trahnsvehrs6k-ahndhl m.). Trasnversus perinei muscle. T.-costal (T.-kohstdhl). Muscle extending from the ribs to transverse processes of the vertebrae, T.-iliaque (T.-eeleedhk). Quadratus lum- borum muscle. pains. Transcendant,-e (Trahnsahnddhn). Transcendental. Transcurrent,-e (Trahnskurdhn). Which passes rapidly. TransfixTransfixion (Trahnsfeekssion) . ion. Transformation (Trahnsfohrmahssidn). Transformation. TransfuTransfusion (Trahnsfuzeeohn) . sion. Transition (Trahnzeession). Transition. Transi- Tr!a[nsitoire (Trahnzeetoodhr). tory. Translation (Trahnslahssion). Removal. Transfer. Translucide {Trahnslusseed). Translucid. Semi-transparent. Transmissibilite ( Trahnsmeesseebeeleetd) Trans- Transparence Trans- parency. Transparente, klooahzohn) Transpiration . (Trahnspahrdhns) . T. -urethral (T.-urethrdhl). Compressor urethras muscle. Trapeze, muscle (Trahpehz, muskl). Trapezius. Trapezoid, ligament (Trahpehzoheed, leegahmdhn). Coraco-clavicular ligament. T., OS {T., ohss). Trapezoid bone. Trauma (Trohmdh). Trauma. Traumatique (Trohmahteek). Traumatic. Traumatisme (Trohmahteezm). Traumatism. Travail (Trahvdhy). Labor. Work. Child-birth. Trayon (Treheeohn). Teat of animals. Trefle (Trehfl). Clover. Trifolium. T. des marais (T. deh mahreh). Marshtrefoil. Buck-bean. Trematodes (Trehmahtohd) Trematodes . (intestinal worms). Transmissibility. Transmission (Trahnsmeessidn). mission. Tremblant,-e (Trahmbldhn) . Tremblement {Trahmblmdhn) (Trahnspahrdhnt, Septum lucidum. cloison {Trahyispeerahssion). Per- Tremor. Shivering. Trembleur (Trahmblehr). {Trahnspohr). Tva-ns^ovt. De- . Trembling. Trembling. Vibrator; inter- ruptor (in electricity, etc.). Also: a person who trembles. Tremblotant,-e (Trahmblohtdhn) Quiver. ing. spiration. Transport Tri Shivering. Tremor Tremulation (Trehmulahssidn). (of paralysis agitans, etc.). lirium. Transsudation {Trahnsudahssion). The action of a fluid passing through a body and forming droplets on the latter sur- Trepan {Trehpdhn). Trephine. Trepanation {Trehpahnahssion) Trephine (Trehfeen). face. Transversaire cervical, ssehrveekdhl, muscle {Transmuskl). Trans- vehrsehr versalis coli muscle. T., epineux, muscle {T., ehpeetieh, muskl). Multifidus spinas m. Transversal du nez {Trahnsvehrsdhl dii nd). Compressor nasi muscle. Transverse, artere {Trahnsvehrs, ahrtehr). Transverse facial artery. T. de I'abdomen muscle [T. deh lahbdohmehn muscle). Transvcrsalis abdominis muscle. du bas-ventre (7". du bah-vahnlr). Transvcrsalis abdominis muscle. T. de la mSchoire inferieure {T. deh lah T. mahshoodhr ehnfehreeehr). Mylo-hyoid muscle. T. du menton (T. du mahnluhn). laris menti. Triangu- Trephin- . ing. Trepidation Trephine. Trepida- (Trehpeedahssidn). tion. Trepied (Trehpeed). Tripod. T. vital (7'. veetdhl). Vital tripod (brain, heart, lungs). Treptodonte (Trehptohdohnt). Apparatus to straighten teeth. Tressailli,-e [Trehssahee). Displaced. Tressaillement {Trehssaheemdhn) Sudden movement. Shuddering. Starting. Triangle [Treedhngl). Triangle. Triangulaire (Treeahngulehr). Triangular. T. du coccyx, muscle (7". du kohkseeks m.) Coccygeus muscle. . DeT. des levres m. {T. deh lehvr m.). pressor anguli oris. T. du sternum m. {T. du stehrnohm,l_m.) Triangularis sterni m. Tribu {Trecbii). Tribe. 151 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Tri Triceps brachial ou humeral (Treessihps Triceps (brabrahkeeahl oo timehrdhl). chii). T. crural ou femoral {T. krurdhl ou fehmohrdhl). Quadriceps extensor. Trichiasis (Treesheeahzees). Inward direcEntropion. tion of the eyelashes. Trichina (Treesheen). Trichina spiralis (in the intestines. Trichinose (Treesheendhz). Affection caused by the presence of trichina. Trichlorure (Treeklohnir). Trichloride. Trichocephale (Treekohssehfdhl). Tricho- Trichomyces (Treekohniees). Genus Troisieme paire de nerfs cr^iens {Trooahzeeehm pehr deh nehr krahneeihn) The third pair of cranial nerves. Trompe d'Eustache {Trohmp dehsldhsh). The Eustachian tube. T. k eau {T. ah oh). Water sucking pump. T. de Fallope {T. de Fahldhp). Fallopian tube. Tronc (Trohn). Trunk (of artery, etc.). Troncule (Trohnkul). Small trunk. Trophique (Trohfeek). Trophic. Trophonevrose (Trohfohnehvrohz) {Troo). of Tricipital. (Treesseepeetdhl). (triceps muscle). Tricuspide, valvule {Treekuspeed, vahlvul) Tricuspid valves. Trident (Treeddhn). Instrument for exTricipital,-e Foramen. Opening. Hole. Monro medullas oblongatae. T. epineux {T. ehpeeneh). Spinal foramen. T. de Ferrein {T. deh F.). Stylo-mastoid Having three heads tracting foreign bodies from the knee. Trifacial, nerf {Treefahsseedhl, nehr). Trigeminal nerve. Trigone {Tree sohnn). Triangle. Trigone. The fornix T. cerebral {T. sehrehbrdhl). (of the brain). T. vesical de Lieutaud (T. vehzeekdhl deh L.). Trigone of the bladder. Trijumeau (Threezsheemoh). See Trifacial. Trilobed. Trilobe,-e (Treelohbd). Nitroglycerin. Trinitrine (Treeneetreen). Tripartite. Triparti,-te (Treepahrtee). Triple. Triple (Treepl). Trismus {Treezmus). Trismus. Tetanus. Tro- {T. deh M.). Foramen between the 3rd and lateral ventricles. T. borgne {T. bohrnn). Foramen coecum T. de fungi causing affections of skin and hair. Trichophyton (Treekohfeetdhn). Genus of fungi causing affections of skin and hair. . phoneurosis. Trou cephalus (nematode worms). Pilous cyst. Trichocyte (Treekohsseet). Tub foramen. T. occipital {T. ohkseepeetdhl) Foramen . magnum. ovale (T. ohvdhl). Foramen in the superior surface of the sphenoid bone. Foramen of Botal in the heart. Trouble (Troobl). Disorder. Affection (morbid). Turbid. Cloudy. Trousse (Trooss). Surgical pocket-instruT. m.ent-case. Trousseau (Troossdh). Fasciculus. Truffe (Truf). Truffle. Truite (Trueet). Trout. Trypsine (Treepseen). One of the three ferment of pancreatic juice. Trypsin. Tubage (Tubdhzsh), Intubation. Tubage. _ Lockjaw. Trisplanchnique, {Treesplahnkneek nerf Sympathetic nerv'e. nehr). {Treeturahssion). Reduction Tritiiration Trituraof a substance to a powder. tion. Trocart (Trohkdhr). Cannula with per- foration used for puncturing a cavity and withdrawing a fluid. Trochanter {Trohkahntehr). Tuberosities Trochanter. of the femur. Trochanterien,-ne (Trohkahntehreeehtt) Referable to the trochanter. Trochantin {Trohkahntehn). Lesser toria. (Tubehr, grohssehss). nence. T. bigemine (7". beezshehmeend) geminal body (in brain). T. de Santorini (T. deh S.) . Quadri- Tubercle on the arytenoid cartilage. Tubercule, -e {Tubehrkuld). Tuberculated. Tuberculeux,-euse {Tiibehrkuleh). Tuber- Tuberculin Tuberculine {Tubehrkuleen) To proTuberculiser (Tubehrkuleezd) duce tubercules. . . Lozenge, tablet Trochiter (Trohsheetehr). Tuberosity of the humerus. Trochleateur (Trohklehahtehr). Superior oblique muscle of the orbit. Trochlea (Trohkld). Trochlea. Trochoide, articiUation {Trohkoheed, ahrArticulation resembling teekulahssidn). a lateral ginglymus. Diarthrosis rota- 152 grossesse Tubal pregnancy. Ectopic gestation. Tube (Tub). Tube. Tuber cinereum {Tubehr sseenehrehdhm). Tuber cinereum (at base of brain). Tubercule {Tubehrkiil). Tubercle. Emi- cular. tro- chanter. Trochisque (Trohsheesk). (without sugar). Tubaire, T., se {T., sseh). To become Tubereux,-euse (Tubehreh). tubercular. Tuberous. Tuber-ischio-trochanterien, muscle {Tubehreeskeeoh-lrohkahntehreeehn, muskl). Quadratus femoris muscle. Tuberosite (Tubehrohzeetd). Tuberosity. The T.s de I'estomac (T. deh lehstohmdh). two extremities of the stomach. Tubo-ovarien,-ne {Tuboh-ohvahree&hn). Concerning the tubes and ovaries. T.-o., OF MEDICAL TERMS kys T.-o., kyste {T.-o. keest). connecting the ovary Ovarian cyst with Fallopian tube. taining a tube. Tulipe {Tideep). Tulip. Tumefaction {Ttimehfahkssion) Tumefaction. Tumor. Swelhng. {Titmehr). White swelhng. T. blanche {T. blahnsh). Tubercular condition of a joint. Tunique {Tuneek). Any membrane formCoat. Ening the walls of an organ. velope. Tunica T. albuginee {T. ahlbuzsheend). albuginea testis. commune de Bichat {T. kohmiinn deh Tunica intima. The creT. erythroide {T. ehreeiroheed) master after the descent of the testicle. . T. innominee (T. eenohmeend) . The scle- rotic. Tunica vaginale (7". vahzsheendJd). vaginalis (of the testes). Any coat T. vasculaire {T. vahskulehr). T. of a vessel. Turbine, -e {Turbeend). Turbinated. Turcique, sella {Turseek, sehll). Sella turcica. Tiirck, cordon de {Turk, kohrddhn deh). Direct pyramidal tract of the spinal cord. Turges- Swollen in a uniform Turgide ( Turzsheed) manner. Turgid. Tussiculation {Tusseekulahssidn). Slight dr>' cough. Tuyau {Tuydh). Metallic or wooden tube. Tympan {Tehnpdhn). Tympanum. Cavity of T., caisse du {T., kehss dii). the tympanum. Drum of the ear. Cavity of middle Swelling. . Tumeur B.). {Tiirzshessdhns). cence. . Tubulaire (Tubulehr). Tubular. Tubule,-e {Tubuld). Tubulated. Having the form of a tube. Tubuleux,-euse (Tubideh). Tubular. Tubulure (Tubuliir). Opening of a vessel to receive a cork pierced by a hole con- T. Turgescence Tyr ear. membrane du {T., mahmbrdhnn du). Tympanic membrane. Tympanisme ou ton tympanique {Tehn- T., pahneezm oo tohn tehnpahneek). Sound of a drum. Swelling of the Tympanite ( Tehnpahneet) abdomen with gas. Tympanitis. Type {Teep). Type. Typhique {Teefeek). Typhoid. Tj^phous. Inflammation of the Typhlite {Teefleet). . cajcum. Typhlitis. Typhlo-diclidite {Teefloh-deekleedeet). flammation of the ileo-coecal valve. In- Typhlographe Apparatus {Teeflohgrdhf). for the blind to write. Typhlosis {Teeflohzees). Blindness. Cecity. Typhoide {Teefoheed). Typhoid. Depression. Stupor. T., etat {T., ehtdh). Typhoid fever, T., fievre {T., feeehvr). Typhus fever. Spotted Typhus {Teeflis) j . typhus. Typique {Teepeek). Typical. Tyrosine {Teerohzeen). Crystallizable body found in the urine. 153 . . FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Ulc Uvu u Ulceration (Ulsehrahssidn). Ulceration. Ulcere (Ulsehr). Ulcer. Sore. Ulcere, -e (Ulsehrd). Ulcerated. Ulcereux,-euse (Ulschreh). Ulcerous. Ulceriforme {Ulsehrecfohrm). Resembling an Ethyl carbamate. Urethan. Urethral.-e (Urehtrdhl). Urethral. U.e, Crete (U. kreht). Verumontanum. Urethralgie (Urehtrahlzshee). Uretralgia. Urethre (Urehtr). ulcer. Ulite Urethane {Urehtdhn). (Uleet). Inflammation of the gums. Urethra. Urethrite {Urehtreet). Urethritis. U. blennorrhagique {U. blehnohrahzsheek). Ulnaire (Ulnehr). Ulnar. Uloncie {Ulohnsee). Tumor of the gums. Gonorrhea. Urethrophraxie (Urehtrohfrahksee). Epulis. Ultime (Ulteem). struction of the urethra. Urethroscopie {Urehtrohskohpee) Endoscopy. Urethroscopy. Urethrostenie (Urehtrohstehnee) Stricture of urethra. Urethrotome (Urehtrohtdhm). Instrument for incision of the urethra. and final Referable to the last of a disease. Ulti- symptoms mate. for the right auricle. Unciforme (Unseefdhrm). Unciform. Ungueal,-e {Unggehdhl). Ungual; nail. Unguineuses, capsules {Unggeenehz, kahpsi'd). Synovial bursse. Unguineux,-euse {Unggeeneh). Referable to inunction. (Unggeenohsehl). Synovial Acute inflammation of the ten- Unguinocele cysts. don-sheaths. Unguis, OS (Unggees, bone. Pterygius. ohss). Lacrymal Unicellulaire ( Uneesehlulehr) Unicellular. Unilateral,-e (Uneelahtehrdhl). Unilateral. Unilobe,-e {Uneelohbd). Unilobate. Uniloculaire (Uneelohkulehr). Unilocular. Unipare (Uneepdhr). Uniparous. Unipolaire {Uneepohlehr). Unipolar. Unissant,-e (f/wee5.?d/m). Uniting. Bind. one way. Urane (Urdhnn). Oxide of uranium. Uraniscoplastie (Urahneeskohplahstee) Operation for occlusion of an opening in the hard palate. Uraniscosteoplastie ( Urahneeskohstehohplahstee). Operation for occlusion of an opening in the hard palate. Urate (Urdht). Salt of uric acid. Urate. Urate,-e {Urahtd). Containing urates. Uree {Urd). Urea. Ureique (Ureheek). Referable to urea. Uremie (Urehmee). Uremia. Uremique (Urehmeek). Uremic. Ureometre (Urehohmehtr) Ureometer. Uretere {Urtehr). Ureter. Ureterotomie (Urehtehrohtohmee). Ureter. otomy. 154 Urethrotomise,-e ( Urehtrohtohmeezd) Having undergone urethrotomy. Urinaire (Ureenehr). Urinary. Urinal ( Ureendhl). Vessel to collect urine. Urine (Ureen). Urine. Urineux,-euse (Ureeneh). Urinary. Urinifere (Ureeneefehr). Uriniferous. Urinometre (Ureenohmehtr). Urinometer. Urique, acide (Ureek ahsseed). Uric acid. Urobiline {UrohheeUen). Urobilin. Urohemie (Urohehmee). Urinemia. Uroide (Uroheed). Having the shape of a tail. Urolithe (Urohleet). Urinary calculus. Urometre {Urohmehtr). Urinometer. Uropoese (Urohpohehz). Formation of urine. Uroscopie ing. Unitaire (Uneetehr). Unitary. Unite {Uneetd). Unity. Unit. Universite (Uneevehrseetd). University. Univogue (Uneevdhk). What can be done in . . Ultimum moriens {Ulteemohm mohreeehns). Term Ob- urine. ( Urohskohpee). Examination of Uroscopy. Nettle Urticaria. rash. Producing a senUrticant,-e ( Urteekdhn). sation of a nettle-sting. Sensation anUrtication {Urteekahssion). Urticake (Urteekehr). alogous to that produced by nettle. Use. Function._ Ustion ( Usteeohn). Burning, cauterization (with a cautery). Usage (Uzdhzsh). Usure iUziir). Wearing down, atrophy through friction. Uterine. Uterin,-e {Utehrehn). Uterorrhagie (Utehrohrahzshee). Uterine hemorrhage. Uterorrhee (Utehrohrd). Leucorrhea. Uterus {Utehrils). Womb. Uterus. A membranous sacUtricule {Utreekul). Utricle. like part of the body. Uvee (Uvd). Pigmented layer covering the posterior surface of the iris. Uvea. Uvule iUviil). Uvula. . . OF MEDICAL TERMS Vac Vei V Vaccin (Vaksehn). Vaccine. Vaccine lymph. Vaccinable Susceptible of ( Vahkseendhbl) successful vaccination. Vaccination (Vahkseenahssion). Vaccina- Y . tion. SLCcine (Vahkseen). Vaccinia. Cow-pox. Vaccinelle {Vahkseenehl). Spurious cowpox. Vaccinella. Vaccinifere (Vahkseeneefehr). Spoken of a cow or of a child supptying vaccine. Vaccinine {Vahkseeneenn). A crystallisable substance extracted from cowberry. Vacuole (Vahkudhl). Cavity in a tissue filled with gas or liquid. Vacuole. Vagin (Vahzshehn). Vagina. Vaginal, -e (Vahzsheendhl). Vaginal. V.e, tunique {V., tuneek). Tunica vaginalis (testis). Vaginalite (Vahzsheenahleet) Inflammation of tunica vaginalis. Vaginant,-e (Vahzsheendhn). Sheathing. Vaginal. Vagine,-e (Vahzsheend). Sheathed. Invaginated. Vaginisme (Vahzsheeneezm). Vaginismus. Vaginite (Vahzsheeneet). Vaginitis. Vagino-labial,-e ( Vahzsheenoh-lahbeedhl) Referable to the vagina and labia majora of the vulva. V. -peritoneal, -e (V.-pehreetohnehdhl) Referable to the tunica vaginalis and peri . . ' toneum. Recto-vaginal Vaginoscopie (Vahzsheenohskohpee). Examination of the vagina. Vagissement ( Vahzsheesmdhn) Crying of an infant. Squalling. Mewling. Vague (Fa/zg). Wandering. Vagus. V.-rectal,-e {V.-rehklahl). . V a i s s e a u ( Vehssoh). Vessel. Artery. Vein. Valence (Vahldhns). Atomicity. Val ency. Valerate (Vahlehrdht) Valerianate. Valerianate (Vahlehreeahndht) Valerian. . ate. Valeriane (Vahlehreedhnn). Valerian. Yalvaire {Vahlvehr). Valvular. Yalve (Vahlo). Valve. Valvule (VahlviU). Valve. V. de Bauhin ( V. deh Bohehn). Ileo-coecal valve. V. d'Eustache (7. dehstdhsh). Membranous fold at the entrance of inferior vena cava into the right auricle of the heart. V. de Tarin {V. deh Tahrehn). Posterior velum meduUare (of cerebellum). A V. de Vieussens (F. de Veeehssdhn). layer of nervous substance between the superior cerebellar peduncles. Wangle {Vah nee). Vanilla. Vapeur (Fa /;pc/zr). Vapour. Steam. V.s (Vahpehr). Hysterics. Vapors. Yarech (Vahrehsh). Seaweed. See-wrack. Variabilite (Vahreeahbeeleetd). Variability. Varice (V^ahreess). Varicose vein. Chicken-pox. (Vahreessehl). Varicelle Varicella. Varicocele (Vahreekohssehl) Varicocele. Variete (Vahreeehtd). Variety. Variole (Vahreeolil). Small-pox. Varioleux,-euse (Vahreeohleh). Variolous. Varioloide (Vahreeohloheed). Small-pox modified by vaccine. Variqueux,-euse {Vahreekeh). Varicose. Varole, pont de ( Vahrohl, pohn deh). Pons . Varolii. Vasculaire (Vahskulehr). Vascular. Vascularisation ( Vahskulahreezahssidn) Vascularization. Vascularite (Vahskulahreetd). Vascularity. Vasculo-nerveux,-euse ( Vahskuloh-nehrveh). Composed of vessels and nerves. (Fo/zz). Receptacle. Mud. Vessel. Vase Slime. V. de nuit ( F. deh nuee). Vaseline (Vahzleen). Chamber utensil. Vaseline. Vaso-cons {Vahzoh-kohnstreek t ri c t i o n Vascular constriction. V.-dilatation (V.-deelahtahssion). Vascusion). lar dilatation. Vaso-moteur (Vahzoh-mohtehr). Vaso- motor. Vaste (Vahst). Externe. Great. Vast. V. externe, muscle ( F. ehkstehrn, muskl). Muscle vastus externus. V. interne, m. (F. ehntehrn, m.). M. vastus internus. Vauqueline (Vohkleen). Strychnin. Y antouT (Vohtoor). Vulture. Vegetal,-e {Vehzshehtdhl). Vegetable. Vegetant,-e (Vehzshehtdhn). Vegetating. Vegetarien,-ne (Vehzshehtahreeehn). Vegetarian. Vegetatif,-ive {VehzshehtahUef). Vegeta- tive. Vegetation {Vehzshehtahssidn). Vegetation. Group of functions constituting the life of V. des plaies a plant. ( V. deh pleh). Granulations. Condyloma. Vehicule (VeheekiU). Liquid excipient. Vehicle. Veille ( Vay). State of being awake. 155 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Vei Veillotte ( Vaydht). Colchicum autumnale. Meadow-saffron. Veine (Vehn). Vein. d. kahn- Cicatricial- tusion. Verheyen, etoiles de (F., ehtoodhl deh). Stars of Verheyen venous plexus on the : Veloute,-e (Vlootd). Velvety. Villous. Hairy. Shagg>'. Velu,-e (Vehlii). Velvetique (Vehlvehteek). Resembling vel- surface of the kidney. Verification (Vehreefeekahssidn). Verifica- tion. Vermiculaire (Vehrmeekulehr). vet. Veneneux,-euse (Vehnehneh). Vcnenous. ( Vehnehneefihr) Poisonous. Carrying ve- . nom. Venenosite (Vehnehnohzeeld). Toxicity. Venerien,-ne (Vehnehreeehft). Venereal. Venimeux,-euse {Vehneemeh). Having a venom. Poisonous. Venomous. Venom. Poison {V ehnehn) V erAn . of ani- mals. Venosite (Vehnohzeetd). Venous plethora. Vent (Vahn). Wind. Flatus. Venteux,-euse (Vahnteh). Flatulent. . Ventricle. Ventricule (Vahntreekul). V.s du cerveau (F. du ssehrvoh). Ventricles of the brain. Ventricle of the V. du coeur (F. du kehr). heart. (Vahnireed). A fibrous band connected with the internal pillar of the external abdominal ring. Abdominal (Vahnireeehr). Ventriere binder. Ventriloque (Vahntreelohk) Ventriloquist. Ventru,-e \Vahntru). Corpulent. Big- Ventrier . bellied. Vents {Vdhn). Flatus. toneum. Ver {Vehr). Worm. V. a sole (F. ah soodh). Gas in the peri- Vermifugal remedy. Vermineux,-euse (Vehrmeeneh). Which is produced by worms. Verminous. Vermis superieur ( Vehrmees supehreeehr) Superior vermis of cerebellum. V. (Vehrmeefiizsh) inferieur (F. . ehnfehreeehr). Inferior vermis of cerebellum. Varnish. SyphiUs. Smallpox. v., petite (F. pteet). Yerole -&{Vehrohld). Affected with syphilis. Varicella. Verolette (Vehrohleht). Verolique (Vehrohleek). Svphilitic. Weronique {Vehr ohneek). Speedwell. The stem is astringent and tonic. {Vehrnee). Verole (Vehrdhl). Verre (Vehr). Glass. Verree (Vehrd). Glassful. Verrucaire (Vehrukehr). Warty. Verru- Taenia solium. Veratrine (Vehrahtreen). {Vehrii). Wart. Verruqueux,euse Warty. (Vehrukeh). Verrucous. Vers (Vehr). Worms. Version (Vehrssidn). Version. Turning (obstetrical). Yert-e (Vehr). Green. V.-de-gris (V.-deh-gree). Subacetate of Verdigris. copper. Vertebral,-e {Vehrtehhrdhl). Vertebral. Vertebre {Vehrtehhr). Vertebra. Vertebre,-e (Vehrtehbrd). Vertebrated. Vertebres (F.). Vertebrate. Vertex {Vehtehks). Vertex. W ertige (Vehrteezsh). Giddiness. Vertigo. M^ni^re's V. auriculaire (F. ohreekulehr) disease. Vertigineux,-euse {Vehrteezsheeneh) . Ver- tiginous. A crystalline Genus Verumontanum Caput alkaloid from cevadilla seed. Veratrum {Vehrahtrohm). Verrue . Silkworm. Tape- worm. V. solitaire (F. sohleetehr). of Lilia- False hellebore. Verbigeration {Vehrbeegehrahssion). ( Vehrumohnfahndhm). gallinaginis. A Verveine (Vehrvehnn). grass for all ills. Vervain. ceae. Ver- Vesanie (Vekzahnie). Mental disease. Insanity. bigeration. (Vehreh). Containing worms. Verge (Vehrzsh). . Vermifuge cous. lar. Vereux,-euse Vermi- Vermicular. form. Vermicule,-e {Vehrmeekuld). Vermiculate. Vennien,-ne (Vehrmeeehn). Referable to the vermiform process of the cerebellum. Vermiform. Vermifonne {Vehrmeefohrm) Vemis Producing flatulence. Ventilator. Ventilateur (Vahnteelahtehr). Ventilation (Valniteelahssidti). Ventilation. Ventouse (Vahntooz). Cupping-glass. Ventouser (Fa/m/oozd). To cup. Ventral. Ventral,-e (Vahntrdhl). Ventre {Vahntr). Abdomen. Belly. Diarrhoea. v., flux du (V.,flu du). Belly of a V. musculaire (F. muskulehr). muscle. VentricuVentriculaire (VahntreekidShr) 156 (Vehrzshehtur). produced on the abdomen by the distension of its skin during pregnancy. Stripes of ecchymosis produced by con- striae Veineux d'Aranzi, canal {Vehn&h Venous duct. dhl). V einule (Vehmil). Small vein. Vele (FfW). The female calf. Venenif ere Vergetures Ves Penis. Worm-eating. (Vehzahneek). Affected vesania. Vesical. Vesical,-e {Vehzeekdhl) Vesanique . with OF MEDICAL TERMS Ves Vesicant, -e (Vehzeekdhn). Blistering. Vesicating. Vesication Blistering. {Vehzeekahssion). Vesication. Vesicatoire ( Vehzeekahtoodhr) Blister. Vesiculaire ( Vehzeekulehr)}.^/ esicular. Vesiculation (Vehzeekulahssidn). Vesiculation. Vesicule (Vehzeekiil). Vesicle. V. biliaire {V. beleeehr). Gall-bladder. V. du fiel ( V. du feeehl) Gall-bladder. VesicuVesiculeux,-euse (Vehzeekuleh) . . de quinquina (F. deh Kehnkeendh). Quinine wine. Vinage (Veendhzsh). The addition of al- V. cohol to wine. Vinaigre (Veeneh^r). Vinegar, V. aromatique (F. ahrohmahteek). Juice of sugar-cane. Vesperal,-e (Vehspehrdhl). Coming on in the evening. Vessie (Vehssee). Bladder. Vestibulaire (Vehsteebulehr). Vestibular. Vestibule {Vehsteebul). Vestibule. VeiQva.en.t{Vehtmdhn). Garment. Tunic Anatomy). Veterinaire {Vehtehreenehr) Veterinary Veterinary surgeon. Viabilite (Veeahbeeleetd). Viability. Viable (Veedhbl). Capable of living. Vi. medicine. Aro- matic vinegar. V. de bois (F. deh boodh). Wood V. distille (F. deesteeld). Distilled vine- gar. vinegar. Diluted acetic acid. V. scillitique (F. sseeleeteek). Vinegar of squills. Vineux,-euse (Veeneh). lous. Veson (Vehzoo). (in Vit Vinous. Viol (Veeohl). Violation. Rape. Violace,-e (Veeohlahssd). Of violet color. Violent, -e (Veeohldhn). Violent. Violet, -te (Veeohleh). Of a violet color. Violette (Veeohleht). Violet. Violine (Veeohleen). Violin (an emetic element of viola odorata). Viome (Veeohrn). Viburnum prunifolium. Vipere (Veepehr). Viper. Vire (veer). Whitlow. Vireux,-euse (Veereh). Poisonous. Vibrant,-e {Veebrdhn). ous. Virginal,-e (Veerzsheendhl). Virginal. Virginite (Veerzsheeneetd). Virginity. Virgule (Veerggul). Comma. Vibratile (Veebrahteel). Vibratile. Vibratilite {Veebrahteeleetd). Vibratile Virguliforme (Veergguleefdhrm). the shape of a comma. able. Viande (Veedhnd). Flesh. Meat. Vibrating. state. Vibration (Veebrahssidn). Vibration. Vibratoire (Veebrahtoodhr). Vibratory. Vibrion (Veebreeohn). Form of bacteria. Vibrio. Microscopic protozoon. Vice (Veess). Vice. Fault. Defect. Viciation (Veesseeahssion). Vitiation. Vitiated. Vicief-e (Veesseed). Foul (air). Vicieux,-euse (Veesseeeh). Faulty. Abnormal. Defective. Vide (Veed). A vacuum. Void. Vidien, nerf {Veedeeehn, nehr). Vidian nerve. Vie (Vee). Life. v., assurance sur la {V., ahssurahns sur lah). Life insurance. Vi&iWesse {Veeayehss). Old age. Vieillotte {Veeayoht). Colchicum. V\erge {Veeehrzsh). Virgin. Pure. Vieussens, valvule de. See Valvule. Vieux mal {Veeeh mahl). Intermittent lameness as a result of old age. Vif,-vive (Veef). Quick. Living. Strong (pulse). Raw (wound). Vii -argent (Veef-ahrzshdhn). Sharp (pain). Quicksilver. Hydrargyrum. Villeux^-euse (Veelleh). Villifere {Veelleefehr). Villosite (Veellohzeetd). Vin Villous. Having villi. Villosity. Wine. ( Vehn). V. emetique (F. ehmehteek). Antimonial wine. V. d'opium compose (V. dohpceohm kohmpohzd). Laudanum. Vir- Having Viril,-e (Veereel). Virile. Virilite {Veereeleetd). Virility. Virtuel,-le {Veertuehl). Virtual. Poten- tial. Virulence (Veeruldhns) . Virulence. Virulent. Virulent,-e (Veeruldhn). Virus. "Visage (Veezdhzsh). Face. Countenance. Aspect. Visceral, -e (Veessehrdhl). Visceral. Visceralgie (Veessehrahlzshee). Enteralgia. Viscere (Veessehr). Viscus. Viscera. Viscidite (Veesseedeetd). Viscidity. Vis- Yirus (Veerilss). cosity. Viscosite (Veeskohzeetd). cosity. Visibilite (Veezeebeeleetd). Vision {Veezeeohn). Viscidity. Vis- Visibility. Vision. Hallucination. Visionnaire (Veezeeolinehr). Visionary. Visite medicate {Veezeet mehdeekdhl). Examination of a patient. Visqueux,-euse (Veeskeh). Viscous. Visuel,-le (Veezuehl). Visual. Vital, -e {Veetdhl). Vital. Vitalite (Veetahleetd). Vitality. Vitellus {Veetehluss). Yolk. Vitellus. Vitesse (Veelehss). Rapidity. Quickness. Celerity. Velocity. Vitiligo (Veeteeleegdh). Leucoderma. VitSight. iligo. Vitre,-e (Veetrd). Vitreous. Vitreous humour. Vitre, corps (F. kohr). Vitreux,-euse {Veetrih). Vitreous. 157 Vit Vitriol FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Vul Vomique (Vohmeek). Pulmonary cavity (Veetreedhl). Sulphuric Vitriol. acid. V. blanc (V. blahn). Sulphate of zinc. V. bleu {V. bleh). Sulphate of copper. V. de fer {V. dehfehr). Sulphate of iron. Vitriole,-e (Veetreeold). Containing sulphuric acid. Vitriolique (Veetreeohleek). Sulphuric. Wivace (Veevdhss). Long-lived. Vivant,-e (Veevdh^i). Living. Vivisection (Veeveesehssion). Vivisection. Vocable (Vohkdhbl). Word, Term. Vo- cable. Vocal, -e (Vohkdhl). Vociferation ( Vocal. Voksseefehrahssidn) Vomissement (Vohmeessmdhn). Vomitif,-ive {VohmeeUef). Emetic. Vomiturition {Vohmeetureessidn). Retching. More or less complete vomiting. Voracite (Vohrahsseetd). Voracity VoussuTB (Voossur). Arching. Vaulting. Bulging. Curve. Wotte (Voot). Vault. Arch. Fornix. V. meduUaire ( V. mehdulehr). Corpus cal- Voodh). Way. Road. Passage. Duct. V.s, premieres {V., prehmeeehr). Priraae ( V. a trois piliers (F. ah troodh peeked). Fornix of the brain. Voyage Tract. viae. Stomach and Vomit- ing. losum. Vocif- eration. Voie (vomica). Ulcerous. Purulent. v., noix {V., noodh). Nux vomica. intestines. VoUe (Vooahydhzsh). Voy- Journey. age. Vrai,-e (Vreh). True. Real. Genuine. Vue (Vu). Sight. Eyesight. V. courte (F. koort). Short sight. My- (Voodhl). Velum. Veil. V. du palais {V. du pahleh). Soft palate. Voile, -e (Vooahld). Partially covered. Yoihe {Vooahree). Common sewer. Dustheap. Voix (Voodh). Voice. Vol (Vohl). Theft. Flight; flying. Volant,-e (Vohldhn). Flying. Of short duration. Volatil,-e (Vohlahteel). Volatile. V.e, huile (V. ueel). Essence. Volatilisable (Vohlahteeleezdhbl). Capable V. nocturne (F. nohktilrn). Nyctalopia. V. oblique (F. ohbleek). Strabismus. Vulcanisation (Vulkahneezahssidn). Process of heating intensely an organic of volatilisation. Volatilite (Vohlahteeleetd) Vulcanise, -e Yolcan (Vohlkdhn). Volatility. Volcano. Volitional. Volition. Volition ( Vohleession). Volontaire (Vohlohntehr). Voluntary. Volonte (Fo/z/o/m/d). Will. Desire. Unit of electro-motor force. Volt iVolilt). Voltaique (Vohltaheek). Galvanic. Voltametre {Vohllahmehtr). Voltmeter. Volume (Vohliim). Volume. Volumetre {Vohlumehtr). Instrument for measuring volume. Volupte (Vohluptd). Voluptuousness. Volvulus iVohlvuliiss). Intestinal occlusion through twisting (of an intestine). Vomer (Vohmekr). Vomer (bone-mesial 158 fossae). diurne (F. deeurn). double (F. dooble). Hemeralopia. Diplopia. faihle {V. fehbl). Amblyopia. longue (F. lohng). Presbyopis. louche (F. loosh). Squint. Strabis- mus. body. . Volitif,-ive (Vohleeteef). between nasal opia. V. V. Y. V. V. ( Vulkahneezd) Vulcan- . ized. Vulnerabilite (Vulnehrahbeeleetd) The degree to which an object is vulnerable. Vulneraire (Vvlnehrehr). Vulnerary. Vulneration (Vulnehrahssion). A wound . of traumatic origin. Vultueux,-euse (Vultueh). Florid or red or swollen (face). Vulvaire ( Vidvehr) Vulvar. Vulve {Vulo). Vulva. Vulvite (Vtdveet). Inflammation . vulva. Vulvo-vaginale, glande of the (Vulvoh-vahzsheeBartholin's gland. Vulvo-vaginite {Vulvoh-vahzsheeneet). Inflammation of the vulva and vagina. nahl, glahnd). OF MEDICAL TERMS Wes W., ner w Westph'al, signe de {W. Westphal's phenomenon: tomosis between the great splanchnic and the right vagus nerves. W., ganglion de {W., gahngleeohn deh). Superior cardiac ganglion. W., nerf intermediaire de {W., nehr ehntehrmehdeeehr deh). Accessory of the seenn deh). knee- loss of jerks. Wormien, os {Vohrmeeehn, Small ohss). in the cranial sutures (Worm-Danish physician). Wrisberg, anse de {W., ahns deh). Anas- bones found facial nerve. X Xan Xanthelasma (Xahntehlahzmdh). Yellow- ish nodules appearing in the skin especially in the eyelids. and derivative of hematoxin. Xanthine {Xahnteenn). Uricoxyde. Xan- thin. Aro- matic astringent principle of the bark of xanthoxylum caribbaeum. Xanthopsie (Xahntohpsee). Yellow vision. Xanthopsia. Xanthose (Xahntdhz). Yellow pigment of cancers. Xanthoxylene (Xahntohxeelehnn). Xan- in the fruit of Volatile oil in the fruit thoxylene: Volatile Xanthoxylene: oil Xanthoxylum alatum. Xenomenie Xeroderme (Xehrohdehrm). tion characterized thyosis simplex. by its Skin dryness. affec- Ich- (Xehrohfohrm). Tribromphenol-bismuth. Xerophthalmie (Xehrohftahlmee). Rough, thick and dry conjunctiva. Xerosis (Xehrohzees). Ichthyosis. Xeroforme Xanthopicrine (Xahntohpeekreen). of Xerasie (Xehrahzee). Xerasia: mixture of beer, dextrose and salts: absorbent and antiseptic. A nitric Xanthematine (Xahntehmahteen). Xyl (Xehnohmehnee). menstruation. Vicarious Xerotribie {Xehrohtreehee). Dry fric- tion. Xiphoide (Xeefoheed). Ensiform: swordshaped. Xylene (Xeelehnn). Xylol. Xylol (Xeelohl). Xylol. (Xeelohsteheen). Xylosteine ment from berries Bitter ele- of Lonicera xylosteum. 159 FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Yaw Yaws (Eedhss). An infectious disease of the tropical countries characterized by Yeu Yeux d'ecrevisse (Eeeh dehkrehveess) Crab's eyes (concrements). . cutaneous reddish tubercles and constitutional disturbances. Zyt Zei Zeide (Zeheed). Aqueous extract from maize flour. Zero (Zehrdh). Zero. Absence of moveZ. absolu (Z. ahbsohlii). ment. Oil expressed from a peel of Zeste {Zehst). an orange or a lemon. Zinc (Zehnk). Zinc. Zingiber (Zehzsheebehr). Ginger. Zn. Symbol of zinc. Zona {Zohndh). Shingles. Herpes Zoster. Zona. Zone {Zoknn). Zone: boundary; area. Zonule {Zohnul). Small zone. Zooblaste (Zokohbldhst). An animal cell. Zoochimie (Zohohsheemee). Biochemistry. Zoogloea {Zohohglehdh). A muciform mass formed by vibrios and their spores. Zooide (Zohoheed). Like an animal. Zooid. Zoologie (Zohohlohzshee). Zoophyte {Zohohfget). Zoology. Plant-like animal (sponge, coral, etc.). Zooplaste (Zohohpldhst). Animal plasma. Zoosperme (Zohohspehrm). Spermatozoon. Zoospore (Zohohspohr). Spore-surmounted by vibrating 160 cilia. Having zoo- Zoospore, -e {Zohohspohr d). spores. Zootechnie (Zohohtehknie). Science of breeding and domesticating animals. Zoster (Zohstehr). Herpes zoster. Zona. Zygoma {Zeegohmdh). Malar bone. Cheek bone. Zygoma. Zygomatique (Zeegohmahteek) Zygomatic. . muscle grand (Z., muskl grahn). Zygomaticus major muscle. Zygomato-auriculaire muscle {ZeegohmahZ., toh-ohreekulehr muskl). Inferior auricu- lar muscle. Attrahens aurem muscle. Z. -labial m. {Z.-lahbeedhl m.). Great zy- gomatic muscle. Z.-maxillaire m. {Z.-mahkseelehrm.). Masseter muscle. Zygomycete (Zeegohmeesseht). Fungi reproducing sexually by zygospores. Zymase (Zeemdhz). Amorphous soluble ferment (alcoholic). (Zeemohzshehnn). Material from which an enzyme is formed. Zymotique (Zeemohteek). Applied to diseases caused by a bacteria which acts as a ferment. Zythogale (Zeetohgdhl). A drink composed of beer and milk. Zymogene OF MEDICAL TERMS Weight Measure WEIGHT AND MEASURE Measure Weight I kilogramme (looo grammes) I 35 ounces 120 grains. hectogramme (100 grammes) litre) = 3 ounces 230M grains. I I decagramme (10 I543'3 grains. = gramme (i grams) millitre) (i litre) (i (i = deci- decigramme (.1 = isH (i543235) grm.) = i}>^ (1.54323) grain. I centigramme I milligramme (.01 grm.) = K3 (0.15432) grain. grain. 11 (.001 grm.) = I I centilitre) grains. I I yis (0.01543) I m^tre = + 39.37079 inches (one yard 334 inches). decimetre (o.i m^tre) = 3.93708 inches. centimetre (o.oi m^tre) = 0.39371 inch. millimetre (0.00 1 m^tre) = 0.03937 inch. Une cuill6ree ^ cafe = 5 iUne cuilieree dessert = 3iiUne grande cuilieree a soupe ou d. = k bouche 5ss. To convert Centigrade measure of erature into Fahrenheit, multiply divide by 5 and add 32°. temp- by 9, 161 Gordon, Alfred French-English redical R 121 G67 dictionary Biological & M«dical PLEASE CARDS OR DO NOT REMOVE SLIPS UNIVERSITY FROM THIS OF TORONTO POCKET LIBRARY