Aircraft Noise Theoretical PRhDIC'ilCN I {NASA) Pi_oL;hAn 1o0 p HC Prediction Program Manual l_u_11(.A/ A_9/Mt A01 ZA_UA/, CSC[ ! _AS; 2OA GJ/7 FEBRUARY U_CAdS I_382 1 i 1982 "_ .... "_(.'/' C I¥E0 _ • p ', O_G|NAL I%1/LS/% OF POOR REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE SPRINGFIELD, VA 22161 .;1" PAGE I_ QUALIT_ Addendum NASA Part to Technical Memorandum l Aircraft Noise Prediction Theoretical Manual This addendum document. Please 83199 add adds the three enclosed Program new sections sections 2.4, to the original 2.5, and 2.6 Chapter 2 and replace the Contents page with the enclosed revised Contents page in your copy of NASA Technical Memorandum 83199, Part 1. revised 11-93 in NASA Technical Part 1 Memorandum Aircraft Noise Prediction Theoretical Manual William E. Zorumski Langley Research Hampton, 83199 Program Center Virginia National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Branch 1982 I P I. Report No. NASA TH-83199, 2. Government Part l L Accession No. 3. Recipilmt% CitJlo9 S. Report 4. Titleand Subtitle Date February AIRCRAFT NOISE THEORETICAL PREDICTION No. . 1982 PROGRAM 6. Pe_orming MANUAL Orgenizlti_Code 505-32-03-01 7. Author(s) 8. Performi_ Or_mzation Report No. L-14805 William E. Zorumski 10. Work 9. Performing NASA Organization Langley Hampton, Unit Research VA 1'i. Center Contract Agency National Name and Addr_$ Aeronautics Washington, 15 _pplementar¥ 16. Abstract The in DC NASA this and Aircraft Space Noise Administration the and source prediction are airframe and turbine ply with aircraft noise, noise 17. Key Words(Suggested Aircraft Part 14. Sponsoring Program 1 deals propagation. noise for combustion Part International 2 Civil gives Aviation the data and specific noise, also (ANOPP) with These parameters, methods noise. the Prediction manual. generation detailed and Period Covered Memorandum Agency Code fan theoretical methods prediction include the of the noise noise, single modifications to Organization are which aircraft propagation aircraft data flight effects. Part sources. and the These dual NASA (ICAO) given affects stream methods standard 2 gives sources jet which method noise, comfor prediction. by Auth,(s)) 18. Distr{_tion noise Statement - Unclassified Unlimited prediction noise Turbomechanical 19. Security of Report Technical 20546 two-part dynamics, Jet No'. Notes noise Noise or Grant 23665 13. Type 12. S_nsoring No. Name and Addreu Oauif.(ofthisre_rt) Unclassified noise Subject _.SacurityClauif.(ofthispage) 21. No. of Pages Unclassified 193 22. Category _ice A09 ForsalebytheNationalTechnicalInfo(ma/i0nService,Springfield, Virginia2216! Z4 rl 71 NASA-Linglex, lgSZ Contents Part 1 1. Introduction ............................... I-I 2. AircraftFlight Dynamics 2.1 Atmospheric Module 2.2 Geometry Module 2.3 Flight Dynamics ......................... 2.I-I .......................... Module 2.2-I ....................... 2.3-I 2.4 Jet Takeoff (JTO) Module ...................... John Rawls, Jr.,Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Company 2.4-I 2.5 Jet Landing (JLD) Module ...................... Mark Wilson, Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Company 2.5-I 2.6 Steady Flyover (SFO) Module ................ John Rawls, Jr.,Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Company ..... 2.6-I 3. Propagation Effects 3.1 Atmospheric Absorption Module 3.2 Ground ................... Reflectionand Attenuation Module 3.1-I ............... 3.2-I 4. Source Noise Parameters 4.1 Fan Noise Parameters Module ..................... 4.2 Core Noise Parameters Module ..................... 4.2-1 ................... 4.3-I 4.3 Turbine Noise Parameters Module 4.4 Jet Noise Parameters'Module 4.I-I ..................... 4.5 Airframe Noise Parameters Module 4.4-I .................. 4.5-I 5. Propagation 5.1 Propagation Module ......................... 5.2 General Suppression Module 6. Received 5.1-1 ..................... 5.2-1 Noise 6.1 Noise Levels 6.2 Effective Module Noise ......................... Module 6.1-1 ........................ 6.2-1 7. Utilities 7.1 Thermodynamic Utilities ....................... iii 7.1-1 rev. 11-93 Part 8. 2* Noise Sourc_ 8.1 Fan 8.2 Combustion 8.3 Turbine 8.4 Singlc 8.5 Circular 8.6 Stone 8.7 Double 8.8 Airfrmm, 8.9 Smith 9. Prediction 9.1 ICAO Noig,' Module ........... Noi,,_ Noise Jet Module Module Stream Circular Shock .Xlodul(, Stream (!oammlar Nois(,, Moduk, 11-93 Noise . Mo(hd(, _; 3- . Turtfim, ................. ..... _..I" ............ ...................... .hq _.5_._i- N()is_, Mo(hd¢, .............. ....................... Noise 8.18.2- ,h,t N_)is_, Modul( _.7-1 S._-1 .,Moduh, . ............... _.!)-I Procedures Reference Prediction "Chapters 8 attd 9 are published rev. ...................... ....................... Ceil .let Noist' mM Bush(,ll - ............... Proc(,dures under separate (1978) cover. iv ............. 9.1-1 1. INTRODUCTION The to purpose predict of noise characteristics, approach of i. an The emit tribution noise A a The number of called and by the predicts tion. Level time. In effects data. which diction and 2 same prepare contains used ure Three 3. The Atmospheric function of used as a trol function, control the result find the of an best The and and may Source be as a function stage of computation. pared by the Atmospheric which III Data modules. in standard for i-i many source take of state the time to are then data atmospheric Module. is A con- second These or may table to to for the Dynamics state the effects is cri- power Flight engine passed be analyzed number, the absorption This two-degree- parameters give a performance Mach from table the module. are aircraft data variable tables flights given prepare modules These Absorption a this of as a setting procedure where of variables dependence. in fig- processing represents used of tables output power time also principal properties Module pre- noise. diagram. related the noise preparing the the diagram this and and definite The IV the describes functional for wherein functions 1 predicted Dynamics engine in source modules Modules detail more the shown for Level with Part prediction from measures for the and the them. process in loca- noise required to I generates III. are is III, but establishes These time. and Level procedure the of II source are a Parameters predicted Levels process angle-of-attack ables the are humidity, taken modules. interpolate to attack, optimization Level addition Flight of operational prediction setting, angle methods. 2. processed in has with figure is observer analysis function functions the The dynamic in which the the density, altitude. flight prediction prediction Module pressure, schematic data on depicted by categories, depends used stage interpolated prediction four which computation preparation The of-freedom noise of direct surface. level which are vicinity the observer are noise III stages atmosphere: terion. source the general the of dis- source the with data which Level later modules. control the in input are the modules to from ground the spectral This on Level deal by on depends noise as and into amount the sources which In the this ANOPP in presence noise effects time. to documents the modules noise information present modules which and as for in the in of frequency observer spectral The measure local The the time. signal the depicted by approximation III, subdivided are in attenuated, noise is aircraft depicted noise on by available which a being divided defined predicts Level the Part of II predicts are as directional, the the atmosphere. path depend (ANOPP) of basis, operation, may reflected are are effective of be ray the flight power, which receives levels, degree of Program effects and this defined approaches levels an During atmosphere, a the fundamental arbitrary the approaches functional functional a observer from These on an all through signal The Module with observer. problem. may radiation Prediction for operations, been follows ground. propagates plus its the No_se accounting has characteristics, the ray on Aircrafb engines, problem aircraft observer aircraft of this NASA aircraft, its to figure the from used vari- second are in prethe Propagation Module in the second stage of computation. The Geometry Module takes data on the aircraft position and orientation from the Flight DynamicsModule and evaluates the vectors from the source to each ground observer as functions of time. Each noise source will be given in a specified axis system such as engine 1 axes or aircraft wind axes so that each observer vector will be expressed in several source coordinate systems at the same time. Noise attached wind predictions to axis the system directivity in in figure tance r which are of by this data, using angle spaced. wind the positions. to effects by Absorption noise the system. the The engine components, engine observer axis. process. positions. virtual be made before of Output on functions The of output frequency, time, dependence as ceived this A-level Noise An prediction and Level, module. evaluate Time variables ANOPP of modules these Level four by a coordinate system, reduce these by to III as spectra into reduce measure made Effective noise i/3-octave-band Noise further are of in fan, at virtual at the noise, is Noise. band 1-2 is set noise may saves exces- involves are observer. summations Module noise of also the levels data. Per- computed Noise are and removes by Module characterized centers same Module. and amount Effective module observer the predictions weighted the combustor, the taking the The through illustrates for Levels Perceived prediction noise. data The source process, source to virtual 5 of prediction axis symmetry, summation These converting integrals of wing used noise Propagation observer. nonlinear such stage the the is of expressed This in the place. at summation observers. variables. D-level modules due noise wind processed predictions direct 3 Figure is to the axis summed system, make procedures third added figure are and the Other 3 contain they actual observers in common these the from takes observers. that the at frequency such so the a prediction noise processing to noise figure conveniently axis the be in and absorption Module. summation with actual predicted over in at may the After at air expressed before called to Module before by table Noise depicted noise, given t axis since observers adds noise distimes interpolates prepared actual shown the 8. predictions then Aircraft process to computational integrals give are positions processing, operations Module engine are propagation the unattenuated systems component observer use the noise Each of sive jet vectors depicted taken Within and observer Noise sources virtual as has the dipole of modules Module in fixed sequence coordinate few conveniently fan these and a observer and Noise Module turbine, jet in for a which Propagation the are a prediction noise to systems as locations Propagation this axis such the at a axis at are made has dipole system, single Airframe the axis a previously looping to sytem the from they the noise of noise the which are observers only Propagation the if Otherwise, propagate the in being this use true Module source Wing virtual wind free-field component components at varying give in the interpolating to noise wing Z-axis systems predictions Module. the by system, The Atmospheric wing for axis rapidly Module, source minimum coordinate noise for 8 located predictions the the made Using for are Geometry the with prescribed observer ground Noise and the in Aircraft system allows several airframe are widely times the in The Predictions observers making made 4. symmetry, virtual are aircraft. based by on to the observer frequencies and are independent of time. All other inputs to the prediction modules are time dependent. The vectors from the source to the observer are naturally dependent on time and observer so that the output from a source module is a function of frequency, time, and observer, in that order. The prediction of i/3-octave-band noise is a serious limitation which should not be passed over quickly. Someof the most important noise sources are actually tones, for example, from the fan rotor of a bypasstype engine. In the prediction modules, these tones are assigned to a i/3-octave band and subsequently treated as broadband noise. This will cause errors in the prediction of atmospheric attenuation, ground effects, and even noise levels. Nevertheless, the added complexity of carrying a separate procedure for tones suggests that this is not an appropriate task for ANOPPLevel III and this type of analysis has been relegated to the Level IV manual. Input and output of the functional modules may be a combination of dimensional and dimensionless variables. Two systems of dimensions are used, the preferred SI system and alternate U.S. Customary system. One principal distinction must be madeabout the use of the U.S. Customary system. The the popular if less the unit mass of pound-mass unit is of expressed in used within at constant the program. pressure, are calories BTU. and or the Within accounts for have been dimensional not scaling, the different in are often (or some of for to tabulated power dimensionless to a setting data as dimensionless two-dimensional use if function arrays, a empirical of units. = by ma energy only are the specific units rather of heat than equations altitude, great they only in and converted many this would it increase engine data engine necessary to speed tabulate setting. three-dimensional computation to cases, and power and dependent dimensional is the savings be In velocity, it using base, the may since number reduces by variables, data desired. units Mach made When example, whereas of thus are an is For of function groups F heat extraneous form, this data. variable), a of dimensional and as computations dimensionless convert replaced balancing eliminates systems output computation be that such as Cp, in mechanical dimensional essential permits of is groups. approach generated desirable amount of the must this involving variables, expressed the and for Variables This variables the use use These always permitted reason slugs. facilitates module the not The dimensionless groups. facilitates is of each dimensionless data This formation is slugs. The arrays and storage to of data. The diagram sections in stating figure its method or technical have in In purpose and like it sections. dimensions parentheses. is All are its the is naturally results. necessary to variables shown with Variables SI input methods 1-3 have an the from are units which described been lines module followed converted the appropriate The module section since to naturally the briefly and the developed. hand, of by data, to independent other one not first output given are as On refer the is and are written which along a module References which module, organized section, function, from the duplication manual each process. literature interface, put this 3. computation description, some of another in dimensionless by U.S. to so that modules Customary dimensionless must the out- will units groups through division ventional dimensional reference would variable. be As described in the lists example, absolute symbols are the by re and the dimensionless list, temperature, Ta absolute T a Symbol an followed group group for conthe (T/T a) as T* and, by a reference variable are given with their description provided would ambient with each be re T a found with temperature, section to nomenclature. 1-4 a description K aid (OR). in clarifying all \ 0 0 0 o E 0 o o t_ o > 0 ! o >- 1-5 O_ .,.4 '0 3o r-i e, 0 .lu .lu 0 O > r-i m C 0 .,-4 J_ O C O Z < I + O_ 1-6 I r_ r_ ,-4 O -_1 r./3 r..) _i r.D r_ El H H I Q) t O Z I e_ _J _r_ 1-7 QJ I., Z O H 0 J_ 0 o_ O J-.t H_ .,-I O C..) c_ GJ _o ! QO J-I QJ -,'-t o _o 1--8 I-I 0 I-t D 0 I Q; ,-I I,-t 0 r_ 0 I-t 1-9 cO S. >< 0 Li. >- U) X O_ _C D O_ LO 0 0 Q; eI p.. 4 S. Q; t_ .,.-t 0 e- o_. °p. r'_ I-i0 C C 0 C 0 _u 0 % o o u) _D m 0 C _u C C 0 0 I .N 1-11 2. AIRCRAFT FLIGHT DYNAMICS 2.1 ATMOSPHERIC MODULE INTRODUCTION Selection aircraft of noise. craft, the gation of noise this during only representative Four that level on = that second of The altitude. the are used to gravity is primary used of ambient Dimensionless equations and are to noise in the sea of used facilitate working level from of water the value (scale: altitude is the maximum approximation only. All references is at sea aircraft effect altitude to in the of Consequently, assumptions The fourth Module are is approximation geopotential parameters parameters air- propa- signifi- model assigned air. taken Atmospheric atmospheric the the most analysis neglect these km. are is first is the that functions of and this The standard of i0 predicting km. of is model the Since and made the For each 10 -3 at this engines, landing), viscosity as its model. to in performance constant is and step the I0 this is approximation in purpose of and usually taken third first and below in is properties constants arrays atmosphere altitude. of the order atmospheric aircraft approximation air the affect atmosphere. density, The geometric error is and sionless for The is (take-off assumption pressure, weight the the the due This the equal to relative is of 12.0000). tions through approximations molecular C 12 by operations acceleration performance. model properties generated terminal value. vapor atmospheric noise cant is an Atmospheric to equa- 1 generate and equal dimen- increments provide simplified different systems of forms of units. SYMBOLS C speed g acceleration H altitude AH output h absolute H20 of sound, m/s due (ft/s) to gravity, (geometric altitude assumed molecules percent pressure and k coefficient of M molecular n number P atmospheric of equal increment, humidity, 1.178 m/s 2 m percent to total at 70 (ft/s to 2) geopotential), m number percent fraction of (ratio molecules relative in humidity of number mixture, and standard temperature) thermal weight of output values conductivity, air pressure, 2.1-1 Pa (ft) (ft) mole (ib/ft 2) W/m-K (BTU/ft-s-°R) 2. of universal gas constant, rh relative S Sutherland's constant, T temperature, K y = Y ratio humidity, Mg r(H - of density, P kg/m (slug-ft2/°R-s 2) 110.4 K (198.72°R) (OR) r specific coefficient 2 percent HI)/RT of kg-m2/K-s heats viscosity, 3 kg/m-s (slugs/ft (ib/ft-s) 3) Subscripts: i input array j output r standard 1 ground values array values sea level level value value Superscripts: * dimensionless value average INPUT Input desired and for altitude pressure; altitude. and model. spheric model input the generated the table of one default at of generated ground equal values atmospheric of H1 relative more not one level altitude the to the be must increments. for to set Table input I ground level AH output altitude Pl pressure at altitude, m increment, ground preset at supplied. the level, Constants (ft) m Pa (ft) (Ib/ft 2.1-2 in in 2) the altitude functions equal of consisting of a atmo- constant a hydrostatic altitude parameters. Input H1 results AH, level as level results gives of ground humidities supplied be the ground humidity than have at consists PI' and set according do model and temperatures atmospheric and Input altitudes the increment; temperature, spheric ever, a Input altitude, The constructing output increment increments; Output recommended altitudes ranges atmoAH. howare and Atmosphere Input Table H altitude, T(X) temperature, K (OR) rh (H) relative m (ft) humidity, percent OUTPUT The output is a table of dimensionless pressures, densities, temperatures, humidities, sound speeds, average sound speeds, coefficients of viscosity and thermal conductivity, and characteristic acoustic impedances as a function of altitude. Atmospheric Y altitude, Mgr(H P (Y) pressure, re p* (y) density, T (y) temperature, h(y) humidity, c (y) sound re - Properties HI)/RT Table r Pr Pr re Tr percent speed, mole re fraction cr --* c k p (y) average sound speed, re cr (Y) coefficient of viscosity, (y) coefficient of thermal conductivity, acoustic impedance, c (y) characteristic re _r re re k r PrCr METHOD The be generation established atmosphere. These tions the within equations in the Perfect of for formed p atmospheric primary primary constants atmospheric with computational gas an certain these sequence model primary model requires constants are module that relevant given in are based constants. to table The on numerical the II. values Earth's All computa- dimensionless basic equations used are: law: = ORT/M (la) 2.1-3 which in dimensionless form becomes (ib) p* = O'T* Equation for speed of sound: (2a) c2 = yRT/M which in dimensionless form becomes (2b) (c*) 2 = T* Hydrostatic equation: (3a) dp/p = -Msr dH/RT which in dimensionless form becomes (3b) dp*/p* = -dy/T* where (4) y = Mgr(H - HI)/RTr Figure 1 is Using basic tude a graphic the atmospheric equations, vector representation the yj is Ay = Mg r yj = is the of variables atmospheric defined AH/RT atmospheric supplied model for the is as input, computed incremental coordinates. along as altitude with follows. changes An AH the altiby (5) r with where n The (j - with values respect number for temperature integration 2, .... (6) n) altitudes. is computed by (7) r temperature Tj pressures is may output I, are then found by linear interpolation y. Dimensionless If of temperature T(Hi)/T to (j = Ay dimensionless Ti = Output i) be assumed carried are to vary out computed by linearly exactly integrating between to yield 2.1-4 equation y. ] the and recurrence y (3b). j+l_, the formula: (Tj _ =___(_/___1 -_IC_-_-_) _ Tj_I; j = 2, 3, ..., (8a) n) or _ylT _ T_=Tjl, (8b) pj = Pj_l Pl = e j = 2, 3, ..., n where Once the other the Pl/Pr (8c) dimensionless required temperature dimensionless and atmospheric pressure vectors vectors are are prepared, computed as follows: Density: Sound speed: cj , (_)_,'_ (i0) = Coefficient of viscosity: (ii) 3 Coefficient T. + 3 of 0.38313 thermal , k. = conductivity: i- 77385(T3 )3/2 (12) 3 -0.0416/T* T* 3 Characteristic + 0.8516 x i0 J impedance: (13) Q The constant constant. cj = pj 0.38313 T is the ratio 2.1-5 of S/Tr, where S is Sutherland's Average sound speed is defined by c(y) = Y f0 y where the denominator sion. If Yj+I' the the (14) [c(Y)_-i dY of equation temperature is again denominator of equation following recurrence I = I j (14) assumed (14) is the time for to vary linearly can be integrated vertical transmis- between exactly yj and to yield formula: 2 (Ay) + j-i , 1/2 (15a) , 1/2 where T with the following Yl Equation = (14) The input terms total in 0 as number terms of (15b) Ij I1 then (yj) computational = condition: is c lute dy = = computed 0 in dimensionless for altitude yj is expressed it is mole ratio molecules temperature, more (in in as relative convenient percent) of a mixture. pressure, The and humidity to H20 percent. humidity molecules absolute relative in express relative humidity humidity For in is absoto rhj Once is the dimensional computed atmospheric values for by the defined by hj = (rhj/pj)10 where by (16) humidity the form yj/Ij purposes, of (15c) (17) linearly values printed interpolating are output computed are with in computed respect dimensionless using the to y. form, following equations: (18) Hj = (RTr/Mgr)y Pj = prPj j + H1 (19) 2.1-6 Tj = TrT j (20) Pj = pr p (21) (22) cj = CrCj _j = CrCj -* (23) Pj = _r_j (24) kj = krk j (25) pCj = PrCrPCj (26) REFERENCES 1. U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976. NOAA,NASA,and U.S. Air Force, Oct. 1976. 2. Sutherland, Louis C.: Review of Experimental Data in Support of a Proposed NewMethod for Computing Atmospheric Absorption Losses. DOT-TST-75-87,U.S. Dep. Transp., May 1975. 2.1-7 TABLEI.- RANGE ANDDEFAULT VALUESOF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter Minimum AH, m ..... PI' T, 1 90 N/m2 H,H 1 , m K rh, I01 II.- Constant " ° " " " " " S . . . . . o . . . . . o . . Y , . . Pr ....... Pr ....... Tr ....... . . . PRIMARY Units 9.806 gr r 000 300 i00 CONSTANTS U.S. 65 Customary m/s 2 Units 32.1741 ft/s 28.9644 8314.32 2 49 718.96 ft2/°R-s 1.40 . 1.013 25 × 105 2 1.40 Pa kg/m 1.225 2 28.9644 m2/K-s 2116.22 3 288.15 340.294 C i0 70 STORED SI 000 288.15 0 TABLE ii0 0 200 ..... i00 325 -300 .... Maximum i00 000 ..... % Default 0.002 377 K ib/ft slug/ft 518.67 m/s 2 1116.45 3 oR ft/s ....... _r ....... kr ....... RTr/Mg r 1.7894 .... x 10-5 kg/m-s 6.0530 × l0 -6 8.434 515 6 x 3.737 4.0674 W/m-K l03 m 2.1-8 × 10 -7 x 10 -6 2.767 210 slug/ft-s BTU/ft-s-OR 65 x 104 ft Altitude Y=Yi (H i ) I Pi' Ti' Pi' ci' Pi' ki' hi All Altitude Y=Yi-1 (Hi. I ) Pi-1' Ti-l' Pi-1' Ci-l' ui-1' ki-1' hi-1 Y I H Ground Level (H=H I ) //I/// /// HI Standard Sea Level (H-O) Pr' Figure i.- Tr' Pr' Cr' Ur' Dimensional and dimensionless for the atmospheric model. 2.1-9 kr altitudes y--O 2.2 GEOMETRY MODULE INTRODUCTION The calculation temporal definition tionship between defined for given, Earth-fixed tation in of from Euler in equations, so that dimensional tion of flight Observer fixed from express the aircraft. all times It release is are not desirable during the will observer have more than cases. 20 dB below Consequently, the times in advance. The for noise observer. Since reception noise time, variable and a position and orientation observer. small of to successive This module directivity observer This table propagation as azimuthal a is used effects. function by the six of degrees case of or are not of Propagation to at observers at noise of of three- by addi- each observer point than observer an which in results are evenly are determined. emission most when eliminated to reach spaced an these the values of independent The times selected noise at the interest time as with brake at finite are of times negligible in aircraft. for computation at the the to the in treated find and moves little a Earth- source be points at aircraft for each sufficiently characteristics large. the reception 2.2-1 are changes directivity of is times time table an is to desired found are in Module Noise takes times the program different to aircraft that a at savings then points produces in described two-degree-of- path system close certain reception ensure orien- aerodynamics for the the track. emission are to value reception flight time angle, an the predictions noise maximum is to coordinate flight predictions Intermediate increments between each set an system are general Geometry observer of the noise the valid more aircraft noise An from be because significant the emitted a time make the a which on uses is in aircraft three-dimensional the the of of down texts the input of on values miles as task terms to will a The coordinate Module to (FLI), conventions standard be position Module time. rela- must aircraft Earth-fixed Dynamics given flight. large several other of The and geometric module. source in observers the system Module The functions and of the spatial The Dynamics function to input are Flight extended by positions vectors vectors in be system. these These the paths noise a complete paths. flight. coordinate Geometry may flight the the Flight general coordinate vectors is the aircraft as and the ANOPP a more from 1 a components respect Although freedom or These reference freedom the system angles. airplane. of with requires propagation source input given noise noise noise duration also detail the aircraft the coordinate is terms the the either of of emission angle, time Module time, and distance, elevation and source (PRO) for polar angle coordinate the computation to system. of SYMBOLS % reference c speed AdB area of of aircraft, sound, m/s limiting noise level, gr standard acceleration h observer height, i,j,k base m 2 (ft 2) from peak (ft/s) down due m to level gravity, m/s 2 (ft) vectors constant M molecular weight initial mass of of air aircraft m o (nl, n2,n 3) direction cosines O observer index R universal gas r distance, m S source T transformation Tr standard t time, At reception (x,y,z) position Y altitude, re Y elevation angle, 8 polar Ae polar P density, ¢ azimuthal Euler constant, m2/K-s 2 (ft2/°R-s (ft) coordinate system name matrix sea level temperature, K s time increment, coordinates, s m (ft) directivity angle, deg directivity angle limit, kg/m RTr/Mg 3 deg (slugs/ft directivity angles, r deg 3) angle, deg deg 2.2-2 (OR) 2) (ft/s 2) Subscripts: a aircraft or Earth-fixed flight i time index m local minimum min global minimum o observer or Earth-fixed r standard sea level s source coordinate system w wind axis axes observer axes Superscripts: * dimensionless value - average INPUT Input to the Geometry Module consists of the aircraft body axis position and orientation vector. It is understood that these data are given with respect to the Earth-fixed flight axis system of figure i. The orientation vector is taken to be the set of three Euler angles described in reference i. The average speed of sound as a function of altitude is obtained from the atmospheric properties table. There may be several noise source axis systems located within the aircraft body system. The orientation of these systems are given as input with respect to the body axis system. origin. shown values All source Observer in figure for the coordinate positions i. Table input are systems given I gives the reference limiting k constant mo reference t1 initial tn final are the assumed Earth-fixed recommended ranges parameters. Input AdB in area of noise level, mass time, time, aircraft, of down aircraft, s s 2.2-3 Constants m 2 from kg (ft 2) peak (slugs) level to have observer and the the same system default At reception A0 maximum time increment, polar s directivity angle Flight t flight time, limit, Dynamics deg Table s atl] a(t) aircraft body coordinates, aircraft body Euler aircraft wind axis m (ft) I a(t)J e (t)l a(t) angles, deg I a(tU Qw(t) Euler angles, deg I w(t)J Observer o observer index observer coordinates, m Table (ft) o (°)1 o(O)J Source s Coordinate source system name source Euler angles, relative System to body s(S) I s(S)J 2.2-4 Table axis, deg Atmospheric Y c altitude, (y) re average RTr/Mg speed of Properties Table r sound, re cr OUTPUT Output the from observer. the Geometry These coordinate system. the is source are In Module as addition, provided is expressed for the use in reception O observer S source t e (to,O, the angle Propagation source in from the the to source observer to Module. Table s coordinate polar system time, distance, s) from components index emission S) r(to,O,S) @ (to,O, time, vectors elevation the Geometry to the spherical m name s (ft) directivity angle, _(to,O,S) azimuthal directivity Y(to,O,S) elevation angle, deg angle, deg deg METHOD Each observer noise dominates (or segments) observer. source for magnitude, greater an This estimation each observer and than operation has a will computation only. associated over other times is to be estimated of can as then eliminating fixed constant, a be First, time than all tn the the times those say define a limited noise for that are flight less than discarded. characteristic done function from the initial In time 2.2-5 which by scanning the of time, for may which the be made Data the flight dynamics and the points are Atf given increment magnitude that greater are than closer as is This and table tI the minimum value. within Excess if the emitted segment the from its observer of time vector minimum each the time to recording for slice addition, flight during This distance times observer times segment the flight. on relative times i0, time Elimination and time during based further time slice examined the final together kmo Atf = PrCrAw (1) The constant the extra points are discarded. user parameter. Supplementing Input time the to points. input the Geometry If the interval Module time points limit angles, and produce intermediate wind axis At, The computations by the axis may are the consist Euler angles are spaced at now proceed until all transformed reflection of of at aircraft data time body at widely intervals interpolated with less body a than spaced greater coordinates, intervals Minimum cubic than Euler spline to At. Distance separately observers into the in equation (i) is a Data spaced values Location process continues coordinates are Sparse k for have been Earth-fixed each observer, and the completed. The observer flight coordinate system transformation: Izi] I! °IxI :] Yo = 0 The position of (2) -i the - observer relative to the aircraft is then (3) oa Yo Ya oa (t)J Let the flight to I and let ri times the = z be Za(t) J designated+by observer iXoa(t i) vector + jyoa(ti) an r(t i) + index+ = ri kZoa(ti) 2.2-6 which i ranges from 1 be (i = i, 2, ..., I) (4) In addition define a discrete path vector by si = These the vectors, To find the minimum the segment. mum at the test end of are is = ti x a the the set the for maximum reduction approach. condition basis It point of the x = in P is in distance checked figure to to 2(b), direction of is no minimum order minimum see rm lies that r and distance the case For each segment and time is - of which computed s. If within a minipasses by (8) ti) no _ is tl the global of interest added data examined dlstance In of to rmin(O) event that so Time Segments given that the aircraft posilinear interpola- select and there minimum is to by is the the time global tmin(O no ) local program issues a by 10_dB/20rmln spherical if (7) _s,i)(ti+l minimum be (5) s,i observer. can I-l) by in the there included values global ..., a minimum segment time point tm, i is and observer vector distance that of is, find 2, occurs. expressed Determination on first acceptable. i minimum, a orientation, rma x the i, (6) local ri + (nr, to minimum = 1 be (6), tm,i then there message. The used the that is will ns, i Then minimum, warning equality point = recorded s i, This + < ns, i - rm, i Finally, minimum. are distance, s i. equation For each local tion, aircraft tion on time. 2, which ns are unit vectors is not satisfied, then The the at on of < -_ - nr, i nr and condition figure time r i length 0 where this in the of the (i ri+ 1 and projection within - shown observer the ri (9) spreading _dB in comparison is desired to find 2.2-7 to alone the those noise points will give at ri the a relative closest which point satisfy noise of the rmi n -< r i -< rma x and their process associated is one and the as depicted the figure 5, solutions. In in 6, r(tf) condition is magnitudes depicted ri to in find figure the 3. starting The time = rma x > ri+ 1 (10a) = rma x < - rj+ 1 (10b) Note that the at least figure 4. distance vector order order examined figure < in the time in minimum This examining r(ts) ending rj times. of ri _ (i0) to both find turn the for to the find equation laisi - and equation for ril = it the and values other and a point must include as depicted to times, limiting can ri vectors, (10b) finishing contains end of two (10a) starting if set be have possible each segment point Z. written As in is shown in as (ii) rma x where tZ - ti (i a° l and t% ti+ 1 may be - = i, 2 ..... I-l) (12) ti either a start or _I + ÷ _(siri) \2 an end time. Equation (ii) gives i + + (siri) + - a. l s2{r 2 i, i- 2 rmax) (13) 2 S i For as the the first depicted vector starting mediate segment, the +in figure sI time or is < its before segments, 0 it a. 6(a), < is condition that extension tI as required the is behind shown added circle time by that with t I. equation aI < radius If This rma x a (12). i. < 0, For means, intersects then all the inter- that i (i = 1 2.2-8 2, 3, ..., I-2) (14) as shown in figure 6(b). It is possible that both roots will occur and define a complete time segment as shown in figure 6(a); however, it will generally turn out that only one root of equation (13) satisfies the limits in equation (14). For the final time, the condition 0 < a allows the final time to lie on the extension of the last path vector si_ I. Limit on Directivity The directivity vector r must be The angle between the path vector limited directivity @i Variation to angle = Arcsin a change A@ s within and the observer each time step. is Inr,i x (15) ns ,il and A81 • > If ASi = 8i+i A8 then - (16) @i intermediate time Output The direction fixed flight observer r are given cosines coordinate was computed from points must be added. Computation the source system are now by equation to the computed. (3). Then observer in The position the direction the Earth- of the cosines by r'l = r/r (17) r'2 I r,3J from a The average the Atmospheric function speed of the y(t) = of sound is Properties flight Mgr[r time known Table. by as This a function variable of is altitude y converted to be setting nr, 3 (t)_ (18) RT r and c(t) = (19) CrC(Y)* 2.2-9 where nr, 3 is the direction value of reception now be computed by to and a are naturally table = tf of The intervals. The that computed corresponds by equation to each (17). value The of tf can (20) a function into reception times angle of segments y found from to is by the by this the created. time process observer The segments to will the reception times previously naturally source can occur now be as y where as elevation cosine to r/_(t) tf at computed + grouped defined. uneven time = Arcsin n is n the (21) r,3 direction cosine. r,3 For equation computation (17) transformation coordinate of must is system r,2 be directivity to accomplished as I the rotated defined = with in [T(_s)]_T(Gs) angles, the source the figure _ use the direction coordinate of Euler cosines system. angles of This for each 7. [T(_s)_ nr, r, 3Js r, 1 (22) a where T(_) = (23) sin cos T T 0 T(0) = cos sin _ 0 1 co_ isin t_ G Q 0 0 ii 0 -sin cos (24) ii 2.2-10 T(¢) = Then, the polar o cos _ sin -sin _ cos directivity angle (25) @ is given by (26) @(to,O,S) and the azimuthal = Arccos (nr,l) directivity angle s _ is given by (27) _(to,O,S) The preceding reception the are always time geometry systems used Arctan (nr,2/nr,3)s procedure times, and nate = table for may be is segments, is source provided repeated until observers, complete. coordinate by the The and the aircraft systems. outputs sources body for have been axes and Additional all computed wind source axes coordi- user. REFERENCE i. Etkin, Inc., Bernard: Dynamics of Atmospheric c.1972. 2.2-11 Flight. John Wiley & Sons, TABLEI.- RANGE ANDDEFAULT VALUESOF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter Minimum Aw, m2 ...... AdB k ....... . . . . . . . . Maximum 1 1 i0 20 30 0.i 1 I0 m o , kg ...... 1 tI , s ...... 0 tn , s ...... At, s ...... A@, deg ..... Default 416.8 1 x 104 1 x 106 1 x 105 0 1 0.i 5 2.2-12 x 105 0.5 2.0 i0 20 0 0 4_ -.4 m 4J 0 .,.4 _ 0 •,4 _ N m _ m _ m 0 0 _ 4.1 _ .,.4 _ 0 0 o I 2.2-13 0 m ri OBSERVER (a) Discrete representation of flight path. S p S S (b) Conditions Figure for 2.- minimum Location distance of minimum 2.2-14 in path distance. segment. rmin OBSERVER Figure 3.- Determination 2.2-15 of time segments for observer. (a) (b) Figure 4.- Limit Starting Ending points time. time. on time 2.2-16 segments. rl Figure 5.- 5 Minimum set of of three single time 2.2-17 vectors segment. for determination a<l t_ (a) i 2 First -. segment. .- O< a< 1 "_' tf r (b) Intermediate (c) Figure 6.- Final Solution times for for time segment. segment. starting segments. 2.2-18 and finishing XI X2 Y1 I ZI,Z 2 (a) Azimuth. x3 X2 Y2 'Y3 \ \ Z2 _ Z3 (b) Elevation. \ z3 (c) Bank. Figure 7.- Definition 2.2-19 of Euler angles. 2.3 FLIGHT DYNAMICS MODULE INTRODUCTION Accurate requires time. The plete prediction a detailed dynamic are the of in three position Several of as two The equations, first two force assuming that all that moments is condition. used of The tings, ties, solved for of time. lateral the aircraft aircraft for a is A axis is of engine conditions, position, the data flight of mass the in and a If reference area m 2 (ft 2) aircraft b wing CD aerodynamic span, wing m of aircraft-engine reference area, inlet-face m 2 (ft 2) (ft) D drag coefficient, 1 QaV2Aw 2.3-1 dif- directly of control atmospheric balance are a number cross of set- proper- equations as a are function SYMBOLS Ae ordi- trajectory inputs Mach trimmed two vertical inserted two-dimensional and so This approximations module force by aircraft solving be made zero. trajectory. performance, any is maintained These to differential are the attitude, trajectory of aircraft can the eliminating the two however, of simplification time. the From problem; ordinary aircraft computes time. this moment problem typical description longitudinal of three this in found simultaneously unknown the for com- ordinary coordinates constantly to required, of the six and equation, center the of the of A be three second of function coefficients, aircraft to the the Module function restrict flight attitude the moment reduced for as initial/final the now computation Dynamics a aerodynamic and the is one through can a problem. unknowns simplify problem and function complex three of to a six to effects. act trajectory of time. as is the equations Flight aircraft if problem ANOPP ferent flight as a function an valid the within made in as components the generality aircraft solution theory be roll forces differential position and about The and the equations yaw the The can reduces is force This and 2. simplification This of nary coordinates reduces consideration assumption three an position aircraft space. approximations dimensions. all the by aircraft requires the aircraft. references 1 simplification flight. any problem for produced the three-dimensional (Euler angles) textbooks such each noise of of the equations components the behavior description differential of knowledge section, CD, £g landing-gear CL aerodynamic drag coefficient L lift coefficient, 1 QaV2Aw c speed D aerodynamic F g of ground sound, m/s drag, force, gr acceleration H Heaviside h local ha absolute N N gravity, m/s 2 (ft/s 2) function altitude, m (ft) humidity, landing-gear (ib) (ib) of step (ft/s) percent mole fraction position L aerodynamic M aircraft Mach m aircraft mass, _a engine air engine mass flow rate, kg/s (slugs/s) _f engine fuel flow rate, kg/s (slugs/s) N number of T thrust, e Tr lift, N standard kg flow V/c (slugs) rate, kg/s (slugs/s) engines (ib) sea level time, t e engine V aircraft velocity, W aircraft weight, aircraft position angle (ib) number, t (x,y,z) N temperature, K (OR) s specific of attack, thrust, m/s m/s N (ft/s) (ft/s) (ib) in Earth-fixed coordinates, deg 2.3-2 m (ft) 6f flap E engine 0 aircraft 0 inclination P dynamic control variable, inclination Euler of angle, deg angle, deg flight path viscosity, power deg with kg/m-s respect to horizontal, deg (slugs/ft-s) setting P air Y coefficient density, kg/m of 3 (slugs/m rolling 3) friction Subscripts: a ambient b body e engine n final limit o break release r standard 1 initial axis sea level value Superscript: * dimensionless value INPUT The amount extensive the aircraft necessary tion in attitude engine engine. table. of because the geometry to a information of solve finite and Finally, Default be A table values maximum the atmosphere the is input increment 2.3-3 a flight problem. Initial and and table aerodynamic describe velocity the variable An Input AV define equations control for to of provided. setting. the nature differential time. engine performance must the required complex final to defines characteristics parameters by the are the the and in an airframe atmospheric given are solu- aircraft table of an is of conditions terminate coefficient described trajectory Description and properties table I. Constant for engine variable table, m/s (ft/s) Aircraft Aw Ae aircraft engine b wing mo fully N number ho wing reference inlet span, reference coefficient Ee engine m 2 (ft 2) mass, kg (slugs) break of release, rolling inclination angle mass, kg t1 initial time, s V1 initial velocity, initial distance from Yl lateral position, m (ft) h1 initial altitude, m (ft) 01 initial flight-path Vn xn hn time, final velocity, final final for m/s origin, angle, from origin, altitude, m angle of 6f(t) flap attack, setting, m (ft) deg m (ft) (ft) Control _(t) Table s distance s engine, (ft/s) (ft/s) time, each (slugs) m/s t (ft) Conditions initial final m friction m1 tn (ft 2) area, Initial/Final x1 m 2 engines at T Table (ft) loaded altitude area, reference m of Configuration Variable Table deg deg 2.3-4 deg _e(t) power setting for each engine tlg landing-gear retraction time, s Aerodynamic angle of attack, flap angle, deg h/b wing height to span ratio C D (_, 6f,h/b) drag coefficient C L (e, 6f,h/b) lift coefficient landing-gear drag Engine power M m (M,Z) a coefficient Performance aircraft Mach air rate, flow fuel te(M,_) specific flow number re rate, PaCaAe re thrust, PaCaAe re ca Atmospheric altitude, C (h*) Table setting mf(M,_) h Table deg _f CD, _g (CL) Coefficient speed Magrh/RT of sound, re Properties Table r cr * p (h*) h a density, (h) dynamic (h*) absolute re Pr viscosity, re humidity, _r percent mole fraction OUTPUT Dynamics Module produces ANOPP. The The first is flight trajectory output times for this ential equations. This array, even the compatible Flight though with the the table table are is the two ones expressed two-degree-of-freedom Geometry Module. 2.3-5 as used as tables a in a that second of used full is within time. integrating the The differ- six-degree-of-freedom assumption The are function is the made, engine to be variable table as a function of source time for use in the source parameters modules. The output times for this table are the control variable input times augmented, if necessary, to adequately define the data. Flight tf flight time, Trajectory Table s (x(t) ,yl, z(t)) aircraft coordinates, (0,0b (t) ,0) aircraft body axis Euler angles, (0,0 (t),0) aircraft wind axis Euler angles axes, source M(t s) Mach _e (ts) engine _f(t flap IZG(t s) s) time, (ft) deg relative to body deg Engine ts m Variable Table s number power settings setting, deg landing-gear position Qa (ts) ambient density, c a (t s ) ambient speed B a (t s) ambient dynamic h a (t s ) absolute kg/m of 3 (slugs/ft sound, m/s viscosity, humidity, 3) (ft/s) kg/m-s percent mole (slugs/ft-s) fraction METHOD The governed along the two-degree-of-freedom by the flight two flight ordinary flight path path must trajectory differential must be be zero zero. used equations. and These the sum equations of by this The sum the forces module of are expressed E e) = mV 0 - D the is forces normal to as N Fg + L - mg r cos 0 + T e sin (_ + _d° _-_ (1) e=l and N -TFg + Te cos (_ + E e) - mgrsin e=l 2.3-6 = __dV m d-_ (2) The definition of the force terms in equations (1) and (2) are figure 1 for the aircraft during the ground roll and in figure aircraft in flight. The term V dS/dt in equation (i) is the acceleration normal to the flight path and the term dV/dt is acceleration along the flight path. shown in 2 for the centrifugal the The ground force term Fg is nonzero only during the ground roll. In addition, the centrifugal acceleration and the flight-path angle 8 are zero during the ground roll. Therefore, applying equation (i) during the ground roll yields • N Te sin (_ + £e) (h = ho) e=l (3) Fg = (h > ho) where h is the local altitude. The coefficient of friction T is a function of the landing-gear and surface characteristics. The surface assumed that it to the be friction remains weight supported total and throughout force constant is The thrust uniform mass results aircraft by the main Te for flow rates ground solely during thrust the the from the the engine It main rotation. gear, each roll. is further landing Since error is most gear of introduced related to is the is assumed the so that aircraft small. specific by Te = meCat * e (M,_) (4) me = mf (5) where ma + The aircraft coefficients as L=y lift 1 QaV2Aw[CL L and drag D is computed from the lift and drag (6) (_,6f,h/b)_ and D=y 1 QaV2_[CD(_,6f,h/b) In general, function of Figures and the lift angle of 3 and figures 5 4 are and 6 coefficient attack _, examples are of examples 2.3-7 (7) + CD,Zg(CL)_ C L flap the of and the setting effect the of ground drag _f, flap coefficient and altitude setting effect on on CL CD h/b. CL and are and C D. a CD There is an additional source of drag CD,ig which is present when the landing gear is extended. Figure 7 demonstrates the relationship between the landing-gear drag coefficient and the lift coefficient• The mass consumption mass as of of a the aircraft fuel by function of the changes as engines. time is mf(M,_ e) The given a function rate of of time change of due to the the aircraft by N d_ = - _ (8) e=l Finally, coordinates the position of is determined the aircraft from as a function of time in Cartesian dx = V cos 0 (9) dt and dz --= -V cos 0 (I0) dt The the scales error (3), numerical differential the independent terms (8), solution of equations from (9), and (I0) equations expressed the in N _ e=l dt*d@ = differential dependent dominating and Mm* are in variables solution. and made form easier form. prevents Rewriting dimensionless { 1 m*e\<J Ae t*e sin is dimensionless if This insignificant equations (i), (2), yields M2CL (_ + E e) - m*Wo* cos @ + _I (ii) N * dM dt m -- _ _*{Aeh e\_J t* e cos (_ + 1 £e ) - _ M2CD e=l - m WO sin @ - TFgH(-z (12) ) N • ./Ae_ Fg* = m * W o* - _1 M2CL . sin mel_)te (_ + E e) (13) e=l . N (14) dt---_ = - _)mf e=l 2.3-8 .* ,* m e = .* + mf m a (15) dx* = M cos 8 (16) dt* dz* = -M sin @ (17) dt* where WS = m°gr (18) PaC_Aw * PaCaAw t = t (19) m o , PaAw X ------ (20) X m o , PaAw =--(h z o (21) - h) m o m and H is = m/m o the (22) Heaviside H(s) function = (23) Ii Other Now, craft symbols all in the Euler incidence Gb wind 0 = (ii) outputs axis flight-path and equations required body (s Z (s < _ axis + for angle angle through the Qb (17) flight is have module related to been can the be angle previously defined. computed. The of attack air- and by (24) @ Euler 0) 0) angle relative = -e to the body axis is (25) 2.3-9 The Machnumber, power setting, flap setting, and landing-gear position must be expressed in terms of the source time set, which is the input control time set augmentedwith each time when the velocity changes by AV. The quantity AV is a user-supplied parameter. In addition, the atmospheric properties are expressed as a function of the source time set. REFERENCES i. Etkin, Bernard: Inc., c.1972. Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight. John Wiley & Sons, 2. Dommasch,Daniel O.; Sherby, Sydney S.; and Connolly, ThomasF.: Airplane Aerodynamics, Fourth ed. Pitman Pub. Corp., 1967. 2.3-10 TABLEI.- DEFAULT VALUESOF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter AV, m/s A w, m .......... A e, m 2 .......... Default .......... 30 2 b, m • h o, T • e e, 7/4 20 ........... m O , kg N i00 . m . . • . • . . • • • • • . • . 1 0.0 . ° . • • . 0.01 . 0.0 .......... m I , kg 000 . ........... deg tI , s i0 .......... i0 .......... 000 0.0 ........... 0.0 V I, m/s .......... Xl, m ........... Yl, m ........... 0.0 h I , m ........... 0.0 81 , deg t n, s 0.0 0.0 .......... i00 ........... V n , m/s 125 .......... x n, m . . . . h n, m ........... . . 2.3-11 ..... i0 000 i0 000 I! F- -.I iX N 2.3-12 \ \ \ \ .C _m \ ,-.4 wa D_ C \ .,-4 \ 4J m D \ .,-4 0 \ \ \ r_ \ 0 I \ \ -,-I \ N 2.3-13 ..J 2 _f, deg 30 ,p- _J °_ 4W- 20 --\ 10 0 t.} 0 4°e-- -5 I i 0 5 Angle Figure 3.- Typical operation lift with of l 10 Attack, coefficient no I ground 2.3-14 _, for effect. 15 degrees low-speed .4-- .3 (Sf, deg c_ 3O -_ 2O 2 10 "-_ °_- 0 u ,t- .2 O t_ cn L c5 .1 I t -5 0 Angle Figure 4.- Typical operation drag with 2.3-15 of I I I I 5 10 15 2O Attack, coefficient no ground ¢, for effect. degrees low-speed .8 hlb 0.1 0.15 .7 .6 ..J c.) 2 .5 Q; .rW-- WQ; 0 .4 W°e-- --4 .3 .2 .1 I 0 0 2 I I I 4 6 8 Angle Figure 5.- Typical lift of Attack, coefficient a, for 2.3-16 I I 10 12 degrees ground effect. I 14 .3 m r_ hlb 2 °_ B 0.ii 0.15/ °_ 414Q; 0 C_ 1C_ I I 2 4 Angle Figure 6.- Typical I I 6 drag 2.3-17 of I 8 Attack, coefficient I 10 a, for 12 degrees ground effect. I 14 C3 O0 0 •"_ k_ 0 0 0 I 0 _ '0 .,-t I p_ • 0 0 0 0 0 6_'G 3 '_ue_o_ao3 0 0 6eJO =eeg-6uLpu_] 2.3-18 0 C3 •f,,,t JTO 2.4 Jet Takeoff (JTO) John Rawls. Lockheed Engineering Module Jr. & Sciences Company Introduction f The purpose of the Jet Takeoff (JTO) Module is to calculate the position of an aircraft during takeoff. The basic takeoff profile consists of ground roll and climb a.s shown in figure 1. Two optional maneuvers may be appende(l to tile basic takeoff profile. One is cutback (in engine power) which is a procedure uscwl to reduce noise levels on the ground. The other is a steady turn which may be initiated after a steady-state solution to the equations of motion has been obtained. An arbitrary figtlt profile requires a solution to nine differential equations: three force equations, three moment equations, and three equations to determine the position of the aircraft relative to an Earth-fixed coordinate system. During takeoff, these equations conveniently reduce to four first-order nonlinear differential equations which are solved numerically with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta technique. Several assumptions are made in this module to simplify the analysis. These assumptions include zero wind, a level runway. zero aerodynamic ground effects, and zero weight reduction from the burning of fuel. Symbols ato Co CD.Lg CL aircraft wing reference area, m 2 (ft 2) aerodynamic drag coefficient. aerodynamic drag coefficient aerodynamic lift coefficient, c speed of sound, m/s D- aerodynamic Fy ground G steady-state gr gravitational H altitude, m (ft) ha absolute humidity, L aerodynamic LLg landing M molecular Mc_ aircraft Mach number, m aircraft mass, W/gr, Neng number of engines Pw roll rate, drag, • D ½p,, v2 A_. due to landing gear L ½t,,,t.2A,,' (ft/s) N (lb) force, N (lb) climb function constant, 9.8066 percent m/s 2 (32.1741 ft/s 2) mole fraction lift, N (lb) gear position, weight Up or Down of dry air, 28.9644 V/c kg (slugs) deg/s 2,4-1 rev. 11-93 JTO qw pitch rate. deg/s R universal gas constallt, rw yaw rate, deg/s T_ thrust, T_ standard t time, s ts source _t incremental V aircraft velocity, m/s W aircraft weight, N (lb) X aircraft longitudinal Y aircraft lateral z aircraft altitude aircraft angle of attack, sideslip a11gle, deg sea level temperature. time step, (ft/s) distance inclination from origin, In (ft) P air density, T coefficient deg deg angle, deg kg/m-s power setting, maximum kg/m 3 (slugs/ft :l) of rolling friction axis Euler angles, deg (V_, 0_, _) wind axis Euler deg ( _wb, Euler angles turn (slugs/ft-s) percent body fl m (it) step size, s engine _wb) rate, angles, relative to body axis, deg deg/s Subscripts: a ambient b body bank steady climb climb segment cutback cutback i initial max maximum rev. 11-93 m (ft) tolerance II _wb, from origin, above runway, variable, integration Ob, _b) K (518.67°R) s distance dynamicviscosity, (_b, 288.15 time, s engine error m2/K-s 2 (49 718.96 N (lb) flap control _tol 8314.32 axis turn segment of takeoff of takeoff 2.4-2 thrust ft2/°R-s 2) JTO min minimum rot rotation I/) wind axis Superscripts: nondimensional derivative with respect to time iv Input The JTO Module performance takeoff characteristics procedure. of the aircraft. takeoff weight and engine Coefficient Table. The takeoff Aircraft set aircraft and time. basic the begins takeoff desired climb brake release from and brake by setting In order for the the "desired." If one or both of these parameters thrust to obtain the anticipated flight profile. an initial after climb liftoff angle a new climb The maximum does scrape The "takeoff The cutback the Once or set 0w to the allows the climb speed the the when rotation define geometry, the and geometric the properties maximum Aircraft aircraft speed, the value to attain is attained, the reaches flight desired climb airborne, the the angle which achieves the maxinmm rate angle of attack during rotation ensures climb there will he reduce 0w to establishes velocity Module of climb that the speed be at least climb angle of 2.3 °. This JTO a elapsed velocity should speed and the is chosen too large, Should this occur, default aircraft the to become the stall speed and the climb speed. Note that the climb angle Ow which as possible. computes solution. not climb aircraft to or a designated aircraft are labeled insufficient acceptable tables of the aircraft is the of fuel is neglected. ends must be greater than greater than the stall minimum the release, at rotation 20 percent the and describe that tile w_ight to the burning is defined angle. engines, Parameters distance procedure l)arameters are input through the Aerodynamic Lift and Drag Drag Coefficient Table, and the Engine Performance at a designated of the Configuration characteristics Landing Gear procedure altitude, and extensive Note in this set of parameters since weight reduction due performance Table, the The an of the The designated speed, requires as soon automatically for a steady-state tail of the aircraft runway. procedure procedure may include two is implemented optional by setting the maneuvers: cutback CUTBACK flag to TRUE, and steady turn. designating the altitude at which cutback is to occur, indicating the cutback climb angle, and indicating the time required for the cutback procedure to be completed. To include a turn in the takeoff procedure, set the BANK begin, indieate the turn turn will not be executed The final the aircraft Earth-fixed therefore, runway noise steps are to establish last if the the location origin of the in the noise calculation.) an initial angle of attack input Table. indicate rate, and specify the unless a steady-state on the runway, and define coordinate system coincides calculations The to TRUE, data Under are the most the altitude new flight-path condition has of the Earth-fixed at which the heading. Note been achieved. that a steady system, position coordinate the initial conditions. Usually, with the location of the aircraft xi is zero. The initial altitude and should be greater than zero. a singularity by defining Properties parameter turn is to the origin of the at brake release; zi indicates the height of the aircraft above the Setting zi to zero may cause an error in later aircraft and an observer coincide. The user must also configure and an initial flap setting. Differential circumstances, 2.4-3 Equation the Parameters default values the (This aircraft and for the the results for takeoff Atmospheric Differential rev. 11-93 oF is JTO Equation Parameters are adequate. Atmospheric parameters required for the calculation of lift, drag, and sound speed are described by thc Atmospheric Properties Table. Aircraft Configuration At/) aircraft wing reference Neng number of engines W aircr_fft weight, engine area, m 2 (ft 2) N (lb) inclination angle, deg Initial Condition time, ti initial xi initial longitudinal m (ft) distance initial altitude ot i initial angle of attack, 6i initial flap setting, above deg Condition time, s maximum distance from origin, maximum altitude, m (ft) climb velocity, Oclimb desired flight-path II engine power setting, & rotation amax maximum angle of attack T coefficient of rolling rate, turn flag Zbaak turn altitude, fl turn rate, Parameters m/s (ft/s) angle during percent climb, deg maximum net thrust deg/s during rotation, deg friction Steady Turn BANK m (ft) m/s (ft/s) velocity, • Parameters Performance rotation Wrot coordinate m (ft) maximum desired of Earth-fixed deg Aircraft Vclimb from origin runway, Final znlLx Paranmters s zi tmu Parameters Parameters m fit) deg/s desired flight-path heading after completion of turn, Obank positive initiates right turn and Obank negative initiates left turn, deg rev. 11-93 2.4-4 system, JTO Cutback CUTBACK cutbadk_ag Zcutback cutbad_altitude, 0cutback cutbad_climb angle, _ttcutback time ra_[uired .;_ to complete At flight li_ae increment, Ctol error qeranee _IIIKX _min 1 m (ft) deg Differential integr_on Parameters cutback, Equation s Parmneters s step size, s maxin_mn integration step size. s mininm_n integration step size, s _erodynamic aircraft_angle Lift and Drag of attack, flap comtrol variable, Coefficient Table deg deg CL(a,, f) aerody_amicl lift coefficient, CD(ct, aerody_amic_ drag. coefficient, ½p, L2A,,.v D _f) _p_V2.,l,, ' ) Landing Gear Drag Coefficient Table i eL CD,Lg(CL) aerodyaamic, lift coefficient, L _paV2A,, ' aerodynamic drag due to landing coefficient Atmospheric * altitude, Table (ARM) re _gr c*(H*) speed qf sound, p*(H*) air density, p*(H*) dynamic ha(H*) Properties gear extension absolute re Ca re O- viscosity, re _a humidity, percent Engine II engine M_o aircraft _/Iach number T (U, net thrtmt power setting, per engine, mole fraction Performance percent Table maximum net thrust N (lb) 2.4-5 rev. 11-93 JTO Output Two output tables are created by the JTO-module. The Flight-Path Table gives the aircraft ground coordinates and Euler angles in both the body axis and the wind axis coordinates systems. The Source Variables Table is a function of source time with eight dependent variables including Mach number, engine power setting, flap setting, landing gear position, and ambient atmospheric conditions. A new source time is added to the Source Variables Table whenever one of the eight dependent quantities changes value. Flight-Path Table t flight time, s (x(t), y(t) z(t)) aircraft ground coordinates, (_b(t), aircraft body axis Euler angles, aircraft wind axis Euler angles Ob(t), d/b(t) ) (O, Owb(t),O) Source source Variables deg relative to the body axis, deg Table time, s M_(t_) Mach n(t ) engine 6s(t,,) • flap setting, LLg(t. ) landing gear position, ambient air density, ambient speed ambient dynamic absolute humidity, ha(t._) m (ft) number power setting, percent maximum thrust deg Up or Down kg/m 3 (slugs/ft of sound, 3) m/s (ft/s) viscos!ty, percent kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) mole fraction Method The JTO Module defines the takeoff profile of an aircraft, relative to a fixed position on Earth. Three frames of reference are used to describe the motion of the aircraft. One is fixed to the Earth with the origin placed at brake release, a.s shown in figure 1. The x axis is parallel to the runway with positive x in the direction of takeoff. The y and z axes form a right-handed coordinate system with the z axis pointing positive "downward." The other two reference frames are fixed to the aircraft with the origin located at the center of mass. The two aircraft reference frames used in this module are shown in figure 2. One reference frame is the body axis coordinate system denoted by (x b, Yb, Zb). The positive x b a_ds extends forward from the center of the aircraft. The Yb and z b axes form a right-handed coordinate system with the z b axis pointing positive downward. The other reference frame is the wind axis coordinate system denoted by (xw, Yw, zw). In the wind axis coordinate system, the xw axis is aligned with the aircraft velocity vector. The wind axis coordinate system is used to solve the equations of motion. The orientation Euler angles denoted rev. 11-93 of the Earth-fixed axes and the aircraft body axes are defined by (¢b, 0b, Cb) as shown in figure 3. In the wind axis coordinate 2.4-6 by the system, JTO by (¢n,,Ow, dPw). The body and wind axis Euler anglesare a and the sideslip angle _ as follows: the Euler angles are denoted related by the angle of attack % = Cn, + (1) Ob = On, + a (2) = In this analysis, The JTO the sideslip Module angle computes (3) L_is always the zero. Earth-fixed coordinates (x, y, z), the angles (¢b, Ob,.ZPb)and the wind axis Euler angles relative to the body The wind axis Euler angles relative to the body axes are given by On, b = _wb = dPu,b = Ob = m--_- axis Euler axes (¢wb, On,b, Cn,b). (4) Ow -- _bw - _b =0 (5) ¢w -- ¢b =0 (6) The equations governing the position and velocity system in a still atmosphere (refs. 1 and 2) are dV body --_ of the aircraft in the wind axis coordinate Neng = E Te cos(a + e)-rF# - D- (7) WsinOn, e----I mVrw = W cos On,sin 0n, (8) Neng mVqw = E Te sin (a + _) + Fg + L - W cos Ow cos ¢w (9) e=l dOw - lpn, sin 0w Pw = dt dOw qn, = _ cos On, + _P,,,sin 0n, rn,= d_Pw _ cosOn,cosCn,- (10) (11) dOw . dt----_smCpw (12) dr, d--i = V cos On,cos _pn, (13) dy = V cos 0n, sin lpn, dt dz d_ = -Vsin0n, Equations (7), (8), Yw, and zn, directions. yaw rates, respectively. nates as a function of and flight-path heading the roll and yaw rates and (9) represent the Equations (I0), {11), Equations (13), (14), time. These equations angles are zero (i.e., are also zero (i.e., pn, (15) equations of motion of the aircraft in the xn,, and (12) are expressions for the roll, pitch, and and (15) give the change in the ground coordiare simplified during takeoff since the bank Cn, = 0 and Cn, = 0). With this simplification, = 0 and rn, = 0) and the pitch rate reduces to qn, = 2.4-7 (14) d0n, d-'T (16) rev. 11-93 JTO The system equations of equatiotm dV dt now reduces Tecos(a to the following +e) rF_ first-order D IVsin0w nonlinear differential 17) m dOu: = Te sin (a + ¢) + F.q + L - II" cos 0,,. r-_ dt Le=l 18) da: d-'-/= V cos 0,, 19) dz d-_ = - V sin 0,,, Equations technique. (17) through (20) are solved numerically A solution is obtained at each flight time (20) with ,_l)CCitie([ a fourth-order by Runge-Kutta tnew = told + At An integration step size _ is chosen (21) such that <_At (22) _min < _ < _t,_ax (23) and The integration scheme adjusts the step size to meet the desired error tolerance. Figures 4 and 5 show the forces acting on the aircraft during the _rouml roll and climb. The ground force term Fy in equations (17) and (18) represents the resistance due to friction resulting from contact between the aircraft wheels and the runw_w. This force is positive as long as the wheels remain in contact with the runway and becomes zero at the point of liftoff. An expression for the ground force is obtained by noting that the flight-path angle 0_v and pitch rate _)w in equation (18) are zero during ground roll. Consequently, b) = WcosOw-L- e=l _ Tesin(a +-) (z=0) (24) N'eng o The rolling friction surface characteristics (z < o) coefficient 7- in equation (17) is a function of the landing gear and the of the runway. Two assumptions are made to simplify this parameter. The surface is assumed to be uniform during the ground roll and the ground force F.q is assumed, to result solely from the main landing gear. This assumption allows the friction coefficieht to remain constant until liftoff. The aircraft lift and drag are computed by 1 2 (25) and (26) { _paVaAw [CD (c*,61) + CD,Lg(CL)] ½PaV2AwCo (_, 6I) rev. 11-93 (atelirnb < 3) (Atclirab > 6) 2.4-8 JTO In equation(26),Atclim b is Atclimb----- and tclim b coefficient (27) t -- tclim b is the time at the start of the climb stage. The lift coefficient CL and the drag CD are functions of the aircraft angle of attack and flap settings. An additional source of drag CD,Lg, which is a function of the lift coefficient, is due to the extension of the landing gear. Landing gear drag is present during the ground roll stage and the first 3 seconds after liftoff. The landing gear drag coefficient is multiplied by a cosine term to ensure a smooth transition in the drag force. These coefficients are obtained from the Aerodynamic Lift and Drag Coefficient Table and the Landing Gear Drag Coefficient Table. The net thrust Te is a function of the engine power setting and the flight Mach number. Values for the net thrust are obtained from the Engine Performance Table. Takeoff Procedure The takeoff procedure is divided into four stages: ground roll, climb, cutback, and steady turn. Ground roll and climb are the basis for all takeof profiles. Cutback and steady turn are optional stages. Ground roU. Ground roll begins with the aircraft at rest. During the ground roll stage, the climb angle Ow tuld the pitch rate 0w are zero. With these restrictions, the problem is one-dimensional and requires solutions to equations (17) and (19). The initial conditions for the ground roll stage are V (ti) = 0 (28) x (ti) = _:i (29) The angle of attack ta, climb angle 0w, and coordinates y and z remain constant during ground roll; that is, t_ = cq, 0w = 0, y -- 0, and z = zi. Equations (17) and (19) are solved iteratively until the rotation velocity is achieved. After reaching the rotation velocity, the angle of attack is increased by r_ne w = Otoid + (30) ¢_ At until the maximum angle of attack has been achieved. As the nose of the aircraft rotates "upward," the velocity and the angle of attack continue to increase. The velocity vector however remains parallel to the runway. The ground roll stage terminates when the ground force term Fg becomes zero. Climb. Climb begins at the point of liftoff when the aircraft main landing gear leaves the ground, and 3 seconds into the climb stage, the landing gear is automatically retracted. During the climb stage, the aircraft accelerates to the desired climb velocity, and simultaneously, the climb angle increases from zero until the desired climb angle is obtained. The aircraft coordinates are obtained by solving equations (17) through (20). During the solution of these equations, one of the following conditions will arise: Condition 1 (V < Vclim b and 0w < 0climb): Every climb stage begins with the aircraft velocity and climb angle less than the desired values. The angle of attack is evaluated at the beginning of the climb stage to determine if rotation has been completed. If rotation has not been completed, the angle of attack continues to increase until the maximum angle of attack is achieved or until the aircraft acceleration rate becomes negative. If the acceleration rate becomes negative, the aircraft has "overrotated'; in which case, the angle of attack is reduced by 1 deg/s until the acceleration rate becomes positive. ,Equations (17) through (20) are solved numerically until one of the conditions described subsequently occurs or until a steady-state solution is obtained. 2.4-9 rev. 11-93 JTO Condition 2 (V= Vclim b and Ow < 0climb): When the aircraft attains the climb velocity before attaining the desired climb angle, the angle of attack is adjusted so that the aircraR no longer accelerates. Ttie appropriate angle of attack is computed by setting equation (17) to zero [Ne__nl_ re cos (a+¢)-O-ll" and solving for a numerically. altitude. If additional energy climb segment is automatically sin 0,L,] --- 0 (31) The remainin_ energy in the system is used to gain is available after the climb angle is attained, a second initiated as described by condition 4. Condition 3 (V < Wclim b and /gw = 0climb): The alternative to condition 2 is when the aircraft attains the climb angle before air,tining the desired climb velocity. For most takeoff procedures, setting a climb angle less than the maximum climb angle attainable by the aircraft is desirable. This establishes 0clim b as an initial climb angle which is held constant to allow the climb velocity to be achieved as quickly as possible. To ensure that the initial climb angle i._maintained, equation (18) is set to zero and solved numerically for a: ZTesin(a+e)+L-ll'c°sO'v =0 (32) c=l The angle of attack now controls the climb angle, and the remaining energy in the system is used to accelerate the aircraft. If additional energy is available after the climb velocity is attained, a second climb segment is automatically initiated as described by condition 4. Condition 4 (V = Vclim b and 0w = 0climb): Condition 4 arises when the aircraft is capable of a greater climb speed or climb _mgle than is specified by the input parameters. When this condition occurs. _].limb is held constant and the excess energy is used to increase the rate of climb. A new climb angle is computed by setting the right side of equations (17) and (18) to zero and simultaneously solving for Ow. The new climb angle can be written in terms of the lift-drag ratio and the thrust-weight ratio as Ow = sin -1 ( where the steady-state 1 (L/D) + (L/D)G 2 I climb function [ 1 (L/D)G + (L/D) 2 G is defined + - G2 2 1 +1 (L/D) (33) as Neng [D (34) Steady-state solution: A steady-state solution is defined rate and the pitch rate satisfy the following criteria: m rev. 11-93 IdVl -_- _ 2.4-10 Ctol when both the acceleration (35) JTO and dO,v ¸ mV l- _ The Earth-fixed coordinates (36) <_Et,,I can now be computed Xnew = Xold + VAt by cc_sBtc (37) sill 8u. (38) and Znew The climb stage ---- Zold -- VAt ends when one of the following conditions are met: x >_x,,,_x (39) z > z,.ax (40) or t >_ tmax The climb steady-state stage may also end solution is obtained , when tile cutback and a steaxly turn (41) altitude is obtained or when maneuver is to be performed. a Cutback. Cutback is initiated when the aircraft reaches the user-specified cutback altitude. With the aircraft angle of attack and the climb velocity remaining constant throughout the maneuver, the thrust required to obtain the cutback climb angle is computed by W IcosOcutbaek + (L/D) sin Ocutback] Tcutback -_ . (L/D) cos (a + e) + sin (a + e) (42) - Thrust is reduced linearly such that Neug Neng N_,ng (43) e=l e----1 c=l N¢,ng where the thrust increment ATe is given by e=l Neng _T_ = (44) • htcutback e=l and T_.(II) is a function of the power setting at the beginning of the cutback maneuver. The climb angle corresponding to each new thrust setting is computed by equation (33) with Te ---- Te,new in equation (34). At the end of Atcutbac k, in seconds, cutback is completed and a steady-state solution to equations (17) and (18) is obtained with the new climb angle equal to the cutback climb angle. Steady turn. When an aircraft executes a steady turn, the aircraft velocity, climb angle, and roll angle are required to be constant. Consequently, a steady-state solution to equations (17) and (18) is required before a turn can be initiated. Once this condition is met, a steady turn is initiated as soon as the user-specified turn altitude is achieved. 2.4-11 rev. 11-93 JTO The flight-path headingduring the turn varies as Ikw,new = _Pw,old ÷ fl At where the turn pilot's perspective. rate fl is constant.':' Under A positive these csmditions, (45) value for f/produces a right turn, from the the yaw rate is ~ "ru, = fl cos 0_,.cos ¢bw (46) ,.,. and the balance of forces in the Yr direction mVfl when solving equation _ is O_vcos _,,, = W cos 0u, sin 0,, (47) for Co (47) an angle Vfl _I _pw= tan -1- was found to be required from the following to execrate the turn. (48) gr The Earth-fixc(l coordinates are obtained equations: _T¢limb The steady turn cos Ow [sin _w -- sin ('_b,L.-- _ At)] Ynew = cos/_w Znew ---- Zold -- V'dimb YoIO ÷ procedure _ is terminated At [cos fl AT) (_w m Xnew = Xohl + _ (49) (50) CO8 sin Ow (51) when Y)w = '_l,ank or when x, z, or t exceed the maxinmm values (52) given by equations (39), (40), and (41). References 1. Etkin, Bernard: 2. Dommanch, Pitman Publ. Dyrmmics Daniel Corp., of Atmospheric O.; Sherby, Sydney Flight. John S.; and Connolly, Wiley & Sons. Thomas F.: Inc.. c.1972. .4_TTdane Aerodynamws. Fourth ed. e.1967. ONGINAL rev. 11-93 OF PA"JE I_ Q ALI'r JTO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ E •- \ \ \ F_ -! .o 2 \ E \ u °\ _L 2.4-13 rev. 11-93 JTO E -i rev. 11-93 2.4-14 JTO _" II 2X \ I W o x I ° II E C II i- .E i fm ".o ° x .. fxl • ,,4 E °. . . .o a_ ° .o o- o° 2.4-15 rev. 11-93 JTO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..q _b \ C \ -t \ \ 0 \ \ L_ \ -i \ \ .m k. \ \ \ \ rev. 11-93 2.4-16 JTO \ \ \ \ \ \ .E \ \ e.m t_ \ \ r \ \ \ r, \ \ \ _Mb \ \ tl 2.4-1T rev. 11-93 JLD 2.5 Jet Landing (JLD) Module Mark-Wilson Lockheed Engineering& SciencesCompany Introduction The Jet Landing (JLD) Module computes the positionof an aircraft during an approach. to the runway based on the aircraft performancc characteristics. The landingprocedurecan be dividedintoas many as fivesegments. The basiclandingprofile consistsof one segment with an approach angle of 3°. During each segment, the approach speed and flight-path angle are requiredto be constant. This constraintreduces the differential equations of motion to an algebraicform which is used to determine the altgleof attack and thrust requiredto maintain the input approach speed and fight-pathangle. Symbols aircraft wing reference CD CD.LK CL area, m 2 (ft 2) D ½p,,V._Aw aerodynamic drag coefficient, aerodynamic drag coefficient due to landing gear aerodynamic lift coefficient, ½Oat,2Au L _ c speed of sound, m/s (ft/s) D aerodynamic F9 ground force, N (lb) gr gravitational H altitude, ha absolutehumidity,percentmole fraction L aerodynamic lift, N (Ib) LLg landinggear position, Up or Down M molecularweightof dry air,28.9644 Moo aircraft Mach number, V/c fit aircraft mass, W/gr, Neng number of engines Nseg number of flight-path R universal Te thrust, T, standard t time, s ts source time, s drag, N (lb) constant, 9.8066 m/s 2 (32.1741 ft/s 2) m (ft) gas constant, kg (slugs) segments 8314.32 m2/K-s 2 (49 718.96 ft2/°R-s2) N (lb) sea level temperature, 2._-1 288.15 K (518.67°R) rev. 11-93 JLD At incremental V aircraft velocity, W aircraft weight, aircraft longitudinal aircraft lateral aircraft altitude aircraft angle Y z time step, s flap control engine m/s N (lb) distance distance from origin, from origin, above runway, of attack, variable, inclination dynamic (ft/s) viscosity, m (ft) m (ft) m (it) deg deg angle, deg kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) II engine power setting, IIRv thrust reverse P air density, r coefficient (Oh, 8b, Oh) body axis Euler angles, deg (_Pu,,Ow, Ow) wind axis Euler angles, deg power percent maximum setting, kg/m 3 (slugs/ft percent thrust maximum thrust 3) of rolling friction (_b_.b,On,b, Otvb) • Euler angles relative to body axis, deg Subscripts: a ambient b body axis f final H runway i initial Lg landing n counter w wind axis 1 first segment 2 second segment threshold gear Superscript: , nondimensional Input A description of the aircraft geometry is required. The Aerodynamic Lift and Drag CoefficientTable and an Engine Performance Table describethe characteristics of the airframeand engine. The atmosphere isdescribedby the Atmospheric PropertiesTable. Input parameters are used to definethe number of landing segments and other altitude dependent variablessuch as the altitudeforlandinggear extension.An array of altitudes, my. 11.93 2.5-.2 JLD flight-pathangles,andapproachvelocitiesfor eachsegmentofthe landingprofilearedefined in the LandingProfileTable. Input Parameters Nseg number of segments thrust reverser power setting, percent At time increment, vf final aircraft velocity, W aircraft ZLg altitude for flap and landing ZH altitude for end of runway crossing, by landing configuration weight, m/s (ft/s) N (lb) array of appro_h altitudes, Ow,i array of approach flight-path I6 array of approach velocities, Aircraft aircraft wing reference geng number of engines deg Profile Table m (ft) angles, m/s deg (ft/s) Parameters area, m 2 (ft 2) angle, deg of rolling friction Aerodynamic Lift and Drag Coefficient or aircraft angle of attack, deg /i.t flap control CL(a,_y) aerodynamic Co(,-,, 61) m (ft) m (ft) Configuration mu_ engine inclination gear extension, flap setting, Zi coefficient net thrust s Landing T maximum variable, Table deg L lift coefficient, _paV2A w D aerodynamic drag coefficient, Landing _paV2A w Gear Drag Coefficient Table L CL CD,Lg(CL) aerodynamic lift coefficient, _paV2A aerodynamic drag coefficient due to landing gear extension 2.5-3 w rev. 11-93 JLD Atmospheric Properties Table ATM) altitude, il c*(H*) p*(H') ha(H*) speed I_ sound, air de-;_ity, re Ca re pa dynamic viscosity, re/Za absohte humidity, percent :_ Engine mole fraction Performance Table •! II enginel_ower Moo aircraf$:/vlach T,. (n, M_) net tllmst setting, percent maxinmm net thrust number -p per engine, N (lb) Output Two output tables are created by this module. The Flight-Path Table gives the aircraft ground coordinates amt Euler angles in both the l)ody axis and the wind axis coordinates systems. The Source .Variables Table is a function of source time with eight dependent variables including Mai:h •number, engine power setting, flap setting, landing gear position, and ambient atmospheric conditions. A new source time is added to the Source Variables Table whenever one orthe eight dependent quantities changes value. ? Flight-Path flight time, s aircraft (0, Ob(t), O) (0, Owb(t ), O) ground coordinates, body axis Euler angles, aircraft wind axis Euler angles source Variables Mach number engine power 6i(t,) flap setting, LLg(ts) landing gear position, p.(t.) ambient air density, ambient speed ambient dynamic absolute humidity, rev. 11-93 deg relative to body axis, deg Table time, s Moo(t.) II(t.) ha(G) m (ft) i aircraft Source t8 Table setting, deg percent maximum thrust ' Up or Down kg/m 3 (slugs/ft of sound, m/s viscosity, percent 3) (h/s) kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) mole fraction 2.5-4 OiMO,IN,IM... PAOE m OT POOR _ALITY JLD Method The flight trajectory horizontal direction by generated by this module is based on balancing Neng -rFg + Z the forces in th-e dV Tecos(a+e)- WsinOw- (1) D=m-_ e=l and in the vertical direction by Neng Fg + Z Te sin (o + E)- (2) W cosSw + L = mV--_- t effil These figure equations (refs. 1 and 2) are defined in the wind axis coordinate 1. The ground force term Fy is defined by Fy = W - L - e=l _ :re sin (a + e) and remains function zero until the moment of landing The aircraft gear and surface lift L and drag shown in (3) (z = 0) Neng 0 system (z > 0) of touchdown. The coefficient of rolling friction r is a characteristics. D are computed by 1 2 L = _paV Aw [CL (a,_f)] (4) and D- lpaV2Aw [CD (o,,$f)+ CD,Lg(CL)] (5) z where the Coefficient The lift and drag coefficients are obtained from Table and the Landing Gear Drag Coefficient position of the aircraft as a function the Aerodynamic Table. Lift and of time is given by dx and Drag -= V cos6o dt (6) dz -- = V sin Ow dt (7) This module divides the landing procedure into segments defined by the parameter Naeg. An array of altitudes, flight-path angles, and approach velocities are specified in the Landing Profile Table. The arrays are defined such that the first value corresponds to the outermost segment. Figure 2 shows an example of a two-segment landing profile. Note that the flightpath angles are defined to be negative down. The origin of x is defined at the end of the runway. The initial distance of the aircraft from the end of the runway is computed from the array of altitudes and flight-path angles by Naeg xi = 2.5-5 (8) Zn -- Zn.__+_+ l rev. 11-93 JLD wherethe runway; last altitude that in the summation corresponds to the altitude at the end of the is, z,v_+l = zH- (9) By maintaining a constant approach speed and flight-path angle, the derivatives in equations (1) and (2) are zero. This allows the use of the following algebraic equations (assuming the aircraft is not on the ground; i.e., Fg = 0): Neng Z T_:cos (a + _) - W sin O,,. - D = 0 (10) Te sin (a + _) - WcosOw (11) e=l and Neng Z + L = 0 To calculate the aircraft angle of attack a required to maintain a small angle approximation is made for a + e in equation (11). and equation (1 I) becomes the desired approach speed. Assume that sin (a + _) ._. 0 L = WcosOw which can be written in terms of the lift coefficient (12) as W cos0., eLThe angle of attack that satisfies Lift and Drag Coefficient Table. The thrust required equation to maintain (13) _paV2A w (13) is found the desired by interpolating flight-path the Aerodynamic angle is obtained from Neng W [cosOw + (L/D)sin 0w] Z Te, = (L/D) cos (a + e) + sin (c_ + _) e=l During the airborne segments of the landing constant so that the aircraft coordinates are xj = sj_ 1 + trajectory, V cosOw the approach (14) velocity remains At, (15) At (16) and zj = zj-1 - VsinOw where j indicates segment number. After touchdown, the aircraft velocity function of time due to the ground force term. The velocity then becomes vj= where the reduction in velocity AV = _1 -rFg is given + av 11-93 a (1"0 by - 17 - rngr sin O_ + r_ cos (o_ + e) e=l rev, becomes _-.5,-6 At (18) JLD Thrust and Te is calculated aircraft Mach by using number the Engine are used Performance as inputs. After Table where touchdown, engine _hrllst employed to rapidly decelerate the aircraft. TILe engine power set thrust reverser parameter as input to the Enginf3 Performance Table. assigning a negative HRV = -0.5 The aircraft of-freedom plane (i.e., angles the would value to the provide thrust Euler angles thrust reverser reversing are also parameter at a power required !_b and following (_b are relation both zero. between The angle aircraft body of attack setting a,s output assumption has been made, the landing no yaw or roll motion). This assumption and HRV. For example, 3). half Since profile takes place implies that the axis Euler flight-path angle .setting may a value axis Euler angle Ob is transformed to the wind of full power. the two-degree- only in the vertical values of the Euler 0 b can he calculated by angle: 9 b = a + Ot,, The body be ' is replaced by the i hrust is reversed by of one (fig. power reversing (19) axis by using the following equation: 0wb = -_ (2o) References 1. Etkin. Benmrd: Dynamics of Atmo._pheT_c Flight. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. c.1972. 2. Domma.sch, Daniel O.; Sherby, Sydney S.: and Connolly. Thoma._ F.: Airplane Pitman Publ. Corp., c.1967. Aervdynamics. Fourth ed. i 2.5-7' r_v. II-93 JLD \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ e- \ \ \ \ \ \ o_ c_ cO e- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rev. 11-93 2.5-8 r_ JLD 2.5-9 rev. 11-93 JLD + I _D II ,._.,,_ +- - + ! ._ II .N •. -_ °o .".Oo L_ ".o Z ." ooo °° o' rev. 11-93 2.5-10 SFO 2.6 Steady Flyover (SFO) Module JohnRawls,Jr. LockheedEngineering & Sciences Company Introduction The Steady Flyover (SFO) Module defines the position of an aircraft based oil kinematics (ref. 1). This approach enables flight paths to be defined without requiring engine and aircraft performance data as input. Aircraft motion is restricted to constant velocity or uniform acceleration along a rectilinear flight path. Flight paths that do not conform to this restriction may be divided into segments. A segmented flight path is constructed by executing this module once for each segment. Input to the SFO Module consists of parameters that define a single flight-path _gment. Output consists of parameters that allow repeated executions of the module, and two tables that are used by other ANOPP (Aircraft Noise Prediction Program_ ' -,dules to predict noise produced by a moving source. One table definc_s the position of the aircraft as a function of time, and the other identifies changes in ttle noise source characteristics. Symbols a aircraft acceleration, c speed of sound, d distance, gr gravitational H altitude, m (ft) h,, absolute humidity, LLg landing M molecular m/s 2 (ft/s 2) m/s (ft/s) m (ft) constant, 9.8066 percent gear position, weight m/s 2 (32.1741 ft/s 2) mole fraction Up or Down of dry air, 28.9644 aircraft Mach number, V/c N number of incremental time steps R universal gas constant, Tr standard sea level temperature, t time, tLg landing ts source time, s At incremental V aircraft velocity, :r aircraft longitudinal Y aircraft lateral Z aircraft altitude 8314.32 m2/k-s 2 (49 718.96 288.15 ft2/°R-s 2) K (518.6T'R) s gear reset time, s time step, s m/s (ft/s) distance distance above from origin, from origin, runway, 2.6-1 m (ft) m (ft) m (ft) rev. 11-93 SFO aircraft angle of attack, (I flap control variable, deg deg _ dynamic viscosity, kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s_ lI engine power setting, p air density, ( _-'b.Oh.os ) body axis Euler angles, deg ( u... O... o.. ) wind axis Euler angles, deg ( u..b. 8..b.O..b) Euler angles percent kg/m :_ (slugs/ft relative maximun_ rhru._t 3) to body axis. lie- Subscripts: a ambient b body / final i initial ref referellce tC wind i first segnteut 2 second axis axis segntent Superscript: nondimensional Input A flight profile nmy consist of as many segment._ a._ tim user desires. Each fiioht-t)ath segment requires one execution of the SFO .Module. To create a nmltiple segmeltt flight profile, tile APPEND parameter must be set to TRUE. This causes the data created for the Flight-Path Table and the Source \'ariables Table to be appended to tile output created by the previous execution of the SFO Module. Therefore. it is important that each segment be created in the appropriate order. If the APPEND parameter is FALSE. each execution of the SFO .Module creates a new flight profile. The Mach number update criterion parameter _X.llx identifies when the flight speed has altered the noise source characteristics sufficiently to warrant updating the Source Variables Table. If ttle aircraft velocity is not constant and .-X.llx = 0. the Source Variables Table contains an entry for every incremental change in the aircraft velocity. A large number of noise predictions may result that nmy not be warranted considering the approximations required to define the flight oath. The user can limit the number of source noise predictious and. as a result, reduce the total computation time by setting the .Xlaeh number update criterion parameter. The computational Generally. option -X3Ix -- 0.05 is adequate. flag ZOPT allows the final z position of the aircraft to be specified directly by the input parameter z/ or to be computed by using the inclination angle 8u.: Sometimes the inclination angle is a more convenient parameter for constructing a flight-path segment. rev. 11-93 2.6-2 SFO The position of an aircraft is calculated with the initial and final condition parameters. The Aircraft Configuration Parameters do not affect the flight profile but are required as output by the Source Variables Table. Information from the Source Variables Table is used by other ANOPP modules to predict the noise characteristics of the engine and the airframe. With the exception of the landing gear, the Aircraft Configuration Parameters remain constant throughout a flight segment. The Earth-fixed coordinated system is defined such that z is positive down as shown in figure 1. For convenience, the z coordinates (corresponding to altitude) are input as positive values and converted to negative values within the module. In order to compute the aircraft Mach number, the speed of sound is provided by the Atmospheric Properties Table. Input Parameters APPEND multiple Ji initial step number AM_ Mach number At time step increment, zref altitude ZOPT computational option flag, for ZOPT = 1, input for ZOPT = 2, input 0w and disregard zf segment flight-path flag, True or False update criterion s of runway above reference level, m (ft) zf and disregard inclination angle of flight vector with respect to horizontaJ, climb and negative for descent, deg Initial Condition positive 8w and for Parameters ti initial time,s ¼ initial velocity, m/s (R/s) xi initial longitudinal positionfrom origin,m (ft) initial lateralpositionfrom origin,m (ft) zi initial altitudeabove runway, m (ft) Final Condition tf final time, s v/ final velocity, xf final longitudinal _f final lateral zf final altitude m/s Parameters (R/s) distance position from origin, m (ft) from origin, m (ft) above runway, m (ft) 2.6-3 rev. 11-93 SFO Aircraft LLg,i initial landing tLg landing II engine 61 flap setting, Configuration gear position, power setting, percent air density, ha(H*) thrust deg Properties Table (ATM) re speed of sound, p'(H*) maximum deg Atmospheric altitude, Up or Down gear reset time, s angle of attack, S Parameters re ca re pa dynamic viscosity, re #a absolute humidity, percent mole fraction Output The Final Condition Parameters provide pertinent information execution of the Steady Flyover Module. When a multiple-segment the final eonditior_.' are used tables are created by this coordinates and Euler angles The Source Variables Table necessary for a repeat flight profile is created, as the initial conditions for the next segment. Two output module. The Flight-Path Table gives the aircraft ground in both the body axis and tile wind axis coordinates systems. is a function of source time with eight dependent variables including Mach number, engine power setting, flap setting landing gear position, and ambient atmospheric conditions. A new source time is added to the Source Variables Table whenever one of the eight dependent quantities changes value. Final Condition If the become SFO Module the input is executed parameters with APPEND final step number LLg,J" final landing tl final time, s v! actual final velocity, x/ actual final longitudinal Yl actual final lateral z/ actual final altitude II-93 = TRUE, for the next execution :i rev. Parameters gear position. the following of the SFO Module: Up or Down m/s (ft/s) position position above 2.6-4 from origin, from origin, runway, m (ft) m (ft) m (ft) parameters SFO Flight-Path t flight (x(t), Y(t), z(0) 0b(t), 0) (0,0wb(t),0) time. Table s aircraft position coordinates, aircraft body axis Euler angles, deg aircraft wind axis Euler angles relative Source t_ source time, M_c ( t._) Mach number n(t,,) engine power m (ft) Variables to body deg Table s setting, percent maximum thru,_ _ flap setting, deg LLg(t.,) landing position, p,,(t.,) ambient air density, ambient speed ambient dynamic viscosity, kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) ambient absolute humidity, percent mole ha(t_) axis. gear Up or Down kg/m 3 (slugs/ft of sound, m/s 3) (ft/s) fraction Method The SFO Module computes the position of an approach is useful when aircraft performance data profiles are required. Figures 2 through 4 illustrate can be constructed by using the SFO Module. Figure remain aircraft 2 illustrates a single-segment constant. A flight-path and by the initial and of attack, flight path the flap setting, can be defined descending, therefore, accelerating, a flight profile The profiles flight module. The landing approach and ground the initial conditions roll, Figure first path or decelerating. may be created shown based where the on kinematics. or when of flight velocity This simple profiles and the flight that altitude segment is defined by the initial and final position of the final velocity. At the beginning of each segment, the angle and the power setting between two points, the in figures are provided as input. As long as the motion of the aircraft may be climbing, The aircraft motion for a hovering aircraft. 3 and 4 are constructed may by repeated also be stationary; executions of the profile shown in figure 3 is divided into two segments, representing roll. The final position and velocity for the approach segment becomes for the ground roll segment. 4 illustrates a takeoff climb segment, second first climb segment, the the first climb segment measured from the the aircraft velocity setting. flight aircraft are not available three examples profile that has been divided climb segment, and cutback. aircraft is accelerating. by specifying the new The gear landing position into four segments: ground During ground roll and the gear may and the be retracted reset time during which is beginning of the first climb segment. During the last two segments, is constant, but the two segments differ in climb angle and in power rev. 11-93 SFO The position coordinates of the aircraft by the following equations: Xk+l = Xk + (Vk At + _a At2) cosOwcosg'w (l) Yk+l = ?ik + (Vk At + _a At2) cosO,,sinCw (2) zk+t = zkEquations part of are_computed (1), (2), and (V, At + _u At2).si,,Ow (3) are solved iteratively (3) for k = .I to N, where N is the integer t g = J, + A--7 In equation flight-path step k is (4) (4), Ji is the initial step number, t is the total segment, and At is the incremental time step. time required The aircraft to complete the velocity at time vk = vk-t + ,, _t where Vk_ 1 is the velocity from the previous acceleration of the aircraft given by (5) time step and a is the acceleration. .= v]- v/' The (6) 2d and is computed segment, which from the initial and final velocities and the distance traveled during d = CAx 2 + Ay '_+ Az 2 The incremental distances The total time required flight-path heading heading (7) Ax, Ay, and Az are to complete t = The flight-path Ax = z/-.,', (8) Ay = yf - 71i (9) Az = zf - zi (10) a segment is {t:_ - (v, =(lal v: >=O) 0) _bw and the climb angle Ow remain constant (11) during a segment. ¢" = tan-I Ay X-_ An option is provided which allows either the final altitude z¢ or the climb angle specified as input. If z I is specified, the climb angle is computed by Ow ----tan_ 1 _Az Ax 11-93 The is given by ' rev. the is 2.6-6 (12) to be (13) SFO If _),_. i_ .-pecified. _X: i_, COmlmted by _X: = __.r tall H,, ,14 t Tile aircraft body axi,_ Euler angle.,, _, and t'_, ar(' (alculatcd b.v u:ing the followizlg relation_hil) between au.,,,.Ic of' _ittack. flight-l)ath angle, told Hight-path headiug.. See fig. 5., The climb angle in the ))od.v a×i.- i,, e;, = _)-- H and tlm Hight-path hcadi.o ,15, m tile l)o¢[v axi_ i_ t- L = _.', The ho(l.v axi,- Eult,l ,nab' _;, i, tran-tLrmed , ](j_ to tilt, wi,(l _xi, with [h, ',lLJwizlg rclatioli: H ,_,= --_) Thi.tile mo_hde aircraft Source create,, l)o,,itio, Varia|)lc_ two and Tal)]c. ouH)ut Euler which of the ,,om'ce noi.,,e _ll'(, altered aml)ienr condition,, or all'craft entry The ct)rrcsl)on, tlioht lino Mach to the mmfi)rr, tal)le..,. _ulglc.i(lentifie.- One for each time.- 1_', i,. rhc (luring l)v changes ill engine velocity. The Source start givcn of the flioht Table. .=Xt. when Tlle the which (icfine.- other i_ tlle characteri.-tic_. ...coment. l)v .l/×, t. ) = (18) (,_H = i..,rvahm_e(l from the aircnd't velocity and the ami)iem i_ ol)taim,d from the Atmo.-l)heric Pl'ol)ertie_ Tahle altitude H" -ix'ell l)v H" = The parameter _pecified in the i,crcmcnt l)owt'r ,,ettillg. aircraft configuration. Varial)le.Table ahva.v.,, contain.-, all flew flight-path a Fli_ht-Path time ,._ml)(l .-pee(]. _. a hmction The _otmd _peed c( H" ) of the nondinmn.,,ional _" - :_': RT,. My,. :n.: i.-: the height of tilt, runway Atmo.-:pheric Properties Table. above (19) the reference level (u_,_ually .-.ea level) Reference 1. Bert. Ft.nlimtnd P.: .mi .luhn,.to:l. E. Ru.-._.ll..Jr.: I'+rto,..11,,,,),..,,. McGraw-Hill Book Co.. 1962. for Et*.qm_ f r.-- Starer.. {md Dy....¢.,. OF 2.6-7 rev. POOR II=93 QUALrI'Y SFO I i=- ._ ! I _ i L i l I l ! I I I I 'd ! II II II II tl ! I I I I I I I I .I t I @ c_ I t,- E ii .i cL • -- I '[ l t'_ ..... 0-_." @m rev. 11-93 2.6-8 SFO \ \ \ \ \ k. \ \ m \ \ \ r- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A \ _'6 "_ 2.6-9 \ rev. 11-93 SFO II rl \ \ \ e,, --1 \ _b \ t- \ \ \ \ ,o \ I! _D .=_ \ I I _.= \ w e- I I \ I \ I I \ I _u I \ / I \ I \ \ \ r,,j \ I I \ I I I \ I I rev. 11-93 \ 2.0-10 [4,. SFO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • 1 \ u. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6 2.6-11 \ rev. 11-95 SFO rev. 11-93 2.6-12 3. PROPAGATION EFFECTS 3.1 ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION MODULE INTRODUCTION As sound attenuated Module waves due accounts sphere. which the sound depends on altitude expressed as a a given The the molecular loss molecules. of in altitude. Module due be the the module Fourth a is sound due to the table as then a of It of the molecular speed f frequency, Hz frl relaxation frequency, gr acceleration H altitude, HI ground h absolute humidity, M molecular weight P pressure, Pa of sound, the available due m level m/s of to for be the m/s 2 m percent used (ft/s of (ib/ft air 2) 3.1-1 (ft) mole to be is that causes. nitrogen a level due and with fraction 2) the oxygen relaxation to and First is vibrational the vibra- coefficient coeffidimensionless the atmospheric-absorption (ft) altitude, atmo- ground Second frequency Hz gravity, shown from atmospheric-absorption (ft/s) to is basic loss SYMBOLS c ANOPP The total absorption of the four effects. function intensities in effects. to the coefficient intensity. relaxation due by coefficient value four viscous are humidity. assumed average sound loss is and absorption the molecules. for each form table and rotational computes correct occurs molecular of oxygen coefficients dimensionless to they Absorption absorption frequency. the observer, produced an are the and thermal as pressure, is applied the Atmospheric intensity humidity altitude to molecules. This to to is relaxation sum of the This cient due Third nitrogen tional is the and absorption loss noise expressed which can atmospheric classical of to The Therefore, coefficient, altitude, source temperature, only. function absorption in is pressure, of to decrease frequency, temperature, the absorption. attenuation functions mean from atmospheric for This The propagate to Propagation effect. is <p2 mean-square > pressure, universal gas r distance, m T temperature, X fractional Y dimensionless Pa 2 constant, m2/K-s Mgr(H coefficient, l-I dimensionless P reference (ft2/°R-s 2) concentration altitude, characteristic 2 (OR) molar 0 4) (ft) K absorption (ib2/ft nepers/m vibrational HI)/RT K coefficient, kg/m 3 r (nepers/ft) temperature, absorption density, - (slugs/ft (OR) _Cr/f, nepers 3) Subscripts: cl classical n nitrogen o oxygen r standard rot rotational s source vib vibrational sea level value Superscript: * dimensionless value INPUT The two altitude. values basic independent Center-frequency in inputs. properties the In Atmospheric addition, produced the by i/3-octave-band variables values the for Module (ATM) module requires for the i/3-octave define the several ATM. center frequency, Hz 3.1-2 module are frequency bands and the altitude independent-variable of the atmospheric and Atmospheric-Properties dimensionless altitude, h(y) humidity, percent p (y) pressure, re T (y) temperature, Table Mgr(H mole - HI)/RT r fraction Pr re Tr OUTPUT The a output function is of a table frequency of and the dimensionless absorption coefficient as altitude. Absorption-Coefficient Table f frequency, Y dimensionless altitude, Mgr(H _ (f,Y) dimensionless absorption coefficient, Hz - HI)/RT r _Cr/f, nepers METHOD The as an the sound intensity due to atmospheric coefficient. This absorption is expressed coefficient is defined by relation <p2(r)> where = --<p2(r)> from the is source, source, is lost atmospheric-absorption and expressed _cl is _ is as a is the p2(rs)> the the sum > is exp[-2_(r acoustic the absorption of + erot the _ mean-square <p2(rs) = ecl where <rj>t four + loss The some distance at pressure absorption r the coefficient as (2) _vib,n due molecular-absorption at acoustic coefficient. + (i) rs)_ pressure mean-square components evib,o classical - loss to thermal due to and the viscous effects, rotational relaxation of rot oxygen and nitrogen due to the vibrational the molecular-absorption gen molecules. to be molecules, Additional _vib,o relaxation loss due sources negligible. 3.1-3 is of oxygen to the of the molecular-absorption molecules, vibrational atmospheric and relaxation attenuation loss evib,n of are is nitroassumed As a result of extensive theoretical and experimental effort, expressions have been developed for each of the terms in equation (2). Sutherland (ref. i) presents the theoretical development and all existing experimental data. Reference 2 further refines that work. All of the empirical equations used in this module are results of the work in these references. An important parameter in the vibrational-relaxation absorption loss of a gas is the relaxation frequency. The relaxation frequency is defined as that frequency at which the maximumvibrational absorption loss per unit wavelength occurs. In general, the relaxation frequency is a function of temperature, pressure, and humidity for a given gas. Air is assumedto be composedof nitrogen and oxygen, neglecting the absorption of the other components. Therefore, the following empirical expressions for the relaxation frequencies are used: frl,n = (p/pr)(293.15/T)I/2(9 + 350h expl-6.142[(293.15/T)i/3- (3) 13}) and frl,o (4) = (p/pr){24 + 44100h_0.05 + h)/(0.391 + h)_l In equations (3) and (4), frl,n is the relaxation frequency of nitrogen in hertz, frl,o is the relaxation frequency of oxygen in hertz, p is the ambient pressure, T is the ambient temperature in Kelvin, and h is the absolute humidity in percent mole fraction. Rewriting equations (3) and (4) in terms of dimensionless variables yields frl,n = p*/ = p*{24 (T*) l/2(9.08 + expl-6.1VSECT* -l/3- 340.65h 1]}) ,s, and frl,o where a T = function presented + 44100h T/T r of in figure at standard oxygen. It is and value that of is and p temperature humidity frequency _0.05 1 the value the absolute for sea much of = the h)/(0.391 P/Pr" and interesting always + A graph humidity at nitrogen. level to + note relaxation of the standard Relaxation pressure greater (6) h)_} is that than sea value nitrogen frequency humidity. 3.1-4 is in of frequency level frequency presented the the relaxation the as a figure as is function 2 oxygen relaxation highly pressure of for relaxation frequency dependent on the The four terms on the right-hand side of equation (2) are now computed. The classical and rotational terms are combinedand expressed as a function of temperature, pressure, and frequency as follows: _cl + _rot = (1.84 × i0-ii) Each of the two vibrational loss terms are written exp evib,i = 35 \T 8i is fractional i the molar = o for oxygen the term equations (7) the values relation c yields the - characteristic and in and i (8) for the = Cr(T*) = square n for exp(-Si/T 2ffrl, terms physical f2 + i f2rl,i temperature In (8), equation nitrogen. can of _ 2 vibrational brackets in (f/c) form: (8) concentration. large, (-Si/T) in the following / i where (7) (T/293.15) I/2 f2/(p/pr) Since be replaced dimensionless constants given and i is the by value table of unity. variables, in X i defined is the such that 8i/T is Expressing substituting I, and using the I/2 (9) following: _cl + _rot = = (9.555 _vib,o x (6.207 exp x x 10-9)(f/Cr)(T*)i/2(f/p 10 -4 ) (f/Cr) [7" 771(T* - (I0) *) (T*)-5/2 I)/T_ 12ffrl,o/(f2 + (ii) f2Irl,o and _vib,n = (1.683 x 10 -4 ) (f/Cr) x exp[II'633(T* The total (12). units sary absorption The of to coefficient absorption nepers multiply - per the is coefficients meter. To (T*) -5/2 I)/T*] the in side 3.1-5 sum these convert right-hand 12ffrl,n/(f2 to of of equations equations decibels each + equation (i0), are per (ii), expressed meter, by (12) f2rl,n)_ 8.69. it and in is the neces- Figure 3 showsa typical graph of the total absorption coefficient as a function of frequency with h = 0.2, T* = 1.0, and p* = 1.0. The three distinct regimes for the absorption coefficient are readily apparent from the figure. The first regime, where the frequency is less than the relaxation frequency of nitrogen, is dominated by the vibrational absorption of nitrogen. The second regime includes values of frequency between the nitrogen relaxation frequency and the oxygen relaxation frequency and is dominated by the oxygen vibrational absorption. The classical and rotational losses dominate in the third regime for frequencies above the oxygen relaxation frequency. The data in figure 3 include a wide range of frequencies. For aircraft noise problems, the frequency range of interest is normally limited to less than i0 000 Hz. To further demonstrate the properties of the absorption coefficient, the classical and rotational, nitrogen vibrational, oxygen vibrational, and total coefficients are plotted as functions of frequency in figures 4 to 7. The effect of changing relaxation frequency is shownby the lines of constant humidity in figures 5 to 7. All data are for standard sea level temperature and pressure, and all four figures are plotted to the samescale to allow direct comparisons between the figures. Finally, the relaxation frequencies which correspond to each constant humidity line are shown in figures 5 to 7. The total absorption-coefficient curves on figure 7 demonstrate how the characteristics of the absorption coefficient dramatically change as a result of changing properties change, frequency range can assist the coefficient The cient _ in _ height. loss in quency. is the is altitude y, y absorption p form, absorption is a falls atmospheric within the 7 with figure figure dimensional. dimensionless as per unit function of Atmospheric humidity To , and 3 express absorption a in - HI)/RT coefficient wavelength coeffi- is used in altitude the is defined ATM, (ATM), only. to the and given In fre- the temperature, The dimensionless as (14) r h a absorption conditions. humidity, ANOPP of ground standard pressure, function the expresses under temperature, Table humidity from coefficient Module are discussed = Mgr(H coefficient absorption Atmospheric-Properties pressure of the (13) nepers a the and that of as average of is For values term. coefficient dimensionless _ term Comparison dominant dimensionless the _Cr/f the terms As absorption changes. identifying defined pressure, The dominant interest in The general, the of frequency. atmospheric-absorption = where relaxation from as expressed ATM gives functions as a of function 3.1-6 temperature y. T*, Therefore, of y and the f. The total change in sound intensity due to atmospheric absorption is an integral over the length of the conical ray tube from the source to the observer. An average absorption coefficient is defined as this integral divided by the length. Since the absorption coefficient is a function of y and f only, the average dimensionless absorption coefficient from ground level to somevalue y is given by ifoy (f,y) Equation (15) cient. = Y is also Equations _cl (O_Cr/f) valid (I0), + for (ii), _rot = = (9.555 (15) dy each and component (12) are of then the absorption rewritten (T*) (6.207 x coeffi- as dy 10-9)_f0Y Y (16) i/2/p* 2ffrl,o _vib,o x exp x 10-4)if0Yy [7 .771(T* (T*) -5/2 - I)/T*J f2 + f2 rl,o (17) dy and _vib,n = (1.683 x The temperature tions of This altitude y. T The , pressure total module produces H frequency Module absorption effects. _cl p + _rot corrects a fo y 2ffrl,n (T*) -5/2 - average : Propagation 1 exp[ll.633(T* _(f'Y) and x 10-4) f2 I)/T*] , and table f of for the 3.1-7 use sound f2 rl,n (18) dy relaxation dimensionless + _vib,o + frequencies absorption are func- coefficient is (19) + _vib,n _(f,y) by the intensity for a range Propagation values of values Module. for of The atmospheric- the REFERENCES i. Sutherland, Louis C.: Review of Experimental Data in Support of a Proposed NewMethod for Computing Atmospheric Absorp£ion Losses. DOT-TST-75-87, 2. American National Absorption 23-1978), U.S. of Dep. Standard Sound American by Natl. Transp., Method the May for 1975. the Atmosphere. Stand. Calculation ANSI Inst., 3.1-8 Inc., of SI.26-1978 June 23, the (ASA 1978. TABLEI.- Constant STORED PRIMARY CONSTANTS U.S. Customary Units SI Units 340.294 C r - • . gr ....... M • Pr . . • . . 9.806 . • • m/s 65 1.225 ....... kg/m m2/K-s 288.15 r • o . • • • 32.1741 m/s 2 ft/s ft/s 3 2 K 0.002 49 377 718.96 slug/ft 3 ft2/°R-s 2 518.67°R . Xn ....... 0.781 0.781 XO ....... 0.209 0.209 n Oo " " " • • " " ....... 3.1-9 2 28.9644 28.9644 • 8314.32 T 1116.45 • 3352.0 K 2239.1 K 6033.6°R 4030.38°R T.: 1.1// 400 T = 1.00 3O0 = N 85 W- U e-, GJ 200 o" CIJ SIJc 0 K m p,-, 100 P* = 1.0 I 0 I 0.2 Absolute Figure i.- 0.4 Humidity, Relaxation i I 0.6 h, frequency 3.1-10 0,8 percent for I 1.0 mole nitrogen. fraction I 1.2 4 2 lx10 4 N o 8 r-q-- U C O" cO K lx10 3 8 6 2x10 2 0 I I i I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Humidity, h, Absolute Figure 2.- Relaxation 3.1-11 percent frequency mole for fractton oxygen. 10 S4_ E 10 -1 1- d 10-2 2 q.. qo Oxygen Relaxatlon Frequency 10"3 o so (#1 10-4 o F- L 10"5 p*= Nitrogen Relaxatlon Frequency 1o-6 10 T* 3.- I I I 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Typical sea - 1.0 I Frequency, Figure 1.0 total level absorption temperature f, Itz coefficient and pressure. 3.1-12 for standard I 10 6 ix10-I 8-6-4-k 2-- E 1xI0-2_ 8-- c- 6-o f,. 4_ a + P U 2-- .2 C U Ixi0-3_ 8-6-- G,I 0 4-- cO 2-f.. 0 1xI0-4_ 8-6-- e0 4-0 2-- lx10 U "5_ 8-- T* = 1.0 6-tO 4-- I II 2x10-6 2xlO 4 Frequency, Figure 4.- Classical plus sea level rotational temperature 3.1-13 6 f, absorption and 8 lx10 3 2 4 6 8 lx10 4 Hz coefficient pressure. for standard S_U E I/I L e_ e- JO m 2 eCP -e- qq.- h= 1.20 0 (J h " 0.60 0 q-- 4_ 00 (/1 .0 lx10 "4 8 h = 0.20 e,o h = 0.08 c o o h = 0 lx10-5 8 6 C) Nitrogen Relaxation Frequency 4 2 ,io-6 I I II 2x10 4 6 8 lx1022 Frequency, Figure 5.- Nitrogen sea 4 6 8 lx103 f, l I I II 2 4 6 8 lx104 Hz vibrational absorption level temperature and 3.1-14 coefficient pressure. for standard Ixi0-I_ 8-i 6-4-- 2-- T* • 1.0 p* = 1.0 [_ Oxygen ReIaxatlon Frequency , i 2x10"62xlO 4 6 8 lx102 2 4 Frequency, Figure 6.- Oxygen vibrational sea level 6 f, absorption temperature 3.1-15 8 lx103 j i_l 4 6 8 lx104 Hz coefficient and 2 pressure. for standard lxi0 -2 8 6 f,. 4 4-* E ul $. (P 2 (P e- lxi0 -3 8 l 6 eGJ 4 QJ 0 2 C 0 e-I S. 0 lx10 -4 8 6 4 O p- Q 2 Nitrogen [] Oxygen lxlO -5 8 T* Relaxatlon Relaxation Frequency Frequency - 1.0 6 p" = 1.0 I 2x10 -6 2xi0 I II I I 4 6 8 lx10 2 2 4 Frequency, Figure 7.sea Total level absorption temperature I ! ,,I 6 8 lx10 3 2 4 6 III f, Hz coefficient and for pressure. 3.1-16 standard 8 lx10 4 3.2 GROUND REFLECTION AND ATTENUATION MODULE INTRODUCTION The and noise landing, ground. when The influence the of the reflection surface observer reflection propagation The for aircraft in most the attenuation sound are under change sound and during both effects waves accurately concern aircraft causes a of the reflection to of and of ground order is and Earth's surface and attenuation waves. accounted by the ground on presence to the produced close are these to a the the significant conditions. in the sound waves and the attenuation predict take-off must aircraft The spectrum creation due of be properly noise at the observer. Sound may be waves is dependent greatly characterized by reflected intensity be by waves The for function and dated (ref. assumes the source with the that The 4) Ground effects of is is length difference, distance. the a data and which for in incidence incoherence C coherence c speed F spherical-wave f frequency, of is also sound Finally, of these (ref. l) is Delany a and locally spheri- effects model has computes coefficient surface form and waves. as a the must Chien- Bazley impedance reacting (refs. Module frequency, function 3.2-1 the shift. All Scholes and (ft/s) Hz can free-field This and dimensionless coefficient shape waves diminish atten- surface normal dimensionless angle, m/s is source. constant sound, the ground SYMBOLS a the surface of A sound or ANOPP with attenuation, tabulated to Attenuation a amount model. Parkin is Earth's The phase-angle influence. point of the addition theory, that The enhance on chosen This reflection, either complete the characteristics. impedance. ground a Reflection factor, factor the to ground. surface can in model 3), the depending produce 2). ground-effects the to to (ref. (ref. plane effects due the and parallel of acoustic produced ground-effects theory on ground be nearly absorption directly, waves accounted Soroka the can acoustic the a complex received surface cal propagate by uation be which attenuated 5 uniform been and a vali6). table of the incorporating The function source-to-observer groundof path- G ground-effects H source h observer i unit K constant, k wave factor altitude, m altitude, imaginary (ft) m (ft) nttmber 21/(6Nb) number, 2_f/c number of subbands Nd number of ground <p2> mean-square R magnitude of r distance, m U unit function argument Ar path-length E constant, D = 8 incidence band dips Pa 2 complex (Ib2/ft 4) spherical-wave reflection coefficient (ft) of complex i/3-octave pressure, step F per complex plane-wave spherical-wave reflection difference, K - m reflection coefficient coefficient (ft) 1 2_Qf/o complex angle, specific P density, kg/m O specific flow T = deg ground 3 admittance (slugs/ft 3) resistance (kr2/2i)i/2(cos 8 + of ground, _) Subscripts: c center ff free gr ground £ lower band value field effect limit 3.2-2 kg/s-m 3 (ib/s-ft 3) u upper limit 1 direct 2 reflected INPUT The basic independent variables for the model are path-length difference, incidence angle, frequency, and source-to-observer distance. The range of path-length differences is computedwithin the program based on the user-specified number of ground dips. The ranges for other variables are specified by upper and lower limits. The atmospheric properties of density and speed of souDd and the specific flow resistance of the ground are also required. These values are assumedto be constant throughout the model. The numberof I/3-octave subband intervals adjusts the predicted effect for bandwidth. The incoherence constant is an empirical quantity which limits cancellation effects. The range and default values of each input are given in table I. a incoherence coefficient speed of sound at the observer, m/s (ft/s) (f£,fu) Nd frequency lower and upper limits, Hz number of subbandsper i/3-octave band number of ground (rl,r u) source-to-observer (e£,8u) incidence P air a specific dips at flow be included distance angle density to lower the lower and upper observer, resistance upper limits, kg/m of and the 3 m (ft) deg (slugs/ft ground, limits, 3) kg/s-m 3 (slugs/s-ft 3) OUTPUT The tion of incidence module four produces a table dimensionless angle, frequency, and Ground kAr path-length COS cosine of of the parameters: Effects angle 3.2-3 path-length source-image-to-observer difference incidence ground-effects Table factor as difference, distance. a func- cosine of = 2_pf/O kr 2 image distance G(kAr,cos @,n,kr 2) ground-effects factor METHOD The ground-effects geometry is shown in figure i. A source is located at an altitude H over a ground plane. Sound arrives at the receiver at a height h from the direct path r I and from a reflected path r2, which appears to the observer to be from an image source. The incidence angle of the reflected wave is 8. The path-length difference Ar = r 2 - r I is the most significant parameter of ground effects. As shown in figure 2, the path-length difference can be approximated in terms of the observer height and the incidence angle as Ar _ 2h cos @ (i) The Chien-Soroka theory is derived from a solution to the wave equation in the half space of figure i. The derivation of the theory is presented in references 1 and 2. The resulting expression for the meansquare pressure with ground effect <p2>_ r_ is <p2>gr where ence is <p2>ff is the coefficient, the term in and G The in the C wave complex equation defined phase + is (2) kAr)_ pressure, R is the C to as the magnitude, reflection referred is the coher- and coefficient. The ground-effects (3) f C relation is a Gaussian distribution = exp the + follows: approximation The (_ number, reasonable is cos spherical-wave (2) as 2RC mean-square coefficient which A a is = <p2>gr/<p2>f assuming function. is + R2 free-field the in coherence process. where of brackets G energy k argument factor by = <p2>ff[l [- (akAr) incoherence incoherence is the fraction maintained for of of throughout the the coherence the initial the acoustic propagation coefficient is made form (4) 23 constant constant and is exp normally 3.2-4 denotes given the exponential a value of 0.01, which corresponds to a value of C of 0.37 at a Ar value of 16 wavelengths. After substitution of equation (4), the ground-effects factor becomesthe following: G : 1 + R2 + 2R exp[-(akAr)23 cos (d + kAr) The wave Chien-Soroka reflection Re id where F is theory (ref. coefficient = the F + can (i - complex the tion F(T) accounts complex (6) is for specific F(y) = the - _T that the as complex spherical- follows: (6) plane-wave reflection coefficient given as 8 + v) (7) spherical-wave ground 1 shows expressed F)F(T) F = (cos 8 - _)/(cos and 2) be (5) shape. admittance. The In function this equation F(T) in is equa- C8) W(iY) where y and W is = the W(z) For error any value function (kr2/2i)i/2(cos following is ITl + complex i f__ = _ _ of @ > e -t2 z_-_ dt i0, an used. This _) (9) error function: (Im(z) asymptotic allows approximation F(T) to be for expressed > O) the as (I0) complex the following: F(T) = -2 _U[-Re (T)] Te 1 T2 (Ii) 2T 2 3.2-5 3 + (2T2) 2 where U is the unit step function defined as follows: u(s) = i (s > 0)_ U(S) (S = 1/2 u(s) = 0 The ground remaining where the 9. graph of For plified the an is n = 2 cos assumed (_ small. For standard where which 2 original The integral the 3) i(4.36D)-0"73)_ _ is = complex specific developed the following (13) -I is R = in (_ = i, and figure 3. 0), the theory _ 0. The = is greatly expression simfor the to exp[-(akAr)2_ kAr cos (15) (kAr) only. predictions are the given effect integrated is shown surface i, reduces of of over included variation the as for finite-frequency finite bandwidth, band, a but only variable of the other terms is acceptable for in in bandwidths. the the the the ground- variation of integration. width i/3-octave or of the It 1 band is is narrower 4). purposes of i/3-octave Nb has F approximation (ref. + hard 0, kAr) the This bands + is + that -0"75 admittance approximate factor term = noise to is (ref. (14) function Actual Bazley frequency factor a order effects (6.86_) acoustically G determined _: ground ground-effects In + be and 2_Qf/o since which for E1 to Delaney dimensionless = A parameter equation x) = (12) 0) (s < 0) admittance empirical = a analyzing bands of is an odd number. center frequency i/3-octave ratio for of attenuation and reflection sound are subdivided Using equal an odd number to the center into effects, Nb gives a frequency the subbands, center subband of the band. the averaging subband the limit cosine frequencies term over following: 3.2-6 is the 2 I/(3Nb) subband is , so the that the = _i f Kfc cos (_ + kAr) df Af jfc/K <cos (_ + kAr)> (16) I/(6Nb) where K of subband. the band, = an 2 , _f = Assuming approximation (K - K-l)fc, that for _ and fc remains equation is the constant (16) is expressed sin center frequency throughout the sub- as (£kcAr) (17) <cos where kc duces (_ is the + the kAr)> = subband following cos (_ center final + kcAr) wave EkcA number expression for r and the E = K - i. = 1 + R2 + 2R{expl-(akAr)_l_ cos (_ + pro- factor: sin G This ground-effects (ekAr) (18) kAr) ekAr where For it an band is understood that acoustically hard k refers surface, to the the subband averaged sin plot of of an It = G is as a 2, ..., to minimum evaluated that it user can n + ground each h/r that most final is much r 2 _ less rI G to be three source and Ar presented (19) in figure ground-effects kAr of caused and reflected is as the as 4 for function; the case If N d. 3.2-7 are for which separation Under cos In 8 z this 2hH/r the of after the kAr is is the range divided the is commonly points addition, condition I. value of of not G fifth so met, noise-generation it can be dip small the frequency, equally This at be interest into large. a of are condition incidence-angle ranges and intermediate this has where cancellation waves values constant. interest i)_, however, value observer factor - the that at increasing for (2n by imperative well for and 2h the of are unity. z that variable of and than is (EkAr) EkAr nodes define in conditions the 4 It different These (kAr) direct dip distance, user inputs. intervals. For the dips. assumed a kAr values These ground variation be of at adequately provide valid, i. cos figure between of the can from source-to-observer are number. the surface. occurring as to 5) function hard intensity = 2{exp[-(akAr)2]} apparent nodes referred (Nd 2 + of i, sound the = acoustically series n wave for is G A center expression means assumed are spaced models that The output of the module is a table of the ground-effects-factor values as functions of four dimensionless variables: kAr, cos 8, _, and kr 2. For a hard surface, the last three variables do not affect the ground-effects factor. In this case, the module output is a fourdimensional table with _, and kr 2. The table as it would In been and 6. case. in reference compared Recent that the with the the and are generally the Chien-Soroka of ground in fair method smaller by a for method from T-38A flyover in have in data reference attenuation of 5 this given 8 show agrees the 8, this references agreement measured be cos result this good given the may and to amplitudes than method dimensions data ground The reflection the the same in kAr. with data maximum frequency. cating effects are of of predicted flyover frequency measured each propagation this 747 attenuation the in produces table effects data of Boeing predicted that entry ground comparisons 7 and the one ground-to-ground predictions reference well 4, to The only interpolation, logic for a one-dimensional very predicted amplitudes, conservative indi- estimate of attenuation. REFERENCES i. Pao, S. Paul; Ground 2. 3. Chien, C. F.; and Plane. 1975, 9-20. pp. Delany, M. pp. E.; Parkin, P. and Sound P. Sound 7. H.; a W.: Oncley, NASA Sound & Vib., E. N.: Appl. E.: Paul B.: TP-II04, Prediction 43, no. Acoustical Along an Nov. 8, i, Properties vol. 3, of 1978. Propagation vol. Acoust., Willshire, NASA Scholes, Jet Engine no. 2, of Apr. Fibrous 1970, and Scholes, Jet Engine a & Vib., William of William Engined W. i, no. W. Close vol. 2, L., Jr.: Aircraft of Aircraft Sideline Noise 1978. Close H.; TP-1747, Willshire, Ratio and vol. From Sound Prediction TM-78717, & Vib., Propagation 8. W. Sound Bazley, NASA From Parkin, J. J. William Sound 6. Soroka, and Noise. 105-116. Zorumski, J. R.; Aircraft Materials. Attenuation. 5. Alan on Impedance Absorbent 4. Wenzel, Effects no. E.: The to i, the Jan. E.: 4, the Oct. Assessment Noise: The Propagation at 1964, The to Horizontal Ground, pp. 1-13. Horizontal Ground, of T-38A Propagation at 1965, L., Jr.: Lateral Noise. NASA pp. 353-374. Ground Effects Flight on Experiment. Attenuation of TM-81968, 1981. 3.2-8 of Hatfield. 1980. Aircraft of Radlett. High-By-Pass the TABLEI.- RECOMMENDED RANGES FORINPUTPARAMETERS Input a c, • , • m/s . Minimum ° ° • 0.001 • ...... f£, Hz ...... fu' Hz ...... Default Maximum 0.010 300 0.i00 340.294 13 400 5O 2000 4000 Nb ........ 1 5 9 Nd ........ 2 5 i0 i0 I0 r£, m . r u , km . . . . . I0 ...... e£, deg ..... 0 @u' deg ..... 89 P, kg/m 3 _, kg/s-m ..... 3 .... 1.0 1.0 3.2-9 x 105 i0 89 1.225 2.5 x 105 1.5 5.0 x 105 SOURCE _ c:2 _ IMAGE Figure i.- Ground-effects geometry. SOURCE IMAGE Figure 2.- Derivation of path-length 3.2-10 difference. N m 0 0 m _ u e- m N 0 -H 0 (%1 0 C_ I1) N _ _D ,-4 Q k II g4 d e_ 0 .,._ t,..l 0 d -,-.I °_ C) , I I I ,,-4 0 0 d d d I _D 0 I 0 o% 0 d 0 ! ! _o epn_uSeN suel.pea 3.2-11 ',_ 6jr 1° o ! m oH r_ 2 J 0 O u "2 U. u -4 w- e- -6 o ,-8 ,-10 ,.12 1 2r Dimensionless Figure 4.- Ground-effects I I I 4r path factor I I 6_r length for difference, acoustically 3.2-12 8_" k_r hard surface. I 1 lO_r 4. SOURCE NOISE PARAMETERS 4.1 FAN NOISE PARAMETERS MODULE INTRODUCTION Fan jet and ANOPP. The physical The data for is a purpose for fan of turbojet fan noise and data the noise methods Fan Noise Parameters Module by Heidmann's turbofan exit are then (ref. states are converted to The provided a function required computed. SYMBOLS A area, m 2 (ft 2) C speed of sound, D fan diameter, aircraft mass flow n number number P pressure, R dry-air T temperature, t time, s ¥ ratio of power setting kg/s speed, of gas times (lb/ft 2) constant, K specific kg/m (slugs/s) Hz source Pa (ft/s) (ft) rate, rotational density, m Mach N p m/s 3 m2/K-s (OR) heats (slugs/ft 4.1-1 produced are is to I) by turbo- included in generate for fan the user. the noise engines. flow first method characteristics. prediction total prediction are flight-path of noise and entrance the the part Fan required engine-state from significant engines. parameters prediction These noise turbofan 3) 2 (ft2/°R-s 2) by of fan time, using parameters Subscripts: e engine i entrance j exit t total ambient Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT This module provides the parameters for a typical axial-flow fan as shown in figure i. The entrance and exit flow states for the fan are required from the user. The engine power setting, aircraft Machnumber, and ambient density and speed of sound are provided by the engine variable table. Fan engine aircraft Moo mass power Mach flow rotational total Tt, i (_,M) Entrance number rate, re AeP_/R_ re speed, temperature, M aircraft power State setting _ R_/D re Fan engine Flow T Exit Flow State setting Mach number o0 "*(_,M mj Tt, j(_,M ) mass ) total flow rate, re temperature, Engine t S source (t) aircraft time, Mach Q_AeP_/R_ re _ T Variable Table s number 4.1-2 _(t) engine c_(t) ambient speed p_ (t) ambient density, power setting of sound, kg/m m/s 3 (ft/s) (slugs/ft 3) OUTPUT The outputs execution of to the this fan module noise Fan n number of t source time, m. (t) entrance 1 m (t) exit 3 N* (t) AT* source (t) total Noise time flow flow rotational ambient M (t) aircraft p_ (t) speed, speed re re re of required source for time. p c p c A e Ae c_/D rise of Mach ambient parameters function Parameters rate, across Ambient (t) physical a values rate, temperature c the as s mass mass are modules fan, re T Conditions sound, m/s (ft/s) number density, kg/m 3 (slugs/ft 3) METHOD The fan the engine tables must entrance to a function as a function the user. The must by be the and power setting be provided fan of of source source entrance converted to exit time. time and the flow _ and directly as exit states are the aircraft by the user. expressed as Mach number These data a M are The engine provided variable table gives by the Flight Dynamics mass rate referred flow variables and used the by fan the Fan function of . These converted M and Module or rotational Noise speed Module relations -* m m (t) = (i) 47 4.1-3 and . N N (t) = (2) where the ambient value of the ratio of specific heats y is 1.4. Finally, the temperature rise across the fan AT* is the difference total temperature, AT* = Tt,j - (3) Tt,i REFERENCE i. Heidmann, Source M. F.: Noise. Interim NASA TM in Prediction X-71763, Method 1975. 4.1-4 for Fan and Compressor Ttj -_ mi Tt ,i N j7 Figure i.- Schematic diagram 4.1-5 of a typical axial-flow fan. 4.2 CORE NOISE PARAMETERS MODULE INTRODUCTION Core noise turboprop, are is included to tion data for a significant in generate and ANOPP. the part turbojet The purpose physical of the engines. of parameters total Core the noise noise Core Noise required for a produced by prediction methods Parameters Module core predic- noise module. The These is turbofan, core entrance engine-state from core and data the flight-path noise prediction exit are flow first states converted to characteristics. are then are The provided a function required computed. SYMBOLS A area, c ambient M aircraft mass m 2 (ft 2) speed Mach flow number p pressure, R dry-air T temperature, t time, Q density, of source Pa gas sound, m/s kg/s (slugs/s) times (ib/ft 2) constant, K (OR) kg/m setting 3 (slugs/ft Subscripts: e engine i entrance j exit m2/K-s s power (ft/s) number rate, n engine of 4.2-1 3) 2 (ft2/°R-s 2) by of core the user. time, using parameters t total ambient Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT The entrance and exit combustor flow states are required from the user. The engine power settings and aircraft Machnumbers in the engine variable table are provided by the Flight DynamicsModule or the user. Core engine power aircraft Entrance Flow State setting Mach number o* m l (_,M) mass flow rate, Pt,i(rf'M ) total pressure, Tt,i(_r'M ) total temperature, re AeP_/R_ re p_ re Core -g engine M aircraft total Tt, j (F,M) power M source Flow State setting Mach number temperature, time, aircraft (t) T Exit re Engine t _ T_ Variable Table s Mach power number _(t) engine setting c(t) ambient speed p_(t) ambient density, of sound, kg/m 3 m/s (ft/s) (slugs/ft 3) OUTPUT The the outputs execution to of the this core module noise are the modules physical as a 4.2-2 parameters function of required source time. for Core source Noise time Parameters number of values t source time, m. (t) l combustor entrance mass Pi (t) combustor entrance total pressure, T. (t) combustor entrance total temperature, combustor exit s flow rate, re p c re p_ re Ae T 1 T. (t) 3 total temperature, Ambient c (t) ambient speed M (t) aircraft Mach ambient p_(t) of sound, re T Conditions m/s (ft/s) number density, kg/m 3 (slugs/ft 3) METHOD and tion These the the rate Noise A schematic exit flow of the diagram states data engine is are power be Module by to tables table. converted the a typical in setting converted core flow state engine variable must of shown to a with In the combustor figure _ i. and function the of respect addition, referred depicting These flow aircraft source time to M (t) and the combustor variables used the states Mach by entrance are a number funcM . interpolating _(t) entrance by the values mass from flow Combustion relation m. m. where the (i) (t) = ambient value of the ratio 4.2-3 of specific heats y is 1.4. / / / / / / // ii o \ 0 4-) w F- 0 u- I / 0 L / J w w z I z y .,-I I#l wz / i_ t-,i z_ DO / / / 4.2-4 4.3 TURBINE NOISE PARAMETERS MODULE INTRODUCTION Turbine turbofan noise and modules are Module noise prediction The data eters is for the are flight-path of the low-power purpose physical and and data turbine The the turbojet entrance part during ANOPP. generate for turbine significant engines in to engine-state from a included eters These is turbojet of exit flow states converted prediction to area, m 2 (ft 2) c speed of sound, D turbine f fuel-to-air h* specific enthalpy, re ha absolute humidity, percent M Mach M m/s rotor a m then required computed. (ft) ratio RT mole fraction number aircraft Mach number co m mass N rotational n number P pressure, R dry-air R gas T temperature, t time, flow rate, kg/s speed, of Pa times (lb/ft 2) gas constant, constant, m2/K-s K (slugs/s) Hz source m2/K-s 2 (OR) s 4.3-1 2 (ft2/°R-s by noise Param- for provided function (ft/s) diameter, Noise required SYMBOLS A produced Turbine Turbine are The are noise turbine engines. characteristics. noise the parameters turbofan first total operations. (ft2/°R-s 2) 2) by of the time, turbine user. using param- ratio ¥ of engine P specific power heats setting density, kg/m 3 specific entropy (slugs/ft 3) function, re R Subscripts: e engine i entrance j exit s static t total ambient Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT This as shown are the from settings, engine provides figure required power by module in the i. The the user aircraft variable parameters entrance for Mach M aircraft power Mach exit predicting numbers, typical flow the and a Entrance Flow State setting number 0o mass N (_,_) Tt, i (_ ,M flow rotational ) total rate, re speed, temperature, Turbine engine aircraft power Mach A re re p_/R_ R_/D T Exit Flow State setting number 4.3-2 axial-flow states turbine ambient tables. Turbine engine for and for noise. densities the The are turbine turbine engine provided A.3 (_,M) turbine f (_,M) fuel-to-air exit area, re A e ratio o* m 3 (_,M) Pt,j(_r'M Tt, ) j (_,N) exit mass flow rate, exit total pressure, exit total temperature, source M time, aircraft (t) Mach p_ T Variable Table number engine power c (t) ambient speed p (t) ambient density, absolute re _ s _(t) ha(t) AeP_/R_ re Engine t re setting of sound, kg/m humidity, m/s 3 (ft/s) (slugs/ft percent 3) mole fraction OUTPUT The the outputs execution of of this the module turbine are noise Turbine n number of t source time, f(t) fuel-to-air m mass (t) N* (t) Tt, i (t) T (t) source as parameters a Parameters values s rate, rotational exit Noise time physical ratio flow entrance the modules re speed, total static D re c A e c_/D temperature, re temperature, re T T s,3 Ambient c(t) ambient h a (t) absolute speed of humidity, sound, Conditions m/s percent 4.3-3 (ft/s) mole fraction function required of source for time. aircraft Mach ambient number density, kg/m 3 (slugs/ft 3) METHOD The of the tables turbine function of a function the user. time. source turbine referred time * exit _ by flow and the The engine as provided rotational variables N and setting directly source of The the entrance engine power are provided speed used by are variable by and the states the aircraft user. These table the mass as function These to a M and Dynamics rate noise a number M . are converted gives Flight flow turbine expressed Mach data must be modules _ Module by converted the to relation N (t) as or =- (i) m = -- (2) and •, m (t) where the ambient turbine exit modules for temperature variable value static of the ratio temperature the computation of can be assuming specific computed the ratio sionless T*t, j' gas can be of specific R* constant ratio thermodynamic computed is heats required work either y by the is turbine extraction. constant 1.4. The specific The noise exit static heats or heats. fuel-to-air appropriate specific ideal Constant The of T* s,j by the Specific heats at the = R/R are f, and Heats turbine computed absolute utility. exit from humidity The turbine dimen- temperature ha, using the Mach number M. 3 7t + V 't Mj/I\ •_'- the total relation R'fPT* = and the exit 1 _ W, * t,_ A. ] Pt,j Yt - 1 _ ) M2 4.3-4 Yt +I 2 7t-i (3) as discussed in ThermodynamicUtilities. temperature Ts , j T s,j = As discussed be computed the turbine exit static is Tt, j 1 + in from (4) M Variable can Then, Specific Thermodynamic simultaneous Heats Utilities, solution of the static temperature T s,j : e-(*t-*s) (5) Pt,j and m , 3. where sionless _* 0 . Aj Pt,j is the j = * 2ht_ T (6) h . s, 3 Pt,j dimensionless entropy enthalpy. 4.3-5 function and h* is the dimen- _j Tt ,i Pt ,J Tt ,J N Figure i.- Schematic diagram of typical 4.3-6 axial-flow turbine. 4.4 JET NOISE PARAMETERS MODULE INTRODUCTION Exhaust by are to jet turbojet included The from noise the a The physical modules engine flight exit are first path prediction purpose turbojet nozzle part of and flow the then the prediction Jet Noise Parameters turbofan engines. state is to the provided a The exhaust by area, m 2 c speed of of required jet computed. De equivalent Dh hydraulic Dp plug f fuel-to-air ha absolute M Mach M co (ft 2) sound, m/s circular diameter, diameter, (ft/s) nozzle m m diameter, m (ft) (ft) (ft) ratio humidity, percent mole fraction number aircraft mass Mach flow number rate, n number P pressure, R dry-air R gas T temperature, t time, of kg/s source Pa 2) gas constant, constant, m2/K-s K (slugs/s) times (ib/ft m2/K-s 2 (OR) s 4.4-1 2 (ft2/°R-s (ft2/°R-s 2) the function SYMBOLS A noise noise for converted total jet required characteristics. are of Several parameters for data significant engines. ANOPP. the engine-state is turbofan in generate prediction noise and 2) produced methods Module jet user. time, using parameters is noise These data for jet V velocity, Y ratio m/s of engine (ft/s) specific power heats setting P density, kg/m 0" specific entropy 3 (slugs/ft 3) function, re R Subscripts: a aircraft e engine fe fully p plug s static t total 1 primary 2 secondary expanded stream stream ambient Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT This tion is of module jet required primary such for and as on are since addition area must be It is inner since that of conditions neglected density of without and are computed the not or be input the outer outer - density, static needed the of speed if SPL only is on and their areas of of the be the shown and error if it used in computing normalized corrected is not mean-squared to standard 4.4-2 included as setting. have reference a is equal - humidity may available. decibel to A e it. the atmo- are used in be The local levels; pressure conditions. to Local humidity plug area relative i. jets state power may nozzle figure the state engine engine however, state Both dual-stream nozzle inner predic- flow associated specified in sound, variables; for of primary the engines. are functions the for nozzle turbojet required usually as used are and diameter nozzle are primary The be A 2, will flow sound i. specified, data the jets may and significant speed if A1 are The as states figure sizes must such These in areas which diameter evaluation they the Ap, flow nozzle which noise. jets engines. the to given parameters cell nozzle illustrated assumed spheric the shock single-stream turbofan variables with and secondary variables In provides mixing is however, to Table be I gives the recommendedranges and the default values for the input parameters. Ae engine reference area, m2 (ft 2) A* P primary nozzle plug area, re Ae Primary-Nozzle engine M power aircraft Flow State setting Mach number co nozzle area, re fuel-to-air fl (_ 'Mco) A e ratio .* m 1 (g, mass Mco) Pt,l(_'Mco ) Tt,l(g,Mco) flow rate, total pressure, total temperature, re AePco/R_ re p_ re Secondary-Nozzle engine M power aircraft _ T co Flow State (Optional) setting Mach number o0 A 2 (_) nozzle area, re fuel-to-air f2 (_, Mco) Ae ratio m 2 (_,M) mass Pt, total pressure, total temperature, 2 ('n" ,N_) Tt, 2 (_' M ) flow rate, re AePco/R_ re pco re Engine t source _(t) aircraft 7T(t) engine Cco (t) ambient speed pco (t) ambient density, h a (t) absolute time, T Variable Table s Mach power _ number setting of humidity, sound, kg/m 3 m/s (slugs/ft percent 4.4-3 (ft/s) mole 3) fraction OUTPUT The outputs to this execution of the exhaust Unless otherwise stated, fully expanded jet which module are the physical parameters required for jet noise modules as a function of source time. all parameters are computed for a hypothetical has a static pressure equal to ambient pressure. Primary number of source source time, Jet time Parameters values s Afe, 1(t) primary jet De,1 (t) actual primary jet equivalent Dh, actual primary jet hydraulic M I (t) primary jet Mach T 1 (t) primary jet total primary jet velocity, primary jet density, 1 (t) area, re Ae diameter, re diameter, re _e _e number temperature, re T * Vl(t) re c * Pl (t) ratio Y1 (t) of re specific heats Secondary Jet area, for primary jet Parameters Afe,2(t) secondary D* actual secondary jet equivalent actual secondary jet hydraulic (t) jet p_ re (Optional) A e diameter, re _e e,2 Dh,2(t) M 2 (t) secondary jet Mach T2(t) secondary jet total V2(t) secondary jet velocity, P2 (t) secondary jet density, Y2 (t) ratio of specific diameter, re number temperature, heats re re re T c Q_ for secondary 4.4-4 jet _e Ambient c(t) ambient speed Ma(t) aircraft D_(t) ambient of Mach Conditions sound, m/s (ft/s) number density, kg/m 3 (slugs/ft 3) METHOD The is the stream of user has or static heats state The for option jet. or The variable the of method of nozzle the tables must a flow engine be verted to and _ Module as a function or the user. second ratio is of from function states power of the shown _ directly source of as setting provided The ratio of the total temperature be ber heats specific is by The either of heats for as the Tt, I, a first single- constant ratio calculation of heats.- The from the are expressed Mach These variable by primary the the primary total jet fuel-to-air as number data are table a M a. con- gives Flight Y1 is ratio f, Thermodynamic jet specific jet user. engine provided the in constant 1 aircraft Ma Dynamics Jet the discussed assuming computed for figure the the The time heats h a , as estimated M1 module. for selection in and by time. source specific humidity manual. Constant may this data specific Single-Stream absolute of this of computing variables. input function options stated dual-stream specific These two previously pressure The and and Utilities velocity heats. computed the portion and jet density jet Mach num- ratio of specific relation --¥i / (YI -I ) Ps,l where * Ps,I The number = = Pt,l 1 for primary and jet specific s,l = Tt,l + a 2 fully static heat expanded temperature ratio + (i) M jet. is computed from the jet Mach as 2 4.4-5 M (2) as discussed in ThermodynamicsUtilities. • The jet density is then Ps,l Pl(t) = (3) R'T* s,l where R* = velocity R/R is is given the I _, • Finally, the ratio jet of Pt, (4) specific heats.- static Ps,I -- As heats y_ discussed temperature is is in 1.4. Thermodynamic evaluated from Utilities, the relation - (*t-*s) = (5) e 1 = where $* fully jet 7 specific primary constant. \1/2 _ ambient Variable the gas l_sK Ts,i_ vI=MI_ the jet by , where primary is the expanded dimensionless jet. The entropy jet I R*T* Mach number function is and then 1 for a Ps,l given by "* (6) MI where Ys = is Q _s'l the , ml, AlPs, 1 ratio, of specific heats evaluated at T*s,l. Finally, * the jet equations Jet density (3) Pl(t) and The equivalent and values may slightly diameter the jet velocity V 1 are computed from respectively. The = geometric occur (4), geometry.- A* fe,l and area of the fully expanded primary jet is "'1 * * ml/PlVl (7) hydraulic for the away diameters, nozzles from the De instead of nozzle exit and the D fully plane. , are based expanded The on area, actual which equivalent is D = z (8) e,l 4.4-6 and the hydraulic diameter is Dh,l j = Dp*2 --+ - (9) D*P Secondary Computations primary, outer the for except diameter secondary that of jet * the secondary secondary inner stream plug nozzle. are identical diameter is Therefore, the is ,I 4 = the the Jet • 1 • A2 D 2 p 4.4-7 !,I4 • _ A1 D 2 p taken to to hydraulic those be for the diameter the first of TABLEI.- RANGE ANDDEFAULT VALUESOF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter 2 Ae, m ...... Ap ........ Minimum Default 0.01 _/4 0 i0 0 4.4-8 Maximum 1 / / / / /_ PRIMARY-NOZZLE FLOW STATE r AI' z / / / F Single-stream circular ] SECONDARY- NOZZLE FLOW STATE A2' _' i / / / f2' m2' PRIMARY-NOZZLE FLOW STATE r / fl' ml' PI' T1 x / (b) Figure i.nozzle TI nozzle. v / PI' _ (a) / fl' ml' Dual-stream Schematic depicting coannular diagram of the appropriate 4.4-9 a nozzle. circular flow and coannular states. P2' T2 4.5 AIRFRAME NOISE PARAMETERS MODULE INTRODUCTION Airframe craft in ANOPP. parameters values is The have a the of their Noise for by form a significant part operations. Airframe needed the is low-power output in must noise during the input Parameters execution module data are member as of Airframe the Module of the to in whereas the noise modules of are generates airframe identical ANOPP, total noise the modules. input; the the air- included three The however, prediction time physical the input modules parameters. SYMBOLS ambient Co0 speed of landing-gear I£g M aircraft sound, m/s (ft/s) position Mach number o0 n number t time, 6f flap P_ of source times s setting, deg ambient dynamic viscosity, ambient density, kg/m kg/m-s 3 (slugs/ft (slugs/ft-s) 3) INPUT Input Flight to this Dynamics module Module is or the the Engine t I£g (t) source time, landing-gear M_(t) aircraft 6f(t) flap s position Mach setting, engine variable user. number deg 4.5-1 Variable Table table as provided by the C (t) ambient speed of p_ (t) ambient density, p_(t) ambient dynamic sound, kg/m m/s 3 (ft/s) (slugs/ft viscosity, 3) kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) OUTPUT The execute outputs the to this airframe module noise are modules Airframe n number of t source time, IZg M (t) (t) _f(t) source landing-gear aircraft flap time time function parameters of source required time. Parameters values s position Mach setting, ambient speed p_(t) ambient density, _(t) ambient dynamic (t) three a Noise number deg Ambient c the as of sound, kg/m 3 Conditions m/s (ft/s) (slugs/ft viscosity, 3) kg/m-s (slugs/ft-s) METHOD The parameters engine are variable generated. table is read and the 4.5-2 appropriate output to 5. PROPAGATION 5.1 PROPAGATION MODULE INTRODUCTION The the Propagation noise appropriate ence. a sum of system, propagation absorption, data some by (ABS), the and There of to more the sum is the Atmospheric are six performed i. Interpolate the and input 2. Apply spherical effects 3. Divide the accurate the ground 6. Combine output position a is subband c speed f frequency, gr acceleration H altitude, amplitude of sound, into as attenuation m (ft) 5.1-1 the observer. function of emission change for (ref. more I) effect i/3-octave frequency, gravity, a subbands bands acoustic reception factor (ft/s) to to modeling Hz due sound impedance into effects mean-square of adjusting m/s pre- Module effect and the data SYMBOLS A The previously Absorption the bands absorption function time. been characteristic ground subbands table as propagate and reflection frequency computations atmospheric retarded have by the refer- angles and Apply same required Atmospheric noise frequency 5. resulting source i/3-octave atmospheric of the of order: absorption the observer observer. to spreading Apply and all frame in spreading, effects directivity 4. observer The generated (ATM). following observer are applies desired spherical the necessary the is attenuation, (GEO), which and the first. of Module steps in to sources propagation Module data reference them performed and various noise of noise effects reflection the takes frame transfer or the are (PRO) source two Geometry time The the include ground for pared They in computations If coordinate for Module modules m/s 2 (ft/s 2) pressure time, at and the h observer height, k wave M molecular number, m 2_f/c weight number of o observer <p2> mean-square (ft) a of air subbands per i/3-octave band index acoustic universal gas r distance, m Ar path-length SPL sound T temperature, t time, utv spectrum w ratio Y dimensionless Y elevation pressure, constant, Pa 2 m2/K-s 2 (ib2/ft (ft2/°R-s 4) 2) (ft) difference, pressure level, K m (ft) dB (OR) s slopes of n = o incidence 0 polar subband center frequencies altitude, angle, deg angle, deg Mgr(H - HI)/RT r 2_Qaf/U directivity average absorption p density, kg/m (J specific flow azimuthal solid angle, angle 3 deg coefficient, nepers ambient e emission o observer wavelength (slugs/ft3) resistance directivity for a of angle, ray cone, the ground, deg sr Subscripts: a per 5.1-2 kg/s-m 3 (slugs/s-ft 3) r standard sea-level reference value s source Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT The input to this module consists of one or more noise data tables computed for the samesource coordinate system on the aircraft. Whentwo or more source noise data tables are input, they are summedprior to being propagated to the observer. Additional tables are required which incorporate the various propagation effects. The range and default values of the required input parameters are given in table I. Nb number of subbandsper i/3-octave rs source radius, m (ft) specific flow resistance of the ground, kg/s-m3 (slugs/s-ft 3) Source f frequency, e polar emission te Noise Data Table Hz directivity azimuthal band angle, directivity time, deg angle, deg s 24 <p2 (f, @,_,te)>* mean-square acoustic Geometry t reception time, o observer r (t,o) distance, t e (t,o) emission 8(t,o) polar _(t,o) azimuthal directivity 7(t,O) elevation angle, h(o) observer pressure, Table s index m (ft) time, s directivity height, angle, angle, deg m deg (ft) 5.1-3 deg re QaCa Atmospheric Y altitude, c (y) speed pc characteristic (y) P (Y) Mgr(H of - sound, density, Properties H1)/RT re r cr impedance, re Table re PrCr Pr Absorption f frequency, Hz Y altitude, Mgr(H _(f,Y) average - Coefficient HI)/RT absorption Table r coefficient, nepers per wavelength OUTPUT This the module observer produces as a a function table of Received f frequency, Hz t reception time, O observer *(o) speed Ca air Pa (o) <p2 mean-square acoustic time, Noise Data and pressures at observer. Table s index of sound density (f, t,o)>* of frequency, at at the the observer, re observer, mean-square re acoustic cr Pr pressure, 2 4 PaCa re METHOD Noise If produce terms two or one data of more noise data table. mean-square pressure, addition. source and increments the observer, corresponding directivity values (pseudo they to angles observers). be reception to the are tables noise the noise data summation noise data table polar Before time, the input and polar data are for data the directivity observers. This 5.1-4 are summed expressed is is azimuthal these interpolated actual input, the This constant must Interpolation tables Since element-by-element time Data a a in simple function of directivity can be emission angles, is angle propagated time and accomplished to values azimuthal by to using the polar directivity angle, azimuthal directivity emission time values from the geometry table. That is, _(t,o), and te(t,o), the input table <p2(f,8,_,te)>* angle, and using 8(t,o), is converted to of the <p2(f,t,o)>*. scale Figure 1 is a graphic representation time mapping. Spherical Spreading and Characteristic Impedance Effects * The basis time and table the is remainder now of processed the of Figure angle conservation 2 is d_ a a of the intensity source equation radius form stant from a expressed in <P2 acoustic schematic from product source (rs)> for pc s an rs as <P2 d_ (ro) >, = to in column-by-column apply These an (ro)> value conical a conical ray tube acoustic observer of spherical are derived cross-sectional ray of power, area, radius r o. received spreading from the tube. solid which is be con- must This is 2 pc o (i) a a each within The r d_ (i) o dimensionless * <p2 the = s equation of observer. and to power diagram to 2 r Expressing of on module and observer index. The next step is the characteristic impedance correction. condition the <p2(f,t,o)> throughout form yields 2 pc (yo) rs pc (ys)* r2 <p2 (rs) > , (2) O where for less pc o the and observer height at pc s are height the Yo = Ys = Mgr(r determined and source from source and the altitude, observer are atmospheric properties respectively. given The table dimension- by Mgrh/RTr (3) and The observer geometry term and distance table. In pc(Yo)*/pC(Ys) sin y r + h)/RT and equation (4) observer (2), is r the 5.1-5 height 2/ r o 2 rs is characteristic h the are found from the spherical spreading impedance correction. SubbandDivision 2 The of the mean-square frequency corresponding in acoustic the to f. The the ANSI reference, ground the effects N b = 2m default + 1 value subbands, of m = W table standard the where 2. m The * >, is expressed > has values i/3-octave-band application that is <p <p2(f,t,o) accurate requires fj+l pressure of i/3-octave as of a frequencies. atmospheric bands be function frequency As shown absorption divided is an integer greater ratio of subband center and into than 0. The frequencies is 101/10Nb = (5) f. ] where j index is the number i/3-octave each band is center j = Then, index j of to - I)N b subband + k subband The by center number the frequency is the original relation h center The frequencies. of expressed (h = I, in terms 2 ..... N b) of a 2, .... (6) i/3-octave- as fj = w is the i total frequencies determined subband index i h-m-lf where the the frequencies (i frequency number related value for of from number the the i/3-octave center half of the band m = (h = of I/3-octave 2 are mean-square slopes of frequency is i, 2, ..., fi, i = bands. given in acoustic the Nb; table pressure i/3-octave-band the slope of i, The i/3-octave (7) and II. for each subband spectrum. the k) spectrum For in the is each lower <p2> i (8) ui= and the slope vi The term 2 * <P >i-i for = the upper half is (9) ui+ I <p2> is the value and vk of the mean-square are not defined acoustic pressure for l fi" The terms u I 5.1-6 by equations (8) and (9); therefore, the end slopes are established by setting uI = vI and vk = uk. Then the value of the mean-square pressure for each subband <p2>j is given by i<p2>:/Ai) ui h-m-I (h = i, 2, ..., m) (h=m+ (<p2>; ffi) The subband adjusting vih-m- factor (h = 1 A i is m + defined 2, i) ..., such (m > 0) (i0) N b) that Nb <p2 (ii) = <p2>i h=l Substituting equation (i0) into equation (ll) and solving for Ai yields m A i = 1 + _, / i ku h-m-i + vi h) (12) h=l Defining the the sum total of subband the adjusting mean-square mean-square acoustic factor A i acoustic pressure pressure of the Atmospheric The the atmospheric subband function of Absorption source data. frequency Module to absorption The the _(f'Ys'Y°) f (ABS). observer = Ys 1 altitude average Yo fyYO applied Yo the and Ys mean-square are given pressure ensures subbands that equals the band. ground y effects are coefficient as computed absorption now _ by coefficient applied is the to a Atmospheric from the as _(y) S where Then, the and defined manner the i/3-octave absorption The is this for Effects and atmospheric in dy = Ys _(f'Ys ) Ys - by equations (3) and with the atmospheric is 5.1-7 Yo Yo _(f'Yo ) (4), respectively. absorption effect (13) • -[2_(f,Ys,Yo)f/Cr] <p2>; ,abs = <p2>j e The subscript abs indicates mean-square pressure. (r-rs) (14) that the absorption has been included in the GroundEffects Similarly, the ground effects are applied to the subband data. The ground effects factor G is a function of path-length difference kAr, cosine of the incidence angle cos @, dimensionless frequency D, and source-to-image distance kr 2, as discussed in the Ground Reflection and Attenuation Module (GRA). Figure 3 shows the source-to-observer geometry for the ground effects computation. Referring to the figure, the quantities r, h, and y are obtained from the geometry table. Then, from the Law of Cosines, the source-to-image distance is given by 2 r2 = r 2 2 r2 = r 2 + (2h) - + 4h 2 + 4rh (2r)(2h) cos (900 + y) (15) or Then the path-length Ar and the 2 = cos difference r2 - cosine of Q = sin Ar (16) is r the r y (17) incidence sin y + angle is 2h (18) r2 The dimensionless frequency n and the wave number k are given by 2_Paf n = (19) k 2nf = -ca (20) and 5.1-8 where Pa and ca are evaluated from the atmospheric properties table at the observer altitude Yo" The value of G is now computed using the method presented for the Ground Reflection and Attenuation Module. The mean-squarepressure with ground effects is then given by ,gr = G (21) The subscript gr indicates the mean-square pressure. that the ground effect has been included in SubbandCombination The final step The mean-square relation is to pressure recombine is the summed over subbands each into I/3-octave i/3-octave band bands. by the Nb * = >j 2 * (22) h=l where j = m(i has been the received - The Module of i. No 2. Atmospheric 3. Ground 4. Both appropriate problem. output the user attenuation or mean-square and pressure observer spherical has four and ground ground effects attenuation option is output selected form mean-square the the time index, spreading options and concerning effects: effects only only atmospheric of performs The attenuation effects of reception complete. always attenuation standard dimensionless is atmospheric processing of change. atmospheric the the values table impedance The printed Once all data Propagation application The + h. for noise characteristic the l) completed for pressure sound pressure 5.1-9 and by the ground effects user depending the noise <p2> level . data at The user SPL in the may on the observer also decibels, nature is of the request defined as (23) , (Ca ,)2 + 197 SPL = i0 lOgl0 <p2>* + 20 lOgl0 Qa where Qa and ca are determined from the atmospheric properties at the observer altitude Yo" table REFERENCE i. Montegani, Sound Francis for J.: Computation Fractional-Octave Bands. of Atmospheric NASA 5.1-10 TP-1412, Attenuation 1979. of TABLEI.- RANGE ANDDEFAULT VALUESOF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter Minimum Default 1 N b • rs , m O, . • • • . • 3 .... 5 9 , 0.i ...... kg/s-m Maximum 5 × 5.1-11 104 1 2.5 x 105 i00 1 x 106 TABLE II.- ANSI WITH Octave 1/3 octave 5O 63 63 8O i00 125 125 160 1/15 STANDARD OCTAVE 1/15-OCTAVE-BAND octave 288 47.9 302 Octave 1/15 octave 1 820 1 910 2 000 2 090 55.0 347 2 190 57.5 363 2 290 60.3 380 2 400 63.0 400 315 1/3 octave 331 315 2000 400 2 2 000 500 2 500 66.1 417 2 69.2 437 2 750 72.4 457 2 880 75.9 479 3 020 3 150 525 3 310 87.1 55O 3 470 91.2 575 3 630 95.5 603 3 800 4 000 5OO i00 500 630 83.2 80.0 630 5OO 630 3 4000 4 150 000 105 661 4 170 ii0 692 4 370 115 724 4 570 120 759 4 790 5 000 125 8OO 5 000 800 132 832 5 250 138 871 5 500 145 912 5 750 151 955 6 030 6 300 160 i000 i000 6 i000 300 166 1050 6 610 174 ii00 6 920 182 1150 7 240 7 590 8 000 2OO 1200 1250 1250 8OOO 8 000 209 1320 8 320 219 1380 8 710 1450 9 120 1510 9 550 1600 i0 000 240 250 BANDS 52.5 50.0 229 25O 1/15 octave 45.7 191 200 1/3-OCTAVE FREQUENCIES 1/3 Octave octave AND 25O 263 275 1600 i0 000 1660 i0 500 1740 ii 000 5.1-12 ! 5.1-13 0 ,.Q 0 0 .._ o o 0 0 g I..l 0 t_ .,.4 o o o ! o 0 5.1-14 o 0 o_ 0 0 -_1 0 o 0 >, 0 m 0 I 0 4..1 I Q.I o 0 ! m -M t_ 0 5.1-15 5.2 GENERAL SUPPRESSION MODULE INTRODUCTION The a noise General table pression Suppression produced factor directivity is noise Module any supplied angle, suppressed by and is by the a noise the azimuthal in applies ANOPP user as a format suppression module. function directivity same noise source of angle. as the The input factor The noise noise frequency, output to suppolar table of table. SYMBOLS c ambient f frequency, <p2/ speed of sound, m/s (ft/s) Hz mean-square Pref reference S suppression e polar P_ ambient ¢ azimuthal acoustic pressure, pressure, 2 × 10 -5 re Pa 2 pc 4 (4.177 × 10 -7 ib/ft 2) factor directivity density, angle, kg/m 3 deg (slugs/ft directivity angle, 3) deg INPUT A table of must be provided. tation of sound mean-square acoustic In addition, pressure levels. pressure ambient Noise f frequency, e polar <p2 (f,e,¢)> angle, directivity o0 Po0 suppression are Table mean-square ambient speed ambient density, deg angle, acoustic Ambient c a Hz directivity azimuthal and conditions of sound, kg/m 3 5.2-1 deg pressure, Conditions m/s (ft/s) (slugs/ft 3) re 2 4 pc required factor for compu- Suppression f frequency, 8 polar Table Hz directivity azimuthal S (f,8,_) Factor angle, directivity suppression deg angle, deg factor OUTPUT The output is the suppressed noise Suppressed f frequency, @ polar table. Noise Table Hz directivity azimuthal angle, directivity suppressed deg angle, deg mean-square acoustic pressure, re Q 2 4 c METHOD The suppression factor is defined as <p2>s S - (i) , <p2> where is the each is <p2>_ the unsuppressed element suppression of the factor printed output defined as is suppressed mean-square mean-square acoustic input table to noise yield available the of acoustic pressure. by the suppressed the pressure The appropriate noise suppressed table. sound and module value In pressure <p2> * multiplies of the addition, level SPL 2 2 * pc (2) SPL = I0 lOgl0 <p >s + 20 lOgl0 Pref 5.2-2 6. RECEIVED NOISE 6.1 NOISE LEVELS MODULE INTRODUCTION Previous data; that modules is, independent data data to noise are There are The pressure adds a weighting or PNLT the more of Noise been concerned time, Levels to time, produce and Noise as a factor that of data. and III source these as Level Level are of the Effective level. This to a (L A) function have can produce time be level The which Module can prior is and III II referred Noise module by of tables the One, user. noise levels. c speed AD i second P tone f frequency, i standard LA A-weighted sound pressure level, dB(A) D-weighted sound pressure level, dB(D) difference correction noisiness (ft/s) of band sound pressure difference Hz i/3-octave-band index, noys 6.1-1 for noise of and OASPL, The PNLT number rela(PNL) (PNLT) LA, or the mean-square level some, the level characteristics. correction m/s account pure tone levels. of D-weighted noise discrete sound, the frequency constants of to Module (EFF) to compute can also sum the noise computation frequency and perceived of noise integration perceived observer. selected describe simple factor bands. tone-corrected sounds Levels pressure to a C N II source used is a weighting frequency scales by noise add are (OASPL) sound The that level (LD) function sources k Level and (LEV), Level SYMBOLS Ak,B with observer, Module observer, scales the impact level required ceived varied pressure pressure. The noise many level annoyance PNL of A-weighted tive to the frequency function sound spectrum. acoustic have frequency, levels. overall sound over a ANOPP have In integrated noise The that variables. are as within data all LD, PNL, of table effective data from adds these is pertwo or Nt total OASPL overall O observer PNL perceived PNLT tone-corrected <p2> mean-square SPL sound pressure t time, s W weighting P density, noys value sound pressure level, dB index noise level, PNdB perceived acoustic noise level, pressure, level, Pa 2 PNdB (ib2/ft 4) dB function kg/m 3 (slugs/ft sea level 3) Subscripts: a ambient r standard value Superscript: * dimensionless quantity INPUT The pared by f o input the is a table Propagation frequency, Hz reception time, observer c (o) speed p (o) density of the mean-square Module (PRO). Received Noise acoustic Data Table s index of sound at at observer, observer, re re cr Pr 2 * <p2(f,t,o)> pressure mean-square acoustic pressure, 6.1-2 re _a 4 C a as pre- OUTPUT The output of this module is one or more of the following depending on the desires of the user: tables, Overall SoundPressure Level Table t reception time, s o observer index OASPL (t,o) overall sound pressure level, dB A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level Table t reception time, s o observer index LA(t,o) A-weighted sound pressure level, dB(A) D-Weighted Sound Pressure Level Table t reception time, s o observer index LD(t,o) D-weighted sound pressure level, dB(D) Perceived Noise Level Table t reception time, s o observer index PNL(t, o) perceived noise level, PNdB Tone-Corrected Perceived Noise Level Table t reception time, s o observer index PNLT(t,o) tone-corrected perceived noise level, PNdB METHOD The method for each noise level scale is presented as a separate section. Further details and a comparison of the noise level scales are 6.1-3 presented in reference i. input, they are summed If two element or by more received element prior noise to data the noise tables are level computation. Overall The quency overall spectra. Sound Pressure sound pressure level It expressed in is Level is the a (OASPL) simple units integration of decibels of in the the fre- form n OASPL = i0 Z lOgl0 >[ <p2 + 20 *<a> lOgl0 Pa c + (i) 197 i=l where n is dimensionless the is the number of frequency mean-square A-Weighted The A-weighted i/3-octave band each frequency. The table I and Sound sound each is values in in for Pressure pressure that plotted terms pressure level figure the i. input the ith Level applies representative of the <p2> i (LA) the factor degree factors equation and band. a weighting of A-weighting The table frequency for of are LA to annoyance given of in is n LA = l0 lOgl0 p2> W(i,A + 20 lOgl0 Pa_Ca) + (2) 197 i=l where W(i,A) is the A-weighting D-Weighted The ferent D-weighted weighting D-weighting equation factors for LD Sound sound factor Pressure pressure is are factor. level applied given in Level is to the table II (LD) similar data. to The and LA values plotted except a of the in figure 2. 0a ca difThe is n LD = i0 7[<>[ lOgl0 p2 W(i,D + 20 lOgl0 + (3) 197 i=l where W(i,D) is the D-weighting factor. Perceived The a function acoustic perceived of both pressure. noise level frequency This Noise scale Level applies and sound weighting is (PNL) a intensity, accomplished 6.1-4 weighting to the with factor, which mean-square the use of a is noisiness rating measured in noys. Figure 3 shows the values of the noisiness rating as a function of frequency and sound pressure level (SPL). The SPL is defined as SPL = The noisiness lOgl0 rating computation. sound i0 The pressure * <p2> has been 20 .( Ca.)2 + 197 lOgl0 rating in for a functional given form value of 10BI (SPL-A I) -I 10B2 (SPL-A 3) 10B3 (SPL-A 3 ) 10B5 (SPL-A5) The (A 1 _ The coefficients table III. for ease frequency of and is _0 N (4) Pa expressed noisiness level + A k and computation of Bk PNL I. Determine band the value 2. Determine the maximum 3. Compute the total are uses values of N, noys noys functions in of N. noys, value value of from (SPL < A I) SPL -< A 2) < (A 2 -< SPL < (A 3 < <- A 4) SPL (A 4 -< SPL < frequency as The from process equation (5) A 3) 150) given in is (5) for each Nma x the equation (6) Nt for 4. Compute the = Nmax 0"15 I/3-octave the PNL + 40 + N_- Nmaxl bands perceived = II_i=l noise 33.22 6.1-5 lOgl0 level N t in units of PNdB from (7) Tone-Corrected Perceived Noise Level (PNLT) The tone-corrected perceived noise level is perceived noise level modified for the impact of pure tone content of the noise spectra. Pure tones provide an additional irritation not found in broadband noise. The methodprovides for detection of pure tone content in i/3-octave-band spectra and correction of the PNL for the impact of the pure tones. The procedure may be illustrated with reference to figure 4, which showsan example spectrum, and table IV, which gives the spectrum in tabular form. The following steps are performed: i. Computethe second difference 2. If ADi = < -5, _D i SPLi+ 1 - check 2SPL i to see LiDi + SPLi_ if of the SPL, which is (8) 1 SPL i is a local maximum, that is, if SPL i 3. If SPL i noise > is SPLi_ a level These 250 dashed 4. The maximum, defined values 2500 Hz. The in are the (9) average, is = SPL. - background, 1 given in table noise IV at levels are shown of as 4. the local maximum and the background noise (ii) 1 in correction the range C(f,F) 500 < fi can < now be determined. 5000, "0 = frequencies SPL. frequency frequencies C (f,F) or as background figure between F discrete For compute 1 (I0) The l 5. SPLi_ > SPLi+ 2 difference F 1 + = lines level SPL i SPL i average and and local SPLi+ SPLi 1 (F < F/3 (3 6.7 < F (20 6.1-6 < 3) 20) -< F) (12) and for frequencies in the range fi _ 500 or 0 C(f,F) = F/6 (3 < 3.3 6. The tone correction quency with a level PNLT PNLT is = 2. the Cma x Then computed PNL _ 5000, (F < 3) F < (20 is correction value of fi maximum value of the the PNL (13) -< F) discrete which in the example occurs the tone-corrected perceived from 20) freat 2500 noise as (14) + Cma x REFERENCE i. Edge, Philip M., Quantification TN D-7977, Jr.; of and Cawthorn, Community 1976. 6.1-7 Hz Exposure Jimmy to M.: Selected Aircraft Noise. Methods NASA for TABLEI.- I/3-octaveband center frequency 5O 63 8O I00 125 160 200 250 315 400 5OO 630 8OO WEIGHTING FUNCTION FORA-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL W(i,A) dB i/3-octaveband center correction dB W(i,A) correction frequency 0.00096 .0024 .0056 .0123 .0245 .0457 .0813 .138 .219 .331 .479 .646 .832 -30.2 1 000 1.0 -26.2 1 250 1.148 -22.5 1 600 1.259 1.0 -19.1 2 000 1.318 1.2 -16.1 2 500 i. 349 1.3 -13.4 3 150 1.318 1.2 -i0.9 4 000 i. 259 1.0 1.112 0 .6 .5 -8.6 5 000 -6.6 6 300 .977 -4.8 8 000 .776 -i.I -3.2 i0 000 .562 -2.5 -i .9 12 500 .372 -4.3 --.8 6.1-8 --.i TABLEII.- i/3-octaveband center frequency 5O 63 8O I00 125 160 200 250 315 400 5OO 630 8OO WEIGHTING FUNCTION FORD-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL W(i,D) dB correction i/3-octaveband center dB W(i,D) correction frequency 0.0525 .0813 .126 .191 .282 .398 .55O .692 .832 .912 .933 .891 .871 -12.8 -i0.9 -9.0 -7.2 -5.5 -4.0 -2.6 -1.6 1 000 1.0 0 1 250 1.585 2.0 1 600 3.090 4.9 2 000 6.166 2 500 ii .482 10.6 3 150 14.125 11.5 4 000 12.882 ii.i 5 000 9.120 9.6 --.8 6 300 5.754 7.6 --.4 8 000 3.548 5.5 --.3 i0 000 2.188 --.5 12 500 --.6 6.1-9 .724 7.9 3.4 -1.4 TABLE III.- CONSTANTS OF REQUIRED PERCEIVED FOR NOISE COMPUTATION LEVEL i/3-octaveband center A 1 B1 A 2 B 2 A 3 B3 A4 B5 A 5 frequency, Hz 5O 49 55'0.058098 64 i .043478 91.01 63 44 .068160 51 .058098 60 .040570 85.88 .030103 51 8O 39 .068160 46 .052288 56 _ .036831 87.32 .030103 49 i00 34 .059640 42 .047534 53 .036831 79.85 .030103 47 125 30 .053013 39 .043573 51 .035336 79.76 .030103 46 160 27 .053013 36 .043573 48 .033333 75.96 .030103 45 200 24 .053013 33 .040221i46 .033333 73.96 .030103 43 250 21 .053013 30 .037349 44 .032051 74.91 .030103 42 315 18 .053013 27 .034859 42 .030675 94.63 .030103 41 400 16 .053013 25 .034859 40 .030103 i00 .00 .03010340 5OO 16 .053013 25 .034859 40 .030103 i00 .00 .030103 630 16 .053013 25 .034859 40 .030103 i00 .00 .030103140 0.079520 0.030103 52 40 8OO 16 .053013 25 .034859 40 .030103 i00 .00 .030103140 1 000 16 .053013 25 .034859 40 .03O103 i00 .00 .030103 40 1 250 15 .059640 23 .034859 38 .030103 i00 .00 .030103 38 1 600 12 .053013 21 .040221 34 .029960 i00 .00 .029960 34 2 000 9 .053013 18 .037349 32 .029960 i00 .00 .029960 32 2 500 5 .047712 15 .034859 30 .029960 i00 .00 .029960J30 3 150 4 .047712 14 .034859 29 .029960 i00 .00 .029960 29 4 000 5 .053013 14 .034859 29 .029960 I00 .00 .029960 29 5 000 6 .053013 15 .034859 30 .029960 i00 .00 .02996030 6 300 i0 .068160 17 .037349 31 .029960 i00 .00 .029960!31 8 000 17 .079520 23 .037349 37 .042285 44 .29 .029960 i0 000 21 .0596401 29 .043573 41 .042285 5O .72 .029960137 6.1-10 34 TABLE IV.- OF Band EXAMPLE DISCRETE i fi PROBLEM FREQUENCY SPLi FOR CORRECTION AD i 19 8O 70 20 i00 62 21 125 70 2 22 160 80 -8 23 200 82 -i 250 83 -8 25 315 76 ii 26 400 80 -4 27 5OO 80 -i 28 630 79 C (f,F) 79 2/3 79 2 0 8OO 78 3O 1 000 80 31 1 250 78 0 32 1 600 76 5 33 2 000 79 34 2 500 85 35 3 150 79 36 4 000 78 -6 37 5 000 71 -4 38 6 300 60 -5 39 8 000 54 -3 40 I0 000 45 6.1-11 SPL i 16 24 29 DETERMINATION 3 -4 3 -12 5 10-- . 0 -10 _= -2o -30 I 100 50 I 200 I I 500 1000 FREQUENCY, Figure I.- Decibel correction for A-weighted 6.1-12 I 2000 i 5000 Hz sound pressure level. 10000 10-- 0 -10 , -20 -3O I 5O 100 I I 200 500 I 1000 FREQUENCY, Figure 2.- Decibel correction 6.1-13 for I D-weighted I 2000 5000 10000 Hz sound pressure I level. 600 500 400 Z m, ,-.,_300 SPL:120 d 200 IO0 110 100 0 50 1 , 100 200 500 I000 FREQUENCY, Figure 3.- Perceived noisiness 2000 Hz of sound pressure 6 .i-14 5000 levels. I0000 go 80 m (U (U ..J 70 (U L (/} t- 60 e0 I/3 BACKGROUND NOISE ESTIMATE 50 ,,liiI,ll,JlJlJ,llJ 40 21 24 Standard 60 125 27 30 One-Third Octave 500 1000 250 Frequency, Figure 4.- 33 Example spectrum tone-corrected perceived 6.1-15 Band 36 Number 2000 4000 Hz for computation noise level. of 800O 6.2 EFFECTIVE NOISE MODULE INTRODUCTION The which the a impact sure to (EFF) of noise The a data due is important an variety of LEV a indexes noise which take-offs module from of The noise exposure is I and table of is cumulative the into indexes; of as of expo- Noise Module effective this per- module. however, Multiple EPNL tone-corrected scales consideration exposure. index II level For Effective incorporated landings. Levels a of noise time. operations, exposure and in computes table terminal cumulative considered various and consideration. used other computes location airport (EPNL), multiple are This to commonly level tion, (LEV) observer time-averaged most from Module of noise noise problems the Levels function computes ceived are Noise are There they require and landing take-off ANOPP. a perceived function noise of level observer posi- produced by module. SYMBOLS EPNL effective n number o observer PNLT tone-corrected <pnlt2> mean-square t time, _t reception perceived of time noise level, EPNdB segments index perceived equivalent noise of level, PNdB PNLT s time increment, s INPUT The produced input by the is a LEV table of the Input At reception tone-corrected module. time increment, 6.2-1 Constant s perceived noise level Tone-Corrected t time, O observer Perceived Level Table s index tone-corrected PNLT(t,o) Noise perceived noise level, PNdB OUTPUT The output initial, is a maximum, table and of final Effective O observer n(o) number of (o) effective PNLT i (o) initial PNLTf time PNLT each Noise noise level and observer. Level Table segments noise value, PNLT final (o) perceived at Perceived perceived maximum x (o) effective values index EPNL PNLTma the PNLT PNLT level, EPNdB PNdB value, value, PNdB PNdB METHOD The First, computation the PNLT of is EPNL converted requires back the to time mean-square average of pressure the by PNLT. the relation <pnlt2> The EPNL can = be (1) 10PNLT/I0 computed in integral form as (2) EPNL = l0 lOgl0 _tl f <pnlt2> dt where ti and the PNLT data. tf The are the segments initial and final times for are determined by comparing time At used the increment tabulated then a initial, allow time. new If segment maximum, assessment the is and of in started. final the Geometry tabulated time In PNLT quality addition values of Module entries the are EPNL 6.2-2 to to the each the differences are more the value of for each printed predictions. segment reception than At the of in apart, EPNL, observer the to 7. UTILITIES 7.1 THERMODYNAMIC UTILITIES INTRODUCTION The of the prediction mixture are engine to of thermodynamics needed processes convert modules. The ANOPP. to are these the to analyze the as static The variables detailed properties processes. in ANOPP. is for the needed both efficiency of these in the in ANOPP knowledge of variables perform increased requires gas thermodynamic total utilities allows noise engine. stored engine This aircraft-engine of the fuel-air All data The noise-prediction functions design on capability within of the functional given in modules. A brief description of each utility is the following: i. Gas-Properties specific enthalpy, ture given for ambient 2. are and Computes the entropy absolute ratio function humidity, inputs, outputs, in The are any available - Computes number temperature, herein. methods Utility Mach total The mented of Flow-Variables pressure, All values - specific of as a specific heats, function fuel-to-air of ratio, and ranges standard for from gas use in given and gas method of extracted for the for each pressure, mass flow 1 text. in utility variables references module static of static rate, total properties. input dynamics any the values to All are are 3; given however, presented flow cp f cross-sectional specific heat fuel-to-air H at area, table I. they are docu- thermodynamic utilities ANOPP. constant m 2 (ft 2) pressure, m2/K-s ratio absolute humidity, percent h specific enthalpy, m2/s M Mach m mass, kg (slugs) mass flow rate, mole fraction a 2 (ft2/s number kg/s (slugs/s) 7.1-1 2) 2 in in SYMBOLS A tempera- and temperature. temperature, detail Utility and (ft2/°R-s 2) P pressure, R dry-air Pa gas universal (ib/ft constant, gas gas T temperature, U velocity, m/s molecular weights constant, Xi mass Y ratio P density, m2/K-s K entropy (ft2/°R-s kg-m2/K-s 2 (ft2/°R-s 2 of of 3 gas gas 2) constituents constituents heats (slugs/ft function, 3) m2/K-s 2 (ft2/°R-s 2) Subscripts: a air r reference s static t total co ambient value (see table III) Superscript: * dimensionless quantity GAS-PROPERTIES UTILITY Input fuel-to-air H a T T co ratio absolute humidity, ambient temperature, local temperature, percent re mole re fraction T r T co 7.1-2 2) (slugs-ft2/°R-s (ft/s) specific kg/m 2 (OR) fractions of m2/K-s constant, R Wi 2) 2) Output The gas-properties properties data table when needed can be within interpolated ANOPP. to The gas provide constant the is gas- also provided• R* gas constant, re R Gas-Properties T temperature, h* (T*) specific enthalpy, _* (T*) specific entropy ¥ (T*) ratio re of Table T re RT function, specific re R heats Method The constituents (nitrogen, dioxide and assumed to their of oxygen, and water). The be negligible. molecular weights. n the gas argon) within the the products and amounts of the II gives Table The mass of flow other of dry gas air (carbon constituents five gas those combustion gas the each are of are constituents constituent is and given by _ 0.75558 m1 0.23154 m 2 m 3 - 3.43185f (i) 3.13753f = m a m4 0.00622H a + 1.28432f 0.01289 m 5 m The amount of fuel the air. oxygen in cannot exceed marized gas is in that 0.06767• table can Therefore, The III. X 1 Then, be burned the constants the is value mass used limited of the in fraction to the availability fuel-to-air equations X i of ratio (i) each are of f sum- constituent m1 X 2 m 2 1 (2) x5 i i m51 7.1-3 where the total mass m is 5 (3) m = _ mi i=l The dimensionless gas constant computed from the universal gas R for constant each R constituent gas can be as R/WII n _ R/W21 1 (4) IRi _R/w5J where R is the dry-air the ith gas constituent gas given constant in table and II. stant then given the of the mixture is by W i is the molecular The dimensionless following matrix weight gas con- of product: D R1 R* = Ix I, x 2 ..... (5) x5_ R5 B The dimensionless ratio and The computed gas absolute dimensionless from c__ constant humidity = R in can is table specific cp/R_, 9 heat be given as a function of fuel-to-air IV. at expressed constant as pressure (which is follows: *, 1 (T/Tr) , * Cp ° c _ I _ p, 2 (T/Tr) (6) ! LCp, 7.1-4 5 (T/Tr) and R_ are the componentmass fractions where Xi = from equations specific the ratio and gas constants l (2) and (4) and heats at constant of specific heats T/T r T T • pressure y is The _. are values given of in table the component V. Finally, Cp, i c P y = Cp The ratio ratio is The of (7) . - 1 specific plotted heats in enthalpy as figure per a function of temperature and fuel-to-air i. unit mass of a fluid is defined as (8) h = Cp(T/T T r) dT o0 Expressed in dimensionless h* (T*) Equation (9) can form, = fl T* Cp_T */ be = expressed _i T becomes the following: (9) • T ,_) dT • in T/Tr h*(T*) this terms of an absolute scale T/T r as , Cp d - _ T _i oO Cp (I0) d oo or (ii) h*(T*) In general, and the in terms the absolute of the = h*r(T , T_) , specific h.rlfT*--)_/ _ IT_* enthalpy is Then the humidity. component - specific a function specific enthalpies of the fuel-to-air enthalpy of table h r V is ratio expressed as h* r,ll h 21 h r = Xl, R X 2, ..., 7.1-5 R X • (12) The specific air ratio enthalpy for The zero entropy is plotted absolute function = Cp T _T T as a humidity _ per function in of figure unit mass temperature and fuel-to- 2. of a fluid is given by dT (13) oO which may be expressed in T* _* Equation _.(T*T*) can be _*(T*) = _* (T*) = form as * = fl (14) dimensionless (14) dT* expressed in terms of T/T r as Cp ITZTr (T/Tr) d(T/T r) * r) - d(T/T (15) d(T/T r) or In general, the ratio and expressed _r(T*TI) specific absolute in terms - entropy humidity. of the (16) _r(T*) function Then component is a the specific specific function entropy entropy of the function functions fuel-to-air of _r is table V as m _r, i _r* = ER*iXl , R2X2, * R 5 x 5_ ..., (17) _r'2 . _r,5 m The specific entropy fuel-to-air ratio The (17) . value a given gas It of can T*. value function for zero properties be is table interpolated Alternately, of h* or plotted absolute as humidity is formed to determine the d from a function in temperature T* 7.1-6 h*, can temperature and 3. equations y, _*. of figure (7), or be _* (12), for determined and a given for FLOW-VARIABLES UTILITY Input The inputs to this utility and the total flow variables. are the gas-properties table Total Flow Variables mt total mass flow rate, re APt/R_ t Pt total pressure, re p_ Tt total temperature, re T 0o Gas-Properties T temperature, h*(T*) specific enthalpy, _*(T*) specific entropy yCT*) ratio The of outputs re T re the RT function, specific are Mach Ps T re R heats static flow Static M Table variables. Flow Variables number static pressure, re static temperature, p_ re T S Method The specific computation heats or can be variable Constant As to the derived in Mach number reference as follows: performed ratio of Ratio 2, 7.1-7 the with either specific of ratio of heats. Specific total constant mass Heats flow rate mt is related l_[y+l_ mt where the = 2 ratio of gas-properties be has subsonic nique root is 4) the constant used from here, energy equation 1 the total heats, 2) +X- IM one Mach the (18). interest find from rate, equation of dimensionless _ determined flow and to (ref. is subsonic the ratio Tt * T mass for one specific temperature X the form one the is heats Given closed roots, versus From with in two (ref. plotted specific table. determined tion (18) so mass the the expression addition, the cannot the equa- flow. The interval-halving value. flow rate adiabatic using number supersonic the number for In for Tt Mach flow for the The in of Mach figure a perfect technumber is 4. gas stagnation- is 2 (19) 2 S Rearranging yields = T 1 + Y 1 Ts which is plotted in Similarly, is related 20) 2 for to the figure an 5 for 7 isentropic = 1.4. process, stagnation-temperature the ratio stagnation-pressure by the following ratio relation: 7-1 (21) Tt After \Pt/ substituting equation (19) and rearranging, the static pressure Ps is Ps* which is also = Pt* /( 1 plotted + in Y 2 1 figure (22) M2)Y-I 5 for 7 = 1.4. 7.1-8 Variable Ratio of Specific Heats Computation of the static temperature and static pressure using a variable ratio of specific heats requires two relations. The first is derived from continuity and the first law of thermodynamics, and the second tions is are The derived from relation law of thermodynamics. The two equa- is (23) first = Substituting second PsUA the U the simultaneously. continuity = and, from solved law _ 2 (h t of thermodynamics, (24) - h s) equation (24) into (23) and applying the ideal-gas law yields Ps = By rearranging becomes •* mt From given where by q2(ht and = the expressing T* s second in #( PS * Pt * 2 h t law (25) hs ) of dimensionless h* s form, equation (25) ) (26) thermodynamics, the change in entropy As is by _ As = is the rearranging in R in + entropy yields Ct - function. the (27) Cs For an isentropic process, As = 0, so following: (28) R 7.1-9 By taking the exponential of both sides and putting in dimensionless form, equation (28) becomes Ps -exp[-(_t Pt (29) - _s)_ Equations (26) and (29) can be solved simultaneously for the static temperature and static pressure. Two roots exist, one for subsonic flow and one for supersonic flow. To ensure that the subsonic flow case is determined, the equations are solved using an interval-halving technique. The static-to-total temperature and pressure ratios computedwith both constant and variable ratios of specific heats are given in tables VI and VII. From the continuity expressed as equation (eq. (23)), the Machnumber can be M= (30) DsA_--RT Applying the perfect-gas mt Table VIII specific s law and expressing in dimensionless form yields Pt compares the Mach numbers for constant and variable ratios heats. REFERENCES i. 2. McBride, Heimel, Involving the Shapiro, Beckett, First Ascher Flow. Liepmann, Wiley 4. J.; Thermodynamic Fluid 3. Bonnie Sanford: H. & W.; Sons, Royce; Algorithms. H.: Volume and Inc., and Sheldon; Ehlers, Properties 18 The to Elements. Dynamics I. Ronald Roshko, A.: NASA and Press Janet 6000 ° K G.; for SP-3001, 210 Elements Gordon, Substances 1963. Thermodynamics Co., and of Compressible c.1953. of Gasdynamics. John c.1957. Hurt, McGraw-Hill James: Book Numerical Co., c.1967. 7.1-10 Calculations and of TABLEI.- RANGES OF INPUTPARAMETERS Input parameter Minimum 0 Ha, percent . ........ Pt ........ Ta ........ t 7.1-11 0.06767 4 0 0 mt Maximum 0.6847 0.i i0.0 0.8 1.2 0.5 7.0 TABLEII.- Index Constituent Nitrogen (N2) 28.01340 2 Oxygen (02) 31.99880 3 Carbon 4 Water (H20) 18.01534 5 Argon (Ar) 39.94800 Mass fraction of nitrogen Mass fraction of oxygen Mass fraction of argon Mass of Mass Mass of water burned of fuel Mass oxygen burned fuel carbon burned fraction Standard Universal Molecular weight 1 TABLE fuel GASCONSTITUENTS sea gas required dioxide III.- STORED in in in dry dry dry per PRIMARY air air air unit 44.00995 (CO2) CONSTANTS 0.75558 .............. ............... 0.23154 ............... 0.01289 mass of ......................... produced per unit 3.42185 mass of ......................... dioxide produced 1.28432 per unit of 3.13753 ......................... of level water per percent temperature, constant, kg-m2/K-s mole K 2 fraction ........ 0.00622 ............... 288.15 ............... 8314.32 7.1-12 TABLEIV.- VARIATIONIN DIMENSIONLESS GASCONSTANTR R* percent mole for Ha, fraction, of f 1.2 0 .000 .005 .010 .015 .020 .025 .030 .035 .040 .0_5 .050 .055 .060 .065 1,00016 1,00032 1,00048 1,00064 1,00079 1,00095 ,00110 ,00125 ,00140 ,00155 ,00170 ,0018. ,00199 ,00213 7.1-13 1,00763 1,00775 1,00787 1,00799 1.00811 1,00822 1.00834 1,0084_ 1,00857 1,00868 1,00879 1,00890 1,00901 1,00912 - 00000000000000000000 000000000000000_0000 000000000000000_0000 00000000000000000000 . . . . . • • .. N NNNNNNN . . .. _ NNN . . . • • • • _ NNNNNN N Z ,'C 0 OJ ,':C ::Z:: Z r.=.l rJ H H rJ • • • . • . • o . .. • • • . o • • .. Z H m Z © _D U? < _5 4-I 0 0 0 cr_ I 0 r.J3 0 0 Z © M Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z _D _ • • • • • ojj U C.) H H I--t 0 0 m C_ I m 7.1-14 o oj .jj oj o o_ < .• . .. . • • ... • • . •. I • • .. ,..4,-.4,..4,-4,-4,-4 0 • • • • • . • 0 • • • . • • • • • • _0_0_ .. . . . . • • • • . . . • • I 0 o4 0 ,'-'4 m ,-, -,4 .I.J 0 _J 00_00_____ ____0___0 ___ • . . . __ . . . 4_ U I m N ,".l _r_ f,,- ,._ _r_ _-.*0 I'_0 _ O" P.- CD ,0 _.._ ,s_ _vl_ _ (_J 0 _ C_l 0 • • • . .. ... • .. • • • • • • • • C_J • i • • I E_ 7.1-15 . . . • .. • • . _-_,-*e-ir-* • • • .0 ,.4_--*_ • _ • N_ . __NO____N_ • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 0 oJ _ _ __ _00__ • • . • . .. _ • . • • .. .. . .- . • • • . • . • . . • • • • • .. • .. • • il I 0 0 O_O___N_O__ tl 0 o |1 u __ 0 0 _J I o :> ___0__ __0_____ _ __ 0 ___ _ _ - _ II oJ • • • . • • . .. • . • • .. • • • • . II E_ [-4 . 0 . . . ___ . . • . . . . . _ 7.1-16 . . _ . _ .. . _ _ .. u') o _ 0 ON__O_N_ o •,,I _ •ic 0000_00000000 g4 0 m m I-4 ,k _w o .i.) q.._ _•tK r/} o __ __0_ 0 H U ° H ! O H _ _ i "P H _ O__O_ON ____N O 0 eeeeeee_eeoee _ , _ 0 q4 0 Z L__. H o __ _i_O_ eeOOeOeeeeeeO U I H 0000000000000 0000000000000 e 7.1-17 e e e • • • • • • • O • 0 0 0 ,.-4 1_ ____ 0000000000000 0 _ 0 .p 0 4-1,4-1 O_ H •IN c_ 04 0 0000000000000 H 0 H 0 H I U [.t..1 II 0 0 0000000000000 o c.) q..l 0 0 H O_ 0 U 0 U 0 0000000000000 0 I H 000 000 0000000000000 m O_i'_ 0 _d,4" 7.1-18 000000 ,0 _ 0 0 (_ dr' <D aD o o QI I o 0 < 0 0 0 o o 0 0 I-4 I,,-I 0 c; 0 I-I II u-_ 0 0 Z 0 H dD _1 ,0 ed 0 ff) OdD_dD • 0 • • • O, O_ 0 m _0 _-Ii_¢oN,O • e • • ¢_ ,0 • • O0 edO • • • 0 C O_ o 0 0 _ m_O_O_ _m 0 I • • • • • • • • • • @ • • 0 H H 0000000000000 0000000000000 .k • 7.1-19 • • • @ • • • • • • • • 0 ,i LO U') 0 I I I u3 X, 'S;D8H o!#!o8dS _o O!1.D_l 7.1-20 0 \ LO LO 0 # m jm ,._ 0 0 c _ u E_ m @ e LO o,i 0 d i.r) I I 0 O4 LO I 0 ,L! '/_dloq_u3 o!;!oads 7.1-21 I LO 0 0 E 0 uO 0 0 o" -4--' U D" %) 4_ o _4 Q_ 0 _n K_ U u K_ CL E u 8) Q_ u_ I F-- c_ t_ I I I I 0 ,_ 'uo!_,oun-I ,(doJ_,u3 o!#!oads 7.1-22 oO r-- 0 ,-4 • m d __d _ 0 0 ,_ m • °_'1 -,,,,I rn _m 0 4J Cq u C , _ o m • -r-I 1 1 I I 0 ',r-- IAI 'JeqwnN 7.1-23 qODIAI I 0 o oo 0 u) 0 c) o u_ ep _C_ 5u E z _ m ,-_ 0 0 -,-I 0 _ -,-4 _ _ m m 0 u (j i I I.l .,..I I _ll_J. PUe I _dlsd I I 'SOL_,_Ba_n_JLadmal pu_ a._nssa_d 7.1-24 o