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SAP HR System Assignment: Organizational Structures & Job Descriptions

The Business School, Centennial College
Course: Advanced Human Resources Management System (HRPD-713-001)
Instructor: Wenlu Feng
Assignment 1: Creating Organizational Structures, Jobs, Positions, and Descriptions in the
SAP HR System
Important Note: Assignment 1 is the continuation of the tasks of Practice One Workbook. You
must complete all the tasks in Practice One Workbook (all 30 pages) before starting the tasks
specified below.
Purposes: To get familiar with the relevant aspects of the SAP HR system through practices, and
build a basis for further SAP assignments.
Marks: 10% of the course grade
Due: Monday, Sept. 25, 2023 (Submit to eCentennial Assignments folder)
Tasks: Complete the tasks listed below and submit a report for grading, using Practice One
Workbook as your guidelines. Assignment 1 is the continuation of the tasks of Practice One
Workbook. Your work should be based on the exercises you have done during the class time
(Note again: you should have completed all exercises on Practice One Workbook before
starting this assignment).
****Reminder: Make sure the start date is 01/01/2023. Remember to input the correct start
date on the first screen when you call up your organization, as shown below:
MENU PATH: Human Resources → Organizational Management → Expert Mode →
Simple Maintenance → Change (Double click)
Double check it is 01/01/2023 before continue.
Task 1: Add one sub-unit to each of the five departments of the organization you created with
the SAP system. Remember to include your three-digit code (your label) to all unit names. The
added sub-unit should be functionally relevant to the department (For example, it could be a
Warehouse to the Manufacturing Dept, or a Labour Relation Unit to the HR Dept, and so on).
When you complete Task 1, your organization should have 15 subunits in all.
Expand the organizational structure to show all 15 subunits, and submit the screenshot of the
expanded organizational structure.
Tasks 2: Create jobs and positions for all the 15 subunits in five departments. Use different job
titles (There should be 15 different job titles). Remember to include your three-digit code (your
label) to all position names. Completing Task 2, you should have created 15 positions in all. –
Expand the organizational structure to show all the 15 job positions and submit the screenshot of
the expanded organizational structure.
Task 3: Create position descriptions for one position in each department. Completing Task 3, you
should have created job descriptions for five positions (one for each department). –Print the five
job descriptions directly from SAP to show the results –For digital drop-box submission, you
need to attached the screenshots onto your MS Word document to show the results.
Hints: Source for getting job description and qualification information: National
Occupational Classification. Website: https://noc.esdc.gc.ca/ . On the initial screen, select
(double click) Occupational Structures, and then find the jobs of your interests.
Task 4: Get the report of your organization structure (a tabular report) through the Information
System function, with all organization unites, positions, and the start and end dates shown. –
Print the report directly from SAP to show the results (Screenshots onto MS Word document
for online submission).
Task 5: Get the organization chart (a structure graphic) of your organization from the
Information System function (Display the whole organization chart on one page). Submit the
screenshot of the graphic organization chat.
***Note: The SAP GUI 7.70 for Mac does not support graphical features. So, Mac computers
will not able to generate the graphical organization chart. Please put a note on your assignment to
explain the missing of the graphic chart.
Format and required elements of the submitted report:
1. Cover page showing the course title and code, the assignment subject, your name, your
SAP user ID (e.g. learn-009, learn-053, etc.), the date, and the instructor’s name.
2. Your lab work number (three digits) must appear with the items at all levels of your
organization (the company, the department, the sections, and the job positions).
3. Describe how you completed the tasks in this assignment. Tell the process and steps, and
necessary data. Use your own words and essay form to write your description. Do not just
copy the steps from the workbook.
4. Provide the printouts from the SAP system as required above, and then provide brief
descriptions or explanations to each part of the printouts (this means to explain the
contents of the printouts to your readers).
****Reminder: Make sure your submitted assignment includes all the required elements above.
You need to have two different parts of descriptions (the 3rd and 4th item above) in your report.
1. Assignment # 1 is foundation for the other four assignments. You should complete it in
time so that you will have the basis for the other assignments.
2. Turnitin® originality check is activated with the submission folders and the system will
automatically compare every submission to all historical submissions and papers
published in various sources. So please be sure that your submission is your original
work. The system will give feedback on originality check. Any submission with a
similarity percentage larger than 25% will not be accepted.
3. Late assignment will have no chance to get “A” (80%) grade and any assignment that is
more than two weeks late will not be accepted.
4. No copied work will be accepted. Plagiarism violates the Academic Honesty Policy.
Make sure all submitted printouts and the descriptions in your report are your own
individual work. Plagiarism will result in a failed grade.
(Distributed on Sept. 18, 2023)